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Head and Neck

- Muscle
- Artery
- Nerve
- Vein
- Bony Feature
• Tonsils:
- Palatine Tonsils
- Lingual Tonsils
Air Sinuses & Their Opening & Meatuses
- Sphenoidal
- Anterior, Middle and Posterior Ethmoidal
- Maxillary

Embryology of
- Tongue
- Thyroid
- Mastication Muscles
- Fascial Expression Muscles
- Stylopharyngeus
Histology of
- Tongue
- Trachea
- Esophagus
- Thyroid
- Bone
- Cartilage
- Muscle
Nerve supply of

• Muscle:
- Sternocleidomastoid: Accessory Spinal Nerve (root: )
- Masseter Muscle: Mandibular Nerve (V3)
• Organ:
- Thyroid Gland
- Tongue
- Larynx
- Pharynx
Blood Supply
Structure is pierced by:
- Buccinator: Parotid Duct
- Parotid Gland: Facial Nerve
- Submandibular:
- Thyrohyoid Membrane: Superior Thyroid Artery & Superior Laryngeal Nerve
Give branches / tributaries / drainage / termination of the following:
- Artery
- Vein
Surface Anatomy:
Name structures that pass through this foramen
Name the clinical significance of the pterion
- It overlies the anterior branch of middle meningeal artery, which injury of causes epidural

Age of suture closure


Structures that attach to this area:

Area Structure Attached

Mastoid Process
Styloid Process Stylohyoid Membrane
Pharyngeal Tubercle
Sella Turcica
Mylohyoid Line
Mylohyoid Groove
Genial Tubercles
Spine of the Sphenoid
Crista Galli Falx Cerebri
Hyoid Bone
Thyroid Cartilage


• Mastoid Air Cells

• Atlas
• Axis
• Maxillary Sinus & Frontal Sinus
• Hyoid Bone
• Styloid Process
Name the type of joint:

Joint Type Variety Ligaments / Notes

Temporomandibular Synovial Ellipsoid • Temporomandibular
Joint • Stylomandibular
• Sphenomandibular
Atlanto-occipital Joint Synovial Ellipsoid • Anterior & Posterior A-O Ligaments
Median Atlanto-axial Synovial Pivot • Transverse Atlas Ligament
Lateral Atlanto-axial Synovial Plane • Transverse Atlas Ligament
Joint • Tectorial Ligament
• Apical Ligament
• Alar Ligament
Zygapophyseal Joint Synovial Plane

Skull Sutures Fibrous Synarthroses

Root Value of this nerve:
- Supraclavicular Nerve: C3 & C4
- Greater & Lesser occipital nerves root value
Name the type of cartilage:
- Trachea: Hyaline Cartilage
- Epiglottis: Elastic

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