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Amman Baptist School Worksheet 1


Name: _____________ Science Department Grade 7(B,C,D)

Question one
Label the following on the diagram:
Trachea Lungs Bronchus Alveoli Bronchiole Larynx





Question two
Fill in the blanks with a suitable answer.
1. The long tube by which air is carried to and from the lungs is called the TRACHEA

2. The larynx Is responsible for making sounds.

3. The alveoli, air sacs in the lungs, contain a network of tiny blood vessels and
capillaries. Oxygen is transferred through the walls of the alveoli into the

4. The human trachea is prevented from collapsing by the presence of rings of cartilage
around it.

5. Once at the alveoli, gaseous exchange occurs. Blood is brought to and taken away
from each alveolus in the smallest of the blood vessels called blood capillaries which
are wrapped around the alveolus. Oxygen gas is at a higher concentration inside the
alveoli, so it will diffuse into the capillary and into the blood to be taken to all cells for
aerobic respiration.

6. When the body cells use up oxygen, they produce the waste gas carbon dioxide
which is at a higher concentration in the blood. So when the blood returns to the
alveoli in the lungs, the carbon dioxide gas diffuses back into the alveoli.

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