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Entrepreneur Reviewer - Decision Maker

LESSON 1 Entrepreneur Employee

Entrepreneur - The person who created the business. Enjoys Managing and Enjoy Performing
Entrepreneurship - is the activity of setting up a business
or businesses, taking on financial risk in the hope of profit. Working against time Working time is in their favor

Business Find ways to make a task easier Find ways to make their own
- Production and Selling of Goods and Services for everybody task easier
- Main purpose is to satisfy the needs and wants
of the society Workload focuses on Workload focuses on simple to
complicated to simple complicated
Goods - Tangible things that we can consume or buy
Efficient to make their job done Efficient to make their job done
and take another level of task fast
Service - Non Tangible things that we consume or buy
to be done
Needs - Necessary things that is needed for survival
Needs to be good in many Needs specialization on
things specific job
Wants - Luxurious things
Takes Risks Wants Safety
Business Basic Resources
- Men – These are the people who work in Accepts Failures Perfectionist
business enterprise.
- Money – These are needed in putting up the Wants to be valued base on Wants to be valued on the
business enterprise the result things they put into something
- Machine – Modern production requires the use
Reorganize resources to be Reorganize steps to be efficient
of machine. This is more efficient and
- Materials – These are needed in the creation of Accepts Fluctuations and not Wants a fixed income
products. being paid at all
- Methods – These refer to technology or
techniques of production. Doesn’t like repetition on work Likes repetition
- Management – These refer to planning and
Willing to work long hours Prefer working for a limited
organizing the business.
Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?
- Entrepreneurial qualities can be developed early LESSON 3
in life as a result of childhood training in
independence and self-reliance, among others Market - A place where sellers and buyers exchange goods
and exposure to work and industry. or services upon an agreed price or a group of people or
organizations that buy a particular good or service
LESSON 2 concept.

Qualities of Entrepreneurs According to Institution

- Consumer Market - Directly consume a product
- Reasonable Risk Takers or service.
- Self Confident - Organizational Market - Buyers whose intention
- Hard Working is to produce another product or service.
- Innovative - International Market - Consumers from abroad.
- Leadership
- Positive Thinkers According to Form
- Primary Market - When a firm introduces a new Identifying Market Problem - An entrepreneur can identify
product class in response to latent demand or a problem by observing what is happening in his locality
needs. and check for any difficulties, gaps, needed improvements,
- Secondary Market - It is formed when customers scarcity, limitations and many others.
develop specific needs or preferences
Macro Environment - Concerns with the bigger aspect of
Market Segmentation - Is a sub- group of a particular business which includes determination on Political,
market which is composed of units with more or less Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environment
similar characteristics. (PESTLE).
- Geographic Segmentation – requires dividing
the market into different geographical units like Industry - The smaller than macro-market but second to
nations, regions, provinces, cities, towns, and the list in the Trends in Opportunity Seeking.
- Demographics Segmentation – refers to dividing Markets - Can be a place where buyers and sellers meet to
the market into segments on the basis of exchange goods and services or groups of people or
demographic variables like age, sex, family life organizations that buy goods and services.
cycles, family size, income , occupation ,
Micro Market - Smaller than market but still can be a
education, religion, race, and nationality.
source of opportunity to small entrepreneur.
- Psychographic Segmentation - refers to the
classification of buyers or consumers by some
Consumers - They are the buyers of products in retail and
psychological characteristics they possess in
for household use.
- Behavior Segmentation – is a term that refers to Import - The term import is derived from the conceptual
the grouping of buyers on the basis of their meaning as to bring in the goods and services into the port
knowledge, attitude, use or response to a of a country.
Export - The term export is derived from the conceptual
Requirements for Effective Market Segmentation meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port
- It must be measurable - easy to find information of a country.
- It must be substantial - easy to create marketing
program LESSON 4
- It must be accessible - easily to reached
- It must be actionable - can be useful Urban Areas - Which inhabitants have non agricultural
Criteria for Selecting Target Market
- Size - In choosing a market segment, it must be Rural Areas - They are often farming or agricultural areas.
large enough to be worth serving.
Business Factors need to be Evaluated
- Expected growth - there are markets that are
- Market – the number of prospective buyers, the
not currently attractive but some of these may
presence of competitors, and the prices and
be expected to grow in the future.
quality of goods and services have to be
- Competitive position - The presence of
competition in the segment. The strength of the
- Individual Interest - Business interests of
competition must be thoroughly analyzed.
individuals vary.
- Cost of reaching the segment - A market
- Capital –The availability of funds should fit the
segment that is chosen must be easily reached
type of business to be organized.
by the firm. If marketing efforts to reach the
- Skills - The entrepreneur should have the proper
market will be expensive or not.
skills in the business he is doing to undertake.
- Compatibility - with the firm’s objectives and
- Suppliers of inputs –It is equally important that
resources if the firm does not have enough
there are steady suppliers of raw materials and
resources to serve a prospective segment.
other inputs of the business.
- Man power – The success of any business b. Multistep - This type of statement is
enterprise primarily depends on the efficiency of common for companies with multiple
its employees. lines of business or those that sell
- Technology – Tastes and preferences of tangible goods.
consumers are not permanent. These are heavily - Step 1: Gross profit = net
influenced by innovations. And innovations are sales – cost of goods sold
the products of technology. - Step 2: Operating income =
gross profit – operating
SWOT Analysis - SWOT is the acronym of Strengths, expenses
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. - Step 3: Net income =
operating income +
Reasons Why Entrepreneur needs to use Market Research
non-operating income
- Profitable markets
Statement in Changes in Owners Equity
- Saleable products / services
- Strengths and Weakness of competitors
- Available resources
- Business Risk
- Trends in consumer tastes and preferences
- Better marketing strategies
- Proper Business Location - Owner’s Equity is defined as the proportion of
- New market opportunities the total value of a company’s assets that can be
- Realistic business objectives claimed by its owners and by its shareholders.
It is calculated by deducting all liabilities from
LESSON 5 the total value of an asset (Equity = Assets –
Viability - The ability as intended or to succeed; the degree
of chance that something will succeed. Balance Sheet

Profitability - The state or condition of yielding a financial

profit or gain. It is often measured by price to earnings

Four Financial Statements

Income Statement

- An important aspect of the business transactions

for it has to look at the three different things;
- Revenues – Expenses = Income PROFIT or LOSS
- An income statement shows business revenue
minus expenses and losses. Your income Assets
statement, also called the “profit and loss”
statement. - Owned property by a person or company.
a. Single Step - For small operations with a. Cash
a single line of business. Net income = b. Accounts Receivables
(revenues + gains) – (expenses + c. Inventories
losses). d. Land
e. Building
f. Equipment Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior

Liabilities 1. Psychological Variables - consisting of

motivation, perception, learning, attitudes and
- Responsibilities or obligations of a person or lifestyle.
a. Loans Payable 2. Social Influences - personal influence, reference
b. Notes Payable groups, the family, social class and culture.
c. Accounts Payable
3. Purchase Situation - purchase task, The social
Equity surroundings , the physical surroundings ,
temporal effects and antecedent states.
- Is also called as CAPITAL or the amount invested
by the entrepreneur to start his/her business. LESSON 6

Cash Flow Statements Market Segmentation Decision

- It is important that there is a demand for the

product or services to be created that will meet a
certain segment.

Product Mix Decisions

- Product varieties for a target market to ensure

market need is solved. There can be changes
with the design, color, texture etc. but with the
same content to create varieties to choose from.

Product Specifications

- Some customers, especially in the industry, need

exact specifications and other details for the
product. This involves the measurements
- A cash flow statement is a financial statement required by the customer related to size, shape,
that provides aggregate data regarding all cash materials or composition and including its
inflows a company receives from its ongoing description.
operations and external investment sources.
Positioning And Communication Decisions
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
Payback Period Income After Taxes = 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑁𝑒𝑡
- It is how you position your products to your
Return on Sales =
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 customers. You align your product to the minds
of your customers creating an image that fits
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑎𝑥𝑒𝑠 their needs.
Return of Investment = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 / 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
4 Types of Customer Satisfaction
Consumer Requirements
1. Physiological Satisfactions - These are needs for
- Refer to the specifications or features of a survival like “need for sleep, food, air and
product or service that are deemed necessary by reproduction”.
customers. These requirements motivate
customers to buy a product or service. To 2. Economic Satisfactions - Customers want to have
determine customer requirements, companies a guaranteed good value for their money.
can research their target market to understand
their desires and needs.
3. Social Satisfactions - These are related to how Importance of Marketing Mix
the customer deals with other people or society
with its approval. A product will be best for these 1. It helps in a clean mix creation - Your marketing
people if it will be recommended by friends. mix should have all the P’s compatible with each
4. Psychological Satisfactions - It includes feelings
and emotions to the customer. Best products for 2. Marketing mix helps in New product
these customers are those things that are development - While designing an existing
associated with their positive and negative product, there are any number of ideas which
experiences, memories of their youth and love. can come up for a related product that can be
designed by the company.
Value Proposition
3. Marketing mix helps increase the product
- It is the value a company promises to deliver to portfolio - Whenever you want to increase the
customers should they choose to buy their product depth or product line and length, you
product. have to make minor changes to the product. In
essence, you are making minor changes in the
Market Competition marketing mix itself.

- Competition is the rivalry between companies 4. It is a guide to improve a business -

selling similar products and services with the Determining your P’s will help you improve your
goal of achieving revenue, profit, and market business.
share growth.
5. It helps in differentiation - When you analyze
LESSON 7 the marketing mix of Competitors, there are
many different ways that you can differentiate
Marketing Strategy
yourself from the competitor.
- Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an
6. It helps you in being dynamic - A company
organization to concentrate its limited resources
which is well prepared is also prepared when
on the greatest opportunities to increase sales
disaster strikes.
and achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage. LESSON 8

Marketing Mix Product

- Refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a - A Product is anything offered for sale by a firm to
company uses to promote its brand or product in buyers to satisfy their wants and needs. Product
the market. may take any of the following forms
a. Physical Object
b. Service
c. Place
- Product
d. Organization
- Price
e. Idea
- Place
f. Personality
- Promotion
- People
- Packaging
- Positioning
Two Classification of Products them are readily available in many retail outlets.
Example : soap, bread, soft drinks and milk.
Consumer Goods
- Shopping Goods - are those that are bought only
- Are those intended for final consumption by after an effort to compare with other goods is
consumers. made. Example: radio sets, ready to wear suits,
a. Durable Goods - tangible goods which cell phones and shoes.
normally survive many uses.
b. Non Durable Goods - tangible products - Specialty Goods - are those that the consumers
which are consumed in one or a few seek to buy and they are not willing or they are
uses. not able to accept substitutes. Example: special
c. Services - intangible goods like medicines, jewelry, and exotic foods like turtle
activities, benefits or satisfactions eggs.
which are offered for sale.
- Unsought Goods - are those that are not yet
Industrial Goods wanted by or are still unknown to the consumer.
Because of the said reasons, consumers use no
- Are those used in the production of other goods. effort to seek them.
a. Installations - refers to industrial
products with long life, are generally a. New Unsought Goods - are really new
expensive, and they form part of the ideas or products that the consumers
major capital equipment of an still have to know to be motivated to
industrial firm. Examples : Buildings, buy. Example: papaya soap when it was
generators, computers and others. first introduced.
b. Accessory Equipment - are industrial b. Regular Unsought Goods - are those
goods that are used as aids in the that stay unsought but not unbought
production process. Example: hand forever. Examples are encyclopedias,
tools and lift trucks in factories, fax educational plans, memorial plans and
machines and desks in offices. life insurance plans.
c. Raw Materials - These are
unprocessed goods that will become Place
part of another product.
- Place is the point where products are made
d. Component Parts and Materials -
available to customers.
these are processed industrial goods
that will still be used and become an
actual part of the finished product.
e. Industrial Goods - these are items that - Price is the money, good or service exchanged
are used as aids in the operating for the ownership or use of a good or service.
process but do not become part of the
finished products. Example : pencils, Promotion
ink, paper clips, fasteners and others.
f. Services - These are expense items - Promotions refer to the entire set of activities,
that assist in the operations. Example which communicate the product, brand or
maintenance service for general service to the user.
housekeeping, security services and a. Personal Selling - refers to the direct
consultancy services. face to face communication between
sellers and prospective buyers.
Consumer Shopping Habits b. Public Relations - is a form of
promotion designated to favorably
- Convenience Goods - are those which are influence attitudes toward an
purchased with minimum of effort. Many of organization, its products and its
c. Sales Promotion - is a short term
inducement of value offered to arouse
interest in buying a good or service.
d. Advertising - may be defined as any
paid form of non personal presentation
and promotion of ideas, goods, or
services, by an identified sponsor.


- Refers to anyone directly or indirectly involved in

the business side of the enterprise.


- Provides protection, convenience, safety and to

effectively promote the product.
a. Primary Package which is the product’s
immediate container.
b. Secondary Package which protects the
primary package.
c. Shipping Package which contains the
secondary package or packages. It
provides ease of storage, identification,
and shipping.


- Positioning defines where your product stands in

relation to others offering similar products and
services in the marketplace as well as the mind
of the consumer.

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