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Factors Affecting the Pullout

Strength of Cancellous Bone

J. R. Chapman Screws
Screws placed into cancellous bone in orthopedic surgical applications, such as
R. M. Harrington fixation of fractures of the femoral neck or the lumbar spine, can be subjected to
high loads. Screw pullout is a possibility, especially if low density osteoporotic bone
is encountered. The overall goal of this study was to determine how screw thread
K. M. Lee geometry, tapping, and cannulation affect the holding power of screws in cancellous
bone and determine whether current designs achieve maximum purchase strength.
Twelve types of commercially available cannulated and noncannulated cancellous
P. A. Anderson bone screws were tested for pullout strength in rigid unicellular polyurethane foams
of apparent densities and shear strengths within the range reported for human cancel-
lous bone. The experimentally derived pullout strength was compared to a predicted
A. F. Tencer shear failure force of the internal threads formed in the polyurethane foam. Screws
embedded in porous materials pullout by shearing the internal threads in the porous
material. Experimental pullout force was highly correlated to the predicted shear
D. Kowalski failure force (slope = 1.05, R^ = 0.947) demonstrating that it is controlled by the
major diameter of the screw, the length of engagement of the thread, the shear
Harborview Biomechanics Laboratory of the strength of the material into which the screw is embedded, and a thread shape
Department of Orthopaedics, factor (TSF) which accounts for screw thread depth and pitch. The average TSF for
University of Washington, Seattle, cannulated screws was 17 percent lower than that of noncannulated cancellous
WA 98195 screws, and the pullout force was correspondingly less. Increasing the TSF, a result
of decreasing thread pitch or increasing thread depth, increases screw purchase
strength in porous materials. Tapping was found to reduce pullout force by an average
of 8 percent compared with nontapped holes (p = 0.0001). Tapping in porous
materials decreases screw pullout strength because the removal of material by the
tap enlarges hole volume by an average of 27 percent, in effect decreasing the depth
and shear area of the internal threads in the porous material.

Introduction al., 1992). Other factors which have been found experimentally
to increase the holding power of cancellous bone screws in-
Many orthopaedic surgical procedures require the use of bone
clude: increasing the major diameter of the screw (DeCoster et
screws. Screws are placed into cancellous bone for the fixation
al, 1990; Finlay et al., 1989; Nunamaker and Perren, 1976),
of fractures in epiphyseal and metaphyseal areas such as the
femoral head and condyles, proximal and distal tibia, talus, increasing the length of engaged screw thread (Daum et al.,
calcaneus, pelvis and spinal vertebrae. These screws may sus- 1988; Hughes and Jordan, 1972), inserting the screw in cancel-
tain high loads, which could render them susceptible to failure lous bone of greater apparent density and shear strength (Bent-
by pullout. Failures have been reported for cancellous screws erud et al., 1992; Carlson et al., 1992; DeCoster et al., 1990;
used to fix fractures of the femoral neck (Ragnarsson, and Karr- Finlay et al, 1989; Hughes and Jordan, 1972; Swiontkowski et
holm, 1991) and pedicle screws used in spinal fixation (Ransom al., 1987), and decreasing the thread pitch (Baker et al., 1988;
et al., 1994). This study was undertaken to define parameters DeCoster et al., 1990; Evans et al., 1990).
which affect the pullout strength of screws designed for cancel- Several questions related to the design of cancellous screws
lous bone applications with the objective of increasing screw have not been specifically addressed. According to the AOV
purchase strength. The terminology used in describing the ge- ASIF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen/Associa-
ometry and dimensions of bone screws, and the thread designs tion for the Study of Internal Fixation) technique manual
of some of the screws tested in this research study are shown (Schatzker et al., 1990), screws placed into cancellous bone do
in Fig. 1. The terms holding power, pullout strength, purchase not require tapping of the thread. Although the role of tapping
strength, and extraction strength have been used interchange- on the pullout strength of cancellous bone screws has been
ably in the scientific literature to refer to the maximum tensile addressed (Hearn et al, 1993; Heam et al., 1992; Nunamaker
force attained while pulling a screw out of bone along its longi- and Perren, 1976) the specific effect of tapping has not been
tudinal axis. clearly established experimentally. A second question addressed
In general, cancellous screws are designed to have greater the effect of thread geometry, including thread depth and pitch,
thread depth (producing a greater difference between major and on screw pullout strength. A third question related to the perfor-
minor diameters) and decreased thread cross-sectional thickness mance of screws with cannulated shanks which allow the use
in comparison to cortical bone screws, to provide more holding of a guide wire. Relative to noncannulated cancellous screws of
power in porous materials such as cancellous bone (Perren et similar major diameter, cannulated screws have a larger minor
diameter to accomodate the central channel necessary to pass
the guide wire, which results in less thread depth. Although
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL increasing the minor diameter without changing the major diam-
OF BiOMECHANiCAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering
Division September 2, 1994; revised manuscript received August 10, 1995. Asso-
eter should decrease pullout strength, Hearn et al. (1993) re-
ciate Technical Editor; S. A. Goldstein. ported a comparison between cannulated and noncannulated

Journal of Bromechanical Engineering AUGUST 1996, Vol. 1 1 8 / 3 9 1

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cancellous screws which did not show any statistically signifi- surrounding the screw hole was cored from the specimen. The
cant difference. screw hole was overdrilled to 0.635 cm to standardize its inter-
This research was performed to resolve discrepencies related nal dimension. Apparent densities of the specimens were found
to screw design and hole preparation so that screw pullout by first extracting marrow, then degreasing in ethanol, vacuum
strength in cancellous bone can be enhanced. To accomplish degassing, centrifuging to remove residual water, and weighing.
this we first established the use of porous foam as a substitute Specimen apparent density was found by dividing weight by
for cancellous bone. Second, we set out to verify that a general specimen volume calculated from dimensions measured with a
relationship between pullout strength and screw geometry and caliper (Carter and Hayes, 1976).
material shear strength used for machine screw design held
also for bone screws placed into porous materials. Finally, the (b) Comparison of Pullout Strengths of Different
specific effects of the following factors on pullout strength were Screws. Ten screws of the twelve types listed in Table 1 were
determined: (i) screw thread geometry, (ii) tapping, and (iii) inserted into foam bars of the three densities, spaced 50 mm
cannulation. apart, a large enough separation so that pulling a screw had
no effect on adjacent screws. The instruments supplied by the
manufacturers were used for screw placement. Pullout tests
Methods were performed on a screw-drive materials testing machine
(a) Poly urethane Foam as a Model for Bone Screw Pull- (Model 1122, Instron Corp., Canton, MA) at a constant cross-
out Testing. The variations in apparent density, trabeculae head speed of 2 mm/min. The apparatus used consisted of a
orientation, and mechanical properties of cancellous bone simple fixture attached to the materials tester crosshead which
within and between specimens are large, and so a very large grasped the screw head protruding through a hole in a plate.
number of tests are required to isolate the effects of screw design The plate was attached to the base of the tester. The foam Ijlock
(Sell et al., 1988). Human bone is classified as cancellous if rested against the underside of the plate. The screw-to-crosshead
it has an apparent density in the range of 0.09 to 1.26 g/cm', coupling fixture permitted application of a pure tensile force
or a porosity between 3(3 and 90 percent (Gibson and Ashby, without inducing bending. Pullout force was measured by a
1988; Hayes, 1991). The compressive and tensile strengths of load cell having a capacity of 5 kN (Model 2511-317, Instron
cancellous bone have been shown to be related to (apparent Corp., Canton, MA), and data was sampled at 10 Hz using a
density)^, and thus vary by more than two orders of magnitude personal computer with an analog-to-digital convertor (2801A,
over a typical range of densities (Carter and Hayes, 1976). Data Translation Inc., Marlboro, MA). The maximum force
In order to study the effects of specific parameters related to was determined for each test and defined as the pullout force.
cancellous screws independently from variations in bone mate-
rial properties and geometry, rigid unicellular foam was selected (c) Verification of the Relationship Between Pullout
as a test material. Strength, Thread Geometry, and Material Shear Strength.
The pullout strengths of cancellous bone screws were tested Either the external thread on the screw or the internal thread in
in uniform bars made of rigid unicellular polyurethane foam the bone or porous foam will fail during pullout loading de-
(Last-A-Foam FR-3700, General Plastics, Tacoma, WA pending on the relative strengths of each. The thread strength
98409). This material is available in bulk quantities with appar- is dependent on the material shear strength and shear area of
ent densities, which range from 0.05 to 0.64 g/cm^, with a the threads. In the present study of stainless steel or titanium
variation of ±3 percent in density as stated by the manufacturer. bone screws inserted into polyurethane foam of shear strength
Consistency throughout the material of shear strength, a mea- similar to that of human cancellous bone, stripping of the inter-
sure of apparent density was confirmed by testing specimens nal (foam) thread always occurred. The predicted shear failure
cut from the ends of the bars. Polyurethane foam has been used force necessary to strip the internal threads formed in the poly-
previously in bone screw design research (DeCosteret al., 1990; urethane foam was calculated from the following relationship
Finlay et al., 1989; Hearn et al., 1993; Hearn et al., 1992; Hein (FED-STD-H28, 1978; Oberg et al., 1987):
et al., 1987; Shaw, 1987). Cellular solids have been extensively
studied as engineering materials, and their properties have been Fs = S*As = {S*L*7r*D,„ *TSF (1)
shown to correspond well to the mechanical properties and
behavior of cancellous bone (Gibson and Ashby, 1988). where:
Foam materials of three densities were selected to encompass
a range of apparent densities and shear strengths of human Fs =
predicted shear failure force (N)
cancellous bone. These were defined as: low (0.16 g/cm'*), S =
material ultimate shear stress (MPa)
medium (0.24 g/cm^), and high (0.32 g/cm'). A shear strength As =
thread shear area (mm^)
value for each material was determined by testing 5 samples of L =
length of thread engagement in material (mm)
each foam using the punch tool method described in the Ameri- £*roajor =
major diameter (mm)
can Society for Testing and Materials Standard D732-90 TSF =
Thread Shape Factor (dimensionless) = (0.5 -I-
(ASTM, 1990). This test method utilizes two blocks between 0.57735 d/p)
which a specimen 50 mm square by 12 mm thick is rigidly d = thread depth (mm) = (D„ajor - •Dn,i„or)/2
clamped. A punch-type shear tool of 25.4 mm diameter then i'minor = mlnor (root) diameter (mm)
shears a plug of material. Shear strength is calculated as the p = thread pitch (mm)
maximum load divided by area of the sheared surface (shear
tool circumference X material thickness). The product of ultimate shear stress, length and circumfer-
In order to compare the relationship between density and ence represents the force required to pull out an ideal cylindrical
pullout strength for foam and bone, pullout tests, to be described plug. The thread shape factor (TSF) decreases the predicted
below, were performed in 10 samples of 6 week old calf lumbar shear failure force depending upon the ratio of thread depth to
and thoracic vertebrae, and 10 samples of human vertebrae. The pitch. For the screws tested, the measured TSF varied from 0.70
human specimens were taken from fresh donated cadavers. All to 0.87 (see Table 1). The screw pullout force was measured
specimens were dissected free of adhering soft tissues and stored experimentally. Using the geometry of the screw and the shear
wrapped in wet cloths and sealed in plastic bags at -20°C until strength of the foam, the shear failure force was also calculated
used. After insertion and pull testing using 6.5 mm cancellous from Eq. (1). Pullout and shear failure forces were compared
solid screws of 16 mm thread length (model 216.60, Synthes to verify the relationship between thread geometry, material
Ltd, Paoli, PA), a 1.905 cm diameter sample of trabecular bone shear strength, and screw pullout strength.

392 / Vol. 118, AUGUST 1996 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 1 Cancellous bone screw types tested. Thread type C = cannulated, NC = noncannulated. All dimensions in mm.
Thread shape factor (TSF) = 0.5 + 0.57735 d/p. Manufacturer code (Mfr) A: Ace Medical Co., Los Angeles, CA 90061;
R: Richards Medical Co., Memphis, TN 38116; S: Synthes (U.S.A.), Paoli, PA 19301; Z: Zimmer, Warsaw, IN 46580.
Item Thread Screw Major Minor Thread Thread Pitch
Mfr number type length dia dia length depth (P) TSF

S 205.40 C 40 3.5 2.5 13 0.50 1.25 0.73

R 121840 C 40 4.0 2.75 14 0.63 1.75 0.71
S 207.40 NC 40 4.0 1.9 14 1.05 1.75 0.85
A 14225-40 C 40 5.0 3.75 20 0.63 1.8 0.70
S 216.60 NC 60 6.5 3.0 16 1.75 2.75 0.87
S 208.60 C 60 7.0 4.5 16 1.25 2.75 0.76
zA 1146-60 c 65 7.0 5.0 16 1.00 2.75 0.71
14088-60 c 65 6.5 5.25 20 0.63 1.85 0.70
R 121632 cNC 60 6.5 4.7 20 0.90 2.12 0.75
S 217.60 60 6.5 3.0 32 1.75 2.75 0.87
s 209.60 c 60 7.0 4.5 32 1.25 2.75 0.76
z 1146-60-32 c 65 7.0 5.0 32 1.00 2.75 0.71

(d) Cannulated Versus Noncannulated Screws. Since thread types tested are designated as 1/4-20 UNRC (coarse
cannulation or creation of a bore down the center of a screw to thread, 0.25 in. major diameter, 20 threads per in., American
allow its placement over a guidewire may change screw thread Standard for Unified Screw Threads, Revised Standard ANSI
geometry, we compared cannulated and noncannulated screws Bl.1-1974, 6.35 mm major diameter, 4.79 mm minor diameter,
in a subsection of this study. As shown in Table 1 the screws 0.78 mm thread depth, 1.27 mm pitch, TSF 0.86) and 1/4-28
tested were a 4.0 mm diameter noncannulated cancellous bone UNRF (fine thread, 0.25 in. major diameter, 28 threads per in.,
screw (model 207.40, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA) with a TSF of 6.35 mm x 5.24 mm X 0.56 mm X 0.91 mm, TSF 0.86) (Holo-
0.85 and a 4.0 mm cannulated bone screw (model 121840, Krome Co., West Hartford, CN). A lathe was used to remove
Richards Medical Co, Memphis, TN) with a TSF of 0.71. Screw some of the machine screw threads leaving a 16 mm thread
pullout testing was performed as described above. length. The threads were inserted to a depth of 25 mm in the
high density polyurethane foam, with and without tapping, and
(e) Effect of Tapping on Screw Pullout Force. Large pullout tests were performed. This left the threads 9 mm below
fragment cancellous bone screws (6.5 mm major diameter, 3.0 the surface to ensure that the screws developed their maximum
mm minor diameter, 1.75 mm thread depth, 2.75 mm pitch, pullout strengths.
TSF 0.87, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA) were used to evaluate the
effects of hole preparation by tapping prior to screw insertion (g) Effect of Tapping on Screw Hole Volume. The ef-
versus self tapping during insertion. Tapped holes were created fect of tapping was determined by making a cast of the volume
in the foam bars of different densities using the pilot drill and into which the screw was placed using a high density, low
tap supplied by the manufacturer. Ten screws each of 16 and melting point alloy (CerroBend, Cerro Corp., Bellefonte, PA)
32 mm thread length were inserted and pullout tests were per- and comparing tapped and untapped hole volumes. Ten speci-
formed. The screws were then inserted into new pilot holes mens of each of the three types of foam were prepared by
which were not tapped, and pullout tests repeated. drilling, tapping, inserting, and then removing (not pulling out)
a 6.5 mm diameter solid cancellous bone screw (model 217.60,
(f) Interaction of Screw Thread Geometry and Tap- Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA). Another 10 specimens of each type
ping. In order to determine if the effects of tapping were of foam were prepared by drilling, inserting a screw without
independent or interacted with other design elements such as tapping, and removing it. Each threaded hole was 50 mm long.
thread depth and pitch, two types of machine screws with simi- Debris was removed from the hole using an air jet and the foam
lar outside diameters to the previously tested screws, but with specimen was weighed. The alloy was heated to its melting
much finer threads were tested (Fig. 1). The machine screw point of 70°C and poured into the screw holes. The polyurethane
foam i.s designed to shrink by less than I percent when heated
to 120°C for two hours, so placing casting material was not
=itch M M ,d = thread depth expected to cause any appreciable volume change in the screw
= (Major dia - Minor dia)/ 2 hole. The foam specimen with casting material in place was
i_ M i.i_i reweighed. The volume of the hole was then calculated from:
- I — ^ '—r
Volume = (W,- W„)/p (2)
'—Minor dia
-Lengt h- I— Major dia where:
6.5 mm dia cancellous thread Wc = weight of foam specimen with casting material (gms)
W„ = weight of foam specimen after hole preparation but
without casting material (gms)
p = density of casting material (gms/mm^)
7.0 mm dia cannulated 1/4-20 UNBC 1/4-28 UI\H=
The calculated volume was confirmed by immersing the cast-
ings themselves in water in a graduated cylinder. In order to
normalize the data for slight variations in lengths of the castings,
4.0 mm dia cancellous 3.5 mm dia cannulated the average cross-sectional area of each casting was calculated
by dividing the volume of the casting by its length.
Fig. 1 Screw thread terminology and illustration of some of the thread
types tested. (1/4-20 UNRC and 1/4-28 UNRF are standard machine
(h) Statistical Analysis. Analysis of variance (ANO VA)
screw threads, ali others are commercially available cancellous bone
screw threads). In the text, p = pitch, minor diameter = Dminor> major and regression analyses were performed on a personal computer
diameter = D„^„ statistical software package (StatView 4.0.1, Abacus Concepts

Journal of Biomeohanical Engineering AUGUST 1996, Vol. 1 1 8 / 3 9 3

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4000 0.412) in comparison to foam (low density, coeff of variation
Shear Force/Displacement of Materials Used for Screw tests
= 0.055), which validates our hypothesis that foam, because
of its uniform density is a better model for testing bone screws.
3000 High Density (0.32 g/cm^S) (b) Comparison of Pullout Strengths of Different
Shear failure force = 2920 N Screws. Comparative force-displacement data generated dur-
Medium Density (0.24 a/<:m'^3) ing pullout testing of a large fragment cancellous bone screw
Shear Failure Force = 2412 N
Calf Vertebra (6.5 mm solid cancellous bone screw, 16 mm thread length,
Shear Failure Force - 2114 N model 216.60, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA) in the three foams of
different densities are shown in Fig. 4. The maximum pullout
force for this screw occured at a displacement of 1.25 mm in
Low Density (0.16 g/cm'^3)
1000 Shear failure Force = 1189 N low density foam. For this screw having a pitch of 2.75 mm,
this displacement corresponds to rotating the screw less than j
of a turn from the point at which it starts to become tensioned
to the point at which the internal threads fail. In high density
foam, maximum pullout force occurred at a displacement of
2.25 mm which corresponds to approximately | of a turn. There-
Displacement (mm) fore the range of rotation available during tightening of the
screw is between 180° and 270° before over-tightening and
Fig. 2 Typical shear force versus displacement curves for foam materi- stripping of the threads occur in these materials.
als of 3 different densities used in this study, and calf cancellous bone,
as tested by the method of ASTM D732-90 to determine shear strength The mean pullout force for each cancellous screw in each of
the three types of foam is shown in Table 2. The pullout force-
displacement data were very consistent for any particular screw
Inc., Berkeley, CA 94704). Differences were considered statis- and foam with most coefficients of variation being less than 6
tically significant a t p < 0.05. percent. The greatest variation was 19 percent, which occurred
for the smallest screw tested in the lowest density foam. These
Results results demonstrate in general that pullout strength increases
with screw diameter and material density (or shear strength).
(a) Polyurethane Foam as a Model for Bone Screw Pull-
out Testing. Typical foam material shear results are shown (c) Verification of the Relationship of Pullout Strength
in Fig. 2. The mean shear strengths were: low (0.16 g/cm^, to Thread Geometry and Material Shear Strength. The
mean shear strength = 1 . 4 1 MPa, sd = 0.048 MPa), medium measured pullout force for each screw tested was correlated to
(0.24 g/cm^ mean = 2.78 MPa, sd = 0.087 MPa) and high its predicted shear failure force based on Eq. (1), as shown in
(0.32 g/cm^ mean = 3.89 MPa, sd = 0.095 MPa). Figure 3 Fig. 5. The slope of this relationship (m = 1.05) and high
shows the relationship between material density and pullout correlation coefficient (R^ = 0.947) indicates that screw diame-
strength for the same screw type, size, and length, (6.5 mm ter, length of insertion, thread geometry (thread shape factor)
cancellous solid screw, 16 mm thread length, model 216.60, as well as the shear strength of the material into which the
Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA) in three grades of foam as well as in screw is placed can be used as predictors of screw pullout force.
human and calf bone. The data also demonstrate how density
(d) Cannulated Versus Noncannulated Screws. The
of cancellous bone and corresponding pullout strengths relate
pullout force of 4.0 mm diameter cannulated screws was 20
to the densities of the foam materials selected. The human bone
percent below that of noncannulated screws of equivalent diam-
used was in general from old, and likely osteoporotic specimens
eter, length and thread pitch (Fig. 6). This was a statistically
so would be at the low end of the density range. The calf
significant reduction in strength (p < 0.01). The threads of
bone represents young cancellous bone of considerably higher
both screws have a 4.0 mm major diameter, 14 mm length, and
density. The foam materials selected span the range of expected
1.75 mm pitch. The noncannulated screw has a thread depth of
bone densities. It is interesting to note the relatively large scatter
1.05 mm and a resulting TSF (thread shape factor) of 0.85.
in pullout strengths of bone specimens (coeff of variation =
The cannulated screw has a thread depth of 0.63 mm because

Screw pullout strength vs material density 1500
° Foam materials (n=35)
* Human cancellous bone (n=:f 0) High density foam
1250- "|.32 g/cm'^3
• Bovine cancellous bone (n=9) , 1106 N

1000 vertebra
Medium density foam
iS; 750 0.24 g/cm*3
877 N

Low density foam
0.16 g/cm"3
250 361 N
^ \
Human vertebra
237 N
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Apparent Density (g/cm'^3) Displacement (mm)

Fig. 3 Screw pullout strength versus material density for human and Fig. 4 Typical pullout force vs displacement curves for large fragment
calf bone and foam materials of three different densities. (Screw used (6.5 mm diameter x 16 mm thread length, model 216.60, Synthes Ltd,
was 6.5 mm diameter solid cancellous screw, 16 mm thread length, Paoli, PA) standard cancellous screws tested in foam materials of 3
model 216.60, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA.) different densities along with human and calf bone specimens

394 / Vol. 118, AUGUST 1996 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 2 Mean values and standard deviations of pullout strengths for screws in foams of three different densities. Thread
type C = cannulated, NC = noncannulated. All dimensions in mm. Manufacturer code (Mfr) A: Ace Medical Co., Los
Angeles, CA 90061; R: Richards Medical Co., Memphis, TN 38116; S: Synthes (U.S.A.), Paoli, PA 19301; Z: Zimmer,
Warsaw, IN 46580.
Diameter (mm) Thread High density Medium density Low density
Mfr X length (mm) type pullout strength pullout strength pullout strength
S 3.5 X 13 C 370 ± 24 N 261 ± 18 N 61 ± 12N
R 4.0 X 14 c 518 ± 56 N 336 ± 27 N 153 ± 18 N
S 4.0 X 14 NC 631 ± 13 N 428 ± 9N 194 ± 25 N
A 5.0 X 20 cNC 843 ± 15 N 672 ± 35 N 264 ± 11 N
S 6.5 X 16 1129 ± 37 N 857 ± 9N 380 ± 13 N
S 7.0 X 16 c 938 ± 52 N 598 ± 14 N 298 ± 5N
zA 7.0 X 16 c 1153 ± 89 N 675 ± 47 N 273 ± 22 N
6.5 X 20 c 1139 ± 154 N 955 ± 33 N 326 ± 13 N
R 6.5 X 20 cNC 1343 ± 40 N 1027 ± 24 N 342 ± 13 N
S 6.5 X 32 2001 ± 51 N 1548 ± 14 N 716 ± 18N
S 7.0 X 32 C 2042 ± 46 N 1375 ± 16N 545 ± 17 N
z 7.0 X 32 C 2355 ± 127 N 1502 ± 64 N 467 ± 77 N

of the larger root diameter required for the central channel, versus 12.2 ± 0.2 mm^ for non-tapped threads, an increase of
resulting in a TSF of 0.71, a 16 percent reduction below that 27 percent (Fig. 9). There was a statistically significant (p <
of the standard screw. This decrease in TSF accounts for most 0.001), increase in hole area for the tapped threads in all three
of the decreased pullout force of the cannulated screws. foam densities. For comparison, the cross-sectional area through
the minor diameter of the threads on the 6.5 mm diameter
(e) Effect of Tapping on Screw Pullout Force. The re- cancellous bone screw is 7.1 mm^, and the area through the
duction in pullout force due to tapping in foam materials was major diameter is 33.2 mm^.
statistically significant (p < 0.001) for all three densities (Fig.
7). The average reduction in pullout force due to tapping for
all three densities of foam was 73 ± 41 A^, a percentage reduc- Discussion
tion of 8 ± 4 percent.
This study was performed to determine the relationship be-
(f) Interaction of Screw Thread Geometry and Tap- tween some properties of bone screws and their resulting pullout
ping. Compared with not tapping the pilot holes, tapping strengths. We first demonstrated that porous foams are an appro-
caused a statistically significant reduction in pullout force (p priate choice as a material for determining screw pullout which
< 0.001) for both cancellous bone screws, as shown above, eliminates the inter- and intra-specimen variability found in
and machine thread screws, all of similar major diameter (Fig. bone. Second, a relationship used in the design of machine
8). The decrease in pullout strength due to tapping was greatest threads, between screw pullout force and screw thread geometry
for screws with the finest threads (smallest thread pitch). The and shear strength of the material into which the screw was
mean decrease in pullout strength was 234 N for the screws placed, was verified by comparison to experimental pullout
with the fine 1/4-28 UNRF threads (21.5 percent), compared force measurements. We found that the geometry of the screw
to 84 N for the 1 /4-20 UNRC threads (8 percent) and 79 A^ for thread, specifically the ratio of thread depth to pitch, expressed
the 6.5 mm diameter cancellous screw (6.9 percent). as the Thread Shape Factor (TSF) affects screw pullout force.
This implies that screw purchase can be enhanced for most
(g) Effect of Tapping on Screw Hole Volume. The av- commercially available screws by increasing the TSF which
erage cross-sectional area of the holes prepared for 6.5 mm
diameter bone screws with tapped threads was 15.4 ± 0.2 mm^



y = 1.05X - 44.81

R'^2 = 0.947, n = 360

3000 Experimental Predicted

Predicted Screw Failure Force (N) Fig. 6 Comparison of experimentally derived pullout force and predicted
screw failure force for cannulated 4.0 mm diameter screws (model
Fig. 5 Relationship between experimentally measure^uliout force and 121840, Richards i\1edicai Co, Memphis, TN) and noncannulated 4.0 mm
predicted screw failure force of the Internal threads formed in the poly- diameter screws (model 207.40, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA) of equivalent
urethane foam specimens (calculated from equation 1), since failure is thread lengths and thread pitches, In high density foam. Results for low
due to stripping of foam thread and medium density foam were similar (error bar = sd, n = 5).

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering AUGUST 1996, Vol. 1 1 8 / 3 9 5

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Effect of Tapping on Pullout Strength
in Different Density Foams

Non-tapped I

£. 1000 p<0.OS

500 p<0.05

Low lUled High

Low iUedlum High
Polyurethane Foam Density
Foam Density
Fig. 7 Effect of tapping on pullout force for 6.5 m m diameter cancellous
b o n e s c r e w s of 16 m m thread length (model 217.60, Synthes Ltd, Paoli,
Fig. 9 A comparison of the average cross-sectional areas of prepared
PA) in three different densities of f o a m . Results for screws of 3 2 m m
screw holes after insertion and removal of screws, with and without
thread length w e r e similar (error bar = sd, *p < 0 . 0 5 ) .
tapping, in porous foams of three different densities. Screw used was
6.5 mm diameter solid cancellous screw, 16 mm thread length (model
217.60, Synthes Ltd, Paoli, PA).

results from a decrease in pitch (using a finer thread) or an

increase in thread depth. In porous foam, (and presumably can- The thread shape factor (TSF), for a given screw diameter,
cellous bone) tapping removes considerable material from the thread engagement length, and material shear strength, controls
screw hole, enlarging it and reducing pullout strength. Cannu- the pullout strength of screws in porous materials. The TSF can
lated screws, with altered thread depth to pitch ratios compared be increased by increasing thread depth and/or decreasing pitch.
to solid screws to accomodate a central bore, have lower Thread Practically, other considerations such as excessively decreasing
Shape Factors and pullout strengths. the strength of the threads whose profile would become deeper
Clearly, this study does not address biologic effects such as and thinner with increased TSF, limit the changes that can be
apposition of bone around the screw threads which is known made to these parameters. One way to optimize the TSF would
to enhance pullout strength (Schatzker et al., 1975) with time. be to design the external threads of the screw to equal the
This study should therefore be considered as representing a strength of the internal threads in bone.
worst case condition. Pullout was chosen as the direction of Defining an optimum value for the TSF clearly requires con-
testing for the following reason. A screw is a machine that is siderable additional study. For the sake of discussion we com-
designed to convert torque to compressive force between the pared the differences in geometry of currently used screws and
two objects that it engages. Therefore, pullout or pushout will those designed with a TSF of 1.00, by solving for the relation-
be the primary directions of force that a screw is designed to ship between pitch and thread depth. From Eq. (1) we obtain:
resist. Screws may fail in shear when torque is applied, typically
during insertion, or by bending during loading transverse to (0.5 + 0.57735 d/p) = 1, which yields,
their long axis, but the strength of the screws in these modes p = 1.1547 c; (3)
is related to the material of the screw and its diameter (and
cross sectional as well as polar moments of inertia) and has Table 3 compares the thread pitches and the resulting shear
little to do with the thread design, a primary focus of our study. areas (i.e., L*7r*D„„jo,.*TSF) calculated using a TSF of 1.00,
with current cancellous thread designs.
The average thread shape factor (TSF) for the three noncan-
nulated cancellous bone screws was 0.86 ± 0.01, and for the
2000 nine cannulated cancellous screws was 0.73 ± 0.03. This is due
Effect of Thread Pitch and Thread Shape Factor (TSF)
on Pullout Strength for Tapped and Nontapped Holes, to the cannulated screws being designed with a smaller thread
High Density Foam
depth because of the presence of a central channel without a
• Tapped proportional change in thread pitch. The pitch of the threads of
1500 0 Non-Tapped the cannulated screws tested seems to have been chosen to
p < 0.05 p < 0.05
match the pitch of noncannulated cancellous bone screw threads
of similar major diameter. For the screws tested, the shear fail-
ure force of cannulated cancellous bone screws was 15 percent
1000 less than that of noncannulated cancellous bone screws of simi-
lar major diameter and length.
A guideline for the design of cannulated screws with greater
pullout strength can be suggested from this study. The maxi-
mum thread depth for a particular screw design may be limited
by the need for a central channel as in a cannulated screw, or
by the shear strength of the screw material (for example using
titanium versus stainless steel). If the minor diameter is too
small, the screw may fail during insertion or removal by shear-
ing under insertion torque. Once the thread major and minor
diameters are chosen based on screw strength considerations,
Fig. 8 Effect of tapping on pullout force for 3 screws of similar major
diameter, length and TSF, but different combinations of thread depth the pitch may be determined from Eq. (2) for a specified value
and pitch. Tests were performed in high density foam (error bar = sd). of the thread shape factor (TSF). The cannulated screws that

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Table 3 Thread depth and pitch as currently designed and pitch as predicted by Eq (2) for TSF = 1.0 to increase the
predicted shear failure force of the internal threads formed in porous material. Thread shear areas as currently designed
and for threads designed with TSF = 1.0. Thread type C = cannulated, NC = noncannulated. All dimensions in mm.
Manufacturer code (Mfr) A: Ace Medical Co., Los Angeles, CA 90061; R: Richards Medical Co., Memphis, TN 38116;
S: Synthes (U.S.A.), Paoli, PA 19301; Z: Zimmer, Warsaw, IN 46580.
Diameter (mm) Thread Thread depth Pitch Pitch (mm) Shear area Shear area (mm^)
Mfr X length (mm) type (mm) (mm) TSF = 1.0 (mm^) TSF = 1.0
S 3.5 X 13 C 0.50 1.25 0.58 104 143
R 4.0 X 14 C 0.63 1.75 0.73 124 176
S 4.0 X 14 NC 1.05 1.75 1.21 149 176
A 5.0 X 20 C 0.63 1.80 0.73 220 314
S 6.5 X 16 NC 1.75 2.75 2.02 283 327
S 7.0 X 16 C 1.25 2.75 1.44 268 352
zA 7.0 X 16 C 1.00 2.75 1.15 250 352
6.5 X 20 c 0.63 1.85 0.73 284 408
R 6.5 X 20 c 0.90 2.12 1.04 304 408
S 6,5 X 32 NC 1.75 2.75 2.02 567 653
s 7.0 X 32 cC 1.25 2.75 1.44 537 704
z 7.0 X 32 1.00 2.75 1.15 500 704

we tested have shallower thread depths because of their central pitch) requires 20 turns, and the 1/4-28 UNRF screw (0.91
channels, but the thread pitch was not adjusted proportionally mm pitch) requires 28 turns. The process of advancing and
to maintain the same TSF as the noncannulated screws. The removing the tap and inserting the screw requires 27 turns for
result is that the average TSF for the cannulated screw threads the cancellous screw and 84 for the fine thread machine screw.
is 0.73 compared with a mean of 0.87 for the noncannulated This process breaks down the threads to some extent and may
screws (Table 1). All of the cannulated screws tested in this be another factor which explains the three times greater reduc-
study would benefit from a finer pitch which would increase tion in pullout force found for fine threads compared with coarse
the TSF and the predicted shear failure force of the threads threads.
formed in the porous material. The choice of unicellular polyethylene foam as a test material
Our findings concerning thread geometry are consistent with requires some comment. Two factors should be considered in
those of previous studies which found that finer threads had justifying the use of porous foam instead of bone. First, shear
higher pullout force (Baker et al., 1988, DeCoster et al, 1990; strengths of the materials must be similar since screw purchase
Evans et al., 1990; Krag et al., 1986). Krag et al. reported on strength has been demonstrated to be directly related to material
custom screws with threads having a major diameter of 6 mm, shear strength. Bovine trabecular bone has been shown to be a
a minor diameter of 3.8 mm, and a thread pitch of 2 or 3 mm. good substitute for young human trabecular bone (Swartz et
Equation (1) predicts that the screw with a 3 mm pitch would al., 1991). Stone et al. (1983) tested bovine trabecular bone in
have a 13 percent lower shear failure force than the screw with pure shear and found the following relationship between shear
a 22 mm pitch. Their data showed a decrease in mean pullout strength, S (MPa) and apparent density, p (g/cm^): S = 21.6
strength from 1978 N to 1435 N (27 percent). DeCoster et al. p " ' ^ The physical property data sheet for the polyurethane
tested screws with a constant major diameter of 6 mm, a minor foam we used provides a similar relationship between shear
diameter of 5 mm, and a pitch of 1.0 mm or 2.5 mm. Equation strength and apparent density: S = 23.9 p'^"*. Therefore choos-
(1) predicts that the thread with a 2.5 mm pitch has a 22 percent ing foam materials of densities encompassing the range of tra-
lower shear failure force than the thread with a 1.0 mm pitch. becular bone should provide materials of similar shear strengths.
The data showed a decrease from 1360 A' to 1102 iV (19 per- The data of Fig. 3 show that the foam materials we selected do
cent). fall within the range of expected densities of cancellous bone
The AO/ASIF technique manual (Schatzker et al., 1990) and importantly, demonstrate much less scatter in the data. Us-
recommends not tapping in cancellous bone because it is ing foam should allow testing of screw design variables with
thought that inserting a screw without tapping compresses the considerable fewer samples than equivalent tests in cancellous
trabeculae and gives better holding power. The process of tap- bone. A second factor to consider is the internal architecture of
ping threads requires that the tap be inserted to cut the threads, the foam, compared to bone. Both have high porosity and should
then removed and the screw placed into the prepared hole. Some react similarly to tapping, that is compressing the material cut
of the material cut by the tap is removed in the process rather by the threading procedure into the void space in the material.
than being compressed into the threads. This is confirmed by The specific geometry of the trabeculae of cancellous bone is
our measurement of a 27 percent increase in average thread highly irregular and likely varies greatly even along the length
cross-sectional area for tapped versus non-tapped screw holes of the screw so it is not possible to compare to the internal
in porous materials. When cutting threads in cortical bone or architecture of porous foam.
other solid materials the material must be removed, therefore In summary, the following have been shown in this study:
tapping is beneficial; however, in porous materials and cancel-
lous bone, with self tapping, it can be compressed into the void (a) Screws embedded in porous materials within the range
spaces. If it were possible to accurately measure the internal of densities and shear strengths of cancellous bone
diameter of the thread in foam due to tapping as opposed to shear the internal threads in the porous material during
the minimum diameter of the screw thread the reduction in pullout.
pullout strength would probably be explained by Eq. (1). (b) Experimental bone screw pullout strength in porous
Tapping exposes the material forming the internal threads to materials is highly correlated to that predicted for ma-
many loading cycles as the tap and screw are inserted. The finer chine screws.
the threads (smaller the pitch), the greater the number of turns (c) The pullout strength of screws in porous materials is
required to advance the screw into the hole. For example, the governed by the following factors; the major diameter
6.5 mm diameter cancellous screw (2.75 mm pitch) requires 9 of the screw, the length of engagement of the thread,
turns to advance 25 mm, the 1/4-20 UNRC screw (1.27 mm the shear strength of the material into which the screw

Journal of Blomechanical Engineering AUGUST 1996, Vol. 1 1 8 / 3 9 7

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