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Measurement of the roughness of nano-scale surfaces, both unannealed and with limited

anneal, by atomic force microscopy

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2014 Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 105001


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Measurement Science and Technology

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 (12pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/10/105001

Measurement of the roughness of nano-scale

surfaces, both unannealed and with limited
anneal, by atomic force microscopy
M P Seah
Analytical Science Division, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW, UK


Received 3 December 2013, revised 1 July 2014

Accepted for publication 14 July 2014
Published 29 August 2014

The roughness and bias measured for surfaces scanned by a parabolic atomic-force microscope
tip are analyzed computationally for surfaces exhibiting a random, Gaussian population of
heights, uncorrelated from pixel to pixel. The fraction of the surface with which the probe is
in contact is then analyzed in detail to show the area fraction of the surface that is, in practice,
contacted within a defined tolerance. This shows that it is very difficult to measure much of
these surfaces for any significant roughness even though the roughness value may sometimes be
approximately correct. The surface is then allowed a limited anneal, and the improvement in the
validity of the measurement is determined. Annealing removes the very short-range structure
and permits more meaningful roughnesses to be determined with a greater fraction of the
surface contacted by the probe. This limited anneal may simulate the behaviour of hot atoms
that are incident or impacted by energetic ions and that rapidly cool at the surface. Asymmetric,
non-Gaussian height distributions are also analyzed, and these generate a significantly different
measurement bias that can be more sensitive to the tip radius. The height distribution shapes
alter with the tip radius, so accurate estimation of the originating height distribution is not
possible. Simple equations are provided to describe the effects.

Keywords: AFM, atomic force microscopy, depth profiling, roughness, SPM, step heights

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

List of symbols and their definitions

D0 pre-exponential coefficient of surface n number of results

diffusion Q activation energy for surface diffusion
DS surface diffusion coefficient R effective radius of the parabolic probe as
G surface diffusion distance given by defined in equation (3)
equation (6) Rq root mean square height deviation from the
G0 distance parameter describing Sq(G,R = 0) mean for a single line trace
in equation (7) s standard deviation of the heights of the
H tolerance describing the height by which original uninterpolated surface points
the tip is allowed to miss any given point Sq root mean square height deviation from the
on the surface mean for an area of the surface
j index number for results Sq(G,R) value of Sq as dependent on values of
k Boltzmann constant G and R

0957-0233/14/105001+12$33.00 1 © 2014 Crown copyright  Printed in the UK

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Sq(G,R = 0) value of Sq as dependent on values of ensures that the pitch of the roughness is generally not too short,
G at R = 0 and reliable data is obtained. However, in forming films by high
Sq(G = 0,R = 0) value of Sq at G = 0 and R = 0 vacuum vapour or plasma deposition, short-range roughnesses
Ssk skewness of the surface height distribution may occur. Additionally, in sputtering, for example, the compo-
t elapsed time at temperature for the sition-depth profiling of layered materials using surface anal-
annealing ysis techniques such as Auger electron spectroscopy (AES),
T sample temperature, Kelvin secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) or x-ray photoelec-
TM sample melting temperature, Kelvin tron spectroscopy (XPS), much of the interface resolution or
x distance in one azimuth in the mean plane blurring that limits the depth resolution is attributed to sputter-
of the sample induced roughness. There, the roughness is often measured as
y distance in an azimuth orthogonal to the the standard deviation of the heights of points on the mean sur-
x-direction in the mean plane of the sample face plane at any instant during the sputter profiling. It is often
z distance in the direction orthogonal to the assumed that these heights describe a Gaussian distribution
xy plane of the sample that, added to other contributions, controls the depth-resolution
zj jth result for z [4–7]. Non-Gaussian [8–10] and multiple Gaussian profiles
z mean height of a population of heights [11] also occur, and any particular distribution may be ana-
α angle of tip axis from average surface normal lyzed, as discussed below. At coarser pitches, Greenwood and
δ pitch of the grid on which the original Williamson [12] and Whitehouse and Archard [13] show that
inde­pendent Gaussian height distribution the heights and the asperities for grit-blasted surfaces (which, in
is defined the early studies of sputtering, were taken as a useful analogue)
Δ distance parameter describing an effective exhibited a Gaussian population of heights in the range of up to
pitch arising from annealing in equation (8) 2 or 3 sigma from the mean heights. Of course, in sputtering at
Φ(R,H,G) percentage of points measured for a tip of high-ion fluences, other structures can form [14, 15] that are of
radius R, within the tolerance H for a sur- significant size, but we shall not consider those here.
face with annealing G. The lateral pitch of roughnesses formed in sputtering will
Φ(R,H = 0) percentage of points measured for a tip of be of the order of the individual sputter crater sizes, which
radius R, at zero tolerance H for a surface may well be at the atomic scale for sputtering yields of the
without annealing, i.e. G = 0. order of unity [16], rising to ~5 nm for yields of ~10 000 for
Φ(R,H = 0,G) percentage of points measured for a tip of polymers sputtered by argon clusters [17–19].
radius R, at zero-tolerance H for a surface In much published work, the roughness, when given
with annealing G. by a single numerical value, is the root mean square devia-
σ defining standard deviation of the heights tion (RMSD) of the heights in a transverse profile about the
of the independent Gaussian height distri- mean line of a specific sampling length, as described in ISO
bution at the pitch δ. 4287:2009 [20]. In the present work, we shall assume a mac-
roscopically flat surface of infinite size, and provide calcula-
1. Introduction tions to which no filters are applied. In general the symbol Rq
is applied to the RMSD measure of roughness from a line trace
The measurement of the roughness of surfaces at the atomic [20], but here we use Sq, the equivalent measurement for an
and nano scale is important for many engineering, electronic area [21]—in the ideal case of uniform roughness, these two
and device applications. Such measurements may be made parameters have the same value. The use of the area measure
using traditional stylus instruments that have a sub-nanometre here is to avoid specific alignments of the surface and tip grids
height resolution but, unfortunately, only have a lateral resolu- in the computation discussed later. To assist the reader, a list
tion of the order of 1 μm. In many cases, the surface roughness of symbols and their definitions is provided.
can be at the atomic scale both laterally and with height, and In any measure of a surface using a mechanical stylus, the
these heights cannot then be accurately measured. The atomic- resulting profile is not a convolution of the true profile with
force microscope (AFM) allows a more effective operation in an instrumental-broadening function, but a dilation of the
this regime [1, 2], with probes that commonly have a radius of true profile by the mechanical probe [22–24]. Had the former
10 nm and, in exceptional cases, a radius closer to 1 nm with, been the case, although the roughness would be reduced, the
say, a carbon nanotube and other terminations. mean height of the surface would be correctly maintained,
The use of the AFM thus gives greater fidelity in measuring whereas in reality, both the roughness and the mean height
finer-scale roughnesses and provides a profile of the measured are affected. Some of these issues are discussed in detail in
surface closer to the true profile. The resultant measures of the the earlier work [3] for surfaces exhibiting Gaussian uncor-
surface roughness and other parameters are then closer to the related height distributions. A surface with a Gaussian height
true values. However, it is not clear how close the result is to the distribution but with the variations only occurring over long
required measurement. Some issues were dealt with in detail in spatial wavelengths could be measured with great accuracy,
an earlier study [3], upon which the present work builds. and it is only as the wavelength of these effects approaches or
Sub-nanometre and nanometre-scale roughnesses often falls below the radius of the mechanical probe tip, that major
occur in wafer production, but there the method of manufacture errors may accumulate.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

The surfaces and films studied for many device applica- defined tolerances, as a function of the scanning-tip radius.
tions and subsequently profiled as above exhibit few long- These parameters are important as they give a better sense, in
wavelength contributions to roughness, so analysts will profile general, of the validity of measurements. Using a given model
areas with side dimensions that range from submicrometre to of the surface, we may find that measures such as roughness
greater than a millimetre without observing or expecting any are or are not weakly affected. But if we know that only half or
increase in roughness. Many examples exist in the literature of less of the surface points are accurately measured, any deduc-
surfaces that are described by self-affine fractals [25], which tion about the remaining part may only be an informed guess,
are important in contact mechanics and other areas [26]. In even if the measured value of the roughness seems correct. This
these, a Fourier transform of the surface profile shows a power arises since any point not actually contacted in the dilation pro-
spectrum with an increasing amplitude and reducing spatial cess of the tip scanning the surface is at some unknown height
frequency (increasing wavelength). Rq then increases with below that measured. The model of the surface being used may
the profile scan length and can be proportional to that length. or may not be a good description, but the degree of unknowing-
Such samples, in which the Rq is dominated by the longer ness must always be a significant aspect of the uncertainty that
wavelength contributions, are not covered in the present work. should be associated with measures such as roughness. This
In the literature, the reader will find many profiles described unknowingness is omitted in uncertainty statements that are
with Gaussian or similar height distributions that include the usually based simply on the accuracy of the calibration of the
adjective ‘random’. The random aspect of the height distribu- x-, y- and z-axes and the repeatability standard deviation of the
tions also incorporates a de-randomising effect by including roughness values provided by the instrument software.
a correlation between local heights that would effectively The surfaces that we model are isotropic, amorphous,
reduce the amplitude of the high-frequency elements in the incompressible solids scanned by isotropic, amorphous,
line profile [27–30]. The use of Fourier transforms and cor- incompressible AFM tips.
relation lengths are popular in optics, as well as in studying
surfaces where periodic effects also occur, such as some 2.  Limited annealing and surface diffusion
mechanical machining. Here, we have no periodic effects and
shall work in real space to maintain transparency in the effects Surfaces do anneal at ambient temperatures or, locally, during
observed. We shall start with no correlation length in the data. the thermal spike of the arriving or departing atoms during
For calibrating stylus and AFM instruments for their height surface generation, and the extent to which this occurs is, for
measurement and roughness, step height and sinusoidal cali- many elements, related to the melting temperature, TM. The
bration standards are available. In interlaboratory tests, these action of temperature is to allow atoms to move by one or more
show that nanometre uncertainties may be achieved for rough- displacement mechanisms either through the bulk, by bulk dif-
nesses in excess of 100 nm [31–34]. These standards are effec- fusion, or across the surface by surface diffusion. This atomic
tive, and it is assumed in the present work that such calibration movement has a random element but, at surfaces, there is a
has been completed. net drift of material driven by the reduction in surface energy
In the present work, we shall calculate the roughness of the to reduce the surface roughness. At low temperatures the sur-
surface using the measure Sq for a surface area, Sq being the face diffusion is the dominant displacement mechanism. We
root mean square of the height distribution for a large number shall not consider any of the higher-temperature mechanisms.
of measurement points set in the usual square digital grid or The root mean square displacement of the distances moved in
array. We shall also calculate the mean height of the surface, time, t, is (2DSt)0.5, where DS is the surface diffusivity [34–
since this is important for measuring film thicknesses in which 36]. It is sometimes clear when studying sample roughnesses
the deposited film has a different roughness from that of the by AFM that the surface being studied has rearranged between
substrate. This aspect is largely covered in the earlier study the instant at which characterization is required and the time
[3]. In that study, both flat- and ball-ended probes were used, of analysis [8], although quick working may sometimes be
but here we shall use a paraboloid probe with a tip generated sufficient to overcome this.
by rotation of a parabolic profile, since this gives results that For many of the metallic and semiconductor surfaces it is
may be scaled with the original roughness. This was not pos- assumed that the surfaces are fully stable, but that assumption
sible with the ball-ended probe, and led to additional com- may or may not be true for the surface under study. Additionally,
plexity in following the effects of the different variables. roughness measurements are becoming increasingly important
We also consider the effect of a limited anneal of the for organic materials used in devices and display technology.
Gaussian uncorrelated height distributions in our square array These are closer to their melting points at ambient temperature.
so that the heights of the array points slowly become more cor- Exposure of a sputtered or deposited surface away from the
related with time. Annealing is usually considered for high- environment in which it is created and to the ambient environ-
temperature studies, but here we are concerned with very ment for AFM study may cause, say, an oxide film to form or
small-scale movements that may result from an incident hot for adventitious hydrocarbons to be adsorbed [37]. Either of
atom or surface atom impacted by an energetic ion, which is, in these mechanisms may well help stabilize the surface, but they
effect, a limited anneal occurring during the surface generation. may also have changed the surface topography if the original
This is covered in the next section. Additionally, we consider in topography should have been measured. Furthermore, adsorp-
detail the number of surface pixels (area fraction of the surface) tion of water on a hydrophilic substrate may cause de-wetting
in the array that are either exactly measured or measured within or break-up of any thin-film overlayer.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Figure 1.  Conditions for a root mean square surface diffusion of atoms over 1 nm, 10 nm and 100 nm, (a) as a function of the sample
melting temperature from equation (1) and (b) as a function of the activation energy Q for surface diffusion from equation (2).

The effects of surface atomic diffusion may be calculated from at spacing δ, in which the heights at each point are uncorre-
the assessment of surface diffusion coefficients by Seebauer and lated, and with a Gaussian population of heights with a stan-
Allen [38], in which, for low temperatures, two equations  are dard deviation, σ. This could represent a vapour deposited or a
provided that give very similar results. The average of these sputtered surface maintained at low temperature. In this case,
gives, for DS at temperature, T, the empirical relation δ could be as low as 0.25 nm for elemental condensates or as
high as 5 nm for very large molecular condensates. In terms
DS = 0.037exp(−6.77TM / T ) cm2/s.
(1) of the roughness formed during sputtering, the lower δ value
From this, one may deduce the time for atoms to diffuse is unlikely. The scanning probe tip will also be described by
1 nm, 10 nm and 100 nm across the surface at 300 K, as shown its surface based on the same grid separation, δ, but since the
in figure  1(a), for typical values of TM ranging from 800 K two grids need not be in registry, the description of the surface
to 2000 K, i.e. Al or Sb on the left of the plot to Ti or Pt on between the original grid of points also needs consideration.
the right. The ordinal scale ranges from 0.1 s (very fast) to We generate these intermediate points on a surface within each
4 months. We see that significant atomic diffusion may occur square formed by the original grid points by linear interpo-
for many materials over the time scales for AFM measure- lation, first along the inter-point edges in the y-direction, and
ment. An alternative equation may be used from the compila- then in the x-direction between those respective interpola-
tion of Antczak and Ehrlich [36]: tion points. This forms a doubly ruled, hyperbolic paraboloid
joining surface that is never higher than the highest corner point
DS = D0 exp(−Q / kT ) cm2/s.
(2) or lower than the lowest corner point. (The interested reader
Here, k is the Boltzmann constant, D0 is typically 0.001 cm2/s can see many example images of such surfaces by entering
and Q, the activation energy for surface diffusion, ranges from ‘hyperbolic paraboloid’ into an internet search engine, so a
0.4 eV to 1.0 eV per atom. This range can occur for one metal figure is not included here.) On this joining surface, we may
for displacements on different crystal faces. (In the present devise sub-grids with pitches of δ/2, δ/4, δ/8, etc. The subgrid
work we restrict ourselves to amorphous materials.) The cor- at δ/4 was found [3] to give similar results to finer grids but
responding plot at 300 K is shown in figure  1(b). Although is less demanding computationally, so is used here. This new
equations  (1) and (2) are for atomic diffusion and have not sub-grid has a population of heights that is close to Gaussian
necessarily been evaluated for organic materials, it is clear that with a standard deviation that is less than σ and, for the present
their low TM values could offset any slowness in molecular interpolation, reduced to 0.659σ. A two-dimensional spline
diffusion associated with their often-interlocking molecular function could be a better joining surface, but is much more
structures. In practice, for many elements these movements computationally intensive and leads to the same general results
may be inhibited by surface oxidation or contamination. except, as discussed below, when R is very small.
However, for the organics, which do not necessarily suffer The geometries of the probes used previously [3] were
from these issues, these plots may apply directly. flat-ended and ball or hemispherically ended. The flat-ended
It is clear that some surfaces will retain their full roughness probe had the advantage of providing results that scaled with
as formed, whilst others may anneal to a limited extent that σ, so providing more homogenized data. However, the flat-
may not be obvious in a cursory examination. ended probe is not a good approximation to the AFM probe
tip. With the more realistic ball-ended probe, this scaling does
not occur, and computations were required for many radii and
3.  Analysis of the measured roughness and bias of σ values. In the present work, we use a parabolic probe that
Gaussian height distributions has the advantages of both of the previous probes since the
results scale with σ, but the end of the probe is also nearly
3.1.  The surface and the probe
spherical and may more accurately describe probes used in
The surface analyzed here is based on the surface used pre- practice. Figure 2 shows a ball-ended probe and the shape of
viously [3]. Briefly, this surface consists of a grid of points the parabolic probe described by

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Figure 2.  Shape of the ball-ended probe used in [3] and the Figure 3.  The mean height and roughness for the interpolated,
matching paraboloid end used here. Gaussian height distribution surface measured with the parabolic
x 2 + y2 but, as before [3], there is a very small excess of the higher
z =
(3) ,
2R points that is only noticeable when many points are measured.
where R is the radius of the sphere that matches the end of The exact results here and elsewhere in this study depend,
the parabolic probe accurately to a distance x = 2R/3 from the of course, on the distribution of heights, and the mean height
probe axis. All points referring to the tip on its sub-grid are towards the right in figure 3 will be sensitive to the few points
described by equation (3) and not by the doubly ruled joining in the tail of the distribution at high heights. Additionally, the
surface. exact results towards the left depend on the precise form of
In practice, with AFMs, the axis of the probe is tilted at the interpolated surface between points. However, the gen-
an angle, α, in the range 5°–12°, with respect to the average eral behaviour shown in figure 3 is relatively robust to these
surface normal. This will have little effect whilst the contact parameters.
points are in the range −0.5 ≤ x / R ≤ 0.5 but, beyond that,
the fidelity of measurements degrade even more rapidly than 3.3.  Surface points measured correctly
shown here. We shall not consider the added complexity of
α. In practice, tips also wear, so that R increases as the tip In the previous study [3], we noted that the number of sur-
becomes flattened. This is especially true for the sharpest tips. face points contacted by the probe to give the correct height
This will not be considered separately, but the effect of R is rapidly reduced as the tip radius increased. The data there
considered. The analyses presented here are thus for optimal depended on σ/δ, but now the situation is simplified, as shown
cases that may or may not be achieved in practice. in figure 4. Here, the grid for defining the tip geometry aligns
with the grid or sub-grid of points interpolated at δ/4 that
define the surface. If the grid for the tip is shifted laterally
3.2.  Roughness and bias measured with the paraboloid a small fraction of δ away from the surface grid, the surface
is detected less frequently since any surface maxima are on
In the present calculations, the tip is set vertically and scanned the surface grid points, and the dilated region very close to
across the surface, and the height and RMSD values of the that maximum will be the top of the parabola describing the
heights of the tip are calculated for positions on the grid of inverted tip. Exactly what occurs depends on details of the
points at separation δ, as well as the 15 interpolated points at shape of the interpolation surface, but we shall see later that
separation δ/4 in the sub-grid. The general appearance of the these details are unimportant if R > δ. For the contacting of
surface, the dilation by the tip and the resulting populations of surface points by the apex of the tip, for the doubly ruled
heights for the flat-ended and ball-ended probes are detailed joining surface described, only ~1/5 of the surface points
in the earlier study [3], and will not be presented again here. may be contacted at these infinitesimal sub-divisions of the
However, the results for the bias and Sq as a function of the sub-grid. These points are all local asperities. This is a rather
parameter R do change a little, and are shown in figure 3. This severe constraint afforded by the doubly ruled surface that
differs from the results previously shown since the scaling would not be the case for a spline connecting surface. We
with σ allows the use of the reduced abscissa of Rσ/δ2 instead therefore calculate the percentage of times, Φ(R,H = 0), the
of R/δ, there being one curve for all σ/δ values, and the data apex point makes contact with surface points when the tip
is all for the interpolated surface. These results are important of radius R addresses each point in the grid or sub-grid just
for correcting film thickness measurements using a step edge interpolated to δ/4.
of the film, where the film and substrate have differing rough- Figure 4 thus shows how the tip only sees 90% of the
nesses, as described earlier [3]. points at
At the start, the surface has a Gaussian distribution of
heights. The population after scanning is still closely Gaussian Rσ / δ 2 ≤ 0.06

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

figure 4, but allowing for a tolerance, H, in missing the points

up to H = 0.5σ, i.e. the data shows the percentage of points
measured within a tolerance interval ±H, Φ(R,H). The tip now
sees 90% of the points within the tolerance H if

(Rσ / δ 2 )2 ≤ (0.06)2 + (0.32 H )2,

so that R does increase with H but, unfortunately, not dra-
matically. To double the limit of Rσ requires H = 0.3, i.e. the
tolerance must reach very wide limits to improve the limit
significantly, but that tolerance is too great for a meaningful
measure. A value of H = 0.1σ would seem to be the limit
of acceptability and, at that level, the improvement is not
As shown in figure  3, it is fortunate that the measure of
Figure 4.  Percent of surface points measured correctly as a function roughness is only weakly affected by increasing R, despite
of Rσ/δ2. The grid for the tip aligns with the interpolated sub-grid of the lack of contact to most of the surface points and, hence,
surface points. meaningful measurements appear to be possible if the rough-
ness is genuinely Gaussian. We shall return to this issue later.
One fortuitously has a good measure, even though much of
the surface is not seen. In the situation of real surfaces, the
randomness may not be maintained at such short range and
indeed, to retain such surfaces, from figure 1(a) they may need
to be kept at a low homologous temperature, say, T/TM < 0.15.
In the next section, we analyze the changes that occur as our
original surface is given a limited anneal either during or after
Probe tip reconstruction [22–24] and image erosion [39,
40] are important for studying features by AFM, but here, if
the surface points are not contacted, the user can never have
genuine knowledge of their depth below the apparent height
unless informed by other, separate data. Image erosion may or
may not help inform that issue.
Figure 5.  Percent of surface points measured within the
tolerance ±H a function of Rσ/δ2 for values of H/σ increasing from
0 to 0.5 at intervals of 0.05. 3.4.  A limited anneal of surfaces

Here we assume that our isotropic solid has an isotropic

or, since the true roughness of this surface, Sq, is 0.659σ, surface energy and diffusion constant. The surface that we
RSq < 0.04δ2. Equivalently, this means δ > 5(RSq)0.5 describes have used so far may be slightly modified in its formation by
the minimum pitch of the roughness to see 90% of the points. the hopping of the incoming atoms a few atomic distances
Equation (4) may also be derived using the probability model before freezing, or by the formation of local thermal spikes
discussed in reference [3]. The value of 0.06 on the right-hand during sputtering. This may be modelled as a limited anneal
side of equation  (4) is affected by the precise shape of the of the original interpolated surface. We thus convolve that
joining surface, but is a good typical value. The difference in surface with a two-dimensional Gaussian smoothing func-
Rσ/δ2 value between this result for the 16 times more dense tion that describes the surface diffusion. The width of the
interpolated sub-grid and the result for the original grid at smoothing function is defined by a G value equal to its full
Φ(R,H = 0) = 50 % is about 3%, and is not significant. If R and width at half maximum (FWHM). The distance of the char-
Sq are each 1 nm, then δ > 5 nm, which is significantly greater acteristic diffusion, with a surface diffusivity DS and a time t,
than the atomic scale but just within the range 0.25–5 nm of is given by (2DSt)0.5, where:
likely studies. If δ = 5 nm and with R as small as 4 nm, Sq
would have to be less than 0.25 nm to see 90% of the points. It 2DSt =
(6) ,
is clear that, in general studies, only a few surface points will 8 ln 2
be contacted. For accepting only 50% of the points, the above i.e. G2 is proportional to the time of diffusion. In figure 6(a)
limit only increases by a factor of 2. are shown four line traces for part of the central pixel row
In general, analysts wish to study Sq roughness values of in which the surface is annealed with G = 0δ, 1δ, 2δ and 3δ.
1–10 nm with such tips, and the real situation may not be as Figure 6(b) shows a plan view of part of the original surface
grave as figure 4 since, although the apex may not contact the with G = 0δ. This shows why the lines for G = 1δ, 2δ and 3δ in
surface, it may well be sufficiently close (although not in con- figure 6(a) are not simply increasingly smoothed versions of
tact) for there not to be a significant problem. Figure 5 repeats the line for G = 0δ. Minima for G = 0δ may be swamped in the

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Figure 6.  The Gaussian annealed interpolated surfaces with G = 0δ, 1δ, 2δ and 3δ, (a) line traces for the interpolated surfaces along the
central grid row, (b) plan view either side of the left-hand end of the central grid row in (a) for G = 0δ, and (c) histograms of heights with
Gaussian fits. In (a) and (c), the colour scheme is black for G = 0δ, red for G = 1δ, green for G = 2δ and blue for G = 3δ. In (a), the trace for
G = 0δ is the same as that for reference [3], except the start of the trace is further to the right to avoid any end effects. The traces for non-
zero values of G are not simply the trace for G = 0δ smoothed as the data in the orthogonal direction, shown in (b), contribute.

Figure 7. (a) Sq(G,R = 0) for the random interpolated surface at R = 0δ as a function of G and (b) Sq(G,R) before and after anneals with
G = δ, 2δ and 3δ, as a function of Rσ/δ2 for the parabolic probe. The curves are the empirical description of equation (11).

Gaussian smoothing of the anneal by the effects of maxima in Sq (G = 0, R = 0) G 0

the adjacent traces. Sq(G , R = 0) =
(7) ,
Figure 6(c) shows that the histogram of heights remains (G02 + G2)0.5
fully Gaussian. The standard deviation of the heights where Sq(G = 0,R = 0) is the roughness of the original inter-
will reduce as G−1 at high G values since the number of polated surface, 0.659σ. Figure  7(a) shows how Sq(G,R
pixels smoothed depends on G2. At small G values, the = 0) falls as G increases together with the plot for equa-
method of interpolation effectively places a smooth over tion (7). Figure 7(b) shows how Sq(G,R) further falls as the
the area of δ2, so there is an effective smooth even at G = R value of the parabolic probe increases. The effect of R,
0, which we shall call G0 (although this is not actually a as G increases, becomes weaker and weaker since the sur-
Gaussian smooth). The value of Sq(G,R = 0) is thus given face progressively loses its very short-range structure in the
approximately by annealing.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

contacted up to just above Rσ/δ . However, if the abscissa is
replaced by a possibly more meaningful RSq(G,R = 0)/δ2, then
the 50% point for G = 3δ, instead of appearing at 10 times
the abscissa value for G = 0δ, only appears at 3 times that
value, i.e. there is marked improvement in the validity of the
measure of Sq for the surface on annealing, but part of that
improvement is simply from the roughness being reduced, and
part from the removal of the high-frequency elements of the
It is useful to have empirical analytical descriptions of these
behaviours so that parameters may be related or extended. We
do this in the next section.

3.5.  Empirical relationships

Figure 8.  The mean height normalized to Sq(G,R = 0) as a function
of Rσ/δ for the original interpolated and annealed surfaces. The We start with the bias or mean height of the surface, as mea-
curves are the empirical description of equation (10).
sured. Previously, the mean height for ball-ended probes was
a complicated function of R and σ. Here, we find for the data
in figure 8:

mean height 4.445 R Sq(G , R = 0)

(10) = 2 ,
Sq(G , R = 0) G 0 + G2 + 0.5 Gδ + Rσ

where G0 = 1.13δ. Equations (7) and (10) describe the solid

curves in figure  8, rather than there simply being curves
joining the data points. For G = 0δ, these results are similar
to, but simpler than, the results for the balled-ended probe dis-
cussed earlier [3].
As before, data in the plot of figure 8 becomes more homo-
geneous if the abscissa Rσ/δ2 is replaced by Rσ/Δ2, confirming
that the pitch is again approximately replaced by Δ. As before,
the population of heights is Gaussian, with a very small excess
Figure 9.  The percent of surface points measured correctly as a
for higher points.
function of Rσ/δ2 for the interpolated and annealed surfaces. The
curves are the empirical description of equation (12). Next, we consider the measured roughness Sq(G,R) shown
in figure 7(b). Here we find:
It is useful to introduce the parameter Δ given by Sq(G, R ) 0.8
= ,
σ ⎡ 2 0.75⎤
⎛ G 2 + G2 ⎞0.5
⎣G 0 / δ + G / δ + 0.65G / δ + (0.4Rσ / δ ) ⎦
2 2 2 2

Δ = ⎜ 0 2 ⎟ δ,
⎝ G0 ⎠ (11)

so that which also gives the solid curves in figure 7(b) as well as for
R = 0δ, in figure  7(a). Note that the effects of G and R are
Sq ( G , R = 0) / δ = Sq ( G = 0, R = 0) / Δ,
(9) both to smooth the measured surface, but each operates in
i.e. it appears as though the behaviour is similar to that of the quite a different way. The Gaussian annealing parameter G
unannealed surface if the pitch δ is replaced by a new pitch Δ is convolved with the original surface, and so acts to smooth
given by equation (8). it in exactly the same way as smoothing reduces signal
The effect of annealing on the bias or mean height meas- noise. The number of points smoothed increases as G2, and
ured is also strong. Instead of normalizing against σ, we nor- so the smoothing, at large G, gives an Sq(G,R) value that is
malize against Sq(G,R = 0) since that is the measure of the inversely proportional to G. The probe R value, however, is
standard deviation of the heights of the annealed surface being involved in the dilation of the surface, which forms an enve-
studied. This is shown in figure 8. As with Sq(G,R), the effect lope that smooths in the sense that fine local detail is lost,
of R is significantly weakened for the annealed surfaces. but the heights of the top-most peaks remain unchanged and
The effect of annealing, which reduces the effect of R, is R only weakly affects Sq(G,R). As before, data in the plot of
important and means that practical measurements of such sur- figure 7(b) become more homogeneous if the abscissa Rσ/δ2
faces are more faithful. This is shown clearly in the results is replaced by RSq(G,R = 0)/Δ2, confirming that the pitch is
for the percentage of surface points measured correctly, as again effectively replaced by Δ.
shown in figure 9. The rather rapid fall seen in figure 4 is now Finally, we consider the percentage of points measured
weakened, and we see for G = 3δ, that 50% of the points are correctly, Φ(R,H = 0,G), for the interpolated surface. Here:

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Figure 10.  Data from equation (15) as a function of the tolerance interval and the annealing parameter G, (a) the increase in radius that
may be used to see 90% of the surface points and (b) the percentage of the surface points for Rσ/δ2 = 16.

100 H, for G = 0δ, δ, 2δ and 3δ. Note that the ordinate here is a log
Φ(R, H = 0, G ) = .
⎧ ⎡ 1.66 ⎤−3⎫
1/3 scale. As G increases, H has a more significant effect than it
⎨1 + ⎢0.014
⎩ ⎣ ( (1 + G2 / δ 2 )
(Rσ / δ 2 ) ) ⎥⎦ ⎬

did for G = 0.
If we consider a very high resolution probe, with R = 1 nm

(12) and δ = 0.25 nm, then Rσ/δ2 = 16σ if σ is in nm. If σ is 1 nm,
Equation (12) is shown by the solid curves in figure 9. then Rσ/δ2 = 16 and, even for this sharp probe, we rarely con-
For a reasonably faithful description of a surface, Φ(R,H,G) tact 90% of the surface points for reasonable tolerance levels.
should be greater than 90%, and equation (12) then provides a In figure 10(b), for Rσ/δ2 = 16, Φ(R,H,G) is plotted versus the
relation between R, σ and G for a given value of δ. Thus, acceptable tolerance, H. This shows that we need G = 3δ and
H/σ > 0.28 to achieve 90% of the surface points to be mean-
RSq(G = 0, R = 0) [1 + (G / δ )2] ingfully recorded.
(13) ≤ , Thus, for these rough surfaces—although, as shown in
δ2 24
figure 7, reasonable Sq(G,R) values are obtained—these meas-
or approximately urements rely on a description from a small fraction of the
Rσ / Δ2 ≤ 0.06.
(14) surface points. The remainder of the points may be modelled
by some estimated height distribution function, as here, but
This is similar to equation  (4). For G = 3δ, the limit on Rσ the evidence for any given valid function is, in practice, dif-
has now increased 10-fold, i.e. if δ = 5 nm, Δ = 16 nm and R = ficult to obtain, and it may be that, for particular experimental
4 nm, then σ < 2.5 nm to see 90% of the surface points, i.e. the data, a very different height distribution function may be
limit is 10 times higher than in the pre-annealed state. Even more appropriate. That the measured distribution of heights is
so, in general, significantly less than 90% of the surface is Gaussian simply tells us that the response of the dilation to the
contacted. highest points is nearly Gaussian and that, whilst appearing
If we wish to incorporate the effect of the tolerance to generate a reasonable estimation of the original surface
interval ±H over which the description is valid, equation (12) roughness, does leave much unknown about the true surface
requires extension with extra terms involving H. The extended that should be incorporated into any stated uncertainty. The
result for Φ(R,H,G) within the interval  ±H is given for assumption of an underlying Gaussian population may be
Rσ/δ2 < 5 and H < 0.5 to better than 3% by quite incorrect, particularly for the important asperities, and
Φ(R, H , G ) the significance of this is discussed below.
⎧ −3⎫1/3
⎡ ⎛ 1 + G2 / δ2 ⎡ ⎤ ⎞1.66 ⎤
⎪ ⎢ ⎜( { } ⎟ ⎥ ⎪
1 + ⎢(23.5 − 20H / σ )(Rσ / δ2) − 1.5⎥H / σ
⎣ ⎦
⎨1 + ⎢0.014 ⎬
4.  Non-Gaussian height distributions
⎪ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎪
⎢⎣ ⎠ ⎥⎦

(Rσ / δ )
⎩ ⎭
 It is important to consider whether asymmetry in the height
distribution affects any of the above conclusions. To skew the
This reduces to equation (12) for H = 0. The general effects height distribution in a systematic manner, we now consider the
of G and R work in opposition, as shown in figure 9, with the original surface and increase the heights of those points above
increasing interval, H, enabling a higher percentage of cor- the median line progressively with their height, and decrease
rectly (within H) measured surface points. those below the median line progressively with their depth, or
From equation (15), we may set Φ(R,H,G) to, say, 90, as vice versa. This leads to an asymmetric distribution with a skew-
shown in figure 10(a). Here Rσ/δ2 is plotted versus the interval, ness Ssk [18, 19] that can be adjusted positively or negatively.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

Figure 11.  The mean height and roughness for the interpolated
surface measured with the parabolic probe, normalized to Sq(G = 0,
R = 0) instead of σ, for Ssk = −1, 0 and +1.

The skewness, Ssk, is defined by the Fisher–Pearson stand-

ardized moment coefficient
n ⎛ z − z ⎞3
Ssk =
(16) ∑⎜⎝ j ⎟⎠
(n − 1)(n − 2) s j

where n is the number of measurements, s is their standard

deviation and z is the mean height of these measurements.
For Ssk values of –1, 0 and +1, without any annealing, the
mean heights or biases of the measured surface as a func-
tion of tip radius are given in figure 11. Also shown are the
measured roughnesses. With the positively skewed surface,
the increased elevation of the uppermost points increases
the magnitude of the bias and vice versa. The change
between Ssk values of –1 and +1 is more than a factor of
2, indicating that unless the originating distribution is well
known, correcting for the bias is uncertain. The effects on
Sq are more marked since, at Ssk = −1, the deeper points are
not seen, and so their strong contribution to Sq(G = 0, R =
0) is ­rapidly lost and Sq is quickly reduced in magnitude.
At Ssk = +1, the distribution of the higher points, which
dominate the profile as R increases, has a strong contribu-
tion to Sq(G = 0, R = 0) and leads to no significant reduction
in Sq as R increases. Figure 12.  Distributions for the three surfaces for Rσ/δ2 = 0, 1
and 5. The distributions for Rσ/δ2 = 0 (the red curves) are for
It is also useful to consider the measured distribution of infinitely high populations, whereas the remainder are for 3,246
heights, and these are shown in figure  12 for Rσ/δ2 = 0, 1 points to indicate a common level of statistical scatter in data.
and 5 for the surfaces with Ssk = −1, 0 and +1. At Ssk = −1, The smooth green-and-blue curves are the fits of Gaussians to
the distribution narrows, as indicated in figure  11, and the emphasize the smallness of the visible asymmetry, although the
skewness also sharply reduces. At Rσ/δ2 = 1, this distribu- Ssk values for Rσ/δ2 = 1 and 5 are 0.1 and 0.3 in (a), 0.5 and 0.4 in
(b) and 0.7 and 0.4 in (c), respectively.
tion is effectively Gaussian, and so the analyst can have no
idea at this stage of the shape of the original height distribu-
tion, or very accurately, of the true value of Sq. At Ssk = 0, which regime is possible but requires the sharpest tips unless
the Gaussian height distribution narrows more slowly and the effective value of δ is significantly higher than used ear-
exhibits an increasingly positive skewness, as noted in sec- lier. With surfaces exhibiting features at many scale lengths,
tion 2.2. At Ssk = +1, the skewness is reduced but still persists skewness may be clearly observed. Stoic et al [41] show such
as Rσ/δ2 increases. At the highest Rσ/δ2 values evaluated here, a distribution for dried cast polymer films where the skewness
the final skewness for all surfaces is very similar, although the appears to arise from distinct surface protrusions.
underlying Sq values are significantly different. Thus, it is very Note that the shape of the distribution is not defined
difficult to deduce much of significance about the intrinsic uniquely by the skewness, and for other shapes of distribu-
height distributions from the measured height distribution tion, the results shown in figures 11 and 12 may or may not be
unless Rσ/δ2  <  0.06, as described earlier in equation  (14), representative. What both show clearly is the marked change

Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 (2014) 105001 M P Seah

in the distribution that may occur compared with Gaussian Innovation and Skills, with funding by the European Union
height distributions. Seventh Framework Programme project NATURAL.
It is worth noting in figure 12 the numbers of points accu- © 2014 Crown copyright.
rately measured, and for Rσ/δ2 = 1 with Ssk = −1, 0 and +1,
these are only 10, 5 and 4 out of the first 1,500 points. These
points have average heights of 0.56σ, 0.93σ and 1.51σ. The References
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