Q3 MELC3 Supplementary-Material

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Quarter THIRD- WEEK 3 Grade Level 7
Teacher VIRGILINA F. DIMARANAN Teaching Modality Modular/Combined
Grade Level Standard:
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine literature and
other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors.
Explaining How a Selection may be Influenced by Culture, History, Environment or Other Factors.

NAME : _________________________________________________ SECTION: _______________________________


Philippines is abundant in culture enriched in the family. As we can observe, some families have traditions and
values that they have inherited from their forefathers which until now they have observed and follow. Philippine heritage
is an evidence of our cultural history and development. It reflects our shared values and a tangible proof of Filipino
excellence and creativity. A Filipino society that values and preserves its cultural heritage instills pride of place and
strengthens Philippine national identity.

Find out the Philippine cultural history embedded in the following story.

How does each family member value each other?

The Mats was a story written by Francisco Arcellana.

Read the summary of the story.

For the Angeles Family, Mr. Angeles’s homecoming from his periodic inspection trips was an occasion for celebration. But
his homecoming-from a trip to the South-was fated to be more memorable than, say, of the others. He had written from
Mariveles; “I have just met a marvelous mat weaver-a real artist-and I shall have a surprise for you. I asked him to weave
a sleeping mat for everyone in the family. He is using many different colors and for each the dominant color is that of our
respective birthstones. I am sure that the children will be very pleased. I know you will be. I can hardly wait to show them
to you.” Nana Emilia read that letter that morning again and again every time she had a chance to leave the kitchen. In
the evening when all the children were home from school, she asked her oldest son, Jose, to read the letter at dinner
table. The children became very much excited about the mats and talked about them until late into the night. This
thought made her wrote her husband. For days after that, mats continued to be the chief topic of conversation among
the children.
Mr. Angeles travelled to southern Philippines and brought mats for his wife and children. Each mat has the corresponding
name of all his living offspring, even those who already died. When he arrived home from his trip, he presented the mats
to his family. The sorrow heightened when the last three mats he opened are for his dead children who made his wife
reacted with grief. At that point, Mr. Angeles cried with pain while telling his wife that the three mats were for Josefina,
Victoria and Conception. He added that his three dead children must always be in their memory no matter where they
are now.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the title of the story you have just read?
2. Who is the author of the story?
3. Who are the main characters in the story?

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4. What made Mr. Angeles a good father in the story?

Guided Discussion:
Read parts of the story taken from the original copy. Bring out some cultural and historical aspect depicted by each. Here
is the first one for you.

1. Papa’s homecoming from his many inspection trips around the Philippines was always an occasion to remember. But
there was one homecoming - from a trip to the south - that turned out to be more memorable than any of the others. “I
have just met a marvelous mat weaver - a real artist – and I shall have a surprise for you. I asked him to weave a sleeping
mat for every one of the family. I can hardly wait to show them to you...”
◼ What can you say about Mr. Angeles here?
➢ Mr. Angeles was the breadwinner of the family like other Filipino families. Mr. Angeles was a caring, loving, thoughtful
and responsible father.
➢ He portrays here a typical Filipino father who remembers his family away from home.
◼ What did Mr. Angeles bring to each of the family member?
➢ He makes everyone in the family special because of the special mat with birthstones colors for each mat.
➢ Giving gifts is part of our tradition when someone comes back home.

2. ... That evening Papa arrived. He had brought home a lot of fruits.
◼ Aside from the mats, what other presents awaits the family?
➢ Mr. Angeles brought home fruits fresh from Mariveles.
➢ Bringing home fruits is always the best pasalubong for Filipinos especially if you are from the province.

3. A mat was not something new to us. There was already one in the house. It was one we seldom use, a mat older than
any of us. This mat had been given to mama by her mother when mama and papa were married.
◼ Who gave the mat older than anyone of the kids to Nana Emilia?
➢ The older mat was given to Nana Emilia when they got married.
➢ Mats plays an important role to Nana Emilia. Like other Filipinos who are naturally sentimental. Filipinos always
treasure the things we received from our special someone or family member. We, Filipinos care for that certain thing we
have received from others.

4. “I said I would bring home a sleeping mat for everyone of the family. And so, I did,” Papa said. Then his eyes fell on
each of us. “Do you think I’d forgotten them? Do you think I had forgotten them? Do you think I could forget them?”
“This is for you Josefina! And this, for you Victoria! And this, for you Conception! Papa’s face was filled with a long-
bewildered sorrow. Then I understand. The mats were for my three sisters, who died when they were still very young.
◼ How did Mr. Angeles remember departed loved ones in the family?
➢ He never forgets them.
➢ It shows our Filipino sentiment and cultural attitude toward honoring our dead departed loved ones. We never forget
remembering our dead loved ones no matter how many years had passed.

5. “I have just met a marvelous mat weaver - a real artist - and I shall have a surprise for you. I asked him to weave a
sleeping mat for every one of the family...”
◼ Is making mats or ‘banig’ part of our history and tradition? Is using mats or banig part of our culture? What particular
area of our country is famous for mat weaving?
➢ Yes, definitely!
➢ A banig is a handwoven mat usually used in East Asia and made in the Philippines for sleeping and sitting.
➢ Native mat weavers are from Tawi-Tawi. The Samal Mat considered design-wise as one of the most interesting
traditions in the Philippines.

The Samals are Muslims occupying the bigger islands in Tawi-Tawi.

The Samal mat uses the leaves of pandanus plant which grows abundantly in the area.
The Angeles family showed great love for each member of the household, and that begins from the head of the family,
which is honestly visible to all Filipino families even before.

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Activity 1
Draw a heart if the following statements depict Philippine culture, a history or valuing a family on the space provided.
__________1. Remembering a family member during birthdays and special
__________2. Teaching a younger brother/sister to read at home.
__________3. Placing folded mats on a corner of the house.
__________4. Bringing home delicacies of the place after a long travel.
__________5. Helping mother in the household chores.

Activity 2
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is culture?
A. A shared way of life
B. The spread of ideas
C. A short well-known expression
D. A custom prohibiting or restricting a practice
2. The way people eat in their country such as with forks, chopsticks or fingers is an example of
A. Cultural trait
B. Ethnic trait
C. Cultural differences
D. Cultural region
3. Selections may be embedded with
A. Environmental aspect
B. Cultural aspect
C. Historical aspect
D. All of the above
4. Cultural features may have connections to
A. Geography
B. History
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
5. People’s culture adopts to the environment.
A. Yes
B. No

Prepared Checked Approved


Teacher III, English Head Teacher III, English Principal IV, INHS


Teacher I, English

Teacher III, English

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