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In Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Management and Human Behavior in Organizations

Submitted by:

Fellinger, Nico C.
Nulud, Rei
Brizuela, Khyle
Alcazar, Tarah Kathrine
Santos, Spencer

Submitted to:
Prof. Alma Yutuc

Submitted on:
September 28, 2022

B-122 - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

MWF – 1:30 – 2:30

Statement of the Problem

The study's goal is to discover the link between stress and workplace violence while

accounting for financial and mental health issues.

Following are some of the noticed possible links and questions:

1. What are the main stressors for employees to feel violent?

2. What may be the main reason for violence in the workplace?

3. How effective is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) when it comes to handling the

mental health of an employee?

4. How can a person’s financial problem be linked with their mental health specifically

stress in the workplace?

5. What are possible solutions that could help alleviate the problems concerning the

mental health of the employees in the workplace?

6. What may be the advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions to help alleviate

the issue in the workplace?

Areas of Consideration/AWOT

Mental Health is considered one of the key importance to a person’s healthy living,

having one’s mental health stable may give them a certain point of leverage of being able to

handle certain stressors that give them a disadvantage in their performance and well-being in

their life, from which can be helped to avoid any form of violence not just in the workplace but

also outside the workplace. Furthermore, if and when the mental health of one’s person isn’t

taken too much care of this may give a certain downside to the person, giving the person an

idea to create an act of violence most especially in the workplace. Workplace Violence is not

necessarily only firing a firearm in the workplace and attempting to kill and wound someone,

violence can be taken into different forms of ways such as verbal slurs, or even physical abuse

which contracts to an act of violence or threat in the workplace environment. Moreover this,

being able to study about, this gives us such leverage to help us understand what may be the

cause of these problems, may it be that it is through experience or through a problem that one

is having psychologically

Nonetheless, this study provides a benefit in terms of opportunity because it allows

us to involve others in this as well. Several Old and New solutions may be discovered and

eventually be able to provide a technique to fix this type of problem, in such a way that

persons experiencing these experiences may have the opportunity to eliminate the source of

the problem. However, we must keep in mind that these are simply meant to help alleviate

the condition rather than totally eliminate it. As previously stated, it is already an advantage

for them to be able to minimize the situation so that employees not only feel safe in their

work environment but also feel mentally healthy. However, there are certain dangers

associated with this study. People may start talking, which may upset some people,

prompting them to be more aggressive toward their chosen target, adding to their tension.

In a way, the problem may occur to not just psychological problems to oneself but problems

occurring in the work environment being caused by co-employees, as such examples of this

is Hazing a co-worker just for their own entertainment can be also a major point of a stressor

which may cause an act of violence that may be brought upon the person.

In conclusion, this study may give us the advantages and disadvantages in preventing

any further acts of threat. Furthermore, this study also gives us an added opportunity to

create new solutions for the better future to be used by other managements on how they

will be able to handle and resolve issues and solutions to manage one’s mental health that

may affect one’s performance.

Alternative Courses of Action.

As aforementioned, this study is about mental health or specifically the stress in the

workplace, and creating solutions to resolve any form of conflict.

Shown below are 2 of the possible solutions that would lessen any future conflict:

• Mental Health Counselling Program – It is as mentioned that there is such a thing as

Employee Assistance Programs but as noticed they are still conflicting that may happen in

the workplace or anywhere. This program consists of giving aid to those who are having

psychological problems, or unfortunate experiences that may have caused them long

traumas that may affect their performance in general, wherein the employees may have the

opportunity to speak up to a therapist about their problems, as well as giving them

voluntary works that can help mend their stress.


• Teambuilding Program – A teambuilding program gives aid to the workplace environment by

having a lessened conflict in terms of hazing giving the employees the chance to be able to

volunteer in activities that requires teamwork which gives a boost in morality and

entertainment for them to get along well. Alongside this, having the employees focus only on

work can sometimes tend to be a stressor as well when they are not given the needed break

they need to relax, in this manner, this gives the employees a chance to gain a healthy

experience alongside getting along with their co-workers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solutions

Advantages for Solution 1:

• One of the first advantages of the first solution is that they are able to improve in
communication and interpersonal skills that could give them leverage in lessening the
possibility of creating an act of violence and having also other people get affected by
positive mental health which gives a pint of encouragement for them to also take the
program. Furthermore, this will give them a more suitable expression and management of

• The Second advantage of the first solution is that they would be able to have the capability

of defeating bad habits, as well as relief from any form of depression, anxiety, or any other

form of mental health conditions. Moreover, they will gain the ability to manage their stress

more effectively and gain an improvement in their abilities for problem-solving and

resolving conflicts.

Disadvantages of Solution 1:

• One of the disadvantages that one should look out for is that whether or not it is effective,

some may have the kind of feeling wherein even having taken a program such as the Mental

Health Program or specifically the Employee Assistance Program may not be as effective as

it is for others, as sometimes these programs may consider Traditional Methods wherein it

does not happen to be effective.

• Further disadvantage of the first solution is that some companies may not be able or willing

to cover the resources needed for the program to be considered effective giving a certain

limit of access for the needed resources for a program such as the Mental Health Program

to create a start-up. Moreover, often in these programs they tend to only focus on one

major condition, an example of this would be an employee would feel such an amount of

depression alongside stress but the program would only end up focusing on depression and

not the stress from which doesn’t help determine the remaining stressor.

Advantages of Solution 2:

• One of the benefits of a teambuilding program is that it helps enhance morale in the

workplace. This is because these sorts of programs feature fun activities that can assist

boost an employee's mood. Furthermore, being able to accomplish these tasks with

coworkers can assist employees in identifying common goals they can share with their

colleagues, which can aid in creating a great work environment for employees. Another

point is that improving morale may be able to help boost an employee's motivation by

allowing them to get rid of their stressors by completing team-building tasks that create a

positive work environment that encourages teams to work diligently. Through this, they are

able to link that a motivated employee may also tract well in encouragement to perform

well at work.

• As previously said, one of the benefits of the second option is that it can boost health. A

teambuilding program can help an employee develop positive physical and mental health

since it frequently demands multiple teams to engage with one another and solve problems

in contexts other than their work environment. This means that employees may be able to

do things that are not typical of their job requirements.

Disadvantages of Solution 2:

• As much as teambuilding activities may be enjoying, this can also cause a certain backfire

and may cause the opposite effect instead of the intended effect, while these activities are

made to improve communication between employees and strengthen relationships, it may

just happen to be that when the activity may be too competitive which can create a

potential to do the opposite, an example of this would be that competitive type of activities

may give a certain amount of superiority among employees or even between departments

which will give an unfortunate boost in hazing on another.

• Another disadvantage that can be considered is that not everyone may be able to

participate in this program, as sometimes these sorts of activities may involve outdoor

events which for others may sound appealing. However, not as appealing to those who

have physical disabilities which will give them feel excluded and those who are not sporty

and an outdoors type of person might feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. An example of

this may be that if one of the activities just so happens to involve swimming, one might not

know how to swim.



To create a possible solution to prevent any form of violence to be effective, the following

areas below are certain points wherein management should cover and prioritize to help boost

a healthy work environment. Being able to give the resources needed to maintain these

programs as these have certain requirements such as confidentiality of any kind of reports to

avoid any way of targetting a victim. Being able to create a form of Assurance Team who will

be in charge of issues early on to be able to resolve them before it becomes a situation.

Creating a certain atmosphere where employees can seek medical help through the given

programs that may concern their psychological problems or be given a referral for physical

health issues.

1. Demand and Control - The physical, emotional, and cognitive demands of employment

are among the most explored job design factors. Jobs vary in terms of physical, emotional,

and cognitive demands, and there is evidence that these demands affect the prevalence

of mental health problems.

2. Resources and Engagement - Providing employees with the resources to accomplish their

work, such as control, allow them to actively engage with their tasks and craft their job to

achieve success. There is also evidence that having the correct kind of workplace support

minimizes the negative impact of high-stress occupations on an employee's well-being.

3. Job Characteristics - Individual well-being is also influenced by job features. Jobs that

allow for skill variety (working on a variety of tasks), task identity (being connected to a

whole piece of work rather than a fragment), task significance (doing meaningful work),

autonomy (decision-making authority), and feedback (from others and the work itself),

for example, are likely to be associated with higher levels of psychological well-being.

Plan of Action

A strategic planning process is needed for this to move forward smooth and clean, as one

of the goals that we need to attain is simply to get to the point of an employees stressor and

to aid them through lessening and keeping them mentally healthy to avoid any sort of

violence such as firearm attacks, physical attacks, or direct and indirect verbal attacks. For

this to be carried with the given recommendation and programs in the aforementioned

solutions, every one of the employees would be able to get involved in such a way through

individual or group means to create a healthy work environment that would create an

outcome of success in the goal intended. Although for this to be carried out, management

will be able to have the resources to support this and create a certain solution to resolve any

similar kind of situation such as this, since this will be supervised by management itself. To

take it into evaluation, eventually, the outcome would be that every one of the employees

would be able to speak up and find a convenient way of seeking help for them to alleviate

any form of problems they may be experiencing whether it may be personal or work-related

and to create better relationships amongst different employees and departments.



Harvey, S. B., Joyce, S., Tan, L., Johnson, A., Nguyen, H., Modini, M., & Groth, M. (2014).

Developing a mentally healthy workplace: A review of the literature.

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