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RUS/ENG FREE PATTERN IDA Basanua rorpe6yetca MpsxKa TPeX LBETOB, pososbiil, Gemtbilt H UepHbtit (y MeHsi oto YarnArtJean’s) Kplouok 26M (IU1H ApYTOH YAOGUBIIT BAM KPIOUOK) Hanonuirresb (y Merisi cunrertyx) YcOBHEIe OGOsHAUeHHA KA - Kobuo amurypysit BI -Bosaymnaa nena CBH - cros16uK Ges Haxinia TIPHB - npu6asKa YB ~y6apka (86) - KonMuecTRO cronGUKOs B pay Haunaen paisa HuTEIo posoRoro UReTA 1 pax 6CBH B KA 2 pa: 6 TIPHB (12) 8 pa: (1. CBH, IIPHB) x 6 pas (18) 4 paix (2 CBH, FIPHB) x 6 pas (24) 5 pau: (3 CBH, [IPHB) x 6 pas (30) G pau: (4 CBH, MIPHB) x 6 pas (86) Cwlamtbinaem Kpyr 1ortomaM 1 TpoRAshIBAeM TOKO 18 HeTerTb, 970 Gyiler Haualio FosIOBbI. Tonoza. 7 pan: 18 CBHL 8 pau: 6 CBH, TIPHB, 2 CBH, IIPHB, 8 CBH (20) 9 pax: 20 CBH 10 pai: 6 CBH, YB, 1 CBH, YB, 9 CBH (18) 1 paa: 18 CBH 12 pat (4 CBH, YB) x 3 pasa (15) BirkeM MOpIOUKY, 1O6aB:1918 GenbItt (B), posopbiii OGosHauaerca (P) 18 pst: 1 CBH (P), YB (P), | CBH (B), 3 CBH (P), YB (P), 2 CBH (P), 1 CBH (8), 1 CBH (P). YB (P) (12) 14 pat: 1 CBH (P), 3 CBH (B), 1 CBH (P), YB (P), 1 CBH (P), 3 CBH (6), 1CBH (P) (11) Orpesaem posoByio HITE 1 MpoAOIKAeM BAATL TOKO Germ LBeTOM 15 pau 1 CBH 16 ps CBH, YB, 4 CBH (10) oN “on < < Merisem Genyto HHT Ha lepHyto, Geryio orpesaen, 17 paix: 5 CBH, MIPHB, 4 CBH (11) 18 pat: 6 CBH, TIPHB, 4CBH (12) 19 pst: (2 CBH. YB) x 3 pasa (9) 20 pax 9 CBH 21 pa: (ICBH, YB) x 8 pasa (6) Crarnpaem Heri, saxpbibae orBeperie. Mpatest HUT. HarosHaeM Co CTOpOHDI IleH, BbITIPABANEM KHOB, Npomomkaem BssaTb, Iles. Hauniaem Baath WeIO, KaK it FOsTOBY NpoBsSbIBAeM ocrarmmiecs 18 rleTe:1h POSORbIM LReTOM. Tipu sasannn o6patitte BariNanne, uo Bce TIpHGaBKH MYGaBKH B OCHOBHOM INLYT 110 xpeGry. 18 pan: 18 CBH 4 pan: 7 CBH, IIPHB, 10 CBH (19) 5 pan: 19 CBH 6 pax: 8 CBH, YB, 8 CBH, IIPHB (19) 7-8 pan: 19 CBH 9 pa: 9 CBH, YB, 8 CBH (18) 10 p IPHB, 17 CBH (19) 11 pax: 19 CBH 12 pan: 9 CBH, YB, 8 CBH (18) PHB, 17 CBH (19) PHB, | CBH, TIPHB, 7 CBH, YB, 7 CEH (20) 0 CBH : 1CBH, TIPHB, 2 CBH, TIPHB, 15 CBH (22) 14 CBH, YB, 6 CBH (21) 18 pa: 2 CBH, MIPHB, | CBH, TPB, 1 CBH, TIPHB, 14 CBH (24) 19 pant: 8 CBH, IIPHB, 1 CBH, TIPHB, 1 CBH, IIPHIB, 16 CBH (27) 20 part 4 CBH, IIPHB, 1 CBH, TIPHB, 1 CBH, IIPHB, 18 CBH (30) 21 pa: 30 CBH 22 pan: 6 CBH, VB, 2 CBH, YB, Il CBH, IIPHB, 1 CBH, IIPHB, 4 CBH (80) 23 pan: 30 CBH TocraTouno rii0THo HaGertre HanomHHTeneM, Mpusasaa dpopMy mer. Orpesaem HHT, OCraB/IAA JUIMHHBbIT KOHUNK ILI MpHIIMBALH, a i ey Tuasa ( 2 neta) Haumiaen pasar HuTEI0 YepHoro uBera 1 pa: SCBH B KA Menge uper Ha Genbtit 2 paa: 5 TIPHB (10) Gertoist userom BaKperiurh HitTh, O6pesaem, OCTABIAM JUIMHHBIT KOHUHK JU1A MpHULHBAHHA. Kpyr Ha6upaem weriouky 13 22 BIT, 3aMbikaeM Kombo. Hartee BAKEM TO KpYTY. lech BCe SABUCHT OT TOTO KaKOll KpyT BbI XOTHTe, 1160 paBHbIti OGXBaTy TYIOBHIa HTpYIIKH, 11160, UTOGHI OHa MOTIa Ha Hem cHj1eTb. HarioiIHAem B rIpowecce bagaHHA. CIMBACM KOHUbI, OTpesacM HHT H MIpAYeN. C6opxka. Tipummaex mero bsiamamiro K Kpyry. TipHumgaest maski H BbINIABAeM KDbUIbSL Q Tenepb y Bac ecTb BCe, UTOGbI OTMPaBUTbCA Ha MOpe. Vue sa6ymbre xopomtee HactpoenHe! A Hajle10cb, UTO BaM TIOHPAaBMWVIOCh Ml C HeTeprieKHeM xy :pOTO Rallmlx rotoRbIx paor. Ykaxnre ccuiky Ha @natura_crochet } wi oTMeTbTe xemTeroM #design_by_naturacrochet Materials: ‘Three color yarn, pink, white and black (Iuse YarnArtJean's) 2mm crochet hook (or another convenient hook for you) Fiberfill Abbreviations: ch- chain sc - single crochet inc - increase dec - decrease Start knitting in pink: Rnd 1: 6 sc into magic ring (6 st) Rnd 2: inc in all 6 st (12 st) Rnd 3: (1 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (18 st) Rnd 4: (2 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (24 st) Rnd 5: (3 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (30 st) Rnd 6: (4 sc, inc) repeat 6 times (36 st) Fold the circle in half and tie only 18 loops, this will be the beginning of the head. Head. Rnd 7: se in all 18 st Rnd 8: 6 sc, ine, 2 sc, inc, 8 sc (20 st) Rnd 9: sc in all 20 st Rnd 10:6 sc, dec, 1 se, dec, 9 sc (18 st) Rnd I: sc in all 18 st Rnd 12: (4 sc, dec) repeat 3 times (15 st) Knit face, add white (W), pink marked (P) Rnd 13: | se (P), dec (P), 18c (W), 3 sc (P), dec (P), 2 se (P), 1 se (W), 1 sc (P), dec (P) (12st) Rnd 14: 1 sc (P), 3 sc (W), 1 sc (P), dec (P), 1 sc (P), 8 sc (W), | sc (P) (ist) ‘Cut the pink thread and continue to knit only in white Rnd 16: sc in all 11 st Rnd 16: 5 sc, dec, 4 sc (10 st) € < € < é < < < < < <¢ Change the white thread to black, cut the white Rnd 17: 5 sc, inc, 4 sc (Il st) Rnd 18: 6 sc, ine, 4sc (12 st) Rnd 19: (2 sc, dec) repeat 3 times (9 st) Rnd 20: sc in all 9 st Rnd 21: (1 se, dec) repeat 3 times (6st) Close the hole. Fill from the side of the neck, straighten the beak, continue to knit. We begin to knit the neck, like a head, which we knit the remaining 18 loops in pink. Neck. ‘When Knitting, note that all increases and contractions mostly go along the ridge. Rnd 1-3: sc in all 18st Rnd 4: 7 sc, ine, 10 sc (19 st) Rnd 5: sc in all 19 st Rnd 6: 8 sc, dec, 8 sc, inc (19 st) Rnd 7-8: scin all 19 st Rnd 9: 9 sc, dec, 8 sc (18 st) Rnd 10: ine, 17 sc (19 st) Rnd I: sc in all 19 st Rnd 12: 9 sc, dec, 8 sc (18 st) Rnd 18: ine, 17 se (19 st) Rnd 14: ine, 1 sc, ine, 7 sc, dec, 7 sc (20 st) Rnd 15: sc in all 20 st Rnd IG: 1 sc, ine, 2 sc, ine, 16 sc (22 st) Rnd 17: 14 sc, dec, 6 sc (21 st) Rnd 18: 2 sc, inc, Ise, ine, 1 sc, ine, 14 sc (24 st) Rnd 19: 8 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 16 sc (27 st) Rnd 20: 4 se, ine, 1sc, ine, 1 sc, inc, 18 sc (30 st) Rnd 2t: sc in all 30 st Rnd 22:6 sc, dec, 2 se, dec, 11 sc, inc, Isc, inc, 4 sc (80 st) Rnd 28: sc in all 80 st ‘Tightly fill with filler, giving shape to the neck. Cut the thread, leaving a long tail for sewing. a i te ae Ears (make 2). Start knitting in black Rnd 1: 5 sc into magic ring (6 st) Change color to white Rnd 2: inc in all 5 st (10 st) Cut the thread, leaving a long tail for sewing. Inflatable circle. Ch 22, close the ring. Next, knit in a circle. It all depends on what kind of circle you want or equal to the circumference of the body of the toy, or on the fact that it can sit on it. Complete the knitting process. Sew ends, trim threads. Gathering. Sew the neck of the flamingo to the circle. We sew eyes and embroider wings. Q Now you have everything to go to the sea. And do not forget about a good mood. I hope you enjoyed and look forward to photos of your finished work. Give me a direct link to @natura_crochet and mark with the hashtag #design_by_naturacrochet

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