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Your address and Postcode

Fill in this CV with your own details and information. Remember to delete the blue advice before printing!

Here you should write a paragraph to introduce yourself. What are your aims and interests? Do you have a
career path in mind? What kind of person are you? Tailor this to whatever you are applying for.


20XX – present The Minster School, Nottingham Road, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25
In this section you should add in details of all qualifications that you have and that you are working
towards. Write a list of all subjects that you are taking, along with your predicted grades. This could include
music/ballet/sport achievements as well as academic subjects. An example is given below:
Current studies:
Subject Predicted Grade:
A Level Geography B
A Level Mathematics D

Previous qualifications:
Year: Subject: Grade:
2016 GCSE Mathematics A
2016 GCSE English Language B

If you speak any additional languages, can use Microsoft Office (i.e. Word, Excel) then also include this as
information below your qualifications.


Date[s] Name and location of employer/place of Work Experience

Here, go into detail about any part-time work or work experience that you have already undertaken.
Explain what your role involved, and what skills you have learned from the placement. If it is relevant to the
course or job that you are applying for, explain how it will help you to become a better student/employee.


Write what your main interests and activities outside of school are here. This may include Sixth Form
enrichments, sports, Duke of Edinburgh awards, music or any other out-of school activities.


Name of skill: detail that demonstrates your skill

Include three key words which describe your best qualities here. For each one, name the skill and give an
example to illustrate how you have that skill. An example is below:
Organisation: I recently organised a visit to a theme park for myself and my friends; this involved arranging
transport, working out costs and collecting money.

You should add details of two people here who would be willing to provide a reference for you. Ideally this
would include your form tutor plus one other, which may be an employer, another teacher or a family
friend. You should ask permission before you include someone as a referee on your CV.

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