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 Pointers and Strings

 Pointers to Objects
 This Pointer
 Virtual Functions
Pointers and Strings

 Pointers are efficient to access two dimensional and multi-

dimensional arrays in C++.
 There is a definite relationship between arrays and pointers.
 C++ also allows us to handle the special kind of arrays, i.e.
string with pointers.
 String is one dimensional array of characters, which starts with
the index 0 and ends with null character ‘\0’ in C++.
 A pointer variable can access a string by referencing to its first
 There are two ways to assign a value to a string:
 Use the character array or
 Variable of type char * .
Pointers and Strings

 Let us consider the following declarations:

 char num[ ] = “one”;

 const char *numptr = “one”;

 The first declaration creates an array of four characters,

which contains the characters ‘o’,’n’,’e’,’\0’.
 Whereas the second declaration generates a pointer
variable, which points the first character,i.e. ‘o’ of the
Reverse a string using pointers and arrays

#include<iostream.h> //string reverse

#include<string.h> int len1 = len / 2;
void main( ) for(i=0;i<len1;i++)
{ {
char str[ ] = “Test”; str[i]=str[i]+str[len-i];
int len = strlen(str); str[len-i]=str[i]-str[len-1];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) str[i]=str[i]-str[len-1];
{ }
cout<<str[i]<<i[str]<<*(str+1) cout<<“ the reverse string is :”<<str;
The reverse string : tesT
Pointers to Objects

 A pointer can point to an object created by a class.

 item x;

 Here item is a class and x is an object of class item.

 Similarly we can define a pointer of type item as follows
 item *it_ptr;

 Object pointers are useful in creating objects at run time.

 We can also use an object.
Pointers to Objects

 Consider the following void show( )

declaration {
class item cout<<“code :
{ ”<<code<<“\n”<<“price:”
int code; <<price<<“\n\n”;
float price; }
public: };
void getdata(int a,float b)
Now Declare the variable x of class item
{ And a pointer ptr to x as follows :
code=a; price=b;
item x;
} Item *ptr = &x;
Pointers to Objects

 We can refer the member function of item in two ways:

 By using the dot operator and the object
 x.getdata(100,75.50);
 );
 And by using the arrow operator and the object pointer.
 Ptr->getdata(100,75.50) ;
 Ptr->show( );

 Since *ptr is an alias of x, we can also use the following

method : (*ptr).show( );
 The parentheses are necessary b’coz the dot operator has
higher precedence than the indirection operator *.
Pointers to Objects

 We can also create the objects by using pointers and new

operator as follows :
 item *ptr = new item ;
 This statement allocates enough memory for the data
members in the object and assign the address of memory
sapce to ptr. Then ptr can be used to refer the members.
 ptr -> show ( );
Pointers to Objects

#include<iostream.h> void show( )

class item {
{ cout<<“code :
int code; ”<<code<<“\n”<<“price:”
float price; <<price<<“\n\n”;
public: }
void getdata(int a,float b) };
code=a; price=b;
Pointers to Objects
const int size = 2 ; for(i=0;i<size;i++)
int main( ) {
{ cout<<“ Item :”<<i+1<<“\n”;
item *p = new item[size]; d->show( );
item *d = p; p++;
int x,i; }
float y; return 0;
for(i=0;i<size;i++) }
{ Input code and price for item 1 40 500
Input code and price for item 2 50 600
cout<<“Input code & price for
Item : 1
item ”<<i+1; Code : 40
cin>>x>>y; Price : 500
p->getdata(x,y); Item : 2
Code : 50
p++; Price : 600
this Pointer

 C++ uses a unique keyword called this to represent an

object that invokes a member function.
 this is a pointer that points to the object for which this
function was called.
 For example, the function call A.max( ) will set the
pointer this to the address of object A.
 This unique pointer is automatically passed to a member
function when it is called.
 The pointer this acts as an implicit argument to all the
member functions.
this Pointer

 Consider the following simple example

class abc
int a

 The private variable ‘a’ can be used directly inside a

member function ,like
 a= 123;
 We can also use following statement to do the same job :
 this->a = 123;
this Pointer

 Since C++ permits the use of shorthand from a =123, we

have not been using the pointer this explicitly so far.
 However, we have been implicitly using the pointer this
when overloading the operators using member functions.
 Recall that, when a binary operator is overloaded using a
member function, we pass only one argument to the
 The other argument is implicitly passed using the pointer
 One important application of the pointer this is to return
the object it points to.
this Pointer

 For example, the statement return *this; inside a member

function will return the object that invoked the function.
 This statement assumes importance when we want to compare
two or more objects inside a member function and return the
invoking object as a result.
person & person : : greater (person & x)
if(x.age > age)
return x; // argument object
return *this; // invoking object
this Pointer

 Suppose we invoke this function by the call

 max = A.greater(B) ;

 The function will return the object B(argument object) if

the age of the person B is greater than of A, otherwise, it
will return the object A (invoking object) using the pointer
 Remember, the dereference operator * produces the
contents at the address contained in the pointer.
this Pointer
#include<iostream.h> person & person :: greater (person
#include<string.h> &x)
class person {
{ if(x.age>=age)
char name[20]; return x;
float age; else
public: return *this;
person(char *s,float a) }
{ void displa( )
strcpy(name,s); {
age = a; cout<<“name : ”<<name<<“\n”;
} cout<<“age :”<<age<<“\n”;
this Pointer
void main( )
person p1(“John”,37.50),
p3(“Hebber”,40.25); Elder Person is :
Name : Hebber
Age : 40.25
person p = p1.grater(p3);
cout<<“Elder Person is :\n”; Elder Person is :
p.display( ); Name : John
Age : 37.5
p = p1.grater(p2);
cout<<“Elder Person is :\n”;
p.display( );

Virtual Functions

 Polymorphism refers to the property by which objects

belonging to different classes are able to respond to the
same message, but in different form.
 An essential requirement of polymorphism is therefore the
ability to refer to objects without any regard to their
 If the appropriate member function could be selected
while the program is running. This is known as run time
 To achieve run time polymorphism in C++ virtual function
is used.
Virtual Functions

 When we use the same function name in both the base and
derived classes, the function in base class is declared as
virtual using the keyword virtual preceding its normal
 When a function is made virtual, C++ determine which
function to use at run time based on the type of object
pointed to by the base pointer, rather than the type of the
 Thus, by making the base pointer to point to different
objects, we can execute different versions of the virtual
Virtual Functions
#include<iostream.h> class derived : public base
class base {
{ public:
public: void display( )
void display( ) {
{ cout<<“\nDisplay Derived”;
cout<<“\nDisplay Base ”; }
} virtual void show( )
virtual void show( ) {
{ cout<<“\nShow Derived”;
cout<<“\nShow Base”; }
} };
Virtual Functions

void main( )
base b;
derived d; bptr points to base
base *bptr;
cout<<“\nbptr points to base\n”; Display Base
bptr = &b; Show Base
bptr -> display( );
bptr -> show( ); bptr points to derived
cout<<“\nbptr points to derived\n”; Display Base
bptr = &d; Show Derived
bptr -> display( );
bptr -> show( );
About bptr

 When bptr is made to point to the object D, the statement

bptr -> display ( ); calls only the function associated with
the Base (i.e Base : : display ( )).
 Whereas, the statement bptr -> show( ); calls the derived
version of show( ).
 This is because the function display( ) has not been made
virtual in the base class.
Rules For Virtual Function

 The virtual functions must be members of class.

 They cannot be static members.
 They are accessed by using object pointers.
 A virtual function can be a friend of another class.
 A virtual function in a base class must be defined, even though
it may not be used.
 The prototype of the base class version of a virtual function
and all the derived class versions must be identical.
 If the virtual function is defined in the base class it need not be
necessarily redefined in the derived class.
 In such cases, calls will invoke the base function.

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