New Deagel List For 2025

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New Deagel list for 2025: COVID crisis as a life extension of

the dying western system by means of a 'Great Reset'?

Posted on October 5, 2020 by H.C.

Deagel list for 2025

Germany is still not doing well in the new Deagel list [1]: only 28 million people (-65%), GDP -
90% and purchasing power reduced by 71%.
Anyone who reads this and thinks it is possible - the question arises as to how around 50 million
people can disappear in or from Germany within 5 years and what framework conditions this
requires. However, investment real estate seems to be a rather poor investment strategy.
The nice thing about the new Deagel list, however, is that the explanation for what is pressed
there in numbers is included - at the bottom under “Disclaimer” . I think that as some interesting
aspects to be touched - even if I 'forecasts' in large parts not share and no one knows who is
behind this list. Nevertheless, I would like to address the aspects that are interesting from my
point of view.
To the “Disclaimer” of the Deagel list ...
What do the Deagel people, of whom nobody knows who they are and what intentions and goals
are behind the website, write in the disclaimer? Including (translated with
“It no longer makes sense to think of the United States and the European Union as separate
entities.  Both are the western bloc , continue to print money and will share the same fate . "  ...
“The model of success in the western world was built on societies without resilience , which
hardly can withstand harshness, no matter how small ."
And of course there are consumer societies with an eroding social cement - at least in Germany
and the USA, which sometimes have recorded the strongest slumps. So far so good - but what are
the next steps?
"The COVID crisis will be used to the life of this dying economic system through the so-
called 'Great Reset'  to  extend ."  … ”Another attempt to dramatically slow
down the consumption of  natural  resources and thereby extend the life of the current system. It
may be effective for a while, but ultimately it wo n't solve the bottom line problem and will just
postpone the inevitable. The ruling kernelites hope to stay in power, which is basically the only
thing that really worries them  . "
I had already discussed the 'Great Reset' , as well as ID2020, Event 201 (9) , 'Known
Traveler' and the  'Vaccinations for all' program of the EU Commission [4] [5] [6] [7] [8 ]
[9]. All building blocks with a view to controlling the masses when there is less to distribute. The
deployment of the Federal Armed Forces inside is already specifically on the plan [2]. Will that
help? Deagel assesses the western multicultural, cuddly, gender, Tüdelüü societies as not being
resilient enough to master future challenges:
“As COVID has proven, western societies that embrace multiculturalism and extreme
liberalism are  unable to deal with real hardship ”… “The stark reality of diverse and
multicultural western societies is that a breakdown takes a toll will take from 50 to 80 percent ,
depending on various factors, but in general the most diverse, multicultural, most indebted, and
wealthiest (highest standard of living) will take the highest toll. "
Why? Because, as already written, the 'social glue' is missing in these highly consumptive cuddly
societies. Censorship and hate laws & Co. then lead to further contradicting signals and, as a
result, to further disintegration. I myself cannot deny the thought that this is not happening in
some way 'systematically' - because it ties up many forces in our western societies.
The next decisive date from Deagel's point of view is the upcoming US election in
November. Should Biden win - this would mean, also from my point of view, that we
increasingly steer towards armed conflicts. That is surely the last thing the world needs ...
To the Deagel ratings
From my point of view, there is a clear pattern in the Deagel ratings: The countries do better
there, the:
 poorer or more crisis-tested they are (-> Africa, Central America, South America,
 the closer you are to the equator or warm climate zones (-> including food & heating
 the more homogeneous they are culturally (-> social kit -> e.g. Finland),
 the less technology- dependent they are (-> Africa),
 the more self-sufficient they are in terms of production and supply chains (-> China,
 the more local resources they have (-> especially Russia).
Germany does not share any of the factors listed here (anymore) and this is very different in the
USA. In addition, Germany is extremely densely populated by comparison. Russia and China,
which do very well at Deagel, don't need the West (anymore) - the West needs China (->
production) and Russia (-> raw materials, energy) ... among other things, because we too almost
produce essential things 100% outsourced to China.
So this will all be "very exciting" ... especially when the western states can no longer sell
anything to China that China urgently needs. Because if the western currencies (USD & Euro)
implode, then goods are exchanged for goods or payments have to be made in remimbi, rubles,
gold, silver, etc. That alone is a good reason for a war - as long as the EU or the USA can still
wage a war, because without computer chips & rare earths from China and oil & gas from Russia,
it won't work out very long.
The Deagel numbers visualized on the world map: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western and parts of
Eastern Europe as well as parts of the Orient (Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia) are the losers. Coincidence?

Gerhard Wisnewski [12] also investigated the question of the origin of the Deagel list and the
plausibility of the numbers. The whole thing is noticeable when you visualize the list on a world
Why is the whole west + Israel & Saudi Arabia collapsing here - but not Africa, not South
America and especially not Russia and especially China? Has the Deagel list been “pushed” by
China , does it show the Chinese strategy for world dominance? From China's point of view, are
the USA and Europe just annoying consumers in the struggle for distribution of energy and
Why people don't want to see it ...
So not necessarily the Deagel prediction, but at least the fundamental direction in which the
world is currently moving ...
Gerald Hüter recently explained it 'roughly' - and I'll try to put it here in my own words: If most
people would allow the thought that Merkel, Spahn & Co. would 'ultimately',  i.e. the bottom
line, in relation to them ' Fooling around ' or deliberately lying to the really planned projects -
then their complete cuddle, security, belief and reference system is “gone” . Beautiful
retirement? “ Way” . Financial security? “Way” . These people would have to completely
reorient themselves and more than 50% of people cannot do that. Most would break  it
(psychologically)because they would have to bury your lifelong dreams ... But it can also be
explained like this:
“The masses have never thirsted for truth.  They turn away from the facts that they dislike and
prefer to idolize error if it is able to seduce them. Whoever knows how to deceive them easily
becomes their master, whoever tries to enlighten them always becomes their victim. " - Gustave
Le Bon (1841-1931)
The point here is not that people do not know that the politicians are 'lying' to them in a certain
rubber band area - that is, after the election, what was said, promised or promised before the
election does not apply. Original sound from Merkel :
“You cannot rely on what is said before the elections will really apply after the elections. And we
have to expect that this can be repeated in different ways. "
However, the (federal) politician planned well and act with intent for completely different
interests and all this at Bilderberg meetings , the World Economic Forum  in Davos , in
the Atlantic Bridge Association , the Council on Foreign Relations & Co. 'settled' is - that
would be a number too blatant for most - to admit that you are being systematically ripped off to
your own disadvantage. But even these events are only what we see or are allowed to
see. Conjunction expresses it more clearly [3]:
“I have already written several times that the internationalists / globalists / elites (IGE) and
their  vicarious  agents have gone“ all-in ” in the high-performance press and in politics . This
means that they have put everything on one card in order to be able to finally make their ideas
of a  New World Order , meanwhile  redesignated as the   “Great  New Start ” , a reality by
means of this P (l) andemia : Monitoring ; Control ; Cash abolition ;  supranational
entities  that  dictate policies and actions; a new monetary system; complete digitization;full
centralization and, at the long end, the  complete abolition of all freedom, civil and human
rights . "

Hilde Schwab - the woman behind the WEF founder Klaus Schwab and the Schwab
Foundation. Source: Wikipedia , License: CC

A year after Merkel was at the Bilderberg meeting - she became Chancellor - as happened to

many others. The powerful know what is on the agenda and everything that was presented to us
in advance is currently being meticulously processed: ID2020 , Vaccinations for all (EU), Great
Reset (WEF), etc. - Event 201 (9) was already there. The basics for the e-cards (-> ID2020) are
already tough in implementation [10]. Ms. Schwab (WEF) also looks tough. Klaus Schwab , the
founder of the WEF, is then also a former member of the steering committee of
the Bilderbergers Group.
Whoever finally allows such thoughts - for the first time a world view collapses - if he does not
have a world view that is above the material or earthly . Anyone who has debts, loan agreements,
family and children - or who is 120% involved in their work, may be slightly depressed - can not
allow such a thing . Most of them are protected from this by an unconscious system. Some who
allow it then take it to the other extreme - they only see ghosts everywhere and negate any
information - which is also not good for their own soul, their own ability to act and the quality of
life. The 'informed' center is apparent to manyhard to find .
The future?
Greg Moffat, operator of Legalize Freedom , a very interesting podcast that I listen to from time
to time, also discusses the development he sees in a current episode - especially to keep 'the
shop' quiet and to control it:
1. Social credit system (ala China) - rewards for “good” behavior.
2. Mandatory Vaccinations - “Passport” for international travel.
3. Digital currency - no cash, all transactions are recorded.
4. Universal Basic Income - subsistence income instead of a job.
Exactly that correlates with what I see and already discussed here: ID2020, Vaccinations for all,
Known Traveler and more ... Compared to previous crises, however, it will be more difficult to
pay in 'cash' or 'black' - if there isn't one Cash gives more - in order to establish a shadow
economy. Since the delivery or sale of common barter goods such as alcohol, coffee or cigarettes
can already be digitally 'limited' per person at the supermarket checkout in the future - there will
be a shortage of 'ways out' . If you still have some barter goods - there is still the risk
of swapping with a 'sneak' or a 'block attendant' ...
Anyone who ' hopes' for the universal basic income - if this should exist (at all), I would like to
point out that this will certainly be tied to conditions: Absolute system conformity - at least
implicitly. If this should ever exist in the form of a better 'Harz IV' - then the money that is
distributed will have rather little purchasing power. Because : There is no such thing
as wire- less money 'with purchasing power' - someone has to foot the bill - which is the hitherto
unexplained aspect of a universal basic income.
Conspiracy theorists !
Half length ! First of all: what is a theory ? According to Wikipedia :
"A   theory  is generally a knowledge gained through  thinking   as opposed to knowledge
gained through experience"
In science,  theory  deviates from a  system of  scientifically founded statements that are used  to
explain parts of  reality and the underlying laws. A theory is first of all an  assumption , possibly
of statements based on facts, in order   to explain excerpts from reality (e.g. current
events). There are many theories, including the  theory of evolution , the  relativity theory ,
the  quantum field theory  and the  theory of viral origin. If a theory is backed up by facts, then it
can leave the theory stage. This is how a conspiracy theory becomes  a
conspiracy fact . However, many theories are never 100% verifiable - but this does not mean that
they are wrong or of no use (-> e.g. theory of relativity).
In its simplest form, a  group of conspirators is  a (secret)  cartel  - which is
usually  prohibited  (-> see Cartel  Act ) and stands for  organized crime  . A good example is,
for example, the  Phoebus cartel , in which incandescent lamp manufacturers
had secretly  agreed in 1925  to limit the life of their lamps to approx. 1000 hours -
with  'internal'  penalties for everyone who produced better incandescent lamps. The motivation :
You can't make  money with lamps that last forever  ( like with this one ).
So : there are enough conspiracies & there have always been - and a theory about a conspiracy of
others against me, a group to which I belong or other third parties is not unusual. A very simple
example to illustrate:
“ If two pigs sit in the barn and enjoy the feed and grunt with pleasure, a third comes along and
says: 'You know that the farmer only feeds us so that he can slaughter us soon?' Look at the two
happy pigs meaningfully and say: 'Another conspiracy theorist!' ”
It's all a matter of perspective . Anyone who sits in the (dark) box and thinks it is the world -
but does not look at this box from the outside, at least in spirit, i.e. changes his perspective -
cannot understand that the box he is sitting in is not the world .
My conclusion
Who thinks that I am writing absolute crap here - gladly. I also hope that I only see a 'bunch of
ghosts' here , because that would mean that the cuddle and welfare system continues as
before. And to be honest : I have no problem with that!
But do not see such a development - especially not when everyone is wearing their mask, not
thinking, always following new rules and regulations, just because it is there and even if it is
obviously absurd and counterproductive  .
One example is among others. the current mask requirement in Germany - scientifically not
tenable , to put it mildly: 'most likely even dangerous' and contrary to the recommendations of
the WHO [11]. Not me, but Prof. Dr. Ines Kappstein, hospital hygienist, specialist in
microbiology, virology and infection epidemiology, specialist in hygiene and environmental
medicine in a specialist publication. That our politicians, including Steinmeier and Spahn , then
ignore them themselves - speaks volumes for me. If necessary, these politicians have also read
Ms. Kappstein's publication.
Anyone who does not see the dangers of a 100% fully monitored digital world is d umm to
me .  Sorry if you, who are reading this, are also affected by it. Anyone who walks around with
their smartphone switched on, uses the Apple or Google Cloud and pays
for everything cashless - is stupid to me . Why ? Because he or she gets completely 'naked' :
where he or she is, what he or she consumes - and with whom he or she meets. If Alexa or
Google Echo are then used - then that 's 'naked'once again in a completely different sphere. I
haven't even addressed the negative effects of electrosmog , microwave radiation & Co. in this
context - but they only make the users 'creeping' sick, insomniac & stupid ... and according
to Dr. M. Pall it could even become so blatant that for this reason alone (-> EMF) our societies
will no longer be able to act from 2025 .
How things will go on in the coming months and years will remain exciting. That I see a brutal,
but again delayed, economic crisis - I have expressed here several times . What follows after
the US elections in November - will be exciting. If Biden wins it will probably be bellicose - if
Trump wins, then the rioters are already ready. Trump is not a messiah - that is clear to me - but
he probably does not stand directly for the elites (IGE) who have brought us the current madness.
However, if the German automotive industry collapses in 2021-22 and there will be mass
layoffs as a result - then at the latest the next really big domino has fallen. I do not think that such
a boost in the deindustrialization of Germany can be cope with - without hard cuts in other
areas. We may see previously but produced or brought written or cause , is quite different PCR
testing 'second wave'. In this way, measures could then be implemented that most of us are not
yet able to grapple with.
But that's how it is. This coming crisis will be many consumers (at least economically) from the
scene repay what that means fewer resources are squandered - and more long-term for the left
(my) to control the game. The fact that Russia and China 'get away' so well with Deagel means
for me that the IGE's influence there may be more limited. But even that only works as long as
we don't get a big war ...
But none of this means that you shouldn't do anything - on the contrary! Getting informed is the
order of the day, put the smartphone aside or drastically reduce its use, pay cash, show
appropriate civil disobedience where science and facts support you, advocate open discourse at
work, in clubs and schools , Clearly and appropriately communicate your own attitude and
position on socially relevant issues- all of this is hip for me. But this is not possible without
information and preoccupation with the topic - otherwise you have no arguments. These often do
not help - but that is another topic.
Even more important, however, may be a common goal or a 'belief' that is not manifested in the
earthly or material. Many of those who fled to the West with 'nothing' at the beginning of 1945 -
also survived. So I think that, for example, ( extremely ) pietistic people like the 'Amish' have
advantages in several respects when dealing with what I see, what could come ... although
I already have my problems with the 'extreme' . However, scattered individual souls will have a
hard time (from my point of view) - when their reference systems collapse.
Really exciting times….
PS: Addendum for those who (want to) misunderstand me
Clearly is what we 'civilization' call no request concert but the result of the (in my view
psychopathic)  power relations . Whoever seriously endangers the latter, endangers the current
status quo - and consequently would have to take over the rule himself. However, this deal is not
mine - to currently take control. In this respect, I try at least to be vigilant, not to be a lemming,
to question things and to show moral courage + to help where possible. It's a shame that there are
always some power and money-hungry psychopaths - everything can be so much easier in the
world ...
I don't know who or what is behind Deagel and I have not yet read any explanation about it
(obvious to me). Given the rest of the topics on the website, it ca n't be a hobbyist . Since the
basics of the assessment cannot be found in detail, you can ultimately
roll the 'exact' numbers. I've also always the Deagel list as spinning dismissed. What is
interesting for me, however, is the tendency of the 'numbers thrown' and the disclaimer . This
time, however, the argument of 'social putty' got me and at the same time an interview with G.
Hüter about Corona, as well as a lot of what I am currently personally experiencing and have
experienced made me think further.
Anyone who can or likes to read between the lines here and, for example, knows who
G. Hüter is, knows some of his books and thus has a few ideas about psychological resilience
and 'paths that have been trodden in' - who may be able to better anticipate what I want to
I clearly point out that we all have a confirmation bias . In this respect, everyone here in my
blog usually reads out what they think and not what I actually meant.

Links / sources
 [1] Deagel list for 2025 (version September 2020) ( backup )
 [2] P (l) andemie: Bundeswehr deployment inside and the coming tightening of
coercive measures ,, 29.9.2020
 [3] Covid-19: “ Tighten the reins” despite the lack of sick and dead people ,, 1.10.2020
 [4]  REPORT: EU Planning “Vaccination Passport” Since 2018  “Roadmap on
Vaccination” outlines 3 year plan for boosting “vaccine confidence” and advancing
“electronic tracking” ,  Kit Knightly,, May 22, 2020
 [5] Ten actions towards vaccination for all , EU Commission, 12 September 2019
 [6] Roadmap for the implementation of actions by the European Commission based
on the Commission Communication and the Council Recommendation on
strengthening cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases , EU Commission, 23
May 2019
 [7] Vaccination documents from the EU Commission - overview page
 [8] ID2020 at a glance - The ID2020 Alliance is a global public-private partnership
setting the future course of digital identity, ensuring that digital identity is responsibly
implemented and widely accessible. ,
 [9] Live Simulation Exercise to Prepare Public and Private Leaders for Pandemic
Response , World Economic Forum (WEF), Geneva, Switzerland, October 15, 2019
 [10] Fight for “digital sovereignty” - EU plans triple-digit billion expenditure to create
a digital infrastructure independent of the USA and China , German Foreign Policy,
 [11] Mouth and nose protection in public: No evidence of effectiveness , Ines
Kappstein, Krankenhaushygiene up2date 2020; 15 (03): 279-295, DOI: 10.1055 / a-
 [12] Mass Death: The Secret of the Deagel List , Gerhard Wisnewski
This post was filed under Other and tagged Covid 19 , Deagel , Donald Trump , EU Commission , ID2020 , Sozialer
Kitt , The Great Reset , Vaccinations for all , World Economic Forum . Bookmark the permalink .

← Is the corona flu just a “staging” & an expression of the upcoming drop in oil production?
ETP Model Part X: Peak Oil and Peak Car are a thing of the past - Effects of the second law →
32 responses to new Deagel list for 2025: COVID crisis as a life
extension of the dying western system by means of a 'Great
1. Timo Leary says:
October 10, 2020 at 7:13 pm

Digitization requires a lot of energy. The elites still have to solve this problem if they
want to maintain global control.
o Karsten Meinau says:
October 15, 2020 at 9:30 pm

Energy should not be an issue in the future if the “Free Energy Patents” are
released as announced by D. Trump. . .But for sure the “elite” have already
implemented them for themselves !!
 HC Fricke says:
October 15, 2020 at 9:46 pm

I recommend reading chapter 2.9.3 in my book project . There the science

fiction author Isaac Asimov describes in his novel "The Gods
Themselves" something like that ... free energy .... only then she wasn't
quite so free after all. What is exciting, however, is what happens to the
protagonist - who wants to point out the dangers of the new energy
source. A true reflection of the 'also today' society….
2. the shepherd says:
October 14, 2020 at 11:13 am
Most of the sheep sleep here in the Berlin authorities.
The new ordinance has been in effect in the authorities since 10.10.20:
(1) A mouth and nose cover must be worn in closed rooms ......
by employees and visitors to office and administration buildings, unless they stop a fixed
place or can keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
Everyone wears masks in the hallways
o HC Fricke says:
October 14, 2020 at 11:31 am

It seems very clear to me that one wants to create “wave two” with all means -
against all data and against all facts….
 Paul says:
October 20, 2020 at 7:15 pm

Warfare exercise psychological warfare
masking (brainwashing technique) is especially effective in children
The vaccination agenda should not be overstated.
Wars are pending between Russia-Turkey (Karabakh, Syria), Greece-
Turkey (Cyprus), Iran-Israel.
And then China will be considered!
3. Robert says:
October 14, 2020 at 1:28 pm

It is not just the “social cement” that is missing in societies like the Germans. It's
definitely there if you look at the almost sectarian political groups that stand out in
It is worse because there is now largely a lack of elementary knowledge about the real
world outside of the media.
My grandparents' generation, born around 1885, both men and women, had the skills and
knowledge to generate, conserve and manage a large part of their needs (food, clothing,
housing, heating, pension provision) themselves. With that they survived the two world
Almost nothing of this is left in the consumer societies. The oil faucet is closed and the
power switch is switched off and the jokers will die like flies.
4. Frank Lothar Keppel says:
October 15, 2020 at 9:03 am

Yet you're sitting up there, you cowardly figures. Paid by the enemy, ridiculed by the
people. But one day justice will prevail again, then the people will judge. Then God grace
you. Carl Theodor Körner
5. Christoph Becker says:
October 15, 2020 at 10:38 pm

Thanks for the article. Just read it after reading the new article by Gail Tverberg
strange-way/ ) have read.
In my opinion, the authors of the Deagel list are wrong on one important point: Russia
needs the USA as a counterweight and, in a third world war, also as an ally in a war
against China. But then the West will also need Russia - similar to World War I and II.
Russia's leadership will not have forgotten Genghis Kahn, the Golden Horde and
Tamerlane. Also in Moscow you will probably not have forgotten that Russia's greatness
and victories were not least also possible thanks to the help of European and especially
German experts. The Tauroggen Convention, for example, was negotiated and signed by
people of German origin on the Russian side. General Levin von Beningsen fought for
Russia against the French as well as against the Turks. The cannon of the T34, which was
very important for the victory over Hitler Germany, was of German origin and was based
on a transfer of know-how.
Russia can benefit from the futility and decline of Europe and, above all, Germany, and
strengthen its prosperity and its ability to win future wars with China in the east and with
the Muslim states in the south by accepting qualified immigrants from Germany and other
EU states .
In any case, my practical conclusion is that you should try extremely hard and make good
use of the opportunities that Germany still offers in order to qualify for flight or
immigration to Russia. At least I really enjoy that and learning the Russian
language. What one learns and does best for this goal is certainly very different from one
individual to the next. In any case, I think that the seeming hopelessness of the situation in
Germany can be a source of joie de vivre and creative urge, which I actually didn't
experience earlier to the same extent as today.
See also my article .
I'm not worried about the surveillance state in Germany. The surveillance state has no
future in Germany. It requires a stable energy supply and it is a matter that costs a lot of
energy and resources, which the FRG will no longer be able to afford in the future,
suddenly through fine control or gradually through material exhaustion. At the latest from
the first day of an increasingly likely major war, the surveillance state will no longer
function. A good scenario for this is, for example, the novel “Then the lights go out” by
Martell, in which the first three days of the collapse of the power supply and the technical
infrastructure of the FRG are described.
6. Waldemar says:
October 17, 2020 at 11:42 am

As long as people do not understand how to act and react according to the three laws of
life, they will be in perdition!
The three
laws of life: -live with and for animals
-live with and for humans
-live with and for nature
7. Raven says:
October 17, 2020 at 7:34 pm

According to the Deagel list, the FRG has a loss of about 45-50 million people,
how exactly, let's only guess. It could happen due to old age, illness, pandemic,
emigration, etc. What are we upset about, we are all children of consumption
right? We all lived very well with the exploitation of third countries, I always call
it consumer colonialism in various discussion rounds and we can do it GOOD.
I've been dealing with it for 28 years and have lived a little differently from others
ever since. It has long been clear to me that if we continue like this, man will
exterminate himself. We take more and more living space from our roommates
and have to expect that they will come closer to civilization. As a result, more and
more viruses and diseases naturally come to us.
But I think the CV is homemade in order to decimate people for my way of
thinking. Of course, this decimation also saves energy and the elite would have a
longer term. But how should we as free or lateral thinkers deal with it? So that
with Russia sounds plausible to me. It is not for nothing that Schröder has allied
himself with Putin and America is against Nord Stream 2. With a good
understanding between Russia, the FRG and Europe, the balance of power would
shift. But unfortunately the USA has done good negative work in Europe, which
means that the majority of Europeans cannot or would not allow this to happen.
But what is the slogan: Better red than dead! We have to wait and see.
But I keep asking myself what can we do now to avoid such a disaster? Or that our
children can at least go on living reasonably well. Do we need constantly glowing
advertisements day and night, do we all have to drive our cars, do we have to
constantly fly on vacation, constantly stream films, etc.? It was probably done well
with flying and I hope so with the cruises. Giving up can't be the answer, can
it? According to news, Biontech has developed a vaccine that is already in its final
phase and is already being produced in Marburg. So then most people get
vaccinated and then? What was the point of CV if people didn't die from the
So if CV is not homemade (which is just my theory) maybe everything stays with
the OLD and we have to fight worse for BARE survival than we thought? There is
another solution, I don't know which of us all have children and grandchildren, I
have 5 children and 3 grandchildren. Perhaps all older people should think about
suicide in order to avoid war or the like, after all we have lived long and well.

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