6 Best Practices To Communicate It Value

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6 Best Practices for

Communicating the
Business Value of IT
Hint: the key is to first understand your IT costs

Executive summary
Are business unit (BU) stakeholders asking questions like, “Why is IT so
expensive?”, “Why are costs increasing?”, and “Shouldn’t we move to
the cloud?” Do they see technology expenses as your IT costs—not as
investments that empower their business? IT costs are ultimately driven by
BU choices regarding consumption of and investment in IT offerings. But
when BUs lack visibility into the impacts of their consumption choices on
total IT costs, they tend to demand more without sufficient funding, which
drives higher fixed run costs that crowd out investment for innovation.
When business partners see vague buckets of technology cost instead of
the applications and services they rely on and can assign value to, they
question the value of IT. Because BUs don’t understand their share of IT
costs and what levers they can pull to change them, there is friction instead
of prioritization, feeding perceptions that IT is the “department of no.”

It doesn’t have to be this way! IT leaders everywhere follow the principles

of Technology Business Management (TBM) to maximize the business value
from every IT dollar. TBM started with a focus on IT costs and planning for an
on-premises, data center-focused world, but now encapsulates the adoption
of pay-as-you-go SaaS, OpEx-fueled IaaS, and the shift away from data centers
where most applications were monolithic and static. Also, TBM reflects how
business operations support both project- and product-based practices by
placing resource management outcomes into value streams. Companies like
CHRISTUS Health, Maritz, Starbucks, and KeyBank use TBM to understand
and communicate IT’s business value by showing cost, consumption, and choice
in business terms. In this brief, we’ll explore the best practices for making this a
reality in your organization.

Recognizing the problem Furthermore, BUs exhibit unchecked demand,
over-consuming I&O resources because they don’t
If your IT organization is like most, you lack the cost
understand the cost impact. In coping with the
and resource visibility that other business leaders take
resulting high run costs, I&O is unfairly seen as the
for granted. Conversations about IT economics are
“department of no” because it can’t keep pace with
difficult because the necessary data is fragmented
unfunded demand.
across finance systems, IT operations systems, and
spreadsheets. Inventing and maintaining a cost Worse, the choices made by the business lock IT
model is labor-intensive, error-prone, and of dubious into fixed cost structures that keep costs high even
credibility. The financial data available to leaders of when business demand declines. When it’s time to
specific IT functional areas or technology centers lacks restructure, BUs actively or passively resist efforts
the granularity or IT context to be actionable. to partner on cost optimization. No one wants it to
be this way, but BUs lack the information to be more
Even if you had an accurate model of IT infrastructure
financially accountable for their consumption and
costs, that wouldn’t be enough to satisfy business unit
quality choices.
stakeholders. For BUs, IT costs are rarely presented in
a context they understand or value, and BUs don’t see Every day this goes on, it feels like the hole you’re in
how their projects impact IT run costs or what they can gets deeper and deeper.
do to change them. Infrastructure and operations (I&O)
drive significant IT costs, but they’re not connected
to things the business values, such as applications We’re using our TBM system to inform
and services that support business capabilities and
strategic decisions on where to invest
drive growth. BUs see the straightforward cost and
as a business. By showing what each
value of public cloud services and now want similar
business capability costs us to run
transparency from IT.
today, what portfolio of assets and
If you’re in IT finance, you’re probably breaking out in processes support it, it puts the data
a cold sweat just thinking about this. You struggle with into a firm-wide construct that allows
these conversations to occur.

hand-built cost models in Excel that lack the granularity
and pivots needed to be defensible and understood
by BU and I&O leaders. You’re all too familiar with the Gunther Schultz
problem of BUs funding projects without seeing the VP of Business Operations,
long tail of operating expenses (OpEx) and fixed costs Fannie Mae
they create for IT. You have had more than your fill of
painful discussions with the business about allocations
they see as unfair.

Can you afford to work this way?

Because of these challenges, it takes too long to
answer financial questions, harms IT’s credibility as
business leaders, and results in rushed decisions and
missed opportunities. BUs treat IT as a cost center—
one that can’t explain or defend its budget. As a result,
they often leave IT out of key technology decisions,
which corners IT into reactivity.

2 6 Best Practices for Communicating the Business Value of IT Apptio.com

6 Best practices for communicating the business value of IT
Fortunately, there’s a way to change BU behavior and position IT as a trusted business partner. It all starts with IT getting
a grasp of their own business. But how do you do this, and where do you start? The answer is Technology Business
Management (TBM), a discipline that improves business outcomes by giving organizations a consistent way to translate
technology investments to business value. It is backed by a standardized taxonomy that enables IT, finance, and business
leaders to react quickly to changing market dynamics and optimally leverage cloud and agile practices to deliver on business

A core principle of TBM is the necessity of offering transparency into accurate, detailed costs of IT. In an ideal world, you
could directly measure the value that BUs derive from their use of IT offerings. In reality, this value is often subjective
and difficult to quantify. However, IT leaders have learned that IT costs provide a frame of reference to drive effective
conversations about the true value of IT for the business.

Consequently, leading adopters of TBM make it a priority to understand and show IT cost, consumption, and choice
in relevant language that BUs can immediately use to make critical business decisions. Here are six best practices that
technology leaders and practitioners rely on to understand and communicate the business value of IT.

1 2
Establish a continuous understanding Use actual costs for an accurate,
of your IT economics complete & defensible view
Most IT organizations have a rough sense of their History has shown that it’s not enough to base IT
finances because they’ve done one-off calculations financial analysis on estimates or rate cards. These
to support specific decisions or initiatives, but methods miss important costs and rely on outdated
those point-in-time views quickly get stale and inputs. When stakeholders start probing, they quickly
leave IT leaders blind to current circumstances. find weaknesses and lose confidence. Instead, IT
Leading technology innovators develop a detailed, leaders rely on a feed from the corporate general
ongoing financial analysis of their IT business. In this ledger, which records the actual expenditures incurred
approach, IT leaders regularly scrutinize IT spend on by the organization. There’s no substitute that provides
resources, labor, vendors, and projects. With an up- the coverage and defensibility to create confidence in
to-date view of spend, they can quickly identify and your analysis.
answer questions about budget variance or provide
guidance on priorities. They confidently demystify Outcome: Trust that your analysis is grounded in
IT cost drivers when asked and keep a close eye on truth
the balance between run-the-business spend and
investments in innovation to boost productivity or
fuel growth.

Outcome: Demonstrate a command of your IT


3 6 Best Practices for Communicating the Business Value of IT Apptio.com

3 5
Frame IT costs in business-friendly Provide BUs with choices to impact
language their IT cost
BUs understand and assign value to IT through As soon as BUs understand their fair share of IT
the lens of the applications and services they rely costs and their composition, the natural response is
on. As mentioned above, the general ledger is the to look for ways to adjust their consumption behavior
best source of “truth” about IT spend, but there’s a to match the value they perceive from delivered
problem: its cost records don’t align with the way services. IT leaders embrace this by offering specific
BUs perceive IT value. Furthermore, the general levers of choice that BUs can manipulate to influence
ledger lacks granularity needed by IT leaders for IT spend. These include reducing consumption,
informed decisions about technology. IT leaders in IT retiring lightly-used applications (that were claimed
Finance address these challenges by adopting a cost to be indispensable before costs were understood),
model that maps general ledger entries into detailed or shifting to lower-cost alternatives (e.g., lower
IT structures such as compute, network, storage, and storage tiers). When BUs understand how their
end user. The model then uses IT operational data decisions translate into long-term costs, they become
(HR data, CMDB, help desk records) to accurately better consumers of IT. They partner with IT and
route and apportion costs through IT resources finance on tough decisions to free up run costs, and
to applications and services, and on to BUs. This they better steward innovation budget for maximum
sophisticated approach weights costs according to value.
usage and consumption so that the resulting spend
Outcome: BUs adjust behavior when they
metrics accurately reflect real-world value in terms
understand the long tail of consumption decisions
that make sense to the business.

Outcome: Emotions and cost replaced with facts

and value in BU conversations

Show BUs how their consumption
drives costs The TBM methodology itself has
changed how we communicate. We are
Most BU stakeholders want to be good consumers able to talk about some of the levers
of IT, using technology efficiently and appropriately, that actually drive IT cost, how they fit
but they often don’t know what that looks like.
into other allocation models, and how
Technology leaders take a proactive approach
and engage their BU partners in conversations
that drives demand.

about the cost and value of IT. They show each Richard Rogers
BU what applications and services they consume, Head of Business Management Group Services
how much they consume, and the complete cost Nationwide Building Society
implications of their consumption choices. BUs can
see total costs alongside their fair share of the costs.
They can see how those costs break down into IT
resources (compute, network, storage, etc.) and
how those resource costs are composed from cost
pools (internal labor/contractors/outside services,
hardware/software, etc.).

Outcome: Outcome: BUs treat IT costs as their

business costs

4 6 Best Practices for Communicating the Business Value of IT Apptio.com

Leverage automation to incorporate Going into this TBM journey and our
TBM into your review cadence cost-reduction mandate, our business
By now, you’ve probably guessed that a one-time partners really were just looking at
effort to execute these best practices may lead to a us to make all the changes. But as
momentary gain, but for a sustainable shift in behavior, we implemented TBM and brought
you need a consistent ongoing cadence of IT cost them along in this journey, they truly
analytics. Of course, this level of cost modeling and began to understand the major role
reporting is extremely difficult to maintain using they play in assisting us with cost
manual methods. Your IT Finance staff will struggle to reduction—and they’ve taken on the
role enthusiastically.

keep up, and their availability for analysis and guidance
will all but vanish. Technology leaders address this by
using software to automate collection of finance and Gerry Imhoff
operations data, restructure that data into IT context, SVP & CIO
and model costs and analytics for the resulting spend Martiz
metrics. By using TBM software, IT leaders can embed
TBM best practices into their operational processes
and cultivate a data-driven culture. This frees IT
finance to engage IT leaders and BU partners in deeper
analysis and professional guidance

Outcome: IT finance freed up for more effective

analysis and guidance

Apptio® can help

Companies like Fannie Mae and Nationwide Building Society use Apptio to communicate and improve IT’s value by
showing cost, consumption, and choice in business terms. TBM practitioners will tell you it’s not where you start but that
you start. As your TBM practice matures, value conversations expand to other business areas. There isn’t one path to
TBM, and there isn’t one starting point with Apptio either. Apptio continues to be a leader in core technology financial
management, cloud-specific financial management, and digital investments. You can start in multiple areas: (a) baseline
all your technology spend into vendors, hybrid infrastructure, and applications; (b) budget and forecast your technology
spend; (c) manage and optimize your public cloud spend on AWS, Azure, and GCP; (d) manage the value and OKRs and
resources around a portfolio. Apptio helps IT organizations transform their relationship with the rest of the business from
reactive cost center to proactive service provider.

5 6 Best Practices for Communicating the Business Value of IT Apptio.com

Apptio Features
. Built on a standard IT business model that
leverages an industry-defined IT taxonomy.
. Easy to implement: just supply the financial
ledger, basic organization data such as employee
list and business unit hierarchy, and simple asset
and project lists.
. Offers interactive reports that come ready out of
the box and are built on best practice KPIs for IT
managers across all IT domain areas.

First American’s IT department After developing a clear view of Realized an “aha” moment when
secured a budget increase after unit cost, cost composition, and they were able to leverage Apptio
the CEO saw cost of internal- demand volumes, Nationwide Cost Transparency to tie a $60
vs. external-facing application Building Society expects to million growth in application spend
portfolios, and business reduce IT unit costs by 6-7%, to increased demand for operating
application teams selected yielding anticipated savings of resources. They were able to see
lower tiers of infrastructure to $10-13 million. clearly how new apps required the
fund hiring of more developers support of resources they already
once they saw total costs of had in place.
server and storage by tier.

Get Started
Apptio gives you the power of trusted, actionable insights to connect your technology
investment decisions to drive better business outcomes. More than 60 percent of Fortune
100 enterprises trust Apptio to manage spend across the entire IT portfolio and beyond
so they can focus on delivering innovation. Apptio intelligently structures vast amounts
of technology spend and enterprise operational data to deliver actionable insights that
business, finance, and technology leaders can use to work better together. Apptio helps
you capture ideas and prioritize work, embrace the cloud, and optimize your technology
investments with confidence.

Learn more at Apptio.com

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