Ferrocement Construction of Fishing Boats - Fyson - FAO

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“Fig. 6 Bulk 7 eady for Bl Ferro-cement construction for fishing vessels |. by JOHN F. FYSON, FAO/UNDP/TA superintendent of boatbuilding, FAO ERRO-CEMENT is a material with its own specific physical characteristics and as such has particular design requirements which demand a special approach by the naval architect to the solution of the design problems. ‘Two basie considerations which influence the design, are the weight of the material and the fact that ferro-cement is not suited to the production of large flat surfaces Without introducing extra stifiening which increases both weight and cost. A bull thickness of # in. is considered to be the minimum desirable in boats of 85 to 55 ft. and an increase to 1 in. Fig. 7. Deck view of completed hull, showing upstands for deckhause and hatches, Note the reinforcing stanchians for th FISHING NENG INTERNATIONAL, JUNE, 1964 jonal affice, Bangkok, Thailand will provide bull of sufficient strength up to about 80 ft. The quantity of reinforcing used should not be less than 24 to 36 Ib a cu. ft. For a hull thickness of } in. this gives, a weight of reinforcing of about 2 Ib. a sq. ft, of surface area. The total weight of reinforcing and mortar a sq. ft. will then be of the order of 9 to 10 Tb. This is approxi- mately the same weight a sq. ft. of surface area as would, be required for a sawn frame oak fishing boat of 40 to 45 ft account being taken of both planking and frame weight aq. it). From these figures it will be seen that the weight factor rules out the possibility of using the material for light- weight high speed hulls, at least in the smaller sizes, but is not a disadvantage for displacement vessels. In fact as size increases from about 40 ft. the weight factor for wooden vessels increases more rapidly than that of ferro-cement vessels due to the need for progressively, heavier scantlings. The load bearing capacity of shells of a predetermined thickness can be shown to be higher if the surface is curved so that the principal forces oeur in the plane of the surface. Stresses are then largely compressive ot tensile in the direction of the surface and asymmetrical bending stresses are minimised. Translated into design requirements for boat construc- tion, this means that full curvature without flat rans will provide the strongest hull for minimum shell thickness, Such a hull shape is characteristic of the load bearing displacement vessel of which most fishing boats are a typical example, A suitable design for ferro-cement construction will use a lines plan with well curved sections and buttocks. Straight sections in. the topsides should be reduced by the judicious use of flare and tumble-home, Tranzoms should he well curved and adequate stiffening provided. The hull shell should be well anchored to the keel sections which is itself braced by floors and structural bulkheads of ferro-cement (see Fig. 6) ‘The hull is to be strongly tied into the deck edge at the sheer ling and reinforcing carried into the upstands for deck house and hatch coamings (see Figs. 7, 8 and 9)- Bulwarks in ferrocement should have stanchions with reinforceing well tied into hull and deck. Working decks, winch foundations and fish hold bulk heads are areas where heavy loading may be expected. ‘These areas may be stiffened by the provision of steel channel iron which is bolted in place alter the décks and bulkheads have been plastered. ‘Non-structural bulkheads and interior accommodation details can be fastened to the lm! by the incorporation of gussets fabricated. from rods and mesh which are well tied into the hull reinforcing and then plastered at the same time as the bull. Bulkheads of ply, or timber framing an then be bolted to these gussets thus avoiding the necessity for bolts through the hull itself. For stability considerations at least in smaller vessels the deckhouse is preferably constructed in wood although upstands in ferra-cement can be provided if Fuel tanks Integral fuel tanks of ferro-cement can be built into the hull, provided that sufficient internal bullchead support is included and large hatches in the tank tops are’ provided, both for inspection and to permit the plasterers to finish off the internal surfaces of the tanks. Insulation of fish holds should be allowed for at the design stage by the provision of suitable steel ties in bull and bulkheads. After completion of hull and bulkheads, foam plasti¢ insulating material can then be laid and a } in. internal skin of ferro-cement tied in and plastered directly onto the insulation, This will provide @ strong sandwich construction with a smooth and easily cleaned fish hold lining. ‘Access to the shaft tunnel and drainage wells should be provided. Engine beds cam be cast with the keel section, but additional reinforcing rod and holding down bolts should be strongly tied into the reinforcing before casting. Given the often congested docks in fishing boat harbours, strong wooden belting and rail caps should be well bolted to the hull to protect it from local abrasion. Stem sections and transom corners should also be provided with extra reinforcing to guard against local damage. Internal edges ‘of fish hold hatehes should be protected against damage during loading and unloading by the provision of replace- able wooden. battens. ‘On trawlers similar protection of the hull can be provided in the area where the trawl boards come inboard (Eig. 10). Provided the properties of ferrocement and the particular techniques of its application to boat construction ate carefully considered during the design stage. a strong, economical hull can be produced extremely well suited to the requirements of the fishing industry, Fig. Hateh eoaming and bulwarks during the fixing of the mesh. News TERNATIONAL ‘Completed launch, hull awaiting the installation of eabin and accommodation, Requirements for commercial construction. As already mentioned the capital investment in a boat yard for ferro-cement construction need not be high. The equipment required for a small yard apart from @ normal range of wood working tools for deckhouse and interior accommodation would consist of the following: A motorised mortar mixer, preferably of the paddle Fig. type and a minimum of 4 eu, ft, capacity, A portable welding machine of 180 A 3.5 kVA capacity, A pipe bending machine capable of forming wp to 2 in. steam or water pipe. NAVIGATORS SWEAR BY IT ! THE ELECTRONIC ‘CHERNIKEEFF’ LOG & REVOMETER SYSTEM Bridge and Engine-room Repeater Unit With higher degree of accuracy particularly for trawiing All equipment has built-in connections for True-Mation Radar and for Data Logging Systems if required. fa permanent projection from Ship's Hull: retroctable Log Tube protrudes ony B t3 10 inches when outboord fa requirements of Lloyd's and M,O.T. Marconi Marine/SAIT world-wide service in available to users of this Log ‘THE SUBMERGED Loc comp: MERGED, BOG COMPANY (92) imTED 6A4 Teen E880 Telegramer CHERLOG. LONDON Wt i: INTERNATIONAL, JUNE, tse ‘A metal cutting machine of } in. capacity andjor an oxygen flame cutting torch. A} in. portable electric drill with drifls and circular grinding pads. AL in. to 1} in, heavy-duty electric drill and stand. ‘A steam generator or spray nozzles and hose pipes for water curing, Hand vibrators for cement as used in buil industry Block and tackle or chain hoist suitable for engine installation. Bolt croppers, sieve screens for sand and plasterers tools Work benches and vices plus covered building bays, mould loft floor and a suitable launching slipway Tf boats are to be built in series, the constructional procedure should be carefully studied to obtain maximum tuse of the skilled labour required for lofting, welding and plastering. Steam curing of finished hulls is recommended to cut dawn curing time. Correct use of additives such as porzolan and plasticiser should be studied to ensure consistent quality and correct application of the mortar mix. ing Conclusion Ferre-cement and its application to boatbuilding as described is considered to provide an excellent method of producing strong, low cost di use in the fishing industry, With the low capital investment and seae y of the materi: on plus the large complement of unskilled Iabour required this method should have excellent prospects in the construction of modem fishing vessels by the developing countries ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Photographs in Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, %, and 11, are the property of Ferrocement Ltd, 100 Anzac Ave., Auckland and the author wishes to convey his thankss for permission to use these, together with his his appreciation for the generous way in which the company assisted in his investigations into ferro-cement construction. Photographs in Figs. 5, 8, 8, 8 and 10 are of details of construction of the 49 ft. 6 in. overall vessel Electra and thanks for permission to use these photos are due to the owner of Elzctra, Mr. Colin Major, Tauranga, New Zealand. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, D. (1967), A. Technical Review of Ferro-cement Construction, Commercial Fishing. Conerete Hout Construction, Commercial Fishing. (1987) 6). fre an easier way. Yackting Moxthly Dique, N, (1966). Just add water and mix. Seacraft Dott. Ing. Pier Luigi Nervi (1951), I] Ferro-cemento: Sue caratteris- Liche © Bossibilita, L'Ingagnere, Rivistn Technica mensils organo tial Aseectastome Natiomate Ingagmeri + sochitets Feallani “BerroCement Boats” issued by the Cement and Concrete Association of Australia, 147-151 Walker St., North Sydney [1967}. Ferro-cement makes stroug hull, Nafiowal Maynard, J. A. (1904). Sea going concrete. Seacraft ‘Rath, D. (1987). Concrete Boats: Are they far real? Boating Sutherland, M. (1968). Fecrocement Boats. Sea Spray Annual razy

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