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TM TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022

JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


One or more than one Correct Answer Type
1. ABC is a variable triangle such that A is (1, 2), B and C lie on line y = x + l (where l is a variable), then
locus of the orthocenter of triangle ABC is
(A) (x – 1)2 + y2 = 4 (B) x + y = 3 (C) 2x – y = 0 (D) none of these
2. The sum of the distances of the point P lying inside the triangle formed by lines y = 0;
4x – 3y = 0 and 3x + 4y – 9 = 0 is 3. Then the locus of P is-
(A) 7x + 6y – 24 = 0 (B) x – 2y + 24 = 0 (C) 7x – 4y + 6 = 0 (D) x – 2y – 6 = 0
3. Let area of triangle formed by any line through point (1, 3) and co-ordinate axes in xy-plane is A. then
(A) If A = 8, then number of such lines is 4 (B) If A = 6, then number of such lines is 3
(C) If A = 4, then number of such lines is 2 (D) If A = 0, then number of such lines is 1
4. In right angle DABC, sides AB and AC are members of family of lines (x + 2y - 3) + l (2x + y - 3) = 0,

æ 5 +1 5 -1 ö
l Î R and hypotenuse BC is x + y = 0. If çç , ÷÷ is incentre of DABC , then centroid of
è 3+ 5 3+ 5 ø

DABC is -

æ 5 -1 ö æ -5 1 ö æ5 1ö æ -5 -1 ö
(A) ç , ÷ (B) ç , ÷ (C) ç , ÷ (D) ç , ÷
è6 6 ø è 6 6ø è6 6ø è 6 6 ø
5. If a, b, g Î R and satisfy the relations a2 + 2b2 + 3a = 1 + g2 and 2a2 + 4b2 = 2g2 + 5b, then
4 2
(A) Minimum value of a2 + b2 is . (B) Minimum value of a2 + b2 is
61 17

16 1
(C) Minimum value of a2 + b2 – 2a + 1 is (D) Minimum value of a2 + b2 – 2a + 1 is
61 17

6. Let the line y - 3x + 3 = 0 cuts the parabola 2y2 = 2x + 3 at A and B. If P( 3,0) , then value of
|PA – PB| is [where PA denotes distance between points P and A] -

6+4 3 2 76 + 48 3 76 - 48 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 3 3
7. A piece of graph paper is folded once so that (0,2) is matched with (4, 0) and (7, 3) is matched with
(a, b). Then 5(a + b) is
(A) 24 (B) 34 (C) 44 (D) 45
8. A triangle ABC right angled at C moves such that A & B always lie on the positive x & y axes. The
locus of C is
(A) straight line (B) circle (C) parabola (D) ellipse
9. From the point of intersection (P) of lines given by x – y – 2x + 2y = 0, points A, B, C, D are taken on
2 2

the lines at a distance of 2 2 units to form a quadrilateral whose area is A1 and the area of the quadrilateral
formed by joining the circumcentres of DPAB, DPBC, DPCD, DPDA is A2, then A equals

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 1

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-1/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


10. If the line 5 x = y meets the lines x = 1, x = 2… x = n, at points A1, A2,…. An respectively then
2 2 2
(OA1) + (OA2) …. + (OAn) is equal to

.. n

x=1 x=2 x=3 ...... x=n

2 3 2 3 2 4 3 2
(A) 3n + 3n (B) 2n + 3n + n (C) 3n + 3n + 2 (D) (3/2) (n + 2n + n )
11. If a point P moves such that its distance from line y = 3x - 7 is same as its distance from (3 3, 2) ,
then the area of the curve, described by P, enclosed between the coordinate axes is (in square units) -
5 3 25 3
(A) (B) 5 3 (C) (D) 25 3
2 2
12. Let number of integral solutions of |x| + |y| < k + 1 be ƒ(k) (where k Î N), then
(A) ƒ(10) = 220 (B) ƒ(99) = 19800 (C) ƒ(10) = 211 (D) ƒ(99) = 19801
13. If A º (2, 5), B º (5, 2), C º (–1, –1) then inradius of D DEF formed by feet of altitudes drawn from
vertex A, B, C to its opposite sides :
3 5 2 2 3 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
2 5 5

14. A P


Point P(3,4) lies on a circle centered at the origin (O), if straight line 3x + 4y – 7 = 0 intersects the circle
at points A and B (as shown in figure) the area of quadilateral AOBP -
(A) 20 (B) 24 (C) 26 (D) 30
15. Let the sides of a DABC are all integers with A as origin. If (2,–1) and (3,6) are points on line AB and
AC respectively. (Line AB and AC may be extended to contain these points). If length of any two sides
are prime that differs by 50. Then-
(A) smallest value of third side is 60 (B) smallest value of third side is 75
(C) minimum area is 330(D) minimum area is 300
16. Sum of areas of all possible pentangons formed by points A(–5,0), B(5,0), C(0,2), D(4,3),
E(–4,3) is-
(A) 25 sq. unit (B) 81 sq. unit (C) 17 sq. unit (D) 117 sq. unit
17. Let mAB is slope of line joining the points A & B. Point A1(x1, y1), A2(x2,y2), ....... An(xn, yn) are such
that x1, x2, x3 ...... xn are in A.P. & y1, y2......yn are also in A.P., then mA A + mA A + ....... + m A 1 2 2 3 ( n -1) An
equal to -
(A) 0 (B) (n - 1)m A A 1 n
(C) (n) m A A1 n
(D) (n2 )m A A 1 n

E-2/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


18. The line 3x + 2y = 6, will divide the quadrilateral formed by the line x + y = 5, y – 2x = 8,
3y + 2x = 0 and 4y – x = 0 in -
(A) two quadrilateral (B) one pentagon and one triangle
(C) two triangle (D) never cut the sides of quadrilateral
19. Let P(0, 3), Q(0, 5), R(x, 0), then the value of |x| for which ÐPRQ is as large as possible :-
(A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 35 (D) 40
20. 2 2 2 2
If one of the line given by 2x + pxy + 3y = 0 and 2x + qxy – 3y = 0 is common line and other lines
are perpendicular to each other, then -
(A) p = 5 (B) p = –5 (C) q = –1 (D) q = 1
21. A variable line L is drawn through (0, 0) to meet the lines y – x = 10, y – x = 20 at the point
A & B respectively. If a point P is taken on line L such that OP2 = OA.OB, then locus of P is given by-
(A) (y – x)2 = 100 (B) (x + y)2 = 50 (C) (y – x)2 = 200 (D) (y + x)2 = 200
22. The line 6x + 8y = 48 intersects the co-ordinate axes at A and B respectively. If line L intersect line
segment AB and bisects the area and perimeter of DOAB, where O is origin, then
(A) the number of line L is 2. (B) the number of line L is 1.
(C) y intercept of line L is 6 . (D) y intercept of line L is 2 6 .
23. Consider DABC such that AB is parallel to y-axis, BC is parallel to x-axis and centroid is at (2, 1). If
median trough A is y = x – 1, then which of the following is/are true -
(A) Equation of median through C is x – 4y + 2 = 0
(B) Equation of median through C is x + 4y = 5
(C) Acute angle between median through A and C is tan -1 æç ö÷ .

(D) Acute angle between medians through A and C is tan -1 æç ö÷ .
24. External angle bisectors of angle B and angle C are y = x and y = –2x respectively. If the vertex A is (1,
3), then co-ordinates of incentre of DABC is -

æ 1 ö æ1 3ö
(A) (1, 1) (B) ç - ,1 ÷ (C) (0,0) (D) ç , ÷
è 2 ø è 2 2ø
25. The equation of sides of triangle having (3, –1) as a vertex and x – 4y + 10 = 0 and 6x + 10y – 59 = 0 as angle
bisector and median respectively drawn from different vertices are -
(A) 6x + 7y – 13 = 0 (B) 2x + 9y – 65 = 0
(C) 18x + 13y – 41 = 0 (D) 6x – 7y – 25 = 0
26. Consider points P(7, 1) and O = (0, 0). If S is a point on the line y = x and T is a point on the
x-axis so that P is on the line segment ST, then the minimum possible area of DOST is -
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 11 (D) 12
27. If orthocentre of a triangle is (1, 1) and equation of one of its side is x + y = 2. Also, one vertex of the
triangle is (3, 3) and length of its largest side is 3 units, then :-
(A) Length of smallest side is 1 unit
(B) Area of triangle is 2 sq. unit
(C) Equation of largest side can be (1 + 2 2)x + (1 – 2 2 )y = 6
(D) Equation of largest side can be (1 - 2 2)x + (1 + 2 2)y = 6
MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-3/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


28. (1, 0), (3, 0), (3, 5) and (1, 4) are the vertices of a quadrilateral. The equation of line through the origin
which divides the quadrilateral into two parts of equal area is -
9 8 x
(A) y = x (B) y = x (C) y = 8x (D) y =
8 9 8
29. In the given diagram length of AC and BC are 2 and 3 respectively. If length of PC can be expressed as

where a, b are co-prime numbers, then a + b equals to -


(A) 81 (B) 83 (C) 78 (D) 79

30. A point (P) is in the square and its distances to the vertices A, B, C, D of square are 7, 35, 49 and x
respectively, then x equals to -


(A) 36 (B) 35 (C) 34 (D) 37

31. Number of integral values of p for which the origin lies inside the triangle formed by the lines
L1 : y + 3x = 9, L2 : 2y – 3x = 18 and L3 : y – px – 8p = –3 are -
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3
32. 2 2
If lines represented by 2x – 5xy + 2y = 0 intersect x + y = 3 at B and C and one of its angle bisector
intersect x + y = 3 at D. E is the harmonic conjugate of 'D' with respect to BC and O is origin. Then
which of the following is/are true ?
(A) cos ( ÐBOC) = (B) Point E does not exists.

(C) Area of DBOC = (D) DBOC is isosceles.
33. If L1 and L2 represent equation of straight lines passing through (1, 1) and parallel to the lines represented
by the equation x2 – 5xy + 4y2 + x + 2y – 2 = 0. Then which of the following holds good ?
(A) Angle between L1 and L2 is tan -1 æç ö÷ .

(B) Angle between L1 and L2 is tan -1 ç ÷ .

(C) Area of parallelogram formed by L1, L2 and x2 – 5xy + 4y2 + x + 2y – 2 = 0 is .
(D) One of L1 and L2 passes through origin.

E-4/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


34. The vertices B and C of a triangle ABC lie on the lines 3y = 4x and y = 0 respectively and the side BC
æ2 2ö
passes through the point ç , ÷ . If ABOC is a rhombus, O is origin, B lies in first quadrant. Then the
è3 3ø
correct option(s) is/are -
(A) sum of coordinates of A is (B) line OA is parallel to 3y = x + 5

(C) line OA is parallel to 2y = x + 7 (D) difference of coordinates of A is
35. A straight line pass through the origin O meets the parallel lines 4x + 2y = 9 and 2x + y + 6 = 0 at point P
& Q respectively. The point O divides the segment PQ in the ratio-
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 3 : 4 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 4 : 3
36. The lines y = m1x, y = m2x and y = m3x meet the line x + y = 1 at A, B, C respectively. If AB = BC, then
1 + m1, 1 + m2, 1 + m3 are in (where m ¹ m2 ¹ m3)
(A) arithmetic progression
(B) geometric progression
(C) harmonic progression
(D) arithmetic geometric progression
37. The distance between two parallel lines is unity. A point P lies at a distance of k unit from one of them.
If Q, R two different point lies on two lines respectively such that DPQR is equilateral with side length

2 , then maximum value of k is -
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) none of these
38. Statement-1 : Consider triangle ABC and point M is such that triangles ABM, ACM and BCM are of
equal area, then point M is centroid of triangle ABC (where A, B, C and M lie in x-y plane)
a b c
Statement-2 : In triangle ABC, = = = R , then
sin A sin B sin C
(where symbols have their usual meaning)
(A) Statement-1 is true (B) Statement-2 is true
(C) Statement-1 is false (D) Statement-2 is false
39. A,B,C are respectively points (1,2), (4,2), (4,5). If T1,T2 are points of trisection of AC and S1,S2 are
points of trisection of BC, (where T1 is nearer to A and S1 is nearer to B). Then
(A) area of quadrilateral T1S1S2T2 is
(B) area of quadrilateral T1S1S2T2 is 2
(C) ratio of area of DCT2S2 to DABC is

(D) ratio of area of DCT2S2 to DABC is

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-5/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


40. Consider a triangle ABC, C(5,8)

= = = F E
Let P,Q,R be harmonic conjugate of D,E,F
A(1,8) D B(3,4)
respectively with respect to A and B, B and C, C and A.

æ 20 ö æ 20 ö
(A) Centroid of DDEF = ç 3, ÷ (B) Centroid of DPQR = ç 3, ÷
è 3 ø è 3 ø

æ 20 ö æ 20 ö
(C) Centroid of DPQR = ç -3, ÷ (D) Centroid of DDEF = ç -3, ÷
è 3 ø è 3 ø
41. Let (aa)x + y + 7 = 0, bx + (aa)y + 3 = 0 and –x + y + 4 = 0 lines are concurrent (where a Î R &
a ¹ 0) then-
(A) number of possible positive integral value of b is 1
(B) number of possible non-negative integral value of b is 2
(C) number of possible positive integral value of b is 3
(D) number of possible non negative integral value of b is 3
42. A rod of fixed length k has its ends sliding along the coordinate axes in Ist quadrant such that rod meets
2 2
æ 1ö æ 1ö
the x-axis at A(a, 0) and y-axis at B(0, b). If O is origin and E = ç a + ÷ + ç b + ÷ .
è bø èa ø
Which of the following holds good ?
(A) Minimum value of E is k 2 + +2
(B) Minimum value of E is æç k + 2 ö÷
è kø
(C) When E is minimum then area of DAOB is
(D) When E is minimum then area of DAOB is
43. A straight line through the point A(–1,3) cuts the line x + y = 4 and y = x at B and C respectively. If
æ m1 - m 2 ö
AB.AC = 16, and possible slopes of the line are m1 & m2 then ç ÷ is equal to
è 1 + m1m 2 ø
3 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) 3 (D)
4 3
44. The line 3x + 6y = k intersects 2x2 + 2xy + 3y2 – 1 = 0 at points A and B. The circle on AB as diameter
passes through origin then value of k2 is
(A) 3 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 16
45. Let point 'P' be (5, 3) and a point 'R' on y = x and Q on x-axis such that PQ + QR + RP is minimum, then
co-ordinates of point Q is -
æ 17 ö æ 17 ö æ 23 ö
(A) (17, 0) (B) ç ,0 ÷ (C) ç ,0 ÷ (D) ç ,0 ÷
è 2 ø è 4 ø è 4 ø

E-6/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


1 ö
46. The complete set of values the parameter 'a' so that the point P æç a, ÷ doesn't lie outside the triangle
è 1 + a2 ø

formed by the lines 15y = x + 1, 78y = 118 – 23x and y + 2 = 0 is -

(A) (0, 5) (B) [2, 5] (C) (1, 5) (D) [0, 2]
47. If the point (a, 2a) falls between the lines |x + y + 1| = 4, then complete set of values of 'a' is

(A) æç - ,1 ö÷ (B) æç 1, 5 ö÷ (C) æç -4 , 4 ö÷ (D) çæ -¥ , -5 ÷ö È (1, ¥ )
è 3 ø è 3ø è 3 3ø è 3 ø
48. The area enclosed by the curve |x + y| + |x – y| – 11 = 0 is
(A) 121 (B) 144 (C) 100 (D) 169
49. If m is the least value of ƒ(x) = x2 - 2x + 2 + x2 - 4x + 29 , then [m] is equal to
(where [.] denotes greatest integer function)
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 4
50. Consider DABC such that AB is parallel to y-axis, BC is parallel to x-axis and centroid is at (2, 1). If
median trough A is y = x – 1, then which of the following is/are true -
(A) Equation of median through C is x – 4y + 2 = 0
(B) Equation of median through C is x + 4y = 5

(C) Acute angle between median through A and C is tan -1 æç ö÷ .

(D) Acute angle between medians through A and C is tan -1 ç ÷ .

51. In DABC, let D(3,2), E and F are mid points of sides BC,CA and AB respectively. Let vertex B is (1,1)
and quadrilateral BDEF is a rhombus and equation of BE is y = x, then-
(A) coordinates of A are (3,5) (B) DABC must be isosceles triangle
(C) centroid of DABC is (4,4) (D) area of DABC is 6 sq. units.
52. Point A lies on x-axis and point B lies on y = x. If PA.PB is minimum where P divides segment AB

( )
internally, then (given P is 1,2 - 3 and 'O' is origin), -

(A) OA = 2 2 - 6 + 3 - 1 (B) OB = 2 2 - 6 + 3 - 1
(C) ÐOAB = 45° (D) ÐOBA = 22.5°
53. Consider two isosceles triangles DAB1C1 and DAB2C2 such that AB1 = AC1, AB2 = AC2 and P(1, –2)
is point of intersection of lines B1C1 & B2C2. If A, B1, C2 lies on 7x – y + 3 = 0 and A, B2, C1 lies on
x + y – 3 = 0, then which of the following is/are correct ?
(A) point A lies on y-axis.
(B) product of x-coordinates of points B1,C1,B2,C2 is negative
(C) product of y-coordinates of points B1,C1,B2,C2 is positive
(D) sum of slope of lines B1C1 and B2C2 is .

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-7/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


54. Let L1, L2,......, Ln are lines in x-y plane which are equidistant from (3, p), (p, –4) and (3 + p, 4). If

ap + b
, a,b,c Î I is area of polygon which is formed by lines L1, L2, ........ Ln, then which of the following
is/are correct ? (where a, c are coprime numbers)
(A) ac + b = 76 (B) a2 + b2 + c2 = 329
(C) a – bc + c2 = 251 (D) a + b2 + c3 = 667
Linked Comprehension Type
Paragraph for Question 55 to 56
A ray of light strikes a line mirror y = 0 along the line L1 : x – 3y = 1 and reflects along the line L2 = 0.
There is another line mirror x – 4 = 0 in the way of reflected ray. After 2nd reflection ray moves along
the line L3 = 0 and finally it travels in the direction of the line L4 = 0 after 3rd reflection from line mirror
y + 2 = 0.
On the basis of above informations, answer the following questions :
55. Equation of the line L4 = 0 is -
(A) x – 3y = 7 (B) x + 3y = 1
(C) x + 3y + 5 = 0 (D) x + 3y – 5 = 0
56. Area of the closed figure so formed is -
(A) 6 sq. units (B) 12 sq. units
(C) 24 sq. units (D) 36 sq. units
Paragraph for Question 57 to 58
Let ABC be a triangle whose vertex A is (3, 4). L1 = 0 and L2 = 0 are the internal angle bisectors of
angles B and C respectively, where L1 º x + y – 2 = 0, L2 º 2x + y – 5 = 0. Let A1 is the image of point
A about line L1.
On the basis of above information answer the following :
57. Co-ordinate of point A1 is -
(A) (2, 1) (B) (–2, –1) (C) (2, –1) (D) (–1, –2)
58. Inradius of triangle ABC is -
3 5
(A) 10 (B) 2 10 (C) 10 (D) 10
2 2

Paragraph for Question 59 to 60

Consider in DABC, A(5, –1), B(a, –7), C(–2, b).
Let (–6, –4) is image of orthocentre of DABC in the point mirror M which is mid point of the side BC.

2 p
59. If (p, q) is circumcentre of triangle ABC, then value of q - is -

13 11 15 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2
60. The value of b2 – a2 + 5b – a is -
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 18 (D) 12

E-8/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


Paragraph for Question 61 to 62

A1 and B1 are points on line 3x + 2y = 13 such that DOA1B1 is equilateral triangle. Let L1 = 0 and
L2 = 0 respresents the equation of side OA1 and OB1 respectively, then
61. The combined equation of L1 = 0 and L2 = 0 is
(A) 3x2 – 48xy + 23y2 = 0 (B) 23x2 – 48xy + 3y2 = 0
(C) 3x2 + 48xy + 23y2 = 0 (D) 23x2 + 48xy – 3y2 = 0
62. Let 'h' be the length of altitude of DOA1B1 from origin. If line through A1 and B1 is moved parallel

towards origin through distance intersecting L1 = 0 and L2 = 0 in points A2 and B2 respectively
forming DOA2B2. Again the line through A2 and B2 is moved parallel towards origin through distance

intersecting L1= 0 and L2= 0 in points A3 and B3 respectively forming DOA3B3 and similarly
DOA4B4,DOA5B5 and so on. The sum of areas of DOA1B1,DOA2B2,DOA3B3,DOA4B4 upto infinite

4 3 52 13 4 13 52 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 9 9 9
63. Equation of BC is -
(A) x + y = 3 (B) x - y = 3 (C) 3x + y = 3 (D) x - 3y = 3
64. Equation of CD is -
(A) 3y + x = 4 - 3 3 (B) y + 3x = 4 + 3 3

(C) 3y + x = 4 + 3 3 (D) y + 3x = 4 - 3 3
Paragraph for Questions 65 and 66
The line 6x + 8y = 48 intersects, the X & Y axes at A and B respectively. A line L bisects the area as
well the perimeter of triangle OAB (where O is the origin), then answer the following questions
65. The line L
(A) doesnot intersect AB(B) doesnot intersect OB
(C) doesnot intersect OA(D) passes through the origin
66. The number of such possible line(s) is -
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
Paragraph for Question 67 and 68
A line L0 : 2x + 5y = 11 rotates about a point P(a,b) on the line L 0 such a,b Î integer and
|a + b|is least, through an angle (–1)n.nº in nth second. If L0 becomes line Ln after n seconds. Then
67. (a + b) is-
(A) –5 (B) –2 (C) 1 (D) 4
68. Perpendicular distance from (0,0) on L180 is-

16 11 7 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
29 29 29 29

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-9/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


Paragraph for Question 69 to 71

Consider a family of lines (4a + 3)x – (a + 1)y – (2a + 1) = 0, where a Î R.
69. The locus of the foot of perpendicular from the (0, 0) on each member of this family is
(A) (2x – 1)2 + 4(y + 1)2 = 5 (B) (2x – 1)2 + (y + 1)2 = 5
(C) (2x + 1)2 + 4(y – 1)2 = 5 (D) (2x – 1)2 + 4(y – 1)2 = 5
70. An equation of member of this family with positive gredient makes an angle of p/4 with the line
3x – 4y = 2, is -
(A) 7x – y = 5 (B) 4x – 3y + 2 = 0
(C) x + 7y = 15 (D) 5x – 3y = 4
71. Minimum area of the triangle which a member of this family with negative greadient can make with the
positive semi axes, is -
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2
Paragraph for Question 72 to 73
Given four parallel lines L1, L2, L3 and L4. Let the distances between them be d12, d23, d34 respectively
(here dij is distance between lines Li and L j ). Let P be a point, sum of whose distances from four lines
is k (d12 < d23 < d34).
72. If k = d12 + 2d23 + d34, then locus of 'P' is -
(A) entire region between lines L2 and L3.
(B) entire region between lines L1 and L2.
(C) entire region between lines L3 and L4.
(D) not possible.
73. If k = d12 + 2d23 + d34 + 2a, 0 < a < d34, then locus of 'P' is -
(A) entire region between lines L2 and L3.
(B) entire region between lines L1 and L4.
(C) entire region between lines L3 and L4.
(D) not possible.
Paragraph for Question 74 & 75
a1 b1 c1
Consider set of 3 distinct lines Li : aix + biy + ci = 0 where i Î {1,2,3}, D = a 2 b2 c2 and
a3 b3 c3
ai,bi,ci Î R
74. If value of D is zero, then-
(A) lines must be concurrent (B) lines cannot form a triangle
(C) lines must be parallel (D) two of the three lines must be perpendicular
75. If equation of L3 can be written as lL1 + mL2 = 0, where l and m are non zero real numbers, then-
(A) L3 must pass through origin
(B) D = 0
(C) L3 is perpendicular to both L1 and L2
(D) L3 must be angle bisector of L1 & L2

E-10/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


Paragraph for Question 76 & 77
In DABC coordinates of A,B,C are (–1,6) (6,5) and (7,2) respectively altitudes drawn from vertices
intersects at O and meet the opposite sides in D,E,F respectively, then-
76. Incentre of DDEF is-
(A) (8,9) (B) (10,11) (C) (–9,9) (D) (8,12)
77. Circumradius of DOBC is-
(A) 2 (B) (C) 3 (D) 5
Paragraph for Question 78 and 79
Consider a triangle ABC.
Let x + y – 3 = 0, x – 4y + 7 = 0 and 2x – y = 0 respectively the equations of the altitudes BE, CF
and AD on the sides AC, AB and BC.
78. If one of the vertex of triangle is of the form (a, 2a), then the locus of centroid of triangle ABC as a
varies is -
(A) 9x – 63y + 129 = 0 (B) 9x + 63y – 129 = 0
(C) 9x + 45y – 89 = 0 (D) 9x + 45y – 99 = 0
79. Let Q be any point on the line L : x – k = 0, where k is abscissa of orthocenter of DABC, P is a point (k,
0) other than point Q, QR is the acute angle bisector of angle OQP, (O is origin) meets the x-axis at piont
R, then the locus of foot of perpendicular from R on the OQ is -
(A) (x2 + y2)(x + 2) + x = 0 (B) (x2 + y2)(x – 1) + x = 0
(C) (x2 + y2)(x – 2) + x = 0 (D) (x2 + y2)(x + 1) + x = 0
Numerical Grid Type
80. The equations of internal and external bisectors of ÐB of a triangle are x + y – 1 = 0 and
x – y + 4 = 0 and respectively. The equations of internal and external bisectors of ÐC are
3x – y + 9 = 0 and x + 3y + 12 = 0 respectively. If circumcentre of DIBC is (a, b) then 2b – a is .....(where
I is the incentre of the triangle)
81. If ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0 and ax2 + 2hxy + by2 – 2gx – 2ƒy + c = 0 each represent pair

l |c|
of straight lines and area of parallelogram enclosed by them is , then |l| is
h2 - ab

82. Let A(2, 4), B(–3, –8) and C(x, y) are points such that ÐACB is a right angle and the area of
DABC = square units. Then number of such point C is
83. In DABC, AB = 9, BC = 10 and AC = 11. Points D, E and F lie on sides BC, AC and AB respectively
so that segments AD, BE and CF all intersects at G. Also BF = CE and AG : DG = 2 : 1, then BF
is equal to
84. If value of the expression
4 4
ç ( x - 2 )2 + ( y - 4 )2 - ( x + 2)2 + ( y - 2)2 ö÷ æ
+ç ( x - 2)2 + ( y - 4 )2 + ( x + 2)2 + ( y - 2)2 ö÷
è ø è ø
is minimum for x = x0 and y = y0, then |x0 + y0| is equal to

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-11/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


85. If area of the given figure is A sq. units. then is equal to


(–2,1) (4,1)
0 (4,0)

1 1
86. A line passing through P(1,2) intersects the curve (x – 1)2 = 4(y – 1) at the points A and B, then +

is equal to
87. Let PQRS be a square such that point P lies on positive y-axis and Q lies on positive x-axis. If S is
(7, 10) and the co-ordinate of point R is (a, b), then value of b is
88. A(–3,0), B(3,0) are two vertices of a triangle PAB where P is a variable point. If the angle bisector of
internal angle APB divides the opposite side AB into two segments AD = 4, BD = 2, then maximum
value of ordinates of the point P is
89. If a, b, c are positive numbers in H.P. and equation of line of family of lines 4acx + y(ab + bc + ca –
abc) + abc = 0 which is equally inclined to axes is given by x – y = k then value of |4k| is
90. Two non adjacent vertices of a rectangle are (4, 3) and (–4, –3) and the co-ordinates of other two vertices
are integers, then possible number of such rectangles is
91. Consider the fixed lines y – x = 0 and Ky + x = 0, K > 1. A particle P starts from (1,1) to reach origin in
the manner depicted as shown in figure. If the total distance travelled by the particle is 4 units, then find
the value of K.

E-12/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


92. D POR has vertices P(0,12), R(5,0) and O(0,0). There exist a line 'l' cutting PR and OP at A and B
respectively, such that circles can be inscribed in DPAB and quadrilateral ORAB. Also these circles are
tangent to the line 'l' at the same point. If line 'l ' passes through (0,8), then the area of quadrilateral

ORAB is A, then find the value of ê ú ?

[Note: [K] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to K]

93. Consider the straight lines L1 : x – 7y – 8 = 0 L2 : x + y + 3 = 0 & two points P1(0,0), P2(a2,a). If line
segments joining P1 & P2 intersect the line L1 but not L2 then minimum positive integral value of a is
94. For a point P in the XY plane. Let d1(p), d2(p) and d3(p) be the distances of the point P from the x axis,
y axis and x – y = 0 respectively. If A is area of the region R consisting of all points P lying in the XY

plane and satisfying d1 (P) + d 2 (P) + 2d3 (P) = 5 then the value of éê ùú is

[Note [x] denotes greatest integer less than or equal to x]

95. The vertex A of DABC is (3, –2) and the equations to two of its medians are 5x + 3y = 11 and
4x + 3y = 8. If the equation of side BC is ax + by = 7, then (a + b) is equal to

96. If the equation x 2 + y 2 + 2xy - 2014x - 2014 y - 2015 = 0 has n solutions in (x, y) for which x, y are both

positive integers and åx i an d å y i represents the sum of all such possible x and y respectively, then the

value of ê å
é xi + å yi ù
ú ([.] is greatest integer function) is_______
ë 400n û

97. Sachin moves from A(2,0) to B(0,b) to C(10,c) to D(9,5) along a linear path. If minimum distance travelled
by Sachin is 'd', then value of d2 is
98. A square ABCD of side length 2 cm is given, such that the points P,Q,R,S divides the sides AB, BC,
CD, DA in a : 1, b : 1, g : 1, d : 1 respectively such that (PQ)2 + (QR)2 + (RS)2 + (SP)2 is minimum,
then |a + b + g + d| is equal to
99. A straight line with negative slope passing through the point (2,8) cuts the coordinate axes at A & B,

then minimum value of (where O is origin) is equal to-

MATHEMATICS / A # 09 E-13/14
TM JEE (Main + Advanced) 2022


1. B 2. D 3. A,B,C,D 4. A 5. A,C
6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B
11. C 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. A ,C
16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A ,B,C,D
21. C 22. B,C 23. A ,C 24. D 25. B,C ,D
26. D 27. A ,B,C,D 28. A 29. D 30. B
31. D 32. A ,B,C,D 33. A ,C ,D 34. A ,C ,D 35. B
36. C 37. C 38. C ,D 39. A ,C 40. A ,B
41. A ,B 42. B,C 43. C 44. C 45. C
46. B 47. A 48. A 49. A 50. A ,C
51. A ,B,D 52. A ,B 53. A ,B,C 54. A ,B,D 55. C
56. A 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. D
61. A 62. D 63. A 64. A 65. C
66. B 67. C 68. A 69. D 70. A
71. C 72. A 73. C 74. B 75. B
76. A 77. D 78. D 79. C 80. 5
81. 2 82. 4 83. 5 84. 3 85. 5
86. 1 87. 3 88. 4 89. 7 90. 5
91. 3 92. 5 93. 8 94. 6 95. 5
96. 5 97. 194 98. 4 99. 9

E-14/14 MATHEMATICS / A # 09

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