2022 - Quiz I - MK - Sept

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Quizt MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 30 MENIT PT PANTANG RUGI mempunyai Balance Sheet dan Income Statement (dalam juta Rp) yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019. Saudara diminta untuk melengkapinya dan mengisi rasio-rasio aktual tahun 2020, dengan B = baik, TB = tidak baik untuk time series dan cross sectional sebagai berikut: (I tahun = 360 hari). PT PANTANG RUGI Balance Sheet Asset Liabilities and St holder's Equity Cash ‘Account payable ‘440,000 Account Receivable Notes payable 90,000 ener eesti 110.000 Total Current Asset Total current liabilities. s 840.000 Total liabilities Gross Fixed Asset 2.160.000 _ Preferred stock 200,000 sovennunconcnenanensennananseg 530.000 Common stock 900,000 Net Fixed Asset a Retained earning 420,000 Outstanding share of common stock 1,000,000 closed at a price of Rp 2.500 per share PT PANTANG RUGI Income Statement Sales revenue Cost of goods sold Selling expenses 200.000 General and Adm expenses 290.000 Depreciation expenses 110.000 Total operating expenses Interest expenses Taxes rate (40%) Preferred stock di 7.200.000 5,000,000 & Ratio Current ratio Inventory TO ‘Ay Collect prd Debt ratio Time int earn Gross PM Net PM ROA ROE ‘Markt/book val 25 /05 (202K «

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