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TOPIC: “Indecisiveness is the rival of

progression” (1000 -1200 words)

Ramu's friend Sonu is a body builder. His
ambition is to win a title of Mr. India. So, he put
on all his efforts to win the competition. As
days passed, Sonu was indecisive about
contesting in competition, thinking that he is
not prepared for it. He was anxious to contend
in the competition. Ramu encouraged him alot.
But he could not be confident enough.
The day arrived, Sonu was getting ready for
the competition. Though he pretended to be
confident, self doubt in a corner of his mind
affected the performance on stage. The day
had has to be turned as his day, but
unfortunately it was not. From this context, we
can understand that a person has to be decisive
about his decision, self reliant and confident
when he or she stepping into a process.
The decision that we take in each and every
situation should be more decisive, clear and
with confident. It is not wrong, if we make any
mistake because no one is perfect to take a
crystal – clear decisions. Everyone of us learn
from the previous mistake or we can say it as
experience. The most important thing is,
whatever decision we take should be decisive
and we should have courage to implement it or
if it is an opinion we should open up.
Success has to be a part of our life, it
should not be our life.
A person who fails, learn lessons from their
failure. The same mistake has not be repeated
by that person. Achieving goal is only possible
when we are decisive about the decision and
way we follow to achieve it. INDECISIVENESS
means that a person could not take a decision
strongly before stepping into a process.
If a person is indecisive before doing a task
he should abort the task or if he or she is dying
land to do it, then that person has to analyse
that what hinders to do, that should be
rectified and proceed towards it. The process
we step in is not only time consuming but also
affects our mental health. For instance; if a
person is preparing for UPSC or any other
exam, he or she is completely devoted to it. If
that person fails in the process after an holistic
devotion towards the process and sacrifice, he
scar fix on their mind that they are unfit for
anything. This affects the progress in their life,
they get stuck up and could not take further
decisions. Sometimes, this might end up in
Comparing the year 2018 and 2019, there
are drastic increase in suicide cases. Mostly
adults suicides are prominent in number. This
is mostly because of the fear of exam results
and peer pressure. For instance, a girl named
Anita committed suicide because she had failed
in the entrance exam for medical. This was a
widespread issue over Tamil Nadu. She might
have thought that this was the only solution for
the problem, this affected her family members.
If she would have decisive to give an another
attempt to pass the exam. She would have
gotten recognition and support from her family
members and they might have felt pride about
her consistency and hard work.
To be in a nutshell,
“Failures are indecisive but achieving success
at greater heights are decisive
Thomas Alva Edison would not be familiar
over worldwide, if he gave up after inventing
9,999 bulbs. If he was not decisive, then our
places would be covered with darkness.
This is a Tamil song sung by an eminent and
patriotic poet Mahakavi Bharathiyar. The
meaning for this line is, we sing and dance,
saying that we got independence. He sung this
song before independence because he was
decisive about getting independence from the
British rule.
Though failures hunt us all the way, we
should be decisive on reaching our goals, the
decision we take guide us. We should be
mentally pre- prepared to accept the results we
get because success and failures are considered
as two sides of a coin. If we flip a coin, we get
either heads or tails, similarly success is not
throne for one. Being indecisive is not only rival
to our progress but also ruin our life.

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