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"solitary adventurer, someone who

travels alone"



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Tr a v e l Editor's
S olivagant magazine features Brunei
and its breathtaking views and tourist
attraction. The writers and the editor
collaborated well to be able to produce a
masterpiece for travelers and their readers.

Started from the country of Brunei itself,

down to its every detail - top 10 attractions,
cuisines, culture, tradition, and whether.

Puzzle pieces were put together to make

this work of art. Mistakes, erasures, and
revisions were encountered countless
times. Finally, as we give you this first
edition of Solivagant magazine this 2019,
we hope to amaze you with what we have
come up with.

E f ,

Angelica Cruz
Editor in Chief

page 2
“T f



page 3
page 4


The Kingdom of

Unexpected Treasures

A tiny nation on the north

coast of the island of Borneo

page 5
B D -A fP

Brunei Darussalam is a nation on the And of course, what is a nation

north coast of the island of Borneo. without its unique and diverse
Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital culture? In terms of that, Brunei is
of Brunei Darussalam. also one of the countries with a very
strict and religious cultures and
This small country has undeniably tradition. Bruneian Malays based
beautiful spots that people would their culture on what they believe in.
surely want to visit. It is known for
being a country where Islam and
Muslims are dominating the place
making some of its tourist attractions
Brunei is surely a place that
related to those. Jame Asr Hassanil
Bolkiah Mosque and Sultan Omar Ali
will give you not just
Saifuddien Mosques are one of the
prides of Brunei when it comes to beauty, but also rich culture
places to visit for tourists. It is a
Mosque and a sacred place for
Muslims yet it is just so beautiful that
and a bit of history. 
it is now a tourist attraction.

page 6


Brunei became

World self-governing
Brunei fell into

decay and lost War II

Early 15th Sarawak

Japan occupied


Brunei became an

independent 1841 Brunei became

Brunei was
sultanate 1945 fully independent
liberated from
from Britain


On 1967, Sultan Bolkiah was crowned at the

age of 22. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is the
29th and the current sultan of Brunei. Aside
from being the Sultan, Sultan Bolkiah is also
the Prime Minister, Finance Minister, and the
Defense Minister of the country.

page 7
2,035 sq mi
Land area

2,228 sq mi 6,070 feet

Total land area
Pagon Peek or country's highest point

mid-70s F (23 °C) and rising to

about 90 °F (32 °C) 
Climate in Brunei on s daily basis

9 miles
A f
Length of Brunei River from

Brunei Bay
1/4 1/2
Rate of


under the Rate of population

age 15 under the age 30

People in Brunei's life

expectancy which is
Kingdom of higher than the global

unexpected treasures average

page 8
Association of
SouthEast Asian Nations
by: Angelica Cruz

People live in a world where hundreds of countries on it. And here in

South East Asia, an organization for the nations of the region was

formed to help illuminate harmony and to promote collaboration and

cooperation among its members. Association of South East Asian

Nations or the ASEAN is a regional organization comprises of ten

countries in South East Asia namely; Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,

Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and


Association of South East Asian Nation was formed in 1967 with its first

members Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

After 30 years, the 2020 vision of ASEAN was made. As time goes by,

the association expanded to have 10 members including Brunei,

Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. 

Aside from those countries as the member of the ASEAN, it also has its

addition as different countries show interest to join the association.

ASEAN + 3 or APT consists of the ten ASEAN members with China,

Japan, and the Republic of Korea. ASEAN + 6 consists of the APT or

ASEAN Plus Three with India, Australis, and New Zealand.

WHAT ASEAN is committed to promote collaboration

and cooperation for its members. It also aims to

increase the region’s economic and trade

stability with the help of the organization.

ASEAN have made a free trade agreement for

its members to be able to perform its

responsibility well.

page 9
On December 15, 2008, ASEAN Community Council was formed. It has

institutional framework or its three pillars – political security council,

economic community, and socio-cultural community. By knowing its

three community pillars, the mission of the ASEAN can easily be

understood. ASEAN aims to make the countries live at peace, make the

community and people-oriented and socially responsible while aiming

to achieve peace and unity, and to increase the economy and region.

Aside from that, ASEAN also aims to promote technical and research cooperation. Every

three years, an award such as ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award is

presented to give recognition to all the achievements in the field, both national and


Some areas of the research include environment and education. In

terms of environment, the association has a Center for Biodiversity

aiming to promote cooperation on conservation and sustainability in

the region with over 37 protected sites. In field of education, ASEAN

university was founded in 1995 for academic and youth cooperation

between its members. 

ASEAN is an organization that helps its

members and the region in different aspects. It

is devoted in promoting collaboration and

cooperation in terms of economic development

and stability, people-oriented and social

responsibility, illuminating peace and harmony

across its members and the region.

page 10
Culture is a strong
part of people’s
Culture is a strong part of people’s lives. It influences their views, their

values, their humor their hopes, their loyalties and their worries and

fears. It provides social and economic benefits with the improved

learning and health, increased tolerance and opportunities to come

together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases

overall well-being for both individuals and communities.

Certain destinations have its own culture differ and unique from the

other, which make it known for having those. The culture in Brunei is

strongly influenced by Malay cultures and the Islamic religion and is

also influenced by the demographic makeup of the country. There are

certains laws which must be follow once you're in the other country and

as a tourist in that specific country it is our duty to follow those. Brunei,

historically,  influenced by the various cultural elements and foreign

civilization, thus the influence of foreign culture can be traced in this

page 11
Culture in

Brunei by: Leslie Maigue

Different country has its law own which is either

for the country to have well organized citizens or

for religious purposes. Sharia, the religious law

Therefore, casual western clothing can
and moral code of Islam, is one of the important
often seem immodest to Muslim, and attire
and must followed law in Brunei because as its
that is revealing should not be worn in
forbids people not to sale nor drink an alcohol it
religious places. Both pork and alcohol are
is also their way to give respect to their religion.
forbidden to Muslim by the laws of Islam.
There are culture in Brunei, which has a common
Any meat consumed by Muslim be Halal.
here at the Philippines. One of their culture is

cloth weaving and basket weaving some areas

One of the similiraties of the Filipino's and
or provinces here in the Philippines still managed
Bruneian is that we are Family oriented
and used to weave cloth using the old tradition
country, and it is woven in our hearts to
as well as the Brunei. Boat making is one of the
give such importance to our loved ones
things Brunei is known, people here even
that even one of the member race his own
nowadays still creates boats having the
family they tend to stay at the usual
knowledge of using the old tradition also, it is
home,either in the mother or father side.
not only the boat making which the Brunei is
Bruneian people has been practicing
renowned but aside from that it is also known
Traditional Knowledge, or their way of
for making such as silver smithing and bronze

performing traditional acts. One of these
is the Babarut which is the art of healing

 abdominal pain in children with the use of

leaves and wrapping the childs abdomen

with the piece of cloth, which believed to

Special rites and customs have been woven into the heal abdominal pain within a short period

culture and lifestyle of all Bruneian Malays to of time. 

inculcate a sense of spiritual and communal

belonging. According to the firm belief in modesty,

Malay women should not expose any part of their

bodies except the face and hands as it is one of the

Islamic country.  page 12


page 13
Whenever to visit Brunei expect
Malayu Islam Beraja if
warm temperatures and
translates into Malay Islamic
occasional rain, sunny with a
The Memburis Perahu, long
Monarchy it is uniquely Bruneian
chance of showers would be
before the modern
that blends the best traditions
the best way to described the
technology in boat making
of the Malay culture with the
weather in Brunei. Clear blues
was introduced, traditional
religious teachings of Islam,
skies are pretty much a daily
making of boats was left to
Loyalty to the states and a
phenomenon. The wettest
master craftsmen's using
mutual respect between ruler
months are from October to
limited tool but yet, creatively
and subjects. This national
January and from May to July.
does produce boats of
custom is aimed at forging a
Specifically, Dry season
different shapes, sizes and
stronger sense of identity
becomes extremely hot while
uses. Lastly the Menganun,
among Bruneians as well as to
rainy season is generally warm
traditional preparation of
foster unity and stability.
and wet.
bride and groom before

marriage includes different

procedures that even for

today is being performed in Brunei have an Equatorial

the Brunei Darusalam.
Climate. There is no good or bad
season to visit Brunei as it only
has two season which is like here
in the Philippines.
page 14
by: Kimberly Ann Sumague

Cuisine of Brunei is similar and

influenced by the other countries

such as Malaysia, Singapore and

Indonesia as well as China,

Japan, Thailand and India. Just

like here in the Philippines, rice,

staple foods and fish are the

common foods in the region.

Since people in Brunei are Islam,

pork is avoided. Alcoholic drinks

are banned in the country. Wild Nasi Lemak is is commonly

animals like birds and dear are found in Malaysia and

hunted in rural areas. popular in Brunei. It is a

Malay fragrant rise dish

Bruneian most likely to eat spicy cooked in coconut milk and

foods. They often eat rice and Pandan leaf. It is one of

noodles. Most popular foods in Brunei the famous dishes for a

are Beef Rendang, a spicy meat dish malay style breakfast. It

which is originated in Indonesia. can also be found in the

Rendang served among the Malay Philippines, region of

community. It is traditionally prepared Mindanao.  Often served

by the Minangkabau community for breakfast. And Puteri

during  occasions such as wedding Nanas. Among the few

feast, traditonal ceremonies and Hari dishes peculiar to Brunei is

Raya. Ambuyat, sometimes known

A stick ball of flavourless sago
as “linut”. Local delicacy in
starch and eaten in bamboo fork
the Malaysian states of
called “chandas” and dipped into
Sarawak, Sabah and
a sour gravy. Nasi Katok or “knock
rice”, traditionally served in a

wrapped paper. Consist of plain

rice, fried chicken and sambal.

page 15
Islam or most commonly known as Muslim is the second

largest religious group with over 1.8 billion or 24.1 % of

the world’s population. Muslims has two denominations,

either Sunni or Shia. Sunni is the  world’s largest

religious denomination as constituted 87-90% of the

world’s population. Sunnis are a majority in most muslim

communities such as  China, South Asia, Africa, most in

Arab world and in Southeast Asia. One of the

predominant country of sunni islam in southeast asia

among the countries is Brunei with the 67% of the

population. Islam is the state religion of brunei and the

rest of the population is allowed to practice their

religion in peace. In Brunei freedom of religion is

guaranteed. Religious education even in private school

is controlled. Most of Brunei’s muslim population

subscribed to the Shafi’l school lwhich is the major

source of law like islamic law. 

According to Brunei’s constitution their official religion shall be Islam.

Bruneian practice devout tolerant to islam to show their respect but

they are still open to other religions and beliiefs.

Religion of Islam influences the government to support the Islamic

laws. Brunei has put up a body in government just to accommodate

this. Brunei have the Ministry of Religious Affairs which is in charge in

maintaining and managing the islam. They also have a sultan which is

still the head of the Islamic Faith. Ministry of Religious Affairs is headed

by a Minister who is appointed by the Sultan. They adheres to the Shafi

school of Islamic law. Ministry of religious affair considered to be strict

for those who break the islamic rules like drinking alcoholic drinks,

eating pork will give a punishment.  These rules are only allow to non-

muslim. Sexual relationship or genders relation are governed by the

islamic principles. And even the shake hands are very rare.

Brunei national religion is derived from the Shafeite sect of islam that

came from the Sunni subgroup of Malay origin.  However, other

religions also have a considerable foothold in Brunei, 13% of the

population is buddhist which are mainly of chinese and another 10% is

christian. And the others are subscribe to indigenous religion.

page 16
People of
The adjective Bruneian Malay refers to the people of Brunei.

Malay are ethnic group that lives in  Brunei, in the southwestern

coast of sabah, Labuan, and the northern parts of sarawak.

Malay is an ethnic group that is predominantly inhabit in malay

world such as china indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and make up

a large portion of the population. But Malay in Brunei are

different from the other parts of Malay world especially in

language, culture and tradition even they are ethnically related

to each other and follow the teaching of Islam. Bruneian Malay

who are born in Malaysia are considered as Malaysian Malay

even the generations before or after the independence of the

stataes of Sabah and Sarawak fom the Bristish Empire through

the formation of Malaysia in 1963 are also considered as

Malaysian Malays in the national census and were in the same

status like the Malaysian Malays domiciled in Peninsular

Malaysian states and the central and southern parts of

Sarawak. They are also defined as a part of the Bumiputera

racial classifications together as a subgroup within the

Malaysian ethnic population along with the Kadazan- Dusuns,

Ibans, Malaccan, Portuguese and the Malaysian Simese.

Brunei has a population of 436, 755 making it the 175th most

populous country in the world. Make up 65.7 percent of the

population, Chinese, 10.3 percent, indigenous people, 3.4

percent and other 20.6 percent.

The people of Brunei are lack an identity. Most citizens that lives

in Brunei are Chinese. If you ask someone to take you out for

Brunei food, they will take you to either a Chinese, Malaysian or

Indonesian restaurant. Most ethnic Chinese that lives in Brunei

are non- muslim. They have conditionally controlled the

businesses in Brunei.

page 17
NTpage 18
enjoy Brunei

page 19
Sultan Omar Ali
Saifuddin Mosque
by: Frances Dheryl Magboo
Most of the reason why people want to travel nowadays is to see how beautiful a place can be,

and every country have different attractions that can surely caught not only the eye of a person

but also their heart. The place that you should never missed in visiting Brunei is the breathtaking

and wonderful mosque that serves as a symbol of the Islamic faith in this country, which is Sultan

Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque. Most of the tourist attraction that you can find in Brunei are different

mosques and this mosque is known to be the most beautiful and impressive mosque in Brunei. It is

located at Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei and considered not only as one of the most

beautiful mosques Brunei but also in the Asia Pacific. This mosque was named after Omar Alli

Saifuddin III, the 28th Sultan of Brunei because he is the one who initiated its construction. The

construction of this mosque was completed in 1958 and this building is an example of modern

Islamic architecture. The large dome of the mosque was covered in pure gold, is a prominent

landmark in the capital city. The main minaret of the mosque, reaching a height of 171 feet, is

constructed from marble and affords a beautiful view of the city from the top. The building is

surrounded by trees and beautifully designed and maintained flower gardens. The prayer hall of

the mosque has arches supported by marble columns and the walls, having stained glass windows,

are adorned with beautiful carvings and can accommodate 3,000 worshipers at a time. Sultan

Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is a place of worship for the Muslim community, a major historical site,

and a famous tourist attraction of Brunei. The mosque’s true purpose is to make people realize that

they should visit this mosque not only to see its amazing interior design but to pray and worship

because this place is sacred.

page 20
Brunei is truly known to have several numbers of

mosque that reflects how they give value and

respect to their religion. One of the well known

mosque here in Brunei is the Jame’ Asr Hassanil

Bolkiah, and it is owned by Sultan Hassanil

Bolkiah which is the current sultan of this country.

K A You should visit this mosque because it is the

largest mosque in Brunei that can accommodate

around 5,000 worshippers. It has 29 golden

domes and four minarets that are 58 meters high.

You can experience the feeling of going to Venice as you visit the It is not just big as it was but it is also beautiful

water village of Brunei which is known as Kampong Ayer. This and extravagant. Entering this mosque will let you

know how Bruneian people love their religion

place is sometimes being called as the “Venice of the East” because because you will notice that they put a lot of

it is composed of stilt villages that is located on the surface of water. attention and affection on their mosque that is

This water village is a home on around 30,000 people and a why there are rules that are need to follow when

you visit inside the mosque. You should not take

thousand years ago half of the Brunei’s population resides pictures and videos inside, you should remove

here. Bruneian people believe that stilt houses are protection for your shoes as you enter the mosque, and wearing

possible floods that is why 10,000 years ago, the day when it is of black robes is also necessary. Visiting this

founded, people in Brunei chooses to live here. The Kampong attraction will not only satisfy people’s

amusement but will also help people to realize

Ayer village has it own mosque, school and police station and I that following the rules of a certain attraction

assure you that visiting this place is worth it. and mostly respecting the religion of other

people is important. People should always

remember that traveling is not always about

having fun but it is also about respecting and

taking care of the place that you are visiting.

J ’A H B M

page 21
In the Philippines, the

leader of the nation

resides in the

Malacañang palace

and Brunei also have a

place where their

sultan lives and it is

known as the Istana

Nural Iman..

It is the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei You should visit the first national park that was

and the other members of Brunei’s government. established in Brunei and protected since 1991. In

This palace was located on the banks of Brunei this place you can see the 70% virgin rainforest of

River and was once included in the Guinness the country as well as the rare and exotic birds

Book of Records as the largest living residence and animals in Brunei. The people of this country

of a state head making it the reason why it is does not only give value to their religion but they

also considered as the biggest palace and royal also value and love their nature and that is why

residence of the world. they are conserving and protecting their rainforest 

in all possible ways they

can do. The Ulu

Temburong National

Park is one of the great

proof how Bruneian

people value and

protect their rainforest

and going in to this

place will let you feel

and see how beautiful

our world’s environment

is that is why we should

also take care of it.

page 22
page 23
page 24
“ Take only
memories, leave

only footprints. ”
Angelica Cruz
Editor in Chief
Art Director
Leslie Maigue
Proof Reader
Production Manager
Department Editor


page 25
“Jobs fill
your pocket,

but adventures

fill your

Kimberly Ann Sumague
Production Manager
Department Editor

Frances Dheryl Magboo

Production Manager
Department Editor

page 26
solitary adventurer, someone

who travels alone

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