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> Standards & Guidance

> Guidance
> Statement of Ethical Principles

Statement of Ethical Principles

In 2005 the Royal Academy of Engineering and the

Engineering Council jointly created a statement of
ethical principles to guide engineering practice and
behaviour. A revised statement was jointly produced
in 2017. Please scroll down for our on-going work on
ethics, including that of the joint Engineering Ethics
Reference Group (EERG).

The statement is the result of wide consultation, both within the engineering
profession and with other professionals specialising in applied ethics. It
contains four fundamental principles and is designed to form the core of the
codes of conduct published by the professional engineering institutions. All
registered engineers and technicians have committed to working in an
ethical and socially responsible manner in accordance with their institution's
code of conduct.

The Engineering Council and the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng)

believe that all persons engaged in engineering at any level, from the
youngest apprentice and student, should be educated and encouraged to
think and work in accordance with these ethical principles. The statement is
therefore offered to employers and to education, training and qualification
providers to adopt or include in their curricula as they see fit. The aim is for
engineering to be seen and recognised by the public as a trusted and ethical

Download the Statement of Ethical Principles leaflet

Download the ethics wallet card

The Statement of Ethical Principles is underpinned by four fundamental principles:

1. Honesty and integrity

Engineering professionals have a duty to uphold the highest standards of professional conduct including openness, fairness, honesty
and integrity.

They should:

act in a reliable and trustworthy manner

be alert to the ways in which their work and behaviour might affect others and respect the privacy, rights and reputations of
other parties and individuals
respect confidentiality
declare conflicts of interest
avoid deception and take steps to prevent or report corrupt practices or professional misconduct
reject bribery and improper influence
2. Respect for life, law, the environment and public good

Engineering professionals have a duty to obey all applicable laws and regulations and give due weight to facts, published standards
and guidance and the wider public interest.

They should:

hold paramount the health and safety of others and draw attention to hazards
ensure their work is lawful and justified
recognise the importance of physical and cyber security and data protection
respect and protect personal information and intellectual property
protect, and where possible improve, the quality of built and natural environments
maximise the public good and minimise both actual and potential adverse effects for their own and succeeding generations
take due account of the limited availability of natural resources
uphold the reputation and standing of the profession

3. Accuracy and rigour

Engineering professionals have a duty to acquire and use wisely the understanding, knowledge and skills needed to perform their role.

They should:

always act with care

perform services only in areas in which they are currently competent or under competent supervision
keep their knowledge and skills up to date
assist the development of engineering knowledge and skills in others
present and review theory, evidence and interpretation honestly, accurately, objectively and without bias, while respecting
reasoned alternative views
identify, evaluate, quantify, mitigate and manage risks
not knowingly mislead or allow others to be misled

4. Leadership and communication

Engineering professionals have a duty to abide by and promote high standards of leadership and communication.

They should:

be aware of the issues that engineering and technology raise for society, and listen to the aspirations and concerns of others
promote equality, diversity and inclusion
promote public awareness and understanding of the impact and benefits of engineering achievements
be objective and truthful in any statement made in their professional capacity
challenge statements or policies that cause them professional concern

The guidance document and a handy wallet card listing the four principles of ethics can be downloaded from the links below. This
guidance should be read alongside ethics related information from your institution, such as codes, policy statements and technical

Engineering Ethics Reference Group and 'Engineering Ethics' report

Building on the joint Statement of Ethical Principles, a joint Engineering Ethics Reference Group (EERG) was established in 2019 by
the Engineering Council and the RAEng, under the Chairmanship of Professor David Bogle, CEng FREng and previously a trustee of
the Engineering Council. Membership of EERG. 

Operating at a strategic level, the group’s overarching objective is to provide advice and a steer to the profession about embedding a
culture of ethical behaviour in the profession.

Comprising members from both host organisations and from outside the immediate engineering community, the group reports to the
Engineering Council’s Board and the RAEng’s Education and Skills Committee. During Spring 2020, both fora endorsed the group’s
baseline Status Report as a reference point for development of strategic priorities and activities, likely to be available in late 2020.

EERG published its report, 'Engineering Ethics: Maintaining society’s trust in the engineering profession' in February 2022. The
report was launched at an online event chaired by Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE, RAEng Chief Executive, with panellists Professor David
Bogle CEng FIChemE FREng, Chi Onwurah MP, Engineering Council Chairman Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAeS FREng, Dr Ollie
Folayan CEng FIChemE, co-founder of AFBE-UK and Maitheya Riva, early career representative from IOM3. The event is now
available to watch on demand.
Ethics audit

One of the actions in the report is 'Understanding ethical culture in the engineering profession, benchmarking against, and learning
from other professions and setting targets for future improvements'. If you work in engineering in the UK, we want to hear your views
on ethical engineering practice.

Case studies for teaching ethics at undergraduate level

Twelve initial case studies have been produced by the Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) for the RAEng. The case studies'
creation was one of the actions from the 'Engineering Ethics' report, ("Create ethics toolkits and case studies to support educational
programmes and CPD".)   

1. Business growth models in engineering industries within an economic system

2. Facial recognition for access and monitoring  
3. Choosing a career in climate change geoengineering
4. Glass safety in a heritage building conversion
5. Developing an Internet Constellation   
6. Industrial pollution from an ageing pipeline and its impact on local communities
7. Power-to-Food technologies
8. Developing a school chatbot for student support services
9. Water wars: managing competing water rights
10. Smart homes for older people with disabilities
11. Choosing to install a smart meter
12. Solar panels in a desert oil field

These case studies, and other resources that form the EPC’s Engineering Ethics toolkit, are available on the EPC website.

Download the Statement of Ethical Principles

… (Read more)

Download the Statement of Ethical Principles wallet card

A handy wallet card listing the four principles of ethics, designed to be used alongside ethics related information from your institution,
such as codes, policy statements and technical guidance. … (Read more)

Useful Links −

Royal Academy of Engineering, Ethics

Useful Documents −

Guidance for Institution Codes of Conduct 2017

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