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Giáo viên Tiếng Anh: CÔ HOÀNG XUÂN



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STT Thành ngữ Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa tiếng Việt Ví dụ
1. fit like a glove (of clothes) fit very well rất vừa vặn She went to the best
(mô tả quần áo) dressmaker to ensure that her
wedding dress fits like a glove.
2. sleep like a log sleep very deeply ngủ sâu I slept like a log last night in
spite of the storm.
3. have sth on the tip (be) on the point of gần nhớ ra được She couldn't quite remember
of one’s tongue remembering and saying the man's name but she had it
sth on the tip of her tongue.
4. pour with rain Rain heavily mưa như trút nước We couldn't play tennis as it
was pouring with rain.
5. be hard of hearing Be rather deaf Bị lãng tai You'll have to speak clearly
because he's rather hard of
6. be hard on sb treat sb in a strict or Đối xử với ai nghiêm You mustn't be hard on her
unfair way khắc/ không công bằng she's doing the best she can
7. be short of sth not have enough thiếu cái gì I’m short of money this week -
can I pay you next week?
8. be sound asleep be sleeping deeply ngủ sâu By the end of the film my friend
was sound asleep on the sofa.
9. be flat out be exhausted kiệt sức I'm flat out. - I think I'd better
go to bed
10. be out of work be unemployed bị thất nghiệp George was out of work for
nearly a year before he found a
11. be out of practice lack practice thiếu sự luyện tập I'd like to play tennis but I am
completely out of practice, so
I'm sure I'll lose.
12. be in sb's shoes be in sb's position ở trong hoàn cảnh của If I were in your shoes, I'd try
ai to do better at school.
13. behind bars in prison ngồi tù After robbing the bank, he
spent five years behind bars.
14. full of beans lively sống động/ nhiều năng That child is so full of beans,
lượng that it's tiring to babysit him
15. out of the blue suddenly and bỗng nhiên We were discussing sports
unexpectedly when, out of the blue he
started talking about his project

16. by and large In general nói chung There are a few problems but
by and large, it's a good plan.
17. take it easy don’t be worried or Đừng lo lắng/ đừng Everything will be all right. Just
excited phấn khích quá take it easy.
18. keep an eye on sth guard sth canh chừng cái gì You should keep an eye on
your bag, somebody might steal
19. make one's blood make sb angry làm ai tức sôi máu My brother made my blood
boil boil when he told me he had
dropped my laptop.
20. ring a bell sound familiar nghe quen quen Her name rang a bell but I
couldn't remember where I'd
heard it.
21. work a miracle make sth that seems làm được điều không The decorators worked a
impossible happen tưởng miracle when they transformed
our attic into a luxury bedroom.
22. in black and white in writing or print bằng giấy trắng mực I want everything in black and
đen white before I sign the contract.
23. against all odds despite the difficulties mặc cho có khó khăn Against all odds, he managed
to win the race.
24. a night owl sb who likes to stay up cú đêm My friends are all night owls,
late at night (người hay thức khuya) but I prefer to go to bed early
and get up early.
25. a feather in one's an achievement one is thành tựu đáng tự hào When I get my degree, it will be
cap proud of a real feather in my cap.
26. a tough/hard nut to sb/sth difficult to deal with người / thứ khó nhằn Sales figures show that our
crack product is doing very well in
Greece, but the Italian market is
proving a tough/hard nut to
27. a drop in the ocean an insignificant amount không đáng kể One hundred thousand dollars
may seem like a lot of money,
but it's a drop in the ocean
compared to the millions the
basketball star earns each year.
28. a dead end sth leading nowhere sự bế tắc Unfortunately, diplomats have
come to a dead end in their
attempts to find a solution to the
29. a false alarm an unnecessary warning báo động giả Tell the neighbours it was a
false alarm; Tom found his
30. thick-skinned insensitive to criticism mặt dày You need to be very thick-
(lãnh đạm với chỉ trích) skinned to be a politician
31. thorn in one's side sth that causes thứ gây lo lắng/ rắc rối My student debt is a real thorn
trouble/anxiety in my side. I won’t be able to
travel around Asia until I have
paid it off.
32. pet hate sth one particularly hates thứ mà ai đó đặc biệt My pet hate is being put on
ghét hold when I phone someone. I
can't stand it!
33. on a wild goose search for sth with no tìm kiếm mà biết trước I've just been on a wild goose
chase result là không có kết quả chase all over town looking for
that new Harry Potter book.
34. all fingers and very clumsy lóng nga lóng ngóng/ Sam, you're all fingers and
thumbs vụng về thumbs today! That's the
second cup you've broken while
doing the washing-up.


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