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Boones Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: Printed July, 2011, Volume 44, issue 7 Deadline for next Issue: Aug. 15, 2011

A Note to you, -We are in our senior co-ed week at camp, the next to last week for camp in 2011. So far the amount of campers for each week has been slightly less than last year numbers except for girls week. We had 66 girls that week. There have been a combined total of 18 salvation decisions in all the camps, including the Ewing and Sugar Creek groups. We had to replace a freezer in the kitchen when one went out but otherwise this year has been trouble free. -Remember in prayer our association churches that are without pastors: Central, Heritage, Jeffersonville, Providence E.C, Reid Village, Spears Mill, and Williams Memorial. - We are holding Sr. Hymn sings on August 22 at Kiddville Baptist, August 23 at Clay City Baptist, and August 25 at Reid Village Baptist. Please support with your attendance the one closest to your area. -The next executive board meeting for the association is August 8 at Powells Valley Baptist in Clay City. -Heritage Baptist is going to have a church building raising September 2-7, 2011, on their property located on Highway 60 between Winchester and Lexington. The footers are already completed. Carpenters for Christ is coming in on the above date to put up the structure and the roof. Anyone in the association who would like to help will be welcome. Food For Thought: Dr. J. Vernon McGee wrote these words: When the church was young it thought of itself as a pilgrim and stranger in this world. It was true to the Lord. It preached the gospel, as defined in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. Had it continued in that condition, there would have been worldwide evangelism in the first 500 years. But in A.D. 313 Constantine was converted. He issued the Edict of Toleration, which meant that persecution ceased. No longer was the church a martyr church. It came up out of the catacombs. Five million Christians had shed their blood and laid down their lives gladly for Jesus Christ. But suddenly the church found itself in power. Augustine, a great man with a keen mind, wrote The City of God, which gave the church a vision of building the kingdom of God down here upon this earth. They have attempted to do what Augustine said the church should do - build the kingdom of God here upon this earth. But God never intended that His church should do that. Its mission was to preach the Word of God and to win men to Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus never did predict phenomenal success for His church. This is the thing He did say: When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8). Lets pray that He does find faith on earth and that we always remember our mission. Yours in Christ,

Bro. John

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES CAMP REPORT-Camp is winding down and everything is going quiet
well. Would like to thank the mystery person that has brought us peanut butter. Thank you very much. We still need help at the camp.

EX. BOARD REPORT No meeting this month. ALLANSVILLEWe participated in the Baby Bottle Blessings project
during May and June to benefit the New Beginnings Pregnancy Care Center in Winchester. We collected a total of $206. We will host a prayer event for the Clark Christian Drug Coalition on Sat,. July 23, at 10 am. BEECH GROVE Had a great VBS. BOONES CREEK-We will hold our Neighbor to the Nation Conference on Sept. 11th during our Sunday School hour at 9:45 am. Our Worship Hour at 11 am and our Evening Service at 7 pm. Speakers include JD Payne , Randy Foster and Mark Combs. CALVARY-Fathers were presented ink pens for Fathers Day. Enjoyed a great VBS, average 123 each night w/73 learners and 50 workers. Welcome to the Johnson Family who joined the Church. We are busy with preparations for our 90th Anniversary Homecoming, Aug. 21st.

CENTRAL-On Sat. June 4, 2011 made for Praise Childrens Choir presented Sermon on the Mound in a dinner theater setting and all proceeds went toward the Ecuador Mission Trip. VBS at Central was on June 13-17 with a total attendance of 251. The youth attended Student Life Camp from June 19-24. Sunday June 26 was Billie Pace Day and Central honored Billie on her retirement after 54 plus yrs. of service. A Recognition Service of Billies ministry was held followed by a reception. CLAY CITYThe Fathers received a Devotional Bible and ink pens on Fathers Day. We will be hosting a Senior Hymn Sing Aug. 23, 2011 at 7 pm. CORINTH-Community Dinners, July 27th, 28th, 29th, 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the church. July 6, Back-to-School-Block-Party, 11 am 1 pm at the church. July 14th, Pack a Pew Sunday Morning, 11 am and Evening Service 6:30 pm. July 29th, 30th 31st, Community Dinners, 5:30 pm-7 pm at the church. COW CREEK-Enjoyed trip to Legends game. Preparing for VBS. EMMANUEL-Our VBS theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. We closed VBS with a campfire/wienie roast. All the children received VBS medals. Homecoming for our 71th anniversary was a true blessing with wonderful fellowship, singing and a delicious meal. We sponsored 6 children for Boones Creek Baptist Camp. All of them had such a good time; they didnt want to come home. EPHESUS-Hosted Boones Creek Camp Staff on Sunday Evening, June 19. Bro. Todd served as Camp Pastor June 20-24.Church trip to Lexington Legends game was June 25. Hosted softball tournament at Boones Creek Camp to raise money for upcoming youth activities. Hosted a newly-appointed IMB missionary on July 6 who spoke about how we can partner in prayer during her upcoming 2 yr. mission trip to East Asia. Outreach event July 16. VBS scheduled July 25-29. Planning to participate in county-wide Unity Movement at College Park on July 30. FAITH-No Report FRIENDSHIPHosted Association Youth Hymn Sing. Had a very good turn out. Brotherhood had mens prayer breakfast. VBS July 24 -27. Will be having Ice Cream Social on Aug. 27. GREENBRIARAttendance down (vacations) . June 1-called off service Wed. night (Graduation) . June 19 called Sunday night service (Fathers Day). Monthly Bus. Mtg. July 10th. Charles & Larissa Muncy-anniversary. 8-5-11. Arlene Chaney-birthday 8-28-11. HEIDELBERGNo Report HERITAGE-The annual July 4th Fellowship was held, due to great food and a good turnout, a wonderful time was had by all. Pre-development plans had been submitted for our new church

HOWARDS MILL-Church sent four to camp and paid expenses. Had a graduation dinner for our College graduates. Over 60 in attendance. Had a Church paid night out at the Legions ballgame. Drake Gillaspie sang the National Anthem and did a great job. We had about 15 in attendance. IRVINE FIRST-In July Mondays at 7pm Power of Prayer Study. On the 8th & 9th big yard sale to benefit Mitch Baber/ J.L. Thomas scholarship. It was a huge success and we want to give a big thanks to all the Youth and Adults, who worked to make it such a success. We will continue to collect aluminum cans for the Scholarship Fund. On 10th after Sunday evening Service, Deacons mtg. 13th Wed. 7pm Business Mtg. 20th Wed. 5:30 pm Sunshine Ladies. 24th-27th VBS 6pm to 8:30pm -picnic on last day so all from 8 to 80 can come and enjoy all the fun and food each day. Hope everyone can have a good vacation before school and all other programs begins this fall. We have a prayer request for Davinal Farthing who had a stroke last Wed. and Delorse Newtons husband (very sick) and Carol Foxs husband is still sick (Prostate Cancer). IVORY HILL-Had our VBS Jun. 19-25 with an enrollment of 70. Youth are learning new music thru our song leader Steve Mays. School supplies will be given to children at church plus some in community where needed. JEFFERSONVILLE-Fathers Day dinner and special singing with the New Found Four. Well over 100 in attendance. Pavilion was framed-ready for the metal. 6 baptisms this month. A true blessing for our Church. Only through Jesus Christ can these things continue to happen. July 2nd-for the 4th had a cookout and celebration/fireworks. July 13-20 community walk-outreach, July 18th workday to finish pavilion. July23rd VBS kick-off, parents, children & community to see Gods work ongoing. Sunday School challenge July24th, if 100 comes to Sunday school Rev. J.T. Rafferty will preach in his bibbed overalls. KIDDVILLE-We had our Business Mtg. VBS went great with an average of 44 kids per night. We will be hosting a Senior Hymn Sing Aug. 22, 2011 at 7 pm. MACEDONIA-Had a great VBS June 20-22. The children visited Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid. We had a total enrollment of 108. Our avg. attendance was 83. Our parsonage and pavilion was vandalized. We have been working hard to get plumbing, wiring, hear pump, etc. replaced. Bro, Artie Amburgey will be filling in for Bro Kevin while he is on Vac. July 10-23. MEANS-No Report MT. OLIVE-No Report NEW COVENANT REFORMED BC NEW HOPE-Cookout for Fathers Day. Two deaths within our Church. Doing ministries to both families. Joint VBS with Grace Baptist. Will be studying the book of Revelation on Wed. night. NORTHSIDE-We honored 23 graduates by giving each on a Bible. Natalie Anderson represented our Church at Friendship Assoc. Youth Hymn Sing. All Dads were recognized on Fathers Day and a special gift was given to the oldest, youngest and the Dad with the most children present. The Senior Women enjoyed an outing to Natural Bridge to eat. We are so proud of our youth who visited and gave VBS invitations out to the children in our neighborhood. Their efforts was rewarded by having and awesome VBS with over 100 students and workers in attendance each night.

Continued on the back page

Best Wishes to Aug. Birthdays: 6-Doug Canter-Pastor-Heidelberg 10-Keith Sands-Pastor-Calvary 14-Karen Montgomery-Pastors Wife-Emmanuel 15-Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager 21-Wilma Denney-Pastors Wife-Clay City 31-Joe Lahrmer-Pastor-Cow Creek Best Wishes Aug. Anniversary: 1-Matt & Cindy Perry-Boones Creek BC 12-Kevin & Pam Strausbaugh-Macedonia 17-Grider & Wilma Denney-Clay City

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES 1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed 2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contact the association office for more information 3. Kentucky Missionsfest-Sept. 10-17 2011. Pikeville/Middlesboro area. Registration packets are available at or by calling 205/991-4097.


Please send in your VBS report in to the Association Office as soon as you can. Thank you.



New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has an ongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well as continued financial support. Churches are encouraged to support local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year. Please call 859-744-5988 with any questions or to arrange drop-offs.

University of the Cumberlands Offers Courses for Credit or Audit through Winchester Extension Center Fall Schedule Tuesdays, Sept. 6-Dec 13, 2011 Elementary Greek (3 sem.hrs.) 6:00-8:45 pm Thursdays, Sept. 1 Dec. 15, 2011 Life and Letters of Paul (3 Sem. Hrs.) 6:00-8:45 pm Costs:$125.00 per course, plus books Register now by calling 859/749-5327 or 606/663-7870 Need a minimum of 10 students

August Calendar
5-6-Children and Youth Retreat-Boones Creek Baptist Camp 7-Social Issues Sunday 8-Ex. Board Mtg. Powells Valley Baptist-7pm 11-Camp Meeting-7 pm 13-Bible Drill Mtg. 2-4pm Aug. 13, 2011- Reid Village BC 13-Disaster Relief Phase 1 Training-Porter Memorial BC Lexington, KY 14-Student Evangelism Day 18-Pastors Prayer Fellowship-11:30 am Cedar VillageIrvine, KY 20-Workday at Camp 9 am till ??? 20-Super Saturday, Lexington, KY 22-Senior Hymn Sing-Kiddville BC-7 pm 23-Senior Hymn Sing-Clay City BC- 7 pm 25-Senior Hymn Sing-Reid Village BC-7 pm 27-SuperSaturday, Elizabethtown, KY Life after Death Do you believe in life after death? the boss asked one of his employees. Yes, Sir, the new employed replied. Well, then, that makes everything just fine, The boss went on, after your left early yesterday to go to your grandmothers funeral, she stopped in to see you!


August 13, 2011 from 2-4pm at Reid Village Baptist Church, Mt. Sterling is having a Bible Drill Mtg. Each Church needs to send 1 or more to learn about Bible Drill. Judy Newkirk is hosting the event and you need to let her know if you can come. Its very important. Her phone # is 859-432-2919. You can also let the office know, 859-744-0037. Thank you. CHURCH BUILDING RAISING Heritage Baptist Church is starting on their church building structure Sept. 2-7. It is located at 4369 Lexington Road, Winchester. If anyone can help, please call Bro. Frank Johnson at 859-771-2108.

In This Issue look for:
1Aug. Birthdays and Anniversaries
2-Building Fund 3-CALENDAR 4-Disaster/ Emergency Relief 5-To all Churches in the Association 6-New Beginning Pregnancy Center 7-VBS 8-Missions Opportunities 9 DOM (A note to you) 10-Bible Drill 11-Universary of the Cumberlands 12-Church Building Rising 13-Senior Hymn Sings

II Corinthians 8:20-21
20-Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: 21-Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

TO ALL CHURCHES IN THE ASSOCIATION: The Disaster Emergency Relief Committee is available to the churches for projects that require manpower. Call the Association Office 859/744-0037 if you need help.

Building Fund For The Camp You can donate to the Boones Creek Baptist Association in MEMORY or in HONOR of a Love One. Please write on your check memo: Building Fund.

Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed

The disaster emergency relief committee needs volunteers. The vision for the committee is: An Association church has a problem that it needs help with, i.e. electrical, plumbing, etc. It needs help because it doesnt have funds or manpower to deal with the problem. This committee will utilize available resources (manpower) to correct the problem. If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact your pastor or the association office for a volunteer sign up form.

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES (Continued)

PANOLA-Everyone enjoyed & ate good at our annual cookout. Our Fathers Day meal went good also. Set our homecoming for Sept 25th. POWELLS VALLEY-Participated in the Youth Hymn Sing on the 10th. The ladies cooked breakfast for the fathers on Fathers Day. Had a great VBS. Thirteen decisions were made. The Food ministry prepared and delivered 200 meals to the community on the 25th. PROVIDENCE, C.C.19 youth and chaperones attended Ithicus. VBS July 25-29. PROVIDENCE, E.C.-We had VBS the last week of June with an average of 88. The youth are going to kids zone on July 16th, and we are planning a back to school night on the 27th of July. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we are diligently seeking Gods guidance, as we are seeking a pastor for our church. REID VILLAGE-We had a great VBS with an avg. of 55 children attending each night. Friday night was Family night with 139 in attendance. VBS offering of $1000 went to support an overseas missionary. Two of our girls went to camp and had a great experience. A group from our church visited the Creation Museum. Our church will host the Assn. Hymn Sing on August 25 at 7 pm, We will continue to collect donations for the New Beginnings Pregnancy Center through the end of Aug.

SALEM-Had a group of young people to take part in the first ever Youth Hymn Sing. Had a great VBS, enrolled 114 and averaged 87 each evening and had 7 decisions to trust the Lord as Savior. We appreciated so much Don & Betsy Burghrer who came from Florida and Jullie Collins who came in from Lexington to help in Bible School. SPEARS MILL-Fathers were given a gift for Fathers Day. Youth sponsored an ice cream social June 12, and also enjoyed a trip to Beach Bend Park June 25. Final plans being made for VBS July 17-21. Bro. Drew Martin is doing a wonderful job as our Interim Pastor. Continue to pray for Spears Mill and the Pulpit committee as the search for the man God had selected for Spears Mill. Plans are in the making for 100 yrs. celebration Sept 11th. SPRING STREETVBS average 55. We are working on an outreach program for the Church. Bro. Dan Foster is leading this. THOMAS-VBS is scheduled July 18-22 from 6pm to 8:30 pm each day with a cookout on Friday the 22nd. Homecoming scheduled Sept. 4th. VALLEY VIEW-No Report WM. MEMORIAL-VBS is planned for July 13.

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