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EOP WU): 0 Des NCES KSI erates Creates Si isan CT ae a TO MINCE Oa Ca CTS ) Lats CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS University Printing House, Cambridge C82 885, United Kingdom cambridge University Press is part of the Unversity of Cambridge. I: furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the aursuit of ‘education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence, ‘ © Cambridge Univesity ress 2015 ‘his publication isn copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective icensing agreements ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the wtten permission of Cambridge University Press Fist published 2015, Printed in Poland by Opalgrat A catalogue record for this publlcation is available fram the British ibrar ISBN 978-3-12-540391-8 Upper Intermediate Student's Book with Online Assessment and Practice, and Online Workbook ISBN 976-3-12-540392-5 Upper Intermediate Student’ Book ISBN 978 3-12-540393-2 Upper intermediate Workbook with Dowmioadable Audio ISBN 9783-12-540394.9 Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book ISBN 978-3-12-540395-6 Upper Intermediate Class Aucio CDs (3) {SBN 976-3-12-540396-3 Upper Intermediate Class DVD 'S8N 976-3-12-540397-0 Upper Intermediate resentation Plus DVD-ROM ‘Adaltional resources for this publication at wawwklete-sprachen de/empower Cambridge University Press has ne responsibilty forthe persistence or accuracy ‘of URLs for external or third-party internet vrebsites referred to inthis publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or wil main, Sccurate oF appropriate Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at te time of fit printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter CAMBRIDGE CoMerD. UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge English PO 0\ IATE EM uPPe INTERMED OK yDENT'S BOO Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones EE Unit F Outstanding people Gotting stated Discuss mosing mous people Co Cr SOE 1A Discuss poone you acre Roviow of tenses Graracer The ater: Wer adjectives stress 1B Siscuss a challenge Qvettons Twingand succeeding TC plain what odo and check Papi speech | Breaking offa converstin neersanding Explainingand checking lancestanaing 1D vie an ale Review and extension Wore practice WoroPOMER make Tait 2 Survival Goting tated Discuss coping with natural disasters 2A Discuss dangerous stuations Nrtatv tenes Exgressionswitt — Soundsand a ‘paling: 28 Ge adie onawading danger Future ime clauses and Armas ae! the ceoneitonals cenvirnenent 20 Give ard respon to compliments ‘Tone in quesion tgs Agesing using question tags; Gunga resort ‘compliments 20 White guidelines ina leat Review and extension Move practice WoRDPOWER face ‘nit Talent Getting started Discuss what mahes something a work of ant 3A Discuss abilly and achievement Mui-woed vert Aaya Aachievernnt 38 Discuss sports acties and issues Present pafectsimple Words connected Word toss, ‘and coninuous wth spot 30 Make careful sugzestions Sounds ara speling: Keeping othe topic of he Consonant sounds conversation; Makire caret suggestion 30 Witea description of data Review and extension Wore prace WOROPONER up Tait Lie Fessons Getting stated Discuss cilshood expences 4A Descuss evens that cherie sed tvand woul Cause and resut yourlle 48 Discuss and describe rules ‘bigaton and Tkingabout Sounds and parson aitfuity paling: 46 Describe pots CConvastve stress Desciing proc: Express ‘ateul dtspyeement 40. Wit an oma o apply for werk Review ad extension More practie WOROPOWER as Tait Chance (ating started Discuss atts to sk 5A Discuss possible future events Future probabity Adjectives Sounds and escribig atte sping: th 88 Prepare fra jot interview Future perfect ane future The riatural works continuous 5 Dissuse advantages and Tene groups Responding io an ides, eadrontages Discussing advantages and clsasanages 50. Witoan argument for and azanst anides Review and extension Mire practice Unit Around the globe WoROPOWER side ning and Video ‘cunvesan about Jocelyn Bel Buna Pdeast: The 30-day chatenge ‘tics: Apples design gon ‘and Tho woman who rarwented chien’ TV Intervons: 20-cy chatonge Contents™ my i Discussing inspitng people Asking 2nd answering questions about cates Erling 2 recess; Checking es nderdaning ana canvenalin bout tcoly Are Toe! curse ectmoogy Ovpnsinganarce Convent sbutasuvia shion Arie Last atsze Teng sun son setendew The Tor Thing ptos Talking about ting st Conversation lean experiences ac programme: The Sports Gane Making wedding pane Irterews about spents Inteniow: Psychol of money. “wo monelag.#s:Licanaing events “wo monogues: ani or a job Presenting tas “Tree monologues: ving in ieee places Monclogue: Wht ae your chances? Conversation: taking about work Money problems News reports: extere weather Leal Hew sunwive. ‘animal tack Leal wth guides for king ‘est about earning Lawrirg 0 ‘earn ‘ticle: Bato bo the best “wo ates about US baseball Dioyers ‘ticle: A nation of armchair athletes? Two tts about waning the betiery ‘Atti: Tang to be the best ‘Webpage about being an intemaionasdrt buy (iz: Are you an optimist ora essinist ise: Why we ink wee zor io have along ant py ite (Quiz; The unknown cortina ‘rick: Caohingin Arar ‘Essay about cate change Giving avis Asking questions Civng compliments and responding any Discussing the natural envionment Organising guidelines ina lett “aking about somthing you howe put a lot of eon nto Discussing spot and ways to improve pformance Panning a party Taking about popular spor Describing data Talking about rom your He has changed Discus experiences of tang ans ‘ules Discussing pies; Dsagrcing cael Discussing living a diferent county ay ‘Giving @ postive impression Discussing possi future events le ply: a jb iteriew plining and responding to ies or ace enc Givingorinionson clmate change Arguing fr and agains! an ken Gating started Discuss lravelin, A Discuss choions (Gerunds and infitves Cu “Towel and turim 68 Dscusschanges The passhe Describing change {66 introduce requests nd learn to ay Consonant sours Inroducing requests showing youre grate you are grate 6D Wite 2 rave biog Review and extension More practice WOROPOWER out ‘ait iy ing Seting started Discuss he desk of new bulangs TA Discuss Ii in cites (00 fenciy 50 such Deseting sein 7 Discuss changes to home CCouseive have ft Flmand 1 Sounds and oines Spoting 70 tmagine how ings cous be ‘Svessin compound Imaging how tings could be ous Using vague lneuage 7 Wriean eral io cumplain Review and extension More practise woRaPoWER down Tait Dilemmas Getng started Discuss atts to money BA Dcuss persona nae Fs and secur Money and tance cnatinals 88 Discuss reraldiemmnas and crime Thc conditions|; should Crime Sunde and sping! shave + 0tpartciol 8t How tobe encouraging Word gous Bag ner: Sting yo (80 White review Review and entension Mors practice WoROPOWER take Talk Discoveries Gating started Discuss tne impact of row irveons 8A Dicuss new inventions Relative cuss Heat ‘sounds and speling: 98 Dicuss peoples es and Repertes speech; Vets desribing achievenents Reporting verbs thought and knowledge 90 Expres uncetaity Lniingand intusion Expressing uncertainty; Caring a misundorstanding, 90 Wit anes expressing poi Review an extnsion More practice WORDPONER come aie 10 Possbiios Geting started Discuss gals ad expectations 10 speculate about te past Fostmestatdetuaon Aaecbes wy Wor sess prciues 108. Discuss ite achievements Weshes ard egrets Verbs of fort 106 Duserbe how you ft Consonant gous Describing how you fe Ineruping and announcing, 100 Wie» naratve Review and entension Move practice WororoneR way ‘Communication Plus p.127 Grammar Focus p34) ‘Vocabulary Focus p.154 Contents Ee Reading Sr Ci Two monlegues about siiseding Website about four ourat Comparing diferent tors destinations tours estore, Webste: Where tog? Irteniew: csappearing guages Article: Danger! Dying languages Agreeing and disagreeing Asking fora tor Asking fx a favour r ) Conversation atiptothe Grand Travel bg: Aru the Grand) Discussing cal oust estrations Using descriptive lenguage Canyon anyon Inteniow ‘Smet cites: Two ‘tile: Quice—siow conn! Discussing pod and ba points about rmonrdogues taking about sma cies acily womonclagues house renoitions Arie: Who puts te Yeon Planning a home erevaion seanty 177 tuning Designing and scribing» new room Interviews abouts new shopping mall Ema complaining about an important issue Using formal argue Rado pregame: personal ance Article: time 0 ge upon Giingopirvons on financial maters cash? Four monologues about honesty Newspaper article: Honest Discussing moral ema London? Seine tothe bank Talking about hopes and wates Gi Conversation about TV progemme Review: De the doctor do #” Discussing programmes about cme Organising a ee Conversation about inventions ‘Ate: Too good tobe tue? Taking aboutinventions aes bot msi Ae: The rock star who wasnt Describing an ier person sdecurertary Finding the pefect fat Givingand receiving surprises é Fourmorobgues about alternative Essay abou the vee of rpaiine alertatve medicine Presenting a sis of arguments Intevew about Dan Coopor Story the man no “eling stories about eoineidences og: The mock ofthe Taanic pursuing dream Act: Gato Creams and Desig a unpatingove Sane orang some ree Calan eve weenie gery Mondoqueexactfom ator Say. extect tomar Desig picture Making try intresting Phonemic symbols and iegular verbs p76 ASC RSETIMTINS Na TUE a CO What kinds of people do you admire most? Why? b SW Look at photos 2 and b. What do you think these people have done that make other people admire them? ve always loved great design. Ever since | can remember. ve been fascinated by the shape and look of objects. In rx ‘opinion, Apple Inc. is the number one company in the wort for product design. Inthe time that ‘you're reading this article, round 750 iPhone ‘and 300 iPads will be sold internationally. These conic devices © Read A; Who reinvented chitaren's TV quic! check your answers. e's design genius and The woman nd Read the texts again and answer the generate milions of pounds a day for Apple, and the man questions, Write JI Jony Ive), JC (Joan G: behind their iconic look is known as a ‘design genius’. In 2013, Cooney) or 8 (both), Time Magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential Who...? people in the world, but can you name him? If you said Steve Jobs, you'd be wrong, although it was Jobs who first recognised this man's talent. His name is Jony Wve, Born in London, Jony ive studied industrial design at Newcastle 4 was one the ist pope inthe Falcocte, Alor gedustig Nobuiped setup te Lonion 5 ay oud ne work Salen dist agency Tangerine. In 1022, wi *he was werking at 6 wast ter ap Imgarna Pe asbapet or ir Feen App, J liste Ws ne se sid tol rt yor inthe ob were tough an he aign wor prizes fr thelr wor wasn't very interesting. The company was also struggling to race re Hegre hat aie che cred te Aoga Since then, °he has been responsible for the iPhone, iPad unit 1% THE WOMAN WHO REINVENTED © i CHILDREN’S TV a EAGRAMMAR Review of tenses Match the verbs 1-6 in bold in Apple's design genius with the tenses below. 1 present perfect In the mid-19606, Ganz Cooney was working asa producer of | pest perfect telovcion documentary programmes in America, She realised Siwnplein Hewentences rey ae el Rese istan dele Wits alice Complete the sentences with the tenses in 2a. school chien. She researched this ida anc, in 1967, she wrote We use the an outine for Sesame Street. to refer toan event that takes place ata Ganz Cooney presented her ideas to the TV channel she was _, Specie inthe past | working for atthe time. However, the channel rejected her 2 to ole toa temporary event in progress inthe proposal, saying that they thought sh didn't have the right present expatance to produce a TV programzre for chien. Asa result, 3 to refer toa state or action that began inthe she set up Childrn's Teloision Workshop witha colleague, peat hax continued wil now ‘and two years later they had managed to rise ight ilion 4 to refer to something that’s generally true dlolars to france production Even so, mary peopie working in baer oan actkn tratnen h progres trite tne taevision industry questioned her ability to manage such a Bauernnating theiiions aes es seh ren is ey ee ae 6 —_torefer toa past action that occurred befor someasy Ee Anather past action At fist, Ganz Cooney cnt want to fight to keep her roe as the director of he production company and the producer ofthe © Underline examples of the six tenses in the programme. However, her husband and a colleague encouraged ioanditex so, bacause they knw the project would fal without her event. This mean se became oe of he fs erie Now go to Grammar Focus on p.234 television executives in America In 1969, two years after her tial esearch, Sesame Stroet went € Read the text about Nikole Tesla and circle the correct words. on air, and today it's stil going strong. However, loan Ganz Cooney didn't stop there, She continued to take an intrest in cearly chidhood education, and in 2007, she set up a centre to help i improve chidren's digital iteracy. | really admie the way she has ‘Gist goten wih wpa your caer Shot rot owt eee tmnt aebhets neniomeinie ji Ia Ey ade Not many people "have heard / heard of Nikola Tesla, who 2ployed / was playing a key role in creating the allernating current (AC) supply of electricity we 2are having / have in our homes today. Early in his career, Tesla “has worked / worked with Thomas Edison, Ho *hod emigrated / has emigrated othe USA from Europe in 1884, While Teslo €was working / had worked for Edison, they had an argument over oyment for on invention, so Tesla “was deciding / docided to work independently. It was then that he developed a motor that could produce an alternating current. Throughout his life, Tesla continued to conduct experiments and Shelbed / was helping develop Xray radiography and wireless communication. Thers is no doubt that he has had / had hada large impact on modem technology. Many of the gadgets tha! we Mare enjoying / enjoy today would not have been possible without Nikola Tesla (NB Listen and check your answers. mee "unit 1 LISTENING @ © Listen to two colleagues, Amelia and Chloe, talking about a female scientist, Jocelyn Bell-Burnell. Tick (V) the correct sentences, 1 She's always been famous, Oo 2 She isnt very well known, oO 3 She mage an amazing discovery oO 4 She created a new mathematical theory. OMB Listen a gain. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Amati stats, «cing 2 Non-fiction bok about planets and discovered @ particular kind of 3 She won a Nobel Prize for 4 She did badly viten 5 Lie wasn't easy her discovery dying science at high schoo for her when she made her 6 the ress dint treat Jocelyn Bal-Bumell seriously, 7 A has been inspired by Jocelyn Bell Burma - Discuss the questions, auld Jocelyn Bell-Burnels story have happene Your county? Bo you knc 2 How popuiar is ow any similar examples? fenoe in your county? Is it popular with both man and wernen? Ss important what gender a scientists? Why do You think it was important inthe c Bel-Burnel? EXVOCABULARY Character adjectives @ Underline the five adjectives that describe people's character in sentences 1-4. Which two adjectives have a Similar meaning and what's the difference between them? She's a respected physicist 2. She is an inspiring woman 3 She was relly determined, but ina quiet way. 4 Will you've always been motivated, that’s for sure, And stubborn, 'b © Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of the letter in these words. Which two sounds ara the same? What are the other two sounds? respected etarmined © GAME Look at the words in the box and decide how the Underlined leter os pronounced, Add the words tothe table, then listen and check, Practise saying the words, “slept revise helpful sewe desire Dreter identity university women sound 1 iv sound 2 /e sound 3 fa! a Complete the sentences with the character adjectives in 4a. 1 Once Dan gets anid He's the mast —_ 2 Vmnatth @ in his head nothing will change his mind. —— person | know and its realy annoying. or of person who gves up easily — I'm very —— when | want to achieve something 3. He's worked hard and has done He's a highly __ chemist who's known around the word. 4 Doing a PhD is hard work so you have to be quite if you Want to do one, 5 In my last ting research some very interesting resea Par of high school we had a really biology teacher. Her lessons were so interesting that we all worked Very hard for her © B Now go to Vocabulary Focus on p.154 EASPEAKING @ Think of an inspiring person, who has influenced you in some way. It can be someone you know or it can be Someone famous. Make notes about the person. Use the: questions to help you, + Whats tis person's background? {What important things has this petson dre in thelr fe? + Wy are they inspiring + How nay ve they changed or influenced your ite? 4 Tell other students about your person. Ask questions ‘My Cousin Vera is an athiet itectalele un Vera an athlete motvated? ‘She trains really hara every day — oy she's really determined, TCR OTB ater eg a (QW Look at photos a-c and read The 30-day challenge. Then discuss the questions | What are the people in the photos doing? essful were you? up similar activities? If 50, ho 2 Why do you think doing something for 30 days gives you a better chance of succeeding? b Gunma Listen to a podcast about the 30-day challenge Tick the main point that Alison makes. nallonge isa good wey to give up bad rats. 2 W's dificult or the brain to adapt to new habits. 3. Mtyou try something new for 30 days, you're more Nkely 10 keer IN Alison made some notes at the seminar. Complete her notes with one or two words in each gap. Listen again and check. Seminar notes Ittokes the brain 30 days to adap days ert @ time, sot fun to do something new Algo 9 chance to try some! bed hbts Two waye to do f Have you ever started a new hobby, but given up after only @ couple of weeks? Or started a course and stopped after the frst few lessons? Most of us have tried to learn something new, but very few of us evar really got any good at itis just too dificult to cantinue doing something new. But now there's some good news: did you know that i you ‘can keep up your new hobby for just 30 days, you have ‘a much better chance of succeeding? And you may learn something new about yoursolf too, What examples of 30-day challenges did you hear? Use words from both boxes for each challenge. fic eyele drink climb getup eat paint write ise poem coffee new picture mountains everywhere What do you think of the aS Alison talks about? Make notes. ® Compare your ideas. "UNIT 1 EAVOCABULARY READING Trying and succeeding 2 Lok at challenges 1-3. Who do you think wil fin it easy a @ EMA Complete the sentences with the and who will find it difficult? wort nd phases nthe Bt UES at sag he intevows and check as Give up have ago at Keep il up keep to make an effort manage to successfully try out work out T otmewiysrangene ae OU"DAY on ty about a week or we becouse our brain hasnt ’ a bat NT a adapted 2 Soifyou do something new ora ment aK LS youll probably it 3. Maybe you wouldnt wont io for your o whe, butt might be fun to do just for 30 days eens 4 youre sucess its erent uti ides it doesnt mate too much 5 Itnot ust about ang up bac habits. The idea ial that you something new 6 Or yu can ake time outand —— something you've abrays wanted todo. " 7 Obviously odo something ike thal you need Ses b eee Yes, but always thovoht diss moat too much. The idea ot being a "jaye al abouthattnay through and they've | vosearan for 20 daye was realy good, because coud ie a ry and 8 Theyre all about halt ay through and they Papel leat What mare you decid to Tos become veootaran, Farah? TELSUSIEE TSAI Wel, for quite a longtime now I've been trying to eat less meat, partly for health reasons. think vegetables are better for you. dane ito fae, 1b Match words and phrases from 2a with the No, feel really good. Actually don’t miss meat at all, $0 think I meanings. easily manage the 30 days and | might try carrying on longer. | certainly 1 amma think im a bit heather than I used to be. 2 stop tying 3 notsiop tying, 4 tryhard —_— Creer 5 yt see fimo amie Reread © Complete the sentences below about soci oda SE ST 30-day challenges. Use the words and crete dns Dhrases in 2a and your own ideas, There is | Well "ve never been very good at crawing, but ve Fr Halon pale erase always thought ike to start drawing ings around one bess Pie 4 , ‘me. IS one of those things thet you think about doing, 1 He tied phng up cote fo 30 days. wasnt | ut you ner got round, easy, bute 2 You've got up at 5.30 everyday for three weeks nave You've only got one week tO BD, | kinds of things. At the start | drew objects around me at home. Then ‘went out in my lunch break and started drawing things outdoors, Ike =” yesterday | drew a duck in the park ~ that was realy dficul! 3. 30-day challenges sound fun. | want to do something oer 90 ink So do you fe! it has been worthwhile? Oh yes, definitely. m still not very good at drawing, but it's been lols of 1d CX Work in small groups. Tell the group fun and it's very relaxing. about a time when you: + found something dificult but didn't give up + made a real aor to succeed i ‘+ hada go at something unusual ; . + did something which workod out successfully > + tried to:do something which did't work out, 12 = © Complete the interviews with the missing questions. And who do you practise with? Or are you just working alone? b_ Butdicnt you ever think of being vegetarian before? (© And how do you fee? Are you fining tafe? 1d And do you think youl canyon after the 30 days? f& What have you drawn pictures of so far? dima Listen and check your answers Wel hog coos enquge tat to ent or Edo deeded oy taken ‘eft oop gong wn ‘os ts ve had tobe vr att wth eal roving tek wile yeolveeay ae oor ial, oro naan estar al rd ora te theta we Oo ge eteand aaa atresia ‘rag ya et age ens To Pe kg org agement UNIT r EAGRAMMAR Questions @ Read the rules about questions. Find examples of each type of question in the interviews and 3c. 1 In questions, we usually put the auxilary vets before the subject. there sino aurliay verb, we add door cic. ‘Are you making cines? Mave you eaten? What aid you oat? 2 ‘Ifthe question word (who, what or which) is the subject, we keep normal word order. Who spoke to you? What happened next? 3 Ha question has a preposition, itcan come atthe ends You were taking to someone. > Who were you talking to? 4 “Toask an opinion, we often ask questions starting with a phrase like Do you think. ? (5 ik good idea? > Bo you think it's» goad idea? b Compare examples a and b. Did you sae her a the party? Which example... 1 is @ neutral question (= maybe she was there, maybe nt) 2 expresses surprise (= I'm sure she was there) b Didn'tyou see her a the party? © Compare examples ¢ and 4. Which colour do you want? What colour do you want? Which example ...? 1 asks about an open choice (there may be lots of colours choose from) 2 asks about a liited range (e.2. black, «J oF groen) dB Now go to Grammar Focus on p.134 © (WW Work in pairs. You are going to role-play two of the interviews in 3b and continue with your own questions, 1 Choose one ofthe intervie ‘Sludent A: Interviow Student B. Add your own questions Student B: Answer Student A questions using your own ideas 2 Choose a second intrvew. This time SlurentB interviews Stutent A, EASPEAKING @ Work in pairs, 1 Write, short poem every day 1 Wits dow tee chatenges 2 Get wp at dann you might do in the next 3Gorunning three months, 2 Look at your partner's challenges. Write some qu leach one, Ask about ‘reasons for doing the challenge © detaits of what he/she plans ta do + how he/she feels about it festions to ask about Are you planning to. 2 - Do you think it willbe... 2 How are you going to... b 6B Interview your partner about their three challenges, Do you think he/she will be successful? Everyday English USOC REO nT ayy i TENIN! a Ql Discuss the questions. 1. In your country, how do students manage financially? Do they ...? rely on thelr parents et parttime jab Use student loans 2 What do you think is the best way? Why? 2. If you had to do a parttime job to earn some money a8. student, what job would you choose and why? N Look at the photo of Tessa and Becky from Part 1 Who do you think they are? 1 tout 2 colle 's visting a famous building 2 students doing a course 3. journalists who have ust done an interview ¢ Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas. Watch or listen again. Answer the questions, ‘Are Becky and Tessa trends? How do you know? 2 Whiy does Becky have to 20? @ (NIKE Watch or listen to Part 2. Are these sentences true or false? LB ‘are married 2. Becky is fee this evening. 3. Becky isin a hurry Sy and Tom VERSATION SKILLS co: Breaking off a conversation a @IM Look at these ways to break off a conversation and say goodbye 1 really must go now. 2 | must run) 3. I've got no time to talk now. 4 Ih see you tomorrow. Listen to the speaker. Which words does she not use in 1-42 1b Look at some more ways to break off a conversation. Which words has the speaker not included? 1. Must be off now. 2 Talk to you later 3 Cant tak just now. 4 Nice talking to you rm EIPR ONUNCIATION Rapid speech a IMD In rapid speech we often leave out sounds. Listen to the phrases below, Which sound is left out? I it a consonant sound or a vowel sound? 1L must go 3 got to go 2 must run 4 can't talk b Read the conversation. Put B's replies in order. Is more than one order possible? A So how was your holiday? B Got to go. /Sory./ Can't tlk now. A OK, well, have a nice B Bye. / See you tomorrow. / Yeah, the twas great s./ Must be of now, ¢ (2 Work in pairs. Have short conversations, Student A Tell Student B about what you did last weekend Continue until he/she stops you, Student B: You're in a hurry, Use expressions in 2b and 3b to Then swap roles, EALISTENING a @lIKD Watch of listen to Part 3. What happens to Becky? Choose the correct answer, 1 Becky meets Sam and learns how to make coffe. 2 Becky learns how to handle food and meets a café customer. Ee b @umma watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1 Sam explains two things to Becky. What are they? 2 What does Phil do inthe café? 3. Why do they call him ‘JK? 4 Who is Emma? ¢ CB Discuss the questions with other students. Give reasons for your answers, 1 Doyou think the others like Phil coming tothe cate? 2 Boyou think Becky will be good at her new job? GRR Watch or listen to Part 4. Which of these topics do Tom and Becky mention? ‘coffee food Becky's new job the reason Tom is here Phil's book their wedding plans @ @ha Watch or listen ggain. What do Tom and Becky say about each topic? EI USEFUL LANGUAGE Explaining and checking understanding Look at the expressions Sam uses to explain what to do. Put the words in italics in the correct order, most thing / i, / the / important don’ touch the food, 2. to/alweys / remember use these tangs 3 is, /remember / thing to / another the ta es are all numbered b GMA Listen and check your answers. © Why does Sam use these expressions? 1 because he needs time ta think 2 because he's not sure 3, to emphasise important points Look at these ways to check that someone has understood an explanation, Complete the questions with the endings in the box the idea? got that? clear 1 Isthat 3 Have you 2 Doyou understand what... 4 Doyou gat ¢ © Pronunciation Listen to each question in 5d said in two ways. Which way sounds .,. ? ‘= riendly and poiite ‘+ untrendly and not so polite To sound friendly, does the speaker's voice go up (A) or down (~) at the end? Practise asking the questions in 5d in 2 friendly and polite way. B Here are some other things Sam could explain to Becky. Imagine what he could say using language in 5a and 5d. What could Becky say to show she has understood? 1 how fo clear and arrange a table when a customer leaves 2 what to do with the coffee machi 3 what to do if customer al closing time save something behind h $2 Practise the conversation in 5g, ‘Swap roles. TSPEAKING @ Choose a process you are familiar with or something you know how to do. It could be: ‘+ something connected with a sport or a hobby * aw to use a machine or an electronic device ‘row to make or cook something You are going to explain the process to your Parlner. Prepare what you will say. Think how to emphasise the important points and check that your partner understands. Use expressions from 5a and 5d © CW Work in pairs. Take turns to explain the Process to your partner and ask each other uestions to check understanding, NES yg Tu Tmt ULE Ee HM SPEAKING and LISTENING E @ SB Discuss the questions, 1 In your deity ite, how mu 2 ‘What aspects of technology make your daly ile ex oot @ Read Tech free! Are any of the things in the ch do you depend on technology? survey mentioned 1 Read the text again, Ave the sentences true of 9 C2 Look atthe surey results below and discuss the false? questions, 1 Betore the ‘iment, Sam was a bit worried by 2220 think People you know wou agree with these resus? he idea e ° Mure wth te resus? store anything eee yoo we la 2 Sam was annoyed that he had to chat to someone tke to acid to the ls? inthe bank pa “ 3 The bank tale was clearly surprised that Sam MODERN L 1a yf =} Wanted to withdraw money by not usi the seltserv check-out atthe supermarke fcr ord ; ; 3 Sam was abe to work better when he wrote by h é sin aaa As the day progressed, Sam thoughtless abou Self service check-outs tis phone | sales calls 7” Bam leant something about the way we depend selfies technology. slow internet connection io ° mobile phone battery life tne Would you feel ityou had to lve Without using technology for one day? Discuss © CA Listen to Gitta and Derek talking about technology, What You would enjoy and not enjoy. they nay describing positive or negative expences Do they talk about the same device? Wi 5 he falk about the same devi BAWRITING SKILLS Organising an @ Clea Listen again. What’ ihe speakers ‘elationship with article the other person in the story? What lade the experience Positive or negative? Why? 3 How does Sam organise his art Correct summary. He —B Discuss the questions, 1 Do You agree with Gitt’s reaction to boss? Why / Why not Foquests reade 2 Do you know people ike f ? Do you think hey should ty to 2 explains hi change? Why / Why nat? cle? Choose the technology, describes todo the same thing «ol of dependency an technology, Slescrbes his day, finishes with an evaluation of te eapetience 1 Work on your own, Think about the Questions below and > eblains his feelings about technology, de oe make notes, 42 fishes by promising to repeat the experienc? * When as technology creaad a pros mer you? * When has technology helped you soi lem of some king How does Sam get there reader's attention at the beginning of t ences in 1f ticle? £& OR Discuss your e “Have you ever wondered what it would bbe like to give up technology? I'm aTV journalist and I spend a lot of my working ife in front of a computer or aTV. | decided | to conduct my own private experimer __ would spend a day trying to manage without technological devices. What a scary thought! ®The first thing | usuelly do every day ie reach for ‘my smartphone to check the time and read any ‘messages or emails. But [locked it away ina ‘rawr tha night before, Already | was fooling very cut off from the world, and it was only I had no idea what time it was! After broakfast, | noaded to get some cash, Inevitably, this meant a trip to the bank because cash points aro technological devices. | had ta queue, but had a vary nice conversation with a ‘woman whilst Iwas waiting, Not surprisingly, the bank teller thought l was a bit strange withdrawing money this way. think she thought | was @ robber! “Then itwas on to the supermarket. You may be wondering whats technological about that. Wel, had to make sure | avoided the self-service check-out and joined the queue for a normal Complete the tasks below. 1 In paragraphs 2-5, underline the inking word or phrase that sequences the events in Sarn’s day. The fist one has been done for you, 2 In peragraph 6, what inking phrase shows that Sam is going to summarise his experience? Look at the exemple sentence from the article. The adverb /nevitably shows the writer's, attitude. Find five other comment adverbs in the article Inevitably, this meant a trip to the bank because cash points are technological devices, [Add the adverbs in the box to the sentences. (Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.) amazingly naturally inevitably (oot) surprisingly 1 Why do some websites always ask you to change passwords? Having created a password for my bank ‘account, | was asked to change it wo weeks later. 2 usually hate anything to do with technology. I quite like using the self-service check-out atthe local supermarket 3 always expect IT products to be very expensive The tablet | bought last week cost very itl. 4 find it very dificut to install new softwate, I've ‘downloaded the latest version ofa program and my ‘computer has frozen, 7 a Follow me ‘one - with 2 real person, Naturally it took fonger, but | had a great chat with the guy Who served me, and he told me about a now club that is opening up nearby. Would Ihave {found out about that if Id gone to the salf- service check-out? No. Atterwards, came home to have a go at writing a news story by hand. Strangely, | found it easier to concantrate on my writing, ‘But my hand and fingers got realy sore! And have to confess by this stage, | was having to make a real effort not to get my Phone out and check my messages. | was starting to wondor what my friends were doing. Maybe they were making plans to go to that new club, and I woule never know! Allin all, wouldn't sey I could live without technology. Predictably | really missed my phone all day. The worst part was not being able to check updates in the news or from ‘my friends. | felt vory out of touch, However, | kept to my promise of a tech-froe day anc | did have more face-to-face interaction, Undoubtedly, it made me realise just how ‘addicted to technology we al are, {Which piece of advice is not correct for writing an article? Why? 1 Begin the article with a question to get the reader’ attention, 2 Use cirect questions to connect with the reader of your article, 3 Think about how you can structure the main part ofthe article You can use a sequence of events ar you could compare and contrast ideas Use linking wards to guide the reader. Be as objective as possible. Use comment adverbs to shaw your opinions. ‘Summarise your experience or ideas and evaluate thom, EAWRITING @ Imagine you had to live for a week without a technological device you use in your daily life. Choose a device from the survey, the article or use your ovin ideas. Make notes about what the experience might be like. ‘CW Discuss your notes. Write an article about your experience. Organise your article to follow the structure in 3a, Use the linking Phrases and adverbs from 3c-e to help you. ‘Swap articles with another student. Does the article follow the advice in 3f? Is the article interesting to read? Why? What could make it more interesting? U N IT 1 EI WORDPOWER Review and extension ‘@ Match the remarks with the pictures. 5 GRAMMAR ‘Larvt make up my mind. if “ttreally makes a difference tothe rom. @ Write verbs in the gaps in the correct tense, “1 cant make out what iis My wife Anna and | frst (meet) ata party while | b d ‘Wellhave tomake the best of,’ f zg ‘most people “___ (akeadleave) |°___(natice) Anna immediately. She © __ (wear) blue dress and she’ (chat wth a group of people on the balcony. 1% (went) up toher and we °___ (start taking, We both !°___ (eel as i wwe "!___ (know each other all our Ives, Now we (be) both in our 70s, We"! ¢krow) each other for 44 years. bb Read an interview with a famous actor about his life. Correct the mistakes in the questions. 1 Where you grew up? In Son Diego, in Calfernia. | lett when I was 18. "That docsn't ake sense,’ 2 Di not you ike ving in Sar Diewo? ‘Tewants to make fiends with us” Yes, but there were more opportunites In San Francisco, 3 Howe long for dic you stay there? 'b GME Listen to the conversations About eight years. Then | moved to New York, and check your answers, 4 What cid make you decide to move? (ive) in London inthe 1970s, When | “___(arive) ‘This is to make up fr last night | got an offer to act atthe Apollo Theater in New York © Add a word or phrase from exercise a after make in these 5 think was ta good decision? sentences, Ohyyes.Itwas a chance to work with some great people 1 What was that? | can't make what you're saving ie © With mio cid you work? 2 Why dont you dive faster? We need to make —— lost lime, Oh, lots of aoad actors ~ Terence Newey, far example orwell be ate S00 you want ta come with us? You n 3 < to make EXvocaButary 4 ‘When the sun shines, t makes tothe way | fel 5 id’ buy any more food, You just have to ake ot 4. Add an adjective to complete each gap. © He gave a long explaration butt didnt make —— to me: | 1. The students are all keen to lean English. They'e vary Stl don't understand. fens 7 Dont sin rot ofthe computer al day. You shoe go out 2 All Sophie's famiy and trends have warned her about and make —__ith people ‘marrying Fred but she's ping to anynay. She's sos. ¢ 3 Everyone apres ten president isa good leader She's 4 ® What kind of person are you? Discuss these figiyr ‘questions. 4 My brother used obo vary shy, but he's become much more: 1 MoU upset end, how would you make up fort? Would ou 5__since he et home. buy @ presen, buy lowers, apologise ..? B 8 He alas loved acting mare than anything es. "m p____ 2 When eu buy cohes, do you make up your mind about it ich or do you need tng tins to decide? Re 6 Five thousand people came to hear him talk; He's avery 3 You have to spend the night at an arpot. Would you stay hee | | ‘speek ‘and make the best for would you pay money 7 Try nolo cise his work, He can be very s__—_aboua it fora hate 8 Just because theyre ich they think they'e beter than 4 You see adog nthe toe Would you Ly to make friends wth everyone ese. | hate a____ people ike that, itor would you keep aut ofits way? 1b Choose the correct answers, 1 had took oat runing cal, butt nt ev pS “up out. | didn't manage "to make /mmiaking enough How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 2 Hee ety ‘core! manga ello wea weg Hes Laeesl sbi ota es kept eld cup racism Butea TNE WE 2-= Well 1 = not so wel ‘know it het ®siay/ keep to it for much longer, 1 CAN 3. There's only one way to find out if you can do something c “sticcesshil! successfully, and that’s o try it®on / out! See pool (sini discuss a challenge a explain what todo and check understanding |_| ite an atic a "18 , re GETTING STARTED FURR st EELISTENING & Look at pictures 2-4. What would you be most afraid of in each situation? 4 Ga Listen to someone talking about their holiday. Which of the pictues is being described? Where weg the holiday? © MEH Listen again. Num that they happened. 4 bought anew surboard lost the board © waved to ife-guard ©. swam against the currer fel ofthe surtboar ber events a-h in the order learnt to surf wt Instructor 8 went suring alone was rescued FAVOCABULARY Expressions with get @ Match expressions 1-10 in bold with meanings a i. 1 [7] I carit wait to get away 2 Cy Ive alays wanted to earn how to sur ane fay et to doit 3 [| cout get over just how strong they ar 4 [ Actually | got into a bit o trouble 5 [7] | tried to get hold of it © [| Itgot swept amay by the wave, 1 E] !soon realised that wasn't geting anywhere, & Cy gotte teetng | was being pled out wee 9 [7 So waved to get someone's attention © Lt hada bad experience, butt soon got over, 1 a make no pre bin a diferent cretion in @powertl way Fave the chance todo g Bp Somewhere else © be vary surprised by something fad myset in dittcuny & take it in my hand recover from something neg | make someone notice | have the sensation that alive that happened © D Now go to Vocabulary Focus on p. Complete the Phrases in 2a, 2 Sentences with the correct form of the Write one word in each gap, She ran out on the road to They were exhausted and sleep they soon When he saw the same the policernan's _— hungry, but after some food and — the experienc tree for the third time, he began 10 ——.—__ that he was lst, "ton 2 course about surviving in the woods and “ecg Pll ino practice his re-making sls Te decided to sk off the main tra whore ee srow wo fresh, but a wa 3 4 Hew also quite dangerous and they soon —— & The oat was sinking, but ve all managed to —2 life-jacket, 7” Sto was casing there, but the cument was srong end We iy eae 8 They has d been walking for hours, but they'd only walked about two kilometres, hey fet ice they were 9 They were in such a rush to —tothe When at they left without taking sensible walking boots man tey wee inthe wat thay Ne high the UNIT Hy EAREADING a Read the article Lost at sea and answer the questions. © CW Answer the questions, 1. How long was Robert Hewitt in the water? 2 What probioms des he have to avercome? b Can you remember what these numbers refer to? Write sentences about each number. Then read the text again and ccheck your answers, 1 200-metre 4 three hours 2 seven kilometres 5 half kibmetre 3 fourth day 6 third day 1 What do you think most helped Robert to survive? 2 Doyou think that Robert made the right decision on day one not to try to swim for shore? Give reasons 3 What was the biggest challenge Robert had to overcome? 4 What would you have dane in Robert's situation? on LOST AT SEA How long could you survive at sea? One day? Two? And when would you start to lose hope? ‘When Robert Howitt came tothe surface, he "realised straight away thet something was wrong Ho "d been diving for sea urchins and waytsh off the coast of New Zealand witha friend, and shad decided to make the 200-metre swim back to shore alone. But instead, strong underwater currents hac taken him more than hala kilometre cut to sea Lying on his back n the middle of the ocean, Robert told himself not to panic. He was ast and he “was wearing his thick wet suit ‘Irn not Ng seiner going to die. Someone will come,’ he told himself, But three hours passed and still no one had come for him. Robert would soon have to make a tough dacision He was now a long way from the coast and the tide was taking him further out, but he decided nat to zy to swim for shore. He felt it was better to save his energy and hold on to his brightly coloured equipment. But the dacision was not an easy one. just closed my eyes and said, “You've ‘made the right decision, You've made the right decision” until that’ all heard,’ he remembers, As night approached, Robert established a pattern to help him survive in the water, To stay warm, he kept himself moving and took short naps of less than a minute atatime, Every few hours, he called out to his =, ns loved ones: lust yling out ther namoe would pick me up and then woul keep gong forte nen hu andthe next hour and the ne When he woke the next moming, he couldn't believe he was slave. Unig hs bright ecpipment he tied to signa to planes that ew overhead But a each plane tned avay hi spite oped He managed io dirk wter orn his cx tank to keep himself ave, but as day tunes {0 night again he stereo magine things Robert woke on tho thir day toa beaut bluesy. Now seven klrtte off the coast, Robert decided he had to som fort But the sun mass sttong and Robert quietly ran ou of strength Hope tured ts ___ (decide) to slop and ‘work fora few months. °__ (be) on a gap year between finishing university and beginning work. Years befor, someone ?___Cell) me the bast way ta see the Coral Reet (be) by scuba diving. The diving !®_ {don the Great Barrier Reet "__(be) fantastic, As 1! _ (dive) 1” (see) spectacular marine lite, b Make sentences by matching the halves. Put the linking expression in brackets in the correct place. 1] you wort tind tc to learn to ski 2 1 you wort make much progress 3] yout make sieady progress 4 FJ vou won't be abie to contol your skis 5] yout stay warm 1 voor stat making progress aor a week 2 youcan move your toes in your boots (unless) you're generally it anc healthy 0) © you keep roving (provided) you choose an easy ski slope (a long as) you're patient with yourset (providea) f youire prepared to fall down a lot at fist (unless) FAVOCABULARY @ Correct the errors in the sentences, | dropped my hat in the 98 and it got swept by a wave away ‘She couldn't got it over how hot it was 2 3. He got trouble for beirg at, 4 gat feting they didi like gucsts, 5 She's naw getting ever it the shock 6 of fosing hee jo last week, ‘They're planning to got outta the untyside this weekend, b Complete the words 1 In North America, red wales are considered 2 Inthe UK, lane blue bullets roar angate fa 3 The Now Zealand mon tid hasbeen egy bout six hundred years. ~ 4 Is positon many Chinese aigators in zoos and fesearch conres, but there ate fener ining 5 In Austeia, ust over 20 per cane considered ¢__ in their ofthe native pants are ‘and need to be conserved WORDPOWER @ Match the examples 1-8 with the definitions a-h. 1D) Although ne said ne enjoys the taste ofthe raw ish, he st made a face, 2 [1 She ace a aitcut choice between the two jobs she was offered. 3D) Her tace felt wen | tld her the painting was worthless, 4 C1 Ne been studying all day and ean’ face doing my homework now. its not good nes, but | tis ace (We just have to face the fact that we haven’ got fe nugh maney to buy a house 7 [7 ipped on a loose brick and fll at on my face. 8 (1 I could tol my boss waset happy about the outcome Now| Neve to talk to her an face the musie to be disappointed | need to say itto 6 ‘accent another person's criticism or displeasure {accept an unpleasant situation {show from your expression that you don't ike something ‘0 fall over badly and feel abit embarrassed ' to make a dificult decision 0 say something dteetly to someone 1 to net want to do something unpleasant 4 In which of the expressions 1-8 is face used as a Roun and in which as a verb? © Which one of the following nouns doesn't collocale with face? 1 aprobiem 2 the uth 3 adifficut decision A thetects 5 asuccess 6 reality Add words to the gaps, 1 When did you last fell___on your face? 2 What was the ast —_ What happened the la — choice you had ta face? st time you saw someone's face ‘What's something dificult you've had to say —— someone's face? 5 What can't you tare alter class? © When was, the last time you had to face music? ML nC PROGRESS {20H Well cid you do inthis unit? Write 3, 2 of L x each objective, ery well IAN... iscuss dangerous. ‘situations o five advice on aviding danger ve and respond te compliments o ‘write guidetines in a leaflet 2 well 1 Not so well E ELISTENING a OB Think about how to learn something new. Do you agree a eo aT) AUC TTT y P Why? Bid 1 My teacher wil get angry f| make mistakes 2 Children lean faster than adults, | must practise every day in order to make progress, something seems very easy, | must be doing it wrong, Lng practice sessions are best. b COME Listen to an experienced teacher talking about the same sentences. Ave his ideas similar te yours? Do you agree with his ideas? BAREADING @ OW Discuss the questions. 1. How long does it take to leam something wel? 2 What's the bes dey to lean something new? How Imporiant is memory when we leern some hing new? bb Read Leaming to learn. Match texts a-e with the questions in 2a, ely bir o ‘night owt, weal have Uierent body clocks and rhythms, However, research is begining to show ‘hat ne'eal quite sila inthe way our ‘minds and bodes batave at dferont times othe day, Understanding these ‘hythms helps us work out when's the best ime toler, e eg eet end eet oe eae’ Read questions 1-6 trom people who have to learn Something. Use information in the texts to answer the questions. | have to lear alt of historical cates for an exam. What's 8 good way to do this? | want to join a beginners’ kickboxing class. I it the moming o attrnoon class? | know | have @ natural talent er tennis, Do | need 10 Practise hard to dowel 1 study fist thing inthe rested, fm sure learn more, Da you agree? 5 haw ond out aout te way car engines work, but Me book tm readings really boring, Should I just stk wi i (Sous want tobe good computer programmer ~1 want to 62a brillant one. What can Ido to achive tha morning after my brain has © Discuss the questions, ‘What information inthe texts surprises What information mack 3 Have you had at text? Do you think yout result ofthe informatio you? fe sense to you? é xverience ofthe ideas discussed in Inge your learning practice a5 4 Butt rstthing. Our nies and brains need time \Walm up and our body temperature rises sow f0™ ‘the moment we wake ‘up. Between fen inthe marti"? ‘nd midday, most people are at their best in eT {heir ability to concentrate ‘and learn. pele 2 bm and 6 pm ur msde strength tS Beak an our hand-eye cordnations very ee This means the etmoan i probaby bot fr 'eaming new spe perhaps a new dance te VOCABULARY ind achievement Look at the adjectives in bold and answer questions 4. And when you look a all the people who are autstar what they do they seem so much more talented that’s what it takes to become really skilled Those who became exceptional practised about two thousand hours more in order to learn something and become very suocessful at doing it, all youll need is about 10,000 hours! ‘without a doubt, there are people who are briiant at certain things All the musicians in the study had the potential to become world famous 1 Which two adjectives describe @ good level of abilly? 2 Which adjective describes a a 3. Which thvee adjectives describe a very high leva af abiliy or achievement? 4 Look atthe noun in bold in the last sentence. Are the ‘musicians world famcus now or are they likely to be in 04 level of achievernent? the future? Write the noun forms of the adjectives. 1 skilled 2 telontod 3 brillant 4 able Isn't stange how we can remember the words ofa much loved poem that me learnt at primary school more than twenty years ago, but we can't remember where we left ou keys about ten minutes ago? More ‘han 130 years ago tis problem caught the attention ofthe German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus and he came up with a theory: the strength of memory. Ebbinghaus believed that if we find new information interesting, then itl probably be more meaning ous. Ths makes the information easier to learn and aso eps the stenath of memory. It also helps if we associate the new information with something else, For exemple, & new ‘Word we learn might make us thnk ofa picture. This association can also bil memory strenoth Using associations to ep us remember what we eam is known as ‘anemic. For example, some people are able to remember a long sequence of rumbers because the shape of ll those numbers reminds ‘them of a spectc physical shape such 28.2 Our rennet ae fen aa used by competitors nthe World 3 Memory Championships held each yearn London, eee ued coed Pee esis De Cea UNIT 3" © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. at_for to (22) 1 3 4 e's very talented paying the guitar. ie has lots of potential — She's got areal talent —_ She definitely has the ability become a brillant actor succeed in his career raver Think of an example of someone who: 1 3 4 is skilled at some kind of sport or at has a talent for some kind of musical instrument is famous and you think fs brillant you think fs exceptional in their field is the most successful person you know, AB Tell each other about your answers in 3d, Give reasons for your opinions. ‘We've al had the experience of trying to eam something new only to Find out that we're not very good att We look around at other people we're learning with and they sem so much more talented and are ‘ing so much beter. seems to come naturally to them. And when you look atl the pecple wio ae oustanding at wit they 0 ~ the really famous people who are superstars — all you seeisnaturl ability. ‘The conclusion seems obvious: talented people must be bom that wa, ‘Without a doubt, there are people wo are bilint zt certain things they havea talent fo kicking 2 fotbal around a fil, oF they pick up ‘violin and immediately make music. However, theres also alot to be sid for practice, Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson studied students at Berin's Academy of Music. He found that even though ll the musicians inthe study had the potential to become wore mous, onty some ot them actually di What made the ference? The answer i simple: time, Those who became exceptional were more compettive and practised about two thousand hours more than thase who only did wll So, acooring to Ericsson, that's what it takes to become reall skilled. Ittums out that practice realy daes make perfect, and oder to fear something and become very successful at doing it, all you'l need is about 10,000 hours! Cec earners EALISTENING 4 GAME Listen to Seamus, Fiona and Henry talk about their learning experiences. Answer the questions, 1 Who tats about... ? the best time to lear learning hour © the strength of memon Do the speakers think the learning about work for them? b GMM Listen again and mat things they talk about 1 Seamus Ke notes about the bb trond araphic design 2 Flora a chemistry system for remembering symbols © colleagues’ attudes, 3 Henry a tour prepatatior You think make more © results © Civ Whose ideas do sense? Why? EAGRAMMAR Wrutti 4 What isthe meaning of the mult-word verbs in bold? Which ‘mult-word verb is mast similar to the verb on its own? Al of my friends ware also them tried ‘word verbs ally into comic books, tut none of {0 come up with their 2 sided lo ty it out DD Now goto Grammar Focus on p.138 TASPEAKING 4 Think of something you effort into, For example: your job "ve done that you have put a lot of ment * playing 2 musical instrun ivy * learning 2 language + Study of some kind Make notes about these questions: 1 What special skils o talent do you nood? & ‘What level of abilty do you think you havo achieved? : 3 How have you leamt new information nacesany fer this actly + Do,You need fo remember a lat of things to do tis wel? © HOw much tim Ne YOU put into it? ‘QW Work in smail groups. Tet each other about your activity. Ask questions & Who in your group do you think has putin the mest effort? Who has been successful? There are lots of good runners in Kenya Look at the pictures. What sports do they show? How many of the people do you recognise? b (2B What do you think makes a successful athlete or sportsperson? Choose the five things in the box you think are most important. ‘Ave there any you think are unimportant? attitude general level of fitness. luck sire for money genetic make-up support from the community technique parents. training and practice > Compare your ideas with other students. Read the text Born to be the best about professionals in four sports, In what way are they all similar? Read the text again and answer the questions about each sport, 1 Wat sport ist? 2 Who is given as an example? 3. What unusual features are mentioned? 4 What is the result Which of the things in 1b are mentioned in the text? Do you think this is important for all sports activities or only {or top professional players? ‘alometre race by forty seconds. half a kilo ighter. ‘Why do so many of the world’s best distance runners come from Kenya and Ethiopia? Because a runner needs not just o be thin, but also to have thin legs and ankles, Runners from the Kalenjin ‘rie, in Kenya ~ where most ofthe countrys best athletes come from way. Compared to Europeans, Kalelins ae shorter but have longer legs, and their lower legs aro Professional baseball players have, as a group, remarkable eyesight. A typical basoball professional can see af seven metres what the est of us can soo a four metres. This means that however ‘much thay tained, only a iy proportion cf the population wouk! be able to do what professional baseball players can do naturally see a bal that i traveling towards them at 150 km an hou. ‘Champion cross-county skier Eero Méntyranta had an unusual gene which mate him produce too ‘many red blood eas. Cross-country skiers cover long distances and ther red blood cells have to ‘send oxygonto ther muscles. Mnlyranta a! about 65% more red blood calls than the normal adult male and that's why he performed so well. Inthe 1960, 1864, and 1968 Winter Olympic ‘Games, he won a total of seven medals. n 1964, ho beat hs elosest competitor inthe fteon- (nthe seventh high jump of hs lf, Donald Thomas cleared 2.22 m, The next yea after only eight ‘months of raining, Thomas won the world championships. How did he achieve this victory? Not ‘rom raining He had unusually long legs and an excaptionzly ‘ong Ailes tendon, which acted ‘a akin of spring, stootng him high into the ar when he amped. re thin in exact this BA VOCABUL Words connected with sport Find words in the texts which have a similar meaning to the words in italic 1 Eero Miniyranie was @ cos ny Skie who ofr won competi 2 He did so well because he had more red blocd cells thar 3 Ho casly boat the clavest person competing mi him 4. Boforo the wort igh jump competition, Thomas only ha rtspeople ere trom have very gond a (UKE The texts in 1d are from a book called The Sports Gene, Listen to the first part of a Programme in which people discuss the book. Answer the questions, 1 What do we knaw about Barbara MeCailum? 2 What does she think of the ideas in the book? b SJKD Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. 1 Whats the main message of the book? ‘a The best athetes are often genetical alfferent fram most other people. There is @ particular gene which n athe © Being a good athiete is mainly a question of lu 2 Which ofthese factors does Barbara say are important in Kenyans’ success in running? a They start running at an early age Many people have lo ¢ Chileren learn to run in bare feet They tain for hours every day es you a good HKD Listen to the second part of the programme and answer the questions, 1 What do we know about Marta 2. What does she think oft z deas in the book? HED 2 Listen again and discuss the questions, 1. What does ‘about the people she has played against? 2 What concluston does she reach from that? 3 In what way does she say sporting events like the Olympics are ‘untar? 4 Do you agree with her conclusion? Why # Why no? EAGRAMMAR Present perfect simple and continuous @ Match sentences 1-4 with the uses of the present perfect simple and continuous (2-4), 1 [5] Youve been playing tennis since you were a chil 2 Fle also read the book, 3 [J Ie been thinking alot about this recently. 4 [J ve lived in Kenya mysett. 2. to tak about a recent completed action, e.g. I've last my wasses b to tak about an activity that started in the past and isstill continuing, e.g. We've been wating since this, morning. ¢ totalk about an exzerience at some unspecified time in your ite, e.g. He's climbed Mount Everest d.totalk about a recent activity which continued for @ while (which ray or may not stl be continuing), €., "ve been reading a lot of good books faely. 1b B Now go to Grammar Focus on p.138 ¢ Add a sentence using the present perfect simple or continuous. 1 I don't think | could play squash any more. avert played itfor yoors 2 She's realy fit. She 3. Of course I can play chess, | 4 Why don't you buy 2 new pair of ss? You d Think about a sport (or other free time activity) that you have been doing for some time, Make notes about questions 1-4. 1 How good are you att? 2 How long have you been doing it? Why did you star? 3. What are the main reasons you've become good at (or haven't? Is it more to do with. ? make-up and natural ability nique and practising ‘= support from other people 4 Do you think any of the things you have read or heard In this lesan are relevant to the actviy you've bean doing? @ 2B Tell other students about your activity. CASE STUI las CanN yateln teil yal UNIT = EH READING and SPEAKING @ Read about two famous US baseball players and answer the questions, 1 How are they similar? 2 How a ey different? 1b Think about the questions. I sport isn't as fair as we tke to think’, should pleyers be allowed to find ways to improve their performance? Which of these ways do you think are acceptable? Why? training hard ‘having an operation (e.g. replacing arm muscles improving eyesight) + taking legal substances to enhance their performance (eg y drinks) illegal substances to entiance their performance (eg, drugs) © ® Compare your ideas. Do you agree? CASE STUDY: TOMMY JOHN iB Tommy John is one of the best-loved figures in American baseball. n 1974, fet ry to Ws cam, ho ws he rst player ever to have an operation to replace the muscles of his tight cre wth exffcial ones, Alter his operation, he went on to win 164 games, more than he did before science helped to improve his performance. His bionic crm enabled him to win at least 20 games a season He had one of he longest careers in baseball history, retiring at the age of 46, and is regarded by th public os 0 sporting hero. Since then, at least a third of major-league baseball players have had the same operation, nov known es “Tommy John surgery’ Alex Rodriguez is well known among baseball 7 fans in the USA. He's one of the best baseball sionals ofall time and the youngest player ‘ever to hit 500 home runs. But he’s also well known fore different reason. Between 2001 and 2003, Under pressure to keep up his performance in the ‘American League and to help him recover from an injury, he tock steroids, which are an illegal drug Under the rules of the League, He has since been suspended, but has tried fe appeal agains his Suspension and return to the game. He is now one ofthe most hated figures in American baseball. Everyday English Who should we invite? Pee eee ‘Keeping to the topic of the conversation evecare EELLISTENING a OB Discuss the questions. 1 What ind of events do people usualy c 2 Do you prefer smal or big celebrations? Wy? b 2X Look at photo a and answer the questions. Where do you think Becky and Tom heve been? 2 What do you think hes happened? {MEQ Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas in 1b. d NEM Watch or listen again. Tick (/) the topies that Becky and Tom talk about. Photographs Becky has taken dinner Becky’s café job Tom's promotion @ @HEM Watch or listen again. What do they say about the topics? 1 @AEA Watch or listen to Part 2. do Becky and Tom talk about? t wedding plans § GER eich or listen to Part 2 again and answer the questions. 1 What’ the first decision they have to make? 2 Who seems more focused on wedding plans? Why do you thi EL CONVERSATION SKILLS Keeping to the topic of the conver Read this conversation from Part 2, How does Becky return to the original topic of the conversation? Underline the expression she uses, BECKY Sowhen are you going to tll your parents abot your promotion? TOM At the weekend, | think. We're seeing them n Saturday, remember? BECKY Oh yes, Anyway, a5 | was saying about Tessa TOM Tessa, yes, your classmate bb Join words from A and B to make expressions. a 8 2 vita eng oles tack to i was saying aw pttingfzning back to ation © We can put two of these words before the expressions in 2b, Which words are they? 50 actually oh anyway d C2 Wiork in pairs. Have short conversations. You need to agree on an English language study plan and organise what to study, how much to study, when, etc Student A: Explain your ideas for your study plans, Make sure you ke2p to the topic of the conversation Student B: Answer your partner's questions about the study plans, but keep tying to change the topic of conversation to something ese I think we should start with vocabulary. Why don't we go to ‘As | was saying, we the café frst? should start with Eq PRONUNCIATION Sounds and spelling: Consonant sounds Look at the examples from Parts 1 and 2. Under words that begin with the sounds in the box. jel IA of ‘PRI ipl Wh 1 Ive gradually got better 2. guests, a venue forthe reception, the cake 3. Butdon't you agree that she'd be periect 4 Well ned a photographer b GME Listen to these two words. Which begins with a voiced sound? Which begins with an unvoiced sound? better people Do you use your lips differently in the /b/ and /p/ sounds? ¢ (@MB Listen to six words. Which word do you hear in each pair? 1 bill 5 lap bill tab 2 goat = A leave 6 bag coat leat back d (2® Work in pairs, Take turns saying one word from each pair. Which word does your partner say? LISTENING a @EH Watch or listen to Part 3. What is the main topic of Becky and Tom's conversation? 1 food for the wedding 3. the guests they/t invite 2 their wedding clots b GiB Watch or listen again. What do they say about the topics below? Make notes. 1 Runt Clare 2 Uncle Fres 3 Toms coloques 4 Regents Lodge 5 after they got married unit 3° EVUSEFUL LANGUAGE Making careful suggestions @ GEER Becky and Tom make careful suggestions to each other, Can you remember the missing words? BECKY Wo Ingite them to the evening reception, TOM But don’t you agree that itd — not to invite them? Listen and check. b Why do Becky and Tom make careful suggestions? Choose the best answer, 1. They feo! the subject-matter is a bit sensitive and they don't want to offend each other 2 The wedding won't happen for afew months, soit doesn't feel real to them. © Look at these examples of careful suggestions. Match the examples to the correct uses below. Don't you think Ws @ good idea to .. 2 > How doos it sound if well. ? © Another idea might be to think maybe we should | thought maybe we could 1 Putting forward an idea carefully 2 Asking the other person to give their point of view 4 Correct the careful suggestions. 1. Another idea might to be booking a Di for the reception 2 Don't you think a good idea ta invite more people? 3 Maybe l thought we could get married at home, 4 How does it sound we only have a small cake? @ B Communication 3¢ Student A: Go to p.131 Student B: Go to p.129. TASPEAKING You are going to have a class party, Work alone and think of ideas for the party, + when = where * party theme and music « food and inks b SW Discuss your ideas and make careful suggestions, Make sure everyone keeps to the topic of the conversation, We could always do itat collese. Another idea might be torent a hall ATU mate DSIRE CMO eS an CRT) Ener esc Peeurtesy | TISPEAKING and LISTENING € the most unusual sport you've ever seen or heard of? think are the mast popular sports in your county to participete in? Why do you think they are popular? | 3. How do you think new sports become popular? 1b Look at photos 1-3. What are the names of the sports? Which of these sports have you tried? Which would you like to try? © GiHEH Marco talks to three people at a sports complex: Lizzie, Bary and Patricia, Listen and match the speakers to the sports in the photos, d @iHER Listen again and make notes for each speaker: a 1 reasans fo 2 experience o 3 future @ (2B Are any of these sports popular in Why not BAREADING @ Look at the bar chart. Are the sentences tn your country? Why / Ue of false? 1 The data only shows infor 2 The data coos on about people who take pa nation about children port participation 37h 4 Most ofthe sex 2005/2006, 19201222019 than in Bh vm amzns snimming “ails eyding fool Once-t-week sport participation —op five UK spris, 18 yeors und over golh bb Read the article A nation of armchair a the article give the same inf chart? thletes. Does formation as the bar Read the article again and answer the questions, 1. Dows the writer thi he major spot to take part in spor 2. Does the information represant only fi 3 What piece of information cd the writer not 4 What possible reason does the writer gi increased interest in cy ofthe paragraph? EA WRITING SKILLS Describing data Match the summaries with the paragraphs (2-e) inthe article. Which paragraph ...? 1) states the main con lusion you can draw from the data 2 [7] ads extra information nt shown inthe data 3. C7 interprets the data in mere dota 4 Ty outines the ise thatthe article nd the data is about plains what t hart is about |b Look at paragraph d in the article again and complete the table. Adjective Noun there is aan | L__ Increase obvious i | decrease | adverb the numbortsy car bad _ snifeartly © Notice This in paragraph d in the text. Answer the questions EA WRITING Look at the bar chart and read the notes below. What does the information show? e amy BL ms 1 Dams rf backor fads erate he gap? 2. How is infrration organised in the paragraph? qc contami Vesdbel gis tres afer One wot rn ethers B Bemeniichl Ene nye ‘Market Street Sports Complex. 14 years and over. Use the data about a British city to write sentences. Soe Use language from 3b. 1 People playing tennis: 2014 = 18%; now = 2 Number of football teams: 1 year ago = 53; now = 39 3. Gym memberships: 2014 = 21%; now = 33% 4 Number of volleyball teams: 2 years ago = 26; now = There's no doubt that international sporting events ‘are good for sport. There's always huge interest in them and people are glued to their TV sets watching difierent events, Of course, ths is all about watching ‘sports, but does it also mean that people get off the sofa and actually take part in sports? ‘the bar chart looks athe five most popular spons in the Uk intorms of people paricipating - no just Siting arouncl and wetching them on TV. One point to note stat al these sport include a range of actives. So, for example, ‘swinming’ also includes the spors of civing water polo and deep water ving, while football includes fve-sside gamer ‘Sa well oc ful toa. Tho resus inthe graph show percentages of people who actively participate in {hat spor at least once e week The blue and the red columns make a direct, ‘comparison between the year from October 2005 to October 2006 and a similar period in 2012/2018, just after a major sporting event. As you can see, the statistics show there has been no sudden increase in British people getting actively involved in sport. ee |) snovtoardng~ snowhoards qt axpnsive and expensive Pare eee to anon ed b © Work in pairs. Plan an article about the data and notes in 4a, Then write your article © Swap your article with another pair. Does the article use language from 3b correctly? Does it include verbs and nouns? Does it have the same organisation as 3a? Was it easy to understand? in fact, most surprising of all, there's a significant docrosso in tho number of people ‘geting involved in swimming, the number tne sportin the UK. You can see that there has ‘also been an obvious change inthe number of people wanting to {0 out and kick a football There's a sight decrease in the number of people playing got athough participation hasnt decreased Sighiicantly The most noticeable increase in spor parisipation can be seen in athletics. Perhaps tis is because athltico features regularly at international sporting events. also requis vary tiie equipment inal, s0 can be a low-cost spor. Interest in cycing hes also increased slighty. Thismight be Because cycling ncludes BMX and cross-country, which makes this a very varied sport. Cycling enthusiasts havo reported that intarest in itferent kinds of eycing has increased noticeably in recent years. ®i’s important to remember that the information in the table only focuses on the five most popular sports in the UK. Recent reports show that British people are becoming interested in a wide range of sports and are taking up activities lke snowtboarding and hhandtball It doesn't really matter what sport people choose to get involved in ~ the key thing Is thet they get out of their armchairs ‘and take part. UNIT 3 Review and extension HI GRAMMAR Put the words in italics in the correct order. 1 didn't know Spanish befors | nent to Mexico but | mane weed to up! picks ivvery quick, 2 I'm just as good as you, Theres no need to me/ down / ook om just bacause I dich’ goto university. 3 Its still raining, This weather i starting to get down me. 4 I don't believe she was ever married toa firm star. think she 11 upt making 5 Sh voty creative. She keeps up with conning new ideas, 6 I don't know how todo this task, | just cant out/ lure it Choose the correct verb tenses in these conversations, 1A Come in. Sony the fais such a mess, 8 What have you !done/ been dang? There are things all ‘over the lor. A Ie sorted’ been sorting things “finished been finishing yt. 2 How aro things? ut but haven't quite | haven't "seen / teen seeing you for ‘ges. What have you Stone been doing? 8 Oh, nothing much. te got exams next month so te “stud | been studying most ofthe time ‘Think of things you could say in answer to these ‘Questions using the present perfect simple or continuous, + What have you been doing these days? + How's your famity? + You're looking fit Have you been doing a lot of sport? Sowhat’s new? 1 CW Have conversations, starting wth the questions in Ye FAVocasutary @ Rewrite the santences, using the word in brackets, so that they keep the same meaning, 1. We're locking for someone who can lead a team of fesearchers. (abilty) 2 She can design things very wel (skied) 3. The members ofthe ban all lay music extemely wel (outstanding) 4 He could become a very good pol 5 He's better than mast goalkeny 6 My sister can c Pet, (once K very well (siiant) b Give a different form of the Words in italies to complete the definitions, 1. Someone who trains sportsmen is a 2 person who compatesin a spottisa 3 The spotting actity that athietes dois caleg 4 Someone who does sport as a pofessianis a — Spartsperson, & "you perform wel, you give 3 good — © Ateam that wins a victoyyis WORDPOWER @ Match the comments with the pictures. Where are the people and why are they saying this? 1D) ‘Brink up. We neod to go. 2 [Fj ‘Coute you speak up? We cart hear you. 3 [ve used up the shampoo. i there any more?” 4 [] Letime soe the il. think they've added it up wrore b Adding op often gives an extra meaning to a verb. ‘which examples in 1a does up mean... ? a totheend —b together louder © What does /t mean in each example below? “a ouggestion a language a 1 You dropped it so | think you should elear it up 2 don’t know. I have to took it up. 3 twas easy | picked i up in about six month, 4 Why don't you bring it up atthe mesting? eM Listen and check your answers. What was the problem in each case? © Here are some more multi-word verbs with up. Mate the two parts of the sentences, 1 Walk more slay can't look up to 2 He's good father, His len really med up 3 We invitad 60 poopie, but only afew put up wth 4 He sorude. I don't know wy people keep up with Match the multi-word verbs in 3e with these meaning @ tolerate © appear or ative b goattne same speed @ admire or respect 8 CI Work in pairs. Choose two ofthe multi-word vers 3: (f32, ore. Think of a situation and write a short ‘onwversation which includes both verbs h SW Act out your conv Buless your situation? ae) PROGRESS How well did ersation. Can other students you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 for each objective S=very well 2=well 1 ‘not so well Aiscuss sports activities and issues ‘make careful suggestions

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