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Tender Reference: ___MU/PT2866/22______ Closing Date: _____ 27 October 2022______

Tender Subject: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance
of eWorkflow System for Hong Kong Metropolitan University

If a Tenderer is unable to make an offer, return of the tender documents is not required. However, the
Tenderer is requested to complete the lower portion of this Proforma Reply and return it by email to before the Tender Closing Date. This will enable HKMU to know the
Tenderer’s reason for not quoting and take it into consideration in the next tender exercise.

To: The Secretary, General Tender Board


With reference to your above tender invitation, I am / we are unable to submit a tender due to the
following reason(s) :-

(Please tick against the box where applicable)

Reasons Detailed Reasons / Remarks, if Any

Requirement is out of our range of supplies/services. ____________________________

Required tender specifications cannot be met. ____________________________
Delivery schedule cannot be met. ____________________________
Tender closing date cannot be met. ____________________________
Tender validity period is too long. ____________________________
Quantity required is too small / too large. ____________________________
(Please circle whichever is applicable)
Others (Please specify) _____________________________________________________

Authorized Signature : ___________________________________

Name in Block Letters : ____________________________________

Company Name /Chop : ____________________________________
Date : ____________________________________
Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


1. Tender Document

This tender document consists of:-

(a) Notes to Tenderers (Total : 6 pages)

(b) Tender Schedule (Total : 30 pages)
(c) Terms and Conditions of Contract (Total : 2 pages)
(d) Special Conditions of Contract (Total : 9 pages)
(e) Annex I – Confirmation Letter for Compliance (Total : 1 page)
with Anti-Collusion Clauses in Tender
(f) Appendix I – Tender Specification (Total : 33 pages)
(g) Appendices 1 - 18 – Samples (Total : 61 pages)

2. Tender Preparation and Submission

2.1 Tenderers are invited for the supply of goods and/or services subject to and in accordance with
the Notes to Tenderers, Terms and Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract
(if any).

2.2 This tender must be properly completed in duplicate and placed in two sealed envelopes and
including the following information:-

(1) The price information (i.e. Tender Schedule) must be enclosed in a sealed envelope
clearly marked “Tender Reference: MU/PT2866/22 (PRICE PROPOSAL for
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of
eWorkflow System for Hong Kong Metropolitan University”; and

(2) The technical information (i.e. All Tender Schedules and all remaining information
and documents required in Tender but without any indication on the price offers)
must be enclosed in another sealed envelope clearly marked “Tender Reference:
MU/PT2866/22 (TECHNICAL PROPOSAL for Supply, Delivery, Installation,
Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of eWorkflow System for Hong
Kong Metropolitan University”.

2.3 The two envelopes should then be placed together inside one large envelope, addressed, sealed
and deposited into Hong Kong Metropolitan University Tender Box located outside Room
A0314, Cheng Yu Tung Building (Block A), 30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon
before 11:00 a.m. on 27 October 2022 (The Tender Closing Date).

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

2.4 Before the Tender Closing Date, Tenderers may modify the tender as considered necessary.
Any modification considered necessary by Tenderer should be the subject of a separate letter
accompanying the tender. Figures should not be altered or erased; any alteration should be
effected by striking through the incorrect figures and inserting the correct figures above the
original figures. All such amendments should be initialed by the Tenderer with company

2.5 A late tender or tender not submitted in accordance with Clauses 2.2 and 2.3 above WILL
NOT BE CONSIDERED FURTHER. HKMU will not be held responsible for lost/delay of
Tenders sent in by post.

3. Tender Closing Time in case of Typhoon/Rainstorm

In case a rainstorm black warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted between 9:00
a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (Hong Kong Time) on the Tender Closing Date, the tender closing time
will be extended to 11:00 a.m. (Hong Kong Time) on the next working day.

4. Supplementary Information/Tender Addenda

If HKMU requires any amendments, clarifications or supplements to be made to the tender

documents for the purpose of tendering, HKMU will issue to every prospective Tenderer by
post, fax, or email numbered addenda giving full details of such amendments, clarifications
or adjustments and the tender documents shall be taken as having been amended, clarified or
supplemented accordingly upon the issue of these addenda.

5. Tenderer’s Enquiry

5.1 Subject to Clauses 5.2 and 5.3 below, any enquiries from Tenderers relating to the terms and
conditions of these Tender Documents up to the date of lodging the tender with HKMU shall
be in writing and shall be made to :

Ms Ida Chow
Finance Manager (Procurement)
Room A0314 3/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building (Block A)
30 Good Shepherd Street
Ho Man Tin Kowloon
Hong Kong

Fax No. : (852) 2397 3389

Email :

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

5.2 Any enquiries from a Tenderer relating to the technical requirements up to the date of lodging
its tender with HKMU shall be in writing to (and with a copy thereof sent to the Finance
Manager (Procurement) at the address set out in Clause 5.1 above) :

Ms Polly Tsang
Senior Information Technology Manager
Room A0621 6/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building (Block A)
30 Good Shepherd Street
Ho Man Tin Kowloon
Hong Kong

Fax No. : (852) 2762 7469

Email :

5.3 Any enquiries from a Tenderer relating to the user requirements up to the date of lodging its
tender with HKMU shall be in writing to (and with a copy thereof sent to the Finance Manager
(Procurement) at the address set out in Clause 5.1 above) :

Ms Hilda Kwok
Human Resources Manager
Room A1111 11/F
Cheng Yu Tung Building (Block A)
30 Good Shepherd Street
Ho Man Tin Kowloon
Hong Kong

Fax No. : (852) 2392 9132

Email :

5.4 After lodging a tender with HKMU, the Tenderer shall not attempt to initiate any further
contact, whether direct or indirect, with HKMU on its tender of this Tender document.
HKMU shall have the sole right to initiate any such further contact and all such contacts and
any replies of the Tenderer thereto shall be in writing or formally documented in writing.

6. Conflict of Interest

If a Tenderer or any of its Associates or Associated Persons has a conflict of interest, such
Tenderer shall fully disclose that conflict to HKMU prior to the submission of its Tender or,
if the conflict arises following submission of the Tender, immediately when it arises.
HKMU reserves the right not to accept the Proposal of such Tenderer regardless of whether
or not a disclosure is made.

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

7. Savings

HKMU is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the rights to accept all or
any part of the tender at any time within the tender validity period.

8. Negotiation

HKMU reserves the right to negotiate with any Tenderer about the terms of its tender offer.

9. Independent Contractor

For the purpose of this Contract, the Contractor is an independent contractor. The Contractor
is not an agent or a partner of HKMU and has no power to bind HKMU to any obligation

10. Payment Terms

The process of the payment shall need thirty (30) calendar days after an acceptable invoice is
received by HKMU.

11. Offence of Bribery

11.1 The Tenderer shall not, and shall procure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors shall
not, offer, solicit or accept an advantage as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance
(Cap. 201) in connection with the tendering and execution of this Contract.

11.2 Failure to so procure or any act of offering, soliciting or accepting advantage referred to in
sub-clause 11.1 above committed by the Tenderer or by an employee, agent or sub-contractor
of the Tenderer shall, without affecting the Tenderer’s liability for such failure and act, result
in its tender being invalidated.

12. Anti-collusion

12.1 The Tenderer shall not communicate to any person other than HKMU the amount of any
tender, adjust the amount of any tender by arrangement with any other person, make any
arrangement with any other person about whether or not he or that other person should or
should not tender or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever in the
tendering process until the Tenderer is notified by HKMU of the outcome of the tender
exercise. Any breach of or non-compliance with this sub-clause by the Tenderer shall,
without affecting the Tenderer's liability for such breach of rules and laws or non-compliance,
invalidate its tender.

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

12.2 Sub-clause 12.1 of this Clause shall have no application to the Tenderer's communications in
strict confidence with its own insurers or brokers to obtain an insurance quotation for
computation of tender price and communications in strict confidence with its consultants /
sub-contractors to solicit their assistance in preparation of tender submission.

12.3 In the event that the Tenderer is in breach of any of the representations and/or warranties in
sub-clause 12.1, HKMU shall be entitled to, without compensation to any person or liability
on the part of HKMU:
(i) reject the Tenderer’s Tender;
(ii) if HKMU has accepted the Tender, withdraw its acceptance of the Tender; and
(iii) if HKMU has entered into the Contract with the Contractor, terminate the Contract.

12.4 By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer is regarded to have undertaken to indemnify and keep
indemnified HKMU against all losses, damages, costs or expenses arising out of or in relation
to any breach of any of the representations and/or warranties in sub-clause 12.1. A breach
by the Tenderer of any of the representations and/or warranties in sub-clause 12.1 may
prejudice its future standing as an HKMU contractor or service provider.

12.5 The Tenderer shall submit to HKMU a duly signed letter in the form set out in Annex I to the
effect that he understands and will abide by these clauses. The letter shall be signed by a
person authorised to sign the contract on the Tenderer's behalf. Tender submission without
such duly signed letter will be disqualified.

13. Exclusion of Third Party Beneficiaries

Nothing in this Contract confers or purports to confer on any third party any benefit or any
right to enforce any term of this Contract pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

14. Repeat Order

HKMU may place repeat order with the successful tenderer within 12 months from the date
of the original order with all prices, terms and conditions remain the same and subject to a
specified ceiling of value/number of repeat purchases as below:

Value of First Time Cumulative Max no. of

Order Value of Orders Repeat
Up to $30,000 $100,000 5
Up to $100,000 $200,000 3
Up to $200,000 $500,000 2
Up to $500,000 $500,000 1
Up to $750,000 $1,500,000 1

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

15. Exception

This Contract is non-exclusive and does not preclude HKMU from obtaining through own
resources or engaging any third party to carry out the services during the contractual period.

16. Vaccination and Access Requirements

16.1 Contractors shall be required to fully vaccinated 14 days before entering the Campus.

16.2 For those who are unable to receive vaccination due to medical reasons or other legitimate
personal reasons, they are required to undergo a COVID-19 RT-PCR nucleic acid test offered
by the Community Testing Centres (CTCs) or private local testing institutions recognized by
the Government, and obtain negative results every 7 days before they are allowed to enter the
University’s campuses.

16.3 Results of self-test kits for COVID-19 are not accepted.

16.4 Contractors are required to present the vaccination proof or negative test result to the security
guards at entrance for checking before they are allowed to enter the Campus. No access is
allowed if they are unable to provide the proof or negative test result.

16.5 Contractors are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app and scan the Campus QR
code when entering the Campus area.

16.6 Non-compliance with the above requirements will be subject to various restriction measures
such as warning, temporary suspension for tender invitation and removal from vendor list.

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of eWorkflow

System for Hong Kong Metropolitan University



1. Schedule 1 - Cost Summary Table

2. Schedule 2 - Specification

3. Schedule 3 - Documentation

4. Schedule 4 - Implementation Plan

5. Schedule 5 - Installation Tests

6. Schedule 6 - Functional / User Acceptance Tests

7. Schedule 7 - Sub-contracts

8. Schedule 8 - Training Plan

9. Schedule 9 - Terms of Payment

10. Schedule 10 - Maintenance Services

11. Schedule 11 - Information Summary

12. Schedule 12 - Compliance Checklist

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 1 – Cost Summary Table

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of

eWorkflow System for Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Schedule Total Amount

No. (HK$)
1.1. Software Licenses
Software Installation, Setup and Configuration, Testing and
Commissioning Services for Phase 1
Software Installation, Setup and Configuration, Testing and
Commissioning Services for Phase 2
Software Installation, Setup and Configuration, Testing and
Commissioning Services for Phase 3
Software Installation, Setup and Configuration, Testing and
Commissioning Services for Phase 4
Total of Mandatory Items (Schedules 1.1 - 1.5):
Setup and Installation of Server for Data Exchange between HKMU
Backend System and the New eWorkflow System
1.7. Implementation of Mechanism to Counter the DDoS on Web Login
Total of Optional Items (Schedules 1.6 - 1.7):
Subsequent 3 years System Maintenance after 1 year FREE warranty
10.1 (A)
period (Mandatory Items)
Subsequent 3 years System Maintenance after 1 year FREE warranty
10.1 (B)
period (Optional Items)
GRAND TOTAL excluding Optional Items
[Schedules 1.1 - 1.5 and 10.1 (A)]:

GRAND TOTAL including Optional Items

[Schedules 1.1 – 1.5, 1.6 – 1.7 and 10.1 (A) and 10.1 (B)]:

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)
Schedule 1.1 - Software Licenses

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Software licenses which are required for the New
eWorkflow System

 Tenderer is required to specify the items and

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(e) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)
Schedule 1.2 - Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 1

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 1
as stipulated in the Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix
I – Tender Specification.

 Tenderer is required to provide the

breakdown of the implementation cost for
each eWorkflow functions listed in (a) and (b):
(a) eWorkflow of Learning and Development 1 job _________ __________
Activities as stipulated in Clause 3.4.2

(b) eWorkflow of Study Programme as stipulated in 1 job _________ __________

Clause 3.4.3

2. Other items which are required for execution of

items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)
Schedule 1.3 - Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 2

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 2
as stipulated in the Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix
I – Tender Specification.

 Tenderer is required to provide the

breakdown of the implementation cost for
each eWorkflow functions listed in (a) to (c):
(a) eWorkflow of Outside Work as stipulated in 1 job _________ __________
Clause 3.4.4

(b) eWorkflow of Community Service (within 1 job _________ __________

normal working hours) as stipulated in Clause

(c) eWorkflow of Annual Declaration of Community 1 job _________ __________

Service (outside normal working hours) as
stipulated in Clause 3.4.6

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
2. Other items which are required for execution of
items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 1.4 - Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,

Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 3

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 3
as stipulated in the Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix
I – Tender Specification.

 Tenderer is required to provide the

breakdown of the implementation cost for
each eWorkflow functions listed in (a) to (e):
(a) eWorkflow of Interview Board Recommendation 1 job _________ __________
as stipulated in Clause 3.4.7

(b) eWorkflow of Interview Board Report as 1 job _________ __________

stipulated in Clause 3.4.8

(c) eWorkflow of Salary Proposal (initiated by 1 job _________ __________

HRO) as stipulated in Clause 3.4.9

(d) eWorkflow of Recommendation Form for 1 job _________ __________

Decentralized Appointment / Re-appointment as
stipulated in Clause 3.4.10

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
(e) eWorkflow of Salary Proposal (initiated by 1 job _________ __________
Decentralized Recruiter) as stipulated in Clause

2. Other items which are required for execution of

items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)
Schedule 1.5 - Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 4

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Software Installation, Setup and Configuration,
Testing and Commissioning Services for Phase 4
as stipulated in the Clauses 3 and 4 of Appendix
I – Tender Specification.

 Tenderer is required to provide the

breakdown of the implementation cost for
each eWorkflow functions listed in (a) to (b):
(a) eWorkflow of Recommendation Form for Re- 1 job _________ __________
Appointment / Re-employment as stipulated in
Clause 3.4.12

(b) eWorkflow of Sub-ARC Review Form for Re- 1 job _________ __________
appointment (for band 5 and below) as stipulated
in Clause 3.4.13

(c) eWorkflow of User Satisfaction Questionnaire 1 job _________ __________

(for Non-academic Staff at Band 6 or above) as
stipulated in Clause 3.4.14

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Ref: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
2. Other items which are required for execution of
items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 1.6 - Setup and Installation of Server for Data Exchange between
HKMU Backend System and the New eWorkflow System (Optional)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Server that required for Data Exchange between _____ set _________ _________
HKMU Backend System and the New
eWorkflow System. The technical requirement
as stipulated in Clauses 4.8 – 4.9 of Appendix I –
Tender Specification.

 Tenderer is required to specify the hardware

model no., specification and quantity. At
least 1 year FREE warranty should be
Brand & Model Offered: ________________
Specifications: ________________________
Free Warranty Period: _________________

2. Software Licence that required for Data _____ no. _________ _________
Exchange between HKMU Backend System and
the New eWorkflow System

 Tenderer is required to specify the Items and


The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
3. Set up and Installation of Server for Data 1 job _________ _________
Exchange between HKMU Backend System and
the New eWorkflow System

4. Other items which are required for execution of

items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

The offered unit price/total cost must include:-
(i) The material and labour costs for supply, delivery and installation of the offered products;
(ii) At least 1-year warranty period (including bug fixing) service after project completion; and
(iii) Free-of-charge software maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. The maintenance
service should be provided on 5 days (Mon-Fri) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) during weekdays with
response time not more than 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice (depends on issue type).
(iv) Free-of-charge hardware maintenance service to HKMU during the warranty period. On-site warranty
including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7 x 24 with 4 hours response time.
(v) All necessary items should comply with the Tender Specifications in Appendix I.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 1.7 – Implementation of Mechanism to Counter the DDoS on Web Login (Optional)

Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Item Description (Unit) (HK$) (HK$)
1. Implementation of Mechanism to Counter the _____ set _________ _________
DDoS on Web Login as stipulated by Clause 4.16
of Appendix I – Tender Specification.

2. Subscription Fee for DDoS Service 1 year _________ _________

3. Other items which are required for execution of

items listed above, Tenderer is required to
specify the Items and quantity:-

(a) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(b) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(c) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

(d) ______________________________________ _________ _________ __________

Grand Total:

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 2 - Specification

Note: Tenderer is required to complete this Schedule by entering all technical description,
specifications and system performance of the proposed software and implementation
methodology. All items, e.g. manual, that come with each piece of software, should also be

2.1 Software Specification

2.2 Hardware Specification (if any)

2.3 Implementation Methodology

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 3 - Documentation

Note: Tenderer is required to complete this Schedule by entering the number of free copies and the
charges for additional copies, for each of the proposed software/hardware items.

At least 1 free hard copy and soft copy should be provided for 3.1 below:-

3.1 Documents as stated in Clause 5 in Appendix I – Tender Specification.

Unit Price for

Description No. of Free Copies
Additional Copy (HK$)

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 4 - Implementation Plan

4.1 The Contractor has to complete the Project with 4 Phases and complete the delivery,
installation, testing, and commissioning of the System within 12 months upon confirmation
of order.

4.2 The Contractor shall complete and comply with the following dates:

4.2.1 Implementation Plan Stages for Phase 1

Activity Description Completion Date

Software Delivery Within weeks from the date of written order

Software Installation Within weeks from the date of written order

System Configuration Within weeks from the date of written order

Testing, Commissioning &

Within weeks from the date of written order

User Training Within weeks from the date of written order

User Acceptance Test Within weeks from the date of written order

System Documentations Within weeks from the date of written order

Within weeks from the date of written

Project Completion

Note: Tenderer should refer to Appendix I – Tender Specification. Apart from the major
activities listed in the tender, Tenderer is requested to include any other recommended
activities in the Implementation Plan.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

4.2.2 Implementation Plan Stages for Phase 2

Activity Description Completion Date

Software Delivery Within weeks from the date of written order

Software Installation Within weeks from the date of written order

System Configuration Within weeks from the date of written order

Testing, Commissioning &

Within weeks from the date of written order

User Training Within weeks from the date of written order

User Acceptance Test Within weeks from the date of written order

System Documentations Within weeks from the date of written order

Within weeks from the date of written

Project Completion

Note: Tenderer should refer to Appendix I – Tender Specification. Apart from the major
activities listed in the tender, Tenderer is requested to include any other recommended
activities in the Implementation Plan.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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4.2.3 Implementation Plan Stages for Phase 3

Activity Description Completion Date

Software Delivery Within weeks from the date of written order

Software Installation Within weeks from the date of written order

System Configuration Within weeks from the date of written order

Testing, Commissioning &

Within weeks from the date of written order

User Training Within weeks from the date of written order

User Acceptance Test Within weeks from the date of written order

System Documentations Within weeks from the date of written order

Within weeks from the date of written

Project Completion

Note: Tenderer should refer to Appendix I – Tender Specification. Apart from the major
activities listed in the tender, Tenderer is requested to include any other recommended
activities in the Implementation Plan.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

4.2.4 Implementation Plan Stages for Phase 4

Activity Description Completion Date

Software Delivery Within weeks from the date of written order

Software Installation Within weeks from the date of written order

System Configuration Within weeks from the date of written order

Testing, Commissioning &

Within weeks from the date of written order

User Training Within weeks from the date of written order

User Acceptance Test Within weeks from the date of written order

System Documentations Within weeks from the date of written order

Within weeks from the date of written

Project Completion

Note: Tenderer should refer to Appendix I – Tender Specification. Apart from the major
activities listed in the tender, Tenderer is requested to include any other recommended
activities in the Implementation Plan.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 5 - Installation Tests

5.1 The Contractor shall carry out the following installation tests to ensure that the System is
correctly installed and connected.

Note: Tenderer should state the installation tests that will be performed.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 6 – Functional / User Acceptance Tests

6.1 The Contractor shall demonstrate to HKMU’s Representative and thereafter certify in writing
that each ordered item installed is operating in accordance with the Specification.

6.2 The Contractor shall fully comply with Clauses 3 and 4 in Appendix I – Tender

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 7 – Sub-contracts

7.1 Sub-contractor information and responsibility

Sub-contractor Responsibility

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 8 - Training Plan

8.1 Free Training Courses for the System Developers, System Administrators, Administration
Users, Operators (End Users) and Maintenance Support Personnel to be provided.

Please refer to Clause 7 in Appendix I – Tender Specification for details

Unit Cost for

Additional Training per
Course Title Duration participants Format*
per course

i) *Please specify format of class, e.g. “classroom”, “audio/visual”, “computer-based
training”, etc.
ii) The training courses and tutor(s) should be certified by the manufacturer

8.2 Outlines of Each Training Course Contents

Tenderer should fill in the details of the course outlines

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 9 - Terms of Payment

9.1 Discount

The Contractor agrees to grant the following discount on the contract price if payment as
provided in Clause 7 of the General Conditions of Contract is made within:

(1) first 7 clear working days of 30 days’ period specified in Clause 7: _________%

(2) first 14 clear working days of 30 days’ period specified in Clause 7: _________%

9.2 Payment Schedule

Tenderer may counter propose the payment schedule for HKMU’s consideration if the
payment term is different from Clause 7 of the General Conditions of Contract.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Schedule 10 - Maintenance Services

10.1 Tenderer is required to provide the annual maintenance charges of the System after the 1 year
FREE warranty period.

Service Level:
(I) System Maintenance: 5 days (Monday to Friday) x 9 hours (09:00 to 18:00) with 2
hours or 4 hours on-site response time (depends on issue type)

(II) Hardware Maintenance: Including parts, support service and labor for the system in 7
x 24 with 4 hours on-site response time.

Annual Maintenance Charge (HK$)

Description Period
2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year
(A) System Software
Support and
Maintenance Services
for eWorkflow
System (Mandatory

[Detailed requirements as
stipulated in Clause 10 of
Appendix I – Tender

Schedule 1.1 __________ __________ __________

Schedule 1.2 __________ __________ __________

Schedule 1.3 __________ __________ __________

Schedule 1.4 __________ __________ __________

Schedule 1.5 __________ __________ __________

Grand Total for (A):

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Annual Maintenance Charge (HK$)

Description Period
2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year
(B) System Software
Support and
Maintenance Services
for eWorkflow
System (Optional

[Detailed requirements as
stipulated in Clause 10 of
Appendix I – Tender

Schedule 1.6 __________ __________ __________

Schedule 1.7 __________ __________ __________

Grand Total for (B):

Description Staff Category Unit Rate (HK$)

(C) Tenderer shall provide man-

day cost for system Project Manager _________ per Man-day
modifications, change and
new enhancements during
and after warranty period. System Analyst _________ per Man-day

Analyst Programmer _________ per Man-day

Proposed Service Level and Response Time if different from the requirements, please specify
(A) _____________________________________________________________________
(B) _____________________________________________________________________

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 11 - Information Summary

11.1 Management Summary

Tenderer is required to give a concise and succinct overview of how the Tenderer intends to
put in place and maintains the necessary management and operating frameworks so that all
the requirements of this tender can be met.

11.2 Product Summary

Item Country of Launch Date

No. Origin World-wide Hong Kong

11.3 Tenderer’s Experience in Similar Projects


Tenderer must provide its experience in similar projects in terms of number of years and track
record references, for the past years in planning and design, delivery, installation and
maintenance of the system.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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11.4 Proof of Concept

11.5 Case References

11.6 CV of the members of the project team


In particular, Tenderer has to provide information of the project team member’s experience
in implementing the eWorkflow System in relevant project.

11.7 Accreditation Information


Tenderer is required to provide accreditation information in particular related to the

methodology and the project team.

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Schedule 12 – Compliance Checklist

12.1 Tenderer shall submit a Clause-by-Clause statement of compliance (refer to Appendix I –

Tender Specification) with the Tender stating whether the offered software, and services meet
the requirements laid down in the Tender Specification (Appendix I). If an offer does not
conform to the Tender Specification, Tenderer shall provide full details of their alternative
offers and explain how they meet the specifications stated in this Tender.

Sample of Compliance Table as below:-

Clause Compliant (Y/N) Details

Name of Tenderer: _________________________ Signature of Person

Authorized to Sign
Name of Contact Person: ____________________ Tender / Company Chop: ___________________

Tel / Fax / Email: __________________________ Date: ___________________________________

1. Interpretation
In this document and the invitation to tender, the following definition shall apply :
Contract - the contract hereunder and reference to the terms thereof shall include the terms of tender in PART I 9. Recovery of Sums Due
hereof unless inconsistent with the context of such reference. Whenever under the Contract any sum of money shall be recoverable from or payable by the Contractor, the same may be
Contractor - the Tenderer whose tender is accepted by HKMU. deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under the Contract or any
Goods - the articles and/or materials referred to in the Schedule. other HKMU contracts.
HKMU - Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Tenderer - the person or persons and/or the firm or the company referred to in PART IV. 10. Intellectual Property Rights
The Contractor warrants to HKMU that all the materials provided will not infringe any patent rights, copyrights or registered
2. Tender design, or other intellectual property rights of any person. The Contractor shall also be liable for any cost to HKMU that may
a) The tender relates to the supply of all (or any part) of the Goods during the Contract period as specified in the Schedule. arise from any claims for royalties arising from the use of the materials.
b) The Schedule issued with this tender must not be altered by the Tenderer. Any modification of the Schedule considered
necessary by the Tenderer should be the subject of an alternative offer accompanying the base tender. 11. Confidentiality and Personal Data (Privacy)
c) Tenders may not be considered if complete information is not given with the tender or if any particulars and data asked for a) The Contractor shall treat as confidential all information, including, but not limited to, all personal data as defined in the
in the Schedule are not furnished in full. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“the PDO”), obtained from HKMU pursuant to the Contract. The Contractor shall only
use such information for the purpose of supplying Goods to HKMU. Save that the Contractor may disclose the relevant
3. Validity Period information to any employees of HKMU on a strict “need to know” basis, the Contractor shall not divulge such information
Tender shall remain open for 90 days after the tender closing date. In case a rainstorm black warning or typhoon signal No. 8 to any other person without the prior written consent of the authorised officer of HKMU. Provided that this clause shall not
or above is hoisted between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., the tender closing time will be extended to 11:00 a.m. on the next extend to information which is already public knowledge (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this clause). The
working day. foregoing obligations as to confidentiality shall survive any termination of the Contract.
b) The Contractor shall indemnify HKMU, its officers, employees, servants or agents in respect of all or any loss, including
4. Prices legal costs and compensation arising out of the Contractor’s breach of the PDO.
The prices to be quoted by Tenderers are to be shown in Hong Kong dollars and must only be made in the Schedule. Such c) The Contractor shall also indemnify HKMU, its officers, employees, servants or agents in respect of all or any loss, including
prices shall be net prices allowing for all trade and cash discounts and shall include the cost of packaging and delivery. legal costs and compensation arising out of the Contractor’s breach of confidentiality.

5. Accuracy of Tender Prices 12. Ownership and Copyright of Materials

Tenderers should make certain the prices quoted are accurate before submitting their quotations. Under no circumstances will The materials produced by the Contractor pursuant to the Contract are and shall remain at all times the property of HKMU, and
HKMU accept any request for price adjustment on grounds that a mistake has been made in the tender prices. HKMU has no obligation whatsoever to make use of these materials. The copyright in the materials, both print and non-print, is
vested in HKMU.
6. Alternative Proposals and Negotiation
Alternative proposals which improve the value of the offer may be submitted. HKMU reserves the right to negotiate with any 13. Liability for Damages or Compensation
Tenderer about the terms of the offer. a) HKMU and its employees or agents shall not be under any liability whatsoever for or in respect of :
i) any loss of or damage to any of the Contractor’s property or that of its employees or agents however caused (whether by
7. Acceptance any Negligence of HKMU or any of its employees or agents or otherwise).
The successful Tenderer will receive a fax or a letter of acceptance. This fax or letter of acceptance shall constitute a binding ii) any injury to or death of any of the Contractor’s employees or agents save and except any such injury or death caused by
contract. Tenderers who do not receive any notification within the validity period of their offer shall assume that their tenders the Negligence of HKMU or any of its employees or agents.
have not been accepted. b) the Contractor shall indemnify HKMU and its employees or agents against any claim or demand made against or liability
incurred (including all costs, charges or expenses whatsoever) by HKMU or any of its employees or agents in respect of :
8. Samples i) any loss, damage, injury or death referred to in sub-clause (a) of this clause (save and except injury or death caused by
All samples submitted for consideration must be collected by unsuccessful Tenderers within 14 days of the expiration of the the Negligence of HKMU or any of its employees or agents).
period referred to in Clause 3 hereof. If, at the expiration of such 14 days period, no arrangement has been made with the ii) any loss or damage sustained by or any injury to or death of any third party in consequence of any Negligence of the
HKMU for the collection of such samples the Tenderer shall be deemed to have given up all titles hereto and HKMU may Contractor or any of its employees or agents.
dispose of the same as it thinks fit without being responsible to the Tenderer in respect thereof. c) The Contractor shall indemnify HKMU against any loss of or damage to any property of HKMU or of any of its employees
or agents or any injury to any employee or agent of HKMU arising out of the Negligence of the Contractor or any of its
9. Saving employees, sub-contractors or agents.
HKMU is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept all or any part of any tender at any time d) For the purposes of this Clause “Negligence” shall have the same meaning as that assigned to it in Section 2(1) of the Control
within the period mentioned in Clause 3 hereof. of Exemption Clauses Ordinance.

10. Documents of Unsuccessful Tenderers 14. Bankruptcy

Documents of unsuccessful tenderers will be destroyed three (3) months after the date the Contract has been awarded. HKMU may at any time by notice in writing summarily terminate the Contract without entitling the Contractor to compensation
in any of the following events :
11. Personal Data Provided a) if the Contractor shall at any time be adjudged bankrupt, or shall have a receiving order or orders for administration of its
a) Tenderer’s personal data provided in the tender will be used for tender evaluation and contract award purposes. If estate made against him, or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition under any Bankruptcy Ordinance for
insufficient and inaccurate information is provided, the tender may not be considered. the time being in force, or make any conveyance or assignment of its effects or composition or arrangement for the benefit of
b) Tenderer’s personal data provided in the tender may be disclosed to other government departments/appropriate authority to its creditors or purports so to do; or
which HKMU is required to provide such data by law. b) if the Contractor, being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an order for the liquidation of its assets, or
c) Tenderers have the right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in Section 18 and 22 a receiver or manager shall be appointed on behalf of the debenture holders, or circumstances shall have arisen which entitle
Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The right of access includes the right to obtain a copy the court or debenture holders to appoint a receiver or manager.
of the Tenderer’s personal data provided in the tender. Provided always that such determination shall not prejudice or affect any right or action or remedy which shall have accrued or
d) Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of the tender, including the making of access and corrections, shall accrue thereafter to HKMU.
should be addressed to Data Protection Officer of HKMU.
15. Offence of Bribery
PART II a) The Contractor shall not, and shall procure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors shall not, offer, solicit or accept an
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT advantage as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Chapter 201) in connection with the execution of the Contract.
b) If the Contractor or any employee or agent or sub-contractor of the Contractor shall be found to have committed an offence
1. Total Quantities under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Chapter 201) or any subsidiary legislation made thereunder or under any law of a
The quantity shown against each item in the tender is an estimate of probable requirements and such estimate must be regarded similar nature in relation to the Contract or any other HKMU contracts, HKMU may summarily terminate the Contract,
as being given for the assistance of the Tenderer on the best evidence available at the time of quote and not as being a figure to without entitling the Contractor to any compensation therefor.
which HKMU binds itself to adhere. c) The Contractor shall be liable for all expenses necessarily incurred by HKMU as the result of the termination of the Contract.

2. Assignment 16. Conflict of Interest

The Contractor shall not, without the written consent of HKMU, assign or otherwise transfer the Contract, or any part share or a) The Contractor shall prohibit its directors, employees, agents and sub-contractors who are involved in the Contract from
interest therein, and the performance of the Contract by the Contractor shall be deemed to be personal to him. engaging in any work or employment other than in the performance of the Contract, with or without remuneration, which
could create or potentially give rise to a conflict between their financial, professional, commercial, personal or other interests
3. Goods, Specifications and Proof Notes and their duties in connection with the Contract.
a) The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be of merchantable quality, fit for the purpose and comply with the b) The Contractor shall declare to HKMU in writing of any conflict or potential conflict between the financial, professional,
specification as described in the Schedule. If the Goods are not of merchantable quality, fit for the purpose and comply commercial, personal or other interests of the Contractor’s directors, employees, agents and sub-contractors and their duties
with the specification and not withstanding the provisions of Clause 5, HKMU may be notice in writing at any time and in connection with the Contract. In the event that such conflict or potential conflict is disclosed in a declaration, the
from time to time (i) reject all or part of the Goods delivered hereunder, or (ii) require the Contractor to repair or replace Contractor shall forthwith take such reasonable measures as are necessary to mitigate as far as possible or remove the
all or part of the Goods delivered hereunder or (iii) terminate the whole or any part of the Contract forthwith. conflict or potential conflict so disclosed.
b) Any drawings and specifications reasonably required for the Contractor’s guidance in the execution of the Contract
shall be provided by HKMU free of charge but shall be returned on completion of the Contract. 17. Guarantee
c) The Contractor, if required, shall furnish HKMU with a proof note or a certificate showing that the Goods have been a) Without prejudice to the generality of clause 3(a) hereof, the Contractor will guarantee the quality of the Goods, and any part
subjected to the normal tests for such goods or such tests as HKMU may reasonably require. or portion thereof, for a period of 12 months from the date of acceptance thereof.
b) Notwithstanding clause 5 of this Part, the Contractor shall make good as soon as possible, all defects in the Goods arising
4. Delivery from defective design, materials, workmanship or any other cause discovered within the said period referred to in sub-clause
a) The Contractor shall, on receipt of a written order signed by HKMU, supply and deliver the Goods in accordance with (a) above.
the delivery condition specified in the Contract and to the destination named in such order, the quantities of Goods c) In the event of any defect in the Goods being discovered, HKMU shall inform the Contractor in writing of the nature of the
therein specified within the time or times specified in such order, or if no time is specified, then within 14 clear working defect, and if HKMU does not reject the Goods, the Contractor will repair the defective Goods to the satisfaction of HKMU,
days from the date of such order and for this purpose, time shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract.. free of all costs to HKMU.
b) The Contractor shall at its own expense deliver the Goods to the destination specified in the order. d) In the event that the Contractor is required to replace any defective Goods but he does not at the same time call for the return
of the defective Goods, no responsibility for the defective Goods shall rest upon HKMU, and HKMU may dispose of them
5. Inspection and Acceptance after a reasonable time in whatever manner as it sees fit.
All Goods delivered shall be subject to inspection and shall be deemed to have been accepted when : e) If any defects are not made good within a reasonable time, HKMU may, after serving notice of intent on the Contractor,
a) the HKMU Representative furnishes the Contractor with the acceptance note; or proceed to rectify the defects by repair or replacement at the Contractor’s risk and expense without prejudice to any other
b) a period of 30 clear working days has expired from the date of receipt and Goods have not been rejected; rights which HKMU may have against the Contractor.
whichever date is the earlier. f) The Contractor shall remain liable to HKMU under the terms of this clause whether or not the Goods, or any part thereof,
were manufactured by him, and the Contractor shall ensure that the supplier of any Goods not manufactured by him shall be
6. Rejections under the same liability to the Contractor as the liability undertaken by the Contractor to HKMU pursuant to this clause.
a) If HKMU rejects any Goods in accordance with Clause 3(a), the Contractor shall remove the same at its own expenses and
within 48 hours of being notified in writing by HKMU of the rejection. If the Contractor fails to remove the Goods within 18. Governing Law
such period, HKMU may dispose of the Goods as it sees fit. No liability shall attach to HKMU in respect of such disposal. The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and
b) If required by HKMU under Clause 3(a)(ii), the Contractor shall within a reasonable period of time following the rejection the parties hereby agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in relation to any
replace the Goods rejected. In the case where replacement Goods have to be obtained from source outside the Hong Kong matters arising out of the Contract.
Special Administrative Region, the Contractor must advise HKMU of the delivery date of such replacement Goods and
such date must be to the satisfaction of HKMU. 19. Order of Precedence
c) In the event that the Contractor offers for delivery any goods which have previously been rejected by HKMU the latter In the event that there is any conflict, contradiction or ambiguity between any documents which form part of the Contract, the
shall immediately thereupon be at liberty to terminate the contract in the manner provided in Clause 8. following order of precedence shall be applied :
(i) Special Conditions of Contract
7. Payment for Goods (ii) Specification
When Goods are delivered under the Contract, an invoice stating the order number, the particulars of Goods delivered and the (iii) General Conditions of Contract
quantity, rate and value of each item shall be sent by the Contractor to the place of delivery or as otherwise directed by HKMU. (iv) Contract Schedules
Unless otherwise agreed by HKMU, no payment for Goods delivered will be made until the same have been accepted within
the meaning of Clause 5 of this Part. Once accepted, payment will be made within 30 calendar days.
If the Contractor fails to deliver all or any of the Goods ordered within the time specified in the order or as otherwise provided See attached sheet (if any)
in Clause 4 of this Part, or the Goods are rejected in accordance with Clause 3(a), or the replacement Goods are not delivered
within the period mentioned in Clause 6(b), HKMU may at its absolute discretion terminate the whole or any part of the
Contract by notice in writing to the Contractor, but without prejudice to any claims by HKMU for breach of Contract including
but not limited to its right to procure any Goods then outstanding from any other source, and the Contractor shall be liable for
any sums so incurred in excess of the Contract price. Please see overleaf for PART IV - OFFER TO BE BOUND

Terms - Goods (09/2021)


1. Having read the Terms of Tender, the General Conditions of Contract and (if any) the Special Conditions of
Contract set out in Parts I - III overleaf, I/we agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as stipulated

2. I/We do hereby agree to execute orders for any or all of the Goods specified in the Schedule, which may
during the period or periods specified in the Schedule hereto by placed by HKMU at the prices quoted by
me/us in the said Schedule free of all other charges, subject to and in accordance with the Terms of Tender,
the General Conditions of Contract and (if any) the Special Conditions of Contract.

3. I/We also certify that the particulars given by me/us below, are correct :

(a) Business Registration Certificate No. _____________________________________________

expiring on _________________________________________________________________

(b) Employee’s Compensation Insurance Policy No. ____________________________________

expiring on _________________________________________________________________

4. I am/We are duly authorised to bind the Company hereinafter mentioned by my/our signature(s).

- or -

I am a partner/We are partners in the firm hereinafter mentioned and duly authorised to bind the said firm
and the partners therein for time being.

5. The name of the Company/Firm is ________________________________________________

6. The registered office of the Company is situated at ___________________________________


- or -

The name and residential addresses of the partners of the firm are as follows :-




7. Name(s) and address(es) of person(s) signing :



8. Signature(s) :


9. Dated this ______________ day of ____________ 20 ____

Note : (1) All the particulars required above must be provided.

(2) Strike out clearly alternatives which are not applicable.
Terms - Goods (09/2021)

Special Conditions of Contract

1. Definitions

1.1 In this Contract, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings :

“HKMU” means Hong Kong Metropolitan University.

“the Acceptance Date” means the date on which the System is accepted by HKMU pursuant to Clause “Acceptance

“the Completion Date” means the date specified in the Implementation Plan by which the Contractor is to provide the
System ready for use.

“the Contract” means the agreement concluded between HKMU and the Contractor, including the special
conditions of contract, general conditions of contract, specifications, schedules, plans,
drawings and other documents which are incorporated by reference herein.

“the Contractor” means the person who by the Contract undertakes to supply, install and commission the
System and to provide services to HKMU as appearing in the Contract.

“the Delivery Date” means the delivery date specified in the Implementation Plan by which the Contractor is to
deliver and install the System.

“the Documentation” means the operating manuals, user instructions, technical literature and all other related
materials in human-readable form supplied to HKMU by the Contractor for aiding the use,
application and maintenance of the System as specified in Tender Schedule.

“the Functional Tests” means the tests specified in Tender Schedule and any other tests performed by HKMU
pursuant to Clause “System Acceptance Tests”.

“the Implementation Plan” means the time schedule and sequence of events for the performance of this Contract as
specified in Tender Schedule or such other implementation plan as may be agreed by the
parties to this Contract.

“the Implementation Services” means the implementation services to be provided by the Contractor pursuant to Clause
“Implementation Services”.

“the Installation Tests” means the installation tests specified in Tender Schedule and any other installation tests as
may be approved by HKMU pursuant to Clause “Installation Tests”.

“the Licence” means the licence granted by the Contractor pursuant to Clause “Licence”.

“the Licence Fee” means the fee for the Licence as specified in Tender Schedule.

“the Maintenance Services” means the maintenance services to be provided by the Contractor pursuant to Clause
“Maintenance of the System”.

“the Month” means calendar month.

“the Operating Manuals” means the operating manuals, the specification and documentation to be prepared by the
Contractor as specified in Tender Schedule.

“the Person” includes any body of persons, corporate or unincorporated.

“the Price” means the aggregate price for the System, the Work to be carried out by the Contractor
hereunder and the lump sum Licence Fee as specified in Tender Schedule.

“the Ready for Use” means fully installed and tested and successfully completed the System Acceptance Tests in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract.

“the Specification” means the Tender Specification and the specification set out in Tender Schedule including any
specifications published by the Contractor in respect of the System.

“the Stage” means a stage of the Implementation Plan.

“the System” means the eWorkflow System

“the System Acceptance Tests” means the Functional Tests to be carried out pursuant to Clause “System Acceptance Tests”.

“the Tender Specification” means the specifications which set out the requirements of the System.

“the Training Plan” means the training in the use and maintenance of the System to be provided by the Contractor
for HKMU’s staff as set out in Tender Schedule.

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Special Conditions of Contract

1.2 The masculine includes the feminine.

1.3 The singular includes the plural and vice versa.

1.4 Reference to any enactment, order, regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to the enactment,
order, regulation or instrument as amended by any subsequent enactment, order, regulation or instrument.

1.5 The heading to the Clauses of this Contract is for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of
this Contract.

2. Information and Descriptive Literature

Complete products and services information, including technical and descriptive literature, shall be submitted with each copy of
the tender.

3. Tenderer’s Proposal

3.1 All terms and conditions in this tender are the essential requirements of HKMU. Counterproposal will only be considered in
exceptional circumstances and on issues of fundamental nature. Any counterproposal must be drafted and submitted in the
following manner:

3.1.1 The counterproposal must be put under an appendix called “Counterproposal to the tender”.

3.1.2 The counterproposal must adhere to the format of the tender.

3.1.3 Original version of the relevant provision must be fully recited before any proposed alteration or deletion is made.

3.1.4 Any alteration to any terms or requirements must be underlined and must bear the corresponding clause number unless it is an
addition to the tender.

3.1.5 Words to be deleted should be crossed out by a single line only.

3.1.6 Explanation should be given below for any such alteration or deletion and be put in a bracket [ ].

3.2 Counterproposal not submitted in accordance with the above format will be considered to be general comments only and will not
in any way affect the validity of any terms and conditions in this tender.

4. Tender Specification

The Tender Specification issued with this tender must not be altered by the Tenderer.

5. Tender to Remain Open

5.1 Tender shall remain valid and open for not less than 90 days after the tender closing date.

5.2 If Tenderer is unable to comply with this requirement, they must clearly indicate below the period of which their tender is valid
for acceptance.

Our/my offer will remain valid for a period of _____ days after the Tender Closing Date

N.B.: If before the expiry of the agreed validity period, your offer is withdrawn you are advised that due notice will be taken of
your action and this may well prejudice your future standing as HKMU’s Supplier.

6. Site Surveys During the Tender Period

To ensure that the tender complies with the requirements of the Tender Specification, Tenderer is strongly advised to make onsite
surveys and any other necessary actions before the tender closing date, to determine the scale and costs of works.

7. Tenderer’s Offers

Except as expressly provided in the Tender Specification, it is mandatory that Tenderer bids, with or without alternative offers
for hire purchase, lease or trade-in, on all hardware, software and services as required by this tender and that all communications
connected with or arising out of the tender shall be conducted directly between HKMU and the Tenderer irrespective of the
number of manufacturers involved.

8. Tenderer’s Commitment

8.1 All tenders, information and responses from each Tenderer must be submitted in writing. The relevant provisions of this
invitation to tender and such documents so submitted shall be the representation of the Tenderer and may by laws or at HKMU’s
sole option be incorporated into and made part of the contract between HKMU and the successful Tenderer.
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Special Conditions of Contract

8.2 HKMU reserves the right to disqualify any Tenderer who submits a tender that directly or indirectly attempts to preclude or limit
the effect of this requirement.

9. Products and Services to be Provided

9.1 The Contractor hereby agrees to :

9.1.1 sell the System to HKMU free from encumbrances;
9.1.2 grant to HKMU a non-exclusive licence to use the System.
9.1.3 deliver, install and commission the System;
9.1.4 provide the Implementation Services;
9.1.5 provide the System Ready for Use by the Completion Date;
9.1.6 provide Documentation and training in accordance with the Training Plan to HKMU;
9.1.7 provide the Maintenance Services for the System;
9.1.8 provide the other services hereinafter described;
on the terms and conditions of this Contract.

10. Contractor’s Acknowledgment

The Contractor acknowledges it has been supplied with sufficient information to enable it to supply to HKMU the System which
complies fully with the requirements set out in the Tender Specification and in the provisions of this Contract. The Contractor
shall not be entitled to any additional payment nor be excused from any liability under this Contract as a consequence of any
misinterpretation by the Contractor of any matter or fact relating to the Tender Specification, the said requirements or any other
provisions of this Contract.

11. Calculation of Material and Labour Charges

The calculation of material and labour charges (if any) shall be based on the actual work performed and the net quantities of
materials and accessories required for the works. HKMU shall not be charged for all other wastage.

12. Permits

12.1 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining in effect such current Permit which authorises the
Contractor to legally perform the Services and any matter incidental to the performance of the Services.

12.2 The Contractor shall notify HKMU in writing immediately upon any withdrawal, cancellation, suspension or modification of the
Permit which authorises it to perform the Services.

12.3 The Contractor shall immediately cease to perform the Services and HKMU shall be immediately entitled to terminate this
Contract in accordance with the provisions hereunder if any Permit which authorises the performance of the Services is
withdrawn, cancelled, suspended or modified.

13. Contractor’s Representative and Staff

13.1 The Contractor is required to appoint a project manager and a deputy within its organization who will have the responsibility and
commensurate authority for the overall progress of the work and to whom all questions by HKMU regarding the Contract can be
referred. The Contractor shall ensure that the project manager and the deputy can reasonably be contacted beyond normal office

13.2 The Contractor shall employ professional, competent and qualified staff to provide the Services. The Contractor shall not employ
illegal immigrants.

13.3 The Contractor shall ensure that at all time during the Term, its staff perform all its obligations under this Contract and comply
with all rules, regulations and requirements imposed by HKMU from time to time.

13.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the good conduct of its staff whilst on HKMU premises and shall ensure that its staff do
not solicit or accept any money or gifts or, unless approved by HKMU, perform any other work or employment (whether paid or
unpaid) whilst deployed to provide the Services at HKMU. The Contractor shall further ensure that its staff shall not use any
part of the Building for any purpose unrelated to its duties hereunder.

14. Access Granted to the Contractor

HKMU shall grant access of designated areas of the campus to the Contractor as may be necessary for it to perform this Contract,
provided that HKMU shall be entitled to close at any time and for any period such areas, or any parts thereof if HKMU in its
opinion shall consider it expedient so to do.

15. Insurance

The Contractor shall:

(a) take out and maintain adequate insurance with a reputable insurance company and, if required by HKMU, name HKMU as
the co-insured to cover all of its liabilities under ordinances, statute or at common law in respect of personal injury to or
death of any person and loss or damage to property, whether real or personal, as a result of the provision of the Services
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Special Conditions of Contract

(including death or personal injury of the Contractor's staff) and shall ensure that such insurance covers claims against the
Contractor arising at common law on an unlimited liability basis;

(b) supply HKMU with copies of insurance policies taken out in compliance with this Clause and evidence of all renewals

16. Occupational Safety And Health

16.1 The Contractor shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety at work of all
its employees performing the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Contractor
shall for the purpose of this Contract:

(a) provide and maintain plant and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health;

(b) make arrangements to ensure the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and
transportation of plant or substances;

(c) provide information, instruction, training and supervision to its employees;

(d) maintain the workplace, including ingress and egress thereto, as far as is within its control, safe and without risks to health;

(e) ensure that the Contractor’s employees take care for the safety and health of other persons who may be affected by the act
or omission of the Contractor’s employees and co-operate with the Contractor and such other persons to ensure compliance
with any applicable statutory requirements including those under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance.

16.2 The Contractor shall fully indemnify HKMU from and against all claims, actions, proceedings, demands and suits brought against
and/or fines and penalties imposed on HKMU arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the failure of the
Contractor to comply with Clause 16.1 or any other obligations imposed under any applicable statutory requirements including
the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and all costs and expenses in connection therewith.

17. Conduct of the Work

17.1 The Contractor shall carry out the Work with all due and reasonable diligence and despatch.

17.2 The Contractor shall, through HKMU’s representative, keep HKMU informed of all matters relating to the Work within the
knowledge of the Contractor and shall answer all reasonable enquiries received from HKMU’s Representative.

17.3 The Contractor shall, if reasonably practicable, attend all meetings convened by HKMU’s Representative to which it may be
summoned and shall advise and assist HKMU on all matters relating to the duties and obligations it has assumed under this

17.4 All material supplied to the Contractor by HKMU for the purpose of this Contract shall remain the property of HKMU and shall
be returned in reasonable condition on or before the Completion Date as applicable.

18. Implementation Plan

The Contractor shall perform its obligations under this Contract in accordance with the Implementation Plan and shall complete
each Stage by the date specified in the Implementation Plan and time shall be of essence in relation to the performance of such

19. Delivery and Installation of System

On the Delivery Date the Contractor shall deliver and install the System.

20. Installation Tests

20.1 The Contractor shall submit, at least 2 weeks prior to the carrying out of the Contractor’s standard installation tests, the
specification of such installation tests for the approval by HKMU’s Representative. If in the reasonable opinion of HKMU’s
Representative such specification does not provide sufficient detail to test all the functions and facilities of the System, the
Contractor shall make any reasonable amendments to such specification as HKMU’s Representative may request.

20.2 The Contractor shall on the dates specified in the Implementation Plan, submit the relevant System to the Installation Tests to
prove to HKMU that the System and every part thereof are operating in full and proper working order. The Contractor shall
within 2 weeks supply to HKMU the results of the Installation Tests and certify in writing whether the System has passed the

20.3 If the System or any part thereof shall fail to pass the Installation Tests within 2 weeks from the date of its first submission to the
Installation Tests, then HKMU may by written notice to the Contractor elect at its sole option :

20.3.1 to require (without prejudice to HKMU’s other rights and remedies) the Contractor to provide such replacement and/or additional
equipment or programs as will enable the System to pass the Installation Tests. In the event that such replacement and/or

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Special Conditions of Contract

additional equipment or programs fails to pass the Installation Tests, HKMU shall be entitled to proceed under clauses 20.3.2
and 20.3.3 below; or

20.3.2 to accept the System subject to an abatement of the Price, such abatement to be such amount as, taking into account the
circumstances, is reasonable. In the absence of written agreement as to abatement within 2 weeks after the date of such notice
HKMU shall be entitled to reject the System in accordance with clause 20.3.3 below; or

20.3.3 to reject the System as not being in conformity with this Contract in which event the Contractor shall (without prejudice to
HKMU’s other rights and remedies) forthwith refund to HKMU all sums previously paid to the Contractor in respect of such
System. Upon rejections aforesaid, HKMU’s Representative shall be entitled to terminate this Contract.

21. System Acceptance Tests

21.1 On the date specified in the Implementation Plan, HKMU’s Representative shall submit the System to the Functional Tests to
assess whether the System, the Documentation and every part thereof is operating in accordance with the Specification.

21.2 If the System shall fail to conform fully to the Specification and the Documentation, then the Contractor shall rectify such failure
forthwith and repeat tests shall be carried out on the same terms and conditions.

21.3 If the System shall fail the Functional Tests after 2 weeks from the date on which the System was first submitted to the tests
specified in Clause 21.1, then HKMU may by written notice to the Contractor elect at its sole option :

21.3.1 to require (without prejudice to HKMU’s other rights and remedies) the Contractor to provide such replacement and/or additional
equipment or programs as will enable the System to pass the Installation Tests and System Acceptance Tests. In the event that
such replacement and/or additional equipment or programs fails to pass the Installation Tests and System Acceptance Tests,
HKMU shall be entitled to proceed under clauses 21.3.2 and 21.3.3 below; or

21.3.2 to accept the System subject to an abatement of the Price, such abatement to be such amount as, taking into account the
circumstances, is reasonable. in the absence of written agreement as to abatement within 2 weeks after the date of such notice
HKMU shall be entitled to reject the System in accordance with clause 21.3.3 below; or

21.3.3 to reject the System as not being in conformity with this Contract in which event the Contractor shall (without prejudice to
HKMU’s other rights and remedies) forthwith refund to HKMU all sums previously paid to the Contractor in respect of such
System. Upon rejections aforesaid, HKMU’s Representative shall be entitled to terminate this Contract.

22. Acceptance Certificate

22.1 When the System has passed the System Acceptance Tests, HKMU shall, within one month thereafter, either :-

22.1.1 accept the System or any part thereof by issuing an Acceptance Certificate to the Contractor; or

22.1.2 give instruction in writing to the Contractor specifying all the work which is required to be done by the Contractor under this
Contract before such Acceptance Certificate can be issued, in which case the Contractor shall not make any further request for
an Acceptance Certificate until such work is completed to HKMU’s Representatives’ satisfaction.

23. Delays or Liquidated Damages

23.1 The Contractor shall provide the System Ready for Use on or before the Completion Date.

23.2 Any delay of failure on the part of the Contractor to provide the services to HKMU under this Contract shall, in addition to any
other remedies of HKMU against the Contractor under this Contract, render the Contractor liable to pay to HKMU a sum, as and
for liquidated damages and not as penalty, in the manner set out below.

23.3 If the Contractor shall fail to provide the System Ready for Use by the Completion Date then the Contractor shall pay to HKMU
as and by way of liquidated damages for any loss or damages sustained by HKMU resulting from delay during the period from
the Completion Date to the date on which the Contractor provides the System Ready for Use the sum of 0.05% of the Price for
each day or part of the day of such delay up to a total maximum of 10% of the Price. Subject to the provisions of Clause 23.4
below the payment of such sums shall be in full satisfaction of the Contractor’s liability for such delay only. The payment of
liquidated damages shall not relieve the Contractor from its obligation to provide the System Ready for Use or from any other
liability or obligation under this Contract.

23.4 If the Contractor shall fail to provide the System Ready for Use within 60 days after the Completion Date then notwithstanding
anything else contained in this Contract HKMU’s Representative shall be entitled to terminate this Contract forthwith on giving
written notice to the Contractor and to recover from the contractor the amount of all damages and loss suffered by HKMU
resulting from such failure. Upon such termination the Contractor shall (without prejudice to HKMU’s right to recover the
amount of such damages and loss as aforesaid) forthwith refund to HKMU all moneys previously paid to the Contractor under
this Contract.

24. Licence

The Contractor hereby grants to HKMU a non-exclusive licence to use the System subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter

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Special Conditions of Contract

25. Duration of Licence

The Licence shall commence on the Acceptance Date and shall continue in perpetuity unless and until the Licence is terminated
in accordance with provisions of this Contract.

26. Documentation

26.1 On the date specified in the Implementation Plan, the Contractor shall provide to HKMU, cost free, such copies of the
Documentation containing sufficient information for the proper use and maintenance of the System as specified in Tender
Schedule. If HKMU requires further copies of such Documentation then these will be provided by the Contractor in accordance
with the rates specified in Tender Schedule.

26.2 On-line document in CD-ROM/DVD media is also required.

27. Warranties

27.1 The Contractor warrants that the System will be new and free from defects in design, material, workmanship and installation
during the Warranty Period and during the Warranty Period the Contractor shall furnish the Maintenance Services to maintain
the System in full working order at no cost to HKMU.

27.2 The Contractor warrants that the System will be of merchantable quality and will be fit for the purpose for which it is intended
under the Tender Specification.

27.3 The Contractor warrants that the System will after acceptance by HKMU conform fully to the Tender Specification and provide
the facilities and functions set out in Tender Schedule and that the Documentation will provide adequate instructions to enable
HKMU to make proper use of such facilities and functions.

27.4 The Contractor provides on-site free warranty/maintenance support for the System as per the Tender Schedule and Tender

27.5 If the Contractor receives written notice from HKMU of any breach of the said warranties then the Contractor shall, without
prejudice to any other rights or remedies HKMU may have, at its own expenses and as soon as possible after receiving such
notice, repair or, at its option, replace the System or such parts of it as are defective or otherwise remedy such defect.

28. Terms of Payment

28.1 The purchase price of the System, as the case may be, shall become payable to the Contractor on the Acceptance Date.

28.2 Payment for the Maintenance Services shall commence upon the expiry of the Warranty Period and shall be paid at the time
specified in Tender Schedule. HKMU shall not be liable for any maintenance service charge during the Warranty Period.

28.3 Any payment payable by HKMU hereunder will be paid within 30 days after any such payment is payable and the receipt by
HKMU of the Contractor’s invoice therefor.

28.4 All invoices and correspondence concerning payment should be addressed to the Information Technology Unit of HKMU.
HKMU shall not be held responsible for any delay in payment if invoices and correspondence are not so addressed.

28.5 The Contractor agrees that there shall be no increase in periodic licence fees or maintenance charges during the first year when
such fees or charges are payable, and thereafter, HKMU may consider any proposal by the Contractor for an increase in such
fees or charges once in every 12 months and if HKMU agrees to allow the same, such an increase shall not be retrospective nor
shall it exceed the percentage increase in the Hong Kong Government Consumer Price Index B (index for the month), during the
period of 1 year immediately preceding the period in respect of which such increase is proposed to be effective.

29. Training

29.1 The Contractor undertakes to provide free training for the System to HKMU.

29.2 Training details including contents, schedule, maximum persons per class, etc shall be provided in Tender Schedule.

30. Maintenance of the System

30.1 The Contractor shall provide the following maintenance services in respect of the System on the terms and conditions as set out

30.2 Error Correction

(a) Upon receipt of notification from HKMU that there is any defect or error in the System the Contractor shall correct such
defect or error as soon as reasonably practicable.

(b) Forthwith upon such correction being completed the Contractor shall deliver to HKMU appropriate amendments to the
Documentation specifying the nature of the correction and providing instructions for the proper use of the corrected version
of the System.

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Special Conditions of Contract

30.3 Upgrade and Enhancements

(a) The Contractor shall provide upgrade and maintenance support of the software described in Tender Specification of this
tender. The Contractor shall in reasonable time deliver to HKMU any improved version of the software.

(b) In reasonable time prior to the delivery of a new release the Contractor shall make available to HKMU all amendments to
the software’s specification which shall be necessary to describe the facilities and functions of the new release.

(c) Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, HKMU shall not be obliged to accept or use the new release if its use
would result in any of the facilities and functions set out in the Specification being diminished or curtailed or if its use
would unduly interrupt the use of the System in which event the Contractor shall continue to perform its obligations in
respect of the System. The Contractor’s obligations under this Contract with regard to the System shall also apply to any
such new version or replacement thereof.

31. Implementation Services

The Contractor shall provide to HKMU in addition to any other services to be provided under the Contract the Implementation
Services at the time and in the manner set out in Tender Schedule.

32. Title to and Risk in the System

All material supplied by the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of this Contract shall vest in and become the property of
HKMU as and when full payment is made on the System Acceptance. In the event of any termination (howsoever occasioned)
before System Acceptance all property rights in the materials for which the moneys have previously been paid by HKMU shall
forthwith automatically pass to HKMU. All risks shall pass to HKMU upon passing of title.

33. Indemnities

33.1 The Contractor shall indemnify HKMU and keep HKMU fully and effectively indemnified against any loss of or damage to any
property or injury to or death of any person caused by any negligent act or omission or wilful misconduct of the Contractor, its
employees, agents or sub-contractors or by any defect in the design, material, workmanship or installation of the System.

33.2 The Contractor warrants and undertakes :

33.2.1 that it has good and sufficient title in the System and in every part thereof to enable it to pass the title of the System to HKMU,

33.2.2 that where the Contractor supplies a third party software to HKMU, it has or shall have, prior to the delivery of the System, a
valid and continuing licence under which it is entitled to sublicence without further payment all intellectual property rights
(including without limitation any patent, copyright, registered design or trademark) to HKMU under this Contract.

33.3 The Contractor shall indemnify HKMU and keep HKMU fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, claims, demands,
expenses and liabilities of whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with any claim that the use or possession of the
System or any part thereof infringes the intellectual property rights (including without limitation any patent, copyright, registered
design or trademark) of any third party, subject to the following conditions :

33.3.1 HKMU shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of any allegations of infringement of which it has been notified and will
not make any admissions without the Contractor’s prior written consent;

33.3.2 HKMU, at the Contractor’s request and expense, shall allow the Contractor to conduct and/or settle all negotiations and litigation
resulting from any such claim;

33.3.3 HKMU shall, at the request of the Contractor, afford all reasonable assistance with such negotiations or litigation, and shall be
reimbursed by the Contractor for any expenses incurred in so doing.

33.4 If HKMU’s use or possession of the System or any part thereof is held by a court to constitute an infringement then the Contractor
shall, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies HKMU may have, promptly and at its own expense :

33.4.1 procure for HKMU the right to continue using and possessing the System; or

33.4.2 modify or replace the System (without detracting from its overall performance) so as to avoid the infringement (in which event
the Contractor shall compensate HKMU for the amount of any loss and/or damage sustained or incurred by HKMU during such
modification or replacement); or

33.4.3 if neither 33.4.1 nor 33.4.2 can be accomplished, remove the System from HKMU and refund the Price to HKMU.

34. Publicity

The Contractor shall submit to HKMU all advertising or other publicity material relating to the Contract or any System supplied
or other work done in connection with the Contract wherein HKMU’s name is mentioned or language used from which a
connection with HKMU can reasonably be inferred or implied. The Contractor shall not publish or use any such advertising or
other publicity material without the prior written consent of HKMU.

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Special Conditions of Contract

35. Assignment Sub-Contracting

35.1 This Contract is personal to the Contractor and the Contractor shall not assign or otherwise transfer or sub-contract this Contract
or any of its right or obligation hereunder whether in whole or in part without the written consent of HKMU Representative.

35.2 Notwithstanding the engagement of any sub-contractor, the Contractor shall remain solely liable to HKMU for the performance
of the Contractor’s obligation under the Contract. The Contractor is required to provide a copy of the sub-contractor agreement
within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of contract award.

36. Termination of the Licence

36.1 HKMU may terminate the Licence at any time by giving at least 30 days’ prior written notice to the Contractor.

36.2 The Contractor may terminate the Licence forthwith on giving notice in writing to HKMU if HKMU commits any fundamental
breach of any term of this Contract and (in the case of a breach capable of being remedied) shall have failed, within 30 days after
the receipt of a request in writing from the Contractor so to do, to remedy the breach, such request to contain a warning of the
Contractor’s intention to terminate.

36.3 Save as expressly provided in Sub-clause 36.1 or 36.2 or elsewhere in this Contract the Licence may not be terminated.

36.4 Forthwith upon the termination of the Licence, HKMU shall return to the Contractor the System and if requested by the
Contractor, shall destroy the same in the case of the System by erasing it from the magnetic media on which it is stored.

37. Termination of the Contract

37.1 This contract may be terminated forthwith by HKMU on giving notice in writing to the Contractor if the Contractor, being a
company, shall have a receiver or liquidator appointed or shall pass a resolution for winding-up (otherwise than for the purpose
of amalgamation or reconstruction) or a court shall make an order to that effect or being a partnership shall be dissolved or being
an individual shall commit any act of bankruptcy or shall die or if the Contractor (whether a company or not) shall enter into any
composition or arrangement with its creditors or shall become insolvent.

37.2 Any termination under Sub-clause 37.1 shall discharge the parties from any liability for further performance of this Contract and
shall entitle HKMU to be repaid forthwith any sums previously paid under this Contract (whether paid by way of deposit or
otherwise) and to recover from the Contractor the amount of any loss or damage sustained or incurred by HKMU as a consequence
of such termination.

37.3 Subject to any other express provisions of this Contract, either party shall have the right to terminate the Contract if the other
party commits any fundamental breach of any term of this Contract and (in the case of a breach capable of being remedied) shall
have failed, within 30 days after the receipt of a request in writing from the innocent party so to do, to remedy the breach, such
request to contain a warning of the innocent party’s intention to terminate.

37.4 Any termination of the Licence or this Contract (howsoever occasioned) shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either
party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision hereof which is expressly or by
implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.

38. Service of Notice

All notices which are required to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent to the address of the recipient set out in
this Contract or such other address as the recipient may designate by notice given in accordance with the provisions of this Clause.
Any such notice may be delivered by hand or by pre-paid letter or facsimile and shall be deemed to have been served by hand
when delivered, if by post 48 hours after posting and if by facsimile when despatched.

39. Foreign Exchange

The Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Price by reason of foreign exchange fluctuations.

40. Disputes

40.1 Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning this Contract shall be determined as follow :

40.1.1 if the dispute shall be of a technical nature concerning the interpretation of the Specification or any similar or related matter then
such dispute shall be referred for arbitration to an arbitrator nominated jointly by the parties. The arbitrator’s decision shall (in
the absence of clerical or manifest error) be final and binding on the parties and his fees for so acting shall be borne by the parties
in equal shares unless he determines that the conduct of either party is such that such party should bear all of such fees.

40.1.2 in any other case the dispute shall be determined by the Courts of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive
jurisdiction of such Courts for such purpose.

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Special Conditions of Contract

41. Waiver

No forbearance, delay or indulgence by either party in enforcing the provisions of this Contract shall prejudice or restrict the
rights of that party nor shall any waiver of its rights operate as a waiver of any subsequent breach and no right, power or remedy
herein conferred upon or reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy available to that party and
each such right, power or remedy shall be cumulative.

42. Severability

In the event that any condition or clause of the Contract not being of a fundamental nature is held to be illegal or unenforceable,
the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Contract shall not be affected thereby.

43. Connection of other Computer Equipment and Programs

The Contractor shall permit HKMU at no extra charge to connect other computer equipment and/or program to each system,
which is not supplied under this Contract and which HKMU considers to be compatible to such System. The Contractor shall
under such circumstances provide reasonable assistance with regard to the installation, acceptance testing and maintenance of
such computer equipment and/or programs. The extent of such assistance shall be agreed between the parties prior to the
installation of such computer equipment and/or programs and the Contractor shall not withhold such agreement unreasonably.


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Annex I

To: Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Dear Sir/Madam,

Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Confirmation Letter for Compliance with
Anti-Collusion Clauses in Tender

[I/We] l, _______________________________________ [name of the Tenderer] 2 of

________________________________________________ [address of the Tenderer] 2 refer
to [my/our] 1 tender reply for the above Tender.

[I/We] l confirm that before [I/we] l sign this confirmation letter, [I/we] l have been explained
on and fully understood the anti-collusion clauses in the tender.

[I/We]l confirm that as at the time of submission of this letter and other than the Excepted
Communications referred to in the last paragraph of this letter [I/we]l had not communicated
to any person other than HKMU the amount of any tender, adjusted the amount of any tender
by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about
whether or not [I/we]l or that other person should tender or otherwise colluded with any other
person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the tendering
process for the above Tender until the Tenderer is notified by HKMU of the outcome of the
tender exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the last paragraph
of this letter [I/we]l will not communicate to any person other than HKMU the amount of any
tender, adjust the amount of any tender by arrangement with any other person, make any
arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we]l or that other person should
tender or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.

In this letter, the expression “Excepted Communications" means [my/our] 1 communications

in strict confidence with [my/our] 1 own insurers or brokers to obtain an insurance quotation
for computation of tender price and communications in strict confidence with [my/our]1
consultants or sub-contractors to solicit their assistance in preparation of tender submission.

(Signed for and on behalf of the Tenderer) 3

1. Delete as appropriate
2. Where the Tenderer comprises two or more persons or companies acting in partnership, joint venture or
otherwise, this part in square brackets should be expanded to include the respective names and addresses of
such persons or as the case may be companies.
3. Where the Tenderer comprises two or more persons or companies acting in partnership, joint venture or
otherwise, all such persons or as the case may be companies must sign. The signatory for each of such
persons or companies shall be a person authorized to sign the contract on behalf of that person or as the
case may be company.

Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing

and Commissioning and Maintenance
of eWorkflow System for Hong Kong
Metropolitan University

Appendix I –

Tender Specification

(September 2022)

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


1 Background ................................................................................................ 3

2 Scope of Work ........................................................................................... 3

3 Business Requirements ............................................................................. 4

4 Technical Requirements ......................................................................... 24

5 Documentation......................................................................................... 28

6 Project Exclusion ..................................................................................... 28

7 Training .................................................................................................... 28

8 Tenderer Experience ............................................................................... 29

9 Delivery and Installation Requirements ............................................... 29

10 Warranty / Maintenance ........................................................................ 30

11 Selection Criteria ..................................................................................... 31

12 Tender Briefing Session .......................................................................... 33

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Appendix I

Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) is planning to develop a new eWorkflow

System for handling some of the current manual operations. For example, appointment
procedure, re-appointment procedure, sponsorship for learning and development application,
outside work / community services application, etc.

With this new eWorkflow system, HKMU staff can input the necessary information via the
system and then the application data will be sent to their supervisors for endorsement /
approval automatically. Supervisor(s) can also approve / reject the application by replying
email. Moreover, both end user and admin user can easily retrieve information and monitor
the approval status online.

HKMU is now looking for a cloud service with low code solution for this new system. The
data exchange between HKMU’s backend system and the new system is required. HKMU
also expected this new system should has a flexibility for the backend users to amend the
approval chains by themselves rather than to amend program by the developers.


This is a turnkey project. The Contractor is required to:

2.1 Implement a new eWorkflow System with specifications mentioned in Clause 3 – Business

2.2 Provide the new system with specifications mentioned in Clause 4 – Technical Requirements;

2.3 Provide implementation methodology (including system flow) for function setup and
customizations required to meet Business Requirements. User interface prototype with
screens and system flow of target system is preferred for evaluation of capability;

2.4 Provide system interface and integration with other HKMU systems as required;

2.5 Provide the server requirement and cost, software requirement and cost, and implementation
cost for data exchange between HKMU systems and the new system if any;

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

2.6 Provide a system integration test plan and execution scripts which shall demonstrate that all
functions mentioned in Business and Technical Requirements are covered by the new system.
The system integration test plan and result with sufficient screen captures / steps must be
verified and confirmed by users before UAT start;

2.7 Perform System Integration Test, Stress Test and support User Acceptance Test;

2.8 Provide Pre-production service as go-live rehearsal and perform Production rollout;

2.9 Provide user trainings with video recording and training plan to related users;

2.10 Provide system documentations;

2.11 Provide the application system source codes that are customized or tailor-made for HKMU;

2.12 Setup the development, UAT and Production environment for HKMU and the corresponding
developer accounts should be owned by HKMU;

2.13 Provide 1 year free warranty maintenance after production go-live; and

2.14 Provide an implementation plan with 4 Phases and complete the delivery, installation,
testing, and commissioning of the System within 12 months upon confirmation of order.


3.1 The new system must meet business requirements mentioned in Clause 3.3.

3.2 Complete the delivery, installation, testing, and commissioning of the system within 12
months upon confirmation of order.

3.3 The Contractor is required to complete the following workflows by Phases. The
corresponding detailed requirements are mentioned in 3.4.

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Appendix I

Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

No. Initiate Functional Application Form/ Report Phase


1. Learning and Development 1

Learning &
Activities (Refer to 3.4.2)
2. Study Programme (Refer to 3.4.3)
3. Outside work (Refer to 3.4.4) 2
4. Community Service (within normal
Compensation working hours) (Refer to 3.4.5)
5. & Benefits Annual declaration of community
service (outside normal working
hours) (Refer to 3.4.6)
6. Interview Board Recommendation 3
(Refer to 3.4.7)
7. HRO Interview Board Report (Refer to
8. Salary Proposal (Refer to 3.4.9)
9. Recommendation Form for
Decentralized Decentralized Appointment/Re-
Recruiter appointment (Refer to 3.4.10)
10. Salary Proposal (Refer to 3.4.11)
11. Recommendation Form for re- 4
appointment/re-employment (Refer
to 3.4.12)
12. Sub-ARC Review form for Re-
HRO appointment(for Band 5 & below)
(Refer to 3.4.13)
13. User Satisfaction Questionnaire
(for Non-academic Staff at Band 6
or above) (Refer to 3.4.14)

3.4 Business Requirement

3.4.1 General

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

G_1 Security 1. General Users
Control (a) Login is required for using the new system.
(b) Able to create and terminate the user accounts according to their
employment information automatically. The employment
information can be obtained from HKMU Human Resources
Management System (HRMS).
(c) Users can login the system by using HKMU single password.
(d) Users to access his/her own records via new system.

2. HR users
(a) Access right control in all workflow access (to be defined by
Examples in application form access:-
 Specific HR members to access all records;
 Other HR members can only access his/her teams' records;
(b) Allow HR admin and members to generate the report with user
defined security control.
(c) Allow HR admin and members to monitor the application
progress with user defined security control.

3. Endorser/Approver
(a) Endorser/Approver to access the approval records via the new

4. Decentralized Recruiters
(a) Decentralized recruiters can only access his/her School/Office’s
specific records (to be defined by users).

G_2 Application (a) The template of application form should be set up by the
Form contractor in the implementation stage.
(b) After implementation, it is allowed specific HR users to revise
the template by themselves.
(c) The staff concerned can input the application form via the new
system anytime AND / OR it is allowed respective HR team to
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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

generate the form with the pre-filled data to the staff concerned
/ endorser(s) / approver(s) for their further action. It will be
determined by users and to be discussed in the implementation
(d) Allow view, add, change, delete, withdraw, save and print before
(e) Allow view and print after submission.
G_3 Approval (a) Can be approved either by email or mobile application. The
mobile application (support iOS and Android devices) should be
provided and configured by the contractor.
(b) Provide a worklist in the new system for the endorser / approver
to endorse / approve the pending applications.
(c) The level of approving authority and the approval rules can be
determined separately for each workflow.
(d) The approval rules and the related parameters can be managed
by HR admin.
(e) Auto route to the delegated Acting when Dean / Director,
Provost / VPs / President are on leave, the leave record will be
transferred from HRMS.
G_4 System (a) The approval records and the relevant information can be
interface imported to HKMU Backend Systems automatically.
(b) Real time data exchange between HRMU Backend System and
the new system is required.
G_5 Notification (a) The sender’s email address should be used with HKMU domain
(b) Generate email to endorser(s) / approver(s) after the application
(c) Generate email alert to staff concerned and respective HR team
upon approval by the approver(s).
(d) Reminder with link to various parties every x days (to be defined
by user) after submission of application if respective parties did
not endorse / approve the submitted application form from staff

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

concerned. The frequency can be configured separately for
each eWorkflow.
G_6 Report (a) Excel / PDF / Word format (to be defined by users).
(b) With flexible filtering features.
(c) The scope and the corresponding layout will be further discussed
in the implementation stage.

3.4.2 Learning and Development Activities

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

LD_1 Application (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 1. The
Form format of the application form can be managed by HR admin
(b) Submission:-
 Input application items (Event, Event title, Event organizer,
Event Purpose and Theme, Event Period, Event
City/Country, etc) and relevant data can be transferred to
Part II – Standard Provision.
 Upload supporting documents (mandatory)
 Allow view, add, change, delete, withdraw, save and print
 Respective HR Team review and update the information in
Part II-Standard Provision and press submit button for HR
team manger to review; it is also allowed respective HR
Team to save the record for later submission.
 Respective HR team manager to review the provision and
press submit button
 Staff Development Leave balance (from HRMS) can be
 Some of the columns are required to be calculated by System
 Validation rules are also required
(c) After submission:-
 Generate email to respective parties

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

LD_2 Guideline (a) L&D guideline, please refer to Appendix 2.
(b) Follow this guideline to generate the approval rules accordingly.
The approval rules may be changed and to be determined in the
implementation stage.
LD_3 Approval (a) System is able to identify the corresponding Dean / Director /
Acting, VP / Provost / President / Acting, PI and respective HR
team for each application.
(b) Allow endorser and approver to approve the application either by
email or mobile application.
(c) The current approval rules below may be changed and to be
discussed in the implementation stage:-

i) >$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by

HKMU (for staff below Dean / Director)
 application endorsed by Dean / Director
 application approved by VP / Provost
ii) >$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
HKMU (for Dean / Director)
 application endorsed by VP / Provost
 application approved by President
iii) >$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
research project (for staff below Dean / Director)
 application recommended by PI
 application endorsed by Dean / Director
 application approved by VP / Provost
iv) >$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
research project (for Dean / Director)
 application recommended by PI
 application endorsed by VP / Provost
 application approved by President
v) <$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
HKMU (for staff below Dean / Director)
 application approved by Dean / Director

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

vi) <$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
HKMU (for Dean / Director)
 application approved by VP / Provost
vii) <$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
research project (for staff below Dean / Director)
 application recommended by PI
 application approved by Dean / Director
viii) <$10,000 per application or 5 days of SDL and funded by
research project (for Dean / Director)
 application recommended by PI
 application approved by VP / Provost

(d) After approval, send an approval email with attached report,

please refer to Appendix 3 (Approval Form)
i) To: applicant
ii) Cc: respective Dean / Director / FO, respective HR Team
 Allow HR admin to amend the approval chain during the
approval process
(e) After approval, the corresponding staff development leave (SDL)
will be transferred to HRMS for leave record creation
(f) After approval, the corresponding activity record will be
transferred to HRMS automatically.
LD_4 View (a) Provide a summary page for the relevant parties to review the
approval status in the new system.
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.3 Study Programme

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

SP_1 Application (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 4. The
Form format of the application form can be managed by HR admin

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

(b) Submission:-
 Input application items (Study Programme, Name of Study
Programme, University, Programme Period, etc)
 upload supporting documents (mandatory)
 Allow view, add, change, delete, save and print
 Staff Development Leave balance (from HRMS) can be
 Some of the columns are required to be calculated by System
 Validation rules are also required
(c) After submission:-
 Generate email to respective parties
SP_2 Guideline (a) Study Programme guideline, please refer to Appendix 2.
(b) Follow this guideline to generate the approval rules accordingly.
The approval rules may be changed and to be determined in the
implementation stage.
SP_3 Approval (a) System is able to identify the corresponding Dean / Director /
Acting, VP / Provost / President / Acting and respective HR team
for each application.
(b) Allow endorser and approver to approve the application either by
email or mobile application.
(c) Respective HR Team input Part II-Standard Provision and press
submit button for HR team manger to review; it is also allowed
respective HR Team to save the record for later submission.
(d) Respective HR team manager to review the provision and press
submit button
(e) Recommended by Dean / Director
(f) Endorsed by VP / Provost
(g) Approved by President
(h) Allow HR admin to amend the approval chain during the
approval process

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

(i) After approval, send an approval email with attached report,
please refer to Appendix 5 (Approval Form); System is able to
generate this report.
i) To: applicant
ii) Cc: respective Dean / Director / FO, respective HR Team
(j) Allow the staff concerned to apply the SDL and the record can
be transferred to HRMS automatically.
(k) After approval, system should able to generate the transaction
and transfer to HRMS by academic year.
SP_4 View (a) Provide a summary page for the relevant parties to review the
approval status in the new system.
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.4 Outside Work

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

OW_1 Application (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 6. The
Form format of the application form can be managed by HR admin
(b) Submission:-
 “Particulars of applicant” (i.e. name, staff no., School /
Office and Post) automatically display when the staff login
the new system.
 Input “Details of application” (employing organization,
post & nature of work, period, within normal working hours
(if yes, annual leave to be taken), total no. of hours by
academic year, *estimated income by academic year).
 Input “Applicant’s Declaration”.
 Upload supporting documents (mandatory).
 Allow view, add, change, delete, withdraw, save before
 Allow print at any time.
(c) After submission:-

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

 Generate email alert to respective HR team and cc to staff
concerned after submission
 The new system can automatically calculate the
“Cumulative outside work hours by academic year” and the
“Cumulative outside work income by academic year”
OW_2 Guideline (a) Outside work guideline, please refer to Appendix 7.
(b) Follow this guideline to generate the approval rules accordingly.
The approval rules may be changed and to be determined in the
implementation stage.
OW_3 Approval (a) Submit completed application details to respective endorser /
approver by generating email alert for approval (endorsed /
approved, not endorsed / not approved, remarks, signature,
name / post and date) and cc to respective HR team.
(b) After approval, the corresponding record will be transferred to
HRMS automatically.
OW_4 View (a) Applicant is able to view his / her outside work application
records in the new system.
(b) Dean / Director is able to view his / her staff’s outside work
application records via the new system.
(c) Approver is able to view their approval records via the new
(d) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.5 Community Service (within normal working hours)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

CS_1 Application (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 8. The
Form format of the application form can be managed by HR admin

(b) Submission:-

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

 “Particulars of applicant” (name, staff no., School / Office
and Post) automatically display when the staff login the new
 Input “Details of application” (organization, post & nature
of work, period, remuneration (if yes, will you opt to donate
the sum received to the University).
 Input “Acting Appointment Nomination (for MB members
 Input “Applicant’s Declaration”.
 Some of the columns are required to be calculated by
System automatically
 Validation rules are also required
 Upload supporting documents (mandatory).
 Allow view, add, change, delete, withdraw, save before
 Allow print at any time.
CS_2 Guideline (a) Community service guideline, please refer to Appendix 7.
(b) Follow this guideline to generate the approval rules
accordingly. The approval rules may be changed and to be
determined in the implementation stage.
CS_3 Approval Application form (Within Normal Working Hours)
(a) Submit completed application details to respective approver by
generating email alert for approval (approved and the applicant
is / is not required to take annual leave to cover his / her absence,
not approved, remarks, signature, name/post and date).
(b) Generate email alert to staff concerned and respective HR team
upon approval by the approver.
(c) Generate email alert to the staff concerned and cc to respective
HR team to remind the staff concerned to apply for any leave,
if required.
(d) Generate email alert to the eLeave recommending offer for
annual leave approval, if required.
(e) The annual balance (data extracted from HRMS) can be shown.

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

(f) After approval, the corresponding annual leave record and / or
the acting appointment record will be transferred to HRMS for
leave record creation.
(g) After approval, the corresponding approved record will be
transferred to HRMS automatically.
CS_4 View (a) Applicant is able to view his / her community service
application records in the new system.
(b) Dean / Director is able to view his / her staff’s community
service application records via the new system.
(c) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(d) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.6 Annual Declaration of Community Service (outside normal working hours)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

DCS_1 Application (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 9. The
Form format of the application form can be managed by HR admin
(b) Submission:-
 Input “Name of organization”
 Input “Capacity”
 Allow to input multiple lines
 Allow to add, change, delete and print before submission
(c) After Submission:-
 Allow add and print
 Allow print at anytime
DCS_2 Approval (a) Approval is not required.
(b) After submission, email alert to staff concerned and respective
HR team automatically.
(c) The corresponding record will be transferred to HRMS

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Ref Features Specification of Requirement

DCS_3 View (a) Staff concerned is able to view his / her records in the new
(b) Dean / Director is able to view his / her staff’s application
records via the new system.

3.4.7 Interview Board Recommendation (Initiated by HRO)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

IBR_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 10. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow HR to generate the report with the pre-filled data.
(c) Job Post, Office / School, interview date, name of candidate,
etc. should be included in the interview board recommendation
(data generated from eRecruitment System).
(d) After generating the report, respective HR team can further edit
it, if required. Once completed, click “Submit”
(e) The board secretary will further edit the report, if required.
Once completed, click “Submit”
IBR_2 Approval (a) The Chairperson and members (if any) and click “Endorsed” /
“Not Endorsed”, “Approved” / “Not Approved” (depending on
the approving authority).
(b) The completed report will be forwarded to the respective HR
Team. (Add function: “Back”, “Save”, “Cancel” and “Print”)
(c) The approved data should be transferred to eRecruitment
(d) The completed report (PDF format) can be transferred to
eRecruitment System for attachment.
IBR_3 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record anytime.

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3.4.8 Interview Board Report (Initiated by HRO)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

CIBR_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 11. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow HR to generate the report with the pre-filled data.
(c) Interview board composition, dates of trade test / interview,
composition of the interview board, no. of candidates invited /
attended the trade test / interview, shortlisted candidates,
declaration of conflict of interest and recommendation, etc.
should be included in the interview board report (data generated
from eRecruitment System).
(d) After generating the report, respective HR team can further edit
it, if required. Once completed, click “Submit”
(e) The board secretary will further edit the report, if required.
Once completed, click “Submit”.
(f) The board Chairperson can edit the report, if required. Once
completed, click “Submit”.
CIBR_2 Approval (a) The AD(HR) / D(HR) / Dean / Director / VP / Provost /
President will input comments (if any) and click “Endorsed” /
“Not Endorsed”, “Approved” / “Not Approved” (depending on
the approving authority).
(b) The completed report will be forwarded to the respective HR
Team. (Add function: “Back”, “Save”, “Cancel” and “Print”)
(c) The approved data should be transferred to eRecruitment
(d) The completed report (PDF format) can be transferred to
eRecruitment System for attachment.
(e) For the specific approval rules, it will be further discussed with
the contractor in the implementation stage.
CIBR_3 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

3.4.9 Salary Proposal (Initiated by HRO)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

CSP_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 12. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow HR to generate the report with the pre-filled data.
(c) Post details, academic qualifications and work experience (in
chronological order), etc. (data generated from eRecruitment
System) and respective pay range of the post (data generated
from HRMS) should be included in the salary proposal.
(d) After generating the proposal, respective HR Team can further
edit it. Once completed, click “Submit”.
(e) The salary proposal will be forwarded to the respective HRM /
AHRM for further editing. Once completed, click “Submit”.
(f) Some columns are required to be calculated by the system.
CSP_2 Approval (a) The salary proposal will be forwarded to the respective AD(HR)
/ D(HR) / VP / Provost / President, he / she will input comments
(if any) and click “Endorsed” / “Not Endorsed”, “Approved” /
“Not Approved” (depending on the approving authority).
(b) The completed proposal will be forwarded to the respective HR
(c) If the salary proposal needs to be revised, re-start the salary
proposal workflow.
(d) If the candidate accepts our offer, update the amount, accept
date and then “Save”.
(e) The data will be transferred to eRecruitment System.
(f) The completed report (PDF format) can be transferred to
eRecruitment System for attachment.
(g) For the specific approval rules, it will be further discussed with
the contractor in the implementation stage.
CSP_3 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

3.4.10 Recommendation Form for Decentralized Appointment / Re-appointment (Initiated by

Decentralized Recruiter)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

DAR_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 13. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow decentralized recruiter to generate the report with the
pre-filled data.
(c) Sourcing channel, Interview board composition, dates of trade
test / interview, composition of the interview board, no. of
candidates invited / attended the trade test / interview,
shortlisted candidates, declaration of conflict of interest and
recommendation, etc. should be included in the interview
board report (data generated from eRecruitment System).
(d) After generating the report, respective decentralized recruiter
can further edit it, if required. Once completed, click
(e) The board secretary will further edit the report, if required.
Once completed, click “Submit”
(f) Attachments are required.
DAR_2 Approval (a) The recommendation form will be forwarded to the respective
Chairperson / Recommending Officer / Dean/ Director, he /
she will input comments (if any) and click “Endorsed” / “Not
Endorsed”, “Approved” / “Not Approved” (depending on the
approving authority).
(b) The completed recommendation form will be forwarded to the
respective decentralized recruiter.
(c) If the recommendation form needs to be revised, re-start the
(d) The data will be transferred to eRecruitment System.
(e) The completed report (PDF format) can be transferred to
eRecruitment System for attachment.
DAR_3 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record anytime.
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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

3.4.11 Salary Proposal (Initiated by Decentralized Recruiter)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

DSP_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 14. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow decentralized recruiter to generate the report with the
pre-filled data.
(c) Post details, academic qualifications and work experience (in
chronological order), etc. (data generated from eRecruitment
System) and respective pay range of the post (data generated
from HRMS) should be included in the salary proposal.
(d) After generating the proposal, respective Decentralized
Recruiter can further edit it. Once completed, click
DSP_2 Approval (a) The salary proposal will be forwarded to the respective
Chairperson / Principal Investigator for further editing.
Once completed, click “Submit”.
(b) The salary proposal will be forwarded to the respective Dean
/ Director to input comments (if any) and click “Approve” /
“Not Approve” (depending on the approving authority).
(c) The completed proposal will be forwarded to the respective
HR Team.
(d) If the salary proposal needs to be revised, re-start the salary
proposal workflow.
(e) It the candidate accepts our offer, update the amount, accept
date and then “Save”.
(f) The data will be transferred to eRecruitment System. (Add
function: “Back”, “Save”, “Cancel” and “Print”)
DSP_3 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

3.4.12 Recommendation Form for Re-appointment / Re-employment

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

RE_1 Template (a) For the current template, please refer to Appendix 15. The
format of the form can be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow HR to generate the report with the pre-filled data. The
data should be come from HRMS.
(c) Allow HR to choose whether the Recommendation Forms to
be issued is for ARC or Sub-ARC (for Sub-ARC, the Sub-
ARC Review Form will be generated after the
Recommendation Forms are completed by the Schools /
RE_2 Guideline (a) Re-appointment / Re-employment guideline, please refer to
Appendix 16.
(b) Follow this guideline to generate the approval rules
accordingly. The approval rules may be changed and to be
determined in the implementation stage.
RE_3 Approval (a) The recommendation form will be forwarded to the staff
concerned to complete Part 2 - Staff’s Intention for Re-
appointment / Re-employment. Once completed, click
“Submit”. If the staff concerned wish to seek for re-
appointment / re-employment, go to (b). If the staff
concerned do not wish to seek for re-appointment / re-
employment, notification will be sent to recommending
officer / Dean / Director / respective HR Team.
(b) The recommendation form will be forwarded to the respective
recommending officers to complete Part 3 – Recommendation
for Re-appointment / Re-employment and then submit to
Endorser / Reviewer / Dean / Director to input comments (if
any) and click “Endorse” / “Not Endorse”, “Approve” / “Not
Approve” (depending on the approving authority).
(c) If not endorse / not approve, the recommendation form will be
forwarded to respective HR team and recommending officer.

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Ref Features Specification of Requirement

(d) The staff concerned input Part 4 – Staff’s Feedback on the

Recommendation and then the form will be forwarded to
Recommending Officer / Endorser / Reviewer / Dean /
Director for acknowledgement.
(e) Allow HR to push back the recommendation form for the
recommending officer to revise the information if necessary.
(f) After revision, the remaining approvers are required to
approve the recommendation form again.
(g) After completion, the data will be transferred to HRMS.
And, the completed form should be transferred to SharePoint
(on premises) by the system automatically. (Add function:
“Back”, “Save”, “Cancel” and “Print”)
RE_4 View (a) Recommending Officer / Endorser / Reviewer / Dean /
Director / Staff concerned is able to view the approved records
via the new system.
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.13 Sub-ARC Review Form for Re-appointment (for Band 5 & below)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

SUB_1 Template Please refer to Appendix 17. The format of the form can be
managed by HR admin users.
SUB_2 Setup Composition of Sub-ARC and Coordinator will be input by HRO in
SUB_3 Approval (a) Composition of Sub-ARC in the Review Form (data transferred
from HRMS).
(b) Include personal particulars of the re-appointment cases (data
transferred from HRMS) in the Review Form.
(c) Include recommendations (Recommended or Not
Recommended) and recommendation contract period (copied
from the Recommendation Forms mentioned in 3.4.12)

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Ref Features Specification of Requirement

(d) Submit the Review Form, Recommendation Forms and
attachment (if any) to the Sub-ARC Coordinator for
arrangement of face-to-face meeting or paper circulation, select
the appropriate box and input the date, and click “Send to the
Sub-ARC Chairperson and Members”. The Review Form
will then be sent to the Sub-ARC Chairperson and Members.
(e) The Sub-ARC Chairperson and Members can view the Review
Form, Recommendation Forms and attachment (if any) (alert
copied to the Sub-ARC Coordinator).
(f) The Sub-ARC Coordinator should input “Endorsement”,
“Remarks”, “Overall Comments” and “Declaration of Conflict
of Interest”, and click “Submit to the Sub-ARC Chairperson”.
(g) The Sub-ARC Chairperson and/or member(s) will input the
comments (if any) and endorse the form (click “Endorsed”) and
the form will then be forwarded to the respective AHRM /
(h) The respective AHRM / HRM will input the comments (if any)
and endorse the form (click “Endorsed”) and the form will then
be forwarded to the respective AD(HR).
(i) The respective AD(HR) will input the comments (if any) and
endorse the form (click “Endorsed”) and the form will then be
forwarded to the D(HR).
(j) The D(HR) will input the comments (if any) and endorse the
form (click “Endorsed”) and the form will then be forwarded to
the President / Provost / VP.
(k) The President / Provost / VP will input the comments (if any)
and indicate his / her approval by clicking “Approved” / “Not
(l) The completed form will be sent to the respective HR Team.
The contract period of approved cases, approval date and
recommendation should be transferred to HRMS. And, the
completed form should be transferred to SharePoint by the
system automatically. (Add function: “Back”, “Save”,
“Cancel” and “Print”)

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Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22

Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

SUB_4 View (a) Approver is able to view the approved records via the new
(b) Allow to print the record at any time.

3.4.14 User Satisfaction Questionnaire (for Non-academic Staff at Band 6 or above) (Initiated by

Ref Features Specification of Requirement

USQ_1 Template (a) Please refer to Appendix 18. The format of the form can
be managed by HR admin users.
(b) Allow HR to generate the report with the pre-filled data.
The data should be come from HRMS.
USQ_2 Questionnaire (a) Allow HR to define the staff concerned who will be invited
to complete the user satisfaction questionnaire.
(b) The questionnaire will be forwarded to the staff concerned
for completion.
(c) Staff concerned will complete the questionnaire. Once
completed, click “Submit”.
(d) The completed survey will be forwarded to the specific HR
colleague(s) only. (Add function: “Back”, “Save”,
“Cancel” and “Print”)
USQ_3 View (a) Allow to print the record at any time.


This section provides a detailed technical requirement of system integration, interface and
system security requirement. The proposed new system should be implemented on cloud
platform and it is the tenderer’s responsibility to provide software integration compliance,
and software information for the proposed solution. Tenderer is required to submit its
compliance and provide itemized cost as required.

4.1 Tenderer should include the entire system hardware, software licenses requirement and cost
in the proposal.

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

4.2 There is around 1,500 end users including 80 admin users for using the eWorkflow system.

4.3 The eWorkflow System with built-in mobile application (support iOS and Android Devices)
should be implemented on cloud platform. The Contractor have to provide the data center
location, the data security information and resilience information like disaster recovery plan.

4.4 The Contractor is required to provide the development and testing environment for the new
system. Production, development and testing environment should have same OS version
and patches level. The developer accounts for all of the environment must be owned by

4.5 Supports multiple languages.

4.6 The Contractor should elaborate the data backup policy for the new system.

4.7 The Contractor is required to ensure the system security patches updated periodically
without affecting the functionality of the System. Remind end-users to update the mobile
application automatically if required.

4.8 The data exchange and the integration test with HRMS and eRecruitment System is required.
The existing HRMS version is Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.4 hosting on-premises
server and the database version is 12.1. The existing eRecruitment System version is
Taleo Recruiting 22B on Cloud Platform and the Taleo Connect Client (TCC) version is

4.9 Tenderer is required to provide the methodology of the data exchange between HRMS/
eRecruitment System and eWorkflow System clearly. Fixed IP can be provided from Cloud
platform if required.

4.10 Tenderer is required to provide the server requirement and cost, software requirement and
cost, and implementation cost for the data exchange between the new system and HRMS
and eRecruitment System. This is an optional item.

4.11 The proposed new system is required to meet HKMU’s password policy. Strong password,
password aging and password history should be enforced for database and server
administrative accounts.

4.12 All data transfer from and to HKMU should be encrypted with SSL (HTTPS). SSL
protection should also be implemented for users accessing logon pages and personal
information web pages.
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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

4.13 Single Sign-On is required. HKMU has purchased a license of the Access Manager
Solution (
manager) from Micro Focus for SSO purpose. The contractor must support SAML 2.0.

4.14 The Contractor must have an understanding of the SAML 2.0-based protocol for systems
authentication integration supports.

4.15 The new system must be support up to 15 characters on username. Special characters may
be used in the username.

4.16 The new system must have a mechanism to counter the DDoS on web login to prevent
unexpected traffic jam clogging up the University SSO SAML channel. It is an optional

4.17 The new system must contain a logging sub-system to log all end-user access information
for troubling purpose. The University SSO will not store any end-user access information
unless for troubleshooting.

4.18 The new system must have channels to provide service provider entity, user mapping
attributes, SAML XML metadata, Single Logout (SLO) data, SSL certificate exchange and
other necessary information.

4.19 The new system must include a testing environment for SSO testing.

4.20 HKMU SSO has a default logon page. The contractor may consider use the default logon
page without additional cost. If SSO default page is not accepted, then all the cost of
proposed page will be included in tender reply.
4.21 The Contractor must provide necessary DNS TXT record for validation on our

4.22 The Contractor must accept SSL certificate renewal annually on both service provider and
identity provider side.

4.23 For any emails to be used / generated in the new system, HKMU domain must be followed.
The domain of the email is “”.

4.24 New system must be able to meet the online response time requirements as documented in
the table below:
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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Transaction Type Response Time

Mobile App:
Logon System < 1 seconds for 95 percentile
View Records < 5 seconds for 95 percentile
Submission / Approval < 8 seconds for 95 percentile
Backend System:
Logon System < 5 seconds for 95 percentile
View Records < 5 seconds for 95 percentile
Submission / Approval < 8 seconds for 95 percentile

4.25 The Contractor is required to perform Stress Test for the eWorkflow system. The testing
scope will be defined by user. Test Plan, Test Cases and Test Results should be included.
The Contractor should collect, analyze statistics of the Stress Test and give recommendations
to HKMU.

4.26 It should be able to remove the application data of each workflow from the new system
within a certain period of time (to be defined by users). Audit log should be provided.

4.27 The System should provide functionality to generate audit trail reports to record the activities
done by interface jobs / administrators / end-users such as creation, updating and deletion of
records etc. The audit trail reports should display information on update person, update
date, update time, and action taken etc. HKMU staff can print out reports at any time when

4.28 Depend on the rollout time required for production go-live, the Contractor may have to work
in non-office hours.

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The Contractor is required to provide the following documents:-

No. Document Name

1. Project Initiation Document (PID)
2. Project Plan (with key milestones and deliverables)
3. System Design Specification
4. Data Model and Schema on customization and interfaces
5. Program Specification
6. System Rollout Plan
7. System Integration Test Plan, Test Cases, and Test Result (with sufficient screen
8. Stress Test Plan, Test Cases, and Test Result
9. Training Plan and Training Manual
10. User Manual
11. Problem / Issue Log during User Acceptance Test
12. System Configuration and Infrastructure
13. System Workflow Diagram


Tenderer should state clearly any exclusion items in the project.


The Contractor should provide training (at least 2 hours for each session) to HKMU staff
members with video recording required. The training includes:

7.1 System Developer and Administration Training;

7.2 Admin Users Training (4 sessions per phase); and

7.3 End Users Training (2 sessions per phase).

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Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


8.1 Tenderer shall provide sufficient supporting information to prove knowledge and relevant
project experiences.

8.2 Tenderer is required to provide information on clients who have successfully implemented
similar development project.

8.3 Tenderer is required to provide management structure and the number of staff with the
relevant professional qualification and relevant experience for providing the services to


9.1 System configuration, system acceptance test, and system integration test are to be carried
out in the testing environment.

9.2 The Contractor is responsible for system implementation, verifying the setup and
configuration for all test environments and production environment, and carry out necessary
System Integration Test. For System Integration Test, Test Plan, Test Cases and Test
Results should be included.

9.3 The Contractor has to support User Acceptance Test. Pre-production is required as go-live
rehearsal and after that, Contractor requires to perform Production rollout. Depends on the
rollout time required for production go-live, the Contractor may have to work in non-office
hours. Rollout Plan is required.

9.4 At least 1 year free warranty period must be provided after project completion. The
response time will be within 2 hours or 4 hours prior notice depends on issue type, from
Monday to Friday during office hours. The Contractor should provide technical support to
HKMU in relation to the configuration.

Issue Type Response Time

Critical Issues Within 2 hours prior notice from Monday to Friday during office
Non-critical Issues Within 4 hours prior notice from Monday to Friday during office

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10.1 The Contractor shall provide 1 year FREE warranty including the customized programs,
all software and services.

10.2 The warranty shall be commenced from the date of the production system go live.

10.3 The Contractor has to provide maintenance services in warranty period for the application
software related problems / issues. Maintenance and support services should be 5 x 9 x 2
[5 days (Monday to Friday) x 9 hours (09:00-18:00) within 2 hours or 4 hours onsite response]
depending on the issues types. Please refer to Clause 9.4 above for details.

10.4 The Contractor shall provide emergency helpdesk service.

10.5 The Contractor shall provide man-day cost for system modifications, changes and new
enhancements during and after warranty period.

10.6 The Contractor shall perform modifications and upgrading to the System upon request from
HKMU during the warranty period. Costs of such modifications / changes shall be charged
according to Clause 10.5.

10.7 Tenderer shall provide cost estimates of items that are deemed necessary but are not covered
in previous sections.

10.8 Tenderer must quote all costs and charges for this tender, and HKMU reserves the right to
reject any costs or charges that are not included in the specifications of the tender.

10.9 All costs should be in Hong Kong Dollars.

10.10 The schedule of rates should be presented in tabular form.

10.11 Tenderer shall provide 3 years annual system maintenance cost after 1 year FREE warranty
period. This is an optional item.

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11.1 The tender will be assessed on two assessment criteria, namely price and technical. A
composite score with price assessment score of 70% and remaining technical assessment
score of 30% is used. Two-envelope system for tender submission is required (see clause
2 in Notes to Tenderers for details). The score is calculated using the following criteria:-

Price Lowest tender price

assessment = ------------------------------------------------------------- x 70%
score Tender price of the tender offer being assessed

Technical Tenderer mark achieved

assessment = ------------------------------------------------------------ x 30%
score Highest mark achieved among all tender offers

11.2 Price assessment score not less than 70% of total score, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for
one year warranty plus three years of maintenance and support services is to be considered.

11.3 Technical assessment score consists of the following sub-scores:

Assessment Items Assessment Criteria Weighting
1. Relevant Experience / Tenderer should provide supporting 20%
Ability / Track Record information in eWorkflow System
project; staff with relevant project
experience; and management structure

2. Compliance of Business Tenderer should show the compliance 30%

Requirements with all business requirements; and
illustration by user interface prototype

3. Compliance of Technical Tenderer should show the compliance 30%

Requirements with all technical requirements

4. Understanding of Tenderer should able to show the 20%

Requirements understanding of requirements in its

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11.4 Only those tender offers meeting a passing mark at 60 for technical assessment score will
be short-listed for further evaluation. During the tender evaluation process, short-listed
tenderer may be invited for an interview / presentation of their proposal.

11.5 Tenderer is required to provide the Technical Proposal, which should include:-

11.5.1 Tender Schedule with the following items WITHOUT PRICE INFORMATION:-

 Cost Summary Table in Tender Schedule 1 (without price information)

 Specification in Tender Schedule 2
 Documentation in Tender Schedule 3 (without price information)
 Implementation Plan in Tender Schedule 4
 Installation Tests in Tender Schedule 5
 Functional / User Acceptance Tests in Tender Schedule 6
 Sub-Contracts in Tender Schedule 7
 Training Plan in Tender Schedule 8 (without price information)
 Terms of Payment in Tender Schedule 9
 Maintenance Services in Tender Schedule 10 (without price information)
 Information Summary in Tender Schedule 11
 Compliance Checklist in Tender Schedule 12

11.5.2 Company Background including Company Profile, Qualification, Staff Experience and
Certification relation to the System.

11.5.3 Project Reference of companies having similar project scope as stipulated in Clause 8
Tenderer Experience. HKMU may contact them after written notification to the Tenderer.
For each client the following information is required :-

 name of client;
 name, address, telephone and fax number for contact;
 summary of software and hardware (if applicable) used and their interconnection;
 summary of the modules / systems of the standard software systems used and their
 main application; and
 date(s) of installation.

11.6 Tenderer is required to provide the Price Proposal, which should include:-

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11.6.1 Quotations as specified in the Tender Schedule. Quotation by items and service breakdown
should be provided in separate sheet if required.


12.1 Tenderer is strongly advised to attend the tender briefing session before submission of tender
proposals. Details of the briefing session are as follows:

Date: 6 October 2022

Time: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting: MWY0cWtRUT09

Meeting ID: 919 8492 7148

Passcode: 778541

12.2 Attendance of the tender briefing session should be confirmed with Ms Vivian Cheung at
telephone no. 2768 6110 or email to

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Appendices 1 - 18
Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing

and Commissioning and Maintenance
of eWorkflow System for Hong Kong
Metropolitan University

Appendices 1 – 18 - Samples

Page: 1
Appendices 1 - 18
Tender Ref.: MU/PT2866/22
Tender Closing Date: 27 October 2022 (11:00 a.m.)


Name of Application Form / Guideline / Report No. of Pages

1. Application for Sponsorship for Learning and Development Activities 4

2. Guidelines on Sponsorship for Learning and Development Activities / 4

Study Programmes

3. Application for Learning and Development Activities 1

4. Application for Sponsorship for Study Programme 3

5. Form of Approval for Study Programme 1

6. Application for Outside Work 2

7. Guidelines on Outside Work / Community Service 3

8. Application for Community Service (Within Normal Working Hours) 2

9. Form for Declaration of Community Service 1

10. Interview Board Recommendation 1

11. Interview Board Report 3

12. Salary Proposal Template 3

13. Recommendation Form for Decentralized Appointment / Re-appointment 3

14. Salary Proposal for Full Time R&D staff 2

15. Recommendation Form for Re-appointment / Re-employment 12

16. Guidelines on Re-appointment of Staff 5

17. Sub-ARC Review Form for Re-appointment (for Band 5 and below) 7

18. User Satisfaction Questionnaire 2

Page: 2
Appendix 1


Reference No. :
Notes :
1. The personal data provided in this form will be used for processing application for sponsorship of staff learning and
development activities, personnel and University administration, and statistical analysis.
2. The University will keep personal data provided confidential but may need to disclose such to parties relevant and necessary
for the purpose.
3. You may request access to and correction of your personal data held by the University by contacting the HRO or Data
Protection Officer.
4. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may affect the processing of application.
5. Application together with supporting document(s) should be submitted to the HRO at least 1 month before the commencement
date of the activity.
6. For details, please refer to the Guidelines on Sponsorship for Learning and Development Activities/Study Programmes on
Staff Intranet.

Part I – Application (to be completed by the applicant)

Particulars of Applicant

Name : Staff No : School/Office: Post:

Details of Application

Event: Local Conference/Seminar/Workshop Online Conference/Seminar/Workshop Overseas Conference

Event Title :
Event Organizer:
Event Purpose and Theme:
Event Period: From: To:
Event City / Country :

Paper to be presented Yes No

Paper title:

Event Registration Fee:

Source of Supporting Funding: HKMU

Internal Project (Please specify project title and no.: )

External Project (Please specify project title and no.: )

Others (Please specify: )

Staff Development Leave (SDL): Yes No

Period Applied: From: To: ( days)

Acting Appointment Nomination (MB member only)

I nominate to be the acting person for the period from to .

STD 02 (07/2022) 1
Appendix 1

Applicant's Declaration

I certify, to my best knowledge, the above details given by me are true.

I undertake to refund the University the sponsorship received if I fail to serve the required bond service period, or fail to
attend / complete the sponsored activity satisfactorily.

Signature of Applicant Date

Part II – Standard Provision (To be completed by HRO)

Local Conference/Seminar/Workshop Online Conference/Seminar/Workshop

Overseas Conference ( 1st Conference or 2nd Conference during the Academic Year)

Registration Fee: HK$

Passage/Transportation: HK$
Subsistence Allowance: HK$ x nights = HK$
Others: HK$
Total: HK$
Staff Development Leave: days

Prepared by (Name/Post): Date:

Part III – Approval

Recommendation by Principal Investigator

(For research project only)

Recommended Not Recommended

Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name / Post: Date :

STD 02 (07/2022)
Appendix 1

A) Up to HK$10,000 and / or 5 days of SDL

Approval by Dean / Director

Approved Not Approved

Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name / Post: Date :

B) Above HK$10,000 and / or 5 days of SDL

Endorsement by Dean / Director

Endorsed Not Endorsed

Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name / Post: Date :

Approval by Vice President / Provost or above (including acting appointment for MB Member)

Approved Not Approved

STD 02 (07/2022)
Appendix 1
Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name / Post: Date :

Please return the completed form to HRO for processing

STD 02 (07/2022)
Appendix 2

Guidelines on Sponsorship for

Learning and Development Activities / Study Programmes


1. The guidelines set out below shall apply to sponsorship funded by the University to support full-time
staff to undertake learning and development (L&D) activities / study programmes.

2. For applications supported by external funding, please refer to the respective guidelines of the funding
source. If the sponsorship obtained from external funding is less than the sponsorship calculated
based on the University’s guidelines, the applicant may seek partial support from the University to top
up the difference.

3. It should be noted that sponsorship for L&D activities / study programmes is a privilege, not a right.


4. Eligibility for sponsorship of L&D activities / study programmes is defined as follows:

Type of Activities / Programmes Eligibility

Attendance of
 local conference / seminar / workshop;
Full-time staff
 online conference / seminar / workshop;
 overseas conference

Study of Doctoral programme Full-time academic staff

Study of Master’s programme Full-time staff

Study of other study programme under the Qualifications

Full-time staff
Framework (i.e. with a QF level)

Level of Support

5. The following financial sponsorship for L&D activities / study programmes may be provided:

Type Sponsorship
Conference / Seminar
Local or Online
Conference / Seminar / Up to 100% registration fee

Appendix 2

Type Sponsorship
Overseas Conference Paper presenter
A non-accountable allowance per conference comprising the sum of
the following:

A. Registration fee

B. Passage
Asia $2,250
Australia & New Zealand $4,500
Canada, USA & Europe $6,750
Others—To be determined on merits of individual case
*If the applicant travels by means of transportation other than by
air, sponsorship will be 75% of the actual cost.

C. Subsistence allowance
At a fixed rate of $1,200 per night

 The above non-accountable allowance can be flexibly used for

various purposes such as registration fee, passage/
transportation, accommodation and meals.

 Ceiling of non-accountable allowance per conference:

$7,500 (Mainland, Macau & Taiwan) or $15,000 (other areas)

 Up to two overseas conferences per academic year.

 No subsistence allowance will be provided when the cost of

board and lodging (lunch and dinner) is covered by the

 No sponsorship, including subsistence allowance and Staff

Development Leave, will be separately provided for socializing
activities such as cocktail receptions and local tours.

 Subsistence allowance will be reduced to $300 per night if free

accommodation is provided by the organizer.

 Applicant should submit a report (by using the template) to the

President via respective Deans / Directors and HRO within 1
month after the conference.

Non-paper presenter
 Up to 100% registration fee

Appendix 2

Type Sponsorship
Study Programme
 Up to $150,000 or 50% of the total tuition fee, whichever is
the less
Doctoral Programme
 Sponsorship will normally lapse after 7 years from the date of
 Up to $100,000 or 50% of the total tuition fee, whichever is
the less
Master’s Programme
 Sponsorship will normally lapse after 4 years from the date of
Other Study Programme  Up to $50,000 or 50% of the total tuition fee, whichever is the
under the Qualifications less
Framework  Sponsorship will normally lapse after 2 years from the date of
(i.e. with a QF level) enrolment.

6. Staff Development Leave (SDL), as follows, may also be granted:

Staff Category Staff Development Leave

Academic and Administrative Staff Up to 15 days per academic year
General Support Staff Up to 7 days per academic year
[Normally, up to a maximum of 5 days of SDL for L&D activities and study programme per academic year
unless approved by the respective Vice President / Provost / President via Dean / Director.]

Service Bond

7. Staff will be required to undertake a service period, as defined below, after completion of the L&D
activity / study programme:

Amount of Financial Sponsorship Duration of Service Bond

<$50,000 6 months
$50,000 to <$100,000 12 months
≥$100,000 24 months

Application Procedures

8. Staff should submit an application at least 1 month before the commencement date of the L&D activity
/ study programme for approval by the below authority:

Type Approving Authority

Sponsorship L&D Activities
- > $10,000 per application Respective Vice President / Provost /
President via Dean / Director
- Others Respective Dean / Director or above
Study Programmes President via respective Vice President /
Provost via Dean / Director
SDL < 5 days of SDL per academic year Respective Dean / Director or above
> 5 days of SDL per academic year Respective Vice President / Provost /
President via Dean / Director

Appendix 2

9. The approved application should be returned to the HRO, which will then inform the staff concerned
of the result of application.

10. The following considerations, where applicable, should be taken into account in approving the

a) Relevance to applicant’s discipline / work;

b) Benefits to be brought to the University;
c) Number of staff to present a conference paper;
d) Sole or co-authorship of a conference paper; and/or
e) Standing of the university and quality of the study programme.

Claim / Reimbursement Procedures

11. Claim / reimbursement should be made by submitting a claim form to the Finance Office within 1
month upon satisfactory completion of the L&D activity / study programme. Direct payment for
registration / course fee may be arranged by Finance Office upon request.

12. Staff are advised to keep relevant receipts for tax exemption purpose in case of query by the Inland
Revenue Department.

Withdrawal / Refund of Sponsorship

13. The sponsorship granted shall be withdrawn automatically and/or refunded to the University under
the following circumstances:

a) Failure to complete the L&D activity / study programme within the prescribed time frame;
b) Tender of notice of resignation or non-renewal of contract by staff; or
c) Failure to serve out the full service bond period (to be refunded on a pro-rata basis).

14. For cases where the service of the staff is terminated or not renewed by the University, the staff
concerned is not required to refund the sponsorship granted by the University.

Revised July 2022

Human Resources Office

Appendix 3


(前身為香港公開大學 Formerly The Open University of Hong Kong)

TO : <Title> <Name>, <Post> <School/Office Short Form>

CC : <Dean/Director> Reference No. : xxx
Finance and Facilities Management Office Booking ID : xxx

Decision on Application for Learning and Development Activities

Your application for the following Programme is :-

Approved Not Approved

Details of sponsorship are as follows :-

Local Conference/Seminar/Workshop Online Conference/Seminar/Workshop

Overseas Conference ( 1st Conference or 2nd Conference during the Academic Year)

Name of Programme : <Conference name> (<City>, <Country>)

Period of Programme : <Date>

Amount of Sponsorship : <Amount> [<Funding source>][supported by external sponsorship]

<Amount> [supported by HKMU]

Supported by: Staff Development and Duty Visit Budget

Sino-British Fellowship Trust
OSH Budget

Travel Insurance : A summary of the terms of Group Travel Insurance Policy can be found at here

Staff Development Leave : From <date> to <date> ( x days)

[Balance of Leave after the event x days as at 31 August 202X.]

Undertaking : To undertake x months of service with the University after the completion
of the activity.
To complete the L&D activity within the prescribed time frame, otherwise all
financial sponsorship will be withdrawn.
To submit a report to the President via HRO and your Dean/Director within one
month after the activity (for attending Overseas Conference only).
Remarks (if any) :

Signature : Date : <Date>

Post : <Post>, Human Resources Office

Notes on Registration & Payment Procedures for Learining and Development Activities
1. You should register the approved activity with the organizer.
2. You should complete and submit the “Payment Request Form” to FFMO with invoices addressed to “Hong Kong Metropolitan University”
at least one week before the activity for arranging direct payment.
3. Alternatively, you may claim reimbursement by completing the “Claim/Reimbursement Form” within 1 month upon satisfactory completion
of the activity.
Appendix 4


Reference No. :

Notes :
1. The personal data provided in this form will be used for processing application for sponsorship of study programme, personnel
and University administration, and statistical analysis.
2. The University will keep personal data provided confidential but may need to disclose such to parties relevant and necessary
for the purpose.
3. You may request access to and correction of your personal data held by the University by contacting the HRO or Data
Protection Officer.
4. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may affect the processing of application.
5. Application together with supporting document(s) should be submitted to the HRO at least 1 month before the commencement
date of the activity.
6. For details, please refer to the Guidelines on Sponsorship for Learning and Development Activities/Study Programmes on
Staff Intranet.

Part I – Application (to be completed by the applicant)

Particulars of Applicant

Name : Staff No : School/Office: Post:

Details of Application

Study Programme: Doctoral Programme Master’s Programme

Others Study Programme in the Qualifications Framework (i.e. with a QF level)
(Please specify: )
Name of Study Programme:
University / Education Institution:
Programme Period: From: To: :
Total Tuition Fee for the Programme:
Relevancy to discipline / work and benefits to be brought to the University for study of the programme:

STD 02 (07/2022) 1
Appendix 4

Applicant's Declaration

I certify, to my best knowledge, the above details given by me are true.

I undertake to refund the University for the full / pro-rata sponsorship received if I fail to serve out the full or part of the
required bond service period after completion of the study programme.

Signature of Applicant Date

Part II – Standard Provision (To be completed by HRO)

Sponsorship for Tuition Fee: HK$

Prepared by (Name/Post): Date:

Part III – Approval

Recommendation by Dean / Director

Recommended Not Recommended

Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name /Post: Date :

Endorsement by Respective Vice President / Provost

Endorsed Not Endorsed

Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name /Post: Date :

Approval by President

Approved Not Approved

STD 02 (07/2022) 2
Appendix 4
Remarks (if any)

Signature : Name /Post: Date :

Please return the completed form to HRO for processing

STD 02 (07/2022)
Appendix 5

(前身為香港公開大學 Formerly The Open University of Hong Kong)

TO : <Title> <Name>, <Post> <School/Office Short Form>

CC : <Dean/Director> Reference No. : xxx
Finance and Facilities Management Office Booking ID : xxx

Decision on Application for Study Programme

Your application for the following Programme is :-

Approved Not Approved

Details of sponsorship are as follows :-

Doctoral Programme Master’s Programme Others Study Programme in the Qualifications

Framework (i.e. with a QF level)
Name of Programme : <Name of Programme> (<Name of University>, <Country>)

Period of Programme : <XXX 2021 – XXX 2024>

Amount of Sponsorship : <Amount>

Doctoral Programme: Tuition fee up to HK$150,000 or 50% of the total

tuition fee, whichever is the less
Master’s Programme: Tuition fee up to HK$100,000 or 50% of the total
tuition fee, whichever is the less
Others Study Programme in the Tuition fee up to HK$50,000 or 50% of the total
Qualifications Framework: tuition fee, whichever is the less
(i.e. with a QF level)

Staff Development Leave : From <date> to <date> ( x days)

[Balance of Leave after the event x days as at 31 August 202X.]

Undertaking : To undertake x months of service with the University after the completion
of the activity/programme.
To full/satisfactorily complete the study programme, otherwise all financial
sponsorship will be withdrawn (if any)
To complete the study programme within the prescribed time frame, otherwise
all financial sponsorship will be withdrawn.
Remarks (if any) :

Signature : Date : <Date>

Post : <Post>, Human Resources Office

Notes on Payment Procedures for Study Programme

1. You should register the approved activity with the organizer.
2. Alternatively, you may claim reimbursement by completing the “Claim/Reimbursement Form” within 1 month upon satisfactory completion
of the programme.

Appendix 6


Notes :
1. The personal data provided on this form will be used for processing application for outside work, personnel and University
administration as well as report and analysis.
2. The University will keep the personal data provided confidential but may need to disclose such to parties relevant and necessary
for the purpose as stated in point 1 above.
3. You may request access to and correction of your personal data held by the University by contacting the HRO or the Data
Protection Officer.
4. This form should be submitted together with relevant supporting documents, if any, to HRO well before the commencement
date of outside work. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may affect the processing of the application.
5. For details, please refer to Guidelines on Outside Work/Community Service on Staff Intranet.

Part I – To be completed by applicant

Particulars of Applicant

Name : ________________ Staff No : ________ School/Office : __________ Post : _____________________

Details of Application

Employing organization :

Post & nature of work :

Period : From To

Within normal working hours : Yes No

If yes, annual leave to be taken : From To ( ___ days)

Total no. of hours by academic year :

*Estimated income by academic year :

*Note: Please submit the income proof to HRO after the completion of the outside work applied.

Applicant's Declaration

I certify, to my best knowledge, the above details given by me are true.

I declare that the above outside work will not pose any conflict of interest with my official duties and/or adversely
affect my performance in the University.

Signature of Applicant : Date :

Appendix 6

Part II – To be completed by HRO

Cumulative outside work Cumulative outside work

hours by academic year income by academic year

Signature Name/Post Date

Part III – To be completed by Dean/Director or above

Dean/Director or above President/Provost/Vice President

Endorsed/Approved * Approved

Not Endorsed/Not Approved * Not Approved

Remarks : Remarks :

Signature : Signature :

Name/Post : Name/Post :

Date : Date :
*delete as appropriate

Please return the completed form to HRO for processing.


Hours of Outside Work/

Level of Staff Approving Authority
Level of Remuneration
≤ 40 hours and ≤ $10,000 per appointment
subject to a cumulative total ≤ 120 hours and Respective Dean/Director or above
Below Dean/Director ≤ $60,000 by academic year
Respective Vice President/Provost
or President
Respective Vice President/Provost
Dean/Director or above All cases
or President

Aggregated Gross Income (per academic year) Income Sharing with the University
Up to HK$60,000 Nil
> HK$60,000 30%
> HK$140,000 50%

Human Resources Office
November 2021
Appendix 7

Guidelines on Outside Work/Community Service


1. The below guidelines aim to supplement the relevant section on outside work/community
service as contained in the “Terms and Conditions of Service for Full-time Staff”.

2. Outside work is defined as remunerated activities that are organized other than by the
University such as teaching or training, making speech, acting as external
examiner/assessor, moderator, reviewer, setter, marker, consultancy, authorship of
books/publications, holding of office including directorship or advisorship, and provision
of services as an expert advisor or witness.

3. For avoidance of doubts, outside work does not include any remunerated activities
organized by the University. Normally, full-time staff should not be allowed to take up
any remunerated temporary, part-time or other appointments with the University. If the
appointment has to be made due to special operational needs, exceptional approval must be
sought from the President.

4. The annual hourly limit for undertaking outside work, whether it is performed within or
outside normal working hours, shall normally not exceed a total of 120 hours per academic
year (i.e. 1 September to 31 August).

5. Community service is defined as non-remunerated activities that are performed for the
benefit of the public, provision of professional advice/service or occasional lectures to
governments, government subvented organizations, public organizations or other
organizations such as not-for-profit education or professional institutions. Examples of
community service are acting as speaker, panel/committee/council member,
chairperson/vice-chairperson, and honorary secretary in those organizations.

6. A staff member should avoid any outside activity which may impair the performance of
his/her duties, distract his/her attention from them or give rise to a conflict of interest.

7. Any staff engaged in outside work/community service, whether or not permission has been
granted, shall be acting as an individual and not as an agent or employee of the University
or on behalf of the University, and no liability whatsoever may be attached to the University
in respect of his/her engagement in outside work/community service.

Application Procedures

8. Application for undertaking outside work should be submitted for approval prior to the
commencement date via the HRO, as follows:

Appendix 7
Hours of Outside Work Approving Authority
/ Level of Remuneration
≤ 40 hours and ≤ $10,000 per appointment Respective Deans/Directors or above
subject to a cumulative total ≤ 120 hours
and ≤ $60,000 per academic year

Others Vice President/Provost or above

9. For community service, if it is to be performed within normal working hours, application

should be submitted for approval by the respective Deans/Directors or above prior to the
commencement date.

10. If the community service is to be performed outside normal working hours, only an annual
declaration is required. The HRO will issue a reminder to staff for declaration by the end
of each academic year (i.e. 31 August).

11. Upon receipt of the applications, the approving authority shall take into account the
followings in approving the applications:

a) whether the outside work/community service would pose a conflict of interest with the
staff’s official duties and/or adversely affect his/her performance in the University;
b) whether the outside work is to be performed within normal working hours, if so, the
staff member shall be required to take annual leave to cover the absence; and
c) whether the community service is to be performed within normal working hours, if so,
the need for the staff member to take annual leave to cover the absence.

12. The approved application should be returned to the HRO, which will then inform the staff
concerned the result of application.

13. An annual report on outside work/community service undertaken by staff members will be
compiled by the HRO for respective Deans/Directors’ information after the completion of
each academic year.

Income Sharing Arrangements

14. For any outside work undertaken by staff, the total gross income in a year (i.e. between 1
September and 31 August) shall be shared between the staff concerned and the University,
as follows:

Total Gross Income Sharing Proportion

(per year) (Staff : University)
Up to HK$60,000 100:Nil
> HK$60,000 70:30
> HK$140,000 50:50

15. Royalties or fees derived from a staff member’s publication produced during his/her
employment with the University shall also be subject to income sharing.

16. Any payment-in-kind received for undertaking outside work or community service, e.g. air
tickets and hotel accommodation, should be reported and approved by the President.

Appendix 7

17. Staff concerned shall be required to settle any amount due to the University within one
month upon receipt of the demand note issued by the Finance and Facilities Management
Office. Departing staff are required to settle any amount due before his/her last day of

Human Resources Office

April 2019

Appendix 8



Notes :
1. The personal data provided on this form will be used for processing application for community service within normal
working hour, personnel and University administration as well as report and analysis.
2. The University will keep the personal data provided confidential but may need to disclose such to parties relevant
and necessary for the purpose as stated in point 1 above.
3. You may request access to and correction of your personal data held by the University by contacting the HRO or the
Data Protection Officer.
4. This form should be submitted together with relevant supporting documents, if any, to HRO well before the
commencement date of community service. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may affect
the processing of the application.
5. For community service performed outside a staff member’s normal working hour, only an annual declaration is
6. For details, please refer to Guidelines on Outside Work/Community Service on Staff Intranet.

Part I – To be completed by applicant

Particulars of Applicant

Name : _______________ Staff No : ________ School/Office : ________ Post : _______________

Details of Application

Organization :

Post & nature of work :

Period : From To

Annual leave to be taken : From To ( ___ days)

Acting Appointment Nomination (for MB members only)

I nominate to be the acting person for the period from to .

Applicant's Declaration

I certify, to my best knowledge, the above details given by me are true.

I declare that the above community service will not pose any conflict of interest with my official duties
and/or adversely affect my performance in the University.

Appendix 8
Signature of Applicant : Date :

Part II – To be completed by Dean/Director or above

Approved and the applicant is/is not* required to take annual leave to cover his/her absence.

Not Approved

Remarks :

Signature :

Name/Post :

Date :
*delete as appropriate

Please return the completed form to HRO for processing.

Human Resources Office

November 2021

Appendix 9

Declaration of Community Service (Outside normal working hours)

(1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022)

Note :

1. You must provide the information as required by this form if you have undertaken community service # outside
normal working hours between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022 except those which have already been
approved. Failure to provide complete and accurate data may constitute a breach of the “Terms and Conditions
of Service”.
2. Your personal data provided will be handled in accordance with the prevailing data protection policy.

# Community service is defined as non-remunerated activities that are performed for the benefit of the public,
provision of professional advice / service or occasional lectures to governments, government subvented
organizations, public organizations or other organizations such as not-for-profit education or professional
institutions. Examples of community service are acting as speaker, panel / committee / council member,
chairperson / vice-chairperson, and honorary secretary in those organizations.

Community Service (Outside normal working hours)

Name of Organization Capacity


Name of staff:

Appendix 10

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Interview Board Recommendation


Name of Candidate Appointable Priority Remarks

(Y/N) (if (e.g. appointed at a lower rank)

Chairperson Member
<Name> <Name>
<Post> <Post>

Member Member
<Name> <Name>
<Post> <Post>

Sep 2021
Appendix 11

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Interview Board Report

I. Post Details

Post : <Post Title>

Band : < Band>
School/Office :
No. of Vacancy :
Funding Source : Core
Internal Project:
External Project:

II. Sourcing

Channel(s) : Open Recruitment

Internal Recruitment
No. of Applications Received :

III. Selection Process

Trade Test (if applicable)

Date No. of Candidate Invited No. of Candidate Attended

Date No. of Candidate Invited No. of Candidate Attended

Interview Board Composition



IV. Declaration of Personal Knowledge / Conflict of Interest (if any)

Name of Staff Name of Candidate Relationship

Page 1 of 3
Appendix 11
V. Recommendation

Name Appointable Order of Priority Remarks

(Y/N) (if applicable) (e.g. appointed at a lower rank)

Reasons for the Board Recommendation:

Prepared by: Recommended by:

Name: Name:
Secretary Chairperson
Date: Date:

Page 2 of 3
Appendix 11
VI. Endorsement & Approval

Remark (if any):

<Director (HR) / Assistant Director (HR)>

Approved Not approved

Remark (if any):

Approved by: Date:

<Provost/Vice President (Resources
& Development)/
Vice President (Students &

Page 3 of 3
Appendix 12 Confidential
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Salary Proposal

Name of Candidate :

I. Post Details

Post : Professor II
Band : FT RD RA
School/Office : School of Arts and Social Sciences
Contract Duration : 2-year
Funding Source : Core (Please specify:)

II. Academic Qualifications (in chronological order)

Date of Award (mm/yy) Qualification Obtained Name of Institution





III. Work Experience (in chronological order)

From To Name of Company Last Position Held Years of

(mm/yy) (mm/yy) Experience

02/02 03/05 3 yrs 1 mth

04/05 10/07 2 yrs 6 mths

04/05 10/07 2 yrs 6 mths

04/05 10/07 3 yrs 0 mth

04/05 10/07 2 yrs 6 mths

12/07 08/08 0 yr 8 mths

09/08 08/10 2 yrs 0 mth

07/14 present 8 yrs 3 mths

Total Years of Experience: 28 yrs 9 mths
Total Relevant Years of
4 yrs 3 mths

IV. Current or Last Monthly Pay Package

Basic Salary (i.e. Name of Company) : $ 23,000

Fixed Allowance : $ ---
Guaranteed Bonus : $ ---
Gratuity / MPF contribution by employer : $ 1,150
Commission / Discretionary Bonus : $ ---
Others (please specify:__________) : $ ---
Total (A) : $ 24,150

Page 1 of 3
Appendix 12
Expected Monthly Salary : $ 20,000

V. Proposed Monthly Offer

Basic Salary of the Post : #REF! (Mid.-pt. ##

Basic Salary : $ 20,000 to 41,000

CCA/Housing Benefits (Band 6 or above) : $ #REF! to #REF!
Gratuity / MPF contribution by employer : $ 2,000 to 4,100
Total (B) : $ #REF! to #REF!

Difference (B - A) : #REF! to #REF!

#REF! to #REF!

One-off Relocation Assistance (for eligible : $ 20,000

appointees who has normally been residing
outside HK at academic Band 6 or above, if

Remarks (if any):

Recommended by: Date:

Ms xxx xxx
Human Resources Officer

Page 2 of 3
Appendix 12
VI. Endorsement & Approval

Remarks (if any):

Ms xxx xxx
Human Resources Manager

Remarks (if any):

Mr xxx xxx
Director (HR)

Remarks (if any):

Professor xxx xxxx

Approved Not approved

Remarks (if any):

Approved by: Date:

Professor xxx xxx

Page 3 of 3
Appendix 13
Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Recommendation Form for Decentralized Appointment/Re-appointment

I. Post Details

Post : <1. Post Title>

School/ Office : <2. School/Office>
No. of Vacancy : <3. System generated>
Course (if any) : <4. Course Code & Course Subject>
Presentation/Intake (if any) : <5. Presentation>

II. Sourcing

Channel(s) : <5A. □ Open Recruitment

□ Internal Referral
□ Invited Application
□ Re-appointment
□ Direct Appointment>
No. of Applications Received : <6. Number of applications received>

III. Selection Process

□ Paper Assessment (Applicable to direct appointment only)

Justifications: ______________________________________________________________________________

□ Trade Test (if applicable)

Date No. of Candidates Invited No. of Candidates Attended

□ Interview
Date No. of Candidates Invited No. of Candidates Attended
<15. Interview Date> <16. No of Candidates Invited>

Interview Board Composition

Chairperson <7. System generated>

Member(s) <8. System generated>

Secretary <9. System generated>

IV. Declaration of Personal Knowledge/Conflict of Interest (if any)

Name of Staff* Name of Candidate Relationship

*Staff who are involved in paper assessment, trade test and/or interview

Page 1 of 3
Appendix 13

V. Recommendation

Name Appointability Order of Salary Offer Sourcing Channel

(Y/N) Priority (for post on salary

<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
<10. System generated> <11. System generated> <12. System generated> <13. System generated>
# For full-time R&D post, please complete the salary proposal form (click here).

Justifications for the recommendation:

Recommended by:

(Chairperson/ Recommending Officer)

Page 2 of 3
Appendix 13

VI. Approval#

□ Approved □ Not Approved

Comments (if any):

Post: <14. Dean/Director or his/her nominee>

For case involving conflict of interest, approval by the President is required.

 Job Application Form(s) and C.V.(s)
 Trade Test Question(s) & Answer Script(s) (if any)
 Recruitment Advertisement (if any)
 Others (if any)

Page 3 of 3
Appendix 14 Confidential

Salary Proposal (for Full-time R&D Staff)

Name of Candidate :

1. Post Details:

Post :
School / Office :
Contract Duration :
Funding Source : <Name of Research Grant/Project> (Period: from mm/yyyy to mm/yyyy)

2. Academic Qualifications (in chronological order)

Date of Award (mm/yy) Qualification Obtained Name of Institution

3. Work Experience (in chronological order)

From To Name of Company Last Position Held Years of

(mm/yy) (mm/yy) Experience
yr mth

yr mth

yr mth

yr mth

yr mth

Total Years of Experience: yr mth

Total Relevant Years of yr mth


Page 1 of 2
Appendix 14
4. Salary Offer

Pay range : HK$ to HK$

Expected Salary : HK$

Current/Last Pay Proposed Pay

Package (HK$) Package (HK$)
Basic Salary
Gratuity/ Employer's MPF contribution
Other (please specify: )
Enhancement/Loss (%) #DIV/0!

Justification for the recommendation

Recommended By: Date:

<Name of Board Chairperson/ PI>
<Post Name>

5. Approval #

Approved Not approved

Remarks (if any):

Approved By: Date:

<Name of Dean/Director>
<Post Name>

# For Research Fellow, if the salary offer exceeds the mid-point, Provost’s approval shall be sought.

- Copy of Recommendation Form for Decentralized Appointment or Re-appointment
- Copy of Candidate's Job Application Form & C.V.

Page 2 of 2

Recommendation Form for Re-appointment / Re-employment

Notes to Recommending Officer

1. For Non-core and Project Staff
 The Human Resources Office will liaise in advance with the respective Recommending Authority
on the continuing service need of the staff concerned and the funding available to support the
re-appointment. If not, the Recommending Authority should inform the staff concerned on the
decision of non-reappointment. No Recommendation Form is required to be completed by either

2. Re-appointment
 Staff concerned should be requested to complete Part 2 to indicate his / her intention to be
 If the staff concerned DOES NOT wish to seek for re-appointment, the Form will be returned to
the Human Resources Office.
 If the staff concerned wishes to seek for re-appointment, the Recommending Officer shall
complete Part 3 to provide justifications for the recommendation and suggested areas for
improvements and development.
 The Recommending Officer should schedule a meeting with the staff concerned to discuss the
 The staff concerned should provide feedback on the recommendation by completing Part 4.

3. Re-employment beyond normal retirement age (NRA)

 HRO will liaise in advance with the respective Dean / Director on his / her intention to offer
re-employment of staff beyond NRA.
 If the Dean / Director intends to recommend the re-employment, he / she should consult the
respective Vice President / Provost / President on the proposed re-employment.
 If agreed, HRO will issue the Form to the staff concerned who should complete Part 2 to indicate
his / her intention to be re-employed.
 If the staff concerned wishes to seek for re-employment, the Recommending Officer shall complete
Part 3 to provide justifications for the recommendation and suggested areas for improvements
and development.
 The Recommending Officer should schedule a meeting with the staff concerned to discuss the
 The staff concerned should provide feedback on the recommendation by completing Part 4.

For details, please refer to the prevailing guidelines.

PART 1 - Personal Particulars

(i) Name: «Name»

(ii) Band: «Band»

(iii) Post: «Display_Post»

Page 1 of 12
Appendix 15
(iv) Other title (if any): «Other_Title»

(v) School/Office: «Unit»

(vi) Joined date: «First_Fulltime_Appointment_Date»

(vii) Date of present appointment: «Date_of_Present_Position»

(viii) Contract period (last 2 contracts):

«Contract1» «Post1»

«Contract2» «Post2»

(ix) Age at the end of current contract1: «Contract_End_Age»

(x) Date of birth1: «Date_Of_Birth»

(xi) Academic qualifications:










(xii) Overall ratings of the last 3 appraisal reports (if applicable):

Period Rating

«Performance1» «Rate1»

«Performance2» «Rate2»

«Performance3» «Rate3»

Display only if the incumbent has reached the age of 52 or above.

Page 2 of 12
Appendix 15
PART 2 - Staff’s Intention for Re-appointment / Re-employment

I wish to seek for re-appointment / re-employment.

I do not wish to seek for re-appointment / re-employment. (No further action shall be taken.)

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date

Page 3 of 12
Appendix 15
PART 3 - Recommendation for Re-appointment / Re-employment

3.1 Staff’s Major Responsibilities

(Please upload additional attachment if exceeding text box limit)

Page 4 of 12
Appendix 15
3.2 Recommendation (Please tick the appropriate box)

 Staff with consistently good performance should normally be offered a 3-year contract. They
should receive “B” ratings or above consecutively in their appraisals for the past 3 years, where
applicable. Otherwise, detailed justifications should be provided in Part 3.3.
 The recommended contract end date should tie in with the end date of a semester (i.e. 31 January or
31 August), or the nearest semester immediately after reaching NRA of 60, where appropriate.
 For re-employment beyond NRA, the duration of a contract should normally be up to 2 years and
capped on the day immediately before reaching 66.

(i) Recommended

Re-appointment from to .

Extension of service (less than 1 year) from to .

Re-employment beyond normal retirement age (up to 2 years) from

to .
Others (Please specify: .)

(ii) Not recommended

Page 5 of 12
Appendix 15
3.3 Justifications for the Recommendation
(Please upload additional attachment if exceeding text box limit)
1. Re-appointment
 For academic staff, information such as teaching load, academic achievement, course evaluation
results, scholarly / research outputs/activities, grants submitted / obtained and contribution to
strategic goals of School and University
 For non-academic staff, information such as workload, major work accomplishments and user
feedback / satisfaction
 Long-term service need for the post

2. Re-employment beyond NRA

 Uniqueness of academic / professional expertise and experience required, and availability of the
talents in the University / market

Page 6 of 12
Appendix 15

Page 7 of 12
Appendix 15
3.4 Suggested Areas for Improvements, Development, Advancement, Growth and Activities

Page 8 of 12
Appendix 15
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
(Please upload additional attachment if exceeding text box limit)

 A conflict of interest situation arises when the “private interests” of the Recommending Officer
compete or conflict with the interests of the University, giving rise to criticism of favoritism, abuse of
authority or situations which may compromise their judgement or integrity.
 Private interests may include financial and other interests of the Recommending Officer and those of
his/her connections such as family members, personal friends, research collaborators, business
partners and clubs or societies to which he/she belongs.

No, neither I nor my connections have any direct or indirect private interest which competes or
conflicts with the interests of the University.

Yes, I/my connections have engaged in activities that might have potential conflict of interest. I
would like to declare the potential conflict of interest situation as follows:

Page 9 of 12
Appendix 15
Completed by:

Signature Name of Recommending Officer Date

Endorsed by:

Signature Name of Endorser Date

Reviewed by:

Signature Name of Reviewer Date

Note: The Recommending Officer should schedule a meeting with the staff concerned to discuss the

Page 10 of 12
Appendix 15
PART 4 - Staff’s Feedback on the Recommendation
(Please upload additional attachment if exceeding text box limit)

I have read and discussed the recommendation on my re-appointment / re-employment with my

Recommending Officer on <DATE> , and have the following comments to be made:

Page 11 of 12
Appendix 15

Signature Name of Staff Date

Acknowledged by:

Signature Name of Recommending Officer Date

Signature Name of Endorser Date

Signature Name of Reviewer Date

Page 12 of 12
Appendix 16

Guidelines on Re-appointment of Staff

I) Guidelines

1. The guidelines shall apply to the re-appointment of full-time staff on 1-year contract or
above (excluding full-time R&D staff).

2. The normal contract duration for appointment and re-appointment of full-time staff is as

MB Members Academic Staff*
Initial Contract 3 years 2 years
Up to 4 years
Re-appointment Up to 3 years Up to 3 years
*A rigorous assessment will be conducted to assess their suitability for continuing
employment with the University before the completion of the 3 plus 3-year contracts for
Assistant Professor (Band 6) or above.

3. In recommending the duration of re-appointment to be offered, apart from considering

the continuing service needs, the Recommending Authority should ensure that only staff
with consistently good performance should be offered a 3-year contract. Normally, they
should receive “B” ratings or above consecutively in their appraisals for the past 3 years,
where applicable.

4. For staff whose performance is marginal or less than satisfactory (i.e. “D” rating or below),
counselling and coaching should be provided to the staff concerned to help improve his /
her performance to meet the required standards. Should he / she fail to meet the required
standards within a reasonable period of time, say 3 to 6 months, his/her contract of service
should be discontinued. Offer of a 1-year re-appointment repeatedly to marginal or less
satisfactory performers should be avoided.

5. Normally, the end date of a contract shall tie in with the end date of a semester (i.e. 31
January or 31 August), or the nearest semester immediately after reaching normal
retirement age (“NRA”) of 60, where appropriate. For re-employment beyond NRA,
please refer to the Guidelines on Employment and Re-employment beyond Normal
Retirement Age.

Appendix 16

II) Procedures

6. In January and June every year, Human Resources Office (“HRO”) will provide a list on
staff due for re-appointment together with the “Recommendation Form for Re-
appointment or Re-employment beyond NRA” (“Recommendation Form”) to the
respective Deans / Directors or above for completion. The Recommending and
Approval Authority are as follows:

Rank /Band Recommending Authority Approving Authority

Vice President (VP) / Human Resources
Provost Committee (HRC)
Respective Dean / Director Appointment Review
Bands 6 to 9
or above Committee (ARC)
Respective VP / Provost /
Respective Dean / Director President via Sub-
Bands 5 & below
or above Appointment Review
Committee (Sub-ARC)
[Note: ARC and Sub-ARC will meet twice a year, normally in February and July, to consider and
review the recommendations. The terms of reference and composition of the ARC and Sub-ARC
are given in Appendices I and II respectively.]

7. For re-appointment of non-Core or Project staff, Human Resources Office will liaise in
advance with the respective Recommending Authority on the continuing service need of
the staff concerned and the funding available to support the re-appointment. If not, the
Recommending Authority should inform the staff concerned on the decision of non-re-
appointment. No Recommendation Form is required to be completed by either party.

8. HRO will send out the Recommendation Forms to the staff concerned for their indication
of the intention for re-appointment. If the staff concerned indicates that he / she does not
wish to seek for re-appointment, the Form will be returned to HRO for follow up actions
(e.g. termination and / or replacement arrangements).

9. If the staff concerned wishes to seek for re-appointment, the Recommending Authority
should complete the Recommendation Form by providing justifications including
performance of the staff concerned, continuing service need and budget / funding for the
post. For academic staff, information such as his / her teaching load, academic
achievements, course evaluation results, scholarly / research outputs / activities, grants
applied / obtained and an updated C.V. should be provided. For non-academic staff,
information such as his / her workload, major work accomplishments and user feedback /
satisfaction should be provided.

10. Apart from providing positive comments on the performance of the staff concerned, a more
holistic, objective and candid assessment of his / her performance for continuous

Appendix 16

improvement should be provided, including suggested areas for improvements,

development, advancement, growth and activities.

11. To avoid conflict of interest, declaration should be made in the Recommendation Form on
whether the Recommending Authority has any conflict of interest with the staff concerned.
A conflict of interest situation arises when the “private interests” of the recommending
authority compete or conflict with the interests of the University, give rise to criticism of
favoritism, abuse of authority or situations which compromise their judgment or integrity.

12. Before submitting the recommendation to the Approving Authority, the Recommending
Authority should schedule a meeting with the staff concerned to discuss the
recommendation. The staff concerned should provide his / her feedback on the
Recommendation Form, which should be acknowledged and signed by the Recommending
Authority. The completed Forms should be submitted to the respective Approving
Authority for review and approval via HRO.

13. Upon approval of the recommendations, HRO will follow-up with the necessary re-
appointment formalities.

14. The decision of re-appointment made by respective approval authority is final.

Human Resources Office

(Revised in July 2022)

Appendix 16

Appendix I

Appointment Review Committee (ARC)

Terms of reference

1. To consider and approve recommendations for re-appointment of staff at Band 6 & above
(up to Deans / Directors);

2. To consider and approve recommendations for re-employment of staff beyond normal

retirement age for all full-time staff;

3. To approve the composition of sub-Appointment Review Committees (sub-ARCs) on

recommendation of the Deans / Directors; and

4. To receive reports on re-appointment of staff at Band 5 or below as approved by the Vice

Presidents / Provost / President on recommendation of the sub-ARCs.


Chairperson: President
Members : - Chairperson of the Human Resources Committee or his / her nominee*
- Provost
- Vice Presidents
- A Senate member nominated by the Senate
- An MB member nominated by MB
- A staff member nominated by the President
Secretary: Director of Human Resources
[*For re-appointment / re-employment of MB members only]

Appendix 16

Appendix II

Sub-Appointment Review Committee (Sub-ARC)

Terms of Reference

 To consider and review the recommendations of re-appointment of staff at Band 5 & below
for approval by respective Vice Presidents, Provost or President


Chairperson: Dean / Director or above

Members: - At least one member* from the School / Office to be nominated by the
Dean / Director or above
- One member* from outside the School / Office to be nominated by the
Dean / Director or above

*Members of the Sub-ARC should normally be at Academic Band 7 (for Schools) or Non-
academic Band 6 (for Offices). Should no suitable staff at appropriate rank be identified,
staff at a lower rank (i.e. Academic Band 6 for Schools / Non-Academic Band 5 for Offices)
may be nominated.

Appendix 17

Sub-ARC Review Form for Re-appointment (for Band 5 & below)

School / Office:

Composition of Sub-ARC

Face-to-face meeting: (Date: )

Paper circulation: (Date: )
(Note: For recommendation involving non-re-appointment, a meeting should be convened.)
PART 1 – Summary of Re-appointment Cases
Staff Personal Particulars Recommending Officer Sub-ARC
No. Staff Name Age * Overall Recommendation Recommended Endorsement Remarks (if any)
Post Ratings for Contract Period (If recommendation is not endorsed, reasons not
(Band) Last 3 to support the recommendation should be
Appraisals recorded.)
e.g. Mr Chan Tai-man 53 20/21 (B*) Recommended 1 Sep 2021 to Endorsed
HRM 19/20 (B*) Not Recommended 31 Aug 2024 Not endorsed
(Band 5) 18/19 (B)
1 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

Please tick the appropriate box

* Display only if the incumbent has reached the age of 52 or above.
Appendix 17

Staff Personal Particulars Recommending Officer Sub-ARC

No. Staff Name Age * Overall Recommendation Recommended Endorsement Remarks (if any)
Post Ratings for Contract Period (If recommendation is not endorsed, reasons not
(Band) Last 3 to support the recommendation should be
Appraisals recorded.)
2 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

3 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

4 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

5 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

6 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

7 Recommended Endorsed
Not Recommended Not endorsed

* Display only if the incumbent has reached the age of 52 or above.

Appendix 17
PART 2 – Overall Comments (if any) (To be completed by Sub-ARC)

Declaration of Conflict of Interest (if any):

Appendix 17

Prepared by:

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date

Recommended by:

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date
Chairperson of Sub-ARC

Appendix 17
PART 3 – Remarks by HRO (if any)

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date
<<Human Resources
Manager/Assistant Human
Resources Manager>>

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date
<<Assistant Director of
Human Resources>>

Appendix 17

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date
<<Director of Human

Appendix 17
PART 4 – Approval by President/Provost/VPs


Approved except for case(s) no.

Not approved

Remarks (if any):

<<Name >>
Signature Name of Staff Date
President (Resources &
Development)/ Vice President
(Students & Support)>>

Appendix 18
User Satisfaction Questionnaire

Notes :
1. The data collected in this form will be used for the purpose of University administration, and compilation of statistics
and analysis.
2. The University will keep the data collected confidential but may need to disclose such to parties relevant and
necessary for the purpose as stated in point 1 above.
3. The completed form shall be destroyed after the completion of the re-appointment / re-employment exercise.

Staff being considered for re-appointment / re-employment

Name: Post: School/Office:

Please circle the level of satisfaction in the scale of 1 - 5.

1. Service Attitude
Unsatisfactory Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5


2. Quality of Work
Unsatisfactory Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5


3. Professional Knowledge
Unsatisfactory Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5


Appendix 18

4. Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Unsatisfactory Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5


5. Overall Satisfaction
Unsatisfactory Very Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5


6. Other Comments (if any)

Completed by:

Signature: Date:
Name: Post:

- END-

Please return the completed questionnaire to HRO for processing. In case the staff member
being considered is the Director of Human Resources, the questionnaire should be returned to
the respective Vice President.

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