Mathematics in The Modern World

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Mathematics in the Modern World

Module 1: Mathematics in our World

Lesson 1: Understanding difficulties in Learning Mathematics
Name of the o-[=-[Level of Difficult topics in Reasons for Difficulty
Participants Perceived Mathematics
1 2 3 4 5

Shantell Abella Pedida

Jill Ross Retales

Remial Busa

Rexter John Dapon

Based on the response collected from the interview, answer the following questions.
1. What is the advantage level of perceived difficulty among the participants? What does this
2. Do you think one’s perception of mathematics effects their performance in the subject?
3. What is\are the difficult topics common on the participants? Do they share the same reasons?
4. Categorize the reasons provided by the participants. What are the major themes?
5. Aside from the ones provided, cite other reasons that make mathematics difficult.
6. What possible techniques\ ways can you suggest so that students like you will enjoy and find
importance in learning mathematics?
1. Categorize the responses of the participants based on the factors presented. Are there
response that do not belong to the factors discussed?
2. One of the reasons why there is a poor achievement in mathematics is due to one’s belief in
their ability to accomplish the task. According to Albert Bandura, whenever we are faced with
challenges, we tend to judge our ability, and our judgement dramatically affects our
performance of the task. Grounded on this principle, what can you do to improve your
performance in mathematics?
3. The learning and learning process should be anchored on the needs of the students. In
reference to that, write down your expectations toward the subject as it relates to the new
normal setting.


Mathematics is a school subject that people have mixed feeling about. Many of
my personal friends complain about math and express their dislike and hatred
towards the subject. I used to struggle with multiplication tables to the point
where I would fail all of the in-class quizzes. With plenty of practice and help
from my friends, I have improved greatly in that area. This helps me complete
more difficult math problems much faster. I have learned the concepts behind
math as well as the math itself.

This has helped me see the deeper purpose of math instead of just the surface,
where we are told to do a problem without really knowing why. Another specific
math topic that I have struggled with in the past is factoring. When the concept
was first introduced to me, I was so confused that I got every single problem
wrong. I asked for help every time but I just did not understand how someone
could figure out the numbers off the top of their head. Since then, I have done
hundreds of factoring problems in order to practice.

Now, I get almost every problem right. I purposefully did these problems so that I
could improve my skills, since I knew I would need them in the future. Overall, I
think I have also improved my patient with math. I am able to think critically
about a problem and figure out.

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