Arsenic in Rice - Rahman, Rahman, Naidu

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Arsenic in Rice: Sources and Human Health
Mohammad Azizur Rahman*, Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman†, Ravi Naidu†
*University of Technology, Centre for Environmental Sustainability, Faculty of Science, Sydney, New South Wales,
Australia, †University of South Australia, Center for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation (CERAR),
Mawson Lakes, South Australia, Australia; and Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and
Remediation of the Environment (CRC-CARE), Salisbury South, South Australia, Australia

INTRODUCTION extensively, particularly during the dry season, to irri-

gate rice in Bangladesh.11 Background levels of arsenic in
Arsenic is ubiquitous in the environment,1 and is paddy soils range from 4 to 8 mg/kg,12,13 and can reach
released to it through natural phenomena and anthropo- up to 83 mg/kg in areas where the paddy field has been
genic inputs. Arsenic is also redistributed in the environ- irrigated with elevated levels of arsenic-contaminated
ment by rain, underground water, and human activities. groundwater.13 Other countries in S and SE Asia affected
Although arsenic in the environment comes mainly with arsenic in groundwater include several states of
from minerals and geogenic sources, human activities India, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Vietnam, Lao People’s
such as mining, burning of fossil fuels, and indiscrimi- Democratic Republic, Cambodia, Taiwan, and several
nate use of arsenical pesticides during the early to mid- provinces of China,6,9,14–16 and, more recently, the low-
1900s resulted in extensive soil contamination.2 A large lands of Sumatra in Indonesia.17 Surface-water contami-
number of sites around the globe have been reported nation of arsenic in Thailand is mainly due to industrial
to be contaminated by arsenic from natural and anthro- activities.4 In Bangladesh and the West Bengal state of
pogenic sources.3,4 Widespread human exposure to India, arsenic in groundwater has been recognized as the
arsenic from drinking water and foods, and associated widest environmental and human health disaster, with
incidences of human health hazards (non-carcinogenic an estimate of more than 100 million people at risk from
effects, including dermal symptoms, respiratory prob- arsenic poisoning,4,18 while about 700,000 people have
lems, neurologic complications, obstetric effects, etc., already been affected by arsenic-related diseases in S
and carcinogenic effects on different organs, affecting the and SE Asia.19
skin, lung, bladder, liver etc.) have been a growing con- Because of high levels of arsenic in paddy soils, from
cern during the past three decades globally.4,5 Arsenic contaminated underground irrigation water,11,13 rice
in groundwater has been reported in many parts of the contains relatively higher amounts of arsenic20–22 com-
world, including North America, Europe, Australia, and pared to other agricultural crops.23,24 The concentration
several Latin American countries.5–8 However, ground- of arsenic and its chemical forms in rice varies consider-
water contamination with elevated levels of arsenic and ably depending on rice variety25 and geographical varia-
associated health problems has reached critical levels tion.20,26 Inorganic arsenic (iAs) species dominate over
in recent years in several South (S) and Southeast (SE) organo-arsenic (orgAs) species in both uncooked rice
Asian countries.9 and cooked rice,27 and the dietary intake of arsenic in the
Arsenic-contaminated groundwater is used not only human body depends on the type of rice consumed and
for drinking purposes but also for the irrigation of on the cooking process used.28–32 A large population in
crops in these countries, particularly for the staple food, Asian arsenic-endemic areas lives on a subsistence diet
paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.), in Bangladesh and other S of rice. As well as daily water consumption of 4–6 L,33
and SE Asian countries.10,11 Groundwater has been used the average daily rice consumption by an adult of this

Wheat and Rice in Disease Prevention and Health 365 © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

region, particularly in Bangladesh and West Bengal et al.30 reported 0.57–0.69 μg/g dry wt of arsenic in rice
(India), is between 400 and 650 g.34 Therefore, second to collected from a highly arsenic-contaminated area of the
water, rice constitutes the largest dietary source of arse- country. All these studies have revealed high arsenic lev-
nic for humans.35 When the high concentration of iAs,36 els in Bangladeshi rice grain.
cooking method, and high consumption rate are taken Rice from the Indian state of West Bengal also con-
into account, rice is considered to be a major threat to tains high levels of arsenic. Williams et al.27 reported
human health in arsenic-endemic S and SE Asia. 0.05 μg/g dry wt of arsenic (0.03–0.08 μg/g dry wt) in
Arsenic poisoning is greatest in Bangladesh, followed white basmati rice collected from Indian supermarkets.
by West Bengal, India. However, numerous cases have Meharg et al.20 found 0.07 μg/g dry wt of arsenic (0.07–
now been reported from many countries, including 0.31 μg/g dry wt, n = 133) in Indian white rice. Other
Chile, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Pakistan, Nepal, Viet- studies also reported high levels of arsenic in rice grain
nam, Taiwan, Iran, Argentina, Finland, the United States, from West Bengal (0.11–0.44 μg/g dry wt53 and 0.03–
several provinces in China, and several other Indian 0.48 μg/g dry wt).52 The Nadia district in West Bengal
states. Arsenic exposure to humans is not restricted to the is one of the highly arsenic-contaminated areas in India,
arsenic-contaminated countries. Hundreds of thousands and arsenic concentrations in rice grain (either collected
of people worldwide are also facing slow poisoning and directly from farmers or purchased from local markets)
risk of death from arsenic in their daily diets. The pos- ranged between 0.02 and 0.17 μg/g dry wt with a mean
sibility of human exposure to arsenic is increasing with of 0.13 μg/g dry wt (n = 50).39
the expansion of the global food trade. Arsenic in foods A number of studies have shown high levels of arsenic
from arsenic-endemic areas will pose a potential health in Taiwanese rice. Rice collected directly from Taiwanese
risk for the people of those countries where arsenic con- farms was reported to have an arsenic concentration of
tamination of drinking water is not reported. Thus, arse- 0.76 μg/g dry wt.49 A market basket survey, conducted
nic in foods and its subsequent impacts on human health by Lin et al.,50 reported < 0.10–0.63 μg/g dry wt of arse-
is not a regional issue but an important global issue. In nic in Taiwanese rice, which is a comparable level to that
this chapter, the sources of arsenic in rice and the health reported by Williams et al.27 The concentration of arsenic
risk of arsenic from a rice diet are discussed. in Vietnamese rice was found to be 0.03–0.47 μg/g dry
wt.27,51 Thai rice has also been reported to contain high
levels of arsenic (0.11 ± 0.01 μg/g dry wt).27 A recent mar-
ARSENIC IN RICE GRAIN ket basket survey reported that arsenic concentrations in
Thai rice ranged between 0.01 and 0.39 μg/g dry wt, with
The significant number of articles published on arse- a mean of 0.14 μg/g dry wt (n = 54).20 Comparing this
nic concentrations in rice grain in recent years implies with the previous reports of Williams et al.27, the higher
that the dietary intake of arsenic form rice has received arsenic concentrations in Thai rice found in a recent study
the attention of the wider scientific community.13,27,30,36–42 by Meharg et al.20 suggest that arsenic levels in Thai rice
The high arsenic content in rice is a significant concern have increased in recent years. A considerable amount of
for arsenic-affected countries, as well as for countries arsenic has also been found in rice from the USA. A mar-
that import rice from arsenic-affected countries. Arsenic ket basket survey conducted by Schoof et al.23 reported
concentrations in rice grain from diverse origins is pre- that total arsenic concentrations in rice from the USA
sented in Table 28.1.11,13,20,21,23,27,39,43–54 (“American rice”) were 0.20–0.46 μg/g dry wt, while
Bangladesh is one of the highly arsenic-contaminated Heitkemper et al.45 found levels of 0.11–0.34 μg/g dry wt.
countries.55 Rice grain collected from the arsenic-con- A recent study reported 0.03–0.66 μg/g dry wt of arse-
taminated western part of Bangladesh had arsenic lev- nic in American rice,20 which is much higher than that
els of 0.03–1.84 μg/g dry weight (dry wt).11 In another reported by Williams et al.27 The studies reveal that arse-
study, arsenic concentrations in rice collected from the nic-contaminated rice is a significant source of dietary
fields of the southern part of Bangladesh were found to arsenic for the people of arsenic-affected areas, as well as
be between 0.04 and 0.92 μg/g dry wt.13 However, arse- for people of those countries that import rice from con-
nic concentrations in rice collected from markets across taminated regions.
the country were found to be 0.18–0.31 μg/g dry wt.13
It is interesting that arsenic concentrations in rice vary
with the sampling site and rice growing season, both ARSENIC SPECIATION IN RICE GRAIN
of which are related to the arsenic concentration in irri-
gation water. Other studies also showed high levels of Inorganic arsenic (iAs) species are more toxic than
arsenic in Bangladeshi rice. For example, Islam et al.56 orgAs species.57,58 Pentavalent methylarsenic species
reported 0.05–2.05 μg/g dry wt of arsenic in rice grain (DMAAV and MMAAV) are considered to be non-toxic.59
collected from southern Bangladesh, while Rahman Therefore, arsenic speciation in rice is considered to be


TABLE 28.1  Total (tAs), Inorganic (iAs), and Organic (orgAs) Arsenic Concentrations (μg/g dry wt.) in Rice Grain from Different Countries.

tAs iAs orgAs % of iAs

Origin Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Reference

Australia 0.03 0.02–0.04 – – – – – Williams et al.13

1.25 – 0.18 – 1.07 – 86 – Juhasz et al.43

Bangladesh 0.13 0.02–0.33 0.08 0.01–0.21 – – 61 – Meharg et al.20

0.50 0.03–1.84 – – – – – Meharg and


0.34 0.15–0.59 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

0.39 0.26–0.58 0.39 0.26–0.58 0.005 0.001–0.010 100 – Williams et al.27

0.23 0.18–0.31 0.16 0.11–0.22 – – 65 60–71 Williams et al.13

0.24 0.21–0.27 0.20 0.17–0.22 – – 82 81–83 Williams et al.13


0.13 0.03–0.30 0.08 0.01–0.21 0.02 < LOD–0.05 60 44–86 Ohno et al.44

Arsenic Speciation in Rice Grain

0.69 0.41–0.98 0.31 0.23–0.39 0.23 0.05–0.43 44 45–59 Sun et al.21

Canada 0.11 – 0.08 – 0.01 – 76 – Heitkemper

et al.45

0.02 – < LOD – 0.01 – 71 – Ohno et al.44

China 0.14 0.02–0.46 0.16 0.07–0.38 – – 87 – Williams et al.27

0.12 0.07–0.19 – – – – – – Williams et al.13

0.82 0.46–1.18 0.50 0.25–0.76 0.10 0.07–0.12 60 55–64 Sun et al.21

0.49 0.31–0.70 – – – – – – Xie and Huang46

0.93 – – – – – – – Liu et al.47

Egypt 0.05 0.01–0.58 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

Europe 0.15 0.13–0.20 0.08 0.06–0.10 0.04 0.04–0.06 52 44–62 Ohno et al.44

France 0.28 0.09–0.56 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

India 0.07 0.07–0.31 0.03 0.02–0.07 – – 43 – Williams et al.27

0.05 0.03–0.08 0.04 0.02–0.05 up to 0.01 < LOD–0.01 56 36–67 Ohno et al.44

Italy 0.15 0.07–0.33 0.11 0.07–0.16 – – 73 – Williams et al.27

0.21 0.19–0.22 0.12 0.10–0.14 0.07 0.05–0.09 57 53–65 Ohno et al.44

Japan 0.19 0.07–0.42 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

Philippines 0.07 0.00–0.25 – – – – – – Williams et al.13

Spain 0.20 0.05–0.82 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

TABLE 28.1  Total (tAs), Inorganic (iAs), and Organic (orgAs) Arsenic Concentrations (μg/g dry wt.) in Rice Grain from Different Countries—cont’d

tAs iAs orgAs % of iAs

Origin Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Reference

0.34 0.29–0.41 0.14 0.10–0.20 – – 41 34–48 Laparra et al.48

0.17 – 0.08 – 0.05 – 48 – Ohno et al.44

Thailand 0.14 0.01–0.39 – – – – – – Williams et al.27

0.10 0.06–0.14 – – – – – – Williams et al.13

0.11 0.08 – 0.03 – 74 – Ohno et al.44

Taiwan 0.76 0.51 – 0.11 – 67 – Schoof et al.49

0.05 <0.10–0.14 – – – – – – Lin et al.50


0.10 <0.10–0.63 – – – – – – Lin et al.50

0.19 0.06–0.17 0.12 – 0.04 – 61 – Schoof et al.49


0.20 0.19–0.22 0.11 – 0.05 – 58 – Schoof et al.49

USA 0.25 0.03–0.66 0.10 0.05–0.15 – – 40 – Williams et al.27

0.30 0.2–0.46 – – – – – – Schoof et al.23

0.28 0.21–0.34 0.10 0.02–0.11 0.18 0.17–0.24 35 9–32 Heitkemper

et al.45

0.26 0.11–0.40 0.08 0.02–0.14 0.14 0.04–0.26 35 10–41 Ohno et al.44

Vietnam 0.21 0.03–0.47 – – – – – – Phuong et al.51

West Bengal 0.14 0.02–0.40 – – – – – – Pal et al.52


0.25 0.14–0.48 – – – – – – Pal et al.52

0.08 0.03–0.16 – – – Pal et al.52

0.13 0.02–0.17 – – – – – – Mondal and


0.21 0.11–0.44 – – – – – – Roychowdhury

et al.53

0.33 0.18–0.43 – – – – – – Roychowdhury

et al.53

LOD, Level of detection.

Adapted from Rahman and Hasegawa54, with permission from Elsevier.
Arsenic in Cooked Rice 369
important for its possible impacts on human health. in Spanish rice,27 27% in Thai rice,27 and 14–25% in Tai-
Arsenic concentration in rice grain is higher than in other wanese rice.49 The variations in orgAs concentration
cereal grains (by up to 10-fold42) because rice plants are in rice are related to the sources of arsenic contamina-
generally grown in flooded conditions where arsenic tion and the uptake efficiency of arsenic species by rice
mobility and bioavailability is high.60 On average, around varieties.
50% of the total arsenic in rice grain is iAs (varying from
10% to 90%), while the remaining fraction is DMAA,
with trace amounts of MMAA is some samples.60 Asian ARSENIC IN COOKED RICE
rice mainly contains toxic iAs, while American and Aus-
tralian rice contains non-toxic methylarsenicals.27,43,61 Arsenic concentration and speciation in cooked
Therefore, the high arsenic concentration in Asian rice rice depends on the cooking method,66 which differs
makes it a threat to human health compared to rice from from country to country and even region to region of
other arsenic-contaminated areas.54 The concentration of a country. People of the South Asian countries usually
arsenic speciation in rice grain from different origins is cook rice with excess water, whereas Southeast Asians
also presented in Table 28.1. do not use excess water when cooking rice. A number
Although AsIII predominates over AsV in rice in most of studies showed that the cooking methods influence
cases,27,62 arsenic speciation in rice showed significant the retention of total as well as arsenic species in cooked
inconsistency with origin, types, and varieties.20,27 With rice.30,31,37,52,67,68 For example, elevated levels of total
the exception of rice from the USA, iAs is the main spe- arsenic were found in cooked rice in arsenic-contam-
cies in rice grain from other geographical areas around inated areas of Bangladesh.69 The additional arsenic in
the world.13,20,21,23,25,27,60,63,64 The ratios of iAs species in cooked rice is supposed to come from arsenic-contami-
American, European, Bangladeshi, and Indian rice were nated cooking water, resulting either from chelation by
reported to be about 42 (n = 12), 64 (n = 7), 80 (n = 11), rice grains or due to evaporation during the cooking pro-
and 81% (n = 15), respectively, of the recoverable arse- cess.70 However, it was found that if the cooking water
nic.27 A number of studies reported that approximately contained a low level of arsenic, the total arsenic concen-
44–86% of the total arsenic in Bangladeshi rice is inor- tration in cooked rice was less in cooked rice than in rice
ganic,13,20,21,27 while a field study conducted by Ohno grain.37,52 A study by Sengupta et al.67 showed that cook-
et al.44 reported up to 100% iAs in Bangladeshi rice. Up to ing rice with a high volume of low-arsenic water and dis-
67% of the total arsenic has been reported to be inorganic carding the gruel after cooking (the traditional cooking
in Taiwanese rice,49 while Thai rice contained about 91% method in India) removed up to 57% of the total arsenic
iAs.27 The ratio of iAs in Chinese rice was found to be in cooked rice. This removal of arsenic occurred irrespec-
about 60–87%,20,21 while the concentrations of iAs spe- tive of the concentration of arsenic in the rice grain; this
cies in European and Italian rice were about 44–62% and may be because the water-soluble arsenic in rice, which
57–73%, respectively.20,27 Spanish rice also contained a was released into the cooking water during cooking pro-
higher percentage of iAs (about 34–48%),27,48 but this cess, was discarded with the gruel after cooking. How-
was less than in French and Italian rice. The fractions of ever, the arsenic concentration in cooked rice increases
iAs in Australian and American rice were about 14% and significantly when the arsenic concentration in the cook-
40%, respectively – the lowest levels compared to rice ing water is high.30,67 This is because arsenic is absorbed
from other countries (Table 28.1). by rice (through osmosis) from cooking water during the
Methylarsenic species are the only orgAs species that cooking process.
have been found in rice. Australian and American rice A large number of people in South Asian countries use
mostly contained less/non-toxic methylarsenic spe- parboiled rice (i.e., rice that has been boiled and dried
cies,27,43 whereas European and Asian rice contained before dehusking/milling), while the people of East and
highly toxic iAs species.62,65 A market basket survey con- Southeast Asian countries and Japan use only non-par-
ducted by Williams and colleagues27 showed that methy- boiled rice for cooking. In some countries, people cook
larsenic (almost entirely as DMAAV) is the major species rice with excess water and discard the gruel after cook-
(between 36–65%, with a mean of 54%) in American rice. ing. This cooking procedure is popular in South Asian
Another study by Heitkemper and colleagues45 reported countries. On the other hand, cooking rice with limited
a much higher percentage (70–80%, with a mean of 64%) water (hence no gruel remains after cooking) is a popular
of methylarsenic (mainly DMAAV) in North American method worldwide. The preparation of rice for cooking,
rice. Australian rice also contains mainly orgAs species and the cooking methods, have a substantial influence
(86%).43 Levels of methylarsenic species were found to on arsenic retention in cooked rice.30,31,67 The arsenic
be 12–43% in Bangladeshi rice,21,27 9–50% in Canadian concentration in non-parboiled rice cooked with limited
rice,27,45 10–15% in Chinese rice,21 30% in European water was found to be 0.75 ± 0.04 to 1.09 ± 0.06 μg/g dry
rice,27 12% in Indian rice,27 26–40% in Italian rice,27 29% wt, which was about 13–37% higher than that in rice



grain and 27–60% higher than that in rice cooked with considered likely to increase in this region in the com-
excess water.30 Cooking rice with excess water results ing years in order to increase crop production to meet
in a decrease in the concentrations of total and iAs in the demands of the increasing population. This practice
cooked rice when the gruel is discarded, while arsenic may increase additional arsenic deposition in paddy
concentration increases significantly when rice is cooked soil. Thus, inorganic arsenic-rich underground irrigation
with limited water and the gruel is not discarded after water is the main source of arsenic in rice in Asian arse-
cooking. For example, Raab and colleagues68 found that nic-endemic countries. On the other hand, arsenical pes-
cooking rice with excess water reduced total and iAs in ticides are the main source of arsenic for American rice.
cooked rice by 35% and 45%, respectively, while cooking In addition, microbial methylation of inorganic arsenic
with limited water did not remove arsenic substantially. to orgAs in the rice field (in water and rhizosphere soil)
would also contribute to the orgAs content in rice.


Arsenic speciation in cooked rice depends mainly on FROM RICE DIET
its speciation in the rice grain and in cooking water. In a
study by Laparra et al.,48 the effect of arsenic in cooking Although there are many possible pathways of
water on total and iAs retention in cooked rice was inves- human exposure to arsenic,39 epidemiological data pub-
tigated. Total arsenic concentrations in raw basmati and lished over the past few years have revealed that con-
white rice collected from Spanish supermarkets were taminated drinking groundwater is the major source of
0.05 ± 0.001 and 0.13 ± 0.008 μg/g dry wt, respectively. No dietary arsenic in many countries, especially in S and SE
substantial modifications or changes in total and iAs con- Asia, followed by rice.23,44,50,75–78 It was estimated that, in
centrations in cooked rice were found when the rice was a typical Bangladeshi diet, the daily consumption of rice
cooked with uncontaminated water. When the rice was with a total arsenic level of 0.08 μg/g dry wt would be
cooked with water containing 0.6 μg/L of AsV, total arse- equivalent to a drinking water arsenic level of 10 μg/L.13
nic concentrations in cooked basmati and round white A number of arsenic speciation studies showed that 42–
rice were increased to 2.36 ± 0.08 and 2.29 ± 0.05 μg/g dry 91% of the total arsenic in S and SE Asian rice consists
wt, of which iAs were 96 and 81%, respectively. Total of toxic inorganic species,20,23,27,45,49,60,79 while the major
and iAs concentrations were 1.96 ± 0.01 and 1.66 ± 0.002 species in American rice is DMAA.27 Other studies also
μg/g dry wt, respectively, when the rice was cooked showed that iAs in rice products such as breakfast cere-
with water containing 0.4 μg/L AsV, and thire concentra- als, rice crackers, rice milk, baby rice, and other rice con-
tions were 4.21 ± 0.09 and 3.73 ± 0.04 μg/g dry wt, respec- diments is also high (75–90%).64,80,81 Total30,37,48,52,67,70
tively, when the rice was cooked with water containing and iAs48,82 concentrations in cooked rice were found to
1.0 μg/L AsV. The results indicate that arsenic speciation be increased due to cooking with arsenic-rich water.48,68
is not changed substantially during the cooking pro- The bioaccessibility and bioavailability of arsenic
cess, and the total arsenic concentration in cooked rice in rice are two important factors that have substantial
is proportional to its concentration in cooking water. The influence on arsenic toxicity in humans. The bioacces-
retention of total and iAs in cooked rice also varies for sibility and bioavailability mainly depend on the arse-
rice type. nic speciation in rice, and the toxic iAs species is readily
assimilated into bloodstream.11 Therefore, the health
risk of iAs is greater than that of orgAs species. Lap-
SOURCES OF ARSENIC IN RICE arra et al.48 investigated the bioavailability and bioac-
cessibility of iAs in cooked rice to assess the potential
Rice, the main cereal crop in many countries, includ- toxicological risk of this species to human. Total and iAs
ing arsenic-endemic Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), concentrations in the bioaccessible fraction of cooked
Thailand, and Vietnam, needs a substantial amount of rice were 1.06–3.39 μg/g dry wt (> 90% of the total arse-
water for cultivation. In many S and SE Asian countries, nic in cooked rice) and 0.80–3.10 μg/g dry wt, respec-
underground water is the main source for rice cultiva- tively, indicating that a significant fraction of iAs can be
tion during the dry season. Recently, it has become available for intestinal absorption. To estimate the bio-
apparent that arsenic-contaminated underground irri- availability (retention, transport, and uptake) of iAs to
gation water is adding a significant amount of arsenic humans, bioaccessible fractions of arsenic in cooked rice
to paddy soils and to rice, which poses a serious threat were added to Caco-2 cells.48 Results showed that arse-
to sustainable rice cultivation in this region.11,55,61–74 Due nic retention, transport, and uptake by Caco-2 cells from
to the decreased rainfall, even in the monsoon season, cooked rice were 0.60–6.40, 3.30–11.40, and 3.90–17.80%,
the dependency on groundwater for rice cultivation is respectively. Considering the lowest (3.90%) and the


Mitigation of Arsenic Exposure From Rice 371
TABLE 28.2  Total (tAs) and Inorganic (iAs) Arsenic Concentrations (μg/g dry wt) in Rice Grain, and the Contribution of iAs to the
WHO’s Recommended Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake (MTDI) of iAs for Humans (2.1 μg/d per kg body wt.)13*
Contribution of iAs
Origin of rice tAs iAs iAs (%) to MTDI (%) Reference(s)

Bangladesh 0.21–0.31 0.14–0.22 71–83 48–79 Williams et al.13

Canada 0.11 0.08 76 26 Heitkemper et al.45

China 0.22 0.07 32 25 Williams et al.13

Europe 0.15 0.08 52 29 Williams et al.27

India 0.07 0.03 43 11 Meharg et al.20

Italy 0.15–0.21 0.11–0.12 57–73 39–43 Meharg et al.20, e

Spain 1.21–2.36 1.49–2.28 81–98 82–99 Laparra et al.48

Thailand 0.11 0.08 74 29 Williams et al.27

Taiwan 0.19–0.76 0.11–0.51 58–67 39–182 Schoof et al.49

USA 0.25–0.28 0.08–0.10 35–40 29–36 Heitkemper et al.45,

Meharg et al.20,
Williams et al.27

*  The WHO recommended MTDI value of iAs has been withdrawn recently. The MTDI is based on iAs concentration (%) in rice grain, a body weight of 60 kg, a consumption rate
of 0.5 kg rice grain per day, and bioavailability of iAs in cooked rice (90%).48

highest (17.80%) total arsenic uptake values in the study, about 185% for Quest if the MTDI calculation were based
it was estimated that daily consumption of 5.7 kg or 1.2 kg on arsenic speciation and bioavailability data, which
cooked rice containing 4.21 ± 0.09 or 2.29 ± 0.05 μg/g dry is comparable to white rice of Taiwan origin (190%;
wt, respectively, would be required to reach the WHO Table 82.343) even though the tAs concentration in Quest
recommended maximum tolerable daily intake (MTDI) rice is two-fold greater than that in white rice. Thus, cal-
of iAs (2.1 μg/d per kg body weight13). However, the culation of MTDI values considering the tAs concentra-
WHO recommended MTDI value of iAs has been with- tion in rice grain significantly overvalues arsenic intake
drawn recently. An adult male consumes about 1.5 kg for varieties that mainly contain orgAs species (e.g.,
cooked rice (0.5 kg rice grain) a day in arsenic-endemic Quest rice contains 86% orgAs).43 On the other hand, if
South Asian countries, indicating that the people of this only iAs concentration in rice is considered in the MTDI,
region may reach the MTDI of arsenic just from their the calculation would not reflect the real amount of arse-
rice diet. The contribution of iAs to MTDI, in rice from nic intake from high iAs-containing rice varieties (e.g.,
a range of countries, is listed in Table 28.2.13,20,27,45,47,48 Asian rice). Therefore, the MTDI should be calculated
Another study by Williams et al.13 showed that the based on arsenic concentration, speciation, and the bio-
contribution of iAs in rice to the MTDI of arsenic for a availability of arsenic species.
Bangladeshi adult (assuming the body weight is 60 kg)
would be 55–79%, depending on iAs concentration in
rice and rice type. The MTDI may exceed the 100% level MITIGATION OF ARSENIC EXPOSURE
when the concentration of iAs in rice is high.21,44,49 FROM RICE
In another study, Juhasz et al.43 investigated the bio-
availability of arsenic in rice and its significance for human It has been confirmed by a number of research groups
health risk. In that study, the absolute bioavailability of that rice represents a major route of arsenic exposure in
arsenic species (AsV, AsIII, MMAA, and DMAA) was populations that depend on a rice diet,38,39,41 and con-
determined using a swine animal model. The absolute sumption of rice containing a high level of arsenic, par-
bioavailability of iAs was highest (103.9% and 92.5% for ticularly the highly toxic and bioavailable iAs species,
AsIII and AsV, respectively) followed by DMAA (33.3%) poses a potential health risk to human.54,83 Therefore,
and MMAA (16.7%).43 The contribution of rice consump- how to mitigate or reduce arsenic exposure from rice
tion to MTDI was also estimated in cooked rice of differ- is an important concern in the scientific community. A
ent varieties from diverse origins. Results showed that range of methods, from agronomic measures and plant
the consumption of Quest rice of Australian origin may breeding to genetic modification, may be employed to
contribute 438% of the arsenic MTDI based on tAs con- mitigate arsenic exposure from rice. Some of the impor-
centration. However, the arsenic MTDI value would be tant and effective methods of arsenic exposure mitigation



TABLE 28.3  Assessment of the Contribution of Rice Consumption to Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake (MTDI Based on the
Bioavailability of Arsenic Species)*

Contribution of MTDI (%) Based on:

Rice Variety Origin tAs iAs orgAs tAs iAs As Bioavailability

Parija Bangladesh 0.21 0.12 0.05 74 43 49

Miniket Bangladesh 0.22 0.19 0.04 77 66 70

BRRIdhan29 Bangladesh 0.30 0.21 0.03 105 75 78

White Taiwan 0.76 0.51 0.11 266 178 190

Long White USA 0.40 0.08 0.26 140 28 58

Long Brown USA 0.34 0.14 0.15 119 49 66

Basmati White India 0.05 0.03 0.01 18 12 13

Basmati Brown India 0.07 0.04 0.004 25 15 16

Medium Risotto Italy 0.22 0.14 0.08 77 50 60

Arborio Italy 0.21 0.14 0.07 74 49 56

Paella Spain 0.17 0.08 0.05 60 29 35

Long Jasmine Thailand 0.11 0.08 0.03 39 28 31

Long Wild Canada 0.11 0.08 0.009 39 29 30

Quest Australia 1.25 0.18 1.08 438 61 185

*  The contribution to MTDI (%) was calculated based on the concentration (μg/g dry wt) of arsenic species in rice grain, a body weight of 60 kg, a consumption rate of 0.42 kg dry
rice grain per day, and bioavailability factors of 0.33 and 1.0 for organic arsenic (orgAs) and inorganic arsenic (iAs), respectively, in cooked rice.43

involve agronomic measures, breeding rice varieties, Iron is believed to be an important factor in regulating
and cooking methods. arsenic bioavailability and uptake in rice.90–92 Rice plants
carry oxygen from the air down their stems, and dis-
charge it in the rhizosphere through the roots.71 This cre-
Agronomic Measures
ates an oxidized zone around the roots in which iron is
The main sources of arsenic in rice grain are arsenic- oxidized and precipitated to form a coating.92 AsV has a
rich paddy soils and irrigation water. Arsenic chemistry high binding affinity with precipitated iron hydroxides,
in paddy soils is extremely complex because of frequent which act as an arsenic filter to reduce arsenic uptake in
redox cycles in the soil, and arsenic uptake in rice from rice.90 However, sulfur was found to enhance the forma-
soil is influenced by a range of factors, including bio- tion of iron plaque in the rhizosphere and reduce arse-
availability, rhizosphere processes, and metabolism in nic accumulation in rice.87 In another study, phosphate
rice plants.84 Therefore, agronomic measures such as fertilizer was found to decrease iron plaque formation
water management55,85,86 and fertilization practices86–88 on rice roots and increase arsenic uptake in rice plant.88
would be effective methods to reduce arsenic uptake in The addition of nitrate also decreases iron plaque for-
rice grain. mation on the rice root surface; however, the addition
Rice is usually grown in anaerobic (flooded) condi- of nitrate reduced arsenic uptake by rice plant. These
tions in which arsenic exists mainly as dissolve AsIII results suggest that nitrate may inhibit Fe(III) reduction
form and is readily taken up by the rice plant. There- and/or stimulate nitrate-dependent Fe(II) oxidation,
fore, rice grown under flooded conditions was found to leading to arsenic co-precipitation with, or adsorption
accumulate much more arsenic than that grown under to, Fe(III) minerals in the soil.84 Two silicon transporter
aerobic conditions.89 AsV was found to be the main arse- proteins, Lsi1 and Lsi2, which are highly expressed in
nic species in the aerobic soil, and arsenic accumulation rice roots, can transport AsIII. Lsi2 in particular plays
in rice grain was observed to be 10- to 15-fold higher in an important role in the root-to-shoot transport of AsIII
flooded than in aerobically grown rice.89 Maintaining and arsenic accumulation in rice grains.93 Therefore,
aerobic conditions during either the vegetative or the silicon is another important nutrient that controls arse-
reproductive stage of rice growth decreases arsenic accu- nic uptake in rice grains. Silicon fertilization decreases
mulation in rice grain significantly compared with rice the total arsenic concentration in straw and grain by
grown under flooded conditions.86 78% and 16%, respectively, even though the addition of


References 373
silicon increases arsenic concentration in the soil solu- four times, cooking with a rice : water ratio of 1 : 6, and
tion. Silicon decreases the iAs concentration in grain by discarding the excess water [gruel] after cooking) has
59% while increasing the concentration of DMAA by been reported to remove up to 57% of tAs from cooked
33%.86 rice65. The removal of tAs may be due to the release of
water-soluble arsenic fractions from rice into the gruel,
which is then discarded.
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