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Causes of autism

Autism is neurological disorder that’s affects the way brain uses information. Current
researches suggest that in the vast majority of the cases, in autism have no evident
causes. Genetic play an important etiologic role. In autism however in extract mode of
transmission, and number of genes involved are still being studied.

Non-genetic causes of autism like the role of environment factors such as pesticide,
toxic heavy metals and other harmful chemicals, infections like congenital rubella
syndrome and neurotransmitters are also being reviewed. The wide range of autistic
symptoms as well as uneven cognitive skills has spawned much speculation regarding
the underlying brain dysfunction. The occurrence is that the actual physiological or
cause of autism remains elusive despite intensive investigation and there is no full
Satisfactory explanation yet (rapin,2000).

Cause of autism:
 Autism is biologically based disorder of brain development.
 Neural dysfunction
 Impairment in complex information processing
 Dendrite & exam development
 Establishment of synaptic contract
 Programmed cell death
 Selective elimination of neuronal processes
 May involved dysfunction of the brain system
 Frontal & medial temporal link dysfunction
Genetic factors:
Strong evidence for genetic fluence 10% of activities kids haven identifiable medical
condition. Family & twins studies 3-7% of siblings & relative kids have autistic disorder.
 Imbalance of certain chemical substance in the brain
 Physical problem affecting the brain that
 Process language in information coming from the senses
 Other related causes:
 Brain disorder present at birth
 Infliction or illness
 Pregnancy, related ,infection or illness in obstetric
 Problem in delivery and premature birth
 Low level of serotonin with is linked to obsessive
Compulsive behavior
linked to brain chemicals
genetic link which inherent to twins
No known to causes:
According to Robledo & Kucharski(2005) possible causes are highly
Charged mainly because theories abound to the probability.
Scientist are hard up to work trying to make sense
And have made progress in defining and pursuing its genetic make up
But isolating the cause of a number of causes is still
Therefore , autism is still considered a mysterious and tricky condition
Unlike many disorder which surface during childhood.
It has many features wherein each individual with this condition present
A variety of collective symptoms and behaviors which don’t rely
Match from those from another.

Diagnostic & statical manual of the American

Psychiatric association (dsm – iv)
This manual is another valuable source in assessing a child suspected
With autism.
A. Social interaction
1. Marked lack of awareness of existence of feeling of others.
2. No or abnormal seeking of comfort at time at distress.
3. No or impaired med imitation.
4. No or abnormal play
5. Gross impairment in ability to make peer friendship.

B. Communication and imagination impairments

1. No mode of communication
2. Markedly verbal and non-verbal communication
3. Absence of imaginative activity
4. Marked abnormalities in the production of speech
5. Stereotyped or repetitive content of speech
6. inability to sustain conversation
C. Marked resisted repertoire of activities and interest as manifested by the

1. Stereotyped body movements

2. Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
3. Marked distress over changes in trivial aspects of
Environment .
4.unreasonable insistence on following routine in precise detail
5.marked restricted range of interest and pre occupation with one narrow
interest e.g. interested lining up object.

Cognitive aspects:

A relatively new hypothesis in the field of autism has been

Labeled as “theory of mind”. This idea has receive much attention
Including a book in 1995 by dr. Simon barn-cohm.
This refers to the notion that many autistic individual do not understand that
other people have their own plans, thoughts
And point of view.
Further, it appears that they have difficulty understanding their own &other
More so that they have problem relating to other people.

That is, they may not able to anticipate what others say or do in various
In addition, they have difficulty understanding about their plans or
They even thoughts and emotions but may appear to be self-centered,
eccentric and uncaring .

Sensory& perceptual impairment:

Children with autism have severe disturbances in the development of
The different senses such as touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell
Seem to be out of focus or destroyed.
A child with autism may appear to deaf on one occasion but may overly react
to an everyday sound in certain occasions causing acute pain. This explain
that they severe, over or under
Sensitively to sensory perception.
They have tendency to have abnormal perception
Which bring about abnormal responses.
Some children with autism may overreact or under react,
That they have the tendency to focus certain types of sensory
Input over others.

They also focus in one feature on an object and it seems

Dim in another.
This is the reason why their perceptual problems may often
Have psychological effect in learning.
Seemingly these reactions to stimuli
Within various conditions may result to phobia(fear)
Or self-stimulating or self-mutilating behaviors.
Examples are; repetitive
Ritualistic behavior which provided them with some forms
Of stimulation.
It may also be considered all form of communication.

In terms of abnormal relationship to object and event

They display the following:
A.) Unable to relate to normally to objects and events
With them in functional way.
B.) Have sameness – may became very upset when the object,
Schedules are changed from familiar pattern.

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