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Mihai Platon

English I The Basics of Story Exam Questions

Directions: Be sure to read the entire question. Answer each of the following questions
in complete sentences. Each answer is worth 2 points.

1. What is the difference between similes and metaphors?

Similes use “like” and/or “as” to compare things, while as metaphors compare directly, without
using extra words.

2. The excerpt below is an example of figurative language from the short story
"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi '' by Rudyard Kipling. What purpose does the bold-faced
figurative language serve?

"When he had lifted one-third of himself clear of the ground, he stayed balancing
to and fro exactly as a dandelion-tuft balances in the wind, and he looked at
Rikki-tikki with the wicked snake's eyes that never change their expression,
whatever the snake may be thinking of."

This sample of figurative language is used in order to offer a certain dynamic and easy-to-picture
image of the mongoose.

2. What elements of a story should be included in a plot summary?

A story has five basic but important elements: characters, plot, setting, conflict, and the

4. In three or four sentences, summarize “Rikki-tikki-tavi” in your own words. See

the last slide of the “Reading Figures of Speech” lesson if you need to reread the
full story.

Rikki-tikki-tavi is a mongoose that is separated from his family after a flood. A family finds him
and nurses him. The friendship between the family and the animal grows.
A short while after he is healthy again, Rikki-tikki-tavi must battle two deadly cobras
That threaten the family that took care of him.

5. During a collaborative discussion, Ellen said "I hated this story. I never want to
read anything by this author again." What might you say to help keep the
discussion positive, open, and collaborative?

I would ask the student why she doesn’t like the story. After listening to her point of view I
would point out that one book doesn’t define an author, encouraging her to read other books
from the same author.

6. Latoya said she thought a particular short story was very sad, and explained why
she felt that way. Alvin said, "I understand your point of view, but I disagree.
Here's why." He went on to point out evidence that the story's ending was
actually hopeful. Was Alvin being collaborative in his approach? Explain yourreasoning.

I think Alvin was collaborative because he offered arguments and a different view on the
situation, giving Latoya an opportunity to change her opinion, while also being understanding
and respecting her point of view.

7. Reflect on your work for this past unit: What do you feel like you excelled at?
What is something you could look to improve in the next unit?

I don’t necessarily feel like I excelled at anything, as I have pretty high standards.
In the next unit I can definitely improve working on a timetable, and organizing my homework.

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