2 On A Bus: I II III IV

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2 On a Bus

A : Does this bus go to the station? I'd like to arrange to have my car Could you book my car in for a ser- My car needs servicing. Can i get it
serviced. vice? It's well overdue. done here?

B No, you'll have to get off at the

bank, and take a 192. Ye, of course. Which year and model Yes, I think we can help you. Which
is it? That's no problem. Can you tell me year and model, please?
the year and model?

A Can you tell me where to get off? It's a 1986 model the smallest one in It's last year's model-the estate ver-
the range It's a 500 series-and it's less than a sion.
. year old.
B It's the next stop but one.
How would next Friday afternoon How about next Wednesday morn-
suit you? Can you bring it in on Thursday? ing?

That'd be perfect. And could you also That'd should be OK. And perhaps That's fine. And at the same time,
try to improve the starting? you could see to the clutch-it keeps could you do something about the
slipping. sunroof? It lets the rain in.

Yes, we'll do that as a matter of

course. Yes, I'll make a special note of it. Yes, we'll do that for you.

get off = as far as = want a 143: = should = shall

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