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Surjani Town Campus


Subject: Social Studies Class: Five Total Marks: 25; Marks Scored:

Name: Date:
Teacher’s Comment:

Q.1 write meaning of the following words: /04

Words Meaning Words Meaning

Occupation Desert

Climate Arabian sea

Entertainment Influence

Custom Features

Q.2 fill in the blanks: /10

Vertical Horizontal Drawin Atlas Chinese Han Dynasty
Day To Day Northern East Southern West

1. Weather is the _______________conditions of heat and cold.

2. A book of map is called an _____________.
3. Equators divides the earth into the ___________ and _______________ hemispheres.
4. A map is a ____________ made to show an area of the earth.
5. We use an artificial grid made up of ____________ and _______________ lines.
6. The horizontal lines are drawn from __________ to ___________,parallel to the equator.
7. The magnetic compass was first invented in the ________________.

Q.3 write the name of any seven Islamic countries and their capitals: /05
Islamic Countries Name Capital
Q.4: define physical map, political map and relief map /06
















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