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A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tradition

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Handbook of Oriental Studies
Handbuch der Orientalistik
section 1 the near and middle east


W.H. van Soldt (Leiden)


C. Leitz (Tübingen)
H. Gzella (Leiden)
C. Waerzeggers (Leiden)
M. Weeden (London)
D. Wicke (Mainz)
C. Woods (Chicago)

volume 112

The titles published in this series are listed at

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A Dictionary of
the Ugaritic Language
in the Alphabetic Tradition
Third Revised Edition

part one ả/ỉ/ủ – k


Gregorio del Olmo Lete

Joaquín Sanmartín

Translated and Edited by

Wilfred G.E. Watson

leiden | boston

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Olmo Lete, Gregorio del, editor.

[Diccionario de la lengua ugarítica. English]
A dictionary of the Ugaritic language in the alphabetic tradition / by Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Joaquin
Sanmartin ; translated and edited by Wilfred G.E. Watson. – Third Revised Edition.
volumes ; cm – (Handbook of oriental studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East ; vol. 112 =
Handbuch der Orientalistik)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-90-04-28864-5 (hardback, set : alk. paper) – ISBN 978-90-04-28957-4 (hardback, volume 1 : alk.
paper) – ISBN 978-90-04-28958-1 (hardback, volume 2 : alk. paper) – ISBN 978-90-04-28865-2 (e-book) 1.
Ugaritic language–Dictionaries–English. I. Sanmartín, Joaquín, editor. II. Watson, Wilfred G. E., translator
editor. III. Title.

PJ4150.Z5O4613 2015b

This publication has been typeset in the multilingual “Brill” typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering
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issn 0169-9423
isbn 978-90-04-28864-5 (hardback, set)
isbn 978-90-04-28957-4 (hardback, volume 1)
isbn 978-90-04-28958-1 (hardback, volume 2)
isbn 978-90-04-28865-2 (e-book)

Copyright 2015 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands.

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Preface to the Third Edition vii

List of Abbreviations ix
I Sigla ix
II General Sigla ix
III Bibliographical Abbreviations xvii

Dictionary 1

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Gregorio del Olmo Lete and Joaquín Sanmartín - 978-90-04-28865-2
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Preface to the Third Edition

Ten years after the second edition of DUL, the authors think that now is the
right time to publish the third edition. On this occasion, it could not be a simple
reprint merely to satisfy the expected requirements of the market. Instead, it
had to be a thoroughly revised edition, particularly with regard to content and
layout. There have been several reasons that prompted us to do this, principally
the excellent response we received from users of the two previous editions.
In this third edition of DUL, the following changes have been made to the
text of the first and second editions:

1. Observations and criticisms of a lexicographical nature made by our

reviewers have been taken into account where they seemed appropriate.
We cannot mention them all by name (some reviews were only general
appraisals), but we do wish to thank very particularly the detailed remarks
provided by our colleagues Holger Gzella (BiOr 64, 2007, 527–567), Leonid
Kogan (AuOr 24, 2006, 135–141), Ignacio Márquez (Sefarad 68, 2008, 461–
472) and Josef Tropper (ZDMG 158, 2008, 432–436).
2. All the typographical errors or any other kind of mistake that we ourselves
have noticed or that were pointed out by our reviewers, have been cor-
3. The translations of the texts in the various entries in the dictionary are
now uniform.
4. No bibliography before 1970 has been included, with the exception of a
few references that are particularly important.
5. New bibliographical references that have appeared since 2000 have been
6. The most significant contribution has been the inclusion of lexemes
from the texts published in RSOu 18 (‘Maison d’ Ourtenou’, 1994–2002
7. As a general rule, the readings as given in KTU3 have been adopted and
where necessary, the texts have been cited with the new numbering.
8. The outcome of studying the recently published texts in terms of lexicog-
raphy and new readings has been the insertion of new entries.
9. The translations as given in the lexicographical resources and dictionaries
have been quoted in order to support the options chosen. Furthermore,
additional sources have been included, for example for Syriac and OSA.
10. On the other hand, for PNN and TNN, the references to lexicographical
sources and dictionaries provided by various scholars to justify their

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viii preface to the third edition

own particular etymological choices (when any were made) have been
omitted. Instead, for this material, references to the studies in question
are given.

As in the previous two editions, the authors have been fortunate enough to rely
on one of the foremost Ugaritologists for editorial collaboration. We are grateful
to Dr Wilfred G.E. Watson for his important contribution to the Dictionary and
not merely in respect of the final version into English. In particular, we wish to
emphasize the numerous philological suggestions that Dr Watson generously
shared with us during the final editorial stages. To a considerable extent, this
Dictionary is also his.
Anyone using DUL will continue to come across quite a number of question
marks which are unavoidable in a task where the results do not always corre-
spond to the amount of effort and time invested. As for the rest, we can only
agree with Spinoza’s own conclusion:

Scio me hominem esse et errare potuisse; ne autem errare, sedulo curavi.

baruch spinoza, Tractatus theologico-politicus, chapter XX

The authors
Barcelona, June 24 2014

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List of Abbreviations

I Sigla

<> graphemes omitted by mistake

{} superfluous graphemes
[] reconstructed text
[[ ]] erased text
(…) text of varying length, shortened or omitted in the quotation
(nn) unspecified amounts in the quotation
(!) correction of erroneous grapheme(s)
(?) character with very uncertain reading
< derives etymologically, morphologically or semantically from
> becomes etymologically, morphologically or semantically
// parallel lexeme, morpheme or text segment
/ graphical, phonological or morphological alternative
/xxx/ /transcription/
/C-C-C/ verbal root
+ sequence of graphemes or morphemes
: optional element
• similar or very like
= separation of morphemes into transcribed segments

II Linguistic Terminology

AA Afro-Asiatic
abs. absolute state
abstr. abstract
acc. accusative
act. active
adj. adjective
ad loc. ad locum
admin. administration, administrative
adv. adverb, adverbial(ly)
af. afal. (Arabic verbal stem)
afform. afformative
agent. agentive (case, Hurr.)
Akk. Akkadian

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x list of abbreviations

Alal. Alalakh
Alal. Akk. Akkadian (documented in the texts) from Alalakh (cf. AT)
allog. allograph, allographic
allom. allomorph
alloph. allophon
alph. alphabetic
alt. alternative(ly)
Amh. Amharic
Amm. Ammonite
Amor. Amorite, Amurrite
anat. anatomy, anatomically
Anat. Anatolian
ant. antecedent
aph. aphel (Syr.-Aram)
appos. apposition
Arab. Arabic
Aram. Aramaic
astron. astronomical
AT number of tablet from Alalakh
Bab. Babylonian
BAram. Biblical Aramaic
Berb. Berber
bibliog. bibliography
Bo Boğazköy
bkn broken
ca circa
Can. Canaanite
cf. see, compare
cit. cited
cj. conjecture
c. n. common noun
coll. collective(ly)
com. common(ly)
compl. complement
concr. concrete
cond. conditional
conj. conjunction, conjunctive
c.Sem. common Semitic
cstr. construct state, construction
ctx. context

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list of abbreviations xi

D triconsonantal verbal stem with long second radical

dat. dative
defect. defective spelling
del. delendum, to be deleted
dem. demonstrative
denom. denominative
deriv. derived, derivative(s)
det. determined, determination (Hurr. -n)
DialArab Dialectal Arabic
diff. different(ly)
dir. direct (compl.), directive case (Hurr. -d)
disj. disjunctive
dissim. dissimilation, dissimilative
dittog. dittography
DN(N) divine name(s)
Dpass. verbal stem D passive
Dt verbal stem D with infixed -t-
du. dual
dupl. duplicate(s)
e. edge
EA Akkadian of El Amarna; tablet number in Knutdzon
EA Akk. Akkadian (documented in the texts) from El Amarna (cf. EA, EAT)
EAT El Amarna Text
Ebla. Eblaite
econ. economic
Edom. Edomite
Eg. Egyptian
Eg.-Sem. Egypto-Semitic
EHb Epigraphic Hebrew
Elam. Elamite
elem. element
Emar Akk. Akkadian (documented in the texts) from Emar
emph. emphatic
enant. enantiosemy
encl. enclitic
energ. energic
espec. especially
ET English translation.
Eth. Ethiopic (Geʕez)
etym. etymology, etymological(ly)

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xii list of abbreviations

exc. excellence
ext. extension, extended, lengthened
f. feminine
f(f). following
fin. finite
freq. frequent(ly)
G basic (ground) verbal stem
ge. genitive
gen. general
Gk Greek
GN(N) gentilic(s)
Gpass. G passive
graph. graphic
Gt verbal G stem with -t- infix
haf. hafel
haplog. haplography
Hb. Hebrew
HH Hieroglyphic Hittite
hi. hifil
hitp. hitpael
Hitt. Hittite
ho. hofal
homog. homograph(s)
HS Hamito-Semitic
Hurr. Hurrian
hypoc. hypocoristic
i.a. inter alia
ibid. ibidem, the same citation
id. idem
ideogr. ideogram
IE Indo-European
impv. imperative
indef. indefinite
indet. indeterminate
inf. infinitive
interj. interjection
interr. interrogative
intr. intransitive
itp. itpael
JAram. Jewish Aramaic

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list of abbreviations xiii

JBAram. Jewish Babylonian Aramaic

JPAram. Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
Jibb. Jibbāli
juss. jussive
Kass. Kassite
L biconsonantal verbal stem with lengthened second radical
l. litre
Lat. Latin
l.e. left edge
lang. language
LB Late Babylonian
lex. lexical
lex. l. lexical list(s)
lit. literary, literally
ln. line(s)
loc. locative
loc. cit. loco citato
logogr. logographic
lr.e. lower edge
Lt verbal L stem with infix -t-
Luw. Luwian
Lyc. Lycian
m. masculine
MA Middle Assyrian
Mari Akk. Akkadian (documented in the texts) from Mari
mat. lect. mater lectionis
MB Middle Babylonian
Mesop. Mesopotamian
metaph. metaphor
metath. metathesis, metathetic
meton. metonymy
MHb. Middle Hebrew
Min. Minoan
MN month name
mng meaning
Moab. Moabite
mod. modern
morph. morpheme, morphology, morphological(ly)
MSA Modern South Arabian
MT received (consonantal) Masoretic Text

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xiv list of abbreviations

mult. multiplicative
Myc. Mycenaean
n. noun / nominal
n. note (in bibliographical reference)
N verbal stem with n-prefix
NA Neo-Assyrian
Nab. Nabataean
n. act. nomen actionis
narr. narrative
NB Neo-Babylonian
NC nominal clause
neg. negation, negative
NH Modern Hebrew
ni. nifal
nom. nominative
NPun. Neo-Punic
num. numeral
n. un. nomen unitatis
OAkk. Old Akkadian
OAram. Old Aramaic: generally for any type of epigraphic Aram.
OAss. Old Assyrian
OB Old Babylonian
obl. oblique
obv. obverse (of tablet)
OHb. Old Hebrew
OInd. Old Indian
op. cit. opere citato
opt. optative
ord. ordinal
OSA Old South Arabian
p. person, personal
p. comm. personal communication
p(p). page(s) (in bibliographical reference)
pa. pael stem in Aram. verb.
Palm. Palmyrene
par. parallel
PAram. Palestinian Aramaic
part. particle
pass. passive
periph. peripheral

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list of abbreviations xv

Ph. Phoenician
pi. piel
PI-E Proto-Indo-European
pilp. pilpel
pl. plural
pl. t. plurale tantum
pn pronoun, pronominal
PN(N) personal name(s)
PNF feminine personal name
po. polel
pos. positive
poss. possible, possibly
postp. postpositive
precat. precative
prefc. prefix conjugation
prep. preposition
pre-Sarg. Pre-Sargonic
probl. probable, probably
ptc. participle
pu. pual
Pun. Punic
q. qal
Qat. Qatabanian
Qpass. qal passive
r.e. right edge
R reduplicated verbal biconsonantal stem
rdg reading
reflex. reflexive
rel. relative
relig. religious
rev. reverse (of tablet)
RN royal name
RS Ras Shamra tablet number
RS Akk. Akkadian (documented in the texts) from Ras Shamra
Š verbal stem with š-prefix
Sab Sabaic
Samal. Samalian
Sansk. Sanskrit
SB Standard Babylonian
Sem. Semitic

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xvi list of abbreviations

seman. semantic
sg. singular
Sp. Spanish
Št verbal stem with š-prefix and infixed -t-
stat. stative
subj. subject
subst. substantive, substantivised
suff. suffix, suffixed
suffc. suffix conjugation
Sum. Sumerian
sv. sub voce
syll. syllabic
syll. Ug. Ugaritic written in the syllabic tradition
Syr. Syriac
Targ. Targum
tD verbal D stem with t-prefix
Tham. Thamudic
Tigr. Tigrē
Tigya Tigrinya
tL verbal L stem with t-prefix
TN(N) place name(s), toponym(s)
trad. tradition(ally), traditional (translation or explanation)
trans. transitive
txt text(s)
u.e. upper edge
Ug. Ugaritic written in the alphabetic tradition
unc. uncertain
unpub. unpublished
Urart. Urartian
var. variant, various
vb verb, verbal
vb. n. verbal noun
VC verbal clause
verb. verbal
vocat. vocative
WS West Semitic
Yaud. Yaudic

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list of abbreviations xvii

III Bibliographical Abbreviations

AAN E. Cassin—J.-J. Glassner, Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi,

Malibu CA 1977.
AANLR Annali della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti, Rome.
A1CILSChS A. Caquot—D. Cohen, eds., Actes du Premier Congrès Int. de Linguis-
tique Sémitique et Chamito-Sémitique, Paris 16–19 juillet 1969, The
Hague/Paris 1974.
A1CISFP Atti del I Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici (Roma 1979),
Rome 1983.
A2CISFP Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici (Roma, 9–14
Novembre 1987), I–III, Rome 1991.
AaG R. Degen, Altaramäische Grammatik der Inschriften des 10.-8. Jh. v. Chr.,
Wiesbaden 1969.
AAN 1 E. Cassin—J.-J. Glassner, Anthroponymie et Anthropologie de Nuzi. 1.
Les anthroponymes, Malibu 1977.
ABAW NF Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mu-
ACF Annuaire du Collège de France, Paris.
ACIP 1993 M. Yon—M. Sznycer—P. Bordreuil, eds, Le pays d’ Ougarit autour de
1200 av. J.-C. Histoire et archéologie. Actes du Colloque International
Paris […] 1993, Paris 1995.
Ac1CILSChS Actes du Premier Congrès International de linguistique sémitique et
chamito-sémitique, The Hague/Paris 1974.
AcOrHun Acta Orientalia Hungarica, Budapest.
AD J.-L. Cunchillos, Cuando los ángeles eran dioses, Salamanca 1978.
ADHS W.T. Pitard, Ancient Damascus. A Historical Study of the Syrian City-
State from Earliest Times until its Fall to the Assyrians in 732 B.C.E.,
Winona Lake IN 1987.
Adonis S. Ribichini, ed., Adonis. Relazioni del colloquio in Roma, 22–23 maggio
1981, Rome 1984.
AdS G. Wilhelm, Das Archiv des Silwa-Tessup, Hefte 2 ff., Wiesbaden 1980ff.
AED T.L. Kane, Amharic-English Dictionary, Wiesbaden 1990.
Aeg Aegyptus, Milan.
AEL E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, London/Edinburgh 1863 (repr. Cam-
bridge 1984).
AEO A.H. Gardiner, Ancient Egyptian Onomastica, 1–3, London 1947.
AfO Archiv für Orientforschung, Vienna.
AfOB Archiv für Orientforschung. Beiträge, Vienna.
AGI Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Florence.

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xviii list of abbreviations

AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch, I–III, Wiesbaden 1965–

AIA S. Kaufman, The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic, Chicago IL 1974.
AION Annali. Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples.
AJBI Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute, Tokyo.
AKDT I. Gelb—B. Kienast, Altakkadische Königsinschriften des dritten Jahr-
tausends, Stuttgart 1990. Cf. GlAKI.
AkkUg J. Huehnergard, The Akkadian of Ugarit, Atlanta GA 1989.
ALASP 7 M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, eds, Ugarit. Ein ostmediterranes Kulturzentrum
im Alten Orient, Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas und
Mesopotamiens 7, Münster 1995.
ALM A. Finet, L’Accadien des lettres de Mari, Brussels 1956.
AmAkk Sh. Izre’el, Amurru Akkadian: a Linguistic Study, vol. 1–2, Atlanta GA
AmL W.L. Moran, The Amarna Letters, Baltimore/London 1992. Cf. LEA.
Amorites G. Buccellati, The Amorites of the Ur III period, Naples 1966.
AmPN R.S. Hess, Amarna Personal Names, Winona Lake IN 1993.
Anat N.H. Walls, The Goddess Anat in Ugaritic Myth, Atlanta GA 1992.
ANET J.B. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testa-
ment, Princeton NJ 1955.
ANH G. Dalman, Aramäisch-neuhebräisches Handwörterbuch zu Targum,
Talmud und Midrasch, Göttingen 1938.
ANN E. Cassin—J.J. Glassner, Les Anthroponyms. Anthroponymie et Anthro-
pologie de Nuzi 1, Malibu CA 1997.
AntSém I F. Briquel-Chatonnet, ed., Mosaïque de langues, Mosaïque culturelle,
Paris 1996.
AntSém III F. Briquel-Chatonnet—H. Lozachmeur, eds, Proche-Orient Ancien.
Temps vécu, temps pensé, Paris 1998.
AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Kevelaer/ Neukirchen-Vluyn.
AOAT 233 D.R. West, Some Cults of Greek Goddesses and Female Demons of Ori-
ental Origin, Münster 1995.
AOATT K.R. Veenhof, Aspects of Old Assyrian Trade and its Terminology, Leiden
AoF Altorientalische Forschungen, Berlin.
ÄP H. Ranke, Die ägyptischen Personennamen, I–III, Glückstadt 1935–
APNMT H.B. Huffmon, Amorite Personal Names in the Mari Texts: A Structural
and Lexical Study, Baltimore MD 1965.
APNÄQNR T. Schneider, Asiatische Personennamen in ägyptischen Quellen des
Neuen Reiches, Freiburg 1992.

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list of abbreviations xix

ArchEbl G. Pettinato, The Archives of Ebla. An Empire Inscribed in Clay, with an

Afterword by Mitchell Dahood, S.J., Garden City NY 1981 (ET of Ebla(1)).
ARES Archivi reali di Ebla, Studi, Rome.
ARET Archivi reali di Ebla, Testi, Rome.
ARI A.K. Grayson, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, I, Wiesbaden 1972.
ARMT Archives royales de Mari. Textes, Paris.
ArOr Archiv Orientální, Prague.
Arrapḫe G. Dosch, Struktur der Gesellschaft des Königsreichs Arrapḫe, Heidel-
berg 1993.
ARTU J.C. de Moor, An Anthology of Religious Texts from Ugarit, Leiden 1987.
AS Assyriological Studies, Chicago IL.
Assur Assur, Malibu CA.
AT H.H. Dressler, The Aqht-Text. A New Transcription, Translation, Com-
mentary, and Introduction (doct. diss., Cambridge Univ.), 1976.
AUL M.A. Merlis, Akkadian and Ugaritic Lexicography (doct. diss., Yeshiva
Univ. NY) 1983.
AULS F. Renfroe, Arabic-Ugaritic Lexical Studies, Münster 1992.
AuOr Aula Orientalis, Sabadell (Barcelona).
AuOrS Aula Orientalis Supplementa, Sabadell (Barcelona).
AuOrS 27 F. Corriente et al., eds, Dialectology of the Semitic Languages. Proceed-
ings of the IV Meeting on Comparative Semitics. Zaragoza 06/9–11/2010,
Sabadell (Barcelona) 2012.
BA K. Spronk, Beatific Afterlife in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near
East, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1986.
Baal P.J. van Zijl, Baal. A Study of Texts in Connexion with Baal in the Ugaritic
Epics, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1972.
BAfO Beiheft(e). Archiv für Orient-Forschung, Graz/Berlin.
BAL R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke, 1–2, Rome 19631, 19942.
Barcos J.P. Vita, “Los antecedentes de la marina fenicia: Barcos en Ugarit”, in
Actas del IV congreso internacional de estudios fenicios y púnicos,
Cadiz 2000, 281–288.
BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, New Haven CT.
BÄVÄ W. Helck, Die Beziehungen Ägyptens und Vorderasiens zur Ägäis bis ins
7. Jahrhundert v. Chr., Darmstadt 1979.
BBVO Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, Berlin.
BDB F. Brown—S.R. Driver—C.A. Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon of the
Old Testament, Oxford 1906.
Beitr. E. Jenni—M.A. Klopfenstein, eds, J.J. Stamm, Beiträge zur hebräischen
und aramäischen Namenkunde. Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag, Freiburg-
Schweiz/Göttingen 1980.

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xx list of abbreviations

Berytus Archaeological Studies, Copenhagen/Beirut.

Bez. W. Helck, Die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 3. und 2. Jahr-
tausend v. Chr., Wiesbaden 19712.
BFE M. Krebernik, Die Beschwörungen aus Fara und Ebla, Hildesheim 1984.
BGUL S. Segert, A Basic Grammar of the Ugaritic Language, Berkeley 1984.
BH P. Xella, Baal Hammon. Recherches sur l’ identité et l’ histoire d’ un dieu
phénico-punique, Rome 1991.
BHL E. Ullendorff, Is Biblical Hebrew a Language?, Wiesbaden 1977.
BHNSS S.E. Fassberg—A. Hurtvitz, eds, Biblical Hebrew in Its Northwest Semi-
tic Setting, Winona Lake IN 2006.
Bib Biblica. Commentarii trimestres a Facultate Biblica P.I.B., Rome.
BibMes Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, Malibu CA.
Biling. L. Cagni, ed., Il bilinguismo a Ebla. Atti del convegno internazionale
(Napoli, 19–22 aprile 1982), Naples 1984.
BiK U. Rüterswörden, Die Beamten der israelitischen Königszeit, Neu-
kirchen-Vluyn 1988.
BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis, Leiden.
BL H. Bauer—P. Leander, Historische Grammatik der hebräischen Sprache,
I, Halle 1922.
BN Biblische Notizen, Bamberg.
BOS U. Cassuto, Biblical and Oriental Studies, I–II, Jerusalem 1973/1975.
BSA Bulletin of Sumerian Agriculture, Cambridge.
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
CAAA I. Gelb, Computer-aided Analysis of Amorite, Chicago IL 1980.
CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago, vols. 1–21, Chicago/Glückstadt 1956–2010.
CAME K. Conti Rossini, Chrestomathia arabica meridionalis epigraphica,
Rome 1931.
Caphtor J. Strange, Caphtor/Keptiu. A New Investigation, Leiden 1980.
CARTU J.C. de Moor—K. Spronk, A Cuneiform Anthology of Religious Texts
from Ugarit, Leiden 1987.
CAT A.F. Rainey, Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets. A Linguistic Analysis
of the Mixed Dialect Used by Scribes from Canaan, I–IV, Leiden/New
York/Köln 1996.
CBQ The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Washington DC.
CC M.E. Cohen, The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East, Bethesda
MD 1993.
CCC G. del Olmo Lete, El continuum cultural cananeo. Pervivencias cananeas
en el mundo fenicio, Sabadell (Barcelona) 1996.
CDG W. Leslau, Comparative Dictionary of Geʿez, Wiesbaden 1987.

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CEB U. Oldenburg, The Conflict Between El and Baʿal in Canaanite Religion,

Leiden 1969.
Chadwick J. Chadwick(—M. Ventris), Documents in Mycenaean Greek (second
edition), Cambridge 1973.
CivCat La Civiltà Cattolica, Rome.
CMC R.J. Clifford, The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament,
Cambridge MA 1972.
CMHE F.M. Cross, Canaanite Myths and Hebrew Epic. Essays in the History of
the Religion of Israel, Cambridge, MA 1973.
CML J.C.L. Gibson, Canaanite Myths and Legends, Edinburgh 1978.
Council M.T. Mullen, The Divine Council in Canaanite and Early Hebrew Liter-
ature, Chico CA 1980.
CPHPB J. Cors i Meya, A Concordance of The Phoenician History of Philo of
Byblos, Sabadell (Barcelona) 1995.
CPOA J.J. Justel et al., Las culturas del Próximo Oriente Antiguo y su expansión
mediterránea. Zaragoza 2008.
CR G. del Olmo Lete, Canaanite Religion According to the Liturgical Texts
of Ugarit, Münster 20142 (= ET of RC).
CRAIBL Comptes rendus des séances de l’ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-
Lettres, Paris.
CRANE T. Mikasa ed., Cult and Ritual in the Ancient Near East, Wiesbaden 1992.
CRRA Compte(s) rendu(s) de la … Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale.
CRShT L.R. Fisher, ed., Claremont Ras Shamra Tablets, Rome 1971.
CS/1,3 W.W. Hallo—K. Lawson—D.E. Orton, eds, The Context of Scripture,
I/III. Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World, Leiden/New
York/Köln 1997/2003.
CSAI A. Avanzini, Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions I–III. Qatabanic,
Marginal Qatabanic, Awsanite Inscriptions, Pisa 2004.
CSBAL S.E. Loewenstamm, Comparative Studies in Biblical and Ancient Orien-
tal Literatures, Kevelaer/Neukirchen Vluyn 1980.
CU J.-M. de Tarragon, Le culte à Ugarit d’ après les textes de la pratique en
cunéiforme alphabétiques, Paris 1980.
Culto G. Pettinato, Il culto ufficiale ad Ebla durante el regno di Ibbi-Sipiš,
Rome 1979.
Cults T. Lewis, Cults of the Dead in Ancient Israel and Ugarit, Atlanta GA 1989.
Cyprominoica O. Masson, Cyprominoica. Répertoires, Documents de Ras Shamra,
Essais d’ interprétation, Göteborg 1974.
DAA F. Corriente—I. Ferrando, Diccionario avanzado árabe, T.1: árabe-
español, Barcelona 20052.
DAAA P. Merlo, La dea Ašratum—Aṯiratu—Ašera, Rome 1998.

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DAF/1–2 A. de Biberstein Kazimirski, Dictionnaire Arabe-Français, Paris 1860

(reprint Beyrouth, no date).
DAFA R. Blachère—M. Chouémi—C. Denizeau, Dictionnaire arabe-français-
anglais, vol. I-, Paris 1967–.
DArch Dialoghi di Archeologia, Naples.
Das Hurritische E. Neu, Das Hurritische: Eine altorientalische Sprache in neuem
Licht, Mainz/Stuttgart 1988.
Das Sumerische A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische, Leiden 1959.
DDD K. van der Toorn—B. Becking—P.W. van der Horst, eds, Dictionary of
Deities and Demons in the Bible, Leiden 19951; 19992.
DEb F. Pomponio—P. Xella, Les dieux d’ Ebla. Étude analytique des divinités
éblaïtes à l’ époque des archives royales du IIIe millénaire, Münster
DEUAT A. Rahmouni, Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts, Lei-
den/Boston 2008.
DJBA M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic
and Geonic Periods, Ramat Gan/Baltimore/London 2002.
DJPA M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of the Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the By-
zantine Period, Ramat Gan/ Baltimore/London 1990.
DLL E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite, Paris 1959.
DMic F. Aura Jorro, Diccionario Micénico (Diccionario Griego-Español, Anejo
I–II), vols. I–II, Madrid 1985/1993.
DMT I. Nakata, Deities in the Mari Texts, Ann Arbor MI 1974.
DMWA H. Wehr, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic (ed. J. Milton Cowan),
Wiesbaden 19714.
DNWSI J. Hoftijzer—K. Jongeling, Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscrip-
tions. Parts One/Two, Leiden 1995.
DOSA J.C. Biella, Dictionary of Old South Arabic. Sabaean Dialect, Chico CA
Dozy R. Dozy, Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes, Leiden 19272.
DSA A. Tal, A Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic, vols. I–II, Leiden 2000.
DTT M. Jastrow, Dictionary of the Targumin, the Talmud Babli, and Midrashic
Literature, I–II, New York NY 1950.
DUA J.F. Healey, Underworld and Afterlife in the Ugaritic Texts (doct. diss.,
Univ. of London) 1977.
DW P.D. Miller, The Divine Warrior in Early Israel, Cambridge MA 1973.
EAR E. Ashley, The “Epic of AQHT” and the “RPUM Texts”: A Critical Inter-
pretation (doct. diss., New York Univ.) 1977.
EAT J.A. Knudtzon (—O. Weber—E. Ebeling), Die El-Amarna Tafeln, I–II,
Aalen 1964 / A.F. Rainey, El Amarna Tablets. Supplement to J.A. Knudt-

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zon Die El-Amarna-Tafeln (2nd edition, revised), Kevelaer/ Neukirchen-

Vluyn 1978.
Ebla(1) G. Pettinato, Ebla, un impero inciso nell’argilla, Milan 1979.
Ebla(2) G. Pettinato, Ebla. Nuovi orizzonti della storia, Milan 1986.
Eblaitica C.H. Gordon et al., eds, Eblaitica. Studies on the Ebla Archives and
Eblaitic Language, 1–3, Winona Lake IN 1987/1990/1992.
EC R. Lebrun, Ebla et les civilisations du Proche-Orient Ancien, Louvain-
La-Neuve 1984.
EDA L. Cagni, ed., Ebla 1975–1985. Dieci anni di studi linguistici e filologici.
Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Napoli, 9–11 ottobre 1985), Naples
EDE/1–3 G. Takács, Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian, Leiden 1999/2001/2008.
EDH W. Leslau, Etymological Dictionary of Harari, Los Angeles CA 1963.
EDP R. Du Mesnil du Buisson, Études sur les dieux phéniciens hérités par
l’ empire romain, Leiden 1970.
EEU J.-L. Cunchillos-Ilarri, Estudios de epistolografía ugarítica, Valencia 1989.
EgGr A. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar, Oxford 1969.
EHG M.S. Smith, The Early History of God. Yahweh and the Other Deities in
Ancient Israel, San Francisco CA 1990.
EHS 1 H. Kronasser, Etymologie der hethitischen Sprache, 1, Wiesbaden 1966;
2: Ausführliche Indices zu Bd. 1 zusammengestellt von E. Neu, Wies-
baden 1987.
EI Eretz Israel, Jerusalem.
EL P. Fronzaroli, “Eblaic Lexicon”, QuSem 13, 1984, 117–157.
Emar D. Arnaud, Recherches au pays d’ Aštata. Emar VI. 1–2: Textes sumériens
et accadiens. Planches. 3: Textes sumériens et accadiens. Texte. 4: Textes
de la bibliothèque: transcriptions et traductions, Paris 1985/1986/
EML C.H. Gordon, Evidence for the Minoan Language, Ventnor NJ 1966.
EPHEA École Pratique des Hautes Études, Annuaire, Paris.
ER A.-M. Blondeau—K. Schipper (eds.), Essais sur le rituel, I, II, Leuven
Erg. Ergänzungsheft
ERU K.M. McGeough, Exchange Relationships at Ugarit, Leuven/Paris/Dud-
ley MA 2007.
ESP J.J.M. Roberts, The Earliest Semitic Pantheon, Baltimore/London 1972.
ESTU M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Die Elfenbeininschriften und S-Texte aus Uga-
rit, Kevelaer-Neukirchen/Vluyn 1976.
ET English translation
ETL Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Leuven.

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EtSem A. Caquot. ed., Études Sémitiques. Actes du XXIXe Congrès interna-

tional des Orientalistes. Section organisée, Paris 1975.
EU J.-P. Vita, El ejército de Ugarit, Madrid 1995.
EV Extracts from the Vocabulary of Ebla, in MEE 4. Cf. VE.
Faulkner R.O. Faulkner, A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Oxford 1962.
FAUP R.E. Whitaker, Formulaic Analysis of Ugaritic Poetry (doct. diss., Harvard
Univ.) 1969.
FlMar VII J.-M. Durand, Le Culte d’ Addu d’ Alep et l’ affaire d’ Alahtum, Paris 2002.
FO Folia Orientalia, Cracow.
Forte G. Deiana, LʔJ = essere forte nel semitico del nord-ovest e nella bibbia
masoretica, Naples 1984.
Freilassung E. Neu, Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung, I, Wiesbaden 1996.
Fs. Albertz I. Kottsieper—R. Schmitt—J. Wöhrle, eds, Berührungspunkte. Studien
zur Sozial- und Religionsgeschichte Israels und seiner Umwelt. Fest-
schrift für Rainer Albertz zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. Münster 2008.
Fs. Avishur M. Heltzer—M. Malul, eds, Teshûrôt LaAvishur. Studies in the Bible
and Ancient Near East, in Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Fs. Baumgartner Hebräische Wortforschung. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von W.
Baumgartner, Leiden 1967.
Fs. Bergerhof M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, eds, Mesopotamica-Ugaritica-Biblica. Fest-
schrift für K. Bergerhof zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres, Keve-
laer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1993.
Fs. Birot J.-M. Durand—J.-R. Kupper, eds, Miscellanea Babylonica, Paris 1985.
Fs. Bittel R.M. Boehmer—H. Hauptmann, eds., Beiträge zur Altertumskunde
Kleinasiens. Festschrift für K. Bittel, 1. Text, Mainz 1983.
Fs. Bordreuil C. Roche, ed., D’Ougarit à Jérusalem. Recueil d’ études épigraphiques et
archéologiques offertes à Pierre Bordreuil, Paris 2008.
Fs. Carter Y. Arbeitman, ed., The Asia Minor Connection: Studies in the Pre-Greek
Languages in Memory of Charles Carter, Leuven 2000.
Fs. Cazelles A. Caquot—M. Delcor, eds, Mélanges bibliques et orientaux en l’ hon-
neur de M. Henri Cazelles, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1981.
Fs. Civil Velles paraules. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Miguel Civil
on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Sabadell (Barcelona) 1991.
Fs. Cotsen G. Buccellati—M. Kelly-Buccellati, eds, Urkesh and the Hurrians. Stud-
ies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen, Malibu CA, 1983.
Fs. Craigie L. Eslinger—G. Taylor, eds, Ascribe to the Lord. Biblical & other studies
in memory of Peter C. Craigie, Sheffield 1988.
Fs. Cunchillos A. González Blanco—J.P. Vita—J.Á. Zamora, eds, De la Tablilla a la
Inteligencia Artificial, vols. I–II, Zaragoza 2003.

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Fs. Delcor A. Caquot—S. Legasse—M. Tardieu, eds, Mélanges bibliques et orien-

taux en l’ honneur de M. Mathias Delcor, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn
Fs. Del Olmo Lete M. Molina—I. Márquez Rowe—J. Sanmartín, eds, Arbor scientiae.
Estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo dedicados a Gregorio del Olmo
Lete con ocasión de su 65 aniversario, Sabadell (Barcelona) 2000.
Fs. Diakonoff L. Kogan et al., Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff (Babel und Bibel 2), Winona
Lake IN 2005.
Fs. Dietrich O. Loretz.—K.A. Metzler.—H. Schaudig, eds., Ex Mesopotamia et Syria
Lux. Festschrift für Manfried Dietrich zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Mün-
ster 2002.
Fs. Díez Macho D. Muñoz León, ed., Salvación en la Palabra. Targum—Derash—
Berith. En memoria del profesor Alejandro Díez Macho, Madrid 1986.
Fs Dolgopolsky-Jungraithmayr G. Takács, ed., Semito-Hamitic Festschrift for A.B.
Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr, Berlin 2008.
Fs. Elliger H. Gese—H.P. Rüger, eds, Wort und Geschichte, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-
Vluyn 1973.
Fs. Fecht J. Osing—G. Dreyer, eds, Form and Mass, Festschrift für G. Fecht, Wies-
baden 1987.
Fs. Finkelstein M. deJong Ellis, ed., Essays on the Ancient Near East in Memory of
Jacob Joel Finkelstein, Hamden CT 1977.
Fs. Fitzmyer M.P. Horgan—P.J. Kobelski, eds, To Touch the Text. Biblical and Related
Studies in Honor of Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., New York 1989.
Fs. Fleury J.-M. Durand, ed., Florilegium marianum. Recueil d’ études en l’ honneur
de M. Fleury, Tours-Paris 1992.
Fs. Fohrer J.A. Emerton ed., Prophecy. Essays presented to G. Fohrer, Berlin 1980.
Fs. Fronzaroli P. Marrassini et al., eds, Semitic and Assyriological Studies Presented to
Pelio Fronzaroli by Pupils and Colleagues, Wiesbaden 2001.
Fs. Garelli D. Charpin—F. Joannès, eds, Marchands, diplomates et empereurs.
Études sur la civilisation mésopotamienne offertes à P. Garelli, Paris
Fs. Gispen Schrift en uitleg. Studies van oud-leerlingen, collega’s en vrienden aan-
geboden aan Prof. Dr. W.H. Gispen, Kampen 1970.
Fs. Gordon 1973 H.A. Hoffner, ed., Orient and Occident. Essays presented to C.H.
Gordon on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday, Kevelaer/Neu-
kirchen-Vluyn 1973.
Fs. Gordon 1980 G. Rendsburg et al., eds, The Bible World. Essays in Honor of Cyrus
H. Gordon, New York 1980.
Fs. Gordon 1998 M. Lubetski—C. Gottlieb—Sh. Keller, eds., Boundaries of the An-
cient Near Eastern World. A Tribute to Cyrus H. Gordon, Sheffield 1998.

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Fs. Greenfield Z. Zevit—S. Gitin—M. Sokoloff, eds, Solving Riddles and Untying Knots.
Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Green-
field, Winona Lake IN 1995.
Fs. Helck H. Altenmüller—D. Wildung, eds, Festschrift Wolfgang Helck zu seinem
70. Geburtstag (Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 11), Hamburg
Fs. Ivanov T.M. Nikolaev, ed., Studies in Linguistics and Semiotics. A Collection of
Articles for the Anniversary of V.V. Ivanov, Moscow 2010.
Fs. Kienast G.J. Selz, ed., Festschrift für Burkhart Kienast zu seinem 70. Geburtstag,
Münster 2003.
Fs. Landsberger H. Güterbock et al., eds, Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on
His Seventy-Fifth Birthday April 21, 1965, Chicago IL 1965.
Fs. Leslau A.S. Kaye, ed., Semitic Studies. In honor of Wolf Leslau. On the Occasion
of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th 1991, 2 vols., Wiesbaden 1991.
Fs. López J. Cervelló—A.J. Quevedo Álvarez, eds, … ir a buscar leña. Estudios
dedicados al Prof. Jesús López, Barcelona 2001.
Fs. Loretz M. Dietrich—I. Kottsieper, eds, “Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied auf”.
Studien zum Alten Testament und zum Alten Orient. Festschrift für
Oswald Loretz, Münster 1998.
Fs. Matthiae RA 106 2012.
Fs. Millard P. Bienkowski—C. Mee—E. Slater, eds, Writing and Ancient Near East-
ern Society. Papers in Honour of Alan R. Millard, New York/London
Fs. Muraoka M.F.J. Baasten—W.T. van Peursen, eds, Hamlet on a Hill: Semitic and
Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of His
Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Leuven/Paris/Dudley MA 2003.
Fs. Pope J.H. Marks—R.M. Good, eds, Love & Death in the Ancient Near East.
Essays in Honor of Marvin H. Pope, Guilford CT 1987.
Fs. Prado L. Álvarez Verdes—E.J. Alonso Hernández, eds, Homenaje a Juan Prado.
Miscelánea de estudios bíblicos y hebraicos, Madrid 1975.
Fs. Richter W. Gross et al., eds, Text, Methode und Grammatik. Festschrift Wolfgang
Richter zum 65. Geburtstag, St. Ottilien 1991.
Fs. Röllig B. Pongratz-Leisten—H. Kühne—P. Xella, eds., Ana šadî Labnāni lū al-
lik. Beiträge zu altorientalischen und mittelmeerischen Kulturen. Fest-
schrift Wolfgang Röllig, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1997.
Fs. Sanmartín G. del Olmo Lete—Ll. Feliu—A. Millet, eds, Šapal tibnim mû illakū.
Studies Presented to Joaquín Sanmartín on the Occasion of his 65th
Birthday, Sabadell (Barcelona) 2006.
Fs. Segert Maarav 5/6 1990.
Fs. Sjöberg H. Behrens—D. Loding—M.T. Roth, eds, DUMU-E2-DUB-BA-A. Studies
in Honor of Åke W. Sjöberg, Philadelphia PA 1989.

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Fs. Starr D.I. Owen—G. Wilhelm, eds, Richard F.S. Starr Memorial Volume,
Bethesda MD 1996.
Fs. Stier Antike und Universalgeschichte. Festschrift Hans Erich Stier zum 70.
Geburtstag am 25. Mai 1972, Münster 1972.
Fs. Thomas P. Kosta, ed., Studia indogermanica et slavica. Festgabe für Werner Tho-
mas zum 65. Geburtstag, Munich 1988.
Fs. Volterra Studi in onore di E. Volterra, 6, Milan 1971.
Fs. Von Soden M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, eds., Vom Alten Orient zum Alten Testament.
Festschrift für W. Freiherr von Soden zum 85. Geburtstag, Kevelaer/Neu-
kirchen- Vluyn 1995.
Fs. Vööbus R.H. Fisher, ed., A Tribute to Arthur Vööbus: Studies in Early Christian
Literature and its Environment, Primarily in the Syrian East, Chicago IL
Fs. Watson G. del Olmo Lete—J. Vidal—N. Wyatt, eds, The Perfumes of Seven
Tamarisks. Studies in Honour of Wilfred G.E. Watson, Münster 2012.
Fs. Wessetzky Studia aegyptiaca: Receuil d’ études dédiées à Vilmos Wessetzky à l’ oc-
casion de son 65e anniversaire, Budapest 1974.
Fs. Williams G.E. Kadish—G.E. Freeman, eds, Studies in Philology. Festschrift Ronald
James Williams, Toronto 1982.
Fs. Wyatt W.G.E. Watson, ed., “He unfurrowed his brow and laughed”. Essays in
Honour of Professor Nicolas Wyatt, Münster 2007.
Fs. Xella O. Loretz et al., eds, Ritual, Religion and Reason. Studies in the Ancient
World in Honour of Paolo Xella, Münster 2013.
FuF Forschungen und Fortschritte, Berlin.
GA U. Cassuto, The Goddess Anath, Jerusalem 1971.
GAG W. von Soden (unter Mitarbeit von W.R. Mayer), Grundriss der akkadis-
chen Grammatik, Rome 19953.
GAGl D. Sivan, Grammatical Analysis and Glossary of the Northwest Semitic
Vocables in Akkadian Texts of the 15th–13th C.B.C. from Canaan and
Syria, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1984.
GAK O. Loretz, Götter—Ahnen—Könige als gerechte Richter, Münster 2003.
GAR E. Neu, Glossar zu den althethitischen Ritualtexten, Wiesbaden 1983.
Gardiner Hieroglyphic sign in the catalogue in EgGr.
GBH P. Joüon, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Transl. and rev. by T. Muraoka.
Vol. I. Part one: Orthography and phonetics; two: Morphology. Vol. 2.
Part three: Syntax; paradigms and indices, Rome 1991.
GBM M. Wakeman, God’s Battle with the Monster. A Study in Biblical Imagery,
Leiden 1973.
GCD J. Day, God’s conflict with the dragon and the sea. Echoes of a Canaanite
myth in the Old Testament, Cambridge 1985.

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GEL H.G. Liddell—R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon. With a Supplement,

Oxford 1968.
General’s Letter S. Izre’el—I. Singer, The General’s Letter from Ugarit: A Linguistic
and Historical Reevaluation of RS 20.33 (Ugaritica V, No. 20), Tel Aviv
GeSyr H. Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend v.u.Z., Teile 1, 2, 3, Berlin
GG C.M. Foley, The Gracious Gods and The Royal Ideology of Ugarit (doct.
diss., McMaster Univ.) 1980.
GGA Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, Göttingen.
GHL F.W. Bush, A Grammar of the Hurrian Language (doct. diss., Brandeis
Univ.) 1964.
Giacumakis G. Giacumakis, The Akkadian of Alalaḫ, The Hague 1970.
GKT W. Hecker, Grammatik der Kültepe-Texte, Rome 1968.
GlAKI B. Kienast—W. Sommerfeld, Glossar zu den altakkadischen Königsin-
schriften, Stuttgart 1994. Cf. AKDT.
GLECS Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d’ Études Chamito-Sémi-
tiques, Paris.
GLH E. Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite, Paris 1980.
GPOTU M. Heltzer, Goods, prices and the organization of Trade in Ugarit, Wies-
baden 1978.
GRANE M. Münnich, The God Reshep in the Ancient Near East, Tübingen 2013.
GUL D. Sivan, A Grammar of the Ugaritic Language, Leiden 1997, 20012.
GvG/1–2 C. Brockelmann, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitis-
chen Sprachen in zwei Bänden, Hildesheim 1961.
Habiru O. Loretz, Habiru—Hebräer. Eine soziolinguistische Studie über die
Herkunft des Gentiliziums ʿibrî vom Apellativum ḫabiru, Berlin/New
York 1984.
HAH W. Gesenius, Hebräisches und aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das
Alte Testament, bearb. von Frants Buhl. Unveränderter Neudruck der
1915 erschienenen 17. Auflage, Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1950.
HäK J. von Beckerath, Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen, München
HAL L. Koehler—W. Baumgartner, Hebräisches und aramäisches Lexikon
zum Alten Testament, Leiden 1967–1990.
HALOT The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, vols. I–V (re-
vised ET of HAL by M.E.J. Richardson), Leiden 1994–2000.
HAM A. Salonen, Die Hausgeräte des alten Mesopotamien nach sumerisch-
akkadischen Quellen, I, Helsinki 1965; II, Helsinki 1966.
Harris Z.S. Harris, A Grammar of the Phoenician Language, New Haven CT

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Hava J.G. Hava, Al-faraid Arabic-English dictionary, Beirut 1964.

HBHS V. Haas, Hethitische Berggötter und hurritische Steindämonen. Riten,
Kulte und Mythen, Mainz am Rhein 1982.
HBR G. Beckman, Hittite Birth Rituals: an Introduction, Malibu CA 1978.
HED J. Puhvel, Hittite Etymological Dictionary, Iff., Berlin 1984ff.
HEG J. Tischler, Hethitisches etymologisches Glossar, Iff., Innsbruck 1983ff.
HH V. Haas, ed., Hurriter und Hurrisch, Konstanz 1988.
HHA A.D. (Draffkorn-)Kilmer, Hurrians and Hurrian at Alalaḫ. An Ethno-
Linguistic Analysis (doct. diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania) 1959.
HippHeth A. Kammenhuber, Hippologia hethitica, Wiesbaden 1961.
HippUg O. Loretz, Hippologia Ugaritica. Das Pferd in Kultur, Wirtschaft, Krieg-
führung und Hippiatrie Ugarits …, Münster 2011.
Historiae Historiae, Barcelona.
HistSprachf. Historische Sprachforschung / Historical Linguistics, Göttingen.
HL T.M. Johnstone, Ḥarsūsi Lexicon, London 1977.
HS M.C. Astour, Hellenosemitica, Leiden 19672.
HSED V.E. Orel—O.V. Stolbova, Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary.
Materials for a Reconstruction, Leiden 1995.
HSS 9 R.H. Pfeiffer, Excavations at Nuzi 2, Cambridge MA 1932.
HSS 13 R.H. Pfeiffer—E.R. Lacheman, Excavations at Nuzi 4, Cambridge MA
HU I.M. Diakonoff, Hurrisch und Urartäisch, Munich 1971.
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual, Cincinnati OH.
Hurrians G. Wilhelm, The Hurrians, Warminster 1989 (ET of Grundzüge der Ge-
schichte und Kultur der Hurriter, Darmstadt 1982).
HUS W.G.E. Watson—N. Wyatt, eds., Handbook of Ugaritic Studies, Leiden/
Boston/Köln 1999.
HW J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Kurzgefasste kritische Sammlung
der Deutungen hethitischer Wörter, Heidelberg 1952 ff.
HW2 J. Friedrich—A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch (Zweite, völ-
lig neubearbeitete Auflage), Iff., Heidelberg 1975 ff.
HWSS A. Murtonen, Hebrew in its West Semitic Setting, Leiden/New York/
København/Köln 1989.
HZL C. Rüster—E. Neu, Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon. Inventar und Inter-
pretation der Keilschriftzeichen aus den Boğazköy-Texten, Wiesbaden
ICE T.O. Lambdin, Introduction to Classical Ethiopic (Ge’ez), Missoula MT
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal, Jerusalem.
Ilku I. Márquez Rowe, El ilku en Ugarit. Estudio contextual acerca del sis-

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tema tributario territorial (doct. diss. in history, Univ. of Barcelona)

IMC G. del Olmo Lete, Interpretación de la mitología cananea. Estudios de
semántica ugarítica, Valencia 1984.
IncGr Incunabula Graeca, Rome. Cf. SMEA.
Indo-Arier M. Mayrhofer, Die Indo-Arier im Alten Vorderasien, Wiesbaden 1966.
IOKU M. Heltzer, Internal Organization of the Kingdom of Ugarit, Wiesbaden
IOS Israel Oriental Studies, Jerusalem.
Ishtar J.C. Oliva, Ishtar Syria. La deidad semítico-occidental en los textos aca-
dios del Oeste (doct. diss. in history, Univ. of Murcia) 1994.
JA M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, “Jahwe und seine Ashera”. Anthropomorphes
Kultbild in Mesopotamien, Ugarit und Israel. Das Biblische Bilderver-
bot, Münster 1992.
JANER Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Chicago IL.
JANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University,
New York.
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society, Baltimore MD.
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia PA.
JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies, New Haven CT.
JEOL Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente
Lux, Leiden.
JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden.
JIVUF Jahresbericht des Instituts für Vorgeschichte der Universität Frankfurt
a. M.
JJS Journal of Jewish Studies, Oxford.
JKF Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische Forschung. Internationale Orientalistische
Zeitschrift, Heidelberg.
JL T.M. Johnstone, Jibbāli Lexicon, Oxford 1981.
JMC Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes, St-Germain-en-Laye.
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Chicago IL.
JNSL Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, Stellenbosch.
JPOS Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society, Jerusalem.
JSS Journal of Semitic Studies, Manchester.
JSSEA Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, Toronto.
JThS Journal of Theological Studies, Oxford etc.
KA M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Die Keilalphabete. Die phönizisch-kanaanäi-
schen und altarabischen Alphabete in Ugarit, Münster 1988.
Kadmos Kadmos. Zeitschrift für vor- und frühgriechische Epigraphik, Berlin.
KAI H. Donner—W. Röllig, Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften, I–III,
Wiebaden 1969.

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Kaškäer E. von Schuler, Die Kaškäer. Ein Beitrag zur Ethnographie des alten
Kleinasiens, Berlin 1965.
Kition 3 M.G. Guzzo Amadasi—V. Karageorgis, Fouilles de Kition, III. Inscrip-
tions phéniciennes, Nicosia 1977.
KlPauly Der Kleine Pauly. Lexikon der Antike in fünf Bänden, Munich 1975.
KTBš Keilalphabetischer Text aus Bēt Šemeš (as in KA).
KTHST Keilalphabetischer Text aus Hala Sultan Tekke (as in KA).
KTKL Keilalphabetischer Text aus Kāmid el-Lōz (as in KA).
KTS Keilalphabetischer Text aus Sarafand (as in KA).
KTT Keilalphabetischer Text aus Tabor (as in KA).
KTTNM Keilalphabetischer Text aus Tell Nebî Mend (as in KA).
KTTT Keilalphabetischer Text aus Tell Taanak (as in KA).
KTU(1) M. Dietrich—O. Loretz—J. Sanmartín, Die keilalphabetischen Texte
aus Ugarit. Einschliesslich der keilalphabetischen Texte ausserhalb
Ugarits, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1976.
KTU(2) M. Dietrich—O. Loretz—J. Sanmartín, The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts
from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places (KTU: second, enlarged
edition), Münster 1995.
KTU(3) M. Dietrich—O. Loretz—J. Sanmartín, The Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts
from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places (Third, Enlarged Edition),
Münster 2013.
KWH M.S. Smith, Kothar wa-Hasis, The Ugaritic Craftsman God (doct. diss.,
Yale Univ.) 1985.
KWU J. Tropper, Kleines Wörterbuch des Ugaritischen, Wiesbaden 2008.
LÄ W. Helck—E. Otto (—W. Westendorf), Lexikon der Ägyptologie, Iff.,
Wiesbaden 1975 ff.
Landf. A. Salonen, Die Landfahrzeuge des alten Mesopotamien nach sume-
risch-akkadischen Quellen, Helsinki 1951.
LDUT S.Y. Cho, Lesser Deities in the Ugaritic Texts and the Hebrew Bible.
A Comparative Study of Their Nature and Roles, Piscataway NJ 2007.
LEA W. Moran, Les Lettres d’ El Amarna, Cf. AmL.
LEbla L. Cagni, ed., La lingua di Ebla. Atti del convegno internazionale (Napoli,
21–23 aprile 1980), Naples 1981.
LEM P. Marrassini, Formazione del lessico dell’edilizia militare nel semitico
di Siria, Florence 1971.
Lesh Leshonenu, Jerusalem.
LHL S. De Martino—M. Giorgieri, Literatur zum hurritischen Lexikon, Band
1/A, Florence 2008.
LIQ S.D. Ricks, Lexicon of Inscriptional Qatabanian, Rome 1989.
LLAetp C.F. Dillmann, Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae, Osnabrück 1970.

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Loanwords Y. Muchiki, Egyptian Proper Names and Loanwords in North-West

Semitic, Atlanta GA 1999.
LRUA I. Al-Yasin, The Lexical Relation between Ugaritic and Arabic (doct. diss.,
Princeton Univ.) 1950.
LSem G. Garbini, Le lingue semitiche. Studi di storia linguistica, Naples 1972.
LSU W.G.E. Watson, Lexical Studies in Ugaritic, Sabadell (Barcelona) 2007.
LVTL L. Koehler—W. Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti libros, Lei-
den 1958.
MAD I.J. Gelb, Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary, 1, Chicago IL 1961; 2,
Chicago IL 19612; 3, Chicago IL 1957.
ManUg P. Bordreuil—D. Pardee, A Manual of Ugaritic, Winona Lake IN 2009.
Marzeaḥ L. Miralles Maciá, Marzeaḥ y thíasos. Una institución convival en el
Oriente Próximo Antiguo y el Mediterráneo, Madrid 2007.
MEE Materiali epigrafici di Ebla, Naples.
Mél. Laroche E. Masson, ed., Florilegium Anatolicum. Mélanges offerts à Emmanuel
Laroche, Paris 1979.
Mél. Lebrun M. Mazoyer—O. Casabonne, eds, Antiquus Oriens. Mélanges offerts au
Professeur René Lebrun (Volume I), Paris 2004.
MGD P.L. Watson, Mot, the god of death, at Ugarit and in the Old Testament
(doct. diss., Yale Univ.) 1970.
MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung, Berlin.
MKNAWL Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Weten-
schappen afd. Letterkunde, Amsterdam.
ML T.M. Johnstone, Mehri Lexicon and English-Mehri Word-list, London
MLC G. Del Olmo Lete, Mitos y leyendas de Canaán según la tradición de
Ugarit, Valencia/Madrid 1981.
MLD B. Margalit, A Matter of ‘Life’ and ‘Death’. A Study of the Baal-Mot Epic
(CTA 4-5-6), Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1980.
MLE Materiali lessicali ed epigrafici, I, Rome 1982.
MLMC F. Briquel-Chatonnet, ed., Mosaïque de Langues Mosaïque culturelle. Le
Bilinguisme dans le Proche-Orient Ancien, Paris 1996.
MLRSO G. del Olmo Lete, Mitos, leyendas y rituales de los semitas occidentales,
Madrid 1998.
Modi E. Verreet, Modi Ugaritici. Eine morpho-syntaktische Abhandlung über
das Modalsystem im Ugaritischen, Leuven 1988.
Molek G.C. Heider, The Cult of Molek: A Reassessment, Sheffield 1985.
Mondgott G. Theuer, Der Mondgott in den Religionen Syrien-Palästinas: unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung von KTU 1.24, Freiburg/Göttingen 2000.
MoP N. Wyatt, Myths of Power. A study of royal myth and ideology in Ugaritic
and biblical tradition, Münster 1996.

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MPDAI F. Pecchioli Daddi, Mestieri, professioni e dignità nell’Anatolia ittita,

Rome 1982.
MR G.D. Young, ed., Mari in Retrospect. Fifty years of Mari and Mari studies,
Winona Lake IN 1992.
MROA I/II G. del Olmo Lete, ed., Mitología y religión del Oriente Antiguo, vols. I,
II/1–2, Sabadell (Barcelona) 1993/1995.
MRSO I/II G. del Olmo Lete, Mythologie et Religion des Semites Occidentaux, I–II,
Leuven/Paris/Dudley MA 2008.
MSL Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon, Rome.
MŠŠ P. Xella, Il mito di ŠḤR e ŠLM. Saggio sulla mitologia ugaritica, Rome
MU M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Mantik in Ugarit. Keilalphabetische Texte der
Opferschau—Omensammlungen—Nekromantie. Mit Beiträgen von
H.W. Duerbeck—J.-W. Meyer—W.C. Seitter, Münster 1990.
MVEOL Mededelingen en Verhandelingen van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Ge-
nootschap, Leiden.
Naʕar C.S. Leeb, Away from the Father’s House. The Social Location of naʿar
and naʿarah in Ancient Israel, Sheffield 2000.
NABU Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires, Paris.
Nahum K.J. Cathcart, Nahum in the Light of Northwest Semitic, Rome 1972.
NAT S. Parpola, Neo-Assyrian Toponyms, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970.
NE R. Du Mesnil du Buisson, Nouvelles études sur les dieux et les mythes
de Canaan, Leiden 1973.
NH E. Laroche, Les noms des hittites, Paris 1966.
Nomades J.-R. Kupper, Les nomades en Mésopotamie au temps des rois de Mari,
Paris 1957.
NPN I.J. Gelb—P.M. Purves—A.A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names, Chicago IL
NU L. Ajjan, Notes Ugaritiques, Doha-Qatar 1983
NUS Newsletter for Ugaritic Studies, Calgary.
NuzHur Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, 1–5,
Winona Lake IN 1982–1995; 6 ff., Bethesda MD 1994 ff.
Nuzi W. Mayer, Nuzi-Studien I. Die Archive des Palastes und die Prosopogra-
phie der Berufe, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1975.
NYCI J.C. de Moor, New Year with Canaanites and Israelites, 1–2, Kampen 1972.
OH M. Heltzer, Die Organisation des Handwerks im “Dunklen Zeitalter”
und im I. Jahrtausend v.u.Z. im östlichem [sic!] Mittelmeergebiet, Padua
OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, Leuven.
OLD P.G.W. Glare, ed., Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford 20122.

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OLP Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica, Leuven.

OLZ Orientalische Literaturzeitung, Berlin.
O&M/A 9 C. Roche-Hawley—R. Hawley, eds., Scribes et érudits dans l’ orbite de
Babylone, Paris 2012.
Opfermaterie F. Blome, Die Opfermaterie in Babylonien und Israel, I, Rome 1934.
Or Orientalia. Nova Series, Rome.
OrAn Oriens Antiquus, Rome.
Oriens Oriens. Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research, Lei-
OuBMBR Y. Calvet—M. Yon, eds, Ougarit au Bronze moyen et au Bronze récent
(Fs. G. Saadé), Lyon 2008.
Panth. A. Deimel, Pantheon babylonicum. Nomina deorum e textibus cuneifor-
mibus excerpta, Rome 1914.
PEPI S. Gevirtz, Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel, Chicago IL 1963.
PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly, London.
PeredSb Peredneaziatskiy Sbornik, Moscow.
PET M. Krebernik, Die Personennamen der Ebla-Texte, Berlin 1988.
PI E. Zurro, Procedimientos iterativos en la poesía ugarítica y hebrea, Rome
PIBA Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association, Dublin.
PIH S. Abbadi, Die Personennamen der Inschriften aus Hatra, Hildesheim
PIHANS 114 W.H. van Soldt, ed., Society and Administration in Ancient Ugarit, Lei-
den 2010.
PL B. Levine, In the Presence of the Lord: A Study of Cult and Some Cultic
Terms in Ancient Israel, Leiden. 1974.
PLM C.H. Gordon, “Poetic Legends and Myths from Ugarit”, Berytus 25, 1977,
PNPPI F.L. Benz, Personal Names in the Phoenician and Punic Inscriptions,
Rome 1972.
PNT S.B. Parker, The Pre-Biblical Narrative Tradition, Atlanta GA 1989.
Poids J.-C. Courtois, “Poids, prix, taxes et salaires à Ougarit (Syrie) au IIe mil-
lénaire”, in: R. Gyselen, ed., Prix, salaires, poids et mesures, Paris 1990,
PrepEb M.V. Tonietti, Aspetti del sistema preposizionale dell’eblaita, Venice
Proto-Akkadian I.J. Gelb, Sequential Reconstruction of Proto-Akkadian, Chicago IL
PRU Le Palais Royal d’ Ugarit, Paris.
Psalmen 2 O. Loretz, Die Psalmen II: Beitrag der Ugarit-Texte zum Verständnis

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von Kolometrie und Textologie der Psalmen. Psalm 90–150, Kevelaer

Psalms 2 M.J. Dahood, Psalms II 51–100, Garden City NY 1968.
Pss. P.C. Craigie, Word Biblical Commentary, Vol. 19. Psalms 1–50, Waco
TX 1983.
PTE R. Pruzsinszky, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Emar, Bethesda MD
PtL P. Wilson, Ptolemaic Lexikon. A Lexicographical Study of the Texts in
the Temple of Edfu, Leuven 1997.
PTU F. Gröndahl, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit, Rome 1967.
PU/1–2 K. Aartun, Die Partikeln des Ugaritischen, 1. Teil, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-
Vluyn 1974; 2. Teil, Kevelaer/ Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978.
QuSem Quaderni di Semitistica, Florence.
QuSem 2 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Studies on Semitic Lexicography, Florence 1973.
QuSem 13 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Studies on the Language of Ebla, Florence 1984.
QuSem 15 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Miscellanea Eblaitica 1, Florence 1988.
QuSem 16 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Miscellanea Eblaitica, 2, Florence 1989.
QuSem 17 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Miscellanea Eblaitica 3, Florence 1990.
QuSem 18 P. Fronzaroli, ed., Literature and Literary Language at Ebla, Florence
RA Revue d’ Assyriologie et d’ archéologie orientale, Paris.
RANL Rendiconti dell’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome.
RC G. del Olmo, La religión cananea según la liturgia de Ugarit, Sabadell
(Barcelona) 1992.
RCAU M. Heltzer, The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit, Wiesbaden 1976.
RCG C.E. L’Heureux, Rank among the Canaanite Gods. El, Baʾal, and the
Repha’im, Missoula MT 1979.
RCU D. Pardee, Ritual and Cult at Ugarit, Leiden/Boston/ Köln 2002.
RDAC Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, Nicosia.
RDU I. Márquez, The Royal Deeds of Ugarit, Münster 2006.
RGG O. Eissfeldt et al., Religionsgeschichte des Alten Orients, Leiden 1964.
RGTC Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes. Beihefte zum Tü-
binger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Wiesbaden.
RHA Revue hittite et asianique, Paris.
Rituale G. Pettinato, Il rituale per la successione al trono di Ebla, Rome 1992.
RlA Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Band
Iff., Berlin etc. 1932 ff.
RM M.S. Smith, The Rituals and Myths of the Feast of the Goodly Gods of
KTU/CAT 1.23, Atlanta GA 2006.
RNDH E. Laroche, Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites, Paris 1947.

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RPLHA Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’ Histoire anciennes, Paris.

RR The Review of Religions, New York.
RSCD E. Lipiński, Reshep. A Syro-Canaanite Deity, Leuven 2009.
RSF Rivista di Studi Fenici, Rome.
RSOu Ras Shamra-Ougarit. Publications de la Mission Française Archéolo-
gique de Ras Shamra-Ougarit, Paris.
ROuCEu J.-M. Michaud, Le Royaume d’ Ougarit de la Crète à l’ Euphrate. Nou-
veaux axes de recherche. Actes du Congrès International de Sherbrooke
2005 … Sherbrooke 2007.
RSOu 7 P. Bordreuil, ed., Une bibliothèque au sud de la ville. Les textes de la 34e
campagne (1973), Paris 1991.
RSOu 9 P. Amiet, Corpus des cylindres de Ras Shamra-Ougarit, II: Sceaux-
cylindres en hématite et pierres diverses, Paris 1992.
RSOu 11 M. Yon—M. Sznycer—P. Bordreuil, eds, Le pays d’ Ougarit autour de
1200 av. J.C., Actes du Colloque (Paris 1993), Paris 1995
RSOu 14 M. Yon—D. Arnaud, eds, Études ougaritiques, I: Travaux 1985–1995,
Paris 2001.
RSOu 17 V. Matoïan, ed., Le mobilier du Palais Royal d’ Ougarit, Lyon 2008.
RSOu 18 P. Bordreuil—D. Pardee, eds, Une bibliothèque au sud de la ville***.
Textes 1994–2002 en cunéiforme alphabétique de la Maison d’ Ourte-
nou, Lyon 2012.
RSP I–III L.R. Fisher et al., eds., Ras Shamra Parallels. The Texts from Ugarit and
the Hebrew Bible, I–III, Rome 1972/1975/1981.
RTL Revue Théologique de Louvain, Leuven.
RTU N. Wyatt, Religious Texts from Ugarit. The Words of Ilimilku and his
Colleagues, Sheffield 1998.
RTUG D. Pardee’s review of J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik, on line.
RU J.-M. Michaud, ed., Le royaume d’ Ougarit. De la Crète à l’ Euphrate.
Nouveaux axes de recherche, Sherbrook 2007.
RY J.C. de Moor, The Rise of Yahwism. The Roots of Israelite Monotheism,
Leuven 19901; 19972.
SAA State Archives of Assyria, Helsinki.
SAG A. Deimel, Sumerisches Lexikon, III/1. Sumerisch-akkadisches Glossar,
Rome 1934.
SAIO E. Lipiński, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics, 1, Leuven
Sal29 J.L. Cunchillos, Estudio del Salmo 29. Canto al Dios de la fertilidad-
fecundidad, Valencia 1976.
Salmanticensis Salmanticensis, Salamanca.
SAU W.H. van Soldt, Studies in the Akkadian of Ugarit, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-
Vluyn 1991.

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SBE N. Fernández Marcos et al., Simposio Bíblico Español (Salamanca 1982),

Madrid 1984.
ScHier Scripta Hierosolymitana, Jerusalem.
Schlaf W. Farber; Schlaf, Kindchen, schlaf!: mesopotamische Baby-Beschwö-
rungen und -Rituale, Winona Lake IN 1989.
ScMed Scripta Mediterranea, Toronto.
SCO Studi Classici e Orientali, Pisa.
SD A.F.L. Beeston—M.A. Ghul—W.W. Müller—J. Ryckmans, Sabaic Dictio-
nary / Dictionnaire sabéen, Louvain-la-Neuve/Beyrouth 1982.
SDB Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible, Paris.
SEC Semitica et Classica, Turnhout.
SED 1–2 A. Militarev—L. Kogan, Semitic Etymological Dictionary, Vol. 1. Ana-
tomy of Man and Animals, Vol. 2. Animal Names, Münster 2000/2005.
SEL Studi epigrafici e linguistici sul Vicino Oriente antico, Verona.
SemAnt 1 J.P. Monferrer, W.G.E. Watson, eds, Archaism and Innovation in the
Semitic Languages (Semitica Antiqva 1), Cordoba 2013.
Semitica Semitica. Institut d’ études sémitiques de l’ Université de Paris, Paris.
SfM J. Hoftijzer, A Search for Method. A Study in the Syntactic Use of the
h-locale in Classical Hebrew, Leiden 1981.
SFPK B. Bandstra, The Syntactic Function of the Particle ky in Biblical Hebrew
and Ugaritic (doct. diss., Yale Univ.) 1982.
SG A.F.L. Beeston, Sabaic Grammar, Manchester 1984.
SGUPT S.B. Parker, Studies in the Grammar of Ugaritic Prose Texts (doct. diss.,
The Johns Hopkins Univ.) 1967.
SHJP B. Oded et al. (eds.), Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the
Land of Israel, Haifa 1974.
ShP R.M. Good, The Sheep of His Pasture: A Study of The Hebrew Noun
ʿAm(m) and Its Semitic Cognates, Chico CA 1983.
Siedlungsgeographie G.G.W. Müller, Studien zur Siedlungsgeographie und Bevölke-
rung des mittleren Osttigrisgebietes, Heidelberg 1994.
Šiqlu S. Karwiese, Šiqlu, Kite und Stater. Der Weg zu einer neuen Metrologie
des Altertums. I. Mesopotamien, Paris 1990.
SL C. Brockelmann—M. Sokoloff, A Syriac Lexicon, Winona Lake IN/Pis-
cataway NJ 2009.
SLOBA S. Lieberman, The Sumerian Loanwords in Old-Babylonian Akkadian,
Missoula MT 1977.
SMEA Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici, Rome. Cf. IncGr.
SMS Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, Malibu CA.
Song M.H. Pope, Song of Songs. A New Translation with Introducion and
Commentary, Garden City NY 1977.

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xxxviii list of abbreviations

SP J.C. de Moor, The Seasonal Pattern in the Ugaritic Myth of Baʕlu, Keve-
laer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1971.
SPARI M. Maraqten, Die semitischen Personennamen in den alt- und reichs-
aramäischen Inschriften aus Vorderasien, Hildesheim/Zürich/New
York 1988.
SPGÄ R. Stadelmann, Syrisch-palästinische Gottheiten in Ägypten, Leiden
SPNATU D.F. Kinlaw, A Study of the Personal Names in the Akkadian Texts from
Ugarit (doct. diss., Brandeis Univ.) 1967.
SQF G. Conti, Il sillabario de la quarta fonte della lista lessicale bilingue
eblaita, Florence 1990.
SS A.F. Rainey, A Social Structure of Ugarit (doct. diss., Brandeis Univ.,
1962), Ann Arbor MI 1974 (Hb. ed. 1967).
SSCE Y. Cohen, The Scribes and Scholars of the City of Emar in the Late Bronze
Age, Winona Lake IN 2009.
SSS A. Strobel, Der spätbronzezeitliche Seevölkersturm, Berlin/New York
StBoT Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, Wiesbaden.
StBoT 31 F. Starke, Untersuchungen zur Stammbildung des keilschrift-luwischen
Nomens, Wiesbaden 1990.
StEb Studi Eblaiti, Rome.
Stelen E. Edel, “Die Stelen Amenophis’ II”, ZDPV 69, 1953, 97–176.
Storia M. Liverani, Storia di Ugarit nell’età degli archivi politici, Rome 1962.
StPh Studia Phoenicia, Leuven.
StTh Studia Theologica, Oslo.
Studien M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Studien zu den ugaritischen Texten I. Mythos
und Ritual in KTU 1.12, 1.24, 1.96, 1.100 und 1.114, Münster 2000.
StUL K. Aartun, Studien zur ugaritischen Lexikographie, I, Wiesbaden 1991.
StylSt Y. Avishur, Stylistic Studies of Word-Pairs in Biblical and Ancient Semitic
Languages, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1984.
Subartu A. Ungnad, Subartu. Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Völkerkunde
Vorderasiens, Berlin/Leipzig 1936.
SUL M. Held, Studies in Ugaritic Lexicography and Poetic Style, Baltimore
MD 1957.
Šulmu P. Vavroušek—V. Souček, eds., Šulmu. Papers on the Ancient Near East.
Presented at 3. International Conference of Socialist Countries (Prague
1986), Prague 1988.
šumma izbu N. de Zorzi, Divinazione e intertestualità. La serie divinatoria shumma
izbu e il suo orizzonte culturale, Diss. Univ. Ca’Foscari Venice 2010–2011.
SURS D.M. Clemens, Sources for Ugaritic Ritual and Sacrifices, 1, Münster 2001.

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list of abbreviations xxxix

SWET J.E. Hoch, Semitic Words in Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom and the
Third Intermediate Period, Princeton NJ 1994.
Syria Syria. Revue d’ art oriental et d’ archéologie, Paris.
Syria Handbook H. Klengel, Syria 3000 to 300 B.C. A Handbook of Political History,
Berlin 1992.
Tākultu R. Frankena, Tākultu. De sacrale maaltijd in het Assyrische ritueel, med
een overzicht over de in Assur vereerde goden, Leiden 1954.
TCSU W.H. van Soldt, The Topography of the City-State of Ugarit, Münster
Tel Aviv Tel Aviv. Journal of the Tel Aviv University. Institute of Archaeology, Tel
Tessili S. Ribichini—P. Xella, La terminologia dei tessili nei testi di Ugarit,
Rome 1985.
TH D. Pardee, Les textes hippiatriques, Paris 1985.
ThLS R. Payne-Smith, Thesaurus Linguae Syriacae, I, II, Oxford 1879, 1901 (repr.
Hildesheim/New York 1981).
TI I.J. Gelb, “Thoughts about Ibla”, SMS 1/1,1977, 3–30.
TIE G. Pettinato—F. d’Agostino, Thesaurus inscriptionum eblaicarum. Vol.
A1–2, Rome 1995/1997.
TM L. Ehrlich et al., eds, Textures and Meanings: Thirty Years of Judaic
Studies at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst 2004.
TMMANE M. Stol, On Trees, Mountains, and Millstones in Ancient Near East,
Leiden 1979.
TNT F.O. Hvidberg-Hansen, Une étude sur la religion canaanéo-punique,
I–II, Copenhagen 1979.
TopAn M.C. Astour, “Continuité et changement dans la toponymie de la Syrie
du nord”, in: La toponymie antique. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg
1975, Leiden 1977, 117–141.
Topography W.H. van Soldt, The Topography of the City-State of Ugarit, Münster
TOu/1–2 Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient. Textes Ougaritiques, I. Mythes
et légendes, Paris 1974; II. Textes religieux. Rituels. Correspondance,
Paris 1989.
TPM D. Pardee, Les textes para-mythologiques de la 24e campagne (1961),
Paris 1988.
TPNAH J.D. Fowler, Theophoric Personal Names in Ancient Hebrew, Sheffield
TR/1–2 D. Pardee, Les Textes Rituels. Fascicules 1–2, Paris 2000.
Trattato G.F. del Monte, Il trattato fra Muršili II di Ḫattuša e Niqmepaʿ di Ugarit,
Rome 1986.

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TRU P. Xella, I testi rituali di Ugarit, I. Testi, Rome 1981.

TT C. Michel—M.-L. Nosch, eds, Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near
East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennia BC, Oxford
TUAT II/3 M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Ugaritische Rituale und Beschwörungen, in
C. Butterweck et al., Religiöse Texte, Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten
Testaments, Band II. Gütersloh 1988.
TUAT III/6 M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Mythen und Epen IV, in O. Kaiser, ed, Texte aus
der Umwelt des Alten Textaments, Band III/6. Gütersloh 1997.
TWAT J. Botterbeck—H. Ringgren, eds, Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Alten
Testament, Stuttgart 1970–2000.
UBC 1 M.S. Smith, The Ugaritic Baal Cycle, I, Leiden/New York/Köln 1994.
UBC 2 M.S. Smith—W.T. Pitard, The Ugaritic Baal Cycle, II, Leiden/Boston
UBL Ugaritisch-Biblische Literatur, Münster.
UBL 12 N. Wyatt—W.G.E. Watson—J.B. Lloyd, Ugarit, religion and culture. Pro-
ceedings of the International Colloquium on Ugarit, religion and cul-
ture, Edinburgh 1994, Münster 1996.
UDGG D.T. Tsumura, The Ugaritic Drama of the Good Gods. A Philological
Study (doct. diss., Brandeis Univ.) 1973.
UF Ugarit-Forschungen, Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn.
UG1/2 J. Tropper, Ugaritische Grammatik, Münster 20001, 20122.
Ug 5 J. Nougayrol et al., eds, Ugaritica V. Nouveaux textes …, Paris 1968.
Ug 6 C.-F.A. Schaeffer, ed., Ugaritica VI … à l’ occasion de la XXXe campagne
…, Paris 1969.
Ug 7 C.-F.A. Schaeffer et al., eds, Ugaritica VII, Paris/Leiden 1978.
UgET K.M. McGeough, Ugaritic Economic Tablets. Text, Translation and
Notes. Leuven/Paris/Walpole MA 2011.
UHT C. Cohen—D. Sivan, The Ugaritic Hippiatric Texts: a Critical Edition,
New Haven CT 1983.
ULe J.C. de Moor, “Ugaritic Lexicography”, in: P. Fronzaroli, ed., Studies on
Semitic Lexicography, Florence 1973, 61–102.
UNP S.B. Parker, Ugaritic Narrative Poetry, Atlanta GA, 1997.
UPA B. Margalit, The Ugaritic Poem of Aqht, Berlin 1989.
UR G.D. Young, ed., Ugarit in Retrospect. Fifty Years of Ugarit and Ugaritic,
Winona Lake IN 1981.
US M.S. Smith, Untold Stories. The Bible and Ugarit Studies in the Twenti-
eth Century, Peabody MA 2001.
USF K. Lawson Younger, ed., Ugarit at Seventy-Five, Winona Lake IN 2007
UT C.H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook, Rome 1965 (vocabulary cited by num-
ber; grammar cited by §).

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list of abbreviations xli

UVAT J.L. Boyd III, A Collection and Examination of the Ugaritic Vocabulary
Contained in the Akkadian Texts from Ras Shamra (doct. diss., Univ. of
Chicago) 1975.
UVST J. Huehnergard, Ugaritic Vocabulary in Syllabic Transcription, Atlanta
GA 20082.
VDI Vestnik drevney istorii. Journal of Ancient History, Moscow.
VE Vocabulary of Ebla, reconstructed in MEE 4. Cf. EV.
Vid J.-Á. Zamora, La vid y el vino en Ugarit, Madrid 2000.
VO Vicino Oriente, Rome.
Vocabulary E.J. Pentiuc, West Semitic Vocabulary in the Akkadian Texts from Emar,
Winona Lake IN 2001.
VT Vetus Testamentum, Leiden.
VTS Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, Leiden.
Waffen A. Salonen, Die Waffen der alten Mesopotamier. Eine lexikalische und
kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Helsinki 1965.
WäS/1–7 A. Erman—H. Grapow, Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, vols. 1–7,
Berlin 1926–1963.
WbMyth H.W. Haussig, ed., Wörterbuch der Mythologie. Erste Abteilung: Die
Alten Kulturvölker, I. Götter und Mythen im vorderen Orient, Stuttgart
WCJS World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.
WGE H. Waetzold—H. Hauptman, eds., Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft von
Ebla. Akten der Internationalen Tagung Heidelberg 4.-7. November
1986, Heidelberg 1988.
Wine Lists J. Kinnier Wilson, The Nimrud Wine Lists, London 1972.
WKAS M. Ullmann, Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache, Wies-
baden 1970 ff.
WList M. Dietrich—O. Loretz, Word-List of the Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts
from Ugarit, Ras Ibn Hani and Other Places (KTU: second, enlarged
edition), Münster 1996.
WO Die Welt des Orients, Göttingen.
WSVES D. Sivan—Z. Cochavi-Rainey, West Semitic Vocabulary in Egyptian
Script of the 14th to the 10th Centuries BCE, Beer-Sheva 1992.
WTM J. Levy, Neuhebräisches und Chaldäisches Wörterbuch über die Tal-
mudim und Midraschim, Leipzig 19242.
WTS E. Littmann—M. Hoffner, Wörterbuch der Tigrē-Sprache, Wiesbaden
WuS J. Aistleitner, Wörterbuch der ugaritischen Sprache (ed. O. Eissfeldt),
Leipzig 1963.
YN W. Herrmann, Yariḫ und Nikkal und der Preis der Kuṯarāt Göttinnen.
Ein kultisch-magischer Text aus Ras Shamra, Berlin 1968.

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YOS Yale Oriental Series, New Haven CT.

ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Berlin.
ZAW Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Berlin.
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden.
ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, Wiesbaden.

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© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2015 | doi: 10.1163/9789004288652_002

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ỉ (I) interj. “woe, oh!”, alt. “verily, true!”, part. introducing oath (Hb. ʔy, “woe”,
HALOT 38; Akk. ai, ayi, aya, “wehe”, AHw 23; “alas”, CAD A/1 220; Akk. i,
“wohlan”, AHw 363; “let us”, CAD I/J 1; for Ebla see ỉy; JPAram. ʔy, “oh”, also
emph. part. used before ptc., DJPA 47; Arab. ʔay, vocat. part., ʔī( y), “yes!”,
AEL 131; Eg. ỉ, “O”, Faulkner 7. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 170; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 26 1994 70; Tropper UG 808; Cohen Fs. Avishur 16*ff.; survey of options in
Fensham JNSL 14 1988 95; Watson UF 31 1999 786; LSU 135f.; on a poss. postp.
vocat. part. -ỉ see Barakowski UF 43 2011 7ff.). ¶ Forms: ỉ.
Woe, oh!, alt. verily, true!: ảp ảb ỉ k mtm tmtn father, oh!, like mortals even
you (will) die, 1.16 I 3, cf. ibid. ln. 17 and 1.16 II 40; ỉ km yrgm woe, how can it
be said …?, 1.16 I 20; ỉ ỉṯt ảṯrt verily, as DN is present, 1.14 IV 38 (diff. Del Olmo
MLRC 185: “¿dónde?”, Hb. ʔy, Akk. ai); in bkn ctx.: ỉ ảp bʕ[l … ỉ hd d[, 1.5 IV 6,
7 (cf. Tropper UG 752: “wo?”, allom. of ỉy); for ỉ in 6.66:6 see mlk (I).
Cf. ỉk.
ỉ (II) see ỉy.
ủ conj. 1) disj.: “or”; 2) conj.: “and / also”, “even”, “yes”; 3) interr.: “or (it is that)?”
(Hb., Ph. ʔw, “or”, HALOT 20, DNWSI 21; Syr. ʔaw, “or”, SL 12; Arab. ʔaw, “or”,
AEL 122f.; Eth. ʔaw, “or”, CDG 47; Akk. ū, “oder”, AHw 1398f.; “and, or”, CAD
U/W 1. Cf. Aartun PU/2 90f.; Dijkstra UF 21 1989 144; Tropper UG 188, 792; for
the interr. mng of ủ(n) see Margalit UF 8 1976 148; for a poss. exclamatory mng
“oh!” see Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 152; Tropper UG 805: “ach!,
wehe!”). ¶ Forms: ủ, ủy (Tropper UG 793, 835 = ủ + encl. -y: “leitet einen neuen
Abschnitt innerhalb eines Briefes ein”).
1) Or: ★a) simple disj. use: b ủrm ủ špnt as a burnt offering or as a presen-
tation offering, 1.119:13; w l bnh (…) ủ l bn (…) ủ l bn (…) ủ l bn (…) or to his
sons (…) or to the sons of (…) or to the sons of (…) and to the sons of (…),
3.32:7–10, see ủ bn, ibid. 27; w ủ in redundant disj. use: mndʕ k ỉgr w ủ ỉgr ʕm
špš perhaps I shall lodge (here) or else (perhaps) I shall lodge with the “Sun”,
2.34:12; ★b) disj. use in a correlative: ủ (…) ủ (…) or (…) or (…) distribution
both (…) and (…): ủ mlk ủ bl mlk anyone, king or not, 1.4 VII 43; ủ ymn ủ šmảl
both on the right and on the left, 1.23:63–64; ủ tḫṭỉn b (…) ủ b (…) ủ b (…) ủ
tḫṭỉn / ủ šn ypkm whether you have sinned (…) or whether you have sinned
(…) / or whether your dignity has been disfigured (…), 1.40:19f. and par.; ủ l
p (…) ủ l p or according to the custom of / what betrays (?) … or according
to the custom of / what betrays (?) (…), 1.40:20 ff. and par. (cf. p (III) 3)); see
further 3.32:7, 9, 10, 27.
2) And / also, even, yes, regarding: a) deriv. use with explanatory mng: ḫṭ nqh

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4 ảủpš/ṯ(n) – ảb

ủ qrb ḫṭ the rod has he prepared, the rod, yes, has he approached, 1.169:5 (Del
Olmo Fs. Matthiae 110; diff. Tropper UG 202, 426: G-imp. with prothetic ủ-);
qra ủ nqmd mlk invoke also king PN, 1.161:12 (cf. ln. 26); ủ + ảp: ủ! ảp mh!rh
ảnk l ảḥwy and I shall not even leave his warrior strength alive, 1.18 IV 27; ủ ky
b ḫ{.} yr even in the month ḫ., 2.87:9; ủ ky ảnk and even I, 2.103:13; ủ ảḥd ỉnn
and there is no-one, 2.108:2; b) introducing a new topic: ủy ảlp […] regarding
the oxen […], 2.84:21; in bkn ctx.: w hw ủy ʕn[, cf. 2.3:13.
3) Or (is that)?: introducing a disj. interr. ủ ỉlm tmtn or do gods (also) die?, 1.16
I 22 and par.; ảp (…) ủ ṯn ndr[h] is he also going to (…) or change his vow?,
1.15 III 29; ủ ḫštk l ntn ʕtq or has your sepulchre really become a perpetual
lament?, 1.16 I 4, 18; II 41.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: ủ ṯn ndr[, “… and repeat” / “or another vow …?”, 1.15 III 29
(Wyatt RTU 213 n. 162 for a survey of opinions); ủ mrxxx gt, 1.79:5; mlk rb bʕly
ủ …, 2.23:2; ủ qšt pn hdd 1.9:13; ʕmy ủ ky, 2.23:5. Cf. ủšbtm, 2.36:15 (Dijkstra
UF 21 1989 144); ủ, 4.798:8, 9; p ủ, 2.72:42 (Watson LSU 221).
ảủpš/ṯ(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214, 251; Huehnergard UVST 235 n. 100;
AkkUg 379; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 310; Van Soldt SAU 36); ¶ syll.:
a-up-šu, PRU 3 170 (RS 8.279):10'; PRU 3 206 (RS 16.294):2; DUMU a-up-še[-e?],
PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):10. Var. ảủpṯ, 4.244:14; ảủpṯn, 4.649:3.
PN: ★a) 4.85:8 (qmnzy); 4.102:12; 4.103:4; 4.244:14; 4.649:3; 4.769:59; ★b) bn
PN: 1.87:58; 3.29:30; 4.393:6; 4.617 I 12; 4.841:32. Cf. ảủ[, 4.725:2.
Cf. ảpṯ.
ảb n. m. 1) “father”; 2) “ancestor” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram. ʔb, “father”, HALOT 1 f.;
DNWSI 1–3; Amor. /ʔabum/, “father”, Huffmon APNMT 154; Buccellati Amor-
ites 205f.; Gelb CAAA 13, 41ff.; Ebla a-bù and var., “father”, Pettinato-
D’Agostino TIE A/1 3f., 6f.; cf. Fronzaroli ARET 11 137f., 179; 13 239; Krebernik
QuSem 18 1992 100; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 170; for the Ebla PNN cf. Catagnoti
QuSem 15 190–206; Krebernik PET 70; Pagan ARES 3 201; Akk. abu, “Vater”,
AHw 7f.; “father”, CAD A/1 67–75; OSA ʔbw, “father”, SD 1; Arab. ʔab, “father”,
AEL 10f.; Eth. ʔab, “father”, CDG 2. Watson Historiae 10 2013 23); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. the element /ʔabu/ in PNN, Gröndahl PTU 86 f.; Sivan GAGl 194f.; PRU 3
83 (RS 17.430) IV 5; Ug 5 97 (RS 20.20):4; ¶ RS Akk.: cf. NU = a-bu = at-ta-ni =
a-da-nu, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) obv. II 9; cf. Nel JNSL 5 1977 53–66; ¶ par.: bny
(+ bnwt), ḥtk. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. ảb; cstr. ảb; suff. ảby, ảbk, ảbh, ảbn.
1) Father, ★a) ảp ảb ỉ k mtm tmtn father, oh!, like mortals even you (will)
die, 1.16 I 3, cf. ibid. ln. 17 and 1.16 II 40; tbkyk ảb ġr bʕl for you, father, the
mountain of DN weeps, 1.16 I 6 and par.; lk l ảbk yṣb go to your father, PN,
1.16 VI 27–28; ʕl ảbh yʕrb into the presence of his father he entered, 1.16 VI 40
and par.; ảb (dnỉl), 1.19 IV 29 and par.; bkm tšủ ảbh straight away he helped
his father up, 1.19 II 10; ảbh (ḫrḫb, father of nkl), 1.24:19–20, cf. ln. 9; ảqrbk

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ỉb (i) 5

ảbh bʕl I will introduce you to her father, DN, 1.24:27, cf. ln. 29–30; nṭṭt ủm
ʕlt b ảby (the offering) of a shocked mother ascends unto my father, 1.82:9
(// bk, unc. ctx. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247); bd ảṯt ảb ṣrry a woman’s dirge
(will be), oh father, the heights, 16 I 5 and par. (alt. “ghost, spirit [of dead]”),
cf. Hb. ʔwb < /ʔāb/, ʔšt ʔwb, HALOT 20; Arab. ʔāba, AEL 123f.: “to return,
come back [at night]”; and Hitt. a-a-pi, HW2 181 ff.: “Opfergrube”; for the var.
opinions cf. Ebach-Rüterswörden UF 12 1980 205 ff.; Margalit UF 16 1984 159
n. 284; Tropper Nekromantie 189; Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 937; Loretz
UF 35 2003 499–500; Watson UF 38 2006 717; UF 40 2008 547; UF 42 2010
832); ủm tšmḫ{.}m ảb (my) mother pleased (my) father, 2.16:11 (cf. /š-m-ḫ/;
diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 299 n. 18: “que Mère se réjouisse (à cause) de Père”,
prep. m(n)(-ab); Aartun UF 17 1985 153–156; Tropper GA 34, 57, 748: rdg mảd?;
for PN /maʔʔabû/, Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 330; for the rdg. m ảb how is the
father doing?, Gzella BiOr 64 2007 530, see BiOr 62 2005 314, contextually
rather difficult); in unc. ctx.: ht ảby ṯṯ tl/d[, 2.17:9; ★b) espec. of El (Rahmouni
DEUAT 3ff.): ỉl ảbn DN, our father, 1.12 I 9; šlm ảb w ỉl hail, father and god!,
1.123:1; ṯr ảbh/k ỉl and ṯr ỉl ảbh/k/y the bull DN, his / your / my father, 1.2 I 36
and par.; (ỉl) mlk ảb šnm king, father of years, 1.4 IV 24 and par. (cf. šnt for
other explanations); ảb ảdm father of mankind, 1.14 I 37 and par. (Rahmouni
DEUAT 8ff.); ảb bn ỉl father of the sons of DN, 1.40:33 and par. (Rahmouni
DEUAT 11ff.; Cho LDUT 85f.); father of individual gods: 1.3 V 35 and par. (bʕl);
1.3 V 10 and par. (ʕnt); 1.2 III 19 (ʕṯtr); 1.114:14 (ṯġr bt ỉl gate-keeper of the house
of DN); ảbh ỉl m[lk his father DN, the king (?), 1.117:3; ★c) said of the chief /
father of a flock: ảb nšrm father of the eagles (hrgb), 1.19 III 15.
2) Ancestor: bt ảb paternal house, 1.19 I 32 (Akk. bīt abi).
In bkn ctx.: ảb (PN?), 3.16:14; ảb 7.45:3, 4; ảb[, 4.55:25; 4.69 V 22; 4.332:21;
4.335:32; 4.382:24; 4.448:4; 4.635:8; 4.706:1; ảbh, 1.92:24; ảby, 1.18 1 26; ảb[ y],
Cf. ảbbl(y), ảbbt, ảbdg, ảbḏ/šr, ảbġl, ảblḥ, ả/ỉbm, ảbmlk, ảbmn, ả/ỉbn,
ảbrm, ảbrpủ, ảbršn, ảbršp, ảbṣdq, ảbṣn, ảbšḫr, ảby, ả/ỉby, ảbyt, ảbyy, ảḫtảb,
ảyảb, ỉb (III), ỉbln, ỉbyn, ỉlabn, ỉlỉb (I), ỉlỉb (II), ʕṯtrảb, bnỉb, hyảbn, mlkbn,
rmỉb, ršpảb, tnảbn.
ỉb (I) n. m. “enemy” (Hb. ʔyb, “enemy”, HALOT 38f.; Akk. ay(y)ābu, “feindlich,
Feind”, AHw 23f.; “enemy”, CAD A/1 222ff.; EA Akk.: ʔibu, “enemy, foe”, Sivan
GAGl 199); ¶ syll. Ug.: [EN(?) = ná]k?-ru = tu-ur-bi = e-bu, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149)
III 15. Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 731; Huehnergard UVST 106; ¶ RS Akk.: ki-i-m[a
a-y]a-bi, Ug 5 168 (RS 22.219+):2; ¶ par.: qm, ṣrt, šnu. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉb; cstr. ỉb;
suff. ỉbk, ỉbh, ỉbn (encl. -n in 1.103, passim. Tropper UF 26 1994 466 ff.); pl. abs.
ỉbm, cstr. ỉb; suff. ỉby.
Enemy: mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl which enemy has risen against DN?, 1.3 III 37 and par.

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6 ỉb (ii) – ỉbʕlt

(// ṣrt); ỉb bʕl the enemies of DN, 1.4 VII 35 (// šnủ); cf. ln. 37; nṭʕn b ảrṣ ỉby
we shall attack, in the “earth”, my enemies, 1.10 II 24 (// qm); ht ỉbk tmḫṣ now
your enemy you must crush, 1.2 IV 9 (// ṣrt); tmḫṣ ảlpm ỉb may (the hand)
smite enemies by the thousand, 1.19 IV 59; hn ỉb d b TN behold the enemy
that is in TN, 2.33:10; w hn ỉbm šṣq ly and behold the enemies are besieging
me, ibid. ln. 27 (and cf. ln. 17); l pn ỉb in the face of the enemy, 2.33:29; ỉbn
yḫlq bhmt ḥwt the enemy will destroy the cattle of the land, 1.103:16; ỉbn yspủ
ḥwt the enemy will consume the land, 1.103:51; mlkn yšlm l ỉbh the king will
have to pay his enemy, 1.103:54; mlkn ybʕr ỉbh the king will forsake his enemy,
1.103:58; ḥwt ỉb(h) the land of the (/ of his) enemy, 1.103:10, 37, 59; cf. bhmt
ỉb]h the cattle of his enemy, ibid. ln. 15; ḥwt ỉb tḫlq the land of the enemy will
be destroyed, 1.103:59; 1.140:6; ỉb mlk enemy of the king, 1.103:17 and passim
ibid.; in bkn ctx.: ỉb ʕltn the enemy against us, 2.39:31; ỉbk, 2.72:44 (diff. rdg
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 242f.: ]hbk); 1.2 IV 39; ỉb yḥ[, 6.37:1 (Pardee RSOu 14
212; Clemens SURS 1 522 n. 1912).
Cf. ỉbt.
ỉb (II) n. m. 1) “fruit” / “bud, flower”; 2) “gem”; 3) second element in the DN nkl w
ỉb (Hb. ʔb, “shoot”, HALOT 2; JAram. ʔnbʔ, “fruit, produce”, DTT 80; Syr. ʔebbāʔ,
“fruit”, SL 1; Kaufman AIA 58; cf. Ebla PNN EN-bù-DN, Fronzaroli ARES 1 17f.;
Akk. inbu, “Frucht”, AHw 381f.; “fruit tree, fruit”, CAD I/J 144 ff.; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
the element /ʔinbu/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 200; ¶ par.: sp. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉb; cstr.
1) Fruit / bud, flower: yḫsp ỉb the fruit / bud has wilted, 1.19 I 31.
2) Gem: whose pupils are ỉb ỉqnỉ gems of lapis lazuli, 1.14 III 43 and par. (// sp;
diff. Ford UF 34 2002 304: “pure”, “the purest”, Akk. (uqnū) ebbu).
3) Element of the DN nkl w ỉb (/nikkalu-ibbu/; cf. Del Olmo AuOr 9 1991 69
n. 18); ašr nkl w ỉb I am going to sing to DN, 1.24:1; nkl w ỉb d ašr DN to whom
I sing, 1.24:37; tn nkl yrḫ ytrḫ ỉb tʕrbm bhth allow DN to marry DN, may DN
enter his house, 1.24:17–18; in unc. ctx.: trḫt tảrš lnh w l ỉb (that is) the dowry
that will be requested for him and for DN, 1.111:21; cf. ỉbnkl (Hurr.), 1.42:47, 48.
ỉb (III) (< ảb; element of the DN ỉlỉb. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 450;
Loretz UF 34 2002 485–487; diff. Hoffner JBL 86 1967 387f.: “ritual pit”, Hitt.
a-a-bi; Wyatt UF 9 1977 289: “ghost”, Hb. ʔôb; Margalit UF 8 1976 149 f.; cf. ảb);
¶ RS Akk.: DINGIR-a-bi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):1; for the allomorphs (-)ỉb(-) in
PNN cf. ảb.
Cf. ỉlỉb (I), ỉlỉb (II).
ỉbʕlt MN f. (Xella TRU 27f.: Ph. yrḫ pʕlt; De Moor ARTU 171 n. 1: “where-is-the-
Mistress?”; diff. Herdner Ug 7 31: theophoric); ¶ RS Akk.: i-na ITI ib-a-la-ti
RS 25.455 A+B III 4 (unpub. Arnaud SMEA 32 1993 128); Stieglitz Fs. Gordon
1998 216; De Jong-Van Soldt JEOL 30 1987–1988 70; Van Soldt SAU 303.

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ảbbl(y) – ảbd (i) 7

MN: b yrḫ ỉbʕlt in the month (of) ỉ., 1.119:1, 11; b yrḫ ỉbʕlt ṯb in the intercalary
month ỉ, 4.811:17.
ảbbl(y) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 86; Benz PNPPI 257f.; Watson Historiae 4
2007 98 n. 29).
PN: ★a) 4.431:7; ★b) bn PN: 4.309:3; 4.368:1:17; 4.377:20.
ảbbt PN (Sem. (?). Watson AuOr 13 1995 218).
PN: 3.28:18 (bn ġly); 3.29:24 (bn ġly).
/ʔ-b-d/ vb G: 1) “be missing, lacking, weaken, feel lost”; 2) “to be lost, spoilt”;
3) “to be ruined”; Gt: “to perish” (Hb. ʔbd, “to become lost, go astray, perish”,
HALOT 2f.; OAram., Ph., ʔbd, “to perish”, DNWSI 4 f.; cf. Arab. ʔabada, “to
become wild or shy, take fright and fled”, AEL 4 ff.; Eth. ʔabda, “to be out of
one’s mind”, CDG 2f.; Ebla cf. a-ba-ad Fronzaroli ARET 13 239, G in A.ZÁḪ
= a-ba-tum, a-bux(NI)-du, Conti QuSem 17 168 3: “fuggire”; NÌ.GILIM.DI =
ù-bù-tum; Š inf. NÌ.GILIM.A/E.DI = sa/su-bù-tum, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 41
n. 146; cf. Akk. abātu, “vernichten”, AHw 5; “to destroy”, CAD A/1 41 ff.; cf. EA
Akk. ḫal-qa-at: a-ba-da-at, EAT 288:52); ¶ syll. Ug.: N inf./ n. suff. LÚ.MEŠ
ú-ru-ba-nu ša: na-ba-di-šu-nu, PRU 3 37 (RS 16.267):8; Sivan GAGl 138, 199;
Huehnergard UVST 104; ¶ par.: /ʕ-r-w/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảbd; prefc. yảbd,
tủbd (Tropper UF 22 1990 367: /yôbVd/ < /yaʔbVd/); Gt suffc. ỉtbd (metath. >
ỉtdb; Verreet UF 19 1987 319); prefc. yỉtbd.
G. 1) To be missing, lacking, to weaken, feel lost: w b ym mnḫ l ảbd and in DN
calm was not lacking, 1.2 IV 3 (diff. Gibson CML 141: “destruction”; De Moor
CARTU 124; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 293 D-stem: “destroy”); in unc. ctx.: bʕl
yảbd DN weakened, 1.11:3.
2) To be lost, spoilt: (the merchandise to the value of nn shekels) ảbd b ảnyt
was lost on board, 4.394:2 (diff. Márquez AuOr 11 1993 106: rdg k!bd).
3) To be ruined: (know that) špšn tủbd the “Sun” is being ruined, 2.39:21
(Sanmartín UF 9 1977 259 n. 7; Tropper UF 22 1990 367).
Gt. To perish: bt mlk ỉtbd (incorrect spelling: ỉtdb) the family of the king
perished, 1.14 I 8 (//ʕrwt); w b kl hn špú yỉtbd and in their entirety, yes, the
family perished, 1.14 I 24.
Cf. ảbd (I), ảbdy.
ảbd (I) n. m. “ruin, destruction” (< /ʔ-b-d/. Moab. ʔbd, “destruction, ruin”,
DNWSI 5. De Moor ARTU 147: “destructive venom”; diff. Caquot TOu/2 84
n. 257: “a peri”); ¶ par.: ḥmt, ṯmdl. ¶ Forms: sg. ảbd.
Ruin, destruction: lnh mlḫš ảbd (…) ydy from / with it let the charmer expel
the destruction, 1.100:5 and par. (// ḥmt. Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 41; diff. as a D
suffc. /ʔ-b-d/ e.g. Wyatt RTU 379: “from it, let the conjurer destroy”); ỉsp (…)
l p nṯk ảbd remove (…) from the mouth of the biter the destruction, 1.107:45
and par. (//ḥmt, ṯmdl).

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8 ảbd (ii) – ủbdy

Cf. /ʔ-b-d/, ảbdy.

ảbd (II) PN (prob. allog. of ʕbd (II)).
Cf. ʕbd (II), ʕbdbʕl.
ủbdỉt n. f. “share-cropping, leasing system, tenancy” (< ủbdy. Heltzer IOKU 34;
JNSL 9 1982 71–74; BAfO 19 1982 112–120; Watson LSU 118; UF 42 2010 833;
McGeough ERU 128ff.). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ủbdit.
Share-cropping, leasing system, tenancy: ủbdit leases(s): PNN, 4.12:14.
Cf.: ủbdy, ủpdt.
ảbdʕn, cf. ʕbdʕn.
ảbdbʕl PN; cf. ʕbdbʕl.
ảbdg PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 86; cf. dg).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:2.
ảbdḥr, cf. ʕbdḥr.
ảbdḫmn, 4.851:1; see ʕbdḫmn.
ảbdy n. f. “ruin, destruction” (abstr; for concrete: “destructive (poison)”; < /ʔ-b-
d/. Hb. ʔbdwn, “place of destruction” < “underworld”, HALOT 3; Syr. ʔabdanāʔ,
“destruction”, SL 2; Akk. abtu, “vernichtet, zerstört”, abtūtu, “Vernichtung”,
AHw 5, 7, but see CAD A/1 67; abtāti, pl. t., “ruins”, CAD A/1 41 ff., 66. De Moor
ZAW 10 1988 109 n. 24; Xella TRU 361; Caquot TOu/2 97 n. 299; Watson LSU 118
n. 425); ¶ par.: ḥmt. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. ảbdy.
Ruin, destruction (said of the action of poison): w t[ʕ]btnh ảbdy and the
destruction exhausted him, 1.107:7 (// ḥmt; diff. Pardee TPM 241: “la destruc-
trice”; see Del Olmo AuOr 28 1010 211ff. Fs. Xella 196 n. 14).
Cf. /ʔ-b-d/, ảbd (I).
ủbdy n. m. “land, plot, farming” (in a taxed leasing system; < Luw. stem ubadi(d)
(ú-pa-ti-to). Starke WO 24 1993 21: “Territorium, > Grundbesitz, Domäne”;
cf. Hitt. up(p)ati-, Kronasser EHS 1 165 “eine Fronleistung?”, < (?) up(pa)-
“(her)schicken”; > OAss. ubadinnum, Matouš ArOr 47 1979 38: “Menschen-
gruppe einheimischer Personen, die auf einem Gemeingut arbeiten”; AHw
1423: upatinnu; CAD U/W 3: ubadinnu, “lands and tenants acting as a legal
corporate body”. Heltzer RCAU 67ff.; IOKU 23ff.; JNSL 9 1982 71 ff.; BAfO 19
1982 112ff.; UF 19 1987 446 n. 1; Márquez Ilku 280 n. 717; Watson UF 38 2006
717; LSU 118; Renfroe AULS 77; McGeough ERU 128 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ủbdy; pl.
ủbdym, cstr. ủbdy.
Land in a taxed leasing system: ★a) spr ủbdym b TN list / record of lands
leased in TN, 4.309:1 (list of PNN); administration of estates: ủbdy mdm lands
leased to the m., 4.103:1; cf. mrynm, ln. 7; mrỉm, ln. 20; ʕšrm, ln. 30; mrỉ ỉbrn, ln.
37; ṯġrm, ln. 39; šrm, ln. 41; nqdm, ln. 44; trrm, ln. 48; mḏrġlm, ln. 54; mḫṣm, ln.
57; ★b) esp. fields (šd): spr ủbdy TN list/record of leased lands of TN, 4.631:1;
šd ủbdy TN d bd skn leased fields of TN that depend on the prefect, 4.110:1;

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ảbḏl – ỉbln 9

cf. šd ủbdy[, 4.39:1; 4.389:3 and passim; vineyards: krm ủbdy leased vineyard,
4.244:7; ṯlṯ krm ủbdym l mlkt b TN three vineyards in a leasing system for the
queen in TN, ibid. ln. 9; two vineyards (as fixed property) w ṯlṯ ủbd[ym and
three (more) in a leasing system, ibid. ln. 10; others: zt ủbdym (revenues from
the) olive-trees of the leased lands 4.164:3; 4.803:15; ủbdy yṣḥm lands leased
to the sizers, 4.692:1.
Cf. ủbdit, ủpdt.
ảbḏl see ảbġl.
ảbḏ/šr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 196f., 271: Sem.-Hurr.; Fensham JNSL 2
1972 48 n. 6); ¶ syll.: cf. a-ba-šu-r[i], Ug 5 4 (RS 17.20):12.
PN: ★a) 1.81:19; 4.617 II 29; ★b) bn PN: 4.71 III 6; 4.422:38; 4.841:57.
ảbg PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 308).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:12.
ảbġl PN (Sem.-Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 341; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990
392); ¶ syll.: a-bi-ḫe/ḫé-li, PRU 3 240; PRU 6 137. Van Soldt SAU 128, 352.
PN: 4.75 II 3; 4.86:3; 4.134:12; 4.188:7 (for the reading ảbḏl see Watson LSU
153f.); 4.281:20; 4.370:12; 4.635:25 (ảḏ[ddy]); 4.635:26 (ả[ḏddy]); in bkn ctx.:
4.609:14; 4.75 IV 12 (bn gdn); 4.381:21; 4.853:3.
ảbky PN (Hurr. (?), Nuzi a-pa-ak-ku-ia. Cassin-Glassner AAN 24; diff. Lipiński
FO 21 1984 72).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:13.
ảbl PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOrS 27 2009 102; AuOr 30 2012 324); ¶ syll.: cf.
a-bal-la-a, PRU 4 189 (RS 17.314) 2 and passim; PRU 4 172f. (RS 17.145) 2 and
PN: bn PN, 4.371:10.
(ỉ)blbl n. m. generic mng “messenger, bearer” ((?); prob. the /qlql/ pattern <
*/w-b-l/, Ug. /y-b-l/; Akk. babbilu, “Kornträger”, AHw 94; “bearer (as agricul-
tural worker)”, CAD B 8f. Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 175; Watson LSU 75). ¶ Forms:
pl. blblm; suff. ỉblblhm.
Messenger, bearer (?): spr blblm list of messengers (?), 4.288:1; to the king
have been sent yblhm w ỉblblhm their produce and their bearers (?), 2.62:11.
ảblḥ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 86).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 I 30.
ảblm TN in mythological texts (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 1: *ʔ Abilūma. Astour RSP 2
254f.; Margalit UF 8 1976 177–181; MacLaurin PEQ 110 1978 113; Pardee AfO 36–
37 1989–1990 480; Del Olmo MLC 509; Watson AuOr 19 2001 110: “meadows”).
TN: TN qrt zbl yrḫ TN, the town of Prince DN, 1.19 IV 1 and par.; qrt ảblm d ʕlk
mḫṣ ảqht ġzr you, town of TN, upon whom weighs the death of noble PN, 1.19
IV 3 and par.
ỉbln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 87f., 301; Fronzaroli JSS 22 1977 154

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10 ủbln – ảbn

n. 2; Pettinato Ebla(1) 19; Watson LSU 154); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ab-lu-nu, RSOu 7
3 (RS 34.036) e. 4. Cf. ủbln.
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 18; 4.311:10; in bkn ctx.: 4.93 IV 1; 4.545 II 7.
ủbln PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 210, 223, 229; Van Soldt SAU 354 n. 214; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: 4.223:1–2; bkn: ]ủbln 4.47:4.
Cf. ỉbln.
ả/ỉbm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 53, 86f.; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26); ¶ syll.: cf.
a-bu-ú-mu, PRU 4 189 (RS 17.314):27; a-bi-ma, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):13. Var. ỉbm,
4.350:12; 4.781:8.
PN: ★a) 4.63 II 2; 4.780:1; 4.781:8; ★b) bn PN: 4.75 III 1; 4.350:12; 4.841:54; ★c) bt
PN: 4.75 VI 2.
ỉbm; cf. ả/ỉbm.
ảbmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45–47, 87, 157; Sivan GAGl 243; Van Soldt
SAU 20); ¶ syll.: a-bi-ma-al-ku, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):17; a-bi-ma-li-ki, Ug 5
98 (RS 20.07):7 (Berger UF 1 1969 123); a-bi-LUGAL, Ug 5 8 (RS 17.38):2; cf.
AD.LUGAL, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):27.
PN: 4.75 IV 10 (bn ỉlrš); 4.86:8 (bn ủn[).
ảbmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 86; Dahood apud Pettinato Archives 290;
Sivan GAGl 195; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 391); ¶ syll.: a-bi-ma-nu and
var., cf. PRU 3 240; PRU 4 244; RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):10.
PN: 3.29:13 (bn śwn); 4.33:40 (bn qdmn); 4.63 II 31; 4.115:6; 4.130:6; 4.134:11;
4.155:13 (bn ʕbd); 4.281:25 (ỉlštmʕy); 4.282:11; 4.307:3; 4.313:21; 4.350:9 (bn qṣy);
4.382:34 (bn br[); 4.858:13; in bkn ctx.: 3.28:8, rdg ảbm!n (bn śwn) (KTU: ảbqn);
ảbn n. f. 1) “stone”; 2) “stone / flint knife”; 3) “unit of weight, weight” (Hb., Ph.,
Pun., OAram. ʔbn, “stone”, HALOT 7f.; DNWSI 6 f.; Akk. abnu, “Stein”, AHw
6f.; “stone”, CAD A/1 54–61; cf. abattu, “gelber Flusskies”, AHw 4 f.; “stone,
slingstone”, CAD A/1 39ff.; Amor. /ʔabnum/, “stone” 13, 46. Van Zijl Baal 59 ff.);
¶ RS Akk.: NA4 (passim); ¶ par.: ʕn, ʕṣ, ḥẓ, mdbr, pslt (II), šnt, yʕr. ¶ Forms:
sg. ảbn; pl. abs. ảbnm; cstr. ảbn.
1) Stone: ★a) k ảbnm l tỉggn like stones which do /do not/ murmur, 1.82:43
(//ʕṣm; cf. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 257); rgm ʕṣ w lḫšt ảbn a word of tree(s)
/ a matter of wood and a chatter of stone, 1.3 III 23 (diff. Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 165: “la parole de l’arbre”); ṯm tgrgr l ảbnm w l ʕṣm settle there among
the stones and tree-trunks, 1.23:66 (// mdbr); bt ảbn the daughter of stone,
1.100:1 (// ʕn, šmm w thm); [k tl]ld ảt ảbn [if it gives] birth as an omen (to a
swelling in the shape of) a stone, 1.103:1 (for the reading [k t]ldn cf. Pardee
AfO 33 1986 126; TR/1 553); rḥqt ảbn l ảbn she removes stone after stone,
1.179:32 (cf. 31) (// pslt (II)). In unc. ctx.: 1.1 V 23; l. 4 II 2; 1.18 IV 40 (cf. /b-n-y/);

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ả/ỉbn – ỉbr (i) 11

1.133:18 (Pardee TPM 156); ★b) types: ảbn brq the stone / head of the lightning,
1.3 III 26 and par. (Hb. ʔbny ʔš. Sasson RSP 1 387f.; diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 531:
“I understand”, < *byn); ảbn ydk mšpdt the stones thrown by your hand (your
projectiles), 1.14 III 13 and par. (//ḥṣk. Loewenstamm IEJ 15 1965 128 n. 21); for
ảbn ph 1.19 I 8 cf. also p (III); ảbn ṣrp “alum”, 4.626:10 (cf. RS Akk.: NA4 KA.BI,
PRU 3 208 (RS 16.110):4, 8; PRU 3 209 (RS 16.359 C):3, 7; NA4 ga-bi, passim;
AHw 1254. Sanmartín AfO 34 1987 54ff.; Van Soldt UF 22 1980 322 ff., 350 f.);
cf. 4.182:10, 27; 4.206:6; 4.776:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.774:1; ảbn 5.22:13 (cf. ả/ỉbn, PN;
ảb); ảbnm upqt, 1.1 V 11; bn ảbnm, 1.1 V 23.
2) Knife (made of) stone / flint: ġr b ảbn ydy (his) skin with a (knife made of)
stone he ripped (// yʕr), 1.5 VI 17; 1.6 I 2.
3) Weight: ảbn mznm (stone) weights (// mšrrm), 1.24:36–37 (Akk. aban kīsi;
Hb. ʔbn kys, ʔbn ṣdq). Bkn ctx.: ảbn[, 1.4 II 2; ảb[n, 4.774:1.
ả/ỉbn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 17, 30, 87f.; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 535;
Sivan GAGl 195; Benz PNPPI 258; Xella UF 20 1988 387ff.: /ʔabn=/, cf. ảbn;
Watson AuOr 13 1995 219; LSU 154); ¶ syll.: a-ba-ni, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 13;
ab-ba/bá-na, PRU 6 27 (RS 17.01):8 and passim (Huehnergard UVST 222). Var.
ỉbn, 4.658:13; cf. ảbn, 5.22:13 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 190: “Stein” / PN).
PN:★a) 4.370:3;★b) bn PN: 4.33:24 (ủškny); 4.335:25; 4.423:21; 4.658:13 (ỉbn);
4.715:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.367:5; 4.427:13.
ỉbn PN; cf. ả/ỉbn.
ủbn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 228f.; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 650; UF 21 1989
337 n. 17; SAU 31, 37, 39, 41; Watson AuOr 14 1996 96; LSU 154); ¶ syll.: cf.
ú-be-na, PRU 6 140 (RS 19.92):4; u-bi-nu, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A):17.
PN: ★a) 4.7:6 (bn ʕdn); 4.115:4; 4.131:5; 4.141 II 8; 4.148:2; 4.165:15; 4.344:2;
4.609:9; 4.723:7; 6.18:3; ★b) bn PN: 4.71 III 3; 4.98:5; 4.704:4; bkn 4.494:2;★c)
ảḫ PN: 4.103:5 (ršpảb ảḫ PN).
ảbny PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 293; Watson AuOr 30 2012 324).
PN: tḥm ảbny message of PN, 2.87:1; 5.33:1; 5.34: “verso” 5; 4.817:15.
ủbnyn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 229).
PN: ★a) 4.137:11; 4.348:19; ★b) bt PN: 1.80:2 (cf. bt (II) 5).
abr[ PN, bkn (Watson LSU 154).
PN: ảbr[, 4:647:7.
ỉbr (I) n. m. of a stocky male animal; 1) “bull”; 2) “horse” (Hb. ʔbyr, “strong,
powerful”, HALOT 6; Eg. ʔ-bi­ra, ʔa2­bi­r­ya, “Stallion” Hoch SWET 18 f. (3);
Sanmartín UF 10 1978 349f.; Sasson RSP 1 389; Loretz HippUg 50 f.: “ ‘Jungstier’
nicht ‘Hengst’”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ʔa/ib(b)īru/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl
194, 199; Huehnergard UVST 269 n. 11; ¶ par.: dkr, ḥmr, rủm, ṯr. ¶ Forms: sg.
ỉbr; pl. ỉbrm; suff. ỉbrh.
1) Bull: they have horns (…) and humps km ỉbrm like bulls, 1.12 I 32 (//ṯrm);

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12 ỉbr (ii) – ỉbrkyṯ

DN buckled km ỉbr like a bull, 1.12 II 55 (// ṯr); a cow (…) which ỉbr tld gave
birth to a bull (// rủm), 1.10 III 20; k ỉbr l bʕl yld for a bull has been born to DN,
1.10 III 35 (// rủm); ỉbr y bʕl nšqdš a bull, oh DN, we shall consecrate (to you),
1.119:29 (// [d]kr).
2) Horse: he will not be able to sleep (…) l qr ṯỉgt ỉbrh for the noise of the
neighing of his horses, 1.14 III 16 and par. (//ḥmrh).
Cf. in bkn ctx. ỉbr klhm dlhẓ, 1.9:11; mlk nhr ỉbrx[, 1.9:16.
ỉbr (II) n. m. “wing” (?) (Hb. ʔbr, ʔbrh, “wing, pinion” HALOT 9; JPAram. ʔbr,
“limb”, DJPA 33; Syr. ʔebrāʔ, “feather”, SL 5; Akk. abru, “Flügel”, AHw 7; “wing”,
CAD A/1 64. De Moor SP 172; Dijkstra UF 15 1983 29 f.). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ỉbr.
Wing (?), in bkn ctx.: ỉbr mnt the wings (?) of destiny (?), 1.4 VII 56; 1.8:9 (De
Moor ARTU 65); ỉbr klhm, 1.9:11; ỉbrx[, ibid. ln. 16.
ủbr PN (Akk. Watson AuOr 8 1990 244; LSU 154; AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: bn PN, 4.371:19; 4.617 I 16.
ủbrʕ(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 303: ʔUburʕā. Heltzer RCAU 15; Görg UF 6 1974
474f.; Astour RSP 2 266; UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 1, 7; Watson
LSU 197; Van Soldt Topography 6, 169; Belmonte Fs. Watson 99); ¶ syll.:
URU u-bur-a, PRU 3 188 (RS 10.044):4; PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):3; PRU 3 190
(RS 11.800):1; PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):6; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):38. Huehnergard
UVST 249, 251; Van Soldt SAU 338. ¶ Forms: ủbrʕy, ủbrʕ.
TN: ★a) ủbrʕy, 2.26:12; 4.27:4, 15; 4.63 III 1; 4.68:28; 4.100:1; 4.124:8; 4.375:12;
4.380:20; 4.381:20; 4.610 I 14; 4.685:8; 4.777:2; 4.793:6; 4.820 I 7; ★b) ủbrʕ: skn
ủbrʕ, 4.288:4. Cf. 4.622:2; in bkn ctx. 4.693:2; cf. ]ʕy, 4.824:8.
ủbrʕn PN (< ủbrʕ, TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 88).
PN: bn PN, 4.110:3.
ủbrʕy GN m. (< ủbrʕ(y), TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ủbrʕy; pl./du. ủbrʕym.
GN: 4.96:10; 4.616:7; 4.833:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.33:18, 19; 4.50:2.
ỉbrd PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 88, 133; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279; Ribichini-
Xella RSF 15 1987 8); ¶ syll.: cf. i-bar-dì, PRU 3 83 (RS 16.157):5; i-bar-di, PRU 6
43 (RS 17.77) rev. 9; cf. ỉwrd.
PN: bn PN, 4.33:26 (mʕrby); 4.628:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.217:3; 4.424:23.
ỉb/wrḏr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 224f., 249; Rainey UF 3 1971 168 f.; Lipiński
UF 13 1981 123ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. EN.LUGAL, cf. PRU 3 p. 246; PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82)
I 13; Ug 5 10 (RS 17.76) obv. 4, rev. 8, 14.
PN: 2.10:1; 2.14:1; 4.7:5; 4.343:6; 4.678:3.
ảbrḫṭ PN; cf. ỉwrḫṭ.
ỉbrkḏ PN.
PN: 2.21:7.
ỉbrkyṯ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 224, 238; Laroche GLH 147; Dietrich-Mayer
UF 28 1996 186; Watson LSU 154).

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ảbrm – ảbršn 13

PN: 4.264:10.
ảbrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44ff., 86f., 182; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 8;
Sivan GAGl 195, 263; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 392); ¶ syll.: a-bi-ra-mì,
PRU 3 20 (RS 15.63):1; PRU 6 143 (RS 21.200):2; a-bi-ra-m[u, PRU 6 85 (RS
19.79):10; PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):8.
PN: 4.433:4; 4.352:2 (ảlṯyy), 4; ả]brm, 4.433:4.
ỉbrm PN (Hurr. (?). Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 535; Gröndahl PTU 87, 182:
/ʔab=rm/); Watson LSU 154: Hurr. ỉb/wrm); ¶ syll.: EN-ri-mu, PRU 6 104
(RS 19.43):4.
PN: 4.607:20.
ỉb/wrmḏ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 210, 224, 241; Van Soldt SAU 20 and n. 180,
27, 36); ¶ syll.: ib-ra-mu-zi, EN-mu-za and var., cf. PRU 3 246; PRU 6 138
(RS 19.46):16; Ug 5 59 (RS 20.248):1 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 224 f.); cf. EN-mu-
šu, RSOu 7 2 (RS 34.169):11', 24'.
PN: 4.7:12; 4.103:10, 51; 4.219:8 (Van Soldt SAU 126); 4.357:20; 4.417:14; 4.607:6;
4.675:5; 4.790:20.
ảbrn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 88). Cf. ỉbrn.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 21.
ỉbrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 224, 422; Rainey UF 3 1971 156; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 20f.; Huehnergard UVST 269 f. n. 11; Van Soldt SAU 3,
11f.); ¶ syll.: i-bi-ra-na, cf. PRU 3 p. 246; DUMU-i-bi[, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 2;
PRU 4 188 (RS 17.292):2; PRU 6 139; cf. LÚ(.MEŠ) mur-i mi-bi-ra-na, PRU 3 162
(RS 16.348):5; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):16.
PN: ỉl PN, 1.113:16 and passim; mrủ/ỉ PN, 4.47:3; 4.68:64; 4.99:12; 4.103:37; 4.105:1;
4.126:24; 4.610 IV 1; 4.752:7; 4.837:7; 4.838:13.
Cf. ảbrn, ỉwrn.
ảbrpủ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 86, 180; Sivan GAGl 264; Parker UF 4 1972
99; Watson AuOr 13 1995 218; LSU 154); syll.: a-biry(BUR5)-pí-i, PRU 3 167
(RS 15.139):5; a-birx(BAR)-pa-a, RS 22.02: a-birx (BAR)-pu-u, RS 22.02 rev. 12'
(Van Soldt SAU 18 n. 162; 324 n. 145f.).
PN: 4.96:10 (ủbrʕy); 4.214 III 5; 4.75 VI 4 (bn kbd).
ủbrš PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 228f.); ¶ syll.: cf. DUB(?)-bir5-ši, PRU 3 134
(RS 15.137):4; DUB(?)-bi-ir-ši, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):6; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg
368 n. 27; Van Soldt SAU 354 n. 214. Cf. ảbršn.
PN: bn PN, 4.41:12; 4.214 III 3; 4.290:7; in bkn ctx.: 4.769:34; cf. unc. rdg: 4.611
II 17 (KTU: ủbkš).
ảbršn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 16, 86, 101; Watson AuOr 8 1990 114; LSU 154);
¶ syll.: a-biry(BUR5)-ša-nu, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 44; PRU 6 82 (RS
17.242):1 (Huehnergard AkkUg 361 n. 13; Van Soldt SAU 324 n. 146); cf. a-bi-
ir-ši, PRU 3 58 (RS [Varia 8] = “15.Z”):7; a-biry(BUR5)-ši, RS 16.114 rev. 11' (Van
Soldt SAU 324 n. 146; cf. PRU 3 34); cf. ủbrš.

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14 ảbršp – ỉbt

PN: 4.45:8; 4.225:15; 4.281:7; 4.645:3; 4.863:12; in bkn ctx.: ảbrš[, 4.75 IV 6 (bn)]
ḫrpn (Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 323f.).
ảbršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 86, 181; Watson AuOr 13 1995 218; LSU 154).
PN: 4.63 I 35; ảbrš[p, 4.75 IV 6 (bn] ḫrpn).
ảbrt[ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 2: *Abrātu. Van Soldt Topography 5 n. 3).
PN: 4.748:11 (but cf. KTU rdg šbrt[).
ỉbrtlm PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 224, 260; Van Soldt SAU 20).
PN: 4.136:3.
ỉb/wryn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225); ¶ syll.: cf. ib-ri-ia, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):24;
cf. EN-ia, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.065):11.
PN ★a) 4.307:14; 4.320:19; ★b) bn PN: 4.222:21.
ỉbsn n. m. “warehouse” (Akk. abūsu, “Magazin(kammer)”, AHw 9; “storehouse”,
CAD A/1 92f.; cf. Hb. ʔbws, “feeding trough” HALOT 4); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. É(-ti)
a-bu-sí/TI, PRU 3 181f. = PRU 4 47f. (RS 11.732) A 8, B 8; PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+
380):45; 231 (RS 17.244):3; Watson LSU 75. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉbsn.
Warehouse: št ỉbsn lkm I leave (left) the warehouse to you, 3.9:5.
ủbs/ś TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 304: *Ubūśu. Heltzer RCAU 15; Astour UF 13 1981
7; Segert UF 15 1983 206; Bordreuil Syria 66 1988 272; UF 20 1988 17f.; Van Soldt
Topography 6, 168f.; Watson LSU 197); ¶ syll.: URU u-bu-sú/sí, cf. PRU 3 268
(cf. Huehnergard UVST 251).
TN: ủbś: 4.68:38; 4.302:8; 4.621:10; 4.800 II 19; ủbs: 4.693: 49; 4.783:2, 4;
ảbṣdq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 86, 187f.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ả]bṣdq, 4.151 I 11.
ảbṣn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 189. Hb. PN ʔbṣn).
PN: ảbṣn, 4.609:5.
ảbšḫr PN (Sem.).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:14.
ảbškn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 219, 289; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 275);
¶ syll.: cf. a-bu-uš-ga-[n]a, Syria 18 246 (RS 8.145):31; a-bu-uš-qa-[n]a, PRU 3
18 (RS 15.24+):1; a-bu-uš-ka-n[i], PRU 6 128 (RS 19.104):6; cf. a-bu-uš-qa-ma?,
PRU 3 10 (RS 10.046):7.
PN: 4.141 I 14; 4.194:19; 4.285:7.
ảbšr, cf. ảbḏ/šr.
ảbštỉ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218, 258; Watson AuOr 8 1990 114; LSU 154); ¶ syll.:
a-bi-iš-ta-e and var., cf. PRU 3 240.
PN: bn PN, 4.344:11; 4.720:5.
ảbštp PN (Hurr. (?); poss. mistake for ảbštỉ).
PN: 4.344:11.
ỉbt, n. f. “enmity” (cf. ỉb (I). Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 293); ¶ Forms: sg. ỉbt.

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/ʔ-b-ṯ/ – /ʔ-d/ 15

Enmity: k mrṣ hm ỉbt (you know) that it will be sick if there is any (more)
enmity, 2.87:27 (cf. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 251).
/ʔ-b-ṯ/ vb Š: “?” (Cf. Tropper UG 588). ¶ Forms: Š (?): tṯibṯn.
Š (?), in bkn ctx.: w b yn tṯỉbṯn, 1.175:8.
ả/ỉby PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 51, 86; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28; Schult ZDPV 85
1969 198f.); ¶ syll.: cf. (f)a-ba/be/bi-ya, cf. PRU 3 240; cf. a-bu-ia[, PRU 6 85
(RS 19.79):11; DUMU ab-bi-ya, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) 3 rev. 13'. Var. iby prob. in
6.37:1. In unc. rdg: rʕh ảbyn?, 1.22 I 27 (cf. Pardee Or 80 2011 29: ảby[-?]).
PN: ★a) 4.130:5; 6.37:1 (rdg ỉby ḥ[?); 2.85:24; ★b) bn PN: 4.7:13, 20; in bkn ctx.
2.17:9; 4.332:1; 4.554:3; 4.593:8.
ỉbyḥ[ PN. (Sem.).
PN: ỉbyḥ[, 6.37:1.
ủby(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 228f.; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 310;
Watson AuOr 13 1995 220; LSU 154).
PN: ★a) 4.84:2; 4.399:12; 4.728:5; ★b) bn ủby, 4.769:17; bn ủbyn, 4.93 IV 11;
ảbyn adj. m. “poor, wretch, insolvent” (Hb. ʔbywn, “poor”, HALOT 5; Mari Akk. a-
bi-ia-na-ku, fem. a-bi-a/ia-tam/tim “poor (female)”, ARMT 10 296. Von Soden
MIO 15 1969 322–326; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 433 f.; Dijkstra-
De Moor UF 7 1975 174; Muchiki Loanwords 280; Watson UF 38 2006 717;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 25 1993 119ff. diff. Margalit UF 15 1983 69 f.: “disdainful”,
Arab. ʔaba(y)); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ]na-ak-di = i-b/pu-ú, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 43;
Huehnergard UVST 91; cf. RS Akk. nayyālu, AHw 717; CAD N/1 152; ¶ par.: ảnḫ.
¶ Forms: sg. ảbyn; pl. ảbynm.
Poor, wretch: ảbyn ảt dnỉl how wretched you are, PN!, 1.17 I 16 (// ảnḫ; for other
interpretations, cf. Del Olmo MLC 367; for other rdgs cf. Watts UF 21 1989 448:
ảby nảt dnỉl “my father! the seemly offering of Danil”; Mazzini UF 28 1996
485ff.: ảbynt, “misery”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 173, 176: ảbyn[n], encl. -n,
“the destitute one”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 40 2008 201: ảby[[x]]n [[ġzr]] “elend
/ arm”); insolvent: ủllym ảbynm GN, insolvent, 4.70:6; in bkn ctx.: rʕh ảbyn,
1.22 I 27.
ỉ/ủbyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 53, 87); ¶ syll.: a-bi-ia-nu, PRU 195 (RS 15.09)
A 17.
PN: ★a) 4.607:21; in bkn ctx.: 4.496:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.377:4; 4.807:31; 4.860:4.
ảbyt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 54; Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 330); ¶ syll.: DUMU
a-bu-ia-ti, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 118.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 3.
ảbyy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53; Watson LSU 154).
PN: 4.103:51.
/ʔ-d/ vb G: general commercial mng “to overcharge, levy; to exact” (Arab.

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16 ảd – ủd

ʔāda, “to press heavily upon”, AEL 124; Tigr. ʔwd 02, “to have claims, to owe”,
WTS 380. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 455; Cunchillos EEU 129;
Renfroe AULS 77f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tủd; inf. ảd.
G. To overcharge someone, to levy expenses on him, to exact: ảl tủd do
not overcharge (PN?), 2.26:19; to exact an amount (l- for something): ảd ảt
lhm you exact (a price) for them, 2.26:20 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 319 n. 14:
“rembourser / payer”).
Cf. ủd.
ảd n. m. “father” (childish onomatopeia; cf. Sum. ad(-da). Deimel SAG 9; Amor.
/ʔad/, “lord, father”, Huffmon APNMT 156; Buccellati Amorites 206; Gröndahl
PTU 88f.; Ebla Krebernik PET 71; Mangiarotti QuSem 19 199, 204; Pagan
ARES 3 201f.; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 170; on its connection with ảdn cf.
Sanmartín UF 9 1977 269 n. 2; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 345; Watson
Historiae 10 2013 23); ¶ par.: ủm; syll. Ug. cf. PNN a-du-ú, PRU 6 85 (RS 19.79):7;
PRU 6 91 (RS 19.132):4. Sivan GAGl 195. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ảd.
Father: tṣḥ(n) (y) ảd ảd she (they) cried: (oh) father, father!, 1.23:32, 43; in bkn
ctx.: gb ảd the cup (?) of the father, 1.172:23.
Cf. ảdʕl, ảdbʕl, ảdnʕm, ảdt, ảdy.
-ỉd temporal adv. morph. used to form distributive numerals, “time” (cf. ỉd. OSA
ʔḏ, “for the x time”, SD 2: s2lṯtʔḏ; Arab. ʔiḏ, “attached to nouns signifying
times”, AEL 39. Renfroe AULS 11ff. diff. Aartun PU/1 16: < yd “Hand”). ¶ Forms:
(-)d, (-)ỉd.
Time, adverbialising morph. with numbers: šbʕd w šbʕỉd mrḥqtm qlt seven
times and seven times from afar I prostrate myself, 2.12:8–9; cf. 2.64:14; ṯnỉd
twice, 2.50:18; 2.64:14; ṯlṯỉd three times, 1.18 IV 23 and par.; 1.163:5; ʕšrỉd ten
times, 2.42:12.
Cf. ʕšrỉd, šbʕ(ỉ)d, ṯlṯỉd, ṯnỉd.
ỉd temporal conj. “when” (Hb. ʔz, “then”, HALOT 26 f.; OAram. ʔdyn, “then,
on that day”, DNWSI 13; Arab. ʔiḏ, “when”, AEL 38f.; OSA ʔḏ, “when”, SD 2.
Aartun PU/2 97; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 543; Tropper UG 796).
¶ Forms: ỉd.
When / then: ỉd ydbḥ mlk when the king offers a sacrifice, 1.115:1; cf. 1.41:50;
1.164:1, 3; ỉd ỉph mlk when the king visits, 1.90:1; cf. 1.168:1, 8; ỉd lỉkt when you
sent the message, 2.82:3; in bkn ctx.: 1.4 I 34, rdg ỉl!.
Cf. ỉdk, ỉdy.
ủd n. m. “pay, payment” ((?). Dijkstra UF 21 1989 143: (< /ʔ-d/; cf. Aram. ʔwdytʔ,
“document of debtor’s declaration”, DJBA 85). ¶ Forms: cstr. ủd, suff. ủdh.
Pay, payment (?): sprn mnḥ ủd PN record of the delivery of payment (?) of
PN, 3.10:1 (Bordreuil ALASP 7 4; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 282 Gp ptc. /ʔ-d/,
“borne by” [mnḥ ủd] = “loan”); in unc. ctx.: ủdh mġt (the time of) his payment
(?) has arrived, 2.36:8.

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ảdʕl – /ʔ-d-m/ 17

ảdʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 89, 108).

PN: 4.63 II 46.
ảdʕ(y) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 142; Van Soldt SAU 41); ¶ syll.: cf. a-du-ú, cf.
PRU 6 138; diff. Sivan GAGl 195. See ảdy, ʕdy, PNN.
PN: 3.20:10; 4.86:14.
ảdbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 89, 117; cf. Benz PNPPI 260).
PN: 4.609:19; 4.727:3; 4.753:20.
ủdbr n. m. “leaseholder” < “self-employed (partner), manager, administrator
(for someone else)” (?) (OSA < *dbr, “to take into possession, to acquire”, *dbr,
pl. ʔdbr, “transaction of money or interest” (Stein), apud Del Olmo JAOS 132
2012 613ff.; Arab. dabara, “to follow, succeed”, see *dbr (I), ʔistadbara, “to
appropriate to himself”, dibr, “much property”, mudabbir, “one who man-
ages”, AEL 844ff.; see already Tropper UF 36 2004 519: “Verwalter”, Arab., *dbr;
diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 309: “sworn [heir]” (?) > /dbr/ “to speak” (“he
who has been made to speak”)); see nḥl. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ủdbrh.
Leaseholder: PN w ủdbrh, PN and his leaseholder, 4.807:52, 56; in bkn ctx.: ]x
ʕšr ủdbr[, 4.312:5; ]ʕšrh ủd[br, 4.312:9.
ảdd DN (by-form of hd(d)).
DN: ỉl ḫš ỉl ảdd, the god of the divine (mountain) TN, DN, 1.65:9 (for a diff.
reading cf. Pardee TR/1, 367, 372–373: [n]dd < /d-d/, “se lever”; in this regard
see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 86f.).
Cf. hd(d).
ảdú[, in bkn PN, 4.635:62.
ỉdk narrative adv. functor “then, and so, so then” (ỉd + emph. suff. -k. Aartun
PU/1 5f., 49, “dann, fürwahr”; Van Zijl Baal 70). ¶ Forms: ỉdk.
Then, and so, so then, only in the formula ỉdk ảl / l y/ttn pnm ʕm / tk then,
he / you / they truly set (his / their) face towards (…), 1.4 VIII 1 and passim in
narrative texts; in bkn ctx.: ỉdk nỉt[ 1.86:21.
ảdlḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 221, 255; Van Soldt SAU 37); ¶ syll.: a-dal-
ŠEŠ/še-ni and var. cf. PRU 3 242; Huehnergard UVST 224; AkkUg 362.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 I 12; 4.340:19; 4.356:7; in bkn ctx. 4.451:2; 4.604:2; 4.839:9.
ỉdly PN.
PN: ỉdly, 4.383:7.
/ʔ-d-m/ vb G: “to be, become red, turn the colour red”; N “to rouge oneself, to put
on red make-up” (Hb. ʔdm, “be red”, ʔādōm, “reddish-(brown)”, HALOT 14;
Akk. ada(m)mu, “rot”, AHw 10; “red”, CAD A/1 95; adamatu, “rotes Blut”, AHw
10; “black blood”; CAD A/1 94f.; Arab. ʔudmat, “a tawny colour”, AEL 36; cf.
Eth.-Geʕez ʔaddama, “to be beautiful (< red)”, ʔaddāmāwi, “red”, CDG 7 f.
Ashley EAR 147 224f.; Dressler AT 538, 557; Kühne UF 6 1974 162f.); ¶ par.:
/r-ḥ-ṣ/; syll. Ug. cf. /ʔadmāni/ in i-na A.ŠÀ: ad-ma-ni, PRU 3 123 (RS 15.145):8,

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18 ảdm (i) – ủdm

12; Sivan GAGl 195; Huehnergard UVST 104; Van Soldt SAU 302. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. ảdm, tỉd !m; N prefc. tảdm, yảdm (cf. Tropper UG 536).
G. To become red, turn the colour red: w ảdm and it (DN) turned red,
1.78:5 (Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 369ff. Diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 57ff.:
“Zwei Lebern”, reading kbdm; Pardee TR/1 417f.; “et les hommes”, but see
Dietrich-Loretz l.c.).
N. To rouge, to put on make-up: trtḥ[ṣ] w tảdm tỉd !m (incorrect spelling: tỉủm;
prob. gloss or var. rdg) b ġlp ym she washed and rouged herself with sea snails,
1.19 IV 42; trtḥṣ w tảdm wash yourself and put on make-up, 1.14 II 9, III 52
( yảdm) (diff. De Moor- Spronk UF 14 1982 160: “to glow”);
Cf. ảdm (I).
ảdm (I) n. m. 1) “man”; 2) “man (coll.), mankind, people” (etym. relation-
ship to /ʔ-d-m/ unc. Hb., Ph., Pun. ʔdm, “man”, “mankind”, “individual man”,
HALOT 14; DNWSI 13f.; Amor. cf. DN /ʔadmu/, Buccellati Amorites 130; Gelb
CAAA 13, 46f.; OSA ʔdm, “vassals, subjects”, SD 2. Fensham JNSL 4 1975
12; Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 45); Cohen Fs. Avishur 17*-18*; ¶ par.: lỉm (I).
¶ Forms: sg. ảdm.
1) Man, individual: pỉt ảdm the temples of the man, 1.107:3; l ảdm … l bn ảdm
as for any (other) man / son of man, 1.169:14–15 (Del Olmo Fs Matthiae 110.
Cf. Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 38, 45: “oh man!”; Pardee TR/2 877, 889 f.: “pour
l’homme / fils de l’homme”).
2) Man, mankind, people: ảb ảdm the father of mankind, 1.14 I 37 and par.;
tṣmt ảdm she destroyed the people, 1.3 II 8 (// lỉm).
Cf. /ʔ-d-m/.
ảdm (II) adj. m. “obtained, acquired” (< OAss. adāmum, “beschaffen”, AHw 10;
“to own a share in a common fund”, CAD A/1 95 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ảdm.
Obtained, acquired: sprn ṭhrm ảdm our pure bronze has already been ac-
quired, 2.39:33 (diff. Pardee UF 13 1981 152, 156: “a man / anyone”; CS/3 95:
“pure”; for other opinions cf. Watson AuOr 10 1992 228 n. 38; Ford UF 40 2001
ỉdm “?” (De Moor ARTU 132: “red drink”; general survey of opinions in Dietrich-
Loretz Studien 59f.: “Rotes?, Rotwein?”, // mṣt).
?, in bkn ctx.: ỉdm ảdr (…)[ // ỉdm ʕrẓ tʕr[, 1.12 II 29–30 (Dietrich-Loretz
Studien 59: “das Rote (?) des Herrschenden … das Rote (?) des Gewaltigen
erre[gte? sie”). Cf. ỉdmnn, 1.55:4.
ủdm TN; mythical city of king pbl (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 304f.; cf. EA Akk.: URU
ú-du-mu, EAT 256:24; cf. OB/OAss. toponyms Admu(m), NA Udūmu, Uṣumai.
Astour RSP 2 267f.; UF 5 1973 33f., 39; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 492 f.; Ribichini
MLE 1 1982 51 f.; De Moor ARTU 196; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 165; Margalit
UR 158 n. 113; Pardee TPM 215). ¶ Forms: ủdm, du. ủdmm.

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ủdmʕt – ảdn (i) 19

TN: ảl tṣr ủdm, do not besiege TN, 1.14 III 29 and par.; ymġy l ủdm he reached
TN, 1.14 IV 47–48 and par.; k tnḥn ủdmm as the two TN moan (for her), 1.15 I 7;
in bkn ctx.: ủdm[ 4.693:7.
Cf. ủdmy.
ủdmʕt, cf. dmʕ.
ủdmy GN m. (< ủdm, TN. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 657). ¶ Forms: pl. ủdmym.
GN: 4.337:15. Cf. ủmdym, 4.394:5 (scribal mistake (?)).
/ʔ-d-n/ vb D “to let hear, proclaim, disclose” (< denom. ủdn “ear”; Arab. ʔaḏḏana,
“to call, make known”, AEL 42; Akk. wazzunu, “hinhören”, AHw 1494; “to pay
attention”, CAD U/W 396; Hb. hʔzyn hi., “to listen”, HALOT 27). ¶ Forms: D
prefc. tủdn.
D. To let hear, proclaim, disclose: km l tủdn dbbm kšpm in the same way,
do not let the foul-mouthed sorcerers disclose, 1.178:8 (diff. Ford UF 34 2002
129, 136, G: “likewise you shall not heed (any other) sorcerous accusations”;
Watson AuOr 19 2001 282: “to give ear”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 68, 70: “so
können (dir) nicht mehr zur Last werden die Zauberreden”, < *ʔwd, “beugen,
biegen, zwingen”).
Cf. ủdn (I).
ảdn (I) n. m. 1) “lord, master”; 2) “noble father” (Hb. ʔdwn, “lord, master”,
HALOT 12f.; Ph., Pun. ʔdn, “lord”, DNWSI 15ff. Amor. cf. Huffmon APNMT 159;
/ʔadanum/, “lord, master”, Gelb CAAA 13, 46. Garbini LSem 94 f. (/ʔadun-
/, /ʔadān-/); Gröndahl PTU 89f.; Weippert UF 6 1974 417; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 551; Sanmartín UF 9 1977 269 ff.; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria
57 1980 366; Loretz UF 12 1980 287–292; Adonis 25 ff.; Smith UBC/1 150 n. 58,
289 n. 122 = ảd + -n; Watson Historiae 10 2013 23); ¶ par.: ủm, bʕl; ¶ syll. Ug.:
NU = a-bu = at-ta-ni = a-da-nu, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) II 9; in PNN: /ʔadān-/,
/ʔadōn-/, Sivan GAGl 195; Huehnergard UVST 104; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988
650. ¶ Forms: sg. ảdn; suff. ảdny, ảdnk, ảdnkm, ảdnhm.
1. ★a) Lord: ảdnkm your lord, 1.2 I 17 and par. (// bʕlkm); ảt ảdn tpʕr you have
been proclaimed “lord”, 1.1 IV 17; in bkn ctx.: ảdn [bn ỉ]lm divine “lord”, 1.3 V 9;
as a royal title: at the approach of ảdn ỉlm rbm the “lord of the great gods”,
1.124:1 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 214f.; Loretz GAK 644; Del Olmo CR 261; Van der
Toorn BiOr 48 1991 60; Rahmouni DEUAT 29–32; for other attributions cf.
Pardee UF 15 1983 132f.); PN [ả]dny PN my lord, 2.85:2; PN ảdn(k) (your) lord,
1.6 VI 58; 1.16 I 57; ảdnkm 1.15 VI 5; 1.16 I 60; and reply l ảḫk l ảdnk to your
brother, your lord, 2.14:19; w ảdn ảt and you are the lord, 2.90:13; in unc. ctx.:
ảdnk šqrb to (?) your lord offer it, 1.16 I 44; ảdny, 2.39:9; ★b) master: ṯlṯ bʕlm w
ảdnhm three unskilled labourers and their master, 4.360:3; in bkn ctx.: l ảdn
ḥwt, 2.18:4; ảdn, 7.218:2; nn unc. ctx. ksp ṯlṯt ʕml l ảdn three shekels of silver
he earned (?) for (his) master, 5.11:7f.

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20 ảdn (ii) – ảdnnʕm

2. Noble father: ảdnh yšt mṣb mznm her noble father arranged the pointer
of the scales, 1.24:33 (// ủmh); l PN ảdny rgm tḥm PN bnk to PN, my lord, say:
message of PN, your son, 2.64:2; w ảdn ảt and you are the father, 2.90:13; in
bkn ctx.: 1.24:13 (Dietrich-Loretz Studien 176: metaph for “penis”).
Cf. ảdn (II), ảdnʕm, ảdnnʕm, ảdnṣdq, ảdt, ỉladn, mrảdn.
ảdn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 89f.; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 276; Rainey
Or 56 1987 393). Cf. ʕdn (IV).
PN: ★a) 4.609:33; ★b) bn PN, 4.90:3; 4.122:18; 6.16:2; 4.794:7.
ỉdn n. m. “authorisation, full powers” (?) (Arab. ʔiḏn, “permission”, AEL 42 f.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 472; Verreet UF 18 1986 378; diff. Die-
trich-Loretz UF 16 1984 354: “Termin”, Akk. adānu, (ʕ)edānu; Renfroe AULS 78;
Watson UF 40 2008 548, 563). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉdn.
Authorisation, full powers (?): rʕy šṣả ỉdn ly (so that) my friend may provide
me with an authorisation (?), 2.15:5.
ủdn (I) n. m. “ear” (Hb. ʔzn, “ear”, HALOT 27f.; OAram. ʔdn, “ear”, DNWSI 26;
Akk. uznu, “Ohr, Verstand”, AHw 1447f.; “ear, understanding”, CAD U/W
362ff.; Arab. ʔuḏn, “ear”, AEL 43; Eth. ʔezn, “ear”, CDG 52); ¶ par.: qdqd.
¶ Forms: sg. ủdn; du. suff. ủdnk, ủdnh.
Ear: ỉštmʕ w tqġ ủdn listen and let (your) ear be alert, 1.16 VI 42 and par.
(Gzella BiOr 64 2007 531); ql b ủdnk (…) (may) my voice (penetrate (?))
your ears, 1.13:23; hlmn (…) ṯlṯỉd ʕl ủdn he struck him (…) three times above
the ear, 1.18 IV 34 and par. (// qdqd); w ỉn ủdn ymn b[h] (…) w ỉn ủdn šmảl
b[h] and if its right ear is missing (…), and if its left ear is missing, 1.103:35,
Cf. /ʔ-d-n/.
ủdn (II) n. m. “(place of) dominion, power” (cf. ảdn (I). Van Zijl Baal 62;
Sanmartín UF 10 1978 449f.; Gray UF 11 1979 317 nn. 8–9; Bordreuil-Pardee
MARI 7 66; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982 77ff., “Ruheplatz”, Hb. ʔdn); ¶ par.:
kḥṯ (+ drkt), ksủ (+ mlk), mrym (+ ṣpn). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ủdnh.
(Place of) dominion: mšṣṣ k ʕṣr ủdnh who drove (him) out like a bird (from
the place) of his dominion, 1.3 IV 2 (// mrym ṣpn, ksủ mlk, kḥṯ drkt).
ảdnʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 15, 32f., 44, 90, 163; Kornfeld WZKM 71 1981 41;
Poulter-Davies VT 40 1990 237ff.; Watson LSU 154); ¶ syll.: cf. a-da-nu-um-mu,
PRU 3 67 (RS 16.262):9, 10, 13.
PN: 4.141 I 1, II 26.
Cf. ảdnnʕm.
ảdnn PN (Sem. ảdn (I) (?). Watson AuOr 30 2012 324: Akk. andunānu, addunā-
nu, “substitute”).
PN: bn PN, 4.54:8.
ảdnnʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32f., 44, 90, 163; Watson AuOr 8 1990 114).

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ảdnṣdq – ảdr (iii) 21

PN: 4.171:5. Cf. 4.141 I 1.

Cf. ảdnʕm.
ảdnṣdq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32f., 90, 187).
PN: 4.7:8; 4.129:8.
(ảdnty), 2.83:5 (prob. incorrect spelling of ảdtny; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria
57 1980 361: var. of ảdty). Cf. ảdt.
ảdny TN (Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 54: Atanija; Watson SEL 28 2011 27).
¶ Forms: with directional -h (II), ảdnyh.
TN: ảdnyh towards TN, 2.88:8.
ảdr (I) adj./n. m. 1) “wonderful, magnificent, strong, of good quality”; 2) “noble,
notable” (Hb. ʔdyr, “mighty, magnificent”, HALOT 13f.; Ph. ʔdr, “great,
mighty”, DNWSI 18f.; Ebla, Krebernik PET 70f.; Pagan ARES 3 88; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 171; EA Akk. URU a-du-ri, EAT 256:24; West AOAT 233 29: PN a-di-
ri-yo, Linear B). Blau-Greenfield BASOR 200 1970 17; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 181, 187; Sanmartín UF 9 1977 371–373; Watson SEL 12 1995 220; diff. [espe-
cially for 1.17 V 7] Ashley EAR 65: “threshing floor”, Aram. ʔdrʔ, Akk. adru, bīt
adri, strictly “granary”; cf. ảdr (II); ¶ par.: ʕrẓ, qdš, rḥb (+ mknpt); syll. Ug.
a-du-rù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 34. Sivan GAGl 196; Huehnergard UVST 104;
Van Soldt SAU 302. ¶ Forms: sg. ảdr; du./pl. ảdrm; cstr. ảdr; for f. ảdrt cf. ảdrt.
1) Wonderful, magnificent, strong: ảdr ṯqbm the most wonderful (of the) ash
trees, 1.17 VI 20 (cf. 21–25); ảdr <qnm> b ġl ỉl {qnm} the most wonderful (of
the) <canes> of the divine ġ., 1.17 VI 23 (diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 187:
“excellent are”, prefc. G, but cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 171–172; Garbini
OrAn 29 1990 57ff.: “tagliare”, impv., *ʔdr; Pardee CS/1 346 n. 37: “I’ll will
vow”, < *ndr); ḥlm ảdr magnificent fortress, 1.16 I 8 and par. (// qdš, rḥb
mknpt); (your ship was met) by gšm ảdr by a heavy downpour, 2.38:14 (diff.
Bordreuil Semitica 40 1991 30: “ADR, nom de mois”); ṯn kndwm ảdrm two
strong garments k. (or: pieces of k. fabric), 4.4:2 (McGeough UgET 479 n. 55;
cf. dq).
2) Noble, worthy: yṯb b ảp ṯġr tḥt ảdrm d b grn he sat at the entrance of the
gate among the nobles who (gather) in the threshing-floor, 1.17 V 7; yn (…)
l ảdrm b TN wine (…) for the nobles of TN, 4.246:7; ảdr ṣr[ noble(s) of TN
(?), 1.176:19 (Caquot-Bordreuil Syria 57 1980 351). In unc. ctx.: p ảdrm and the
nobles, 2.3:19; in bkn ctx. ỉdm ảdr (…)[, 1.12 II 29; ảdr[, 2.83:10; d. ảdr[, 2.88:17.
Cf. ảdrdn, ảdrt.
ảdr (II) n. m. “granary” (Akk. adru, “Tenne”, AHw 13; “threshing floor”, CAD A/1
129f.; OAram. ʔdr, “threshing floor”, DNWSI 18). ¶ Forms: sg. ảdr.
Granary: door l ảḥd ảdr for one granary, 4.195:5.
ảdr (III) n. m. a variety of tree (“poplar” (?). Sum. adarx, “a variety of poplar”,
Lieberman SLOBA 136; Akk. adaru, “ein Baum (Zitronenbaum?)”, AHw 11;

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22 ảdr (iv) – ảdrt

adāru, “an indigenous tree”, CAD A/1 102f. Watson AuOr 22 2004 112; survey
of opinions in LSU 136, 145). ¶ Forms: pl. ảdrm.
Poplar (?): mỉt ảdrm b ʕšrt one hundred ả for ten (shekels), 4.158:8 (diff.
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 295: “pin” (?), see ảdr (IV)).
ảdr (IV) n. m. “fibula” (?) (Akk. edēru, “umfassen, umarmen”, AHw 186; “to hug,
embrace”, CAD E 29f. Stieglitz JAOS 99 1979 20; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 27, 59
n. 93; Watson UF 28 1996 705f.; AuOr 19 2001 281); diff. Baldacci BiOr 46 1989
119: “mighty”, see ảdr (I); Cecchini SEL 1 1984 47: “battente”, Akk. an-du-ru-ú).
¶ Forms: pl. ảdrm.
Fibula (?): pldm b ảdrm p.-garments (provided) with (?) fibulae (?), 4.4:5 (alt.
pldm d, incorrect spelling for b [?]) ảdrm p.-garments which are strong; cf.
ibid. ln. 2: ṯn kndwm ảdrm; cf. ảdr (I)).
ủdr n. m. “nobility, splendour” > “the most noble” (cf. ảdr (I). Hb. ʔdr, “splen-
dour”, HALOT 16; Pun. ʔdr, “splendour”, DNWSI 18 f. Gibson CML 143; De
Moor ARTU 55; diff. Margalit MLD 216ff.: “granary”, see ʔdr (II); De Moor-
Spronk UF 14 1982 159 n. 55: “slopes”, < /n-d-r/; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 208:
“chameaux”, Akk. udru; Watson SEL 16 1999 39; LSU 39, < /d-r-y/ “to cut”);
¶ par.: mḥmd. ¶ Forms: sg. ủdr.
Nobility, the most noble: may they bring you ủdr ỉlqṣm the most noble
gem(s), 1.4 V 17 and par. (// mḥmd).
ảdrdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 16, 43, 61, 90, 123; Huehnergard UVST 254,
262; AkkUg 368; Van Soldt SAU 38; Watson AuOr 14 1996 94; LSU 155); ¶ syll.:
cf. ad-da-ru, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):22.
PN: 4.147:9; 4.148:3; 4.264:5; in bkn ctx. 4.141 I 10; 4.183 I 22.
ỉdrm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 53, 90; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 208;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 326).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 II 2; 4.377:8; 4.786:11; cf. 4.452:2; 4.511:2; 4.528:4.
ỉdrn PN (Hurr. (?). Laroche GLH 128; Gröndahl PTU 61, 90; Lipiński SAIO 1
138; Watson AuOr 30 2012 326); ¶ syll.: id-da-ra(-na), PRU 3 86 (RS 15.119):7,
PN: bn PN, 4.65:9; 4.322:9; in bkn ctx.: 4.694:3.
ỉdrp “?”, an element in the titulary of the god ršp (Xella TRU 99 f.; Aartun UF 16
1984 14: “Schutz”, Arab. darf ; Renfroe UF 18 1986 51).
?: ršp ỉdrp š DN (of) ỉ., a ram, 1.148:32.
ảdrt adj./n. f. 1) “of good quality”; 2) “noble (lady)”; 3) “the best” (?) (f. of ảdr (I),
(IV). Macdonald UF 10 1978 165ff.; McGeough ERU 98; Watson Historiae 10
2013 24). ¶ Forms: sg. ảdrt; du. ảdrtm; pl. ảdrt.
1) Of good quality: yryt ảdrt corals (?) of good quality, 4.411:7 (cf. dqt).
2) Noble: ảṯt(m) ảdrt(m) one / two / nn noble lady(/ ladies), 4.102:4 and

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ảdt – ỉdy 23

3) The best (?), in bkn ctx.: mrḥh l ảdrt[ (she set) her nostrils (?) to the best
… (?), 1.92:7 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117f.: “largest one”).
ảdt n. f. “lady” (< m. ảdn. Ph., Palm. ʔdt, “lady”, DNWSI 16 f.; Ebla cf. NÌ-LAK 384
= a-da-na-du, Conti QuSem 17 38, 74. Dressler AT 336; Dijkstra DDD2 6 f.);
syll. Ug. /ʔadatt-/ < /ʔadant-/, cf. PNN a-da-ti-ya, PRU 3 113 (RS 16.353):29;
ÌR-a-da-ti, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):23; a-da-ta-ya, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 11;
šùm-a-da-ti, PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):6; um-mi-a-da-ti7, ibid. ln. 7. Gröndahl
PTU 89f.; Sivan GAGl 195. Watson Historiae 10 2013 24. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảdty,
Lady, in the royal titulary: l mlkt ảdty to the queen, my Lady, 2.12:2; 2.24:2;
2.33:1, cf. ln. 4, 19; 2.68:1; 2.24:2; 2.101:2; l pʕn ảdty at the feet of my Lady, 2.12:7:
2.68:4; 2.24:5: 2.33:3; 2.89:3; 2.101:5; l ảdty yšlm may go well to my Lady, 2.89:4;
2.101:4; ṯmny ʕm ảdty mnm is there everything (going well) in respect of my
Lady? 2.89:8; ỉršt ảdty the request of my Lady, 2.22:4; znt ảdty the sustenance
of my Lady, 2.89:19; Lady (and) mother: l ủmy ảdtny to my mother, our Lady
(du. suff.), 2.11:1, cf. ln. 5, 15; l mlkt ủmy ảdty to the queen, my mother and my
Lady, 2.82:2; ʕm ảdty with my Lady, 2.68:15; in bkn ctx.: 2.25:2; ảdnty, 2.83:5,
prob. mistake for ảdtny; ]p ảdt[, 2.93:3.
Cf. ảdty, ʕbdảt, hyảdt.
ỉdt, n. f. “?” (De Moor CARTU 127: “obligation”). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) ỉdt.
?: idt[, 1.15 III 30 (// (?) ndr[).
ủdt “?” in bkn ctx. dealing with textiles (for the reading ủ<p>dt cf. Ribichini-
Xella Tessili 31, 76). Forms: ủdt.
?: ủdt š[ʕrt, 4.152:3.
ảdty PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 89f.; Van Soldt SAU 37); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU
a-da-ta-ya, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 11; PRU 3 114: fa-da-ti-ya.
PN: bn PN, 4.13:36; 4.69 III 13; 4.344:7; 4.410:7; 4.422:3; 4.616:4; 4.769:7; 4.841:16;
4.843:36; in bkn ctx.: 4.494:4.
ỉdṯn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 251, 423); ¶ syll.: cf. i-di-še-ni, PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107
A):9 (Huehnergard UVST 231 n. 91).
PN: 4.129:6; 4.277:12; 4.296:11; 4.649:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.21:2; 4.118:7.
ảdy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 89); ¶ syll.: cf. a-du-ú, PRU 6 85 (RS 19.79):7;
(DUMU.MEŠ) a-da-a-a, RSOu 7 40 (RS 34.152):20 and passim ibid.; ad-di-ya,
RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) rev. 9, 11. Cf. ảdʕ(y), ʕdy.
PN: ★a) 4.63 I 41; 4.65:5; 4.93 I 6; ★b) bn PN: 4.93 I 3; 4.124:10; 4.225:13; 4.412
II 31; 4.753:17.
ỉdy adv. of time “already” (cf. ỉd + /y/; cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
21; Caquot TOu/2 63 n. 163; diff. Van Zijl JNSL 2 1972 74f.: “waterflood”, Hb.
ʔēd, Job 36:27; De Moor UF 11 1979 650: “to fulfil”, Arab. ʔadā). ¶ Forms:

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24 ảḏdd – ỉ/ủḏrn(n)

Already: [ỉd] y ảlt l ảḥš ỉdy ảlt ỉn ly then I shall not feel the curse, then I shall
not have any curse on me!, 1.82:2.
ảḏdd TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 3: *ʔ Aḏdādu. Astour RSP 2 255 ff.; Pardee AfO 36–
37 1989–1990 482; Huehnergard UVST 225 n. 73, 231 n. 94); ¶ syll.: URU áš-da-
di, PRU 6 156 (RS 19.20):3.
TN: kkr ảḏdd talent of TN, 4.709:2 (cf. kkr (I)). Cf. ảḏddy.
ảḏddn PN (< ảḏdd, TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 422).
PN: 4.214 IV 7.
ảḏddy (I) GN m. (< ảḏdd, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ảḏddy; pl. ảḏddym.
GN: 4.96:3; 4.635:16 and passim ibid; 4.721:3.
ảḏddy (II) PN (< ảḏddy (I), GN m. Gröndahl PTU 422; Van Soldt SAU 18 f.).
PN: 4.352:9.
ảḏdt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 26, 422).
PN: bn PN, 4.106:8.
ảḏmln PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 221).
PN: 4.417:12; in bkn ctx.: 4.83:1.
ảḏmny PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 221, 241).
PN: 4.15:2.
ảḏmṯn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 212, 221, 251).
PN: bn PN, 4.70:4.
ủḏn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. ú-za-nu, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) II 23'. Cf. ʕzn.
PN: bn PN, 4.90:9; in bkn ctx.: uḏn[d (Dietrich-Mayer UF 29 1997 165, 170:
“[für] die Opferschau”, Hurr. uḏe=ne[da), 1.116:27; 1.149:1 (Hurr. ctx.).
ủḏr (I) n. m. “express messenger, courier” (Hurr. izuri, “courreur”, GLH 130; cf.
KAR = la-sà-mu = i-zu-ri = ma-al-sà-mu, Ug 5 137 (RS 2.123) II 18; Laroche Ug
5 461 31. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 459; Cunchillos TOu/2 323f.;
Watson LSU 125; diff. De Moor UF 17 1985 219: “promised tribute” < */n-ḏ:d-r/).
¶ Forms: sg. ủḏr, suff. ủḏrh.
Express messenger, courier: PN ủḏrh is his messenger, 2.30:15 (diff. Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 237: “his ‘vow’ (?)”; cf. supra De Moor); w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd
hn[d] and also the king, (namely) the messenger, knows that I shall collect
this (?), 2.33:20 (diff. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 44 n. 33: rdg uḏ[n?], “give [ear to me
?]”; Pardee AfO 31 1984 216: uḏr “[her ?] vow”; CS/3 106 n. 139: uḏrh “his vow”,
rdg nḏrh).
Cf. ủḏr (II)
ủḏr (II) PN (etym. unc., ủḏr (I)).
PN: bn PN, 4.769:18.
Cf. ỉ/ủḏrn(n).
ỉ/ủḏrn(n) PN (etym. unc.; see ủḏr (II) (?). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 21, 459; Lipiński OLP 12 95f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ú-šur-na-na, RS 23.79 III 5;

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ảgỉn – ảgm(y) 25

u-zu-ur-na-na, RS 25.132 I 12. Van Soldt SAU 315 n. 120. Cf. var. ủḏrnn in
PN: bn PN, 3.9:19; 4.64 V 8; 4.86:13; 4.428:8.
ảgỉn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215f.).
PN: 4.825 I 11
ỉgʕ in bkn ctx: ] ʕlk ỉgʕ ṯ[, 7.163:6.
ảgb/pṯr PN (Hurro-Akk. Gröndahl PTU 205f., 215, 249, 318; Dietrich-Loretz Ug 6
173f.; Ug 7 147; MU 9; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 19; Xella TRU 185;
Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 392; Van Soldt SAU 199f.); ¶ syll.: a-gap-LUGAL,
PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 44 (cf. a-k[a]p?-LUGAL, ibid. II 36); PRU 6 86
(RS 19.82) I 9. Cf. var. ảgpṯr in 1.141:1; 4.286:7.
PN: ★a) 1.141:1; 3.25:7; 4.96:4; 4.278:2; 4.286:7; 4.374:4; 4.631:10; 4.696:9; ★b) bn
PN: 4.714:2; 6.62:1.
ảgd(y)n PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215, 262; Kienast UF 11 1979 450; Van Soldt
SAU 40); ¶ syll.: cf. ak-te-na, Syria 15 1934 138 (RS [Varia 3]):19.
PN: ★a) 4.631:15; ★b) bn PN, 3.4:3.
ảg/kd/tṯb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 207, 210, 212, 215 f., 264; Dietrich-Loretz
OLZ 62 1967 535, 551; Van Soldt SAU 345); ¶ syll.: a-ki-dU/IM, PRU 3 238; PRU 6
52 (RS 19.78):3, 11; a-kid-dIM, PRU 4 49 (RS 17.340):3. Huehnergard AkkUg 401.
PN: ★a) ảgdṯb, 4.307:8, ảg]dṯb 4.35 I 2; ảkdṯb 22; ảgtṯb, 3.23:2; 4.320:3; ★b) bn
ảgdṯb, 4.658:12; bn ảkdṯb, 4.713:1.
/ʔ-g-g/ vb G: generic mng “to moan, mutter” (etym. unc. Akk. agāgu, “ergrim-
men”, AHw 14; “to be angry”, CAD A/1 139f.; cf. Hb. hgh, hgyg, “sigh, sighing”,
HALOT 237, 238. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 249); ¶ par.: /y-t-n/ (+ ql).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tỉggn.
G. To moan (?): k ảbnm l tỉggn like stones that do not moan (?), 1.82:43 (// l
ttn <ql>).
ảglby PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 216, 245); ¶ syll.: cf. a-ga-li-bi, Ug 5 53
(RS 20.15):10.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 3; 4.313:8; 4.344:13.
ảgm cf. ảgm(y).
ảgmn PN (etym. unc.; see ảgm( y). Gröndahl PTU 91, 215, 241); ¶ syll.: cf. ag-mi-
ni, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):43.
PN: bn PN, 4.12:5; 4.93 IV 4; 4.313:8; 4.327:2; 4.783:3; 4.819:6; in bkn ctx.: ảgm[,
ảgm(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 4: *ʔ Agimu. Astour UF 11 1979 17; Heltzer
RCAU 8; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 15; Van Soldt Topography 6 f., 169); ¶ syll.: URU
a-gi-mu, cf. PRU 3 265; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):10; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):16;
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):29. Huehnergard UVST 218.
TN: ảgm, 1.91:31; 4.68:49; 4.365:28; 4.610 II 2; 4.686:2; RSOu 14 35: 4.800 I 31;

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26 ảgm(y) – ảgpṯr

ảgmy, 4.355:2, 11; for the rdg ]gmy in 4.355:2 (KTU: ả]gmy) see Belmonte
AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 21; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 229 (“phonetic variant of
ảgm(y) PN (< GN < ảgm(y), TN. Gröndahl PTU 26, 91; Schneider APNÄQNR 226;
Van Soldt SAU 26).
PN: 4.98:3; 4.183 II 16; 4.690:12; 4.810:14; in bkn ctx.: ảgm[, 4.539:2.
ảgmz PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215, 241).
PN: ★a) 4.350:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.335:5; in bkn ctx.: ảgm[, 4.539:2.
ʔgn, 6.70:1, cf. ảgn.
ảgn n. m. “cauldron, earthenware bowl” (Akk. agannu, “Schale”, AHw 15; “a
large bowl”; CAD A/1 142f.; Hb., OAram., Ph. ʔgn, “large and deep bowl”,
HALOT 11; “crater, open bowl”, DNWSI 9f.; Kaufman AIA 33; EA 2 a-ga-nu
ša NA4, EAT 14 III 65; Eg. ʔ­ku­na, ʔ­k­nu, Hoch SWET 42 f. (36); Muchiki
Loanwords 63; Hitt. aganni-, “Schale”, Laroche RA 47 1953 40; HW2 52 f.;
Tischler HEG 10; Puhvel HED 24; Min. a-ka-nu, a vessel, Stieglitz Kadmos 10/2
1971 111. Greenstein JANES 8 1976 54; Dietrich-Loretz KA 235; Watson LSU 19
76, 147; AuOrS 27 82; diff. Pope UF 11 1979 701–705; Foley UF 19 1987 72: “fire” //
ỉšt; Segert-Zgusta ArOr 21 1953 274f.: Arab. ʔağğa, Lat. ignis, Sansk. agni; Xella
MŠŠ 67: “braciere”; Du Mesnil NE 89, 93: “tour” < *gnn; Cunchillos AD 52:
“estanque”; for a general cf. Trujillo UR 149ff.; Renfroe AULS 78); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. TN URU a-ga-na, PRU 6 102 (RS 19.12):10; URU a-ga-na-a, AnOr 48 1971 29
(RS [Varia 11 = “1957.3”]):3). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 4). ¶ Forms: sg. ảgn. Cf. ʔgn
in 6.70:1.
Cauldron, earthenware bowl: w ʕl ảgn šbʕdm and seven times over the caul-
dron, 1.23:15; mšʕltm l riš ảgn two consecrated women (?) at the head of / in
charge of the cauldron, ibid. ln. 31, 36 (Del Olmo IMC 143–146; according to
Park UF 39 2007 621–624: “the erection”, in the context of “male and female
genitalia”); ʔgn z pʕl PN earthenware bowl which PN made, 6.70:1 (Dietrich-
Loretz KA 234f.).
ảgny (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 4. Heltzer RCAU 8; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 657;
Watson SEL 28 2011 27); ¶ syll.: cf. URU a-ga-na, PRU 6 102 (RS 19.12):10; URU
a!?-ga-na, PRU 6 110 (RS 19.88):2, Van Soldt Topography 7; URU a-ga-na-a,
AnOr 48 1971 26 (RS [Varia 11 = “1957.3”]):3. ¶ Forms: sg. ảgny.
TN: ġr ảgny the mountain of TN, 3.33:1.
ảgny (II) GN m. (cf. ảgny (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. ảgny.
GN: PN ảgny, 4.379:9.
ảgpṯ(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215, 251f.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 324: Nuzi
A-kap-še (?)); ¶ syll.: cf. a-gab-šu, PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):16.
PN: ★a) ảgpṯn, 4.97:4; 4.631:2; ★b) bn ảgpṯ, 4.382:25.
ảgpṯr, cf. ảgb/pṯr.

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ảgr – ủgrt 27

ảgr PN (Sem. (?). Watson LSU 155).

PN: ★a) 4.243:33; ★b) bn PN, 4.753:22.
ủgr (I) n. m. “field, soil” (Akk. ugāru, “Feldflur”, AHw 1402f.; “arable land”, CAD
U/W 27ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: A+GÀR, A.ŠÀ A.GÀR.MEŠ. Huehnergard AkkUg 441;
Watson LSU 76: “meadow”). ¶ par.: ʕpr. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ủgrm (encl. -m).
Field, soil: kry (…) ʕẓm yd ủgrm dig (drive in …) (with your) forearm in the
soil, 1.12 I 25 (// ʕpr; diff. Schloen JNES 52 1993 216: “hireling”, < /ʔ-g-r/).
ủgr (II) DN, one of the two messenger-boys of Baal, gpn w ủgr (De Moor SP 53;
Loewenstamm EI 14 1978 1 n. 1; Haas-Thiel UF 11 1979 339 f.; Stolz Fs. Kraus
DN gpn w ủgr: 1.3 III 36; 1.4 VII 54; VIII 47; 1.5 I 12; 1.8 II 7.
ủgr (III) PN (cf. ủgr (II), DN. Van Soldt SAU 33); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ug-ru-na,
PRU 3 48 (RS 16.248):10 (Sivan GAGl 201; Huehnergard AkkUg 367); DUMU
ú-ga/ga5-a[r, Ug 5 51 (RS 20.158):8 and passim ibid.
PN: bn PN, 4.52:8; 4.54:11; in unc. rdg: 4.244:17 (?).
ảgršn PN (Hurro-Sem. (?). Watson AuOr 8 1990 114).
PN: bn PN, 4.760:2.
ảgrt n. f. “mistress” (< “she who hires”; act. ptc. f. sg. G of /ʔ-g-r/. Akk. agāru,
“mieten”, AHw 16; “to hire”, CAD A/1 146; Hb., OAram. *ʔgr, “to hire”, HALOT 11;
DNWSI 10f.; Arab. ağara, “to let on hire”, AEL 23. Kaufman AIA 33; Dijkstra-
De Moor UF 7 1975 212; Watson Historiae 10 2013 24; diff. Parker UF 38 2006
563f. n. 20: “hired woman”); ¶ par.: ʕnt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảgrtn.
Mistress: ảgrtn bảt b ḏdk our mistress entered your caves (// ʕnt), 1.19 IV 51.
Cf. ảgr, ảgršn.
ủgrt TN, the city of Ugarit (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 305 ff.: *Ugarit. Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 648: /ʔugarit-/; UF 28 1996 657; Sivan GAGl 201: /ʔUgarītu/; Ebla:
cf. u9-ga-ra-atki, MEE 3 56:5; Pettinato MEE 3 p. 229; Or 47 1978 55; Liv-
erani SDB IX 1296; Steinkeller VO 6 1986 37; Archi RA 82 1987 185 f.; Astour
WGE 144f.; OB / Mari Akk.: ú-ga-ri-it/timki, Groneberg RGTC 3 245; esp.
ARMT 23 p. 594; ARMT 25 p. 247; Villard UF 18 1986 387ff.; Alal. Akk.(VII/IV):
ú-ga-ri-it, AT p. 157; Wiseman JCS 8 1954 27; Klengel OLZ 57 1962 454; Hitt./Bo.
Akk.: ú-ga-ri-it(=), Del Monte- Tischler RGTC 6 451; Del Monte RGTC 6/2
177; Eg. (RN) ʔá-kú-ri-tá ( y-k3-ry-ṭy) and var. (?) ʔ(a)-kú-ta2 ( y-k3-ṯt), Edel
ZDPV 69 1953 149; Helck Bez. 158 and passim (esp. 542, 559, 571; Liverani
SDB IX 1298; Giveon UgRetr 55f.; Van Soldt Topography 7, 169; Watson LSU
197); ¶ RS Akk.: URU.KI, passim (cf. qrt); ¶ syll.: KUR(.URU)/URU u/ú-
ga/ga5-ri-it/ta/ti/te(ki), cf. PRU 3 267; PRU 4 256; PRU 6 147; Ug 5 337; RSOu 7
138; var. URU ugar(A.GÀR)-ít(ÍD), PRU 3 126 (RS 16.162):23 (cf. URU u-ga-ri-it,
ibid. ln. 3); KUR ú-ga-rít(RAD), PRU 4 105 (RS 18.03):30; Ug 5 23 (RS R.S.L. 1):3;
Ug 5 44 (RS 20.129):1, 7; Ug 5 55 (RS 20.178):6; RSOu 7 7 (RS 34.136):2; RSOu 7

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28 ủgrtn – ảgzry

14 (RS 34.139):2; RSOu 7 30 (RS [Varia 26]):6; RSOu 7 35 (RS 34.153):7; cf. KUR
ú-ga<-ri>-it, RSOu 7 18 (RS 34.154):2, 8; cf. Huehnergard UVST 217, 251.
TN: passim, among others 2.88:23, 40; 3.32:4; 4.854:2; scribal error l! grt in
ủgrtn PN (< ủgrt, TN).
PN: bn PN, 4.715:26.
ủgrty GN m. (< ủgrt, TN. Van Soldt SAU 33); ¶ syll.: cf. PN URU ủ-ga-ar-ti(- ya),
PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):15f. Huehnergard UVST 239; Van Soldt SAU 336. ¶ Forms:
sg. ủgrty, pl. ủgrtym [Hurr. ugrtw, 1.125:7].
GN: 2.81:27–28; 4.33:8–9; 4.750:3.
ủgry PN (< ủgr (I) (?). Gröndahl PTU 51, 91).
PN: 4.63:45.
ảgtṯp PN; cf. ảg/kd/tṯb.
ảgy(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215f.; Van Soldt SAU 34; Watson AuOr 39 2012
324: Nuzi A-ga-ia); ¶ syll.: cf. a-ga-ia, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):21; a-gu-ya, PRU 6
5 (RS 17.22+):28; a-gi-ia-na, PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):1.
PN: ★a) ảgyn, 4.75 IV 9; 4.80:22; 4.379:9 (ảgny); 4.609:36; 4.631:8; 4.753:1; 4.761:3
(bn [); 4.825 VI 12; ★b) bn PN, 3.13:10; 4.37:2; 4.50:16; 4.70:2, 5; 4.313:25; in bkn
ctx.: ảgy[, 4.825 II 23.
ỉgy PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 224; Watson AuOr 11 1993 214; AuOr 25 2007
PN: ★a) 4.344:17; ★b) bn PN, 4.410:9 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 37).
ảgy(n)t PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215f., 262; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 392;
Van Soldt SAU 33); ¶ syll.: cf. ak-ia-an-ti, PRU 3 49 (RS 16.263):11.
PN: ★a) ảgyt, 4.55:12; ★b) bn ảgynt, 4.33:35.
ảgytn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 215, 262).
PN: bn PN, 3.2:6.
ảgzr cf. ảgzrt, ảgzry.
ảgzrt adj. f. “anxious, longing, eager” (?) (< m. *ảgzr, /ʔqtl/ pattern, var. of ảgzry.
De Moor NYCI/2 21 n. 84; Del Olmo UF 13 1981 60; diff. Sanmartín UF 5 1973
269: “Stück”, *gzr). ¶ Forms: sg. f. ảgzrt (mistake: ảzrt, 1.13:30).
Anxious (?): ảgzrt ʕ[n]t (…) ả<g>zrt ʕnt w ld anxious (?) did DN become
(…) anxious (?) (was) DN to give birth / for the son, 1.13:29–30 (diff. Hef-
felfinger UF 43 2011 243: “cut off was … estranged was DN from bearing”, Hb.
Cf. ảgzry.
ảgzry adj. m. “ravenous, glutton” (prob. augmented denom. form (pattern:
/ʔqtly/) of *gzr. Hb. gzr II, “to devour”, HALOT 187. De Moor NYCI/2 20 n. 84;
Pope UF 11 1979 717; Smith RM 65; diff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 53: “Abbild”,
rdg ảgzr ym, *gzr, Hb. gzrh and Akk. karāṣu; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 359:

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ảġli – ủġr 29

“qui fendent la mer”, rdg ảgzr ym, *gzr; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 181: “who
delimit the / one day”); Watson UF 32 2000 567; LSU 125: Hurr. a-ga-aš-ša-ri,
“offspring of the Sea”). ¶ Forms: pl. ảgzrym.
Ravenous: ảgzrym bn ym the ravenous ones though only one day (old),
1.23:58, 60–61.
Cf. ảgzrt.
ảġli PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; WO 4
1967–1968 302, 304); ¶ syll.: DUMU a-ḫa-la-e, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):10.
PN: bn PN, 4.204:8; 4.260:7; 4.769:40; 4.849:11; in bkn ctx.: ảġl[, 4.506:1; 4.649:6.
ảġld PN (Hurr.); ¶ syll.: cf. aḫ-la-ti, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. I 1, 4; II 6.
PN: bn PN, 4.71 IV 4. Cf. gt PN, 4.382:32 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 82: *Gittu-
ʔ Aġladi).

ảġlḏrm PN (Hurr.).
PN: 4.276:13.
ả/ỉġlkḏ/z PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204f., 214f., 238; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–
1968 302; OLZ 62 1967 546; Van Soldt SAU 126). Cf. var. ġlkz.
PN: ảġlkz, 4.103:52; ỉglkḏ, 4.607:23; 4.769:50.
ảġlmn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214, 241; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302);
¶ syll.: [e]ḫ-li-m[e?]-ni, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):9; a-ḫal-me-ni, Ug 5 86 (RS
20.176):24. Cf. var. ġlmn.
PN: ★a) 4.296:12; 4.370:5, 17; ★b) bn PN, 4.290:5.
ảġltn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214f., 262; Dietrich-Loretz WO 1967–1968 302;
Van Soldt SAU 151); ¶ syll.: a-ḫal-te-nu and var., cf. PRU 3 238; PRU 6 137; Ug 5 4
(RS 17.20):8 (Huehnergard UVST 240 n. 120); eḫ-li-dIM, PRU 6 45 (RS 18.21):34.
PN: ★a) 2.87:16; 4.33:4 (mỉd[ḥy); 4.115:1; 4.285:12; 4.295:7 (] y); 4.307:9; 4.313:20;
4.320:8; 4.370:39; 4.417:17 ( ypry); 4.753:7; bkn ctx.: 4.122:23; 4.643:16; 4.659:3;
4.790:21; 4.858:5; 4.859 I 7; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 VI 13.
ảġltṯb PN (Hurr.)
PN: 2.105:1
ả/ỉ]ġlṯr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214f., 249f.).
PN: ả/ỉġ]lṯr, 4.428:5.
ả/ỉġlyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 214; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; UF 9 1977
341; Watson AuOr 13 1995 218; ¶ syll.: cf. a-ḫal-i[a-na, PRU 3 162 (RS 16.286):8;
a-ḫal-ia-nu, RS 22.399+:10 (Van Soldt SAU 441). Cf. var. ġlyn.
PN: ★a) 4.159:7; 4.631:17 (bn kzbn); 4.696:7 (written ảġṣ! yn); 4.825 I 10; ★b) bn
PN, 4.63 III 19; 4.842:18.
ỉġr “?” (ctx. and rdg unc.), 2.33:13 (diff. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 44, rdg [t]ġr).
ủġr TN, residence of the goddess Anat (< (?) Arab. ġār, AEL 2307f.; Hb. mʕrh,
HALOT 615f.; Tarazi UF 36 2004 453, 494, 498 ff.: “subterranean water
course”); ¶ par.: ỉnbb.

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30 ảġt – ảhbt

TN: an šnt ủġr l rḥq ỉlm I must leave TN for the farthest god, 1.3 IV 34 (// ỉnbb)
(diff. Wyatt RTU 82 n. 58: read. lġr, “to the mountain”).
ảġt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 5: *ʔ Aġatu / *Aḫatu. Heltzer RCAU 9; Xella MLE 1
1982 53ff.; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 13, 15; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 483; Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 659; Watson LSU 196); ¶ syll.: URU a-ḫa-tu, cf. PRU 6 146
(Huehnergard UVST 241).
TN: 4.49:5; 4.68:14; 4.244:16; 4.382:19; 4.553:5; 4.610 II 39; 4.686:11 (Xella MLE 1
1982 53ff.); 4.800 II 3; poss. 4.795:9. Cf. in bkn ctx.: ỉlt mgdl š w ảġt[, 1.112:25
(Pardee TR/1–2 635, 1118: common name “une ảġt”).
ảġty PN (unc.; cf. ảḫty).
PN: 4.748:10 (ʕmṯdy); cf. ʕmṯdy.
ảġyn PN; cf. ả/ỉḫyn.
ỉġyn PN; cf. ả/ỉḫyn.
ảġzr (?) n. m. “?” (poss. title of nobility or courtier; /ʔqtl/ pattern < (?) */ġ-z-r/;
diff. Caquot Ug 7 p. 132: PN; Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326). ¶ Forms: sg.
(?) m. (?) ảġzr[.
?, in bkn ctx.: w rgmt l ảġzr[ and did you / she say to the ả., 2.73:13.
Cf. ġzr.
ảġzt n. f. “wedding, betrothal” (Hurr. (?). > Akk. aḫuzzatu, “Heirat”, AHw 23;
“marriage gift”, CAD A/1 217; Tropper UG 125. De Moor ARTU 142 n. 7: “pro-
tection-marriage”; less likely < Arab. ġazā, “to will, desire”, AEL 2257; ġazza,
“choisir quelqu’un particulièrement parmi les autres et l’ avoir spécialement
pour soi”, ġazā, “en vouloir à un tel”, VIII ʔiġtizā, “se lier plus intimement avec
un”, DAF/2 463, 465. Del Olmo MLC 516; Watson LSU 76 and n. 96; Historiae 10
2013 34; diff. Herrmann YN 3: “Herbst”, season of raiding parties, Arab. ġazā);
¶ par.: qẓ. ¶ Forms: sg. ảġzt.
Wedding, betrothal: DN mlk ảġzt king of the wedding(-season), 1.24:3 (// qẓ).
/ʔ-h-b/ vb G/D: “to love” (Hb. ʔhb, “to like, to love”, HALOT 17f.; OAram., ʔhb, “to
love”, DNWSI 20; Ebla cf. /ʔ-(ʔ)-b/, PNN /ʔ-h-b/, “to love”, Krebernik PET 35,
73; Pagan ARES 3 88). ¶ Forms: G/D suffc. ỉhb (D (?). ManUg 259), prefc. yủhb
(/yiʔhab/ (?). Sivan UF 21 1989 362; diff. Tropper UF 22 1990 367: /yôhVb/ <
/yaʔhVb/); UG 611; suffc. ỉhbt (?)).
G./D. To love, prefer: d ỉhb PN (the son) whom PN will prefer, 3.32:11; yủhb
ʕglt b <ảrṣ> dbr he loved a heifer in the <“Land of > Pestilence”, 1.5 V 18; in
bkn ctx.: l ỉhbt, 2.31:51 (cf. ảhbt); yủ[h]b mn[, 1.92:31–32.
Cf. ảhbt.
ảhbt n. f. “love” (< /ʔ-h-b/. Hb. ʔhbh, “loving”, HALOT 18); ¶ par.: dd, yd. ¶ Forms:
sg. cstr. ảhbt (cf. ỉhbt, 2.31:51, G suffc. of /ʔ-h-b/ or var. of ảhbt).
Love: ảhbt ṯr tʕrrk perhaps the love of the Bull has moved you?, 1.4 IV 39 (//
yd); ảhbt ṭly the love of DN, 1.3 III 7; cf. 1.7:23; 1.101:18 (// dd. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 17 1985 143f.).

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ỉhbt – ảḥd 31

Cf. /ʔ-h-b/.
ỉhbt, in bkn ctx.: l ỉhbt yb[x] rgmy 2.31:49 (G suffc. of /ʔ-h-b/ or var. of ảhbt).
Cf. ảhbt.
ảhl n. m. “tent, mansion” (Amor. /ʔahlum/, “tent, house”, Gelb CAAA 13, 37; Ebla
cstr. a-ʔà-al6, suff. a-ʔà-al6-zu, “city”, Krebernik QuSem 18 100, 145; cf. á-lu,
Fronzaroli ARET 13 243; Hb. ʔhl, “tent”, HALOT 19; cf. Arab. ʔahl, “the people
of a house”, AEL 121; OSA ʔhl, “folk, people, community”, SD 3; Akk. ālu,
“Ortschaft”, AHw 39; “city”, CAD A/1 375ff.; aʔlu (NA), “Beduinen(stamm)?”,
AHw 39; “confederation, amphictyony”, CAD A/1 374; Eg. ʔahila, “Tent”, Hoch
SWET 31 (24); diff. Sanmartín WZKM 86 1996 391 ff.: “Stadt”; Watson AuOr 19
2001 282; LSU 76); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. URU ya(PI)-na-a-lum, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147)
rev. 6 (Gelb CAAA 37); ¶ par.: ḏd, mỉnš, mškn. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảhlh; pl. ảhlm
(cf. the spelling b <ả>hlm, in 1.19 IV 52); suff. ảhlhm.
Tent, mansion: tỉty ỉlm l ảhlhm the gods went to their tents, 1.15 III 18 (//
mšknthm); cf. ảhlh, 1.17 V 32; mġyt pġt l ảhlm DN arrived at the tents, 1.19 IV 50
(// mỉnš šdm. Delekat UF 4 1972 12); cf. bảt b <ả>hlm she entered the tents,
ibid. ln. 52 (// ḏdk; diff. Pope UF 19 1987 223: bảt b hlm “has come here”); t]št
ḥršm l ảhlm she put spells in/from the tents, ibid. ln. 60.
ảhn, 1.17 V 5, cf. ảphn.
ỉht n. f. pl. (?) “islands, coastal region” (Hb. ʔy, “coast, inland”, HALOT 38; Pun. ʔy,
“peninsula” in TNN, DNWSI 43; cf. Eg. ỉw, “Insel”, WäS/1 47. Sanmartín UF 10
1978 352 n. 26; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 70ff.; Watson LSU 136); ¶ par.: gbl,
qʕl. ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ỉht.
Islands, coastal region: ỉht np šmm the islands / areas of the celestial peaks,
1.3 VI 8 (// gbl, qʕl).
ảḥd adj. num. 1) “one, oneself”; 2) adverbialised: “as one”, “in unison”, “one
alone”, “one together with”, “at the same time” (Hb. ʔḥd, “one”, HALOT 29 f.;
Pun. ʔḥd, NPun., OAram. ḥd, “one”, DNWSI 32ff.; Akk. (w)ēdu, “einzeln, ein-
zig”, AHw 1494f.; “individual, single”, CAD E 36ff.; Arab. ʔaḥad, “one”, AEL 27;
OSA ʔḥd, “one”, SD 4; Eth. ʔaḥadu, “one, a certain”, CDG 12; also Akk. edēnu,
“lone person”, CAD E 27, < *waḥ(ḥ)ad. Tropper UG 162; Watson Historiae 10
2013 36); syll. Ug. [AŠ = it-te-tù = Hurr. (?) = a]-ḫa-du, Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426
B):1 (cf. AŠ = e-de4-nu [, Ug 5 135 (RS 221.62) obv. 17'); Borger RA 63 1969 172;
Huehnergard UVST 105; Van Soldt SAU 302. ¶ Forms: m. sg. ảḥd; suff. ảḥdy,
ảḥdh; f. ảḥt.
1) Number one: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ảḥt l DN, 1.48:15 ff.; TN ảḥd, 4.380:28–
31; 4.303:3; 4.793:3; 4.813:12–37 and passim (list of rations); ṯlḥn ảḥd TN: one,
4.834:23, cf. ln. 25 yknʕm ảḥd; PN ảḥd, 4.129:2–13; 4.775:10,17; 4.169:6; 4.190:1ff.;
ảḥd ʕl ảtlg one to TN’s account, 2.26:15; štn PN ảḥd ly may PN deliver one to
me, 5.10:9; ảḥd b bnk / ảḫk one of your sons / brothers, 1.6 I 46; 1.6 V 19/22;

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32 ảḥd (ii)

in list of professions, 4.752:3, 7, 8; 4.141 III 3; ảḥd one (team of oxen) (ṣmd),
4.618:23ff.; ★b) genitive syntagms: ảḥd ḫbṯ one emancipated, 4.360:8; ảḥd
nġr krm a single guard of the vineyard, 4.141 III 17; ảḥd ảdr one granary,
4.195:5; ★c) appositional syntagms: krm ảḥd one vineyard, 4.244:5; ảṯt ảḥt
one woman, 4.102:10; pġt ảḥt one girl, 4.102:7 and passim; ġzr ảḥd one lad,
4.102:19ff.; ṣbr ảḥd one ṣ, 4.375:3ff.; bnš ảḥd one labourer, 4.420:5; 4.834:14;
bt ảḥt one daughter, 4.360:5; ptḥ ảḥd one door, 4.195:9; ủnṯ ảḥd lh[ PN(N)
has(have) a loan pending, 4.86:4; w bt ảḥd and one house, 2.88:16; bt ảḥd b
TN one house in TN, 4.750:9, cf. bt b TN ảḥd, ibid. ln. 8 (cf. yḥd, ibid. ln. 5–7);
š ảḥd one sheep, 4.751:3; yṣr ảḥd one potter, 4.367:8; krk ảḥt one pick, 4.625:6;
ḥmr w ỉzml ảḥt load and ỉ.: one 5.3:6; ảlp ảḥd one bullock, 4.295:6; 4.296:11;
cf. 4.231:7, 8; lbš ảḥd one garment, 4.146:1; 4.156:3, 4; dprn ảḥd one juniper
(tree), 4.158:20; lmd ảḥd one apprentice, 4.138:4, 5, 7; 4.154:6; šrt ảḥt one š.,
4.410:6; one (single) > same: ym ảḥd (in) one (single) / the same day, 1.115:14
(diff. De Tarragon TOu/2 202 n. 180: “premier jour”); mzn ảḥd bhm each of
them with (the same) one weight, 4.809:8; ★d) composite numbers: [ʕ]šrm
ảḥd twenty-one, 4.790:10; tšʕm mrḥ ảḥd kbd ninety-one lances, 4.169:9; ʕšrm
l mỉt ảḥd one hundred and twenty-one, 4.775:2; ★e) special uses: bt ảḥd d
PN the precise (< one) house of PN, 2.88:16; pảt ảḥt side one, frontal bor-
der (south eastern side?) of an estate: tšʕ ṣmdm ṯlṯm bd PN w pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm
thirty-nine yokes in the hands of PN which lack one side (: without adjacent
farms to the south), 4.136:4 (Hb. pʔt ngb(h) // pʔt hʔḥt, Ex 27:9; cf. pảt); ủ ảḥd
ỉnn [ and there is not one side [, 2.108:2.
2) Adv.: a) independent, “as one”, “in unison”: ảḥd ỉlm tʕny in unison will the
gods answer, 1.2 I 25 (cf. ảnk, ibid. ln. 28; Sanmartín UF 9 1977 262; Smith
UBC/1 266; diff. Del Olmo MLC 171: “veo”, *ḥdy; Dahood UF 11 1979 143: “com-
munity”, // yḥd; survey in Wyatt RTU 60 n. 109); b) with pn. suff., “one alone”,
“one together with”, “at the same time” (Hb. yḥdw, “together”, HALOT 405 f.;
Ph. ḥdy, OAram. kḥdh, “together”, DNWSI 32 ff. Ebla cf. /waḥadma/ wa-ad-
ma, “unico > (adv.) insieme”, Fronzaroli QuSem 16 12 f.; for the morphology
cf. Akk. ištēniš [< ištēn], AHw 400; CAD I/J 275ff.): ảḥdy d ymlk ʕl ỉlm I am
the only one who will reign over the gods, 1.4 VII 49; at the same time: grind
(/d-k(-k)/) ingredients ảḥdh together, 1.71:10 and par.; pour them out (/n-s-
k/) together ảḥdh, 1.71:25 and par.; yšt ảḥdh dm zt ḥrpnt apply / drink at the
same time the juice of autumnal (< early (?) olive, 1.114:31 (cf. /š-t/).
In bkn ctx.: ṣỉn ảḥdh, 1.49:5; ảḥd, 4.5:1ff.; 4.78:6; 4.205:9; 4.249:3; 4.306:7; ảḥt,
4.239:2f.; 4.765:2f.; 4.865:2; ḫrṣbʕ ảḥd, 4.73:5; ]tgyn ảḥd, 4.294:2; ]ỉmr[n] ảḥd[,
4.542:2; 4.824:2; ủ ảḥd ỉnn, 2.108:2.
ảḥd (II) subst. adj., “only one”, “solitary”, “single” (/ảḥīdu/, Hb. yḥyd, “only,
lonely”, HALOT 406; JAram, ʔăḥīd, “singled out”, DTT 40; Arab. ʔaḥāda (<

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ảḥl – ảḫ (i) 33

wāḫidan), “one by one”, AEL 28. Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 14 f.; Loretz HippUg
118ff.: “Einzelner, Einzelgänger”); ¶ par.: ảlmnt, ʕwr, trḫ(+ḥd¨), zbl. ¶ Forms:
m. sg. ảḥd (allom. yḥd), du. ảḥdm.
Only one, solitary, single: ảḥd bth ysgr the single (man) closed his house,
1.14 IV 21 (// ảlmnt, zbl, ʕwr, trḫ ḥdṯ; cf. 1.14 II 43: yḥd; Watson AuOr 19 2001
282: Akk. ēdēnu, “unattached person”); ảḥdm (du.) two separate items (not
a “pair”, ṣmd): 4.532:1–6; 4.89:4; 4.302:2ff.; 4.384:2, 3, in bkn ctx. (cf. ṣmd.
Del Olmo UF 11 1979 181; AuOr 30 2012 14f. diff. Gordon Or 67 1998 284: UT
§19.126 “a set, pair”, Akk. iltênûtu, Ez. 37:17, ʔḥdym; Tropper UG 344, 383, 421);
trm ảḥdm two poles, 4.167:3; ảḥdm two separate (untrained chariot) horses,
4.384:5; bt yḥd / ảḥd only one house, 4.750:5–11; in bkn ctx.: ảḥdm, 4.208:1,
Cf. yḥd.
ảḥl “if only!” (in the syntagm ảḥl ản. Hb. ʔḥly, “oh!, if only!”, HALOT 34; NA
aḫūla, aḫulamma, “alas! woe!”, CAD A/1 213. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975
204; Ashley EAR 167; Watson AuOr 19 2001 282; Tropper UG 814: *aḥ “ach!”
+ Affirmationspart. l; diff. Sanmartín UF 9 1977 266 n. 34: “wehe!”; Margalit
UF 16 1984 140f.: “I pray!”, *ḥly). ¶ Forms: ảḥl.
If only!: ảḥl ản bṣql y{n}pʕ (…) tỉspk yd ảqht if only, everywhere shoot that
sprouts (…), may the hand of PN gather you!, 1.19 II 15, 22.
Cf. ản (I).
ỉḥmlk PN; cf. ả/ỉḫmlk.
ảḥrṯp PN; cf. ả/ỉḫršp.
ủḥyt, in unc. ctx. and rdg.: 4.795:9 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 356f.: -] yt pldm
“et les ḥyt / ṭyt de vêtements-pld”, (ses) réparatrices, ủḥāyâṭu).
ảḥẓx[, in bkn ctx.: whn ảḥẓx[, 1.6 V 23.
ảḫ (I) n. m. 1) “brother (by blood)”; 2) “lover; companion, colleague, equal”; 3)
“friend” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔḥ, “brother”, HALOT 29; DNWSI 28 ff.; Akk.
aḫu, “Bruder”, AHw 21; “brother”, CAD A/1 195ff.; Ebla /ʔaḫum/ in ŠEŠ.MU =
a-ḫu-um, VE 1043; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 37, 127; Catagnoti QuSem 15 206–
224; Fronzaroli EL 135; StEb 7 1984 148; cf. a-ḫu and var. in Ebla PNN, Kre-
bernik PET 72; Müller Biling. 170ff.; Fales EDA 424; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991
171f.; Pagan ARES 3 202f.; Amor. /ʔaḫum/, “brother”, Huffmon APNMT 160 f.;
Buccellati Amorites 206; Gelb CAAA 13, 37f.; Arab. ʔaḫ, “brother”, AEL 33;
OSA ʔḫ, “brother”, SD 4; Eth. ʔǝḫǝw, ʔǝḫw, “brother”, CDG 13f. Watson His-
toriae 10 2013 24); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element a-ḫu-, a-ḫi-, a-ḫa- in PNN,
Gröndahl PTU 91f.; Sivan GAGl 196; PNN e-ḫé-ya-nu, PRU 3 192 (RS 12.34):28;
i-ḫi-ma-nu, PRU 3 137 (RS 15.190):4; i-ḫi-ya-nu/na, PRU 3 54 (RS 15.90):5, 10;
Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):25; ¶ RS Akk.: ŠEŠ(.MEŠ), passim; ŠEŠ DÙG.GA, PRU 6
15 (RS 18.89):3; 18 (RS 19.53):2, 17; ŠEŠ DAM, PRU 6 15 (RS 18.89):10; cf. Š]EŠ

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34 ảḫ (i)

= a-ḫu = še-e-n[i, Ug 5 135 (RS 21.62) rev. 19; [a-n]a? a?-ḫ[i-š]u?, PRU 4 136
(RS 16.270):35; cf. PRU 3 232; PRU 4 259; Ug 5 340; ¶ par.: ảry (I), ảṯt, ʕl (III)
(+ ủmt), bn (I) (+ ủm), yly.¶ Forms: sg. ảḫ; suff. ảḫy, ảḫk, ảḫh; pl. ảḫm; suff.
ảḫy, ảḫym (encl. -m; Gordon UT 128), ảḫk, ảḫh, ảḫyh (mat. lect. (?)); du. ảḫm
(cf. 1.22 I 5–10); graphic variants (< alloph. by vowel harmony): sg. suff. ỉḫy,
ủḫy, ỉh?, ủḫh, ỉḫk; pl. suff. ỉḫh.
1) Blood brother: PN ảḫ PN, 4.103:5; PN w PN ảḫh w PN ảḫh w PN+ bnh w PN bth
w PN ảṯth PN and PN, his brother, and PN, his brother, and PN, his son, and
PN, his daughter, and PN, his wife, 3.4:4–5; wine of PN and wine d ỉḫh of his
brother(s), 3.13:23; hlm ảḫh tph (…) ảḫh tbky as soon as she saw her brother (…
before) her brother she wept, 1.16 I 53, 55; tqrb ảḫ she approached her brother,
1.16 II 17; ỉmḫṣ mḫṣ ảḫy I am going to kill the one who killed my brother, 1.19
IV 34 and par. (// ʕl ủmty); ảḫym ytnt bʕl spủy my brothers you made into my
food, DN, 1.6 VI 14 and par. (// bnm umy); šbʕ ảḫm lh she had seven brothers,
1.14 I 9 (// bn ủm); ṯm ṯkm bm ṯkm ảḫm there, shoulder to shoulder, were the
(two) brothers, 1.22 I 5 (cf. ln. 8–11); tn ảḫy give me my brother!, 1.6 II 12; ỉḫh
yṯʕr mšrrm her brothers arranged the pointer (?), 1.24:35 (// ảḫt{t}h).
2) In a figurative sense, ★a) lover, in the Baal-Anat relationship: qm ảḫk your
brother’s adversaries, 1.10 II 25; ảt ảḫ w ản ả[ḫtk you are (my) brother and
I, your sister, 1.18 I 24 (Dressler AT 340ff.; UF 11 1979 211–217; Xella AuOr 2
1984 151–153; diff. Parker UNP 64: “come, brother, and I[”); ★b) neighbour,
companion colleague, equal: tp ảḫh k nʕm ảḫh kysmsm the beauty of its
brother, so comely, of its brother, so handsome, 1.96:2; ỉn bn lh km ảḫh he
has no son like his brothers, 1.17 I 19 (// ảryh); yld bn ly km ảḫy a son will be
born to me like my brothers, 1.17 II 15 (// ảryy); bl ỉṯ bn lh k!m ảḫh may he have
a son like his brothers!, 1.17 I 20 (// ảryh); lbš km lpš dm ảḫh he put on like
a cloak the blood of his brothers, 1.12 II 46 (// ảryh); šbʕt l šbʕm ảḫh ym[ his
seventy-seven brothers he [killed, 1.12 II 48; šr ảḫyh the prince of his brothers,
1.12 II 50 (// ylyh); ṣḥ ảḫh b bhth he invited his brothers to his palace, 1.4 VI 44
(// ảryh); ṣḥn bʕl ʕm ảḫy (…) w lḥmm ʕm ảḫy lḥm invite me, DN, together with
my brothers (…) to eat bread with my brothers, 1.5 I 23–25 (// ảryy); ytn bt lk
km ảḫk he will grant you a house like your brothers, 1.4 V 28 (// ảryk); tn ảḥd
b ảḫk give me one of your brothers, 1.6 V 20 and par; in bkn ctx.: ảḫh tbky, 1.16
I 55; 1.4 VIII 38, 39; 1.16 II 11.
3) Brother > friend (formal usage in correspondence between equals): to
the king of TN ảḫy my brother, message of the king of TN ảḫk your brother,
2.38:2–3; w ảḫy mhk b lbh ảl yšt and may my brother not harbour any (con-
cern) in his heart / not worry, ibid. ln. 26; l mlk TN ỉḫy to the king of TN, my
brother, 2.44:3; l ảḫy l rʕy to my brother and friend, 5.9 I 8, cf. ln. 10; l ảḫy[,
2.103:7; to PN bn! y ảḫy my son and brother, 2.14:3; w ht/m ảḫy bny yšảl ṯryl and

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ảḫ (ii) – /ʔ-ḫ-d(/ḏ)/ 35

so, let my brother, my son, ask PN, 2.14:10, 15; cf. l ảḫk l ảdnk to your brother
and lord, ibid. ln. 18; ht yšmʕ ủḫy l gy now, listen, my brother, to my voice,
2.4:18; w ảnk ảštn l ỉḫy and I shall reply to my brother, 2.41:18; w ủḫy yʕmsn
ṯmn and my brother will compensate me there; mnm ḫsrt w uḫy yʕmsn with
all that I lack, may my brother load it / (for) me (there), 2.41:20; w [ủ/ỉ]ḫy l
ybʕrn and may my brother not abandon me, ibid. ln. 22; l PN ỉḫy rgm to PN,
my brother, say, 2.87:3; 2.88:32; 2.90:3; [l p]ʕn ỉḫy qlt at the feet of my brother
I bow, 2.103:15; cf. 5.33:3; in bkn ctx.: hlny ảḫy, 2.67:4.
Cf. ỉġyn, ảḥrṯp, ảḫdbn, ả/ỉḫġl, ả/ỉḫmlk, ả/ỉḫmn, ủḫn, ả/ỉḫn(y), ả/ỉḫqm,
ảḫrm, ảḫršn, ả/ỉḫršp, ảḫt (I), ảḫt (II), ả/ỉḫy, ả/ỉḫyn, ảwảḫ, ảy(ả/ỉ)ḫ, gdảḫ.
ảḫ (II) n. m. “shore” (?) (Eg. 3ḫt, “arable land”; 3ḫ(.y) “papyrus thicket, plant”,
“meadow”, Muchiki Loanwords 238, 250f., 280; Akk. aḫu, “Arm, Seite”, AHw
21f.; “arm, side; bank, shore”, CAD A/1 205ff.; Hb. ʔḥw, “sedge”, HALOT 30 f.
Rainey UF 3 1971 169). Mazzini SEL 21 2004 83ff.; Watson UF 38 2006 718;
LSU 136: “papyrus thicket”). ¶ Forms: sg. ảḫ.
Shore (?): ảḫ šmk the shore (?) of TN, 1.10 II 9, 12 (on its identification as
the region of Lake Huleh, Aram. ymʔ / ʔgmʔ d smk, Gk Semakhonitis, cf.
Gray LC 81f.).
ỉḫ cf. ảḫ (I).
/ʔ-ḫ-d(/ḏ)/ vb G: 1) “to collect, to take (back), grasp, seize, hold”; 2) “to occupy
space, cover”, “contain”; 3) “to requisition, recruit, conquer, capture”; 4) “to
take to (: take refuge in)”; 5) “to affect”; 6) “to start, begin to, undertake
(inchoative meanings)”; Gpass./N.: “to be seized, captured, collected, re-
cruited, bloated” (Hb. ʔḥz, “to seize, grasp”, HALOT 31 f.; OAram. ʔḥd/z, “to
take, seize”, DNWSI 35ff.; cf. Ebla /ʔ-ḫ-ḏ/, “to take”, Fronzaroli QuSem 13 135:
D inf. /ʔaḫḫuḏum/ in RU = a-ḫu-sum; Š inf. /šaʔḫḫuḏum/ in DIM = sa-ḫu-
sum; act. n. /tuštāḫiÄum/ in DILI.RU = du-uš-da-ḫi-sum; Krebernik QuSem
18 135; Amor. /ʔ-ḫ-Ä/, “to seize”, Gelb CAAA 14; Akk. aḫāzu, “nehmen”, AHw
18ff.; “to seize”, CAD A/1 173ff.; OSA ʔḫḏ, “to take, seize”, SD 3; Arab. ʔaḫaḏa,
“to take”, AEL 28ff.; Eth. ʔaḫaza, “to take, catch”, CDG 14); ¶ par.: /m-ḫ-ṣ/, /ṣ-
m-t/, /ṣ-q/, /š-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảḫd, ảḫḏ, ảḫdt, ảḫt (< /ʔaḫadta/); prefc.
yảḫd, yỉḫd, yủḫd, tỉḫd, tủḫd, ỉḫd; suff. ảḫdhm, ỉḫdn, tỉḫdn, yủḫdm; impv. ủḫd;
Gpass. prefc. yỉḫd (Tropper UG 514), yủḫd (Tropper UG 511), yảḫd (N.: Trop-
per UG 536); ptc. ủḫd (Tropper UG 514: prefc./ptc.).
G. 1) To collect, to take (back), grasp, seize, hold: w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d]
and also the king, [namely] the messenger, knows that I shall collect this
(?), 2.33:21; head of cattle of PN dt ảḫd ḥrṯh which his cowherd has collected,
4.296:8 (cf. ln. 15, 17); cf. head of cattle d ảḫd b TN which (they) have gathered
in TN, ibid. ln. 11, 13, 14, 16; qšthn ảḫd b ydh his bow he took in his hand, 1.10
II 6; ảḫdt plkh she took her spindle, 1.4 II 3; ks yỉḫd [ỉl b] yd a cup did DN take

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36 /ʔ-ḫ-d(/ḏ)/

in (his) hand, 1.15 II 16, cf. 1.17 I 34; tỉḫd knrh b ydh she took the lyre in her
hand, 1.101:16 (// št); yỉḫd bʕl bn ảṯrt DN seized the sons of DN, 1.6 V 1; ảḫḏ
ảklm the “Voracious Ones” seized (him), 1.12 II 35 (// ṣmt); bṯnm ủḫd bʕlm
grasp the serpents, oh DN!, 1.82:6 (diff. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247, 249 f.:
rdg d ! gd); tỉḫd bn ỉlm mt she seized divine DN, 1.6 II 30; tỉḫd mt b sỉn lpš she
held DN by the hem of the cloak, 1.6 II 9 (// qṣ); yỉḫd b qrb (…) tỉḫd b ủšk he
grasped her vulva (…,) she grasped his testicles, 1.11:1–2; [m]rḥh yỉḫd b yd his
lance grasped in (his) hand, 1.16 I 47; in bkn ctx. 1.92:12 (cf. mrḥ (II)); šmảlh
tủḫd ʕṯtrt his left (hand) DN grasped, 1.2 I 40; ảl ảḫdhm b ymny certainly I can
seize them with my right (hand), 1.3 V 22; p ʕbd ảnk ảḫd ủlṯ am I perhaps a
slave who grasps the trowel? 1.4 IV 60 (cf. p (III); ả]ḫd d ỉṯ b kbdk take what
you have in your mind, 1.18 I 17–18 (// št); tỉḫd šnth her teeth held (him), 1.19
I 9 (// št; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 198: “are affected”, N prefc.; Margalit
UPA 157: “she grasped his teeth”); w ảt bt ủḫd ly and you must seize the house
for me, 2.88:37; idiomatic use (+ yd), “to help”: ảḫd ydh b škrn who takes (him)
by the hand in (his) intoxication, 1.17 I 30 / II 5, 19.
2): a) to cover: ảlp šd ảḫd bt one thousand yokes of land will the palace cover,
1.4 V 56; b) to contain: sp (…) d yảḫd lg ynm bowl(s) (…) which (each) contain
a “quart” / “jar” of wine, 4.44:28.
3) To requisition, recruit, conquer, capture: l šmn ỉṯrhw p ỉḫdn PN concerning
the oil: follow it and I, PN, shall requisition it, 2.15:7 (De Moor JNES 24 1965
359f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 472; Sanmartín UF 9 1977 260;
diff. Verreet UF 15 1983 230; Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 354 n. 25; Watts UF 21
1989 446 n. 25: ḫdy, “to be glad, rejoice”; for -hw cf. Tropper UG 54); cf. ảḫnnn
w ỉḫd I will denature (?) (cf. ḫnn) it (oil) and proceed to requisition it, ibid.
ln. 10; l ṯṯm ảḫd ʕr sixty-six cities he conquered, 1.4 VII 9; mlkn yỉḫd ḥw[t ỉbh]
our king will take the land [of his enemy], 1.103:7, cf. 1.163:7; ṯnn ʕz yủḫd ỉb
mlk the powerful vizier will seize the enemy of the king, 1.103:17 (diff. Pardee
TR/1 547 “des archers se saisiront de l’ennemi du roi”); ḫrd ʕps tḫd kw sʕt the
frontier guards have confiscated one k. of s.-(grain), 2.47:17; w ảt bt ủḫd ly and
as for you, keep hold of the house for me, 2.88:37; yủḫd hn bnš he will detain
this labourer, 2.90:14.
4) To take to (: take refuge in): ỉb bʕl tỉḫd yʕrm the enemies of DN took to the
woods, 1.4 VII 35; km ảḫt ʕrš mdw for you have taken to the bed of sickness,
1.16 VI 35, 51 (Rainey IOS 3 1973 54 nn. 98f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 48;
Renfroe UF 22 1990 280 n. 4; diff. Del Olmo MLC 322: “como tu hermana es
la cama de la dolencia”, cf. ảḫt (I)); in unc. rdg: w ảp ảnk [ả]ḫd l ġr ảmn and
I myself took to the TN mountains, 2.33:15 (Dijkstra UF 19 1987 44).
5) To affect: ʕn bʕl ảḫd[ [(fear (?)] affected the eyes of DN, 1.12 II 31; cf. 32–

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ảḫdbn – ủḫn 37

6) To start, begin to (inchoative meanings. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 531): qdš

yủḫdm šbʕr DN began to illuminate, 1.4 IV 16 (Cassuto BOS 2 186 f.; Sanmartín
UF 3 1971 178 n. 29); in bkn ctx.: ʕṣ ảmr yủḫ[d, 1.22 II 17; also 1.75:4; 1.18 I 9;
1.174:4; 2.84:4, 7, 23.
In bkn ctx.: w ỉḫd ỉl[, 6.81:2; ʕz d ỉḫd yġr, 6.85:1; d ỉḫdh, 6.88 a 1.
Gpass. To be seized, captured, collected, recruited; bloated: ḫx? w yủḫd (…)
and he must be seized, 2.90:14; hm qrt tủḫd if a city is about to be captured,
1.127:30 (Verreet UF 17 1985 327); fifteen bowls (…) d yảḫd l PN which are
collected from PN, 4.44:27 (Verreet UF 15 1983 233f.; Tropper UF 22 1990 367);
l yỉḫd PN b ủnṯ PN is not recruited for service, 3.12:1; idiomatic use (+ ảkl
“grain”) for “fattening (horses)”: k yỉḫd ảkl śśw if the horse tends to be bloated
with barley, 1.72:16, 21; 1.97:2; cf. k ảḫd ảkl if it has been bloated with barley,
1.85:15 (Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 233; Watson LSU 71); PN ủḫd (re)captured,
4.635:4, 5, 9 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 85).
Cf. ảḫdy, ảḫt (II), m(ả/ỉ)ḫdy, mỉḫd.
ảḫdbn PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 9; diff. Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987
723: rdg ảḫdbủ).
PN: 4.90:6.
ảḫdy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 93).
PN: bn PN, 4.281:21.
ả/ỉḫġl PN (Sem.-Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 92, 141; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 341;
Watson AuOr 8 1990 114; AuOr 20 2002 232).
PN: ỉḥġl, 4.130:4; ảḥġl, 4.297:5 (ṯlrby).
ủḫl PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 155).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:11.
ả/ỉḫmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 91, 158; Benz PNPPI 264); ¶ syll.: a-ḫi-
LUGAL, ŠEŠ.LUGAL, cf. PRU 3 238; RSOu 7 25 (RS 34.167+):2. Var. ỉḫmlk, in
PN: ★a) 4.261:15 (bn nskn); 4.339:22; 4.609:33; 4.727:7, 9; ★b) bn PN, in bkn ctx.:
ả/ỉḫmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 422; Sivan GAGl 20; Bordreuil SEL 5 25; Watson
AuOr 11 1993 214; LSU 155; Muchiki Loanwords 14); ¶ syll.: a/i-ḫi-ma-nu and
var. cf. PRU 3 p. 238; ŠEŠ-mu-nu, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 54; ŠEŠ-ma-nu, Ug
5 12 (RS 17.150+):43. Var. ảḫmn in 4.31:10; ỉḫmn in 4.282:4.
PN: (ả)ḫmn 4.31:10; 4.282:4; 4.296:6; 4.861:8 (bn ảnnṯb).
ả/ỉḫn(y) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 91f., 166); ¶ syll.: a-ḫu-nu, PRU 6 72
(RS 19.65):14. Var. ỉḫn(y) in 4.65:13; 4.317:8. Cf. ủḫn.
PN: 4.65:13; 4.103:55; 4.317:8; 4.356:6; cf. ảḫn, ibid. ln. 11–12.
ủḫn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 92, 163). Cf. ả/ỉḫn(y).
PN: ★a) 4.244:13; 4.619:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.39:7; 4.393:10.

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38 ủḫnp – ảḫr

ủḫnp TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 319: *ʔUḫnappu. Heltzer RCAU 15; Astour UF 13
1981 7; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 2, 7; UF 20 1988 10, 17; Van Soldt UF 27 1996 657f.;
UF 30 1998 723, 727; Topography 8, 170; Watson AuOr 22 2004 118; LSU 197;
Belmonte Fs. Watson 99f.); ¶ syll.: URU uḫ-na/nap-pí, cf. PRU 3 265; RSOu 7
4 (RS 34.131):33; Huehnergard AkkUg 394.
TN: 1.91:34; 4.27:2; 4.348:5; 4.355:14; 4.380:32; 4.414:5; 4.610 II 6; 4.629:4; 4.661:3;
4.693:22; 4.777:7; 4.800 I 20; 4.810:8 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 10 for the rdg ủ[ḫnp],
ủḫnpy GN m. (< uḫnp. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 319). ¶ Forms: sg. ủḫnpy.
GN: 4.658:10; cf. 4.629:4 (?).
ả/ỉḫqm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 37, 40, 63, 91 f., 178; Pardee AfO 36–37
1989–1990 392; Watson AuOr 39 2012 324: Emar ʔ Aḫu-qâmu; see Pruzsinszky
PTE 191). Var. ỉḫqm in 2.4:22.
PN: 2.4:21; 4.86:23 (bỉrt[ y); 4.297:1 (ủškny); ỉḫq[, 4.825 II 26.
/ʔ-ḫ-r/ vb G: generic mng “to go behind” > D “to retain” (?); Š: “to delay” (?) (Hb.,
JPAram. ʔḥr, “linger”, HALOT 34f.; “to be late”, DJPA 47; Ebla ʔaḫ(a)r “(the)
late (one)”, Krebernik PET 75; Pagan ARES 3 88 f.; EA Akk. aḫāru, “to be late”,
cf. CAD A/1 170 and AHw 18; OSA ʔḫr, “to remove, repel”, hi. “delay”, SD 4;
Arab. ʔḫr, “to make to go back”, AEL 31). ¶ Forms: D ptc. mảḫr; Š prefc. yšỉḫr,
tšḫr (/tašaʔḫiru/); suff. tšỉḫrhm.
D. To retain (?), in bkn ctx.: mảḫr[ which retains[ (?), 1.166:7.
Š. To delay (?): w mlảktk lm tšḫr ʕmy why do you delay your embassy to me?,
2.87:33; in bkn ctx.: ảl tšỉḫrhm do not delay them (?), 2.79:4; yšỉḫr he will delay
(?), 2.42:11 (Pardee UF 19 1987 205).
Cf. ảḫr, ủḫry (I), ủḫry (II), ủḫryt.
ảḫr adv., prep., conj. 1) “afterwards, then”; 2) “with”; 3) “after, when” (< /ʔ-ḫ-r/.
Aartun PU/1 13f.; Hb., Pun., OAram. ʔḥr, “behind, after”, HALOT 35; “then”,
DNWSI 38ff.; Akk. cf. aḫarrum “danach (?)”, GAG § 118e, AHw 18; “late”, CAD
A/1 170; cf. EA Akk. EGIR-šu: aḫ-ru-un-ú, EAT 245:10 and Hb. ʔḥrwn, “at the
back”, HALOT 35); ¶ par.: ʕmn. ¶ Forms: ảḫr, ảḫrm (encl. -m).
1) Afterwards, then (adv.): ảḫr ảl trgm l ảḫtk then you shall certainly say to
your sister, 1.16 I 31 (diff. De Moor ARTU 213, CARTU 124: “backwards”, “come
back!”); [h]m ṯlṯ{.}ỉd ynphy yrḫ b yrḫ ảḫrm [i]f three times the moon is seen
in the month (?), then [, 1.163:5 (Pardee TR/2 863, 869 f.: “dans la lune”).
2) With (prep.): ảḫr nkl yrḫ ytrḫ DN gets married with DN, 1.24:32 (// ʕmn. UT
§19.138; Dahood Bib 51 1970 392; for other solutions cf. Del Olmo MLC 460);
ảḫr špšm with the sun (at sunrise),1.14 IV 46 and par. (infra: 3); diff. Badre
et al. Syria 53 1976 115; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 77: “am Abend”, but cf. hn
špšm, 1.14 III 14; mk špšm, 1.14 III 3; V 6).
3) After, once, when (conj.): ảḫr mġy / mġyt after/when he / she had arrived,

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ảḫrm – ảḫt (i) 39

1.4 III 23; cf. 1.4 V 44; 1.15 II 11 (see /m-ġ-y/); ảḫr ymġy after / when he had
arrived, 1.17 V 25; cf. 1.2 I 30; in bkn ctx. 1.15 V 5.
ảḫrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 46, 91, 182); ¶ syll.: a-ḫi-ra-mu, PRU 6 79
(RS 19.42):14.
PN: 4.617 I 30; 4.734:10, 11.
ảḫršn PN (Sem. (?). Cf. ḫršn).
PN: 4.760:2 (b[n).
ả/ỉḫršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 23, 91, 181; Astour CRRA 18 1972 22; Van Soldt
SAU 20); ¶ syll.: ŠEŠ.dMAŠ.MAŠ, PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 4. Allog.: ảḥrṯp in
PN: ★a) 4.277:5; 4.370:7; ★b) bn PN, 3.9:18.
ủḫry adj. m. 1) “last, final” (temporal sense); 2) used as a noun > “posterity,
offspring, descendants” (< /ʔ-ḫ-r/; cf. Akk. aḫrû(m), “hinterer, späterer”, AHw
21, but cf. CAD A/1 194 under *aḫrû; cf. Ph. ʔḥry, “rest”, DNWSI 41; OAram. ʔḥr,
“posterity”, DNWSI 38; Hb. ʔḥry, “back, behind”, HALOT 35; Ebla cf. a-ḫi-rí,
“future”, Fronzaroli ARET 11 138; ARET 13 241. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1975 138; Del Olmo IMC 142 n. 326ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. /ʔuḫrāyu/ in É: ḫi-ri-ti
ù A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ša uḫ-ra-a-yi, PRU 3 52f. (RS 15.85):18 “lands (destined for the
burial of) posterity”; diff. Sivan GAGl 201; Huehnergard UVST 106: ʔuḫrāyu,
“destiny”, cf. ủḫryt. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. ủḫry; f. sg. ủḫryt, cf. ủḫryt.
1) Last: ʕdb ủḫry mṭ ydh (may) his staff be placed the last, 1.19 III 56 and par.
(diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209: “tip”, Hb. ʔḥry hḥnyt; Wyatt RTU 307:
“afterwards he took”; for other interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 142 nn.
2) Used as a noun > posterity, offspring, descendants: ủḫry ykly ršp DN will
destroy the descendants (of the king), 1.103:39–40. (Dietrich-Loretz MU 133f.;
Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 211f.; cf. ủḫryt); in bkn ctx.: 1.12 II 27.
ủḫryt adj. f. “final”, used as a noun > “destiny, final destiny” (< ủḫry. Hb. ʔḥryt,
“final part, end”, HALOT 36f.; Akk. aḫrâtu, “future”, CAD A/1 193f.; Ebla cf.
/aḫīr(tum)/, “rest”, Fronzaroli SEL 12 1995 63, ARET 11 138, 179; ARET 13 241;
Conti QuSem 17 135); ¶ par.: ảṯryt. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. ảḫryt.
Destiny, final destiny: mt ủḫryt mh yqḥ a man, as (his) final destiny, what can
he attain?, 1.17 VI 35 (// ảṯryt).
ảḫt (I) n. f. 1) “sister (related by blood)”; 2) “lover; companion”; 3) “friend” (<
ảḫ (I); Hb. ʔḥwt, “sister”, HALOT 31; Ebla /ʔaḫātum/, “sister”, in NIN.NI =
a-ḫa-tum, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; Fronzaroli EL 134; Sanmartín AuOr 9
1991 170f.; Pagan ARES 3 202f.; Amor. /ʔaḫātum/, “sister”, Gelb CAAA 13, 38.
Watson Historiae 10 2013 25); ¶ RS Akk.: NIN, passim; PRU 3 232; PRU 4
259; Ug 5 340 (cf. NIN, Ug 5 55 (RS 20.178):2, and cf. Nougayrol ibid. n. 4);
syll. cf. PN a-ḫa-ti/tu4-LUGAL, PRU 3 53 (RS 15.89):8, 11; Gröndahl PTU 92;

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40 ảḫt (ii) – ả/ỉḫy

Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 303f.; cf. TN URU a-ḫa-tu, PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):9;

105 (RS 19.117):6; Sivan GAGl 196; Huehnergard UVST 105; ¶ par.: ảḫ (I), ảnšt,
bt (I), ybnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảḫt; suff. ảḫty, ảḫtk, ảḫth; pl. ảḫt; suff. ảḫt{t}h
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 9 1977 345).
1) Sister (related by blood): PN w ảḫth PN and his sister, 4.658:46; PN w ảḫth
b š<ʕ>rt and his sister, (the one who is) in TN, 4.360:11 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996
688); ṣḥ ảḫtk call your sister, 1.16 I 28 (// bt); rgm l ảḫtk say to your sister, 1.16
I 38; ảḫtt!h l ảbn mznm her sisters (arranged) the stones / weights of the scales
/ balance, 1.24:36 (// ỉḫh); ảḫth šỉb yṣảt his sister had gone out to draw water,
1.16 I 51; ảl trgm l ảḫtk (…) dm ảḫtk ydʕt k rḥmt you will certainly say to your
sister (…,) since I know that your sister is compassionate, 1.16 I 31–32; in bkn
ctx.: m]ṯbh ảḫt ppšr [in] her dwelling (?) the sister of PN, 1.82:36.
2) In figurative mng: ★a) lover, in the relationship Baal-Anat: hlk ảḫth bʕl yʕn
the coming of his sister DN saw, 1.3 IV 39 (// ybnt ảbh); nʕmt bn ảḫt bʕl the
most charming among the sisters of DN, 1.10 II 16; 1.10 III 10 (cf. ảḫt, 1.10 II 20;
ảḫt // ybnt ảb, 1.3 IV 39); ★b) in general companion, equal, lover: ảt ảḫ w ản
ảḫtk you are (my) brother / lover and I am your sister/lover, 1.18 I 24 (cf. ảḫ
3) Sister > friend (formal usage in correspondence between equals): l mlkt TN
ảḫty to the queen of TN, my sister, 2.21:3; l PN ảḫty to PN, my sister, 2.85:24;
tḥm PN ảḫtk message of PN your sister, 2.104:3, cf. PN l ảḫth, 5.10:1; w lb aḫtk
(k) mrṣ your sister is sick at heart, 2.87:7, 26 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138,
140); cf. 5.11:12; 5.34: lr.e., le.e.
Cf.: ảġty, ảḫ (I), ảḫt (II), ảḫtảb, ảḫtmlk, ảḫty.
ảḫt (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 92; Benz PNPPI 265).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 31.
ảḫtảb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 86, 92; Watson AuOr 8 1990 127).
PN: 4.147:13.
ảḫtmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 55, 92, 158; Zadok BASOR 230 1978 58;
Cunchillos TOu/2 283 n. 5; Huehnergard UVST 105; Sivan UF 21 1989 360;
Lipiński OLP 12 1981 85; Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 303; Bordreuil et al.
CRAIBL 1984 417 n. 25; Van Soldt JEOL 29 1985–1986 70f.; SAU 14; Izreʿel
AmAkk 1 20; Singer AmAkk 2 181; Watson AuOr 8 1990 115; LSU 155); ¶ syll.:
var. a-ḫa-tu4/ti-LUGAL, NIN.LUGAL, NIN-mi-i[l-ki, cf. PRU 3 238; PRU 4 244.
PN: 2.11:4.
ảḫty PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 56, 92; Caquot Syria 46 1969 261).
PN: 4.75 VI 2 (bt abm).
ả/ỉḫy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 21, 53, 92; Benz PNPPI 263f.); ¶ syll.: cf. a-ḫi-
ia-a, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):5; bkn ctx. DUMU(?) ŠEŠ(?)-[, PRU 6 84 (RS 19.30):3.
Var. ảḫy in 4.739:9.

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ả/ỉḫyn – /ʔ-k-l/ 41

PN: ★a) 4.35 II 17 (bn bʕln); 4.170:4; 4.214 I 9; 4.739:9 (bn ʕdn); ★b) bn PN,
4.366:7; 4.617 II 3; 4.859 II 6; in bkn ctx. 4.427:15.
ả/ỉḫyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 21, 53, 92; Stamm AS 16 414, 424); ¶ syll.:
e/i-ḫé/ḫi-ia-nu, ŠEŠ-ia-nu and var., cf. PRU 3 243, 245; PRU 6 137; Ug 5 5
(RS 17.22+):25; Huehnergard UVST 263 n. 215. Var. ỉġyn in 4.69 II 16.
PN: ★a) 4.75 II 6; 4.75 IV 11 (bn ḫyrn); 4.86:10 (bn nbk[); 4.175:13; 4.204:1;
4.370:18; 4.635:41; 4.692:3; ★b) bn PN, 4.45:5; 4.75 III 7; in bkn ctx.: 4.114:11;
4.105:4. Cf. bkn ]ảġyn, 4.461:2.
ỉk interr. functor “how?, why?” (Hb. ʔyk, “how?”, HALOT 39; OAram. ʔyk, “how?”,
DNWSI 45. De Moor SP 235; Aartun PU/1 7ff.; Tropper UG 753). ¶ Forms: ỉk,
ỉkm (encl. -m).
How?, why?: ỉk mġyt rbt ảṯrt ym ỉk ảtwt qnyt ỉlm how is it that the Great Lady
DN arrives, how is it that the progenitress of the gods comes?, 1.4 IV 31–32
and par.; ỉk tmtḫṣ how can you fight?, 1.6 VI 24 and par.; ỉk tmgnn rbt ảṯrt ym
how is it that the you welcome the Great Lady DN?, 1.4 III 28 and par.; ỉk ylḥn
how could he provide moisture?, 1.5 II 21; ỉkm yrgm bn ỉl krt how can it be said
that PN is the son of DN?, 1.16 I 20; ỉk ảl yšmʕk how, then, will he listen to you?,
1.6 VI 26 and par.; in unc. ctx.: ỉk ảl yḥdṯ yrḫ how of a truth / not will DN be
renewed?, 1.18 IV 9 (Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Cazelles 116); in bkn ctx. ỉk mḫ[ṣ how
can you strike (…)?, 1.2 I 40; ỉk ġb[, 1.2 II 6; ỉk l ỉlm, 1.176:22; w ỉkm kn, 2.7:10.
Cf. ỉkmy, ỉky (cf. ỉ (I)).
ủk positive emph. functor “yes, certainly, for certain” (Hb. ʔk, “yea, surely”,
HALOT 45; Tigr. ʔak(k)ē, “wirklich”, WTS 375; diff. Aartun PU/2 91: ủ, “oder”,
+ -k). ¶ Forms: ủk.
Yes, certainly, for certain: ʕ]bdh ủk škn it is certain that your servant puts (it
in his letter), 2.39:6; w [bʕlh] ủk nġr and for certain (your servant will) take(s)
care of his lord, ibid. ln. 8.
ảkdṯb PN; cf. ảg/kd/tṯb.
/ʔ-k-l/ vb G: 1) “to eat; to devour”; 2) “to consume”; 3) “to make use of, to
use” (Hb., Ph., OAram. ʔkl, “to eat, feed”, HALOT 46 f.; DNWSI 51 f.; Akk.
akālu, “essen”, AHw 26f.; “to eat”, CAD A/1 245 ff.; Ebla cf. G inf. /ʔakālum/,
“to eat”, in KÚ = a-ga-lu-um, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 6; QuSem 18 125; cf.
prefc. Ì.KÚ = a-gul-la, VE 896. Cf, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; Civil Biling. 82;
Hecker Biling. 209; n. act. /tuštaʔkilum/ in TEŠ.TEŠ.KU = du-uš-da-gi-lum,
“moltiplicazione” (?), Conti QuSem 17 90f.; cf. i-gú-ul < (?) /yiʔkul/, Krebernik
QuSem 18 119; Arab. ʔakala, “to eat”, AEL 71ff.); ¶ par.: /k-l-y/, /q-r-ṣ/, /š-t-y/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yỉkl, var. yủkl (Tropper UF 22 1990 367: /yôkVl/), tỉkl; suff.
tỉkln; inf. ỉkl; act. ptc. m. cf. ảkl (I), f. cf. ảklt; cf. the spelling yʔkl in 4.767:2.
G. 1) To eat, devour;★a) to eat: bt ỉkl dining room (genitive inf.: of eating), 1.22
I 24; yʔkl dw the sick man has to eat (it), 4.767:2 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 251); in

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42 ảkl (i) – ảkl (ii)

bkn ctx.: l tỉkl w l tš[t], you shall certainly eat and drink (?), 1.88:3; yỉkl[, 1.12
II 13; ★b) to devour, said of animals: šỉrh l tỉkl ʕṣrm his flesh the birds will
certainly devour, 1.6 II 35 (// tkly).
2) To consume (said of fire, + b): tỉkl ỉšt b bhtm the fire continued to consume
in the palace, 1.4 VI 24 and par.; kbd k ỉš<t> tỉkln our innards they devour like
fire, 1.12 I 10 (// tqrṣn);
3) To make use of, use: PN yủkl krm will make use of the vineyard, 4.244:16
(cf. Akk. kirâm ikkal).
Cf. ảkl (I), ảkl (II), ảklt (I), ảklt (II).
ảkl (I) adj./n. m. “voracious, glutton” (< act. ptc. G /ʔ-k-l/. Akk. ākilu, “Essender,
Esser, Fresser”, AHw 29; “man-eating” (lion), CAD A/1 266 f.; cf. akkilu, “glut-
ton, eater”, CAD A/1 275; Arab. ʔākil, ʔakīl, “eater”, AEL 72 f.); ¶ par.: ʕqq, ġll,
nṯk. ¶ Forms: sg. ảkl; pl. ảklm.
Voracious (said of the snake): p ảkl mouth of the devourer, 1.107:35, 45 (// nṯk);
the “Voracious Ones, Gluttons”, said of certain lesser deities: ḫl ld ảklm writhe
(and) give birth to the “Voracious Ones”, 1.12 I 26 (// ʕqqm); wn ymġy ảklm and
behold, he arrived next to the “Voracious Ones”, ibid. ln. 36 (// ʕqqm); ảḫḏ
ảklm the “Voracious Ones” seized (him), II 35 (//ġllm) (Dalix-Meier Historiae
3 2006 47: “sangliers”).
Cf. ảklt (I).
ảkl (II) n. m. 1) “grain, fodder”; 2) “food, victuals” (< /ʔ-k-l/; Hb. ʔkl, “food”,
HALOT 47; Akk. ak(a)lu, “Brot”, AHw 26; “bread”, CAD A/1 238–245; Ebla
/ʔaklu/, “bread, grain”, in NINDA.LAM<x KUR> = a-ga-lu bù-da-ma-tim “cake
of terebinth nuts”, NINDA.GÉME = a-ga-lu dNISABA “bread (made) of cereal”,
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 2, 4; Fronzaroli EL 134; Fales QuSem 13 175; Civil Biling.
88; OSA ʔkl, “grain crops, corn”, SD 4; “nutrimentum, cibum”, CAME 103;
Arab. cf. ʔuk(u)l, “what is eaten”, AEL 72; Eth. ʔəkl, “food”, CDG 15. Sanmartín
UF 9 1977 263ff.; Watson AuOr 22 2004 119: “barley”; Ford UF 40 2008 284f.
n. 22); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 30 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ a-ka-li, PRU 6 155 (RS 19.07) 6;
Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 172; ¶ par.: ḥṭṭ. ¶ Forms: sg. ảkl; suff. ảkly, ảkln.
1) Grain, fodder (prob. “barley”): measured in dd: 2.71:18; 4.284:4; 4.688:4;
in accounting: spr ảkl book of accounts of grain, 4.636:1; lḥt ảkl tablet con-
cerning grain, 2.39:17; 2.46:10; ảkl ḥpr bt grain of the temple / palace rations,
4.688:2; tgmr ảkl total (outlay) of grain, 4.271:1 and passim; 4.636:2 and pas-
sim; ảkl l ḥmr PN / l kzy / l śśwm fodder for the donkey of PN / for the groom
/ for the horses, 4.863:4, 6, 21; ảkl l qryt grain (brought) from the cities, 1.14
II 28 and par. (// ḥṭṭ); ảkln b grnt our grain in the threshing-floors (has been
set on fire), 2.61:8; cf. the syntagm ʔḫd akl to become bloated with barley,
1.72:16, 21 (ảk!l); 1.85:12, 15; 1.97:2 (Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 233; diff. Cohen-
Sivan UHT 26f.; Cohen UF 28 1996 126: “pain”); they did not give them ảkl

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ỉkl – ỉkrn 43

grain (for the road), 2.70:22; ảkl b ḥwtk ỉnn there is no grain in your land,
2.39:19; k ỉnn ảkl, since there is no grain, 2.104:6; b ṯmnt ỉynm ảkl the eighth
day, as a (sacrifice of) grief (?), (a measure of) grain, 1.112:12 (Del Olmo AuOr 2
1984 202; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 316: “(es darf) auf keinen Fall Verzehr
2) Food, victuals: GNN lqḥ ảkl who have received victuals, 4.41:1 (cf. šmn,
2ff.); ảlp l ảkl a (head of) cattle for consumption, 6.13:3 (cf. ảlp b mḥrṯt,
6.14:3; Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005 233: “Speisung”; diff. Watson UF 36 2004
533–538; NABU 2006/22: “furrow” / “plough”, Hitt. aggala-); ảkl b qmm tšt
(like) food in the gullet (?) they put (him), 1.19 I 9 (diff. Copper UF 20 1988
21: “butcher-knife”, Hb. mʔklt); ảkly [bn nšm] ảkly hml[t ảrṣ] my food is the
people, my food is the multitude[s of the land], 1.6 V 24–25 (diff. Tropper
UG 669: /k-l-y/ D, “ein Ende bereiten”); in bkn ctx.: 1.107:54; 2.1:7; 2.39:30;
ỉkl n. m. “act of eating, meal, banquet” (noun < inf. /ʔ-k-l/. Arab. ʔakl, ʔaklat,
ʔakil …, “act of eating”; diff. Healey UF 10 1978 91 n. 21: “mourning house”,
Akk. ikkillu). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉkl.
Act of eating, meal, banquet: bt ỉkl dining room (inf. genitive: of eating), 1.22
I 24.
ảklt (I) adj./n. f. “devouring” (< m. ảkl (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. ảklt. Devouring (said of
Anat): ảklt ʕgl ỉ !l who devours the divine Bullock, 1.108:9 (De Moor UF 1 1969
178; cf. rdg [[x]]өl, and see ln. 11).
ảklt (II) n. f. “waste land, stubble” (prob. pass. ptc. f. G /ʔ-k-l/. Sanmartín UF 9
1977 265f.; Renfroe UF 18 1986 68f.; cf. Akk. kullatu, “Lehmgrube”, AHw 1569;
“potter’s clay”, CAD K 506); Arab. ʔakûlat, “barren”, applied to a sheep, AEL 73.
¶ par.: ḥmdrt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảklt.
Waste land, stubble: šblt tpʕ b ảklt shoot that sprouts in the stubble, 1.19 II 23
(//ḥmdrt); ysb ảklth he went through his stubble, 1.19 II 19; cf. ibid. ln. 20:
ỉkmy conj. “however that may be” (?) (ỉ + km + y or ỉk + my; see Bordreuil-Caquot
Syria 57 1980 360; Pardee AfO 31 1984 223: “however that may be”; Lipiński
OLP 12 115 n. 174: “quoi qu’il en soit”, Akk. ayyikāma, but cf. Watson AuOr 19
2001 282 n. 16; Tropper UG 754: “wie auch immer”). ¶ Forms: ỉkmy.
However that may be (?): ỉkmy ḥy PN however that may be (?) PN is alive,
ảkpgṯ PN (Dietrich-Loretz UF 38 2006 145ff.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 324; diff.
Amiet-Bordreuil Syria 67 1990 484; Amiet RSOu 9 159, 373, rdg tkpgʕ).
PN: 6.15:1.
ỉkrn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 219; Gröndahl PTU 94; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 326).
PN: 4.84:6; 4.289:6.

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44 ảktmy – ảl (i)

ảktmy PN (Anat. (?). Gröndahl PTU 270); ¶ syll.: cf. a-kut-mi-ni, PRU 6 50
(RS 17.388):22.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 IV 10.
ảktn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216, 261; Watson LSU 155); ¶ syll.: a-kut-te-nu,
PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):3, 9, cf. ibid. ln. 22; cf. ak-te-na, Syria 15 1934 138 (RS
[Varia 3]):19.
PN: bn PN, 4.357:14.
ảkṯn “?” bkn (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 129: kṯy, “stark zunehmen”,
Akk. kašû; Pardee TPM 255: nkṯ “rompre, détruire”, Hb., Arab.).
?, in bkn ctx.: mšḥt kṯpm ảkṯn, 1.107:48.
ảky cf. ỉky.
ảky PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216; Masson Cyprominoica 47; Dietrich-Loretz
KA 209; Dahood Fs. Cazelles 82 n. 10; Muchiki Loanwords 66: Eg. iky; Watson
LSU 155); ¶ syll.: cf. ak-ku-ia, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):15; a-ki-ia-nu, RS 22.002 rev.
8' (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 372).
PN: ★a) 6.68:1 (bn yptḥd); ★b) bn PN, 4.170:13.
ỉky interr. functor “what of?”, “what about?”, “how?”, “why?” (ỉk + emph. -y.
Aartun PU/1 7f.; Parker SGUPT 101ff.; Hoftijzer UF 3 1971 360; Tropper UF 26
1994 476f. diff. Cunchillos UF 12 1980 148f.; TOu/2 293f. n. 6: advers. part.
“pour ma part”, Hb. ʔk / Akk. ak(k)i / Ug. ỉ + k + y); ¶ RS Akk.: am-mi-ni(-i)
and other variants, EAT 45:15, 23; 46:7; cf. PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):9 //
KTU 3.1:8; Huehnergard AkkUg 194; Van Soldt SAU 408. ¶ Forms: ỉky; for a
poss. allom. ảky in ảky dnt, 2.87:30, see below dnt (II).
What of?, what about?, how?, why?: ỉky lḥt spr d lỉkt ʕm PN what about the
letter that I sent to PN?, 2.14:6; why did you write to me saying: ỉky aškn ʕṣm l
bt DN how shall I assign the beams for the temple of DN?, 2.26:5; in bkn ctx.:
ỉky [, 3.1:8 (cf. am-mi-ni(-i) (…), PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):9; Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 84); in unc. ctx.: ỉky l ỉlảk how am I not going to send?,
ủky “?”, in bkn ctx.: 2.23:5.
ảkyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216); ¶ syll.: a-ki-ia-nu, RS 22.002 obv. 8 (Van Soldt
UF 21 1989 372; Watson AuOr 30 2012 325).
PN: ảkyn, 4.658:5.
Cf. ảky.
ảl (I) neg. functor “no; not” (in volitive statements; Hb., Ph., OAram. ʔl, “no”,
HALOT 48; adv. of neg., DNWSI 55; OSA ʔl, “not”, SD 5; cf. Eth. element of
negation ʔal-, CDG 17; Akk. ul < ula, “nicht”, AHw 1406 f.; “not”, CAD U/W 65 ff.
Aartun PU/1 20ff.; Verreet UF 18 1986 372f.; Tropper UG 816 f.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
ul, ú-ul, cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 239f.; Van Soldt SAU 510 ff. ¶ Forms: ảl.
1) No, not + prefc. 2 p., in prohibitions: w l ttn w ảl ttn and (if) you do not

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ảl (ii) 45

wish to give it, then do not give it, 5.9 I 9–15, school exercise (diff. Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 532, quoting Pardee: “surely”, cf. ảl (II)); ảl tủd to not overcharge,
2.26:19; w ảl twḥln and do not be worried, 2.16:12; w ảt ủmy ảl tdḥṣ!, but you, my
mother, do nor fear, 2.30:21; ḥẓk ảl tšʕl do not shoot your arrows, 1.14 III 12; ảl
tšt ủrbt do not put (in) a skylight, 1.4 V 64 and par.; ảl tqrb do not approach, 1.4
VIII 15; ảl tšrgn do not delude me, 1.17 VI 34; ảl tšmḫ do not rejoice, 1.3 V 20–21
and par.; ảl tṣr ủdm do not besiege TN, 1.14 III 29 and par.; bn ảl tbkn ảl tdm ly
ảl tkl bn qr ʕnk my son, do not weep for me, do not wail for me, do not drain,
my son, the source of your eyes, 1.16 I 25–27; bt ủbủ ảl tbỉ the house I enter,
do you not enter, 1.169:18; ảl tṯbb rỉš, do not / indeed turn back the head (?),
1.169:19; špḥ ảl thbṭ do not wipe out the family, 2.47:16; in bkn ctx. ảl td[d ?,1.4
VI 10; ảl tṣủ, 1.164:19; ảl tšỉḫrhm do not (?) delay them (?), 2.79:4; cf. ảl (II).
2) not, + prefc. 3 p., in prohibitive statements: ảl ydd mt mrzḥ a member of
the m. is not to start (saying), 3.9:12; ủḫy ảl ybʕrn my brother, do not abandon
me, 2.41:22; ảḫy mhk b lbh ảl yšt my brother, do not worry, 2.38:27 and par.; ảl
yʕdbkm k ỉmr b ph lest he places you like a lamb in his mouth, 1.4 VIII 17; šršk
b ảrṣ ảl ypʕ your root not grow in / from the earth, 1.19 III 53; ảl ybʕr b ydh may
he not set fire to (the house) with his hand, 2.86:22; w ảt b pk ảl ysỉ mhk as for
you, not a word must scape your mouth, 2.88:39, cf. ln. 21 (Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 245; Tropper UF 36 2004 512); Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 149); mnm ảl
yns nobody should escape, 2.107:23; in bkn ctx.: b]šrk ảl ttn ln[ġr ], 1.92:34–35
(Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118); ảl tġl[, 1.3 I 1; ảl yns[, 1.4 III 5; ảl ảšt b[, 1.5 III 11; ảl ḫtt[,
1.176:26; ảl ytbʕ[, 2.18:3; ảl tšt[, 2.31:14; 2.31:61; 4.62:2; in unc. ctx.: ảl (…) ybqṯ
šmhm b spr (Bordreuil-Pardee PIHANS 114 9: “personne ne cherchera leurs
noms dans un document”).
Cf. l (I), bl (I).
ảl (II) pos. functor “surely, yes” (in volitive statements; for etym. and morph. cf.
ảl (I); prob. elliptical syntagm or suprasegmental idiom: rhetorical question.
De Moor SP 128f.; Aartun PU/1 31; Renfroe AULS 78). ¶ Forms: ảl.
1) Yes, + prefc. 1 p., cohortative statements: dll ảl ỉlảk assuredly, I will send
a messenger, 1.4 VII 45; ảl aḫdhm certainly I shall seize them, 1.3 V 22; ỉk ảl
yšmʕk how, in fact, will he listen to you?, 1.6 VI 26 and par.;
2) (Yes) do + prefc. 2/3 p., precative statements: ỉk ảl yšmʕk how, then, will he
listen to you?, 1.6 VI 26; ảl tšt b šdm mmh may she pour out, yes, in the fields
her waters 1.16 I 34; ỉk ảl yḥdṯ yrḫ how of a truth / not will DN be renewed,
1.18 IV 9; ảl trgm l ảḫtk you shall certainly say to your sister, 1.16 I 31; pnm ảl
ttn ʕm (…) and thus, you will set face for (…), 1.2 I 14 and par.; cf. ảl ttn pnm,
1.4 VIII 1 and par.; ảl tpl (…) ảl tštḥwy pḫr mʕd fall down, yes, (…), prostrate
yourselves, yes, before the plenary assembly, 1.2 I 15; ảl tdy ʕz ṯġrn do repel
the strong one from our gate, 1.119:28; ảl tmk ảl tʕlg lšnk ảl tảpq ảpq may you

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46 ảl (iii) – ỉl (i)

be cast down, that your tongue may stammer, that it seriously may go astray!
1.169:11f. (diff. see /ả-p-q/).
Cf. bl (II), l (II).
ảl (III) n. m. “ram (of superior quality)” (< */ʔ-l/. Hb. ʔyl > ʔl, HALOT 40,
“ram”; Akk. ālu, “Widder”, AHw 39; “a fine breed of sheep”, CAD A/1 374 f. De
Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 241; Pentiuc Vocabulary 48 f.: Emar Akk. e-lu /ʔēlu/;
¶ par.: ỉmr, qmṣ ṣỉn, bkr?. ¶ Forms: pl. ỉlm; du. ảlm.
Ram: šql ṯrm w mrỉ ỉlm they slaughtered bulls and fat rams, 1.22 I 13 (// ṣỉn, ỉmr,
qmṣ); rdg ỉl<m> in par. text 1.4 VI 42; ỉ]dbr ṯrmt ảlm I] proclaim as offering
two rams, 1.82:8 (cf. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247).
Cf. ảyl.
ảl (IV), element of TN: gt ảl 4.382:27 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 82: *Gittu-Allai).
ỉl (I) n. m. 1) “god”; 2) DN, epithet used as a noun (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram.
ʔl, “god”, HALOT 48–50; “god”, DNWSI 53ff.; Amor. /ʔi/elum/, “god”, Gelb
CAAA 14; Ebla ì-lu, “god”, Krebernik QuSem 18 108; the element /ʔil(um)/
in PNN: cf. Von Soden EDA 85 n. 42; Krebernik PET 91, 99 ff.; Pagan ARES 3
218; Akk. ilu, “Gott, Gottheit”, AHw 373f.; “god, deity”, CAD I/J 91–104; OSA,
ʔl, “god”, SD 5; Arab. ʔilāh, “god”, AEL 82f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ]e-ni = i-lu, UF 11
1979 479 31; [AN = ilu] = e-ni = i-lu-ma, ibid. ln. 30; cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989
365; BiOr 47 1990 731; IDIM […] = DINGIR-lu4, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 9 =
[k]u-[m]ur-wi = DINGIR-lu4, ibid. ln. 35; the element /ʔilu-/ in PNN and TNN;
Sivan GAGl 199f.; Huehnergard UVST 107; cf. the syllabic value ìl, èl(?) (AN),
Huehnergard AkkUg 354; ¶ RS Akk.: DINGIR(.MEŠ), passim; cf. DINGIR-lu4,
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):2; Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):1–3; Huehnergard AkkUg 82f., 355;
cf. AN = i-lu [, Ug 5 133 (RS 23.493+) obv. 14; ¶ par.: ảb. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉl; suff. ỉlm
(encl. -m); ỉln! (1.19 IV 57; cf. ỉln (I)); pl. ỉlm; du. ỉlmy (encl. -y. Tropper UG 306 f.,
833); cstr. ỉl, ỉly (-y, mat. lect. Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 25; Tropper UF 26
1994 475; Izreʿel RSOu 11 259; Smith UBC/1 128 n. 22).
1) God: ★a) as a class: ỉlm w ỉlht gods and goddesses, 1.25:2; nhr ỉl rbm DN, the
great god, 1.3 III 39; ỉlm w nšm gods and men, 1.4 VII 51; ʕdk ỉlm hn mtm around
you are the gods, and also men, 1.6 VI 48; ỉlmy nʕmm the two handsome gods,
1.23:60; šlm ảb w ỉl hail, father and god!, 1.123:1; ★b) activities of the gods: ủ ỉlm
tmtn or do gods (also) die?, 1.16 I 22; ỉl d yqny ḏdm the god who created the
caves / grottoes, 1.19 IV 57; ỉl yṯb b ʕṯtrt // ỉl ṯpẓ b hdrʕy the god who resides
in TN // the god who judges in TN, 1.108:2–3; b grnt ỉlm in the threshing-floor
(are) the gods, 1.20 II 9; tbrk ỉlm tỉty tỉty ỉlm l ảhlhm the gods blessed (him
and) went, the gods went to their tents 1.15 III 17f.; ỉlm tġrk tšlmk tʕzzk may
the gods protect you, grant you well-being, strengthen you, 5.9:2–4 and par.;
ỉlm tġrk tšlmk may the gods protect you, grant you well-being, 2.86:4; 2.100:6;
2.103:16; 2.105:4; 5.33:7 and passim, var. ỉlm l šlm tġrk tšlmk, 2.85:7, cf. ln. 26;

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ỉl (i) 47

ỉlm tšlmk tġrk, may the gods grant you well-being, protect you, 2.104:4; [my]
b ỉlm ydy mrṣ (…) in b ỉlm ʕnyh who among the gods will cast out the illness?
(…) There was none among the gods who answered him, 1.16 V 16–22 and
par.; tbʕ w l yṯb ỉlm the gods left without lingering / staying, 1.5 I 9 and par.; w
tdʕ ỉlm and the gods will know, 1.5 V 16; tn ỉlm d tqh deliver, gods, the one to
whom you pay homage, 1.2 I 18; ỉlm lḥm yṯb (…) the gods sat down to eat (…)
ỉlm tphhm (…) the gods saw them (…) ttly ỉlm rišthm (…) the gods lowered
their heads (…) ảḥd ỉlm tʕny in unison will the gods answer (…) šu ỉlm rảštkm
lift up, gods, your heads, 1.2 I 20–27; ʕd lḥm šty ỉlm while the gods were eating
(and) drinking, 1.4 VI 55 and par.; hw ybl ảrgmnk k ỉlm he will bring you a
tribute like the (other) gods, 1.2 I 37; ỉn bt l bʕl km ỉlm DN has no house like
the gods, 1.4 IV 51 and par.; b yn yšt ỉln! by the wine that our god drinks!, 1.19
IV 57 (text: ỉlả); lbš ỉl yštk // ʕrm ỉl yštk he god who clothed you (lit.: put you
clothed), let that god undress you (lit.: put you naked)!, 1.169:13; ★c) object
or purpose of an action: hlm ʕnt tph ỉlm as soon as DN espied the (two) gods,
1.3 III 32 and par.; ản šnt ủġr l rḥq ỉlm I must leave TN for the farthest god,
1.3 IV 34; tšlḥm tššqy ỉlm he gave the gods food and drink, 1.17 V 29; ủzr ỉlm
ylḥm enrobed, he fed the gods, 1.17 I 2 and par.; šbʕ pảmt l ỉlm seven times
(as an offering) to the gods, 1.43:8; w yqr[ y] dbḥ ỉlm and he offered a sacrifice
to the gods, 1.19 IV 23 and par.; ỉqrả ỉlm I am going to invoke the gods!, 1.23:1;
ảḥdy d ymlk ʕl ỉlm I am the only one who will reign over the gods, 1.4 VII 50;
★d) gods of a place or region: ỉl ṣpn, the gods of TN, 1.47:1 (Cho LDUT 12 f.); ỉl
bldn gods of the country, 1.162:1; ỉly ủgrt the gods of TN, 2.16:4; kl ỉl ảlṯy all the
gods of TN, 2.42:8; ỉl mṣrm the gods of TN, 2.23:22; ỉl d]dm (…) ỉl lb[n]n gods of
TN (…), gods of TN, 1.148:43 (Akk. DINGIR.MEŠ da-ad-me-ma DINGIR.MEŠ
la-ab-a-na, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):3–4; Arnaud SMEA 34 1994 107–109); tḥt ỉl
ṯmk at the feet of the gods of TN, 1.179:2 (De Moor UF 40 2008 180); lt mgdl
the goddess of the tower, 1.112:25; ỉl šd the gods of the steppe, 1.108:12; ỉlm ảrṣ
the gods of the underworld, 1.5 V 6, cf. 1.106:30, rdg ỉl!m ảr[ṣ (Del Olmo CR 192;
KTU: diff. rdg. ỉšm); ỉl lỉmm the god of the peoples, 1.27:8 and par.; ỉl bt the god
of the house (: dynasty(?)), 1.102:1; 1.39:13; 1.115:3, 7, 9; 1.123:29; cf. 1.53:8; 1.81:7
(Tropper UF 35 2003 673–680); md !br il šiy desert of the “Divine Assassin”,
1.12 I 22; ★e) classes and groups of gods: ỉl tʕḏr bʕl the helper gods of DN,
1.47:26 and par.; ỉlm krm, ảlpm, kḥṯt, rḥbt the lamb-, bull-, throne-, jar-gods,
1.4 VI 47–54; divine ancestors: ảdn ỉlm rbm the Lord of the great gods, 1.124:2
(ỉlm rbm: deified ancestors of the dynasty. Pardee UF 15 1983 132 f.; Pope Fs.
Finkelstein 179; Gordon Eblaitica 1 26f. with n. 43: ỉlm (rbm), pl. majestatis);
★f) qualifying a deity or place: ỉl ḫš ỉl ảdd the god of the divine TN, DN, 1.65:9
(cf. RS Akk.: dIM be-el ḪURSAG ḫa-zi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):4; dU dḪURSAG ḫa-zi,
Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):19; for the various interpretations cf. Xella TRU 213f.; Del

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48 ỉl (i)

Olmo-Sanmartín AuOr 13 1995 259ff.); ỉl mlk the god DN, 1.111:18 (Del Olmo
CR 164 n. 100; Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 20); ỉl hd the god DN, 1.12 I 41 and par.;
b tk ġry ỉl ṣpn in the midst of my mountain, the god / divine TN, 1.3 III 29 and
par.; ngr ỉl ỉlš the herald, the god DN (// the divine / DN’s herald, DN), 1.16 IV 3,
6; dynastic gods: ỉl ỉbrn (etc. king’s names), the god PN, 1.113:16 and par.; ★g)
possessions or property of the gods: passim genitive in nominal syntagms
(freq. as the adjective “divine”); cf. ủm, ỉnš, ʕbd, ʕdt, bn (I), bt (I), bt (II), ḏd,
ġl, grnt, hnn, ḫš, klbt, ks, mdd, mrủ, mṯbt, nʕm, nʕmn, nr, nrt, pḫr, qnyt, šd, yd;
see ybm l ỉlm “brother-in-law” of the gods, 1.6 I 31 (Del Olmo IMC 75 f.); yd
ỉlm (…) ʕz mỉd the power of the gods … is (of) an utter strength, 2.10:13 (for
other versions see yd); ★h) metonymic usage, statues of gods: mlk ylk lqḥ
ỉlm ảṯr ỉlm ylk pʕnm the king shall go to receive the gods, after the gods he
shall walk on foot, 1.43:23; tʕln ỉlm b ḫmn the gods will go up to the “chapel”,
1.112:8; estates or fields (?) of some gods: in unc. ctx. ytn ỉlm bdhm bd PN1
gṯr w bd PN2 bʕl may he deliver (the fields / statues (?) of) the gods into
their hands: DN1 in the hands of PN1 and DN2 in the hands of PN2, 2.4:20
(cf. šd gṯr, ibid. ln. 16, 18; cf. RS Akk. it-ta-din DN, PRU 3 171 (RS 16.173):8–10;
diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 273f.: “les dieux le livreront”; Dietrich-Loretz JA 72;
Watson SEL 6 1989 47: “statues, images”); ★i) periphrastic superlative: kt /
kḥt / hdm / nʕl / ṯlḥn / ṣʕ ỉl a divine podium / throne / footstool / palanquin
/ table / platter, 1.4 I 30–41; ḥkpt ỉl the divine TN, 1.3 VI 13 and par.; b ảrṣ ỉl
in the divine land, 1.6 I 65; bšrt ỉl bšr bʕl w bšr ḥtk dgn receive the divine
(alt.: El’s) good news, DN, do receive the good news, offspring of DN, 1.10
III 33 (Tropper UG 845: “eine überaus gute Nachricht”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007
2) DN: El (syll. Ug.: iluma, UF 11 1979 478:30; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 366; cf. rbt
ỉlm you are great, oh DN!, 1.4 V 3), epithet used as a noun, passim in god lists,
cf. 1.118:2 and par.; cf. ỉl w ảṯrt DN and DN, 1.65:5; passim in cultic texts, cf.
offerings l ỉl to DN, 1.39:2, 1.164:7, etc.; passim in narrative texts:★a) activities
of the god: ỉl ảṯtm k ypt DN really wished to seduce the two women, 1.23:39; ỉl
dbḥ b bt DN gave a feast in his house, 1.114:1; cf. ibid. ln. 17; ỉl yṯb b mrzḥh DN
sat in his house of feast, 1.114:15 (cf. 1.1 IV 4; 1.108:2); ṭl! mrṯ yḥrṯ ỉl dew of must
that DN cultivated, 1.22 I 20; ks yỉḫd [ỉl] a cup did DN take, 1.15 II 16 (cf. 1.17
I 34); yʕny ỉl b šbʕt ḥdrm DN replied from the seven rooms, 1.3 V 26; tgr ỉl bnh
DN has opposed his son!, 1.1 IV 12; ỉl hlk l bth DN went to his house, 1.114:17;
tḥmk ỉl ḥkm your mesage, DN, is wise, 1.3 V 30; ỉl ḫṭh nḥt ỉl ymnn mṭ ydh DN
lowered / reached for his sceptre, DN took his rod with the right hand, 1.23:37;
w b ḥlmh ỉl yrd and in his dream DN came down, 1.14 I 36; d b ḥlmy ỉl ytn the
one that in my dream DN granted me, 1.14 III 46 and par.; ql ỉl k mt DN fell
like a dead person, 1.114:21; hlm ỉl k yphnh as soon as DN saw her, 1.4 IV 27 and

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ỉl (i) 49

par.; ybrk ỉl krt DN blessed PN, 1.15 II 19; gm yṣḥ ỉl l btlt ʕnt aloud DN shouted
to Virgin DN, 1.6 III 22 and par.; šbʕ šnt ỉl mlả during seven years DN had filled,
1.12 II 44; yqḥ ỉl mštʕltm DN took two consecrated women (?), 1.23:35 and par.;
ỉl yẓḥq bm lb DN laughed in his heart, 1.12 I 12; ỉlm ypʕr šmthm whose names
DN will proclaim, 1.12 I 28; [bnt] bhth y ỉlm (…) ảl tšmḫ (in the) [building]
of your palace, oh DN, (…) do not rejoice, 1.3 V 20 and par.; ỉ[l w] ḥrn yỉsp
ḥmt DN and DN remove the venom, 1.107:38; ỉk ảl yšmʕk ṯr ỉl how, then, will
he listen to you the Bull DN?, 1.6 VI 27 and par.;★b) object or purpose of an
action: l pʕn ỉl l tpl at the feet of DN they fell, 1.2 I 30 and par.; l pʕn ỉl thbr w
tql at the feet of DN she bowed and fell, 1.4 IV 25 and par. (formulae of the
prostration sequence; cf. Del Olmo MLC 54f.); bʕl qm ʕl ỉl DN stood next to
DN, 1.2 I 21; rgm l ỉl ybl word was brought to DN, 1.23:52; ql bl l ỉl take the (/my)
cry to DN, 1.100:3 an par.; ỉdk l ytn pnm ʕm ỉl and so he set face for DN, 1.2 III 4;
šmtr ủṯkl l ỉl cutting of a grape cluster for DN, 1.87:2 and par.; ★c) titles: ṯr ỉl
ảby/k/h “the Bull”, DN, my (/ your / his / her) father, 1.2 III 21 and par.; lṭpn
ỉl d pỉd kindly DN, “the Benevolent”, 1.6 III 4 and par.; ỉl ảbn DN, our father,
1.12 I 9; ỉl ṣpn DN of TN, 1.47:1 (Del Olmo Fs. Díez Macho 294); ỉl mlk d yqnnh
DN, the king who established him, 1.4 IV 48; ỉl šr DN, sovereign, 1.123:3 (Foley
UF 19 1987 71 n. 40); ảb šnm father of years, 1.4 IV 4 24 and par. (Rahmouni
DEUAT 18ff.);★d) El’s possessions or property (often to be understood as in
1. g): ảb bn ỉl father of the sons of DN, 1.40:33 and par. (cf. 1.65:1–3); bn(m)
ỉl son(s) of DN, passim; bt ỉl daughter(s) of DN, 1.23:42 (cf. 1.3 III 46); ảṯt ỉl
women of DN, 1.23:42 (cf. ln. 60, aṯty); mdd / ydd ỉl beloved of DN, 1.3 III 39
and par., title of the gods Yam and Mot); yd ỉl the member of DN, 1.23:34 and
par.; yd ỉl the love of DN 1.4 IV 38; dr ỉl the family of DN, 1.39:7 and par.; ḏd ỉl
the cave / tent of DN, 1.3 V 7 and par., denoting El’s residence; mṯb ỉl residence
of DN, 1.4 IV 52 and par.; ʕbd ỉl servant of DN, 1.14 III 51; ġlm ỉl the servant of
DN, 1.15 II 20; šm ỉl, the name of DN, 1.22 I 6; šnt ỉl the years of DN, 1.108:27; qym
ỉl the assistants of DN, 1.22 I 5; bt ỉl the house (// temple) of DN, 1.17 II 5; ytnt
ỉl the gift of DN, 1.14 III 31 and par.; ṯlḥnt ỉl the table of DN, 1.114:6; w šd šd ỉlm
but the field is the field of DN, 1.23:13, 28 (cf. 1.6 IV 2, 13); qdš ỉl the sanctuary
of DN, 1.119:6; the meaning of the lexeme is uncertain in 1.65:6–18: ḫnn / nṣbt
/ šlm / mrḥ / nỉt / ṣmd / dṯn / šrp / knt / ġdyn ỉl n. of DN / divine n. (Del Olmo
CR 285f. and n. 26; AuOr 10 1992 255).
In bkn ctx.: ỉl yṣġd ḥ[, 1.174:1; cf. 1.176:14, 16, 20, 22; for 1.4 VI 42 (ỉl) and 1.22 I 13
(ỉlm) cf. ỉl (II).
Cf. ỉlảbn, ỉlỉb (I), ỉlỉb (II), ỉlảdn, ỉlʕnt, ỉdgn, ỉldn, ỉlgdn, ỉlgn, ỉlgt, ỉlh, ỉlhd,
ỉlḥủ, ỉlḥbn, ỉlkšy, ỉlmd, ỉlmhr, ỉlmlk, ỉln (I), ỉln (II), ỉlnqsd, ỉlqṣm, ỉlrb, ỉlrm,
ỉlrpỉ, ỉlrš, ỉlršp, ỉlṣdq, ỉlšḥr, ỉlšlm, ỉlšn, ỉlšpš, ỉlštmʕ, ỉlt (I), ỉlt (II), ỉltḥm, ỉltm,
ỉlṯr, ỉlṯtmr, ỉly, ỉlym, ỉlyn, ỉlyqn, ỉlyy, ảmrỉl, ʕbdỉl(m), ʕnỉl, bdỉl, bnỉl, bnỉlh,

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50 ủl – ỉlảbn

bnỉlt, hwỉl, nỉl, ḥyỉl, mrỉl, nẓrỉl, pỉln, rbỉl, ṣdqỉl, ṯbỉl, yaršỉl, ybnỉl, ydbỉl,
yknỉl, ymỉl, yrġmỉl, yšrỉl, yṯỉl.
ủl n. m. “(military) force” (< /ʔ-w-l/; Hb. *ʔwl, “to be in front, be strong”, ʔyl,
“strength”, ʔl, “strength, power”, HALOT 21, 41; Palm. “(army-)corps”, DNWSI
57. Fensham JNSL 7 1979 24f.; Watson UF 40 2008 548); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ʔūl(l)u/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 201; ¶ par.: ʕ½m. ¶ Forms: sg. ủl, suff.
ủlny (du. or lengthened form *ʔuln */ʔul-n/ > ủlny /ʔul-n-y/ (?). Tropper
UG 219).
(Military) force: ṣbủ ủl mảd your army (will be) an immense force, 1.14 II 35
and par.; l ảrṣ ypl ủlny our / my forces fell to the ground, 1.2 IV 5 (// ʕẓm;
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 135 n. k, “corpulent”; Aartun PU/1 45 n. 6, “stark”:
lengthened form *ủln < */ʔul-n/ > ủlny < /ʔul-n-y/; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg
297, “the strong one”).
Cf. ủln (II), ủlnhr.
ỉlỉb (I) DN 1) “father god” (deified ancestor; ancestral or family god); 2) “El-
father”, invocation of the DN El (for the element ỉb < ảb cf. ỉb (III). Hb., Ph.,
OSA, PN ʔl(y)ʔb, HALOT 55; Akk. da-ba4, Gelb- Kienast AKDT 169; Kienast-
Sommerfeld GlAKI 3f.; RS Hurr.: ỉn ảtn, 1.110:2; 1.111:3; GLH 63 f.; Laroche Ug 5
507, 523. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 450 f.; 8 1976 52; Rainey RSP 2
78f.; Sznycer Semitica 29 1979 50ff.; Lambert UF 13 1981 299 ff.; Xella SSR 5 1981
85ff.; Polselli RSO 56 1982 21ff.; Healey SEL 2 1985 15 ff.; Van der Toorn UF 25
1993 379ff.; Kennedy CBQ 61 1999 766; Pardee TR/1 187: ʔIlu ʔibī; Loretz UF 34
2002 485ff.; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 584, 587; Watson LSU 155; Curtis Fs. Wat-
son 121ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: DINGIR a-bi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):1; ¶ par.: ʕm. ¶ Forms:
sg. ỉlỉb, suff. ỉlỉby, ỉlỉbh.
1) Father god, family god: nṣb skn ỉlỉbh who erects the stela of the family god,
1.17 I 26 and par. (// ʕm).
2) Father El: ỉlỉb DN (in list of gods) 1.47:2; 1.118:1 (cf. RS Akk.: DINGIR a-bi,
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):1. Del Olmo Fs. Díez Macho 295); ỉlỉb š (to) DN: one ram,
1.148:23 and par.; ỉlỉb gdlt (to) DN: one cow, 1.109:12 and par.; ṯn šm l ỉlỉb two
rams to DN, 1.162:6; ỉ]d ydbḥ mlk l ỉlỉb when the king sacrifices to DN, 1.164:3;
ảlp w š šrp l ỉlỉb one (head of) cattle and one ram in holocaust to DN, 1.164:6
and par.; ỉlỉb ỉl, 1.74:1; ỉlỉb (the sacrifice of) DN, 1.91:5 (Del Olmo CR 213; Curtis
Fs. Watson 121ff.,).
ỉlỉb (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95).
PN: 4.727:13.
ỉlảbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 87, 94; Xella UF 20 1988 387 ff.; Watson
AuOr 8 1990 11; LSU 155); ¶ syll.: cf. mDUMU-mDINGIR. IGI.AD, PRU 3 194
(RS 11.839):12; PN DUMU mDINGIR.IGI.AD, ibid. ln. 16. Huehnergard AkkUg
400 n. 85. Cf. bnʕnt.

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ỉlảdn – ỉlbd 51

PN: 4.226:3.
ỉlảdn PN (Sem.).
PN: 4.812:4 (Lemaire UF 30 1998 461; Watson AuOr 20 2002 232).
Cf. ảdn (I), ỉl (I).
ảlỉt DN f. (“the most powerful”, elative /ʔqtl/ f. pattern of the root /l-ʔ-y/; Ebla
a-li-PI-tum, Krebernik QuSem 18 101. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 213; De
Tarragon TOu/2 173 n. 102 < Hurr. allai, “dame” (?); Watson SEL 10 1993 55).
DN: š l ảlỉt a ram for DN, 1.90:19; [ảl]it š for DN, a ram, 1.168:15.
Cf. ảlỉy, ảlỉyn.
ảlỉy adj. m. “The Most Powerful” (elative /ʔqtl/, pattern of the root /l-ʔ-y:w/ (I);
cf. ảlỉyn); ¶ par.: ảlỉyn bʕl. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ảlỉy.
The Most Powerful (cstr. elative in genitive syntagm): ảliy qrdm “The Most
Powerful” of heroes, 1.3 III 14 and par. (// ảlỉyn bʕl).
Cf. ảlỉt, ảlỉyn.
ảlỉyn adj. m. “The Very / Most Powerful” (elative /ʔqtl(-n)/ pattern of the root
/l-ʔ-y:w/ (I). Van Zijl Baal 342f.; De Moor SP 68f.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975
213; Grave UF 12 1980 226; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 391 ff.; Verreet UF 16
1984 315; Wyatt UF 24 1992 405; Smith UBC/1 153; Deiana Forte 29: ptc. G
/l-ʔ-y/ with prothetic /ʔa-/; cf. Ebla /lāʔi(y)/ in PNN; Krebernik PET 94; Fron-
zaroli ARES 1 22; Catagnoti QuSem 15 260; Pagan ARES 3 136 f.; Rahmouni
DEUAT 53–63); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /lāʔiy/ in PNN; Gröndahl PTU 154;
Sivan GAGl 241; ¶ par.: zbl; cf. ảlỉyn bʕl // ảlỉy qrdm. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlỉyn.
The Most Powerful (apposition): ảlỉyn bʕl “The Most Powerful” DN, 1.5 VI 9
and par. (// zbl bʕl ảrṣ); cf. mt ảlỉyn bʕl dead is “The Most Powerful” DN, 1.5
VI 9; mlkn ảlỉyn bʕl our king is “The Most Powerful” DN, 1.3 V 32 and par.
Cf. ảlỉy, bʕl (II) 3 b).
ỉlʕnt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 95, 111; De Moor UF 1 1969 171 n. 21; Loewen-
stamm UF 14 1982 123).
PN: ★a) 4.617 I 43: in bkn ctx.: 4.607:14; ★b) bn PN, 4.623:11.
ảlb PN (etym. unc. Laroche GLH 42, 44; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 199f.; Wat-
son AuOr 21 2003 244).
PN: bn PN, 4.700:4; 4. 807:18; 4.843:40.
ủlb(y) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOrS 27 102).
PN: bn PN, 4.281:13; 4.309:2; 4.628:2; 4.807 I 18.
ỉlbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 117; Masson Semitica 39 1990 42; Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.; Watson AuOr 11 1993 214; LSU 156); ¶ syll.: cf.
DINGIR.EN, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):4; DINGIR.dU, Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):9.
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 12; 4.141 I 4; 4.261:21; 4.381:22; 4.609:3; 4.754:14; 4.775:17; ★b) bn
PN: 4.340:6; 4.377:7; 4.410:10; 4.583:2.
ỉlbd PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 94ff., 118).

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52 ỉlbt – ỉlgdn

PN: ỉlbd, 4.783:7; cf. 4.593:9.

Cf. bdỉl.
ỉlbt DN, protector deity of palace and dynasty, identity unspecified (cf. ỉl (I), bt
(II); Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 436).
DN: in lists, 1.102:1; k ydbḥ mlk (…) l bbt ỉlbt when the king sacrifices (…) to DN
(and (?)) DN, 1.115:3; b qdš ỉlbt in the “sanctuary” of DN, 1.115:7; š l ỉlbt a ram to
DN, 1.115:9; ỉlbt gdlt, (to) DN a cow, 1.39:13 (cf. 1.53:8); šlm ỉlbt, hail, O DN!(?),
ủlbtyn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. ul-bu-ut-ia-nu, Syria 15 1934 133 (RS 4.466+):7.
PN: bn PN, 4.280:4; in bkn ctx.: 4.383:3.
ảld DN (Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Stol 29–37: Sum. dalad; diff. Dalix UF 34 2002 45 ff.:
rdg dlq PN; Watson AuOr 30 2012 329: “passionate”. NWS dlq, “to burn”,
DNWSI 250).
DN: 6.95:1.
ỉldgn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 123, 423).
PN: 4.63 III 9; 4.607:17; 4.609:20.
ỉldn PN (Sem. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 364 f.; Watson AuOr 2002 232).
PN: 4.775:6; 4.813:21, 37.
ỉldy PN (etym. unc. Cassin-Glassner AAN 1 67: Iltaya).
PN: a) PN: 4.130:3; 4.617 II 18; 4.635:33 (aḏddy) b) bn PN, ỉld[, 4.842:17.
ủldy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:18.
ỉlḏ PN (etym. unc. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81).
PN: 4.96:12.
ảlḏy GN m. (> PN (?). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81; Pardee Syria 65
1988 189 n. 54). ¶ Forms: sg. ảlḏy.
GN (> PN (?)): ảkly, 4.609:21. cf. 1.125:6.
Cf. ảlṯy, ảlzy.
ỉlg 4.751:11, cf. lg (I) (Watson LSU 145).
ảlgbṯ n. of mineral or stone (Sum. al-ga-mèš; Ebla BUR AL-GU-PEŠ7 = BUR ur-
gú-ba-su, MEE 3 45+46 // MEE 61 ln. 71; Civil EDA 153; Akk. algamišu, ein
Stein: “Korund” (?), AHw 35; “steatite” (?)), CAD A/1 337 f.; Hb. ʔlgbyš, “hail
stones or lumps stone”, HALOT 51; cf. Eg. írqbś / ʔá-l-qa-bí-ś<á>, “Bergkristall”,
WäS/1 116; Helck Bez. 508 (10); Nougayrol Ug 5 101 n. 1; Sasson RSP 1 392;
Heltzer GPOTU 62 n. 216; Watson LSU 77); ¶ syll. Ug.: NA4.MEŠ.GE6: al-ga14-
ba-šu, Ug 5 30 (RS 20.25 A):6, 10. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlgbṯ.
Mineral or stone: ảrbʕ kkr ảlgbṯ ảrbʕt ksph four talents of ả. to the value of
four (shekels), 4.158:15.
ỉlgdn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 126f.).
PN: 4.277:13.

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ỉlgn – ảlḫn (ii) 53

ỉlgn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 129; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 21,

PN: 4.63 I 34.
ảlgp PN(?) (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 216, 239).
PN(?): 1.66:3.
ỉlgt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 131; Fowler TPNAH 185).
PN: 4.277:2.
ỉlh DN (“the ‘Divine One’”, referring to the deified dead (kings); cf. Emar pl.
/ilaū/ Pentiuc Vocabulary 82f.; Arab. ʔilāh, “god, deity”, AEL 82f.; Hb. ʔl(w)h,
ʔlhym, “god”, HALOT 52f.; OAram. ʔlh, “god”, DNWSI 57–60; Amor. /ʔil(l)a/,
“goddess”, Gelb CAAA 14. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 552 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 177; Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 42 n. 13; Loretz UF 24
1992 159ff.; Levine-De Tarragon RB 100 1993 103ff.: “god” or DN ỉl; Pardee TR/1
35ff.; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 532); ¶ par.: ṯʕ. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉlh; du./pl. ỉlhm (or sg.
+ encl. -m).
DN, the “Divine One”: dqtm ỉlh ảlp w š ỉlhm two ewes (to) DN, one (head of)
cattle and one ram (to) the DN, 1.39:5 and par. (//ṯʕ, ṯʕm; cf. 1.41:6, 12, 14, 18,
28, 30; 1.87:7, 13, 15, 19, 30, 32–33, where they occur as recipients of sacrificial
offerings, distinct from El and the other gods).
Cf. bnỉlh.
ỉlhd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 133).
PN: 4.63 I 7; 4.63 III 33; 4.609:7; 5.18:1 (bn kzn), 3 (bn ỉly), 7 (bn šmmn); 4.854:5;
ỉlhnm, cf. ỉln (I).
ỉlḥủ PN of krt’s son (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 308; Astour UF 5 1973 38; De Moor-
Spronk UF 14 1982 184; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95).
PN, son of krt: ġzr ỉlḥủ the noble PN, 1.16 I 46 and par. (cf. Miller UF 2 1970
ỉlḥbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 39, 65, 134, 162).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 44.
ảlḫb, element of TN gt ảlḫb, 4.243:16 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 82f.: Gittu-Alli-Ḫeba).
TN: ảlḫb, 4.856:1.
ảlḫn (I) n. m. “quartermaster” (< “miller”. Cf. Akk. alaḫḫinu, “Müller”, AHw 31;
an administrative official, CAD A/1 194ff. Del Olmo UF 10 1978 51; IMC 193;
Heltzer IOKU 80; Diakonoff ArOr 47 1979 40; Wilhelm AdS 2/1 158 f.; Watson
UF 27 1995 534; Nuzi Akk.: É a-la-aḫ-ḫe-en-ni, Mayer Nuzi 1 177); syll. Ug.:
cf. PN DUMU a-la-ḫi-ni, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):11; Huehnergard UVST 107;
McGeough ERU 114f.: PN. ¶ Forms: pl. ảlḫnm.
Quartermaster: bt ảlḫnm storehouse of quartermasters, 4.392:4.
ảlḫn (II) PN (< Akk. Gröndahl PTU 270, 276, 363; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín

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54 ỉlk – ỉllḏr(m)

UF 6 1974 19; McGeough ERU 114f.); ¶ syll.: DUMU a-la-ḫi-ni, PRU 6 70

(RS 17.50):11.
PN: 4.102:25; 4.337:11.
ỉlk PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. il-ku-ia/ya, PRU 3 55 (RS 15.92): 5 and passim ibid.
PN: PN rʕ[ y, 4.153:1 (Márquez NABU 1993/7).
(ỉlk), 6.66:2; cf. ỉlrm.
ảlkbl PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216, 239).
PN: bn PN, 4.369:16 (šb[ny); cf. 2.39:22.
ủlkn PN / DN, name of an ancestral king. Gröndahl PTU 274, 278; Lewis Cults
17; Wyatt RTU 432 n. 14).
PN / DN: ủlkn rpả, 1.161:4.
ỉlkšy PN (Hurro.-Sem. (?). Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 230f.; Gröndahl PTU
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 8.
ảll (I) n. m. outer garment (type of “cape, cloak”; Hurr. alāli-, Neu Das Hurritis-
che 41 // Hitt. TÚG kušiši-; Fs. Thomas 512; StBo 32 314 n. 22; cf. Akk. allānu, a
garment, CAD A/1 356; AHw 37 [6], ein Kleidungsstück. Sanmartín UF 10 1978
350; Waetzoldt ZA 77 1987 297; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 28 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 22 1990 49f.; Watson UF 32 2000 567; AuOr 19 2001 282; LSU 39, 282; UF 42
2010 832; Vita TT 328); ¶ par.: kst, lpš. ¶ Forms: sg. ảll; pl. ảllm.
Luxury garment: šbʕ lbšm ảllm l DN seven ả.-garments for DN, 4.168:9 (Xella
UF 11 1979 836 n. 10); ảllm lbnm […] ảll šmt […] ảll ỉqnỉ white ả., […] ả. (of)
carnelian red, […] ả. (of) violet purple, 4.182:4–6; cf. lbš ảll, ibid. ln. 21; outer
garment: she grasped him b qṣ ảll by the hem of (his) ả., 1.6 II 11 (// lpš; cf.
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 28f.); tmzʕ (…) ảll she tore (…) the ả., 1.19 I 37 (ảl<l>),
48 (// kst); he wore km ảll dm ảryh like an ả. the blood of his kin, 1.12 II 47 (//
ảll (II) TN, cf. ủ/ảll.
ỉll PN (Anat. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 273; Tischler HEG 354; Watson AuOr 21 2003
PN: 4.214 II 8.
ủ/ảll TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 321: *ʔU/Alullu. Heltzer RCAU 15; Honeyman
JKF 2 1953 81; Astour UF 13 1981 9; CRRA 18 20; NuzHur 1 19 no. 64; Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 658; UF 29 1997 690f.; UF 30 1998 734; Topography 8); ¶ syll.: cf.
URU a-lu-ul-la/li, cf. PRU 4 253; cf. Astour UF 5 1973 33 n. 47.
TN: ủll, 4.68:19; 4.244:12; ảll, 4.821 II 8; 4.822 II 3; in bkn ctx. ảl[, 4.308:16;
ủ/ả]ll, 4.355:42 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 321; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 658 n. 28;
Topography 8).
Cf. ủlly (I), (II).
ỉllḏr(m) PN (Hurro-Anat.; cf. ỉll. Gröndahl PTU 250, 273).

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ỉllm – ỉlmlk 55

PN: 2.24:3; 4.361:2; 4.362:1; 4.607:22.

ỉllm PN (etym. unc. Watson Historiae 4 2007 94); ¶ syll.: cf. fi-la-la-[a]m(?),
PRU 6 149 (RS 17.354) II 6.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 24.
ủlly (I) GN m. (< ủ/ảll, TN). ¶ Forms: pl. ủllym.
GN: ủllym ảbynm, insolvent GNN (pl.), 4.70:6.
ủlly (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf ủlly (I), GN. Gröndahl PTU 26, 274; Bordreuil-Caquot
Syria 57 1980 357); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ú-lu-li-ya, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 17;
ú(?)-li-li-ya(?), 40 (RS 15.173):1.
PN: bn PN, 4.101:5; 4.245 II 5 (Van Soldt SAU 126); in bkn ctx. 2.81:14.
ủlm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 320: *ʔUllamu. Astour RSP 2 269; UF 13 1971 5;
NuzHur 1 19 no. 62; Van Soldt SAU 120; UF 28 1996 658; UF 30 1997 722; Topog-
raphy 8f., 170); ¶ syll.: URU ul-la-mi/mì, cf. PRU 3 267; Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):4;
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):16; Huehnergard UVST 251.
TN: 3.7:5, 6, 16; 4.27:9, 20; 4.63 I 1; 4.160:6, 10; 4.177:6; 4.213:10; 4.254:4; 4.307:2;
4.348:3; 4.365:7; 4.375:10; 4.380:7; 4.384:4; 4.414:8; 4.566:3, 4; 4.610 I 8; 4.618:9,
26; 4.625:4; 4.643:24; 4.693:7 (ủl!m); 4.725:6; 4.784:8; 4.793:4; 4.800 I 22; 4.820
I 6; 4.823:3; 4.857:11; 7.42:3, 5; cf. skn ủlm, 4.160:6. In unc. ctx.: ʕbd ủlm, 1.79:3
(rdg ỉ !lm (?)).
ỉlmd PN (Hurr. Watson LSU 156: e-lam-ma-du, RS 86.2220:19; diff. Gröndahl
PTU 37, 40, 95, 133, 156: Sem.).
PN: bn PN, 4.354:3; 4.350:15.
ảlmg n. m. of a type of wood, probably “aloe” (Akk. elammakk/ggu, AHw 196;
CAD E 75f.; Hb. ʔlmgym, HALOT 57f.; cf. Greenfield-Mayrhofer VTS 16 1967
83–89; Sasson RSP 1 392; Briquel-Chatonnet RCCPhRIJ 255 ff.; Watson AuOr
22 2004 113; AuOr 25 2007 130). ¶ Forms: sg. ảlmg.
A type of wood: ṯlṯm ảlmg thirty (talents / logs?) of a., 4.91:8; bʕl ảlmg the
owners of ả.-wood, 3.33:10.
ỉlmhr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 156; Rainey IOS 3 1973 39); ¶ syll.: cf. DIN-
GIR.UR.SAG, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):5, 10; 194 (RS 11.839):21; PRU 6 53 (RS
27.053) rev. 9 (Huehnergard AkkUg 348, 410).
PN: 4.63 I 9; 4.631:18; 4.775:10; in bkn ctx. ỉlmh[, 4.194:11.
ủlmk PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 228, 234; Watson AuOr 20 2002 233).
PN: 4.307:16; in bkn ctx. ủlm[, 4.725:6.
ỉlmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 97, 157f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 387–389;
Woudhuizen UF 26 1994 529: ilimaliki, Linear C; Watson AuOr 30 2012 326);
¶ syll.: DINGIR.LUGAL, PRU 3 245; PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) rev. 15; Ug 5 328;
cf. Van Soldt SAU 21, 27ff., 34; cf. DINGIR-mil-ku, PRU 4 294 (RS 19.70):8;
DINGIR.LIM-mu-lik, PRU 4 215 (RS 17.288):27; DINGIR-mu-lik, PRU 6 82 (RS

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56 ỉlmn – ảln (ii)

PN: ỉlmlk 1.6 VI 54 (šbny); 1.16 VI 59 (cf. 1.4 VIII 49; 1.17 VI 56); 2.88:31; 4.115:9 (?);
4.133:2; 4.165:13; 4.261:10; 4.382:28 ([bn] ktt[); 4.607:16; 4.616:2; 4.659:8; 5.18:9
(b<n>); in bkn ctx.: 1.17 l.e. 1 (šbny); 3.21:11 (bn ]ảrgnd) 4.98:24 (bn x[); 4.832:2
(ġryty); 4.866:10.
ỉlmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 96; Liverani OrAn 7 1968 90); ¶ syll.: cf.
DINGIR-mu-na, cf. PRU 3 245.
PN: 4.141 I 13; cf. 4.658:26; 4.834:11.
ủlmn n. m. “widowhood” (cf. Hb. ʔlmn, HALOT 58; cf. ảlmnt. Watson Historiae
10 2013 37); ¶ par.: ṯkl. ¶ Forms: sg. ủlmn.
Widowhood: bdh ḫṭ ủlmn in his hand (he holds) the sceptre of widowhood,
1.23:9 (// ṯkl).
ảlmnt n. f. “widow” (Hb. ʔlmnh, “widow”, HALOT 58; Ph. ʔlmnt, “widow”, DNWSI
63; Syr. ʔarmaltāʔ, SL 102; Akk. almattu, “Witwe”, AHw 38; “widow”, CAD A/1
362ff. Watson Historiae 10 2013 25); ¶ par.: ʕwr, qṣr (+ npš), yḥd (/ ảḥd), ytm,
zbl. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlmnt.
Widow: ảlmnt škr tškr the widow hired/s out her services, 1.14 II 44; IV 22 (//
yḥd (ảḥd), zbl, ʕwr); l tšlḥm (…) ảlmnt you did not feed (…) the widow, 1.16
VI 50 (// ytm); l tdn dn ảlmnt you did not judge the widow’s cause, 1.16 VI 33,
46 (// qṣr npš); ydn dn ảlmnt he judged the widow’s cause, 1.17 V 8 and par.
(// ytm).
Cf. ủlmn.
ủlmy (I) GN m. (< ủlm, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ủlmy; pl. ủlmym.
GN: 4.339:5; 4.861:6.
ủlmy (II) PN (etym. unc.; < ủlmy, GN. Gröndahl PTU 26, 228; Cassin-Glassner
AAN 1 155).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 I 19.
ảln (I) n. m. “oak grove” (coll. < “oak”; cf. (M)Hb. ʔlwn, “oak, acorn”, HALOT 54;
Syr. ʔilānāʔ, “tree”, SL 35: Akk. allānu, “Eiche, Eichenzäpfchen”, AHw 37;
“oak, acorn”, CAD A/1 354f.; Ebla cf. al6-la-na, “Eichel”, Mander MEE 10 90;
Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 173; cf. Eg. ínrn / ʔal-l2-lú-na, “Eiche”, loanword, WäS/1
98; Helck Bez 507(4). Sasson RSP 1 393; Astour RSP 2 258; Watson Or 45 1976
441; AuOr 22 2004 113; diff. Schloen JNES 52 1993 215 n. 41: “household”, reading
ảl-n, Akk. ālu (but cf. supra: Ug. ảhl); ¶ syll. Ug.: / RS Akk.: cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ
(m)al-la-an(-) PN, PRU 3 131 (RS 15.118):4; PRU 3 109 (RS 16.251):5; cf. ]al-la-ni,
PRU 3 131 (RS 15.122):9; Huehnergard UVST 107; ¶ par.: mdbr (misspelt mlbr).
¶ Forms: sg. ảln.
Oak grove: ẓi b ảln tkm go to the oak grove (of) TN, 1.12 I 20.
ảln (II) DN; Hurro-Hitt. underworld goddess (“the Lady”, Hurr. allai, Laroche
GLH 42; DN Hurro-Hitt. allani, Laroche GLH 43; Neu Das Hurritische 41,
“Sonnengöttin der Erde”; Wilhelm Or 61 1992 128. Laroche Ug 5 525); ¶ RS

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ỉln (i) – ỉlny 57

Akk.: cf. dal-la-tu4, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):22 (// ảrṣy, 1.47:23; 1.118:22). ¶ Forms:
ảlnd (1.132:19, 23; Hurr.: DN + direct. /DN=da/).
DN: 1.132:19, 23. In Hurr. ctx., cf. 1.60:13; 1.116:21; 1.135:10. Cf. 1.42:51.
ỉln (I) n. m. “deity, god” (cf. Ph. ʔln, ʔlnm, Pun. alonim, “god”, DNWSI 63 f.; Syr.
ʔelahānāʔ, “divine”, SL 21; < ỉl (I)); ¶ par.: ỉl. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉln; pl. ỉlnm; extended
pl. ỉlhnm.
Deity, god: ★a) predicative use in the genitive: klb ỉlnm divine puppy, 1.19 I 10
(Pun. PN klbʔlm; cf. Benz PNPPI 131; Del Olmo IMC 129 n. 292; Huehnergard
UVST 107; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 532; diff. Margalit UF 16 1984 121). In unc. ctx.
ỉla, rdg ỉln! “our god”, 1.19 IV 57 (see ỉl (I); cf. Del Olmo MLC 400); ỉln ṯlṯt, 1.112:30;
★b) referring to cult statues: (donations) ]t ỉlhnm b šnt of / for the gods by
year (?), 4.182:1. Cf. 1.91:17.
Cf. ỉln (II), ỉlny.
ỉln (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 96; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95); ¶ syll.: cf.
i-li-na, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 15 (for AN-ni, PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):10; cf. ʕn
(III), PN).
PN: ★a) 4.382:21 (bn [-); 4.609:21; ★b) bn PN, 4.215:5; 4.350:11.
ủln (I) cf. ủl.
ủln (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 103); ¶ syll.: cf. ú-lu-ni, PRU 3 195 (RS 11.839):19;
ú-la-nu, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):14; cf. 85 (RS 19.79):30; cf. Huehnergard UVST 251.
PN: 4.7:16; 4.63 I 39, II 7–8, 17; 4.232:13; 3.28:2; 3.29:3.
ủlnhr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 103, 165); ¶ syll.: DUMU ú-lu-na-a-ri, PRU 3
202 (RS 16.126+) B III 48; cf. Huehnergard UVST 244 n. 129, 248; Van Soldt
SAU 34, 331 n. 160.
PN: bn PN, 4.112 II 4.
ỉlnḥm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 94–97, 165).
PN: 4.785:16 (bn ʕzn).
ỉlnnn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 426).
PN: 4.631:20 (bn irpṯr).
ỉlnqsd PN (etym. unc.; incorrect spelling (?)).
PN: 4.715:24.
ảlnr PN (Hurr. Weippert GGA 216 164 193; Gröndahl PTU 216, 243; Dietrich-
Loretz OLZ 62 1967 536; KA 183f.; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95; LSU 156; cf. West
AOAT 233 30: a-ra-na-ro, Linear B).
PN: 4.16:6; 5.7:1 (r.n.l.ả, rdg sinistrorsum); 5.7:3.
ảlnṯr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216, 248f.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ảlnṯr, 4.391:18.
ảlny PN (cf. ảln (II)).
PN: 2.87:17.
ỉlny adj./n. m. “divine one”, basically used of dead and deified heroes / kings

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58 ủlny – ảlp (i)

(adj. deriv. from ỉln; cf. De Moor SP 241f.; Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 63f.); ¶ par.:
ỉl (I), rpủ. ¶ Forms: pl. ỉlnym.
Divine one: ảṯrh tdd ỉln[ ym after him went the “divine ones”, 1.21 II 4 and par.;
mġy (…) ỉlnym l mṭʕt there arrived (…) the “divine ones” at the plantations,
1.20 II 6 and par.; ỉqrả [ỉlnym h]kly I call you, “divine ones”, to my palace, 1.21
II 3 and par.; rḥq ỉlnym the most distant “divine one”, 1.3 IV 35 and par.; špš
tḥtk ỉlnym DN you subdue the “divine ones”, 1.6 VI 47 (Del Olmo MLC 235: see
/n-ḥ-t/; alt. “beneath you”, see tḥt).
ủlny cf. ủl.
ảlp (I) n. m. 1) “(head of) cattle”, “ox”; 2) “bullock”, “yearling calf, young (head of)
cattle” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram. ʔlp, “cattle”, HALOT 59; “ox”, Ph., Pun. DNWSI 64;
Amor. /ʔalpum/, “ox”, Huffmon APNMT 166; “bull”, Gelb CAAA 13, 48; Akk.
alpu, “Rind, Ochse”, AHw 38; “bull, ox, cattle”, CAD A/1 364ff.); syll. Ug.: cf.
PNN il-pí-ya, PRU 3 193 (RS 15.42+15.110) I 19; i-li-pí-ya, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):26;
Gröndahl PTU 98; Sivan GAGl 21; ¶ RS Akk.: GU4, PRU 3 217; PRU 6 155;
KTU 4.768:1 and passim ibid.; ¶ par.: ỉbr, ảrḥt, ảyl, ḥmr, klb, rủm, ṣỉn, ṯr, yʕl,
ypt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlp; pl. abs. ảlpm, cstr. ảlp, suff. ảlpy, ảlph, ảlphm; du. ảlpm.
1) (Head of) cattle: ★a) in general: mḫr ảlpm w ảmt, price of two head of cattle
and one servant girl, 4.867:6; w šbʕ ảlpm and seven head of cattle, 4.658:48;
šbʕm ảrbʕ kbd ảlpm seventy-four (head of) cattle, 4.749:4; ʕšrt ksp b ảlp ten
(shekels) of silver for one (head of) cattle, 4.337:21; five ảlp bqr (head of)
cattle and thirteen ṣỉn (head of) sheep, 4.691:1; TN ảlp one (head of) cattle,
4.616:17; PN w ṯlṯ ảlph and his three (head of) cattle, 4.417:5; PN, his son(s), his
wife, ảlp w ṯmn ṣỉn one (head of) cattle and eight of sheep, 4.295:2; bnšm dt
ỉṯ ảlpm lhm people who have cattle, 4.422:1; ʕl ảlpm bnš (people) in charge of
the cattle, 4.398:1, see bnš; ảlp PN b TN (nn) ʕglm cattle of PN in TN: (nn)
calves, 4.783:1 and passim ibid.; mrrt ảlp gall of cattle, 1.175:2, cf. ln. 13; ṯn
ảlpm two (heads of) cattle, 4.275:18; (nn) dd(m) l ảlpm nn “cauldronsful”
for the cattle, 4.387:17; 4.796:9, 11; spr šmn ảlpm register of ox fat, 4.857:1
(Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 96); ★b) bt ảlpm stable of the cattle, 4.358:1 (cf.
RS Akk.: É-tu4 GU4.MEŠ, PRU 3 92 (RS 16.189):18); ★c) for slaughter (ṭbḫ): ṭbḫ
ảlpm ảp ṣỉn they slaughtered cattle and also sheep, 1.22 I 12 and par. (// ṯrm,
ʕglm); ảlp yṭbḫ l kṯrt a (head of) cattle was sacrificed to the DNN, 1.17 II 29;
for meat: št ảlp qdmh he set an heads of cattle in front of her, 1.4 V 45 (and
par.); ṯmnym tbtḫ ảlp eighty t.-pieces of cattle, 4.247:19; he set ảlp a (head of)
cattle before her // mrỉả a fatling directly before her face, 1.3 IV 41 and par;
★d) sacrificial material: ảlp l ảkl a (head of) cattle for consumption, 6.13:3; ảlp
b mḥrṯt a (head of) cattle from the ploughed land, 6.14:3 (cf. infra: 2.b); tṭbḫ
šbʕm ảlpm k gmn DN she slaughtered seventy heads of cattle as a funeral
offering to DN, 1.6 I 20 (// rủmm, ṣỉn, ảylm, yʕlm, ḥmrm); passim in ritual

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ảlp (ii) 59

texts: b ym mlảt tqln ảlpm yrḫ on the day of the full moon are felled two
month-old head of cattle, 1.109:4, see 1.130:16; ṯn ảlpm two (head of) cattle,
1.111:15; ảlp l mg?d !l bʕl ủgrt a (head of) cattle in the tower (of the temple) of
DN of TN, 1.119:12; for DN ảlp šrp one (head of) cattle as a holocaust, ibid.
ln. 22; ảlp w š one (head of) cattle and one of sheep, 1.148:2, and passim in
cultic texts (cf. 1.162:3; 1.170:3, 9; 1.173:3ff.); ảlp š one head (of cattle) (and)
one of sheep, 1.43:6; tn šm w ảlp two sheep and one (head of) cattle, 1.436:2;
ảlp w š šrp ảlp šlmm one (head of) cattle and one of sheep as a holocaust,
one (head of) cattle as a peace offering, 1.105:23; 1.109:27; cf. 1.164:5; 1.168:10;
1.170:3; 1.171:2; ảlp [ ] wủz one (head of) cattle … and one goose, 1.109:29; šbʕ
ảlpm seven (head of) cattle, 1.105:5; kbd ảlp the liver of a (head of) cattle,
1.39:2; 1.109:9; ġṣb šmảl ảlpm the left ġ. of two (head of) cattle, 1.109:27; šbʕ
ảlpm l DN seven (head of) cattle to DN, 1.111:17.
2) “bullock”, “yearling calf, young (head of) cattle”: ★a) ảlp šnt yearling
calf, 1.86:1; ảlp dkr calf, ibid. ln. 2; ảlp pr bullock, ibid. ln. 3; ảlpm w tmtt
bullocks and personnel, 4.231:9 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ.SIPA GU4, PRU 3 11
(RS 15.18):10; cf. LÚ.Ù.DAB GU4, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):11); cf. PN + ảlp(m): 4.261:14,
15, 17, 18, 20, 23; 4.295:6, 8, 13, 17; ★b) work bullock (+ ḥrṯ): the lowing ảlp
ḥrṯ of work bullocks, 1.14 III 18 and par. (// ỉbr, ḥmr, klb; cf. ảlp b mḥrṯt,
6.14:3; supra: 1.d); alp PN dt ảḫd ḥrṯh bullocks of PN who has collected his
cowherd, 4.296:8; lḥt ảlpm ḥrṯm message concerning work bullocks, 2.45:22;
ảlpm ảršt lk the bullocks you requested for yourself, 2.45:24 (cf. l. 26); (nn)
drt l ảlpm (nn dd) of bran for the bullocks, 4.636:9 and passim ibid.; ṣmd
ảlpm yoke of oxen / bullocks, 4.367:10; 4.618:10; 4.691:8 (cf. RS Akk.: ta-pal
GU4, PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):11); ★c) “tame” bullock: ảlpm ảlpnm two “tame”
bullocks, 4.247:25; in unc. ctx.: w ảlpm nzq, 2.91:3, see /n-z-q/; ★d) fattened
(animal) (+ mrủ): ảlp mrủ fattened bull, 2.87:10; w ṭbḫ ảlp mrủ and a fattened
head of cattle was slaughtered 2.87:10 (fodder) l ảlpm mrỉm for the fatling
head of cattle, 4.128:1; (cuts) ảlp mri of fattened (animal), 4.247:16–17; prś
l ảlpm mrỉm a p. for fattened bulls, 4.858:2; l ảlpm mrỉm d ybl PN, for two
fatlings that brings PN, 4.863:3; ★e) in mythological ctx.: ảrḫt tld[ ] ảlp
the heifers gave birth to [ ] a yearling calf, 1.10 III 2 (// ypt); a category of
gods: špq ỉlm ảlpm yn he provided the calf-gods with wine, 1.4 VI 49 (// ỉlht
In bkn ctx. ṯn ảlpm yrḫ two bulls, one month old (?), 1.46:11 (cf. Del Olmo
CR 232 n. 74; diff. Dijkstra UF 16 1984 72: ‘two heads of cattle, it is the month
of …’); l ảlp ql, 1.10 III 15–16; ]ảlp,1.11:16; 1.56:4; wḥẓ ảlp, 1.90:6; ảlphm, ảlpy, ảlp,
2.84:10, 18, 21; ]hn w ảlp, 4.14:2; in unc. ctx.: bʕl yảbd l ảlp DN weakened for the
calf (?), 1.11:4.
ảlp (II) num. “(one, a) thousand” (<(?) coll. “herd”; Hb., Pun., Aram. ʔlp, “thou-

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60 ảlp (ii)

sand”, HALOT 59; “thousand”, DNWSI 65f.; OSA ʔlf, “thousand”, SD 5; Arab.
ʔalf, “thousand”, AEL 80; Eth. ʔǝlf, “thousand”, CDG 19. Tropper UG 361); ¶ RS
Akk.: 2 li-im KÙ.BABBAR 1 li-im KÙ.GI, PRU 3 92 (RS 16.189):15; x li-im, PRU 3
185 (RS 16.146+161):23, 25; passim in econ. texts; cf. li-im, 4.435:22; 4.610 IV 6,
8, 10; ¶ par.: rbt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlp; pl. ảlpm; du. ảlpm.
(One, a) thousand: ★a) in cstr. genitive: ảlp ymm a thousand days, 5.9 I 4
(// rbt); ảlp ksp a thousand (shekels of) silver, 1.24:20; 3.8:11; cf. 4.212:1; ảlp
(kbd) ṯlṯ one thousand (shekels of) copper, 3.18:7, 4.337:2; ảlp ḥẓm one thou-
sand arrows, 4.169:2 (cf. ibid. ln. 2–3 and cf. infra: 2.a); ảlp l šmn, one thou-
sand (?) for oil, 4.198:5; ảlp ṯṯm kbd mlḥt, one thousand and sixty (shekels)
of salt, 4.344:21; ảlp ʕšrn l mỉt ḥpr ʕbdm one thousand one hundred and
twenty rations of the servants, 4.636:2; ảlp ả[bn ṣ]rp one thousand (shekels)
of alum, 4.206:6; ★b) adv., by the thousand: (+ l-): they walk l ảlpm by the
thousand, 1.14 II 39 and par. (// rbt); he poured out silver l ảlpm by the
thousand, 1.4 I 27 (// rbbt); may he smite ảlpm ỉb enemies by the thou-
sand, 1.19 IV 59; ★c) in appos.: ảlp ḥẓr one thousand mansions, 1.1 II 14 (//
rbt); ảlp šd one thousand yokes, 1.1 III 2 and par. (// rbt); ảlp kd one thou-
sand jars, 1.3 I 15 (// rbt); ảlp nṯq one thousand darts/spears(?), 4.169:2 (cf.
supra: 1.a); ảlp pḥm (…) ả]lp ỉqnỉ (x) thousand (shekels) of red purple …
thousand (shekels) of violet purple, 2.99:11–12; [mỉ]tm kkr[ two hundred tal-
ents, 3.22.1; ảlp brr one thousand (shekels) of tin, 4.203:15; ảlp kbd [m]ỉtm
kbd one thousand two hundred (shekels of copper), 4.43:6; ảlp [ṯ]mn mảt
kbd sḫrt thousand eight hundred s., 4.863:7; ★d) distributive: two ropes ảlp
ảlp (sic.!) ảmt of one thousand cubits each, 4.247:30;★e) elliptical use: ảlp
one thousand 4.271:1; 4.261:23; w hm ảlp l tšʕn but if they do not pay one
thousand (shekels of silver), 3.8:13; ảlp ṯlṯ mảt one thousand three hundred,
4.299:4; ảrbʕ mảt l ảlp šmn nḥ, one thousand four hundred of n.-oil, 4.91:3;
ảlp ảrbʕ mảt kbd, one thousand four hundred, 4.299.3; ảlp ḫmš mảt kbd one
thousand five hundred, 4.407:3; ảlp ṯmn mảt kbd one thousand eight hun-
dred (shekels), 4.709:5; ★f) two thousand (du. in appos.): ảlpm śśwm two
thousand horses, 2.33:24, 32, 38; ]nt qdm ảlpm mznh two thousand (shekels)
which are its weight, 2.81:25; ảlpm ṯlṯ ktt two thousand (shekels of) powdered
copper, 4.203:13; ảlpm ảrbʕ mảt kbd two thousand four hundred, 4.407:1;
kkrm ảlpm two thousand talents, 4.720:5; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt ʕšrm kbd brr two
thousand three hundred (shekels of) tin, 4.809:4; ḫmš ṯnt ảlpm five ṯ for
two thousand (shekels), 4.402:5; elliptical use: PN ảlpm PN two thousand,
4.261:14 and passim; ảlpm kbd two thousand (shekels of copper / bronze),
4.866:7; ảlpm ṯlṯ ktt two thousand (shekels of) powdered copper, 4.203:14;
ảlpm ảrbʕt mảt two thousand four hundred, 4.407:1; [tgmr] ảlpm ḫmš mảt
[total] two thousand five hundred, 4.296:3; ảlpm ḥmš mảt two thousand

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ảlp (iii) – ỉlrm 61

five hundred, 4.132:1; 4.626:8; ★g) thousand(s), pl.: ṯl[ṯ] ảlpm tšʕ mảt ṯ[ ]
kbd three thousand nine hundred … (shekels), 4.809:2; ṯlṯ ḫmš ảlpm cop-
per for five thousand, 4.181:2; ảrbʕ ảlpm mỉtm four thousand two hundred,
4.626:2; ảrbʕ ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt four thousand five hundred of scarlet pur-
ple, 4.203:3; ảrbʕ ảlpm ỉqnỉ ḫmš mảt kbd four thousand five hundred (shekels
of) violet purple, 4.203:5; ḫmš ảlp ṯlṯ, five thousand (shekels) of copper),
In bkn ctx.: ảlp, 4.23:1; 4.198:9; 4.201:20; 4.202:2; 4.231:1–9; 4.241:1; 4.247:14;
4.250:3–5; 4.499:1; 4.508:3; 7.10:3; ảlpm, 4.482:2; 4.866:1; ảlp[ ] mảt kbd šbʕ[,
4.201: 4.
In unc. ctx.: ảlp ṯlṯ ảlp, 4.127:6; ảlp ḫmšm 4.201:5;
ảlp (III) PN ((?). RSOu 14 358).
PN(?): 4.795:12.
Cf. ảlp (I), ảlpn, ảlpy.
ủlp cf. ủ, l (I), p (III), only in 1.40; 1.84; 1.154; in bkn ctx.: ản slg ủlp I am PN, ủ.,
ủlpm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 17, 98; cf. AAN 1 155); ¶ syll.: cf. ]ul-lu-pí,
PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):11; cf. Sivan GAGl 201; Huehnergard UVST 19, 251, 270;
Watson LSU 156: “a plant”).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 III 2.
ảlpn n. m. “domesticated, tame” (Hb. ʔlwp, “close friend”, “cattle”, HALOT 54;
Arab. ʔalūf, “having much familiarity (ʔulfat)”, AEL 80; cf. Aram. ʔlp, Pa. “to
instruct”, DNWSI 64; ʔwlpn, “instruction”, DJPA 39; diff. Aartun StUL 11 ff.: “an
(Dienst) geübter, (ein)geübter (Raub-/Greifvogel)”; De Moor UF 28 1996 157:
“sardines, anchovies” (?); Watson AuOr 19 2001 282; Historiae 4 2007 105: type
of fish (?), Akk. lippatu, li-ip-pa-tu4, RSOu 14 241[RS 88.2158]50). ¶ Forms: pl.
Domesticated, tame: ảlpm ảlpnm two domesticated bullocks, 4.247:25 (diff.
De Moor UF 28 1996 157: “2000 ox-fish”).
ảlpy PN (Hurr.(?). Laroche GLH 4; Watson LSU 156; diff. Gröndahl PTU 98);
¶ syll.: cf. il-pí-ya, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 19; i-li-pi-ya, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):26.
PN: ★a) 4.214 I 18; 4.4851:8; 4.866:10; ★b): bn PN: 4.841:72.
ỉlqṣm n. m. “gem”, “divine / precious stone”(?) (etym. unc. Sanmartín UF 10
1978 351f.: “das Auserlesenste”, /ʔqtl/ pattern from *lqṭ, Akk. liqṭu, AHw 555,
CAD L 206ff.); ¶ par.: ḫrṣ, ksp. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉlqṣm.
Gem, precious stone (?): yblk ủdr ỉlqṣm may they bring you the most noble
gem(s), 1.4 V 17 and par. (// mỉd ksp, mḥmd ḫrṣ).
ỉlrb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 95, 179; Stamm Beitr. 195 f.). Cf. rbỉl.
PN: 3.3:11 (bn ỉlyn); 4.63 III 41; 4.63 IV 15.
ỉlrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 95, 182; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 310; Van

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62 ủlrm – ỉlšmḥ

Soldt SAU 21, 29; Sanmartín UF 27 1995 457); ¶ syll.: DINGIR-ra-mu, PRU 6
30 (RS 18.285):20; Ug 5 58 (RS 20.232):1; Ug 5 65 (RS 20.91 A):1; spelling ỉlr!mh,
6.66:2 (with -h as mat. lect.?).
PN: 4.607:19; 4.769:9; mšmn ỉlr!mh seal of PN, 6.66:2.
ủlrm PN (rdg and etym. unc.).
PN: bn ủlrm(?), 4.759:6.
ỉlrpỉ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 47, 95, 180; Parker UF 4 1972 99).
PN: bn PN, 3.20:7.
ỉlrš PN (Sem. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 322ff.; Gröndahl PTU 16, 95, 101; Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.). Cf. ỉlršp.
PN: ★a) 4.775:18; ★b) bn PN, 4.75 IV 10; 4.366:11; 4.371:2.
ỉlršp PN (Sem. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 322ff.; Gröndahl PTU 95, 181; Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.); ¶ syll.: cf. DINGIR. dMAŠ.MAŠ, PRU 3 75 (RS
16.344):4, 12; DINGIR. dGÌR.UNU. GAL, ibid. ln. 9.
PN: 4.313:5 (bn [); 5.18:5 (bn ḥnn).
ỉls PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 102, 224).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:6.
ỉlsk PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 224, 234).
PN:★a) 4.102:8; ★b) bn PN, 4.723:1; in bkn ctx.: 4.64 II 10.
ỉlṣdq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 47, 95, 187).
PN: ★a) 4.215:4; 4.628:1 (bn zry); ★b) bn PN, 4.226:9; 4.704:6; 4.843:38.
ỉlṣy PN (Sem.(?). Watson LSU 156); ¶ syll.: ỉl-ṣi-ya, PRU 3 71 f. (RS 16.356):4, 6.
PN: 4.103:47; 4.607:13.
ỉlš (I) DN, gatekeeper god / divine herald (De Moor ARTU 159 n. 13; Xella TRU 64
for the various interpretations).
DN: yṣḥ ngr ỉl ỉlš he called the herald, the god DN, 1.16 IV 6 and par.; ỉlš ngr
bt bʕl DN, herald of the house of DN, 1.16 IV 7, 11; in bkn ctx.: š d[d ỉlš, 1.41:6;
1.87:7, see 1.41:44; 1.87:48.
Cf. ỉlš (II), ỉlšn, bnỉlš.
ỉlš (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 98, 423; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 188); ¶ syll.:
i-li-šu, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 18.
PN: ★a) bn PN, 4.232:17; ★b) bt PN, 4.781:2; 4.813:30.
ỉlšḥr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 192; Stamm AS 16 417 n. 48).
PN: bn PN, 4.110:15.
ỉlšlm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 18, 95, 97, 193); ¶ syll.: DINGIR-ša-li-ma, PRU 3 53
(RS 15.89):6; DINGIR-ša-lim PRU 3 161 (RS 16.281):6; DINGIR-šal-ma, PRU 6
57 (RS 17.153):6; DINGIR-ša-al-mi, PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):9.
PN: 3.8:19 (bn prqdš); 4.382:27 (bn gsn).
ỉlšmḥ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 94ff.; Hb. šmḥ, HALOT 1557).
PN: 4.781:8.

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ỉlšn – ỉlt (i) 63

ỉlšn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 98; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81;

Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 70; Cassin-Glassner AAN 1 67).
PN: 4.79:3; 4.609:36.
ỉlšpš PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 95, 97 195; Brooke UF 11 1979 76 n. 58; Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.; Van Soldt SAU 21, 29, 126); ¶ syll.: DINGIR.dUTU(-
šu), Syria 18 1937 251ff. (RS 11.872):30; Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):17.
PN: ★a) 4.65:12; 4.131:11; 4.219:6; 4.384:14; 4.425:13; 4.775:21; 4.817:10; in bkn ctx.:
4.680:4 (cf. ]ỉlšp[š or ]ỉ l šp[š, 2.28:2); ★b) bn PN, 4.611 II 16.
ỉlštmʕ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 141: *ʔIlištamʕu; Gröndahl PTU 60; Astour RSP 2
264f.; UF 13 1981 7; Röllig RLA 5 52; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12, 16 f.; Pardee
AfO 36–37 1989–1990; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 659; UF 30 1998 723; Topography
9, 170); ¶ syll.: URU DINGIR-iš-tam-i, cf. PRU 3 266 (del. RS 16.15:16 with RSP 2
353 no. 152b); PRU 6 146; Ug 5 335; AnOr 48 1971 27 (RS [Varia 12] = “1957.4”):3;
cf. Huehnergard UVST 250.
TN: ★a) 1.79:7; 4.68:29; 4.110:1; 4.119:1; 4.365:21; 4.369:14; 4.380:21; 4.382:26, 33;
4.610 I 15; 4.629:10; 4.685:9; 4.693:19; 4.698:1; 4.750:9; 4.804:2; 4.810:1; 4.823:2.
★b) gt ỉlštmʕ, 1.79:7; 1.80:1 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 87).
ỉlštmʕy GN m. (< ilštmʕ, TN. Van Soldt SAU 33; UF 28 1996 659; UF 30 1998 723;
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 141). ¶ Forms: sg. ilštmʕy; pl. ỉlštmʕym.
GN: 4.33:29, 30, 31; 4.45:1; 4.51:8 (rdg ỉlšt<m>ʕy); 4.79:1; 4.86:25–26, 28; 4.124:3;
4.181:7; 4.281:25.
ảlt (I) n. f. “curse” (Hb. ʔlh, “curse”, HALOT 51; Ph. ʔlt, “covenant, conspiracy”,
DNWSI 60f.; OSA ʔlht, “curse, malediction”, SD 5; Akk. iʔlu, “Vertrag”, “eine
Binde” (?), AHw 373; “agreement”, CAD I/J 91; i/eʔiltu, “Verbindlichkeit, Ver-
schuldung”, AHw 191; “obligation, liability”, “sin”, CAD E 51 f.; uʔiltu, “Bindung”,
AHw 1405. Watson AuOr 19 2001 282; diff. De Moor UF 11 1979 650; De Moor-
Spronk UF 16 1984 239: “sworn obligation”; Caquot SEL 5 1988 31 ff.: “appui”
(?), cf. ảlt (II)). ¶ Forms: sg.(?) ảlt.
Curse: [ỉd] y ảlt l ảḥš ỉdy ảlt ỉn ly then I shall not feel the curse, then I shall
not have any curse on me!, 1.82:2; in bkn ctx.: 1.55:5.
ảlt (II) n. f. “support, pillar” (?) (Hb. ʔyl, “pillar of an archway”, HALOT 40; JAram.
ʔy(y)lʔ, “buttress”, DTT 48; also poss.: “footstool, base”, Akk. littu, “stool”,
CAD L 219 (c); “Schemel”, AHw 557. Van Zijl Baal 235f.; De Moor SP 236f.;
Renfroe AULS 78f. Diff. Watson UF 39 2007 665 ff.: “covering”); ¶ par.: ḫṭ, ksu.
¶ Forms: pl.(?) cstr. ảlt.
Support, pillar(?): l ysʕ ảlt ṯbtk he will certainly pull out the supports(?) of
your seat, 1.6 VI 27 and par. (// ksả, ḫ‹).
ỉlt (I) n. f. 1) “goddess”; 2) “the goddess”, epithet used as noun, said of ảṯrt (cf. ỉl
(I); Ph., Pun. ʔlt, “goddess”, DNWSI 53f.; OSA ʔlt, “goddess”, SD 5; Akk. i/eltu,
“Göttin”, AHw 373; “goddess”, CAD I/J 89f.; Ebla cf. MUNUS.BE.AL6 il-tum,

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64 ỉlt (ii) – ảlṯ

“goddess”(?), Krebernik QuSem 18 122; Watson LSU 156). ¶ par.: ảṯrt (II), ỉl
(I), ʕnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉlt; du. ỉltm; pl. ỉlht (cf. ỉlh).
1) Goddess, ★a) as a category/class: ỉlm w ỉlht gods and goddesses, 1.25:2; k ỉn
b ỉlht ql[ṣ]k for among the goddesses there is no opposition against you / like
yours, 1.3 V 28; tštql ỉlt l hklh the goddess went down to her palace, 1.3 II 18
(//ʕnt); w tqdmnn ỉlht and the goddesses presented it, 1.179:37; ★b) classes
and groups of goddesses: ỉltm ḫnqtm the two strangler goddesses, 1.39:18 and
par.; ỉlht ḫprt, ảrḫt, ksảt, dkrt, the ewe / lamb-, cow-, throne-, cup-goddesses,
1.4 VI 48–54; š ỉlt mgdl š ỉlt ảsrm one ram for the goddess of the tower //
of the prisoners, 1.39:11 and par. (Vidal UF 42 2010 719 ff.); ảṯth ngrt ỉlht his
wife(wives), the herald goddess(es), 1.16 IV 4 and par.; ★c) qualifying a deity
or place: šmʕ ỉlht kṯrt listen, goddess DN!, 1.24:11 (cf. ln. 40); in bkn ctx. l ỉlt[
(…) l ỉlt bt[ (…) l ỉlt [x]xpn, 1.81:5, 8, 21.
2) “The Goddess”, epithet used as a noun, said of ảṯrt (cf. ỉl (I)): ỉlt w ṣbrt ảry!h
the goddess and the clan of her kin, 1.3 V 37 and par.; ỉlt ṣdnym the goddess of
the Sidonians (?), 1.14 IV 35 (// ảṯrt ṣrm. Rahmouni DEUAT 69 ff.); w tḫss ảṯrt
ndrh w ỉlt and DN remembered his vow and the goddess, 1.15 III 26; mdbḥt
bt ỉlt the altar of the temple of “the goddess”, 1.41:24 and par.; in bkn ctx.: 1.1
IV 14; ]w bnh ỉlt, 1.117:4.
Cf. ʕbdỉlt, ʕzỉlt, bnỉlt.
ỉlt (II) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 98; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159; Watson
LSU 156).
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 19; 4.842:25; 4.843:44; in bkn ctx.: ỉlt[, 4.512:3; bn ỉl[, 4.842:10.
ảltġ PN (Hurr.(?). TN Allat, Allatḫe, Alatḫama, Van Soldt SAU 215 n. 292; Bel-
monte RGTC 12/2 14f.: *Allat).
PN: bn PN, 4.214:8.
ỉltḥm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 96, 210; Astour CRAA 18 19 n. 107; Clif-
ford CMC 57; Van Soldt SAU 21ff.); ¶ syll.: DINGIR-taḫ-mu and var., cf. Syria
18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):27; PRU 3 246; PRU 4 246; PRU 6 139; Ug 5 69 (RS 21.72):2;
cf. DINGIR-taḫ-ḫi-me, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839:6) (Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 179); cf.
Huehnergard UVST 243 n. 127; AkkUg 343, 371.
PN: 2.49:9; 4.63 II 5; 4.180:6; 4.366:5 (bn dnn); 4.366:12 (bn śrn); 4.371:13; 4.690:8
(bỉry); in bkn ctx.: 4.674:1; 4.398:8; cf. ỉlt[, 4.512:3.
Cf. tḥm, ytḥm.
ỉltm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 96, 201, 423).
PN: 4.86:16 (Van Soldt SAU 41).
ảlty PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 156: “villager”, Akk. alātû; Watson AuOr 30 2012
325: “my goddess”, < altu-/alti- in Amor. PNN var. of iltum/ilti (Durand)).
PN: 4.343:3.
ảlṯ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 16).

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ủlṯ – ỉlwn 65

TN: 1.54:10; 1.131:7.

ủlṯ n. m. of a tool for moulding or mixing clay (“trowel, float, mould” (?). Cf.
Hb., OAram. lwš, “to knead (dough)”, HALOT 525; “to knead”, DNWSI 570;
Akk. lâšu, “(zu Teig) kneten”, AHw 556; “to knead”, CAD L 110; Arab. lāṯa,
“fold, twist”, AEL 2677ff. De Moor UF 12 1980 432; CARTU 128: “brick-mould”;
Renfroe AULS 79); ¶ par.: lbnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ủlṯ.
Bricklayer’s tool for moulding clay (trowel, float, mould (?)): ʕbd (…) ảḥd ủlṯ
slave (…) who grasps the ủ., 1.4 VI 60 (// lbnt); of bronze: ủlṯ ṯlṯ an ủ. of bronze,
ảlṯn PN (< ảlṯy, TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 98, 301; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 81).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 9; 4.232:14; 4.681:2: in bkn ctx.: 4.526:1; 4.843:26.
ỉlṯr PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13 and n. 50).
PN: ★a) 4.607:32; 4.825 I 27; ★b) bn PN, 4.807 I 45.; 4.807 I 45. ảlṯt PN (<
alṯy, TN. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 98; Astour JESHO 13 1970 122; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81).
PN: 4.175:12.
ỉlṯtmr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 96, 197; Van Soldt SAU 317).
PN: bn PN, 4.103:11; 4.841:8; 4.860:33.
ảlṯy (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 11f.: *Alašiya. Astour RSP 2 259, 340; Wachs-
man BA 49 1986 37ff.; Pardee Syria 65 1988 189 n. 54; AfO 36–37 1989–1990
481f.; Watson SEL 28 2011 27); ¶ syll.: KUR] URU a-la-ši-ia[ki], KTU 4.102:31;
KUR a-la-ši-ia, RSOu 7 35 (RS 34.153):29; cf. KUR(.URU) a-la-ši-a/ia/ya(ki),
PRU 4 253; Ug 5 335.
TN: ảny TN the ship of TN, 4.390:1; kl ỉl ảlṯy all the gods of TN, 2.42:8; 4.808:16.
ảlṯy (II) PN (< ảlṯy, TN. Gröndahl PTU 98; Laroche GLH 42; cf. West AOAT 233
30: PN a-ra-si-yo, Linear B; Watson AuOr 30 2012 325).
PN: 4.705:9.
ảlṯy(y) GN m. (< ảlṯy, TN); syll. PN KUR a-lì(ŠI)-ši-yu, PRU 6 54:15; [LÚ].MEŠ
KUR a-lì-ši-PI, PRU 6 147 (RS 19.127):5. ¶ Forms: sg. ảlṯyy, var.: ảlṯy.
GN: k yqny ġzr b ảlṯyy when he was about to acquire a youth from a GN, 1.141:1
(Dietrich-Loretz MU 10); PN ảlṯy(y), 4.343:3; 4.352:2; ủ l p ảlṯy or according to
(the custom) of / what betrays (?) the GN, 1.40:29 and par., see p (III); (wine) l
ảlṯy for the GN, 4.149:8 (Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Loretz 190; Pardee JANER 7
2007 72); in bkn ctx.: 4.155:3; 4.808:16.
ỉlwn PN (Hurro-Anat. (?). Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 44; Cassin- Glassner AAN 1
43. Gröndahl PTU 273); ¶ syll.: cf. i-lu-wa, PRU 4 234 (RS 17.112):9 and passim
ibid.; DINGIR-a-?-ni, PRU 6 135 (RS 17.134):3; al-lu-wa-ma, RS 25.138:3 (Lack-
enbacher Fs. Sjöberg 319).
PN: 4.83:4.

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66 ảly(y) – ỉm

ảly(y) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 216).

PN: bn PN, 2.72:13 (cf. copy RSOu 7 plate XIX); 4.366:6; 4.753:3. Cf. 1.42:45
ỉly PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 96; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 278; Bordreuil SEL 5
1988 28); ¶ syll.: i-lu-ya, RA 38 1941 4 (RS 11.856):6; DINGIR-ya, PRU 3 36
(RS 15.180):2; i-li-ya, Ug 5 84 (RS 20.235):3; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):3; AN.LIM-li-ia,
Ug 5 159 (RS 17.86+):3 (cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 35).
PN: ★a) 3.20:5; 4.63 II 22; 4.625:22 (mrỉly); 4.841:14; ★b) bn PN 3.10:22; in bkn
ctx.: ỉly[, 4.227 II 11; 4.334:3; 4.432:21; 4.488:2; 4.583:1; 4.794:8.
ỉlym PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95, 144). Cf. ymỉl.
PN: 4.116:13.
ỉlyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 96; Astour AnOr 48 27; Bordreuil- Caquot
Semitica 28 1978 9; Syria 56 1979 310; Syria 57 1980 363; Van Soldt SAU 333);
¶ syll.: DINGIR-ia-nu, cf. PRU 3 246; PRU 4 246; PRU 6 139; AnOr 48 29 (RS
[Varia 12] “1957.4”):2; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):13; Van Soldt SAU 151.
PN: ★a) 4.232:3, 37; 4.277:6; 4.607:18; bkn: 4.772:4; 4.785:28; ★b) bn PN, 4.229:11;
4.340:1; 4.759:9; 4.769:6; 4.834:9; in bkn ctx.: 3.3:11, 4.63 II 47.
ỉlyqn PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 8 1990 116).
PN: 4.607:24.
ỉlysk PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.826 IV 2.
ảlyy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 2.72:13; 4.753:3; 4.826 IV 1.
ỉlyy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 96f.); ¶ syll.: cf. fe-li-ia-ya, PRU 3 110 (RS 8.208):5.
PN: ★a) 4.244:24; ★b) bn PN, 3.30:18 (Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28), 4.843:33.
ảlz PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 22, 205, 216, 218; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 81; Rainey IOS 3 1973 50; Van Soldt SAU 357; Watson LSU 157); ¶ syll.:
al-la-zi and var. a-la-an-zu, PRU 3 66 (RS 16.252):2, 6, 10, 21; a-la-zi, Ug 7 pl. 2.
rev. 15; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) obv. 15; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 115.
PN: bn PN, 4.77:12; 4.93 II 14; 4.348:15; 4.412:27; 4.422:4; 4.755:7; in bkn ctx.
4.498:7; 4.526:3.
ỉlz “?”, 1.136:11 (Pardee TR/2 775, 1112: “théonyme”?).
ảlzy GN m. (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81; Pardee Syria 65 1988 189
n. 54; cf. Astour UF 1 1969 7 on Hurr. ảlṯ(d) and the TN Alliše in Alalakh,
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 15: *Alluzu). ¶ Forms: sg. ảlzy.
GN: 4.272:1.
Cf. ảlḏy, ảlṯy.
ỉm conj. 1) cond. “if” and 2) disj. “either … or …” (Hb. ʔm, “if”, HALOT 60 f.;
Ph.-Pun., Hb., OAram. ʔm, “if”, DNWSI 68f.; Arab. ʔin, “if”, AEL 106 f.; JPAram.
ʔn, “if, either … or”, DJPA 63f.; Eth. ʔǝmma, “if, whether”, CDG 22f.; cf. hm.

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ủm 67

Aartun PU/2 95; De Moor ULe 95; Garbini SNO 57). ¶ Forms: ỉm.
1) Cond. conj. if: ỉm ảḥd b ảḫk if one of your brothers (slakes my thirst (?)),
1.6 V 21; ỉm mlkytn yrgm if PN says (it), 2.15:8 (cf. hn hm yrgm mlk then, if the
king says, 2.33:30); in bkn ctx.: ỉm klt [kny]t if the perfect brides, 1.3 I 26.
2) Disj. conj. or: ỉm PN ỉm PN ỉm mšmʕt mlk either PN or PN, or PN, or the
royal guard, 2.72:12–13; ỉm ht l b mṣqt yṯbt or if (the city) really is placed in a
difficult situation, 2.72:20 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 88 (RS 34.124):20 f.); in
bkn ctx.: 4.17:2.
Cf. hm (I).
ủm n. f. “mother” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔm, “mother”, HALOT 61; DNWSI 66 ff.;
Emar /ʔimmu/, “mother”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 89; Amor. /ʔi/ummum/,
“mother”, Gelb CAAA 14; Ebla /ʔummum/ in AMA.MU = ù-mu-mu, VE 1044;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 37; Fronzaroli EL 151; StEb 7 1984 152 f.; cf. Krebernik
PET 109; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 173f.; Pagan ARES 3 239; Akk. ummu, “Mut-
ter”, AHw 1416f.; “mother”, CAD U/W 120ff.; OSA ʔm(m), “mother”, SD 5; Arab.
ʔumm, “mother”, AEL 89f.; Eth. ʔəmm, “mother”, CDG 22); syll. Ug.: cf. the ele-
ment /ʔummu/ in PNN, Sivan GAGL 201. Watson Historiae 10 2013 26); ¶ RS
Akk.: AMA, PRU 3 237; PRU 4 264; cf. Ug 5 169 (RS 25.421+):9' and passim; cf.
Huehnergard AkkUg 377; ¶ par.: ảd, ảdn (I), ảḫ (I), ảḫt (I), ảrḫ. ¶ Forms: sg.
ủm, suff. ủmh, ủmy; pl. suff. ủmhthm.
Mother, ★a) of men and gods: tṣḥ ủm ủm she cried: mother, mother!, 1.23:33
(// ảd); ủmh kp mznm her mother (arranged) the pans of the scales, 1.24:34
(// ảdn, ỉḫh, ảḫth); l ủmy ảdtny to my mother, our Lady (suff. du.), 2.11:1; l mlkt
ủmy to the queen, my mother, 2.13:2; 2.30:1; cf. 2.16:2; 2.34:2; l mlkt ủmy ảdty to
the queen, my mother (and) my Lady, 2.82:1; l pʕn ủmy qlt I fall at the feet of
my mother, 2.13:5 and par.; l ủmy yšlm may it be well with my mother, ibid. ln.
6; 2.30:5; 2.72:5; cf. 5.10:3; ṯmny ʕm ủmy mnm šlm there, with my mother may
all go well, 2.34:8 and par.; ky tdbr ủmy l pn qrt so my mother has declared
before the city, 2.72:18; w ảt ủmy ảl tdḥṣ! and you, mother mine, do not fear,
2.30:21; ủmy tdʕ my mother should know, 2.16:6; lḥt šlm k lỉkt ủmy ʕmy the
letter / message of greeting that my mother sent me, 2.34:6; ủm tšmḫ{.}m ảb
(my) mother pleased (my) father, 2.16:10 (cf. supra: ảb); w l PN ủmy rgm and
to PN, my mother, say, 2.85:3; in bkn ctx.: nṭṭt ủm ʕlt b ảby (the offering) of
a shocked mother ascends unto my father, 1.82:9 (// bk, unc. ctx. Del Olmo
AuOr 29 2011 247); dmt ủm ỉl[m tower of the mother of (?) the god[s(?), 2.31:46
(Rahmouni DEUAT 72f.); ủm bnš 4.351:1; ★b) of animals: ủm pḥl (…) qrỉt l špš
ủmh the mother of the stallion (…) invokes the Sun, her mother, 1.100:1–2 and
par.; bn ḫpṯ l ủmhthm the young of the loose (cattle low) for their mothers,
1.15 I 6 (// ảrḫ); ủm nšrm mother of the eagles, 1.19 III 29 (// ảb. Cf. Rahmouni
DEUAT 76f.); ★c) bn ủm sons of one mother, 1.14 I 9 (// aḫm); bnm ủmy sons

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68 ủmảb/s – ảmn (ii)

of my mother, 1.6 VI 11 and par. (// ảḫym). In bkn ctx.: ủmy, 2.100:15, see ln. 22;
in unc. ctx.: ṯảr ủm a mother’s ṯ., 1.14 I 15 (cf. ṯảr).
Cf. ủmt, ủmy, ỉštrmy, ʕṯtrủm.
ủmảb/s PN (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 81).
PN, bkn rdg: 4.851:4.
ảmd adv. “always” (Arab. ʔamad, “time, considered with regard to its end”,
AEL 95. Margalit UF 8 1976 177; UF 19 1984 155 f. diff. Watson UF 8 1976 375
n. 30: “to escape”, Akk. madādu, Syr. mad (mdd); Hillers Fs. Iwry 105 ff.: “to
clothe” < vb mdd, mdw/y, with diff. rdg: gbrt ỉl “the leprosy of El”; Renfroe
AULS 79: mistake for t!md, Hb. tmyd); ¶ par.: ʕlm, ʕnt, dr. ¶ Forms: ảmd.
Always: ảmd gr bt ỉl always be a guest of the sanctuary, 1.19 III 47 (//ʕnt … p
ʕlmh, // ʕnt p dr dr).
ảmdn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 217, 262; Van Soldt SAU 34); ¶ syll.: cf.
am-ma-da-na, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 38.
PN: bn PN, 3.30:26; 4.69 VI 30; 4.233:8; 4.807 I 4; 4.841:25; in bkn ctx.: 4.413:2;
4.633:13; 4.761:7.
ảmdy PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 217).
PN: bn PN, 4.335:22; in bkn ctx.: 4.413:2; 4.633:13; 4.761:7; ảmḏ[, 4.825: II 8.
ủmdy GN; cf. ủdmy.
ảmḏy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 19: *ʔ Ammiḏā(yu). Cf. Xella MLE 1 1982 53; Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1988 10, 12f.; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 482; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 659; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 9); ¶ syll.: URU a/am-mi/mì-za/ša(-ú),
cf. PRU 3 265; Huehnergard UVST 224; Val Soldt SAU 337).
TN: 4.48:11; 4.68:43; 4.73:13; 4.346:6; 4.380:16; 4.610 I 29; 4.693:27; 4.800 I 36.
ảmht, cf. ảmt (I).
amḥt see /m-ḥ-y/
ủmḫ(y) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 157).
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 6; 4.692:11.
ủmmt PN (bkn?) (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 99, 162, 147; Watson AuOr 14
1996 96).
PN: bn ủmmt[, 4.64 V 4; 4.841:44.
ảmn (I) DN (< Eg. ymn, “Amun”; Otto LÄ 1 238ff.; Muchiki Loanwords 66; cf.
Hb. ʔmwn, Eg. DN, HALOT 62; Akk. Amunu, Amāna, Deimel Panth. 49 f.;
the element /amān-/ in EA PNN, Hess AmPN 216); ¶ syll.: cf. PN a-ma-an-
ma(-aš)-šu, PRU 4 109 (RS 17.28):4 and passim ibid.
DN: l pn ảmn w l pn ỉl mṣrm before DN and before the gods of TN, 2.23:21; for
5.11:21 cf. ảmn (III).
ảmn (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 17: *ʔ Amānu; Hb. ʔmnh, Ct. 4:8. Astour RSP 2
260); cf. (ḪUR.SAG) a/am-ma-(-a)-na, Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 11 f.).
TN: ġr ảmn, 2.33:16.

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ảmn (iii) – ảmr (iii) 69

ảmn (III) adj. m. “faithful” (?) (OAram., Samal., ʔmn, “firmness”, DNWSI 72 f.;
“trustworthy”, HALOT 63; Arab. ʔamīn, “secure”, AEL 100; Eth. ʔəmun, “faith-
ful, true”, CDG 24. Caquot Ug 7 398). ¶ Forms: sg. ảmn[.
Faithful(?), in bkn ctx.: d lb ảmn of a faithful (?) heart, 5.11:21 (cf. Hb. lbb nʔmn;
alt. Pardee AfOB 19 1982 45: “according to the heart (of Amon)”, cf. ảmn (I)).
/ʔ-m-r/ vb Gt: a) “to be seen, appear”; b) “to take sight of, look at” (Akk.
amāru, “sehen”, AHw 40ff.; “to see, behold”, CAD A/2 5–27; Eth. ʔammara,
“to show”, ʔaʔmara, “to know”, CDG 25; Ebla cf. IGI.ŠÈ.DU = a-me-lum, “guide”,
Fronzaroli QuSem 13 135; StEb 7 1984 148; cf. Krebernik PET 54; Müller Biling.
182; Fronzaroli ARES 1 16ff.; Pagan ARES 3 89 f.; Amor. cf. /ʔ-m-r/, “to see”,
Gelb CAAA 14. On the existence of a Ug root */ʔ-m-r/ (II) “to say” cf. ảmr
(I). Sanmartín UF 5 1973 263ff.; De Moor SP 129 ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PNN
a-mar-dIM, PRU 4 108 (RS 18.114):6; PRU 4 166 (RS 17.129):3, 5; a-mur-dIM,
Ug 5 51 (RS 20.158):7; ¶ RS Akk.: a-ma-ru, Ug 5 133 (RS 23.493+) obv. 7; Ug
5 134 (RS 20.426 D):1; ¶ par.: /ʕ-n/. ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. yỉtmr, ytmr; prefc.
Gt. a) to be seen, appear: ỉšt ỉštm yỉtmr (like) a great blaze they appeared, 1.2
I 32 (diff. Dobrusin JANES 13 1981 8 n. 12: subj. ỉštm [du. f.] or “messengers”
[du. m.]); b) “to take sight of, look at”: y[[m]]tmr bʕl bnth DN looked at his
daughters, 1.3 I 22 (// yʕn. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 97, 115; Tropper UG 520; De
Moor SP 81: “to look for”); in bkn ctx.: w l yảmr, 1.172:22 (Tropper UG 546, D
Cf. ảmril, ảmrbʕl, ảmry.
ảmr (I) n. m. 1) “order, demand”; 2) “word(?)” (Hb. ʔ(w)mr, “saying, news”,
HALOT 67; Pun., Amm., Edom. ʔmr, “speech”, DNWSI 77f.; OSA ʔmr, “omen,
oracle”, SD 8; Arab. ʔamr, “command”, AEL 96 f. On the existence of a Ug
root */ʔ-m-r/ “to say” see De Moor SP 81, 129 (1.2 I 15–16); UF 12 1980 432
(1.169:11); Sanmartín UF 5 1973 263–270 (1.13:26–30); cf. Amor /ʔ-m-r/, “to
speak”, Huffmon APNMT 168; “to command, speak”, Gelb CAAA 14, and cf.
Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔmr, “to say”, HALOT 65ff.; “to speak, say”, DNWSI 73ff.;
OSA Qat. ʔmr, “to command, proclaim”, LIQ 13; Arab. ʔmr, “to command,
enjoin”, AEL 95f.); ¶ par.: dʕt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảmr, suff. ảmrk.
1) Order, demand: qmm ảṯr ảmr standing up they transmitted (their) de-
mand, 1.2 I 31 and par. (// dʕthm); 2.33:13.
2) Word(?), in bkn ctx.: ảmrk your word(?), 1.16 IV 1 (De Moor-Spronk UF 14
1982 187: // pk; diff. Del Olmo MLC 316: “vista”; Segert UF 18 1986 290 n. 69:
“see” (?); 1.20 I 10; 1.95:3; 1.107:16, 17, 20.
ảmr (II), cf. ỉmr (I).
ảmr (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 21ff.: *Amurru. Cf. Astour RSP 2 260 f.; Pardee
AfO 36–37 1989–1990 439); ¶ syll.: KUR(.MEŠ) a-mur-ri / MAR.TUki, cf. PRU 3

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70 ỉmr (i) – ảmrr

265; PRU 4 253; Ug 5 335; RSOu 7 17 (RS 34.135):5, 25; Dietrich-Loretz IOS 18
1998 335–363; Izreʿel AmAkk 2 64–100 passim); ¶ par.: ymản.
TN: ṣʕ ỉl dqt k ảmr a divine platter worked in the TN style, 1.4 I 41 (// yman);
mlk ảmr the king of TN, 2.72:26, 29; bt mlk ảmr the daughter of the king of
TN, 2.72:17, 24, 32; in bkn ctx.: ʕṣ [KTU ad loc., footnote 6: ʕl?] ảmr yủḫ[d, 1.22
II 17; cf. 4.94:14; 2.98:37 (?). Hurr. ảmrw, 1.125:6.
ỉmr (I) n. m., “lamb” (Hb. ʔmr, “lamb”, HALOT 67; Ph., Pun., Aram. ʔmr, “lamb,
sheep”, DNWSI 78; Akk. immeru, “Schaf, Widder”, AHw 378; “sheep”, CAD I/J
129ff. Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 184ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: i]m-me-er-tu.MEŠ, PRU 6 120
(RS 19.116):4. Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 200f.; ¶ par.: ỉl (II), ʕgl, ʕgṯ, llủ, ṯr; ¶ Forms:
sg. ỉmr; suff. ỉmrh; broken pl. (?) ảmr (or alloph.; cf. Del Olmo AuOr 32 2014
Lamb: lqḥ ỉmr dbḥ b ydh he took a sacrificial lamb in his hand, 1.14 III 56 and
par. (// llủ); ʕdbnn ảnk ỉmr b py I myself put him (like) a lamb in my mouth, 1.6
II 22 and par. (// llủ); [ả]mṣḥ{.}nn k ỉmr l ảrṣ I can pull him like a lamb to the
ground, 1.3 V 1; tʕdb imr b pḥd she prepared a lamb from among the yearlings,
1.17 V 22 and par. (diff. “a lamb from the flock”, Akk. puḫdu, Arab. faḫid, cf.
Margalit UF 15 1983 80); k lb ṯảt l ỉmrh like the heart of the ewe for her lamb,
1.6 II 29 and par. (//ʕgl); tṭbḫ ỉmr wlḥm she slaughtered a lamb and ate (it),
1.16 VI 20 and par. (// mgṯ); šql (…) ỉmr qmṣ llỉm they slaughtered (…) lamb,
suckling lambs in heaps, 1.22 I 14 and par. (//ṯrm, ỉlm, ʕglm); ỉmr w ynt qrt l ¨ʕ
a lamb and a domestic dove to the Hero, 1.119:10; in bkn ctx.: tdbḥ ảmr they
sacrificed lambs, 1.20 I 10 (cf. in bkn ctx. ảmr, 1.22 II 17); ỉm]r špr fine lambs
(?), 1.108:10 (cf. Hb. ʔmry špr Gen 49:21; Akk. immir supūri, CAD S 396–398;
cf. Gevirtz JBL 103 1984 516f.; Pardee TPM 99 ff., 106 ff.); in bkn ctx.: 1.86:16.
Cf. ỉmrt.
ỉmr (II) TN (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 69ff.: *E/imar. Astour UF 2 1970 3); ¶ syll.:
cf. URU/KUR e-mar, PRU 3 16 (RS 12.05):7; PRU 4 217 (RS 17.143):13, 21; Ug 5 57
(RS 20. 227) rev. 11; RSOu 7 30 (RS [Varia 26]):8, 19; cf. LÚ URU e-mar, RSOu 7
32 (RS 34.141):31.
TN(?): in Hurr. ctx.: 1.131:5.
ảmrỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 41, 96, 99).
PN: 4.643:15.
ảmrbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 41, 61, 99, 117; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Altheim
1969 23; Lipiński Or 40 1971 329; Weinfeld UF 4 1972 139; Coogan Or 44 1975
197); ¶ syll.: a-mar-dIM/U, cf. PRU 4 p. 244; PRU 6 36 (RS 27.051):2 and passim
ibid.; RSOu 7 15 (RS 34.146):5; a-mur-dIM, Ug 5 51 (RS 20.158):7 and passim
PN: 3.25:6; 4.116:16; 4.261:8 (?); 3.25:6.
ảmrr DN, one of the two messenger-boys of the goddess ảṯrt: qdš (w) ảmrr

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ỉmrt – ảmt (ii) 71

(“Blessed”, elative /ʔqll/ pattern of /m-r-r/. Mullen Council 214 n. 172; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973 74: “Amurru”, spelling of the long consonant /rr/).
DN: 1.3 VI 11 (// dgy ảṯrt); 1.4 IV 3, 8, 13; qdš yủḫdm šbʕr ảmrr k kbkb DN began
to shine, DN like a star, 1.4 IV 17; qdš w ảmrr DN1 and DN2, 1.123:26.
ỉmrt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 99).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 III 10; 4.713:5; 4.803:1.
ảmry PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 99).
PN: 4.41:8; 4.44:32; 4.723:5; in bkn ctx.: 1.77:1; 4.415:5.
ảmṣ n./adj. m. “strength” / “strong” (Hb. ʔmṣ, “to be strong”, ʔmyṣ, “strong”,
HALOT 65, 63; pi. “to make strong, strengthen”, DNWSI 73. Miller UF 2 1970
161; Dahood RSP 3 73f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ảmṣ.
Strength, strong, in bkn ctx.: ]mlkn ảmṣ ]our king (is) strong, 2.33:5; ydk ảmṣ
yd[k (of) your hand, (may) the strength of [your] hand[, 1.82:14.
ảmšrt DN(?) (possibly a copyist or dictation mistake for ảṯrt; Del Olmo UF 36
2004 641f.).
DN (?): in an offering list, l ảmšrt š to DN: a ewe, 1.162:15.
ảmt (I) n. f. 1) “(female) slave, maidservant”; 2) “servant”, formula of politeness
(Hb. ʔmh, “slave maid”, HALOT 61; Ph., Pun., ʔmt; Aram. ʔmh, “slave-girl”,
DNWSI 70f.; Amor. /ʔamtum/, “slave girl”, Gelb CAAA 13, 49; Akk. amtu,
“Magd, Sklavin”, AHw 45; “slave girl”, CAD A/2 80–85; OSA ʔmt, “bondwoman”,
SD 5; Arab. ʔama, “a female slave”, AEL 103; Eth. ʔamat, “maid”, CDG 26; cf.
Ebla /ʔam(a)tum/ in MÍ = ʔa5(NI)-ma-tum, “…”, VE 1160; Krebernik ZA 73 1983
41; ARET 5 49. Watson Historiae 10 2013 335); ¶ RS Akk.: (MÍ.MEŠ.)GEMÉ
(.MEŠ), passim, PRU 3 232; PRU 4 259; PRU 6 150; Ug 5 340; ¶ par.: ʕbd.
¶ Forms: sg. ảmt; suff. ảmtk; pl. ảmht (cf. UT §8.8).
1) Female slave: hm ảmt ảṯrt or is DN a slave?, 1.4 IV 61 (// ʕbd); tdmmt ảmht
lasciviousness with (female) slaves, 1.4 III 21–22 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 18
1986 448: “Tadeleien der Mägde”); ảmt yrḫ / ảṯrt (female) slave of DN, 1.12
I 15–16 (Wyatt UF 8 1976 417; Watson UF 9 1977 282; Rahmouni DEUAT 78ff.);
maidservant: bn ảmt maidservants, 1.14 II 3 and par. (diff. Wyatt UF 19 1987
383: royal title “born of the sacred marriage”; Hendel EP 50: “craftsmen”); kd
bn ảmht a jar for the maidservants, 4.230:9; bt ảmt maid, 4.659:7; bn amhth,
the sons of his female servants, 3.32:10, 27; mḫr ảlpm w ảmt the price of two
head of cattle and a maidservant, 4.867:6.
2) “Servant”, a term for an inferior in letters: ảmtk your servant, 2.70:12, 19 (cf.
RS Akk.: um-ma PN GÉME-ki, PRU 6 2 (RS 19.80):3).
In bkn ctx.: 2.84:20; for the obsolete rdg. ảmth in 2.87:30 see ksp.
ảmt (II) n. f. “elbow”, “forearm”, “ell” (Hb., OAram. ʔmh, “forearm”, HALOT 61 f.;
“cubit”, DNWSI 69f.; Akk. ammatu, “Elle”, AHw 44; “forearm, cubit”, CAD A/2
70ff.; Ebla /ʔammatum/, in Á.KÙŠ = a-ma-tum, VE 541; Krebernik ZA 73 1983

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72 ỉmt – ảmtrn

20; Fronzaroli EL 135; StEb 7 1964 149; OSA ʔmt, “cubit”, SD 5; Eth. ʔəmat,
“cubit, forearm”, CDG 26); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. (PN to PN) a-na DUMU.MEŠ-šu
DUMU.MEŠ am-ma-TI ir-ku-uš-šu, PRU 3 55 (RS 15.92):6; cf. Ug 5 2 (RS 17.21):4;
Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):4; Ug 5 82 (RS 20.226):5; according to Rainey Or 34
1965 15 nn. 7–8, RSP 2 91: “sonship of a cubit” (DUMU.MEŠ am-ma-ti); but
cf. CAD A/2 75: ammatu D; Sivan GAGl 190; Huehnergard UVST 189; very
unlikely Hurr. ammati “grand-père”, Laroche GLH 47; Márquez Sef 68 2008
466: “abuelo, antepasado”; cf. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 335 ff.; ¶ par.: ủṭ, ṯkm, yd.
¶ Forms: sg. ảmt; adv. Suff. ảmth, ảmtm; du.(?) ảmtm.
Elbow, ★a) anatom.: yrḥṣ ydh ảmth she washed her arms up to the elbow,
1.14 III 53 and par. (//ṯkm. Aartun PU/1 41); kry ảmt ʕpr dig /drive in (with
your) forearm(s) in the earth, 1.12 I 23 (// yd; cf. Dahood RSP 3 121); ★b) as a
measure, ell: two ropes ảlp ảlp ảmt of a thousand ells each, 4.247:30; (I shall
consume you) ḏrqm ảmtm in lumps, ell by ell, 1.5 I 6 (// ủṭ. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 12 1980 405; Sanmartín ibid. 438; diff. cf. Del Olmo IMC 158 f.: “perecí”, cf.
/m-t/); twelve ḫpnt śśwm ảmtm protective padding for horses, of two ells,
4.363:4 (diff. Watson AuOr 29 2011 162: part of the harness, Akk. amūdāya,
amūdu, “a wooden part of the harness”).
ỉmt n. f. “truth”, adv. use “certainly, truly”, “in truth, straight to the point” (Hb.
ʔmt, “trustworthiness”, HALOT 68f. De Moor SP 187; Tropper Or 61 1992
448–453; Watson AuOr 19 2001 283; diff. Margalit MLD 97, 101: “verdure”, Arab.
ʔamat (*ʔ-w-m); Abou Assaf AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 261: “herbe, paille”, Arab.
ʔamat). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉmt.
In truth > certainly, straight to the point: hm imt imt or (said) straight to
the point, 1.5 I 18; p ỉmt b klảt ydy ỉlḥm and it is true that with both hands
I swallow, 1.5 I 19.
Cf. mt (IV).
umt n. f. “family, clan” (Hb. ʔmh, “small group of people”, HALOT 62; Akk.
ummatu, “Hauptmasse”, AHw 1414f.; “main contingent”, CAD U/W 116 ff.;
Arab. ʔummat, “the people of religion”, AEL 90. Malamat UF 11 1979 527ff.,
esp. 532f.; Renfroe AULS 79; Watson Historiae 10 2013 19); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
/ʔummatu/ in A.ŠÀ i-na AN.ZA.GÀR um-ma-ti, PRU 3 79ff. (RS 16.239):22;
Huehnergard UVST 107; ¶ par.: bt (II). ¶ Forms: sg. ủmt, suff. ủmty, ủmtk,
Family, kin, clan: ủmt [krt] the family of PN, 1.14 I 6 (// bt); ʕl ủmtk your kin,
1.6 IV 19; 1.19 IV 35 and par. (// ảḫy. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 264 n. m); in bkn
ctx. ủmtn our clan(?), 1.63:10; in Hurr. ctx.: 1.131:12.
ảmtm PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 95; Watson LSU 157).
PN: ★a) 4.363:4 (tkyġ); ★b) bn PN: 4.617 I 49.
ảmtrn PN (etym. unc. Nougayrol PRU 3 124ff.; Astour CRRA 18 12; Kienast UF 11

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ả?my – ản (iii) 73

1979 448); ¶ syll.: a-mu/ma-ta-ru-nu and other allog., PRU 3 239; PRU 6 137;
cf. a-mu-ta-ra/ri, Ug 5 28 (RS 20.184): rev. 1 and passim ibid.
PN: ★a) 4.344:8; 4.357:19; ★b) bn PN: 3.2:10, 16; 4.410:8; in bkn ctx. 4.357:29.
ả?my PN (rdg unc., possibly nmy, but copy: ảmy. Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 11 f.
Cf. RS 88.2158:31': am-ma-ia; Lackenbacher RSOu 14 240, 244 f.)
PN: 2.76:3.
ủmy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 99; Watson AuOr 14 1996 96).
PN: bn PN, 4.96:8.
ản (I) pers. pn. “I” (Hb. ʔny, “I”, HALOT 71; “I”, DNWSI 81; OAram. ʔnh/ʔ, “I”,
DNWSI 79f.; Ebla an-na, “ich”, ARET 2 119; ARET 5 50; cf. a-na-, ARET 8 17;
Gelb TI 19, EDA 69; Krebernik PET 72; Conti QuSem 13 161; Pagan ARES 3
249; Amor. /ʔanā/, “I”, Gelb CAAA 13, 49f.; Huffmon APNMT 168; OB ana (?),
cf. GAG §41 g*, cf. CAD A/2 110f.; Arab. ʔana, “I”, AEL 103ff.; Eth. ʔana, “I”,
CDG 26); ¶ par.: ảnk, ảt, ảtm. ¶ Forms: ản.
I: ★a) subj. in NC: p ʕbd ản am I perhaps a slave? (// ảnk), 1.4 IV 59; ʕbdk ản I
am your slave, 1.5 II 12, 19; ảt ảḫ w ản ảḫtk you are (my) brother / lover and I
am your brother/lover, 1.18 I 24; ★b) emph. subj. in VC: ản rgmt l ym I myself
am going to reply to DN, 1.2 I 45; ản ỉtlk w ảṣd I scoured and combed, 1.6 II 15;
ản ảqry b ảrṣ mlḥmt I shall go to meet war in the land, 1.3 IV 22; ản šnt ủġr
l rḥq ỉlm I must leave TN for the farthest god, 1.3 IV 34 (// ỉnbb); ảṯb ản I am
going to seat, 1.16 VI 38, 54; w ản mtm ảmt dying, I must die, 1.17 VI 38; p ản
ảrnn then let me myself shout, 1.82:6; in antithesis: ảtm bštm w ản šnt you
can go slowly, but I but I must leave, 1.3 IV 33 and par. (Watson UF 18 1986
416); [k]t ảtn ản! mṯbk the podium which I gave (you) as a mansion, 1.13:11
(diff. rdg, KTU ản ảtn ảt); in bkn ctx.: 2.31:22; 7.164:7.
Cf. ảnk.
ản (II) adv. “wherever, anywhere” (Hb., OAram. ʔn, “where?”, HALOT 69;
“where(ever)”, DNWSI 79; OSA ʔhn-, “when-, wher(e)-, whatever”, SD 3; Arab.
ʔannā, “whence”, AEL 119f. Caquot- Sznycer Tou/1 264 f.; Renfroe AULS 80;
diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1977 204: “anyhow”, Akk. anniam lā anniam, etc.;
Margalit MLD 171, 173f.: “strength” [cf. ản (IV)]). ¶ Forms: ản.
Wherever, anywhere: ản l ản y špš wherever (you go), oh DN!, 1.6 IV 22–23 (cf.
Hb. ʔnh w ʔnh IKgs 2:36, 42; IIKgs 5:25); ʕl ảrṣl ản [ỉsp ḥ]mt from everywhere
from the earth remove the poison, 1.107:33 and par.; ảḥl ản bṣql ynpʕ (…) tỉspk
yd ảqht if only, everywhere, oh shoot that sprouts (…), the hand of PN would
gather you!, 1.19 II 15, 22 (diff. Cassuto BOS 2 196: “for pity’s sake”, Hb. ʔnʔ;
Sanmartín UF 9 1977 266: “Wehe mir!” [cf. ản (I)]); in bkn ctx.: ản, 2.111:12;
ản (III) n. m. “strength” (Hb. ʔwn, “generative: physical power”, HALOT 22; Ebla
cf. ù-nu, Krebernik PET 109; Pagan ATES 3 92f.; De Moor SP 203; Van Zijl Baal

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74 ỉn

161, 191; Rainey UF 3 1971 159; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 257: “maintenant”,
Akk. anumma). ¶ Forms: pl. ảnm.
Strength: dq ảnm of feeble strength (lit.: weak of strengths), 1.6 I 50 (plur.
ỉn n. m. (“lack of, absence”) lexicalised as a verbal functor 1) “there is not,
does not exist”; 2) + l / b “(he/she/it) does not have” (Hb., Mo. ʔyn, “non-
existence”, HALOT 41f.; “(there is) not”, DNWSI 46; Pun. ynny, ennu, “(there
is) not”, DNWSI 46; Akk. yānu, “ist nicht”, AHw 411 f.; “(there) is (are) not”,
CAD I/J 323f. Tropper UG 820ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: (i-)ia-(a)-nu, etc., PRU 3 43
(RS 16.270):21 and passim; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 41, 201; Van Soldt SAU 413,
472f.; ¶ par.: bl (I) + ỉ. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉn, suff. ỉnn, ỉnm, ỉnnm (encl. -n, -m), ỉnny
(suff., encl. -n, -y), cf. allom. (?) ỉnmm, 2.10:9; for ỉnd see infra: ỉn + -d).
1) There is/are not: ỉn b ỉlm ʕnyh there was not among the gods one who
answered him, 1.16 V 22 and par.; k ỉn b ỉlht ql[ṣ]k for there is among the
goddesses no opposition against you / like yours, 1.3 V 28 and par.; ṯpṭn d
ỉn d ʕlnh our judge, above whom there is no-one, 1.3 V 33 (cf. Akk. qarrād lā
šanān, Erra I 8; Rahmouni DEUAT 84f.); p d ỉn b bty ttn rather, what is not
in my house shall you give me, 1.14 III 38; in bʕl b bhth(!) DN is not in his
house, 1.10 II 4; ht hm ỉnmm nḫtủ now, in case they have not been crushed,
2.10:9 (Tropper UG 822; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 278 n. 12: rdg ỉn mm “n’y a
rien du tout”); ỉn šmt ỉn ʕẓm there was no fat, there was no bone, 1.19 III 11
and par.; k ỉnn ảkl since there is no grain, 2.104:6; ảkl b ḥwtk ỉnn there is
no grain in your land, 2.39:20; mḏrġlm dt ỉnn bd tlmyn watchmen who have
not been entrusted to PN, 4.379:1; ỉn dbḥ [ there is no banquet, 1.176:9; w
hm ỉnm ʕbdmlk nplṭ but if PN had not been saved, 2.82:10; in bkn ctx. w ỉn
ʕṣr and (if (?)) there is / are no bird(s) (?), 1.50:8; mly ỉnnm [ there is no
engraver (?) [, 2.73:11 (Cunchillos TOu/2 417); w k ỉn hlk and since there is
no messenger, 2.90:18 (Tropper UF 36 2004 514 f.); w ảnk ỉnny ydʕt and I do
not know, 2.108:3; ỉn d šỉln (…) ỉn d ytn ly nobody asked my advice (…) nobody
gave me (anything), 2.87:11; w ỉn d ylmdnn and there is no-one who has taught
him (it), 1.179:42 (see Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 406, ỉnd neg. functor “not at
all, no-one”, extended form: ỉn + -d).
2) He / she / it does not have, + l / b: d ỉn bn lh who has no son, 1.17 I 18 and
par. (// bl ỉṯ); w in aṯt lk since you have no wife, 1.2 III 22; w ủnṯ ỉn bh and
he is not subject to any loan, 3.5:21; [w ủn]ṯ ỉnn lhm they are not subject to
any corvée, 3.4:16; tšʕ ṣmdm ṯlṯm bd PN w pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm thirty-nine yokes of
land in the hands of PN whick lack one side (: without adjacent farms to the
south), 4.136:5 (cf. pảt); w ỉn bt l bʕl k ỉlm but DN has no house like the gods,
1.3 V 38 and par.; ỉn ḥẓm lhm they have no arrows, 4.180:1; w l ṯt mrkbtm ỉnn
ủṯpt and two chariots have no quiver, 1.145:7; ỉdy ảlt ỉn ly then I shall not have

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ủn – ủnġ 75

any curse on me!, 1.82:2; dt ỉnn mhr lhm(!) with no troop assigned to them,
4.214 I 4; mḏrġlm d ỉnn msgm lhm m. who have no (animal) skins, 4.53:1; w ỉn
šq ymn b[h and (if) it has no right thigh, 1.103:26 and par. (cf. ln. 7–16, 26–36);
w ỉn ủdn ymn b[h] (…) w ỉn ủdn šmảl b[h] and if its right ear is missing (…),
and if its left ear is missing, 1.103:35, 37; ủ ảḥd ỉnn and there is nobody, 2.108:2.
In bkn ctx.: ỉn, 2.112:2; d ỉn hndt that what there is not, 4.863:18.
ủn n. m. “grief, misfortune” (< *ʔny. Hb. ʔwny, “mourning”, HALOT 23. Cazelles
Semitica 29 1979 5ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 106; diff. Watson UF 8 1976
377; “season”, Arab. ʔān, cf. Renfroe AULS 80; Margalit UF 16 1984 130: precat.
part., Hb. ʔannā(ʔ /h), Akk. unni/ennu); ¶ par.: plṯt. ¶ Forms: sg. ủn.
Grief, misfortune: yṣq ʕmr ủn l rỉš he poured out ashes of grief upon his head,
1.5 VI 15 (// plṯt); specific use: yṣly ʕrpt b ḥm ủn he cast a spell on the clouds
in the terrible drought, 1.19 I 40 (Del Olmo IMC 134 n. 306 for this and other
meanings based on diff. homog.: Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973 274: “Stärke”, Hb.
ʔwn; De Moor UF 6 1974 496 n. 5: “spell”, Hb. ʔwn); in unc. ctx.: PN ṯn ủn, 1.79:3
(cf. Pardee TR/1 430: “PN a prononcé (sa) plainte”).
ỉnủ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 VII 5.
ảnản TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 24: *ʔ Anānu. Heltzer RCAU 8; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 659; Topography 10); ¶ syll. Ug.: URU a-na-ni-yi, PRU 3 41 (RS 16.180):9.
TN: 4.643:8; 4.652:2.
ỉnbb TN, residence of the goddess ʕnt (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 142 f.: *ʔInibab.
Etym. unc. Cf. Hurr. *enibaba < en paba “god (of the) mountain”(?); Arab.
ʔunbūb, AEL 2752; Hb. nbb, nbwb, HALOT 659, 660; Akk. enbūbu, AHw 180;
CAD E 137ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 123; Pardee AfO 36–37
1989–1990 482; Dietrich-Mayer UF 26 1994 76; ¶ par.: ủġr. ¶ Forms: ỉnbb, suff.
loc. ỉnbbh.
TN: w ản šnt (…) ỉnbb l rḫq ỉlm but I have to leave (…) TN for the most distant
god, 1.3 IV 34 (// ủġr); w rbṣ l ġrk ỉnbb and go to rest on your mount TN, 1.13:9;
ql bl ʕm! ʕnt w ʕṯtrt ỉnbbh take the (/ my) cry to DN and DN in TN, 1.100:20. See
1.44:4 (Hurr.).
ủnbyn, PN (etym. unc.)
PN: 4.813:13.
ỉnd, see ỉn.
ủndk PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.853:13.
ảnds PN (Kass. (?). Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 536).
PN: bn PN, 4.222:15; in bkn ctx.: 4.83:12.
ủnġ TN (etym. unc. Watson SEL 28 2011 26).
TN: 2.88:10.

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76 ảnġn – ảnk

ảnġn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 249 f.; SEL 28 2011 26); ¶ syll.: cf.
a-ni-ḫu-ti, PRU 6 43 (RS 17.77) rev. 12.
PN: bn PN, 4.418:1.
ảnhb n. m. of a sea snail (cf. Akk. (a)yānibu, “ein Stein”, AHw 411; “a stone”,
CAD I/J 322. De Moor Or 37 1968 214f. n. 3; Renfroe AULS 80 f. diff. Watson
UF 39 2007 669ff.: “a plant”). ¶ Forms: pl. ảnhbm (Tarazi UF 36 2004 475, 484
n. 92: “plural of result”).
A sea snail: rḥ gdm w ảnhbm (they perfumed her) with the perfume of
coriander and sea snails, 1.3 II 3; ttpp ảnhbm she anointed herself with
(essence of) sea snails, 1.3 III 1 and par.
ảnḫ adj. m. “complaining” (ptc. act. < *ʔnḫ. Hb. ʔnḥ, “to groan”, HALOT 70f.;
Akk. anāḫu, “seufzen”, AHw 49; “to sing”, CAD A/2 105 f.; cf. Arab. ʔnú (sic!),
“to breath hard”, AEL 112f. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 175; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 8 434 n. 2; Watson AuOr 19 2001 283; UF 40 2008 548; diff.
Mazzini UF 28 1996 488f.: “the suffering”, n. m.); ¶ par.: ảbyn. ¶ Forms: sg.
m. ảnḫ.
Complaining: ảbyn ảt (…) ảnḫ how wretched you are (…), how complaining!,
1.17 I 17.
ảnḫr n. m. of a marine animal (“dolphin”, Orcinus orca(?); Akk. nāḫiru, “Schnau-
ber”, AHw 714f.; “whale”, CAD N/1 137. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975
538; Astour RSP 2 305; Margalit MLD 98: “whale”, < */n-ḫ-r/, “to snort, spout”
+ prothetic /ʔ/; De Moor UF 11 1979 64: “sperm whale”; Wyatt RTU 117 and
n. 14: “shark”); ¶ par.: lbủ. ¶ Forms: sg. ảnḫr.
Marine animal (dolphin (?)): brlt ảnḫr b ym the hunger of the ả. (that lives)
in the sea (// lbỉm), 1.5 I 15; cf. var. npš ảnḫr b ym the appetite of the ả. in the
sea (// lbỉm), 1.133:5.
ảnk p. pn. “I” (Hb. ʔnky, “I”, HALOT 72; Ph., Pun., Moab., Yaud. ʔnk(y), “I”,
DNWSI 82; Amor. /ʔanāku/, “I”, Gelb CAAA 13, 50; EA a-nu-ki, 287:66, 69; cf.
a-na-ku, a-na-ku-ma, Kn 1375; Rainey EAT 63; Akk. anāku, “ich”, AHw 49; “I”,
CAD A/2 106ff.; cf. Eg. ínk, “ich”, WäS/1 101; Tropper UG 207 f.; Aartun PU 1
48); ¶ syll. Ug.: ]a-na-ku = iš-te-en6 = a-na-ku, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 12'; cf.
Rainey UF 3 1971 159; Sivan GAGl 106; Huehnergard UVST esp. 108, 293; Van
Soldt SAU 302). ¶ Forms: ảnk, ankm (encl. -m), ảnkn (encl. -n; Aartun PU 1
48, 62; Tropper UF 26 1994 468).
I: ★a) subj. in NC: ʕnt ḫrd ảnk I am now a (recruit of the) guard, 2.16:13; p
ʕbd ảnk am I perhaps a slave?, 1.4 IV 60, cf. ht ảnk ʕbdk now, I am your slave,
2.76:5; ảnk ʕm mlảkth šmʕh I was his auditor in his embassy, 2.17:6 (Cunchillos
TOu/2 307); ảnk ʕny mlảk ym I myself am going to reply to the messenger(s)
of DN, 1.2 I 28; ảnk mlkt mntn I am the queen of the incantation, 1.179:34 (see
mntn); ★b) emph. subj. in VC: lỉkt ảnk lḥt I have sent a tablet, 2.72:23; ảnkn

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ủnk – ảnn (i) 77

rgmt I myself have said, 2.42:6; w ảp ảnk nḫt as for me, I also have rested,
2.11:13; ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w ḥwt hbt I, the workman, have the matter assumed and
settled, 2.70:14; w ảnk ṯṯ ymm kl lḥmt for my part, I have fought against them
all for six days, 2.82:8, cf. w ỉlḥmn ảnk I myself will fight, ibid. ln. 21; w ṯṯb
ảnk lhm and I returned them (the ships) to them, 2.38:23; ảnk ảḥš mġy I will
hurry to come, 2.34:10; ảnk ảštn l ỉḫy w ảp ảnk mnm ḫsrt I shall replay to my
brother, and all that I lack also to me (may my brother load there), 2.41:17ff.;
ảnk [ả]št ảšỉsp w ảšt I propose that I carry out the concentration (of troops
(?)) and propose …, 2.33:11; w ảp ảnk [ả]ḫd l ġr ảmn and I myself took to the
TN mountains, 2.33:15 (Dijkstra UF 19 1987 44); ảp ảnk ảḥwy I also shall give
life, 1.17 VI 32; ảnk ỉspi uṭm I was consumed (you) by the span, 1.5 I 5 (cf. Del
Olmo IMC 158f.); ảnk ảtn ʕṣm lk I will give (sell) you the logs, 2.26:7; ảnk ảšṣu
I will take out, 2.3:17; kt ġrk ảnk ydʕt the podium of your mountain, which I
have distinguished (know, 1.13:10; ank iḥtrš w ảškn I myself will perform an
incantation and shall prepare, 1.16 V 25; bn nšrm ảrḫp ảnk among the eagles
I myself shall fly about, 1.18 IV 21; ủ! ảp mh!rh ảnk l ảḥwy and I shall not leave
his warrior strength alive, 1.18 IV 26; ảnk ỉbġyh I will reveal it to you, 1.3 III 28
and par.; ảṯbn ảnk w ảnḫn I shall sit down and rest, 1.6 III 18; ảqry ảnk b ảrṣ
mlḥmt I shall go to meet war in the land, 1.3 IV 28 (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2
279: “I mys[elf] will offer in the e[a]rth war”]); w ảnk ảṣḥk but I will say to you,
1.178:2; ảnk b ym k ytnt spr hnd ʕmk on the day when I sent this message to
you, 2.88:3 (cf. Tropper UF 36 2004 511f.); ảnk b TN btt at TN I lodged, 2.88:6;
ảnkm ỉlảk I will send myself a message, 2.88:25; ht ảnk rg<m>t now I have
told (the message), 2.88:35; w ảnk ả[ṯ]th ytnt lk and whose wife I have given
to you, 2.90:6 (cf. Tropper UF 36 2004 513f.); w ảnk qdšh mġt, I myself arrived
in TN, 2.97:16; ★c) + inf. abs.: w ṯṯb ảnk lhm and I gave them back to them,
2.38:23; in bkn ctx. rgm ảnk, 2.31:41, 53; 2.42:25; ngš ảnk ảliyn bʕl // ʕdbnn ảnk
k ỉmr b py I approached DN, the “Most Powerful”, I placed him like a lamb in
my mouth, 1.6 II 21–22 (UT 9.29, 13.57); ★d) with ellipsis of the vb: lm ảnk for
what (would) I (want) …?, 1.14 III 33 and par.; ★e) emphatic of suff. pn.: ảnk
in bt ly as for me, I have no house, 1.2 III 19; in bkn ctx.: ]ảnk nšỉ, 2.31:17; 1.1
IV 18; 1.18 I 26; 1.18 IV 40; 2.3:10, 11, 16; 2.31:16, 23, 36, 39, 48, 57; 2.32:44; 2.48:6;
2.63:11; 2.50:21; 2.85:16, 21, 33; 2.97:19.
Cf. ản (I).
ủnk “?”; possibly a spelling mistake, not erased, rdg hn {ủnk} bnk here is your
son, 5.11:3; diff. Caquot Ug 7 392: alloph. of ảnk, “I”; Aartun UF 16 1984 3 f.:
“Leidender, Kränklicher”, Arab. ʔanaka).
ỉnmm, 2.10:9, cf. ỉn.
ảnn (I) DN (origin unc. De Moor UF 2 1970 190, 198; Gödecke UF 5 1973 154;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 19; Clemens SURS 340 f.).

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78 ảnn (ii) – ảnnḫ

DN: bt ỉl ảnn sanctuary of DN, 4.149:18–19.

ảnn (II) PN (Hurr.(?); cf. ảnn (I), DN. Gröndahl PTU 217f.; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 158; Watson LSU 157); ¶ syll.: cf. PNN a-na-ni, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):6; cf.
an-na-na, PRU 6 69 (RS 17.329):11; fa-na-ni-dNIN.GAL, PRU 6 2 (RS 19.80):3.
PN: ★a) 4.141 II 3; in bkn ctx.: 4.382:32 (bn pyx[); 4.658:40; 4.825 VI 7; ★b) bn
PN, 4.222:16; 4.631:13, 19.
ủnn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 223, 229).
PN: ★a) 4.609:6, ★b) bn PN, 4.615:4.
ảnna, cf. ảnnủ.
ảnnu PN (Hurr.(?)); ¶ syll.: cf. a-na-na-e, RSOu 7 9 (RS 34.145):6. Cf. accus. ảnna,
PN: 2.75:9.
ảnnʕrm PN (etym. unc., Hurr.+Sem. (?). Bordreuil-Pardee, RSOu 18 131).
PN: 4.868:9.
ảnnd PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218, 260; ¶ syll.: fa-ni-in-zi. 4.867:20).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 III 10.
ảnnd/tn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 218, 262; Van Soldt SAU (cf. Watson
LSU 157); ¶ syll.: a-na-ni-te-na, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):23; a-na-an-te-nu, Ug 5
159 (RS 17.86+):17; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) e. 1; RSOu 7 20 (RS 34.171):4.
PN: ★a) 3.10:14 (bn yrm); 3.30:7 (bn yrm); 4.148:7; 4.339:24; 4.370:8; 4.378:3;
4.623:4 (bn t[); 2.86:3; ★b) bn PN, 4.93 IV 7; in bkn ctx. 4.84:3; 4.141 II 4;
ảnnḏr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 218, 249; Kienast UF 11 1979 448; Watson
LSU 157); ¶ syll.: a-na-ni-za-ar-ru, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 18; a-na-ni-
LUGAL(-ma), PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):8; RSOu 7 32 (RS 34.141):18 and passim
ibid.; RSOu 7 34 (RS 34.164):1.
PN: 3.2:5 (bn ảgytn); 4.244:15; 4.295:15 ( yknʕmy); 4.631:7; in bkn ctx. 4.84:9;
4.292:1; 4.825 I 21; 4.850:3.
ảnnḏy PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218, 252; Van Soldt SAU 126; Watson AuOr 30
2012 325: syll. a-na-ni-ša-e, RS 86.2227:10).
PN: 4.101:6; 4.245 II 2; 4.753:16.
ảnnḫ n. m. “mint” ((?). Akk. ananiḫu, “eine Pflanze”, AHw 50; “a garden plant”,
CAD A/2 111; Syr. nānḥāʔ, “mint”, SL 923. Caquot- Sznycer TOu/1 371; De Moor
NYCI/2 19; Ratner-Zuckerman HUCA 27 1987 40 ff. reject the Syr. isogloss;
cf. Renfroe AULS 81; Watson NABU 2002/37; diff. Xella PP 150 1973 198 n. 21:
“young, young animal”, with other etym., esp. Arab. nuḫḫat, Hitt. annanuḫḫa-
, cf. HEG 27; HW2 77f.; Watson LSU 119: “cub” (?)); ¶ par.: gd. ¶ Forms: sg.
Mint(?): (offer) ʕl išt (…) ảnnḫ b ḫmảt over the fire (…) mint (?) in butter,
1.23:14 (// gd).

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ảnnḫb – ỉnr 79

ảnnḫb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 217f.; Watson LSU 157); ¶ syll.: fa-na-ni-ḫé-
BI(batx), PRU 3 62 (RS 16.158):3; Huehnergard AkkUg 375 n. 36.
PN: 4.707:17.
ảnnmn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218, 240; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95); ¶ syll.: cf.
a-na-an-me-ni, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):4.
PN: 4.339:25; 4.609:26; 4.631:11; 4.750:3 (ủgrty).
ảnnmt PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 240; Van Soldt SAU 40).
PN: 4.155:12.
ảnnpdgl PN (Hurr. Xella TRU 272; De Moor-Sanders UF 23 1991 290).
PN: 1.84:3.
ảnnšn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 105).
PN: 4.633:14; 4.761:6.
ảnntn PN (Etym. unc., Hurr. (?).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:6.
ảnnṯb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 218, 257); ¶ syll.: cf. a-na-ša-bu, Ug 7
pl. 50:7, rev. 7 (Huehnergard UVST 230 n. 87); cf. a-na-an-dIM, Ug 5 69
(RS 21.72):1; Huehnergard AkkUg 348 (“161:21” [sic!]).
PN: ★a) 3.21:3; 4.115:3; 4.219:7; 4.226:1; 4.790:22; 4.795:7; 4.863:3; ★b) bn PN:
ảnny PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 217f.); ¶ syll.: a-na-ni-ya, PRU 3 45 (RS
16.140):5; fa-na-na-ya, PRU 3 64f. (RS 16.200):2 and passim ibid.; cf. a-na-ni-
ya[, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.439) IV 1; a-na-na-e, RSOu 7 9 (RS 34.145):6.
PN: bn PN, 4.77:9; 4.93 I 10; 4.215:3; 4.760:4; 4.769:55; 4.843:31; in bkn ctx.: 4.112
II 6.
ảnnyn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 217f.); ¶ syll.: a-na-an-ia-nu, PRU 3 36
(RS 11.718):2; a-na-ni-ya(-a)-nu, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):28; 74 (RS 19.129):4; 118
(RS 18.116):3.
PN: ★a) 4.727:15; ★b) bn PN: 4.12:12; cf. 4.412 II 17.
ảnp see ảp (II).
ủnp PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 210, 229).
PN: bn PN, 4.281:10, cf. 1.149:1 (Hurr.).
ủnpṯ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 229, 250f.; Watson LSU 157); ¶ syll.: cf. u-na-bi-ši,
RS 22.399+:3, 11 (Van Soldt SAU 363 n. 243).
PN: ★a) 4.696:3; ★b) bn PN, 4.853:8.
ỉnr n. m. “dog, cur” (metath. of ỉrn, like Amh. anär, “panther”, AED 1211. Aartun
UF 15 1983 1ff.; Pardee TPM 53f.; Dietrich-Loretz MU 129; diff. De Moor UF 1
1969 171: Hitt. innara “on one’s own account”; Delekat UF 4 1972 20: kỉnr “was
für eine Leuchte!”); ¶ par.: klb. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉnr.
Dog, cur: k ỉnr ảp ḫštk like a dog at the entrance to your mausoleum, 1.16 I 2
and par. (// klb); l ỉnr tʕdbn ktp to a dog you extend a shoulder blade, 1.114:13,
see ln. 7 (// k!lb).

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80 ảnrmy – ảnš

Cf. ỉrn, bnỉnr.

ảnrmy PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 270).
PN: 4.166:7; 4.337:18; in bkn ctx.: 4.364:10.
ảnry PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 270).
PN: 4.727:4.
ảnsny PN (Hurr. (?). Haas-Thiel UF 11 1979 338; Watson AuOr 8 1990 249).
PN: 4.609:31.
ảnṣ adj. m. “insufficiently cooked, scalded” (?) (Arab. ʔanaḍa, “to be insuf-
ficiently cooked (meat)”, ʔanîḍ, “insufficiently cooked”, Hava 15. Del Olmo
AuOr 31 2013 216f.). ¶ Forms: sg. m. ảnṣ.
Insufficiently cooked, scalded (?): dġ ảnṣ, scalded (?) d., 6.105:2 (diff. Bor-
dreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 209: “babeure tourné”; cf. dġ).
/ʔ-n-š/ vb G: generic mng 1) “to languish, fall ill”; 2) “to become livid, sick
(with rage) > to get annoyed, suffer (from rage)” (Hb. ʔn(w)š, “incurable”,
HALOT 70; Akk. enēšu, “schwach sein”, AHw 217 f.; “to become weak”, CAD
E 166f. Cassuto GA 149f. for the var. meanings proposed [“pleasant, human,
compassionate”, “courageous, valiant”, etc.] cf. Del Olmo MLC 516; Ashley
EAR 114; Dressler AT 326f.; De Moor SP 132, 137, 233; Van Zijl Baal 28 f.; UF 7
1975 503ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 47ff.; Margalit UF 15 1983 93f.; UF 16
1984 175f.; Renfroe AULS 81f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảnš, ảnšt.
G. 1) To languish, fall ill: ảnšt ʕrš zbln you have languished in the bed of
sickness, 1.16 VI 36, 51 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 48; Renfroe UF 22 1990 280;
diff. Del Olmo MLC 322: “compañera (tuya) es la yacija de la enfermedad”,
Arab. ʔanisa; Wyatt RTU 239: “(your) concubine is disease!”, ʕnšt ʕrš).
2) To become livid, sick (with rage) > to get annoyed, suffer (from rage): ảp
ảnš zbl bʕl Prince DN became livid with rage, 1.2 I 38, 43; w yṯb ảp d ảnšt and
may the anger which I suffer (makes me livid) cease, 1.6 V 21; ydʕ[tk] bt k ảnšt
I already know, daughter, that you have become livid (with anger), 1.3 V 27
and par. (Smith-Pitard UBC/2 326, 352: “you are furious”).
Cf. ảnšt.
ảnš n. m. “muscle, tendon” (Hb. nšh, “sciatic nerve”, HALOT 729; Syr. genešyāʔ <
Aram. gîd našyāʔ, “ischial tendon”, SL 150. De Moor UF 12 1980 425 f.; Kogan
UF 32 2000 726f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2005 153 f.; Watson UF 38 2006
718; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 132 n. x, 167; Sznycer Semitica 17 1967 24:
“trembler”, Arab. nāsa, Akk. nâšu; Dahood RSP 1 241; II 33; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 9 1977 48; Baldacci UF 10 1978 417 n. 4; Margalit UF 15 1983 93: “to be ill,
weak”, Hb. nwš, Akk. enēšu, in connection with Ug. /ʔ-n-š/, but cf. Watson
LSU 119); ¶ par.: pnt (+ ksl). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ảnš.
Muscle, tendon: they did contract (…) ảnš dt ẓrh the muscles of her back, 1.3
III 35 and par. (// pnt kslh. Diff: Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 165: “her spine goes
weak”; cf. above /ʔ-n-š/).

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ỉnš – ủnṯ 81

ỉnš n. m. “people”: a) as element of a divine group; b) in general (cf. Arab. ʔanisa,

ʔu/ins, “to be sociable”, ʔanas, “a numerous company of men”, AEL 113f.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 50; Del Olmo AuOr 2 1984 201 n. 20; AuOr 5 1987
66; Loretz UF 24 1992 164ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 22). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉnš.
People: ★a) as element of a divine group; ỉnš ỉlm divine people, deified ances-
tors, recipients of offerings usually “two birds (from the coop)”, 1.39:22; cf. 1.41:
5, 27, 40; 1.46:8; 1.105:26; 1.106:2, 7; 1.112:5; 1.132:14f., 21, 24; 1.134:4; 1.171:5 (Loretz
UF 24 1992 164ff. with reference to Nuzi DINGIR(.MEŠ DINGIR).ERÍN.MEŠ;
diff. De Moor UF 2 1970 321; SP 132: “the most gentle of the gods”; Herdner Ug
7 24, 28f.; De Tarragon CU 131f. 163: cult personnel; Xella TRU 41, 83; UF 13 1981
331: “la malattia divina”); ★b) in general: yšlm (…) l ỉnšk l ḥwtk hail to//may
peace, well-being be with (…) your people, your country!, 2.81:7 (cf. a-na
ma-ti-ka ga-ab-bi-ša da-an-ni-iš lu šu-ul-mu, EAT 2:4–5; Bordreuil-Caquot
Syria 57 1980 356f.); in bkn ctx.: 1.90:7; 1.123:31; 1.173:7.
ả/ỉnšr(m) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 223, 249).
PN: ★a) 4.204:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.110:10.
ảnšt n. f. “illness, weakness” (< /ʔ-n-š/. Akk. e/anšutu, “Schwäche”, AHw 220;
“weakness”, CAD E 172; < enēšu, “schwach sein”, AHw 217f.; “to become weak”,
CAD E 166f.; cf. Hb. ʔnš, “to be sickly”, HALOT 73. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Delcor
115f. diff. Margalit UF 15 1983 93: *ʔnš, “be manly, man-like”). ¶ Forms: sg.
Illness: b ảnšt npẓl by an incurable illness (let be him) overcome!, 1.169:15
(Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 45; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 335; diff. De Moor UF 12
1980 432; ARTU 185: “fury of the shade”, rdg ảnšt ảp ẓl); in bkn ctx.: b ảnšt, 1.18
IV 10; 1.15 V 27.
ỉnšt n. f. “relatives” (coll. f.; cf. ỉnš; royal officials(?). Nuzi Akk.: ni-šu-ut É.GAL; cf.
Akk. nišūtu, “Blutsverwandtschaft, Sippe”, AHw 798; “family, relatives”, CAD
N/2 297ff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 50; Watson Historiae 10 2013 19; diff.
Aartun UF 16 1984 4f.: “(ortsansässige besitzlose) Bürger (Kollektiv-Begriff)”,
Syr. (ʔ)anāšūṯāʔ, Arab. ʔanāsat). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉnšt.
Relatives (social group, prob. class of royal officials): 4.38:5; 4.47:5; 4.99:3;
4.416:9; 4.610 IV 5; 4.838:3; in bkn ctx. 1.6 VI 41; 4.837:24.
antn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218, 422); ¶ syll.: cf. a-na-te-nu and var., cf.
PRU 240; PRU 6 137; a-na-dIM, PRU 6 24 (RS 18.53) rev. 1' and passim ibid.;
cf. AN-te-na, PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107):2; PRU 6 170 (RS 19.34):29; AN-ti-na, RSOu
7 25 (RS 34.167+):4. Cf. ʕntn.
PN: 4.70:7 (bn ỉwrtn); in bkn ctx.: 4.658:3.
ủnṯ n. m. “obligation, servitude, tax” (Alal. Akk. unuššuḫuli, “eine Pflichtleistung
für Landbesitzer”, AHw 1422; “landholder(?) with unuššu obligations”, CAD

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82 /ʔ-n-y/ – ảny(t)

U/W 172. Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 194–197; Giacumakis 110; Hillers HTR 64

1971 257ff.: < Hurr.(?); Diakonoff HU 142: Hurr. root /un=/ < Akk. ilku, < alāku
+ afform. /=šše/i/); Watson LSU 126); ¶ RS Akk.: ilku, pilku (il-ku, BÍL-ku,
BI-il-ku), PRU 3 226ff.; cf. Boyer PRU 3 293–299; Huehnergard UVST 168;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 165f.; CAD I/J 227; ¶ syll. Ug.: unuššu; cf. PNN
ú-nu-uš-ša ša É up-pa-lu, PRU 3 53 (RS 15.89):20; PNN ú-nu-uš-ša ú-pa-lu,
PRU 3 61 (RS 16.156):15; PN ú-nu-ša <ša> É.MEŠ up-pal, PRU 3 63 (RS 16.167):17;
AHw 1422; Kienast UF 11 1979 443; Sivan GAGl 202; Márquez Ilku 184ff.;
McGeough ERU 127f. ¶ Forms: sg. ủnṯ; pl. cstr. ủnṯ, suff. ủnṯhm; du.(?) ủnṯm.
Obligation, servitude, corvée as tribute, ★a) personal: ủnṯ ảḥd lh[ PN(N)
has(have) a loan / corvée pending, 4.86:4, cf. ủnṯ?m ảḥ[d two(?) corvées: on[e
…, ibid. ln. 17; ủnṯ ảḥd one corvée, 4.209:1–22; in bkn ctx.: 4.637:2; GNN d ʕrb b
ủnṯ GNN who have entered service, 3.7:1; l yỉḫd PN b ủnṯ PN is not recruited for
service, 3.12:2; cf. br PN b ủnṯ ʕd ʕlm PN remains free of corvée in perpetuity,
3.12:5; ủnṯ ỉnn lhm they (PNN) are not obliged to any corvée, 3.4:16; ṯb l ủnṯhm
(until they pay the deposit) they go back to giving their services, 3.4:19; ★b)
concerning real estate: ủnṯ ỉn mnm bh (the house) has no corvée at all, 3.2:18;
ủnṯ ỉn bh (the field) has no corvée, 3.5:20; PN b šdm hnmt unṯ mhkm l ybl unṯm
bth ybl PN for these fields is not required to pay any tax, (but for) his house
he must pay a tax, 3.33:21–24.
/ʔ-n-y/ vb G: “to sigh, groan” (Hb. ʔnh, “to lament”, HALOT 70; Arab. ʔanna, “to
moan”, AEL 103ff. De Moor SP 107; Van Zijl Baal 160 f. diff. Whitaker FAUP 63:
“alas!”; Renfroe AULS 82); ¶ par.: /b-k-y/. ¶ Forms: G inf. /ptc.(?) ảny.
G. To sigh, groan: ảny l yṣḥ sighing, he cried, 1.3 V 35 and par.
Cf. tả/ủnt.
ảny(t) n. f. “ship”, coll. “fleet” (Hb. ʔny, ʔnyh, “fleet, ship”, HALOT 71; cf. EA Akk.
GIŠ.MÁ: a-na-yi (genitive), EAT 245:28; Eg. ʔì-na-ya, “Barke”, Helck UF 2 1970
35; Akk. (< Can.) inītu, “ein Seeschiff”, AHw 382. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990
94 n. 32; Cunchillos TOu/2 351f.; Vita Barcos 284; Watson AuOr 19 2001 283;
LSU 146; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 298); ¶ RS Akk.: GIŠ.MÁ(.MEŠ), PRU 6 156
(RS 19.20) passim; Huehnergard AkkUg 366. ¶ Forms: sg. ảny(t); suff. ảnyk,
ảnykn (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81; Tropper UF 26 1994 467: pn.
suff. -k- + encl. -n); pl. ảnyt, suff. ảnyth, ảnythm.
Ship, ★a) ảnyt TN ship(s) of TN, 4.81:1; mlkn ybqṯ ảnyt the king himself has to
look for a ship, 2.42:26; l ảnyt tšknn ḫmšm l mỉt ảny tšknn as for the ships, you
are going to equip one hundred and fifty ships, 2.47:3; the merchandise ảbd
b ảnyt was lost on board ship, 4.394:3; ảny TN d b TN the ship of TN which is
in TN, 4.390:1; ảnykn dt lỉkt mṣrm (as for) your ship which you sent to Egypt,
2.38:10; ảnyk ṯt by TN ʕryt your other (: number two) ship is unrigged in TN,
2.38:24; ảny tšknn [ you shall equip a fleet [, 2.47:4; ḥṯb d ảnyt grgmšh bill of

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ảnzḫ – ảp (i) 83

the ship (bound) for TN, 4.779:13; in bkn ctx. mlk yštảl b hn […] hmt w ảnyt
may the king require a reply on this / here […] them and the ship(s), 2.42:24
(cf. Verreet UF 16 1984 321); ★b) ảnyt ym seagoing ship(s), 2.46:13 (Dahood
RSP 1 87, 118); ảnyt mlk ships of the king, 4.421:2; ★c) lbš ảnyth bʕrm the singed
sails of his ship, 4.338:16 (Márquez AuOr 11 1993 105); ṣbủ ảnyt crew, 4.40:1 and
passim ibid. (RS Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ GIŠ.MÁ, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):20); ḥrš ảnyt
caulkers, 4.125:1 (Dahood RSP 2 49); ksp ảnyt d ʕrb b ảnyt naval security that
has been left in deposit for the ships, 4.338:11–12 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 473; Pardee JAOS 95 1975 613; diff. Márquez AuOr 11 1993 103: rdg
{ảnyt} <TN>); PN bʕl ảny d bd PN PN, worker of the fleet, at PN’s disposal,
4.647:7; spr npṣ ảny list of naval equipment, 4.689:1.
ảnzḫ TN (Hurr.-Hitt. Anat. URU Anzas dLAMMA-i. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18
151 n. 243).
TN: 2.98:4, 21.
ảnẓ cf. /n-ẓ(-y)/.
ảp (I) adv., conj.: 1) “also, even, besides”; 2) “and also, and besides”; in nega-
tion “nor”; 3) “but, then, thus, since, as” (Hb., OAram., Ph., Pun. ʔp, “also,
even”, HALOT 76; “also, even”, DNWSI 92f.; Ebla ảp, “und dann, und ferner,
ausserdem”, ARET 2 119; 3 340, 4 286; 7 206; 8 52; Fronzaroli StEb 4 1981 167ff.;
ARET 11 140. Aartun PU 2 88ff.; Van Zijl Baal 107 f.; Cohen Fs. Avishur 18*ff.:
“then, therefore”). ¶ Forms: ảp; lengthened by suff.: ảphn, ảpn, ảpnk, ảpnm
(?), cohesive functors of narrative (for their morph. cf. Whitaker FAUP 161;
Aartun PU 1 40ff., 47ff., 61ff.).
1) Adv., also, yes, even, besides: ảp yṣb yṯb b hkl also DN sat in his palace, 1.16
VI 25; ảp ʕnt ttlk w tṣd also DN scoured and combed, 1.5 VI 25 f.; ảp mṯn rgmm
ảrgm furthermore another thing I am also going to say to you, 1.3 IV 31 and
par.; ảp ảb ỉ k mtm tmtn father, oh!, like mortals even you (will) die, 1.16 I 3,
cf. ibid. ln. 17; ảp ỉlm <l> lḥm yṯb the gods also sat down to eat, 1.2 I 20; ảp ảnk
ảḥwy I also will give life, 1.17 VI 32; w ảp ảnk nḫt as for me, also I have rested,
2.11:13; w ảp ảnk mnm ḫsrt and all that I also lack, 2.41:19; in bkn ctx., w ảp
ảnk [ and I also [, 2.33:15; ảpnnk, 1.21 II 5, prob. rdg ảp ả!nk also I …, (cf. Del
Olmo MLC 419; diff. Aartun PU 2 90: “dann”); w ảp, 2.81:18; ảp hw, ibid. ln. 29; w
ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d] and also the king, (namely) the messenger, knows
that I shall collect this (?), 2.33:20; ảp l tlḥm lḥm trmmt to eat, yes, bread of
offering, 1.6 VI 43; in unc. ctx., hm ảp ảmr[ although I shall even drive out[,
1.2 IV 2 (cf. /m-r(-r)/ (I)); w hm ảp l[, 1.1 IV 26; w ảp ht and even now, 2.3:20.
2) Coordinating conj.: ★a) and also, and besides: ảp bnt ḥry kmhm and also
the daughters of PN were as many as them, 1.15 III 24 (// bt); ṯbḫ ảlpm ảp ṣỉn
they slaughtered (head of) cattle and also ewes, 1.22 I 12 and par.; ảkln b grnt
l bʕr ảp krmm ḫlq our grain in the threshing-floors has been set on fire, and

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84 ảp (ii)

also the vineyards were lost, 2.61:10; ] ṯbtk ảp l pḫrk ʕnt tqm for] your abode
and also for your family may DN stand up, 1.82:39; l tštql (…) ảp l tlḥm lḥm
trm{m}t come down, then, (…), and also eat the bread of offering, 1.6 VI 43;
ảp ʕnt tm[tḫṣ and also DN fought, 1.7:37; w dʕ k yṣả[t] ảp mlkt, 2.88:38 and
you must know that also the queen has departed; ủ + ảp: ủ ảp mh!rh ảnk l
ảḥwy and I shall not leave his warrior strength alive, 1.18 IV 27; in bkn ctx.,
ʕn mkṯr ảpq[, 1.4 II 30; ảp … ủ: in bkn ctx.: ảp (…) ủ ṯn ndr[h] and is he also
going to (…) or repeat / or another vow …?, 1.15 III 29; ★b) neg., nor: (+ l), l yblt
ḫb¨m ảp ksphm l yblt you have not brought the emancipated (men), nor have
you brought the money (of its deposit), 2.17:2; nor (+ ảl): ảt ủmy ảl tdḥṣ! w ảp
mhkm b lbk ảl tšt you, my mother, do not be afraid and nor worry, 2.30:22.
3) Consecutive conj., but / then, thus, since, as: ảp krt bnm ỉl is PN, then, a
son of DN?, 1.16 I 9; II 48 and par.; ảp qšth l ttn ly but his bow was not given
/ delivered to me, 1.19 I 16; wn ảp ʕdn mṭrh bʕl since thus DN will be able to
appoint the time of his rain, 1.4 V 6; p ản ảrnn then let me myself shout, 1.82:6:
ảp hnkt l knt mlḥmt b ḥwt ʕbdk and thus (because of that) there has not been
war in your servant’s country, 2.98:10; in unc. ctx.: w ảp ht k škn, 2.3:20; in bkn
ctx.: ỉ ảp bʕ[l … ỉ hd where, then, is DN? … where is DN?, 1.5 IV 6 f.; ảp, 1.18 I 5;
1.104:6; 2.23:32; 2.49:13; 2.73:16; 7.1 Fragment b 1; w ảp, 2.84:9.
Cf. ảphm, ảphn, ảpn (II), ảpnk.
ảp (II) n. m. 1) “nose”; 2) “muzzle, beak”; 3) “anger”; 4) “front, entrance” (Hb. ʔp,
“nose”, HALOT 76f.; OAram. ʔ(n)p, “front, front side”, DNWSI 83f.; Akk. appu,
“Nase”, NA “Gesicht”, AHw 60; “nose”, “tip”, CAD A/2 184f.; Arab. ʔanf, “nose”,
AEL 116; Eth. ʔanf, “nose, nostril”, CDG 28; Ebla /ʔappu(m)/, in KIRI4.DÙ =
ša-gi-lum(/lu-um) a-bù, VE 212; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 9 f.; KA.TAR = na-ša-
núm wa bur-ra-zu-um a-pá-a, VE 195; Pettinato Biling. 45; Sanmartín AuOr
9 1991 174; for the spelling a?-ba?-tum cf. Fronzaroli SEL 12 1995 60: /ʔappa-
tum/. De Moor ULe 80); ¶ syll. Ug.: KAR = ap-pu = pu-u[ḫ]-ḫi = ap-pu, Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123): II 19; Huehnergard UVST 108, 208; Van Soldt SAU 302; ¶ par.:
bmt, brlt (?), ḥdr, mtn (?), qrn (?), qṣrt (+ npš). ¶ Forms: sg. ảp; pl./du. ảpm;
suff. ảpk, ảph, ảpkm, ảpkn, ảphm (Del Olmo MLC 169, 524).
1) Nose: may his soul go out km qṭr b ảph like smoke from his nostrils, 1.18
IV 26 and par.; pour the mixture b ảph into its nostrils, 1.71:7 and par. (passim
in hippiatric texts); in bkn ctx.: ]ảp w ḫr ảpm ]or nasal fossae, 1.103:6; ảnp,
1.126:2, see infra; on ảphm, 1.2 I 13, cf. ảphm; for ảpk,1.16 I 41, see tp.
2) Muzzle (of an animal), beak (of a bird): (offering of) ảp w npš one muzzle
and one (piece of) offal, 1.43:12 and par. (Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 123; passim
in rituals; cf. 1.164:4; 1.168:2, 9; 1.173:8); w ảph k ảp ʕṣr if its muzzle is like a
bird’s beak, 1.103:41 (Pardee AfO 33 1986 125, 138f.). Poss. extended form ảnp,
(// mtnm, qrnh), in bkn ctx.: ảnpnm yḥr[r their muzzles(?) became hot, 1.12

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ảp (iii) – ỉpd 85

II 37 (rdg ản pnm, see ad loc., footnote 9), read either ả{n}pnm (Tropper
UG 744: “ausserdem”) or {ả/pn}pnm (Dietrich-Loretz Studien 28, 66: “das
Antlitz brann[te”; cf. ản (III), pnm).
3) Anger (by meton.): ủ tḫṭỉn b ảpkn/m or whether you have sinned by your
anger, 1.40:22 and par. (// b qṣrt npš); ảp ảnš zbl bʕl livid with anger became
Prince DN, 1.2 I 38, 43; ảp d ảnšt the anger that I suffer, 1.6 V 21.
4) Front, entrance (c.Sem.; in syntagms and prepositional use): ảp lb chest,
1.5 VI 21 and par. (// bmt. Kogan AuOr 24 2006 139: Tigya: ʔaf lǝbbi “breast”); ảp
z/ḏd nipple, 1.23:24, 59, 61 (cf. Akk. ap-pi tulī, CAD A/2 187); ảp ḫšt entrance
of the sepulchre (?), 1.16 I 3, 17 and par. (cf. ḫšt. Cf. Akk. (ina) apti qabri(m),
CAD A/2 199; AHw 61f. diff. Loretz UF 34 2002 492, 500–509; UF 37 2005
441–443: “Grube”, Hurr. etym., cf. above ảb, 1.a); ảp sgrt anteroom, 1.3 V 11,
27 (// ḥdr. OAram. ʔp bbʔ, Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 175; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 181; Dahood UF 1 1969 28 suggests “chamber, court”, from the Hb. and
Akk. root *ʔpp “to enclose”; cf. also Pope EUT 65; Ward JNES 20 1961 32: Eg.
ỉp(.t); Watson UF 31 1999 785f.; UF 32 2000 568); ảp ṯġr entrance of the gate,
porch, 1.17 V 6; in bkn ctx.: ʕl ảp[ before, in front of(?), 2.42:18 (KTU: ảḥ[).
Cf. ảp (III).
ảp (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 27: *ʔ Appu; cf. ảp (II). Astour RSP 2 261; UF 13
1981 5; Bordreuil UR 48; Syria 61 1984 5; Van Soldt SAU 225; UF 30 1998 718;
Topography 10, 170); ¶ syll.: URU ap-pí, RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):1; 4.810:29.
TN: 4.365:1; 4.380:1; 4.683:2; 4.693:1; 4.784:2; 4.800 I 23; 4.821 I 1; 4.823:8.
ủp TN, Damascus region (Akk./Eg. (?) ʔ Apum / ʔOpu / Upi. Belmonte RGTC 12/2
28, *A/Upu; Pitard ADHS 6ff.; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 155).
TN: tbʕ ủph he went to TN, 2.97:18.
ảpʕ n. m. “viper” (Hb. ʔpʕh, “a snake”, HALOT 79; Ebla cf. AMA.MUŠ = ì-ba-ù-um,
MEE 4 96 VI 8f.; Civil Biling. 91; Arab. ʔafʕā, “a certain serpent”, AEL 2421.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 199; for other proposals see Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT 3/6 1285 n. 208); ¶ par.: klb. ¶ Forms: sg. ảpʕ.
Viper: (I wounded him) k ảpʕ ỉl b gdrt like a divine viper in a hedge, 1.19 I 13
(// klb).
ỉpd n. m.; type of garment, usually: “tunic” (Hb. ʔp(w)d, “ephod, a cultic garb
made of linen”, HALOT 77; Syr. pedtāʔ, “ephod, priestly garment”, SL 1157; Ebla
/ʔipdum/, in ŠU.DAG = ib-tum, VE 513; Conti SQF 145; Akk. epattu, epadātu,
“ein Gewand aus Talḫad”, AHw 222; “a costly garment”, CAD E 183. Dahood
UF 11 1979 142f.; De Moor SP 187; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 31 f.; Durand MARI 6
661; Watson LSU 119, 136–137: Eg. ỉfd “cloth”, but see Kogan AuOr 21 2003 260;
Watson UF 38 2006 718: Hitt. ipantu; AuOr 29 2011 168; Vita TT 328). ¶ Forms:
sg. ỉpd; suff. (?) ỉpdk; pl. ỉptt (regressive assimilation, see Tropper UG 140, 183);
du. ỉpdm.

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86 ỉpdrḏ – ảpn (i)

Type of garment: tšʕ ỉptt b ṯqlm w rbʕt nine ỉ. for two and a quarter shekels,
4.707:11; ỉpd ʕšrm b ḫmšt twenty ỉ; for five (shekels), ibid. ln. 13; for PN ỉpdm
two ỉ., ibid. ln. 22; ỉpd ʕl PN one ỉ. on PN’s account, 4.780:1, 3 f., 7; cf. ṯn
ỉpdm, ibid ln. 2; in unc. ctx.: ttrp šmm k r<k>s ỉpdk the heavens slackened
like the belt of your ỉ., 1.5 I 5, cf. ln. 31 (?) (Del Olmo MLC 213: “tu túnica”;
diff. Sanmartín UF 12 1980 439: “ich werde dich aufzehren” < /n-p-d/; cf.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 407; Margalit MLD 93f.: “(poisonous) prick” <
/iqtl/ pattern, see Arab. nafaḏa, “to pierce”; cf. Renfroe UF 18 1986 72f.); ỉp{.}d
prk, 1.5 V 2; in bkn ctx.: šlbšn ỉp[d, 1.5 V 24 (cf. /l-b-š/, ln. 23; De Moor SP 183; Del
Olmo IMC 71ff.); ỉpd, 2.99:34; 4.275:3; 4.594:5; on ủpdt, 4.264:1 (Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 31: pl. of ỉpd) cf. ủpdt; b ỉpdm, 1.136:10.
ỉpdrḏ n. m. “?”, unit of measure (?) (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 122,
217: “unité de mesure”). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉpdrḏ.
?: ṯṯ krkbm ủrkhm ỉpdrḏ, six k. whose length is one ỉ. (?), 4.809:7.
ủpdt n. f. “share-cropping (plot)” (< ủbdy. Heltzer JNSL 9 1982 71–74; BAfO 19
1982 112–120; UF 19 1987 446; Watson LSU, 118; cf. Akk. upatinnu, “ein Lehens-
mann”, AHw 1423; ubadinnu / upatinnu, “land and tenants granted by the
king …”, CAD U/W 3; McGeough ERU 128ff.). ¶ Forms: pl. ủpdt.
Share-cropping (plot): spr ủpdt d bd PN register of share-cropping (plots)
that pass to the hands of (/ are in the power of) PN, 4.264:1.
ảphm illative adv. functor in narrative: “immediately afterwards, next, then
also” (< ap (I) + emphatic functor -hm. Aartun PU 2 89 f.; cf. ảp (II)). ¶ Forms:
Immediately afterwards, next: ảphm tbʕ ġlm[m] immediately afterwards,
depart, lads, 1.2 I 13 (diff. ṯbr ảphm “their nasal fossae”, Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
128; Del Olmo MLC 169, 640); ảphm kšpm dbbm ygrš ḥrn then also, the
foul-mouthed sorcerers may Horānu cast out, 1.169:8 f. (Tropper UG 876;
Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 110. Diff. Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 38, 43: “und siehe”,
ảp+hm; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2/3 335: “sodann”. De Moor UF 12 1980 431: “his
ảphn illative functor in narrative: “immediately afterwards, next” (< ap (I) +
emphatic functor -hn. Aartun PU 1 70). ¶ Forms: ảphn.
Narrative correlation: ảpnk (…) ảphn (…) then (…), next (…), 1.17 V 14, 34; 1.19
I 20. Cf. ảp{.}hn, 1.17 II 28; ảph, 1.17 I 1; ảhn, 1.17 V 5: mistake for ảphn.
Cf. ảphm.
ảpk, 3.33:7; see ảpq.
ảpn (I) n. f. “wheel” (Hb. ʔwpn, “wheel”, HALOT 23; Watson AuOr 19 2001 283).
¶ Forms: pl. ảpnt, suff. ảpnthn; du. ảpnm.
Wheel: ṯmn mrkbt (…) yd ảpnthn eight chariot bodies (…) with their wheels,
4.145:3; in pairs: ṯlṯ ṣmdm w ḥrṣ ảpnt three pairs of wheels and another in

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ảpn (ii) – ảpq 87

reserve, 4.145:9; cf. 4.169:7 (Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 8, see ḥrṣ); ṣmdm ả[pnt
two pairs of wheels, 4.88:1; ảpnm one pair of wheels ibid. ln. 3–8, cf. ảpnm,
5.22:26; ṯlṯ ṣmdm three pairs, ibid. ln. 9; ảrbʕ ảpnt four wheels, 4.809:7; in bkn
ctx.: 4.67:5–10.
ảpn (II) adv. functor “and in addition, and also” (< ảp (I) + encl. -n. Aartun
PU/2 90); ¶ RS Akk.: ap-pu-na AnOr 48 11ff. (RS [Varia 9 = “1957.1”]):14;
ap-pu-na-ma, PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):11; PRU 3 102 (RS 15.138+):12; PRU 4 52
(RS 17.369 A):21; PRU 4 163 (RS 17.341):21; PRU 4 193 (RS 17.423):3; cf. Akk.
appūna, “obendrein, ausserdem”, AHw 60; “moreover, in addition, besides”,
CAD A/2 189f. ¶ Forms: ảpn.
And in addition, and also: yʕn pdry bt ảr ảpn ṭly bt rb he looked at DN,
daughter of light, and also DN, daughter of drizzle, 1.3 I 24; in bkn ctx.: ảpn [,
1.16 II 57.
ảpn (III) PN (Hurr. (?). Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 200; Benz PNPPI 274; Muchiki
Loanwords 16f.; Watson AuOr 25 2007 130).
PN: ★a) 4.370:43; 4.424:22; ★b) bn PN, 4.371:17; in bkn ctx. 4.35 II 7.
ảpnk adv. functor of illation: “then”, (< ảp (I) + encl. -n- + -k. Aartun PU 2 90;
Whitaker FAUP 161; Ashley EAR 9; Dressler AT 2). ¶ Forms: ảpnk.
Then: ★a) then, adv. functor of illation: ảpnk (…) yʕl b ṣrrt ṣpn then (…)
went up to the heights of TN, 1.6 I 56; ảpnk (…) yrd l ksỉ then (…) he came
down from the throne, 1.5 VI 11; ảpnk (…) mrḥ yiḫd b yd then (…) his lance
he grasped in (his) hand, 1.16 I 46; ảpnk (…) yṣly ʕrpt then (…) he cast a spell
on the clouds, 1.19 I 38; ảpnk (…) tšlḥm tššqy ỉlm then (…) she gave food and
drink to the gods, 1.17 V 28; in unc. ctx.: ảpnk PN (…) b bth yšt then PN (…) in
his house he prepared, 1.15 II 8; ★b) introducing the correlation in narrative:
ảpnk (…) ảphn (…) then (…), next (…), 1.17 II 27; V 4, 13, 33; 1.19 I 19.
/ʔ-p-q/ vb D “to move away, go astray” (Arab. ʔafaqa “to go his own way, at ran-
dom, heedlessly”, AEL 68f. Del Olmo Fs Matthiae 114; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot
Syria 57 1980 349: Hb. ʔpq (II), “to pluck up courage”, HALOT 80; De Moor
UF 12 1980 432: “to let flow freely”, < ảpq, see infra; Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982
44: “davonlaufen”, Hb. ʔbq; Arab. ʔabaqa; Watson NUS 30 1983 12: “be mas-
sive, solid”, Akk. epēqu; Pardee TR/2 889 n. 91, 1116: vb. dénom. “être bloqué
(canal [séminiphère])”, see ảpq; ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-g/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. tảpq; inf.
D. To move away, go astray: ảl tảpq ảpq that (your tongue) may seriously go
astray, 1.169:12 (// tʕlg).
ảpq n. m. “spring, source” (Hb. ʔpyq, “stream-bed”, HALOT 78. Dahood RSP 1 10 f.;
Pope EUT 72–80; Dressler AT 299; Clifford CMC 49 f.; Loretz UF 21 1989 260 ff.;
Renfroe AULS 82; diff. Pardee TR/2 889 n. 91, 1116: “canal (séminiphère)”,
but cf. Del Olmo UF 36 2004 640); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ip-pí-qi, PRU 4 226

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88 ủpqt – ỉpṯ(n)

(RS 17.393):4; cf. Sivan GAGl 21; ¶ par.: mbk. ¶ Forms: sg. ảpq; byform ảpk,
3.33:7 (Tropper UF 36 2004 518).
Spring, source: (DN lives) qrb ảpq thmtm in the heart of the source of the two
oceans, 1.4 IV 22 and par. (// mbk nhrm. Aitken UF 21 1989 20); ʕn mkṯr ảpq[
ym] look, expert(?) of the source [of the sea], 1.4 II 30.
ủpqt n. f. “bed of a torrent” (?) (cf. ảpq. Hb. ʔpyq, ʔpqh TN, “stream-bed”,
HALOT 78, 80. Diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 312 n. f, “ou bien tu as obtenu”,
ủ + /p-q/; Shmith UBC/1, “to be restrained”, Gpass. *ʔpq). ¶ Forms: sg. ủpqt.
Bed of a torrent, in bkn ctx.: ảbnm ủpqt stones of the torrent (?), 1.1 V 11, 24.
ảps n. m. “extremity, edge, end” (Hb. ʔps, HALOT 79); ¶ par.: hdm; ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. URU ap-su/sú-na/ni, cf. PRU 6 146; RSOu 7 6 (RS 34.143):9; PRU 6 77
(RS 19.32):4; PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):13; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):20; PN: ap-su-na,
PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):3. Astour RSP 2 261; Gröndahl PTU 100; cf. EA upsu, Rainey
EAT p. 85. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảpsh.
Extremity, edge, end: rỉšh l ymġy ảpsh his head did not reach its edge, 1.6 I 61
(// hdm).
Cf. ảpśny.
ảpsny GN m. (< ảpśny, TN); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ URU ap-sú-na-ya, PRU 3 37 (RS
15.81):10; ap-su-ni-yi-ma, PRU 6 77 (RS 19.32):10; cf. Pardee AfO 36 1989–90
396; Huehnergard UVST 227; Van Soldt SAU 336; UF 28 1996 660; Topography
10, 170; ¶ Forms: sg. ảpnsy.
GN: 4:80:11; 4.295:1; 4.417:9.
ảpśny TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 27f.: *ʔApsunā. Heltzer RCAU 8; Astour RSP 2
261; NuzHur 1 14 no. 9; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 482; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 660; Topography 10, 170; Watson LSU 196); ¶ syll.: map-su-na, Ug 5 12
(RS 17.150+):20; PRU 4 239f. (RS 17.369+):9, 10, rev. 2; PRU 6 77 (RS 19.32)4;
PRU 6 111 (19.129):2; PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):13; PRU 137 (RS 19.27):0; RSOu 7 6
(RS 34.143):9.
TN: PNN ảpśny (from) TN, 2.106:8; 3.8:5, 8.
ỉptg PN (etym.unc. Bordreuil-Pardcee, RSOu 18 55).
PN: 4.4.840:9; in bkn ctx.: ỉpt[, 4.289:3 (?).
ảptn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 218: ab-, AB; 260: tan-, TN; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu
18 64: syll. a-BU-te-na, PRU 6 30 (RS 18.285):5 (?); Watson AuOr 30 2012 325).
PN: bn PN, 4.807 I 30.
ỉptt, cf. ỉpd.
ảpṯ PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 219, 252; Watson NABU 1999/54 n. 15). Cf.
PN: ★a) 4.141 II 17; ★b) bn PN, 4.377:11; 4.860:28; in bkn ctx.: bn ảp[ , 4.842:13.
ỉpṯ(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225).
PN: 4.84:4; 4.734:5.

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ỉpṯl – ảqht 89

ỉpṯl PN (Hurr.(?). Gröndahl PTU 225; Bush GHL 307; PNN 220; Heltzer RCAU 15);
¶ syll.: ip-ša-li, PRU 3 131 (RS 15.118):8; 196 (RS 15.42+) II 3; in Hurr. ctx.:
ŠU (m)ip-ša-li, Ug 5 468 (RS 19.147):6; (RS 19.164 D):3; in bkn ctx.: Ug 5 471
(RS 19.149):10. Van Soldt SAU 21.
PN: ★a) 4.215:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.182:25; ★b) gt PN, 4.125:11; 4.213:19, 4.397:5;
4.522:1; 4.618:7, 25; 4.625:13 (Kühne UF 6 1974 161).
TN: PNN ảpśny (from) TN, 3.8:5,8.
/ʔ-p-y/ vb G: “to bake (in the oven)”, “to make bread, to make into bread” (Hb.
ʔph, “to bake”, HALOT 78; OAram. ʔpy, “to cook, bake”, DNWSI 94 f.; Akk.
epû, “backen”, AHw 231; “to bake”, CAD E 247f.; Ebla /ʔapāʔum/, in NIDNA.
DU8.DU8 = a-ba-lum, VE 44; EV 0237; Krebernik QuSem 18 133: “to bake”; cf.
n. NI-bí-tum, ARET 9 399). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảpy; prefc. yỉp (Tropper UG 611.
658: short form); ptc. ảpy (cf. ảpy).
G. To bake (in the oven): make bread: yỉp lḥm let him bake bread, 1.14 II 30
and par. (diff. Wyatt RTU 189: “let bread … be cooked”); nʕr d ảpy PN rancid
(?) flour which PN baked / made into bread, 4.362:4; d ảpy ʕbdh which your
servant baked / made into bread, ibid. ln. 5.
Cf. ảpy.
ảpy n. m. “baker” (< ptc. act. m. sg. G /ʔ-p-y/. Hb. ʔph, “baker”, HALOT 78; cf.
Ph. ʔph, Zauzich-Röllig Or 59 1990 327ff. [PN (?)], ʔpm, Heltzer OH 70, ptc.
act. < /ʔ-p-y/, DNWSI 94f.; Ebla f. a-bí-tum, a-bí-a-tum, “fornaie”, ARET 9 377;
cf. ʔa5(NI)-bí-tum, ARET 9 399; Bonechi NABU 1992/13; Sanmartín AuOr 9
1991 175; Akk. epû, “backen”, AHw 231; “baker”, CAD E 248. Heltzer IOKU 81;
Yamashita RSP 2 44/2; Watson SEL 25 2008 57: MA āpiʔu; NABU 2010/82;
UF 42 2010 832: also Hurr. epḫe, “oven”, Hitt. ḫapn / ḫappen, “baking kiln”);
¶ syll. Ug.: [MU = n]u-ḫa-ti-mu = is-ḫa-ri-ni: a-pí-[ú/yu], Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149)
III 4'; Huehnergard UVST 52, 108, 312; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 302;
Sivan GAGl 17, 162; ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ.MU, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) tr. I 1; PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):25; Bottéro ARMT 7 p. 274 n. 1; Mayer Nuzi 179f. ¶ Forms: pl. ảpym;
cstr. ảpy.
Baker: ảpym (guild of) bakers, 4.125:10; (grain) l ảpy TN for the bakers of TN,
4.387:26; (money) l ảpy for the baker (collect.(?)), 4.212:5.
ảqhr n. m. “?” (for var. proposals cf. Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 94: “ice” (?); Abu
Assaf AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 262: “(viande) séchée”, but see Renfroe AULS 82;
Pardee AuOr 20 2002 173f. n. 49: “une épice”; Watson NABU 2003/93; AuOr
22 2004 129; AuOr 25 2007 130: “palm-heart”; De Moor AuOr 27 2009 289:
“emptied out”). ¶ Forms: sg. ảqhr.
?: A commodity: ltḥ ảqhr a l. of ả., 4.14:3; kṯ ảqh[r a k. of ả., 4.61:4.
ảqht PN, epic hero (etym. unc., possibly an elative < */q-h-t/. Margalit RB 95
1988 210ff.: “Most Obedient”; cf. also Gröndahl PTU 75; De Moor BiOr 26 1969

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90 ỉqnủ

106; Aartun Fs. Hospers 9ff.; Del Olmo MLC 517; Watson AuOr 19 2001 283;
LSU 158; West AOAT 233 29: PNN a-ka-to, a-ka-ta-yo, Linear B).
PN: 1.17 V 36 and passim in 1.17.-1.19.
ỉqnủ n. m. 1) “gem of lapis lazuli”; 2) “violet blue (colour)”; 3) “violet purple (fab-
ric)” (Sum. gìn; Civil EDA 145; Akk. uqnû, “Lapislazuli, Lasurstein”, AHw 1426;
“lapis lazuli”, CAD U/W 195ff. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 32; Watson AuOr 19 2001
283; LSU 101, 148, 176; diff. De Moor UF 8 1976 157: “snails producing blue pur-
ple”; cf. Van Soldt UF 22 1990 346 n. 170); ¶ RS Akk.: uqnû; cf. NA4.ZA.GÌN,
PRU 4 224 (RS 17.422):11 and passim; dLÁMA NA4.GIŠ.NU11.GAL ša i-na uq-
ni-i i-za-az, Ug 5 169 (RS 25.421+):26–27; cf. SÍK.ZA.GÌN(.NA.MEŠ), PRU 6
159; Huehnergard AkkUg 412; cf. SÍK.ZA.GÌN (/SÍK.SA5: ta-ba(?)-ri), Owen
Tel Aviv 8 1981 7ff.: 40; SÍK.ZA.GÌN ta-kíl-tu4, PRU 3 187 (RS 15.43):5; PRU 6
149 (RS 17.354) II 8; SÍK.ZA.GÌN ḫas-ma-na/ni, PRU 3 187 (RS 15.43):6; PRU 4
42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):24 and passim ibid.; PRU 4 50 TÚG.SIG4.ZA.MEŠ
ša GIŠ.GU.ZA ša SÍK.ZA.GÌN, PRU 3 184 (RS 16 146+):13; cf. SÍK.ZA.GÌN
ḫaš-ma-na SÍK.ZA.GÌN: ḫa-an-da-la-ti ù SÍK.ZA.GÌN: du-pa-aš-ši, Ug 5 48
(RS 20.19):9–10 (Huehnergard AkkUg 74f.; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 340–343);
SÍG(!).ZA.GÌN ù TÚG.GADA.ME, RSOu 7 22 (RS 34.161):14 (cf. Huehnergard
Syria 74 1997 247); ¶ par.: ḫrṣ ksp. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉqnủ, suff. ỉqnủm (+ encl. -m),
genitive ỉqnỉ; acc. ỉqnả; obl. pl. ỉqnỉm (Blau UF 11 1979 60).
1) Gem of lapis lazuli: PN (…) d ʕqh ỉb ỉqnỉ whose pupils are gems of lapis
lazuli, 1.14 III 43 and par. (diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1972 168 f.: “the purest
lapis-lazuli”); bht ṭhrm ỉqnỉm palace of the purest lapis lazuli (stones), 1.4 V 19
and par. (// ksp, ḫrṣ); ỉšlḥ ẓhrm ỉqnỉm I shall give (her) the most brilliant lapis
lazuli, 1.24:21–22 (// ksp, ḫrṣ).
2) Violet blue: ś]pśg ỉqnỉ (object in) violet blue enamel, 4.182:8.
3) Espec. violet purple: ỉqnủm ỉštỉr bhm w hm ảkm ỉqnả štt bhm, from it the
purple is still lacking. As soon as I get the purple I (will) add to it, 2.87 (see
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 141f.); ỉqnủ, 4.738:5; ỉqnủ ʕm PN violet purple
owned by PN, 4.863:12; šʕrt ỉqnỉm wool in violet purple, 4.341:4; ảll ỉqnỉ a
cloak of violet purple, 4.182:6, 7; ỉqn]ỉ l DN qrt (…) of violet purple for the
DN of the town, ibid. ln. 15; ḫpn d ỉqnỉ w šmt a cape of violet and reddish
purple, 4.168:1; (the singers go dressed in) ]ỉqnủ šmt[ of violet and red, 1.23:21;
various quantities: 4.182:12 and passim; 4.203:5; 4.247:28; 4.779:6; cf. mỉt ỉqnỉ
one hundred (shekels) of purple, 3.28:14; 3.29:20; 4.867:17; mỉtm ỉqnủ two
hundred (shekels) of purple, 3.28:17; 3.29:26; for payment of tribute: ḫmš mảt
pḥṣ ḫmš mảt ỉqnủ, five hundred (shekels) of ruby purple (and) five hundred
(shekels) of violet purple, 3.1:23 (cf. RS Akk.: 5 me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN.MEŠ 5
me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN ḫas-ma-na, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):23–24); ks
ḫrṣ (/ ksp) ktn mỉt pḥm mỉt ỉqnỉ l (…) a cup of gold (/ silver), a tunic, one

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ảqšr – ả/ỉr 91

hundred (shekels) of red purple and one hundred (shekels) of violet purple
for (…), 3.1:28 and passim ibid. (cf. RS Akk.: 1 GAL (/ ka-sú) KÙ.GI.MEŠ
(/ KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ) 1 TÚG.GADA 1 me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN (ḫaš-ma-ni) 1 me-at
SÍK.ZA.GÌN (ḫaš-ma-ni / ta-kíl-tu4) a-na (…), PRU 4 42 f. (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):25–37; PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+380):40–47; diff. Knoppers BASOR 289
1993 88: “lapislazuli gems”; cf. 1); (…) ả]lp ỉqnỉ … thousand (shekels) of violet
purple, 2.99:12; in bkn ctx.: 1.1 II 5; 1.4 VII 1.
Cf. qnủy.
ảqšr adj. m. “which sloughs its skin, sloughing”, said of snakes (Arab. ʔaqšar,
“having its peel pared off”, AEL 2525. Bowman-Coote UF 12 1980 135ff.; Bor-
dreuil UF 15 1983 299f. diff. De Moor UF 9 1977 367 n. 5: “slippery”; Watson
UF 40 2008 548: “scaly (snake)”. ¶ Forms: ảqšr, alloph. var.: ʕqšr.
Which sloughs its skin, sloughing: nḥš ʕqšr snake which sloughs its skin,
1.100:12 and par; in bkn ctx. bdh ảqšr[ through him the sloughing (serpent),
1.82:20 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 244 f.:
“for it / her I shall tie up” (?), Hb. *qšr).
/ʔ-r/ vb G: “to shine” (Hb. ʔwr, “to dawn, become light”, HALOT 24; Ebla cf.
PNN ar-ra(-DN), ar-DN, DN-ar, Müller Biling. 169; Krebernik PET 75 f.; Pagan
ARES 3 93; Amor. cf. /ʔ-w-r/, “to shine”, Gelb CAAA 14. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
395; De Moor UF 11 1979 643, 653). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. yảrk.
G. To shine: yrḫ yảrk may DN shine for you, 1.24:39 (diff. Aartun StUL 16 ff.:
“sexuell erregen, reizen; koitieren”, *ʔrr (*ʔw/yr); Herrmann YN 16: “zuneh-
men”, *ʔrk).
Cf. ả/ỉr.
ả/ỉr n. m. “light” (< /ʔ-r/; Hb. ʔwr, “daylight”, HALOT 24 f.; Ebla cf. in vocabularies:
GI6.SÁ = ù-ru mu-si-im, TM.75. G.5653+ rev. X 16–17; Fronzaroli QuSem 16
13; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 177f.; Amor. ʔūrum, “light”, Gelb CAAA 14; Akk.
urru, “(heller) Tag”, AHw 1433; “day, daylight”, CAD U/W 243 f.; see ủr (I));
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ʔār/ in PN a-ri-ya, PRU 6 144 (RS 19.38):6; Ug 5 89
(RS 20.214 B):3, 7; Sivan GAGl 198. ¶ Forms: sg. ảr, var. ỉr.
Light: ảr yrḫ light of DN, 1.24:38; bt ảr daughter of light, 1.3 III 6 and par.
(Rahmouni DEUAT 120ff. diff. De Moor SP 82f., 104, 110; UF 7 1975 590 f.;
Sasson RSP 1 394: “mist, dew, honey”, Arab. ʔary, Hb. ʔry; on that cf. Renfroe
AULS 82f.; Wiggins UF 32 2000 596f.); in unc. ctx. krm ảr, 1.92:24 (Dijkstra
UF 26 1994 119: ảr, TN); ỉr, var. of ảr in lbšt b ỉr clothed in light, 1.13:25 (Caquot
EI 14 1978 17; Del Olmo MLC 493; Widengren SK 93 n. 59: “Glanz”, Arab. ʔiratu;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 342 n. 25a: rdg bỉr, “well”, // mrġt, metaphor of
the beloved woman; De Moor UF 12 1980 309: metaphor for female genitals;
Watson UF 38 2006 719: “head covering”, Hb. peʔēr, Eg. pyr).
Cf. ủr (I), ủryy.

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92 ảr – ảrbʕ

ảr TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 37f.: *ʔ Aru. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 83;

Xella MLE 1 1982 53; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 1, 5; Syria 66 1989 263ff.; Astour
UF 11 1979 16; UF 13 1981 5f.; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 482; Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 660; UF 30 1998 718; Topography 10 f., 170; Watson LSU 196; Bel-
monte Fs. Watson 98 f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. URU a-ru/i, cf. PRU 3 265; PRU 4 253;
PRU 6 53 (RS 27.053) rev. 10; Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):3; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):20;
RS 22.233:1; RS 25.142:3 (Van Soldt UF 28 1966 660); RS 88.2013:9 (Lacken-
bacher NABU 1989/36).
TN: 1.92:24; 2.26:10; 4.27:5, 16; 4.68:48; 4.139:5; 4.214 I 4; III 1; 4.365:4; 4.369:10;
4.375:4; 4.380:4; 4.382:23, 24; 4.384:3; 4.683:6; 4.684:7; 4.693:4; 4.777:3; 4.784:6;
4.793:2; 4.821 I 4; 5.28:4 (mlk ảr); in bkn ctx.: 2.98:16; 4.854:3.
ỉr n. m., 1.13:25, cf. ả/ỉr.
ủr n. m. 1) “warmth, heat”; 2) “fire, combustion”, as a type of sacrifice (Hb. ʔwr,
“firelight, fire”, HALOT 25; cf. Arab. ʔuwār, pl. ʔūr, “ardour of fire”, Hava 16.
Herdner Ug 7 34; Alal. Akk.: the element /ʔūru/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 202).
¶ Forms: sg. ủr; pl. / encl. -m ủrm.
1) Warmth, heat: yġlm ủr hot parched field, 1.19 II 17 and par. (diff. Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 204: “herb”; Margalit RB 91 1984 111 ff.; ZAW 99 1987 393: a
particular plant, Hb. ʔwrh; Samartín UF 9, 1977 267f.: “Schössling, (kleiner)
Stengel”, Akk. aru; Watson AuOr 22 2004 119 n. 95, “stalk”).
2) Type of sacrifice: b ủrm ủ šnpt as a burnt offering or a š-offering, 1.119:13 (Del
Olmo SEL 12 1995 46; UF 36 2004 552ff.; Pardee TR/2 1116: “flamme”; diff. De
Moor ARTU 172: “greenery”); w b ủrm lb rmṣt and as a burnt sacrifice, a heart
(roasted) on the embers, 1.39:8, see 1.41:17f., 1.87:19 (diff. Levine Fs. Freedman
472; De Tarragon TOu/2 137f. n. 14; Wyatt UF 33 2001 701: “in the morning” /
“clairté (du jour)”, / “midday” (?), Hb. ʔwr, Akk. urru).
In bkn ctx.: mhr ủr, 1.10 I 11; ṯmn ủrx[, 1.104:23 (De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982
161 n. 65: “greenery” // gml “ripe fruit”); 1.176:12.
Cf. ủryy.
ỉrảb TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 143: *ʔIrābu 1 and 2. Heltzer RCAU 15; for *ʔIrābu
1 and 2 see Van Soldt UF 28 1996 661; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 11; Watson
LSU 197; SEL 28 2011 29; Belmonte Fs. Watson 99); ¶ syll.: ʔIrābu 2: [URU
ir]-a-bu, Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):5 (Berger UF 1 1969 123).
TN: 4.48:9 (: ʔIrābu 1); 4.553:2 (: ʔIrābu 2).
ảrbʕ n. num. “four” (< /r-b-ʕ/. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔrbʕ, “four”, HALOT 83f.;
DNWSI 101f.; Akk. erbe, “vier”, AHw 232f.; “four”, CAD E 255; OSA ʔrbʕ, “four”,
SD 113; Arab. ʔarbaʕ(t), “four”, AEL 1019; Eth. ʔarbāʕ, “four”, CDG 460); ¶ par.:
ṯlṯ. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ảrbʕ, f. ảrbʕt; ảrbʕtm (encl. -m (?); pl. ảrbʕm, cf. ảrbʕm.
Numeral four, ★a) elliptical syntagms: ảrbʕ four (persons) (?), four PNN,
4.319:1; TN ảrbʕ TN: four (traders), 4.27:14, 17, 22; 4.380:27, 34 (donkeys/work-

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ảrbʕ 93

men), 4.73:9; 4.267:4 (indet.); ảrbʕ TN, four TN, 4.810:13; TN ảrbʕ TN: four
(rations), 4.800:12; pld b ảrbʕt a p. for four, 4.146:7; ảrbʕt ksph four is its
price, 4.158:15; nsk ảrbʕt the smith: four (shekels), 4.98:17, 20; in a numer-
ical sequence, ảrbʕ four (times), 1.161:28; ảrbʕ l ṯkṣ four (skins) for PN (?),
4.52:120; ảrbʕ b ảrbʕm four (heifers) for forty (shekels), 4.142:2–3; ảrbʕ l (pro-
fessional groups or persons) four (“jars” of wine) for x, 4.216:8; 4.274:4, 6; ảrbʕ
bd PN four (“jars” of wine) delivered to / into the hands of PN, 4.219:4; ảrbʕ
ʕl PN four (“jars”) of oil on PN’s account, 4.313:22; ảrbʕ b TN four (workmen
/ men) in TN, 4.358:6; PN ảrbʕ PN: four (“jars” of wine), 4.715:4–5; 4.281:10
(indet.); ṯt ktnm b [ả]rbʕ, six k. by four (shekels) 4.808:8; in bkn ctx.: ảrbʕ
ʕtkm […]there are four (barges (?)) tied up (?), 4.421:4; w ảrbʕ lq[ḥ, 4.864:7;
★b) syntagms in apposition / the genitive (Tropper UG 414 ff.): ảrbʕ ʕṣrm four
birds, 1.48:8; ảrbʕ yn / š[mn] four (“jars”) of wine / oil, 3.13:8, 9; 4.230:1; 4.246:6;
4.285:2, 6; 4.313:4; 4.717:3; TN arbʕ yn TN four (“jars”) of wine, 1.91:24, cf. ln. 31;
ảrbʕ ḫpnt four ḫ, 1.148:19; ảrbʕ ḫpnt pṯt four ḫ. of linen, 4.152:9; ảrbʕ ʕṣm four
logs, 2.26:9; ảrbʕ ktnt four tunics, 3.1:21; ảrbʕ spm four bowls, 2.87:6; 4.34:7;
4.44:24, 30; ảrbʕ šủrt four š., 4.44:4, 10, 14; ảrbʕ dblt four fig cakes, 4.60:5, 9; ảrbʕ
ḥršm four workmen, 4.141 III 5; ảrbʕ prt four heifers, 4.142:2; ảrbʕ kkr(m) four
talents, 3.13:2; 4.158:14; 4.288:8; 4.626:2; ảrbʕ ḫsnm four “dependents”, 4.163:2;
ảrbʕ ṯrtnm four magistrates, 4.163:9; ảrbʕ qlʕm four shields, 4.167:10, cf. 4.63
II 45; ảrbʕ mḏrnm four broadswords (?), 4.167:11; ảrbʕ ảpnt 4.809:7; ảrbʕ ủṭm
rḥbhm, four ủ, in width, 4.809:11; ảrbʕ ṣmdm ảpnt four pairs of wheels, 4.169:7;
ảrbʕ ṯqlm four shekels, 4.226:10; ảrbʕ npš four individuals, 4.228:3; ảrbʕ ủzm
four geese, 4.247:21; ảrbʕ šd four acres, 4.339:10; ảrbʕ ảṯt four women, 4.349:2;
4.360:9; ảrbʕ bnšm four men, 4.40:17; 4.355:5, 9, 11, 12, 16–18, 22, 33, 34, 37,
39; ảrbʕ ġzlm four spinners, 4.358:9; ảrbʕ kdwtm four k., 4.341:10; ảrbʕ bnth
her four daughters, 4.360:3; ảrbʕ ḥ[mrm] four donkeys, 4.377:25; 4.380:3, 20,
21; ảrbʕ ddm four “cauldronsful”, 4.60:7; 4.387:18; 4.790:12; 4.790:12; 4.795:6;
4.796:12; ảrbʕ š[rt] four š, 4.410:11; ảrbʕ nʕrm four lads, 4.419:4; ảrbʕ ṯqt four
ṯ, 4.595:4; ảrbʕ qšt w ảr[bʕ ủ]ṯpt four bows and four quivers, 4.624:2, cf. 4.63
II 45; ảrbʕ mrḥm four lances, 4.624:8, 10; ảrbʕ r[ʕym] four shepherds, 4.729:11;
ảrbʕ bhtm four houses, 4.750:2; ảrbʕ ʕglm four calves, 4.783:8; ảrbʕ skm four
s., 4.867:12; ★c) appositional syntagms: qdšm ảrbʕ four q., 4.752:5; šʕrt ảrbʕ of
wool four (shekels), 4.630:11; sprm ảrb[ʕ, 4.836:20 scribes, four; in bkn ctx.: b
ar<b>ʕt, 4.101:1–2; ★d) as a distributive: ảrbʕ arbʕ mṯbt ảzmr four huts (made)
of branches on each side, 1.41:51; ★e) in a rhetorical progression: ṯlṯ yrḫm (…)
// ảrbʕ (…) it is three months that (…), // it is four months that (…), 1.16 II 23;
★f) composite numbers: fourteen: ảrbʕ ʕšr, 4.48:3; 4.174:5; 4.349:1; 4.362:3;
4.618:5; ảrbʕ ʕšrh, 1.106:19; 1.112:26–27; 4.282:1; 4.290:1; in bkn ctx.: [ảr]bʕ ʕšr,
4.858:1, see 1.87:24; ảrbʕt ʕšrt, 1.87:4, cf. 1.41:4; 1.87:54–55; 1.105:17; 1.109:1; 1.112:17;

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94 ảrbʕm

4.341:16; 4.658:13; ʕšr ảrbʕ, 4.244:18; ảrbʕ l ʕš[r, 4.775:5; twenty-four: ảrbʕ l [[š]]
ʕšrm, 4.173:8; 4.243:11; ʕšrm kkr ảrbʕ kbd, 4. 866:6; thirty-four: ṯlṯm ảrbʕ, 3.23:18;
forty-four: ảrbʕm ảrbʕ, 4.697:6, cf. ả[r]bʕ l ảrbʕ[m], 4.417:7; fifty-four: ḫ]mšm
ảrbʕ kbd, 4.803:18; sixty-four: ṯṯm ảrbʕ: 4.213:7; seventy-four: šbʕm dd ảrbʕ
4.243:18; šbʕm ảrbʕ, 4.749:3; eighty-four: ṯmnym ảrbʕt, 4.369:6, cf. 4.709:7; one
hundred and four: mỉt ảrbʕt, 4.270:4; one hundred and thirty-four: ṯlṯm l mỉt
ảrbʕ, 4.411:4–5; three hundred and four: ṯlṯ [mảt] ảrbʕ, 4.387:14; four hundred:
ảrbʕ mảt, 4.91:2; 4.777:13; ảrbʕ mảt kbd, 4.866:8; four hundred and twenty:
ảrbʕ mảt ʕšrm, 4.274:2; four hundred and forty: ảrbʕ mảt ảrbʕm, 4.296:6; four
hundred and fifty-seven and a half: ảrbʕ mảt ḫmšm šbʕt w nṣp, 4.779:8; five
hundred and four: ḫmšm l mỉt ảrbʕ, 4.174:14; four thousand: ảrbʕ ảlpm, 4.203:3,
5; 4.626:2.
In unc. ctx.: ảrbʕtm four (?), 1.179:15 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 399, 402:
“quatre”; but Tropper UG 347: “viermal” or “vierfach”, alt. encl. -m, cf. ibid.
p. 377; see. ṯlṯtm (ṯlṯ (I)) and ḥmštm (ḥmš (I)).
In bkn ctx.: ảrbʕ 2.29:1; 4.73:14; 4.244:2; 4.302:6; 4.306:5; 4.396:13; 4.399:13;
4.466:3; 4.573:5; 4.575:2, 3; 4.627:3; ảrb[ʕ 1.41:22; 4.20:3; 4.355:42; 4.362:5;
4.388:11; 4.530:2; ả]rbʕ 4.624:14; ảrbʕt: 1.57:2; ảrbʕ l[, 4.790:8; 4.834:19.
Cf. ảrbʕm, ảrbḫ, mrbʕt, /r-b-ʕ/, rbʕ, rbʕt.
ảrbʕm n. “forty” (pl. of ảrbʕ). ¶ Forms: ảrbʕm.
The number forty, ★a) elliptical syntagms: TN ảrbʕm forty, 4.683:2; 4.803:14;
4.866:2; b ảrbʕm for forty, 4.341:15, 17, 18; ảll ỉqnỉ ảrbʕm a violet purple ả. for
a total of forty, 4.182:6; ảrbʕ b ảrbʕm four (heifers) for forty (shekels), 4.142:3;
ảrbʕm d ktn forty (shekels) of / for a tunic, 4.779:6; ṣṣ PN ảrbʕm salt of PN,
forty, 4.340:7; 4.344:8; PN w ảḫth ảrbʕm PN and his sister, forty, 4.658:46; ★b)
syntagms in the genitive / appositional syntagms: ảrbʕm ksp forty in silver,
3.10:15, 17, 21; 3.28:1, 9; 3.29:1; 3.30:9, 12; 4.290:6, 15; 4.369:11; 4.341:2; ảrbʕm
kkr forty talents, 4.342:4; ảrbʕm ṯqlm forty shekels, 3.13:8; ảrbʕm šmn forty
(“jars”) of oil, 4.808:3; ảrbʕm šmn mr forty of myrrh (-scented) oil, 4.91:15;
ảrbʕm yn forty (“jars”) of wine, 4.213:3; 4.230:11; 4.400:14; ảrbʕm kdm kbd yn
a total of forty “jars” of wine, 4.213:16; ảrbʕm qšt forty bows, 4.169:1; ảrbʕm
šmn w krsỉm forty (kd) and two k. of oil, 4.808:3 (Tropper UG 420); ảrbʕm bt
b TN forty houses in TN, 4.810:1; l ảrbʕm krkb, 4.809:5 forty k.; ★c) composite
numbers: forty-one: ảḥd kbd ảrbʕm, 4.6302; forty-two: ṯn l ảrbʕm, 4.777:9;
forty-three: ảrbʕm ṯlṯ, 3.18:3; 4.213:22; 4.810:7 forty-four: ảrbʕm ảrbʕ, 4.697:6;
ảrbʕt l ảrbʕm, 4.833:10; forty-five: ảrbʕm ḫmš(t), 3.29:15; 4.174:9; 4.213:4; ḫmš
kbd ảrbʕm, 4.44:12; 4.284:3; forty-eight: ṯmn l ảrbʕm, 4.144:5; ṯmn kbd ảrbʕm,
4.212:4; one hundred and forty: ảrbʕm l mỉt, 4.158:3–4; 4.243:12; ảrbʕm mỉt,
4.213:25; mỉt ảrbʕm, 4.213:28; 4.280:11; 4.721:1; one hundred and forty-two:
ảrbʕm l mỉt ṯn, 4.179:16; one hundred and fifty-four: ḫmšm lmỉt ảrbʕ, 4.143:5;

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ảrbdd – ỉrbn (ii) 95

two hundred and forty-eight: [mỉ]tm ảrbʕm ṯmn kbd, 4.352:5; four hundred
and forty: ảrbʕ mảt ảrbʕm, 4.296:7; five hundred and forty: ḫmš mảt ảrbʕm,
In bkn ctx.: ảrbʕm: 1.76:2, 4, 7; 4.216:22; 4.257:4; 4.333:2; 4.396:2; 4.636:32;
ảrbʕ[m] 4.243:32.
Cf. ảrbʕ.
ảrbdd n. m. “rest, tranquillity” ((?), /ʔqtll/ pattern. Cf. Hb. rbd, “prepare (a
couch)”, HALOT 1176; Arab. rabada, “to remain, stay”, AEL 1009 f. Del Olmo
IMC 153ff.; Janowski UF 12 1980 239ff.; De Moor UF 17 1986 219f.: Arab. rabada,
“to be in one place, stop at”; diff. Sanmartín UF 8 1976 461 f.: “gift, sacrifice
of love”, Hurr. *ar=b=dd, but cf. Wilhelm SMEA 29 1992 239 n. 4; Aartun
StUL 19ff.: “etwas sehr Nötiges”, *ʔrb; Dietrich-Loretz Fs Sanmartín 183ff.:
“stabile Ordnung” OAram ʔrmwddt; for other explanations cf. Del Olmo
IMC 153ff.; Renfroe AULS 83; Smith UBC/1 206 f.); ¶ par.: šlm. ¶ Forms: sg.
Rest, tranquillity (?): sk (…) ảrbdd l kbd šdm pour out (…) rest (?) in the heart
of the field, 1.3 III 17 and par. (// šlm).
ảrbḫ adj./n. m. “four year old (animal)” (?); < ảrbʕ- + Hurr. suff. -(u/o)-ḫḫe.
Sanmartín UF 9 1977 374f. diff. Watson UF 28 1996 701: “dog”, Hurr. erbi +
suff. -ḫḫe; De Moor UF 17 1985 227: “the Barker” (?) < *nbḫ/ú > *ʔabbāḫu >
*ʔarbāḫu; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118: “locust”, rdg ảrby! // qrẓ; Margalit AuOr
7 1999 71: “ảrbḫ-bushes”; surveys in Wyatt RTU 371 n. 14; Watson LSU 126);
¶ par.: (?) ảylt. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ảrbḫ.
Four-year-old (?), in bkn ctx.: l šmảl[…] ảrbḫ on his left[… he discerned (?)]
a four-year-old (?), 1.92:10 (// (?) ảylt).
ỉrbl PN (?) (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 225f.; Watson LSU 158); ¶ syll.: cf. i-ri-
ib-AN, Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):3, 21; i-ri-bi-li, PRU 3 64 (RS 16.190):5, 9, 11; i-ri-bi-la,
PRU 3 70 (RS 16.279):4; Van Soldt SAU 27 n. 221; further i-ri-ib[, PRU 3 149–150
(RS 16.184):14, see ln. 11 (Gröndahl PTU 327).
PN (?), as part of a toponym: gt ỉrbl, 4.200:10; KTU rdg gt ỉrbṣ, 4.778:6, 8.
Cf. ỉrbṣ.
ảrbn PN (Hurr., alt. Sem. Gröndahl PTU 220, 223; Watson LSU 158; Historiae 4
2007 97). Cf. ỉrbn, ỉrpn.
PN: 4.133:1.
ỉrbn (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 143. Heltzer RCAU 15; Van Soldt UF 28 1996
661; Topography 11).
TN: 4.355:34.
ỉrbn (II) PN (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10; Gröndahl PTU 28, 100,
223, 226; Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 13). Cf. ảrbn, ỉrpn.
PN: bn PN, 4.76:1.

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96 ỉrbṣ – ả/ỉrgmn

ỉrbṣ n. m. in the TN gt ỉrbṣ (“repose”(?); cf. /r-b-ṣ/).

TN: gt ỉrbṣ “Farmstead of Repose (?)” (< (?) /r-b-ṣ/), 4.122:1 (Belmonte RGTC
12/2 94); 4.788:6, 8.
Cf. ỉrbl.
ủrbt n. f. 1) “window”, perhaps “skylight”; 2) a cult installation (Hb. ʔrbh, “hole
in the wall”, HALOT 83; Ebla cf. ur-pù-um, “window”, Archi Eblaitica 1 15.
Loewenstamm VT 34 1984 193f.; Fronzaroli SEL 7 1990 153; Huehnergard
UVST 275; diff. Watson LSU 126: “place of slaughter”, Hurr. urb-, but see UF 42
2010 832: Akk. urubātu); ¶ par.: ḥln. ¶ Forms: sg. ủrbt; suff. ủrbtm (encl. -m).
1) Skylight, window: ảl tšt ủrbt b [bhtm] do not put a skylight in the house, 1.4
V 64 and par. (// ḥln); w tṣủ (…) k qṭr ủrbtm and it will go out (…) like smoke
through a skylight, 1.169:3 (diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 5: “Zufluchtsort”, /ʔ-r-b/,
Hb. ʔrbh, Arab. ʔurbat).
2) A cult installation: w b ủrbt ỉlỉb š and in the ủ., (to) DN one ram, 1.109:19;
[b] ṯdṯ yṯb mlk b ủr[bt] on the sixth day the king / DN will sit / be installed
in the ủ., 1.171:6 (Del Olmo CR 25: “niche, alcove”; De Moor ARTU 160 n. 24:
“lattice”); in bkn ctx.: w bủ[rbt …] ytk and in the ủ. [(an offering)] he shall
pour (out), 1.41:11 and par.
ỉrbtn PN (Hurr. Ribichini-Xella UF 15 1987 10f.). Cf. ỉwrtn.
PN: bn PN, 4.7:17.
ỉrby n. m. “locust” (Hb. ʔrbh, “migratory locusts”, HALOT 83; OAram. ʔrbh,
“locust”; DNWSI 101; Akk. erbu, “Heuschrecke”, AHw 234; “locust”, CAD E
256ff. Kogan UF 32 2000 725f.); par.: ḥsn, qṣm. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉrby; pl. ỉrbym.
Locust: km ỉrby tškn šd like locusts they settled in the field, 1.14 IV 29 and par.
(// ḥsn); ʕlh k ỉrbym kp above her like locusts palms (of hands were flying),
1.3 II 10 (// qṣm).
ảrdn PN (etym. unc. Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279); ¶ syll.: a-ra-ad-ni[, PRU 3 36
(RS 11.718):3. Cf. ảrtn.
PN: bn PN, 4.723:8.
ỉrdyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 226, 262; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95).
PN: 4.631:16 (bn ḫrġḏġ).
ảrḏl[n (?), 7.42:4 (Hurr. TN (?). Astour Fs. Gordon 1980 3).
ảrgb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 179; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 203; Watson
Historiae 4 2007 98).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 41.
ảrgd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.749:1.
ảrgḏḏ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.336:4; 4.753:19.
ả/ỉrgmn n. m. 1) “payment of tribute to the Hittite court”; 2) “tribute” in general;

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ỉrgn – ủrgy 97

3) “offering” (< Luw. arkamma(n)-, “Tribut”, HW2 302ff.; Tischler HEG 59 f.;
Puhvel HED 143–146; Starke WO 24 1993 20ff.; cf. Hurr. /arg=am=anne/,
Diakonoff HU 79 n. 82: “aus dunkelrotem Purpur”; Akk. argamannu, “Purpur”,
AHw 67; “red purple wool”, CAD A/2 253; Hb. ʔrgmn, “wool dyed with red
purple”, HALOT 84; Palm. ʔrgwn, “red purple”, DNWSI 103; Aram. “red purple
wool”, Kaufman AIA 35 > Arab. ʔarğawān, “pourpre”, DAF/1 24. Del Olmo
CR 90 n. 99; Pardee UF 6 1974 277f.; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 455 f. Ziderman
BASOR 265 1987 25ff.; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 344 n. 164; for the additional mng
“purple”, “purple dyed cloth”, Dijkstra UF 21 1989 144; Smith UBC/1 308; Loretz
UF 35 2003 368ff.; McGeough ERU 130f. diff. Heltzer RCAU 33 n. 74: “tribute
collectors, tribute-deliverers”; ¶ RS Akk. mandattu (CAD M/1 13; Sanmartín
UF 10 1978 455 n. 5); PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):20 // KTU 3.1:18); ¶ par.:
mnḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. ảrgmn, ỉrgmn; suff. ảrgmny, ảrgmnk: pl. ảrgmnm, cstr.
1) Payment of tribute to the Hittite court: spr ảrgmn špš register of contri-
butions to the “Sun”, 4.610 I 1 (cf. [ṭup-pu an-nu-ú] ša ma-an-da[-at d]UTU-ši,
PRU 4 47 (RS 11.732):1); spr ỉrgmn register of tribute, 4.181:1; spr ảrgmnm regis-
ter of the contributions, 4.369:1; spr ảrgmn nskm register of the contributions
of the smiths, 4.261:1; (copper) l ảrgmn l nskm (intended) for tribute (and
delivered) to the smiths, 4.43:3 (Sanmartín UF 10 1978 455 f.); ảrgmn d ybl
PN l špš ảrn tribute which PN brings to the “Sun of TN”, 3.1:18 (Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 86f.); ảrgmn PN mlk tribute of king PN, ibid. ln. 24 (Dietrich-
Loretz WO 3 1964–1966 218 n. 55); ḫrṣ ảrgmny the gold of my tribute, 2.36:6.
2) Tribute: hw ybl ảrgmnk he will bring you tribute, 1.2 I 37 (// mnḥy); in bkn
ctx.: 4.390:12 (diff. McGeough UgET 176: “purple [dye”).
3) Ritual offering: on the fourteenth day riš ảrgmn of the first-fruits of offer-
ing, 1.41:4; 1.87:5 (Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 261 n. 16: “first offering(s)” > “offering
of first-fruits”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 145: “Erste Qualität
Purpur”; De Moor ARTU 159 n. 10: “purple”).
ỉrgn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 100; Watson AuOr 13 1995 220; LSU 158);
¶ syll.: cf. ir-ri-gi(?)-na, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):18.
PN: 4.129:9.
ảrgnd PN (Hurr.).
PN, ỉlml[k [bn] ảrgnd, 3.21:11; in bkn ctx.: bn ảrgn[, 4.694:2.
ỉrgy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 100, 205, 226); ¶ syll.: cf. ir-ki-ia-nu, Ug 5
12 (RS 17.150+):47. Huehnergard UVST 218; AkkUg 401; Van Soldt SAU 351.
PN: bn PN, 4.232:10.
ủrgy PN (prob. allom. of ỉrgy. Watson AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: 4.63 I 45.
Cf. ỉrgy.

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98 ả/ỉrġn – /ʔ-r-k/

ả/ỉrġn n. of substance used in pharmacopoeia (?) “unripe date, of one month”

(?) (cf. Akk. arḫānû, “unreife Falldattel” (?), AHw 67; designation of a certain
stage of growth of rhe date palm, CAD A/2 255. Pardee TH 61 f.; Watson AuOr
19 2001 283; LSU 66–67, 72; diff. Cohen-Sivan UHT 31: “fennel” (?), Akk. urānu;
Cohen UF 28 1996 131f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ả/ỉrġn.
Substance used in pharmacopoeia: št ỉrġn ḥmr a š. of reddish ỉ. ḥ., 1.85:17, 28;
1.72:23, 34; 1.97:4.
ủrġnr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 211, 229, 243; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–
1968 302).
PN: 4.177:9.
ủrġtṯb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 208, 211, 229, 264; Cunchillos TOu/2 360
n. 3; Van Soldt SAU 6, 45); ¶ syll.: ur-ḫi-dU-ub, PRU 4 176 (RS 17.346):7, 10.
PN: 2.68:3; 4.410:30.
ảrḫ n. f. “cow, heifer” (Amor. /ʔarḫum/, “cow”, Gelb CAAA 13; Akk. arḫu, “Kuh”,
AHw 67; “cow”, CAD A/2 263. Sasson RSP 1 397); ¶ par.: ảlp (I), bn (I), ḫprt, kr,
ṯảt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảrḫ; pl. ảrḫt.
Cow: ảrḫ tzġ l ʕglh the cow lows for her calf, 1.15 I 5 (// bn); k lb ảrḫ l ʕglh like
the heart of a cow for her calf, 1.6 II 6, 28 (//ṯảt); ảrḫ td rgm the cow gave
voice, 1.93:1; špq ỉlht ảrḫt yn he provided the cow-goddesses with wine, 1.4
VI 50 (// kr, ḫprt, ảlp); heifer: l ảrḫ oh heifer!, 1.13:22; ʕnt ảrḫ bʕl DN, the heifer
of DN, 1.13:29; tʕn ảrḫ she saw a heifer, 1.10 II 28; tḥbq ảrḫ[ she embraced the
heifer[, 1.10 III 22s.; ảrḫt tld the heifers gave birth, 1.10 III 1; in bkn ctx.: ảrḫ
ảrḫ[ a heifer, a heifer[, 1.10 III 19.
ủrḫ, 4.131:2.
Cf. ủrḫln.
ảrḫlb PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 82; Van Soldt SAU 4 f., 354;
Huehnergard AkkUg 370f.); ¶ syll.: ar(i)/SUM- ḫal-bá, passim, cf. PRU 3 242;
a-ri-ḫal-bá, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):19 (cf. SUM-ḫal-bá, ln. 3).
PN: ỉl PN, 1.113:20.
ủrḫln PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 210, 223, 229).
PN: 4.131:2 spelling: ủrḫ{.}ln (cf. Watson AuOr 8 1990 127).
ủrḫy PN (Hurr.).
PN bn PN 4.860:13.
/ʔ-r-k/ vb G: “to be long, grow long” (Hb., Ph., OAram. ʔrk, “to be, become long”,
HALOT 88; “to be numerous”, DNWSI 108; Akk. arāku, “lang sein”, AHw 63f.;
“to become long”, CAD A/2 223–226; Arab. ʔaraka, “to remain, continue”,
AEL 50f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảrk; prefc. tỉrkm (encl. -m; Aartun PU 1 57); impv.
G. To be long, grow long: tỉrkm yd ỉl km ym the hand of DN grew as long as
the sea, 1.23:33; ảrk yd ỉl k ym the hand of DN was as long as the sea, ibid.

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ảrk – ủrm 99

ln. 34; (said of age): ḥwt aḫt wn ảrk be revived, sister, and be long (in years)!,
1.10 II 20 (alternatively: impv. N: rdg w nảrk and be lengthened; diff. De Moor
UF 11 1979 463: < /ʔ-r/; Wyatt RTU 157 n. 6).
Cf. ủrk, ảrkd, ảrkt.
ảrk PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 101, 205, 221, 234, 422; West AOAT 233 30: PN
a-ri-ke-u, Linear B).
PN: 4.63 II 42.
ủrk n. m. “length” (< /ʔ-r-k/. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔrk, “length”, HALOT 88;
DNWSI 108; OSA ʔrk, “duration of time” (?), SD 7; Akk. urku, “Länge”, AHw
1431; “length”, CAD U/W 231f.). ¶ Forms: sg. urk.
Length (time): ủrk ym bʕly (may) my lord (have) length of days, 2.23:20 and
par. (cf. Hb. ʔrk ymym, Dt 30:20 and par.); length (space): ṯṯ krkbm ủrkhm
ỉpdrḏ six k. whose length is one ỉ., 4.809:6 (// rḥbhm); ṯṯ ủṭm ủrkhm, six ủ;
in length, 4.809:10 (// rḥbhm).
ảrkbt PN (Hurro-Akk. Gröndahl PTU 219).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 III 12.
ảrkd n. m. a type of a projectile (etym. unc. Cf. Akk. ariktu and Sum. giš.gíd.da,
“length” / “long flute”, CAD A/2 267; “das Lange”, AHw 68; Römer AfO 40–
41 1993–1994 24ff.; Eg. ʔá-r-q-ta, “sehr lange Hölzer”, Helck Bez. 508 (10a).
Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 42; diff. Bordreuil Fs. Dietrich 70: ʕrqt, pl. of ʕrq,
“chariot”). ¶ Forms: sg. ảrkd.
A type of projectile (?): PN ḥrš ảrkd maker of ả., 4.277:9 (cf. kld).
Cf. ảrkt.
ảrkḏ(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 219, 238; Watson AuOr 30 2012 325).
PN: 4.141 I 12; 4.723:2; 4.841:5; 4.859 I 9.
ảrkšt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.631:4.
ảrkt n. f. “length (of arm, etc.)” > “long arm, span” (abstr. < /ʔ-r-k/. Pun. ʔrkt,
“long”, DNWSI 108: ʔrk4; Akk. ariktu, “das Lange”, AHw 68; “length” / “long
flute”, CAD A/2 267. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 193; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
175). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảrkty.
Length (of an arm) > (long) arm, span: (I can reach them) b gdlt ảrkty with
the power of my long arm, 1.3 V 23 and par.
Cf. ảrkd.
ảrm PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 28). Cf. ỉrm, PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.232:5; for ảrm TN, 4.750:5, see ʕrm (II).
ỉrm PN (Hurr. (?). Dressler AT p. 138; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 210; Watson
LSU 158).
PN: 4.399:5.
ủrm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 275; Watson LSU 158); ¶ syll.: cf. ú-ru-mì-ya,
Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):3.

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100 ảrmgr – ỉrn (i)

PN: bn PN, 4.263:4.

ảrmgr PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.214 II 4.
ủrmn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 275).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ủrmn[, 7.42:6.
Cf. ủrm.
ảrmsd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.840:3.
ảrmsġ PN / GN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 292; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967
536f.; WO 4 1967–1968 305; Nougayrol Ug 5 50.
PN: kbsm ảrmsġ (two (?)) fullers GN (or: fullers: PN), 4.125:20.
ảrmwl PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 272, 297; Van Soldt SAU 36).
PN: 4.7:4, 5, 15; 4.102:9; 4.246:5; 4.364:6; 4.423:20, 22; 4.616:14; 4.840:5.
ảrmy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 26, 220, 272).
PN: ★a) 4.232:7, 9; 4.309:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.63 III 22.
ủrmy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 275); ¶ syll.: ú-ru-mì-ya, Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):3.
PN: bn PN, 3.10:16; 3.30:10.
Cf. ủrm, ảrmy.
ảrn (I) n. m. “chest” (Hb. ʔrwn, “coffin, ark”, HALOT 85 f. Ph., Aram. ʔrn, “small
chest, box”, DNWSI 109f.; Akk. arānu, “Kasten, Sarg”, AHw 65; “chest, coffer”,
CAD A/2 231. Marcus JANES 7 1975 85ff.; Watson AuOrS 27 82). ¶ Forms: sg.
Chest: ảrn w mznm a chest and scales, 4.385:5.
ảrn (II) PN (etym. unc.).
PN. 4.832:3 (ṯmry).
ảrn (III) TN of the Hitt. region (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 32: *Arinna 1; see URU
a-ri(-in)-na-, URU TÚL-na, Del Monte-Tischlerr RGTC 6 33 ff.; Del Monte
RGTC 6/2 10f.: Arina IV; Neu StBoT 26 354).
TN: špš ảrn (the goddess) “Sun of TN”, 3.1:19 (// dUTU-ši, PRU 4 41 (RS
17.227):20; cf. Hitt. dUTU of Arinna, epithet of the goddess Wurunšemu.
Goetze Kleinasien 136; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 35).
ỉrn (I) n. m. “puppy, puppy-dog” (cf. Arab. ʔarana, “mordre, saisir avec les dents”,
DAF 27; ʔarin, “lively, quick”, miʔrān, “den”, Hava 7; Akk. mīrānu, “junger
Hund, Welpe”, AHw 658; “young dog, puppy”, CAD M/2 105. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 129: “Waran, Welpe”; diff. Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 623f.: “goat”, in MSA
dialects; Caquot SDB 9 1412: “lézard”, Akk. urnu; for the var. proposals see
Watson LSU 78). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉrn.
Puppy, puppy-dog: pnh pn ỉrn (if) his / its face is (like) the face / muzzle of a
puppy-dog, 1.103:33.
Cf. ỉnr, bnỉrn.

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ỉrn (ii) – ả/ỉrpṯr 101

ỉrn (II) PN (Watson LSU 158; cf. DUMU i-ru-na PRU 6 55 (RS 17.121):10 20).
PN: bn PN, 4.281:16.
ủrn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 158).
PN: ★a) 1.42:43 (Hurr.). ★b) bn PN, 4.90:5.
Cf. bnỉnr, bnỉrn.
ảrnbt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 101, 119; Fronzaroli OrAn 11 1972 260 f. Hurr.,
cf. Watson LSU 158); ¶ syll.: DUMU ar-na-ba-ti, PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):23; Sivan
GAGl 197; Watson AuOr 8 1990 115.
PN: bn ảrnbt, 4.412 II 7.
ảrny (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 29: *ʔ Araniya. Astour RSP 2 263; Bordreuil
UF 20 1988 11f.; Van Soldt SAU 337; UF 28 1996 661; Topography 12, 170f.;
Watson LSU 196; Belmonte Fs. Watson 97f.); ¶ syll.: URU a-ra-ni-ya, PRU 3 188
(RS 10.44):3; RSOu 7 4 (RS 30.036):39; URU a-ra-ni-ia, PRU 4 215 (RS 17.288):8
and passim ibid.
TN: 4.63 II 1; 4.68:27; 4.100:2; 4.365:10; 4.380:10; 4.610 I 11; 4.693:9; 4.750:18;
ảrny (II) GN (< ảrny, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ảrny.
GN: 3.13:7; 4.80:6.
ảrny (III) PN (< ảrny, GN).
PN: 4.285:11; 4.851:15.
ỉrp n. m. a vessel or container (?) of cedar wood (?) (cf. Hurro-Hitt. GIŠ erip(p)i-,
“Zeder(n-holz)”, HW/2 92; “(Gerät aus) Zederholz” (?), HEG 109; Eg. ỉrp,
“Name des Gewässers des Gaus von Elephantine”, WÄS/1 115, but cf. Muchiki
Loanwords 281: “wine”. Watson LSU 119, 137; AuOrS 27 83, for a survey).
¶ Forms: du. ỉrpm.
A vessel or container (?): ṯn ỉrpm two ỉ., 3.13:20 (cf. spl, mmsk, mqrt, ibid. ln.
ỉrpbn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 221, 226, 244; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 82; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 310); ¶ syll.: ar(i)(SUM)-pa-ba-ni,
PRU 6 37 (RS 17.088):4. Cf. gṯpbn, pbn.
PN: ★a) 4.187:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.769:12.
ảrpḫn PN (cf. Arrapḫa, TN. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 36. Gröndahl PTU 27, 301);
¶ syll.: ar-rap-ḫa-na, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 13.
PN: bn PN, 4.232:29.
ỉrpn PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 28; Cassin-Glassner AAN 129). Cf.
ảrbn, ỉrbn.
PN: 4.399:2.
ảrpšḫ, PN (Hurr. Watson AuOr 30 2012 325).
PN: [bn] PN, 4.807:7; 4.807:7: 4.841:26.
ả/ỉrpṯr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 211, 221, 249; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13;
Watson LSU 158).

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102 ảrr – ảrṣ

PN: ★a) 4.33:7 ( yʕrty); ★b) bn PN, 4.631:20.

ảrr TN 1) a mythological mountain, prob. an alt. name of mount ṣpn or the name
of a “district” of Mount ṣpn (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 35: *Arr 2; Clifford CMC 76;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 84f.); 2) TN *Arruw/ya, prob. on the
border with Siyannu (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 35 ff.: *Arr 1, *ʔ Arruwa; Van Soldt
UBL 11 365 n. 2, 370; Topography 135ff.; Görg Fs. Fecht 142 ff.); ¶ syll.: for 2,
cf. URU ar-ru-wa, PRU 4 71ff. (RS 17.235+):14; PRU 4 76ff. (RS 17.368):4; URU
a-ar-ru-wa, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):44.
1) A mythological mountain or the name of a “district” of Mount ṣpn: she
climbed b ảrr bm ảrr w b ṣpn to TN, to TN and (?) to TN, 1.10 III 29–30; see
also ]xảrr b ym, 1.179:19.
2) Prob. TN *Arruw/ya on the border with Siyannu: cf. śśw PN ảrr horses of
PN from / of TN (?), 4.384:1; spr ḫrd ảrr list of the soldiers of TN (?), 4.683:1;
mʕr ảrr, 4.355:32 (Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 5 f.); mṣmt ʕbs ảrr d qrht treaty
concerning the landmarks (?) of TN (district) of the towns, 6.27:2 (for the rdg
cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 380 n. 30: “a.-district of the towns”); in bkn context.:
rḥ ảrr[, 1.166:22.
Cf. mʕr.
ỉrrṯrm PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 226, 250; Cunchillos TOu/2 327 n. 3; cf. KTU ad
loc., footnote 1: rdg ỉwrṯrm?).
PN: 2.33:2.
ảrśn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN 4.841:63.
ảrspy GN (Heltzer RCAU 9; Watson Historiae 4 2007 103). ¶ Forms: sg. ảrspy.
GN: 4.52:11.
ảrs/św(n) PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 26, 272, 297, 301; Segert UF 15 1983 211 f.;
Tropper UF 27 1995 522); ¶ syll.: ar-sú-wa, PRU 3 155 (RS 16.242):17; Ug 5
10 (RS 17.67):3; ar-sú-wa-nu and var., PRU 3 52 f. (RS 15.85):13, 22; PRU 3
155 (RS 16.242):7, 9; PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):5; Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):15; Ug 5 10
(RS 17.67)rev. 6; cf. far-sú-wa-tu4, PRU 6 149 (RS 17.354) II 4; cf. Huehnergard
AkkUg 40.
PN: ★a) 4.33:6 (bṣry. Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.35 II 4, 12 (bn qqln); 4.54:2, 10
( yʕr[ty); 4.153:9; 4.331:5; 4.825 VII 19; ★b) bn PN, 4.51:11 (bṣ]ry); 4.69 II 14;
4.281:5; 4.807 I 16; 4.860:12.
ảrṣ n. f. 1) “earth, ground”; 2) “the world, the inhabited earth, country”; 3)
“the lower world, solid ground”; 4) “the Underworld, the Netherworld”; 5)
DN (Hb., Ph., Pun. ʔrṣ, “ground, earth”, HALOT 90 f.; DNWSI 110 ff.; OAram.
ʔrʕ/q(ʔ), “earth”, DNWSI 110ff.; Ebla ar-ṣa-tù, “Earth”, ARET 8 17; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 175; Akk. erṣetu, “Erde, Unterwelt, Land”, AHw 245; “earth, nether
world”, CAD E 308ff.; OSA ʔrḍ, “land, territory, country, cultivated ground”,

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ảrṣ 103

SD 7; Arab. ʔarḍ, “earth”, AEL 48; also Eg. ʕȝd, “bewassertes Land”, cf. Watson
UF 42 2010 832); ¶ syll. Ug.: ]ar-ṣu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 14'; Sivan GAGl 197;
Huehnergard UVST 110; Van Soldt SAU 302; ¶ RS Akk.: KI(.MEŠ), erṣetu(m),
passim; cf. dIDIM ù dIDIM, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):11; dKI [, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):14;
dsa-mu-ú ù der-ṣe-tum, PRU 4 137 (RS 18.06+):6; DN [ú]?-šu-gal AN-e u KI-tim,
Ug 5 17 (RS 17.155 and dupl.):4; ¶ par.: ʕpr (I), ʕrpt, ʕṣ, hr (I), ksủ, mṭt, nšm, šd,
šmm, (?) ym. ¶ Forms: sg. ảrṣ, suff. ảrṣh (adv. / emph. -h (?). Aartun PU 1 41);
cf. ảrt, 1.19 III 6, rdg ảrṣ!.
1) Earth, ground: his tears flowed km ṯqlm ảrṣh like shekels to the ground,
1.14 I 29 (// mṭt. Aartun PU 1 41); I can drag him k ỉmr l ảrṣ like a lamb to the
ground, 1.3 V 1, cf. 1.6 V 4; yql l ảrṣ let him fall / he falls to the ground, 1.2
IV 23, 26; l ảrṣ zrm to the ground / hell (let him) divert!, 1.169:14 (Del Olmo Fs
Matthiae 114; for other opinions see Caquot TOu/2 58 n. 151); npl l ảrṣ fallen
to the earth, 1.5 VI 8–9; l ảrṣ ypl ủlny our / my forces fell to the ground, 1.2 IV 5.
yṯb l ảrṣ he sat on the ground, 1.5 VI 14 and par.; (her jar) l ảrṣ tṯbr shattered
on the ground, 1.16 I 54; tdʕṣ pʕnm she pressed (her) feet (down), 1.4 V 21 and
par.; a delight l ảrṣ mṭr bʕl for the earth is the rain of DN, 1.16 III 5, 7 (// šd);
striking l ảrṣ brqm to the earth his lightnings, 1.4 V 9 (// ʕrpt); ản ảqry b ảrṣ
mlḥmt I shall go to meet war in the land, 1.3 IV 22; šršk b ảrṣ ảl ypʕ may your
root not not grow in / from the earth, 1.19 III 53; [tṣ]ủn b ảrṣ [… they] come
out of the earth, 1.83:3 (// (?) ym); ybl ảrṣ produce of the earth, 1.5 II 5 (//
ʕṣ); ʕl ảrṣ l ản [ỉsp ḥ]mt from everywhere from the earth remove the poison,
1.107:37 and par. (// hrm); ]tdrk brḥ ảrṣ [if] you tread on a creeping (serpent)
on the ground, 1.82:38 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 254); yšpk kmm ảrṣ may
(they /it) be poured out like water on the earth, 1.178:12; in bkn ctx.: l ảrṣ pʕn[,
1.174:2; 1.1 II 10; 1.1 V 28; 1.17 VI 15; 1.82:2.
2) The world, the inhabited earth, country: hmlt ảrṣ multitudes of the land,
1.3 III 28 and par.(// nšm); tlm ġṣr ảrṣ the two hills (that are at the) edge of
the earth, 1.4 VIII 4; zbl bʕl ảrṣ the prince, master of the earth, 1.5 VI 10 and
par.; qṣm ảrṣ the ends of the earth, 1.16 III 3; qryy b ảrṣ mlḥmt go to meet war
in the country, 1.3 III 14 and par. (// ʕprm); b ảrṣ ỉl in the divine land, 1.6 I 65;
ảrṣ drkt the country of (my) rule, 1.4 VII 44; ảrṣ nḥlth the land of his property,
1.3 VI 16 and par. (// ksủ); in bkn ctx.: qlh q[dš y?]trr ảrṣ his holy voice makes
the earth tremble / shake, 1.4 VII 31.
3) Lower world, solid earth: ★a) // šmm “heaven / sky”: šmn ảrṣ oil of the
earth, 1.3 II 39 and par.; tr ảrṣ w šmm travelling through the earth and the
heavens, 1.16 III 2; špt l ảrṣ špt l šmm a lip to the earth and the other to the
sky, 1.23:62; tảnt šmm ʕm ảrṣ the whispering of the heavens with the earth,
1.3 III 24; ★b) elements: kbd ảrṣ the heart of the earth, 1.3 III 16 and par.
(// šd); msdt ảrṣ foundations of the earth, 1.4 I 40; ʕnt ảrṣ springs of the

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104 ảrṣy – /ʔ-r-š/

earth, 1.3 IV 36 and par.; bmt ảr[ṣ] tṭṭn the heights of the earth shook, 1.4
VII 34.
4) The underworld, hell: ảṯr bʕl ảrd b ảrṣ after DN I shall go down to the
underworld, 1.5 VI 25 and par.; yrdm ảrṣ those who go down to the under-
world, 1.4 VIII 9; 1.5 V 16; ỉl k yrdm ảrṣ DN was like those who go down to the
underworld, 1.114:22; ảṯr bʕlk ảrṣ rd after your lord to the underworld descend,
1.161:21 (// ks<ỉ>h); rd ảrṣ rd go down to the underworld, go down, ibid. ln. 22;
ḫrt ỉlm ảrṣ cave of the chthonian deities, 1.5 V 6 and par.; rpỉ ảrṣ the chthonian
r., 1.15 III 3, 14; 1.161:2, 4, 5, 9 and par.; l ảrṣ mšṣủ qṭrh from the “earth” sets free
his smoke, 1.17 I 27 and par. (// ʕpr; alt., from the “earth / underworld” leads
out / sets free his smoke / spirit; cf. Wyatt RTU 256 n. 30); bt ḫpṯt ảrṣ residence
of infernal seclusion, 1.4 VIII 8 and par., cf. ảrṣ dbr the “Land of Pestilence”,
1.5 VI 6 and par. (// šd šḥlmmt); mġt / mġny l nʕmy ảrṣ I / we arrived at the
“delight” of the land, 1.6 II 19 / 1.5 VI 5; nṭʕn b ảrṣ ỉby we shall attack, in the
“earth”, my enemies, 1.10 II 24 (// ʕpr); l rpỉ ảrṣ ʕzk from DN of the “Earth” (is
/ be) your strength, 1.108:23–24.
5) DN: ảrṣ w šmm DN and DN, 1.118:11 (cf. dIDIM ù dIDIM, Ug 5 18 (RS 20–24):11;
dsa-mu-ú ù der-ṣe-tum, PRU 4 137 (RS 18.06+); cf. 1.47:12; ảrṣ w šmm š DN and
DN: a ewe, 1.48:5, 24.
In bkn ctx.: ṯbt ḥš[n …] y ảrṣ ḥšn[, 1.5 III 4; 1.12 I 3.
ảrṣy DN of one of Baal’s daughters (Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 439 f.; Aartun
StUL 22ff.; Watson SEL 10 1993 54).
DN: ảrṣy bt yʕbdr DN, daughter of y., 1.3 III 7 and par.; in cultic context dqtm
w gdlt l ảrṣy two ewes and a cow to DN, 1.106:32; ảrṣy š DN, a ram, 1.148:7; in
god lists: 1.118:22 and par.
/ʔ-r-š/ vb G/D: “to request, wish, demand, claim”; G/Dpass.: “to be requested”
(Hb., OAram. ʔrš, “to become engaged”, HALOT 91; Pun., “desire”, DNWSI
114f.; Akk. erēšu, “verlangen, wünschen”, AHw 239f.; “to ask, crave”, CAD
E 281–285; Amor. /ʔ?-r-š/, Gelb CAAA 14. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 174);
¶ par.: /š-t/, /y-t-n/. ¶ Forms: G/D suffc. ảršt; prefc. yảrš, yỉrš, tảršn (Verreet
UF 17 1985 322f.; Sivan UF 22 1990 315; Tropper UF 22 1990 367f.; UF 23 1991
356ff.); impv. ỉrš; G/Dpass. tảrš (Tropper UG 547, 568).
G/D. To request, wish, demand: ỉrš ksp / ḥym w ảtnk ask for silver / life and I
will give you (them), 1.17 VI 17, 26f.; ảrš l ảḫtk he requested your sister, 5.11:12;
ảlpm ảršt lk the bullocks you requested for yourself, 2.45:24; cups d ! yảrš PN
which PN requests, 4.44:26; mh tảršn what do you wish of me?, 1.3 V 28 and
par.; mlk ṯr ảbh yảrš does he wish the kingship of the Bull, his father?, 1.14
I 42; ỉršt ảršt l ảḫy the request that I made of my brother, 5.9 I 7; spr bnš mlk d
tảršn ʕmsn register of the personnel of the king who claim the cargo, 4.370:2
(diff. McGeough UgET 254 n. 99: “that PN requested”, rdg dt ảršn); in unc.

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ảrš – ỉršt 105

ctx., ] yirš snp ln he requests a s., 2.81:26. Bkn ctx.: ảrš[, 2.23:16, 18.
G/Dpass. “To be requested”: trḫt tảrš lnhw l ỉb (this is) the dowry that will be
requested from/for him and from/for DN, 1.111:19 (Pardee TR/1 619, 627; Del
Olmo CR 165 n. 103).
In bkn ctx.: w ảrš ả[nk, 2.98:36; ảrš[, 2.111:3.
Cf. ỉlrš, ảršm, ỉršn, ỉršt, ỉršy(n), yảršỉl.
ảrš DN, name of a monster (Gray UF 11 1979 316 n. 5: “many-headed”, < rảš (?);
Margalit MLD 159: “whale” < rš, // ảnḫr; for the various etym. cf. De Moor
SP 242).
DN: mdd ỉlm ảrš the beloved of DN, DN, 1.3 III 43; ym ảrš w tnn, DN, DN and
DN, 1.6 VI 51.
ỉrš n. m. “demand, scarcity” (verb. n. nomen actionis < /ʔ-r-š/. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 186). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉršn (+ determinative suff., cf. Dietrich-Loretz MU 104).
Demand, scarcity: ỉršn ykn there will be scarcity, 1.163:10 (diff. rdg Pardee
TR/2 859: [—]šn ykn, 1206: r]šn ykn, see p., “il y aura la pa]uvreté”, see /r-š(-
ủrš[, in bkn ctx.: PN (?) (Watson AuOr 14 1996 96: Hurr.(?)).
PN (?): 4.497:1; 4.639:5.
ảršḫ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 30: *Araššiḫ; cf. GLH 53: Aranzaḫ(i); RGTC 6/1
524f. Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 483; TPM 215; Caquot TOu/2 91 n. 280; De
Moor ARTU 153 n. 26; Watson SEL 28 2011 29; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 52 n. 81).
TN: ảršḫ rbt w ảršḫ ṯrrt TN the great (city), TN the powerful (city), 1.100:63–64;
ảršm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 61, 101; Watson AuOr 8 1990 115; AuOr 20
2002 232; LSU 159).
PN: 4.153:2.
ảršmg PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 220, 253; Nougayrol Ug 5 50; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 82f.; Huehnergard AkkUg 370f.); ¶ syll.:
ar(i)(SUM)-ša/ši-mi-ga, PRU 4 169ff. (RS 17.158):10 and passim ibid.;
ar(i)(SUM)-dUTU(-ga), PRU 4 171f. (RS 17.42):1 and passim ibid.
PN: 4.194:3; 4.332:9; 4.339:11; in bkn ctx.: 4.151 I 2; 4.332:2.
ỉršt n. f. “request, wish; commercial order; cultic consultation (?)” (< /ʔ-r-š/;
Akk. erištu, “Verlangen, Bedarf”, AHw 241f.; “wish, request”, CAD E 298 ff.;
Hb. ʔršt, “desire”, HALOT 92; Ebla /ʔiršatum/, /ʔirištum/, in ʔAL6.DU11.GA =
ì-rí-sa-tum, VE 234; Fronzaroli EL 143; StEb 7 1984 151 f.; Sanmartín AuOr 9
1991 175f.; but cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 10: /ʕirištum/. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12
1980 178; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 324); ¶ syll. Ug.: [KAM = mēreltu = ]x-še =
i-[r]i(?)-iš[-tu4], UF 11 1979 479:28; Huehnergard UVST 110, 273; Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 651; BiOr 47 1990 735; SAU 303; cf. element /ʔiršu-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl
200. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉršt, suff. ỉrštk.

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106 ỉršy(n) – ỉrt

Request, wish; commercial order; cultic consultation (?): ★a) request, wish:
ỉršt ảdty the request of my lady, 2.22:4; ʕmy mnm ỉrštk …, on my account (will
go) any wish of yours, 2.41:15; ỉršt ảršt the wish that I expressed, 5.9 I 7; mnm
ỉrštk any wish of yours, 2.41:16; l ỉršt[k according to [your] wish, 1.108:20–21;
★b) commercial order: ỉršt yṣḥm order of the metalworkers, 4.626:1; in bkn
ctx.: ỉršth, 2.88:15; ỉršt, 4.218:7; ★c) cultic consultation (?), in bkn ctx.: ỉršt[,
ỉršy(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 101; Shehadeh Fs. Lambdin 243 n. 260;
Watson AuOr 13 1995 220; LSU 159); ¶ syll.: DUMU ir-še-ia-na, Ug 5 161
(RS 17.325):22. Cf. ỉršn.
PN: ★a) ỉršy, 4.338:6; in bkn ctx.: 4.646:2; ★b) bn ỉršyn, 4.69 II 12; 4.93 IV 19;
4.340:5; 4.860:22.
ảrt (I) n. f. “shield, buckler” (?) (EA Akk. KUŠ a-ri-tum, “Schild, Setztartsche”,
AHw 68f.; “shield”, “shield bearer”, CAD A/2 269 f. diff. De Moor UF 28 1996
157: “roe, spawn”, Bab. erūtu); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ A.RIT, PRU 3 68 (RS 16.269):6;
cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 154 n. 161). ¶ Forms: pl. ảrt.
Shield, buckler(?): three hundred ảrt ḥkpt bucklers (?) of TN, 4.247:26.
ảrt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 38f.: *ʔ Arutu. Astour UF 13 1971 8; Bordreuil
UF 20 1988 11; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 483; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 661 f.;
Topography 12, 171; Watson LSU 196); ¶ syll.: URU a-ru-tu/tu4/te/ti, cf. PRU 6
146; RS 25.132 III 2 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 662); RS 25.455 A+B I 8 (Arnaud
SMEA 32 1993 128); [URU a]r-ru-ti, Ug 5 66 (RS 21.54 B):2; 4.810:18.
TN: 3.18:8; 4.68:10; 4.95:3; 4.235:3; 4.244:2; 4.610 II 7; 4.629:12; 4.631:1; gt ảrt,
3.33:15; in bkn ctx.: 4.113:7 (]rt); 4.686:5; 7.46:4; in unc. ctx. 6.44:1.
ỉrt n. f. a) “breast; b) slope” (Akk. irtu, iratu, “Brust”, AHw 386; “chest, breast”,
CAD I/J 183ff.; Syr. rāʔtāʔ, “lung”, SL 1425. Dressler AT 96 f.); ¶ RS Akk.: i-na
i-ir-ti TN, Ug 5 20 (RS 20.33) obv. 19; ¶ syll. Ug.: G[AB?] = […] = a?-ḫé-er-ni =
i-r[a?-tu4?], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 53; Huehnergard UVST 109; ¶ par.: yd (I).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ỉrt; suff. ỉrty, ỉrtk, ỉrth, ỉrtm (encl. -m (?)).
Breast; slope; ★a) breast: št rỉmt lỉrth may she place the zither / harp on her
breast, 1.3 III 5 and par. (// yd, 1.101:17); w tnḫ b ỉrty npš and my soul will rest
in my breast, 1.6 III 19 and par.; tšt b[…] ỉrtk put it within […] your breast, 1.18
I 19; rḫn{n}t dt l ỉrtk the sweetness (?) that your breast harbours, 1.4 V 5; ★b)
slope, side (of a mountain): prʕ bṣq b ỉrt lbnn first-fruits that sprouted from
the slope of TN, 1.22 I 25 (cf. RS Akk.: i-na i-ir-ti ḪUR.SAG li-ib-na-ni, Ug 5 20
(RS 20.33) obv. 19; Dietrich UF 33 2001 145; “Anhöhe”); in unc. ctx.: b ym ỉrtm
mnm on DN (his) chest … (?), 1.2 IV 3 (Del Olmo IMC 56; diff. Smith UBC/1
321, 331: “the breast of the de[ath”, rdg ỉrtm m[; Wyatt TRU 63 n. 126: “by Yam
I shall be worm-eaten”, < *rmm, and survey of other opinions); in bkn ctx:
l ỉrth, 1.5 V 25.

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ảrtn – ảrwd(n) 107

ảrtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 27, 220, 262); ¶ syll.: ar-te-nu, cf. PRU 3 242; RSOu
7 2 (RS 34.169):8, 22; cf. ar-ta-na, Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):4. Cf. ảrdn.
PN: 4.129:3; 4.141 I 7; 4.609:30; 4.614:1; 4.753:12; in bkn ctx.: 4.504:1:3; 4.614:1;
ủrt(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 260f., 275, 286, 423, 425; Watson AuOr 14 1996
97; LSU 159); ¶ syll.: ú-ri-te, RSOu 7 31 (RS 34.134):22; ur-te-nu, Syria 18 1937 247
(RS 8.146 [= “8.213”]):28; cf. RSOu 7 136; cf. ur-dIM, RSOu 7 25 (RS 34.167+):1;
cf. Van Soldt SAU 221 n. 333f. …; cf. ur-DA-nu, PRU 3 14 f. (RS 12.33) rev. 2.
PN: ★a) 1.178:14; 2.87:2; 2.88:2, 32; 2.99:2; 2.104:1; 4.115:2; 4.219:5; 4.337:4; 4.341:15;
4.834:3; 4.859 II 5; in bkn ctx.: 2.85:1; 2.103:3 (ủrt[n]); 4.332:3 (ủrt[n); ★b) bn
ủrt, 4.617 I 44.
ảrtṯb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 220, 264; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 82;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 325); ¶ syll.: ar(i)(SUM)-dU/IM, cf. PRU 3 242; PRU 4
PN: 2.98:24; 4.102:4; 4.204:12; 4.281:28.
ủrtṯb, PN (Hurr. Malbran-Labat-Roche RU 63ff.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 327)
PN: 2.87:2; 5.33:2; in bkn ctx.: 2.103:2 (ủr[ṯb]).
ảrty GN m. (< art, TN. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 85); ¶ syll.: cf. PN
URU a-ru-ti-yu, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):1, 14; Huehnergard UVST 239; Van Soldt
SAU 336. ¶ Forms: sg. ảrty.
GN: 4.33:10, 11; 4.80:12; 4.85:3; 4.244:8.
ảrtyn PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 27, 220, 258; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 85; Watson AuOr 8 1990 116).
PN: 4.53:4 (ảry); 4.715:23. Cf. ảrtsn, 4.214:6 (rdg ảrty?n?).
Cf. ảrty.
ảrṯḫb PN (Hurr. (?)).
PN: 2.98:24.
ảrw n. m. “lion” (Hb. ʔryh, “lion”, HALOT 87f.; OAram. ʔryʔ, “lion”, DNWSI 107;
Ph. ʔrw, “lion” (?) DNWSI 104; cf. Guzzo Amadasi- Karageorgis Kition 3 A 2,
3, 14ff.; Dahood UF 1 1969 144; Eg. rw, “der Löwe”, WäS/2 403; cf. ír / ʔá-r-ya,
“Löwe” (?), WäS/1 106; Helck Bez 508(8); see Amor. /ʔarwiyum/, “gazelle”,
Gelb CAAA 13; Akk. arwium “Gazellenbock”, AHw 73; armu, “gazelle”, CAD
A/2 294: armû; cf. Emar /ʔaryu/, “gazelle”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 32 f. Watson
NABU 2002/17; LSU 137). ¶ Forms: sg. ảrw.
Lion: pn ảrw protome of a lion, 6.62:2 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 98 f.; UF 23
1991 83f.).
ảrwd(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 272; Astour RSP 2 262; Watson
AuOr 10 2001 111; LSU 196. Cf. Arwada, TN, Belmonte RGTC 12/2 39; Van
Soldt SAU 358; West AOAT 233 30: a-ra-da-yo, Linear B; syll.: cf. PN URU
a-ru-a-di-yu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):7, 8.)

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108 ảrwn – ảry(n)

PN: ★a) 3.16:7; ★b) bn PN: 4.45:3; 4.51:8 (ilšt<m>ʕy; Van Soldt SAU 33);
ảrwn PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 272; Watson AuOr 30 2012 325); ¶ syll.: ar-wa-nu,
PRU 3 206 (RS 16.294):4; a-ru-a-nu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):16).
PN: ảrwn, 4.783:1.
ảrws/ṯ PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 268, 272f.); ¶ syll.: ar-wa(-aš)-šu, cf. PRU 3 242.
PN: ★a) 4.129:11; ★b) 4.69 I 15; 4.222:20.
ảry (I) n. m. “fellow, friend, kin” (cf. Hitt. (LÚ) ara-, “Freund, Gefährte”, HW/1
221ff.; Eg. íry, “der Zugehörige, der Genosse”, WäS/1 105; Ward JNES 20 1961
32; Akk. cf. e/irâ, a/iria, “nebeneinander”, AHw 386; “side by side”, CAD
E 254; Arab. ʔarā, “to keep to one’s place”, AEL 51; but cf. Renfroe AULS 83f.:
Akk. ayyaru, “junger Mann”. Van Zijl Baal 228; Gray UF 3 1971 66 n. 43: Akk.
arûtu, Eg. ʔryw; Watson LSU 137; UF 42 2010 832: Eg. ỉry, “fellow, companion”;
Historiae 10 2013 25); ¶ par.: ảḫ (I), bn (I). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ảryy, ảryk, ảryh.
Fellow, friend, kin: (he has no) šrš km ảryh offspring like his kinsmen, 1.17
I 19 and par. (// ảḫh); he invited ảryh b qrb hklh his fellows to his palace, 1.4
VI 44 (// ảḫh); qrản hd ʕm ảryy invite me, DN, together with my fellows, 1.5
I 23 (// ảḫy); ḥẓr km ảryk a mansion like (the one of) your fellows, 1.4 V 29
(// ảḫk); he clothed himself km ảll dm ảryh like an ả. (with) the blood of his
kinsmen, 1.12 II 47 (// ảḫh); ỉlt w ṣbrt ảryh the goddess and the clan of her kin
(exclaimed), 1.4 IV 50 and par. (// bnh); tšmḫ ht ảṯrt w bnh ỉlt w ṣbrt ảryh may
DN now rejoice, and her sons, the goddess and the clan of her kin, 1.6 I 41.
ảry (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 30: *ʔ Arāyu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 83; Heltzer RCAU 8; Astour UF 13 1981 4; Van Soldt SAU 337; UF 28
1996 661; Topography 11, 170; Watson AuOr 19 2001 111; LSU 197; Belmonte Fs.
Watson 98); ¶ syll.: cf. URU a-r[a-yu, Ug 5 103 (RS 20.143 B):4; URU a-ra-wa,
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):40; É URU a-ra-a, 4.810:24.
TN: 4.49:3; 4.68:8; 4.113:4; 4.224:18; 4.308:11 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 30); 4.380:23;
4.553:9; 4.610 II 31; 4.686:15; 4.762:6; 4.800 II 7; 4.818:5.
ảry (III) GN m. (< ảr, TN. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 83; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 38). ¶ Forms: sg. ảry, pl. ảrym.
GN: 4.33:12–15; 4.51:1; 4.53:4, 10; 4.80:2–3(?), 5; 4.181:5; 4.244:16, 18; 4.379:3, 7;
nsk ảrym caster(s) of the GNN, 3.18:6; 4.317:7; 4.781:3.
ỉry PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 226; Watson AuOr 19 2001 112; LSU 197).
PN: 1.87:61.
Cf. ỉryn.
ảry(n) PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 27, 220; De Moor UF 2 1970 200; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 83; Watson AuOr 13 1995 219); ¶ syll.: cf. a-ri-ya,
PRU 6 144 (RS 19.38):6; a-ri-ya[, Ug. 5 89 (RS 20.214 B):3, 7. Cf. ỉryn.
PN: 4.53:10; 4.55:14; 4.80:16 (Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.96:3 (aḏddy); 4.244:18.

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ảryn – ảsm 109

ảryn DN, second element of the composite DN brrn ảryn “The Brillant One
(?)-DN”, a demon (?) (Pardee TR/I 704).
Element of the composite DN: brrn ảryn, 1.123:23.
ỉryn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 226; Watson AuOr 13 1995 220). Cf. ảryn.
PN: ★a) 4.512:1; ★b) bn PN, 4.35 I 21; 4.93 IV 16; 4.103:40; 4.229:6.
ủryn (I) n. m. Hittite official (Hitt. ura(/i)yanni-, “Benennung eines hochgestell-
ten Funktionärs”, Tischler ETG/4 96; Pecchioli Daddi MPDAI 266 ff.; Watson
UF 40 2008 549, 564); ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ ú-ri-ia-an-nu, PRU 4 77 (RS 17.368) rev.
5. ¶ Forms: sg. ủryn.
Hittite official: spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l mlk ủgrt document concerning the
landmarks (?) which the ủ. set up for the king of TN, 6.29:3. Cf. 2.97:17
ủryn (II) PN (?) (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: 2.97:17, see ủryn (I).
ủryy PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 53, 103; Watson AuOr 14 1996 96; LSU 159;
AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: bn PN, 4.12:8; 4.309:8.
ảrz (I) n. m. of a conifer 1) (trad.:) “cedar”; 2) “staff of cedar” (Hb., OAram. ʔrz,
“cedar”, HALOT 86; “cedar”, DNWSI 105; Ebla /ʔarzatum/, in GIŠ.NUN.SAL
= ar-za-tum, VE 471; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 17; QuSem 18 112; Fronzaroli
EL 136; StEb 7 1984 150: Abies cilicia; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 176; Arab. ʔarz,
“pine-tree”, AEL 47; Eth. ʔarz, “cedar”, CDG 41. De Moor SP 60 n. 60; Sasson
RSP 1 396f.; Watson AuOr 25 2007 130); ¶ syll. Ug.: ar-zu, PRU 6 114 (RS 19.71):3;
ar-zi-ma[, Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163) obv. 1; Sivan GAGl 198; Huehnergard UVST 109;
¶ par.: ʕṣ lbnt; cf. nṯq. ¶ Forms: sg. ảrz; pl. ảrzm, suff. ảrzh.
1) A conifer (trad.: “cedar”): šryn mḥmd ảrzh TN coveted for its cedars, 1.4
VI 19, 21 (// ʕṣh); bt ảrzm ykllnh a palace of cedar they shall complete for him,
1.4 V 10 (// lbnt).
2) Staff, stave of cedar: k tġd ảrz b ymnh when the cedar (stave) shoots from
his right, 1.4 VII 41 (Cathcart Nahum 89f.; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650: “the cedar
was in his right hand”).
Cf. ảrz (II).
ảrz (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 101; Watson AuOr 30 2012 326).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:25 (šʕrty); 4.63 II 45; 4.847.
ủrz PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN 4.841:3.
ỉs PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 20 2002 232; AuOr 21 2003 244).
PN: ★a) 3.13:8; ★b) bn PN, 4.12:7; 4.412 II 16.
ỉsg PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.83:3.
ảsm n. m. “granary” (Hb. ʔsm, “store”, HALOT 73f.; Akk. išittu, var. NA e/isittu,

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110 ảsmr “?” – /ʔ-s-r/

“Speicher, Schatzkammer”, AHw 395; “treasury, storehouse”; sissimu, “gra-

nary”, CAD S 325 < *simsim (?); Emar maśīmu, “granary, store place”, Pentiuc
JNES 58 1999 95. Watson NABU 1986/83; AuOr 19 2001 283). ¶ Forms: sg.
Granary: tštk b qrbm ảsm may (his hand) put you inside the granary!, 1.19 II 18,
ảsmr “?”, bkn
?. in bkn ctx.: ]dt ảsmr, 7.223:1.
/ʔ-s-p/ vb G/D: “to gather, take away, remove, sweep away”; Gpass.: (?): “to be
gathered, collected” (?); Gt “to gather for oneself, carry off”; Š “to regroup,
concentrate”(?) (Hb., Ph.(?) ʔsp, “to gather”, HALOT 74f.; NPun. ʕsp (sic),
“to gather”, DNWSI 89; Akk. esēpu, “einsammeln”, AHw 248 f.; “to gather up,
collect”, CAD E 330f.); ¶ par.: /m-t/, /n-p-l/, /š-t/. ¶ Forms: G/D suffc. ảspt (?);
prefc. tỉsp, tảsp, yảsp, yỉsp, suff. yỉsphm; impv. ỉsp (Verreet UF 17 1985 320 f.);
Gpass. prefc. tủsp; Gt prefc. yỉtsp; Š prefc. ảšỉsp. Cf. the spelling ʔs̱p (G suffc.)
in 4.767:1.
G/D. To gather, take away, remove, sweep away: tỉspk yd ảqht may the hand
of PN gather you! (// tštk), 1.19 II 17, 24; ỉsp špš l hrm ġrpl // ʕl ảrṣ lản ỉsp
ḥmt remove, DN, the storm clouds from the mountains, from the earth, from
everywhere, remove the venom!, 1.107:44.
Gpass. To be gathered, collected (?), in bkn ctx.: k ḥṣ tủsp[ like gravel, it is
collected …, 1.1 IV 11.
Gt. To gather for oneself, carry off: mḫmšt yỉtsp ršp the fifth (wife) DN
gathered to himself, 1.14 I 18.
Š. To regroup, concentrate: w ht ảnk [ả]št ảšỉsp and now I propose to regroup,
2.33:12; šỉsp ảrtṯb ʕprm ʕmnh PN has regrouped ʕ. with him, 2.98:24.
Cf. mỉspt.
ủsp “?”, in bkn ctx.: 7.51:3.
Cf. /ʔ-s-p/.
/ʔ-s-r/ vb G: a) “to tie, yoke, hook up”; b) “to bind, make prisoner”(?) (Hb.,
OAram., Ph. ʔsr, “to bind, to keep in confinement”, HALOT 75; “to bind”,
DNWSI 90f.; Akk. esēru, “einschliessen”, AHw 249; “to shut in, enclose”, CAD
E 334ff.; OSA ʔśr, “to take captive”, SD 8; Arab. ʔasara, “to bind, tie, captivate”,
AEL 57f.); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/, /r-k-s/, /ṣ-m-d/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảsr; D prefc. suff.
G.: a) To tie, yoke, hook up: ảsr sswm they yoked the horses, 1.20 II 3 (// tṣmd);
ảsr mrkbt they yoked the chariots, 1.22 II 22 (// tʕln); in bkn ctx.: l[ ả]sr pdm
rỉšh[m] ʕl pd ảsr the locks of their head(s) were not tied (: braided); on top of
a lock they tied a …, 1.19 II 31–32 (see Wyatt RTU 300 f.: “… over the locks the
band …”, with survey of opinions nn. 223–224); b) To bind, make prisoner (?),

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ảsr – ủṣbʕ 111

in bkn ctx.: tảsrn you will have to make him prisoner (?), 1.1 V 9, 22 (// trks;
cf. Sanmartín UF 9 1977 261); in bkn ctx.: 1.1 II 7.
Cf. ảsr, /ʔ-z-r/.
ảsr n. m. “prisoner, captive” (< /ʔ-s-r/. Hb. ʔsyr, “prisoner”, HALOT 73; Akk. asīru,
“(Kriegs-)Gefangener”, AHw 74; “prisoner of war, captive used as worker”,
CAD A/2 331f.; Eg. íṯr / ʔá-śí-ra, “Gefangener”, WäS/1 151; Helck Bez 509(20);
Hoch SWET 45f. (40); cf. Landsberger AfO 10 1935 144. Vidal UF 42 2010 719ff.
diff. Loretz UF 35 2003 370f.: “(männliches) Gesinde, Schuldknecht”); RS
Akk. LÚ a-sí-ru/i, PRU 3 8 (RS 8.333):24, 27; ¶ par.: ʕbd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ảsr,
suff. ảsrkm (pn. suff. -k-, encl. -m); pl. ảsrm.
Prisoner, captive: bn dgn ảsrkm the son of DN is your prisoner, 1.2 I 37 (//
ʕbdk); ỉlt ảsrm the goddess of captives, 1.39:11; in bkn ctx.: ]ảsrm ]of prisoners,
4.382:6; ảsrm, 2.31:24.
Cf. ảsr(n).
ảsr(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 61, 102; Loretz UF 35 2003 370f.; cf. West AOAT
233 30: PN a-sa-ro, Linear B).
PN: ★a) 4.204:9; 4.520:4; ★b) bn PN: 4.233:3; 4.617 I 47; 4.700:7; in bkn ctx.:
4.635:52; 4.841:65.
ảss PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 III 8 (Tropper AuOr 13 1995 236: n/ảss).
ủss PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:18.
ủsy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 229f.).
PN: ủsy, 4.769:29.
Cf. ủsyy.
ảsyy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 102, 422; Stamm ANG 216, 223).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 4.
ủsyy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 229f.); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ú-sí-ia-yu, PRU 3
196 (RS 15.42+) II 6; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 44.
PN: bn PN, 4.280:8.
ʔs̱p, allog. of ảsp, 4.767:1; cf. /ʔ-s-p/.
ủṣb PN (Akk. (?). Gröndahl PTU 309; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 169; Watson
AuOr 8 1990 116); ¶ syll.: cf. uz-zu-b[i?, PRU 3 198 (RS 16.359 B):3.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 5.
ủṣbʕ n. f. “finger; claw” (Hb. ʔṣbʕ, “finger”, HALOT 81; OAram. ʔṣbʕ, “finger”,
DNWSI 98; Ebla /ʔisbaʕum/, in ŠU.TUR = ì-sa-ba-um TUR, iš-ba-um TUR,
VE 500; ŠU.GÍD = iš/iš11-ba-ḫum VE 528; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 18; Krecher
Biling. 151; Arab. ʔiṣbaʕ, ʔušbūʕ, “finger”, AEL 1646; Eth. ʔaṣbāʕ(ǝ)t, “finger,
toe”, CDG 45; cf. Akk. NI-eṣ-bet-tú, “Finger”, AHw 782: neṣbettu, “finger”, CAD
N/2 190. Cf. Watson LSU 137); ¶ par.: yd. ¶ Forms: pl. ủṣbʕt, suff. ủṣbʕth.

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112 /ʔ-ṣ-l/ – ỉšd

Finger, claw: trḥṣ (…) ủṣbʕth she washed (…) her fingers, 1.3 II 33 and par. (//
ydh; cf. 1.14 III 54 and par.; 1.101:15); yrtqṣ (…) km nšr b ủṣbʕth it leaped (…) like
an eagle from her fingers, 1.2 IV 16 and par. (// b(y)d); k šr knr ủṣb[[h]]th like
a musician (takes hold of) the harp, her fingers (took hold of the weapons),
1.19 I 8 (// ydh); w ykrkr ủṣbʕth and he twiddled his fingers, 1.4 IV 30 (// pʕn);
in bkn ctx. tmt ủṣbʕ(t), 1.15 V 16; ]pt ủṣbʕ[ 7.33:3.
/ʔ-ṣ-l/ vb G/Gpass.: “to (be) put aside, reserve” (Hb. ʔṣl (II), N “to take away,
reserve”, HALOT 82; Sam. Aram. ʔṣl D, “to set aside, a lot”, DSA 58. Herdner
Ug 7 30. Cf. Xella TRU 85: “mettere insieme”, *ʔ/wṣl, Hb ʔṣl (III), Akk. eṣēlu,
OSA wṣl H, Arab. waṣala). Forms: G/Gpass. prefc. tủṣl (Verreet UF 17 1985 327:
G juss.).
G/Gpass.: To (be) put aside, reserve: tủṣl šlḥmt the provisions are reserved,
1.106:25; in bkn ctx.: mủṣl[, 7.41:5.
ủṣqm n. c. “?” (Watson AuOr 25 2007 130). ¶ Forms: sg/pl. (?) ủṣqm.
?: ḫmš ydt ủṣqm five rations of ủ., 4.811:8.
ỉṣr n. m. “?” (cf. Arab. ʔaṣara, “to confine, withhold”, ʔiṣār, ʔayṣar, “short rope”,
“peg”, AEL 63. De Moor UF 1 1969 181, “bundle”, Arab. ʔayṣar, “bundle (of
herbs)”; Caquot TOu/2 48 n. 102, “faisceau”, Arab. ʔaṣara, “lier”; Renfroe
AULS 84: “bundle”, Arab. ʔiṣru; survey Wyatt RTU 388 n. 5; diff. Pope-Tigay
UF 3 1971 118, 123f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 135f.: “treasure-house, store-
house”, Hb. ʔwṣr; Margalit ZAW 86 1974 4ff.: rdg ỉṣrrt “bundles, sacks” < ṣr(r),
or: “heights, cliffs” < ṣrrt); ¶ par.: brqm. ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ỉṣr.
?: šbʕt brqm (…) // ṯmnt ỉṣr rʕt seven rays (…) // eight … of thunder(s), 1.101:4.
ỉš, 1.12 I 10, rdg ỉš<t>; cf. išt (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 33 f.: ỉš // t[[m]]rm,
“Getier/Taube”; but cf. Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 156 f.).
ảšʕt n. f. probably a measure of capacity (etym. unc.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. ša-i-tum
(for oil), Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):10 (cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 193 n. 2; Watson AuOr 19
2001 283, LSU 79; AuOrS 27 83: “measure / vase”: Eg. ʔá-sa-r-tá, šʕyt, “a type of
vessel”). ¶ Forms: sg. ảšʕt.
Measure of capacity (?): ṯlṯ pṯt ảšʕt three cases of (one) a. (?), 4.247:22.
ỉšbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 102, 117; Blau IOS 2 1972 61; Schoors RSP 1 8 f.;
Van Zijl BibEssays 159ff.; Tsevat HUCA 46 1975 75ff.; Lipiński OLP 5 1974 5 ff.;
Bordreuil Syria 52 1975 113ff.; Bordreuil-Lemaire Semitica 26 1976 50; Pardee
UF 10 1978 313f. and n. 101; cf. Woudhuizen UF 26 1994 259: isi1pali, Linear B);
¶ syll.: cf. i-ši-dU, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):25; Sivan GAGl 202.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 34; 4.623:8; 4.785:18; 4.807 I 23.
ảšbú PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 75, 191; Watson AuOr 8 1990 115).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:21.
ỉšd n. m. “leg”, metonymy > “step” (Akk. išdu, “Fundament”, AHw 393f.; “base,
foundation”, CAD I/J 235ff.; Ebla cf. DÚR = iš-dum, VE 13 75. Healey UF 18

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ỉšdn – ủškn 113

1986 31 n. 29); ¶ syll. Ug.: for iš-TUM, Ug. 5 131 (RS 20.426):8, cf. Van Soldt BiOr
47 1990 732; SAU 303: rdg iš-tu4 /iš(i)tu/, “fire”; Huehnergard UVST 111: iš-du4
/ʔišdu/ “leg”. Cf. the onomastic element /ʔišdu/ in PNN; Gröndahl PTU 146;
Sivan GAGl 200: Akkadianism (?); ¶ par.: bn (II) (+ ʕn(m), pʕn, rỉš. ¶ Forms:
pl./du. suff. ỉšdk, ỉšdh.
Leg, step: tmll ỉšdh she caresses his legs, 1.101:6 (// rỉšh, bn ʕnh; cf. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 17 1985 141); ʕmy twtú ỉšdk towards me let your steps hasten, 1.3
III 20 and par. (// pʕn); in bkn ctx.: ỉšdym [, 1.45:9 (Rendsburg JNSL 8 1980
81ff.; Clemens UF 33 2001 100ff.: ỉšdym “those dwelling in the foundations of
the earth”, < ỉšd).
Cf. ỉšdn.
ỉšdn PN (Sem.; cf. ỉšd).
PN: bn ỉ[š]dn, 4.769:58.
ủšḫr DN, cf. ỉ/ủšḥry (prob. apoc. form; < Akk. DN išḫara (?); alph. Hurr. išḫr,
1.116:21; ušḫr, 1.135:1, 10. Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 86).
DN: only in the syntagm ủšḫr ḫlmẓ DN, the “Snake”, 1.115:2, 12 (cf. Del Olmo
CR 267; diff. Rahmouni DEUAT xxiiif.: double DN: ủ.-ḫ.; Aartun UF 16 1984
36f.: “(mehr/sehr) schmutzig, dreckig”).
ỉ/ủšḫry DN, Hurro-Mesop. deity (etym. unc. Zurro SBE 67, Sem. < šḥ/ḫr; Ebla
dBARA10-ra = iš-ḫa-la, VE 809; Mander MROA II/1 20, 34 ff.; Diakonoff Eblait-
ica 2 17; Stieglitz Eblaitica 2 82; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 433 f.; for Mari cf.
Durand MROA II/1 220f.); ¶ syll.: diš-ḫa-ra, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):23; Nougayrol
Ug 5 56). ¶ Forms: ủšḫry, var. ỉšḫry.
DN: passim in god lists, 1.118:23 and par. (cf. 1.102:2); ủšḫry š (to) DN a ram,
1.148:8 and par.; ủšḫry gdlt (to) DN one cow, 1.39:13; šbʕ lbšm ảllm l ủšḫry
seven ả.-garments for DN, 4.168:10; var. ỉšḫry: ġb ỉšḫry the sacrificial pit of
DN, 4.149:13; in bkn ctx.: npš l ỉš[ḫry one (piece of) offal to DN, 1.119:14.
ủšk n. m. “testicle” (Hb. ʔšk, “testicle”, HALOT 95; Syr. ʔešketāʔ, “testicle”, SL 107;
Akk. išku, “Hode”, AHw 396; “testicle”, CAD I/J 250; Ebla /ʔiškum/, in ŠIR =
iš-gúm(LUM), Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 152; cf. VE 1279, 1280, Fales QuSem 13
185; Eth. ʔeskit, CDG 43. Astour SEL 5 1988 20 n. 54); ¶ par.: qrb. ¶ Forms: du.
ủškm, suff. ủškh.
Testicle: w tỉḫd b ủšk[h] and she seized / grasped his testicles, 1.11:2 (// qrb;
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 289 n. l; Watson UF 9 1977 277: rdg ủšr); [w] ỉn
ủškm bh and if it has no testicles, 1.103:14.
ủškn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 330f.: *ʔUškānu. Heltzer RCAU 15; Honeyman
JKF 2 1953 81; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 6f.; Lemaire UF 29 1997 463; Van Soldt
SAU 33, 318, 480 n. 9; UF 28 1996 662; UF 29 1997 463; UF 30 1998 723;
Topography 12, 171); ¶ syll.: URU uš/úš(BE)-ka-ni, cf. PRU 3 267; PRU 6 70
(RS 17.50):6; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):9 and passim ibid.; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):5; RSOu

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114 ủškny (i) – ủšpġt

7 4 (RS 34.131):10; RS 88.2013:11 (Lackenbacher NABU 1989/36). Astour RSP 2

345; UF 13 1981 7f. n. 39; Van Soldt SAU 318 n. 129; Topography 12 f.; Watson
LSU 197; cf. URU úš-ka-dIŠTAR, PRU 3 68 (RS 16.269):10 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 480
n. 9).
TN: 4.27:3, 14; 4.68:32; 4.119:5; 4.309:1; 4.365:19; 4.375:2; 4.380:18; 4.384:6;
4.629:10; 4.685:6; 4.693:17; 4.715:1; 4.750:6; 4.772:5; 4.777:5; 4.781:6; 4.793:12;
4.804:3; 4.810:3; 4.812:4 (Lemaire UF 30 1998 461); 4.821 I 11 (Bordreuil AntSem
2 1997 60 n. 1); cf. skn ủškn, 4.288:2; grn ủškn threshing-floor(s) of TN, 4.296:16
(cf. grn (I)).
ủškny (I) GN (< uškn, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ủškny; pl. ủšknym.
GN: 2.84:8; 3.5:6; 3.10:5, 7; 3.21:4, 12; 3.31:6, 9; 4.33:21–24; 4.261:13; 4.297:1;
4.339:13, 14; spr ủšknym list of GNN, 4.335:1 (cf. ibid. ln. 13, PN); in bkn ctx.:
]ủšknym, 4.300:1.
ủškny (II) PN (< uškny, GN. Gröndahl PTU 192).
PN: bn PN, 4.335:13.
ảškrr n. m. of a substance used in pharmacopoeia (“wax”(?). Akk. e/iškūru,
“Wachs”, AHw 396; iškuru, “wax”, CAD I/J 251 f. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 350;
Cohen-Sivan UHT 27f.: Cohen UF 28 1996 128; De Moor UF 16 1984 355 n. 6:
“henbane” (?), Akk. šakirû; Watson SEL 25 2008 57: “a milk product”, Akk.
iškurratu, ikkuratu; LSU 67, 126: survey; ¶ Forms: sg. ảškrr.
Substance used in pharmacopoeia: št ảškrr a š. of ả., 1.85:13; 1.71:11; 1.72:18.
See ảšk[, 1.114:15; for the diff. rdgs cf. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 195: ảšk[rh “his
drinking (group)”; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 448, 451: ảšk[r] “volltrunken”; Del
Olmo MLRSO 159 n. 6: “como cabeza de grupo” (“as group heads (do)”; CR 335
n. 206), rdg k rảš k[lb], cf. Hb. rʔš klb, 2Sam. 3:8).
ỉšm, 1.106:30, read probably ỉl?m (cf. ỉl (I), d). Del Olmo CR 192; UF 36 2004 608;
diff. Pardee TR/2 1108: “catégorie grammaticale et sens inconnus”).
ủšn n. m. “present, gift” (< /ʔ-w-š/ + -n. Hb. ʔwš, “to give”, HALOT 26; Ph.
mʔš, “votive donation”, DNWSI 589f.; Arab. ʔaws, “gift”, Hava 16. Renfroe
AULS 14ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 284); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ʔušnu/
in TN, Sivan GAGl 202; ¶ par.: ytnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ủšn.
Present, gift: w ủšn ảb ảdm and a present of the father of man(kind), 1.14 III 31
and par. (// ytnt).
ủšpġt n. f. a garment (Nuzi Akk. TÚG us/špaḫḫu, “ein Gewand”, AHw 1438;
but “(a cord)”, CAD U/W 303. Dietrich-Loretz UF 3 1971 372; Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 33f.; Baldacci BiOr 46 1989 119; diff. De Moor BiOr 23 1966 130f.; UF 17
1985 229: “neck-guard”, Hurr. gurpiši, but cf. Ug. grbz; Xella UF 22 1990 470;
Vita TT 328; Watson AuOr 29 2011 164: “(horse-)cloth”; Loretz HippUg 74f.:
“Helm”). ¶ Forms: sg. ủšpġt, pl. ủšpġtm.
A garment: trmt lbš w ktn ủšpġt as an offering: a garment and a tunic ủ., 1.43:4;

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ỉšpr – ỉšt 115

ʕ !š !rm ủšpġtm twenty (?) ủ., 1.148:21; in unc. ctx.: ủšpġt tišr, 1.92:26 (Dijkstra
UF 26 1994 117, 120: “a coat of cypress-wooden mail”).
ỉšpr “date cake” (Hb. ʔšpr, “date cake”, HALOT 97. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
139; diff. Watson AuOr 29 2011 164: “horse-bit, muzzle”, Akk. išpardu, išperdu,
išpar, “horse-bit”; alt. “whip”, Eg. ispr, “whip”). ¶ Forms: pl./du. ỉšprm.
Date cake: ytnt ỉšprm I have given two date cakes, 2.87:5; ỉšprm w g[ p]m ʕdbm
the date cakes and the g. are ready, 2.88:26; in bkn ctx.:
ỉšpr[, 2.103:6.
/ʔ-š-r/, in bkn ctx.: ] yišr, 7.51:16.
ủšr n. m. “penis, male member” (Akk. išaru, (m)ušāru, “Penis”, AHw 392; “glans
penis”, CAD I/J 226f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ủšrh (cf. ủšk).
Penis: [w gd]l ủšrh mrḥy mlk tnšản if there is a swelling in its penis, the lances
of the king will be raised, 1.103:47 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 101).
ủšryn (?) PN (morph. and etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 103; De Moor BiOr 26 1969
106). Cf. ủṯryn.
PN: ušry[n (?), 4.75 II 9; cf. bn ủṯryn, 4.103:6 (Gröndahl PTU 423).
Cf. ủṯryn.
ỉšryt n. f. “happiness” (Hb. ʔšr (II), “to consider fortunate, call happy” HALOT 97.
Ashley EAR 276; Pope Fs. Finkelstein 176; Margalit OLP 19 1988 87; diff.
Aartun UF 17 1985 35f.: “prima Qualität”, *s/šry, Arab. sariya, sarā, ʔasrā, Syr.
sarwaya). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉšryt.
Happiness: yn ỉšryt, wine of happiness, 1.22 I 19, cf. yn ỉš[ryt], 1.45:1; in bkn
ctx.: mt ỉšryt (you will be) a happy man (lit.: man of happiness) (?), 1.18 I 2,
ỉšt n. f. 1) “fire”; 2) “blaze”; 3) “cautery (?)”; 4) DN (Hb. ʔš, “fire”, HALOT 92;
OAram. ʔš(h), “fire”, DNWSI 121f.; Ebla /ʔišātu(m)/ in dIZI = ì-sa-du, VE 783;
cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 30; QuSem 18 130; Fronzaroli EL 143; StEb 7 1984
152; cf. the element /ʔišātu(m)/ in PNN: Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 152; Mander
MROA II/1 16f.; Krebernik PET 269; Pomponio UF 15 1983 156; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 176f.; Pagan ARES 3 219; Akk. išātu “Feuer”, AHw 392 f.; “fire”,
CAD I/J 227ff.; Eth. ʔǝsāt, “fire”, CDG 44); ¶ syll. Ug.: NE = i-ša-[t]u4 = [(Hurr.:
?)] = i-ši-t[u4], UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189):37; Huehnergard UVST 110; Van
Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; BiOr 47 1990 732; SAU 303; cf. (…)]x = iš-tu4, Ug 5 131
(RS 20.426 G+):8; cf. Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 732; SAU 303 (diff. Huehnergard
UVST 111: /ʔišdu/ “leg”); ¶ RS Akk.: NE (IZI) / išātu, passim; Huehnergard
AkkUg 372; cf. IZIi-ša-ti, PRU 3 14 (RS 16.111):12 and cf. Wilcke AuOr 10 1992 118
n. 17; cf. Izreʿel AmAkk 1 31); ¶ par.: ḥrb, ḫṯr, kbrt, mr, nblat, pḥm, rḥ. ¶ Forms:
sg. ỉšt; du. ỉštm.
1) Fire: tšt ỉšt b bhtm they lit a fire in the palace, 1.4 VI 22 (// nblảt); tikl ỉšt
b bhtm the fire continued to consume in the palace, 1.4 VI 25 and par. (//

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116 ỉštỉr – ảt (i)

nblảt); kbd k ỉš<t> tỉkln our innards they devour like fire, 1.12 I 10 (// mr; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz Studien 33f.: ỉš // t[[m]]rm “Getier / Taube”, but cf. Del Olmo
AuOr 25 2007 156f.); td ỉšt b bhtm the fire was extinguished in the palace, 1.4
VI 32 (// nblảt); štt ḫptr l ỉšt she placed a cooking pot on the fire, 1.4 II 8 (//
pḥm); b ỉšt tšrpnn in the fire she burned him, 1.6 II 33 (// ḥrb, ḥṯr, rḥ); šrp b ỉšt
combustion by fire, 1.6 V 14 (// ḥrb, rḥ, kbrt); ʔṣr tḥrr l ỉšt you have roasted a
bird on the fire, 1.23:41 and par. (// pḥm); (they shall offer) ʕl ỉšt šbʕd over the
fire seven times, 1.23:14; ʕl ỉšt (…) ảnnḫ b ḫmảt over the fire (…) mint (?) in
butter, 1.23:14 (// gd); in bkn ctx.: ]ỉšt, 1.2 III 13.
2) Flame, blaze: ỉšt ỉštm fire of two flames (> blaze): ỉšt ỉštm yỉtmr (like) a
great blaze they appeared, cf. 1.2 I 32 (// ḥrb; diff. Smith UBC/1 267, 306 n. 157:
“a flame, two flames”; Watson AuOr 10 1992 240: “yes, a fire”, encl. -m).
3) Cautery (?): št b npš ỉšt apply a cautery (?) to the throat, 1.88:2.
4) DN: mḫšt k{.}lbt ỉlm ỉšt I crushed the Divine Bitch, DN, 1.3 III 45 (// ḏbb; cf.
supra Ebla dIZI = ì-sa-du, VE 783; dì-sa-du, TM.75.G. 1764 obv. VIII 4. Lebrun
EC 39).
ỉštỉr cf. /š-ʔ-r/.
ỉštnm, n. m., members of a (workers’) corporation (etym. unc., cf. < ỉšt < “stoker,
chauffeur” (?); Watson AuOr 19 2001 284; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 52 n. 68).
¶ Forms: pl. ỉštnm, var. ủštnm, 4.814:17, KTU vacat.
Members of a (workers’) corporation: ỉštnm, 4.838:4; kd l ỉštnm a “jar” (of
wine) for the ỉ., 4.149:3 (diff. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 341 n. 46: DN, cf. the
Hittite sun god dIštanu-, HW 91; HEG 428ff.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs Loretz
190: “Krug für (den Gott) ỉ.”, but see Pardee JANER 7 2007 83); dd l ỉštnm a
“cauldronful” (of wine (?), barley (?)) for the ỉ., 4.858:5; var. ủštnm, 4.814:17
(Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26; KTU vacat).
ỉštrmy PN (Akk. Kienast UF 11 1979 450).
PN: 3.4:8 (bt ʕdbmlk).
Cf. ʔṯtrủm.
ỉštš “?”, in unc. ctx.: 2.3:22.
ủštyn PN (Hurr. Watson LSU 159); ¶ syll.: cf. uš-ta-a-nu, PRU 6 75 (RS 19.121) rev.
4; uš-ta-ya, PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):22.
PN: bn PN, 4.219:4.
ủšy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 229f.; Watson LSU 159); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU.SAL
ú-ši-i, PRU 3 167 (RS 15.139):19.
PN: 4.147:12 (šbnt; cf. šbny).
ỉšyy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:20.
ảt (I) pers. pn. m./f. “you” (< m. /ʔanta/; f. /ʔanti/. Gordon UT § 6.1; Trop-
per UG 209; cf. Hb. m. ʔth, f. ʔt, “you”, HALOT 100, 102; Ph. m./f. ʔt, “you”,

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ảt (ii) 117

DNWSI 85f.; OAram. m. ʔnt(h), f. ʔnty, “you”, DNWSI 85 f.; Amor. m. /ʔatta/,
“thou”, Gelb CAAA 13; Akk. m. attā, f. attī, “du”, AHw 87; “you”, CAD A/2 502–
505, 511f.; Ebla cf. m. an-da, Fronzaroli StEb 5 94 f.; ARET 13 244, 313; Huehn-
ergard PIHANS 106 4; Archi PIHANS 106 100; Arab., ʔanta, “thou”, AEL 104;
Eth. ʔanta, ʔanti, “you”, CDG 32); ¶ syll. Ug.: ZA = at-ta = ši-ni-AM = at-ta,
“toi”, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) II 4; Huehnergard UVST 47, 280, 293; Sivan GAGl
198; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 731; ¶ RS Akk.: m. at-ta, passim; at-tá, PRU 4 54
(RS 17.334):6; at-ta-mi, PRU 3 113 (RS 16.353):20; at-ta-a, Ug 5 35 (RS 20.216):17;
f. at-ti-ma, PRU 3 13 (RS 16.111):10; ¶ par.: ản. ¶ Forms: sg. ảt, ảtm (+ encl. -m,
in 2.87:26).
You: ★a) subj. in NC: sglth ảt you are his property, 2.39:12; hm ảt dbr behold
you say, 2.71:13; ảt nġṯ you (are in) TN, 2.45:20 (diff. Pardee RTUG 122f.: “go to
TN”); ảbyn ảt dnỉl how wretched you are, PN!, 1.17 I 16; ảt ảḫ w ản ảḫtk you are
(my) brother / lover and I am your sister / lover, 1.18 I 24; w ảdn ảt and you are
the lord, 2.90:13; ★b) emph. subj. in VC: ảt ʕmy l mġt you did not come to me,
2.36:10; ảt brt lbk you are pure of heart (?), 2.8:4; ảd ảt lhm you exact (a price)
for them, 2.26:20; ẓi ảt you go, 1.12 I 14; ảt qḥ ʕrptk take your clouds, 1.5 V 6;
ảt ảdn tpʕr you have been proclaimed “lord”, 1.1 IV 17; w ảt ủmy ảl tdḥṣ! and
you, my mother, have no fear, 2.30:20; ảt ypʕt b[ you have risen against[, 1.2
I 3; ảt ʕ[l qšth] tmḫṣh are you going to wound him for his bow?, 1.18 IV 12; w
hm ảt trgm but if you say, 2.3:8, 18; w k ảt trg[m and how is it that you sa[y …?,
2.45:28; ảt ṯṯb ʕm ʕbdk you send (word) back to your servant; nʕm at ṯ[[t]]ṯb
good (words) you must send, 2.86:19; w ảtm ydʕt but you know, 2.87:26; w ảt
klklk škn l šmk and you must establish everything for your name, 2.88:11 (see
Dietrich-Lorez UF 41 2009 149); w ảt bt ủḫd ly and you must seize the house
for me, 2.88:37; w ảt bd mlảkty ly štnn and you must deliver him through my
embassy, 2.90:22 (see for the rdg and translation Dietrich-Loretz UF 41, 2009
159, 161f.); ★c) with ellipsis of the vb: m ảt what is the matter with you?, 1.14
I 38 (De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 158); in correspondence: w ảt and as for you,
2.73:12 (Pardee AfO 29/30 1983–1984 326); w ảt b pk ảl tṣỉ mhk ủgrt and as for
you, nothing must come out from your mouth at TN, 2.88:39, cf. ln. 21; p ảt mk
tšk[ḥ] and thus you, behold!, will meet (?), 2.74:14;★d) emphatic of suff. pn.:
šmk ảt ygrš your name is y., 1.2 IV 11, cf. ln. 19; in 1.13:11 read ảtn ản(!) (cf. an
(I)); w ảt b pk ảl yṣỉ and as for you, nothing must come out from your mouth,
2.88:21, 39. In bkn ctx.: 1.16 V 41; qṣʕtk ảt l ḥ[, 1.18 IV 41; 2.36:7; 2.42:26; ảt ʕm[,
2.63:14; ảt mġ nšk[, 2.73:19; ảt kx[, 2.80:9.
ảt (II) n. f. “prodigious, ominous sign, particularly anomalous foetus” in ter-
atomancy, Akk. izbu (Hb. ʔwt, pl. ʔwtwt, “sign”, HALOT 26; “signal”, DNWSI
130f.; Akk. ittu, “Zeichen”, AHw 406; “mark, sign, feature”, “omen”, CAD I/J
304–310; Lat. prodigium, portentum, OLD 1548, 1619. ¶ Forms: sg. ảt; pl. cstr.

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118 ảtdb – ảtm

Prodigious, ominous sign, particularly anomalous foetus: ảtt ṣỉn ominous

signs/foetus of small cattle, 1.103:1 (Akk. ittāt ṣēni; De Zorzi šumma izbu 44;
Del Olmo AuOr 32 2014 367–371). Diff. Pardee TR 533, 553: rdg ṯảtt ṣỉn “les
brebis du troupeau”; KTU3 rdg ṯknt “appearance”, cf. Akk. šiknatu, šikkitu,
“said of parts of the exta”, CAD Š/2 430; “Gestalt”, AHw 1233); [k t]ld ảt ảbn
[if she/they give] birth to an anomalous sign/foetus (in the shape) of a
stone, 1.103:1 (diff. Pardee TR/1 333ff., rdg [-]dảt for tl]dn elles m]ettent bas!,
ibid. 546 n. 143); in bkn ctx. ảt bl ả[t, 1.12 II 7 (Dietrich-Loretz Studien 27f., 57:
“ohne erkennbares Zeichen”. Diff. De Moor ARTU 131 n. 24: “step by step”, lit.
“coming without coming”, see /ʔ-t-w/).
ảtdb, element in the unknown compound DN ảtdb w өr.
DN: atdb w өr, 1.123:25 (ө, a frequent grapheme in this text).
ảtḏn PN (?) (identification as a PN unc.).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: 2.98:32.
ảtlg TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 45: *Atallig. Heltzer RCAU 9; Astour UF 13 1981 5;
Xella MLE 1 1982 54; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 5; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990
483; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 662; UF 29 1997 699; UF 30 1998 718; Topography
13, 171; Watson LSU 197); ¶ syll. Ug.: URU a-tal-lig, cf. PRU 3 265; PRU 4 291
(RS 19.81):12; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):15; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):15; URU a-tal-li-gi5,
PRU 4 72 (RS 17.335):18.
TN: 2.26:16; 4.27:8, 19; 4.68:44; 4.348:2; 4.365:5; 4.369:12; 4.380:5; 4.390:2;
4.618:13, 27; 4.625:1; 4.683:7; 4.693:5; 4.784:5; 4.800 I 25; 4.820 I 25; 4.821:11; 4.
822 II 12; 4.823:6; 5.28:3.
ảtlgn PN (< atlg, TN. Gröndahl PTU 422).
PN: 4.373:4; in bkn ctx.: 4.754:3.
ảtlgy GN m. (< atlg, TN); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. URU a-ta-li-gu-yu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):15;
Huehnergard UVST 239; Van Soldt SAU 336. ¶ Forms: sg. ảtlgy.
GN: 4.45:9.
ủtly PN (< GN (?), etym. unc. Astour Or 38 1969 403 n. 5; Gelb-Purves-MacRae
NPN 169; Cassin-Glassner AAN 1 163; Watson LSU 159; AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30
2012 327).
PN: 4.348:14.
ảtm p. pn. m. “you” (pl.) (Hb. ʔtm, “you”, HALOT 102; OAram ʔ(n)tm, “you”,
DNWSI 85f.; Ebla an-da-nu, Fronzaroli StEb 5 1982 94; Gelb LEbla 25; Conti
QuSem 13 162; Akk. attunu, “ihr”, AHw 88; “you”, CAD A/2 515 f.; Arab. ʔantum,
“you”, AEL 104; Eth. ʔantǝmu, “you”, CDG 33. Tropper UG 209 f.); ¶ par.: ản.
¶ Forms: pl. ảtm.
You (pl.), emph. subj. in VC: ảtm bštm w ản šnt you can go slowly, but I must
leave, 1.3 IV 33 and par. (Watson Or 53 1984 334; UF 18 1986 416); šmʕ ảtm you,
listen, 1.22 II 13.

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ủ/ỉtml – /ʔ-t-w/ 119

ủ/ỉtml adv. “the previous day, yesterday” (Hb. ʔtmwl, “yesterday”, HALOT 103;
Aram. ʔtml(y), “yesterday”, Kaufman AIA 60; Akk. (it)timāli/u, “gestern”, AHw
1359f.; cf. GAG §72 b; Eth. təmālǝm, “yesterday”, CDG 575 f.). ¶ Forms: ủ/ỉtml.
The previous day, yesterday, in bkn ctx.: ủ/ỉtml ykb[d (like in?) the previous
day he will (be) honour(ed), 1.119:19 (for the rdg see Pardee TR/1 662 f.).
ảtn (I) n. f. “donkey, she-ass” (Hb. ʔtwn, “she-ass”, HALOT 102; OAram. ʔtn,
“she-ass”, DNWSI 136; Akk. atānu, “Eselin”, AHw 86; “mare, she-ass”, CAD A/2
481–483); ¶ par.: ʕr (II), pḥl. ¶ Forms: pl. suff. ảtnty, ảtnth.
Donkey, she-ass: ʕdb gpn ảtnth they prepared the harness of her she-ass, 1.4
IV 12 (// ʕr, pḥl); cf. ibid. ln. 7; for the rdg ả!tn in 1.148:20 see rkb (II).
ảtn (II) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 26, 222; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 271; Van Soldt
UF 21 1989 365ff.; SAU 20, 26 and n. 209; cf. West AOAT 233 31: PN a-ta-no,
Linear B); ¶ syll.: at-ta-nu and var., PRU 3 161 (RS 16.281):4, 13; PRU 3 171
(RS 16.173):12; PRU 6 84 (RS 19.30):1; Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):23; cf. PRU 6 22
(RS 17.363) rev. 4, 5, etc.; at-te-nu, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):16; a-te-na, Ug 5 12
(RS 17.150+):40.
PN: ★a) 4.35 II 7 (bn ảp[…]n); 4.70:5 (bn ảgyn); 4.261:18 (bṣry); 4.307:4; 4.348:13;
4.498:6; 4.833:7 (bn ʕkbr); in colophons to lit. texts: ảtn prln PN, the diviner,
1.6 VI 55; 1.17 VI l.e. 2; 1.179:40; ★b) bn PN, 4.93 II 2; 4.753:21; 4.843:15; in bkn
ctx.: 4.494:3.
ỉtn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 159f.; AuOr 30 2012 326; Muchiki Loanwords 17).
¶ syll.: in bkn ctx. it-ta-na[, PRU 3 36 (RS 11.718):7.
PN: bn PN, 4.616:9; for ỉtn in 2.15:4 see /y-t-n/.
ảtnb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 222, 245; Watson AuOr 30 2012 326, 344).
PN: ★a) 4.46:13; ★b) bn PN: 4.65:7; 4.93 IV 13; 4.106:9; 4.432:18; 4.692:4; in bkn
ctx.: 4.422:5.
ảtnḫ PN (Hurr.(?) < /attana/, “father”. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 82).
PN: 4.851:6.
ỉtnn n. m. “present” (etym. unc., poss. < MAss. utnannu < Hurr. uatnannu; see
Von Soden UF 20 1988 309ff.; or else < WSem. /y-t-n/; cf. Hb. ʔtnn, “gift”,
HALOT 103; see further Watson LSU 126); ¶ par.: mhr. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ỉtnny,
Present: give me / I give you bn bṯn ỉtnny/k the offspring of the snake as a
(wedding) present, 1.100:74, 76 (// mhry/k. Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 45 n. 34).
ảtyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 222; Watson AuOr 30 2012 326); ¶ syll.: at-tu-ia-nu,
Syria 18 1951 49f. (RS 12.034) rev. 6; PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):23, 38; cf. at-te-ya,
PRU 3 200ff. (RS 16.126 B+) II 7, III 53; a-ti-ya-[ Ugar 5 8 (RS 24.251+) rev. 8'.
PN: ★a) 4.75 I 2; IV 4; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 III 2.
/ʔ-t-w/ vb G: “to come, go” (Hb. ʔth/ʔ, “to come”, HALOT 102; Aram. ʔty, “to come,
to go”, DNWSI 133ff.; Ebla cf. TÙR.DU8 = a-du-wu-um, VE 1396; Butz Biling. 124

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120 ủṭ – ỉṯ (i)

n. 134; Amor. /ʔ-t-y (?)/, “to come”, Gelb CAAA 14; OSA ʔtw, “to come, come
back”, SD 9; Arab. ʔatā, “to come”, AEL 15ff.; Eth. ʔatawa, “to come”, CDG 46 f.);
par.: /m-ġ-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. / act. ptc. (?) ảtwt; prefc. tỉty, tỉt; impv. ảt, ảtm
(encl. -m. Aartun PU 1 57; Verreet UF 17 1985 323); for ảtn ảt in 1.13:11 see /y-t-n/.
G. To come, go: ỉk ảtwt qnyt ỉlm how is that the progenitress of the gods
comes?, 1.4 IV 32 (// mġyt); ảtm w ảnk ỉbġyh come and I shall reveal it (to
you), 1.3 III 28 (cf. ảt, 1.1 III 16); ỉlm (…) d tỉt the gods (…) who have come 1.20
II 10; ảt mt tn ảḫy come / you, DN, give me my brother!, 1.6 II 12; tbrk ỉlm tỉty
tỉty ỉlm l ảhlhm the gods blessed (and) went, the gods went to their tents, 1.15
III 17–18; cf. 1.20 II 4, 1.22 II 23; PNN yỉt ʕmk let them arrive to you, 2.99:5; in bkn
ctx. ảt bl ảt, 1.12 II 7, 23 (De Moor ARTU 131 n. 24: “step by step”, lit.: “coming
without coming”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 27f., 57: “ohne erkennbares
ủṭ n. m. “span, half cubit” (Akk. ūṭu, “Spanne, Halbelle”, AHw 1447; Ebla cf.
ŠU.LUL = ù-du/dum(/du-um), VE 501; Bordreuil USF 97; Civil Or 56 1987
240. Sanmartín UF 12 1980 439; Dietrich-Loretz 12 1980 407; Fs. Del Olmo 72;
Watson NABU 2010/10; diff. Del Olmo IMC 159 n. 383: “rotura, trituración”,
Arab. ʔa‹‹a, but cf. Renfroe AULS 84ff.; ¶ par.: ảmt (II). ¶ Forms: sg. ủṭ; pl./du.
ủṭm (encl. -m).
Span, half cubit: ỉspỉ ủṭm I shall eat (you) by the span, 1.5 I 5 (// ảmtm; for
the various explanations cf. Del Olmo IMC 159 n. 383); ṯṯ / ảrbʕ ủṭm rḥbhm /
ủrkhm, six / four ủ., in width / length, 4.809:7, 11; in bkn ctx.: [ủ]ṭ ṯbr ảphm,
1.2 I 13 (Smith UBC/1 265, 284: “their nose break” (?)); ]ủṭm ḏr[qm, 1.18 IV 3.
ủṭb n. m.; a garment with passemanterie (Akk. adapu, eda / uppātu, “Kleid-
borten”, see adapu, eine Art Binde (?), AHw 11, 185; edapu, “a type of fringed
grament”, CAD E 22; cf. Mari Akk.: TÚG uṭ-ba GAL, Durand ARMT 21 395 ff.,
403ff.; MARI 6 662; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 33; Huehnergard UVST 274 n. 36;
Watson AuOr 19 2001 284; LSU 79; Vita TT 328). ¶ Forms: pl. ủṭbm.
Garment with passemanterie: ṯlṯ ủṭbm bd PN b ʕšrt ksp three ủ. delivered to
PN for ten (shekels) of silver, 4.337:11.
/ʔ-ṭ-m/ vb G: “to stop up” > “to take away” (Hb. ʔṭm, “to stop up”, HALOT 37;
Syr. ʔṭm, “to become deaf”, SL 31; Arab. ʔaṭamma, “it filled up, choked up”,
AEL 1877; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 240: Arab. naẓama, “to arrange”).
¶ Forms: prefc. ảṭm.
G: “to stop up”: ảṭm prṭl I will stop / take away (the poison (?)) with the
prṭl-plant, 1.82:19, see ln. 7 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 249 f.).
ảṭṭ PN (Sem. (?). Watson AuOr 8 1990 243; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
PN: 4.635:43.
ỉṯ (I) n. m. (“presence, existence”) lexicalised as a verbal functor 1) “to be, exist”;

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ỉṯ (ii) – ỉṯg 121

2) + l “to have” (OAram. ʔyt, “presence, existence” DNWSI 131; Syr. ʔīt, “there
is”, SL 39; Hb. yš, “property” < “to exist, to be there”, HALOT 443 f.; Pun.
yš, DNWSI 111; Ebla cf. /ʔiṯāwu/ in A.GÁL, AN.GÁL = i-ša-wu, VE 624, 789;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 24; Fronzaroli EL 143f.; Civil Biling. 83; Krecher Biling.
161; Müller Biling. 191 [cf. AN.GÁL = ba-ša-um, VE 991]; Akk. išû, “haben”,
AHw 402f.; “to have, own”, CAD I/J 289ff.; term. adv. -iš, Mayer Or 64 1995
166f.: /yiṯ(ay)/. Sasson RSP I 8f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 26 1994 63ff.; Tropper
UG 819f.); ¶ RS Akk.: (people) NU.TUK la i-šu-ni7, PRU 3 102 (RS 15.138+):15, cf.
ibid. ln. 19; Huehnergard AkkUg 410; ¶ par.: ḥy. ¶ Forms: sg. (with v. inflection
in the stat.) 1 m. ỉṯ, 3 m. ỉṯ; 3f. ỉṯt (De Moor JNES 24 1965 357 f.).
1) To be, exist: k ỉṯ zbl bʕl ảrṣ because the Prince, Lord of the earth does exist,
1.6 III 9 and par. (// ḥy); ảḥd hm ỉṯ šmt hm ỉṯ ʕẓm I shall see whether there is fat,
whether there is bone, 1.19 III 4 and par.; [ả]ḫd d ỉṯ b kbdk take what is in your
mind, 1.18 I 18; ỉṯ yn d ʕrb there is wine that entered, 1.23:74; w km ỉṯ and when
he is (there), 1.41:55; ảṯr ỉṯ bqṯ wherever he is, look for him, 2.39:34; bnšm d ỉṯ
bd rb ʕprm personnel that is at the disposal of the chief of the ʕ., 4.752:1; ỉ ỉṯt
ảṯrt verily, as DN is present / exists, 1.14 IV 38 (diff. Parker UF 11 1979 694 n. 8);
ỉṯt ʕmn mlkt I am with the queen, 2.13:15, see 2.30:14 (Cunchillos TOu/2 322f.
n. 9; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 235: “a gift to the queen”; cf. infra: ỉṯt); w
ỉṯ w knt šlmth ṯmt and (if this) takes place, his compensation is there, 2.97:14;
in unc. ctx.: ỉṯ ph kṯ[t]] ġbt, 1.101:8 (for the various opinions cf. Caquot TOu/2
49 n. 112); in bkn ctx.: sḥl[m] ỉṯ, 2.73:18 (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 420); d ỉṯ ḥdr[m]
(the house) that has two (?) rooms, 2.88:18 (for the reading and translation
see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 149, 151).
2) To have, + l: dm rgm ỉṯ ly for I have a matter, 1.3 III 21 and par.; bl ỉṯ bn
lh may he have a son!, 1.17 I 20; hm ỉṯ (yn …) ỉṯ yn d ʕrb if there is (wine …),
there is wine which entered, 1.23:72, 74; bnšm dt ỉṯ ảlpm lhm people who have
(head of) cattle, 4.422:1, cf. 4.296:1; mnm ỉṯ l ʕbdk whatever your servant has,
2.70:29; kl d ỉṯ [l špš ml]k rb all that the “Sun”, the Great King, has, 2.81:9; hm
ỉṯ d ytn l[ y] nobody (perhaps: is there anybody who) gave me (anything),
2.87:13 (Tropper UF 36 2004 515); ḫrd dm ỉṯ ʕmnh the troops that are with
him, 2.98:12.
In bkn ctx.: 2.85:37; k ỉṯ[, 2.98:35; d ỉṯ, 2.88:18; bnšm ỉṯ, 2.107:7.
ỉṯ (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 160).
PN: bn PN, 4.616:11.
ỉṯb MN; ¶ syll.: i-na ITI i-ši(?)-[bi(?)], PRU 6 152 (RS 18.270):4; Huehnergard
UVST 111).
MN: [ yrḫ] ỉṯb, [in the month of] ỉ., 4.219:15, see ỉṯb[, 4.220:6).
ỉṯg PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 160; AuOr 30 2012 326).
PN: 4.720:4.

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122 ỉṯgh – ỉṯm (i)

ỉṯgh PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 357).

PN: 4.479:4.
ảṯḫlm n. a type of ritual (Hurr. ašḫ=ul=, “sacrifice”, GLH, 60; Kammenhuber UF 2
1970, 302; Xella TRU 308; Neu Das Hurritische 1988 15 n. 35; Wilhelm Or 61
1992 129; Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 1995 12ff.; Fs Röllig 79ff.; UF 28 1996 169 ff.;
Subartu 4/2 1998 264; Del Olmo SEL 12 1995 43; CR 27; Watson LSU 126; De
Martino-Giorgieri LHL 1/A 120f.). ¶ Forms: ảṯḫlm (pl. / adv. -m (I) (?)).
A type of ritual, in Hurr. texts: 1.110:1; 1.111:3, 8; 1.116:3.9.10, 31; 1.125:1; 1.132:4.
ủṯḫt DN < n. f. “incense burner” (Akk. šēḫtu, “ein Räuchergefäss”, AHw 1209;
“incense burner”, CAD Š/2 264ff.; cf. ḫršḫ. Nougayrol Ug 5 58; Watson AuOrS
27 83: “bowl for sacrifice”, Hurr. ašḫušḫu); ¶ RS Akk.: dDUG.BUR.ZI.NÍG.NA,
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):30. ¶ Forms: sg. ủṯḫt.
Incense burner: ủṯḫt “Incense Burner” (in lists of DNN), 1.47:31; 1.118:30 (alph.
Hurr. aḫrṯḫnd ḫbrṯḫnd (DNN, dat., dir.), 1.125:14; Laroche Ug 5 506); for the
reading š ủ[ṯḫt in 1.148:43 see Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 211; KTU vacat.
Cf. ḫršḫ.
ủṯkl n. m. “bunch, cluster” (Hb. ʔškwl, “bunch of grapes”, HALOT 95; Arab.
ʔiṯkāl, ʔuṯkūl, “fruit-stalk upon which are the ripening dates”, AEL 345; Ebla
/ʔa:i¨kālum/, in ŠE.GEŠTIN = iš11-ga-um, áš-ga-lum, VE 660; Krebernik ZA 73
1983 26; Krecher Biling. 160; Civil Or 56 1987 236; Eth. ʔaskāl, “grape(s) cluster”,
CDG 42f.; see Akk. is/šḫunnatu, “Weintraube”, AHw 387; “cluster of grapes”,
CAD I/J 190; but Watson SemAnt 1, 183. Chiera AION 46 1986 291 ff.; Watson
AuOr 19 2001 284). ¶ Forms: sg. ủṯkl.
Cluster: [šmt]r ủṯkl l ỉl cutting of a cluster for DN, 1.87:2 and par.
ỉṯl n. m. “saliva, phlegm, spittle” (Hitt. iššalli, “Speichel”, HEG 371. De Moor
JNES 24 1965 363f.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 196; Dressler AT 369 f.; Watson
UF 42 2010 833; diff. Del Olmo MLC 523: “exhalación”, meton. use, Arab.
ʔaṯl, Hb. ʔšl; Margalit UPA 156, 342f.: “a plant”); ¶ par.: qṭr, rḥ. ¶ Forms: sg.
Saliva, phlegm, spittle: tṣỉ (…) km l brlth (…) like phlegm may his spirit go out,
1.18 IV 25 and par.; in bkn ctx.: w ỉṯl, 1.1 II 9.
/ʔ-ṯ-m/ vb Gt: “to fall into debt, continue to owe” (Hb. ʔšm, “to be guilty”,
HALOT 95f.; Arab. ʔaṯama, “to fall into sin”, AEL 21 f. Sanmartín UF 10 1978
351). ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. yỉtṯm, tỉtṯmn.
Gt. to fall into debt: ★a) + ʕl for something: ʕl ảlpm (…) titṯmn they fell into
debt (…) for two head of cattle (?), 4.398:2; cf. ʕl (…) titṯmn, ibid. ln. 3; ★b)
to continue to owe (+ accus.): PN śś[wm] yỉtṯm they continue to owe two
horses, ibid. ln. 5; in bkn ctx. tỉtṯm: 2.21:21, 24.
ỉṯm (I) n. m. “firm-fleshed cattle” (?) (cf Arab. ʔāṯīṯ, “much in quantity, abun-
dant, large, fleshy (woman)”, AEL 18. De Moor UF 1 1969 178; SP 181: Arab.

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ỉṯm (ii) – /ʔ-ṯ-r/ 123

waṯīm; diff. Virolleaud Ug 5 557: “péché”, Hb. ʔšm, Arab. ʔiṯm); ¶ par.: ṣỉn (?).
¶ Forms: sg. ỉṯm, suff. ỉṯmh.
Firm-fleshed cattle (?): in bkn ctx. ỉṯm mủỉd [, firm-fleshed cattle(?) in abun-
dance [, 1.5 III 24 (De Moor ARTU 75); in bkn ctx.: ỉṯmh, 1.108:14.
ỉṯm (II) DN, second element of the divine name šgr w ỉṯm (etym. unc; cf. poss.
> ỉṯm (I). De Moor UF 1 1969 178; Wansbrough Akkadica 37 1984 47).
DN: ỉṯm, 1.148:31.
ủṯpt n. f. “quiver” (Hb. ʔšph, “quiver”, HALOT 96; Akk. išpatu, “Köcher”, AHw 397;
“quiver”, CAD I/J 257f.; Hurr. išpa(n)ti, “carquois”, GLH 127; > Eg. íśp.t, “Köcher
für Pfeile”, WäS/1 132; Helck Bez. 505; Hoch SWET 40 f. (34). Vita EU 70ff.;
Watson LSU 79f., 127); ¶ RS Akk.: KUŠ iš-pa-tu, PRU 6 162 (RS 19.36):5;
KUŠ.É. AMAR.RU, PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A) passim; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 383.
¶ Forms: sg./pl. ủṯpt.
Quiver, ★a) in military equipment: 4.53:15; 4.624:3, 4, 7, 9; ★b) in chariots: w
l ṯt mrkbtm ỉnn ủṯpt but two chariot bodies lack quiver(s), 4.145:7; ★c) types:
ủṯpt ḥẓm quiver for arrows, 4.204:1, 2, 4; ủṯpt srdnnm quiver for s., ibid. ln. 3,
5–12; in bkn ctx.: ủṯp[t, 4.670:2.
ảṯqlny GN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2: *Ašqa/ulūna; Watson SEL 28 2011 28).
¶ Forms: sg. ảṯqlny.
GN: ảṯqlny the Ashqelonite, 4.808:13.
/ʔ-ṯ-r/ vb G: “to go, follow”; D: “force to follow, to transmit” (Hb. ʔšr, “to stride”,
HALOT 97; OSA Qat. ʔṯr, “to go, to make his way”, LIQ 18; cf. Amor. /ʔ-š-r/,
“to provide”, Gelb CAAA, 14; Akk. ašāru, “ordnend überwachen”, AHw 79; “to
master, organize”, CAD A/2 420ff.; Eth. ʔaśara, “to follow, look for tracks”,
CDG 45. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 57ff.); ¶ par.: /h-l-k/, /ṯ-n-y/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. ảṯr; prefc. yảṯr; impv. ỉṯr (Verreet UF 17 1985 322f.); inf. abs.(?) ảṯr;
ptc. pl. ảṯrm; D suffc. ảṯr; prefc. yảṯr.
G. To go after, follow: l rbt km yr ảṯr by the myriad like early rain they go
after, 1.14 II 41 and par. (// hlk); ảṯr ṯlṯ klhm they go in threes all of them, 1.14
II 42 and par. (// hlk. De Moor ARTU 195: “after two / three”); l šmn ỉṯr hw
concerning the oil: follow it, 2.15:6 (for -hw cf. Tropper UG 54; diff. Watts UF 21
1989 446: var. of ảṯr “there”); ảṯr ảṯrm the following (ones) follow, 1.45:7–8
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 58, scribal exercise; for a thorough discussion of
the var. versions see Clemens UF 33 2001 97–100); ʕlh nḥ[š] yảṯr (if) besides
that follows (a swelling in the form of) a serpent (?), 1.103:2, see ln. 1 ảt ảbn, in
the form of a stone, see ảt (II) (Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 96: “folgt”; diff. Pardee
AfO 33 1986 124: “in place of”, see ảṯr (IV)); in bkn ctx.: ]ġt ảṯr, 1.107:28.
D. To force to follow, to transmit: qmm ảṯr ảmr standing up they transmitted
(their) demand, 1.2 I 31 and par. (// ṯny; alt. “afterwards they worded”, ảṯr (I).
Del Olmo MLC 171; Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 57; for other rdgs see Smith

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124 ảṯr (i) – ảṯrn

UBC/1 267: qmm ảmr (?) ảmr, “standing, they speak a speech”); in bkn ctx.: y
ảṯr, 1.16 V 6 (Verreet UF 17 1985 322).
Cf. ảṯr (I), ảṯr (II), ảṯr (III), ảṯrt (I), ảṯryt, mảṯr.
ảṯr (I) adv. / prep. 1) “then, afterwards; behind, immediately after”; 2) “behind,
after; towards, for” (< n. m. “footstep” (?); cf. / ʔ-ṯ-r/. OSA (b) ʔṯr, “after (of
time)”, SD 9 31; cf. Hb. ʔšr, “step”, HALOT 99; Arab. ʔi/uṯra, “footprint”, AEL 19;
Eth. ʔaśar, “path, trace, footprint”, CDG 45. Aartun PU 2 50 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 16 1984 60ff.); ¶ par.: l pnm). ¶ Forms: ảṯr; suff. ảṯrk, ảṯrh.
1) Adv. ★a) (of time) then, afterwards: ảṯr ỉn mr then, no pain (more) (?),
1.124:16, cf. mr (II); ★b) (of place) behind, immediately after: ảṯr btlt ʕnt
behind (went) DN, 1.4 IV 18 (// l pnm. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 62).
2) Prep. ★a) (local) behind, after: ảṯr ỉlm ylk pʕnm after the gods (the king)
shall walk on foot, 1.43:24 (diff. Xella TRU 24: “luogo”; cf. ảṯr (III)); ảṯrh (…) (l)
tdd (…) after him (…) they left (…), 1.20 II 2 and par. (diff. Pardee Or 80 2011
40, 59 n. 96: “vers cet endroit”; see ảṯr (III)); ảṯr bʕl ảrd b ảrṣ after DN I shall
go down to the Netherworld, 1.5 VI 24 and par.; ảṯr bʕlk l ks<ỉ>h ảṯr bʕlk ảrṣ
rd after your lord, oh throne, after your lord to the “earth” descend, 1.161:20
(Aartun PU/2 51; Dijkstra UF 17 1985 151; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 21,
UF 16 1984 58f., inf. abs. used as an impv. (?) G of /ʔ-ṯ-r/; Suriano AuOr 27
2009 110ff.: “place”); ★b) (directional suffix) towards, for: km lb ʕnt ảṯr bʕl thus
(did beat) the heart of DN for DN, 1.6 II 9, 30; ★c) (temporal) after: behold bn
bn ảṯrk your grandsons after you, 1.22 I 3 (diff. Pardee Or 80/1 2011 44: “en ta
place”); (local) ảṯr ršp ʕṯtrt after (the strophe of) DN, (the one of) DN, 1.100:77
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 62; Israel AuOr 29 2011 66, 73).
ảṯr (II) n. m. “remain(s), what is left” ((?); < /ʔ-ṯ-r/. Arab. ʔaṯr, ʔaṯar, “remain”,
AEL 18f. Del Olmo MLC 369, 519; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 175f.;
Healey UF 11 1979 356; Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 59 f.: “holy places (of a
deity)”, Akk. ašru, see ảṯr (III); Husser UF 27 1995 126: “vers la terre”); ¶ par.:
qṭr. ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. suff. ảṯry, ảṯrk, ảṯrh.
Remain(s), what is left (?): a son l ʕpr ḏmr ảṯrh/k/y who in the dust protects
my / your / his remain(s) (?), 1.17 I 28, 46; II 2, 17 (// qṭrh/k/y; diff. Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 174: “place”, see ảṯr (III); Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1262: “Gang”).
ảṯr (III) interr. adv. “where” (< n. m. “place in which”; cf. Akk. ảšru, “Ort,
Stelle”, AHw 82f.; “place, site”, CAD A/2 456ff.; Ph., Pun., OAram. ʔšr, “place”,
DNWSI 27f.; EA Akk. cf. Rainey UF 3 1971 162: aššar ibašši; EAT 65; cf. Hb. rel.
part. ʔšr < “the place where” < “which”, “that”, HALOT 98 f. Israel AuOr 29 2011
61ff.). ¶ Forms: ảṯr.
Where, the place in which (adv. interr.): ảṯr ỉṯ bqṯ find out where it is, 2.39:34.
ảṯrn PN (cf. aṯry, GN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 103, 301; ¶ syll.: aš-šu-ra-na, PRU 3 198
(RS 16.359 B):4.

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ảṯrt (i) – ủṯryn 125

PN: a) 4.692:2; cf. 4.75 V 3; b) bn PN, in bkn ctx.: bn ảṯrn, 4.803:5.

ảṯrt (I) n. f. “back part (of the head), nape” (?) (< /ʔ-ṯ-r/. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16
1984 60; diff. Pardee AfO 33 1986 125; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 230: “in place
of” (?); cf. ảṯr (III)). ¶ Forms: sg. ảṯrt.
Back part (of the head), nape (?): (if the foetus has) l ảṯrt ʕnh (one of) its eyes
in the nape of its neck, 1.103:49 (cf. b lṣbh, ibid.).
ảṯrt (II) DN; El’s wife (cf. ỉl (I). Hb. ʔšrh, “Asherah”, HALOT 99; DNWSI 129; Amor.
/ʔaš(i)ra(tum)/, Gelb CAAA 14; EA Akk. cf. PN ÌR-(d)a-ši-ir-tV, -(d)aš-ra-tV,
EAT passim; Hess AmPN 235ff. Lipiński OLP 3 1972 101–109; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 69f.; Maier ʔAšerah 3ff.; Müller Biling. 196; Margalit VT 40 1990 291 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz UBL 9 125ff.; Wiggins UF 23 1991 383ff.; Watson SEL 10 1993
51f.; UF 25 1993 431; Merlo DAAA 11ff.; Park UF 42 2010 527–533: “the one
followed by (the gods)”); ¶ syll.: cf. PN ÌR-a-šar-ti, PRU 3 205 (RS 16.155):3,
5; Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):20; Sivan GAGl 198; Huehnergard AkkUg 383; ¶ par.: ỉlt.
DN: ★a) passim in narrative ctx., cf. 1.4 IV 53; ảṯrt // ỉlt, 1.3 V 36 and par., 1.15
III 25; ỉ ỉṯt ảṯrt verily, as DN is present, 1.14 IV 38 (diff. Del Olmo MLRC 185:
“¿dónde?”, Hb. ʔy, Akk. ai); ḥlb ảṯrt the milk of DN, 1.15 II 26; ảp zd ảṯrt the
nipples of DN, 1.23:24; ★b) epithets: rbt ảṯrt ym “the Great Lady, DN of the
Sea”, 1.4 I 21 and par. (De Moor SP 145; Gordon Fs. Craigie 127ff.; Rahmouni
DEUAT 86f.); qnyt ỉlm “Progenitress of the gods”, 1.4 III 26, 35 and par.; ảṯrt
ṣrm // ỉlt ṣdynm DN of TN // “Goddess” of TN, 1.14 IV 35–36, 38–39 (Betlyon
JNES 44 1985 53ff.); cf. ảṯrt w rḥm(y), 1.23:13, 28; ★c) associates: dgy rbt ảṯrt
ym “tritons” of the Great Lady, DN of the Sea, 1.4 II 31 and par.; ʕnn ảṯrt
manservant of DN, 1.4 IV 59; ảmt ảṯrt maidservant of DN, 1.12 I 15; bn ảṯrt
sons of DN, 1.4 IV 51; šbʕm bn ảṯrt the seventy sons of DN, 1.4 VI 46; ảṯrt w bnh
DN and her sons, 1.6 I 40; ★d) in god lists: 1.65:5 (ỉl w ảṯrt); 1.118:19; 1.148:25
(rdg prob. ả! ṯrt); ★e) passim in offering lists; cf. 1.39:6; 1.41:15; 1.112:24; 1.148:7,
31; ảlp l bʕl w ảṯrt a head of cattle for DN and DN, 1.46:8; in bkn ctx. 1.103:49;
2.31:42, 63 (Clemens SURS 213); for the unc. rdg ảmštr, 1.162:15, see supra.
ảṯry (I) GN m. “Assyrian” (Astour RSP 2 263f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: KUR aš-šur, PRU 4
151 (RS 17.59):6, 11, 12; cf. Ug 5 56 (RS 20.150):7 and passim ibid.; RSOu 7 46
(RS 34.165):32. ¶ Forms: pl. ảṯrym.
GN: 4.230:3; in bkn ctx. ]ả¨ry, 4.58:4.
ảṯry (II) PN (< aṯry, GN. Gröndahl PTU 103, 301; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 105).
PN: 4.332:15; in bkn ctx. 4.58:4.
ủṯryn n. m. “crown prince” in Hittite court (etym. unc., < /ʔ-ṯ-r/. Dietrich-
Loretz BiOr 23 1966 129; ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ.MEŠ mur-ú uš-r[i-ia]-ni, PRU 3 203
(RS 16.257+) IV 21; Huehnergard UVST 112; Sivan UF 21 1989 361; ¶ RS Akk.:
LÚ tar-te-ni, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):28; LÚ tar-te-en-ni DUMU LUGAL,

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126 ảṯryt – ảṯt

PRU 4 44 (RS 17.347):13; cf. PRU 4 264; Wilhelm UF 2 1970 277–282; Liverani
SDB 53 1337; Pecchioli Daddi MPDAI 521; Van Soldt SAU 11 f. ¶ Forms: sg.
Crown prince: (gifts) l ủṯryn for the ủ., 3.1:30 (cf. RS Akk.: a-na LÚ tar-te-ni,
PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):28; var. LÚ tar-te-en-ni DUMU LUGAL, PRU 4
44 (RS 17.347):13. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 89); in bkn ctx.: tḥm ủṯryn[
message of the ủ., 2.67:1. Cf. šd bd bn ủṯryn, 4.103:6 (cf. šd (II). Gröndahl
PTU 423).
Cf. trd/tn.
ảṯryt n. f. “final outcome, fate, destiny” (< /ʔ-ṯ-r/. De Moor-Van der Lugt BiOr 34
1974 8; UF 7 1975 189; Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 60; diff. Margalit UF 8 1976
166: “substitute”, “souvenir”, Arab. aṯr (sic)); ¶ par.: uḫryt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảṯryt.
Final outcome, fate, destiny: mh yqḥ mt ảṯryt what can a man attain as the
final destiny? 1.17 VI 36 (// ủḥryt).
Cf. ảṯrt (I).
ảṯt n. f. 1) “woman”; 2) “married woman, wife”; 3) “lady” (Hb. ʔšh, “woman”,
HALOT 93; Ph., Pun. ʔšt, OAram. ʔnth, “woman”, DNWSI 115 ff.; Akk. aššatu,
“Gattin, Gemahlin”, AHw 83f.; “wife”, CAD A/2 462ff.; Akk. < Can. iššu, “Frau,
Weib”, AHw 399; “woman”, CAD I/J 267; OSA ʔnṯt, “woman, female, wife”,
SD 7; Arab. ʔunṯā, “female”, AEL 112; Eth. ʔanǝst, “woman, wife”, CDG 32;
cf. Ebla /unuṯum/, NAM.MÍ = ù-nu-sum, EV 0221; Krebernik ZA 73 1983
45f.; Fronzaroli EL 151; StEb 7 1984 153. Watson Historiae 10 2013 26); ¶ RS
Akk.: DAM, MUNUS/MÍ, PRU 3 232; PRU 4 260, 262; PRU 6 150 f.; Ug 5 340;
KTU 4.165:18; ¶ par.: ảṯrt (II), bn (I), ġzr, ġlmt, mddt, mtrḫt. ¶ Forms: sg. ảṯt;
suff. ảṯty, ảṯtk, ảṯth; pl. ảṯt; du. abs. ảṯtm, cstr. ảṯt, ảṯty (encl. -y (?). Aartun
PU/1 44; mat. lect. for /-ê/ (?)), ảṯtn (in bkn ctx.: 1.82:29).
1) Woman: two labourers, a freedman w arbʕ ảṯt and four women, 4.360:9;
k tld ảṯt if a woman gives birth 1.140:1 and par.; in birth omens; ỉl ảṯtm k
ypt DN he wanted in fact to seduce the two women, 1.23:39; ảṯtm tṣḥn y
mt mt both women shouted: oh man, man!, ibid. ln. 40; cf. ln. 46; tlḥm ảṯt
the women can eat (of the sacrifice), 1.115:8; ks qdš l tphnhn ảṯt the holy cup
which a woman / the Lady had not seen, cf. 1.3 I 14 (// aṯrt); šrḥq ảṯt l pnnh
he dismissed the women from his presence, 1.3 IV 40 (diff. Aartun StUL 26 f.:
“Überfluss, Reichliches”, *ʔṯt); npṣ ảṯt woman’s clothing, 1.19 IV 46 (// ġzr); bd
ảṯt a woman’s dirge, 1.16 I 5 and par; for bʕl ảṯt cf. infra: 2.c); in bkn ctx.: (if the
family of …) ]x ảṯt yqú ʕz …] a woman takes a goat, 1.127:26.
2) Married woman, wife: ★a) npy ả[[x]]ṯt atonement of the (king’s) wife,
1.40:36; + ge./pn. suff.: aṯtm ảṯt il ảṯt ỉl w ʕlmh the two women will be wives
of DN, wives of DN for ever, 1.23:42; ảṯty ỉl ylt both women of DN have given
birth, ibid. ln. 52, 60; ảṯt PN the wife of PN, 3.21:19; PN [ y]d ảṯth with his wife,

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ỉṯt – ỉṯtbnm 127

3.25:4, 9; ỉlš (…) w ảṯth DN (…) and his wife, 1.16 IV 8 and par.; PN ảḫh w PN
bnh w PN bth w PN bt PN ảṯt[h PN, his brother, and PN, his son, and PN, his
daughter, and PN, the daughter of PN, his wife, 3.4:9; PN w PN ảṯth and PN
his wife, 4.339:3, 4, 6–9, 12, 15, 19, 23; 4.625:20; PN w bnh w ảṯth w ảlp w ṯmn
ṣỉn and his sons and his wife and a head of cattle and eight ewes, 4.295:2; cf.
ibid. ln. 3–16; ʕšrm ksp ʕl PN w ʕl PN ảṯth twenty shekels of silver in the charge
of PN and of PN his wife, 4.369:19; l ảšt ảṯty nʕry ṯh l pn ỉb I am not going to
leave either my wife or my boy(s) in TN before the enemy, 2.33:28; bm nšq
ảṯth […] bḥbqh on kissing his wife […], on embracing her, 1.17 I 39; trḫ ḥdṯ
ybʕr l ṯn ảṯth the newly wed leaves his wife to another, 1.14 II 49; 1.14 IV 27
(// mddt); gm ảṯth k yṣḥ in a loud voice he shouted to his wife, 1.17 V 15; ★b)
to have, take, acquire a wife, to marry her, to give her: hn ảṯ[t l ʕbd(y/k/h)]
behold a wife for my / your / his servant, 2.25:5; ỉn ảṯt lk km ỉlm you have no
wife like the gods, 1.2 III 22; ảṯt tqḥ the woman you have taken, 1.15 II 21–22
(// ġlmt); ảṯt ṣdqh l ypq a lawful wife he did not get (keep), 1.14 I 12 (// mtrḫt;
diff. e.g. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1217: “Er hatte gewonnen seine Frau nach
herrschendem Brauch”); y ảṯt ỉtrḫ oh women whom I married!, 1.23:64 (//
bn); ảṯt trḫ w tbʕr he married a woman, but she went away, 1.14 I 14; w ảnk
ảṯth ytnt lk I gave his wife to you, 2.90:6; bnš h[w] ʕmm ảṯth btk ṯb t[hat]
servant returned to his wife at your house, 2.90:11; ★c) bʕl ảṯt married man,
4.153:2–5 (for fiscal or admin. purposes., cf. ššlmt; diff. Ribichini-Xella Tessili
30; Xella UF 22 1990 469f.; Watson LSU 80: “maker of belt(s)”; AuOr 29 2011
164: “makers of reins”, Akk. ašâtu, šītu; Tropper UG 111: a textile; McGeough
UgET 115: “producer of textiles”, and survey); in bkn ctx.: ảṯt ḥr[, 1.174:7.
3) Lady: ảṯt w bnh a lady and her son, 4.102:1; ảṯt w ṯn bnh a lady and her two
sons, 4.102:5; ảṯt w ṯt bth a lady and her two daughters, ibid. ln. 22; ảṯt w pġt
a lady and the maid, ibid. ln. 6; ảṯt w ṯn nʕrm a lady and two servants, ibid.
ln. 8; ảṯtm w pġt ảḥt two ladies and one maid, 4.102:10; ṯt ảṯtm w pġt ảḥt two
ladies and one maid, 4.102:11; ảṯt(m) ảdrt(m) one / two / x noble lady / ladies,
ibid. ln. 4 and passim; cf. ảrbʕ ảṯt four women, 4.349:2.
In bkn ctx.; ảṯtn our women (?), 1.82:29; ṯlṯ ảṯt three women, 4.419:6, cf.
1.94:29; in unc. ctx., ảṯt l tlḥmy, 5.11:6; ảṯt, 4.419:3; ảṯtk ʕl, 1.5 V 23; for 1.179:35
see infra: ỉṯt.
Cf. ả/ỉṯtl, ảṯtš, ảṯtyn, ảṯtyy, tỉnṯt.
ỉṯt “?”, in bkn ctx.
?: w ḫlm ảṯt ỉṯt, 1.179:35 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 397, 401 f.: “et la ‘danse’ de la
femme (est son) don”); for other texts cf. supra: ỉṯ.
ỉṯtbnm MN (cf. iṯb. Cf. Ebla daš-da-bí(NE)/bi5(BÍL); ITI aš-da-bi5; Von Soden
EDA 82; ARET 9 353, 392; Mander MROA II/1 35 f.; Hurro-Hitt. DN Aštabi,
Laroche GLH 61); ¶ RS Akk.: MN i/iš(-ši)-GI, RS 22.217A+, RS 22.229, RS

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128 ả/ỉṯtl – ỉwrd

25.453+; De Jong-Van Soldt JEOL 30 1987–1988 71 n. 14: GI =(?) tibnu(ūma);

Belmonte Fs Sanmartín 40; Dietrich PIHANS 114 18 n. 18).
MN: b yrḫ ỉṯtbnm in the month of ỉ., 4.269:30 (cf. 4.387:13; 4.609:1).
ả/ỉṯtl PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 221, 223; Watson LSU 160); ¶ syll.: cf. iš-te-lu,
AnOr 48 26 (RS [Varia 11 = 1957.3 = RS 19.164 Z]:6; PRU 6 150 (RS 18.101 A):3.
PN: ★a) 5.9 I 1; IV 3; in bkn ctx.: 4.358:3 (ỉ{.}ṯt[); 4.556:2; 4.651:4; 4.825:31; ★b)
bn PN: 4.307:20.
ỉṯtqb TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 148f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 157;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 663; Topography 13; Watson LSU 197; Tropper UG 529).
TN: 1.105:9.
Cf. /ṯ-q-b/
ỉṯtr[, PN, bkn
PN in bkn ctx.: 4.754:18 (b<n>).
ảṯtš PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 208, 221; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:15.
ảṯtyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 221); ¶ syll.: cf. aš-t[a-, PRU 3 137 (RS 15.190):4.
PN: 4.696:4.
ảṯtyy PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 221); ¶ syll.: cf. aš-t[a-, PRU 3 137 (RS 15.190):4.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 10.
ủwảḫ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 298).
PN: 4.364:7.
ủwỉl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 273, 298; Kornfeld Fs. Cazelles 1981 213).
PN: 4.75 II 8.
ảwl n. m. “priority, supremacy” (?) (Arab. ʔāla, ʔawila, “to precede, to be the
first”, AEL 126; for a survey of the var. opinions see Dietrich-Loretz Studien
91); ¶ par.: ttkn. ¶ Forms: sg. ảwl.
Priority, supremacy (?): ỉ<š>ttk l ảwl he ceded supremacy (?), 1.12 II 56 (//
ttkn; diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 29, 91: “oh Erster!”; but cf. Del Olmo AuOr
25 2007 159).
Cf. ảwldn.
ỉwl[, in bkn ctx.: iwl[, 4.46:2 (PN (?). Huehnergard UVST 274; Tropper UG 175;
Watson LSU 80).
Cf. ảwl.
ảwldn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 98, 123).
PN: 4.54:9; 4.129:5.
ảwpn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.204:4.
ảwr, in unc. ctx.: ảwr{.}ṯġrn, 4.332:11; cf. ả/ỉwrṯġrn.
ỉwrd PN (Hurr. (?)).
PN, in bkn and unc. ctx.: 4.619:3.

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ỉwrḏn – iwrtṯr 129

ỉwrḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225, 231; Dijkstra UF 39 2007 137).

PN: 2.14:1; 4.243:30.
ỉwrḏr PN, cf. ỉb/wrḏr (Hurr. (?). Logogram mEN.LUGAL, 5.34:4).
PN: 4.825 I 32.
ỉwrġl PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 301; UF 9 1977 341; Dijkstra
UF 25 1993 159; Watson LSU 127; UF 42 2010 825).
PN: 4.244:26; cf. Hurr. ảwrġl, 1.42:30.
ỉwrḫ‹ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 224, 233; for Hurr. cf. Laroche GLH 110;
Wilhelm Or 61 1992 130; Van Soldt SAU 341); ¶ syll.: EN-ḫu(!)(RI)-ṭu, Ug
5 161 (RS 17.325):20 (cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 413 n. 112); EN-ḫu-ṭV, Ug 5 71
(RS 21.07):4'; RS 34.169:10, 25; EN-hu-da, RS 34.161:2. Var. ảbrḫṭ, 4.309:27;
PN: ★a) 4.103:13, 25; var. ảbrḫṭ: 4.790:23; ★b) bn PN, 4.309:27.
iwrḫz PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 225, 231; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 98f.; Van Soldt SAU 357); ¶ syll.: cf. EN-ḫa-zi, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):6.
PN: ★a) 4.635:37; ★b) bn PN, 4.367:7.
ỉwrkl PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 225, 234; Van Soldt SAU 37; Watson AuOr 30
2012 326).
PN: 3.4:2, 13, 18; 4.282:2; 4.357:15.
ỉwrmḏ PN; cf. ỉb/wrmḏ.
ỉwrmḫ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225; Van Soldt SAU 326).
PN: 4.194:9.
ỉwrn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225).
PN: bn PN, 4.545 II 8 (bkn).
Cf. ibrn.
ỉwrnr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 224f., 243); ¶ syll.: cf. EN.ḪI, RS 23.36 (Van Soldt
SAU 20 and n. 177).
PN: 4.16:5.
ỉwrpzn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225, 245; Dijkstra UF 39 2007 137).
PN: 2.14:2; 4.102:5, 10; 4.226:2; 4.336:3; 4.547:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.384:13; 4.607:5.
ỉwrtḏl PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 281); ¶ syll.: cf.
EN-ta-ša-lu and var. EN-ta-šal, cf. PRU 3 244.
PN: 4.424:21; 4.607:8.
ả/ỉwrṯġrn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225, 248; Watson AuOr 8 1990 114, 127; ¶ syll.:
EN-ri-šu-ḫur-na, PRU 6 109 A (RS 19.131):5.
PN: 4.332:11 (see ảwr); 4.607:7.
ỉwrtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 225, 262).
PN: ★a) 4.183 II 23; ★b) bn PN: 4.70:7.
ỉwrṯrm, cf. irrṯrm.
iwrtṯr PN (Hurr. (?))

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130 ỉwryn – ỉydm

PN: 4.860:40.
ỉwryn PN; cf. ib/wryn.
ảy adj. m.: a) “anyone, all, of any kind; b) each” (cf. ỉy. Arab. ʔayy, “who, which?”.
AEL 132f.; Akk. ayyumma, “welcher auch immer, irgendeiner”, AHw 26;
“someone, something”, CAD A/1 236ff.; cf. ayû, “any, whatever”, CAD A/1:
ajû 2b; Eth. ʔay, “which, what?”, CDG 49; diff. Clifford VT 25 1975 300 n. 7:
ʔay “oh!”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 369: “bord de la mer”, Hb. ʔy, “île, côte”;
Cutler-Macdonald UF 14 1982 36f.: neg. part., but cf. Tsumura AJBI 4 1978
23–31; Margalit UF 15 1983 113: “indeed”, Arab. iy; for various opinions cf. Xella
MSS 45f.; Foley GG 29ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. a-i-ú-ti-me-e NAM.RA.MEŠ, PRU 4
97f. (RS 17.79+):13; ]a-i-ú-um-ma, ibid. ln. 29. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ảy.
a) Anyone, all, of any kind: eat b lḥm ảy food of any kind // drink bḫmr yn
ảy intoxicating wines of any kind, 1.23:6, cf. y]n ảy, 1.17 VI 3 (diff. Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 177: “yes do”, emph. part.); b) each: yrdt (…) ll ảy who go down
(…) each night, 1.24:44; in bkn ctx.: xxảy ảbšrkm dnỉl, 1.19 II 36 (Cooper UF 20
1988 25: “oh!”; cf. Del Olmo MLC 512).
ỉy interr. adv. “where?” (Hb. ʔ(y), ʔyh, “where?”, HALOT 37 f.; Amor. /ʔayya(n)/,
/ʔiyya/, “where?”, Gelb CAAA 13; cf. ảy, ỉ. Tropper UF 26 1994 475; UG 752;
Cohen Fs. Avishur 15f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ʔiyya/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl
200. ¶ Forms: ỉy.
Where?: ỉy ảliyn bʕl ỉy zbl bʕl ảrṣ where is “The Most Powerful” DN, where is
the prince, Lord of the earth?, 1.6 IV 15–16 and par; in Hurr. ctx.: 1.148:13.
Cf. ảyảb, ảy(ả/ỉ)ḫ, ỉybʕl, ỉydm, ảym, ỉytlm, ỉyṯr, ảyy.
ủy, 2.3:13, see ủ.
ảyảb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 48, 86, 93; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 261 ff.).
PN: 4.153:4; 4.214 III 10.
ảy(ả/ỉ)ḫ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 15, 48, 91, 93; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 264ff.);
¶ syll.: a-ia-a-ḫi, PRU 3 38 (RS 16.354):6; a-ia-aḫ-ḫi, PRU 4 219 (RS 17.424
C+):10; DUMU a-ia-aḫ-ḫi, Syria 15 1934 138 (RS [Varia 3] = RS 19.164 T):25. Var.
ảyỉḫ, 4.86:28; ảyḫ, 4.214 II 6.
PN: ★a) 4.86:28 (ỉlšt[mʕy); 4.338:8; ★b) bn PN: 3.3:3; 4.79:6; 4.214 II 6.
ảyỉḫ PN, cf. ảy(ả/ỉ)ḫ.
ỉybʕl (I) DN; name of an invocation and statue of the god Baal (“Where is DN?”;
< ỉy + bʕl (II)).
DN, invocation and statue of the god Baal: (purple vestments) l DN for DN,
4.168:2 (cf. ʕṯtrt, ṯrmnm, ủšḫry, mgmr, ln. 4, 5, 10, 12).
ỉybʕl (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 48, 93, 117; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 271 f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.334:4.
ỉydm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 48, 107; see Ebl. DN Pomponio-Xella DEb 381ff.;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 327).

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ảyḫ – ỉyn 131

PN: 4.16:2.
ảyḫ PN; cf. ảy(ả/ỉ)ḫ.
ảyl (I) n. m. “deer” (Hb., Ph., OAram. ʔyl, “fallow deer”, HALOT 40; “deer, stag”,
DNWSI 45; Akk. ayyalu, “Hirsch”, AHw 24; “stag, deer”, CAD A/1 225 f.; Ebla
cf. a-a-lu-[um(?)], “deer”, ARET 8 15; Amor. /ʔayyalum/, “deer”, Huffmon
APNMT 161; “deer”, Gelb CAAA 13, 41; Arab. ʔiyyal, “mountain-goat”, AEL 128;
cf. Eg. íyr / ʔe-yu-l “ram”, WäS/1 38; Helck Bez. 507 (1); PI-E *el-en, “fawn” <
*al-, *ol-, “brown, red”, Watson Historiae 4 2007 94); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. PN DUMU
a-ia-li, PRU 3 89 (RS 15.123+16.152):4; Gröndahl PTU 94; TN ḪUR.SAG.ḪI.A ša
a-ia-li PRU 4 66 (RS 17.62):20; Sivan GAGl 199; ¶ par.: ảlp, ḥmr, rủm, ṣỉn, yʕl.
¶ Forms: sg. ảyl; f. ảylt; pl. ảylm.
Deer: tṭbḫ šbʕm ảylm she slaughtered seventy deer, 1.6 I 24 (// ảlpm, ḥmrm,
rủmm, ṣỉn, yʕlm).
Cf. ả/ỉl, ảyl (II), ảyln, ảylt (I).
ảyl (II) PN (Sem., cf. ảyly, TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 94); ¶ syll.: DUMU a-ia-li, PRU 3
89 (RS 15.123+):4; Watson LSU 160).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 13.
ảyln PN (Sem., cf. ảyl (I), (II). Lipiński Syria 44 1967 278 f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:22; 4.339:27; 4.868:8; in bkn ctx.: 4.658:42.
ảylt (I) n. f. “hind” (< m. ảyl); ¶ par.: rủm. ¶ Forms: sg. ảylt; pl. ảylt.
Hind: ʕn k ḏd ảylt the spring (for which yearn), in truth, the herd of hinds, 1.5
I 17, cf. 1.133:8 (// rủmm); in unc. ctx.: ảylt tġpy ṯr a hind was spying (?) a bull
(?), 1.92:11 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117, 119); in bkn ctx.: ỉšqb ảylt, 1.1 V 19.
Cf. ảyl (I), ảylt (II).
ảylt (II) PN (Sem., cf. ảyl (II), PN).
PN: bn PN, 4.338:9; in bkn ctx.: 4.658:42.
ảyly TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 48: *ʔ Ayalā. Astour Or 38 1969 401 f.; RSP 2 258,
344; UF 13 1981 7; Heltzer RCAU 8; Van Soldt UF 27 1995 658; UF 30 1998 728;
Topography 8, 170; Watson LSU 197); ¶ syll.: LÚ.MEŠ A.SÀ a-ia-la, RS 25.132
III 3; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 658 n. 26; ḪUR.SAG.ḪI.A ša a-ia-li, PRU 4 66
(RS 17.62+):37; ḪUR.[SAG] ú(!)-ga-ri DÀR, PRU 4 51 (RS 17.340+) rev. 4; cf.
PRU 4 51; Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 14, 19).
TN: 4.643:17; 4.645:2.
ảym PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 7).
PN: 4.595:3.
ảymr DN, name of a magic mace (< ảy + /m-r-y/. Smith UBC/1 343 n. 214; Watson
SEL 26 2009 15f.).
DN: 1.2 IV 19.
ỉyn n. m. of a type of sacrifice, prob. of mourning (?) (base */ʔ-n/. Hb. ʔwn,
“disaster”, HALOT 22; Arab. ʔayn, “fatigue / a time, season”, AEL 139; Nab.,

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132 ỉyrḫ – ủzʕrt

Palm. ʔwn, “sarcophage”, DNWSI 22f. Del Olmo AuOr 2 1984 198 n. 9; SEL 12
1995 45; diff. Cazelles Semitica 29 1979 58: “apaisement”; for an Eg. etym. see
Watson LSU 137). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉynm (encl. -m(?)).
Type of sacrifice prob., of mourning (?): b ṯmnt ỉynm ảkl on the eighth day, as
a (sacrifice of) mourning (?), (a measure of) grain, 1.112:11 (Del Olmo AuOr 2
1984 202; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 316: “(es darf) auf keinen Fall Verzehr
ỉyrḫ PN (etym. unc., cf. ḫiari, MN in Nuzi, Alalakh, AHw 342. Gröndahl PTU 223,
252; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 275).
PN: 4.147:18.
ỉyry PN (etym. unc., cf. ḫiari, MN in Nuzi, Alalakh. AHw 342. Gröndahl PTU 223;
Berger WO 5 1969–1970 272; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 269; Watson LSU 197).
PN: 4.222:18.
ỉytlm PN (Hurr.-Sem. Gröndahl PTU 94, 260; Astour CRRA 18 13; Van Soldt
SAU 32, 36; Watson AuOr 14 1996 95; AuOr 30 2012 327; Dijkstra UF 39 2007
PN: ★a) 2.14:14; 4.165:2; 4.223:6–9; 4.344:9; 4.357:18; 4.367:9; 4.374:1; 4.379:6;
4.409:2; 4.410:28; 4.425:11; 4.680:2; ỉyt[l]m, 4.825 VII 15; in bkn ctx.: 4.357:9; ★b)
bn PN, 4.309:21.
ỉyṯr PN (Hurr.-Sem. Gröndahl PTU 48, 94, 249; Watson AuOr 30 2012 327).
PN: ★a) 4.153:5; 4.194:5; 4.615:1; in bkn ctx.: 4.50:17; 4.285:5; ★b) bn PN, 4.364:2;
4.547:2; 4.617 II 4.
ảyy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 93; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 98; Bordreuil-Lemaire
Semitica 29 1979 77f.); ¶ syll.: cf. a-i-ú, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):24.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 6.
ảz n. m.; a textile, fabric (?) (Hurr. aššianni “sorte de broderie”. Heltzer UF 19
1987 447: Myc. a-ze(-ti-ri-ya), a fabric; Xella UF 22 1980 468 f.; Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 27; Watson LSU 127 and n. 500; Vita TT 328). ¶ Forms: sg. ảz.
A textile, fabric (?): ṯn mrdt ảz two m. of ả., 4.205:6 (cf. mrdt).
Cf. ảzt, ʕz.
ủz n. f. “goose, gander” (Arab. ʔiwazz, “goose”, AEL 125; Akk. ūsu, “Ente”, AHw
1438; “duck”, CAD U/W 282. Herdner Ug 7 30; Watson LSU 80, 145). ¶ Forms:
sg. ủz; pl. ủzm (Gordon UT §8.4), cstr. ủz.
Goose, gander, ★a) w ủz ỉl!m ảrṣ and a goose/gander to the gods of the
underworld, 1.106:30 (Del Olmo UF 36 2004 608; tgmr ủz PN total value of
the ganders of PN, 4.296:5–6; ảlp [ ] w ủz one (head of) cattle … and one
goose, 1.106:30; fattened: ủz mrảt mlḥt a fattened goose, salted, 4.247:20; ảrbʕ
ủzm mrảt four fattened geese, ibid. ln. 21; ★b) šmn ủz goose fat, 4.247:21; ṯn
rʕy ủzm two gooseherds, 4.129:1.
ủzʕrt adj. f. “the smallest, youngest”, determinative of one of Baʕlu’s daughters

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ủzb – ảzmr 133

(Hb. zʕyr, “a little”, HALOT 276; OAram. zʕyr, “small”, DNWSI 337 f.; Arab.
zaʕīra, “to become scanty”, AEL 1231. Lipiński UF 3 1971 84; diff. De Moor
UF 1 1969 181: “thin-haired”, Arab. ʔazʕar, Hb.-Aram zʕr; Pope-Tigay UF 3 1971
128: “wicked”, Arab. ʔazʕar, zaʕārat; Irwin UF 15 1983 55 f.: “she of the rain”,
Hb. śʕyr; Caquot TOu/2 48 n. 107: DN, another daughter of Baʕlu; Pardee
TPM 143: “(gouttes de pluie) rapides”, Arab. zʕr; or determinative of pdry:
Avishur SSWP 717; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 140; Tropper UG 170); ¶ par.:
ṭly. ¶ Forms: sg. ủzʕrt.
The smallest, youngest: rỉšh tply ṭly bn ʕnh ủzʕrt DN adorns his head, the
youngest, his forehead, 1.101:6.
ủzb n. m. “hyssop” (Hyssopus officinalis; Hb. ʔzwb, “hyssop”, HALOT 27; > Eth.
ʔazā/ob, “hyssop, mint”, CDG 52; Syr. zōfāʔ, SL 375; > Akk. zūpu, “Ysop, Majo-
ran”, AHw 1538, “oreganum”, CAD Z 163; Arab. zūfā, “hyssop”, Hava 301 >
Gk hýssōpos, “hyssop”, Liddell-Scott GEL 1905; Hawley JANER 4 2004 34 ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. ủzb.
Hyssop: yṣḥk ủzb he will tell you: (with) the hyssop, 1.178:1 (Del Olmo Fs Wat-
son 146; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 221: “… calls you and begins foaming”,
rdg ủ zb, Arab. zbb “foam”; Ford UF 34 2002 120, 125 ff.: “woe …!”; Dietrich-
Loretz UF 41 2009 68f.: “Vernichtung”, rdg ủsb (< ʔSP)).
ỉzl PN (etym. unc., cf. MN izali in Alalakh, AHw 408. Watson LSU 160; AuOr 30
2012 343, 344).
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 17.
ỉzld(n) PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 227, 423; Van Soldt SAU 29 f., 162f.; Bor-
dreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 86); ¶ syll.: i-za-al-da(-na), Ug 5 1 (RS 17.65):5; 3 rev.
19; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):24.
PN: ★a) ỉzldn, 4.320:5; ★b) bn ỉzld, 4.853:27.
ỉzly PN (etym. unc.; cf. MN izali in Alalakh, AHw 408).
PN: 4.348:4 (McGeough UgET 237: TN (?)).
ả/ỉzml n. f. kind of sack, harness (Akk. azamil(l)u, “Tragsack, -netz”, AHw 92;
“sack”, CAD A/2 525. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 27f.; Huehnergard UVST 282 67;
Vita TT 328; Watson AuOrS 27 83); ¶ RS Akk.: 10 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ
a-za-mi-la-te[, PRU 6 155 (RS 19.07):8. ¶ Forms: sg. ỉzml; bkn (?) pl. ảzml (cf.
Del Olmo AuOr 32 2014 61f.).
Kind of sack: ḫmšm ỉzml fifty ỉ., 4.284:2; ḥmr w ỉzml ảḥt one “load” and one
ỉ., 5.3:7 (Veenhof AOAT 8); ṯlṯ ảzml three ả., 5.23:3; in bkn ctx.: ṯṯ ảz[ml (?),
4.390:10 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 85; Caquot ACF 1976 462).
Cf. ỉzmly.
ỉzmly PN (etym. unc.; cf. ỉzml. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 11).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:3.1.
ảzmr n. m. foliage (cf. Hb. zmwrh, “shoot”, HALOT 272f. De Moor UF 1 1969 177

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134 /ʔ-z-r/ – ỉzz

n. 68; Sasson RSP 1; Xella TRU 69; for the morph. cf. the Akk. var. azamru,
zamru, v. Früchten, AHw 1509; “a tree or shrub and its edible fruit”, CAD
A/2 525, CAD Z 41. Tropper UG 156, “Weinranke”; Postgate BiOr 37 1980 68 f.;
Dalley OBTR no. 204:5; Powell BSA 3 1987 131; Watson AuOr 25 2007 130;
LSU 127). ¶ Forms: sg. ảzmr.
Foliage: ảrbʕ ảrbʕ mṯbt ảzmr four huts (made) of branches on each side,
/ʔ-z-r/ vb Gpass.: “to be girded, veiled” (cf. ủzr and Hb. ʔzr, “to gird”, HALOT 28;
Arab. ʔzr, “to surround”, AEL 52f.). ¶ Forms: Gpass. prefc. tỉzr.
Gpass. To be girded, veiled, in Hurr. and unc. ctx.: DN tỉzr pnm will be veiled
(in) the face (with a cloth), 1.116:9 (Xella TRU 320: “ci si copra il viso (?)”;
Tropper UG1 514: “das Gesicht verhüllt (?) ist”; Pardee TR/1 655 ff. n. 15: “tu
le voileras le visage”; Tropper UG2 872: “ND verhüllt das (sc. ihr) Gesicht”);
on the unlikely rdg yảzr of KTU in 1.82:13 see Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247,
Cf. /ʔ-s-r/, ỉzr, ủzr, mỉzrt.
ỉzr n. m. “investiture” (?) (cf. /ʔ-z-r/; cf. ủzr. Xella TRU 342; diff. De Tarragon
TOu/2 175 108: “tissue”). ¶ Forms: sg. ỉzr.
Investiture (?): in bkn ctx. ả]lp ỉzr (sacrifice of) the bull of / for the investiture
(?), 1.91:8 (Del Olmo UF 19 1987 13, 15f.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/3 322: “ein
Ochse, ein Schurz”; Pardee TR/2 1107: nom de fête).
ủzr adj. m. “clothed, veiled” (cf. /ʔ-z-r/. Cf. Hb. ʔzwr, “loincloth”, ʔzr, “to put on
the ʔzwr”, HALOT 27, 28; Aram. ʔyzwr, “girdle, belt”, DJPA 48; Arab. ʔazara,
“to surround”, ʔizr, ʔizār, “a waist-wrapper”, AEL 52 f. Del Olmo IMC 117 n. 257;
Sanmartín UF 9 1977 369f.; Dietrich-Loretz 10 1978 66 f.; Caquot Semitica 37
1987 6ff.; Huehnergard UVST 105, 275; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 419 n. c:
“stimulant”, Arab. ʔazr; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 172f.: “sacrifice”, /a/ +
< *nzr; Tsevat UF 18 1986 345ff.: “statues”, Hitt. eš-ri; Aboud Fs Loretz 2–4:
“Kräfte”, pl. Arab. azer / izar; Dietrich-Loretz UF 40 2008 196f.: “(vegetables??
Gemüse??) Opfer”; Watson LSU 39f.: “table-cloth”, Akk. uzāru). ¶ Forms: sg.
ủzr, suff. ủzrm (encl. -m).]
Enrobed: ủzr ỉlm ylḥm enrobed, he fed the gods, 1.17 I 2 and par., cf. ủzrm,
ibid. ln. 21 (ln. 13: yd ṣth he took off his ṣ. Wyatt RTU 251 n. 6 for a survey of
var. suggestions).
ảzrt, cf. ảgzrt.
ủzry PN (etym. unc. Cassin-Glassner AAN 1 163; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 12;
Watson AuOr 14 1996 96).
PN: rdg unc. b]n ủzr? y, 4.103:58.
ỉzz[, TN (etym. unc.).
TN: 4.825 VI 10, in bkn ctx.

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ảzzlt – ảẓḥn 135

ảzzlt DN (cf. OSA ʕzzlt (ʕ Azīzlāt), DN. De Moor UF 2 1970 198).

DN: ḫpn l ảzzlt a ḫ. for DN, 4.182:57.
ảẓḥn DN, second element of the unknown compound DN aẓḥn tlyn.
DN in god list: ảẓḥn tlyn, 1.123:24 (diff. rdg Pardee TR/1 692 f.: ảṭḥn).

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ʕbb n. m. “greedy, glutton, guzzler” (?) (cf. Arab. ʕabba, “to drink without taking
breath”, AEL 1931. De Moor UF 17 1985 226f.; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 119: “the
gobbling animal” and other alt.; diff: Margalit AuOr 7 1989 71, ʕbd[ ỉl)).
¶ Forms: sg. ʕbb.
Greedy, glutton, guzzler (?), in bkn and unc. ctx.: tšpl bʕl ʕbb[ she knocked
down the … “glutton” (?), 1.92:14, see 1.12 I 26 f.: ảklm / ʕqqm.
/ʕ-b-d/ vb G: a) “to work (a field), to cultivate; b) to produce” (Hb. ʕbd, “to toil,
till the ground, work”, HALOT 773f.; Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. “to make, do
…”, DNWSI 806ff.); Emar /ʕabādu/, “to make, to do”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 21;
¶ par.: ḥrṯ. ¶ Forms: G ptc. act. m. pl. cstr. ʕbd.
G.: a) To work (a field), to cultivate: ʕbd dgn those who cultivate the grain,
1.16 III 13 (// ḥrṯm. De Moor UF 11 1979 646: Hb. ʕbdy pštym, Is. 19:9; Schwab
ZAW 99 1987 336 n. 47; for the poss. rdg ʕdb see Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002
90); b) to produce: ʕbd ṭl he has produced dew, 1.179:15 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu
14 397: “il a produit la rosée”).
ʕbd (I) n. m. 1) “servant, slave”; 2) “servant (said of a special class of mercenaries
or subordinate employees); person of a lower rank”; 3) “faithful, devout
person” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. ʕbd, “slave, servant”, HALOT 774 f.;
“servant, slave”, DNWSI 816ff.; Amor. /ʕabdum/, “slave”, Gelb CAAA 15, 88 ff.;
Huffmon APNMT 189; NB abdu, “Diener, Sklave”, AHw 6; “slave”, CAD A/1 51;
OSA ʕbd, “servant, serf”, SD 11; Arab. ʕabd, “a male slave”, AEL 1935. Loretz
UF 35 2003 350ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 35); ¶ syll. Ug.: ÌR = ar-du =
pu-ra-ne = ab-du, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 4; cf. the element /ʕabdV-/ (ÌR)
in PNN, Gröndahl PTU 104f.; Sivan GAGl 203; Huehnergard UVST 158; Van
Soldt SAU 306; McGeough ERU 94f.); ¶ RS Akk.: (LÚ.MEŠ.)ÌR(.MEŠ), passim,
cf. PRU 3 217, 232; PRU 4 260; PRU 6 150; Ug 5 340; Huehnergard AkkUg 356;
ar-dú, RS 20.122 II 20, Van Soldt SAU 245 n. 11; cf. PN ÌR LUGAL, PRU 4 286
(RS 19.68):33; passim; ÌR LUGAL KUR ú-ga-ri-it, PRU 3 107 (RS 17.238):3; ÌR
ÌR LUGAL KUR ú-ga-ri-it, ibid. ln. 5; a-na-ku ÌR-du ša dUTU-ši LUGAL GAL
EN-ia, PRU 4 49 (RS 17.340):12; ¶ par.: /ʔ-ḫ-d(/Ä)/ (+ ủlt), ʕnn, bn (I) (+ ảmt
(I)), sỉd. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. / cstr. ʕbd; suff. ʕbdk, ʕbdh (cf. ʕb[dm], encl. -m (?),
2.39:12); pl. abs. ʕbdm; cstr. ʕbd; du. suff. ʕbdk; pl. suff. ʕbdn, in unc. ctx. and
rdg (1.15 I 3, read perhaps ttdn).
1) Servant, slave: ʕbd slave, 5.9:19; ʕbd ʕlm slaves in perpetuity, 1.14 III 23 and
par. (// bn ảmt; cf. Hb. ʕbd ʕwlm; cf. Yamashita RSP 2 66 f.; Loretz UF 35 2003
336); ʕbd ḥrn servant(s) of DN, 1.82:41 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248); p ʕbd ảnk
am I perhaps a slave?, 1.4 IV 59–60 (// ʕnn, ảḫd ủlṯ; cf. in bkn ctx. ]ʕbd ảnk,

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ʕbd (i) 137

2.50:21); ʕbdk ản w d ʕlmk your slave am I in perpetuity, 1.5 II 12 and par.; ʕbdk
bʕl y ymm your slave is DN, oh DN!, 1.2 I 36; ảkl (…) ḥpr ʕbdm grain (… of
the) rations of the slaves, 4.636:3 and passim ibid.; ptḥ ảḥd l bt ʕbdm a door
for the building of the slaves, 4.195:9; nʕr d ảpy PN w (…) d ảpy ʕbdh (nn of)
n. that PN made into bread and (nn + four) that his slave made into bread,
4.362:5–6; in bkn ctx.: tšpl bʕl ʕbb[, 1.92:14 (see above ʕbb); w mrbʕ[t l ʕ]bdm,
2) Servant (said of a special class of mercenaries or subordinate employees);
person of lower rank: ★a) servant: ʕbdm servants, 4.87:2; 4.99:1; 4.126:13; [spr]
ʕbdm list of servants, 4.320:1 (cf. b TNN, ibid. ln. 2, 8; (b) btwm, ibid. ln. 13; b
šdm, ibid. ln. 18); ʕbdm PNN servants: PNN, 4.71 III 10; 4.35 II 2; PN ʕbd PN,
servant, 4.75 VI 3; 4.183 II 19; 4.332:10–11; (a farm of) PN ʕbd l PN PN, servant,
for PN, 4.424:20; PN ʕbd mlk PN, servant of the king, 2.47:14 (cf. RS Akk.:
ÌR LUGAL); ★b) in correspondence, a person of inferior rank, passim: tḥm
PN ʕbdk message of PN, your slave, 2.81:5; 2.86:4; 2.97:3 and passim; tḥm skn
ʕbdk message of the administrator, your servant; 4.89:2; 10; cf. mlk (…) ʕbdh
the king (…) his servant, 3.12:11; w hnn ʕm ʕbdk mỉd šlm and behold, here with
your servant (all) is very well 2.86:10; mlk bʕly (…) l ʕbdh the king, my lord (…)
to his slave, 2.33:24 and par.; mlkt ảdty (…) ʕbdk the queen my lady (…) your
servant, 2.12:5; (ảdty …) rgm tṯṯb l ʕbdh (may my lady …) send a reply to her
servant, 2.12:15; 2.89:10 and par.; ủmy ảdtny (…) PN w PN ʕbdk my mother, our
lady (…) PN and PN, your two servants, 2.11:4; w ṯn ʕbdk ṯmt ʕmnk and your
two servants, (when they are) there, with you, 2.70:21; ảt ṯṯb ʕm ʕbdk you send
(word) back to your servant, 4.286:20 (cf. ln. 10), cf. 2.89:10; bt ʕbdh the house
of his servant, 2.86:22; w yšdd ḥwt ʕbdk and he will / intends to devastate the
land of your servant, 2.98:27; ht ảnk ʕbdk now, I myself your servant, 2.98:28; l
knt mlḥmt b ḥwt ʕbdk there has not been war in your servant’s country, 2.98:11,
see ln. 29; in unc. ctx. and rdg.: tṯṯkrnn ʕbdn, 1.15 I 3 (diff. rdg tddn. Hutton
UF 35 2003 257; Greenstein UNP 24; see /n-d-d/).
3) Faithful, devotee of a DN: ʕbd ỉl, the slave of DN, 1.14 III 51 and par. (title
of king krt; cf. 1.15 II 19), cf. ʕbd ỉlm 2.7:10; ʕbd ảlỉyn bʕl slave of DN, “The Most
Powerful”, 1.3 I 2 (or verbal form “he served” (?); // sỉd); [ks] yỉḫd ỉl ʕbdh [a
cup] did DN take for (?) his slave, 1.17 I 34 (// dnỉl; for the rdg ỉl ʕbdh see
Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 70f.; or text corrupt and rdg ỉl {ʕ}bdh … DN in his
hand (?). Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 177; Del Olmo MLC 370).
In bkn ctx.: w ʕbd š[xx]m, 1.15 IV 10; ʕbd ỉ !lm, 1.79:3; ʕbd, 2.57:2; 2.76:12; w kly
ʕbd[, 2.88:13; ʕm ʕbdk, 2.89:10; 2.98:5, 19; 2.102:5; ]l ʕbdk: 2.98:36; 4.834:18; ]ʕbd
ỉlm[, 4.26:2; ʕbdm: 4.837:21.
Cf. ảbdảdt, ảbdʕn, ảbdbʕl, ảbdḥr, ảbdḫmn, ʕbd (II), ʕbdỉl(m), ʕbdỉlt,
ʕbdʕn, ʕbd(ʕ)nt, ʕbdʕṯtrt, ʕbdbʕl, ʕbdgṯr, ʕbdḥgb, ʕbdḥr, ʕbdḥ(y),

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138 ʕbd (ii) – ʕbd(ʕ)nt

ʕbdḫmn, ʕbdkṯr, ʕbdlbỉt, ʕbdmhr, ʕbdmlk, ʕbdn, ʕbdnkl, ʕbdnt, ʕbdpdr,

ʕbdpr, ʕbdrpủ, ʕbdrs̄, ʕbdršp, ʕbdssm, ʕdbšḫr, ʕbdṯrm, ʕbdy, ʕbdym,
ʕbdyrġ, ʕbdyrḫ, rỉʕbd, yʕbd.
ʕbd (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 423; Van Soldt SAU 7, 27, 38, 40, 83, 309);
¶ syll.: ab-du, PRU 6 36 (RS 27.052):4, 18; Ug 5 52 (RS 20.239):24; (DUMU)
ÌR-du/dì, cf. PRU 3 241; Ug 5 327; PRU 4 219 (RS 17.424 C+):9; PRU 6 36
(RS 27.052):4 and passim ibid.; ÌR-du4, Ug 5 4 (RS 17.20):10; cf. Nougayrol
PRU 3 78ff.; Huehnergard UVST 213f.; AkkUg 356; Van Soldt SAU 309.
PN: ★a) 4.35 II 5; 4.63 I 18; 4.281:11 (bn ytrš); 4.286:8; 4.313:19; 4.609:5, 24; 4.617
II 25; 4.635:35; 4.754:18 (bn ỉṯtr[); in bkn ctx.: ʕb[d and ʕbd[, 4.77:4; 4.227 II 7;
4.529:3; 4.536:2; 4.554:5; 4.570:3; 4.746:2, 8; ★b) bn PN: 4.35 I 24; 4.98:19; 4.116:6;
4.155:13; 4.214 I 16; 4.311:2; 4.340:21; 4.424:20; 4.432:18; 4.760:8; cf. PN bn ảbd,
4.635:48; in bkn ctx.: [b]t ảbd[, 4.727:24 (allog. (?)).
Cf. ảbd (II).
ʕbdảdt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 14, 90, 105); ¶ syll.: ÌR-a-da-ti, PRU 4 183
(RS 17.319):23; ÌR-a-da-tu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):19; cf. 185:2.
PN: 3.3:12 (bn ʕbdkb); 4.183 II 28; 4.281:24; 4.609:12; in bkn ctx.: 4.214 IV 14.
ʕbdỉl(m) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 96, 105); ¶ syll.: ÌR. DINGIR (-ma/mu), cf.
PRU 3 240; PRU 6 138; Ug 5 326; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):8; var. ÌR-i-li, Ug 5 7
(RS 17.36):8 and passim ibid.; ÌR.DINGIR-lim, Ug 5 56 (RS 20.150):9; ÌR.DIN-
GIR.MEŠ, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):11.
PN: ★a) 3.17:5; 4.35 I 3 (bn k[); 4.133:2; 4.147:11; 4.183 II 25; 4.188:10; 4.261:11;
4.285:9; 4.659:5 (bn ṣdqn); 4.730:7; in bkn ctx.: 1.9:20; 4.223:8; ★b) bn PN: 4.33:41
(Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.51:16 (hzpy; Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.720:3; 4.723:12; in bkn
ctx.: 4.754:9 (hzpy).
ʕbdỉlt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 97, 105; Van Soldt SAU 7, 19, 38); ¶ syll.:
ÌR.DINGIR-tù/ti, Syria 28 1951 173ff. 6 (RS 14.16):6, 9; PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):5;
PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):21; PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):2; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):9. Van
Soldt BiOr 46 1989 647; SAU 309.
PN: 3.8:17 (bn.m<?>); 4.35 II 14 (bn qqln); 4.609:25; in bkn ctx.: 4.151 I 8; 4.311:5;
ʕbdʕn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 19, 105, 110; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26; Zadok UF 17
1985 394 n. 123). Allog. var. ảbdʕn; diff. Watson AuOr 30 2012 324: ảbdʕn, see
Emar *ʔabī-daʕi: “Mein Vater ist Wissen”, so Pruzsinszky PTE 189).
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 23; ★b) bn ảbdʕn: 4.12:9; 4.33:31 (ỉlštmʕy); 4.233:5.
ʕbd(ʕ)nt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 18, 20, 105, 111); ¶ syll.: ÌR-a-na-ti, PRU 3 91
(RS 16.170): rev. 2–3; PRU 32 (RS 16.129):19; PRU 3 167 (RS 15.139):7; PRU 4
72ff. (RS 17.335+):5 and passim ibid.; PRU 4 77 (RS 17.368):5; PRU 4 80 (RS
17.382+):6, 10; ÌR-a-na-tu4, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):47; cf. ÌR-a-[n]a(?)[-T]E(?), Ug 5
98 (RS 20.07):10. Van Soldt SAU 19 n. 168 and cf. ʕbdỉlt. Var. ʕbdnt in 4.277:4, 8.

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ʕbdʕṯtr – ʕbdmhr 139

PN: 4.151:6; 4.277:4, 8; 4.609:7.

ʕbdʕṯtr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 114); ¶ syll.: cf. the title LÚ.SIPA LÚ.ÌR.dIŠ-
TAR, Ug 5 84 (RS 20.235):18.
PN: 4.232:49; in bkn ctx.: 4.75 II 1.
ʕbdbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 117; Benz PNPPI 371; Watson LSU 160; cf.
Cypro-Minoan a-pu-tu-pa-lo, Masson Sem 39 1990 42); ¶ RS Akk.: ÌR.dIM,
passim, Kinlaw SPNATU 8; Gröndahl PTU 316; PRU 6 138; Ug 5 326. Var. ảbdbʕl,
4.635:48. Berger WO 5 1969/70 280.
PN: ★a) 4.75 III 3 (bn kdn); 4.110:21; 4.183 II 18; 4.222:18; 4.742:4; 4.766:5; ★b) bn
PN: 4.635:48; 4.750:4.
ʕbdgṯr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 131; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 175).
PN: 4.151:4; 4.214 I 10.
ʕbdḥ(y) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 19, 105, 137; Marcus JSS 17 1972 78); ¶ syll.:
ÌR-ḫa-ya, Syria 28 1951 173ff. 6 (RS 14.16):25.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 10; 4.687:3.
ʕbdḥgb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 135; Jirku ArOr 37 1969 8; ArOr 42 1973
102f.; Astour JESHO 13 1970 11f.; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 311; Van
Soldt SAU 32; Watson LSU 160); ¶ syll.: ÌR-ḫa-gáb, cf. PRU 3 240; PRU 6 30
(RS 18.500):6 and passim ibid.; PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):19; Ug 5 58 (RS 20.232):3.
PN: 4.69 I 23; 4.769:10, 12 (bn ỉrpbn).
ʕbdḥr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 19, 105, 136; Jirku ArOr 37 1969 10; Bordreuil SEL 5
1988 29 n. 16; Muchiki Loanwords 278). Var. ảbdḥr, 4.33:36; 4.40:11.
PN: ★a) 3.19:5 (bn bddn); ★b) bn PN: 4.33:36 (snry); 4.40:11; 4.611 II 7.
ʕbdḫmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 230; Huehnergard UVST 212, 240; Benz
PNPPI 313; Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 13; SEL 5 1988 26, 29 n. 15; Van Soldt
SAU 19; Watson AuOr 8 1990 127; AuOr 14 1996 102); ¶ syll.: ab-di-ḫa-ma-ni,
PRU 3 64 (RS 16.200):3; ÌR-ḫa-ma-nu, cf. PRU 3 240; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) e. 2.
Allog. var. ảbdḫmn, 9.461:20.
PN: 4.75 I 3 ([bn] ybdn); 4.93 II 18; 4.170:14; 4.177:3; 4.332:12; 4.617 II 15; 4.787:2;
9.461:20; 4.807 I 42: ʕbd{.}ḫmn.
ʕbdkb PN (Sem.; unc., theonymic element, poss. a defective spelling of *kbb
“Kubaba”. Watson NABU 1997/69). Cf. kbby.
PN: bn PN, 3.3:12.
ʕbdkṯr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 34, 105, 152; Watson AuOr 14 1996 102f.); ¶ syll.:
ÌR-ku(?)-ša-ri, Ug 5 98 (RS 20.07):9.
PN: 4.151 I 3; 4.175:6; 4.177:8; 4.183 II 19; 4.194:21.
ʕbdlbỉt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 154).
PN: 4.63 III 38.
ʕbdmhr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 156; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 311; cf. cf.
RS Akk.: ÌR.UR.SAG, PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257 A) II 41).

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140 ʕbdmlk – ʕbdšḫr

PN: bn PN, 4.769:14.<

ʕbdmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 34, 105, 158; Van Soldt SAU 16, 126); ¶ syll.: cf.
ÌR.LUGAL, cf. PRU 3 241; PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39): rev. 5, 9; Ug 5 326; RSOu 7 2
(RS 34.169):3; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036): rev. 11. Cf. ʕbdṯrm.
PN: ★a) 3.2:9 (bn ảmtrn), 15 (bn ảmtrn); 4.75 III 2 (bn śrn), IV 8 (bn ʕmyn);
4.103:2, 16; 4.141:20; 4.214 IV 5; 4.244:6; 4.609:15; in bkn ctx.: 4.69 I 27; 4.81:6;
★b) bn PN: 3.25:3; 4.412 III 25; 4.714:6; ★c) bt PN: 3.4:9; 3.32:6, 11, 13, 16, 19; 4.807
I 17 (ʕbd{.}mlk).
ʕbdn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 105f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ab-di-na, PRU 3 194 (RS
11.839):7; cf. a[b(?)-]du-ni, PRU 6 144 (RS 19.38):2. Cf. ʕbdʕn.
PN: 3.9:20 (bn sgld); 4.313:4; 4.339:19; in unc. ctx.: ʕbdn, 1.15 I 3 (see supra: ʕbd;
Hutton UF 35 2003 254ff., 256, rdg. tddn).
ʕbdnkl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 34, 104f., 166f.); ¶ syll.: ÌR-ni-kál, cf. PRU 3 241;
PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):5; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):31; ÌR-ni-kal, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):9.
Huehnergard AkkUg 382, 386.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 II 43.
ʕbdnt PN; cf. ʕbd(ʕ)nt.
ʕbdpdr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 171f.; Watson AuOr 8 1990 127; Arnaud
AuOr 16 1998 166f.: Alalakh PN ab-dá-pí-di-ra); ¶ syll.: ÌR-pí-dar6(TAR), Ug
5 7 (RS 17.36):14. Huehnergard AkkUg 354; Van Soldt SAU 29 n. 236. Prob. rdg
ʕbdp<d>r in 4.222:17.
PN ★a) 4.269:7; ★b) bn PN: cf. ʕbdp<d>r, 4.222:17.
ʕbdpr PN; cf. ʕbdpdr.
ʕbdrpủ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 180); ¶ syll.: ÌR-rap-i, PRU 3 146 (RS
16.139):8; cf. Huehnergard UVST 249.
PN: 4.269:15; 4.609:33.
ʕbdrs̄ PN (Gröndahl PTU 16, 101, 104; Dietrich-Loretz KA 155; Lipiński UF 20
1988 140; Watson LSU 160f.); ¶ syll.: ÌR-di-ir-ši, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 8.
DUMU-ÌR-ir(?)-šu-na, 195 (RS 15.09) A 5.
PN: 4.31:1.
ʕbdršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 181; Watson AuOr 8 1990 127; Van Soldt
SAU 19, 26f., 40f.); ¶ syll.: ÌR-ir-šap(-pa), PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):12, 16; ÌR-ra-ši-
ip, Ug 5 98 (RS 20.07):8; cf. ÌR.MAŠ.MAŠ, PRU 3 241; PRU 4 234 (RS 17.112):18;
PRU 6 138; Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):17, 19; ÌR.dNIN.URTA, Syria 28 1951 173ff. (RS
14.16):31 (Van Soldt SAU 26 n. 204); PRU 4 231 (RS 17.123):16 and passim ibid.
PN: 3.16:5; 4.222:9; 4.298:5; 4.635:35 (ảḏddy); 4.754:16 (bn ġtr).
ʕbdssm PN (Sem; for the theonym cf. Gröndahl PTU 187; Fauth ZDMG 120 1970
229ff.; Sznycer RDAC 1984 117f.; Ribichini- Xella SEL 8 1991 166).
PN: 1.75:12.
ʕbdšḫr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 16, 105, 192).

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ʕbdṯrm – /ʕ-b-r/ 141

PN: bn PN: 4.98:19: ʕbd{.}šḫr; 4.798:10; in bkn ctx.: ʕbdš[ḫr, 4.383:8.

ʕbdṯrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 250; Van Soldt SAU 3, 14, 40); ¶ syll.:
ÌR.(d)LUGAL-ma, PRU 3 74 (RS 16.283):6 and passim ibid.; cf. PRU 4 252. Cf.
PN: bn PN, 3.17:4.
ʕbdy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 105; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 311 n. 12;
Syria 57 1980 384f.); ¶ syll.: ÌR-ya, PRU 3 71 (RS 16.295): 4 and passim ibid.;
ÌR-de4-ya, RS 23.22+ VI 8; Van Soldt SAU 40, 310 n. 116.
PN: ★a) 4.775:16; ★b) bn PN: 4.50:10; 4.232:48; 4.628:6; 4.754:15; 4.769:64;
ʕbdym PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 105, 144; Watson LSU 161); ¶ syll.: cf. (DUMU)
ÌR.A.AB.BA, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) A I 7, 16; Huehnergard AkkUg 441.
PN: ★a) 4.7:7; 4.103:18, 47; ★b) bn PN: 3.3:10; in bkn ctx.: 4.341:3.
ʕbdyrġ PN; cf. ʕbdyrḫ.
ʕbdyrḫ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 21, 105, 145; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
304; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.); ¶ syll.: ÌR.dXXX, cf. PRU 3 241;
PRU 6 138; Ug 5 326; Huehnergard AkkUg 403: Van Soldt SAU 17 n. 151, 19,
29. Allog. var. ʕbdyr in 4.277:2.
PN: ★a) 2.45:18; 4.35 II 18 (bn gṯtn); 4.46:10; 4.75 II 11; 4.98:12 (Van Soldt SAU 38);
4.141 I 5 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.148:1; 4.226:6; 4.277:2; 4.339:10, 18 (bn ṯyl);
4.364:3; 4.609:18 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.658:24; 4.727:19, 22; 4.775:7; in bkn ctx.:
4.357:31; 4.584:4; ★b) bn PN: 4.424:22, in bkn ctx.: ʕ]bdyrḫ.
ʕbk n. m. of a plant (Akk. abukat(t)u, “eine Binsenart”, AHw 8; “a plant”, CAD A/1
81f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 44; Cohen(-Sivan) UHT 37 f.; UF 28
1996 144; Sanmartín AfO 35 1988 228; Watson LSU 67). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕbk.
A plant, in pharmacopoeia: pr ʕbk fruits of the ʕ., 1.85:26.
ʕbl PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 29, 106).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 15; 4.90:8; 4.93 IV 17; 4.311:12; 4.412 II 33.
ʕbn PN (etym. unc.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: 3.19:2.
/ʕ-b-r/ vb G: “to pass, go through” (Hb. ʕbr, “to pull along, move through”,
HALOT 778ff.; Ebla cf. ʕabārum, “überqueren”, ARET 5 61 (a-ba-rí-im, ge.
Krebernik QuSem 18 102); cf. a-bar-rí-iš, “jenseits”, Edzard ARET 5 61; “on the
other bank”, Fronzaroli EL 133; “beyond”, Krebernik QuSem 18 104; Akk. ebēru,
“überschreiten”, AHw 182f.; “to cross”, CAD E 10ff.; ARMT 27 303; Arab. ʕabara,
“to cross, go across”, AEL 1936ff. De Moor SP 156; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990
69, 72). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕbr; impv. ʕbr; prefc. tʕbr.
G. To pass: ʕbr ỉht np šmm pass the islands / zones of the celestial peaks, 1.3
VI 8 and par.; ʕbr gbl ʕbr qʕl pass summits, pass heights, 1.3 VI 7; ʕb!r l [ʕr] ʕrm
he passed from [town] to town, 1.4 VII 7; in bkn ctx.: tʕbr[, 6.81:1.

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142 ʕbr (i) – ʕd (i)

Cf. ʕbr (I), ʕbr (II).

ʕbr (I) n. m. “passer-by” < “guest” (prob. < /ʕ-b-r/, ptc. G. Dijkstra UF 20 1988
46 n. 63, 49; Akk. ubāru, “Ortsfremder, Beisasse, Schutzbürger” AHw 1399;
“stranger, foreign guest, resident alien, guest-friend”, CAD U/W 10 ff.; diff.
Ribichini-Xella UF 12 1980 434ff.; “defunto” < Hb. ʕwbrym; Gordon PLM 31
n. 18: “merchant”, Hb. ʕbr). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕbrm.
Guest: k ksp l ʕbrm zt ḫrṣ l ʕbrm kš like silver for the guests was / were the
olive(s), the date(s) like gold for the guests, 1.22 I 15.
ʕbr (II) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 423); ¶ syll.: cf. a-bu-ri, RSOu 7 5 (RS
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 12; 4.116:14.
ʕbs, cf. ʕp/bs.
ʕbṣ (I) n. m. “mace” (cf. Arab. ʕaḍb, “a sharp sword”, AEL 2071, with metath.
Cassuto GA 126; diff. De Moor SP 106: “press on”, inf. (?), Aram. ʕbq, “to
hasten”; see Jongeling JSS 17 1972 195: lʕbʕ, “hastily”, in Qumran); ¶ par.: ʕṣ.
¶ Forms: sg. suff. ʕbṣk.
Mace: ḥšk ʕṣk ʕbṣk grasp your staff (and) your mace, 1.3 III 18 and par. (Wyatt
RTU 78; diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 202, 224: “you must rush”).
ʕbṣ (II) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 106; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106).
PN: bn PN, 4.617:40.
/ʕ-b-š/ vb G: “to extol, praise” (?) (etym. unc. De Moor SP 117: “substantiate”, rdg
ṯbš, Akk. šubšû; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 434 f.: “versammeln”, Akk. šabāšu I,
“einsammeln”, rdg ṯbš; TUAT 3 1312: “verbünden”; Ashley EAR 260: PN; Korpel
UBL 12 100 n. 3: “to create”, Akk. epēšu; Pardee Or 80 2011 44, 51 f.: “célèbrent”,
Arab. ʕbš < ʕbś, “améliorer”): ¶ Forms: prefc. yʕbš.
G. To extol, praise (?): ṯm yʕ[[x]]bš šm ỉl mtm yʕbš brkn šm ỉl ġzrm there extol
(?) the name of DN the heroes, extol (?) blessing (it / him,) the name of
DN, the nobles, 1.22 I 6–7 (rdg unc. Pitard JNES 51 1992 266; BASOR 285 1992
/ʕ-b-t/ see /t-ʕ-b/.
ʕby PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 106; Watson Historiae 4 2007 103); ¶ syll.: cf.
DUMU ab-bi-ya, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036): rev. 13.
PN: 4.371:16; in bkn ctx.: 4.604:3.
ʕd (I) 1) prep. “up to, until; close to, around”; 2) conj. “until; while, when” (Hb.,
Ph., OAram. ʕd, “as far as, until”, HALOT 786f.; “to unto, until”, DNWSI 825f.;
Ebla cf. a-ti, “towards”, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 36; QuSem 18 102; a-dè(NE),
Limet QuSem 13 65; ARET 7 204; /ʕadi=ma/ a-ti-ma, Fronzaroli QuSem 15
17; a-dì-ma, Pettinato Rituale 181; Fronzaroli ARET 11 140; Akk. adi, “bis”, AHw
12f.; “as long as, while, until”, CAD A/1 112ff.; but cf. Sima AfO 46–47 1999–
2000 213ff.; OSA ʕd, ʕd/yw(?), “to, up to, into, until, in, at”, SD 12. Aartun PU/2

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ʕd (ii) – ʕd (iii) 143

52f., 97f. diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 183f., in some texts: “moreover”,
“again”, Hb. ʕwd). ¶ Forms: ʕd; suff. ʕdk, ʕdm (encl. -m.), ʕdn (encl. -n).
1) Prep. ★a) up to, until, temporal: ʕd šbʕt šnt up to the seventh year, 1.19
IV 14; ʕd ʕlm until eternity / for ever, 3.5:14, see 3.33:14 and par. (RS Akk.: adi
dārīti, etc.; Van Soldt SAU 459, 461); local: uṣbʕth ʕd ṯkm (he washed …) his
fingers / arms up to the shoulder, 1.14 III 54 and par.; ʕd ksm mhyt up to the
borders of the meadows, 1.5 VI 4; modal: ʕd šbʕ (…) ʕd škr, until satiety (…)
until intoxication, 1.114:3–4 and par; in unc. ctx.: ʕd mġyy b ʕrm until I reach
the city(?), 2.71:16, in bkn ctx., ʕd mġ[, until the arrival, 2.88:22; ★b) close to,
around: ʕdk ỉlm (…) ʕdk kṯrm around you are the gods (…), around you, DN,
1.6 VI 48–49 (diff. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 172: “comrade”, *ʕd, *ʕwd); in unc. ctx.
ʕd rủš, 2.63:9.
2) Conj. ★a) until: ʕd tšbʕ tmtḥṣ until she was sated (or: until satiety) she
fought, 1.3 II 29 and par. (cf. infra 1.4 VI 55; 1.6 I 9); ảl ảtn ks[p lhm ʕd] ỉlảk [ʕm
mlk] I shall not give them money until the king commands (…), 2.42:20; ʕd
tṯṯbn ksp until they give back the money (?), 3.4:17; ★b) while, when: ʕd lḥm
šty ỉlm while the gods ate (and) drank, 1.4 VI 55 and par.; ʕdm [t]lḥm tšty while
you eat and drink, 1.15 VI 2; ʕd tšbʕ bk when she was sated with weeping, 1.6
I 9; in bkn ctx. ʕd l hklh (?) 1.19 IV 26 (De Moor ARTU 262: “returned [to his]
palace”); ʕd mġy[ until he arrives (?), 2.1:8, see 2.88:22; in bkn ctx.:ʕdh 1.62:8;
ʕd t[, 2.85:35.
ʕd (II) n. m. “time, period” (/ʕ-d/ “to repeat, last” > “time, cycle”. Hb. ʕwd,
“duration, still”, HALOT 795f.; “future time”, DNWSI 825; Arab. ʕāda, “to
return”, AEL 2188ff. De Moor SP 148f. ¶ par.: šnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕd.
Time, period: ṯmn nqpt ʕd eight revolutions of time, 1.23:67 and par. (//
šnt; diff. Gray UF 3 1971 66 n. 41: “he numbered”, Arab. ʕadda); b ʕd ʕlm in
perpetuity, 5.9 I 6 (cf. ʕd (I) 1.a), bʕd).
Cf. ʕdt (II).
ʕd (III) n. m. 1) “throne, throne-room” (Hb. *ʕd, “throne room”, HALOT 787f.
Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 28 n. 8; Renfroe AULS 17ff. diff. De Moor SP 161:
“platform”; Du Mesnil NE 93 n. 3: “sanctuaire, édicule”, Arab. ʕawāḏ, maʕāḏ);
Gulde UF 30 1998 308: “vor dem Podest”; ¶ par.: kḥ¨, ksủ. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕd; suff.
Throne, throne-room: šbʕm yrgm ʕl ʕd seven times it is recited in front of the
throne, 1.23:12, cf. mt yṯb (…) DN is seated (…) ibid. ln. 8 (alt. Scurlock UF 43
2011 421: “repeated seven times to the accompaniment of a lute” (?); diff.
Tsumura UDGG 38: “custom”, Arab. ʕādat; Foley GG 40 f.: “assembly”, Hb. ʕdh;
Renfroe AULS 19: “cycle”, cf. ʕd (II)); yṯb krt l ʕdh PN sat in his throne-room,
1.16 VI 22 (// ksỉ mlk, kḥṯ drkt. Renfroe AULS 17ff.); w tnrr b ʕd bt bʕl ủgrt and
they shall burn (be burnt) in the throne-room of the temple of DN of TN,

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144 ʕd (iv) – /ʕ-d-b/

1.119:9 (Cunchillos EPHEA 93 1984 236; Pardee TR/1 673f.); in bkn ctx.: b ʕd
bʕlkm, 4.17:16 (cf. bʕd).
ʕd (IV) element of the composite DN ʕd w šr (an attribute or a deified object; cf.
ʕd (II) and ʕd (III). Del Olmo CR 147 n. 35 with ref. to Is 9:5–6; diff. Tsumura
UF 6 1974 409ff.: “Enemy (and Evil)”, said of Mot, cf. mt w šr; see in this
connection Pardee TR/1 701f.).
Element of the DN: ʕd w šr, 1.123:13.
/ʕ-d-b/ vb G: 1) “to leave” > “to put in”, “to place”; 2) by semantic shift “to put
in order” > “to arrange, prepare” (Hb. ʕzb (I), “to leave”, HALOT 806 f.; OSA
ʕḏb, “to repair, put in order”, SD 12; Akk. ezēbu, “verlassen, hinterlassen”,
AHw 267ff.; “to abandon, leave”, CAD E 416ff. Van Zijl Baal 134f.; Williamson
ZAW 97 1985 74ff.; Renfroe AULS 20f.; Dietrich-Loretz 34 2002 75ff.); ¶ par.:
/y-t-n/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕdb, ʕdbt; prefc. yʕdb; with suff. tʕdbn, tʕdbnh,
yʕdbkm; impv. ʕdb; inf. ʕdb; with suff. ʕdbk, ʕdbnn; act. ptc. cstr. pl. ʕdb; pass.
ptc. sg. ʕdb; Š prefc. with suff. tšʕdbn (?).
G. 1) To leave put, place, set: l brkh yʕdb qṣʕt on his knees he placed / left the
arrows, 1.17 V 27 (// ytnn); ʕm bʕl l yʕdb mrḥ with DN he will not be able to
set (> measure) (his) lance, 1.6 I 51 (diff. Margalit ZAW 99 1987 395: “to raise”,
Hb. ʕzb (II); cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 84ff.); šủ ʕdb l špš rbt take (and)
place (them) next to the Great Lady, DN, 1.23:54 (cf. šủ ʕdb tk mdbr take (and)
place (them) in the holy desert, 1.23:65; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 112:
“Gabe”; also Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 89, 93; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 339:
“gift, offering”; Smith RM 99f.: “make an offering”); ảrḫp (…) ʕl ảqht ʕdbk I
shall fly about (…) above PN shall I place you, 1.18 IV 22 and par. (cf. forms
supra; see Watson LSU 14: “to let go”, Akk. ezēbu (?)); yʕdb ủ ymn ủ šmảl b phm
each one put (food) left and right into their mouths, 1.23:63; ʕdbnn ảnk ỉmr
bpy I myself put him (like) a lamb in my mouth, 1.6 II 22; bʕdh ʕdbt ṯlṯ behind
her she shot (lit.: placed) the bolt, 1.100:71 (// sgr; for other interpretations cf.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 113; 34 2002 88f.; for ʕdbt ṯlṯ “Bronzegeräte/-werke”,
“Ausstattung, Werke aus Bronze” see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 89 n. 61; cf.
ʕdbt); ʕdb ủḫry mṭ ydh (may) his staff be placed the last, 56 and par. (?); for
other interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 141f., cf. ủḫry; also Margalit UF 16 1984
156ff.: “to raise”, Hb. ʕzb (II)); ảl yʕdbkm k ỉmr b ph lest he places you like a
lamb in his mouth, 1.4 VIII 17.
2) To prepare, arrange, place: ★a) in genitive: ʕdb gpn ảtnth he / they put /
prepared the harness of her she-ass, 1.4 IV 12 and par.; tʕdb ksủ w yṯṯb they
prepared a throne and he sat down (on it), 1.4 V 46; yʕdb ksả w yṯb he places
a chair, and sits down (alt., it is repeated), 1.100:7 and par. (Del Olmo AuOr
31, 2013 48 n. 57); w yrd (…)ʕdb ảkl and PN should come down (…) to prepare
food / grain, 1.14 II 27 and par.; ʕdb ỉmr b pḫd prepare a lamb from among

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ʕdb – ʕdd (i) 145

the yearlings, 1.17 V 16 and par.; ʕdbt bhth bʕl yʕdb hd ʕdb (…) the layout of
his house did DN arrange, did DN arrange (…) 1.4 VI 39; ʕṯtrt tʕdb nšb lh DN
prepared a slice (?) for him, 1.114:10; yʕdb yrḫ gbh DN prepares (his piece of)
loin, 1.114:4 (Tropper UF 35 2003 657f.: “er legte sein gb hin”); yʕdb lḥm lh he
prepares for him (a piece) of meat, 1.114:7, see ln. 10, 13 (Yogev-Yona UF 43 2011
533: “he makes food for him”); w yʕdb d b tkh and he prepares what is within
it, 1.179:28, 37 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 89f.); ★b) in ritual terminology
(with the mng of an impersonal juss. / Gpass.): w ynt qrt yʕdb l ʕnt and one
“domestic” dove will be prepared for DN, 1.41:10 and par; in bkn ctx. w ksp
yʕdb and silver is placed (for the offering), 1.50:11; in unc. ctx.: 1.1 II 10, 11; III 9;
1.14 V 19; 1.176:10.
Cf. ʕdb, ʕdbt, mʕdb.
ʕdb adj. m. “available, ready, prepared” (< ptc. act. m. G /ʕ-d-b/. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 94f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 111). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕdb.
Available, ready, prepared: ỉšprm w gpm ʕdbm the date cakes and the g. are
ready, 2.88:27; said of an estate: šd PN ʕdb the field of PN: available, 4.631:13,
19 (cf. l / bd qrt, passim ibid.; see Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 91: “Gabe”).
ʕdbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 106f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:4.
ʕdbt n. f. “layout, arrangement” (< /ʕ-d-b/; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 112 f.;
UF 25 1993 128ff.: “Werk; Bau, Haus”). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕdbt.
Layout, arrangement: ʕdbt bhth bʕl yʕdb hd ʕdb ʕdbt hklh the layout of his
house did DN arrange, DN did arrange the layout of his palace, 1.4 VI 38; for
1.100:71 see above /ʕ-d-b/ 1).
/ʕ-d(-d)/ vb tD/tL “to declare, communicate” (see ʕdd (I). Arab. ʕadda, “to
count”; taʕaddada, taʕādda, “to participate, share one with the other”, AEL
1969ff. Van Zijl Baal 87; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 200 n. b; De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 158. See Held ErIs 9 1969 72* n. 15: “to send (a message)”; Sanmartín
UF 12 1980 345ff.: “beteuern”, Hb. hʕyd; diff. Margalit MLD 39: “to rise up”, Hb.
*ʕdd); ¶ par.: /ṯ-b/. ¶ Forms: tD/tL prefc. ytʕdd.
tD/tL. To declare, communicate: ytʕdd rkb ʕrpt “the Charioteer of the clouds”
declared, 1.4 III 11 (// yṯb; for the verbal form see Huehnergaard UF 17 1986
402; Tropper UG 585: tL from *ʕwd); in bkn ctx.: 1.5 IV 25.
Cf. ʕdd (I), ʕdd (II), yʕdd.
ʕdd (I) n. m. “herald” (>< (?) /ʕ-d-d/. OAram. ʕdd, “messenger, herald”, DNWSI
827f. see Eth. ʕawwādi, “herald”, CDG 77, < *ʕwd; on poss. contamination
of bases *ʕwd / ʕdd < *ʕad, see Del Olmo AuOr 24 2006 21 f. De Moor
SP 168; Cody ZAW 93 1981 305; for a survey see Renfroe AULS 87; diff. Mar-
galit MLD 69: “custom”, pl. “taxes, duties”, Arab. ʕādat; Sanmartín UF 12 1980
347: “der für Verträge Zuständige, Notar”, Sem. *ʕd); ¶ par.: dll. ¶ Forms: sg.

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146 ʕdd (ii) – ʕdn (i)

Herald: ỉlảk (…) ʕdd l ydd ỉl I am going to send (…) a herald to the beloved of
DN, 1.4 VII 46 (// dll).
ʕdd (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 107; Sivan GAGl 205); ¶ syll.: cf. a-da-da, Ug 5
13 (RS 17.465):3; a-da-da-a, PRU 3 145 (RS 16.139):4.
PN: 4.734:6.
ʕdm, 1.15 VI 2, cf. ʕd (I).
ʕdmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 106, 158).
PN: 4.148:5; 4.214:7.
ʕdmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 106f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ad-du-mi-nu, Syria 18 1937
247 (RS 8.146 [= “8.213”]):33.
PN: 4.645:8 ([bn] ynḥm).
ʕdmt n. f. “desolation” (Arab. ʕadima, “to be destitute”, ʕadam, “lack, loss, pov-
erty”, AEL 1975f. Caquot ACF 75 1975 429; Xella TRU 286; De Moor ZAW 88
1986 344; diff. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 180: “violent”, Arab. ʕadama, but cf. Ren-
froe AULS 87 f.). ¶ Forms: sg./pl.(?) abs./cstr. ʕdmt.
Desolation: ʕdmt w ʕdmt ʕdmt desolation, yes, desolation of desolations!,
/ʕ-d-n/ vb G/D: “to appoint the time”, denom. < ʕdn (I) (?) (Akk. adānu, “fest-
setzen”, AHw 10. De Moor SP 149; Loretz SEL 12 1995 118. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc.
yʕdn; inf. ʕdn.
G/D. To appoint the time: wn ảp ʕdn mṭrh bʕl yʕdn ʕdn ṯkt b glṯ since thus
DN will be able to appoint the time of his rain, the time of the ṯ.-boat in
the storm, 1.4 V 6–7 (diff. Margalit ZAW 86 1974 11 n. 35: “trident”, Arab.
ʕadana; RB 91 1984 108 n. 26: Arab. ʕaddana, “fertilize (land with manure)”;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 33: “Saison- oder Terminarbeiter”; Fen-
sham JNSL 7 1979 22f.: “seasonal labourer” *ʕdy; Weinfeld SEL 1 1984 127 n. 4;
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 537, 557f.: “so now may Baal make his rain abundant”,
Aram. ʕdn, Aram. of Fekharieh mʕdn; Tropper UG 126: “ergötzen, üppig,
reichlich machen”).
Cf. ʕdn (I), ʕdn (II).
ʕdn (I) n. m. “time, season” (OAram. ʕdn, “time”, DNWS 830; Arab. ʕiddān, “a
time”, AEL 1976; Akk. adannu, “a period of time”, CAD A/1 97 ff. De Moor
SP 149; Loretz SEL 12 1995 118; diff. Del Olmo MLC 598: “reunir, hacer acopio”,
Arab. ʕaddana, ʕaddīnat, maʕdin, AEL 1976 f.; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 122:
“réunir”, *ʕdy; Fensham JNSL 7 1979 22 n. 53; 15 1989 87ff.: “abundance”;
Tropper UF 35 2003 654f.: “Wonne” < *ʕ/ġdn, “angenehm, üppig, fruchtbar,
reichlich sein”). Forms: sg. ʕdn.
Time: ʕdn ṯkt b glṯ the time of the ṯ-boat in the storm, 1.4 V 7; b ʕdn ʕdnm at
the most crucial time, 1.12 II 52 (// skn (III); see Wyatt RTU 167 n. 34, for a
survey of opinions; diff. del Olmo MLC 485: “frente a la tropa más escogida”,
see ʕdn (III).

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ʕdn (ii) – ʕdš/ṯ 147

ʕdn (II) n. m. “store, silo” (Arab. ʕadana, “to remain, stay”, ʕadān, “a place of
remaining”, maʕdin, “a mine”. ¶ par.: ḥmt. ¶ Forms: pl. suff. ʕdnhm.
Store, silo: kly lḥm b ʕdnhm the grain in their stores was finished, 1.16 III 14 (//
ḥmthm; alt. ʕdn (I)).
ʕdn (III) n. m. “party”, “troop(s)”, “gang” (Arab. ʕadānat, “a company of men,
a party”, AEL 1976. Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 108; Watson Bib 63 1982 256f.;
UF 38 2006 719; diff. etym; in Renfroe UF 19 1987 233: “expeditionary force” <
*/ʕ-d-w/y/ + -n; Wesselius UF 15 1983 313: “north”, from ctx.; Loretz UF 39 2007
551–554 n. 11: “Wonne”, Hb., Syr. *ʕdn; UF 40 2008 512: “Wonne”, Akk. ṣidītam
nagib, see /ngb/); ¶ par.: skn. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ʕdn; pl. ʕdnm.
Party, troop(s), gang: ʕdn ngb w yṣỉ (…) w yṣỉ ʕdn mʕ let the troops of vict-
ualling march off (…) and let the troops march off together, 1.14 II 32, 34 and
par. (diff. Loretz UF 40 2008 512, 516: “mit Wonne sei ausgerichtet und es ziehe
aus das Heer der Heere, ausgerichtet”); ʕšt ʕšr b TN yd ʕdnm eleven (bnšm
workmen) in TN with (their) gangs, 4.358:8; in unc. ctx.: ḥpr ʕdn dd ảkl the
ration of the gang is a “cauldronful” of grain, 2.71:18; hnk tšmʕm ʕdn yštảl ʕmnk
when you hear that the troop requires a reply from me, 2.71:10 (Sivan UF 22
1990 311f.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs Dietrich 551 ff.); in bkn ctx.: ʕdn[, 4.40:2;
ʕdn (IV) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 106f.; Astour CRRA 18 17; Lemaire Syria
58 1981 316; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988 650; SAU 31, 441); ¶ syll.: ad-du-nu, RA 38
1941 4 (RS 11.856):16; PRU 3 150 (RS 16.188):6; PRU 4 184 (RS 17.319):25; Ug 5 52
(RS 20.239):25; Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07):17; RSOu 7 25 (RS 34.167+):39; cf. RS 22.223
(Van Soldt SAU 441 n. 107); cf. a-du-nu and var., cf. PRU 6 138; cf. a-du-ni-dU,
PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42) II 20 (Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988 650). Cf. ảdn (II).
PN: ★a) 4.46:6; 4.63 I 8; 4.86:22 (b[n); 4.129:4 (Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.141 II 5
(Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.227 I 9; 4.261:7, 22; 4.343:9 (Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.378:4
(Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.398:12; 4.609:3 (Van Soldt SAU 38), 20, 27; 4.635:36 (bn
knn); 4.658:19 (bn šš); 4.690:6 (bỉry); 4.729:8 (Van Soldt SAU 35); in bkn ctx.:
b ʕ[d]n, 3.20:8; ʕdn[, 4.40:2; 4.332:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.7:6 (Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988
650; SAU 31, 37, 41); 4.617 I 7, II 32; 4.739:8; 4.843:16.
ʕdr[, PN (etym. unc.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ★a) 4.227 II 9; ★b) bn PN, 4.381:17; 4.388:9.
ʕdrḏ, PN (etym. unc.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: 4.106:19 (bn ʕdrḏ).
ʕdršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 106f., 181).
PN: ★a) 4.134:8; 4.153:7; 4.269:17; 4.286:5; 4.307:17; 4.609:13; 4.690:4 (bn šḫyn);
4.783:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.147:1; ★b) bn PN: 4.52:3.
ʕdš/ṯ PN (etym. unc. Arnaud Fs Del Olmo 153: “lentille”, Hb., Arab.); ¶ syll.: cf.
DUMU(?)-a-da-šu-na, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 20.

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148 ʕdt (i) – ʕdyn

PN: bn PN: 4.170:15; 4.261:12.

ʕdt (I) n. f. 1) “assembly”; 2) “confluence”; 3) “overflowing, flooding” (< “meet-
ing” < */w/y-ʕ-d/; Hb. ʕdh, “assembly”, HALOT 789f.; mwʕd, “assembly point”
HALOT 557f.; OAram. ʕdh, “community, assembly”, DNWSI 828; cf. Eg. ʕá-du-
tá, “Verschwörung”, Helck Bez. 510 (46). Macdonald UF 11 1979 523); ¶ par.:
mbk (+ nhrm), yblt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕdt, suff. ʕdtm (encl. -m).
1) Assembly: ʕdt ỉlm the assembly of the gods, 1.15 II 7, 11.
2) Confluence; b ʕdt thmtm at the confluence of the two oceans, 1.100:3 (//
mbk nhrm; diff. Tsevat UF 11 1979 761: “Thronraum”, cf. ʕd (III).
3) Overflowing, flooding, flowing current: ʕdtm yʕdynh with a overflowing
he made it disappear, 1.100:66 (// ybltm. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 363: “Ver-
sammlung der Wasser”; diff. Belmonte AuOr 10 1993 115: “junco”, Akk. udittu;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 190: “succulent part of a reed”; for other opinions
cf. Caquot TOu/2 292 n. 286).
ʕdt (II) n. f. “date, moment” (< ʕd (I). De Moor SP 160 f.; diff. Margalit MLD 60:
“confluence”, see ʕdt (I); Mullen JBL 102 1983 212 n. 21: “assembly”, ʕdt (I);
Sanmartín UF 11 1979 725: “besondere Konstellation”, Akk. ittu, idatu); ¶ par.:
ym. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕdt.
Date, moment: bnm ʕdt on (this very) date, 1.4 VII 16 (// bn ym); in bkn ctx.:
1.16 V 5.
/ʕ-d-y/ vb D “to make disappear / remove”; Š “to make disappear” (Hb. ʕdh, “to
walk along”, hi. “to put off”, HALOT 789; OAram. ʕdy, “to pass”, haf. “to remove,
take away”, DNWSI 829; OSA ʕdw/y, “to move, march”, h. “remove”, SD 12;
Arab. ʕadā, “to pass from”, D. “to make to pass”, AEL 1977ff.; Eth. ʕadawa,
“to cross”, CDG 56f. Caquot TOu/2 92 n. 286; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 364:
ʕdy “beschreiten, überschreiten”; ¶ par.: /y-b-l/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. with suff.
D. To remove / make disappear: ʕdtm yʕdynh with a overflowing he makes it
disappear, 1.100:66 (// yblnh. Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 45).
Š (?), in bkn ctx.: w tšʕdn npṣh and they made disappear his equipment (?),
2.31:53 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 109: “and ordered his equipment to
be set up”.
ʕdy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 106f.); ¶ syll.: cf. (DUMU.MEŠ) ad-di-ya, RSOu
7 3 (RS 34.036): rev. 9, 11; a-da-a-a; 40 (RS 34.152):20 and passim ibid; cf. ảdy.
PN: ★a) 4.124:15; 4.188:6; 4.273:8; 4.321:2 (bn slʕy gbly); 4.352:8; 4.364:5;
4.609:26; 4.617 I 28; 4.706:12; ★b) bn PN: 4.55:27; 4.93 II 16; 4.229:10; 4.366:9;
ʕdyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 107; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 364);
¶ syll.: a-du-ia-nu, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 20; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988 650.
PN: 4.63 II 14; 4.86:13 (bn uḏrn[. Van Soldt SAU 41); 4.159:6; 4.183 II 17; 4.417:12;
4.748:4; 4.775:4.

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ʕḏbm – ʕgl (i) 149

ʕḏbm, in bkn ctx.: ʕḏbm, 1.12 II 26 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 95; Studien 59:
ʕdb (?)).
ʕḏbt n. f. “squad, caravan” (cf. Arab. ʕazab, “who goes away to a distance in
the land, far away”, AEL 2033f.; Hb. ʕzbwn, “merchandise used … by trading
caravans”, HALOT 808. Del Olmo MLC 599; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 114 f.
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 208 n. y: “marchandises importées”, Hb. ʕzbwn;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 25 1993 128ff.: “Vorbereitungen”; UF 34 2002 95, 938:
“Lieferung”, cf. ʕdbt; Margalit ZAW 99 1987 395 n. 23: “ladders, scaffolding”,
/ʕ-d-b/); ¶ par.: ḫrn. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕḏbt.
Squad, caravan: ṣḥ (…) ʕḏbt b qrb hklk summon (…) a squad within your
palace, 1.4 V 14 and par. (//ḫrn).
/ʕ-ḏ-r/ vb G: “to help, rescue” (Hb., Ph., Pun. ʕzr, “to help, assist”, HALOT 810 f.;
“to help”, DNWSI 836; Palm., OAram. ʕdr, “help, assistance”, DNWSI 830f.;
Amor. /ʕ-Ä-r/, “to help”, Gelb CAAA 15; OSA ʕḏr, “followers, adherents”, SD 13;
cf. Mari Akk. ḫāziru, “Helfer”, AHw 339; “helper” (?), CAD Ḫ 166. Cf. Baisas
UF 7 1973 41ff.; Aartun UF 17 1985 7f.: “Verteidigen”, Arab. ʕaḏara; syll. Ug. cf.
the element *ʕāzir- in PNN, cf. Sivan GAGl 206; ¶ par.: plṭ. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
with suff. yʕḏrk.
G. To help, rescue: w yʕḏrk and may he help / rescue you, 1.18 I 14 (// yplṭk).
Cf. ʕḏr, ʕḏrt, bʕlmʕḏr, tʕḏr, y(ʕ)ḏrd, yʕḏrn.
ʕḏr, in bkn ctx.: 4.86:18 (element of PN (?)).
ʕḏrt n. f. “help” (< /ʕ-d-r/. Hb. ʕzr(h), “help, assistance”, HALOT 812; Syr. ʕedrāʔ,
SL 1073; Amor. ʕaḏrum, “help”, Gelb CAAA 15; EA Akk. izirtu, “Hilfe”, AHw
408; “help”, CAD I/J 319; OSA ʕḏr, “followers, adherents”, SD 12; Eg. cf. *ʕōḏir,
*ʕōḏirya, “Helper”, Hoch SWET 88ff. (108); Aartun UF 17 1985 7; Dietrich-
Loretz MU 163); ¶ syll. Ug.: [DAḪ = re]-e(?)-[ṣ]ú(?) = ma-zi-ri = i-zi-ir[-tu4],
Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 7'; Huehnergard UVST 53 f., 158 f.; Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 648; SAU 306 (cf. Sivan UF 21 1989 360). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕḏrt.
Help, in bkn ctx.: ʕḏrt tk[n? there will be (?) help[, 1.140:8.
/ʕ-g-d/ (?) bkn ctx.: tʕgd dqr, 4.275:17. PN (?); cf. dqr.
ʕgl (I) n. m. “calf, bullock” (Hb., Pun., OAram. ʕgl, “young bull, ox”, HALOT 784 f.;
“calf”, DNWSI 824; Ebla ALIM = ù-gi-lum, VE 1192; Civil Biling. 90; Arab. ʕiğl,
“a calf”, AEL 1964. Cf. Sasson RSP 1 430f.); ¶ par.: ỉmr, bn (I) (+ḫpṯ). ¶ Forms:
sg. ʕgl, suff. ʕglh; fem. ʕglt (cf. ʕglt); pl. ʕglm.
Calf, bullock: k lb ảrḫ l ʕglh as the cow’s heart (beats) for her calf, 1.6 II 28
and par. (// ỉmrh); ảrḫ tzġ l ʕglh the cow lows for her calf, 1.15 I 5 (// bn
ḫpṯ); ʕgl ỉl divine bullock, 1.3 III 44 (epithet of the monster ʕtk. Rahmouni
DEUAT 256f.), cf. 1.108:11; ʕglm dt šnt one year old bullocks, 1.22 I 13 and
par. (// ỉmr); ảklt ʕgl ỉ !l who consumes the divine Bullock, 1.108:9; npš ʕgl
the vigour of a bullock, 1.5 V 4 (Del Olmo IMC 71 ff.); ảlp PN b TN (nn) ʕglm

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150 ʕgl (ii) – ʕky (ii)

head (of cattle) of PN in TN: (nn) calves, 4.783:2 and passim ibid.; in bkn ctx.:
ʕgl (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 424).
PN: 4.658:8.
ʕglt n. f. “heifer” (< ʕgl (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕglt.
Heifer: yủhb ʕglt he loved a heifer, 1.5 V 18.
ʕglt(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28f., 424; Van Soldt SAU 37).
PN: bn PN, 4.131:12; 4.340:20; 4.410:36–39; in bkn ctx.: 4.410:23.
ʕgm n. m. “groan, moan” (Hb. ʕgm, “to be sad”, HALOT 785; cf. Akk. agāmu,
“wütend sein”, AHw 15; “to be angry”, CAD A/1 142, see Watson AuOr 7
1989 131; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 34f.; Margalit UF 11 1979 543; diff. Green-
stein UNP 13: “an inner alcove (?)”; for the various rdgs r/p/ảgmm cf. Del
Olmo MLC 291). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕgmm.
Groan: (he entered his room to weep) b ṯn ʕgmm w ydmʕ repeating his
groans, (and) shed tears, 1.14 I 27.
ʕgml see tgml.
ʕgrn (?) PN (rdg and etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 108: ʕgrt).
PN: bn PN, 4.106:22(?).
ʕgš PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN 4.848:2.
ʕgw(n) PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: a-ga-A?, PRU 6 86 (RS 18.82) II 3 (cf. PRU 6 92
(RS 17.172 A):9); DUMU a-gu-wa, Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):28; a-gu-a-nu, PRU 6 78
(RS 19.41):1; a-gu-wa-nu, RS 29.100:3, 11 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 333 n. 161).
PN: ★a) 4.670:3; ★b) bn ʕgw, 4.90:4; 4.63 III 20; 4.63 IV 7; bn ʕgwn, 4.69 VI 15;
4.819:7; 4.842:22; 4.843:39.
ʕgy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 327); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU a-gu-ya, U 5 5
(RS 17.22+):28.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 19; in bkn ctx.: 4.769:65.
ʕkbr PN (Sem. (?). Cf. syll.: ak-ba-ru PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):8; PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):6;
Watson Historiae 4 2007 105).
PN: bn PN, 4.833:7 (For the rdg ʕk?br in 4.617:29, KTU ʕnbr, see Watson
Historiae 4 2007 97).
ʕkd (?) (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 251, 340: TN (?); diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 142: “ungestüm” < Akk. ekdu).
TN (?), in unc. ctx.: 2.87:25; in bkn ctx.: 2.103:30.
ʕky (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 6f.: *ʕ Akkā. Astour RSP 2 308; Lipiński OLP 12
1981 110f.; Watson LSU 198); ¶ syll.: cf. URU a-ki-ya, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):18; cf.
PRU 6 81 (RS 19.182):6 (?); cf. Van Soldt SAU 336. /CRAIBL 1984 427/
TN: 2.38:25; 2.82:4.
ʕky (II) PN (cf. ʕky (I), TN. Gröndahl PTU 26, 108; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín

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/ʕ-l/ – ʕl (i) 151

UF 5 1973 95; Watson LSU 161); ¶ syll.: cf. ak-ku-ya, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):15).
PN: 4.63 III 37.
/ʕ-l/ vb N in unc. ctx. “to be suckled, to suck” (?) (Hb. ʕwl, “to suckle”, HALOT 797,
see infra: ʕl (III); Arab. ʕāla, “to feed, nourish”, AEL 2200ff. De Moor-Spronk,
CARTU 159: N). ¶ Forms: N prefc. yʕl.
N. To be suckled, to suck, in unc. ctx.: b ṯdh yʕl šrh at his teats he is suckled (?),
his navel …, 1.10 III 25 (De Moor ARTU 115 n. 37: “he sucked his navel-string”).
Cf. ʕl (III).
ʕl (I) prep. of 1) spatial location: “upon, on top of”; “next to”; “in the presence of”;
“from”; 2) causal relationship: “for, because of”; 3) relationship of exchange or
benefit: “against, on the account (of), charged to”; 4) sequential relationship:
“on, after” (< n. m. “height, high part”. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ʕl, “on, on
account of, to, from …”, HALOT 825ff.; “on, to, at …”, DNWSI 844ff.; Arab. ʕalā,
“as particle, it has nine (or more than nine) meanings”, AEL 2144 f.; Eth. laʕla,
“above …”, CDG 304; OAkk. al, Akk. el(i), “auf, über, zu Lasten von”, AHw 200 f.;
“above, beyond”, “on, above”, CAD E 73, 89; Ebla cf. al(6) (MAḪ), a-lu, al6-a-a,
al6-ma; Krebernik ZA 72 1982 181f.; Archi Eblaitica 4 1 ff.; Tonietti PrepEb 42 ff.
Pardee UF 7 1975 328ff.; UF 8 1976 215ff. [279]; UF 9 1977 205 ff.; Aartun PU/2
53ff.; Dahood RSP 1 292f.; Tropper UG 766ff.); ¶ par.: bm tḥt (I). ¶ Forms: ʕl;
suff. pn. ʕlk, ʕlh, ʕln, ʕlnh; ʕlm (encl. -m), ʕln (encl. -n; cf. ʕl (II)); suff. ʕlnh(-n
+ -h); ʕlt (+ encl. -t); ʕltn (+ encl. -t + -n).
1) Spatial location or pre-eminence: ★a) upon, above, on top of, over, against:
ʕl ảgn over the cauldron, 1.23:15; ʕlh nšr[m] trḫpn above him the eagles flew
about, 1.18 IV 30 and par.; cf. 1.19 I 32; ʕl [ảqht] tʕdbnh, above [PN] placed him,
1.18 IV 32; hm tʕpn ʕl qbr bny if they fly over my son’s grave, 1.19 III 44; ʕl ỉšt
šbʕd seven times over the fire, 1.23:14; ʕl pd ảsr on top of a lock (of hair) they
tied a …, 1.19 II 32; hlmn (…) ṯlṯỉd ʕl ủdn he struck him (…) three times above
the ear, 1.18 IV 34; ʕlh k ỉrbym kp above her like locusts palms (of hands were
flying), 1.3 II 10 and par. (// tḥth); ʕl kbkbm above the stars, 1.13:17; ʕl tl k ʕṭrṭrt
over / above the hillock is like a diadem (?), 1.16 III 11 (// bm); ỉšḫn (…) nyr
rbt ʕln heat (up (?)) (…), Great Lantern, above him!, 1.161:19, cf. 1.6 VI 22 (diff.
Tropper UG 741: adv. “oben”, Akk. elē/ānu, cf. ʕl (II); Caquot-Sznycer TOu/2
108 n. 333: “qu’en haut”; De Moor ZAW 88 1976 344: “from above”); ảḥdy d
ymlk ʕl ỉlm I am the only one who will reign over the gods, 1.4 VII 50 and par.;
bʕl ṯpṭn d ỉn d ʕlnh DN is our judge, above whom there is no-one, 1.3 V 33 and
par.; [[ṯ]]qšm ʕl dl the oppressors of the poor, 1.16 VI 48 (Hays UF 37 2005
369: “those who make heavy the yoke of the poor”; see ʕl (IV)); ymlk PN ʕln
PN will reign over us, 1.15 V 20, cf. ibid. ln. 23; with extended form: ʕln yblhm
ḫrṣ upon their rods of gold, 1.4 I 37 (diff. Tropper UG 741: adv. “darauf”); ʕlk l
tʕl bṯn upon you the serpent will not jump, 1.178:3 (cf. ln 6.); in unc. ctx.: ʕlh

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152 ʕl (i)

yd d[nỉl (…)]xx ʕlh yd, 1.19 IV 26 (De Moor ARTU 262: “he praised his child
… praised his child”, see ʕl (III); Wyatt RTU 309: “on it the hand of …”); in
bkn ctx.: hm škb ʕl thm, 1.179:4 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 396: “s’il s’ est couché
au-dessus de l’abîme”); ★b) in, with (instrumental): qḥ (…) rṯt ʕl ydm take
(…) a net in both hands, 1.4 II 33; ša ġr ʕl ydm lift the mountain with / upon
(your) hands, 1.5 V 13 and par.; ★c) in front, in command, in charge: ʕbd mlk
d št ʕl ḫrdh official of the king placed in command of his guard, 2.47:15; ★d)
next to, before, in front of, in the presence of: bʕl qm ʕl ỉl DN was standing
next to DN, 1.2 I 21; yšr (…) ʕl bʕl he sang (…) before DN, 1.3 I 21, cf. 1.17 VI 31; ʕl
ảbh yʕrb into the presence of his father he entered, 1.16 VI 39 and par.; cf. 1.15
VI 6; ʕlh ṯrh tšʕrb into his presence she made his “Bulls” enter, 1.15 IV 17 and
par.; šbʕd yrgm ʕl ʕd seven times it is recited in front of the throne, 1.23:12; in
bkn ctx. ỉb ʕltn the enemy against us, 2.39:31; TN ʕlt TN, next to, 4.271:9; ★e)
from, from upon: ʕl ảrṣ lản [ỉsp ḥ]mt from everywhere from the earth remove
the venom, 1.107:12 and par.; he hit km zbln ʕl rỉšh as if it were the illness from
/ on (?) his head, 1.16 VI 9; in unc. ctx.: 1.16 I 43.
2) Relationship of cause, ★a) according to: ʕl hwt kṯr w ḫss according to the
words of DN, 1.4 VII 20; in unc. ctx.: qšt yqb [ yb]rk ʕl ảqht k yq[bh] he named
the bow (?), blessed (it), for PN, yes, he named it (?), 1.17 V 35–36 (for other
versions see /n-q-b/); ★b) because of: ʕlk bʕlm pht qlt because of you DN I
have seen prostration, 1.6 V 11ff.; ★c) for: ʕl qšth ỉmḫṣh ʕl qṣʕth hwt l ảḥw for
his bow I wounded him, for his arrows I did not leave him alive, 1.19 I 14–15
and par.; ʕl ảlpm (…) tỉtṯmn w ʕl (…) for two head of cattle (…) they went
into debt and for (…), 4.398:2; ★d) responsibility: d ʕlk mḫṣ ảqht upon whom
weighs the death of PN, 1.19 III 52 and par.
3) Relationship of exchange or profit, on account, charged to (RS Akk.: UGU,
passim; Van Soldt SAU 459f.), against: various amounts and products ʕl PN
on the account of PN, 3.13:2, 4–10; cf. 3.16:4, 8, 10, 14, 15; 4.833:7, 11; 4.853:13;
kd šmn ʕl PN a “jar” of oil on PN’s account, 3.29:9, 13, 17, 21, 24, 28; 4.313:1
and par.; cf. 4.225:11ff.; 4.780:5ff.; kr]śủ šmn ʕl PN, 4.853:28; (nn) ksp ʕl PN, (nn
shekels) of silver on PN’s account, 4.369:17 and par.; 3.21:1, 10, 19; 3.23:2, 6, 10,
15, 20, 21; 3.29:3–4, 9–10, 17, 21–22, 24–25, 28–30; 4.381:18–22; 4.135:2; 4.290:7;
4.781:6, 7; 4.861:6, 8; mỉt ṯlṯ mḫsrn ʕl nsk TN one hundred (shekels) of copper
in deficit of the smiths of TN, 3.18:2; arbʕ ʕṣm ʕl ảr, four trunks / logs on the
account of TN, 2.26:10 and par.; w mnm šảlm dt tknn ʕl ʕrbnm hn hmt tknn
and any claims they bring up, against these guarantors they bring them up,
3.3:7; expenses ʕl ḥwt on the account of the country, 4.779:11; ỉpd ʕl PN one ỉ.
on PN’s account, 4.780:1, 3, 4, 7; ʕl gtt on the account of the farmsteads, 4.800
II 35; in bkn ctx.: ʕl bṯnt trtḥ[ṣ] against the female serpents you shall wash
yourself (?), 1.82:35; in unc. ctx. l tšlm ʕln as payment on his account!, 1.111:24

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ʕl (ii) – ʕl (iii) 153

(diff. Dietrich-Loretz ALASP 7 19: “bringe Wohlbefinden über uns!”; Pardee

TR/1 629: adv. “là-dessus”)
4) Relationship of sequence, on, after: ( ym …) w ʕl y!m! (on the day …) and
on the (following) day, 4.279:2; krpn ʕl krpn cup after cup, 1.17 VI 6 (cf. ʕl (II)
In bkn ctx.: ʕl ydm prʕt[, 1.1 IV 19; ]ʕln, 1.4 III 52; ʕl ḥbš x[, 1.5 IV 22; ]k ảṯtk ʕl[,
1.15 V 23; ʕl[n, 1.19 II 45; 1.19 IV 26; dt ʕl lty, 1.20 I 9; ʕl, 1.85:21 (cf. Cohen UF 28
1996 138f. n. 96: “leaf”, Hb. ʕlh); w ʕl aḥ[, 2.42:18; ʕl ṯnyx[, 3.16:2; ] ʕln, 4.154:2; ]
ʕl ʕb[, ln. 14; ʕlh, 2.85:22; 1.179:4.
ʕl (II) adv. 1) “above, on top”, “beside(s) (that)”; 2) “next, in addition” (< n. m.
“height, high part”, cf. OAram. ʕl, DNWSI 843f.); ¶ par.: tḥt. ¶ Forms: ʕl; suff.
ʕlm (encl. -m), ʕlh (encl. -h); ʕlm (encl. -m); ʕln (encl. -n), suff. ʕlnh.
1) Above, on top, beside(s) (that): w ʕl tlbš npṣ ảṯt and on top she put on
woman’s clothing, 1.19 IV 46 (// tḥt); w ʕl yṣhl pỉt and above he made (his)
temple(s) shine, 1.17 II 9; in the lengthened form: ʕln pnh tdʕ above her face
sweated, 1.3 III 34 and par.; tmll išdh qrn[m] d !t ʕlh she caresses his legs, the
horns that he has above, 1.101:7 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 129 ff.; Caquot
TOu/2 49 n. 109); in bkn ctx.: 1.3 V 14; ʕlh nḥ[š] yảṯr (if) beside that follows (a
swelling in the form of) a serpent (?), 1.103:2.
2) Next, in addition, in the lengthened form ʕlm; in temporal sequential
series: “on the next day, tomorrow” (Tropper UG 332; Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 340; for a poss. etym. < /ʕālam/, ʕlm (I), cf. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 535;
Pardee TR/2 1190; cf. supra: ʕl (I) 4.): ʕlm tʕrbn gṯrm (on the) next (day), the
(two) DN enter, 1.43:9; ʕlm tġz b ġb ṣpn (on the) next (day), a t.-offering in
the ġ. of DN, 1.105:21, cf. ln. 3, 7, 11f.; ʕlm ʕlm gdlt (on the) next (day): two off-
spring of a cow, 1.109:32 (cf. ʕl (II)); ʕlm yʕ[rb (on the) next (day) (the king)
shall [enter, 1.41:8 (but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 569); 1.87:9; ʕlm tṣủ šlḥm[t]
(on the) next (day), the provision will go out, 1.106:28 (diff. Niehr Fs. Röllig
296: ksủ ʕlm, “Unterweltsthron”); w ʕlm ylk ġzr and (on the) next (day), the
lad will go, 1.175:14; w ʕlm b qr[ and (on the) next (day) in the pond (?), 1.164:10;
ʕlm š š[qr]b l, (on the) next (day) one ram will be offered to, 1.87:56; ʕlm ṯn
šm (on the) next (day), two rams, 1.132:13 (in Hurr. ctx. Dietrich-Mayer UF 28
1996 168); b TN btt w ʕlm TP at TN I lodged and the next day (tomorrow) at
TN, 2.88:7.
In unc. ctx.: ʕlm mḫṣm ḫsr next, the beaters (?) are missing!, 6.48:4 (?)
(Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 7); in bkn ctx.: ʕlm 1.111:14; 1.136:13; ʕlm kmm next (?),
ditto, 1.49:7; 1.50:6.
ʕl (III) n. m. “offspring” (Hb. ʕwl, “suckling”, HALOT 797, see supra: ʕl (1); OAram.
ʕl, “foal”, DNWSI 843; Syr. ʕūlāʔ, SL 1080, “fetus, infant”; Arab. ʕiyāl, ʕayyil,
“family”, “person nourished by a man” AEL 2201; Eth. ʕəwāl, “young of an

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154 ʕl (iv) – /ʕ-l-m/

animal, foal”, CDG 78. De Moor SP 224; Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 189; Huehner-
gard UVST 159; Watson Historiae 10 2013 28); for RS Akk. ÙZ.MÁŠ.MEŠ Ú.LU,
Ú.LU.ME, PRU 6 120 (RS 19.116):3, 5, cf. Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 202; ¶ par.: ảḫ
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. abs. (?) / cstr. ʕl; du. cstr. ʕlm (?).
1) Offspring, young (of animals (?)), calf (?): ʕlm ʕlm gdlt l bʕl (on the) next
(day): two offspring of a cow to DN, 1.109:32 (diff. Herdner Ug 7 21: rdg ʕlm
{ʕlm} gdlt; Pardee TR/1 604, 612f.: “au surlendemain”, alt. dittog.); (nn) ʕl bd
PN (nn) calfs in the hands of PN, 4.749:1–2 (cf. ảlpm, ibid. ln. 4; diff. Sivan
GAGl 221; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 168; Hays UF 37 2005 369:
“yokes”; Hb. ʕl, “yoke”, HALOT 827f.; Arab. ġull, “collar of iron upon the neck,
shackle”, AEL 2278; EA Akk. ḫullu, “yoke”, CAD Ḫ 230; Akk. ḫullu, “Halsring”,
AHw 354; see ʕl (I) 1. a).
2) Infant, said of members of a clan: ʕ]l ủmty my kin, 1.19 IV 35 and par. (//
ảḫy; diff. Margalit UF 16 1984 168ff.: “suckling”, taking ủmt as an allom. of ủm);
for 1.105:12, 21 cf. ʕl (I).
Cf. ʕlln.
ʕl (IV) n. m. “yoke”, see ʕl (III).
ʕlby PN (Sem.(?). Gröndahl PTU 309; Watson AuOr 8 1990 123; LSU 161).
PN: 4.277:6.
/ʕ-l-g/ vb G: “to stammer, stutter” (Hb. ʕlg, “stammerer”, HALOT 828; cf. Arab.
<ʕalağa, “to be, become in a state of commotion”, AEL 2128 f. Caquot UF 11
1979 102 n. 3; Avishur UF 13 1981 23; diff. Zevit UF 13 1981 194 f.; UF 15 1983 319:
“heavy”); ¶ par.: /ʔpq/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕlg.
G. To stammer: ảl tʕlg lšnk that your tongue may stammer, 1.169:11.
Cf. tʕlgt.
ʕllmn, cf. ʕllmy/n.
ʕllmy/n adj./n. m. “eternal”, attribute of the rpủm (< ʕlm. Del Olmo IMC 42;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 50; Healey UF 10 1978 86; Good UF 13
1981 118f.; Sapin UF 15 1983 177 n. 86; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 307 n. c; diff. De
Moor SP 117: “child-of-whom?” > “usurper”, ʕll + my/n; Sapin UF 15 1983 177
n. 86: “pays des morts, enfers”, Hb. ʕlm; Pope Fs. Finkelstein 170, 178f.: “wise,
savant”, Arab. ʕalāmiyy). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕllmy, ʕllmn.
Eternal: ★a) adjective: zbl mlk ʕllmy the royal prince, eternal, 1.22 I 10; ṯr ʕllmn
“Bull Eternal (King)” (PN), 1.161:7 (Del Olmo CR 157 n. 70); ★b) subst.: bṯt ʕllmn
the ignominy of the “Eternal”, 1.1 IV 5.
ʕlln PN (Sem.(?). De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:24.
/ʕ-l-m/ vb Gpass./N: “to be known” (OSA ʕlm, “to make acknowledgement”,
tʕlm, “take notice”, SD 15; Arab. ʕalima, “to know”, AEL 2138ff. Gzella BiOr
64 2007 535, 560. Forms: Gpass./N prefc. yʕlm.

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ʕlm (i) – ʕlṣ 155

Gpass. / N. To be known: rgm l mlk šmy w lh yʕlm mention my name to the

king, so that it will be known to him 2.14:1.4.
ʕlm (I) n. m. “eternity, perpetuity” (often used adv.: “for ever”, or in a genitive
syntagm: “eternal”. Hb. ʕ(w)lm, “long time, duration”, HALOT 798f.; Ph., Pun.,
OAram., Nab., Palm. ʕlm, “indeterminated span of time, eternity”, DNWSI
859ff. Thompson Fs. Vööbus 159ff.; Niehr Fs. Röllig 295 ff.; Ebla cf. dì-lam,
“ewig”, Xella WGE 354); ¶ par.: dr dr. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. ʕlm; suff. ʕlmk, ʕlmh
(adv. -h); pl. ʕlmt (?).
Eternity, perpetuity: ★a) (in adv. syntagms: “in perpetuity, for ever”, etc. (cf.
RS Akk.: ana dāriti, Kienast UF 11 1979 442f.): ʕbdk ản w d ʕlmk your slave
am I in perpetuity, 1.5 II 12 and par.; ảṯt ỉl w ʕlmh wives of DN and this in
perpetuity, 1.23:42 and par.; l ht w ʕlmh from now and for ever, 1.19 IV 6 (//
dr dr); ʕnt brḥ p ʕlmh from now and for ever be a fugitive, 1.19 III 48 and
par. (// dr dr); ʕd ʕlm for ever, in perpetuity 3.2:12, 17; 3.5:14 (cf. 5.9 I 6, b ʕd
ʕlm; Hb. ʕd ʕlm); 3.5:20; 3.12:5, 15; ʕm ʕlm for eternity, 1.3 V 31 and par.; ★b)
in genitive syntagms > adj. “eternal”: ʕbd ʕlm slaves in perpetuity > eternal,
1.14 III 23 and par. (cf. Hb. ʕbd ʕwlm); mlk ʕlm eternal king, 1.108:1 and par.,
title of the divinized king (Pope UF 19 1987 458; Pardee TPM 89 f.); cf. nmry
mlk ʕlm Nimmureya (Amenophis III), eternal king, 2.42:9 (cf. Eg. ḥq3 ḏt, Gaál
Fs. Wessetzky 97ff., title of Osiris); tqḥ mlk ʕlmk you shall take possession of
your eternal kingdom, 1.2 IV 10; šḥr ʕlmt in the future (< tomorrow and to
eternity), 3.5:15 (Kienast UF 11 1979 443: Akk. urram šēram); rʕ ʕlm eternal
friend, 5.9 I 11; l špš ʕlm to the eternal “Sun”, a royal and divine title, 2:42:7
(see Niehr, Fs. Röllig 297: “Sonnengott der Unterwelt”); in bkn ctx.: ]ptr ʕlm,
4.190:3; ]šd ʕlm, 4.637:4.
ʕlm (II), cf. ʕl (I), ʕl (II).
ʕlmủ PN (etym. unc.)
PN, 4.827 V 7.
ʕlmyn PN (Sem., see supra: ʕllmy/n)
PN: bn ʕlmyn, 4.807 II 58.
ʕln, cf. ʕl (I), ʕl (II).
ʕlpy PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 309); ¶ syll.: cf. il-pí-ya, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+)
I 19; cf. Huehnergard UVST 250.
PN: 4.205:20; 4.225:12; 4.617 II 20.
ʕlr PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 161).
PN: ★a) 4.15:5; ★b) bn PN: 4.635:19.
ʕlṣ n. m. “rejoicing” (less prob. a verbal n.: “to rejoice”. Hb., Pun. ʕlṣ, “to rejoice,
exult”, HALOT 836f.; “to rejoice, exult”, DNWSI 863; Akk. elēṣu, elṣu, “schwel-
len, jubeln”, AHw 200f., “to rejoice”, “joy”, CAD E 88, 110; ulṣu, “Jubel”, AHw
1410f.; “delight, joy”, CAD U/W 86f.; Loewenstamm UF 3 1971 93; Caquot

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156 ʕlt – /ʕ-l-y/

TOu/1 128 n. h); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elements /ʕilṣ-/, /ʕulṣ-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl
206f. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ʕlṣ; pl. ʕlṣm.
Rejoicing: bʕlṣ ʕlṣm npr with great rejoicing they left, 1.2 I 12.
Cf. ỉlṣy.
ʕlt cf. ʕl (I) 1.d; in bkn ctx.: 4.271:9.
/ʕ-l-y/ vb G: 1) “to go up, rise”; 2) “to attack, assail, jump, launch oneself (upon)”;
Š 1) “(to cause / allow to) rise, raise”; 2) “to fire, shoot”; 3) “to offer”; Špass.
“to be mounted” (Hb. ʕlh, “to ascend, to go up”, HALOT 828ff.; Ph., Pun. ʕly,
“to go up”, DNWSI 852f.; Ebla cf. li9-ʔà-la-a, Pettinato Rituale 205; Akk. elû,
“auf-, emporsteigen”, AHw 206ff.; “to go up”, CAD E 114 ff.; OSA ʕly, “to go up”,
SD 15f.; Arab. ʕalā, “to be, become high”, AEL 2142 ff.); ¶ par.: /h-l-k/, /r-k-b/,
/y-ṯ-b/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕly, ʕl, ʕlt, ʕly; prefc. tʕl, yʕl, tʕln, nʕl; impv. ʕl; inf./v.n.
suff. ʕlyh; Š suffc. šʕly, šʕlyt; prefc. tšʕl, tšʕlyn, yšʕly; Špass. prefc. tšʕly. Št ptc.
pass. du. mštʕltm (1.23:35–36), cf. mštʕlt.
G. 1) To go up, rise: ★a) absol.: yʕl w yškb he went up and lay down, 1.17 I 14 and
par.; bn mlk w bt mlk tʕln pảmt šbʕ the son(s) and the daughter of the king go
up seven times, 1.112:6; [hm] yrḫ b ʕlyh yrq if the moon in its ascension is (:
appears) greenish yellow, 1.163:14, cf. ibid. ln. 12, 16 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 191).
★b) + accus.: qdš bʕ[l] nʕl to the sanctuary of DN we shall go up, 1.119:33 (//
ntlk); ★c) + l: hyn ʕly l mpḫm DN went up to the bellows (of the forge), 1.4
I 23; w ʕl / ʕly l ẓr mgdl and go up / he went up above the tower, 1.14 II 21 /
IV 2 (// rkb); l ʕršh yʕl and let him go up to his bed, 1.17 I 38; tʕln l mrkbthm
they went up to their chariots, 1.20 II 4 and par.; ʕl l ṯkm bnwn go up on top
of the building, 1.16 IV 13; ★d) +ʕm: w tʕl ʕm ỉl and she went up towards DN,
1.13:20; ★e) + b: yʕl bʕl b ġr DN went up onto the mountain, 1.10 III 11 (// yṯb;
cf. ln. 27); w tʕl bkm b ảrr and next she went up onto (mount) TN, 1.10 III 29;
yʕl b ṣrrt ṣpn he went up to the heights of TN, 1.6 I 57 (// yṯb); tʕln ỉlm b ḫmn
the gods will go up to the “chapel”; nṭṭt ủm ʕlt b ảb (the offering) of a shocked
mother ascends unto my father, 1.82:9 (// bk, unc. ctx. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011
2) To attack, assail, jump, launch oneself (upon): ★a) absol.: w hm ḫt ʕl and
if Ḫatti attacks, 2.30:17 and par.; ★b) + accus.: hm mt yʕl bnš if Death / DN
attacks someone, 1.127:30 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 36: “verderben”, ʕ(w)l; cf.
Del Olmo CR 73 n. 40); w tʕl ṯh and they will attack in the direction of TN(?),
2.33:37 (cf. ʕly ṯh, ibid. ln. 25); in bkn ctx.: w tʕl trṯ, 1.17 VI 7 (cf. 1.5 IV 20); ★c)
+ prep. ʕl: ʕlk l tʕl bṯn and [so] upon you the snake will not jump, 1.178:3 (cf.
ln. 6).
Š. 1) To (cause / allow to) rise, raise: tšʕlynh b ṣrrt ṣpn she raised him up to
the peaks of TN, 1.6 I 15; l tšʕly hwt (that) she (DN) did not allow him to rise,
1.19 II 38.

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ʕly (i) – ʕly (ii) 157

2) To fire, shoot: ḥẓk al tšʕl qrth do not fire your arrows against the city, 1.14
III 12 (diff. Loewenstamm IEJ 15 1965 120 n. 20: Aram. ʕll (Š)).
3) To offer (cultic term.; cf. Akk. šūlû, “in den Tempel hinaufbringen, dem
Gott weihen”, AHw 209: elû (Š.2.h.); “to offer, dedicate”, CAD E 130: elû (9.c.);
Hb. ʕlh, hi. hʕly, “to cause to rise, to bring up, present”, HALOT 830; Pun. ʕly,
yi/hi. y/hʕlʔ, “to make go up, to offer”, DNWSI 852 f.): + prep. b, l: šʕly dġṯh
b šmym he offered his … offering to the heavens, 1.19 IV 30 and par.; skn d
šʕlyt ṯryl l dgn stela that PN offered to DN, 6.13:1 and par.; pgr d šʕly ʕzn l
dgn p.(-sacrifice) which PN offered to DN, 6.14:1 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005
Špass. To be mounted (in a sexual sense): tš[ʕ]ly ṯmn l ṯmnym she was
mounted eighty-eight times, 1.5 V 21 (// škb). De Moor SP 187; Watson NUS 35
1986 12.
Št. cf. mštʕlt.
In bkn ctx.: 2.22:8.
Cf. ʕly (I), ʕly (II), mʕlt, mštʕlt, nʕl, tʕlt.
ʕly (I) adj. m. “most high, exalted” (divine epithet; < /ʕ-l-y/. Hb. ʕly, ʕlywn,
“the higher, upper, the most high”, HALOT 832f.; OSA ʕly, “high, topmost”,
SD 16; Arab. ʕaliyy, “high, elevated”, AEL 2146 f.; Ebla cf. AN.ŠÈ = a-i-lum,
VE 782 and Mander MEE 10 92; cf. a/ʔà-lum in Xella WGE 354. Richard-
son JBL 90 1971 260 n. 16); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.Š[À.ḪI.A] da(?)-li-yi, PRU 6
55 (RS 18.22):4; Huehnergard UVST 160; ¶ par.: bʕl. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕly; pl.
Most High, exalted: nʕm (…) w l šd mṭr ʕly a delight (…) and for the field the
rain of “the Most High”!, 1.16 III 8 and par. (// bʕl. Rahmouni DEUAT 258 f.);
in bkn ctx: ytnm qrt l ʕly[m?] glory (?) be given to the exalted ones (?)!,
1.23:3 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 177, 340: “on high”; cf. qrt (II) for other
Cf. adʕl, yrmʕl.
ʕly (II) n. m. “place of sacrifice, propitiatory” ((?) < a “raised”, cultic room / struc-
ture; < /ʕ-l-y/. Xella TRU I 68; Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 260 n. 11; Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT 2 325: “Podest”; diff. Del Olmo SEL 3 1986 56 n. 11: “recámara superior”,
Hb. ʕlyh, Eg. ʕr.t (?); Xella SEL 13 1996 19ff.: “Obergemach”, Eg. ʕr.t; but see
Ward JNES 44 1985 329ff.: Eg. ʕry.t, “area in front of an offical building”; De
Moor NYCI/2 17 n. 54: prep. + -y; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ (?) e(?)-la-yi, PRU 6
29 (RS 17.147):5; Huehnergard UVST 160. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕly, suff. ʕlyh (adv. -h).
Place of sacrifice, propitiatory (?): w bt bʕlt bt[m] rmm w ʕly [md]bút and
(this in) the temple of the “Lady of the Lofty Mansions”, i.e., (in) the “place of
sacrifice” of the altar, 1.87:41 and par.; b ṯdṯ ṯn [d]d šmn ʕlyh and on the sixth
(day): two cruets of oil in the “place of sacrifice”, 1.41:46 and par. (cf. 1.126:20);

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158 ʕlyqm – ʕm (i)

š qdšh ʕly [ḫm]nh one ram in the santuary in the “place of sacrifice”, in the
ḫ., 1.106:14.
ʕlyqm “?”, in bkn ctx.: rdg ʕl yqm (?), 1.172:19.
Cf. /q-m/.
ʕlyt “?”, in bknctx.: ʕlyt dk/w[ 1.176:6.
ʕm (I) prep. 1) of direction: “to, towards, up to”; 2) of accompaniment: “with,
together with, next to, before”; 3) in a commercial sense, “on the account of,
to the credit of” (Hb. ʕm, “in company with, together with”, HALOT 839f.;
OAram., Nab., Palm. ʕm, “with, together with”, DNWSI 867ff.; OSA ʕm(n),
“with, together with”¸ SD 16f.; Arab. ʕamm, “a company of men”, maʕa, part.
denoting concomitance, AEL 2149, 3022. Pardee UF 7 1975 329 ff.; UF 8 1976
215ff.; UF 9 1977 205ff.; Aartun PU/2 56ff.; Tropper UG 763f.); ¶ Forms: ʕm;
suff. pn. ʕmy, ʕmh, ʕmn; extended forms ʕmm (encl. -m: 1.14 VI 37; 2.90:11),
ʕmn (encl. -n), suff. pn. ʕmny, ʕmkm (encl. -m), ʕmnk, ʕmnh (+ -y/h).
1) Relationship of direction (space and time): to, towards, for, up to: yṯb ʕm
bʕl he turned towards DN, 1.6 VI 12; tḥm ydn ʕm mlk message of PN to the
king, 2.47:1; w tʕl ʕm ỉl and she went up towards DN, 1.13:20; ql bl ʕm ỉl take the
(/ my) cry to DN, 1.100:2 and par.; ỉdk l ttn pnm ʕm ỉl then he set face for DN, 1.4
IV 21 and par., 1.2 I 14, 20; 1.4 VIII 2, 3, 4, 1.5 II 14; 1.6 IV 8; in the extended form
ʕmm, 1.14 VI 37; bnš h[w] ʕmm ảṯth btk ṯb “but t[hat] sevant returned to his
wife at your house”, 2.90:11–12; k ymġy (…) ʕm dtn when he comes near (…) to
DN, 1.124:2, 11; ảt ʕmy l mġt [… w] mlả[k]tk ʕmy l lỉkt you did not come to me
nor did you send me your message, 2.36:10–11; passim with /l-ʔ-k/: lỉk[t] ʕmy
… you sent me a message, 2.88:34; DN ylảk PN (…) ʕm PN sent PN (…) to say
to PN, 1.24:16; w l lỉkt ʕm mlk w ʕmkm lỉkt and I did not send the message to the
king, but to you I did send it, 2.90:20–21, cf. 2.26:4 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 316
n. 3: “tu m’as fait une commande”); 2.10:11; 2.14:8; 2.17:4; 2.30:18; 2.32:2; 2.33:36;
2.34:6; 2.39:18; 2.42:11, 21; 2.45:25; 2.46:10; 2.50:7; w štn hndh ʕmy and send it to
me, 2.108:10; k ytnt spr hnd ʕmk when I sent this message to you, 288.5; ybnn
hlk ʕm mlk ảmr PN left for the king of TN, 2.72:26; ʕmy špš (…) lm l tlk towards
me / to my presence, the “Sun”, you Lord, … why did you not come? 2.39:15;
kdm ʕm mlkt two “jars” for the queen, 4.230:4; w tlkn ṯn ṯnm ʕmy, two by two
/ two abreast / in couples they must come to me, 2.72:5); (he proceeded (?))
ʕm ảlỉyn bʕl towards DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.6 V 10; ʕmy pʕnk tlsmn ʕmy
twtḥ išdk towards me your feet hurry, towards me your feet hasten, 1.3 III 19
and par.; ʕmy tṯṯb rgm may you send me a reply, 2.16:19; rgm tṯṯb ʕm ʕbdk may
you send a reply to your servant, 2.89:10; ảt ṯṯb ʕm ʕbdk you send (words) back
to your servant, 2.86:20; št b spr ʕmy put it writing for me, 2.10:19; k ytnt spr
hdn ʕmk when I gave this message (to be delivered) to you, 2.88:5; l ʕrbt ʕmy
she does not (agree to) come to / guarantee (?) me, 2.88:29; w mlảktk lm tšḫr

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ʕm (i) 159

ʕmy why do you delay your embassy to me?, 2.87:34; yrdt (…) ʕm lẓpn ỉl who
descend (…) towards the Benevolent, DN, 1.24:44; ṣḥ hm ʕm nġr mdrʕ they
shouted to the guardian of the sown, 1.23:69; in a temporal sense: ḥkmt ʕm
ʕlm your wisdom is for eternity (: eternal), 1.4 IV 42 (cf. 1.3 V 30: ḥkm<t>k).
2) Relationship of accompaniment: with, together with, next to, before: hlny
ʕmny kll šlm ṯmny ʕm ủmy mnm šlm here with me all is well, there with my
mother whatever the situation is …, 2.13:9–12, passim in letters, see 2.68:14;
2.89:8; 2.100:10; in bkn ctx., 2.65:3; (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 257ff.); hnny ʕmny
kll mỉd šlm behold here with me everything is very well, 2.11:10 passim in
letters, see 2.12:12; 2.13:10; 2.16:15; 2.29:17; 2.34:7 2.36:3; 2.39:3; 2.72:7–8; 2.73:3,
2.85:9, 13, 29, 37; 2.86:10; ṣḥn bʕl ʕm ảḫy (…) ʕm ảryy w lḥmm ʕm ảḫy invite
me, DN, together with my brothers (…), together with my kin, to eat with
my brothers, 1.5 I 22–24 and par.; ỉk tmḫṣ ʕm ảlỉyn bʕl how can you fight with
/ against DN, “The Most Powerful”?, 1.6 VI 25; ʕm bʕl l yʕdb mrḥ ʕm bn dgn
with DN he will not be able to measure (his) lance, with the son of DN, 1.6
I 51–52 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Craigie 113: “vor”); tảnt šmm ʕm ảrṣ thmt ʕmn
kbkbm the whispering of the heavens with the earth, of the abysses with the
stars, 1.3 III 21 and par.; ảšsprk ʕm bʕl šnt ʕm bn ỉl tspr yrḫm I will make you
count years with (: like) DN, with the son of DN you shall count months, 1.17
VI 28–29; ṯlḫhw ʕmh bqʕt PN (and) with her PN, 1.24:48; take ʕmk šbʕt ġlmk
(…) ʕmk pdry (…) ʕmk ṭly with you your seven lads (…), with you DN, (…)
with you DN, 1.5 V 8–11; ʕmh trd nrt ỉlm with her down went “the Luminary of
the gods”, 1.6 I 8; škb ʕmnh šbʕ l šbʕm he lay with her seventy-seven times, 1.5
V 20; expanded form: ỉṯt ʕmn mlkt I am with the queen, 2.13:15; ʕmn nkl ḫtny
with DN is my wedding, 1.24:32; pảt ʕm ml<k>t grgrmš the frontiers with the
kingdom of TN, 2.75:8; (may the king, my lord) bnš bnny ʕmn mlảkty hnd ylảk
ʕmy, send me an intermediary with this my messsage, 2.33:34; cf. 2.17:7; w
l lỉkt ʕm mlk w ʕmkm lỉkt and I did not send a message to the king, but it is
to you whom I did sent a message, 2.90:19ff.; ỉgr ʕm špš I shall lodge with
the “Sun”, 2.34:12; w ṯn ʕbdk ṯmt ʕmnk and your two servants, (when they are)
there, with you, 2.70:21; PN and PN yỉt ʕmk let them come to you, 2.99:6; w
ʕmy ybl, and let them bring to me, 2.99:12, see 2.34:29; w ảtnn ḫrd dm ỉṯ ʕmnh
and I will give the troops that are with him 2.98:12, see ln 7; šỉsp ảrtṯb ʕprm
ʕmnh PN has regrouped ʕ. with him, 2.98:25.
3) Commercial meaning, owned by, on the account of, to the credit of, to be
owed to: pṯt ʕm ỉlhd, linen owned by / on the account of PN, 4.863:11; ỉqnu ʕm
ảbršn violet purple owned by / on account of PN, 4.863:12; ʕmy mnm ỉrštk …,
on my account (will go) any wish of yours, 2.41:15; ṯql d ʕmnk the shekel that
you have, 3.9:16; w kd ỉštỉr ʕm qrt, and a “jar” remains on the credit of the city
(: is owing to it), 4.290:3 (for other poss. cases with this meaning cf. Bordreuil

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160 ʕm (ii) – ʕmd

CRAIBL 1987 295); ʕšrt [ʕ]mn PN, ten on the account / credit of PN, 4.861:4,
10; ṯṯt ʕmn skn six on the account / credit of the prefect, 4.861:9; [mỉt] ksp ʕm
[bn r]qdn (one hundred shekels of) silver on the credit of PN, 3.31:1–9.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: x ʕbdn ʕm krt, 1.15 I 4; ylḥm ʕm, 1.176:21; ʕm mlk, 2.62:10;
ʕm[ y, 2.76:4; ʕmn pr[. 2.77:17; hnd ʕmn, 2.79:1; mdy ʕmk, 2:84:16; w ʕmm špš,
2.98:13, see 2.81:19; ʕm ʕbdk, 2.98:19; ʕm m[, 2.100:25; ]kt ʕm lḥt, 2.103:12; w ʕm[,
2.103:26; ]šṣủ ṯh ʕmk, 2.107:10; ]hm ʕmk, 2.107:17; ]pr ʕmy, 2.107:18.
ʕm (II) n. m. 1) “lineage, ancestors”; 2) deified attribute as DN in PNN (Hb.,
Ph., OAram., Nab. ʕm, “a father’s brother, paternal relationship, clan, people”,
HALOT 837ff.; “people”, DNWSI 864ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 72; Pagan
ARES 3 205; cf. /ʕummānum/ in ÉRIN.KI.GAR = ù-ma-núm, VE 140; Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 6; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 178; Amor. /ʕamm-/, “paternal uncle”,
Huffmon APNMT 196f.; Gelb CAAA 15; OSA ʕmm, “uncle, male agnate”, SD 16;
Arab. ʕmm, “a paternal uncle”, AEL 2149. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 67f. n. 331;
UF 19 1987 25; Good ShP; Watson Historiae 10 2013 19; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ʕamm-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 202f.; ¶ par.: ỉlỉb. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
ʕmy, [ʕmk], ʕmh.
1) Lineage, ancestors (coll. use): nṣb (…) bqdš ztr ʕmh who erects (…) in the
sanctuary the votive cippus of his ancestors, 1.17 I 27 and par. (// ỉlỉbh).
2) DN: element in PNN (see Pardee TR/1 525, 530 f., 1192: ʕ Ammu, “oncle” dans
des nombres propres; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 599 n. 183).
Cf. ʕmlbu, ʕmn, ʕmnr, ʕmrpỉ, ʕmtÄl, ʕm¨tmr, ʕmy, ʕmyd, ʕmyn,
/ʕ-m-d/ vb G/D (?): “?” (cf. Hb. ʕmd, “to stand in position”, HALOT 840ff.; Ebla
/ʕamādum/, in AN.ÚŠ = a-ma-du-um, VE 787; cf. /ʕam(ā?)dum/, in AD.ÚŠ =
a-ma-tum, VE 1415; /maʕmadum/ in GIŠ.AD.ÚŠ = má-ma-tum? /du, VE 483;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 30; Fronzaroli EL 135, 145; cf. /ʕamidum/ in GIŠ.À =
a-me-tum, Fronzaroli EL 136; cf. PN a-mi-du /ʔaʕmid(u)/, Müller Biling. 182;
Akk. emēdu, “anlehnen, auferlegen”, AHw 211 f.; “to lean against, stand”, CAD
E 138ff.; Arab. ʕamada, “to stay, prop it”, AEL 2151 ff.). ¶ Forms: G/D (?) prefc.
(with suff.?) yʕmdn.
G./D. (?), in bkn ctx.: yʕmdn, 1.7:34; in unc. ctx., yʕm[d]n pn ʕṯtr, 1.2 III 12
(Wyatt RTU 53 n. 70 for the various rdgs).
ʕmd n. m. “support or foot of a wall” (< /ʕ-m-d/; Hb. ʕmd hi. “to set in position, to
cause something to stand”; Akk. imdu, “Stütze, Auflage”, AHw 375; “support”,
CAD I/J 109f.; element /ʕimdu-/ in PN Alal. Akk., Sivan GAGl 206. Caquot
TOu/2 55; Ford UF 34 2002 162f. diff. Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 41: “Bleibestätte”,
Hb. ʕmd; De Moor UF 12 1980 429: “column”, Hb. ʕmwd; ARTU 184: “approach-
ing person”, Syrian Arab. *ʕmd; Avishur UF 13 1981 18: “ceiling beam”, Arab.
ʕamada; for the var. suggestions see Watson LSU 80); ¶ par.: ủrbt. ¶ Forms:
sg. suff. ʕmdm (encl. adv. -m).

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ʕmyḏtmr – ʕmnr 161

Support or foot of a wall (?): w tṣủ (…) k bṯn ʕmdm and you run away (…) like
a snake through / from the foot of the wall, 1.169:3 (// ủrbtm. Dietrich-Loretz
Fs Xella 208, 211: “wie eine Schlange vom (Ruhe)platz”, Hb. ʕmd, Akk, imdu,
ʕmyḏtmr PN (Sem.)
PN: 6.23:2; 6.75:2.
Cf. ʕmṯtmr.
ʕmḏtmr, cf. ʕmṯtmr.
ʕmḏl PN (Sem. (?)).
PN: 4.165:8.
/ʕ-m-l/ vb G: “to earn” / “to work, elaborate” ((?) < “to exert oneself”. Hb. ʕml,
“exert oneself”, “acquisition”, HALOT 845; Arab. ʕamila, “to work, manufac-
ture”, AEL 2158ff.; cf. Akk. nēme/alu, “(Geschäfts-)Gewinn, Profit”, AHw 776;
“benefit, gain”, CAD N/2 157ff. Cf. rdg and interpretation in Pardee BAfO 19
1982 48; diff. Caquot Ug 7 396: “ouvrage”). ¶ Forms: G suffc. / inf., v.n. ʕml.
G. To earn / to work, elaborate (?), in unc. ctx.: ksp ṯlṯt ʕml l ảdn three shekels
of silver he earned (?) /, the work (?) for (his) master, 5.11:8.
ʕmlbủ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 109, 154).
PN: ★a) 4.165:7 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.260:10; 4.344:6 (Van Soldt SAU 37);
4.498:8; 4.834:1; ★b) bn PN: 4.356:8 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.432:6.
/ʕ-m-m/ vb Gpass.: “to be covered, dark” ((?). Hb. ʕmm, hof. “to be darkened”,
HALOT 846; Arab. ġamma, “to cover”, AEL 2289 ff.; Aram. “to be dim, dull”,
DJPA 411; Jastrow 1089; De Moor SP 172; Emerton Fs. Williams 41; Tropper
UG 126, 584, 679; diff. Margalit MLD 71: “turban” (?), Arab. ʕimmat). ¶ Forms:
Gpass. suffc. ʕmm.
Gpass. To be covered, dark (?): bn ġlmt ʕmm ym the sea is covered (?) in
darkness, 1.8 II 8 and par. (De Moor SP 164: “[they] veil Yāmu”; diff. Dijkstra
UF 15 1983 29: “kinsman of Yam”, rdg ʕm-m, see ʕm (II); Smith-Pitard UBC/2
651: “so<ns> of the Lass (?), kinsmen of Day” (?); Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542, 566:
“sons of darkness”).
ʕmm, cf. ʕm (I), 1.
ʕmmḏl, PN (?), 4.165:8 (Van Soldt SAU 37, rdg ỉmtḏl), cf. infra: ʕmtẓl.
ʕmn (I) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 109); ¶ syll.: cf. am-mi-na, PRU 3 194
(RS 11.839):20.
PN: ★a) 4.317:6; in bkn ctx.: 4.178:4; ★b) bn PN, in bkn ctx.: 4.445:2.
ʕmn (II), cf. ʕm (I), 2.
ʕmnr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 109, 165f.; Rainey UF 3 1971 171; Astour JNES 48
1989 37).
PN: bn PN, 4.222:21 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.356:3, 4 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.377:2;
4.432:10; 4.860:26; in bkn ctx.: 4.841:38: bn ʕ]mnr.

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162 ʕmph – ʕmrpỉ

ʕmph, see ʕmrpỉ.

ʕmq (I) n. m. “valley” (Hb., Ph., Pun. ʕmq, “land in a valley”, HALOT 847f.; “plain,
valley”, DNWSI 872f.; EA Akk. cf. TN KUR(.KUR.MEŠ) am-qí, “plain, valley”,
Sivan GAGl 206: ʕimqu / ʕamqu; Emar /ʕamqu/, “valley”, Pentiuc Vocabulary
31f.; Arnaud AuOrS 1 11; Huehnergard UVST 160 f.; Eg. ʕá-m-qu, “Ebene”, Helck
Bez. 128, 272; Hoch SWET 69 (74); Arab. ʕa/umq, “deep place of the ground”,
AEL 2157); ¶ syll. Ug.: dïUR.SAG.MEŠ u a-mu-<qa->t[u4 / a-mu-q[u, Ug 5
18 (RS 20.24):18; Huehnergard UVST 160f., ʕmq2, but see 395: uruku-um-ba:
at?-qà; Van Soldt SAU 306; cf. AN.ZA.GÀR: am-qa, PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):12; Van
Soldt SAU 306 (cf. ʕmq (II)); diff. Sivan GAGl 204: “stronghold”; Huehnergard
UVST 160: “stronghold (?)”, ʕmq1; ¶ par.: gn, qryt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕmq; pl. ʕmqt.
Valley, ★a) w hln tmtḫṣ b ʕmq and then DN fought in the valley, 1.3 II 6 and par.
(// bn qrytm); k ʕmq yṯlṯ bmt like a valley he ploughed (his) back, 1.5 VI 21 and
par. (// k gn); ★b) element in DN: ġrm w ʕmqt, 1.148:6 and par. (cf. supra: syll.
Ug.); in bkn ctx.: 1.151:14; 2.36:18; ★c) element in TN: gt ʕmq, 4.625:9 (cf. ʕmq
(II); Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-ʕ Amqa; Watson AuOr 19 2001 119; LSU 198:
TN “stronghold”, see Huehnergard UVST 160 f.: Akk. ʕamqu (?); cf. ʕmq (II)).
ʕmq (II) adj. m. “tough, strong” (cf. Akk. emūqu, “Armkraft, Macht”, AHw 216 f.;
“strength, armed forces”, CAD E 157ff.; and cf. emqu, “wise, klug”, AHw 215;
“experienced, skilled”, CAD E 151f. Margalit UF 15 1983 86 f.); Watson LSU 80;
¶ syll. Ug.: AN.ZA.GÀR: am-qa, PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):12 and cf. ʕmq (I); Sivan
GAGl 204; Huehnergard UVST 160, 395; diff. Van Soldt SAU 306: “plain” (?).
¶ Forms: sg. ʕmq.
Tough, strong: ʕmq nšm the toughest of men, 1.17 VI 45 (diff. Gzella BiOr 64
2007 535: “wise”, Akk. emēqu).
Cf. TN gt ʕmq, ʕmq (I).
ʕmqt DN; cf. ʕmq (I) b.
ʕmr n. m. “ash(es), dust” (etym. unc., cf. ʕpr (I). Fenton UF 1 1969 69; Grabbe
UF 8 1976 63; Emerton Fs. Williams 43; diff. De Moor, SP 191f.; Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 200 n. 241: “ears of grain”, “sheaf”, Hb. ʕmr; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 250: “ordure”, Arab. ġamar; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 105: “Gras, Heu”,
Arab. ġamīr, Hb. ʕmyr); ¶ par.: ʕpr. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕmr.
Ash(es): ʕmr ủn ashes of grief, 1.5 VI 14 (// ʕpr).
ʕmrbỉ PN; cf. ʕmrpỉ.
ʕmrpỉ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 47, 109, 180; Stol SEL 8 1991 210; Van Soldt
SAU 20, 784 and passim; Watson LSU 161); ¶ syll.: a-mu-ra-pí(BI), PRU 4 208
(RS 17.226):4, 8, 10; RSOu 7 14 (RS 34.139):2; am-mu-ra-pí(BI), PRU 3 6 (RS 13.7
B):2; PRU 4 209 (RS 17.355):12, 16; Ug 5 23 (RS L.1):2; cf. Van Soldt SAU 316 f.
n. 125. Var. ʕmrbỉ in 5.22:21.
PN: ★a) 1.161:31; 2.39:2; 2.76:2 11; 2.78:2; 4.707:22; 4.775:19; 5.22:21; WList 232:2;

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/ʕ-m-s/ – ʕmṯdy 163

★b) ỉl PN: 1.113:20; cf. ỉl ʕmph, ibid. ln. 15, mistake for ʕmrpỉ (?), see Watson
AuOr 30 2012 328.
/ʕ-m-s/ vb G: “to load”, “to carry”; D: a) “to load”, “to charge”; b) “to present”
(Hb., Ph. ʕms, q. “to load, carry”, HALOT 846f.; “to carry”, DNWSI 872; Pun.
ʕms, ni. “to carry, present”, HALOT 846; DNWSI 872; Amor. /ʕms/, “to load,
carry”, Huffmon APNMT 198; “to carry”, Gelb CAAA 15. Heltzer StPh 4 239ff.;
Emerton Fs. Williams 41f.; Tropper UG 554, 558, 563); ¶ par.: /ʔ-ḫ-d(/ḏ)/,
/k-l-l/. ¶ Forms: G. prefc. with suff. yʕmsnh, yʕmsn{.}nn; ptc. mʕms.; D. prefc.
suff. yʕmsn, yʕmsnh impv. ʕms.
G. 1) to carry: mʕmsy k šbʕt yn he who carries me (is my carrier) when I
am sated with wine, 1.17 II 20 and par. (Gordon UT § 9.24; Tropper UG 563);
yʕmsn{.}nn ṯkmn w šnm DNN carried him, 1.114:18 (Voigt UF 22 1990 412:
yʕmsnnn “die ihn trugen” (du) /yaʕmusāninnüni/ < /yaʕmusā-nin-hü-ni/).
2): ★a) to load, charge: ʕms mʕ ly ảlỉyn bʕl load me, please, with DN, “the
Most Powerful”, 1.6 I 12); in commercial use: mnm ḫsrt w uḫy yʕmsn ṯmn with
all that I lack, may my brother load / charge it / (for) me there, 2.41:21 (cf.
ʕmsn); ★b) to carry, present: bt lbnt yʕmsnh they shall present him with a
palace of brick, 1.4 V 11 (// ykllnh)
Cf. ʕms, ʕmsn.
ʕms PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 109; Heltzer StPh 4 1986 239 ff.).
PN: bn PN, 4.335:3.
ʕmsn n. m. “load, cargo” (< /ʕ-m-s/). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕmsn.
Load, cargo: spr bnš mlk d tảršn ʕmsn b ṣr register of the personnel of the king
who claim the cargo in TN, 4.370:2 (diff. Sivan UF 22 1990 315 and n. 28: PN).
/ʕ-m-t/ vb G: “to hit” (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. ʕamata, “to wind like a ring”, AEL 2150.
Del Olmo MLC 601f.; Wyatt RTU 237; diff. Delekat UF 4 1972 21: “Blindheit”,
Arab. ʕmy; Saliba JAOS 92 1972 109f.: “squeeze”; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 124:
“entourer”, Arab. ʕamata; Margalit UF 8 1976 157: “to attach”, ʕmm; Aartun
UF 17 1985 10; De Moor UF 11 1979 647 n. 48: “to roll”, Arab. ʕmt). ¶ Forms: G
cprf. tʕmt.
G. To hit: ḫṭm tʕmt pṭr with a rod she hit (him making) an aperture (for it),
1.16 VI 8.
ʕmtḏl PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.860:27.
ʕmtr ritual PN of a Ugaritic king (cf. ʕm (II), /t-r/).
PN ritual: 1.102:20,23; 1.106:5.
ʕmtẓl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 109, 309).
PN: ★a) 4.344:5; cf. ʕmmḏl; ★b) bn PN: 4.77:10.
ʕmṯdy PN/GN (etym. unc.).
PN/GN: ảġty ʕmṯdy[, 4.748:10.

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164 ʕmṯtmr – /ʕ-n/

ʕmṯtmr PN (Sem. Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 714 n. 5; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19

1987 24f.; Stol SEL 8 1991 210; Van Soldt SAU 784 passim; Hutton UF 35 2003
247ff.; Watson LSU 161); ¶ syll.: a-MIŠ(ŠID)-tam-ru, am-mi-IŠ-tam-ru, pas-
sim, cf. PRU 3 239; PRU 6 137; Ug. 5 326; cf. a(m)-mi-IZ-tam-ru, PRU 3 62f.
(RS 16.167):2; 64f. (RS 16.200):6; a[m-M]EŠ(?)-ta-a[m-r]i, alt. a[m-ME-E]Š-ta-
a[m-r]i, PRU 3 146f. (RS 16.153):2; a[m-M]EŠ(?)-tam-ru, alt. a[m-ME-E]Š-tam-
ru, PRU 3 165 (RS 16.384):2; Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 718 and n. 23; AkkUg
380f. n. 51; Van Soldt SAU 315ff. and n. 125. Var. ʕmyḏtmr in 6.23:2; 6.75:2.
PN: ★a) 1.161:11 (mlk), 25 (mlk); 3.2:2 (bn nqmpʕ); 3.5:2 (bn nqmpʕ); 6.23:2;
6.75:2 (mlk ủgrt. Bordreuil-Pardee Syria 61 1984 11–14; Van Soldt SAU 317
n. 125); pn ʕmṯtmr in the presence of PN, 3.32:2; ★b) ỉl PN, in bkn ctx., 1.113:13,
22; in Hurr. ctx.: ʕmṯtmrw, 1.125:7.
ʕmy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 109); ¶ syll.: am-ma-ya, PRU 6 2 (RS 19.80):32.
PN: ★a) 4.16:4; 4.197:26; 4.399:8 (bn mrzḥ); 4.592:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.98:14; 4.117:6;
4.357:25 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 37).
ʕmyd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 109, 133, 142; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 545).
PN: 4.344:3.
ʕmyḏtmr, cf. ʕmṯtmr.
ʕmyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 109); ¶ syll.: cf. am-mu-ia-nu, PRU 3 192
(RS 12.34):36; am-mi-ia-nu, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):19; PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):15;
PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):18.
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 20 (bn [); 4.76:4 (bn ġḥpn); 4.232:36; 4.315:10; 4.727:5; 4.728:7;
★b) bn PN: 4.69 III 5; 4.75 IV 8; 4.77:11; 4.280:12 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 17, 139);
4.290:11 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.356:5 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.677:5; 4.755:9
(?); 4.785:19; 4.834:4.
/ʕ-n/ vb G/D (?): “to see, look (at), watch, spy”; (denom. < ʕn (I); Hb. *ʕyn, “to
consider” (?), HALOT 817; Ph. ʕyn, “one who casts an evil eye” (?), DNWSI
840f.; OSA ʕyn, “turn one’s self towards”: Arab. ʕayyana, ʕāyana, “to distin-
guish, see with one’s eye”, AEL 2214. De Moor SP 234); ¶ par.: /ḥ-d-y/, /p-h-y/.
¶ Forms: G./D. (?) prefc. tʕn, yʕn; impv. ʕn (as an exclamatory part.); with
suff. ʕnhn!.
G./D. (?) To see, look (at), watch, spy: w yšủ ʕnh w yʕn w yʕn btlt ʕnt he lifted
his eyes and saw, and saw the virgin DN, 1.10 II 14–15; hlk aḫth bʕl yʕn the
coming of his sister DN saw, 1.3 IV 39 and par.; ʕn gpn w ủgr look, DNN, 1.4
VII 53; 1.8 II 6; yʕn pdry bt ảr he looked at DN, “Daughter of light”, 1.3 I 23; k
tʕn ẓl ksp when she saw the reflection of the silver, 1.4 II 27; ʕn mkṯr ảpq[ ym]
look, expert (?) of the source [of the sea], 1.4 II 30; krpn l tʕn ả¨rt a cup that not
even DN looked at, 1.3 I 15 (// l tphnh); mỉd tmtḫṣn w tʕn she fought very much
and watched (it), 1.3 II 23 (// tḥdy) (diff. Tropper UF 33 2001 567ff.: “erhob ein
lautes Geschrei”, see infra: /ʕ-n-y/ (II)); ʕnhn! look after him!, 1.24:8 (diff. De

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ʕn (i) 165

Moor ARTU 143: “her ‘well’” (“vulva”); Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 172: “vulva”;
cf. ʕn (I)); yṣq šmn bṣʕ w yʕn poured oil into a plate and looked, 1.16 III 1–2
(diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 209 n. 87: “and answered”, see infra: /ʕ-n-y/ (I)); lksm
mhyt ʕn look towards the edge of the meadows!, 1.16 III 4 (see Greenstein,
UNP 35: “Look!”; diff. Wyatt, RTU 231: “to the edge of the abyss”; Del Olmo
MLRSO 200: “a source …”, see infra: ʕn (I)); yʕn krt ḥtkn rš PN watched his
lineage left ruined, 1.14 I 21 and par; in bkn ctx.: 1.6 VI 9; ʕn ỉl, 1.98:2; for the
rdg wnʕn in 1.24:31, cf. wn.
Cf. ʕyn.
ʕn (I) n. f. 1) “eye”; 2) “spring” (Hb., Ph., OAram., Nab., Palm. ʕ(y)n “eye”, HALOT
817ff.; “eye, spring”, DNWSI 839f.; Ebla /ʔaynay(a)/ < /ʕaynayn/ in a-na-
a, “occhi”, ARET 4 286; IGI.DU8.DU8 = ḫu-ma-zu a-na-a, ḫu-mu-zu 2.IGI,
VE 712; IGI.DAR = dal-da-NI 2.IGI, dal-da-NI-um a-na-a, VE 715; IGI.ÍL =
na-si-ì(NI) a-na-a, VE 723; IGI.KÙ.DUB.IGI.GAR = šà-a-du ma-ḫa-rí a-na-a,
VE 728; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 27f.; Fronzaroli EL 136, 143; Krecher Biling. 152;
Castellino Biling. 367; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 180; Akk. īnu, “Auge”, AHw 383;
CAD I/J 153ff.; Mari Akk. KÁ ḪI-ni-im, cf. Durand MARI 7 51 n. 38; EA Akk.
ḫe-na-ia, EAT 144:17 and the element /ʕēn-/ passim in TNN, Sivan GAGl 206;
Arab. ʕayn, “eye, spring”, AEL 2214ff.; Eth. ʕayn, “eye”, “eye, spring”, CDG 79f.);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. element /ʕēn-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 206; cf. Emar PN ḫé-ni-e,
Wiseman-Hess UF 26 1994 506; for the spelling e-nu, Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163):3, cf.
Huehnergard UVST 159: Ug. (?); ¶ par.: 1) qdqd, rỉš, yd; 2) brky, ġyr. ¶ Forms:
sg. ʕn; cstr. sg. / du. (?) ʕn; du. abs. ʕnm, with suff. ʕnk, ʕnh, ʕnkm, ʕnn (encl.
-n or poss. scribal error ʕn<n>, erasure?, in 1.96:1); pl. ʕnt.
1) Eye: ★a) ʕn bʕl qdm ydh the eye(/s) of DN precede(s) his hands, 1.4 VII 40
(diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650, 655: “Baal looked forward”; see /ʕ-n/); ʕn bʕl
aḫd [(fear(?)] affected the eyes of DN, 1.12 II 31 qr ʕnk the spring of your eyes,
1.16 I 27 (// my! rỉšk); ašlw b ṣp ʕnh I shall find rest in the glance of her eyes, 1.14
III 45; w yšủ ʕnh bʕl and DN “The Most Powerful” raised his eyes, 1.10 II 13 and
par.; ʕnkm l bʕl tšủn raise your eyes to DN, 1.119:27; b nšỉ ʕnh w tphn on lifting
his eyes, then she saw him, 1.4 II 12 and par.; ★b) in incantations: ʕnn hlkt
the restless evil eye, 1.96:1 (cf. Akk. īnu lemuttu muttalliktu. Del Olmo AuOr
28 2010 42ff. diff. Dietrich-Loretz SUT 231: rdg ʕnt, “ʕAnat”); ʕn bṯy ʕn bṯt (…)
ʕn mḫr ʕn pḫr ʕn ṯġr the eye of the evil-doing man, the eye of the evil-doing
woman, (…) the eye of the potter, the eye of the tax-collector, the eye of the
gatekeeper, 1.96:5–8 and par. (cf. Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 52); ★c) syntagms:
yn ʕn wine of eye(s), sparkling, 1.6 IV 18; bn ʕnm between the eyes / on the
forehead, 1.2 IV 22, 1.179:35 and par. (// bn ydm, cf. ln. 14 and par.); bn ʕnh his
forehead, 1.101:5 (// rỉšh); w ʕnh b lṣbh (if it has …) and the other eye in the
space between its eyebrows, 1.103:49, 57; in bkn ctx.: d ʕnn (…) what our eyes

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166 ʕn (ii) – ʕnn

(…), 1.10 II 33; nšb b ʕn, 1.1 V 6 (cf. /ʕ-n-y/); bn ʕnkm, 1.3 VI 3; bn ʕnh, 1.2 IV 40;
ylm!ʕ bn [ʕ]n!k, 1.82:16.
2) Spring: šỉbt ʕn the women drawing water from the spring, 1.12 II 59; tḥt
ʕnt ảrṣ beneath the springs of the earth, 1.3 IV 36 (diff. De Moor ARTU 13:
“furrow”, cf. ʕn (II)); ʕn k ḏd ảylt the spring (for which yearn), in truth, the
herd of hinds, 1.5 I 17 (// brky), 1.133:8 (// brkt); bt ʕn bt ảbn bt šmm w thm the
daughter of spring, daughter of stone, daughter of sky and abyss, 1.100:1.
Cf. ʕnmk, ʕnqpat.
ʕn (II) n. f. “furrow” (Hb. mʕnh, “plough furrow”, HALOT 615. De Moor SP 99 f.
n. 15; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 425; for the gender see Kogan UF 32 2000
728); ¶ par.: nrt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕn; pl. ʕnt.
Furrow: pl ʕnt šdm parched were the furrows of the fields, 1.6 IV 1–2 and par.;
bʕl ʕnt mḥrṯ “lord” of the furrows of the ploughed land, 1.6 IV 3 and par.; nʕm
lḥṭt b ʕn it is a delight for the wheat in the furrow!, 1.16 III 9 (// bm nrt); in bkn
ctx.: 1.3 V 13; 1.167:7.
ʕn (III) PN (< DN. Gröndahl PTU 110); ¶ syll.: cf. PN DUMU AN-ni, PRU 6 82
(RS 17.242):10–13; cf. Van Soldt SAU 38.
PN: ★a) cf. ʕn, 5.22:8 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 190 n. 146); ★b) bn PN: 4.33:32; 4.35
II 19 (cf. Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988 647; SAU 38); 4.232:47; 4.753:14; 4.798:8.
ʕnỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 96, 110; diff. Muchiki Loanwords 219: Eg. ʕn “beau-
PN: 4.159:3.
ʕnbr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 110).
PN: 4.617 I 29.
ʕnmk(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 73f.: *ʕĒnu-makāy(yu). Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 113ff.; Astour UF 13 1981 7 f.; RSP 2 309, 353; Van Soldt
UBL 11 376f.; Topography 35, 180); ¶ syll.: URU IGI-ma-ka, PRU 3 190 (RS
11.800):9'; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):46; 4.810:25; URU IGI-ma-ka-ya, Ug 5 102
(RS 20.207 A):6; RS 25.455 A+B 6 (Arnaud SMEA 32 1993 128; cf. Van Soldt
SAU 338f. n. 177).
TN: 4.68:52; 4.95:9; 4.113:6; 4.243:28; 4.244:3, 9; 4.303:5; 4.365:38; 4.380:26; 4.610
II 25 (Van Soldt UBL 11 376; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12: ʕnq[pat); 4.693:54;
4.770:6; 4.821:9: ʕn.mky; in bkn ctx.: 4.94:14 (Van Sold TCSU 35); 4.308:7;
4.686:18; ʕn[mky, 4.800 II 12 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 352); 4.818:4; 4.820
II 6; 4.821:9 (ʕn.mky).
ʕnn n. m. 1) “manservant, servant”; 2) “herald, messenger” (etym. unc.; cf. /ʕ-n-y/
(I) > “the one who answers, speaks” (?); alt. /ʕ-n-w/ > one “humiliated, made
subject” > “slave, vassal” (?); Arab. ʕanna, “to appear before one”, AEL 2162ff.;
Arab. ʕawn “help, assistance”, AEL 2203f.; ʕawwana “to help”, ʕawn, “helper,
servant”, Hava 511; for the various opinions cf. De Moor SP 129 f.; Van Zijl

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ʕnnn – ʕnt (i) 167

Baal 22, 102ff.; Good UF 10 1978 436f.; Gray UF 11 1979 322 n. 42; Wyatt UF 24
1992 422; Renfroe AULS 22ff. diff. Cho LDUT 147–152, 205 f.: “cloud”, Hb. ʕnn >
deriv. metaph. use; Tarazi UF 36 2004 451 n. 29: “cloud” > “messenger, escort”);
¶ par.: ʕbd. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕnn; pl. (?) ʕnnm; cstr. ʕnn, suff. ʕnnh.
1) Manservant, servant: p ʕbd ảnk ʕnn ảṯrt but am I perhaps a slave, a manser-
vant of DN?, 1.4 IV 59; tn bʕl w ʕnnh hand over DN and his servants, 1.2 I 35
and par. (diff. Smith UBC/1 267 n. 88: “that I may humble him”, w<ả>ʕnn <
/ʕnw/ (// ảrṯm)); in unc. ctx.: ʕnn, 2.8:4).
2) Herald, messenger: w nġr ʕnn ỉlm and pay attention, divine heralds, 1.4
VIII 15; lk lk ʕnn ỉlm go, go, divine heralds, 1.3 IV 32 and par; in bkn ctx.: ]hd d
ʕnn, 1.10 II 33; ʕnnm, 7.135:3.
Cf. ʕnnn.
ʕnnn PN (Sem. (?). Watson LSU 161; Watson AuOr 30 2012 328).
PN: 4.405:6.
ʕnq n. m. “necklace” (Hb. ʕnq, “neck-chain”, HALOT 859; Akk. unqu, “Ring”, AHw
1422; “ring (as piece of jewelry)”, CAD U/W 167ff.; Arab. ʕunuq, ʕunq, “neck”,
miʕnaqat, “collar”, AEL 2175f. De Moor NYCI/2 12 n. 29; diff. Aartun UF 17
1985 10f.: “aufragende lange Gegend”, Arab. ʕunuq, miʕnāq; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 476 n. m.: “le meilleur produit”, by metaph. use of ʕanaq, “cou”; Watson
LSU 21: “gem, bead”, Eth. ʕenqwe). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕnq.
Necklace (?): yn (…) ʕnq smd lbnn wine (…) necklace of pearl beads from the
TN, 1.22 I 19.
Cf. ʕnqt.
ʕnqpảt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 74: *ʕĒnu-qapʔat. Astour RSP 2 309, 353; UF 13
1981 7; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 826; UF 29 1997 464; UF 30 1998 723, 737;
Topography 36, 180; Watson LSU 198); ¶ syll.: URU IGI-qáp-at, cf. PRU 3 266;
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):35; 4.810:8; Huehnergard UVST 248.
TN: 4.68:53; 4.296:11; 4.348:26; 4.365:20; 4.380:19; 4.610 I 12 (ʕnqp<ả>t);
4.683:20; 4.685:7; 4.693:18; 4.698:4; 4.793:11; 4.812:9 (ʕnqp<ả>t); 4.820 I 10; in
bkn ctx.: ʕn[qpảt, 4.800 II 12 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 352; KTU: ʕmnky).
ʕnqpảty GN m. (< ʕnqpat, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕnqpảty.
GN: 4.86:27, 30.
ʕnqt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 110; Watson LSU 161: Akk. unīqu, Arab. ʕunūq,
“female kid”).
PN: 4.175:11.
ʕnt (I) DN, name of a goddess, Baal’s “sister” (Amor. /ʕanat/, Huffmon APNMT
201; Gelb CAAA 15; Hb. ʕnt, HALOT 860; EA Akk. cf. PN a-na-ti, EAT 170:43;
Hess AmPN 34; Eg. ʕnty, cf. Lüddeckens LÄ 245 ff.; Stadelmann SPGÄ 91 ff.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 193; Gray UF 11 1979 321 f. n. 42; Van Zijl Baal 65;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 87 n. 1; Lambert VTS 40 132; Wyatt AuOr 5 1987 188 ff.;

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168 ʕnt (ii) – /ʕ-n-w/

Watson SEL 10 1993 48ff.); ¶ syll.: da-na-tu4, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):20 (// 1.118:20;
1.47:21); cf. da-an-t[u4, PRU 4 86 (RS 17.338) rev. 3; PRU 4 93 (RS 17.357) rev. 4;
cf. mDINGIR.IGI.AD, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):12, 16; Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IVb 12:
a]na-tu4; and cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 400 n. 85.; cf. the element /ʕanat-/ in
PNN; Sivan GAGl 204 (for ÌR.AN-tù/ti, cf. ʕbdilt). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕnt: du. ʕntm
(1.43:17, 20); suff. ʕnth (1.43:13).
DN: ★a) passim in narrative ctxs; cf. 1.3 II 3–30; in myth: ảgzrt ʕnt (…) ả<g>zrt
ʕnt wld anxious (?) did DN become (…) anxious (?) (was) DN to give birth /
for the son, 1.13:29–30; ★b) epithets: cf. ad loc. bʕlt (+ ṣpn), btlt, ḥlš, ḫbly, slḫ
(II), ybmt (+ limm); bʕlt mlk bʕlt drkt bʕlt šmm rmm bʕlt kp‹ (…) dỉ dỉt rḫpt (…)
ảklt (…) št[ yt], “Lady of royalty”, “Lady of power”, “Lady of the high heavens”,
“Lady of the firmament”, who flies winged, who hovers (…), who devours (…),
who drinks (…), 1.108:6–9; ★c) passim in offering lists; cf. dqtm w ynt qrt yʕdb l
ʕnt two ewes and one domestic dove shall he prepared for DN, 1.41:10; 1.87:12;
ảlp w š šrp l ʕnt one head of cattle and one ram to DN as a burnt offering,
1.168:11; see l ʕnth to his DN, 1.43:13; l ʕntm to the (two) DN, 1.43:17, 20; in Hurr.
ctx.: ʕntd, 1.110:7; 1.116:17; ★d) special syntagms: ʕnt w ʕ¨trt, 1.107:39; 1.114:22 (cf.
the sequence ʕ¨trt w ʕnt, ibid. ln. 9); ʕnt w ʕ¨trt ỉnbb(h), 1.100:20.
Cf. ỉlʕnt, ʕbdʕnt, ʕntn, bnʕnt, šmʕnt.
ʕnt (II) adv. “now” (Hb. ʕth, “now”, HALOT 901 f.; Aram. ʕnh, ʕntʔ /h, “time”,
DJPA 412. Knutson RSP 2 415ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: unattested; for the spelling at-ta
in PRU 3 (RS 15.11):11, cf. Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; diff. Sivan GAGl 205);
¶ par.: ht, ʕnt. ¶ Forms: ʕnt; allom. with assim. suff. ʕtn (< /ʕvntv-n-/).
Now: ʕnt (…) w ʕlmh ʕnt p dr dr now (…) and for ever, now and for (all)
generations, 1.19 III 48; l ht w ʕlmh l ʕnt p dr dr from now and for ever, from
now and for all generations, 1.19 IV 6; ʕnt ảkly [nšm] now [men] are my food,
1.6 V 24 (Margalit MLD 185); ʕtn ḫrd ảnk I am now a (recruit of the) of the
guard, 2.16:13 (Stieglitz JAOS 101 1981 371 n. 7; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 113:
“zur Zeit”, ʕt + n; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 301 n. 20: “gardien”, Arab. ʕatin; but
see Márquez AfO 45 1997–1998 373: scribal error; Sef 68 2008 467–468: rdg
ʕmn: “me encuentro (estoy) con las tropas”).
ʕntn PN (<ʕnt, DN. Gröndahl PTU 52, 111).
PN: ★a) 4.609:30 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 270: ủntn; ★b) bn PN, 4.37:1;
in bkn ctx: ʕnt[, 4.847:15.
Cf. ảntn, bnʕnt.
/ʕ-n-w/ vb G: “to be / remain depressed, humbled”; D: “to humiliate, knock
down” (Hb. ʕnh, “to be wretched, emaciated”, N: “to bend, submit”, HALOT
852ff.; Ph., JAram. ʕny, pi./pa. “to oppress, to subdue”, DNWSI 876f.; OSA ʕnw,
“to be distressed, troubled”, SD 17; Arab. ʕanā, “to be, become lowly, humble”,
AEL 2178ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕn, yʕn; D prefc. tʕny; Dpass. yʕn (?)

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/ʕ-n-y/ (i) – /ʕ-n-y/ (ii) 169

G. To be / remain depressed, humbled: w tʕn yes, remain humbled!, 1.16 VI 58

(cf. /ʕ-n-y/ (I)).
D. To humiliate, knock down: ảḥd ỉlm tʕny I see, gods, that they humiliate
you, 1.2 I 26 (diff. De Moor ARTU 32: “to answer”, rdg ả!ʕny, cf. De Moor-
Spronk CARTU 13; Smith UBC/1 266: “the gods will answer”: < /ʕ-n-y/ (I));
in unc. ctx: ảqht yʕn PN was knocked down (?), 1.19 I 12 (diff. De Moor
ARTU 248: “to say”, cf. /ʕ-n-y/ (I); for a survey of versions see Wyatt RTU 292
n. 187).
/ʕ-n-y/ (I) vb G: “to answer, reply, say” (Hb., Pun., OAram., Nab. ʕny, “to reply,
answer”, HALOT 851f.; “to answer”, DNWSI 875; Arab. ʕanā, “to mind by the
saying”, AEL 2180f.; Akk. enû, “umwenden, andern”, AHw 220f.; “to change”,
“to alternate with one another”, CAD E 173ff.); ¶ par.: /n-š-ʔ/ (+ gh), /ṣ-ḥ/,
/ṯ-b/ (Verreet MU 99ff.: “die Zitationsformeln”; Meier UF 21 1989 280 ff.).
¶ Forms: G suffc. / inf. ʕn, with suff. ʕnhm; prefc. yʕn, yʕny, tʕny, tʕn, with suff.
tʕnyn, tʕnynn, yʕnyn, yʕnynn; act. ptc. ʕny, with suff. ʕnyh; contrated ʕn<y>k
(?), in 1.82:42.
G. To answer, say: yʕny ỉl bšbʕt ḥdrm DN replied from the seven rooms, 1.3
V 26; w ʕn ảlỉyn bʕl and DN, “The Most Powerful”, answered 1.4 VI 7 and par.;
w yʕn yrḫ nyr šmm {wn ʕn} and DN, “the Luminary of the heavens”, answered
{answered as follows}, 1.24:30; w ʕnhm nġr and the guard answered them,
1.23:73; w yʕn( y) ảlỉyn bʕl and DN, “The Most Powerful”, answered, 1.4 V 63 and
par. with different subjects; w yʕny bn ỉlm and the son of DN answered, 1.133:1
and par. with different subjects; w tʕn btlt ʕnt and the Virgin DN answered,
1.6 IV 21 and par., with different subjects; yʕn ġlmm yʕnyn the lads answered,
they answered as follows, 1.3 IV 5; w tʕnyn ġlm bʕl and the (two) pages of
DN answered, 1.10 II 3; bkm yʕny weeping he answers (shall answer), 1.107:12
(cf. 1.1 V 7, 20); tʕny you must answer, 1.124:5; w yʕny{.}nn dtn and DN shall
answer him, 1.124:13 and par.; w ảnk ʕny I myself am going to reply, 1.2 I 28;
ỉn b ỉlm ʕnyh there was none among the gods who answered him, 1.16 V 16
and par.; w tʕn (…) [tšủ] gh w tṣḥ and she answered (…,) // [she raised]
her voice and shouted, 1.17 VI 52 (formula of message transmission, see Del
Olmo MLC 55); w ʕrbm tʕnyn and the officiants answer him, 1.23:12 (// yrgm;
or: “they chorus it” (?), cf. /ʕ-n-y/ (II)); tʕny ảnk mlkt mntn she answers: I am
the queen of the incantation, 1.179:34; in bkn ctx.: tʕnyn l zntn they answered:
for our sustenance, 1.1 IV 16; w yʕny and he said, 1.16 III 1–2; [w yʕ]nyh pdr and
DN answered him, 1.92:33; ]lk tʕny 1.16 II 30; w tʕn 1.18 I 6; w y[ʕn 1.2 IV 33–34;
in unc. ctx.: aġwyn ʕnk “I am going to cry vigorously to your intercessors” (?),
1.82:42 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 42); in bkn ctx.: tʕn[, 2.103:22.
Cf. mʕn, mʕnt, tʕn.
/ʕ-n-y/ (II) vb G/D: “to sing, praise” ((?); cf. Arab. ġannā, “to sing”, AEL 2302f. Hb.

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170 /ʕ-p/ – /ʕ-p-r/

q./pi. ʕny, “to sing (in praise of)”, HALOT 854; Syr. /ʕnw/ pa., “to intone, sing
responsively”, SL 116; Eg. ʕá-ni-n<i>, “to sing”, Helck Bez. 509 (34). De Moor
SP 93f.; Tropper UF 33 2001 569f.); ¶ par.: /b-d/, /š-r/. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc.
suff. yʕnynn.
G/D. To sing, praise (?): [w y] ʕnynn and will praise him (?), 1.17 VI 32 (// ybd,
yšr; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 189: “to answer (the wishes)”, ʕny (I));
w ʕrbm tʕnyn and the officiants chorus it / him, 1.23:12 (// yrgm; alt. “answer
him” (?), cf. /ʕ-n-y/ (I)).
/ʕ-p/ vb G: “to fly”; L “to fly (around someone)” > “to attempt to seduce, bewitch”
(?) (for a similar seman. shift and morph. see *ʕr/ʕrr. Hb. ʕwp, “to fly”, HALOT
800f.; Arab. ʕāfa, “to circle [the birds] over”, taʕawafa, “to seek after / for the
prey”, AEL 2198; Eg. ʕpy, “fliegen”, WäS/1 179. De Moor UF 1 1969 202 n. 6;
ARTU 47; Aartun StUL 98f.); ¶ par.: /ġ-½-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕpn; inf./verb.
n. ʕp; impv. ʕp; L prefc. tʕpp.
G. To fly: hm tʕpn ʕl qbr bny if they fly over my son’s tomb, 1.19 III 44; w tr b
ʕp and she flew away, 1.10 II 11; bʕl ymšḥ b ʕp DN will anoint (them) with (the
power to) fly, 1.10 II 23; l mhrk w ʕp yes, your wariors, fly!, 1.13:8.
L. To fly (around someone) > to attempt to seduce, bewitch (?): tʕpp ṯr ỉl d pỉd
she attempted to bewitch the Bull DN, the kind-hearted, 1.4 II 10 (// tġẓy) (diff.
Wyatt RTU 94 n. 102: “she implored”, and survey of opinions; Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 434, 446ff.: “she would exalt” < *ʕwp L, “to make fly” (?)).
Cf. ʕpṣpn.
ʕp (I) n. m. “bird” (< ptc. act. /ʕ-p/; Hb. ʕwp, “everything that flies”, HALOT 801;
Syr. ʕaupāʔ, “birds”, SL 1083; Eth. ʕof, “fowl, bird”, CDG 78; Ph. ʕph, “winged
disk” (?), DNWSI 878; Arab. ʕawf, “cock”, AEL 2198). ¶ Forms: pl. m. suff.
ʕpmm (with encl. -m); f. ʕpt.
Bird: w ḫlq ʕpmm[ and may the birds perish[…!, 1.18 IV 42 (for the rdg see
Wyatt RTU 287 n. 164; KTU: ʕpt.m[ḫṣk); ʕpt šmm the birds of the sky, 1.22 I 11
(cf. 1.23:62: ʕṣr šmm; and Hb. ʕwp hšmym, Gn 1:26 and par.).
ʕpʕp n. m. “eyelid” (// sp. Hb. ʕpʕpym, “eye-lashes, eyes”, HALOT 86; Ebla cf.
SIG7.GI.ZI = íb-íb-ba-tum, VE 1204, MEE 3 68 III 6; Civil EDA 151. Dahood
RSP 1 301: “pupil”; Herdner TOu/1 535: “paupières”; diff. De Moor ARTU 202:
“eyelashes”; Greenstein UNP 23: “eyeballs”; Wyatt RTU 204: “eyes”; ¶ par.: ʕq.
¶ Forms: pl. cstr. with suff. ʕpʕpk, ʕpʕph.
Eyelid: ʕpʕph sp ṯrml her eyelids (are) alabaster bowls, 1.14 VI 30 and par. (//
ʕq); in bkn ctx.: ʕpʕpk, 1.179:5.
/ʕ-p(-p)/ cf. /ʕ-p/.
ʕpln PN (Sem. (?)).
PN: bn PN, 4.848:10.
/ʕ-p-r/ vb G: “to supply (something), to provide” (Akk. epēru, “verköstigen, ver-

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ʕpr (i) – ʕpr (ii) 171

sorgen”, AHw 223, correcting the etym.; Watson LSU 80: Eg. ʕpr, “to provide”.
¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕpr.
G. To supply (something), to provide: tʕpr you will supply (it to the troops),
ʕpr (I) n. m. 1) “dust”; 2) “earth, ground”; 3) “steppe” (Hb., Aram. ʕpr, “dust, soil”,
HALOT 861f.; “dust, plot, terrain”, DNWSI 879; Syr. ʕafrāʔ, “dust, earth, soil”,
SL 539; Akk. eperu, “Erde, Staub”, AHw 222f.; “dust, earth”.; EA Akk. (ḫ)aparu,
“dust”, CAD A/2 166; CAD Ḫ 84; Sivan GAGl 204; Gianto SEL 12 1995 68; Arab.
ʕaf(a)r, “dust”, AEL 2090; Eth. ʔafar, “dust, soil”, CDG 10; cf. Hb. ʔpr, “soil
crumbling into dust”, HALOT 80. Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 106); ¶ par.: ủgr,
ảrṣ, ʕmr. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕpr; pl. ʕprm.
1) Dust: ★a) in the physical sense, earth: ʕpr plṯt dust of humiliation, 1.5 VI 15
(// ʕmr ủn); ★b) meton; for “tomb, under-world”, etc.): l ʕpr ḏmr ảṯrh who
protects his remains in the dust, 1.17 I 28 and par. (// ảrṣ); w b ʕpr qm ảḫk and
in the dust (we shall pin) your brother’s enemies, 1.10 II 25 (// ảrṣ); d l ylkn
ḥš (…) b ʕpr who cannot go quickly (…) for the dust, 1.1 IV 8 (// ảrṣ); špl ʕpr
plunge yourself, do, into the dust, 1.161:22.
2) Earth, ground: w l ʕpr ʕẓmny and to the ground (fell) my / our power, 1.2
IV 5 (// ảrṣ); kry ảmt ʕpr dig / drive in (with your) forearm (in) the soil, 1.12
I 24 (// ủgrm; diff. Schloen JNES 52 1993 216: cf. ʕpr (II)); ʕpr btk ygršk may
the dust of your house (be (?)) evict(ed), 1.82:12 (cf. qr btk, ibid. ln. 40. De
Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 242; Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247).
3) Steppe: št b ʕprm ddym put harmony in the steppe, 1.3 III 15 and par. (//
In bkn ctx.: 1.7:27; 1.167:6.
ʕpr (II) n. of a social group (“stranger, foreigner, refugee” < (?) /ʕ-b-r/. Akk.
ḫab/piru (ḫa-BI/BIR/BI4-ru), AHw 322: ḫapiru; CAD Ḫ 84f.: ḫapiru (cf. AHw
304: ḫabbātu(m) I, II and Von Soden UF 16 1984 366); Mari Akk. cf. Durand
Fs. Garelli 24 n. 27s.; Eg. ʕpr(w), WäS/1 181; Helck Bez. 486 ff.; Hitt. (LÚ) ḫa-
(a/ab-)bi-ri- (/ SA.GAZ)(-ia-aš, etc.); Hb. ʕbry, “a Hebrew man”, HALOT 782f.
Bottéro RlA 4 14–27; DHA 6 1980 211f.; Kupper Nomades 249–259; Loretz
Habiru; Von Soden UF 16 1984 364–368; Astour UF 31 1999 31–50; Weip-
pert Landnahme 66ff.; Moran AmL 392f.; Woudhuizen UF 26 1994 529:
kapari-, Linear B); Haas-Wegner Fs. Renger 197–200: Hurr. ḫab=i=ri “der
Bewegliche” < /ḫav/ “to move”; Watson LSU 127); ¶ syll. Ug.: (oil) MIN (=
UGU) PN DUMU PN ḫa-pí-ri, PRU 6 112:5; Sivan GAGl 205; Huehnergard
PRU 3 219, 233; PRU 4 260; PRU 6 150; Huehnergard AkkUg 364, 366; A.ŠÀ LÚ
SA.GAZ dUTU-ši, PRU 4 108 (RS 17.238):7; DINGIR.MEŠ ḫa-pí-r[i, PRU 4 88
(RS 17.349):9; Del Monte Trattato 30; LÚ.MEŠ SA.GAZ ša AN.ZA.GÀR im-

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172 ʕprt – ʕpṣpn

ḫa-ṣu, PRU 4 162 (RS 17.341):2; LÚ.MEŠ SA.GAZ.ZA a-na É-ti-šu la-a i-ru-ub,
PRU 3 105 (RS 15.109+16.296):54; LÚ.MEŠ SA.GAZ.ZA it-ti-ia ú-ul aš-bu, PRU 3
3 (RS 16.03):6. ¶ Forms: pl. ʕprm.
A social group (stranger, foreigner, refugee): ★a) bnšm d ỉṯ bd rb ʕprm per-
sonnel that is at the disposal of the chief of the ʕ., 4.752:1; ʕprm arbʕ mảt four
hundred ʕ., 2.47:7; šỉsp ảrtṯb ʕprm, PN has regrouped ʕ., 2.98:25; ★b) element
in TN ḫlb ʕprm, TN.
Cf. ḫlb ʕprm.
ʕprt n. f. of an object or material (etym. unc., cf. ʕpr (I) or “lead” (?). Hb.,
Pun. ʕprt, “lead”, HALOT 863; “plumb”, DNWSI 879; Akk. abāru, “Blei”, AHw
4: abāru I, “eine Art v Klammer”, abāru II; “lead”, CAD A/1 36 ff. Bordreuil
CRAIBL 1987 290: “vêtements eparattu”). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕprt.
An object or material: ṯṯ mảt ʕprt six hundred (pieces / shekels(?)) of ʕ.,
ʕp/bs/ś n. m. “landmark, boundary, border” (etym. unc. Van Soldt UF 21 1989
385: Akk. kudurru; NABU 1997/90: EA 366:34; Tropper UF 29 1997 666 f.; cf.
Hitt. NA4 ḫuwaši “stele”, Darga RHA 27 1969 17; Güterbock Fs. Bittel 215 f.;
Tischler HEG 333f., also used as a boundary stone; Imparati RHA 32 1974
125–135; Watson LSU 119; for discussion cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 384f.:
“retenir” (?)); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. NA4.MEŠ, PRU 4 77 (RS 17.368) rev. 7. ¶ Forms:
sg. ʕb/ps/ś; sg./pl. suff. ʕps/śh; pl. ʕpsm.
Landmark, boundary, border:★a): spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l mlk ủgrt document
about the landmarks (?) which the ủ. set up for the king of TN, 6.29:1 (cf. LÚ ú-
ri-ia-an-nu (…) NA4.MEŠ i-na ZAG.MEŠ (…) il-ta-ka-an, PRU 4 77 (RS 17.368)
rev. 7); mṣmt ʕbs ảrr treaty concerning the landmarks (?) of TN, 6.27:1 (Van
Soldt UF 21 1989 380, 384); yd ʕpsh … “with his boundary stones”, 3.33:3, see ln.
6, 9, 12 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 260; Tropper UF 36 2004 518: “zusammen
mit seinen (eingeschlossenen) Ländereien”); w ʕpśh “its boundary(ies)”, ibid.
ln. 6, see ln. 9; ʕpśh ảpk kwr whose border is the spring (of) TN, 3.33:7; bnš l
yqḥ ʕpsm hnmt, nobody in service (of the king) will remove these boundaries,
3.33:12; ★b) syntagms: ḫrd ʕps frontier guard (?): ḫrd ʕps tḥd kw sʕt the fron-
tier guards have confiscated one k. of s.-(grain), 2.47:17 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 19 1987 29: “der rebellische Wachsoldat”); in bkn ctx. ḫrdk ʕps [, 2.47:19;
mn ʕps [, 2.84:14.
Cf. ʕpsn.
ʕpsn PN (Sem. < ʕps. RS Akk. up-sa-nu PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):24: *ʕUpsānu.
Watson AuOr 19 2001 285; LSU 161).
PN: 4.170:6.
Cf. ảpśny.
ʕpṣpn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37f., 111, 189).

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ʕpt – ʕqb 173

PN: 4.366:9 (bn ʕdy).

ʕpt, cf. ʕp.
ʕpṯb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 17.
ʕpṯn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 309; Berger WO 5 1969/70 281).
PN: 4.35 I 4 (bn ṯṣq[); 4.46:9; 4.98:9; 4.366:11 (bn ỉlrš); 4.370:44.
ʕpṯrm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 309; Berger WO 5 1969/70 281; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 95; UF 6 1974 34; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 423).
PN: ★a) 4.116:5; 4.350:10 (bn ảgmz); 4.609:10; 4.628:6 (bn ʕbdy); ★b) bn PN
ʕq n. m. (?) “pupil” (etym. unc. Arab. ʕaqq “a deep excavation” / ʕaqīq, various
kinds of precious stones, AEL 2096. Herdner TOu/1 525 n. c; diff. Tsumura
UF 6 1974 411 n. 38: “eyebrow”; for general surveys cf. Renfroe AULS 88 f.; Ford
UF 40 2008 304 n. 98); ¶ par.: ʕpʕp. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ʕq.
Pupil: d ʕqh ỉb ỉqnỉ whose pupils are gems of lapis lazuli, 1.14 III 43 and par.
(// ʕpʕph).
Cf. ʕqy.
/ʕ-q-b/ vb G: “to accept or perform a property transfer, to succeed, to effect
an exchange of goods”; D: “to take the place of another, to rival” (OAram.
Hatra, ʕqb, “successor” (?), DNWSI 881; OSA, ʕqb, “vicem reddidit, alternatim
adhibuit”, CAME 211f.; “act as a commander”, “deputy, lieutenant”, hi. “barter,
exchange”, SD 17f.; Arab. ʕaqaba, “to come after, to succeed”, ʔaʕqaba, “to
make someone to take his place”, AEL 2097; Amor. cf. /ʕ-q-b/, “watch, pro-
tect”, Huffmon APNMT 203f.; “to protect”, Gelb CAAA 15); ¶ syll. Ug.: vacat
(rdg ia/na-du- in the spellings ia/na-DU- of PNN; cf. Rainey IOS 5 1975 29;
Huehnergard AkkUg 374; JAOS 107 1987 722f. diff. Sivan GAGl 207: ia-qub-).
¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕqb; D ptc. suff. mʕqbk.
G. To accept or perform a property transfer, to succeed, to effect an exchange
of goods: šd snrym dt ʕqb b ảyly farms of the GNN who have accepted /
performed a (property) transfer in TN, 4.645:1 (diff. Pardee UF 7 1975 364;
UF 8 1976 261: “to be rough, hilly” (?); Tropper UG 235: “welche unmittelbar
an TN grenzen”).
D. To rival (to take the place of another), in unc. ctx.: dṯ ydṯ mʕqbk[ your rival
will certainly be smashed[, 1.18 I 19 (De Moor ARTU 242; diff. Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 436 n. g: “celui qui te fait obstacle”, Hb. ʕiqqéb, “empêcher”).
Cf. mʕqb (I), (II).
ʕqb n. m./f. (?), “hock, heel” (Hb., OAram. ʕqb, “heel”, HALOT 872f.; “heel”,
DNWSI 881; JAram. ʕiqbāʔ, “heel”, DTT 1104; Akk. eqbu, “Ferse, Absatz”, AHw
231; “heel”, CAD E 248f.; Arab. ʕaqib / ʕaqb, “heel”, AEL 2100 f. Aartun StUL
99ff.); ¶ par.: gd, qrn. ¶ Forms: pl. ʕqbt.

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174 ʕq[l] – ʕqy

Hock, heel: mtnm b ʕqbt ṯr tendons from the hocks of a bull, 1.17 VI 23 (// gd,
ʕq[l] “?” (Dietrich-Loretz MU 154 n. 470: “verkrüppelt”, or rdg ʕq[r] “Bereich des
?, in unc. rdg: w ʕq[l?], 1.103:56.
ʕqltn adj. m. “winding” (Hb. ʕqltwn, “writhing”, HALOT 874; Syr. ʕaqulā, “cur-
vature, curve”, SL 1129; Arab. ʕuqlat, “twisting of one’s leg with another’s in
wrestling”, AEL 2115. Renfroe UF 20 1988 227 n. 29); ¶ par.: brḥ. ¶ Forms: sg.
Winding: tkly bṯn ʕqltn you finished off the winding serpent, 1.5 I 2 and par.
(// brḥ; cf. Hb. nḥš ʕqltwn, Is 27:1).
ʕqq n. m. “destroyer”, divine epithet (< ptc. m. G /ʕ-q-q/, cf. Arab. ʕaqqa, “to
cleave, split”, AEL 2095ff. Renfroe AULS 24ff. diff. Watson NUS 30 1983 12:
“deformed”, Akk. eqēqu, uqququ, but see the survey in Fs Dolgopolsky-
Jungraithmayr 361–365; Dalix Historiae 3 2006 49: “sanglier”); ¶ par.: ảkl (I).
¶ Forms: pl. ʕqqm.
Destructive (one): w ld ʕqqm and give birth to the “Destroyers”, 1.12 I 27 (//
ảklm); w ymẓa ʕqqm and he ran into the “Destroyers”, 1.12 I 37 (// ảklm).
ʕqr[ “?”.
?: šbʕ ʕqr[ seven ʕ.[, 1.177:3.
ʕqrb n. f. “scorpion” (Hb. OAram. ʕqrb, “scorpion”, HALOT 875; “scorpion”,
DNWSI 883; Akk. aqrabu, “Skorpion”, AHw 62; “scorpion”, CAD A/2 207;
Arab., Eth. ʕaqrab, “scorpion”, AEL 2111; CDG 68; > Gk skorpíos, Liddell-Scott
GEL 1613. Ford UF 34 2002 133; Del Olmo Fs. Watson 147 f.); ¶ par.: bṯn (I).
¶ Forms: sg. ʕqrb.
Scorpion: w tḥtk qn l tqnn ʕqrb nor beneath yourself will the scorpion coil,
1.178:5 (cf. ln 7).
ʕqrbn n. m. of a medicinal plant (Salsola tragus (?). Hb. ʕqrbn, Syr. ʕaqrabanyāʔ,
Arab. ʕuqruban, Löw Flora 1 7; 4 73, 141, 193; Akk. (zuqi/aqīpu >) zuqi/aqīpānu,
“Skorpionspflanze”, AHw 1538; “the scorpion like plant”, CAD Z 166; > Gk skor-
píon, Liddell-Scott GEL 1613, also name of a plant. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 45; Cohen-Sivan UHT 13; Pardee TH 47 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕqrbn.
Plant in hippiatric pharmacopoeia: št ʕqrbn a š. of ʕ., 1.85:2.
Cf. ʕqrb
ʕqšr, 1.100:12 and par.; cf. ảqšr (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 87 “gehäutete”;
Levine-De Tarragon RB 95 1988 495: “coily”, /q-š-r/; Watson UF 40 2008 548 f.:
“scaly”, Eg. jqšr; diff. Tsumura UF 6 1974 411: “evil eyebrow”, rdg ʕq šr; for the
various opinions cf. Bordreuil UF 15 1983 299 f.; Renfroe AULS 89).
ʕqy PN (Sem.(?); Watson Fs. Sanmartín 45o); ¶ syll.: DUMU a-qa-ya, PRU 3 195
(RS 15.09) B I 10; cf. Gröndahl PTU 216.

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/ʕ-r/ – ʕr (ii) 175

PN: bn PN, 4.124:5; 4.711:5.

/ʕ-r/ vb G/N: “to become agitated, irritated”, “to wake up”; L/LPass. “to move”,
“to be(come) exacerbated” (Hb. ʕwr, G “be awake, stir”, N “to be woken up”,
HALOT 802f.; Akk. êru, “wach sein”, AHw 247; “to be awake”, CAD E 326 f.
De Moor SP 237; UF 16 1984 356; Emerton Fs. Williams 40 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
Studien 61); ¶ par.: /ḫ-s-s/, /ṯ-t-ʕ/, /y-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G/N prefc. suffc. nʕr, yʕr;
L/Lpass. prefc. yʕrr; with suff. tʕrrk.
G/N. To become agitated, to wake up: yʕr mt b qlh DN became agitated
in his fall, 1.6 VI 31 (// yrủ, ṯtʕ; diff. Tropper AuOr 14 1996 138: /yʕr/, “sich
fürchten”); km trpả hn nʕr on applying the remedy, see, he woke up, 1.114:28
(diff. Dietrich-Loretz TAUT II/3 345: “war dies die Mischung”).
L/Lpass.: ★a) to move, excite: ảhbt ṯr tʕrrk perhaps the love of the Bull has
moved you?, 1.4 IV 39 (// yḫssk); ★b) to be(come) excited, exacerbated: yʕrr
w yʕn he became exacerbated and answered, 1.24:30 (cf. Del Olmo MLC 459 f.;
Theuer Mondgott 178f. for other versions); in bkn cxt: tʕr[rhm, 1.12 II 30.
In unc. ctx.: kḥṣ k mʕr, 1.16 IV 5 (cf. De Moor ARTU 218, rdg k mʕk; Wyatt
RTU 233 nn. 261–262 for diff. versions).
ʕr (I) n. f. “city” (Hb., Ph. ʕ(y)r, “city, town”, HALOT 821f.; “town”, DNWSI 883f.;
Ebla cf. /ʕīrīyatum/, “suburb”, in URU.BAR = ì-rí-a-tum, Fronzaroli EL 143;
ìr-a-LUM, Archi WGE 131; cf. er-me [=URU.BAR], Pettinato AfO 25 1974/77 27;
Arcari Biling. 326; Watson UF 38 2006 719); ¶ par.: pdr. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕr, suff.
ʕrm (encl. -m), ʕrhm; du./pl. ʕrm.
City: ʕb!r l[ʕr] ʕrm he passed from city to city (// pdrm), 1.4 VII 7 (diff.
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 649: “He turned to [the chief] city”); ṯṯ l ṯṯm ảḫd ʕr
sixty-six cities he conquered (// pdr), 1.4 VII 9; ʕrm tdủ mt! from the city she
scared away DN, 1.16 VI 6 and par. (// pdrm; diff. rdg KTU ad loc.: mh[[pd]],
footnote 18: m<nt>h?); [tỉty l] ʕrhm they came to / from their city, 1.22 II 24
and par. (diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 7 1975 215: “stallions”, // mrkbt; cf. ʕr (II));
gr{.}nn ʕrm attack the cities!, 1.14 III 6 (// pdrm; /g-r(-y)/, inf. used as an impv.;
cf. used as narr. grnn, ibid. IV 49. De Moor-Spronk 14 1982 166: “twin-city”); b
qrb ʕr within the city (?), 1.62:5; ʕr d qdm the city of the Old Times, 1.100:62
(Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 44 n. 29; diff. Young UF 9 1977 310: “barrenness”,
“desert”, Arab. ʕarāʔ, Akk. mērênu; UF 11 1979 843, but see 846: “primeval town”
(?); Tsevat UF 11 1979 763: “ein Baum, Osttamariske”, short form of ʕrʕr, Syr.
ʕarāʔ, Akk. eʔru); in unc. ctx.: ʕd mġyy b ʕrm until I reach the city(ies) (?),
2.71:17; ]kmn ʕrhm[, 1.18 I 32 (Margalit OLP 19 1988 88; but see Gzella BiOr 64
2007 536f.); in bkn ctx.: k]bd ʕr, 1.14 V 24.
ʕr (II) n. m. “donkey, ass” (Hb. ʕyr, “male donkey”, HALOT 822; Arab. ʕayr, “ass”,
AEL 2208f.; Mari Akk. ḫâru, (ḫ)aʔ/yaru, “Eselhengst”, AHw 328; “donkey foal”,
CAD Ḫ 118. Sasson RSP 1 433); ¶ par.: pḥl. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕr.

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176 ʕrʕr – /ʕ-r-b/ (i)

Donkey, ass: mdl ʕr ṣmd pḥl they harnessed the donkey, saddled the ass, 1.4
IV 9 and par.; yštn ảṯrt lbmt ʕr they set DN on the back of the donkey, 1.4 IV 14
and par. (// pḥl); w šqrb ʕr mšr offer, yes, a donkey of justification, 1.40:26;
hn ʕr behold the ass, 1.40:34 and par. (cf. Del Olmo CR 120 ff.); ṯlṯ[[ṯ]] ʕr
mlḥt, three (pieces of) salted donkey (meat), in 2.87:6 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 138ff. diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 342: rdg ʕrmlḥt. “c. n. formation and
meaning unknown”); in bkn ctx.: w ʕr l … and a donkey to …, 1.119:16.
ʕrʕr n. m. “tamarisk” (Tamarix gallica. Hb. ʕrʕr, “juniper”, HALOT 887; Syr. ʕarāʔ,
ʕarʕûrāʔ, “tamarisk”, “manna, resin of tamarisk” SL 1133, 1141; others prefer
Arab. ʕarʕar, “cypress, juniper-tree”, AEL 1990f. De Moor UF 2 1970 326 n. 131;
Sasson RSP 1 434; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 124; Young UF 9 1977
292f.; Tsevat UF 11 1979 765; Belmonte AuOr 11 1993 114 f.); ¶ par.: ʕdt, ʕṣ (+
mt), ssn, yblt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrʕr; suff. ʕrʕrm (encl. -m).
Tamarisk: l bʕl ṣpn b ʕrʕr pamt ṯlṯm to DN, with tamarisk, thirty times, 1.109:29
(diff. Watson AuOr 19 2001 119: TN; LSU 198: TN (?)); ydy b ʕṣm ʕrʕr, he ripped
out a tamarisk from among the trees, 1.100:64 (// ʕṣ mt. Pardee TPM 216; diff.
Watson AuOr 10 1992 237: “with tamarisk wood”); ʕrʕrm ynʕrn!h with the
tamarisk he shook it, 1.100:65 (// ssn, ʕdt, yblt).
/ʕ-r-b/ (I) vb G: 1) “to enter”; 2) “to enter to work, to start in service, to register;
to be assigned, delivered”; 3) “to enter”, “to set”, in the astronomical sense;
4) “to enter”, in a funerary sense (?); N “to be annexed”; Š “to cause to enter,
introduce” (Akk. erēbu, “eintreten”, AHw 234ff.; “to enter”, CAD E 259–273; cf.
Hb. ʕrb, “to turn into evening”, HALOT 877; Arab. ġrb, “to go away, retire”, “to
set (sun)” AEL 2240ff.; Eth. ʕar(a)ba, “to set (the sun)”, CDG 69; OSA mʕrb,
“west”, SD 18. Xella MSS 149ff.; Avigad-Greenfield IEJ 32 1982 118 ff.; Van Zijl
Baal 165f.; Emerton Fs. Williams 43; Tropper UF 29 1997 666); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. iḫ-ra-bu /(y)iʕrabu/, G: prefc. sg., RS 25.423:13 (unpub.); Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 650; SAU 330 n. 157; ¶ RS Akk.: erēbu (cf. infra: 2.a); ¶ par.: /l-q-ḥ/,
/t-r-ḫ/, /y-r-d/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕrb, ʕrbt; prefc. tʕrb, yʕrb, tʕrbm (encl. -m);
impv. ʕrbn; N prefc. nʕrb; Š prefc. ašʕrb, tšʕrb.
G. 1) To enter, ★a) abs.: km ġlmm w ʕrbn like young servants you must enter,
1.3 III 9; (he opened) w ʕrb hm and they entered, 1.23:71; ★b) a place (+ b;
Pardee UF 7 1975 364; UF 8 1976 261): ʕrb b bth kṯrt the DN entered her house,
1.17 II 26; hy bth tʕrb she entered her house, 1.7:3; ʕrb ḥrn bth DN entered his
house, 1.179:33; [ʕ]rb bʕl b qrb bt DN entered within (his) house, 1.4 VII 13 (cf.
RS Akk.: erēbu ina (libbi), Van Soldt SAU 448 f.); ʕrb b ẓl ḫmt he entered the
shade of the tent, 1.14 III 55 and par.; yʕrb b ḥdrh ybky he entered his room to
weep, 1.14 I 26; w yʕrb b phm ʕṣr šmm w dg b ym and into their mouth(s) enter
the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea, 1.23:62; ʕrb bkyt b hklh (female)
mourners entered his palace, 1.19 IV 9; yʕrb bʕl b kbdh DN will enter his

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/ʕ-r-b/ (i) 177

innards, 1.5 II 3 (// yrd); ʕr[bt] pġt mỉnš šdm PN entered the encampment, 1.19
IV 48; in a cultic sense: k tʕrb ʕṯtrt ḫr gb bt mlk when DN enters the g. of the
palace, 1.43:1 (cf. l. 9) and par. (cf. Akk. erubbatum, “Einzugsfest”, AHw 248;
“entrance, name of a festival”, CAD E 327; Hilgert JCS 46 1994 29 ff.); k tʕrb ʕṯtrt
šd bt mlk when DN enters the palace, 1.91:10 and par.; ʕlm yʕ[rb (on the) next
(day) (the king) shall [enter, 1.41:8; 1.87:9; ʕlm tʕbrn gṯrm (on the) next (day),
the (two) DN enter, 1.43:9ff. and par.; with a matrimonial meaning: ỉb tʕrbm
b bhth may DN enter his house, 1.24:18 (// ytrḫ); ★c) to come into someone’s
presence, present oneself before someone (+ ʕl, l pn; Pardee UF 7 1975 364):
ʕl abh yʕrb into the presence of his father he entered, 1.16 I 12 and par.; tdʕ ky
ʕrbt l pn špš you must know that I have come into the presence of the “Sun”,
2.16:7 (for 2.88:28 see /ʕ-r-b/ (II)).
2) To enter, in connection with work or commerce: ★a) to enter to work,
begin in service, to register: spr npš d ʕrb bt mlk list of the people who have
entered to work in the royal palace, 4.338:2 (cf. RS Akk.: i-na ÌR.MEŠ-ut-ti
ša šàr KUR u-ga-ri-it i-te-er-bu-ni, PRU 4 52 (RS 17.369):14); GNN d ʕrb b ủnṯ
GNN who have entered service, 3.7:1 (Akk. ana ilki erēbu, Márquez AuOr 11
1993 251); ★b) to be assigned, delivered (merchandise, etc.): ṯmn mrkbt dt ʕrb
bt mlk eight chariots that entered the royal palace, 4.145:2; šbʕm lbš d ʕrb bt
mlk seventy garments that were delivered to the palace, 4.337:16; in bkn ctx.
iṯ yn d ʕrb b ṯk[t?] there is wine that entered in …, 1.23:74; in bkn ctx.: GN (pl.)
ʕrb, 4.634:1–5 (and cf. /ʕ-r-b/ (II)).
3) To enter, set, in an astronomical sense: ʕrbt špš ṯġrh ršp the sun set(s), her
gatekeeper being DN, 1.78:2 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz MU 57 f.; UF 34 2002 56f.; Del
Olmo AuOr 30 2012 371).
4) To enter (in a funerary sense) (?): during ṯlṯ ymm llġz? yʕrb mlk three days
to the lġz? the king “enters” (the funeral of the king is celebrated), 1.111:2 (in
connection with 3); cf. Del Olmo CR 162 n. 86).
In bkn ctx.: ʕrb, 6.81:4.
N. To be annexed: šdm d nʕrb gt npk fields that were annexed to TN, 4.103:45
(Tropper UG 534).
Š. To make (someone/something) enter, introduce: ʕlh ṯrh tšʕrb into his pres-
ence she made his “Bulls” enter, 1.15 IV 18 and par. (cf. RS Akk.: IGI.DU8.A-šu
a-na LUGAL-ri ú-še-ra-ab, PRU 3 107 (RS 16.238):13); in a matrimonial sense:
ġ]lmt tšʕrb ḥẓrk the damsel that you have introduced into your mansion, 1.15
II 22, cf. 1.14 IV 41 (// tqḥ).
In bkn and unc. ctx. ]ủpqt ʕrb, 1.1 V 24; ]tʕrb b šỉ, 1.1 V 26; ʕrb [b]th, 1.15 II 9;
tʕrb ḥd[r, 1.16 II 51; ʕr[b, 1.16 V 1–3; ]km tʕrb[, 1.94:36; ảnyt hm tʕr[b, 2.42:24;
ʕrb[, 1.126:23; PN ʕrbt[, 4.18:4; ʕrb, 4.634:1–5(?).
Cf. ʕrb (I), ʕrb (II).

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178 /ʕ-r-b/ (ii) – ʕrb (ii)

/ʕ-r-b/ (II) vb G: “to give a guarantee or pledge, stand surety for, leave a deposit”
(OSA ʕrb, “spopondit, pignore se obligavit”, CAME 212; tʕrb, “to give pledges”,
SD 18; Arab. ʕaraba / ʕarraba, “to give a pledge”, “pledge” (ʕarabûn/ʕurbân),
AEL 1991f.; Hb., Ph., OAram. ʕrb, “to stand surety for, to be responsible for”,
hitp. “to enter into a wager”, HALOT 876f.; ʕrb, “to guarantee”, “security,
pledge”, DNWSI 884f.; Alal. Akk. cf. ana qātāti (/ ŠU.DU8.A) erēbum, juristisch
“treten als Pfand”, AHw 235: G.4.d.γ; Giacumakis 96); ¶ RS Akk.: A.ŠÀ.MEŠ
PN (…) e-ru-ub a-na PN, PRU 3 13 (RS 16.131):17; Huehnergard UVST 162; PN
qa-ta-at-ti iṣ-ṣa-bat ša PN, PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):4, 11; Kienast UF 11 1979 435;
Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 206ff. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕrb; prefc. cf. tʕr[b.
G. To give a guarantee or pledge, stand surety for something or someone
leave a deposit for something or someone (+ b. Pardee UF 7 1975 364; 8 1976
261f.): rỉšym dt ʕrb b bnšhm GN who have stood surety for their personnel,
3.20:1; PN (w PN) ʕrb b PN PN (and PN) have given a guarantee for PN so and
so, ibid. ln. 3 and passim. ibid.; spr ʕrbnm dt ʕrb b PN list of guarantors who
have given a guarantee for PN, 3.3:2; PNN ʕrb b PNN PNN have stood surety
for PNN, 3.8:6; ksp ảnyt d ʕrb b ảnyt ship’s pledge that has been deposited for
the ships, 4.338:12 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 473; Pardee JAOS 95
1975 613; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 93f.: “Silber für die Schiffe, die zu
den Schiffen hinzugekommen sind”; Márquez AuOr 11 1993 101 ff.: rdg {ảnyt}
<TN> “ships that entered TN”; cf. /ʕ-r-b/ (I)); w ỉšmʕ k l. ʕrb[…] bk and (if) I
hear that she does not guarantee you, 2.88:24, see ln. 28; k l ʕrbt bk w l ʕrbt ʕmy
because she does not guarantee you, nor does she guarantee me, 2.88.28; in
bkn ctx.: hm tʕr[b? b?] mkr hn!d if [guarantees (?)] are given for this trader,
4.42:24; GN (pl.) ʕrb, 4.634:1–5 (cf. /ʕ-r-b/ (II)).
Cf. nʕrb, ʕrbn.
ʕrb (I) n. m. 1) “entry”; 2) “setting of the sun, sunset” (< /ʕ-r-b/ (I); cf. Hb.
ʕrb, “sunset, evening”, HALOT 877f.; Akk. er(e)bu, “Einkommen”, “(Sonnen-)
Untergang”, AHw 233f.; “setting of the sun”, CAD E 258 f.; Arab. ġarb, “the
west”, AEL 2241. Xella UF 16 1984 339ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 75ff.);
¶ par.: yṣủ (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrb.
1) Entry: ʕrb [b]th ytn w yṣủ l ytn entry to his house was permitted but exit
was not permitted, 1.15 II 10 (// yṣủ).
2) Sunset: ʕrb špš w ḥl mlk at sunset the king (remains) desacralised, 1.46:9
and par.; ʕrb špš l ymġ krt at sunset PN will certainly arrive, 1.15 V 18; (cf. Akk.
ereb šamši; cf. ṣbủ špš).
Cf. mʕrb.
ʕrb (II) n. m. “officiant” (< ptc. G /ʕ-r-b/ (I); cf. Akk. ērib bīti, “Tempelbetreter”,
AHw 240; “a person admitted to all parts of the temple”, CAD E 290 ff., class
of priests; cf. OSA. ʕrb, “to offer”, “offering”, SD 18 f. Xella MSS 149 ff. diff. De

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ʕrbn – /ʕ-r-k/ 179

Moor ARTU 119 n. 13: “bedouin warriors, Arabs”). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕrbm.
Officiant: w ʕrbm tʕnyn and the officiants chorus it / reply, 1.23:12; šm ʕrbm
the name s of the officiants, 1.23:18; šlm ʕrbm to the health of the officiants!,
1.23:26 (cf. ibid. ln. 7).
ʕrbn n. m. “guarantor, surety” (< /ʕ-r-b/ (II); abstr. for concr. OSA b ʕrbn, “for”,
tʕrb, “pledge”, SD 19; Arab. ʕarabûn, ʕurbān, “portion of the price, whereby
a bargain is ratified” AEL 1994; Hb. ʕrbwn, “security, pledge”, HALOT 881;
OAram. ʕrb, “guarantor, surety” (?), DNWSI 886; > Gk arrabōn, Liddell-Scott
GEL 246 > Arab.; Eth. ʔ/ʕarabon, “pledge, security”, CDG 69; cf. Akk. erub-
bātum, “Pfand”, AHw 248; erubātu, pl. t., “pledge”, CAD E 327); ¶ syll. Ug.:
(PN and PN) [LÚ].MEŠ ú-ru-ba-nu, PRU 3 37 (RS 16.287):7; Sivan GAGl 207;
Huehnergard UVST 162; Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 196 f.; ¶ RS Akk.:
LÚ.MEŠ ŠU.DU8.A, PRU 6 69 (RS 17.329):1, 8. ¶ Forms: pl. ʕrbnm.
Guarantor, surety: spr ʕrbnm dt ʕrb b PN list of the guarantors who stand
surety for PN, 3.3:1; mnm šảlm dt tknn ʕl ʕrbnm hn hmt tknn any claims they
bring up, against these guarantors they bring them up, 3.3:7 (three PNN
follow; cf. hnhmt); in bkn ctx.: ʕrbn[, 3.26:3.
ʕrgz (I) n. m. an aromatic and medicinal substance (“juniper berries (?)”;
alt. “(wal)nut” (etym. unc. Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232: “bayas de enebro”;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 118ff.: “Nuss”, Hb. ʔgwz; Watson LSU 122, 198:
“(wal)nut”); Del Olmo MLC 604: planta aromática y medicinal, Arab. ʕurğūd,
“germes des raisins”, DAF 2 211; Cohen-Sivan UHT 19f., 35 f.: “a tree or plant”;
Watson SEL 25 2008 58: “an aromatic”, Akk. margūṣu(m), *argūṣu; ¶ par.: zt
(+ dm), 1.24:43. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrgz; pl. ʕrgzm.
An aromatic substance (“juniper berries” (?)): yrdt b ʕrgzm they go down
with ʕ. (// zt dm), 1.24:43; hippiatric use: št ʕrgz a š. of ʕ., 1.85:10; 1.71:10; 1.72:14;
bṣql ʕrgz a branch of ʕ., 1.85:5; 1.71:5; 1.72:7; as a market commodity: ḫmšm ʕrgz
b ḫmšt fifty ʕ. for five (shekels; + dprn, + mqd), 4.158:22; in bkn ctx. d ʕrgzm,
1.20 I 8.
ʕrgz (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 29: *ʕ Aragizu. Astour UF 13 1981 7; Dietrich-
Loretz UF 18 1986 120; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17f.; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 732;
Topography 36, 181; Belmonte Fs. Watson 109f.); ¶ syll.: URU a-ra-gi-zi, RSOu
7 4 (RS 34.131):22.
TN: 4.365:36; 4.610 II 24; 4.621:16; 4.693:45; 4.750:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.68:41; 4.94:15;
4.302:4; 4.676:10; 4.684:4: ʕrg[z); 4.820 II 7.
ʕrgzy PN (Sem., cf. ʕrgz, TN).
PN: 4.55:27.
/ʕ-r-k/ vb G: “to prepare” (Hb. ʕrk, “to lay out”, HALOT 884f.; Aram. ʕrk (?), “to
prepare”, DNWSI 887; < Syr. ʕrk, “to knead”, SL 1139; Arab. ʕaraka, “to rub and
press”, AEL 2023. Herdner Ug 7 30). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕr[k].

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180 ʕrk (i) – ʕrmy (i)

G. To prepare: w l ll tʕr[k] ksu and at night they prepare the throne, 1.106:27.
ʕrk (I) n. m. “bookkeeping account, list, fiscal valuation” (< /ʕ-r-k/; cf. Hb. ʕrk,
“value”, HALOT 885; Ph., Pun. ʕrk(t), “evaluation”, DNWSI 887f. diff. Tropper-
Vita AoF 26 1999 310ff.: “(Opfer-)- Zurüster”; Clemens SURS 456 ff.: technical
term applied to sacrificial terminology, with full discussion). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrk.
Bookkeeping account, list, fiscal valuation: ʕrk bʕl ḫlb d l ytn šmn valuation
of the owners of TN who have not supplied oil, 4.728:1.
ʕrk (II) n. m.; a type of offering (?) (< /ʕ-r-k/. De Moor UF 2 1970 319: “loaves of
bread”, Hb. mʕrkt; De Tarragon CU 47: “(pains) disposés”, Hb. ʕrk; Herdner Ug
7 13: “gâteaux” (?), Hb., Arab. ʕrk; Del Olmo CR 206 n. 107; diff. Xella TRU 28:
“edificio”; Fisher HTR 63 1976 488f. n. 18: “hommes de guerre”, Hb. ʕrkym;
Gianto Bib 68 1987 400: “valuation”, Hb., Ph. ʕrk; Pardee TR/1 583ff.: “taxe”,
Hb. ʕrk, but cf. Del Olmo UF 36 2004 604). ¶ Forms: du. ʕrkm.
A type of offering (?): bʕl ʕrkm to DN: two ʕ.-(offerings (?)), 1.105:18; in 1.119:2
rdg (?) bʕl ủ! g!rt (cf. Del Olmo CR 249 n. 10; see KTU: rʕkt, with footnote 1:
read ʕrkt?).
ʕrm (I) adj. m. “naked” (Hb. ʕrwm, “naked”, HALOT 882. Pardee TR/2 889 n. 92;
diff. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 56f.; Watson LSU 81: “a cloak or mantle”, cf. Akk.
(ḫ)arāmu, ermu; Durand MARI 6 661; Vita TT 328); ¶ par.: lbš. ¶ Forms: sg.
Naked: ʕrm ỉl yštk let that god undress you (lit.: put you naked)!, 1.169:13.
Cf. /ʕ-r-y/.
ʕrm (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 34f.: *ʕ Armu. Astour RSP 2 311, 341; UF 11
1979 23; UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12 f.; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 728;
Topography, 36f., 181; Watson LSU 198); ¶ syll.: URU arx(SUM)-me/u, PRU 3
189 (RS 11.790):28; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):25; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):29; RSOu
7 4 (RS 34.131):7; RS 22.233:8; RS 25.132 III 9 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 682); cf.
Nougayrol PRU 3 269; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 82ff.; Huehner-
gard AkkUg 370. Cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ a-ra-mi-ma, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):10.
TN: 4.68:22; 4.348:28; 4.610 II 16; 4.621:3; 4.684:4; 4.686:20; 4.693:40; 4.770:13;
4.800 II 28; 4.822 II 9; allog. ảrm, 4.750:5.
ʕrmn PN (etym. unc.; cf. ʕrm, TN. Gröndahl PTU 112); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ar-mu-
na, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 10, 20.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 13; bn ʕrmn[, 4.842:5.
ʕrmt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 34. Heltzer RCAU 13; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 152; Astour RSP 2 311; UF 11 1979 23; 13 1981 6; Van Soldt Topography,
37, 181; Watson LSU 198; Belmonte Fs. Watson 110).
TN: 4.355:36; cf. npy ʕrmt atonement of TN, 1.40:27; 1.84:13.
ʕrmy (I) GN m. (< ʕrm (II), TN. Van Soldt SAU 33). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrmy.
GN: 4.33:5; 4.51:13.

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ʕrmy (ii) – ʕrš 181

ʕrmy (II) PN (< ʕrmy, GN. Gröndahl PTU 112); ¶ syll.: cf. (DUMU) ar-mì-ya,
PRU 3 35 (RS 15.37):13; Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):25.
PN: 4.55:22, in bkn ctx.
ʕrp n. m., a protective type of garment (Mari Akk. urpatu, “tent”, see Durand
NABU 1995/49: “ce qui faisait de l’ombre” < Sem. *ʕrp, “to be dark”. Sanmartín
AuOr 10 1992 101; Del Olmo Transeuphratène 14 1998 167ff.; Watson LSU 40 f.;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 165: “dunkel” (colour), Akk. erpu;
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 45: “scuro”, Akk. erēpu and der.; survey of opinions in
Vita TT 328). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕrpm.
A garment: lbšm ʕrpm garments of the ʕ. type, 4.721:2, 13.
Cf. ʕrpt, ġrpl.
ʕrpt n. f. “cloud(s)” (Akk. erpetu, urpatu, “Wolke”, AHw 243, 1432; “cloud”, CAD
E 302ff. De Moor SP 98; Emerton Fs. Williams 44; Watson NABU 1998/83);
¶ par.: ảrṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. ʕrpt.
Cloud(s): rkb ʕrpt “Charioteer of the clouds”, epithet of the god Baal (cf. rkb
(I); Hb. rkb b ʕrbwt, Ps. 68:5 and cf. ibid. verse 34. Loretz UF 19 1987 101 ff.);
yṣly ʕrpt he cast a spell on the clouds, 1.19 I 39; ʕrpt tmṭr may the clouds bring
rain!, 1.19 I 40; w ảt qḥ ʕrptk and you, take your clouds, 1.5 V 7 (cf. rḥ, mdl, mṭr,
ibid. ln. 7–8; cf. 1.13:34); [ yḥd] b ʕrpt [nšrm] [he saw the eagles] in the clouds,
1.19 II 57; yptḥ bdqt ʕrpt may he open a loophole in the clouds, 1.4 VII 19 and
par.; w <y>tn qlh b ʕrpt and may he give his voice from the clouds, 1.4 V 8 (//
l ảrṣ); in unc. ctx. ʕrpt tḥt, 1.8 II 11 (cf. 1.4 VII 57).
ʕrq n. m. “cart, waggon” (Akk. ereqqu, “Lastwagen”, AHw 238; eriqqu, “wagon,
cart”, CAD E 296f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 107). ¶ Forms: sg.
Cart, waggon: ḥrš ʕrq cartwright, 4.46:13–14; 4.243:2; in bkn ctx. ʕrq dm
[…]ʕrq[…š]pš, 1.107:46–47. (cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 129; Xel-
la TRU 248; Pardee TPM 254); PN (?) ʕrq, 4.186:1–3.
/ʕ-r-s/ vb G: “to rejoice, celebrate” (?) (etym. unc. Arab. ʕarasa, “to be cheer-
ful”, Hava 463; diff. Hoftijzer UF 3 1971 363: “to make a short pause during the
night”, Arab. ʕarrasa; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 195: “to give a marriage-
feast”, Arab. ʔaʕrasa; for a survey cf. Wyatt RTU 284 n. 149). ¶ Forms: G prefc.
G. To rejoice, celebrate (?): ỉštỉr b ḏdm w nʕrs stay in the grottoes and we will
rejoice (?), 1.18 IV 15.
ʕrš n. f. “bed, makeshift bed, stretcher” (Hb. ʕrś, “couch, divan”, ALOT 889; Akk.
eršu, “Bett”, AHw 246; “bed”, CAD E 315ff.; Arab. ʕaršu, ʕarīš, “throne, seat”,
AEL 2000f. Saracino UF 14 1982 192f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕrš; suff. ʕršh, ʕršm (encl.
-m; diff. Margalit VT 36 1986 487: “double-couch”, rdg ʕ !ršm in 1.19 IV 60; cf.
ḥrš (II)).

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182 /ʕ-r-w/ – /ʕ-s-y:s/ (?)

Bed, makeshift bed, stretcher: km ảḫt ʕrš mdw anšt ʕrš zbln for you have taken
to the bed of sickness, you have languished in the bed of illness, 1.16 VI 35–36,
51–52; zbl ʕršm yšủ let the sick person carry his own stretcher, 1.14 II 45 and
par.; l ʕršh yʕl let him go up to his bed, 1.17 I 38; mddt nʕmy ʕrš (…) ysmsmt
ʕrš dispensers of the delight of the bed (…), of the beauty of the bed, 1.17
II 41–42; trbd ʕrš pdry the bed of DN is prepared, DN, 1.132:2; tnʕr ʕrš the bed
is unmade, 1.132:26. In bkn ctx.: 2.22:2; 3.15:5.
/ʕ-r-w/ vb Gpass.: “to be consumed” (Arab. ʕarā(w), “to befall someone”, said of
malady, ʕuriya, “to be affected with fever”, AEL 2027ff. Del Olmo MLC 605;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 33; Verreet UF 19 1987 318 f.: “vernichtet sein”,
cf. /ʕ-r-y/); ¶ par.: /ʔ-b-d/. ¶ Forms: Gpass. suffc. ʕrwt.
Gpass. To be consumed: umt [krt] ʕrwt the family of PN was consumed, 1.14
I 7 (// ỉtdb [rdg ỉtbd]).
/ʕ-r-y/ vb G: “to be naked, unrigged” (Hb., Aram. ʕrh, “to expose oneself”, HALOT
881f.; DNWSI 887; Ph. pi. ʕry, “to strip of”, DNWSI 887; Arab. ʕariya, “to be,
become naked”, AEL 2029f.; Akk. erû, “nackt sein”, AHw 247 f.; cf. “naked,
empty”, CAD E 320f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕryt.
G. To be be naked; said of ships, to be unrigged ảnyk ṯt by TN ʕryt the other (:
number two) ship(s) of yours is unrigged in TN, 2.38:24.
Cf. ʕry, ʕrm.
ʕry TN (etym. unc.).
TN: 4.820 II 10.
ʕrẓ adj. m. “the Terrible”, epithet of the god ʕṯtr (Hb. ʕryṣ, “violent, powerful”,
HALOT 884; Arab. ʕāraḍa, “to oppose, compete, contend for superiority”,
AEL 2004f.; Syr. ʕrāṣāʔ, “presure”, SL 1142. De Moor SP 204; Xella UBL 12
389; Greenfield Fs. Delcor 194f.: “hero”, Hb. ʕryṣ // gbwr); diff. De Moor
ARTU 85: “rich man”, Arab. ʕarīḍ; Watson UF 12 1980 443 f.: “broad (of intel-
lect)”, Arab. ʕaruḍa; Margalit MLD 149f.: “narrow passage, canal”, Hb. ʕrwṣ;
Craigie ZAW 85 1973 223: “to flash”, Arab. ʕaraṣa); ¶ par.: (?) ảdr. ¶ Forms: sg.
Terrible: ʕṯtr ʕrẓ DN, “the Terrible”, 1.6 I 54 and par. (Rahmouni DEUAT 263ff.);
in bkn ctx.: ỉdm ʕrẓ tʕr[, 1.12 II 30 (//(?) ảdr).
ʕs̱, allog. of ʕṣ, 4.767:1; cf. ʕṣ.
ʕsb “?”, in unc. ctx.: 1.94:26.
ʕsl PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 28, 112).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:6.
ʕsn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.141 II 13.
ʕs̄r, 4.31:2, 4, 5, 11, allog. cf. ʕšr (I).
/ʕ-s-y:s/ (?) vb “?”, in bkn ctx. (for the various options Del Olmo MLC 603; De

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ʕṣ – ʕṣbṣy[m 183

Moor ARTU 53; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 494, 520: “having jour[neyed]”, Arab.
ʕašā, “to go by night”). ¶ Forms: ʕs[.
?, in bkn ctx.: ʕs[, 1.4 IV 34 (KTU: ʕs[t]).
ʕṣ n. m. 1) “tree, plant, (vine-)stock”; 2) “beam, log; wood (?)”; 3) “staff” (Hb.,
Pun. ʕṣ, “tree, timber, trees”, HALOT 863f.; “wood”, DNWSI 879f.; OAram. ʕq,
“wood”, DNWSI 879f.; Ebla /ʕiḍu/, in GIŠ.ŠINIG = i-zu ba-ne(-um), VE 395;
GIŠ.URUDU.URUDU = ì-zu gu-PI, VE 411; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 15 f.; “tree,
wood”, Fronzaroli EL 144; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 178; Akk. iṣ(ṣ)u, “Baum,
Holz”, AHw 390f.; “tree, timber”, CAD I/J 214–219; OSA ʕḍ, “wood”(?), SD 13;
Arab. ʕīḍ, “spadix of a palm-tree”, ʕayḍa, “a collection of trees”, AEL 2317; Eth.
ʕǝḍ, “tree, shrub”, CDG 57); ¶ syll. Ug.: [GIŠ = iṣṣü(?)] = ta-li = iṣ-ṣú-[ma (?)],
Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 8; Huehnergard UVST 54, 161, 395; cf. Sivan UF 21 1989
360; cf. i-ṣú, UF 11 1979 479:13; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; SAU 306; ¶ RS Akk.:
GIŠ.(MEŠ), cf. PRU 6 156; Huehnergard AkkUg 378; ¶ par.: ảrz, ảbn. ¶ Forms:
sg. abs. ʕṣ, cstr. ʕṣ; suff. ʕṣk; pl. ʕṣm, cstr. ʕs̱ (Dietrich-Loretz KA 250 f.); suff.
1) Tree, plant, (vine-)stock: ★a) tree: pr ʕṣm the fruit of trees, 1.5 II 6; lbnn w
ʕṣh TN and its trees / wood(s), 1.4 VI 18 and par. (// ảrz); ydy b ʕṣm ʕrʕr he
ripped out a tamarisk from among the trees, 1.100:64; rgm ʕṣ w lḫšt ảbn it is
a word of tree(s) (alt. matter wood) and a chatter of stone, 1.3 III 23 and par.;
ʕṣ mt tree of death, 1.100:65; ṯm tgrgr l ảbnm w l ʕṣm settle there among the
stones and tree-trunks, 1.23:66; ʕṣ qdš the holy tree, 1.178:3; ★b) plant: ʕs̱ kprt
henna plants, 4.767:1 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 250ff.); see further in bkn ctx: rqḥx
w ʕṣm, (…) perfume and plants, 2.104:12; ★c) vine: dm ʕṣm juice of vines, 1.4
IV 38 and par. (// yn); in unc. ctx.: ʕṣm l ttn trees that do not emit (a sound
(?)), 1.82:43.
2) Beam, log; wood(?): ★a) beam, log: ʕṣm l bt dml, the beams for the temple
of DN, 2.26:6; ảnk ảtn ʕṣm lk I will give you the logs, ibid. ln. 8; ảrbʕ ʕṣm ʕl
TN four beams to the account of TN, ibid. ln. 9; l ʕṣm tspr you shall write
regarding the tree-trunks, ibid. ln. 17; ★b) wood (?): rgm ʕṣ, a matter of wood
(alt. “word of tree(s)”), 1.3 III 23 and par. (// ảbn);
3) Staff: ḥšk ʕṣk ʕbṣk grasp your staff (and) your mace, 1.3 III 18 and par.
(Wyatt RTU 78: “spear”; diff. De Moor SP 106. “press on”, poss. infin. < *ʕ-ṣ-y/ṣ;
Tropper UG 430, 487, 677: “dränge du!”, from *ʕṣṣ); ʕṣ brq, staff of lightning
(?), 1.101:4; in bkn ctx.: ʕṣ ảmr 1.22 II 17 (KTU ad loc., footnote 6: read ʕl?
Dijkstra UF 20 1988 42: “the sceptre of TN”; Pardee Or 80 2011 38, 47: “du bois
de TN”).
Cf. ʕṣy.
ʕṣbṣy[m (?) GN (etym. unc.).
GN 4.825 II 10.

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184 ʕṣp – ʕšd

ʕṣp “?”, in bkn ctx.: 1.93:7 (Caquot UF 11 1979 104; Aartun UF 17 1985 11; Dijkstra
UF 18 1986 127: < Arab. ʕaṣafa, “to storm”; UF 26 1994 125: “a violent wind”).
ʕṣr (I) n. f. 1) “bird”; 2) esp. “domestic fowl, poultry” (Akk. iṣṣūru, “Vogel”,
AHw 390; “bird, poultry”, CAD I/J 210–214; cf. Arab. ʕuṣfür, “the sparrow”,
AEL 2064f.; unc. etym. connection with OAram. ṣnpr, “bird”, DNWSI 973; Hb.
ṣipp(w)r, Pun. ṣpr, “bird”, HALOT 1047; DNWSI 973. Landsberger MSL 8/2
145f.; cf. CAD Ṣ 155: ṣibāru, “a bird, prob. the sparrow”); syll. Ug.(?): cf.
lex. l. ÍD.MUŠEN = u-ṣú-ru, MSL 11 43ff. A III 42; NA4.NÍR.PA.MUŠEN.NA =
[ša] kap-pa u-ṣú-ri, MSL 10 37ff. A 110; Huehnergard UVST 162; ¶ par.: lḥm.
¶ Forms: sg. ʕṣr, du./pl. ʕṣrm, suff. ʕṣrmm (encl. -m).
1) Bird: yr b šmm ʕṣr he shot a bird in the sky, 1.23:38; ʕṣr tḥrr l ỉšt you have
roasted a bird on the fire, 1.23:41 and par.; w yʕrb b phm ʕṣr šmm and into
their mouth enter the birds of the sky, 1.23:62; šỉrh l tỉkl ʕṣrm his flesh the
birds certainly devour, 1.6 II 36; cf. espec. ʕṣr dbḥ sacrificial bird, 1.14 III 59
and par. (// lḥm; diff. Aartun UF 17 1985 11: “must”, Arab. ʕaṣīr, JAram. ʕṣrʔ);
tqdm ʕṣr they offer a bird, 1.161:30 (diff. Kuyt-Wesselius VT 35 1985 109 ff.: ʕṣr
“fiesta, festival”; Dijkstra UF 20 1988 46: 1.20 II 11, rdg tpḥ ʕṣr “the apples of
the feast (?)”, see ʕṣr (II); Gzella BiOr 64 2007 556: possibly ʕṣr šlm, “a bird
of peace (offering)”); mšṣṣ k ʕṣr ủdnh who drove (him) out like a bird (from
the place) of his dominion, 1.3 IV 1; w ảph k ảp ʕṣr if its muzzle is like a bird’s
beak, 1.103:41.
2) Espec. domestic fowl, poultry (Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 96 f.; cf. Akk. iṣṣūru
2, AHw 390; CAD I/J 212): ★a) as food: ṯlṯ ʕṣrm three birds, 4.751:5; [ṯ]ṯ mảt
nṣ ṯlṯm ʕṣr six hundred birds (and) thirty (head of) poultry, 4.14:5; ★b) as
sacrificial victim, passim: ʕṣr l ṣpn one domestic fowl to DN, 1.105:24 and par.;
ʕṣrm l ỉnš ỉlm two domestic fowl to the “Divine people”, 1.39:21 and par.; 1.171:5;
nkld šrpm ʕṣrm to DN, as a holocaust, two domestic fowl, 1.111:6; ʕṣrm l šmn
two domestic fowl for DN, 1.164:8; [ṯ]lṯ ʕṣrm three domestic fowl, 1.48:3; ảrbʕ
ʕṣrm four domestic fowl, 1.48:18; w ỉn ʕṣr[ ] and (if) there are no domestic
fowl, 1.50:7; ảlpm ʕṣrm gdlt two bulls, two domestic fowl, a cow, 1.148:9; w
l ll ʕṣrm and at nightfall: two domestic fowl, 1.50:7; kmm l pn ll ʕṣrmm ditto
before nightfall: two domestic fowl, 1.132:17; b rbʕ ʕṣrmm on the fourth (day):
two domestic fowl, 1.119:20; tqdm ʕṣr they offer a domestic fowl, 1.161:30.
In bkn ctx.: 1.8:12; 1.27:5; 1.48:1; 1.136:12.
Cf. ʕṣr (II).
ʕṣr (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 113).
PN: bn PN, 4.112 II 2; in bkn ctx.: 4.635:56.
ʕṣy PN (Sem. (?). Watson LSU 161; Fs. Sanmartín 453 n. 85).
PN: 4.367:6; in bkn ctx.: 4.98:25.
ʕšd n. m. of a substance, either edible or a perfume (etym. unc. Watson PIHANS

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/ʕ-š-n/ – ʕšr (i) 185

114 168: medicinal plant, Akk. ašdānu; alt. metath. of ʕdšm, “lentils”).
¶ Forms: pl. ʕšdm.
A substance: kd yn l PN w kd ḥmṣ w ltḥ ʕšdm a jar of wine for PN and one of
vinegar and a l. of ʕ., 4.269:27; prs ʕšdm a p. of ʕ., 4.786:11.
/ʕ-š-n/ vb “?”, in bkn ctx.: ] yʕšn, 7.61:7.
ʕšq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 113; Watson AuOr 30 2012 328).
PN: 4.124:4.
/ʕ-š-r/ vb D 1) “to invite”; 2) “to give a banquet”; Dpass. “a banquet to be given,
held” (etym. unc.; Ebla cf. ašārum, “to feed”, ARET 8 12; Arab. ʕāšara, taʕāšara,
“to mix with, to hold social and familiar intercourse”, AEL 2051; Eth. ʕaššara,
“invite, call a meeting”, ʕašur, “feast, banquet”, CDG 73; for Hb. cf. ʕšr hi.
“to give drink to”, HALOT 898. De Moor SP 71 f.; Airoldi Bib 55 1974 181 f.;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 189f.; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Leslau 309 ff.); ¶ par.:
/d-b-ḥ/, /m-l-ʔ/, /q-d-š/. ¶ Forms: D suffc. ʕšr; prefc. yʕšr, nʕšr; Dpass. suffc.
D. 1) To invite: ndd yʕšr w yšqynh he rushed to invite him and offer him drink,
1.3 I 9; k bʕl k yḥwy yʕšr {ḥwy yʕšr} w yšqynh like DN when / certainly he gives
life, he invites {…} and offers him drink, 1.17 VI 30 (diff. Van der Toorn BiOr
48 1991 46: “one serves him”; De Moor ARTU 238: “he is served”; see Wyatt
RTU 273 n. 108 for other translations).
2) To give a banquet: mlk ʕšr ʕšrt the king gives a banquet, 1.16 I 40, 62(?)
(// dbḥ); ʕšrt bʕl [nʕ]šr a banquet, DN, (to you) we shall give, 1.119:32–33 (//
nšqdš, nmlủ);
Dpass.: ʕšr ʕšr b bt ỉlm a banquet is held in the temple of the gods, 1.43:2.
Cf. ʕšr(t) (I).
ʕšr (I) n. num. 1) card. “ten”; 2) as an ord. > “tenth” (Sem. c. n. Blau- Loewen-
stamm UF 2 1970 31; Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973 73; Tropper UG 349. Hb. ʕaśar,
“ten”, HALOT 894; Ph., Pun., Hb., OAram. ʕšr, “ten”, DNWSI 893f.; OSA ʕśr,
“ten”, SD 21; Arab, ʕašr, “ten”, AEL 2052; Eth. ʕašru, “ten”, CDG 73; Akk. ešer,
“zehn”, AHw, 253; ešir, “ten”, CAD E 364f.; Ebla cf. ŠÚ+ŠA = NI-sa/si-lu (/ʔišlū/
< /ʕišrū/), “twenty”, VE 750; Brugnatelli QuSem 13 91; Krecher Biling. 149; cf. ù-
su-rí (?), ARET 2 143). ¶ Forms: sg. m. ʕšr (cf. the allom. ʕ\r, 4.31:2 and passim
ibid.); f. ʕšrt; pl. ʕšrm, “twenty”; ʕšr / ʕšrh / ʕšrt in the compound numbers 11–
1) Cardinal, ten: ʕšr ḫllm ten ḫ. garments, 4.867:13; ʕšrt ksp ten (shekels)
of silver, 4.833:12; ḥrš qṭn ʕšr[artificer(s) of filigree: ten, 4.836:18; passim:
elliptical, e.g., mỉt ảdrm b ʕšrt one hundred ả. for ten (shekels), 4.158:8; bn
sẓ ʕšrt, PN: ten, 4.847:2; ʕšrt ʕmn ten, PN, 4.861:4, 10; in compound numbers,
e.g. ṯlṯ l ʕšrm thirteen, 4.795:1; ṯlṯ ʕšrh thirteen, 4.795:2; ảrbʕ ʕšr dd, 4.858:1
fourteen “cauldronsful”; ḫmš ʕšr yn, fifteen (“jars”) of wine, 4.811:3; ḫmš ʕšrh

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186 ʕšr (ii) – ʕšrm

(!) bt šbn fifteen houses in TN, 4.810:2; ṯṯ ʕšrt ksp sixteen (shekels) of silver,
4.833:8. In bkn ctx.: ʕšr[, 4.803:5; šbʕ ʕšr[, 4.803:4; 4.847:8; ]t ʕšrt, 4.847:4;
2) As an ordinal, > tenth: b ym ʕšr on the tenth day, 1.104:15 (cf. Xella TRU 1
Cf. ʕšrid, ʕšrm, ʕšrt, mʕšr.
ʕšr (II) n. m. of an office, group or class (etym. unc.; “marshal, headwaiter” (?),
cf. /ʕ-š-r/; with no obvious connection with rb ʕšrt (ʕšrt (II), rb (I)). Ebla
a-śi-ra-tum, “una categoria di donne: inservienti” (?), [Fronzaroli] ARET 9
379; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 179; McGeough ERU 113f.; W. Akk. aširüma,
“persons of a special status”, CAD A/2 440; Rainey EAT 66; Moran AmL
no. 268 n. 5; “Betreuer”, AHw 80 and “supervisor, helper”, CAD A/2 440:
āširu(m). Astour ABAW NF 75 1972 15ff.; Cutler-Macdonald UF 9 1977 23f.;
Thiel UF 12 1980 352 n. 26; Aartun UF 17 1985 12 f.; Huehnergard UVST 163);
¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ.MEŠ a-ši-ri-ma, PRU 3 134 (RS 15.137):9; LÚ(.MEŠ) a-ši-ru-ma,
PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) III 1; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):4; PRU 6 116 (RS 17.64):4; PRU 6
131 (RS 19.35 A):3; cf. [LÚ.MEŠ muš-ke-nu]-tu4 LÚ.MEŠ a-ši-ru-ma, PRU 3 201
(RS 16.257+) III 30; cf. Sivan GAGl 205; Huehnergard UVST 163. ¶ Forms: pl.
An office, group or class (“marshal, headwaiter” (?)): ʕšrm, 4.68:68; 4.99:2;
4.103:30; 4.126:3; 4.412 III 15; 4.416:3; 4.745:2; 4.752:4; in unc. ctx. šbʕ [ʕ]šrm,
4.712:1 (cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 381: “seven supervisors-of-ten”); for the rdg l
bt ʕšrm, 4.292:3, see ʕšrm.
Cf. ʕšrt (II)
ʕšrỉd adv. “ten times” (< ʕšr (I) + -(ỉ)d iterative afform. Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973
77; Tropper 377ff.).
Ten times: ʕšrỉd lỉkt[ ten times I / you / she have/s sent[, 2.42:12.
ʕšrm n. num. “twenty” (pl. of ʕšr (I)). ¶ Forms: ʕšrm.
Numeral twenty: ★a) elliptical syntagms, passim, e.g.: PN ʕšrm PN twenty,
4.165:11; 4.803:7; ★b) appositional syntagms, passim, e.g. ʕšrm ddm twenty
“cauldronsful”, 4.128:1; ʕšrm dd twenty “cauldronsful”, 4.796:10; ʕšrm kkr
twenty talents, 4.866:5; ʕšrm ksp l wtrym twenty (shekels) of silver for GN,
4.861:1; ʕšrm [d]d sʕrm, twenty cauldonsful of barley, 2.89:11; ʕšrm lmd twenty
trained (oxen), 2.91:4; l šảnt ṯṯ lbt ʕšrm for six tyres (?), hoops (?) twenty,
4.392:3 (Del Olmo UF 10 1978 47–51; IMC 190, 206; diff. Astour ABAW NF 75
1972 22f.: “corporate office of the aširuma”, rdg l bt; Heltzer IOKU 154: “house
of the ašīru”, cf. ʕšr (III); Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 191: “für das Haus zwanzig,
(nämlich das Haus der Verwalter)”; Vita UF 28 1996 694 ff.; EU 132: “para
la ‘casa’: veinte (raciones-prs)”; for a survey see McGeough UgET 264); ★c)
composite numbers, passim, e.g. ʕšrm aḥd twenty-one, 4.790:10'; ʕšrm ṯlṯ kbd
twenty-three, 4.810:12; ṯlṯt l ʕšrm ksp twenty-three (shekels) of silver, 4.833:6;

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ʕšr(t) (i) – /ʕ-š-y/ 187

ʕšrm arbʕ twenty-four, 4.142:2; ʕšrm ṯmn, twenty-eight, 4.808:14; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt
ʕšrm two thousand three hundred and twenty, 4.809:4; in bkn ctx.: ʕšrm,
4.803:8, 11; 4.847:6; ʕšrm kbd, 4.803:16.
ʕšr(t) (I) n. m./f. 1) “banquet”; 2) a type of offering, “banquet offering” (< /ʕ-š-r/;
Eth. ʕašur, “feast, banquet”, CDG 73; diff. Dijkstra UF 16 1984 74: “the tithe”;
De Moor ARTU 174; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 819: “Libation”); ¶ par.: dkr, ḥtp.
¶ Forms: sg. m. ʕšr, f. ʕšrt.
1) Banquet: mlk ʕšr ʕšrt the king gives a banquet, 1.16 I 41, 62(?); ʕšr ʕšr b bt ỉlm
a banquet is held in the temple of the gods, 1.43:2; ʕšrt bʕl [nʕ]šr a banquet,
DN, (to you) we shall give, 1.119:32 (// dkr, ḥtp).
2) Banquet offering: tqln ảlpm yrḫ ʕšrt l bʕ [l ṣpn] two month-old head of
cattle are felled as a banquet offering to DN, 1.109:5 and par; in 1.15 II 8–9 rdg:
ṯġr (Greenstein IOS 18 1998 109).
ʕšrt (II) n. f. “group of ten, ten” (< ʕšr (I). Hb. ʕšrh, “ten”, “group of ten”, HALOT
895; Akk. ešertu, “Zehnergruppe”, AHw 254; eširtu, “group of ten persons”,
CAD E 365; ušurtum, “Zehnereinheit”, AHw 1443; “unit of ten”, CAD U/W
332f.; Hurro-Akk. emantu, “Zehnergruppe”, AHw 211; emanti, “military unit
of ten men”, CAD E 137). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕšrt.
Group of ten, ten: PN rb ʕšrt PN: chief of ten / decurion, 4.609:2, 5, 7, 8; 4.807
III 62; spr rb ʕšrt, list of decurions, 4.714:1 (cf. Akk. rab ešerti, “Obmann über
10”, AHw 254: ešertu II, 938: rabû D.2.a; “foreman of a group of the men”,
CAD E 365; wakil ušurti, AHw 1443: ušurtum; “in charge of a squad”, CAD A/1
279: aklu A c.3'. Cf. Salonen BiOr 25 1968 160; Kinnier Wilson Wine Lists 90;
cf. Hurro-Akk. emantuḫlu, “Unteroffizier”, AHw 211; “officer commanding a
group of ten soldiers”, CAD E 137).
ʕšrt (III), cf. ʕšr (I).
ʕšt(y) n. of card. num. “one” (Akk. ištēn, “eins, einer”, AHw 400; “one”, CAD I/J
275–278; Gelb Proto-Akkadian 37; Hb. ʕšty, in syntagm ʕšty ʕšr, “eleven,
eleventh”, HALOT 898f. Cecchini Or 50 1981 106 ff.; Tropper UF 29 1997 666 f.
/Wilson-Wright JSS 59 2014 1ff./). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕšt, ʕšty (-y, mat. lect. (?); for
these forms see Tropper UG 344f.).
One, ★a) first number in a numerical scale: ʕšty w ṯʕ [ y] (…) one (time: it is
recited) and an offerer / offering (…) offer(s), 1.161:27 (cf. ibid. ln. 30); ★b) in
the syntagm ʕšt ʕšr: “eleven”, 1.112:13; 4.127:5; 4.141 III 7; 4.358:7; ʕšt ʕšrh, 4.290:4;
4.609:52; in bkn ctx: 2.27:1; 4.323:4; 4.390:11; 4.552:2, 7.
/ʕ-š-y/ vb G: 1) “to make, process, work”, in farming; 2) to do something (bad)”,
“to annoy” (Hb. ʕśh, “to make, manufacture”, HALOT 899 ff.; Moab., Hb. ʕšy,
“to make”, DNWSI 890f.; Arab. ġašiya, “to do to somebody (a forbidden
action)”, “to engage, to occupy himself”, AEL 2261; OSA ʕšy, “fecit”, CAME 210;
“to do, make, acquire”, SD 20f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕš (?) (2.76:14), act. ptc.

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188 ʕt – ʕtm

ʕšy; pass. ptc. ʕšy.

G. 1) To make, process, work, ★a) said of fields: šd ʕšy, worked field, arable,
ready (cultivated and sown (?)), 4.282:7, 10, 14 (cf. krm, ln. 8, 12, ibid. Dijkstra-
De Moor UF 7 1975 177: Akk. eqlu eršu); ★b) referring to a type of wine: yn ʕšy
wine (that is) made, processed, ready (?), in bkn ctx.: 1.17 VI 8 (Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 184; diff. Caquot TOu/1 430 n. i: “exprimé”, Hb. ʕiśśā).
2) To do something (bad) + l to someone (Hb. ʕšh l, “to act, behave”, HALOT
891f.; Arab. ʕašiya ʕalā, “commettre un acte d’ injustice”, DAF 265; cf. Akk.
epēšu ana, in magic, AHw 225: epēšu (II) 5.h.; in various technical meanings,
CAD E 228f.: epēšu 2.f.); grš d ʕšy lnh who ejects one who does something to
him, 1.17 I 29 and par. (Cf. Avishur UF 17 1985 54: “to oppress > oppressor”, Hb.
ʕiśśā); in bkn ctx.: tʕs, 2.76:14.
ʕt TN (etym. unc. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 44; Van Soldt Topography 37; Watson
SEL 28 2011 26).
TN: 4.68:24.
/ʕ-t-d/ vb “?”.
In unc. ctx.: tʕtd tkl [, 1.5 III 5.
ʕtgr adj. m. “excluded, expropriated, held” (?) (< /ʕ-g-r/; cf. OSA ʕgr, “unfriendly
act”, SD 14; Arab. ʕğr, “to bend, twist”, AEL 516 f., 1958f.; cf. Akk. egēru, “sich
quer darüberlegen”. AHw 190; “to twist, be twisted”, CAD E 41 f.). ¶ Forms: pl.
Excluded, expropriated, held (?): (PNN and family:) ʕtgrm, 4.420:7, 12, in bkn
/ʕ-t-k/ vb D “to tie, fasten, bind” (Arab. ʕataka, “to stick, cleave to” AEL 1948. De
Moor SP 91; Pope UF 3 1971 376; Renfroe AULS 26 ff.); ¶ par.: /b-ṣ-r/, /š-n-s/.
¶ Forms: D suffc. ʕtkt; impv. ʕtk.
D. To tie, fasten, bind: ʕtkt rỉšt l bmth she fastened heads to (her) back, 1.3 II 11
and par. (// šnst); l ḥbšk ʕtk rỉš[t to your waist tie heads, 1.13:7 (// bṣr).
Cf. ʕtk (II).
ʕtk (I) DN of a monster (etym. unc. Gray UF 11 1979 316 n. 6: “the Savage One”,
Arab. ʕataka; Day GCD 80ff. 181).
DN, a monster: ʕgl ỉl ʕtk the divine Bullock, DN, 1.3 III 44.
ʕtk (II) adj. m. “anchored, moored” (?) (< /ʕ-t-k/ (?), said of ships. Cf. (?) OSA
ʕtk, “opposite, confronting”, SD 22; “to be in the direction of”. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 34; Vita EU 167; Barcos 283). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕtk; pl. ʕtkm.
Anchored, moored (?), said of ships, in unc. ctx.: ảnyt mlk[…] w ṯlṯ brm d(…)
ảrbʕ ʕtkm (…)ʕtk (…) the ships of the king (…) and three barges (…) four are
moored (?) (…) moored (?) (…), 4.421:4–5.
ʕtm, PN (etym. unc.).

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ʕtn – /ʕ-ṭ-p/ 189

ʕtn, 2.16:13, cf. ʕnt.

ʕtln PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 30 2012 328).
PN: bn PN, 4.819:5.
/ʕ-t-q/ vb G: “to pass”; N “to become old, to age” (Hb. ʕtq, “to move away”, “to
become old”, HALOT 904f.; Syr. ʕtq, “to progress, advance”, “to grow old”,
SL 1148; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 42; Pagan ARES 3 97: “pass by”; Catagnoti
QuSem 15 264; cf. i-ti-ga-am6 (?) /yiʕtiqam/, “to pass”, Krebernik QuSem
18 120; Akk. etēqu, “durch-, vorbeigehen”, AHw 260 ff.; “to pass along”, CAD
E 384ff.; Arab. ʕatuqa, “to become old”, AEL 1947. Pardee UF 5 1973 229ff.; San-
martín UF 10 1978 453f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 33 2001 312: /ʕ-t-q/ (I), “fortschre-
iten, vergehen”); ¶ par.: /m-t/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tʕtq, emph. yʕtqn, tʕtqn; N
suffc. nʕtq.
G. To pass: 1) of time: ym ymm yʕtqn one day and two passed, 1.6 II 26 and
2) of space: b ḥwt ngṯ tʕtqn they pass through the land TN, 2.36:17; see tʕtq by
ḥwt they pass through the land, 2.73:4.
N. To become old, to age: k klb b btk nʕtq like a dog (that) has become old in
your house, 1.16 I 16 and par (// tmtn) (diff. Loretz UF 33 2001 311 f.; “wie ein
Hund jaulen wir laut”, *ʕtq, “ein (lautes) Geschrei, (laute) Klage erheben” <
Hb. ʕtq; Hoftijzer Fs. Del Olmo 103f.: “like a dog, we will be moved from your
palace”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 537: “like a dog we roam through your house”).
In bkn ctx.: tʕtqn,1.1 II 12.
Cf. ʕtq, šʕtqt.
ʕtq adj. m. “perennial, durable” (< /ʕ-t-q/; Hb. ʕtyq, “old”, “removed, set apart”,
HALOT 903; OAram. ʕtq, “old”, DNWSI 898; Arab. ʕatīq, “old”, AEL 1947);
¶ syll. Ug.: at-qá RS 15.114:7, see RS 16.202:3 (cf. Márquez Sef 68 2008 468 f.);
¶ Forms: sg. ʕtq.
Perennial, durable: ủ ḫštk l ntn ʕtq or your grave has become a perennial
lament, 1.16 I 4, 18; II 41 (see Loretz UF 33 2001 311 f.: “dein Heiligtum wird
zu Klagegeschrei”, ʕtq, “lautes Geschrei”, Hb. ʕtq).
ʕṭ n. m. of a kind of bird (?). De Moor UF 28 1996 155: Syrian Arab. ʕaḍāḍi,
“the biter”, a fish; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 337 n. 113; Aartun StUL 96 f.: “Raub-,
Greifvogel”, Hb. ʕayiṭ; for other proposals cf. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 56; Bal-
dacci BiOr 46 1989 120; Xella UF 22 1990 473); ¶ syll. Ug.: KU6.MEŠ: ú-ṭu,
RS 23.368, cit. Nougayrol PRU 6 119 n. 1. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕṭ.
A kind of bird (?), in bkn ctx.: šbʕ ʕṭ[, 1.177:2 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 350:
“sept oiseaux”); ảl[p] ʕṭ, 4.247:24; ʕṭ, 4.765:8.
/ʕ-ṭ-p/ vb G: “to be weak” (Hb. ʕṭp, “to be weak”, HALOT 814 f.; Arab. ʕaṭafa, “to
become inclined, bent”, AEL 2079ff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 107). ¶ Forms: prefc.
energ. or suff. tʕṭpn.
G. To be weak: yld bhmth tʕṭpn the young of his small cattle will be weak,
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190 ʕṭrṭrt – ʕṯtr

ʕṭrṭrt n. f. “diadem, crown” (?) (etym. unc. Hb. ʕṭrh, “garland, crown”, HALOT 815;
Ph., Pun. ʕṭrt, “crown, wreath”, DNWSI 838; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978
424f.: “e. wohlriechende Pflanze”; Izreʿel IOS 18 1998 426: “type of grain”, EA
(gloss) ḫu-ṭá-ri-ma). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕṭrṭrt.
Diadem (?): ʕl tl k ʕṭrṭrt (the rain) upon the hillock is like a diadem (?), 1.16
III 11 (Sasson RSP 1 431; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 122, 124, rdg ʕṭrṭrm; diff. De
Moor ARTU 217: “fragrant herbs”); in bkn ctx.: ʕṭr[, 1.16 V 44; VI 8 (De Moor
UF 11 1979 646f. n. 44: ʕṭr-plant, “primrose”).
ʕṯb “?”, 1.166:14.
ʕṯlṯ PN, in bkn ctx. (etym. unc.).
PN: bn ʕṯlṯ[, 4.37:3.
ʕṯqb n. m. a kind of tree, ash tree (?) (etym. unc. De Moor UF 3 1971 349 f.:
Fraxinus ornus L., “the punctured”, < *ṯqb; diff. Caquot EI 14 1978 16: “les Forts”,
Arab. ṯaqafa, Aram. tqyp). ¶ Forms: pl. ʕṯqbm.
A kind of tree, ash tree (?): ṯm tpl (…) k yrkt ʕṯqbm there ash trees have fallen
(…) like beams (?), 1.13:14 (Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 240: “like the thighs of ash
Cf. ʕṯqbt.
ʕṯqbt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 113; De Moor UF 3 1971 350 n. 6; Watson NUS 35
1986 11).
PN: 4.63 II 27.
ʕṯrb n. m. (?) of an ingredient or medicine in the hippiatric texts (etym. unc.
Pardee TH 65: Arab. ʕuṯrubun, “arbrisseau semblable au grenadier”, DAF/2
170; Cohen UF 28 1996 140f.: Akk. azupīru. Watson LSU 67). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕṯrb.
Ingredient in the hippiatric texts: pr ʕṯrb fruit of the ʕ., 1.97:12 and par; in bkn
ctx.: 1.85:24.
ʕṯty PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 2.104:3.
ʕṯtpl/r DN in combination with ʕṯtr (De Moor UF 2 1970 315; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 165; Xella TRU 57f.; Pardee TPM 252 f.; cf. Ebla áš-da-píl,
Stieglitz Eblaitica 2 81).
DN: variants ʕṯtr w ʕṯtpl, 1.46:4; ʕṯtr ʕṯtpr, 1.107:41; 1.123:10.
ʕṯtr DN m. (OSA ʕṯtr, ʕśtrm, ʕtr, Höfner WbMyth 497 ff.; Moab. ʕštrkmš, KAI
181:17; cf. pre-Sarg. Mari DN dMÙŠ.UŠ, Gelb-Kienast AKDT 5 n. 4: dINANNA.
NITA “Aštar”; Kienast-Sommerfeld GlAKI 17; aš-dar, Charpin MARI 5 6 I 2
and passim; Ebla DN f. daš(/áš)dar, dMÙŠ, passim, cf. dMÙŠ = aš-dar, VE 805;
Krebernik ZA 72 1982 31; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 179f.; Pettinato Rituale
243; OB Mari, Alalakh, EA, Ugarit, Emar: d“UŠ”(iš8).DAR, dINANNA (MÙŠ),
passim; Oliva Ishtar 108ff.; Emar aš-tar, Arnaud Emar 6/3 43:12 and passim;
in PNN from Emar dAš-tar- (Ninurta (?), Arnaud AuOrS 1 15. Roberts ESP 39,

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ʕṯtrab – ʕṯtrt (i) 191

100f.; Caquot Syria 35 1958 45ff.; Huffmon APNMT 171ff.; Waterston UF 20

1988 357ff.; Blažek, Fs. Petraček 133ff.); syll. Ug. cf. dL[UGAL. MÁR(?).DA(?)]
= aš-ta-bi-[ni?] = aš-ta-ru, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123) IV b 16; Huehnergard UVST 164;
Van Soldt SAU 306; the element /ʕaštar-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 205; ¶ RS Akk.:
cf. daš-ta-bi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):17 (// ʕṯtr KTU 1.47:18; 1.118:17).
DN: 1.2 III 12, 18, 24 and passim; 1.24:28; 1.118:17; 1.148:30; ʕṯtr ʕrẓ DN, the
terrible, 1.6 I 55 and par; in bkn ctx.: 1.142:2; 1.159:4; 4.216:10; in Hurr. ctx.:
Cf. TN gt ʕṯtr, 4.696:6 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-ʕ Aṯtari); PN bn<.>ʕṯtr,
Cf. ʕbdʕṯtr, ʕṯtrab, ʕṯtrum, ʕṯtrn, ʕṯtr (II), ʕṯtry, bnʕṯtr.
ʕṯtrab PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 86, 113); ¶ syll.: aš-tar-a-bi, PRU 3 141 (RS
16.134):3, 8; Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):26; Huehnergard UVST 232.
PN: ★a) ʕṯt[r]ảb, 2.23:3; 4.260:4; 4.432:17; ★b) bn PN: 4.232:12; 4.842:19.
ʕṯtrum PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45f., 113; Watson LSU 161). Cf. ỉštrmy.
PN: 4.410:31; 4.426:1; 4.504:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.485:4.
ʕṯtrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 114; for TN *(ʕ)Ištarān cf. Belmonte Fs San-
martín 40).
PN: 4.75 II 4; 4.86:31; in bkn ctx.: 4.769:41. Cf. 1.142:2.
ʕṯtrt (I) DN (Hb. ʕštrt, HALOT 899; Ph. ʕštrt; Harris GPL 135f.; Ebla dINANNA
= aš-dar, VE 805; Krebernik QuSem 18 96; for daš-dar and dEN.TE = áš/iš-
tátár, VE 804; Mander MROA II/1 19f., 42; pre-Sarg. Mari. d“DIŠ”.DAR-ra-at

and dNINtá-ra-at, Gelb-Kienast AKDT 5 n. 4; GlAKI 14, 23; Ebla (Ur III) deš4-
tár; Gelb-Kienast AKDT 370; Kienast GlAK 14f.; Emar Akk. daš-tar-ti; Arnaud
Emar VI/3 153:2, 413:3, passim in PNN; AuOrS 1 164; Alal. Akk. PN aš-tar-
ti, AT 130; EA Akk. TN URU aš-tar-ti7/ti, EAT 197:10; 256:21; PN ÌR.dINANNA
(MÙŠ) / ab-di-aš-ta-<ar->ti; Hess AmPN 10; Eg. ʕa-ś-tá-r-tá/tu and var. ʕá-śi-
tá; Stadelmann SPGÄ 101; Lüddeckens LÄ 499ff.; Helck Bez. 456ff.; NA daš-
tar-tu; Borger Asarhaddon 69 IV 18. Wilcke RlA 5 74ff.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 7
1979 145ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: dINANNA(MÙŠ), d“U”(iš8)+DAR, passim, Huehner-
gard AkkUg 363, 397; cf. d“U”(iš8)+DARiš-tar, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):24 (// ʕṯtrt,
KTU 1.47:25; 1.118:24; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 56).
DN: ★a) passim in narrative ctx.: 1.2 I 40; 1.2 IV 28; 1.14 III 42 and par. (// ʕnt);
1.179:18; ★b) ʕṯtrt w ʕnt / ʕnt w ʕṯtrt: 1.100:20; 1.107:39 and par.; 1.114:9, 10 and
par.; cf. the sequence l ʕṯtrt l ʕnt, 2.42:7–8; ★c) passim in offering lists: cf. šʕrt
l šr ʕṯtrt wool for the singer of DN, 4.168:4; in bkn ctx: l ʕṯtr[t, 1.142:2; ★d)
special syntagms: ʕṯtrt ḫr DN of the tombs, 1.43:1; 1.112:13 (cf. Eg. ʕa-s-tá-ra
ḫá-rú, ʕa-śi-tá-ya ḫá-rú, Helck Bez. 459; Baniyas: dINANNA(MÙŠ) ḫur-ri,
Lackenbacher Fs. Birot 159; RS: d“U”+DAR ḫur-ri, PRU 3 171 (RS 16.173):9;
PRU 4 230 (RS 18.01):3, 6; PRU 6 35. Del Olmo AuOr 2 1984 202 n. 27; A2CISFP 1

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192 ʕṯtrt (ii) – ʕz (i)

367ff. diff. Herrmann WO 7 1973 135ff.; Dietrich-Loretz JA 45 ff.: “von Ḫurri”,

but see Loretz UF 34 2002 512: “chthonisch orientierte Göttin”; cf. ḫr); ʕṯtrt
mr(h) DN of Mari, 1.100:78 (Bordreuil MARI 4 1985 545 ff.); ʕṯtrt šd of the
steppe, 1.148:18 and par., see also 1.111:118–119 (cf. RS: dINANNA(MÙŠ) EDIN,
PRU 4 121 (RS 17.352):12; PRU 4 124 (RS 17.367):2); ʕṯtrt šm bʕl DN, name of DN,
1.16 VI 56 and par., epithet of ʕṯtrt (Del Olmo CCC 44 f.); ★e) espec. initiates
of a cult or devotees of DN: spr md ʕṯtrt list of the m. of DN, 4.245 I 1, 11; l
ʕṯtrt ndrg / ảbḏr, to DN of n. / ả. (PNN), 1.81:18–19; in bkn ctx.: 4.188:19; ★f)
bt ʕṯtrt shrine of DN, 4.219:2; ★g) TN gt ʕṯtrt, 4.125:6 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83:
*Gittu-ʕ Aṯtarti).
Cf. ʕṯtrt (II).
ʕṯtrt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 43: *ʕ Aštartu / *ʕ Aṯtartu; name of a city,
the destination of the dead and deified kings, probably located in Bashan;
Fs. Sanmartín 38f.; Eg. ʕ-s-[ta-]r-tum, Execration Texts; Helck Bez. 55 no. 25;
ʕa-s-tá-r-tu; Helck Bez. 129 (28); EA aš-tar-te, EAT 197:10; aš-tar-ti, EAT 256:21.
Astour RSP 2 313f.; Margulis JBL 89 1970 292 ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980
172ff.; Pardee TPM 96ff.); ¶ par.: hdrʕy. ¶ Forms: ʕṯtrt; suff. ʕṯtrth (adv. -h).
TN: ql bl ʕm mlk ʕṯtrth take the cry to DN, at TN, 1.100:41; mlk b ʕṯtrt yỉsp
ḥmt DN of TN remove the poison, 1.107:42; ỉl yṯb b ʕṯtrt the god who sits
in TN, 1.108:2 (// hdrʕy); śśw ršp / mlk{.}ʕṯtrt the horses of DN, 4.790:17
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 129, cf. Ph. mlkʕštrt, KAI 3:58; Benz PNPPI 345;
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 356 n. 12f.).
ʕṯtry PN (< ʕṯtr. Gröndahl PTU 51; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28 f.).
PN: bn PN, 3.29:10; 4.7:13; 4.93 I 4; 4.798:7; in bkn ctx.: 4.225:2.
ʕṯty: 5.10:1 (scribal exercise (?)) error for ʕṯtry?
ʕwr n. m. “blind man” (Hb. ʕwr, “blind”, HALOT 803; Syr. ʕwarāʔ, “blind”, SL 518;
Eth. ʕəwwər, “blind”, CDG 79; Arab. ʔaʕwar, “blind of one eye”, AEL 2195; cf.
ʕawira, “to be blind of one eye”, AEL 2193ff.); ¶ par.: zbl. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕwr; f.
cf. ʕwrt.
Blind: ʕwr mzl ymzl the blind man gropes his way / foretells (the army’s
fortune (?)), 1.14 II 46 and par. (// zbl. Del Olmo IMC 167ff.); ʕwrt yštk bʕl
may DN leave you blind, 1.19 IV 5.
ʕyn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 309; Watson LSU 162).
PN: ★a) 4.273:5; ★b) bn PN, 2.70:11, 17; 4.348:18; 4.357:26; 4.366:10; 4.371:7;
4.422:52; 4.617 II 5; 4.692:15; 4.843:37.
ʕyy PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. a-i-ú, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):20; cf. ảyy.
PN: 4.356:12.
ʕz (I) n. m. “strength, force” (< /ʕ-z-z/. Hb. ʕ(w)z, “might, strength”, HALOT 805 f.;
Aram. Ph. ʕz, ʕzz, “strong”, “to be strong”, DNWSI 835); OSA ʕzt, “strength”,
SD 24; Arab. ʕizz, ʕazza, “might, strength”, “to be mighty”, AEL 2030ff.; Eth.

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ʕz (ii) – ʕzn 193

ʕǝzaz, ʕazzaza, “power, strength”, “to be strong”; Akk. ezzu, “zornig, wütend”,
AHw 270; “furious, angry”, CAD E 432ff.; syll. Ug. cf. the element /ʕuzz-/ (<
ú-zV-, uz-zV- ḫu-zV-) in PNN. Sivan GAGl 208; Huehnergard UVST 252 and
n. 165; ¶ par.: ḏmr. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕz; suff. ʕzk.
Strength, force: (…) b ʕz [rpỉ] mlk ʕlm (he will endow you (?)) with the
strength of DN, eternal king, 1:108:21; l r[p]ỉ ảrṣ ʕzk from DN of the “Earth” (is
/ be) your strength, 1.108:24; yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd here the power of gods is
like death / DN (of) an utter strength, 2.10:13 (Song 8:6; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2
279: “plus grande que la force des guerriers”; for a discussion see Gzella BiOr
64 2007 561f.).ỉ
ʕz (II) n. m. 1) “caprine animal, kid, goat” (Hb., Pun. ʕz, “goat”, HALOT 805;
OAram. ʕnz, “goat”, DNWSI 875; Syr. ʕezzāʔ, “goat”, SL 1089; Arab. ʕanz, “she-
goat”, AEL 2173; Amor. cf. /ḫazzum/, “Ziege”, AHw 339; Akk. enzu, ezzu,
“Ziege”, AHw 221f.; “she-goat”, CAD E 180ff.; Akk. azzatum, “she-goat”, CAD
A/2 531; Arab. ʕanz, “a she-goat”, AEL 2173. Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 191); ¶ RS
Akk.: (UDU.)ÙZ, PRU 6 117 (RS 17.136):2; PRU 6 119 (RS 19.69):1; PRU 6 120
(RS 19.116):1 (enzâtu), 3: ÙZ.MÁŠ.MEŠ Ú.LU. Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 200, 203).
¶ Forms: sg. ʕz, pl. ʕzm.
Caprine animal, kid, goat, in rituals: (if the family of) ảṯt yqḥ ʕz a woman
takes a goat, 1.127:26; (if) bt bn bnš yqú ʕz the family of someone takes a goat,
1.127:31; (a kid) b bz ʕzm from the udder of goats (is sacrificed), 1.80:4; in unc.
ctx.: ʕz d ỉḫd p yġr, 6.85:1; in bkn ctx.: 6.89:2.
ʕz (III) adj./n. m. “strong, powerful” (< /ʕ-z-z/, cf. ʕz (I). Hb. ʕz, HALOT 805 f.; cf.
the element /ʕazz-/ in PNN from Alalakh and EA. Sivan GAGl 205); ¶ par.:
qrd. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕz.
1) Strong, powerful: ṯnn ʕz yủḫd ỉb mlk the powerful Vizier will seize the
enemy of the king, 1.103:17.
2) The strong one (used as a noun): k gr ʕz ṯġrkm when a strong one attacks
your gates, 1.119:26 (// qrd); ydy ʕz l ṯġrkm he will repel the strong one from
your gates, 1.119:35 and par. (// qrd); in unc. ctx.: b abn ʕ[.]z, 1.133:18.
ʕzilt PN (Sem. Watson LSU 162); syll.: a-zi-il-tù, RSOu 7 31 (RS 34.134):18.
PN: 2.85:4, 23.
ʕzbʕl ritual PN of the Ugaritic king (cf. /ʕ-z(-z)/, bʕl (II).
Ritual PN: ʕzbʕl, 1.102:27.
ʕ̱zl PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz KA 157: allog. of ġzl; cf. Watson AuOr 8 1990
123). Cf. ġzl.
PN: bn PN, 4.31:8 (rdg unc.; KTU3: ʕṭl).
ʕzn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 112; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 545; Van Soldt
SAU 27, 63, 177f.); ¶ syll.: ú/uz-ze-nu/ni/na, PRU 3 260; PRU 4 236 (RS 17.251):7;
PRU 6 144; Ug 5 333 (Huehnergard UVST 252 n. 165); uz-ze-e-na, RSOu 7 15

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194 /ʕ-z(-z)/ – ʕẓm (iii)

(RS 34.146):2 (Van Soldt SAU 286 n. 80); uz-zé-ni, RSOu 7 24 (RS 34.160):6 (Van
Soldt SAU 223, 286 n. 80); cf. RS 34.158 (Van Soldt SAU 221 n. 329). Cf. uḍn.
PN: ★a) 4.35 I 9 (bn mll); 4.76:1 (bn ỉrbn); 4.93 II 8 (bn mlk. Healey SEL 5
1988 107); 4.148:6 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.214 IV 3; 4.232:34; 4.281:26 (bn brn),
31; 4.609:7 (Van Soldt SAU 39), 22, 28, 31; 4.562:3; 4.773:3; 4.780:11; 5.11:1 (bn
byy); 6.14:2 (Healey SEL 5 1988 106f.); in bkn ctx.: 4.319:4; ★b) bn PN: 4.69 II 13;
4.320:11; 4.785:16; 4.860:38.
/ʕ-z(-z)/ vb G: “to be strong, have power”; D: “strengthen” (see ʕz (1); Hb.,
OAram. ʕzz, “to show oneself strong”, HALOT 808 ff.; “to be strong”, DNWSI
835; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 73; Pagan ARES 3 98 f.; Akk. ezēzu, “zürnen, in
Wut geraten”, AHw 269f.; “to be furious, fierce”, CAD E 427ff.; OSA ʕzz hi.
“uphold, respect law”, SD 24; Arab. ʕazza, “to be mighty, strong”, AEL 2030 ff.;
Eth. ʕazzaza, “to be strong”, CDG 81. Stamm UF 11 1979 757); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
PNN ia-aʔ-za-na, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.34+):6; ta-a-zi, PRU 6 8 (RS 17.239):2. Sivan
GAGl 208. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ʕz; prefc. yʕzz; D prefc. with suff. tʕzzk.
G. To be strong, have power: ʕz ym l ymk DN was strong and did not fall,
1.2 IV 17; mt ʕz bʕl ʕz DN was strong, DN was strong, 1.6 VI 17 and par.; mlkn
yʕzz ʕl ḫpṯh the king will have power (be more powerful than?) over his
mercenaries, 1.103:57.
D. To strengthen: ỉlm tġrk tšlmk tʕzzk may the gods guard you, keep you,
strengthen you, 5.9 I 4, see 2.4:6.
In bkn ctx. ]tʕzzn, 1.103:20; yʕzz ʕl[, 1.140:4 (Tropper UF 26 1994 463, 465).
Cf. ʕz (I), ʕz (III), ʕzỉlt, ʕzbʕl, ʕzn.
ʕẓm (I) n. f. “bone” (Hb., Ph. ʕṣm, “bone, skeleton”, HALOT 869; “bone”, DNWSI
880; Arab. ʕaẓam, “bone”, AEL 2087; Eth. ʕaḍm, ʕaṣm, “bone”, CDG 58; Ebla cf.
GIŠ.GI.NA = a-za-mu-um, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 16; cf. ga-ba-bu ʔax(NI)-za-da,
Fronzaroli EL 137, 140; Akk. eṣemtu, “Knochen”, AHw 251; “bone, frame of the
body”, CAD E 341ff.); ¶ par.: šmt. ¶ Forms: sg. ʕẓm.
Bone, ★a): ảḥd hm (…) ỉṯ ʕẓm I shall see whether (…) there is bone, 1.19 III 5
and par. (// šmt); ỉn ʕẓm there was no bone, 1.19 III 11 and par.; ★b) ʕẓm yd
forearm, 1.12 I 24 (Schloen JNES 52 1993 216: “mighty”, cf. ʕẓm (II); Wyatt
RTU 163 n. 8: “fingernails”, lit.: “bones of the hand”; Dietrich-Loretz Studien
26, 42: “Kraft der Hand” > “mit kräftiger Hand”, but see Del Olmo AuOr 25
2007 157).
ʕẓm (II) adj. m. “imposing, powerful” (Hb. ʕṣwm, HALOT 867; Arab. ʕaẓīm,
ʕuẓām, AEL 2087f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ʕẓm.
Imposing, powerful: bk rb ʕẓm a large imposing beaker, 1.3 I 12; diff. Del Olmo
MLRSO 67: “el póculo de un gran potentado” // mt šmm, “héroe celeste”).
Cf. rỉdn.
ʕẓm (III) n. m. “power, excellence” (Hb. ʕṣm, “strength”, HALOT 869; Arab. ʕuẓm,

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ʕẓmt – ʕẓrn 195

ʕaẓamat, “self-magnification, haughtiness”, AEL 2087; diff. Caquot-Sznycer

TOu/1 135f. n. k: “corpulent”); ¶ par.: ủl. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ʕẓmny (-n + -y).
Power, excellence: w l ʕpr ʕẓmny and our power (fell) to the ground, 1.2 IV 5
(// ủl) (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 159: “the mighty / powerful one”).
Cf. ʕẓmt.
ʕẓmt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 77, 112f.; cf. 1.6 VI 18).
PN: bn PN, 4.352:7 (rišy).
ʕẓrn “(?)”.
?, in bkn ctx.: 1.166:11, 15; 1.167:10.

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b prep. of 1) spatial location: “in; through, on; by, at; within, inside, in, to,
against, between, upon; from; with, in; of, from among”, and 2) temporal
situation: “dating from, in, during, to; for”; 3) relationship of cause or reason,
exchange or benefit: “for, of / from, in”; 4) relationship of accompaniment
and instrument: “with, among, to, by”; 5) modal relationship: “as /in the
manner of” (Hb. b, HALOT 103ff.; Ph., Pun., Aram. b, DNWSI 137 ff.; OSA b,
SD 24; Arab. bi, AEL 141–144; Eth. ba, CDG 82; cf. Akk. */ba/ [cf. bašû, AHw
112]; Ebla cf. BA [bi6/ba], /bi/a/, ARET 2 120; ARET 5 61; Sanmartín AuOr 9
1991 180f. Pardee UF 7 1975 329–378; UF 8 1976 215–322; UF 9 1977 205–231;
Aartun PU/2 1–26; Dahood RSP 1 133–141; Gordon UT § 10.1–2, § 10.4 f.; Tropper
GU 755ff.; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 537); ¶ syll. Ug.: [MU] = i(?)-na = i-gi-da = bi-i[,
Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 6; cf. /bi-/ in UR = mi-it-ḫa-ri-iš = [(Hurr.)] = bi-RU[,
UF 11 1979 479:36; Van Soldt SAU 303; Sivan GAGl 132; UF 18 1986 308 f.; UF 21
1989 360: phonetic complement bi-i; Huehnergard UVST 53 n. 8; ¶ RS Akk.:
cf. Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 6; ištu, ina, passim, cf. Van Soldt SAU 447 ff., 451 f.,
456, 461; ¶ par.: ʕl (I), b, bʕd, bm, bn (II), bnm, l (I), tḥt; prep. syntagms: b
+ qrb, b + tk (cf. Dahood RSP 1 133–141; RSP 3 40). ¶ Forms: b, by (with the
phonetic spelling / complement -y; Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 25 n. 35
< /bī/; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 86; Pardee UF 8 1976 268;
Hoftijzer UF 11 1979 388 n. 23; Tropper UF 26 1994 460 n. 13, 474 n. 10: < /bi/;
Aartun PU/1 47, 2 24: + emph. ext. -y; cf. Huehnergard UVST 53 n. 8 and Sivan
GAGl 132 on the syll. spelling bi-i[); suff. pn. by, bk, bh, bhm, b{.}hn; emph.
ext. bm, bn, bnm (De Moor SP 160f.; cf. Aartun PU/1 47, 59, 64f.; 2 24 f., 25 f.).
Extended adv. bkm; cf. bd.
1) Spatial location, ★a) place in which something occurs, in, through, on:
they work b ủgrt in TN, 4.141 III 8; (the fleet is) by ʕky (actually) in TN, 2.38:25;
tʕtq by ḥwt they should pass through the land, 2.36:26; ntbt mṣrm b ḥwt ủgrt
Egypt’s (right of (?)) passage / way through the country (of) TN, 2.36:16; b
ḥy(n)dr in TN, 2.13:14; 2.30:13; 2.88:6; 6.21:2; they are not b spr in the book,
4.338:3; 1.179:43; a son b bt in (his) house, 1.17 I 25 (// b qrb hklh); bn ġlmt in
thick fog, 1.4 VII 55 (// b ẓlmt); b py (…) // b špty in my mouth (…) // on my lips
(…), 1.24:45–46; he laughed bm lb in (his) heart, 1.12 I 12 (// bm kbd); I cannot
rule b ṣrrt ṣpn on the heights of TN, 1.6 I 62; nṭʕn b arṣ ỉby we shall attack, in
the “earth”, my enemies, 1.10 II 24 (// qm); she fought b ʕmq in the valley, 1.3
II 6 (// bn (II) qrytm); she girded palms b ḥbšh at her waist, 1.3 II 13 (// l bmth);
ṣḥ ảḫh b bhth he invited his brothers to his palace, 1.4 VI 44; he sat down b
ảp ¨ġr … b grn at the entrance of the gate … in the threshing-floor, 1.17 V 6–7

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b 197

(// tḥt ảdrm); ảrbʕm bt b ỉlštmʕ forty houses in TN, 4.810:1; products: krsỉm
šmn b ủgrt two k. of oil in TN, 4.854:2, cf. ln. 3, 4.854:3; eat b ṯlḥnt lḥm food
on the tables, 1.4 IV 36 (// b krpnm, b k<s>; cf. Artun PU 2 3); yn b ḥmthm
the wine in their wineskins (was finished), 1.16 III 15; tỉkl ỉšt b bhtm the fire
continued to consume in the palace, 1.4 VI 25 and par. (Hoftijzer UF 12 1980
459: “das Feuer frass am Palast”, se also Gzella BiOr 64 2007 532); bh pʕnm
on her (her) feet (shook), 1.3 III 32 (// bʕdn, ʕln); be exalted b pḫr qbṣ in the
assembly of the clan, 1.15 III 15 (// b tk); ảḫth b TN his sister, (the one who is)
in TN, 4.360:12; ḥmm b bšrk heat (?) in your flesh, 1.179:7; w lqḥ prṯt bʕl and
he receives the secret (?) of DN, 4.179:16, cf. ln. 20, 21; b rḥbn in (the river) r.,
1.179:18; b ym in the sea, 1.179:19, see 2.88:3, 5; w yʕdb d b tkh and he prepares
what is within it, 1.179:28, 37; hwt b špth the word on her lips, 1.179:32; b gty
on my farm, 2.90:9; ql b ủdnk (…) (may) my voice (penetrate (?)) your ears,
1.13:23; d hlk b nḫl that flows in the torrent, 3.33:8, 20; b mlwm in TN, 2.88:6;
b bt{w} (…) b bty in the house (…) in my house, 3.3:4, 8; b [[x]] bt mlk in the
king’s palace, 2.89:5f.; w b ym mnḫ l ảbd and in DN calm was not lacking,
1.2 IV 3; w b klhn špú yỉtbd and in their entirety, yes, the family perished, 1.14
I 24; b ḥwt ʕbdk in the country of your servant, 8:11, 29; hlny hnn b bt mlk here,
see, in the palace, 2.89:5; in bkn ctx: b gt, 4.864:2, 4, 6, 8; 2.90:9; in unc. ctx.:
the flesh of two firstlings nṭṭt ủm ʕlt b ảby (…) ʕlt bk of a shocked mother
ascends unto my father (…) unto you, 1.82:9 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247);
★b) presence in (“there is [not] in”) > possession of (“to have”): bhm qrnm
they shall have horns, 1.12 I 30; bhm pn bʕl, (they will have) the face of DN,
ibid. ln. 33; ỉn bʕl b bhth! DN is not in his palace, 1.10 II 4 (// b qrb hklh); ủnṯ ỉn
bh (the field) has no corvée, 3.5:20; pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm yokes (of an estate) which
lack “one side” (border to the south east?), 4.136:5 (cf. pảt); spr ủbdym b TN
list / record of lands leased in TN, 4.309:1 (list of PNN); ★c) goal of movement
or action, within, inside, in, into, to, against, beween, upon: may (his hand)
put you bm qrbm ảsm inside the granary, 1.19 II 25; “virgin oil” was poured
b ṣʕ into a plate, 1.3 II 32; pour yn ʕn b qbʕt sparkling wine into a goblet, 1.6
IV 18; pour wine b gl in a cup, 1.14 II 19 (// b gl); he took a sacrificial lamb b
ydh in his hand, 1.14 III 56; she entered b ḏdk (into) your grottoes, 1.19 IV 51
(// b <ả>hlm); DN will enter b kbdh (into) his innards, 1.5 II 4 (// b ph); it is
poured b ảph into its nostrils, 1.71:7 and par.; she plunged her knees b dm
ḏmr in the blood of the wariors, 1.3 II 14 (// b mmʕ mhrm); he went up b ảrr
to (mount) TN, 1.10 III 29 (// bm ảrr w b ṣpn); I am going down b ảrṣ to the
Underworld, 1.5 VI 25; he invited his brothers b bhth to his house, 1.4 VI 44
(// b qrb hklh); he reproached (lit.: made reproaches against) b ỉl ảbh DN, his
father, 1.114:14; he put a cup b klat ydh in both his hands, 1.3 I 11 (// bdh); may
the king’s countenance shine by/n upon me / us, 2.16:10; 2.13:18; in unc. ctx.:

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198 b

ʕd mġyy b ʕrm until I arrive at the city (?), 2.71:16; b lḥmy in my food, 1.179:13;
d ybl PN b ḫt[, 4.863:3, 5; l ʕrbt ʕmy, 2.88:29; ★d) origin of a quality or process,
from, deprival of (see OSA bn, “from”, SD 29): PN b TN PN, from TN, 4.31:1 and
passim ibid.; rb tmtt lqḥ kl ḏrʕ b dnhm the captain of the (salvage) crew has
collected all the seed-grain from their containers (?), 2.38:18; in the event of
evicting them b bty from my household, 3.9:8; they went b bth from his house,
1.17 II 39; let his soul go out km qṭr b ảph like smoke from his nostrils, 1.18 IV 26;
nor went b špth hwth his word from his lips, 1.2 IV 6 (// b ph); they cleaned b
bt dm ḏmr from (her) house the blood of the warriors, 1.3 II 31; she washed
her hands b dm ḏmr of the blood of the warriors, 1.3 II 34 (// b mmʕ mhrm;
diff. Smith UNP 109, 167: “(she) washes her hands in warrior-blood”; see also
Pardee BiOr 37 1980 276); she washed b dʕt the sweat from him, 1.16 VI 10;
br PN b ủnṯ PN remains free of corvée, 3.12:5, see ln. 2; w yqḥ bhm ảqht and
she collected PN from among them, 1.19 III 39; w b bt mlk mlbš ytn lhm and
from the palace clothes are given to them, 4.168:8; ảlp b mḥrṯt one ox / head
of cattle from the ploughed land, 6.14:3 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005 230);
and (he will be able to give) his “voice” b ʕrpt from the clouds 1.4 V 8 (// l ảrṣ;
cf. 1.d); b pk from your mouth, 2.88:21; ★e) material, with, in: chariots ṣpyt b
ḫrṣ plated with gold, 4.167:2; divine platform nbt b ksp moulded in silver, 1.4
I 31 (// b dm ḫrṣ); prsả b br covered with tin, ibid. ln. 35; ★f) partitive use, of,
from among: give me ảḥd b bnk one of your sons, 1.6 I 46; (a ram …) (a ewe
is sacrificed and) kll ylḥm bh of which all shall eat, 1.115:10; prepare ỉmr b pḫd
a lamb from among the yearlings, 1.17 V 17; he took a thousand jars b ḫmr of
wine, 1.3 I 16 (// b mskh); my b ỉlm who from among the gods?, 1.16 V 20; ỉn
b ỉlm ʕnyh there was no-one among the gods who answered him, 1.16 V 22.
2) Temporal situation, ★a) time when something happens, dating from, on,
during, in: bn ym // bnm ʕdt today // on this very day, see 1.4 VII 15–16, 3.88:3,
5; b ṯlṯ / rbʕ on the third, fourth (day), 2.88:8, 9; b ym ḥdṯ b yrḫ pgrm in the
new moon of the month MN, 4.172:1–2; 4.336:1–2; b ḫ{.} yr in (the month)
MN, 2.87:9; b yrḫ ỉbʕlt in the month of ỉ., 4.811:16; (wine consumed) b dbḥ
mlkt during the queen’s sacrifice, 4.149:14, cf. 2.87:17; and he approached b
šảl asking, 1.14 I 38; he takes him by the hand b škrn in intoxication, 1.17
I 30 (// k šbʕ yn); he remained asleep bm bkyh in his weeping, // he fainted
b dmʕh in his tears, 1.14 I 31–32; DN came down b ḥlmh in his dream, 1.14
I 35–36 (// b ḏhrth); there was conception bm nšq on kissing (them), //
there was pregnancy b ḥbq on embracing (them), 1.23:56; b šbʕ ymm on the
seventh day, 1.17 I 15; špšm b šbʕ at dawn on the seventh (day), 1.14 III 15 and
par.; by šnt mlỉt in years of plenty, 2.2:7 (or: in a full year, cf. Tropper UG1
52; UG2 835); b yrḫ mgmr / pgrm in the month MN, 4.855:1, 5; b yrḫ ỉbʕlt
on the month MN, 4.811:16; b ḫ{.}yr in (the month) MN, 2.87:9; ★b) time

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b 199

foreseen for something, for: b šnt for a year, 4.182:1; b ṯlṯ šnt for three years,
3) Relationship of cause or reason, exchange or benefit, ★a) relationship of
cause or reason, due to, by, in, regarding, with, as: (ships wrecked) b gšm ảdr
due to a heavy downpour, 2.38:13; we rejoiced b ḥyk in your life, 1.16 I 14; you
have sinned b ảpkn/m by your anger, 1.40:22 and par. (// b qṣrt npš); w mlk
yštảl b{.}hn may the king make a claim regarding them (the ships), 2.42:23;
her liver swelled b ṣḥq with laughter, 1.3 II 25 (// b šmḫt); PN ṯlṯm ksp b nṯk
thirty shekels of silver as interest, 4.682:12; in bkn ctx.: PN b nṯk, ibid. ln. 3;
yqḥ bk he will get (the omen) by means of you, 2.71:12; mzn ảḥd bhm each
of them with (the same) one weight, 4.809:8; ★b) oath, by: b yn yšt ỉln! by
the wine that our god drinks!, 1.19 IV 57; ★c) of exchange and profit, for, in
(b pretii; Pardee UF 8 1976 299f.; Tropper-Vita UF 33 2001 575; McGeough
UgET 9ff.; cf. ¶ RS Akk.: ina, Van Soldt SAU 456): a garment b ʕšrt for ten
(shekels), 4.146:2; cf. ibid. ln. 3–8; mỉt ảdrm b ʕšrt one hundred a. for ten
(shekels), 4.158:8; cf. 4.31:2 and passim ibid.; talents b kkr ảḏdd w b kkr ủgrt in
talents of TN or in talents of TN, 4.709:2–3; ʕrb b mtn stand surety for PN, 3.3:3;
in bkn ctx. k]śmm b krsỉ spelt in exchange for (?) k., 4.225:17; b šdm hnmt for
these fields (he is not required to pay), 3.33:20; b ảrbʕm šmn (…) b šbʕ šmn
(…) [ả]rbʕ šmn in exchange for forty (…) seven (…) four of oil (measures),
4.88:3, 7, 8; b ảrbʕm / šbʕ šmn for forty / seven (“jars” (?)) of oil, 4.808:3, 7; ṯlṯ
ktnm b ảrbʕm šmn three tunics for forty (jars (?)) of oil, 4.808:8; b šdm, for
these fields, 3.33:20; ★d) in the syntagm ʕrb b to give a guarantee or pledge,
stand surety for something or someone: rỉšym dt ʕrb b bnšhm GN who have
stood surety for their personnel, 3.20:1; PN (w PN) ʕrb b PN PN (and PN) have
given a guarantee for PN so and so, ibid. ln. 3 and passim. ibid.; spr ʕrbnm
dt ʕrb b PN list of guarantors who have given a guarantee for PN, 3.3:2; PNN
ʕrb b PNN PNN have stood surety for PNN, 3.8:6; ksp ảnyt d ʕrb b ảnyt ship’s
pledge that has been deposited for the ships, 4.338:12; l ʕrbt bk she does not
guarantee you, 2.88:25, 28; in bkn ctx. hm tʕr[b? b?] mkr hn!d if [gurantees (?)]
are given for this trader, 4.42:24.
4) Relation of accompaniment and instrumental, ★a) company, (together)
with, among, to: šbʕ b ḥrṯm ṯlṯ b ṯġrm seven (unskilled labourers go) with the
ploughmen, three with the gatekeepers, 4.141 III 1–2; (they were) ṯkm b ṯkm
shoulder to (lit.: with) shoulder, 1.22 I 5; barley (sent) b ṯydr with PN, 6.21:2; I
send you PN b kd s̄mn with a “jar” of oil, 4.710:3; they come b dbḥ nʕmt with
sacrifices of thanksgiving, 1.23:27; be numbered b yrdm ảrṣ among those who
go down to the underworld, 1.4 VIII 8; b bnh among his sons, 3.32:12; ỉqnủm
ỉštỉr bhm w hm ảkm ỉqnả štt bhm, from it the purple is still lacking. As soon
as I get the purple I will add to it (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 141 f.);

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200 /b-ʔ/ – bủly

in bkn ctx.: PN b dbḥ[, 2.87:17; ★b) instrumental, with: I gulp down b klảt ydy
with both hands, 1.5 I 19; ảl ybʕr b ydh may he not set fire to (the house) with
his hand, 2.86:24 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 380: “destroy”); (his) skin
he ripped b abn with (the knife made of) stone, 1.5 VI 17 (// b yʕr); she held
DN b sỉn lpš by the hem of the cloak, 1.6 II 10 (// b qṣ ảll); she split him b ḥrb
with a knife, 1.6 II 31 (// b ḫṯr, // b ỉšt, // b rḥm); he struck (them) b ktp with a
scimitar, 1.6 V 2 (// b ṣmd); sings and plays b knr w ṯlb b tp w mṣltm with lyre
and flute, with tambourine and cymbals, 1.108:4; sings and plays b mrqdm d
šn ivory castanets, 1.108:4–5 (// b ḥbr); honour DN b dbḥk with your sacrifice,
1.14 II 25 (// b mṣdk); pldm b ảdrm p.-garments (provided) with (?) fibulae (?),
4.4:5; b spr štn, put it in writing for me 2.108:14 see. 8.
5) Modal relation: b mgnk as your present, 1.16 I 45 (cf. RS Akk. ana maga(n)
ni, cf. mgn (I)); b ủrm ủ špnt as a burnt offering or as a š-offering, 1.119:13; drink
b ḫlṣ from squeezing, 1.169:7 (Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113).
In bkn ctx.: ]qḥ by, 1.2 III 19; 1.57:7; bʕl qdšm b nhr, 1.179:17; 2.2:7; 2.60:4;
bhm, 2.87:20, 21 (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 141 f.); 4.377:24; 7.137:8; ]btk?,
2.104:7; b ảpś[n(y), 2.106:8; by, 2.106:9; for a scribal mistake or assimilated
form of bn see 6.1:1; cf. 5.18:9; cf. bn (I).
Cf. bd (IV), bkm.
/b-ʔ/ vb G: “to enter, come, reach” (Hb. bwʔ, “to enter, to come”, HALOT 112 ff.;
Ph., Pun. bʔ, “to go, to enter”, DNWSI 146; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 35; Pagan
ARES 3104; Mari Akk. bâʔum, “kommen”, AHw 117; “to walk along”, “to come
in”, CAD B 178ff.; Arab. bāʔa, “to return, come back”, AEL 270ff.; Eth. boʔa, “to
enter”, CDG 114f.; ¶ par.: /g-l-y/, /q-l/ (Št), /t-b-ʕ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. bảt, bủ;
prefc. ủbủ, ủbả, tbủ, tbả, tbỉ, tbủn, ybủ; inf. bủ.
G. To enter, come, reach: ảgrtn bảt b ḏdk // (ʕnt) bảt b <ả>hlm our mistress
entered your caves // (DN) entered (your) tents, 1.19 IV 51–52; tgly ḏd ỉl w tbủ
she made her way to the cave of DN and entered, 1.6 I 35 and par.; bt krt bủ tbủ
bkt tgly w tbủ nṣrt tbủ pnm into the house PN she made her entry, weeping
she made her way (to the house of PN) and entered, sobbing she penetrated
within, 1.16 VI 3–5 (// tbʕ, gly); [t]bủ ḏdm qny[ she entered the grottoes of the
creator, 1.3 V 9; ʕl krt tbủn into the presence of PN they entered, 1.15 VI 6; bt krt
tbủn they entered the house of PN, 1.15 IV 21; ptḥ bt w ủbả open the house so
that I may enter, 1.100:72 (// ỉštql); bt ủbủ ảl tbỉ the house I enter, do not enter,
1.169:18 (diff. De Moor UF 12 1980 430: “and certainly do not enter”, rdg ủ bủ);
bt [ả]bh l bủ enter then into her father’s house, 1.24:30 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT Ergänzungslieferung 207: “Durch die Tochter ihres Vaters sei der Löwe
erregt”, rdg lbu yʕrr).
bủly PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 162).
PN: bn PN, 4.366:8.

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bỉr – bủšn 201

bỉr TN < n. f. “well” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 55f.: *Biʔru. Hb., OAram. bʔr, “watering
place, well of underground water”, HALOT 106; “well, cistern”, DNWSI 141 f.;
Moab., OAram., byr, “well”, DNWSI 155; Pun. bʕr, bʕʔr, “well, cistern”, DNWSI
141f.; OSA bʔr, “puteum”, CAME 111; bʔr, “well, cistern” SD 25; Arab. bʔr, “well”,
AEL 145; Akk. bē/ūru, “Brunnen, Zisterne”, AHw 122; “well”, CAD B 342 f.; cf.
Ebla /buʔratum/, in AB.A = bù-la-tum, VE 1343; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 43;
StEb 7 1984 158; bur-ti, Pettinato Rituale 182; Watson LSU 198 (diff. Fronzaroli
ARET 11 141: “esterno”); cf. Eg. b-ʕ-r, “Brunnen”, Helck Bez. 511 (55); Sivan-
Cochavi WSVES 15. Rainey UF 3 1971 170; Astour RSP 2 269 f., 346; UF 13 1981 7;
Van Soldt Topography 13f., 171: to be distinguished from bỉrt); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
TN URU bi-i-ri, PRU 3 93 (RS 16.244):7; PRU 3 99 (RS 16.284):5; cf. URU TÚL,
cf. PRU 3 267; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):17; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):34; Huehnergard
UVST 254; AkkUg 404; cf. PN DUMU BUR5-a-na, PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):1; Sivan
GAGl 211; Huehnergard AkkUg 361 n. 13.
TN: ★a) 1.91:29; 4.27:13; 4.68:30; 4.355:13; 4.365:29; 4.380:31; 4.683:19; 4.800 I 29;
4.810:10; 4.824:3; ★b) gt TN, 4.397:13; 4.625:30; 4.636:2; 4.812:5; for 1.13:25 cf.
ả/ỉr; in bkn ctx. 4.629:5; 4.661:2; bnš bỉr[, 2.77:9; for the rdg. b ỉr in 1.13:25 (KTU:
bỉr<h>) see above ả/ỉr.
bỉrt (I) TN (> PN?); < (?) EA *Bīrūta, TN. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 402;
Astour RSP 2 270, 346; Belmonte RGTU 12/2 56f.; Van Soldt Topography 13
n. 77); ¶ syll.: cf. KUR bi-ru-ú/ut-ti, PRU 4 161 (RS 17.341) rev. 14, 17; KUR
PÚ.MEŠ-ti, PRU 3 12 (RS 11.730):1; RSOu 7 37 (RS 34.137):1; KUR PÚ.MEŠ, Ug
5 41 (RS 21.183):25.
TN: 4.771:10.
bỉrt (II) PN (Sem.; cf. bỉrt (I), TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 114; Bordreuil- Caquot Syria
57 1980 361; Watson LSU 162, 198; West AOAT 233 35: PN pe-ri-ta, Linear B).
PN: 4.771:10.
bỉrtn PN (Sem.; cf. bỉrt (I), TN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 114); ¶ syll.: DUMU PÚ-ta-na,
PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) II 49; cf. Huehnergard AkUg 404.
PN: bn PN, 4.77:13; 4.93 I 7; 4.422:5; 4.692:13.
bỉrty GN m. (cf. bỉrt); ¶ syll.: DUMU.MEŠ KUR bi-ru-ú/ut-ti, PRU 4 161 (RS 17.341)
rev. 14, 17; LÚ.MEŠ KUR PÚ.MEŠ, Ug 5 41 (RS 21.183):25. ¶ Forms: pl. bỉrtym.
GN: pdyhm PN mỉt ksp b yd bỉrtym PN redeemed them for one hundred
(shekels of) silver from the hands of GN, 3.4:15; nskm bỉrtym casters, GN,
4.337:3; in bkn ctx.: ảḫqm bỉrt[ y, 4.86:23; for the rdg bỉr[ y] in 4.86:23 cf.
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 56 (KTU: bỉry[).
bỉry GN m. (< bỉr, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. bỉry.
GN: 3.10:9, 11; 4.86:23; 4.360:1; 4.690:6, 8.
Cf. bỉr.
bủšn PN (etym. unc.).

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202 bỉšt – /b-ʕ-l/

PN: bn PN, 4.862:6; in bkn ctx.: ]bn bủš[, 4.223:1 (Watson LSU 162); ¶ syll.: cf.
bi-ʔ-ši, RSOu 7 33 (RS 34.173):18).
bỉšt adj. f., “?” (cf. for the mng “bad, foul-smelling” (?) Akk. bīšu, biʔšu, AHw 131;
CAD B 270f.; Aram. bīš, DNWSI 142; OSA bʔs, “to be evil”, n. “evil”, SD 25; Arab.
bāʔis AEL 147; Eth. baʔāsi, bəʔus, CDG 82; cf. Hb. bʔš, HALOT 107. Del Olmo
CR 68 n. 11). ¶ Forms: sg. bỉšt.
?, in unc. ctx.: ṯr bỉšt, 1.48:8 (see De Tarragon TOu/2 168; Pardee TR/1 325: “un
taureau dans le feu”, rdg b ỉšt with KTU).
bʕd adv., prep. 1) “behind”; 2) “behind; to, for” (Hb. bʕd, “behind, through, for
the benefit of”, HALOT 141; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 36; Pagan ARES 3 205 f.;
Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 158f.; OSA bʕd, bʕdn, “after”, SD 25; Arab. baʕdu, “after,
behind”, AEL 225. Aartun PU/2 52). ¶ Forms: bʕd; suff. bʕdy, bʕdh, bʕdhm,
bʕdn, bʕdm (encl. -n, -m).
1) Adv., behind: bʕdn ksl tṯbr behind (her) loins collapsed, 1.3 III 33.
2) Prep.: ★a) behind: l tšlḥm (…) bʕd kslk ảlmnt you did not feed (…) the
widow behind your back, 1.16 VI 49; bʕdh bhtm mnt bʕdh bhtm sgrt behind
her, the house of incantation, behind her the house she closed, 1.100:70–71, in
bkn ctx.: špš bʕdh DN behind him, 1.45:6; ★b) for: w ptḥ hw prṣ bʕdhm and he
opened a breach for them, 1.23:70; in bkn ctx. ]ḏḏyn bʕd ḏḏyn, 2.31:47; 4.373:3;
in unc. ctx.: bʕd bʕlkm, behind (?) your “lord(s)” (?), 4.17:16 (?); for 5.9:6 cf. ʕd
Cf. bʕdy.
bʕdy PN (Sem.).
PN: 6.4:2(?).
/b-ʕ-l/ vb G: “to make, manufacture; to work”; Š: “to have (something) made”
(Hb., Ph., Pun. pʕl, “to make, prepare”, HALOT 142, 950 f.; “to make, to con-
struct”, DNWSI 924ff.; Arab. faʕala, “to do”, AEL 2420 f.; OSA fʕl, “make a
feast”, hfʕl, “to work land”, SD 43; Amor. cf. /bʔ?l/, /šbʕl/, Gelb CAAA 16, 33;
cf. OAkk. šupaʔʔulum, “(ver)-tauschen, (ins Gegenteil) umwandeln”, AHw
1279f.: šupêlu(m); “to exchange, change”, CAD Š/3 320 ff.: šupêlu. Grabbe UF 11
1979 307ff.; Tropper UG 589, unless Špass.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ybʕl, suff.
ybʕlnn, ybʕlhm; act. ptc. m. bʕl (cf. bʕl (I)); cf. the spelling pʕl (suffc.) in 6.70:1
(Dietrich-Loretz KA 239).
G. 1) To make, manufacture (tr.): ybʕl qšt (…) qṣʕt so that (DN) may make a
bow (…, and) arrows, 1.17 VI 24; (clothes:) PN mḫṣ bnš mlk ybʕlhm weaver,
man of the king, will make them, 4.182:56; cf. ibid. ln. 58: ybʕlnn he will make
them. Cf. ʔgn z pʕl PN earthenware bowl which PN made, 6.70:1 (Dietrich-
Loretz KA 234).
2) To work (intr.): (labourers) dt tbʕln b TN who work in TN, 4.141 III 6, 8,

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bʕl (i) – bʕl (ii) 203

Š. To have (something) made: ymġy (…) p l yšbʕl ḫpn they have arrived (…)
and, see!, they have had a ḫ. made, 2.70:27.
Cf. bʕl (I).
bʕl (I) n. m. 1) “labourer, unskilled labourer”; 2) “craftsman, artesan, maker”
(< /b-ʕ-l/; cf. Hb. p(w)ʕl, act. ptc., HALOT 950f.; OSA fʕl, “workman”, SD 43.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1972 115; UF 6 1974 20, 22). ¶ Forms: sg. bʕl;
pl. bʕlm, cstr. bʕl; du.(?) bʕlm.
1) Labourer, unskilled labourer: ṯlṯ bʕlm w ảdnhm three unskilled labourers
and their master, 4.360:2 (McGeough UgET 246: “married men” < bʕl (II)); cf.
ṯlṯtm bʕlm w ảḥd ḫb¨ two triads of unskilled labourers plus one emancipated,
ibid. ln. 7, cf. ln. 6; for the temple of DN bʕl bt PN an unskilled labourer of the
house of PN, 4.15:2–9, cf. 11; PNN bʕl ảny d bd PN labourers of the fleet, at PN’s
disposal, 4.647:7; also an occasional unskilled labourer in public service: PNN
of professional guilds bʕl šd farm labourers, 4.183 I 1 (diff. Pardee Semitica 49
1999 21ff.: “propriétaires d’un champ”; McGeough UgET 86); 4.609:53; nʕrm
bʕl šdm serving lads, labourers in the fields, 4.840:1; PN (yd) ṯn bnh bʕlm with
his two sons, unskilled labourers, 4.360:5, 11 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982
308: du. bʕlm “zwei Arbeiter”); ṯṯ ḥmrm bʕlm ṣmdm ảlpm six donkeys (and
two (?)) unskilled labourers (and) two pairs of oxen / head of cattle, 4.691:
2) Craftsman, artesan, maker (cf. Bo. ēpiš, CAD E 200; e-piš bī-ti, AHw 226;
cf. Heltzer IOKU 83f.): bʕl tdtt makers of pectorals, 4.609:35 (diff. Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 271, 304: rdg bʕl ʕddt); bʕl tġpṯ(m) makers of felt, 4.183 II 10;
4.370:13; 4.609:36 (cf. Watson LSU 134); 4.224:6.
Cf. pʕl.
bʕl (II) n. m. 1) “lord; owner of (or resident in) a place, owner of thing, boss
of a place or thing; person of superior rank”; 2) specifying an attribute; 3)
DN (Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram., Nab., Palm. bʕl, “husband, landowner, lord, Baal”,
HALOT 142ff.; “lord, chief, owner, husband”, DNWSI 182 ff.; Amor. /baʕlum/,
/beʕlum/, “lord” Gelb CAAA 16; Ebla /baʕ(a)lu/, in UMUM(?) = ba-lu da-a-
tim, VE 1245; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; cf. d<BE.>KALAM.TIM = baʔ(BE)-lu
ma-tim, VE 795b; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 31; QuSem 18 96; Butz Biling. 122
n. 126; Lambert Biling. 398, 401; MARI 4 1985 529 n. 4; Mander MROA II/1
18, 38f.; cf. BE(AL6), Krebernik QuSem 18 106, 108 f.; cf. ba-al6, Krebernik
PET 76f.; BE(BAD), Krebernik PET 78; Von Soden EDA 83 n. 30; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 182f.; Pagan ARES 399; Akk. bēlu, “Herr, Besitzer”, AHw 118 ff.;
“master, ruler”, CAD B 191–198; OSA bʕl, “dominus”, CAME 116; SD bʕl, “owner”;
Arab. baʕl, “husband, lord, a certain idol”, AEL 228; McGeough ERU 95 ff.
Watson Historiae 10 2013 26f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: [EN = be]-lu = e-wi-ri = ba-a-lu-
ma, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 14; [LÚ= bēlu = e(?)-wi-ri = ba-a-lu-ma, Ug 5 137
(RS 20.123+) rev. II 30; [LUGAL = bēlu = ewiri = b]a-a-lu-ma, ibid. ln. 33; cf. [AN

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204 bʕl (ii)

(?) = šarru (?) = ta-ni = ba!?-a-[lu?] (?), UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189):31; [AN (?)
= šarrānū (?)] = zi-ia-ni = [b]a?-a-[lu-ma?, UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189):32; [UD
(?) = bʕlu (?) = (Hurr. (?)] = [b]a?-a-lu, Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426 B):6; Huehnergard
UVST 114; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; SAU 303; cf. [EN = ša]r-rum i-wi-ir-ni
ma-al-ku, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 13; cf. the theophoric element /baʕlu/ in
PNN; Gröndahl PTU 114; Sivan GAGl 208; cf. theophoric PNN dU/IM-la/li-:
Gröndahl PTU 114–117; Sivan GAGl 208; syll. Ug. of 3: DN, cf. infra: 3) DN;
¶ RS Akk.: bēlu, (LÚ.MEŠ.)EN(.MEŠ), PRU 3 233; PRU 4 260; PRU 6 150; Ug 5
340; cf. LÚ be-el ar-ni, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):4; LÚ.EN É(-ti) a-bu-sí/ti, PRU 3
181f. = PRU 4 47f. (RS 11.732) A 8, B 8; PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+):45; PRU 4 231
(RS 17.244):3; EN di-ni(-šu), PRU 3 4 (RS 16.112):11; PRU 4 164 (RS 17.68):11;
LÚ.MEŠ.EN.MEŠ/ḪI.A DI.ḪI.A/MEŠ(-ti), PRU 3 5 (RS 15.14):20, 22; PRU 4 216
(RS 17.83):14; PRU 4 226 (RS 17.391):6, 10; EN KASKAL, Ug 5 57 (RS 20.227) rev.
5; be-el / EN ḫi-ṭì-ka, PRU 4 140 (RS 17.372 A+) rev. 10; PRU 4 142 (RS 17.228):8–
9; Ug 5 145 (RS 17.318+):4, 15; DINGIR.MEŠ EN.MEŠ ma-mi-ti, PRU 4 100
(RS 17.04) rev. 1; PRU 4 288 (RS 19.101) rev. 6; LÚ e-li pa-qid-ia, Ug 5 43
(RS 220.17):7; PN AN.EN, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):4; DUMU ba-liq-bá, PRU 3 103
(RS 15.109+):13; RS Akk. of 3: DN, cf. infra: 3); ¶ par.: ảdn; for the par. of 3: DN,
cf. infra: 3). ¶ Forms: sg. bʕl, bʕlm (encl. -m; cf. infra: 3): DN), suff. bʕly, bʕlk,
bʕlh, bʕlny (suff. pn. -n- + emph. encl. -y; Aartun PU/1 45 f.; Tropper UG 228),
bʕlkm, bʕlhn; sg. bʕln (afform. -n: Dietrich-Loretz MU 104; Tropper UF 26 1994
466ff.); cstr. pl. bʕl.
1) Lord: ★a) esp. of kings: špš mlk rb bʕly, the “Sun”, great King, my Lord, 2.23:2
and par.; 3.1:12 and par.; 2.98:9, 14; mlk bʕly the king, my Lord, 2.33:22 and par.
(rdg <b>ʕly in 2.33:26); l mlk bʕly to the king, my Lord, 2.97:1, in the address
formula in letters, passim, see ln. 7 l pn bʕly, before my Lord; bʕly ydʕ my Lord
knows, 2.98:23, 34; bʕl kl ḥwt mṣrm Lord of the whole land of Egypt, 2.81:3; špš
bʕlk the “Sun”, your lord, 2.39:19; bʕln yġtr the Lord (him) the guard will attack
(?), 1.103:39; tqṣrn […] ymy bʕlhn shortened shall be the days of their / his
Lord, 1.103:34; krt bʕlkm PN, your Lord, 1.15 IV 28; l ymġ krt (…) bʕlny certainly
PN will arrive (…), our Lord, 1.15 V 20; ảṯr bʕlk l ksỉ ! ảṯr bʕlk ảrṣ rd after your
Lord, oh throne, after your Lord go down to the underworld, 1.161:20–21; ★b)
said of certain gods: tḥm ym bʕlkm message of DN, your Lord, 1.2 I 17 and par.
(// ảdnkm); bt bʕlk the house of your Lord, 1.1 IV 6; rgm bʕlh the words of your
Lord, 1.2 I 42; ỉlhm bʕlm “the Divine Lords” (divine invocation), 1.39:9 and par.
(diff. “the (7) Divine Baals”, Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 310; cf. infra: 3), DN: bʕlm,
1.47:6–11; 1.118:5–10); bʕl ḥkpt “Patron / Boss” of TN (title of the DN kṯr-ḫss), 1.17
V 20 and par.; ★c) owner of (or resident in) a place, owner of thing, boss of a
place or thing: bʕl ḫlb owners of TN, 4.728:1; boss: zbl bʕl ảrṣ the prince, boss
/ master of the underworld, 1.5 VI 10 and passim of the DN bʕl (cf. infra: 3),

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bʕl (ii) 205

DN; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 391ff.; Toombs Fs. Freedman 613ff.; cf. Ebla
d<BE.>KALAM.TIM = baʔ(BE)-lu ma-tim, VE 795b; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983
31; Butz Biling. 122 n. 126; Lambert Biling. 398, 401; cf. Gordon Eblaitica 1 20:
Sum.; yštk bʕl ʕnt mḥrṯt did they make you “Lord” of the furrows of
the ploughed land?, 1.6 IV 3; bʕl ảlmg owners of ả.-wood, 3.33:9; for bʕl šd cf.
bʕl (I) 1; for bʕl mỉḫd cf. mỉḫd; in bkn ctx.: 6. ★d) in letters, a person of higher
rank, passim: l PN bʕly rgm to PN, my lord, say, 2.61:2 and par.; l pʕn bʕly (…)
qlt at the feet of my lord (…) I fall, 2.64:13 and par.; (to wife and mother:) šlm
bʕlkm greetings from your lord, 5.10:3; bʕly my lord, 2.86:2, 6, 12, 21; w nʕm k
ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and it is convenient that my lord takes notice of this affair,
2.91:7, cf. in bkn ctx. ln. 10 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43 f.); in bkn ctx.: 2.85:17; bʕd
bʕlkm behind (?) your “lord(s)”, 4.17:16; bʕly, 2.106:3, 12; 2.113:7.
2) Specifying an attribute (+ n.): bʕl ảṯt (newly) wed (for fiscal purposes),
4.153:2–5 (Watson Historiae 10 2013 27; diff. McGeough UgET 115, “producer
of textiles”, and survey, see ảṯt 2.c); bʕl ššlmt subject to the š. (loan), 4.153:6–11
(Sanmartín UF 20 1988 270 n. 270); bʕl gml “he of the First Quarter” (title of
the DN hll. Rahmouni DEUT 102–105), 1.24:42; bʕl knp “the winged one” (or
“the winged Baal (DN)” (?)), 1.46:6 (cf. knp); bʕl qrnm w ḏnb “the one with
horns and a tail” (title of a demon), 1.114:20; in unc. ctx.: bʕl ʕbb, 1.92:14 (De
Moor UF 17 1985 226f.; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 119); for bʕl.mšlm, cf. bʕlmšlm, PN.
3) DN < Baal “the Lord” (Del Olmo MLC 64ff., 81 ff.; De Moor TWAT 1 706ff.;
Wyatt UF 24 199 2 408ff.); ¶ par.: bn ỉl, bn dgn, hd, ʕly; ¶ RS Akk.: dIM, dU,
PRU 4 257; PRU 6 149; Ug 5 338; cf. dIM II–VII, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):5–10; dU, Ug 5
170 (RS 26.142):7–10, 12; cf. dIM/dU(-li/la) in Ug. PNN (Gröndahl PTU 114–117);
¶ syll. Ug.: dIM.ZU.AN.NA = te-eš-ša-a[b] = ba-a-lu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV
b 17; syll. Hurr, cf. the element -te-šub, dIM/dU(-ub) in Hurr. PNN (Gröndahl
PTU 263f.); alph. Hurr. tṯb, Ug 5 539 (Laroche Ug 5 454); cf. tṯb ḫlbġ, 1.42:10
(Laroche Ug 5 523). Ph., Pun., OAram. DNN bʕl (Eissfeldt RGG(3) 805 f.);
Emar Akk. cf. the element ba-aḫ-la- and ba-ʔ-la- in PNN (Fleming UF 26
1994 128 n. 6); Akk. dbēlu, OAss. dbēlum, cf. be-el-ŠUL-ba-BÀN-da, Ug 5 123
(RS 24.309):210 // [dbe-e]l-ŠUL-ba-at, Ug 5 126 (RS 20.175):210; > Gk Bēlos.
¶ Forms: bʕl, bʕlm (encl. -m: 1.2 IV 9 and par.; 1.6 V 11; 1.47:6–11; 1.118:5–10;
1.119:28): ★a) DN Baal, passim in 1.1–1.6; 1.10–1.13; ritual and magical texts; cf.
esp.: ỉb bʕl enemies of DN, 1.4 VII 35 (passim bʕl // hd; in 1.4 VII 38 rdg bʕl //
hd{t}); mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl which enemy has gone out against DN?, 1.3 III 37 and
par. (// ṣrt); bt bʕl (?) temple of DN, 1.63:12; 1.104:13; 1.17 I 31 and par.; mṭr bʕl
the rain of DN, 1.16 III 7 and par. (// ʕly); mhr bʕl the warrior of DN (title of a
celestial person), 1.22 I 8 and par.; ġr bʕl the mountain of DN, 1.16 I 6; pḫr bʕl
assembly of DN, 1.39:8; 1.41:16; 1.87:18; ql bʕl the voice of DN, 1.19 I 46; rpủ bʕl
the r. of DN (title of a celestial person), 1.22 I 8; mt ʕz bʕl ʕz DN was strong,

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206 bʕl (iii)

DN was strong, 1.6 VI 17 and par.; mt ql bʕl ql DN fell down, DN fell down, 1.6
VI 21; bʕl mt DN is dead, 1.5 VI 23 and par.; mt ảliyn bʕl dead is the “Most Pow-
erful” DN, 1.5 VI 9 and par.; bʕl yảbd DN weakened, 1.11:3; ảbh bʕl her father,
DN, 1.24:27; b hm pn bʕl and (they will have) the face of DN, 1.12 I 33; bʕlm
(another manifestation of the same) DN, 1.47:6–11; 1.118:5–10 (cf. ¶ RS Akk.:
dIM II–VII, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):5–10; dU, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):7–10, 12; Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT 2 302; cf. ỉlhm bʕlm, supra: 1.a); dgn w bʕl (the only combination
of these two gods), 1.123:4 (cf. ★b) immediately following); in bkn ctx.: l pnh
yrd [x]ảlỉyn bʕl before her DN descended, 1.92:31 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117; De
Moor UF 17 1985 228); npš] bʕl thwyn (the appetite) of DN wants (…), 1.92:36
(Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118, 122); ★b) titles: ảlỉyn bʕl DN, the “Most Powerful”,
passim; rdg ảliyn {bn} bʕl in 1.5 II 18; bʕl // bn dgn DN // son of DN, 1.2 I 19
and par.; bʕl // bn ỉl DN // son of DN, 1.17 VI 29 (Rahmouni DEUAT 88 f.), see
bn (I): 5.a); ★c) DN + n.: cf. bʕl knp the winged DN (or simply “the winged
one”?, cf. supra: 2), 1.46:6; in bkn ctx.: kb]kb bʕl w pdry kbkb, 1.179:10; ★d) DN
of TN: bʕl ṣpn DN of TN, 1.47:5; 1.118:4 (passim in rituals and cultic list); ¶
RS Akk.: dIM be-el ḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):4; dU dḪUR.SAG ḫa-
zi, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):19; cf. dIM ïUR.SAG ḫa-zi, PRU 4 257, passim; PRU 6
58 (RS 17.243):3; dIM be-el ḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi, PRU 3 76 (RS 16.144):12; PRU 3 84
(RS 16.157):27; PRU 3 108 (RS 16.238):18); bʕl ủgrt DN of TN, 1.109:16 and passim
in cultic lists (bʕl rʕkt 1.119:2, rdg bʕl <ủg>rt, see Del Olmo CR 249 n. 10; cf. KTU
footnote 1: read ʕrkt?; bʕl ḫlp DN of TN, 1.109:16 and par. in cultic lists; ¶ RS
Akk.: dU ḫal-pí, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):18; RS Hurr.: tṯb ḫlbġ, 1.42:10. Laroche Ug 5
520; diff. Nougayrol Ug 5 322); zbl bʕl ảrṣ cf. supra: 1.c; and cf. yrgbbʕl, yrġmbʕl,
1.102:16, 26 (ibid. ln. 15, 22), in the titulary of the Ugaritic king (Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Del Olmo UF 18 1986 85 n. 12; RC 138).
In unc. ctx. ]bt bʕl ḥẓ ršp, 1.82:3 (De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 239: rdg bʕl ḥẓ
ršp “([may] Baʕlu [st]op) the arrows of Rashpu!”; alt. Gordon UT 854: rdg bʕl
ḥẓ “Lord of the Arrow” [ršp]; Renfroe AULS 56: “Lord of Fate”; for a general
discussion cf. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 246, 251 f.; cf. supra: 2); in bkn ctx. ỉ ảp
bʕ[l … ỉ hd where, then, is DN? … where is DN?, 1.5 IV 6 f.; bʕl mỉḫd, 4.172:5
(see McGeough UgET 200: “control of Mahadu”); bʕl qdšm b nhr, 1.179:17; bʕl,
4.859 I 1.
Cf.: ỉbʕlt, ảbdbʕl, ảdbʕl, ỉlbʕl, ảmrbʕl, ỉšbʕl, ỉybʕl, ʕbdbʕl, ʕdbʕl, ʕzbʕl,
bʕl (III), bʕldʕ, bʕldn, bʕlmʕḏr, bʕlšlm, bʕlmṯpṭ, bʕln, bʕlrm, bʕlsip, bʕl-
skn, bʕlṣdq, bʕlṣn, bʕlšlm, bʕlt, bʕltn, bʕly, bʕlyn, bʕlyskn, bʕlytn, bʕlz,
bʕlmšlm, bl (IV), blšpš, ḏmrbʕl, mddbʕl, mtbʕl, mtnbʕl, plśbʕl, šbʕl, šmbʕl,
ṯpṭbʕl, ybʕbʕl, ydbʕl, ypʕbʕl, yrgbbʕl, yrġmbʕl, yrmbʕl.
bʕl (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 116); ¶ syll.: cf. ba-ʔa-lu-ú, PRU 6 72 (RS
19.065):10; dIM, PN in RSOu 7 34 (RS 34.164):2. Cf. bʕly, bl.

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bʕldʕ – bʕlṣdq 207

PN: 4.63 IV 17; in bkn ctx. bʕl[, 4.725:3.

bʕldʕ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 39, 62, 116, 142); ¶ syll.: dIM-i-da-ʔa, PRU 6 79
(RS 19.42:1 (Huehnergard UVST 246).
PN: 4.376:1.
bʕldn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 116, 123; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
110); ¶ syll.: ba-aʔ-la-da/dá-ni, PRU 6 141 (Huehnergard UVST 246; AkkUg 109;
Van Soldt SAU 310, 331). Cf. bʕltn.
PN: ★a) 4.134:13; 4.307:13; ★b) bn PN: 4.86:11 (bn bʕld[).
bʕlmʕḏr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32f., 113, 116; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 376 n. 15);
¶ syll.: cf. dIM-ma-zi-ri, PRU 3 142 (RS 16.136):8; dIM-ma-a-ši-ir, RSOu 7 17
(RS 34.135):10, 14; cf. Huehnergard Syria 34 1997 217.
PN: 4.172:3; 4.266:3; 6.16:1.
bʕlmšlm PN (Sem.)
PN: 3.28:4; 3.29:5 (Watson AuOr 30 2012 328; diff. McGeough UgET 594, 598:
bʕl, PN; mšlm, PN).
bʕlmṯpṭ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32f., 116, 200).
PN: 4.214 II 5.
bʕln PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 117; Van Soldt SAU 40); ¶ syll.: ba-a-la-nu, Ug
5 86 (RS 20.176):18 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 254; Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159); cf.
dIM-la-na, PRU 4 227 (RS 17.393):23; cf. in bkn ctx.: PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):15;
PRU 3 199ff. (RS 16.257) II 49; PRU 6 85 (RS 19.079):16.
PN: ★a) 3.5:12 (bn kltn); 4.133:3; 4.141 II 22 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.159:1; 4.188:17;
4.281:8; 4.332:16; 4.496:3 4.609:12 (Van Soldt SAU 39), 21 (ảlḏy), 23, 28; 4.729:2;
4.787:5; cf. 4.320:17; 4.817:3 (bn ktmn); 6.79 a 2; ★b) bn PN: 4.7:17; 4.35 II 17;
4.98:11; 4.360:1 (bỉry); 4.617 I 2; 4.753:10 (Van Soldt SAU 17); ★c) gt PN, 4.358:6;
4.636:5 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83); 4.843:11.
bʕlrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 116, 182).
PN: 4.370:9.
bʕlsỉp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 40, 116, 184).
PN: 4.80:3 (ảr[).
bʕlskn PN (Sem. (?). Cf. =š/zk= Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 258, 278. Gröndahl
PTU 37, 40, 116, 185; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 42); ¶ syll.: cf.
ba-la-as-ki, MSL 10 153 (RS 20.32) colophon: 1 (Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159);
(DUMU) dIM(-la)-as-ki, PRU 3 121 (RS 15.136):7; PRU 3 123 (RS 15.145):14; PRU 3
169 (RS 16.145):23; (DUMU) dU(-la)-as-ki, PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):4; PRU 6 49
(RS 17.378 A):19. Cf. bʕlyskn.
PN: 4.214 I 15; 4.377:28.
bʕlṣdq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 47, 116, 187; Watson AuOr 30 2012 328).
PN: ★a) 3.11:4 (Márquez RDU 47f. diff. Del Olmo CR 142: “Legitimate Lord /
Great Justice” (title of the crown prince); 4.180:7; ★b) bn PN: 4.232:6.

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208 bʕlṣn – bʕly(n)

bʕlṣn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 116, 189); ¶ syll.: cf. ba-a-la-ZI, PRU 3 135 (RS
15.140):4 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159: ba-a-la-sí). Cf. bʕlz.
PN: 4.22:3; 4.183 II 21.
bʕlšlm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 116, 193; Rainey IOS 5 1975 22; Watson AuOr 8
1990 127; AuOr 30 2012 328); ¶ syll.: cf. EN-šu-la-mu, Ug 5 14 (RS 17.332):2.
PN: 4.293:2; 4.332:10, 19; 4.679:5.
bʕlt n. f. “lady” (f. < bʕl (II). Hb bʕlh, “mistress”, HALOT 145; Ph., Pun., bʕlt, “lady”,
DNWSI 182ff.; Eissfeldt RGG(3) 806; Ebla dba-al-tum, “Herrin”, dBAD.MÍ, Von
Soden EDA 84; cf. MUNUS.BE.AL6 il-tum, Krebernik QuSem 18 106; Amor.
/baʕlatum/, /baʕla/, /beʕlatum/, /beʕltum/, /beʕla/, “lady”, Gelb CAAA 16;
Akk. bēltu, “Herrin, Besitzerin”, AHw 118: “lady, mistress”, CAD B 187–191;
OSA bʕlt, “domina”, CAME 116; bʕlt, “owner, lady”, SD 25; Arab. baʕlat, “wife”,
AEL 228; > Gk Baaltís); ¶ RS Akk.: NIN, GAŠAN, PRU 3 232; PRU 4 258,
260; PRU 6 150; Ug 5 340; cf. GAŠAN KUR ú-ga-r[i-it, PRU 3 14 (RS 12.33):2;
he will deposit a certain amount i-na ŠU MÍ.LUGAL-ti NIN-šu, PRU 3 162
(RS 16.348):8; DNN: dNIN ku-ba-ba GAŠAN KUR.URU kar-ga-miš dNIN.GAL
[GA]ŠAN URU nu-ba-an-ni dNIN.GAL [GA]ŠAN URU gur-a-ti, PRU 4 157
(RS 17.146):50–52, cf. PN Ì.dNIN; Gröndahl PTU 316; NIN = aḫātu; Nougayrol
Ug 5 157 n. 4; Huehnergard AkUg 408. ¶ Forms: sg. bʕlt, suff. bʕlth.
Lady, in the divine titulary: ★a) bʕlt bhtm “Lady of the Palace”, 1.105:16 and
passim in rituals and cultic lists (cf. Akk. dbēlet(NIN) ekalli(m)(É.GAL), pas-
sim in Alalakh, Mari, Qatna, Emar (cf. Durand MROA II/1 178ff.; in Ugarit,
epithet of the DN pdry(?); cf. pdry bt mlk, “DN of the Royal Palace”, 1.91:7 and
1.139:14; Saracino UF 14 1982 196 n. 29; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 322ñ; diff. epi-
thet of ʕnt: De Moor SP 86 n. 4); cf. esp.: k tdd bʕlt bhtm when the “Lady of the
Palace” moves, 1.91:14; bt bʕlt bhtm temple of the “Lady of the Palace”, 1.41:37
and par.; ṯlḥn bʕlt bhtm table of the “Lady of the Palace”, 1.109:31 (cf. 1.31+:3,
Dijkstra UF 16 1984 73); bʕlt btm in 1.48:4; in bkn ctx., 2.31:48; ★b) in the tit-
ulary of the goddess ʕnt: bʕlt mlk bʕlt drkt bʕlt šmm rmm bʕlt kpṯ “Lady of
Royalty, Lady of Power, Lady of the High Heavens, Lady of the Firmament”,
1.108:6–8 (cf. Olyan UF 19 1987 161–174; Rahmouni DEUT 108–117); cf. mḏrġlm
d bt bʕlt mlk (service) watchmen in the temple of the “Lady of Royalty”, 4.54:1.
In bkn ctx.: l bʕlt [, 1.81:6.
bʕltn PN (Hurro-Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 40, 62, 116, 147, 260 ff.). Cf. ỉwrtn, bʕldn.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 2.
bʕly(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 51, 117; Watson NUS 27 1982 5); ¶ syll.: ba[-
ʔa(?)]-li-ya, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) rev. III 15; dIM-li-ya, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+)
IV 12; dIM-ya, PRU 4 284 (RS 19.68):8; dU-li-ya, Ug 5 42 (RS 20.21):7; cf. ba-
ʔa-lu-ú PRU 6 72 (RS 19.065):10; EN-i[a, RSOu 7 16 (RS 34.158):27. Cf. bʕl,


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bʕlyskn – /b-ʕ-r/ (ii) 209

PN: ★a) 3.10:12 (bʕlyn); 4.80:14 (mlx[); 4.116:3; 4.389:6; 4.710:1; ★b) bn PN:
4.360:7; in bkn ctx.: 4.69 VI 4.
bʕlyskn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 42, 116, 185; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 42; Segert UF 15 1983 208). Cf. bʕlskn.
PN: 4.75 III 9 (bn ss).
bʕlytn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 40, 116, 147).
PN: 4.628:2 (bn ủlb).
bʕlz PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 102, 112, 116); ¶ syll.: cf. ba-a-la-ZI, PRU 3 135
(RS 15.140):4 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159: ba-a-la-sí). Cf. bʕlṣn.
PN: 4.356:3 (Watson AuOr 8 1990 127: rdg gl{.}bʕlz; but cf. Márquez UF 27 1995
319 n. 4; cf. gl (III)).
/b-ʕ-r/ (I) vb D “to ignite; to burn; scorch the earth”; Š: “to illuminate” (Hb. bʕr,
HALOT 145f. De Moor SP 109; Cazelles Semitica 23 1973 5 ff.: Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 554ff.; Dion RB 84 1980 321 ff.; Emerton Fs. Williams 39;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 51f.). ¶ Forms: D prefc. ybʕr; suff. ỉbʕr.nn (?); Š inf.
D. To ignite, set on fire, scorch the earth: ybʕr [rkb ʕr]pt [q]rnh let [the Char-
ioteer of the clo]uds ignite his lightning flashes, 1.3 IV 26 (diff. Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 279: “May [the Clo]ud[rider] radiate his [ho]rns”); ảkln b grnt l bʕr
our grain on the threshing-floors has been set on fire, 2.61:9 (// ḫlq); mlkn
ybʕr ỉbh the king will scorch (the earth of) the enemy, 1.103:58 (// (?) ḫlq. Cf.
Dion RB 87 1980 321ff.: “faire disparaître”; Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 81 ff.; AfO 33
1986 132: > “to destroy”); ảl ybʕr b ydh may he not set fire to (the house) with
his hand, 2.86:23 (or “to destroy”: Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 380); in bkn ctx.:
ỉbʕr.nn, 2.37:9 (Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326: “I will destroy (?) it / him /
her”); ỉbʕr ản[k] (…) ản[k] bʕr, 2.31:55, 57 (see also /b-ʕ-r/ (II)).
Š. To illuminate, shine: qdš yủḫdm šbʕr DN began to illuminate, 1.4 IV 16
(// k kbkb; diff. Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 625f.: “the context suggests a for-
ward movement”, MSA “to go (out) at night”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 54:
“wegführen”, /b-ʕ-r/ (II); Caquot-Sznycer Tou/1 203 n. d: “Qodesh saisit une
torche”; Watson AuOr 29 2011 157:160: “DN seized the halter”).
/b-ʕ-r/ (II) vb D “to abandon, forsake; to leave” (Hb. bʕr pi. “to devastate, sweep
away, remove”, HALOT 146; cf. /b-ʕ-r/ (I); Fensham JNSL 9 1981 67 ff.); ¶ par.:
/y-ṣ-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. ybʕr; suff. tbʕrn, ybʕrn, ỉbʕr.nn (?) (2.37.9).
D. To abandon, forsake, leave: ybʕr l ṯn ảṯth he left his wife to another, 1.14
II 48 and par. (// yṣả. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 554 f., for this and
other versions in connection with bʕr (I)); also Margalit UF 27 1995 220: “Yea,
another (man) will “enter” his wife” < Syr. bʕar, “enter, penetrate”); lm tbʕrn
why have you abandoned me?, 1.16 II 18 (diff. and survey: Wyatt RTU 228
n. 235: “lied to me”); w [ủ/ỉ]ḫy ảl ybʕrn and may my brother not abandon me,

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210 bʕr – /b-d/

2.41:22; ỉlm tbʕrn ḥwt hyt the gods will forsake that land, 1.103:56 and par.; mlkn
ybʕr ỉbh the king will forsake his enemy, 1.103:58 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 103:
“ablassen”; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 230: “the king will destroy”, *b-ʕ-r
(I)); in bkn ctx. ỉbʕr ản[k] (…) ản[k] bʕr, 2.31:55, 57 (see also /b-ʕ-r/ (I); cf.
ỉbʕr.nn, 2.37:9; alt. /b-ʕ-r/ (I)).
bʕr adj. m. “burnt, singed” ((?) < /b-ʕ-r/ (I). Márquez AuOr 11 1993 105). ¶ Forms:
pl. bʕrm.
Burnt, singed ((?) said of textiles treated to become durable): lbš ảnyth bʕrm
his singed sails, 4.338:16f. (cf. KTU ad loc., footnote 1: read ảrbʕm?).
bʕyn PN (Sem.(?). Gröndahl PTU 114; Lipiński BiOr 37 1980 12; Van Soldt SAU 33).
Cf. /b-ġ-y/, byn.
PN: bn PN, 4.33:3 (šx[); 4.51:14 (šl<m>y); 4.53:8; 4.55:12.
bb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 117; Dahood JBL 100 1981 608; Watson AuOr 21
2003 244; LSU 162); ¶ syll.: ba-ba, PRU 4 182 (RS 17.299):1.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 IV 9; cf. bb, 2.31:27.
bbrủ PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. BA!?-bi-ri, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.114):2 (cf. Berger WO 5
1969–1970 272; cf. Nougayrol: sú(?)-bi-ri; Watson LSU 162; AuOrS 27 103).
PN: 4.393:11.
bbt (I) TN, residence of the god ršp (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 54 f.: *Bibita. Hurro-
Hitt. dNubadig bibitḫi / bibitā Sem. b-bt, GLH 187: Nubadig. Barré JAOS 98
1978 465ff.; Watson LSU 198; diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 172 n. 86, Akk. bābtu).
¶ Forms: bbt, suff. bbth.
TN: ql b<l> ʕm ršp bbth take the (/ my) cry to DN in TN, 1.100:31; ršp bbt DN of
TN, 1.105:25; 1.171:3.
bbt (II) DN, protective deity of the palace / dynasty (cf. bbt (I); < Sem. b bt
(II), cf. Ug. b bt mlk, 4.137:14; 4.163:16; b bt bʕl, 1.46:16; 1.109:11; Hb. ʕl byt,
“superintendent”, see Laroche GLH 187. Conrad ZAW 83 1971 179 n. 184;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 544; Janowski UF 12 1980 247; diff.
Fisher Ug 6 197 n. 6: Akk. bābtu, “a goddess of the gate”; De Tarragon TOu/2
201 n. 175; Freilich JSS 31 1986 119ff.: l b bt “within the house”, but see Del Olmo
UF 36 2004 614–615 n. 205; Levine PL 10 n. 19: l b bt “in the inner sanctum”, but
see Xella TRU 107; Aartun UF 16 1984 6ff.: Arab. babat, “Schnecke mit Haus”,
but see Renfroe UF 18 1986 49f. Alt. Sem. /binu/ + /bēti/ > */bibbēti/; cf. Ug.
btbt, see Del Olmo Fs. Díez Macho 281 n. 35; Akk. māʔr bīti, DINGIR.DUMU.É,
DINGIR.A.É, see Krebernik RlA 7 355f.). ¶ Forms: bbt; du. bbtm (alt. encl. -m).
DN: l bbt ỉl bt to DN, god of the Palace, 1.115:3, 11; l bbtm gdlt to (the two) DN,
a cow, 1.46:9.
bbt (III) PN (etym. unc.; cf. bbt (I), bbt (II)).
PN: bn PN, 4.382:33.
/b-d/ vb G: “to intone a song; to improvise” (Hb. bdʔ/h, “to invent, devise”,

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bd (i) – bd (iv) 211

HALOT 109; Arab. badaʔa / badā, “to begin with, to be the first”, AEL 163ff.,
172; cf. badaha, “to come upon, to surprise”, AEL 169 f. De Moor SP 75; diff.
Lipiński UF 2 1970 86: “raconteur”, Hb. bdym; cf. Müller UF 1 1969 81 ff.
“Orakelpriester”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ybd.
G. To intone a song: qm ybd w yšr rising, he intoned and sang, 1.3 I 18; ybd w
yšr ʕlh (who) intoned and sang in his presence, 1.17 VI 31.
Cf. bd (I).
bd (I) n. m. “song, dirge” (< /b-d/. Loretz Psalmen 2 421; diff. Margalit UF 8 1976
147: “(in)to the hands of”, cf. bd (IV); survey Wyatt RTU 220 n. 198); ¶ par.:
bky, ntn (<ql>). ¶ Forms: sg. m. bd.
Song: bd ảṯt a woman’s dirge, 1.16 I 5, 19; II 42 (diff. Tropper UG1 p. 677:
“Klagegeschrei (?)” and discussion UG 193).
bd (II) n. m. “separation, isolation” (Hb. bd, “part, portion, alone”, lbd mn,
“except, beside”, adv. lbd-, “alone”, HALOT 108 f.; Arab. budd, “a separating
oneself”, AEL 161ff.; Akk. badādu, “vergeuden, verschleudern”, AHw 95; “to
waste, squander”, CAD B 303: buddudu. Del Olmo IMC 526; cf. bddy).
¶ Forms: sg. suff. used as an adv. l bd-m (cf. Hb. l bd).
Separation, isolation > used as an adv. “alone”, in unc. rdg: l bd ?m ảrd alone
I shall go down, 1.2 III 20 (Tropper UG 219, 752: “ich muss ganz allein(?)
hinabsteigen”, /li-baddi/u-ma/ (?); diff. Smith UBC/1 219, 253 f.: “(like) a lion
I will descend”, rdg. lbủm).
Cf. bddy, lbdm.
bd (III) DN, part of the composite divine name ṯḫr w bd (cf. bd (I) “deified song
/ singer”; cf. Xella TRU 222).
DN: ṯḫr w bd, 1.123:27.
Cf. bddn.
bd (IV) prep.: 1) “into the hands of, (intended) for”; 2) “from the hands of”; 3) “at
the hands of”, “through, through the mediation of” (< b (y)d; Ph. bd, b+yd, “at
the hands of”, DNWSI 433f.; EA Akk. ba-di-ú, EAT 245:35; DNWSI 433; Sivan
GAGl 209: “in the hands”. Cf. Van Zijl Baal 36f.; Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970
30 n. 68–72; Garbini LSem 95: b + ʔd); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /bādu/ in
PNN, Sivan GAGl 209; ¶ RS Akk.: ana qāti, ina qāti, ištu / ultu qāti, ŠU(-ti/tì),
passim; Huehnergard AkUg 192f.; Van Soldt SAU 446 n. 128, 457 n. 181, 461;
¶ par.: b, bd. ¶ Forms: suff. bdy, bdk, bdh, bdhm; bdm (encl. -m, 4.132:2 (cf.
1) Into the hands of, (intended) for: ★a) ytn ks bdh he placed a cup into his
hand, 1.3 I 10; bd dnỉl ytnn qšt into the hands of PN he put the bow, 1.17 V 26;
bd ḫss mṣbṭm into his hands DN (took) the handles, 1.4 I 24; bdh ḫṭ ṯkl with
the sceptre of sterility in his hand, 1.23:8; qḥ rṯt bdk take a net in your hand,
1.4 II 32; ★b) passim in admin. texts of delivering or selling objects, goods

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212 bd (iv)

or personnel “in the hands of” someone: (document) bd PN intended for

PN, 4.710:1 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 163; in complementary distribution with l see
Pardee UF 8 1976 300; McGeough UgET 6ff., 13ff.; Van Soldt PIHANS 114 157f.);
ảpnt bd rb ḥršm wheels (delivered) into the hands of the chief of the work-
men, 4.145:9; npṣm bd mrỉ skn equipment intended for the m. of the prefect,
4.92:1; (nn) ṣ!md bd mrynm (nn) pairs (of draught animals delivered) into the
hands of the m., 4.377:34; yn d ykl bd r[…] b dbḥ mlk wine to be consumed
(delivered) into the hands of the r.[…] in the royal sacrifice, 1.91:1; oil bd PN
(delivered) into the hands of PN, 4.171:5; (nn) ksp ʕl PNN w mỉt zt bdhm (nn
shekels) of silver to the account of PNN and one hundred (“jars”) of olives
(delivered) into their hands, 3.21:13; ṯlṯ ủṭbm bd PN b ʕšrt ksp three ủ. (deliv-
ered) to PN for ten (shekels) of silver, 4.337:11; ṯlṯ d yṣả bd PN l ảrgmn l nskm
copper transferred to PN for the tribute (and delivered) to the smiths, 4.43:4
(Sanmartín UF 10 1978 455f.; cf. Pardee UF 12 1980 433); ktn d TN pḥm bh w
ṯqlm ksph mỉtm pḥm bd skn a tunic from TN with red purple for a value of
two shekels (and) two hundred (shekels) of red purple into the hands of the
prefect, 4.132:5; alpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd bd PN two thousand five hundred
(shekels) of ruby purple (delivered) into the hands of PN, 4.132:1; ktnt bdm PN
tunic delivered into the hands of PN, ibid. ln. 2 (cf. bd, 4.337:18); kdwṯ ḥdṯ bd
PN a new k. garment into the hands of PN, 4.205:19; ʕšr kkr šʕrt bd PN b ảrbʕm
ten talents of wool into the hands of PN for forty (shekels), 4.341:15; spr npṣm
d yṣ{.}ả b mỉḫ!d ! (spelling mistake: mỉlḫ) (…) bd PN list of garments that have
been delivered by means of payment of customs duties (…) into the hands
of PN, 4.166:7; royal personnel bd PN (ceded) into the hands of PN, 4.141 II 26;
bnšm d ỉṯ bd rb ʕprm personnel that is at the disposal of the chief of the ʕ.,
4.752:1; PN bṭr bd mlkt emancipated: at the queen’s disposal, 4.382:1–2; PNN
bd skn PNN in the hands of the prefect, 4.635:8, 11, 12, 15, 37, 75; mḏrġlm dt ỉnn
bd tlmyn m. who have not been entrusted to PN, 4.379:1; PN bʕl ảny d bd PN
worker of the fleet, at PN’s disposal, 4.647:7; (nn) lmdm bd PN (nn) appren-
tices handed over to PN, 4.138:3 and passim ibid.; 4.154:1 and passim ibid; lmd
ảḥd bd PN an apprentice handed over to PN, 4.138:4 and passim ibid.; PN1 w
PN2 (…) bd PN3 into the hands of PN3, 4.609:31; rʕym dt bd PN shepherds into
the hands of PN, 4.374:1; cf. 4.729:1; yṣḥm bd PN metal-casters entrusted to
PN, 4.609:9; ★c) passim in admin. txt; for the transfer of rural estates; cf. šd
bd PN a field, into the hands of PN, 4.103:2–6; ṯn šdm bd PN, two fields, into the
hands of PN, 4.357:19 and passim; ṯlṯ šdm bd PN, three fields, into the hands of
PN, 4.357:29; šd PN1 bd PN2 the field of PN1, into the hands of PN2, 4.103:8 and
passim; šd PN l / bd qrt the field of PN, for / into the hands of the city, 4.631:6, 9;
passim; šd PN1 bd PN2 w šd nḥlh bd PN3 the field of PN1, into the hands of PN2,
and the field of his feudatory / lessee into the hands of PN3, 4.103:11–12 and

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bdỉl – bdd 213

passim; šd PN1 bd PN2 nḥlh the field of PN1, into the hands of PN2, his feuda-
tory / lessee, 4.631:2; passim; šd ủbdy TN d bd skn leased fields of TN which
depend on the prefect, 4.110:1; spr updt d bd PN list of share-cropping (plots)
that pass to the hands of (/ are in the power of) PN, 4.264:2; krm ủbdy bd PN
vineyard leased to PN, 4.244:7; šmn škrm bd ʕ[…] oil: (two (š. in the hands of
PN, 4.799:2; l ḥmrm d bd […] for the donkeys in the hand of […], 4.790:9, 11,
13; in unc. ctx.: ytn ỉlm bdhm bd PN1 gṯr w bd PN2 bʕl may the (the statues of)
gods be delivered / may he deliver into their hands: DN1 into the hands of
PN1 and DN2 into the hands of PN2, 2.4:20 (cf. šd gṯr, ibid. ln. 16, 18; diff. Cun-
chillos TOu/2 273f.: “les dieux le livreront”); in unc. ctx.: d bdy, 2.91:5 (Pardee
Fs. Millard 43f.); bd mlảkty in the hands of my messenger-party, 2.90:17.
2) From the hands of: trtqṣ bd bʕl it leapt from the hands of DN, 1.2 IV 13 and
par.; bd ảliyn bʕl from the hands of DN the “Most Powerful”, 1.1 IV 22; qḥ ks bdy
take the cup from my hand, 1.19 IV 54 and par.; ảnk kl ḏrʕhm kl npš klklhm bd
rb tmtt lqḥt I (then) collected all their seed grain, all the people (and) all their
gear, from the hands of the captain of the crew, 2.38:21; lqḥ ṯqlm ksp bd ảmtk
he received two silver shekels from the hands of your servant, 2.70:19; mnk
mnkm l yqḥ bt hnd bd PNN may nobody snatch this house from the hands of
PNN, 3.2:14; bnš bnšm l yqḥnn bn PN w bd PN bnh ʕd ʕlm may nobody snatch
it from the hands of PN or from the hands of his son, in perpetuity, 3.5:17–19;
mnḥ bd PN delivery entrusted to / from the hands of PN, 4.91:1 (Liverani UF 11
1979 502).
3) At the hands of, through, through the mediation of: riš ġly bd nsʕk may
(your) crown lose (its) vitality at the hands of those who uproot you, 1.19
III 54; qmḥ d kly k ṣḥ PN1 bd PN2 flour that has been liquidated when PN1
claimed it through the mediation of PN2, 4.362:2; bd mlảkty through my
messenger-party, 2.90:22; bd ! <b>nỉl through the mediation of PN, 2.87:4, 25
(for the rdg see Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 181 n. 294; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 137); see further 2.109:8; 3.33:13; 4.854:5, 6; 4.858:13; 4.862:10; 4.866:4;
6.105:3; in bkn ctx.: bdh ảqšr[ through it the sloughing (serpent), 1.82:20; bd
mr<ynm> in the hands of the m., 4.377:32 (see Sanmartín UF 20 1988 274f.
diff. rdg Pardee RSOu 17 347: ddm w); in unc. ctx.: bdm, 1.4 I 31, rdg b dm; bd,
1.2 IV 3, rdg ả!bd; bdk b[, 1.16 V 7; bdh ydrm pỉt ảdm, 1.107:3; bdh, 2.85:37.
Cf. bdỉl, bddn, bdy(n), bdn, yd.
bdỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 47, 96, 118; Dahood Or 46 1977 475; Dahood apud
Pettinato Archives 314; cf. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537; UF 1 1969 212;
De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106); ¶ syll.: cf. BI.DI-ʔi-lu, BI.DI.DINGIR, Ug 5 39
(RS 20.172):7, 23. Cf. btl.
PN: bkn ctx. bdỉl[, 4.75 II 2.
bdd “?”, in bkn ctx.

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214 bddn – bdm

?: b]ʕl bdd, 7.222:5 (Tsumura UF 22 1990 398; Richardson UBL 11 279: b dd “in
the pot”, or a nominal form of bddy).
bddn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 47, 118, 123; De Moor UF 2 1970 315; Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 56 1979 310; Van Soldt SAU 12 n. 108; cf. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62
1967 546; UF 1 1969 212; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106); ¶ syll.: [DUMU] ba-di-da-
na, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 25; DUMU ba-dì-da-na, PRU 3 142 (RS 16.134):5;
Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):16 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 309); cf. DUMU pa-at-ti-ta-na, PRU 6
55 (RS 18.22):7.
PN: ★a) 4.425:11; ★b) bn PN: 3.19:5; 4.69 V 7 (Van Soldt SAU 29); 4.93 I 9;
4.769:37; 4.794:3.
bddy adj. m. “alone, disconnected” (Hb. bwdd, “alone, solitary”, HALOT 110 f.;
Arab. badadan badadan, “one by one, in a state of dispersion”, AEL 162.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 206; Del Olmo IMC 137 n. 313); ¶ syll.: cf. the
element /bādidu/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 209. ¶ Forms: sg. m. bddy.
Alone, disconnected, in bkn ctx.: bddy yṣả [x] disconnected did (the mes-
sage) try to emerge, 1.19 II 28.
Cf. bd (II).
bdl n. m. “substitute, reserve personnel” (Arab. badal, “a substitute”, AEL 168;
Ebla ba-da-lu(m), “merchant”, ARET, MEE, passim. Archi UF 20 1988 2 f.;
Lipiński WGE 257–260; cf. Fronzaroli EL 137; StEb 7 1984 156f. Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 183f.; Vita EU 113ff.; Watson LSU 127; SEL 26 2009 15–21); ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. LÚ.MEŠ.DAM.GÀR.MEŠ: bi-da-lu-ma, PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257) A II 12;
LÚ.MEŠ bi-da-lu-na, PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172):14; Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 171ff.;
Renfroe UF 20 1988 221ff.; Lipiński WGE 258; Huehnergard UVST 112; cf.
PN DUMU-bi-DA-la-ya, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 22; McGeough ERU 105 ff.);
¶ Forms: pl. bdlm, cstr. bdl.
Substitute, reserve personnel, ★a) spr bdlm list of reserve personnel, 4.134:1;
★b) in particular classes and groups: bdl mrynm substitutes of the m., 4.69
III 6; bdl mḏrġlm substitutes of the guards, ibid. VI 17; cf. bdlm, 4.232:42, and
cf. ibid. mrynm, ln. 33; cf. ¶ RS Akk.: supra; ★c) of particular TNN: bd !l TN
reserve personnel of TN, 4.214 III 1; 4.96:1; cf. bdl qrṭy PN GN substitute: PN,
4.85:6 (cf. qrṭym GN, ibid. ln. 1); bdlm dt yṯb b[ reserve personnel detailed (?)
in[, 4.86:29; bdl TN dt ỉnn mhr lhm! reserve personnel with no troop assigned
to them, 4.214 I 4; in unc. ctx.: bdlm, 4.116:20 (PN (?)).
In bkn ctx. bdlm dt[, 4.86:21;]bhtm bdlm[, 4.312:4, 7.
Cf. bdlm.
bdlm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 118; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 212); ¶ syll.:
cf. DUMU bi-DA-la-ya, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 22. Cf. btl, btlyn.
PN: ★a) 4.116:20 (unc. ctx., PN (?); cf. bdl); ★b) bn PN: 4.724:5.
bdm, cf. bd (IV) 1.

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bdn – /b-h-l/ 215

bdn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 118; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; UF 1 1969
212; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106; ZAW 88 1976 342; Watson AuOr 11 1993 214;
AuOr 30 2012 328); ¶ syll.: cf. ba-du-ni, PRU 4 22 9 (RS 18.54):11.
PN: ★a) 4.46:8; 4.63 IV 12; 4.609:30, 34; 4.631:7; 4.728:6 (bn t[); 4.841:42; 4.851:12;
★b) bn PN: 4.247:33; 4.343:1; 4.617 II 28; 4.807:34.
Cf. btn.
bdqt n. f. “fissure, opening, loophole” (Hb. bdq, HALOT 111; JAram. bdqʔ, DTT 141;
Akk. butuqtu, AHw 144; CAD B 358. De Moor SP 161 f.); ¶ par.: ḥln, ủrbt.
¶ Forms: sg. bdqt.
Fissure, opening, loophole: w yptḥ bdqt ʕrpt may he open a loophole in the
clouds, 1.4 VII 19 and par.
bdy(n) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 118; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546;
UF 1 1969 212; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106); ¶ syll.: cf. bi-da-ya, Syria 18 1937
245f. (RS 8.145):6 and passim ibid. (cf. Berger WO 5 1969–1970 274; Gröndahl
PTU 118f., 330). Cf. btw/y, pdy(n).
PN: ★a) 4.191:14; 4.277:9; ★b) bn PN: 4.561:3.
bgrt PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 20 2002 233).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 22.
Cf. brqt.
bġr n. m. “shout” (Hb. pʕr, “open the mouth”, HALOT 953; Syr. pʕr, “to gape,
yawn, open wide”, SL 1217; Arab. faġara, “to make to open the mouth”, AEL
2421f. Caquot UF 11 1979 102; TOu/2 38 n. 81); ¶ par.: tʕlgt. ¶ Forms: sg.
Shout: bġr b py there is a shout in my mouth, 1.93:1 (// tʕlgt; diff. De Moor
UF 11 1979 649: rdg b ġr, “in negligence”, Arab. ġirrat). Bkn ctx.: ʕdb bġrt, 1.1
III 9 (rdg b ġrt?).
Cf. /p-ʕ-r/.
/b-ġ-y/ vb G/D: “to reveal, show” (?) (< “to look for, desire”. Hb. bʕh, “to inquire”,
N “to be searched out”, HALOT 141; OAram. bʕy, “to search for, to look for,
want”, DNWSI 180ff.; Akk. buʔʔû, “suchen”, AHw 145; buʔû, “to look for”,
CAD B 360ff.; Arab. baġā, “to seek, desire”, AEL 231ff. Smith UBC/1 181;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 166 n. l, “dévoiler”, Arab. faġā; diff. Loewenstamm
UF 14 1982 127f.: “nachspüren”, *bġy; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 345:
“desirer”). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. with suff. ỉbġyh.
G/D. To reveal: ảtm w ảnk ỉbġyh come and I will reveal it (to you), 1.3 III 29
and par.; in bkn ctx.: ybġ dd, 1.172:20.
Cf. bʕyn.
/b-h-l/ vb D “to dismiss, let go, disinherit (?)” (Sem. /b-h-l/; Syr. bhl pa., “to calm,
assuage”; Arab. bahala, “to leave someone to himself”, af. ʔafhala, “to send
forth”. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 302; Tropper UF 36 2004 517; Gzella BiOr 64

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216 bhl – bk

2007 538; Pardee PIHANS 114 95f.: “to declare to be free”). ¶ Forms: D suffc.
bhl, prefc. ybhl.
D. To dismiss, let go, disinherit: hm lb PN bhl bnh w km lbh ybhl hm, if PN
wishes to disinherit his son, he can disinherit them as he likes, 3.32:20, 21, 22,
25, 26, 29.
bhl PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 214; AuOr 30 2012 329).
PN: bn PN, 4.240:4 (for a PN bỉl see Bordreuil et al. CRAIBL 1984 425).
bhmt n. f. “cattle” (Hb. bhmh, “animals, cattle”, HALOT 111 f.; Arab. bahīmat, “a
beast, any quadruped”, AEL 269; but see Kogan UF 32 2000 727). ¶ Forms: sg.
bhmt; suff. bhmth; bhmtn (det.-n).
Cattle: yld bhmth tʕṭpn the young of his small cattle will be weak, 1.103:2; ỉbn
yḫlq bhmt ḥwt the enemy will destroy the cattle of the land, 1.103:16 (cf. in
bkn ctx. ibid. ln. 2, 8, 15, 33); bhmtn tḫlq the cattle will perish, 1.163:1, 15 (cf.
Dietrich-Loretz MU 171); in unc. ctx. bh+mth, 1.111:22f. (cf. Pardee TR/1 622:
“quant à elle, (de) son propre bétail n’en rendra pas”, rdg bhmt; Del Olmo
CR 166 n. 106).
bht cf. bt (II).
bhṯ n. m. “shame” (JAram. bhtʔ, “shame, disgrace”, DTT 143; Syr. behtātāʔ, SL 123;
cf. Akk. bâšu, “sich schämen”, AHw 112 and cf. CAD B 5 ff.: baʔāšu B: “to come
to shame”. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 445; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 244: “salut
à toi!”, OSA bh¨; De Moor SP 180: “to hasten to meet a guest”, OSA bhṯ, Arab.
bahaṯa). ¶ Forms: sg. bhṯ.
Shame, used as an interj. “for (my) shame!”: bhṯ bn ỉlm mt for shame, oh
divine DN!, 1.5 II 11 and par.
Cf. /b-ṯ/.
bḫr n. m. “lad” (Hb. bḥwr, “young”, HALOT 118; Mari Akk. biḫrum / biʔrum, “cho-
sen, young man”, Gelb CAAA 16: baḫūrum; AHw 122: bē/īru(m) II, be/iʔru(m),
“ausgewählt” (v. Personen); CAD B 211f.: bēru B, “elite troops” < bêru, “to
select”. Aartun UF 16 1984 8; Watson Historiae 10 2013 28); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
[LÚ.]MEŠ b[i]-ḫi-ru TN, PRU 6 71 (RS 17.432):5; Sivan GAGl 211; Huehner-
gard UVST 112f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ŠUL = eṭ-lu = uš-ta-ni = ba-aḫ-ḫu-rù, Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123) II 24 (Nougayrol: ma-); Huehnergard UVST 84, 113; Van Soldt
SAU 303; Sivan UF 21 1989 359. ¶ Forms: sg. bḫr.
Lad, in bkn ctx.: ʕln bḫr [ yml]k over us a lad will reign, 1.15 V 22.
bk n. m. “beaker, large cup” (cf. Aram. bq, “jar” (?), DNWSI 186; Gk bîkos, Liddell-
Scott GEL 311. Lipiński UF 2 1970 81; De Moor SP 72f.; Watson AuOrS 27 83);
¶ par.: dn (II), krpn, ks (II). ¶ Forms: sg. bk.
Beaker, large cup: bk rb ʕẓm a large imposing beaker, 1.3 I 12 (diff. Del Olmo
MLRSO 67: “el póculo de un gran potentado” // mt šmm, “héroe celeste”); bk
mlả he filled a large cup 1.45:10.

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bkm – /b-k-y/ 217

bkm adv. “next, straight away”, “after, immediately after” (< b + k(n) + m; Hb. bkn,
“afterwards”, HALOT 130, 483. Aartun BiOr 24 1967 288 f.; PU 1 6 f.; Margalit
UPA 360 and n. 13; Tropper UG 745). ¶ Forms: bkm.
Adv. next, straight away, immediately after: bkm yṯb bʕl l bhth straight away
DN came back to his house, 1.4 VII 42 (diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 90 “después
que se ha sentado ND en su casa …?”, as a conj.); bkm tmdln ʕr bkm tṣmd
pḥl bkm tšủ ảbh, straight away he harnessed the ass, straight away she yoked
the donkey, straight away he helped her father up, 1.19 II 8–9 (diff. Gordon
PLM 22: “weeping”, bky; Margalit UF 16 1984 135ff.: “to be silent”, *bkm); w
tʕl bkm b ảrr and next she went up (mount) TN, 1.10 III 29 (diff. Aartun
WO 4 67–1968 291; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 218, 288: “sur la hauteur”, b-km,
Arab. kīm; see Renfroe AULS 57ff.); in bkn ctx.: bkm šả straight away, get up,
/b-k-r/ vb D “to grant primogeniture; to name as heir” (denom. of bkr; cf. infra).
¶ Forms: D prefc. ảbrkn.
D. To grant primogeniture: ṣġrthn ảbrkn to the youngest of them I shall grant
primogeniture, 1.15 III 16.
bkr n. m. “first-born, firstling” (Hb. bk(w)r, “first-born”, HALOT 131; Ebla /bak-
kārum/, in NE:SAG = ba-ga-lu-um, NE.SAG = ba-ga-lu, VE 243; Krecher Bil-
ing. 148; Mander MEE 10 108; /bukrum/ in DUMU.SAG = bù-ga/gú-lu/ru12,
VE 270; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 13; QuSem 18 111; Fronzaroli EL 148; StEb 7 1985
159; Krecher Biling. 160; PN bux(KA)-ga-lum, Mander MEE 10 89; Akk. bukru,
“Erstgeborener”, AHw 137; “son, child”, CAD B 309 f.; OSA bkr, “first-born”,
SD 28; Arab. bikr, “a virgin man”, AEL 240; Eth. bakwr, “first-born, firstling”,
CDG 94. Watson Historiae 10 2013 28); ¶ par.: (?) ảlm. ¶ Forms: sg. bkr; suff.
bkrk; du. bkrm.
First-born, eldest:★a) of a human: nʕmt špḥ bkrk the most graceful of the clan
of your firstborn, 1.14 III 40 and par.; k bk[r] zbl ảmrkm like the firstborn of a
prince I shall bless / strengthen you, 1.13:28; ★b) of an animal: šỉr bkrm, meat
of two firstlings, 1.82:9 (// (?) ảlm); for the rdg. b]kr in 1.119:31 see dkr.
Cf. /b-k-r/.
/b-k-y/ vb G: “to weep” (Hb. bkh, “to weep”, HALOT 129 f.; Aram. bky, “to lament,
to weep”, DNWSI 163; Ebla cf. G inf. /bakāʔum/ in ÉR = ba-ga-um, VE 717;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 27; cf. PNN ib-gi/ki-(DN), Dahood Ebla 184; Fron-
zaroli ARES 1 18; Krebernik PTE 37f.: /B-G-ʔ/ (< /p-q-ḥ/, /p-q-d/ (?)); Akk.
bakû, “weinen”, AHw 97; “to shed tears”, CAD B 35 ff.; Arab. bakā, “to weep”,
AEL 242; Eth. bakaya, “to weep, mourn”, CDG 94); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. bakû, Ug 5 17
(RS 17.155+) rev. 13; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TN URU BE-ka-ni, Sivan GAGl 211: the ele-
ment /bikyu/; cf. diff. Astour RSP 2 344f.; Van Soldt SAU 318 n. 129: rdg URU
úš-ka-ni; ¶ par.: /d-m-ʕ/, /d-m-m/, /n-ṣ-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảbky, ỉbky, tbky,

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218 bky – bl (i)

tpky, tbk, tbkn, ybky, ybk; suff. tbkyk, tbkn, tbkynh; act. ptc. f. bkyt (cf. bkyt),
bkt; impv. bky, ỉbky; inf. bky, bk (Huehnergard UVST 288 n. 93), suff. bkym,
bkm (encl. -m), bkyh.
G. To weep: bn ảl tbkn my son, do not weep for me, 1.16 I 25 (// ảl tdm); ybky w
yšnn ytn gh bky he wept and ground (his) teeth, raised his voice weeping, 1.16
I 12–14 and par.; tbkyk ảb ġr bʕl for you, father, the mountain of DN weeps,
1.16 I 6 and par.; yʕrb b ḥdrh ybky he went into his room to weep, 1.14 I 26 (//
ydmʕ); bm bkyh w yšn in his weeping he fell asleep, 1.14 I 31 (// ydmʕ); mảt
krt k ybky what’s the matter (with) PN that he weeps?, 1.14 I 39 (// ydmʕ);
d[ y]k bbk krt, enough weeping, PN!, 1.14 II 7 (// b dmʕ); [ʕl] krt tbkn for PN
they wept, 1.15 V 12; tbkn w tdm ly she will weep and moan for me, 1.16 I 30;
bkm tʕrb weeping she entered, 1.16 II 50; bkm yʕny DN weeping DN answers,
1.107:12; [lpn] ảḫh tbky before her brother she wept, 1.16 I 55; bkt tgly w tbủ
weeping she made her way (to the house of PN) and entered, 1.16 VI 4 (//
nṣrt; diff. Aartun PU/1 6: < b + kn + t); tbky pġt bm lb PN wept in her heart,
1.19 I 34; ảbky w ảqbrn I shall weep and bury him, 1.19 III 20 and par.; tbkynh
w tqbrnh she wept for him and buried him, 1.6 I 16; ʕd tšbʕ bk when she was
sated with weeping, 1.6 I 9 (// tšt k yn ủdmʕt); pẓgm ġr ybk those lacerating
(their) skin wept, 1.19 IV 11 and par. (// ydmʕ); ybky km nʕr he weeps like a
boy, 1.107:8; cf. ln. 40 tpky); ksỉ nqmd ỉbky (…) lpnh ybky ṯlḥn mlk oh throne of
PN, weep (…), may the royal table weep in front of him!, 1.161:13–15 (// ydmʕ,
yblʕ ủdmʕth; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 215, 302: N-stem “be bewept”); in
bkn ctx.: bkym, 1.16 II 54; […] ảqht w tbk [watched (?) …] PN and wept, 1.18
IV 39; ybky, 1.129:2.
Cf. bky, bkyt.
bky n. m. “weeping, lament” (verb. n. < /b-k-y/); ¶ par.: bd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. bky.
Weeping, lament: ḫštk l bky ʕtq your sepulchre has become a perpetual
lament, 1.16 II 41 (// bd; cf. ntn, 1.16 I 4, 18).
bkyt n. f. “mourners” (< act. ptc. G /b-k-y/); ¶ par.: mšspdt. ¶ Forms: pl. bkyt.
Mourner: ʕrb bkyt b hklh (female) mourners entered his palace, 1.19 IV 9–10
(// mšspdt); t[bʕ b] bty bkyt go from my house (female) mourners, 1.19 IV 20.
bl (I) adv. / emph. functor: 1) negative-indicative, “no, not”; 2) affirmative-
volitive, “yes” (Hb., Pun. (ʔ)bl, “truly, however; not, surely”, HALOT 7, 131; “not,
optative formula”, DNWSI 165; Ebla cf. ba-lu(-ma), “non”, ARET 7 207. Cf. Aar-
tun PU/1 26f.; Whitley ZAW 84 1972 213ff.; Van Zijl Baal 129; Wansborough
BSOAS 46 1983 532). ¶ Forms: bl, blt (encl. -t).
1) Adv. negative functor bl ṭl bl rbb šrʕ thmt bl ṭbn ql bʕl here was neither
dew nor drizzle, nor flow (?) of the two oceans, nor sweetness of DN’s voice,
1.19 I 44–45 (cf. Del Olmo MLC 389; diff. De Moor ARTU 251, “without”, cf. bl
(II)); ủ mlk ủ bl mlk anyone, king or not, 1.4 VII 43; in unc. ctx.: bl ym 2.45:23

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bl (ii) – bld 219

(Hoftijzer Fs. Kraus 125: rdg bl ym: “kein Tag, niemals”); in bkn ctx.: ảt bl ảt,
1.12 II 7, 23; bl tbḥ, 1.107:46.
2) Emph. affirmative functor bl ỉṯ bn lh may he have a son!, 1.17 I 20 (diff.
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 173, 303: “negative particle”, “May he not … have a
son?”); bl / blt nmlk come, we will enthrone (DN)!, 1.6 I 48 and par.; bl ảšt ủrbt
I am going to put a skylight, 1.4 V 61 and par.; in bkn ctx.: bl ỉšlḥ I am going to
send, 1.14 V 21.
In unc. ctx.: d bl ttn tyt, 5.11:13.
bl (II) prep. “without” (Hb. bly, “without”, HALOT 133; Akk. balu, “ohne”, AHw
100f.; “without”, CAD B 70ff.; Arab. bal, part. of digression, either the can-
celling of what precedes or transition to another subject, AEL 243 f.; Eth.
ʔenbala, prep. / conj. “without, save”, CDG 27. Aartun PU/1 26). ¶ Forms:
Without: ḫpṯ d bl spr // ṯnn d bl hg mercenaries without number, archers
without counting, 1.14 II 37–38; tspỉ šỉrh l bl ḥrb // tšt dmh l bl ks consumes
its flesh without a knife, drinks its blood without a cup, 1.96:4–5; bl bnš there
is nobody, no-one, 2.45:27 (cf. bnš, 1.c); bl bnh without his sons, 4.243:11; in
bkn ctx.: l bl sk without covering, yes, 1.16 II 31.
bl (III) n. m. “blended beer” (Akk. billu, “a kind of beer”, CAD B 228f. < *bll,
“to mix, blend”; billatu, “mixture, unpurified mixture, substance used in the
preparation of beer”, CAD B 225ff., kīma bi-il-li-<tim> emṣu, “as sour as b.-
beer”; Loretz-Xella MLE 43: “Mischung, Beer”; Caquot TOu/2 57 n. 136; see
Pardee TR/2 877, 886: “une boisson”, < *bll; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 219, 303,
bl, “concoction”, “mix”; diff. Ford UF 43 2011 177: “without a cup”; Dietrich-
Loretz Fs. Xella 208, 213: “Sud ohne Geschmackswürze”, bl (II). ¶ Forms:
sg. bl.
Blended beer: tšt bḥlṣ bl ṣml drink from squeezing blended beer of dried out
draff, 1.169:7 (Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113; Watson UF 24 1992 367 f.).
bl (IV) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 116, 288; Watson AuOr 13 1995 220). Cf.
bʕl, PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.309:4; in bkn ctx.: 4.662:2.
/b-l-ʕ/ vb G: “to swallow” (Hb. blʕ, “to swallow”, HALOT 134f.; JAram. blʕ, “to
swallow”, DJPA 104f.; Arab. blʕ, “to swallow”, AEL 249; Eth. balʕa, “to eat,
consume”, CDG 94f.); ¶ par.: /b-k-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yblʕ (Verreet UF 17
1985 326).
G. To swallow: yblʕ ủdmʕth may it swallow its (own) tears, 1.161:16 (// ybky.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 20; Wesselius UF 15 1983 314; Taylor UF 17 1985 317).
blbl, 4.288:1, cf. (ỉ)blbl.
bld n. m. “land, country” (Arab. balad, “country, land”, AEL 247. Del Olmo
MLRSO 172). ¶ Forms: sg. bld; suff. bldn (encl. -n or suff. 1

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220 bldn – blšpš

Land, country: yn bld ġll wine from the land of ġ., 1.22 I 18 (diff. rdg b ld: De
Moor ARTU 272: “wine with no after-thirst”; Wyatt RTU 323 n. 51: “wine to
delight the thirsty”, Arab. laḏḏa, “be sweet”, with survey of diff. versions and
rdgs; also Watson UF 31 1999 777–784: “in the goblet (?) of intoxication”, Akk.
luṭṭu / luttu; LSU 20, 91, with survey); ỉl bldn gods of the (/ our) land, 1.91:6;
1.162:1 (Caquot SDB 9 1979 1405: “notre pays”; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee Semitica
41–42 1993 47: in coll. sense, “the districts of a land”, Arab. buldān, pl. of balad;
De Moor NYCI/2 27: “God of the injustice”, rdg bl dn; De Tarragon CU 168: TN
< b ldn; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 322: “Bēl-dīni”, appellative of ỉl: “Göttlicher
Gerichtsherr”); in bkn ctx. […]bldn PN (?), 4.307:11; 4.320:15 (Watson AuOr 13
1995 220).
bldn cf. bld.
blḫdr n. m. piece of cloth or garment (Hurr. > *pilaḫ(a)=t=are-; Sanmartín UF 12
1980 335; cf. Nuzi Akk. pilaḫāʔu, AHw 863; Mayer Nuzi 36 n. 1. Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 34; Watson LSU 127; Vita TT 328; cf. plk). ¶ Forms: du. blḫdrm.
Piece of cloth or garment: blḫdrm (two) b., 4.4:6.
Cf. pġndr, plk.
blkn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 162).
PN: 4.638:5.
blmt n. m. “immortality” (compound noun bl (II) + mt (II). Gordon UT § 8.74;
Spronk BA 154; Pope UF 19 1987 457; Tropper UG 817); ¶ par.: ḥym. ¶ Forms:
sg. blmt, suff. blmtk.
Immortality: (ask) blmt w ảšlḥk immortality and I will grant it to you, 1.17
VI 27 (// ḥym); blmtk ngln in your immortality we rejoiced, 1.16 I 15; II 37 (//
b ḥyk).
Cf. bl (II), mt (II).
bln n. m. “mixed fodder” (Akk. ballu, “gemischt, Gemenge”, AHw 99 f.; “fod-
der”, CAD B 63f.; Hb. blyl, “mixed fodder”, HALOT 133; cf. Arab. balīla, “wheat
boiled in water”, AEL 245; Pun. bll, “certain type of offering, prob. farinaceous
food mixed with oil”, DNWSI 167. Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 234; AfO 35 1988
228; Watson LSU 67, 72; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 39; Cohen-
Sivan UHT 33f.; Cohen UF 28 1996 133f.; Pardee TH 63f.: “mandrake”, Akk.
pillû, billu; De Moor JEOL 27 1981–1982 113 n. 37: “fern”). ¶ Forms: sg. bln.
Mixed fodder: št bln qṭ a š. of mixed fodder from flax seed, 1.85:18; 1.72:26.
bls, in unc. ctx.: 1.22 I 6 (Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1312 n. 26: bls mt “Schnitter
des Todes”. Read b lsmt).
blšpš PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 20; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 106;
Stamm ANG 150, 182; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242; Cassin-Glassner ANN 1
PN: 4.44:32 (ảmry).

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blšš – bmt 221

blšš PN (etym. unc.).

PN: 4.277:10.
/b-l-t/ vb G: “to open wide” (Arab. balata, “couper, séparer”, DAR 156; Eth. balata,
“to separate”, CDG 97f. Cf. Tropper UG 516. Forms: G. suffc. blt.
G.: blt p btlt ʕn[t] (he) opened wide the mouth (vulva) of DN, 1.10 III 9 (cf. p
(I); diff. Del Olmo MLC 472: “(no es más que) una virgen, sí, una virgen, DN”,
rdg. b<t>lt; Wyatt RTU 159; “moist was the nethermouth of Virgin DN”, rdg blt
< *bll).
blt cf. bl (I) (Hb. blty, Ph. blt, “not, without …”, HALOT 136; “except that …”,
DNWSI 167; Amor. /baltē, baltī/, “without”, Gelb CAAA 16.
/b-l-y/ vb D: “to devour, consume” (Hb. blh, “to be worn out”, pi. “to consume”,
HALOT 132; Aram. blʔ, “to deteriorate”, DNWSI 165; Akk. belû, “verlöschen,
vergehen”, AHw 121; “to become extinguished”, D “to extinguish”, CAD B 72ff.;
Arab. baliya, “to be old, worn out”, AEL 255; Eth. balya, “to, grow old”, CDG 98.
De Moor UF 1 1969 187 n. 148; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 538;
Tropper UG 559); ¶ par.: /l-ḥ-m/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. blt.
D. To devour, consume: npš blt ḥmr my appetite devours in heaps, 1.5 I 18
(// ỉlḥm. Del Olmo IMC 69f. diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 242: “ma gorge (ne)
s’humecte (?) (que) de fange”, Hb. bll).
bly PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 117, 288); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU bu-lu-ya, PRU 3
169 (RS 16.145):20. Cf. bʕly, blym, ply.
PN: ★a) 4.116:9; ★b) bn PN: 3.21:2 (gbʕly); 4.65:10; 4.69 I 2; 4.76:6; 4.93 II 3;
4.356:13; 4.377:10 (for the diff. rdg bry see Pardee RSOu 17 347, 350, 361); 4.681:3;
4.785:20; 4.842:4.
blym PN (etym. unc. Hoftijzer Fs. Kraus 124f.: “niemals”). Cf. bly.
PN: 4.272:7.
blẓn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 288, 299).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 II 9.
Cf. plzn.
bm, see supra: b (I).
bmmt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 III 14.
bmt n. f. 1) “back, rump, loin”; 2) “height, hill” (Hb. bmh, “back, hill, high
place”, HALOT 136f.; Moab. bmt, “high place”, DNWSI 167f.; Akk. bāmtu,
“Hälfte”, AHw 101; bamtu, “chest, front of the chest”, CAD B 78. De Moor SP 91;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 321ff.); ¶ par.: ảp (II) (lb), ḥbš. ¶ Forms: sg. bmt;
cstr. bmt; suff. bmth; pl. cstr. bmt.
1) Back, rump, loin:★a) k ʕmq yṯlṯ bmt like a valley he ploughed (his) back,
1.5 VI 22 and par. (// ảp (lb)); yštn ảṯrt l bmt ʕr l ysmsmt bmt pḥl they placed
DN on the back of the ass, on the best of the donkey’s back, 1.4 IV 14 f. and

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222 /b-n/ – bn (i)

par.; ʕtkt rỉšt l bmth she fastened heads to (her) back, 1.3 II 12 and par. (// b
ḥbšh);★b) as meat: ʕšr bmt ảlp mrỉ ten loins of fattened ox, 4.247:17 (cf. ln. 16:
ṣlʕt ảlp mrỉ).
2) Height, hill: bmt ảr[ṣ] tṭṭn the heights of the earth shook, 1.4 VII 34.
/b-n/ vb G: “to understand”; tL: “to observe intently, scrutinise, recognise” (Hb.
byn, “to understand, to pay attention”, ni. “to be discerning”, hitpo. “to behave
intelligently, to direct one’s attention, to examine closely”, HALOT 122f.;
Arab. bayyana, “to distinguish clearly, to exemine”, tabayyana, “to seak re-
peatedly to obtain knowledge, to scrutinize”, AEL 285 ff.; Eth. bayyana, “to
discern, pay attention”, tabayyana, “to be discerned”, CDG 115 f.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. the element /byn/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 211); ¶ par.: /š-m-ʕ/, /y-d-ʕ/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. bn; prefc. tbn; impv. bn (for the supposed form ảbn in 1.3
III 26 and par. cf. ảbn); tL prefc. with suff. ỉtbnnk.
G. To understand: rgm (…) l tbn hmlt ảrṣ a matter (…) that the multitudes
of the earth do not understand, 1.3 III 27 and par. (// tdʕ); bn l rkb ʕrpt
understand, oh Charioteer of the clouds!, 1.4 V 60 (// šmʕ); šmʕk l ảrḫ w
bn what you hear, oh heifer!, understand, 1.13:22; in bkn ctx.: l ydʕ l bn the
inexpert did not understand, 1.107:6 (cf. De Moor ZAW 100 1988 109); y]bn
rgm w ydʕ he will understand the matter and know, 2.8:6.
tL. To observe intently, scrutinise, recognise in unc. ctx.: ỉtbnnk I will recog-
nise you, 1.169:17 (De Moor UF 12 1980 430; Tropper UG 584 f.).
bn (I) n. m. 1) “son”; 2) “son of DN”; 3) “young (of an animal)”; 4) > “person
of inferior rank, subject”; (pl.) “family, clan; heirs”; 5) > stating a quality;
6) > member of a group; 7) “son of” in onomastics (Hb., Ph., Pun. bn, “son,
…”, HALOT 137f.; “son, …”, DNWSI 168ff.; Amor. /bi/unum/, “son”, Huffmon
APNMT 175f.; Gelb CAAA 16; Akk. bi/ünu, “Sohn”, AHw 127, 138; “son”, CAD
B 242f., 322; OSA bn(w), “filius”, CAME 115; “son”, SD 29; Arab. ʔibn, “a son”,
AEL 262f. Watson Historiae 10 2013 29); ¶ RS Akk.: DUMU(-ru/i/a.MEŠ),
passim; cf. PRU 3 233; PRU 4 261; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 340; cf. espec.: DUMU MUN,
PRU 4 196 (RS 17.78):3 and passim; DUMU.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ, PRU 3 43 (RS
16.270):32 and passim; DUMU(.MEŠ) LUGAL(-ri), PRU 4 86 (RS 17.338):7 and
passim; DUMU.MEŠ MÍ.LUGAL-ti, PRU 3 120 (RS 16.204) rev. 11; PRU 3 145
(RS 16.138):35; DUMU.MEŠ KUR-ti, PRU 3 11 (RS 15.18):4; LÚ(.MEŠ).DUMU
(.MEŠ) KIN(-ri/ra), PRU 3 13 (RS 11.730):7; PRU 3 14 (RS 16.111):28; PRU 4 36
(RS 17.132):33; PRU 4 83 (RS 17.382+):54; PRU 4 106 (RS 17.137):10; PRU 4 225
(RS 17.422):29; PRU 4 229 (RS 18.54 A):21; PRU 4 294 (RS 19.70):9; PRU 6
7 B (RS 17.148) 15; PRU 6 8 (RS 17.239):15, 19; PRU 6 179 (RS RSL.2):23; Ug
5 21 (RS 20.168):25; Ug 5 38 (RS 20.16):28; Ug 5 41 (RS 21.183):7; Ug 5 56
(RS 20.150):13; Ug 5 100 (RS 20.04):2; DUMU.MEŠ ši-ip-ru, PRU 3 105 (RS
15.109+):54; cf. PRU 3 43 (RS 16.270):27; DUMU.MEŠ šip-ri-ka, PRU 4 191 (RS

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bn (i) 223

17.247):10, 16; KTU 4.863:15f.; 4.866:12; ¶ par.: ảḫ (I), ỉl, ảry (I), ảṯt (I), ʕgl, bkr,
bn (I), bt (I), hmlt, klt (I), pḫr, ṣbrt, špḥ, šr, šrš, ydd. ¶ Forms: sg. bn, bnm (encl.
-m); suff. bny, bnk, bnh, bnkm; pl. bnm; cstr. bn; suff. bny, bnh; cf. the spelling
b (b<n>?) in PN b PN, 6.1:1 and cf. Dietrich-Loretz KA 242 f. and n. 288).
1) Son: ★a) of men and gods: PN (…) w PN aḫh (…) w PN bnh w PN bth
w PN aṯth and PN, his brother, (…), and PN, his son, and PN, his daughter,
and PN, his wife, 3.4:6; PN w bnh and his son(s), 4.16:12; ṯn bn PN two sons
of PN, 4.364:1; PN w ṯn bnh and his two sons, 4.339:26–27; PN yd ṯn bnh
with his two sons, 4.360:4; PN bl bnh without his son(s), 4.243:11; bnm w
bnt sons and daughters, 2.2:9 (cf. bnm, ibid. ln. 8); ʕmṯtmr bn nqmpʕ mlk
ủgrt PN, son of PN, king of TN, 3.2:3 and par.; bn mlk w bt mlk tʕln pảmt šbʕ
the son(s) and the daughter of the king go up seven times, 1.112:6 (cf. supra
¶ RS Akk.: DUMU LUGAL); l mlkt ủmy rgm tḥm mlk bnk to the queen, my
mother, say: message of the king, your son, 2.13:4; 2.30:3 (cf. supra ¶ RS Akk.:
DUMU MÍ.LUGAL); hn {ủnk} bnk behold your son, 5.11:3; tḥm ʕzỉlt bn{.}km
message of PN your (pl.) son, 2.85:5; hm lb PN bhl bnh w km lbn ybhl hm, if
PN wishes to disinherit his son, he can disinherit them as he likes, 3.32:21 f.
and par.; bnh and other attributions, cf. 3.32:7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 23, 26, 27; bn
bt mlk the sons of the daughter of the king, 3.32:8, 23; ★b) esp. in the royal
legends: ykn bnh b bt may there be son of his in (his) palace, 1.17 I 25 (// šrš);
tqrb w ld bn lh // (…) bnm lh she conceived and gave birth to a son, // (…)
several sons, 1.15 III 20–21; ỉn bn lh km ảḫh he has no son like his brothers, 1.17
I 18 (// šrš); yld bn ly km ảḫy a son is going to be born to me like my brothers,
1.17 II 14 (// šrš); tld šbʕ bnm lk she will bear you seven sons, 1.15 II 23; bn krt
kmhm tdr the sons of PN were as many as were promised, 1.15 III 23 (// bnt);
behold bn bn ảṯrk your grandchildren after you, 1.22 I 3 (// bnk); qbr bny the
grave of my son, 1.19 III 44.
2) Son of DN: ★a) in mythological texts: bʕl // bn dgn DN // son of DN, 1.2
I 19 and par., passim of the DN Baal; rdg ảlỉyn {bn} bʕl in 1.5 II 18; for bnʕṯtr,
3.28:6, cf. Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28; infra: 7.a; bn ỉl, the sons of DN, 1.40:33 and
par. (Cho LDUT 13, 83f.); šbʕm bn ảṯrt the seventy sons of DN, 1.4 VI 46 (// ảḫ,
ảry. Cho LDUT 93ff.); yỉḫd bʕl bn ảṯrt DN he seized the sons of DN, 1.6 V 1; tn
ảḥd b bnk ảm{.}lkn give me one of your sons to make him king, 1.6 I 46; šm
bny yw the name of my son is DN, 1.1 IV 14; y bn ảšld oh sons whom I have
sired!, 1.23:65 (// ảṯt); ảmr bnkm I shall strengthen your son, 1.13:28 (// bk[r]);
in bkn ctx.: bn bʕl[, 1.86:17; hl ġlmt tld bn[ behold the damsel will give birth
to a son, 1.24:7; in unc. ctx. tgr ỉl bnh DN has opposed (?) his son, 1.1 IV 12; ★b)
in the royal titulary: ảp krt bnm ỉl is PN then “the son of DN”?, 1.16 I 10; II 48
(// špḥ); ỉkm yrgm bn ỉl krt how can it be said that “PN is the son of DN”?, 1.16
I 20 and par. (// špḥ).

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224 bn (i)

3) Young of an animal: bn bṯn the offspring of the snake, 1.100:74–75; bn ḫpṯ l

ủmhthm the young of the loose (cattle low) for their mothers, 1.15 I 6 (// ʕgl).
4) Special uses: ★a) bn(y) “my son” > a person of lower rank, a subject
(diplomatic form): ṯmny ʕm bny mnm šlm how are things there with “my
son”?, 2.46:7; cf. ibid. ln. 9, 12; l PN bn! y ảḫy rgm to PN, “my son (and) brother”,
say, 2.14:3; cf. ibid. ln. 11, 16; ★b) pl. cstr./suff. bn “sons of” > family, clan: šlm
PN šlm bn!h peace to PN, peace to his family, 1.161:32; esp. of the main deities:
ảṯrt w bnh DN and her family, 1.3 V 37 and par. (// ṣbrt ảryh); m]ḫṣ bny the
assassins of my family, 1.4 II 25 (// ṣbrt ảryy); bn ỉl dr bn ỉl mpḫrt bn ỉl the
family of DN, the family circle of DN, the family assembly of DN, 1.65:1–3 and
par.; (does not have, etc.) DN (…) ḥẓr k bn ảṯrt a mansion like the family of
DN, 1.3 IV 48 and par. (// ỉlm); mẓll bnh the shelter of his family, 1.4 I 13 (//
klt); cf. redundantly: bt bn bnš yqḥ ʕz if the family of someone takes a kid,
1.127:31; ★c) pl. bn(m) “sons (of)” > heirs, offspring: (donation) l PN w l bnh
ʕd ʕlm to PN and his heirs, in perpetuity, 3.2:11; 3.5:14; no-one can snatch it
bd PN w bd bnh ʕd ʕlm from the hands of PN or from the hands of his heirs,
in perpetuity, 3.5:19; 3.2:17; ]b?nm ảqny ]may I procreate offspring, 1.14 II 4 (//
]šrm); ★d) dependent person: bn mrynm dependents of titularies of the war
chariot, 4.137:4; 4.163:8; 4.173:5; bn mṣrym Egyptian dependents, 4.230:10.
5) Stating a quality (sg. / pl. + n. sg.):★a) bn ảdm man, 1.169:15 (// ảdm); ★b)
bn ỉl(m) divine being (Kató UF 43 2011 258 ff. n. 8): ʕm bn ỉl tspr yrḫm you
shall count the months like divine being(s), 1.17 VI 29 (// ʕm bʕl); passim of
the DN Mot: bn ỉlm mt the divine DN, 1.5 I 12 and par. (// ydd{.bn} ỉl); pḫr bn
ỉl divine assembly, 1 4 III 14 (cf. pḫr ỉlm, 1.47:29 and par.; ¶ RS Akk.: dpu-ḫur
DINGIR.MEŠ, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):28); in bkn ctx.: bn ỉl // (?) pḫr kkbm, 1.10
I 3;★c) bn ủm blood brother, 1.14 I 9 (// ảḫm); cf. bnm ủmy, 1.6 VI 11, 15 (//
ảḫym); ★d) bn ḫrn messenger, 2.61:3 (cf. supra ¶ RS Akk.: DUMU.MEŠ šipru
/ KIN); bn ảmt servants, 1.14 II 3 and par. (cf. Fensham VT 19 1969 312 ff.;
Rainey RSP 2 82, 91); ỉm bn qlt whether he is a courier, 2.72:12 (for the rdg
see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 114, 116); ★e) bn ym, (“sons of one day” >)
newborn, 1.23:23, 59, 61 (diff. Lipiński OLP 3 1972 117: “sons of Yam”; for the
various opinions Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 359; Trujillo UR 136); ★f) bn mrzḥ
member of cult association, 4.399:8; ★g) bn qdš holy one, 1.2 I 21 and par. (//
ỉlm; on the various interpretations of “sons of the Holy One / of the sanctuary
/ of holiness / of Qudšu”; cf. De Moor SP 130; Cross CMHE 37, 177 n. 133;
Cunchillos AD 47ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 40 2008 197f.; Wyatt UF 24 1992
406f.; Cho LDUT 101ff.); in unc. ctx. bn ḥtt “the scabby ones”, 1.82:23 (Cf. De
Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 244f.: “sons of disease”; cf. ḥtt).
6) Member (sg. / pl.) of a group (+ n. pl. / TN): bn nšm men, 1.6 II 18
(// hmlt ảrṣ); hwt bn nšm a man’s word, 1.178:10; bn ỉlm, cf. supra: 5.b: bn

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bn (ii) – bnỉl 225

ỉl(m); bn mṣrym Egyptians, 4.230:10; bn ủgrt Ugaritian, 1.40:26 and par. (Block
SR 13/3 1984 301ff.); bn ảm(h)t servants, 1.14 II 3 and par.; 4.230:9; cf. bn bʕl
tġpṯ member(s) of the professional group of maker(s) of packsaddles / felt,
4.370:13 (cf. ḥrš btm, ibid. ln. 14).
7) In personal names: ★a) inner element of a PN: bn + DN (cf. supra: 2.a); “bn
+ TN” (cf. supra: 6); bn + GN (cf. supra: 6); bn + n. (cf. supra: 5); passim (Grön-
dahl PTU 118f.); ★b) special use in patronymics: bn + PN, passim (Gröndahl
PTU 118; also with non-Semitic PNN); in PN b PN, 6.1:1, cf. Dietrich-Loretz
KA 242f. and n. 288).
In bkn ctx.: tkn l bn, 1.5 III 6 (De Moor ARTU 74: “Let (your clothes) be white”,
rdg lbn); bn[ / bn …, 2.111:5; 4.825 II 6, VII 47; 4.826 IV 10; 4.833:3; 4.835:2, 3, 5;
4.843:1–3; 4.844:7, 8; 4.845:2–11; 4.847:7, 11; 4.850:11; 4.852:2, 4.
Cf. bnỉb, bnỉl, bnỉlh, bnỉlt, bnỉnr, bnỉrn, bnʕn, bnʕnt, bnkṯrt, bnlbnm, bnn
(II), bnqdšt, bnrpš, bnš, bnšpš, bt (I).
bn (II) prep. “between, among” (Hb. byn, bynwt, “interval, between”, HALOT 123;
Hb., Ph. bn, “between”, DNWSI 152; OAram., Nab. byn, “between, among”
DNWSI 152ff.; Syr. bayna( y), baynot, “between”, SL 141; Ebla cf. /bayna(y?)/, in
MI.SÁ = ba-na me-si-im, VE 817; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 32; Hecker Biling. 210
n. 30; Conti SQF 196; Arab. bayna, “between, amidst”, AEL 287ff.; OSA byn,
“between, among”, SD 34; Eth. bayna, “between”, CDG 116. De Moor SP 90;
Aartun PU/2 51f.); ¶ par.: b. ¶ Forms: bn.
Between, among: nʕmt bn ảḫt bʕl the most graceful among the sisters of DN,
1.10 II 16; bn ydm on the chest, 1.2 IV 14 and par. (// ktp. Hb. byn ydym; Avishur
UF 12 1980 125ff. diff. Marcus Fs. Loewenstamm 111 ff.: “back”); bn ktpm on the
shoulder / back, 1.2 I 42 (Hb. byn ktpym; Avishur ibid. 131f.); bn ʕnm on the
forehead, 1.2 IV 22 (// qdqd. Hb. byn ʕynym; Avishur ibid. 126 ff.); cf. 1.2 IV 40;
1.3 VI 3; 1.82:16; 1.101:5; 1.179:35; bn qrytm between the (two) cities, 1.3 II 6 and
par. (// b); bn ṯlḥnm between the tables, 1.3 II 30 (// b); bn nšrm among the
eagles, 1.18 IV 21 and par.; bn ảbnm among the stones, 1.1 V 23 and par.
Cf. bnny.
bn (III) cf. b (I).
bnỉb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 87, 100; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 105).
PN: rdg unc. bnỉ ?b: 4.261:23.
bnỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 94, 118f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 22;
Van Soldt SAU 32 n. 259, 163); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU.DINGIR, cf. PRU 3 253; PRU 4
201 (RS 18.02):18 (Van Soldt SAU 11); Ug 5 2 (RS 17.21) rev. 22; Ug 5 3 (RS 17.33)
rev. 6.
PN: 3.10:17; 3.30:13; 4.86:12 (bn yṣr[); 4.297:3 (gt PN, (Belmonte RGTC 2/2
83: *Gittu-Bin-ʔili); 4.377:19; 4.609:8, 19; 4.616:10; 4.623:6 (bn tlm[ yn]); 4.732:2;
2.87:4 (< b>nỉl), 22, 25.

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226 bnỉlh – bnnkl

bnỉlh PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 95).

PN: 3.7:4 (mḏrġl).
bnỉlt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 98).
PN: 4.35:19.
bnỉnr PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 11f.). Cf. bnỉrn.
PN: 4.715:4; 4.723:16; in bkn ctx. 4.229:4.
bnỉrn PN (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 12; Watson AuOr 8 1990 116);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU-i-ru-na, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):10, 20).
PN: 4.281:16.
Cf. bnỉnr.
bnʕn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 110; Zadok UF 17 1985 394 n. 123); ¶ syll.: mDUMU-
a-nu, Ug 5 8 (RS 17.38) rev. 3; cf. PN DUMU DUMU-ma-ni, Ug 5 159 (RS
17.86+):17 (Nougayrol Ug 5 263 n. 3: rdg PN DUMU mDUMU-a-ni).
PN: 4.33:32 (rqdy); 4.232:47.
Cf. ʕn (III).
bnʕnt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 111); ¶ syll.: cf. mDUMU-mDINGIR.IGI.AD, PRU 3
194 (RS 11.839):12; PN DUMU-mDINGIR. IGI.AD, ibid. ln. 16; cf. Huehnergard
AkkUg 400 n. 85.
PN: 4.307:6; 4.320:4; 4.840:11 (bn.ʕnt).
Cf. ỉlảbn.
bnʕṯtr PN (Sem.).
PN: 3.28:6.
bnkṯrt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 152); ¶ syll.: cf. [DUMU-]ku-ša-ri[, PRU 6 82
(RS 17.242):20.
PN: 4.412 II 5.
bnlbnn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 154).
PN: 4.65:4.
bnn (I) n. m.; a luxury item (etym. unc. In periph. Akk. pinnu AHw 864: gold
or bronze appliqué or decoration in the form of a button; diff. De Moor 28
1996 157: “carp”, Arab. bunnīy, Syr. Arab. benni; Watson LSU 81, 137f.: “bead”,
Eg. bnn). ¶ Forms: sg. bnn.
A luxury item: mỉt bnn one hundred b., 4.247:27 (between ảrt ḥkpt and ỉqnủ).
bnn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 119; Watson LSU 162); ¶ syll.: bu-na-ni,
PRU 6 148 (RS 17.97):5'.
PN: 4.377:16; in bkn ctx.: 3.16:10.
bnnbdg DN Hurr. (< nbdg, Hurr. DN. Gröndahl PTU 206, 243; Laroche GLH 186 f.;
Wilhelm RlA 7 173f.: “Nupatik / Nupadak”).
PN: 4.69 I 18. Cf. the DN nbdg, passim in Hurr. ctxs. rdg ]nbdgn in 7.43:5.
bnnkl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 166).
PN: 4.63 I 40.

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bnnklb – bnš 227

Cf. nkl.
bnnklb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 16, 100, 166, 244).
PN: 4.93 IV 20; in bkn ctx., 4.260:9; 4.432 (I) 16; 4.708:4.
Cf. ỉb (II), nkl.
bnny n. m. “intermediary, neutral person” (MHb. bynwny, “central, mean, aver-
age”, DTT 163; < bn (II). Cunchillos TOu/2 339; diff. Heltzer OLA 6 1979 479:
“made out of me (‘created me’) a man”; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 107 f.: “de ma
taille”, Akk. bunnannû, biniannu, etc.). ¶ Forms: sg. bnny.
Intermediary, neutral person: (may the king send me) bnš bnny ʕmn mlakty
hnd some intermediary with this my embassy, 2.33:34.
bnpdr PN ((?) < pdr (II), DN. Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 213; Ribichini-Xella UF 16
1984 271; SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: 4.655:8; in bkn ctx. pdr[, 2.1:4 (Cunchillos TOu/2 270 n. 5).
bnqdšt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 176); ¶ syll.: <DUMU->qa-diš-ti, Ug 5 7 (RS
17.36):14 (Sivan GAGl 260; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 11 n. 1; Van Soldt SAU 29 n. 236).
PN: 4.69 V 11; 4.412 I 12.
bnr element of the mythical TN mrrt-tġll-bnr, scene of Aqht’s violent death
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 191: *Mirartu-Taġullalu-Banīri (?). Dietrich-Loretz-San-
martín UF 5 1973 119ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209; Margalit UF 11 1979
522; Watson LSU 138: “date-palm which produces dates”; Astour RSP 2 303.
De Moor ARTU 260 n. 230: mrrt-tġll-bnr: “the gallbladder that brings into the
TN: 1.19 III 50, 51f.
Cf. mrrt (III), tġll.
bnršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 181f.; Watson AuOr 8 1990 127).
PN: 4.33:12 (ảry); 4.155:15; 4.170:9.
bnssm PN (Sem. For the theonym cf. Gröndahl PTU 187; Fauth ZDMG 120 1970
229f.; Sznycer RDAC 1984 117f.; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166).
PN: 4.170:18.
bnš n. m. 1) “man, an individual, someone, person; people, personnel”; 2) “ser-
vice personnel”; 3) “farmhand, labourer” (< bn (I) + *(ʔ)nš; see Sem. /ʔ-n-š/
and bn nšm, 1.178:10; cf. Akk. mār nišī, “Angehörige”, AHw 797; Yamashita
RSP 2 46; Ebla /našʔ/, “people”, in na-se11 / NA.SE11(SIG); Krebernik ZA 72
1982 218; Fronzaroli EL 147f.; Archi WGE 133; Grégoire-Renger WGE 22ff.;
ARET 7 228; ARET 8 63; ARET 9 398; na-sa-a, Fronzaroli NABU 1989/2; Akk.
nišū, “Menschen, Leute” (meist Pl. t.), AHw 796f.; “mankind, people”, CAD
N/2 283–289; Arab. nās, “men, people”, AEL 2866 f.; cf. Hb. nšym, “women”,
HALOT 729; Syr. neššēʔ, “women”, SL 951); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ(.MEŠ),
ÉRIN(.MEŠ), passim; cf. amīlu, ṣabû, PRU 3 232, 235; PRU 4 259, 262; PRU 6
150f.; Ug 5 340; Huehnergard AkUg 383, 393; Watson AuOr 19 2001 286: Amor.

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228 bnš

su-mu-bi-na-šu; Tropper UF 35 2003 663–665; Ford UF 40 2008 324–329;

McGeough ERU 89f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: ZA = a-mi-lu = tar-šu-wa-an-ni =: bu-nu-šu,
Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) II 5; NU = a-mi-lu = tar-šu-wa-an-ni = bu-nu-šu, ibid. ln.
8; [LÚ = amīlu = tar-š]u-wa-ni = bu-nu-šu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 31; [UR (=
amīlu) = tar-š]u-wa-an-ni =: bu-nu-šu, Ug 5 131 (RS 20.426 G+):7; cf. Huehn-
ergard UVST 114; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 732; Márquez JESHO 45 2002 1–19.
¶ Forms: sg. bnš; pl. bnšm (encl. -m: bnš-m (?), see Márquez RDU 232: // mnk
mnk-m; cf. Loretz UF 35 2003 375: Akk. mamman; Tropper UF 36 2004 518:
“irgendjemand”), cstr. bnš, suff. bnšhm).
1) Man, an individual, someone, person of m. sex: ★a) in general: (nn) bnšm
b TN (nn) men in TN, 4.355:2 and passim; hm mt yʕl bnš if death threatens
someone, 1.127:30; bt bn bnš yqḥ ʕz (if) the family of someone takes a goat,
ibid. ln. 31 (cf. ]bnš, ln. 15); yhb‹ bn!š may he remove this individual, 2.4:19; in
unc. ctx.: bt l bnš trgm[ the daughter (?) will say to the man[, 2.2:5 (cf. ibid. ln.
2); hn bnšk …, hn bnš …, hn bnš …, hn bnš that servant of yours, 2.90:4, 8, 10, 15
(see hn; Tropper UF 36 2004 518; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 159 f.); bnš l yqḥ
nobody will take, 3.33:11; kl bnšm dt ḫbṯ all the individuals who are ḫ., 2.108:4,
6, see 2.98:28; in bkn ctx. 1.86:8, 26, 30; ★b) coll. use, people, personnel: bn]š
d bt mlk people (busy / working) in the palace, 4.766:12; bnšm d ỉṯ bd rb ʕprm
personnel at the disposal of the chief of the ʕ., 4.752:1; tgmr bnš l b bt mlk total
of the people currently in service in the palace, 4.137:13; bnš {l} d yškb {l} b
bt mlk people who currently reside / lodge in the palace, 4.163:15; ʕl ảlpm bnš
(people) in charge of the cattle, 4.398:1; bnšm dt ỉṯ ảlpm lhm people who have
cattle, 4.422:1; bnšm dt l TN ṯb people who have returned to TN, 4.339:1, cf. l
mlk, ln. 17. bnš TN people of TN, 4.125:18, see bnš gt nn, ibid. ln. 2 and passim
(cf. Heltzer IOKU 63ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 344); in bkn ctx.: [bn]šm dt
ỉš[, 4.617 I 1; 4.655:1; 4.818:1; ★c) special syntagms: ṯryn aḥd d bnš one suit of
armour for a man, 4.169:6; cf. (…) d bnšm, 4.363:2; bnš bnny intermediary,
2.33:33; bnš kld archers, 4.277:1; cf. bnš[m m<n>dym the “Ummān-manda”,
2.62:4 (cf. ÉRIN.MEŠ MAN.DÁ.ME, PRU 4 180 (RS 17.286):6; Sanmartín SEL 5
1988 174f.; cf. mndy); the syntagm bnš bnšm + l (+ vb) “no-one”: bnš bnšm l
yqḥnn no-one shall snatch it, 3.5:16 (see Márquez RDU 232: encl. -m); mn bnš
whoever it may be, 2.45:25; bl bnš there is nobody, no-one, ibid. ln. 27; bnšm
[…] w thbẓn the people […] and they will wipe (him) out (?), 1.163:2; in bkn
ctx.: bnkm, 1.82:3.
2) Personnel in service, ★a) in the service of individuals: rišym dt ʕrb b bnšhm
GN who have stood surety for his personnel, 3.20:2; bnš PN, 4.44:24 and
passim; cf. 4.46:2; 4.103:52 (or rdg bn{š} (?); cf. bn (I) 7.); 4.243:32; 4.343:6–7;
4.358:3; 4.367:9; bnš tpnr personnel of the t., 4.44:23, 28; bnšm h[[x]]mt ypḥm
members of his personnel are the witnesses, 4.659:6; PN ṯlṯ bnšm PN: three

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bnšpš – bnt (i) 229

members of personnel, 4.804:1; hn bnš(k) this personnel (of yours), 2.90:4,

8, 10, 15; ★b) esp. bnš (mlk) “man / men (of the king)”, personnel directly
connected with the royal service (cf. Loretz UF 35 2003 374ff.; McGeough
ERU 90ff., infra: 3): PN bnš mlk “king’s personnel”, 3.2:6, see 4.859 II 1; PN
bnš mlkt “man of the queen”, 4.22:3; mḫṣ bnš mlk weaver, “man of the king”,
4.182:56; spr bnš mlk list of the “men of the king”, 4.370:1; 4.141 I 1; 4.144:1; spr
ḥpr bnš mlk list of rations of the “men of the king”, 4.609:1; ḥpr bnšm rations
of the “men (of the king)”, 4.243:2ff.; tgmr bnš mlk sum total of “men of the
king”, 4.141 II 25; cf. tgmr yṣḥm (nn) bnš mlk total of the bronzesmiths: (nn: all
of them) “men of the king”, 4.151 II 6; spr bnš mlk d b rỉš list of the “men of the
king” in TN, 4.367:1, cf. 3.2:6; cf. bnš b TN, 4.812:7, 8; bnšm d b[, 4.393:13; 4.395:1;
hn bnš h[w] ʕmm ảṯth t[hat] servant here returned to his wife, 2.90:10.
3) Farmhand, labourer (cf. supra: 2): ★a) bnš ảḥd one labourer, 4.420:5;
4.834:14; ṯlṯm bnš, thirty labourers, 4.834:13; (nn) bnšm w ḥmr (nn) farmhands
and a donkey, 4.29:2, 4; (nn) ḥmr(m) w (nn) bnšm (nn) donkeys and (nn)
farmhands, 4.380:3–26; bt ảlpm ʕšr bnšm cattle shed: ten farmhands, 4.358:2;
unspecified: ḫmš bnšm five farmhands, 4.138:1 (cf. lmd(m), ln. 3 and passim);
[ḫ]mš bnš five labourers, 4.301:1; in bkn ctx.: d bnš ḥmr[, 1.86:12; ★b) in
squads: (nn) ṣmdm (nn) bnš yd ytm yd rʕy ḥmrm (nn) pairs (oxen (?)), (nn)
farmhands with two foremen and the muleteer, 4.618:2, cf. ibid. ln. 5, 8, 14,
15–16, 18, 20, 22; in various places: (nn) bnšm b TN (nn) farmhands in TN,
4.355:2 and passim; ★c) on board ship: ṣbu ảnyt (nn) bnš(m) ship crew: (so
many) labourers, 4.40:5, 9, 13, 15, 17 (¶ RS Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ GIŠ.MÁ, PRU 6 138
(RS 19.46):20).
In bkn ctx. bnš bỉr[ 2.77:9; cf. 2.9:6; 2.17:16; 2.35:18; ủm bnš, 4.51:1; 4.762:6; tʕr
bnš, 7.55:6; bnšm iṯ, 2.107:7.
Cf. /ʔ-n-š/, bn (I).
bnšpš PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 34, 195); ¶ syll.: DUMU-dUTU(-ši), PRU 3 195
(RS 15.09) B I 17; PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):5; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):7.
PN: 4.63 IV 6; 4.194:18; 4.227 I 11; 4.628:5; 4.666:4; in bkn ctx.: 4.422:43; for bt
špš, 4.803:6, cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 361: rdg bn!špš (?) (cf. špš (I) 3.a).
bnt (I) n. f. “masonry, building, construction, creation” (< /b-n-y/. Akk. binītu,
“Gestaltung”, AHw 126f.; “creation, creature”, “a type of crossbeam”, CAD
B 238; Syr. bnytʔ, “building”, ThLS 48 Sanmartín UF 10 1978 445 f.). ¶ Forms:
sg. bnt.
Masonry, building, construction: bnt bhtk y ỉlm // bnt bhtk ảl tšmḫ (in the)
construction of your palace, oh DN, (in the) building of your palace do not
rejoice, 1.3 V 20 and par. (// b rm hklk; diff. Gordon PLM 83: “thou hast built”;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 192f.: “the sons”, rdg bnm; Del Olmo: MLC 190:
“dentro de tu casa …”); <b>hty bnt dt ksp my palace is a building of silver, 1.4

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230 bnt (ii) – /b-n-y/

VI 36 and par. (diff. Del Olmo MLC 206: “mi casa he construido, la de plata”;
cf. /b-n-y/); tṣb qšt bnt DN she loads / loaded the bow, the creation of DN, 1.17
VI 13.
bnt (II) n. f. 1) “produce”; 2) “creature” (< /b-n-y/; Akk. binûtu, “Erzeugnis,
Geschöpf”, AHw 127; “make-up, form, creation”, CAD B 243 f.; Watson LSU 81).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. bnt; pl. bnwt, suff. bnwth (Sivan UF 14 1982 216 n. 137;
Huehnergard UVST 287 n. 92).
1) Produce: bnt šdm the produce of the field, 1.12 II 44 (Dijkstra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 185; Du Mesnil Berytus 26 1978 64 n. 55; diff. Del Olmo MLC 484:
“vaguadas de los campos”, Arab. banātu-l-ʔarḍ).
2) Creature: bny bnwt “Creator of creatures”, 1.4 II 11 and par., title of the
god El (Akk. bān binûti, Tallqvist AGE 129; Rahmouni DEUT 98–101. De
Moor SP 144 n. 2: “the Progenitor of the generations”); w tṯkl bnwth for she
(pḥlt) will be deprived of offspring, 1.100:62 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 44
n. 27; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 124: “Zeugungskraft”; but cf.
Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 349: “Geschöpfe”); bnt ṣʕṣ bnt mʕmʕ the creatures
of terror, the creatures of convulsion, 1.82:41, see ibid. ln. 18 (titles of demons.
Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 248, 254); in unc. ctx.: ḥr ḥr bnt, the entrails, the
entrails of the creatures 1.82:13.
bnt (III) n. m. “tamarisk” (Akk. bīnu, “Tamariske”, AHw 127; “tamarisk”, CAD
B 239ff.; Ebla cf. /baynim/, /baynu(m)/, in GIŠ.ŠINIG = i-zu ba-ne(-um),
ba-nu, VE 395; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 15; QuSem 18 139. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 218; Wyatt RTU 72 n. 15; Watson LSU 82; diff. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 445 f.:
“Modell, Figurine”, Akk. binītu; Aartun StUL 30 ff.: “Geruch, Duft”, bnn; Pardee
UF 15 1983 136: “berries (?), odor (?)”, Arab. bnn). ¶ Forms: sg. bnt.
Tamarisk: bnt qḥ take (a bunch of) tamarisk, 1.124:8; for kpr šbʕ bnt, 1.3 II 2
see infra: bt (I) 2).
bnt (IV), cf. bt (I).
bnṯmq PN (< ṯmq, DN. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 169).
PN: 4.65:2; 4.93 III 3; 4.106:20; 4.122:7; 4.226:10; 4.658:7 (rdg b <bn> ṯmq).
bnwn n. m. “building” (< /b-n-y/; Hb. bnyn, “building”, HALOT 140; OAram.
bnwy, “construction, building”, DNWSI 173; Syr. benyanāʔ, “building”, SL 162;
OSA bnyt, bnwt, “building, edifice”, SD 29; Arab. bunyān, “a building”, AEL
261). ¶ Forms: sg. bnwn.
Building: ʕl l ṯkm bnwn go up on top of the building, 1.16 IV 13.
bnwt, cf. bnt (II).
/b-n-y/ vb G: 1) “to build”; 2) “to reconstruct, rebuild”; N: “to be built” (?) (Hb.
bnh, “to build”, HALOT 139; Ph., Pun., OAram., bny, “to build”, DNWSI 173 ff.;
OSA Qat. bny, “to build”, LIQ 29f.; Amor. /bny/, “to build, create”, Gelb CAAA
16; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 40; Müller Biling. 173, 184; Krebernik BFE 152,

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bny – /b-q-ʕ/ 231

156; Müller EDA 105; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 184; Pagan ARES 3 101; Akk.
banû, “schaffen, bauen”, AHw 103; “to build, construct”, CAD B 83ff.; OSA bny,
“construxit”, CAME 115; bny, “to build”, SD 29; Arab. bny, “to build”, AEL 260 f.);
cf. ¶ RS Akk.: ]a-bi ba-an, Ug 5 168 (RS 22.219+):18; DN ib-nu-šu-nu-ti, Ug 5 17
(RS 17.155+):20; in the sky ib-ba-ni ŠUB, ibid. rev. 12; I, PN, u-bá-an-ni-šu (D),
PRU 4 99 (RS 17.79+):50; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /yabn(ī)-/ in PNN; Sivan
GAGl 142, 157, 212; cf. ideogr. DÙ in PN DÙ.dUTU (/Yabni-Šapšu/, PRU 6 18
(RS 19.53):3; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 372 n. 22); ¶ par.: /r-m/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
ybn, tbn, tbnn, ảbn; impv. bn; inf. cstr. bn; act. ptc. m. sg. bny (cf. bny); Gpass./N
prefc. ybn (?) (Verreet UF 17 1985 328).
G. 1) To build: tbʕ bn bht ym go, build the palace of DN, 1.2 III 7 (// rmm), 1.2
III 7, see ln. 8: t]bn [may you] build; bn bht ksp w ḫrṣ build a palace of silver
and gold, 1.4 V 18, 33; ([quickly] bhth [t]b[nn] they built his palace, 1.4 VI 16
(// trmm), 1.4 V 51, 53; for bnt, 1.4 VI 36, cf. bnt (I).
2) To reconstruct, rebuild: knp nšrm <bʕl> ybn // bʕl ybn dỉy hmt may <DN>
rebuild the wings of the eagles, // may DN rebuild their pinions, 1.19 III 12–13
and par.; in bkn ctx., ảbn ảnk I shall rebuild you (?), 1.18 IV 40 (diff. Margalit
JNSL 9 1981 105: “culpable am I”, Arab. ʔbn; Caquot SEL 2 1985 94 “discerner,
comprendre” < /b-n/; for other options see Wyatt RTU 287 n. 163).
Gpass./N. To be built (?): ybn bt l bʕl km ỉlm let a house be built for DN like
(that of) the gods, 1.4 IV 62.
Cf. bnt (I), bnt (II), bnwn, bnwt, bny.
bny n. m. “architect, builder; maker, creator” (< act. ptc. G /b-n-y/; Ph., Pun.
bnʔ, bny, “architect, builder”, DNWSI 177; Akk. bānû, “Maurer”, AHw 103;
“creator, begetter”, CAD B 94f.; Arab. bannāʔ, “builder, architect”, AEL 261;
banāʔ, bānin, “builder”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 95); ¶ RS Akk.: a-bi DIŠ-en ba-ni
LÚ.MEŠ, Ug 5 17A (RS 17.155):33. ¶ Forms: sg. bny.
“Architect, Builder”, in the titulature of the crown prince: bny w lb mlk “archi-
tect” in accordance with (?) the heart of the king (the royal decision), 3.11:7
(Del Olmo CR 141 n. 24: rdg k lb; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 42 2010 130, 133f.:
“er ist ein (Königs)treuer”, Akk. banû II, “gut, schön sein”); “Maker, Creator”,
in the divine title bny bnwt “Creator of creatures”, 1.4 II 11; III 32 (// ṯr ỉl); 1.6
III 5, 11 (// lṭpn ỉl); 1.17 I 24 (// ṯr ỉl ảb) (Pope UF 19 1987 222; cf. Akk. bān binûti,
Tallqvist AGE 129).
/b-q-ʕ/ vb G: “to split, open” (Hb. bqʕ, “to split, cleave”, HALOT 149 f. Aartun
UF 16 1984 8f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ỉbqʕ, ybqʕ; suff. tbqʕnn.
G. To split, open: ybqʕ kbdthm he opened their entrails, 1.19 III 10 and par.;
ỉbqʕ kbdh, I shall open her entrails, 1.19 III 32 and par.; b ḥrb tbqʕnn with a
knife she split him, 1.6 II 32 (diff. Wyatt UF 39 2007 764 ff.: “to harvest”).
Cf. bqʕ (I), bqʕ (II), bqʕt (I), bqʕt (II), bqʕty.

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232 bqʕ – bqr (i)

bqʕ n. m. “valley” / TN “The Valley” (Hb. bqʕh, “valley-plain”, HALOT 150; MHb.
bqʕh, “valley”, pa. < “cut”, DTT 186f.; Arab. baqʕat, “a place in which water
remains”, AEL 235; Watson AuOr 19 2001 113). ¶ Forms: sg. bqʕ.
Valley / TN: ảrbʕ ủzm mrảt bqʕ four fattened geese of the valley / TN, 4.247:21;
mỉt ygb bqʕ one hundred y. of the valley / TN, ibid. ln. 23 (Aartun UF 16 1984
9: TN; Watson LSU 198: “the Valley”).
Cf. bqʕ (II), bqʕt.
bqʕt (I) DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (/Bāqiʕatu/ “Midwife”, ptc. f. G < /b-q-ʕ/.
Watson UF 9 1977 283; Herrmann YN 24, 47).
DN of one of the kṯrt goddesses, 1.24:48.
bqʕt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 51f.: *Baqʕatu. Rainey IOS 2 1972 402; Helck
Bez. 54: b-q-ʕ-tum; Astour RSP 2 271, 344; UF 13 1981 6; Bordreuil Syria 61
1984 1, 4f.; UF 28 1996 663f.; UF 30 1998 725, 734; Van Soldt Topography
14, 171; Watson LSU 198); ¶ syll.: URU ba-aq-at, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):12;
PRU 4 48ff. (RS 17.340+):22; PRU 4 63ff. (RS 17.237+):34; cf. Huehnergard
UVST 249.
TN: 4.48:8; 4.63 II 21; 4.100:6; 4.235:8 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 664); 4.355:9;
4.380:12; 4.643:9; 4.683:16; 4.693:13 (bqʕ[t]); 4.777:4; 4.793:10.
bqʕty GN m. (< bqʕt (II)). ¶ Forms: sg. bqʕty.
GN: 425:6.
bql n. m. “malt” (Akk. buqlu, “Malz”, AHw 139; “malt, green”, CAD B 323ff.; Stol
RlA 7 322–329; Ebla /buqlum/, in DIM4 = bù-gu-lum, bù-gu-lu-um VE 856;
Archi StEb 2 1980 88; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 33; Krecher Biling. 151; Syr. buqlāʔ,
“a plant”, SL 177; Arab. baql, “leguminous plants”, AEL 236; “herbs, greens”,
Wehr-Cowan DMWA, 84; Eth. baqwl, “plant, herb”, CDG 100 f.). ¶ Forms: sg.
Malt: qmḥ bql malt flour, 1.71:25; 1.85:32.
/b-q-r/ vb G/D: “to examine, scrutinise” (Hb. bqr pi., “to carry out an examina-
tion of the offering, scrutinise”, HALOT 151; Nab., JAram. bqr, “to examine”,
DNWSI 187; Ebla cf. ba-qá-ru12 a-ba-qá-ra / a-ba-qá-ru12 a-ba-qá-ru12, “inda-
gare”, Pettinato Rituale 218; diff. Fronzaroli ARET 11 140: /p-k-r/ “legare”; Arab.
baqara, “to slit, split, to open, to know”, AEL 233f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 465; Dietrich-Loretz MU 61; UF 34 2002 59 f.; Dombradi WO 28 1997
31ff.). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. ybqr, tbqrn.
G/D. To examine: tbqrn let them scrutinise / they scrutinised, 1.78:5; in bkn
ctx.: ṣḥ ybqr św, 6.79 b 1.
bqr (I) n. m. “cattle, herd of cattle” (Hb., Ph. bqr, “cattle”, HALOT 151; “cattle”,
DNWSI 187; Ebla /baqarum/, in ÁB.LU = ba-ga-lum, VE 1101; Krebernik ZA 73
1983 39; Mari Akk.: cf. bu-qá-ru, “bétail”, ARMT 2 131:39; “Rind”, AHw 139;
“cattle”, CAD B 323; Emar /ba/uqaru/, “flock, herd, bovines”, Pentiuc Vocabu-

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bqr (ii) – brdd 233

lary 36f.; cf. Akk. PN bu-GA-ar, MAD 3 100; OSA bqr, “bos, vacca”, CAME 117;
“bovines, large cattle”, SD 30; Arab. baqar, “bovine genus”, AEL 234). ¶ Forms:
sg. bqr.
Cattle, herd of cattle: ḫmš ảlp bqr five bovine head of cattle, 4.691:1 (San-
martín UF 20 1988 272 n. 29; in bkn ctx.: ]bqr, 1.92:12 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994
117, 119).
bqr (II), 1.14 III 9; cf. mqr.
bqš PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 120; Watson AuOr 11 1993 214).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 IV 13.
/b-q-ṯ/ vb D: “to search for, look for; to investigate, find out” (Hb., Ph. bqš pi., “to
discover, find”, HALOT 152; “to seek, look for”, DNWSI 188). ¶ Forms: D prefc.
ảbqṯ, ybqṯ; impv. bqṯ.
D. To search for, look for, investigate, find out: w ảbqṯ ảliyn bʕl and I shall
search for DN, the “Most Powerful”, 1.6 IV 20; ảṯr ỉṯ bqṯ wherever he is look for
him, 2.39:34; mlkn ybqṯ ảnyt the king himself must look for a ship, 2.42:26; in
unc. ctx.: ảl (…) ybqṯ šmhm b spr, 4.817:12 (Bordreuil-Pardee PIHANS 114 9:
“personne ne cherchera leurs noms dans un document”).
br (I) n. m. type of barge (Eg. br (bjr), bʔ(y)ʔr, bí-r, “Art Seeschiff”, WäS/1 465;
Helck Bez. 511 (56); Gk bâris, Liddell-Scott GEL 307; Hb. (cj.) br, HALOT 153.
Vita EU 165; Barcos 282; Watson LSU 92, 138: Eg. br (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. br; pl.
A type of barge: ṯlṯ brm three b., 4.421:3 (cf. ảnyt mlk, ibid. ln. 2); br PN,
4.81:2–19 (cf. ảnyt, ibid. ln. 1; ṯkt, ibid. 4–5, 8); in bkn ctx. br, 4.647:1, 4, 6.
br (II), 1.4 I 35; 4.608:3; 4.769:18; cf. br(r).
brỉ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 120; Bonnet SEL 7 1990 118).
PN: bn PN, 4.103:38.
/b-r-d/ vb G/D: “to divide, separate” (Hb. prd, “to spread out”, pu. “separated”,
HALOT 962f.; Syr. prd, “to flee, go away”, SL 1227; JAram. prd, “to break apart,
separate”, DTT 1215; Akk. parādu, “erschrecken”, AHw 827; “to be fearful,
disturbed”, CAD P 141ff.; Arab. farada, “to be single, sole”, af. “to separate”,
AEL 2363f.; Eth. farada, “separate”, CDG 165. Cassuto GA 108; Lipiński UF 2
1970 78f.; Van Zijl Baal 47; diff. De Moor SP 70: “to cut”, rdg br d < *bry, but cf.
CARTU 131). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. ybrd.
G/D. To divide, separate: ybrd ṯd lpnwh he divided the breast in his presence,
1.3 I 6.
Cf. brdd, brdn.
brdd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32, 37f., 120, 133; Xella UF 18 1986 444; Ribichini-
Xella RSF 15 1987 8).
PN: 4.7:3; 4.103:31 (Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.763:9; 4.807 II 51 (rdg prob. bn <b>rdd;
diff. KTU bn rdd).

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234 brdn – /b-r-k/ (ii)

brdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 120; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 8); ¶ syll.:
cf. bur-ru-dì-na, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):8 (Huehnergard AkUg 386).
PN: ★a) 4.356:13; ★b) in unc. rdg: bn PN, 4.255:4; 4.713:3.
brḏl n. m. “iron” (Anat. loanword. Hb., Ph. brzl, “iron”, HALOT 155 f.; “iron”,
DNWSI 196; OAram. przl, “iron”, DNWSI 936; Amor. /barzillu/, Artzi JNES 28
1969 268ff.; Akk. parzillu, “Eisen”, AHw 837; “iron”, CAD P 212 ff.; OSA frzn,
“ferrum”, CAME 220; frzn, “iron”, SD 46. Rendsburg ScMed 3 1982 54 ff.; Wat-
son LSU 148; Valério-Yakubovich Fs. Ivanov 108–116); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. GÍR
AN.BAR, PRU 6 6 (RS 17.144):6. ¶ Forms: sg. brḏl.
Iron: kkrm brḏl two talents of iron, 4.91:6.
brḥ adj. m.: 1) “fleeing, slippery”; 2) “fugitive” (Hb. br(y)ḥ, “fugitive” HALOT 156;
cf. Ebla ŠÀ.ḪUL.GIG = ba-rí-ù/um da-du, VE 591; INIM.ḪUL = sa-ga-lu/ru12
ba-rí-ù-tum, EV 0154; Krebernik QuSem 18 138. Aartun WO 4 1967–1968 282ff.;
Van Zijl Baal 158; Wakeman GBM 57 n. 3; Van der Lugt-De Moor BiOr 31 1974
5; Renfroe UF 20 1988 226–232); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. lex. l. PA.GÁ = nu-ʔu-ú LÚ
ba-ar-ḫu, Nougayrol RA 63 1969 83ff. (RS 29.103) IV 8; PA.PA.GÁ = nu-ʔu-ú
MÍ ba-ri-iḫ-tu4, ibid. IV 9; Huehnergard UVST 114 f.; ¶ par.: ʕqltn, gr. ¶ Forms:
sg. brḥ; pl. (?) brḥm.
1) Fleeing, said of the serpent: bṯn brḥ the fleeing serpent, 1.5 I 1 (// ʕqltn; see
Is. 27:1; diff. Albright BASOR 83 1941 39 n. 5; Zurro Bib 61 1980 412 ff.: “malo”,
Ebla ba-ri-um); in bkn ctx.: tdrk brḥ ảrṣ (if) you tread on a creeping (creature)
on the ground, 1.82:38 (De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 248; Del Olmo AuOr 29
2011 248).
2) Fugitive, said of a man: ʕnt brḥ p ʕlmh from now and for ever be a fugitive,
1.19 III 48 (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 177; UR 133 n. 17: “the flow of time” / “now,
yesterday and unto eternity”, *brḥ, Arab. al-bariḥa(ta)).
In bkn ctx.: brḥm, 7.219:1.
/b-r-k/ (I) tD “to kneel (down), bend one’s knees (to give birth)” (denom. <
brk; Hb. brk, “to kneel down”, HALOT 159; Arab. baraka, “to kneel down”,
AEL 193ff.; Eth. baraka, “to kneel”, CDG 105); ¶ par.: ḫl. ¶ Forms: tD impv.
suff. tbrk{k}.
tD. To kneel (down), bend one’s knees: tbrk{k} w ld bend your knees and give
birth, 1.12 I 26 (// ḫl ld; diff. Smith RM 98: “May they (the gods) bless you!”, but
see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 314 n. 5).
Cf. brk.
/b-r-k/ (II) Gpass. “to be blessed” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. pass. ptc.
brw/yk, “blessed”, D. brk “to bless”, HALOT 159 f.; DNWSI 198ff.; Arab. barraka,
bāraka, “to pray for a blessing”, AEL 193; Eth. bāraka, “to bless”, CDG 105; cf.
Akk. karābu, “Gebet”, “Segen”, AHw 445f.; “prayer, blessing”, CAD K 192ff.;
> Eg. bí-rē-ka, “segnen”, Helck Bez. 511 (60). Toll ZAW 94 1982 111 ff.); ¶ par.:

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brk – brlt 235

/m-r(-r)/ (II). ¶ Forms: Gpass. ptc. f. brktm (encl. -m); D prefc. tbrk, ybrk; suff.
tbrkn, tbrknn; inf. suff. brkn; brkm (encl. -m).
Gpass. To be blessed: l tbrkn ảlk brktm bless me so that I may go blessed, 1.19
IV 32 (// nmrrt).
D. To bless: l tbrk [krt] will you not bless PN?, 1.15 II 14 (// l tmr); brkm ybrk
[ʕbdh] ybrk ỉl krt truly he blessed [his servant], DN blessed PN, 1.15 II 18–19
(cf. 1.77:2–3); tbrk ỉlm the gods blessed (him), 1.15 III 17; ybrk dnỉl he blessed
PN, 1.17 I 34; l tbrkn ảlk brktm bless me so that I may go blessed, 1.19 IV 32 (//
tmrn); l tbrknn l ṯr ỉl do bless him, oh Bull DN!, 1.17 I 23 (// tmrnn); yʕbš brkn
šm ỉl (they) extol (?) blessing (it / him,) the name of DN, 1.22 I 7.
brk n. f. “knee” (Hb. brk, “knee”, HALOT 160f.; Akk. bi/urku, “Knie”, AHw 129,
140; “knee”, CAD B 255ff.; Arab. rukbat, “knee”, AEL 1143; Eth. bǝrk, “knee”,
CDG 105); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [bi?]-ir?-ku, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 30. Huehnergard
UVST 115, 102, 305; ¶ par.: ḥlq, kḥṯ, yd. ¶ Forms: sg. brk (1.7:9); du. brkm; suff.
brkh; pl. suff. brktkm, brkthm.
Knee: špk (…) dm km šḫṭ l brkh shed (…) (his) blood, like an assassin over his
knees, 1.18 IV 24; l brkh yʕdb qṣʕt on his knees he left the arrows, 1.17 V 27 (//
bd); tšu (…) l ẓr brkthm they lifted (…) from upon their knees, 1.2 I 29 and par.
(// ln kḥṯ); brkm tġll b dm (her) knees she plunged in the blood, 1.3 II 13 and
par., cf. 1.7:9 (// ḥlqm); in bkn ctx. brkh, 1.172:25.
brkt/y n. f. “pool, swamp” (Hb. brkh, “pool”, HALOT 161; “pool”, DNWSI 202; Emar
/birrīka/ātu/, “pond(s)”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 40 f.; OSA brkt, “cistern”, SD 31;
Arab. birkat, “tank, cistern, pool”, AEL 194; > Eg. brkt, bí-r-qa-tá, “der Teich”,
WäS/1 466; Helck Bez. 511 (62); Loretz UF 33 2001 316 f.; Watson UF 40 2008
549: AA *b-r-k “to dig a hole”, see Takács EDE/2 268); ¶ par.: ʕn. ¶ Forms:
sg. brkt, brky, allom. Loretz UF 33 2001 303–324; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010
Pool, swamp: brky tkšd rủmm the pool that the wild bulls seek, 1.5 I 16; brkt
šbšt k rủmm the swamps that attract, yes, the wild bulls, 1.133:6.
brlt n. f.: 1) “hunger, appetite, relish”; 2) “spirit, life force”; 3) “throat” (etym.
unc. Cf. Hurr. /wurr=/ (2), “vouloir”, “désirer”, Laroche GLH 298. Cutler-
Macdonald UF 5 1973 67ff.: Akk. meriltu, mereštu, but cf. Dijkstra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 196 n. 218; cf. Pope UF 13 1981 305f.: Arab. buraʔil, burʔulat; Rends-
burg JAOS 107 1987 626f.: MSA ʔāberét / ʕabrέt; Watson LSU 127, 138: Hurr.
parili, paliri, Eg. b3, “soul”; Criscuolo SEL 24 2007 23–31: < c.Sem. wrr); ¶ par.:
npš. ¶ Forms: sg. brlt, suff. brlth.
1) Hunger, appetite, relish: brlt ảnḫr b ym the hunger of the ả. (that lives) in
the sea, 1.5 I 15 (// npš); tptḥ brlth l ṯrm she opened his relish to feed himself,
1.16 VI 12 (// npš); yḥ (…) brlt ġzr may revive (…) in his appetite the Noble, 1.17
I 37 (// npš; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 305: “throat”, but see p. 174: “may …

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236 brn – brqt

live to the fullest!”); ʕdb ỉmr (…) l brlt hyn prepare a lamb (…) for the hunger
of DN, 1.17 V 18 and par. (// npš).
2) Spirit, life force: tṣỉ (…) km ỉṯl brlth (…) like phlegm may his spirit go out,
1.18 IV 25 and par. (// npšh).
3) Throat: qḥ (…) brltk bm ymn take your throat in (your) right, 1.16 I 42 (//
tp. De Moor UF 11 1979 645).
brn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 309; Watson AuOr 30 2012 329); ¶ syll.: cf.
BUR-ra-na, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) A I 4”; PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):15; cf. PRU 6 142;
BU-ra-na, Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146 [= “8.213”]):13, 16; PRU 3 74 (RS 16.385):12.
Cf. prn.
PN: bn PN, 4.281:26; 4.410:6; in bkn ctx. br[, 4.488:4.
brq (I) n. m. “ray, lightning” (Hb., OAram. brq, “lightning”, HALOT 162; “light-
ning”, DNWSI 203; Akk. be/irqu, “Blitz”, AHw 122; “lightning”, CAD B 258 f.;
Arab. barq, “lightning”, AEL 190; Eth. baraqa, “to flash”, mabra/ǝq, “lightning”,
CDG 106); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /bur(a)qu-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 213;
¶ par.: ql (I), rʕt. ¶ Forms: sg. brq; pl. brqm.
Ray, lightning: ảbn brq the stone / head of the lightning, 1.3 III 26 and par. (cf.
ảbn); (he will be able) šrh l ảrṣ brqm to release his lightnings to the earth, 1.4
V 9 (// qlh); in bkn ctx.: šbʕt brqm seven rays, 1.101:3; ʕṣ brq the staff of a ray,
1.101:4 (// rʕt); […] kslh k brq […]k yġḏ thmt brq his (the bow’s) sinew [shone
(?)] like a ray, […] as lightning moves the ocean (?), 1.17 VI 11 f. for 1.82:5 see
infra: brt.
brq (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 120f.; Watson LSU 162); ¶ syll.: cf. bu-ra-qu,
Ug 5 97 (RS 20.20):7.
PN: ★a) 4.181:3 (maḫdy); 4.300:2; 4.313:9; in bkn ctx.: 4.262:9; ★b) bn PN: 4.64
IV 4; 4.98:15; 4.350:5; 4.724:4.
brqd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32, 37f., 121, 133; Pardee RSOu 17 347, 353, 362f.;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 185; Loretz HippUg 89 ff.: TN, rdg. b rqd).
PN: 4.377:15.
brqn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 121: Watson AuOr 30 2012 329); ¶ syll.: cf.
bur-qa-nu/na, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145)32; RA 38 1941 (RS 11.856):17 (cf.
Berger WO 5 1969–1970 275); PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):4, 6; PRU 4 237 (RS 17.251):27;
PRU 6 141 (RS 19.112):1; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):6 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 20, 26 f.,
508); bu-ra-qu-nu, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 9; cf. BU-ra-KA-nu, PRU 6 50
(RS 17.388):5, 11, 21 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 220; cf. Van Soldt SAU 320 n. 136).
PN: ★a) 3.8:23 (spr, Van Soldt UF 20 1988 313 n. 4; SAU 20, 26 f.); 4.53:5 (ṯlḥḫ),
11; 4.141 I 9; 4.278:8; 4.410:32; 4.753:11; 4.859 II 2; ★b) bn PN: 4.232:46; 4.841:43;
Cf. prgn.
brqt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 120f.).

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/b-r(-r)/ – brr 237

PN: bn PN, 4.787:7.

Cf. brq (II), bgrt.
/b-r(-r)/ vb G: “to be or remain pure, clean, free” (Hb. brr, “to purge out”, nif. “to
keep clean”, HALOT 162f.; Nab., Palm. brr pa., “to make clear”, DNWSI 203;
JAram. brr, “to make clear”, DTT 198; OSA brr IV, “purificavit”, CAME 119; Syr.
“acquit oneself of, faithfully perform a duty”, SD 31; ¶ RS Akk.: zakû ištu / ina,
passim; cf. PRU 3 230f.; PRU 6 154; Van Soldt SAU 449, 452. ¶ Forms: G suffc.
br, brt.
G. To be or remain pure, clean, free of legal obligations: km špš d brt kmt br
PN b ủnṯ ʕd ʕlm like the sun, which is free, similarly PN remains free of corvée
in perpetuity, 3.12:3–4; in bkn ctx., ảt brt lbk you are pure of heart (?), 2.8:4;
cf. 2.3:5.
Cf. br (II), br(r), brr, brrn (I), brrn (II), tbrrt.
br(r) n. m. “tin” (cf. brr < /b-r(-r)/; cf. Eth. bǝrur, “silver”, CDG 106; JAram. brrʔ,
“unalloyed metal”, Jastrow 198; Akk. cf. barru, “rein (Edelmetall)” (?), AHw
107. Zaccagnini OA 9 1970 317ff.; Heltzer GPOTU 29 f.; Van Selms UF 7 1975
472; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 61: “leuchtendes Metall”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 32 2000 211f.; UF 35 2003 159: “rein, weiss” > “Marmor (?)”); ¶ par.: bẓr;
¶ RS Akk.: AN.NA(.MEŠ), Ug 5 12 (RS 17.19):6 and passim ibid.; cf. AN.NA
ša EN-ia ú-še-bi-la ki-i KI.LÁ.BI 8 GÚ.UN AN.NA ù 7 me-at šu-ut, Ug 5 38
(RS 20.16):22ff.; Zaccagnini OA 9 1979 322 n. 59; AN.NA.BABBAR.MEŠ, PRU 6
155 (RS 19.07):7; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 1 GÚN bu-ri GAL, PRU 6 158 (RS 19.24):14;
Huehnergard UVST 115. ¶ Forms: sg. brr, var. br.
Tin: ★a) in commerce: ʕšrm kkr brr twenty talents of tin, 4.91:12; kkr br a
talent of tin, 4.608:3; ★b) often mentioned together with ṯlṯ copper: ḫmš kkrm
ảlp kbd ṯlṯ l nskm bỉrtym (…) w ṯṯ mảt brr b ṯmnym ksp ṯlṯt kbd five talents
one thousand shekels of copper for the smiths GNN (…) and six hundred
(shekels) of tin for eighty-three of silver, 4.337:4; ḫmš kkr brr kkr ḫmš mảt kbd
ṯlṯ šmn five talents of tin and one talent five hundred (shekels) of copper (in
exchange for) oil, 4.272:3; ṯmn kkr ṯlṯ ṯmn kkr brr eight talents of copper, eight
talents of tin, 4.203:2; ảlpm ṯlṯ ktt ảlp brr two thousand (shekels) of powdered
copper (and) one thousand of tin, 4.203:15; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt ʕšrm kbd brr two
thousand three hundred (shekels of) tin, 4.809:5; kkrm brr two talents of tin,
4.867:5; ★c) transport: ṯn ḥmr[m …] l brr two donkeys for the tin, 4.268:3; ★d)
for luxury items: hdm ỉl! d pršả b br a divine footstool covered in tin, 1.4 I 35
(// bẓr. Van Selms UF 7 1975 472; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 61).
Cf. brr.
brr adj. m. “pure, purified, clean” (< /b-r(-r)/. Hb. br, brwr, “cleanliness”, “pure”,
HALOT 153, 155; Akk. cf. barru, “rein”, AHw 107; Ebla cf. bu-ru12 / ba-ra-ru12,
ARET 5 5 III 6f., 10f.; Vattioni EDA 218). ¶ Forms: sg. m. brr.

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238 brrn (i) – /b-ṣ-ʕ/

Pure, purified, clean (cultic lang.): yrtḥṣ mlk brr the king shall wash himself
(remaining) purified, 1.119:5 and passim in rituals; yṯb mlk brr the king sits
down, already purified, 1.87:7–8 and par.; mlk brr the king is purified, 1.87:49
and par.
Cf. br(r).
brrn (I) first element of the composite DN brrn aryn “The Brillant One (?)-DN”,
a demon (?) (cf. the Akk. demon barīrītu, AHw 107; CAD B 111. Xella TRU 221f.;
Pardee TR/1 704).
Element of the composite DN: brrn aryn, 1.123:23.
brrn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 121).
PN: bn PN, 4.200:9; 4.631:21.
brs/ś(m) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 289, 299; Segert UF 15 1983 212);
¶ syll.: cf. bur-ZU-mi, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):28; var. brś in 4.759:8; b?rsm,
PN: bn PN, 4.69 II 19; 4.106:11; 4.759:8; 4.785:17; 4.841:20; 4.860:19;
brt n.f. “forecast”, “omen” (?) (Akk. bārûtu, “Arbeit, Weisheit des Opferschauers”,
AHw 110; “act of divination, lore, craft of the diviner”, CAD B 131 (Del Olmo
AuOr 32 2014 00); for the RS Akk. bārûtu see Malbran-Labat-Roche ROuCEu
92. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. brt.
Forecast, omen (?): hm tġrm lmt brtk if you are bound (to pay) to death /
Môtu (according to) your forecast / omen, 1.82:5 (diff. De Moor ARTU 176:
“you are pledging your covenant to Death”, Hb. bryt; Caquot TOu/2 65 n. 174:
“si tu amoncelles contre Mot tes foudres”, rdg brq!k; Miglio JNER 13 2013 33,
39: “if you cast your bolts against Môtu”); Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247, 252: “If
your / his constitution is covered with the skin of death”, *bry, Arab. barāy,
“to form, fashion by cutting”, birāyat, “shaping, paring”, AEL 197 f.).
bry cf. supra: bly PN.
brz/sn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 289, 298; Van Soldt SAU 11); ¶ syll.: cf.
BUR-ZA-nu, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):27 (cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 386); var. brsn
in 4.69 I 10. Cf. prsn.
PN: bn PN, 4.66:6; 4.69 I 10 (Van Soldt SAU 11); 4.103:17; 4.436:2; 4.623:5, 7 (Van
Soldt SAU 11); 4.631:22; 4.785:22; 4.807 I 11; 4.834:10.
brzt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 114, 183, 288, 291).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 12.
bs PN (etym. unc; diff. Xella TRU 75 rdg bsbn PN).
PN: 1.87:58 (bn hzpy; see hzpy (II)).
bsn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 244).
PN: ★a) 4.15:11; 4.300:3; ★b) bn PN: 4.229:3.
/b-ṣ-ʕ/, in bkn ctx.: ]lm tbṣʕ, 1.147:13 (Tropper UG 93, 105: *bṣʕ II: “einschnei-

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b?ṣmm – /b-ṣ-r/ (ii) 239

b?ṣmm, rdg unc. in 4.4:4 (Tropper UF 29 1997 664f.: “dicht / grob gewebt” < Arab.
buṣm; see rṣm).
bṣmn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.183 II 29 (spr. Van Soldt UF 20 1988 313 n. 4; SAU 20, 26; Xella UF 22 1990
470); 4.364:13; 4.658:21 (bn ḥrtn). 4.840:6; 4.851:2.
bṣmy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 60; Watson LSU 198; Van Soldt Topography 14).
TN: 4.408:4.
/b-ṣ-q/ vb G: “to sprout” (?) (Hb. bṣq, “to swell”, said of flour-dough, by metaph.
shift, HALOT 148: > bṣql in Ug. and Hb.). Forms: G suffc. // act./pass. ptc bṣq
G. To sprout (?): prʕ bṣq b ỉrt lbnn first fruit that sprouts / sprouted from / in
the slope of TN, 1.22 I 25 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1314 n. 40: “auf dem
Gipfel der Flanke des Lebanon!”, rdg b ṣq; so too Margalit UPA 217: “on the
bṣql n. m. “sprout, shoot; branch” (< /b-ṣ-q/, “to sprout” > “a plant” (?), extended
form (+ l). Hb. bṣql(wn), “ear of corn”, HALOT 148, cf. 2 Kgs 4:42. Sanmartín
UF 9 1977 266; Margalit RB 91 1984 109ff.; ZAW 99 1987 394; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 18 1986 115ff.; Watson AuOr 22 2004 120); ¶ par.: št. ¶ Forms: sg. bṣql.
Sprout, shoot; branch: bṣql yph b pảlt he saw a shoot in the waste land, 1.19
II 13 and par.; as a collect., branch: bṣql ʕrgz a branch of the ʕrgz-plant.,
1.85:5 (// št; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 203f.; Cohen-Sivan UHT 19: “a
measure” // št; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 304: “(green) outer layer, shell”); ảḥl
ản bṣql ynpʕ (…) tỉspk yd ảqht if only, everywhere shoot that sprouts (…), the
hand of PN would gather you!, 1.19 II 15, 22.
/b-ṣ-r/ (I) vb G: “to watch”; N: “to watch each other” (?) (Arab. baṣira, “to
perceive”, AEL 210ff.; MSA Jibb. bṣr, “to see well”, JL 31. Caquot Mél. Laroche
82f.; Watson JNSL 5 1977 73; Loretz UF 12 1980 279ff.; Tropper UF 26 1994 461
n. 21); ¶ par.: /r-ḫ-p/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ybṣr; N prefc. tbṣrn.
G. To watch: ybṣr ḥbl dỉym a flock of vultures watched (him), 1.18 IV 31 (//
N. To watch each other (?), in bkn ctx.: mlkm tbṣrn the kings will watch each
other (?), 1.163:4 (Pardee TR/1 868f.: “se surveilleront”; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot
Syria 57 1980 353; Dietrich-Loretz MU 169, 176f.: “werden die Könige entfernt
Cf. bṣr, tbṣr.
/b-ṣ-r/ (II) vb G: “to sever” (Hb. bṣr, “to cut < gather grapes”, HALOT 148; JAram.
bṣr, “to cut grapes”, DTT 185; Akk. baṣāru, “zerbeissen”, AHw 110; “to tear
off”, CAD B 134. Caquot EI 14 1978 15; Del Olmo IMC 92); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. […
i]a-ab-ṣi-ru ar-zi-ma[, Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163):1; Huehnergard UVST 12, 114; cf.
the element /b-ṣ-r/ and /baṣīru/ in PNN and TNN, Sivan GAGl 209, 212; ¶ par.:
/h-r-g/. ¶ Forms: G impv. bṣr.

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240 bṣr – /b-š-r/

G. To sever: bṣr kp sever palms, 1.13:5 (// hrg; diff. rdg b ṣr: De Moor ARTU 138:
“on your girdle”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 341: “durch Not”).
Cf. bṣr, tbṣr.
bṣr TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 53: *Baṣīru. Astour RSP 2 270f., 344; UF 13 1981
7; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 2f.; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 663; UF 30 1998 728;
Topography 14, 171; Watson LSU 198: “inaccessible place”); ¶ syll.: URU ba-
ṣi/ṣí-ri, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.114):2, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):29; PRU 6 80 (RS 19.111):4;
RS 25.455 A+B I 10 (Arnaud SMEA 32 1993 128); RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):3; AnOr
48 1971 23 (RS [Varia 10] = “1957.2”) rev. 7.
TN: 1.91:23; 4.68:45; 4.355:39; 4.370:3; 4.610 II 17; 4.621:4; 4.684:2; 4.693:41;
4.750:16; 4.777:11; 4.800 II 29; 4.821:1; 4.822 II 6 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 23); for the rdg b[ṣr] in 4.686:21 cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 53).
bṣry GN m. (< bṣr, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. bṣry.
GN: 4.33:6; 4.51:11; 4.261:18.
bṣy PN (etym. unc. Zadok UF 17 1985 389; Xella UF 22 1990 470; Watson AuOr 8
1990 244; AuOr 11 1993 214).
PN: bn PN, 4.754:17.
/b-š/ vb G: “to go slowly, be late” (Hb. bwš, po. “to tarry”, HALOT 117. Sanmartín
UF 10 1978 354 n. 44; Cathcart JNSL 12 1984 38; diff. De Moor UF 11 1979
647 n. 54: “to go away, depart”, Akk. bêšu; Aartun StUL 33 f.: “den Gang
beschleunigen”, *bšt, Arab. bast); ¶ par.: /š-n-w/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. bštm.
G. To go slowly: ảtm bštm you can go slowly, 1.1 III 18 and par. (// šnt).
/b-š-l/ vb D “to cook” (Hb. bšl pi., “to boil, cook”, HALOT 164; OAram. bšl, “to
cook”, DNWSI 203; Syr. bšl pa., “to cook”, SL 195; Akk. bašālu, “kochen, reifen”,
AHw 111; “to boil, roast”, CAD B 135ff.; cf. OSA mbšl, “cooking-place”. SD 32).
¶ Forms: D prefc. ybšl; inf. abs. bšl.
G/D. To cook: bšl ybšl he will certainly cook, 1.147:7; in bkn ctx.: nbšl, 2.101:10.
Cf. šbšlt.
/b-š-r/ vb D: “to impart (good) news”; Dpass.: “to be brought, hear, receive
(good) news”, “to be happy to hear good news” (Hb. bśr pi., “to bring news;
to be happy to hear good news”, HALOT 163 f.; Akk. b/pa/ussuru, “Botschaft
bringen, senden”, AHw 142; “to praise”, “to report, to bring news pleasant to
the listener”, CAD B 347; OSA bšr, “to announce good news”, SD 33; Arab.
baššara, “to announce an event that changes the bašarat, skin”, AEL 207 f.;
Eth. ʔabsara, “to announce good tidings”, tabasara, “be announced (good tid-
ings)”, CDG 110. Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982 303ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 286:
mubassirū “military couriers, bringers of good news”, Mari Akk.). ¶ Forms:
D prefc. with suff. nbšrkm (encl. -m); Dpass. prefc. tbšr; impv. bšr.
D. To impart (good) news: n!bšrkm dnỉl we are going to impart news to you,
PN, 1.19 II 37 (diff. Cooper UF 20 1988 24: “good news could I bring you”, rdg

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bšr – bt (i) 241

with KTU abšrkm, suj. pġt, but see p. 25: “I shall make you two report to PN”).
Dpass. To be happy about, receive (good) news: bšrt ỉl bšr bʕl w bšr ḥtk dgn
receive the divine (// El’s) good news, DN, do receive the good news, offspring
of DN, 1.10 III 34; tbšr bʕl bšrtk yblt take note, DN, of the news that I bring you,
1.4 V 26.
In bkn ctx.: š ybšr qdš, 1.94:23, cf. ln. 1.
Cf. bšrt.
bšr n. m. “flesh, meat” (Hb. bśr, “flesh, meat, food”, HALOT 164, Pun., OAram.,
Palm. bšr, “flesh, meat”, DNWSI 204; Syr. besrāʔ, “flesh, meat”, SL 167; OSA bśr,
“flesh”, SD 33); ¶ par.: ṣʕ, (?) yd). ¶ Forms: sg. bšr; suff. bšrh.
Meat: ★a) ḥrb b bšr tštn they put the knife in the meat, 1.15 IV 25 and par. (b
ṣʕ); ★b) body: mks bšrh which covered his flesh, 1.4 II 5; ḥmm b bšrk heat (?) in
your flesh, 1.179:7; ★c) possibly in a sexual sense, penis, cf. in unc. ctx.: l bšrh
to his “flesh”, 1.24:9 (// (?) yd. Herrmann YN 7ff.; Rendtorff-Stolz UF 11 1979
712; De Moor ARTU 143; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 154); in bkn ctx.: ]bšry,
1.63:6; 7.163:5; b]šrk ảl ttn ln[ġr ], 1.92:34 [cf. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118]).
Cf. /b-š-r/ (II).
bšrt n. f. “news, good news” (cf. /b-š-r/ (I); Hb. bśrh, “tidings”, HALOT 164;
Akk. bussurtu, “Botschaft, Meldung”, AHw 142; unexpected tidings, CAD
B 346f.; Arab. bišārat, “annunciation that changes the bašarat (complexion)”,
AEL 208; Eth. bəsrāt, “good news, gospel”, CDG 110). ¶ Forms: sg. bšrt; suff.
News, good news: bšrt ỉl bšr bʕl w bšr ḥtk dgn receive the divine (alt.: El’s)
good news, DN, do receive the good news, offspring of DN, 1.10 III 34; tbšr bʕl
bšrtk yblt take note, DN, of the news that I bring you, 1.4 V 27.
/b-t/ vb G: “to stay the night, lodge”, denom. < bt (II) (cf. HALOT 124; Akk. biātu,
bâtu, “die Nacht verbringen”, AHw 124; “to stay over night”, CAD B 169 ff.; Arab.
bāta, “to do something by night”, “to spend the night”. AEL 279ff.; Eth. beta,
“spend the night”, CDG 116f. Pardee AfO 31 1984 216; Dijkstra UF 19 1987 44;
Tropper UF 36 2004 511f. n. 2). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ybt.
G. To stay the night: k ybt mlk when the king stayed the night, 2.33:14 (diff.
Cunchillos TOu/2 331 n. 18: “s’ornera” < /n-b-t/); ảnk b mlwm btt, “at TN I
lodged”. 2.88:7.
bt (I) n. f. 1) “daughter”; 2) “damsel” 3) > stating a quality; 4) > member of a
group; 5) “daughter of” in onomastics (< bn (I); cf. Hb., Ph., Pun. bt, “daugh-
ter”, HALOT 165f.; “daughter”, DNWSI 170ff.; Amor. /bin/ttum/, “daughter”,
Gelb CAAA 16; Akk. bintu, “Tochter”, AHw 127; “daughter”, CAD B 238f.;
bun(a)tu, “Tochter”, AHw 138; “daughter”, CAD B 317; MA biʔtu, “Tochter”,
AHw 127; OSA b(n)t, “filia”, CAME 115; “daughter”, SD 29; Arab. ʔibnat, bint,
“daughter”, AEL 262. Watson Historiae 10 2013 29); ¶ par.: bn (I) (1.15 III 24),

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242 bt (i)

klbt (1.3 III 46), pġt; ¶ RS Akk.: DUMU.MÍ (.MEŠ), passim, cf. PRU 3 233; PRU 4
261; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 340; cf. esp.: DUMU.MÍ dUTU-ši, PRU 4 208 (RS 17.226):3;
PRU 4 209 (RS 17.355):2; PRU 4 227 (RS 17.429):7; DUMU.MÍ míra-bi-ti, PRU 4
141 (RS 17.228):5 and passim in RS (cf. PN míbi-it-ta/i-ra-bi-ti, AnOr 48 11 f. (RS
[Varia 9] “1957.1”):6, 10, 18); PRU 4 128 (RS 17.348) rev. 4); DUMU.MÍ LUGAL-ri,
PRU 3 69 (RS 16.276):7. ¶ Forms: sg. bt, suff. bty, bth; pl. abs. / cstr. bnt, suff.
bnth; du. abs. btm, suff. bth.
1) Daughter: ★a) of men and gods: bt ảḥt one daughter, 4.360:5; PN …]ảṯth w
bth his wife and his daughter, 4.519:4; PN (…) w PN ảḫh (…) w PN bnh w PN
bth w PN ảṯth and PN, his brother, (…), and PN, his son, and PN, his daughter,
and PN, his wife, 3.4:7; ảṯt w ṯt bth a lady and her two daughters, 4.102:22; PN
w ảrbʕ bnth and his four daughters, 4.360:3; PN (…) yd bth with his daughter,
4.80:15; 4.659:2; bnm w bnt sons and daughters, 2.2:9; PN klt bt špš PN, the
bride, daughter of the “Sun” (: Hitt. king), 6.24:2 (cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989
389ff.); t]qrb w ld bn{.}t lk she is on the point of bearing him daughters, 1.15
III 6 (// pġt); ảp bnt ḥry kmhm and also the daughters of PN were as many
as they, 1.15 III 24 (// bn PN); gm l bth (PN shouted) aloud to his daughter,
1.19 I 49; bt ḥmḥ<m>h dn!n the daughter whose conception (?) (proves) our
strength, 1.16 I 29 (// ảḫtk); ytmr bʕl bnth DN looked at his daughters, 1.3 I 23;
ydʕtk bt I know you, oh, daughter, 1.18 I 16 and par.; tbʕ bt depart, oh daughter,
1.18 I 17 and par.; btm bt ỉl bt ỉl w ʕlmh the two daughters will be daughters of
DN, daughters of DN for ever, 1.23: 45; as a coll. bn mlk w bt mlk tʕln pảmt
šbʕ the sons and the daughters of the king shall go up seven times, 1.112:6,
cf. 1.106:10; 1.171:1; bt mlk ảmr the daughter of the king of TN, 2.72:16 and passim
(cf. supra ¶ RS Akk.: DUMU.MÍ LUGAL); w yṣq hw l rỉš bt mlk and he will pour
it (: oil) upon the head of the king’s daughter, 2.72:31; bt mlk, the daughter of
the king, 3.32:8, 23; hm l ảtn bty lh if I do not give him my daughter, 2.31:64; in
unc. ctx.: bt l bnš trgm[ the daughter (?) shall say to the man[, 2.2:5; ★b) esp.,
daughter of natural and cosmic beings, as an attribute; cf.: bt ảr “daughter of
light” (epithet of the DN pdry), bt rb “daughter of drizzle” (epithet of the DN
ṭly), bt yʕbdr “daughter of y.” (epithet of the DN ảrṣy), 1.3 III 6–8 and par.; bt ʕn
bt ảbn bt šmm w thm qrỉt l špš ủmh the daughter of spring, daughter of stone,
daughter of sky and abyss, invokes the Sun, her mother, 1.100:1 (epithets of
an anonymous deity with the title ủm pḥl pḥlt “mother of the stallion (and)
mare” (see Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 345); bnt hll “daughters of DN”, 1.17 II 26
and par. (epithet of the kṯrt goddesses; cf. bnt (II)).
2) Damsel: kpr šbʕ bnt henna of seven damsels, 1.3 II 2 and par. (diff. Wyatt
RTU 72: “the perfumes of seven tamarisks”, see bnt (III)).
3) Stating quality (+ n. sg): bt ỉl “the divine one”, 1.3 III 46 (epithet of the
f. demon ḏbb; // k{.}lbt ỉlm); bt ảmt handmaid, 4.659:7; bt ṯrt the fertile

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bt (ii) 243

daughter, 1.24:5 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 168 rdg b tṯrt “erstmals”, but
see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 163); as TN: bt ḥbr daughter-of-TN, 1.14 II 29 and
par. (cf. Hb. bt ṣywn. Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 107; Del Olmo MLC 550; De
Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 163).
4) Member of a group (+ TN): bt ủgrt Ugaritian woman, 1.40:35 and par.; PN
bt ủgrt, 3.4:11.
5) Patronymic: “PN bt + PN”, passim (Watson LSU 187); cf. 3.4:9; 4.75 III 5, 6,
13; VI 2; for bt špš, 4.803:6 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 361: rdg bn!špš (?) (cf.
špš (I) 3.a)).
In unc. ctx.: ḥr ḥr bnt, the entrails, the entrails of the creatures 1.82:13 (Del
Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247); bnt yš[, 1.107:13 (?); in bkn ctx.: bt[, 4.845:15; for bnt
šdm, 1.12 II 42 cf. bnt (II).
Cf. bn (I).
bt (II) n. m. 1) “house, building; residence, home”; 2) “palace”; 3) “temple”;
4) “room”; 5) “family”; 6) “storehouse”; 7) “workshop” (Hb., OAram., Nab.,
Palm. byt, “house”, HALOT 124ff.; “house”, “house, building”, DNWSI 156ff.;
Ph., Pun., Moab. bt, “house, building”, DNWSI 156ff.; Amor. /bītum/, “house”,
Gelb CAAA 16; Ebla /baytu(m)/, in É.RA = ba-du LAMxKUR.KI, VE 336; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 14; Conti SQF 120; cf. KI.tropp= ba-du-um, VE 835; Fron-
zaroli EL 137; diff. Conti SQF 200; cf. ba-da-a (/baydā(y)?/), Fronzaroli StEb
7 1984 158; Gelb EDA 67; cf. Krebernik PET 76; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 184f.;
Pagan ARES 3 105; Akk. bītu, “Haus”, AHw 132ff.; “house, dwelling place”, CAD
B 282ff.; OSA b(y)t, “domus, castellum”, CAME 113; b(y)t, “house”, SD 34; Arab.
bayt, “tent, house”, AEL 280f.; Eth. bet, “house”, CDG 116 f. Watson Historiae
10 2013 19, 21; ¶ RS Akk.: É = [b]i-tu = še(?)-?-? [, Ug 5 135 (RS 21.62) rev. 13';
É = bi-tu4 [, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 6; É(.MEŠ/ïI.A), passim, cf. PRU 3 25 n. 4;
PRU 6 158; bītu(É) + eqlu(A.ŠÀ), passim, cf. PRU 3 216; cf. esp.: É a-bi-šu, PRU 3
33 (RS 16.129):15; PRU 3 57 (RS 15.120):15; PRU 6 40 (RS 17.360):5; PRU 6 53
(RS 27.053) rev. 4; É(-ti) a-bu-sí/TI, PRU 3 181f. = PRU 4 47 f. (RS 11.732) A 8,
B 8; PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+):45; PRU 4 231 (RS 17.244):3; É.ḪI.A ANŠE.KUR.RA,
PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):21; É DINGIR.MEŠ-ni, PRU 3 19 (RS 15.11):12; É-ti dN[IN(?),
PRU 6 23 (RS 17.376+):18; É du-me-te, PRU 6 122 (RS 21.203):2; É du-up-pa-
aš-ši[, PRU 4 151 (RS 17.59) rev. 3; É (:) eššu(/GIBIL), PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):3;
PRU 3 96 (RS 16.249):4; PRU 3 119 (RS 16.204):4; É-tu4 GU4.MEŠ, PRU 3 92
(RS 16.189):18; É: ḫe-re-ti, PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):17; É.ḪI.A KISLAḪ.MEŠ: ḫé-ya-
ma, PRU 3 103 (RS 15.109+):15; É ḫe-e-ia, PRU 3 87 (RS 15.119) rev. 7; É KISLAḪ:
ta-am-qì, PRU 3 (RS 16.145):3; É ki-li, Ug 5 35 (RS 20.216):7; É: ku-na-ḫi, Ug 5
5 (RS 17.22+):10, 20; É MÍ.LUGAL-ti, PRU 3 110 (RS 8.208):3; É-tu4: ta-ar-bá-ṣí,
PRU 3 92 (RS 16.189):17; É ur-ši ša PN, PRU 4 109 (RS 17.28):5; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
PNN bé-ta-ya, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):6; be-ta-na, PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):7;

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244 bt (ii)

bé-ti4-(DINGIR)/ʔi-lu, Ug 5 39 (RS 20.172):7, 23; cf. É-tu4: qú-bu-ri, PRU 3 51 f.

(RS 15.86):8, 18. Gröndahl PTU 118; Sivan GAGl 14, 210; cf. É(?)] qi-[id-š]u, Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123+) III 29); ¶ par.: umt, hkl, ḥẓr, ḫšt, ṯlḥn. ¶ Forms: sg. bt; suff. bty,
btk, bth; for btw 3.9:4 see KTU dittog., but Tropper UG 59, 159: for bth; du. btm;
pl. (1) bht; (2) bhtm (3.32:5; */bahātüma/, pl. of exc. “Mansions” > “Palace”) >
obl. pl. btm (*/bâtīma/); plene: bwtm (*/bawatīma/; cf. Gordon UT § 19.463;
De Moor SP 89; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 559; Tropper-Vita UF 30
1998 689f.; Tropper UG 200; Clemens UF 33 2001 82 n. 91); cstr. pl. bht; cf. bt,
4.16:1 (infra: 5); suff. bhty, bhtk, bhth; for hbt in 2.70:16 cf. hn.
1) House, building; residence, home, ★a) house, building: bt PN house of PN,
4.727:1–24, 4.795:11 and passim in admin. texts; cf. bt PN (…) d b TN the house
of PN (…) located in TN, 3.2:5; bt trtn house of PN, 5.11:5 (Gröndahl PTU 460;
diff. Aartun UF 17 1986 28: “im Hause der Untätigen / der Untätigkeit”); bt
ảḥd b mʕr a house in TN, 4.812:6 (Lemaire UF 30 1998 461); ṯn btm b TN two
houses (du.) in TN, 4.750:13, 16, 17, 18 (cf. ảrbʕ / ṯlṯ bhtm, ibid. ln. 2, 12; bt
yḥd / ảḥd, only one house, ibid. ln. 5–11; 2.88:16; see ảḥd (II)); bhtm šdm d
ytn mlk the houses (and) the fields that the king has given, 3.32:5, cf. bhth
šdh, ln. 14; ḥrš b(h)tm bricklayer(s) (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ.(MEŠ.)DÍM É(.MEŠ),
PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):11; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):1); KTU 4.35 I 16; 4.38:6; 4.47:10;
4.183 I 1; 4.370:14; 4.545:6; 4.609:18; 4.630:9; 4.837:5; 4.838:8; mnk mnkm l yqḥ
bt hnd bd PN w bd bnh ʕd ʕlm may no-one at all snatch this house from the
hands of PN or from the hands of his heirs in perpetuity, 3.2:14; ṯlṯ ʕšr ptḥ
b tk bt thirteen doors in the interior of the building, 4.195:8; ʕpr btk ygršk
may the dust of your house (be (?)) evict(ed), 1.82:12 (cf. qr btk the walls of
your house, ibid. ln. 40. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 238; Del Olmo AuOr 28
2011 247); ảḥd bth ysgr the one living alone closed his house, 1.14 IV 21 (cf.
ibid. II 43; see ảḥd (II)); grown old k klb b btk like a dog in your house, 1.16 I 2
and par. (// ảp ḫštk); bhtm sgrt she shut the house, 1.100:70; to satiety tmtḥṣ
b bt (DN) fought in (her) house, 1.3 II 29 (// bn ṯlḥnm); b b!t dm ḏmr from
the house (of DN they cleaned) the blood of the warriors, 1.3 II 31; w šlm bth
and the wellbeing of his house, 2.86:17; bt ʕbdh the house of his servant, ibid.
ln. 21; unṯm bth ybl (but for) his house he must pay a tax, 3.33:23–24; nġr bt
the guard of the house, 4.858:7; mškrt bt wage(s) of the house (?), 4.863:8;
★b) residence, home: ảṯt(m) (…) b bt PN (two) lady (ladies) in PN’s home,
4.102:1–30; mrzḥ d qny PN b bt<h>{w} cult association that PN founded in his
home, 3.9:4; (I will pay a fine) km ảgrškm b bty if I evict you from my home,
ibid. ln. 8; ytn bt lk km ảḫk he will grant you a house like your brothers, 1.4
V 28; b qrb bt within (his) residence, 1.4 VII 14; bt krt bủ tbủ in the residence
of PN entered, 1.16 VI 3; ng mlk l bty depart, king, from my residence, 1.14
III 28 and par. (// l ḥẓry); d ỉn b bty ttn what is not in my residence you

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bt (ii) 245

shall give me, 1.14 III 38 and par.; hm ḥry bty ỉqḥ if I take PN to my home
…, 1.14 IV 40 (//ḥẓry); of gods: bt l bʕl k(m) ỉlm a residence for DN as (for)
the (other) gods, 1.3 V 3 and par. (//ḥẓr); ảnk ỉn bt ly km ỉlm as for me, I do
not have a residence like the gods, 1.2 III 19 (// ḥẓr); bt bʕlk the residence
of your lord, 1.1 IV 6; ỉn bt l bʕl km ỉlm DN has no house like the gods, 1.4
IV 51 and par.; ỉl (…) yqḥ yš<t> b bth DN (…) took them and placed them
in his residence, 1.23:36; mġy ḥrn l bth DN arrived at his residence, 1.100:67
(// l ḥẓrh); ỉl hlk l bth DN went to his residence, 1.114:17 (// l ḥẓrh; cf. ibid.
ln. 1); w ysb bt mḫrh he turns to the house of his m., 1.179:30; w ảt bt ủḫd ly
and you must seize the house for me, 2.88:37; bnš h[w] ʕmm ảṯth btk ṯb but
t[hat] sevant returned to his wife at your house, 2.90:12; ảrbʕm bt b TN forty
houses in TN, 4.810:1, cf. ln. 2, bt TN; ★c) special uses: bt ảb paternal house:
(eagles were flying about) ʕl bt ảbh over his paternal house, 1.19 I 32 (cf. ¶ RS
Akk.: bīt abišu, supra; cf. Ebla É-a-bí // É.A.MU, Pettinato Rituale 254); bt ḫpṯt
reserve or quarters for “escapees” (cf. Alal. Akk.: É ḫu-up-še-na, AT 186:4 ff.;
passim): (descent) bt ḫpṯt ảrṣ to the underworld reserve of “escapees”, 1.4
VIII 7 and par.; bt mlk royal palace, cf. infra: 2; bt ʕbdm building of the
servants, 4.195:9; bt skn house of the superintendent, 4.361:1 (diff. Gröndahl
PTU 410: PN; cf. 4.102:17; 4.592:3); cf. bt ṯʕy the house of the officiant, 1.119:8; bt
family unit in economy: k tšảl bt ʕbdk when you order a reply in the house of
your servants, 2.70:24; bt, bt ỉl(m), bt DN temple, cf. infra: 3; ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w ḥwt
hbt I engaged a workman and had this house repaired, 2.70:15 (see h-); in unc.
ctx. bt qbṣ house of the clan, 1.79:7 (cf. Heltzer RCAU 73); in bkn ctx. bt ảḥd,
2.88:16 (see supra. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 149: “betreffs des bestimmten
2) Palace, mansion, ★a) bt mlk royal palace, 1.41:20 and par.; 2.89:6; 2.104:9;
4.168:6; 4.274:7; 4.341:21; 4.337:16; 4.338:2; 4.721:7; mảṯr bt inspector of the
palace, 6.66:9; bnš d bt mlk people (lodged) in the royal palace, 4.766 u.e.
(cf. l d bt that are not resident, 4.137:14; 4.163:16); npš d ʕrb bt mlk people
who have entered the royal palace, 4.388:2; k tʕrb ʕṯtrt šd bt mlk when DN
enters the royal palace, 1.91:10 (cf. ibid. ln. 11); 1.148:18; cf. 1.43:10; dlt bt door of
the palace, 6.66:10; gb bt mlk the g. of the palace, 1.43:2 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz
JA 48f.); (sacrifice to DN in) bt mlk, 1.39:12; [p]dry bt mlk DN of the Royal
palace, 1.91:7 and par.; ykn bnh b bt may there be a son of his in (his) palace,
1.17 I 25 and par. (// b qrb hklh); dn{.}ỉl bth ymġyn PN arrived at his palace, 1.17
II 24 and par. (// hklh); bkm yṯb bʕl l bhth straight away DN came back to his
house, 1.4 VII 42 (diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 90 “después que se ha sentado ND
en su casa …?”); (the goddesses) ʕrb / tbʕ b bth entered / left his palace, 1.17
II 26, 39; ỉl dbḥ b bth DN gave a feast in his house, 1.114:1 (// b qrb hklh; cf. ibid.
ln. 17); ṯġr bt ỉl gatekeeper of the palace of DN, ibid. ln. 12; ★b) palace, centre

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246 bt (ii)

of administration: ḥpr bt ration(s) of the temple / palace, 4.269:1; 4.288:3; ksp

d šlm PN ʕl bt capital that PN paid on the palace account, 4.755:2; l bt, for the
palace, 4.868:3; ★c) often pl. bh/wt(m) urban complex of the palace and of
religion, palace, royal residence: ʕbdm (…) btwm servants (…) in the palace,
4.320:13 (cf. b TNN, ibid. ln. 2, 8; b šdm, ibid. ln. 18; diff. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998
689f.: “im Steppenland”); bʕlt bhtm “Lady of the Palace”, 1.105:16 and passim
in rituals and cultic lists (cf. Akk. dbēlet(NIN) ekalli(m) (É.GAL), passim in
Alalakh, Mari, Qatna, Emar; in Ugarit: epithet of the DN pdry (?); cf. [p]dry
bt mlk “DN of the Royal palace”, 1.91:7 and par. (Saracino UF 14 1982 196 n. 29;
Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 322); diff. epithet of ʕnt; De Moor SP 86 n. 4; cf.
bʕlt btm in 1.41:37 and par.; 1.48:4; 1.94:24); bnt bhtk y ỉlm bnt bhtk ảl tšmḫ (in)
the construction of your palace, oh DN, (in) the construction of your palace
do not rejoice, 1.3 V 19–20 (// b rm hklh); klảt ṯġrt bht she closed the doors of
(her) house, 1.3 II 3–4 and par.; bht zbl ym the palace of prince DN, 1.2 III 8
and par. (// hkl); ỉn bʕl b bhth! DN is not in his palace, 1.10 II 4 (// b qrb hklh);
ỉb tʕrbm b bhth may DN enter his house, 1.24:18–19 and par.; bhtm mnt the
house of incantation, 1.100:70 (cf. bt mnt, ibid. ln. 71, // hkl, ibid. ln. 72); ★d)
esp. in 1.3.-1.4., myth of the “Palace of Baal”: ảlp šd ảḥd bt one thousand yokes
of land will the palace cover, 1.4 V 56 (// hkl); bt ảrzm ykllnh // bt lbnt yʕmsnh
a palace of cedar they shall complete for him, with a palace of brick they
shall present him, 1.4 V 10–11; often pl. bht: ḥš bhtm tbnn quickly let a palace
be built, 1.4 V 53 and par. (// hklm); bn bht ksp w ḫrṣ // bht ṭhrm ỉqnỉm build
a palace of silver and gold // a palace of the purest lapis lazuli, 1.4 V 18–19
and par.; <b>hty bnt dt ksp my house is a construction of silver, 1.4 VI 36 and
par. (// hkly; cf. bnt (I)); bl ảšt ủrbt b bhtm I am going to put a skylight in the
palace, 1.4 V 61 and par. (// b qrb hklm); yptḥ ḥln b bhtm he opens a window
in the palace, 1.4 VII 17 and par. (// b qrb hklm); tšt ỉšt b bhtm they lit a fire in
the palace 1.4 VI 22 and par. (// b hklm); tỉkl išt b bhtm the fire was consuming
in the palace, 1.4 VI 25 and par. (// b hklm); ʕdbt bhth bʕl yʕdb the layout of
his house did DN arrange, 1.4 VI 38 (// hklh); ṣḥ ḥrn b bht!k call a squad into
your palace, 1.4 V 13 and par. (// hklk); ṣḥ ảḫh b bhth he invited his fellows to
his palace, 1.4 VI 44 (// hklh); tṯṯbn b bt they shall enthrone him in the palace,
3) Temple, sanctuary, chapel: bt the temple (often not specified further),
cf. 4.128:4; 4.269:29; 4.274:5; b bt in the temple, 1.116:10; 1.119:22; bnt qḥ w št b bt
take (a bunch of) tamarisk and place (it) in the temple, 1.124:9; bt ỉl temple (cf.
¶ RS Akk.: É DINGIR.MEŠ-ni, PRU 3 19 (RS 15.11):12, 1.12 II 60 (// bt ḥrš); 4.15:1;
4.341:5; ảmd gr bt ỉl always be a protected one of the sanctuary, 1.19 III 47; bt
ỉl ảnn temple of DN, 4.149:17, 19; l ydbḥ mlk bt ỉl the king must sacrifice in the
temple of DN, 1.11:14; // bt bʕl temple of DN, 1.17 II 5 and par.; bt ỉl bt temple

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bt (iii) 247

of the god (/ of the gods) of the dynasty, 1.115:3 (cf. qdš ỉl bt, ibid. ln. 7); bt
ỉlm rbm temple of the “great gods”, 4.149:1 (ỉlm rbm: deified ancestors of the
dynasty: cf. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 179; Pardee UF 15 1983 132f.); bt ỉlm temple of
the gods, 1.43:2; bt ỉlt temple of the goddess, 1.41:24 and par.; bt bʕl(?) temple
of DN, 1.63:12; 1.104:13; 1.124:8; // bt ỉl temple of DN, 1.17 I 31 and par.; ntbt bt bʕl
ntlk the path of the temple of DN we shall tread, 1.119:33; bt bʕl ủgrt temple
of DN of TN, 1.105:6; 1.109:11; 1.119:3, 9; bt bʕlt btm temple of the “Lady of the
Palace”, 1.41:37 and par.; bt bʕlt mlk temple of the “Lady of Royalty”, 4.54:1; bt
dgn temple of DN, 1.104:13; bt dml the temple of DN, 2.26:6; bt ʕṯtrt temple of
DN, 4.219:2; bt ršp gn sanctuary of DN of the “Garden” / “Cemetery”, 4.219:3;
bt šr sanctuary of DN, 1.104:14. In 1.104:21, rdg w m<ṯ>bt ỉlm (De Moor-Spronk
UF 14 1982 161 n. 65; cf. KTU:; ʕrb ḥrn bth DN enters his house, 1.179:33;
m[ y] b bt who is in the house?, ibid ln. 33.
4) Room: they ate and drank in bt ỉkl the dining room, 1.22 I 24 (cf. ikl; diff.
Healey UF 10 1978 91 n. 21: “mourning house”; but see Watson LSU 77); bt tủ
guardroom, 4.195:10.
5) Immediate social circle, family, court, dynasty: bt bn bnš yqḥ ʕz if the family
of someone takes a goat, 1.127:31; bt mlk {ỉtdb} ỉtbd the family of the king
perished, 1.14 I 7 (// ủmt); bt gbl the court of TN, 2.44:8; ngr bt bʕl herald of
the court of DN, 1.16 IV 7; ky lỉkt bt mlk tḥmk I have already transmitted your
messsage to the royal court, 2.36:5, 14; šlm PN (…) šlm bth peace to PN, (…)
peace to his court, 1.161:33; skn bt mlk prefect of the royal house, 3.11:5 (title
of the royal prince. Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 47; cf. LÚ.GAR-kín É MÍ.LUGAL,
Ug 5 161 (RS 17.325):21; LÚ.MÁŠKIM É.GAL (PRU 3 112 (RS 15.114):7; MÁŠKIM
É MÍ.LUGAL-ti, Thureau-Dangin Syria 18 1937 248 (RS 8.208):3); ỉl bt god of
the dynasty, 1.102:1; 1.39:13; 1.115:3, 7, 9; 1.123:29; cf. 1.53:8; 1.81:7; 1.109:33; ỉlt bt
goddess of the dynasty, 1.81:8; cf. bt šbn houses (?) of TN, 4.16:1 (followed by
PNN), see 4.813:12–37; in unc. ctx. bt PN the house (?) of PN, 1.80:2 (cf. bt (I)).
6) Storehouse, workshop: bt ảlḫnm storehouse of quartermasters, 4.392:4;
bt ḥrš forge, 1.12 II 61 (// bt ỉl; diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 92: “Haus des
Wissen”; 97–98: a survey of opinions); bt mrkbt chariot workshop, 4.392:2
(Del Olmo IMC 192; Vita EU 83f.).
7) Stable, shed: bt ảlpm stable of the cattle, 4.358:1 (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: É-tu4
GU4.MEŠ, PRU 3 92 (RS 16.189):18).
For bt špš, 4.803:6, cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 361: rdg bn!špš ? (cf. špš (I)
3.a). In bkn ctx.: bhtm, 4.182:33; bhtm bdlm[, 4.312:4, 7; b bt in the house, 1.179:1
(also ibid. ln. 29: bth); bt d[[x]]tt w bt bx[ ], rdg. (?) bt dgn w bt bʕl, 1.104:13; ]btk,
Cf. bbt (II), btbt.
bt (III) n. m. “length, piece” (?) (of cloth (?); < /b-t(-t)/, Ribichini- Xella Tessili

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248 btbt – btr(y)

34f.; cf. Hb. bt, “woven dress”, HALOT 168; Arab. batt, “a garment”, AEL 148).
¶ Forms: pl. cstr. bt.
A length or piece (of cloth (?)): npṣ bt ṯn ṯlṯ mảt a set of pieces of crimson
(cloth), three hundred (shekels), 3.13:16.
btbt DN, tutelary god of the palace (< /bit(t)-bêti/. Cf. Akk. mārat bīti, DIN-
GIR.DUMU.MÍ.É, Frankena Tākultu 124:96; Lambert RlA 7 355; Lipiński BiOr
41 1984 438; cf. bbt).
DN.: ṯn šm l btbt two rams for DN, 1.112:24 and par. (cf. 1.105:22); (nn) ỉqn]ỉ l sk
btbt (nn) of purp]le for the cloak of DN, 4.182:18.
Cf. bbt (II).
btl PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 162; ¶ syll.: cf. BU-ta-lu, Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):15. Cf.
PN: 4.609:25.
btlt n. f. “virgin”, title of the goddess Anat in myth and epic (Hb. btwlh, “virgin”,
HALOT 166f.; JAram. btwltʔ, “virgin”, DTT 200; Akk. batūltu, “Jungfrau”, AHw
115; batultu, “adolescent, nubile”, CAD B 173f.; Arab. batūl, “virgin”, AEL 150.
Parker UF 38 2006 560 n. 10: “Young Woman”; Watson Historiae 10 2013 29:
“girl”); ¶ par.: ybmt lỉmm. ¶ Forms: sg. btlt; suff. btltm (encl. -m).
Virgin: btlt ʕnt Virgin DN, passim (// ybmt lỉmm. Rahmouni DEUAT 132ff.);
gm yṣḥ ỉl l btlt ʕnt aloud DN shouted to Virgin DN, 1.6 III 22 and par.; al tšgrn
y btltm do not entangle me, oh Virgin!, 1.17 VI 34; blt p btlt ʕn[t] (he) opened
wide the vulva of the Virgin DN, 1.10 III 9 (De Moor ARTU 114; similarly
Wyatt RTU 159; “moist was the nethermouth of Virgin DN”, < *bll); diff. Del
Olmo MLC 472: “(no es más que) una virgen, sí, una virgen, DN”, rdg b<t>lt;
cf. p (I), rdg.; in unc. ctx.: [b]tlt bʕl yḥmdnh the virgin(?) DN desired, yes, her,
1.92:29 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117);
btlyn PN(?), in bkn ctx.: 4.72:3.
btn (I) n. m. “inside of the house” (?) (Hb. bytn, “palace”, HALOT 129; Akk.
bītānu, “im Haus, innen”, AHw 131f.; “inner part, interior”, CAD B 274ff.; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz MU 218: “Palast”, bt (II) + -n; for other opinions see Watson
LSU 82). ¶ Forms: sg. btn.
Inside of the house: btn mḥy clean the inside of the house!, 1.124:14 (diff.
Watson-Wyatt JMC 24 2014 41ff.: btn, “that girl”, encl. -n).
btn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 52, 118; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 212;
Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 310; Van Soldt SAU 40; Watson AuOr 13 1995
221); ¶ syll.: be-ta-na, PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):7; PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):18; PRU 6
83 (RS 17.430) III 4.
PN: bn PN, 4.769:47; in bkn ctx.: 4.315:2; 4.708:5.
btr(y) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 121; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; UF 1
1969 212; Watson AuOr 11 1993 214). Var. btr in 4.335:2).

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btšy – /b-ṯ/ 249

PN: bn PN, 4.122:20; 4.335:2; 4.681:4; 4.807:39; 4.843:27.

btšy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 55f., 119, 244, 309; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62
1967 546; UF 1 1969 213; Kienast UF 11 1979 450).
PN: 3.4:7 (Van Soldt SAU 40).
/b-t(-t)/ vb G: “to cut” (?) (Hb. *bt(t) > bt III, “woven dress”, HALOT 168; Arab.
batta, “to cut”, AEL 147f. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 34 f.; Caquot ACF 76 1976–1977
460). ¶ Forms: G impv. bt.
G. To cut (?): bt ly ṯn ḫpnm cut (?) two ḫ. for me, 5.11:16.
Cf. bt (III).
btw/y PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 119; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; UF 1
1969 212); ¶ syll.: cf. É-TE-PI, Syria 18 1937 248 (RS 8.208):6 (Gröndahl PTU 118,
331: bîtte-ya). Var. btw in 4.700:10. Cf. bdy(n).
PN: bn PN, 4.371:15; 4.700:10; in bkn ctx.: 4.682:7.
bṭm n. m. “pistachio” (Pistacia terebinthus. Arab. buṭm, “fruit of the terebinth
tree”, AEL 219; “terebinth”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 64; Syr. beṭmeṯāʔ, “terebinth”,
“the nut of the same”, SL 139; Akk. buṭnu, “Terebinthe, Pistazie”, AHw 144;
buṭnu, buṭnānu, “the terebinth-like plant”, CAD B 358; Hb. bṭnh, “pistachio”,
HALOT 121; JAram., bûtnaʔ, “pistachio”, DTT 145. Pardee AuOr 20 2002 177;
Watson AuOr 22 2004 114; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 112). ¶ Forms: sg. abs.
Pistachio: bṭm, pistachio, 4.863:10,
bṭn “?”, in bkn ctx.: l [b]ṭnm, 1.15 VI 1 (Watson AuOr 19 2001 286 n. 70: “belly,
bṭr n. m. “emancipated, free” (?) (pseudocorrection of spelling, cf. < *pṭr, cf.
infra: pṭr; cf. Tropper UG 139. Ph., Palm. pṭrt, “state of freedman” (?), DNWSI
909. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 105; diff. Mack-Fisher Fs. Segert
209: “veterinary surgeon”; Loretz HippUg 77: “Deserteur” (?)). ¶ Forms: sg.
Emancipated, free: PN bṭr bd mlkt emancipated: at the queen’s disposal,
/b-ṯ/ vb G: “to be ashamed” (Hb. bwš, “to be ashamed”, HALOT 116 f.; Aram. bht,
“to be confounded, ashamed”, DTT 143; Syr. bht, SL “to be ashamed”,123; Akk.
bâšu, “sich schämen”, AHw 112; “to come to shame”, CAD B 5 ff.; cf. ARMT 27
303: bêšum, “avoir honte” (?). De Moor SP 117, 139, 179; Van Zijl Baal 44;
Sawyer(-Stephenson) BSOAS 33 1970 469f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 464f.; diff. Wyatt RTU 68 n. 150: “dry up”, Hb. ybš). ¶ Forms: G prefc. with
suff.(?) ybṯ{.}nn; impv. bṯ (on the supposed form bṯṯ in 1.78:1 cf. ṯṯ).
G. To be ashamed: bṯ l ảlỉyn bʕl be ashamed, oh “Most Powerful” DN!, 1.2 IV 28
and par. (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1133 n. 115: “zerstreuen” > /bṯṯ/, Arab.
baṯṯa); ybṯnn ảlỉyn bʕl he was ashamed (of it (?)), “The Most Powerful” DN,
1.2 IV 31.

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250 bṯn – bṯy

Cf. bhṯ.
bṯn n. m. “serpent, snake, dragon” (Hb. bšn, “snake”, ptn, “horned viper”, HALOT
165, 990; Aram. peten, pitnāʔ, “a winding serpent”, DTT 1255; Syr. paṯnāʔ,
“adder, asp”, SL 1268; Ebla cf. /baṯmum/, “a snake”, in MAḪ.MUŠ = ba-ša-
mu-um, Fronzaroli EL 138; ba-ša-nu-um, EV 0031; Akk. bašmu, “(mythische)
Giftschlange”, AHw 112; “a horned serpent”, CAD B 351 f. Cf. Sasson RSP 1 401 f.:
Hb. bšn (?); Day GCD 113ff.; Watson NABU 2002/17); ¶ par.: lsm, nḥš, rủm, šly‹.
¶ Forms: sg. bṯn; pl. bṯnm, f. bṯnt.
Serpent, dragon: bṯn brḥ (…) bṯn ʕqltn the fleeing serpent (…), the winding
serpent, 1.5 I 1–2 and par. (// šlyṭ. Rahmouni DEUAT 142 ff.); ynṯkn k bṯnm they
bit like serpents, 1.6 VI 19 (// rủmm, lsmm); km bṯn yqr like a coiled serpent,
1.17 VI 14; lbh km bṯn her heart like (that) of a serpent, 1.19 VI 61; bṯnm ủḥd
bʕlm grasp the serpents, oh DN!, 1.82:6 (diff. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247: “the
serpents with the coriander, DN”, rdg d ! gd); in bkn ctx. […] bṯnm w tṯb ʕl bṯnt
trtḥ[ṣ] [you shall cast a spell (?) against] the male serpents and you / they will
repeat against the female serpent (, and) you / they shall wash, 1.82:35; tn (…)
w bn bṯn ỉtnny give (me) (…) and the offspring of the snake as a wedding gift,
1.100:74 and par. (// nḥšm); tṣủ (…) k bṯn ʕmdm out you go (…) like a snake
through the foot of the wall (?), 1.169:3; ʕlk l tʕl bṯn (so that) upon you the
serpent does not jump, 1.178:4 (cf. ln. 6); rỉš bṯn the head of the snake, 1.175:11;
in bkn ctx.: mm b bṯn[, 1.166:28.
bṯt (I) n. f. “shame; shamelessness” (cf. bṯ. Hb. bšt, “shame”, HALOT 165; Akk.
bā/ūštu, “Scham”, AHw 112, 143; “dignity (as quality of human beings and
gods)”, CAD B 142ff., 351f.); ¶ par.: tdmmt. ¶ Forms: sg. bṯt.
Shame, shamelessness: dbḥ bṯt shameful sacrifice, 1.4 III 19 (// tdmmt); k bh
bṯt l tbṭ for in it the shame(lessness), oh yes, appears, 1.4 III 21; in bkn ctx.: bṯt
ʕllmn shame of the “Eternal”, 1.1 IV 5 (cf. Del Olmo IMC 42).
bṯt (II) n. f. “evildoing woman, witch” (< bṯy); ¶ par.: bṭy. ¶ Forms: sg. bṯt.
Evildoing woman, witch: ʕn bṯt the eye of the evildoing woman, 1.96:6 (//
bṯy); ʕn bṯt l bṯt tṯb may the eye of the evildoing woman revert to the evildoing
woman, ibid. ln. 12–13 (// bṯy).
bṯy n. m. “evildoer, wizard” (cf. Aram. byš, “bad, evil”, DJPA 102; Akk. bīšu,
“schlecht”, AHw 131; “malodorous, of bad quality”, “evil (morality)”, CAD
B 270f. Del Olmo AuOr 19 2001 295–297 > c.Sem. /b-ḏ-y/ (?); AuOr 28 2010
49f.; Ford UF 30 1998 243f. n. 138; diff. De Moor UF 11 1979 647f.: “flatterer”,
Arab. bṯy; Caquot TOu/2 43: PN); ¶ par.: bṯt. ¶ Forms: sg. bṯy.
Evildoer, wizard: tpnn ʕn bṯy the eye of the evildoer does distort, 1.96:6 (//
bṯt); ʕn bṯy l bṯy tṯb may the eye of the evildoer revert to the evildoer, ibid. ln.
11–12 (// bṯt).
Cf. bṯt (II).

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bwn – bẓr 251

bwn PN (etym. unc.).

PN: bn PN, 4.847:3.
by PN (etym. unc. Van Soldt SAU 45f.); ¶ syll.: cf. be-PI, Syria 15 1934 137 (RS
[Varia 3]):6.
PN: bn PN, 4.181:5 (ảry). In bkn ctx.: 4.681:8. Cf. bn bw[, 4.106:14.
byn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 117); ¶ syll.: cf. be-ia-nu[, PRU 3 35
(RS 15.37):15. Cf. bʕyn.
PN: 1.175:8; 4.86:30 (ʕnqp[ảty).
byy PN (etym. unc.).
PN:★a) 1.142:1 (bn ṭry; diff. Pardee TR/1 769: rdg. bṣy for byy); 4.396:20; in bkn
ctx.: 4.488:3;★b) bn PN: 4.170:25; 5.10:1; 5.11:1; 4.795:10; 4.851:3, 14; in bkn ctx.:
4.334:2; 4.617 I 11; cf. bby, 5.11:17.
bz n. m. “udder” (cf. OAram. bz/ṭ, “breast”, DNWSI 149 f.; JAram. bî/ûzāʔ, “feeder”
> “pap, breast”, DTT 159f.; Syr. bezzāʔ, “breast, teat”, SL 132; Arab. bizz, “sein,
mamelle”, DAF 120; bi/uzz, “nipple, mammilla”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 70; biz-
zat, “mammelle”, Dozy/1 80. Sanmartín UF 11 1979 723; diff. Pardee TR/2 1122:
“razzier”, *bzz). ¶ Forms: sg. bz.
Udder: (a kid) b bz ʕzm “from the udder of goats (is sacrificed)”, 1.80:4 (diff.
Pardee TR/1 436ff.: “quand les chèvres furent enlevées”).
bẓr n. m. of a precious metal (trad. “refined gold”. Hb. bṣr, “gold ore”, HALOT 149;
Arab. baṣrat, “soft white glistening stone”, AEL 211. Van Selms UF 7 1975 472;
Loretz UF 12 1980 279ff.); ¶ par.: br(r). ¶ Forms: sg. bẓr.
A precious metal, trad. “refined gold”: nḫt bẓr a divan of fine gold, 1.4 I 34
(// br; diff. rdg b ẓr: Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 211; Watson LSU 114, 151:
“obsidian”, Akk. ṣurru; De Moor AuOr 27 2009 290 f.: “on top”).

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-d, cf. -ỉd.

d det. / rel. functor 1) functor introducing nominal expansions: “the one(s) of”,
etc.; 2) rel. functor, introducing expansions of verbal or nominal clauses:
“who, whom, he who”, etc.; 3) abs. use, without explicit antecedent: “the
(one) who / which / that”; 4) in compound conjunctions, “since, as” (Hb.
zh, zw, f. zʔt, “this, these”, HALOT 263ff.; DNWSI 299 ff.; Ph., Pun. z, “this,
which”, DNWSI 299ff.; OAram., Palm., Nab., JAram. zy, d( y), f. zʔt, “this”,
DNWSI 299ff.; OSA ḏ, “one who, which”, SD 37; z, “which”, SD 169; Arab. ḏū,
ḏī, ḏā, AEL “a possessor, owner”, AEL 984ff.; Eth. za, zǝ, “who, that”, “this”,
CDG 629f.; cf. Ebla ḏū- / šu- in PNN, Fronzaroli MARI 5 267; Catagnoti QuSem
15 254; Akk. šu, “der, welcher”, AHw 1254; šu “he of”, CAD Š/3 152 ff.; Emar
/zu/, “the one of”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 196. Gordon UT § 6.23–24.; Tropper
UG 234ff.; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 539); ¶ syll. Ug.: [LÚ = ša (?)] = a-wi (PI) =
du-ú, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 29; Sivan GAGl 215; Huehnergard UVST 117; Van
Soldt SAU 303; Neu SBoT 337 n. 66. ¶ Forms: m. sg. d, dy (d + encl. -y, 1.178:1;
see Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 390); f. d, dt; pl. d, dt, dtm (dt + encl. -m [1.4
VI 37]); see allom. ḏ.
1) The one(s) of: ★a) det. of quality, type: ỉl d pỉd DN he of / benevolence (>
“the Benevolent One”), epithet of the god El, 1.5 VI 12 and passim); hyn d ḥrš
yd DN the ambidextrous craftsman, 1.17 V 18 and par. (Lipiński UF 20 1988
138; diff. Ayali-Darshan UF 43 2011 4: “Ea of the Artisans”, Emar Akk.: dÉ-a ša
LÚ.SIMUG); klt lḥmh d nzl a measure of his bread of offering, 1.14 III 58 and
par.; ʕbdk ản w d ʕlmk I am your servant in perpetuity, 1.5 II 12; mrqdm d šn
castanets of ivory, 1.108:5, cf. 1.19 IV 27; ḫpn d ỉqnỉ w šmt a cape of violet and
reddish purple, 4.168:1; ṯryn aḥd d bnš one suit of armour for a man, 4.169:6;
lḥm d ḫmš let bread of the fifth (month), 1.14 II 30 and par.; (qmḥ) d nšlm
(flour) of (: as) guarantee, 4.328:1–10; msg d tbk leather of (type) t., 4.167:15;
nʕl ỉl d qblbl a divine palanquin with carrying poles, 1.4 I 36; ʕr d qdm the city
of the old days // East, 1.100:62; šlyṭ d šbʕt rảšm the tyrant with seven heads,
1.3 III 42 and par.; lpš d sgr bh a cloak with s., 4.166:6 (cf. lpš sgr rq, 4.205:2);
d ʕqh ỉb ỉqnỉ whose pupils are gems of lapis lazuli, 1.14 III 45 and par.; drkt dt
drdrk your perpetual dominion, 1.2 IV 10 and par.; <b>hty (…) dt ksp hkly (…)
dtm ḫrṣ my house of silver, my palace (…) of gold, 1.4 VI 37; gpnm dt ksp dt
yrq nqbnm the harness of silver, the caparisons of gold, 1.4 IV 10–11 and par.;
(dbḥm) dt nảt (sacrifices) of sorrow, 1.127:4 and par.; ʕglm dt šnt bullocks of
one year, 1.22 I 13 and par.; pldm dt šʕrt cloaks of wool, 4.270:8; ḥṯb d ảnyt bill of
the ship, 4.779:13; kl d ỉṯ [l špš] all that the “Sun” has, 2.81:9; d mkr (…) d mnḥt

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d 253

(item) of merchant (…) of tribute, 4.808:1, 6; ★b) det. of property, belonging,

place: rḫn{n}t dt l ỉrtk “the sweetness (?) that your breast harbours”, 1.4 V 5
(diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 537: “the soft ones (?) o[f] your chest”, rdg rḫnnt);
d PN belonging to PN, 4.333:12; šỉr(m) šd (…) d PN (2) š.-measures(s) of land
(…) belonging to PN, 4.282:2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15; yn (…) d PN w (…) yn d ỉḫh
wine (…) of PN and (…) wine of his brothers, 3.13:22–23; ġṣb šmảl d ảlpm the
left ġ. of two head of cattle, 1.109:27; tgmr šmn d PN total of the oil of PN,
4.313:27; ksp d mkr TN / TN / nqdm silver (tribute) of the traders of TN / of TN
/ of the “chief shepherds”, 4.369:2–8; PN (…) mrủ mlkỉ d škn PN (…) m. of the
king (and) of the prefect (!), 6.66:6; šlm d ḥwtk the well-being of your land,
2.36:4; dbbm d msdt ảrṣ beasts of the foundations of the earth, 1.4 I 40; dbbm
d ġzr foul-mouthed (sorcerers) of youth, 1.169:1 (Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 112);
(crew and weaponry) d mrkbt mlk of the royal chariot(s), 4.167:12; k]d ztm d
PN a “jar” of olives of PN, 4.429:3 and par.; (a door) d sgrm of the courtyards
(?), 4.195:4; ktn d TN a tunic from TN, 4.132:4; ảnš dt ẓrh the muscles of her
back, 1.3 III 35 and par. with a metalinguistic antecedent, cf. d rb the (“jar”)
of the chief, 6.2:1, Dietrich-Loretz KA 223f. (but UF 30 1998 887: rdg l (?));
d ṯbỉl (document) of PN, 1.92:1 (cf. infra: 3); l ḥmrm dt tblm the donkeys of
PN 4.790:15; ★c) specifying value: ḫmš ṯnt d ḫmš mảt five ṯ. for five hundred
shekels, 4.203:9; cf. ḫmš ṯnt d mỉt five ṯ. for one hundred, ibid. ln. 10; ḫmš
ṯnt d ṯlṯ mảt five ṯ. for three hundred, ibid. ln. 11; ṯt ṯnt d ảlp two ṯ. for one
thousand, ibid. ln. 13; kt ỉl dt rbtm a twenty thousand (shekel) divine podium,
1.4 I 30; ḫmš mqdm d nyn b ṯql five (logs (?)) scorched, lowered in price, for
one shekel, 4.158:19; in unc. ctx.: ảrr d qrht, TN of TN, 6.27:2 (for the rdg. cf.
Van Soldt UF 21 1989 380 n. 30: “ả.-district of the towns”: “translation highly
2) Which, who, the one(s) who/that: ★a) as subj.: dy l ydʕ he who indeed
does not know, 1.178:1 (Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 134 f.; diff. rdg KTU: ydy);
(chariot crew) bd rb ḥršm d šṣả ḥwyh in the hands of the chief cartwright,
who consigned (it) to the storehouse, 4.145:10; qrht d tššlmn cities which
make loans, 4.95:1; ỉl d yqny ḏdm the god who created the caves, 1.19 IV 58;
ṯlṯ d yṣả bd PN l ảrgmn l nskm copper which was transferred to PN for the
tribute (and delivered) to the smiths, 4.43:1; cf. 4.166:1; neg.: d l yṣả which
did not come out, 4.341:21; sp (…) d yảḫd lg ynm bowl(s) (…) which (each)
contains a l. of wine, 4.44:28; ỉlnym d tỉt the divine ones who came, 1.20 II 10;
mḏrġlm d ỉnn msgm lhm guardsmen who have no (animal) skins, 4.53:1 (cf.
infra: dt ỉnn bd (…), 4.379:1); ảny TN d b TN ship of TN which is in TN, 4.390:2;
kl bnšm dt ḫbṯ all the individuals who are ḫ., 2.108:5, 7; mḏrġlm d bt bʕlt mlk
guardsmen (on duty) in the temple of DN, 4.54:1; ảdrm d b grn the nobles
who (gather) in the threshing-floor, 1.17 V 7; ḥln d dmt the window which

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254 d

is in the fortress, 2.31:46; PN (f.) d b ḥlmy il ytn what DN granted me in my

dream, 1.14 III 46 and par.; PNN bʕl ảny d bd PN workers of the fleet who are
at the disposal of PN, 4.647:7; bnš mlk d bd ảdnʕm people of the king who
have been entrusted to PN, 4.141 II 26; ủpdt d bd PN list of share-cropping
(plots) that pass to the hands of PN, 4.264:1; cf. 3.15:2 (bkn); ỉb d b TN the
enemy who is in TN, 2.33:10; bnš mlk d b TN people of the king who are in TN,
3.2:7; l ḥmrm d bd for the donkeys in the hand of, 4.790:9, 11, 13; ḫpṯ d bl spr
ṯnn d bl hg mercenaries without number, archers without count, 1.14 II 37–38
and par.; km špš d brt like the sun, which is free, 3.12:3; rpš d (l) ydyt latifundia
which are (not) untilled land, 4.348:1, 20; ỉl d ydʕnn the god who recognised
him, 1.114:6, see ln. 7 ỉl d l ydʕnn the god who did not recognise him; mlk d
yknnh the king who established him, 1.3 V 36 and par. (cf. bkn ctx. 1.10 III 6);
yn d ntn b ksp wine sold for cash, 4.219:1 (cf. 4.274:3); yṣr d yṯb b the potter who
lives in TN, 2.382:26 and par.; yn d ykl wine that is consumed, 1.91:1; klhm d
lh all of theirs, 1.9:11; yn d l ṭb wine which is not of good quality (table wine),
4.213:2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23; mrkbt mlk d l ṣpy chariots of the king which
were not plated, 4.167:6; spr npš d ʕrb bt mlk list of people who have entered
the royal palace, 4.338:1; ksp ảnyt d ʕrb b ảnyt surety for the ship which has
been deposited for the ships, 4.338:12; GNN d ʕrb b ủnṯ GNN who have gone
into service, 3.7:1; iṯ yn d ʕrb there is wine that entered (in plenty (?)), 1.23:74;
šdm dt nʕrb gt npk fields that comprise the guarantee of TN, 4.103:45; hdm ỉl!
d pršả b br a divine footstool that is covered with tin, 1.4 I 35; trm d ṣpy rods
/ poles which have been plated, 4.167:2 (cf. l. 6); mlk (…) d šbʕ [ả]ḫm lh the
king (…) who had seven brothers, 1.14 I 8; ảḥdy (…) d yšb[ʕ] hmlt ảrṣ I am the
only one (…) who will satisfy the multitudes of the earth, 1.4 VII 51; DN d ảšr
DN whom I sing, 1.24:38; ỉl (…) d yšr the god (…) who is sung, 1.108:3; PN ʕbd
mlk d št ʕl ḫrdh official of the king who was placed in command of his guard,
2.47:15; ḫrd dm ỉṯ ʕmnh the troops that are with him, 2.98:12; bnš {l} d yškb
{l} b bt mlk people who lodge in the palace, 4.163:15; spr bnš mlk d tảršn ʕmsn
register of the personnel of the king who claim the cargo, 4.370:2; ql d tbʕ
mṣr?m the courier who left for Egypt, 4.213:27; ql d ybl prd the messenger who
leads the mule, 4.337:12; d ṯṯ [mr]kbt w ḥrṣ (equipment) which (corresponds
to) a lot of six chariot bodies plus a reserve (protective padding), 4.363:9 (Del
Olmo AuOr 30 2012 10); ġzr (…) d ỉn bn lh the nobleman (…) who has no son,
1.17 I 18; bdlm dt yṯb b[ reserve personnel detailed(?) in[, 4.86:29; bdl TN dt
ỉnn mhr lhm! reserve personnel with no troops assigned, 4.214 I 4; bnšm dt
ỉṯ ảlpm lhm people who have oxen, 4.422:1; rʕym dt bd PN shepherds who
depend on PN, 4.374:1; mḏrġlm dt ỉnn bd PN, guards who do not depend on
PN, 4.379:1; šd ủbdy TN dt bd skn leased fields of TN which depend on the
prefect, 4.110:2; šd snrym dt ʕqb b ảyly estates of the GNN who have accepted

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d 255

/ made a transfer in TN, 4.645:1; ḥršm dt tbʕln b TN craftsmen who work in

TN, 4.141 III 6 (cf. ibid. ln. 8 ḥrš); spr mḏr[ġlm] d !t hlk b[ list of guards who
went to, 4.33:2; mnm šảlm dt tknn any claims they bring up, 3.3:6; bnšm dt l
TN ṯb people who return to TN 4.339:1 (cf. bnšm dt l mlk, ibid. ln. 17); d ttbʕn ṭbq
those who go to TN, 4.797:1; ỉl mṣrm dt tġrn npš špš the gods of TN who protect
the life of the “Sun”, 2.23:22; qrn[h] d !t ʕlh his horns which are above him,
1.101:7; rỉšym dt ʕrb b bnšhm GNN who offer guarantees for their personnel,
3.20:1; spr ʕrbnm dt ʕrb b PN list of the guarantors who offer guarantees for
PN, 3.3:2; mrkbt dt ʕrb bt mlk chariots that came into the palace, 4.145:1; tšʕ
dt tqḥ[n] šʕrt nine who opt for wool, 4.395:2 and par.; ṯlḥn ỉl d mlả mnm a
divine table was full of species (of animals), 1.4 I 38; ảḥdy d ymlk I am the
only one who will reign, 1.4 VII 49; mlk d mlk the king who rules, 2.47:12; hm
ỉṯ d ytn l[ (I swear that) nobody gave [me], 2.87:13; d hlk b nḫl (the spring) that
flows in the torrent, 3.33:8; tgmr yn d nkly total of wine which was consumed,
4.231:15 and par; ksp d nkly money that was spent, 4.280:6; (money) d škn l ks
ỉlm that was intended for the cup of the gods, 4.280:14; šmn d nšdd mzy oil
that was made available (on the occasion of a rite (?)) m., 4.272:1; kśmm d
kly spelt that was consumed, 4.855:3, 7; (people) dt tšlḥmn šbnh, who give
food in TN, 4.810:5 (Tropper UG 591: “die Essen / Nahrung nach(?) Šubbanu
liefern” (?); diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 12: “ceux qui étaient nourris”); ★b)
functioning as obj.: nʕr d ảpy PN n. which PN made into bread, 4.362:4; d
ảpy ʕbdh which your servant made into bread, ibid. ln. 5; d tqh d tqyn hmlt
the one you protect, the one you protect, (the gods’) multitude(s), 1.2 I 18
and par.; ảḥd ảlp PN d ảḫd b TN one head of cattle which PN has gathered
in TN, 4.296:11 and par.; šh d ytn ṣtqn his ram, that PN delivered, 1.80:2; qmḥ
d kly b bt skn l PN flour which was liquidated to PN in (/ for) the house of
the prefect, 4.361:1; qmḥ d kly k ṣḥ PN1 bd PN2 flour that was liquidated when
PN1 claimed (it), through the mediation of PN2, 4.362:1; bnš d lỉkt the man
whom I sent, 2.45:24; rgm d l tdʕ nšm a matter that men do not understand,
1.3 III 27 and par., cf. 1.10 I 3; (nn) šmn d lqḥt PNF (nn “jars” of) oil which PNF
takes, 4.290:2; lḥt spr d lỉkt the tablet that you sent, 2.14:7; mʕrb d yqḥ <b>?bt
mlk tribute offering which will be taken <from> the royal palace, 1.41:20 (Del
Olmo CR 85 n. 89); mnm rgm d tšmʕ ṯmt anything that you hear about there,
2.10:17; mrṯ d štt the estate (?) as (legally) established, 2.34:32; l ảlpm mrỉm
d ybl PN, for the fatlings that brings PN, 4.863:3, see ln. 5; 4.866:10; ṯlṯ d ybl
PN copper that PN brings, 4.272:7; ảrgmn d ybl PN l špš ảrn tribute that PN
brings to the “Sun” of TN, 3.1:18; ảnykn dt lỉkt mṣrm this ship of yours which
you sent to Egypt, 2.38:10; ảlp PN dt ảḫd ḥrṯh head of cattle of PN which his
herdsman has gathered, 4.296:8; hyn d znt ly l ytn hyn d znt ly l ytn that (lot)
which corresponds to my food provisions it was not given to me, 2.87:29; hn);

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256 d

hn ksp d ytnt ly, as for the money that you granted me, 2.87:31; d znt ảdty (oil)
that (I send) as my lady’s food provisions, 2.89:29; d lqḥt whom I took, 2.90:5;
d ytn mlk l PN (properties) that the king has given to PN, 3.38:5; d ỉhb PN, (the
son) whom PN will prefer, 3.32:11; mrzḥ d qny PN cultic association that PN
founded, 3.9:2; ṯql d ʕmnk the shekel that you have, 3.9:16; ġr TN d ptḥ PN the
hill country TN that PN opened up (: broken up), 3.33:2; spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l
mlk ủgrt document about the boundary-stones (?) which the ủ. set up for the
king in TN, 6.29:1; ★c) genitival function: ảnhbm d ảlp šd ẓủh b ym sea-snail(s)
whose exhalation is (noticeable) at a thousand acres in the sea, 1.3 IV 45 and
par.; (PN) d k nʕm ʕnt nʕmh whose charm is like that of DN, 1.14 III 41 and par.;
nqdm dt kn npṣhm “head shepherds” whose military equipment is in order,
4.624:1; ★d) circumstantial: ṯpṭn ỉn d ʕln our judge, whom no-one is above,
1.3 V 33; ṣʕ (…) d bh rủmm l rbbt platter (…) in which there were wild bulls
by the myriad, 1.4 I 43; TN d ʕlk mḫṣ ảqht TN upon which hangs the death
of PN, 1.19 IV 3 and par.; ảp d ảnšt the anger which makes me livid, 1.6 V 21;
w yʕdb d b tkh and he prepares what is within it, 1.179:28, 37; ʔgn (…) z l PN
earthenware bowl (…) of PN, 6.70:2 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 234). In unc. ctx.: d
bdy, 2.91:5 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43f.).
3) The one (who / that), without explicit ant.: p d ỉn b bty ttn rather, the
one who is not in my house shall you give me, 1.14 III 38 and par.; d ỉph the
one whom I saw, 1.10 II 32; tỉḫd d iṯ b kbdk undertake what you have in your
mind, 1.18 I 18; d ḫsrt the one you are lacking, 2.41:17; d yšt l lṣbh what one
should put (would be put) on the space between his eyebrows, 1.114:29; grš
d ʕšy lnh who ejects one who does something (to his father), 1.17 I 29 and
par.; d ʕnn the one that (my eyes(?)) saw, 1.10 II 33; l d hlkt npšk that is not
according to your behaviour, 2.87:32b (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 146;
diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 251: “where your ‘soul’ is going”).
4) In compound conjunctions, since, as: k d lbšt b ỉr as you are been clothed
in light (?), 1.13:25; k d ʕl qšth imḫṣh since, for his bow I wounded him, 1.19 I 14.
Unc. ctx. d mṣd, 1.114:7. In bkn ctx. dt l bn[, 1.3 III 7; 1.4 II 45; ỉlm d mlk, 1.4
III 9; hwt d aṯ[, 1.7:30; ]dr dt šmm, 1.10 I 5 (Cho LDUT 14); d arṣ, 1.12 I 3; d mgdl,
1.18 I 31; d ʕrgzm, 1.20 I 8; dt ʕl lty, 1.20 I 9; dt ymtm, 1.25:4; d ymġy bnš, 1.86:8;
w d l mdl, ibid. ln. 13; dt [, 1.127:17; qrt dt, 2.33:7; d štt, 2.36:7; d yqḥ[, 2.45:5;
mlk d ytn 2.45:13; d l nʕm, 2.50:19; d ảdr, 2.88:17; d ỉṯ, 2.88:18; dt b ủx[ those of
TN/PN (?), 2.84:22; d ảḫt d[, 2.84:23; ]d štnt, 2.99:13; d ảrš[, 2.111:3; yḏʕt d ảšxn,
2.108:11; dt l, 2.110:6; dt nšủ, 4.11:7; bdlm dt, 4.86:21; d ảbq, 4.127:10; ṯlṯ dt xx […]dt
ṯgml, 4.192:3f.; ḥrš d, 4.207:3; ḥl d[, 4.424:22); ]dt ỉṯ [, 4.296:1; mḫsrn d, 4.300:1;
d bn, 4.415:1ff.; ủšknym dt b[d], 4.335:1; d ủtx[4.398:13; [bn]šm dt ỉš[, 4.617:1
(cf. 4.655:1); ṯlṯm d nlqḥt, 4.659:1; bnš ảḥd d … 4.834:14; d ỉnn hndt, 4.863:18; d
ytn bd, 4.866:4; d bl ttn tyt, 5.11:13.

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/d-ʔ-y/ – dʕt (i) 257

/d-ʔ-y/ vb G: “to fly” (Hb. dʔh, “to fly”, HALOT 207; JBAram. dʔy, “to fly”, DJBA
310); ¶ par.: /r-ḫ-p/. ¶ Forms: G inf. dủ, dỉ; act. ptc. f. dỉt (for the forms tdủ,
1.16 VI 6–7, and ydủ, 1.103:42, cf. /n-d-ʔ/.
G. To fly: nšrm tpr w dủ may the eagles begin to fly!, 1.19 III 14 and par.; w ʕnt
dỉ dỉt may DN fly off (alt. DN of flying, may she fly), 1.108:8 (// rḫpt) (Tuttle
UF 8 1976 465f. diff. De Moor ARTU 188, “DN of the Kite, the She-Kite”, cf.
dỉy (I); Pardee TPM 103ff.: “DN de(s) aile(s)”, cf. dỉy (II)); in bkn ctx.: dỉ š[, 1.16
V 48.
Cf. dỉy (I), dỉy (II).
dỉ, 1.108:8, cf. /d-ʔ-y/.
dỉy (I) n. m. raptor bird, conventionally “hawk” (Hb. dʔh, “red kite”, HALOT 207;
cf. dyh, “bird of prey”, HALOT 220; Aram. dywy, “kite, bird of prey”, DJBA 328.
De Moor SEL 5 1988 66 n. 34: “black kite”, Syr. Arab. hedâye); ¶ par.: nšr.
¶ Forms: sg. dỉy; pl. diym.
Raptor bird, conventionally hawk: ảštk (…) km dỉy b tʕrty I shall place you
(…) like a hawk in my quiver, 1.18 IV 18 and par. (// nšr); in flocks: ybṣr ḥbl
dỉym a flock of hawks was watching, 1.19 I 33 and par. (// nšrm).
dỉy (II) n. m. “wing” (Arab. daʔy, “vertebrae, ribs of the breast”, AEL 840. Cf. Van
Zijl Baal 277; Tuttle UF 8 1976 465); ¶ par.: knp. ¶ Forms: pl. (?) cstr. dỉy.
Wing: bʕl ṯbr dỉy hmt DN broke his wings, 1.19 III 9 and par. (// knp); bʕl ybn
dỉy hmt may DN rebuild his wings, 1.19 III 13 and par. (// knp).
dʕm PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 162).
PN: bn PN, 3.7:8.
dʕmm, 1.13:15; cf. dʕt (II).
/d-ʕ-ṣ/ vb G: “to fix, lean, press” ((?). Syr. dʕṣ, “to stick in, implant”, SL 161;
Akk. dâṣu, “drangsalieren, bedrängen”, AHw 165; “to treat with injustice,
disrespect”, CAD D 118f.; Arab. daʕaṣa, “agiter les pieds comme pour sauter”,
DAF 701. Margalit UF 8 1976 168; UF 15 1983 87; Ajjan NU 35. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
G. To fix, lean, press (?): tdʕṣ pʕnm she pressed (?) (her) feet (down), 1.4 V 20
and par. (Wyatt RTU 102; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 538; diff. Tropper UG 484: “Sie
erhob ihre Füsse”).
dʕt (I) n. f. 1) “knowledge, information, communiqué”; 2) “friendship”, abstr. for
concr. > “acquaintance, mate” (< /y-d-ʕ/. Hb. dʕt, “knowledge”, HALOT 228f.;
Pun. dʕt < ydʕ , “knowledge”, DNWSI 440; Ebla cf. /daʕ(a)tim/, in UMUN(?)
= ba-lu da-a-tim, VE 1191; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; Akk. di/aʔ(a)tu, “Wissen,
Kunde”, AHw 168; “notice, information”, CAD D 130f. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 172;
diff. Loretz-Xella MLE 1 43; Avishur UF 13 1981 22 f.; Smith UBC/1 289; Husser
UF 27 1995 239: “enchanteur”); ¶ par.: ảmr (I), ḥbr. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. dʕtk,
dʕtkm, dʕthm; pl. suff. dʕtm (encl. -m).

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258 dʕt (ii) – dbb (ii)

1) Knowledge, information, communiqué: ṯny dʕtkm repeat your commu-

niqué, 1.2 I 16 and par. (// ảmr).[
2) Friendship, acquaintance, friend, mate: DN ḥbrk w DN dʕtk DN your
companion and DN your acquaintance, 1.6 VI 50 (cf. Hb. mwdʕ and md (II);
diff. Loretz UF 32 2000 272 n. 56: “dein Beschwörer … dein Zauber”); ġlm dʕtm
the expert lads, 1.169:10 (// ḥbrm; see Loretz UF 32 2000 275, 283f.; Del Olmo
Fs. Matthaie 113).
Cf. /y-d-ʕ/ (I).
dʕt (II) n. f. “sweat” (< /w-ḏ-ʕ/. Hb. *zʕh, “sweat”, HALOT 276, cf. ibid. 229: dʕt
III; JAram. dyʕtʔ, “sweat”, DTT 303; Ebla /ḏuʕtum/, in IR = šu-du-um, VE 1041;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 37; Akk. zūtu, zūʔtu, “Schweiss”, AHw 1539; “sweat,
exudation”, CAD Z 168). ¶ Forms: sg. dʕt.
Sweat: trḥṣ{.}nn b dʕt she washed him of sweat, 1.16 VI 10; in bkn ctx. k
[dʕ]mm, 1.13:15 (De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 139; CARTU 134: dʕ, “bead of
sweat”); ]rṯy dʕt my, 1.179:14 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 397, 393, 400: “]ma [b]ois-
son (/ mon vin), c’est la sueur”).
Cf. /y-d-ʕ/ (II).
db n. m. “threshold” (?) (Akk. dippu, “eine Art Tür”, AHw 172; dappu, dibbu,
“board, plate”, CAD D 106, 134. Xella UF 13 1981 309 ff.; Watson LSU 82; diff. De
Moor AuOr 27 2009 289: “large umbrella, baldachin, canopy”, < Eth. dəbāb,
CDG 119f.). ¶ Forms: sg. db.
Threshold (?): [ỉ]d ydbḥ mlk (…) b db when the king sacrifices (…) in the
“threshold” (?), 1.164:4 (diff. supra De Moor; perhaps a mistake for either g!b
or db<r> (?)).
dbảt n. f. “strength” (Hb. dbʔ, “strength”, HALOT 208. Van Zijl Baal 249; Driver
Ug. 6 185f. diff. Sanmartín UF 12 1980 341ff.: “Haartracht”, Akk. zappu / zabbu,
Arab. ḏuʔaba, Syr. zeftāʔ; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 284 n. o: “frapper”, Arab.
dabaʔa, Akk. daʔāp/bu). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. dbảtk.
Strength: qrn dbảtk your strong horns, 1.10 II 21–22.
/d-b-b/ see dbb (II).
dbb (I) n. m. “beast, mythical animal” (Arab. dabbāb, “an animal that creeps
along”, AEL 842. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 369 ff.; De Moor UF 12 1980 430;
ARTU 46: “flying demon” / “winged monster”, cf. ḏbb; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/2
196 n. q, “rampant”, Arab. dabba; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 47 ff.: (II) “Ge-
wimmel”, “langsam sich bewegendes Getier (im Wasser)” // mn; Del Olmo
AuOr 28 2010 129f. diff. Margalit MLD 22, “effusion”, Arab. ḏwb). ¶ Forms: pl.
Mythical beast: dbbm d msdt ảrṣ beasts of the foundations of the earth, 1.4
I 39.
dbb (II) n. m. “(sorcerer) adversary, quarreller, accuser” (act. ptc. /d-b-b/. Akk.

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dbb (iii) – dbḥ 259

dabābu, “sprechen, reden”, AHw 146f.; “speech, words”, CAD D 2 f.; dābibu,
bēl dabābi, “Prozessvertreter”, AHw 148; “adversary (in court)”, “talkative,
gossipy”, CAD D 3f., 16; Aram. dbb, “to murmur”, DJBA 311. Del Olmo AuOr
28 2010 129f.; for surveys of opinions cf. Pardee TR/2 879; Wyatt RTU 442 n. 2;
Ford UF 34 2002 156f.). ¶ Forms: pl. dbbm.
(Sorcerer) foul-mouthed, adversary, quarreller, accuser: ydy dbbm d ġzr ban-
ishment of foul-mouthed (sorcerers) of youth, 1.169:1 (diff. Ford UF 34 2002
137 155f.: “(sorcerous) accusations”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 43 2011 45 f.: “Die
Reden des Helden”); ảphm kšpm dbbm ygrš ḥrn “Then also, the foul-mouthed
sorcerers may DN cast out”, 1.169:9 (cf. ibid.); dbbm kšpm the foul-mouthed
sorcerers, 1.178:9, see also ln. 13, kšpm dbbm (cf. Del Olmo Fs. Watson 148; diff.
Ford UF 34 2002 120, 136ff.: “sorcerous accusations”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 43
2011 44: “Zaubereien-Verwünschungen”).
dbb (III) PN (Sem. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 372; Gröndahl PTU 122; Sivan GAGl 214;
Watson LSU 162); ¶ syll.: DUMU da-bu-bi, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.050):2; RS 22.02
rev. 8 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 372).
PN: ★a) 4.727:17 (cf. bt (II)); ★b) bn PN: 4.611 I 7. In bkn ctx. 4.69 VI 34; 4.633:12
(Van Soldt SAU 34).
/d-b-ḥ/ vb G: “to sacrifice”, “to offer a sacrifice, give a banquet” (Hb., Pun.,
OAram. zbḥ, “slaughter”, HALOT 261f.; “to offer as a sacrifice”, DNWSI 301;
Arab. ḏabaḥa, “to cut, rip open”, AEL 953ff.; Eth. zabḥa, “slaughter, sacrifice”,
CDG 631. Van Zijl Baal 89f.; Xella TRU 344f.); ¶ par.: /ʕ-š-r/, /n-k-t/, /n-š-ʔ/
(+ yd), /y-r-d/, /ṯ-ʕ-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. dbḥ; prefc. tdbḥ, ydbḥ, ndbḥ; suff.
tdbḥn; impv. dbḥ; act. ptc. (?) dbḥ (cf. Emar /ḏābiḥu/, “sacrificer”, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 193f.).
G. To sacrifice, offer a sacrifice, give a banquet: dbḥ l ṯr ảbk sacrifice to the
Bull, your father, 1.14 II 23 and par. (// šả ydk, šrd); krtn dbḥ dbḥ behold PN
offers a sacrifice / gives a banquet, 1.16 I 39 and par. (// ʕšr); tdbḥ ảmr they
sacrificed lambs, 1.20 I 10; dbḥn ndbḥ behold the sacrifice that we offer, 1.40:32
and par. (// nṯʕy, nkt; diff. Pardee TR/1 97, 125f.: N. “le sacrifice, il est sacrifié”);
bt ṯʕy ydbḥ the house of the officiant shall sacrifice, 1.119:8; l ydbḥ mlk the king
must sacrifice, 1.119:13; ỉd ydbḥ mlk when the king offers a sacrifice, 1.115:1;
1.164:1, 3; ỉl dbḥ b bth DN gives a banquet in his house, 1.114:1 (// ṣd; cf. 1.1
IV 28); dbḥ ṣtqn l ršp PN sacrificed to DN, 1.79:7; in unc. ctx.: w ṯmny ydbḥ
mlġt, 2.40:16. In bkn cxt.: tdbḥn; 1.20 I 1.
Cf. dbḥ, dbḥt, mdbḥ.
dbḥ n. m. 1) “sacrifice, (sacrificial) banquet”; 2) “offering”; 3) month name (?)
(Hb., OAram., Ph., Pun. zbḥ, HALOT 262f.; “sacrifice”, DNWSI 301 f.; Ebla
cf. /dubḫu/, Krebernik PET 167; Müller Biling. 195; Fronzaroli ARES 1 17;
Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 186; cf. Pagan ARES 3 181; Akk. zību, “Opfer”, AHw 1525;

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260 2) – dbḥt

“food-offering”, CAD Z 105f.; Arab. ḏa/ibḥ, “cutting”, “an animal prepared for
slaughter”, AEL 953f.; Eth. zǝbḥ, “sacrifice”, CDG 631. Del Olmo SEL 12 1995
38ff.; CR 34f., 263; UF 36 2004 544 n. 17; Watson UF 31 1999 787); ¶ syll. Ug.:
EZEN = i-sí-nu = e-li(?) = da-ab-ḫu, Ug 137 III 6; Sivan GAGl 213; Huehnergard
UVST 117; Van Soldt SAU 303); ¶ par.: dġṯ, ʕšrt, mṣd. ¶ Forms: sg. dbḥ, suff.
dbḥk, dbḥn; du. dbḥm; pl. dbḥm; cstr. dbḥ.
1) Sacrifice, (sacrificial) banquet: w yqr[ y] dbḥ ỉlm and he offered sacrifice to
the gods, 1.19 IV 23 and par. (// dġṯhm); lqḥ ỉmr dbḥ b ydh he took a sacrificial
lamb in his hand, 1.14 III 56 and par.; msrr ʕṣr db[ḥ] the entrails of a sacrificial
bird, 1.14 III 59 and par.; dbḥ mlk royal sacrifices, 1.91:2; dbḥ ṣpn sacrifice of DN,
1.91:3; cf. 1.148:1; spr dbḥ ẓlm book of instructions for the sacrifice of the spirits,
1.161:1; dbḥ ỉl bldn sacrifice of the gods of the land, 1.162:1; dbḥ mlkt sacrifices
of the queen, 4.149:14–15; dm ṯn dbḥm šnả bʕl for DN hates two sacrifices,
1.4 III 17; dbḥ bṯt w dbḥ dnt w dbḥ tdmm the sacrifice of impudence and the
sacrifice of lechery and the sacrifice of lasciviousness, 1.4 III 18–20; šrd bʕl
b dbḥk honour DN with your sacrifice, 1.14 II 25 (// mṣd); dbḥ kl yrḫ ndr dbḥ
monthly sacrifice, vow, sacrifice (in general), 1.127:1ff.; dbḥ kl kl ykly dbḥ k sprt
sacrifice of which everyone eats (alt. that is completely consumed), sacrifice
according to prescript, 1.127:7–9; l k dbḥ in sacrifice, 1.127:12; ủ tḫṭỉn l dbḥm or
whether you have sinned in connection with the sacrifices, 1.40:23 and par.
(//ṯʕ); db[ḥ] l krt ảdnkm a sacrifice / banquet PN, your lord, celebrates, 1.15
VI 5 and par.; krtn dbḥ dbḥ behold PN offers a sacrifice / gives a banquet,
1.16 I 40 (//ʕšrt); hlkm b dbḥ nʕmt coming with sacrifices of thanksgiving,
1.23:27; b ym dbḥ ṯpḥ[ on the day of the sacrifice of the stock, 1.48:13; mỉtm
yn ḥsp d nkly b dbḥ two hundred (“jars”) of wine which have been consumed
in the (royal) sacrifices, 4.213:24 (cf. 1.91:1–2; 4.149:14–15) dbḥ DN sacrifice of
DN, 1.91:14; 1.116:1 (in Hurr. ctx.); in bkn ctx.: dbḥ dṯ[ sacrifice of …, 1.177:1;
ảlny b dbḥ “X in sacrifice”, 2.87:17 (for the rdg see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
2) Offering: dbḥ šmn mr an offering of myrrh-scented oil, 1.87:22 and par.
(cf. Pun. zbḥ šmn, KAI 69:12; 74:9); [rš]p ʕnt ḫbly dbḥm DN (and) DN, two
offerings, 1.39:17; w dbḥ and (as an) offering, 1.41:39 and par.
3) Month name, in bkn ctx.: [ y]rḫ dbḥ the month of d. (sacrifice), 4.316:5 (cf.
ln. 3: [ y]rḫ mgmr and cf. Ph. yrḥ zbḥ šmš, Kition A 27:1; cf. DNWSI 470: yrḫ2).
In bkn ctx.: ]ṯn dbḥm, 1.75:11; w dbḥ k[, 1.87:43; w l dbḥ[, 1.127:24; w dbḥ x[,
1.136:4, 5; ỉn dbḥ, 1.176:9; ]dbḥn, 2.31:25; PN b dbḥ[, 2.87:17.
dbḥt n. f. a type of sacrifice, sacrificial act (cf. dbḥ. Arab. ḏibḥat, “A mode or
manner of slaughter”, AEL 954; Eth. zĕbḥat, “slaughtering”, CDG 631. Del
Olmo SEL 12 1995 39f.; Watson UF 31 1999 787; diff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 12:
pl. of dbḥ). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. dbḥt.

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dblt – dbr (i) 261

A type of sacrifice, sacrificial act: dbḥt PN d. of PN, 1.142:1.

dblt n. f. “dried fig”; “fig cake” (Hb. dblt, “cake of figs”, HALOT 209; Arab. dublat,
“a lump, compact portion”, AEL 850. Watson LSU 72, 138). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl.
Dried figs, ★a) ltḥ dblt ltḥ ṣmqm a l. of dried figs (and) a l. of raisins, 4.14:17;
mrbʕ qšḥm mrbʕ dblt mrbʕ ṣmqm a quarter of cumin, a quarter of dried figs, a
quarter of raisins, 4.751:10; use in pharmacy: dblt yṯnt w ṣmqm yṯnm w qmḥ
bql rancid dried figs and rancid raisins and groat flour (should be mixed
together), 1.71:27; 1.72:37; 1.85:31 (Cohen-Sivan UHT 40 f.; Cohen UF 28 1996
149.); ★b) in fig cake: dblt fig cake, 4.863: ảrbʕ dblt four fig cakes, 4.60:5, 9 (cf.
Hb. and Arab., supra). In unc. bkn ctx.: w dbl[, 2.101:8.
/d-b-r/ (I) vb D “drive away” (Hb. dbr, pi., “to turn aside”, HALOT 209 f.; OAram.
“to lead”, DNWSI 239; JAram. pa. “to lead”, dabbar, “leader”, DTT 278; Syr.
dbr, “to lead, guide”, SL 271; cf. Arab. dabara, “to follow behind”, dabbara,
“to forecast, to look to what might be”, I “to turn one’s back”, AEL 844f. De
Moor ULe 91; Del Olmo JAOS 132 2012 617. There are quite a number of
alt. interpretations, e.g. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 126: “ungerecht handeln”;
Verreet UF 18 1985 371: “fliehen”; Lipiński Fs. Loretz 502: “turn your back”;
Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 125; Lipiński Fs. Loretz 501 ff.: “to guide”; Wyatt
RTU 240: “to give orders”; Arbeitman AuOr 12 1998 5–28; Watson AuOr 19
2001 287; “to guide, force to go”; Renfroe UF 22 1990 282 f.: “to talk”, cf. /d-b-r/
(II); Loretz Fs Kienast 294ff.: “reden”, and general survey of opinions); ¶ par.:
/ṯ-w-y/. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. tdbr, ydbr.
D. To drive away: k ġz ġzm tdbr can you drive away warriors like a warrior?,
1.16 VI 43 and par. (// tṯwy. Wyatt RTU 240 n. 292, for a survey of translations,
and supra; among others Greenstein UNP 41: “in time of attack you take
flight”); in bkn ctx.: ]dbrh l špš ], 1.76:9f. (Lipiński Fs. Loretz 502: “lead him /
her to the Sun-goddess”).
Cf. ủdbr.
/d-b-r/ (II) vb D “to say, declare” (Hb., Ph., Pun. dbr, “to speak”, HALOT 210 f.;
“to speak, to say”; DNWSI 238f.; Ebla cf. INIM.DI = ti-da-bir5-lum, VE 186;
Krebernik QuSem 18 123. Renfroe UF 22 1990 284). ¶ Forms: D prefc. ydbr,
D. To say, declare, proclaim: ky tdbr ủmy l pn qrt so my mother has declared
before the city, 2.72:18 (Pardee BiOr 34 1977 9; Brooke UF 11 1979 70, 74; diff.
Lipiński Fs. Loretz 502: “will be heading”, see /d-b-r/ (I)); ỉ]dbr ṯrmt ảlm I]
declare / proclaim as an offering two rams, 1.82:8 (see Del Olmo AuOr 28 2011
Cf. dbr (I).
dbr (I) n. m. “matter, thing”(?) (< /d-b-r/ (II); Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram. dbr, “word,

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262 dbr (ii) – dd (ii)

matter”, HALOT 211f.; “word, matter”, DNWSI 239f.; OSA dbr, “opus, labor”,
CAME 125; Watson AuOr 19 2001 287). ¶ Forms: pl. dbrm.
Matter, thing (?), in bkn ctx.: ]xy kl dbrm hmt ] (…) all the matters (…), 2.32:8;
in unc. ctx. ht ảt [[d]] dbr {h}mhkm, 2.71:14 (Pardee CS/3 111 n. 190: “any word
/ matter”).
Cf. dbr (II).
dbr (II) n. m. “plague, pestilence” (Hb. dbr, “bubonic plague”, HALOT 212; Ebla
cf. dda-bi-ir DINGIR eb-laki, Mander MROA 2/1 47; Emar /dibbīru/, “calamity,
pestilence”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 44; diff. alt.: “further on”, “pasture”, “steppe”;
Hb. dbr, “pasture”, Syr. debrāʔ, “land, field”, SL 272. Van Zijl Baal 172f., 175 n. 3;
De Moor SP 186; Astour Ug 6 14; Margalit MLD 123f.; Aartun UF 16 1984 11 f.);
¶ par.: šḥlmmt. ¶ Forms: sg. dbr.
Plague, pestilence (in the poetic toponym “Land of Pestilence”, denoting the
underworld): mġny l nʕmy ảrṣ dbr we reach the “delight” (of) the “Land of
Pestilence”, 1.5 VI 6 and par. (// šḥlmmt); yủhb ʕglt b <ảrṣ> dbr he loved a
heifer in the <Land of> Pestilence, 1.5 V 18.
dby PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.64 IV 10.
dd (I) adj./n. m. “love”, by meton. > “loved one” (Hb., Aram. dwd, “beloved,
lover”, HALOT 215; OAram. dwd, “friend”, DNWSI 243; dd, “love / lover”,
DNWSI 241; Amor. /dādum/, /dawdum/, etc., “beloved”, Gelb CAAA 17; Akk.
dādu, “Liebling”, AHw 149; “love-making, favorite”, CAD D 20; Mari Akk. in
PNN, Durand MARI 2 215ff.; Eth. dud, “uncle”, CDG 123; Arab. dādat, “gov-
erness, dry nurse”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 311; Ebla cf. /dādu(m)/, in ŠÀ.KI.ÁG
= du-du, da-du-du, VE 584; Krebernik QuSem 18 138; cf. /dādu(m)/ in PAP.MU
= da-tum, VE 1161; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 22; cf. ŠÀ.ḪUL.GIG = ba-rí-ù da-du,
VE 591; Fales QuSem 13 180; Catagnoti MisEb 1 187 n. 10; in PNN Krebernik
PET 82; Xella WGE 354; Catagnoti QuSem 15 226ff.; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991
185; Pagan ARES 3 211. Aartun StUL 39ff.: “reizende / liebliche Teile, d. h. Gen-
italien”); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /dādu/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 213; ¶ par.: ahbt,
yd. ¶ Forms: sg. dd, suff. ddh.
Love: t!šr dd DN (…) dd DN who sings the love of DN (…) the love of DN, 1.3
III 5, 7 and par. (// yd, ảhbt); šd ddh the field of her love (< loved one), 1.24:23;
in bkn ctx.: ybġ dd, 1.172:20 (Bordreuil- Caquot Syria 57 1980 345).
dd (II) n. m. 1) measure of capacity “cauldronful”; 2) container “cruet” (cf. Hb.
dwd, “cooking pot, basket”, HALOT 215; Palm. “(big) cauldron”, DNWSI 242;
JAram. dwd ʔ, “boiler, caldron (sic), pot”, DTT 283; Akk. dūdu, “eine Art Kessel”,
AHw 174; “kettle”, CAD D 170; cf. Hitt. duddu-, “Hohlmass”: ½ BÁN, Van
den Hout RlA 7 525; cf. Eg. dd.t, “Schale”, “Massangabe”, WäS/5 501, but see
Muchiki Loanwords 281. Dijkstra PIHANS 114 35 ff.; Watson PIHANS 114 165;

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ddl – ddm 263

AuOrS 27 83f.). ¶ Forms: sg. dd, pl. ddm (spelling mistake ddt in 6.19:1; rdg
ddm!); du. ddm.
1) Measure of capacity, “cauldronful”, ★a) PN dd PN: a “cauldron- ful” (of
grain), 4.55:4 and passim ibid.; passim in econ. txt., see 4.858:5, 12; dd(m) l
PN one / two “cauldronsful” for PN, 4.175:3 and passim ibid., see 4.858:5–8, 13;
ḫmš ddm l PN five “cauldronsful” for PN, 4.790:18–24, 26; tšʕ ddm l PN nine
“cualdronsful” for PN, 4.858:3, cf. ln. 4 (l rʕh); ʕšr ddm l PN ten “cauldronsful”
for PN, ibid., ln. 25; dd ỉlš a “cauldronful” (of grain for) DN, 1.41:6; 1.87:7;
4.858:9–11 (cf. 2.); distributive use: ṯṯm / ṯmnym dd dd kbd l mḏrġlm a total
of sixty / eighty “cauldronsful”, from “cauldronful” to “cauldronful” (i.e. by
the cauldronful), for the watchmen, 4.387:9, 19; cf. 4.14:1, 7, 13; 1.41:6; 1.87:7;
(nn) dd(m) l ảlpm (nn) “cauldronsful” for the head of cattle, 4.796:9, 11,
cf. ln. 10, 12, 13; 4.858:1: ★b) as a dry measure: ảkl grain, 4.284:4; ddm ảkl
two “cauldronsful” of grain, 4.688:4; drt chaff, 4.243:10; ḥṭm wheat, 4.225:11;
4.269:32; 4.400:4, 9, 12, 17; 4.608:4; 6.61:2; kśmn/m spelt, 4.691:4; 4.855:2, see
ln. 6; cf. dd ksmm a “cauldronful” of spelt, 4.608 (II) 2; nʕr roasted flour
(?), 4.402:1; 4.426:3; 4.788:4, 7 (diff. Dijkstra PIHANS 114 37: “shaken dd”);
qmḥ flour, 4.608:1; 4.795:3–12; cf. ltḥ ḫsr b šbʕ ddm a missing l. in seven
“cauldronsful”, 4.361:3; šʕrm barley, passim; cf. 4.14:1, 7, 13; 4.608:3; 6.19:1 (rdg
dmm!); 6.21:1; ṯlṯ ddm šʕrm l ḥmm dt tblm three “cauldronsful” of barley for the
donkeys of the smiths, 4.790:14; [ʕ]šrm aḥd kbd dd [šʕ]rm l ḥmrm twenty-one
“cauldronsful” of barley for the donkeys, 4.790:10, 12, 14; ḫmš ʕšr dd l śśw
DN, fifteen “cauldronsful” for the horses of DN, 4.790:16, 17; in unc. ctx.: dd
gdl “cauldronsful” of g., 4.14:1, 7, 13 (cf. gdl), in bkn ctx. 4.426:4; ʕšrm [d]d
šʕrm twenty “cauldronsful” of barley, 2.89:12; ḫmš dd gdl five “cauldronsful”
of g., 2.89:13, ḫmš dd nʕr five d. of n., ln. 15; ṯṯ dd šʕrm (…) šbʕ dd gdl six
/ seven “cauldronsful” of barley / g., 4.811:1, 4; ṯmn l ʕšrm ddm (written
dmd) twenty-eight “cauldronsful”, 4.377:34 (see Dietrich-Loretz 35 2003 184;
diff. Pardee RSOu 17 369f. rdg d/ṣmd); in unc. rdg: d !dm mr … b! d mr prs
l, 4.377:31f. (for the var. rdgs and versions see Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 13
n. 41).
2) Cruet for oil: dd šmn a cruet for oil, 1.41:44; 1.87:48.
In bkn ctx.: dd, 4.863:1; d]dm, 4.14:18.
ddl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 296, 424; Watson AuOr 13 1995 222); ¶ syll.:
cf. da-dì-lu, RS 28.52:7 (Van Soldt SAU 310 n. 117).
PN: 4.423:24.
ddm TN (cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 63: *Dadmema); ¶ syll.: cf. DINGIR.MEŠ
da-ad-me-ma, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):3; cf. Xella TRU 100; Del Olmo CR 137; Van
Soldt UBL 11 373 n. 60; Watson LSU 198; Bonechi NABU 1998/80: see Mari Akk.
dadmum “dwellings” > “Name of the Aleppo Kingdom”.

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264 ddmš – dg (i)

TN(?): [ỉl d]dm š the gods of TN(?), 1 ram, 1.148:43 (alt. rdg.: [dd]mm, Pardee
TR/2 786, 804f.).
Cf. ddmy.
ddmš Hurro-Anat. DN (Xella TRU 53; Nougayrol Ug 5 57ff.; 248 f.; Laroche
GLH 70; Watson LSU 198); ¶ RS Akk.: dDá-ad-mi-iš, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):27; cf.
syll. Hurr. DINGIR.ŠU.ZI.AN.NA = ta-at-mi-i[š, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV b 18(?).
DN: in god lists: 1.47:28; 1.118:27 (cf. dDá-ad-mi-iš, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):27); in
cultic texts: 1.109:18; 1.120:3; 1.130:29; 1.148:8.
ddmy GN m. (localisation and identity unc. Xella TRU 265: Didima (?); De
Moor-Sanders UF 23 1991 293; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 63: TN *Didima). ¶ Forms:
sg. ddmy.
GN: 1.40:20 and par.
Cf. ddm.
ddn (I) PN deified; var. of dtn; cf. dt/dn (I).
ddn (II) PN; cf. dt/dn (II). [
ddy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 424); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU da-de4-ya PRU 3 196
(RS 15.42+) II 17; PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) A I:9 (Huehnergard UVST 213; Van
Soldt SAU 10 n. 116); DUMU du-da-a-ya, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.182+):6; da-dá-a,
PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 27; ta-di-e, RSOu 7 22 (RS 34.161):19.
PN: ★a) 4.16:3; 4.635:44 (ảḏddy); ★b) bn PN: 4.659:4; 4.807:43.
ddym n. m. pl. t., “harmony” (< “amours”, abstr. pl. in /-īy/ < dd (I). Brockel-
mann GvG/1 400. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 164 n. f. Smith UBC/1 202ff.; Fen-
sham AION 15 1965 31ff. diff. Van Zijl Baal 57f.; Sasson RSP I 407: “man-
drakes”, Hb. dwdy / dwdʔym, Eg. ddyt; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 164, 310: “love-
offerings”, “that produce love”; Tarazi UF 36 2004 496 n. 100, 554: “the sensu-
ality of the day” / “the lover of the day”; but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 131
n. 11); for a survey see Smith UBC/1 202ff.:); ¶ par.: mlḥmt. ¶ Forms: pl. t.
Harmony: št b ʕprm ddym put harmony in the steppes, 1.3 III 15 and par. (//
dḏy PN (Hurr. (?); Gröndahl PTU 263; Laroche GLH 266 f.; Watson AuOr 13 1995
222); ¶ syll.: cf. ti-še-ia, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.114):2; te-še-ia, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):6.
Cf. tṯyn.
PN: 4.769:18 (bn ủḏr).
dg (I) n. m. “fish” (Hb., JAram. dg, “fish”, HALOT 213; DNWSI 240; IE *dhghū-,
“fish”, Watson Historiae 4 2007 103); ¶ par.: ʕṣr. ¶ Forms: sg. dg; pl. dgm.
Fish: ʕṣr šmm w dg b ym the birds (collect.) of the sky and the fish of the
sea, 1.23:63; w kl šbšlt dg and all types of fish stews, 1.106:22; mḥy l dg w lklb
remove fish and dog, 1.124:15 (diff. Del Olmo CR 263 n. 70: “no fish at all”, rdg
lkll!; Watson-Wyatt JMC 24 2014 41ff.: l dg, “no more raving”, Syr. dgyg); ḫlủ

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dg (ii) – dgt 265

dg (the sacrifice of) the fish-cake, 1.91:12 (Del Olmo CR 217); in bkn ctx. mnủ
dg portions (?) of fish, 1.92:38 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118); for dgm, 5.23:14, cf.
Watson FO 47 2010 436: “coverlets, lids”, Sem. *dgy, “to cover”, and other poss.
Cf. dgy.
Cf. mdgl, mgdl.
dg (II) PN (Sem.?).
PN: 4.813:14.
dgn (I) n. m. “grain, wheat” (Hb., Ph., OAram. dgn, “corn, grain”, HALOT 214;
DNWSI 241; cf. Emar /dagna/ātu/, “grain(s), cereal(s)”, Pentiuc Vocabulary
43). ¶ Forms: sg. dgn.
Grain: ʕdb dgn those who grow grain, 1.16 III 13 (cf. lḥm, ibid. ln. 14).
dgn (II) DN (etym. unc. Hb. dgwn, HALOT 213; Ph. cf. ʔrṣt dgn, KAI 14:19, cf.
DNWSI 112: ʔrṣ1 3; Amor. /dagān/, Huffmon APNMT 180 f.; Gelb CAAA 17;
Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 80; Pettinato-Waetzoldt Or 54 1985 234ff.; Von Soden
EDA 83; Lambert MARI 4 1985 529; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 185 f.; Pagan ARES 3
210; OAkk. (-)(d)da-(ga-)an/gan(-), Roberts ESP 18 f.; EA cf. the element (d)da-
ga-an(-) in PNN, Hess AmPN 237; Emar Akk. cf. spellings (-)(d)da-gan(-) /
dKUR. Arnaud RA 68 1974 190; Wilcke AuOr 10 1992 119 n. 24. Ringgren TWAT 2
148ff.; Von Soden RGG 2 18f.; Healey JNSL 5 1977 43 ff.; Wyatt UF 12 1980
375ff.; Cooper-Pope RSP 3 361ff.; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 446 ff.; Renfroe
AULS 91ff.; Singer Fs. Carter 221ff.: IE *dheĝhom, “earth”; Del Olmo Fs. López
85ff.: CS/AA *d-g, “aprovisonarse, provisión”; Oliva CPOA 161: Hurr. tagi- <
*t:dag=ā, “el que es Bueno / puro”; Watson LSU 27); ¶ RS Akk.: dda-gan, Ug
5 18 (RS 20.24):3 (// dgn, 1.47:4; 1.118:3); Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):17; Huehnergard
UVST 118; Sivan GAGl 213; ¶ par.: bʕl (II) 3.
DN: ★a) connected with Baal: šlm (…) dgn w bʕl hail (…) DN and DN! 1.123:4;
bʕl w dgn yỉsp ḥmt may DN and DN remove the venom, 1.107:39; bn dgn son of
DN, 1.2 I 35 and passim as an attribute of // bʕl (Rahmouni DEUAT 94 ff.); ḥtk
dgn progeny of DN, 1.10 III 34 (// bʕl); in god lists: dgn, 1.47:4; 1.118:3 (between
ỉl and bʕl ṣpn); ★b) Dagan of Tuttul: dgn ttl the DN of TN, 1.24:14; take (this)
request ʕm dgn ttlh to DN in TN, 1.100:15; ★c) cultic references: skn d šʕlyt ṯrỉl
l dgn pgr stela which PN offered to DN (in commemoration of the) funerary
sacrifice p., 6.13:2; pgr d šʕly ʕzn l dgn bʕlh (stela of the) funerary sacrifice
p. which PN offered to DN, his lord, 6.14:2 (Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 175;
Dietrich-Loretz-Mayer UF 21 1989 135; Bordreuil-Pardee Semitica 41–42 1993
24ff.); passim in lists of sacrifices, cf. 1.46:3; 1.109:21; 1.148:2, 10, 26; 1.162:9;
1.173:4; passim; ṯr dgn the bull (/ of) DN, 1.127:22; in bkn ctx. ṯlṯ šxn l dgn,
1.48:5; ]š dgn, 1.160:2; dgn bʕl[, 1.166:9; ]dgn, 7.168:4.
dgt (?), 1.19 III 41, see mdgt.

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266 dgy – /d-ḥ-ṣ/

dgy n. m. of a fish-shaped being, “triton” (< dg (I); diff. Yamashita RSP 2 47 f.:
“fisherman”, “a soldier”). ¶ Forms: du. cstr. dgy.
Fish-shaped being, “triton”, title of the divine pair qdš w amrr: dgy ảṯrt
tritons of DN, 1.3 VI 10 and par (Rahmouni DEUAT 150 ff.: “the fisherman of
dġ n. m. “pulp, draff”, “peel and pulp residue of vegetable seeds after grinding,
pounding or pressing” (< Sum.-Akk. duḫ / tuḫḫu, “Abfall, Rückstände”. AHw
1366; “bran, draff”, CAD T 452ff. Stol BiOr 28 1971 170f.; Del Olmo AuOr 31
2013 213ff.; Watson LSU 82); diff. Aartun StUL 43: “Molke”, Arab. dūġ, dawġ;
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 209f. n. 318: “babeure tourné”, following Aartun,
but unlikely as Arab. ḍûġ is a Middle Persian word; ¶ RS Akk.: DUḪ =
tu-uḫ-ḫu = šu-ḫu-li = šu-ḫu-ut-t[, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 3). ¶ Forms: sg. dġ,
du. dġm.
Peel and pulp residue of olives and other grain fruits after grinding / pound-
ing / pressing: kdm dġm two “jars” of d., 4.284:7, cf. šmn, ztm, ln. 6, 8; dġ ảnṣ
scalded d., 6.105:2; in bkn ctx.: ]dġ[ 7.99:3 (?).
Cf. ṯʕt.
dġṯ n. m. “offering of perfumes” (?) (cf. Hitt. tuḫḫui- / tuḫḫuwai; Tischler HEG
417ff.; for discussion cf. De Moor UF 2 1970 200; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975
210; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 1978 69f.; Alp Or 52 1983 14 ff.; Margalit UF 16
1984 164ff.; Foley UF 19 1987 72; Watson LSU 120: preferably “incense”; diff.
Del Olmo AuOr 16 1998 129ff.: “(ofrenda de) virilidad” < Hitt.-Hurr. taḫḫašše).
Forms: sg. dġṯ; suff. dġṯh.
Offering of perfumes (?): yšʕly dġṯh b šmym dġṯ hrnmy b kbkbm he made his
offering of perfumes (?) go up to the heavens, an offering of perfumes worthy
of a GN to the stars, 1.19 IV 23–24 and par; for the rdg cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10
1978 1978 69f.
Cf. dġṯt.
dġṯt n. f. “offering of perfumes” (fem. var. or abstr. of dġṯ. Del Olmo MLC 538).
¶ Forms: sg. / pl. dġṯt.
Offering of perfumes: in bkn ctx. w ʕl agn šbʕdm dġṯt [dġ]ṯt and seven times,
over the cauldron, offerings of perfumes (should burn) two by two (?), 1.23:15
(diff. Carballeda Mél. Lebrun 127–139: “offrande de virilité”, < Hurr. taḫaši; cf.
Cf. dġṯ.
/d-ḥ-ṣ/ vb G: “to be worried, distressed”, “to tremble”, “to slip” (Arab. daḥaṣa,
“to agitate the feet (slaughtered beast)”, Hava 198; Eth. Tigr. däḥaṣa, “to slip”,
WTS 514; Geʕez dǝḫḍa, “to glide, slip”, CDG 128. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 310,
but cf. Renfroe AULS 94f.; Cunchillos TOu/2 324 n. 18: “ne crains pas”, rdg
tdḥl). ¶ Forms: prefc. tdḥṣ.

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d-k(-k)/ – dkym 267

To be worried, distressed, to tremble, to slip: w ảt ủmy ảl tdḥṣ!, but you, my

mother, do nor fear, 2.30:21, see ln. 22ff. mhkm b lbk ảl tšt;
d-k(-k)/ vb Gpass.: “to be pounded, ground” (Hb. dwk, dkk/h, “to pound”, HALOT
216, 221; JAram. dkʔ / dkk, “to crush”, DTT 306f.; Akk. dakāku, “zermalmen”,
“zerkleinern”, AHw 151f., 162; “to crush”, CAD D 34 ff., 190; Arab. dakka, dāka,
“to break, crush”, “to bruise, pound”, AEL 898f., 933f. Fronzaroli AGI 60 1975
39f., 45; Cohen-Sivan UHT 13f.; Pardee TH 48f.; Watson LSU 72). ¶ Forms:
Gpass. prefc. ydk, suff. tdkn (see Tropper UG 511).
Gpass. To be pounded, ground, pulverized: št ʕqrbn ydk w ymsś a š. of (plants
of) ʕ. shall be pulverized and dissolved, 1.85:3; ydk aḥdh w yṣq it shall be
ground together and poured, 1.85:6 and par.; tdkn aḥdh they shall be ground
together, 1.72:39; in bkn ctx.: dk k kbkb[m, 1.5 III 8; for the rdg d k ym in 1.6 V 3
cf. Del Olmo IMC 79ff. (diff. Dijkstra JNES 6 1974 64ff.: rdg dk ym “crushers of
Yammu”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 265 n. c: “fracas de la mer”; Wyatt RTU 140
n. 103: rdg dkym “the brilliant ones” < Arab. ḏakîyu; Smith UNP 160: “the
attackers”; Watson LSU 82: “those mobilised (?)”, < Akk. dekû).
dkr n. m. “male animal” (Hb. zkr, “man, male person”, “male animal, ram”,
HALOT 270f.; OAram. d/zkr, “male”, DNWSI 329 f.; Nab., Palm. dkr, “male”,
DNWSI 329f.; Ebla cf. NITA(.DIŠtenû (“RUM”)) = ša-ḫa-lum (/ḏaḵarum/),
VE 1112a, b; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 39; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 187; Ass. zakkāru,
“Mann”, AHw 1505; Parpola WGE 296; Akk. zakru, zikaru, “männlich, Mann”,
AHw 1526; “male, man”, CAD Z 23, 110ff.; OSA ḏkr, “male”, SD 38; Arab. ḏakar,
“male”, AEL 969f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: NÍTA = zi-ka-rù = tu-ru-ḫi = da-ka-rù, Ug 5 137
(RS 20.123+) III 5; Sivan GAGl 214; Huehnergard UVST 118; Van Soldt SAU 303.
¶ Forms: sg. dkr; du. dkrm.
Male animal, ★a) unspecified: (as an offering) dkrm a pair of male ani-
mals, 1.43:19 (diff. Pardee TR/1 218, 252: “Ga]ṯarūma mâles”, but see Del Olmo
UF 36 2004 580); dkr DN nšqdš a male animal, DN, (to you) we shall con-
secrate, 1.119:31 (for the rdg. [b]kr see Pardee TR/1 664f.); ★b) ảlp dkr male
bovine (calf), 1.86:2; for the rdg dk!r! š in 1.43:6 cf. Dietrich-Loretz JA 52: “ein
männliches Jungtier von ein(em) Schaf”; cf. drk.
dkrt n. f. “bowl”, as a deity (Arab. zukrat, “a certain small receptacle, a receptacle
of skin”, AEL 1239; cf. Akk. diqāru, “Topf”, AHw 172f.; “a bowl”, CAD D 157ff.;
cf. Ph. dqrt, pl. “deep bowl(s)” (?), DNWSI 258); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [KAM = diqāru
= Hurr.: ? =] di-[Q]A-ru, UF 11 1979 79:27; Huehnergard UVST 118; Van Soldt
SAU 303; Watson LSU 48 n. 401f., 82; AuOrS 27 84; ¶ par.: rḥbt. ¶ Forms: pl.
Bowl: špq ỉlht dkrt he supplied the bowl-goddesses (with wine), 1.4 VI 54 (//
dkym see /d-k(-k)/

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268 dl – dll (ii)

dl adj. m. “poor” (Hb. dl, “low, poor”, HALOT 221f.; Pun. dl, “poor, deficient”,
DNWSI 248; Akk. dallu, “kümmerlich”, AHw 154; “small, inferior”, CAD D 52;
Arab. ḏull, ḏalīl, “lowness”, “low, base”, AEL 973); ¶ syll. Ug.: [SIG = enšu
= z]i/[m]u-na-ar-ḫi = da-al-lu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 14. Huehnergard
UVST 118; Van Soldt SAU 303); ¶ par.: qṣr npš. ¶ Forms: sg. dl; f. dlt (cf. dlt
Poor (adj. used as a noun): l tdy [[ṯ]]qšm ʕl dl you have not expelled the
oppressors of the poor, 1.16 VI 48 (// qṣr npš).
Cf. dlt (II).
dlḥt adj. f. “thick, cloudy” (< *dlḥ. Hb., OAram. dlḥ, “to make turbid”, HALOT 222;
“to stir up, to trouble”, DNWSI 249; Akk. dalāḫu, “trüben”, dalḫu, “getrübt”,
AHw 152f., 154; “to stir up”, “disturbed, blurred”, CAD D 43 ff., 49. Sanmartín
AuOr 6 1988 232; Watson LSU 68; diff. Cohen-Sivan UHT 15 f.: “dalīqātu-
groats”; Pardee TH 49f.: “jus nature”, rdg d lḥt). ¶ Forms: sg. dlḥt.
Thick, cloudy, turbid (of mixtures, etc.): št ʕqrbn ydk w ymsś{.}hm b mskt dlḥt
hm b mndġ a š. of ʕq. (plants) shall be pulverized and shall be diluted, either
in a thick emulsion or in (flour of type) m., 1.85:3.
/d-l-l/ vb D “to oppress, subdue, subjugate” (Hb. dll, “to become little, tiny”,
HALOT 223; Akk. dalālu D, “unterdrücken”, AHw 153; “to oppress”, CAD D 178;
Arab. ḏalla, “to become low, base”, AEL 972ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 113; Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 82f.; TR/2 1137: “appauvrir”); ¶ par.: /ḫ-b-t/.
¶ Forms: D prefc. tdlln, yd{d}ll.; act. ptc. pl. suff. mdllkm/n.
D. To oppress, subdue, subjugate: ủ šn ypkn (…) u l p mdllkm/n or whether
your (m./f.) dignity has been sullied (…) according to the custom of / what
betrays (?) your oppressors, 1.40:30 and par. (//ḫbtkm.; see infra: p (III)); mrḥy
mlk tdlln the spears (the lancers) of the king will subdue it, 1.103:7; mlkn
yd ḫrdh yd{d}ll (as for) the king, the power of his guard he will subjugate,
1.103:46 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 562; Dietrich-Loretz MU 141 f.: “unterwerfen”,
and discussion of other opinions; Tropper UF 26 1994 464f.: “schwach sein”,
G); in unc. ctx.: ptm ydll PN oppresses (?), 5.11:22.
Cf. dl, dlt (II), dlt (III).
dll (I) n. m. “courier, messenger, mediator” (Arab. dalīl, “director, discoverer”,
AEL 901; Akk. dayyālu, “Kundschafter”, AHw 150; dayālu, “scout, inspector”,
CAD D 27f. De Moor SP 168; Cho LDUT 152 f. diff. Margalit MLD, “tribute,
homage”, Akk. dalālu, dalīlu); ¶ syll. Ug.: element /dalīl/ in PNN; ¶ par.: ʕdd
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. dll.
Courier, messenger, mediator: dll ảl ỉlảk assuredly, I will send a messenger,
1.4 VII 45 (// ʕdd).
Cf. dll (II).
dll (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 65, 124; Watson Fs. Sanmartín 453); ¶ syll.:

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dlm – /d-m/ 269

da-li-li, PRU 3 258; PRU 6 143; dá-li-li, PRU 3 153 (RS 16.205+):7; cf. Berger
WO 5 1969–1970 272; Huehnergard UVST 212; Van Soldt SAU 309; Watson Fs.
Sanmartín 453.
PN:★a) 4.617 I 37;★b) bn PN: 4.63 III 28; 4.232:31; 4.374:13; 4.841:2.
dlm “?”, in bkn ctx.: bd r[x]m dlm, 4.618:9.
Cf. dl.
/d-l-p/ vb G: “to soften, be consumed, break up” (Hb. dlp, “to be leaky, weep”,
HALOT 223: dlp I; Akk. dalāpu, “aufstören”, “schlaflos sein”, AHw 153; “to be
or stay awake”, “to work ceaselessly”, CAD D 47 ff.; Arab. dalafa, “to walk in
the manner of him who is shackled”, AEL 904 f. Van der Westhuizen UF 17
1985 357ff.; Aartun StUL 45ff.; Smith UBC/1 350 and n. 229); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
the element /dalpu/, Sivan GAGl 214; ¶ par.: /m-k(-k)/, /n-ġ-ṣ/. ¶ Forms: G
prefc. ydlp.
G. To soften, break up: l ydlp tmnh his form did not break up, 1.2 IV 17 and
par. (// mk, nġṣ).
dlq see ảld.
dlt (I) n. m. “door” (Hb., Ph., Pun., JAram. dlt, “door”, HALOT 223f.; DNWSI 250;
Akk. daltu, “Tür(-flügel)”, AHw 154; “door”, CAD D 52 ff.; for Aram. dš cf.
Kaufman AIA 45). ¶ Forms: sg. dlt.
Door: dlt bt door of the palace, 6.66:10; in bkn ctx.: dlt tḥtn (…) dlt, lower door
(…), door, 4.351:3, 4; in unc. ctx. dlt, 5.7:5 (> “solution” (?); cf. ln. 2 mʕn).
dlt (II) adj. f. “poor (woman)” (< dl). ¶ Forms: sg. dlt.
Poor (?), in bkn and unc. ctx.: ytmt dlt (the) poor (she-)orphan, 1.82:22; (used
as a noun) km dlt like a poor (woman), ibid. ln. 24 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011
247; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 245: “door”).
Cf. dl.
dlt (III) n. f. “weakness, poverty” (cf. dl. Diff. Gibson CML 144: “to guide”, Arab.
dalla; cf. Lipiński OLP 3 1972 117 n. 99; De Moor NYCI/2 20 n. 86; ARTU 122:
“tendril” / “door”, Hb. dlyt / dlt). ¶ Forms: sg. dlt.
Weakness, poverty: špš mṣprt dlthm DN, she who takes care (?) of their
weakness, 1.23:25 (diff. De Moor ARTU 122: “the watch-dog at their door”, see
dlt (I); Smith RM 64ff.: “DN braids their branches (?)”, Hb. dālît, with survey
of other vesions).
dly PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 65, 124); ¶ syll.: cf. TA-la-ya, PRU 3 61 (RS
16.156):8, 17; cf. Berger WO 5 1969–1970 273; cf. Huehnergard UVST 214.
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 15 (bn [); ★b) bn PN: 4.389:11; 4.724:2; in bkn ctx.: ]dly, 4.396:9.
/d-m/ vb G: “to remain still” (Hb. dwm, dmm, “to be silent”, “to stand still”,
HALOT 216, 226: dmm (I); Arab. dāma, “to continue, remain”, AEL 935ff.
Rainey RSP 2 227f.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 287). ¶ Forms: G impv. dm.
G. To remain still: dm ym w ṯn remain still one day and another, 1.14 III 10 and

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270 dm (i) – /d-m-ʕ/

dm (I) functor 1) illative “since, for”; 2) asseverative “so, then, for certain” (< d +
encl. -m (?). Syr. dam, “if perhaps, lest, so that not”, SL 155 f. De Moor SP 107;
Aartun PU/1 58; Tropper UG 809). ¶ Forms: dm.
1) Since: dm rgm ỉṯ ly w ảrgmk since I have a matter that I am going to tell
you, 1.3 III 20 and par.; dm ṯn dbḥm šnả DN for two sacrifices DN loathes, 1.4
III 17; dm l ġzr šrgk ḫḫm for to a hero your tangles are a quagmire, 1.17 VI 34;
dm ảḫtk ydʕt k rḥmt since I know that your sister is compassionate, 1.16 I 32.
2) So then, for certain: mt dm ḫt šʕqt dm lảt! for certain DN was defeated, for
certain DN overcame 1.16 VI 13–14 and par.; in unc. bkn ctx.: dm mt ảṣḥ[, 1.5
III 9 and par.; dm ảbh[h, 1.24:9; dm k[, 2.8:2; dm ṯnỉd, 2.50:18; 2.78:6.
dm (II) n. m. 1) “blood”; 2) “juice”; 3) “gush, bath” (Hb., Aram. dm, “blood”,
HALOT 224f.; DNWSI 251; Akk. dāmu, “Blut”, AHw 158; “blood”, CAD D 75ff.;
Arab. dam, “blood”, AEL 917; Eth. dam. “blood, sap”, CDG 133; Ebla cf. DN
da-mu, Krebernik PET 80; LAK 672 = da-mu, VE 970; Civil Biling. 96; Pagan
ARES 3 210; diff. Lipiński EDA 93: OSA dʕm, “soutenir”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. da-mu
in Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163) rev. 1; Huehnergard UVST 119; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990
734: Akk.; ¶ RS Akk.: cf. UŠ2.MEŠ: da-mi, PRU 4 146 (RS 17.318+):23; UŠ =
da-m[u, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 24; cf. Ug 5 133 (RS 23.493+) rev. 12; cf. Izreʿel
AmAkk 1 31; ¶ par.: mmʕ, šỉr, yn. ¶ Forms: sg. dm; suff. dmh; pl. dmm.
1) Blood: dm ḏmr blood of the warriors, 1.3 II 31 and par. (// mmʕ); k lbš km
lpš dm ảḫh // km ảll dm ảryh he put on like a cloak the blood of his brothers
/ equals // like a garment the blood of his kin, 1.12 II 46–47; tšt dmh l bl ks it
drinks its blood without a cup, 1.96:4 (// šỉr); špk km šỉy dm spill his blood like
an assassin, 1.18 IV 24 and par.; ảšhl]k šbth dmm [I shall ma]ke his greybeard
[run] with blood, 1.3 V 2 and par. (// mmʕ).
2) Juice: dm ʕṣm juice of vines, 1.4 IV 38 and par. (// yn); dm zt ḫrpnt juice of
an autumnal (> early (?)) olive, 1.114:31 (cf. ḫrpnt); cf. zt dm olive of juice (>
juicy), 1.24:43 (Del Olmo IMC 148; for a different interpretation cf. De Moor
ARTU 145: “on top of the olives, those …”, rdg b zt dt …).
3) Gush, bath (said of metals): dm ḫrṣ gush of gold, 1.4 I 32 (diff. Sanmartín
UF 12 1980 336: “Anstrich, Lack”, Arab. damma; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000
210: “Rotgold”; Watson LSU 151: Akk. ḫurāṣu ruššū).
In bkn ctx.: tzd ʕrq dm, 1.107:46 (Pardee TPM 242, 253 f.: “elle / tu ne fera(s)
pas croître le suintement de sang”; cf. /z-d/); dm lšn x[, 1.176:4.
/d-m-ʕ/ vb G: “to shed tears, weep, sob” (Hb. dmʕ, “to shed tears”, HALOT 227;
Arab. damaʕa, “to shed tears”, AEL 913f.); ¶ par.: bky. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ydmʕ,
tdmʕ; inf. dmʕ; suff. dmʕh.
G. To shed tears, weep, sob: ydmʕ nʕmn (that) the handsome one sheds tears,
1.14 I 40 (// ybky); (enough) b dmʕ nʕmn of the handsome one shedding tears,
1.14 II 8 (// bk); ybky (…) w ydmʕ he wept (…) and shed tears, 1.14 I 27; tdmʕ

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dmʕt – dmrn 271

bm kbd she shed tears within herself (liver), 1.19 I 35 (// tbky); ydmʕ l kdd he
shed tears for the son, 1.19 IV 12 and par. (// ybk); tdmʕ km śġr you weep like
a baby, 1.107:11 and par. (// tpky); ydmʕ hdm pʕnh may the footstool of his feet
shed tears, 1.161:14 (// ybky); b dmʕh nhmmt in his sobbing (he had) a fainting
fit, 1.14 I 32 (// bky).
Cf. dmʕt.
dmʕt n. f. “tear” (< /d-m-ʕ/. Hb. dmʕh, “tears”, HALOT 227; Ebla /ʔid(i)maʕtum/
in ÉR.ÉR = ì-ti-ma-a-tum, VE 716; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 27; Krecher Biling.
148; Akk. dimtu, “Träne”, AHw 171; “tear, weeping”, CAD D 147 f.; Arab. damʕ,
damʕat, “tears”, AEL 913). ¶ Forms: sg. dmʕt; pl. ủdmʕt, suff. ủdmʕth.
Tear: w l ytk dmʕt and truly they poured out tear(s), 1.19 II 33; tntkn ủdmʕth
km ṯqlm ảrṣh his tears ran like shekels to the earth, 1.14 I 28; tšt k yn ủdmʕt
like wine she drank tears, 1.6 I 10; do not exhaust (…) mḫ rỉšk ủdmʕt the grey
matter of your head in tears, 1.16 I 28; yblʕ ủdmʕth may it swallow its (own)
tears, 1.161:16; in bkn ctx. ủdmʕt, tears, 1.45:11.
dmgy DN; slave of ảṯrt (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 124; Du Mesnil Berytus 26
1978 59; Gray JNES 10 1951 149; UF 3 1971 61 n. 3; Wyatt UF 8 1976 417).
DN: dmgy ảmt ảṯrt DN, the female slave of DN, 1.12 I 16.
dml DN (< Sum. DN da-ma-al(?). Deimel Panth. 686; cf. Nougayrol Ug. 5 58;
Xella TRU 124).
DN: (offerings (?)) l dml, 1.81:20; bt dml temple of DN, 2.26:6; in bkn ctx. (…)
l dml[, 4.182:34 (cultic ctx.).
Cf. dmlt, dmrn.
dmlt DN (f. of dml).
DN: Offerings for ]dmlt šlmm ]DN as a peace offering, 1.170:4.
/d-m-m/ vb G: “to wail, moan, lament” (Hb. dmm, “to wail”, HALOT 226: dmm
II; Akk. damāmu, “jammern, klagen”, AHw 155; “to mourn”, CAD D 59 ff. Van
der Westhuizen UF 17 1985 365ff., 370); ¶ par.: /b-k-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tdm.
G. To wail: ảl tdm ly do not wail for me, 1.16 I 26 and par.
dmqt DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (Akk. damqu, f. damiqtu, “gut”, AHw 157;
“good, fine”, CAD D 68ff. Herrmann YN 25; De Moor UF 2 1970 200; Van
Lerberghe, Fs. Kraus 253; Watson Or 45 1976 439: “skilled”, Akk. damqu; cf.
Xella UF 15 1983 281ff.: Ebla da-mi-gu).
DN: dmqt ṣġrt kṯrt DN, the youngest of the DNN, 1.24:50.
dmr see dd (II).
dmrn DN, title of Baal (“the Powerful One, Valiant One” (?). Pope UF 22 1990
500f.: Sem. */ḏ-m-r/, “strong, brave”; cf. Gk dēmaroûs, Cors CPHPB 44; Cas-
suto Anath 59f.; Pope UF 3 1971 375f.; Wyatt UF 24 1992 410 ff. Rahmouni
DEUAT 154f.; Watson LSU 27 n. 201); ¶ par.: hd(d).
“The Powerful One, Valiant One”(?): nṯq dmrn darts(?) of “the Powerful One”

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272 dmt (i) – /d-n/

(?), 1.4 VII 39 (// hd{t}); yrṯy [n]ʕmh dmrn “the Powerful One” (?) wanted to
possess (?) her beauty, 1.92:30 (cf. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117, 121); in bkn ctx.:
d]mrn, 1.81:23.
Cf. dml, ḏmr (I).
dmt (I) n. f. “tower” (Akk. dimtu, “Turm”, AHw 170f.; “tower”, CAD D 144 ff.);
¶ RS Akk. cf. (É.)AN.ZA.GÀR(.KI), passim. Dosch Arrapḫe 17 and passim;
Müller Siedlungsgeographie 163ff.; cf. dimtu in PRU 3 217f.; PRU 6 158 (cf.:
gt). ¶ Forms: sg. dmt.
Tower: ḥln d b dmt ủm ỉl[m the window which is in the tower of the mother
of(?) the god[s(?), 2.31:46.
Cf. dmt (II), dmtn, dmtqdš, dmty, gt.
dmt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 65f.: *Dumātu. Astour RSP 2 277f., 346 f.; UF 13
1981 9, 11; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 13, 15; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 666; UF 29 1997
702); ¶ syll.: URU du-ma-tu, PRU 6 146; cf. GN du-mati(KUR)-yu, PRU 6 73
(RS 19.107 A):19; PRU 6 132 (RS 19.85):5; du-mati(KUR)-yu((!)KI), ibid. Van
Soldt SAU 336 n. 166; Topography 17, 172f.).
TN: 4.49:6; 4.68:13; 4.113:1; 4.244:15; 4.308:14; 4.610 II 40; 4.686:12 (cf. Xella MLE 1
1982 54); 4.762:9; 4.800 II 9.
Cf. dmt (I).
dmtn PN (cf. dmt (II), TN; Sem. Gröndahl PTU 26, 124; Astour RSP 2 277; Watson
LSU 163).
PN: bn PN, 4.50:11.
dmtqdš TN (“Tower” > “Royal Farm [cf. gt, (É.)AN.ZA.GÀR(.KI)] of the Sanc-
tuary”. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 65: *Dumat-qidši; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 666;
UF 29 1997 699; Astour RSP 2 278f., 346; UF 11 1979 17, 19; McGeough UgET 514
n. 148; Watson LSU 198; Van Soldt Topography 17, 172f.); ¶ syll.: URU du-ma-
at/te qi-id-ši, PRU 4 72 (RS 17.335+):21; PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):6.
TN: dmtqdš, 4.643:4–7; 4.652:3.
Cf. dmt (I), qdš (II).
dmty PN (cf. dmt (II), TN; Sem. Gröndahl PTU 26, 124; Astour RSP 2 277).
PN: 4.81:3.
dmyn PN (etym unc.; cf. /d-m/, dm (II)).
PN: 7.61:15.
Cf. tmyn.
/d-n/ vb G: 1) “to judge”; 2) “to decree, proclaim, promulgate with authority”
(Hb., BAram. dyn, “to plead one’s cause, to execute judgement”, HALOT 220;
BDB 1088; Akk. diānu, dânu, “richten”, AHw 167f.; “to judge”, CAD D 100 ff.;
Eth. dayyana, “to judge, sentence”, CDG 146. Watson UF 31 1999 787; UF 32
2000 568: Eg.-Sem. dn; cf. OSA dyn, “to submit”, SD 37; Arab. dāna (dyn),
“to be, become obedient”, AEL 942ff.; Ebla cf. the element /D-N/ in PNN,

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dn (i) – dn (iii) 273

Krebernik PET 42f. (80 > /d-n-n/); Pagan ARES 3 109; ¶ par.: /ṯ-p-ṭ/. ¶ Forms:
G prefc. ydn, tdn.
G.: 1) To judge: l tdn dn ảlmnt you did not judge the case of the widow, 1.16
VI 33, cf. 1.17 V 7 and par. (//ṯpṭ).
2) To decree, declare (legitimate), promulgate with authority: tdn mḥllm the
desacralisers shall proclaim (the sacred formula), 1.119:22 (Del Olmo RC 254
n. 30; diff. Xella TRU 32: “giungere”, /d-n-y/; Pardee TR/1 666, 678: “tu feras
approcher les purificateurs”, /d-n-y/); w ḥdṯh tdn hmt on the day of the new
moon they shall declare them (legitimate), 1.104:19 (or /d-n-y/ (?); Pardee
TR/1 567, 572: “et de nouveau tu les feras rapprocher”); for tdn ʕrb[, 1.126:23
see infra: /d-n-y/).
Cf. bʕldn, bddn, dnỉl, dn (I), dnt (III), dnty, mdnt.
dn (I) n. m. “judgment, case, sentence” (< /d-n/. Hb., OAram. dyn, “legal claim”,
HALOT 210; “justice”, DNWSI 254; Ebla /daynim/, in DI.KU5 = ba-ga-du da-
ne-u[m?], VE 1327; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 43; Fronzaroli EL 137; Akk. dīnu,
“Rechtspruch, Prozess”, AHw 171f.; “decision, verdict”, CAD D 150 ff.; Eth.
dayn, “judgment”, CDG 146; Arab. dīn, “religion, implying obedience to the
law”, AEL 944); ¶ syll. Ug.: element /dīnu/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 214; ¶ RS Akk.:
di-nV, passim; DI(.MEŠ-ti), passim. Huehnergard AkkUg 401; ¶ par.: ṯpṭ (II).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. dn.
Judgment, case, sentence: dn ảlmnt the widow’s case, 1.16 VI 33 and par.
(//ṯpṭ); štk mlk dn the king has ceased judgment, 1.12 II 58 (or inf. /d-n/ (?);
diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 95: “o mächtiger König”); lqḥ mnqt b dnh he
received an acquittal (?) in his judgment, 2.45:16; in bkn and ctx.: b dnh l[q]ḥt
because of his order I have detained (them), 2.62:8; ḥnbn ỉl dn[,1.123:15 (// (?)
ṣdq mšr, ln. 14). Cf. Hurro.-Ug. ỉl.dn, 1.128:26.
dn (II) n. m. “vessel, vat” (Akk. dannu, “Behälter, Fass”, AHw 161; “vat”, CAD D 98;
Arab. dann, “wine-jar”, AEL 918; for Aram. dnʔ cf. Kaufman AIA 46. Cf. Kapel-
rud Ug 6 328 n. 34, 331; Watson LSU 139, 147; AuOrS 27 84); ¶ par.: bk. ¶ Forms:
sg. dn; suff. pl. dnhm.
Vessel, vat: rb tmtt lqḥ kl ḏrʕ b dnhm the captain of the crew has collected
all the seed-grain from their containers (?), 2.38:18 (diff. Parker SGUPT 64:
“danger” Akk. dannatu).
dn (III) n. m. “strength, potency” (< /d-n-n/. Akk. dunnu, “Stärke, Gehöft”, AHw
177; “strength, power”, CAD D 184; Ebla cf. /dannum/, in DI.MA = da-nu-um,
da-núm, VE 825; Fronzaroli EL 139; StEb 7 1984 160; cf. Krebernik PET 80, 82;
Pagan ARES 3 107). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. dnn.
Strength, potency: bt ḥmḥ<mt>h dnn the daughter whose conception
(proves) our potency, 1.16 I 30 (diff. De Moor ARTU 213: adj. “strongest”;
Greenstein UPN 32: “whose passion is strong (?)”, rdg. dản).

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274 dnỉl – /d-p-r/

Cf. bʕldn, bddn, dnỉl, dnn, dnt (II), dnty.

dnỉl PN of an ancestral hero, the father of ảqht (etym. unc., prob. hybrid of /d-n/
and */d-n-n/; cf. /d-n/ and the element /dānu-/ in PNN; Gröndahl PTU 123;
Sivan GAGl 214; Akk. /d-n-n/ > cf. dnn and Akk. PN /dannʔilī /, Gelb MAD 3
113; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 80ff. (< (?) /d-n-n-/); Pagan ARES 3 107, 109; Amor.
Ur III dan-DINGIR /dannʔil-/, Gelb CAAA 294; Buccellati Amorites 140; Hb.
dnyʔl, dnʔl, HALOT 228. Day VT 30 1980 174ff.; Zadok OLA 28 29; O’Connor
BHNSS 280ff.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 329).
PN of an ancestral hero, cf. 1.17 I 6 and passim in 1.17–19; in titles: mt rpỉ // ġzr
mt hrnmy the “Raphaite”// the Harnamite hero, 1.17 I 17 and passim. See the
spelling <dn>ỉ<l>, 1.19 II 19; for other rdgs see Parker UNP 79 n. 27–28; for a
survey see Wyatt RTU 298 n. 213.
dnn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 123; Rendsburg ArOr 49 1981 151 f.; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 329); ¶ syll.: da-na-nu and var., Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146 [=
“8.213”]):27; Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):3, 7; cf. PRU 6 143; Van Soldt SAU 151.
PN: ★a) 4.86:5 (bn yṣr[); 4.124:14; 4.377:1; 4.595:4; 4.623:10 (bn ḏx[); 4.759:4; b
★b) bn PN: 4.366:4–5; 4.617 I 35.
dnt (I) “lechery, fornication” (Hb. znwt, “fornication”, HALOT 276; Arab.
za/inyat, “act of fornication”, AEL 1260; Eth. zǝnyat, zǝnet, “fornication”, CDG
642; Ebla cf. GÉME.KAR.AK = za-NE-tum, VE 1412; cf. Viganò apud Civil Bil-
ing. 89 n. 18; alt. etym. De Moor SP 93: Arab. daniyyah, danāʔah, “lowness,
baseness”; see Clemens SURS 390 n. 1219); ¶ par.: bṯt, tdmmt. ¶ Forms: sg.
Lechery, fornication: dbḥ dnt sacrifice of lechery, 1.4 III 20 (// bṯt, tdmmt).
dnt (II) n. f. “plight, distress, emergency” (?) (Akk. dannatu, “Not, Schwierig-
keit”, AHw 160; “distress”, CAD D 87ff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2010 145.
¶ Forms: sg. dnt.
Plight, distress, emergency (?): ảky dnt, what distress!, 2.87:30.
dnt (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 56,123).
PN: bn PN, 4.214:2.
dnty PN, wife of dnỉl (cf. dnỉl).
PN: mṯt dnty “Lady PN”, 1.17 V 16, 22, 28.
/d-n-y/ vb G: “to approach, reach” ((?). Arab. danā (/d-n-w/), “to be, become
near, approach”, AEL 920ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tdn.
G. To approach, reach (?): tdn ʕrb[m the offic[iants approached (?), 1.126:23
(/ proclaimed (?), cf. /d-n/).
/d-p-r/ vb G: “to exude a strong smell” (Arab. dafira, “stink”, AEL 890). ¶ Forms:
G suffc. dpr.
G. To exude a strong smell: dpr ṯlḥn the table exuded a strong smell, 1.22 I 16
(diff. De Moor ARTU 272; ZAW 88 1976 332: rdg b! pr “among the fruit”; cf.

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dprn – dqn (i) 275

Ribichini-Xella RSF 7 1979 153 n. 42, “ginepro”, Akk. daprānu; Pardee Or 80

2011 37, 45, 56: “de même les fruits de la table”, rdg ủ pr ṯlḥn; Wyatt RTU 322
n. 43, for a survey).
dprn n. m. “juniper” ( Juniperus drupacea. Akk. da/uprānu, “Wacholder”, AHw
162; “a tree-like variety of juniper”, CAD D 189 f.; Syr. defrānāʔ, “Juniperus”
SL 316); ¶ syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A: dì-ip-ra-ni-ma, PRU 3 64 (RS 16.190):4; GIŠ
da-ap-ra-ni, PRU 4 194 (RS 17.385):10; Kühne UF 6 1974 163; Huehnergard
UVST 119; Sivan UF 21 1989 361; Van Soldt SAU 303; Watson LSU 68, 199; AuOr
21 2003 245; AuOr 22 2004 114). ¶ Forms: sg. dprn; pl. dprnm.
Juniper, ★a) commodity: dprn aḥd b ṯql juniper: one juniper of one shekel,
4.158:20; in hippiatric texts: dprn[ juniper[, 1.72:28 (Cohen-Sivan UHT 35 f.;
Cohen UF 28 1996 139f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 118 f.); ★b) in toponymy:
gt dprnm “Farmstead of the Juniper”, 4.175:9 (see gt)).
dq (I) adj. m. 1) “tiny, fine”; 2) “weak” (< /d-q-q/. Hb., Pun. dq, “fine, thin”,
HALOT 229; DNWSI 257f.; OAram. dqq, “fine”, DNWSI 258; Ebla cf.
du-gu/gúm, duqqum, “a kind of flour or powder”, Bonechi NABU 1992/13; Akk.
daqqu, “winzig, fein”, AHw 163; “small”, CAD D 107; Arab. diqq, “being broken,
crushed”, daqīq, “slander, small”, AEL 896. Aartun WO 4 1967–1968 279f.; Dijk-
stra JANES 6 1974 65); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [SIG = ṣeḫru] = ga-al-gi = d[a]-aq!?-qú,
Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 13; Huehnergard UVST 119; diff. Van Soldt SAU 303:
da-al-lu (with Nougayrol Ug 5 243). ¶ Forms: sg. m. dq.
1) Tiny, fine: kndwṯ dq a fine k.(-garment), 4.4:3; ḫpnt dqt fine cloaks, 4.765:4;
yryt dqt tiny corals (?), 4.411:3.
2) Weak: dq ảnm weak of strength, 1.6 I 50.
In unc. ctx.: ṯn dqm, 5.23:17 (Watson FO 47 2010 436: “two small (carpets)”, alt.
“(piece of) gauze” (?), Hb. dōq, “veil, gauze”); in bkn ctx. dq d, 2.57:5.
Cf. dqt (I).
dq (II) PN (Cf. Watson LSU 163).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 13.
dqn (I) n. m. 1) “beard”; 2) “chin” (Hb., Ph., OAram. zqn, “side whiskers and
(pointed) beard”, HALOT 278; “beard”, DNWSI 339; JAram. dqn, “beard”, DJPA
154; ziqnu, “Bart”, AHw 1530f.; “beard”, CAD Z 125 f.; Ebla cf. /ḏaqa/ānum/, in
SU6.DÙ = ša-ga-núm, ša-gu-nu-um, VE 199; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 8 (cf. /tuz-
taqqinum/ in KAxKID. SAR = tù-uš-tá-gi-nu/núm, VE 200; Pettinato Biling.
45; Kienast Biling. 251, 255); Arab. ḏaqan, “the chin, the hair that grows upon
the chin”, AEL 967f. Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 155). ¶ Forms: sg. dqn; suff.
dqnk, dqnh.
1) Beard: šbt dqnh the greyness of his beard, 1.3 V 2 and par. 1.4 V 4.
2) Chin: yhdy lḥm w dqn he lacerated (his) cheeks and chin, 1.5 VI 19.
Cf. dqn (II), ḏqnt.

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276 dqn (ii) – dqt (ii)

dqn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 125). Cf. ḏqnt.

PN: ★a) 4.33:37 (Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.54:3 (Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.98:17; 4.141 II 9
(Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.183 II 26 (Van Soldt SAU 26); 4.370:4; 4.424:7, 18; 4.609:6
(Van Soldt SAU 39; Watson LSU 163), 23, 26; ★b) bn PN, 4.787:10; in bkn ctx.:
4.609:29; 4.859 II 3.
dqr n. m., a kind of pot or pan (Akk. diqāru, “Topf”, AHw 172; “a bowl”, CAD D
157ff.; for Aram. dqwrʔ, cf. Kaufman AIA 46f. Watson LSU 83, 148; AuOrS 27
84); ¶ RS Akk.: ÚTUL = di-qa-ru, Ug 5 133 (RS 23.493 A) obv. 10. ¶ Forms: sg.
A kind of pot or pan: ]tʕgd dqr PN (?): a pan, 4.275:17; cf. dqr pan (?), 5.22:2
(diff. Dijkstra UF 18 1986 121 n. 4: “chisel”, JAram. dqr); in bkn ctx.: b ṯlṯ dqr
ḥ[ the third day: a pot of … [, 1.111:15 (Del Olmo CR 164 n. 99; Dietrich-Mayer
ALASP 7 20).
Cf. dqry, kdr.
dqry PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 125; Watson LSU 163; AuOrS 27 103).
PN: 4.63 II 33; 4.108:4; 4.116:17.
dqt (I) adj./n. f. 1) adj. f. “small, tiny, fine” (< dq); 2) subst. as a n. f. “sacrificial ewe,
sheep”; 3) DN, lexicalisation of the f. adj., “the Little One”, dqt; cf. dq. Levine
JCS 17 1963 107f.; Astour JAOS 86 1966 283; Loewenstamm Bib 56 1975 118 f.
diff. Tropper UF 33 2001 545ff.: “Flachbrote”; Watson UF 40 2008 550, 564: Eg.
dqw, “Mehl, Brotmehl”; but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 169 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg.
dqt; pl. dqt; du. dqtm.
1) Small, tiny, fine: ḫpnt dqt fine cloaks, 4.765:4; yryt dqt tiny corals (?), 4.411:3.
2) Sheep, ewe, for sacrificial use, passim in cultic texts (cf. esp. the dedic.
formulae dqt l DN or (l) DN dqt in 1.39; 1.41; 1.46; 1.53; 1.87; 1.102; 1.105; 1.106;
1.109; 1.112; 1.119; 1.126; 1.130; 1.136; 1.138; see in Hurr. ctx. 1.132:8–12 (rdg dqt{t}
in 8)); npš w ảrbʕ ʕšrh dqt w šbʕ gdlt w kl šbšlt dg gnh (they shall offer) one
(piece of) offal and fourteen ewes and seven cows and all types of fish stews
in the “garden”, 1.106:20; dqtm b nbk šrp w šlmm two ewes in the source as a
holocaust and as a peace offering, 1.41:23; rdg d !ktm in 1.87:35; dqt(m) ṯʕ a ewe
the “Hero” / “Heroes”, 1.39:1.
3) DN < “the Little One”, Syro-Anat. goddess Daru Dakitu in the circle of
Hebat; Hurro.(-Akk.) dda/ta-(a-)-ki-tum/tu/du(-); Hitt. dTakiti-; Laroche Ug
5 503; GLH 70f. 1.102:8; Astour RHA 36 1978 16; dqt dqt DN: a ewe, 1.39:15; in
Hurr. ctx.: dqtd gdlt for DN: a cow, 1.132:7; cf. 1.116:19.
In bkn ctx.: 1.56:7; 4.189:1.
dqt (II) n. f. “manufacture, moulding” (< /d-q-q/; Hb. dqq, “to become fine”,
HALOT 229; Arab. daqqa, “to become fine … nice, to beat”, diqqat, “state,
condition, quality”, AEL 895f. Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 31; Kottsieper UF 18
1986 220; diff. Emerton JThS 16 1965 439f.: d qt “of which the handle”; Caquot-

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dr – /d-r-ʕ/ 277

Sznycer TOu/1 196: “dont l’anse”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 58, 62f.: dqt (I)
“Kleintier”; Margalit MLD 23: “thin, delicate”; Emerton JTS 16 1965 439 f.);
¶ par.: sknt. ¶ Forms: sg. dqt.
Manufacture, moulding: ṣʕ ỉl dqt k ảmr a divine platter of manufacture /
worked in the TN style, 1.4 I 41 (// sknt).
dr n. m. 1) “circle; association, chapter”; 2) “cycle, generation” (Hb. dwr, “cycle,
lifetime, generation”, HALOT 217f.; Ph., Pun. dr, “family, period”, DNWSI
258f.; Amor. /dārum/, /dūrum/, “eternity”, Gelb CAAA 17f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik
PET 79; Pagan ARES 3 108f.; ŠU.MU.NÍGIN = da-lum, VE 509; Hecker Biling.
211 n. 39; A.NÍGIN = da- wa-lum, du-lum, VE 629; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 23 n. 78;
Akk. dāru, “Dauer, Ewigkeit”, “Menschenalter”, AHw 164; “ever, continuously”,
CAD D 107ff.; dūru, “lange Zeit, Dauer”, AHw 178; “continuity”, CAD D 197f.;
Arab. daur, “circumference, turn, twist”, AEL 931. Watson Historiae 10 2013
19); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. infra: 2; ¶ par.: ʕlm (I), mpḫrt, pḫr; ¶ Forms: sg. dr; pl. (?)
cstr. dr, suff. drk, drh; du. (?) drm (or encl. -m (?)).
1) Circle of relatives and friends; association, chapter; ★a) circle of relatives
and friends, esp. dr (bn) ỉl circle (of friends and relatives) of DN: dr ỉl l
mšknthm the circle of DN (went) to their tents, 1.15 III 19 and par.; passim
in lists and rituals (Cho LDUT 13); cf. dbḥn ndbḥ (…) ytšỉ l dr bn ỉl l mpḫrt bn
ỉl may our sacrifice which we offer (…) rise to the family circle of DN, to the
family assembly of DN, 1.40:25 and par.; bn ỉl dr bn ỉl mpḫrt bn ỉl the family
of DN, the family circle of DN, the family assembly of DN, 1.65:2 and par.;
recipient of offerings: dr ỉl w pḫr bʕl gdlt circle of DN and assembly of DN:
a cow, 1.39:7; see 1.41:16; 1.87:17 (cf. drm ỉlm the two families (?) of the gods,
1.123:32; ]dr dt šmm, 1.10 I 5; ibid. ln. 3, 4: bn ỉl, pḫr kkbm); k dr{d} d yknn[ like
the (family) circle of this who established me[…, 1.10 III 6; ★b) association,
chapter: dr khnm chapter of priests, 4.357:24 (McGeough UgET 244 n. 73).
2) Cycle, generation, ★a) esp. in genitive syntagm dr dr- (+ pn. suff.) “all
(your / their) generations” > “perpetuity”: tqḥ (…) drkt dt dr drk you shall take
possession (…) of your perpetual (for the generations of your generations of)
rule, 1.2 IV 10 (// ʕlmk); ★b) adv. use dr dr “for all generations” > “in perpetuity”
(adv. lexicalisation of the nominal ge. syntagm dr dr (// ʕlmh); cf. RS Akk.:
ana / adi dāri dāri, PRU 3 49 (RS 16.248):14; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):15; PRU 3 134
(RS 15.137):7; passim; Huehnergard UVST 202; Van Soldt SAU 454, 458; cf.
AHw 164; CAD D 107f.); ʕnt p dr dr from now and for all generations, 1.19
III 48 and par. (spelling: dr.dr; // ʕlmh); in bkn ctx.: 1.6 IV 26; 4.120:3 (PN (?)).
/d-r-ʕ/ vb G: “to sow, scatter” (Hb., OAram. zrʕ, “to sow”, HALOT 282; DNWSI
340f.; OSA mḏrʔt, SD 40; Amor. zrḫ, “to sow”, Huffmon APNMT 188; Arab.
zaraʕa, “to sow”, AEL 1225f.; Eth. zarʔa, “to seed, sow”, CDG 642; Akk. za/erū,
“worfeln, streuen”, AHw 1516; “to sow, scatter”, CAD Z 70f. Sanmartín UF 20

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278 d/ḏrʕ – drḫ

1988 273f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 79ff.; UF 25 1993 124 ff.; Best UF 38 2006
55: Linear A du-rū-(ḫ)a; ¶ par.: /ṯ-ḥ-n/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. with suff. tdrʕnn;
inf. drʕ.
G. To sow, scatter: (because of you I have seen) drʕ b ym sowing in the sea,
1.6 V 19; b šd tdrʕ{.}nn in the field she scattered him, 1.6 II 35 (// tṭḥnn).
Cf. d/ḏrʕ, mdrʕ.
d/ḏrʕ n. m. 1) “seed, seed-grain, sowing”; 2) “(grain of) seed”; 3) “offspring”
(< /d-r-ʕ/; Hb., Ph., Aram. zrʕ, “seed”, HALOT 282 f.; “sowing, seed, grain”,
DNWSI 341f.; Amor. cf. /ḏarʕum/, *ḏrʕ, “to sow”, Gelb CAAA 18; Ebla
/ḏar(ā)ʕum/, in ŠE.MAR = ša-la-um, VE 659, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 26; Fron-
zaroli EL 150; StEb 7 1984 160s; cf. ŠE.AD6 = ša-la-ù ʔa5-dar-tum, šar-ù ʔa5-dar-
tim, še6(sarx)-ù a-dar-du, VE 684; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 26; Emar /ḏarʕu/,
“a kind of flour”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 192; Akk. zēru, “Same(n), Saat”, AHw
1521f.; “seed”, CAD Z 89ff.; Arab. zarʕ, “seed-produce”, AEL 1226; Eth. zarʔ,
“seed”, CDG 642. Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 87); ¶ RS Akk.: NUMUN, passim; cf.
ŠE a-na numun, PRU 6 103 (RS 19.173 B):1. ¶ Forms: sg. drʕ; var. ḏrʕ; suff.
1) Seed, seed-grain, sowing: b TN (…) drʕ w (…) drt in TN: (so many dd) of seed
and (so many) of bran, 4.243:12 and passim ibid. (cf. ŠE.NUMUN.MEŠ, PRU 6
104 (RS 19.043):9); rb tmtt lqḥ kl ḏrʕ b dnhm w ảnk kl ḏrʕhm kl npš kl klhm bd
rb tmtt lqḥt the captain of the (salvage) crew has collected all the seed-grain
from their containers (?), and I (then) collected all the seed-grain, all the
people (and) all their belongings from the hands of the captain of the crew,
2.38:17–22; ḏrʕ ḥwt hyt yḥsl the seed of that land will be destroyed, 1.103:55 (cf.
ibid. ln. 14, 43); mỉtm drʕ two hundred (“cauldronsful”) of seed-grain, 4.636:4
(cf. ibid. ln. 8, 13, 17, 22, 28).
2) (Grain of) seed: drʕ [ seeds of[, 1.72:29 (in pharmacopoeia).
3) Offspring: ḏ[rʕ l] adny l yḫsr my lord will not lack offspring, 2.39:9.
In bkn ctx. l drʕ hn[, 2.81:15; tḥm hy klm drʕ, ln. 17; drʕ ly, ln. 23; drʕ hnh, 4.721:16.
drʕ -gl[, 2.101:12.
Cf. /d-r-ʕ/.
drb “?”, 4.385:8 (perhaps uncorrected scribal mistake?; cf. mrbd, ibid. ln. 9; cf.
also trb, TN. Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 52ff.: “tine”, MHb dorbā; for the var. opinions
see Watson UF 34 2002 925).
drdr, cf. dr, 2 (for a poss. /qVlqVl(l)/ pattern see Tropper UG 275, 277).
drḫ n. m. “chamois, mountain goat” ((?). Akk. turāḫu, “Bergziegenbock, Stein-
bock”, AHw 1372; “ibex”, CAD D 483f.; survey: Watson LSU 83); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
DÀRA, PRU 3 206 (RS 16.274):1–5. ¶ Forms: pl./du. drḫm.
Chamois / mountain goat (?), in bkn ctx.: ]lk drḫm … (of two) chamois (?),
1.82:37 (rdg. unc; diff. rdg. and interpretation in De Moor(-Spronk) UF 16 1984

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/d-r-k/ – drṣy 279

247f.; ARTU 180; CARTU 169: h]lk d rḫm (“be]haviour) of a carrion-vulture”,

Arab. raḫam, Hb. rḥm).
/d-r-k/ vb G: “to tread on, trample” (?) (Hb. drk, “to tread”, HALOT 231; Ph.,
OAram. drk, “to go, to tread”, DNWSI 261. Loretz UF 33 2001 362: “Schreiten”).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tdrk (?).
G. To tread on, trample (?), in bkn ctx.: tdrk brḥ arṣ (if) you tread on a
creeping (creature) on the ground, 1.82:38 (cf. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984
248; Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248).
drk n. m. of a profession or social group, possibly “trader” (Del Olmo CR 238
n. 98; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 24 f.; Hb. drk, q. 3 “to press out
juice by stamping (grapes, olives …)”, q. 4: “to travel”, HALOT 231; Aram. dryk,
“pressed dates”, DNWSI 261; Akk. darāku III, D “dreschen”, AHw 1550; “to
pack”, CAD D 108f.); ¶ RS Akk. / syll. Ug.: cf. KI.UŠ = TAR.KUM, Ḫḫ II (MSL 5
71):281; rdg dar6-ku13 unlikely, cf. Huehnergard UVST 119f. ¶ Forms: pl. drkm.
A profession or social group: mzn drk trader’s weight (: standard weight),
1.43:6 (diff. De Moor ARTU 169: “(food for a three day) journey”; Pardee TR/1
218: “balance de voyage (lit.: de voyageur” (?)); in. unc. ctx.: ddm ảkl l drkm
two “cauldronsful” of grain for the d., 4.688:5; in bkn ctx. drk, 4.765:7.
drkt n. f. “rule, power” (Hb. drk 7. (?), “strength, power”, HALOT 232, but see
Gzella BiOr 64 2007 540; Arab. darak, “attaining, overtaking”, AEL 874f. Die-
trich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 24f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 176); ¶ par.:
mlk (II). ¶ Forms: sg. drkt, suff. drktk, drkth.
Rule, power: grš (…) l kḥṯ drkth drive (…) from the seat of his power, 1.2 IV 13
and par.; ảrṣ drkt yštkn will he establish for himself a land to rule?, 1.4 VII 44;
rd (…) l drktk come down (…) from your power, 1.16 VI 38 and par. (// mlk);
mlk (…) yảrš hm drk[t] does he desire the kingship (…), or a power?, 1.14 I 42
(// mlk); tqḥ (…) drkt dt dr drk you shall take possession (…) of your perpetual
rule, 1.2 IV 10 (// mlk); bʕlt drkt “Lady of power”, 1.108:7.
/d-r-q/, cf. tdrq.
/d-r(-r)/ vb G: “to flow copiously” (?) > “to sweat” (Arab. darra, “to be copious,
to flow, stream”, AEL 862ff.; Akk. darāru, “freien Lauf bekommen”, AHw 163;
“to move around freely”, CAD D 109; Hb. cf. HALOT 233: *drr; cf. Syr. ndr, “to
flow down, be poured forth”, SL 892. De Moor ZAW 100 1988 108 n. 21; Wyatt
RTU 391 and n. 2: “sweated profusely”; diff. Astour JNES 27 1968 33: “to fall
out (said of teeth)”, Arab. darama; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 130:
“geloben” (?), *ndr). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ydrm (+ encl. -m).
G. To flow copiously (?), in bkn ctx.: ydrm pỉt ảdm the man’s temples flowed
copiously (?), 1.107:3.
drṣy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.350:6; 4.700:6; 4.858:6.

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280 drt (i) – /d-ṯ/

drt (I) n. f. “bran, chaff” (< /d-r-y/; cf. Arab. ḏu/arāwa, “plant broken into small
portions, dried up and blown away by the wind”, AEL 965. Sanmartin UF 20
1988 273f. diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 81: “Abmessung, Ration”, Arab. drt,
Hb. zrt). ¶ Forms: sg. drt.
Bran, chaff: b TN (…) drʕ w (…) drt in TN: (nn dd) of seed and (nn) of bran,
4.243:12 and passim ibid.; cf. [[drt b kkr]] [[bran for one talent]], 4.131:4 (text
erased); (…) drt (…) drt l ảlpm (nn dd) of bran, (nn dd) of bran for the cattle,
4.636:8 and passim ibid.
drt (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 310).
PN: bn PN, 3.10:7 (ủškny); 3.31:8 (ủškny).
/d-r-y/ vb G: “to winnow” (Aram./Syr. dry, “to scatter, winnow” …; Hb. zrh,
“to scatter, winnow”, HALOT 280; Arab. ḏarā, “to rise (the wind), make fly”,
AEL 964; Emar /uḏarrû/, “to scatter, winnow”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 189: D. Cf.
De Moor SP 209; Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 79ff.); ¶ par.: /b-q-ʕ/, /d-r-ʕ/,
/š-r-p/, /ṭ-ḥ-n/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tdry; suff. tdrynn; inf. dry.
G. To winnow: b ḫṯr tdrynn with a winnowing fork she winnowed him, 1.6
II 32 (// tbqʕnn, tšrpnn, tṭḥnn, tdrʕnn); ʕlk pht dry because of you I have seen
winnowing, 1.6 V 13 (cf. ln. 16).
dšn, 1.19 IV 27; 1.108:5; rdg d šn; cf. d, šn.
dt, cf. d.
dt/dn (I) PN mythical ancestor, founder of the dynasty of Ugarit and leader
of its deified clan (cf. Amor /Ditan(um)/, /Ditnum/, cf. /ditanum/, “bison”;
Huffmon APNMT 184; Gelb CAAA 17. Grayson ARI 1; Astour UF 5 1973 36 ff.;
RSP 2 279ff.; Healey UF 10 1978 86; Caquot Fs. Loewenstamm 1 ff.; Lipiński
ibid. 111ff.; Annus UF 31 1999 13ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 287). ¶ Forms: dt/dn.
PN: dtn, mythical ancestor: 1.15 III 4, 15; 1.124:2, 4, 11, 14; var. ddn: cf. qbṣ ddn
the clan of PN, 1.161:10; 1.163:3, 10; in bkn ctx.: 1.170:2.
dt/dn (II) PN (etym. unc.; see dt/dn (I) (?). Gröndahl PTU 122; Watson LSU 163;
AuOrS 27 102); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU da-TI-ni, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 40 (Van
Soldt SAU 34); cf. du-du-nu, Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):9; Ug 5 97 (RS 20.20):1; var.
ddn in 4.760:5.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 29; 4.422:53; 4.760:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.633:6; 4.843:35.
Cf. dt/dn (I), ttn.
dtqn PN (etim. unc.).
PN šd dtqn the field of PN, 4.7:4 (Bordreuil PIHANS 114 11).
/d-ṯ/ vb G: “to smash, grind” (Akk. diāšu, dāšu, “(zer)treten, dreschen”, AHw
168; “to thresh”, CAD D 121; Hb. dwš, “to thresh, trample down”, HALOT 218;
Arab. dāsa (dws), “to tread, trample upon”, AEL 932ff.; Eth. dasaya, “to step
on, trample on”, CDG 145. Del Olmo MLRSO 227; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6
1278 n. 157; diff. Rainey UF 3 1971 159: “to soften, become soft”). ¶ Forms: G
prefc. ydṯ; inf. dṯ.

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dṯn – /d-w-y/ 281

G. To smash, grind: dṯ ydṯ mʕqbk your rival will certainly be smashed, 1.18 I 19.
Cf. mʕqb.
dṯn n. m. “fat offering” (Hb. dšn, “fatness”, HALOT 234. Del Olmo UF 36 2004
590; diff. Healey UF 15 1983 51: “thresher”, cf. dṯ/dwṯ); ¶ par.: šrp. ¶ Forms: sg.
Fat offering: b dṯn ỉl in the fat offering of DN (we trust), 1.65:15.
dṯt n. f. “fodder or spring grass” (?) (Akk. dīšu, “üppiger Graswuchs”, AHw
173; “spring grass”, CAD D 163; cf. dēšûtu, “üppiges Wachstum”, AHw 167;
Hb. dšʔ, “vegetation, grass”, HALOT 233f.; OSA dṯʔ, “prima terrae germina”,
CAME 127. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 199, 311: “dṯt-grain” / “(vegetal offering)”;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 310 n. 9/b: “Fettasche” (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. dṯt.
Fodder or spring grass (?): dṯt w kśm (an offering of) spring grain (?) and spelt,
1.39:9; cf. 1.41:18; 1.87:20.
dw n. m. “sick person” (< /d-w-y/. Hb. dwh, “faint, sick”, HALOT 216; DNWSI 243;
Arab. dawin, “diseased, ill”, AEL 940; Eth. duy, dawāyi, dǝwwuy, “sick”, CDG 145.
Dietrich-Loretz KA 251, 254). ¶ Forms: sg. dw.
Sick person: yʔkl dw the sick person shall eat it, 4.767:3.
dwn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 296; Watson LSU 163); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU]?
tu-a-ni, PRU 6 90 (RS 19.114) rev. 7.
PN: bn PN, 4.309:5; 4.354:7.
/d-w-y/ vb G: “to fall ill, become sick” (Hb. dwh, “to menstruate”, HALOT 216;
JPAram. dwy, “to afflict, make sad”, DJPA 140; Akk. dawû, “taumeln”, AHw 166;
damû, “to suffer from convulsions”, CAD D 80; Arab. dawiya, “to become sick”,
AEL 940; Eth. dawaya, “to be sick”, CDG 145f.); ¶ par.: /m-r-ṣ/. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. dw.
G. To fall ill, become sick: mn k dw krt which (month) is it that PN became
sick?, 1.16 II 20 (// k mrṣ); arbʕ k dw krt four (months since) PN became sick,
ibid. ln. 23. On 1.16 I 57, 60, cf. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 184.
Cf. dw, mdw.

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ḏ (Emar /zu/, Pentiuc Vocabulary 196; Kogan UF 32 2000 721f.) allomorph of d:

il ḏ pỉd, 1.24:45. Cf. d.
ḏbb DN, mythical female being defeated by Anat (etym. unc. Hb. zbwb, “flies”,
HALOT 261; Arab. ḏubab, “fly”, AEL 952; cf. Amor. /ḏubābum/, “little fly”, Gelb
CAAA 18. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 392; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 369 ff.; Del
Olmo AuOr 28 2010 129; diff. Dahood UF 1 1969 36: “flame”, Hb. šbyb. Watson
UF 10 1978 397 n. 7; Cooper-Pope RSP 3 363ff.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 166,
334: “flame, spark”); ¶ par.: ỉšt (cf. išt 4).
DN: bt ỉl ḏbb the daughter of El, DN, 1.3 III 46 (// ỉšt).
ḏd (I) n. m. “breast, bosom” (Hb. du. dd, “breasts”, HALOT 214. Tropper UG 140;
Kogan UF 32 2000 722; Watson UF 42 2010 833 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. m. ḏd.
Breast, bosom: those who suck b ảp ḏd from the nipple, 1.23:59 and par. (cf.
ảp (II)).
Cf. ṯd, zd.
ḏd (II) n. m. “grotto, cave” (?) (Hb. DNWSI 306: zdh (?). Del Olmo IMC 156 ff.;
Sasson PEQ 1982, 112; Lawson UF 26 1994 549 f. diff. Watson LSU 41 f., 139;
Clifford CMC 48ff., 125: “tent”, Arab. ḏāda, ḏawd; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 192: “encampment”, id.; Pope UF 19 1987 223: “abode”; Loretz UF 27 1995
727: “anteroom, forecourt”; for other meanings proposed, “field”, “mountain”,
“territory”, cf. Del Olmo loc. cit.; for the Arab. etym. cf. Renfroe AULS 97 ff.:
Akk. ś/šadādu: Watson AuOr 19 2001 287); ¶ par.: ảhl, qrš. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ẓd;
suff. ḏdk; pl. ḏdm.
Grotto, cave: tgly ḏd ỉl she made her way to the grotto of DN, 1.6 I 34 and par.
(// qrš); ỉštỉr b ḏdm stay in the grottoes, 1.18 IV 15; ảgrtn bảt b ḏdk our mistress
entered your caves, 1.19 IV 51 (// ảhlm); mṣr [t]bủ ḏdm sobbing she entered
the grottoes, 1.3 V 9; ỉl d yqny ḏdm the god who created the grottoes, 1.19 IV 58.
ḏd (III) n. m. “flock, herd” (cf. Arab. ḏawd, “a number of camels from three to
ten”, AEL 987f. De Moor UF 1 1969 187; Del Olmo IMC 68 f. diff. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 23 1991 92ff.: rdg kḏd (< *kšd), “hetzen”; for a critique of the Arab.
etym. cf. Renfroe AULS 100f.). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ḏd.
Flock, herd: tkšd (…) ʕn k ḏd ảylt the spring which search, in truth, the herd
of hinds, 1.5 I 17; 1.133:8.
ḏdyy PN (etym. unc.; cf. ḏd (I)).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ]ḏdyy, 4.668:4.
ḏḏyn PN (etym. unc. Van Soldt SAU 357 n. 224); ¶ syll.: cf. ZA-ZI-ia-na, cf. PRU 3
255 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 7 n. 63, 357 n. 224). Cf. ḏḏyy.
PN in unc. ctx.: ]PN bʕd PN ]of / from PN for(?) PN, 2.31:47.

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ḏḏyy – /ḏ-m-r/ (i) 283

ḏḏyy PN (etym. unc. Van Soldt SAU 357 n. 224; Watson AuOr 11 1993 215; AuOr
14 1996 98). Cf. ḏḏyn.
PN: bn PN, 4.245 II 3; cf. 4.668:4.
ḏhrt n. f. “vision” (Hb. zhr, “glow”, HALOT 265; Arab. za:uhrat, “beauty, splen-
dour”, “whiteness and beauty”, AEL 1262 < *zhr, “to shine, give light”. De Moor
SP 217; Dietrich-Loretz SEL 1 1984 85ff.; Greenfield BSOAS 57 1994 89; Trop-
per UBL 12 305ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 288); ¶ par.: ḥlm. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Vision: down came b ḏhrth ảb ảdm in his vision the father of mankind, 1.14
I 36 (// ḥlmh).
Cf. ḏrt.
/ḏ-k-r/ vb G: “remember, mention, name”, only in PNN (Gröndahl PTU 196;
Sivan GAGl 215f.; Ebla /zikir-/ in PNN: Krebernik PET 110; Pagan ARES 3 109 f.;
Catagnoti QuSem 15 253f. (Sem. /ḏakaru/ “male” would be represented by
the gloss NITA(.DIŠ-tenû(“RUM”)) = ša-ḫa-lum (/ḏakarum/), VE 1112a,b; cf.
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 39.); cf. INIM.DI = dal-da-gi-lum, VE 186; Krebernik
QuSem 18 123); ¶ syll.: cf. PN ia-aš-ku-ra-na, PRU 3 198 (RS 16.359):9', Van
Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648 (correcting Sivan GAGl 274: < /š-k-r/).
Cf. ḏkr, ḏkry.
ḏkr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 196; Sivan GAGl 215; Huehnergard UVST 96 n. 63;
Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648); ¶ syll.: za-ki-ru, PRU 38 (RS 16.354):2.
PN: 4.484:3; 4.609:37; in bkn ctx.: 4.748:13.
ḏkry PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 196; Sivan GAGl 216; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648;
Van Soldt SAU 348 n. 205); ¶ syll.: cf. zu-ku-ri-ia, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):25; zu-
uk-ri-ia, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):9; zu-ku-ra-ya, Ug 5 43 (RS 20.17):6; zu-uk-ri-ia-nu,
PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) I 8 (Huehnergard UVST 225).
PN: 4.261:5; 4.383:4.
ḏld TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 359: *Zulutu).
TN: 1.131 (Hurr.).
ḏmn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 329); ¶ syll.: cf. ZI-me-ni, PRU 6 147
(RS 19.127):2; ZÍ-me-nu, RS 34.169:2 (Huehnergard UVST 226). Cf. ẓmn.
PN: 4.51:7 (šʕrty). Cf. 5.9 IV 2.
/ḏ-m-r/ (I) vb G: “to protect, guard” (cSem. with various alloph.: Amor. /ḏ-m-r/ >
/D/S/Š/Z-m-r/, “to guard, protect”, Gelb CAAA 18, 32; cf. (a) the series /ḏ-m-r/,
in Ebla /(y)iḏtamar/, the element in PN iš11da-mar-, Krebernik PET 64, 232;
Pagan ARES 3 111; OSA. mḏmr, “homo strenuus”, CAME 129; Syr. ḏmr, “to
initiate legal process against”, SD 39; Arab. ḏimr, “a courageous man”, AEL 978
> *ḏmr, “to roar, excite, threaten”; (b) the series /š-m-r/ in Hb., Ph., Pun.,
Aram. (with Gt ʔštmr), “to guard, protect”, DNWSI 1166 f.; “to keep, watch
over”, HALOT 1581ff.; Arab. samara, “to wake”, AEL 1424 ff.; (c) the series

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284 /ḏ-m-r/ (ii) – ḏmrn

/z-m-r/ in Hb. */zmr/ and deriv., “to protect”, HALOT 274. Loewenstamm 5
WCJS 229; VT 19 1969 464ff.; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 187f.; AuOr 28 2010 136;
¶ syll. Ug.: the element /yiḏtamar/ in PN *ʕ Ammiḏtamru (cf. ʕmṯtmr with
var. ʕmyḏtmr, ỉlḏtmr; Gröndahl PTU 197; Van Soldt SAU 317). ¶ Forms: G act.
ptc. ḏmr.
G. To protect: l ʕpr ḏmr ảṯrh the one who protects his remains in “dust”,
1.17 I 28 and par. (diff. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 164: “to sing”, cf. /ḏ-m-r/ (II).
Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 25); in bkn ctx.: ỉbʕr ản[k x]ḏmr, 2.31:55. [
Cf. ỉlṯtmr, ʕmṯtmr, ḏmr (I–III), ḏmrbʕl, ḏmrd, ḏmrn, ḏmry.
/ḏ-m-r/ (II) vb G(pass.)/D(pass.): “to sing, praise” (Hb. zmr, “to sing”, HALOT
274; Arab. zamara, “to play upon a reed”, AEL 1250 f.; Akk. zamāru, “sin-
gen”, AHw 1508; “to sing”, CAD Z 36ff. Blau-Greenfield BASOR 200 1970 11 f.;
Clemens UF 25 1993 163ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. EZEN = za-am-ma-rum = ḫal-mi =
ši-i-ru, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123) III 7. ¶ Forms: G/D (pass. or impers.) prefc. yḏmr.
G(pass.) / D(pass.): To sing, praise: ỉl (…) yšr w yḏmr b knr the god (…) who
sing and praise (is sung and praised) to the sound of the harp, 1.108:3.
ḏmr (I) n. m. “guardian, warrior” (cf. /ḏ-m-r/ (I). Hb. PN zmry, HALOT 274;
Amor. /ḏāmirum/ < /ḏ-m-r/ (I), Gelb CAAA 18; Arab. ḏimr, ḏamir, ḏamīr, “a
courageous man”, AEL 978); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ḏamīru/, /zamīru/
in PNN, Sivan GAGl 215; ¶ par.: mhr. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ḏmr (in a coll. sense).
Guardian, warrior: (her) knees she plunged b dm ḏmr in the blood of the
warrior(s), 1.3 II 14 and par.; they cleaned from (her) house dm ḏmr the blood
of the warriors, 1.3 II 31 and par.
ḏmr (II) n. m. “fortress” < “protection” (cf. /ḏ-m-r/ (I). Amor. /ḏimrum/, “pro-
tection”, Gelb CAAA 18. Borger UF 1 1969 3f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 178);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /d̰ imru/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 215. ¶ Forms: sg. m.
with suff. ḏmrk, ḏmrh.
Fortress: l rpỉ ảrṣ ʕzk ḏmrk lảnk from the DN of the “Earth” (is / be) your
strength, your fortress, your power, 1.108:24, see ln. 22, ḏmrh.
ḏmr (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 197; Watson LSU 163).
PN: ★a) 4.647:1; ★b) bn PN: 4.348:17.
ḏmrbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 197).
PN: 4.75 II 5; 4.261:8; in bkn ctx. 4.731:1.
ḏmrd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 133, 197; Huehnergard UVST 248 n. 154);
¶ syll.: zi-im-rad-du, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):33; ši-im-rad-du, PRU 4 234 (RS
17.112):16; ši-im-rad-dú, RS 25.423:5, Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 309 n. 115,
315 n. 120 (cf. Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279; Rainey UF 3 1971 157; Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 648).
PN: 4.682:10 (bn ḥġmn); 4.775:3. Rdg gmrd in 4.75 VI 7.
ḏmrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 197).

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ḏmry – ḏrq 285

PN: 4.423:1.
ḏmry PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 197); ¶ syll.: zi-im-ri-ya, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.065):13'
(Huehnergard UVST 224f.).
PN: 3.20:3, 5, 9 (bn yrm. Astour CRRA 18 17); 4.617 II 29; 4.655:7; 6.46:1.
ḏnb(t) n. m./f. “tail” (Hb. znb, “tail”, HALOT 274f.; Arab. ḏanab, “tail”, AEL 980 f.;
Ebla /ḏin(a/e)bu(m)/, in KUN = šè-na-bù, šè-ne-bux(rdg NI for IR), VE 1371,
1372; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 44; Fronzaroli EL 150; StEb 7 1984 160; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 188; Akk. zibbatu, “Schwanz, Schweif”, AHw 1523f.; “tail”, CAD
Z 100ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ḏani/ību/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 215; ¶ par.:
lšn. ¶ Forms: sg. m. ḏnb; du. f. ḏnbtm.
Tail: bʕl qrnm w ḏnb “he of two horns and a tail”, 1.114:20; in unc. ctx. ym lšnm
(…) ym ḏnbtm, DN with his tongue … DN with his tail, 1.83:7.
ḏqnt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 197). Cf. dqn.
PN: bn PN, 4.422:40.
ḏrʕ (I) n. f. “arm” (Hb. zr(w)ʕ, “arm, forearm”, HALOT 280 f.; “arm, hand”, DNWSI
342; EA Akk. cstr. zu-ru-uḫ, “arm”, EAT 287:27; 288:34; DNWSI 342; Sivan GAGl
216: /ḏorōʕ(u)/; OAram. drʕ, DNWSI 342; Arab. ḏirāʕ, “fore arm”, AEL 961 f.
Caquot EI 14 1978 15; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 357; Segert UF 20 1988
295); ¶ par.: ảp (II) (+ lb), bmt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḏrʕh.
Arm: yṯlṯ qn ḏrʕh he ploughed the bone of his arm, 1.5 VI 20 and par. (// ảp
lb, bmt); in bkn ctx. l ḏr[ʕk] nšrk your eagles (fly!) from your arm, 1.13:8.
ḏrʕ (II), cf. d/ḏrʕ.
ḏrdn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 252); ¶ syll.: cf. sè-er-da-na, Syria 18 1937 246
(RS 8.145):27 (Huehnergard AkkUg 370); še-er-da-an-ni, PRU 3 124 (RS
15.167+):13; še-er-dá-an-ni, PRU 3 131 (RS 15.118):5. Loretz ACIP 1993 125–134;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 42 2010 119. Cf. ṯrdnt, ṯrtn.
PN, in bkn ctx.: 4.657:3.
ḏ/ṯrm PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 250; cf. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 161; Watson
AuOrS 27 104; Historiae 4 2007 100f.).
PN: ★a) 2.3:19; 4.391:6 (ṯrm); 4.69 IV 2; 4.635:53; 4.391:6; ★b) bn PN: 4.64 V 12;
see further in bkn ctx.: ]šảnt.ṯrm, 4.127:8 (diff. rdg ]ản.mṯrm: Watson UF 34
2002 926f.: “chisel”, Akk. našramu, eine Art von Meissel (?)).
ḏrq n. m. “fragment, lump” (?) (< /ḏ-r-q/. Cf. Hb. zrq, “to toss, strew”, HALOT 283;
Akk. zarāqu, “(be)sprengen, streuen”, AHw 1515; “to sprinkle”, CAD Z 65 f.;
Ebla BUR za-lu-ga-am, MEE 3 61 rev. III 11; KA.MUNU4. MUNU4 = za-a-lú-gú-
um, EV 0157; Civil EDA 154f. diff. “reddish, bloody”, *šrq; “raw”, *ḏ/zrq; “ener-
vated, exhausted”, Arab. šariqa; “idol”, Arab. šariq; “excrement”, Arab. ḏarq,
ḏaraqa; “foot”; for these and other alt. (“viscera” …) see Del Olmo IMC 158
n. 380; also Merlis AUL 55ff.: Akk. dZāriqum DN; Watson SEL 12 1995 222f.:
Akk. šarāqu, “to cook meat”). ¶ Forms: pl. ḏrqm.

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286 ḏrr – ḏyn

Fragment, lump (?): ḏrqm ảmtm (I shall consume you) in lumps ell by ell, 1.5
I 6; cf. 1.18 IV 3 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Del Olmo 73: “(mit Blut) besprengt”
(?); Smith UNP 141: “let me eat flanks, innards, forearms”].
ḏrr PN (etym. unc.; cf. Watson LSU 163).
PN: bn PN, 4.354:8.
ḏrt n. f. “vision” (syncope of ḏhrt. Greenfield BSOAS 57 1994 89?; Tropper UBL 12
305ff.); ¶ par.: ḥlm. ¶ Forms: sg. ḏrt; suff. ḏrty.
Vision: he granted me b ḏrty ảb ảdm in my vision the father of mankind, 1.14
III 47 and par. (// ḥlmy); b ḏrt bny bnwt in a vision of the creator of creatures,
1.6 III 5 and par. (// ḥlm); in bkn ctx.: b ḏrt[hm m]t krt and in [their] vision
PN was already [dead] (?), 1.15 VI 8.
Cf. ḏhrt.
ḏyn PN; cf. š/ḏyn.

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g n. m. “(loud) voice, shout” (etym. unc. Cunchillos ES 29 204ff.: Sum. gù,

possibly related to Hb. gm; Tropper UG 333; Watson LSU 145). ¶ Forms: sg.
suff. gy, gh, ghm, gm (encl. -m) in adv. use.
(Loud) voice, shout: ytn gh bky he raised his voice, weeping, 1.16 I 13 and par.;
w ttn gh and she raises her voice, 1.2 IV 6; yšu gh w yṣḥ he raised his voice and
exclaimed, 1.5 VI 22 and par., message formula (cf. Del Olmo MLC 55 f.); ht
yšmʕ ủḫy l gy now, listen, my brother, to my voice, 2.4:19 (cf. Hb. šmʕ l ql); gm
l ảṯth k yṣḥ in a loud voice he thus shouted, 1.17 V 15 and par.; gm yṣḥ ỉl l btlt
ʕnt aloud DN shouted to Virgin DN, 1.6 III 22 and par.; gm l ġ[l]mh bʕl k yṣḥ
in a loud voice DN shouted to his lads, 1.4 VII 52, formula of direct speech
(cf. Del Olmo MLC 56; Watson AuOr 1 1983 253ff.); DN ytn gh w yṣḥ raised his
voice and shouted, 1.179:33; ġzrm g ṭb lads of dulcet voice, 1.23:14; in bkn ctx.:
gy, 2.82:14.
gản n. m. “arrogance” (*/g-ʔ-y/. Hb. gʔwn, “weight, presumption”, HALOT 169;
Pun. cf. Poen. 1027 gune, DNWSI 207: gʔn, “exaltation, majesty”; Aram.
g’wtnw, “pride”, DJPA 127; Syr. gaʔnāʔ, “high, proud”, SL 198); ¶ par.: pšʕ.
¶ Forms: sg. gản.
Arrogance: ntbt gản the path of arrogance, 1.17 VI 44.
gʕl “?”; in bkn ctx.: 1.98:7.
/g-ʕ-r/ vb G: 1) “to reproach, rebuke”; 2) “to puff and blow, to gasp, breathe with
stertors, roar” (Hb. gʕr, “to rebuke”, HALOT 199f.; cf. the series of Arab. alloph.
ǧaʔara, “to low”, “to raise the voice”, AEL 369f.; ǧaʕara, “to bellow”, Hava 91;
Dozy 1 198. Kennedy JBL 106 1987 47ff.; Pardee TH 43; Cohen UF 28 1996 114;
diff. Renfroe Or 57 1988 184: “to void (dry) dung”, Arab. *ǧʕr I and VIII; but cf.
Pardee AuOr 10 1992 154f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU ga-ri, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42)
II 16; Sivan GAGl 217. ¶ Forms: G suffc. gʕr; prefc. ygʕr, suff. tgʕrm (encl. -m).
G. 1) reproach: b šm tgʕrm ʕṯtrt by (his) name DN reproached (him), 1.2 IV 28
(cf. Smith UBC/1 356); bhm ygʕr bʕl DN reproached them, 1.2 I 24; b ỉl ảbh gʕr
DN, his father, he reproached, 1.114:14.
2) To puff and blow, to gasp, breathe with stertors, roar: k ygʕr śśw if the horse
puffs and blows, 1.85:2 (cf. 1.72:27. Pardee TH 42 ff.; Cohen-Sivan UHT 12).
Cf. gʕr.
gʕr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 13, 29, 34, 125); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ga-ri, PRU 3 196
(RS 15.42+) II 6; cf. Sivan GAGl 217, 221.
PN: ★a), in bkn ctx.: 4.653:3; ★b) bn PN: 4.103:21; 4.611 I 16; in bkn ctx.: 4.653:3
gʕt n. f. “bellowing” (Hb. gʕh, “to roar, low”, HALOT 199; Syr. gʕy, “to shout”, gʕʔ,

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288 gʕyn – gbʕ

“to low”, SL 251f. Fensham JNSL 11 1983 74); ¶ par.: nhqt, ṯỉgt, zġt. ¶ Forms: sg.
Bellowing: l gʕt ảlp ḥrṯ for the bellowing of his working oxen, 1.14 III 18 and
par (// zġt, ṯỉgt, nhqt); in unc. ctx.: w gʕt b ntb, 2.91:2 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43 f.:
“et (il y avait) des mugiments en route”).
Cf. gʕyn.
gʕyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 125).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:33; 4.50:12 (ḥrx[); 4.55:31 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.214 II 2.
gb (I) n. m., a cult installation (Hb. gb, “pit, ditch”, HALOT 170; Nab., Palm.
gb, “well, cistern”, DNWSI 207; Akk. gubbu, “Zisterne”, AHw 295; “well”, prob.
WS, CAD G 117; Arab. ǧubb, “well”, AEL 371; Eth. gǝbb, “pit, ditch”, CDG 176.
Del Olmo CR 236 n. 86; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 313; De Moor UF 17 1985
408 n. 10; Watson LSU 139; 160 n. 44; cf. ġb; diff. Lipiński OLP 15 1984 115 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 327: “Lupanar”, Hb. gab I; JA 47 f.: “Podest, Podium”;
Van der Toorn BiOr 48 1991 49ff.: “internal part”). ¶ Forms: sg. gb.
A cult installation: gb bt mlk the g. of the palace, 1.43:1 (Pardee TR/1 218, 226 f.:
“(pièce à) ‘tertre’ du palais royal”); gb bt ỉlm the g. of the temple, 1.43:2; in bkn
ctx. (gb (II) (?)): ]rq gb, 1.1 V 13; w yšt b gbh and it will be placed in its cult
installation, 1.175:13, cf. ln. 17; gb ảd, 1.172:23 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979
297; Syria 57 1980 345f.: “vase”(?), “coupe”); in unc. ctx.: b[[z]]gb, 1.24:43 (cf.
gb (II); for the rdg b [ḫ]bzt cf. Pardee SEC 3 2010 26, 36 n. 91: une espèce de
gb (II) n. m. “spine, back; loin; body” (Hb. gb, “back”, HALOT 170; Syr. gbībāʔ,
“curved, humped”, SL 200; Frahang-Aram. gb, “back”, DNWSI 207. Ford UF 34
2002 147; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 155, 156; Tropper UF 35 2003 657ff.);
¶ par.: tmnt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. gbk, gbh.
Spine, back, body ★a) tḫṭả l gbk so that it hurts your body, 1.169:5 (// l tmnth); l
ủrtn l gbh l tmnth for (the benefit of) PN, of his body, of his form, 1.178:14; ★b)
as meat: yʕdb yrḫ gbh DN prepares (his piece of) loin, 1.114:5 (diff. Aartun
StUL 34ff.: “Grube”, cf. gb (I); Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 195: “DN prepares
his goblet”). In bkn ctx.: gbh l ảrṣ, 1.1 V 28; w yšt b gbh, 1.175:13, cf. ln. 17;
gb ảd, 1.172:23 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 297; 57 1980 345: “vase” (?),
“coupe”); in unc. ctx.: gb[[z]]gb, 1.24:43 (cf. gb (I). Del Olmo MLRSO 164:
“(que descienden) … al gb (?)”; De Moor ARTU 145 n. 35: “on top”).
gbʕ n. m. “hill, height, peak” (Hb. gbʕh, “hill”, HALOT 174; Emar Akk. /gabʕu/,
“hill”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 49f.; Akk. gabʔu, “Gipfel”, AHw 272, 1555; “height”,
CAD G 6f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /gabʕu/ in PN gáb-a-na, PRU 3 68
(RS 16.269):6, 8; cf. Sivan GAGl 217; ¶ par.: ġr. ¶ Forms: sg. gbʕ; pl. gbʕm.
Hill, height, peak: kl gbʕ l kbd šdm every height in the heart of the fields, 1.6
II 16 and par.; b gbʕ tlỉyt on the peak of victory, 1.3 III 31; tblk (…) gbʕm mḥmd

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gbʕl(y) – gbl (ii) 289

ḫrṣ may (…) bring you (…) the hills, the most precious gold, 1.4 V 32 and par.;
in bkn ctx.: mlk gbʕ hd[, 1.9:10.
Cf. gbʕ(n).
gbʕl(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 80: *Gibaʕã. Astour JESHO 13 1970 114 f.; UF 11
1979 15f.; UF 13 1981 5f., 11; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 664f.; UF 29 1997 699; UF 30
1998 718; Topography 15, 171; Watson LSU 199); ¶ syll.: URU gi5(KI)-dU(-la),
PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):10, 15; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):11; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):16;
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):6; URU gi5(KI)-dIM, PRU 3 74 (RS 16.283):4; URU gi5(KI)-
bá-la, PRU 4 72 (RS 17.335+):19; cf. URU gi5(KI)-ba-ʔ-li-yi, PRU 6 79 (RS
19.42):4; cf. Nougayrol PRU 3 265; PRU 6 146; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 110; Van
Soldt SAU 337f. n. 177; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 401 f.: alašar-baʕala/i.
TN: 4.68:6; 4.365:6; 4.380:6; 4.610 I 7; 4.618:28 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 80: rdg
gb<ʕ>l); 4.693:6; 4.750:11 (allog. gbʕl; cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 11; Belmonte
AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 17 with n. 13); 4.784:7; 4.793:3; 4.800 I 26; 4.812:2; 4.820
I 5(Bordreuil AntSem 2 1997 60 n. 5); 4.823:4; 4.824:2.
gbʕly (I) GN m. (< gbʕl(y), TN); ¶ syll.: URU gi5(KI)-ba-ʔ-li-yi, PRU 6 79 (RS
19.042):4; cf. LÚ URU gi5(KI)-dU(-la), PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839)10, 15 (Nougayrol
PRU 3 194; PRU 6 77; Van Soldt SAU 53, 331 n. 159; Huehnergard AkkUg 402:
alašar-ba-aʔ-li-yi). ¶ Forms: sg. gbʕly; pl. gbʕlym.
GN: 3.21:2; 4.33:27, 28 (Van Soldt SAU 33, 53); 4.40:16; 4.51:5; [g]bʕlym,4.847:9.
gbʕly (II) PN (< gbʕly (I). Gröndahl PTU 126; Zurro AuOr 1 1983 266; Watson
LSU 199).
PN: 4.177:2; 4.317:5.
gbʕ(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 125f.; Caquot-Bordreuil Syria 56 1979 310; Wat-
son AuOr 13 1995 221; AuOrS 27 102; AuOr 30 2012 329); ¶ syll.: cf. gáb-a-nu,
PRU 3 68f. (RS 16.269):6 and passim ibid. Var. gbʕ in 4.63 II 10.
PN: ★a) 4.63 II 10; 4.807:8; 4.813:15; ★b) bn PN: 4.769:16; 4.841:29.
gbl (I) n. m. “summit, mount” (Hb. gbwl, “mountain”; Arab. ǧabal, “moun-
tain”, AEL 377. Del Olmo IMC 111; poss. related etym. to gbl (II); cf. Renfroe
AULS 103f.); ¶ par.: PN (?). ¶ Forms: sg. gbl.
Summit, mountain: ʕbr gbl ʕbr qzl pass summits, pass heights, 1.3 VI 7 (diff.
De Moor SP 51 n. 52; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 352 n. 26: TN, gbl (III)).
gbl (II) n. m. “limit, frontier, end” (Hb. gbwl, “boundary”, HALOT 171f.; Ph.,
Pun., OAram. gbl, “border, boundary”, DNWSI 209 f.; prob. related to gbl (I)).
¶ Forms: sg. gbl.
Limit, frontier, end: tqln b gbl šntk if only you would run swiftly / fall at
the end of your years!, 1.16 VI 57 and par. (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 166 f.;
ZAW 99 1987 398ff.: “all together”, “in a bunch”, Palm. gbl, Arab. ǧibl, NH *gbl.
Del Olmo IMC 111ff. for other explanations which propose gbl (II), see /q-l/

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290 gbl (iii) – gd (ii)

gbl (III) TN “Byblos” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95 ff.: *Gublu. Astour JAOS 92 1972
451f.; RSP 2 272, 348; Sivan GAGl 220; Dijkstra UF 23 1991 128 ff.; cf. Hb., Ph.
gbl, HALOT 173f.; Ur III ÉNSI. GU5.UB.LA.KI, cf. Owen BibMes 25 1992 122; EA
Akk. URU gub/gu-ub-la/li, EAT 1574; Rainey EAT 105; MA KUR gu-bal, Nashef
RGTC 5 110; NA also URU gu-ub-la-a-a, KUR gu-bal-a-a, cf. Hrouda-Röllig
RlA 3 673ff.; Eg. kap-n-i2, Helck Bez. 60; k(u?)p-ni, Helck Bez. 263, 301; Gk
Byblos); ¶ syll.: URU gu-ub-li, PRU 6 126 (RS 19.28):10 (cf. PRU 6 81 (RS 19.182)
obv. 2–3, 5; Huehnergard UVST 218); KUR gu5-ub-li, RSOu 7 9 (RS 34.145):10.
TN: mlk gbl the king of TN, 2.44:3; 4.338:13, 15; bʕl gbl the Baal of TN, 2.44:8; in
bkn ctx.: 4.618:28 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 80: rdg gb<ʕ>l, cf. gbʕl(y)); 7.137:5.
Cf. gbln.
gbln PN (etym. unc.; cf. gbl (III). Gröndahl PTU 126; Watson LSU 163; AuOr 30
2012 329). Cf. kb/pl(n), PN.
PN: 4.63 III 94.
gbly GN m. (< gbl, TN); ¶ syll.: URU gu-ub-li-yu, PRU 6 81 (RS 19.182) rev. 2, 3, 5'
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 97: *Gibaʕlā; Fs. Watson 100). ¶ Forms: sg. gbly.
GN: 4.321:2.
gbrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 126; Watson LSU 163); ¶ syll.: DUMU gu-ub-
ru-na, PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):6; cf. ga-bi-ru, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) II 24.
PN: ★a) 4.141 II 19; 4.730:6; ★b) bn PN: 4.309:17.
gbṯt n. f. “fleshy part of the back, hump” (cf. JAram. gbš, “to heap up”, DTT 209;
Akk. gapšūtu, gipšu, gipšutu, “massig”, “Masse”, AHw 281, 290 f.; “mass”, “a
deformation of part of the exta”, CAD G 84 f.; Tigr. gäbəs, “crookbacked”,
WTS 584. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 341 n. n.; Gibson CML 144; Sanmartín UF 10
1978 349 n. 2; Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 158); ¶ par.: qrn. ¶ Forms: sg. gbṯt.
Fleshy part of the back, hump: bhm (…) gbṯt km ỉbrm they will have (…) a
hump like bulls, 1.12 I 31 (// qrnm).
gby PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 126).
PN: bn PN, 4.110:4.
gd (I) n. m. “coriander” (cf. Hb. gd, “coriander”, HALOT 176; Arab. ǧādiyy,
“saffron”, AEL 394. De Moor SP 85; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 132; Sasson RSP 1
403; Dahood RSP 3 92f.; Renfroe AULS 104; Cohen UF 28 1996 136; ¶ par.:
annḫ. ¶ Forms: sg. gdy; pl. gdm.
Coriander: rḥ gdm w ảnhbm (they perfumed her) … with the perfume of
coriander and sea snails, 1.3 II 2 (diff. Aartun StUL 36 f.: “brünstige Ziegen-
böcke”, *gdd, but cf. gd( y)); (offering of) gd b ḥlb coriander (?) in milk, 1.23:14
(// ảnnḫ. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 371; diff. Del Olmo MLC 441: “cabrito”, but cf.
gdy); gd ḫlb coriander from the massif, 1.85:20; 1.89:4 (cf. 1.97:13).
Cf. gd(y).
gd (II) n. m. “sinew, tendon” (Hb. gyd, “tendon”, HALOT 189; Syr. gyadāʔ, “sinew”,

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gdaḫ – gdn 291

SL 228; Akk. gīdu, “Sehne, Muskel”, AHw 287; “sinew of an animal”, CAD
G 66f.); ¶ par.: mtn, qn, qrn, ṯqb. ¶ Forms: pl. gdm.
Sinew, tendon: ảdr gdm b rủmm the most wonderful (of the) sinews of wild
bulls, 1.17 VI 21 (// ṯqbm, qrnt, mtnm, qnm).
gdaḫ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 126f.; Xella TRU 75).
PN: bn PN, 1.87:59.
gdl (I) adj. m. “broad, wide” (Hb. gdwl, “great”, HALOT 177f.; Syr. gdīl, “high,
overfull”, SL 205; cf. Ebla ga-da-LUM, an alimentary product, ARET 9 385.
Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 91; Watson UF 31 1999 787); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. TÚG.GADA
GAL-tu4, Ug 5 28 (RS 20.184) l.e. 18 (cf. rb (I)). ¶ Forms: pl. gdlm.
Broad, wide, of garments: ṯlṯ kdwṯm gdlm three wide k., 4.152:6.
Cf. gdl (II), gdlt (I), gdlt (II), mgdl.
gdl (II) n. m. subst. “fully grown, large”, said of a type of grain or flour (lexical-
isation of gdl (I). Watson PIHANS 114 166 for a poss. Eg. etym). ¶ Forms: sg.
Fully grown, large, said of a type of grain or flour: ṯṯ dd gdl six “cauldronsful”
of g., 4.14:1, 7, 13; ḫmš dd [[g]] gdl five “cauldron- fuls” of g., 2.89:14, in ctx.
with nʕr (II) (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 154f.: “Dickbrotgebäck”; Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 306: “food product, perhaps a type of flour”); šbʕ dd gdl seven
“cauldronsful” of g., 4.811:4; in bkn ctx. dd gdl, 4.426:4 and cf. d]d nʕr[, ibid.
ln. 3 (cf. nʕr (II)); 4.865:1; [g]dl, 4.865:1; gd[l, 2.101.12.
gdl (III) PN (Sem. Watson LSU 163).
PN: ★a) 4.788:3; 4.815:1; 7.46:8; ★b) bn PN: 4.240:2.
gdlt (I) n. f. “head of cattle, cow for sacrifice” (lexicalisation of the f. adj. gdlt; cf.
gdl (I); see also dq(t); diff. Tropper UF 33 2001 545 ff., 554 ff.: “Dickbrot”; but
see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 169ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. gdlt.
Head of cattle, cow for sacrifice, passim in cultic literature (cf. esp. dedicatory
formulae): gdlt (l) DN or (l) DN gdlt in 1.39; 1.41; 1.46; 1.53; 1.87; 1.106; 1.112; 1.119;
1.126; 1.132; 1.138; 1.162:18, 19.; cf. in Hurr. ctx 1.132:5, 6, 7, 18, 19): gdlt qdš ỉl one
cow (is offered) in the sanctuary of DN, 1.119:6; npš w arbʕ ʕšrh dqt w šbʕ gdlt
w kl šbšlt dg gnh one (piece of) offal and fourteen ewes and seven cows and
all types of fish stew (are taken) to the “garden”, 1.106:21, cf. 1.112:26; š dd šmn
gdlt one ewe, one jar of oil, one cow, 1.41:44 and par.; alpm ʕṣrm gdlt two head
of cattle, two birds, one cow, 1.148:9.
Cf. gdl (I).
gdlt (II) n. f. “power, reach” (cf. gdl (I); Hb. gdwlh, “greatness”, HALOT 178).
Forms: sg. f. gdlt.
Power, reach: b gdlt ảrkty, with the power of my long arm, 1.3 V 23 and par.
Cf. gdl (I), mgdl, mgdly.
gdn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 126; Watson LSU 163; AuOrS 27 102); ¶ syll.: cf.

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292 gdrn – ggn

DUMU gu-ud-da-na(?), Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):29. Cf. gtn, kdn, ktn (II), qṭn (II).
PN: ★a) 4.96:98 (bn ủmy); 4.244:17; 4.658:18 (bn ủss); 4.710:2; 4.833:9; ★b) bn
PN: 4.63 III 12; 4.75 IV 12.
gdrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 127; Watson AuOr 11 1993 215; Fs. Sanmartín 452);
¶ syll.: DUMU gu-da-ra-na, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 31, 35 (cf. Berger UF 1
1969 122: rdg Gudda/ir[a(na)] in Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):29).
PN: bn PN: 3.7:7; 4.63 I 43; in bkn ctx.: 4.617 II 17.
gdrt n. f. “hedge, fence” (Hb. gdr, gdrh, “wall”, HALOT 180 f.; Pun., Nab. gdr, “wall”,
DNWSI 215; Arab. ǧa:idr, “wall”, AEL 389f.); ¶ par.: ḫṭ. ¶ Forms: sg. f. gdrt.
Hedge, fence: k apʕ ỉl b gdrt like a divine viper in a hedge, 1.19 I 13 (// ḫṭh. Del
Olmo IMC 127; cf. Cooper UF 20 1988 22: “sheepfold”).
Cf. gdrn.
gdš PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 117).
PN: bn PN: 4.7:9.
gdy n. m. “kid” (Hb. gdy, “kid”, HALOT 178; “goat”, DNWSI 214; Pun., OAram.
gdʔ, gade, gdh, “goat”, DNWSI 213; Arab. ǧady, “kid”, AEL 393; cf. NB gadû,
“Böckchen”, AHw 273; “male kid”, CAD G 9. Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 186 f.).
¶ Forms: sg. gdy, gd (?); du. gdm.
Kid, in cultic offering: gdy lqḥ PN PN took a kid, 1.79:4; gdm klhn! two kids for
each (?), 1.111:7 (cf. Milik Ug 7 141); in bkn ctx., as merchandise: ʕšrm gdy[[x]]
twenty kid (skins (?)) (for five units of oil and five of dregs), 4.150:3, see ln. 1
šṭp (Heltzer GPOTU 21; UF 12 1980 414 n. 4); for 1.3 II 2; 1.23:14 cf. gd (I).
gdy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 126; Sivan GAGl 217); ¶ syll.: cf. ga-ad-PI,
PRU 3 133 (RS 15.132):19; cf. Huehnergard UVST 217.
PN: bn PN: 4.423:23.
gg (I) n. m. “roof, flat roof, roof terrace, roofing” (Hb. gg, “flat roof”, HALOT 176;
EA Akk. cf. /gaggu/, “roof” (?), in ga-ag-gi-m[i], EAT 287:37; CAD G 9; Sivan
GAGl 217. Fensham JNSL 7 1979 18). ¶ Forms: sg. gg; suff. ggy, ggk, ggh; pl. ggt.
Roof, flat roof, roof terrace, roofing: ỉd [ yd]bḥ mlk (…) b gg then the king
shall sacrifice (…) on the roof terrace, 1.41:50; ṭḫ ggy b ym ṯỉṭ who plasters my
roof when mud forms, 1.17 II 22 and par.; w yrd krt l ggt and may PN come
down from the roof terraces, 1.14 II 27; gg šmm the roofing of the heavens,
gg (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 127; Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 714 n. 2;
Watson LSU 163; Fs. Sanmartín 452).
PN: 4.102:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.17:19; 4.678:5; 4.840:2.
ggʕt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.364:4; cf. in bkn ctx.: 4.337:9.
ggn n. m. “insides”, said of a person (g(n)gn < gngn; see Watson UF 40 2008
550: “kidney” < Eg. ggt. Delekat UF 4 1972 22: “Garde”; Margalit UF 8 1976 158;

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ggy – /g-l/ 293

MLD 70: “genie, soul”, Arab. ğanan, but cf. Renfroe AULS 105 n. 10; Dijkstra
UF 26 1994 119: “famulus”). ¶ Forms: sg. m. suff. ggnh.
Insides: w ywsrnn ggnh and his insides instructed him, 1.16 VI 26; in bkn ctx.:
tšlḥm yrḫ ggn, 1.92:16.
ggy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 127; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 23;
Watson LSU 164); ¶ syll.: DUMU ga-ga-ya, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.34+):1.
PN: bn PN, 4.429:3.
Cf. tgh.
ghl, 1.45:3, cf. gl (I) (for the var. rdgs and opinions see Clemens UF 33 2001
ghrt n. f. “hullabaloo, yelling” (Hb. /ghr/, cf. 1Kgs 19:42; see Avishur Lesh 71 2009
57–71; Del Olmo Fs. Watson 148f.; see Pardee TR/2 832: “résonner”, Arab.
“puissance, clarté (de la voix)”; Ford UF 34 2002 140–142: “the (destructive)
rumble”, Arab. /ğhr/; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 71: rdg gġrt “die Dro-
hungen” < /gġr/, “eine ugar. Wurzelvariante des sonst gebräuchlichen GʕR
‘schreien, androhen’”). ¶ Forms: sg. ghrt.
Hullabaloo, yelling: ghrt phm w špthm the hullabaloo of their mouths and
their lips, 1.178:11 (KTU rdg gġrt, cf. supra).
gḫt, in bkn ctx.: ʕ]št ʕšr rmṯt gḫt, 4.127:5 (See Watson UF 34 2002 926: Akk.
aguḫḫu, “sash, belt” (?); AuOrS 27 95: “basket” (?), Akk. giḫi:annu, “woven
reed basket”, giḫa:ennu, “basket for wool”).
/g-ḫ-ṭ/ vb G: “to cast out” (Syr. gʕṭ, “to vomit, spit out”, SL 251; JAram. gh/ḥṭ, “to
polish over, erase”, DTT 215. De Moor UF 18 1986 255 ff.; Dietrich-Loretz Fs.
Xella 210; Ford UF 34 2002 158f.: “to erase” > “to strike, smite”). ¶ Forms: G
prefc. with suff. tgḫṭk.
G. To cast out: tgḫṭk r[gm] bʕl tgḫṭk w tṣủ may the word of DN cast you out,
may cast you out so that you run away, 1.169:1–2 (diff. Pardee RCU 160: rdg
bʕl tg ḫṭk “the producers of the pain of your rod”, see Gzella BiOr 64 2007
/g-l/ vb G: “to rejoice”; D: “to move round > become excited > grind (teeth (?))”
(Hb. gyl, “shout in exultation, rejoice”, HALOT 189 f.; cf. Arab. ǧāla, ğawwala,
“to go round, to become excited”, AEL 488ff. /Syr. gwl, “to become moved”,
SL 214/. Cf. Van Zijl JNSL 2 1972 77ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ia-gi-li, PRU 3 194
(RS 11.787):9; Sivan GAGl 221; ¶ par.: /n-š-y/, /š-m-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ngln;
D prefc. tgwln.
G. To rejoice: b lmtk ngln in your immortality we rejoice, 1.16 I 15 and par. (//
D. To move, be become excited > grind: k tgwln šntk indeed your teeth move
/ grind without pause, 1.82:4 (// l tššy; cf. De Moor ARTU 176: “they make your

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294 gl (i) – glbt(y)

teeth cry out”; diff. Caquot TOu/2 64 n. 172: “quand tes années accomplissent
leur circuit”, Arab. ǧawwala).
gl (I) n. m. “stentorian shout, cry of jubilation” (< /g-l/; Sanmartín UF 12 1980 339
n. 54: cf. Hb. gyl(h), “rejoicing”, HALOT 190); ¶ par.: nblủ. ¶ Forms: pl. ghl.
Stentorian shout, cry of jubilation (said of thunder): šbʕt ghl ph seven are the
cries of his mouth, 1.45:3 (// nblủh).
gl (II) n. m. “cup” (Hb. glh, “basin, bowl”, HALOT 192; Akk. gullu, “eine Schale”,
AHw 297; “a container”, CAD G 129; Arab. ǧullat, “receptacle”, AEL 437; Ebla
cf. gú/ku17(TIK)-li-lum, Archi Eblaitica 1 67 n. 21: /gul(i)lum/ or /kulīlum/.
Fensham JNSL 4 1975 18; Watson AuOrS 27 84f.: Ph. gln, “cup” and poss. Eg.
ḏȝy, ein Topf); par.(?): glgl. ¶ Forms: sg. m. gl.
Cup: yṣq b gl ḥtṯ yn b gl ḫrṣ nbt he poured wine into a silver cup, honey into
a golden cup, 1.14 IV 1–2 and par.; in bkn ctx.: gl […] yhpk a cup […] was
overturned, 1.13:35 (cf. glgl, ln. 33).
gl (III) n. m. which qualifies a farm or field (etym. unc.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ
GA-al-lu ša PN, PRU 3 112 (RS 15.126):5 (unlikely Huehnergard UVST 174: EA
Akk. qallu “small”, or else qallu “forest”, EAT 359 rev. 5, 18; “Wald”, AHw 894;
“forest”, CAD Q 66; see Márquez UF 27 1997 319 n. 4). ¶ Forms: sg. gl.
Qualifying a farm or field: šd gl PN g.-field of PN, 4.356:3 (for the alt. rdg.
šd ṣṣ! PN “saline (/ salt marsh (?)) of PN”, cf. RS Akk.: A.ŠÀ.MUN(.ḪI.A):
ṣí-ṣú(-ú)-ma, PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):12; PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39) rev. 2'. Cf. ṣṣ).
glʕd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 107, 128); ¶ syll.: DUMU ga-la-a-da, PRU 6 70
(RS 17.50):9.
PN: ★a) 4.93 I 14; 4.412 III 11; ★b) bn PN, 4.807:1; 4.841:21, 59; 4.842:23; 4.843:8;
4.846:2 (]glʕd); ★c) gt PN, 4.125:2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 85: *Gittu-Galʕada,
see infra: gt d.).
In bkn ctx.: gl[, 4.835:1.
glb n. m.; a type of barley (Hordeum spontaneum (?); cf. Akk. gulbūtu, pl. t.,
“Gerste”, AHw 296; “a cereal”, CAD G 127; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 106; Watson NABU 2013/49: Aram. gwlb, “a grain”, DJBA 286). ¶ Forms:
pl. glbm.
A type of barley: prś glbm a p. of g., 4.269:29; 4.275:16.
glbt(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 98: *Gulbatā. Heltzer RCAU 9; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 106f.; Astour UF 13 1981 7; Van Soldt SAU 338
n. 177; UF 28 1996 665; UF 29 1997 694; UF 30 1998 732; Topography 16, 172;
Belmonte Fs. Watson 101); ¶ syll.: URU gul-ba-ta, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):12;
PRU 3 191 (RS 15.20):2; PRU 4 51 (RS 17.340):26'; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):13; cf. LÚ
URU gu-la-bat, RSOu 7 25 (RS 34.167+):21.
TN: 4.267:4; 4.621:11; 4.800 II 14; cf. in bkn ctx.: 4.308:15; 4.643:21 (Van Soldt
UF 30 1998 713); 4.676:2; 4.693:47 (Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 9; UF 20 1988 17f.);

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glb(y) – /g-l-ṯ/ 295

allog. glbt, 4.94:13; 4.303:2 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 665; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 98;
Watson AuOr 22 2004 121; AuOr 25 2007 131 n. 12; NABU 2013/49).
glb(y) TN (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 77: *Galbā. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 106; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 665; UF 29 1997 701f.; Topography 16); ¶ syll.:
cf. URU gal-ba, PRU 3 91 (RS 16.170 [: PRU 4 78]):10, 11.
TN (?), 4.818:6 (gbly); in unc. ctx.: 2.62:5.
gld(y) PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1976 537 f.; Gröndahl PTU 127, 204,
238f.; Zadok JQR 71 1980–1981 108; Sivan GAGl 218; Watson AuOr 30 2012 329);
¶ syll.: cf. gal-di, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) II 9; Huehnergard AkkUg 386. Var. gldy
in 4.110:17.
PN: ★a) 4.75 III 5 (bt klb); 4.110:17; ★b) bn PN: 4.617 I 3 (in bkn ctx.).
glgl (I) n. m. “cup” (?) (cf. gl. Akk. gulgullu, “Gefäss in Schädelform”, AHw 297;
“container shaped like a human skull”, CAD G 127; Watson UF 40 2008 551;
AuOrS 27 85: “jar”, Ph. glgl, “pitcher, jar”, Eg. ḏȝḏȝ, “pot, drinking mug”; diff.
De Moor UF 12 1980 310; Tropper UG 680: “to roll”, Hb. gll); ¶ par.: gl. ¶ Forms:
sg. m. glgl.
Cup (?), in bkn ctx.: glgl ả[…]m rḥ ḫḏ ʕrpt a cup he [took in his hand wi]th(?)
the wind, the downpour (and) the clouds, 1.13:33 (// gl).
glgl (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 127; Watson LSU 164; AuOr 25 2007 131
n. 13; AuOrS 27 103).
PN: bn PN: 4.339:13 (ủškny).
gl[ḥ]t “?”, 1.19 II 32.
gll, 4.683:31, see glltky.
glln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 128; Watson LSU 164). Cf. gllr.
PN: 4.110:19.
gllr PN (rdg and etym. unc.). Cf. glln.
PN: bn g[[x?]]llr, 4.787:1 (Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 13: glln).
glltky TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 77: *Galīlu-tūkiya. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 9; Astour
RSP 2 273, 347; UF 11 1979 20; Van Soldt UBL 11 366 n. 15; UF 28 1996 665,
Topography 16, 172; Watson LSU 199); ¶ syll.: URU ga-li-li-tu-ki-ia, PRU 6 78
(RS 19.41):9; Huehnergard UVST 185, 217; Van Soldt SAU 337 n. 177 (4.683:31).
TN: 4.408:5; 4.643:11, 12; 4.683:31 (var. spelling gll.tky).
gln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 205, 234, 236; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967
537f.; Sivan GAGl 218); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU gal-la-na, PRU 6 47 (RS 17.322):4;
PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 10; RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) rev. 12; cf. Huehnergard
AkkUg 386; cf. Van Soldt SAU 40 for Syria 15 1934 137ff. (Lattaquié [RS Varia
3]):4, 29; DUMU gi-la-na, PRU 6 57 (RS 17.153):2. Cf. kln.
PN: ★a) 4.63 I 27; 4.635:43; 4.759:9 (bn ỉlyn); cf. 4.86:6 (bn ʕṭt[; rdg unc. s/gln);
4.813:16 ([[ả]]g[[ġ]]ln); ★b) bn PN: 4.12:6; 4.309:11; 4.327:3; 4.379:1:3 (ảry).
/g-l-ṯ/ vb G: “to jump”, alt. “to seethe” (?) (cf. Hb. glš, “to hop”, HALOT 195; JAram.

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296 glṯ – /g-m-ḏ/

glš, “to scald, boil over”, DTT 251. Van Zijl Baal 110; Lipiński UF 3 1971 86 ff.;
Wakemann GBM 102 n. 3: “to go down”, Hb. glš; diff. Tuell JBL 112 1993 99 ff.:
“flow in waves”; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118: “engulfed”. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tglṯ.
G. To jump, alt. seethe (?), in bkn ctx.: w tglṯ thmt and the abyss jumped /
seethed (?), 1.92:5.
glṯ n. m. “storm” (< /g-l-ṯ/, “to boil over”. Lipiński UF 3 1971 86 f.: “tempête”, glṯ/glš;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 207f. n. u; Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 110: “flot”; Loretz SEL 12
1995 118: “Sturm”; UF 37 2005 422 n. 70: “Regen-, Wasserflut”; Tuell JBL 112
1993 99ff.: “wave, storm”; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 537, 560: “downpour”; Wiggins
UF 32 2000 583 n. 31, “storm”; diff. Margalit MLD 214 f. n. 1: “bald”, Syr. glš; De
Moor UF 1 1969 181f.; Del Olmo MLC 532: “snow”, by metath. < *ṯlg; cf. Hb. šlg,
Aram. tlg, Akk. šalgu, Arab. ṯalǧ, Eg. śrg, śá-l-qu; survey in Watson LSU 27);
¶ par.: mṭr. ¶ Forms: sg. glṯ.
Snow: ʕdn ṯkt b glṯ the time of the ṯ.-boat in the storm, 1.4 V 7 (// mṭr); in bkn
ctx.: rỉšh b glṯ b šm[m] his head in the storm of the heavens (?), 1.101:7; glṯ ỉsr[,
/g-l-y/ vb G/N: “to present oneself, make one’s way, go” (Hb. glh, “to leave, to
go into exile”, HALOT 191f.; Ph., OAram., gly, “to go into exile”, DNWSI 223f.;
JBAram. gly, “to emigrate”, DJBA 286; Arab. ǧalā, “to cause somebody to go
forth”, AEL 447.; Akk. galû, “in die Verbannung gehen”, AHw 275. Mulder
UF 2 1970 365; Aartun UF 16 1984 9f.; on the prob. semantic development
“to reveal” > “go forth”; Clifford CBQ 33 1970 231 n. 4; Sanmartín UF 10 1978
451 n. 6 (N?; cf. esp. “sich zeigen”); ¶ par.: /b-ʔ/, /y-t-n/ (+ pnm). ¶ Forms:
G/N: prefc. tgly, tgl, ygly, ygl.
G/N. To present oneself, make one’s way, go away: tgly ḏd ỉl w tbủ she made
her way to the cave of DN and entered, 1.4 IV 23 and par. (// ttn pnm; travel
formula. Del Olmo MLC 39; Watson AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 125 ff.); bkt tgly w
tbủ weeping she made her way (to the house of PN) and entered, 1.16 VI 4; in
bkn ctx.: w ygl w ynsk let it go away and the … be poured out, 1. 82:1.
glyn (?) PN (etym. and rdg unc. Gröndahl PTU 204 f., 236; Weippert ZDPV 82
1966 329f.; Watson AuOr 8 1990 244; AuOr 13 1995 221; Israel SEL 8 1991 139
n. 233); ¶ syll.: cf. g[u-l]i-ya, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 17. Cf. klyn.
PN: bn PN: 4.106:18.
gm (I), cf. g.
gm (II) adv. “also, even” (?) (Hb. gm, “as well”, HALOT 195f. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 107f.). ¶ Forms: gm.
Also, even, in bkn ctx.: gm šš[ (if) also (…), 1.103:3 (diff. Pardee AfO 33 1986
129 // TR/1 533, 553, TR/2 1130]: rdg gmš š[ “smooth (without) h[air?]” // (si le
foetus) est lisse, 1.103:3, Arab. gamaša, gamîšun (sic)).
/g-m-ḏ/ vb G: “to rejoice” (cf. Arab. ǧamaza, “to go at a gentle trot, run”, AEL 454.

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gmḥ(n) – gmr 297

Sznycer GLECS 17 1972–1973 75f.: “se tordre de rire”, Aram. gmad, “contracter,
se tordre”; diff. De Moor ARTU 130 n. 9: Arab. mḏğ, with metath.); ¶ par.:
/ẓ-ḥ-q/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ygmḏ.
G. To rejoice: w ygmḏ bm kbd and he rejoiced in (his heart, 1.12 I 13 (// yẓḥq).
gmḥ(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 128; Watson LSU 164). Var. gmḥ in
PN: bn PN: 4.51:3; 4.55:28 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.214 III 8.
gml (I) n. m. “first quarter (of the moon)” (Akk. gamlu, “Krummholz, Bume-
rang” (Sternbild), AHw 279; “hooked or curved staff” (as name of a star), CAD
G 34f. Healey UF 15 1983 50; Farber ZA 69 1980 303; Gallagher UF 26 1994 136;
Watson LSU 83). ¶ Forms: sg. gml.
First quarter: bnt hll bʕl gml the daughters of DN, he of the First Quarter,
1.24:42 (Herrmann YN 21; Goetze JBL 60 1941 360).
gml (II) n. m. “together”, “in total” (?) (OSA Qat. gmwln, “joined”, adv. “together”,
LIQ 39; Arab, ğamala, “to collect”, AEL 459, ğamal, “totalité”, DAF 330; San-
martín UF 12 1980 335: “Reserverind”, Akk. gimlu; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982
161 n. 65: “branches with ripe fruit”, Hb. gml // ủr (II) “greenery”; for other
opinions see Watson LSU 83: cf. ur). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) gml.
?, in bkn ctx.: ṯmn ṯmn gml[h] eight eight all together (?), 1.104:22.
gmm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 128; Watson LSU 164).
PN: 4.55:10.
gmn (I) n. m. “funeral offering” ((?), etym. unc. Cf. by meton. Akk. kamānu,
“ein Kuchen”, AHw 430; “a sweetened cake”, CAD K 110 f.; Hb. kwn, “sacrificial
cake”, HALOT 466; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 432: rdg kgmn,
Hurro-Akk. kukumnu, “dreijährig”; De Moor SP 199; ARTU 83 n. 405: “to be
defiled”, Eth. gammana; Watson LSU 42f.: “mourning”, root /(ʔ-)g-m/ + n; cf.
also Sasson RSP 1 403f.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 254 f. n. e; Margalit MLD 141 f.).
¶ Forms: sg. gmn.
Funeral offering(?): tṭbḫ (…) k gmn she slaughtered (…) as a funeral offering
(?), 1.6 I 19–29.
gmn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 128; Watson AuOr 25 2007 131 n. 13). Cf.
PN: 4.280:8 (bn ủsyy); gm[[ḏn]]n, 4.410:29.
gmnpk PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 128, 167).
PN: 4.638:3.
gmr n. m. “champion, fighter” (Hb. gmr, “to requite, avenge”, gomer, “avenger”,
HALOT 197f.; Akk. gāmiru, “stark, tüchtig”, AHw 278 f., “complete, effective”,
CAD G 34; cf. Arab. ǧamara, “to put aside”, AEL 452 f.; Eth. gamara, “accom-
plish, complete”, CDG 194f. Gibson CML 144: “avenger”, Hb. gomer; Dijkstra-
De Moor UF 7 1975 214; Watson UF 9 1977 275; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 21;

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298 gmrd – gmz

Loretz HippUg 63ff.: “Kämpfer, Vernichter”; diff. Good UF 26 1994 150 f.: rdg
km grm “like lion whelps”); syll. Ug. / ¶ RS Akk.: cf. the elements /gamir-
/, /igmar-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 220; ¶ RS Akk.: ideogr. BE (/gamir, gimr,
igmar/(?); Van Soldt UF 20 1988 314 n. 15; UF 21 1989 372 n. 22. ¶ Forms: sg.
Champion, fighter: ★a) ytʕn k gmrm they attacked (each other) like champi-
ons, 1.6 VI 16 (diff. Gibson CML 80, 144: “burning coal”, Aram. gumartâ, Arab.
ğamratu; for other opinions relating to names of objects and animals cf. Sas-
son RSP 1 404; Van Zijl Baal 267f., 346f.; for the rdg z!mrm “ibex, mountain
goat (?)”, cf. Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 187). ★b) “the Champion”, title of the god
Baal: hwt gmr hd the word of the “Champion” DN, 1.2 I 46 (Cooper RSP 3
444f.; cf. PNN ig-mar/ma-ra-dIM, PRU 3 48 (RS 16.248):4, 7; gmrd, gmr(h)d.
See Rahmouni DEUAT 147149: “the annihilator DN”). In bkn ctx. gmr lỉmm
the Champion of the peoples, 1.6 VI 6 (cf. Wyatt RTU 142: “the Powerful One”).
Cf. gmrd, gmr(h)d, gmrn, gmrš, gmrt, mgmr, tgmr, ygmr.
gmrd PN; cf. gmr(h)d.
gmr(h)d PN (Sem. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 325; Gröndahl PTU 128, 133; Huehn-
ergard UVST 248 n. 154; Van Soldt SAU 22, 27, 209); ¶ syll.: ga-mi-rad-du/dì
PRU 3 116 (RS 16.148+) rev. 8, 11 (cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 359); gi-im-ra-du
PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 10; cf. BE.dIM, RS 20.181B; BE-dU/IM, RS 22.346+;
BE.U, RS 25.453+; cf. Van Soldt UF 20 1988 314 ff. (c, h, m) with n. 15; SAU 20
n. 179. Var. gmrhd in 4.75 VI 7; 4.753:6.
PN: 4.7:11f., 16 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.75 VI 7 (bn srt); 4.103:14, 23f., 49 f.
(cf. Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.165:10 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.425:15 (cf. Van Soldt
SAU 36); 4.692:6f. (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36, 177); 4.753:6 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36).
gmrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 128). Cf. kmrn.
PN: ★a) 4.127:11; ★b) bn PN: 4.335:27.
gmrš PN (Hurro-Sem. (?). Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 322f.; Gröndahl PTU 128,
239, 250ff.; Sivan GAGl 220); ¶ syll.: ga-mi-ir-šu, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 11;
ga-me-er-šu/ši, PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):17; PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 9.
PN: ★a) 4.75 IV 7 (bn mrnn); 4.313:18; ★b) bn PN: 422:41.
Cf. kmrṯn.
gmrt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 77, 128).
PN: ★a) 4.277:7; ★b) bn PN: 4.63 I 10; 4.368:19; 4.377:18.
gmš PN ((?) < DN kmṯ. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 160; Israel Semitica 41–42 1991–
1992 59 n. 1; Watson LSU 164: Kemosh); ¶ syll.: DUMU ga-mi-ši, PRU 3 167
(RS 15.139):7 (cf. Van Soldt BiOr 46 1988 649; Nougayrol PRU 3 167: ga-mi-lim).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 18; 4.713:2 (rdg unc.).
gmz PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 164).
PN: bn PN: 4.350:14.

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gn (i) – gnʕ(y) 299

gn (I) n. m. 1) “garden, orchard”; 2) “cemetery, (royal) pantheon”; 3) month

name (Hb., OAram., Nab., Palm. gn, “garden”, “garden of God” HALOT 198;
DNWSI 227; Akk. gannu, gannatu, “Garten”, “(aram. Lw.)”, AHw 280; “veg-
etable garden” (?), “perhaps Aram. lw.”, CAD G 41; Ebla cf. gú-nu(gú-nu)ki,
“jardín”, Mander MROA 2/1 30; Pasquali NABU 2007/44; Arab. ǧannat, “gar-
den”, AEL 463. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 23f.; Del Olmo CCC
103f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elem. /gannu-/ in TN URU ar-zi-ga-na, Ug 5 27
(RS 20.22):42f., 52; Sivan GAGl 218; ¶ RS Akk.: KIRI6-(GIŠ.ŠAR)(.MEŠ),
(A.ŠÀ.)KIRI6 (.MEŠ); cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 384; cf. KIRI6: kì-ru-ú, PRU 3
47 (RS 16.150):15; ¶ par.: ʕmq. ¶ Forms: sg. gn; suff. gnh (adv. -h).
1) Garden, orchard: tḥrṯ km gn ảp lb she ploughed (her) chest like an orchard,
1.6 I 4 and par. (// ʕmq); PN (…) ytn šd PN (…) yd gth yd gnh yd krmh yd klklh
w ytn{.}nn l PN (…) ʕd ʕlm PN (…) PN (…) has gifted the estate of PN (…)
together with its farmstead, its olive-grove(s), its vineyard(s) and everything
else and has ceded it to PN (…) in perpetuity, 3.5:8; in bkn ctx.: gn bn[ 4.75
V 17.
2) “Garden”, cemetery, royal pantheon, ★a): w kl šbšlt dg gnh and all types
of fish stews in the “Garden”, 1.106:22; ṯ<ṯ>b rgm b gn (there shall be) a giv-
ing of the reply in the “Garden”, 1.106:23 (cf. Tsukimoto Kispum 61 f.); ★b) In
divine titles: ršp gn DN of the “Garden” / “Cemetery”, cf. 6.62:2 (see Del Olmo
SEL 1983 69 n. 38; Xella WGE 356; NABU 1995/89; Pasquali NABU 2002/33;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 23f.: “Schutz”, *gnn (?); Dahood-
Pettinato Or 46 1977 230ff.: “DN of TN”, Ebla dra-sa-ap gú-nu(m)ki; cf. Bonechi
MARI 8 489ff.: Pasquali NABU 2007/44); thirteen measures (of wine); [l b]t
ršp gn for the temple of DN of the “Garden”, 4.219:3; in bkn ctx.: 1.165:3.
3) MN, probably corresponding to June–July (Watson Fs. Dietrich 549; LSU
28): b ṯmn gn on (day) eight of g., 1.106:18 (cf. De Tarragon CU 24); yrḫ gn the
month of g., 4.220:5 (cf. 4.219:14).
Cf. gt.
gn (II) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 30, 129; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 24; Watson Historiae 4 2007 98).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 V 17.
gnb PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 28, 129).
PN: bn PN, 4.50:7; 4.52:1 (Van Soldt SAU 33).
gnʕ(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 77f.: *Ganʕā. Heltzer RCAU 9; Astour RSP 2
274, 347; UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 10, 12, 17; Xella MLE 1 1982 54; Van
Soldt SAU 331 n. 159, 338 n. 177; UBL 11 377f.; Topography 16, 172; Belmonte
Fs. Watson 100; Watson SEL 28 2011 29); ¶ syll.: URU ga-an-a, PRU 3 189
(RS 11.790):18; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):21; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):17; PRU 6 53
(RS 27.053):9 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 665); RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):27; URU

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300 gnʕy – gp

gán-na-a, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):1 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 331 159); URU ga-ni-a,
PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):17 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177). Var. gnʕ in 4.382:14.
TN: 4.48:12 (Xella MLE 1 1982 54); 4.68:56; 4.73:11 (Belmonte AuOr 17–18
1999–2000 17); 4.213:23; 4.297:4; 4.365:26; 4.380:17; 4.382:4 (allog. gnʕ); 4.800
I 34. In bkn ctx.: 4.610 I 30 (Xella MLE 1 1982 54; Belmonte AuOr 17–18
1999–2000 17 n. 15); 4.693:25 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17); 4.810:1; 4.824:6.
gnʕy GN m. (< gnʕ(y), TN). ¶ Forms: pl. gnʕym.
GN: 3.3:13; 4.297:4.
gngn n. m. “insides, heart” (?) (Arab. ğanğan, ğinğin, “bones of the breast and
ribs” < *ğn, “to veil, conceal”, AEL 402ff. Pope Maarav 1 1978 26; quot-Sznycer
TOu/1 218 n. u; Hoftijzer UF 4 1972 157 n. 17; Tropper UF 26 1994 461 n. 19;
Watson UF 32 2000 568 (“innards”); but cf. Renfroe AULS 105; diff. De Moor
SP 170f.: “tunnel, libation pipe”, = knkn, kkn, Arab. ǧanan); ¶ par.: npš. Forms:
sg. suff. gngnh.
Insides, heart: ystrn ydd b gngnh may the “beloved” talk to himself with satis-
faction in his insides (: inmost being), 1.4 VII 49 (// npšh. Del Olmo MLC 210
for other versions).
Cf. ggn.
gngnt part of the composite TN ḫlb gngnt; cf. ḫlb gngnt, ḫlb(y).
gntn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 129, 424; Sivan GAGl 220); ¶ syll.: DUMU gi-na-
ta?-na, PRU 3 113 (RS 15.114):4.
PN: bn PN, 4.422:47.
Cf. gt.
gny PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 30, 129; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
24; Astour RSP 2 273; Watson AuOr 30 2012 329, 344).
PN: 4.54:12.
Cf. gnʕ(y) TN, gnʕy GN, kny PN.
gnym PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 129, 144; Astour RSP 2 273; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 24; Watson AuOr 30 2012 330).
PN: bn PN: 4.55:13.
gp (I) n. m. (?) 1) “shore, bank”; 2) “boundary, slope, hillside” (Hb. gp, “top”,
HALOT 200; Mhb., Aram. gyp, “side, shore”. DTT 241. De Moor SP 166; Van
Zijl Baal 148ff.; Schloen JNES 52 1993 217; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 3003 156f.);
¶ par.: yzr. ¶ Forms: sg. gp; pl. gpt.
1) Shore: gp ym the shore of the sea, 1.23:30; gp thm shore of the ocean, 1.23:30
(Gzella BiOr 64 2007 541: < Hb. gph, Ben Sirah 40:16).
2) slope: tiḫd (…) šnủ hd gpt ġr take refuge (…) did the adversaries of DN in
the slopes of the hill, 1.4 VII 36 (// yʕrm. See Gzella BiOr 64 2007 541; Mar-
galit MLD 64: “slope”, Arab.*ǧnf; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 217 n. k: “intérieur”,
Arab. ǧawf ).

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gp(m) – gpny 301

gp(m) see sp.

gpn (I) n. m. “(vine-)stock, vine, vineyard” (Hb. gpn, “vine”. HALOT 200;
Syr. gupnāʔ, “vine”, SL 219; Arab. ǧafn, “grape-vine”, AEL 434; Akk. gapnu,
“Strauch”, AHw 281; “tree, vine”, CAD G 44ff.; Ebla cf. /gapnãnu(m)/, in
Ú.TIR = ga-ba-na-na-umx, kab-na-ne-umx, VE 1431'; ŠE.NINNI5 = kà-ba-na-na-
ù, EV 0392; Arcari Biling. 324); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.]ḪI.A: ga-BI-ni (TN), PRU 3
119 (RS 16.204):12; cf. Kühne UF 6 1974 164: < /gapinu/ (*/gapnu/); Sivan GAGl
218; Huehnergard UVST 115f.: < /gabānu/ “hillock” (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. gpn.
(Vine-)stock, vine, vineyard: yʕbrnn ʕbrm gpn yṣmdnn ṣmdm gpn yšql šdmt
km gpn the pruners pruned him (like) a vine, the binders bound him (like)
a vine, threw (the sceptre) on the terrace land like a vine-stock, 1.23:9–11; in
bkn ctx.: gpn lk, 2.31:35; gpn, 5.23:11.
Cf. gpn (IV), gpn(y).
gpn (II) n. m. “harness” (Arab. ǧafn, “the case in which the sword is put”, tiǧfāf,
“a kind of armour with which a horse is clad”, AEL 434, 431 f.; cf. Hb. gpn,
Gn 49:11, HALOT 200. Sasson RSP 1 405; Watson AuOr 29 2011 159, 168; see
Margalit UF 15 1983 105 n. 2; UF 16 1984 134f.: *gwp + n, “saddle-seat”, but
cf. Renfroe UF 18 1986 65ff.; De Moor-Van der Lugt BiOr 31 1974 25: “reins”);
¶ par.: nqbn. ¶ Forms: sg. gpn; du./pl. gpnm; suff. gpny.
Harness: ʕdb gpn ảtn[ y] prepare the harness of my she-ass, 1.4 IV 7; št gpnm
dt ksp they put on the harnesses of silver, 1.4 IV 10 and par. (¶ par.: nqbnm;
cf. 1.19 II 4).
gpn (III) DN; one of Baal’s messenger-boys (gpn w ủgr; cf. gpn (I). Best UF 5
1973 58 n. 32; Haas-Thiel UF 11 1979 339f.; De Moor SP 53; Loewenstamm EI 14
1978 1 n. 1; Cho LDUT 157ff.).
DN gpn w ugr: 1.3 III 36; 1.4 VII 54; VIII 47; 1.5 I 12; 1.8 II 6.
gpn (IV) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 98: *Gupnā; cf. cf. Astour JNES 22 1963
232; Kühne UF 6 1974 164f.; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 665; Topography 16, 172;
Watson LSU 199; Belmonte Fs. Watson 101); ¶ syll.: cf. URU gup-na, RSOu 7 4
(RS 34.131):5.
TN: 4.358:7.
Cf. gpn (I), gpny.
gpn(y) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 30, 73, 129; Kühne UF 6 1974 164f.; Watson
LSU 164); ¶ syll.: cf. PN gu-pa-na, PRU 3 195 (RS 11.839):18 (Sivan GAGl 221).
Var. gpny in 4.125:17.
PN: ★a) 2.6:3; 4.339:20 (bn tly); ★b) bn PN: 4.261:24; cf. in bkn ctx.: 4.245:13;
4.807:27 (Watson FO 47 2010 436).
Cf. gpny.
gpny GN (< gpn (IV)).
GN: 4.125:17.

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302 gpp – gr (i)

gpp PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 330).

PN: 4.706:4.
Cf. gpr.
gpr n. m. “?”, in unc. ctx. (Del Olmo IMC 292: “opponent”, act. ptc. G */g-p-
r/, cf. Akk. guppuru, “überwältigen” (?), AHw 281; gubburu, “to overpower”,
CAD G 118; Caquot SEL 2 1985 102: “vaincre”; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 199:
“hero”, Akk. gab/pru, Hb. gbr, gbwr; Margalit UF 16 1984 122f.: “those-who-
inhabit the-pits”, Arab. ǧufrat, but cf. Renfroe UF 18 1986 64; Ajjan NU 37:
“esclave”, Arab. ǧabr; Cooper UF 20 1988 21: “carcass”, Arab. ǧafīr; for a sur-
vey of opinions: Wyatt RTU 291 n. 184: “to cut”). ¶ Forms: gprh, gprm (encl.
?, in unc. ctx.: w ṯn gprm mn, 1.19 I 11.
gpt “?” (etym. unc. Watson NABU 2014/22: “olive pulp”, cf. Aram. gpt, “residue
of olives after pressing, pulp”, DJPA 135) ¶ Forms: gpt.
?: kt gpt, a pitcher of g., 2.99:23.
/g-r/ vb N: “to lodge, take refuge, be protected”; R: “to settle” (OSA gwr, “to visit
a sanctuary”, SD 51 Arab. ğāra, “to decline (way)”, AEL 492 ff.; cf. gr (I). Pardee
TR/2 1130: “résider étant étranger”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 541). ¶ Forms: N prefc.
ỉgr (/ỉggār/), suff. ỉgrn; R prefc. tgrgr.
N. To lodge, take refuge, be protected: mndʕ k ảnk ảḥš mġy mndʕ k ỉgr w
ủ ỉgr ʕm špš perhaps I shall hurry to come, perhaps I shall lodge (here) or
else (perhaps) I shall lodge with the “Sun”, 2.34:12 (diff. Lipiński OLP 12 1981
97: “rester, se prolonger”, Aram. ngr; Cunchillos TOu/2 343 f. n. 17: “faire un
détour”); in bkn ctx.: ỉgrn, 2.99:30 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 218: “je resterai
R. To settle, take up residence: ṯm tgrgr l ảbnm w l ʕṣm you settle there among
the stones and tree-trunks, 1.23:66 (diff. De Moor ARTU 127 n. 63: “to drag”;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 181: “there you must dwell as an alien; dwell among
the stones and among the trees”, rdg tgr gr).
Cf. gr (I).
gr (I) n. m. “protected; guest, foreigner” (Hb., Ph., Aram., Nab., Palm. gr, “pro-
tected citizen, stranger”, HALOT 201; “cliens”, “follower”, DNWSI 232; OSA gwr,
“master”, “business partner”, SD 51; Arab. ğār, “neighbour”, AEL 483. Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 151; CHECK Dijkstra UF 16 1984 121; Margalit
UF 16 1984 155f.; Watson Historiae 10 2103 37, 42); ¶ par.: brḥ. ¶ Forms: sg.
gr; pl. cstr. gr.
Protected, guest, foreigner: ảmd gr bt ỉl always be a guest of the sanctuary,
1.19 III 47 (// brḥ; diff. Hillers Fs. Iwry 105f.: “leprosy of El”, rdg grbt ỉl, Akk.
garbu, garbānu; Renfroe UF 18 1986 457: “as a leper”, rdg grb tỉl, Hb. gārāb,

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gr (ii) – grbzt 303

Akk. garābu, Aram. garbā, Arab. ǧaraba; cf. Watson SEL 6 1989 47 f.); guest,
foreigner: gr ḥmyt ủgrt guests of the walls of TN, 1.40:35 and par.; gr yšb (<
yṯb) resident foreigner (!), 5.22:28); in bkn ctx.: l ḫm g!r tqdm to the pavilion of
the guest(s) (?) they proceeded, 1.15 IV 23 (diff. KTU: mr; De Moor (-Spronk)
ARTU 209; CARTU 152: “bitterness”); ]x b grm, 4.658:1.
Cf. /g-r/, gr (II).
gr (II) PN (Sem.); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ga-ri, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.42+) II 16 and /g-r/;
cf. Sivan GAGl 221; diff. Gröndahl PTU 125, cf. /g-ʕ-r/ (I), /g-ʕ-r/ (II).
PN: bn PN, 4.655:6.
grʕ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 129; Watson AuOr 8 1990 245). PN: 4.635:34
grb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 129f., 279; Watson SEL 6 1989 48; AuOr 11 1993
215); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ga-ra-bu[(?)], PRU 6 41 (RS 18.265[A]):1; ga-ri-bu and
var., Ug 5 51 (RS 20.158+):6 and passim ibid. Cf. grp, krb.
PN: bn PN: 4.366:13.
grbn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 130, 279; Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 723;
Watson LSU 164; SEL 6 1989 48); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU gur-pa-na, Syria 28 1951
173ff. no. 6 (RS 14.16):27; DUMU gu-ur-ba-na, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. II 5
(cf. Van Soldt SAU 26); gu-ur-ba-nu, PRU 6 150 (RS 18.101 A):1 (cf. Huehnergard
AkkUg 218; AkkUg 409); gur16(KUR)-ba-na, PRU 3 136 (RS 15.141):4; ga-ar-pa-
ni, RSOu 7 15 (RS 34.146):12; cf. Sanmartín NABU 1994/45.
PN: ★a) 4.75 VI 3 (ʕbd nryn); ★b) bn PN: 4.101:3; 4.245 II 4; 4.263:6; 4.371:8;
4.412 I 13; 4.775:5.
Cf. grp, krwn.
grbz n. m. “helmet”, or, by extension, “cap, hood” (cf. Akk. g/qurpis(s)u, “ein
Panzerüberwurf mit Nackenschutz für Menschen und Pferde”, AHw 929;
“leather hauberk covered with metal scales (as part of armor for soldiers and
horses)”, CAD G 139; ARMT 23 205; ARMT 24 115 f.; Hitt. GUR-ZI/ŠI-IP, KUR-
PÍ-S/ŠI, etc.; cf. gurzipant-, “ein Panzerüberwurf mit Nackenschutz für Men-
schen und Pferde”, Tischler HEG 653f.; Hurr. gurbiši, GLH 155; cf. Zaccagnini
JIVUF 1977 13f.; Kendall NuzHur 1 201ff.; Börker- Klähn HH 231 n. 36; Vita
EU 80; Watson LSU 127f.; AuOr 29 2011 168); ¶ RS Akk.: gur-BI-ZU.MEŠ, PRU 6
132 (RS 19.85) rev. 5; cf. 21 URUDU.MEŠ gu-ur-BI-su, PRU 6 140 (RS 19.92):1; cf.
Kühne UF 5 1973 189; cf. Huehnergard UVST 117; Sivan GAGl 221. ¶ Forms: pl.
suff. grbzhm.
Helmet, or, by extension, cap, hood: (garments) d bnšm yd grbzhm for a man,
with their hoods (?), 4.363:2.
Cf. qrps.
grbzt PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 356). Cf. grbz.
PN: 4.790:24.

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304 grdn/y – grgš/s

grdn/y PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 29, 130; Watson LSU 164; Historiae 4 2007
97). Var. grdy in 4.309:28.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 18; 4.309:28 (allom. grdy); 4.422:3.
/g-r-d-š/ vb G: “to be undermined, ruined” (Syr. grdš, “to gnaw”, SL 258. Dietrich-
Loretz Fs. Elliger 33; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 103; Verreet UF 19 1987 321 f.; but
cf. Greenfield EI 9 1969 61; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 154 f.: “ruin”, Hb.
gdš; Margalit UF 11 1979 542 n. 19: n. m. < “to cut”); ¶ par.: /r-š(-š)/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. grdš.
G. To be undermined, ruined: krt grdš mknt PN was left ruined in his family
seat, 1.14 I 11 (// rš).
grdy PN; cf. grdn/y.
grgmš TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 153ff.: *Kargamiš. Astour RSP 2 295, 354; Haw-
kins RlA 5 426ff.; Klengel GS 1 51ff., 71ff.; Syria Handbook 120 ff.; Helck Bez.
289f.; cf. Hitt. KAR-ga/qa-maš, KAR-ka-mi-is, Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6
181f.; Rüster-Neu HZ 145 no. 112; MA/MB KAR-ga-miš, Nashef RGTC 5 155;
cf. KUR ḪAR-ga-muš, Nashef RGTC 5 119; Eg. qa-ri-qa-mi-še, qa-r-qa-me-še,
k(a)-r-ka-mi-še, Helck Bez. 543, 550, 570); ¶ syll.: cf. LUGAL ga-ar-ga-mi-iš,
RSOu 7 40 (RS 34.152):32; KUR(.URU) kar/gar14(KAR)-ga-miš(MES), Ug 5 27
(RS 20.22):1; cf. PRU 3 266; PRU 4 254; PRU 6 147; RSOu 7 137 (cf. Sanmartín
NABU 1994/50); Watson LSU 199). ¶ Forms: grgmš; suff. grgmšh (adv. -h).
TN: ḥṯb d ảnyt grgmšh bill of the ship (bound) for TN, 4.779:13; ml<k>t grgmš,
2.75:8; in bkn ctx.: 2.20:1; 2.36:21.
grgr n. m. “javelin” (?) (JPAram. gyr, “arrow”, gry, “to shoot an arrow”, DJPA 136;
Arab. ǧurrat, “a small piece of wood”, AEL 400. Cf. Sanmartín UF 12 1980 336:
“eine Art Wurfwaffe”, Aram. gyrʔ; diff. Margalit MLD 146 n. 2: < “drag”, Hb. grr;
Del Olmo IMC 172 n. 439: “throat” (?), cf. Hb. grgrt, Arab. ǧarǧara); ¶ par.:
mrḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. grgrh.
Javelin (?): yỉḫd (…) grgrh bm ymn he seized (…) his javelin (?) in his right,
1.16 I 48 (// mrḥh).
grgš/s PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 23, 31, 129 ff.; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 105;
Priebatsch UF 12 1980 328; Watson LSU 164f.; AuOr 30 2012 330); ¶ syll.:
DUMU gir-gi5(KI)-ši, PRU 3 124 (RS 15.163+):19 (Van Soldt SAU 319 n. 130;
Nougayrol PRU 3 124: ia-ḫi(?)-ki-ya?; DUMU gir-gi-ši and var., PRU 3 202
(RS 16.257+) III 33; gir-gi-šu, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):14; PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) rev.
12'; cf. gi-i[r(?)]-g[i(?)-s]ú, PRU 6 85 (RS 19.79) rev. 18 (Huehnergard AkkUg
386). Var. grgs in 4.33:29; 4.51:9; 4.52:13.
PN: ★a) 2.67:2; 4.50:14; 4.187:3; 4.194:1; 4.214 III 21 (bn tlš) (but cf. Pardee RSOu
17 361 n. 67); ★b) bn PN: 2.107:13; 3.13:15; 4.33:29 (ilštmʕy; cf. Van Soldt SAU 33);
4.51:9 (Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.52:13 (Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.377:9; 4.695:2; 4.787:4;
4.834:8; ★c) gt grgš, 4.812:3.

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grgyn – /g-r-š/ 305

grgyn PN (Hurr. Cf. Watson LSU 165).

PN: 4.244:27; 4.337:24; 4.763:8.
grn (I) n. m./f. “threshing-floor” (Emar /gurnu/, “threshing floor”, Pentiuc Vo-
cabulary 53; Hb. grn, “threshing-floor”, HALOT 203; cf. Arab. ǧurn, ǧarīn,
“a stone mortar in which things are pounded”, “the place in which dates
are dried” (also for grain), AEL 414; Eth. gwǝren, go/urn, “threshing floor”,
CDG 203; Luw. ga-ru-na-i, Swiggers BiOr 37 1980 338; relationship to grn (II)
unc.; cf. Akk. magrānu, espec. Nuzi magrattu, Wilhelm AdS 3 108; Richter
NuzHur 7 70f. Cf. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 181); ¶ par.: mṭʕt, šd, ṯġr (I).
¶ Forms: sg. grn; pl. f. grnt, m. grnm (prob. morph. var., cf. De Moor-Spronk
UF 14 1982 171).
Threshing-floor, ★a) b grn yḫrb on the threshing-floor (the harvest) had
withered, 1.19 I 30; sʕt (…) b grnt ḥpšt swept (…) from the threshing-floors
those gathering (straw), 1.14 III 8 (// b šdm), with m. morph. var. grnm in 1.14
IV 52 (// šdm); ảkln b grnt our grain on the threshing-floors (has been set on
fire) 2.61:8; cf. ]ṯn d aḫd b grn ủškn (ox(en) of P)N which (he) has gathered
in the threshing-floor(s) of TN, 4.296:16 (or TN: grn-ủškn (?)); ★b) place for
social activities: yṯb (…) tḥt ảdrm d b grn he sat (…) among the nobles who
(gather) in the threshing-floor, 1.17 V 7 and par. (// b ảp ṯġr); mġy rpửm l grnt
the r. reached the threshing-floors, 1.20 II 6 and par. (// mṭʕt); ]b grnt ỉlm the
gods (are) in the threshing-floors, 1.20 II 9 (// b qrb mṭʕt).
grn (II) adj. m. “current, of average quality” (?) (Akk. gurnu, “Durchschnittsqua-
lität”, AHw 299; “of average quality”, CAD G 139. Cf. Cohen-Sivan UHT 27;
Cohen UF 28 1996 126f.; connection with grn (I) unc.; cf. Nuzi Akk. ŠE.MEŠ
ša ma-ag-ra-at-ti, Wilhelm AdS 3 108; Richter NuzHur 7 78f.; Watson LSU 68;
diff. Loretz HippUg 220: “girinnu-Frucht”, Akk. girinnu, a kind of fruit).
¶ Forms: sg. grn.
Current, of average quality(?): št mkšr grn a š. of current (?) partly ground
wheat (semolina) (?), 1.85:13, 16; 1.71:11; 1.72:17, 22; 1.91:3.
grp PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 130, 279; Watson LSU 165; West AOAT 233 32:
PN ka-ra-pi, Linear B).
PN: 4.63 I 23.
Cf. grb, krp.
/g-r-š/ vb G/D: a) “to eject, drive out, evict, cast out”; b) “to send”, by seman. shift,
cf. Sp. “despachar” (Hb., JAram., Moab. grš, “to drive, cast out”, HALOT 204; pi.
“to send off, banish”, DTT 273; “to drive away”, DNWSI 236; cf. Ebla SAG.DU8
= gú-ra-zu-um, “made available”, Fronzaroli EL 141; var. gu-rí-šu, Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 22 n. 72; cf. Krebernik PET 45; Van Huijssteen WGE 226; Arab. ǧšr,
“to send forth”, AEL 426f. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 541); ¶ par.: /ṭ-r-d/. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. grš; suff. in bkn ctx.: gršthm (2.107:16); prefc. ygrš (cf. ygrš), tgrš; suff.

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306 /g-r(-y)/ – gsn

ygršk, ảgrškm; impv. grš, suff. gršnn (suff. pn. -nn, UT § 6.17); ptc. m. sg. grš,
suff. gršh, m. pl. gršm (encl. -m, Aartun PU/1 53), f. sg. gršt.
G. To eject, drive out, evict, cast out: a) my b ỉlm (…) gršm zbln who among the
gods (will be able) to drive out the sickness?, 1.16 V 12 and par. (// ydy) aškn
(…) gršt zbln I shall create (…) she who will drive out the sickness, 1.16 V 27 (//
ydt); a son grš d ʕšy lnh who ejects one who does something (to his father),
1.17 I 29 and par.; mṭm tgrš šbm with (her) whip drove out the old men, 1.3
II 15; tgrš (…) b ksl qšth she drove out (…) with the sinew of her bow, 1.3 II 16;
ygrš grš ym grš ym l ksỉh (DN1) the one who drives (away) DN2. Drive DN2
from his throne! 1.2 IV 12; from a place, + l: gršh l ksỉ mlkh the one who drove
him from his royal throne, 1.3 IV 2 (// ṭrd); gršnn l ksỉ mlkh drive him from his
royal throne, 1.1 IV 24; + b: (I shall pay a fine) km ảgrškm b bty in the event
of evicting them from my household, 3.9:6–7; ảphm kšpm dbbm ygrš ḥrn and
then also the conjurers and the expert lads may DN cast out!, 1.169:9; in bkn
ctx.: 1.6 VI 2; ʕpr btk ygršk may the dust of your house (be) evict(ed) you, // qr
btk ygršk may the walls of your house evict you, 1.82:12 // 40 (De Moor-Spronk
UF 16 1984 238; for a slightly diff. version see Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247 f.); b)
to send off: w grš bnỉl, “when PN is sent off”, 2.87:22 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg
250; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 142: “NP ist (bereits) losgeschickt” (?)); in bkn
ctx.: gršthm, 2.107:16; ygrš, 6.88 a 2
Cf. ygrš.
/g-r(-y)/ vb G/D: “to attack”; tD (?): “to oppose” (Hb. pi. grh, “to stir up strife”,
HALOT 202; Aram. gry, “to sue, institute suit against”, DNWSI 234f.; Ebla
cf. PNN gú/gu4-ra(-DN), gú-ra-u9, and cf. gi-ra(-DN), Müller Biling. 179 f.;
Akk. gerû, “befehden, prozessieren”, AHw 286, D “bekämpfen”; “to be hostile”,
CAD G 61f., D “to make war”. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 166 n. 109; Del
Olmo IMC 43; Tropper UG 503, 558f., 669); ¶ par.: /š-r/ (II), Watson UF 17
1985 347. ¶ Forms: G suffc. gr; inf. suff. grnn (suff. pn -nn, UT § 6.17. Cf. De
Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 166; diff. Aartun PU/1 62 n. 4, 76: energ. mood with
-n + pn. suff. -n / emph. -n); tD (?) suffc. tgr.
G/D. To attack: k gr ʕz ṯġrkm when a strong one attacks your gates, 1.119:26;
gr{.}nn ʕrm attack the cities!, 1.14 III 6 (// šrn; inf. functioning as impv.; with
narr. func. cf. grnn // šrnn!, ibid. IV 49).
tD (?). To oppose, in unc. ctx.: tgr ỉl bnh DN has opposed (?) his son, 1.1 IV 12
(diff. De Moor SP 118 “appoint a deputy”; Smith UBC/1 132, 148, < Arab. ğarrā,
“to appoint a deputy”; for the var. opinions cf. Del Olmo IMC 43).
In bkn ctx. tgr l ġ[, 7.135:2.
gsn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30 2012 330).
PN: ★a) 4.616:13; ★b) bn PN: 4.382:27.
Cf. ksn, kzn.

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gssn – gt 307

gssn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 330).

PN: 6:63:1.
gšl? PN (rdg and etym. unc.).
PN: bn gšl?, 4.309:16.
gšm n. m. “rain, downpour” (Hb. gšm, “showers, rain”, HALOT 205; Ebla cf. A.KI =
ga-sa-nu, gi-si-nu-um, VE 613; Krebernik QuSem 18 134; É.SAG.BA = gú-ša-mu,
VE 332; Vattioni EDA 209. Cf. Watson LSU 26). ¶ Forms: sg. gšm.
Rain, downpour: (your ships were met) by gšm ảdr by a heavy downpour,
gt n. f. 1) “wine or olive press” and, by extension, “farmstead, estate”; 2) ele-
ment in TNN (cf. Hb. gt, “winepress”, HALOT 206; EA Akk. /gittu-/, /gintu-/,
in TNN; Rainey EAT 105; Sivan GAGl 220; Kienast UF 11 1979 451 f.; Michaux-
Colombot UF 29 1997 579ff.; Hoch SWET 293 (425); Heltzer UF 31 1999
193ff.; UF 38 2006 342f.; on Ebla gi-tum, gú-tum cf. Butz Biling. 115 n. 81, 83;
EDA 348. Watson AuOr 19 2001 289: “wine/oil press”, < Eg. ḥwt, according
to Moreno García AuOr 12 1994 29ff.; LSU 140 n. 598; McGeough ERU 130);
¶ RS Akk.: (É.)AN.ZA.- GÀR(.KI.MEŠ), passim (Huehnergard AkkUg 345; Van
Soldt UF 21 1989 376 n. 12; cf. Dosch Arrapḫe 17 and passim; Müller Siedlungs-
geographie 163ff.); cf. dimtu in PRU 3 216ff.; PRU 6 158 (cf. dmt (I)). ¶ Forms:
sg. gt, suff. gth; pl. gtt.
1) Wine or olive press, and, by extension, farmstead, estate: b gt ḫbṯ (the
servant) escaped from my estate, 2.90:9; PN (…) ytn šd PN (…) [ y]d gth yd zth
yd [k]rmh yd [k]lklh w ytn{.}nn l PN (…) ʕd ʕlm PN (…) PN (…) has gifted the
estate of PN (…) together with its farmstead, its olive-grove(s), its vineyard(s)
and everything else and has ceded it to PN (…) in perpetuity, 3.5:7; ʕl gtt on
the account of the farmsteads, 4.800 II 35.; in unc. ctx.: 1.79:6; in bkn ctx.:
2) Element in the TNN “Farmstead (press) of” (Astour RSP 2 274f.); quali-
fied further: ★a) by a n. of a social class or group, e.g.: gt ḥrṯm “Farmstead
of the Labourers”, 4.141 III 11; 4.618:21; 4.625:17 (Astour RSP 2 276f.; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 86: *Gittu-ḥarrāṯūma); gt mlk “Royal Farmstead”, 1.105:11 (mlk (I);
cf. also TN mlk (III), and d., infra; cf. RS Akk.: A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A LUGAL-ri, PRU 3
47 (RS 16.150):8); gt mlkt “Farmstead of the Queen”, 2.21:7 f. (skn gt mlkt ugrt
prefect of the “Farmstead of the Queen of TN”, 2.21:8. Cf. Cunchillos UF 13
1981 46; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-malkati; diff. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40
n. 14: rdg skn b!t prefect of the palace (!)); 4.143:1; gt ngr “Farmstead of the
Carpenter (?)”, 4.125:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89 f.: *Gittu-naggāri (?)); ★b)
by a DN: gt ảl “Farmstead of ʔ.”, 4.382:27 (GLH 42 f.; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
82: Gittu-Allai); gt ʕṯtr, 4.696:6 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-ʕaṯtari); gt
ʕṯtrt, 4.125:6 (cf. Astour RSP 2 277; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83: Gittu-ʕaṯtarti);

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308 gt

gt ṯrmn, 1.48:19; 4.139:6; 4.243:20; 4.296:10 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95); ★c)
by a PN (Kühne UF 6 1974 161): gt ảġld, 4.382:32 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 82:
*Gittu-Aġladi); gt ảlḫb, 4.243:16 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 82f.: Gittu-Alli-ḫeba);
gt ỉpṯl, 4.125:11; 4.213:19, 4.397:5; 4.522:1; 4.618:7, 25; 4.625:13 (Kühne UF 6
1974 161; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 87: *Gittu-Ipṯali); gt ỉrbl, 4.200:10 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 94); 4.788:6 (KTU: rdg ỉrbṣ; see ỉrbl, ỉrbṣ); gt bnỉl, 4.297:3 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-Bin-ʔili); gt bn ksd(?)[, 4.297:7 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
93); gt bn ndk, 1.79:4 (or rdg bn ndr(!) ?; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-
Bin-nadri (?)); gt bn prỉ, 4.297:2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-Bin-pirzi);
gt bn tbšn, 4.96:1 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: Gittu-Bin-tubbi-šenni (?)); gt bn
ṯlṭ, 4.96:11; gt bʕln, 4.358:6; 4.636:5 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-Baʕalani);
gt gbry, 4.296:13; gt glʕd, 4.125:2 (Astour RSP 2 275f.; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
85: *Gittu-Galʕada); gt grgš, “UF 29, 826”:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 85: *Gittu-
Girgiši); gt yśd, 4.139:7 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95); gt krr, 4.139:9 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-Kiriri); gt mzln, 4.110:16–22; 4.307:1 (Kühne UF 6 1974
161; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-Muzalenni); gt mnḥm, 4.139:4 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-Munaḫimi); gt psḥn, 4.96:12 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 94);
gt prn, 4.110:3–14 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 90: Gittu-Purrani); gt špšyn, 4.297:4
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: *Gittu-Šapšiyani); gt tgbry, 4.271:7, 9 (cf. 4.296:13
and É.AN.ZA. GÀR ta-ga-bi-ra(- ya), Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):4, 15, 22; Huehnergard
UVST 116; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 92: *Gitti-Tagabirā(yi); Vidal NABU 2002/38);
gt tgyn, 4.97:6; 4.643:9 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 92: *Gittu-Tagiyana); gt trġds,
4.400:15 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95); gt ṯryn, 4.636:1; gt ỉpṯl, 4.857:5; 4.864:6; gt
sgldn, 4.857:7; ★d) by a TN / GN: gt ỉlštmʕ, 1.79:7; 1.80:1 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
87: *Gittu-Ilištamʕi); gt bỉr, 4.397:13; 4.625:15; 4.636:1; 4.812:5 (Lemaire UF 30
1998 461); 4.857:4; 4.864:4 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-Biʔri); gt gwl,
4.213:18; 4.397:7; 4.618:4, 24; 4.857:6; 4.864:8 (A.ŠÀ.MEŠ gu-wa-li (?), PRU 3
152 (RS 16.201):12. Huehnergard UVST 116; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 86: *Gittu-
Guwāli); gt ḫldy, 4.636:10 (cf. URU ḫu-ul-da, PRU 3 133 (RS 15.132):7, 11; PRU 3
144 (RS 16.138):19; cf. Huehnergard UVST 243; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 87: *Gittu-
ḫulda); gt ṭbq, 4.213:5 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 92: *Gittu-ṭibaqi); gt yknʕm,
4.307:21 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-Yakunaʕmi); gt yny, 4.320:2 (4.696:9
(?). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-Yēnā); gt knpy, 4.243:18; 4.296:10 (cf. A.ŠÀ:
ka(-an)-na-pí(BI)-yu(PI), PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):7; PRU 3 85 (RS 16.250):11; cf.
Kühne UF 7 1975 255f.; Huehnergard UVST 138; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 87f.,
402: *Gittu-Kannāpiyi; Watson SEL 28 2011 28); gt mʕrb, 4.307:3 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-Maʕbari); gt mʕrby, 4.231:8; 4.307:3; gt ṯpn, 4.213:21;
4.618:1, 23 (cf. AN.Z[A(!).G]ÀR ša-pu-ni, RS 8.43:2; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 376,
5; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-ṯapuni); gt mlk, 4.105:5; 4.750:13; 4.814:28
(< mlk (III). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-Mulukki; cf. supra: a.); gt ṣbr[,

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gt 309

4.400:2 (cf. A.ŠÀ(.MEŠ): ZI-ib-bi-ri, PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):6 (// A.ŠÀ PN, A.ŠÀ:
kan-na-pí-ya); PRU 3 83 (RS 16.157):7 (i-na ÌD ra-aḫ-ba-ni); A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A PN
(…) ša i-na A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A ZI(-ib)-bi-ri, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):19 and passim ibid.;
cf. Huehnergard UVST 169f.); gt ṯm[k (?), 4.424:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93:
*Gittu-ṯamuki(?)); gt zbl, 4.857:8; gt rqd, 4.837:3 (Cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu
18 96); gt ảrt, 3.33:15, see 4.810:18, É URU a-ru-tu; ★e) by a common noun: gt
ỉrbṣ “Farmstead of Repose (?)” (< (?) /r-b-ṣ/), 4.122:1 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
94; cf. gt ỉrbl, 4.788:6 (?), 8 (?); see ỉrbl, ỉrbṣ); gt dprnm “Farmstead of the
Junipers”, 4.175:9 (A.ŠÀ.H̱ I.A: dì-ip-ra-ni-ma, PRU 3 64 (RS 16.190):4. Kühne
UF 6 1974 163; Huehnergard UVST 119; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84, 401: *Gittu-
diprānīma); gt ḥṣb “Farmstead of the Stonecutter (?)” (< (?) */ḥ-ṣ-b/), 4.409:7,
4.409:7 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 86f.: *Gittu-ḥaṣṣabi); gt ḥdṯt “New Estate”,
4.213:12; 4.243:22; 4.707:21 (Astour RSP 2 276; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 86: *Gittu-
ḥadaṯatu); gt ʕmq “Farmstead of the Strong”, 4.625:9 (cf. AN.ZA. GÀR: am-qa,
PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):12 and ʕmq (II); cf. Huehnergard UVST 160; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 83: *Gittu-ʕamqa); gt mʕbr “Farmstead of the Pass”, 4.243:12 (cf.
É.AN.ZA.GÀR ma-ba-ri TN, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):6–7, 19–20. Astour UF 13 1981 7;
Huehnergard UVST 158; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-maʕbari); gt nb/pk,
4.103:45; 4.269:19 (cf. A.ŠÀ(.MEŠ): NAB/na-AB-ki-ma, PRU 3 49 (RS 16–263):5;
PRU 6 56 (RS 17.121) rev. 5 and passim ibid.; (A.ŠÀ.)KIRI6(.KI) i-na (:) na-
ba/AB-ki-ma/mi, PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):8; PRU 3 83 (RS 16.157):9; KIRI6: kí-ru
i-na: na-bá-ki-ma, PRU 3 47 (RS 16.150):16. Kühne UF 7 1975 260; Huehner-
gard UVST 151; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-nab/paki); gt nḫl, 4.296:9 (cf.
A.ŠÀ.MEŠ na-ḫa-li, PRU 3 109 (RS 16.251):7; cf. Huehnergard UVST 152; Bel-
monte RGTC 12/2 90, 403: *Gittu-naḫali); gr ʕmq, 4.857:9; gt sġy, 4.213:15;
4.857.10 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 94); gt ġl, 4.141 III 15; 4.200:8; 4.243:14; 4.636:15
(cf. A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A: ḫu-li, PRU 3 143 (RS 16.138):3; cf. Huehnergard UVST 164; Bel-
monte RGTC 12/2 86, 401: *Gittu-ġūli); gt sknm “Estate of the Stelae”, 4.213:3;
4.243:7 (cf. É.AN.ZA.GÀR ZI-GA/QA-ni-ma, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):0, 17. Huehn-
ergard UVST 157; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: *Gittu-sikānīma); gt rbt[, “Great
Farmstead / Farmstead of the Lady Mayor”, 4.125:16 (cf. A.ŠÀ ra-ba-ti, Ug
5 7 (RS 17.36):4; cf. Huehnergard UVST 176; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: *Gittu
Rabbati; AN.ZA.GÀR-GAL Ì.DUB, Ug 5 95 (RS 20.1):13); gt rbty[m], 4.837:17
(GN (?). Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 49f.); gt ḥrtm, 4.857:2; ★f) cf. esp.: bnš
gt NN people of NN-Gt, 4.125:2 and passim; bdl gt PN the reserve person-
nel of Gt-PN, 4.96:1; š gt mlk a ram of NN-Gt, 1.105:11. Cf. gt nṯṯ, 1.79:1, 5;
4.409:8 (< (?) Hurr. nešše, GLH 181; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 90: *Gittu-neṯṯe); in
bkn ctx.: gt bn[, 4.835:2; gt nb[, 4.835:4; gt ỉr[, 4.835:6; gt ảr[, 4.835:7; gt r[,
Cf. ỉlgt, gn, gntn, gt.mlky, gtn.

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310 gt.mlky – gṯtn

gt.mlky GN m. “inhabitant of gt.mlk ‘the Royal Farmstead’” (cf. gt a., d.; mlk (I);
cf. mlk (IV)). ¶ Forms: pl. gt.mlkym.
Inhabitant of “Royal Farmstead”: gt.mlkym inhabitants of “the Royal Farm-
stead”, 4.99:5; 4.126:19.
Cf. gt, mlk (I), mlk (IV), mlkym.
gtn PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 131). Cf. gdn, kdn, ktn, qṭn PNN.
PN: 2.99:5, 25; 4.63 I 28.
gṯpbn PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 230f., 243; Laroche GLH 190f.). Cf.
ỉrpbn, pbn.
PN: 4.106:13.
gṯprg PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 230 f., 245). Cf. prgn, prkl.
PN: bn PN, 4.106:12.
gṯr DN, eponym of the dead and deified kings (Akk. gašru, “überlegen stark”,
AHw 283; “strong”, CAD G 56ff.; Ebla cf. Ú.A = ga-SI-lu, VE 297; Arcari Biling.
321f.; Milano MARI 5 1987 546. Cf. Del Olmo AuOr 2 1984 203 n. 30; AuOr 5
1987 62f.; UF 32 2004 578–581; CR 150 nn. 46–47; diff. Pomponio-Xella AfO 31
1984 31; Conti SQF 114f.; Emar dga-aš-ru, 274:19; 373:119; 379:5; Dietrich-Loretz
JA 65ff.; UF 21 1989 124ff.; Rahmouni DEUAT 29 ff.: “the powerful and august
[god]”, epithet of mlk); ¶ syll. Ug.: dTIŠPAK = mi-il-ku-un-ni = ga-š[a-ru], Ug
5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV a 15; cf. ] mi-il-ku-un-ni = g[a]-ša-ru, ibid. IV b 13; Roberts
ESP 53f.; Moran JCS 31 1979 72 n. 23; Huehnergard UVST 117; cf. the element
/gaṯ(a)ru/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 219); ¶ par.: bʕl. ¶ Forms: sg. gṯr; suff. gṯrn (det.
-n (?)); du./pl. gṯrm.
Eponym of the dead and deified king: l gṯrm ġṣb šmảl d ảlpm for the g. the left
ġ. of two head of cattle, 1.109:26; yrdn gṯrm mṣdh ṯn šm l gṯrm w rgm gṯrm yṯṯb
the two g. shall go down to the tower, two rams to the g. (shall they offer) and
the g. shall communicate a word, 1.112:18–20; ʕlm tʕrbn gṯrm next (day (?)) the
g. enter, 1.43:9; l gṯr ṯql ksp ṭb to g. one shekel of sterling silver, 1.43:11, cf. ln.
14, 17, 19; w tšt ʕnt gṯr yqr and [DN] has established (him) g.-y., 1.108:6, cf. ln.
2: gṯr w yqr (diff. Rahmouni DEUAT 260ff. rdg DN gṯr<t> “the powerful”); šd
gṯr the field of g., 2.4:15, 17; w ytn ỉlm bdhm bd ỉḫqm gṯr may he / they deliver
(the statues of) the gods into their hands, g. into the hands of PN, 2.4:21; in
bkn ctx.: gṯrn ylk[, 1.166:25 (cf. Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 63); 7.38:9.
Cf. zbdgṯr, gṯrn.
gṯrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 131; Sivan GAGl 219; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 173
n. 26; Watson LSU 165); ¶ syll.: DUMU ga-aš-ra-na, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.022):26'.
Cf. kṯrn.
PN: bn PN, 4.7:5; 4.25:5 (bqzty); 4.63 III 7; 4.103:52; 4.232:28 (Van Soldt SAU 120).
gṯtn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.35 II 18 (ʕbdyrḫ); 4.41:9 (mnn).

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gṯy – gzz 311

gṯy PN (etym. unc.).

PN: 4.764:6.
gwl TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 99: *Guwālu. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 9); ¶ syll.: cf.
A.ŠÀ.MEŠ gu-wa-li?, PRU 3 151 (RS 16.201):12 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 116; Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 665; Topography 15; Watson LSU 199).
TN: ★a) 4.124:9; 4.348:23; 4.625:11; ★b) gt TN: 4.213:18; 4.397:7; 4.618:4, 24
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 86: *Gittu-Guwāli).
gyn(m) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 310). Var. gynm in 4.44:28.
PN: ★a) 4.44:28 (Pardee UF 7 1975 377f.; Verreet UF 15 1983 233); 4.334:7; ★b)
bn PN: 4.340:8.
gzl PN (Akk. (?). Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537; Gröndahl PTU 130; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 330); ¶ syll.: cf. mgu-ú-za-li, PRU 4 134 (RS 17.116):35 (cf. Nougay-
rol PRU 4 247: a profession).
PN: ★a) 4.75 III 4 (bn qldn); 4.356:14; ★b) bn PN: 2.22:3; 4.63 I 5; 4.389:2.
gzr n. m. “piece” (Hb. gzr, “piece”, HALOT 187; Arab. ğazara, “to cut, slaughter”
> ǧazar, “flesh cut in pieces”, AEL 418f. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 51 ff.;
Lipiński AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 493–497; diff. Pope UF 11 1979 707, “glutton”;
Gibson CML 144, “cutter”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU ga-za-ri-ya, Ug 5 88
(RS 21.07 A):18; Sivan GAGl 221. ¶ Forms: sg. m. gzr.
Piece: gzr l <g>zr piece after piece, 1.23:63.
Cf. gzry.
gzry PN (etym. unc. TNN EA Gazru and Alalakh *Gazurû, Belmonte RGTC 12/2
79. Gröndahl PTU 130; Astour RSP 2 272; Watson AuOr 21 2003 245); ¶ syll.:
DUMU ga-za-ri-ya, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A)):18.
PN: bn PN: 4.69 III 1.
/g-z-z/ vb G: “to shear” (Hb., OAram., Palm. gzz, “to shear”, HALOT 186; DNWSI
219; Amor. /gzz/ (?), “to shear”, Gelb CAAA 19; Akk. gazāzu, “scheren”, AHw
284; “to shear”, CAD G 59f.; Arab. ǧaḏḏa, ǧazza, “to cut”, “to shear”, AEL 394,
416). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ygz; act. ptc. gzz (cf. gzz).
G. To shear: b kl ygz ṭ<b>ḫ šh the sacrificer will shear his ewe completely,
1.80:5. Cf. gzz.
gzz n. m. “shearer” (pattern: /qātil/ // /qattāl/ < /g-z-z/. Amor. /gaziz(ān)um/ <
/gzz/ (?) “to shear”, Gelb CAAA 19; Akk. gāzizu, “Scherer”, AHw 284; “shearer”,
CAD G 60; Arab. ǧazzāz, “shearer”. Wehr-Cowan DMWA 146; cf. Ebla GÍR
ma-ga-zu, Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 169: “lama per tosare”). ¶ Forms: pl. gzzm.
Shearer: (spelt and wheat) l gzzm for the shearers, 4.269:4, 26; yn mṣb (…) l
gzzm ordinary wine (…) for the shearers, 4.213:30.
Cf. /g-z-z/.

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ġb (I) n. m. “(sacrificial) pit” (Arab. ġābat, ġaybat, “hollow in the ground”,

AEL 2313; ġubb, “depressed land”, AEL 222; MSA Mehri *ġbb, “depths of the
sea”, ML 131; Akk. ḫabbu, ḫuppu, “eine Grube” (?), “Vertiefung”, AHw 304 f.,
356; cf. “hole, depression”, CAD Ḫ 239: ḫuppu B. De Moor UF 2 1970 320; De
Tarragon CU 21ff.; TOu/2 176 n. 110; Xella UF 13 1981 328; Watson LSU 84; but
see Mazzini SCO 56 2010 11ff. for the Akk. etym; diff. Van der Toorn BiOr 45
1991 48f.: “porche”(?), “canopy”, Hb. ʕb, OSA mġbb; Polselli RSO 56 1982 21 ff.:
“(sacred) wood”, Hb.-Ph. ʕb.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ḫa-AB-BU, PRU 3 161 (RS 16.281):8;
A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A PN ša i-na: ḫa-A[B-B]I, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.182+):6; cf. Huehnergard
UVST 190. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ġb.
Sacrificial pit (?): ġb ṣpn / ḫyr / ršp / ỉšḫry the pit (?) of DN / MN / DN, 1.91:15;
1.105:3, 14, 16, 21; 4.149:13.
Cf. ġb (III).
ġb (II) “?” (Gray UF 3 1971 65 n. 34: “sick with (tertiary) fever”, Arab. ġabba,
ġibb; Wyatt RTU 166: “malaria”; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 67: “Laubwerk” (?)).
¶ Forms: ġb[.
?, in bkn ctx.: qrnh km ġb[, 1.12 II 39 (// ḥrr).
ġb (III) PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 24.
ġbl (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 102: *Ġubelu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 95; Heltzer RCAU 14, 16 n. 24; Astour RSP 2 314 no. 85; UF 13 1981
5; Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 723; UVST 243; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 718;
Topography 37, 181); ¶ syll.: URU ḫu-be-li, PRU 3 48 (RS 16.248):7; PRU 3 76
(RS 16.160):7; PRU 6 80 (RS 19.119):13; Ug 5 49 (RS 20.13):4, 9.
TN: 4.27:7,18; 4.348:21; 4.355:31; 4.683:4; 4.800 III 3; 4.857:12 (ġb[l]).
ġbl (II) PN (< ġbl (I), TN, used meton. as a PN).
PN: 4.177:7.
ġbn n. m. “well-being, opulence” (Hb. ʕbh, “to become thick, fat”, HALOT 777;
Akk. ebû, “dick sein”, AHw 183; “to be thick”, CAD E 16; OAram. cf. ʕby, “thick-
ness”, DNWSI 820; Syr. ʕebyānāʔ, “swelling, thickness”, SL 1064; Eth. ʕabya,
“to be great, big”, ʕǝbay, “greatness, size”, CDG 55. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 5 1973 96; diff. Wansbrough CRRA 30 1986 207 ff., rdg ṭbny [ẓ = ṭ] for ġ;
Tropper UG 272: rdg rġbn, “Hungersnot”). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ġbny.
Well-being, opulence: ʕmy mỉdy w ġbny I enjoy my plenty and my well-being,
ġbr TN, used as a coll. name ((?). See Belmonte RGTC 12/2 101. Only in cultic
ctx.; identification unc.; Van Selms UF 3 1971 238 (Ṣumur); Sapin UF 15 1983

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ġbt – /ġ-ḏ-y/ 313

182 (ḫabiru), both unlikely; cf. Xella TRU 265; Caquot TOu/2 145 n. 30; Del
Olmo CR 126 n. 243; Watson AuOr 19 2001 120; Pardee TR/2 1213: “nom propre”;
Arnaud SMEA 45 2003 15: “Habur”).
TN, used as a coll. name (?): 1.40:4 and par.
ġbt “?” (De Moor UF 1 1969 182: “milk” / “fatling”, Arab. ġabībat; NYCI/2 8: “thick-
ness of fatlings”, rdg ġbm; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 142; Pardee TPM 147:
“Wolke”, “nuage”, Hb. ʕāb; Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 112).
?, in unc. ctx.: kṯ[[t]] ġbt, 1.101:8.
ġdʕ PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 227).
PN: bn PN, 4.371:6.
/ġ-d-d/ vb D: “to swell” (Arab. ġadda, ġuddida, “to become swollen”, AEL 2231.
Cassuto GA 119; De Moor SP 94; Gray UF 11 1979 379 n. 24; Held Fs. Iwry 98 n. 10;
Renfroe AULS 30f.; Watson LSU 43; diff. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 297:
“Fliessen, Fluten”, Arab. *ġḏḏ, Hb. ʕzz; De Moor UF 17 1985 221: “to shake”,
*ġd/ḏd/ḏ); ¶ par.: /m-l-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. tġdd.
D. To swell: tġdd kbdh b ṣḥq her liver swelled with laughter, 1.3 II 25 and par.
(// ymlủ); in bkn ctx.: 4.646:6 (?).
ġdġd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.635:31 (ảḏddy).
ġdm “?” (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 354).
?, in bkn ctx.: ġdmh[, 1.173:1; cf. l bʕl ġdm[, ibid. ln. 2.
ġdrg PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.42:1.
ġdyn (I) n. m. (?), divine attribute or a kind of offering (Xella TRU 215; Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT II/2 319; Pardee TR/2 1213: “entretien”; Tropper UG 191: “Verkös-
tigung”, < *ġdy). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ġdyn.
Divine attribute or a kind of offering, in unc. ctx.: b ġdyn ỉl in/by the ġ. of DN,
ġdyn (II) PN (< ġdyn (I). Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302, 307).
PN: 4.63 I 4.
/ġ-ḏ-y/ vb G: “to move” (?); tD: “to shoot, leap” (Arab. ġaḏḏa, taġaḏġaḏa, “to
flow”, “to leap, spring, bound”, AEL 2235f. De Moor SP 167; UF 17 1985 221;
Tropper UG 116, 674: alt. /ġ-ḏ-y/; diff. Van Zijl Baal 153, 310: “to be strong, pre-
vail”, Hb. ʕzz, Akk. ezēzu, but cf. De Moor UF 7 1975 185 n. 126; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 218 n. p: “s’abattre”; Cassuto BOS 2 191: “to approach”, Arab. ġašā; San-
martín UF 11 1979 725f.: “füttern, ernähren” < *ġḏ(ḏ) / ġḏ(w), “fliessen”; Mar-
galit MLD 66: “resin” < “fester, suppurate”, Arab. ğaḏḏa; Puech RB 93 1986 192:
“briser”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yġḏ; tD suffc. tġḏ.
G. To move(?), in unc. ctx.: ]k yġḏ thmt brq as lightning moves the ocean, 1.17
VI 12 (De Moor(-Spronk) CARTU 106; ARTU 237; Renfroe AULS 106 f.).

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314 ġḥpn – /ġ-l-l/

tD. To shoot, leap: k tġḏ ảrz b ymnh when the cedar (stave) shoots from his
right, 1.4 VII 41 (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650, 679f.: “his hand indeed shook,
the cedar was in his right hand”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1170: rdg ktġḏ
“die Keule”; cf. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 47f.: < Hurr. *kutāġuḏ, “lance” (?)).
ġḥpn PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: bn PN, 4.76:4.
ġl (I) n. m. term for a type of terrain (Arab. ġawl, “far extent of desert”, AEL 2310 f.;
cf. ġīl, “a thicket”, AEL 2319. Kühne UF 6 1974 166 f.; Margalit AuOr 7 1989 77;
Renfroe AULS 334ff.; Aartun StUL 103ff.; ¶ syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A: ḫu-li, PRU 3
143ff. (RS 16.138):3; Kühne UF 6 1974 166f.; Huehnergard UVST 164; Van Soldt
BiOr 46 1989 647; Sivan GAGl 230. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. ġl, suff. ġlh.
Type of terrain: ảdr <qnm> b ġl ỉl {qnm} the most wonderful (of the) <canes>
of the divine ġ., 1.17 VI 23; tṯb ʕṯtrt b ġl DN settled in the ġ., 1.92:8. Cf. TN
gt ġl, 4.141 III 15; 4.200:8; 4.243:14; 4.636:15 (cf. A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A: ḫu-li, PRU 3 143
(RS 16.138):3; Huehnergard UVST 164; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 86, 401: *Gittu-
ġūli). In bkn ctx.: yṣỉ ġlh tḥmd, 1.92:6 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117: “the produce of
her thicket (DN) she desired”); ]ġlhm, 2.62:11.
Cf. ḥl (II).
ġl (II) PN (Hurr. Laroche GLH 75f.; Gröndahl PTU 141, 204, 215; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 9 1977 341; Lipiński JSS 26 1981 279: Sem.).
PN: bn PN, 4.356:9.
ġl (III) n. m. PN (cf. ġl (I), ġl (II)).
PN, element in the composite TN gt ġl: 4.141 III 15; 4.200:8; 4.243:14; 4.636:15.
Cf. ġl (I), ġl (II).
ġlb(x)[ PN bkn (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 330).
PN, in bkn ctx.: bn ġlbx[, 4.760:7; cf. 4.590:3.
ġlbr PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.843:30
ġlkz PN (Hurr.; var. of ả/ỉġlkḍ/z. Gröndahl PTU 215, 238; Dietrich- Loretz WO 4
1967–1968 302; Van Soldt SAU 126).
PN: 4.165:4; 4.244:23; 4.333:12.
/ġ-l-l/ vb D: “to insert, plunge” (Hb., OAram., Palm. ʕll, “to insert”, HALOT 834;
“to enter”, DNWSI 855ff., 1263; Arab. ġalla, “to make to enter”, AEL 2277 ff.;
cf. Akk. ḫalālu, “einsperren, festhalten”, AHw 309; “to detain, keep waiting”,
CAD Ḫ 34. De Moor SP 68; diff. Good JJS 33 1982 55 ff. “to glean”, Hb. and Aram.
*ʕll). ¶ Forms: D prefc. tġll.
D. To insert, plunge: k brkm tġll b dm ḏmr for she plunged (her) knees in the
blood of warriors, 1.3 II 27 and par. (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 136: “knee-deep
she gleaned in warrior-blood”)
Cf. tġll (cf. mrrt tġll).

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ġll (i) – ġlm 315

ġll (I) n. m. “thirsty one”, epithet of certain minor deities (Arab. ġul, ġalīl,
“burning from thirst”, AEL 2279. Caquot Ac1CILSChS 204; surveys Wyatt
RTU 165 n. 18; Renfroe AULS 107); ¶ par.: akl (I). ¶ Forms: pl. ġllm.
Thirsty one: w ṣmt ġllm and they destroyed the “Thirsty Ones”, 1.12 II 34 (//
ġll (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 101: TN bld ġll. Del Olmo MLRSO 172; Pardee, Or
80 2011 45; diff. De Moor ARTU 272, “intoxication (?)”, Arab. ġawl; Good JJS 33
1982 55ff.; Dijkstra UF 20 1988 49 n. 79: “gleanings”, Hb.-Aram. ʕll; Watson
UF 31 1999 777–784 (780): MSA ġll “be carefree”; for this and other opinions
see Watson UF 31 1999 780: “intoxication”; AuOr 19 2001 288; LSU 20, 138, 199:
“produce” > OSA ġll, Nab. ʕllh, “wine” > Urart. ḫaluli, etc.).
TN: yn bld ġll wine from the land of ġ. 1.22 I 19.
ġlm n. m. 1) “boy, youth”; 2) “prince”; 3) the “Noble”, divine title (Hb. ʕlm, “young
man”, HALOT 835; OAram. ʕlym, “slave”, DNWSI 854 f.; Ph. “man”, DNWSI 862;
Ebla cf. /ġalmim/ Fronzaroli EL 142; Krebernik PET 88; Pagan ARES 3 214;
Amor. cf. /ʔ?alm(ān)um/, Gelb CAAA 13, 48; Arab. ġulām, “a young man”,
AEL 2286f. Cho LDUT 142ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 35; diff. Dohmen
TWAT 6 172f.: “Stellvertreter”, Akk. ṣalmu; cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 407 f.;
Loretz UF 32 2000 282f., for a survey); ¶ par.: ḫnzr, špḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. ġlm, suff.
ġlmh; du./pl. ġlmm; cstr. ġlm, suff. ġlmk, ġlmh; fem. ġlmt cf. ġlmt (I).
1) Boy, youth, ★a) lad: ảḫ]r mġyh w ġlm [when] he arrived indeed the lad, 1
16 I 50 (diff. Greenstein UNP 33: “it’s grown dark”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6
1243: “wurde es dunkel”); gm l ġlmh k [tṣḥ] aloud to her lad thus [she
shouted], 1.4 II 29 and par.; gm l ġ[l]mh bʕl k yṣḥ in a loud voice DN shouted
to his lads, 1.4 VII 52; w tqry ġlmm b št ġr and met the lads at the foot of
the mountain, 1.3 II 4 and par.; ảphm tbʕ ġlm[m] immediately afterwards,
depart, lads, 1.2 I 13; tbʕ ġlmm l yṯb the lads left without staying, 1.2 I 19 and
par.; šbʕt ġlmh his seven lads, 1.6 VI 8, cf. 1.5 V 9 (Cho LDUT 206 f.); ★b) page,
servant: w tʕnyn ġlm bʕl and the (two) pages of DN replied, 1.10 II 3 and par.;
km ġlmm w ʕrbn like servants you must enter, 1.3 III 8; nʕmn ġlm ỉl the hand-
some servant of DN, 1.14 I 40 and par., title of king krt (cf. also 1.14 III 51
and par.); ★c) messenger: (go back to the narrative: repeat) k tlảkn ġlmm
when the messenger-boys were sent, 1.4 V 43; hlk ġlmm the gait of (the / two)
messengers, 1.19 II 28; ★d) ġlm dʕtm the expert lads, 1.169:10 (Cf. Rahmouni
DEUAT 266ff. Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113; diff. Loretz UF 32 2000 275, 278:
“Diener des Wissens”).
2) Prince: wld (…) ġlm l ʕbd ỉl giving birth to … a prince to the servant of
DN, 1.14 III 49 and par.; tld yṣb ġlm she shall give birth to prince PN, 1.15 II 25
(cf. 1.16 VI 39).
3) Noble, title ★a) of the god ym: yỉtsp (…) mṯdṯt ġlm ym (…) a sixth did Noble

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316 ġlm(y) – ġlp

DN gather to himself, 1.14 I 19 (alt. “the servant(s) of DN”; for the various
opinions cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 204 n. 66; Verreet UF 19 1987 330:
“Finsternis des Tages”, bad omen = ẓlm; Loretz UF 32 2000 275, 278); ★b)
attribution unc.: gdlt l ġlm one cow to the Noble / Prince, 1.119:7 (Del Olmo
CR 249 n. 14; Pardee TR/2 1214: DN Ġalmu).
Unc. ctx.: ġlm l šdt ymm: 1.2 III 11; zbl bʕl ġlm: 1.9:17; in bkn ctx. bm ymn mḫṣ
ġlmm yš[, 1.2 I 39; b ġlmk, 1.176:18; 7.137:4.
ġlm(y) PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 141; Layton ZAW 102 1990 80 ff., 86; Dietrich-
Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546: Hurr.).
PN: bn PN, 4.55:6; 4.617:33.
ġlmn PN (Hurr., var. of ảġlmn (?). Gröndahl PTU 141, 215; Van Soldt SAU 33;
Layton ZAW 102 1990 80ff.; Watson LSU 165); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫal-la-ma-na, PRU 3
55 (RS 15.92):4 and p. 244.
PN: ★a) 4.214 II 9; 4.609:13; in bkn ctx.: 4.625:19; ★b) bn PN: 4.33:13 (ảry); 4.51:1
(ảry); 4.55:24; 4.232:22; 4.309:2.
ġlmt (I) n. f. 1) “damsel”; 2) “Damsel, Princess”, divine title (< ġlm; Hb. ʕlmh,
“marriageable girl; young woman”, HALOT 835f.; Ph. ʕlmt, “maid”, DNWSI
862; OAram., Palm. ʕlymh, “slave-girl”, DNWSI 854 f., 862; Syr. ʕlaymtāʔ, “girl,
maid”, SL 1102; pre-Sarg. Mari, Ebla: cf. Al-ma, “girl”, Gelb MR 128; Amor. cf.
ḫa-al-ma-tum, /ʔ?almatum/, Gelb CAAA 48 and cf. ibid. 13; Arab. ġulāmat,
“young woman”, AEL 2287. Loretz UF 32 2000 274ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013
30). ¶ par.: ảt̰t. ¶ Forms: sg. ġlmt; du. ġlmtm.
1) Damsel: ảšʕrb ġlmt ḥẓry (if) I make a damsel enter my mansion, 1.14 IV 41
(cf. 1.15 II 22; // ảṯt).
2) “The Damsel”, ★a) divine title, used for nkl: hl ġlmt tld bn behold, “the
Damsel” will give birth to a son, 1.24:7; ★b) of unc. attribution.: dqtm w g<d>lt
l ġlmtm two ewes and one cow to the two “Damsels” / “Princesses”, 1.119:8 (Del
Olmo Fs. Diakonoff. 47ff.; Kogan UF 38 2006 814]); š l ġlmt one ram to “the
Damsel”, 1.41:25/1.87:27; w l ġlmt š and to “the Damsel”, one ram, 1.39:19 and
par.; in bkn ctx.: [ġ]lmt mrd[, 1.123:19; ġl]mt ṯn, 1.139:10.
ġlmt (II) n. f. “concealment, darkness” (Hb. cf. nʕlm, HALOT 834f.: ʕlm I ni. ptc.
De Moor SP 172; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 219 n. w; Segert UF 20 1988 296 f.;
Tropper UG 95; diff. Wyatt StTh 39 1985 n. 29: DN, wife of Baal, mother of
the divine couple gpn (w) ủgr; cf. De Moor UF 2 1970 203); ¶ par.: ẓlmt; ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. ] ḫu-ul-ma-tu4, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123) III 16; Huehnergard UVST 43, 98 ff.,
164; cf. Sivan UF 21 1989 360. ¶ Forms: sg. ġlmt.
Concealment, darkness, thick fog: bn ġlmt ʕmm ym the sea is covered in
darkness, 1.8 II 7 and b<n> ġlmt, 1.4 VII 55 (// bn ẓlmt; diff. Gzella BiOr 64
2007 542, 566: “sons of darkness”).
ġlp n. m. 1) “husk”, lit.: “sheath”; 2) “sea snail (shell), murex”, used as a cosmetic

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ġlpn – /ġ-l-y/ 317

(Arab. ġilāf, “envelope, sheath, scabbard”, AEL 2284. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7

1975 211f.; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 57; Aartun StUL 105 ff.; Watson UF 39 2007
669ff.: “a plant” < Akk. ellipu (?)). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ġlp, suff. ġlph.
1) Husk: šblt b ġlph the ears in their husk(s), 1.19 I 19.
2) Sea snail: tỉd !m b ġlp ym she rouged herself with sea snails, 1.19 IV 42.
ġlpn PN (Sem. < ġlp).
PN: 4.8492.
ġlpṭr PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302; Gröndahl PTU 204f., 215,
PN: 4.244:10.
ġlṣ PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 29, 141).
PN: bn PN, 4.52:9.
ġlt n. f. “prostration, inactivity” (< /ġ-l-y/. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 190; diff.
Dahood Bib 57 1976 196; RSP 2 26f.: “mischief”, Hb. ʕwl; Rendsburg JAOS 107
1987 627: “to exceed, overdo, exaggerate”, Arab. ġlw; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976
125: “impôt, butin”, Arab. ġlw; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 184: “Unrecht” < Hb.
*ʕwl pi., and survey of other options). ¶ Forms: sg. ġlt.
Prostration, inactivity: šqlt b ġlt ydk you have made your hands fall in pros-
tration, 1.16 VI 32 and par.
ġltn PN (Hurr.; var. of ảġltn. Gröndahl PTU 214, 262; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967
546; WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: 4.609:24.
ġlwš PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 165: Hurr. ḫalwešša (?)).
PN: 4.391:4.
/ġ-l-y/ vb G: “to lose the proper aspect, vitality” > “to wither” (?), said of plants;
D: “to degrade, dishonour” > “lower, bow” (?) (etym. unc.; cf. Arab. ġalā, “to
exceed the due, proper limit”, AEL 2287f. De Moor SP 68, 232; Rendsburg
JAOS 107 1987 627; Tropper UG 95: “verbrennen”); ¶ par.: /ḫ-r-b/, /y-p-ʕ/,
/ḫ-s-p/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ġly; prefc. yġly; inf. ġly. D suffc. ġltm; prefc. tġly,
tġl (?).
G. To lose the proper aspect, vitality, wither: rỉš ġly bd nsʕk may (your) crown
lose (its) vitality at the hands of those who uproot you, 1.19 III 54; yġly yḫsp
ỉb the fruit / bud has lost its aspect and wilted, 1.19 I 31; ʕlk pht ġly b šdm on
your account I have seen withering in the fields, 1.6 V 18 (diff. Wyatt RTU 141:
“because of you I experienced abandonment on the steppe”).
D. To degrade, dishonour, lower, bow: tġly ỉlm rỉšthm (…) lm ġltm ỉlm rỉštkm
the gods degraded / lowered their heads (…) why, gods, did you degrade /
lower your heads?, 1.2 I 23–24.
In unc. ctx.: ảl tġl, 1.3 I 1.
Cf. ġlt.

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318 ġly – ġnbn

ġly PN (Hurr. Laroche GLH 75f.; Gröndahl PTU 141, 204, 215; Dietrich-Loretz
WO 4 1967–1968 302. Lipiński JSS 26 1981 279: Sem.).
PN: ★a) 4.16:8; 4.617 I 34; ★b) bn PN, 3.28:18; 3.29:25.
ġlyn PN (Hurr.; var. of ả/ỉġlyn. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 546; Gröndahl
PTU 204, 215, also 53, 141; Lipiński JSS 26 1981 279: Sem.). Cf. ḫlyn, PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.214 II 19; in bkn ctx. 4.649:2.
/ġ-m-ʔ/ vb G: “to be thirsty” (var. of /ẓ-m-ʔ/; cf. Hb. ṣmʔ, “to thirst, be thirsty”,
HALOT 1032; Akk. ṣamû, “dürsten”, AHw 1081; “to be thirsty”, CAD Ṣ 95 f.; OSA
ẓmʔ, “to suffer thirst”, SD 172; Arab. ẓamiʔa, “to thirst”, AEL 1923f.; Eth. ṣamʔa,
“to be thirsty, thirst”, CDG 557. De Moor ULe 96; Ford UF 34 2002 176); ¶ par.:
/r-ġ-b/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ġmỉt; inf. abs. ġmủ.
G. To be thirsty: hm ġmủ ġmỉt or else you are thirsty, 1.4 IV 34 (// rġb rġbt).
Cf. mẓmủ.
ġmr n. m. of a class or of a supplementary or subordinate social duty (etym.
unc. Bravmann JCS 7 1953 27ff.: “inexperienced, tyro”, Arab. ġumr; Alt VT 2
1952 153ff.: “Rekruten”, cf. Hb. htʕmr, HALOT 849: ʕmr); ¶ syll. Ug.: PN LÚ
ḫa-ma-ru-ú[, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):11; PN LÚ ḫa-[a]m-[r]u-ú, ibid. ln. 13; PNN
(…) PN LÚ ḫa-am-ru<-šu>-nu, ibid. ln. 9; LÚ.MEŠ ḫa-am-ru-ma, PRU 6 p. 150
n. 3 (RS 25.428):6f.; cf. ḫ]a-ma-ru-m[a(meš); cf. PRU 6 p. 150; Sivan GAGl 221;
Huehnergard UVST 165; AkkUg 153; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: pl. abs.
ġmrm; cstr. ġmr.
Members of a class or of a supplementary or subordinate social duty, ★a)
referring to a TN: ġmrm, 4.63 I 11 (TN: ủlm), 33 (TN: mʕrby); III 32 (TN: ubrʕy);
★b) referring to a class or guild: ġmr mkrm ġ. of the traders, 4.214 IV 1; in bkn
ctx.: ]n ġmrm, 4.111:11 (McGeough UgET 64: “novice soldiers”); 4.835:9.
ġmšd PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302: Sem.).
PN: 4.93 IV 9.
ġn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 101: *Ġanu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Van Soldt UBL 11 377;
Topography 37, 181; Watson LSU 199; SEL 28 2011 30); ¶ syll.: cf. URU Ḫa-[n]i,
Ug 5 95 (RS 20.1):11; cf. URU Ḫa-[nV, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):16.
TN: 4.346:3.
ġnb n. m. “grape(s)” (Hb., OAram. ʕnb, “wine-berry”, HALOT 851; “grape”, DNWSI
874; Akk. i/enbu, “Frucht”, AHw 381f.; “fruit tree, fruit”, CAD I/J 144 ff.; OSA
ʕnb, “vineyard”, SD 17; Arab. ʕinab, “grapes”, AEL 2167; cf. Akk. ḫanābu, “üppig
spriessen”, AHw 319; “to grow abundantly”, CAD Ḫ 75. Kaufman AIA 59 n. 183.
Emerton Fs. Williams 46); ¶ par.: qẓ. ¶ Forms: pl. ġnbm.
Grape(s): ṭl yṭll l ġnbm the dew that is distilled upon the grapes, 1.19 I 42 (//
qẓ); in bkn ctx.: w ġnbm and grapes, 1.23:26.
Cf. ġnbn.
ġnbn PN (Sem. (?). Watson LSU 165).

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/ġ-n-ṯ/ – ġr (i) 319

PN: 4.393:2 (in bkn ctx.; the rdg ġn bn[ does not seem likely in this text).
/ġ-n-ṯ/ vb G: “to gulp down” (Arab. ġaniṯa, “to drink in taking breath at each
draught”, Hava 537. L’Heureux RCG 181; Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 51 n. 51; diff.
De Moor UF 1 1969 178: “to subdue”, Akk. ḫanāšu, kanšu; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12
1980 177: “Unterwerfen”, id.; Pardee TPM 109: DN Ḫaniš). ¶ Forms: G ptc. act.
G. To gulp down: ỉl ġnṯ ʕgl ỉl the god who gulps down the divine bullock,
ġprt n. f. of a garment (etym. unc.; cf. Akk. epartu, “ein Gewand”, AHw 222;
foreign word, CAD E 183. Greenfield JCS 21 1967 90 f.: Hb. ʕpr, mʕprt, etc.;
Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 309; UF 17 1985 401: Akk. (ḫ)apparrû; Ribi-
chini-Xella Tessili 57: Arab. ġuffāra, ġifāra, cf. Hitt. ḫup(a)ar(a)-, HW Erg. 1 7;
HEG 293f.; Watson LSU 120; Vita TT 328f.). ¶ Forms: pl. ġprt.
Garment (for effigies of the gods): ʕšrm ġprt twenty ġ., 4.182:7; cf. ]ġprt, ibid.
ln. 24.
/ġ-p-y/ vb G: “to espy, observe” (?); allom. of /ṣ-p-y/ (?) (cf. ṣp); cf. Hb. ṣph,
“to keep watch, to espy”, HALOT 1045; Akk. ṣubbû, “mit Abstand ansehen,
beobachten”, AHw 1107f.; “to look upon something from afar”, CAD Ṣ 226.
Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 309; De Moor UF 17 1985 227; Dijkstra UF 26
1994 117; diff. Margalit AuOr 7 1979 79: Arab. ġapā, “sleep lightly”). ¶ Forms:
G. prefc. tġpy.
G. To espy, observe, in unc. ctx.: ảylt tġpy ṯr a hind was espying (?) a bull,
1.92:11 (diff. Margalit AuOr 7 1979 71, 79: “a hind was drowsing”).
/ġ-r/ (II) vb Gt: “to confront, attack” (Arab. ʔaġāra, “to make a raid, predatory
incursion”, AEL 2306f.; Wehr-Cowan DMWA 804; Rainey UF 3 1971 172; De
Moor SP 134; Pardee AfO 23 1986 138: Gt. “to confront”, Arab. ġāra, “reflexive
form”; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 136 n. l: “grogner”, Arab. n. waġr; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 138, Arab. ʕatara, “to slaughter, sacrifice”; Ren-
froe AULS 109ff.). ¶ Forms: Gt. Prefc. yġtr.
Gt. To confront: bʕln yġtr [ḫ]rd the lord, the guard will attack (him), 1.103:39.
Cf. ġr (IV).
ġr (I) n. m. 1) “mountain”, “hill country”; 2) DN “Mountain” (Hb. ṣwr, “rock,
rocky hill, mountain”, HALOT 1016f.; OAram, “rock, mountain”, DNWSI 974;
cf. Arab. ẓirr, “a stone, in a general sense”, AEL 1909. Segert UF 20 1988 295;
Renfroe AULS 108f.; De Moor JNES 24 1965 362f.: “rock”, “woodland”, Arab.
ġār, Syr. ʕarāʔ, Akk. ēru); ¶ RS Akk.: dḪUR.SAG.MEŠ, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.024):18;
¶ par.: ảrṣ, db (II), gbʕ, ḥl (I), ḫlb, ṣpn, tl (I), yʕr. ¶ Forms: sg. ġr, suff. ġry, ġrk,
ġrh; pl. ġrm.
1) Mountain: ġr ảmn the mountain TN, 2.33:16; ġr ks the mountain TN, 1.1 III 12
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 99 n. 21); ġr bʕl la mountain of DN, 1.16

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320 ġr (ii) – ġr (iii)

I 6 and par. (// ḥlm); b tk ġry ỉl ṣpn on my divine mountain, TN, 1.3 III 29 and
par.; w rbṣ l ġrk ỉnbb kt ġrk and rest on your mountain TN, at the podium of
your mountain, 1.13:9–10; ỉdk pnk ảl ttn tk ġr knkny šả ġr ʕl ydm then set your
face, do, towards the mountain TN, lift up the mountain upon your hands,
1.5 V 12–13 (//ḫlb; cf. 1.2 I 20 and par.); ỉdk ảl ttn pnm ʕm ġr trġzz ʕm ġr ṯrmg
then set your faces towards mount TN, towards mount TN, 1.4 VIII 2–3 (//
tlm; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 290, 301); b št ġr at the foot of the mountain, 1.3
II 5 and par.; gpt ġr the mountain slopes, 1.4 VII 37 (// yʕrm); l ġr gm ṣḥ from
the mountain shout in a loud voice, 1.16 IV 16; pk b ġr ṯn make your voice
echo in the mountain, 1.82:4 (// ḫlb. Caquot SEL 5 1988 34 f.); bʕl yṯb k ṯbt ġr
DN sit down as a mountain sits down, 1.101:1 (// k mdb; cf. ṯbt; for the var.
interpretations cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 129 ff.; Caquot TOu/2 47 n. 98;
Pardee TPM 130f. Wyatt RTU 388 n. 1); ġrm t!ḫšn the mountains were afraid,
1.4 VII 32 (// ảrṣ); kl ġr l kbd ảrṣ (scour) every mountain to the innards of the
earth, 1.5 VI 26 and par. (// gbʕ); b ġr nḥlty on the mountain of my possession,
1.3 III 30 and par. (// b gbʕ tlỉyt); b tk ġrh in the midst of his mountain, 1.101:2;
tblk ġrm mỉd ksp may the mountains bring you plenty of silver, 1.4 V 31 and
par. (// gbʕm); tʕl b ġr (…) b ġr tlỉyt she climbed up the mountain (…) the
mountain of victory, 1.10 III 27–28 (cf. ln. 11); ġr TN d ptḥ PN the hill country
TN that PN opened up, 3.33:2; TN yd ġrh, TN and his hill country, 3.33:5; in
unc. ctx.: ]rḥq b ġr, 1.4 VII 5 (// ṣpn); ġr ṯyb bnpšy 1.93:3 (Margalit SEL 1 1984
90: “ridge”; Caquot TOu/2 38: “montagne”; Dijkstra UF 18 1986 126: “another”,
Arab. ġayr).
2) DN “Mountain(s)”: ġrm w ʕm[q]t š “Mountains and Valleys”, a ram, 1.148:6
(cf. 1.118:18; // dḪUR.SAG.MEŠ u a-mu-<qa->t[u4 / a-mu-q[u, Ug 5 18 (RS
20.24):18; Huehnergard UVST 160f.; Van Soldt SAU 306; cf. ʕmq (I)).
In unc. ctx.: ġr mtny, 1.1 V 12, 14, 25 (cf. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 313 n. h); ġr ṭlm,
1.117:9; ġrm, 2.84:11 (or ġr (II) (?)); in unc. and bkn ctx.: ġr, 3.33:15.
Cf. ġr (IV), ġrn, ġrt (I).
ġr (II) n. m., an installation for the funerary cult (etym. unc.; cf. /ġ-r/, ġr (I).
Xella TRU 67; De Tarragon TOu/2 155 n. 55; Del Olmo CR 25, 94 n. 125; UF 36
2004 571). ¶ Forms: sg. ġr.
An installation for the funerary cult: (sacrifices are offered) b ġr in the
ġ., 1.41:22; 1.87:24 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 312: “beim Niederfallen”;
Pardee TR/1 179f.: “une partie basse de la ville” (?)).
ġr (III) n. m. “skin” (Hb. ʕwr, “skin of a person”, HALOT 803; Pun. ʕrt, “hide”,
DNWSI 887. Aartun WO 4 1967–1968 286; diff. Driver Ug 6 185: “pit of [the]
chin”, Arab. ġawr, Hb. ʕwr); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. SU = ma-aš-ku = aš-ḫé = ú?-ru, Ug 5
130 (RS 20.149) II 6'; Sivan GAGl 207; cf. Huehnergard UVST 48 n. 1; Van Soldt
BiOr 47 1990 731. ¶ Forms: sg. ġr.

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ġr (iv) – /ġ-r-m/ 321

Skin: pẓġm ġr those who gash the(ir) skin, 1.19 IV 11 and par.; ġr b ảbn ydy (his)
skin with a (knife made of) stone he ripped, 1.5 VI 17 and par.
ġr (IV) n. m., “invader, attacker” (?) (< /ġ-r/ (II) (?)c. Arab. ʔaġāra, “to make a
raid, predatory incursion”, AEL 2307f.; Wehr-Cowan DMWA 804, also ġārat,
“predatory incursion”. Renfroe UF 22 1990 283f.; AULS 37 ff.; Mustafa
AcOrHung 29 1975 103: “Angreifer”, Arab. ġwr IV; Loretz Fs Kienast 2003 296:
“Plünderer” and other opinions; also Wyatt RTU 240 n. 293; diff. De Moor
QuSem 2 92 n. 2: “usurer”, Arab. ġarīm; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 126 n. 30:
“Unterdrücker”, Arab. ʔaġrama; Izreʿel UF 8 1976 46 f.: “croak”, Akk. ḥarāru;
Greenstein UPN 41: “and lie low in the mountains”, cf. ġr (I); ¶ par.: // ġzm.
¶ Forms: pl. ġrm.
Invader, attacker: w ġrm tṯwy and will you resist (?) the invaders (?), 1.16 VI 44
(// ġzm),
ġr (V) n. m. “total, sum” (< Hurr. ḫeyari; Laroche GLH 101; Akk. ḫēru, “Gesamt-
heit”, AHw 341; “totality or the like”, CAD Ḫ 176. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977
332f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ġr.
Total, sum: ġr mk!r!m total of traders, 4.27:12; ṣbủ ảnyt (…) ġr (nn) bnš crew
of the ship (…) in total: (nn) individuals, 4.40:9 (cf. ibid. ln. 6). Cf. tgmr ḫrd
ġr (…) final total of the troops: in total (…), 4.777:12 (or TN ġr (IV) (?); cf.
Bordreuil et al. CRAIBL 1984 426); in bkn ctx.: ġr[, 2.101:15.
ġr (VI) TN (< ġr (I), name of a region of the kingdom of Ugarit. Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 102: *Ġūru; Van Soldt Topography 139ff. Cf. Bordreuil Syria 61 1984
2f.); RS 7 4:9.
PN: 4.365:39; 4.380:22; 4.693:57; ḫrd ġr troops of TN (?), 4.777:12 (cf. ġr (III)).
Cf. /ġ-r/, ġrn.
ġrbtym GN (?) (Watson Historiae 4 2007 98).
GN, in bkn ctx.: ]ġrbtym, 4.55:15.
ġrdn PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 262; Watson Historiae 4 2007 98).
PN: 2.61:1.
ġrgn PN (Hurr. (?). Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302; Gröndahl PTU 204 f.,
235, 424; Huehnergard UVST 218, 241; AkkUg 381, 395; Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 646f.; SAU 12; cf. Sivan GAGl 224); Watson AuOr 25 2007 131 ¶ syll.: cf.
(DUMU) ḫar-GA-na, PRU 3 92 (RS 16.189):6; PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 29,
30; PRU 6 27 (RS 17.01):4, 16; DUMU ḫa-ra-GA-na, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 6;
DUMU ḫa-ra-QA-na, PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257+) II 5. Cf. bn ḥrk[, 4.315:3.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 V 8; VI 9; 4.93 I 16; 4.807:29, 66; 4.819:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.413:5;
4.422:36; 4.564:4.
/ġ-r-m/ vb D “to commit, destine, condemn” (Arab. ġarama, “to pay”, tD “to take
upon himself an obligation” < *D “to make to take upon himself, to make
to pay”, “imposer l’accomplissement d’un engagement”, DAF 460, ġarām, “a

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322 ġrm – ġs

thing from which one is unable to free himself”; see (?) also Akk. erēmu,
“to place a tablet in a clay case” > “to close the case, act”, CAD A/2 229f.;
(ḫ)arāmu, “auf Tafel in Hülle schreiben”, AHw 64, 323, “bedecken” > “to close”,
to be distinguish from related c.Sem. *ḥrm). ¶ Forms: D. prefc. tġrm.
D. To commit, destine, condemn: in bkn and unc. ctx.: hm.tġrm. lmt.brtk if
your forecast has committed (you) to death / Môtu, 1.82:5 (diff. Del Olmo
AuOr 29 2011 247: “if your constitution is covered with the skin of death”,
rdg tq!rm, Akk. qarāmu, Hb., Aram. qrm, but see ibid. p. 252 n. 22; De Moor
ARTU 176: “you are pledging”, rdg tġrm, < Arab. ġarima; Caquot TOu/2 65
n. 174: “si tu amoncelles” < ġrm(n); Miglio JNER 13 2013 33, 39: “if you cast”,
without etym. reference).
ġrm n. m. “heap” > “swarm” (Hb. ʕrmh, “granaries, heaps”, HALOT 887; Syr.
ʕramtāʔ, “heap”, SL 1140; Arab. ʕaramat, “a quantity …, a heap”, AEL 2025.
Emerton Fs. Williams 46f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ġrm, suff. ġrmn (adv. -n).
Swarm: k qṣm ġrmn like grasshoppers in a swarm, 1.3 II 11 (Dietrich-Loretz
UF 4 1972 30; diff. Cassuto GA 117: “without number”, metath. < Arab. ġamura;
Watson AuOr 22 2004 130: “plane tree”, Hb. ʕrmwn; De Moor SP 91: “destruc-
tion, calamity”, Arab. ġarām / ġarīm, but cf. in ARTU 5: “plane-tree”; Gib-
son CML 155: “vengeance, punishment”, Arab. ġarima).
ġrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 141; Van Soldt SAU 33; Watson 4 2007 98).
Cf. ḫrn(y), PN.
PN: ★a) 4.296:5; 4.609:14; ★b) bn PN, 4.33:34; 4.50:15.
ġrp?d PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.214 I 13.
ġrpl n. m. “cloud, large storm cloud” (Hb. ʕrpl, “thick darkness”, HALOT 888; Syr.
ʕarpelāʔ, “cloud, fog” SL 1141f. Emerton Fs. Williams 43 f.); ¶ par.: ḥmt (III).
¶ Forms: sg. ġrpl.
Cloud, large storm cloud: [ỉsp š]pš l hr[m] ġrpl remove, DN, from the moun-
tains the storm cloud!, 1.107:34 and par. (// ḥmt).
ġrplt n. f. “cloudy sky” (f. < ġrpl. Dietrich-Loretz MU 182 n. 584). ¶ Forms: sg.
Cloudy (sky), in bkn ctx.: ġrp]lt mẓrm ylk cloudy sky: rain will fall, 1.163:6.
ġrt (I) n. f. “rock” (?) (cf. ġr (I). De Moor ARTU 22). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ġrt.
Rock (?), in bkn ctx.: ʕdb b ġrt ṯ[bt upon rock (?) he placed (the) [seat], 1.1
III 9.
ġrt (II) PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.278:5.
ġryty GN (etym. unc. < ġrt (I) (?)).
GN: 4.832:2.
ġs PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302; Watson AuOr 8 1990 123;
Historiae 4 2007 98).

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ġṣb – ġyr 323

PN: bn PN, 4.321:1.

ġṣb n. m., fold of a bull’s body (Arab. ġaḍf, ʔaġḍaf, “abundance of the fur,
folding of the skin”, AEL 2267f. Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 124 f.; De Moor UF 2
1970 325: “swelling, protuberance”, Arab. ġaḍbat, Akk. ḫabāṣu; diff. Blome
Opfermaterie 162: “Viertel”, cf. Hb. šwq ymyn; Caquot ACF 76 1976–1977 462:
“sévir”, Hb. ʕṣb). ¶ Forms: sg. ġṣb.
Fold of a bull’s body: l gṯrm ġṣb šmảl ảlpm to the DN: the left ġ. of two bulls,
1.109:26; in unc. ctx.: ġṣb ġṣb, 1.167:3.
ġṣmn PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 8 1990 123).
PN: 4.75 I 4 ([bn ]xln).
ġṣr n. m. “limit, border, edge” (Hb. ʕṣr, “to hold back, restrain”, HALOT 870f.;
Arab. ġaḍara, “to hold back, refrain, withhold”, AEL 2266; EA Akk. ptc. m.
ḫa-ṣí-ri, EAT 138:80,130, “to be retained”, DNWSI 881: ʕṣr; “he holds back” (?),
CAD Ḫ 166; Sivan GAGl 207. Emerton Fs. Williams 46; Margalit MLD 75f.).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ġṣr.
Limit, border, edge: tlm ġṣr ảrṣ the (two) hills (at the) edge of the earth, 1.4
/ġ-t-r/ vb G: “to implore, intercede, ask” (Hb. ʕtr, “to plead, supplicate”, HALOT
905f.; cf. PN ia-a[ḫ]-ti-ri, EAT 296:4; Sivan GAGl 207; Hess AmPN 79).
¶ Forms: G prefc., yġtr, tġt[r].
G. To implore, intercede, ask: yġtr ʕṯtr DN will (also) intercede, 1.24:28; in
bkn ctx.: rġb rġbt w tġt[r] if you are hungry ask (for anything), 1.4 IV 33 (De
Moor ARTU 53; see Smith-Pitard UBC/2 520f. for a discussion of the var.
suggestions); in unc. ctx.: yġtr qrt, 6.79 a 3.
Cf. ġtr.
ġtr PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 20 2002 236).
PN: bn PN, 4.754:16.
ġw PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 20 2002 236).
PN: ★a) 4.695:6; ★b) bn PN, 4.700:5.
ġwn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ġwn, 4.825 I 9.
/ġ-w-y/ vb D (?): “to cry vigorously, shout” (JBAram. ʕwy, pa. “to cry, roar”,
DJBA 847. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 254; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984
249: “to pervert” > “turn into”, Arab. ġwy, Hb. ʕwh; Tropper UG1 662, UG2 661:
“sich vergehen, sich versündigen”). ¶ Forms: D (?) prefc. ảġwyn.
D. (?) To cry vigorously, shout: ảġwyn ʕnk I am going to cry vigorously to your
intercessors (/ those who should reply to you), 1.82:42.
ġyr n. m. “depth, depressed ground” (Arab. ġawr, “bottom, lowest part, depres-
sed ground”, AEL 2308. De Moor SP 134; Renfroe AULS 110 ff.: “cave”; diff.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 171 n. z: “rapide”, Arab. ġāra); ¶ par.: ʕn (I). ¶ Forms:
pl. ġyrm.

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324 ġyrn – ġzr

Depth, depressed ground: ṯlṯ mtḥ ġyrm three measures (beneath) the depths,
1.3 IV 36 and par. (// ʕnt).
ġyrn PN (4.277:3), allog. of ḫyrn, PN.
ġz n. m. “warrior, raider” (etym. unc. Arab. ġazā, “to wage war”, AEL 2257.
Mustafa AcOrHung 29 1976 103; Renfroe UF 22 1990 282, 284; AULS 39 ff. ġzy,
“to invade”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 123ff.: “Gewalttäter”, Arab. ġazā; diff.
Izreʿel UF 8 1974 446: “to gargle”, Akk. azû; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 190:
“philanthropist, munificent”, Arab. ġuzzāz); ¶ par.: ġr(m). ¶ Forms: sg. ġz; pl.
Warrior, raider: k ġz ġzm tdbr can you drive away warriors like a warrior?, 1.16
VI 43 and par (// ġrm). See /d-b-r/ (I).
ġzl n. m. “spinner” (Arab. ġazala, “to spin”, ġazzāl, “vender, spinner”, AEL 2255f.;
OAram. ʕzly, “something woven”, DNWSI 835; JPAram. ʕzl, “to spin yarn”,
DJPA 401. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 308; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 19f.;
Renfroe AULS 113); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ḫa-zi-lu, PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) I 10 (cf.
ġzl(y)). ¶ Forms: pl. ġzlm.
Spinner: arbʕ ġzlm four spinners, 4.358:9.
Cf. ʕzl, ġzl(y).
ġzl(y) PN (Sem. cf. ġzl. Gröndahl PTU 28, 141; Huehnergard UVST 241; Watson
Historiae 4 2007 93f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ḫa-zi-lu, PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) I 10. ʕz?l
is possibly an allog. in 4.31:8.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 6; 4.769:54.
Cf. ʕzl, ḫzlỉ.
ġzr n. m. 1) “lad, youth”; 2) “noble, hero”; 3) “champion, warrior”, epithet of gods
and heroes and of cult officials (Hb. ʕzr, “hero, warrior”, HALOT 811; cf. Arab.
ġazīr, “much, abundant”, AEL 2255. Miller UF 1 1979 90 f.; UF 2 1970 162ff.;
De Moor SP 21, 31, 76; Xella MŠŠ 138ff.; PP 150 1973 194ff.; Lipiński UF 2 1970
77; Sasson UF 14 1982 204ff.; Barr JSS 26 1981 279; Emerton Fs. Williams 46;
McGeough ERU 100; Watson Historiae 10 2013 30); ¶ par.: ảṯt, mt (III), ṣbủ (I).
¶ Forms: sg. ġzr; du. / pl. ġzrm.
1) Lad, youth, ★a) in general: w pġt w ġzr ảḥd and a lass and a lad, 4.102:20 and
par.; ảṯt w ṯn ġzrm a woman and two youths, 4.102:23 and par.; [ṯ]lṯ ảṯt ảdrt w
ṯlṯ ġzr[m] three noble women and three lads, 4.102:16; ảrbʕ ʕšr ġzrm fourteen
lads, 4.349:1; ydy dbbm d ġzr (formulae of) banishment of foul-mouthed
(sorcerers) of youth, 1.169:1; w ʕlm ylk ġzr and (on the) next (day) the lad will
go, 1.175:14; k yqny ġzr when he was about to acquire a youth, 1.141:1; ★b) in
musical ctx.: ġzrm g ṭb sweet-voiced lads, 1.23:14; ġzr nʕm a handsome lad
[should sing], 1.23:17; yšr ġzr ṭb ql the sweet-voiced lad sang, 1.3 I 20.
2) Noble, hero, title: ★a) of heroes (in the dnỉl-ảqht Cycle): dnỉl (…) ġzr PN
(…) the Noble, 1.17 II 28 and par.; w yʕn ảqht ġzr and Noble PN replied, 1.17

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/ġ-ẓ-y/ 325

VI 20 and par.; nʕmn ġzr št ṯrm the handsome Noble has prepared bulls, 1.18
IV 14; dm l ġzr šrgk ḫḫm since for a Noble your tangles are a quagmire, 1.17
VI 34; brkn šm ỉl ġzrm the heroes (extol) blessing it / him, the name of DN,
1.22 I 7 (// mtm); yḥ (…) brlt ġzr may the Noble revive (…) in his appetite, 1.17
I 37; ảpnk ġzr ỉlḥủ then the Noble PN, 1.16 I 46 and par. (cf. ln. 58); ★b) of gods:
<m>t (…) ṯtʕ ydd ỉl ġzr DN (…) take fright did the beloved of DN, the Noble,
1.6 VI 31 and par.
3) Champion, warrior: tṯʕr (…) hdmm lġzrm she arranged (…) footstools like
/ for champions, 1.3 II 22 and par. (// ṣbỉm); tlbš npṣ ġzr she put on the clothes
of a warrior, 1.19 IV 44; in unc. ctx.: ảnẓ w ġzr, 1.73:11.
Cf. aġzr.
/ġ-ẓ-y/ vb D: “to win over” (?) (etym. unc.; cf. Arab. ġaḍā IV, “to contract the
eyes”, AEL 2268f.; Hb. ʕṣh, “to screw up the eyes” HALOT 866. De Moor UF 1
1969 202 n. 6; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542; ¶ par.: /ʕ-p/, /m-g-n/. ¶ Forms: G/D
suffc. ġẓtm; prefc. tġẓy, tġẓyn, [n]ġẓ.
D. To win over (with presents) (?): tġẓy bny bnwt she won over the creator of
creatures, 1.4 II 11 (// tʕpp); tġẓyn qnyt ỉlm they won over the progenitrix of
the gods, 1.4 III 26 and par. (// tmgnn; cf. ln. 35); hm ġẓtm bny bnwt have you
won over the creator of creatures?, 1.4 III 31 (// mgntm).
Cf. mġẓ, tġẓyt.

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-h (I) suff. pn. morph.: 1) used with a n., “his /her (hers) / its”; 2) used with a vb,
“him / her / it”; 3) used with a prep., ảṯr, ʕl, ʕm, b, bd, l, qdm, tḥt (c.Sem. except
Akk. Gordon UT §6.7; Tropper UG 221ff.); syll. Ug.: /-hu/ü/, Huehnergard
UVST 120. ¶ Forms: sg. -h; suff. -hn (+ encl. -n; Tropper UG 228); -hw in 2.15:6
(mat. lect., Tropper UG 54); also -nh (in unc. ctx. lnh 1.111:21).
1) Used with a noun: passim; cf. lengthened forms: qšthn ảḫd b ydh his bow
he took in his hand, 1.10 II 6 (or dittog. of n/ả (?)); tqṣrn ymy bʕlhn shortened
shall be the days of his lord, 1.103:34 (cf. ln. 33: pnh); in bkn ctx.: lhn lg
ynh[ to him a pitcher of wine … [, 1.23:75 (diff. De Moor ARTU 128 n. 69: a
liquid measure, Hb. hyn / lg; Smith RM 123: “to serve”, Arab. lahhana; Tropper
UG 737: “hierher” (?) Arab. huna); Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 182, 328: “he
serves”, *lhn).
2) Used with a verb: w ảnk ỉbġyh and I shall reveal it (to you), 1.3 III 29; tn ỉlm d
tqh deliver, gods, the one you pay homage to, 1.2 I 34 and par.; tštḥwy w tkbdh
she prostrated herself and honoured him, 1.4 IV 26 and par.; ảnk ʕm mlảkth
šmʕh I, next to his embassy, am his auditor, 2.17:7 (Cunchillos TOu/2 307 n. 14;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982 87: “höre (nun) ihn an!”); ỉn b ỉlm ʕnyh there
was no-one among the gods who answered him, 1.16 V 22; kd ʕl qšth ỉmḥṣh,
thus, for his bow I wounded him, 1.19 I 14; rḥm ʕnt tngṯh the damsel DN sought
him, 1.6 II 27 and par.; gršh l ksỉ mlkh the one who threw him off his royal
throne, 1.3 IV 2; l ktp ʕnt k tšth on the shoulders of DN, she did place him, 1.6
I 15; ṭl šmm tskh (with) dew that the skies poured down on her, 1.3 II 40 and
par.; šr ảḫyh mẓảh the prince that his brothers found, 1.12 II 50; mʕmsh [k]
šbʕ yn who bears the burden (act. ptc.) of him [when] he is sated with wine,
1.17 I 30; šmn ỉṯrhw as for the oil: follow it, 2.15:6 (Tropper UG1 54; “wo immer
er ist”: UG2 54, 798).
3) Used with a preposition: lpš d sgr bh a cloak with (appliqués of) gold,
4.166:6; ʕmh bqʕt with her (is) DN, 1.24:48; bʕdh bhtm (…) sgrt bʕdh ʕdbt
ṯlṯ behind her the house (…) she closed, behind her she shot the bolt,
1.100:70–71; k bh bṯt l tbṭ w bh tdmmt for in it shamelessness is truly and in it
there is lewd behaviour, 1.4 III 21–22; yʕdb lḥm (…) lh he provided him with
bread (…), 1.114:7; ʕṯtrt tʕdb nšb lh, DN provided him with a piece of meat,
1.114:10; kll ylḥm bh of which all shall eat, 1.115:10; bdh ḫṭ ṯkl in his hand (he
had) the sceptre of sterility, 1.23:8; tq!ḥ [ks] bdh he took [the cup] from his
hand, 1.19 IV 55, cf. ln. 54; ʕmh trd nrt ỉlm with her went down the “Luminary
of the gods”, 1.6 I 8; tḥth k kdrt (…) ʕlh k ỉrbym at her feet like balls (…), above
her like locusts, 1.3 II 9–10 and par.; d ỉn bn lh who has no son, 1.17 I 18 and

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-h (ii) 327

par.; ytn ks bdh he put a cup in his hand, 1.3 I 10; ảṯrh tdd ỉln[ ym] after him
the divine ones left, 1.20 II 2 and par.; w ṯṯb mlảkm lh and you shall make the
(two) messengers return to him, 1.14 III 33; w tqrb w ld bn lh she conceived and
bore him a son, 1.15 III 20 and par.; št ảlp qdmh he placed an ox before her, 1.3
IV 41 and par.; yšr ʕlh he shall sing in his presence, 1.17 VI 31; ʕlh nšr[m] trḫpn
over him the eagles flew about, 1.18 IV 30 and par.; w lh yʕlm so that it will be
known to him 2.14:14; ʕlh ṯrh tšʕrb she made his “bulls” enter his presence, 1.15
IV 17f. and par.; bh pʕnm tṭṭ her very feet (lit.: on her, the feet) trembled, 1.3
III 32 and par.; d bh rủmm l rbbt in which there were wild bulls by the myriad,
1.4 I 43; ảr[b]ʕ ảrbʕ mṯbt ảzmr bh in which there will be four plus four huts
(made) of branches, 1.41:51; ṯảr ủm tkn lh for him she was (like) a mother’s
surety (?), 1.14 I 15, see ṯảr; d šbʕ [ả]ḫm lh he who had seven brothers, 1.14
I 9; ủnṯ ảḥd lh[ (PN(N)) has(have) a loan pending, 4.86:4; ủnṯ ỉn mnm bh (the
house) has no corvée at all, 3.2:18 and par.; yṯb ly ỉl (…) w lh DN will attend
to me[…] and (it will go well) with him, 1.3 IV 54–55 ]mlk ytn lbš lh the king
will give the garment to him, 4.182:64; in bkn ctx.: bt (rdg: d ?t (?)) ʕlh, 1.101:7.
-h (II) adv. functor 1) directional, local: “to, towards”; “against”; “in, on”; 2)
temporal: “for, during”; 3) modal: “to, according to” or gerund (Hb. -h, Joüon
GBH 279; Hoftijzer SfM; Eth. -hā, Lambdin ICE 33. Gordon UT § 11.1; Aartun
PU/1 41ff.; Tropper UG 320ff.). ¶ Forms: -h.
1) Directional, local: nšả [ y]dh šmmh he lifted up his hands to heaven, 1.14
IV 5; yšủ yr šmmh he raised (it and) shot skywards, 1.23:38; his tears flowed
km ṯqlm ảrṣh km ḫmšt mṭth like shekels to the ground, like five-shekel weights
onto the bed, 1.14 I 29–30; yrḥṣ ydh ảmth he washed his hands to the elbow,
1.14 III 53 (// ʕd); ḥẓk ảl tšʕl qrth do not shoot your arrows against the city,
1.14 II 13; ql bl ʕm dgn ttlh take the (/my) cry to DN to (/ in) TN, 1.100:15
and par.; ảdnyh towards TN, 2.88:8; ḥṯb d ảnyt grgmšh bill for / of a ship
(with destination / bound for) TN, 4.779:13; kd l ḫty mảḫdh a “jar” for PN in
TN, 4.149:5; bḫbṯh ḥwt ṯth in case he runs away to another country, 3.3:4 (cf.
Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 190); w šrh and on (his) navel (one shall place),
1.114:30 (cf. Watson AuOr 8 1990 266); ṯn šmn ʕlyh two cruets of oil in the place
of sacrifice, 1.41:46 // 1.87:50; d šṣả ḥwyh who delivered (it) to the storehouse,
4.145:10. Cf. qrht d tššlmn ṯlrbh cities that compensate TN (?) by means of
loans, 4.95:2.
2) Temporal: lht w ʕlmh from now and for ever (= eternity), 1.19 IV 6; ʕnt brḥ
p ʕlmh from now and for ever may you be a fugitive, 1.19 III 55 and par.; ảṯt ỉl
w ʕlmh (they shall be) wives of DN and (this) in perpetuity, 1.23:42 and par.
w ḥdṯh tdn hmt and on the day of the new moon, they shall declare them
(legitimate), 1.104:18–19.
3) Modal (?): [w] yqrb trẓẓh (and) he approached at a run ((?): at full speed),

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328 h- – hbṭn

1.16 I 49. The function of -h in composite numerals with ʕšrh (Gordon UT

§7.20; Tropper UG 350) is uncertain.
Cf. hlh.
h-, as a part. with det. function in hbt, 2.70:16 and hyn, 287.29, see hbt and hy.
hayn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 331).PN, in bkn ctx.: hảyn[, 4.118:3.
hbm PN (etym. unc.).PN: 4.313:1 (šlmy).
hbn n. m. “ebony” (Eg. hbny, “Ebenholz”, WäS/2 487; Hb. hbnym, “ebony”,
HALOT 237; Syr. ʔabnūsāʔ, “ebony”, SL 5; Arab. ʔabnūs, “ebony”, AEL 10; Eth.
ʔabnus, “ebony”, CDG 4; Gk ébenos, “ebony”, Liddell-Scott GEL 466 f. Muchiki
Loanwords 281f.; Watson UF 42 2010 834; diff. Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 626:
“sack, bag”, MSA hebbān). ¶ Forms: sg. hbn, hbnm (encl. -m). Ebony: ʕšrm hbn
twenty (logs (?)) of ebony, 4.402:6; ]kkr hbn d mkr (…) kkr hbnm ṯn d mnḥt (six
(?)) talent(s) of ebony of merchant (…) a second / another talent of ebony of
tribute, 4.808:1, 5 (Tropper UF 36 2004 519f.).
/h-b-r/ vb G: “to bow” (etym. unc. Cf. (?) Arab. habr, habīr, “depressed land”,
Hava 812, see Renfroe AULS 42ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. thbr, yhbr; impv. hbr
(Tropper UF 22 1990 376; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 344 n. 21: G/D (?)).
G. To bow: (at the feet of DN) hbr w ql bow and fall down, 1.3 III 10 and par.,
prostration formula (Del Olmo MLC 54f.); l pʕn ỉl thbr at the feet of DN she
bowed, 1.6 I 36 and par.; yhbr špthm yšq he bent down, he kissed their lips,
1.23:49 and par.
hbt see hwt (I).
/h-b-ṭ/ẓ/ vb D: a) “to knock down, hit”; b) “to remove; to wipe out” (Arab.
habaṭa, “to descend”, AEL 2876. Dijkstra UF 7 1975 564 f.; Tropper UF 22 1990
376; UF 26 1994 4568f.; Renfroe AULS 114f.; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 386;
Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542). ¶ Forms: D suffc./inf. hbṭ; prefc. yhbṭ, thbṭ, var. suff.
thbẓn (+ -n; 1.163:3).D.: a) to knock down, hit: bn ḫrnk mġy hbṭ hw ḫrd w šl hw
qrt your messenger arrived, knocked down the guard (and) plundered the
city, 2.61:5; in unc. ctx.: lm l hbṭ why has one not knocked down (?), 2.84:17,
cf. ln. 19, 24; b) to remove, wipe out: yhbṭ bn!š may he remove this individual,
2.4:19; špḥ ảl thbṭ do not wipe out the family, 2.47:16; in bkn ctx. ] w thbẓn
and they will wipe (him) out (?), 1.163:3 (Tropper UF 22 1990 376; UF 26
1994 461 n. 21: “Gp-PK” /tuhbaṣūna/; Del Olmo CR 352: “the people … will
be slaughtered”; Dietrich-Loretz MU 172f.: “werden beseitigt”, ni.). Cf. hbṭn.
hbṭn n. m., social group or class (Akk. ebēṭu, “to bind”, AHw 183; “to be tied, girt”,
CAD E 13ff.; ubbuṭu, “ein Schuldgebundener”, “in Nuzi eine Menschenklasse”,
AHw 1400; apparently not connected with /h-b-ṭ/; diff. Liverani RSO 44 1969
195; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/1 214: “Schläger”; Sanmartín UF 21 1989 346
n. 91; McGeough ERU 119; Watson LSU 84; AuOr 29 2011 166: “halter-holder”,
Akk. ebēṭu, “to bind”, Ebla. i-bí-tum, “halter”, alt. “saddle-cloth”, Yemeni Arab.

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hd(d) – hdrʕy 329

ġabaṭin, “saddle-cloth”). ¶ Forms: sg. hbṭn; pl. hbṭnm. Social group or class:
PN hbṭn, 4.635:10; in the service of the royal palace: 4.137:6; 4.163:10; cf. 4.173:9;
4.174:6; 4.179:11.
hd(d) DN, alternative name of Baal (Hb. hdd, HALOT 238; Aram. [h]dd, KAI 222
A 25–26; cf. Ebla (d)ʔà-da, Krebernik PET 74; Bonechi SEL 8 1991 67; Sanmartín
AuOr 9 1991 188; Pagan ARES 3 214f.; Mander MROA 2/1 28 ff.; Mari Akk.,
Amor. /had(d)u/ and var., Huffmon APNMT 156f., Gelb CAAA 19; Durand
MROA 2/1 177f. Roberts ESP 13ff.; Van Zijl Baal 324 ff.; De Vaux RB 78 1971
124f.; De Moor UF 20 1988 173ff.; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 448 ff.; Green-
field DDD2 377–382; Smith UBC/1 129 n. 25); ¶ RS Akk.: dU, dIM, passim <
Ug. DNN bʕl or hd(d), cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 394, 397; syll. Ug.: the element
/(h)addu/, /(h)adadu/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 222; for the element /-(h)and/ in
PN Niqmandu cf. Roberts ESP 13: already OAkk.; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 650:
contamination < Hitt. */-anda/; cf. Emar a-du-ut-ta, Wiseman-Hess UF 26
1994 506 n. 26); ¶ par.: bʕl. ¶ Forms: ảdd, hd, hdd.DN: ỉl hd the god DN, 1.10
II 5 and par.; hwt gmr hd the word of the “Champion” DN, 1.2 I 46 (Cooper
RSP 3 444f.; cf. PNN ig-mar/ma-ra-dIM, PRU 3 48 (RS 16.248):4, 7; pn hdd the
face of DN, 1.9:13; šnủ hd the foes of DN, 1.4 VII 36; ỉb hd[[x]]t, enemies of DN,
1.4 VII 38 (cf. KTU ad loc.; for the rdg hdn! see Tropper UG 699); cf. 1.4 VI 39;
1.5 I 23 and par.; 1.12 II 54 (// bʕl); cf. var. ỉl ảdd, 1.65:9; in bkn ctx., yqr.ủn hd
may DN invite (me), 1.5 II 22; ỉ hd where is DN?, 1.5 IV 7; in bkn ctx.: hd tngṯnh,
1.1 V 17 and par.; šġr hd, 1.9:18; hd r[, 1.101:1; hdd, 2.31:41;
Cf. ydbhd, yrgbhd, yrmhd.
hdm n. m. “footstool”, “stool” (Hb. hdm, “footstool”, HALOT 239; Eg. hdmw,
“Schemel”, WäS/2 505; Helck Bez. 517 (164), h(a)-d-mú; Hoch SWET 221f.
(304); cf. Hurr. atmi, Nuzi Akk. GIŠ atmu, “ein Holzgegenstand”, AHw 87. Haas
AoF 20 1993 264; Watson LSU 43f., 128; UF 42 2010 834); ¶ par.: ảrṣ, kḥṯ, ksủ,
nḫt, ṯlḥn. ¶ Forms: sg. hdm; pl. hdmm.
Footstool, stool: hdm ỉl! a divine footstool, 1.4 I 34 (// kḥṯ, nḫt); his feet l hdm
yṯpd he rested on the footstool, 1.4 IV 29 and par.; she arranged (…) hdmm l
ġzrm the stools like champions, 1.3 II 22 (// ksảt, ṯlḥnt); cf. hdmm tảr lhdmm
the stools she arranged like stools (ibid. ln. 37); he came down from the
throne, yṯb l hdm w l hdm yṯb l arṣ and sat on the footstool and (coming down)
from the footstool he sat on the ground, 1.5 VI 13 (// ksủ, ảrṣ); his feet l tmġyn
hdm did not reach the footstool, 1.6 I 60; ydmʕ hdm pʕnh may the footstool
of his feet shed tears, 1.161:14; in bkn ctx.: l hdm, 6.86:1.
hdrʕy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 103: *Hadraʕā), a mythical place, the residence
of rpủ mlk (Hb. ʔdrʕy, HALOT 17; Emar Akk. cf. dNE.IRI11.GAL be-el id-ri, Emar
158:6. Margulis JBL 89 1970 293f.; Astour RSP 2 282f. no. 36; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 12 1980 171ff.; UF 21 1989 123ff.; UF 22 1990 55 f.; TUAT II/2 822; Pardee

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330 hdrt – hkl

TPM 95ff.; Margalit BZAW 182 473; Görg UF 6 1974 474f.; De Moor ARTU 187
n. 3; Van Soldt UBL 11 371; Smith EHG 140 n. 14; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990
55f. n. 11; diff. Bordreuil Maarav 5–6 1990 13: rdg hd rʕy “Haddou le berger”, cf.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 117; De Moor ZAW 88 1976 326 f., 338f.;
Levine-De Tarragon JAOS 104 1984 656); ¶ par.: ʕṯtrt (II).
TN, a mythical place: ỉl ṯpẓ b hdrʕy the god who judges / rules in TN, 1.108:3
(// bʕṯtrt).
hdrt n. f. “revelation, vision” (Hb. hdr, hdrt, “splendour”, HALOT 240; Syr. hedrāʔ,
“decoration, splendor, glory”, SL 332. Cunchillos Sal29 54 f., 61; Tropper UBL 12
305ff.; diff. Sanmartín UF 12 1980 337f.: “Trübsal”, Akk. i/edirtu; Moore RB 93
1986 402ff.: “royal visitation”, Ahiqar xii 207 (?); Dietrich-Loretz SEL 1 1984
85ff.: mistake for ḏ/d(h)rt); ¶ par.: ḥlm. ¶ Forms: sg. hdrt.
Revelation, vision: he came to himself (…) w hdrt and it was a revelation, 1.14
III 51 (// ḥlm).
/h-d-y/ G “to lacerate (oneself)” (Arab. haḏḏa, haḏaʔa, “to cut quickly, to hurt”,
AEL 2886f. Loewenstamm IOS 4 1974 1; De Moor SP 193; Tropper-Verreet
UF 20 1988 343f., 349; Tropper UF 22 1990 376f.; Renfroe AULS 45 ff.; Watson
AuOr 19 2001 289; UF 38 2006 719); ¶ par.: /ṯ-l-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. thdy, yhdy.
G. To lacerate (onself): yhdy lḥm w dqn he lacerated (his) cheeks and chin,
1.5 VI 19 and par (// yṯlṯ).
hg n. m. “enumeration, count” (< /h-g-h/. Hb. hgh, “to speak, proclaim”, HALOT
237; cf. Arab. ha­ā, “to spell”, Hava 818); ¶ par.: spr. ¶ Forms: sg. hg.
Enumeration, count: ṯnn d bl hg the archers without count, 1.14 II 38 (// spr).
/h-g-g/ see /ʔ-g-g/.
hkl n. m. “palace” (Akk. ekallum, “Palast”, AHw 191f.; “royal palace”, CAD E 52 ff.;
Hurr. /ḫaikalli/, “Palast”, StBoT 32 229; Hb. hykl, HALOT 244 f.; Syr. hayklāʔ,
SL 340; Arab. haykal, Hava 831. Falkenstein Das Sumerische 24; Gelb MAD 2
25; Kaufman AIA 27f.; Lieberman SLOBA 216 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. hkl, suff. hkly,
hklk, hklh; pl./du. hklm.
Palace: ṯġr hk[l] doorkeeper of the palace, 4.224:8, 9; trmm hklh they erected
his palace, 1.4 VI 17 and par.; tštql ỉlt l hklh the goddess went down to her
palace, 1.3 II 18 and par.; I am going to place (…) ḥln b qrb hklm a window in
the palace, 1.4 V 62 and par.; ảp yṣb yṯb b hkl also DN sat in his palace, 1.16 VI 25;
and he may have (…) šrš b qrb hklh offspring in his palace, 1.17 I 26 and par.;
ʕrb bkyt b hklh mourners entered his palace, 1.19 IV 10, cf. ln. 21; open (…) hkl w
ỉštql the palace so that I can come in, 1.100:72; rbt kmn hkl ten thousand acres
the palace (will cover), 1.4 V 57; ỉqra [b h]kly I call you [… to] my [pa]lace,
1.21 II 3 and par.; hkly dtm ḫrṣ my palace of gold, 1.4 VI 37; do not be glad b
rm [h]kl[k] about / in the height of your palace, 1.3 V 21 and par.; they lit (…)
nblảt b hklm flames in the palace, 1.4 VI 23 and par., cf. ln. 33.

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hkm – /h-l-k/ 331

hkm “?” (De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 110; CARTU 136: hk, “powder”). ¶ Forms: hkm.
?, in bkn ctx.: ]pp hkm, 1.10 I 2.
hkr vb Š: “to remain tranquil” < “made to sleep” (Arab. haka:ira, “to be as-
tounded, to be sleepy”, Hava 831. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 313: “cause / allow
to sleep”). ¶ Forms: Š prefc. ašhkr.
Š. To remain tranquil: lảkh ảšhkr send it and I will remain tranquil, 2.87:32
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 146).
hl deictic adv. functor “behold, look, here is!” (cf. EA Akk. /allū(mi)/, “is it not?”,
Sivan GAGl 190; AHw 37; CAD A/1 358; OSA hl, pn. rel. “whatever”, SD 56; Arab.
hal, part. AEL 3044. Aartun PU/1 72f.; Brown Maarav 4 1987 202ff.; Tropper
UG 750ff.); ¶ Forms: hl (suff. / ext. forms: hlk, hlh, hlm, hln, hlny; see Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 542: “they all can be understood as somehow presentative or
implying sensual perception”).
Behold, look, here is!: hlk qšt ybln hl yšrbʕ qṣʕt behold!, he brought a bow,
behold!, he had made the arrows fourfold, 1.17 V 12; hl ġlmt tld bn behold! the
damsel will give birth to a son, 1.24:7 (cf. Is. 7:14); hl ʕṣr tḥrr l ỉšt look!, you
have roasted a bird on the fire, 1.23:44 and par.; in unc. ctx.: hl ʕkd, 2.87:25.
hlh, deictic adv. functor “look!” (< hl, ext. form). ¶ Forms: hlh.
Look!: hlh tšpl hlh trm look, one stooped, look!, the other went up, 1.23:32 and
par.; in bkn ctx.: hlh, 4.666:3.
Cf. hl.
/h-l-k/ vb G: “to go, go away; to run, flow; to roam”; Gt: “to scour”; Š: “to cause
to run, flow” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Moab., Aram. Nab., Palm. hlk, “to go, walk”,
HALOT 246ff.; DNWSI 280f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 50; Pagan ARES 3 117;
AL6.DU = ʔà-a-gú-um (/haʔākum/), VE 984; U.DU = ʔà-la-gúm (/halākum/),
VE 1000; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 35f.; Fronzaroli EL 135; StEb 7 1984 164; Akk.
alāku, “gehen”, AHw 31ff.; “to go, to move”, CAD A/1 300 ff.; Arab. halaka, “to
perish, pass, go away”, AEL 3044); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/, /ṣ-d/; cf. /m-ġ-y/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. hlk; prefc. ảlk, tlk, ylk, ylkn, tlkn; suff. tlkm (encl. -m); impv. lk; inf. lkt;
act. ptc. m. hlk, f. hlkt; pl. hlkm; Gt prefc. ỉtlk, ttlk, ytlk; Š prefc. ảšhlk (Tropper
UF 22 1990 375).
G.: ★a) To go, go away, roam, to begin to: hlk l ảlpm (…) ṯn ṯn hlk they go by the
thousand (…), two abreast they go, 1.14 II 39–41 and par.; spr mḏrġlm d !t hlk b[
list of watchmen who have gone (as a detail) to …, 4.33:2; bless me ảlk brktm
(…) ảlk nmrrt so that I may go blessed, (…) so that I can go strengthened, 1.19
IV 32; tlk w tr she went and escaped, 1.10 III 17; tr b lkt, and began to run, 1.10
II 29;
tlkm DN DN set off, 1.23:16 (// tṣd); lk tlk b ṣd[, you go on a hunt, 1.18 I 27 (see
Parker UNP 64); tlkm rḥmy wtṣd[ DN goes hunting, 1.23:16; lm l tlk why do you
not go?, 2.39:16; d l ylkn ḥš who cannot go quickly, 1.1 IV 7; tlkn ym w ¨n they

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332 hlk (i)

went, one day and a second, 1.14 IV 31 and par. (cf. mġy ln. 34; cf. Aitken UF 19
1987 7); km dlt tlk like a poor woman she shall walk, 1.82:24, cf. ln. 22; ỉl hlk l
bth DN went to his house, 1.114:17; mlk ylk lqḥ ỉlm ảṯr ỉlm ylk pʕnm mlk pʕnm
yl[k] the king shall walk to receive the gods; after the gods he shall walk on
foot, 1.43:23–25; rʕy ht ảlk my companions, now I am going away, 1.21 II 6; lk
bty go to my house, 1.22 II 8 and par.; lk lk ʕnn ỉlm go, go, divine heralds, 1.3
IV 32 and par.; lk hrg go, kill, 1.13:4; lk l ảbk yṣb lk [l ả]bk go to your father,
PN, go to your father, 1.16 VI 27; lk l pny/h walk in front of me / it, 1.82:10/38;
hlkm b dbḥ nʕmt may they go with sacrifices of thanksgiving, 1.23:27; ʕnn hlkt
the restless eye (/ that roams), 1.96:1 (cf. Akk. īnu muttalliktu, cf. Del Olmo
CR 329 n. 175; AuOr 28 2010 42ff.); w ʕlm ylk ġzr and (on the) next (day) the
lad will go, 1.175:14; ytlk l lbnn they went to TN, 1.4 VI 18; in bkn ctx.: gṯrn
ylk[, 1.166:25 (Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 63); ★b) to run, flow: nḫlm tlk nbtm the
torrents will flow like/with honey, 1.6 III 7 and par.; mẓrn ylk the rain will
fall (lit.: flow), 1.163:6; ỉm PN ỉm PN ỉm mšmʕt mlk w tlkn if PN or PN or the
royal guard happen to go away, 2.72:15 (pleonastic w; cf. Brooke UF 11 1979
73; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 146); w tlkn ṯn ṯnm ʕmy, two abreast they must
come to me, 2.72:5 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 114, 118); ybnn hlk ʕm mlk ảmr,
PN has gone to the king of TN, ibid. ln. 25; d hlk b nḫl (the spring) that flows
in the torrent, 3.33:8; spr mḏrġlm dt hlk b[ list of watchmen who have gone
into[, 4.33:2; in bkn ctx.: špš ymp/ẓ[x] hlkt, 1.45:5 (see Clemens UF 33 2001 91:
rdg ym k hlkt: “DN went for a day”); hlkt, 1.62:4; w hlk hn, 1.166:27; ảlk[, 2.39:22;
tlk b mdbr[, 1.92:3; dt mlkt tlkn[, 2.73:15; hlk, 2.98:3. In unc. ctx.: hlk l ảnzḫ (TN),
Gt. To scour, walk along: DN also ttlk w tṣd scoured and combed, 1.5 VI 26 and
par.; bʕl ytlk wyṣd DN scoured and combed, 1.12 I 34; ản ỉtlk w ảṣd I scoured
and combed, 1.6 II 15; the gracious gods ttlkn šd tṣdn pảt mdbr scoured the
field, combed the fringes of the desert, 1.23:67; ntbt bt [bʕl] ntlk the paths of
the temple of [DN] we shall walk along, 1.119:34 (// nʕl).
Š. To cause to run, flow: ảšhlk šbtk [dmm] I can make [blood] run through
your greyness (greybeard), 1.3 V 24 and par.
hlk (I) n. m. “walk, course”, “movement, traffic” (< /h-l-k/; Hb. hlykh, “walking,
procession”, HALOT 246); ¶ par.: tdrq. ¶ Forms: sg. hlk.
Walk, course: hlk ảḫth bʕl yʕn the coming of his sister DN saw, 1.3 IV 39; hlk bʕl
ảṯ{t}rt k tʕn hlk btlt ʕnt the walk of DN did DN contemplate, the walk of virgin
DN, 1.4 II 13 and par. (// tdrq); hlk kṯr k yʕn the walk of DN he did contemplate,
1.17 V 10; cf. 1.19 I 27; hlk ġlmm the walk of the (two) pages, 1.19 II 28; astron.:
ydʕ[t] hlk kbkbm she knows the course of the stars, 1.19 II 3; w k ỉn hlk and
if there is no movement, 2.90:18 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 543: “movement”;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 159, 161: “Verkehr”, vb n.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg

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hlk (ii) – hlm 333

249: “now, seeing that he has not moved”; diff. Tropper UF 36 2004 525 n. 8:
hlk (II), deictic adv. functor “behold!” (< hl + encl. -k, ext. form. Tropper UG 751).
¶ Forms: hlk.
Behold!: hlk qšt ybln hl yšrbʕ qṣʕt behold!, he brought a bow, behold!, he had
made the arrows fourfold, 1.17 V 12; in bkn ctx.: ]hlk, 1.107:13 (?).
Cf. hl.
hlkt n. f. “conduct, way of acting” (/h-l-k/; Akk. alaktu, AHw 31; CAD A/1 297 ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. hlkt.
Conduct, way of acting: l d hlkt npšk that is not according to your behaviour
(: the way of acting of your soul), 2.87:32b (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
138, 146; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 251: “where your ‘soul’ is going”).
hll DN, astral deity (Hb. hyll, HALOT 245; cf. Arab. hilāl, “New Moon”, Hava 832;
Eth. helāl, “new moon”, CCG 217. Gallagher UF 26 1994 131ff.: “Illil”, DN; diff.
131ff.; for these and other opinions cf. Herrmann YN 6 21; Margulis JANES 4
1972 55; Yamashita RSP I 55; Loretz UF 8 1976 133f.; Spronk Afterlife 224;
Renfroe AULS 116; Theuer Mondgott 191; Watson DDD2 392 ff.; for a general
survey see Rahmouni AuOr 30 2012 55ff.).
DN: bnt hll bʕl gml the daughters of DN, lord of the first quarter, 1.24:41–42 and
par. kṯrt bnt hll snnt DN, the daughters of DN, the “Swallows”,1.17 II 27 and par.
(diff. Rahmouni AuOr 30 2012 56ff.: “the Luminaries, the radiant ones”; Cho
LDUT 91ff.).
/h-l-m/ vb G: “to hit” (Hb. hlm, “to strike, beat”, HALOT 249. Collini SEL 4 1987
18; Tropper UF 22 1990 375f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. Huehnergard UVST 121: /h-l-m/;
Sivan GAGl 222: /hulmu/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. hlm; with suff. hlmn; prefc. ylm;
with suff. ylmn, impv. hlm, suff. hlmn.
G. To hit: hlm / ylm ktp zbl ym hit // he hit prince DN on the shoulders, 1.2 IV 14
// 16 and par.; hlmn ṯnm qdqd hit // he hit him twice (on) the crown, 1.18 IV 22
// 33; cf. hlm ṯ[nm q]dqd they hit (him) twi[ce (on) the crown, 1.19 II 29; ylmn
ḫṭm he struck with a rod, 1.114:8; unc. rdg in bkn ctx.: ylm?ʕ.b[…]t/ả/nk.ṣmdm,
1.82:16 (see Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247).
hlm, conj. functor ★a) consecutive “and so, and then”; ★b) temporal “as soon
as, no sooner … than” (< hl, ext. form, encl. -m (?). Hb. hlm, “hither, here”,
HALOT 249; Arab. halum(ma), “come on”, Hava 834. Watson AuOr 19 2001
289; LSU 84; Tropper UG 746, 797; AuOr 20 2002 223: “dann”, “sobald als, kaum
dass”). ¶ Forms: hlm.
Conj. functor ★a) consecutive and so, and then: hlm yṯq nḥš so forth let him
take up a serpent, 1.100:6 and par.; ★b) temporal, then, as soon as, no sooner
… than: hlm ỉlm tphhm as soon as the gods saw them, 1.2 I 21; hlm ỉl k yphnh
as soon as DN saw her, 1.4 IV 27 and par.; hlm ảḫh tph as soon as she saw her

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334 hln – -hm

brother, 1.16 I 53; hlm mrḥqtm qlt then from afar I prostrate myself, 5.33:3; In
bkn ctx.: hlm, 2.103:27.
Cf. hl.
hln, deictic adv. functor “look!” (< hl, ext. form. Tropper UG 751, alt. “then”).
¶ Forms: hln.
Look!: w hln ʕnt tmtḥṣ and look!, DN fought, 1.3 II 5 and par. (Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 133; alt. “then”); w hln ʕnt l bth tmġyn and look! / then DN proceeded to
her house, 1.3 II 17; hln ʕšrm [d]d šʕrm, look!, twenty “cauldronsful” of barley,
2.89:11; in redundant use: hln hn ʕmn šlm look, behold (/ yes, yes!), with me
(all) is well, 2.85:9; in bkn ctx.: ht hln ḫrṣ now, look!, the gold, 2.36:12.
Cf. hl.
hlny deictic adv. functor “behold, look!”(< hl, ext. form. Tropper UG 751). ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. […] al-li-ni-yu, Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426 B):5; Huehnergard UVST 121; Sivan
GAGl 190. ¶ Forms: hlny (hln + encl. -y. Tropper UF 26 1994 477; UG 751), in
complementary distribution with ¨mny.
Behold, look!: hlny ʕmny kll šlm look, with us everything is well, 2.13:9 (//
ṯmny; alt. “here”); passim in letters: 2.1:3; 2.21:7; 2.24:8; 2.30:8, 12; hlny hnn b bt
mlk kl šlm, look!, here in the palace everything is well, 2.89:5; hlny bn ʕyn yštảl
ʕm ảmtk look!, PN requires a reply from your maidservant, 2.70:12, cf. 2.71:10:
ʕdn yštảl ʕmnk when he requires a reply from you (cf. Sivan UF 22 1990 311 f.);
hln[ y ḫ]rṣ ảrgmny ʕm špš look!, (here I deliver) the gold of my tribute to the
“Sun”, 2.36:5; hlny klby look!, as for PN, 2.99:4; hlny ảnk b ym look!, I am at the
sea, 2.88:3; hlny ảrgmn d ybl PN, behold!, the tribute that PN will pay, 3.1:18;
in bkn ctx.: hlny lm mt bʕl[ look!, why do the men of (my) lord[?, 2.73:8; ḥd
hlny, 2.77:8; hlny, 2.78:4; 2.79:2; 2.83:2; hlny ‡, 2.87:3 (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 137ff.).
Cf. hl, hln, hnny.
-hm suff. pn. morph.: 1) used with a n., “their, theirs” (of them [both]); 2) used
with a vb, “them”; 3) used with a prep., b, bd, bʕd, km, l (c.Sem. except Akk.;
Ebla cf. du. -ʔa-u-ma-a, in a-bi-ʔa-u-ma-a, Pettinato Rituale 185. Gordon UT
§6.10, 13; Tropper UG 226). ¶ Forms: pl./du. -hm.
1) Used with a n.: passim.
2) Used with a vb: ảl ảḫdhm I can certainly seize them, 1.3 V 22 and par.;
bʕl ymšḥhm DN will anoint them, 1.10 II 23; bʕl ngṯhm DN approached them;
yỉsphm bʕ[l DN gathered them, 1.12 II 24; w ytn{.}hm lk and he will give them
to you (?), 2.45:21; lm l ytn{.}hm mlk why did the king not give them (to me)?,
2.33:26; w ʕnhm nġr and the guard answered them, 1.23:73; hlm ỉlm tphhm as
soon as the gods saw them, 1.2 I 22; k ỉšảlhm how do I ask for them (?), 2.32:4;
bnš mlk ybʕlhm the man of the king will make them, 4.182:56; w pdyh[m] PN
mỉt ksp and PN redeemed them for one hundred silver (shekels), 3.4:12.

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hm (i) – hm (ii) 335

3) Used with a prep.: w yqḥ bhm ảqht and from among them he took PN, 1.19
III 39; w ytn ỉlm bdhm and he may deliver the (statues / fields of) the gods
into their hands (see ỉl), 2.4:21; w b bt mlk mlbš ytn lhm and from the palace,
clothing will be given to them, 4.168:8 (cf. 1.9:12); dt ỉṯ ảlpm lhm who have
cattle, 4.422:1; d ỉnn msgm lhm who do not have m., 4.53:2; d ỉn ḥṣm lhm do
not have arrows, 4.180:1; pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm (farms) which lack “one side”, 4.136:5
(cf. pảt); ủnṯ ỉnn lhm they (PNN) are not obliged to any corvée, 3.4:17; bhm
ygʕr bʕl DN reproached them, 1.2 I 24 (cf. 1.114:11); w ṯṯb ảnk lhm and I gave
(it) back to them, 2.38:23; bn krt kmhm tdr ảp bnt ḥry kmhm the sons of PN
were as many as promised and the daughters of PN as many as them, 1.15
III 25; ptḥ prṣ bʕdhm and he opened a breach for them, 1.23:70; bhm qrnm km
ṯrm they will have horns like bulls, 1.12 I 30; w bhm pn bʕl and they will have
the appearance of DN, 1.12 I 32; mỉt zt bdhm one hundred (shekels) of olives
in their hands (?), 3.21:13; ảl tủd ảd ảt lhm ṯṯm ksp do not overcharge (PN (?)):
you exact sixty shekels for them, 2.26:20; klt tn ảkl lhm give them a k. in grain,
2.70:22 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 221: “all”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 543: cf.
klt (II); in bkn ctx.: [ảl (…)] ảtn ks[p lhm] I shall [not] give mone[y to them],
hm (I) p. pn. 3rd p. pl. / du. m., “they, them, their, (both of them / their)” (c.Sem.
except Akk.; cf. Hb. hm(h), “they”, HALOT 250; Ph. hmt, “they”, DNWSI 264;
OAram. hm(w), “they”, DNWSI 265; Palm. hn(w)n, “they”, DNWSI 265; Arab.
hum(ā), “they”. Hava 834, 839; OSA hmw/t, “they/them”, SD 55. Gordon UT
§6.1; Tropper UG 210ff.). ¶ Forms: nom. hm; obl. hmt.
They, them: ★a) nom.: mḫṣy hm (…) hm [mkly ṣ]brt ảryy they are my assassins
(…), they are (the destroyers) of the clan of my kin, 1.4 II 24; w ngš hm (…) w ṣḥ
hm and they approached (…) and they shouted, 1.23:68–69; bnšm h[[x]]mt
ypḥm members of his personnel are the witnesses, 4.659:6; ★b) them, their
(obl.): kbd hmt welcome them, 1.17 V 20 and par.; bʕl yṯbr dỉy hmt may DN
break the (/ their) wings, 1.19 III 44 and par.; tdn hmt they shall be proclaiming
them (?), 1.104:19; in unc. ctx.: bʕlm hmt, 1.2 IV 36; hmt, 1.146:7; kl dbrm hmt,
2.32:8; hmt w ảnyt, 2.42:24; 2.44:10 (!).
Cf. hnhmt.
hm (II) conj., interr. functor 1) “if”, “as soon as”, conditional conj.; 2) “perhaps”,
interr. functor in ★a) simple and ★b) compound questions (Hb. ʔm, “if”,
HALOT 60f.; OSA hm, “if”, SD 56. Aartun PU/2 95 f.; Van Zijl Baal 105 f.; UT
§12.3, 5; Tropper UG 793ff.; diff. Aartun PU/1 70f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991
95: “siehe, wahrlich!”, cf. De Moor ULe 89, 93 n. 1). ¶ Forms: hm (cf. ỉm).
1) If (conj.): hm tʕpn ʕl qbr if they fly over the grave, 1.19 III 44; hm ḥry bty ỉqḥ
if I take PN to my home, 1.14 IV 40; hm l ảqryk b ntb pšʕ if I meet you on the
path of rebellion, 1.17 VI 43; hm nlỉym if we prevail, 1.19 II 35; hm ảṯtm tṣḥn if

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336 hm (ii)

both women shouted, 1.23:39 and par.; w hm ảlp l tśʕn but if they do not pay
the thousand (shekels of silver), 3.8:13; w hm ảt trgm [ and / but if you say […,
2.3:8 and par.;
ht hm ỉn m<n>m nḫtủ now, if they have not at all been wiped out …, 2.10:9;
hm nṯkp if they have been expelled, 2.10:14; w hm ḥy … w hm ỉṯ and / but if
he is alive …, and if he exists …, 1.6 III 2–3; hm [ỉṯ ln l]ḥm w tn (…) hm ỉṯ [ln
yn] [w] tn (…) if [there is] bread [for us], give us (…), if there is [wine for
us], give us (…), 1.23:71–72; hm l ảtn bty lh if I do not give him my daughter
(?), 2.31:66; w hm ḫt ʕl (…) w hm l ʕl (…) if Hatti attacks (…), but if it does
not attack (…), 2.30:16–18; hn hm yrgm mlk (…) behold if the king says (…),
2.33:30; hm qrt tủḫd if a city is about to be seized, 1.127:29; hm mt yʕl bnš if
DN goes up against someone, 1.127:30; hm škb ʕl thm if he is lying over the
abyss, 1.179:4; k mrṣ hm ỉbt (you know) that it (heart) will be sick if there is
any (more) enmity, 2.87:27 (cf. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 251); hm lb PN bhl
bnh, if PN wishes to disinherit his son, 3.32:19, 22, 25 par., see 2.82:18; 2.87:13,
27; w hm ảkm ỉqnả štt bhm, and as soon as I store the purple I will add to it,
2.87:20 (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 141 f.).
2) Perhaps …? (interr. functor): ★a) in simple question: hm yd ỉl mlk yḫssk
perhaps the love of DN, the king, has aroused you?, 1.4 IV 38; hm ỉṯ d ytn l[ y]
nobody (perhaps: is there anybody who) gave me (anything), 2.87:13; ★b) in
compound question, with a disjunctive, copulative or adversative meaning
(often in a correlation hm … hm, ảp … hm, p … hm, “perhaps … or … ?”, “if … or
if …”, “either … or …”): he shall dilute it hm b mskt dlḥt hm b mndġ either in a
thick emulsion or in m. (flour), 1.85:4 (Akk. lu … lu …; cf. Cohen-Sivan UHT 15);
p ʕdb ảnk (…) hm ảmt ảṯrt am I perhaps a slave (…), or is DN a slave?, 1.4 IV 61;
p np{.}š npš lbỉm (…) hm brlt (…) hm brky (…) hm ỉmt ỉmt (…) (perhaps) I (do)
have the appetite of a lion (…), or the longing (…), or (the thirst of) the pool
(…), or (said) straight to the point (…) (?), 1.5 I 15–18; p ỉmt (…) ỉlḥm hm šbʕ
(…) hm ks … (perhaps) it is true that (…) I swallow and they are seven (…)
and that my cup (…) (?), 1.5 I 20–21; ảḥd hm ỉṯ šmt hm ỉ[ṯ ʕẓm I shall look (to
see) if there is fat or (: and) if there is bone, 1.19 III 4; hm … hm: “… or (else) …”:
[[d]] bt ảrzm (…) hm bt lbnt a house of cedar (…) or (: and) a house of brick
(…), 1.4 V 11; mlk (…) yảrš hm drk[t] k ảb ảdm kingship (…) does he desire
or power like the father of mankind?, 1.14 I 42; rġb rġbt (…) hm ġmủ ġmỉt w
(…) no doubt you will be hungry (…), or else you will be thirsty, then (…),
1.4 IV 34; lḥm hm štym eat or (: and) drink, 1.4 IV 35; mgntm (…) hm ġẓtm (…)
have you welcomed … or (: and) regaled (…)?, 1.4 III 31; cf. the fixed syntagm
hm ảp in bkn ctx.: hm ảp ảmr[ although (?) I threw …, 1.2 IV 3; w hm ảp l[ then
/ but although [you do not throw it], 1.1 IV 26 (cf. 1.; Hb. ʔp ʔm); in unc. ctx.:
hm nlỉym … hm nṣḥy if we obtain the triumph … if there is victory indeed,

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hmlt – hn 337

1.19 II 35 (diff. Wyatt RTU 301 nn. 227–229, rdg ṣpnhm … ṣpnhm “their secret
… their secret”); hm.tġrm.lmt.brtk if you are bound (to pay) to death / Môtu
(according to) your forecast / omen, 1.82:5; in bkn ctx.: hm tʕr[b.
hmlt n. f. “multitude” (Hb. hmlh, “crowd”, HALOT 251. Cf. De Moor SP 107 f.;
Smith UBC/1 290; diff. Wyatt RTU 129: “tempest” as DN // lỉm, bn dgn; see
Watson LSU 28); ¶ par.: lỉm, nšm. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. hmlt.
Multitude: hmlt ảrṣ the multitudes of the land, 1.3 III 28 and par. (// nšm); my
hmlt what will happen to the multitude?, 1.6 I 7 and par. (// lỉm); d tqyn hmlt
the one you protect, (the gods’) multitude(s), 1.2 I 18; in bkn ctx.: hmlt ḫt pt[,
1.83:12; hml ḫt pt[, 1.83:12.
hmrt n.f. “drain, sink”, denom. of Mot’s gullet as the entrance into his abode (alt.
mhmrt. Hb. mhmrwt, “bottomless pit”, HALOT 553; Arab. hamrat, “ondée,
averse”, mihmar, “un torrent (de paroles)”, DAF 1445. Loretz UF 33 2001 317ff.;
Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 211f.).
Drain, sink: bm hmrt ydd ỉl in the sink of DN’s beloved, 1.5 I 7 f. (Cf. Del Olmo
MLRSO 102: “al sumidero”; Smith UNP 141: “into the gullet”, rdg b mhmrt with
Cf. hmry.
hmry TN, name of the mythical city / residence of the god Mot (Del Olmo MLC
534: “Fangosa”, cf. Arab. hamara, “verser, couler (dit de l’ eau)”, DAF 1445. De
Moor ARTU 66 n. 306: “deep pit, tunnel”; Hoftijzer UF 4 1972 157 n. 17; Watson
UF 28 1996 702 n. 9: Akk. amirānu; for the lexical form see Loretz UF 33 2001
317; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 211f.).
TN, mythical residence of Mot: qrth hmry his city TN, 1.4 VIII 12 and par.
Cf. hmrt.
hmt p. pn. obl. cf. hm (II).
-hn (I) adnominal and verbal suff. pn. f. used with a n., “their, theirs”, “them”
(c.Sem. except Akk. Gordon UT §6.13; Tropper UG 226 f.). ¶ Forms: pl. -hn.
Their, theirs, them: sprhn (…) mnthn their counting (…) their list, 1.23:45–47;
ṣġrthn the youngest of them, 1.15 III 16; mšbʕthn b šlḥ ttpl their seventh part
was struck down by DN (?), 1.14 I 20; w b klhn špḥ yitbd and in their entirety,
yes, the family perished, 1.14 I 24 (?) (cf. // -h); w ṯmnt ksphn and their (: ktnt)
price is eight shekels, 4.132:3 (cf. ln. 6 referring to ktnm); mḫrhn their (: ảnyt)
price, 4.338:18; ảpnthn / ḥẓhn / trhn, their (: mrkbt) wheels / arrows / steering
poles, 4.145:3–5; mlk yštảl b{.}hn may the king require a reply regarding them
(the ships), 2.42:23; in bkn cxt.: 1.23:75 (?).
-hn (II), cf. -h (I).
hn functor 1) deictic functor “behold!; look!; thus”; 2) adv. “here”, both functions
may coincide (Hb. hn(h), “behold, see”, HALOT 251 f.; Ph., Pun., Aram., Palm.
hn, “behold”, DNWSI 285ff.; EA Akk. annû, EAT passim, cf. “siehe!”, AHw 53;

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338 hn

annu, “now, see”, CAD A/2 134; Ebla cf. an-ne, “ecco”, Fronzaroli ARET 11 139;
Arab. ʔinna, “verily”, AEL 109ff.; Eg. in, “indeed, lo”, Ward JNES 20 1961 34.
Aartun PU/1 68ff.; Gordon UT §12.7; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 311; Tropper
UG 749ff.; diff. Cunchillos AuOr 1 1983 155–165: hn dem. pn.). ¶ Forms: hn;
ext. forms hnm, hnn, hnny, hnh in bkn ctx., 4.721:16 (for wn cf. w); for a poss.
contraction hn bt > hbt /habbêta/ (bt (II)) as forerunner of the def. article in
2.70:16 and hn yn > hyn 2.87:29, see supra: h-.
1) As a deictic functor, behold, look!, thus: w hn ảṯtm tṣḥn and behold! the two
will shout, 1.23:46; w hn špšm b šbʕ and, look!, at dawn of the seventh (day),
1.14 III 14; w hn šb[ʕ] b ymm and behold!, seven days (had passed), 1.17 V 3; hn
b py sprhn look!, in my mouth I have their count, 1.24:45; hn ym w ṯn thus, one
day and another, 1.4 VI 24 and par.; hn [l]bnn w ʕṣh look!, the Lebanon and
its trees, 1.4 VI 20; p hn ảḫym ytn bʕl spủy and look!, DN made my brothers
my food, 1.6 VI 10; ʕdk ỉlm hn mtm around you are the gods, and (look also!)
the men, 1.6 VI 48; hn š / ʕr behold!, the ram / donkey, 1.40:17/34 and par. (see
Tropper JSS 24 2001 24f.: “der Widder da / der Eselhengst da”); hn šmn šlm
behold!, the pure oil!, 1.119:24; hn b npš ảṯrt look, by the life of DN, 1.169:16;
hn špthm mtqtm behold their lips were sweet, 1.23:50 and par.; km trpả hn
nʕr on applying the remedy, look!, he woke up, 1.114:28; w hn ỉbm šṣq ly and
behold!, the enemies are besieging me, 2.33:27; hn mrṯ d štt thus the estate (?)
as (legally) established, 2.34:32 (cf. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 47 f. n. 53; UF 21 1989
143; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 426; Aartun UF 16 1984 35 f., 50: “(neuer)
Wein, Most”, cf. mrṯ (I)); in redundant use: hln hn ʕmn šlm look, behold! (/
yes, yes!), with me (all) is well, 2.85:9, ln. 29; hn ym yṣq yn ṯmk behold on
(this) day wine of TN was served, 1.22 I 17; hn ksp d šsʕn look, the money that
you have obliged me to pay, 2.81:24; hn l ḥwth behold to his land (?), 2.33:9;
hn ỉb d b TN behold the enemy that is in TN, ibid. ln. 10 (cf. ln. 17 and Pardee
AfO 31 1984 218); hlny hnn b bt mlk kl šlm, here look in the palace everything
is well, 2.89:5; in bkn ctx.: ] y hnn (…), 2.65:1; hnn[ y], 2.100:8.
2) As an adv., (to) here (emph.): tmġyy hn ảlpm śśwm hnd these two thousand
horses must arrive here, 2.33:31, see ln. 37 (cf. Tropper UF 26 1994 476;
UG 737f.; Renfroe AULS 116; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 457;
Cunchillos 4.132 TOu/2 338 n. 39; Tropper JSS 24 2001 25: “die(se)” / “ces”);
hn ks mḥṯ l mlkt mntn here is / look!, a m.-cup for the queen of TN, 1.179:39;
hn bnš(k) this (your) man here, 2.90:4, 8, 10, 15 (Tropper UF 36 2004 518;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 159f.: “(der) besagte(r)”); hn ksp d ytnt ly that silver
here you intended to give me, 2.87:31; hn šmn, here (is) the olive oil, 2.104:11;
w ht ṯṯb hn splm well now he has given back those two platters, 4.817:8.
In unc. or bkn ctx.: 1.6 V 23; 1.17 V 38; 1.22 I 2, 4; 1.23:75 (lhn); 1.107:4, 22; 1.166:27;
1.176:24; 2.25:5; 2.33:8, 9; 2.49:4; 4.132:8–9; 4.373:7, 4.721:16 (hnh); 5.11:3.

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hnd – hnk(t) 339

hnd dem. 1) adj. “this, these”; 2) pn. “this” (composite morph. hn + d; Hb. (h)zh,
“this, these”, HALOT 263ff. De Moor ULe 95; Cunchillos AuOr 1 1983 155 ff.;
Israel RSOu 11 257f.; Tropper UG 229f., 738; JSS 24 2001 25: “hier”). ¶ Forms:
hnd with sg., pl., du. m. referent; suff. hnh (+ -h), hnd(t) with f. or unspecified
referent (diff. Tropper UG 738: adv. “hier”).
1) Adj. this, these: l ym hnd from this day, 3.2:1 and par. (Akk. ištu umi anni);
l yqḥ bt hnd he will not seize this house, 3.2:14; ktb spr hnd (…) ʕbdh hnd
(…) spr mlk hnd (…) wrote this certificate (…) this his slave (…) this royal
certificate, 3.12:9–13; w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d] and also the king, [namely]
the messenger, knows that I shall collect this (?), 2.33:21; ảlpm śśwm hnd these
two thousand horses, 2.33:32; (may the king send me) bnš bnny ʕmn mlảkty
hnd some intermediary with this delegation of mine, 2.33:35; mkr hn!d this
trader, 2.42:25; k yptḥ yrk hnd when this side (of the liver) was opened, 1.143:3;
k ytnt spr hnd ʕmk when I gave this message (to be delivered) to you, 2.88:5.
2) Pn. this: ảnykn dt lỉkt mṣrm hndt b TN mtt (as for) your ship which you sent
to Egypt, this has been wrecked in TN, 2.38:12; w hndt yṯb l mspr and this is
what goes back to (: is repeated of) the narrative, 1.19 l.e. (IV 62); w mspr hnd
hwm and the one who recited this is he himself, 1.179:41; štn hndh ʕmy send
it to me, 2.108:9, see 2.107:3; in bkn ctx.: 2.33:21; 2.79:1; 4.863:18; 4.861:9.
hndn dem. adj. “this” (allom. of hnd; Tropper UG 230). ¶ Forms: sg. coll. hndn
(encl. suff. -n).
This: lm tlỉkn ḫpṯ hndn why are you sending me these legionaries?, 2.72:10.
Cf. hnd.
hndh adv. functor “(towards) here” (< hnd + -h (II). Tropper UG 738f.). ¶ Forms:
(Towards) here: štn hndh ʕmy send it here to me, 2.108:10.
Cf. hnd.
hndt see hnd.
hnh, in bkn ctx.: drʕ hnh, 4.721:16; cf. hn, hndh.
hn(h)mt dem. adj. “these” (composite morph. hn + -hmt; Tropper UG 230, 836;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 311; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 543). ¶ Forms: pl. hnhmt,
hnmt (shorter form of hnhmt).
These: w mnm šảlm dt tknn ʕl ʕrbnm hnhmt tknn and any claims they bring
up, against these guarantors they bring them up, 3.3:8 (Hoftijzer-Van Soldt
UF 23 1991 190f.); ʕpsm hnmt / šdm hnmt these boundaries / these fields,
3.33:12, 20; bnšm hnmt ypḥm, these fellows are the witnesses, 3.35:6 (cf.
Tropper UG 230f.)
hnk(t) dem. pn. “that, this” (composite morph. hn + k; cf. Aram. hnk, “those”,
DJBA 387; Arab. hunaka, “there, thither”, Hava 839; cf. Pun. hnkt, “here”,
DNWSI 289f. Rainey UF 3 1971 160; Cunchillos AuOr 1 1983 155 ff.; diff. Aartun

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340 hnkt – /h-p-k/

PU/1 70: “siehe!”; Tropper UG 231, cf. 740: “da, dort”). ¶ Forms: sg. hnk; f. hnkt.
That: lm škn hnk l ʕbdh why did he impose that on his servant?, 2.33:23;
bny hnkt yškn may my son arrange that, 2.46:12; ảp hnkt l knt mlḥmt n ḥwy
ʕbdk and (because of) that there has not been war in your servant’s country,
2.98:10; in unc. ctx.: mlkt ủgrt hnkt rgmt the queen of TN has said this (?),
2.21:10; hnk tšmʕm what (?) you hear, 2.71:9 (cf. Tropper UG 740: both “dort”).
hnkt cf. hnk.
hnm deictic functor “behold” / “now (then)”, introductory formula in letters
(Ug.-Akk. hybrid; cf. hn and Akk. inūma, “als, wenn”, AHw 383f.; “now, here
is”, “when, after, while”, CAD I/J 159ff.; Emar /anenna/, “now”, Pentiuc Vocab-
ulary 26. See Márquez AuOr 10 1992 153; Tropper UG 750); ¶ RS Akk.: e/inūma,
Huehnergard AkkUg 196f.; Van Soldt SAU 462, 465 and passim. ¶ Forms:
Behold / now (then): hnm ʕbdk hwt yrš behold / now then, your servant has
a cause for complaint, 2.41:14; in bkn ctx.: 2.106:7.
Cf. hn.
hnmt, see hn(h)mt.
hnn, see hn (I).
hnn adv. functor “here” (< hn + -n. Tropper UG 738). ¶ Forms: hnn, in comple-
mentary distribution with ṯmn.
Here: w hnn ʕm ʕbdk mỉd šlm behold, here with your servant (all) is very well,
2.86:9, see 2.65:2 (// ṯmn); hlny hnn b bt mlk kl šlm, look!, here in the palace
everything is well, 2.89:5.
Cf. hn.
hnny adv. “here” (composite form: hn + -n + y. EA Akk. a(n)numma, “nun,
nunmehr”, AHw 55; “now, here”, CAD A/2 147. Aartun PU/1 3; Tropper UF 26
1994 477; UG 738). ¶ Forms: hnny in complementary distribution with ṯmny.
Here: hnny ʕmy kll mỉd šlm here with me everything is very well, 2.11:10 and
par., see 2.38:6; 2.46:6; 2.71:5; 2.72:7); in bkn ctx.: 2.56:4; 2.68:11 (letter formula;
cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 257ff.).
/h-p-k/ vb G: 1) “to overturn, alter”; 2) “to return”; N: “to roll over, rebel” (Hb.,
Ph., Aram., Palm. hpk, “to turn, overthrow”, HALOT 253 f.; “to overturn, to
upset”, DNWSI 291; cf. Akk. abāku, “fortführen”, AHw 2; “to turn upside down,
to upset”, CAD A/1 8; Arab. ʔafaka, “to change the manner of being”, AEL 69.
Dietrich-Loretz MU 149); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. BAL = na-bal-ku-tu4 = tap-šu-ḫu-um-
me = tu-a-pí-[ku(?)], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 23; cf. Huehnergard UVST 121;
Van Soldt SAU 303; ¶ par.: /n-s-ʕ/, /ṯ-b-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yhpk; ảhpk, suff.
ảhpkk, energ. -n: ảhpkn; inf. (+ encl. -m) hpkm, N prefc. yhpk (Tropper UF 22
1990 377: N/G intr. (?)).
G. 1) To overturn, alter: l yhpk ksả mlkk yes, he will overturn your royal throne,

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hr (i) – hrnmy 341

1.6 VI 28 and par. (// ysʕ, yṯbr); hm yhpk śśw rgm when the horse alters (its)
whinny, 1.86:7 (Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258).
2) To change / return: hpkm ảhpk lbš w ảhpkn ḫlpn I shall certainly return the
l. and I shall return the ḫ., 1.179:36.
N. To roll over, rebel: ḫrdn yhpk l mlk the guard will rebel against the king,
In bkn ctx.: ảhpkk l, 1.5 III 12; yhpk, 1.13:35.
hr (I) n. m. “mountain” (Hb., Ph., Pun. hr, “hill country, mountain”, HALOT 254 f.;
“mountain”, DNWSI 293; EA Akk. ḪUR.SAG: ḫa-ar-ri, EA 74:20; Sivan GAGl
222; DNWSI 293; Gianto SEL 12 1995 67f.; Emar /harru/, “mountain”, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 57f.; Eg. hr, “Waldgebirge” (?), WäS/2 498; Helck Bez. 517 (156):
ha-rú). ¶ Forms: pl. hrm.
Mountain: ỉsp [šp]š l hrm ġrpl remove, DN, the storm clouds from the moun-
tains, 1.107:44 and par. (diff. Caquot TOu/2 98 n. 309: “sans relache” (?), Arab.
harima); in bkn ctx. ]hr ỉl, 1.4 II 36 and cf. Hb. hrry ʔl (but cf. KTU ad loc.: n]hr
ỉl); hr, 7.53:3.
hr (II) n. m. “conception” (vb n. < /h-r-y/; cf. Akk. mērû, “Schwangerschaft”, AHw
646ff.; “pregnancy”, CAD M/2 27); ¶ par.: ḥmḥmt. ¶ Forms: sg. hr; suff. hrh; f.
hrt (cf. hrt (I)).
Conception: bm nšq w hr on kissing there was conception, 1.23:51 and par. (//
ḥmḥmt; diff. Aartun StUL 52ff.: “Reizen, Erhitzung”, Arab. harr-); kbdh l ydʕ
hrh whose womb has not known his conception, 1.13:31; in bkn ctx.: hry, 1.11:5.
/h-r-g/ vb G: “to kill” (Hb., OAram, Moab. hrg, “to kill, slay”, HALOT 255; DNWSI
293; cf. Arab. harağa, “to fall into a state of war or conflict”, AEL 2890); ¶ par.:
/b-ṣ-r/. ¶ Forms: G impv. hrg.
G. To kill: hrg ảr[bʕt] ymm kill during fo[ur] days, 1.13:5 (// bṣr).
Cf. hrgb.
hrgb DN; mythical animal, male eagle (etym. unc.; cf. /h-r-g/, ab (?). Akk.
argabu, “Taube!” (?), AHw 67; “a bird”, CAD A/2 253; Eth. rǝgeb, “pigeon,
dove”, CDG 464; Arab. harġaba, “to be quick, swift”, hirġāb, “tall, long-bodied
animal”, AEL 2890f. Cooper UF 20 1988 23 n. 16; Geller VT 26 1976 374ff.;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 451 n. v; Aartun UF 16 1984 16; Margalit UF 16 1984
144f.; Watson LSU 128).
DN, mythical animal: hrgb ảb nšrm DN, father of the eagles, 1.19 III 15 and par.
(Rahmouni DEUAT 14–17); knp hrgb the wings of DN, 1.19 III 22 and par.
hrnmy GN “native of the TN *hrnm”, epithet of dnỉl (cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2
103: *arnamu; mod. TN Hermil, Eg. ʔá-ra-na-ma, ha-r-nam; Helck Bez. 200,
317; Parker UF 4 1972 100f.; Dijkstra UF 11 1979 200; Sapin UF 15 1983 167
n. 48; De Moor ARTU 225 n. 6; Margalit UPA 259 f.: “Rainmaker” < hr(r) +
my; Astour RSP 2 283ff.; for the var. interpretations see Wyatt RTU 250 n. 5;

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342 /h-r-r/ – hry (i)

diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 128: “eine Gottheit”; so also Aboud Fs. Loretz,
p. 2 n. 2); ¶ par.: rpủ. ¶ Forms: sg. hrnmy.
The Harnamite: mt hrnmy the Harnamite, 1.17 I 18 and par. (// mt rpỉ); dġṯ
hrnmy b kbkbm an offering of perfumes worthy of a Harnamite to the stars,
1.19 IV 24 and par.
/h-r-r/ vb G: “to become inflamed about, crave” (< “to become heated”); Akk.
(ḫ)arāru, “zittern, flackern”, “(auf)brennen”, AHw 65 f.; “to fear, become agi-
tated, panic-stricken”, CAD A/2 236f.; Syr. harhar, “to rouse, to be roused,
excited”, SL 354; Tigr. harär, “wish ardently”, Leslau EDH 86b; cf. Arab. harra,
“to snarl, howl”, AEL 2888f. Gray UF 3 1971 64 n. 24); ¶ par.: /ḥ-m-d/. ¶ Forms:
G prefc. suff. yhrrm (encl. -m. Tropper UF 22 1990 377).
G. To become inflamed about, crave: bn dgn yhrrm the son of DN became
inflamed, 1.12 I 39 (// yḥmdm); in bkn ctx.: ỉl hrr[, 1.12 II 9.
Cf. /h-r-y/.
hrsn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 166).
PN: bn PN, 4.711:6.
hrt (I) n. f. “conception” (cf. hr (II), /h-r-y/. Ebla /harītum/ in ŠÀxMUNUS =
ʔà-rí-tum, VE 594; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 23, “schwanger sein” < /h-r-y/; QuSem

18 142); ¶ par.: ḫllt. ¶ Forms: sg. hrt.

Conception: ʕrš hrt fertile bed (< of conception), 1.17 II 41 (// ḫllt).
Cf. hrtn.
hrt (II) n. f. “shield” (?) (etym. unc. Akk. arītu, “Schield, Setztartsche”, AHw 68 f.;
“shield, shield-bearer”, CAD A/2 269f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
87; Watson LSU 78; diff. Sanmartín AuOr 5 1987 151 n. 14: “piedra de moler”,
Akk. erû, “Mahlstein, Handmühle”, AHw 247; “grinding slab, hand mill”, CAD
E 322f.; ḫarāru, “to grind”, CAD Ḫ 92; ḫarūru, “ein Teil der Mühle”, AHw 329;
cf. Hitt. ḫarra-, ḫararazi, “zerstossen”, “Mahlstein”, HEG 169, 171); ¶ syll. Ug. /
RS Akk.: cf. DUMU LÚ A.RIT, PRU 3 68 (RS 16.269):6; cf. A.PA = a-ri-tu4, AS 16
33ff.; Huehnergard UVST 122). ¶ Forms: du. hrtm.
Shield (?): ṯt hrtm two shields (?), 4.390:5.
/h-r-y/ vb G: “to conceive” (Hb. hrh, “to conceive, be pregnant”, HALOT 255 f.;
OAram. hrh, “to conceive, become pregnant”, DNWSI 293; Akk. a/erû,
“schwanger sein, empfangen”, AHw 72; “to be pregnant, to conceive”, CAD
E 325ff.); ¶ par.: /y-l-d/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. thrn (?); inf.(?) hry (Tropper UF 22
1990 377).
G. To conceive: hry w yld there was conception and birth, 1.11:5; in bkn ctx.:
w [th]rn w tldn mṯ and [she co]nceived and gave birth to a boy, 1.5 V 22.
Cf. hr (II), /h-r-r/, hrt (I).
hry (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 103: *Harruya (?); see Heltzer, RCAU 10; Van
Soldt UF 30 1998 725; Topography 17; Watson LSU 200; SEL 28 2011 28).

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hry (ii) – hw 343

TN: 4.365:13 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 15: rdg ỉry); 4.546:1 (cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996
hry (II) GN (< hry (I)). ¶ Forms: m. pl. hrym.
GN: hrym tỉtṯmn the h. fell into debt, 4.398:3.
ht 1) adv. ★a) “here”; ★b) “now”; 2) conj., “or, now”, as discourse marker (cf. Hb.
hnh, “here, hither”, HALOT 251f.; Arab. hunā, “here”, Hava 839. Aartun PU/1 5,
71; Margalit ZAW 99 1987 391; Tropper UG 742f.); ¶ par.: ṯmny, ʕnt. ¶ Forms:
1) Adv.: ★a) of place, here: ht ʕmny kll šlm here with me all is well, 2.34:6
(// ṯmny; cf. hnny; diff. Pardee AfO 31 1984 228: “apodosis-marker”); ★b) of
time, now: l ht w ʕlmh from now and for ever, 1.19 IV 5 (// ʕnt); ht tṣdn tinṯt do
women now hunt?, 1.17 VI 40; ht ỉbk tmḫṣ now your enemy you must crush, 1.2
IV 8–9; ht tṣmt ṣrtk now you must destroy your adversary, 1.2 IV 9; tšmḫ ht ảṯrt
w bnh now may DN and her sons rejoice!, 1.6 I 39; rʕy ht ảlk my companions,
now I am going, 1.21 II 6; ht at t!dbr now you say, 2.71:13; w ht ysny uḏrh and
now, PN is his messenger, 2.30:14; w ht ảnk [ả]št and now I propose, 2.33:11;
ht ảnk rg<m>t now I have told (the message), 2.88:35; w ht ṯnỉdm and now
twice, 2.104:9; w ht hn bnš, this (your) man here 2.90:8, 10; ht ảt (…) by spr
št, now you (…) in a document put (it), 2.108:6; in bkn ctx.: ht ảlpy now my
ox(en), 2.84:18 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 381: “voici”).
2) Conj., now then, well now: [w] ht yšmʕ ủḫy l gy [and] now may my brother
listen to my voice, 2.4:18; ht hm ỉnmm nḫtủ well now, if they have not been
destroyed …, 2.10:8; w ht ảḫy bny yšảl and so let my brother, my son, ask, 2.14:10
and par.; w ht lủk (…) PN and now then (…) PN has been sent, 2.17:4; ht hm
yrgm mlk now if the king says, 2.33:30; ỉm ht l b mṣqt yṯbt qrt now, if (the city)
really is (placed) in a difficult situation, 2.72:20; ht ảnk ʕbdk now then I myself
am your slave, 2.76:5; 2.98:27; w ht ṯṯb hn splm wel now he has given back
those two platters, 4.817:8.
In unc. ctx.: w ảp ht and even now, 2.3:20; w ht mlk syr and well / here the
king of TN …, 2.40:13 (cf. ln. 15: ṯmn); in bkn ctx.: w ht ả[, 2.3:7; w ht PN ṯṯ tl/d[,
2.17:9; ht […], 2.39:11, 13; w ht, 2.35:10; ht hln ḫrṣ, 2.36:12; ht lỉk [, 2.42:22; ht b[,
2.73:3, w ht ml[k, 2.73:10; w ht, 2.81:21.
htm adv. “now” (allom. of ht; encl. suff. -m. Tropper UG 743).
¶ Forms: htm.
Now: htm ỉph [ảdty] now I shall go to visit my lady, 2.25:4.
Cf. ht.
hw pn. m. 1) p. “he, it”; 2) dem. “this” (c.Sem. except Akk. and Qat. Cf. Hb.,
Nab., Palm., JAram. hwʔ(h), “he, it”, HALOT 240f.; hw, “he”, DNWSI 264ff.; Ph.,
Pun., OAram. hʔ, “he”, DNWSI 264ff.; OSA hʔ, hw(ʔ/t), SD 55; Arab. huwa, “he”,
Hava 839; Gordon UT §6.1, 3; Tropper UG 209); ¶ syll. Ug.: [LÚ = (šu-ú?) =

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344 hwỉl – hwt (i)

ma-an-ni = ú-wa, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) II 28; Huehnergard UVST 86, 120; Van
Soldt SAU 303. Sivan UF 21 1989 360. ¶ Forms: sg. nom. hw; obl. hwt, hwm
(encl. -m); for -hw in 2.15:6 see -h (I).
1) He, it, p. pn. ★a) nom.: hw ybl ảrgmnk he will bring you tribute, 1.2 I 37;
in the opening of my oesophagus <n>ḫtủ hw he was crushed / ground, 1.6
II 23; hw km ḥrr he (remained) like one who burns (with fever), 1.12 II 40; [b
r]ḥ? hw mḫ in (his) spirit (?) he (feels) exuberant, 1.17 I 38; w ptḥ hw prṣ and
he opened a breach, 1.23:70; ʕ[bdm] sglth hw he is [a servant], his private
property, 2.39:7; hbṭ hw ḫrd w šl hw qrt he knocked down the guard (and)
plundered the city, 2.61:5–6; ybl hw mỉt ḫrṣ he personally took one hundred
(shekels) of gold, 2.72:27; w lqḥ hw šmn b qrnh and he took oil in his horn,
2.72:29 (RSOu 7 148); w yṣq hw l rỉš bt mlk and he will pour it (: oil) upon the
head of the king’s daughter, 2.72:31; w mspr hnd hwm and the one who recited
this is he himself, 1.179:41; in bkn ctx.: w hw, 2.3:13; hw, 2.31:41, 52, 54; ★b) obl.:
of him, it, him, it (hwt): DN ṯbr dỉy hwt DN broke his wings, 1.19 III 23 and
par.; prostrate yourselves w kbd hwt and pay him homage, 1.3 VI 20 and par.;
ʕl qṣʕth hwt l aḥw for his arrows she did not leave him alive, 1.19 I 15 and par;
twice tšqy msk hwt she gave him mixed wine to drink, 1.19 IV 61); nmgn hwt
we shall regale him, 1.4 III 36; l tšʕly hwt (that) she (DN) did not allow him
to rise, 1.19 II 38; in bkn ctx. šd hwt his field, (the field of him), 2.4:16; ḏrʕ mlk
hwt the seed of his (?) king, 1.103:43.
2) This, dem. pn: ht hn bnš(k) hw now this (your) man here, 2.90:10, 15; b ym
hwt, on this day, 2.88.6; l bnh hwt, to this his son, 3.32:12; hw ṯʕ nṯʕy hw nkt nkt
this is the offering we offer, this the victim we immolate, 1.40:32–33 and par.;
w nʕm k ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and it is convenient that my lord takes notice of
this affair, 2.91:7.
In bkn ctx.: mġ hw lhn, 1.23:75; ] yỉrš snp ln d ym hw, 2.81:26 (cf. ln. 27, 28, 29);
w kl hw[, 2.3:4; w bl bnš hw, 2.45:27; [ảm]r hw[, 2.72:35.
Cf. hwỉl.
hwỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 96, 134; Cross CMHE 64).
PN: 4.110:7; 4.803:7.
hwt (I) n. f.: a) “word, statement”; b) matter (Akk. awātu, “Wort, Angelegenheit”,
AHw 89f., “spoken word, utterance”, CAD A/2 29 ff.: amatu; cf. Ass. var. abātu;
cf. Arab. hawtat, “a cry”, hawwata, “to cry”, AEL 2905; Mari Akk. ʔà(É)-wa-tum
/hawatum/, “word”, cf. Gelb LEbla 20f.; Eg. hwt, “speak, shout”, “lament, wail”,
Ward JNES 28 1969 265ff.; Smith UBC/1 160 n. 79; diff. Margalit RB 91 1984
113ff.; ZAW 99 1987 394: “exhaled breath”, Hb. *hwy, hwh); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
[MU = zikru = Hurr.: (?) = ] ú-[P]I(!?)-[t]u4, UF 11 1979 478:12; Huehnergard
UVST 120f.; ¶ par.: rgm, tḥm. ¶ Forms: sg.(/pl.) hwt, suff. hwty, hwth; var. hbt
in 2.70:16.

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hwt (ii) – hyảbn 345

a) Word, statement: hwt ảlỉy qrdm word of the most powerful of heroes, 1.3
III 13 and par.; hwt ydd word of the “loved one”, 1.5 I 13; hwt nʕmn word of
the handsome (servant of DN), 1.14 VI 41 (// tḥm; cf. Watson JNSL 25 1999
1ff.); as soon as (…) b špth hwt the word (issued) from his lips, 1.19 III 36 and
par. (// rgm; formula of immediacy, cf. Del Olmo MLC 57); I have (…) hwt w
ảṯnyk a word that I wish to repeat to you, 1.3 III 22 and par. (// rgm); tṯb bʕl l
hwty surely, DN, you shall to pay attention to my word(s), 1.4 VI 15 and par.;
hnm ʕbdk hwt yrš behold your servant has a cause (of complaint), 2.41:14 (cf.
Márquez AuOr 10 1992 153: < Akk. aw/mātam rašû(m)); hwt bn nšm a man’s
word, 1.178:10; hwt ršʕ the word of a bad person, ibid. ln. 9; hwt špth the word
of his lips, 1.179:32; hwt lṭpn word of DN, 1.1 III 6; 1.6 IV 11; hwt gmr hd the word
of the “Champion” DN, 1.2 I 46; ʕl hwt kṯr w ḫss according to the word of DN, 1.4
VII 20; hwt bʕl the word of DN, 1.93:4; in bkn ctx.: 1.7:26; hwt[,1.17 VI 53; ]ảmr
hwt, 1.107:17; w kl hwt, 2.3:4; hnm ʕbdk hwt, 2.41:14; b) matter: ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w
ḥwt hbt I, the workman, have assumed and settled the matter / repaired the
house, 2.70:14.
hwt (II), cf. hw.
/h-w-y/ vb G: “to want” (Arab. hawiya, “to purpose, intend”, AEL 2904; cf. Hb.
hwh, “capriciousness, desire”, HALOT 242. Greenstein JANES 5 1973 158 f.; Del
Olmo MLC 541; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 122). ¶ Forms: G prefc. energ. thwyn.
G. To want, in bkn ctx.: npš] bʕl thwyn [the appetite] of DN wants (…), 1.92:36
(Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118, 122); for thw, 1.5 I 14 and 1.133:4 cf. thw.
hy pn. f. 1) p. “she, it”; 2) dem. “that” (c.Sem. except Akk. and Qatab. Cf. Hb.
hyʔ(h), “she, it”, HALOT 240f.; Ph., Pun., Aram., Nab., Palm. hʔ, “she”, DNWSI
264ff.; OSA hʔ, hyʔ, hyt, “she”, SD 55; Arab. hiya, “she”, Hava 842; Gordon UT
§6.1, 3; Tropper UG 209, 211). ¶ Forms: sg. nom. hy; obl. hyt.
1) She, it, p. pn: ★a) nom.: w prʕ hy ḥlh and it will remove his sickness, 1.124:10;
npš hy mḫ (in) her soul let her be (feel) exuberant, 1.19 IV 39; in bkn and unc.
ctx.: ]hy bth tʕrb, she entered her house (?), 1.7:3; ]rgm hy (…) yrỉtn mġy hy,
2.31:44–45; hy bh, 1.111:22; hyn d znt ly l ytnm hyn d znt ly l ytn that (lot) which
corresponds to my food provisions it was not given to me, 2.87:29 (diff. as
determ. part. < hn in hbt, 2.70:16, and hyn, 2.87:29: Dahood Or 46 1977 471;
Dijkstra HUS 153, 159; Tropper UG 232ff.; UF 36 2004 516; Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 31, 241, 311; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542, 545, 549; PIHANS 114 66); ★b)
obl. her, of her (hyt): prostrate yourselves (and) kbd hyt honour her, 1.3 III 10;
DN ṯbr dỉy hyt DN broke her wings, 1.19 III 37.
2) That, dem. pn.: ḏrʕ ḥwt hyt the seed of that land, 1.103:55 and par.; in bkn
ctx.: tḥm hy, 2.81:17.
Cf. hyảbn, hyảdt.
hyảbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 87, 133, 163; Cross CMHE 64 n. 73; De Moor

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346 hyảdt – hzpy (ii)

UF 2 1970 198; Xella UF 20 1988 387ff.; Watson LSU 166).

PN: 4.110:20.
hyảdt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 45, 90, 133; Cross CMHE 64 n. 73).
PN, in bkn ctx.: bn PN, 4.170:22.
hyn DN, alt. name of the god kṯr (etym. unc. Cf. dA.A = e-ia-an = ku-šar-ru, Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123+) IVa 19; Huehnergard UVST 141; Lipiński UF 20 1988 137ff.; cf.
Arab. hayn, hayyīn, *hawwana, AEL 3046; Hb. hwn, HALOT 242; Aram. hwn,
DJPA 161; Syr. hawnāʔ, SL 336. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 59; UF 31 1999
168ff.; Cooper RSP 3 445; Smith UBC/1 171; Rahmouni DEUAT 156 ff.).
DN, title of the god kṯr: hyn d ḥrš ydm DN the ambidextrous craftsman, 1.3
VI 23 and par. (diff. Ayali-Darshan UF 43 2011 4: “Ea of the Artisans”, Emar
Akk.: dÉ-a ša LÚ.SIMUG).
hyrm “?”, in bkn ctx.: 1.9:8.
hyt, obl. of hy; cf. hy.
hzp TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 104: *Hizpu. Astour UF 13 1981 7; Huehnergard
UVST 250; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 666; UF 30 1998 727; Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997
679 n. 3); ¶ syll.: URU iz-pí, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):24'; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):5';
PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):7; Ug 5 104 (RS 20.144):3; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):23; RSou
7 79 (RS 34.180, 9):5; URU iz-pu, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):11; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207
A):13, in PRU 3 191 (RS 15.20):4, rdg URU ḫa[l]!-bi; Nougayrol: URU aš ?-pi, cf.
PRU 3 265; Heltzer RCAU 16f. n. 26; cf. Astour RSP 2 349 no. 144; Van Soldt
Topography 17, 173).
TN: 1.91:28; 1.105:14 hz<p> (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 158); 4.68:55;
4.73:7 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 10f.: for both rdg ỉzp); 4.355:16; 4.365:31; 4.380:33;
4.800 I 27; 4.810:12; 4.825 VIII 3; in bkn ctx.: 4.73:7; 4.629:2; 4.661:5; 4.770:4.
hzpḫ see hzpy (II).
hzpy (I) GN m. (< hzp, TN. Richardson JSS 23 1978 301). ¶ Forms: sg. hzpy; pl.
GN: 4.50:8; 4.51:16; 4.754:9; 4.832:6 (hzp[ y]).
Cf. hzpÆ.
hzpy (II) PN (< hzpy (I)).
PN: bn PN, 4.753:18; 1.87:58 (erroneous rdg hzpḫ. Xella TRU 75; diff. Richard-
son JSS 23 1978 301: GN < Hurr. hzp, TN + Hurr. suff. /=ḫe/i/; Pardee TR/2 1140:
hzpḫ PN).

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ḥ, n. m. “life”, adv. use in oath formula, abs. ḥy (*ḥê < *ḥay < *ḥayyu; Hb. ḥy, “life”,
HALOT 307ff.; Pun. ḥw ʔdny = Aủdonís, DNWSI 354, Ph. greeting formula.
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 314; Tropper UF 36 2004 515; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 141. ¶ Forms: sg. contr. / abs. ḥ.
Life: ḥ npšk w ḥ n[pšy by the life of your soul and by the life of (my soul),
2.87:12 (for the formula see 1.169:16: b npš ảṯrt), see p l ḥy np[š ả]rš and for the
life of (his) soul I beg, 2.23:17.
Cf. ḥy (II).
ḥbl (I) n. m. 1) “cord, rope, mooring rope”; 2) “band, flock” (Hb., OAram. ḥbl,
“rope, cord”, HALOT 286; DNWSI 345; Akk. eblu, “Strick, Seil, Leine”, AHw 183;
“rope”, CAD E 15; Ebla /ḫablum/ in GÁNA:ÉŠ = ʔà-ba-lu, VE 1174; Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 41; Fronzaroli EL 133; StEb 7 1984 164f.; Krecher Biling. 148; Arab.
ḥabl, “rope, cord”, AEL 504; Eth. ḥabl, “string, cord”, CDG 223. Watson LSU 84);
¶ RS Akk.: cf. 2 ab-ša-nu, PRU 6 141 (RS 19.112):6. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥbl (var. ḫbl,
4.689:5), suff. ḥblh; pl. ḥblm; du. ḥblm.
1) Cord, rope, mooring rope: ṯn ḥblm ảlp ảlp ảmt two ropes each a thousand
ells, 4.247:30; ṯmn ḥblm šbʕ šbʕ mảt eight ropes each seven hundred (ells),
ibid. ln. 31; spr npṣ ảny (…) w ḥbl list of naval equipment: (…) and mooring
rope(s), 4.689:5.
2) Band, flock (of birds): ybṣr ḥbl dỉym a flock of vultures watched (him), 1.18
IV 31 and par.; in bkn ctx.: ḥbl kṯrt the band (flock) of the DN, 1.10 II 30, 40;
1.11:6; ḥblx ʕrpt tḥt, 1.8:10, see 1.4 VII 57 (Cf. Dijkstra UF 15 1983 30: rdg ḥblh; De
Moor SP 164, 173: “there are flocks circling round in the clouds”).
ḥbl (II) n. m. “deposit, guarantee, pledge” (Akk. ḫa/ubullu, “verschuldet”, AHw
351; “obligation, debt”, “interest”, CAD Ḫ 216; for Aram. h/ḥ(w)blʔ, cf. Kaufman
AIA 56); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ḫa-ba-li-ma “distrained fields”, PRU 3 45
(RS 16.140):8; diff. Huehnergard UVST 123; ¶ RS Akk.: KÙ.BABBAR
UR5.RA.MEŠ, PRU 3 60 (RS 16.141):16. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ḥbl.
Deposit, guarantee, pledge: ksp ḥbl rỉšym money as guarantee of the GN,
4.779:3 (cf. supra RS Akk.: kasap ḫubulli; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 282:
“silver of the boatmen of Raʔšu”).
/ḥ-b-q/ vb G: “to embrace, take in one’s arms, cover” (Hb. ḥbq, “to embrace,
to fold the hands”, HALOT 287; Ebla /ḫabāqum/ in LÁ.LA = ʔà-ba-gú-um,
VE 1184; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; Akk. epēqu, “umfassen”, AHw 222; cf. CAD
E 183: epēqu A; Syr. ḥbq, “to surround”, ḫbaqāʔ, “embracing”, SL 409; Eth.
ḥaqafa, “to hug, embrace”, CDG 239); ¶ par.: /n-š-q/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yḥbq,
tḥbq; inf. ḥbq; suff. ḥbqh.

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348 ḥbr (i) – ḥbš (i)

G. To embrace, take in one’s arms: yḥbq qdš w ảmrr DN-DN took (her) in
(their) arms, 1.4 IV 13; bṣql yḥbq w ynšq he embraced and kissed the shoot,
1.19 II 14 and par.; tḥbq ả[rḫ she embraced the c[ow, 1.10 III 23; b ḥbq ḥmḥmt
on embracing (them) there was pregnancy, 1.23:51 and par.; b ḥbqh ḥmḥmt on
his embracing (them) there was pregnancy, 1.17 I 40 (// nšq); in bkn ctx.: DN
yṯkḥ yḥ[bq DN undresses (?) (and) em[braces (?), 1.24:4; mlảk mṭḫr yḥb[q …,
a wounded (?) messenger he would take in his arms (?) 1.2 I 41; ]hbq l ḥršm,
ḥbr (I) n. m. “companion, associate” (Hb., Pun., Aram., Nab., Palm. ḥbr, “com-
panion”, HALOT 288; DNWSI 346f.; Syr. ḥabrāʔ, “friend, companion”, SL 410;
Akk. i/ebru, “Genosse, Gefährte, Freund”, AHw 363f.; “comrade, fellow”,
CAD I/J 5ff.; Emar /ḫibbīru/, “a device by which two parts are joined”, Pen-
tiuc 65; Arab. ḥabr / ḥibr, “a righteous man”, AEL 498. Caquot TOu/2 115
n. 353; for the mng “magic”, “charmer, enchanter”, “Beschwörer”, see infra:
ḥbr (II)); ¶ par.: dʕt. ¶ Forms: sg. m. suff. ḥbrk, ḥbrm (encl. -m ?); pl. cstr.
Companion, associate: ʕdk kṯr ḥbrk around you, DN, your companion, 1.6
VI 49 (// dʕt; diff. Loretz GAK 323f.: “Beschwörer, Zauberer”, but see Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT III/6 1197: “Freund / Liebling”); bḥbr kṯr ṭbm with / among the
good companions of DN, 1.108:5 (// mrqdm; diff. Del Olmo CR 151 n. 49, “clap-
pers”, Arab. ḫabara, Akk. ḫabāru; but cf. Clemens UF 25 1993 73 ff.; Loretz
GAK 323f.: “Beschwörer, Zauberer”; cf. ḥbr (II)).
ḥbr (II) n. m. “exorcist” (Hb. ḥbr, “charm, spell”, HALOT 288; JBAram, Syr.
ḥabbarāʔ, “charmer, magian priest”, DJBA 429. Cf. Dijkstra UF 17 1985 149 ff.;
Pardee, JNES 47 1988 63; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 400; Husser UF 29 1997
239 Loretz GAK 323f.).
Exorcist: ḥbrm wġlm dʕtm the exorcists and the expert lads, 1.169:10 (Loretz-
Xella MLE 1 1982 38: Loretz GAK 323f.; Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113; Dietrich-
Loretz Fs. Xella 208, 215f.: “der (wahre) Beschwörer und Diener der Magie”,
“zwei Epitheta die auf Ḥorōn … verweisen”); in bkn ctx.: w ḥbr b[…], 1.179:3.
ḥbr (III) n. m. “pot” ((?). Akk. ḫubūru, “ein Bierkrug”, AHw 352; “a large vat for
beer”, CAD Ḫ 220. Del Olmo MLC 448; Watson UF 40 2008 551; AuOrS 27 95);
¶ par.: lg. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḥbrh.
Pot (?): w ḥbrh mlả yn[ and his pot (?) is full / he fills with wine (?), 1.23:76 (//
lg; diff. De Moor ARTU 128: “companion”; Lorezt UF 32 2000 279: “Genosse”,
cf. ḥbr (I)).
ḥbš (I) n. m. 1) “cinch, belt”; 2) by meton. “waist” (etym. unc. Hb. ḥbš, “to saddle,
wind round”, HALOT 289; Syr. ḥbaš, “to hold, keep together”, SL 410 f.; Arab.
ḥabs, “a place of confinement, restriction”, AEL 501; Akk. abšu, “eine Art Gurt”
(?), AHw 7; “a strap or band”, CAD A/1 66: abšu A. De Moor SP 91 f.; for a poss.

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ḥbš (ii) – ḥdg 349

connection with OAss. e/ib/pišum, “eine Art Teppich”, AHw 230, “cloth of an
inferior quality”, CAD E 14f. see Watson NUS 36 1986 18: “blankets”; Loretz
UF 33 2001 351 n. 149, 353: “Gürtel”; for a survey see Watson LSU 13f. and n. 92);
¶ par.: bmt, tʕrt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥbš, suff. ḥbš[ y], ḥbšk, ḥbšh.
1) Cinch, belt: tštn k nšr b ḥbšh she put him like an eagle in her belt, 1.18 IV 28
and par. (// tʕrth; diff. Watson LSU 140: “arm” / “glove”, EA ḫa-ab-ši; Margalit
UF 15 1983 100f.: “(game)bag, pouch”, Arab. ḥabasa, ḥabs).
2) Waist: šnst kpt b ḥbšh she girded palms / hands at her waist, 1.3 II 13 and par.
(// bmth; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 30: “Arm”, EA ḫapšu; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 159 n. o: “carnier”, Arab. ḥibs); l ḥbšk ʕtk rỉš[t to your waist tie heads,
1.13:6 (par. 1.7:2; cf. 1.3 II 12: ʕtkt rỉšt l bmth); in bkn ctx. ʕl ḥbš x[, 1.5 IV 22; yn
ʕšy l ḥbš, 1.17 VI 8 (Gibson CML 146: “governor”, Hb. ḥwbš; Dijsktra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 184: “jar”, Akk. ḫabšu; De Moor ARTU 236: “carrying-net”).
ḥbš (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 105. Van Soldt UBL 11 377f.; UF 28 1996 667;
UF 30 1998 725; Topography 18. Not related to the country KUR ḫa-bi-iš-še,
PRU 4 209 (RS 17.355):8. Edzard RlA 4 27; Astour UF 12 1980 106 ff.; UF 13 1981
TN: 4.48:10; in bkn ctx.: ḥbš, 4.610 I 28 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12: [q]dš).
/ḥ-b-ṭ/ vb G: “to perish, be lost” (Arab. ḥabaṭa, “to become null, to perish”,
AEL 501f. Huehnergard UVST2 391; ¶ syll. Ug.: ḫa-ba-ṭu[. ¶ Forms: G. prefc.
G. To perish, be lost, in bkn ctx.: tḥbṭ she will perish, 1.82:25 (Del Olmo AuOr
29 2011 248).
ḥby (I) DN; a demon (?) (etym. unc.; for the var. interpretations cf. Pardee
TPM 60ff.; also Liverani OrAn 8 1969 339: Eg. DN ḥpy “Apis”; Gordon UF 18
1986 129ff.: Hb. ḥby, Is. 26:20; ḥbywn, Hab. 3:4; Ebla ḫa-ba-ḫa-bi (sic), but cf.
Xella SEL 3 1986 17–21; Aartun StUL 55f.: act. ptc. “sich nähern”, Arab. ḥabā;
Cathcart UBL 12 1–7: “the crawler” < Arab. ḥabā, “to crawl”, like a scorpion (?);
Watson LSU 22: “a bull”).
DN: ḥby bʕl qrnm w ḏnb DN, the one with two horns and a tail, 1.114:19 (diff.
Noegel UF 38 2006 537ff.: “the Babbler”, said of ʔIlu, < /ḥ-b-b/).
Cf. ḥby (II).
ḥby (II) PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.; Watson AuOr 13
1995 222).
PN: 4.775:20.
Cf. ḥby (I).
ḥd “?”, in bkn ctx: ḥd hlny px[, 2.77:8.
ḥdg n. m. “chair (for birthing (?))” (cf. Arab. ḥidğ, ḥidāğat, “saddle or vehicle to
ride”, AEL 530. Renfroe AULS 117f.; Watson AuOr 29 2011 168). ¶ Forms: sg.
suff. ḥdgk.

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350 ḥdn – ḥdṯ (i)

Chair (for birthing (?)): qḥ ksảnk ḥdgk ḥtlk take your stool, your (birthing (?))
chair, your nappies, 1.12 I 18.
ḥdn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 222); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫu-ud-da-na, RS 23.22
VI 14 (Van Soldt SAU 341 n. 185). Cf. ḫd/ty(n), PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.322:10; 4.720:2; 4.785:21; in bkn ctx.: 4.498:9; 4.860:30.
ḥdr n. m. “room, chamber” (Hb., Ph., Pun. ḥdr, “dark room”, HALOT 293; “cham-
ber, inner room”, DNWSI 350; Ebla /ḥadrum/ in É.TUR = ʔà-da-ru12, VE 337; ŠÀ
= ʔà-da-ru12/lu-um, VE 595; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 14; Fronzaroli EL 134; StEb
7 1984 165; Conti SQF 121; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 189; Emar /ḫidru/, “yard,
room”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 67; OSA ḫdrn, mḫdr, “camera”, CAME 154; “cham-
ber, funeral chamber”, SD 59; Arab. ḫidr, “curtain in a chamber”, AEL 708;
Eth. ḫidr, māḫdar, “inside of an apartment”, “place of habitation”, CDG 258 f.
Dahood UF 11 1979 146; Sznycer EtSem 70ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. G[Ú (Nougayrol:
DUR) = šubtu? = ]-a-ri = ḫu-du-rù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 11; Huehnergard
UVST 78, 123; Sivan UF 21 1989 360; Van Soldt SAU 303; ¶ par.: ảp (II) (+ sgrt);
¶ Forms: sg. ḥdr, suff. ḥdrh; pl. ḥdrm.
Room, chamber: ★a) yʕny ỉl b šbʕt ḥdrm DN replied from the seven chambers
(// ảp sgrt), 1.3 V 11, 26; cf. ḥdrm rooms, 4.195:3, and cf. d sgrm, ibid. ln. 4; yʕrb
b ḥdrh ybky he went into his room to weep, 1.14 I 26; d ỉṯ ḥdr[m, that has two
rooms, 2.88:18; ★b) ḥdr mškb bedroom, 4.195:6; ḥdr ṯġr hall, vestibule, 4.195:14;
in bkn ctx.: ]ḥdrd, 7.178:6; tʕrb ḥd[r, 1.16 II 51 (De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 186);
ḥdr, 1.179:34.
/ḥ-d-ṯ/ vb G: “to be, become new, renew oneself”; Š: “to renew” (Hb., Ph.,
Pun. ḥdš pi., “to make anew, restore”, HALOT 293f.; DNWSI 350; Nab., Palm.,
Hatra ḥdt pa., “to restore, to renew”, DNWSI 350; Akk. edēšu, “neu sein,
werden”, AHw 186f.; “to be or become new”, CAD E 30 ff.; OSA Qat. šḥdṯ, “to
newly construct, restore”, LIQ 61; Arab. ḥadaṯa, “to be new”, AEL 527 ff.; Eth.
ḥaddasa, “renew, restore”, CDG 225f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yḥdṯ; Š prefc. with
suff. -n tṯḥdṯn (allom. or error for /tšḥdṯn/; see Del Olmo CR 259 n. 49).
G. To be, become new > renew oneself: ỉk ảl yḥdṯ yrḫ is it not certain that
(now) DN becomes new / renews himself (?), 1.18 IV 9; in bkn ctx.: […] tḥdṯn
(…) were renewing themselves, 1.92:4 (Cf. Dijsktra UF 26 1994 116).
Š. To renew (assim. form (?)): w tṯḥdṯn ṯnm w ḥdṯh tdn hmt and they shall
be renewed both and on the day of the new moon they shall declare them
(legitimate), 1.104:17–19 (diff. Pardee TR/1 567, 570 f.: “et tu en fourniras de
nouveau?; et de nouveau tu les feras approcher”, rdg ṯt. ḥdṯn, *ṯwy, “fournir”;
cf. ḥdṯ (II)).
Cf. ḥdṯ (I), ḥdṯ (II), ḥdṯ (III), ḥdṯn.
ḥdṯ (I) adj. “new, recent” (Hb., Pun. ḥdš, “new, fresh”, HALOT 294; DNWSI 351;
OAram. ḥds/t, “new”, DNWSI 351; Palm., Nab., Hatra ḥdt(ʔ), “new” DNWSI 351;

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ḥdṯ (ii) – /ḥ-d-y/ 351

Akk. eššu, “neu”, AHw 258f.; “new, fresh”, CAD E 374 ff.; Arab. ḥadīṯ, “new,
recent”, AEL 529; Eth. ḥaddis, “new, recent”, CDG 225). ¶ Forms: sg. m. ḥdṯ; f.
New, recent: w yṣỉ trḫ ḥdṯ may the newly-wed also go out, 1.14 II 48 and par.;
kdwṯ ḥdṯ bd PN a new k. in the hands of PN, 4.205:19; trḥ ḥdṯ m[r] a new
little flask of myrrh, 1.124:7; mšlḥ ḥdṯ a new battering-ram, 4.689:3; ṯn ḫpnm
ḥd<ṯ>m two new ḫ., 2.87:28; in place names: gt ḥdṯt “New Farmstead”, 4.213:12;
4.243:22; 4.707:21; cf. ḥdṯ (II)); in bkn ctx.: 1.146:2; 4.182:50; 2.87:28.
ḥdṯ (II) n. m. “new moon”, first day of the month (Hb., Ph., Pun. ḥdš, “new moon,
month”, HALOT 294f.; DNWSI 350f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ḥud(a)ṯ-/
in PNN, Sivan GAGl 225. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥdṯ; pl./du. ḥdṯm; suff. ḥdṯh; allog. ḫdś
in 1.171:7 (Tropper UF 22 1995 521f.).
New moon: ym ḥdṯ day of the new moon (: first day of the month), 1.112:10
and par.; ym ḥdṯ ḫyr the new moon of MN, 1.78:1; (dbḥ mlk) ḥdṯm the (royal
sacrifice) of the new moons, 1.91:13; w ḥdṯh tdn hmt and on the day of the new
moon, they shall declare them (legitimate), 1.104:18–19; in bkn ctx.: b šbʕ ḫdś
on the seventh (day) of the new moon, 1.171:7; b ḥdṯ yrḫ on the new moon (of
the month) (?),1.163:2 (diff. Dijkstra Fs. Loretz 281 n. 74: “during the renewal
of the month”).
Cf. ḥdṯ (III), ḥdṯn.
ḥdṯ (III) PN (Sem. Stamm VTS 16 1967 322; Gröndahl PTU 30, 134; Dietrich-
Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 304; Watson LSU 166; AuOr 30 2012 345); ¶ syll.:
ḫu-da-ši, Syria 28 1951 173f. (RS 14.016):23; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):4; ḫu-dá-ši, PRU 3
133 (RS 15.132):5; Syria 28 1951 173f. (RS 14.016):23. Sivan GAGl 225; Huehner-
gard UVST 212, 231, 242; Huehnergard AkkUg 368; Van Soldt SAU 309 n. 115.
PN: bn PN, 4.281:17.
ḥdṯn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 30, 134; OSA Qat. ḥdṯn); ¶ syll.: ḫu-ud !-ša-nu,
PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) I 17”. Sivan GAGl 225; Huehnergard UVST 230, 242;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 314: “born at the time of the new moon”.
PN: 4.63 II 3; 4.116:11; 4.153:10; 4.243:34; 4.609:18, 19; 7.221:2, 3; in bkn ctx.: 4.63
IV 8; 4.243:34.
Cf. ḥtṯn.
/ḥ-d-y/ vb G: “to see, look, observe” (Hb. ḥd/zh, “to see, to look at”, HALOT
292, 301; Ph., Aram., Palm. ḥzy, “to see”, DNWSI 357ff.; Ebla /ʔizāʔum/ in
IGI.BAR.DA = NI-ša-um, EV 0126; Krecher Biling. 165; Pasquali NABU 2009/62
Ebla u9-zú (?) < Sem. *ḥzy “vaticination”; Arab. ḥazā, “to compute, deter-
mine”, AEL 562f. Dahood UF 1 1969 27; De Moor SP 93f.); ¶ par.: /ʕ-n/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. ảḥd, tḥdy, yḥdy, yḥd; impv. ḥd.
G. To see, observe: ỉbqʕ kbdh w ảḥd I shall open its entrails to see, 1.19
III 33 and par.; yḥd hrgb he saw DN, 1.19 III 15 (cf. ln 29); tḫtṣb w tḥdy ʕnt

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352 ḥḏm – ḥgbt

DN fought and was observing, 1.3 II 24 and par. (// tʕn; diff. Watson VT 31
1981 92ff.: */ḥ-d-y/ “to be happy”; so too Tropper UF 33 2001 567ff.: “sich
freuen, frohlocken”; cf. De Moor SP 93f.); w yḥdy mrḥqm and will look into
the distance, 1.127:32 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Mantik 37: “(weg)treiben”, Arab.
ḥadā); in bkn ctx.: ḥd hlny (…) look!, here (…), 2.77:8; cf. ibid. ln. 15, 17 (cf.
Márquez NABU 1993/45: Akk. amur and Eg. ptr; also: tḥmk ḥdy, 2.83:4; diff.
Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 361: “ton message a réjoui (?)”); in bkn ctx.:
ḥdy ly, 2.103:10.
ḥḏm, 4.609:25, cf. ḥẓ.
ḥḏrṯ n. m. an ingredient in hippiatric pharmacopoeia (etym. unc. Cohen(-Si-
van) UHT 28f.; UF 28 1996 129f.: “lettuce-plant”, MHb. ḥzrt, Akk. ḫassā; San-
martín AuOr 6 1988 234: “albaricoque”, Sum.-Akk. ḫašḫur / ḫašuru; Pardee
TH 60: “pommier”, Aram. ḥazzûr [with reservations], but see Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 315: “plant of the lettuce category”; for a survey see Watson
LSU 68, 145). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥḏrṯ.
An ingredient in hippiatric pharmacopoeia: pr ḥḏrṯ fruit(s) of ḥ., 1.85:14; also
1.71:12; 1.85:27; 1.72:19.
ḥgb n. m. “locust”, as an attribute of DN ršp (?) (Hb. ḥgb, “kind of locust”,
HALOT 290; JAram. ḥgbʔ, “hopper, locust”, DTT 424. Caquot Syria 46 1969
260; Fulco Reshep 44; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 324; diff. Herdner Ug 7 28:
“portier”, Arab. ḥāğib; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10: “portiere”; Del Olmo
AuOr 10 1990 151f.: “víscera sacrificial”, Arab. *ḥğb, ḥiğāb; Pardee TR/2 1148:
“élément de théonyme composé, sens précis inconnu”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ḥag(a)bu-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 222. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥgb.
Locust, as an attribute of ršp ḥgb DN (of the) locust (?), 1.90:2; 1.106:1; 1.134:3;
1.168:2 (diff. Del Olmo AuOr 10 1992 151f.: “a DN, un ḥ.” (as an offering)).
Cf. ʔbdḥgb, ḥgbḏr, ḥgbn, ḥgbt, ḥgby, ḥgbt.
ḥgbḏr PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10 n. 27).
PN: bn PN, 4.724:3.
ḥgbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 52, 135; Jirku ArOr 41 1973 102f.; Ribichini-
Xella RSF 15 1987; Sivan GAGl 222); ¶ syll.: (DUMU) ḫa-ag-ba-nu, PRU 3 86
(RS 15.119) 5; PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B II 5; PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) B III 34; PRU 3
203 (RS 16.257+) B IV 15; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):28; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.149):8; (DUMU)
ḫa-ga-ba-na, PRU 3 167 (RS 15.139):6, 10; PRU 6 45 (RS 18.21):29.
PN: ★a) 4.141 I 18 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.183 I 26; 4.263:9; 4.319:3; 4.609:11, 27;
★b) bn PN, 4.69 I 19; 4.77:28; 4.343:10; 4.383:2; 4.769:8, 16, 69; 4.795:8; in bkn
ctx.: ]gbn, 4.151:10 (Kühne UF 6 1974 164 n. 43); cf. also ]ḥg bn kbs, 4.682:9;
4.841:36; 4.842:8.
ḥgbt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 21, 28, 135; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10 n. 27).
PN: 4.55:28; in bkn ctx.: 4.408:2.

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ḥgby – ḥkpt 353

Cf. ḫgbt.
ḥgby PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 51, 135; Jirku ArOr 41 1973 102f.; Ribichini-Xella
RSF 15 1987 10).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 5; 4.226:8; 4.348:29; in bkn ctx.: 4.498:10.
ḥgln PN (etym. unc. Watson Historiae 4 2007 95; AuOr 30 2012 331); ¶ syll.: cf.
ḫé?-gi-lu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):8.
PN: bn PN, 4.7:6.
/ḥ-g-r/ vb G: “to gird” (Hb. ḥgr, “to gird oneself”, HALOT 291; cf. Pun. ḥgr, “wall,
enclosure”, DNWSI 348; Arab. ḥaǧǧara, “to make a bound around”, AEL 516 ff.;
Eth. ḥagala, “to tie, bind”, CDG 228). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tḥgrn (-n, 1st and 3rd
p. sg. suff.).
G. To gird, in bkn ctx.: tḥgrn […] they will gird me […] (?), 1.14 III 44 (diff.
Wyatt RTU 197: “they are surrounded by (…)”); tḥgrn they girded themselves
(?), 1.23:17.
ḥġmn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.682:10.
/ḥ-k-m/ vb G: “to be wise” (Hb., Aram. ḥkm, “to be, become wise, to act wisely”,
HALOT 313f.; OAram. ḥkm pa. “to instruct”, DNWSI 371; Arab. ḥakama, “to
prevent form acting in evil manner”, AEL 616 ff.; Eth. ḥakama, “to be wise”,
CDG 228f.; Akk. ḫakāmu, “verstehen, begreifen”, AHw 309; “to know, under-
stand”, CAD Ḫ 32f. Müller UF 1 1969 89 n. 81); ¶ par.: /r-b(-b)/. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. ḥkmt.
G. To be wise: rbt ỉlm l ḥkmt you are great, DN, truly you are wise!, 1.4 V 3;
ḥkmt k ṯr lṭp[n] you are wise like the “Bull”, DN, 1.16 IV 2 (alt. “(your) wisdom
is like …”, cf. ḥkmt).
Cf. ḥkmt.
ḥkm adj. m. “wise” (cf. /ḥ-k-m/. Hb. ḥkm, “skilful”, HALOT 314; OAram. ḥkym,
“wise”, DNWSI 371; Arab. ḥakīm, “possessing knowledge”, AEL 618). ¶ Forms:
sg. ḥkm.
Wise: tḥmk ỉl ḥkm your message, DN, is wise 1.3 V 30, 1.4 IV 41.
ḥkmt n. f. “wisdom” (cf. /ḥ-k-m/. Hb., OAram. ḥkmh, “skill, experience, God’s
wisdom”, HALOT 314; “wisdom”, DNWSI 371; OAram., Ph., ḥkmt, “wisdom”,
DNWSI 371; Arab. ḥikmat, “wisdom”, AEL 617). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥkmt.
Wisdom: ḥkmt ʕm ʕlm (your) wisdom is eternal, 1.4 IV 41 (variant ḥkmk in 1.3
V 30; alt. “you are wise”, cf. /ḥ-k-m/); ḥkmt k ṯr lṭp[n] (your) wisdom is like
(that of) the “Bull”, DN, 1.16 IV 2 (alt. “you are wise”, cf. /ḥ-k-m/); in bkn ctx.:
]ḥkmt yx[. 1.129:4.
ḥkpt TN, residence / territory of the god kṯr (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 105: Ḥikuptaú,
Eg. of New Empire ḥwt.k3.ptḥ: Memphis; WäS/3 5; Faulkner 166. Zivie LÄ 25 f.;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 182; Margalit UF 15 1983 81; EA Akk.: URU ḥi-ku-

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354 /ḥ-k-r/ – ḥl (ii)

up-ta-aḥ, EA 84:37; 139:8; Gk Aigyptos. Watson JNSL 22 1996 74); ¶ par.: kptr.
¶ Forms: ḥkpt; ḥ{q}kpt, 1.3 VI 13, scribal mistake.
TN ★a) mythical: ḥkpt ỉl the divine TN, 1.3 VI 13 and par.; bʕl ḥkpt the lord(s)
of TN, 1.17 V 21, 31; ḥkpt ảrṣ nḥlth TN, the land of his property, 1.3 VI 15 and
par.; I have to leave ḥkp[t l rḥq ỉlnym] TN for the most distant deity, 1.1 III 19
and par.; ★b) as a real TN: ṯlṯ mảt ảrt ḥkpt three hundred bucklers (?) from (/
in the style of) TN, 4.247:26.
/ḥ-k-r/ vb G: “to knock down” (?) (Akk. ḫakāru, “zerschlagen”, AHw 309, 1558.
Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 129; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 17f.: “Becher, Pokal”,
Arab. ḥu/akr; for a survey of the var. suggestions see Watson LSU 85).
¶ Forms: G unc. form ḥkr[.
To knock down (?), in bkn ctx.: ḥkr, 1.93:6.
ḥl (I) n. m. 1) “strength, vigour”; 2) “fortress, stronghold”; 3) “tower, farm, estate”,
in onomastics (Hb. ḥwl, ḥyl, “faculty, power”, HALOT 311 f.; Arab. ḥawl, ḥayl,
“strength, power”, AEL 675f., 688; cf. Hitt. ḫali-, ḫila-, “Hürde für Grossvieh”,
HW(2) 3 30ff.; “Hürde für Grossvieh, Mauer”, HEG 128 f., 241 ff. Cf. Sawyer-
Strange IEJ 14 1964 98; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 159 ff. diff. Da-
hood ArchEbl 306: “phoenix”, Hb. ḥwl, Ebla ḫu-la-tum); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TN ḥīlu,
see: ḥl (III); ¶ par.: ġr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥl, suff. ḥlm (encl. -m).
1) Strength, vigour: ḥl ảmr bnkm with vigour I shall strengthen your son,
1.13:27, cf. ln. 28–29.
2) Fortress, stronghold: ṣpn ḥlm qdš (…) ḥlm ảdr ḥl rḥb mknpt TN, the holy
fortress, (…) the powerful fortress, the stronghold broad of span, 1.16 I 7–9 (//
3) Tower, farm, estate: ḥl PN bd PN the “tower” of PN, in the hands of PN,
Cf. ḥl (III).
ḥl (II) adj. “desacralised, ‘free’” (Hb. ḥl, “profane”, HALOT 315; OSA Qat. ḥll,
“to cancel, end”, LIQ 63; Arab. ḥalla, “untie”, ḥalāl, ḥill, “profane, free, law-
ful”, AEL 619ff.; Akk. ellu, “rein, frei”, AHw 204f.; “clean, pure, holy”, CAD
E 102ff.; Ebla cf. NISABA:A = ʔà-a-um (/ḥalālum/), VE 1227'; Krecher Biling.
141; cf. DI.DI = ʔà-la-lum, VE 635; cf. à-lum “shiny”, Mander MEE 10 88; ʔà-li-
um, ʔà-li-ù (A:NAGA) “purificatore”, Bonechi QuSem 16 142; cf. ITU ḫa-li-NI
and cf. Pettinato Rituale 190: ḫa-li-ì (Fronzaroli ARET 11 155: ḫa-li-NI); cf. e-
am, Fronzaroli ARET 11 145: /ḥell-am/. Cf. Cazelles MUSJ 49 1975–1976 443 ff.;
Xella SSR 2 1978 381ff.; Aartun UF 16 1984 18 f.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 314,
/ḥ-l-l/, “be/become clean, pure, absolved of cultic responsibility)”, G., D., Š).
¶ Forms: sg. m. ḥl (cf. ḥlt (II)).
Desacralised, “free”: ʕrb špš w ḥl mlk the sun sets / at sunset the king (shall
remain) desacralised, 1.112:9 and par., cultic formula (cf. Del Olmo CR 18);

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ḥl (iii) – ḥll 355

ṣbủ špš w ḥl ym the sun sets / at sunset and the day (remains) desacralised,
1.41:47 (diff. De Moor ARTU 164: “the host of the day”); ṯ<ṯ>b rgm b gn w ḥl
mlk there will be a reply in the garden and the king remains desacralised,
1.106:23, cf. 1.173:17.
Cf. ḥlbt, ḥll, ḥlt (II), mḥll.
ḥl (III) TN (< (?) ḥl (I); see Belmonte RGTC 12/2 106: *Ḥīlu-Aġalteni “Turm-
Gehöft des Aġalteni”, ḥīlu(- yāmi) “Meersburg”. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 159; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12); Van Soldt UF 28 1996 667; UF 30 1998
732; Topography 18, 173; Watson SEL 28 2011 30); ¶ syll.: cf. URU ḥi-li, PRU 3
144 (RS 16.138):21; PRU 6 94 (RS 17.431):1, 2; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):12; RSOu 7 4
(RS 34.131):21; cf. Berger UF 2 1970 340ff.; Kühne UF 6 1974 166.
TN: ★a) ḥl ảġltn, 4.320:8; ★b) ḥl ( ym), 4.68:40: ḥl y[m?]; 4.186:6; 4.800 II 24; in
bkn ctx.: ḥl, 4.610 II 22; 4.618:32.
Cf. ġl (I).
ḥlb n. m. 1) “milk”; 2) “cheese, butter” (Hb., Pun., Aram. ḥlb, “milk”, HALOT 315 f.;
DNWSI 372; JAram. ḥlb, “milk”, DTT 464; Arab. ḥalab, “milk”, AEL 624; Eth.
ḥalib, “milk”, CDG 229; cf. NA ḥilpu, “Milch”, AHw 345; “milk”, CAD Ḫ 187; Del
Olmo BSA 7 1993 193f.); ¶ par.: ḥmat, ṯd; ¶ RS Akk.: GA; cf. GA.MEŠ, PRU 6
156 (RS 19.20):1; cf. GA.KIN.AG, PRU 6 4 (RS 17.142):8; Sanmartín BSA 7 1993
206. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥlb.
1) Milk: (offering of) gd b ḥlb coriander in milk, 1.23:14 (// ḫmat); lm ynq ḥlb
ảṯrt the prince who will suck on the milk of DN, 1.15 II 26 (// ṯd).
2) Cheese, butter (weighed in talents (cf. RS Akk.: 3 GUN GA.MEŠ, PRU 6
156 (RS 19.20):1): kkr ḥlb a talent of cheese, 4.707:20; ḫmš kkr ḥlb five talents
of cheese, 4.272:2; in barter: ảlp mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ ḥlb one thousand two hundred
(shekels) of copper (in exchange) for cheese, ibid. ln. 5 (cf. ṯlṯ šmn copper (in
exchange) for oil, ibid. ln. 4; cf. Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176 f.).
Cf. ḥlbt.
ḥlbt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 135).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 11.
ḥll n. m. “desacralisation, purification” (vb n. < */ḥ-l-l/, cf. ḥl (II); Mari Akk.
ḫalīlum (Charpin-)Durand MARI 2 76; MARI 3 135 n. 36; Akk. tēliltu, “Reini-
gung”, AHw 1344f.; “purification”, CAD T 28f.; Luw. ḫalal-, Laroche DLL 38;
Hitt. ḫalali-, “reines Opfer”, HW(2) 3 18. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975
160, 544; Janowski UF 12 1980 247 n. 102; Freilich JSS 31 1986 128 n. 36).
¶ Forms: sg. ḥll.
Desacralisation, purification: w š ḥll ydm and a ram (as a sacrifice of) desa-
cralisation / purification of hands, 1.115:6 (Del Olmo CR 222 n. 35; diff. Bor-
dreuil-Pardee ManUg 206, 314: “purify”, imp. Š of /ḥ-l-l; but see Del Olmo
UF 36 2004 615).

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356 ḥlm (i) – ḥlt (i)

ḥlm (I) n. m. “dream” (Hb. ḥlwm, “dream”, HALOT 317f.; ḥlm, “to dream”, HALOT
320f.; Ph., OAram. ḥlm, DNWSI 375f.; Arab. ḥulm, “dream”, AEL 632, ḥalama,
“to dream”, ibid. 631ff.); ¶ par.: ḏ(h)rt, hdrt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥlm, suff. ḥlmy, ḥlmh.
Dream: b ḥlm lṭpn ỉl d pỉd in a dream of “the Benevolent One”, DN, “kind-
hearted”, 1.6 III 10 and par. (// ḏrt); krt yḥṯ w ḥlm PN came to himself and it
was a dream, 1.14 III 50 (// hdrt); w b ḥlmh ỉl yrd and in his dream DN came
down, 1.14 I 35 (// ḏhrth); d b ḥlmy ỉl ytn whom DN granted me in my dream,
1.14 III 46 and par. (// ḏrty).
ḥlm (II) n. m. “growing animal” (cf. Hb. ḥlm, “to become strong (animals)”,
HALOT 320 [Job 39:4]; Syr. ḥalīmāʔ, “sound, healthy person, strong”, SL 456;
Arab. ḥālim, “fat (animal)”, AEL 633. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 161;
diff. Pardee TR/1 462f., II 1150: “rêve”, Hb. ḥalôm); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [ḥ]u-ul-ma-tu4,
Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 16; cf. Huehnergard UVST 125; AkkUg 352. ¶ Forms:
pl. ḥlmm.
Grown animal: s[p]r ḥlmm list of growing animals, 1.86:1(Del Olmo-Márquez
AuOr 13 1995 255ff.); in bkn ctx.: b ḥlm (…), 1.86:28.
ḥln n. m. “window, opening” (Hb. ḥlwn, HALOT 318. De Moor UF 2 1970 325);
¶ par.: ủrbt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥln; pl. ḥlnm; cf. the spelling ẖln, 5.22:27.
Window, opening: yptḥ ḥln b bhtm he opened a window in the palace, 1.4
VII 25–26 and par.; ḥln d b dmt ủm ỉl[m the window that there is in the tower
of the mother of the g[od(s) (?), 2.31:46; ṯmn ḥlnm eight windows, 4.195:15.
On the spelling ẖln, 5.22:27 see Dietrich-Loretz KA 191: “Fenster”.
ḥlq n. m. “part, limb” (Hb., Aram., Nab., Palm. ḥlq, “share of body”, HALOT 323 f.;
“part, portion, share”, DNWSI 378f.; Arab. ḥalq, “fauces, throat, gullet”, AEL
629, cf. ḫalāq, “share, portion”, AEL 802; MSA, Meh. Hars. ḥelqē:ām, “Adam’s
apple, side of throat”, ML 179; HL 59. Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 30; De Moor
SP 92: “hips, buttocks”, Akk. ilku; Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 628: “throat, neck”,
MSA ḥelqān; Gray UF 11 1979 318 n. 19: “thigh”, Hb. *ḥlq; Aartun UF 16 1984
20: “vulva”, Arab. ḥalqat(ā); Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 159 n. p: “pans de jupe”,
MHb. ḥālûq; Collini SEL 6 1989 35: “anello per caviglie, parte del corpo”;
Smith UNP 108: “neck”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 147 ff.: “Lende, Hüfte”, but
see Kogan UF 36 2004 200ff.: < *ḥalḳ “throat”; Parker UF 38 2006 559 n. 6:
“buttocks” < *ḥlq “to divide”; ¶ par.: brk. ¶ Forms: pl./du. ḥlqm.
Part, limb: tġll (…) ḥlqm b mmʕ mhrm she plunged (…) (her) limbs in the
innards of the combatants, 1.3 II 28 and par. (// brkm).
ḥlš n. m. appellative of the goddess ʕnt (etym. unc. De Moor UF 2 1970 325:
“appellative or place name” (?); Xella TRU 54: “ʕAnat della devastazione”, Hb.
ḥlš). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥlš.
Appellative of ʕnt: DN ḥlš, 1.109:25.
ḥlt (I) MN (etym. unc., “phoenix” (?), Hb. ḥwl, “phoenix”, HALOT 297. Dahood

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ḥlt (ii) – ḥmḥmt 357

in ArchEbl 306: Ebla ḫa-li-tù, cf. ḥl (I)); Watson AuOr 19 2001 289: Mari
Akk. ḫa-lí-da; SEL 26 2009 16: Mari Akk.: ḫa-lí, Hurr. ḫa-lí-it, Lagash ḫa-li-í,
Tell-Asmar ḫa-lu5-ut); ¶ syll. Ug.: ITI ḫal-la-t[e(?)], PRU 6 101 (RS 19.130):5;
ITI ḫal-la-ti, MSL 10 37, colophon: 5; cf. RS 25.455 A+B III 6 (unpub. Arnaud
SMEA 32 1993 128); Sivan GAGl 222; Huehnergard UVST 125; Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 651; SAU 303. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥlt.
Month name: yrḫ ḥlt the month of ḥ., 4.219:13: 4.220:4.
ḥlt (II) n. f. “desacralisation” (cf. ḥl; cf. Akk. ellūtu, “Reinheit”, AHw 205; “purity”,
CAD E 106. Watson LSU 85; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 299: vb “tu
es désacralisé”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥlt.
Desacralisation: w al tṣu y!ṣủ / ḫṣủ w ḥlt and shall not go out; (and if) he goes
out there will be desacralisation (?), 1.164:20.
ḥm n. m. “heat; drought” (cf. /ḥ-m-m/; Hb. ḥm, “warmth”, HALOT 325; Syr.
ḥumāʔ, “heat, glow”, SL 427; Arab. ḥamm, “heat”, AEL 636; Ebla cf. /ḫammū-
tum/ in UD.GÁNA = a(-wa)-mu ʔà-mu-tum, VE 777; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 30;
A.UD = ma-wu ʔà-mu-tum, VE 637; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 25; Fronzaroli EL 136;
Akk. ummu, “Hitze, Fieber”, AHw 1417). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥm.
Heat, drought: yṣly ʕrpt b ḥm ủn yr he cast a spell on the clouds, in the terrible
drought, on the (early) rain, 1.19 I 40 (diff. Margalit UF 16 1984 130f.: “anxiety”,
Arab. ʔaḥimma); in bkn ctx.: ḥm l šrr, 1.2 IV 33.
Cf. ḥmm.
/ḥ-m-d/ vb G: “to desire” (Hb., Ph. ḥmd, “to desire”, HALOT 325; “to covet”,
DNWSI 380; cf. EA Akk.[i]a-pu: ḫa-mu-du, EAT 138:26; Sivan GAGl 223; Gian-
to SEL 12 1995 68; cf. OSA ḥmd, “praise”, SD 178f.; Arab. ḥamida, “to praise”,
AEL 638ff.); ¶ par.: /h-r-r/, /r-ṯ-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. with suff. yḥmdnh,
yḥmdm (encl. -m); tḥmd[; inf. ḥmdm (encl. -m).
G. To desire: bʕl ḥmdm yḥmdm DN ardently desired (them), 1.12 I 38 (//
yhrrm); in bkn ctx.: yṣỉ ġlh tḥmd[nh she desired [her, 1.92:6; btlt bʕl yḥmdnh
the virgin, DN desired her, 1.92:29 (for both passages, cf. Dijkstra UF 26 1994
117); in bkn ctx.: ḥmdm, 1.12 II 8.
Cf. mḥmd.
ḥmdrt n. f. “parched field” (Akk. ḫamadī/ūru, ḫamadīrūtu, “Verdorrung”, AHw
315; “verdorrt”, CAD Ḫ 57f. Sanmartín UF 9 1977 265; Watson LSU 85); ¶ par.:
ảklt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmdrt.
Parched field: šblt yph! b ḥmdrt he spied an ear in the parched field, 1.19 II 21
(// ảklt); šblt tpʕ [b ḥ]mdrt ủr ear which grows in the hot parched field, 1.19
II 23 (// ảklt).
ḥmḥmt n. f. “pregnancy, conception” (< /ḥ-m-m/. Tsumura UF 10 1978 388
n. 5; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 182: “heat, orgasm”: Aartun StUL 57f. diff.
Margalit UF 27 1995 265f.: “sanctuary, shelter, circumvallation”, cf. Ug. ḥmt));

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358 /ḥ-m-m/ – ḥmr (i)

¶ par.: hr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmḥmt, suff. ḥmḥ<mt>h.

Pregnancy, conception: b ḥbq ḥmḥmt on embracing (them) here was preg-
nancy, 1.23:51 and par. (// hr); in bkn ctx.: ylt ḥmḥmt, 1.17 I 41; bt ḥmḥ<mt>h
dnn the daughter whose conception(?) (proves) our strength, 1.16 I 29 (see
Parker UF 38 2006 568f.: “whose conception is strong”).
/ḥ-m-m/ vb Š “to heat up, roast” (Hb. ḥmm, yḥm, “to get warm”, “to be on heat”,
pi. “to warm up”, HALOT 328f., 407; OAram. ḥmm, “hot, feverish”, DNWSI 382;
Syr. ḥmm, “to be hot”, SL 465; Akk. emēmu, “heiss sein”, AHw 213; “to be or
become hot”, CAD E 147f.; Arab. ḥamma, “to heat”, AEL 635ff. Aartun UF 16
1984 20). ¶ Forms: Š prefc. yšḥmm.
Š. To heat up/burn, in bkn ctx.: y]ḥrkn w yšḥmm he shall burn and roast it,
Cf. ḥm, ḥmḥmt, ḥmm, ḥmny.
ḥmm n. m. “heat” (< /ḥ-m-m/. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 401: Arab. ḥumām,
“fever”; Syr. ḥamīmāʔ, “hot”, ḥmymw, “heat”, SL 463; JBAram. ḥmymh, “fever”,
DJBA 206). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmm.
Heat (?): ḥmm b bšrk heat (?) in your flesh, 1.179:7.
Cf. ḥm.
ḥmny PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 135; Watson LSU 166; Historiae 4 2007 101;
AuOr 30 2012 331, 344); ¶ syll.: cf. fḫa-mé-en-na-ya, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):5'; cf.
DUM]U(?)ḫa-m[u-]?ni[, PRU 3 36 (RS 11.718):4.
PN: bn PN, 4.108:3.
Cf. ḥmn.
ḥmr (I) n. m. 1) “donkey”; 2) “load (measure of capacity), heap” (Hb., OAram.,
Palm. ḥm(w)r, “he-ass”, “heap”, HALOT 327, 330; “donkey, ass”, DNWSI 383f.;
Akk. imēru, “Esel”, AHw 375f.; “donkey”, “homer, measure of weight”, CAD I/J
110ff.; Arab. ḥimār, “ass”, AEL 641. Sanmartín UF 20 1988 271f.; AuOr 8 1990
97f.); ¶ RS Akk.: ANŠE(.MEŠ), PRU 3 217; PRU 6 8 (RS 17.23):17; ¶ par.: ibr.
¶ Forms: sg. ḥmr; pl. ḥmrm; sg./pl. suff. ḥmrh; du. ḥmrm.
1) Donkey: ★a) ảrbʕ ḥmr[m …] l ṯlṯ four donkeys for the [(transport of the)]
copper, 4.268:1; ṯn ḥmr[m …] l brr two donkeys for the tin, ibid. ln. 4; 4.377:25,
30; TN ḥmr TN one donkey, 4.698:1; TNN ḥmrm TNN, two donkeys, 4.698:3, 5;
(…) bnšm w ḥmr (so many) unskilled labourers and a donkey, 4.29:2, 4; (…)
ḥmr(m) w (…) bnšm (so many) donkeys and (so many) unskilled labourers,
4.380:3–26; ṯṯ ḥmrm bʕlm ṣmdm ảlpm six donkeys (and two (?)) unskilled
labourers (and) two pairs of oxen, 4.691:7; šʕrm l ḥmrm barley for the don-
keys, 6.19:1; dd šʕrm l ḥmr ḥṭb a “cauldronful” of barley for the woodcutter’s
donkey(s), 4.269:24; ṯlṯ ddm šʕrm l ḥmrm dt tblm three “cauldronsful” of bar-
ley for the donkeys of the smiths, 4.790:14; ʕšr dd kśmm w ḫmšm ḥmr kśmm
ten “cauldronsful” of spelt and fifty loads of spelt, 4.691:5 (but cf. Sanmartín

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ḥmr (ii) – ḥmṣ 359

UF 20 1988 270ff.); prś ảkl l ḥmr PN one p. of fodder for the donkey of PN,
4.863:4; in bkn ctx.: ]ḥmrm, 3.6:3; l ḥmrm d bd PNN (barley) for the donkeys
in the hand of PNN, 4.790:9, 11, 12, 14; ảtn ḥmrm I will give donkeys, 2.98:6;
★b) hearing nqht ḥmrh the braying of his donkey, 1.14 III 17 and par. (// ỉbrh);
in bkn ctx.: d bnš ḥmr[, 1.86:12; ★c) ḥmr škm “braying donkey, ass” (a special
breed or age (?)), 4.14:6, 12, 18 (< Akk.; cf. AHw 1127: šāgimu; Sanmartín AuOr
8 1990 97f.; McGeough-Smith UgET 490; diff. Pardee AuOr 20 2002 168, 175f.:
“ânes porteurs”, cf. NWS *škm, “épaule”, but cf. infra: ṯkm); ★d) rʕy ḥmrm don-
key driver: (nn) ṣmdm (nn) bnš yd ytm yd rʕy ḥmrm (nn) pairs (of oxen (?)),
(nn) farmhands with two foremen and the donkey driver, 4.618:3.
2) Load, measure of capacity; heap: ★a) load (OAss. measure of capacity; 1
anše = 10 bán = 100 sìla, ca. 100 litres; cf. Akk. and Hb. supra. Powell RlA 7
487f., rarely in RS): ḥmr one “load”, 5.3:1–6 (cf. ỉzml); ★b) as adv. accus. “in
heaps”: npš blt ḥmr my appetite devours in heaps, 1.5 I 19 (cf. Jdg. 15:16: ḥmwr
ḥmrtym, “heaps upon heaps”; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 538; Del
Olmo MLC 548); in bkn: 1.86:9; ḫrd w ḥmr[m troops and donkeys, 2.98:20;
ḥmr, 2.99:33, 4.426:2; w ḥmr, 2.101:11.
ḥmr (II) adj. / n. “red, reddish”, qualifier of plant (Cf. Hb. ḥmrmr, denom. <
ḥmr, “wine”, *ḥmr, “to redden”, HALOT 330; Arab. ḥumrat, “redness”, ʔaḥmar,
“red”, ʔaḥmar, “sort of dates so called because of their colour”, AEL 640 ff.;
Eth. ḥamar, “red berry”, CDG 234; Akk. emēru, “gerötet sein”, AHw 214; but see
CAD E 148: *emēru B; cf. ả/ỉrġn. Pardee TH 61; Cohen-Sivan UHT 32; Watson
LSU 72; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 314: “(plant name)”). ¶ Forms: sg. m. ḥmr.
Red, reddish (qualifying ả/ỉrġn): št ỉrġn ḥmr a š. of ỉ. ḥ., 1.85:17, 28; 1.72:23;
cf. 1.71:15; 1.97:4.
/ḥ-m-ṣ/ vb G: “to be(come) sour” > “to (be) spoil(t), to wither” (?) (Hb. ḥmṣ,
“to be leavened, sour” / “vinegar”, HALOT 329; JAram. ḥmʕ, “to be sour”,
DTT 478; Akk. emēṣu, “sauer sein”, AHw 214; Arab. ḥamuḍa, “go be, become
acid, sour”, AEL 644f.; Eth., Tigr. ḥamḍa, “devenir sur, s’ aigrir”, WTS 64. De
Moor ARTU 248 n. 166; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 138; diff. Margalit UF 16 1984
127f.: “to rise up, be high, lofty”, *ḥmṣ). ¶ Forms: suffc. ḥmṣ.
G. To be(come) sour, wither: b mth ḥmṣ ṣrr for his death the young ear of
corn withered, 1.19 I 17.
ḥmṣ n. m. “vinegar” (< /ḥ-m-ṣ/; Hb. ḥmṣ, “vinegar”, HALOT 329 f.; DNWSI 382;
Ebla NINDA.AD6 = ʔà-me/i-zu(-um), “sauer”, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 2 f. (42);
Fronzaroli EL 136; StEb 7 1984 165f.; Akk. emṣu, “sauer”, AHw 215; “sour”, CAD
E 152f.; cf. Eg. ḥà-m-s̱a, “Essig”, Helck Bez. 518 (169). Sivan-Cochavi WSVES 83;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 99). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmṣ.
Vinegar: kd yn l PN w kd ḥmṣ a jar of wine for PN and a of vinegar, 4.269:27–28,
see 2.89:18; kdm ḥ!mṣ two jars of vinegar, ibid. ln. 35; w ḥmṣ w mlḥt and vinegar

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360 ḥmt (i) – ḥn

and salt, 1.175:6, cf. 4.863:20; kt ḥmṣ w nbt one k. of vinegar and (another of)
honey 2.99:24.
ḥmt (I) n. f. “wall” (Hb. ḥwmh, “city wall”, HALOT 298; DNWSI 381; Ph., Moab.
ḥmt, “wall, fortress”, DNWSI 381; EA Akk.: ḫu!-mi-tu, EA 141:44; Sivan GAGl
223; DNWSI 381. Ginsberg JANES 5 1973 133f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: ]x: ḫa-mì-ti, PRU 3
137f. (RS 16.86):4; Sivan GAGl 223; Huehnergard UVST 125; Van Soldt SAU 303;
¶ par.: mgdl, ṯġr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmt; pl. ḥmyt (cf. Ph. pl. ḥmyt, DNWSI 381), suff.
ḥmytny, ḥmythm.
Wall: rkb ṯkmm ḥmt mount the shoulders of the wall, 1.14 II 22 and par. (//
mgdl); gr ḥmyt ủgrt the guests of the walls of TN, 1.40:36 and par.; k gr (…)
qrd ḥmytkm when (…) a powerful one (attacks) your walls, 1.119:27 and par.
(// ṯġrkm); ydy (…) qrd [l] ḥmytkm he will repel (…) the powerful one from
your walls, 1.119:36 and par.
ḥmt (II) n. f. “wineskin” (Hb. ḥmt, “skin containing water, wine”, HALOT 331;
Arab. ḥamīt-, “skin for butter”, Hava 141; Akk. ḫimtu, “eine Ledertasche, -
flasche”, AHw 346; “a leather bag”, CAD Ḫ 192; Eth. ḥmḥm, “gourd (used as
vessel)”, CDG 232. Watson UF 40 2008 551; AuOrS 27 85). ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Wineskin: kly yn b ḥmthm the wine in their wineskins was finished, 1.16 III 15.
ḥmt (III) n. f. “venom, poison” (Hb. ḥmh, “poison, venom”, HALOT 326; Akk.
imtu, “Gift, Zorn”, AHw 379; “poisonous foam”, CAD I/J 192f.; Syr. ḥemtāʔ,
“poison”, SL 469; Arab. ḥummat, “venom, poison”, Hava 141; Eth. ḥamot, “bile,
venom”, CDG 235); ¶ par.: ảbd, ảbdy. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmt.
Venom: lnh ydy ḥmt from / with it (: snake) expel the venom, 1.100:6 and par.
(// ảbd): ỉ[l w ḥ]rn yỉsp ḥmt that DNN remove the venom, 1.107:38 and par.;
ỉsp (…) ḥmt l p nṯk remove (…) venom from the mouth of the biter, 1.107:35
and par.; lydʕ l bn l pq ḥmt […]xnh ḥmt the inexpert did not understand how
to take (away) the poison, (so invaded) him the poison, 1.107:6 (// ảbdy; Del
Olmo Fs Xella 196); ʕl ảrṣ l ản [ỉsp ḥ]mt from everywhere from the earth
remove the poison, 1.107:33 and par.; tlủ ḥ<m>t km nḥl the venom had been
drained like a torrent, 1.100:68 (Del Olmo CR 308; diff. Caquot TOu/2 92
n. 288: “la vie (re)devient forte”, rdg ḥ<y>t, and other interpretations).
ḥmṯ n. m. “belly, abdomen” (Hb. ḥmš, “belly”, HALOT 331; Akk. emšu, “Unterleib”,
AHw 215; “hypogastric region”, CAD E 153ff.; Syr. ḥūmšāʔ, “abdomen”, SL 427;
Eth. ḥǝmś, “uterus, womb”, CDG 234f. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 240 f.;
Watson UF 42 2010 835: Eg. ḥms, “phallus”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥmṯ.
Belly, abdomen, in unc. ctx.: ḥmṯ tmṯ belly (and) blood / menses, 1.82:7 (Del
Olmo AuOr 29 2011 253 n. 26); in bkn ctx. 1.172:28.
ḥmyt, cf. ḥmt (I).
ḥn, n. m. “grace, favour” (< /ḥ-n-n/. Hb. ḥn, “grace”, HALOT 332; Ph., OAram. ḥn,

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ḥnỉl – ḥnt 361

“favour”, DNWSI 386f.; Arab. ḥanān, “mercy”, AEL 653; Amor. /ḫnn/, *ḥnn,
“be gracious, favor”, Huffmon APNMT 200; ḫinnum, “grace”, Gelb CAAA 20;
Akk. ennum, “Freundlichkeit, Engtgegenkommen”, AHw 219; “grace, mercy”,
CAD E 170; Eth. ḥannā, “grace”, CDG 236. De Moor UF 2 19780 315; Anbar
NABU 1990/115); ¶ par.: (?) ṣdq mšr // kbd w nr[ DNN. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ḥn.
Grace, favour, in unc. ctx.: ḥn bn ỉl dn[ grace, DN, the god …!, 1.123:15, see ḥnn ỉl
be kind (?), oh DN!, 1.65:6 (poss. alt. rdg: ḥnbn ỉl dn[ DN, god of … (Cf. Astour
JAOS 86 1966 283: “the Compassionate”, Arab. ḥaniba; cf. Xella TRU 221; Del
Olmo RC 288 n. 35).
ḥnỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37f., 65, 96, 136; Watson LSU 166).
PN: 4.332:8.
ḥnbn DN?, cf. ḥn.
/ḥ-n-n/ vb G/D(?): “to be / appear kind” (Hb. ḥnn, “to favour”, HALOT 334 f.;
Ph., Pun. ḥnn, “to be benevolent”, DNWSI 389; Aram. ḥnn, “to be gracious”
DJBA 474; Amor. /ḥ-n-n/, “to be gracious, to be merciful”, Gelb CAAA 20;
EA Akk.: yi-iḫ-na-nu-ni, EAT 137:81; yi-in4-né-nu-nu-mi, EAT 253:24; cf. Sivan
GAGl 224; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 74, 83f.; Müller Biling. 169; Catagnoti
QuSem 15 258; Pagan ARES 3 122f.; Akk. enēnu, “Vergünstigung gewähren”,
AHw 217; “to pray, ask for mercy”, CAD E 162f.; cf. utnēn(n)u, “Vergünstigung
gewähren”, AHw 1444; Arab. ḥanna, taḥannana, “to be merciful”, AEL 653.
Watts UF 21 1989 444ff.). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. with suff. yḥnnn; suff. ḥnny.
G./D. (?). To be / appear kind: ḥnny l pn mlk be kind to me before the king,
2.15:3; in bkn ctx. yḥnnn, 1.10 I 12.
Cf. ḥn, ḥnỉl, ḥnbn, ḥnn, ḥnt, yḥnn.
ḥnn (I) n. m. “kindness, benevolence” (< /ḥ-n-n/. Hb. PN ḥnnʔl, HALOT 335;
Hatra Aram. ḥnnʔ, “pity, compassion”, Palm. ḥnnʔ, “clement merciful”,
DNWSI 389; JPAram. ḥannān, “grantor of grace”, DJPA 209).
Kindness, benevolence, in unc. ctx.: ḥnn ỉl DN’s benevolence, 1.65:6 (// nṣbt,
ḥnn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 21, 135f.; Sivan GAGl 223); ¶ syll.: (DUMU)
ḫa-na-(an-)nu, PRU 3 144 (RS 16.138):7; PRU 3 206 (RS 16.294):1; PRU 6 115
(RS 17.37):2.
PN: ★a) 4.75 IV 5 ([bn] pls); 4.214 III 9; 4.298:2; 4.729:3; ★b) bn PN, 3.8:22;
4.356:7; 4.422:46; 5.18:6.
ḥnt n. f. “kindness, favour” (cf. /ḥ-n-n/; cf. OAss. ennanātum, pl. t., “Entge-
genkommen, Beurlaubung”, AHw 219; “favor”, CAD E 169. Dijsktra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 174; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 433 f.; Watts UF 21 1989
443f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḥnth.
Kindness, favour: yqrb bʕl b ḥnth DN approached in his kindness, 1.17 I 16; ḥnt
ỉl the grace of DN, 1.179:39.

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362 ḥpn (i) – ḥr (i)

ḥpn (I) n. m. “hollow hand” > “handful”, as a measure (?) (Hb. ḥpn, “the hollow of
both hands”, mlʔ ḥpn, Ex. 9:8 and par., HALOT 339; Aram./Syr. ḥpn, “handful”,
DJPA 212; JBA ḥwpnʔ, “handful”, DJBA 442 [see mly ḥwpnʔ, “my full handfuls
(of)”]; Akk. upnu, “(geballte) Hand” mng. 5 “Handvoll als Mass”, AHw 1424;
“hollow of the hand; handful (a measure)”, CAD U/W 181 f.; Gk kófinos, Eg.
ḫfʕ). ¶ Forms: du. ḥpnm.
Handful: mlả ḥpnm two handfuls, 4.811:12.
ḥpn (II) n. m. “greed, hoarding”, by seman. shift, vb n. < /ḥ-p-n/ as metaph; for
“to take with both hands”, Sp. “a puñados” (Arab. ḥafana, iḥtafana (linafsihi),
“to take with the palms of the two hands”, AEL 604. Greenstein UNP 41: “to
make a fist”, see ḥpn (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. with suff. ḥpnk.
Greed: b ḥpnk w tʕn for your greed, be really humiliated!, 1.16 VI 58 (diff.
De Moor ARTU 223: “in the prime of your strength”; Renfroe AULS 49 ff.:
“limit, term” (?), Arab. *ḥff; Margalit UF 8 1986 161: “may your teeth fall out
all-together into the cup-of-the-hand”, Hb. ḥpn, etc.).
Cf. yḥpn.
ḥpr n. m. “ration(s), supplies” (Akk. ipru, “Gerstenration, Verpflegung”, AHw
385; “barley ration”, CAD I/J 166ff.) ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. ḥpr, du. ḥprm.
Ration(s), supplies: spr ḥpr bt record of the rations of the temple, 4.269:1;
cf. ảkl ḥpr bt grain of the temple rations, 4.688:3; spr ḥpr bnš mlk record of
rations of the “king’s men” / personnel, 4.609:1, see 4.242:23; 4.243:2 ff.; ảkl (…)
ḥpr ʕbdm grain (… of the) rations of the servants, 4.636:3 and passim ibid.; ḥzr
lqḥ ḥpr auxiliary personnel who have received the supplies, 4.609:51; b[n]š
mlk lqḥ ḥpr king’s personnel (who) take supplies, 4.859 II 1; mlk ṯn ʕprm TN
two rations, 4.793:1; in unc. ctx.: ḥpr ʕdn dd ảkl the ration of the gang is a
“cauldronful” of grain, 2.71:17.
ḥpšt n. f. “woman gathering (straw)” (act. ptc. G < /ḥ-p-š/. Hb. ḥpš, “to search,
track down”, HALOT 341; Arab. ḥafaša, “to collect (water)”, Hava 132; diff.
Merlis AUL 70ff.: “threshing woman”, Akk. ḥabāšu); ¶ par.: ḥṭbt. ¶ Forms:
pl. ḥpšt.
Woman gathering (straw): sʕt (…) b grnt ḥpšt swept (…) from the threshing-
floors those gathering (straw), 1.14 III 8 and par. (// ṯṯbt).
ḥq “?”, 6.79:1.
ḥqkpt (1.3 VI 13), cf. ḥkpt.
ḥqr TN (?) (Sem. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 691; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 106; Watson
SEL 28 2011 26).
TN (?): in bkn ctx.: … d]t yṯb b TN (?) resident in TN (?), 4.557:1.
ḥr (I) n. m. “intestine(s), entrail(s)” (Akk. erru, errū, “Darm”, pl. “Eingeweide”,
AHw 244; irrū, “intestines”, CAD I/J 181f.; Dietrich-Loretz MU 150 f.; but see
Pardee TR/1 561f., 1150: “nom commun, de sens inconnu”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥr,
suff. ḥrh.

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ḥr (ii) – ḥrn 363

Intestine(s): ḥrh b pỉth (if) its intestines are in its temple, 1.103:54 (diff. Pardee
TR/1 535: rdg [-]ḥr); ḥr w šr bh (if) it has intestines and a navel (: in the space
between its eyebrows), 1.103:58; in bkn ctx.: ḥr ḥr bnt, the entrails, the entrails
of the creatures, 1.82:13; ảṯt ḥr[, 1.174:7.
ḥr (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 65, 136; Watson AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN:★a) 4.110:8; 4.139:5; 4.781:5;★b) [bn] PN, 4.41:5.
ḥrb n. f. “knife; sword” (Hb., Aram. ḥrb, “dagger, flint knife, sword”, HALOT 349 f.;
DNWSI 403; Syr. ḥarbāʔ, “sword”, “spear point”, SL 486; cf. Arab. ḥarb, “war,
battle”, ḥarbat, “dart, javelin”, AEL 540f.; Akk. ḫarbu, “Umbruchpflug”, AHw
325; “a special kind of plow”, CAD Ḫ 97 f.; cf. Eg. ḥà-r-pu, “Schwert”, Helck Bez.
518 (172); Hoch SWET 233ff. (324). Couroyer RB 84 1977 71 ff.; Healey UF 15
1983 49); ¶ par.: ks, yd. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥrb, suff. ḥrbm (encl. -m).
Knife, sword:★a) ḥrb b bšr tštn they put the knife in the meat, 1.15 IV 25 and
par. (// yd); b ḥrb tbqʕnn with a knife she split him, 1.6 II 31, cf. 1.6 V 13, haplogr.
(Del Olmo MLC 231); tspỉ šỉrh l bl ḥrb it devours its flesh certainly without a
knife, 1.96:4 (// ks); ḥrb mlḥt “salted” knife, 1.3 I 7 and par. (De Moor SP 70;
diff. Wyatt MoP 85 n. 127: “jaw-shaped-knife”);★b) ḥrb lṭšt sharpened sword,
1.2 I 32; ḥrb tšt b tʕr[th] the sword she put in its scabbard, 1.19 IV 45; ṯm ḥrbm
its there with a sword I shall try (to attack him), 1.2 IV 4.
ḥrḥrt n. f. of a colour or dye, “crimson red”, by meton. prob. “flare-up” (?)
(reduplicated form of /ḥ-r-r/; cf. Hb. ḥrḥr, “to set aglow”, HALOT 357; Akk.
ḫurḫurātu, “Kermes-Rot”, AHw 359; “a red dye”, CAD Ḫ 250 f. diff. Caquot
TOu/1 123 n. j: “brandons” (?), Hb. ḥārā); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. NUMUN ḫur-ḫu-ra-ti,
PRU 6 8 (RS 17.239):7 (!?), 9; Sivan GAGl 225; Huehnergard UVST 126. Van
Soldt BiOr 47 1990 733; UF 22 1990 346f.; ¶ par.: išt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. (encl.
-m [?]) / du. ḥrḥrtm.
Flare-up (?), in bkn ctx.: ḥrḥrtm w dx[x]n (a pair of (?)) flare-up(s) (?) …, 1.2
III 13 (// išt).
/ḥ-r-k/ vb G: “to burn, grill” (Hb. ḥrk, “to fry, roast”, HALOT 353; Aram. ḥrk,
“to singe”, DJPA 215; “to singe, char”, DJBA 483; Arab. ḥariqa, ʔaḥraqa, “to be
burnt”, “to burn”, AEL 551f. Aartun UF 16 1984 21; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 544).
¶ Forms: G prefc. with suffix yḥrkn.
G. To burn, grill, in bkn ctx.; y]ḥrkn w yšḥmm he shall burn and roast it, 1.175:7.
ḥrkn PN (Sem. Sivan GAGl 224); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫa-ra-ka4-na, PRU 3 200
(RS 16.257) II 5.
PN, in bkn ctx.: b[n] ḥrk[n, 4.315:3.
ḥrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 136; Astour CRRA 18 14; Van Soldt SAU 32 n. 259);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫa-ra-mì, PRU 3 187 (RS 15.43):4; Sivan GAGl 224).
PN: ★a) 4.75:1 (bn ngxn); 4.775:14; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 I 9; 4.841:49.
ḥrn DN, chthonian deity (Hb. ḥwrwn, HALOT 126 f., 299 f. Stadelmann SPGÄ

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364 ḥrnq – /ḥ-r-ṣ/

76ff.; Cooper RSP 3 365ff.; Caquot AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 173ff.; Tsevat UF 11
1979 770f.; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 348; Xella WO 19 1988 55 ff.; Kott-
sieper UF 16 1984 108f.; Pardee TPM 213ff.; Del Olmo RC 312 ff.).
DN: 1.16 VI 55; 1.100:61, 67, in unc. ctx. in ln. 73, rdg y ḥr<n> (see KTU ad loc.,
footnote 6; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 45 n. 34; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 191,
317: rdg yḥr, “poisonous lizards”); ʕrb ḥrn bth DN entered his house, 1.179:33;
ʕbd ḥrn servants of DN, 1.82:41; bt ḥrn temple of DN, 1.124:6 ỉl w ḥrn DN and
DN, 1.107:38; take (the / my) cry ʕm ḥrn mṣdh to DN, to TN, 1.100:58; ygrš ḥrn
ḥbrm (may) DN cast out the conjurers, 1.169:9 (// ġlm); in bkn ctx.: 1.82:27;
1.107:29, 31; 1.176:20.
ḥrnq n. m. “orchard” (?) (Akk. urnuqqu, “eine Pflanze”, AHw 1432; “a plant”,
CAD U/W 235. Herrman YN 14; diff. Aartun StUL 58 f.: “Zisterne”, Arab. ḥirniq.
Watson LSU 85: “grove”); ¶ par.: krm. ¶ Forms: sg. (encl. -m (?)) / pl. ḥrnqm.
Orchard (?): ảtn (…) šd ddh ḥrnq[m] I shall turn … the field of her love into
an orchard, 1.24:23 (// krm).
ḥrpt PN (etym unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN: bn PN: 4.807:9, 47; 4.841:55.
/ḥ-r-r/ vb G: “to dry up, shrivel, burn up, catch fire”; D/(G (?)): “to burn, roast”
(Hb. ḥrr, “to burn”, HALOT 357; Ebla /ḫal/ʔālum/, in ŠÀ.ḪUL = ʔà-la/a-lum,
VE 590; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 23; Akk. erēru, “dürr sein” (?), AHw 238; “to
become moldy”, CAD E 280; Arab. ḥarra, “to be, become hot”, “to be thirsty”,
AEL 538ff. De Moor SP 179; SEL 5 1988 67 n. 39; Collini SEL 4 1987 39); ¶ par.:
/ṣ-ḥ-r-r/, /š-ḥ-n/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḥrr (?); prefc. yḥrr; ptc. ḥrr (?); D/(G (?))
prefc. tḥrr.
G. To dry up, shrivel, burn up, catch fire: b ph yrd k ḥrr zt it will fall into his
mouth when the olive tree shrivels (?), 1.5 II 5; in bkn ctx.: ảnpnm yḥr[r their
muzzles (?) became hot, 1.12 II 37 (// yšḥn); hw km ḥrr he (remained) like one
who burns (with fever), 1.12 II 40.
D/(G?). To burn, roast: h[l] ʕṣr tḥrr l išt look, you have roasted a bird on the
fire, 1.23:41 (// ṣḥrrt).
Cf. ḥry, ḥrr, ḥrt(n).
ḥrr (I) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 136; Watson AuOr 20 2002 233).
PN: 4.214:11.
ḥrr (II) element in composite TN mʕr ḥr[r (“the Northern m.”; cf. VanSoldt
UBL 11 365 n. 9 (2), 381; UF 28 1996 677; UF 31 1999 771; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
195); ¶ syll.: URU mu-a-ri ḪU-ra-ri, RS 25.132 III 16. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 380
n. 30, Topography 30; Watson AuOr 19 2001 115).
Element in composite TN: mʕr ḥr(!)[r], 4.365:33.
Cf. mʕr.
/ḥ-r-ṣ/ vb G: “to cut, bite” ((?). Arab. ḥaraṣa, “to rend, cleave”, AEL 547 f.; Akk.

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ḥrṣ (i) – /ḥ-r-š/ 365

ḥarāṣu, “ein-, abschneiden, abziehen”, AHw 323f.; “to cut down”, CAD Ḫ
92ff.; cf. Taanak Akk. /ḫarīṣ-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 223 f. for this and other
interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 129, 159, 209); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.MEŠ:
ḫa-ar-ṣa-ti, PRU 3 95f. (RS 16.246):11, 20, Kühne UF 6 1974 165 f.; Sivan GAGl
223, Huehnergard UVST 190, and cf. ḥrṣ (I). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḥrṣ; inf. (?) ḥrṣ.
G. To cut, bite (?), in unc. ctx.: k ḥrṣ ảbn ph biting (?), yes, with her teeth (?),
1.19 I 8; ḥrṣ klb ỉlnm the divine puppy bit (?), ibid. ln. 10.
Cf. ḥrṣ (I).
ḥrṣ (I) n. m. “spare item, object or animal, in reserve” (etym. unc. Tropper
UG 383; Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 7 n. 14, Akk. ḫirṣu, “a block to fit, exact copy”,
CAD Ḫ 199 (?); for the various interpretations see Del Olmo AuOr 39 2012
6f. n. 14; Watson LSU 85; e.g. Merlis AUL 77ff.: “mace, club”, Akk. ḫilṣu; Good
UF 16 1984 77ff.: “threshing sledge”, Hb. ḥārûṣ). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥrṣ.
Spare item, object or animal, in reserve (chariot horses and wheels): ★a)
together with ṣmd: ṣmdm w ḥrṣ two pairs (horses) and another as a spare
or in reserve, 4.384:11 (in contrast to ảḥd(m), “separate, no yoked horse”, ln.
12ff.); ṣmd w ḥrṣ one pair (of horses) and another as a spare, 4.368:2 and pas-
sim. ibid. (diff. McGeough UgET 251f., 259f.: “plow / threshing sledge”, and in
4.377:5, 6; ḥmš ṣmdm w ḥrṣ ṯryn śśwm five pairs and spare piece(s) of horse
paddings, 4.169:4; ảrbʕ ṣmdm ảpnt w ḥrṣ four pairs of wheels and another as
a spare, ibid. ln. 8; cf. ṯlṯ ṣmdm w ḥrṣ ảpnt three pairs of wheels and another
in reserve, 4.145:8 (diff. McGeough UgET 108: “and a cart-box”); ★b) in other
constructions: w ṯlṯt ʕšrm hpnt śśwm ṯn pddm w d ṯṯ mrkbt w ḥrṣ and twenty-
three protective paddings, two worn out, that is what corresponds to six
chariot bodies plus another as a spare, 4.363:9; in bkn ctx.: 4.323:2; 4.577:2, 3.
ḥrṣ (II) n. m. “quicklime, whitewash” (Arab. ḥurḍu, AEL 548; Renfroe AULS 118 ff.
diff. Merlis AUL 7ff.: “whiteness”, Arab. ḥurḍu, Akk. ḫarṣu; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 11 1979 194ff.: “Beigaben”, /ḥ-r-ṣ/; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 433: “corruption”,
Arab. ḥaraḍu; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 190: “gold”, ḫrṣ; Watson UF 22 1990
423: “a mineral”, Akk. (ḫ)urīzu; for the various interpretations cf. Sasson RSP 1
414; Del Olmo IMC 195, 209; Watson AuOr 19 2001 289; LSU 148); ¶ par.: spsg.
¶ Forms: sg. ḥrṣ.
Quicklime: ysk (…) ḥrṣ l qdqdy one will pour / will be poured (…) quicklime
upon my skull, 1.17 VI 37 (// spsg).
/ḥ-r-š/ vb Gt: “to make spells or incantations” (cf. ḥrš (II). Hb. ḥršym, “magic”,
HALOT 358; JAram. ḥrš(ʔ), “fascinator, charmer”, DTT 597; JBAram. ḫrš, “to
enchant”, DJBA 485; Syr. ḥrš, pa. “to practice magic arts”, ḥarrašāʔ, “magician”,
SL 496; Eth. ḥarasa, “practice sorcery”, CDG 243). ¶ Forms: Gt ỉḥtrš.
Gt. To make spells or incantations: ảnk ỉḥtrš w ảškn I myself shall make an
incantation and shall prepare, 1.16 V 26.

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366 ḥrš (i)

Cf. ḥrš (II).

ḥrš (I) n. m. 1) “craftsman, manual worker”; 2) “artisan, builder, armourer, fitter”
(< /ḥ-r-š/. Hb., Ph., Pun. ḥrš, “artisan, craftsman”, HALOT 357f.; DNWSI 408.
Loewenstamm AOAT 204 1980 78ff. diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 31 1999 165 ff.:
“Weiser”, cf. Akk. eršu, with survey of other interpretations; also Dietrich-
Loretz Studien 97f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: …] = i-t[i]n-ni = ḫa-ra-šu, UF 11 1979 479
(RS 20.189):7. Huehnergard UVST 126; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 734; SAU 303;
cf. ḫ]a-ra-š[u, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 18 and Sivan GAGl 225: < /ḥ-r-ṯ/;
Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 723: /ḫar(r)ašu/ “deaf”; Van Soldt SAU 303); ¶ RS
Akk.: cf. LÚ(.MEŠ).DÍM É(.MEŠ), PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):11; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35
A):1; LÚ.TIBIRA.GÍD, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):12; LÚ.NAGAR GIŠ.GIGIR, PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):13. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥrš; pl. ḥršm, cstr. ḥrš, with suff. ḥršy; du. ḥršm.
1) Craftsman, manual worker: ★a) PN ḥrš craftsman, 4.103:3, 58; 4.321:1; ṯlṯ l
ḥr[šm three (of wine) for the wor[kers …, 4.216:2; ṯlṯ šʕrt l ḥršm three of wool
for the workers, 4.705:2; ṯn ḥršm two workers, 4.141 III 12, 14; ḥrš dt tbʕln b
TN workers who are working in TN, 4.141 III 5, 7; ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w ḥwt hbt I,
the workman, have assumed and settled the matter / repaired the house,
2.70:14; ḥrš b TN a craftsman in TN, 4.812:3 (Lemaire UF 30 1998 461 ff.); in
bkn ctx.: 4.207:3; 4.618:11, 12); ★b) rb ḥršm head of the workmen, 4.145:9 (cf.
infra: ḥrš mrkbt); spr ḥršm list of workmen, 4.155:1; 4.207:1. 4.215:1, cf. infra:
ḥrš qšt; bt ḥrš workshop, forge, 1.12 II 61 (// bt ỉl; diff. Gray UF 3 1971 67 n. 54:
“house of confinement”, Akk. ḫarištu, Arab. ḥurš; De Moor ARTU 134: “the
house of magic”, cf. ḫrš (II); Dietrich-Loretz Studien 97 f., 100 f.: “Haus des
Weisen”, but cf. Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 160); ★c) in divine titles: hyn d ḥrš
yd(m) DN, the ambidextrous craftsman, 1.3 VI 23 and par. (Lipiński UF 20
1988 138; diff. Ayali-Darshan UF 43 2011 4: “Ea of the Artisans”, Emar Akk.: dÉ-a
ša LÚ.SIMUG); kṯr ḥrš DN “the Craftsman”, 1.92:17 (Rahmouni DEUAT 178 f.).
2) Artisan, builder, armourer: ★a) artisan: bn ḥrš artisan, 4.545 II 6; ḥrš qṭn
artisan of trinkets, hardware / filigree (?), 4.47:9; 4.98:9; 4.183 II 6; 4.370:35;
4.609:23; 4.630:12; 4.742:12; 4.745:8; 4.836:18; 4.837:11; 4.807:9 (see qṭn. Cf. RS
Akk.: LÚ.TIBIRA.GÍD, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):12; Rainey IOS 3 1973 44 f.; Heltzer
UF 29 1997 212ff.: “producers of swords (sickle-swords)”; ★b) boat-builder,
shipwright: ḥrš ảnyt caulkers, 4.125:1; of buildings (cf. supra): ḥrš b(h)tm
bricklayer(s) (cf. supra): 4.35 I 16; 4.38:6; 4.47:10; 4.183 I 1; 4.370:14; 4.609:18;
4.630:8; 4.837:5; 4.838:8; of vehicles: ḥrš mrkbt cartwright(s) (cf. supra): 4.47:9;
4.98:6, 8; 4.141 III 20; 4.183 II 12; 4.243:2; 4.836:13; 4.837:9; 4.838:18; 4.858:8
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 107); ★c) master armourer, assembler:
ḥrš arkd assembler of a., 4.277:9; ḥrš qšt bow assemblers, 4.215:1 (Sanmartín
UF 20 1988 266f. n. 7; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 56); in bkn ctx.: ḥbq l ḥršm,
4.201:6; w ḥršy and my craftsmen, 2.85:20.

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ḥrš (ii) – ḥrṯ 367

Cf. ḥrš (III).

ḥrš (II) n. m. “magic spell” (cf. /ḥ-r-š/. Hb. ḥršym, “magic”, HALOT 358; JPAram.
ḥršyn, “sorcery”, DJPA 216; Syr. ḥe/aršē, “magic arts”, SL 496; Eth. ḥar(a)s,
“incantation” CDG 243). ¶ Forms: pl. ḥršm.
Spell: t]št ḥršm l ảhlm she put spells in the tents, 1.19 IV 60.
ḥrš (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 136).
PN: bn PN, 4.214 II 15.
ḥrt(n) PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ★a) 4.371:14; ★b) bn PN, 4.658:21 (ḥrtn); 4.711:4.
/ḥ-r-ṯ/ vb G: “to plough, till, farm the land” (Hb. ḥrš, “to plough”, HALOT 357;
OAram., Palm. ḥrt, “to plough”, DNWSI 407; Syr. ḥrat, “to hollow out”, pa. “to
plough”, SL 496; Arab. ḥaraṯa, “to plough”, AEL 541 f.; Akk. erēšu, “besäen (mit
Saatpflug)”, AHw 238f.; “to seed by drilling seed into a furrow”, CAD E 285 ff.;
Eth. ḥarasa, “to plow”, CDG 243; cf. EA Akk. /ḫarāšu/, aḫ-ri-šu, EAT 365:11;
Rainey UF 3 1971 165; Sivan GAGl 225; DNWSI 407; Ebla cf. AN.EDIN.AKA
= ti-ir-iš-du-um, da-ir-iš-du-um, te-rí-iš-du, VE 790; Lambert Biling. 397; Kre-
bernik PET 52. Pagan ARES 3 125; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 109); ¶ syll. Ug.:
ḫ]a-ra-š[u, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 18; cf. Sivan GAGl 225: /ḥ-r-ṯ/, but Huehn-
ergard JAOS 107 1987 723; UVST 126: ḫar(r)ašu, “deaf”. Van Soldt SAU 303: Ug
5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 18 (?); ¶ par.: /ṯ-l-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tḥrṯ, yḥrṯ; act. ptc.
sg. m. ḥrṯ; pl. m. ḥrṯm.
G. To plough, till, farm the land: yḥrṯ k gn ảp lb he ploughed his chest like
an orchard, 1.5 VI 20 and par. (// yṯlṯ); ṭl! mrṯ yḥrṯ ỉl dew of must that DN had
grown, 1.22 I 20 (diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 21f.: “das Ackerland des Il”); ảlp ḥrṯ
work ox, 1.14 III 18 and par.; ảlpm ḥrṯm work oxen, 2.45:22.
Cf. ḥrṯ, mḥrṯt.
ḥrṯ n. m. “ploughman, farmhand, cowherd” (< /ḥ-r-ṯ/. Hb. ḥrš, “to plough”, act.
ptc., HALOT 358; Akk. errēšu, “Landpächter, Landwirt”, AHw 243; “tenant
farmer, cultivator”, CAD E 304ff.; Arab. ḥarrāṯ, ḥāriṯ, “sower, plougher”, “col-
lector”, AEL 542; Eth. ḥarāsi, “plowman, farmer”, CDG 243); ¶ par.: /ʕ-d-b/ (+
dgn). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥrṯ, suff. ḥrṯh; pl. ḥrṯm.
Ploughman, farmhand, cowherd: 4.65:1; 4.609:27; šbʕ b ḥrṯm seven (unskilled
labourers go) with the ploughmen, 4.141 III 1; (rations) l ḥrṯm for the plough-
men, 4.175:10; ṯṯ ḥrṯm lqḥ šʕrt six ploughmen receive (rations of) wool,
4.630:6; nšủ rỉš ḥrṯm the farmhands raised their heads (// ʕdb dgn), 1.16 III 12;
cowherd, who ploughs with oxen: ảlp PN dt ảḫd ḥrṯh head of cattle of PN
which his cowherd has collected, 4.296:9; cf. (…) d ảḫd ḥrṯ (…) which his
cowherd has collected, ln. 15, 17; in TNN: gt ḥrṯm “Farmstead of the Labour-
ers”, 4.141 III 11; 4.618:21; 4.625:17 (cf. Astour RSP 2 276f.; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
86: *Gittu-ḥarrāṯīma).

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368 ḥry – /ḥ-s-p/

ḥry PN (etym. unc.; cf. Arab. ḥurrat, ḥurriyyat, AEL 538f. Gröndahl PTU 56, 136;
Sasson UF 6 1974 361; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 168; Muchiki Loanwords
66; Watson LSU 166).
PN: ★a) name of king krt’s wife, passim in 1.14.-1.16.;★b) bn PN: 4.281:14.
ḥryt TN, residence of the god(s) ẓẓ w kmṯ (etym. unc. Caquot Syria 46 1969 246;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 161; Pardee TPM 212 n. 64; Watson LSU 200; diff.
De Moor ARTU 150: rdg qryth). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḥryth (adv. -h).
Mythical TN: ql bl ʕm ẓẓ w kmṯ ḥryth take (the / my) cry to DN, at TN, 1.100:36.
ḥrẓn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 23, 136, 140; Lipiński OLA 23 1988 129
n. 26; Watson AuOr 8 1990 119, 245); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫa-ra-ZI-na, Syria 18
1937 246 (RS 8.145):11; ḫa-ru-ZI-en-ni, Syria 15 1934 137 (RS [Varia 3]):11, 22;
cf. ḫu-ra-ṣa-na, PRU 3 102 (RS 15.109):13; PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):13; PRU 6 83
(RS 17.430) III 5; cf. Sivan GAGl 224, 228.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 II 23; 4.69 V 10; 4.93 I 5, 8; 4.422:39; 4.711:3; 4.759:1; in bkn ctx.:
Cf. ḫrṣn.
ḥsk adj. m. “awarded, assigned” (cf. Akk. esēku, “zuweisen”, AHw 248; cf. “to
assign”, CAD E 327ff.: esēḫu. Watson LSU 85. Cf. Aram. ḥsk, “to spare, save”,
DJPA 210; haf. “to withhold”, DNWSI 411). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥsk.
Awarded, assigned (of wine): yn l mrynm ḥsk klh wine for the m.: assigned in
its entirely, 4.230:1.
/ḥ-s-l/ vb G/D: “to wipe out, destroy”; N: “to be destroyed” (Hb. ḥsl, hi. “to eat
away”, HALOT 338; JAram. ḥsl, “to cease, have done”, af. “to finish”, DTT 488;
EA Akk.: ḫa-sí-lu, EA 263:13; cf. Sivan GAGl 225. Held AS 16 398 ff.; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 138; Pardee TR/2 1150: “consommer”; Rainey
UF 27 1995 706: D). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. yḥslnn; N prefc. yḥsl.
G./D. To wipe out, destroy: mlkn yšdd ḥwt ỉbh w yḥslnn the king will devastate
the land of his enemy and destroy it, 1.103:38 and par.
N. To be destroyed: ḏrʕ ḥwt hyt yḥsl the seed of that land will be destroyed,
1.103:55 and par. ln. 14.
ḥsm “?” (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 351).
?: in bkn ctx.: ḥsm, 1.176:15.
ḥsn n. m. “grasshoppers, locusts” (Eth. ḥasen, “butterfly”, CDG 245; cf. Hb. ḥsyl,
“locust, cockroach”, HALOT 337f. Kogan UF 36 2004 203; ¶ syll.: cf. the
element /ḥasīlu/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 223; ¶ par.: ỉrby. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥsn.
Grasshoppers, locusts: km ḥsn pảt mdbr like grasshoppers on the desert
fringes, 1.14 III 1; IV 30 (// ỉrby).
/ḥ-s-p/ vb G: “to draw, collect water” (Hb. ḥśp, “to skim off (water)”, HALOT 359.
De Moor SP 97; Gray UF 11 1979 320). ¶ Forms: G prefc. with suffix tḥspn; act.
ptc. f. cf. ḥspt.

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ḥsp – ḥṣn 369

G. To draw, collect water: tḥspn mh w trḥṣ they drew water for her and washed
(her), 1.3 II 38 and par.
Cf. ḥsp, ḥspt.
ḥsp adj. m. “decanted, drained, without sediment” (< pass. ptc. /ḥ-s-p/; cf. Emar
/ḥaspu/, “a kind of wine”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 58; Xella TRU 343 f.; Aartun
UF 16 1984 21; De Moor NYCI/2 28 n. 117). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥsp.
Decanted, drained, without sediment (said of quality wine; often differenti-
ated from yn mṣb): yn ḥsp d nkly b dbḥ decanted wine that has been used up
during the sacrifice, 4.213:24; cf. yn ḥsp l m[lk (?) decanted wine for the k[ing
(?), ibid. ln. 25; cf. l yb?[, ln. 26; yn ḥsp l ql d tbʕ mṣr?m decanted wine for the
courier who left for Egypt, ibid. ln. 27; tgmr yn mṣb (nn) w ḥsp (nn) total of
the cellar wine: (nn), and of decanted (wine): (nn), 1.91:36; with ellipsis of
yn: bỉr ʕšr mḥ[b w k]dm ṣsp TN ten of cellar (wine) and two jars of decanted
(wine), 1.91:29.
Cf. /ḥ-s-p/.
ḥspt n. f. “she who collects” (act. ptc. G < /ḥ-s-p/. Dietrich Loretz UF 17 1985
95ff.); ¶ par.: ṯkmt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥspt.
She who collects: ḥspt l šʕr ṭl she who collects dew from the fleece, 1.19 II 2
and par. (// ṯkmt).
Cf. /ḥ-s-p/.
/ḥ-s/ (?) vb “?” (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 399f.).
?, in unc. ctx.: yḥṣ, 1.179:13.
ḥṣ n. m. “gravel” (Hb. ḥṣṣ, “pebbles, gravel”, HALOT 345; Akk. ḫiṣṣu, “Kies”, AHw
349; “rubble, gravel”, CAD Ḫ 204; Syr. ḥṣaṣāʔ, “gravel”, SL 482; Arab. ḥaṣān,
“pebbles”, AEL 587; Eth. ḫoṣā, “sand, gravel”, CDG 266 f. De Moor SP 118;
survey: Watson SEL 21 2004 71–73); ¶ par.: mll. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥṣ.
Gravel, in bkn ctx.: k ḥṣ tủsp[ like gravel, it is collected …, 1.1 IV 11 (// mll.
Del Olmo IMC 43; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 308 n. k: “javelle”, *ḥṣṣ/y);
in unc. and bkn ctx.: k ḥṣ, 1.16 IV 5 (De Moor ARTU 218: “like gravel”; diff.
Del Olmo MLC 516, 564: rdg kḥṣ, “partió”; Wyatt RTU 233 n. 62: “off sped”,
Arab. kaḥaṣa; Del Olmo MLRSO 201: “como una flecha”, ḥṣ as allog. of ḥẓ
ḥṣb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 137; Watson AuOrS 27 104; AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN: in the composite TN gt ḥṣb, 4.409:7 (< (?) */ḥ-ṣ-b/; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
86f.: *Gittu-ḥaṣṣabi).
Cf. ḥṣbn.
ḥṣbn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 21, 137; Watson AuOr 14 1996 98; AuOrS 27
104; AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:14 (ảry).
ḥṣn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 137; ¶ syll.: (DUMU) ḫu-ṣa-nu, PRU 3 79 (RS

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370 ḥṣqt(n) – ḥt

16.239):4; PRU 3 102 (RS 15.138+):25. Sivan GAGl 225; Huehnergard UVST 242,
252 n. 165.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 11; 4.232:19.
Cf. ḥzn.
ḥṣqt(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 23, 137); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫa-ṣí-qá/qa-ta-nu, PRU 3 142
(RS 16.134):5, 9. Sivan GAGl 225; Huehnergard UVST 220, 240; Tropper UG 98:
PN: bn PN, 4.428:7; 4.692:9; 4.692:9: ḫṣqtn[, prob. a var. with encl. -n.
/ḥ-š/ (I) vb G: “to hurry, make haste”; Š: “to make somebody hurry up” (Hb.
ḥwš, “to hurry”, HALOT 300; Akk. ḫâšu, ḫiāšu, “hineilen”, AHw 343; “to move
quickly”, CAD Ḫ 146; ḫīša, “quickly”, CAD Ḫ 204; Arab. ḥaṯṯa, “to hasten,
hurry”, AEL 511f.; Eth. ḥosa, “to move”, CDG 250. De Moor SP 128; Grelot JSS 1
1956 202ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ia-TAR-ši, PRU 3 160 (RS 16.282):6ff. Sivan GAGl
225: ia-ḫuš x-ši, but cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 354 n. 4. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảḥš;
impv. / inf. ḥš (adv. “quickly”; cf. Hb. ḥw/yšh); Š impv. šḥš.
G. To hurry, make haste: d l ylkn ḥš who cannot go quickly, 1.1 IV 7 (cf. 1.1 III 27);
ḥš rmm hk[lm] quickly erect the palace, 1.4 V 52 and par.; mndʕ k ảnk ảḥš mġy
perhaps (it is the case) that I must hurry to come, 2.34:11; ky ḥš k lảk hurry up,
send, yes, a message, 2.88:34.
Š. To make somebody hurry up: p PNl šḥš and so make PN hurry up, 2.103:29.
/ḥ-š/ (II) vb G: “to feel” (cf. Hb. ḥwš, “to feel pain, care, take notice”, HALOT 300;
Akk. ḫāšu, “sich sorgen”, AHw 334f.; “to move quickly, to rush to a goal”, CAD
Ḫ 146f.; Arab. ḥassa, “to be, become tender, compassionate”, AEL 563 f. Cf.
Caquot SEL 5 1988 33; Del Olmo CR 322). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảḥš.
G. To feel: [id] y alt l ảḥš then I shall not feel any curse on me!, 1.82:2 (diff. De
Moor UF 11 1979 650: “to hasten”, cf. ḥwš (I)).
Cf. /ḫ-š/.
ḥšbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 137. Sivan GAGl 225).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:7.
/ḥ-š-k/ vb G: “to seize, grasp” (cf. Hb. ḥśk, “to keep back, withhold”, HALOT 359;
Arab. ḥašaka, “to collect, assemble”, AEL 576; diff. Cassuto GA 126: “to spare”,
Hb. ḥśk, Pr 13:24; De Moor SP 106; ARTU 9: “hurry up!”, rdg ḥš-k; cf. Watson
UF 9 1977 274). ¶ Forms: G impv. ḥšk.
G. To seize, grasp: ḥšk ʕṣk ʕbṣk grasp your staff (and) your mace, 1.3 III 18
and par. (diff. De Moor SP 106: “hurry up! Press on! Make haste!”; “may be
infinitives with suffixes” < /ḥ-š/ “to hurry”; followed by others, but seman.
and morph. unlikely).
ḥšn n. m. “?” (De Moor ARTU 74 n. 345: “bliss”, Arab. ḥasanat).
?, in bkn ctx.: ṯbt ḥš[n …] y arṣ ḥšn[, 1.5 III 3–4.
ḥt “?” (Watson JSS 59 2014 209: “plank, beam”, Syr. ḥt).

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/ḥ-t-k/ – ḥtp 371

?, in bkn ctx.: ḥt l mlk[, 4.396:17; 4.247:11 (?); 7.222:6 (?).

/ḥ-t-k/ vb G: “to rule, exercise power over” (cf. Hb. ḥtk, “to determine”, HALOT
364. De Moor SP 241; Smith UNP 164; diff. Healey UF 12 1980 408 f.: “care for”,
Akk. etēku; Husser UF 29 1997 235: “fait descendre vers toi”, Ug. /n-ḥ-t/); ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. Sivan GAGl 225: /ḥ-t-k/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tḥtk.
G. To rule, exercise power over: špš rpỉm tḥtk špš tḥtk ỉlnym DN, you rule
over the DN!, DN you rule over the divine beings!, 1.6 VI 46–47 (diff. Caquot-
Sznycer TOu/1 270 n. i: “en-dessous de toi”, rdg tḥt + k).
ḥtk (I) n. m. “ruler > progenitor, father” (< (?) act. ptc. /ḥ-t-k/. Smith UNP 159:
“begetter”); ¶ par.: ảb. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḥtkk.
Progenitor: hwt lṭpn ḥtkk word of “the Benevolent one”, your progenitor, 1.6
IV 11 and par. (// ảbk); in bkn ctx.: ḥt[kk, 1.16 II 15.
ḥtk (II) n. m. “lineage, offspring” (< (?) pass. ptc. /ḥ-t-k/. Greenstein UNP 12;
Watson Historiae 10 2013 37f., survey of opinions); ¶ par.: mknt, ṯbt. ¶ Forms:
sg. ḥtk, suff. ḥtkh, ḥtkn.
Lineage, offspring: w bšr ḥtk dgn do receive the good news, offspring of DN,
1.10 III 34 (// [b]ʕl; for the par. cf. ln. 11, 14. Rahmouni DEUAT 180 f. diff. Wyatt
UF 24 1992 415f.: “Ruler of the Rain”); krt ḥtkn rš PN was left with his lineage
ruined, 1.14 I 10 and par. (// mknt; diff. De Moor SP 241: “exerted the patria
potestas”, cf. /ḥ-t-k/; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 32 f.: “Herrschaftsbereich”, cf.
ḥtk (III); Verreet UF 19 1991 320, 335: lexeme ḥtkn “Ahnenschaft”); in bkn ctx.:
l ḥtk[, 1.81:9 (in a god list).
ḥtk (III) n. m. “sovereignty, power” (< /ḥ-t-k/; cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980
178f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḥtkk, ḥtkh.
Sovereignty, power: l rpỉ ảrṣ (…) ḥtkk, from the “r. of the earth” (…) (is / be)
your power, 1.108:23 and par. (in the series ʕz, ḏmr, lản, nmrt).
ḥtl n. m. “baby’s napkin, nappy” (Hb. ḥtwlt, “swaddling bands”, HALOT 364;
cf. OAss. ḫatlunum, “ein Ggst.”, AHw 336; “a garment or object”, CAD Ḫ 150.
Kapelrud Ug 6 322; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 37; Watson LSU 120; SEL 26 2009
16f.; Vita TT 329). ¶ Forms: pl. suff. ḥtlk.
Nappy: qḥ ksảnk ḥdgk ḥtlk take your stool, your birthing chair (?), your
nappies, 1.12 I 19.
ḥtn “?” (ḥt + n (?)).
?, in bkn ctx.: ] ḥtn qn yṣbt, 1.17 VI 9.
ḥtp n. m., a type of sacrifice (cf. Akk. ḫitpu, ein Art Schlachtopfer, AHw 349; a
type of sacrifice, CAD Ḫ 207; cf. Eg. ḥtp, “Speisen, Mahl” bes. von den Opfern
für Götter, WäS/3 184ff.; OAram. ḥtpy, prob. mng: “offering”, DNWSI 414 f.; cf.
Arab. ḥatf, “death”, AEL 510. Spaliger JSSEA 8 1978 55, 59; Xella RSF 6 1978
135f.; Boyd UF 17 1985 64 n. 24; Hallo FS Levine 43–50; Pardee TR/2 1150;
LeMon UF 37 2005 387 n. 55; Watson LSU 85f., 140; diff. Rinaldi BiOr 22 1980

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372 ḥtt – ḥṭt

62: “Räuber” > “Beute, Opfer”); ¶ par.: ʕšrt, mḏr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥtp.[
A type of sacrifice: ḥtp bʕ[l n]mlu a ḥ.(-sacrifice), DN, shall we fulfil, 1.119:32
(// mḏr, ʕšrt).
ḥtt n. m. “terror” (Hb. ḥtt, “terrors”, HALOT 365; Akk. ḫattu, “Schrecken, Panik”,
AHw 336; “panic, fear”, CAD Ḫ 150. Caquot TOu/2 68 n. 199; Del Olmo AuOr
29 2011 247, 254; diff. a type of illness (“ringworm”(?)) < Arab. ḥatat, ḥutāt,
AEL 509. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 244f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥtt.
Terror: bn ḥtt the son of terror (?), 1.82:23.
Cf. ḫtt.
ḥtṯ n. m. “silver” (Hattic-Hurr. */ḫat=/; cf. (KUR.)URU KÙ.BABBAR-ti(-) /
(KUR.)URU ḫa-at-ti(-), URU KÙ.BABBAR-ša(-) / URU ḫa-at-tu-ša(-), HW 67;
Tischler HEG 211ff. Cf. Watson LSU 120, 140); ¶ par.: ḫrṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥtṯ.
Silver: yṣq b gl ḥtṯ yn he poured wine into a silver cup, 1.14 IV 1 and par. (//
Cf. ḥtṯn.
ḥtṯ (II) TN (< ḥtṯ (I). Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 199).
TN: ḫpn ḥtṯ, one ḫ from TN, 2.109:6.
ḥtṯn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 30, 137; Kienast UF 11 1979 450).
PN: 3.4:6 (Van Soldt SAU 40); 4.141 I 19, II 10; 4.277:11.
Cf. ḥdṯn.
ḥṭb (I) n. m. “wood-cutter” (act. ptc. G < */ḥ-ṯ-b/. Hb. ḫṭb, “to cut and gather
firewood”, HALOT 306; JAram. ḥṭbh, “cutting, chopping”, DTT 447; Arab.
ḥāṭib, “collector of firewood” AEL 594; Eth. ḫaṭāb(i), ḥaṭṭāb, “woodcutter, one
who gathers (wood)”, CDG 248. Görg BN 5 1978 7 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥṭb; pl.
Wood-cutter: PNN ḥṭ!bm wood-cutters, 4.609:20; dd šʕrm l ḥmr ḥṭb a d. of
barley for the wood-cutter’s donkey, 4.269:24.
Cf. ḥṭb (II), ḥṭbt.
ḥṭb (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 137).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 2.
ḥṭbt n. f. “(female) wood-cutter” (< ḥṭb (I)); ¶ par.: ḥpšt. ¶ Forms: pl. ḥṭbt (rdg
ḥṭb<t> in 1.14 IV 51).
(Female) wood-cutter: sʕt b šdm ḥṭbt[[h]] the female wood-cutters swept
from the fields, 1.14 III 8 (// ḥpšt); rdg ḥṭb<t> (//ḥpšt) en 1.14 IV 51 (diff. De
Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 166: rdg ḥṭbh, coll. sg. “its (i.e. the town’s) wood-
gatherers”, cf. ḥṭb; see also Greenstein IOS 18 1998 108; UNP 16, 20: “the men
cutting wood”).
Cf. ḥṭb.
ḥṭt n. f. “wheat” (Hb. ḥṭh, “wheat”, HALOT 307; OAram. ḥ(n)ṭ(t)ʔ, “wheat”,
DNWSI 363; Arab. ḥinṭat, “wheat”, AEL 657; cf. Akk. uṭṭatu, “grain”, AHw 1446;

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ḥṯ – ḥwt 373

“Getreide, Gerste, Korn”, “edible grain”, CAD 349 ff.; Emar /ḥittu/, “wheat”,
Pentiuc Vocabulary 70. Watson AuOr 25 2007 131); ¶ par.: ảkl; ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
GIG(.MEŠ), passim, PRU 6 158. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ḥṭt, pl. ḥṭm (Gordon UT § 8.9;
Tropper UG 300); cf. the spelling ẖṭm in 4.710:4, 7; 5.22:24.
Wheat: ★a) prepare ḥṭt l bt ḥbr wheat of TN, 1.14 II 29 and par. (// ảkl; cf. bt (I)
3.); nʕm l ḥṭt b ʕn a delight is (the rain) for the wheat in the furrow, 1.16 III 9;
★b) coll. pl. (ḥṭm) in econ. texts, measured in dd: 4.225:11; 4.269:25, 32; 4.400:4,
9, 13, 17; 4.608:4; 6.61:2 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 382); measured in prś/s: 4.225:9;
cf. (…) prs̱m ẖṭm (so many) p. of wheat, 4.710:4, 7 (RS Akk.: GUR GIG(.MEŠ),
PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):10; PRU 6 108 (RS 19.83) rev. 1; PRU 6 152 (RS 18.270):1); kbd
ḥṭm 4.211:5; used elliptically in 4.345:5; ẖṭm, 5.22:24 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 191:
“Weizen”; diff. Watson AuOr 29 2011 165: “halter, muzzle”, Akk. ḫaṭāmu, “to
ḥṯ n. m. “unleavened bread” (cf. Arab. ḥuṯṯ, “bread without any seasoning”,
AEL 512; Akk. ḫaššu eine Süssspeise, AHw 334; describing a dish of emmer
soup, CAD Ḫ 142f. De Moor NYCI/2 15; for discussion cf. Watson SEL 12 1995
223f.; Pardee TR/1 178f.: error for ḥṭ(m) (?)). ¶ Forms: du. ḥṭm.
Unleavened bread: w ṯn ḥṯm and two unleavened loaves, 1.41:22 and par. (diff.
Pardee CS/1 300 n. 18: “cages”, Akk. ḫīšu).
ḥṯb n. m. “bill, account” (< /ḥ-ṯ-b/; cf. Arab. ḫisāb, “numbering, counting”,
AEL 567; cf. Eg. ḥśb.w, “die Rechnung”, WäS/3 167. Rainey UF 3 1971 159;
JAOS 94 1974 185 and n. 10; Bordreuil et al. CRAIBL 1984 433; Watson LSU 140
and n. 602: Eg. *ḥśb). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥṯb.
Bill, account: ʕl ḥwt l ḥṯb d ảnyt grgmšh on the country’s account regarding
the bill of the ship (bound) for TN, 4.779:12.
Cf. ḥṯbn.
ḥṯbn n. m. “balance, account(s)” (< /ḥ-ṯ-b/; Hb., OAram., Palm. ḥšbn, “reckon-
ing”, HALOT 360; “account”, DNWSI 441; Arab. ḥusbān, ḥisāb, “numbering,
account”, AEL 567. Liverani UF 11 1979 501ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 274ff.;
Pardee Syria 77, 2000, 29). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. ḥṯbn.
Balance, account(s): ḥṯbn PN to PN’s account, 4.158:2; spr ḥṯbn sbrdnm book
of accounts of the bronzesmiths, 4.337:1. Cf. ṯmn ʕšrh šmn ḥṯbn w ṯʕt eighteen
(jars) and one ṯ. of oil on account, 4.771:7 (De Moor UF 17 1985 222f.; Del Olmo
UF 20 1988 32).
Cf. ḥṯb.
ḥṯrt: adj. f. “fierce, mighty” (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. ḥaṯira, “être épais et dur au
toucher”, DAF 377. Pardee USF 35, 37; Watson UF 40 2008 551 f.: Eg. ḥzɜ).
¶ Forms: sg. ḥṯrt.
Fierce, mighty: nmr ḥṯrt ʕṯtrt, a fierce panther is DN, 1.180:4 f.
ḥwt n. f. “country, land, territory” (Hb. ḥwh, “tent camp, tent village”, HALOT

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374 /ḥ-w/y-y/ (i)

296; Pun. ḥwt, prob. mng “town, borough”, DNWSI 353. De Moor SP 30
n. 47; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 25 f.; Herdner Ug 7 52 f.; Wesselius
AION 39 1979 105f.; Watson LSU 140; ¶ syll. Ug.: U[N = mātu = u]-mi-in4-n[i]
= [ḫ]u-wa-tu4, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 10; A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ḫu-wa-ti, Syria 18 1937
251ff. (RS 8.146):5; Huehnergard UVST 123; Van Soldt SAU 303. ¶ Forms: sg.
ḥwt; suff. ḥwtk; du. (?) ḥwtm.
Country, land, territory, ★a) in general: bʕl kl ḥwt lord of the whole country,
2.81:3; 2.76:10, see in bkn ctx. bʕl b ḥwt, 6.82:3; l ảdn ḥwt to the lord of the
country, 2.18:4; ảkl b ḥwtk ỉnn there is no grain in your land, 2.39:20; yšlm (…)
l ḥwtk may it go well (…) with your country, 2.81:7; šlm d ḥwtk the well-being
of your country, 2.36:4; nġr ḥwtk guard your territory (?), 2.47:2; w mlk d mlk b
ḥwt and the king who rules in the country, 2.47:13; b ḥbṯh ḥwt ṯth in the event
that he flees to another country, 3.3:4, see b yṣỉh[m] ḥwt [ṯth] in the event
that they go (?) to [another] country, 3.8:10; ʕl ḥwt l ḥṯb d ảnyt grgmšh on
the country’s account the bill of the ship (bound) for TN, 4.779:12; sb[rdnm?
dt] yqḥ mỉt b ḥwt bronzesmiths (?) who take one hundred from the country,
6.26:3 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 379 n. 27); mảdtn tqln b ḥwt many people will
fall in the land, 1.103:1; rġbn ykn b ḥwt there will be hunger in the land, 1.103:5
and par.; ỉbn yḥlq bhmt ḥwt the enemy will destroy the cattle of the land,
1.103:16 and par.; ỉbn yspủ ḥwt the enemy will consume the land, 1.103:51; mlkn
[ y]šdd ḥwt ỉb the king will destroy the land of the enemy, 1.103:37 and par.
(cf. 2.98:26); mlkn yỉḫd ḥwt ỉbh our / the king will take the land [of his enemy],
1.103:7, cf. 1.163:7; ỉlm tbʕrn ḥwt the gods will forsake the land, 1.103:41, cf. ln.
56; [ỉbn y]rps ḥwt [the enemy] will grind up the land, 1.103:50; ḥwtn tprš the
land will be scattered, 1.103:53; ]ḥwtn tḫlq the land will be destroyed, 1.103:4;
ḥwt ỉb tḫlq the land of the enemy will be destroyed, 1.103:59; 1.140:6, see also
w l tḫlq ḥwt[ and the land will not be destroyed[, 2.73:6 (cf. ln. 2, 4, 5); l knt
mlḥmt b ḥwt ʕbd and there has not been war in the country of your servant,
2.98:15, ln. 29; nġr ḥwt guardian of the country, 2.98:37; ★b) referring to a TN:
sknt k ḥwt ymản (its) form in the style of the country / land of TN, 1.4 I 42
(diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 17: “Tier”, Aram. ḥewĕṯā, etc.); [nt]bt mṣrm b ḥwt ủgrt
ḥ[wt] qṭ w b ḫw[t] nġṯ tʕtqn they pass the Egypt’s (right (?) of) way through
the country of TN, the country of TN and the country of TN, 2.36:16 f., see
tʕtq by ḥwt they pass through the land, 2.73:4, and ḥwt ủgrt, 2.81:18; in bkn
ctx.: mlkn bʕly ḥwt[, 2.42:10; hn l ḥwth, 2.33:9; b ḥw[t, 2.47:9; šmʕt ḥwt, 2.49:10;
ḥwtm, 2.36:18, 19; ḥwṭ, 3.14:9.
/ḥ-w/y-y/ (I) vb G: “to live, be alive”; D: 1) “to give (back) life / revive, leave
alive, resuscitate”; 2) “repair”; Dpass. “to be revived” (Hb., Aram. ḥyh, “to be,
stay alive”, HALOT 309f.; “to live”, DNWSI 354 ff.; Ph. ḥwy, Pun. ḥ/ʕwʔ, “to
live”, pi. “restore”, DNWSI 354ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 34; Pagan ARES 3

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/ḥ-w-y/ (ii) 375

126f.; Fronzaroli StEb 5 1982 109; BBVO 1 1982 133; Edzard StEb 4 1981 43 f.,
53f.; Müller Biling. 185, 188; Arab. ḥayyā, “to live”, AEL 679ff.; OSA ḥyw, “to
live”, SD 74; Eth. ḥaywa, “to live, be alive”, CDG 252. Marcus JSS 17 1972 76ff.;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 187ff. diff. Watson LSU 44 f.: “to club, strike”,
Eg. ḥwy, but see p. 210); ¶ syll. Ug.: KA[R] = Akk. (?) = eḫ-lu-um-me =
ḫu-(wu)PI-ú, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) obv. II 17', inf. abs. D: Verreet UF 19 1989
339f.; Huehnergard UVST 123; Van Soldt SAU 303; cf. /ḫayā/, an element in
PNN, Sivan GAGl 225; ¶ par.: /m-ḫ-ṣ/, /m-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. suff. ḥytn (as
a stative and a precative); prefc. tḥ, yḥ; D prefc. ảḥwy, ảḥw, tḥwy (?), yḥwy,
suff. yḥwh; suffc. ḥwt; impv. ḥw; Dpass. suffc. ḥwt. Cf. ḥwy in damaged text 1.17
VI 30; y/t]ḥwyn, in 1.24:9f. (cf. infra).
G. To live, be alive: špḥ lṭpn l yḥ will the offspring of “the Benevolent” cease to
live?, 1.16 I 23 and par. (// tmtn); npš yḥ dnỉl in (his) strength may PN (re)vive,
1.17 I 36 (cf. 1.19 IV 36; 2.23:18, in bkn ctx.); w yḥ mlk and (long) live the king!,
2.7:9; ḥytn w šlmtn may you live and enjoy good health! 5.10:2; ḥytn l {p}špš
may you live, oh Sun! (?), 5.11:4; may he live and not die, yḥ l ymt 6.30:1; in
bkn ctx.: w tḥ ṭbt and may you live in good health (?), 1.82:34 (Del Olmo AuOr
29 2011 248, 254).
D. 1) To give (back) life / revive, leave alive, resuscitate: k bʕl k yḥwy yʕšr {ḥwy
yʕšr} like DN when / certainly he gives life to (?) the one he invites, 1.17 VI 30
(diff. Van der Toorn BiOr 48 1991 46: “when he comes to life (again): one
serves him”, G + dittog.; De Moor ARTU 238: “(…) he is served—(when) he
has brought to life”); ảp ảnk ảḥwy I also shall give life, 1.17 VI 32; ʕl qṣʕth hwt
l ảḥw for his arrows I did not leave him alive, 1.19 I 16 (// ỉmḥṣh); (ʕl …) qṣʕth
hwt l tḥ[wy] (for …) his arrows did not leave him alive?, 1.18 IV 13); ủ ảp mh!rh
ảnk l ảḥwy and I shall not even leave his warrior strength alive, 1.18 IV 27; ql
špš ḥw the cry to / of DN: “save life”, 1.82:6; in unc. ctx.: y]ḥwyn he will give
back life, 1.24:9f.; ảḥw I will give back life, 1.82:19; ḥwy, 1.176:17.
2) To repair, settle: ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w ḥwt hbt I, the workman, have assumed and
settled the matter, 2.70:15 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 66 ff.; Verreet UF 18 1986
Dpass. To be revived: ḥwt ảḫt may you be revived, sister!, 1.10 II 20 (optative
suffc.; cf. De Moor UF 11 1979 643).
Cf. ʕbdḥy, ḥy (I), ḥy (II), ḥy (III), ḥyỉl, ḥyl, ḥyn, ḥyt, yḥn, yḥṣdq, yḥšr.
/ḥ-w-y/ (II) vb Št: “to prostrate oneself” (Hb. hštḥwh, “to bow down”, HALOT
295f.; Arab. ḥawwā, taḥawwā, “to contract”, “to coil himself”, AEL 678f. Emer-
ton OTS 20 1977 41ff.; Davies VT 29 1979 493ff.; Kreutzer VT 35 1985 39 ff.;
Cohen TM 322–341); ¶ par.: /h-b-r/, /q-l(-l)/. ¶ Forms: Št prefc. tštḥwy,
yštḥwy, suff. yštḥwyn (?).
Št. To prostrate oneself: tštḥwy kbd hyt prostrate yourselves (and) pay him

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376 ḥwy – ḥym

homage, 1.3 III 10 and par. (// hbr w ql), prostration formula (cf. Del Olmo
MLC 54); ảl tpl (…) ảl tštḥwy pḫr mʕd fall down, yes, (…), prostrate yourselves,
yes, before the plenary assembly, 1.2 I 15 and par.
ḥwy n. m. “storehouse, depot” (Arab. ḥawā, “to gather”, ḥiwāʔ, “a place that
contains”, AEL 678f.; cf. Hb. ḥwh, “tent camp”, HALOT 296); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
/ḫāyu/, /ḫīyu/ in: ḫi-i-yi-šu, PRU 3 123 (RS 15.145):6, 11; É.AN.ZA.GÀR-šu: ḫa-
a-yi, PRU 3 95 (RS 16.246):6; É ḫe-e-ia/yu, PRU 3 87 (RS 15.119) rev. 7, 9; É.ḪI.A
KISLAḪ.MEŠ ḫé-yi-ma, PRU 3 103 (RS 15.109+):15; Nougayrol PRU 3 220; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 88: PN, Hurr. ḫú-ú-ia; Huehnergard
UVST 127: “vacant (?)”; Sivan GAGl 223: “watch-tower”, cf. AHw 339: ḫēja; CAD
Ḫ 168f.: ḫeja; Vita EU 46: “lugar de reunión, campamento”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥwyh
(adv. -h).
Storehouse, depot: (of equipment for chariots) bd rb ḥršm d šṣả ḥwyh by the
hands of the chief of the assemblers, who delivered (it) to the storehouse,
ḥy (I) adj. m. “alive” (cf. /ḥ-w-y/ (I). Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram. ḥy, “living”, DNWSI
367ff.; EA Akk. ḫa-ia-ma, EAT 245:6; Sivan GAGl 223; Eg. ḫw.t, cf. Vernet-
Vernet UF 42 2010 715ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥy.
Alive: k ḥy ảlỉyn bʕl because alive is DN, the victorious, 1.6 III 20 and par. (//
ỉṯ); ỉkmy ḥy PN since PN is alive, 2.82:17.
ḥy (II) see ḥym.
ḥy (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 137; Watson AuOr 20 2002 233); ¶ syll.: cf.
fḫé-ia-PI, PRU 3 86 (RS 16.250):21.
PN: bn PN, 4.366:4.
ḫyỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 16, 43, 66, 96, 137; Marcus JSS 17 1972 78; Cross
CMHE 64; Lipiński Syria 44 1967 273 n. 3; Syria 50 1973 44; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 454; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 184; Watson AuOr 30
2012 331); ¶ syll.: ḫa-ya-DINGIR, Syria 18 1937 (RS 8.146 [“8.213”]):32. Cf. ḥyl.
PN: 2.26:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.427:14; 4.497:2; 4.554:4.
ḥyl PN (etym. unc.; poss. allog. var. of ḥyỉl; see ḥyly. Gröndahl PTU 16, 96, 137;
Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 130).
PN: bn PN, 4.200:8; 4.214 II 1.
Cf. ḥyỉl.
ḫyly adj. m. “fighter, powerful, strong” (Hb., Aram. ḥyl, “faculty, power, wealth”,
gbwr ḥyl, “brave man”, HALOT 311f.; “force, army”, DNWSI 369 f.; Arab. ḥyl,
“strength, power”, AEL 688. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 170; diff. De Moor SP 117; UF 1
1969 174 n. 54; Ribichini-Xella RSF 7 1979 152 f.: “the host of the filth”, rdg ḥyl
ḫḫ); ¶ par.: ʕllmy. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥyly.
Fighter, powerful: ṯm yḫpn ḫyly there (was) PN, the fighter, 1.22 I 9 (// ʕllmy).
ḥym, n. m. pl. t. “life” (adj. used as a noun, cf. ḥy (I). Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram.,

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ḥyn – ḥẓ 377

Nab., Palm. ḥy(m/n), sg. / pl. “life, lifetime”, HALOT 308; DNWSI 365 ff.; Ebla
/ḥayy=u(m)/, in dEN.KI = ʔà-u9, VE 803; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 31; Kienast
EDA 37ff.; Conti SQF 193 (for the DN Ea in Mari cf. Durand MROA 2/1 189 ff.:
/aya/); OSA ḥyn, ḥyw(m), “time, life”, SD 74f.; Arab. ḥayāt, “life”, AEL 682; Eth.
ḥǝywat, ḥiwat, “life”, CDG 252; Akk. cf. DN OAkk. é-a, Roberts ESP 20; OAss.
e-a-, i-a-, Hecker GKT 28; Kienast EDA 37f.: /ḥayyā/); ¶ syll. Ug.: /ḥeyyūma/:
[ḪI = balaṭu = Hurr.: (?)] = ḫe-yu-ma, UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189):25; U[R(?) =
Akk. (?) = š]u-ḫu-ur-ni = ḫé-yu-ma, Ug 5 131 (RS 20.426+):6; TIL = TIL-la-ṭu =
šu-ḫ[u-ur-ni = ḫ]é-yu-[m]a, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 20; Huehnergard UVST 124;
Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; BiOr 47 1990 732; SAU 303, 337 n. 174; ¶ par.: blmt.
¶ Forms: pl. ḥym, suff. ḥyk; cstr. ḥy.
Life: ỉrš ḥym (…) ỉrš ḥym w ảtnk ask for life (…), ask for life and I shall give
it to you, 1.17 VI 26–27 (// blmt); b ḥyk ảbn nšmḫ in your life, our father, we
rejoiced, 1.16 I 14 and par. (// blmt); p l ḥy np[š ả]rš and for the life of (his)
soul I beg, 2.23:17.
ḥyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 137; Watson LSU 166).
PN: ★a) 4.214 II 3; 4.232:35; 4.746:4; 4.763:2;★b) bn PN, 4.51:6; 4.55:24 (Van Soldt
SAU 33); 4.64 II 4.
ḥyt (I) n. f. “life” (allom. of ḥy (II). Margalit MLD 212 n. 1; Marcus JSS 17 1972
72ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḥyt.
Life: ḥyt ḥẓt tḥmk (may) the lucky life (of) your message (be …) 1.3 V 31 and
par. (diff. De Moor UF 11 1979 643 n. 23: “long live!”, precative suffc. of /ḥ-y-y/;
Renfroe AULS 54ff.: “declaration, revelation”, *ḥwy; cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 24
1992 34: “Bekundung”; Watson LSU 4 n. 14); ḥytn šlmtn our life, our health,
5.10:2 (diff. rdg. Dietrich-Loretz KA 185f.: ḥy tn “give life”, see also 5.11:4; Pardee
CS/3 108: “I am alive and well”).
ḥyt (II) n. “?” (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 356f.: “les ḥyt /ṭyt des
vêtements”, rdg [.-.-.] yt pldm; also Dijkstra PIHANS 114 35: “to the tailors of
cloths”, rdg l*ḥ*yt (sic) pldm).
?, in unc. ctx.: ảġt l! ḥyt pldm ddm for TN: for (?) the ḥ. of cloths, two
“cauldronsful”, 4.795:9 (rdg ủḥyt in KTU3).
ḥẓ n. m. “arrow” (Hb., Ph. ḥṣ, “arrow”, HALOT 342.; DNWSI 397; Aram. ḥṭʔ,
“arrow”, DNWSI 397; Akk. uṣ(ṣ)u, “Pfeil(spitze)”, AHw 1439; Arab. ḥaẓwat,
“small arrow”, AEL 596; Eth. ḥaṣṣ, “arrow, dart”, CDG 247); ¶ RS Akk.:
GI.GAG.GUM.TAG.GA, PRU 6 133 (RS 19.152):4–10; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU
ḫa-aṣ-ṣi, PRU 6 10 (RS 17.390):17; ¶ par.: ảbn. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥẓ, poss. allog. sg.
cstr. ḫẓ in 1.172:21; pl. ḥẓm, var. ḥḏm: 4.609:25 (cf. ḥḏġl; diff. Dohmen UF 15
1983 41: “Kleinschmied”), cstr. ḥẓ, suff. ḥẓk, ḥẓhn.
Arrow: ★a) ảrbʕm qšt ảlp ḥẓm forty bows, a thousand arrows, 4.169:2; ủṯpt
ḥẓm quiver for arrows, 4.204:1, 2, 4; mrkbt (…) yd ảpnthn yd ḥẓhn yd trhn char-

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378 ḥẓr – ḥẓt

iot bodies (…) with their wheels, their arrows, their steering-poles, 4.145:4; cf.
(chariots (?)) ]d ỉn ḥẓm lhm which have no arrows, 4.180:1; ★b) ḫẓk ảl tšʕl qrth
do not shoot your arrows against the city, 1.14 III 12 (// ảbn ydk); ★c) fletch-
ers: nsk ḥẓm forgers of (metal tips for) arrows, 4.630:14 (var. ḥḏm, 4.609:25);
psl ḥẓm carvers of (stone tips for) arrows, 4.141 III 19; in unc. ctx.]bt bʕl ḥẓ ršp,
the Lord of the arrow, PN, 1.82:3 (Renfroe AULS 56: “Lord of Fate”; diff. De
Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 239: rdg ḥẓ ršp “([may] Baʕlu [st]op) the arrows of
Rašpu!”); in bkn ctx., ḫẓ (for ḥẓ (?)) ksp b ydh a silver arrow (?) in his hand,
1.172:21 (Cf. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 345); w ḥẓ ảlp, 1.90:5.
Cf. ḥḏġl.
ḥẓr n. m. 1) “mansion”; 2) “quarter”, measure of length (Hb. ḥṣr, “permanent
settlement”, HALOT 345; Akk. ḫa/iṣāru / ḫaṣīru, “Hürde”, AHw 331; “enclo-
sure”, CAD Ḫ 130, 202; Emar Akk. cf. ḫi-za-ri, Arnaud AuOrS 1 11; Syr. ḥīrtāʔ,
“camp”, with dissim., SL 449; Arab. ḥaḍar, “residence at home”, ḥaẓīrat, “an
enclosure”, AEL 589, 596. De Moor UF 1 1969 172; Watson Historiae 10 2013 21);
¶ par.: bt (II), hkl, kmn. ¶ Forms: sg. ḥẓr, suff. ḥẓry, ḫẓrk, ḥẓrh.
1) Mansion: ỉn (…) w ḥẓr k bn ảṯrt he has neither (…) nor a mansion like the
sons of DN, 1.4 IV 51 and par. (// bt); rḥq krt l ḥẓry move away, PN, from my
mansion, 1.14 III 29 (// bty); ʕrb (…) mšspdt b ḥẓrh there entered (…) wailing
women into his mansion, 1.19 IV 10 and par. (// hklh); hm (…) ảšʕrb ġlmt ḥẓry
if (…) I bring the damsel into my mansion, 1.14 IV 42 (// bty); [ġ]lmt tšʕrb
ḥẓrk the damsel you brought into your mansion, 1.15 II 23 (// btk); ytn (…) w
ḥẓr km ảryk they are going to build for you (…) and a mansion like (that of)
your kin, 1.4 V 28 and par. (// bt); yštql l ḥẓrh he proceeded / went down to
his mansion, 1.100:68, cf. 1.114:18 (// bth); ḥẓr pʕlk yṭb (in) the mansion, your
work, may goodness reign, 1.13:21.
2) Quarter (measure of length): b ảlp ḥẓr through a thousand “quarters”, 1.1
II 14 and par. (// kmn; alt. of šd in the travel formula; cf. Del Olmo MLC 54 f.);
in bkn ctx.: ḥẓrh bbx[, 7.35:1.
ḥẓt adj. f. “happy, lucky” (Arab. ḥaẓẓ, ḥaẓẓiyy, ḥaẓīẓ, “fortune”, “fortunate”, AEL
595. Margalit MLD 212 n. 1: “good-fortune, lottery”; Renfroe AULS 54 ff.: “lot,
portion, fate”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 24 1992 34: “Schicksal”; diff. De Moor UF 11
1979 643 n. 23: “excellence, high rank”, Arab. ḥa/i/uẓwat; Watson LSU 140
n. 603: Eg. ḥst, “favour, praise, blessings, grace”). ¶ Forms: sg. f. ḥẓt.
Happy: ḥyt ḥẓt tḥmk (may) the happy life of your message (be), 1.3 V 31 and

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ḫbb PN ((?). Gröndahl PTU 310); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫi-bi-bu/i, Ug 5 85 (RS 20.236):4, 12.
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: ]rb spr ḫbb, 1.75:10.
ḫbdn, cf. ybdn.
ḫbdṯr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 233, 249).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ḫbd{.}ṯr, 4.46:11.
ḫbl (I) n. m. “ruins, remains”, meton. for “destruction” (Hb. ḫbl, “act corruptly”,
“destruction”, HALOT 285f.; Arab. ḫabl, ḫabāl, “corruptness”, AEL 699 f.; cf.
Akk. ḫabālu, “Unrecht (an)tun”, AHw 302; “to oppress, wrong”, “to damage,
destroy”, CAD Ḫ 3ff. De Moor SP 118; Del Olmo IMC 42 f.; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 307: “destruction”; see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 545); ¶ par.: rtn. ¶ Forms:
pl. (?) cstr. ḫbl.
Ruins, remains < “destruction”, in bkn ctx.: ḫbl ṭtm on muddy ruins [he feeds
(?)], 1.1 IV 8 (// rtn).
ḫbl (II) “painter, strap” (nautical accessory) (Akk. ḫabālum, “binden, anschir-
ren”, AHw 302: ḫabālu IV; “to tie, snare, harness”, CAD Ḫ 7; Mari Akk. ḫaba-
lum; see Vita Barcos 2284f.: “amarras”; Watson LSU 86). ¶ Forms: sg. coll. ḫbl.
Painter, strap: w ḫbl, and strap(s), 4.689:5.
ḫbly adj. / n. f. epithet of the goddess ʕnt (etym. unc. Xella TRU 80: “distrut-
trice”, cf. ḫbl (I); diff. De Tarragon CU 171: TN; Pardee TR/1 79f., Ḫablay / “la
mutilée”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫbly.
Epithet of Anat: ʕnt ḫbly DN ḫ, 1.39:17; 1.102:11; 1.162:14.
ḫbr TN, name of the city-state of king krt (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 107: *Ḫabūra.
Astour RSP 2 284f. no. 40; UF 5 1973 29ff.; Sauren- Kestemont UF 3 1971 196
n. 21; De Moor BiOr 31 1974 21; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 163; Van Soldt
UBL 11 372).
TN.: ḫbr rbt ḫbr ṯrrt, TN the great, TN the powerful, 1.15 V 19f. and par.; bt ḫbr
“Daughter-of-TN”, name of the capital, 1.14 II 29 and par. (Badre et al. Syria 53
1976 107).
ḫbrtnr n. m. of a high Hittite dignitary (etym. unc. Hitt. ḫuburtanuri, Bezeich-
nung heth. Würdenträger, Tischler HEG 298; cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993
89: “chief steward”, /ḫuburt=an=uri/, Hitt. ḫuppar-, Akk. ḫuburtu, ḫāburu; cf.
RS Akk.: ḫuburtanuru, ein hoher Hofbeamter, AHw 352; a high ranking court
official, CAD Ḫ 220); RS Akk: ḫuburtanuru; cf. a-na LÚ ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ri, PRU 4
47f. (RS 11.732) A 5, 6; B 6, 7 (= PRU 3 181f.); PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+):41, 43); PRU 4
42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):32; cf. var. a-na LÚ ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ra ù a-na LÚ ḫu-bur-
ta-nu-ra ša-ni-i, PRU 4 44 (RS 17.347):18f.; PN LÚ ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ru ša šàr KUR
kar-ga-mis, PRU 3 41 (RS 16.180):3; cf. Sivan GAGl 229. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫbrtnr.

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380 ḫbrṯ – ḫb/pt(y)

A high Hittite dignitary: (gifts) l ḫbrtnr for the ḫ., 3.1:34, 36 (cf. RS Akk.: a-na
LÚ ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ri, PRU 4 47f. (RS 11.732) A 5, 6; B 6, 7 (= PRU 3 181 f.); PRU 4
82 (RS 17.382+380):41, 43); PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):32); l ḫbrtnr ṯn for
the vice-ḫ., ibid. ln. 36 (cf. var. ¶ RS Akk.: a-na LÚ ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ra ù a-na LÚ
ḫu-bur-ta-nu-ra ša-ni-i, PRU 4 44 (RS 17.347):18–19).
Cf. tpnr.
ḫbrṯ n. f. “stewpot” (Hurr. ḫubrušḫi, “creuset”, GLH 109; Hitt. ḫuprušḫi-, “ein
Gefäss, Räuchergefäss”, HEG 296f.; Nuzi Akk. ḫurpušḫu, Alal. Akk. ḫuprušḫu,
AHw 357; CAD Ḫ 241. De Moor ULe 67; Watson LSU 120, 128; AuOrS 27 85);
¶ par.: ḫptr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫbrṯ.
Stewpot: štt (…) ḫbrṯ l ẓr pḥmm she placed (…) a stewpot on top of the
embers, 1.4 II 9 (// ḫptr).
ḫbsn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 245; AuOrS 27 104; AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN: 4.307:15.
/ḫ-b-t/ vb Gpass.: “to be oppressed, ill treated” (Akk. ḫabātum, “rauben, plün-
dern”, AHw 303f.; “to rob, take away by force”, CAD Ḫ 9 ff.). Forms: Gpass.:
suffc. ḫbt.
Gpass.: To be oppressed, ill treated: k ḫbt w l ủšảl, because I have been ill
treated and I was never consulted, 2.87:8, see 2.103:9 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 138; see also Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 250).
ḫbt (I) n. m. “oppressor, pillager, destroyer” (< ptc. G /ḫ-b-t/. Kraus RA 69
1975 31ff.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 153); ¶ par.: mdll, cf. /d-l-l/.
¶ Forms: pl. suff. ḫbtkm, ḫbtkn.
Oppressor, pillager, destroyer: u tḫṭỉn (…) ủ l p ḫbtkn whether you have sinned
(…) according to the custom of / what betrays (?) your oppressors / those
who rob you, 1.40:21 and par. (// mdllkn; diff. Pardee TR/1 97, 119f.: “opprimés”,
but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 565f.).
ḫbt (II) DN, Syro-Hurr. goddess (Nougayrol Ug 5 51 f.; Laroche GLH 100 f.; NH
348; Danmanville RlA 4 326ff.; Haas HBHS 30 ff.; Wilhelm Hurrians 55 f.;
for Ebla cf. dḫa-a-pá-tu, cf. Pomponio UF 15 1983 144 f. n. 17f.; Trémouille
SMEA 34 1994 87ff.; Durand MROA 2/1 258f.: “Bien-amada”); ¶ syll.: dḫé-bat,
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):16 (// pdry, 1.47:17; 1.118:16; Laroche Ug 5 503, 525); cf. the
element /ḫebV(t)/ in PNN, Gröndahl PTU 229f. ¶ Forms: ḫbt, ḫbtd (DN +
Hurr, direct. =da).
DN: ḫbtd, 1.132:5, 14, 20; in Hurr. ctx.: ḫbt(d), passim; cf. 1.32:3, 5; 1.35:9, 11, 12;
1.42:60, 62; 1.52:9, 13; 1.60:11; 1.64:32; 1.116:19.
ḫb/pt(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 132: *Ḫupatā(yu), *Ḫubatā, Ḫapatā(yu),
*Ḫuppatu. Astour UF 13 1981 6; NuzHur 1 16 no. 23; Van Soldt SAU 337 f. n. 177;
UF 28 1996 670; UF 30 1998 727; Topography 22; Watson LSU 200); ¶ syll.: cf.
URU ḫu-ba-ta, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):21; URU ḫu-pa-ta, Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207

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ḫbty – ḫdd 381

A):15; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34:131):47; URU ḫu-pa-ta-ú, PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):14; URU
ḫa-pa-ta-yu, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800 bis):15; URU ḫu-pa12-ti, RS 8.146 (RS 8.213 (!),
Syria 18 1937 247):5; ḫu-up-pa-ti, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):11.
TN, ★a) ḫbt: 4.119:6; 4.382:15; ★b) ḫpty: 1.91:30; 4.68:49; 4.346:8; 4.355:12; 4.610
II 3; 4.686:3 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 15f.); 4.800 I 30.
ḫbty GN m. (< ḫb/pt( y), TN; Watson LSU 200). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫbty.
GN: 3.10:3; 3.31:4; 4.33:39; 4.53:3.
/ḫ-b-ṯ/ vb G: a) “to flee, escape”; b) “to be emancipated (from legal bonds),
break one’s links” (Hb. ḥpš [pi., Qpass. / pu.] “to be given one’s freedom”,
HALOT 341; see ḫpṯ. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 27; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 14 1982 85f.; UF 41 2009 160; Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 189 f.; Tropper
UF 36 2004 514; Fs. Sanmartín 391 ff.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḫbṯ; inf. cstr. suff. ḫbṯh;
ptc. Gpass. sg. m. ḫbṯ and pl. m. ḫbṯm.
G. a) To flee, escape: b ḫbṯh b ḥwt ṯth on his escaping to another country, 3.3:4
(Tropper UG 487); b gty ḫbṯ (the servant) escaped from my estate, 2.90:9 (diff.
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 249, 307: “worked on my farm” / “to belong to the
ḫupṯu-class”); b) to be emancipated (from legal bonds), to break one’s links
(with a place): PN d ḫbṯ TN who has broken his links with TN, 4.430:3 (cf. d
yṯb, ibid. ln. 2), see dt ḫbṯ ṯmn, 2.108:5, 7 and 2.98:29 KTU rdg ảp[ ḫp]ṯ.
Cf. ḫbṯ, ḫpṯ, ḫpṯt.
ḫbṯ adj. m. “emancipated; unattached” > “mercenary” (< ptc. Gpass. /ḫ-b-ṯ/.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 26f.; Milano VO 3 1980 187ff.; Hoftijzer-
Van Soldt UF 23 1991 189f.: variant of ḫpṯ; Aartun UF 16 1984 22f.: Arab. ḫabuṯa:
“ruchloser Mensch”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 307: “member of the ḫupṯu-
class (in service, civil or military)”; McGeough ERU 99 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫbṯ,
pl. ḫbṯm.
Emancipated, unattached > mercenary: l yblt ḫbṯm you have not brought the
emancipated (men), 2.17:1; unattached: ṯlṯtm bʕlm w ảḥd ḫbṯ w ảrbʕ ảṯt two
triads of labourers, plus one emancipated, and four women, 4.360:8; in bkn
ctx.: 2.107:8.
Cf. /ḫ-b-ṯ/, ḫpṯ.
ḫby PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 310; Watson LSU 166; AuOrS 27 104; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 331).
PN: ★a) 4.103:22; ★b) bn PN, 4.339:4; 4.851:5; 4.853:12.
ḫdi PN (Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 17, 138, 233).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 8.
ḫdbṯ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 206, 233).
PN: 4.320:7.
ḫdd PN (Sem. (?)); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫa-DA-ad-dì, Ug 5 28 (RS 20.184) obv. 12; Rainey
IOS 5 1975 25; Huehnergard AkkUg 384; Watson AuOr 11 1993 215.

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382 ḫdlr – ḫḏġl

PN 4.80:2 (ảr[).
ḫdlr, cf. ḫdn ḫdlr.
ḫdmn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 233; Van Soldt SAU 35); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫ[u-u]t-mu-nu,
PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. II 8.
PN: bn PN, 4.103:43; 4.624:9; 4.681:5; 4.807:35.
ḫdn ḫdlr DN(N); two Hurro-Hitt. goddesses (Bo. dḫu-(u-)-te-na dḫu-
(u-)-te-el-lu-ur/úr-ra, Laroche GLH 111. Laroche Ug 5 526, 530; Haas RlA 4
526); ¶ syll.: dḫu(?)-ti?-i]l?-lu-u[r-ra? = dku?-ša?]-ra-tu4, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+)
IVb 8 (?). Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 305.
DN: 1.132:8; in Hurr. ctx.: 1.42:32, 33; 1.60:14; 1.64:29; 1.135:11.
ḫdpṯr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 233, 424; Huehnergard UVST 230 n. 87); ¶ syll.:
DUMU ḫu-du-up-ša-ri PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257+) II 10.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 18; 4.64 II 7; 4.848:9.
ḫdš2bʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 116f., 134).
PN: ḫdš2bʕl[, 6.70:2.
ḫdś, 1.171:7, cf. ḫdṯ (II).
ḫd/ty(n) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 21, 233; Van Soldt SAU 33; Watson AuOr
13 1995 222f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫu-ti-ia, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):41, 54; (DUMU) ḫu-
di/ti-ia/ya-na, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):3 (Van Soldt SAU 345 n. 195); PRU 3
149 (RS 16.182+):8, 11, 18; PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) II 42; cf. ḫu-da, RSOu 7 3
(RS 30.036):13; ḫu-ud-da-na, RS 23.22+ VI 14 (Van Soldt SAU 341 n. 185).
PN: ★a) ḫdyn, 4.214 III 20; in bkn ctx.: ḫ]tyn, 4.659:2; ★b) bn ḫdy, 4.635:55; bn
ḫty, 4.343:5; bn ḫdyn, 4.33:8 (ugrty); 4.69 VI 11; 4.98:18; 4.724:6; 4.798:11; bn ḫtyn,
4.57:10; 4.281:18; 4.611 II 26; 4.643:11.
Cf. ḫtn.
ḫḏ(ḏ) n. m. “downpour, squall” (Hb. ḥzyz, “blast, squall”, HALOT 302; cf. Arab.
ḫinḏīḏ, “whirlwind”, Hava 187. Watson Or 45 1976 440 f.; De Moor-De Vries
UF 20 1988 176 n. 18: “thunder”, “thunderstorm”); ¶ par.: yr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫḏḏ;
contracted form ḫḏ.
Downpour, squall: hlk l ảlpm ḫḏḏ they march by the thousand (like) a down-
pour, 1.14 II 39 and par. (// yr; diff. Aartun StUL 59 ff.: “tüchtiger, helden-
hafter”, Arab. hinḏīḏ); in bkn ctx.: rḥ ḫḏ ʕrpt the wind, the squall (and) the
clouds, 1.13:34.
ḫḏġb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 211, 232, 234; cf. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4
1967–1968 302).
PN: ★a) 4.269:25, 28;★b) bn PN, 4.690:2.
ḫḏġl n. m. “fletcher” (Hurro-Ug. *ḫḏ- [< Ug. ḥẓ “arrow”] + Hurr. suff. *-ġl; cf.
Ug. var. ḥḏm: 4.609:25 [cf. ḥẓ]; Laroche GLH 97, unexpl. Watson UF 42
2010 825: “learner”, Hurr. ḫaš-, “to hear”; cf. nsk ḥẓm, psl ḥẓm). ¶ Forms: pl.

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ḫḏl – ḫgbt 383

Fletcher: 4.609:16; master fletcher contrasted with lmd: 4.138:2; 4.154:5;

ḫḏl PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 234); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫa-zi-lu, PRU 6 86 I 10; cf. DUMU
ḫu-zi-la-a, PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) A II 48.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 4.
Cf. ḫzlỉ.
ḫḏm, in bkn ctx.: 7.53:7.
ḫḏmḏr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 232f., 249; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
302; Huehnergard UVST 224; Van Soldt SAU 3, 14; Watson LSU 166); ¶ syll.: iš-
mi-SAR-ri, PRU 3 138 (RS 16.131):8, 10; iš-mi-LUGAL-ma, PRU 4 123 (RS 17.35):6,
11; ḫi-iš-mi-LUGAL-ma, PRU 4 121 (RS 17.352):4 and passim ibid.; cf.
PU.LUGAL-ma, RSOu 7 11 (RS 34.140):3.
PN: 4.643:25; in bkn ctx.: 4.190:2; 4.748:15; cf. 4.178:6; 4.556:3.
ḫḏmrd/t PN (Hurro-Sem. Gröndahl PTU 233, 247; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967
546; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 379); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫi/e-i/eš-mi-dIM, Ug 5 27
(RS 20.22):6; Ug 5 28 (RS 20.184):1.
PN: 4.102:22; ḫḏmrt, 2.86:1.
ḫḏmtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 232f., 262); ¶ syll.: ḫi-IŠ-mi-te-nu, PRU 3 37
(RS 15.81):9.
PN: 4.417:4 (tr[zy).
ḫḏmtṯb PN (Hurr.).
PN: 4.827:8.
ḫḏ/zmyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 232; Berger WO 5 1968–1969 273; Van Soldt
SAU 35); ¶ syll.: ḫi-IZ-mi-ia-na, PRU 3 160 (RS 16.261+):8.
PN: 4.356:15; 4.374:12; 4.748:14.
ḫḏnr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 212, 234, 243; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
PN: bn PN, 4.56:5 (bkn ctx.).
ḫḏpršp PN (Hitt.-Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 9 f.).
PN, in bkn ctx.: 4.760:3 (ḫḏprš ?[p.
ḫḏrġl n. m. a type of server in the cult, “assistant, acolyte” (Hurr.; Laroche
GLH 96, unexpl.; cf. Alal. Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ ḫa-še-ru-ḫu-li, AT 269:22; cf. “Ein
Handwerker”, AHw 333; “a maker of ḫašēru-objects”, CAD Ḫ 139. Dietrich-
Loretz WO 3 1966 189ff.: Hurro-Ug. *ḫḏr- [< /ʕ-ḏ/z-r/, Akk. ḫaziru, AHw 339]
+ Hurr. suff. /=(u)ḫli/; Del Olmo CR 194 n. 68: “service”; Watson UF 42 2010
825: “anointer”, Hurr. ḫašari, “fine oil”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫḏrġl.
A type of server in the cult (“assistant, acolyte”): b yrḫ ḫyr b ym ḥdṯ ḫḏrġ.x[ in
the month MN, on the new moon, the “assistant” [shall offer (?), 1.112:2.
Cf. ḫzr.
ḫgbt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 21; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10). Possibly
an allog. of ḥgbt, PN.

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384 ḫḫ – ḫlủ

PN: bn PN, 4.214 II 11.

ḫḫ n. m. “mire, rubbish dump” (Akk. ḫaḫḫu, “Schleim, Auswurf”, AHw 308;
“spittle, slime”, CAD Ḫ 28f. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 189; Watson SEL 4
1987 61; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 220 n. g; Margalit MLD 80 f.: “gueule”, “pit”
< “underworld”, Hb. *ḥwḥ, Arab. ḫawḫat; for the various opinions cf. Sasson
RSP 1 415f.; Margalit MLD 80f.; Loretz UF 33 2001 318 n. 91); ¶ par.: hmry, mk.
¶ Forms: sg. ḫḫ, suff. ḫḫm (encl. -m (?)).
Mire, rubbish dump: ḫḫ ảrṣ nḥlth a mire (is) the land of his possession, 1.4
VIII 13 and par. (// hmry, mk; diff. Loretz UF 33 2001 318: “eine Höhle sein
Erbland!”); dm l ġzr šrgk ḫḫm for to a hero your tangles are a quagmire, 1.17
VI 35.
/ḫ-l/ vb G: 1) “to writhe (with birth pangs)”; 2) “to skip, jump” (Akk. ḫ(i)ālu, ḫâlu,
“kreissen”, AHw 342; “to be in labor”, CAD Ḫ 55; Hb. ḥyl, “to be in labour”, “to
writhe”, HALOT 310f. Avishur UF 7 1975 34; Foley UF 19 1987 64 n. 14); ¶ par.:
/b-r-k/, /h-l-k/. ¶ Forms: G inf., impv. ḫl.
G. 1) To writhe (with birth pangs): ḫl ld ảklm writhe (and) give birth to the
“Voracious Ones”, 1.12 I 25 (// tbrk).
2) To skip, jump: tr b lkt wtr b ḫl, she escaped running and she escaped
skipping, 1.10 II 29 (// b lkt; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 23ff.: “stolze Haltung”, Arab.
Cf. ḫl, ḫlln, ḫllt.
ḫl n. m. “pain, anxiety, sickness”; “birth pangs” (?) (< /ḫ-l/. Hb. ḥyl, “to tremble”,
“fear and pain”, HALOT 312, cf. ḥlʔ, “to fall ill”, HALOT 315. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 218; Del Olmo MLRSO 290). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḫl; pl. ḫlm (?).
Pain, anxiety, sickness: w prʕ[(t)] hy ḫlh and this washes (: remove) his pain,
1.124:10; in bkn ctx.: w ḫlm ảṯt ỉṯt and the birth pangs of the woman are …,
1.179:35 (diff. Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 399, 404: “et la ‘danse’ de la femme (est
son) don”).
ḫlỉ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 138, 230; Sivan GAGl 224; Watson Historiae
4 2007 97).
PN: 4.282:6.
ḫlủ n. m. “cake” (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Hitt. ḫali-, “ein Gebäck”, HW2 3 32: (NINDA)
ḫali-; Hb. ḥlh, “ring-shaped bread”, HALOT 317; Ph. ḥlh, “cake”, DNWSI 373 f.;
Arab. tiḫlî, “food and drink”, Hava 179; for this and other etym. cf. Del Olmo
CR 217; UF 36 2004 596; Watson LSU 86; diff. De Moor NYCI/2 27; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 108; Waetzoldt ZA 77 1987 298: “Wollkleid”, Akk.
ḫalûm; Pardee TR/1 507f., 1132: “élément de nom de fête, sens précis inconnu”,
rdg ḫl ủ (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫlủ.
Cake (?): (dbḥ …) ḫlủ dg (the sacrifice of …) fish-cake, 1.91:12 (diff. Baldacci
BiOr 46 1989 119: “fish-shaped jewel”, Hb. *ḥlʔ/h).

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ḫlản – ḫlb gngnt 385

ḫlản PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 138, 230; Sivan GAGl 224; Watson LSU
166); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫal-a?-na, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) B III 15.
PN: ★a) 4.391:17; ★b) bn PN, 4.222:20; 4.350:2; 4.413:4; 4.715:5; in bkn ctx.:
4.526:2; 4.843:24.
Cf. ḫlủy, ḫlyn.
ḫlủy PN (Gröndahl PTU 138; Baldacci BiOr 46 1989 119).
PN: 4.75 V 13 (bn [).
ḫlb (I) n. m. “massif, promontory” (cf. Akk. ḫalbu, “Wald”, AHw 311; “forest”,
CAD Ḫ 40f. Cf. De Moor SP 185; Watson AuOr 19 2001 115); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ḫalb-/ in TNN; Sivan GAGl 226); ¶ par.: ġr. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫlb.
Massif, promontory: šả (…) ḫlb lẓr rḥtm lift (…) the massif on top of the palms
(of your hands), 1.4 VIII 6 and par. (// ġr); ṯn pk b ḫlb (make) your mouth echo
in the hills, 1.82:4 (see Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247); gd ḫlb coriander from the
massif, 1.85:20.
Cf. ḫlb (II), ḫlby, ḫlbn.
ḫlb (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 108f.: *Ḫalab / *Ḫal(a)ba “Aleppo”, not: *Ḫalba
2, ibid. 110, or *Ḫalbu, ibid. 111. Heltzer RCAU 9, 16 n. 20; Rainey UF 3 1971
137, 142; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 108; Astour RSP 2 285 f. no. 41;
NuzHur 1 15 no. 21; Bonechi SEL 7 1990 15ff.; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 668;
Topography 19f., 173; Watson LSU 200); ¶ syll.: [KUR.UR]U ḫal-bá, RS 17.338+
(Del Monte Trattato 14ff.):18; [dIŠKUR URU ḫa-la-ab], ibid. ln. 88; dU ḫal-bi,
Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):18.
TN: ★a) 1.85:20; ★b) bʕl ḫlb, 1.109:16 (see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 610); 1.130:11;
1.134:8; 1.148:26; 4.728:2 (cf. Hurr. (tṯb ḫlb), 1.42:10; 1.148:13).
ḫlb (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 111: *Ḫalbu, “abgekürzter ON der Ḫalbu-Art”;
not ḫlb (II) “Aleppo”. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 668; Topography 19f., 173; Bel-
monte Fs. Watson 102); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-bi, RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):32.
TN: 4.382:18, 4.824:5.
Cf. ḫlb ʕprm, ḫlb gngnt, ḫlb krd, ḫlb rpš, ḫlb ṣpn.
ḫlb ʕprm composite TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 111: *Ḫalbu- ʕapurīma. Heltzer
RCAU 9; Astour RSP 2 286f. no. 42; 349 no. 143; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 669;
UF 30 1998 725; Topography 20, 173f.); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-bi LÚ.MEŠ.SAG.GAZ,
PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):7'; [URU ḫal-bi a]-pu-ri-ma, PRU 3 191f. (RS 11.841):6
(collation Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (5)).
Composite TN: 4.48:1; 4.73:12; 4.346:7; 4.380:16; 4.610 I 27; 4.693:28; 4.784:21;
4.800 I 35.
Cf. ʕpr (II).
ḫlb gngnt composite TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 110 f.: *Ḫalbā(yu) / ḫlb(y). See
Dijkstra UF 23 1991 135; Bordreuil AntSem 2 1997 64f.; Van Soldt Topography
20, 173).

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386 ḫlb krd – ḫlby

Composite TN: 1.91:22; 4.800 II 25 (Bordreuil AntSem 2 1997 64 f.).

Cf. ḫlb(y).
ḫlb krd composite TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 112: *Ḫalbu-karradi. Van Soldt
UBL 11 377f.; UF 28 1996 668; UF 30 1998 720, 725; cf. Astour UF 13 1981 6;
Huehnergard UVST 212; Van Soldt Topography 20, 173); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-bu/bi
kàr-ra-di, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):6; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):11'; [URU ḫal-bu/bi]
kar-ra-dì, PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):7.
Composite TN: 3.7:14; 4.6:2; 4.48:2; 4.68:3; 4.119:7; 4.365:17; 4.380:13; 4.610 I 26;
4.685:5; 4.693:14, 29, 46; 4.800 I 37; 5.28:6.
ḫlb rpš composite TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 112: *Ḫalbu-rapši. Van Soldt UBL
377f.; UF 28 1996 669; UF 30 1998 725; Bordreuil AntSem 2 1997 66; Heltzer
RCAU 10; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 430; Astour UF 13 1981 9; Van Soldt
SAU 499 n. 65; Topography 21, 174); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-bi rap-ši, PRU 3 189
(RS 11.790):5'; PRU 4 182 (RS 17.299):2.
Composite TN: 4.48:7; 4.63 II 30; 4.100:5; 4.108:1; 4.235:9 (cf. Van Soldt UF 28
1996 669 n. 117); 4.365:12; 4.693:14; 4.784:19; 5.28:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.683:13 (Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1988 11f.).
Cf. rpš (I).
ḫlb ṣpn composite TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 113: *Ḫalbu-ṣapuni, *Ḫalbu Ḫazzi,
*Ḫalbu Nanā. Van Soldt UBL 11 377f.; UF 28 1996 669; UF 29 1997 693f.;
UF 30 1998 732; cf. Heltzer RCAU 10; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
97f.; Astour RSP 2 287f. no. 43; 349 no. 144; UF 13 1981 2 f., 8; Bordreuil Syria
61 1984 8f.; Van Soldt Topography 20, 174); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-bu/bi ḪUR.SAG
ḫa-zi, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):13; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):19; cf. URU ḫal!-bi, PRU 3
191 (RS 15.20):4; cf. URU ḫal-bi ḪUR.SAG na-na-a, PRU 4 48 ff. (RS 17.340) 26;
URU ḫal-bi, PRU 4 63–67 (RS 17.237):40; PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):4 (cf. Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 668; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 113).
Composite TN: 4.68:50; 4.94:16; 4.303:4; 4.610 II 27; 4.676:4; 4.800 I 15; 4.821:5;
for the rdg ḫlb <ṣpn> in 4.267:2 and 4.621:14 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688;
4.693:46 (cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 18).
Cf. ḫš, ks, nny, ṣpn.
ḫlb(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 110f.: *Ḫalbā( yu) / *ḫlb gngnt. Diff. Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 667; UF 30 1998 728; see also Dijkstra UF 23 1991 135; Bordreuil
AntSem 2 1997 64f.; Heltzer RCAU 9, 16 n. 20; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 108; Astour RSP 2 285f. no. 41; NuzHur 1 15 no. 21; Van Soldt Topography
19, 173); ¶ syll.: URU ḫal-ba, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147):5; URU ḫal-ba-yi, Ug 5 95
(RS 20.01):19.
TN ḫlby: 4.274:4; 4.348:25; 4.610 II 23; 4.621:6, 14; 4.770:8; 4.784:23; 4.825 V 8.
Cf. ḫlb gngnt.
ḫlby PN (< ḫlb (II) / ḫlb( y)).

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ḫlbym – ḫlp 387

PN: 4.337:6.
Cf. ḫlbym.
ḫlbym PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 138; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 108).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:7; 4.93 I 2.
ḫldy GN / TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 131: *Ḫuldā. Huehnergard UVST 243, 290
n. 109; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 669; Topography 21, 174; Watson LSU 200;
Historiae 4 2007 97); ¶ syll.: cf. URU ḫu-ul-da, PRU 3 133 (RS 15.132):7, 11; PRU 3
144 (RS 16.138):19.
GN / TN, element in the compound toponym gt ḫldy: 4.636:10 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 87: *Gittu-Ḫuldā).
ḫlġl see yṣḥm.
ḫll n. m. n. of a garment (etym. unc. Syr. ḥllāyā, a type of garment: SL 457; Arab.
ḥulaliyyat, “large pièce d’étoffe”, Dozy 312. ¶ Forms: pl. ḫllm.
Type of garment: w ʕšr ḫllm and ten ḫ. garments, 4.867:13.
ḫlln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 139; Watson LSU 166).
PN: bn PN, 4.53:12; 4.335:23.
ḫllt n. m. “childbirth” (< /ḫ-l/. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 180; Watson Historiae
10 2013 38); ¶ par.: hrt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫllt.
Procreation, childbirth: ysmsmt ʕrš ḫllt the beauty of the bed of childbirth,
1.17 II 42 (// hrt).
Cf. ḫlln.
ḫlly PN (Sem.; etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 139; Watson LSU 166).
PN: 4.391:12.
ḫlm (I) PN (etym. unc. Sivan GAGl 222; Watson LSU 166; Dahood apud Pettinato
ArchEbl 307); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫal-la-ma-na, PRU 3 55 (RS 15.92):4; PRU 3 67
(RS 16.255 A+E):5.
PN: 4.348:16.
ḫlm (II) see ḫl.
ḫlmẓ n. m. “Snake”, epithet / emblem of the goddess ủšḫr (Akk. ḫulmiṭṭu,
etwa “Drache”, AHw 354; “a snake or lizard”, CAD Ḫ 230; Hb. ḥmṭ, “reptile”,
HALOT 327f.; Syr. ḫūlmaṭāʔ, “large lizard, chameleon”, SL 426. De Moor UF 2
1970 316 n. 73; Young UF 9 1977 309; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 86; Schwemer
NuzHur 7 104ff., 115; Watson LSU 86; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 24 f.: < */ḫ-l-m/,
“Chamäleon”; DEUAT xxiiif.: double DN, ủšḫr.-ḫlmẓ); ¶ par.: qlḥ. ¶ Forms: sg.
Snake: ỉd ydbḥ mlk l ủšḫr ḫlmẓ when the king sacrifices to DN, the “Snake”,
1.115:2, cf. ln. 12; š l ḫlmẓ a ram to the “Snake”, 1.115:4.
ẖln, allog. of ḥln, 5.22:27.
Cf. ḥln.
ḫlp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 139; Watson LSU 167).

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388 ḫlpn (i) – /ḫ-l-q/

PN: bn PN, 4.172:4; 4.266:4; 4.611 I 11.

ḫlpn (I) n. m./f., type of cloak or cape (Akk. naḫlaptu, “Gewand, Mantel”, AHw
715; “wrap, outer garment”, CAD N/1 138ff. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 129 f.;
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 38; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 328; Watson UF 34 2002 924;
LSU 86f., 95 n. 240; Vita UF 36 2004 525; TT 329; cf. Akk. ḫulāpu, Durand
MARI 6 662); ¶ RS Akk.: TÚG.GÚ.È, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):21; PRU 3 206
(RS 15.135):2–3; PRU 6 159; cf. Ug 5 83 (RS 20.146):8 (Berger UF 2 1970 339 f.);
cf. TÚG.GÚ.È GADA, PRU 3 184 (RS 16.146+):12. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫlpn; pl. ḫlpnt;
du. ḫlpnm.
Type of cloak or cape: ★a) ảrbʕm ksp w ḫlpn ʕl PN forty of silver and a ḫ. on
the account of PN, 3.29:2; (personnel) lqḥ ḫlpnt have received ḫ., 4.630:5; b yrḫ
mgm[r …] yṣủ ḫlpn[t in the month MN[…]ḫ. have been distributed, 4.192:2;
ṯn ḫlpnm pgảm two ḫ. of the p. type, 4.117:1; spr npṣ PN (…) ṯn ḫlpnm list of
belongings of PN: (…) two ḫ., 4.385:6; w ảhpkn ḫlpn and I shall return the ḫ.,
1.179:36; ★b) ḫlpn pṯtm ḫ. of linen, 5.10:5 (cf. RS Akk.: TÚG. GÚ.È GADA, PRU 3
184 (RS 16.146+):12).
Cf. ḫpn (I).
ḫlpn (II) PN (Gröndahl PTU 139; Van Soldt UF 29 1997 681; Watson AuOr 30 2012
PN: bn PN, 4.77:27.
Cf. ḫlp.
/ḫ-l-q/ vb G: “to perish, to be lost”; D: “to destroy”; Dpass.: “to be destroyed,
devastated” (Akk. ḫalāqu, “verschwinden, zugrundegehen”, AHw 310 f.; “to
disappear, vanish”, CAD Ḫ 36ff.; Eth. ḫalqa, “be consumed, perish”, CDG 261.
Dietrich-Loretz MU 120; Levine Fs. Greenfield 137ff.; Watson LSU 86 f.);
¶ par.: /m-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḫlq, ḫlqt; prefc. tḫlq; D prefc. yḫlq; Dpass. suffc.
ḫlq, ḫlqt; yḫlq, tḫlq.
G. To perish, be lost: ḫlq zbl bʕl ảrṣ perish did the prince, master of the earth,
1.5 VI 10 and par. (// mt); k mt ảlỉyn bʕl k ḫlq for DN, “The Most Powerful”, is
dead, (…) has perished, 1.6 I 42 and par.; w rỉšk ḫlq and your authority is lost!,
2.88:30 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 150; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 245:
“and you can kiss your head good-bye”); in bkn ctx. cf.: w ḫlq ʕpmm[ and may
the birds perish[…!, 1.18 IV 42; bhmtn tḫlq the cattle will perish, 1.163:1, 15.
D. To destroy: ỉbn yḫlq bhmt ḥwt the enemy will destroy the cattle of the land,
1.103:16; cf. ] yḫlq bhmt[ …]will destroy the cattle[…, ibid. ln. 15.
Dpass. To be destroyed, devastated: ảp krmm ḫlq qrtn ḫlqt and also the vines
have been destroyed, (and also) our city has been destroyed, 2.61:11–12; ]ḥwtn
tḫlq the land will be destroyed, 1.103:4; ḥwt ỉb tḫlq the land of the enemy will
be destroyed, ibid. ln. 59; 1.140:6; in bkn ctx.: y]ḫlq mṯn rgm wi]ll be destroyed,
ditto, 1.103:18; w l tḫlq ḥwt[ and the land will not be devastated[, 2.73:6.

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ḫlq – ḫm 389

Cf. ḫlq.
ḫlq adj./n. m. 1) “ruined, spoilt”; 2) “missing” (< /ḫ-l-q/; cf. Akk. ḫalqu, “verloren”,
AHw 313; “lost, missing”, CAD Ḫ 50). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫlq.
1) Ruined, spoilt, said of wine turned sour with time: yn ḫlq spoilt wine,
4.213:3 (Aartun UF 16 1984 26; cf. yn mṣb and Mari Akk.: GEŠTIN SUMUN,
cf. ARMT 21 104f.; cf. yn ṭb generous wine, 4.213:1 and passim ibid. [cf. Mari
Akk.: GEŠTIN DÙG.GA, Finet AfO 25 1974–1977 127; Durand ARMT 21 107 ff.],
contrasted with yn d l ṭb wine which is not of good quality (table wine),
4.213:2 and passim ibid.).
2) Missing, of persons: PN ḫlq missing, 4.611 II 2 and par.; kprm ḫlq 10 villages:
missing: 10, ibid. ln. 8; in bkn ctx. 4.613:5, 6, 9.
Cf. /ḫ-l-q/.
ḫlṣ n. m. “squeezing” / “what is squeezed (draff)” (Akk. ḫalāṣu, ḫalṣu, “auskäm-
men, auspressen”, “ausgekämmt, ausgepresst”. AHw 311, 313; “to press,
squeeze out”, “pressed out (said of sesame seeds)”, CAD Ḫ 40, 50. Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 348, “jus”; Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113; AuOr 41 2013 217f.
n. 31; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Xella 21f.: “Sud”; diff. with metat. Hb. lḥṣ, “oppres-
sion”, cf. mym lḥṣ, “water as a symbol of oppression (siege)”, HALOT 527;
Arab. laḫisa, “to have fleshy eyelids”, “to be swollen (eyes)”, Hava 682: Ford
UF 34 2002 155, 178; Pardee TR/2 877, 885: “oppression” (?); Loretz-Xella MLE 1
43: “Festung”, Akk. ḫalṣu, ḫilṣu; Margalit ZAW 99 1987 400 f.: “to be round” /
“(rounded) drinking bowl”, /ḫ-l-ṣ/; Aartun UF 16 1984 25: “geklärter (Wein)”,
Arab. ḫalaṣa; De Moor ARTU 184: “purified milk”; for these and other sugges-
tions see Watson NABU 2011/67: “waterskin”, Syr. ḥlyṣ, Aram. ḥlṣ, Akk. ḫalīṣu,
following Saracino SEL 1 1984 79; also Watson AuOrS 27 95). ¶ Forms: inf. /
vb n. ḫlṣ (/ the product thereof).
To squeeze: tšt b ḫlṣ bl ṣml drink from squeezing (/ squeezed) blended beer
of dried out draff, 1.169:7.
ḫlt “?”, in bkn ctx.: 1.172:11.
ḫ?ly TN (?) (unc. classification and rdg. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 669; Topography
21. Astour UF 13 1981 9; Heltzer RCAU 14, 18 n. 55: ġl; Watson LSU 200).
TN (?): 4.244:12((?). Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 22; RGTC 12/2: rdg
zly<y> / *Zilayā.
Cf. ġl, ḫl (I), ḫl (III), zlyy (I).
ḫlyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 138, 215. Sivan GAGl 224; Watson AuOr 30
2012 332); ¶ syll.: DUMU ḫa-li-ia-na, PRU 3 139 (RS 16.131):20.
PN: bn PN, 4.64 II 9; 4.692:10.4.843:42.
Cf. ġlyn.
ḫm n. m. “pavilion, tent” ((?); cf. ḫym, ḫmt. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 60; Xella
BH 186f.); ¶ par.: mṯb. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫm.

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390 ḫmảt – ḫmrm

Pavilion, tent, in unc. ctx.: l ḫm g!r tqdm to the guest (?) pavilion they
approached, 1.15 IV 23 (diff. Wyatt RPU 215 n. 172: dittog. ḫmr, “winevat”; Wat-
son AuOrS 27 85; KTU rdg: ḫm mr; De Moor ARTU 209: “tent of bitterness”).
Cf. ḫmn, ḫmt, ḫym.
ḫmảt n. f. “butter / curd” (Hb. ḥmʔh, “sour milk, cream”, HALOT 325; JAram.
ḥmʔtʔ, “pressed cream butter”, DTT 475; Akk. ḫimā/ētu, “Butter”, AHw 346;
“ghee”, CAD Ḫ 189ff.); ¶ par.: ḫlb. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫmảt.
Butter / curd: ảnnḫ b ḫmảt (they offered) mint in butter / curd, 1.23:14 (// ḥlb).
ḫmn (I) n. m. “chapel, small temple” (< /ḫ-y-m/ + n. Nab., Palm. ḥmn, “incense
altar or chapel”, DNWSI 382; for Ph. DN bʕl ḥmn see Del Olmo CCC 99 ff. n. 9;
Xella MLE 1 12; BH 169ff., 187ff.; SEL 27 2010 27ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 14 1982
160f. n. 65). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫmn, directional suff. ḫmnh.
Chapel, small temple: tn šm ḫmnh (they shall offer) two rams in the “chapel”,
1.112:3; tʕln ỉlm b ḫmn the gods will go up to the “chapel”, 1.112:8; [š]bʕ ṣỉn ḫmnh
seven ewes in the “chapel”, 1.106:13, cf. 1.48:13; 1.53:5; 1.104:16); š (…) ḫmnh nkl
one ram (…) in the “chapel” of DN, 1.106:14; ỉd ydbḥ mlk b ḫmn when the king
sacrifices in the “chapel”, 1.164:1.
Cf. ḫm, ḫmn (II), ḫmt, ḫym.
ḫmn (II) DN, Hurr. name or divine epithet (Laroche JAOS 88 1968 148; Ug 5
519, 525; Del Olmo CCC 101 16); ¶ syll.: cf. PN ab-di-ḫa-ma-ni, ÌR-ḫa-ma-nu.
Gröndahl PTU 230; diff. Sivan GAGl 223: /ḥ-m-m/). ¶ Forms: ḫmn(n)d (Hurr.:
dir. /DN=(ne=)da/).
DN: in Hurr. ctx., ỉn ḫmn(n)d, 1.60:6; 1.116:6, 16).
Cf. ʕbdḫmn, ḫmn (III).
ḫmn (III) PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 230; Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 13).
PN: 4.54:5.
Cf. ḫmny.
ḫmr n. m. “(sparkling(?)) wine” (Hb., Ph., Aram., Palm. ḥmr, “still fermenting)
wine”, HALOT 330; DNWSI 383f.; Arab. ḫamru, “wine”, AEL 808 f.; Akk. ḫamru,
“Wein”, AHw 1559; Emar /ḫamru/, “wine”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 55. Dietrich
UF 21 1989 78 n. 63; De Moor SP 75; Lipiński UF 2 1970 84f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 4 1972 28; Dijkstra UF 17 1985 149; Loretz UF 21 1989 474; UF 25 1993 254;
diff. Dahood RSP 1 186: “wine-bowl, vat”; Lloyd UF 22 1990 180 f.: “some sort of
container for wine”, Hb. ḥmr; Wyatt RTU 71 n. 9, “winevat”; Watson AuOrS 27
85, but cf. De Moor SP 75, 78); ¶ par.: lḥm, msk. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫmr.
(Sparkling (?)) wine: ảlp kd yqḥ b ḫmr they / it took one thousand quarts of
ḫ-wine, 1.3 I 16 (// msk); w yšt b ḫmr yn ảy drink every kind of ḫ-wine, 1.23:6
(// lḥm); in bkn ctx.: 4.564:3.
Cf. ḫmrm, ḫmrn.
ḫmrm TN or cult installation (cf. Hurr. ḫamri, “un sanctuaire”, Laroche GLH 91;

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ḫrmn – ḫmš (i) 391

Hitt. ḫamri-, “Heiligtum”, HW2 3 132f.; Akk. ḫamru, “heiliger Bezirk (des
Adad)”, AHw 318; “sacred precinct”, CAD Ḫ 70: ḫamru A. Belmonte RGTC 12/2
130: TN; Van Soldt Topography 21; Watson SEL 28 2011 30; diff. De Moor SP 75:
TN or cult installation: ḫmrm ṯṯ kmr[m TN/ḫ., six vineya[rds, 4.244:22.
ḫrmn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 130: TN; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 670: possibly an
allom. of ḫmrm; Topography 21; Watson SEL 28 2011 30; diff. Aartun UF 11 1979
24f., rdg zmrn).
TN: 4.683:30.
/ḫ-m-s/ vb G: “to force” (?) (Hb. ḥms, “to treat violently”, “violence”, HALOT 329.
Dahood BiOr 34 1970 362). ¶ Forms: prefc. yḫms.
G. To force (?), in bkn ctx.: ] yḫms[ 6.48:2.
ẖms̄, 4.31:4–6, 11; cf. ḫmš (I).
/ḫ-m-š/ vb D: “to repeat five times” (denom. < ḫmš (I). Eth. ḫammasa, “make
five”, CDG 262); ¶ par.: /ṯ-d-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. yḫmš.
D. To repeat five times: yḫmš rgm he repeated the question five times, 1.16
V 17 (// yṯdṯ).
Cf. ḫmš (I).
ḫmš (I) n. num. “five” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram., Nab., Palm. ḥmš, “five”, HALOT 331;
DNWSI 385; Akk. ḫamiš, “fünf”, AHw 317; “five”, CAD Ḫ 66 f.; OSA ḫms, “five”,
SD 61; Arab. ḫamsa, “five”, AEL 810; Eth. ḫa/ǝms, “five”, CDG 262). ¶ Forms: sg.
ḫmš (allom. ẖms̄ in 4.31:4, 5, 6, 11); f. ḫmšt (cf. also ḫmšt); suff. ḫmštm (encl.
-m (?)); pl. ḫmšm (cf. ḫmšm).
1) Numeral five: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ḫmš šmn five (“jars”) of oil, 4.150:2;
ḫmš šmn w ḫmš ṯʕdt five (“jars”) of oil and five of ṯ., 4.150:4–5; ḫmš yn five
(“jars”) of wine, 4.149:14; ḫmš ʕl PN five to PN’s account, 4.381:20, see 4.861:6;
PN ḫmš five, 4.775:4; PN ḫmšt five, 4.281:4; yṯbn yspr l ḫmš l ṣlmm one will
go back to recite five times in front of the statues, 1.23:57 (Smith RM 103: “he
sits, counts to five”); ḫmšt d pwt five of madder, 4.771:3; pslm ḫmš, engravers,
five, 4.836:14, see ln. 17; ★b) genitive syntagms: ḫmš ymm five days, 4.95:10;
ḫmš kkrm five talents, 4.709:4, see 4.809:3, 4.867:2; ḫmš ktnt five tunics,
4.402:4; ḫmš ḫrmṯt five sickles, 4.625:7; ḫmš ṣỉn, five sheep, 4.811:7, see 4.790:17;
4.790:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26; 4.795:11; 4.810:9; 4.810:11; 4.854:6; 4.863:6;
4.182:17; ḫmš ydt ủṣqm five portions of ủ., 4.811:8; ḫmš dd(m) five “cauldrons-
ful”, 2.89:14; 2.98:13.
2) Compound numerals: ★a) fifteen: ḫmš ʕšr, 4.247:29; 4.786:6; 4.790:16; allog.
ẖms̄ ʕ̱sr̄ , 4.31:4, 5, 6, 11; ḫmš ʕšr yn fifteen (“jars”) of wine, 4.811:3; ḫmš ʕšrh bt,
4.810:2, see 4.344:2; ḫmš ʕšrt, 4.341:6, see 4.861:2; ḫmš l ʕšrt, 4.658:7; ḫmš l ʕšrh,
4.777:8; ʕšrt ḫmš, 4.226:8; twenty-five: ḫmš l ʕšrm, 4.786:3; ḫmšt l ʕšrm, 4.779:5;
forty-five: ảrbʕm (…) ḫmšt kbd, 3.28:10; ★b) five hundred: [m]ỉt ḫmš kbd w

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392 ḫmš (ii) – ḫndlt

krsỉm five hundred and two k., 4.854:1; five hundred: ḫmš mảt, 4.261:7; 2.80:4;
★c) five thousand: ḫmš ảlp, 4.337:6; 4.691:1; ḫmš ảlpm, 4.181:2.
With encl. -m (?): ḫmštm five (?), 4.834:15 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 402:
“cinq”; RSOu 18 42: “sens … inconnu”; cf. ảrbʕtm (ảrbʕ) and ṯlṯtm (ṯlṯ (I); but
see also Tropper UG 347 and cf. ibid. 377).
Cf. /ḫ-m-š/, ḫmš (II), ḫmšm, ḫmšt, mḫmšt.
ḫmš (II) adj. m. ord. “fifth” (< ḥmš (I). Hb., OAram. ḥmyšy, “fifth”, HALOT 328;
ḥmšy, “fifth”, DNWSI 386); ¶ par.: ṯdṯ. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫmš.
Fifth (ordinal): b ḫmš in the fifth (day), 1.41:38; 4.279:5; (he rested) ḫmš ṯdṯ ym
a fifth (and) a sixth day, 1.14 V 5 and par.; yỉp lḥm d ḫmš bake bread (to last
till) the fifth (month), 1.14 II 30 and par. (// ṯdṯ yrḫm).
ḫmšm n. num. “fifty” (pl. of ḫmš (I). Hb. ḥmšym, “fifty”, HALOT 331; Ph., Pun.
ḥmšm, OAram., Moab. ḥmšn, Nab., Palm., JAram. ḥmšyn, “fifty”, DNWSI 386).
¶ Forms: ḫmšm.
Numeral fifty: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ḫmšm yn fifty of wine, 3.13:23; ḫmšm
ksp fifty of silver, 3.29:28; 4.338:14; ḫmšm ṯlṯ fifty of copper, 1.148:20; tšʕ mả[t]
ḫmšm … nine hundred and fifty …, 4.805:2; ★b) appositional syntagms: ḫmšm
kd kbd w ṯlṯ krsảt fifty “jars” and three k., 4.808:11; ḫmšm ỉzml fifty ỉ., 4.284:2,
see 4.809:1; ḫmšm ḥmr škm fifty braying donkeys, 4.14:18, see ln. 6, 12; ★c)
compound numbers: ḫmšm arbʕ kbd fifty-four, 4.803:18; ḫmšm ḫmš fifty-five,
4.230:13; fifty-eight: ṯmn l ḫmšm dd fifty-eight “cauldronsful”, 4.796:9, in bkn
ctx.: 4.790:3; four hundred and fifty-seven: ảrbʕ mảt ḫmšm šbʕt w nṣp kbd four
hundred and fifty-seven and a half, 4.779:8; fifty-eight: ḫmšm ṯmn, 4.141 II 24;
ṯmn l [ḫ]mšm dd fifty-eight “cauldronsful”.
ḫmšt n. f. “five-shekel (?) weight” (f. < ḫmš (I). Del Olmo IMC 160 ff.; Gib-
son CML 147; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 157: “1/5 shekel”; Verreet UF 19
1987 328; Tropper UG 347, 374; KTU rdg k mḫmšt); ¶ par.: ṯql. ¶ Forms: pl.
Five-shekel (?) weight: his tears ran km ḫmšt mṭth like five-shekel (?) weights
onto the bed, 1.14 I 30 (// km ṯqlm; see Del Olmo IMC 160 ff.; but cf. Gzella BiOr
64 2007 545).
Cf. ḫmš (I), mḫmšt.
ḫmt n. f. “tent” (cf. ḫym, ḫm, ḫmn. Arab. ḫaymat, “booth, tent”, AEL 837; Eth.
ḫaymat, “tent, tabernacle”, CDG 269. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 14 1982 160 f.
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 513 n. l: “bergerie”, Arab. ḫumm; Xella BH 184ff.:
“chapelle, baldaquin”). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫmt.
Tent: ʕrb b ẓl ḫmt he entered the shade of the tent, 1.14 III 55 and par.
Cf. ḫm, ḫmn, ḫym.
ḫndlt n. f., type or colour of cloth (cf. Hitt. SÍG ḫa-an-ta-la-, “Wolle-/Leinen-
bausch” (?), Neu GAR 50; SÍGḫandala-, “(Leinenverband”, Tischler HEG 154.

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ḫndrṯ – ḫnp 393

Laroche Ug 5 136 n. 1; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 38f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. SÍG.ZA.GÌN:

ḫa-an-da-la-ti, Ug 5 48 (RS 20.19):9; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 340 f. ¶ Forms: pl.
Type or colour of cloth: ḫmšt ḫndlt five (pieces (?)) of ḫ., 4.182:17.
ḫndrṯ n. m. of a fruit tree (“apricot tree, apple tree” (?). Cf. Akk. (ḫ)i/enzūru,
“Apfelbaum”, AHw 347; “a fruit tree”, CAD Ḫ 170; Mari Hurr. ḫi-in-zu-ru-uš,
“pomme”, Laroche GLH 106f. Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232; Astour Bible World
4; diff. Haas-Thiel UF 11 1979 351; Van Soldt UF 29 1997 688; Cohen-Sivan
UHT 22f., 49, 51; Cohen UF 28 1996 122f.: Indo-European; for surveys of
opinions cf. Renfroe AULS 123; Watson LSU 68, 128). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫndrṯ; du.
A fruit tree: ★a) its seedling (?): l PN/TN (?) ḫndrṯ(m) for PN/TN (?): one (/
two) ḫ., 4.34:5, 6; in unc. ctx.; cf. ibid. ln. 8; ★b) ingredient (seeds / almonds
of) in hippiatric pharmacopoeia: mash together ḫndrṯ w ṯqd mr (seeds /
almonds of) ḫ. and bitter almond(s), 1.85:7; 1.71:7; in bkn ctx. 4.34:5, 6 (Cohen
UF 28 1996 122f.).
/ḫ-n-n/ vb D: “to denature, make rancid, unsuitable for use” (?). Cf. Hb. ḥnn, “to
be fetid, loathsome”, HALOT 335; Arab. ištaḫanna, “to stink”, Hava 186; Syr.
ḥanīnāʔ, “stinking”, SL 472. De Moor JNES 24 1965 359 f.; Watson UF 40 2008
552, 564; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 353: “begünstigen”, < *ḥnn; Tropper
UG 123, 502: *ḥnn, “gnädig sein”). ¶ Forms: D prefc. with suff. ảḫnnn.
D. To denature, make rancid, unsuitable for use (?): ảḫnnn w ỉḫd I will
denature (?) it (: oil) and proceed to requisition it, 2.15:9 (cf. Syr. ḥūnaṯāʔ,
“rancid oil”, SL 428).
ḫnn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 231; Watson LSU 167). Cf. ḫnn.
PN: bn PN, 4.170:19; 4.611 II 18.
ḫnnġ DN: a group of deities (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: ḫnnġd (Hurr.: direct.
DN: ḫnnġd ṯt dqt to the DN: two ewes, 1.132:9.
/ḫ-n-p/ vb G: “to act perversely” (Hb. ḥnp, “to be godless, be defiled”, HALOT
335f.; Arab. ḫanafa, “to incline, decline”, AEL 658; JPAram. ḥnp, “to deceive”,
DJPA 209; EA Akk. ḫanāpu, “Gemeinheit begehen”, AHw 320; “to commit vil-
lainy”, CAD Ḫ 76: ḫanpa ša iḫnupu ana muḫḫiya the villainy they committed
against me, EAT 288:8. De Moor ARTU 177: D “to treat viciously”). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. with suff. yḫnpk.
G. To act perversely, in bkn ctx.: w yḫpnk[, 1.82:15.
Cf. ḫnp.
ḫnp n. m. “impiety, sin” (< /ḫ-n-p/. Hb. ḥnp, ḥnph, “ungodliness”, HALOT 336;
cf. Arab. ḫanaf, “a natural wryness, distorsion”, by enant. “a right tendency”,
AEL 658; JPAram. ḥnp, “flattery, hypocrisy”, DJPA 209; EA Akk. ḫannipu,

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394 ḫnpt – ḫnzr (ii)

“Gemeinheit”, AHw 321; “vileness”, CAD Ḫ 80: ša ḫannipa īteju, EAT 162:74;
ḫanpa ša iḫnupu, EAT 288:8; cf. Moran AmL 150. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 435
n. e: “colère”, Arab. ḫanafa; Margalit UF 1 1983 94 f.: “pollution”, Hb. ḥnp).
¶ Forms: sg. ḫnp; pl. ḫnpm (?).
Impiety, sin, in bkn ctx.: ḫnp lb[k the sin of [your] heart, 1.18 I 17; in unc. ctx.:
rmm ḫnpm, 1.9:15.
ḫnpt n. f. “?” (etym. and rdg unc. Herdner TOu/1 563 n. y; Del Olmo MLC 589:
“back” > “summit”, rdg nḫnpt, cf. Arab. ḫanafa, ʔaḫnaf ; De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 140: “be defiled”, rdg nḫnpt, N *ḫnp; Tropper AuOr 13 1965 233: rdg
ln ḫnpt; Watson LSU 52). ¶ par.: ṯkm. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫnpt.
?, in unc. ctx.: ʕl (…) ln [[ y]]ḫnpt mšpy, 1.16 IV 14 (// l ṯkm. Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT III/6 1247: “zum höchsten Ruhesitz”, rdg n{.}ḫ npt).
ḫnq(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 276); ¶ syll.: cf. (DUMU) ḫi-na-qa-na,
Syria 15 1934 137ff. (RS [Varia 3]):1; PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):16.
PN: bn ḫnq, 4.232:25; bn ḫnqn, 4.98:20; 4.233:6.
ḫnqt n. f. “strangler” (f. act. ptc. of /ḫ-n-q/. Hb. pi. ḥnq, “to strangle”, HALOT 336;
Ph. q. “to strangle”, DNWSI 389f.; Syr. ḥnaq, “to strangle”, SL 473; Arab. ḫanaqa,
“to throttle, strangle”, AEL 818; Eth. ḫanaqa, “strangle, choke”, CDG 263; Akk.
ḫanāqu, “pressen, (er)würgen”, AHw 320; “to strangle”, “suffocation”, CAD Ḫ
77ff. Cf. Xella TRU 80; Watson SEL 10 1993 55). ¶ Forms: du. ḫnqtm.
Strangler (as a divine epithet): ỉltm ḫqntm dqtm the two strangler goddesses,
two ewes, 1.39:18 (cf. 1.102:13).
Cf. ḫnq(n).
ḫnṣ PN (etym.unc. Cf. ḫe-en-ni-ṣu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 267. Watson Historiae
4 2007 105).
PN: ḫnṣ, 4.853:2.
ḫny(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 231; Sivan GAGl 204; Hess AmPN 71 ff.):
¶ syll.: cf. ḫa-an-ya, PRU 3 93 (RS 16.208) rev. 4.
PN: bn ḫny, 4.170:17; bn ḫnyn, 4.69 VI 19; 4.93 III 2; 4.807:25; 4.819:10.
ḫnzr (I) n. m., an official ((?). (Hurro (?))-Akk. ḫanizarru, “ein Funktionär”, AHw
321; see ḫzr. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 247f. n. g. Cho LDUT 297 ff. diff. De Moor
SP 185ff.: “boar”, c.Sem. ḫ(n)zr, cf. syll. Ug. ḫu-zi-rù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 25;
Dalix Meier Historiae 3, 2006 35–64; but cf. Kogan AuOr 21 2003 250; Watson
LSU 167: < Hurr. ḫinzur, “apple” (?)); ¶ par.: ġlm. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḫnzrk.
An official (?): ʕmk (…) ṯmn ḫnzrk with you [go] (…) your eight ḫ., 1.5 V 9 (//
ġlm); in bkn ctx. ḫnzr[, 7.218:3.
Cf. ḫnzr (II).
ḫnzr (II) PN (etym. unc. Ward JNES 20 1961 34 f.; Gröndahl PTU 22, 28, 140; De
Moor SP 185; Watson AuOr 8 1990 119; AuOr 30 2012 332; Sivan GAGl 231).

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ḫp (i) – ḫpn (i) 395

PN: bn PN, 4.64 II 2; 4.69 I 14; 4.98:16; 4.807:57.

Cf. ḫzrn, ḫzry.
ḫp (I) n. m. “shore” (Hb. ḥwp, “shore”, HALOT 298; Arab. ḫayf, “side, region,
slope”, AEL 832f., cf. ḫāffat, “side of a valley”, AEL 672 f.; Eg. ḫá-pu, “Ufer”,
Helck Bez. 518 (179); Sivan-Cochavi WSVES 10. De Moor SP 90; Watson UF 40
2008 552; UF 42 2010 835: < Luw.-Hitt. ḫāpa/i); ¶ syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.MEŠ […]
ša ḫu-up-pa-ti, PRU 3 148f. (RS 16.178):11; cf. Huehnergard UVST 129; ¶ par.:
/y-ṣ-ʔ/ (+ špš). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫp, suff. ḫph (?).
Shore: lỉm ḫp y[m] the people of the seashore, 1.3 II 7 and par. (// ṣảt špš. Xella
UF 16 1984 344 n. 48; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 77: “westliche und östliche
Himmelsrichtung”); in bkn ctx.: ḫph, 1.107:32.
ḫp (II) n. m. “a measure” / “object” (?) (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫp.
A measure / object (?): ḫp ksp, one ḫ. of silver, 4.867:8.
/ḫ-p-n/ vb G/D (?): “to cover, protect, wrap up” ((?). Ribichini-Xella Tessili 39
n. 32; Durand MARI 6 662). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. yḫpn.
G/D (?). To cover, protect, wrap up (?), in bkn ctx.: k yḫpn may he protect (?),
Cf. ḫpn (I).
ḫpn (I) n. m./f., a garment or accessory (harness) (etym. unc. Durand MARI 6
662; De Moor JNES 24 1965 361; UF 2 1970 311; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 36 <
/ḫ-p-n/(?) and cf. Akk. ḫubb/pputtu, “Gewand” (?), AHw 351; “a garment”,
CAD Ḫ 215. Watson LSU 87, 229: Akk. ḫallupu; Vita TT 329; diff. Rendsburg
JAOS 107 1987 628: Soq. ḫaf vêtement; Watson UF 42 2010 835: Mari Akk. ḫâpu,
“to wrap up”; Hb. ḥph, “to cover”); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. TÚG.GÚ.È (cf. ḫlpn; cf. Van
Soldt UF 22 1990 328, 335). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫpn; pl. ḫpnt; du. ḫpnm.
1) For personal use: ★a) ymġy (…) p l yšbʕl ḫpn l bʕl<n>y and, see!, they have
had a ḫ. made for my lord, 2.70:27; ḫpn ảḥd b ṯqlm a ḫ. for two shekels, 4.156:3;
ṯn ḫpnm two ḫ., 4.4:4; yrḫ nql ṯn ḫpn[m in the month of MN: two ḫ., 4.182:35;
bt ly ṯn ḫpnm cut (?) two ḫ. for me, 5.11:16; ṯlṯ ḫpnt three ḫ., 4.152:5; spr npṣm
d yṣ{.}ả b mỉd(!)ḫ ʕšrm ḫpn ḫmš list of garments that have been delivered
through payment of customs duty: twenty-five ḫ., 4.166:2; ★b) l PN ḫpn for
PN: a ḫ., 4.188:2 and passim; ṯṯ lmd PN l{.}qḥ ḫpnt six apprentices of PN have
received ḫ., 4.188:18, 20; ḫpn l ảzzlt a ḫ.for DN, 4.182:57 (De Moor UF 2 1970
198: Arab. ʕzzlt, DN); ★c) ḫpn d ỉqnỉ w šmt a ḫ. of violet and reddish purple,
4.168:1; ḫpn(t) pṯt(m) ḫ. of linen, 4.156:5; 4.152:9; 4.190:4; 4.270:7; ḫpnt šʕrt a ḫ.
of wool, 4.152:10; ḫpnt dqt fine ḫ., 4.765:4; w lḥt ḫpn and regarding the letter
on the ḫ, 2.87:18; ṯn ḫpnm ḥ<ṯ>dm two new ḫ, 2.87:28; k l{.}ỉkt l ḫpn regarding
your message on the ḫ., 2.103:18; ḫpn ḥtṯ one ḫ. from TN, 2.109:6.
2) For horses: protective padding, harness (Watson UF 42 2010 835: Hitt.
ḫapp-, ḫapputri-, “to join”, “leather part of harness”; Loretz HippUg 75f.:

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396 ḫpn (ii) – ḫpṯ

“Pferdeschabracke” (?)): ḫpnt śśwm (sets of) protective padding for horses
(?), 4.363:3, 7; ảrbʕ ḫpnt four (sets of) protective padding, 1.148:19.
ḫpn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 139; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 11; Muchiki
Loanwords 211; Watson LSU 167).
PN: 4.609:17.
ḫprt n. f. “ewe lamb, ewe” (metath. of the *ḫur(a)p- pattern, cf. Syr. ḥurpāʔ, “year-
ling”, SL 434; Akk. ḫurāpu, “Frühjahrslamm”, AHw 357f.; “spring(lamb/kid)”,
CAD Ḫ 245; cf. Arab. ḫarūf, “lamb”, AEL 726. Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 185 f.; Wat-
son UF 42 2010 835f.); ¶ par.: kr. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ḫprt.
Ewe lamb, ewe: ỉlht ḫprt, ewe lamb goddesses, 1.4 VI 48 (// ỉlm krm).
ḫps/śry PN (etym. unc. Segert UF 15 1983 212; Watson LSU 119 n. 435, 167;
Historiae 4 2007 97).
PN:★a) ḫpsry, 4.129:2;★b) bn ḫp°ry, 4.124:2.
ḫpš?[, 1.149:3.
ḫpt TN (etym. unc.).
TN: 4.810:1.
ḫptr n. m. “cooking pot” (Hurro-Akk. ḫuppat(a)ru, “ein Gefäss”, AHw 356; “a
kind of ewer”, CAD Ḫ 238. Salonen HAM 88; Watson LSU 129; AuOrS 27 85 f.:
“incense-burner”); ¶ par.: ḫbrṯ. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫptr.
Cooking pot: štt ḫptr l ỉšt she placed a cooking pot on the fire, 1.4 II 8 (// ḫbrṯ).
ḫpty, cf. ḫb/pt(y).
ḫpṯ n. m. 1) “fugitive, runaway”; 2) a “legionary” or “mercenary” of some kind;
3) “loose cattle, on the loose from the herd” (cf. /ḫ-b-ṯ/; Akk. ḫupšu, “Ange-
höriger einer niederen Klasse, oft Soldaten”, AHw 357; “a member of one of
the lower social orders”, CAD Ḫ 241f.; Emar /ḫupṯu/, “free men, countrymen”,
Pentiuc Vocabulary 78; Hb. ḥpšy, “set free”, HALOT 341 f.; Ph. ḥpš, “freedman”,
DNWSI 397. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 26 f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 14
1982 83f.; Yamashita RSP 2 51f.; Rainey RSP 2 92, 103f.; Ward UF 12 1980 441 f.;
Lipiński FO 21 1981 65ff.; Tropper UF 36 2004 514; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
116 “Freigelassener”; Hoftijzer Fs Muraoka 265 ff.; Von Dassow NuzHur 17
102ff. Diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 28: “kraftlos”; Watson LSU 10: “peasant (con-
script)”); cf. RS Hurr.: ḫpṯml, 1.149:4; GLH 114; ¶ par.: ṯnn. ¶ Forms: sg. coll.
ḫpṯ, suff. ḫpṯh.
1) Fugitive, runaway (member of a social group comprising fugitives, run-
aways, homeless persons): PN ḫpṯ d yṯb b TN “fugitive” who lives in TN,
4.382:25; (oracle) l ḫpṯ concerning the “fugitive”, 1.144:3; w ḫpṯ p mnm and the
ḫ (and) whosever (other) (?), 2.108:12.
2) A “legionary” or “mercenary of some kind” recruited from the “fugitives”:
ḫpṯ d bl spr “legionaries / legionary” (walk/s) without number, 1.14 II 37 and
par. (// ṯnn); of a lower category: lm tlỉkn ḫpṯ hndn p mšmʕt mlk ỉnn why

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ḫpṯt – ḫr (i) 397

are you sending me these “legionaries”? Isn’t there a royal guard?, 2.72:10
(Hoftijzer Fs. Muraoka 265ff.); mlkn yʕzz ʕl ḫpṯh the king will have power over
his “mercenaries”, 1.103:57 (cf. Alal. Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ ḫu-up-še-na, AT 129:1;
3) Extended to cattle on the loose from the herd: bn ḫpṯ l ủmhthm the young
of the loose (cattle low) for their mothers, 1.15 I 6 (cf. Nuzi Akk.: cattle ša
ḫu-up-ši, HSS 9 143 rev. 10); in bkn ctx.: 4.351:6.
Cf. /ḫ-b-ṯ/, ḫpṯt.
ḫpṯt n. f. state or group of ḫpṯ (abstr. or coll. Hb. ḥpšyt, “?”, HALOT 342; diff.,
Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982 84: pl. of ḫpṯ in /āt(u)/; for other opinions cf. De
Moor SP 185; Dahood Fs. Prado 164; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 220; Loretz UF 9
1977 165; Del Olmo MLC 553; Loretz Habiru 262 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫpṯt.
Status or group of ḫpṯ, “escaped people, on the loose”; cf. espec. bt ḫpṯt reserve
or quarters for “escapees” (Alal. Akk.: É ḫu-up-še-na, AT 186:4 ff.; passim):
(descent) bt ḫpṯt ảrṣ to the netherworld house of “escapees”, 1.4 VIII 7 and
ḫqn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 167).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:41.
ḫqrn, in bkn ctx.: 1.48:10.
ḫr (I) n. m. a) “cave, fossa, tomb”; b) “(nasal) fossa” (Hb. ḥr, “hole”, HALOT 348;
Syr. ḥurāʔ, “hole”, SL 432; Arab. ḫurr, “the mouth / hole of the millstone”,
AEL 715; Akk. ḫurru, “Loch”, AHw 359; “hole”, CAD Ḫ 252 f.; Ebla cf. GIŠ.ḪUR
= ḫu-rí bù-bù-tim, ḫu-ru12 bux(NI)-bux-tim, VE 468; Fales QuSem 13 178; Conti
SQF 136; ḪABRUD = ḫu-ru12-um, ḫur-rúm, VE 839; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 33;
Eg. cf. ḫá-ru, “Kneipe”, Helck Bez. 519 (184); Watson LSU 140); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
the element /ḫur(r-)/ in TNN, cf. Sivan GAGl 230: /ḫurru/. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫr.
a) Cave, fossa, tomb: ʕṯtrt ḫr, DN of the tomb(s), 1.43:1; 1.112.13 and par. (Del
Olmo A2CISFP 1 367ff.; UF 36 2004 577; Puech UF 25 1993 327ff.; cf. Eg. ʕa-s-
tá-ra ḫá-rú, ʕa-śi-tá-ya ḫá-rú, Helck Bez. 459; Baniyas: dINANNA(MÙŠ) ḫur-
ri, Lackenbacher Fs. Birot 159; RS: d“U”+DAR ḫur-ri, PRU 3 171 (RS 16.173):9;
PRU 4 230 (RS 18.01), 3, 6; PRU 6 35; diff. Herrmann WO 7 1973 135 ff.; Dietrich-
Loretz JA 45ff.: TN “von Ḫurri”; Teixidor HTR 68 1975 151 ff.; Lackenbacher Fs.
Birot 153ff.: “Hurrian” (> “Syrian / Phoenician”); Kerr WdO 43 2013 206–212:
“Aphrodite of the estuary”, Gk Aphrodítēs limnēsía, Arab. ḫaur); in bkn and
unc. ctx.: mṭ ḫr,1.2 I 41 (Wyatt RTU 62: “a noble’s sceptre”; see infra rdg mṭḫr; b)
“(Nasal) fossa”: w ỉn ḫr ảpm if it has no nasal fossae, 1.103:6, 30, see the spelling
ẖr, 5.22:1 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 189); in bkn ctx.: ḫr, 1.13:17 (Del Olmo MLC 492:
“caverna” (?); Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 241: “cave”; diff. Merlis AUL 88 ff.; Wat-
son LSU 87: “vessel” (?), Akk. ḫarû; AuOrS 27 95: “jar”).
Cf. ḫrṣbʕ, ḫrt.

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398 ḫr (ii) – ḫrbġlm

ḫr (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 167).

PN: 4.278:6; in bkn ctx. 4.11:6; 4.244:33; bn ḫr[, 4.441:6. Cf. the spelling ẖr, 5.22:1
(Dietrich-Loretz KA 189).
/ḫ-r-ʔ/ vb G: “to defecate” (Syr. ḥry, “to defecate”, SL 490; Arab. ḫariʔa, “to void
one’s excrements”, AEL 715). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yḫrủ; suffc. ḫr[ả(?)] (1.72:12;
rdg <y>ḫr[ủ?).
G. To defecate: w k l yḫrủ w l yṯtn śśw and if the horse neither defecates nor
urinates, 1.85:9 and par.; cf. k l ḫr[ả(?), 1.72:12 (rdg <y>ḫr[ủ (?)).
Cf. ḫrủ, ḫrả/ỉ(n).
ḫrả/ỉ(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 139; Van Soldt SAU 33; Watson AuOr 25 2007
131; LSU 167).
PN: bn ḫrỉ, 4.125:5; bn ḫrản, 4.33:30 (ilštmʕy); 4.51:10; 4.55:8; 4.90:1.
ḫrủ n. m. “faeces, excrement” (cf. /ḫ-r-ʔ/. Hb. ḥrʔym, “(dove’s) dung, excrement”,
HALOT 348f.; Syr. ḥeryāʔ, “excrement”, SL 490; Arab. ḫurʔ, “human excre-
ment”, AEL 715. Watson UF 40 2008 553: Eg. ḥrit, “dung”). ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Faeces, excrement: ylšn b ḫrỉh w ṯnth he soils him with his excrement and his
urine, 1.114:21.
/ḫ-r-b/ vb G: “to wither, dry up” (Hb. ḥrb, “to dry up”, HALOT 349; Nab., JAram.
pa. “to destroy”, DNWSI 402; Syr. ḥreb, “to be destroyed, lay waste”, SL 485;
Akk. ḫarābu, “wüst werden”, AHw 322; “to lie waste”, CAD Ḫ 87f.; Arab.
ḫariba, “to be in ruin, waste, uncultivated”, AEL 715 ff.); ¶ par.: /ġ-l-y/, /ḫ-s-p/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yḫrb.
G. To wither, dry up: b grn yḫrb on the threshing-floor (the harvest) had
withered, 1.19 I 30 (// yġly, yḫsp).
ḫrb adj. m. “dry, dried” (cf. /ḫ-r-b/. Hb. ḥrb, “dry”, HALOT 349; Pun. “dry”,
DNWSI 403; Syr. ḥarbāʔ, “deserted”, SL 486; Arab. ḫarib, “deserted, uncul-
tivated”; Akk. ḫarbu, ḫarīb(a)tu, “öd, Ödland”, “ödes Gebiet”, AHw 324 f.;
“waste, devastated”, CAD Ḫ 97; ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrb.
Dry, dried: ḫswn ḫrb dried thyme, 4.811:13.
ḫrbġlm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 117, 130: *Ḫarbuġūli. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmar-
tín UF 5 1973 110; Astour UF 13 1981 8f.; NuzHur 1 14 no. 9 n. 16; TopAn 129;
Heltzer RCAU 10; IOKU 89 n. 34; OLA 6 487f. n. 224; Kühne UF 6 1974 167
n. 73; Sanmartín SEL 12 1995 180 n. 18; Van Soldt UF 29 1997 691 f.; Topography
22, 175; Watson LSU 200; UF 42 2010 827); ¶ syll.: cf. possibly URU ḫar-ba-ḫu-
li-bé, PRU 4 66 (RS 17.62+):15'; URU ḫa-ar-bu[-ḫu-li(?), PRU 6 148 (RS 17.97):3;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 110 n. 1; Nougayrol PRU 6 146; Astour
UF 13 1981 9 n. 53).
TN: 3.25:8; 4.625:19.
Cf. kṯtġlm.

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ḫrd – ḫrk 399

ḫrd n. m. 1) “(royal) guard, militia, troop(s)”; 2) “soldier of the guard, militiaman”

(< Hurr. ḫuradi-, Diakonoff HU 66, 78 n. 78; “soldat”, Laroche GLH 114; >
Akk. ḫurādu, “Wachmann, -soldat”, AHw 357, 1562; “a type of soldier”, CAD Ḫ
244f.; Hitt. ḫuradi-, Opferterminus, Tischler HEG 300. Freydank AoF 4 1976
111ff.; Heltzer OrAn 18 1979 245ff.; Stieglitz JAOS 101 1981 371 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 18 1986 113; Vita EU 136ff.; Márquez AfO 45 1997/98 373ff.; Van Soldt
UF 27 1995 484f.; Arnaud AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 152; Vidal UF 37 2005 653 ff.;
McGeough ERU 117f.; Watson LSU 140); RS Akk.: cf. rdg ÉRIN.MEŠ in 4.784:2,
Van Soldt UF 27 1995 485f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrd, suff. ḫrdk, ḫrdh, ḫrdn; pl. cstr.
1) (Royal) guard, militia, troops: ★a) (royal) guard: PN ʕbd mlk d št ʕl ḫrdh
royal official placed in command of his guard, 2.47:15; bʕln yġtr ḫrd the lord,
the guard will attack (him), 1.103:39 (Del Olmo CR 303); diff. Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT II/2 98; MU 133f.: “wird der Herr getötet werden”); mlkn yd ḫrdh yd{d}ll
the king, the hand of his guard will humiliate (him), 1.103:46; ḫrdn yhpk l mlk
the guard will rebel against the king, 1.103:52; bn ḫrnk mġy hbṭ hw ḫrd w šl
hw qrt your messenger arrived, knocked down the guard (and) plundered
the city, 2.61:6; ★b) militia, troop(s): spr ḫrd list of the militia, 4.683:1; 4.777:1;
4.784:1; tgmr ḫrd total of the troops, 4.179:15; 4.777:12; ảrbʕm yn l ḫrd forty
(“jars”) of wine for the troops, 4.230:12; ★c) ḫrd ʕps frontier (?) guard: ḫrd ʕps
tḫd kw sʕt the frontier (?) guards have confiscated one k. of (grain) s., 2.47
B:6, see in bkn ctx. ḫrdk ʕps [, ibid. ln. 2.47 B:8 (cf. ʕp/bs; diff. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 19 1987 29: ḫrd ʕps “der rebellische Wachsoldat”); ảtn ḫrd ʕmnh I will give
him ḫ. troops 2.98:7, cf. ln 12; p l lỉkt l ḫr[d but you did not send news on the
ḫ. troops, 2.98:15; ḫrd w ḥmr[m troops and donkeys, 2.98:20; ḫrd l PN troops
for PN, 2.98:32; in bkn ctx.: 4.627:11.
2) Soldier of the guard, militiaman: ʕtn ḫrd ảnk I am now a (recruit of the)
guard, 2.16:13.
ḫrg, in bkn ctx.: ]ḫrg ʕšrm, 4.682:5.
ḫrġḏġ PN (etym. unc; for the segment ḫrġ-, cf. Laroche NH 61 no. 303; for the
segment -ḏġ, cf. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 257).
PN: bn PN, 4.631:16.
ḫrḫb DN; god of the summer and father of the goddess nkl (etym. unc. Astour
NuzHurr 2 50; Watson AuOr 19 2001 290; LSU 129 and n. 514; for the var.
opinions cf. Herrmann YN 3; Wyatt UF 9 1977 289 ff.; Dietrich-Loretz Studien
DN: ḫrḫb mlk qẓ ḫrḫb mlk aġzt DN, king of the summer(-fruit), DN, king (of
the season) of weddings, 1.24:2–3.
ḫrk n. m. “latticework” (Hb., Aram., MHb. ḥrk, “lattice”, HALOT 353; DTT 503).
¶ Forms: sg. ḫrk.

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400 /ḫ-r-m/ – ḫrpnt

Latticework: spr npṣ ảny (…) mṣpt ḫrk list of naval equipment: (…) a lattice-
work crow’s nest, 4.689:4.
/ḫ-r-m/ vb G: “to pierce” (Arab. ḫarama, “to perforate, pierce”, AEL 730f. Del
Olmo IMC 90; diff. De Moor UF 12 1980 306: “to destroy under the ban”, Hb.
ḥrm, syll. ḫa-ri-mu, but. cf. Arab. ḥarama); ¶ par.: /h-r-g/. ¶ Forms: G impv.
G. To pierce, in bkn ctx.: ] ḫrm ṯn ymm pierce during two days, 1.13:3 (// hrg).
ḫrmln PN (etym. unc. Benz PNPPI 318; Watson AuOr 30 2012 332).
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 12; 4.103:42–43 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.807:4, 20.
ḫrmṯt n. f. “sickle” (Hb. ḥrmš, “sickle”, HALOT 355. Healey UF 15 1983 50);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 2 URUDU ḫa-ar-me-ša-tu GIŠ.MÁ.MEŠ, PRU 6 141 (RS 19.112):3;
Huehnergard UVST 130; Sivan GAGl 227; Van Soldt SAU 304; Sanmartín
AuOr 5 1987 150; diff. Pardee TR/2 1134: “hache”, but see TR/1 466: “faucille”).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. ḫrmṯt.
Sickle: ṯlṯ ḫrmṯt ṯṯm mḫrhn three sickles whose price is sixty (shekels of
copper each), 4.625:1; (…) ḫrmṯt (so many) sickles, passim ibid.; ʕl PN (…)
ḫrmṯt to PN’s account: (…) one sickle, 3.23:4, passim ibid; in bkn ctx.: mʕbd
ḫrmṯt, 1.86:23; ḫr]mṯ, 4.670:4.
ḫrn n. m. “gang, squad, caravan” (Akk. ḫarrānu, “Weg, Strasse, Reise, Karawane”,
AHw 326f.; “highway, road”, CAD Ḫ 106. Watson UF 40 2008 553); ¶ par.: ʕḏbt.
Forms.: sg. abs. ḫrn; suff. ḫrnk.
Gang, caravan: ★a) ṣḥ ḫrn b bhth he called together a gang in his house, 1.4
V 36 and par. (// ʕḏbt; diff. Margalit ZAW 99 1987 395 n. 23: “earth-moving
equipment”, ḫrr); ★b) bn ḫrn messenger (Astour AJA 69 1965 258): bn ḫrnk
mġy your messenger arrived, 2.61:3 (alt.: rdg bn ḫrn k mġy (…) as for the
messenger: when he arrived (…) (cf. k (I), k (IV); diff. Dijkstra UF 7 1975 565:
“during your journey”, Akk. ḫarrānu, mar ḫarrāni).
Cf. ḫrn(y).
ḫrn(y) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 139; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: 4.33:39 (ḫbty); ḫrny 4.391:1.
Cf. ġrn.
ḫrp n. “mania” ((?) etym. unc. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 244: “insanity”, Arab.
ḫaraf ; diff. Caquot SEL 5 1988 39: “chauve-souris”, Aram.). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrp.
Mania (?), in unc. and bkn ctx.: bnt ḫrp “crazy (?) creature(s)”, 1.82:18 (Del
Olmo AuOr 29 2011 253, rdg ḫ[…).
Cf. ḫrpn, ḫrpnt.
ḫrpn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 30, 139; Watson Historiae 4 2007 95; AuOr 30 2012
PN: bn PN, 4.75 IV 6.
ḫrpnt n. f. “autumn” (Hb. ḥrp, “winter, as time for seed (!) and early growth”,

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/ḫ-r(-r)/ – ḫrṣ 401

HALOT 356; Akk. ḫarpū, pl. t., “(Früh-)Herbst”, AHw 326; “early harvest”,
“summer”, CAD Ḫ 106; OSA ḫrf, “autumn”, SD 62; Arab. ḫarīf, “autumn”, AEL
726. De Moor UF 1 1969 175; Watson UF 42 2012 836). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrpnt.
Autumn: dm zt ḫrpnt juice of an autumn (> early) olive, 1.114:31.
Cf. ḫrp, ḫrpn.
/ḫ-r(-r)/ vb G: “to have spasms (of diarrhoea)” (cf. Akk. (ḫ)arāru, “zittern,
flackern”, AHw 65f., 323; “to fear, become agitated, panic-stricken”, CAD A/2
236. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 39; Cohen-Sivan UHT 18; Cohen
UF 28 1996 119f.; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232; Watson LSU 68 f. diff. Pardee
TH 51f.: “hennir”, Arab. ḫarra). ¶ Forms: G suffc./ptc. ḫr.
G. To have spasms (of diarrhoea): k ḫr śśw if the horse has spasms (of
diarrhoea), 1.85:5 and par.
ḫrs PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 167).
PN: bn PN, 4.695:5.
ḫrṣ n. m. “gold” (Hb. ḥrwṣ, “gold”, HALOT 352; Ph., Pun. ḥrṣ, “gold”, DNWSI 407;
Akk. ḫurāṣu, “Gold”, AHw 358; “gold”, CAD Ḫ 245 ff.; Arab. ḫurṣ, “a ring of gold”,
AEL 723; Gk khrysós, “gold”, Liddell-Scott GEL 2011; Linear B: ku-ru-so, “de
oro”, DMic 409; cf. Hurr. ḫiyaruḫḫe, “or”, GLH 105); ¶ syll. Ug.: ḫu-r[a-ṣu], Ug
5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 4; Huehnergard 130; Van Soldt SAU 304; cf. the elements
/ḫarāṣu/, /ḫurāṣu/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 228, 230; ¶ RS Akk.: (kù+gi)GUŠKIN,
cf. Huehnergard UVST 403; ¶ par.: ỉqnu, ksp. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrṣ, suff. ḫrṣm (encl.
Gold: ★a) in general: tblk (…) gbʕm mḥmd ḫrṣ may (…) the hills bring you
the most precious gold, 1.4 V 33 and par. (// ksp); imtḫṣ ksp ỉtrṯ ḫrṣ I fought
(for) the silver, I took possession of the gold, 1.3 III 47 (// ksp); yṣq ksp yšlḥ ḫrṣ
he smelted silver, melted gold, 1.4 I 26 (// ksp); ḫrṣ yṣq lrbbt he smelted gold
by the myriad (of shekels), 1.4 I 27; ḫrṣ l ʕbrm kš (like) gold (were) the dates
for the guests, 1.22 I 15 (// ksp); ḫrṣ nsb l lbnt the gold had been transformed
into bricks, 1.4 VI 34 (// ksp): ẓl ksp w nr ḫrṣ the reflection of silver and the
sheen of gold, 1.4 II 28 (// ksp); cf. ḫrṣ, 4.738:1, 7; in bkn ctx.: [ỉ]rš (…) [ḫrṣ
w ảš]lḥk ask (…) (gold and) shall grant it to you, 1.17 VI 18 (// ksp); ★b) in
craftwork: w bn bht ksp w ḫrṣ and build a house of silver and gold, 1.4 V 34
and par. (// ỉqnỉm); yṣq (…) b gl ḫrṣ nbt he poured (…) honey in a cup of
gold, 1.14 IV 2 and par. (// ksp); št (…) b ks! ḫrṣ dm ʕṣm drink (…) (in) cup
of gold juice of vines, 1.4 IV 37 and par.; kt ỉl (…) šmrg!t b dm ḫrṣ a divine
podium (…) coated in a “bath” of gold, 1.4 I 32 (// ksp); nʕl ỉl (…) ʕln yblhm
ḫrṣ a divine palanquin (…) upon its rods of gold, 1.4 I 37; bnt (…) hkly dtm
ḫrṣ I have built (…) my palace of gold, 1.4 VI 38 (// ksp); ṯlṯ mrkb[t] ṣpyt
b ḫrṣ three chariots plated with gold, 4.167:2; ]ṣpy b ḫrṣ nʕmm ] covered /
embroidered with good quality gold, 2.79:10; cf. ]xṣpy b ḫr[ṣ, 2.83:9; ššrt ḫrṣ

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402 ḫrṣbʕ – ḫrṣn

ṯqlm kbd ʕšrt mznh a chain of gold whose weight is twelve shekels, 4.341:1;
★c) as tribute: šqrb (…) w ḫrṣ offer (…) and also gold, 1.16 I 45; [k]s mn ḫrṣ,
one cup (and) one mina of gold, 3.1:20 (1 GAL KÙ.GI.MEŠ MA.NA KI.LÁ-šu,
PRU 4 41 [RS 17.227 and dupl.]:22; cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 87); ks ḫrṣ one
cup of gold, 3.1:27, 29 (1 GAL KÙ.GI.MEŠ, PRU 4 42 [RS 17.227 and dupl.]:25,
27); [ḫ]rṣ ảrgmny the gold of my tribute, 2.36:6 (cf. ibid. ln. 12); ★d) cultic
offering: ksp w ḫrṣ kmm silver and gold, ditto, 1.90:4 and par; ṯql ḫrṣ l špš a
shekel of gold for DN, 1.43:10, 13; nskt ksp w ḫrṣ ṯʕ an offering of silver and gold,
the Noble (alt. “as an offering”), 1.105:22; ★e) in transactions: (her double in
silver) ảtn w ṯlṯh ḫrṣm I will give, and her triple in gold, 1.14 IV 43 (// k!spm); w
ảtn (…) ảlp ksp w rbt ḫrṣ I will give […] one thousand (shekels) of silver, ten
thousand of gold, 1.24:20–21 (// ksp); ṯqlm ḫrṣ b ṯmnt ksp two shekels of gold
for eight of silver, 4.337:20; ảrbʕt ʕšrt ḫrṣ b ṯqlm kbd ảrbʕm fourteen (shekels)
of gold for forty-two (shekels of silver), 4.341:16; ʕšrt ḫrṣ b ảrbʕm ten (shekels
of) gold for forty, 4.341:18; ★f) elliptical use, shekel of gold: ḫrṣ ṯlṯt of gold
three (shekels), 1.43:5 (diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 30 f.: “(Palmen)-Zweig”, Arab.
ḫurṣ, ḫarṣ); ybl hw mỉt ḫrṣ he personally took one hundred (shekels) of gold,
2.72:28; ảrbʕ mảt ḫrṣ four hundred (shekels) of gold, 4.172:8; 4.266:7; ṯmnym
ḫrṣ eighty (shekels) of gold, 4.265:6; mỉtm ʕšrm kbd ḫrṣ two hundred and
twenty (shekels) of gold, 4.336:10; ḫmš ḫrṣ five (shekels of) gold, 4.341:5 (cf.
ln 16, 18); ṯlṯ[m] ḫrṣ thirty (shekels of) gold, 1.164:16; mỉtm ḫrṣ two hundred
(shekels) of gold, 2.99:8; ★g) greenish yellow (a metal / gold): qḥ ksp w yrq
ḫrṣ yd mqmh take silver and yellow (metal), gold together with the place in
which it is found, 1.14 III 22, see 1.14 III 34 and par. (cf. Qatna Akk. ḫurāṣu
arqu, Bottéro RA 43 1949 17; Hb. yrqrq ḥrwṣ, Ps 68:14; cf. /yrq/); in bkn ctx.: ht
hln ḫrṣ[…, 2.36:12 (Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 325: “indeed the [or: [your]]
gold”); 4.23:3; 4.550:3; 7.135:4.
Cf. ḫrṣbʕ, ḫrṣn.
ḫrṣbʕ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 133f.: *Ḫur(i)-ṣubʕi. Heltzer RCAU 10, 16 n. 24;
Astour UF 13 1981 7f. n. 37; RSP 2 289 no. 45, 352 no. 151; Wesselius UF 15
1983 315; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 671; UF 30 1998 723, 727; Topography 23,
175; Watson LSU 200; Historiae 4 2007 96); ¶ syll.: cf. URU ḫu-ur-ṣu-<bu!>-i,
Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):14; URU ḫu-u[r]-ṣú-[bu-i, Ug 5 104 (RS 20.144 O):2;
URU ḫu-ri-KIRI4, PRU 3 265; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):8; URU ḪU, PRU 3 189
(RS 10.044):13.
TN: 4.73:8; 4.288:5; 4.346:9; 4.355:15; 4.610:6; 4.693:56!; 4.712:1; 4.770:3; 4.800
I 28; 4.810:9; in bkn ctx.: cf. 4.235:10; 4.244:33; 4.629:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
ḫrṣn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 30, 136, 140; Lipiński OLA 23 1988 127, 129
n. 26; Watson LSU 167; Bordreuil Fs. Loretz 127ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫu-ra-ṣa-na,

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ḫrṣ/ẓp – ḫrt 403

PRU 3 102 (RS 15.109):13; PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):13; PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 5;
cf. DUMU ḫa-ra-ZI-na, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):11; ḫa-ru-ZI-en-ni, Syria 15
1934 137 (RS [Varia 3]):11, 22; cf. Sivan GAGl 230. Cf. ḫrẓn PN.
PN: ★a) 4.816:2; 6.10:1 (rb khnm; cf. Bordreuil Fs. Loretz, 127ff.: 6.10); ★b) bn
PN, 4.278:4.
ḫrṣ/ẓp n. m. “ankle, meton. for foot”; articulation, joint (Hb. ḥrṣb, “bonds”,
HALOT 356. Caquot SDB 9 1412; Pardee AfO 33 1986 134; Dietrich-Loretz
MU 125f.: “Gelenk”, but cf. Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 84f. diff. De Moor ARTU 131:
“on tiptoe”; rdg. ḫrẓʕ[ Pardee AfO 33 1986 132; Marrassini LEM 133f.: “paw”, cf.
Syr. karsūʕāʔ, “joint”, SL 656; Arab. kursūʕ, AEL 2999; Akk. kursinnu AHw 511;
for a survey of opinions see Wyatt RTU 164 n. 13; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 55);
¶ par.: pʕn. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrṣp, suff. ḫrẓph.
Ankle < foot, articulation: ngṯhm (…) ỉl hd b ḫrẓ[[ʕ]]ph approach them (…)
did the god DN on foot, 1.12 I 41 (Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 158: “por su pie”); w
ỉn ḫrṣp b kr[ʕ if it has no articulation in the knuckle, 1.103:27.
ḫršḫ n. m. 1) “bowl for burning perfume”; 2) “large brazier” (< Hurr. aḫrušḫi-,
“encensoir”, Laroche GLH 38; Ug 5 506; “Weihrauchgefäss”, HW2 1 46, HEG 5;
alph. Hurr. cf. ảġrṯḫnd (det., dir.), 1.125:14; Goetze JCS 22 1968–1969 17; De
Moor UF 2 1970 321; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 28; Heltzer GPOTU
50; Xella TRU 41; Kammenhuber Or 55 1986 105 ff.; Akk. aḫrušḫu, “a con-
tainer”, CAD A/1 194; Watson LSU 129; AuOrS 27 86). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫršḫ.
1) Bowl (for burning perfume): mỉt ḫršḫ b ṯqlm one hundred (perfume burn-
ing) bowls for two shekels, 4.341:19.
2) Large brazier (cf. alph. Hurr.: ảġrṯḫnd, “DN” + det., dir.), 1.125:14 (cf. Ug.
(DN) ủṯḫt, 1.47:31; 1.118:30; RS Akk.: dDUG.BUR.ZI.NÍG.NA, Ug 5 18 (RS
20.24):30); š šrp w ṣp ḫršḫ one ram as a burnt offering and one white ewe
(in) the brazier, 1.105:2.
Cf. uṯḫt.
ḫršn (I) n. m. “(divine) mountain”, dwelling of the god El (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
135: *Ḫuršanu. Akk. ḫuršānu, pl. t., “Gebirge”, AHw 360; “mountain”, CAD Ḫ
253ff. Clifford CMC 39ff.; Wakemann GBM 90; Van Soldt UBL 11 370 n. 29; cf.
Hitt. TN Ḫuršana, Del Monte(-Tischler) RGTC 6 128, 6.2 45; Watson SEL 28
2011 26); RS Akk.: cf. dḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):14; ¶ par.: ġr.
¶ Forms: sg. ḫršn.
TN in myth: 1.1 II 23 and par.
ḫršn (II) PN (Sem. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 30, 140. Watson AuOr 11 1993 216); ¶ syll.:
DUMU ḫu-ur-ša-na, PRU 6 135 (RS 17.134):2.
PN:★a) 4.222:13;★b) bn PN, 4.63 III 40; 4.715:17.
ḫrt n. f. “cave, grave” (cf. ḫr. Akk. ḫirītu, “Graben”, AHw 348; “ditch, canal”, CAD
Ḫ 198f.; cf. Emar Akk. ḫi-ri-TI, “?”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 70. Gordon Syria 33 1956

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404 /ḫ-r-ṭ/ – /ḫ-s-p/

102f.; De Moor SP 184; Watson NUS 26 1981 12: Eg. ḫrt); ¶ syll. Ug.: É: ḫi-ri-ti,
PRU 3 53f. (RS 15.85):17; Huehnergard UVST 129; Sivan GAGl 229; Van Soldt
SAU 304; Watson LSU 140). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫrt.
Cave, grave: ảštn b ḫrt ỉlm ảrṣ I shall put him in the cave of the underworld
gods, 1.5 V 5 and par., formula in myth and epic for the burial of gods and
heroes (cf. /q-b-r/, 1.19 III 6 and par.); PN bʕl ḫr[t] gravedigger, 4.224:6 (cf. bʕl
(I)); in unc. ctx.: ]l ḫrt w rỉš bṯn, 1.175:11.
/ḫ-r-ṭ/ vb G: “to pull out, pull up, pluck” (Arab. ḫaraṭa, “to rub, put out the
leaves”, “to remove the bark or peel”, AEL 723f. Akk. ḫarāṭu, “abfressen” (?),
AHw 324; but see CAD Ḫ 96: “to observe”. Parpola SAA 1 no. 103:9 note).
¶ Forms: G prefc. yḫrṭ.
G. To pull out, pull up, pluck: yḫrṭ yšt l pḥm he plucked (it and) placed it on
the embers, 1.23:38.
ḫry GN m. “Hurrian” (Hurr. ḫurruḫe, “Hourrite”, GLH 115; Hb. ḥry, “Hurrians”,
HALOT 353; cf. KUR URU ḪUR.RI, Ungnad Subartu 130; Eg. ḫá-rú, “Hur-
riter, hurritisch”, Helck Bez. 269 f. Edzard-Kammenhuber RlA 4 508 ff.; Astour
RSP 2 288f. no. 44); ¶ syll.: cf. KUR ḫur-ri, PRU 3 183 (RS 16.146+):10, 11.; ¶ par.:
ảlṯy, ddmy, ḫty, qṭy. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫry.
GN: ủ l p ḫry or according to the (custom of) / what betrays (?) the Hurrian,
1.40:29 and par.; 1.84:4 and par. (// ảlṯy, ddmy, ḫty, qṭy); in bkn ctx.: 1.40:37;
1.43:22; 4.11:6.
ḫsn (I) n. m., a social group (“clientele, dependent(s)” (< Hitt. ḫaššana-, “famil-
iaris”, Tischler HEG 197. Rainey JNES 24 1965 25: “in charge of storehouses
or other strongholds”; Liverani RSO 44 1969 195; Aartun UF 16 1984 26 ff.:
“Erniedrigter (d.h. auf eine tiefere Rangstufe gestellte Person)”, Arab.
ʔaḫsana; diff. Cutler-Macdonald UF 8 1976 33: “seasoned campaigners”, Hb.

ḥsn; McGeough ERU 118f.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 38); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ḫusēn-/ in PNN; Huehnergard UVST 252 n. 165. ¶ Forms: pl. ḫsnm.
A social group/class (clientele, dependents): spr ḫsnm dt b TN list of “depen-
dents” present in TN, 4.542:1; listed with other classes: mḏrġlm, 4.137:10;
4.163:13; 4.173:8; mrum, 4.137:8; 4.163:4; 4.173:6; 4.179:7; ṯnnm, 4.137:1; 4.163:2;
4.173:1; 4.174:2; 4.179:2; in bkn ctx. 4.162:1, 2.
Cf. ḫsn (II).
ḫsn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 140); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫu-ZI-na, PRU 6 83
(RS 17.430) III 3. Huehnergard UVST 252 n. 165.
PN: ★a) (?)1.79:2, 3, 5; ★b) bn PN, 4.35 I 23; 4.844:6.
Cf. ḫṣn, ḫzn
/ḫ-s-p/ vb G: “to sink down, wilt” (cf. Ph. ḥsp (h)itp. “to be broken”, DNWSI 393;
Arab. ḫasafa, “to sink, go away”, AEL 738. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 201
n. 243; Friedrich-Röllig PPG 18 n. 2); ¶ par.: /ḫ-r-b/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yḫsp.

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/ḫ-s-r/ – ḫss 405

G. To sink down, wilt: yġly yḫsp ỉb the fruit / bud has lost its aspect and wilted,
1.19 I 31 (// yḫrb).
/ḫ-s-r/ vb G: “to fail, be missing, lacking” (Hb., OAram., Palm. ḥsr, “to decrease,
lessen”, HALOT 338; “to lack, to be in want of”, DNWSI 394; Arab. ḫasira, “to
lose, suffer a diminution”, AEL 736f.; Eth. ḫasra, “to be reduced to poverty”,
CDG 265f.; Akk. ḫa/esā/ēru, “abbrechen, -blättern”, AHw 329; “to blunt, chip,
trim”, CAD Ḫ 176). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḫsr, ḫsrt; prefc. yḫsr.
G. To fail, be missing, lacking: npš ḫsrt bn nšm my appetite was lacking
human beings, 1.6 II 17 (Del Olmo MLRSO 114; Smith UNP 155); d ḫsrt what
you lack, 2.41:17; mnm ḫsrt all that I lack, ibid. ln. 20; ḏ[rʕ l] ảdny l yḫsr
may offspring not be lacking to my lord, 2.39:9; nʕmn yḫsr lh well-being will
be lacking to him, 1.163:13 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 171, 189); in unc. ctx.: ʕlm
mḫṣm ḫsr, 6.48:4 (Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 7: “sodann die Schläger lass Mangel
erleiden!”); in bkn ctx.: ḫsr, 2.85:34.
ḫsr n. m. “deficit”, arithmetical functor of substraction, “minus”, “-” (< /ḫ-s-r/. Hb.
ḥsr(wn), “want, deficit”, HALOT 338f.; Aram. ḥwsrn, “deficit, lack”, DJPA 192;
Arab. ḫusr(ān), “loss”, AEL 736f. Tropper UG 313, 413: “minus”, opposite to kbd
(II)). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫsr.
Deficit, functor of substraction, “minus” (in the commercial sense): ltḥ ḫsr b
šbʕ ddm one l. (of flour) in deficit in seven “cauldronsful”, 4.361:3; kd šmn ṯʕt
ḫsr a “jar” of oil from lees in deficit, 3.28:5; 3.29:8; kd šmn mltḥm ḫsr a “jar”
of oil, two m. in deficit, 3.28:8; 3.29:12; in bkn and unc. ctx.: … mỉt ḫ?sr kkrm
ảlpm, 4.721:5.
Cf. mḫsrn.
/ḫ-s-s/ vb G: “to remember”; D/L: “to remind” / “to excite” (Akk. ḫasāsu, “ge-
denken, sich erinnern”, AHw 329f.; “to think of”, CAD Ḫ 122ff.; Arab. ḥassa, “to
be compassionate, to feel”, AEL 563; cf. (?) Eth. Geʕez ḥosa, “to move, shake”,
Tigr. ḥasosa, “to move”, CDG 250. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 205; Tropper UG 123,
577). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tḫss; D/L prefc. with suff. yḫssk.
G. To remember: w tḫss ảṯrt ndrh DN remembered his vow, 1.15 III 25. In bkn
ctx.: ]ṯbr ḫss š[, 2.31:18.
D./L. “to remind” > “to revive” > “to arouse”: hm yd ỉl mlk yḫssk perhaps the
love of DN, the king, has aroused you?, 1.4 IV 39.
ḫss DN, second element in the name of the god of technical achievements kṯr
(w) ḫss (Akk. ḫasīsu, ḫassu, “klug, verständig”, AHw 331; “intelligent”, CAD
Ḫ 127f.; Ebla cf. /ḫasīsu(m)/ in GÈŠTUG = ḫa-zi-zu-um, ḫa-zi-zú, VE 389;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 15; Fronzaroli EL 142; StEb 7 1984 167. Van Selms UF 11
1979 741; Lipiński UF 20 1988 138; Watson AuOr 30 2012 332).
DN: (kṯr w) ḫss (passim); kṯr ḫss šlm DN, hail!, 1.123:28; cf. hlk kṯr (…) tdrq ḫss,
1.17 V 11; kṯrm ḫbrk w ḫss dʕtk, 1.6 VI 50; ql bl ʕm kṯr w ḫss kptrh take (the / my)

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406 ḫśś – ḫṣt

cry to DN, in TN, 1.100:46; hyn (…) ḫss, 1.4 I 24; ḫśś, 4.815:14; in bkn ctx.: kṯ]r w
ḫ!ss, 1.179:11; ḫssm, 1.92:17 (suff. encl. -m (?)).
ḫśś PN (Watson AuOr 30 2012 332).
PN. 4.817:14
Cf. ḫss.
ḫs/św(n) n. m., an edible substance (a kind of “garlic” or “onion” (?)). Farber
ZA 81 1991 234ff.; Watson SEL 12 1995 227f.; cf. Akk. azannu, ḫazuannu, Bo.
Akk. azzannu, “eine Pflanze”, AHw 92, 338; “bitter garlic”, CAD A/2 526; Farber
ZA 81 1991 238 n. 20a.; Hitt. ḫazzuwanniš, “eine Pflanze”, Tischler HEG 235;
Ebla cf. ḫa-za-núm, cf. Civil Biling. 86; Stol BSA 3 1987 58 f.; Farber ZA 81
1991 238; ḫa-sa-nu, cf. Pettinato Rituale 200; ḫa-su/zu-wa-an(-nu)ki, ARET 1,
3, 4, 7, indexes; Bonechi-Catagnoti NABU 1990/23f.; Astour NuzHur 2 11 f.,
26. Hoffner JCS 25 1973 234: “lettuce”; Segert UF 15 1983 212: /ḫasuwan-/;
Tropper UF 27 1995 514; Astour UF 29 1997 40 ff.; Rubio JAOS 121 2001 273
n. 29; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 308, “thyme”; diff. Merlis AUL 9 ff.: “a color
that often qualifies wool”, Akk. ḫašmānu, RS Akk. ḫusmānu, “also a fruit
or vegetable by virtue of its colour”; for a survey see Watson LSU 87, 121).
¶ Forms: sg. ḫs/św(n).
An edible substance: mỉt ḫsw<n> (?) one hundred (of) ḫ., 4.60:2; ảrbʕ mảt
four hundred (of) ḫ., 4.14:3, ] ḫśwn, ibid. ln. 11; ṯlṯm dd (?) ḫswn thirty “caul-
dronsful” (?) of ḫ., 4.4:9, 11 (McGeough UgET 489 f.); ḫswn ḫrb dried ḫ., 4.811:13;
in bkn ctx.: 4.786:9.
Cf. ḫswn.
ḫswn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 30, 141; Dietrich-Loretz(-San- martín) UF 5
1973 108; UF 10 1978 431; Watson LSU 121).
PN: ★a) 4.44:26; ★b) bn PN, 4.232:32.
ḫsyn PN (?) (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 27; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 219:
pdr ḫsyn).
PN (?), element in the composite TN pdr ḫsyn, 4.19:2.
Cf. pdr (I).
ḫṣủ,1.164:19; misspelling of y!šủ.
Cf. /y-ṣ-ʔ/.
/ḫ-ṣ-b/ vb Gt: “to fight” (Hb. ḥṣb, “to cut”, HALOT 342; cf. Akk. ḫaṣābu, “ab-
brechen”, AHw 331; “to cut, break off”, CAD Ḫ 129); ¶ par.: /m-ḫ-ṣ/. ¶ Forms:
Gt prefc. tḫtṣb.
Gt. To fight: tḫtṣb bn qrytm she fought between (the) two cities, 1.3 II 6 and
par. (// tmtḫṣ).
Cf. tḫtṣb.
ḫṣt n. f. “half” (Hb. ḥṣy, ḥṣwt, “half, middle”, HALOT 343; Ph., Pun., OAram. ḥṣy,
“half”, DNWSI 399; cf. Akk. eṣû, “einschneiden”, AHw 253; “to slit”, CAD E 351.

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ḫṣṭ – ḫšt 407

Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 143). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫṣt, suff. ḫṣth.

Half: šnpt ḫṣth as a š.-offering, half of it, 1.39:10; ḫṣt! kkr, half a talent, 4.131:5
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 88f.); in bkn ctx.: l ỉl ḫṣt[ to DN, half …,
ḫṣṭ, 4.131:5 (ḫṣ[[ṭ]]).
Cf. ḫṣt.
/ḫ-š/ vb G: “to tremble, be alarmed”, “fear” (Akk. ḥâšu, “sich sorgen”, AHw
334f.; “to worry”, CAD Ḫ 146f.; cf. Arab. ḫāsa, “to be altered”, Hava 191. Clif-
ford CMC 146 n. 65; Roberts JBL 106 1987 36; diff. De Moor SP 165; Mar-
galit MLD 64f.: “to enter, invade”, Arab. ḫašša; Van Zijl Baal 150 f.: “to hasten”,
Hb. ḥwš, Akk. ḫāšu, but cf. Ug. /ḫ-š/; Tropper UG 626: < *nḫš, “Zurückwe-
ichen”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảḫšn (encl. -n (?)), tḫš.
G. To tremble, be alarmed: ỉb hd[[x]]{t} lm tḫš lm tḫš nṯq dmrn enemies of
DN, why are you alarmed, why do you fear the darts of the “Powerful One”?,
1.4 VII 38–39; in unc. ctx. and rdg: ġrm ảḫšn, 1.4 VII 32 (Smith-Pitard UBC/2
647, “the mountains trembled”, rdg tḫšn, see ln. 38–39).
Cf. /ḥ-š/ (II).
ḫš DN / TN, divine mountain, residence of the god Baal (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
127f.: *Ḫazzi; poss. an alloph. of ks. Nougayrol Ug 5 47 f.; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 524; Del Olmo AuOr 10 1992 255; Astour UF 29 1997
1ff.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín AuOr 13 1995 259ff.; ¶ RS Akk.: dḪUR.SAG ḫa-
zi, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):14; 170 (RS 26.142):22; dIŠKUR ḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi, PRU 4
48ff. (RS 17.340+):40; PRU 4 63ff. (RS 17.237+):60; PRU 4 69 (RS 16.276):21;
PRU 4 137f. (RS 18.06+):7; PRU 4 227f. (RS 17.429):2; PRU 6 58 (RS 17.243):3; dU
dḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):19; dIŠKUR EN(/be-el) ḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi,
PRU 3 76 (RS 16.144):12; PRU 3 83f. (RS 16.157):27; PRU 3 107 f. (RS 16.238):18;
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):4.
DN / TN: ỉl ḫš ỉl ảdd the god of the divine (mountain) TN, DN, 1.65:9 (cf. DN
/ GN tṯb ḫzġ, Hurr. 1.42:10; diff. Pardee TR/1 367, 372, 1132: “le dieu qui montre
la solicitude”).
Cf. ks, ṣpn.
ḫšm, 1.123:30, rdg ḫšt. Cf. ḫšt.
ḫšt n. f. “sepulchre, mausoleum” (Akk. ḫaštu, “Loch, Grube”, AHw 334; “hole,
grave, pit”, CAD Ḫ 143. Sawyer-Strange IEJ 14 1964 97; De Moor UF 1 1969
171 n. 19; Margalit UF 8 1976 148; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 454; Watson LSU 87,
121; diff. Del Olmo MLC 554: “pórtico”, Arab. ḫašša; Watson UF 31 1999 788:
“hearth”, Hitt. ḫešša; Herdner TOu/1 549 n. c “demeure”; Groddek UF 33 2001
213ff.: “Totentempel”, Loretz UF 33 2001 377ff.: “Totenheiligtum”); ¶ par.: bt
(II). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḫštk.
Sepulchre, mausoleum: k ỉnr ảp ḫštk like a dog at the entrance to your

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408 ḫt – /ḫ-t-n/

sepulchre, 1.16 I 3 and par.; ủ ḫštk l ntn ʕtq or your sepulchre has become
a perpetual lament?, 1.16 I 4, 18; II 41; šlm ỉl ḫšt!, Hail, gods of the mausoleum!,
1.123:30 (cf. Del Olmo CR 289 n. 403; but rdg KTU: ḫšm).
ḫt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 120ff.: *Ḫatti; < Hitt. /ḫatt(i)/, KUR. URU ḪA-AT-TI /
ḪAT-TI, Güterbock RlA 4 373f.; Tischler HEG 223f.; Hurr. URU ḫa-at-ti-ni-i/e,
GLH 98. Astour RSP 2 289f. n. 46, 147f. n. 147); ¶ syll.: KUR(.URU) ḫa-at-ti,
ḫa/ḫat-ti, cf. PRU 3 265; PRU 4 254; PRU 6 146; Ug 5 335; RSOu 7 137.
TN: hm ḫt ʕl if Hatti attacks, 2.30:16; ṯpllm mlk r[b mlk ḫt PN the Great King,
the King of Hatti, 3.1:16 (thus KTU, but cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 83: rdg
ṯpllm mlk r[b …); dt ybl b ḫt that he brings to the TN, 4.863:5, see ln. 3; in bkn
ctx. hmlt ḫt, 1.83:12; 2.21:22.
Cf. ḫty.
/ḫ-t-ʔ/ vb N “to be ground up, crushed, annihilated” (cf. Akk. ḫatû, “niederschla-
gen”, AHw 336; “to smite”, CAD Ḫ 151. Van Zijl Baal 201). ¶ Forms: G. inf. ḫtỉ,
in the rhetorical figure ḫtỉ nḫtủ; N suffc. nḫtủ; prefc. tḫtản; inf. <n>ḫtủ (rdg
sic for ḫtủ in 1.6 II 23).
N. To be ground up, crushed, annihilated: k llỉ b ṯbrn qnh tḫtản like a sucking
lamb in the opening of his oesophagus you shall remain ground up, 1.4
VIII 20, see 1.6 II 23: k llỉ b ṯbrn q<n>y <n>ḫtủ hw, … he was ground up; šmʕt ḫtỉ
nḫtủ ht hm ỉn m<n>m nḫtu I have heard that they have been overwhelmingly
crushed; well, if they have not at all been crushed …, 2.10:7–10 (diff. Pardee
Fs. Pope 1987 67: ḫtỉ, “blows” (n. cstr. pl.)).
ḫtb PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 167f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.356:2.
Cf. ḫtpy.
ḫtm PN (?) (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 276).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ḫtm rb[, 2.25:7.
/ḫ-t-n/ vb G/D: “to become a son-in-law, to marry” (< denom. Ug. */ḫatnu/;
cf. ḫa-at-ni PN, PRU 3 142 [RS 16.136]:5; PRU 3 233; Huehnergard UVST 130;
Sivan GAGl 228; Hb. hitp. “to intermarry with”; Hb., OAram., Nab. ḥtn, “father
/ mother-in-law”, “daughter’s husband”, “bridegroom”, HALOT 364; “son-in-
law, brother-in-law”, DNWSI 414; Syr. pa. ḥtn, “to take a woman as wife
…”, etpa. “to become related by marriage”, ḥatnāʔ, “bridegroom, son-in-law”,
SL 505; Arab. ḫātana, “to ally by marriage”, ḫatan, “any relation on the side
of the woman”, AEL 704; Akk. and RS Akk. ḫat(a)nu, “Verschswägerter”, AHw
335f.; ḫatānu, “relative by marriage, -in-law”, CAD Ḫ 148; cf. Emar /ḫuttanu/,
“protection”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 79f. Herrmann YH 15; Van Zijl Baal 226f.);
¶ par.: /t-r-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: D impv. ḫtnm (encl. -m); inf. / vb n. + suff. ḫtny (cf.
ḫtn (I)).
G/D. To become a son-in-law, to marry: l ḫtnm bʕl make yourself a son-in-law

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ḫtn (i) – /ḫ-ṭ/ 409

of DN!, 1.24:25–26 (// trḫ. Rahmouni DEUAT 184 f.).

ḫtn (I) n. m. “relationship by marriage, wedding” (< inf./vb n. /ḫ-t-n/; Can.
ḫatnūtu, Hb. *ḥtnh, “wedding”, HALOT 365; Watson Historiae 10 2013 38f.);
¶ par.: /t-r-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ḫtny.
Relationship by marriage, wedding: ʕmn nkl ḫtny with DN is my wedding,
1.24:32 (// ytrḫ).
ḫtn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 276, 301); ¶ syll.: cf. ḫu-ut-ta!-na, Syria
16 1935 196 (RS 6.345):3 (Berger WO 5 1969–1970 276); ḫu-ut-te-nu, PRU 3
95 (RS 16.246):4 and passim ibid.; PRU 6 56 (RS 17.121) rev. 8; ḫu-ud-da-na,
RS 23.22+ VI 14 (Van Soldt SAU 341 n. 185).
PN: 4.269:20, 23, 27; 4.839:10.
/ḫ-t(-t)/ vb G: “to break, yield” (Hb. ḥtt, q. “to be shattered, filled with terror”, vb
n. “to be broken to pieces”, HALOT 365. Ward JNES 20 1961, 35: Eg. ḫtī; Watson
UF 40 2008 553); ¶ par.: /l-ʔ-y/w/, /m-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ḫt, ḫtt.
G. To break, be overcome, yield: mt dm ḫt DN, thus, yielded, 1.16 VI 13 and par.
(// lảt (!)); in bkn ctx.: yd[ y] ḫtt my hand(s) yield(s) (?), 1.2 IV 1 (// mtt); ảl ḫtt
[…] 1.176:26.
ḫtt n. m. “?”, in bkn ctx. (cf. /ḫ-t(-t)/. Hb. ḥt(t), “terror”, HALOT 365. Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 351). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) ḫtt[; suff. ḫttk (alloph. of ḥtt (?))
?, in bkn ctx.: ảl ḫtt [, 1.176:26; ]ḫttk [, 1.176:27.
ḫty (I) GN m. “Hittite” (< ḫt, TN. Cf. Akk. ḫattû, AHw 336; CAD Ḫ 151; Hb.
ḥty, HALOT 363f.; cf. Hurr. ḫattuḫi, GLH 98; Hitt. LÚ/DUMU URU ḪATTI,
Güterbock RlA 4 373. Astour RSP 2 289f.); ¶ par.: alṯy, ddmy, ḫry, qṭy. ¶ Forms:
sg. ḫty (f. ḫtyt, cf. ḫtyt).
GN: u l p ḫty or according to the custom of / what betrays (?) the Hittite,
1.40:29 and par.; kd l ḫty mảḫdh a “jar” for “the Hittite of TN”, 4.149:4 (San-
martín UF 21 1989 341; Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Loretz 190 [god]; Pardee,
JANER 7 2007 72 [man]); cf. kdm l ḫty two “jars” for “the Hittite”, 4.216:9.
ḫty (II) PN: cf. ḫd/ty(n) PN.
ḫtym PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 276); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫa[-ti-ia-m]a?,
PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 22.
PN: bn PN, 4.687:4.
ḫtyn PN; cf. ḫd/ty(n).
ḫtyt GN f. “Hittite (people (?))” (< ḫty). ¶ Forms: sg. ḫtyt.
GN: ḫmš ddm l ḫtyt five “cauldronsful” for the Hittite (people (?)),
/ḫ-ṭ/ vb G: “to wake up, come to” (Akk. ḫiāṭu, ḫâṭ/du, “überwachen, wägen”,
AHw 343; “to watch over”, CAD Ḫ 159ff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209; diff.
Greenfield BSOAS 57 1994 90 n. 23: “to see”, Akk. ḫâṭu, Aram. ḥyṭ). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. yḫṭ.

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410 ḫṭ – /ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/

G. To wake up: krt yḫṭ w ḥlm PN woke up and it was a dream, 1.14 III 50 (diff.
Margalit ZAW 99 1987 399: “awoke”, *ḫṭʔ + elision of aleph).
ḫṭ n. m./f. (?) “sceptre, rod, wand, stake” (Akk. ḫaṭṭu, “Stab, Szepter”, AHw 337;
“scepter, staff”, CAD Ḫ 153ff. Tsumura UF 6 1978 408 n. 19; Loretz MLE 1 1982
40f.; Ford UF 34 2002 172; diff. Greenfield BSOAS 57 1994 90 n. 3; “to see”, Akk.
ḫâṭu, Aram. ḥyṭ); ¶ par.: ksủ, mṭ. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫṭ, suff. ḫṭk, ḫṭh, ḫṭm (encl. -m).
Sceptre, rod, wand, stake: ★a) sceptre: y yṯbr ḫṭ mṯpṭk no doubt he will break
the sceptre of your rule, 1.2 III 18 and par. (// ksả); bdh ḫṭ ṯql / ủlmn with the
sceptre of sterility / widowhood in his hand, 1.23:8–9; ỉl ḫṭh nḥt DN reached
for / lowered his sceptre, 1.23:37 (// mṭ ydh); y mt mt nḥtm ḫṭk oh man, man,
you reached for your sceptre!, 1.23:40 and par. (// mṭ); ★b) rod, wand: ylmn
ḫṭm he struck with a rod, 1.114:8 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 25 1993 135); ḫṭm tʕmt
with a rod she hit (him), 1.16 VI 8 (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 157: “string”, Hb.
ḥwṭ, Arab. ḫayṭ; Saliba JAOS 92 1972 108f.; Bordreuil-ʕAjjan Semitica 28 1976
5: “Syrian rose”, Arab. ḫaṭmiyy; cf. Del Olmo IMC 109); ḫṭ nqh ủ qrb ḫṭ the
rod has he prepared, the rod, yes, has he approached, 1.169:5 (Ford UF 34
2002 169ff.; Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 110; Dietrich-Loretz UF 43 2011 48; diff.
Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982 37: “penis”, also in ln. 1, rdg tg ḫṭk, but cf. /g-ḫ-ṭ/ and
ln. 14, ḫṭ + m; De Moor UF 12 1980 429f.: “wake up!”, /ḫ-ṭ/, the same root in
ln. 1, “he who wakes”, rdg m!ḫṭ, and ln. 14, “one who is awake”; for these and
other interpretations cf. Caquot TOu/2 56 n. 131); l ảdm w d ḫṭm as for any
(other) man, yes (/ and), blandisher of the rod, 1.169:15 (Ford UF 34 2002 155,
191 n. 201: “he of the rod”; Del Olmo Fs. Matthaie, 114; Loretz-Xella MLE 1 1982
38: “die ‘Liebe’ seines Penis”; for the various opinions cf. Caquot TOu/2 58
n. 151; Ford, loc. cit.) ★c) stake: klb l ḫṭh ỉmḫṣh (like) a dog (tied) to his stake
I wounded him, 1.19 I 14 (diff. Caquot SEL 2 1985 104f.: “son sceptre”; for this
and other interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 128 n. 287; Wyatt RTU 293 n. 191);
in bkn ctx.: 1.95:4; in unc. ctx.: ḫṭm, 5.22:24.
/ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/ vb G: “to make a mistake, sin”; D “harm, to do evil”; Š “to lead astray”
(Hb., OAram., Palm. ḥṭʔ, “to miss, wrong, offend”, HALOT 305 f.; “to sin”,
DNWSI 362; Akk. ḫaṭû, “sich verfehlen, sündigen”, AHw 337 f.; “wrong, por-
tending evil”, “sinner”, CAD Ḫ 158f.; Syr. ḥṭāʔ, “sin”, SL 441; OSA ḥṭʔ, “to commit
offence”, SD 63; Arab. ḫaṭiʔa, “to do wrong, commit a mistake”, AEL 761f.; Eth.
ḫaṭʔa, “to lack, be deprived of, fail, sin”, CDG 268. Ford UF 34 2002 172ff.);
¶ par.: šn yp (cf. /r-š-ʕ /, /š-n-w/. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 157f.).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tḫṭả, [tḫṭủ], tḫṭỉn; Š prefc. with suff. tšḫṭảnn.
G.: To make a mistake, sin: ủ tḫṭỉn b ảpkn (…) ủ tḫṭỉn l dbḥm or whether you
have sinned by your anger (…), or whether you have sinned in connection
with (/ against) the sacrifices, 1.40:22 and par. (cf. ủšn ypkn, ln. 36 and par.).
D.: To harm, do evil: tḫṭả l gbk so that it hurts your body, 1.169:5 (// tršʕ. Ford

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ḫṯpy – ḫyr 411

UF 34 2002 172; diff. Verreet Modi 203: “da du gegen deinen Körper sündigst”;
Tropper UF 22 1990 388).
Š. To lead astray: hm (…) tšḫṭả{.}nn b šnth if (…) they lead him astray in his
sleep, 1.19 III 45 (// tʕpn; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209: “to awake”, /ḫ-ṭ/,
assuming it is a mistake for tšḫṭn!n; Margalit ZAW 99 1987 399 f.: “to disturb”,
*/ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/, cf. Verreet Modi 215: “hinder”; Tropper Kausativstamm 27f.; UF 22
1990 390: “berauben”).
ḫṯpy PN (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 9 f.).
PN: 4.130:2; 4.635:20 (aḏddy).
ḫṯr n. m., a tool (Hb. ḥšr(h), “sieve”, HALOT 363; cf. JPAram. ḥšr, “to sift”, DJPA 217;
Arab. ḫašara, “to pick, remove what is bad”, AEL 742. Del Olmo MLC 555:
“bieldo”; Watson MGD 110f.: “pitchfork”; De Moor SP 210; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 89; Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 53; Healey UF 15 1983 51; diff.
Watson LSU 129: “blade” (weapon), Hurr. ḫašeri; but cf. Wyatt RTU 135 n. 82);
¶ par.: ḥrb, rḥm. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫṯr; du. ḫṯrm.
A tool: spr npṣ PN (…) ṯt ḫṯrm list of the belongings of PN: (…) two ḫ., 4.385:2
(McGeough UgET 410: “strainers”); b ḫṯr tdrynn she winnowed him with the
ḫ., 1.6 II 32 (// b ḥrb tbqʕnn, b rḥm tṭḥnn).
ḫym n. m. “canopy” (Arab. ḫaym(at), “booth or the like”, AEL 837. Van Selms
UF 7 1975 471; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 59; Xella BH 181 ff.; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 195 n. f: “baldaquin”, Akk. ḫaʔu(m)); diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000
208: “Zelt, Wohnung, Wohnstätte”; Watson LSU 150: “tent, hut, cabin”); ¶ par.:
kḥṯ, kt. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫym.
Canopy: yṣq ḫym w tbṯḫ he cast a canopy and a bed, 1.4 I 29; in bkn ctx.: 4.66:7;
Cf. ḫm, ḫmn, ḫmt.
ḫyml PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 275, 284); ¶ syll.: DUMU ḫa-ia-mu-li, PRU 4 231
(RS 17.244):5.
PN: 4.165:3.
ḫyr MN (Ph. ḥyr, KAI III 8; Emar /ḫiyyāru/, Pentiuc Vocabulary 66; Hurro-Akk.
ḫiari, AHw 342; cf. CAD Ḫ 178f. cf. Akk. ayyaru, AHw 25; CAD A/1 230; Aram.
ʔyyr, DJPA 48f.; Arab. ʔayyār, AEL 136; for diff. etym. see Olivier JNSL 1 1971
39ff.; De Tarragon CU 21ff.; Xella UF 13 1981 328 f.; Bonechi SEL 7 1990 20;
Durand MARI 1 122 n. 9; FlMar VII 2002 69 n. 165: Sem. *ʕîr, “aller de ci de là”;
Vita AoF 27 2000 299: “Gold”, Hurr. ḫiyari; Pardee TR/2 1422 n. 24: Arab. ḫyr,
“le meilleur …”, but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 592 n. 166); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. i-na ITI
ḫi-ya-ri, RSOu 7 2 (RS 34.169):17; Huehnergard UVST 128 f.; i-n]a ITI: ḫi-ya-ri,
RSOu 7 25 (RS 34.167+):10; cf. RS 25.455 A+B III 5' (unpub. Arnaud SMEA 32
1993 128); RS 25.132 III 1 (unpub.); Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; SAU 304; Sivan
GAGl 229. ¶ Forms: sg. ḫyr.

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412 ḫyrn – ḫzr

Month name: yrḫ ḫyr in the month of ḫ., 1.105:15 and par.; b ġb ḫyr in the ġ.
of ḫ., 1.105:3; ỉl ḫyr gods of (the month of) Æ., 1.148:23; b ṯṯ ym ḥdṯ ḫyr on the
sixth of the new moon of MN, 1.78:2 (Cf. Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 370); b ḫ{.} yr
“in (the month of) ḫ.”, 2.87:9.
Cf. ġyrn, ḫyrn, ḫytr.
ḫyrn PN (< ḫyr, MN. Gröndahl PTU 21, 30, 138; Sivan GAGl 229; Van Soldt
SAU 35, 38; Watson LSU 168; AuOr 30 2012 344; cf. Ward UF 8 1976 355 ff.
for Eg. [Hyksos] ḫy3n); ¶ syll.: ḫi-ia-ra-nu DUMU ki-ri-bu-ya, PRU 3 199
(RS 16.257+) A I 20; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):42; ḫi-ia-ra-na, 4.863:14. Allog. ġyrn in
PN: ★a) 4.148:2; 4.214 I 17; 4.277:3 (allog. ġyrn); 4.307:5 (bn ʕnt); 4.332:20;
4.343:8; 4.374:2; 4.378:7; 4.609:4; 4.729:5; ★b) bn PN: 4.75 III 11, IV 11.
ḫytr MN (?) (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 377).
Month name (?): yrḫ ḫytr, 2.85:22.
Cf. Æyr.
ḫzli PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 17, 28, 55, 140; Watson AuOr 20 2002 234);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫu-zi-la-a, PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) A II 48; ḫa-zi-lu, PRU 6 86
(RS 19.82) I 10.
PN: bt PN, 4.75 III 6.
Cf. ġzly, ḫḏl.
ḫzm[yn PN: in bkn ctx.: ḫzm[, 4.825 II 7; cf. ḫḏ/zmyn.
ḫzn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ḫu-ZI-na, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 3.
PN: 4.425:7.
Cf. ḥṣn, ḫsn (II).
ḫzr n. m. 1) “assistant, auxiliary”; 2) (coll.) “auxiliary personnel” (Akk. ḫāziru,
“Helfer”, AHw 339; “helper (?)”, CAD Ḫ 166, but see Kogan UF 32 2000 719: <
*/ʕ-ḏ:z-r/, cf. ḫḏrġl; Blau-Greenfield BASOR 200 1970 17; Sanmartín UF 21 1989
347 n. 93; Watson LSU 87, 129; diff. Heltzer UF 12 1980 410 ff.: “male” < ġzr; cf.
also Hb. ʕzr(h), “help, assistance” HALOT 811f.; Hurr. ḫzr, 1.149:11 [// (?) tzġ; cf.
Laroche Ug 5 517]); not related to syll. Ug. ḫu-zi-rù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 25;
Huehnergard UVST 84, 128; Van Soldt SAU 304; Sivan GAGl 231. ¶ Forms: sg.
ḫzr; pl. ḫzrm.
1) Assistant, auxiliary: wine l ḫzrm for the assistants, 4.216:6; ṯṯtm ḫzr dt tbʕln
b TN two auxiliary squads of six ḫ. who work in TN, 4.141 III 9; ṯṯtm ḫzr w ʕšt
ʕšr ḥrš two auxiliary squads of six ḫ. and eleven workers, 4.141 III 7; ṯmn ḫzr
w ảrbʕ ḥršm eight ḫ. and four workers, 4.141 III 4.
2) Auxiliary personnel (coll.): ảḥd kbd ảrbʕm b ḫzr lqḥ šʕrt forty-one of
the auxiliary personnel have received wool, 4.630:2; ḫzr lqḥ ḥpr auxiliary
personnel who have received the supplies, 4.609:51; cf. ibid. ln. 52.
Cf. /ʕ-ḏ-r/, ḫḏrġl, ḫnzr (I), ḫzrn, ḫzry.

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ḫzrn – ḫẓ 413

ḫzrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 22, 28, 140 and cf. ḫzr; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 107f.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 332).
PN: ★a) 3.23:6; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 II 15; 4.860:6.
Cf. ḫzry.
ḫzry PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 22, 28, 140, cf. ḫzr; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmar-
tín UF 5 1973 107f.).
PN: bn ḫzry, 4.763:6.
Cf. ḫzrn.
ḫẓ, “?”, allog. of ḥẓ (?) (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 345). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. (?)
?, in unc. ctx.: ḫẓ ksp bydh, 1.172:21.
Cf. ḥẓ.

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-k (I) suff. pn. morph. 2nd p. m. and f. sg.: 1) used with n., “your(s)”; 2) used with
vb, “you”; 3) used with prep., ảṯr, b, bd, l, lpn, ʕd, ʕm, ʕmn (c.Sem. Gordon UT
§6.7; Tropper UG 220f.). ¶ Forms: k; suff. km, kn (encl. -m, -n).
1) Used with n.: passim; cf. ảnykn dt lỉkt your ship that you sent, 2.38:10
(-k + encl. -n. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 81); bn ḫrnk mġy your
messenger arrived (alt.: bn ḥrn k mġy as for the messenger, when he arrived
…; cf. k (I)).
2) Used with vb: ảqrbk ảbh I shall introduce you to her father, 1.24:27; tbkyk
ảb ġr bʕl for you, father, the mountain of DN weeps, 1.16 I 6 and par.; ỉlm tġrk
tšlmk tʕzzk may the gods keep you, bless you, strengthen you, 5.9:3–4 and par.
(on this formula cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 254ff.); yblk ủdr ỉlqṣm may they bring
you the most noble gems, 1.4 IV 17; hm l ảqryk b ntb pšʕ if I ever meet you on
the path of rebellion, 1.17 VI 43; tštk b qrbm ảsm may it place you within the
granary, 1.19 II 18 and par.; ỉrš ḥym w ảtnk blmt w ảšlḥk ảšsprk (…) šnt ask life
and I shall give it to you, immortality and I shall grant it to you, I shall make
you count (…) years, 1.17 VI 27–28 and par.; let ảqht w yplṭk (…) w yʕḏrk let PN
come to save you (…) to help you, 1.18 I 13–14; ydʕtk bt I know you, daughter,
1.18 I 16 and par.; ʕwrt yštk bʕl may DN leave you blind, 1.19 IV 5; yštk bʕl ʕnt did
they make you lord of the furrows?, 1.6 IV 2 and par.; p]ḫrk ygršk qr btk ygršk
[although] your family expel you, the walls of your house expel you, 1.82:40
and par. (for a slightly diff. version see Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247 f.); ʕpr btkm
ygršk may the dust of your house evict you!, 1.82:12; dm rgm ỉṯ ly w ảrgmk hwt
w ṯnyk then I have a matter that I am going to tell you, a word that I wish to
repeat to you, 1.3 III 21–22 and par.; ʕl ảqht ʕbdk above PN shall I place you,
1.18 IV 22; tbrk{k} w ld bend you(r knees) and give birth, 1.12 I 26; hm yd ỉl mlk
yḫssk ahbt ṯr tʕrrk perhaps the love of DN, the king, has aroused you, perhaps
the love of the Bull has moved you?, 1.4 IV 30; tỉspk yd ảqht gzr tštk (…) may
the hand of Noble PN gather you, may it place you (…), 1.19 II 17–18 and par.;
ảp mṯn rgmm ảrgmk and another thing I am going to tell you, 1.4 I 19; tblk
ġrm mỉd ksp may the mountains bring you plenty of silver, 1.4 V 31; šbt dqnk l
tsrk the greyness of your beard truly instructs you, 1.4 V 4; w yrḫ yảrk may DN
shine for you!, 1.24:39; ỉk ảl yšmʕk how, in fact, will he listen to you?, 1.6 VI 26
and par.; [‹]ʕn ỉṭʕnk the attack that I made on you, 1.5 I 26; ṯṯ mảt ʕmnkm w l
ảtnnk you have six hundred (shekels) on your account and am prepared to
pay them to you, 2.21:16–17; n!bšrkm dnỉl we are going to impart news to you,
PN, 1.19 II 37 (-k + encl. -m).
3) Used with prepositions: ʕdk ilm around you are the gods, 1.6 VI 48–49;

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-k (ii) – k (i) 415

yšlm lk may it go well for you, 2.34:3 and par. (for the formula cf. Cunchillos
TOu/2 251ff.); wn ảṯt [l]k k[m ỉlm] for you have no wife like the (other) gods,
1.2 III 22; ʕlk bʕlm pht qlt because of you, DN, I have seen prostration, 1.6 V 11
and par.; ʕlk mḫṣ ảqht upon you (weighs) the death of the hero PN, 1.19 III 52
and par.; bn bn ảṯrk the sons of (your) sons after you, 1.22 I 3; ảlpm ảršt lk the
oxen you requested for yourself, 2.45:24; śśwm nʕmm lk ṯṯm sixty good horses
for you, 2.45:20; tld šbʕ bnm lk she shall bear you seven sons, 1.15 II 23f.; w tld
bnt lk and she shall give birth to daughters, 1.15 III 6; qḥ (…) ʕmk šbʕt ġlmk
take (…) with you your seven youths, 1.5 V 8, cf. ln. 10–11; trḫ lk ybrdmy marry
DN, 1.24:29; ytn bt lk a house will be given to you, 1.4 V 28; wn ỉn ảṯt [l]k for
you have no wife, 1.2 III 22; l rgmt lk did I not tell you?, 1.4 VII 23 and par.,
cf. 1.2 IV 8; lpnk l tšlḥm ytm in your presence you did not feed the orphan, 1.16
VI 48; ṯ]mn ʕmk [m]nm šlm there with you, whatever the situation, 2.65:3 (cf.
ʕm); y lk mrrt tġll woe to you TN!, 1.19 III 51, cf. ln. 46 (lkm; -k + encl. -m), IV 3;
w ylảk mlảkm lk and he will send (two) messengers to you, 1.14 III 20; p ảnk
ảtn ʕṣm lk I will give you the logs, 2.26:8; ảšqlk tḥt [pʕny] at [my feet] I shall
cast you, 1.17 VI 44; qḥ rṯt bdk take a net in your hand, 1.4 II 32; k l ttn ảkl lhm
as they did not give them grain, 2.70:22.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.1 IV 27; 1.4 III 6; 1.5 I 5; 1.6 IV 24; 1.16 IV 1; 1.18 I 29; 1.18
IV 17; 1.82:10; 1.101:8; 2.2:8–9; 2.3:21; 2.21:14; 2.31:43; 2.32:7, 10; 2.34:29; 2.50:15;
-k (II) (emph.) encl. suff. (Tropper UG 835f.).
Cf. ảpnk, ỉdk, hlk (II), hnk(t), mhk, mnk.
k (I) prep. “like, as” (Hb. k, “like”, HALOT 453f.; Amor. /ka, ki/, “like, as”, Gelb
CAAA 22; Ebla Krebernik PET 84, 86; Pagan ARES 3 256; Akk. kī, “wie, als,
dass”, AHw 468f.; “like, as”, CAD K 322ff.; OSA k, “as”, SD 75; Arab. ka, “the k
of comparison”, AEL 2998. Aartun, PU/2 26ff.; 31 ff., 92 ff.; Gordon UT § 10.9;
12.3; Tropper UG 760ff.). ¶ Forms: k; suff. km, kmt (encl. -m + encl. -t); cf. km,
Like, as: mšṣṣ k ʕṣr ủdnh who drove (him) out like a bird (from the place)
of his dominion, 1.3 IV 2; drk[t] k ảb ảdm a power like that of the father
of mankind, 1.14 I 43; ṣʕ ỉl dqt k ảmr sknt k ḥwt ymản a divine platter of
manufacture in the TN style, of a form in the TN style, 1.4 I 41–42; he shall
bring you a tribute k ỉlm (…) k bn qdš like the (other) gods, (…) like the holy
ones, 1.2 I 37; [ả]mṣḫ{.}nn k ỉmr l ảrṣ I can pull him like a lamb to the ground,
1.3 V 1 and par.; k klb b btk nʕtq k ỉnr like a dog (that) has become old in your
house, like a cur, 1.16 I 15–16 and par.; tḥth k kdrt rỉ[š] ʕlh k ỉrbym kp at her
feet like balls (?) (rolled) heads, above her like locusts palms (of hands were
flying), 1.3 II 10 and par.; k ỉrby tškn šd km ḥsn pảt mdbr like locusts they settled
in the field, like grasshoppers on the desert fringes, 1.14 II 50; kbd k ỉš[t] tỉkln

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416 k (i)

our innards they devour like fire, 1.12 I 10; out she made go k rḥ npšhm k ỉṯl
brlt like a breath his soul, like phlegm (his) spirit, 1.19 II 38–39 and par.; wn
ỉn (…) km ỉlm w ḥẓr k bn ảṯrt but he has no house (…) like the (other) gods,
nor a mansion like the sons of DN, 1.4 IV 51 and par.; wn ỉn ảṯt [l]k k[m ỉlm]
for you do not have a wife like the (other) gods, 1.2 III 22; k bʕl k yḥwh like DN
he certainly gives life to him, 1.17 VI 30 (or k (II) 2: “when”); they attack each
other k gmrm / rủmm / bṯnm / lsmm like champions / wild bulls / snakes /
steeds, 1.6 VI 16–21; k gmn ảlỉyn bʕl like a funeral offering (?) of DN, “The Most
Powerful”, 1.6 I 19–29; yḥrṯ k gn ảp lb he ploughed (his) chest like an orchard,
1.5 VI 21; tšt k yn ủdmʕt she drank tears like wine, 1.6 I 10, cf. 1.101:9 and 2.31.65;
k ksp l ʕbrm zt like silver for the guests (were) the olives, 1.22 I 14; ảmrr k kbkb
l pnm DN in front like a star, 1.4 IV 17 (cf. 1.5 III 8); k lb ảrḥ l ʕglh k lb ṯảt l ỉmrh
like the heart of a cow for her calf, like the heart of a ewe for her lamb, 1.6
II 28; ṯm tpl k lbnt there they fell like bricks, 1.13:13; ảl tʕdbkm k ỉmr b ph k llỉ
b ṯbrn qnh lest he place you like a lamb in his mouth, like a suckling in the
opening of his oesophagus, 1.4 VIII 18–19 and par.; mtqtm k lrmn[m] sweet as
pomegranates, 1.23:50; tỉrkm yd ỉl k ym (…) k mdb the member of DN became
as long as the sea, (…) as the flood, 1.23:33–34 and par.; yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd
the power of the gods here is like death / DN, (of) an utter strength, 2.10:12 (cf.
Song 8:6; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 63 n. 41: “und das (ist) so!”, rdg kmtm;
for othe versions see yd); k tnḥn ủdmm as the two TNN wail (for her (?)), 1.15
I 7 (diff. Tropper UG 747: “so”, cf. k (IV)); d k nʕm ʕnt nʕmh whose grace is like
that of DN, 1.14 III 41 and par.; k apʕ ỉl b gdrt like a divine viper in a hedge, 1.19
I 13; k ʕṣm k ʕṣm l ttn k ảbnm l tỉggn like trees, like trees (/ that) do not emit
(sound), like stones (/ that) do not moan, 1.82:43 (cf. Caquot SEL 5 1988 42 f.:
“car”, k (II)); ḥkmt k ṯr you are wise like the “Bull”, 1.6 IV 2; tṣủ (…) k qṭr ủrbtm
k bṯn ʕmdh k yʕlm ẓrh k lbỉm skh so that you run away (…) like smoke through
the skylight, like a snake through the foot of the wall, like mountain goats
towards the summit, like lions towards (their) den, 1.169:3–4; ảp ảb ỉ k mtm
tmtn father, oh!, like mortals even you (will) die, 1.16 I 3, cf. ibid. ln. 17 and 1.16
II 40; k); bʕl yṯb k ṯbt ġr DN sits down as a mountain sits down, 1.101:1 (for other
versions cf. Caquot TOu/2 47 n. 98); nʕmh nšảt ẓl k kbkbm her beauty wore
a sheen like the stars, 1.92:27 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117); yšpk k mm ảrṣ kšpm
dbbm may (they) be poured out, like water on the earth, the foul-mouthed
sorcerers, 1.178:12 (for other versions see kšp, dbb (II)); my k qdš who is like
DN? (?), 1.179:14; km lbh as he likes, 3.32:17, 20, 24, 28; k kšm, like k., 4.811:15; for
l k in 1.127:12 cf. l (I) 11b).
In bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.1 IV 11; 1.5 III 8; 1.10 III 5–6; 1.13:14, 28; 1.17 VI 12; 1.19 I 7;
1.24:10; 1.101:9; 1.133:7 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 99); 2.31:65.
Cf. km, kmt.

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k (ii) – k (iii) 417

k (II) emph. functor “yes”, “truly”, “already” (Hb., Moab., OAram., Palm. ky, “yea”,
HALOT 470f.; “verily, surely”, DNWSI 497. Aartun, PU/2 92 ff.; Gordon UT
§12.3; Bandstra SFPK passim; Tropper UF 26 1994 460 n. 15, 474 n. 9; UG 795,
809f.). ¶ Forms: k; ky (mat. lect. (?), alt. encl. -y; Tropper UG 809 f.).
Emph. functor, yes, truly, already (often left untranslated): k l ṣḥn bʕl ʕm ảḥy
yes, surely invite me, DN, with my brothers!, 1.5 I 22 (diff. Wyatt RTU 119: “did
not invite … summon me”, cf. l (II); rdg k[n], Smith UNP 142: “s[o] invite me”);
l ktp ʕnt k tšth on the shoulders of DN, yes, she placed him, 1.6 I 15; hlk bʕl ảṯtrt
k tʕn the walk of DN did DN contemplate, 1.4 II 14 and par., cf. ln. 27; ḥkm k ʕm
ʕlm wise, yes, for eternity (?), 1.3 V 30 (but cf. ḥkmt 1.4 IV 41); hlm ỉl k yphnh as
soon as DN saw him, 1.4 IV 27; ỉl ảṯtm k ypt, DN, in fact, wished to seduce the
two women, 1.23:39; tp ảḫh k nʕm ảḫh k ysmsm the beauty of its brother, so
comely, of its brother, so handsome, 1.96:3 (Cf. Del Olmo AuOr 28 2008 46 f.);
ủ ky bḫ{.} yr, and actually, in the month of MN, 2.87:9; ky ḥš k lảk hurry up,
send yes a message, 2.88:34; in unc. ctx.: 1.19 I 8; 1.82:4.
k (III) Subordinating / completive functor 1) “when, if, because, since, as, that”;
2) in compounds, with explanatory function (Hb., Moab., OAram., Palm. ky,
“on the contrary, because …”, HALOT 470f.; as introduction of subordinate
clause, DNWSI 497f.; Ph., Pun. k, DNWSI 497f.; kī, Subjn. “als, wenn, dass”,
AHw 469; “when, as soon as, after …”, CAD K 316 ff., 320 ff.; OSA k, “that, when,
because, as …”, SD 75; cf. Arab. kay, “dass, damit, auf dass”, Ullmann WKAS 1
478f. Aartun, PU/2 92ff.; Gordon UT §12.3; Bandstra SFPK passim; Tropper
UF 26 1994 460 n. 15, 474 n. 9; UG 809f.). ¶ Forms: k; ky (mat. lect. (?); alt. ext.
encl. -y); km (+ encl. -m) (Tropper UG 795, 800).
Subordinating / completive functor 1) “when”, “if”, “because”, “since”, “as”,
“that”: ★a) object: mndʕ k ảnk aḥš mġy perhaps (it is the case) that I must
hurry to come, 2.34:10 and par. (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 343 n. 13); passim with
/y-d-ʕ/: ydʕ[tk] bt k an[št] k ỉn b ỉlht (…) I already know, daughter, that you
have become livid (with anger), that among the goddesses there is not (…),
1.3 V 27–28 and par.; cf. 1.6 3 8–9 and par.; 1.6 V 17; 1.16 I 33; 2.34:30; tdʕ ky ʕrbt
l pn špš you should know that I have entered into the presence of the “Sun”,
2.16:7; w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d] and also the king, (namely) the messenger,
knows that I shall collect this (?), 2.33:21; w dʕ k yṣả[-] ảp mlkt and you must
know that the queen is actually gone, 2.88:38; ky lỉkt (…) ky ảkl b ḥwtk ỉnn you
have written as follows (…): there is no grain in your country, 2.39:19; l ydʕt lby
k mrṣ you certainly know that my heart is sick, 2.87:34, see ln. 7, 27; bʕly ydʕ
ky šỉsp PN ʕprm my lord should know that PN has gathered (/ the) ʕ. round
him, 2.98:23; w nʕm k ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and it is convenient that my lord takes
notice of this affair, 2.91:7; w ỉšmʕ k l ʕrb[t] bk and (if) I hear that she does not
guarantee you, 2.88:24, see ln. 28; ★b) cond.: k ygʕr śśw if the horse puffs and

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418 k (iv)

blows, 1.85:2 and par.; cf. 1.85:5 and par.; 1.85:9; 1.85:12 and par.; 1.85:18 and par;
w k ỉn hlk and if there is no mouvement (between us), 2.90:18 (diff. Tropper
UF 36 2004 514f.: “messenger”, *hāliku); ★c) explanatory and causal: k ỉbr l bʕl
yld for a bull has been born to DN, 1.10 III 35; k ybky since / as he is weeping,
1.14 I 39; k brkm tġll b dm for she plunged (her) knees in blood, 1.3 II 27 and
par.; k lbš km lpš dm a[ḫh] for he wore like a garment the blood of his brothers,
1.12 II 46; k rtqt mrġt because you tied perversion, 1.13:24 (?); k mt ảlỉyn bʕl k
ḫlq for DN, “The Most Powerful”, is dead (…) perished, 1.6 I 41–42 and par.; k
šbʕt l šbʕm ảḫh ym[tt] for his seventy-seven brothers (he killed), 1.12 II 48; k
šbyn zb[l] since our captive was the prince, 1.2 IV 29; mlbš ṯrmnm k yṯn as the
cloaks of DNN had worn out, 4.168:6; k ypdd mlbš as the cloak had worn out,
4.182:61, cf. ln. 63; k l ttn ảkl lhm as they did not give them grain, 2.70:22; ky
ḫbt because I have been ill-treated, 2.87:8, see 2.103:9; k l{.}ỉkt l ḫpn regarding
your message on the ḫ., 2.103:18; in bkn ctx.: ủ ky ảnk, 2.103:13; ★d) temporal:
mn yrḫ k m[rṣ] mn k dw how many months since he became sick, how many
(since PN) fell ill?, 1.16 II 19–20 and par.; b ph yrd k ḥrr zt it will fall into his
mouth when the olive tree shrivels, 1.5 II 5; k tmḫṣ ltn when you crushed DN,
1.5 I 1 and par.; k tlảkn ġlmm when the messenger-boys were sent, 1.4 V 42; k
tmzʕ kst dnỉl when she tore the garment of PN, 1.19 I 46; k ymġy ảdn ỉlm rbm,
when the Lord of the great gods approaches, 1.124:1, cf. 2.23:6; k tʕrb ʕṯtrt šd
when DN of the steppe enters, 1.91:10 and par.; mʕmsk k šbʕt yn he who loads
himself with you when you are sated with wine, 1.17 II 6 and par.; k tġḏ ảrz b
ymnh when the (staff of) cedar is shot from his right, 1.4 VII 41; k bʕl k yḥwy
yʕšr {ḥwy yʕšr} like DN when (/ certainly) he gives life, he invites, 1.17 VI 30;
k yptḥ yrk hnd when this side (of the liver) was opened, 1.143:3: k yṯnyn when
he replies, 1.179:35; k tmġy mlảkt, when the message arrives, 2.23:6; b ym k ybt
mlk when the king stayed the night, 2:33:14; km mġy when he arrived, 2.84:15;
k ytnt spr, when I gave the document, 2.88:4; k ỉn d šỉln when nobody asked
me, 2.87:9; ṯlṯ ymm k ỉnn ảkl three days since there is no food, 2.104:6.
3) In compounds, with explamatory function: cf. kd (II).
In bkn ctx.: k qlt, 2.8:3; k ttn ly, 2.8:5; k ỉšảl, 2.32:4; k lỉkt ʕmy, 2.88:33; k iṯ[,
2.98:35; k tš[, 2.97:9; k tx, 2.100:17; ky lỉk[, 2.102:3: k znt [x]bl, 2.104:8.
k (IV) adv., 1) “thus, in this way”; 2) “here” (Hb. kh, “here, now, thus”, HALOT 461;
OAram. kh, “thus”, DNWSI 489; Pun., Nab., Palm., OAram. kʔ, “here”, DNWSI
461; cf. Akk. kỉam, “so”, AHw 470; “thus, in this manner”, CAD K 325 ff.).
¶ Forms: k, ky (mat. lect.), 2.17:13; 2.36:5, 14; 2.39:17; 2.46:9; 2.72:18, 34 (cf.
Tropper UG 747); suff. kh (+ h. Aartun, PU/2 165, 167, 175); km (encl. -m).
1) Thus, in this way: k rgmt ly in this way you spoke to me, 2.45:23, see ln.
28 (cf. Hoftijzer Fs. Kraus 125 for the possibility that k is a rel. pn.); w k rgm
špš and thus says the “Sun”, 2.23:1 (see Watson LSU 72 on wk, “or if” > Akk.

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kỉ/hdn – /k-b-d/ 419

šumma); ky lỉkt bt mlk in this way did you write to the palace, 2.36:5 (cf. ibid.
ln. 14; 2.39:17; 2.46:9); ky tdbr ủmy my mother declared thus, 2.72:18 (cf. ibid.
ln. 34); gm l ġ[l]mh bʕl k yṣḥ aloud to his lads DN thus (/ surely) shouted, 1.4
VII 53 and par., cf. 1.17 V 15.
2) Here: kh lk s̄ls̄t prs̱m bs̱ql here you have: 3 p. (of wheat) and one shekel
(each), 4.710:5 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 162, 164f.).
In bkn ctx.: ky, 2.17:13; w k ảt trg[m 2.45:28.
Cf. km.
kỉ/hdn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 246).
PN: bn kỉ/hdn, 4.715:8.
kảrtb PN (etym. unc.)
PN: kảrtb, 4.832:1.
kb (I) adj. m., said of a type of cloth or garment (“sewn, scalloped, stuffed” (?).
Cf. Akk. kubbû, “benäht”, AHw 497; “patched, sewn”, CAD K 482. Ribichini-
Xella Tessili 40: (?) Akk. kīpu, “piece of linen fabric”; Watson LSU 87f. and
n. 187, 140f.: “(richly) embroidered garment”; diff. Durand MARI 6 660:
kepûm, “être courbe”). ¶ Forms: pl. kbm.
Said of a type of cloth or garment (“sewn” (?)), in bkn ctx.: ṯlṯ [.]xxx kbm three
(…) sewn (?), 4.205:8; for kb, 1.4 III 4 (also in bkn ctx.) cf. Healey DUA 142.
kb (II) n. m. “intestine(s), guts” (cf. Akk. kippu, “Schlinge”, AHw 483; “loop-like
formation on the exta”, CAD K 399f. Dietrich-Loretz MU 152 ff.; but see
Pardee TR/1 562; Watson LSU 88). ¶ Forms: pl. kbm.
Intestine(s), guts: w ỉ[n] kbm bh if it has no guts, 1.103:55.
kb PN (etym. unc.)
PN: kb, 4.835:10.
kbb “?” (Akk. kabābu, “Schleuder”, Akk. Ug kuš ga-ba-bu, AHw 414; “shield”, CAD
K 1f.; alt.: DN Kubaba, goddess of Karkemiš; Watson LSU 187 f.).
?, in bkn ctx.: ]ng kbb, 1.81:10.
kbby PN (< DN Kubaba, goddess of Karkemiš. Gröndahl PTU 278; Hawkins
RlA 6 257ff.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 332); ¶ syll.: fku-ba-ba, PRU 3 76 (RS
16.144):6 (Van Soldt SAU 13). Cf. alphab. Hurr. kbb(d) DN, 1.116:23.
PN: 4.659:7.
/k-b-d/ vb D: “to honour, to pay homage to, welcome” (Hb., Ph. pi. kbd, “to hon-
our”, HALOT 455f.; DNWSI 484; Amor. /k-b-d/, “to be heavy”, Gelb CAAA 22;
Emar Akk. cf. /kubbadu/, /kibbadu/, “honoring (ceremony)”, Pentiuc Vocab-
ulary 106f.; Akk. kabātu [NA kabādu], “schwer sein, werden”, AHw 416 f.; “to
become heavy”, CAD K 14f.; EA Akk. cf. D prefc. yu-ka-bi-id, EA 245:39; cf.
Sivan, GAGl 237; DNWSI 484; Eth. kabda, CDG 273); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element
/kābid-/, /kabūd-/ in PNN, cf. Sivan GAGl 237; ¶ par.: /q-l/ (I). ¶ Forms: D
prefc. tkbd; with suff. tkbdh, tkbdn, tkbdnh, ykbdnh; impv. kbd.

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420 kbd (i)

D. To honour, to pay homage to, welcome: tštḥwy w tkbdh she prostrated

herself and paid him homage, 1.4 IV 26 and par. (prostration formula; cf. Del
Olmo MLC 54f.); sảd kbd hmt comfort (and) welcome them, 1.17 V 20 and par.;
in bkn ctx.: ỉtml ykb[d the previous day he will (be) honour(ed) …, 1.119:19; w
mlk ykbd the king pays homage, 1.171:4; ]m kbd, 2.83:8 (cf. kbd (I) / (II)).
Cf. kbd(y).
kbd (I) n. usually f. (m. cf. 1.13:31), 1) “liver”; 2) “innards, entrails, bosom, mind”
3) > “inside (of)”, in prep. syntagm: “within” (Hb. kbd, “liver”, HALOT 456;
Syr. kabdāʔ, “liver”, SL 595; Emar Akk. /kabidu/, “liver”, Pentiuc Vocabulary
93; Akk. kabattu, “Leber”, AHw 416; “inside, liver (?)”, CAD K 11 ff.; cf. g/kabīdu,
“Leber”, AHw 272; “liver”, CAD G 6; Arab. kabid, “liver”, AEL 2584; Eth. kabd,
“liver, stomach, belly”, CDG 273. Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 123ff.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 37 2005 395ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. [Sum.(?) = Akk.(?) = ] (Hurr.). ir-bi = ka-BI[, UF 11
1979 479 (RS 20.189):34; cf. Huehnergard UVST 62, 135; ¶ par.: ỉrt, lb, p (III), ṯd.
¶ Forms: sg. f. kbd; cstr. kbd; suff. kbdk, kbdh, kbdn; du. kbdm; pl. kbdt (1.86:26)
(?); pl. suff. kbdtkm.
1) Liver: ★a) as material for sacrifice: kbd w š l DN (…) kbd ảlp w š l DN one
liver and one ram to DN (…) one ox liver and one ram to DN, 1.109:8 and par.;
mtntm w kbd ảlp l DN two loins and one ox liver for DN, 1.39:2; kbdm l DNN
two livers to the DNN, 1.130:20; kb!dm w npš l DN two livers and one (piece of)
offal to DN, 1.109:12; 1.46:16 (diff. Pardee TR/1 266: rdg kdm, 269, kkdm: sens
inconnu); kbd w ššrt l DN one liver and one chain (/ “chainlet”, gizzard) to
DN, 1.119:21 (for the rdg š šrp! see infra: ššrt). In bkn ctx.: kbd, 1.27:10; ]kbdm,
1.46:1; ★b) in extispicy: kbd dt PN liver (examined) for / of PN, 1.143:1; in bkn
ctx.: kbd, 1.155:1; for the rdg kbdm in 1.78:5 see Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 369 ff.
2) Innards, bosom, mind: ygmḏ bm kbd he rejoiced in (his) liver / innards,
1.12 I 13 (// lb); tdmʕ bm kbd she shed tears in her liver / innards, 1.19 I 35 (//
lb); kbd k iš<t> tỉkln our innards they devour like fire, 1.12 I 10 (// ṯd; cf. ln.
9 kbdn); tġdd kbdh b ṣḥq (…) kbd ʕnt tšyt her liver swelled with laughter (…)
with (the satisfaction of the) victory, 1.3 II 25–26 (// lbh); yʕrb [b]ʕl b kbdh DN
will enter his innards, 1.5 II 4 (// b ph); ỉ/ybqʕ kbdh I shall open / he opened
its innards, 1.19 III 18/24 and par. (ln. 10 kbdthm their innards); kbdh l ydʕ hrh
whose womb has not known its conception, 1.13:31 (cf. Del Olmo IMC 100 f.);
[ả]ḫd d ỉṯ b kbdk undertake what you have in your mind, 1.18 I 18 (// b ỉtrk).
3) Interior, bosom (of), in syntagm with a prep. > “within”: sk šlm l kbd ảrṣ
ảrbdd l kbd šdm pour out peace into the bosom of the earth, rest into the
innards of the fields, 1.3 IV 9–10 and par. (cf. Arab. kabidu-l-samāʔi / ʔarḍi);
she scoured (…) kl ġr l kbd ảrṣ every mountain as far as the innards of the
earth, 1.6 II 16–17 and par.
In bkn ctx.: kbdt bnš[, 1.86:26.

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kbd (ii) 421

kbd (II) n. m. 1) “total (quantity or price), correct, exact number”; 2) arith-

metical functor of addition, “plus”, “+” (< “weight”, < /k-b-d/; cf. Hb. kbwd,
“burden …”, HALOT 457f.; Mari Akk.: ka/ibittu, “consistenza (numerica) com-
plessiva”, Liverani UF 2 1970 107; nakbatum, “Gewicht, Geschlossenheit”, AHw
721; see “main force, main body”, CAD N/1 181. Cf. Liverani UF 2 1970 89–108;
Wesselius UF 12 1980 450; Bordreuil SEL 2 1985 89–92; Tropper UF 29 1997
661ff.; Tropper ZDMG 158 2008 434f., simply “plus”; UG 350 ff.; but see Dijk-
stra PIHANS 114 37f. nn. 50, 52: in some cases “standard volume”). ¶ Forms:
sg. kbd (spelling mistake kbl in 4.182:6; rdg kbd !).
1) Total quantity or price, correct, exact number (in apposition with a sim-
ple numerical amount: x kbd; it is semantically redundant); passim; cf. ]ảll
ỉqnỉ ảrbʕm kbd ! ( y (?)) one] a. of violet purple for a total of forty, 4.182:6;
ảrbʕm kdm kbd yn a total of forty jars of wine, 4.213:16; ṯṯm / ṯmnym dd dd kbd
l mḏrġlm a total of sixty / eighty “cauldronsful”, from “cauldronful” to “caul-
dronful” (i.e. by the cauldronful), for the watchmen, 4.387:9, 19; ʕšrm ddm kbd
l ảlpm mrỉm a total of twenty “cauldronsful” (of grain) for the fatlings, 4.128:1;
ṯql ksp kbd just one shekel of silver, 1.41:39, 1.87:42 (diff. Pardee TR/1 150, 193f.:
“un foie”; Del Olmo CR2 88 n. 92: “sterling”: Hb. šeqel haqqoddeš; De Tarragon
RB 100 1993 97: “gloire”, /kabādu/: Emar Akk. kubādu); šbʕm ṯqlm kbd seventy
shekels in total, 3.10:13; ḥs[p] ṯn kbd of ḥ- (wine), two (jars) in total, 1.91:36;
kdwṯ ṯlṯ kbd a k.-garment for three (shekels) exactly, 4.270:3.
2) Adv. acc., arithmetical functor of addition, “plus” (“+”), with complex
numerical quantities: (x + y + z); it is semantically redundant): ★a) in two-
member sets ( y + z), after the smaller quantity (z); passim; cf. šbʕm ảrbʕ
kbd ảlpm seventy-four head of cattle, 4.749:4; tšʕm mrḥ ảḥd kbd ninety-one
lances, 4.169:10; ʕšr ṯn kbd twelve, 4.270:10; 4.244:21; ʕšrt ṯqlm kbd twelve
shekels, 4.226:3; 4.755:10; ṯqlm kbd ʕšrt twelve shekels, 4.341:1; mỉt ṯṯm kbd
one hundred and sixty, 4.280:9; ṯṯm l mỉt ṯn kbd one hundred and sixty-
two, 4.173:10; ṯn ʕšrh mn ʕšrm ṯql kbd twelve minas twenty shekels, 3.1:20
(cf. RS Akk.: 12 MA.NA 20 GÍN KÙ.GI.MEŠ: at-ru, PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227):21; 12
MA.NA.MEŠ KÙ.GI.MEŠ 20 GÍN at-ra, PRU 4 44 (RS 17.347):5); ṯm]nym šbʕ
kbd eighty-six (ḫrd), 4.777:2 (cf. ibid. ln. 5, 10, 13); ảrbʕm ksp ḫmšt kbd forty-
five shekels, 3.28:10 (cf. 3.29:16); tšʕm ṯlṯt w nṣp kbd ninety-three and a “half”,
4.779:3; [ʕ]šrm ảḥd kbd dd twenty-one “cauldronsful”, 4.790:10; ★b) in sets of
three or more members (x + y + z), after the smaller quantity (z), optional
and in free position; passim; cf. ṯlṯ mảt ḫmšm kbd ḫmš kbd three hundred
and fifty-five, 4.387:12; mỉtm ảrbʕm ṯmn kbd two hundred and forty-eight,
4.352:5; ṯmn kkrm ảlp kbd mỉtm kbd eight talents one thousand two hundred
(shekels), 4.43:6–7; kkrm ảlpm ḫmš mảt kbd two talents two thousand five
hundred (shekels), 4.626:9; ảrbʕ ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd four thousand five

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422 kbd (iii) – kbkb

hundred (shekels) of ruby purple, 4.203:4; ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd two thou-
sand five hundred (shekels) of ruby purple, 4.132:1; w ṯlṯ ʕšr kbd mỉtm šmn nḥ
and two hundred and sixteen (units) of n.-oil, 4.805:3; [m]ỉt ṯn ʕšr kbd one
hundred and twelve, 4.779:1; see further ḫmš mảt [ṯṯ] ṯlṯt w ṯlṯt kbd, 4.721:8,
see ln. 7, 9; bt špš ṯṯ kbd, 4.803:6; šrm kbd, 4.803:16; ḫmšm ảrbʕ kbd, 4.803:18;
ḫmšm kd kbd, 4.808:11; w ʕšrm ṯmn [k]bd šmn, 4.808:15; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt ʕšrm kbd,
4.809:4; kkrm ṯmn mảt kbd, 4.809:9; ảrbʕm ṯlṯ kbd, 4.810:7; ʕšrm ṯlṯ kbd, 4.810.12;
[m]ỉt ḫmš kbd, 4.854:1; lṯm ṯlṯ ddm kbd, 4.855:6; ảlp [-]mn mảt kbd, 4.863:7;
ảrbʕ kbd, 4.866:6; ảlpm kbd, 4.866:7; ảrbʕ mảt kbd, 4.866:8.
In bkn ctx. 2.77:16; 2.79:8; 2.83:8; 4.803:9, 10; 4.808:2; 4.809:3.
kbd (III), first element of the compound DN kbd w nr[ (?) (cf. /k-b-d/. Cf. Ebla
dkà-pá-tù, Mander MROA 2/1 40, 49, 74. De Moor UF 2 1970 201, 223; De Meyer
RTL 11 1980 225ff.).
DN (?): kbd w nr[, 1.123:16; kbd d ỉl gd![ DN, who is god …, 1.123:21 (diff. Del
Olmo CR: c. n. “glory”, /kabādu/: “The glory of the god(s) of [”, see kbd (IV)).
kbd (IV) n. m. “splendour, glory” (?) (cf. Hb. kbwd, “glory, splendour”, HALOT
457f.; Pun. kbdt, “glory, honour”, DNWSI 484; cf. kbd (III). Dijkstra UF 26 1994
117; ¶ par.: ẓl. ¶ Forms: sg. kbd.
Splendour, glory (?), in bkn ctx.: [k]bd km kbkbt kṯn [s]plendour (?) like the
female stars of TN (?), 1.92:28.
kbdn PN (Sem.).
PN: ★a) 4.841:11; ★b) bn PN, 4.860:34.
kbd(y) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 148); ¶ syll.: DUMU ka-bu-di-ya, PRU 3 195
(RS 15.09) A 15 (Sivan GAGl 237); cf. DUGUD-ia-na, PRU 3 131 (RS 15.122):15
and passim ibid.; ka4-bid-na-na, PRU 3 121 (RS 15.136):4 (cf. Huehnergard
UVST 219; AkkUg 399).
PN: ★a) 4.75 VI 4; ★b) bn kbdy, 4.611 II 11; in bkn ctx.: bn kbd[, 4.432 (II) 19.
kbkb n. m. “heavenly body, star” (Hb. kwkb, “star”, HALOT 463; Pun. kkb, “star”,
DNWSI 449f.; Aram. kwkb/p, “star”, DNWSI 499 f.; Syr. kawkbāʔ, “star”, SL 606;
Ebla /kakkab/, in dMUL = gag-gáb, VE 791; Mander MROA 2/1 18; SUD =
ga-ga-bux(NI), VE 1185; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 30; Fronzaroli EL 140; Lambert
Biling. 397; Xella WGE 351; Amor. /kabkabum/, “star”, Gelb CAAA 22; Akk.
kakkabu, “Stern”, AHw 421; “star”, CAD K 45ff.; OSA kwkb, “star”, SD 80; Arab.
kawkab, “star”, AEL 2623; Eth. kokab, “star”, CDG 280; ¶ par.: arṣ. ¶ Forms: sg.
kbkb; du. kbkbm; pl. kbkbm, kbkbt; assim. kkbm (or hapl. for kbkbm).
Heavenly body, star, ★a) in general: hlk kbkbm the course of the stars, 1.19 II 3
and par 1.19 IV 38 (kbkm!); tảnt (…) thmt ʕmn kbkbm the whispering (…) of
the abysses with the stars, 1.3 III 25 and par. (// ảrṣ); ẓl k kbkbm [kb]d km kbkbt
kṯn sheen like the stars, [sp]lendour like the stars of TN, 1.92:27–28 (De Moor
UF 17 1985 228; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117); dġṯ hrnmy d kbkbm the offering of

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kbl (i) – kbr 423

perfumes of a GN to the stars, 1.19 IV 31 and par.; qdš yuḫdm šbʕr ảmrr k kbkb
DN began to shine, DN like a star, 1.4 IV 17; […] lšn l kbkbm [(if he extends)]
(his) tongue to the stars, 1.5 II 3; rbb nskh kbkbm with drizzle that the stars
poured on her, 1.3 IV 44 and par.; kt [k]bkbm the podium of the stars, 1.13:13;
[hm] kbkb yql b ṯlṯm ym [if] a star falls on the thirtieth day, 1.163:7; ★b) deities:
pḫr kkbm the assembly of the stars, 1.10 I 4; ʕdb l špš rbt w l kbkbm place (them)
next to the Great Lady DN and the stars, 1.23:54; b gb bt ỉlm kbkbm trmt in the
g. of the temple of the astral deities: an offering, 1.43:3 (Dietrich-Loretz JA 50).
In bkn ctx.: dk k kbkb, 1.5 III 8; ʕl kbkbm nʕm.[, 1.13:17; ]kl kbkb, 1.84:25; ]šbʕ
kbkbm seven “stars”, 1.164:15. (cf. Van der Toorn BiOr 48 1991 50 f.: a jewel, //
ḥrṣ (?); 7.50:7; kbkb kbkbm star of the stars, 1.179:8; ảl kbkb, ibid. ln. 8; kbkb
šmm wthm, star of sky and ocean, ibid. ln. 9; cf. ln. 10, 11, 12; kb]kb bʕl w pdry
kbkb, 1.179:10.
Cf. kkb (II), kkbn.
kbl (I) n. m. “leggings” (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 20 2002 234). ¶ Forms: sg. kbl;
du. kblm.
Leggings: w lḥt ḫpn w kblm the letter (regarding) a ḫ.-garment and a pair of
leggings, 2.87:18; in bkn ctx.: w l kblm, 2.103:19; w kbl, 2.109:7.
kbl (II) PN; cf. kb/pl(n) PN.
kblbn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: DUMU (?) ki]-bíl-bu-nu, PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257+)
A II 20 (Van Soldt SAU 350 n. 209); kib-li-bu-na, PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):19
(Huehnergard AkkUg 376); DUMU ki-bi-il-bu-na, PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):17.
PN: ★a) 4.635:57 (bn x[); ★b) bn PN, 4.335:12; in bkn and unc. ctx.: 4.669:1:3;
kbm n. m. a cult installation (Akk. kummu, var. kūb/pu, “ein Gebäude”, AHw
498, 506; “cella, private room (of temple)”, CAD K 533 ff., 488; less probably
OSA kbyt, “?” < *kby, “to anoint”, SD 76. Xella TRU 84; Del Olmo SEL 3 1986
65f. n. 13; Watson LSU 88). ¶ Forms: sg. m. suff. kbmh (adv. -h).
A cult installation: š kbmh a ram (will be offered) in the k., 1.106:15.
kbn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. ku-PI-na, PRU 6 43 (RS 17.77) 3; DUMU ka-PI-na
PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 32. Cf. kwn.
PN: bn kbn, 4.785:14; 4.841:15.
kb/pl(n) PN (Hurr.(?). Gröndahl PTU 148f., 239; Sivan GAGl 237; Watson AuOr
8 1990 120; AuOr 11 1993 216; AuOr 14 1996 100; LSU 168 f.; AuOrS 27 102; Van
Soldt SAU 120); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ka-bu-li, PRU 3 312 (RS 15.126):3; DUMU.SAL
ka-bu-li, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):30; cf. DUG kap?-pa-al?-la-nu re-qu, PRU 6 158
(RS 19.24):5 (cf. Nougayrol PRU 6 158 n. 1).
PN: ★a) kbln, 4.55:5; 4.277:2; 4.317:4; 4.377:17; 4.571:7; 4.705:7; 4.707:13; 4.788:6;
★b) bn kbl, 4.232:40; bn kbln, 4.76:5; 4.112 III 1; bn kpln, 4.412 II 12; kblx[, 4.669:3.
kbr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 149; Zeeb UF 25 1993 468; Watson LSU 168).

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424 kbrt – kd (i)

PN:★a) 2.50:14;★b) bn PN, 4.309:20; 4.425:14.

kbrt n. f. “sieve” (Hb. kbrh, “sieve”, HALOT 459. De Moor SP 210; Healey UF 15
1983 51; Watson AuOrS 27 86: syll. ku-ba-ra-tu, PRU 6 158 (RS 15.24):13); ¶ par.:
rḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. f. kbrt.
Sieve: ʕ[lk] pht [dr] y b kbrt on your account I have seen sifting with a sieve,
1.6 V 16 (// b rḥm).
kbry TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 165: *Kubariyā); ¶ syll.: URU ku-ba-ri-ia-a, RS
25.455 A+B I 4 (rdg see Van Soldt UF 28 1996 674; Topography 26, 176; cf.
Arnaud SMEA 32 1993 128: URU šu-ma-ri-a).
TN: 4.800 II 18.
kbs/ś n. m. “fuller, launderer” (< */k-b-s/š/. Hb. kwbs, “fuller”, HALOT 459;
Pun. kbs, “fuller” DNWSI 486; cf. Akk. kabāsu, “betreten, treten auf”, 415;
“to make compact, to full a cloth”, CAD K 7 [2/e]. Tropper UF 27 1995 519);
¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ(.MEŠ). TÚG.ME(.MEŠ), PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) B IV 37;
PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172) A 11; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):17; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 352
n. 217 (diff. Huehnergard AkkUg 406: TÚG.LAL, with Nougayrol); 4.836:7:
LÚ.MEŠ.TÚG.LÁ; ¶ syll.: LÚ ka4-bi-s[ú], PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):8; Huehnergard
UVST 135; cf. PN DUMU ka-bi-IZ-ZI, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) B III 39 (Van Soldt
SAU 357 n. 224; TN A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ku-ub-sà-ti, PRU 3 47 (RS 16.166):10. ¶ Forms:
sg. kbs/ś; pl. kbs/śm; du. (?) kbsm.
Fuller, launderer: kbśm fullers, 4.71 III 5; 4.99:7; kbsm fullers, 4.610 IV 4; kbsm
(two (?)) fullers, 4.125:19; PN kbs fuller, 4.332:13; 4.682:9; ddm l kbs two d.
(of grain) for the fuller, 4.128:6. kbsm, 4.837:16; kbśm, 4.836:19; in bkn ctx.:
Cf. kpṯ.
kd (I) n. f. 1) “jar” as container; 2) “jar”, measure of capacity for liquids; 3)
special uses (Lipiński UF 2 1970 83; Heltzer UF 21 1989 197, 201; UF 22 1990 127:
ca. 22 litres; see Hb. bt = ʔyph = 44 litres, HALOT 166; Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram.
kd, “pitcher”, HALOT 460; DNWSI 487f.; JPAram. “vessel”, DJPA 250; cf. Akk.
kandu, “Krug”, AHw 436; “a container of earthenware or silver, mainly for
wine)”, CAD K 148f.; cf. Akk. kūtu, “eine grosse Kanne”, AHw 519; “(a container
of clay or metal, rarely wood)”, CAD K 611f.; and Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 63
[Alalakh]; > Gk kádos, Lat. cadus, HALOT 166. Amadasi Semitica 38 1990 17ff.;
Heltzer NABU 1995/111; Dijkstra PIHANS 114 37; Watson AuOrS 27 86: Cypriot
ka-to-se); ¶ RS Akk.: DUG, passim; Huehnergard AkkUg 379; cf. 1 me-at 48
DUG GEŠTIN, KTU 4.48:13; cf. Mari Akk.: karpatum, Finet AfO 25 1974–1977
129; ¶ syll. Ug.: DUG ka-du-mameš, PRU 6 147 (RS 19.127):1 and passim ibid; cf. 1
ka?-dú, PRU 6 163 (RS 19.64):2; cf. Sivan GAGl 235; Huehnergard UVST 136; Van
Soldt SAU 304; Watson LSU 148. ¶ Forms: sg. kd; suff. kdh; pl. kdm; du. kdm
(passim; cf. 4.710:12).

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kd (ii) 425

1) “Jar”, container: kdh l ảrṣ tṯbr her “jar” shattered on the ground, 1.16 I 54 (see
Hb. wtšbr kd ʕl-hmbwʕ, Qoh. 12:6; diff. Greenstein UNP 33 n. 125: rdg [ksl]h
“her tendons”).
2) “Jar”, measure of capacity mainly for liquids: ★a) of wine: arbʕ [ʕšr] kdm
yn fourteen “jars” of wine, 1.41:23; TN kd yn 1.91:27, kdm yn, ibid. ln. 26; kd
l a “jar” for: 4.149:3, 4, 6, 9; 4.216:5, 6, 7, 11, 12; 4.219:7, 8, 9; 4.230:3, 5, 7, 8,
9; kdm l (two) “jars” for: 4.216:9, 10; 4.219:5, 6; 4.230:2, 4, 6; 4.715:6, 8, 9; PN
kd(m): PN … w nḥlh kdm: 4.715:3, 10, 11; kd yn, 6.11:1; passim in admin. texts
(cf. RS Akk.: nn DUG GEŠTIN, 4.48:13; PRU 6 152 (RS 18.270):2 and passim;
in 1.112:12 kbd mistake for kd ( yn)); kd mštt mlk(t) a “jar” for libation by the
king / queen, 4.230:5, 8; ảlp kd yqḥ b ḫmr a thousand “jars” of wine it held, 1.3
I 16; vinegar: kd(m) ḥmṣ “jar(s)” of vinegar, 4.269:27, 28, 35; 2.89:18; kd kmn dġ a
“jar” of cumin (draff), 6.105:1–2; ★b) of oil: 4.41:4, 8, 9, 11, 12; kd šmn, 2.89:16–17;
3.39:11; 4.131:3; 4.313:1ff.; 4.710:3; 4.89:17; 4.857:2–10, kdm šmn, 4.857:11; kd šmn
ṯʕt ḫsr one “jar” of oil of lees, in deficit, 3.28:5; 3.29:7, cf. kd šmn mltḥm ḫsr
a “jar” of oil, two m., in defict, 3.28:7, passim (cf. RS Akk.: nn DUG Ì, PRU 6
122 (RS 21.203):1 and passim ibid.); kd šmn mr a “jar” of myrrh-scented oil,
4.14:2, 8, 15; kd šmn mr, 2.89:16f.; kd šmn l nr ỉlm a “jar” of oil for the lamp
of the gods, 4.284:6; kd šmn nr a “jar” of lamp oil, 4.786:8; of olives: 4.284:8;
4.429:1–5; w ṯṯ kd ztm and six “jars” of olives, 4.805:5; 2.89:19; ʕṯrm ṯlṯ kd ztm
twenty-three “jars” of olives, 4.710:11 (cf. infra: 2.b); kdm šmn / kdm šmn ṭb
two “jars” of oil / of quality(?) oil, 4.780:5, 8, 10, 13, 16; ★c) of honey: kd nbt,
4.14:2, 8, 15 (cf. RS Akk.: DUG LÀL, PRU 6 159 [RS 19.35 B+]:5'); others: kdm
dġm two jars of dregs, 4.284:7; kd š a “jar” (and) a sheep 4.716:1 ff.; kd ṯn a “jar”
(and) two (sheep), 4.716:1ff. (McGeough-Smith UgET 541); ★d) elliptical use,
passim in admin. texts; cf. kd bt ỉlm rbm a “jar” (of wine) for the temple of
the great gods, 4.149:1; kdm mṭḫ l alṯy two “jars” (of wine) as a present for the
GN, ibid. ln. 7, see mṭḫ; kd PN, 3.17:5; kd ʕl PN, ibid. ln. 7, 8, 9; kd ỉštỉr ʕm qrt
a “jar” remains owed to the city, 4.290:3 (Hoftijzer UF 3 1971 363); PN kd(m),
4.761:8–11; ḫmšm kd kbd, 4.808:11.
3) Special uses: ★a) distributive: <yn> d nkly { yn} kd w kd <wine> that
was consumed: {} two “jars” (: one “jar” and one “jar”, probably a scribal
correction), 4.279:1 (for the rdg cf. PRU 2 100); ★b) du. kdm “double jar” (?): b
s̄ls̄t b kdm at three (shekels) the “double jar” (?), 4.710:12 (or: the “jar”, sg. with
encl. -m (?)); in bkn ctx.: kdm, 1.136:9; 4.373:7; 4.434:2; 4.558:3, 8; 4.717:4.
kd (II) conj. “anyway, since, as, in case, if” (< k + d. Hb. kzh, “as well”, HALOT 265;
OAram. kz:d( y), “when”, DNWSI 316ff.: zy E.f); JPAram. kd, kdy, “when”, DJPA
250; Arab. kaḏa, “so, such” Hava 648. Cf. De Moor SP 112). ¶ Forms: kd.
Anyway, since, as, in case, if: kd ynaṣn[ since he has scorned us, 1.1 IV 23; kd
ʕl qšt ỉmḫṣh so for his bow I wounded him, 1.19 I 14; kd lbšt b ỉr clothed so in

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426 kd (iii) – kdn

light, 1.13:25; for the rdg [k]d in 1.3 V 3 cf. Del Olmo MLC 189; in bkn ctx.: 1.6
II 3, 4.
kd (III) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 149 for Sem.; for poss. Hurr. or Anat.
elements cf. e.g. AT 139–140: kit=, kid=, kut=, Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 224,
231: kat=, kut=, Laroche NH 90f.: kadu=; Gröndahl PTU 279).
PN: 4.244:25; in bkn ctx.: bn kd[, 4.448:2.
Cf. kdy, kdn.
kdb 4.721:8–9., rdg kbd, cf. kbd (II).
kdd n. m. “child, young (son), youth/lad” (Akk. k/gudādu, “sehr klein, winzig”,
AHw 925; “small child”, CAD Q 293; OAram. syll. ki-da-di-e, “child”, DNWSI
488; /kiddu/ in syll. -ki-id-du onom. element, cf. Rainey Or 34 1965 22; Lipiński
SAIO 1 110, 7; Watson AuOr 19 2001 390f.; Historiae 10 2013 30); ¶ par.: ġzr.
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. kdd.
Child, young (son), youth / lad: ydmʕ l kdd dnỉl they shed tears for the young
boy of PN, 1.19 IV 12 and par. (// ġzr).
kdgdl PN (Hurr. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 326; cf. Nuzi Kutukkatil, Gelb-Purves-
MacRae NPN 93; diff. Gröndahl PTU 44, 149, 425; Watson AuOrS 27 102; AuOr
30 2012 332).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 7; 4.93 I 13; 4.412 III 4; 4.681:7; 4.769:51; 4.819:2; in bkn ctx.:
4.624:11 (Van Soldt SAU 35).
kḏġt PN (Hurr.).
PN: 4.840:7.
kdkdy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 162: *Kidkidiya. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 161; Van Soldt SAU 337; Topography 26, 176; Watson LSU 200;
Belmonte Fs. Watson 105); ¶ syll.: URU k]i-id-ki-dì-ia, PRU 4 51 (RS 17.340)
rev. 5; cf. PRU 4 67 (RS 17.62):22.
TN: 4.696:7.
kd/tln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 279; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 541;
Watson AuOr 8 1990 247; for the Hurr. or Anat. elements /kut=/ cf. kd (III));
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ku?-ti-la-na, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. II 4.
PN: ★a) 4.307:22; 4.368:21; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 VI 14; 4.93 I 15; in bkn ctx. bn kdl[,
Cf. ktl.
kdml PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.276:12.
kdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 149; Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 326; Watson
AuOr 13 1995 223; AuOr 14 1996 100; West AOAT 233 32: PN ka-da-no, Linear
B; Watson LSU 168); ¶ syll.: cf. KU-DU-na, PRU 6 137 (RS 19.27):3; PRU 6 144
(RS 19.038):1; KA-TU-na, PRU 3 136 (RS 15.168):4 (Huehnergard UVST 215, 220;
Van Soldt SAU 320 n. 135); KU-TA-n[a], PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):9.

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kdnt – kdwṯ 427

PN: ★a) 4.85:2 (zlyy); 4.617 I 23; ★b) bn PN, 4.75 III 3; 4.354:6; 4.432 (II) 8;
Cf. gdn, gtn, kd (III), ktn, qṭn.
kdnt n. f. “she-mule” ((?). Aram., Palm. kwdn, “mule”, DNWSI 492; JAram. kwdntʔ,
“mule”, DTT 617; cf. Akk. kūdanu, “Maultier, -esel”, AHw 498 f.; “a type of mule”,
CAD K 491ff.; Arab. kawdan, “hackney, of mixed breed (horse)”, Hava 648;
diff. Watson FO 47 2010 435: “pitcher(s)”, Syr. kdnʔ, “small pitcher”). ¶ Forms:
sg./pl. kdnt.
She-mule (?), in free ctx.: kdnt, 5.23:8.
kdr n. m., a type of “trough” (Nuzi Akk.: kudurru, “a wooden container”, CAD
K 496; cf. AHw 499: “Traggestell”, kudurru I; diff. Dijkstra UF 18 121: “ball”,
JAram., MHb, cf. kdrt; for the different opinions see Watson LSU 88; AuOrS 27
86f.: “rhyton”, syll. ka-da-ruma.MEŠ, PRU 6 158 (RS 15.24):12 and poss. with
assimilation < Akk. kandu/arû, Gk. kántharos). ¶ Forms: sg. kdr.
Type of trough: ]xb kdr PN (?), a trough, 4.275:8 (cf. ibid.: dqr, ln. 11, 17); kdr
trough, 5.22:3, and cf. kdr, ibid. ln. 10; used in the cult: kdr w npt a trough and
a sieve, 1.50:10 (diff. Xella TRU 126: “dono di salute”; Pardee TR/2 1158: “nom
désignant une offrande, signification inconnue”).
Cf. kdrt.
kdrl PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 311. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 326).
PN: 4.147:7; 4.264:3.
kdrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 149; Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 322, 325 f.; Die-
trich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 540; cf. fKutranu AAN 1 88; West AOAT 233 33: PN
ko-do-ro, Linear B; Watson AuOr 30 2012 332).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:22 (uškny); 4.55:26 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 33); 4.350:1.
kdrš PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 250f., 311; Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 322,
PN: 4.391:5.
kdrt n. f. “ball” ((?); Hb. kdwr, “ball”, HALOT 460; alt. Arab. kadar, kadarat,
“handfuls of reaped corn”, AEL 2596. De Moor SP 90; Oldenburg CEB 87;
Tropper UG 264; for other explanations cf. Sasson RSP 1 421); ¶ par.: ỉrby.
¶ Forms: pl. (?) kdrt.
Ball (?): tḥth k kdrt rỉ[š] at her feet like balls (?) (rolled) the heads, 1.3. II 9
and par. (// ỉrbym).
kdt “?”, in bkn ctx.: kdt bh x[, 1.174:3.
kdwṯ n. m., garment (prob. assimilated var. of kndpnṯ: /kindapanṯ-/ > /kid-
dabaṯṯ-/ > /kiddawaṯ(ṯ)-/; cf. MA kì-da-pa-še, Iraq 35 1973 13:1 and AHw 1568.
Sanmartín AuOr 10 1992 100; Tropper UF 29 1997 664f.; Watson LSU 129 f.).
¶ Forms: sg. kdwṯ; pl. kdwṯm.
Garment: ṯlṯ ʕšr kdwṯm thirteen k., 4.152:11; kdwṯ ṯlṯ kbd a k.-garment for three

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428 kdy – khn (i)

(shekels) in total, 4.270:3; ảrbʕ kdwṯm w ṯt ṯprtm b ʕšrt ksp four k. and two
ṯ. for ten (shekels) of silver, 4.341:10; kdwṯ l PN one k. for PN, 4.337:24; kdwṯ
ḥdṯ bd PN a new k. into the hands of PN, 4.205:19; ṯlṯ kdwṯm gdlm three wide
k.-garments, 4.152:6.
Cf. knd, kndpnṯ.
kdy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.743:15.
Cf. kd (III), kdn.
kḏd, 1.5 I 17 and par.
Cf. ḏd (III).
kḏġbr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 225, 237; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
PN: bn PN, 4.71 III 11; in bkn ctx.: 4.725:5.
kḏġdl PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 221, 237; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
PN: ★a) 3.5:5 (bn ušxl (?)) 4.798:9; ★b) bn PN, 4.183 II 3; in bkn ctx.: 4.725:5.
kḏyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 238).
PN: 4.635:28; 4.727:16 (cf. bt (II)).
kgmn, 1.6 I 19–29, cf. gmn.
kgr, “?”, 4.218:4.
kh, cf. k (III).
khdn, cf. kỉ/hdn.
khn (I) n. m. “priest”, as administrative personnel at Ugarit (Hb., Ph., Pun.,
OAram., Nab. khn, “priest”, HALOT 461f.; DNWSI 490 ff.; Arab. kāhin, “diviner,
priest”, Hava 668; Eth. kāhn, “priest”, CDG 278. Cody AnBib 35 18 ff.; Clemens
SURS 301ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ SANGA, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) B III 37;
PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):27; PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):6; cf. PN LÚ.UGULA SANGA,
PRU 3 168 (RS 16.186):13; PRU 6 9 (RS 17.428):1; PN LÚ.SANGA dEŠ4.DAR URU
zi-in-za-ri, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):3; PN LÚ.MÁŠ.ŠU.GÍD.GÍD LÚ.SANGA dU,
ibid. ln. 16; cf. mDINGIR.SANGA (PN), PRU 3 34 (RS 16.114):14; cf. Huehnergard
AkkUg 380. ¶ Forms: pl. khnm.
Priest(s): ★a) khnm, 4.36:1; 4.99:9; 4.126:6; 4.410:50; 4.745:5; 4.752:6; 4.806:3;
khnm: PNN, 4.69 VI 22; 4.633:4; 4.416:6 (nn GÁN.ME fields; diff. Márquez
NABU 1995/63: LÚ.MEŠ); khnm, 4.68:72 (cf. ṭup-pu ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.
BAN.MEŠ tablet of personnel equipped with bows, ibid. l.e.); khnm 3 GUR
ZÌ.KAL.KAL 6 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR 6 UDU.ḪI.A priests: 3 “kor” of high quality
flour, 6 shekels of silver, 6 rams, 4.38:1; khnm tšʕ bnšm w ḥmr (for the) priests:
nine unskilled labourers and a donkey, 4.29:1; ★b) rb khnm high priest, 1.6
VI 56, 2.4:1; 6.6:1; 6.7:1; 6.8:1; 6.10:1 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.UGULA SANGA, PRU 3
168 (RS 16.186):13; PRU 6 9 (RS 17.428):1); dr khnm chapter of priests, 4.357:24

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khn (ii) – kkn 429

(McGeough UgET 244 n. 73); in bkn ctx.: ṯllt khn[, group (?) of priests (?),
1.107:18 (diff. Pardee TPM 230: rdg k hn[); khnm l pnh, 2.97:10; khnm[, 4.761:1;
4.481:5; khn, 4.867:19.
Cf. khn (II).
khn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 150).
PN: 4.282:5.
/k-h-p/ vb G: “to droop, become depressed” ((?). Akk. kâpu, “niederdrücken” (?),
AHw 445; “to oppress”, CAD K 192. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 39;
Pardee TH 67; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 37f.: “auf dem Boden reiben, scharren”,
Arab. kahhafa; for this and other opinions cf. Cohen-Sivan UHT 39 f.; Cohen
UF 28 1996 147f.; Renfroe Or 57 1988 189ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 291; LSU 47,
69). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ykhp.
G. To droop, become depressed (?): k yrảš w ykhp mỉd if (the horse) tosses its
head and appears to be completely depressed (?), 1.85:30 and par.
/k-ḥ-d/ vb D: “to hide, deny” ((?). Hb. pi. kḥd, “to hide”, HALOT 469; Amm. kḥd,
“obliterate” (?), DNWSI 496: kḥd. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 66). ¶ Forms: D
suffc. with suff. kḥdnn.
D. To hide, deny (?): lảk lh w kḥdnn he sent (someone) to tell him, but he had
denied it (?), 2.70:13.
Cf. mkḥd.
kḥṣ cf. ḥṣ.
kḥṯ n. m. “throne” (EA Akk. kaḫšu, “Thron”, AHw 420; “a chair (?)”, CAD K 36;
Sivan GAGl 235; Hurr. ke/išḫi, “siège, trône”, Laroche GLH 143 f. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 10 1978 61; Dahood RSP 2 17; Watson LSU 130, 151); ¶ par.: ksu.
¶ Forms: sg. kḥṯ; pl. kḥṯm.
Throne: yṯb / yrd l kḥṯ alỉyn bʕl he sat down on / came down from / the throne
of “The Most Powerful”, DN, 1.6 I 58/64; kḥṯ ỉl a divine throne, 1.4 I 33; kḥṯ drkth
the throne of his power, 1.3 IV 3 and par. (// ksỉ); kḥṯ zblhm their princely
thrones, 1.2 I 23 and par.; ỉlm kḥṯm the throne-gods, 1.4 VI 51.
kkb (I) cf. kbkb.
kkb (II) PN (Sem. Hillers BASOR 173 1964 46f.; Cross BASOR 190 1968 44 n. 21;
Dietrich-Loretz KA 251; West AOAT 233 32: PN ka-ka-po, Linear B).
PN: 4.767:1.
kkbn PN (etym. unc. Xella SEL 9 1992 85f.; Watson LSU 168; AuOrS 27 104).
PN: 4.734:2.
kkln PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 277; Van Soldt SAU 38; Watson LSU 169; AuOrS 27
102); ¶ syll.: cf. ku-ku-li, Ug 5 35 (RS 20.216) obv. 11.
PN: 4.148:4; 4.352:10; 4.609:5.
Cf. qqln.
kkn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 311; Watson AuOr 5 1987 309 ff.; AuOr 30 2012

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430 kknt – kkr

PN: 4.645:4 ([bn] ubyn); in bkn ctx. 4.610 III 26.

kknt n. f. “pot, jar, pitcher” (etym. unc.; (?) < *knkn. Akk. kannu, “ein grosses
Gefäss”, kankannu, “Gestell für Töpfe”, AHw 437 f.; “wooden rack”, “small
container”, CAD K 154, G 40f. De Moor SP 170 f.; Margalit UF 8 1976 174 n. 93;
UF 11 1979 552 n. 50; Poljakov UF 14 1982 309 f.; Watson LSU 47 ff., 88: (?) <
Akk. kukkanītu, “gourd”, AHw 500; CAD K 498; AuOrS 27 87: poss. Eg gngn.t,
ein Gefäss für Milch, gngnt, “vessel”; Hitt. kunkanili-, a vessel); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
ku-ku-na-tu, PRU 6 163 (RS 19.64) obv. 3 (for the rdg see Van Soldt SAU 304:
ṣubat(?)ka-na-tu); ¶ par.: rḥbt. ¶ Forms: sg. kknt.

Pot, jar, pitcher: tšảbn b rḥbt [… t]šảbn b kknt he draws water with an
amphora, […] draws water with a pitcher, 1.6 I 67 (// rḥbt).
kkr n. m. “talent” (< “cake, disc”, */krkr/; unit of weight = 60 minas = 3000
shekels. Hb., Pun., Palm. kkr, “disk of gold or silver”, HALOT 473; “talent”,
DNWSI 500; OAram. knkr, DNWSI 500; OSA krkrk, “measure of weight”, SD 79;
Emar Akk. /kakkaru/, “talent, loaf od gread”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 91; Alal. /
EA Akk. kakkaru, “Talent”, AHw 422; “metal disk (weighing a talent)”, CAD
K 49f. [cf. Akk. biltu / GÚ, GUN, Bab. 30 ± 2kg.; Powell RlA 7 508 ff.; Van den
Hout RlA 7 525ff.; Karwiese Šiqlu 22f.]. Parise IncGr 82 1984 127ff.; Courtois
Poids 123); ¶ RS Akk.: GUN, passim; GÚ, PRU 6 146 (RS 19.77):1; Huehnergard
AkkUg 364; ¶ syll. Ug.: 2 ka4-ka4-r[u/a(?)-m]a KÙ.BABBAR-pí, PRU 3 52
(RS 15.86):23; 1 ka4-ka4-ra GUŠKIN (…) ù ka4-ka4-ra K[Ù.BABBAR], PRU 3 154
(RS 16.205+):20, 22; Nougayrol PRU 3 223, 235; PRU 6 154; KTU 4.809:14. Sivan
GAGl 235; Huehnergard UVST 136; Van Soldt SAU 319 n. 133. ¶ Forms: sg. kkr;
pl. kkrm, du. kkrm.
1) Talent, unit of weight of 3000 shekels for, ★a) metals: kkr br a talent of
tin, 4.608:3; ʕšrm kkr brr twenty talents of tin, 4.91:11; (nn) kkr ṯlṯ (nn) talents
of copper, 2.32:5, 6, 11; 4.181:4 (cf. ảlpm ṯlṯ two thousand shekels of copper,
ibid. ln. 6); 4.280:2, 5; ḫmš ʕšr kkr ṯlṯ (ship’s cargo of) fifteen talents of copper,
4.390:4; šbʕ ʕšrm kkr ṯlṯ twenty-seven talents of copper, 4.272:6; ḫmš kkrm
ảlp kbd ṯlṯ l nskm bỉrtym (…) w ṯṯ mảt brr b ṯmnym ksp ṯlṯt kbd five talents
one thousand shekels of copper for the GN smiths (…) and six hundred
(shekels) of tin for eighty-three of silver, 4.337:2; ḫmš kkr brr kkr ḫmš mảt kbd
ṯlṯ šmn five talents of tin and one talent five hundred (shekels) of copper (in
exchange for) oil, 4.272:3–4 (Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176f.); ṯmn kkr ṯlṯ ṯmn kkr
brr eight talents of copper, eight talents of tin, 4.203:1–2; ṯmn kkrm ảlp kbd
mỉtm kbd eight talents one thousand two hundred (shekels), 4.43:5; ʕšr kkr
ṯlṯ ktt ten talents of powdered copper, 4.721:4; ảrbʕ kkr ṯlṯ ktt four talents of
powdered copper, 4.288:8; kkrm brḏl two talents of iron, 4.91:6; ★b) minerals
and stones: kkrm ảlpm ḫmš mảt kbd ảbn ṣrp two talents (and) two thousand
five hundred shekels of alum, 4.626:8; ảrbʕ kkr ảlgbṯ ảrbʕt ksph four talents

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kkrdn 431

of ả. to the value of four (shekels), 4.158:14; ★c) wool: ʕšr kkr šʕrt bd PN b
ảrbʕm ten talents of wool in the hands of PN for forty (shekels), 4.341:15;
ḫṣt! kkr half a talent, 4.131:5 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 88 f.); kkr
lqḥ PN PN received a talent, 4.131:6 (cf. kkrm two talents ibid. ln. 2); kkr šʕrt
nṯkh its interest is a talent of wool, 4.225:13; (nn) kkr šʕrt l rb[ (nn) talents
of wool for the chief (?) / PN[, 4.721:9; ʕšr kkr šʕrt bd PN b ảrbʕm ten talents
of wool ceded to PN for forty (shekels), 4.341:14 (cf. ln. 3); kkr šʕrt šbʕt ksph
a talent of wool at the price of seven (shekels), 4.158:17; kkr šʕrt b ṯqlm a
talent of wool for two shekels, 4.707:15; kkrm šʕrt štt two talents of spun wool,
4.337:9; ★d) plants: kkr w mltḥ tyt a talent and a m. of t., 4.337:26; ḫmšt kkr
tyt five talents of t., 4.203:17; ảrbʕ kkrm ṯmn mảt kbd pwt four talents eight
hundred (shekels) of ruby, 4.626:4; ḫmšm kkr qnm fifty talents of reeds (?),
4.91:9; ḫmš kkr qnm five talents of reeds, 4.158:12; ḫmš kkrm ṣml[[l]] ʕšrt ksph
five talents of ṣ. for ten shekels, 4.158:10; ḫmš kkr ṣml b ʕšrt five talents of ṣ.
for ten shekels, 4.341:12; ]kkr hbn d mkr (…) kkr hbnm ṯn d mnḥt one talent
of ebony of merchant (…) a second talent of ebony of tribute, 4.808:1, see
ln. 5 (Tropper UF 36 2004 519f.; diff. for ln. 5 Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 276:
“(in) two (pieces)”); ★e) comestibles: [[drt b kkr]] [[bran for one talent]],
4.131:4 (text erased; cf. ibid. 2, 8, 10, 11, 13); kkr tznt a talent in provisions,
4.203:16; ḫmš kkr ḥlb five talents of cheese, 4.272:2; kkr ḥlb a talent of cheese,
4.707:19; ★f) other items: ʕšr kkr rtn ten talents of r., 4.247:32; ʕšrm kkr kkrm
ảlp ṯṯ mảt kbd twenty-two talents, one thousand six hundred (shekels (?)),
2) Relative values: kkr ủgrt Ugaritic talent (: 28· 2 kg.), kkr ảḏdd talent of Ash-
dod (23·499kg. = Karkemish (?); ratio 6:5, cf. Parise IncGr 82 1984 129 ff.;
Courtois Poids 123); šbʕ kkr šʕrt b kkr ảḏdd w b kkr ủgrt ḫmš kkrm ảlp ṯmn mảt
kbd seven talents of wool (calculated) by the talent of TN which are, accord-
ing to the talent of TN, five talents, one thousand eight hundred (shekels)
4.709:1–4; kkrm ṯmn mảt kbd two talent plus eight hundred (shekels), 4.809:8;
ʕšrm kkr ảrbʕ kbd … mḫsrm twenty-four … the loss, 4.866:5; ḫmš kkrm mḫr
five talents the price, 4.867:2, see ln. 4, 5; kkrm ảlpm two thousand talents,
4.721:5; w ảrbʕ kkr ʕl PN and four talents on PN’s account, 3.13:2; in bkn ctx.:
4.201:3, 5 (for the rdg (?) cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 237); 3.22:1; 4.206:3; 4.304:3,
5; 4.342:3–4; 4.396:10, 15, 16, 17 (rdg (?), cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 238); 4.608:5–
13; 4.742:3, 7; 4.809:1, 3.
kkrdn n. m., a class of “baker” (Hurro-Akk. kakardinnu, “Truchsess” (?), AHw
421; “a baker or cook producing special dishes”, CAD K 42; < */kakkar= tenn=/,
cf. Akk. kakkaru “large loaf”, AHw 422; CAD K 49 f.; Hb. kkr, “round loaf”,
HALOT 473; Hurr. suff. /=tenn-/ nomen actoris; Wilhelm UF 2 1970 280 ff. [cf.
*tan= “to make” Laroche GLH 254f.]. Aartun SEL 2 1985 81 ff.: “Berufstätige,

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432 kky – kl

die das Horn des Nashorns zu Gegenständen verarbeiten”, from Indo-Iran.;

Watson LSU 130). ¶ Forms: pl. kkrdnm.
A class of baker: kkrdnm k.-bakers, 4.126:27.
kky PN (etym. unc. Muchiki Loanwords 90; Watson LSU 168 f.; AuOr 30 2012
PN: bn PN, 4.321:3.
kl n. m. “totality (of)”, > “all, each, every, the whole, entirety” (Hb., Amm.,
Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm., Nab. kl, “all, the whole”, HALOT 474f.; “totality”,
DNWSI 500ff.; Ebla cf. gal-iš /kalîš/, “ganz”, Krebernik PET 86 [and cf. Ug.
klh]; Pagan ARES 3 256; cf. [g]a-li, Krebernik QuSem 18 114; Akk. kalû, “alles,
Ganzes”, AHw 427; “whole, enterity, all”, CAD K 87ff.; OSA kll, “all, every”,
SD 77; Arab. kull, “any one”, AEL 3002; Eth. kwǝll, “all, every, each”, CDG 281.
Cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 351ff.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 291); ¶ par.: pḫyr.
¶ Forms: sg. kl; suff. klh, klhm, klhn, klm (encl. -m (?)).
Totality (of) > all, each, every, the whole, entirety,★a): abs. mt kl ảmt the
death of all I also shall die, 1.17 VI 38 (see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 547: “like
everybody dies”, rdg k y]mt kl); kl d ỉṯ [l špš] all that the “Sun” has, 2.81:9; ảnk
ṯṯ ymm kl lḥmt as for me, I have fought everyone for six days, 2.82:9; [ yṯ]b
kmm l kl msp[r] it returns (: it is repeated) once again at / in each recitation,
1.107:14; abs. adv. entirely, completely, in full: w ḫrṣ l kl and the gold in full,
1.16 I 45; cf. 1.18 IV 4 (Del Olmo CR 263 n. 70; cf. kll; diff. Greenstein UNP 32:
“gold for all”); b kl ygz ṭ!bḫ šh the sacrificer shall shear his sheep completely,
1.80:5; ★b) cstr. with n.: tṣd kl ġr (…) kl gbʕ she scoured every mountain (…)
every height, 1.5 VI 26–27 and par.; rb tmtt lqḥ kl ḏrʕ b dnhm w ảnk kl ḏrʕ hm kl
npš kl klhm bd rb tmtt lqḥt the captain of the crew has collected all the seed
grain from their containers (?), and I (then) collected all their seed grain, all
the persons (and) all their belongings, 2.38:17ff.; dbḥ kl yrḫ sacrifice of every /
each month, 1.127:1; l kl ỉl ảlṯy to all the gods of TN, 2.42:8; bʕl kl ḥwt lord of the
whole country, 2.81:3 and par., title of the pharaoh; kl dbrm hmt … wkl mḫrk [d
iš]tỉr ảštn lk all the matters … I will return to you the total amount that I still
owe (you), 2.32:9 (cf. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40); kl šbšlt dg all types of fish stews,
1.106:21; kl bnšm dt ḫbṯ all the individuals who are ḫ., 2.108:4, 6, see 2.98:28: klm
bnšm (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 152); ★c) with suff. pn.: ảṯr ṯlṯ klhm they go
in threes all of them, 1.14 II 42 and par.; TN ỉl klh TN that of (one) god it all is,
1.3 VI 14 and par. (diff. Gibson CML 55: “all broad TN”; De Moor ARTU 19: “for
all Divine TN”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 178 n. g: “car il est à lui”; Cassuto GA 153,
164; Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 33: “El-Kulla”; Margalit MLD 151: “the god (who
is) its crown”, Arab. kalla; Tropper UG 845: “das ganze majestätische TN”;
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 366: “great and wide Memphis”); w ymlk b ảrṣ ỉl klh and
he was king in the land (that) of (one) god it all is, 1.6 I 65 (cf. supra: 1.3 VI 14

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/k-l-ʔ/ – klb (i) 433

and par; diff. Loretz UB 223: “auf der Erde des El”; De Moor UF 18 1986 259:
“all the divine (Egypt)”; Tropper UG 845: “die ganze herrliche Erde”); šbʕ pảmt
l klhm seven times according to the total (number), 1.43:26 (or “in total”; cf.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 351f.); yn l mrynm ḥsk klh wine for the m.: assigned
in its entirety, 4.230:1; gdm klhm! two kids (to) them all, 1.111:7 (for the rdg cf.
Del Olmo CR 163 n. 92; diff. rdg in KTU klhn; cf. Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 19:
/kullahin(n)a/ “gänzlich”); w b klhn špḥ yỉtbd and in their entirety, yes, the
family perished, 1.14 I 24 (// b pḫryh); in bkn ctx.: ỉbr klhm, 1.9:11 (CTA rdg ỉbrk
lhm); kl b kl, 1.82:26; nbl kl 1.117:2; kl hw[, 2.3:4; ]x kl lh, ibid. ln. 26; w l kl, 2.35:15;
kl ḏrʕ / kl ḏrʕhm all / all their seed grain, 2.38:17, 19; klm ḏrʕ, 2.81:17; klhm ntk,
all of them (bring (?)) n., 4.278:12 (for the rdg cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984
352); 4.278:12 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 352); yd kl 4.639:6; mṯt kl, 7.50:3;
read qlh in 2.31:52 (see ql (I); in unc. ctx.: w klhm nzq, and all of them have
suffered, 2.91:5.
Cf. /k-l-l/, kll.
/k-l-ʔ/ vb G: “to close” (Hb., OAram. klʔ, “to restrain, shut up”, HALOT 475;
“to withhold, detain”, DNWSI 508; Syr. kly, “to impede, prevent”, SL 624;
Akk. kalû, “zurückhalten”, AHw 428f.; “to detain, delay”, CAD K 95 ff.; Arab.
kalaʔa, “to guard, keep”, AEL 2623f.; Eth. kalʔa, “hinder, prohibit”, CDG 281 f.).
¶ Forms: G suffc. klảt.
G. To close: klảt ṯġrt bht she closed the doors of (her) house, 1.3 II 3 and par.
(diff. Aartun StUL 71f.: “bewachen”, Arab. kalaʔa).
klỉ PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537f.; Watson LSU 169); ¶ syll.:
ki-la-ʔe-e, PRU 4 294 (RS 19.70):3; RSOu 7 19 (RS obv. 3, obv. 3; in bkn ctx. PRU 4
234 (RS 17.112):2; cf. Huehnergard UVST 246.
PN: 3.8:3; cf. 4.817:5.
klảt(n) n. f. “both, both (hands)” (Hb. klʔym, “both”, HALOT 475f.; Akk. kilattān,
“beide”, AHw 475; “both”, CAD K 353ff.; Arab. kilā, kiltā, “both”, Hava 664; Eth.
kǝlʔǝ, kǝlʔǝttu, “two, both”, CDG 282. De Moor SP 72; Fensham JNSL 4 1975 16;
Watson LSU 141); ¶ par.: yd, ymn. ¶ Forms: sg. f. klảt; ext. klảtnm (ext. -n- +
encl. -m; Tropper UG 382).
Both, both (hands): b klảt ydh in both his hands, 1.3 I 11 and par. (// bdh); b
klảt ydy ỉlḥm with both hands I swallow, 1.5 I 19; lqḥ (…) llả klảtnm he took
(…) a suckling with both (hands), 1.14 III 57 and par. (// b ydh); klảt tqtnṣn
w tldn both (women) squatted and gave birth, 1.23:57 (diff. Tsumura UF 10
1978 393: “completion”, cf. /k-l-l/ > pḫr klảt, ‘total completion’, Akk. ina puḫur
klb (I) n. m. “dog” (Hb., Ph., Aram. klb, “dog”, HALOT 476; DNWSI 509 f.; Akk.
kalbu, “Hund”, AHw 424f.; “dog”, CAD K 68; Arab. kalb, AEL “dog”, 2625f.; Eth.
kalb, “dog”, CDG 282); ¶ syll. Ug.: [UR = ka-al-bu (?)] = ir-bi = ka-a[l-bu, UF 11

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434 klb (ii) – kld (ii)

1979 478:34; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 366; SAU 304; cf. the element /kalb-/ in
PNN; Sivan GAGl 235; ¶ par.: ỉnr. ¶ Forms: sg. klb (f. cf. klbt); pl. klbm, suff.
Dog: k klb like a dog, 1.16 I 2 and par. (// ỉnr); zġt klb ṣpr barking of the hunting
dog(s), 1.14 III 19 and par. (cf. see ṣpr for other versions); pn lm k!lb tʕdbn nšb
so do not offer a n. to a dog, 1.114:12 (// ỉnr); šʕr klb hair of a dog, 1.114:29;
ṯlṯ klbm three dogs, 4.54:4 (see McGeough UgEt 439 n. 38); ḫrṣ klb ỉlnm the
divine puppy / dog bit, 1.19 I 10 (for other interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 129
n. 292; diff. Margalit UF 16 1984 121: rdg k lb); klb l ḫṭh (like) a dog (tied) to its
stake, 1.19 I 13–14 (Del Olmo IMC 128 n. 287); mḥy l dg w l klb, remove fish and
dog, 1.124:15 (diff. Del Olmo CR 263 n. 70: “no fish at all”, rdg lkll!; Watson-Wyatt
JMC 24 2014 41ff.: l klb, “no more madness”, Syr. klb).
Cf. klb (II), klbt, klby, klbyn.
klb (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 150; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Helck 641; Van
Soldt SAU 40); ¶ syll.: kál(GAL)-bu/i, PRU 3 81 (RS 16.239):25–26; PRU 3 82
(RS 16.143):12, 24; kal-bi, PRU 3 82 (RS 16.143):11, 12, 24; cf. Sivan GAGl 235.
PN: ★a) 4.232:44; ★b) bt PN, 4.75 III 5.
klbr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 211, 225, 236; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 535,
PN: 4.391:2.
klbt n. f. “bitch” (< klb (I). Smith Fs. Loretz 713–716). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. klbt.
Bitch: mḫšt klbt ỉlm I crushed the Divine Bitch, 1.3 III 45 (written k{.}lbt, see
Watson UF 10 1978 397f. West UF 24 1992 369 ff.; Rahmouni DEUAT 199 f.).
klby PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 150; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Helck 641); ¶ syll.:
kál-be-ia, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):29, 31 (Berger WO 5 1969–1970 275);
kál-be-ya, PRU 3 97f. (RS 16.249), 6 and passim ibid.; PRU 3 155 (RS 16.242):7;
kál-bi-ya, PRU 3 121 (RS 15.136):4; PRU 3 146 (RS 16.139):4; PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09)
B II 10; cf. Sivan GAGl 235; Huehnergard AkkUg 386.
PN: ★a) 2.10:6; 2.99:26; 4.63 II 19; 4.69 I 24; 4.75 V 18 (b[n); 4.76:8; 4.103:36;
4.277:5; 4.357:17; 4.366:7 (bn ỉḫy); 4.609:26, 29; 4.690:2 (bn ḫḏġb); 4.862 I 24;
6.80:1 (?); ★b) bn PN; in unc. ctx. ṯn bn klby, 4.364:1.
klbyn PN (Sem. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Helck 641).
PN: 4.370:20; 6.80:1 (?).
kld (I) n. m. “bow” (Hurr. allom.; < /qalt-/ < Ug. qšt /qašt/. Akk. qaštu, “Bogen”,
AHw 906; “bow”, CAD Q 147; cf. Hurr. keltuḫlu, Mayer Nuzi 186. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 10 1978 429). ¶ Forms: sg. kld.
Bow: (list of) bnš kld archers, 4.277:1 (cf. ṭup-pu ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ
tablet of personnel [equipped] with bows, 4.68:76/lr. e.).
Cf. qšt.
kld (II) DN Hurr. (“Health” (?). Cf. Hurr. keldi, “santé”, Laroche GLH 141; Laroche

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klḏy – kln 435

Ug 5 526; Schwemer NuzHur 7 94f.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. dSA-li-mu, Ug 5 18 (RS

20.24):33 (// šlm, 1.47:34; 1.118:33). ¶ Forms: kldnd (1.132:12; Hurr.: DN + det. +
dir. /DN=ne=da/).
DN: 1.132:12; in Hurr. ctx.: 1.44:10–11; 1.52:10, 14; 1.66:8; 1.128:11, 20.
klḏy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.609:21.
klkl, n. m. “anybody, anyone, anything possible, anything at all” (< kl. Tropper
UG 245: “jedwede(r/s), alles Mögliche, alles Sonstige”). ¶ Forms: sg. klkl, suff.
klklh, klklk, klklhm.
Anybody, anyone, anything possible, anything at all: w ảt klklk […] škn l
šmk and you must establish everything that is yours for your name, 2.88:11
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 149); yd klklh with every thing pertaining to it,
3.33:18, see 2.38:21; 3.5:9f., 4.639:6; dbḥ klkl ykly sacrifice that is completely
consumed, 1.127:7–8 (alt.: “of which everyone eats”; cf. 1.115:10; Dietrich-
Loretz MU 29.
Cf. kl.
/k-l-l/ vb D: “to complete, finish” (denom. < kl (I). Van Zijl Baal 113ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. the element /kallāl/ (?) in PNN; Sivan GAGl 235; ¶ par.: /ʕ-m-s/. ¶ Forms:
D prefc. with suff. ykllnh.
D. To complete, finish: bt ảrzm ykllnh a palace of cedar they shall complete
for him, 1.4 V 10 (// yʕmsnh).
Cf. škllt.
kll n. m. “totality, whole” > “all” (< kl (I). Hb. klyl, “entirety, entire”, HALOT 479.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartin UF 7 1975 544). ¶ Forms: sg. kll, kllm (encl. -m).
Totality, whole, all: ṯmny šlm kll with me all is at peace, 2.16:15, cf. 2.13:10 and
par.; b bt mlk kll šlm in the palace all is at peace, 2.89:6; hnny ʕmny kll mỉd šlm
behold here with me everything is very well, 2.11:11 (cf. 2.34:7; 2.36:3; 2.39:3);
š (…) kll ylḥm bh a ram (…) of which all shall eat, 1.115:10 (cf. tlḥm ảṯt, ibid. ln.
8. Cf. Del Olmo CR 220ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 88: rdg kl + l + jussive:
“alle sollen von ihm essen”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 543;
Janowski UF 12 1980 247f.: “gänzlich soll man es essen”; Levine PL 11: “kalil
(sacrifice)”, Hb. klyl, Ph. kll, but cf. Janowski UF 12 1980 247 f.; in general on this
type of sacrifice cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 561f.; Loretz UF 7
1975 569f.); kllm štnt I made to be delivered in full, 2.89:21. In bkn ctx.: w kll,
1.173:14; 7.20:2.
kln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 205, 234, 236; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967
537f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ku-la-nu, PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):15; DUMU kal-la-na, Ug 5 5
(RS 17.22+):26.
PN: bn PN, 4.309:23.
Cf. gln.

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436 klnmw – klt (iii)

klnmw PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 280, 285).

PN: 4.44:21, 25.
klny adv. “all of us together” (< kl (I) + adv. suff. -ny + emph. postp. functor -y.
Gordon, UT §11.3; Aartun PU/1 44f., 62; Tropper UG 225, 228). ¶ Forms: suff.
klnyy, klnyn (-y, -n: emph. endings, with the same mng; cf. Tropper UF 26 1994
479f.; Del Olmo AuOr 16 1998 65).
All together, together: klnyy qšh nbln klnyy nbl ksh all together we shall carry
his tankard, all together we shall carry his cup, 1.3 V 33 ff. (cf. klnyn all of us,
1.4 IV 45–46).
klt (I) n. f. 1) “bride”; 2) “daughter-in-law” (?) (Hb., Palm. klh, “bride, daughter-in-
law”, HALOT 477f.; DNWSI 510; Syr. kaltāʔ, “bride, daughter-in-law”, SL 628;
MSA Mehri kln, “bride” / “groom”, Johnstone ML 209; Ebla /kallatu(m)/, in
É.GI.A = gal-la-tum/du, gal-tum, VE 322; ÉxGÌ = ga-la-tum, EV 0468; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 14; Fronzaroli EL 140; StEb 7 1984 168; Akk. kallatu, “Schwie-
gertochter, Braut”, AHw 426; “daughter-in-law, bride”, CAD K 79ff., also an
epithet of goddesses. Cf. De Moor SP 82; Watson Historiae 10 2013 34).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. klt; suff. klth.
1) Bride: klt knyt the glorious brides, 1.4 I 15 and par. (epithet of Baal’s
daughters. Watson LSU 89; diff. Caquot Fs. Laroche 79ff.: the DN Kullita); PN
klt bt špš PN, the bride, the daughter of the “Sun” (: Hitt. king), 6.24:2 (cf. Van
Soldt UF 21 1989 389ff.); in unc. ctx.: ššlmt yrḫ l klt monthly supplementary
delivery for the bride (?), 4.786:5 (see Clemens SURS 467 f.).
2) Daughter-in-law (?), in bkn ctx.: PN(N) w klth and his(their) daughter(s)-
in-law (?), 4.80:13 and par.; cf. yd ṯlṯ kl[th with [his] three daughters[-in-law]
(?), ibid. ln. 4, 19.
klt (II) n. f. “measure, amount, quantity” (< */k-(w)-l/; EHb. kl, “measuring”,
DNWSI 507f.; Palm. poss. some kind of measure, DNWSI 508; Arab. kayl,
mikyāl, “a measure with which corn is mesasured”, AEL 3005; for Ebla / pre-
Sarg. Mari ITU GI.NI cf. Pettinato Ebla(1) 139: rdg kí-lí “mese della misura”;
Mander MROA 2/1 96. Herdner TOu/1 513 n. o; Watson AuOrS 27 87; diff. Aar-
tun UF 16 1984 38: “festgelegte Portion, Ration”, Arab. kalata, kultat; Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 547: “totality, all”, /k-l-l/). ¶ Forms: sg. klt.
Measure, amount, quantity: klt lḥm d nzl a measure of his offering bread,
1.14 III 58 and par. (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1221: “all [dein (?)] Brot
der Darbringung”; Greenstein UNP 18: “all his food”; Watson AuOrS 27 87:
alt. “bowl”, Akk. kallu(m), kind of bowl); klt tn ảkl lhm give them a k. in grain,
2.70:22 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 240: ṯmt ʕmk klt, “there with you is all”;
see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 543: “all”).
klt (III) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 169).
PN: 4.370:38; 4.786:5; cf. rdg k/wlt, 4.34:5.

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kltn – /k-l-y/ 437

kltn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 236, 260ff.; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537 f.).
PN: bn PN, 3.5:13, 18.
kltṯb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 211, 236, 264; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 538;
Van Soldt SAU 36; Watson AuOr 21 2003 246).
PN: 4.103:46; 4.357:27; 4.616:12; 4.638:7; 4.807:33.
/k-l-y/ vb G: “to finish, be finished, to empty, be emptied (out), to consume, be
consumed”; N: “to be consumed, used up; to be distributed; to be liquidated”;
D: “to finish (off), destroy, drain” (Hb. klh, “to stop, come to an end, be
finished”, HALOT 476f.; EHb., Ph. kly pi “to complete, finish”, DNWSI 510 ff.
Xella UF 11 1979 835; TRU 341; Milano VO 1 1978 83ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13
1981 294ff.); ¶ par.: /ʔ-k-l/, /m-ḫ-ṣ/, /m-ḫ-š/, /q-ṯ/, /s-p-ʔ/, /ṣ-m-t/. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. kly, klt; prefc. ykly; N suffc. nkly; D suffc. klt; prefc. ảkly, tkly, tkl (jussive),
ykly; inf. suff. klyy, klyn (?); act. ptc. suff. mkly.
G. To finish, be finished, to empty, be emptied (out), to consume, be con-
sumed: kly lḥm (…) kly yn (…) kly šmn finished was the grain / the wine / the
oil, 1.16 III 13–16.
N. To be consumed, to be used up; to be distributed, to be liquidated, in
admin. terminology: qmḥ d kly b bt skn l PN flour that has been liquidated
for PN in (/ intended for) the house of the prefect, 4.361:1 (Dietrich-Loretz
UF 13 1981 296); qmḥ d kly k ṣḥ PN bd PN flour that has been liquidated when
PN claimed (it) through the mediation of PN, 4.362:1; kśmm d kly spelt that
was consumed, 4.855:3, 7; dbḥ kl kl ykly total sacrifice, that is consumed com-
pletely, 1.127:8; yn d ykl bd r[…] b dbḥ mlk wine to be consumed (delivered)
into the hands of the r.[…] in the royal sacrifice, 1.91:1; in bkn ctx.: dt klt[,
N. yn ḥsp d nkly b dbḥ decanted wine that has been used up during the sac-
rifice, 4.213:24; ]nkly l rʕym ]that was distributed to the shepherds, 4.243:45;
tgmr yn d nkly total of wine distributed, 4.230:15; <yn> d nkly { yn} kd w kd
<wine> that was used: {} two “jars” (: one “jar” and one “jar”; scribal correc-
tion), 4.279:1 (for the rdg cf. PRU 2 100); ksp d nkly b šd money liquidated for
a field, 4.280:6; in bkn ctx.: ]d nkly, 4.227 IV 6.
D. To finish (off), destroy, drain: klt bt ỉl I finished off the daughter of DN, 1.3
III 46 (// ṣmt, mḫšt); l klt nhr ỉl rbm did I not finish off DN, the great god?, 1.3
III 39; ykly ṯpṭ nhr he finished off Judge DN, 1.2 IV 27 (// yqṯ); tkly bṯn ʕqltn
you finished off the winding serpent, 1.5 I 2 and par. (// tmtḥṣ); mnth l tkly
npr[m] the birds finished (off) his pieces, 1.6 II 36 (// tỉkl); ảkl<y> mkly [ʕ]l
ủmty I am going to finish off the one who finished off my kin, 1.19 IV 34–35
and par. (// ỉmḥṣ mḥṣ; cf. 1.4 II 25); w ủḫry ykly ršp and DN will destroy the
descendants (of the king), 1.103:40; ảl tkl bn qr ʕnk do not drain, my son, the
source of your eyes, 1.16 I 26 (jussive); ytnt (…) bnm ủmy klyy you made (…)

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438 kly – km

the sons of my mother my consumption, 1.6 VI 11, 15–16; 1.6 VI 15 (// spủy).
In bkn ctx.: d ykl, 1.104:3; kly b kpr, 2.72:43 (see kly PN); tʕdt tkl, 1.5 III 5; klyn[,
1.7:18; kly, 4.855:4; kśmm d kly, 4.855:7; w kly ʕbd[, 4.288:13; for ảkly in 1.6 V 24
see ảkl (III).
kly PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 236); ¶ syll.: ki-li-ia, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):3 and
passim ibid. (Van Soldt SAU 350 n. 209).
PN: ★a) 2.72:43.; 4.390:8; 6.43:2; kly[, 4.825 II 24. ★b) bn PN, 4.214 III 6.
klyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 236; Van Soldt SAU 38; Watson LSU 169);
¶ syll.: ki-li-ia-nu, PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):1.
PN: ★a) 4.80:11 (ảpsny); 4.141 I 17; 4.148:4; 4.609:13, 25; in bkn ctx. klyn[, 1.7:18;
]klyn, 4.615:5; 4.825 I 24; 4.850:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.214 III 7.
Cf. glyn.
klyt n. f. “kidneys” (Hb. klywt, “kidneys”, HALOT 479; Syr. kūlīṯāʔ, “kidney”, SL 607;
Akk. kalītu, “Niere”, AHw 425; “kidney”, CAD K 74ff.; Arab. kulyat, “loin,
kidney”, Hava 664; Eth. kwǝlīt, “kidney”, CDG 284). ¶ Forms: pl./du. suff. klyth.
Kidneys: klyth w lbh his kidneys and his heart, 1.82:3.
-km suff. pn. morph. 2nd p. m. pl.: 1) used with a n., “your”; 2) used with a vb,
“you”; 3) used with the prep. l, “you” (?) (c.Sem. except Akk. and Syr. [kn]. Cf.
Gordon UT §6.12; Tropper UG 225). ¶ Forms: pl./du. -km.
1) Used with a n.: passim.
2) Used with a vb: b]ty ảṣḥkm ỉqrả[km] to my house I invite you, I call you, 1.21
II 2–3 and par.; [l l]ḥm l šty ṣḥtkm to eat and drink I called you, 1.15 IV 27 and
par.; ảl tʕdbkm k ỉmr lest he places you like a lamb in his mouth, 1.4 VIII 16;
(if hits) “the Lord of the arrow” ršp bnkm yr DN your son, he fires (arrows)
…, 1.82:3 (Del Olmo AuOr 19 2011 246; diff. De Moor(-Spronk) UF 16 1984 239;
ARTU 176: “pay attention when he shoots”, rdg bn km yr, see infra: km 2).
3) Used with a prep. in bkn ctx.: ảnk lkm[, 2.3:16.
In bkn ctx.: ]km rʕy, 1.21 II 6.
km 1) prep. “like”; 2) conj. “when, in the event of, while”; 3) adv. “thus, likewise”,
inter. “how?” (cf. k (I) + encl. -m; Ph., Pun. km, as, like, DNWSI 514; Hb. kmw/h,
“like, as”, HALOT 481; DNWSI 514; Amor. /kama/, “like”, Gelb CAAA 22; Akk.
kima, “wie”, AHw 476f.; “as soon as, when, because”, CAD K 363; Arab. kamā,
“as”, Hava 664. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 163); ¶ par.: k. ¶ Forms: km; suff. kmk,
kmhm, kmm (encl. -m (I) with adv. mng; cf. also kmm).
1) Prep. like: d ỉn bn lh km ảḫh w šrš km ảryh who has no son like his brothers
or offspring like his kinsmen, 1.17 I 19 and par.; w ỉn bt l bʕl km ỉlm but,
evidently, DN has no house like the gods, 1.4 IV 51 and par. (// k); y[b]n bt lk km
ảḫk w ḥẓr km ảryk a house will be built for you like (the one of) your brothers,
a mansion like (one of) your kin, 1.4 V 28–29; k lbš km lpš dm ả[ḫh] km ảll dm
ảryh for he put on like a cloak the blood of his equals, like a cloak the blood of

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km 439

his kinsmen, 1.12 II 46–47; npl bʕl km ṯr (…) km ỉbr DN fell like a bull, (…) like
a bullock, 1.12 II 54–55; bhm qrnm km ṯrm w gbṯt km ỉbrm they will have horns
like bulls and “a hump” like bullocks, 1.12 I 30–31; km ỉrby tškn šd like locusts
they settled in the field, 1.14 IV 29 (// k; cf. II 50, k ỉrby); km ḥsn pảt mdbr (they
settled) like grasshoppers in the fringes of the desert, 1.14 III 1 (// k; cf. IV 30,
k ḫṣn); tṣỉ km rḥ / ỉṯl / qṭr may (his soul) go out like a breath / saliva / incense,
1.18 IV 24–25 and par.; špk km šỉy dm km šḫṭ spill (his) blood like an assassin,
like a butcher, 1.18 IV 23–24 and par.; lbh km bṯn her heart like a snake(’s),
1.19 IV 61, cf. km bṯn yqr like a snake he hissed, 1.17 VI 14; tḥrṯ km gn ảp lb she
ploughed her chest like a garden, 1.6 I 4 (// k); yšql šdmth km gpn they threw
(the sceptre) on the terrace like a vinestock, 1.23:11; ảštk (…) km nšr / dỉy I
shall place you (…) like an eagle / vulture, 1.18 IV 17–18 (cf. ln. 28, k nšr); bn
krt kmhm tdr ảp bnt ḥry kmhm the sons of PN were as many as promised and
also the daughters of PN as many as them, 1.15 III 23–24; tntkn ủdmʕ km ṯqlm
/ ḫmšt his tears ran like shekels / like five-shekel (weights), 1.14 I 28–29; w l ytk
dmʕt km rbʕt ṯqlm and truly they poured out tears like quarter-shekels, 1.19
II 33; km tsm ʕṯtrt tsmh like the beauty of DN is her beauty, 1.14 III 42 (// k); tn
{km} nḥšm y ḥr[n] tn km mhry give me the serpents, oh DN, give me (them)
as a dowry, 1.100:73 (dittog. of km); ṯdn km mrm tqrṣn they bite our chests like
cubs, 1.12 I 11; tlủ ḥ<m>t km nḫl tplg km plg the venom had been drained like
a torrent, dried up like a stream, 1.100:68–69; ybky km nʕr [ ydmʕ] km ṣġr he
weeps like a boy, [pours out tears] like a youngster, 1.107:8 and par.; trtqṣ (…)
km nšr leapt (…) like an eagle, 1.2 IV 15 and par.; km ġlmm w ʕrbn like servants
you must enter, 1.3 III 8; km rgm ṯ[rm] rgmhm like the bellow of a bull was
their voice, 1.15 VI 6; km klb yqṯqṯ like a dog he crept, 1.114:5; km nkyt ṯġr[…] km
škllt like distressed (?) (women) at the gate (?) […] like emaciated (women)
(?), 1.16 II 28; km dlt tlk km p[ like (a) poor woman she / you shall walk, like
[, 1.82:24; km ṣq like someone distressed, 1.82:25; km špš d brt kmt br ṣṭqšlm
(?), like the sun, which is free, similarly PN remains free, 3.12:2 (cf. kmt); in
unc. ctx: [kb]d km kbkbt kṯn [splen]dour (?) like the stars of TN, 1.92:28; in bkn
ctx.: 1.12 I 7, 8; 1.12 II 39–40; 1.82:11; 1.19 IV 60 (// km bṯn); 1.19 I 7 (for the various
proposals cf. Del Olmo IMC 128 n. 289; Caquot SEL 2 1985 98 f.; Margalit UF 16
1984 120f.; Cooper UF 20 1988 20f.).
2) Conj. when, in the event of, while, for, since: w km ỉṯ and when he is (there),
1.41:55 (?); ảqht km yṯb l lḥ[m] when DN sat down to eat, 1.18 IV 29 and par.;
km ảgrškm b bty in the event of evicting them from my household, 3.9:6; km
tdd ʕnt ṣd while DN rushed (off) to hunt, 1.22 I 10; km ảḫt ʕrš mdw for you
have taken to the bed of sickness, 1.16 VI 35 and par.; in bkn ctx.: w/kmtmtm
?, 1.20 I 3; km mġy when (…) arrived, 2.84:15.
3) Adv. thus, likewise: km lb ʕnt ảṯr bʕl thus the heart of DN (did beat) for

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440 kmġ – kmn (i)

DN, 1.6 II 29 and par. (// k; cf. kmt); km zbln ʕl rỉšh thus the disease from his
head (she hit), 1.16 VI 8; ỉ km yrgm woe, how can it be said …, 1.16 I 20; km l
tủdn dbbm kšpm (…) in the same way, do not let the foul-mouthed sorcerers
disclose, 1.178:8; in unc. ctx.: 1.114:28.
Cf. kmt.
kmġ DN, allog. of kmṯ, 1.82:42.
Cf. kmṯ.
kmkty TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 151: *Kamkatiya. Heltzer RCAU 11; Astour Fs.
Gordon 1980 4; UF 13 1981 8; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 674; UF 29 1997 691; UF 30
1998 734; Topography 27, 176f.; Watson LSU 201; Belmonte Fs. Watson 105);
¶ syll.: URU kam-ka3-ti-ia, PRU 4 48ff. (RS 17.340+):21 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
151, 406); URU kam-ka-ti4![ia, PRU 4 68 (RS 17.339 A):6; PRU 4 66 (RS 17.62):14.
TN: 4.648:7, 10, 11, 15; 4.827 V 10.
/k-m-l/, for the rdg tk[[m]]ml in KTU 1.111:22 see the survey of proposals in Del
Olmo CR 165 n. 105.
kmlt adj. f. “whole, intact, perfect, without defect” (Arab. kamala, kāmil, “com-
plete with respect to bodily vigour, having attained the usual term thereof”,
AEL 3003. Del Olmo CR 164 n. 101; Pardee, AntSem I, p. 79; diff. De Moor UF 11
1979 653; Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 18: “Zorn”, Akk. kamālu, kimiltu, rdg l kmlt).
¶ Forms: pl. kmlt.
Intact, perfect, without defect, in bkn ctx.: šbʕ.ṯ!ảt! kmlt, seven “intact” ewes,
kmm adv. “ditto, in the same amount” (< km + encl. -m), for the morph. cf.
Akk. kâmma, kīamma, “so”, AHw 432; “thus, in this manner”; CAD K 325 ff.).
De Moor Fs. Gispen 114; Janowski UF 12 1980 235f.; Dijkstra UF 16 1984 75;
Watson SEL 25 2008 58: Aram. knm, “thus, similarly”, DNWSI 519; ¶ RS Akk.:
cf. ka-am-ma-a, PRU 3 14 (RS 12.33):6; ka-am-ma, Ug 5 24 (RS 20.238):25; cf.
Huehnergard AkkUg 198; Van Soldt SAU 466. ¶ Forms: kmm.
Ditto, in cultic lists: bʕlm kmm (a) DN, ditto (in an offering), 1.148:11 and
par.; w šlmm kmm and in a communion sacrifice: ditto, 1.109:11 and par., cf.
e.g. 1.164:5–8; 1.168:3, 10, 13: w ỉnš ỉlm kmm and (to) the divine people: ditto,
1.132:16, cf. ibid. ln. 21, 24; in bkn ctx.: cf. ʕlm kmm next(day?), ditto, 1.49:7;
1.50:6; cf. ṯlṯ kmm, 1.16 IV 15.
kmn (I) n. m. “acre” (surface measure, cf. šd (II) 600 m2. Hurro-Akk. kumānu,
“ein Flächenmass”, AHw 505; “a surface measure”, CAD K 532; Powell RlA 7
476f., 485. Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 61f.; Liverani Assur 1 1974 11; Heltzer UF 21
1989 202f. n. 61; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 39: “verborgener Winkel”, Arab. kamīn;
Watson NABU 2011/82: Gk kamán, Myc. ka-ma); ¶ par.: šd. ¶ Forms: sg. kmn.
Acre: rbt kmn ten thousand acres, 1.3 IV 38 and par., cf. 1.3 VI 6 (distance
formula; cf. Del Olmo MLC 40).

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kmn (ii) – kmsk 441

kmn (II) n. m. “cumin” (seed of Cuminum cyminum L.; Hb., Ph. kmn, “cummin”,
HALOT 481; DNWSI 515; JPAram. kmwnʔ, “cumin”, DJPA 262; Akk. kamūnu,
“Kümmel”, AHw 434; “cumin” (?), CAD K 131f.; Arab. kammūn, “Armenian
cumin”, Hava 688; Eth. ka/ǝmi/un, “cumin”, CDG 285; Gk kýminon, Liddell-
Scott GEL 1009; Linear B ku-mi-no/a. Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 98). ¶ Forms:
sg. kmn.
Cumin seeds: ltḥ] kmn ltḥ sbbyn [a l.] of cumin (seeds), a l. of black cumin,
4.14:9; kt kmn one k. of cumin, 4.811:10; kd kmn a “jar” of cumin, 6.105:1 (Del
Olmo AuOr 31 2013 216ff.).
kmn (III) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 311; GLH 154; Watson AuOr 11 1993
216; AuOr 14 1996 100; Muchiki Loanwords 90; cf. West AOAT 233 32: PN
ka-mo-ni-yo, Linear B; Watson LSU 169).
PN: bn PN, 4.377:3; 4.704:2; in bkn ctx. 4.445:3.
Cf. gmn.
kmnt PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 223).
PN: bn PN, 3.28:11; 3.29:17.
kmr, 1.19 I 12 see mr (IV).
kmrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 150; Sivan GAGl 238; Gelb-Purves-
MacRae NPN 222; Watson LSU 169; ¶ syll. Ug.: ku8-um-[ru?-ma, RS 16.276:22,
rdg: Van Soldt SAU 304; PRU 3 70: amil(?)Mku8-um-[ra-šu(??)).
PN: 4.631:8; in unc. ctx. kmr[, 4.178:17.
Cf. gmrn.
kmrṯn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 239, 251).
PN: 4.63 I 3; 4.322:6.
Cf. gmrš.
/k-m-s/ vb tD: “to buckle, bend” (Akk. kamāsu, “einsammeln”, AHw 431 f.; “to
squat, kneel”, CAD K 117ff.; Ebla cf. ŠU.KIN.AK = ga-ma-zu-um, VE 526; Civil
Biling. 88. Good UF 26 1994 154; Watson LSU 88); ¶ par.: /n-p-l/. ¶ Forms: tD
suffc. tkms (for ktmsm, 1.6 I 52, see /m-s-s(ś)/).
tD. To buckle, bend: w tkms hd k ỉbr and DN buckled like a bull, 1.12 II 54 (//
npl; diff. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 355: “Sturz”, nominal form; Del Olmo IMC 77
n. 151: /m-s(-s)/, rdg k-tms-m).
kmsk n. m., measure (a “pick, small piece” (?)); etym. unc.; for the segment -sk
cf. the use of the Sumerogram SIG in Hitt., Rüster-Neu HZL 255, and the Hitt.
measure of length KÙŠ.SIG (/ SIG.KÙŠ). Güterbock Fs. Bittel 206 f.; Van den
Hout RlA 7 520: “Halbelle, Spanne”; Liverani UF 2 1970 99 n. 22: “due, doppio”,
from the context; Stieglitz JAOS 99 1979 16, 21; Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 684ff.:
“⅔”; Zamora SEL 17 2000 69ff.: “la metà di una misura”). ¶ Forms: sg. kmsk.
Measure, ★a) of area or length: (nn) šd w kmsk d PN (nn) “strips” and a k.,
of PN, 4.282:2; kmsk šd PN a k. of a “strip”: PN, ibid. ln. 4; ★b) of weight or

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442 kmt – /k-n/

monetary value: ʕšr ṣỉn b ṯṯt w kmsk ten sheep for six (shekels) and a k., 4.341:9;
kkr ḥlb b ṯql w kmsk a talent of cheese for one shekel and a k., 4.707:20; (…)
k]sphn ṯql w kmsk (…)] whose value is one shekel and a k., 4.707:23; ṯṯt w kmsk
six and a k., 4.861:7 (Tropper UG 375f.: “⅔”, alt. “⅓”; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu
18 105: “un tiers”).
kmt adv. lengthened form of km (II) “like(wise)” (MHb. kmwt, “like”, HALOT 481.
Tropper UG 748, 836: km + encl. -t. Aartun PU/2 26, 31; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 214 n. 345). ¶ Forms: kmt.
Like: km špš d brt kmt br PN b unṯ ʕd ʕlm like the sun, which is free, likewise
PN remains free of corvée in perpetuity, 3.12:3; for the rdg kmt mtm in 1.20
I 3 cf. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 214; for kmtm in 2.10.12 cf. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 22 1990 63 n. 41: “und das (ist) so!”; cf. km).
kmṯ DN, second element in the DN өṭ/ẓẓ w kmṯ (the Moabite deity kmš, KAI
181:3 and passim; Donner-Röllig KAI 2 172; Hb. kmwš, HALOT 481; Ebla MN
ITU dkà-mi-iš, Pettinato AfO 25 1974 34f.; Rituale 244; Pomponio UF 15 1983
151; Mander MROA 2/1 94; for MA. dka-am-muš and LB dka-am-mu-uš in god
lists cf. Lambert RlA 5 335: Nergal. Israel SMSR NS 11 1987 5 ff.; Worschech
UF 24 1992 397); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /kamāṯ/ in PN DUMU ka-ma-ši,
PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09 A):2; Sivan, GAGl 236. ¶ Forms: cf. allog. kmġ in 1.82:42;
rdg km! ṯ in 1.107:41.
DN: 1.82:42 (kmġ); 1.107:41 (km! ṯ); 1.123:5 (өṭ w); ql bl ʕm ẓẓ w kmṯ ḥryth take
the / my cry to DN in TN, 1.100:36.
Cf. gmš.
kmy PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 222, 227; NH no. 623; Watson
LSU 169).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 43.
-kn suffixed pn. morph.: genitive, adnominal, of 3rd p. f. pl. “your” (c.Sem.
Gordon UT §6.12; Tropper UG 225f.). ¶ Forms: pl. kn.
Your: cf. 1.40:21–22, 38–39 and par. ypkn / npškn / ảpkn / ḫbtkn / mdllkn as
opposed to m. ypkm, etc.
/k-n/ vb G: “to be (stable), have”; L: “to establish, interpose, bring up”; Š “to
prepare, create” (?) (Hb. kwn N “to be established”, po. “to set up, establish”, hi.
“to prepare”, HALOT 464f.; Ph., Pun. kn, “to be, exist, happen”, DNWSI 493ff.;
Syr. kwn, “to be, coincide”, SL 608f.; Ebla G. inf. /kān=u(m)/, in KI.BA4.GAR
= ga-nu/núm, VE 139, EV 0184; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 6; Conti SQF 84; cf.
ga-wa-nu/núm, ARET 9 386; Akk. kânu, “dauerhaft, wahr, treu sein”, AHw
438ff.; “to be firm in place”, CAD K 159ff.; EA Akk. cf. ku-na, EAT 147:36;
cf. CAD K 171; Sivan GAGl 239; DNWSI 493; Arab. kāna, “to be”, a vb of the
class called incomplete, AEL 3004; OSA kwn, “to be, take place”, SD 80; Eth.
kona, “be, become, there is”, CDG 299f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elements /kūn-/,

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kn (i) – knʕm 443

/yakīn-/ in PNN; Sivan, GAGl 239. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tkn, ykn; L prefc. tknn,
yknn; suff. yknnh. Š suffc. škn; prefc. ảškn; inf. škn (?) (other forms listed
under /š-k-n/; cf. 2.46:13; 2.47:3, 5, etc. and cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 47ff.).
G. To be (stable), have: w ykn bnh b bt and may there be a son of his in
(his) house, 1.17 I 25 and par. (diff. Wyatt RTU 255 n. 23: “beget”); ¨ảr ủm
tkn lh for him she was (like) a mother’s surety, 1.14 I 15 (?) (Verreet UF 19
1989 326; for other versions see ṯảr); rġbn ykn b ḥwt there will be hunger in
the land, 1.103:5, cf. ln. 3; ỉršn ykn there will be scarcity, 1.163:10 (Dietrich-
Loretz MU 169, 186); w ln ykn pảt may our borders be / remain (stable),
2.75:7; ảp hnkt l knt mlḥmt b ḥwt ʕbdk and (because of) that there has not
been war in your servant’s country, 2.98:10; knt šlmth ṯmt his compensa-
tion is there, 2.97:14; in bkn ctx.: tkn l bn, 1.5 III 6 (De Moor ARTU 74: “let
[your clothes] be white”, rdg tkn lbn); ] ykn[, 2.43:5; tkn, 3.7:13; ʕḏrt tk[n,
L. To establish, interpose, bring up: ỉl mlk d yknnh DN, the king who estab-
lished him, 1.3 V 36, 1.4 IV 48; k dr{d} d yknn like the (family) circle of which
they established me[, 1.10 III 6; w mnm šảlm dt tknn ʕl ʕrbnm hnhmt tknn and
any claims they bring up, against these guarantors they bring them up, 3.3:5–
9 (Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 190f.).
Š. To prepare, create: ảškn ydt mrṣ I myself shall create one who will cast out
the illness, 1.16 V 27 (alt. /š-k-n/ D); in unc. ctx.: w ảp ht k škn, 2.3:20.
Cf. kn (I), knʕm, knn, kny, kt (II), kwn, mknt, ttkn, ykn, yknỉl, yknʕm.
kn (I) adj. m. 1) “fixed, immutable”; 2) “complete, in order” (Hb. kn, “correct,
right”, HALOT 482; Syr. keʔnāʔ SL 594; Akk. kī/ēnu, “dauerhaft, wahr, treu”,
AHw 481; “true, reliable”, CAD K 389ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. kn; pl. knm.
1) Fixed, immutable, complete: l špš rbt w l kbkbm knm next to the Great Lady
DN and the immutable stars (?), 1.23.54 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs Bordreuil
275ff.: “Opfergabe”, rdg knt).
2) Complete, in order: nqdm dt kn npṣhm “head shepherds” whose military
equipment is in order, 4.624:1 (McGeough UgET 346 n. 113 for a survey of
kn (II) adv. “thus” (cf. k (III). Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. kn, “thus”, HALOT 482f.;
DNWSI 516ff.; Syr. ken, “thus, so”, hakan, “thus, so”, SL 632, 342; Akk. (a)kanna,
kanna/â, “so”, AHw 27, 437; “thus, in the following way”, CAD A/1 259 f.; cf. EA,
Bo., Nuzi Akk. kinanna, “so, somit”, AHw 479; “for such reason”, CAD K 380f.
Aartun PU/1 10). ¶ Forms: kn.
Thus: kn npl bʕl thus DN fell, 1.12 II 53; in bkn ctx.: w kn, 2.31:45; w ỉkm kn,
2.7:10 (or /k-n/).
knʕm PN (Sem. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 43, 63, 109, 153); ¶ syll.: ku-un-am-mu, PRU 3

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444 knʕny – knkny

202 (RS 16.257+) III 42 (Van Soldt SAU 34); PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):6 and
passim ibid.; cf. Sivan GAGl 203, 239.
PN: ★a) 4.31:9; 4.96:9 (šʕrty); 4.232:41; 4.245 I 7; 4.356:4; 4.366:2 (bn a[); 4.370:6,
42; 4.817:19 (šdby); ★b) bn PN, 4.309:19.
knʕny GN m. “Canaanite” (cf. Hb. knʕny, HALOT 485 f.; Mari Akk. LÚ Ki-na-aḫ-
nummeš/ki, Dossin Syria 50 1973 278f.; Alal. Akk. LÚ URU Ki-in-a-nimki, DUMU
KUR Ke-an-a-niki, AT 48:5; 181:9; Wiseman JCS 8 1954 11; Emar Akk. cf. dIM ša
ki-na-i, Fleming UF 26 1994 127ff.; Eg. ki-n-ʕ-nu (knʕnw), Edel Stelen 172 n. 122;
Helck Bez. 275; cf. TN Kinaḫni, Kinaḫḫ, Sivan GAGl 237; Weippert RlA 5 352 ff.;
BN 27 1985 18ff.: */kinaʕan/ [Hurr. /-ḫi/e/]. Astour JNES 24 1965 346 ff.; RSP 2
293f. no. 50, 355 no. 158; Pardee AfO 36–37 1989–1990 488; Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 648: syll. ki-na-aʔ-na-na /kinaʕnānu/, RS 25.516:9 (unpub.), ki-na-[a]ʔ-
na-n[a], Ug 5 82 (RS 20.226):3, collated); ¶ syll.: DUMU.MEŠ KUR ki-na-ḫi,
Ug 5 36 (RS 20.182 B):6, 8. ¶ Forms: sg. knʕny.
GN: 4.96:7.
knd n. m. type of garment or cloth (Akk. cf. kam/ndu, Helck Bez. einer Stoffart,
AHw 432; woven and prepared in a special way, CAD K 121; kimdu, ein
Gewand, AHw 478; cloth woven and prepared in a special way, CAD K 372;
Mari Akk.: garment ša ki-im-di(-im), RA 64 1970 25:6; ARMT 18 47:2; 48:2, and
p. 133. Merliss AUL 31f.; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 41; Tropper UF 29 1997 664f.);
¶ RS Akk.: TÚG ki-im-da, PRU 3 207 (RS 15.135):7; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TUG(?)
ka-na-dú, PRU 6 163 (RS 19.64) obv. 4; Huehnergard UVST 137. ¶ Forms: pl.
kndwm (< /ki/andūma/; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 340; Sivan UF 21 1989 361).
Type of garment or cloth: ṯn kndwm ảdrm two strong garments (or pieces of)
k. f, 4.4:2.
Cf. kdwṯ, kndpnṯ.
kndpnṯ n. m. a garment (woman’s underclothes (?). Akk. kindabašše, AHw 480;
a garment, CAD K 384. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 340; Ribichini-Xella Tessili
41; Waetzoldt ZA 77 1987 298; Tropper UF 29 1997 664f.; Watson LSU 88 f., 129;
Vita TT 329; cf. var. kdwṯ). ¶ Forms: sg. kndpnṯ.
A garment: kndpnṯ dq a fine k. (a garment), 4.4:3.
Cf. knd, kdwṯ.
knḫ “?” (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: É: ku-na-ḫi, Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):10, 20; Ribichini-Xella Tessili
41f. refer also to Akk. kinaḫḫu “purple”. Astour JNES 24 1965 346 ff. Cf. Mari
Akk. LÚ Kinnaḫnim, Durand MARI 6 660: “gens de la Beqaʕa”). ¶ Forms: knḫ.
?, in bkn ctx.: ]n knḫ, 4.176:2.
knkny TN, name of divine mountain providing access to the “Underworld”
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 152: *Kankanā(yu). Del Olmo MLC 566 and cf. knkt;
Hoftijzer UF 4 1972 157 n. 17; Poljakov UF 14 1982 309 f. diff. De Moor SP 170f.:
“libation-pipe”, knkn + pn. suff. -y, Akk. kankannu; Margalit MLD 120: “my

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knkt – knr 445

shelter”, Arab. kanna; see Watson LSU 48f.).

TN: tk ġr knkny towards mount TN, 1.5 V 13.
knkt adj. f. “sealed” (used as a n., said of a coffin or funerary urn; see knkny
for the funerary ctx. Akk. kanāku, kaniktu, makna/āku, “(ver)siegeln”, AHw
434f., 436f., 590; “to seal”, “sealed document”, CAD K 136ff., 150, CAD M/1 138;
diff. Hoftijzer UF 4 1972 157 n. 17; De Moor SP 170: “libation-pipe”, rdg knkn,
Akk. kankannu, see Watson AuOr 19 2001 291: Eg. gngnt, “vessel”; Margalit
UPA 233f.; De Moor ARTU 258: rdg knrt, Hb. TN “Kinnereth”, cf. KTU: knrt; for
a critique cf. Van Soldt BiOr 40 1983 696; Dressler VT 34 1984 216 ff.; Watson
AuOr 22 2004 136: “with aromatics”, Akk. kanaktu; for other suggestions see
Watson Fs Cunchillos I 91 nn. 16–18). ¶ Forms: sg. knkt.
Sealed (used as a noun, said of a coffin or funerary urn): yqbrnnn b mdgt b
knk!t and he buried him in a tomb inside a sealed (coffin), 1.19 III 41 (for the
rdg knkt cf. Pardee UF 19 1987 200; but cf. Pitard BASOR 293 1994 31 ff.).
knn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 153, 278, 286); ¶ syll.: cf. ]ku-un-na-na,
PRU 3 175 (RS 16.311):6'; ka-an-nu, PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) obv. 8; ku-un-n[i], Ug
5 33 (RS 20.212):28; cf. Sivan GAGl 239.
PN: ★a) 3.7:14; 4.63 I 15; 4.350:12 (bn ỉbm); 4.631:19 (bn ảnn); ★b) bn PN, 4.63
II 36; 4.69 VI 20; 4.307:18; 4.617 I 8; 4.635:36; 4.723:9. In bkn ctx.: 4.635:14.
knp n. f. “wing” (Hb. knp, “wing”, HALOT 486; Syr. kenfāʔ, “wing”, SL 636; Arab.
kanaf, “region, shelter, side”, AEL 3004; OSA knf, “border, side”, SD 78; Eth.
kǝnf, “wing”, CDG 287; Akk. kappu, “Flügel”, AHw 444; “wing”, CAD K 185 ff.);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. Huehnergard UVST 101, 138; ¶ par. diy. ¶ Forms: sg. knp; pl./du.
cstr. (?) knp.
Wing: tšủ knp wtr b ʕp she lifted (her) wing and flew away, 1.10 II 11 and par.;
knp nšrm bʕl yṯbr the wings of the eagles DN broke, 1.19 III 8 and par.; knp
nšrm ybn bʕl may DN restore the wings of the eagles, 1.19 III 12 and par.; bʕl knp
g[dlt] (for) “winged DN”: one cow, 1.46:6 (Xella TRU 58; Del Olmo CR 272 n. 72;
UF 36 2004 582 n. 141: see Durand MRSO I 649, Mari Akk.: ì-lí-ka-na-pí; Pardee
TR/1 270, 279f.: Baʕlu Kanapi DN; alt. “a shoulder of cow”, see Del Olmo loc.
cit.; diff. Kühne UF 7 1975 224: TN).
Cf. knpy, mknpt.
knpy part of the composite TN gt knpy (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 87f., 402: *Gittu-
Kannāpiyi. Heltzer RCAU 11; Kühne UF 7 1975 255 f.; cf. knp); ¶ syll.: cf. A.ŠÀ:
ka-(an)-na-pí-ya, PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):7; 85 (RS 16.250):11; cf. Huehnergard
UVST 11 n. 51, 138; Van Soldt SAU 304.
Part of the composite TN gt knpy: 4.243:18; 4.271:1; 4.296:10.
knr n. m. 1) “harp, lyre”; 2) DN (Hb. knwr, “zither”, HALOT 484; OAram. knr, “lyre”,
DNWSI 520; Syr. knarāʔ, “lyre, stringed instrument”, SL 636; Ebla /kinnārum/
in BALAG = gi-na-rúm/lum(-/ru12-um), VE 572; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 21;

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446 knrt – knyt

Fronzaroli EL 141; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 190; Mari Akk.: kinnārātim (obl.
pl.), ARMT 13 20 passim; cf. kinnārum, “indische Zither”, AHw 480; “lyre”,
CAD K 387; ARMT 18 273; ARMT 21 368; Emar Akk. /kinnāru/, “lyre”, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 98; Arab. ka/innārat, “kind of guitar”, Hava 667; cf. Hitt.: kinirtalla,
“eine Art Musiker”, Tischler HEG 577f.; Hurro-Akk. kinnaruḫuli, “joueur de
lyre”, Laroche GLH 148; Eg. k-n-nu2-ru2, *Kinnōru, Hoch SWET 324 (467); cf.
Sivan-Cochavi WSVES 9. Parker UF 2 1970 244 n. 9; Kapera FO 13 1971 131ff.;
Ivanov ArOr 67 1999 585ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: dGIŠ ki-na-rù, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):31
(// knr, 1.47:32; 1.118:31); Sivan GAGl 237; Huehnergard UVST 138; Van Soldt
SAU 304; ¶ par.: mṣltm, rỉmt, tl, tp, ṯlb. ¶ Forms: sg. knr; suff. knrh.
1) Harp, lyre: tỉḫd knr b ydh she took the lyre in her hand, 1.101:16 (// rỉmt);
k šr knr ủṣbʕ<t>h like a musician (takes hold of) the harp, her fingers (took
hold of the weapons), [n]šả (…) k šr knr ủṣbʕ[[h]]th she grasped (…) like a
singer the harp (with) her fingers, 1.19 I 6–8 (?) (// tlm. Del Olmo IMC 128
n. 289; diff. Margalit JNSL 9 1981 106: rdg k nr “like a torch”; De Moor(-Spronk)
ARTU 248; CARTU 156: “musician”, rdg k nr; d yḏmr b knr w b ṯlb who sing and
praise (is sung and praised) to the sound of the harp and flute, 1.108:4 (// tp,
2) DN knr, in lists of DNN: 1.47:32; 1.118:31 (RS Akk.: dGIŠ ki-na-rù, Ug 5 18
(RS 20.24):31); [k]nr š, (to) DN, a ram, 1.148:9.
knrt 1.19 III 41; cf. knkt.
kns PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:12, 77; 4.843:34.
knt n. f. “continuity” / “constancy” (said of a type of offering; < kn (I), /k-n/. Akk.
kīnu, kīnūtu, “dauerhaft, wahr, treu”, “Treue”, AHw 481, 482; “true, reliable”,
“loyalty”, CAD K 389ff., 396. Xella TRU 214; Dietrich-Loretz Fs Bordreuil
p. 275ff.: “Opfergabe”; Watson LSU 89). ¶ Forms: sg. knt.
Continuous offering: b knt ỉl in the continuous oblation to DN (we trust),
1.65:17 (cf. dḏn, šrp, ibid. ln. 15, 16; diff. Healey UF 15 1983 48: “dais, pedestal”,
Ug. kt; Pardee TR/2 1159: “fondation”; but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 591;
Watson AuOrS 27 96: “jar” (?), Akk. kannu, “a large vessel”, Aram. kn, “small
kny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 153, 278; Watson Fs. Sanmartín 452);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ku-ni-ya, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257) III 42 (Van Soldt SAU 34);
cf. DUMU ki?-ni-ya, PRU 6 53 (RS 27.053) obv. 9.
PN: 4.171:3; in bkn ctx.: kny[, 4.825 VI 8.
Cf. gny.
knyt adj. f. “glorious, of noble ancestry” (Arab. kanā / kanaya, kunyat, “sur-
name of relationship, by meton.”, AEL 3004; Akk. kanūtu, f. divine epithet,
“die Verehrte, Gehegte”, AHw 441; “worshiped, honored”, CAD K 171f. De

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kp – kpr (i) 447

Moor SP 83f.; Sperling WO 12 1981 13; Loretz UF 21 1989 239 n. 16: “geliebt,
gehegt”, Akk. kunnû AHw 507, CAD K 540; Watson LSU 89). ¶ Forms: pl.
Glorious: klt knyt the glorious brides, 1.4 I 15 and par. (epithet of the daughters
of Baal).
Cf. kny.
kp n. f. 1) “palm (of the hand)”; 2) “pan (of)” (Hb., OAram. kp, “the hollow, flat
of the hand”, HALOT 491f.; “hand, palm”, DNWSI 528; JPAram kp, “pan of
scale”, DJPA 266; Syr. kappāʔ, “palm, hollow of the hand”, SL 641f. Akk. kappu,
“Hand(fläche)”, AHw 444; “arm, hand”, CAD K 185 ff.; Arab. kaff, “palm of the
hand”, Hava 658; Eth. kāf, “heel, palm”, CDG 276; Eg. ka-pu, “Hand”, Helck Bez.
522 (249); Sivan-Cochavi WSVES 28; for a morpho-lexical definition cf. CAD
K 189: kappu B; Dahood Bib 53 1972 388f.; Watson UF 10 1978 401 n. 47; AuOr 19
2001 291: Ebla. gú-bù; AuOrS 27 87: see Akk. kappu, “small bowl”, Hitt. kappi,
ein Gefäss); ¶ par.: mṣb, rỉš. ¶ Forms: sg. kp; pl. kpt.
1) Palm (of hand): ʕlh k ỉrbym kp (…) kp mhr above her like locusts the palm(s)
(were flying) (: coll. use) (…) the palm(s) of the warriors, 1.3 II 10–11 and par.
(// rỉ[š]); šnst kpt b bḥbšh she girded her belt with palms, 1.3 II 13 and par. (//
rỉšt); bṣr kp cut off palms, 1.13:6 (// rỉš); alt.: kp šsk make (her) palms run (with
blood), 1.13:6.
2) Pan (of scales): ủmh kp mznm her mother (arranged) the pans of the scales,
1.24:35 (// mṣb).
In bkn ctx.: mbk kpt, 1.82:17–18 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247, rdg ]t bk kpt;
diff. Tropper UG 276, rdg kkpt (?), “Gefäss, Vase”, syll. ku-ku-BA/PA-tu, PRU 6
158 (RS 19.24):2f.; PRU 6 130 (RS 20.149) III 9, Akk. kukku(b)b/pu; Watson
AuOrS 27 87: also Hurr. kukkubi); kp mlk mr[, 1.157:10.
kpḫ n. m., a group or social stratum (“mitred ones” or entrusted with the
“mitre” of Teššub (?); cf. Hurro-Hitt. kupaḫi=, “bonnet”, Laroche GLH 157;
“Art Kopfbedeckung”, Tischler HEG 640f.; Watson UF 40 2008 554). ¶ Forms:
(coll. (?)) sg. kpḫ.
A group or social stratum: b yrḫ MN (…) ảrbʕ ddm l kpḫ in the month of MN
(…) four “cauldronsful” to the k., 4.387:18 (cf. mdʕ, ln. 12; mḏrġlm, ln. 10, 20,
24; ảpy TN, ln. 26–27).
kpln PN, cf. kb/pl(n).
kpltn PN (etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 150; the element /kapul=/, /kipal=/,
Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 223, 228; Watson LSU 169). PN: bn PN, 4.71 III 7.
kpn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN 4.861:3.
kpr (I) n. m. “village” (Hb., OAram. kpr, “open village”, HALOT 494 f.; DNWSI 531;
Akk. kapru, “Dorf”, AHw 444f.; “village (situated in the open country”, “farm”,

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448 kpr (ii) – kpṯ

CAD K 189f.; cf. Arab. kāfir, “sower, tiller of the ground”, AEL 2622). ¶ Forms:
pl. kprm.
Village: kprm ḫlq 10 villages: missing: 10, 4.611 II 8; in bkn ctx. kly b kpr,
2:72:43 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 243: “brought to an end by expiating”;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 115, 123: “Kiliya ist im Ort”).
kpr (II) n. m. “henna (powder or dye)” (Hb. kpr, “henna”, HALOT 495; Syr. kūfrāʔ,
“henna”, SL 611; Gk kýpros, “henna”, Lawsonia inermis, Liddell-Scott GEL 1012;
cf. Akk. kupru, “(Trocken-)Asphalt”, AHw 509; “bitumen”, CAD K 553 f. De
Moor SP 85; UF 17 1985 220f. Renaut JNES 68 2009 193–212 (/kpr/); diff.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 157: “essuyer”, Akk. kapāru; Erard-Cerceau SMEA 28
1990 261f.: “le souchet”, Myc. ku-pa-ro; for other options cf. Cassuto GA 113f.);
¶ par.: rḥ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. kpr.
Henna (powder or dye): kpr šbʕ bnt henna of seven damsels, 1.3 II 2, see 1.7:15,
35 (// rḥ; diff. Wyatt RTU 72: “the perfumes of seven tamarisks”, see bnt (III).
Cf. kprt.
kprt n. f. “henna (plant)” (cf. kpr (II). Dietrich-Loretz KA 252). ¶ Forms: sg./pl.
Henna plant: ʕs̱ kprt henna plants, 4.767:2.
kpsln n. m., a container or measure for liquids (etym. unc. Hurr. /kapp=/, Neu
Or 61 1992 131: “füllen”; Hitt. DUG kappi-, Tischler HEG 491; Haas SMEA 29
1992 107: (ein Gefäss) < Akk. kappu); Watson, NABU 2011/66, poss. Akk.
kap-pa-si-la-nu (?); AuOrS 27 87). ¶ Forms: pl./du abs. kpslnm; cstr. kpsln.
A container or measure for liquids: ḫmš kpsln yn five k. of wine, 4.786:7; yn l
kpslnm wine (allotted to fill) the/two k., 4.274:1, 6.
kptr TN, residence / territory of the god kṯr w ḫss, “Crete” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
152: *Kaptūru. Krētē [and neighbouring Aegean coasts]; Hb. kptwr, HALOT
495f.; NA Kap-ta-raki, Weidner AfO 16 1952–1953 22 and Taf. I:41; Mari Akk. cf.
adj. Kaptarû, AHw 445; CAD K 191; Weippert RlA 5 226f.; Groneberg RGTC 3
131; Eg. kftǐ (w) (k(a)-f-tù/tú), Helck Bez. 258 f., 562; BÄVÄ 26 ff.; Weippert
RlA 6 227ff.; Astour RSP 2 294, 354; Strange Caphtor passim); ¶ syll. Ug.:
KUR DUGUD(kaptu)-ri, PRU 3 107 (RS 16.238):10; cf. Van Soldt SEL 12 1995
213; ¶ par.: ḥ(q)kpt. ¶ Forms: kptr, kptrh (adv. -h).
TN: 1.3 VI 14 and par.; 1.1 III 18 and par.; 1.100:46.
kpṯ n. m. 1) “floor” (> “firmament, sky”); 2) “gangplank” (MHb., JAram. kbš,
“ascent, grade, landing bridge” < *kbš, “to press, make a path”, DTT 610 f. Akk.
kibšu, “Tritt, Spur”, AHw 471; “tracks, steps”, CAD K 336 f.; nakbasu, “Stufe,
Tritt”, AHw 721; “step (of a staircase)”, CAD N/1 180; cf. Eg. kú-bu-śá, Helck Bez.
522 (248). Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 51 n. 49: “firmament (?)”, for seman par. with
Hb. rqyʕ; Xella WO 13 1982 34: “Landungsbrücke”; Watson LSU 89: “gangway”;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 176: “Turban”, Akk. kubšu; Ribichini-Xella

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kpyn – krʕ 449

Tessili 43; Wyatt UF 16 1984 330; Waetzoldt ZA 77 1987 298); ¶ par.: šmm
(rmm). ¶ Forms: sg. abs. kpṯ.
1) Floor (> “Firmament”), in the titles of the goddess Anat: bʕlt kpṯ “Lady
of the Firmament”, 1.108:8 (// šmm rmm; see bʕlt ★b. Cf. Olyan UF 19 1987
161–174; Wyatt UF 20 1988 383, but RTU 396: “the mistress of the earth”, see
n. 13; diff. Huehnergard UVST 139f.: a divine headdress, Akk. kub/pšu; Korpel
UF 38 2006 393: “the Lady of the cap”).
2) Gangplank (part of naval equipment): spr npṣ ảny (…) w kpṯ list of naval
equipment: (…) and a gangplank, 4.689:6.
Cf. kbs/ś.
kpyn PN (etym. unc. See Watson AuOr 21 2003 246: Hurr. (?); AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: 4.759:3.
/k-r/ v G “to be hot, furious, enraged” (?) (Syr. kʔr, “to make an uproar”, SL 594.
Tropper SEL 16 1999 37; UG 647; Watson SEL 26 2009 17: “to be angry”).
¶ Forms: suffc. kr.
G. To be hot, furious, enraged (?): w kr bn ỉlm mt ʕm ảlỉyn bʕl divine DN1 was
furious (?) with “The Most Powerful” DN2, 1.6 V 9.
kr n. m. “ram” (Hb. kr, “ram”, HALOT 496; Akk. kerru, “Widder”, AHw 468; “a
breed of sheep” (?), CAD K 410f.: kirru; Elam. *kar(r)-/*kur(r)-; AA *kar-
“lamb”, HSED 313, see Watson Historiae 4 2007 95. Sasson RSP 1 423; Del Olmo
BSA 7 1993 185f.: “fatling ram”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /karru/ in PNN;
Sivan GAGl 236; ¶ par.: ḫprt. ¶ Forms: pl. krm.
Ram: špq ỉlm krm yn he supplied the ram-gods with wine, 1.4 VI 47; in unc.
ctx.: ỉl kr ảšk[, 1.114:14 ((?). Dietrich-Loretz Studien 450: “und zwar wahrlich
volltrunken”, rdg w l ảšk[r]; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 195: “DN calls together”,
p. 321: /kry/ “give a feast”; Del Olmo, “as group heads (do)”, CR 336 n. 206), rdg
k rảš k[lb], cf. Hb. rʔš klb, 2Sam. 3:8); for a survey of rdgs cf. Dietrich-Loretz
Studien 448ff.; Wyatt RTU 409 n. 31).
kran PN (etym. unc.; cf. Akk. ku-ra-a-nu, Cassin-Glassner AAN 1 87); ¶ syll.: cf.
ka(r)-ra-nu, PRU 3 248; PRU 4 106 (RS 17.137):6.
PN: [bn] kran, 4.41:6.
Cf. krwn, krny.
/k-r-ʕ/ vb G: “to prostrate oneself” (Hb. krʕ, “to bend one’s knee”, HALOT 499;
Arab. rakaʕa, “to bow”, AEL 1147, with metath; cf. Akk. karû, “kurz sein,
werden”, AHw 452; “to become short”, CAD K 229, and cf. Von Soden Or 46
1977 537. Van Zijl Baal 248). ¶ Forms: G cprf. ykrʕ.
G. To prostrate oneself: l pʕnh ykrʕ w yql at her feet he prostrated himself and
fell down, 1.10 II 18.
krʕ “knuckle, clavicle” (Hb., Aram. krʕ, “lower leg, fibula”, HALOT 500; JPAram.
“leg”, DJPA 270; Syr. krāʕāʔ, “shin, leg”, SL 656; Akk. kurītu, “Wade(nbein)”,

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450 /k-r-b/ – krln

AHw 510; “shin”, CAD K 560; OSA krʕ, “leg (of a camel)”, SD 78; Arab. kurāʕ,
“trotters (of sheep, oxen), shank”, Hava 651; Eth. kwǝrnāʕ, “elbow, forearm”,
CDG 293). ¶ Forms: sg. krʕ.
Knuckle, clavicle: w ỉn ḫrṣp b kr[ʕ ydh and if it has no tendon in the knuckle
[of its forepaw, 1.103:27; w ỉn krʕ yd[h šmảl and if it has no knuckle in its [lef]t
forepaw / front hoof, 1.103:15 (cf. ln. 28).
/k-r-b/ G “?”, in bkn ctx. (Huehnergard UVST 140: “twist, curl, bend”, Arab.
karaba, Syr. ʔekreb, Eth. karab); ¶ par.: /q-l/ (I). ¶ Forms: G (?) prefc. tkrb.
G. (?) ?, in bkn, ctx.: tkrb x[, 1.19 I 2 (// tql).
krb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 151, 237; Sivan GAGl 238; Watson LSU 169;
Historiae 4 2007 99).
PN: 4.357:22; 4.844:3.
Cf. grb, grp.
krby PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN,4.848:11.
krd (I) part of the composite TN ḫlb krd.
Cf. ḫlb krd.
krd (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 311; cf. TN ḫlb krd).
PN: 4.143:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.119:7.
Cf. qrd.
krk (I) n. f. “pick” ((?). Cf. the Eg. graph. grg, Gardiner EgGr U 17. Sanmartín
AuOr 5 1987 151; diff. Healey UF 15 1983 51f.: “a sieve”, Hb. krk); ¶ syll. Ug.:
ku-re-ku, PRU 6 157 (RS 19.23):12; pl. ku-re-ka-at […] URUDU.MEŠ, ibid. ln. 3,
cf. ln. 2; PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):5; Sivan GAGl 239; Huehnergard UVST 140; Van
Soldt SAU 304. ¶ Forms: sg. krk, du. krkm.
Pick (?): krk mỉt a pick (?): a hundred (shekels of copper (?)), 4.625:2; krk ảḥt
one pick, ibid. ln. 6 and passim; 4.390:8, 13; ṯt krkm two picks, 4.184:3.
krk (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 151; Watson Historiae 4 2007 99; cf. the
element /kirr=/, PN Kirruke, Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 88, 228; AAN 1 84).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 12.
krkb “?” unknown object (etym. unc. Cf. Hb. krkb, “rim”, HALOT 498. Bordreuil-
Pardee RSOu 18 120; Tropper-Vita-Giorgieri UF 44 2013 343 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg.
krkb; pl. krkbm.
?: l ảrbʕm krkb for forty k., 4.809:5; ṯṯ krkbm ủrkhm ỉpdrḏ six k. whose length
is one ỉ. (?), 4.809:6, see ln. 10.
/k-r-k-r/ vb G: “to twist, twiddle” (Arab. karra, karkara, “to return”, AEL 2600 f.
Avishur VT 26 1976 257ff.; Ahlström VT 28 1978 100 ff.; Gruber Bib 62 1981
328ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ykrkr.
G. To twist, twiddle: ykrkr uṣbʕth he twiddled his fingers, 1.4 IV 29–30.
krln n. m. a container (etym. unc.); ¶ RS Akk.: 1 DUG ki-ra-li-nu, PRU 6 158

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krm 451

(RS 19.24):6; cf. Sivan GAGl 237; Huehnergard UVST 191; Watson LSU 89;
UF 42 2010 836: Akk. kirlammu, Hurr. karalla, etc.; AuOrS 27 87f.). ¶ Forms:
du. krlnm.
A container: ṯn krlnm šmn ṭb two k. of good oil, 4.780:14.
krm n. m. “vineyard” (Hb., Ph., Amm., Aram. krm, “vineyard”, HALOT 498;
DNWSI 536; Ebla cf. ŠE+TIN.DU6= gú-LUM, VE 648a; Butz EDA 333; cf. Akk.
karmu, “Ödland(-Hügel)”, AHw 449; “ruin”, CAD K 218; karānu, “Wein(rebe)”,
AHw 446f.; “wine, grapevine”, CAD K 202ff.; for GEŠTIN in Alal. Akk. cf.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 63; cf. Arab. karm, “vine, grapes, vineyard”, Wehr-
Cowan DMWA 962; Eth. kǝrm, “vine, grapevine”, CDG 293; cf. Eg. k3m/n(w),
“der Garten”, WäS/5 106f.; Helck Bez. 505; Van Soldt SAU 36 f.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
GIŠ.GEŠTIN(.NA.MEŠ), passim; cf. PRU 3 217, 221; PRU 6 158; Huehnergard
AkkUg 375; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /karmu/ in PNN, Gröndahl PTU 151;
Sivan GAGl 236; ¶ par.: ḥrnq. ¶ Forms: sg. krm, krmm (encl. -m); pl. krmm.
Vineyard: ★a) krm ảḥd one vineyard, 4.244:5 and passim ibid.; ṯn krm two
vineyards, ibid. ln. 26–28; ṯṯ krm six vineyards, ibid. ln. 11; ṯmn krm eight
vineyards, ibid.; šbʕ krmm seven vineyards, ibid. ln. 25; krm PN the vineyard
of PN, ibid. ln. 12–13, passim ibid.; PN (…) ytn šd PN (…) yd gth yd gnh yd
krmh yd klklh w ytn{.}nn l PN (…) ʕd ʕlm PN (…) has gifted the estate of
PN (…) together with its farmstead, its olive-grove(s), its vineyard(s) and
everything else and has ceded it to PN (…) in perpetuity, 3.5:9; ảkln b grnt
l bʕr ảp krmm ḫlq our grain on the threshing-floors (has been set on fire),
and also the vineyards have been destroyed, 2.61:10; krm w šdm the vineyard
and the fields, 4.424:2; krm PN l PN the vineyard of PN, for PN, ibid. ln. 4, 5,
21, 23; krm ảr vineyard of TN, 1.92:24; yġly yḫsp ỉb krmm the fruit / bud of
the vineyard had withered and wilted, 1.19 I 31; ảtn šdh krmm I shall place
(: make) her field a vineyard, 1.24:22; yd krmh with his vineyard, 3.33:17;
★b) in a leasing system: krm ủbdy leased vineyard, 4.244:7; ṯlṯ krm ủbdym
l mlkt b TN three vineyards in a leasing system for the queen in TN, ibid.
ln. 9; ★c) ṯlṯ šd w krm šỉr d PN three “hectares” and a vineyard of one s. (in
area), of PN, 4.282:6; širm šd šd ʕšy w šỉr šd krm d PN two s. of “hectare”
of cultivated land and a š. of “hectare” of vineyard, of PN, ibid. ln. 8; šỉr
šd krm d PN a s. of “hectare” of vineyard, of PN, ibid. ln. 12; in bkn ctx.
]šỉr šd kr[m a š. of “hectare”, 4.642:3; ★d) nġr krm guard(s) of the vineyard,
1.92:23 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 119); also 4.141 III 17; 4.609:12; ★e) in literary texts:
ảtn šdh krmm I shall turn her field into a vineyard, 1.24:22 (// ḥrnqm; cf.
Dahood RSP 1 348; 3 94; De Moor ARTU 144 n. 23); for krm yn, 1.4 VI 47,
cf. kr (diff. Heltzer UF 22 1990 120: “vineyard of wine”); in bkn ctx.: 4.292:1;
Cf. krmn.

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452 krmn – krs/śu

krmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 18, 30, 151); ¶ syll.: kar-mu-nu, PRU 3 193 (RS
12.34):40; cf. Sivan GAGl 236.
PN: ★a) 4.635:50; ★b) bn PN, 4.35 I 5; 4.232:10; cf. 4.631:12.
krmpy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.408:4 (cf. k/wrmp/t[, 4.364:12. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 238).
krmt PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 170; AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: bn PN, 4.687:1; 4.692:2, 4 (cf. k/wrmp/t[, 4.364:12. Tropper AuOr 13 1995
krny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 30, 151, 278; Watson AuOr 25 2007 132);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU kur-ni-ya, PRU 6 148 (RS 19.77):7; cf. ki-ir-ru-na, Syria 28 1951
173ff. 6 (RS 14.16):26; cf. Van Soldt SAU 350; ku-ra-ni, PRU 3 76 (RS 16.160):4;
cf. also ka(r)-ra-nu, PRU 3 248; PRU 4 106 (RS 17.137):6.
PN: bn krny[, 4.335:14; bn krn[, 4.611 II 25.
Cf. kran.
krn[ TN (etym. unc.).
TN, in bkn ctx.: 4.820 II 3.
krpn n. m. “cup, goblet” (Akk. karpatu, “(Ton-)Gefäss”, AHw 449 f.; “earthen con-
tainer, pot”, CAD K 219; for Aram. krptʔ cf. Kaufman AIA 63. Salonen HAM 49;
Stieglitz Kadmos 10 1971 110: Min. ka-ro-pa3; De Moor SP 72: Akk. kapparnu,
kapparinnu; Watson LSU 130; AuOrS 27 88, with other poss. isoglosses);
¶ par.: ks (I). ¶ Forms: sg. krpn; suff. krpnm (encl. -m).
Cup, goblet: št b krpnm yn drink wine in the cup, 1.4 IV 37 and par. (// b k<s>);
cf. 1.17 VI 6); ytn (…) krpnm b klảt ydh he placed (…) a goblet between both
hands, 1.3 I 11 and par. (// ks); krpn l tʕn ảṯrt a cup that not even DN saw, 1.13
I 14 (// ks); yỉḫd (…) krpn bm [ ym]n he took (…) a cup in the [righ]t, 1.15 II 17;
krpn ʕl krpn cup after cup, 1.17 VI 6; in bkn ctx.: tšty krp[nm y]n they drank
wine in the cup, 1.4 VI 58 and par.; krpn, 1.5 IV 18.
/k-r-r/, see /k-r-y/.
krr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 237; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 541; Van
Soldt SAU 350 n. 209; Muchiki Loanwords 30; cf. Xella RSF 12 1984 21 ff.;
Watson LSU 170); ¶ syll.: cf. ki-ri-ri, PRU 3 34 (RS 16.114) obv. 5 (Van Soldt
SAU 350 n. 209).
PN: cf. the TN gt krr, 4.139:9 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-Kiriri); in bkn
ctx. krr[, 4.75 I 7.
krrn, PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 I 26.
krs PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 170).
PN: 4.631:13 (bn ảnn); in unc. ctx. 5.2:8.
krs, 1.5 I 4; rdg k r<k>s; cf. k (I), rks.
krs/śu n. f.; a container and measure of capacity (for oil; etym. unc.; cf. Ug. krś/sn

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krs/śn – krwn 453

and qrsu < Hitt. (KUŠ) kurša-. Cf. Tropper UG1 46: “Teilmenge des kd-Masses”;
UG2 46: “grösser als die Masseinheit ṯʕt”; Pardee BASOR 320 2000 58; diff.
Tropper UF 27 1995 516: “ein Mastfutter / Masttiere”, MA kura/assû, kursû,
AHw 514: kuruštû(m); CAD K 582: ša kuruštê; cf. Nuzi Akk. kuruštāʔu, AHw
514; CAD K 582; Sum. gurušda, Lieberman SLOBA 283; Watson LSU 121, 130;
AuOrS 27 88: Aram. qwrz / krwzʔ, Pun. krs (?). ¶ Forms: sg. nom. krs/śủ, ge.
krsỉ; pl. krsảt; du. krsảm, krsỉm (Tropper UG 46, 291).
A container and measure of capacity (for oil): krsủ w ṯʕt šmn one k. and one
ṯ. of oil, 4.811:14; ảrbʕm šmn w krsỉm forty (kd) and two k. of oil, 4.808:4, see
ln. 9; (for both Tropper UG 420); ṯlṯ krsảt, three k.; 4.808:12; PN […] krśủ nṯkh
one k. is his interest, 4.225:16; krsảt šmn, 4.853:1, see ln. 4, 11, 28; 4.854:2. In
bkn ctx. k]śmm b krsỉ s]pelt in exchange for (?) one k. (of oil (?)), 4.225:17.
krs/śn n. m. “wineskin, small wineskin” (OAss. g/ku(r)sā/an(n)u, kušānu(m),
“ein Ledersack”, AHw 299, 1557: gusānu(m); Akk. gusānu, a leather bag and
cover, CAD G 142f. and cf. kursinnu B, a leather sack, CAD K 567; cf. Hitt.
(KUŠ) kurša- and kur(gu5-ur)san(n)u, “ein Ledersack”, Tischler HEG 654 ff.
Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 222 n. 64; Zamora Vid 470; Watson LSU 170;
AuOrS 27 88: also poss. Eg. krs, “sack, basket”). ¶ Forms: du. krsnm; pl. (?)
Wineskin, small wineskin: kd yn w krsnm a “jar” of wine and two wineskins,
4.279:3; in bkn ctx., PN (?) krsnm[, 3.13:13 (cf. yn, ibid. ln. 8); cf. krśnm, 5.22:23.
Cf. krs/śủ, qrsủ.
krt PN, name of the king of bt ḫbr, protagonist of the eponymous epic (for the
various poss. vocalisations cf. Del Olmo MLC 240 n. 6; De Moor-Spronk UF 14
1982 153 n. 4; West AOAT 233 32: PN ke-re-te-u, Linear B; Watson UF 26 1994
497ff.; AuOr 14 1996 100f.; for Sanskrit / Indic etym. see Wyatt RTU 195 n. 5).
¶ Forms: krt; suff. krtn (det. encl. -n; cf. Tropper UF 26 1994 468).
PN: passim in 1.14–1.16; cf. krtn dbḥ dbḥ PN celebrates a sacrifice, 1.16 I 39 (//
mlk); royal titles: krt ṯʕ PN, the Hero, 1.15 II 8 and par.
krty PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 152; Astour RSP 2 296 no. 54; De Moor-
Spronk UF 14 1982 153; Watson UF 26 1994 497ff.).
PN: 4.371:18; 4.617 I 20, 39; 4.760:1.
Cf. krt.
krw PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 269, 279; Lemaire Syria 62 1985 32 f.; cf. West
AOAT 233 33: PN ke-ro-wo, Linear B); ¶ syll.: cf. ku-ru-e, PRU 6 166 (RS 19.99)
vertical 2.; Van Soldt SAU 358 n. 230.
PN: 4.188:4; 4.261:16 (šlmy); 4.385:1.
krwn PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 268, 279; Van Soldt SAU 38 f., 103; cf. West
AOAT 233 33: PN ku-ra-no, Linear B); ¶ syll.: kur-wa-nu/a, PRU 3 121 f. (RS
15.136):7 and passim ibid.; PRU 3 123 (RS 15.145):14, 17; PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):4

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454 krws – ks (i)

and passim ibid.; PRU 3 199ff. (RS 16.257+) II 2 and passim ibid.; PRU 6 49
(RS 17.378 A):19; PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):12; Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):44; Ug 5 83
(RS 20.146):3; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 40; ku-ru-e-na, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):7,
19; cf. Van Soldt SAU 358 n. 230; ku-ra-ni, PRU 3 76 (RS 16.160):4.
PN: ★a) 1.87:60; 4.35 II 20; 4.85:3 (ảrty); 4.97:2 (bn [); 4.128:10; 4.141 I 11; 4.175:3;
4.183 II 11; 4.269:19; 4.281:12; 4.282:9; 4.356:11 (cf. ibid. ln. 5); 4.370:19; 4.374:11;
4.609:3, 9, 36; 4.754:12; in bkn ctx. 4.367:4; ★b) bn PN, 3.30:14; 4.69 III 14; 4.77:15;
4.340:4; 4.356:5 (cf. ibid. ln. 11); 4.379:6; 4.825 I 17, 20; 4.850:6. Cf. the rdg krwt,
4.147:14 (scribal mistake?).
Cf. kran, krny, qrwn.
krws PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 268, 279; Watson NUS 39–40 1988 11); ¶ syll.: cf.
kur-wa-zi, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):12; cf. Ug 5 98 (RS 20.07):6.
PN: 4.655:2.
krwt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.147:14 (suspect rdg, cf. krwn PN).
/k-r-y/ vb G: a) “to dig, drive in”; b) “to dig out, undermine” (Hb. krh, “to hollow
out, dig”, HALOT 496; Pun. kry, “to cut out, to hew” DNWSI 535; Arab. karā,
“to dig”, Hava 653; Eth. karaya, “dig, make holes”, CDG 294 f. Gray UF 3 1971 63
n. 16). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ykr, impv. kry.
G.: a) to dig, drive in: kry ảmt ʕpr dig/drive in (with your) forearm(s) into the
earth, 1.12 I 23 (Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 157f. diff. Schloen JNES 52 1993 216: “to
hire out”, Hb. krh, Arab. kry); b) to dig out, undermine: ykr ʕr d qdm he will
undermine “the city of the Old Times”, 1.100:62 (see Del Olmo AuOr 31 2011
44 n. 28; diff. De Moor ZAW 100 1988 107: < /nkr/, “to leave”, Akk., Hb. *nkr;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartin UF 7 1975 124: “befehden”, Akk. nakāru; Caquot
TOu/2 90 n. 278: “quitter”, Syr. ʔetnakrī; Bordreuil-Padee ManUg 322: “return,
come / go back”; for these and other options cf. Watson LSU 97).
kry PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 151, 236; Astour RSP 2 295 f. no. 53; Röllig
AuOr 4 1986 56f.; Watson AuOr 13 1995 223).
PN: 4.371:11; 4.647:5.
kryn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 151, 205, 237; Sivan GAGl 236; Van
Soldt SAU 40; Watson LSU 170); ¶ syll.: cf. kar-ia-nu, PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):2;
ki-ir-ia-na, PRU 3 71 (RS 16.295):4 (Van Soldt SAU 350 n. 209).
PN: bn PN, 4.110:5.
krzn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 311; Van Soldt SAU 37; Watson LSU 170;
AuOrS 27 104; AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: 4.102:1; 4.357:28; 4.391:11; 4.616:6.
Cf. krs.
ks (I) n. m. “cup, goblet” (Hb. kws, “shell-shaped-goblet, cup”, HALOT 466;
Ph., OAram. ks, “cup”, DNWSI 521; Syr. kāsāʔ, “cup” SL 638; Ebla cf. gi-šu

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ks (ii) – ksả 455

gi-šu, ARET 2 2 obv. III 11; Pomponio Biling. 310 f.; Akk. kāsu, “Becher”, AHw
454f.; “goblet, cup”, CAD K 253ff.; Arab. kaʔs, “drinking-cup”, AEL 2581 f.; cf.
Hurr. /kazi=/, KBo 32 14 I 56, Neu Das Hurritische 28 f. [< Akk. kāsu]); ¶ RS
Akk.: GAL (KÙ.BABBAR, URUDU.MEŠ, ZABAR), cf. Huehnergard AkkUg
386. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 213; Amadasi Semitica 38 1990 16 f.; Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 87; Watson AuOrS 27 88: also Hitt kazzi, a container, and Eg.
ku=ṯi2, “cup, goblet”); ¶ par.: ḥrb, krpn, qbʕt, qš, ṣʕ. ¶ Forms: sg. ks; allog. ks̱
in 6.68:1 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz KA 209); suff. ksh; du. ksm; cf. unc. ks̱t, 4.710:13
(Dietrich-Loretz KA 166f.: pl.).
Cup, goblet: ytn ks bdh he placed a cup in his hand, 1.3 I 10 and par. (//
krpn); qḥ ks bdy take the cup from my hand, 1.19 IV 54 (// qbʕt; cf. 1.15 II 16;
for the contraposition of both expressions cf. Dijsktra-De Moor UF 7 1975
213); ks ymsk nhr he mixes my cup in torrents, 1.5 I 21 and par. (// ṣʕ; cf.
Ps 105:41; Del Olmo IMC 70); ks ḥrṣ / ksp cup of gold / silver, 3.1:27 f. and
par.; cf. [k]s mn ḫrṣ a goblet (and) a mina of gold, 3.1:20 (RS Akk.: 1 GAL
KÙ.GI.MEŠ MA.NA KI.LÁ-šu, PRU 4 41 [RS 17.227 and dupl.]:22; cf. Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 87); klnyy nbl ksh all together we shall carry his cup, 1.3 V 34
and par. (// qšh); l ảrṣ ksh tšpkm her cup she spilled on the ground, 1.17 VI 15;
tn ks yn give / place a cup of wine, 5.9:15; tšt dmh l bl ks it drinks its blood
without a cup, 1.96:5 (// ḥrb); ks qdš a holy cup, 1.3 I 13; štt (…) qlt b ks ỉštynh
there was put (…) vileness in the cup that I drink, 1.4 III 16; d škn l ks ỉlm
that they assigned for the cup of the gods (?), 4.280:14; ṯn ksm two cups,
4.385:2; tn ks yn give (: put) a cup of wine, 5.9 I 15; hn ks mḥṯ l mlkt mntn
here is a m.-cup for the queen of TN, 1.179:39; see the graph. variants: s̱ls̱t
ks̱t, 4.710:13 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 166f.: “Becher”, pl. of ks (I)); ks̱ PN, 6.68:1
(Dietrich-Loretz KA 209); in unc. ctx. mt hm ks ym, 1.133:9; in bkn ctx.: b
ks ḫrṣ, in / from a golden cup, 1.5 IV 16 and par. (cf. ln. 17: ks ksp); ks, [,1.16
V 39.
ks (II) TN, divine mountain (possibly an alloph. of ḫš; < Hurr. ḪUR.SAG ḫazzi;
Laroche GLH 100; Lat. Casius; cf. TN Hitt. Kasu, Del Monte RGTC 6 195;
Van Soldt UBL 11 370 n. 30. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 99 n. 21;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 304; Clifford CMC 39; Cross CMHE 38f.; Lipiński UF 2
1970 86ff.: “montagne de la coupe”; Astour RSP 2 319 ff.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín
AuOr 13 1995 259ff.; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 127f.: Ḫazzi); cf. RS Akk.: DINGIR IM
be-el ḪUR.SAG ḫa-zi Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):4; ¶ par.: ḫršn.
TN in myth: ġr ks, 1.1 III 12 (// ḫršn).
Cf. ḫš, nny, ṣpn.
ksả DN, second component of the double-barrelled divine name yrḫ w ksả, a
lunar deity (cf. Hb., Ph. ksʔ, “full moon”, HALOT 487; DNWSI 522; Akk. kusīu,
“eine Kopfbinde”, AHw 515; kussu, “an ornament of gold”, CAD K 587; cf. Arab.

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456 ks/śủ – ksd (i)

kusʔ, “a hinder, latter part of anything (month)”, AEL 2608. De Moor UF 2 1970
314; Xella TRU 220; Del Olmo CR 287 n. 31; Watson UF 30 1998 756).
DN: yrḫ w ksả, 1.123:6.
ks/śủ n. f. “seat, throne, chair” (Hb. ksʔ, “seat, chair”, HALOT 487; Ph. ksʔ,
“throne”, DNWSI 522; OAram. krsʔ, “throne”, DNWSI 536 f.; Kaufman AIA 28;
Emar Akk. /kissu/, “chair, throne”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 102f.; Akk. kussû,
“Stuhl, Thron”, AHw 515; “chair, throne”, CAD K 587ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik
PET 88; Pagan ARES 3 244; Arab. kursiyy, “throne”, AEL 2605 f.; cf. Sum. gu-
zí, Lieberman SLOBA 285f.; Watson LSU 90, 145); par.: ảrṣ, hdm, kḥṯ, nḥt, ṯbt,
ṯlḥn. ¶ Forms: sg. ksủ/ỉ/ả (allog. kśủ in 1.53:7; 1.57:4; Tropper UF 27 1995 516;
UG 287; for ksỉ as voc. form see Baranowski UF 43 2011 7 ff.); suff. ksỉy, ksỉh; pl.
Seat, throne, chair: ksủ ṯbth the seat of your throne, 1.3 VI 15 and par. (// ảrṣ);
kśủ bʕlt bh[tm] the throne of the Lady of the Palace, 1.53:7 and par. (cf. 1.57:4);
grš ym l ksỉh drive DN from his throne, 1.2 IV 12 and par. (// kḥṯ); gršh l ksỉ mlkh,
he drove him from his royal throne, 1.3 IV 2 (// nḥt, kḥṯ); tʕdb ksủ w yṯṯb they
prepared a throne and he sat down (on it), 1.4 V 46; yʕdb ksả w yṭb he places
a chair and sits down, 1.100:7 and par.; tḥt ksỉ DN at the feet of DN’s throne, 1.2
IV 7; yrd l ksỉ he came down from the throne, 1.5 VI 12 (// hdm); yṯb l ksỉ mlk he
sat on the royal throne, 1.16 VI 23 and par. (// nḥt, kḥṯ); l yhpk ksả mlkk yes, he
will overturn your royal throne, 1.6 VI 28 and par. (cf. KAI 1:2); tṯʕr ksảt l mhr
she arranged chairs as (if they were) warriors, 1.3 II 21 and par. (// ṯlḥn, hdm);
l ll [[l]]tʕrk ksủ at night they prepare the throne, 1.106:28; ksỉ nqmd throne
of PN, 1.161:13 (see Baranowski UF 43 2011 7ff.); ảṯr bʕlk l ksỉ ! (go down) after
(?) your lord, oh throne, 1.161:20; (?) DN špq ỉlht ksảt [ yn] she supplied the
throne-goddesses with wine, 1.4 VI 52; in bkn ctx.: cf. ksả[, 1.57:5; xṭrd ksảt,
1.151:3; lksỉy on my throne, 2.31:15; ksả[, 4.496:4.
Cf. ksản.
ksản n. m. “stool” (cf. ksủ. Gray UF 3 1971 62 n. 11, diminutive of ksủ; diff. Held
SUL 74: “waterskin”, Akk. g/kušanu; cf. Watson LSU 141. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Stool: qḥ ksảnk ḥdgk ḥtlk take your stool, your (birthing?) chair, your nappies,
1.12 I 18.
ksd (I) n. m. an occupation or social group (connected with the manufacture
of textiles (?). Van Soldt UF 22 1990 353; diff. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 130:
“Müller”, Sum.-Akk. KA/GAZ. ZÌ.DA / kaṣṣ/zzidakku; Cutler-Macdonald UF 8
1976 33 n. 36: “archers(?)”, Sem. qšt). ¶ Forms: sg. ksd; pl. ksdm.
An occupation or social group: ksdm PNN, 4.286:1; PN ksd, ibid. ln. 9; 4.332:18
(after mḫṣ); ksdm, 4.99:16 (after mḫṣm); 4.126:15 (after kzym); ʕšr ksdm yd
lmdhm ten k. with their apprentices, 4.125:8 (before mḫṣm); ksdm, 4.837:19.

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ksd (ii) – ksm (ii) 457

Cf. ksd (II).

ksd (II) PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ★a) bn PN, 4.69 II 18; 4.807:24; 4.860:20; ★b) gt bn ksd (?) [, 4.297:7
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93).
ksl n. f. “back, shoulder”; 2) “tendon” > sinew, bowstring; 3) “side, sector (?)”
(Hb. ksl, “loin”, HALOT 489; Akk. ka/islu, “Lende(n- muskel)”, AHw 486 f.;
“transverse process of the vertebra”, CAD K 425. Clifford VT 25 1975 301 n. 7;
Gray UF 11 1979 318 n. 20; Held Fs. Landsberger 401 f.; De Moor UF 12 1980 425 f.;
Renfroe AULS 124; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 163 f.); for syll. Ug. /kussu/ūlu/,
cf. Huehnergard UVST 138; ¶ par.: pʕn, pn, ẓr. ¶ Forms: sg. ksl; suff. kslk, kslh;
pl. / du. kslm (Tropper UG 285).
1) Back, shoulder: bʕdn ksl tṯbr behind (her) back buckled, 1.3 III 33 and par.
(pʕnm, pnh) (see 1.19 II 56: ksl yṯ[br); l tšlḥm (…) bʕd kslk ảlmnt you have not
fed (…) the widow at your back, 1.16 VI 50 (// l pnk); tġṣ pnt kslh the joints of
her back contracted, 1.3 III 35 and par. (// ṣrh).
2) Tendon > sinew, bowstring: tgrš (…) b ksl qšth she drove out (…) with
the sinew of her bow, 1.3 II 16 (// mṭm); mỉtm kslm two hundred sinews /
(bow)strings, 4.182:9 (cf. ln. 26; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 81: “corregge”).
3) Side, sector ((?); said of both horns of the moon): hm b ṯ]lṯ ym yh yrḫ
kslm if on the third day the moon wanes on both sides, 1.163:4 (Dietrich-
Loretz MU 169, 174f. but see Pardee TR/2 868; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria
57 1980 353: “mois de kislew”, Akk. MN kislīmu; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/2 95:
In bkn ctx. kslh k brq, 1.17 VI 11 (cf. Wyatt RTU 271 n. 96).
Cf. ksln.
ksln PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 425; Watson AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: bn PN, 4.12:3; 4.122:5.
ksm n. m. a) “part, share”; b) “limit, edge” (cf. Akk. kasāmu, “zerschneiden”, AHw
453; “to cut down trees, to cut herbs”, CAD K 240; cf. ARMT 27 303: kismum,
“coupe” (des épis d’orge …?). Van Zijl Baal 271f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 70,
424f.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 250; Margalit UR 140 n. 35; Watson LSU 90; diff.
Rainey RSP 2 90: “ceremonial meal”, cf. ksm (III), qṣ); ¶ par.: mnt. ¶ Forms:
sg. ksm; suff. ksmy, ksmk, ksmh.
a) Part, share: spủ ksmh bt bʕl who consumes his share in the temple of DN,
1.17 I 31 and par. (// mnth; diff. De Moor ARTU 228: “someone to serve his
emmer-corn”, see infra: ks/śm(n)).
b) Limit, edge: l ksm mhyt ʕn look towards the edge of the meadows, 1.16 III 4
(// qṣm); ʕd ksm mhyt as far as the limit of the meadow(s), 1.5 VI 5; diff. Aartun
UF 16 1984 39f.: “Ergiebiges, Fruchtbares”, Arab. kaysūm).
ksm (II) cf. ks/śm(n).

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458 ks/śm(n) – ksp

ks/śm(n) n. m. grain similar to wheat, “emmer-corn”, (Triticum spelta, sativum,

dicocum (?)); here, by convention: “spelt”. Hb. ksmt, “spelt”, HALOT 490;
MHb. kwsmym/n, “spelt”, DTT 623); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [ÁŠ = ku-na]-šu = ut-te =
ku-sú-m[u-ma?, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 45; Van Soldt RA 75 1981 93; SAU 304;
Huehnergard UVST 139; Watson LSU 90; ¶ RS Akk.: ZÍZ.AN.NA, cf. PRU 6
158. ¶ Forms: sg. ksm; morph. var. with -n: kśmn (cf. MHb. and Sanmartín
UF 20 1988 270f. n. 23; Tropper UF 27 1995 518); pl. ks/śmm (var. spelling kzmm
in 5.22:25 (?); cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 167; Dietrich-Loretz
KA 191); rdg k smm in 1.16 III 10 (cf. smm) and for 1.17 I 31 cf. ksm.
Wheat grain, emmer, spelt: ★a) measured in dd: dd kśmn a “cauldronful”
of k., 4.269:4; dd ksmm a “cauldronful” of k., 4.608:2; ddm kśmn l PN two
“cauldronsful” of k. for PN, 4.269:20, and passim in admin. texts; cf. ten
“cauldronsful” of kśmm, 4.691:4; ★b) in accounts: tgmr kśmm b yrḫ MN total
consumption of spelt in the month of MN, 4.269:30; cf. kśmn l gzzm spelt
for the shearers, ibid. ln. 4; kśmm b TN spelt in TN, 4.345:2, 4, 9; 4.400:7,
12, 16; ★c) used as fodder: ʕšr dd kśmm w ḫmšm {ḥmr} kśmm <ḥmr> ten
“cauldronsful” of (normal) k. and fifty {} of k. <for donkeys>, 4.691:5 (San-
martín UF 20 1988 270ff.); offered in the cult: dṯt w kśm (an offering of)
spring (?) grain and k., 1.39:9; 1.41:19; 1.87:20; kśmm d kly spelt that was con-
sumed, 4.855:3, 7; in bkn ctx.: k]śmm b krsỉ s]pelt in exchange for (?) one k.
(of oil (?)), 4.225:17; ksmm, 4.747:2; cf. kzmm, 5.22:25 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 191:
Cf. ksm (I).
ksn (I) “?” (Ribichini-Xella Tessili 42 mention Akk. g/kus/šānu, “ein Ledersack”,
AHw 299; and the Arab. garment kiswat, “clothing”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 828;
Eg. [k]a-š-n, *kušana (?), “a part of the Chariot Harness”, Hoch SWET 314 f.
(453); Watson LSU 90; AuOrS 27 2009 88; AuOr 29 2011 165: “saddle pad”, alt.
“reins”, Eg. kwšn, “reins”). ¶ Forms: ksn.
?, in bkn ctx.: ksn.[, 4.10:5.
Cf. krs/śủ.
ksn (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOrS 27 102).
PN: bn PN, 4.704:1.
ksp n. m. 1) “silver”; 2) “(shekel of) silver”; 3) “money, capital; price, value; pay-
ment in cash” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Amm., OAram., Nab., Palm. ksp, “silver, money”,
HALOT 490f.; DNWSI 524ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 93; Pagan ARES 3 221;
Akk. kaspu, “Silber”, AHw 454; “silver”, CAD K 245 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: KÙ.BAB-
BAR, passim; PRU 3 221, 228f.; PRU 6 156; cf. KÙ.BABBAR k[a-as-pu (?), Ug 5
133 (RS 23.493 A) obv. 14; GAL KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ, PRU 4 40 ff. (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):29 and passim ibid.; ¶ syll. Ug.: KÙ = kaspu(?) = uš-ḫ]u(?)-ni = kàs-pu,
[KÙ.BABBAR = kaspu = Hurr.: (?) = ] ka-as-pu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 2 f.;

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ksp 459

Sivan GAGl 236; Huehnergard UVST 139; UF 15 1983 209; Van Soldt SAU 304;
¶ par.: ỉqnu, ḫrṣ, yrq. ¶ Forms: sg. ksp; suff. kspy, ksph, ksphm, kspm (encl.
-m), kspn.
Silver: 1) ★a) 4.738:2; ỉrš ksp w ảtnk ask silver and I shall give it to you, 1.17
VI 17 (// ḫrṣ); ṯnh k!spm ảtn double her (weight (?)) in silver will I give, 1.14
IV 42 (// ḫrṣm); ỉmtḫṣ ksp I fought for the silver, 1.3 III 46 (// ḫrṣ); ẓl ksp ảṯrt
k tʕn the reflection of the silver did DN see, 1.4 II 26 f. (// ẓl ksp w n[; cf. Hb.
ṣl hksp, Qoh 7:12); k ksp l ʕbrm zt like silver for the guest(s) was(were) the
olive(s), 1.22 I 14 (// ḫrṣ); qḥ ksp w yrq ḫrṣ take silver and yellow gold, 1.14
III 22 and par. (Fensham UF 11 1979 268); tblk ġrm mỉd ksp may the mountains
bring you plenty of silver, 1.4 V 15 and par. (// ḫrṣ); [kkr] ksp a talent of silver,
4.608 (I) 1; (ritual offering of) ksp w ḫrṣ silver and gold, 1.90:3; 1.164:4; 1.168:3,
9; w ksp yʕdb and silver is placed (for the offering), 1.50:11; ảdnk šqrb k[sp]
b mgnk w ḫrṣ l kl to your lord offer si[lver] as your present and gold in full,
1.16 I 44; in bkn ctx. k]sp nʕmm silver of good quality (?), 2.79:8; ★b) items
made of silver: bn bht ksp w ḫrṣ build a house of silver and gold, 1.4 V 18 and
par. (// ṭhrm ỉqnỉm); <b>hty bnt dt ksp my palace is a building of silver, 1.4
VI 37 (// ḫrṣ; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 445f.; alt.: “mi casa he construido, la de
plata”, Del Olmo MLC 206 [cf. /b-n-y/]); (for you will be built) bt kspy a house
with my silver (?). 1.1 IV 21 (Del Olmo IMC 40ff.); št gpny dt ksp put on my
harnesses of silver, 1.19 II 4 and par. (// yrq); nskt ksp w ḫrṣ an ingot of silver
and (another) of gold, 1.105:22; ks ksp cup(s) of silver, 5 IV 17 (// ks ḫrṣ), 3.1:31
and passim ibid. (RS Akk.: GAL KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ, PRU 4 40 ff. (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):29 and passim ibid.; cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 89); one ḫ. of silver,
4.867:8; ★c) treatment: nsk ksp silversmith(s): 4.47:6; 4.68:74; 4.99:14; 4.183
II 23; 4.609:32; 4.745:7; 4.836:16; 4.838:15; 6.20:1 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ.KÙ.DÍM,
PRU 6 70 (RS 17.050):4; PRU 6.131 (RS 19.035 A):2; 4.836:4); yṣq ksp (l ảlpm) he
cast silver (by the thousand shekels), 1.4 I 25f. (// ḫrṣ); sb ksp l rqm the silver
had turned into sheets, 1.4 VI 34 (// ḫrṣ); kt ỉl nbt b ksp a divine platform, a
casting in silver, 1.4 I 31 (// ḫrṣ).
2) Shekel(s or other quantities) of silver, passim: cf. rṭ (…) b ṯql w nṣp ksp one
r. (…) to the value of one shekel and a half of silver, 4.337:13; lqḥ ṯqlm ksp bd
ảmtk he has collected two shekels of silver from the hands of your handmaid,
2.70:19; passim, elliptical use ksp (shekels) of silver; cf. šbʕt w nṣp ksp seven
and a half (shekels) of silver, 2.25:6; arbʕm ksp forty (shekels) of silver, 3.28:2,
9; cf. ln. 13, 16 (ỉqnỉ); (nn) ksp ʕm PN (nn shekels) of silver on the credit of PN,
3.31:1–9; ʕšrm ksp ktnt twenty shekels of silver (in) tunics, 4.771:2; ʕšrm ksp
mškrt ḫr[ twenty (shekels) of silver for a / the skin(s) (…), 4.781:4; šbʕt w nṣp
kbd ksp seven and a half (shekels) of silver, 4.779:10 (cf. ln. 3); mšq mlkt mỉtm
ṯṯm kbd ksp {ksp} ṯmnym ḫrṣ the queen’s cup (is worth) two hundred and

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460 ksp

sixty (shekels) of silver, (that is) eighty of gold, 4.265:3; ṯṯ mảt ksp six hundred
(shekels) of silver, 4.158:1; (nn) ksp d mkr mlk (nn) of silver of the king’s
traders, 4.369:3; cf. (nn) ksp nqdm (shekels) of silver of the chief shepherds,
ibid. ln. 8; d PN / (mkr) TN, ibid. passim; ảtn (…) ảlp ksp w rbt ḫrṣ I will pay
(…) one thousand (shekels) of silver and ten thousand of gold, 1.24:20; ṯql ksp
ṭb a shekel of sterling silver, 1.43:12, 15 (cf. Akk. kaspu(m) damqu(m)); ʕšrt ksp
b alp ten (shekels) of silver for one head of cattle, 4.337:21; pdy{.}hm PN mỉt
ksp b yd GN PN redeemed them for one hundred (shekels) of silver from the
power of the GN, 3.4:14; ṯql ksp one shekel of silver (as an offering), 1.112:4
and cf. ln. 12; cf. 3.29:1, 19, 23, 28; see further ṯlṯt l ʕšrm ksp, 4.833:6; ṯṯ ʕšrt ksp,
4.833:8; ảrbʕ l ảrbʕm k[sp], 4.833:10; ʕšrt ksp, 4.833:12; ṯmnt ksp, 4.83313; ʕšrm
ksp l wtrym, 4.861:1.
3) Money, capital; value, price; payment in cash: ★a) money, capital: ksp d
šlm PN ʕl bt capital that PN pays on the palace account, 4.755:1; PN (nn)
ksp (nn) šlm PN: capital (owing): (nn shekels), he has paid: (nn shekels),
4.226:1–10; ksp d nkly b šd capital disbursed for a field, 4.280:6; ảtn ksp lhm
I will give them the money, 2.42:20 (cf. Pardee UF 19 1987 208); ksp ḥbl
rỉšym money as guarantee of the GN, 4.779:3; w ks[[.]]pn! nmḥt and I have
been cleaned out of money, 2.87:30, see ln. 31(Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
137f.); ★b) value, price in cash of a commodity (ksph(m/n)): passim; cf. ảrbʕ
kkr ảlgbṯ ảrbʕt ksph four talents of a; for a value of four (shekels), 4.158:16;
ḫmš kkrm ṣml[[l]] ʕšrt ksph five talents of ṣ. for a value of ten (shekels),
4.158:11; ḫmš kkr knm ṯlṯt w ṯlṯt ksph five talents of cane at three plus three
(shekels), ibid. ln. 13; ṯt ktnm ḫmšt w nṣp ksphn two tunics for a value of
five and a half (shekels), 4.132:6; ktn d TN pḥm bh w ṯqlm ksph a tunic from
TN with (fringes of (?)) ruby purple with a value of two shekels, 4.132:5;
kkr šʕrt šbʕt ksph a talent of wool at the price of seven (shekels), 4.158:18;
ṯlṯ kkr šʕrt ỉqnỉm ṯṯt ʕšrt ksph three talents of wool in violet purple for a
value of ten and six (shekels), 4.341:4; … k]sphn ṯql w kmsk its value is one
shekel and k., 4.707:23; tgmr ksp total value in cash, 4.156:6; 4.341:22; in bkn
ctx. tgmr k[, 4.333:9; ảnyt (…) ships (…) ảrbʕm (!?) ksp mḫrhn their value
(per unit) is forty (shekels) of silver, 4.338:17; ★c) payments in cash: yn d
ntn b ksp wine sold for cash, 4.219:1; ảrbʕ mảt ʕšrm kbd d ! ntn b! ksp four
hundred and twenty (jars of wine) sold for cash, 4.274:3; l ytn ksphm they
have made their contribution in cash, 4.779:4; ksp d šsʕn the money that
you have obliged me to pay, 2.81:24; as surety, deposits, etc.: ksp ảnyt d ʕrb
b ảnyt naval security that has been left in deposit for the ships, 4.338:11–12
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 473; Pardee JAOS 95 1975 613; diff.
Márquez AuOr 11 1993 103: rdg {ảnyt} <TN>); ksp PN deposit (paid through
the mediation) of PN, 3.4:18 (Kienast UF 11 1979 448 f.); l yblt ḫbṯm ảp ksphm

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kspy – /k-s-y/ 461

l yblt you have not brought the emancipated (men) nor have you brought
their deposit, 2.17:2; w ks[[.]]pn! nmḥt, and I have been cleaned up of money,
2.87:30, see ln. 31 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 137 f., 145: “zu dem habe ich
kein Silber mehr”, = “von mir es ist abgewischt worden”; diff. rdg RSOu 18 182
/ ManUg 250f.: w ks pả ảmḥt “the cup (?)”).
In bkn ctx.: ksp[, 1.139:18; [k]spm, 2.88:26; ksp, 2.99:28; ksp, 2.107:12; in unc.
ctx.: ksp ṯlṯt ʕml l ảdn three shekels of silver he earned (?) for (his) master,
5.11:7f. (diff. Pardee CS/3 109); ]ksp[, 4.853:16; ksp lbh, 6.83:1.
Cf. kspy.
kspy n. m. “treasurer, intendant” ((?). OAram. kspy, “prob. silverman, priest”,
DNWSI 526; cf. TN kspyʔ, “settlement of silversmiths” (?), HALOT 491). Pl.
Treasurer, intendant (?): y]šlm kspym ṯṯ mảt ʕmn (when) the treasurers (?)
pay me the six hundred (shekels), 2.21:15.
kst n. f. a type of robe or cloak (< /k-s-y/; Akk. kusītu, a garment, MAD 3 152;
“Gewand”, AHw 514; an elaborate garment, CAD K 585 ff.; EA Akk. ku-sí-ti,
EAT 14 III 27 (Egypt); 34:23 (Alašia); Ebla /kusī=t=um/, a garment, in gu-zi-
tum TÚG, Fronzaroli EL 142; StEb 7 1984 168; cf. ARET 2 127; 3 354 f.; 4 300; 7 215;
MEE 1 285; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 191; Hitt. kušiši, kušiti, wertwolles Festtags-
gewand des Königs, HEG 674f.; // Hurr. alali-, “Gewand”, Neu Das Hurritische
16f.; cf. Ph., OAram. kst, “covering, garment”, DNWSI 526; Kaufman AIA 65;
Hb. kswt, “covering, clothing”, HALOT 488f.; Arab. kiswat, “clothing”, Wehr-
Cowan DMWA 828; cf. Akk. kuššatu, ein Gewand, AHw 517; a garment, CAD
K 600. Cf. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 42f.; Fronzaroli SEL 7 1984 145 ff.; Vita TT 329;
> Gk kasâs, Masson Emprunts 22ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. TÚG: ku-u[š-ši-ti], PRU 6
6 (RS 17.144):26; ¶ par.: ảll. ¶ Forms: sg. kst; pl. kst; cf. the allog. kśt, 1.86:24 (cf.
Hb.; Segert UF 15 1983 209; Tropper UF 27 195 519 f.).
A type of robe or cloak: tmzʕ kst she tore the robe, 1.19 I 36, 47 (// ảll); ṯlṯm
ṯmn kst 38 k., 4.206:5. Cf. 1.151:6; 2.3:12 (rdg unc.); in bkn ctx. kst[, 1.168:7 (as
an offering (?)); cf. var. kśt, 1.86:24 (Segert UF 15 1983 209: Hb. kesūt); for ks̱t,
4.710:13, cf. ks (I).
Cf. /k-s-y/.
/k-s-y/ vb G: “to cover oneself”; D: “to cover” (Hb. ksh, “to cover”, HALOT 487f.;
Ph., OAram. ksy, “to cover”, DNWSI 523; Syr. ksy, “to keep secret, conceal”,
SL 639; Arab. kasā, “to clothe”, Hava 655; OSA ks1w, “garment”, ks3wy, “military
clothing”, SD 79; Akk. kašû, “zudecken”, AHw 463; “to cover”, CAD K 294;
Amor., *ks?w?, “to cover” (?), Gelb CAAA 23); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. KU(?)-U]Z(?)-ZU
(inf. abs. D /kussû/ (?)), Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 21; cf. Verreet UF 19 1987 340;
Sivan GAGl 238; Van Soldt SAU 304; Huehnergard UVST 191. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
tks, yks; D prefc. with suff. tksynn.

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462 ksyn – kšt

G. To cover oneself: lpš yks mỉzrtm for clothing he covered himself with a rit-
ual tunic, 1.5 VI 16 and par. (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 107: “schneiden”,
Akk. nakāsu).
D. To cover, in bkn ctx.: w tksynn and she covered him, 1.10 III 24.
Cf. kst, ksyn, mks.
ksyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 152; diff. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 541;
Watson AuOr 25 2007 132; LSU 170).
PN: 4.70:9 (bn lḫsn).
ks̱, allog. of ks, 6.68:1.
Cf. ks (I).
kśủ, allog. of ksủ, 1.53:7; 1.57:4.
Cf. ksủ.
kśt, allog. of kst, 1.86:24.
Cf. kst.
kš n. m. “date” ((?). Arab. kušš, “pollen of palm-trees”, kasīs, “date-wine”, Hava
653, 655. Ribichini-Xella UF 7 1975 153 n. 42; diff. De Moor ULe 95 n. 3;
ARTU 272: “gourd”, Ug. kṯ; Tropper UG 107: “Gurke”, but see Kogan UF 32 2000
719f.; Gordon PLM 31: “like fields”, rdg k šd; survey: Wyatt RTU 322 n. 43);
¶ par.: zt. ¶ Forms: sg. kš; pl. kšm.
Date (?): ḫrṣ l ʕbrm kš (like) gold for the guests (were) the date(s) (?), 1.22
I 15 (// zt); for k kšm, like k., in 4.811:15 see Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 278, 320:
unknown, “as KŠM”; in bkn ctx.: 1.151:9.
/k-š-d/ vb G: “to search for, reach” (Akk. kašādu, “erreichen, ankommen”, AHw
459ff.; “to reach”, CAD K 271ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 46; Pagan ARES 3 134.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 435; Pope Maarav 1 1978–1979 27 n. 9). ¶ Forms: G
prefc. tkšd.
G. To search for, reach: brky tkšd rủmm the pool for which the wild bulls
search, 1.5 I 16.
kšp n. m. “sorcerer” (Akk. kaššāpu, “Hexe(nmeister)”, AHw 463; “sorcereer”, CAD
K 292; Hb. kšp, “sorcerer”, HALOT 503. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 348; cf.
Ford UF 34 2002 137: “sorcery”, Akk. kišpū, Hb. kšpym, pl. t.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 43 2011 44ff.: “Zaubereien”) ¶ Forms: pl. kšpm.
Sorcerer: ảphm kšpm dbbm ygrš ḥrn them also, the (other) foul-mouthed
sorcerers, may DN cast out, 1.169:9; km l tủdn dbbm kšpm (…) yšpk kmm
ảrṣ kšpm dbbm in the same way, do not let the foul-mouthed sorcerers
proclaim / disclose … May (they) be poured out like water on the earth,
the foul-mouthed / insidious sorcerers!, 1.178:8, 13 (Del Olmo Fs. Watson 143,
kšt PN (etym. unc. Cf. the element /kašt=/, /kaššut=/, AAN 1 78; Watson LSU

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kšy – ktkt 463

PN: 4.707:15.
kšy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: bn PN, 4.794:2.
kt (I) n. f. a kind of “pitcher” (Akk. kūtu, “eine grosse Kanne”, AHw 519; “a
container or clay of metal”, CAD K 611f. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1975 560; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 30ff.; KA 160; Watson AuOrS 27 89: Emar
Akk. kuʔû, “jar”, Linear B qe-to, Gk kýtos, “jar”). ¶ Forms: sg. kt (for kwt cf. kw).
Pitcher: kt zt mm kt šmn mr a pitcher of winter olives (and) a pitcher of
myrrh(-scented) oil, 7.786:13, 14; in bkn ctx.: kt mẓ2k[ a pitcher of mixed drink
(?), 1.77:5 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 160; Zamora Vid 510, 512 ff.); kt ḥmṣ w nbt, a
pitcher of vinegar and (another of) honey, 2.99:24; in bkn ctx., cf. 1.147:8;
7.142:1f., 8; for 1.4 I 30f. cf. kt (II); for the syntagm ṯlṯ ktt in 4.203:14 and par. cf.
kt (II) n. f. “stage, podium, platform” (Hb. kn, “stand”, HALOT 483; Syr. kānāʔ,
“stem, trunk, stalk, tripod”, SL 632; cf. Akk. kannu, “ein Ständer”, AHw 437 f.;
“metal potstand”, CAD K 154ff.; Salonen HAM 220. Cf. Albright BASOR 91 1943
40 n. 14; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 60; Watson LSU 91, 150 f.: Akk. kittu, “ein
Ständer”, AHw 1569; diff. Cassuto, BOS II 123 n. 24; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000
209: “göttliche Kanne”, Akk. kūtu [cf. kt (I)]; Dahood UF 1 1969 25: “beaten
work”, Hb. ktt, mkwnh; Margalit MLD 16: “figure, shape”, Akk. g/kattu); ¶ par.:
ḫym. ¶ Forms: sg. kt.
Stage, podium, platform: kt ỉl a divine platform, 1.4 I 30–31 (// ḫym); kt ġrk
ảnk ydʕt the podium of your mountain that I have distinguished, 1.13:10; in
unc. ctx., [k]t ảtn ản! mṯbk the podium I gave (you) as a mansion, 1.13:11; kt
[k]bkbm the podium of the stars, 1.13:12.
kt (III) TN “Kition” (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 164; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 560; Astour RSP 2 297f.).
TN: kd bn ảmht kt a “jar” for the servants of TN, 4.230:9.
kt (IV) PN (etym. unc.; cf. Gröndahl PTU 279; Watson AuOr 13 1995 224).
PN: bn PN, 4.141 II 1; 4.425:5. Cf. in unc. ctx. ]m kt tmnm, 4.734:12; 4.856:5.
Cf. ktkt.
/k-t-b/ vb G: “to write” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. ktb, “to write”,
HALOT 503f.; DNWSI 540ff.; Arab. kataba, “to write”, AEL 2589 ff.; Eth. kata-
ba, “to write down”, CDG 297). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ktb.
G. To write: ktb spr hnd he wrote this document, 3.12:9 (cf. Márquez Sefarad
68 2008 471: “suscribir, firmar”).
ktġḏ, see /ġ-ḏ-y/.
ktkt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 280; Watson LSU 170; AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:16 (mʕqby).
Cf. kt.

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464 ktl – ktn (i)

ktl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 279; element /=(k)katil/, Gelb-Purves-

MacRae NPN 224, 228).
PN: 4.56:3; 4.394:6.
ktln PN; cf. kd/tln PN.
ktm “?” (Tsumura UF 22 1990 398; Richardson UBL 11 279: “gold”, Hb. kétem;
*kutma (?), “Gold”. Hoch SWET 338 (501): Akk. kutimmu, PhPN ktm, OSA PN
(?) ktm; Watson LSU 91).
?, in bkn ctx.: ]t ktm, 7.222:11.
ktmn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 280; Watson LSU 170).
PN:★a) 4.15:8;★b) bn PN, 4.93 IV 14; 4.224:8, 11; 4.571:5.
ktn (I) n. f., a type of tunic (Hb. ktnt, “shirt-like tunic”, HALOT 505; OAram.
ktn, “tunic”, DNWSI 548: ktn2; Kaufman AIA 28; Linear B ki-to, Chadwick
DMG 320; Linear A qi-tu-ne, cf. Best UF 5 1973 57f.; Gk khitōn, “tunic”, Liddell-
Scott GEL 1993; cf. also Ph., OAram. ktn, “flax, linen”, DNWSI 547 f.; Sum. gada;
Akk. kitû(m), “Flachs, Leinen”, AHw 495; “flax, linen”, CAD K 473ff.; Lieber-
man SLOBA 262f.; OAss. kutānum, Veenhof AOATT 145 ff.; Akk. ein feiner
Stoff, qutānu(m), AHw 930, 1585; a wool fabric of specific size and weave,
CAD K 607ff.: k/qutānu. Cf. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 43 f.; Heltzer GPOTU 41 f.;
Van Soldt UF 22 1990 331f.: “linen cloth”; Xella UF 22 1990 471; Vita TT 330);
¶ RS Akk.: TÚG.GADA(.MEŠ), passim; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 329 ff.; cf. PRU 3
181 (RS 11.732) B 1 and passim; PRU 3 184 (RS 16.146+):12 (10 TÚG.GADA.MEŠ
10 TÚG.GÚ.É GADA; cf. pṯt (I)); PRU 3 207 (RS 16.187 A):5 and passim; PRU 4
40ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.) 23 and passim: TÚG.GADA (// KTU 3.1:21 and pas-
sim: ktn(t); cf. Dietrich-Loretz, WO 3 1966 224ff.); PRU 4 82 (RS 17.380+):40
and passim; TÚG.GADA.MEŠ, PRU 6 14 (RS 19.50):13 and passim. ¶ Forms:
sg. ktn; pl. ktnt; du. ktnm.
A type of tunic: 4.206:1; 4.284:1; 4.402:4 (diff. Watson AuOr 25 2007 132:
“terebinth”), 4.738:3; ṯt ktnm b ảrbʕ šmn w krsỉ two tunics for four “jars” of oil
and one k., 4.808:8 (diff. Watson AuOr 25 2007 132: “terebinth”); ṯt ktnm ḫmšt
w nṣp ksphn two tunics for a value of five and a half (shekels), 4.132:6; ṯlṯm
ḫmš kbd ktnt a total of thirty-five (shekels worth of (?)) tunics, 4.203:7; ảrbʕm
d ktn forty (shekels) of (a) tunic(s), 4.779:7; ʕšrm ksp ktnt twenty (shekels of)
silver in tunics, 4.771:2; ktnt bd(m) PN tunics delivered to PN, 4.132:2; 4.337:18;
ktn nʕmm de luxe tunic, 2.79:9; ktn d TN pḥm bh (…) bd skn a tunic from TN
with (fringes of (?)) ruby purple (…) in the hands of the prefect, 4.132:4; ritual
offering: lbš w ktn a garment and a tunic, 1.43:4; tribute: ảrbʕ ktnt kt[n r]b
for (ordinary) tunics (and) a large tunic (// 4 TÚG.GADA 1 TÚG.GADA GAL,
PRU 4 40ff. [RS 17.227 and dupl.]:23; cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 87f.), 3.1:21,
cf. ibid. ln. 27, 29, 31: cf. ibid. ln. 33, 35, 37: ktn (// 1 TÚG.GADA, ln. 25, 27, 29);
l PN ktn for PN one k., 4.867:15; in bkn ctx.: […] ktnt, 4.363:1.

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ktn (ii) – ktt (i) 465

ktn (II) PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. KU-UT-TA-na, Syria 28 1951 173–179 (RS
14.16):21; KU-TA-n[a], PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):9; KA-TU-na, PRU 3 136 (RS
15.168):4 (Huehnergard UVST 215, 220; Van Soldt SAU 320 n. 135; Matoïan-Vita
UF 41 2009 472). 0
PN: 4.607:30.
Cf. gdn, gtn, kdn, qṭn.
ktp (I) n. f. 1) “shoulder”; 2) “shoulder blade”; 3) “scimitar, ‘harpé’ ” (Hb. ktp,
“shoulder, upper arm”, HALOT 505f.; Syr. kaṯpāʔ, “shoulder”, SL 353; Arab.
katif, “the shoulder-blade”, AEL 2998; Eth. matkaf, “shoulder, shoulder-
blade”, CDG 372; cf. Akk. katappātu, ein Teil der Brust, AHw 465; “sternum or
part of the ribs”, CAD K 303. Van Zijl Baal 35ff. 215 f.; Pini OrAnt 15 1976 111 f.
n. 32; Bordreuil-Pardee MARI 7 68; Del Olmo AuOr 10 1992 256; Vita-Watson
AoF 29 2002 146ff.; NABU 2014/24; Bojowald UF 43 2011 22 n. 4)); ¶ par.: (bn)
yd(m), mṣd, nṣb. ¶ Forms: sg. ktp; du. ktpm.
1) Shoulder: hlm ktp zbl ym strike prince DN on the shoulder, 1.2 IV
14 and par. (// bn ydm); […] mlảk bn ktpm [he had wounded] the (other)
messenger on the shoulder / back, 1.2 I 42; l ktp ʕnt k tšth on the shoulders of
DN, she did place him, 1.6 I 14.
2) Shoulder blade: tʕdb (…) lh ʕnt ktp she held out (…) also to DN a shoulder
blade, 1.114:11 and par. (// nšb).
3) Scimitar, “harpé”: rbm ymḫṣ b ktp the great ones he struck with a scim-
itar, 1.6 V 2 (// ṣmd; cf. Vita-Watson NABU 2014/24 for a possible Hitt. ety-
ktp (II) PN (etym. unc., < ktp (?)).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:61, 75.
ktr n. m. of a group or profession (etym. unc.; cf. Akk. kitru, “Hilfstruppe”, AHw
494; “auxiliaries, auxiliary force”, CAD K 467f.; cf. OAram. ktr, “to wait for”,
DNWSI 548: also Hitt. SAL katra-, Pecchioli Daddi MPDAI 391 ff.; Gk kithára,
“lyre”, Liddell-Scott GEL 950; Arnaud AuOr 16 1998 169: “garde”, Alal. Akk.
kutturu; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 1967 541; Watson AuOr 19 2001 292: “guard” (?);
LSU 170). ¶ Forms: pl. ktrm.
Group or profession: ktrm (listed between yṣrm “potters” and mṣlm “cymbal-
ists”), 4.126:29.
Cf. ktr(y).
ktr(y PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 152f.; West AOAT 233 33: ke-ti-ro, Linear
B; Watson AuOr 21 2003 246).
PN: ★a) ktr, 4.141 II 7; ★b) bn ktry, 4.638:6.
ktš PN (etym. unc.; Watson LSU 170).
PN: bn PN, 3.28:15; 3.29:22.
ktt (I) adj. m. “ground, powdered” (pass. ptc. G */k-t-t/; Hb., Aram. ktt, “to

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466 ktt (ii) – kṯky

beat, crush fine”, HALOT 507; JPAram. “to pound, crush”, DJPA 273; Ebla cf.
TAR-TAR = ga-da-tum, EV 0419; Krebernik QuSem 18 141. Zaccagnini OrAn
9 1970 320 with n. 36; Collini SEL 4 1987 18 f.; Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 175f.).
¶ Forms: sg. ktt.
Ground, powdered (said of a stage of copper): ʕ<šr kkr ṯlṯ ktt ten talents of
powdered copper, 4.721:4; ảrbʕ k[kr] ṯlṯ ktt four talents of powdered copper,
4.288:9; ảlpm ṯlṯ ktt two thousand (shekels of) powdered copper, 4.203:14. In
bkn ctx. ]xktt, 2.33:17 (cf. Pardee AfO 31 1984 219 n. 28); ktt, 2.103:23.
ktt (II) PN(etym. unc. Watson LSU 170).
PN: bn PN, 4.382:28.
kṯ (I) n. f. a measure and a container (“flask, bottle, jar”(?). Cf. Akk. kīs/šu,
“eine Rohrart”, AHw 487; “a metal bowl”, CAD K 463; qiššû, “Gurke”, AHw 923;
“melon, gourd”, CAD Q 272. De Moor UF 2 1970 311; Watson LSU 91; AuOrS 27
89: “flask”; Tropper UG 287: “ein Hohlmass”). ¶ Forms: sg. kṯ; pl. kṯt; du. kṯm.
A measure and a container: ʕšr kṯt ḫmš ʕšr lg ten k., fifteen l., 6.12:2; a con-
tainer (“flask”(?)), for luxury items: k¨m ššmn two flasks(?) of (cream of)
sesame, 4.60:8; (offering of) kṯ ẓrw kṯ nbt a flask(?) of balsam (and) a flask(?)
of honey, 1.148:22 (diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 41: “Dick-, Zähflüssiges”, Arab. kaṯt);
ʕšr kṯ(!)t ẓrw ten flasks(?) of balsam, 4.402:10; kṯm sbbyn two flasks(?) of
(essence of) black cumin, 4.707:8 (diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 41 f.: “(Wieder)
anfüllen”, Arab. kṯama; cf. kṯ ảqh[r a k. of a., 4.61:4); kṯ kmn / sbbym one k.
of cumin, 4.811:10–11. In unc. ctx. kṯm r[qḥ(?) two flasks(?) of perfume (?),
4.60:6 (cf. ṯlṯ kṯt xd h[, ibid. ln. 4); 1.101:8: kṯ[[t]] ġbt (cf. De Moor UF 1 1969 182:
“cream” / “knees”, Arab. kaṯāt / kaṯṯa; NYCI/2 8: “desires”(?); Dietrich-Loretz
UF 17 1985 142; Pardee TPM 147: “wie zwei (Wolken)!” / “comme deux nuées”;
cf. Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 112).
kṯ (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 216: Hitt. ki-iš-ši and var., NH no. 588;
Watson AuOrS 27 102); ¶ syll.: cf. ki-šu, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 21. Cf. kš[, 3.16:8,
part of PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.635:58; in bkn ctx. bn kṯ[, 4.116:22. Cf. w kbdm l kṯ[, 1.130:20; kṯ[,
kṯản PN (etym. unc.; cf. the element /kuš(š)=/, Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 230,
AAN 1 88). Cf. kṯwn, kṯn PNN.
PN: bn PN, 4.40:8.
kṯkn PN (etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 302. Cf. PN Kuššakani, Gelb-Purves-
MacRae NPN 92; Watson LSU 170).
PN: 4.245:12; 4.336:5; in bkn ctx. 4.574:4.
Cf. kṯky.
kṯky GN m. “Kaskaean” ((?). Cf. Bo. Akk. (LÚ.MEŠ) URU Ga-aš-ga and var.,
Von Schuler Kaškäer 84ff.; RlA 5 460ff.; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 190ff.;

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kṯl(y) – kṯr (iii) 467

Liverani Storia 154f.; Degen WO 4 1967–1968 48 ff.; Von Schuler Kaskäer 72,
87; Vidal UF 38 2006 703). ¶ Forms: pl. kṯkym.
GN: rb kṯkym sheikh of the GN, 6.3:2; kṯkym, 4.319:2.
Cf. kṯkn.
kṯl(y) PN (etym. unc. Cf. Watson LSU 171; AuOr 30 2012 333).
PN: bn kṯl, 4.309:9; bn kṯly, 4.55:10; 4.611 II 5.
kṯn (I) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 301; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 120; Watson
AuOr 25 2007 133); ¶ syll.: cf. ki-še-na, PRU 3 139 (RS 16.131):18, 24; PRU 6 99
(RS 19.09):14 (?); PRU 6 150 (RS 18.101 A):4; ki-ši-na RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) obv.
9 (Huehnergard UVST 231 nn. 91f.); ku-ši-nu, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 7.
PN: bn PN, 4.335:24; 4.694:4; 4.785:15; 4.860:11.
kṯn (II) TN (?) (unc. ctx. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 120: Hb. kwšn; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
165: TN; Watson AuOr 25 2007 133; LSU 201).
TN (?), in unc. ctx.: kbkbt kṯn stars of TN (?), 1.92:28.
kṯp n. m. “?” (Pardee TPM 255: “épaisseurs”, Arab. kṯp). ¶ Forms: pl. (?) kṯpm.
?, in bkn ctx., ]xn mšḥt kṯpm ảkṯn[, 1.107:48.
kṯr (I) adj. m. “skilful” (Hb., OAram. kšr, “to be suitable”, DNWSI 539 f.; Hb.,
OAram., Palm. kšyr, “capable, competent”, DNWSI 539; cf. MHb., JAram.
“to be proper, fit”, DTT 677; Akk. kašāru, “wiederherstellen”, AHw 461 f.; “to
repair”, CAD K 284ff. Cf. Strawn UF 41 2009 641f. diff. Van Selms UF 11 1979
742: “servant”, */k-ṯ-r/). ¶ Forms: pl. kṯrm.
Skilful, in bkn ctx.: trḥṣn kṯrm[ skilful (servants)(?) will wash him, 1.2 III 20.
Cf. kṯr (III), kṯrt, mkṯr.
kṯr (II) n. m. “vigour, good health” (MHb., JPAram. kwšr, “propriety”, DJPA 254;
“fitness”, DTT 626; cf. kṯr (I). Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 34; Badre et al. Syria
53 1976 101; Van Selms UF 11 1979 739ff.; Verreet UF 19 1987 329; diff. Fensham
JNSL 1 1971 19f.: “while they dine”, rdg k ṯrm; Van Selms UF 11 1979 742: “in
captivity”; Margalit UF 8 1976 144: “in (child-)labour”, Akk. šaššurātu); ¶ par.:
zbln. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. kṯrm (encl. -m).
Vigour, good health: mṯlṯt kṯrm tmt a third died in (full) vigour, 1.14 I 16 (//
kṯr (III) DN, first element of the name of the god of technology, kṯr (w) ḫss (cf.
kṯr (I). Ph. k( y)šr, kušor, in PNN; Arab. kawṯar-, DN in Qurʔān; for Ebla cf.
dkà-ša-lu, Lambert SVT 40 1988 131f.; Mander MROA 2/1 50; > Gk khousōr,
Cors CPHPB 116. Cf. Smith KWH 1985; Dahood ADS 81 f.; Cooper RSP 3 385ff.;
Lipiński UF 20 1988 137ff.; Brown JSS 10 1965 197ff.; Pardee TPM 100 n. 9;
Kogan UF 32 2000 720); ¶ RS Akk.: dÉ-a, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.024):15 (cf. kṯr, 1.47:16;
1.118:15); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. dA.A. = e-ia-an = ku-šar-ru, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV a
19, Huehnergard UVST 141; Van Soldt SAU 304; cf. element /kōtar-/ in PNN,
Sivan, GAGl 238. ¶ Forms: kṯr, kṯrm (encl. -m).

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468 kṯrm – kṯy (i)

DN: ★a) kṯr (w ḫss), passim: kṯr ḫss šlm DN, hail!, 1.123:28; cf. hlk kṯr (…) tdrq
ḫss, 1.17 V 10; kṯrm ḥbrk w ḫss dʕtk, 1.6 VI 49; ql bl ʕm kṯr w ḫss kptrh take (the
/ my) cry to DN, in TN, 1.100:46; ★b) kṯr alone: 1.47:16; 1.108:5; 1.118:15 (cf. RS
Akk.: dÉ-a, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):15); 1.102:5; 1.2 IV 11, 18; 1.4 VII 15 f.; 1.43:8; 1.105:12;
1.148:6; cf. 1.39:14.
Cf. kṯrmlk, kṯrn.
kṯrm PN (< kṯr (I)).
PN: bn PN, 4.861:11.
kṯrmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 47, 152, 158; Sivan GAGl 238; Huehnergard
UVST 219).
PN: 1.87:59 (bn ytrt); 4.86:24; 4.188:9; 4.609:32; 4.658:49.
kṯrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 152; Watson LSU 171).
PN: 4.313:10.
Cf. gṯrn.
kṯrt DN, goddesses who preside over childbirth (cf. kṯr (I); Emar Akk. /kaṯa-
rātu/, Pentiuc Vocabulary 94; Hb. kwšrwt, HALOT 467; Gk khousarthis, Cors
CPH 116. Cf. Cooper RSP 3 387f.; Margulis JANES 4 1972 55 ff.; Du Mesnil
EDP 1ff., 9ff.; NE 81ff.; Van Selms UF 11 1979 743f.; Herrmann YN 5 f. and pas-
sim; Del Olmo AuOr 9 1991 74f.; Watson SEL 10 1993 52; Strawn UF 41 2009
631ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: dsa-sú-ra-tu4, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):12. ¶ Forms: pl. kṯrt.
DN, goddesses who preside over childbirth: ★a) ḥbl kṯrt the band / flock
of the DNN, 1.10 II 30; 1.11:6; kṯrt bnt hll šnnt the k., daughters of DN, the
“Swallows”, 1.17 II 26f. and par. (cf. hll, snnt); ★b) in lists: kṯrt, 1.47:13; 1.118:12 (//
dsa-sú-ra-tu4, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):12; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 50; Durand MROA II/1
184ff.); 1.148:25 (rdg prob. ả! ṯrt).
kṯtġlm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 165. Laroche GLH 139; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 110; Kühne UF 6 1974 167 n. 73; Pardee UF 6 1974 280 n. 26;
Astour NuzHur 1 14 no. 9; Sanmartín SEL 12 1995 180 f.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín
AuOr 13 1995 260; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 674; Topography 27; Watson LSU 131,
TN: 3.18:2; 4.643:25, 26.
Cf. ḥrbġlm.
kṯwn PN (etym. unc.; cf. Kašuwa, Kišwa, NH 89 ff.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334);
¶ syll.: cf. ku-šá-PI-n[i], PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107 A):11.
PN: 4.339:2.
Cf. kṯản, kṯy, kṯn.
kṯy (I) GN m. “Kassite” (Akk. kaššû, AHw 463; CAD K 293f.; Balkan Kassiten-
studien 1 131f.; Nashef RGTC 5 163f.; Brinkman RlA 5 464ff. Astour JAOS 86
1966 282; Caquot Syria 46 1969 262ff.; De Moor UF 2 1970 314; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 143; Watson LSU 171); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. mKa-ši-ya LÚ mur-u,

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kṯy (ii) – kyn 469

PRU 3 195 (RS 11.839):22; Gröndahl PTU 301. ¶ Forms: sg. kṯy.
Kassite: yrḫ kṯy DN Kassite, 1.102:14 and par; cf. yrḫm kөy, 1.123:7.
Cf. kṯy (II).
kṯy (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 301; Watson AuOr 14 1996 104; ¶ syll.: cf.
ka-ši-ya, PRU 3 195 (RS 11.839):22; ku-šá-ya, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):13 (Huehner-
gard UVST 231; Huehnergard AkkUg 414).
PN: ★a) 4.63 III 39; 4.170:16; 4.617 II 23; ★b) bn PN, 4.7:2.
Cf. gṯy, kṯ (II), kṯwn, kṯy (I).
kw n. f. a container or measure (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 29 f.: cf.
Eg. qw, Schalen mit Griff an einem Ende, Helck Bez. 402; Emar Akk. /kuʔû/,
/kuʔâta/, a vessel jar, Pentiuc Vocabulary 105. Tropper UG 54: Akk. kūtu;
Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 179 n. 27; UF 20 1988 272 n. 32: Eg. kb, “Gefäss”, WäS/5
117, and EA Akk.: kūbu [ku-u/ú-bu/bá, EAT 14 I 33 and passim], a container for
liquids, CAD K 488; ein Trinkgefäss, AHw 498; Helck Bez. 402, 409; Watson
AuOr 19 2001 292: Hitt. kūpi, “ein kleines Gefäss” (?); LSU 121 f., 141; AuOrS 27
89; McGeough UgET 457 n. 11; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 34: zugebundener
Schlauch, Arab. wikāʔ). ¶ Forms: sg. kw; du. cst. kwt.
A container or measure: ṯt kwt yn two k. of wine, 4.691:6; kw sʕt a k. of (grain)
s., 2.47:17.
kwn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 235, 280; for the element kaw= cf. Gelb-
Purves-MacRae NPN 224. West AOAT 233 33: PN ke-wo-no-yo, Linear B);
¶ syll.: cf. ka-ú-a-ni, PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107 A):10 (Huehnergard AkkUg 41; Van
Soldt SAU 358); cf. ku-PI-na, PRU 6 43 (RS 17.77):3; DUMU ka-PI-na PRU 3 202
(RS 16.257+) III 32.
PN: ★a) 4.307:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.692:7, 12.
Cf. kbn, kwy(n), kyn.
kwr TN (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 260, 320; Watson SEL 28 2011 26).
TN: npk kwr the spring (of) TN, 3.33:7.
kwt PN (etym. unc.) Cf. kwn.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 8.
kwy(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 280; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334).
PN: bn kwy, 4.313:27; bn kwyn, 4.53:6.
Cf. kwn, kyn, qwy.
ky cf. k (II), k (III).
ky(y) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 277).
PN: bn ky, 4.110:6; bn kyy, 4.764:5.
Cf. kyn.
kyn PN (Anat. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 277); ¶ syll.: cf. ki-ia-an-na, PRU 4 203 (RS
18.20+) obv. 7'; [ki]?-ia-a-nu, PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) II 2; cf. DUMU ka-PI-na,
PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 32.

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470 kzbn – kzy (ii)

PN: ★a) 4.141 II 21; 4.424:20; 4.859 II 4; ★b) bn PN, 4.341:13; 4.611 II 6.
Cf. ky(y), kwn.
kzbn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 152; Watson AuOrS 27 102);
¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ki-zi-be, PRU 6 90 (RS 19.114) obv. 3.
PN: bn PN, 4.631:17.
kzġb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 238, 245; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: 4.147:17.
kzmm, allog. of ks/śmm, 5.22:25.
Cf. ks/śm(n).
kzn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 277, 280; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 40; Watson LSU 171); ¶ syll.: cf. ki-za-na, PRU 3 98 (RS 16.249):27; DUMU
ku-za-na, Ug 5 9 (RS 117.61):16.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 II 20; 4.340:2; 4.445:4; 5.18:2; cf. in bkn ctx. 4.424:15; 4.445:4;
Cf. gsn, ksn.
kztn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: kztn, 4.825 I 18.
kzy (I) n. m. “groom, squire” (cf. Alal. Akk. kizû, Nuzi Akk. ka/izû, ein Diener,
AHw 496; “herdsman, groom”, CAD K 477f.; Giacumakis 83; Mari kizûm, (?)
kazû (i-na ka-si-ka) A 4215:11, Durand Fs. Garelli 58 f.; cf. Eg. kṯn, “Wagen-
lenker”, WäS/5 148 [Sivan-Cochavi-Rainey WSEVS 86: /ā/ > /ō/ (?)]; Helck
Bez. 524 (267): kú-sí(-na); < EA LÚ ku(8)-sí (ša) ANŠE.KUR.RA, cf. Rainey
EAT 77: kūsi (ša) sisî, “Streitwagenfahrer; groom”; Sivan GAGl 238: /kōsû/,
“stableman”; cf. LÚ.KI.ZI.Ú = taš-li-šú(!) ḫa-ne-gal-<ba>-tum, MSL 12 226:
B VI 145; cf. Hitt. LÚ.IŠ, Kammenhuber FuF 28 1954 121; Hipp. 345; Pecchi-
oli Daddi MPDAI 123ff.; Hurr. */kuz=/, “garder, retenir”, Laroche GLH 157.
Cf. Rainey JNES 24 1961 21f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 30 f.; Del
Olmo UF 7 1975 101f.; Cutler-Macdonald UF 9 1977 18 f.; Heltzer IOKU 124;
Beal NABU 1992/48; Vita EU 118ff.: “conductor de carro”; Watson LSU 131, 141;
Loretz HippUg 68ff.: “Lenker von Streitwagen” (?) / “Pferdeknecht” (?) / “Pfer-
detrainer” (?)); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ ka-zi-i-e ša É-ia. cf. Lettinga BiOr 5 1948 112:6;
Sivan GAGl 237. ¶ Forms: pl. kzym.
Groom, squire: 4.99:10; 4.126:14; 4.68:62 (cf. ṭup-pu ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.
MEŠ tablet of persons with bows, ibid. ln. 76 l.e.); rb kzym chief groom, 4.222:3
(cf. GAL LÚ(.MEŠ).IŠ, Kammenhuber Hipp. 345); kzym, 4.837: kzy, 4.863:6.
kzy (II) PN (< kzy (I)).
PN kzy, 4.863:6.

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l (I) prep. 1) of direction: ★a) allative “to, towards, up to”; ★b) ventive “from”;
2) of a situation relative to space “in, into, on, to, next to, upon, for, with”;
3) with respect to time “from, in, on, for, to”; 4) introducing a complement
of the addressee “to, for, upon, in favour of” (dativum commodi); 5) intro-
ducing the object complement “to, for”; 6) in speech (to say something to
someone) “to, before”; 7) of belonging ((not) being of, (not) having); 8) of
numerical addition; 9) of purpose “for” (with inf.); 10) modal complement:
a) in prep. syntagm “in, among, in connection with”; b) in adv. expressions;
11) compound prepositions (Hb. l, “to …”, HALOT 507 ff.; Ph. l /li/, /la/, /lu/,
OAram. l /la/, “to, …”, DNWSI 549ff.; Ebla (l)a, la, Pagan ARES 3 256; Amor.
/la, li/, “to, for”, Gelb CAAA 23; Syr. l, “to, …”, SL 665; Akk. la = “ana”, AHw
520; “from, out of”, CAD L 5; Emar Akk. /la/, “vers, pour”, Arnaud AuOrS 1
12; Arab. la-, “to, …”, AEL 3006; Eth. la, “to, …”, CDG 303. Aartun PU/2 31–50;
Gordon UT §10.1; Tropper UG 758ff.; De Moor SP 95 n. 5, 120; Zevit JANES 7
1975 103ff.; Pardee UF 7 1975 329ff.; UF 8 1976 215 ff., 483ff.; UF 9 1977 205 ff.;
UF 11 1979 685ff.; Dahood BiOr 38 1981 671ff.; plene ly: Dijkstra UF 19 1987
43 n. 29; Tropper UF 26 1994 460 n. 14, 474 n. 11); ¶ RS Akk.: a-na, Huehn-
ergard AkkUg 183f.; Van Soldt SAU 443ff.; ¶ syll. Ug.: [MU] = a-na = i-di-na
= le-e, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 5; cf. Sivan GAGl 241; Huehnergard UVST 142;
Van Soldt SAU 304; ¶ par.: aṯr, ʕl, b (I), bd, lm, ln, lẓr. ¶ Forms: l, ly (mat. lect.
(?); Tropper UG 52), cf. 2.30:5; 2.33:4; 2.68:7; 2.72:5 ([l] y) (Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 327: “extended form”); suff. pn. ly, lk, lkm (+ encl. -m, 1.19 III 46), lh (d
lh, 1.9:11), lhm, lhn, ln, lnh, ln, lm (+ encl. -n, -m, in lit. texts; Tropper UG 781).
1). Prep. of direction: ★a) allative, to, towards, up to: passim with /m-ġ-y/:
mġny l nʕmy ảrṣ / ysmt šd / bʕl we arrived at the “delight” of the land /
the “beauty” of the fields / DN, 1.5 VI 6–8 and par.; cf. also: 1.3 II 17–18 and
par.; 1.100:67 (// l-; but cf. 1.17 II 24–25; 1.19 IV 8–9, adv. acc. bth // l hlkh); 1.14
IV 34–35; 1.14 III 4–5 and par.; 1.19 III 50 and par.; 1.19 IV 50; 1.20 II 6 and par.;
1.21 II 7; with /h-l-k/: ỉl hlk l bth yštql l ḥẓrh DN went to his house, proceeded
to his mansion, 1.114:18, cf. 1.4 VI 18–19; 1.16 VI 27–28; 1.100:68; passim with
/ʕ-l-y/: y[ʕl] l ksỉ mlkh (…) lkḥṯ drkth DN (went up) to his royal throne, (…)
to the seat of his power, 1.6 V 5–6 (KTU rdg y[ṯb]), cf. also 1.4 I 23; 1.14 II 21
and par.; 1.16 IV 13–14; 1.19 I 38; 1.20 II 4 and par.; passim with /ṯ-b/: tṯb bʕl l
hwty you will certainly return (: you will pay attention) DN to my words, 1.4
VI 15 and par., cf. 1.3 IV 54 and par.; 1.17 VI 42; 1.18 IV 17; 1.82.37 (in bkn ctx.);
ṯb l pdr pdrm he returned to (: scoured) one town after another, 1.4 VII 8 (cf.
infra: 10.a; cf. ʕb!r l [ʕr] ʕrm he passed [from city] to city, 1.4 VII 7); 1.96:9–13;

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472 l (i)

3.4:19; 4.339:1; w ṯb l mspr go back to the (: repeat the) narrative, 1.4 V 42, cf.
also 1.40:35; w hndt yṯb l mspr and this is what goes back to (: is repeated of)
the narrative, 1.19 l.e. (IV 62), cf. 1.107:14; with diff. vb: tbʕ kṯr l ảhlh / mšknth
DN went to his tent / residence, 1.17 V 32; tỉty ỉlm l ảhlhm / mšknthm the gods
went to their tents / residences, 1.15 III 18; cf. 1.20 II 4; 1.22 II 23; dll ảl ỉlảk l bn
ỉlm / ydd assuredly, I will send a messenger to the divine / beloved one, 1.4
VII 45–46, cf. 1.4 V 41; 1.14 III 20; lm mṯb (…) w l ḫm g!r tqdm to the residence
(…), to the guest (?) pavilion they approached, 1.15 IV 22–23; ytšỉ l ảb bn ỉl /
dr bn ỉl / mḫprt / ṯkm w šnm may it rise to the father of the gods / family of
the gods / assembly of the gods / DN!, 1.40:24–25 and par.; (he will be able)
šrh l ảrṣ brqm to release his lightnings to the earth, 1.4 V 9 (// b-); sb l qṣm /
ksm turn towards the (two) ends / the edge!, 1.16 III 3–4; ảrḫ tzġ l ʕglh bn ḫpṯ
umhthm the cow lows to / for her calves, the young of the loose (cattle) to /
for their mothers, 1.15 I 5–6; k lb ảrḫ l ʕglh k lb ṯảt l ỉmrh, like the heart of the
cow to / for her calf, like the heart of the ewe to / for her lamb, 1.6 II 28 and
par. (// ảṯr); l pʕn ỉl thbr at the feet of DN he bowed, 1.6 I 36 and par.; l pʕn
ỉl [l] tpl at the feet of DN they fell, 1.2 I 30 and par., cf. also: 1.5 VI 8 and par.;
1.2 IV 5 (cf. ln. 23); 1.10 II 18; also 2.64:16; 5.33:2 and passim in letters; [ksl]h l
ảrṣ tṯbr her [back] buckled to the ground, 1.16 I 54; tṣd kl ġr l kbd ảrṣ / šdm,
she scoured every mountain as far as the innards of the earth / of the fields,
1.5 VI 27–28 and par.; sk šlm l kbd ảrṣ / šdm pour out peace to (: into) the
bosom of the earth / the fields, 1.3 III 16–17 and par.; ảl tqrb l bn ỉlm mt do not
approach divine DN, 1.4 VIII 16; lm ġltm ỉlm rỉštkm l ẓr brktkm w ln kḥṯ zblkm
why have you lowered, gods, your heads up to (: upon) your knees and your
princely thrones?, 1.2 I 25 and par. (// ln); w ản šnt uġr l rḥq ỉlm but I must
leave TN towards (: for) the very farthest god, 1.3 IV 34 and par.; tẓpn l pỉt you
have to penetrate right to the limit, 1.13:15; in bkn ctx.: 1.1 IV 3 (cf. 1.127:31); 1.10
III 15–16; 1.11:3; 1.17 VI 15; 1.82:2; 1.86:13; 1.107:19; in unc. ctx.: hlk l ảnzḫ 2.98:21;
★b) ventive, from: passim with /y-r-d/: yrd l ksỉ / hdm he came down from the
throne / footstool, 1.5 VI 12–13; cf. also 1.6 I 64; 1.14 II 27 and par.; 1.16 VI 37–38
and par.; with diff. vb: ḥspt l šʕr ṭl she who collects dew from the fleece, 1.19
II 2 and par.; ʕdb ảkl l qryt ḥṭt l bt ḫbr prepare food (taken) from the cities,
wheat from TN, 1.14 II 28–29; gršh l ksỉ mlkh lnḫt lkḥṯ drkth he drove him from
the throne of his kingdom, from the divan, from the throne of his power, 1.3
IV 2–3 and par., cf. 1.2 IV 12–13, 20–21; šủ ỉlm rỉštkm l ẓr brktkm ln kḥṯ zblkm
lift, gods, your heads from (upon) your knees, from your princely thrones,
1.2 I 27 and par. (// ln; but cf. adv. nšủ (…) l ẓr they raised (…) upwards, 1.16
III 13); l ảrṣ mšṣủ qṭrh from the “earth” sets free his smoke / spirit, 1.17 I 27 and
par. (// ʕpr; alt., “to the earth / underworld” leads out his smoke / spirit; cf.
Wyatt RTU 256 n. 30); t]št ḥršm l ảhlm she put spells from / in the tents, 1.19

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l (i) 473

IV 60; ng (…) l bty rḥq (…) l ḥẓry depart (…) from my house, go away (…) from
my mansion, 1.14 III 28–29 and par.; w ʕp l ḏr[ʕ] nšrk and may the eagles fly
from [your] arm, 1.13:8; ỉsp [šp]š l hrm ġrpl remove, DN, the storm clouds from
the mountains, 1.107:44 and par.; grš / mr ym l ksỉh eject DN from his throne,
1.2 IV 12 / 20 (cf. 2.31:15 l ksỉy, in bkn ctx.); lnh mlḥš ảbd lnh ydy ḥmt from it
the charmer the destruction, from it let him expel the venom!, 1.100:5 and
par. (for other interpretations cf. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/2 84 n. 258; Del Olmo
AuOr 31 2013 41, 46); ỉsp (…) l p nṯk ảbd remove (…) from the mouth of the
biter the destruction, 1.107:45; in bkn ctx.: 1.16 IV 16; in unc. ctx.: 1.82:7; 1.108:23;
ỉ[š]ttk l ảwl // lm ttkn he ceded (from) supremacy, he ceded (from) assertion
(?) 1.12 II 56 (Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 159f.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 89 f.:
“oh Erster”).
2) Of a situation relative to space, in, into, on, to, next to, among, upon,
against, for, with: passim with /y-ṯ-b/: yṯb l kḥṯ he sat on the throne of DN,
“The Most Powerful” one, 1.6 I 58; cf. also: 1.16 VI 22–24; 1.10 III 15; 1.6 VI 33–34;
1.4 VII 42 (/ he returned to (?); cf. supra: 1.a); 1.4 V 47; 1.5 VI 13–14 (cf. 1.10 I 9,
17, in bkn cxt.); 1.16 V 24; mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl which enemy has gone out against
DN?, 1.3 III 37 and par. (// ṣrt); passim with /š-t/: št špt l ảrṣ špt l šmm who put
one lip to earth and the other to the sky, 1.23:62 and par.; cf. also: 1.4 IV 14–15
(cf. 1.19 II 10–11 (// l); 1.4 II 8–9 (// l ẓr); 1.3 III 5 and par. (cf. 1.5 V 25, in bkn
ctx.); 1.5 II 3; 1.6 I 14; 1.23:39 and par.; 1.114:29; with diff. vb: pʕnh l hdm yṯpd his
feet on the footstool he rested, 1.4 IV 29 and par.; šủ ʕdb l špš rbt w l kbkbm
take (and) put (them) next to the Great Lady DN and the stars, 1.23:54; l brkt
yʕdb qšt he left the arrows on his knees, 1.17 V 27 (// bd); ṯm tgrgr l ảbnm w l
ʕṣm settle there among the stones and the tree-trunks, 1.23:66; ʕtk rỉšt l bmth
he fastened heads to (her) back, 1.3 II 12 and par. (// b); cf. also: 1.13:6 (in bkn
cxt.: yn ʕsy l ḥbš, 1.17 VI 8; cf. Wyatt RTU 270 n. 93 for the var. options); hl ʕṣr
tḥrr l ỉšt see, you have roasted a bird on the fire, 1.23:44 and par.; šả (…) ʕl ydm
(…) l ṣr rḥtm lift (…) upon (your) hands, (…) upon your palms, 1.4 VIII 5–6
and par. (// ʕl); spsg ysk [l] rỉš ḥrṣ l ẓr qdqdy s. will be poured on my head,
whitewash upon my skull, 1.17 VI 37 (// l ẓr); w yṣq hw l rỉš bt mlk and he will
pour it (: oil) upon the head of the king’s daughter, 2.72:31; yṣq ʕmr ủn l rỉš
ʕpr plṯt l qdqdh he poured out ash of grief upon his head, dust of humiliation
upon his skull, 1.5 VI 15–16; špk (…) dm (…) l brkh shed (…) blood (…) on /
upon / over his knees, 1.18 IV 24 and par.; sb ksp l rqm ḫrṣ nsb l lbnt the silver
had turned into sheets, the gold has been changed into bricks, 1.4 VI 34–35
(cf. supra: 1.a); mrḥh l tl yṣb his lance in the t. he put, 1.16 I 52; w rbṣ l ġrk and
(go and) rest on your mount, 1.13:9; [ỉ]mṣḥ nn k ỉmr l ảrṣ I can pull him like
a lamb to the ground, 1.3 V 1; cf. also: 1.6 V 4; ṭl yṭll l ġnbm the dew that is
distilled upon the grapes, 1.19 I 42; in noun clauses: (k) klb l ḫṭh ỉmḫṣh (like)

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474 l (i)

a dog (tied) to its stake I wounded him, 1.19 I 13; l qẓrt ṯlḥn bʕlt bhtm in the
brazier of the table of the “Lady of the Mansions”, 1.109:30; ảlp l mgdl bʕl ủgrt
one head of cattle in the tower of DN of TN, 1.119:12; ʕms mʕ ly ảlỉyn bʕl load
me, please, with DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.6 I 12; in bkn ctx.: 1.1 V 28; 1.2
II 10, III 11; 1.23:5; 1.82:7; 1.83:10 (cf. 1.13:13), 12; 1.92:9, 34, 35; 2.33:15; in unc. ctx.:
3) With respect to time, from, in, on, for, to: l ht w ʕlmh l ʕnt p dr dr from now
and for ever, from now and for all generations, 1.19 IV 5–6; l ủm hnd on this
day, 3.4:1 and par.; l mgmr in (the month of) m., 4.168:12; w l ll and in the night,
1.39:12, cf. 1.50:7 and par.; l ymt špš w yrḫ for the days of DN and DN, 1.108:26;
l mʕr[b] nrt ỉlm, at the setting of “The Lantern of the gods”, 1.19 IV 48 (or lm-
(?)); l md ṯlṯ ymm during three days, 1.111:1 (diff. Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 17:
“hat zur Kenntnis gegeben”, *lmd).
4) Introducing a complement of the addressee, to, for, upon, in favour of
(dativum commodi): ★a) in a n. clause: ★aa) in general contexts (passim in
admin. texts): 2.26:6; 3.1:28 and par. (cf. ln. 39, in bkn ctx.); 3.2:9, 11; 4.43:4
(cf. 4.337:3); 4.44:2–17, 22–32; 4.52:10; 4.88:3–8; 4.110:14–22 (in previous ln. gt
/ b gt); 4.168:2 (cf. 4.188:19), 4; 4.168:10; 4.171:3 (cf. 4.352:2–10); 4.182:3, 11, 15, 18,
25, 31, 34, 58; 4.188:2–10; 4.195:9 (cf. ln. 5, in bkn ctx.), 16; 4.212:2, 5; 4.213:27–30
(cf. 4.274:1, 4–6); 4.219:5–9 and par.; 4.222:18–21 and par. (cf. 4.631:5, 9, 12, 16,
17, 20, 21; l / bd qrt / PN); 4.223:9 (lm); 4.243:2–4 and par., ln. 11–15; 4.244:9
(cf. 4.424:5, 16–23, in bkn ctx.); 4.268:2–7; 4.280:8–14 (cf. l ks ỉlm for the cup of
the gods, ln. 14); 4.284:6; 4.329:1; 4.337:6 (cf. 4.394:5), 12, 15, 24 (cf. 4.205:19
(bd)); 4.338:13; 4.361:2 (cf. 4.362:6); 4.392:2; 4.410:28 and par.; 4.636:9, 18;
4.790:14–17; 6.11:2; 6.19:1; in new texts: l GN/PN: l ảṯqlny, 4.808:13; [l] ảlṯy,
4.808:16; l wtrym, 4.861:1; l bn kpn 4.861:3; l ṯgb, 4.867:1; l nnġb, 4.867:7; w l
ảrṯḫb, 4.867:14; l nʕrm šdym, 4.868:4; in distribution of supplies to individuals,
corporations and for animals: dd w prs l ảlpm mrỉm 4.858:2; 4.863:2; dd(m)
one “cauldronful” to var. individuals, 4.858:3 and passim ln. 5–7, 13; prś ảkl
l ḥmr, 4.863:4, see ln. 6, 8, 9, 21; in complementary distribution with bd
in econ. texts see Pardee UF 8 1976 300; McGeough UgET 6 ff.; Van Soldt
PIHANS 114 157f.; in bkn ctx.: 1.172:18; 2.50:16; 2.81:23; 4.86:4; 4.182:60 (?);
4.387:7, 12; 4.424:20; 4.642:4–7; ★ab) passim in ritual texts: a sheep / cattle,
one / two birds, a dove, turtle dove, various viscera, precious metals (š / ảlp
w š / gdlt / dqt(m) / ynt / kbd(m) / mtnt(m) / ảp / (w) npš / ʕṣr(m) / ṯql ḫrṣ /
ṯql ksp …) (is/are offered) to the deity (l ỉl(m) / ỉl bt / ỉnš / ušḫr( y) / bbt / btbt
/ bʕl / bʕlt bhtm / dml / dgn / ḫmlt / yrḫ / kṯr / nkl / slm / ʕnt / ʕṯtrt / ġlmt
/ ġṯr(m) / pdr / ṣpn / qlḥ / rmš / ršp / šlm / špš), passim; with no mention
of the offering material: 1.43:8; 1.81:1–14, 1.115:2–3; dbḥt (…) l ʕṯtr[ (funerary)
sacrifice (…) to DN / PN, 1.142:2; in bkn ctx.: 1.10:8; 1.27:8, 11; 1.48:14–15; 1.62:7;

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1.76:9 and par.; 1.82:27; 1.84:35; ★b) in a vb clause, ★ba) in general contexts:
ytn mlk l PN … l bnh … the king gives / has given to PN, … to his son, …, 3.32:6
and passim ln. 7–12; ảrgmn (…) d ybl l špš tribute (…) that he will take to
the “Sun”, 3.1:25 and par.; cf. 2.72:28; tn bt l bʕl bestow a house on DN, 1.8:3
and par.; cf. 1.14 III 30 and par.; 1.17 VI 24–25; 1.19 I 17; 1.23:3; 2.45:18, 21; 2.26:8;
3.2:9; 3.5:12; 4.42:20; 1.4 V 5 (in unc. ctx.); 5.9:10 (in unc. ctx.); ksp ṯlṯt ʕml l
ảdn three shekels of silver he earned (?) for (his) master, 5.11:8; l pḫrk ʕnt
tqm may DN help your family (?), 1.82:39; ly ủmy yšlm may it go well with
my mother, 2.30:5 (cf. 2.72:5); ly ảdty yšlm may it go well with my lady, 2.33:4
(cf. 2.68:7); w ảnk ảštn l ỉḫy and I will restore it to my brother, 2.41:18; cf. 6.29:4;
w ld špḥ l krt w ġlm l ʕbd ỉl and (let her) bear offspring to PN and a prince to
the servant of DN, 1.14 III 48–49 and par.; cf. 1.10 III 2–3, 21, 35; 1.15 II 23 and
par. (cf. ln. 25 and III 6); 1.17 II 14; k ỉbr l bʕl yld for a bull has been born to
DN, 1.10 III 35; ybʕr l ṯn / nkr ảṯth he left his wife to another / a foreigner,
1.14 IV 27–28 (in 1.14 II 48–49: l / lm); ybn bt l bʕl let a house be built for
DN, 1.4 IV 62 and par.; 1.4 V 28; in property transfer clauses: and PN … yškn
lhm, 3.32:18; ytnt lk I gave to you 2.90:7; w ỉn d ytn ly, 2.87:11, see ln. 13; hyn d
znt ly l ytn, 2.87:29; hn ksp d ytnt ly, 2.87:31; ʕdb (…) l npš kṯr w ḫss l brlt hyn
prepare (…) for the appetite of DN, for the hunger of DN, 1.17 V 17–18 and par.;
cf. 1.114:13 (// lm / l); w ṯṯb ảnk lhm and I returned them to them (: the ships),
2.38:23; lm škn hnk l ʕbdh why did you impose that on his servant?, 2.33:24;
rʕy šṣả ỉdn ly (so that) my friend may provide me with an authorization (?),
2.15:5; w lh yʕlm otherwise it will go unnoticed, 2.14:13–14; her eyes l ydh tzdn
yearned for his love, 1.24:8, 12 (cf. l zntn for our sustenance (?), 1.1 IV 16); in
bkn ctx.: 1.9:12; 1.24:9; 2.3:17; 2.8:5; 2.31:65; ★bb) in a ritual context: ydbḥ l,
1.115:1 and par.; cf. 1.14 II 23 and par.; 1.17 II 29; 1.79:7; qrym ảb dbḥ l ỉlm my
father offered a sacrifice to the gods, 1.19 IV 29; skn d šʕlt ṯryl l dgn stela which
PN offered to DN, 6.13:2; 6.14:2; šmtr uṯkl l ỉl a grape cluster will be cut for
DN, 1.87:2, cf. 1.41:2; ★bc) as an expression of wish and agreement, literary
usage: ln bʕly yšlm (…) l ỉnšk l ḥwtk [l śśw]k l mrkbtk (…) l kl d ỉṯ [l špš] with /
to my lord may it go well (…), with your people, with your land, (with your
horses), with your chariots, (…) with all that belongs (to the “Sun”), 2.81:7–10
(cf. EAT 2:4–5); l ủmy yšlm may it go well with my mother!, 2.13:6 and par.;
2.10:4 and par.; nʕm l ảrṣ / šd / ḥṭt mṭr bʕl, a delight for the earth / field /
wheat is the rain of DN!, 1.16 III 7 and par.; l ġzr šgrk ḫḫm to a hero your
tangle(s) is / are a quagmire, 1.17 VI 34; k ksp l ʕbrm zt like silver for the guests
(were) the olives, 1.22 I 15 and par.; mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl / rkb which enemy has
departed against DN / the Charioteer?, 1.3 III 37–38 and par.; cf. 1.3 IV 6; trḫ
lk ybrdmy marry DN, 1.24:29; in unc. ctx.: 2.81:26; ★bd) as l pretii: ʕl ḥwt l ḥṯb d
ảnyt grgmšh on the country’s account regarding the bill of the ship (bound)

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for TN, 4.779:12; brr l ảrbʕm krkb tin for forty k., 4.809:5; ★c) in topicalising
position: lk as for you, 1.119:10 (see Ford UF 34 2002 187); l ảdm / l bn ảdm as
for any (other) man / son of man, 1.119:14f. (see Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 334;
diff. in this case Ford UF 34 2002 191); w l ả[ny]t, as for the ships, 2.47:3 (cf.
Akk. aššum); l šmn with regard to the oil, 2.15:6; w l ʕṣm and as for the trees,
2.26:17; w l PN w l PN xx lḥm tn lm as for PN and PN, … bread / food give them,
5) Introducing an object complement or cause, to, for: tšr l dd ảliyn bʕl who
sings the love of DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.101:17 and par.; ybk l ảqht / kdd
dnỉl they wept (for) PN / the son of PN, 1.19 IV 11–12 and par. (// l); ảl tdm ly do
not wail (for) me, 1.16 I 26, cf. ln. 30; grš d ʕšy lnh who drives out one who does
something to him, 1.17 I 29 and par. (diff. Van Selms UF 2 1970 255: “to abase”,
*lyn; Avishur UF 17 1985 54: “to complain against”, Hb. lwn); mlkn yšlm l ỉbh
the king will have to pay his enemy, 1.103:54; yšmʕ ủḫy l gy may my brother
listen to my voice, 2.4:20; 1.93:5; ảd ảt lhm you demand (a price) for them,
2.26:20; w hn ỉbm šṣq ly, and behold the enemies are besieging me, 2.33:27;
tḫṭa l gbk so that it hurts your body, 1.169:5 (// l); in bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.79:6;
2.21:18; 2.23:17; 2.33:9; 2.39:11.
6) Of speech, to say something to someone: ★a) in a n. clause: tḥm PN l PN,
message of PN to PN, 2.14:2 and par., passim in letters, (cf. 5.9 IV 3); 2.26:3 and
par.; or simply PN l PN, 2.15:2; yšlm lk the peace be with you!, 2.88:33; l ảdty
yšlm, 2.89:4; ly bʕly yšlm, 2.97:7; see 2.100:5; 2.101:4; 2.106:3; ★b) in a vb clause:
rgm l bn ỉlm mt / l ydd ỉl say to divine DN / the beloved of DN, 1.5 II 8–9 and
par. (cf. 1.3 III 11–12, VI 21; 1.4 VIII 30; 1.6 IV 24); cf. 1.2 I 33 and par.; 1.2 I 45; 1.4
V 12; 1.4 VII 23 (cf. 1.2 IV 8; note the three different meanings of l- here); 1.16
I 31, cf. ln. 38; 1.19 IV 50; 1.23:52 and par.; l ủrtn rgm to PN say, 2.88:2, see ln.
32; 2.14:13–14; 2.87:2; 2.90:2; 2.99:2; 2.104:1; w yrgm l PN, 3.9:14; bkn 2.102.2; rgm
tṯṯb l ʕbdh/k return a word to his / your servant, 2.12:15 and par. and passim
in letters; rgmt l bʕly l špš ʕlm I have said to my Grandee, the eternal “Sun”,
2.42:6–7, see 2.98:3; l mlkt ảdty to the queen, my lady, 2.12:2; 2.24:2; 2.33:1, cf.
ln. 4, 19; 2.68:1; 2.82:2; 2.89:1; 2.100:1; 2.101; l ảḫk l ảdnk to your brother, your
lord, 2.14:19; cf. 2.11:1; 2.13:13; 2.34:9; 2.45:14; 2.72:9 (cf. 2.18:4, in bkn ctx.); 2.4:1
(cf. 2.6:2–31; 2.39:2); 2.10:2; 2.42:7–8 (cf. in bkn ctx. 1.7:25); 2.12:1 and par.; 2.21:8;
2.45:23; 2.46:2 and par.; 2.61:1 (cf. in bkn ctx. 2.49:2); 2.64:1 and par.; ql l bʕl ttnn
aloud to DN she shouted, 1.10 III 33 and par.; tqrủ l špš ủmh, she invokes/d DN,
her mother, 1.100:8 and par.; špš tṣḥ l mt DN shouted to DN, 1.6 VI 23; 1.6 III 27
and par.; 1.6 I 11, 44; 1.17 V 15; 1.19 II 49; cf. 1.19 I 49 and par.; 1.4 VII 52 and par.;
1.6 I 37; 2.39:35 (cf. ảštn lk in 2.32:7, 10); ảlpm ảršt lk the oxen you requested
for yourself, 2.45:24; 5.9:8; 5.11:12; in bkn ctx.: 1.5 III 21; 1.16 VI 29; 1.108:18; 2.2:5;
2.31:44; d ảšt!n lhm what I will fix for them, 2.108:12

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7) Of belonging ((not) being of, (not) having), ★a) in a n. clause: mṣmt l nqmd
treaty of PN, 3.1:17 (cf. ln. 9); ybm l ỉlm, “brother-in-law” of the gods, 1.6 I 31 (or
mistake for ybmt lỉm (?)); dbḥ l krt ảdnkm a sacrifice PN your lord celebrates,
1.15 VI 5 and par.; l rb kṯkym of the sheikh of the GNN, 6.3:1; cf. 6.1:1; 6.2:1; bnšm
dt l mlk people of the (?) king, 4.339:17 (cf. ln. 1: bnšm dt l ủgrt ṯb, supra: 1.a);
rỉš l mhrk the heads of your warriors (?), 1.13:7 (in unc. ctx.); particularly of
literary attribution: l bʕl of (= belonging to the Cycle of) DN, 1.6 I 1; l krt of (=
belonging to the Legend of) PN, 1.16 I 1 and par.; [l] ảqht of (= belonging to
the Legend of) PN, 1.19 I 1; ★b) with vb functor: bnšm dt ỉṯ ảlpm lhm people
who have cattle, 4.422:1 and par.; cf. 1.3 III 21 and par.; ảnk ỉn bt l[ y] I have
no house, 1.2 III 19; cf. 1.2 III 22; 1.4 IV 50 and par.; 3.4:17; 4.53:2; 4.145:6 and
par.; 4.180:1; 4.214:5 and par.; ỉdy ảlt ỉn ly then I shall not feel (have) the curse,
1.82:2; ảt bt ủḫd ly and you must seize the house for me, 2.88:37; in bkn ctx.:
1.9:19; 2.50:19.
8) Of numerical addition: ḫmš l ʕšr fifteen; ṯn l ʕšrm twenty-two; ṯlṯ(t) l ʕšrm
twenty-three; ảrbʕt l ʕšrm twenty-four; ḫmš(t) l ʕšrm twenty-five; ṯṯ l ʕšrm
twenty-six; šbʕ l ʕšrm twenty-seven; ṯmn(t) l ʕšrm twenty-eight; tšʕ l ʕšrm
twenty-nine; šbʕt l ṯlṯm thirty-seven; ṯmn l ṯlṯm thirty-eight; ảrbʕ(t) l ảrbʕm
forty-four; ṯmn l ảrbʕm forty-eight; ṯṯ l ṯṯm sixty-six; šbʕm šbʕ seventy-seven;
ṯmn l ṯmnym eighty-eight; ʕšrm l mỉt one hundred and twenty; ṯlṯm l mỉt
one hundred and thirty; ảrbʕm l mỉt one hundred and forty; ḫmšm l mỉt one
hundred and fifty; ṯṯm l mỉt one hundred and sixty; šbʕm l mỉt one hundred
and seventy; ṯmnym l mỉt one hundred and eighty; ḫmšm l mỉtm two hundred
and fifty; ảrbʕt mảt l ảlp one thousand four hundred; in bkn ctx.: 4.120:2;
4.373:1; 4.833:14.
9) Of purpose, for (with inf.): ṣḥ l qṣ ỉlm he invited the gods to the carving,
1.114:2 (cf. 1.1 IV 2); yṯb l lḥ[m] he sat down to eat, 1.18 IV 29 and par.; cf. 1.2
I 20; ảp ỉlm <l> lḥm yṯb bn qdš l ṯrm also the gods had sat down to eat, the
holy ones to feed themselves, 1.2 I 21; 1.18 IV 19, 29–30; npšh l lḥm tptḥ brlth
l ṯrm she opened his appetite to eat, his relish to feed himself, 1.16 VI 11–12;
[l l]ḥm l šty ṣḥtkm I called you to eat and drink, 1.15 IV 27 and par.; in unc. ctx.:
10) Modal complement: ★a) in prep. syntagm, in, among, in connection with:
tṯʕr ksat l mhr (…) l ṣbỉm (…) l ġzrm she arranged chairs as (if they were)
warriors (…) soldiers (…) champions, 1.3 II 21–22; cf. 1.3 II 36–37; šbʕ pảmt l
klhm seven times according to their total (number), 1.43:27; ḫrṣ l kl the gold
in full / to all (?), 1.16 I 45 (cf. 1.18 IV 4, in bkn cxt.; in unc. rdg l kl[l], not
at all (?), 1.124:15); l ảlpm / rb(b)t for / to thousands / myriads, 1.4 I 28, 43;
1.14 II 39–40 and par.; 1.14 IV 17–18; l ḫmš five (times), 1.23:57; l tštk l ỉršt[k]
according to your wish (?), according to your request, 1.108:20; l k dbḥ in

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sacrifice, 1.127:12 (cf. ln. 23); ủ tḫṭủ/ỉn / šn ypkm/n l dbḥm w l ṯʕ [whether] you
have sinned / your dignity has been sullied in connection with the sacrifices
and in connection with the offerings, 1.40:23, 32 and par.; l šlm in peace, 2.2:6;
2.104:4; gzr l [g]zr piece by / after piece, 1.23:63; l pdr pdrm town after town,
1.4 VII 8; ản l ản, from one place after another > everywhere, 1.6 IV 22–23; ʕl
arṣ l ản, from the earth everywhere (remove the venom), 1.107:37; l yšn (…) l
qr / ql / gʕt he will not be able to sleep (…) for the noise / roar / bellowing,
1.14 III 16–19 and par.; w mlk ynṣl l ṯʕy, and the king will cease (to act) as
officiant, 1.90:22; y lk(m) TN woe to you (: as far as you are concerned) TN!,
1.19 III 46 and par.: l d hlkt npsk that is not according to your behaviour (:
the way of acting of your soul), 2.87:32b; in bkn and unc. ctx.: l pgm pgm
harm after harm (?), 1.82:26 (diff. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248: l pgm. pgm.
“yes, the harm, the harm”); 2.2:6 (cf. ln. 3 and 4.342:5; cf. l (II) / (III)); 1.22
II 14; 1.23:57; 1.43:14–16; 1.82:32 (cf. 1.169:2); 1.113:2–6; 2.45:26; 4.635:7; ★b) in
adv. expressions: l pnm in front, 1.4 IV 16; l ẓr upwards, 1.16 III 13; l ym hnd
from / on this day, 3.32:1.
11) Compound preposition: ★a) with parts of the body: l pn: before, in front of
DN / PN / pn. suff, 1.2 III 16, 21; 1.3 I 6; IV 40; 1.10 II 17; 1.16 VI 48; 1.82:10; 1.92:30;
1.168:2; 2.15:3; 2.16:8; 2.23:19, 21; 2.33:29; 2.88:36; 2.89:3; 2.97:4, 10; 2.100:4; 2.101:5;
2.103:15; 3.32:2; (pnk /-h /-nh /-y /-wh); l p, according to, in bkn ctx., ]rn l p (?),
1.172:14 (cf. ủ l p, 1.40:20 and par.); l pʕn at the feet of (pʕnh; cf. supra: 1.a); l
qrb in the midst of, 1.19 I 2; l rỉš, on the top of, 1.23:31, 36; l ẓr, above / on the
back of 1.14 II 21 and par.; upon, on top of 1.4 VII 4 (cf. 1.2 I 23, 27 and par.); l
ṯkm on the shoulder of (: on top of), 1.16 IV 13–14 (// l nḫnpt); ★b) with other
particles: l k dbḥ in sacrifice, 1.127:12 (see Del Olmo CR 72 n. 32); l b bt mlk in,
within the palace, 4.163:16; 4.137:14 (in unc. ctx.; cf. l (II) / (III)); l bl ḥrb / ks,
without a knife / cup, 1.96:4, 5 (see Tropper UG 780); in bkn ctx.: l bl[, l bl sk,
without covering (?), 1.16 II 29–31.
In bkn ctx.: tkn l bn, 1.5 III 6 (see /k-n/, rdg lbn); škn l šmk, 2.88:12; ly mġyh,
2.97:13; ảqy l[, 2.97:20; lỉkt l ḫr[, 2.98:15; ḫrd l ảtḏn 2.98:32; l ủr[, 2.103:2; w l
ảḫy 2.103:7; ḥdy ly, 2.103:10; k l{.}ỉkt l ḫpn, 2.103:18; w lkblm, 2.103:19; [ yšl]m lk
2.105:3; l, 2.104:7; lh, 2.104:13; l, 2.109:2; l, 2.110:1, 3, 5; dt l, 2.110:6; ảlḫb, 4.856:1;
mṯlṯm l skn, 4.856:2; bswm l kt, 4.856:5: l; l bt, 4.868:3.
Cf. mġln, ṯbln.
l (II) neg. adv., “no, not” (Hb. lʔ, “not”, HALOT 511 f.; OAram. variant spellings,
cf. DNWSI 558ff.; Syr. lāʔ, “no, but”, SL 665; Ebla cf. la(-a), Krebernik PET 94;
Pagan ARES 3 257; Akk. lā, “nicht, un-”, AHw 521 f.; “no, not, without”, CAD
L 1ff.; Arab. lā, “not”, AEL 3006f. (cf. lam, lan, neg. with prefc., AEL 3013). Cf.
Aartun PU/1 22ff.; Gordon UT §12.4; Weiss STLB 1981 20 ff.; Tropper UG 814 ff.;
Watson LSU 207–217 and n. 1); ¶ RS Akk.: la(-a), cf. Huehnergard AkkUg

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239f.; Van Soldt SAU 511f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: NU = la-a = ma-nu-ku = [l]a-a, Ug 5 130
II 7; Huehnergard UVST 141; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 731; Van Soldt SAU 304.
¶ Forms: l (cf. d l; k l; hm l “if not”; neg. interr. lm l).
★a) n.: yn d l ṭb not sweet wine / ordinary, 4.213:2–23; l ỉb ypʕ l bʕln no
enemy has risen against DN, 1.3 IV 5; d l ydyt that are not barren, 4.348:1;
★b) vb: ★ba) suffc.: w b ym mnḫ l ảbd and in DN calm was not lacking,
1.2 IV 3; ảṯt ṣdqh l ypq a lawful wife he did not get (keep), 1.14 I 12 (diff.
among others Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1217: “Er hatte gewonnen seine Frau
nach herrschendem Brauch”); l rgmt lk l ảlỉyn bʕl did I not tell you, oh DN,
“The Most Powerful”!, 1.4 VII 23 and par.; l ydʕ l bn l pq the inexpert did not
understand how to take (away), 1.107:6; mlkt (…) hm l mlkt can you (then) be
king or not?, 1.2 III 23; w b spr l št but are not in the register, 4.338:3; tbʕ w l
yṯb ỉlm the gods left without delay, 1.5 I 9 and par.; cf. 1.2 I 19; 1.14 VI 36 and
par.; l mḫšt (…) l klt (…) l ỉštbm I did not crush (…) I did not finish off (…) I
did not muzzle …?, 1.3 III 38–40 (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 204, 245: “surely I
struck …”, cf. l (III)); ảt ʕmy l mġt [… w] mlả[k] yk ʕmy l lỉkt you did not come
to me (… and) you did not send me your message, 2.36:10–11; znt ly l ytnm
the provisions that were not given to me, 2.87:29; l ydʕt lby k mrṣ don’t you
know my heart, how sick it is!, 2.87:34; l knt mlḥmt there has not been war,
2.98:10; w l lỉkt ʕm mlk w ʕmkm lỉkt and I did not send a message to the king,
but it is to you whom I did sent a message, 2.90:19ff., see 2.98:15; k ỉšmʕ k l
ʕrb bk should I hear that [she] has not agreed to guarantee you, 2.88:24, see
ln. 28; k l ʕrbt bk w l ʕrbt ʕmy because she does not guarantee you, nor she
guarantees me, 2.88.28; mrkbt mlk d l ṣpy royal chariots that are not plated,
4.167:6; ṯqbym l mġy “the ṯ. did not come”, 4.810:4; ★bb) prefc.: ʕz ym l ymk
l tnġṣn pnth l ydlp tmnt DN was strong he did not fall, his knuckles did not
buckle, his form did not break up, 1.2 IV 17–18; d l tdʕ (…) l tbn that (…) do
not know, that … do not understand, 1.3 III 26–27 and par.; d l ydʕ bn ỉl whom
the gods did not know, 1.10 I 3; cf. 1.3 III 26 and par.; kbdh l ydʕ hrh whose
womb has not known its conception, 1.13:31; d l ydʕnn the one whom he did
not recognise, 1.114:7; d l ylkn ḥš who cannot go quickly, 1.1 IV 7; ʕl qṣʕth hwt
l ảḫw for his arrows I did not leave him alive, 1.19 I 16; cf. 1.18 IV 13, 27, 41;
špḥ lḥpn l yḥ will the offspring of “The Benevolent” cease to live?, 1.16 II 44;
l tšʕly hwt (that) she (DN) did not allow him to rise, 1.19 II 38; [ỉd] y ảlt l ảḥš
then I shall not feel the curse, 1.82:2; k l yḫrủ w l yṯnn śśw, if the horse neither
defecates nor urinates, 1.85:9 and par. (cf. k l ḫr[ủ], 1.72:12); d l ytn bt l bʕl in
the event that he does not grant a house to DN, 1.3 V 3; k ʕṣm d l ttn kảbnm
l tỉgnn like trees (/ which) do not emit (sound), like stones (/ which) do not
moan, 1.82:43, cf. ln. 37; ảp qšth l ttn ʕly but his bow was not delivered to
me, 1.19 I 16; dt l ytn šmn who has not provided oil, 4.728:2; l ảmlk b ṣrrt ṣpn

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480 l (ii)

I cannot reign in the heights of TN, 1.6 I 62; pʕnh l tġmy (…) rỉšh l ymġy his
feet did not reach (…), his head did not reach, 1.6 I 59–60; w l tšbʕ tmtḫṣh b
ʕmq but she was not sated by her fight in the valley, 1.3 II 19; w l tšbʕn without
sating themselves, 1.23:64; w l ảšt ảṯty I do not wish to put / send my women,
2.33:28; l yšn (…) l qr he will not be able to sleep (…) for the noise, 1.14 III 15
and par.; b ph rgm l yṣả not (yet) had the word left his mouth, 1.19 II 26 and
par.; l tdn (…) l tṯpṭ (…) l tdy (…) l tšlḥm you have not judged (…), you have
not passed judgment (…), you did not throw out (…), you did not feed, 1.16
VI 45–49; ảp mh!rh ảnk l ảḫwy and I shall not leave his warrior strength alive,
1.18 IV 27 (cf. Watson JNSL 17 1991 177); mlkn l ypq špḥ the king will have no
descendants, 1.103:13, 19 (cf. 1.140:11); dq ảnm l yrq/ẓ / yʕdb mrḥ one weak of
strength will not be able compete / measure a lance, 1.6 I 50–51 (cf. in bkn
ctx. l ʕdb, 1.14 V 19); km l tủdn dbbm kšpm in the same way, do not let the
foul-mouthed sorcerers proclaim, 1.178:8; ỉky l ỉlảk how am I not going to send,
2.21:11; l lỉkt ảnk I did not send a message, 2.63:10; ks (…) l tphnh / tʕn a cup
(…) that she (: DN) had not seen / looked at, 1.3 I 14–15; w hm l ʕl and if it (:
Hatti) does not attack, 2.30:19; anyone l yqḥnn bd bʕln shall not snatch it from
the hands of PN, 3.5:17; cf. 3.2:13; 3.12:12; oil d l yṣả bt mlk that did / did not go
out from the palace, 4.341:21; w l ttn (if) you do not give, 5.9:13; l tbrk (…) l
tmr will you not bless (…), will you not strengthen?, 1.15 II 14–15 (cf. l (III)); l
yỉḫd PN b ủn¨ PN is not recruited for service, 3.12:1; hm l ảtn bty lh if I do not
give him my daughter, 2.31:66; ydʕ l ydʕt I / you / she does not know, 1.1 V 21
and par. (cf. 2.39:10; cf. ln. 14); l yblt ḫbṯm (…) l yblt you have not brought the
emancipated (men) (…) you have not brought, 2.17:1, 3; w hm ảlp l tšʕn and if
they do not pay a thousand (shekels), 3.8:14; ḏ[rʕ l] ảdny l yḫsr may my lord
not lack descendants, 2.39:9; dy l ydʕ yṣḥk he who does not know will say to
you, 1.178:1 (Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 130ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 43 2011 44); ʕlk
l tʕl bṯn so upon you the serpent will not jump, 1.178:3 (cf. ln 6.); w tḥtk qn l
tqnn ʕqrb nor beneath yourself will the scorpion coil, see ln 7: l tủdn dbbm
kšpm do not let the foul-mouthed sorcerers disclose, 1.178:8 (Del Olmo Fs.
Watson 143). See especially lm l (Watson JNSL 17 1991 185): lm l tlk why (for
one, two years) did you not come?, 2.39:16; lm l ytnhm mlk why did the king
not grant them (to me)?, 2.33:25; lm l lỉkt why have you not sent (asking about
my welfare)?, 2.63:7; in bkn ctx.: l lỉkt ʕmy, you did not send me a message,
2.50:20; k l ttn ảkl lhm as they did not give them grain, 2.70:22; bnš l yqḥ no
member of the (royal) personnel may remove, 3.33:11; ủnṯ mhkm l ybl he is
not required to pay any ủ., 3.33:22; in bkn and unc. ctx.: l tzd l tptq, 1.1 V 27; 1.2
IV 2; 2.31:48 (2.3:14: cf. Watson JNSL 17 1991 184f.); l ytn ḫsn (…) ḫsn l ytn PN
will certainly / not give (?), 1.79:2/4; šptk l tššy [your mouth] and your lips, let
them not be oblivious!, 1.82:5; w l ủšảl and I was never consulted, 2.87:8, see

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l (iii) – l (iv) 481

2.103:9; w l yṣả but it (: the message) did not emerge (?),1.19 II 29; lm l hbṭx[,
Cf. ảl (I).
l (III) functor of affirmation and emphasis, “certainly, undoubtedly, yes” (Hb. l,
emphatic part., HALOT 510f.; Ph., Pun., l, li, ly, precative part., DNWSI 549:
Arab. la-, corroborative part., AEL 3006; Ebla la, lu Fronzaroli ARET 11 157;
Pagan ARES 3 156f.; cf. Amor. /la-, li-, lu-/, “verily, may …”, Gelb CAAA 24;
Akk. lū, lā, “sei es, oder”, AHw 558ff.; “be it, indeed”, CAD L 224ff. Aartun
PU/2 33ff., 74f.; Gordon UT §9.16; Tropper UG 810 ff.; Croatto ArOr 39 1971
389ff.; Rainey AOAT 232 331ff.; Huehnergard JAOS 103 1983 569ff.; Catagnoti
QuSem 15 259. ¶ Forms: l.
Certainly, really, undoubtedly, in truth: ★a) in a n. clause: yṯʕr (…) ảḫth l
ảbnm mznm arranged (…) her sisters, yes, the stones of the balance, 1.24:36; ủ
ḫštk l ntn / bky ʕtq or your sepulchre has become really a perpetual lament?,
1.16 I 4, 18 / II 41; yʕtqn l ymm l yrḫm the days certainly passed, yes, the months,
1.6 II 26–27 and par. (cf. 1.6 V 7–8 and par.; alt. “the days turned into months”;
cf. l (I)); ★b) in a vb clause: šỉrh l tỉkl ʕṣrm mnth l tkly npr[m] his flesh the
birds certainly did eat, his members the birds certainly finished off, 1.6 II 35
k bh bṯt l tbṭ for in it the shame(lessness), oh yes, appears, 1.4 III 21; ảkln b grnt
l bʕr our grain on the threshing floors has been, yes, set on fire, 2.61:9; l ysʕ
(…) l yhpk (…) l yṯbr certainly he will pull out (…) yes, he will overturn (…)
undoubtedly he will shatter, 1.6 VI 27–29 and par.; l pʕn ỉl tpl l tštḥwy at the
feet of DN, yes, they fell, yes, they prostrated themselves, 1.2 I 31 (diff. Verreet
Modi 76: “nicht”); rbt ỉlm l ḥkmt you are great, DN, truly you are wise, 1.4 V 3;
šbt dqnk l tsrk the greyness of your beard truly instructs you, 1.4 V 4; ỉdk l y/ttn
pnm ʕm / tk then truly they set face for, 1.4 IV 20 and par., formula of making
a journey (cf. Del Olmo MLC 55); l ymrủ ỉlm w nšm who really will fatten gods
and men, 1.4 VII 50; ym l mt DN is truly dead, 1.2 IV 32, cf. ln. 34; l yrt b npš bn
ỉlm mt do go down, yes, into the fauces of divine DN, 1.5 I 6; ʕrb špš l ymġ krt at
sunset PN will certainly arrive, 1.15 V 18; ảṯrh l tdd ỉlnym after him the divine
ones certainly went, 1.21 II 4 and par.; w l ytk dmʕt and truly they poured out
tears, 1.19 II 33; ảny l yṣḥ sighing he did exclaim, 1.3 V 35 and par.; hm l ảqry
b ntb pšʕ if I ever meet you on the path of rebellion, 1.17 VI 43; l tbrknn l ṯr
do bless him, oh “Bull”!, 1.17 I 23 (cf. l (IV)); ỉm ht l b mṣqt yṯbt or if (the city)
really is (installed) in a difficult situation, 2.72:20 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
114: “ganz sicher”; diff. Brooke UF 11 1979 70: rdg l{.}b, “the heart”); in unc. ctx.:
l tỉkl w l tš[t] you shall certainly eat and drink, 1.88:3 (diff. Watson JNSL 17 1991
179: “not”); in bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.1 V 27; 1.9:12; 1.15 II 10; 1.19 III 40.
l (IV) interj., vocat., “oh!” (Hb. l, vocat. part., HALOT 510 f.; Ph., Pun., Nab. cf. l
(III); Arab. la, ya la-, cf. l (III). Aartun, PU/1 38f.; Gordon UT § 12.6; Tropper

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482 lả – /l-ʔ-k/

UG 804. Dahood Bib 50 1969 72ff.; Miller UF 11 1979 617ff.; Pope UF 20 1988
201ff.). ¶ Forms: l.
Oh!, ★a) passim with /š-m-ʕ/: šmʕ l ảlỉyn bʕl bn l rkb ʕrpt listen, oh DN, “The
Most Powerful”, pay attention!, oh “Charioteer of the clouds”!, 1.4 V 59–60 and
par.; cf. 1.6 I 45; 1.6 III 23 and par.; 1.6 VI 24; 1.13:22; 1.16 IV 10; 1.16 VI 16 and par.;
1.16 VI 41 and par.; 1.19 II 41; ★b) with other vb roots: irš ḥym l ảqht ask for life,
oh PN!, 1.17 VI 26; ṯb ly l ảqht attend to me, oh PN!, 1.17 42; šmšr l dgy ảṯrt mġ l
qdš ảmrr drive (the chariot (?)), oh tritons of DN, go, oh DN!, 1.3 VI 10–11 and
par.; ẓỉ l tlš (…) l dmgy you go out, oh DN, (…) oh DN!, 1.12 I 14–16; l rgmt lk
l ảlỉyn bʕl ṯnt l rkb ʕrpt did I not tell you, oh DN, “The Most Powerful”, did I
not repeat to you, oh “Charioteer of the clouds”!?, 1.2 IV 8–9; cf. 1.4 VII 23 and
in bkn ctx. 1.92:39–40; bhṯ l bn ỉlm mt hail, oh divine DN!, 1.5 II 11; bṯ l ảlỉyn
b[ʕl] bṯ l rkb ʕrpt be ashamed, oh DN, “The Most Powerful”!, be ashamed, oh
“Charioteer of the clouds”!, 1.2 IV 28–29; l tbrknn l ṯr (…) l bny do bless him,
oh “Bull” (…), oh Creator!, 1.17 I 23–24; l bnt hll oh daughters of DN!, 1.24:6; mh
tảršn l btlt ʕnt what do you wish, oh Virgin DN!?, 1.6 II 14 and par.; tbʕ l lṭpn
are you really going, oh “Benevolent One”!?, 1.15 II 13; [l] nʕmn ỉlm, oh most
handsome of the gods!, 1.24:24; l kṯrt oh DN!, 1.24:15.
lả n. m. “power, strength, vigour” (< /l-ʔ-y:w/ (I). Del Olmo IMC 164 n. 407;
Deiana Forte 1984; Watson Bib 58 1977 213ff.; AuOr 19 2001, 292: MSA Harari
lāʔu, “time of the greatest heat of the day”, Leslau EDH 98; diff. Verreet UF 16
1984 314: “der Himmel wurde stark / schwach” (inf. abs.); De Moor SP 114;
ARTU 67: “the heavens are soiled”, Akk. luʔʔû in mulaʔʔitum ša šamê); for a
survey see Wyatt RTU 85 n. 65. ¶ Forms: sg. lả.
Power, strength: lả šmm the power of the heavens, 1.4 VIII 22 and par.
Cf. lản.
/l-ʔ-k/ vb G: “to send (a message)”; Gpass: “to be sent”; D: “to send constantly
messages” (Arab. laʔaka, “to send”, malʔāk, “message”, Hava 673; Eth. laʔaka,
“to send”, CDG 303. Del Olmo IMC 99; Cunchillos RSF 10 1982 153 ff.; Pardee
AfO 31 1984 222 n. 34); ¶ par.: (?) /m-r(-r)/ (I). ¶ Forms: G suffc. lỉk, lỉkt; prefc.
ỉlảk, tlảk, tlảkn (energic), ylảk; with suff. ỉlảkk, tlảkn; impv. lảk; inf. lảk, with
suff. lảkm (encl. -m); Gpass. lủk; D prefc. tlỉk; with suff. tlỉkn.
G. To send ★a) (a message) > to write: hm ỉn mm nḫtủ w lảk ʕmy if they
have not been crushed, write to me, 2.10:10; lm l lỉkt šỉl šlmy why did you not
write asking about my health?, 2.63:7 (cf. lỉkt, ln. 10, 13; 2.50:20); ʕm bʕ[ly]
ʕšrỉd lỉkt ten times I have written to my lord, 2.42:12 (cf. ỉlảk, ln. 21, lỉk, ln 22);
lỉk[t] ʕmy you sent me a message, 2.88:34; hm ḫt ʕl w lỉkt ʕmk if the Hittite
attacks, I am writing to you (what you have to do) w hm l ʕl w lảkm ỉlảk
and if he does not attack, be sure that I shall write to you (what you have
to do), 2.30:17–20; y<l>ảk l kṯr w ḫss he sent (a message) to DN, 1.4 V 41; ylảk

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lỉm (i) 483

yrḫ (…) ʕm ḫrḫb DN sent (a message) to DN, 1.24:16; w lảk lh he sent him to
say, 2.70:13 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 66); w mlk lảk ʕm[ and the king
has sent[, 2.42:27; ky lỉkt bt mlk tḫmk in this way you sent your message to
the palace (saying), 2.36:5, cf. ln. 11, 14 (cf. Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 327;
diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 393: “j’ai transmis”); ỉd lỉkt ʕky nplṭ when you sent
the message, TN/PN was already safe, 2.82:3 (cf. Pardee AfO 31 1984 222);
ảnkm ỉlảk I will send a message, 2.88:25; (may the king, my lord) bnš bnny
ʕmn mlảkty hnd ylảk ʕmy, send me an intermediary with this my message,
2.33:34; cf. 2.17:7; in bkn ctx.: ỉky l ỉlảk how am I not going to send?, 2.21:11;
rgm hy ly[xx] y ỉlảkk a word … I would send you, 2.31:44; w ủgrt ỉlảk and I will
send a message to TN, 2.88:23, see ln. 25, 29, 33, 34, 36; 2.14:7; 2.87:32; 2.90:19,
21; 2.98:15; 2.103:18 (rdg k l{.}kt); ★b) tablet, document, etc.: ky lỉk bny lḥt ảkl
certainly my son sent a tablet concerning the grain, 2.46:9; lḥt ảkl ky lỉkt ʕm
špš the tablet concerning grain that you sent to the “Sun”, your Lord, 2.39:18;
lḥt šlm k lỉkt umy the message of greeting that my mother sent to me, 2.34:5;
lḥt spr d lỉkt ʕm ṯryl the letter that I sent to PN, 2.14:7 (cf. 2.32:3); p mn lỉkt ảnk
lḥt and then why did I send the / a tablet?, 2.72:23; ★c) couriers, messengers:
(may the king) bnš bnny ʕmn mlảkty hnd ylảk ʕmy send some intermediary
with this my embassy, 2.33:36; ảnykn dt lỉkt mṣrm (as for) your ship which
you sent to Egypt, 2.38:11; dll ảl ỉlảk I will send a courier, 1.4 VII 45; mlảkm
ylảk ym DN sent messengers, 1.2 I 11; ylảk mlảkm lk he shall send you (two)
messengers, 1.14 III 19; w ảnnả ỉlảk ʕm mlảkt ʕmk and I shall send PN to you
with the missive, 2.75:9; impersonal (?): w ṯb l mspr k tlảkn ġlmm and (now)
go back to the narrative (: repeat) when the messenger-boys were sent, 1.4
V 42; zbl mlk šmm tlảk[ they sent royal heavenly princes[, 1.13:27 (// (?) tmr.
Del Olmo IMC 99; diff. Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 242 n. 64: “let the king of the
heavens send strength”); in unc. ctx.: mn bnš d l{.}ỉkt ʕmk all the people that
I sent (?) you, 2.45:25; ★d) recruits (?): TN (nn) lỉk TN (nn): has sent, 4.777:2
and passim ibid. (cf. ḫrd, ibid. ln. 1; cf. Bordreuil et al. CRAIBL 1984 426); in
bkn ctx.: lảkt 1.2 II 10; mn lỉk ḫ[, 1.5 IV 23; cf. 24; lảk l t[, 1.176:25; lỉkt ʕmy, 2.50:20;
ky lỉk[, 2.102:3; lỉk, 2.106:5.
Gpass. To be sent: w ht lủk (…) PN and now PN (…) has been sent, 2.17:4.
D. To send constantly messages: lm tlỉk ʕmy why do you write to me (saying
…)?, 2.26:4; lm tlỉkn ḫpṯ hndn why are you sending me these legionaries?,
Cf. mlảk, mlảkt.
lỉm (I) n. m. “people, clan” (Hb. lʔwm, “nation, people”, HALOT 513; Akk. lim(u),
“tausend”, WS “Sippe”, AHw 553f.; līmu, “thousand”, WS “family, clan”, CAD
L 198: B, C; Mari Akk.: līmum, Durand Fs. Garelli 52; MRSO I 693f.; for Ebla
cf. Krebernik PET 95; Pagan ARES 3 222f.; Milano ARET 9 395; Fronzaroli

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484 lỉm (ii) – /l-ʔ-y/w/ (i)

ARET 13 279, 315; Emar Akk. /liʔmu/, “people”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 110. Other
alternatives suppose: “prince, hero, powerful”, “DN lỉm [: Baʕlu]” or “Liʔmite”;
for a summary of opinions cf. De Moor SP 97; Craigie ZAW 90 1970 376ff.;
Lipiński UF 3 1971 90f.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 89 ff.; Gray UF 11 1979 319f. n. 28;
Margalit MLD 135; Beyer Or 57 1988 82f.; Wyatt UF 24 1992 417ff.; ¶ par.: ảdm,
hmlt. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. lỉm; pl. lỉmm.
People, clan: my lỉm so what about the people?, 1.5 VI 23 and par. (// hmlt);
tmḥṣ lỉm ḫp ym she crushed the people of the sea shore, 1.3 II 7 and par. (//
ảdm); ybmt lỉmm the “Intended of the peoples”, 1.3 II 33 and par., title of the
goddess Anat (alt. Fox UF 30 1998 279ff.: “Sister-in-Law of the Terrible Ones”,
rdg ybmt l ỉmm, Hb. ʔāyōm, ʔēmâ, ʔēmîm, and Ug. ybm lỉlm); ṯd lỉmm, “the
breast of the people”, title of the goddess ʕnt, 1.13:20 (De Moor UF 12 1980
308f.); in bkn ctx.: gmr lỉmm, 1.6 VI 6; lỉmm, 1.13:23; l lỉmm, 1.10 I 8, 16; l lỉm,
Cf. lỉm (II).
lỉm (II) DN, very common in WS onomastics. Huffmon APNMT 226f.; Fron-
zaroli AGI 45 1960 37ff.; Dossin Syria 55 1978 327ff.; Krebernik RlA 7 25 f.;
Wyatt UF 24 1992 419 [</l-ʔ-y/, “the Potent”]; but cf. Durand MROA II/1 251);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /lim/ in PN itur(GUR)-dlim, zi-im-ri-dlim, Grön-
dahl PTU 155. ¶ Forms: cf. var. lỉmm (encl. -m).
DN, in bkn ctx.: 1.84:35; (offerings) l ỉl lỉmm[, 1.27:8.
Cf. yrgblỉm.
lản n. m. “power” (< /l-ʔ-y:w/ (I). Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 213; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 118); ¶ par.: ʕz, ḏmr, ḥtk, nmrt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
lảnk, l[ảnh].
Power: l r[p]ỉ ảrṣ (…) lảnk from (?) the r. of the “Earth” (…) (is) your power,
1.108:24–25 and par. (// ʕzk, ḏmrk, ḥtkk, nmrtk; for 1.107:37 and par. cf. ản (II)).
Cf. lả.
/l-ʔ-y/w/ (I) vb G: “to conquer, prevail, overcome by strength” (Akk. leʔû, “ver-
mögen, können, überwinden”, AHw; “to be able, to win”, CAD L 151 ff.; Ebla
cf. Krebernik PET 47; Pagan ARES 3 136f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /lāʔiy-
/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 241. ¶ Forms: G suffc. lảt! (incorrect spelling lản, in
1.16 VI 14); prefc. suff. tlủản (or rdg tlủn!n (ả for n) / tlủn (dittog.) (?); cf. Ver-
reet Modi 81f.: “Imperfekt-Energikus” /talʔuʔannū/ < /talʔuwannū/); nlỉym
(cf. encl. -m (II)); impv. lỉ.
G. To conquer, prevail: šʕtqt dm lảt! DN, then, conquered (it), 1.16 VI 14; šʕtqt
dm! lỉ you, DN, come, conquer!, 1.16 VI 2; šnt tlủản sleep overcame him, 1.14
I 33; in bkn and unc. ctx.: hm nlỉym if we prevail, 1.19 II 35 (// nṣḥy; diff. Wyatt
RTU 301 nn. 227–229, rdg ṣpnhm tlỉym … “their secret overwhelmed (them)”).
Cf. ảlỉy, ảlỉyn, lả, lản, lỉy, tlỉym, tlỉyt.

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/l-ʔ-y/w/ (ii) – lb 485

/l-ʔ-y/w/ (II) vb G: “to lose strength, weaken < be drained” (Akk. laʔû(m),
“schwächlich”, AHw 540; “small child”, CAD L 114; OAram. lʔy, “to toil”, DNWSI
561; Arab. laʔā, “to be slow”, Hava 674). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tlủ.
To lose strength, weaken < be drained: tlủ ḥ<m>t km nḫl the venom lost
strength / was drained like a torrent, 1.100:68 (Tropper UG 448, 617, 660; diff.
Gzella BiOr 64 2007 548, 552: “dispersed as in a river”).
lỉy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 61, 66, 154; Van Soldt SAU 17, 38, 139); ¶ syll.:
la-i-ya, Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146 [“8.213”]):34; PRU 3 45 f. (RS 16.140):4, 9;
PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) III 2; PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) II 2; PRU 6 135 (RS 17.134):1
(?), 5; Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):23; DUMU mla-i-ya, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.007):14'; la-e-ya,
PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):4; cf. fla-e-ia-a, PRU 3 159 f. (RS 16.261+):4, 21; cf. Sivan
GAGl 241; Huehnergard UVST 238, 249.
PN: ★a) 4.35 II 15 (bn qqln); 4.155:2 (bn qqln), 14 (bn rqdy); 4.244:5; 4.280:12
(bn ʕmyn); 4.754:17 (bn bṣy); 4.785:19 (bn ʕmyn); ★b) bn PN, 4.309:25; 4.377:22;
4.617 I 25; 4.645:5.
lb n. m. “heart” (Hb. lb, “heart”, HALOT 513ff.; Ph., Pun., OAram., DNWSI 561f.;
Akk. libbu, “Leib, Inneres, Herz”, AHw 549ff.; “heart, entrails”, CAD L 164ff.;
Arab. lubb, “heart”, AEL 2643; OSA lbb, “heart”, SD 81; Eth. lǝbb, “heart”,
CDG 304. Loretz UF 37 2005 400f.); ¶ par.: kbd (I). Forms: sg. lb (possibly
a mistake l{.}b in 2.72:20), suff. lbk, lby.
Heart, ★a) viscera: k lb ảrḫ (…) k lb ṯảt (…) km lb ʕnt ảṯr bʕl like the heart
of a cow (…), like the heart of a ewe (…), thus (beat) the heart of DN, 1.6
II 28–30 and par.; lbh km bṯn y[…] her heart like a snake(’s) (swelled up (?)),
1.19 IV 61; klyth w lbh his kidneys and his heart, 1.82:3; ★b) offering: (as offering
material) lb rmṣt a heart (roasted) on the embers, 1.39:8 and par.; ★c) chest,
breast: ảp lb chest, 1.5 VI 21 and par.; ★d) innards, entrails, wish, desire: ymlủ
lbh b šmḫt her heart filled with joy, 1.3 II 26 (// kbdh); tbky pġt bm lb PN wept
in her heart, 1.19 I 34 (// kbd); ỉl yẓḥq bm lb DN laughed in her heart, 1.12 I 13
(// kbd); w b lb tqny but in her heart she hatched a plan, 1.17 VI 41; ảḫy mhk
b lbh ảl yšt may my brother not harbour any (concern) in his heart, 2.38:27
and par.; {h}mhkm b l<b>k ảl tšt do not worry about anything, 2.71:15 and
par.; ḫnp lb[k] the iniquity of your heart, 1.18 I 17 (// kbdk); k lbh yr[gm] mlk
according to his wish the king shall reply, 1.41:52; k (?) lb mlk in accordance
with (?) the heart of the king, 3.11:8 (the royal decision; cf. Del Olmo CR 142
n. 24; KTU rdg: w); hm lb PN bhl bnh w km lbh ybhl hm if PN wishes (< the heart
of PN is to) disinherit his sons, he can disinherit them as he likes, 3.32:19ff.
and par. see ln. 18, 22ff., 28ff.; w tṯbrn lby and you will break my heart, 2.72:16
(cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 146); w lb ảḫtk mrṣ your sister is sick at heart,
2.87:7, see ln. 14, 26, 34; 2.103:11, 28; in bkn ctx. lb n!ḫtk, 2.103:8; lbk, 2.107:11; lb
bnk your son’s heart, 2.82:6 (cf. Pardee AfO 31 1984 223); w l]bh b ph yṣủ, if its

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486 lbủ – lbn (i)

entrails emerge through its mouth, 1.103:51, cf. ln. 45.; w b lb tqb[, 1.15 V 15; lb,
1.19 I 3; lbh his heart, 1.101:9; ảt brt lbk you are clean / pure of heart (?), 2.8:4;
lb ʕbd[ heart of a servant, 2.25:3; lbk your heart, 2.85:14; lb ảḫtk the heart of
your sister, 2.87:7, 26; d lb ảmn of a faithful heart, 5.11:21; in unc. ctx.: ksp lbh,
lbủ n. m. “lion” (Akk. labʔum, lābu, labbu, “lion”, MAD 3 156f.; “Löwe”, AHw
526f.; “lion”, CAD L 24f.; Ebla /labw=um/ PIRIG = bar-ga-um / ab-wá(BA)-um,
Pettinato MEE 4 96 V 4; cf. Civil Biling. 90; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 192f.; Amor.
/labwum/, /labūm/, “lion”, Gelb CAAA 24; Mari Akk. “lion”, Durand MARI 7
50f.; cf. OAram. lbʔ, “lion”, “sea-dragon” (?), DNWSI 562; Hb. f. lbyʔ, “lioness”,
HALOT 517; OSA lbʔ, “lion/lioness”, SD 81; Arab. labuʔ, labuʔat, “lion, lioness”,
AEL 2644); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /labʔu-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 240 (for
Ph. in PNN cf. Benz PNPPI 337); ¶ par.: ảnḫr, bṯn, qṭr, yʕl. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
lbỉm (encl. -m).
Lion: p npš npš lbỉm thw my appetite, yes, is the appetite of the lion of the
steppe, 1.5 I 14 and par. (// ảnḫr); w tṣủ (…) k lbỉm skh that run away (…) like a
lion towards the den, 1.169:4 (// qṭr, bṯn, yʕlm); in bkn ctx.: ]lbả d mr x[, 6.31:1.
Cf. ʕbdlbỉt, ʕmlbủ, lbỉy, šmlbủ.
lbỉy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 154; Sivan GAGl 240; Huehnergard UVST 245;
Xella SEL 9 1992 81f.; Watson AuOr 13 1995 224; LSU 171); ¶ syll.: la-ab-ʔi-ya,
PRU 6 79:3.
PN:★a) 4.376:2 (pdy); ★b) bn PN, 4.780:1.
lbdm see bd (II).
lbk PN (etym. unc.)
PN: 4.825:14.
/l-b-n/ vb D “to make bricks” (denom. lbnt. Akk. labānu, “(Ziegel) streichen,
formen”, AHw 522; “to make bricks”, CAD L 8 ff.; Arab. labbana, “to make
bricks with clay and straw”, Hava 676; Hb. lbn, “to make bricks”, HALOT 517;
Watson LSU 91); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN LÚ la-ba?-nu, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257) III 55;
cf. Sivan GAGl 240; UF 21 1989 361; Huehnergard UVST 142; ¶ par.: /ʔ-ḫ-d/ (+
ủlṯ). ¶ Forms: D prefc. tlbn.
D. To make bricks: hm (…) tlbn lbnt or is it that (…) she will make bricks?, 1.4
IV 61 (// ảḫd ủlṯ).
Cf. lbnt.
lbn (I) adj. m. “white” (Hb., Pun. lbn, “white”, HALOT 517; DNWSI 564); ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. [BABBAR = peṣû = Hurr.(?)] = la-ba-nu, Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426 B):4; Sivan
GAGl 240; Huehnergard UVST 142; Van Soldt SAU 304. ¶ Forms: pl. lbnm.
White: ảllm lbnm white ả.-garments, 4.182:4; in bkn ctx.: q]ṭr lb[n (incense
(?)), 1.167:11.
Cf. /l-b-n/, lbn (II), lbnm, lbnn (I), lbnn (II), lbny (I), lbny (II).

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lbn (ii) – lbnt 487

lbn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 26, 154; Bordreuil Semitica 32 1982 13; Watson
LSU 171; Van Soldt SAU 35); ¶ syll.: cf. l[a?]-ab-nu, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) I 14;
l[a-a]b(?)-nu, ibid. III 12; cf. Sivan GAGl 240.
PN: ★a) 4.60:10; 4.61:5; 4.609:3; 4.727:11 (cf. bt (II)); 7.55:7; ★b) bn PN, 3.23:23;
4.412 III 6; 4.624:2; 4.787:12.
lbnm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 173: *Lab(i)nūma. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour
RSP 2 298; UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12f.; Van Soldt Topography 27f.,
177; Belmonte Fs. Watson 106f.); ¶ syll.: URU la-ab-nu/ni-ma, PRU 3 266;
RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):18; RS 25.132 III 8 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 675; Watson
LSU 201; cf. PN LÚ URU la-ib-ni-ma, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):7; for URU lu-ba-na,
PRU 6 36:11 see lbny, GN.
TN: 1.91:21; 4.68:2; 4.348:10; 4.355:21; 4.610 II 15; 4.621:1; 4.693:39; 4.770:14; 4.800
II 30; in bkn ctx.: 4.684:3; 4.686:19; 4.822:8.
Cf. lbny.
lbnn (I) TN “Lebanon” (“White Mountain”; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 174: *Labnānu
/ *Labʔānu. Astour RSP 2 298; cf. Hb. lbnwn, HALOT 518 f.; Ph., Aram. lbnn,
Harris 114; MA / MB KUR lab-na-ni, Nashef RGTC 5 175; NA Labnāna, Parpola
Neo-Assyrian Toponyms 221f.; Hitt. Lablana, Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6
244; cf. Niplani, ibid. 285; Arab. lubnān; Hurr. Lablaḫḫi < /lablan=ḫi/, Weip-
pert RlA 6 641; BN 27 1985 20; Gk líbanos; Eg. r(í)-mn-n(w), Helck Bez. 273.
Weippert RlA 6 641ff.; George ZA 80 1990 217f.; Watson LSU 201); ¶ syll.:
ḪUR.SAG li-ib-la-ni, Ug 5 20 (RS 20.03):19 (cf. Izreʿel-Singer General’s Letter
37, 117f.); [Ḫ]UR.S[AG la]-ab-la-na, RS 17.338+:105 (cf. PRU 4 288 [RS 19.101]
rev. 15; cf. Kestemont UF 6 1974 116 ln. 105; Del Monte Trattato ln. 105); DIN-
GIR.MEŠ la-ab-a-na, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):4; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 71 n. 6, 322;
Astour RSP 2 355f.; ¶ par.: šryn.
TN: 1.4 VI 18, 20 (// šryn); 1.17 VI 21; 1.22 I 20, 25; ỉl lbnn the gods / El of TN,
1.148:43. For 4.684:3 see lbnm.
lbnn (II), element in personal names; cf. bnlbnn PN.
lbnt n. f. “brick” (Hb. lbnh, “sun-baked brick”, HALOT 518; Akk. libittu, “luft-
getrockneter Ziegel”, AHw 551; “brick”, CAD L 176ff.; Kaufman AIA 66; EA
Akk. labittu, CAD L 179; Sivan GAGl 240; Ebla /libattum, libittum/, in SIG4.
DÚR.GAR = li-ba-tum, [SIG4.DÚR.GAR or SIG4.GAR.DÚR] = li-bí(NE)-tum,
VE 146; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 6; Gordon Eblaitica 1 20 f.; Aram. lbnh, “brick”,
DNWSI 564; Arab. labin, labnat, “raw bricks”, Hava 676); ¶ par.: ulṯ, ảrz // yrkt.
¶ Forms: sg. / pl. lbnt.
Brick: ḫrṣ nsb l lbnt the gold turned into brick(s), 1.4 VI 35 (// rqm); hm bt lnbt
yʕmsnh and a house of brick(s) they shall erect for him, 1.4 V 11 (// ảrzm); ṯm
tpl k lbnt there they fell like brick(s), 1.13:13 (// yrkt. Del Olmo IMC 93f. Diff.
Watson AuOr 22 2004 115: “poplars”, // ʕṯqb; Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 240 n. 50:

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488 lbny (i) – lbš

“bones” (< “white”)); hm (…) tlbn lbnt or is (…) she going to make bricks?, 1.4
IV 62 (// ảḫd ủlṯ); in unc. ctx. mrym lbnt, 1.83:10.
Cf. /l-b-n/.
lbny (I) GN m. (see URU lu-ba-na, PRU 6 36 (RS 27.052):11. Belmonte RGTC 12/2
177: *Lubānu). ¶ Forms: pl. lbnym.
GN: 4.50:13; 4.261:19.
lbny (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 154; Watson AuOr 11 1993 217); ¶ syll.:
DUMU la-ab-na-a, PRU 3 126 (RS 16.162):6; cf. DUMU la-ab-na, ibid. ln. 13.
PN: 4.103:15.
/l-b-š/ vb G: “to dress, wear, put on clothes”; Š: “to dress, clothe” (Hb., OAram.
lbš, “to put on a garment”, HALOT 519f.; DNWSI 565; Ebla cf. /mulabbištum/
in mu-[a]-bí-iš-tum, /tulabbaš/ in du-a-ba-áš, “riveste”, Fronzaroli QuSem
15 14f.; ARET 11 143; Akk. labāšu, “sich bekleiden”, AHw 523f.; “to put on
clothing”, CAD L 17ff.; OSA lbs1, “don, wear”, SD 81; Arab. labisa, “to put on,
wear”, AEL 2647f.; Eth. labsa, “to clothe oneself, put on”, CDG 305); ¶ par.:
/š-t/, ʕrm. ¶ Forms: G suffc. lbs; act. ptc. m. lbš; pass. ptc. m. lbš, f. lbšt; prefc.
ylbš, tlbš; Š: suffc. with suff. šlbšn.
G. To dress, wear, put on clothes: k lbš km lpš dm aḫh for he put on like
a cloak the blood of his brothers, 1.12 II 46; lbšt b ỉr as you are clothed in
light, 1.13:25 (cf. ỉr); tlbš npṣ ġzr / ảṯt she put on the clothes of a noble / of a
woman, 1.19 IV 44/46 (// tšt); in bkn ctx.: ] … ylbš (the king) shall dress, 1.43:22;
lbš ỉl yštk the god who clothed you (lit. put you clothed), 1.169:12 (// ʕrm);
lbš ṯryn those who wear the cuirass; […] bʕd bʕlkm after (?) your “lord(s)”,
Š. To dress, invest, clothe: ảlỉyn bʕl šlbšn “The Most Powerful” DN clothed
him, 1.5 V 23.
Cf. lbš, lpš, mlbš.
lbš n. m. 1) “clothing”; 2) “garments, wardrobe”; 3) “sails” (< /l-b-š/. Form qVtVl-
[cf. lpš]; Hb. lbwš, “garment”, HALOT 516; OAram. lbš, “garment, piece of
clothing” DNWSI 565; Akk. lubūšu, “Gewand”, AHw 560; “clothing, wardrobe”,
CAD L 236ff.; Arab. libās, labūs, “clothing”, AEL 2648. Veenhof AOATT 97,
163f.; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 44f.; Baldacci BiOr 46 1989 119). ¶ Forms: sg. lbš;
pl. lbšm; cstr. lbš; du. lbšm.
1) Clothing, garment, ★a) in gen.: lbš ảḥd b ʕšrt w ṯn b ḫmšt a garment for ten
shekels and two for five, 4.146:1; ṯn lbšm b ʕšrt two garments for ten, ibid. ln.
6; lbš PN b ảrbʕt / b ṯqlm a garment of PN for four / for two shekels, 4.101:1–4;
lbš ảḥd b ṯqlm a garment for two shekels, 4.156:4; ṯmn lbšm w mšlt l ủdmym b
ṯmnt ʕšrt ksp eight garments and one m. for the GN for eighteen shekels of
silver, 4.337:14; šbʕm lbš d ʕrb bt mlk b mỉt ḫmšt kbd ksp seventy garments that
were delivered to the palace for one hundred and five shekels, ibid. ln. 16; in

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lbt – lg (i) 489

bkn ctx.: lbš[, 4.182:22; 4.193:9; ]lbš, 4.185:9; hpkm ảhpk lbš I shall certainly
return the garment, 1.179:36 (// ḫlpn); ★b) types: šbʕ lbšm ảllm l DN seven
ả.-garments for DN, 4.168:9; cf. lbš ảll, 4.182:21; lbš psm rq a fine gauze (?)
garment, 4.205:5; of purple: lbš ṯn b ṯ<m>nt ʕšrt a garment in crimson purple
for eighteen shekels, 4.146:8; in ỉqnủ violet purple lbš ḫmšm five garments,
4.182:16, see ln. 21 ((in bkn ctx. Cf. ảll, ỉqnủ, mlbš); lbšm ʕrpm garments of the
ʕr. type, 4.721:2, 13; lbšm ảḏddym garments (in the style of / made by the) GN,
ibid. ln. 3; lbš PN clothes of (/ made by) PN, ibid. ln. 1; in bkn ctx.: nʕm lbš ?k,
2.50:17; ★c) ritual offering: lbš w ktn a garment and a tunic, 1.43:4; šbʕ lbšm
ảllm l DN seven ả.-garments for DN, 4.168:9; mỉt ảrbʕm lbš pgỉ one hundred
and forty garments p., 4.721:1.
2) Set of clothes, wardrobe (esp. of statues): lbš ảllm lbnm set of white
ả.-clothes, 4.182:4; ]mlk ytn lbš lh the king will make a gift of a wardrobe to
him, 4.182:64.
3) Sails (naval technical term (?)): lbš ảnyth bʕrm his singed sails, 4.338:16f.
(Márquez AuOr 11 1993 103ff.; Sefarad 68 2008 469).
Cf. lpš, mlbš.
lbt n. f. “hoop / plate” (etym. unc. Akk. liw/mītu, NA libītu, “Umgebung, Umfang”,
AHw 558; “perimeter, edge, rim”, CAD L 191ff. Del Olmo UF 10 1978 51; IMC
205ff.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 191: l bt; KTU: l bt). ¶ Forms: pl. lbt.
Hoop / plate (part of a chariot): l šảnt ṯṯ lbt ʕšrm for six tyres (?), hoops (?)
twenty, 4.392:3 (diff. Vita EU 132: “y para šảnt: seis (raciones-prs), para la
“casa”: veinte (raciones-prs)”, rdg l bt; see also UF 28 1996 693–699. For other
opinions see McGeough UgET 263f. nn. 15f.).
lbw[, in bkn ctx.: PN (?), 4.643:13.
ldn PN (Sem. Watson LSU 171; AuOr 30 2012 334).
PN: 4.222:14; 4.264:8; 4.839:6.
ldt, in unc. rdg.: bldtk, 2.34.33 (see /y-l-d/).
lg (I) n. m. measure of capacity for liquids (“jar”) (Hb., OAram. lg, “log, small
liquid measure”, HALOT 520; “liquid measure”, DNWSI 566; cf. Syr. lgettāʔ,
“land measure of sowing”, SL 673; Watson LSU 141; AuOrS 27 89). ¶ Forms: sg.
lg; cf. the allom. ỉlg in 4.751:11 (prothetic /ʔ/ (alef); diff. Heltzer UF 12 1980 414
n. 10: scribal error, rdg w lg); pl. lgm.
Measure of capacity for liquids (“jar”): ḫmš ʕšr l! g fifteen l., 6.12:4; lg šmn rqḥ a
l. of perfume, 1.148:21; ʕšr lg šmn y[tn] ly p! ṯlṯ lg <šmn> rqḥ ten l. of oil he gives
me plus three of perfume 5.10:7–8 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 162);
ỉlg lrmnm a l. of (juice of) pomegranates, 4.751:11 (Heltzer UF 12 1980 414 n. 10:
rdg w lg and a l.); lg ynh[ a l. of his wine[, 1.23:75; lg lšn a l. of “tongue”, 1.174:8
(cf. lšn); sp (…) d yảḫd lg ynm bowl(s) (…) which (each) contains a l. of wine,

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490 lg (ii) – lḥ (ii)

lg (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 154).

PN: bn PN, 4.360:10.
lgn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 155; Watson LSU 171; Van Soldt SAU 33); ¶ syll.:
cf. lig-ga-na!, RS 16.269:3; cf. Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279 (rdg u[r]?-ga-na-ni?
in PRU 3 68).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:23 (ủškny); 4.53:7; 4.700:8; 5.22:29; in bkn ctx. 4.151 I 9; 4.444:6.
Cf. lkn.
lġz (?), in unc. rdg: 1.111:2 (Pardee TR1/2 619, 625, 1179, rdg. lġz, “nom commun,
de sens inconnu”; Del Olmo CR 162 n. 86; diff. Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 17,
KTU rdg ll[[x]]m: “zur Zeit der Abenddämmerung”, encl. -m (?)).
lḥ (I) n. f.: 1) “cheek”; 2) “jaw” (Hb. lḥy, “chin, jawbone”, HALOT 525.; Arab. laḥy,
“jaw-bone”, AEL 3009; Akk. laḫû, “Kinnbacken, Kinnlade”, AHw 528 f.; “jaw”,
CAD L 44f. Loewenstamm IOS 4 1974 1ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 176;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 108); for syll. Ug. cf. Huehnergard UVST 142: rdg
(?) la-ḫa-m[u?] in Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 16; ¶ par.: pslt. ¶ Forms: du. lḥm; pl.
1) Cheek: yhdy lḥm w dqn he lacerated (his) cheeks and chin, 1.5 VI 19 and
par. (// psltm; diff. Wiggermann JEOL 27 1981/82 95: “hair”, Arab. laḫmu).
2) Jaw: ṭbq lḥt nỉṣh close the jaws of his detractors, 1.17 I 28 and par. (diff.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 176: “abuse”, Arab. laḥw/y).
lḥ (II) n. m. “missive, message” < “(letter-)tablet(s)” (Hb., Ph. lwḥ, “tablet”,
HALOT 522f.; DNWSI 570; OAram., Nab. “board” (?), “tablet” (?), DNWSI 569;
Syr. lūḥāʔ, “tablet”, SL 677; Akk. lēʔu, “Tafel”, AHw 546; “board, writing board”,
CAD L 156ff.; EA Akk. lēḫu, EAT 358:9; Arab. lawḥ, “board, plank”, AEL 2679;
Eth. lawḥ, “board, table”, luḥ, “plank of wood”, CDG 320. Smith UBC/1 304f.;
Watson LSU 29 n. 218, 49; ¶ par.: // tʔdt. ¶ Forms: pl. / coll. (?) lḥt (Tropper
UG 298; but see Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 328: “tablet” /lūḥatu/; Gzella BiOr
64 2007 548, for a possible sg. f. form).
Missive, message: ★a) with /l-ʔ-k/ to send: lḥt šlm message of greeting, 2.34:5
lḥt akl message concerning grain, 2.39:17; 2.46:10; lḥt mlảk ym the message
of the envoys of DN, 1.2 I 26 (// tʕdt); lḥt qnỉm the message concerning lapis
lazuli, 2.73:7; ỉky lḥt spr d lỉkt what about the letter that I sent?, 2.14:6; p mn lỉkt
ảnk lḥt and then why (: for what reason) did I send the tablet(s), 2.72:22; ★b)
with /r-g-m/ to declare: lḥt ảlpm ḥrṯm message concerning work bullocks,
2.45:22; in bkn ctx.: w ảt lḥt rgm[, 2.73:12; ★c) with /d-b-r/ to deal with: w
lḥt bt mlk ảmr ky and the message (about) the daughter of the king of TN,
2.72:17 (cf. ln. 23: lỉkt ảnk lḥt); lḥt hn bnšk a message concerning that servant
of yours, 2.90:4 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 548; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 249:
“(as for) the (message)-tablet (in which I said): ‘your servant …’ ”); w lḥt ḫpn
now (as for) the letter (regarding) a ḫ.-garment, 2.87:18, see 2.103:17; ybl lḥt hn

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/l-ḥ(-ḥ)/ – /l-ḥ-m/ (i) 491

(someone) will bring the letter, 2.104:11; in bkn ctx.: ]ptm[ lḥt, 2.31:43; w lḥt,
2.98:31; 2.100:16; 2.103:11; lḥt, 2.100:14; ʕm lḥt 2.103:12.
/l-ḥ(-ḥ)/ vb G: “to moisten” > “to provide drink” (?) (etym. unc. MHb., JAram.
lḥlḥ, “to moisten”, DTT 703; Arab. laḥiḥa, “to stick together, shed tears (the
eyes)”, ʔalaḥḥa, “to rain”, AEL 2652; Eth. laḥḥa, “be humid”, CDG 310; Akk. cf.
lāḫu, “junger Spross”, AHw 528. De Moor(-Spronk) CARTU 148; ARTU 208;
Watson UF 40 2008 554: Eg. jwḥ (< *lwḥ “to moisten”). ¶ Forms: G tlḥn, ylḥn
(Margalit MLD 15 and Tropper UG 590, 679 consider yšlḥ 1.4 I 25–26 to be the
Š of this root).
G. To moisten, provide drink (?): ỉk ylḥn how could he provide moisture?,
1.5 II 21; in bkn ctx.: tlḥn šqym may the cupbearers provide drink (?), 1.15
IV 12–13).
/l-ḥ-k/ vb G: “to lick” (Hb. lḥk, “eat up”, HALOT 525 f.; Syr. lḥk, “to lick”, SL 684;
Arab. laḥika, “to lick”, Hava 681; Akk. lêku, “lecken”, AHw 542; “to lick”, CAD
L 116); ¶ par.: (?) /ṯ-r-p/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tlḥk.
G. To lick, in unc. ctx.: lšnm tlḥk šmm with (her) tongue she licked the
heavens, 1.83:5 (// tṯrp); in bkn ctx.: yt lḥk[, 1.176:8.
/l-ḥ-m/ (I) vb G: “to eat”; D: “to feed”; Š: “to give to eat, fatten” (Hb., Ph. lḥm, “to
eat with someone”, HALOT 526; DNWSI 572; Arab. laḥama, “to feed on meat”,
Hava 681; Akk. laʔāmu / lēmu / laḫāmu, “zu sich nehmen, essen”, AHw 527,
543; “to take food or drink”, CAD L 126f. Del Olmo IMC 119 n. 263; Tsevat UF 18
1986 345ff.); syll. Ug. cf. PNN il-taḫ-mu and cf. Sivan GAGl 241 (cf. /l-ḥ-m/ (II));
¶ par.: /b-l-(y)/, /m-s-k/, /š-q-y/, /š-t-y/, /ṯ-r-m/, /y-ṯ-q/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. lḥm;
prefc. ỉlḥm, tlḥm, nlḥm; suff. tlḥmn (emph. -n); impv. lḥm; inf. lḥm; suff. lḥmm
(encl. -m), D prefc. ylḥm; Š prefc. tšlḥm, yšlḥm; suff. yšlḥmnh; impv. šlḥm; for
the spelling ṯlḥmy, 5.23:6, see ṯlḥmy.
G. To eat: tlḥmn rpủm tštyn the DN ate (and) drank, 1.22 I 23 and par.; tlḥmn
ỉlm w tštn, the god ate and drank, 1.114:2; ʕd lḥm šty ỉlm while the gods ate
(and) drank, 1.4 VI 55 and par.; lḥm hm štym eat and drink, 1.4 IV 35; lḥm b lḥm
ảy eat food of any kind, 1.23:6 (// šty); (an offering) wtlḥm ảṯt that woma/en
may eat, 1.115:8; lḥ[m] b ṯlḥnt lḥm eat food from the tables, 1.4 IV 35; š (…) kll
ylḥm bh a ram (…) of which all shall eat, 1.115:10; km yṯb l lḥ[m] when he sat
down to eat, 1.18 IV 29 and par. (// ṯrm); tn w nlḥm give us so that we may eat,
1.23:72 (// nšt); b klảt ydy ỉlḥm with two hands I swallow, 1.5 I 20 (// blt, ymsk);
ảp ỉlm lḥm yṯb the gods also sat down to eat, 1.2 I 20; qrản (…) w lḥmm ʕm ảḫy
lḫm invite me (…) to eat meat with my brothers, 1.5 I 23–24 (// štm); l l[ḥ]m
l š[ty] ṣḥtkm to eat and drink I called you, 1.15 VI 4 and par.; ảp l tlḥm lḥm
trmmt to eat, yes, bread of offering, 1.6 VI 43 (// tšt); tbḫ ỉmr w ỉlḥm sacrifice
a lamb that I am going to eat, 1.16 VI 18 and par. (// ỉṯrm); npšh l lḥm tptḥ the
appetite for eating she opened for him, 1.16 VI 11 (// ṯrm); tlḥm lḥm ẓm may

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492 /l-ḥ-m/ (ii) – lḥm

you eat bread of the time of fasting!, 1.169:6 (// tšt); in bkn ctx.: ylḥm b lḥmy
he eats of my food, 1.179:13.
D. To feed: ủzr ỉlm ylḥm enrobed, he fed the gods, 1.17 I 2 and par. (// yšqy. Del
Olmo MLRSO II 216; Greenstein UNP 51; Margalit UPA 144; Tropper UG 591;
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 421: “mange le stimulant divin”).
Š. To give food, fatten: šlḥm / tšlḥm, ššqy / tššqy ỉlm give / she gave food and
drink to the gods, 1.17 V 19, 29; qm yṯʕr w yšlḥmnh rising, he prepared and gave
him food, 1.3 I 5; l pnk l tšlḥm ytm in your presence you did not give food to the
orphan, 1.16 VI 49; yšlḥm kṯrt w yššq he gave food and drink to DN, 1.17 II 30
and par.; (people) dt tšlḥmn šbnh who deliver food to TN, 4.810:5 (Tropper
UG 591; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 12: “ceux qui étaient nourris”).
In bkn ctx.: ] ym tlḥmn, 1.20 I 6; tšlḥm yrḫ ggn, 1.92:16; yḥlm ʕm[, 1.176:21.
Cf. lḥm, šlḥmt.
/l-ḥ-m/ (II) vb G: “to fight (against someone)” (Hb. lḥm, G/N “to fight”, HALOT
526; Moab. hitp. hltḥm, “to make war”, DNWSI 571f.; Arab. VI/VIII talāḥama,
ʔiltāhama “to join in battle” / “to fight in close combat”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA

1010. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 548f.); syll. Ug. cf. PN il-taḫ-mu (cf. Sivan GAGl 241:
/l-ḫ-m/ “to eat”, cf. /l-ḥ-m/ (I)). ¶ Forms: G suffc. lḥmt; prefc. ỉlḥmn (encl. -n),
G. To fight (against someone): w ảnk ṯṯ ymm kl lḥmt as for myself, I have
fought against everyone for six days, 2.82:8; hm ymt ỉlḥmn ảnk if he dies, I
myself shall fight, 2.82:20.
lḥm n. m. 1) “grain”; 2) “bread” 3) “food, meat” (Hb., Pun., OAram., Palm. lḥm,
“grain for bread”, HALOT 526f.; “bread, food”, DNWSI 572f.; Arab. laḥm, “flesh,
meat”, Hava 681); ¶ par.: mġd, msrr, šỉr (+ ṭry šmn), yn. ¶ Forms: sg. lḥm; suff.
lḥmy, lḥmk, lḥmh.
1) Grain: kly lḥm b ʕdnhm the grain in their stores was finished, 1.16 III 14 (//
yn, šmn).
2) Bread: w lḥmm ʕm ảḫy lḥm (invite me) to eat bread with my brothers, 1.5
I 24 (// yn); yỉp lḥm let bread be baked (alt. rdg y ỉp bake, yes), 1.14 II 30 and
par. (// mġd); klt lḥmk d nzl qḥ take a measure of your offering bread, 1.14 II 16
and par. (// msrr; diff. Greenstein UNP 18: “all his food”; Watson LSU 6–8:
“take measures of the food provided you”, and survey of opinions); hm [ỉṯ ln
l]ḥm w tn if [there is] bread [for us], give us (some) 1.23:71/73 (// yn); lḥm
trmmt bread of offering, 1.6 VI 44 (// yn tġzyt); tlḥm lḥm ẓm eat bread of
the time of fasting!, 1.169:6; lḥm tn lhm w l PN w l PN xx lḥm tn lm as for PN
and PN, … bread / food give them, 2.99:27; in unc. ctx.: lḥm, 5.23:13. 3) Food,
meat: lḥm b lḥm ay eat every kind of food, 1.23:6 (// šỉr (+ ṯry yn); lḥ[m] b
ṯlḥnt lḥm eat food from the tables, 1.4 IV 36; yʕdb lḥm lh he prepares for him
(a piece of) meat, 1.114:7 (Caquot TOu/2 74; Dietrich-Loretz UF 25 1993 135);

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lḥmd – ll (ii) 493

in bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.5 IV 11; mỉt lḥm one hundred (shekels) of meat (?),
4.247:15; ylḥm b lḥmy he eats of my food, 1.179:13; ]w d lḥm, 6.47:2; lḥm b/d[,
lḥmd 1.4 V 39, rdg mḥmd.
lḥr PN (Sem. Watson LSU 171).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 20.
lḥt, cf. lḥ (II).
lḫsn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 224); ¶ syll.: (DUMU) la-ḫa-sú-na,
PRU 6 85 (RS 19.79):9, rev. 15 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 240).
PN: ★a) 4.83:10; 4.244:15; ★b) bn PN, 4.70:9.
lḫšt n. f. “chatter, whisper, murmur” (< /l-ḫ-š/. Hb. lḥš, “whisper, incantation”,
HALOT 527; Ph., OAram. lḥšt / lwḥšh, “incantation, spell”, DNWSI 573; Syr.
luḥštāʔ / lḥuštāʔ, “whispering”, SL 364; Akk., liḫšu, “Flüstern”, AHw 552; “whis-
per”, CAD L 184); ¶ par.: rgm, tảnt. ¶ Forms: sg. lḫšt.
Chatter, whisper, murmur: rgm ʕṣ w lḫšt ảbn it is a matter of wood and a
chatter of stone, 1.3 III 23 and par. (// rgm, tảnt. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 165:
“le chuchotement de la pierre”).
lkn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 281; Van Soldt SAU 39; Watson Fs. Sanmartín
PN: ★a) 4.141 II 6; 4.609:8; ★b) bn PN: 4.780:6.
Cf. lgn.
lky PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 281, 302; Watson LSU 171); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU
lu?-ka-ya, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) II 4.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 27.
ll (I) n. m. “night, nightfall” (Hb., OAram. lyl, lylh, “night”, HALOT 528; DNWSI
574; OAram., Nab. lylyʔ, DNWSI 574f.; Akk. līlu, “evening”, CAD L 190f.; līliātu >
lilâtu, pl. t., “Abend”, AHw 552; “evening”, CAD L 184ff.; EA Akk. /lēlu/, l[e-e]l,
“night”, EAT 243:13; CAD L 184; Sivan GAGl 241; DNWSI 577; Arab. layl(at),
“a night-journey”, AEL 3015; OSA lly, “fall of night”, SD 83; Eth. lelit, “night”,
CDG 314. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 403); syll. Ug. cf. Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV
a 11 and cf. Huehnergard UVST 191. ¶ Forms: sg. ll; llm (encl. -m).
Night, nightfall: l ll for the night, 1.50:7; 1.49:9; w l ll špš and in the night
of DN, 1.39:12 (cf. Del Olmo UF 5 1987 40ff.); ll ảy each night, 1.24:44 (cf.
Herrmann YN 22f.; Del Olmo IMC 149; diff. Dietrich-Loretz SUL I 197: rdg llảy
“Wollust”(?)); ảḥr ảl trgm l ảḫtk tr[gm] llm after, you will say, to your sister
you will say, at night, 1.16 I 31–32; w l ll tʕr[k] ksu and at night they prepare
the throne, 1.106:27; l pn ll ʕṣrmm before nightfall: two domestic fowl, 1.132:17;
<l> pn ll tnʕr ʕrš before nightfall the bed is unmade, 1.132:25.
ll (II) TN mythical (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 178: *Lula; cf. TN Hitt. Lula, Del Monte
RGTC 6 251. Van Soldt UBL 11 370; De Moor, SP 124 128 f.; Caquot-Sznycer

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494 llủ – lm (ii)

TOu/1 128 n. l: DN, Akk. līlu, but cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 403 and
Krebernik RlA 7 1987 19b–20d; Del Olmo MLC 170: “divina”, rdg ỉ !l; Smith UF 18
1986 458: “Mt. Lallar”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 29 1997 123 ff.).
TN mythical: ġr ll the mountain TN, 1.2 I 20 and par.
llủ n. m. “suckling (lamb or kid)” (Akk. laliu / lalû, “Zicklein”, AHw 529 f.; “kid”,
CAD L 51f. Fensham JNSL 4 1975 16; Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 184f.; Smith UBC/1
155; Watson LSU 91); ¶ par.: ỉmr (I). ¶ Forms: sg. llủ, llỉ, llả; pl. abs. llỉm.
Suckling (lamb or kid): ảl yʕdbkm (…) k llỉ b ṯbrn qnh let him not place you
(…) like a suckling in the opening of his oesophagus, 1.4 VIII 19 and par. (//
ỉmr); qḥ (…) llả kl[ảtn] take (…) a suckling with both (hands), 1.14 II 15 and
par. (// ỉmr); ỉmr qmṣ llỉm (they slaughtered) lambs, a heap of sucklings, 1.22
I 14 and par.; in bkn ctx.: llủ bn ḥd/l[ a suckling, PN (?), 1.86:15; cf. 1.7:14.
Cf. lex. l. ỉt.
llỉt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 12, 28, 155); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU la-li-i[, PRU 3 34
(RS 16.114) rev. 2.
PN: bn PN, 3.13:6.
llḫ n. m.; part of the harness or horse trappings (in reference to its origin (?); cf.
Hurr. lulaḫḫi, “fremd”, Diakonoff HU 166; Sum. dlu-làl, Laroche GLH 160; cf.
TN Lullu, ibid. 161; Hitt. Luluwa, Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 251; Del Monte
RGTC 6/2 96; MA cf. Māt Lulubê/î, Nashef RGTC 5 188 f. Wilhelm Hurrians 48;
Astour NuzHur 1 26; Klengel RlA 7 166; form with suff. /-(a)-ḫḫe/, Diakonoff
HU 71 n. 72/2; Watson NABU 2007/11 n. 11: Akk. lalû + Hurr. suff. -ḫ(e); AuOr
29 2011 162f.; Loretz HippUg 112; diff. Del Olmo IMC 200: “remaches” (?), Akk.
ḫuluḫḫu / luluttu). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. suff. llḫhm.
Part of the harness or horse trappings: twelve ḫpnt śśwm ảmtm tky yd llḫhm
(sets of) protective padding for horses, of two cubits, of the t. (?)-type, with
their l., 4.363:5.
llwn PN (Anat. PN Lulluwa, Laroche NH no. 707; Gröndahl PTU 282; Watson
AuOr 14 1996 101); ¶ syll.: lu-lu-wa-na, PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):5.
PN: 4.264:6; 4.307:7.
lm (I), cf. l (I).
lm (II) interr. pn. “why?, what for?” (< /la/ + /mā/. Hb., OAram. lmh, “why”,
HALOT 551f.; DNWSI 600; cf. Arab. limāḏā, “why”, Hava 705; for Amor. /lama/,
“why?”, Gelb CAAA 24. ¶ Forms: lm.
Why?, what for?: lm ảnk what do I (wish) for?, 1.14 III 33 and par.; lm tḫš lm tḫš
nṯq why are you frightened, why do you fear the weapon?, 1.4 VII 38–39; lm
ġltm ỉlm rỉštkm why have you lowered your heads, gods?, 1.2 I 24; lm tbʕrn why
have you abandoned me?, 1.16 II 18; lm škn hnk why has he prepared this?,
2.33:23; lm tlỉk ʕmy why do you write to me (saying …)?, 2.26:4 and par. (cf.
Cunchillos TOu/2 316f. n. 3: asseverative l + emph. -m); cf. the neg. form lm l

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/l-m-d/ – lmdt 495

(Hb. lmh lʔ; Watson JNSL 17 1991 185): lm l lỉkt šỉl šlmy why have you not sent
asking about my welfare?, 2.63:7 and par.; lm l tlk why (for one, two years) did
you not come?, 2.39:16; lm l ytnhm mlk ʕly why did the king not grant them
(to me)?, 2.33:25; w mlảktk lm tšḫr ʕmy why do you delay your embassy to
me?, 2.87:33; in unc. and bkn ctx.: lm l hbṭx[ why has one not knocked down?
(?), 2.84:17; ydr lm ym[, 1.22 II 14; lm k qnym ʕlx, 1.10 III 5; w lm, 2.21:13; 2.50:9;
lm, 2.4:15; lm ảḫt why did you take?, 2.84:4.
/l-m-d/ vb D “to teach, train” (Hb. lmd pi, “to teach”, HALOT 531; Akk. lamādu,
“(kennen)lernen, erfahren”, AHw 531f.; “to become aware, informed”, CAD L
53ff.; Eth. lamada, “be accustomed to, be familiar with”, CDG 315). ¶ Forms:
D suffc. lmd; prefc. with suff. ảlmdk. ylmdnn. For lmd, 1.111:1, see md (III).
D. To teach, train: w ỉn d ylmdnn and there is no-one who taught him (it),
1.179:42; in bkn ctx.: ảlmdk ṣ[d I will teach you to h[unt, 1.18 I 29.
Cf. lmd, lmdt, tlmd.
lmd a./n. m. 1) “trained”; 2) subst. “pupil”; 3) “apprentice” (< /l-m-d/. Hb. lmd,
“to learn”, limmud, “taught, trained”, “pupil”, HALOT 531; cf. Akk. lamdu,
“erfahren”, AHw 533; “experienced”, CAD L 67); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. PN DUMU
ARAD.LUGAL kab-zu-zu šá PN, Ug 5 163 (RS 22.439) IV 14; Dietrich SEL 5 1988
88; for Akk. kabzuzû cf. AHw 1565: “Ausgebildeter” (?); CAD K 29: “expert,
wise”; Nougayrol Ug 5 341. ¶ Forms: sg. lmd; pl. abs. lmdm; cstr. lmd (mistake
l{.}md in 4.188:7, 19); suff. lmdhm.
1) Trained, said of animals: ʕšrm lmd, twenty trained (oxen), 2.91:4 (Pardee
Fs Millard 43ff.: “les vingt (boeufs) dressés”).
2) Pupil (said of scribes): PN lmd ảtn prln pupil of PN, the diviner (?), 1.6 VI 55;
1.17 VI 56; 1.179:40.
3) Apprentice (said of craftsmen, etc.): PN lmd apprentice, 4.277:10; (nn)
lmdm bd PN (nn) apprentices handed over to PN, 4.138:3 and passim ibid.;
4.154:1 and passim ibid.; lmd ảḥd bd PN one apprentice handed over to PN,
4.138:4 and passim ibid.; ṯlṯ / ṯṯ l{.}md PN three / six apprentices of PN, 4.188:7;
ṯṯ lmd PN l{.}qḥ ḫpnt six apprentices of PN have received capes, ibid. ln. 17,
19; lmd PN an apprentice of PN, ibid. ln. 12, 15; PN w lmdh and his apprentice,
4.194:2 and passim ibid.; 4.227 I 2 and passim ibid.; 4.269:10 and passim ibid.;
ʕšr ksdm yd lmdhm ʕšr mḫṣm yd lmdhm ten k. with their apprentices, ten
weavers with their apprentices, 4.125:8–9; in bkn ctx.: lmdm[, 2.108:1.
Cf. lmdt, tlmd.
lmdt f. “(female) apprentice” (< lmd; less prob. an abstr. in /-ūtu/ “group of
apprentices”). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. suff. lmdth.
Apprentice (female): dd l ảlṯt w l lmdth, a “cauldronful” for PN and for his
(female) apprentice, 4.175:12.
Cf. lmd.

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496 lmn – /l-q-ḥ/

lmn PN (etym. unc. Watson LU 171).

PN: bn PN, 4.571:4.
/l-n/ vb G: “to sleep, stay the night” (Hb. lyn, “to spend the night”, HALOT 529;
Ph. cf. DNWSI 575: lyn1); ¶ par.: /š-k-b/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yln.
G. To sleep, stay the night: [ yd] mỉzrth p yln (he removed) his garment and
began to sleep / spent the night, 1.17 I 15 and par.
ln, cf. l (I).
lpš n. m. “cloak, outer garment” (< /l-b-š/; pattern /qitl-/. Akk. libšu, “Gewand”,
AHw 551; “garment, clothing”, CAD L 181; Arab. libs, libās, “clothing, dress”,
AEL 2648; Eth. ləbs, “clothes, garment”, CDG 305. De Moor SP 192; Ribichini-
Xella Tessili 45f.; Baldacci BiOr 46 1989 119; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 106; cf.
Van Soldt UF 22 1990 326; Spencer UF 36 2004 434 f.; Watson LSU 91); ¶ par.:
all. ¶ Forms: sg. lpš.
Cloak, outer garment: lpš yks mỉzrtm for an outer garment he covered himself
with the ritual tunic, 1.5 VI 16, 31; tỉḫd mt b sỉn lpš he held DN by the hem of
the cloak, 1.6 II 10 (// ảll); lbš km lpš dm ảḫh he put on like a cloak the blood
of his brothers, 1.12 II 46 (// ảll); lpš a cloak, 4.867:10; in unc. ctx.: ʕšrm ḫpn
ḫmš kbd w lpš twenty-five capes and a cloak (?), 4.166:3 (Van Soldt UF 22 1990
326: “and (its wrapping [?]) cloth”); see under sgr (II) for lpš d sgr bh, 4.166:6;
lpš sgr rq, 4.205:2; in bkn ctx., ]lpš, 2.79:2; ]xq.lpš.[, 2.66:2; 2.79:2.
Cf. lbš, mlbš.
lpwt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.690:17.
/l-q-ḥ/ vb G: 1) “to get hold of, take, grasp; to receive, accept, take (away);
to collect, hold; to choose, opt for something”; 2) “to obtain, reach, attain;
to snatch, to take something unlawfully, to take possession of, conquer,
detain; to lease, acquire rights by payment”; 3) “to take home, marry”; N: “to
be collected, received” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. lqḥ, “to take”, HALOT 534 f.;
DNWSI 580ff.; EA Akk. /laqāḫu/, la-qa-ḫu, la-qí-ḫu, EAT 287:36, 56; “nehmen”,
AHw 537; “to take”, CAD L 100; Sivan GAGl 241; Ebla; KA.AKA = RI(= dal?)-
gi-tum, VE 221; Pettinato Biling. 46; cf. a-a-da-ga, Fronzaroli ARET 11 137: /la
yiltaqqaḥ/; Akk. leqû, “nehmen, annehmen”, AHw 544 ff.; “to take something
in one’s hand”, CAD L 131ff.; OSA lqḥ, “to take”, SD 82; Arab. laqaḥa, “to con-
ceive”, AEL 2668; cf. Eth. laqqəḥa, “to lend”, CDG 317. For usage with the prep.
b “in / from” cf. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 213; Pardee UF 8 1976 249 f.; Brooke
UF 11 1979 77); ¶ RS Akk.: leqû, ŠU.BA.AN.TI, passim, cf. PRU 3 222; ¶ syll.
Ug. cf. la?-q]a?-ḫu, Laroche UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189 A+B):24; Huehnergard
UVST 29, 59, 143; ¶ par.: /š-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. lqḥ, lqḥt (lqt, rdg lq<ḥ>t in
2.13:17); prefc. yqḥ, tqḥ, ỉqḥ, tqḥn, yqḥnn; impv. qḥ, qḥn, qḥny (suff. du.); inf.
lqḥ; Gpass. yqḥ; N suffc. ylq[ḥ?, nlqḥt.

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/l-q-ḥ/ 497

G. 1. To get hold of, take, grasp; to receive, accept, take (away); to collect,
hold; to choose, opt for something: qḥ / lqḥ ỉmr (dbḥ) b ydk/h take / he took
a (sacrificial) lamb in your / his hand, 1.14 II 13, III 55; klt lḥmk/h d nzl qḥ
/ lqḥ take / he took a measure of your / his offering-bread, 1.14 II 17, III 59;
mlk ylk lqḥ ỉlm the king shall walk to receive the gods, 1.43:23; qḥ ksảnk take
your stool, 1.12:17; qḥ ksp w yrq ḫrṣ take silver and yellow gold, 1.14 III 22 and
par.; qḥ krt šlmm šlmm take, PN, peace offerings in plenty, 1.14 III 26 and
par.; ảt qḥ ʕrptk you, take your clouds, 1.5 V 6; qḥ rṯt bdk take a net in your
hand, 1.4 II 32; (if the family of) ]ảṯt yqḥ ʕz a woman takes a goat, 1.127:25;
bt bn bnš yqḥ ʕz if the family of someone takes a goat, ibid. ln. 30; gdy lqḥ
PN PN took a kid, 1.79:4; lqḥ PN PN took (it), ibid. ln. 6; yqḥ ỉl mštʕltm DN
took the two “consecrated women” (?), 1.23:35 and par.; yqḥ yš<t> b bth he
took them and established them in his house, 1.23:36 (cf. infra G.3 “to take
home, to marry”); tqḥ yṭpn she grasped DN, 1.18 IV 27 (// tštn); nảd mr qḥ
take a little bag of myrrh, 1.124:5, see ln. 7, 8; trḥ ḥdṯ m[r] qḥ take a little
jar of new myrrh, ibid. ln. 6–7; bnt qḥ take (a bunch of) tamarisk, ibid. ln.
8; often used with b of provenience or origin: qḥn (…) t[q]ḥ ks bdy take
it, (…) take the cup from my hand, 1.19 IV 53; tqḥ pġt (…) tq!ḥ ks bdhh PN
took it, (…) took the cup from his hand, 1.19 IV 54–55; qḥ tpk b yd grasp
your face with (your) hand, 1.16 I 41; w lqḥ hw šmn b qrnh and he took oil
in his horn, 2.72:29 (RSOu 7 148); b[n]š mlk lqḥ ḥpr king’s personnel (who)
take supplies, 4.859 II 1; w ṯṯ lqḥ[ and six have taken, 4.864:5, see ln. 7; bnš
l yqḥ ʕpsm hnmt, nobody in (royal) service will remove these boundaries,
3.33:11; lḥt hn bnšk d lqḥt a message concerning that servant of yours that I
got, 2.90:5; w yqḥ tʕnk he will take your reply, 2.87:23; ymġ mlảkk ʕm dtn lqḥ
mṯpẓ may your messenger come before PN to obtain the oracular decree,
1.124:12; lqḥ mnqt b dnh he received an acquittal (?) in his judgment, 2.45:15;
kkr lqḥ PN PN received a talent, 4.131:6; GN lqḥ ảkl who have received victuals,
4.41:1; (nn) šmn d lqḥt PNF w kd ỉštỉr ʕm qrt (nn “jars” of) oil that PNF takes
away and one “jar” which the city still owes her, 4.290:2; esp. in the form
of rations: ḫzr lqḥ ḥpr auxiliary personnel who have received the supplies,
4.609:51; lqḥ šʕrt has(have) received wool, 4.131:1; 4.630:3 and passim ibid.;
lqḥ ḫlpnt have received ḫ., ibid. ln. 4; ṯṯ lmd PN l{.}qḥ ḫpnt six apprentices of
PN have received garments, 4.188:18, 20; ʕšr ksdm yd lmdhm lqḥ ten k. with
their apprentices have already received, 4.125:8; often used with b of origin:
ksp d lqḥ PN b mlk silver which PN has received from the king, 4.779:10; ksp d
lqḥ[ silver that he (?) received, 4.721:8; rb tmtt lqḥ kl ḏrʕ b dnhm the captain
of the crew has collected all the seed-grain from their containers (?), 2.38:17;
ảnk kl ḏrʕhm kl npš klklhm bd rb tmtt lqḥt I (then) collected all his seed grain,
all the people (and) all their belongings from the hands of the captain of

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498 /l-q-ḥ/

the crew, ibid. ln. 22; yqḥ bhm ảqht among them she collected PN, 1.19 III 39
(for a discussion cf. Margalit UF 8 1976 173; but see UPA 163: “he took the
remains of PN”); ảnk ḥrš lqḥt w ḥwt hbt I, the workman, have assumed and
settled the matter, 2.70:15; rgmy l lq<ḥ>t (the queen) has accepted my words,
2.13:17 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 461; Pardee AfO 31 1984 224f.;
diff. Cunchillos SEL 5 1988 48, rdg tqt: “sont terminées”, cf. Akk. qatu); w
lqḥ prṯt bʕl and he receives the secret (?) of DN, 4.179:16; in cultic use, an
offering: qḥny šy qḥny [w?] šỉr bkrm take, please (/ from me), my two rams,
take, please! (them) … the flesh of two firstlings, 1.82:8; ảlp kd yqḥ b ḫmr
a thousand “jars” of wine it held, 1.3 I 16; to collect: lqḥ ṯqlm ksp bd ảmtk
he has collected two shekels of silver from the hands of your handmaid,
2.70:18 (Pardee UF 11 1979 687); ḫmšm ksp lqḥ mlk gbl fifty shekels of silver the
king of TN took, 4.338:15; in unc. ctx.: who yqḥ mỉt b ḥwt takes one hundred
from the country, 6.26:2; bnš mlk (…) lqḥ ššlmt royal personnel (… who)
opt for the š., 4.144:4; ʕšrm ṯn kbd śġrm lqḥ ššlmt twenty-two shepherd-boys
opt for supplementary rations, 4.378:11; šbʕ d tqḥn ššlmt seven who opt for
supplementary rations, 4.395:4; lqḥ šʕrt they opt for wool, 4.144:6; 4.378:2;
šbʕ dt tqḥn šʕrt nine who opt for wool, 4.395:2 (cf. šʕrt, ššlmt); in bkn ctx.:
]qḥ by, 1.2 III 19; ]qḥ hn l ḥwth, 2.33:9; tqḥ[, 2.99:18; yqḥ t[, 2.103:30; ylq[ḥ,
2. ★a) To obtain, reach: mt ủḫryt mh yqḥ mh yqḥ mt ảṯryt what can a man
obtain as his ultimate fate, what can a man attain as his final destiny?,
1.17 VI 35–36; ★b) to snatch, take something unlawfully, take possession of,
conquer, detain: mnk mnkm l yqḥ bt hnd bd PNN may no-one snatch this
house from the hands of PNN, 3.2:13; bnš bnš l yqḥnn bn PN no-one shall
snatch it from the hands of PN, 3.5:17; mnkm l yqḥ spr mlk hnd b yd PN ʕd ʕlm
may no-one snatch this royal document from the hands of PN, ever, 3.12:12;
tqḥ mlk ʕlmk you will take possession of your eternal kingdom, 1.2 IV 10;
l]qḥ{.}hn l ḥwth he conquered them to (incorporate them in) his territory,
2.33:9 (Dijkstra UF 19 1987 43); mndym b dnh lqḥt the “Manda” because of
his order I have detained, 2.62:9 (Sanmartín SEL 5 1 988 174); ★c) to lease,
acquire rights by payment: lqḥ PNN mỉḫd PNN have leased customs duty,
4.172:3; 4.266:3; lqḥ PNN ntbt PNN have leased the right of way, 4.336:3; 4.388:4
(cf. mả/ỉḫd; ntbt; Sasson JAOS 86 1966 136f.; Astour CRRA 18 1972 5; Teixidor
UF 15 1983 309; diff. Liverani UF 11 1979 500: “prendere il porto / le strade”; see
Tropper-Vita UF 33 2001 574).
3. To take home, marry (+ bt): hm ḥry bty ỉqḥ if I take PN to my home, 1.14
IV 41; ảṯt tqḥ (…) btk the woman you took (…) to your home, 1.15 II 21–22 and
par. (Greenfield EI 9 1969 64); in bkn and unc. ctx.: ảb šnm ảṯtm tq[ father of
years two wives …, 1.2 I 10; yqḥ[, 2.7:3; d yqḥ[ 2.45:5, 15; l[q]ḥt, yqḥ[, 2.62:9, 15.

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/l-q-ẓ/ – lsm 499

Gpass. To be taken: mʕrb d yqḥ <b>? bt mlk tribute offering that will be taken
<from> the royal palace, 1.41:20 (Del Olmo CR 85 n. 89).
N. To be collected, received: ]ṯlṯm d nlqḥt ]for a value of thirty, that has
already been collected, 4.659:1 (diff. McGeough UgET 360 n. 143: “that were
purchased”); in bkn ctx. ylq[ḥ, 3.22:5.
Cf. mqḥ.
/l-q-ẓ/ vb G: “to pick up” (alloph. of */l-q-ṭ/. Hb., OAram. lqṭ, “to gather, gleam”,
HALOT 535; DNWSI 584; Akk. laqātu, “einsammeln”, AHw 537; “to pick up”,
CAD L 100ff.; Arab. laqaṭa, “to pick up”, AEL 2669 ff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 208; Wyatt RTU 306 n. 243; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 469 n. x: “deuil”,
Arab. laqasa, Amh. ləqsô). ylq[ḥ, 3.22:5; ¶ Forms: G inf. lqẓ (or prefc. ylqẓ for
l <y>qẓ!).
G. To pick up, in unc. ctx.: yb<ky> l lqẓ he cried on picking him / it up, 1.19
III 40 (cf. // ybky w yqbr; diff. De Moor ARTU 258: “he did not awake”, rdg l
yqẓ; Margalit UPA 163, 233: “yes, he thrashed”, Arab. *wqẓ/ṭ).
lrgt TN, residence of the god yrḫ (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 175: *Larugatu. Ebla
a-ru12-ga-tu, centre for the worship of dNI-DA-BAL [ì-da-BAL, cf. Von Soden
EDA 79], Archi MARI 5 1987 41, ARES 2 110; Fales StEb 7 1984 83ff.; Lambert
OrAn 23 1984 43.; for other proposals cf. Xella TRU 234f.; Pardee TPM 211;
De Moor ARTU 149 n. 11; Del Olmo CR 309 n. 104; Loretz UF 30 1998 485 ff.;
Watson LSU 201; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 347 n. 27b: rdg ủ! grt; but see
Studien 295ff., 305: “Larugat”).
TN: ql bl ʕm yrḫ lrgth take (the / my) cry to DN, in TN, 1.100:26.
lrmn n. m. “pomegranate” (Akk. lurmû, lurīnu, nurmû, “Granatapfel- (baum)”,
AHw 564, 804f.; “pomegranate”, CAD L 255f.; N/2 345 ff.; cf. Hb. rmwn, “pome-
granate”, HALOT 1241f.; Aram. rmn, “pomegranate”, DNWSI 1078; Arab. rum-
mān, “pomegranate”, AEL 1161; Eth. romān, “pomegranate”, 471. Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 31; Watson AuOr 25 2007 133; diff. Heltzer UF 12
1980 414 n. 11: “Trauben” (?)).¶ Forms: pl. lrmnm.
Pomegranate, ★a) fruit: their lips are mtqtm k lrmnm sweet as pomegranates,
1.23:50; ★b) juice: ỉlg lrmnm a “jar” of (juice of) pomegranates, 4.751:11.
lrn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 171).
PN: 4.298:3.
/l-s-m/ vb G: “to run, hurry” (Akk. lasāmu, “laufen, galoppieren”, AHw 538f.; “to
run fast”, CAD L 104ff. De Moor SP 117, 235); ¶ par.: /w-ḥ-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
G. To run, hurry: ʕmy pʕnh tlsmn towards me let your feet hurry, 1.3 III 19 and
par. (// twtḥ).
Cf. lsm, lsmt, mlsm.
lsm subst. adj. m. “swift”; said of horses: “steed” (< /l-s-m/. Akk. lāsimu, lasmu,

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500 lsmt – /l-š/

“Läufer, Kurier”, AHw 539; “express messenger, scout”, CAD L 106 f. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 19 1987 21; diff. De Moor SP 235; Gibson CML 150: “sporting-dogs”;
Lokkegaard Fs. Pedersen 231: “leech”, Arab. lasam; Good UF 26 1994 151 f.:
“gazelle”; Loretz HippUg 63ff.: “Läufer”, “fehlt jeder Hinweis auf das Verhal-
ten von Pferden”); ¶ syll. Ug. rdg ku-sú-m[u-ma] in Ug V 137 (RS 20.123+) II 45
(Nougayrol Ug 4 245: lu-sú-m[u); Huehnergard UVST 143; Van Soldt RA 75 1981
93; SAU 304 (cf. ks/śm(n)); Watson LSU 92); ¶ par.: bṯn. ¶ Forms: pl. lsmm.
Steed: ymṣḫn k lsmm they pulled each other like steeds, 1.6 VI 21 (// bṯnm).
lsmt n. f. “haste, alacrity” (< /l-s-m/. Akk. lismu, “Schnellauf”, AHw 555; “foot-
race”, CAD L 208. De Moor ZAW 88 1976 341; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8
1976 50; Watson LSU 92]). Forms: sg. lsmt.
Haste, alacrity: qym ỉl b lsmt those who assist DN with alacrity, 1.22 I 6 (diff.
Dijkstra UF 20 1988 47: “reapers of Death”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 60:
“Schnitter des Todes”, rdg bls mt, Hb. bls).
lsn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 171).
PN: 4.83:11.
lṣb n. m. “brow”, “(space between) eyebrow(s)” (etym. unc., metath. of *blṭ.
MHb., JAram. blṭ, “to stand forth, project”, blṭn, “protruding sinews”, DTT 172;
Akk. balāṣu, “hervor-, heraustreten”, AHw 98; “to stare, with wideopen eyes”,
CAD B 44f. Del Olmo IMC 121ff.; Renfroe AULS 125 f.; diff. Loewenstamm
UF 1 1969 77 n. 27: “Öffnung des Mundes”, Arab. ?iltaṣaba; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 204 n. f.; Xella TRU 206; Pardee AfO 33 1986 133: “front”, “fronte”,
“forehead”, Arab. laṣiba; Dietrich-Loretz MU 145 ff.: “Schläfe”, corresponding
to Akk. nakkaptu, kappu inī (?)).¶ Forms: sg. lṣb.
Brow, space between eyebrows (Sp. “entrecejo”): yprq lṣb w yṣḥq he unknit-
ted (his) brow and began to laugh, 1.4 IV 28 and par. (Wyatt RTU 99: “he
unfurrowed his brow”; cf. the Sp. colloquial expression: “(des)fruncir el ceño
/ entrecejo”); d yšt l lṣbh what one should put on the space between his eye-
brows, 1.114:29; w ʕnh b lṣbh (if it has …) and (if) its (other) eye is in the space
between the eyes, between its eyebrows, 1.103:49, see ln. 57 (cf. l ảṯrt, ibid.).
lṣn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 155; Van Soldt SAU 33; Watson AuOr 8 1990
PN: bn PN, 4.33:5 (ʕrm[ y]); 4.51:13 (ʕrmy).
/l-š/ vb G: “to soil, plaster” < “to knead” (Hb., OAram. lwš, “to knead”, HALOT 525;
DNWSI 570Fmdgt; Akk. lâšu, “(zu Teig) kneten”, AHw 540; “to knead”, CAD
L 110f.; Arab. lāṯa, “to fold, twist”, AEL 2677ff.; Eth. losa, “to knead”, CDG 321.
Margalit UF 2 1970 136; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 96; Watson LSU 22).
¶ Forms: G prefc. with suff. ylšn.
G. To soil, plaster: ylšn b ḫrỉh ṯnth he plasters / soils him with his excrement
and his urine, 1.114:20 (diff. Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 41: “to flounder”,

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/l-š-n/ – ltḥ (i) 501

Arab. /l-š-š/; Cathcart UBL 12 3ff.: “defiles himself”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg

195: “he knocks him over”, < /lšy/ “fall”, D “to bring low”; De Moor 1969 173;
ARTU 136: “to blame, scold”, < /l-š-n/).
/l-š-n/ vb G/D: “to slander” (denom. < lšn. Hb. lšn hi., “to slander”, HALOT 537;
cf. Arab. lasana, “to make anything sharp-pointed”, Hava 685). ¶ Forms: G/D
prefc. tlšn.
G/D. To slander: tlšn ảqht ġzr she slandered noble PN, 1.17 VI 51 (for 1.114:20,
cf. /l-š/).
lšn n. f. 1) “tongue”; 2) a herb (Hb. lšwn, “tongue”, HALOT 536; Ph. lasoun,
Dioscorides IV 127, DNWSI 584; OAram. lšn, li-iš-šá-an/ni, DNWSI 584f.; Ebla
cf. in vocabularies: EME.LÁ = ba-ti-mu-um / a-a-gú(-um) li-sa-nu, VE 180;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 8; cf EME (KA.ME), ARET 5 1 II 4; Akk. lišānu, “Zunge,
Sprache”, AHw 556; “tongue”, CAD L 209ff.; OSA ls1n, “tongue”, SD 83; Arab.
lisān, “the thing projecting in fore part (of the sandal)”, “tongue”, AEL 3010;
Eth. lǝssān, “tongue”, CDG 318); ¶ syll. Ug.: lexeme in Ḫḫ: Ú.EME.UR.GI7 =
la-ša-nu UR.GI7.MEŠ, MSL 10 107ff. A 110; Huehnergard UVST 143; in bkn ctx.:
cf. [l]a-ša-na-ia, Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163) obv. 4; Huehnergard UVST 143; ¶ par.: p
(II), špt. ¶ Forms: sg. lšn; suff. lšn[ y], lšnh, lšnk; pl. lšnm.
1) Tongue: […] lšn l kbkbm [he extends] a tongue to the stars, 1.5 II 3 (// špt);
lšnm tlḥk šmm with (its) tongues it licked the skies, 1.83:5; tʕlgt b lšn[ y] a
stammer (is) in (my) tongue, 1.93:2 (// py. Caquot TOu/2 38 n. 82); ảl tʕlg lšnk
that your tongue may stammer, 1.169:12; w ỉn lšn lh if it has no tongue, 1.103:31,
cf. ln. 53.
2) A herb, in bkn ctx.: w št lšn and a š. of l., 1.175:5 (cf. Akk. lišān kalbi, AHw
556: lišānu(m) (7); Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 297); lg lšn a l. of l., 1.174:8
(Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 346); dm lšn x[, 1.176:4.
lt “?” (etym. unc. Akk. (?) lītu, littu, “Kuh”, AHw 557; “cow”, CAD L 217. Watson
Historiae 4 2007 95; AuOrS 27 89: “cup, container”, Akk. luṭṭu(m) / luttu(m) /
lattu). ¶ Forms: lt.
?, in bkn ctx.: lt, 4.765:6.
ltḥ (I) n. m. a dry measure (etym. unc. Akk. litiktu, “Wein Messgefäss”, AHw
556f.; “true measure”, CAD L 216f.; Kaufman AIA 67; Hb. ltk, a measurement
of capacity, HALOT 537. Heltzer UF 12 1980 414 n. 2; UF 21 1989 195ff.: var. of
mltḥ, ca. 2·2 litres, 1/10 of a kd; Aartun UF 16 1984 42; but see Gzella BiOr 64
2007 549; Dijkstra PIHANS 114 30ff.; diff. Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 14
n. 3: Akk. letû, AHw 546; CAD L 148). ¶ Forms: sg. ltḥ; allog. ltẖ in 5.22:20.
A dry measure: PN ltḥ one l., 4.263:3 and passim ibid.; ltḥ ḫsr b šbʕ ddm one
l. in deficit (of flour) in seven “cauldronsful”, 4.361:3; ltḥ] kmn a l. of cumin
(seeds), 4.14:9; ltḥ sbbyn a l. of black cumin, ibid. ln. 4, 16; ltḥ ảqht a l. of ả.,
ibid. ln. 3; ltḥ ṣmqm a l. of raisins, ibid. ln. 5, 17; ltḥ dblt a l. of dried figs, ibid.

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502 ltḥ (ii) – /l-ṭ-š/

ln. 17; ltḥ šḥlt a l. of cress seeds, ibid. ln. 4, 16; ltḥ ššmn a l. of sesame, ibid. ln.
4, 10; ltḥ qmḥ a l. of flour, 4.751:4; ltḥ pỉl a l. of p., ibid. ln. 7; kd yn l PN w kd ḥmṣ
w ltḥ ʕšdm a “jar” of wine for PN and one of vinegar and a l. of ʕ., 4.269:27.
Cf. the allog. ltẖ, 5.22:20 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 166; Dijkstra
UF 18 1986 122; diff. Dietrich-Loretz KA 190: PN (?), cf. ltḥ (II), PN); in bkn ctx.:
Cf. mltḥ.
ltḥ (II) PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 11 1993 217; cf. ltḥ); ¶ syll.: cf. la-te-ḫu, PRU 3 196
(RS 14.42+) I 22.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 14. Cf. ltẖ, 5.22:20.
ltẖ allog. of ltḥ, 5.22:20.
Cf. ltḥ (I), ltḥ (II).
ltn (I) DN, mythical monster that collaborates with or personifies the god Yam
(Hb. lwytn, “Leviathan”, HALOT 524. Emerton VT 32 1982 327ff.; Udd VT 33
1983 509f.; Barker UF 38 2006 46ff.); ¶ par.: bṯn.
DN: ltn bṯn brḥ DN, the fleeing serpent, 1.5 I l and par. (cf. Is. 27:1).
ltn (II) PN (Sem., cf. ltn (I) (?)).
PN: 4.825 VII 18.
lty “?” (Del Olmo MLC 573: < lt-y < */y-l-d/, Hb. ldt > lt, see 1 Sm 4:19, lālat,
HALOT 411f.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 7 1979 151: “la mia discendenza” (?), rdg
ʕl{.}lty; Dijkstra UF 20 1988 40 n. 28; Spronk BA 164 n. 6: “twig”, Akk. lutû;
Watson LSU 122: “almond” < Hitt. GIŠleti, liti).
?, in unc. ctx.: dt ʕl lty, 1.20 I 9.
lṭpn adj. m. “Benevolent”, epithet of the god El (Arab. laṭīf, “gentle, gracious”,
AEL 3010. De Moor SP 191; Healey Fs. Loretz 349 ff.; diff. Tropper-Hayajneh
Or 72 2003 159–182: “der Scharfsinnige”). ¶ Forms: sg. lṭpn; allog. var. lẓpn,
1.24:44; 1.25:5.
Benevolent: lṭpn ỉl d pỉd “The Benevolent”, DN, “The Kind-hearted”, 1.6 III 4
and par. (the title occurs often; Rahmouni DEUAT 203ff.: “the sagacious”);
ḥwt lṭpn ḥtkk word of “The Benevolent one”, your progenitor, 1.6 IV 11 and par.
(// ảbk); špḥ lṭpn w qdš progeny of the “Benevolent and Holy One”, 1.16 I 11 and
par. (Xella MLE I 13ff.; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 182: “The Benevolent
and Qudšu”; Rahmouni DEUAT 207ff.); špḥ lṭpn l yḥ will the offspring of “The
Benevolent” cease to live?, 1.16 I 23 and par. (// tmtn); hwt lṭpn word of “The
Benevolent”, 1.6 IV 11 and par; ḥkmt k ṯr lṭp[n] you are wise like the “Bull”, “The
Benevolent”, 1.16 IV 2.
/l-ṭ-š/ vb G: “to sharpen” (Hb. lṭš, “to sharpen”, HALOT 528; Aram. lṭš, “to polish,
sharpen”, Jastrow 705; Arab. laṭasa, “to knock”, Hava 686. Collini SEL 4 1987
23). ¶ Forms: G pass. ptc. f. lṭšt.
G. To sharpen: ḥrb lṭšt sharpened sword, 1.2 I 32.

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lwn – lẓt 503

lwn PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 282); ¶ syll.: cf. lu-wa-an, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):7,
PN: bn PN, 4.360:6.
lwn(y) n. m. “follower, mate” (?) (< (?) */l-w-y/. Hb. lwh, “to accompany”, HALOT
522; OAram. lwy, “to accompany”, DNWSI 569; cf. Akk. law/mû, “belagert”,
AHw 541f.; “to move in a circle”, CAD L 69ff. De Moor SP 133). ¶ Forms: sg.
lwny (or suff. -y (?)).
Follower, mate (?), in bkn ctx.: lwn ym[, 1.2 I 46.
Cf. lwn.
lwsnd TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 176: *Lawasanda. Cf. La(ḫu)wa- zantiya, Del
Monte RGTC 6/2 91).
TN: 2.40:10.
lyt n. f. “retinue” (?) (< (?) */l-w-y/. Hb. lwh, “to accompany”, HALOT 522; OAram.
lwy, DNWSI 569; Syr. lwiʔ, “accompanying”, SL 676; less prob. < */y-l-y/; diff.
Margalit MLD 173: “bulge”, Arab. layyat; Tropper UG 196, 199: “Kranz”, Hb.
liwyāh, Syr. lewīṯā?). ¶ Forms: sg. lyt.
Retinue (?): lyt ʕl ủmtk the retinue (?) of your kin, 1.6 IV 19.
lzn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 172).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 14.
lzy PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 172]
PN: 4.75 III 6 (bt ḫzlỉ).
lẓpn, allog. of lṭpn, 1.24:44; 1.25:5; cf. lṭpn.
lẓt n. f. “severity”, alt. “arrogance, scorn” (Arab. laẓẓ-, “(man) hard or difficult
in disposition / treated with severity or rigour”, AEL 2661. Del Olmo Fs.
Matthiae 114; alt. Loretz-Xella MLE 1 43f.; Dietrich-Loretz Fs Xella 217, “Spott”,
Hb. lyṣ (?), lṣ, lṣwn, HALOT 529, 533f.; for EA Akk. cf. lāṣu, “höhnen”, AHw 539;
also Akk. lezĕnu / lazānu, “to ridicule, slander”, CAD L 162f.; “(ver)-spotten,
höhnen”, AHw 548; diff. Saracino SEL 1 1984 75: “ardore”, Arab. laẓiya; Pardee
TR/2 1178: “chaleur”; Watson AuOr 19 2001 293; LSU 92, “to stutter”, Akk.
lezû // ʕlg; Ford UF 34 2002 189: “until the end of time” < Akk. ana+ṣât ūmī
(?)).¶ Forms: sg. suff. lẓtm (encl. -m).
Severity, alt. arrogance, scorn: lẓtm ảl tmk with severity / scorn may you be
cast down, 1.169:11.

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-m (I) Adv. encl. morph. /-am/ (HALOT 538: m II; Brockelmann GvG 1/474;
Aartun PU/1 55; Gordon UT §11.4–6; Tropper UG 825ff.; see Watson AuOr
10 1992 223–252; AuOr 12 1994 95–103; AuOr 14 1996 259–268; Del Olmo AuOr
26 2008 25–59); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 203ff.; Van Soldt SAU 411:
šanâm. ¶ Forms: -m.
Adv. encl. morph.: ★a) in gen.: I shall make šbth dmm his greybeard (flow)
with blood (// mmʕm), 1.3 V 2 and par.; nḥlm tlk nbtm the torrents flow with
honey, 1.6 III 7, 13; mṯlṯt kṯrm tmt the third died in full health, 1.14 I 16 (//
zblnm); ṯnh k!spm ảtn her double in silver will I give (// ḫrṣm), 1.14 IV 42; ảṯr
ỉlm ylk pʕnm mlk pʕnm yl[k] after the gods shall he walk on foot, the king shall
walk on foot, 1.43:24f.–25; gm l ảṯth k yṣḥ aloud to his wife thus he shouted,
1.17 V 15 and par., formula of direct speech (Del Olmo MLC 56); šbʕd w šbʕỉd
mrḥqtm qlt seven times (to one side) and seven times (to the other) from afar
I prostrate myself, 2.12:10 and par.; w yḥdy mrḥqm and he shall look into the
distance, 1.127:32; hlmn ṯnm qdqd strike / he struck him twice (on) the crown,
1.18 IV 22, 33 (cf. 1.19 II 29); kll mỉdm šlm everything is completely at peace,
2.39:3 (cf. mỉd, 2.11:11); ỉspỉ ủṭm I shall eat you by the ell, 1.5 I 5 (// ảmtm);
ʕrm tdủ mt! from the city she drove away DN, 1.16 VI 6 (// pdrm); ỉynm as (a
sacrifice of) sorrow (?), 1.112:11; špšm at dawn, 1.14 III 3 and par. (Watson AuOr
10 1992 246); ḫmš mảtm five hundred, 4.721:8; ★b) espec. instrumental: ʕrʕrm
ynʕrn!h with the tamarisk he shook it, 1.100:65 (// ssnm, ʕdtm, ybltm); ḫṭm
tʕmt with a rod he struck, 1.16 VI 8 (cf. 1.114:8); in bkn ctx.: mtm tbkn, 1.15 V 14;
ʕrym l bl[, 1.16 II 29 (cf. ln. 31).
Cf. ʕl (I) 4.b; kmm, mhkm, mnm, lm.
-m (II) emph. / det. encl. morph. (Akk. -ma/e/i, AHw 569ff.; Hb. -m, HALOT 538:
-m II; Amor. /-ma, -mi/, Gelb CAAA 24; for the classification of its uses, cf.
Gordon, UT 93, 103f.; Aartun, PU/1 51ff. and passim; Watson AuOr 10 1992
223–252; AuOr 14 1996 259–268; Tropper UF 26 1994 468 f.; UG 825ff.; Del
Olmo AuOr 26 2008 25–59); ¶ RS Akk.: -ma, cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 203 ff.;
Van Soldt SAU 515f.
Emph. encl. morph. / det.: 1) with names: ★a) with DNN: kṯrm ḥbrk DN your
companion, 1.6 VI 49; ỉlm ypʕr šmthm whose names DN will proclaim, 1.12
I 28; mdd ỉlm beloved of DN, 1.3 III 43; 1.4 VIII 24; bn ỉlm son of DN, 1.4 VII 46
and par.; yrḫm kØy Kassite DN, 1.123:7 (cf. 1.102:14 and par.); ht ỉbk bʕlm now
your enemy, (oh) DN (you must crush), 1.2 IV 9; rbt ỉlm you are great, DN,
1.4 5 3; ʕlk bʕlm on your account, DN, 1.6 V 11; bʕlm yml[k DN became king,
1.2 IV 32; šd ỉlm field of DN, 1.23:13 and par.; bʕlm, passim (cf. bʕl (II) 3); cf.

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-m (ii) 505

yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd here the power of the gods is like death / DN (of)
an utter strength, 2.10:12 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 63: rdg kmtm “und
das (ist) so!”; see yd for other versions); ★b) with com. n. in abs. state.: zbl
ʕršm yšủ let the sick man carry his own stretcher, 1.14 II 45 and par.; mtk
mlkm libation of the king, 1.119:25; ḥlm qdš / ảdr the fortress holy / powerful,
1.16 I 7–8; he placed krpnm b klảt ydh a goblet between / in both hands, 1.3
I 11 (cf. 1.4 III 43; IV 37 and par.; // ks); lpš yks mỉzrtm for an outer garment
he covered himself with the ritual tunic, 1.5 VI 17 and par.; ủzrm ỉlm ylḥm
enrobed, he fed the gods, 1.17 I 21 and par. (cf. ủzr ln. 2 and par.); ảtn šdh
krmm I shall make her field into a vineyard, 1.24:22 (// ḥrnqm); yptḥ ḥln b
bhtm he opened a window in the house, 1.4 VII 26 and par. (// hklm); of unc.
meaning (possibly pl.) cf. b šbʕ ymm on the seventh day, 1.17 I 15 (// ym, ln.
8–11); mʕd ṯdṯ yrḫm food (until) the sixth month, 1.14 II 31; šrgk ḫḫm your
tangles are a quagmire, 1.17 VI 35; ḫbl ṭtm muddy refuse, 1.1 IV 8; qštm [kl]
mhrm the bow / bows (is / are) [the weapon] of warriors, 1.17 VI 39; ỉšt ỉštm
a great flare-up (?), 1.2 I 32; ỉl rbm great god, 1.3 III 39; gršm zbln one to drive
out the sickness (// ydy), 1.16 V 12 and par.; ảlk brktm may I go blessed, 1.19
IV 32; ★c) with vocatives after y: ʕbdk bʕl y ymm your slave is DN, oh DN!, 1.2
I 36; ảl tšrgn y btltm do not entangle me, oh Virgin!, 1.17 VI 34; y bʕlm [ả]l tdy
oh DN!, do repel, 1.119:28; y lkm woe to you!, 1.19 III 46 (cf. y lk, ln. 51 and IV 3);
★d) in construct chain (regens): bnm ủmy the sons of my mother, 1.6 VI 11 (//
ảḫym); qṣm ảrṣ the ends of the earth, 1.16 III 3 (// ksm); ḫrt ỉlm ảrṣ the cavern
of the infernal gods, 1.5 V 6 (for other options Watson AuOr 10 1992 225 n. 16);
PN bnm ỉl PN son of DN, 1.16 I 10; prʕm ṣdk the first fruit(s) of your hunting,
1.17 V 37s.
2) With pronoun: w ảtm ydʕt but you know, 2.87:26; bn dgn ảsrkm the son of
DN is your prisoner, 1.2 I 37 (// ʕbdk); ảbšrkm dnỉl we bring you news, PN, 1.19
II 37; w ʕmkm lỉkt but to you I have sent, 2.90:21.
3) With a vb: ★a) finite forms: qrym ảb dbḥ l ỉlm my father offered a sacrifice
to the gods, 1.19 IV 29; ảrṯm pḏh may I inherit his gold, 1.2 I 19; b šm tgʕrm ʕṯtrt
by name DN reproached (him), 1.2 IV 28; ḫrṣ yṣqm l rbbt he poured out gold by
the myriad, 1.4 I 27–28; qdš yủḫdm šbʕr DN began to shine, 1.4 IV 16 (for other
translations cf. Watson AuOr 10 1992 227 n. 31); ảštm kṯr (…) yptḥ I am going
to make DN (…) open, 1.4 VII 15; bn dgn yhrrm the son DN became inflamed,
1.12 I 39 (// yḥmdm); w ṯmn tṯ{t}mnm lk and with eight she will provide you,
1.15 II 24; hm nlỉym if we prevail, 1.19 II 35; tlkm rḥmy DN set off, 1.23:16; tỉrkm
yd ỉl the “hand” of DN grew long, 1.23:33; ỉb tʕrbm b bhth let DN enter his
house, 1.24:18; lḥm hm štym eat and drink, 1.4 IV 35; nḥtm ḫṭk you lowered
your sceptre, 1.23:40 (// mmnnm); ytnm qrt glory be given, 1.23:3; in unc. ctx.:
ủšbtm, 2.36:15 (cf. Dijkstra UF 21 1989 144; in bkn ctx.: wldm dt ymtm, 1.25:4;

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506 mảb – mỉ/ủd

★b) with internal inf. abs.: bʕl ḥmdm yḥmdm DN desired (them) ardently, 1.12
I 38 (// yhrrm); brkm ybrk [ʕbdh] ybrk ỉl krt bless [his servant], truly did DN
bless PN, 1.15 II 18–19; w ản mtm ảmt die, I must die, 1.17 VI 38; lảkm ỉlảk take
it as certain that I will write to you (what you must do), 2.30:19; ydʕm l ydʕt
you will certainly know, 2.39:14 (cf. ln. 10); ảtm w ảnk ỉbġyh come and I shall
reveal it (to you), 1.3 III 28 (cf. ảt, 1.1 III 16); (invite me) w lḥmm (…) w štm to
eat (…) and drink, 1.5 I 24s.; bkm yʕny weeping he replies, 1.107:12; in bkn ctx.:
wpṯm, 1.4 VI 13.
4) With part., passim; cf. ʕl (I), ʕm (I), b (I), bd (IV), hl, km, kmt, l (I).
mảb, see ảb 1a.
/m-ʔ-d/ vb G: “to be immense, numerous”; D: “to make numerous, multiply”
(Akk. mâdu, maʔādu, miādu, “viel, zahlreich”, AHw 573f., 650; “to be or be-
come much, numerous”, CAD M/1 24–27; Amor. /mʔd/, “to be plentiful”, Gelb
CAAA 24; OSA mʔd, “addidit”, CAME 174; cf. Arab. maʔada, “to be, become
florishing”, AEL 2687. Sanmartín UF 3 1971 179; Verreet UF 15 1983 255; cf.
Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 21f.; De Moor SP 93; Marcus Bib 55 1974 404ff.;
Fensham JNSL 3 1974 33; JNSL 7 1979 25); ¶ par.: (?) /q-n-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc.
mảd; D prefc. ảmid, ymỉd.
G. To be immense, numerous: ṣbủk ủl mảd your army, a force (which) is
immense, 1.14 II 35 and par.; in bkn ctx.: [m]ảd, 2.3:23.
D. To make numerous, multiply, in bkn ctx.: ]šrm ảmỉd I would multiply (…),
1.14 II 5 ((?) // ảqny); ymỉd[, 6.43:1.
Cf. mỉ/ủd.
mảd PN (Sem., cf. my, ảd. Gröndahl PTU 88f.; Watson AuOr 8 1990 247).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:6.
mỉ/ủd n. m. 1) “abundance”; 2) adv. use “abundantly, very much (so), greatly,
much, very” (< /m-ʔ-d/. Hb. mʔd, “strength, power” > adv. “very great”, HALOT
538f.; DNWSI 586: Akk. mādu, maʔdu, muʔdû, “viel, zahlreich”, AHw 573, 691;
“much in quantity”, CAD M/1 20ff., M/2 163; Ebla cf. ma-i-ad, ma-i-ḫu-ad,
ma-ḫu-ad, VE 1363, 1364a, b; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 44; for PNN cf. Krebernik
PET 96; Pagan ARES 3 138. Sanmartín UF 3 1971 179; Tropper UF 22 1990
369); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ma-a-du-ma, Ug 5 137 (RS 20. 123+) II 36; Sivan GAGl
241; Huehnergard UVST 87, 144; Van Soldt SAU 304, 331 n. 159; ¶ par.: mḥmd.
¶ Forms: sg. mỉd, mủd; suff. mỉdy; var. mủỉd (Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973 76;
Tropper UF 22 1990 369); suff. mỉdm (encl. -m).
1) Abundance, plenty: ★a) ʕmy mỉdy w ġbny I enjoy my plenty and my well-
being, 2.46:11; ★b) use in cstr. > abundance of, large amount of > abundant,
plenty: tblk ġrm mỉd ksp may the mountains bring you plenty of silver (//
mḥmd), 1.4 V 15 and par.; b mủd ṣỉn[ with a large quantity of ewes[, 1.5 III 22;
cf. mủd ṣỉn w[, ibid. 23; in bkn ctx.: var. spelling mủỉd[, ibid. ln. 24.

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mủỉd – mảḫbt 507

2) Abundantly, very much (so), greatly, incessantly, much, very, utterly (adv.
accus. > adv. of manner, cf. Eng. “a lot”): mỉd rm greatly exalted, 1.15 III 13
and par.; mỉd grdš ṯbth utterly ruined in his family seat, 1.14 I 23; mỉd tmtḫṣn
she fought very much, 1.3 II 23 and par.; yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd here the
power of the gods is like death / DN (of) an utter (< of the highest degree
of) strength, 2.10:13; hnny ʕmny kll mỉd šlm here, between us, everything is
going very satisfactorily, 2.11:11; 2.56:5; w hnn ʕm ʕbdk mỉd šlm and behold,
here with your servant (all) is very well, 2.86:11; ʕm špš kll mỉdm šlm next to
the “Sun” everything is utterly at peace, 2.39:3; pn špš nr by mỉd may the face
of the “Sun” shine abundantly upon me, 2.16:10; k yrảš (śśw) w ykhp mỉd if (the
horse) tosses its head (?) and appears to be completely depressed (?), 1.85:30
and par.; in bkn ctx.: mỉd ản[, very much I(?) [, 1.3 V 16.; ht ảnk ʕbdk mỉd now, I,
your servant, very much, 2.76:5; šgr mủd offspring of cattle in great quantity,
1.5 III 16–17; mỉd mly[, 2.87:15; w lb ảḫt mỉd[, 2.103:28; mỉd w, 3.33:7.
mủỉd, 1.5 III 24; cf. mỉ/ủd.
mỉdḫ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 179: *Maʔaduḫ(u). Heltzer RCAU 12, 17 n. 37; Van
Soldt UBL 11 381; Astour TopAn 129: /maʔadu/ + Hurr. suff. /-ḫi/; UF 13 1981 2
n. 9; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt Topography 28, 177); ¶ syll.: URU ma-ad-duḫ, PRU 3
190 (RS 11.830):9; Astour UF 13 1981 8 n. 43; RSOu 11 65 n. 74; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 675 n. 174 [Nougayrol: ma-at-qab]); cf. allog. mdḫ, 4.783:7.
TN: 4.68:37; 4.166:1 (incorrect spelling mỉl!ḫ; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000
197f.: rdg mỉ{l}ḫ<d> “Hafen”, Ug. mả/ỉḫd TN); 4.621:12; 4.643:16; in sequence
with snr, TN: 4.302:7; 4.610 II 21; 4.622:3 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 16; cf. 4.355:26
and cf. mả/ỉḫd, TN); cf. the allog. mdḫ, 4.783:7 (Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26; Syria
66 1989 272); 4.800 II 20; in bkn ctx.: cf. 4.589:5 (cf. mỉdḫy, GN); 4.693:50 (Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 675 n. 172).
Cf. mỉdḫy.
mỉdḫy GN m. (< mỉdḫ, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. mỉdḫy.
GN: PN mỉdḫy, 4.33:4; 4.645:9; in bkn ctx.: 4.589:5 (cf. mỉdḫ, TN).
mảdt (I) n. f. “great quantity, many people, a crowd” (< /m-ʔ-d/. Am. Akk.
mādūtu, “gar sehr”, AHw 574; “many (people)”, CAD M/1 23: mādu d.3. Die-
trich-Loretz MU 104). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mảdtn (det. -n; pl. of mỉ:ủd (?), Trop-
per UG 295).
Great quantity, many people, a crowd: mảdtn tqln b ḥwt many people will fall
in the land, 1.103:1.
Cf. /m-ʔ-d/.
mảdt (II) PN (Sem., cf. m( y), ảdt. Gröndahl PTU 90; Watson AuOr 8 1990 121).
PN: 4.704:9.
mảḫbt PN (Sem.; cf. ảḫ (I), bt (I), my (I). Gröndahl PTU 91 f., 119).
PN: 4.16:7.

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508 mả/ỉḫd (i) – m(ả/ỉ)ḫdy

mả/ỉḫd (I) TN (< “The Harbour, Port”; < /ʔ-ḫ-d(ḏ)/; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 179f.:
*Maʔaḫadu. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour JESHO 13 1970 113ff.; NuzHur 1 17; Die-
trich-Loretz UF 32 2000 195–201: “Hafen”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. KAR = ka-a-ru = ma-
ḫa-[z]i = ma-aḫ-ḫa-[du], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 21; Huehnergard UVST 83,
105f., 240, 244 n. 129, 279: /maḫḫadu/; Tropper UF 22 1990 366; Van Soldt
Topography 28f., 177: /maʔḫadu/; cf. Sivan UF 21 1989 360; LÚ URU ma-a-ḫa-
di, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09):6; ¶ RS Akk.: (URU.)KAR(.KI), PRU 3 47 (RS 16.150) 14;
PRU 3 96 (RS 16.249):5; Ug 5 13 (RS 17.465):4; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):49. ¶ Forms:
mỉḫd; suff. mảḫdh (adv. -h (II)).
TN: kd l ḫty mảḫdh a “jar” for “the GN from TN”, 4.149:5; ảnyt mỉḫd[ ship(s)
of TN, 4.81:1; 4.800 II 36; 4.802:2.; cf. the composite TN snr mỉḫd “Port”-TN:
]bnšm b snr mỉḫd nn ]unskilled labourer in “Port”-TN, 4.355:26 (or rdg (…)
b mỉḫd snr (?)); cf. LÚ.[MEŠ] URU s[í-na-r]i URU.KAR, PRU 6 71 (RS 17.432):1;
LÚ. URU!.KAR! URU sí-na-ri, PRU 6 93 (RS 19.114):19. Wesselius UF 15 1983 315;
Astour RSOu 11 66; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 681; cf. snr, TN). For mỉḫd in 4.172:6;
4.266:5 cf. mỉḫd (diff. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 675: TN; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 15:
rdg snr mỉd<ḫ> in 4.355:26).
Cf. /ʔ-ḫ-d/ḏ/, mỉḫd, m(ả/ỉ)ḫd, snr mỉḫd.
mỉḫd (II) n. m. “customs duty” (< /ʔ-ḫ-d(/ḏ)/. Palm., Pun., OAram. mḥz, mḥwz,
“forum” < “portus”, DNWSI 611: mḫz1. Astour CRRA 18 1972 5; Amadasi MLE 1
1982 31ff.; Teixidor UF 15 1983 309ff.; Semitica 34 1984 10, 59; Del Olmo AuOr
1 1983 307; Sanmartín ALASP 7 138; Tropper-Vita UF 33 2001 573ff.; cf. TN
mả/ỉḫd); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. KAR = ka-a-ru = ma-ḫa-[z]i = ma-aḫ-ḫa-[du], Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123+) II 21 (cf. mả/ỉḫd); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. miksu, PRU 3 222. ¶ Forms:
sg. mỉḫd (spelling mistake mỉlḫ, 4.166:1).
Customs duty: lqḥ PNN […] y d bʕl mỉḫd PNN have leased (…) customs
duty, 4.172:6; 4.266:5 (?) (see Tropper-Vita UF 33 2001 576: “haben PNN den
Hafen / die Wege … erworben”; diff. Liverani UF 11 1979 500: “prendere il
porto”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 195ff.: “PNN haben / hatten den Hafen
benützt”; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 675 n. 175: TN; McGeough UgET 200: “control
of Mahadu”); spr npṣm d yṣ{.}ả b mỉḫ!d ! (spelling mistake: mỉlḫ) (…) bd PN list
of garments that have been delivered by payment of customs duty (…) into
the hands of PN, 4.166:1; in bkn ctx. rb mỉ[, 2.42:3 (Heltzer RCAU 82 n. 38;
Liverani UF 11 1979 499: rdg rb mỉ[ḫd]; cf. Pardee UF 19 1987 206 n. 26).
Cf. /ʔ-ḫ-d/ḏ/, mả/ỉḫd, m(ả/ỉ)ḫdy.
m(ả/ỉ)ḫdy GN “one indigenous to or dwelling in ‘The Port’” (< mả/ỉḫd, TN;
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 180; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 195ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
URU ma-ḫa-di-yu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):10; Huehnergard UVST 239; Van Soldt
SAU 336 n. 166. ¶ Forms: sg. mảḫdy, var. mỉḫdy, mḫdy; pl. mảḫdym, var.

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mảḫr – mỉt 509

One indigenous to the Port: mảḫdym PNN, 4.263:5 (cf. mkrm, ln. 1); mỉḫdym
PNN, 4.124:12; 4.383:1; 4.611 I 1; ảrbʕm ksp ʕl PN mỉḫdy forty (shekels) of silver
on the account of PN, GN, 3.28:3; cf. mảḫdy, 3.29:4; 4.181:3; mḫdy, 4.635:17; in
bkn ctx. mảḫdy, 4.742:2.
Cf. /ʔ-ḫ-d/ḏ/, mả/ỉḫd, mỉḫd.
mảḫr, 1.166:7, cf. /ʔ-ḫ-r/.
mỉlḫ, 4.166:1, spelling mistake for TN mỉdḫ (Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 197f.:
rdg mỉ{l}ḫ<d> “Hafen”, Ug. mả/ỉḫd TN).
mỉnš n. m. “camp, encampment, quarters” (cf. inš. Akk. tenēštu, “Menschen”,
AHw 1347; “people, population”, CAD T 340; Arab. maʔnūs, “(makān) place of
alighting, abode”, AEL 115. De Moor SP 132; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 212;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 49; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 457 n. z: “lieux peuplés”;
Gibson CML 150: “meeting place”, *ʔnš; diff. Margalit UPA 460: “comrade”
*ʔns); ¶ par.: ảhl. ¶ Forms: sg. mỉnš.
Camp, encampment, quarters: ʕr[bt] pġt mỉnš šdm PN entered the open
encampment, 1.19 IV 48 (// ảhlm).
Cf. ỉnš.
mỉspt n. f. a container (< /ʔ-s-p/; cf. Akk. (NB) nēseptu, “eine Schüssel”, AHw
781; neṣēpu, “ein Kratzer”, “eine Schale”; AHw 781; “shovel”, a container, CAD
N/2 183f.; Durand MARI 6 660. Watson SEL 16 1999 39 f.: “(sack used as a)
cushion”; LSU 92; AuOrS 27 96: “a container” (?), Akk. nēseptu). ¶ Forms: pl.
A container: ḫmš mỉspt qṭ five m. of flax fibre (/ seed) (?), 4.166:4.
Cf. /ʔ-s-p/.
m(ả/ỉ)šmn n. m. “seal” (< */w-š-m/. Akk. wašāmu, “?”, AHw 1484; Arab. wasama,
“to mark”, AEL 3053f.; not connected with Nuzi Akk. mišmunnu, Deller Or 53
1984 103f. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 24; Bordreuil-Pardee Syria 61 1984 11 ff.;
Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 25f.; Cunchillos-Vita Sefarad 55 1995 389ff.; Sanmartín
UF 27 1995 458; Watson UF 27 1995 537f.; LSU 131); ¶ RS Akk.: NA4.KIŠIB,
passim; cf. PRU 6 157; CAD K 546b. ¶ Forms: sg. mšmn, mảšmn, mỉšmn.
Seal: mảšmn PN seal of PN, 6.17:1; mỉšmn nqmd mlk ủgrt seal of PN, king of
TN, 3.12:6; mỉšmn ʕmyḏmr mlk ủgrt seal of PN, king of TN, 6.23:1 = 6.75:1; cf.
the allog. mšmn, 6.66:1; 6.69:1 (Bordreuil-Gubel Syria 64 1987 310; Sanmartín
UF 27 1995 458); in bkn ctx.: mảšmn [, 3.19:1.
mảt cf. mỉt.
mỉt n. f. “a hundred, one hundred” (Hb., OAram., Palm., Nab. mʔh, “a hundred”,
HALOT 538f.; DNWSI 586f.; Ph., Pun. mʔt, DNWSI 586 f.; Ebla mi-at, passim;
Gelb EDA 70; cf. ARET 1 295; 2 133; 4 313; 7 227; 8 63; 9 397; cf. ma-i-at, VE 1363;
ma-i-ḫu-at, VE 1364; Brugnatelli SLE 92; ma-i-at, “100.000”, ARET 2 132; cf.
ME < (?) me-at, “hundred”, Krebernik QuSem 18 127; Akk. meʔat, “hundert”,

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510 mỉt

AHw 639; “hundred”, CAD M/2 1f.; OSA mʔ(t), “hundred”, SD 83; Arab. miʔat,
“cent”, DAF/2 1055; Eth. mǝʔǝt, CDG 324. Gordon UT 47 f.; Tropper UG 358);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. i-na 2 me-te KÙ.BABBAR ṣár-pu, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):14;
Huehnergard UVST 144; Sivan GAGl 247; ¶ RS Akk.: me-at, passim. ¶ Forms:
sg. mỉt; pl. mảt, suff. mảtm (encl. -m); du. mỉtm (see del Olmo AuOr 32 2014
One hundred (in numerical progression) ★a) sg.: ảr mỉt TN: one hundred,
4.777:3; mỉt bd PN one hundred (shekels) in / from the hands of PN, 4.407:2;
nỉt / krk mỉt an axe / pick (?): one hundred (shekels), 4.625:2; mỉt šʕrt one
hundred of wool, 1.49:10; 1.50:9; mỉt drʕ one hundred (“cauldronsful”) of
seed-grain, 4.243:1, 18; 4.636:13; mỉt drt one hundred (“cauldronsful”) of bran,
4.243:3, 7; mỉt lḥm one hundred (shekels) of meat (?), 4.247:15; mỉt zt one hun-
dred (“jars”) of olives, 3.21:12; mỉt ygb one hundred y., 4.243:23; mỉt bnn one
hundred b., 4.247:27; mỉt šmn one hundred (“jars”) of oil, 4.272:1; 4.402:9; mỉt
ḫršḫ b ṯqlm one hundred (incense burning) bowls for two shekels, 4.341:19;
mỉt ḫrṣ one hundred (shekels) of gold, 2.72:27; mỉt ksp one hundred (shekels)
of silver, 4.280:3 and passim; mỉt ṯlṯ one hundred (shekels) of copper, 3.18:1;
mỉt tỉšrm one hundred cypresses, 4.91:7; mit ảdrm b ʕšrt one hundred ả. for
ten (shekels), 4.158:8; mỉt pḥm mỉt ỉqnỉ one hundred (shekels) of ruby purple,
one hundred of violet purple, 3.1:27–28 and passim ibid.; cf. 3.28:13; 3.29:20;
mỉt ḫsw(n) one hundred (of) ḫ. 4.60:2; mỉt yn ṭb one hundred (“jars”) of gen-
erous wine, 4.213:11, cf. mỉt ʕšr, ln. 6; mỉt pṯtm one hundred (yards) of linen,
4.182:8; ḫmš ṯnt d mỉt five ṯ. for one hundred (shekels), 4.203:10; mỉt ảrbʕt kbd
one hundred and four, 4.270:4; mỉt ḫmšt kbd one hundred and five (shekels
of silver), 4.280:7; 4.337:17; 4.854:1; mỉt ʕšr kbd one hundred and ten, 4.344:11;
mỉt ṯn ʕšr kbd […] šmn one hundred and twelve […] of oil, 4.799:1; mỉt ʕšr
ả[rbʕ] dd one hundred and fourteen “cauldronsful”, 4.400:3; ảlp ʕšrm l mỉt
ḥ[p]r one thousand one hundred and twenty (“cauldronsful” of grain) as
rations, 4.636:3, cf. 4.243:3, 13, 24, 25; ʕšrm l mỉt ksp one hundred and twenty
(shekels) of silver, 4.369:15; ʕšrm l mỉt ảḥ[d one hundred and twenty-one (?),
4.775:2; mỉt ʕšrm ṯn kbd kśmm one hundred and twenty-two (“cauldronsful”)
of spelt, 4.345:3; ṯlṯm l mỉt šʕrt one hundred and thirty (shekels) of wool,
4.168:3; mỉt ṯlṯm kbd one hundred and thirty, 4.344:9, see 4.833:4; ṯlṯm l mỉt
uškn one hundred and thirty PN, 4.810:2; ảrbʕm l mỉt šmn / tỉšr / drʕ one
hundred and forty (“jars”) of oil / cypresses / seed, 4.158:3 f.; 4.243:12; ảrbʕm
l mỉt ṯn one hundred and forty-two (guards), 4.179:16; mỉt ảrbʕm kbd yn one
hundred and forty (“jars”) of wine, 4.213:25, 28, cf. 4.280:11; mỉt ảrbʕm lbš
one hundred and forty garments, 4.721:1; ảrbʕm drt mỉt dd one hundred and
forty “cauldronsful” of bran (?), 4.243:5; mỉt ḫmšm kbd one hundred and fifty
(shekels), 4.280:13; l ảnyt tšknn ḫmšm l mỉt as for the ships, you are going

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mỉt 511

to prepare one hundred and fifty, 2.47:4; ḫmšm l mỉt bnš / ksp one hun-
dred and fifty unskilled labourers / (shekels) of silver, 4.163:14, 4.369:9; ḫmsm
l mỉt zt / ảrbʕ kbd one hundred and fifty / one hundred and fifty-four (“jars”
of) olives), 4.143:2, 4, cf. 4.174:13 (mḏrġlm); mỉt ṯṯm one hundred and sixty
(shekels of silver), 4.280:9; ṯṯm l mỉt drt one hundred and sixty (“cauldrons-
ful”) of bran, 4.243:7; ṯṯm l mỉt ṯn one hundred and sixty-two, 4.173:10; ṯṯm
[l] mỉt ṯlṯ kbd one hundred and sixty-three (unskilled labourers), 4.137:12;
ṯmnym l mỉt dd one hundred and eighty “cauldronsful”, 4.243:15; 4.854:4; mỉt
tšʕm [kb]d ddm one hundred and ninety-two (?) “cauldronsful”, 4.397:12; in
bkn ctx.: mỉt[ 4.344:16, 18; 4.720:2; mỉt ḫm[š], 4.291:4; mỉt ʕš[r 4.394:1; šb]ʕm?
l mỉt dd ṯn kbd, 4.243:8; ảrbʕm l mỉt [ ] kbd, 4.290:18; ★b) du. two hundred:
mỉtm ṯq[l two hundred shekels, 2.77:4; mỉtm ỉqnủ two hundred (shekels) of
purple, 3.28:17, cf. 3.29:26; 4.247:28; mỉtm ksp two hundred (shekels) of sil-
ver, 4.280:1; 4.373:1; mỉtm pḥm two hundred (shekels) of ruby purple, 4.132:5;
mỉtm tyt two hundred (shekels) of t., 4.863:9; mỉtm ḫrṣ two hundred (shekels)
of gold, 2.99:8; ảlp mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ one thousand two hundred (shekels) of cop-
per, 4.272:5; ảrbʕ ảlpm mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ four thousand two hundred (shekels) of
copper, 4.626:3; mỉtm yn ḥsp two hundred (“jars”) of decanted wine, 4.213:24;
mỉtm drʕ / [p]ṯtm / kslm two hundred (“cauldronsful”) of seed-grain / (yards
(?)) of linen / (bow)strings (?), 4.636:4, 22; 4.182:9; 4.206:4; ảlp mỉtm one thou-
sand two hundred, 4.261:20; [mỉ]tm kkr] two hundred talents, 3.22:1; ảlp mỉtm
kbd ṯlṯ ḥlb one thousand two hundred (shekels) of copper (in exchange) for
cheese, 4.272:5; mỉtm ʕšr kbd kśmm two hundred and ten (“cauldronsful”)
of spelt, 4.345:1; mỉtm ṯlṯ ʕšrh two hundred and thirteen, 4.777:5; ṯṯt ʕšr kbd
mỉtm šmn nḥ two hundred and sixteen (“jars”) of n.-oil, 4.805:4; mỉtm ʕšrm
kbd ḫrṣ two hundred and twenty (shekels) of gold, 4.336:8; mỉtm ṯlṯm kbd
ảḥd kbd two hundred and thirty-one (shekels), 4.690:13, cf. 4.397:2; mỉtm ṯlṯm
ṯlṯ ddm, two hundred thirty-three “cauldronsful”, 4.855:5; mỉtm ḫmšm kbd
two hundred and fifty (shekels of silver), 4.341:22; 4.755:3; ḫmšm <l> mỉtm
zt two hundred and fifty (“jars”) of olives, 4.143:2; mỉtm ḫmšm ḫmš kbd [dd]
kśmm two hundred and fifty-five (“cauldronsful”) of spelt, 4.400:6; mỉtm ṯṯm
kbd ảḥd kbd two hundred and sixty-one (shekels of silver), 4.690:13; mảt ṯṯx
ddm, two hundred six(ty) “cauldronsful”, 4.855:2; šbʕm l mỉtm dd two hun-
dred and seventy “cauldronsful”, 4.243:45; ★c) pl. hundreds of: ṯlṯ mảt rbt the
charioteers, hundreds of myriads, 1.14 II 36 and par. (Del Olmo IMC 184f.; Ver-
venne UF 19 1987 371); ṯlṯ mảt ksp three hundred (shekels) of silver, 4.369:4;
ṯlṯ mảt ảbn ṣrp three hundred (shekels) of alum, 4.182:10; 4.626:9; 4.776:1,
cf. 1.148:20; ṯlṯ mảt ảrt three hundred shields (?), 4.247:26; npṣ bt ṯn ṯlṯ mảt
a set of pieces of crimson (cloth), three hundred (shekels), 3.13:16; spl ṯlṯ
mảt a platter, three hundred (shekels), 3.3:17; ṯlṯ mảt trm b ʕšrt three hun-

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512 mỉt

dred logs (?) for ten (shekels); 4.158:7; ṯlṯ mảt pṯtm three hundred (yards
(?)) of linen 4.168:11; ḫmš ṯnt d ṯlṯ mảt five ṯ. for three hundred (shekels),
4.203:12; ảlp ṯlṯ mảt ḫmš[m? one thousand three hundred and five / fifty,
4.299:4; ṯlṯ mảt dd šʕrm three hundred “cauldronsful” of barley, 4.402:7; ṯlṯ
mảt ʕšrm [kb]d three hundred and twenty (of grain), 4.636:16; ṯlṯ mảt ṯlṯm
kbd šmn three hundred thirty (“jars”) of oil, 4.171:1; ṯlṯ mảt ḫmšm kb[d] ḫmš
kbd three hundred and fifty-five (“cauldronsful” of grain), 4.387: 11; ṯlṯ mảt
ṯṯm kbd three hundred and sixty (“cauldronsful” of grain), 4.636:6; ṯlṯ mảt
šbʕm kbd zt three hundred and seventy (“jars”) of olives, 4.164:1; ṯ]lṯ mảt
šbʕm[ three hundred and seventy, 4.664:3; ṯl]ṯ mảt ṯmny[m three hundred
and eighty, 4.664:5; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt ʕšrm kbd two thousand three hundred and
twenty, 4.809:4; cf. in bkn ctx.: ]ṯlṯ mảt / ṯlṯ mảt[ 4.127:1; 4.121:1; 4.397:10; ảlpm
ảrbʕ mảt kb[d two thousand four hundred (shekels), 4.407:1; ảlp ảrbʕ mảt
one thousand four hundred, 4.299:3; ảrbʕ mảt four hundred, 4.296:5; ảl]p
ảrbʕ mảt tyt one thousand four hundred of t., 4.14:14; ảrbʕ mảt l ảlp šmn
nḥ one thousand four hundred of n.-oil, 4.91:2; ảrbʕ mảt ḫrṣ four hundred
(shekels) of gold, 4.266:7; 4.172:7, cf. in bkn ctx. 4.388:12; ảrbʕ mảt ḫswn four
hundred (of) ḫ., 4.14:3; ảrbʕ mảt ʕšrm kbd four hundred and twenty, 4.777:13;
4.274:2; ảrbʕ mảt ảrbʕm four hundred and forty, 4.296:6; ảrbʕ mảt ḫmšm
šbʕt w nṣp kbd four hundred and fifty-seven and a half, 4.779:8; ảrbʕ ảlpm
pḥm / ỉqnỉ ḫmš mảt kbd four thousand five hundred (shekels) of ruby / vio-
let purple, 4.203:4–6; ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd two thousand five hundred
(shekels) of ruby purple, 4.132:1; ảlp ḫmš mảt kbd one thousand five hundred
(shekels), 4.407:3; PN ḫmš mảt five hundred, 4.261:7, 21–22; ḫmš ṯnt d ḫmš
mảt five ṯ. for five hundred, 4.203:9; ḫmš mảt ỉqnủ five hundred (shekels) of
violet purple, 3.1:23, cf. 2.80:4; ḫmš mảt šmt five hundred (shekels) of pur-
ple, 4.341:7; kkr ḫmš mảt kbd ṯlṯ šm[n] one talent five hundred (shekels) of
copper (in exchange for) oil, 4.272:4 (cf. Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176f.); in bkn
ctx. 2.80:4; 4.271:4; 4.721:11; ḫmš mảt ṯlṯt yn five hundred and three (“jars”) of
wine, 3.13:14; ḫmš mảt ảrbʕm kbd five hundred and forty (shekels), 4.338:10;
ḫmš mảtm [ṯṯ]m ṯlṯt w ṯlṯt kbd ! five hundred and sixty-three and a third,
4.721:8 (cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 239); ḫmš mảt šbʕm tšʕ kbd five hundred
and seventy-nine (shekels), 4.296:3; ʕšrm kkr kkrm ảlp ṯṯ mảt kbd twenty-two
talents, one thousand six hundred (shekels (?)), 4.353:2; PN ṯṯ mảt six hun-
dred, 4.261:1–6, 8–12, 24; ṯṯ mảt ksp six hundred (shekels) of silver, 4.158: 1;
4.337:28; ṯṯ mảt brr six hundred (shekels) of tin, 4.337:4; ṯṯ mảt ʕprt six hun-
dred ʕ., 4.780:9; ṯṯ mảt šmn rqḥ six hundred (shekels (?)) of perfumer’s oil,
4.91:4; [ṯ]ṯ mảt nṣ six hundred birds, 4.24:11, cf. ln. 5; ṯṯ mảt ṯṯm šmn six hun-
dred (“jars”) of oil, 4.352:1; in unc. ctx.: [ṯ]ṯ mảt six hundred (shekels), 2.21:16;
šbʕ mảt šʕrt seven hundred (shekels) of wool, 4.182:19; šbʕ mảt ḫmšm šʕrt

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mảṯr – mʕ (i) 513

seven hundred and fifty (shekels) of wool, 4.182:2; šbʕ mảt ṯṯm kbd seven
hundred and sixty (// 7 me-at 60 MUN(!).MEŠ), 4.340:23; ảlp ṯmn mảt kbd
one thousand eight hundred, 4.709:5; ṯmn mảt pṯtm eight hundred (yards
/ shekels) of linen, 4.626:7; kkrm ṯmn mảt kbd, two talents eight hundred
(shekels), 4.809:9; tšʕ mả[t] ḫmšm … nine hundred and fifty …, 4.805:2; ảlp
tšʕ mảt ṯ[ltm kbd one thousand nine hundred and thirty, 4.809:2; in bkn and
unc. ctx.: ảlp [x (?)] mảt kbd šbʕ[m one thousand [x(?)] hundred and sev-
enty, 4.201:4 (Tropper AuOr 13 1995 237); mảt: 2.34:26–27; 4.23:2; 4.664:1; mỉt:
1.5 III 3; 2.99:15; 4.18:6; 4.139:1; 4.211:4; 4.400:11; 4.558:30; 4.721:5; mỉtm, 4.30:12;
]mỉtm, 4.127:2; 4.396:18; mỉtm mỉtm, 4.721:12; mảt kbd, 4.808:2; ảlp [x]mn mảt
kbd, 4.863:7; ṯṯ ṯṯ mảt, 4.809:12 (see Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 117: “] six, six
mảṯr n. m. “controller, inspector” (< ptc. D /ʕ-ṯ-r/. Cf. (?) Arab. muʔaṯṯir, “he
who impresses, affectes, influences”, AEL 18; cf. Akk. āširu, “Betreuer”, AHw
80; “supervisor, helper”, CAD A/2 440. Sanmartín UF 27 1995 464). ¶ Forms:
sg. mảṯr.
Controller, inspector: mảṯr bt inspector of the palace, 6.66:7 f. (diff. Tropper
UG 570: ptc. Dpass. /muʔaṯṯar/ “hinterer Bereich” (?), rdg unc.).
Cf. /ʔ-ṯ-r/.
mỉyt n. f. “swamp” (?) (“watery place”; < mh/y; cf. mhyt. De Moor UF 12 1980 431;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 33 2001 193–199: “bewässertes Feld, Land” > “Fruchtland”,
Emar Akk. maʔītu; diff. Avishur UF 13 1981 15: “sky”; Aartun UF 16 1984 1 f.:
“Wesen”, *ʔyt). ¶ Forms: sg. mỉyt.
Swamp (?): bmrmt bmỉyt bẓlm bqdš in heights, in swamps, in (places of)
darkness, in (places of) taboo, 1.169:8.
Cf. mhyt.
mỉzrt n. f. “garment, ritual tunic” (cf. ủzr. Arab. miʔzarat, “a waist-wrapper”,
AEL 53; Syr. mīzranāʔ, “belt”, SL 751; Mari Akk. napšâtu ma-az-ra-tum, “cale-
çon”, Durand MARI 6 661. De Moor SP 192; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 107 f.;
Renfroe AULS 128; Aboud Fs. Loretz 5: “verstärkter Lendenschurz (?)”; Wat-
son LSU 92: “woollen undergarment”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 295, “belted
garment”; Vita TT 330, survey of opinions); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 2 TÚG.MEŠ ma-
za-ru-ma, PRU 6 126:4; Huehnergard UVST 105; ¶ par.: ṣt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
mỉzrth, mỉzrtm (encl. -m).
Garment, ritual tunic: yd mỉzrth he removed his garment, 1.17 I 15 and par. (//
ṣth); lpš yks mỉzrtm for an outer garment he covered himself with the ritual
tunic, 1.5 VI 17 and par.; w mỉzrt and a garment, 4.867:9.
Cf. ủzr.
mʕ (I) postpositional emph. “please!”, after an impv. (cf. Eg. m( y) Gardiner
§250; Eth. naʕa/ā, “come!, up!”, CDG 382; similar in function to Hb. -nʔ,

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514 mʕ (ii) – mʕdb

“part. giving emphasis”, HALOT 656. Gordon UT § 9.21; 13.53; Aartun PU/1 77;
Tropper UG 813: *mʕʕ; Watson LSU 141). ¶ Forms: mʕ.]
Please!: šmʕ mʕ, listen, please!, 1.4 VI 4 and par.; šskn mʕ mgn take care, please,
of the present, 1.4 I 20; ph mʕ look, please!, 1.15 III 28; ʕms mʕ load (onto me),
please!, 1.6 I 12.
mʕ (II) adv. “as one, together” (?) (Arab. maʕa, maʕ(an), a word denoting
concomitance, AEL 3022. Watson Or 48 1979 113 n. 8; Fensham JNSL 7 1979
24 1; diff. Gordon UMC 103 n. 58: “rank-and-file”, the opposite of ngb, “noble”;
Renfroe AULS 128; Watson LSU 9–10: mʕ (I); Wyatt RTU 189 n. 61, for a survey;
Loretz UF 40 2008 513 n. 40: “wahrlich”). ¶ Forms: mʕ.
As one, together: w yṣỉ ʕdn mʕ and let the troops go out as one (?), 1.14 II 34
and par.
mʕbd n. m. “labour, work” (?) (< /ʕ-b-d/. Hb. mʕbd, “deed”, HALOT 608; Amm.,
“work”, DNWSI 667). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) cstr. mʕbd.
Labour, work (?), in bkn ctx.: mʕbd ḫrmṯt work of (with) sickles (?), 1.86:23.
Cf. /ʕ-b-d/.
mʕbr n. m. “pass, ford” (< /ʕ-b-r/. Heltzer RCAU 12 n. 42; Watson SEL 26 2009 18);
syll. Ug.: É.AN.ZA.GÀR ma-ba-ri TN, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):6–7, 19–20; Huehner-
gard UVST 158. ¶ Forms: sg. mʕbr.
Pass, ford, in toponymy: gt mʕbr Farmstead of the Pass, 4.243:12 (cf. É.AN.ZA.
GÀR ma-ba-ri TN, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):6–7, 19–20; Astour UF 13 1981 7; Huehn-
ergard UVST 158; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-maʕbari).
Cf. /ʕ-b-r/.
mʕd n. m. “convention, assembly” (< */w-ʕ-d/. Hb. mwʕd, “assembly point”,
HALOT 557f.; OSA mwʕd, “appointed time”, SD 155; Arab. mawʕid, miʕād, “a
time of promise”, AEL 2953; Eg. /môʕid/, “Assembly”, Hoch SWET 126 (161)).
¶ Forms: sg. mʕd.
Convention, assembly: pḫr mʕd the plenary assembly (of the gods; pleonastic
use), 1.2 I 14 and par.
Cf. tʕdt.
mʕdb n. m.: “compensation, fine, reparation”; “portion, what corresponds to”
(OSA ʕḏb, “to repair”, “to demand a penalty”, SD 12; Arab. D ʕaḏḏaba, “to
punish” AEL 1981f.; JPAram. ʕdb, ʕdbʔ, “lot”, DJPAram. 397; Syr. ʕebdēʔ, “lots”
SL 1069. Watson SEL 26 2009 18: “allocation, portion”). ¶ Forms: sg. mʕdb,
sg./pl. suff. mʕdbh, mʕdbhm.
Compensation, fine, reparation, portion, what corresponds to, in bkn ctx.:
] yn mʕdbhm (that much of) wine is their compensation (what correspond
to them) (?), 4.573:1, cf. ibid. mʕdbh, ln. 2–3, ytn ảrbʕ, ibid. ln. 5 (Watson
SEL 26 2009 18: “wine as their allocation”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 113f.:
“Aufsteller” /“Aufstellung” (?); but see idd. UF 34 2002 95: “Standort” (?));

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mʕlt – mʕqb (ii) 515

mʕdb ḫrmṯt, 1.86:23 (Cf. Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258: “sickle task”,
< Hb. mʕbd, < met. /ʕbd/).
mʕlt n. f. “step” (< /ʕ-l-y/. Hb. mʕlh, “step, stair”, HALOT 613f.; cf. Akk. mēlû,
“elevation, high ground, ascent”, CAD M/2 13ff. Xella TRU 67). ¶ Forms: sg. /
pl. mʕlt.
Step: mʕ[lt] mdbḥt steps of the altars, 1.87:25–26.
Cf. /ʕ-l-y/.
mʕmʕ n. m. “convulsion” (?) (etym. unc. Arab. mʕmʕt, “confusion, jumble, up-
roar”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1073f. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 254; De Moor-
Spronk UF 16 1984 244, 249: “intestinal trouble”, Ug. mʕm, Syr. maʕmeʕāʔ, “seri-
ously ill”, as DN; cf. PN *Maʕmaʕaʔilu; Caquot SEL 5 1988 42: “qui bafouille”,
Arab. maʕā, maġmaġa); syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU ma-ma-a-DINGIR, PRU 6 148
(RS 17.97):9); ¶ par.: // ṣʕṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. mʕmʕ.
Convulsion (?), in bkn and unc. ctx.: bn ṣʕṣ bnt mʕmʕ the creatures of terror,
the creatures of convulsion, 1.82:41 (diff. Caquot TOu/2 70. “les petits de
(l’oiseau) piailleur”, Arab. maʕā, “miauler”).
mʕms cf. /ʕ-m-s/.
mʕn n. m. “reply” (< /ʕ-n-y/ (I). Syr. mʕny, “response”, SL 802; Hb. (l)mʕn(h),
“with reference to”, HALOT 614; Arab. maʕnan, “meaning, intended sense”,
AEL 2181; cf. OAram. (l)mʕn, “in order that”, DNWSI 670f.; Akk. maʔna, “he!”
(?), AHw 601). ¶ Forms: sg. mʕn (Huehnergard UVST 291 n. 113); suff. mʕnk,
Reply: mʕnk w mnm rgm your reply and anything else, 2,10:15. In alphabetic
Akk.: r n l ả mʕn ảlnr rnlả, reply: ảlnr (PN), 5.7:2; in bkn ctx.: ]mʕn, 1.11:9;
1.35:4; mʕnh, 1.67:5, 20; 1.69:4; 1.70:3 (Segert SEL 5 1988 191f.); mʕnk, 2.101:13,
Cf. /ʕ-n-y/ (I).
mʕnt (I) n. f. “?” ((?) < mʕn). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. mʕnt.
?, in bkn ctx.: šbʕ w mʕnt, 1.73:10.
mʕnt (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 110).
PN: ★a) 3.23:22 ((?) bn lbn); 4.281:27; 4.841:68; ★b) bn PN, 4.412 I 13; 4.611 II 10;
in bkn ctx., 4.412 I 10; 4.583:4; 4.841:1, 78.
mʕqb (I) n. m. “rival” (one who takes the place of another (?)) (ptc. D < /ʕ-q-b/.
Margalit UF 15 1983 95f.).
¶ Forms: sg. suff. mʕqbk.
Rival: dṯ ydṯ mʕqbk[ your rival will certainly become soft[, 1.18 I 19.
Cf. /ʕ-q-b/.
mʕqb (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 180: *Maʕqabu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 5 1973 110; Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984
6; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 720, 727); ¶ syll.: URU ma-(ʔa-)qa/qá-bV, PRU 3 40

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516 mʕqby (ii) – mʕrb (ii)

(RS 15.173):2, 3; PRU 3 188 (RS 16.290) 3 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 379); PRU 3
189 (RS 11.790):19 (Schwab UF 22 1990 305); PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):14; PRU 3
191 (RS 11.841):15; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):31. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 676 n. 183: rdg
URU ma-a-qá!-bu? in RS 22.399+:31 (?); 4.810:21; Sivan GAGl 242; Huehnergard
UVST 220, 246, 253; Van Soldt Topography 30, 177 f.).
TN: 4.68:31; 4.73:10; 4.348:7; 4.365:27; 4.380:34; 4.610 (II) 2; 4.629:14; 4.686:4;
4.750:14; 4.821:10; 4.834:20; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 11: rdg [mʕq]b in 4.308:3;
Cf. mʕqby. GN m. (< mʕqb (II)). ¶ Forms: sg. mʕqby; pl. mʕqbym.
GN, in bkn ctx.: 4.40:4
mʕqby (II) PN (< mʕqby (I)).
PN mʕqby, 4.33:16; 4.295:11; 4.417:10.
mʕr (I), in bkn ctx.: kḥṣ k mʕr, 1.16 IV 5 (Del Olmo MLC 316: “excitado”, /ʕ-r/
(?); De Moor ARTU 218: rdg k mʕk, “like crumb(s)”, Arab. maʕaka, DAF/2 1129;
Aram. mʕk, DTT 816, // ḥṣ, “gravel”; Wyatt RTU 233 n. 261: “like a wild ass”, rdg.
km ʕr, survey: Watson SEL 21 2004 73).
mʕr (II) two TNN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 195f.: *Muʕaru 1, *Muʕaru 2; see Van
Soldt Topography 30, 178: Muʕaru Ảrr and Muʕaru Ḥurari. Heltzer RCAU 12;
Astour UF 11 1979 17 n. 40; UF 13 1981 7; Saadé AAAS 29/30 1979–1980 22; Wat-
son LSU 201); ¶ syll.: ★a) northern m.: URU mu-a-ri ḪU-ra-ri, RS 25.132 III 16;
★b) southern m.: URU mu-a-ri, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):32; 190 (RS 11.800):28;
191 (RS 11.841):26; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):42. Sivan GAGl 249; Huehnergard
UVST 247, 249).
TN ★a) the northern m.: mʕr ḥr![r], 4.365:33 (for the rdg cf. Van Soldt UF 28
1996 677); 4.348:9; 4.621:5; 4.693:37; 4.770:7; 4.800 II 26; 4.812:6; ★b) the south-
ern m.: mʕr ảrr, 4.355:32 (cf. mʕr, 4.683:15, and ảrr, ibid. ln. 1; Bordreuil Syria 61
1984 4f.); 4.63 II 13; 4.68:26; 4.100:3; 4.365:9; 4.380:9; 4.610 I 10; 4.629:11; 4.693:10;
4.793:7; 4.821:4 (mʕr[).
Cf. ảrr, ḥỉr (II), mʕry.
mʕrb (I) n. m. “tribute-offering” < in commercial language “entry, receipt” (<
/ʕ-r-b/ (I). Ph. ʕrb, “security, pledge”, DNWSI 885; OSA mʕrbt, “sin-offering”,
SD 19; Akk. erbu, ēribtu, “Einkommen”, AHw 233, 240; “entrance tax”, CAD
E 292f. De Moor NYCI/2 15 n. 47; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 145;
Lipiński StPh 3 216; Pardee TR/2 1194: “(offrande d’)entrée”). ¶ Forms: sg.
Tribute-offering: w mʕrb d yqḥ and a tribute-offering that will be taken, 1.41:19
and par.
Cf. /ʕ-r-b/ (I).
mʕrb (II) n. m. “sunset” (< /ʕ-r-b/ (I). Hb., Ph., OAram. mʕrb, “sunset”, HALOT
615; “setting (of the sun)”, DNWSI 671; OSA mʕrb, “west”, SD 18; Eth. mǝʕrāb,
“west, setting (of the sun)”, CDG 69; cf. Arab. maġrib, “sunset”, AEL 2244; Akk.

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mʕrb(y) – mʕt 517

erbu, “(Sonnen-) Untergang”, AHw 233f.; erebu, “setting (of the sun)”, CAD
E 258f.); ¶ par.: ṣbủ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. mʕrb.
Sunset: l mʕrb nrt ỉlm špš at sunset of “The Lantern of the gods”, DN, 1.19 IV 48
(// ṣbỉ nrt ỉlm špš).
Cf. /ʕ-r-b/ (I), mʕrb(y).
mʕrb(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 180ff.: *Maʕrabā. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 12; Na’a-
man WO 9 1977–1978 230; Astour UF 11 1979 18, 23 n. 71; Astour UF 13 1981 5;
Lipiński OLP 12 1981 110 n. 148; Van Soldt Topography 30 f.; Watson LSU 201);
¶ syll.: URU ma-ra-ba, PRU 4 236 (RS 17.248):5; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):1, 13–
14; URU ma-ra-bá(ki), PRU 3 48 (RS 16.248):11; PRU 3 65 (RS 16.247):6; PRU 3
102 (RS 15.109+):35; PRU 3 150 (RS 16.188):7, rev. 6; PRU 3 151 (RS 16.201):5,
7; PRU 3 187 (RS 16.125):3; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):24; RS 22.233:3: Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 677); URU ma-ra-bá-a, PRU 4 236 (RS 17.248):3; URU ma-ʔ /aḫ-
ra-bá, PRU 3 102 (RS 15.109):30, 32; PRU 3 192 (RS 12.34+):26; URU ma-a-ra-bu,
RS 22.399+:31 (rdg ma-a-qa-bu (?): Van Soldt UF 28 1996 677 n. 196); cf. the
spelling URU.GIŠ.ŠÚ, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790): 10; Sivan GAGl 242; Huehnergard
UVST 253; Van Soldt SAU 338, 789; UBL 11 379; UF 28 1996 677. ¶ Forms: mʕrb,
TN: ★a) gt mʕrb(y), 4.213:8; 4.307:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-maʕrabā);
★b) mʕrby: 3.7:7; 4.27:10, 21; 4.63 I 25; 4.68:57; 4.365:8; 4.375:8; 4.377:26; 4.380:8;
4.384:5; 4.610 I 9 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12f.); 4.693:8; 4.777:9; 4.784:9; 4.793:5;
4.800 I 21; 4.816:5; 4.823:5; 4.824:1; c) mʕrb, 4.818:7; 4.820 I 8.
Cf. mʕrby.
mʕrby GN m. (< mʕrb( y), TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 181). ¶ Forms:
sg. mʕrby; pl. mʕrbym.
GN: PN mʕrby, 4.33:26; mʕrbym PNN, 4.45:6.
mʕry GN m. (< mʕr). ¶ Forms: sg. mʕry.
GN: PN mʕry, 4.420:9.
mʕṣd n. m. agricultural cutting tool, “sickle” (?) (Hb. mʕṣd, “blacksmith’s tool”,
HALOT 615; Arab. miʕḍād, “thong”, AEL 2073; Eth. māʕǝḍa/ǝd, “sickle, scythe”,
CDG 58. Healey UF 15 1983 52: “lopping tool”; for a survey of opinions cf.
Watson FO 47 2010 436; Koller JNES 72 2013 184); ¶ syll. Ug.: (URUDU.MEŠ)
ma-ṣa-du(-ma.MEŠ), PRU 6 142 (RS 19.135):3; PRU 6 157 (RS 19.023):15; Sivan
GAGl 242; Huehnergard UVST 162; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms: sg. mʕṣd; du.
Sickle (?): mʕṣd a sickle (?), 3.23:3 and passim ibid.; cf. mʕṣdm, 5.23:12; mʕṣd
ḫmšm a sickle (?) for fifty (shekels of copper), 4.625:3; ṯn mʕṣdm two sickles
(?), ibid. 5; in bkn ctx.: m]ʕṣd, 3.6:7.
mʕt n. f. “?” (etym. unc. Pardee AuOr 20 2002 163–182: “grain comestible”, Hb.
mʕh, “grain de sable”, HALOT 609; see also Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 112).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. mʕt.

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518 mbʕl – md (ii)

?: mʕt, 4.863:10, 22; in bkn ctx.: l mʕt, 1.172:18; cf. ]xʕt 4.14:10.
mbʕl PN (Sem. Dietrich-Loretz KA 217f.).
PN: l PN s̱kn to PN, the administrator, 6.71:1.
mbk n. m. “source, spring” (< */n-b-k/; cf. nb/pk. Hb. *mbk, “water-source”,
HALOT 542. Dressler AT 298 suggests metath. of *bnk, “confluence”); ¶ par.:
ảpq. ¶ Forms: sg. mbk; pl. (?) mbkm.
Source, spring: mbk nhrm the source of the two rivers, 1.4 IV 21 and par. (//
ảpq; residence of the god El; cf. nbky ym, Job 38:16; mbky nhrwt, Job 28:11); 1.17
VI 47, rdg mbk!; in bkn ctx.: mbkm, 1.1 V 20; mbk kpt, 1.82:17.
Cf. */n-b-k/.
md (I) n. f. (?) “cape, covering” (Hb. *md, “gown, robe”, HALOT 546; JAram. mdʔ,
“the priest’s cloak”, DTT 731; cf. Gk móda: strōmata, Liddell-Scott GEL 1141.
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 48; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 383; diff. Margalit RB 90
1983 556ff.; Malul RB 93 1986 415ff.: “undergarment”, Hb. mad; for the var.
suggestions see Watson UF 34 2002 923; Vita TT 330). ¶ par.: npyn. ¶ Forms:
sg. suff. mdy, mdk, mdh; (?) pl. suff. mdth.
Cape, covering: tmtʕ mdh she took off her cape, 1.4 II 6 (// npynh; Watson
UF 39 2007 679: “garment”; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 198: “ordure”, Arab.
midād; Hillers Fs. Iwry 105ff.: “to be clothed”, < *md); npṣ PN (…) equipment
/ belongings of PN: (…) w mdh and his / its cape, 4.385:4 (diff. Stieglitz JCS 33
1981 53: “sheath”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 1 219: objects “(…) mit ihrer Hülle”);
in unc. ctx.: mdk[, ibid. ln. 13; mdy, ibid. ln. 5, 12, 16; mdth, 4.182:55.
md (II) n. m. class or corporation (“skilled, initiate, expert”) (< Akkadianism
/mudū/ < mūdû < mudaʔum; cf. “wissend, klug”, AHw 666; mudû, “know-
ing, expert”, “acquaintance, friend”, mudē šarri, CAD M/2 13 ff. [< /y-d-ʕ/].
Watson LSU 92–93; diff. Heltzer IOKU 161 n. 99: /y/w-d-d/; Aartun UF 16
1984 44f.: /m-d-d/; Nougayrol PRU 3 234; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 92; Thiel UF 12 1980 349ff.; Vargyas UF 13 1981 165 ff.; Sanmartín UF 21
1989 337ff.; Clemens SURS 391ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: (LÚ) mu-du(-ú) (MÍ.) LUGAL,
(LÚ.MEŠ) mu-de4 (MÍ.)LUGAL(-ti), PRU 3 234; LÚ mu-du-ma, PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):10; Sivan GAGl 249; Huehnergard UVST 144 f.; Van Soldt SAU 421 f.,
427f.; McGeough ERU 109ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: NU.NU = mu-du-ú, AS 16 1965 33 ff.:
D 15. Huehnergard UVST 144f. ¶ Forms: pl. mdm; cstr. md.
Class or corporation: ★a) gen. use: spr mdm list of m., 4.690:1; ủbdy mdm lands
leased to the m., 4.103:1; m. in lists of corporations or guilds: 4.38:4; 4.47:4;
4.99:4 (cf. ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ mu-du-ma, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):10); ṯn mdm two m.,
4.54:13; (grain) l mdm for the m., 4.387:25; ★b) espec., initiates of a cult or
DN: spr md ʕṯtrt list of the m. of DN, 4.245 I 1, 11; md mlk[(t)? experts (?) of
the k[ing / que[en, 4.245 II 1 (cf. supra: syll. Ug. mūdû šarri / šarrati); mdm,
4.837:15; 4.838:2.

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md (iii) – mdbḥ 519

md (III) n. m. “duration, time measure”, adv. “during” (*/m-d-d/, OSA mdt,

“period”, SD 83; Arab. madd-, muddat, fî muddat, “extension, period of time”,
“during”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 897; Hb. md(d)h, b mdh, “measured length”,
“in length”, HALOT 547; Akk. middatu, ina middati, “Mass”, AHw 650; “mea-
sure”, CAD M/2 46ff. Del Olmo CR 162 n. 85; Pardee TR 625: “espace de
temps”). ¶ Forms: adverbialised l md.
Duration, time measure, adv. during: l md ṯlṯ ymm, during three days, 1.111:1
(diff. Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 17, 19: rdg ỉl prz lmd, “the god of the verdict (?)
has given the (following) instruction (?)”, in Hurr. ctx.).
mdʕ (I) interr. functor “why?” (Hb. mdwʕ, “on what account”, HALOT 548. Cf.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 130; Pardee TPM 245). ¶ Forms: mdʕ.
Interr. functor why?: mdʕ nplt b šr why have you fallen into disgrace?, 1.107:10.
Cf. /y-d-ʕ/.
mdʕ (II) n. m. “(royal) family”, social group or class (< /y-d-ʕ/. Hb. m(w)dʕ(t),
“relative”, HALOT 550; cf. supra: md (II). Watson Historiae 10 2013 20; diff.
Gröndahl PTU 143: PN). ¶ Forms: sg. (coll.) mdʕ.
Family, social group or class: ḫmš kbd l mdʕ five (measures) for the “family”,
4.387:12 (cf. mḏrġlm, ln. 10, 20, 24; kpḫ, ln. 18; ảpy TN, ln. 26–27); PNN mdʕ,
PNN: (members of the) “family”, 4.609:4 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg rdg
mdṯ, PN).
Cf. /y-d-ʕ/.
mdb n. m. “tide, flow of the sea” (Hb. zwb, “to flow”, HALOT 266; Arab. ḏāba, “to
flow”, Hava 23. De Moor UF 1 1969 181 n. 99; Tsumura UF 20 1988 352); ¶ par.:
ym. ¶ Forms: sg. mdb; pl. (?) mdbm.
Tide, flow of the sea; tỉrkm yd ỉl (…) k mdb the member of DN (…) grew as long
as the tide, 1.23:34 and par. (// k ym); hd r[bṣ] k mdb DN lay [down] like a flot,
1.101:2 (// ṯbt ġr (?). Pardee TPM 299: “flot”; former rdg km db, “like a bear”;
see Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 132; Loretz ZAW 99 1987 417: Hb. db, “bear”,
HALOT 207f.; Syr. debbāʔ, “bear”, SL 268; Ebla /dabbum/, in AZ = da-bù(-um),
dab6-bù, VE 870a; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 33; Conti SQF 205; Akk. dabbu, dabû,
“Bär”, AHw 148; “bear”, CAD D 17; Arab. dubb, “bear”, AEL 841; Eth. dǝbb, “bear”,
CDG 119); in bkn ctx.: l mdb, 1.107:19; mdbm l ḥrn, 1.82:27.
Cf. */ḏ-b/.
mdbḥ n. m./f. “altar” (< /d-b-ḥ/. Hb., Ph., Pun. mzbḥ, “altar”, HALOT 564; DNWSI
607f.; OAram. mdbḥ, “altar”, DNWSI 607f.; Arab. maḏbaḥ, “the place of the
slaughter”, AEL 955; cf. OSA mḏbḥt, “sacrificial place”, SD 38; Ebla cf. GIŠ.AL =
ma-ša-bù(-um), VE 440; Brugnatelli WGE 175: /maḏbuḥ/). ¶ Forms: sg. mdbḥ;
pl. mdbḥt (Gordon UT §8.8; Tropper UG 298).
Altar: [ṯ]ṯb mdbḥ bʕl it will be repeated on the altar of DN, 1.41:41 and par.;
(offerings) mʕ[lt] mdbḥt bt ỉlt on the steps of the altars of the temple of the

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520 mdbḥt – mddt (i)

goddess, 1.41:24 and par.; w ʕly mdbḥt and in the “place of sacrifice” of the
altars, 1.41:38 and par.; yrdt mdbḥt at the steps of the altars, 1.39:20; in bkn
ctx.: ]tm w mdbḥt, 1.13:16.
Cf. /d-b-ḥ/.
mdbḥt, cf. mdbḥ.
mdbr n. m. “desert” (Hb., OAram. mdbr, “steppe, desert”, HALOT 546 f.; DNWSI
595; Akk. madbaru, “Steppe, Wüste”, AHw 572; “steppe, desert”, CAD M/1 11 f.);
¶ par.: ảln, šd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. m. mdbr (cf. the alloph. or mistake mlbr in 1.12
I 21, 35; Sznycer GLECS 1973 76ff.).
Desert: km ḥsn pảt mdbr like grasshoppers on the fringes of the desert, 1.14
III 1 and par. (// šd); tḥdn pảt mdbr they scoured the fringes of the desert,
1.23:68 (// šd); yḥ pảt mdbr he proceeded towards the fringes of the desert,
1.12 I 35; b mdbr špm in the desert of dunes, 1.23:4; ʕdb tk mdbr qdš place
(them) in the holy / pure desert, 1.23:65 (Xella MSS 91 n. 34; Cunchillos
ES 100ff., 163ff.; better than “desert of Qadeš”; cf. Astour RSP 2 325 f.); wẓỉ
(…) b tk md ?br ỉl šỉy go (…) to the middle of the desert of the “Divine
Assassin”, 1.12 I 21 (// ảln); in bkn ctx.: tlk b mdbr she went to the desert,
Cf. md, mddt (II), ymd.
mdd (I) n. m. “beloved, friend” (ptc. G < */y-d-d/. Gordon UT § 9.24; Tropper
UG 476; Hb. *mydd, PN HALOT 576; OAram. mwdd, “friend”, DNWSI 602;
Amor. /mūdadum/, “beloved”, Gelb CAAA 21; Akk. mūdādu, “Geliebter”, AHw
665; “beloved one”, CAD M/2 160; OSA mwd, “friend of the ruler”, SD 156; cf.
Arab. wadda, “to love”, mawaddat, “love”, AEL 2931f.; cf. / y-d-d/. De Moor
SP 120). ¶ Forms: sg. mdd.
Beloved, friend, espec. mdd ỉl “Beloved of DN”, title of certain DNN (Rah-
mouni DEUAT 215ff.); cf. ★a) šmk mdd ỉl your name is: “Beloved of DN”, 1.1
IV 20; mdd ỉl ym the “Beloved of DN”, DN, 1.3 III 38; 1.4 II 34; VI 12; VII 3 and
par.;★ b) mdd ỉlm mt the “Beloved of DN”, DN, 1.4 VIII 23–24; ★c) mdd ỉl ảrš
the “Beloved of DN”, DN, 1.3 III 43.
Cf. mdd (II), mddbʕl, mddt (I).
mdd (II) PN (Sem. < */y-d-d/. Gröndahl PTU 62 n. 290, 143; Watson AuOr 13 1995
PN: bn PN, 4.692:5.
Cf. mdd (I).
mddbʕl PN or honorific title (Sem. < */y-d-d/. Gröndahl PTU 32, 62, 117, 143).
PN or honorific title: 4.70:1; 4.85:1 (note its first position in lists of PNN).
Cf. mdd (I), bʕl (II).
mddt (I) n. f. “beloved” (< mdd (I)); ¶ par.: ảṯt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mddth (rdg
mddt<h> in 1.14 IV 28).

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mddt (ii) – mdl (ii) 521

Beloved: trḫ ḥdṯ ybʕr (…) lm nkr mddth the newlywed leave his beloved (…)
for a foreigner, 1.14 II 50 and par. (// ảṯth); in bkn ctx.: mddt, 1.157:4.
Cf. mdd (I).
mddt (II) n. f. “dispenser, distributor” (< */m-d-d/. Akk. mādidu, “Mess-Beam-
ter”, AHw 572; “official supervising the distribution of staples”, CAD M/1 142.
De Moor ARTU 232). ¶ Forms: pl. mddt.
Dispenser, distributor (of favours, gifts, etc.), espec. in the divine title: kṯrt
(…) mddt nʕmy ʕrš hrt DNN (…) dispensers of the delight of the fertile
bed, 1.17 II 41 (Wyatt RTU 265: “those who apportion the delights”; diff. Del
Olmo MLC 373: “amigas (?), amantes”, cf. mddt (I)).
mdgl 1.119:12, cf. mgdl.
mdgt n. f. “cave, tomb” < “dark place” (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. dağdağa, “to be,
become dark”, duğğat, “intense darkness”, madğūd, “a curtain let down”,
AEL 852. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 208; Watson UF 42 2010 836; diff.
Margalit UPA 163: “fishing-place, fishpond”, Hb. dg); ¶ par.: knkt. ¶ Forms:
sg. mdgt (rdg preferable to (b)m dgt).
Cave, tomb: yqbr{.}nn b mdgt b knkt he buried him in a tomb inside a sealed
(coffin), 1.19 III 41.
mdḫ, 4.783:7, allog. of midḫ (Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26; Syria 66 1989 272; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 179: *Maʔduḫ(u)).
mdḫl PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 217).
PN: [[bn]] PN, 4.371:20.
/m-d-l/ vb G/D “to bridle” (?) (etym. unc., // ṣmd. For the various options see
Greenfield Bib 45 1964 527ff.: “to tie, attach”, metath. of Aram., MHb. *lmd;
Good UF 16 1984 80: “to attach a guide rope”, denom. of *mdl, Arab. dalla,
Aram. dallel; Watson LSU 50–52; SEL 3 1986 73–78: “attach a halter”, denom.
of *mdl, “strap”, Akk. madālu, muddulu / muddulû; also JNSL 22 1996 76; Van
Zijl Baal 67f.; Pini OrAn 15 1976 111 n. 28; Margalit Aqhat 359 n. 11); ¶ par.:
/ṣ-m-d/. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. tmdln; impv. mdl.
G/D. To bridle (?): mdl ʕr bridle (?) the ass (…) tmdln ʕr she bridled (?) the
ass, 1.19 II 3, 8 and par. (// ṣmd, tṣmd).
Cf. mdl (I).
mdl (I) n. m., part of the harness, halter (?) (etym. unc.; cf. ctx., said of ḥmr
(I), and /m-d-l/, with no obvious connection with mdl (II). Margalit UF 16
1984 133f.: “riding gear”, /m-d-l/; Watson LSU 50–52: “halter”, Akk. nattullu,
namtullu, “(part of a harness)”, CAD N/1, 120; AuOr 29 2011 158: “reins”: Eg.
md3). ¶ Forms: sg. mdl.
Part of the harness (?), in bkn ctx.: l bnš ḥm[r m]dl […] w d l mdl, 1.86:12–13.
Cf. /m-d-l/.
mdl (II) n. m.; perhaps a meteor ((?); etym. unc. Contexts with no obvious

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522 mdl (iii) – mdrg

connection with mdl (I); for the various options see Good UF 16 1984 80 f.:
“lightning (?)”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 170: “foudre”; Cazelles Maarav 5/6 1990
49ff.: “corde, fouet”; Pardee CS/1 253 n. 95: “watering device”, *dly; Wiggins
UF 32 2000 581, 585: “an atmospheric phenomenon”); ¶ par.: qrn. ¶ Forms:
sg. mdl; suff. mdlk, mdlh.
A meteor (?): wảt qḥ ʕrptk rḥk mdlk mṭrtk but you, take your clouds, your
wind, your m., your rain, 1.5 V 7; in bkn ctx.: yšt […] bʕl mdlh may […] DN
place his m., 1.3 IV 26 (// [q]rnh).
mdl (III) PN (etym. unc. Watson SEL 3 1986 77 n. 21).
PN: 4.75 VI 1 (bn nrn).
mdll, cf. /d-l-l/.
md/ln PN, rdg unc.: bn md/ln (?), 4.245 I 4.
mdnt n. f. “city, town, townsfolk” (< /d-n/; Hb., OAram., Nab., Palm. mdynh,
“district”, HALOT 549; “jurisdiction, town”, DNWSI 597; Arab. madīnat, “city”,
AEL 945; cf. Mari Akk. madinātum, “villages”, NABU 1987/81. Reviv SHJP 15 ff.;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 159f. n. s; diff. De Moor UF 17 1985 222: “aged men (?)”,
Arab. ḏanna; Gray UF 11 1979 318 n. 20: “weakling”, Arab. daniya; Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT III/6 1138 n. 39: “Streitender”, Hb. mdwn / mdn; Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 134, 158: “foe, enemy”; for a survey see Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 350 ff.:
“townsfolk”). ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU ma-ni-ni (diff. Sivan CACl 146: from
MDD “measure”); ¶ par.: šb. ¶ Forms: sg. mdnt.
City, town, townsfolk: he evicted b ksl qšth mdnt the townsfolk with the sinew
of his bow, 1.3 II 16 (// šbm).
Cf. /d-n/.
mdpt n. f., type of carder (?) (etym. unc. Arab. nadafa, “to card”, mindaf, “wood-
en implement with which he strikes the bowstring to loosen the cotton”,
AEL 3030; Dietrich-Loretz KA190 n. 147). ¶ Forms: sg. mdpt.
A type of carder (?): mdpt, 5.22:11.
mdrʕ n. m. “sown land, cultivated field” (< /d-r-ʕ/. Hb., Pun. mzrʕ, “sown land”,
HALOT 567; DNWSI 610; Emar Akk. /madaru/, “field”, < *m-d-r, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 117f.; Arab. mazraʕa, “a land that is sown”, AEL 1226. Cutler-
Macdonald UF 14 1982 47); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A mi-TA-ar-ú!, PRU 3 47
(RS 16.150):12; Kühne UF 7 1975 257f.; Huehnergard UVST 119; Sivan GAGl
248; UF 21 1989 361; diff. Van Soldt SAU 412: mi-ṭá-ar-ú, with CAD M/2 144b.
¶ Forms: sg. mdrʕ; suff. mdrʕh.
Sown land: yn b dbḥ mlkt b mdrʕ wine for the queen’s sacrifice in the sown
land, 4.149:16; nġr mdrʕ guard(s) of (the) sown land, 1.23:69, 73; 4.141 III 16;
4.618:6; in bkn ctx.: ]tbʕ mdrʕh, 1.146:6.
Cf. /d-r-ʕ/.
mdrg PN (etym. unc.).

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mdṯ – mḏrġl 523

PN, in bkn ctx. (?): ]mdrg, 4.646:3.

mdṯ cf. mdʕ.
mdṯbn “?”.
?, in bkn ctx., ].mdṯbn ỉpd, 4.275:4.
mdw n. m. “sickness” (< /d-w-y/. Hb. mdwh, “sickness”, HALOT 548; /Syr. mdwy,
“weakened, afflicted”, SL 713/); ¶ par.: zbln. ¶ Forms: sg. mdw.
Sickness, illness: km ảḫt ʕrš mdw for you have taken to a bed of sickness, 1.16
VI 35, 51 (// zbln).
mdym, 2.62:4, cf. mndym.
mḏ “?”, prob. part of a PN.
?, in bkn ctx.: xḫ mḏ, 4.772:6; cf. ]mḏ, 4.697:11 (Gröndahl PTU 241).
mḏl PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 121).
PN: 4.289:5; 4.643:26.
mḏlġ “?” (in unc. ctx. Dietrich-Loretz KA 190f. n. 15, 193: “Sprengkanne für
Wasser”, Akk. mas/šlaḫ/ʔ(t)u; see Tropper UG 117. For var. semantic and etym.
options cf. Watson LSU 93; AuOrS 27 89: four poss. meanings with Akk.
isoglosses: “libation tube” / “sprinkler” / “jug” / “bucket”). ¶ Forms: mḏlġ.
?: ṯn mḏlġ two (?) m., 5.22:22.
mḏnt n. f. “sandal” (?) (etym unc. Akk. mešēnu, “Sandale, Schuh”, AHw 648; “a
type of shoe”, CAD M/2 38. Dietrich-Loretz KA 190 n. 145). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl.
Sandal (?): mḏnt, 5.22:7.
mḏr n. m. “vow” (< /n-ḏ-r/, alloph. of /n-d-r/. Herdner Ug 7 37); ¶ par.: dkr.
¶ Forms: sg. m. mḏr.
Vow: mḏr bʕl nmlủ a vow, DN, we shall fulfil, 1.119:30 (// ḏkr).
Cf. /n-ḏ-r/.
mḏrġl n. m., term for a military class, prob. “watchman, guard” (Hurro-Akk.
/maṣṣār=uḫl-/, Diakonoff HU 78; Thiel UF 12 1980 354 n. 38; Heltzer IOKU
115ff.; cf. Akk. maṣṣāru, “Wächter”, AHw 621; “guardian”, CAD M/1 341 ff.; cf.
Ebla /maṣṣarum/ ma-za-lum, “guardia”, Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 170f.; ARET 9
397. Rainey MilPers 23: “users of the mḏrn weapon”; Tropper UG 117; Vita
EU 109 ff.: Hurr. mazeri “assistance, help”; for a survey see Watson LSU 131;
UF 40 2008 555; UF 42 2010 826: “assistant”); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ.MEŠ.UN.
TU/TÙ, PRU 3 237; PRU 6 152 n. 9 (but cf. [I]A = ma-ṣa-ar-t[u4, Ug 5 135 (RS
21.62):12; Nougayrol Ug 5 238 n. 3; Huehnergard UVST 66); cf. UN, EAT 114:31,
136:18; Rainey JNES 24 1965 24; Heltzer IOKU 121 f.; CAD M/1 333: maṣṣartu).
¶ Forms: sg. mḏrġl; pl. mḏrġlm.
Watchman, guard: ★a) PN mḏrġl guard, 3.7:2ff.; 4 635:18; group or corps of
mḏrġlm watchmen: 4.68:61; 4.69 VI 6; 4.99:17; 4.102:14; 4.162:9; 4.174:10, 12;
4.179:13; 4.183 II 15; 4.213:29; 4.216:4, 11; 4.230:6; 4.387:10, 20, 24; 4.751:1; 4.837:10;

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524 mḏrn – mgdly (i)

accompanied by ḫsnm (cf. ḫsn (I)): 4.137:9; 4.163:12; 4.173:7; 4.819:1; ★b) spr
mḏrġlm d !t hlk b [TN list of watchmen who have gone (as a detachment) to
TN, 4.33:1; ủbdy mḏrġlm lands leased to the watchmen, 4.103:54; bdl mḏrġlm
substitutes of the guards, ibid. 4.69 VI 17 (cf. ḫsn and LÚ.MEŠ muš-ke-nu-tu4
LÚ.MEŠ.UN.TU, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 17); ★c) mḏrġlm d ỉnn msgm lhm
watchmen that have no (animal) skins, 4.53:1; mḏrġlm d bt bʕlt mlk (service)
watchmen in the temple of DN, 4.54:1; mḏrġlm d ỉnn bd PN watchmen who
have not been entrusted to PN, 4.379:1; cf. 4.33, supra: ★b); in bkn ctx.: ḫmštm
mḏr[ġl(m)], 4.834:15.
mḏrn n. m.; a kind of weapon, “broadsword” (?). (Akk. namṣaru, “(grosses)
Schwert”, AHw 729; “a sword”, CAD N/1 246. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 342; diff.
Vita EU 66ff.: not a weapon, see mḏrġl; for an assessment of the var. etym.
proposals see Watson LSU 93, 131 n. 534); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 2 URUDU ma-am-ṣa-
ar bu-li, PRU 6 141:2; CAD M/1 202; Sivan GAGl 243; Huehnergard UVST 148;
Van Soldt SAU 305; diff. Nougayrol PRU 6 p. 157 (168 [RS 21.199]:4): mazaru,
cf. CAD M/1 437f.: mazarunu an implement). ¶ Forms: sg. mḏrn; pl. mḏrnm.
Kind of weapon (for chariots) “broadsword”: ảrbʕ mḏrnm four broadswords
(?), 4.167:11; mḏrn w mšḫṭ a broadsword (?) and an axe, ibid. ln. 12.
mgdl n. m. “tower; watchtower” (Hb. mgdl, “tower”, HALOT 543 f.; Moab. “tower”,
DNWSI 592; cf. Eg. /magdāla/, “Tower”, Hoch SWET 169 f. (224); Akk. mad-
galtu, “Aussichtsturm”, AHw 572; “watchtower”, CAD M/1 16. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 143; Xella TRU 31); RS Akk.: cf. the logogr. spelling
É.AN.ZA.GÀR, passim, and Huehnergard UVST 128; ¶ syll. Ug. cf. the elem.
/magdal-/ in mgdly (I), TN; ¶ par.: ḥmt. ¶ Forms: sg. mgdl; mdgl, 1.119:12 (mis-
take / metath. or allom., see Akk. above); pl. mgdlm.
Tower; watchtower: ★a) Tower: ʕly l ẓr mgdl he climbed on top of the tower,
1.14 IV 3 and par. (// ḥmt); qrt zbl yrḫ d mgdl š[ the city of prince DN, whose
tower …, 1.18 I 31; ảlp l mg!d !l bʕl ủgrt a head of cattle in the tower (of the
temple) of DN of TN, 1.119:12 (but see Watson LSU 93, 138 n. 593: “look-out
post, tower”: Akk. magdaltu and poss. < *dgl “to see”); ỉlt mgdl š (for) the
goddess of the tower: one ewe, 1.39:11 (cf. 1.112:25); ★b) watchtower: rb mgdlm
chief of the watchtowers, 4.410:27); in bkn ctx. 7.47:3.
Cf. mgdly.
mgdly (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 182: *Magdalā. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour Or
38 1969 401; UF 13 1981 9; RSP 2 298, 356; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 734; Watson
SEL 28 2011 28); ¶ syll.: URU ma-ag-da-la(-a), PRU 4 66 (RS 17.62):6 + PRU 4
70 (RS 17.366):16; PRU 6 77 (RS 19.32):2; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207+):10; Sivan GAGl
242; Van Soldt Topography 29, 177; Watson LSU 201).
TN: 4.244:10; in bkn ctx. cf. 4.684:8.
Cf. mgdly (II).

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mgdly (ii) – mgn (i) 525

mgdly (II) GN m. (< mdgly (I); Belmonte RGTC 12/2 182). ¶ Forms: sg. mgdly.
GN: PN mgdly, 4.417:11.
mglb PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 127); ¶ syll.: DUMU {NA}-ma-ag-li-bi, PRU 3
202 (RS 16.257+) III 44; cf. Van Soldt SAU 34.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 33; 4.76:2; 4.77:30; 4.633:11; 4.761:4; 4.807:65; 4.843:28;
4.842:16 (bn mgl[b).
mgmr MN (< (?) */g-m-r/. Xella RSF 12 1984 23); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ina ITI ma-ag-
ma-r[i], RS 25.455 A+B III 2 (unpub.), AHw 577; CAD M/1 46; Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 651; SAU 304; Huehnergard UVST 116; Vita UF 36 2004 524 f. ¶ Forms:
MN: b yrḫ mgmr in the month of m., 4.192:1; 4.182:38; 4.316:1, 3; with ellipsis
of yrḫ: (quantity of linen delivered) l mgmr b ṯlṯ šnt in (the month of) m. for
three years, 4.168:12; in bkn ctx. ]mgmr, 1.81:16.
/m-g-n/ vb D “to wine and dine, regale, welcome” (prob. denom. < mgn (I). Hb.
mgn pi., “to give as a gift”, HALOT 545; Ph. mgn pi., “to offer”, DNWSI 593;
Amor. cf. /m-g-n/, “to present, donate”, Gelb CAAA 25. Von Soden JEOL 18
1964 339f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 31 f.; Kammenhuber Arier
222; O’Connor JAOS 109 1989 25ff.; Aartun StUL 78f.); ¶ par.: /ġ-ẓ-y/. ¶ Forms:
D suffc. mgntm (Tropper UF 26 1994 461 n. 19); prefc. nmgn, with suff.
nmgnkm, tmgnn.
D. To wine and dine, regale: tmgnn rbt ảṯrt ym they wined and dined the
Great Lady, DN of the Sea, 1.4 III 25 (// tġẓn); ỉk tmgnn rbt ảṯrt ym how is it
that the you regale the Great Lady, DN of the Sea?, 1.4 III 28 (// tġẓn); mgntm ṯr
ỉl d pỉd have you already regaled the “Bull” DN, the “Kind-hearted”?, 1.4 III 30
(// ġẓtm); nmgnkm rbt ảṯrt ym (…) […] nmgn hwt we are going to regale you,
Great Lady, DN of the Sea (…) [then (?)] we shall regale him, 1.4 III 33–36 (//
Cf. mgn (I), mgn (III).
mgn (I) n. m. “gift, present” (Hurr. maganni, “cadeau, présent”, Laroche GLH 164;
Akk. magannu, “Geschenk”, AHw 574f.; “gift, present”, CAD M/1 31 f.; Hb.,
Pun., Palm. mgn, “gift”, HALOT 545f.; DNWSI 593f.; cf. Arab. mağğān, “gra-
tuitous”, Hava 709; JAram. mgnʔ, “grace, undeserved gift”, DTT 729; see /m-
g-n/. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 31f.; cf. Vedic maghá-, Von Soden
JEOL 18 1964 339f.; Or 35 1966 15; Kammenhuber Arier 222, 227ff.; O’Connor
JAOS 109 1989 25ff.; Watson LSU 131, 146, 148); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN DUMU ma-
ga-ni, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):4; ¶ RS Akk.: a-na ma-ga-ni na-da-an-šu li-id-di-in,
PRU 4 83 (RS 17.382+):56; ¶ par.: mġẓ. ¶ Forms: sg. mgn, suff. mgnk.
Gift, present: mgn rbt aṯrt ym a present of the Great Lady, DN of the Sea, 1.4
I 21 and par. (// mġẓ); šqrb ksp b mgnk offer silver as your present, 1.16 I 45 (cf.
RS Akk. ana maga(n)ni, supra).
Cf. /m-g-n/.

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526 mgn (ii) – mġmġ

mgn (II) n. m. protective tool or equipment (“shield”(?) < */g-n-n/. Hb., Ph. mgn,
“shield”, HALOT 545; DNWSI 593; Amor. cf. /maganum/, “shield” (?), Gelb
CAAA 25; Arab. miğann, “shield”, AEL 464; LB maginnu, “a type of headgear”,
CAD M/1 44; “Schild”, AHw 576. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 24,
32; diff. Watson AuOrS 27 96: “container” (?), Aram mgnʔ, type of vessel).
¶ Forms: sg. mgn.
Protective tool or equipment (used in the forge (?)), in bkn ctx.: mgn ar[bʕ a
shield (for (?)) fo[ur (listed between mqp and mqḥ), 4.127:3.
mgn (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 156; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229); ¶ syll.: DUMU
ma-ga-ni, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):4; Sivan GAGl 247.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 6.
mgšḫ TN, “the land of Mug/kiš” (Nougayrol PRU 4 p. 255; Dijkstra UF 19 1987
45 n. 37: TN Mukiš = Alalakh); ¶ syll.: KUR mu-kiš, PRU 4 255; KUR mu-kí-iš,
PRU 4 35ff. (RS 17.132):3; RSOu 7 6 (RS 34.143):6, 8; Ug 5 33 (RS 20.212):30: KUR
mu-kiš-ḫi. ¶ Forms: mgšḫ (/mug/kiš= ḫe/ [Hurr. adjectival suff.] < Alal. and
Bo. Akk.: KUR URU mu-ki-iš-ḫe “der / die / das Mukiš’sche”, Dietrich-Loretz
WO 3 1966 213).
TN: ỉb d b mgšḫ the enemy that is in the land TN, 2.33:10; in bkn ctx. cf. ]šḫ,
3.1:6 (Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 213: rdg mg]šḫ = KUR Mukiš; diff. Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 84: rdg ]šḫ, with KTU2).
mgṯ n. m. a sacrificial victim (?) (etym. unc. Xella OrAn 17 1978 127ff.: “bestia da
macello”, Akk. gušu; Sanmartín UF 12 1980 338f.: “Schlachttier”, Akk. gašāšu;
diff. Ullendorff BHL 120: “offering”, Hb. mgš, */n-g-š/; De Moor BiOr 31 1974
26: “selected one”, < *ngṯ; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 452: “ein Ausgesuchtes”,
< /n-g-ṯ/; Aartun StUL 37f.: “Innereien”, < *gwṯ. Cf. Smith UBC/1 124 n. 14);
¶ par.: imr. ¶ Forms: sg. mgṯ.
A sacrificial victim: ṭbḫ (…) mgṯ w ỉṯrm sacrifice (…) a m. that I am going to
feed myself with, 1.16 VI 18 and par. (// ỉmr).
mġd n. m. “food, provisions” (Arab. ġiḏāʔ, “aliment”, AEL 2236; cf. Hb. mʕdnym,
“delicacy”, HALOT 609). Fensham JNSL 7 1979 21; Renfroe AULS 60 f.; ¶ par.:
lḥm. ¶ Forms: sg. mʕd.
Food, provisions: yỉp (…) mġd ṯdṯ yrḫm cook (…) food (until) the sixth month,
1.14 II 31 and par. (// lḥm).
mġln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 43, 61, 64, 153, 156, 162; Coogan Or 44 1975
PN: bn PN, 4.129:12.
mġmġ n. m., a medicinal plant (cf. Akk. Ú me-me/mi-tu/tú, eine Pflanze, AHw
644: memī/ētu; a plant, CAD M/2 18: memētu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 40f.; Cohen-Sivan UHT 18f.; Pardee TH 52; Cohen UF 28 1996 145 f.;
Watson LSU 69). ¶ Forms: sg. mġmġ.

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mġrt – /m-ġ-y/ 527

A medicinal plant: mġmġ w bṣql ʕrgz ydk ảḥdh mash together m. and a
branch of ʕr., 1.85:5; 1.71:5; 1.72:6, cf. mġmġ, ln. 27.
mġrt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 189. Heltzer RCAU 12; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977
344; Saadé AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 219f.; Astour RSP 2 301 f.; TopAn 135f., Van
Soldt Topography 31).
TN: bnš mġrt personnel of TN, 4.125:18.
/m-ġ-y/ vb G: 1) “to come, arrive”; 2) “to reach, head for, approach”; 3) “to go,
walk” (Hb., Ph. mṣʔ, “to reach, to meet”, HALOT 619f.; “to find”, DNWSI 675;
Syr. mṭy, “to arrive, reach”, SL 745; Arab. maḍā, “to pass, go”, AEL 3021; OSA
mẓʔ, “to go proceed”, SD 89; Eth. maṣʔa, “to come”, CDG 369 f.; cf. Akk. maṣû,
“entsprechen, genügen”, AHw 621f.; “to be equal, able”, CAD M/1 344 ff. Van
Zijl Baal 84f.; Blau IOS 2 1977 57ff.; but see Kogan UF 32 2000 718 for etym.
dicussion); ¶ par.: /m-š-r/ (Š), /m-ẓ-a/, /q-l/ (I) Št, /s/ś-b-b/ (?). ¶ Forms: G
suffc. mġt, mġy, mġyt, mġny (du.); prefc. ảmġy, tmġ, tmġyn, ymġy, ymġ; suff.
tmġyy (encl. -y), ymġyk, ymġyn, tmġyn (emph. -n); impv. mġ; inf. mġy, suff.
mġyy, mġyh.
G. 1) To come, arrive: tmġ l nʕm[ y ảrṣ (…) tm[ġ] l bʕl she reached the “delight”
of the land (…) she reached DN, 1.5 VI 28, 30, and par.; [ỉ]k mġy ảlỉyn bʕl ỉk
mʕyt b[t]lt ʕnt how is it that DN, the “Most Powerful”, arrived, how is it that
the Virgin DN arrived?, 1.4 II 22–23 and par.; ảḫr mʕy ảlỉyn bʕl mʕyt btlt ʕnt
after DN, the “Most Powerful”, arrived, the Virgin DN arrived, 1.4 III 23–24
and par.; ảḫr tmġyn mlảk ym after the messengers of DN arrived, 1.2 I 30, cf.
ảḫr ymġy, 1.17 V 25; [ảḫ]r mġy ʕdt ỉlm after the assembly of the gods arrived,
1.15 II 11; [ảḫ]r mġyh after his arrival, 1.16 I 50; bn ḫrnk mġy your messenger
arrived, 2.61:4; mġy ḥrn l bth DN went to her house, 1.100:67; ʕrb špš l ymġ krt at
sunset PN will certainly arrive, 1.15 V 18; mndʕ krt mġy perhaps PN has arrived,
1.16 II 24; w mndʕ k ảnk ảḥš mġy and perhaps (it is the case) that I must hurry
to come (/ put forward my arrival), 2.34:11; mġy[t] pġt l ảhlm PN arrived at the
tents, 1.19 IV 49; ỉk mġy gpn w ủgr how is it that DN(N) arrive(s)?, 1.3 III 36;
mġy (…) ỉlnym l mṭʕt there arrived (…) the “divine ones” at the plantations,
1.20 II 6; mġy rpủm l grnt DN arrived at the threshing floors, 1.20 II 6 and
par.; ảmġy l bt[ y] I shall arrive at my house, 1.21 II 7; w tmġy l ủdm you will
arrive at TN, 1.14 III 4 and par.; ymġ l mrrt tġll bnr and he arrived at TN, 1.19
III 50 and par.; wn ymġy ảklm and behold, he arrived next to the “Voracious
Ones”, 1.12 I 36 (// w ymẓả); ym[ġy] l qdš ảṯrt they reached the sanctuary of
DN, 1.14 IV 34; tmġyy hn ảlpm śśwm these two thousand horses must arrive
here, 2.33:31 (encl. -y., Tropper UF 26 1994 476); tmġyn tšả ghm they arrived
(and) raised their voice(s), 1.19 II 40. In unc. ctx., ủdh mġt (the time of) its
payment(?) has arrived, 2.36:8 (cf. Dijkstra UF 21 1989 143); k tmġy mlảkt špš
when the message of the “Sun” arrives, 2.37:7; w ảt ʕmy l mġt but you did

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528 mġẓ – m(h)

not come to me, 2.36:10; mġy nmy PN arrived, 2.76:3; ʕd mġyy b ʕrm until
I arrived at the city(cities)(?), 2.71:16; ymġy bnš someone may come, 1.86:8
(cf. Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258); k ymġy ʕbdk when your servants
arrive, 2.70:25 (cf. Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Olávarri 55); p mġy ṯh “in fact the
neighbour has arrived”, 2.88:14; w ảnk qdšh mġt and I myself arrived in TN,
2.97:17; ṭbqym l mġy the GN did not arrive, 4.810:4; in bkn ctx., tmġyn, 2.1:5; ʕd
mġy, 2.1:8; ymġy npš, 1.1 V 16; ymġyk bnm, 2.2:8; km mġy ả[, 2.84:15.
2) To reach, proceed (towards a place), approach: dnỉl bth ymġyn PN pro-
ceeded to his house, 1.17 II 24 and par. (// yštql); w hln ʕnt l bth tmġyn and
look! / then DN proceeded to his house, 1.3 II 17 (// tštql); pʕnh l tmġyn hdm
rỉšh l ymġy ảpsh his feet did not reach the footstool, his head did not reach
its edge, 1.6 I 59–60; k ymġy ảdn ỉlm rbm when the “Lord of the great gods”
approaches / approached, 1.124:1; ʕṯtrt w ʕnt ymġy DN and DN he approached,
1.114:9; w ymġ mlảkk ʕm dtn and may your messenger then come before DN,
3) To go, walk: mġ l qdš ảmrr go, oh DNN!, 1.3 VI 11 (// šmšr).
In bkn ctx.: mġy hy, 2.31:45; mġ hw, 1.23:75; cf. 2.73:19; ʕd mġ[, 2.88:22; ymġy[,
1.17 II 46; ] ymġy, 1.113:7; ly mġyh, 2.97:13; ymġy, 2.97:21; w mġ[, 2.100:29.
Cf. mġln, /m-ẓ-ʔ/.
mġẓ n. m. “present, gift” (< /ġ-ẓ-y/. Caquot TOu/1 194 n. d; De Moor UF 1 1969
202 n. 6; diff. Aartun StUL 101ff.: “das Befriedigen”); ¶ par.: mgn (I). ¶ Forms:
sg. mġz.
Present, gift: mġẓ qnyt ỉlm the present of the Progenitress of the gods, 1.4 I 22
(// mgn); mġẓ ymnk present of your right (?), 1.5 V 3; in bkn ctx. ]ủlh mġẓ, 1.5
V 24.
m(h) pn. 1) interr. pn. “what?”; 2) indef. pn. “anything” (Hb., OAram., Nab., Palm.
mh, “what?, what”, HALOT 550–552; DNWSI 599 ff.; Ph. m, id., DNWSI 599 ff.;
Pun. mʔ / mu, id., DNWSI 599ff.; Arab. mā, “that, what, what?”, AEL 3016;
Eth. mi, “what?”, CDG 323; cf. Akk. mā, etwa “was!”, AHw 570; “what?, why?”,
“indeed, thus”, CAD M/1 1ff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Loewenstamm 19–21; Cun-
chillos TOu/2 295 n. 10; cf. Aartun PU/1 42: m + “hervorheb. -h”). ¶ Forms:
mh; short form m; cf. ảt (I) and hy.
1) What?: mh tảršn what do you wish of me?, 1.6 II 13 and par.; mh ylt what
have they given birth to?, 1.23:53 and par.; mh yqḥ what can he attain?, 1.17
VI 35 and par.; short form: m ảt what’s the matter (with you)?, 1.14 I 38; m hy
rgmt what did she say?, 2.14:9 (diff. Aartun PU/1 42: m + hervorheb. h + y).
Rdg mt! in 1.16 VI 6; cf. Del Olmo MLC 319. For 2.16:11: m ảb see above ảb 1a.
2) Anything: p m yqḥ and anything that he wishes to take, 2.71:11.
In bkn ctx., 1.4 II 39.
Cf. mhk, mhkm.

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mh/y – mhr (i) 529

mh/y n. m. “water” (Hb., Ph. mym, “water”, HALOT 576f.; EA Akk. mé-e-ma,
mé-ma, id., DNWSI 620f.; Sivan GAGl 246: /mēma/ < /mayma/; OAram.
my, mwh, id., DNWSI 620f.; Nab. myʔ, id., DNWSI 620f.; Palm. myʔ, mn, id.,
DNWSI 620f.; Ebla /māwū, māy/hū/ in A.GA.DU = ma-wu NI-dar-tim, VE 619;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 24; A.ŠU.LUḪ = ma-wu i-da-A, ma-u9 i-da, VE 626a;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 24; Fronzaroli EL 145; Krecher Biling. 152; A.UD = ma-wu
ʔà-mu-tum, VE 637; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 25; Fronzaroli EL 145; A.BAL =

ma-wu mu-da-bar-si-ù-tum, VE 640a; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 25; in A.TUKU =

i-a-ù ma-a, a-a-ù mi (/ʔiyāʔ māy/, / ʔayāʔ mē/), VE 616; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983
23; Krecher Biling. 161; Mander MEE 10 174; OSA mw, “water”, SD 88; Arab. māʔ,
“water”, AEL 3025f.; Eth. māy, “water”, CDG 376; Akk. māmū, mū, “Wasser”,
AHw 601, 664f.; “water”, CAD M/2 149ff.; Eg. mw, “das Wasser”, WÄS/2 250.
Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 29; De Moor, SP 97); ¶ par.: ṣat (+ npš), rb(b),
ṭl. ¶ Forms: sg. my, suff. or allog. mh; pl. mym, mm, suff. mmh.
Water: ṯkmt my who carries water on her shoulders, 1.19 II 6 and par. (cf. mym,
1.19 IV 37 and par.); tḥspn mh w trḥṣ they drew water for her and washed (her),
1.3 II 38 and par. (// ṭl, rbb); ảl tšt b šdm mmh may she pour out, yes, her water
in the fields, 1.16 I 34 (// ṣảt npšh; cf. Hb. mymyh); yšpk k mm ảrṣ (they / it)
may (there) be poured out like water on the earth, 1.178:12; in bkn ctx.: l qrb
[x]mym tql in the middle of the waters (?) she fell, 1.19 I 2; mm b bṯn[, 1.166:28.
Cf. composite TN qr mym “Spring (of) waters”, 1.19 III 46 and par. (cf. qr). For
the correction my! rỉšk in 1.16 I 27, cf. mḫ.
Cf. mhyt.
mhbn TN, seat of the cult of the god ršp (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 189 f. Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT 2 315; diff. Herdner Ug 7 15; Caquot ACF 76 1976f., 462; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartin UF 7 1975 163; Xella TRU 41: “Gedanke, Gabe” / “il benefico”,
epithet of the god ršp, < *w/yhb).
TN: ršp mhbn DN of TN, 1.105:1, cf. 1.106:6.
mhk(m) indef. pn. “anything, whatever it may be”; negated “no-one, nothing”
(m(h) + k (+ m)). (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartin UF 6 1974 32; Cunchillos TOu/2
324 n. 19; for the morphology: Aartun PU/1 42, 49). ¶ Forms: mhk, mhkm.
Anything, whatever it may be; negated “no-one, nothing”: w ảḫy mhk b lbh
al yšt and may my brother not harbour any (anxiety) in his heart, 2.38:26; cf.
mhkm, 2.30:22 (cf. ù mi-im-ma i-na ŠÀ-ka la ta-šak-kán-nu-nim, EAT 170:41);
dbr {h}mhkm, 2.71:14; al yṣỉ mhk not a word must escape your mouth, 2.88:40;
PN b šdm hnmt ủnṯ mhkm l ybl PN for these fields is not required to pay any
ủ., 3.33:21.
mhmrt, cf hmrt.
mhr (I) n. m. “warrior (trained, expert), soldier, combatant, hero”; “troop(s)”
(Hb. mhyr, mhr, “skilful, experienced”, < *mhr, “to hasten”, HALOT 552, 553 f.;

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530 mhr (ii) – mhr (iii)

Ph., PNN (DN-)mhr(-DN), Benz PPNPI 340 f.; Amor. cf. /mahar-/, “?”, Huff-
mon APNMT 229f.; Gelb CAAA 25; OAram. mhyr, “skilled”, DNWSI 602; Arab.
māhir, “skilled”, AEL 2740; Eth. mǝhur, “trained”, CDG 334; Eg. /mahīra/, “Mil-
itary Officer Commanding Troops and Handling Logistics”, Hoch SWET 147 f.
(190). Schulman ZÄS 93 1966 123ff.; De Moor SP 91); ¶ syll. Ug.: Sivan GAGl
246: /meher(u), mihir(u)/; cf. the elem. UR.SAG in syll. Ug. PNN, Rainey IOS 3
1973 39 (cf. Gröndahl PTU sub MHR 156 and QRD 176f.); ¶ par.: ḏmr (I), ġzr,
(?) nšr, ṣbủ (I), rpủ. ¶ Forms: sg. mhr, suff. mhrk, mhrh; pl. mhrm.
Warrior (trained, expert), soldier, combatant, hero: ★a) Warrior, soldier,
combatant, hero: mhr bʕl / ʕnt warrior of DN, 1.22 I 8–9(// rpủ, title of divine
hero. Rahmouni DEUAT 219ff. Cho LDUT 214 ff.); mhr št destructive warrior,
1.18 IV 27 and par. (epithet of yṭpn; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 196 n. 220:
“vigour”, (?) Akk. mīru; for other alternatives: “warrior of the Lady”, “Šutu
warrior” cf. št (III); Watson LSU 13, 58, 141, 172; Rahmouni DEUAT 223ff.);
kp mhr the palms of the warriors, 1.3 II 11; tġl[l] (…) ḥlqm b mmʕ mhrm she
plunged (…) (her) members in the innards of the combatants, 1.3 II 15, 35 (//
b dm ḏmr); tṯʕr ksảt l mhr she arranged chairs as (if they were) warriors, 1.3
II 21 (// l ṣbỉm, l ġzrm); ★b) troop(s): bdl TN dt ỉnn mhr lhm! reserve personnel
from TN with no troop assigned to them, 4.214 I 5; in bkn ctx.: qštm [kl] mhrm
the bow(s) (is /are) [the equipment] of warriors, 1.17 VI 40; l mhrk w ʕp yes,
your warriors, fly!, 1.13:7 ((?) // nšrk) ]l mhr, 4.176:7 (cf. mhrn, PN); mhr, 1.10 I 11.
Cf. ỉlmhr, ʕbdmhr, mhrn.
mhr (II) n. m. “warrior strength” (< mhr (I). Del Olmo MLRSO 230 n. 54. For a
survey of versions see Wyatt RTU 286 n. 158). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mhrh (cf. KTU
rdg mprh in 1.18 IV 26).
Warrior strength: ủ! ảp mh!rh ảnk l ảḥwy and I shall not even leave his warrior
strength alive, 1.18 IV 26, for the rdg. see ln. 38 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10,
1978, 68 n. 43: “Herz, Gemüt, Lebensgeist” < Akk. napāru, rdg. mpr; so too
Wright UF 26 1994 539ff.: “convulsion”; Watson UF 27 1995 546; UF 28 1996
707: “convulsion”, Eg. np3p3; Wyatt RTU 286 n. 158: “his pulse”, Eg. np3p3); ʕnt
b ṣmt mhrh DN [saw (?)] the destruction of his warrior strength, 1.18 IV 38.
mhr (III) n. m. “dowry, price / bride-price” (Hb. mhr, “bride-money”, HALOT
554; OAram. mhr, “dowry”, DNWSI 601f.; OSA mhrt, “wealth, possessions”,
SD 84; Arab. mahr, “dowry”, AEL 2740. Rainey RSP 2 72; Lipiński Šulmu 1988
173ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 34f.); ¶ par.: ỉtnn. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mhry,
mhrk, mhrh.
Dowry, price / bride-price: w ảtn mhrh l ảbh and I shall pay her dowry to her
father, 1.24:19; nḥšm (…) tn km mhry (…) ytt nḥšm km mhrk the serpents (…)
give me as my dowry (…) I give you the serpents as your dowry, 1.100:74–75
(// ỉtnny/k).

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mhrʕm – mḥrṯt 531

mhrʕm PN (Sem. < mhr, ʕm).

PN: 4.834:2.
mhrn PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 11 1993 217).
PN: 4.727:8.
mhy, 2.14:9, cf. m(h).
mhyt n. f. “meadow, irrigated land, fertile land” (< my (II); cf. mỉyt. Caquot-
Sznycer TOu/1 250 n. c: “riverains”; Herdner TOu/1 560 n. j: “eaux”; Mar-
galit MLD 75, 125: “waters”; De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 217; CARTU 149: “low-
land”; diff. Cassuto BOS 2 163: “calamity”, *hwh; Aartun UF 16 1984 15 f.:
“Wesen”, Arab. mahiyat); Watson LSU 28, 122 n. 455 for the various opinions;
¶ par.: ảrṣ. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. mhyt.
Meadow, irrigated land, fertile land: ʕd ksm mhyt as far as the limit of the
meadow(s), 1.5 VI 5 (// ảrṣ); l ksm mhyt ʕn look towards the edge of the
meadows, 1.16 III 4 (// ảrṣ. Parker UF 21 1989 287).
Cf. mỉyt.
mḥ n. m. “day room” (/maqtal/ pattern < *ḥyy. Eth. mǝḥ(ǝ)yāw, “place where
one lives”, CDG 252. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 151). ¶ Forms: sg. mḥ.
Day room, in bkn ctx.: d ỉṯ ḥdr[m] w mḥ that has two rooms and one day
room, 2.88:19 (diff. rdg. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 156: ḥd[-][…] w.[-(-)]ḥ).
mḥll n. m. “desacraliser” (< ptc. D */ḥ-l-l/; cf. ḥl (II); ḥll). ¶ Forms: pl. mḥllm.
Desacraliser: tdn mḥllm the desacralisers shall proclaim (the sacred for-
mula), 1.119:23.
Cf. ḥl (II), ḥll.
mḥmd adj. m. “desired, desirable, precious” (ptc. G < /ḥ-m-d/. Cf. Gordon UT
§9.24. Hb. mḥmd, “precious object”, HALOT 570; JAram. mḥmdtʔ, “something
desirable”, DTT 762); ¶ par.: mỉ/ủd. ¶ Forms: sg. mḥmd.
Desired, desirable, precious: šryn mḥmd ảrzh TN desired for its cedars, 1.4
VI 19, 21; tblk (…) gbʕm mḥmd ḫrṣ may (…) the hills bring you the most
precious gold, 1.4 V 16 and par. (// mỉd ksp); in bkn ctx.: nʕm mḥ[md] ṣlm,
Cf. */ḥ-m-d/.
mḥrṯt n. f. “ploughed land / field”, “(farm) work” (< /ḥ-r-ṯ/. Hb. mḥršh, “plough-
share”, HALOT 572. Watson UF 36 2004 534; Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005 228ff.;
diff. Pardee TR/2 1150: “charrue”). ¶ Forms: sg. mḥrṯt.
Ploughed land / field, (farm) work: ảlp b mḥrṯt one ox from the ploughed
land / (farm) work, 6.14:3 (for a general discussion and the diff. translation
proposals see Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005 230; cf. ảlp l ảkl, 6.13:3; diff. rdg
Healey UF 18 1986 30: b mḥrm! “for total dedication”); ʕnt mḥrṯt furrows of
the ploughed land, 1.6 IV 3 (rdg mḥrṯt{h}, ibid, ln. 14).
Cf. /ḥ-r-ṯ/.

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532 mḥṣ – /m-ḫ/

mḥṣ n. m. “?”, in bkn ctx.: 4.324:4.

mḥt n. m./f. “?”, a container or measure (?) (etym. unc.).
?: [ṯ]lṯ mḥt šmn, three m. of oil, 4.854:3.
mḥtrt n. f. article of clothing (etym. unc. Durand MARI 6 661: Akk. ḫaṣartu
“green (garment)” (?); “Grünes”, “grüne Wolle”, AHw 331; wool or cloth of
a certain color, CAD Ḫ 130; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 48: “veste traforata”, Hb.,
Aram. ḥtr; De Moor UF 17 1985 229: “veil”; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 120: “chemise”;
for the various opinions see Watson LSU 93; Vita TT 330; diff. Herrmann
MIO 15 1969 13: “Einbruch”); ¶ par.: (?) tỉšr (cf. De Moor UF 17 1985 288).
¶ Forms: sg. mḥtrt.
An article of clothing: (covered the face (?)) mḥtrt pṯtm with a linen m.,
1.92:25 (//(?) tỉšr); in bkn ctx.: ṯn pld mḥ[trt (?), 4.152:4 (Ribichini-Xella Tessili
59, 76).
mḥṯ n. m. a type of cup (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. maḥaṯṯat, “bouche, museau”,
DAF/2 377 < “coupe à museau” (?). Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 405 and n. 42;
Watson AuOrS 27 96: “cup” (?), Akk. meḫšû, a metal cup). ¶ Forms: sg. mḥṯ.
A type of cup (?): hn ks mḥṯ l mlkt here is a m.-cup for the queen, 1.179:39.
/m-ḥ(-w:y)/ vb G: “to clean, wipe, erase”; Gpass.: “to be cleaned, wiped”; N: “to
be cleaned up” (Hb. mḥh, “wipe clean, wipe out, annihilate”, HALOT 567f.;
DNWSI 612f.; Ph. mḥy, “efface”, DNWSI 612f.; Arab. maḥā, “to efface, erase”,
AEL 3018; Eth. maḥawa, “to uproot, pluck out”, CDG 337). ¶ Forms: G impv.
mḥy (for other alt. Tropper UG 663f.); Gpass. prefc. ymḥ; N suffc. nmḥt (?);
prefc. ymḥ. For a possible Š cf. in bkn ctx.: šmḥy, 1.5 II 25 (De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 150; Pardee TPM 162); for šmḥ in 1.133:16, cf. /š-m-ḫ/.
G. To clean, wipe, erase; btn mḥy clean the inside of the house!, 1.124:14.
Gpass. To be cleaned, wiped: ymḥ b bt dm ḏmr was cleaned from (her)
house the blood of the warriors, 1.3 II 30 (diff. Aartun WO 4 1968 297 f.:
“ausschöpfen”, < *myḥ, Arab. māḥa); in bkn ctx.: mḥy, 1.151:2.
N. To be cleaned up: w ks[[.]]pn! nmḥt, and I have been cleaned up of money,
2.87:30 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 137f., 145: “zu dem habe ich kein Silber
mehr” = “von mir es ist abgewischt worden”; diff. rdg Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu
18 181f.: w ks pả ảmḥt “?”).
In bkn ctx.: mlk yṯb brr w mḥ[ y the king shall sit down purified and …, 1.87:8
(De Moor ARTU 159: finite form of /m-ḥ(-w/y)/: “and he shall wipe [his face]”,
see par. 1.41:7; Del Olmo CR 86 n. 85: vb. n. “(and there will be) atonement
(?)”); l[bš]n ṣpm w mḥ[ pn]h robed in (embroidered) garment(s) and with a
clean face …, 1.41:54 (Del Olmo CR 98, poss. an adj. form in both texts).
Cf. /m-ḥ(w:y)/.
/m-ḫ/ vb G: “to feel exuberant” (?) by metonym. seman. shift denom. < mḫ
“marrow” < “vigour, vital energy”. ¶ Forms: G suffc. mḫ, impv. / inf. mḫ.

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mḫ – mḫr (i) 533

To feel exuberant (?): npš hy mḫ (in) her soul let her be (feel) exuberant, 1.19
IV 39 (Del Olmo MLRSO 239; see lin 36, npš tḥ pġt and npš yḥ dnỉl, 1.17 I 36;
diff. Wyatt RTU “may it go well with you”, see following quotation); in bkn
ctx.: [b r]ḥ/ṭ hw mḫ in (his) spirit (?) he (feels / let him feel) exuberant, 1.17
I 38 (Del Olmo MLRSO 218; Greenstein UNP 53, 77: “flourish”; diff. De Moor
ARTU 229 n. 39: “[may he tra]vel smoothly”, rdg ảr]ḥ; Wyatt RTU 261 n. 46:
“[may] it [go] well with him!”, with survey of other rdgs and versions).
mḫ n. m. “marrow, brains” (Hb. mḥ, “bone-marrow”, HALOT 567; Ph. mḥ, “fat”
(?) DNWSI 610: mḥ1; Ebla cf. SAGxNI = mu-ḫu SAG, VE 264; Xella SEL 1 1984
31; Arab. muḫḫ, “the yolk”, AEL 2691; Akk. muḫḫu, “Schädel, Oberseite”, AHw
667f.; “skull, top of the head”, CAD M/2 172ff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975
179; Xella SEL 1 1984 27ff.; Watson UF 38 2006 722: “marrow”, Eg. jmȝḫ; diff.,
Aartun UF 11 1979 1ff.: “ein Ausruf” < *mwḫ); ¶ par.: qr (I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr.
Marrow, brains: mḫ rỉsk the brains of your head, 1.16 I 27 (// qr. Kogan UF 36
2004 199f.: “brain”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 165 f.: “das Mark deines
Kopfes”; KTU ad loc., footnote 4: read my?).
mḫdy TN: 4.635:17, cf. mả/ỉḫdy (Huehnergard UVST 244 n. 129).
mḫlpt n. f. “plait, ringlet” (< */hl-p/. Hb. mḥlph, “plait”, HALOT 569. Margalit
UF 16 1984 173); ¶ par.: pd (I). ¶ Forms: pl. mḫlpt.
Plait, ringlet, in bkn ctx.: ảsr (…) mḫlpt they tied (…) (on top of) the plaits
(?), 1.19 II 33 (// ʕl pd); 1.107:20 (Pardee TPM 247).
mḫmšt n. f. “the fifth one” (ptc. Dpass. “the one taken in fifth place” < /ḫ-m-š/.
Tropper UF 27 1995 529ff.; De Moor UF 11 1979 643f.: “multiplicative partici-
ple”; diff. Verreet UF 19 1987 326ff., 335: “Fünfergruppe”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12
1980 204; Del Olmo MLC 576: “ein Fünftel”); ¶ par.: mrbʕt, mšbʕt, mṯdṯt, mṯlṯt.
¶ Forms: sg. mḫmšt.
The fifth: mḫmšt yỉtsp ršp the fifth (wife) DN gathered to himself, 1.14 I 18 (//
mṯlṯt, mrbʕt, mṯdṯt, mšbʕt).
Cf. ḫmšt.
mḫn n. m. “?” (etym. unc. Caquot TOu/2 29 n. 41: untranslated; Del Olmo AuOr
14 1996 131: “in a mad rush” (?), Hb. mḥnh; Astour RSP 2 299: TN, Hb. mḥnym,
alt. cf. Mari Akk. ma-ḫa-nim; for surveys see Wyatt RTU 368 n. 3; Watson
LSU 201). ¶ Forms: pl. / suff. (encl. -m) mḫnm.
?, in unc. ctx.: mḫnm ṯrp ym the storm clouds of the sea / DN (?), 1.83:4.
mḫr (I) n. m. “price, commercial value” (Akk. maḫīru, “Gegenwert, Kurs”, AHw
583f.; “tariff, rate”, CAD M/1 92ff.; Hb. mḥyr, “purchase price”, HALOT 568f.;
Ebla cf. GABA.RU = ma-ḫa-lum/lu-um, VE 947; DU8-ru, Pettinato MEE 2 XXV;
cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 35; Mander MEE 10 6. Zaccagnini RlA 7 421 ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. suff. mḫrk?, mḫrhn.

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534 mḫr (ii) – /m-ḫ-ṣ/

Price, value: ṯlṯ ḫrmṯt ṯṯm mḫrhn three sickles, the price of which is sixty
(per unit), 4.625:2; ksp mḫrhn (this) money is their price, 4.338:18; kl mḫrk
[d ỉš]tỉr ảštn lk I will return to you the total amount that I still owe you, 2.32:9
(Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40); mḫr ảlpm w ảmt the price of two head of cattle and a
maidservant, 4.867:6; mḫr sswm price of the / two horses, 4.867:3; in bkn ctx.:
w ysb bt mḫrh, 1.179:30 (see Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 403 for the var. possibilities;
also Watson AuOr 22 2004 115).
mḫr (II) n. m. “tax collector” (Akk. maḫirānu, māḫiru, “Empfänger”, AHw 583f.;
“buyer”, rab maḫīri, “market overseer”, CAD M/1 91 f., 99 ff.; cf. Eg. /māḫir(?),
maḫḫār/, “Buyer”, Hoch SWET 150f. (194). Ford UF 30 1998 244 ff.: “merchant”
< Eg. ma-ḫar (?), ibd. n. 154); ¶ par.: pḫr (II), ṯġr (II). ¶ Forms: sg. mḫr.
Tax collector: ʕn mḫr l mḫr tṯb may the eye of the tax collector return to the
tax collector, 1.96:10f., cf. ln. 7 (// pḫr, ṯġr. Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 50 f. n. 62).
mḫr (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 190. Astour RSP 2 300; Heltzer RCAU 12 n. 39;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 676; Topography 29; Watson LSU 201).
TN: 4.100:9.
mḫsrn n. m. “deficit, debit” (< /ḫ-s-r/; Hb. mḥswr, “lack”, HALOT 571; Pun. mḥsr,
“need, lack”, DNWSI 614; EA Akk. ma-aḫ-sí-ra-mu, EAT 287:16; “need, lack”,
DNWSI 614; Friedrich-Röllig PPG 49, 97; Sivan GAGl 243: /maḫsi/īr-/; cf. Akk.
maḫzirāmu, “needed things”, CAD M/1 116. Liverani UF 11 1979 502). ¶ Forms:
sg. mḫsrn.
Deficit, debit: mit ṯlṯ mḫsrn ʕl nsk TN one hundred (shekels of) copper in
deficit of the smiths of TN, 3.18:1; ảrbʕm ṯlṯ mḫsrn PN forty (shekels of)
copper, deficit of PN, ibid. ln. 3; mḫsrn ṯlṯ (n) (shekels of) copper deficit,
4.866:9; in bkn ctx.: mḫsrn d [deficit that [, 4.300:1.
Cf. /ḫ-s-r/.
/m-ḫ-ṣ/ vb G: “to wound, beat, crush, kill”; Gt: “to fight”; D: “to destroy” (Hb. mḥṣ,
“to smash”, HALOT 571; EA Akk. yi-ma-ḫa-aš-ši, suff. form, EAT 252:19; Lam-
bert BWL 252; Rainey EAT 80: maḫāṣu; Akk. maḫāṣu, “schlagen”, AHw 580 ff.;
“to hit, wound”, CAD M/1 71ff.; Ebla /maḫaḍ(i)/ in ŠU.ŠU.RA = ma-ḫa-zi i-da,
VE 531; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 20; Fronzaroli EL 145; /maḫḫuḍum/ TÙN.BAR
= ma-ḫu-zú, ma-ḫu-zu-um, VE 760; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 29; Saporetti Biling.
403f.; EA Akk. ma-aḫ-sú-ú, EAT 245:14, “to strike, kill”, DNWSI 614 f.; Sivan
GAGl 247; cf. Arab. maḫaḍa, “to churn, beat and agitate”. AEL 2693ff.; OSA
mḫḍ, “to smite, defeat”, SD 84. Held JAOS 79 1959 169 ff.); ¶ par.: /ḥ-w/y-y/,
/ḫ-ṣ-b/, /k-l-y/, /m-ṣ-ḫ/, /ṣ-m-t/, /y-r-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. mḫṣt; prefc. ỉmḫṣ,
ảmḫ[ṣ, tmḫṣ, ymḫṣ; suff. ỉmḫṣh, tmḫṣh, ymḫṣk; act. ptc. sg./pl. cstr. mḫṣ (cf.
mḫṣ (I)); pl. mḫṣm ((?); cf. 6.48:4); suff. mḫṣy; inf. mḫṣ; Gt prefc. ỉmtḫṣ, tmtḫṣ;
suff. tmtḫṣn.
G. To wound, beat, crush, kill: ỉmḫṣ mḫṣ ảḫy I am going to kill the one who

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mḫṣ (i) – mḫṣ (ii) 535

killed my brother, 1.19 IV 34 and par. (// kly; cf. ibid. ln. 39); yd mḫṣt ảqht ġzr
tmḫṣ ảlpm ỉb the hand that wounded Noble PN will wound one thousand
enemies, 1.19 IV 58–59; d ʕlk mḫṣ ảqht ġzr you upon whom (weighs) the death
of the hero PN, 1.19 III 52 and par.); rbm ymḫṣ b ktp d k ym ymḫṣ b ṣmd the
great ones he struck with a scimitar, those who were like DN he struck with
a mace, 1.6 V 2–3 (// ymṣḫ. Del Olmo IMC 79f.); mḫṣy hm [m]ḫṣ bny they are
my assassins, the assassins of my sons, 1.4 II 24–25 (// mkly); klb l ḫṭk ỉmḫṣh
kd ʕl qšth ỉmḫṣh (like) a dog (tied) to its stake I wounded him; so, then, for his
bow I wounded him, 1.19 I 14–15 (// l ảḥw); ảt ʕ[l qšth] tmḫṣh are you going to
wound him for his bow?, 1.18 IV 13 (// l tḥ[wy]); ht ỉbk tmḫṣ now your enemy
you must crush, 1.2 IV 9 (// tṣmt); ymḫṣk k[ I shall crush you like [a lamb (?)],
1.1 IV 27; tmḫṣ lỉm ḫp y[m] she crushed the people of the seashore, 1.3 II 7 and
par. (// tṣmt); k tmḫṣ ltn when I crushed DN, 1.5 I 1 and par. (// tkly); in bkn
ctx.: ỉk mḫ[ṣt how can you strike (…)?, 1.2 I 40; ỉmḫṣ, 1.2 II 8; ]mḫṣ bʕl[, 1.82:1;
mḫṣ[, 1.19 II 49; in unc. ctx.: mḫṣm, 6.48:4.
Gt. To fight: ỉmtḫṣ ksp I fought (for) the silver, 1.3 III 46 (// ỉtrṯ); ʕd tšbʕ tmtḫṣ
b bt to satiety she fought in (her) house, 1.3 II 29 (// tḫtṣb); tmtḫṣ b ʕmq she
fought in the valley, 1.3 II 5–6 and par. (// tḫtṣb); mỉd tmtḫṣn she fought very
much, 1.3 II 23 and par. (// tḫtṣb); ỉk tmtḫṣ ʕm ảlỉyn bʕl how can you fight with
DN, “The Most Powerful”?, 1.6 VI 24–15.
D. To destroy: b gdlt ảrkty ảmḫ[ṣ with the power of my long arm I shall destroy
(them), 1.3 V 23 (// ảḫdhm).
Cf. mḫṣ (I), mḫṣ (II), /m-ṣ-ḫ/, tmtḫṣ.
mḫṣ (I) n. m. “weaver” < “one who beats” (< ptc. G /m-ḫ-ṣ/; Akk. māḫiṣu,
“Weber”, “der das Vieh stempelt”, AHw 584; “weaver”, CAD M/1 102; Held
JAOS 79 1959 174ff.; cf. Myc. ma-ka-we-te, Best UF 5 1973 57. Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 20f.; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 353; Watson LSU 94); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ ma-
ḫi-ṣu, PRU 6 166 (RS 19.99) vertical r. e. 4; in bkn ctx.: LÚ ma-ḫ[, PRU 6
137 (RS 19.27):7; Huehnergard UVST 146; McGeough ERU 120 f.; ¶ RS Akk.:
LÚ.MEŠ.UŠ.BAR, PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172) A 7; Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):5; PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):23; Huehnergard AkkUg 375; Van Soldt SEL 12 1995 212. ¶ Forms:
sg. mḫṣ; pl. mḫṣm.
Weaver: ★a) PN mḫṣ weaver, 4.332:14–17; 4.635:7; mḫṣ bnš mlk weaver, “man
of the king”, 4.182:56; mḫṣm weavers, 4.99:15; 4.187:1; 4.269:8 (rdg mḫṣm); ʕšrm
dd l mḫṣm twenty “cauldronsful” (of grain) for the weavers, 4.128:5; ʕšr mḫṣm
yd lmdhm ten weavers with their apprentices, 4.125:9; mḫṣm, 4.868:5. ★b)
spr mḫṣm list of weavers, 4.124:1; ủbdy mḫṣm lands leased to the weavers,
4.103:57; in bkn ctx.: mḫṣm, 4.837:22; 4.838:5; in unc. ctx.: ʕlm mḫṣm ḫsr, 6.48:4
(Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 7: “sodann die Schläger lass Mangel erleiden!”).
mḫṣ (II) n. m. “striking instrument”, “machete” (< /m-ḫ-ṣ/); ¶ syll. Ug.: [URUDU.

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536 /m-ḫ-š/ – /m-k-(k)/ vb g:

MEŠ] me-ḫi-[ṣ]u-ma.MEŠ, PRU 6 144 (RS 19.38):4; Sivan GAGl 247; Huehner-
gard UVST 146; ¶ par.: mšḫṭ; ¶ Forms: sg. mḫṣ.
Striking instrument, machete: [ yủḫ]d (…) bm ymn mḫṣ [he seiz]ed (…) in his
right a machete, 1.2 I 39 (// mšḫṭ).
/m-ḫ-š/ vb G: “to crush” (possible allom. of Ug. /m-ḫ-ṣ/ or metath. of /ḫ-m-š/.
Akk. ḫamāšu, “abnicken”, AHw 315f.; cf. EA Akk. yi-ma-ḫa-aš-ši, EAT 252:19,
suff. form; cf. Rainey EAT 80: maḫāṣu, cf. /m-ḫ-ṣ/; Arab. ḫamaša, “to scratch,
bit”, AEL 811. Tropper UG 105f., 465; UF 33 2001 631); ¶ par.: /k-l-y/, /ṣ-m-t/,
/š-b-m/, /š-t-m/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. mḫšt.
G. To crush: l mḫšt mdd ỉl did I not crush “the Beloved of DN”?, 1.3 III 38, 43
(// klt, ṣmt); mḫšt bṯn ʕqltn I crushed the winding serpent, 1.3 III 41 (// l ỉštbm,
mḫt “?” (De Moor-Spronk CARTU 150: mḫy G “to remove”).
?, in bkn ctx.: mḫt, 1.16 V 30 (De Moor ARTU 220: “one able to remove”); ]xmḫt,
mḫtn PN (Sem. (?). Watson AuOr 8 1990 121).
PN: 4.214 II 13.
mk (I) n. m.; depressed and disgusting place > “large puddle, bog” (?), “well,
refuse tip” (?) (cf. /m-k(-k)/); Aram. mk’, “nether region”, DJPA 307; ¶ par.:
ḥḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. mk.
Large puddle, bog, well, refuse tip (?): mk ksủ ṯbth a large puddle (?) is the
throne of his seat, 1.4 VIII 12 and par. (// ḫḫ).
Cf. /m-k(-k)/.
mk (II) deictic functor “behold!, see!” (etym. unc.; alternating with hn; proba-
bly composed of m(h) + encl. -k. Tropper UG 201, 745 f.: Akk. ammaka(m),
ma(k)ka; for other etym. see De Moor SP 231; Aartun PU/1 71 f.; Watson
LSU 141, but p. 94: “there”). ¶ Forms: mk.
Behold!, see!: mk b šbʕ ymm / šnt and, see!, on the seventh day / within seven
years, 1.17 I 15/1.15 III 22 and par., climactic formula in the “graded numerical
sequence” (Del Olmo MLC 60f.); mk špšm b šbʕ behold, at dawn on the
seventh!, 1.14 III 3–4 and par.; in unc. ctx.: p ảt mk tšk[ḥ] but you, behold!,
you shall find / meet (?), 2.73:14 (Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326).
mkḥd n. m. “one who hides or denies” (act. ptc. D of /k-ḥ-d/. Dietrich-Loretz
JA 70ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. mkḥd.
One who hides or denies: mkḥd šd one who hides the (property rights of the)
field, 2.4:16–17.
Cf. /k-ḥ-d/.
/m-k-(k)/ vb G: “to fall, be cast down” (Hb. mwk, mkk, “to become impoverished”
/ “to lower, sink”, HALOT 555, 580. De Moor SP 136; Tropper UG 673). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. tmk, ymk.

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mkkm – mkr 537

G. To fall, be cast down: ʕz ym l ymk DN was strong (and) did not fall, 1.2 IV 17;
ảl tmk may you be cast down!, 1.169:11 (Loretz-Xella MLE 1 38, 44: “ducke dich
nicht!”; diff. De Moor UF 12 1980 429ff.: “do not speak” rdg. ảl tʔmr).
Cf. mk (I).
mkkm “?” (etym. unc. Watson FO 47 2010 436: “carpet”, Syr. mkkʔ, “carpet”, alt.
“scraper”, Akk. mekēku, “wooden scraper”). ¶ Forms: mkkm.
?, in unc. ctx.: mkkm. 5.23:16.
mkl PN (etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 156f.; Dahood VTS 29 1978
PN: 4.147:16.
mkly PN (Sem. (?); cf. /k-l-y/ D ptc. mkly. West AOAT 233 34: PN mi-ka-ri-yo,
Linear B).
PN, in bkn ctx.: mkly[, 4.299:4.
mknpt n. f. “span” (< knp; diff. Sawyer-Strange IEJ 14 1964 98: “fortification,
battlements”, Arab. kanafa). ¶ Forms: sg. mknpt.
Span: ḥl rḥb mknpt the bulwark wide of span, 1.16 I 9 and par. (cf. Arab.
raḥibu-l-kanaf.; Al Yasin LRUA 109f.).
mknt n. f. “family seat” (< /k-n/. Hb. mkwn, mkwnh, “place, site”, HALOT 579; cf.
Ph., Pun. mkn, “pedestal”, DNWSI 624f.; OSA mknt(n), “agricultural estate”,
SD 80; Arab. makān, makānat, “a particular place”, AEL 3004; Eth. makān,
“place, space”, CDG 299. Verreet UF 19 1987 322; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 321:
“place, establishment”; Watson Historiae 10 2013 31; diff. Wyatt RTU 180 n. 11:
“posterity” (?), Ug. kwn); ¶ par.: ḥtk (II), ṯbt. ¶ Forms: sg. mknt.
Family seat, lineage: krt grdš mknt PN remained ruined in his family seat, 1.14
I 11 (// ḥtkn; cf. ln. 23, ṯbt; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1217 n. 20: “(Thron-)Stät-
te”, cf. Hb. mkwn šbtk and the like).
/m-k-r/ vb N “to be sold” (Hb., Pun., Aram. mkr, “to sell”, HALOT 581 f.; DNWSI
625f.; Syr. mkr, “to buy”, SL 761; Akk. makāru, “im Handel einsetzen”, AHw
588; “to do business”, CAD M/1 126f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. na-din a-na ma-ka-ri,
PRU 6 156 (RS 19.20):6; Huehnergard UVST 146f. ¶ Forms: N prefc. tmkrn.
N. To be sold: if they do not pay mṣrm tmkrn will be sold in TN, 3.8:16 (Liverani
Ug 6 377 n. 11; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 467; Verreet UF 17 1985
328; diff. Meyer UF 11 1979 604 n. 23: “dass sie Handel treiben” [G]); in bkn
ctx.: nmkr[, 2.48:5 (Lipiński Iraq 39 1977 216 n. 18).
Cf. mkr.
mkr n. m. “merchant, commercial agent, runner” (< /m-k-r/; Hb., Pun., OSA
mkr, “merchant”, HALOT 582; DNWSI 625f.; OSA mkr, “traders”, SD 85; cf.
Akk. tamkāru, “Kaufmann, Händler”, AHw 1314f.; OAram., Palm. tgr, “mer-
chant”, DNWSI 1203f.; Arab. tāğir, “merchant”, AEL 297 f.; Eg. /mākiruyu/,
“Merchant”, Hoch SWET 169 (223). Cutler-Macdonald UF 9 1977 29 f.; Liv-

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538 mks – mkšr

erani UF 11 1979 495–503; Heltzer RCAU 33 f.; McGeough ERU 107 f.); ¶ RS
Akk.: (LÚ.MEŠ) DAM.GÀR(.MEŠ), passim, cf. PRU 3 236; PRU 4 264; PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):3; cf. LÚ.MEŠ DAM.GÀR.MEŠ: bi-da-lu-ma, PRU 3 200 (RS 16.257+)
A II 12; Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 171f.; Lipiński WGE 257 f.; LÚ DAM.GÀR ša
MÍ.LUGAL KUR.URU ú-ga-ri-it, PRU 4 189 (RS 17.314):3; LÚ.MEŠ DAM.GÀR ša
LUGAL KUR.URU kar-ga-mi-iš, PRU 4 159 (RS 18.115):31; LÚ.MEŠ DAM.GÀR
ša ma-an-da-ti, PRU 4 154 (RS 17.146):6; PRU 4 159 (RS 18.115):20; cf. LÚ.MEŠ
DAM.GÀR(-ut)-ti, PRU 4 264; PRU 6 30 (RS 18.285):10, 13. ¶ Forms: sg. mkr;
suff. mkry, mkrn (encl. -n; Aartun PU/1 61); pl. abs. mkrm (mistake: mrkm in
4.27:12; 4.217:9); cstr. mkr; du. (?) mkrm.
Merchant, commercial agent, runner: mkrm merchants, 4.36:4; 4.38:3;
4.68:75; 4.126:9; 4.179:8; 4.207:6; 4.745:6; ġmr mkrm ġ. of the merchants, 4.214
IV 2; ʕšr mkrm ten merchants, 4.137:5; 4.173:3; 4.174.4; ṯlṯ ʕšr mkrm thirteen
merchants, 4.163:7; mkr TN merchants from / of TN, 4.369:2 and passim ibid.;
ġr mk!r!m total of merchants, 4.27:12; spr mkrm list of traders, 4.263:1; PN PN
mkrm (two (?)) merchants, 6.16:3; hm tʕr[b b(?)] mkr hn(!)d if guarante[es
are given of (?)] this merchant, 2.42:25; mkry rgm l skn gt mlkt ủgrt my run-
ner will inform the prefect of the “Farm of the Queen of TN”, 2.21:8; in unc.
ctx.: w mkrn and the merchant himself, 2.42:27 (Pardee UF 19 1987 206, 209:
rdg. ả?mkrn “I will carry out the transaction”; cf. /m-k-r/); hbn d mkr ebony
of merchant, 4.808:1 (Tropper UF 36 2004 519: “Verkauft”, “Verkaufsware”, n.
act. /ma/ikr-/); in bkn ctx. ]mkr mkrm, 4.217:1 (rdg mkrm ibid. ln. 9); ]mkr d [,
4.430:1; mkrm, in 4.814 passim according to Bordreuil CRAIBL 1984 429; KTU
Cf. /m-k-r/.
mks n. m. “blanket” (< /k-s-y/. Hb. mksh, “coverlay, cover”, HALOT 581; Arab. cf.
kisāʔ, “a garment”, AEL 3000); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. TÚG ma-KI?/DI?-ZU, PRU 3 206
(RS 15.135):4; Huehnergard UVST 192; Watson UF 39 2007 678; Vita TT 230;
diff. Durand MARI 6 661: rdg (?) ma-ás?-sú, cf. CAD M/1 344: maṣṣu A.
¶ Forms: sg. mks.
Blanket: npynh mks bšrh her tunic (?), the blanket / covering of his skin, 1.4
II 5.
Cf. /k-s-y/.
mkšr n. m. “semolina, forage or partially ground wheat” (?) (etym. and meaning
unc. Cf. Arab. kasara, mukassar, “zerbrochen (von geknackten Mandeln,
Nüssen”, Ullmann WKAS 1 188. Pardee TH 58; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 233;
Watson LSU 69; diff. Fronzaroli AGI 60 43 n. 31: mkšr grn, “tritume dell’aia”, a
kind of straw not used as fodder; Cohen-Sivan UHT 27, 49, 51; Cohen UF 28
1996 127: “leek”, Akk. karašu). ¶ Forms: sg. mkšr.
Semolina, forage or partially ground wheat (?), used in hippiatrics: št mkšr

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mkt – mlủ 539

grn a š. of current (?) semolina (?), 1.85:12, 16; 1.71:11; 1.72:17, 22; 1.97:3;
mkt n. m. “immolation, offering” (?) (< /n-k-t/. Pardee Syria 651988 189; Del
Olmo CR 69; SEL 12 1995 40). ¶ Forms: sg. mkt.
Immolation, offering (?), in bkn ctx.: ảḥt l mkt ġr[…] one (bird) for the
immolation (?) to the mountain (?) […], 1.48:16.
Cf. /n-k-t/.
mkṯr n. m. “expert” (?) (ptc. D /k-ṯ-r/; cf. kṯr (I). Caquot-Sznycer, TOu/1 199 n.
n: “chef d’oeuvre”, < /k-ṯ-r/; Smith UBC/2 435, 452: “skilled work”; diff. De
Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 48: “explorer”; CARTU 147: “exploit well”; Van Selms
UF 11 1979 739ff.: “bondman”, Sem. *kṯr). ¶ Forms: sg. mkṯr.
Expert (?): ʕn mkṯr ảpq[ ym] see, expert (?) of the source [of the sea], 1.4 II 30.
ml “?” (etym. unc.).
?, in unc. ctx.: št ntn ml ml p[, 5.10:4.; aṯṯb w ml, 2.98:9 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu
18 225: “peut-être corriger en {ml<ả>}”).
/m-l-ʔ/ vb G: “to be full”, “to be filled”; D: 1) “to fill (up)”; 2) “to fulfil” (Hb., Ph.,
OAram. mlʔ, “to be full”, HALOT 583f.; dNWSI 627f.; Ebla cf. AB.SI = ma-li-um,
VE 1014; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 36; Krecher Biling. 146; cf. ARET 7 202; cf.
u9-sa-li (</yušamliʔ/), Krebernik QuSem 18 102; Akk. malû, “voll sein, sich
füllen”, AHw 597ff.; “to be full”, CAD M/1 174ff.; OSA mlʔ, “to fill”, SD 85; Arab.
mala/iʔa, “to fill”, AEL 2729f.); ¶ par.: /ġ-d-d/, /q-d-š/, Š /š-q-y/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. mlả, mlảt; prefc. ymlủ; D suffc. mlả; prefc. ymlủ (for a possible
form [ ymlủ]n cf. 1.17 VI 6), nmlủ; suff. tmlảh; impv. (?) mlỉ; act. ptc. f. pl.
G. To be full, be filled: ymlủ lbh šmḫt his heart was filled with joy, 1.3 II 25 and
par. (// tġdd); ṯlḥn ỉl d mlả mnm a divine table that was filled with (embossed)
species (of animals), 1.4 I 38; šmk mlả[t r]ủmm TN, that was full of wild bulls,
1.10 II 12 (rdg mlả<t> in ln. 9); w ḥbrh mlả yn[ and his pot (?) is full / he fills
with wine, 1.23:76.
D. 1) To fill (up): šbʕ šnt ỉl mlả during seven years DN had filled, 1.12 II 44; sʕt
(…) b bqr mmlảt sweeping (…) from the well the (women) who fill up (the
pitcher), 1.14 III 10 and par. (// šỉbt); bk mlả he filled a large cup 1.45:10; ỉl hd
mlả ủṣ[bʕth … the god DN filled his “fingers”, 1.10 III 8; yn [t]mlảh ṯnm twice
she filled him with wine, 1.19 IV 61 (// tšqy msk).
2) To fulfil, carry out: mḏr b l nmlủ (…) ḥtp b l nmlủ a votive offering, DN, we
will fulfil (…) a sacrifice we will fulfil, 1.119:31–32 (// nšqdš).
In bkn ctx.: mlỉ[…], 1.10 III 7; yml]ủ, 3.11:9 (but see Pardee UF 43 2011 340 ff.);
]mlủ, 1.15 V 28; ]; ymlủ, 1.16 V 28; w mlỉx[, 2.1:6; ]mh mlỉ, 7.51:17.
Cf. mlủ, mlảt, mlỉt.
mlủ n. m, “fill, full measure” (< /m-l-ʔ/, Hb. mlwʔ, “landfill”, HALOT 587; Akk.

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540 mlảk – mlảt

mīlu, “Hochwasser, Fülle”, AHw 652; “seasonal flooding of the rivers”, CAD
M/2 69ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. mlủ, suff. mlủn (encl. -n).
Fill, full measure: w mlủ [dṯt w] ksm and a fill (of forage and) grain, 1.87:20
and par. (Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 259 n. 9); dṯt w ksm ḫmš ʕšrh mlủn of forage
and spelt, fifteen full measures, 1.39:10; mlả ḥpnm ḫswn ḫrb two handfuls of
dried thyme, 4.811:12.
Cf. /m-l-ʔ/.
mlảk n. m. “messenger” (< /l-ʔ-k/. Hb., Ph., Aram. mlʔk, “messenger, angel”,
HALOT 585f.; “delegate, envoy, angel”, DNWSI 629; Arab. ma(ʔ)lak, “angel”,
AEL 30073023; Eth. malʔak, “messenger, angel”, CDG 303. Yamashita RSP 2
57; Cunchillos RSF 10 1982 153ff.; Huehnergard UVST 82, 91; Cho LDUT 138ff.);
¶ par.: tʕdt. ¶ Forms: sg. mlảk; suff. mlảkk; pl. / du. mlảkm, cstr. mlảk.
Messenger: mlảk ym the messenger(s) of DN, 1.2 I 22 and par. (// tʕdt); mlảk
šmm heavenly messengers, 1.13:25 (for the reading ml<ả>k šmm in ln. 26, cf.
De Moor UF 12 1980 306); mlảk mṭḫr yḥb[q …] mlảk bn ktpm a messenger with
wounds (?) [he has covered(?) …] the (other) messenger on the shoulder, 1.2
I 41–42; w ymġ mlảkk ʕm dtn and may your messenger (then) come before
DN, 1.124:11; ttbʕ mlảkm l yṯb the messengers left without delaying, 1.14 VI 35
and par.; w ylảk mlảkm lk and he will send (two) messengers to you, 1.14 III 20;
mlảkm ylảk ym DN sent messengers, 1.2 I 11; w ṯṯb mlảkm lh and you shall make
the (two) messengers return to him, 1.14 III 33; in bkn ctx.: m]lảkm lh, 1.62:6;
mlảk [, 2.76:3.
Cf. /l-ʔ-k/.
mlảkt n. f. “message, mission, missive, embassy” (< /l-ʔ-k/. Hb. mlʔkh, “trade
mission, business journey”, HALOT 586; OAram. mlʔkh/t, prob. “message”,
DNWSI 630; Eth. mal(ǝ)ʔǝkt, “letter, message”, CDG 303. Cunchillos RSF 10
1982 153ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. mlảkt; suff. mlảkty, mlảktk, mlảkth.
Message, mission, missive, embassy: ảnk ʕm mlảkth šmʕh I was auditor in
his embassy, 2.17:7, cf. ln. 4 (Cunchillos TOu/2 307); bnš bnny ʕmn mlảkty
hnd ylảk may he send some intermediary with this my embassy, 2.33:35; w
ảnnả ỉlảk b mlảkt ʕmk and I shall send you PN with the missive, 2.75:10; [w]
mlả[k]tk ʕmy l lỉkt and you did not send your missive, 2.36:11; mlảkt ʕbdh the
mission of your servant, 2.23:3; mlảkt špš the message of the “Sun”, 2.23:7; w
mlaktk lm tšḫr ʕmy why do you delay your embassy to me?, 2.87:33; w štnnh
bd lmlảkty and deliver him over to my messenger-party, 2.90:17, see ln. 23; in
bkn and unc. ctx.: w m[x] mlảkt, 2.31:50; mlảkty ʕmh my missive (directed) to
him, 2.23:5.
Cf. /l-ʔ-k/.
mlảt n. f. “fullness” (< /m-l-ʔ/; cf. mlỉt); meaning in context unc.: astronomical
(“full moon”) or sacrificial (cf. Hb. mlʔh, “setting”, HALOT 585; Emar Akk.

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mlỉt – mlghy 541

cf. /maliʔtu/, “artificial terrace”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 120 f.; Aram. cf. “totality”
> b-mlʔltʔ “completely”, DNWSI 628f.: mlʔh1; Akk. malītu, CAD M/1 165).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. mlảt.
Fullness: b ym mlảt on the day of “fullness” (full moon), 1.109:3 and par. (rdg
ym <mlảt> in 1.130.16).
Cf. /m-l-ʔ/.
mlỉt n. f. “fullness, plenty” (< /m-l-ʔ/; possibly an allog. of mlảt).
¶ Forms: sg. mlỉt.
Fullness, plenty: by šnt mlỉt in years of plenty, 2.2:7 (or: in a full year, Tropper
UG 437).
Cf. /m-l-ʔ/.
mlʔn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 39, 65, 110, 158).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 35; 4.785:13.
mlbr, 1.12 I 21, 35 (alloph. of or mistake for mdbr. Sznycer GLECS 1973 76 ff.).
mlbš n. m. “cloak, luxurious cape” (< /l-b-š/. Hb. mlbwš, “robe”, HALOT 587;
EA Akk. GADA.MEŠ: ma-al-ba-ši, EAT 369:9; Rainey EAT 40 f.; Sivan 243;
CAD M/1 162; “garment”, DNWSI 630; Arab. libās, malbas, “clothing, dress”,
AEL 2648; Eth. malbas, “clothing, garment”, CDG 305; Akk. nalbašu, “Mantel”,
AHw 724; “a fine cloak”, CAD N/1 200. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 49; Vita TT 330).
¶ Forms: sg. abs./cstr. mlbš, suff. mlbšh.
Cloak, luxurious cape: mlbš ṯrmnm cloaks of DNN, 4.182:3, 20; mlbš ṯrmnm k
yṯn w b bt mlk mlbš ytn lhm as the cloaks of DNN had worn out, a cloak is given
to them in / from the royal palace, 4.168:5–7; k ypdd mlbš […] mlk ytn mlbš as
the cloak had worn out […] the king makes a gift of a cloak, 4.182:61–62, see
ln. 63: k ypdd mlbšh [bt] mlk ytn lbš lh as his cloak had worn out [the house
of] the king makes a gift of a wardrobe; in bkn ctx., l mlbš[ for the cloak of[,
4.257:5; ]sp nʕmm mlbš, 2.79:10.
Cf. /l-b-š/, lbš, lpš.
mld (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 190: *Miludu. Astour RSP 2 300 f.; TopAn 126;
UF 13 1981 6; Heltzer RCAU 12; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 676; Topography 29);
¶ syll.: cf. URU mi-lu-[dV ?, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):17; PRU 6 97 (RS 19.118):3
(Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 20f.; Watson AuOr 19 2001 117).
TN: 4.346:5; 4.800 II 37.
Cf. mld (II), mldy.
mld (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 26, 143; Watson LSU 201).
PN: 4.114:7; 4.364:11 (for the reading mldn* (?) cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 238).
mldy m. GN (< mld (I), TN. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 190). ¶ Forms: sg. mldy.
GN: PN mldy, 4.379:10.
mlghy DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (De Moor UF 2 1970 200: Mulugu-hiya “Her
Dowry”, Akk. mulugu, Hurr. loanword; Hb. melōg; Watson LSU 131: Hurr. mlg;

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542 mlġt – mlḥt

cf. in Hurr. ctx. mlgy, 1.116:31; for the rdg mlgh yṯtqt cf. Dietrich-Loretz WList
DN: 1.24:47.
mlġt n. f. of an Eg. celebration / feast or ceremony (“anointing” (?) < Eg. mrḥt
“Salböl”, WäS/2 111; diff. Watson UF 40 2008 555: a ritual or ceremony, Akk.
malḫaš(š)i, Luw.-Hitt. loanword). ¶ Forms: sg. mlġt.
An Eg. celebration / feast or ceremony (anointing (?)), in unc. ctx.: ṯmn ydbḥ
mlġt there a sacrifice will be offered (and) the m. (will be performed), 2.40:17.
mlḥ (I) n. m. “beauty” (?) (Arab. malīḥ, “goodly, beautiful”, AEL 2733). ¶ Forms:
sg. mlḥ.
Beauty (?), in bkn ctx.: mlḥ qrn bn d ?[gn (KTU: x[) the beauty (?) of the horns
of the son of X, 4.17:17 (relig. or lit. text); ]mlḥ, 4.197:24.
mlḥ (II) n. m. “salt” (see mlḥt). ¶ Forms: sg. pl. (/ encl. -m (?)) mlḥm.
Salt, in unc. ctx.: mlḥm sprt (sorts of) salt, (according) to prescription (?),
Cf. mlḥt.
mlḥmt n. f. “war” (< /l-ḥ-m/ (II). Hb. mlḥmh, “crush, struggle, war”, HALOT 589;
DNWSI 632; OAram. mlḥm, “war”, DNWSI 632; Arab. malḥamat, “bloody
fight”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1011. Whitaker FAUP 69: “warriors”, abstr. for
concr.; De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 9 n. 43, CARTU 150: “war” / “bread” (?);
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 164: “aliments”; Watson NUS 21 1980 8: “slimy”,
Akk. luḫamum, luḫmu; Aartun StUL 75f.: “Vereinigung” < *lḥm, “vereinen”;
for the various opinions cf. Wyatt RTU 41 n. 11); ¶ par.: ddym. ¶ Forms: sg.
War: qryy b ảrṣ mlḥmt go to meet war in the country, 1.3 III 15 and par.
(// ddym; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 165: “present bread offerings in the
earth” < *lḥm); ản ảqry b ảrṣ mlḥmt I shall go to meet war in the land, 1.3
IV 22; l knt mlḥmt b ḥwt ʕbdk there has not been war in your servant’s country,
Cf. /l-ḥ-m/ (II).
mlḥmy “?”.
?, in bkn ctx.: ]xp mlḥmy, 1.5 II 23. <
mlḥt n. f. “salt” (see mlḥ (II). Hb., OAram., Palm. mlḥ, “salt”, HALOT 588; DNWSI
632; Arab. milḥ, “salt”, AEL 2732; Eth. malḥ, “salt”, CDG 343; cf. Akk. milʔu,
“Salpeter”, AHw 653; “a mineral”, CAD M/2 69. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 40); ¶ RS Akk.: MUN, in A.ŠÀ MUN [ša(?)] PN, PRU 3 210 (RS 15
[Varia 6] = “15.X”):7; A.ŠÀ MUN(.MEŠ): ṣí-ṣú(-ú)-ma, PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):12;
PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39) rev. 2; qaq-qa-ra ša MUN, A.ŠÀ MUN, PRU 4 74f. (RS
17.335+) rev. 59ff.; MUN(!).MEŠ, Ug 5 54 (RS 20.23):17 (Nougayrol: timmûM);
Huehnergard AkkUg 363. ¶ Forms: sg. mlḥt.

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mlḫš – /m-l-k/ 543

Salt: ảlp ṯṯm kbd mlḥt one thousand and sixty shekels of salt, 4.344:22; PN
m[ỉt ]tb mlḥt one[ hundred ] (…) of salt, 4.720:1; w ḥmṣ w mlḥt and vinegar
and salt, 1.175:6; ḥrb mlḥt a knife with salt (salted), 1.3 I 7 and par. (for
this and other interpretations cf. De Moor SP 70f.; Lipiński UF 2 1970 79;
Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 21 n. 9; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 154; Wyatt
RTU 70 n. 2); ủz mrảt mlḥt a fattened goose (with) salt (salted), 4.247:20, 21
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 40; diff. Sasson RSP 1 426: “from salty,
unfruitful land”; Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 211 n. 60); ṯlṯ[[ṯ]] ʕr mlḥt, three
(pieces of) salted donkey (meat), 2.87:6 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138f.);
in unc. ctx.: bʕl mlḥt, 6.48:5 (Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 7).
mlḫš n. m. “conjuror, exorcist”, specifically “snake charmer” (D ptc. < /l-ḫ-š/. Hb.
lḥš D ptc. > mlḥš, “magician”, HALOT 527; lḥš q., “to whisper”, DNWSI 573;
Akk. laḫāšu, “flüstern”, AHw 528; “to murmur prayers”, CAD L 40 f.; also Akk.
mušlaḫḫu, “snake charmer”. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 79f.). ¶ Forms: sg.
Conjuror: lnh mlḫš ảbd lhn ydy from it, the charmer, the destruction, from it
let him expel the venom!, 1.100:5 and par.
Cf. lḫšt.
/m-l-k/ vb G: “to reign, rule”; D: “to enthrone” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. mlk,
“to be king, rule”, HALOT 590f.; DNWSI 633f.; Ebla cf. NAM.NAM.EN =
du-da-li-gú-um, VE 1089 (< /tumtalikum/), Krebernik ZA 73 1983 38; Fron-
zaroli EL 139; Krecher Biling. 144; Kienast Biling. 248; cf. PNN im4-lik(-DN),
Müller Biling. 182; Amor. cf. /mlk/, “to rule, to counsel”, Gelb CAAA 25;
Huffmon APNMT 230f.; Arab. malaka, “to exercise authority”, AEL 3023;
cf. Akk. malāku, “(be)raten”, AHw 593f.; “to give advise”, CAD M/1 154 ff.);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elements /malak/, /mūlik/, /ma/ālik/ in PNN; Gröndahl
PTU 157f.; Sivan GAGl 248; with Akk. morphology cf. ù LÚ ḫa-za-nu URU.KI
ù LÚ.UGULA A.ŠÀ.MEŠ la-a i-ma-li-ik UGU-šu, PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):16; AHw
594; CAD M/1 158; Sivan GAGl 179f.; Huehnergard UVST 147; Van Soldt SAU
454; ¶ par.: /m-r-ʔ/, /š-b-ʕ/ (II), /y-ṯ-b/. ¶ Forms: G suff. mlkt; prefc. ymlk,
ảmlk; act. ptc. mlk; D prefc. ảm{.}lkn; nmlk.
G. To reign, rule: ảḥdy d ymlk ʕl ỉlm I am the only one who will reign over the
gods, 1.4 VII 49–50 (// ymrủ, yšbʕ; cf. RS Akk.: malāku eli, Van Soldt SAU 454,
461); l ảmlk b ṣrrt ṣpn I cannot reign in the heights of TN, 1.6 I 62; ymlk b ảrṣ
he reigned in the land, 1.6 I 65; ymlk PN ʕln PN will reign over us, 1.15 V 20,
cf. ibid. ln. 23; rd l mlk ảmlk come down from your royalty, that I may reign,
1.16 VI 37 and par. (// ảṯb); ymlk ʕṯtr ʕrẓ may DN, the “Terrible”, reign!, 1.6 I 55;
bʕlm yml[k DN reigned, 1.2 IV 32; mlkt (…) hm l mlkt can you (then) be king
or not?, 1.2 III 23 (for alt. cf. Wyatt RTU 55 n. 83); in unc. ctx.: mlk d mlk b ḥwt
the king who rules in the country, 2.47:12; in bkn ctx. ymlk k ỉl[, 1.157:9; ỉlm d
mlk, 1.4 III 9 (cf. De Moor ARTU 49).

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544 mlk (i) 1)

D. To enthrone: tn ảḥd b bnk ảm{.}lkn give me one of your sons to enthrone

him king, 1.6 I 46; nmlk we will enthrone (DN), 1.6 I 48, 54.
Cf. mlk (I), mlk (II), mlk (III), mlkt, ymlk.
mlk (I) 1) “king, sovereign”; 2) gen. qualifier > “royal”; 3) “ ‘dead king(s)’ ”; 4)
DN for kings and gods (< /m-l-k/. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. mlk,
“king, ruler”, HALOT 591f.; DNWSI 634ff.; Ebla cf. /malikum/, /mālikum/ in
MAN.EN = ma-li-gú-um, VE 1088; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 38; Kienast Biling. 231,
255; Von Soden WGE 328 n. 7; cf. ma-lik, Fronzaroli StEb 5 1982 72; EL 145;
Archi ARET 3 347; Krecher Biling. 145 [cf. mlk (III); Ebla GAL.GAL = sa-la-
lum, sa-ra-ru12-um, EV 080; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 45]; Renger ARES 1 165 ff.;
Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 194f.; Amor. /mal(i)kum/, “king”, Gelb CAAA 25; Huff-
mon APNMT 230f.; Akk. mal(i)ku, “Fürst, König”, AHw 595 f.; “king, foreign
ruler”, CAD M/1 166ff.; Emar Akk. -ma-lik (/ LUGAL) in PNN, passim; cf. Hier.
Hitt. spelling ma-li in Emar, Arnaud AuOrS 1 10; OSA mlk, “King”, SD 85; Arab.
mālik, “the possessor of command”, AEL 3023); Eg. /malku, milku/, “King”,
Hoch SWET 144f. (187)); ¶ syll. Ug.: [EN = ša]r-ru = i-wi-ir-ni = ma-al-ku, Ug
5 130 (RS 20.149) III 13; [LUGAL = šarru = e-wi-i]r-ni = ma-al-ku, Ug 5 137
(RS 20.123+) II 32; ] ma(?)-al-ku, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 17; Huehnergard
UVST 147; Van Soldt SAU 21 n. 182; cf. dMA.LIK.MEŠ Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):32
(Akkadogram = mlkm, pl. t.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 69 ff.: “Ahnen, verstor-
bene Könige”; cf. rpủ); element /malku/, /milku/ in PNN; Gröndahl PTU 157 f.;
Sivan GAGl 243, 247; syll. Ug. of 4. (DN), cf. infra: 4.; ¶ RS Akk.: LUGAL, pas-
sim; LUGAL (KUR.URU) ú-ga-ri-it, passim; LUGAL(.MEŠ) GAL(.MEŠ), pas-
sim; cf. PRU 3 236; PRU 4 263; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 341; ¶ par.: rpủ, ṯpṭ (II). ¶ Forms:
sg. mlk, mlkỉ (6.66:5–6; genitive, mat. lect.), mlkn (encl. -n; Tropper UF 26 1994
468); pl. mlkm.
1) King, ★a) human sovereign in gen.: PN mlk PN king, 1.161:11 and passim
ibid.; mlk TN king of TN, passim; cf. mlk ủgrt, 2.38:1; 6.23:3 and passim, cf. ★d)
infra; mlk gbl, 4.338:13, 15; 2.44:3; 2.36:21; mlk ảmr, 2.72:17 and passim ibid.;
mlk mṣrm, 2.81:1 and passim ibid., see also m[lk] ḥwt mṣr[m], 6.84:3; mlkn
bʕly the king, my lord, 2.42:10, 26; 2.97:1 and passim; mlk mlkm king of kings,
2.76:1; 2.81:3, 20; WL 232:1, 9 ml[km]; bn bt mlk the sons of the daughter of the
king, 3.32:8, 23; spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l mlk ủgrt document on the landmarks (?)
which the ủ. set up for the king of TN, 6.29:4; ʕmṯtmr bn nqmpʕ mlk ủgrt PN,
son of PN, king of TN, 3.2:4 and par.; yḥ mlk (long) live the king, 2.7:9; šlm
mlk šlm mlkt ʕrbm w ṯnnm hail to the king, hail to the queen, officiants and
(escort of) archers, 1.23:7; b ym k ybt mlk on the day that / when the king stays
the night, 2.33:14; w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d] and also the king, (namely)
the messenger, knows that I shall collect this (?), 2.33:20; hlny ʕmn mlk (…) ỉṯt
see, with the king (…) I am, 2.31:13; tḥm PN ʕm mlk message of PN to the king,

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mlk (i) 1) 545

2.47:1 and par.; ʕbdk b TN w b TN ʕm mlk your servant is in TN and TN next to

the king, 2.40:12; mlk śśwm nʕmm ytn l PN may the king supply good horses
to PN, 2.45:17 (cf. ibid. ln. 13–14); mlk yštảl b{.}hn may the king make a claim
regarding them (the ships), 2.42:23; mlkn ybqṯ ảnyt the king himself must
look for a ship, 2.42:26; pn mlk nr bn the king’s countenance has shone upon
us, 2.13:18; ḥnny l pn mlk be kind to me before the king, 2.15:3 (Dietrich-Loretz
UF 16 1984 326); rgm l mlk šmy mention my name to the king, 2.14:13; ]mlk
ytn lbš lh the king will make a gift of a wardrobe to him, 4.182:64; cf. ibid.
ln. 61, 62; commodities d ytn mlk bd PN that the king delivered to PN, 3.22:3;
kd mštt mlk a “jar” for the libation of the king, 4.230:8; štk mlk dn the king
has ceased (?) judgment, 1.12 II 58 (diff. De Moor ARTU 134: “mighty king”;
for other versions see štk); yšr (…) l pn mlk he shall sing (…) before the king,
1.106:17; yʕrb mlk the king “enters”, 1.111:3; št mlk installation of the king, 1.132:3
(Cf. Del Olmo CR 169 n. 116); ỉd ydbḥ mlk l DN when the king offers a sacrifice
to DN, 1.115:1, 1.164:3 and par.; ỉd ydbḥ mlk b ḫmn when the king sacrifices in
“the chapel”, 1.164:1; ỉd yph mlk l DN when the king visits DN, 1.90:1; 1.168:1, 8 (in
bkn ctx.: y]ph mlk[, 1.164:11); mlk ynṣl l ṯʕy and the king ceases as an officiant,
1.90:21; yrtḥṣ mlk brr the king shall wash himself (remaining) purified, 1.119:5
and passim in rituals; yṯb mlk brr the king sits, already purified, 1.87:7 and
par.; mlk brr the king continues pure, 1.87:48 and par.; ṣbủ špš w ḥl mlk at
sunset the king (shall remain) desacralised, 1.41:53 and par.; pảmt šbʕ k lbh
yr[gm] mlk the king replies seven times ad libitum, 1.41:53; mlk ylk lqḥ ỉlm
the king shall walk to welcome the gods, 1.43:23; ảṯr ỉlm ylk pʕnm mlk after
the gods the king shall walk on foot, 1.43:25; mlk ykbd the king pays homage,
1.171:4; ṯdṯ yṯb mlk b ủr[bt (on day) six the king / DN will be installed in the
ủ., 1.171:6; ksp d lqḥ PN b mlk silver that PN received in TN, 4.779:11; bd mlk
in the power of the king, 4.635:1, 3, 57; ỉb mlk enemy(enemies) of the king,
1.103:17; ḏrʕ mlk offspring of the king, 1.103:43; mlkn yỉḫd ḥw[t ỉbh] the king
will take the land [of his enemy], 1.103:7; mlkn l ypq š[p]ḥ the king will have
no descendants, 1.103:13; mlkn yšdd ḥwt ỉbh the king will devastate the land
of his enemy, 1.103:37; mlkn yd ḥrdh yd{d}ll as for the king, the power of his
guard he will subjugate, 1.103:46; ḫrdn yhpk l mlk the guard will rebel against
the king, 1.103:52; mlkn yšlm l ỉbh the king will have to pay his enemy, 1.103:54;
mlk yʕzz ʕl ḫpṯh the king will have power over his mercenaries, 1.103:57; mlkn
ybʕr ỉbh the king will forsake his enemy, 1.103:58; mlkn l y[ỉ]ḫd ỉbh the king will
not seize his enemy, 1.163:7; bhtm šdm d ytn mlk the houses (and) the fields
that the king has given, 3.32:5; ht mlk syr ns and now the king has fled to TN,
2.40:14; mlk d mlk b ḥwt the king who rules in the country, 2.47:12; mlk tlảk she
will send a message to the king, 2.88:29; w l lỉkt ʕm mlk w ʕmkm lỉkt and I did
not send a message to the king, but it is to you whom I did sent a message,

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546 mlk (i) 1)

2.90:19ff.; l mlkt ủmy rgm tḥm mlk bnk to the queen, my mother, say: message
of the king, your son, 2.13:3; 2.30:3, 2.102:1 (cf. RS Akk.: DUMU MÍ.LUGAL; cf.
mlkt); in bkn ctx.: ] ṯʕ mlk, 1.173:13; ★b) contrasted with “non-king”: ủ mlk ủ
bl mlk anyone, king or not, 1.4 VII 43; ★c) legendary heroes: passim of krt,
cf. ng mlk l bty depart, king, from my house, 1.14 III 27 and par.; mrṣ mlk the
king has fallen ill, 1.16 I 56 and par.; mlk ʕšr ʕšrt the king has given a banquet,
1.16 I 40; passim of pbl, cf. tḥm pbl mlk message of PN, king, 1.14 III 21 and
par.; for dnỉl cf. qr mym mlk (?) yṣm the king (?) cursed TN, 1.19 III 46 (diff.
Margalit UF 16 1984 152f.: rdg ml-k “may thy course be dammed”, Arab. mayl;
Renfroe UF 18 1986 70: rdg m lk yṣm “may what you have be ruined!”); ★d)
official titles, in introductions to letters: l mlk bʕly to the king, my lord, 2.40:1
and par., cf. 1.40:18; 2.33:22, 26, 30, 33; 2.47:1, and passim in letters; PN mlk ủgrt
PN king of TN, 1.6 VI 57 and par. (Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 388; Del Olmo
UF 18 1986 85); PN mlk ʕlm PN, eternal king, 2.42:9 (cf. Eg. ḥq3 ḏt, Gaál Fs.
Wessetzky 97ff.; cf. infra: 3.b. Bojowald UF 43 2011 21 ff.: “König der Ewigkeit”,
Eg. nśw.t nḥḥ; diff. Dijkstra HUS 158: “splendour of everlasting kingship”, see
mlk (II)); mlk rb the great king, 3.1:26; 2.98:8, 13, 22 and passim (cf. RS Akk.:
LUGAL GAL); špš]; mlk rb mlk mṣrm [… mlk nʕ]m mlk ṣdq [… mlk m]lkm bʕl kl
ḥwt [… mṣr]m “Sun”], great king, king of TN, spl[endid king], just king, [king
of k]ings, lord of all the land [… T]N, 2.81:1–3, 10–12; cf. ibid. ln. 16–17, 19–20,
30–31; 9.530:1 (Dietrich-Loretz WList 232); ★e) part of the divine titulary (cf.
Rahmouni DEAUT 4ff.): of ỉl, mlk ảb šnm (DN) “king”, father of years, 1.4
IV 24 and par. (cf. šnt for other interpretations); yd ỉl mlk the love of DN, the
“king”, 1.4 IV 38; ỉl mlk d yknnh DN, the “king” who established him, 1.4 IV 48
and par. (Rahmouni DEUAT 40–42); of bʕl: mlkn ảlỉyn bʕl our “king” is “The
Most Powerful” DN, 1.3 V 32 and par. (// ṯpṭn. Rahmouni DEUAT 226ff.); of
other gods: mlk qẓ […] mlk ảġzt king (of the fruit) of summer […] king of the
wedding(-season), 1.24:2–3 (Rahmouhni DEUAT 229ff., 233 f.); in bkn ctx.: ỉl
šd yṣd mlk [ the god of the steppe who hunts, the king [, 1.108:12 (Del Olmo
AuOr 5 1987 51f. n. 52; KTU: il šdy ṣd); mlk d ytn […] ʕbdyrḫ l mlk 2.45:13–14; w
mlk lảk ʕm[ and the king has sent[, 2.42:27; mlkn, 2.106:6.
2) Qualifier in the genitive functioning as an adjective, ★a) in gen., “of the
king” > royal: + ảnyt: ảnyt mlk ships of the king, 4.421:2; + bn (I): bn mlk
w bt mlk tʕln pảmt šbʕ the son(s) and daughter(s) of the king go up seven
times, 1.112:6–7, see 1.106:9–10 (cf. RS Akk.: DUMU LUGAL); + bnš and similar:
bnš mlk man(/men) of the king, personnel directly connected with royal
service (cf. bnš): PN bnš mlk PN man of the king, 3.2:7; mḥṣ bnš mlk weaver,
man of the king, 4.182:56; spr bnš mlk list of the men of the king, 4.370:1;
4.141 I 1; 4.144:1; 4.367:1; spr ḥpr bnš mlk list of the rations of the men of the
king, 4.609:1; tgmr bnš mlk sum total of the king’s men, 4.141 II 25; cf. tgmr

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mlk (i) 1) 547

yṣḥm (…) bnš mlk total of the bronzesmiths: (so many: all of them) men
of the king, 4.151 II 6; spr bnš mlk d b TN list of the men of the king in TN,
4.367:1; PN bnš mlk d b TN PN: man of the king in TN, 3.2:6; b[n]š mlk lqḥ
ḥpr king’s personnel (who) take supplies, 4.859 II 1; bnšm dt l mlk men of
the king, 4.339:17; bn]š d bt mlk people (lodged) in the palace, 4.766:12; tgmr
bnš l b bt mlk total of the people actually in service in the palace, 4.137:14;
bnš {l} d yškb l b bt mlk people now lodging in the palace, 4.163:16; yṯb mlk
assistants of the king (/ DN; cf. infra: 4), DN), 1.149:12; mrủ mlkỉ m. of the
king, 6.66:5–6 (Sanmartín UF 27 1995 460ff.); + bt (II): bt mlk ỉtbd (misspelt
ỉtdb) the family of the king perished, 1.14 I 8; bt mlk royal house, royal palace,
passim; cf. 1.41:20 and par.; 1.43:2, 10; 1.171:1; 2.36:5, 14; 2.72:17, 24, 32; 2.89:6;
2.104:9; 4.145:2; 4.168:7; 4.274:7; 4.337:16; 4.338:2; 4.341:21; 4.721:7; skn bt mlk
prefect of the royal house, 3.11:6; spr npš d ʕrb bt mlk w b spr l št list of
the people who have entered the royal palace without being registered by
name, 4.338:2; + gt: gt mlk Royal Farmstead, 1.105:11 (cf. also mlk (III); RS Akk.:
A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A LU-GAL-ri, PRU 3 47 (RS 16.150):8); + dbḥ: dbḥ mlk royal sacrifice,
1.91:2; + lb: k? lb mlk according to the royal decision, 3.11:8 (KTU: w); + mrkbt:
mrkbt mlk royal chariot(s), 4.167:5, 14; + spr (II): spr mlk royal warrant, 3.12:13;
+ ʕbd: ʕbd mlk servant of the king, 2.47:14 and par.; + qrt: qrt m[lk royal city,
2.42:17; + tḥm: tḥm mlk message of the king, 2.13:3 and par. (on tḥm {rgm} mlk,
2.26:1–2, cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 453 ff.; Dijkstra UF 19 1987
42); + mšmʕt: mšmʕt mlk royal guard, 2.72:11, 14; + ṯlḥn: ṯlḥn mlk royal table,
1.161:15; + mrḥ: mrḥy mlk the lances of the king, 1.103:7, 47; + mtk: mtk mlkm
rỉšyt the primordial libation of the kings, 1.119:25 (cf. infra: 3); ★b) denoting
superior quality (“of the king” > “royal” (Eng. “king-size”); cf. Akk. LUGAL;
Veenhof AOATT 203ff.): ṯmn mrbdt mlk eight royal counterpanes, 4.270:11; qʕl
mlkm royal vine blossom (: choicest wine), 1.22 I 17 (diff. “hall of the kings”: De
Moor NYCI/2 17 n. 27; ARTU 272; Healey UF 10 1978 91 n. 21; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 13 1981 70).
3) Said particularly of “Dead Kings” (Xella UF 15 1983 299; WGE 357; Del Olmo
AuOr 5 1987 60ff.; cf. rpủ); ★a) coll. pl. mlkm “Kings”, as DN in the pantheon
1.47:33; 1.118:32 (cf. supra RS Akk.: dMA.LIK.MEŠ, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):32; Mari
Akk.: ma-li-ki-im, cf. Tsukimoto Kispu 43; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 72); ★b)
in sg.: qrả PN mlk invoke the “King” PN!, 1.161:11–12. (cf. rpỉm qdmym, rpỉ
ảrṣ, ibid. ln. 8–9); tḥt PN mlk at the feet of PN, the “King”, ibid. ln. 25–26
(// rpỉm qdmym); rpủ mlk ʕlm the rpủ, “eternal King”, 1.108:1 (cf. ṯpẓ, ln. 3;
Pardee TP 88ff.; Bojowald UF 43 201121ff.: “König der Ewigkeit”, Eg. nśw.t nḥḥ);
mlkm tbṣrn the “Kings” allow themselves to be seen (?), 1.163:4 (cf. /b-ṣ-r/ (I));
zbl mlk ʕllmy the prince, “eternal King”, 1.22 I 10 (cf. ṯr ʕllmn; Dijkstra UF 20
1988 45); in unc. ctx.: zbl mlk šmm royal heavenly princes, 1.13:26; in bkn ctx.:

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548 mlk (i) 1)

]ṯrmn mlk, 4.182:13; bd mlk, 4.635:1, 3; w l mlkm, 2.21:18; ] ytn mlk, 2.31:39; hn
mlk, 2.33:8; ʕm mlk, 22.62:10; w mlk zx štn śśwm nʕmm, the king … (two) good
quality horses, 2.45:19 (cf. ibid. ln. 17); mlk gbʕhd[, 1.9:10; mlk nhr ỉbrx[, 1.9:16;
kp mlk mr[, 1.157:10; l yd mlk[, 1.166:24.
4) DN (< “The King”, /Ma/āl(i)ku/, Milku. AHw 596: malku I [4), 5)]; CAD M/1:
malku B; Krebernik RLA 7 305f.; Akk. Malik, Roberts ESP 42 f.; Ebla Malik,
Pomponio UF 15 1983 151; Mari Akk. Mal(i)ku, Nakata DMT 354 ff.; Hb. mlkm
(Gk melkhom), mlk (Gk molokh), HALOT 592 f.; Pope-Röllig WbMyth 299;
OSA Malik, Malka; cf. supra: 3. Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 72f.; Del Olmo
AuOr 5 1987 61; Pardee TP 212 nn. 65–66; Niehr UF 30 1998 569ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. PN IZI-dma-lik, Ug 5 252 (RS 20.196 A) colophon C:3 (Van Soldt SAU 23
n. 188); ỉl mlk the god DN, 1.111:18 (Cf. Del Olmo CR 164 n. 100); ql bl ʕm mlk
ʕṯtrth take the (/ my) cry to DN of TN, 1.100:41 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2
348: “König. Ein Epitheton von Baʕal”); mlk b ʕṯtrt yỉsp ḥmt may DN of TN
remove the venom!, 1.107:17; in unc. ctx. qdš mlk, 1.123:20.
Cf. ảbmlk, ả/ỉḥmlk, ảḥmlk, ỉlmlk, ʕbdmlk, ʕdmlk, kṯrmlk, mlk (IV),
mlkʕṯtrt, mlkbn, mlknʕm, mlkrpỉ, mlkršp, mlkt, mlky (I), mlkym, mlkytn,
mlkyy, pmlk, qnmlk, šmmlk, špšmlk, ymlk, ypʕmlk.
mlk (II) n. m. “kingdom (power and territory)”, “kingship” (< /m-l-k/; Arab.
mulk, “dominion, kingship”, AEL 3023; EA Akk. mu-ul-ka, EAT 333:20; cf.
CAD M/2 188; Sivan GAGl 249. Hb. mlk, HALOT 591 f.); ¶ par.: drkt, mṯpṭ, ṯbt.
¶ Forms: sg. mlk, suff. mlkk, mlkh.
Kingdom (power and territory): ksỉ/ả mlkh/k the throne of his / your king-
dom, 1.3 IV 2 and par. (// nḫt, kḥṯ drkth, mṯpṭk); yṯb lksỉ mlk he sat on the
throne of (his) kingdom, 1.16 VI 23 and par. (// nḫt, kḥṯ drkt, ṯbtk); rd l mlk
come down from (your) kingdom, 1.16 VI 37 and par. (// l drktk); tqḥ mlk ʕlmk
you will take possession of your eternal kingdom, 1.2 IV 10 (// drkt); bʕlt mlk
“Lady of the kingdom”, 1.118:6; 4.54:1, royal and divine title (// drkt); ṯġr mlk
Guardian of the kingdom, 3.11:6–7, dynastic title; mlk ṯr ảbh yảrš does he wish
the kingship of the “Bull”, his father?, 1.14 I 41 (// drkt).
Cf. /m-l-k/.
mlk (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 198f.: *Mulukku. Saadé AAAS 29–30
1979–1980 221; Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour UF 11 1979 22; UF 13 1981 5, 11; Xella
MLE 1 1982 54; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 5f.; Syria 66 1989 265 f.; Van Soldt
Topography 29, 177); ¶ syll. Ug.: URU mu-lu(-uk)-kV, PRU 3 91 (RS 16.170):6–7;
PRU 3 192 (RS 12.34+):32; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):6; URU mu-lu-ki, RSOu 7 4
(RS 34.131):30; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):8; cf. Sivan GAGl 249; Van Soldt UF 28 1966
TN: ★a) 2.26:14; 4.27:6, 17; 4.68:5; 4.164:4; 4.348:22; 4.355:38; 4.365:3; 4.369:3;
4.375:6; 4.380:3; 4.384:2; 4.683:5; 4.779:11; 4.784:4; 4.793:1; 4.812:1; 5.28:4; ★b)

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mlkʕṯtrt – mlkt 549

place of worship of certain gods: ršp mlk DN of TN, 1.105:7 (cf. ršp bbt,
ibid. 11. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 315; Renfroe UF 18 1986 51), 4.182:61; ṯrmn
mlk (the) DNN of TN, 4.182:13 (cf. ṯrmn qrt, ibid. 15. Xella MLE 1 1982 51 f.
suggests reading this TN in 4.693:3; Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17 suggests reading
m[dḥ] y in 4.693:50); ★c) gt mlk, 4.105:5; 4.750:13 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89:
*Gittu-mulukki). For 4.244:24 see Belmonte RGTC 12/2 199: b ml[k?.
Cf. mlky (II).
mlk (IV) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 158; Weinfeld UF 4 1972 135ff.; Heltzer
UF 11 1979 367 n. 22; Heider Molek 1985 133ff.; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 164);
¶ syll.: cf. the elements /m-l-k/, /-malk-/ and /-milk-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl
243, 247, 248; Van Soldt SAU 21 n. 182.
PN: ★a) 4.344:10, 16; ★b) bn PN, 4.117:2; 4.122:9; 4.750:1 (mrỉly); in bkn ctx.: ]mlk
bn ḫlản, 4.350:2; mlk[, 4.396:17.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkʕṯtrt DN (etym. < mlk (I), ʕṯtrt (II)).
DN: śśw mlk{.}ʕṯtrt horses of DN, 4.790:17 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 129; Ph.
mlkʕštrt, KAI 3 58; Benz PPNPI 345; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 356 n. 12)
mlkbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 16, 45, 47, 87, 158, 163; Ribichini- Xella SEL 8 1991
156, 164).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 3.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkm n. DN pl. t. “Dead Kings”; cf. mlk (I), 3.
mlknʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 158, 163); ¶ syll.: cf. mil-ki-SIG5.GA!? Syria
18 1937 251ff. (RS 8.303):29; Huehnergard AkkUg 356 n. 6.
PN: 4.57:2; 4.165:5; 4.344:15; 4.616:3 (Van Soldt SAU 37); in bkn ctx.: ml]knʕ[m:
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkrpỉ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 157f., 180).
PN: 4.682:3.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 425).
PN: bn PN, 4.635:45.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkt n. f. “queen” (< mlk (I). Hb. mlkh, “wife of the king, queen”, HALOT 592;
Ph., Pun., Nab., Palm. mlkt, “queen”, DNWSI 634ff.; pre-Sarg. Mari ma-lik-tum,
“queen”, Gelb MR 129; Ebla ma-lik-tum, “queen”, passim; Edzard SLE 102 n. 3;
Fronzaroli EL 145; ARET 8 62; ARET 9 396; cf. Ebla SAGxKÍD = sa-ra-du-um,
VE 260; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 47; Pettinato Biling. 46; Amor. /malika(tum)/,
“queen”, Gelb CAAA 25; OSA mlkt, “queen”, SD 85; Arab. malikat, “reine”,
DAF/2 1152); ¶ RS Akk.: MÍ.LUGAL, MÍ.LUGAL-tu/tu4/ti, PN MÍ.LUGAL

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550 mlky (i) – mlkym

(KUR.URU) ú-ga-ri-it, passim; cf. PRU 3 236; PRU 4 263; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 341;
MÍ.LUGAL GAL, PRU 4 227 (RS 17.429):5. ¶ Forms: sg. mlkt.
Queen: ★a) in gen.: PN mlkt, 2.36:1; mlkt ủgrt queen of TN, 2.21:2, 9; ml<k>t
grgmš, 2.75:8; l mlkt ảdty to the queen, my lady, 2.12:1; 2.24:1; 2.33:1; 2.68:1;
2.89:1; l mlkt ủmy to the queen, my mother, 2.13:1 (Van Soldt SAU 78), 2.30:1
(Van Soldt SAU 17 n. 157); l mlkt ủmy ảdty to the queen, my mother and lady,
2.82:1; šlm mlk šlm mlkt rbm w ṯnnm greetings to the king, greetings to the
queen, officials and (escort of) archers, 1.23:7; ʕm mlkt kll šlm with the queen
all is at peace, 2.36:3; kdm ʕm mlkt two “jars” for the queen, 4.230:4; kd mštt
mlkt a “jar” for libation by the queen, 4.230:5; ] yn l mlkt ]wine for the queen,
4.219:12; yn b dbḥ mlkt b mdrʕ wine for the sacrifice of the queen in the sown,
4.149:15, see 1.170:1; ṯlṯ krm ủbdym l mlkt b TN three vineyards in a leasing
system for the queen in TN, 4.244:9; mỉt ỉqnỉ l mlkt one hundred (shekels)
of violet purple for the queen, 3.1:28 (// 1 me-at SIG.ZA.GÌN ḫas-ma-ni a-na
MÍ. LUGAL, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):26); bd mlkt at the disposal of the
queen, 4.382:1–2, cf. 4:635:2, 6; ỉṯt ʕm mlkt I am with the queen, 2.13:15 (cf. ỉṯ
(I)); ảnk mlkt mntn I am the queen of the incantation, 1.179:34; hn ks mḥṯ l
mlkt mntn here is a m.-cup for the queen of incantation, 1.179:39 (Márquez
Sefarad 68 2008 471); w dʕ k yṣả<t> ảp mlkt and take notice that the queen
also left, 2.88:38; ★b) genitive, compl.: PN bnš mlkt PN, man of the queen,
4.22:4; gt mlkt Farmstead of the Queen, 2.21:7 f. (see skn gt mlkt ủgrt prefect of
the Farmstead of the Queen of TN, 2.21 (Cunchillos UF 13 1981 46; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 88: *Gittu-malkati; diff. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40 n. 14: rdg skn b!t
prefect of the palace (!)), 4.143:1; [tḥ]m PN mlkt message of PN, the queen,
2.36:1; 2.88:1; 2.90:1; l pn mlkt lỉkt, before the queen I have sent a message,
2.88:36; mšq mlkt the queen’s cup, 4.265:1; in bkn ctx.: l mlkt[, 4.259:6; dt mlkt,
2.73:15; mlkt: 2.36:8(?); 4.246:3; 7.122:3.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlky (I) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 158; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28); ¶ syll.: for
the morph. cf. PNNF mi-il-ka-a, PRU 3 54 (RS 15.92):21; mi-il-ka-ia, PRU 3 66
(RS 16.252):5; Sivan GAGl 247; Van Soldt SAU 8 n. 70, 41, 156 n. 185; cf. mlkyy.
PN: 4.625:21 (PN (…) w mlky bnh); 4.706:11; in bkn ctx.: mlky[, 4.299:4 (cf. mlky
Cf. mlk (I).
mlky (II) m. GN (< mlk (III)). ¶ Forms: sg. mlky; pl. mlkym.
GN 4.80:14; 4.96:5; gt mlkym, 4.99:5; 4.126:19 (gt of the GN or gt of PN; cf.
mlkym, PN); in bkn ctx.: mlky[, 4.299:4 (cf. mlky (I)).
mlkym PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 158; Watson LSU 201).
PN: a) gt mlkym, 4.99:5; 4.126:19 (gt of PN or gt of the GN; cf. mlky, GN); in
bkn ctx.: ]mlkym, 4.666:6; b) bn mlkym, 4.807:53.

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mlkytn – mlṣ 551

Cf. mlk (I).

mlkytn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 40, 62, 147, 158; Lipiński OLA 23 1988 137f.);
¶ syll.: cf. mil-ki-SUM DUMU mi-[…] (LÚ.SANGA ša dIM URU Ḫ[al-ba]),
RA 38 1941 4 (RS 11.856):1; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 276; Huehnergard AkkUg
70, 371.
PN: 2.15:2, 8; 4.264:2.
Cf. mlk (I).
mlkyy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 158; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28); ¶ syll.: cf.
DUMU mil-ki-ya, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) III 14; cf. mlky (I), PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 1; 4.282:3; 4.412 III 13.
Cf. mlk (I).
/m-l-l/ vb G: “to caress, pinch, rub” (?) (etym. unc. MHb. mll, “to squeeze, rub”,
DTT 792. De Moor UF 1 1969 181; Lipiński UF 3 1971 84; Irwin UF 15 1983 55 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 140f.; diff. Fisher-Knutson JNES 28 1969 159 n. 15:
“to speak”, cf. Dan. 7:2; Fensham UF 3 1971 24: “to attack”, Ph. (?); Pope-Tigay
UF 3 1971 127: “to stamp”, Arab. malla, Aram. mll, Akk. malālu); ¶ par.: /p-l-y/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. tpll.
G. To caress, pinch, rub (?): tmll ỉšdh she caresses (?) his legs, 1.101:6 (// tply).
mll n. m. “waste, scraps” (?) (Hb. mll, “to wilt, wither”, HALOT 593f.: mll I;
MHb milmûl, “crumbs”, DTT 793. De Moor SP 118: “crumbs”; Smith UBC/1 147:
“mush / pulp”; Watson SEL 21 2004 71ff.: “breadcrumbs”, alt. “a baked good”, <
Eg. ma=ru2=ru2, *malulu (?); diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 308 n. j: “épis”, Hb.
mlylh; Oldenburg CE B 187 n. 1: “weary”, Arab. malla, Hb. mll; Watson NUS 28
1982 9: Akk. malālu, malalu); ¶ par.: ḥṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. mll.
Waste, scraps (?), in bkn ctx.: ] k mll [its content (?) is] like waste(scraps)(?),
1.1 IV 11 (// k ḥṣ).
ml/dn PN in rdg unc.: bn ml/dn?, 4.245 I 4.
mlsm n. m. “race” / “running, runner”, said of chariot horses) (< /l-s-m/. Del
Olmo CR 80f.; Loretz HippUg 108ff., 137f.: “Rennen mit Wagen”, with survey
of opinions; Bordreuil-Pardee Semitica 41–42 1993 52; Vita EU 128: “coureurs”
> mulassimu); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ma-al-sà-mu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 18; Huehn-
ergard UVST 143: “course” (?) / “courier” (?); Van Soldt SAU 305: vb. n. “run-
ning” (?); cf. ma-a]l-sà-mu-ti, Ashkelon 97, Huehnergard-Van Soldt IEJ 49
1999 191. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. mlsm.
Runner / Race: mlsm mrkbt mtrn races of reserve (?) chariots / reserve (?)
chariot runners (horses), 1.162:22.
Cf. /l-s-m/.
mlṣ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 155).
PN: bn PN, 4.422 I 6; 4.624:7; 4.843:25; for the reading bn mlṣ!? in 4.412 III 8 cf.
Van Soldt SAU 35; in bkn ctx.: 4.526:4; 4.590:1.

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552 mltḥ – mmʕ

Cf. mly (II).

mltḥ n. m. measure of capacity and area (fraction or multiple of the ltḥ (?),
fraction of the kkr (?)). Heltzer UF 21 1989 201: var. of ltḥ, ca. 2·2 litres, 1/10
of the kd; Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 687 n. 19: “Hälfte”, *ltḥ; Zamora SEL 17
2000 66ff.: “piccola misura, frazione dell’unità”; Dijkstra PIHANS 114 27ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. mltḥ; du. mltḥm.
Measure: ★a) of capacity: kd šmn mltḥm ḫsr a “jar” of oil, two m. in deficit,
3.28:7; 3.29:12; kṯm sbbyn b mltḥ rbʕt two flasks (?) of (essence of) nigella at a
quarter (shekel) the m., 4.707:9; kkr w mltḥ tyt a talent and a m. of t., 4.337:26;
★b) of area: šỉr šd mltḥ šd ʕšy a š. of field (plus) a m., of tilled land, 4.282:14
(Heltzer UF 21 1989 201); in bkn ctx.: ]x mltḥ kkr, 4.304:5.
Cf. ltḥ.
mltn PN (etym. unc. Zadok OLA 28 147; Watson AuOr 13 1995 224).
PN: bn PN, 4.769:45; 4.860:39; in bkn ctx.: cf. 4.260:8.
mlwn: TN (etym. unc. Watson SEL 28 2011 26f.).
TN: 2.88:6.
mly (I) “?” (etym. unc. Cunchillos TOu/2 417 n. 216: “tailleur”, Hb. mwl, and
survey of other proposals).
?, in bkn ctx.: 2.50:12; 2.73:11.
mly (?) (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 121).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 III 8 (but rdg unc.; see Van Soldt SAU 35: bn mlṣ!?, PN).
Cf. mlṣ.
mm (I) n. m. “winter” (Akk. mammû “Frost, Eis”, AHw 601; “frost”, CAD M/1 202;
ITI ma-mi, cf. mammītu, “ein Wintermonat”, AHw 601; “name of a month”,
CAD M/1 201f.; diff. Heltzer GPOTU 18 n. 11: a measure). ¶ Forms: sg. mm.
Winter; used to qualify a type of olive(s) (> late, ripe olive (?)): zt mm
winter olive, 4.91:14; 4.786:13 (opposite dm zt ḫrpnt juice of autumnal olive
[> early (?)], 1.114:31; see ḫrpnt); kd zt mm a k. of winter olives, 2.89:19 (diff.
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 248: “one k. of olives (in) water”; Gzella BiOr 64
2007 551: rdg, ztmm, pl. + encl. -m, “individual olives”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 154, 156: “Olivenöl”); in bkn ctx.: mm b bṯn[, 1.166:28 (cf. mh/y).
mm (II), cf. mh/y.
mm (III), in 2.10:9, rdg m<n>m, cf. mnm.
mmʕ n. m. (?) “gore” (Hb. mʕh, “entrails, intestines”, HALOT 609 f.; JAram.
mʕyn, “bowels, intestines”, DTT 812; Arab. ʔamʕāʔ, “the guts”, AEL 3022. De
Moor SP 92: “gore”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 141, 143 ff., 170: “Eingeweide,
Inneres”; diff. Kogan UF 36 2004 195ff.: “brain”, MSA *maʕ, Soq. mīmǎʕ);
¶ par.: dm (II). ¶ Forms: pl. t. (?) mmʕm (encl. -m (?), Aartun PU/1 52); pl.
cstr. mmʕ.
Gore: tġll (…) ḥlqm b mmʕ mhrm she plunged her limbs in the gore of the

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mmskn – mn (i) 553

combatants, 1.3 II 14, 28 (// dm); trḥṣ (…) ủṣbʕth b mmʕ mhrm she washed (…)
her hands of the gore of the combatants, 1.3 II 35 (// dm); ảšhlk (…) šbt dqnk
mmʕm I shall make (blood) run through your greyness (…) gore through the
greyness of your beard, 1.3 V 25 and par. (// dmm).
Cf. mʕmʕ.
mmskn n. m. “earthenware bowl” (< /m-s-k/. Hb. mmsk, “jug of mixed wine”,
HALOT 595f. Sanmartín AuOr 4 1986 95 n. 34; Loretz UF 25 1993 256: “Mis-
chkrug”; Watson AuOrS 27 89). ¶ Forms: sg. mmsk.
Earthenware bowl: mmskn an earthenware bowl, 3.13:18.
Cf. /m-s-k/.
mmt, cf. šḥlmmt.
mmṭr n. m. “portico, porch (?)” (< (?) mṭr. Arab. mimṭar, “used to protect from
the rain”, AEL 2722). ¶ Forms: sg. mmṭr.
Portico, porch (?): ṯn ptḥm d mmṭr two doors that open onto the portico (?),
Cf. /m-ṭ-r/.
mmy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 285; Watson AuOr 14 1996 101); ¶ syll.: cf.
ma-mi-ya, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) rev. 15.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 18; 4.715:16; 4.807:26; 4.819:9.
mn (I) 1) interr. pn. “what?”, used as an adj. “what, which? (> how much, how
many?)”; 2) indef. pn. “the one who, who, who(so)ever” (?) (poss. merging
/ homography of two different pn. of base mān and mīn. Amor. /manna/,
“who?”, “what?”, Gelb CAAA 24; EA Akk. [m]a-an-ni, EAT 114:42, “indefinite
pn.”, CAD M/1 212f.; Sivan GAGl 244; Rainey CAT 1 113; Ebla mi-nu “why,
what, whatever”, ARET 8 63; cf. PNN mi(-nu)-(DN), Fronzaroli ARES 1 22; diff.
Krebernik PET 97: “was” (?); Pagan ARES 3 252f.; mi-su-wa(PI)-ti, Fronzaroli
ARES 1 11; mi-kum-(DN), ARES 1 12; Krebernik PET 33: “wer?”; Akk. mannu,
mīnu, “wer?”, “was?”, AHw 603, 655f.; “who”, “what”, CAD M/1 213ff., M/2
89ff.; OAram. mn, man-nu [Warka], Palm., “who”, DNWSI 648f.; Arab. man,
“who?, who”, Hava 735; Eth. mannu, “who?”, CDG 348. Cf. Gordon UT § 6.29 ff.;
Tropper UG 239f.). ¶ Forms: sg. mn, suff. mnm (encl. -m; cf. mnm).
1) What, which?: mn(m) ỉb ypʕ l bʕl which enemy has risen against DN?, 1.3
III 37; IV 4; mn yrḫ k mr[ṣ] mn k dw which month is it that he fell ill, which
that he became sick?, 1.16 II 19–20; p mn lỉkt ảnk lḥt and then for what (in
connection with what) did I send the / a tablet?, 2.72:22 (Bordreuil-Pardee
RSOu 7 147).
2) The one who, who, who(so)ever (?), in unc. ctx.: mn bnš d l{.}ỉkt ʕm[k]
(whomever from >) all the people I sent you (?), 2.45:25; in bkn ctx.: mn lỉk
l[, 1.5 IV 23); mn ʕps 2.84:14.
Cf. mnk, mnm.

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554 mn (ii) – mndʕ

mn (II) n. m. “species (of animal)” (Hb. myn, “type, kind”, HALOT 577. Caquot-
Sznycer TOu/1 196; Watson UF 40 2008 555, 565: < Eg. mn (?); Dietrich-Loretz
UF 10 1978 62: “Gestalt, Art”, Hb. myn. Diff. Margalit MLD 21: “inlay”, Akk.
maninnu). ¶ Forms: pl. mnm.
Species (of animal): ṯlḥn ỉl d mlả mnm a divine table that was filled with
(embossed) species (of animals), 1.4 I 39.
mn (III) n. m. “mina”, unit of weight of 470 gm. = 50 Syrian shekels of 9 · 4 gm
/ 40 Hittite shekels of 11·75 gm. (Parise IncGr 82 1984 127ff.; Van den Hout
RlA 7 525ff.; Akk. manû, “Mine”, AHw 604; “mina”, CAD M/1 219ff.; Powell
RlA 7 510; Karwiese Šiqlu 21; > Hb., OAram. Palm. mnh, “mina”, HALOT 599;
“mine”, DNWSI 658; Eg. mnn (min-nunù), “die Mine”, WäS/2 82; Helck Bez.
513; /mannū/, “Maneh, Mina”, Hoch SWET 127 (162); Gk mnāi, Liddell-Scott
GEL 1138. Bron-Lemaire GLECS 24–28 1979–1984 17f.); ¶ RS Akk.: MA.NA,
passim; Huehnergard AkkUg 386; cf. PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):21–22
// KTU 3.1:19–20; Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 219; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 354).
¶ Forms: sg. mn.
Mina: (tribute brought by PN to the “Sun” of TN:) ṯn [. ʕšr.] mn ʕšrm ṯql kbd
ks mn ḫrṣ twelve minas (and) twenty shekels (and) a cup of (one) mina of
gold, 3.1:19–20 (cf. // 12 MA.NA(.MEŠ) 20 GÍN (KÙ.GI.MEŠ:) at-ru/ra 1 GAL
KÙ.GI.MEŠ MA.NA KI.LÁ-šu, PRU 4 41 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):20–21).
mn (IV) “?” (/m-n-y/ G/D “to award, to decide fate” (?), Hb. mnh, Pun., OAram.
mny, Akk. manû, OSA mnw, Arab. manā; Margalit UF 8 1976 170; 16 1984 123f.:
“from”, Hb. mn, but cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 183ff. and Aartun UF 14
1982 1ff.; Dressler AT 394: “to desire” (?); Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 199:
“to count”, *mny; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 151: “incantation”, see mnt (III);
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 442: “qui?”, see mn (I); Cooper UF 20 1988 20 ff.: “to
cut, break, shorten”, Arab. manna; see Tropper UG 241). ¶ Forms: (?) mn.
?, in unc. ctx.: w ṯn gprm mn gprh 1.19 I 11.
mn (V) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 159; Muchiki Loanwords 277).
PN: bn PN, 4.350:3.
mnủ “?” (De Moor UF 17 1985 230: “portions”, Hb. menāʔōt).¶ Forms: mnủ.
?, in bkn and unc. ctx.: w mnủ dg, 1.92:38.
Cf. mnỉpʕl, mnt (I), mnt (II), mnt (III). mnt (IV).
mnỉpʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 37, 40, 159, 171; cf. Grabbe UF 11 1979 310
n. 25).
PN: 4.116:15.
mndʕ adv. “perhaps” (< mn (I) + /y-d-ʕ/. Akk. minde, “vielleicht”, AHw 655;
“perhaps”, CAD M/2 83ff. Aartun PU/2 93, 166; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982
185; Cunchillos TOu/2 343 n. 13; Tropper UF 26 1994 461 n. 19; diff. Del
Olmo MLC 579: “de seguro” /y-d-ʕ/, Aram. mndʕ); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. mi-in-d[á?

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mndġ – mnḥm 555

DUMU.MÍ dUTU-ši (…) ut-ta-ki-ra-aš-ši, Ug 5 35 (RS 20.216):13. ¶ Forms:

Perhaps: mndʕ krt mġ[ y perhaps PN has arrived, 1.16 II 24 (De Moor-Spronk
UF 14 1982 185); mndʕ k ank ảḥš mġy mndʕ k ỉgr w ủ ỉgr ʕm špš perhaps (it is
the case) that I must hurry to come, perhaps I that shall lodge (here) or else
(perhaps) I shall lodge with the “Sun”, 2.34:10–11; in bkn ctx.: m]ndʕ [, 2.45:31.
Cf. mn (I), /y-d-ʕ/.
mndġ n. m. of a type of fine flour ((?) Hurro-Akk. */mundu=(ḫ)ḫe/(?). San-
martín AuOr 6 1988 232; Cohen UF 28 1996 117; cf. Akk. mundu, AHw 673;
CAD M/2 201ff.; Watson LSU 69). ¶ Forms: sg. mndġ.
A type of fine flour (as an emulsion): št ʕqrbn ydk w ymsś hm b mskt dlḥt hm b
mndġ pulverise a š. of ʕ. (plants) and dilute it, either in a thick emulsion, or
in (flour of type) m., 1.85:4 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 332: plant name).
mndym GN “the (Ummān-)Manda” (Akk. Ummān-manda, AHw 1413. San-
martín SEL 5 1988 174f.); ¶ RS Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ MAN.DÁ.ME, PRU 4 180
(RS 17.286):6. ¶ Forms: pl. mndym (mdym in 2.62:4 is a mistake).
The Ummān-manda: bnšm m<n>dym people of the Manda, 2.62:4; mndym b
dnh lqḥt I have detained the Manda by your order, ibid. ln. 7.
/m-n-ḥ/ vb G: “to deliver” (Arab. manaḥa, “to lend”, AEL 2737. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 111). ¶ Forms: G suffc. mnḥ; pass. ptc. f. mnḥt.
G. To deliver: d mnḥ TN (this is) what TN has delivered, 4.771:9 (Dietrich-
Loretz UF 12 1980 402: “Ablieferung”, cf. mnḥ); šʕrt (…) d mnḥt (value of the)
wool (…) which has been delivered, 4.709:6 (cf. [[šʕrt mnḥt]] ibid. ln. 9).
Cf. mnḥ, mnḥt, mnḥy.
mnḥ n. m. “delivery, contribution, tribute” (< /m-n-ḥ/, mnḥt); ¶ par.: ảrgmn.
¶ Forms: sg. mnḥ.
Delivery, contribution, tribute: mnḥ bd PN delivery entrusted to / from the
hands of PN, 4.91:1 (Liverani UF 11 1979 502); sprn mnḥ ủd record of the
delivery of payment, 3.10:1 (Bordreuil ALASP 7 4).
Cf. /m-n-ḥ/, mnḥt, mnḥy.
mnḥm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 61f., 165); ¶ syll.: mu-na-ḫi-mu, PRU 3 102
(RS 15.109):24; PRU 3 122 (RS 15.145):22; PRU 3 137 (RS 15.190):8'; PRU 3 192
(RS 12.34+):17; PRU 3 197 (RS 16.181):-1; PRU 6 12 (RS 117.451):2; PRU 6 40 (RS
17.360):31; Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):29; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):12; Ug 5 58 (RS 20.232):17;
60 (RS 21.63 F):32; mu-na-ḫé-mu, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) l.e. II 5; Sivan GAGl
178, 253; Huehnergard UVST 241; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 650; SAU 22, 29 f., 34,
325; Tropper UG 88.
PN: ★a) 3.8:21; 4.55:5; 4.75 III 11 (bn ḫyrn); 3.13:9; 4.178:5; 4.183 II 13; 4.609:7, 9,
13; 4.635:49 (bn [); 4.728:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.232:45; cf. 3.8:18; ★c) gt mnḥm, 4.139:4
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-munaḥḥimi).

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556 mnḥt – mnm

mnḥt n.f. “tribute” (< /m-n-ḥ/. Hb., OAram. mnḥh, “gift, present, tribute, offer-
ing”, HALOT 601; DNWSI 659; Ph. mnḥt, “offering”, DNWSI 659; Arab. minḥat,
“loan”, AEL 2737; Eg. /manḥata/, “Gift, Tribute”, Hoch SWET 128 (165). Loretz
UF 35 2003 371; Tropper UG 145); no equivalent in syll. Ug.; diff. Sivan GAGl
243: manḥatu, “tribute, offering”, but cf. Akk. mānaḫtu, “Ermüdung, Arbeit”,
AHw 601f.; “vassal service”; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 435, 452: “skilled work”,
CAD M/1 203. ¶ Forms: sg. mnḥt.
Tribute: d mnḥt (ebony) of tribute, 4.808:1, 6.; (nn) kkrm (…) d mnḥt (nn)
talents (…) of tribute, 4.709:6, cf. ln. 9: [[šʕrt d mnḥt]]; d mnḥt (belonging to
the) tribute, 4.808:6.
mnḥy n. f. “offering” (allom. of mnḥt. Van Soldt SAU 337 f. n. 177; Del Olmo
AuOr 28 2010 211ff.; diff. De Moor SP 132; Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 28;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 111: pl. cstr. suff. with mat. lect. -y; Sivan
UF 14 1982 214 n. 106: < /n-ḥ-y/); ¶ par.: ảrgmn. ¶ Forms: sg. mnḥy.
Offering: ybl k bn qdš mnḥyk he will bring you an offering like the holy ones,
1.2 I 38 (// ảrgmn).
Cf. /m-n-ḥ/, mnḥ.
mnḫ n. m. “calm” (< /n-ḫ/. Hb. mnwḥ, mnwḥh, “resting place”, “composure”,
HALOT 600; “repose”, “resting place”, DNWSI 659; Eth. noḫ, “tranquillity,
quietness”, mǝnwāḥ, “resting place”, CDG 409; Akk. tanēḫtu, “Beruhigung”,
AHw 1318. De Moor SP 133: “resting-place”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 134 n. e:
“séjour”; Aartun StUL 87f.: “Wohnort”). ¶ Forms: sg. mnḥ.
Calm: w b ym mnḫ l ảbd and in DN calm was not lacking, 1.2 IV 3 (Del
Olmo IMC 55f.; diff. De Moor SP 127: “and in the sea my resting place per-
ished”; Selms UF 2 1970 264: “stream”, rdg mnḥl, Hb. nḥl, Akk. naḥallu; Gib-
son CML 151: “sieve”, Arab. munḥulu; Healey UF 15 1983 51; Smith UBC/1 321 f.:
“and in Yamm will be the sieve of destruction”; also Watson AuOrS 27 96).
Cf. /n-ḫ/.
mnk indef. pn.: a) “whoever, anyone”, neg., “no-one”; b) “whatever, anything”,
neg. “nothing” (< mn (I) + encl. -k. Aartun PU/1 48 f.; Gordon UT § 6.30;
Tropper UG 242). ¶ Forms: sg. mnk; suff. mnkm (encl. -m).
a) Whoever, neg., no-one: mnkm l yqḥ may no-one snatch, 3.12:12; mnk mnkm
l yqḥ may no-one at all snatch, 3.2:12–13.
b) Whatever, neg. nothing: b pk al (…) yṣỉ mnk, nothing must scape your
mouth, 2.88:22.
Cf. mn (I).
mnm indef. pn. a) “any(thing), whatever, all (that)”; b) any(body), whoever,
neg. nobody (< mn (I) + encl m.; Ebla cf. mi-nu-ma, “qualsiasi”, ARET 7 227;
me-na-na-ma, “whatever”, Gelb EDA 69; Akk. mīnummê, “alle(s)”, AHw 656;
“indef. pn.”, CAD M/2 97f.; Ph. mnm, indef. pn., “something”, DNWSI 661;

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mnmn – mnqt 557

Tropper UG 239, 243f.); ¶ RS Akk.: mīnummê, Huehnergard AkkUg 138f.; Van

Soldt SAU 408f. ¶ Forms: sg. mnm.
a) Anything, all: ʕm ủmy mnm šlm with my mother may all be at peace
/ well 2.13:12 and par., 2.89:8 (Cunchillos TOu/2 259 f.; Pardee UF 19 1987
210f.; cf. 2.71:7); mnm šlm rgm tṯṯb ʕmy (concerning) the well-being what-
ever it is, may you send me a reply, 2.85:11; mnm šảlm and any claims, 3.3:5;
w mnm rgm d tšmʕ and anything that you hear, 2.10:16, cf. 2.87:24; 2.107:20;
mnm ỉrštk (…) w ảp ảnk mnm ḫsrt any wish of yours (…) and also that I
lack (?), 2.41:16–20; [w u]nṯ ỉn mn[m] bh and (the house) has no corvée at
all, 3.2:18; hm ỉn m<n>m nḫtủ if they have not at all been crushed, 2.10:9
(or alt. rdg mm; cf. Akk. mimma, “irgend etwas, alles”, AHw 653 f.; “indef-
inite pn.”, CAD M/2 73ff.; Huehnergard AkkUg 138f.; Van Soldt SAU 408 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 529f.; Cunchillos MLE 1 23; TOu/2 278
n. 12); mnm ỉṯ l bdk anything that your servant has, 2.70:29; in bkn ctx.: b
ym ỉrtm mnm, 1.2 IV 3 (Smith UBC/1 319: “the breast of de[ath” (?), rdg ỉrt
m[t); mnm ḫṭ[ảt, 2.72:33.; mnm 2.111:11; b) anybody, whoever, neg. nobody:
]mnm ảl yns, that nobody runs away, 2.107:23; p mnm hw whoever he may be,
Cf. mn (I).
mnmn indef. p. pn. “anyone, someone”, element of the DN mr mnmn (cf. mnm.
Akk. mamman, mammāna, “(irgend)jemand, wer auch immer”, AHw 600 f.;
“indef. pn.”, CAD M/1 198ff.; Watson LSU 94). ¶ Forms: sg. mnmn.
Element of the DN mr mnmn Son of Somebody (?), 1.123:22 (> “unknown god”
(?). Akk. mār (DUMU) ma-am-ma-na(-a)-ma, “irgendjemand von”, AHw 601;
“indef. pn.”, CAD M/1 201. Xella TRU 221); ản mnmnm, 1.67:4, Akk. in cunei-
form alph. script.
Cf. mnm, mr (VI).
mnn PN (etym. unc. Emar Akk. Mana/inu, Pruzsinszky PTE 270; Gröndahl
PTU 159, 283f., 425; Watson AuOr 21 2003 246); ¶ syll.: mu-ni-nu, PRU 6 82
(RS 17.242):3; PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):20; mi-ni-nu, PRU 4 190 (RS 17.316) rev. 8;
/Manina/ PRU 4 182 (RS 17.319) on a Hieroglyphic Hitt. seal.
PN: ★a) 4.16:12; 4.35 I 5 (bn krmn), II 13 (bn qqln; cf. Van Soldt SAU 38), 16 (bn
ṣnr); 4.41:9 (bn gṯtn); 4.46:7 (mn{.}n); 4.64 V 9; 4.339:15; 4.609:37; 5.9 I 2; ★b)
bn PN, 4.658:14; in bkn ctx.: 4.706:7; 4.848:6; 4.859 I 4.
mnny PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28; Watson AuOr 14 1996 101).
PN: ★a) 3.10:1; 3.30:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.401:3.
mnqt n. f. “acquittal, exoneration” (?) (Hb. nqh ni, pi, “to be free”, “to declare to
be free from punishment”, HALOT 720; DNWSI 757; Aram. nqy, pa., “to clean,
clear”, DNWSI 757; Arab. naqqā, “to cleanse, clear”, AEL 3037f.). ¶ Forms: sg.
abs. mnqt.

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558 mnrt – mnt (ii)

Acquittal, exoneration (?): lqḥ mnqt b dnh he received an acquittal (?) in his
judgment, 2.45:16.
mnrt n. f. “candelabrum” (Hb. mnwrh, “lampstand, light”, HALOT 600; Nab.
mnr, “candelabrum” (?), DNWSI 662; Aram. mnrh, “lamp-stand, cndelabrum”
DJPA 319. Dietrich-Loretz KA 189 n. 142). ¶ Forms: sg. abs. mnrt.
Candelabrum: mnrt candelabrum, 5.22:5.
Cf. /n-r/, nr, nrt.
mnt (I) n. f.: ★a) “portion, ration”, “piece, member”; ★b) “distribution, enumer-
ation, list”; c) “(formula, recitation of) spell, incantation” (< /m-n-y/. Hb.,
Aram., Palm. mnh, “share, portion”, DNWSI 657f.; HALOT 599; Akk. minītu,
mi/aniātu, “Mass”, AHw 655; “amount, number”, CAD M/2 98 f.; minûtu, “Zäh-
lung, Rechnung”, AHw 656f.; “normal size of an object”, CAD M/2 86 ff.; “Rez-
itation einer Beschwörung”, AHw 656f.: minûtu(m) I, 3; “recitation (of an
incantation)”, CAD M/2 98f.: minûtu 3. De Moor SP 211; Herrmann YN 23;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 199; Pardee ZAW 91 1979 407; Del Olmo AuOr 31
2013 50); ¶ par.: ksm (I), šir (I). ¶ Forms: sg. mnt, suff. mnty, [mntk], mnth.
“Portion, ration”, “piece, member”: ★a) Portion, ration: spủ (…) mnth bt ỉl
who consumes (…) his portion in the sanctuary of DN, 1.17 I 32 and par. (//
ksmh; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 47: “Lebensmittelvorräte”, *mwn, Arab. māna,
mūnat, OSA. mwnn; Dahood apud Pettinato Archives 292 f.: TN *Minit, Ebla
mu-nu-ti-um, and Hb. mnyt); piece, member: mnth l tkly npr[m] his pieces
/ members the birds finished off, 1.6 II 36 (// šỉrh; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984:
“Zerschnittenes”, *mnn, Arab. manna, minnat); ★b) Distribution, enumera-
tion, list: b špty mnthn on my lips (is) their list, 1.24:46–47. (// sprhn); ★c)
mnt nṯk nḥš spell against the bite of a serpent, 1.100:4 and par. (// ql), cf. mnty
incantation, yes, ibid. ln. 9, (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 46; for other explana-
tions cf. Pardee TPM 206ff.; Caquot TOu/2 83 n. 253; Wiggins UBL 12 339
n. 31; Dietrich-Loretz); bʕdh bhtm mnt (…) sgrt behind her the house of
incantation (…) she closed, 1.100:70; ptḥ bt mnt open the house of incan-
tation, 1.100:71; ảnk mlkt mntn I am the queen of the incantation, 1.179:34,
39 (Márquez Sefarad 68 2008 471: “la señora del conjuro”, Akk. bēlet šipti;
Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 54; diff. Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 53, 399 f., 403f.: TN,
but prob. a connection with “conjuration”); in bkn ctx.: ỉbr mnt 1.4 VII 56
((?): “flock (of birds)” < “group” < “enumeration, list”; cf. mnt said of the kṯrt
(“swallows”) and the possible parallel ḥbl(m) in 1.8:10; Watson UF 40 2008
556: mnt “swallows” < Eg. mn.t, “swallow”; diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 638: rdg
]hbr[ ]gnt).
mnt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 195. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour RSP 2 301).
TN: ảrbʕ bnšm b mnt four unskilled labourers in TN, 4.355:33. Cf. mnt (III),
mnt (IV).

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mnṯ – mqb/p 559

mnṯ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 159; Watson AuOr 13 1995 225).
PN: 4.134:6.
mny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 159; Hess AmPN 110; Watson AuOr 14 1996
101); ¶ syll.: cf. m[u]-ni-ya, PRU 4 182 (RS 17.319):19.
PN: 4.617 I 38; 4.635:23 (ảḏddy).
mnyn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.77:26.
mnyy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 159; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28).
PN: bn PN, 4.96:2 (šʕrty).
mpḫ n. m. “bellows of the forge”, “forge” (< */n-p-ḫ/. Hb. mpḥ, “bellows”, HALOT
617; JBAram. mappōḥāʔ, “bellows”, DJBA 697; Akk. munappiḫ(t)u, “ein Blase-
bag” (?), AHw 672; “bellows” (?), CAD M/2 199. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 59;
Watson UF 40 2008 556); ¶ par.: mṣbṭ. ¶ Forms: du. mpḫm.
Bellows of the forge, forge: hyn ʕly l mpḫm DN went up to the bellows, 1.4 I 23
(// mṣbṭm).
mpḫrt n. f. “assembly, gathering” (cf. pḫr); ¶ par.: dr. ¶ Forms: sg. mpḫrt.
Assembly, rathering: mpḫt bn ỉl the assembly of the gods, 1.40:25 and par. in
god lists: 1.65:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.17:2.
Cf. pḫr (I).
mpr n. m., a pot (?) (cf. EA Akk. maprû, ein Silbergefäss, AHw 605; a ves-
sel, CAD M/1 239. Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 5; Watson LSU 95; AuOrS 27 89).
¶ Forms: sg. (?) mpr.
A pot (?), in bkn ctx.: mpr mʕ[, 6.40:1. For mprh in 1.18 IV 26, cf. mhr (II).
mptẖ n. m. “key” (< /p-t-ḥ/. Hb., OAram. mptḥ, “key”, HALOT 619; “opening, key”,
DNWSI 674f.; Arab. miftāḥ, “key”, AEL 2329; Eth. maftǝḥ, “key”, CDG 170; Akk.
naptû, “Schlüssel”, AHw 742; “part of a lock”, CAD N/1 324. Dietrich-Loretz
KA 190). ¶ Forms: sg. mptẖ.
Key: mptẖ key, 5.22:12.
mqb/p n. m. “punch” or “hammer” (Hb. mqbt, “hammer”, HALOT 625; cf. EA
Akk.: ma-qí-bu, EAT 120:11; “Hammer”, AHw 607; “hammer or pick”, CAD M/1
252; Sivan GAGl 244; Mari na-aq-qa-bi, ARMT 21 270:1; Durand ARMT 308 f.
n. 11; cf. Arab. minqab, an iron instrument for perforating, AEL 2835. Healey
UF 15 1983 52; for Ebla DUG.NAGAR. URUDU = ma-qá-NI, VE 763, cf. Pettinato
MEE 2 55: rdg ma-qá-lí; Mander MEE 10 89; diff. Pomponio-Xella AfO 31
1984 26: rdg ma-qá-bux); ¶ syll. Ug.: ma-qá!-bu, PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):9; pl.
ma-qa-bu-ma (URUDU.MEŠ), PRU 6 157 (RS 19.23):4, 12; 142 (RS 19.135):5;
Huehnergard UVST 153f.; Sivan UF 21 1989 361; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms:
sg. mqb, var. mqp (Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 543); du. mqb/pm.
Punch or hammer: mqb ʕšrm a punch (to be sharpened) for twenty (shekels
of copper), 4.625:3 (Sanmartín AuOr 5 1987 151); ṯn mqbm two punches /

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560 mqd (i) – mqm

hammers, ibid. ln. 5; cf. ln. 8 and passim ibid., 4.390:6, 4.780:8; in unc. und
bkn ctx.: mqp m[ỉt un m. (of) one [hundred (shekels) (?), 4.127:2 (RS Akk.:
ma-qá!-bu 1 m[e, PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):9)]mqpm, 3.6:5.
mqd (I) adj. m. “scorched, singed” (ptc. Gpass. < */(y-)q-d/. Hb., OAram. yqd,
“to burn”, HALOT 430; DNWSI 466; Akk. qâdu, “anzünden”, AHw 892 f.; “to
set fire, light”, CAD Q 52; Arab. wqd, “to burn”, AEL 2959; cf. Akk. maqaddu,
“kindling wood”, CAD M/1 239. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 342 f.; diff. Dietrich-
Loretz OLZ 62 1967 543: Akk. mak/qaddu, AHw 587; see Huehnergard UVST
154; Heltzer GPOTU 51, 72: “vessels”, Akk. maqdû; not related to RS Akk.
maqqadu, muqqādu; Sivan GAGl 244; Huehnergard UVST 154). ¶ Forms: pl.
Scorched, singed (said of a specific kind of wood): ḫmš mqdm d nyn b ṯql five
(logs (?)) scorched, lowered in price, for one shekel, 4.158:19.
mqd (II) n. m. “grazing tax” (< */n-q-d/. Márquez UF 27 1995 317ff., 326 ff.
for the rdg and explanation; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 364f.: rdg
mtdb[m “donateurs”, Hb. ndb); ¶ syll. Ug.: UDU.MEŠ: ma-aq-qa-du, PRU 3
146 (RS 16.146):12; Sivan GAGl 244; Huehnergard UVST 154, 314; Van Soldt
SAU 305; Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 204. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. mqd.
Grazing tax, in bkn ctx.: spr mqd b[ list of the grazing taxes of [, 4.775:1.
Cf. nqd.
mqdšt n. f. “service of the sanctuary” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. mqdš, “sanctuary”,
HALOT 625f.; DNWSI 678f.; cf. Arab. (bayt al-) maqdis, AEL 2497). ¶ Forms:
sg. mqdšt.
Service of the sanctuary: šỉb mqdšt PNN water-carriers of the service of the
sanctuary: PNN, 4.609:15; spr šảb mq[dšt] book of carrying water of the
service of the sanctuary, 6.25:2 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 379).
Cf. qdš (I).
mqḥ n. m. “tong(s)” (?) (< /l-q-ḥ/. Hb. mlqwḥym, “gums”, HALOT 594. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 10 1978 59; Heltzer GPOTU 32; Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 53: “forceps”);
¶ syll. Ug.: 1 ma-qa-ḫa IZI.MEŠ 1 ma-qa-ḫa me-e, PRU 6 157 (RS 19.23):13–14;
“Zange”, AHw 607; “a metal utensil”, CAD M/1 253; Sivan GAGl 244; Huehn-
ergard UVST 143; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms: du. mqḥm; {mqḥ}, 4.127:4,
corrected mistake (mqḥm).
Tong(s) (?): mqḥm (pair of) tongs (?), 3.13:21; 4.385:3; {mqḥ} mqḥm (pair of)
{tongs (?)}, 4.127:4 (see McGeough UgET 374 n. 12).
Cf. /l-q-ḥ/.
mqm n. m. “place, ground” (< /q-m/. Hb., Ph., Pun., Nab. mq(w)m, “location,
place”, HALOT 626f.; DNWSI 679f.; OSA mqm “post, position”, SD 111; Arab.
maqām, “place of the feet”, AEL 2996; Eth. mǝqwām, “place where one
stands”, CDG 455f.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 398 n. 4: “Ständer”; for

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mqp – mr (i) 561

other opinions cf. Fensham JNSL 3 1974 30; UF 11 1979 269). ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Place, ground: yd mqmh part of its place / ground, 1.14 III 35 and par. (De
Moor ARTU 197: “finding place”; diff. Wyatt RTU 196: “a share in its produc-
tion”; Stehlik UF 38 2006 669).
Cf. /q-m/.
mqp, cf. mqb/p.
m/bqr n. m. “spring, well” (Hb. mqwr, “source, spring”, HALOT 627; Syr. maqūrāʔ,
“cistern”, SL 820; cf. Alal. Akk.: PN DUMU ma-qa-ri, AT 133:4; Sivan GAGl 244);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ma-qi-ir A.MEŠ dIŠKUR, RS 22.217 A(+)B, Van Soldt UF 20 1988
317 n. 56; ¶ par.: nb/pk. ¶ Forms: sg. mqr, allom. by assimilation bqr in 1.14
III 9 (De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 167).
Spring, well: sʕt (…) b mqr mmlảt sweeping (…) from the well the (women)
who fill up (the pitcher), 1.14 V 2 (// npk); var. b bqr in 1.14 III 9 (// n<p>k).
Cf. qr (I).
mqrt n. f., a container or pot (Akk. maqartu, ein Gefäss, AHw 605; a ves-
sel, CAD M/1 240; Eg. cf. /maqūrû/, a vessel, “Goblet” (?), Hoch SWET 167
(218); Arab. maqarrat, “small jug”, Hava 595. Watson LSU 95; AuOrS 27 90;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 543: “chisel”, Akk. maqqaru). ¶ Forms: du.
A container or pot: ṯt mqrtm two m., 3.13:19 (in ctx. with spl, mmskn).
Cf. m/bqr, qr (I).
mqwṭ PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 178).
PN: bn PN, 4.229:2.
mr (I) n. m. “myrrh” (Hb. mr, “myrrh”, HALOT 629f.; JAram. m(w)r, “myrrh”,
DJPA 296; Akk. murru, “Myrrhe”, AHw 676; “myrrh” (?), CAD M/2 221f.;
EA Akk. cf. IŠ+BI(ŠIM).ZAR.MEŠ: mu-ur-ra, EAT 269:16; Sivan GAGl 250;
Arab. murr, “myrrh”, AEL 2701; > Gk s/zmýrna, mýrra, “myrrh”, Liddell-Scott
GEL 1620). ¶ Forms: sg. mr.
Myrrh, ★a) nảd mr (…) trḥ ḥdṯ m[r] a little bag of myrrh (…) a new little
flask of myrrh, 1.124:5, 7 (Pardee UF 15 1983 131; Dietrich-Loretz MU 211 ff.);
★b) in the expression šmn mr myrrh-scented oil, 5.23:1; 4.786:14 (Cf. EA Akk.
Ì mur-ri, EAT 25 IV 51; Hb. šmn hmr, Est 2:12; cf. CAD M/2 221; HALOT 630;
Watson AuOr 22 2004 127–128); kd šmn mr a “jar” of myrrh-scented oil,
4.14:2, 8, 15; 2.89:16; ʕrbm šmn mr forty of myrrh-scented oil, 4.91:16; used in
rituals: dbḥ šmn mr šmn rqḥ (for the) sacrifice: myrrh-scented oil, perfume,
1.41:20; 1.87:22 (Sapin UF 15 1983 174 n. 72); in bkn ctx.: ]lbả d mr, 6.31:1
(Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 2); ]xrt mr, 6.45:2 (Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 6); in bkn
ctx mr, 2.111:13.
Cf. mr (II), mr (III), /m-r(-r)/ (II), mrrt (II), šmrr.

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562 mr (ii) – mr (vi)

mr (II) adj. m. “bitter” (< mr (I). Hb. mr, “bitter”, HALOT 629; Akk. marru,
“bitter”, AHw 612; “bitter”, CAD M/1 286; Ebla /marrum/ in Ì.ŠEŠ = Ì.GIŠ
mar-ru12-um, VE 884; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; cf. ŠE.DIM4 = mu-ru12(-um),
VE 676; ARET 9 405; Arab. murr, “bitter”, AEL 2701; OAram. [m]ryr, mrrtʔ,
DNWSI 696; Eth. mǝrur, marīr, “bitter”, CDG 360). ¶ Forms: sg. mr.
Bitter: ṯqd mr bitter almond(s), 1.85:7; 1.71:7.
Cf. mr (I).
mr (III) n. m. “sorrow, bitterness, pain” (?) (< (?) mr (II). Hb. mr, “bitterness”,
HALOT 629: mr (I): 4.; Akk. murru, “Bitterkeit”, AHw 676: murru I: 1.; “bitter
taste”, CAD M/2 222: murru B; Arab. murr, pl. ʔamrār, “affliction(s)”, AEL 2701).
¶ Forms: pl. mrm.
Sorrow, bitterness (?), pain: w ảṯr ỉn mr and afterwards there will be no pain
(?), 1.124:16 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 540: “Bitterkeit”; De Moor-
Spronk UF 14 1982 178 n. 39: “bitter pain”; Pardee UF 15 1983 132: “bitterness”);
in unc. ctx.: l šd mr ymm the field of the bitterness of DN, 1.2 III 11 (De Moor
ARTU 36 n. 157: “referring to its saltiness”); for 1.15 IV 23 (KTU ḫm mr) cf.
ARTU 209; CARTU 152: “tent of bitterness”), cf. gr.
Cf. mr (I).
mr (IV) adj. m. “valiant, hero” (?) (etym. unc. See /m-r(-r)/ (II). For this and
other opinions [“bitter”, “lord”, “serpent” …] cf. Del Olmo IMC 127 n. 285;
Caquot SEL 2 1985 102ff.; Watson UF 40 2008 556f.: Eg. mr; Historiae 4 2007
102: HS *m[u]yir); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /mar(r)-/ in PN a-ḫa-ma-ra-
nu, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257) III 55, and TN URU ma-ra-il5/DINGIR, PRU 4 51
(RS 17.340) rev. 7; PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):23–24; Sivan GAGl 244. ¶ Forms: sg. mr;
suff. mrm (encl. -m).
Valiant, hero (?), in unc. ctx.: ảqht yʕn k mr k mrm PN was knocked down like
a real hero (?), 1.19 I 12 and cf. ibid. ln. 7 (for the rdg kmr and interpretations
of it [“priest”, “heap”, “ampolla”, “dark, darkness”] cf. Del Olmo IMC 127 n. 285;
Margalit UF 16 1984 126f.; ZAW 99 1987 391f.: “heart-of-darkness”).
Cf. mradn, mrʕm, /m-r(-r)/ (II), mršp.
mr (V) n. m. “son” (Akkadianism; cf. Akk. māru, “Sohn, Junge”, AHw 615 f.;
“son, descendant”, CAD M/1 308ff.; Ebla f. SAGxKÍD = ma-al-a-tum, VE 260;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 46; Pettinato Biling. 46; Vattioni Biling. 263f. De Moor
UF 2 1970 202; Xella TRU 221; Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 74; Watson Historiae
10 2013 31). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. mr.
Son: mr mnmn Son of Someone (?), 1.123:22, in the context of a god list
(> “unknown god” (?); Akk. mār(DUMU) ma-am-ma-na(-a)-ma, AHw 601;
CAD M/1 201).
Cf. mnmn.
mr (VI) n. m. “young of an animal, cub” (?) (Assyrianism (?). Akk. mūru,

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mr (vii) – mrủ (i) 563

“Eselfohlen, Jungtier”, AHw 677; “foal (donkey or horse)”, CAD M/2 229f.;
Arab. muhr, “the male foal of a mare”, AEL 2740. Watson LSU 95); ¶ par.: ỉšt.
¶ Forms: pl. mrm.
Young of an animal, cub (?): ṯdn km mrm tqrṣn our chests like cubs (?) they
gnaw, 1.12 I 11 (// ỉš<t>. Del Olmo MLC 583; Cohen apud Rahmouni DEUAT 4
n. 5; Watson UF 42 2010 836f.; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 178 n. 39;
ARTU 129 n. 8: “pain”, cf. mr (III); Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 335: “pourriture, ver”,
Hb. rmh; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1203 n. 18: “Tauben”, rdg t[[m]]rm).
mr (VII) TN (residence of DN ʕṯtrt: *Māri; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 186: Mari.
Ribichini-Xella RSF 7 1979 147; Bordreuil MARI 4 1985 547; Lambert MARI 4
1985 536ff.; Pardee TPM 211 n. 63); ¶ syll.: DINGIR.MEŠ GAL-tu4 ša KUR
ma-ri, RSOu 7 47 (RS 34.142):4. ¶ Forms: mrh (adv. -h; cf. -h (II)).
TN: (take my voice) ʕm ʕṯtrt mrh to DN of TN, 1.100:78.
Cf. mryt.
/m-r-ʔ/ vb G/D: “to fatten” (Hb. mrʔ, “feed, graze”, HALOT 630: mrʔ III; Akk.
marû, “mästen”, AHw 617; “to fatten”, CAD M/1 307 f.; cf. Arab. mari/uʔa, “to
become wholesome (food)”, AEL 2702f. De Moor SP 171; Tropper UG 554,
623); ¶ par.: /m-l-k/, /š-b-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ymrủ.
G./D. To fatten: aḥdy d (…) l ymrủ ỉlm w nšm I am the only one who (…) really
will fatten gods and men, 1.4 VII 50 (// ymlk, yšbʕ); in bkn ctx.: ym]rủ yd, 1.4
VIII 45 (De Moor ARTU 68: “be fattened”, N).
Cf. mrủ (I), mrủ (II).
mrủ (I) adj./n. m. 1) “fattened”; 2) “fatling” (</m-r-ʔ/. Hb. mryʔ, “fatted steer”,
HALOT 635; Akk. marû, “gemästet, fett”, AHw 616; “fattened (said of domestic
animals)”, CAD M/1 306f.; cf. Arab. mari/uʔa, see </m-r-ʔ/. De Moor SP 171;
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 359); ¶ syll. Ug.: ma-ru-u?, PRU 6 120 (RS 19.116):2.
Sivan GAGl 244; Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 202; ¶ RS Akk.: 8 MÁŠ.MEŠ N[IG]A.
GA.MEŠ PRU 6 120 (RS 19.116):2. Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 202; ¶ par: alp (I),
mrġṯ, ṯr; cf. ṣỉn. ¶ Forms: sg. mrỉ, mrả, mr{ỉ}ả; f. mrảt (?); du. mrỉm; pl. cstr.
mrỉ; suff. mrỉh, mrỉk; f. mrảt (?).
1) Fattened: ủ ṭbḫ ảlp mrủ and a fattened bull / ox was slaughtered, 2.87:10;
ảrbʕ ủzm mrảt four fattened geese, 4.247:21 and par.; (pieces of meat from)
ảlp mrỉ a fattened head of cattle, 4.247:16, 17; (fodder) l ảlpm mrỉm for the
fattened head of cattle, 4.128:1; 4.858:2; 4.863:2; (fodder) l ṣỉn mrảt for the
fattened sheep, 4.128:2; ʕšrm dd l ṣỉn m[rả]t twenty “cauldronsful” for the
fattened flock, 4.796:10.
2) Fatling: šql ṯrm w mrỉ ỉlm they felled bulls and fatling rams, 1.22 I 13 (// ảlpm
ảp ṣỉn), cf. mr{ỉ}ả ỉl, 1.4 VI 41s.; tṭbḫ šmn mrỉh she sacrificed the fattest of her
fatlings, 1.15 IV 15 and par.; št (…) mrỉả w tk pnh he set (…) a fatling directly in
front of her face, 1.3 IV 41 (// ảlp), cf. mrả 1.4 V 45 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 5 1973

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564 mrủ (ii) – mrỉl

76); qṣ mrỉ fillets of fatling, 1.3 I 8 and par. (// mrġṯ ṯd).
In bkn ctx., ]np mrủ, 1.175:1; dd l mrỉm, 4.796:13.
Cf. /m-r-ʔ/, mrảt, TN.
mrủ (II) n. m. “animal fattener” (ptc. G < /m-r-ʔ/. Akk. mārû, “Viehmäster”, AHw
617; “fattener (of animals or fowl)”, CAD M/1 316). ¶ Forms: sg. mrỉ; pl. mrủm.
Animal fattener: PN mrủ PN, animal fattener, 4.332:9 (cf. other professions
in ln. 10–19); (silver) l mrỉ for the animal fattener, 4.212:2 (cf. l ảpy, ibid. ln.
5); ddm l mrỉ two “cauldronsful” (of grain) for the animal fattener, 4.128:8 (cf.
other professions in ctx.); mrủm, 4.207:4.
Cf. /m-r-ʔ/.
mrủ (III) n. m., member of a group or class (etym. unc. [Hurr.(?)]: “chief groom”
(?). Akk. murʔu, “Offizier” (?), AHw 677; an official, CAD M/2 228 f.; cf. Eg.
/maruʔu/, Hoch SWET 132ff. (173); cf. BAram mrʔ/y, “lord”, HALOT 1921f.;
OSA Qat. mrʔ, “lord”, LIQ 98f. Cutler-Macdonald UF 8 1976 32; Thiel UF 12
1980 354f.; diff. Rainey JNES 24 1965 18: Akk. warûm, “to command” [cf. AHw
1471ff.]; Heltzer IOKU 154; Lipiński WO 20–21 1989–1990 302: Aram. mrʔ, “to
command”; cf. the critique in Huehnergard UVST 149; McGeough ERU 111 ff.;
Watson LSU 131); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ(.MEŠ) mur-u/ú(-ma); cf. PRU 3 234; PRU 6
151; Sivan GAGl 249; Huehnergard UVST 148 f.; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms:
sg. mrủ, mrỉ; pl. mrủm, mrỉm; cstr. mrủ, mrỉ.
Member of a group or class (“chief groom” (?)): ★a) pl. mrủm, 4.68:69; 4.69
III 11; 4.126:2; 4.174:3; 4.416:2; 4.745:1; 4.752:2; together with ḫsnm: 4.137:7;
4.163:3; 4.173:6; 4.179:6; ủbdy mrỉm leased lands of the m., 4.103:20; ★b) mrủ
ỉbrn m. of (king) PN (Dijkstra UF 21 1989 147; Van Soldt SAU 11 f.): 4.47:3;
4.68:64; 4.69 V 17; 4.99:12; 4.105:1; 4.126:24; 4.610 IV 1; 4.752:7; 4.806:7 4.837:7;
4.838:13; ủbdy mrỉ ỉbrn leased lands of the m. of PN, 4.103:37; cf. RS Akk.:
LÚ.MEŠ mur-i mi-bi-ra-na, PRU 3 162 (RS 16.348):5; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):16; cf.
LÚ.MEŠ mur-ú uš-r[i-i]a-ni, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 21; mrủ mlkỉ m. of the
king, 6.66:4–5 (Sanmartín UF 27 1995 640ff.); mrủ mlk m. of the king, 4.814:5
(cf. L[Ú mu]r-ú LUGAL, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131; KTU vacat):2); ★c) mrủ ś/skn m. of
the prefect: 4.36:3; 4.47:2; 4.68:63; 4.69 V 6; 4.99:13; 4.126:23; 4.610 IV 2; 4.806:8;
4.837:6; 4.838:14; 4.814:19 (KTU vacat); npṣm bd mrỉ skn equipment intended
for the m. of the prefect, 4.92:2; cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ mur-ú LÚ.MAŠKIMx,
PRU 3 146 (RS 16.139):14; LÚ mur-ú LÚ sà-ki-ni, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):9 (Van
Soldt UF 38 2006 681).
mrảdn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 16, 44, 90, 160).
PN: bn PN, 4.666:5.
mrỉl two TNN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 185: *Maraʔil 1, *Maraʔil 2. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 112; Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour Or 38 1969 403; UF 11 1979
18f., 20; UF 13 1981 7; TopAn 136; Van Soldt UBL 11 381; UF 30 1998 732); ¶ syll.:

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mrỉly – mrbd (i) 565

URU ma-ra-il5, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):10; URU ma-ra-ìl, PRU 4 48 (RS 17.340)
rev. 7; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):17; PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):23–24 (Van Soldt UBL 11 366
n. 11; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 185: /Maraʔil 2/; see also URU ma[-ra-ì (?), PRU 4
73 (RS 17.335+):34). Sivan GAGl 244; Huehnergard UVST 250, 263 n. 216; Van
Soldt Topography 31f.).
TN (all Maraʔil 1 (?)): 4.68:51; 4.267:3; 4.345:9; 4.610 II 29 (Bordreuil Syria 61
1984 9; UF 20 1988 12, 14); 4.621:13; in bkn ctx.: 4.94:12 (rev. 1); cf. Van Soldt
UF 28 1966 678 n. 201); 4.303:1; cf. mr[, 4.622:1; 4.800 II 17; 4.821:6: for 4.693:48
cf. yrml (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17f.: rdg mrỉl).
Cf. mrỉly.
mrỉly m. GN (< mrỉl, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. mrỉly.
GN: PN mrỉly, 4.625:22; 4.750:1.
mrảt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 1///87: *Mariātu. Heltzer RCAU 12;
Astour RSP 2 303, 356; TopAn 136; UF 13 1981 9; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 725);
¶ syll.: URU ma-ri-a-te, PRU 6 102 (RS 19.012):26; Sivan GAGl 244; Huehner-
gard UVST 248; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 678.
TN: 4.95:7; 4.348:30; 4.693:26; 4.800 II 1.
mrʕ n. c. “pasture land” (< /r-ʕ-y/. Hb. mrʕh, mrʕyt, “pasturage”, HALOT 637;
Aram. mrʕy, “pasture”, DJPA 331; Syr. mrʕyt, “pascuum”, ThLS 737). ¶ Forms:
sg./pl. suff. mrʕh.
Pasture land: mrʕh his pasture land(s), 3.32:15.
mrʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 109, 160; Pardee UF 10 1978 250 n. 8; Watson
LSU 185).
PN: 4.165:6; 4.344:1 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.841:5.
mrbʕ n. m., measure of capacity (“quart” < /r-b-ʕ/. De Moor UF 11 1979 644 n. 26;
Heltzer UF 12 1980 414; diff. Verreet UF 19 1987 328: multiplicative). ¶ Forms:
sg. mrbʕ.
Measure of capacity for solids, “quart”: mrbʕ qṣḥm mrbʕ dblt mrbʕ ṣmqm a
“quart” of cumin, a “quart” of dried figs, a “quart” of raisins, 4.751:8–10.
Cf. mrbʕt, /r-b-ʕ/.
mrbʕt n. f. “the fourth” (ptc. Dpass. “the one taken in fourth place” < /r-b-ʕ/.
Tropper UF 27 1995 529ff.; and cf. De Moor UF 11 1979 643f.: “the fourth
[to bear]”, “multiplicative participle”; ARTU 192: “the fourth”; diff. Verreet
UF 19 1987 326ff., 335: “Vierergruppe”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 204; Del
Olmo MLC 576: “ein Viertel”); ¶ par.: mḫmšt, mšbʕt, mṯdṯt, mṯlṯt. ¶ Forms: sg.
The fourth: mrbʕt zblnm the fourth (wife died) of illness, 1.14 I 17 (// mṯlṯt,
mḫmšt, mṯdṯt, mšbʕt); in bkn ctx.: mrbʕ[t l ʕ]bdm, 4.362:6.
Cf. mrbʕ, /r-b-ʕ/.
mrbd (I) n. f. “bedspread, counterpane” (EA Akk. marbadu, “Decke”, AHw 1573;

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566 mrbd (ii) – mrġṯ

Rainey EAT 81; Sivan GAGl 244; Moran AmL 331 n. 11; Hb. mrbd, “cover”,
HALOT 631. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 50; Vita TT 330). ¶ Forms: sg. mrbd; pl.
Bedspread, counterpane: ṯmn mrbdt mlk eight “royal” counterpanes (of supe-
rior quality), 4.270:11; mrbd mškbt a bedspread, 4.385:9; mrbdh ytn he gives his
bedspread, 1.179:34; in bkn ctx.: 4.127:7.
Cf. mrbd (II), /r-b-d/.
mrbd (II) PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 13 1995 225; Bordreuil Fs. Xella 190: mrb+(h)d,
“Haddou (est) accusateur”).
PN: 4.780:3.
mrd “?” (Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 36: cf. mrdt). ¶ Forms: mrd.
?, in bkn ctx.: mrd r[, 4.575:4.
mrdt n. f.; a piece of material or a garment (?), multihued textile or garment,
fringed and embroidered, a carpet (Akk. mardatu, “Teppich” (?), AHw 611;
fabric woven with several colors in a special technique, CAD M/1 277f.; cf.
Mari Akk.: mar-da-tum gu-ub-la-yi-tum, Bonechi Fs. Fleury 11. Mayer UF 9
1977 173ff.; Barrelet RA 71 1977 57f., 85; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 50 f.; Durand
ARMT 21 409f.; Joannès ARMT 23 164; Talon ARMT 24 242; Watson UF 41
2009 278; Matoïan-Vita UF 41 2009 474; Vita TT 330 f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TÚG
m]ar-de4-tu GADA, PRU 3 206 (RS 15.135):5; Huehnergard UVST 177. ¶ Forms:
sg. mrdt; pl. mrdt.
A piece of material or a garment: mỉt ḫrṣ w mrdt{t} l [[m]] mlk ảmr one hun-
dred (shekels) of gold and a m. for the king of TN, 2.72:28 (cf. rdg [[m]]mrdt
[[mlk]]l mlk ảmr: Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 114, 121); w mrdt prqt pṯt and a
m. of linen p.-fabric, 4.205:4; ṯn mrdt ảz two m. of a., ibid. ln. 6; in bkn ctx.:
[ʕ]lmt mrd[, 1.123:19.
mrgb TN (?) (cf. RSOu 18 42).
TN (?): mrgb, 4.834:16.
mrġt n. f. “corruption” (?) (< (?) /r-ġ/. Hb. rʕ, B. subst. “wickedness”, HALOT
1251ff.; Akk. raggu, “böse, schlecht”, AHw 942. Caquot EI 14 1978 17; but see
Margalit UF 27 1995 236f.; diff. De Moor ARTU: “wife”, UF 12 1980 306, 309:
Akk. marḫitu; Watson SEL 4 1987 64 n. 45: “saliva, bava” < “schiuma” (?), Akk.
ruʔtu, Arab. ru/iġ(a)w/ya). ¶ Forms: sg. mrġt.
Corruption (?): k rtqt mrġt because you tied up corruption (?), 1.13:24 (Del
Olmo IMC 98 for this and other explanations).
Cf. /r-ġ/.
mrġṯ n. m. “suckling”, said of lambs (ptc. D < */r-ġ-ṯ/. Arab. raġaṯa, “to suck”,
AEL 1112. De Moor SP 146; Del Olmo MLC 199; Renfroe AULS 65 f.); ¶ par.:
mrủ (I). ¶ Forms: sg. mrġt.
Suckling: mrġṯm ṯd animals who suck at the teat, 1.4 III 41; VI 56; 1.5 IV 13

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mrḥ – /m-r-ḫ/ 567

(: suckling lambs // qṣ mrỉ; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 202 n. k, “nourrissons”,

said of gods / kings who suck the breasts of ảṯrt).
mrḥ n. f. “lance, spear” (Eg. /murḥa/, “die Lanze”, WäS/2 112; Helck Bez. 513;
Hoch SWET 138f. (179); < Sem. Hb. rmḥ, “lance”, HALOT 1243; PAram. rmḥ,
“Lanze”, DJPA 525; Arab. rumḥ, “spear, lance”, AEL 1153; Eth. ramḥ, rǝmḥ,
“spear”, CDG 470. Watson UF 32 2000 570); ¶ par.: grgr, šbr. ¶ Forms: sg.
mrḥ, suff. mrḥh; du. mrḥm; pl. cstr. mrḥy (1.103:7, 47, mat. lect. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 110; Tropper UF 26 1994 475; diff. Pardee TR 554, 1183: allom. sg./coll. (?),
two lexemes: mrḥ / mrḥy).
Lance, spear: ṯt mrḥm two lances, 4.385:7 (diff. Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 52: “lan-
cet”; Heltzer GPOTU 27 n. 136: “perfume-vessel”); 4.624:3, 5, 20; ảrbʕ mrḥm
four lances, ibid. 8, 10; cf. ln. 15, 19, 22; tšʕm mrḥ ảḥd kbd ninety-one lances,
4.169:9; ʕm bʕl l yʕdb mrḥ with DN he will not be able to measure (his) lance,
1.6 I 51 (diff. Margalit UF 16 1984 157f.: “staff” = “penis and walking-stick”); b
mrḥ ỉl for the lance of DN, 1.65:12; mrḥy mlk the lance(s) of the king, 1.103:7, 47
(diff. Vita EU 154ff.: “lanceros del rey”); [m]rḥh yỉḫd b yd his lance grasped in
(his) hand, 1.16 I 47 (// grgr) (diff. Watson JANES 8 1976 107 n. 10: “nostrils”),
see, 1.92:12 (// šbrh); mrḥh l tl yṣb his lance in the t. he put, 1.16 I 51 (// pnh;
diff. Del Olmo MLC 312, 583: “nariz”, /r-ḥ/, Arab. mirwaḥ); in bkn ctx.: mrḥh l
ảdrt[, 1.92:7, (she set) her nostrils (?) to the best … (?) (cf. Dijkstra UF 26 1994
117); 1.140:10; 4.65:7 and par.: mr[ḥ; 4.670:5.
mrḥṣm cf. /r-ḥ-ṣ/ D.
mrḥq n. m. “distance, far away” (< /r-ḥ-q/. Hb. mrḥq, “distance”, HALOT 634; cf.
OSA rḥq-m, “distant”, SD 117; Eth. rəḥqat, “distance”, CDG 467; for OAram. cf.
mrḥq, DNWSI 693. Dietrich-Loretz MU 37). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mrḥqm (encl.
Distance, far away: w yḫdy mrḥqm and will look into the distance, 1.127:32;
for 2.33:3 cf. mrḥqt.
Cf. mrḥqt, /r-ḥ-q/.
mrḥqt n. f. “distance, far away (place)” (cf. mrḥq, allom. Cunchillos TOu/2
250f.; Tropper UF 35 2003 670; UG 762f.: “aus der Ferne”, with prep. mn (?),
archaism, cf. Akk. ištu ruqiš). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mrḥqtm (encl. -m).
Distance, far away (in the adv. expression mrḥqtm “at a distance, from afar”,
passim in letters): l pʕn ảdtny mrḥqtm qlny at the feet of our lady from afar
we bow, 2.11:6; l pʕn ảdty šbʕd w šbʕỉd mrḥqtm qlt at the feet of my lady seven
times and seven times from afar I prostrate myself, 2.12:10; 2.97:6; 2.86:8;
5.33:4; rdg mrḥq<t>m in 2.33:3.
Cf. mrḥq, /r-ḥ-q/.
/m-r-ḫ/ vb Špass. “to be coated” (Hb. mrḥ, “to spread on”, HALOT 634. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 32 2000 210; diff. rdg šmrgt adj. f. “coated” (?), cf. Eth. maraga,

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568 mrkbt

“to plaster, cement together”, CDG 357f.; Arab. marğān, “corail”, DAF/2 1087.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 195 n. j; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 60 ff.; Margalit MLD
16f.: “red-gold”, Arab. marğan; De Moor UF 11 1979 641 n. 12: “polished”; Wyatt
RTU 91 n. 90: “emerald”, Sanskrit / Gk); for a survey see Watson LSU 146 f.,
150); ¶ par.: nbt (II). ¶ Forms: suffc. šmrḫt.
Špass. To be coated: platform šmrḫt b dm ḫrṣ that is coated in a “bath” of gold,
1.4 I 32 (// nbt. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 398, 417; obsolete rdg šmrgt); in bkn ctx.
]dy w mrḫt, 1.172:27.
mrkbt n. f. 1) “(light war-)chariot”; 2) “chariot body” (< /r-k-b/. Hb. mrkbh,
“war-chariot”, HALOT 636; Akk. narkabtu, “(Streit-, Renn-, Prunk-)Wagen”,
AHw 747; “chariot”, CAD N/1 353ff.; Salonen Landf. 44; cf. Arab. markab,
“anything upon which one rides”, AEL 1145; > Eg. cf. /markábata, markabāta/
(mrkbt), “der Streitwagen”, WäS/2 113; Helck Bez. 514; Hoch SWET 145 ff.
(189); ¶ RS Akk.: GIŠ.GIGIR(.MEŠ), passim; cf. LÚ.NAGAR GIŠ.GIGIR, PRU 6
93 (RS 17.131):13; ¶ syll. Ug.: a-na mar-kab-te, PRU 3 98 (RS 16.249):28; cf.
PN lmar-ka-bu-ti, PRU 3 103 (RS 15.109+):20. Sivan GAGl 244; Huehnergard
UVST 179; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms: sg. mrkbt; pl. mrkbt, suff. mrkbtk,
mrkbthm; du. mrkbtm.
1) (Light war) chariot: ★a) PN mrkbt (one) chariot, 4.497:2–7; cf. 4.500:1–5;
4.527:1–4; 4.551:1–8; in bkn ctx. 2.31:31; ★b) royal chariot: mrkbt mlk 4.167:5,
13 (cf. mḏrn, mšḫṭ, msg d tbk, ibid. 15–16); ṯlṯ mrkbt ṣpyt b ḫrṣ three chariots
plated with gold, ibid. 2; ṯlṯ mrkbt mlk d l ṣpy three royal chariots that are
not plated, ibid. 5 (cf. Verreet UF 17 1985 329); (hail) l ỉnšk l ḥwtk [l śśw]k
l mrkbtk to your people, your country, your [horses], your chariots, 2.81:8
(cf. ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-ka GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ka ù ma-ti-ka, EAT 2:5. Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 356f.); ★c) bt mrkbt workshop of chariots, 4.392:2 (Del
Olmo IMC 192); ḥrš mrkbt charioteer(s), 4.47:8; 4.98:6, 8; 4.141 III 20; 4.183
II 12; 4.339:16; 4.609:28; 4.745:9; 4.836:13; 4.837:9 4.838:10, see 4.839:1 (RS Akk.:
LÚ.NAGAR GIŠ.GIGIR, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):13); ṯlṯ sswm mrkbt charioteers,
1.14 III 24 and par. (diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 159: “teams of three
horses, chariots”. See other opinions in Del Olmo MLC 292); ★d) ảsr mrkbt
they yoked the chariots, 1.22 II 22; tʕln l mrkbthm they went up to their char-
iots, 1.20 II 4 and par.; mlsm mrkbt mtrn races of reserve (?) chariots / reserve
(?) chariot runners (horses), 1.162:22.
2) Chariot body: d ṯṯ mrkbt w ḥrṣ (equipment) that (corresponds to) a lot
of six chariots and a spare (piece), 4.363:9 (see Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 10;
slightly diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 170: “und passendes Zubehör”); ṯmn
mrkbt dt ʕrb bt mlk eight chariot bodies that entered the royal palace yd
ảpnthn yd ḥẓhn yd trhn with their wheels, their arrows, their steering poles,
w l ṯt mrkbtm ỉnn ủṯpt but two chariot bodies lack quivers, 4.145:1–6; mrkbt

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mrkm – m-r(-r)/ (ii) 569

mtrt chariot(s) with reinforced wheels, 4.180:3 (Akk. narkabtu (w)attartu); l

ḫmš mrkbt ḫmš ʕšrh prs for five chariot bodies, fifteen poles, 4.392:1.
Cf. /r-k-b/.
mrkm in 4.27:12; 4.217:9, rdg mkrm; cf. mkr.
mrm, n. m., “height” (< /r-m/. Hb., Aram. mrwm, “mountain top, elevated site”,
HALOT 633f.; “height”, DJPA 328; Pun. mrm, “height”, DNWSI 694; Eg. /marô/
êma/, “Height(s)”, Hoch SWET 137f. (177)). ¶ Forms: sg. mrm; pl. mrmt.
Height, in unc. ctx.: bmrmt bmỉyt bẓlm bqdš in heights, in swamps, in (places
of) darkness, in (places of) taboo, 1.169:8; for b ṯlṯ tmrm, 1.46:5 see infra: tmr.
Cf. mrym, /r-m/.
mrmr, see /m-r(-r)/ (II).
mrmt, 1.169:7 cf. mrm.
mrnn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 44, 159f., 167; Watson Historiae 4 2007
96: “puppy”, Akk. mī/ūrānu, “cub”, alt. Arab. murinna, “songbird”); ¶ syll.:
mu-[r]a?-nu, PRU 3 204 (RS 15.172) e. II 2.
PN: ★a) 4.278:11; ★b) bt PN, 4.75 III 13, IV 7; ★c) bt PN, 4.75 III 13.
mrqd n. m. instrument for accompanying the dance, “castanet” (?) (Hb. rqd,
“spring, leap”, pi., “dance”, HALOT 1288; Akk. raqādu, “tanzen, hüpfen”, AHw
957; “to dance”, CAD R 166. Margalit UF 16 1984 167f.; diff. Ashley EAR 216 f.:
“dance”; De Moor: “(anointed) dancers”; Loretz UF 32 2000 280: “mit den
gesalbten Tänzern”, rdg. mrqdm dšn [mrqd + encl. -m]); ¶ par.: knr, mṣlt, tp,
ṯlb. ¶ Forms: pl./du. mrqdm.
Castanets (?): mrqdm d šn castanets (?) of ivory, 1.108:4–5 (// knr, ṯlb, tp,
mṣltm); cf. 1.19 IV 27.
/m-r(-r)/ (I) vb G: a) “to go away, leave”; b) “to travel through” (?) (EA Akk.
marāru, “fortgehen”, AHw 609; “to leave, go away”, CAD M/1 268; Rainey
EAT 81; Sivan GAGl 249; Arab. marra, “to pass”, AEL 2699 ff., māra (/m-r/),
“to move”, AEL 2743f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 119ff.; De Moor
SP 137f.; Pardee UF 10 1978 257 n. 52; Del Olmo IMC 99); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
ki-i-me-e i-mar-ru-ur i-na ša-ni-šu a-ṣi-i-šu, Ug 5 20 (RS 20.33) rev. 29; cf.
Nougayrol Ug 5 74 n. 3; CAD M/1 268; Sivan GAGl 249; ¶ par.: /g-r-š/, /l-ʔ-k/.
G suffc. mrr (?); prefc. amr, tmr; impv. mr.
G.: ★a) to go away, leave: mlảk šmm tmr heavenly messengers left (// tlảk),
1.13:26 (Del Olmo IMC 98f.; diff. De Moor UF 12 1980 306: “let the angels from
heaven strengthen the husband [zbl]”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 342: “… den
Fürsten stärken”, cf. /m-r(-r)/ (II)); ★b) to travel through (?), in bkn ctx.: tšʕm
bʕl mr[r ninety (cities) DN travelled through (?), 1.4 VII 12 (Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 216 n. d).
Cf. šmrr.
m-r(-r)/ (II) vb G: “to strengthen” > // “to bless”; N: “to be strengthened” > //

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570 mrrt (i) – mrrt (iii)

“to be blessed”; R: “to confirm, corroborate” (Arab. /m-r(-r)/ > ʔistamarra,

“to become strong, firm”, marīr, “rope strongly twisted”, AEL 2799ff.; Emar
Akk. preterite D /umarrir/, Pentiuc Vocabulary 188 f.: “to confirm”; cf. Akk.
marāru D, “bitter machen (Waffen im Kampf)”, AHw 609; “(with kakku) to
prevail (said of military force”), CAD M/1 267f.; Lackenbacher NABU 1987/82;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 119ff.; Kutler UF 16 1984 111 ff.; De Moor-
Spronk CARTU 152; Eg. mr; Pardee UF 10 1978 250 ff.; Ward UF 12 1980 357ff.);
¶ par.: /b-r-k/. G prefc. ảmr, tmr; ymr, suff. ảmrkm, tmrn (encl. -n / 1 p. pn.
suff.) tmrnn (encl. -n + 3 p. pn. suff.) ymrm (encl. -m); N ptc. nmrrt; R prefc.
G. To strengthen: l tmr nʕmn ġlm ỉl will you not strengthen “the Handsome
one”, servant of DN?, 1.15 II 15 (// l tbrk); [ ym]rm nʕmn ʕlm ỉl he strengthened
“the Handsome one”, servant of DN, ibid. ln. 20; ḥl ảmr bnkm with vigour
I shall strengthen your son, 1.13:27; k bk[r] zbl ảmrkm like the firstborn of
a prince I shall bless / strengthen you, 1.13:28f. (diff. Heffelfinger UF 43 2011
242: “the sick I will strengthen for you”, see zbln); tmrnn l bny bnwt strengthen
him, oh “Creator of creatures”!, 1.17 I 24 (// l tbrknn); ymr ʕzr he strengthened
the hero, 1.17 I 35 (// ybrk); tmrn ảlk nmrrt you will strengthen (me) so that I
go strengthened, 1.19 IV 33.
N. To be strengthened: tmrn ảlk nmrrt you will strengthen (me) so that I go
strengthened, 1.19 IV 33 (// brktm).
R. To confirm, corroborate: w ảnk ảṣḥk ảmrmrn but I will say to you (and)
corroborate it, 1.178:2 (Del Olmo Fs. Watson 146 f.; diff. Pardee TR 829, 831,
1183: “faire passer, agiter, brander” < /mr(r)/ (I); Ford UF 34 2002 130: “to
render bitter” > “to envenom”, see mr (II); Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 67, 69:
“schwenken”; Tropper UG 680: “schütteln” < /m-r-r/ (I)).
Cf. mr (I), mr (II), mr (III), mr (IV), mrrt (I), mrrt (II), ymrn.
mrrt (I) n. f. “bile”(?) (cf. mr (I). Hb. mrrh, “gall-bladder, liquid within”, HALOT
639; Syr. mertāʔ, “gall, bile”, SL 839; Arab. mirrat, marārat, “gall, bile”, AEL 2701;
Akk. martu, “Galle(nblase)”, AHw 614; “gall bladder”, “bile, gall”, CAD M/1
297ff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 296f.). ¶ Forms: sg. mrrt.
Bile (?), in bkn ctx.: mrrt ảlp ox bile (?), 1.175:2.
Cf. mr (I).
mrrt (II) n. f. “myrrh” (allom. of mr (I); OSA mrrt, “Myrrhe”, DOSA 284f.; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 6: “Weihgabe” < “Gesegnetes, Geweihtes”. Pardee UF 10
1978 256 n. 48). ¶ Forms: sg. mrrt.
Myrrh: mrrt qbr myrrh of the grave, 6.44:2.
Cf. mr (I).
mrrt (III), element of the mythical TN mrrt-tġll-bnr, scene of Aqht’s violent
death (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 191: *Mirartu-Taġullalu-Banīri (?). Dietrich-Lor-

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/m-r-ṣ/ – mrṯ (i) 571

etz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 119ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209; Margalit UF 11

1979 522; Watson LSU 138 and nn. 585/590/591, 202: “date-palm which pro-
duces dates”, but see de Moor, AuOr 27 2009 290; Astour RSP 2 303; De Moor
ARTU 260 n. 230: mrrt-tġll-bnr, “the gallbladder that brings into the fire”, cf.
TN: 1.19 III 50, 51.
Cf. tġll.
/m-r-ṣ/ vb G: “to fall ill” (Hb. mrṣ, “to be bad, painful”, HALOT 637f.; JAram.
mrʕ, “to be ill”, DNWSI 694; Amor. /m-r-ṣ/, “to be sick, to be angry”, Gelb
CAAA 25; Akk. marāṣu, “krank, beschwerlich sein”, AHw 609 f.; “to fall ill”,
“to have a disease”, CAD M/1 269ff.; OSA mrḍ, “suffer from disease”, SD 87;
Arab. mara/iḍa, “to, become diseased, sick”, AEL 2708f.); ¶ RS Akk.: marāṣu;
cf. ŠÀ-šu ša LUGAL a-na muḫḫi EN-ia im-ta-ra-aṣ, PRU 4 224 (RS 17.422)
obv. 17; a]?-na-k[u?] mar-ṣa-k[u] dan-niš, PRU 6 2 (RS 19.80):9; cf. šum-ma
[ma-an-n]u-ma ú-ṣàm-ra-ṣú-nu-ti, ibid. 27; cf. Ug 5 162 (RS 25.460):22; ¶ par.:
/d-w-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. mrṣ, inf. abs. mrṣ (// inf. dw).
G. To fall ill: mn yrḫ k m[rṣ] which month is it that he fell ill?, 1.16 II 19 (// k dw
krt; cf. Gordon UT §9.29); ṯlṯ yrḫm k mrṣ three months since he fell ill, ibid. ln.
22 (// k dw krt); ]mrṣ mlk the king has fallen ill, 1.16 I 56, 59 (De Moor-Spronk
UF 14 1982 184); k mrṣ hm ỉbt (you know) that it (the heart) will be sick if
there is any (more) enmity, 2.87:27; w lb ảḫtk mrṣ the heart of your sister is
sick, 2.87:7, see ln. 27; w mrṣ lby and my heart is sick, 2.87:14, ln. 34; 2.103:11: in
bkn ctx.: mrṣ, 2.103.24.
Cf. mrṣ.
mrṣ n. m. “illness” (< /m-r-ṣ/. Akk. murṣu, “Krankheit”, AHw 676f.; “illness”,
CAD M/2 224ff.; Arab. maraḍ, “disease, illness”, AEL 2708 f.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
ma-ru-uṣ SAG.DU-šu ub-ta-ʔi-i, PRU 4 126 (RS 17.159):7; iš-tu GIG-ia ab-ta-
lu-uṭ, PRU 4 222 (RS 17.383):34; cf. Ug 5 162 (RS 25.460):2, 22; ¶ par.: zbln.
¶ Forms: sg. mrṣ.
Illness: my b ỉlm ydy mrṣ who among the gods is the one who expels the
illness?, 1.16 V 15 and par. (// zbln); ảškn ydt mrṣ I shall prepare one who will
cast out the illness, ibid. ln. 27 (// zbln); in bkn ctx.: mr[ṣ, ibid. ln. 49.
Cf. /m-r-ṣ/.
mršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 15, 44, 160, 181; Pardee UF 10 1978 250 n. 8).
PN: 4.382:3.
mrṭn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 161).
PN: 4.141 II 15; 4.609:15; in bkn ctx.: 4.695:4.
mrṯ (I) n. m. “must” (JAram. m( y)rt, “must, juice”, DTT 779; Syr. merîtāʔ, “must”,
SL 834; Eg. /merîṯu/, “New Wine, Must”, Hoch SWET 140 f. (183); cf. Hb. tyrwš,
“sweet wine, must”, HALOT 1727f. Görg BN 8 1979 7 ff.: Kulturwort, cf. Luw.

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572 mrṯ (ii) – mryn (i)

tuwarsa); ¶ par.: smd, yn. ¶ Forms: sg. mrṯ.

Must: mrṯ yn srnm must, wine of princes, 1.22 I 18 (// yn); ṭl! mrṯ yḥrṯ ỉl dew of
must that DN cultivated, 1.22 I 20 (// smd; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 35 f.: TN <
mrṯ (II) n. m. “estate” (?) (< /y-r-ṯ/. Hb. mwrš(h), “property, inheritance”, HALOT
561; Arab. mîrāṯ, “inheritance”, AEL 2934; for the prob. syll. spelling see
Watson SEL 28 2011 32). ¶ Forms: sg. mrṯ.
Estate (?): mrṯ d štt the estate (?) as (legally) established, 2.34:32 (cf. Dijkstra
UF 19 1987 47f. n. 53; UF 21 1989 143; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 426;
Aartun UF 16 1984 35f., 50: “(neuer) Wein, Most”, cf. mrṯ (I)).
Cf. /y-r-ṯ/.
mrṯd PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 32, 133, 160; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334).
PN: 4.63 I 13.
/m-r-y/ vb G: “to eject, throw out” (Arab. marā( y), “to draw forth”). ¶ Forms: G
imp. mr.
G. To eject, throw out: šmk ảt ảymr ảymr mr ym mr ym l ksỉh your name
is ảymr: ảymr eject DN, eject DN from his throne!, 1.2 IV 19 (// grš, ln. 12.
De Moor SP 137f.: “drive away” < Arab. marra, EA marāru; so also Tropper
UG 675; Smith UBC/1 343 n. 214; Watson SEL 26 2009 15 f.; Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 333); in bkn ctx., hm ảp ảmr[ although I shall even drive out[, 1.2 IV 2.
Cf. ảymr.
mry (I) n. c. “type of wood” (etym. unc. Watson UF 38 2006 722: Eg. mry (?)).
¶ Forms: sg. mry.
Type of wood: sp mry a s. of m., 4.56:10 and passim in this text.
mry (II) PN (etym. unc.).
PN: mry, 4.835:11.
mrym n. m. “height”; “top, summit (of a mountain)” (< /r-m/. Hb., PAram.
mrwm, “mountain top, elevated site”, HALOT 633; “height”, DJPA 328; Pun.
mrm, “height”, DNWSI 694; Eg. /marô:êma/, “Height(s)”, Hoch SWET 137f.
(177). Van Zijl Baal 335f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 80). ¶ Forms: sg. mrym.
Height, top, summit: mrym ṣpn summit of TN, 1.3 IV 1 and par.; mrym lbnt
summit of TN, 1.83:10.
Cf. mrm, /r-m/.
mryn (I) n. m. member of a social group (< titular of a war-chariot < Hurr.
mariyanni-, “Officiers mittanniens commandant les escaudrons de chars de
guerre”, Laroche GLH 168; cf. Akk. mariannu, eine Kriegerkaste, AHw 611;
“chariot driver”, CAD M/1 281f.; Eg. /maryana/ (mryn), syrischer Vornehmer
(von Kriegern), WäS/2 110; Helck Bez. 513; Hoch SWET 135ff. (175); etym. unc.;
cf. OInd. márya-, “young man, lad”; O’Callaghan JKF 1 1951 309 ff.; Mayrhofer
Indo-Arier 19, 137; diff. Kammenhuber Arier 222f.; Diakonoff HU 77f. n. 76,

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mryn (ii) – mrzʕy 573

78; Or 41 1972 91ff. Cf. Rainey JNES 24 1965 19ff.; Heltzer IOKU 111 ff.); Vita
EU 93ff.; Wilhelm RlA 7 419ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 181 ff.; Watson
UF 42 2010 837; Loretz HippUg 78ff.; ¶ RS. Akk.: cf. [Š]U LÚ.MEŠ mar-ia-
ne, KTU 4.69 I 29; LÚ.MEŠ mar-ia-nu-ka, PRU 4 220 (RS 17.394+):9; LÚ.MEŠ
mar-ia-nu-ti, PRU 6 31 (RS 19.98):23 (Van Soldt SAU 428 n. 53); cf. PRU 3 261;
PRU 4 234; PRU 6 261; Ug 5 340; the element /maryannu-/ in PNN: Grön-
dahl PTU 160; Sivan GAGl 245; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; cf. syll. Ug.;
¶ syll. Ug.: PN mar-ia-nu LUGAL, PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):17; i-ták-na-aš-šu i-
na LÚ.MEŠ mar-ia-ni [LUGAL (?)], PRU 3 140 (RS 16.132):6; LÚ mar-ia-nu TN,
PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):24, 30; LÚ mar-ia-nu-ma, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):1; Ug 7
pl. 50 (RS 34.169) obv. 15, rev. 11. Sivan GAGl 245; Huehnergard UVST 149,
256, 296; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 427. ¶ Forms: sg. mryn; pl.
Member of a social group (< titular of a war-chariot): PN rb ʕšrt mryn decu-
rion (and) m., 4.609:2; mrynm, 4.126:1; 4.232:33; 4.416:1; (nn) mrynm nn m.,
4.137:2; 4.163:6; 4.173:2; 4.174:5, 8; 4.179:9; mrynm PNN m.: PNN, 4.69 I 1; 4.623:1
(Dijkstra UF 21 1989 147 n. 46); mryn ủškn m. of TN, 4.772:5 (cf. mryn (II));
he came l mrynm b yṯb mlk for the m. among the king’s assistants, 4.149:11,
cf. ln. 9. (dead m. (?)); 4.216:8, 12; 4.230:1; (nn) ṣ!md bd mrynm nn pairs deliv-
ered into the hands of m., 4.377:34 (for the rdg see Pardee RSOu 17 369 f.); spr
mrynm list of m., 4.322:1; 4.561:1; bdl mrynm substitutes of the m., 4.69 III 6;
bn mrynm dependents of the m., 4.137:4; 4.163:8; 4.173:5; ủbdy mrynm lands
leased to the m., 4.103:7; nʕr mryn helpers of the m., 4.179:3; in bkn ctx.: sp
mry[n? platters of (the) m. (?), 4.56:6 and passim ibid.; cf. mr[ yn(m), 4.485:8;
bn mry[n, 4.528:3 (cf. mryn (II)); spr npṣ mryn list of the belongings of m.,
mryn (II) PN (< mryn (I). Gröndahl PTU 29, 160; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 33); ¶ syll.: mar-ia-nu, PRU 3 37 (RS 16.287):2; Ug 5 58 (RS 20.232):19;
ma?-ri-ya-n[a, PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) II 5; ma-ri-ia-na, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) obv.
8; Sivan GAGl 245 and mryn (I).
PN: ★a) 4.244:16 (ảry; cf. mryn (I)); in bkn ctx.: 2.110:4; 4.260:5; 4.331:3; 4.457:1;
4.772:5 (cf. mryn (I)); ★b) bn PN, 4.93 IV 21; 4.155:10; 4.311:8; 4.377:5; 4.617 I 5;
4.817:2; 4.860:16; in bkn ctx.: 4.528:3. Cf. mryn (I).
mryt f. GN “Mariote” (< mr (V). Dietrich-Mayer UF 26 1994 97; Belmonte RGTC
12/2 186). ¶ Forms: sg. mryt.
Mariote: ủšḫr mryt Mariote DN, 1.131:2 (cf. ʕṯtrt mr(h), 1.100:78).
Cf. mr (V).
mrzʕy adj. m. divine or cultic title, “he of the mrzḥ” (< *mrzʕ, alloph. of mrzḥ.
Del Olmo MLC 407 n. 12, 583 for the var. opinions and rdgs; also Dijkstra UF 20
1988 44: “nisba of a toponym”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1310 n. 20: “zu meinem

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574 mrzḥ – msgr

Marzichu”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. mrzḥ; Huehnergard UVST 277f.; Van Soldt SAU 325.
¶ Forms: sg. mrzʕy.
He of the mrzḥ: ỉl mrzʕy DN, the (patron) of the m., 1.21 II 1, 5.
mrzḥ n. m. 1) “cultic association”; 2) “(cultic) banquet”, by meton. “banqueting
hall” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. mrzḥ, “cultic celebration”, HALOT
634; “religious feast”, DNWSI 691 f.; Emar Akk. /marzaḥu/, “symposium”, Pen-
tiuc Vocabulary 124f. Miller-Dahood CRST 37 ff.; Bryan TRM 1973; De Moor
SP 116f.; ZAW 88 1976 327 n. 28; Greenfield WGAV 451 ff.; Pope AAAS 29–30
1979–1980 141ff.; Friedman Maarav 2 1980 187ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982
71ff.; Studien 488; Loretz Fs. Schreiner 87ff.; Fs. Bergerhof 93ff.; McLaugh-
lin UF 23 1991 265ff.; Schwemer NuzHur 7 108 n. 133; Smith UBC/1 20 ff.;
Pardee UBL 12 273ff.; Alavoine Muséon 113 2000 1 ff.; Heltzer UF 38 2006 345;
Miralles Marzeah 51ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ.MEŠ ma-ar-zi-ḫi, Syria 28 1951 173ff. 6
(RS 14.16):3; LÚ.MEŠ mar-za-i, PRU 3 88 (RS 15.88):4; LÚ.MEŠ mar-zi-i, PRU 3
130 (RS 15.70):7, 10, 15; PRU 4 230 (RS 18.1):7, 10; LÚ.MEŠ mar-za-i-ma, PRU 3
88 (RS 15.88):6; Sivan GAGl 245; Huehnergard UVST 178; Van Soldt SAU 305.
¶ Forms: sg. mzrḥ, suff. mzrḥh.
1) Cult association: mzrḥ d qny PN cult association that PN founded, 3.9:1;
mrzḥ ʕn[t] cult association of DN, 4.642:2, 4–7; mt mrzḥ member of the m.,
3.9:13, cf. PN bn mrzḥ, 4.399:8 (see McGeough UgET 270).
2) (Cultic) banquet: ỉl yṯb b mrzḥh DN is seated at his banquet (among his
fellow guests), 1.114:15; 1.1 IV 4 (cf. Del Olmo IMC 41).
Cf. mrzʕy.
msdt n. f. “foundation(s)” (< */y-s-d/, Hb. mwsd, “foundation wall, foundation”,
HALOT 557. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 62). ¶ Forms: pl. msdt.
Foundation: msdt arṣ foundations of the earth, 1.4 I 40 (Akk. išdi māti;
Margalit MLD 22).
msg n. m. 1) “skin”; 2) “leather” (Akk. mašku, “Haut, Fell”, AHw 627f.; “skin”,
CAD M/1 376f.; Sanmartín UF 21 1989 342; Eg. cf. msq, msk3, “Haut eines
Tieres”, “Leder”, WäS/2 149; Faulkner 118; Hb., OAram. mšk, “leather pouch”,
HALOT 646; “skin, hide”, DNWSI 700; EA Akk. [KU]Š: ma-aš-ka, EAT 86:19;
Gianto SEL 12 1995 68; diff. Aartun StUL 89f.: “Gewebtes”, < *nsg); ¶ RS Akk.:
cf. KUŠ.MAŠ.MEŠ, PRU 6 122 (RS 21.203):1; KUŠ.MEŠ, PRU 6 123 (RS 17.328):4–
5.; cf. ʕr (II) and lex. l. SU = ma-aš-ku = aš-ḫé = [u?]-ru, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149)
II 6; Huehnergard UVST 47f.; AkkUg 353. ¶ Forms: sg. msg; pl. msgm.
1) (Animal) skin: PN msg a skin, 4.52:1 and passim ibid.; mḏrġlm d ỉnn msgm
lhm watchmen who have no (animal) skins, 4.53:2.
2) Leather of a certain kind (to cover chariots): msg d tbk leather (covering
of the) t. (type), 4.167:15.
msgr n. m. “closed building” (> “prison / warehouse / fort” (?). Hb., OAram.

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/m-s-k/ – mspr 575

msgr, “prison”, HALOT 604; DNWSI 663; Eg. cf. /śigara/ (?), /ṯaġara/, “Secured
Building ‘Fort’ or ‘Magazine’”, Hoch SWET 270f. (385). ¶ Forms: sg. msgr.
Closed building (?), in bkn ctx.: msgr bnk[, 2.2:11.
Cf. /s-g-r/.
/m-s-k/ vb G: “to mix, combine” (Hb. msk, “mix”, HALOT 605; Arab. maš/zağa,
“to mix”, AEL 2710f., 2716f. Lipiński UF 2 1970 83f.; Loretz UF 25 1993 254);
¶ par.: /l-q-ḥ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ymsk.
G. To mix, combine: rbt ymsk b mskh he blended ten thousand (quarts) of his
mixture, 1.3 I 17 (// yqḥ); ks ymsk nhr my cup mixes (wine) a river / in torrents,
1.5 I 21 and par. (diff. Margalit MLD 105: “to cling”, Arab. masaka).
Cf. mmskn, msk, mskt.
msk n. m. “mixture, mixed wine, mixed drink” (< /m-s-k/. Loretz UF 21 1989 474;
UF 25 1993 255; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 155: “vat”, “bowl”, “cratère”, but cf.
De Moor SP 751); ¶ par.: ḫmr, yn. ¶ Forms: sg. msk; allom. mẓ2k (1.77:5); suff.
Mixture, mixed wine, mixed drink: ṯnm tšqy msk hwt twice she gave him
mixed wine to drink, 1.19 IV 61 (// yn); rbt ymsk b mskh he blended ten
thousand (quarts) of his mixture, 1.3 I 17 (// ḫmr); kt mẓ2k a pitcher of mixed
drink, 1.77:5 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 160); in bkn ctx.: w msk tr[, 1 16 II 16.
Cf. /m-s-k/.
mskt n. f. “mixture, emulsion” (< /m-s-k/. Cohen-Sivan UHT 15). ¶ Forms: sg.
Mixture, emulsion: št ʕqrbn ydk w ymsś hm b mskt dlḥt hm b mndġ a š. of ʕ.
(plant) shall be pulverised and diluted either in a thick emulsion or in (flour
of type) m., 1.85:3.
Cf. /m-s-k/.
mslmt n. f. “ascent, slope” (?) (Hb. sll, slm, “stepped ramp”, HALOT 757; Ph. slmh,
“stairs”, slm, prob. “palisade, entrance”, DNWSI 788; Akk. mušlālu, simmiltu,
ein Tor … mit Freitreppe, “Treppe, Stiege”, AHw 684, 1045; a gate or gatehouse,
CAD M/2 277; S 273ff.; Clifford CMC 75f.; Houtman VT 27 1977 337 ff.; Watson
LSU 95 n. 241); ¶ par.: yrk. ¶ Forms: sg. mslmt.
Ascent, slope: tʕl (…) mslmt b ġr tlỉyt she went up (…) the slope by the
mountain of victory, 1.10 III 28 (// yrk).
Cf. slm.
mspr n. m. “recitation, story, tale” (< /s-p-r/. Hb. mspr, “narrative”, HALOT 607 f.;
Trujillo UR 143; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 151; Margalit UF 16 1984
179). ¶ Forms: sg. mspr.
Recitation, story, tale: ṯb l mspr return to the recitation, 1.40:35; w ṯb l mspr
and (now) go back to the narrative (: repeat), 1.4 V 42; cf. w hndt yṯb l mspr
and this is what is repeated of the tale, 1.19 IV 62; [ yṯ]b kmm l kl msp[r] it

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576 msrr – mswn

returns (: it is repeated) once again at / in each recitation, 1.107:14.

Cf. /s-p-r/.
msrr n. m. “entrails, viscera” (?) (cf. Arab. sirr, masarrat, the interior of anything,
the parts of a plant that are concealed, AEL 1338 ff. Del Olmo MLC 581; diff.
Fensham JNSL 4 1975 17f.: “turtle-dove” (?) // ʕṣr; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982
161: ptc. *srr, “to fly”, Eth. sarara; Watson Historiae 4 2007 99: “bird, dove (?)”,
Eg. msrt); Aartun UF 16 1984 49f.: “Abgezogenes (Weinmost)”, Arab. masara;
¶ par.: klt (II) (+ lḥm). ¶ Forms: sg. msrr.
Entrails, viscera (?): lqḥ msrr ʕṣr db[ḥ] he took the entrails (?) of a sacrificial
bird, 1.14 III 59 and par. (// klt lḥmh).
/m-s-s(/ś)/ vb Gpass. “to be liquefied, dissolved”; tD “to weaken” (Hb. msh hi.,
“to cause to melt”, mss n., “to melt”, HALOT 604, 606 f. Tropper UF 27 1995 521:
Gpass.); ¶ par.: /r-ẓ/ (+ l). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ymsś (diff. Cohen UF 28 1996 116:
Dpass.); tD suffc. tmsm (+ encl. -m).
Gpass. To be liquefied, dissolved: št ʕqrbn ydk w ymsś a š. of (plants of)
ʕ. will be pulverised and liquefied, 1.85:3 (Cohen-Sivan UHT 14 f.; Pardee
TH 49; Segert UF 15 1983 208; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232; Cohen UF 28 1996
tD. To weaken: k tmsm because he will weaken, 1.6 I 52 (diff. Dahood UF 1
1969 25: “comeliness”, “beauty”, rdg kt msm, Ug. ysm; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
257 n. l; Gibson CML 75; Gordon PLM 111; Watson UF 10 1978 399: “oppor-
tune moment”, “fittingly”, “to befit”, “comme il convient”, rdg k.msm, Akk.
(w)asāmu, Arab. mawsimu < *ysm; Margalit MLD 147: “rebuffed”, Arab.
massa, mass; De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 85; CARTU 147: “to knuckle under”,
*kms Gt, rdg ktmsm, Akk. kamāsu, cf. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Craigie 11 n. 26; for
other interpretations see Del Olmo IMC 77f.).
Cf. mss.
mss n. m. “sap, juice” ((?) < /m-s-s(/ś)/. Fronzaroli AGI 60 1975 40; Cohen-Sivan
UHT 24; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. mss.
Sap, juice (?): mss št qlql the sap (?) of a š. of (the plant) q., 1.85:10 (diff. Segert
UF 15 1983 208: G impv. /m-s-s/ “dissolve”; Pardee TH 56 f.: D suffc. /m-s-s/:
“ayant été réduit en liquide”); 1.71:8; 1.72:13.
Cf. /m-s-s(/ś)/.
mswn n. m. “delegate” (?) (cf. Akk. “Anführer”, “Sachkundiger”, massû, AHw
619; “expert, a designation of officials”, CAD M/1 327f. Del Olmo IMC 169 ff.;
diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 168: “night-quarters”, Arab. *msw, mumsīn;
Watson UF 10 1978 400; NUS 21 1980 8: “non-arable land”, Akk. sawûm, Hb.
šāwê; Jirku JNSL 3 1974 34; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 113; Fensham JNSL 11 1983
76; “camp”, “living-quarters”, Akk. maswatu; for other interpretations cf. Del
Olmo IMC 169ff.); ¶ par.: mlảk. ¶ Forms: sg./pl./coll. mswn (?), suff. mswnh.

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mṣb (i) – mṣbṭ 577

Delegate (?): w ylảk (…) ʕm krt mswnh and he will send (…) his delegate(s)
(?) to PN, 1.14 III 21 (// mlảkm; cf. 1.15 I 4; diff. Greenstein IOS 18 1998 109 rdg
mswn (no final -h): “night-camp”); in bkn ctx.: (then set face) ʕm k[rt ms]wn
towards PN, delegate (?), 1.14 V 31.
mṣb (I) n. m. “beam, pointer” (< /n-ṣ-b/. Arab. naṣaba, “to set up as a sign”, naṣb,
“sign, mark”, AEL 2799. For other opinions cf. Herrmann YN 19); ¶ par.: kp.
¶ Forms: sg. mṣb.
Beam, pointer: ảdnh yšt mṣb mznm her noble father arranged the beam of
the scales, 1.24:34 (// kp).
Cf. /n-ṣ-b.
mṣb (II) n. m. “place in which something is put”, “deposit, reserve” > “(wine)
cellar” (?) (< /n-ṣ-b/; Hb. mṣb, “place”, HALOT 620.; cf. Arab. manṣib, “origin,
source”, “rank, quality”, AEL 2800f.; diff. De Moor NY 2 29 n. 117: “drawn off,
scooped (wine)”; Aartun UF 17 1985 2f.: “aufgestellt d. h. abgelagert”; Xella
UF 11 1979 837: “un vino di ristagno”; cf. Mari Akk.: kannum, Finet AfO 25
1974–1977 125f.). ¶ Forms: sg. mṣb; pl. (?) mṣbm.
Place in which something is put, (wine) cellar; in the ge. syntagm yn mṣb
wine “from the cellar”, ordinary wine, 4.213:28, 30 (diff. from yn ḥsp “de-
canted” wine, quality wine); tgmr yn mṣb (nn) w ḥsp (nn) total of the wine
“from the cellar”: (nn), and of decanted (wine): (nn), 1.91:35; with ellipsis of
yn: bỉr ʕšr mṣ[b w k]dm ḥsp TN: ten of (wine) “from the cellar” and two “jars”
of decanted (wine), 1.91:29; cf. TN (nn) mṣb (nn) “(wine) from the cellar”, ibid.
ln. 28–35 (cf. yn ḥlq and Mari Akk.: GEŠTIN SUMUN, cf. ARMT 21 104f.); in
bkn ctx. mṣb x[, 4.61:3; for 4.664:4 cf. mṣbt.
Cf. /n-ṣ-b/.
mṣbt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 187f.: *Maṣibat(u). Heltzer RCAU 12; Saadé
AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 221; Astour RSP 2 302, 356; UF 13 1981 7; TopAn 126; Van
Soldt Topography 31; Watson LSU 202; SEL 28 2011 30); ¶ syll.: URU ma-ṣi-bat,
PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):8; Sivan GAGl 245; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 678.
TN: 4.68:39; 4.302:5; 4.345:2; 4.621:7; 4.693:51 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17); 4.800
II 22. For the rdg b mṣbt, 4.664:4, cf. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 693.
Cf. mṣbty.
mṣbty GN m. (< mṣbt, TN. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 188). ¶ Forms: sg.
GN: PN mṣbty, 4.85:9.
mṣbṭ n. m., a tool or part of one, “handle” (< */ṣ/ḍ-b-ṭ/. Akk. muṣabbittu, “Fasser”,
AHw 678; part of a loom, an implement (of bronze), CAD M/2 240; cf. Ebla
/ṣabātum/, “packen”, ARET 5 61. Del Olmo MLC 583: “mango(s del fuelle)”;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 59: “Griffe (des Blasebalges)”; Watson LSU 95);
¶ par.: mpḫ. ¶ Forms: du. mṣbṭm.

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578 mṣd (i) – /m-ṣ-ḥ/

Tool or part of one (handle): bd ḫss mṣbṭm DN (took) the m. in his hands, 1.4
I 24 (// mpḥm).
mṣd (I) n. m. “(feast / banquet of) game” (< /ṣ-d/. Arab. maṣid, ṣayd, “game”,
AEL 1753; Hb., OAram. ṣyd, “game”, HALOT 1020f.; “hunt”, DNWSI 966; Syr.
ṣaydāʔ, “prey, game”, SL 1284; OSA ṣ(y)d, “hunt, game”, SD 146. Caquot TOu/2
73 n. 222; Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 41; diff. Loewenstamm UF 3 1971
357ff.: “Opferung”, // dbḥ; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 418: “Verköstigung” <
/ṣyd/, Akk. ṣidītu (< ṣadû), “Reiseproviant”, but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007
167); ¶ par.: dbḥ, ṣd. ¶ Forms: sg. mṣd; suff. mṣdy?, mṣdk, mṣdh.
Feast of game: ỉl dbḥ b bth mṣd DN offers (a banquet of) game in his house,
1.114:1 (// ṣd; erased text: x[[x]]d mṣd, 1.114:7, cf. KTU ad loc., footnote 2;
Dietrich-Loretz Studien 436; Yogev-Yona UF 43 2011 533 ff.); šrd (…) bn dgn
b mṣdk honour (…) the son of DN with your (feast of) game, 1.14 II 26 and
par. (// dbḥk); in bkn ctx., lḥm mṣ[dy, 1.5 IV 11 (cf. De Moor ARTU 76).
Cf. /ṣ-d/.
mṣd (II) n. m. architectural structure of the palace for the cult (a kind
of “large fortified tower” or “elevated room” (?). Cf. Hb. mṣd, mṣwd, “mountain
stronghold”, HALOT 621f. Del Olmo CR 199 n. 84; diff. Ribichini-Xella RSF 7
1979 146 n. 6; Xella, TRU 47: “pasto rituale”, mṣd (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mṣdh.
Cultic architectural structure of the palace: yrdn gṯrm mṣdh the two DN went
down to the m., 1.112:19.
mṣd (III) TN, dwelling of the god ḥrn (etym. unc. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 187:
*Maṣādu. For the var. interpretations cf. Pardee TPM 213 n. 69; Caquot TOu/2
89 n. 275; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 51 n. 80). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mṣdh (adv. -h; cf.
-h (II) 1).
TN: ql bl ʕm ḥrn mṣdh take (the / my) cry to DN at TN, 1.100:58.
mṣḥn/t PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.340:22 (cf. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 700 n. 23).
/m-ṣ-ḥ/ vb G: “to pull” (Arab. maṣaḫa, “to pull away”, AEL 2718, see /m-ḫ-ṣ/. De
Moor SP 111; Van Zijl Baal 188, 217 231; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 20 f.; diff.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 173 265 n. e: “abattre”, metath. alt. form of Ug. /m-ḫ-ṣ/,
on this cf. Renfroe AULS 130–132; Margalit MLD 189 f.: “to stamp”, but cf. De
Moor SP 111; Delekat UF 4 1972 12: “sie schlugen gegen die Stirn”, Hb. mṣḥ);
¶ par.: /m-ḫ-ṣ/, /n-ṯ-k/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ymṣḥ; suff. [ả]mṣḥ{.}nn; N prefc.
ymṣḥn (emph. -n).
G. To pull: [ả]mṣḫ{.}nn k ỉmr l ảrṣ I can pull him like a lamb to the ground, 1.3
V l; ṣʕrm ymṣḫ l ảrṣ the little ones he pulled to the ground, 1.6 V 4 (// ymḫṣ).
N. To pull (each other): ymṣḫn k lsmm they pulled each other like steeds, 1.6
VI 20 (// ynṯkn).
Cf. /m-ḫ-ṣ/.

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mṣl – mṣprt 579

mṣl n. m. “cymbal player, cymbalist” (< */ṣ-l-l/, */ṣ-l-ṣ-l/. Hb. ṣll, “to resonate,
ring”, HALOT 1027; Arab. ṣalla, “to sound”, AEL 1709f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ ma-ṣi-lu,
PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):25; Rainey IOS 3 1973 45; Sivan GAGl 245; Huehnergard
UVST 171; Van Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms: sg. mṣl; pl. mṣlm.
Cymbal player, cymbalist: mṣlm cymbalists, 4.126:30; ]n mṣl PN, cymbalist,
mṣlt (I) n. f. “cymbal, cymbals” (< */ṣ-l-l/, */ṣ-l-ṣ-l/. Hb. mṣltym, “cymbals”,
HALOT 624. Tsumura UDGG 177f.; Koitabashi CRANE 1 ff.); ¶ par.: knr, mrqd,
tp (I), ṯlb. ¶ Forms: du. mṣltm.
Cymbal, cymbals: w yšr mṣltm bd nʕm and he sang (with, i.e. to the accom-
paniment of) the cymbals a pleasant song, 1.3 I 19; d yšr (…) b knr w b ṯlb b tp
w mṣltm which is celebrated (…) with lyre and flute, with drum and cymbals,
1.108:4; cf. 1.19 IV 26f. (// mrqdm).
mṣlt (II) n. f. “clang” (< */ṣ-l-l/, */ṣ-l-ṣ-l/. Hb. mṣlh, “little bell”, HALOT 623f.; diff.
Gibson CML 151: “fountain”, Hb. mṣwlh; Lipiński UF 20 1988 142 f.: “gouffre”;
De Moor-Spronk CARTU 152: “libation-vat”; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 7: “Tiefe
(des Wassers)”, Hb. mṣwlh); ¶ par.: qr. ¶ Forms: sg. mṣlt.
Clang: štk … mṣlt bt ḥrš ceased have / has (?) … the clang of the forge, 1.12 II 61.
mṣmt n. f. “treaty, agreement” (etym. unc., < /ṣmd/ (?). Weippert GGA 216 1964
193; Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 218; De Moor UF 17 1985 220 n. 14; Van Soldt
SAU 244 n. 9: < /ṣ-m-d/; Knapp JAOS 95 1975 101: < /ṣ-m-m/, Arab. ḍamma,
“to unite, join together, contract”; Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 86); ¶ RS Akk.:
rikiltu, in rikilta (…) irkus, PRU 4 40ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):18–20 (cf. 3.1:17).
¶ Forms: sg. mṣmt.
Treaty, agreement: mṣmt l nqmd […] št (RN) made a treaty with PN, 3.1:17
(// r[i]-kí-il-ta a-na mNí-iq-ma-an-da (…) ir-ku-us, PRU 4 40 ff. (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):18–20; mṣmt ʕbs ảrr treaty concerning the landmarks (?) of TN (?),
6.27:1 (diff. Huehnergard UVST 172: “tag, label”). For KTU ml[ảktk] in 2.36:7 cf.
Dijkstra UF 21 1989 141 (rdg (?); cf. Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 321 ff.: mṣ[rm).
mṣprt n. f. “she who rearranges, repairs or takes care (of someone)” (?) (ptc.
f. D/L < */ṣ/ḍ-p-r/. OSA ḍfr, “to case a well with stone”, SD 41; Arab. ḍafara,
ḍāfara, “to plait, braid”, “to aid”, AEL 1795f.; Eth. ḍafara, “to braid, plaid”,
CDG 148; diff. Lipiński OLP 3 1972 117: “pale”, Arab. muṣfar; De Moor(-Spronk)
ARTU 122, CARTU 165: “keep watch”; for surveys of opinions see Watson UF 41
2009 278f.; Wyatt RTU 329 n. 27). ¶ Forms: sg. mṣprt.
She who rearranges, repairs or takes care (?): mṣprt dlthm she who takes care
(?) of their weakness, 1.23:25 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 540: “the DN, guardian
of their weakness”; diff. De Moor ARTU 122: “the watch-dog at their door”;
Smith RM 64ff.: “DN braids their branches (?)”, Arab. ḍafara …, with survey
of other versions).

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580 mṣpt – mṣrm

mṣpt n. f. “crow’s nest” (Hb. mṣph, “watch-tower”, HALOT 624; Akk. ṣāp/bītu,
“Wachtturm”, AHw, 1082; “tower”, CAD Ṣ 97. / Cf. Xella WO 13 1982 33: “cofa”;
Vita Barcos 285). ¶ Forms: sg. mṣpt.
Crow’s nest: spr npṣ ảny (…) w mṣpt ḫrk list of naval equipment: (…) and
a latticework crow’s nest, 4.689:4 (McGeough UgET 460: mṣpt ḫrk, “hatch
/m-ṣ-q/, in bkn ctx.: ảmṣq[, 7.44:3.
Cf. mṣqt.
mṣqt n. f. “difficult situation, trouble” < “anguish, distress” (< /ṣ-q/. Hb. mṣwqh,
“distress”, HALOT 623; Lat. “angustia”). ¶ Forms: sg. mṣqt.
Difficult situation, trouble, in unc. ctx.: ỉm ht l b mṣqt yṯbt qrt if, now, the city is
in a difficult situation, 2.72:21 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 147; diff. Brooke UF 11
1979 75f.: “anointed”, < *yṣq; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 1 506: “die Gesalbte”); in
bkn ctx.: w tp mṣqt, and the countenance of distress, 1.103:19).
Cf. /ṣ-q/.
mṣr n. m. “sob” (< /n-ṣ-r/. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 452; see Mari Akk. ma-aṣ-ṣa-ar-
tum and Healey VT 26 1976 435f.; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 174 n. k: “terri-
toire” (?), Akk. miṣru; De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 16; CARTU 152: “stronghold”).
¶ Forms: sg. mṣr.
Sob: mṣr tbủ ḏdm with a sob she entered the cave, 1.3 V 8 (diff. Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 323ff.: “she shouted angrily as [she en]tered the mountain”, rdg. tṣr
[t]bū ḏd); ảbl mṣr pk I shall remove the sobbing of / from your mouth,
1.82:33 (diff. De Moor ARTU 180; De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 247; Collini
SEL 4 1987 10; SEL 6 1989 27f.; Watson SEL 25 2008 59: “crucible”, Akk.
naṣraptu: “I shall remove your crucible (?)”, rdg mṣrpk, // (?) mṭnt, Hb. mṣrp,
“melting-pot / purification” (?), HALOT 625; AuOrS 27 90; Caquot TOu/2 69
n. 207: “dédommagement” (?), Arab. ṣarrafa).
mṣrm TN “Egypt” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 191ff.: *Miṣrû. Akk. miṣru AHw 659;
CAD M/2 113ff. Hb. mṣrym, HALOT 625; Aram. mṣryn, Ph. mṣrm, KAI 3 61;
EA Akk. Miṣri, cf. var. KUR Mi-iṣ-ṣa-ri, EAT 31:1; Hurr. *Mašr-, *Mizir-, Bush
GHL 335f.; MA, NA Miṣir, Miṣri, Muṣri, Muṣur, Nashef OGMMZ 199; Parpola
NAT 250ff.; Arab. miṣr, Kazimirski 1116; Hitt. KUR Mizri, Del Monte-Tischler
OGHT 273ff.; Astour RSP 2 302f., 357f.; UR 25 n. 137); ¶ RS Akk.: KUR mi-
iṣ-ri(ki), KUR URU mi-iṣ-ri-i, KUR mi-iṣ-ṣí-rí, cf. PRU 3 266; PRU 4 255; PRU 6
147; Ug 5 336; RSOu 7 16 (RS 34.158):8, 17, 24; RSOu 7 33 (RS 34.173) rev. 26;
RS 86.2230:3, 9 (Arnaud SMEA 30 1992 181); RS 88.2158:17, 19 (Lackenbacher
ACIP 1993 79 n. 16); KUR mu]-uṣ-ri-i, Ug 5 47 (P.t. 1844):5, cf. ibid. 2 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 193).
Egypt: ★a) ảnykn dt lỉkt mṣrm this fleet of yours that you sent to Egypt, 2.38:11;
ỉl mṣrm dt tġrn npš špš the gods of Egypt who protect the life of the “Sun”,

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mṣrn – mṣry (i) 581

2.23:22 (see Kogan AuOr 24 2006 138); yn ḥsp l ql d tbʕ mṣr?m decanted wine
for the courier who left for Egypt, 4.213:27; if they do not pay mṣrm tmkrn they
will be sold to Egypt, 3.8:15; ntbt mṣrm b ḥwt ủgrt Egypt’s (right of(?)) way
through the land of Ugarit, 2.36:16 (cf. ntbt mṣrm, ibid. ln. 15); šmn (…) l ảbrm
mṣrm oil (…) for PN: Egypt, 4.352:4; in bkn ctx.: ]x mṣrm[, 2.48:4; mṣ[, 2.36:7
(rdg (?); cf. Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 321ff.: mṣ[rm; see mṣbt); cf. 2.76:1
(rdg mṣ[rm (?); Belmonte RGTC 12/2 193); ★b) in the titulary of the pharaoh:
špš mlk rb (ḥwt) mṣrm the Sun, the great King, King of (the land of) Egypt,
2.81:1 and passim; bʕl kl ḥwt [mṣr]m Lord of the whole land of Egypt, 2.81:4;
m[lk] ḥwt mṣr[m] King of the land of Egypt, 6.84.4.
Cf. mṣrn, mṣrt, mṣry (I).
mṣrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 161, 302); ¶ syll.: mu-uṣ-ra-na, PRU 4 190
(RS 17.316) obv. 1, 5; mu-uṣ-ra-nu LÚ.NAGAR, RS 25.137 (unpub.: Van Soldt
SAU 208).
PN: ★a) 4.88:10; 4.98:8; 4.183 II 14 (Van Soldt SAU 26, 208); 4.574:3; ★b) 4.35
II 3; 4.52:5; 4.71 III 12; 4.93 II 15.
mṣrp see mṣr.
Cf. /ṣ-r-p/.
mṣrr(t) n. f., a piece of fabric or a garment (etym. unc. Hb., OAram. ṣrr, “to
wrap up, envelop”, ṣrwr, “little pack, bag”, HALOT 1058, 1054; DTT 1305, 1300;
Akk. ṣarāru, “einpacken”, AHw 1588; Arab. ṣarra, “to bind, tie up”, AEL 1671f.
Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 25 1968 101; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 49 f.; cf. Durand MARI
6 662: “objet pour le lin” (?); Watson SEL 12 1995 224: “libation garment” or
“saucer” (?), Akk. muṣarrirtu; AuOrS 27 90: Mari Akk. maṣarrītum, a vessel;
Tropper UG1 269: “Bündel”). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. mṣrrt.
A piece of fabric or a garment (?): ṯlṯm ṯlṯ kbd mṣrrt pṯt thirty-three m. of linen,
mṣrt adj. f. “Egyptian” (?) (*miṣrît < miṣriyat < mṣry (I). Belmonte RGTC 12/2
¶ Forms: sg. mṣrt.
Egyptian (?): šʕrt mṣrt Egyptian wool (?), 4.721:14.
mṣry (I) m. GN “Egyptian” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 193; cf. mṣrm TN. Hb. mṣry,
HALOT 624f.; Akk. lex. l. miṣrû, CAD M/2 116; MA cf. GN Muṣrû, Miṣrāyu,
Nashef OGMMZ 199; Hurr. mašriya=nne, mizir=ne=we, Bush GHL 335 f.; La-
roche GLH 169); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PNN DUMU (m)Mi/Mu-uṣ-ri-ya, PRU 3 250 f.
¶ Forms: sg. mṣry; pl. mṣrym.
Egyptian: PN mṣry, 4.96:6; 4.775:13; bn mṣrym Egyptian personnel / group of
the Egyptians, dependents, 4.230:10 (cf. mṣrm, “Egypt”); wine l mṣrym for the
Egyptians, 4.230:7; mṣry d ʕrb b ủnṯ Egyptian(s) who have entered service,
3.7:1; in bkn ctx., 3.25:2.

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582 mṣry (ii) – mšḥt

Cf. mṣrm, mṣrt, mṣry (II).

mṣry (II) PN (Sem.; < mṣry (I), GN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 161, 302; cf. West AOAT 233
34: PN mi-sa-ra-yo, Linear B); ¶ syll.: DUMU mu-uṣ-ri-ya, PRU 3 194 (RS
11.787):5; DUMU mi-iṣ-ri-ya, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) II 15.
PN: ★a) 4.753:15; ★b) bn PN, 4.53:13; 4.63 I 47; 4.841:48.
Cf. mṣṣ.
mṣṣ n. m. “one who sucks, is suckled” (act. ptc. G < */m-ṣ(-ṣ)/; Hb., PAram. mṣṣ,
“to slurp, lap”, HALOT 624; “to suck”, DJPA 326; Arab., Eth. maṣṣa, “to suck”,
AEL 2717; CDG 370f. Watson Historiae 20 2013 31); ¶ par.: ynq. ¶ Forms: sg.
One who sucks, is suckled: mṣṣ ṯd btlt [ʕnt] who sucks (will suck) the breasts
of the virgin [DN], 1.15 II 27 (// ynq).
mṣt “?” (De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 132; CARTU 152: “dregs”; survey in: Dietrich-
Loretz Studien 60). ¶ Forms: mṣt.
?, in bkn ctx.: mṣt ksh, 1.12 II 28.
mšu PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 300; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334); ¶ syll.: cf.
ma-aš-šu-ú/i, PRU 3 86 (RS 15.119):4; PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) III 7; PRU 4 165
(RS 17.108):4; ma-aš-šu-i, ibid. ln. 10; Huehnergard UVST 251.
PN: 4.130:1; 4.635:39 (ảḏddy); 4.769:58 (bn ỉ[š]dn).
mšbʕt n. f. “the seventh, taken in seventh place” (“the” (ptc. Dpass. < /š-b-ʕ/
(I). Tropper UF 27 1995 529ff. and De Moor UF 11 1979 643f.; ARTU 192: “the
seventh [to bear]”, “multiplicative ptc.”; diff. Verreet UF 19 1987 326 ff., 335:
“Siebenergruppe”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 204; Del Olmo MLC 576: “ein
Siebtel”); ¶ par.: mḫmšt, mrbʕt, mṯdṯt, mṯlṯt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mšbʕthn.
The seventh: mšbʕthn b šlḥ ttpl the seventh one of them was struck down by
DN, 1.14 I 20.
Cf. /š-b-ʕ/ (I), šbʕ.
mšdpt, cf. /n-d-p/.
/m-š-ḥ/ vb G: “to anoint, oil” (Hb., Pun., OAram. mšḥ, “to smear”, HALOT 643 f.;
“to anoint”, DNWSI 699; Syr. mšḥ, “to anoint”, SL 843; Arab. masaḥa, “to wipe,
wash, anoint”, AEL 2713ff.; Eth. masḥa, “to anoint”, CDG 363f. ¶ Forms: G
prefc. ymšḥ, suff. ymšḥhm.
G. To anoint, oil: (your strong horns) bʕl ymšḥ bʕl ymšḥhm DN will anoint,
DN will anoint them, 1.10 II 22–23.
Cf. mšḥt.
mšḥ n. m. of an occupation (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: pl. mšḥm.
?, in bkn ctx.: l mšḥ[m (grain) for the m., 4.387:7 (cf. ln. 10: l mḏrġlm).
mšḥt n. f. “anointing” (?) (< (?) /m-š-ḥ/. Hb. mšḥh, “anointing”, HALOT 644.
¶ Forms: sg. mšḥt (or vb form of suffc.).
Anointing (?), in bkn ctx.: ]xn mšḥt, 1.107:48 (or a n. from *š-ḥ-t, “détruire”,
Pardee TPM 254).

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mšḫṭ – mšknt 583

Cf. /m-š-ḥ/.
mšḫṭ n. m., a kind of “axe” or “cleaver” (< */š-ḫ-ṭ/. Ebla. /mašḥaṭum/ ma-sa-
ḫa-tum, “coltello per sgozzare”, Fronzaroli QuSem 15 20 f.; Akk. cf. zaḫaṭû
[> Sum. za-ḫa-da], “eine Streitaxt” (?), AHw 1503; “battle-ax”, CAD Z 13; for
Eg. /mašḥīta/ cf. Hoch SWET 155f. (203): “Trap, Snare”. De Moor SP 132;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 132: “arme meurtrière”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 7 TÚG.MEŠ
GIŠ.MÁ.MEŠ ma-áš-ḫa-ṭu-ma, PRU 6 126 (RS 19.28):1; Sanmartín UF 21 1989
342; Sivan GAGl 245; diff. Huehnergard UVST 186: /ṯ-ḥ-ṭ/; Van Soldt SAU 305;
¶ par.: mḫṣ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. mšḫṭ.
A kind of axe or cleaver: (he grasped) b yd mšḫṭ in his hand the axe, 1.2 I 39
(// mḫṣ); in the chariot team: mḏrn w mšḫṭ a sword (?) and an axe, 4.167:12;
mšḫṭ w msg d tbk an axe and (covering of) leather of (type) t., 4.167:15.
Cf. šḫt.
mškb(t) n. m./f. “place of rest, bed” (< /š-k-b/. Hb., Ph., JAram., Nab. mškb,
“lodging place, bed”, HALOT 646. [pl. *mškbym, mškbwt]; “lying, resting”,
“tomb”, DNWSI 701; JPAram. “resting place, grave”, DJPA 334; Syr. maškebāʔ,
“couch, bed, bier”, SL 845; Eth. mǝskāb, “resting place, bed”, CDG 496; Mari
Akk. cf. (they surprised the) LÚ.MEŠ (…) i-na ma-áš-ka-ba-ti-šu-nu, ARMT 3
16:24; AHw 626: maškabum, “Stelle des Hinlegens”, “Tenne”; and “threshing
floor, empty lot”, CAD M/1 370: maškanu 1.a.1’). ¶ Forms: sg. mškb, mškbt.
Place of rest, bed: ḥdr mškb bedroom, 4.195:6; mrbd mškbt a bedspread,
4.385:9; in unc. rdg: ]mxxxd (mr?b?d) mškbt, 4.275:4.
Cf. /š-k-b/.
mškk n. m. “?” (unc. ctx. Akk. maškakātu, pl. t., “Egge”, AHw 626; “harrow”,
CAD M/1 368; Watson LSU 95f.: “harrow”, Akk. maškakūtu; FO 47 2010 436 f.:
“necklace”, Akk. šakāku, “to thread, string” and deriv.). ¶ Forms: pl./du.
?: mškkm, 5.23:18 (diff. Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 17 f.: rdg mšk km).
mškn PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 8 1990 121).
PN, in bkn ctx.: bn mškn[, 4.335:28.
mšknt n. f. “residence, mansion” (< /š-k-n/. Hb. mškn (pl. mšknwt), “abode”,
HALOT 646f.; EA Akk. KISLAḪ: ma-aš-ka-n[a-ti-]ka, EAT 306:31; Arab.
maska/in, “place of habitation”, AEL 1394f.; Akk. maškanu, “Stelle des Hin-
legens”, AHw 626f.; “emplacement, location, site”, CAD M/1 369 ff.; in Mari
also “sacred tent”, cf. Finet ALM 58; Malamat Fs Fohrer 73; Eg. /maškatta/,
“Dwelling Place”, Hoch SWET 163f. (210); cf. Ebla NÌ. GÌRI.AG, NÌ.PIRIG. AG =
maš(MAŠ)-ga-nu, ma-ša-ga-nu, VE 110; NÌ.KI.GAR = maš-ga-nu, VE 125; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 5; Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 171f.; EL 171f.; Fales WGE 206;
Kienast-Waetzoldt Eblaitica 2 75 n. 150; Conti SQF 82 [none with any close
lexical relationship to Ug.]); RS Akk.: A.ŠÀ.GÁN.ḪI.A maš-ka-ni[, PRU 6 47

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584 mškrt (i) – mšlt (ii)

(RS 17.322):5; cf. Huehnergard UVST 181. Diff. Sivan GAGl 245. Watson Histo-
riae 10 2013 22; ¶ par.: ảhl. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mšknth, mšknthm.
Residence, mansion: hyn tbʕ l mšknth DN went to his residence, 1.17 V 32–33
(// ảhlh); off went (…) dr ỉl l mšknthm the family of DN to their residences,
1.15 III 19 (// ảhlhm).
Cf. /š-k-n/.
mškrt (I) n. f. “skin” (?). (Akk. maškaru, “Schwimmschlauch”, AHw 627; “water-
skin”, CAD M/1 374; Watson AuOrS 27 90: Mari Akk. maškirtu, a drinking
vessel; diff. but equally poss. Bordreuil CRAIBL 1987 291: “une boisson”; cf.
/š-k-r/). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. (?) mškrt.
Skin (?), in bkn ctx.: ʕšrm ksp mškrt ḥr[ twenty of silver for a / the skin(s (?))
…, 4.781:5 (cf. šmn, ibid. ln. 2).
mškrt (II) n. f. “wage(s)” (?) (< /škr/ (I). Hb. mśkrt, “wage”, HALOT 641; alt.
“embauchées”, ptc. D/L). ¶ Forms: sg. mškrt.
Wage: sḫrt l mškrt bt, s. for the wage(s) of the house (?), 4.863:8.
mšlḥ n. m. “battering-ram” (?) (Hb. šlḥ, “weapon, missile”, HALOT 1516 f.; Arab.
silāḥ, a weapon, AEL 1402. Cf. Sanmartín UF 20 1988 272 f.; diff. Xella WO 13
1982 33: “Lieferung”, Hb. mšl(w)ḥ, mšlḥt; Huehnergard UVST 181: mašlaḥu a
garment, “throw” (?), Arab. mašlaḥ (?)); Syll. Ug. ma-aš-la-ḥa-ma, PRU 6 123
(RS 17.328):3). ¶ Forms: sg. mšlḥ.
Battering-ram (?): spr npṣ ảny (…) mšlḫ ḥdṯ list of naval equipment: (…) a
new battering-ram (?), 4.689:4.
mšlt (I) n. f., garment or harness (“shirt, caparison” (?)) (cf. Durand MARI 6 662
and Mari Akk.: massilātum, ein Gewand, AHw 1573; ARMT 18 274, ARMT 21
421f., ARMT 24 242; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 52; Vita TT 331; and cf. Akk. šalla-
tum, MAD 3 271; ein Kleidungsstück, AHw 1148; a cloth used in chariot equip-
ment, CAD Š/1 252f.; with supposed metath. /š-m-l/, cf. Hb. śmlh, “outer gar-
ment, cloak”, HALOT 1337f.; OAram. šá-am-lat, “mantle”, DNWSI 1162: šmlh;
Arab. šamlat, a garment, AEL 1600; šalīl, mišall (< /š-l(-l)/, an innermost cov-
ering, a garment, AEL 1591f.; Watson AuOr 29 2011 157, 160 f.). ¶ Forms: sg.
mšlt; pl. mšlt.
Garment or harness (shirt, caparison (?)): ṯmn lbšm w mšlt l ủdmym b ṯmnt
ʕšrt ksp eight garments and one m. for the GN for eighteen shekels of silver,
4.337:14; mšlt b ṯql ksp one m. for one shekel of silver, ibid. ln. 23; šbʕ mšlt seven
m., 1.148:19 (Del Olmo AuOr 6 1988 13, 16); in bkn ctx.: mš[lt, 4.193:4 (and cf.
lbš[, ibid. ln. 9).
Cf. mšlt (II).
mšlt (II) n. f., a tool (“stone knife / whetstone” (?)); cf. Akk. mešēltu, “Schleif-
stein”, AHw 648; “flint, sharpened stone”, CAD M/2 37. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz
BiOr 23 1966 131; Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 53; for a survey of opinions see Watson

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mšmʕt – /m-š-r/ 585

LSU 96; McGeough UgET 410: “mold”, Akk. tamšiltu). ¶ Forms: sg. mšlt.
A tool (stone knife / whetstone (?)): mšlt a m., 4.385:3.
Cf. mšlt (I).
mšmʕt n. f. “(body)guard” (< /š-m-ʕ/. Hb., Moab. mšmʕt, “bodyguard”, HALOT
649; DNWSI 703f.; Samal. mšmʕt, “Leibwache”, Krebernik-Seidel ZA 87 1997
103f.; Xella UF 12 1980 451f.; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 146; Vita EU 154; Die-
trich-Loretz, UF 41 2009 114, 117: “(Angehöriger) der Königsgefolgschaft”.
¶ Forms: sg. mšmʕt.
(Body)guard: mšmʕt mlk royal guard, 2.72:11, 14.
mšmn, cf. m(ả/ỉ)šmn.
mšmš n. m. “marsh”(?) (< */m-š(-š)/. Arab. mušāš/at, “terre molle et tendre”,
DAF/2 1108f. Dahood UF 11 1979 146 n. 21: Ebla gí-maš-maški, cf. Pettinato Or
47 1978 50ff., TM 75.G.2231 rev. VI 15; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 51: “Schnelles,
Schlinge, Fallgrube”, Arab. masmās, masmasa; for a general etym. discussion
cf. Renfroe AULS 132f.). ¶ Forms: sg. mšmš.
Marsh (?): buckled (…) b tk mšmš bʕl in the midst of the “marsh” (?) DN, 1.12
II 55; in bkn ctx. npl b mšmš (had) fallen into the “marsh” (?), 1.12 II 36.
mšmṭr n. m. “rainmaker”, possibly a divine epithet (ptc. Š /m-ṭ-r/. Bordreuil-
Caquot Syria 57 1980 346). ¶ Forms: sg. mšmṭr.
Rainmaker, in bkn ctx.: mšmṭr, 1.174:9.
Cf. /m-ṭ-r/.
mšnqt f. “wet nurse”, “she who breast-feeds” (ptc. Š < /y-n-q/. Hb. mynqt, “nurse”,
HALOT 577; Akk. mušēniqtu, “Amme”, AHw 682; “wet nurse”, CAD M/2 265 f.
Watson Historiae 10 2013 36). ¶ Forms: sg. mšnqt.
Wet nurse, she who breast-feeds, in bkn ctx.: mšnqt, 1.15 II 28.
Cf. /y-n-q/.
mšpy n. m. “?” (etym. unc. Hb. špy, “elevated place” (?), HALOT 1628, for the
various opinions. Del Olmo MLC 584: “torreón, estructura elevada”, Hb. špy;
De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 188: “announcer” Akk. mušāpû < *wpy; Watson
LSU 52: “observation post”, Š *phy); ¶ par.: (?) bnwn. ¶ Forms: sg. mšpy.
?, in unc. ctx.: ln ḫnpt mšpy, 1.16 IV 14 (// (?) bnwn).
mšq n. m. “cup” (< /š-q-y/. Akk. mašqû, “Tränke, Wasserstelle”, AHw 629; a drink-
ing vessel, CAD M/1 384; cf. Hb. mšqh, “cupbearer”, HALOT 652. Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 93; Watson LSU 96; AuOrS 27 90; diff. Boyd Or 46
1977 226ff.: etym. unc.); ¶ syll. Ug.: 1 GAL 1 miš-qú 1 nam-zi-tu4 KÙ.GI, PRU 3
183 (RS 16.146+):7; ein Trinkgefäss (?), AHw 661; a cup, CAD M/2 129; Sivan
GAGl 248. ¶ Forms: sg. mšq.
Cup: mšq mlkt the queen’s cup, 4.265:1.
Cf. /š-q-y/.
/m-š-r/ vb Š “to set a vehicle in motion, to drive it” (?) (etym. unc. Akk. mašāru,

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586 mšr (i) – mšrr

“Wagen fahren”, AHw 624; “to drive, drag around”, CAD M/1 359 f. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 22 1990 72f., but see Watson LSU 96; diff. Del Olmo MLC 585:
“apresurarse, dispararse”; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 352 f.: “schleifen (lassen)” (+
obj. šmm); De Moor UF 18 1986 259, 261: “cause (+ obj. šmm) to release” >
“cleave (the skies)”); ¶ par.: /m-ġ-y/. ¶ Forms: Š impv. šmšr.
Š. To set a vehicle in motion, to drive it (?): (…) šmšr l dgy ảṯrt (…) drive (the
chariot (?)), oh tritons of DN!, 1.3 VI 9 (// mġ; diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 366,
376: “proceed to the Fisher of Athirat”).
mšr (I) n. m. 1) “justice, justification”; 2) DN (< */y-š-r/. Hb. myšr, myšwrym,
“integrity, rectitude”, HALOT 578.; Pun. mšrt, “justice”, DNWSI 706; Ebla cf.
/may/wšarum/ in AMA.GI4 = ma-sa-lu-um, VE 1057; Krebernik ZA 73 1983
37f.; Akk. mī/ēšaru, “Gerechtigkeit”, AHw 659 f.; “justice”, CAD M/2 116 ff.;
Pardee TR/1 97, 133ff.: “rectitude”; diff. Van Selms UF 3 1971 235f.: “singing”,
*šyr, cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 150 f.; De Moor UF 18 1986 261:
“to release”, Akk. w/muššuru; De Moor-Sanders UF 23 1991 288 ff.: “to drag off”,
Akk. mašāru, Mari Akk. lúmu-ús-si-re, Arab. mašara); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. mšrn PN;
¶ par.: npy. ¶ Forms: sg. mšr.
1. Justice, justification: šqrb ʕr mšr mšr bn ủgrt offer a donkey of justifi-
cation, of justification, (/ of the) sons of Ugarit!, 1.40:26 and par. (// npy),
cf. 1.84:38.
2. DN: mšr, 1.148:39 (deified Justice. Liverani Fs. Volterra 6 55 ff.; Del Olmo
AuOr 8 1990 130ff.; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT II/3 305; diff. Pardee TR/2 781,
803: “le dieu ‘voeu’” (?), < *nḏr, see mḏr, alt. Hurr. maziri, “aide”, AkkUg
dma-za-ra RS 92.2004:26, rdg. mḏr; Roche-Hawley O&M/A 9 173); ṣdq mšr DN
(and) DN, 1.123:14 (Cf. Pope-Röllig WbMyth 310). In Hurr. ctx.: mšr škl, 1.131:15
(Dietrich-Mayer UF 26 1994 101).
Cf. yšr (I).
mšr (II) n. c. “song” (< /š-r/ (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. mšr.
Song: mšr dd ảlỉyn bʕl a song about the love of DN, “the Most Powerful”, 1.3
III 5 (diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 70: “cante el amor de Baal, El Todopoderoso”,
rdg. tšr, see 1.101:1; Aartun StUL 93f.: “erwecken”, < *nšr < *nśr).
mšrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 146; cf. mšr (II), DN); ¶ syll.: me/mé-SA-ra-
nu/ni/na, PRU 6 145 (RS 19.08):2; PRU 6 146 (RS 19.077):3; PRU 147 (RS
19.127):13; Ug 5 161 (RS 17.325):18; Sivan GAGl 247; Van Soldt SAU 318 n. 128.
PN: ★a) 4.30:13; 4.342:2; 4.753:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.425:13; 4.615:3.
mšrr n. m. “pointer (of the balance), pivot” (?) (< */š-r-r/; cf. Eg. /mašarrira/,
“To Attach, Affix”, Hoch SWET 159f. (208) (preferable to “carat” / “weight” /
“stabilizer”, as part of the balances); EA Akk. ša-ar-ru-ma, EAT 7:72; 29:49,
ša/urrumma, “sicherlich”, “fürwahr”, AHw 1190, 1286; šu/arruma. “promptly”
(?), CAD Š/3 361. Herrmann YN 19ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 207; Watson

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mšspdt – mštʕlt 587

UF 10 1978 401; ¶ par.: ảbn (+ mznm), kp, mṣb. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mšrrm (encl.
Pointer: ỉḫh yṯʕr mšrrm her brothers arranged the pointer (?), 1.24:36 (// mṣb,
kp, ảbn mznm).
mšspdt n. f. “wailing woman, hired mourner” (ptc. Š /s-p-d/. Hb., Aram. spd,
“mourn for someone, bewail”, HALOT 763; JPAram. “to mourn, lament”, DJPA
385; Syr. spd, “to be agitated”, SL 1029; Akk. sapādu, “trauern”, AHw 1024; “to
mourn”, CAD S 150f.); ¶ par.: bkyt, pẓġ. ¶ Forms: pl. mšspdt.
Wailing woman: mšspdt b ḥẓrh (there entered) wailing women into his
mansion, 1.19 IV 10, 21 (// bkyt, pẓġm).
mšṣủ n. m. “one who leads out” (ptc. Š /y-ṣ-ʔ/; Hb. mwṣyʔ, “who causes to go out,
leads out”, HALOT 426f.: yṣʔ hi; Akk. mušêṣû, “der hinausbringt”, AHw 683;
“an official”, CAD M/2 268); ¶ par.: ḏmr. ¶ Forms: sg. mšṣủ.
One who leads out: l ảrṣ mšṣủ qṭrh to the “earth / underworld” leads out his
smoke / spirit, 1.17 I 27 and par. (// ḏmr).
Cf. /y-ṣ-ʔ/.
mšṣṣ n. m. “one who drives out, scares off” (etym. unc., prob. ptc. Š /n-ṣ-ṣ/. Arab.
naṣṣa, “to raise, move, shake”, AEL 2797. For the var. opinions cf. Sanmartín
UF 10 1978 449; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 155; Del Olmo UF 10 1978 42 f.);
¶ par.: grš, ṭrd. ¶ Forms: sg. mšṣṣ.
One who drives out, scares off: mšṣṣ k ʕṣr ủdnh who drove (him) out like a
bird (from the place) of his dominion, 1.3 IV 1 (// ṭrd, gršh).
Cf. /n-ṣ-ṣ/.
mšt (I) “?”, in unc. ctx. (De Moor UF 1 1969 178: “to depart, to move away”,
*mwš / “to feel”, *mšš / “to wipe off”, *mšš; Dietrich- Loretz UF 12 1980
176f.: “Betasterin” (?), mšs; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 153: “banquet”; Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT 2 823: “Mahl”). ¶ Forms: mšt.
?, in unc. ctx.: ảklt ʕgl ʕl mšt [, 1.108:9 (Del Olmo CR 153 n. 52: “who drinks /
destroys”, rdg ỉ !l<.>m št[ yt).
mšt (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 246: byform of mṯt: “Son of a
damsel” (?)).
PN: bn PN, 4.170:5.
mštʕlt n. f. “elevated, consecrated woman”, “[self] offered”, poss. a cultic title
(?) (ptc. Št /ʕ-l-y/. Akk. mušēlû, “der aufsteigen läst”, AHw 682; a stick or
strap used for lifting, CAD M/2 265. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 342 ff.; Del
Olmo IMC 143ff.; Renfroe AULS 144; Wyatt RTU 330 n. 31; for these and other
interpretations: “Schälchen”, “girl-acrobat”, etc.; also Tropper Nekromantie
158: “lüsterne Frau, Dirne”; Schloen JNES 52 1993 218: “gleaner”, Hb. *ʕll; Gulde
UF 30 1998 317f.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 179: “presenting an offering”; Park
UF 39 2007 617–622: “erection”, sexual meaning). ¶ Forms: du. mštʕltm.

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588 mštt – /m-t/

Elevated, consecrated woman (?): [ yqḥ] ỉl mštʕltm DN took two “consecrated

women”, 1.23:35 and par. (according to Park UF 39 2007 621–624: “male and
female genitalia”).
Cf. /ʕ-l-y/.
mštt n. f. “(ration of) drink, libation” (Hb. mšth, “drinking, consumption of
drink, banquet”, HALOT 653; Akk. maštītu, “Getränk(ration)”, AHw 630;
“drink”, CAD M/1 393f. Bron Semitica 30 1980 13; Bron-Lemaire GLECS 24–
28 1979–1984 15: “banquet”). ¶ Forms: sg. mštt.
(Ration of) drink, libation: kd mštt mlk(t) one “jar” for the libation of the king
(/ queen), 4.230:5, 8 (McGeough UgET 396, for a survey); in bkn ctx. ṯṯ [l]
mštt[, 4.216:3.
Cf. /š-t-y/.
/m-t/ vb G:1) “to die”; 2) “to remain immobilised, run aground (?)” (Hb., Aram.
mwt, “to die”, HALOT 562f.; DNWSI 605ff.; Amm., Pun. mt, “to die”, DNWSI
605ff.; Nab., Palm. myt, “to die”, DNWSI 605 ff.; Amor. /m-w-t/, “to die”, Gelb
CAAA 26; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 53; Pagan ARES 3 142; PN i-mu-ud-(DN), da-
mu-(DN), Fronzaroli ARES 1 10; AL6.ÚŠ = a-li a-mu-du (/yamūt(u)/), VE 985;
Krecher Biling. 158; Hecker Biling. 209; Akk. mâtu, “sterben”, AHw 634 f.; “to
die”, CAD M/1 421ff.; EA Akk.; Sivan GAGl 250: /mwt/, “to die”; Rainey CAT 1
68; 2 146, 190; OSA mwt, “to die”, SD 89; Arab. māta, “to die”, AEL 2741ff.; Eth.
mota, “to die”, CDG 375f.; cf. Eg. mt, “sterben”, WäS/2 165 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: mâtu,
passim; cf. šum-ma PN i-mu-ut, Ug 5 2 (RS 17.21):14; 3 rev. 7; ¶ par.: /ḥ-w/y-
y/, /ḫ-l-q/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. mt, mtt; prefc. ảmt, ả!mtn (1.16 I 36), tmtn, ymt,
ymtm (encl. -m), ymtn (?) (1.8 II 15); inf. mtm (encl. -m, Aartun PU/1 55; cf.
infra: mt (II)); ptc. mt (cf. mt (I)).
G. 1. To die, ★a) mortals: yḥ w l ymt may he live and not die, 6.30:1; mṯlṯt
kṯrm tmt the third dies in full vigour, 1.14 I 16; ảp ảb ỉ k mtm tmtn father, oh,
like mortals even you (will) die, 1.16 I 3, cf. ibid. ln. 17 and 1.16 II 40; mt kl
ảmt w ản mtm ảmt I will die the death of all: dying, I must die, 1.17 VI 38;
mt ảqht ġzr “Noble” PN is dead, 1.19 II 42; hm ymt if he dies, 2.82:19; ★b)
gods: ủ ỉlm tmtn or do gods (also) die?, 1.16 I 22 and par. (// l yḥ); tdʕ ỉlm k
mtt may the gods know that you are dead, 1.5 V 17 (diff. De Moor ARTU 78;
Gibson CML 152: “state of death, deadness”); bʕl mt DN is dead, 1.5 VI 23
and par.; mt ảlỉyn bʕl the “The Most Powerful”, DN, is dead, 1.5 VI 9 and
par. (// ḫlq); ym l mt DN is truly dead, 1.2 IV 32, 34; on ảmtm, 1.5 I 6, cf.
ảmt (II) 2 (Del Olmo IMC 158f.); in bkn ctx.: 1.1 II 8; 1.2 IV 1 (diff. De Moor
ARTU 38: “state of death”); 1.8 II 15; 1.10 I 10; 1.20 I 3; 1.25:4; 1.94:28; 1.107:28;
2. To remain immobilised, run aground ((?); ships, etc.): ảnykn (…) mtt this
fleet of yours (…) has run aground (?), 2.38:13 (Hoftijzer UF 11 1979 386 n. 21.

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mt (i) – mt (ii) 589

Gzella BiOr 64 2007 551: “was completely lost”; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 351 n. 8:
“moitié”, Akk. muttatu; KTU: rdg <t>mtt).
Cf. mt (I), mt (II).
mt (I) n. m. 1) “dead person, deceased”; 2) “mortal” (< /m-t/. Hb. mt,
“dead”, HALOT 562: mwt; Emar Akk. adj. m. pl. /mītī/, “dead”, Pentiuc Vocabu-
lary 125f.; Arab. may(y)it, mawāt, “carrion, that wherein is no life”, AEL 2741ff.;
Akk. mītu, “tot”, AHw 663; “dead”, CAD M/2 140 ff.; Eth. mawāti, mĕwwĕt,
“mortal, dead”, CDG 375; cf. Ebla É ma-dím(!), É ma-tim, É ma-ti, “tomba”,
Fronzaroli QuSem 15 26: /bayt mawtim/, Akk, bīt mūti); ¶ RS Akk.: mītu; cf.
šum-ma ú-ra še-ra a-na-ku BA.ÚŠ.MEŠ mi-ta-ku, PRU 3 76 (RS 16.144):5; a-
di mi-ti-šu-nu, PRU 3 98 (RS 16 249):36; ANŠE.MEŠ.KUR.RA-ia mi-tu4-nim ù
ÉRIN.MEŠ-ia ḫa-liq, Ug 5 20 (RS 20.33):28; a-di (DN) EN iš-šu-ú re-ši mi-ta ú-
bal-li-ṭa ia-ši, Ug 5 162 (RS 25.460):14, 16; ¶ par: /y-r-d/ (+ ảrṣ). ¶ Forms: sg.
mt; pl. mtm.
1. Dead person: ql ỉl km mt DN fell like a dead man, 1.114:21 (// k yrdm arṣ);
ṯt tg (?) [x] l mtm two t. for (the chamber of (?)) the dead, 4.195:16 (diff.
Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 684: rdg ṯt txlmtm “zwei t.-Gegenstände”); in bkn
ctx.: ]mtm tbkn (as one weeps)] for the dead they wept, 1.15 V 14; in unc. ctx.
w/kmt mtm, 1.20 I 3 (Del Olmo MLC 417: rdg km tmtm “cuando muráis”; De
Moor ARTU 267 n. 273: “the dead of dead” > “the long dead” [rdg k mt mtm]).
2. Mortal: ảp ảb ỉ k mtm tmtn father, oh, like mortals even you (will) die, 1.16
I 3, cf. ibid. ln. 17 and 1.16 II 40 (see mt (III)).
Cf. /m-t/.
mt (II) n. m. 1) “death”; 2) DN (< /m-t/. Hb., Aram., Nab., Palm. mwt, “death”,
HALOT 563f.; DNWSI 607; EA Akk. BA.UG5: mu-tu-mi, EAT 362:47; Gianto
SEL 12 1995 68f.; Akk. mūtu, “Tod”, AHw 691; “death”, CAD M/2 316 ff.; Arab.
mawt, “death”, AEL 2741f.; Eth. mot, “death”, CDG 375); ¶ RS Akk.: mūtu; cf. Ug
5 133 (RS 23.493 A) rev. 11; 137 (RS 20.123+) obv. I 23; mu-tu4 nap-ša-tu4, PRU 4
192 (RS 17.289):20; Ug 5 33 (RS 20.212) l.e. 3; ik-šu-du-nim a-na mu-ti-i-im, Ug 5
20 (RS 20.33):12. ¶ Forms: sg. mt; suff. mtm (encl. -m), mtk, mth, mth<m> (?).
1) Death: ]mt kl ảmt I shall die the death of all, 1.17 VI 38 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007
551: “like everbody dies I shall die”, rdg ([k y]mt kl ảmt); hm mt yʕl bnš if death
attacks someone, 1.127:29 (diff. Pardee CS/1 293 n. 25: “man, warrior”, cf. mt
(III)); yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd here the power of the gods is very strong, very
much so, like death, 2.10:13 (/ like DN, cf. infra: 2. DN; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2
279 n. 17: “guerriers”, cf. mt (III)); ʕṣ mt tree of death, 1.100:65 (// ʕrʕr; De Moor
ZAW 100 1988 110); in bkn and unc. ctx.: w b mth and for his death, 1.19 I 17 (Del
Olmo IMC 125 n. 279; De Moor ARTU 248; šn mtm the teeth of death, 1.12 II 41
(cf. De Moor ARTU 133 n. 34; diff. Del Olmo MLC 484: rdg šnm tm, “(sus) años
terminaron”); ]qmṣ mtm ủṣbʕ[t] b]ent for death (?) (his) finger[s], 1.15 V 16

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590 mt (iii)

(diff.: “Yes, he is only a finger-breadth removed from death”, De Moor-Spronk

UF 1982 179; Wyatt RTU 217). For mth l tšlm ʕln see bhmt, tšlm.
2) DN < “Death” (Hb. mwt, “the god of death”, HALOT 563f. Schmidt RGG3 6
912f.; Del Olmo MLC 131ff.; Smith UF 19 1987 289 ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982
141ff.; UF 22 1990 57ff.; ¶ par.: šʕtqt). ¶ Forms: sg. mt (cf. mtm, encl. -m, 2.10:12,
supra: 1. and here: a)): ★a) passim in 1.5. and 1.6; cf. espec.: mt dm ḫt DN, thus,
yielded, 1.16 VI 13 (// šʕtqt); dll ảl ỉlảk l bn ỉlm mt I shall send a courier to divine
DN, 1.4 VII 46 (on the divine tittle bn ỉlm see Rahmouni DEUAT 90 ff.); mt ʕz
bʕl ʕz DN was strong, DN was strong, 1.6 VI 17 and par.; mt ql bʕl ql DN fell
down, DN fell down, 1.6 VI 21; b yd mdd ỉlm mt in the hands of the “Beloved of
DN”, DN, 1.4 VIII 24 and par.; šmḫ bn ỉlm mt divine DN rejoiced, 1.5 II 20; yrủ
bn ỉlm mt the divine DN was frightened, 1.6 VI 30; yʕr mt b qlh DN became
agitated in his fall, 1.6 VI 31; ảt mt tn ảḫy come, DN, give me my brother!, 1.6
II 12; tỉḫd bn ỉlm mt she seized divine DN, 1.6 II 31; tỉḫd mt b sỉn lpš she grasped
DN by the hem of his cloak, 1.6 II 9; yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd here the power of
the gods is very strong, very much so, like DN, 2.10:13 (/ like death, cf. supra:
1); ʕrm tdủ mt! from the city he frightened DN, 1.16 VI 6 (// šrr, cf. infra: c; diff.
De Moor-Spronk ARTU 221: “she let her charm fly”, rdg m<nt>h, CARTU 100);
in unc. ctx.: hm tġrm l mt brtk if your forecast has committed (you) to death
/ Môtu, 1.82:5 (cf. /ġ-r-m/); ★b) in titles: bn ỉlm mt divine DN, 1.5 I 7 and par.
(// ydd ỉl ġzr the “Beloved of DN”, the “Hero”, ibid. and passim; rdg ydd {bn}
ỉl ġzr in 1.5 I 13); mdd ỉlm mt the “Beloved DN”, DN, 1.4 VIII 23f.; ★c) DN + DN:
mt w šr “Death and Evil”, 1.23:8 (Del Olmo MLC 320; De Moor UF 2 1970 227;
Cutler-Macdonald UF 14 1982 40ff.; Tsumura UF 6 1974 407 ff.; diff. Wyatt UF 9
1977 378ff.; UF 24 1992 426: “husband”, cf. mt (III).
Cf. blmt, šḥlmmt.
mt (III) n. m. 1) “man; individual, member”; 2) “man, husband”; 3) “hero” (Hb.
mt, “men, people”, HALOT 653; Amor. /mutum/, “man”, Huffmon APNMT
234f.; Gelb CAAA 26; Akk. mutu, “(Ehe-)Mann”, AHw 690 f.; “husband, man,
warrior”, CAD M/2 313ff.; Ebla cf. /mutu(m)/ in PNN, Krebernik PET 97;
Pagan ARES 3 226; Catagnoti QuSem 15 234ff.; /mutu(m)/, Pomponio UF 15
1983 152; Eth. mǝt, “husband”, CDG 371; cf. Eg. mt, “Mann”, WäS/2 168. Wat-
son Historiae 10 2013 27); ¶ RS Akk.: mutu; cf. na-da-an-ša ša-a it-ta-din
LÚ mu-ut-ša, PRU 3 65 (RS 16.200):26; mi-nu-um-me-e mar-ši-it-šu (…) a-na
PN LÚ.MAŠKIM mu-ti-šu, PRU 3 110 (RS 16.267):14; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. mtbʕl PN;
¶ par.: ġzr, rb (II). ¶ Forms: sg. mt; pl. cstr. mt; du. mtm.
1. Man, individual, member, ★a) man: mt ủḫryt mh yqḥ mh yqḥ mt ảṯryt a
man, as (his) final destiny, what can he attain, what can a man attain as the
final outcome?, 1.17 VI 35–36; ★b) individual, member of a group or category:
mt mrzḥ member of the m., 3.9:13.; ʕdk ỉlm hn mtm around you are gods and

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mt (iv) – mtḥ 591

also men, 1.6 VI 48 (diff. De Moor ARTU 99: “the dead”, cf. mt (I)); in bkn ctx.:
mt bʕl[ the men of (my /your) master, 2.73:8 (Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984
326; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 414f. n. 211: “guerrier”).
2. Man, husband: ảṯtm tṣḥn y mt mt both women shouted: O man, man!,
1.23:40, cf. ln. 47.
3. Hero: mt šmm heavenly heroes, 1.3 I 13 (// rb ʕzm); ṯm yʕbš šm ỉl mtm there
the heroes praise the name of DN (//ġzrm), 1.22 I 6 (cf. ln. 8–10); on mtm,
2.10:12, cf. mt (II) (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 279 n. 17: “guerriers”); esp.: mt rpỉ
“the Raphaite hero” (title of the “Hero” dnỉl), 1.17 VI 52 and passim in 1.19 (Del
Olmo MLC 357f., 413 n. 26; // ġzr // mt hrmny, 1.17 I 18 and passim in 1.17–1.20;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 127ff.; UF 22 1990 60 f.; MU 35 n. 206).
Cf. mtbʕl, tmtt.
mt (IV) adv. “certainly” (var. of ỉmt by aphaeresis. Yaud. mt, “surely, indeed”
(?), DNWSI 707f. De Moor UF 1 1969 187; Aartun PU/1 32; Tropper Or 61 1992
448f.). ¶ Forms: mt.
Certainly: mt hm ks ymsk nhr indeed it is true that my cup mixes wine in
torrents, 1.133:9 (cf. 1.5 I 21 and Del Olmo IMC 70).
Cf. ỉmt.
mt (V) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 161f., 284f.); ¶ syll.: cf. elem. /mut-/ in
mtbʕl PN.
PN: bn PN, 4.335:15; 4.785:12; 4.841.50.
/m-t-ʕ/ vb G: “to remove, shed”, said of clothing (?) (Arab. mataʕa, “to take
away”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1045; diff. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 153: “carry
off”; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 198 n. f: “répandre”, Arab. māʕa; Margalit MLD 29:
“to crumple”, Gt denom. of Hb. mʕh, Arab. miʕa, maʕy). ¶ Forms: G cprf. tmtʕ.
G. To remove, said of clothing (?): tmtʕ mdh b ym she removed (?) her
clothing beside the sea, 1.4 II 6 (diff. Watson UF 39 2007 678: “the covering of
her body she wet”, /mw:yʕ/, Gt “to (be) wet”).
mtbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 117, 162; Cunchillos Syria 62 1985 213; Watson
AuOr 14 1996 101); ¶ syll.: mu-ut-dU, PRU 3 205 (RS 16.155):6; PRU 4 234
(RS 7.112):6; mu-ut-ba-ʔa-li, Lackenbacher Fs Birot 155:11; cf. Sivan GAGl 250.
PN: ★a) 4.130:10; rdg <ʕl> mtbʕl rỉšy, in 3.18:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.75 V 21.
Cf. mt (III).
mtḥ n. m., a measure of length (?) (Emar Akk. /mataḫu/, unit of measurement,
Pentiuc Vocabulary 123; Arab. mataḥa, “to be long”, AEL 2688; Hb. mtḥ,
*mtḥh, “to spread, stretch out”, “out-spreading”, HALOT 654. De Moor UF 13
1981 304; UF 17 1985 221: “layers”, Hb. mtḥt, for “layer (of the land)”; see Watson
AuOr 29 2011 168); ¶ par.: mṯpd. ¶ Forms: sg. pl. cstr. mtḥ.
A measure of length (?): ṯlṯ mtḥ ġyrm at three m. (underneath) the depths,
1.3 IV 36 and par (// ṯn mṯpdm).

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592 mtk – mtnn

mtk n. m. “libation” (< /n-t-k/. Xella TRU 33); ¶ par.: šmn. ¶ Forms: sg. mtk.
Libation: mtk mlkm rỉšyt the primordial royal libation, 1.119:25.
Cf. /n-t-k/.
/m-t-n/ vb G: “to wait” (?) (etym. unc. Aram./Syr. mtn, “to wait”, DJPA 337; SL 871;
De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 183 n. 65, Arab. mtn; survey: Wyatt RTU 224
n. 216). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tmtn.
G. To wait (?): tmtn ṣbả špš you will have to wait (?) for sunset, 1.16 I 36.
mtn (I) n. m. “tendon, loin” (Hb. mtnym, “hips and loins”, HALOT 655; Ebla
/matnu/ in SA.ŠU = ma-da-nu, VE 312; Fronzaroli EL 144; StEb 7 1984 172; Akk.
matnu, “Sehne”, AHw 633; “sinew, tendon”, CAD M/1 412; Arab. matn, “the
back”, AEL 3017; Eth. matn, “sinew, muscle”, CDG 372. Held Fs. Landsberger
402; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 170f.); ¶ par.: (?) ảp (II), gd, qrn. Forms: du.
Tendon, loin: mtnm b ʕqbt ṯr tendons from the hocks of a bull, 1.17 VI 22 (//
gdm, qrnt); b mtnm yšḥn in his loins ardour burned, 1.12 II 38 (// (?) ảnpnm,
Cf. mtnt.
mtn (II) n. m. “gift”(?) (< /y-t-n/. Hb., Pun., OAram. mtn, “gift, present”, HALOT
654f.; DNWSI 709; Hb., Ph., Pun. mtnh, “present, gift”, HALOT 655; DNWSI
709; Akk. nidin/ttu nidnu, “Gabe”, AHw 786; “present, gift”, CAD N/2 206, 208;
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. mtn (III) PN. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mtny, mtnh.
Gift (?), in bkn ctx.: ]l w ġr mtny, 1.1 V 12, 25; ]kl tġr mtnh, ibid. ln. 14 (De Moor
ARTU 27f.: “what has been given”).
Cf. mtn (III), mtnbʕl, mtny, mtnn, /y-t-n/.
mtn (III) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 50, 147, 161 f., 240, 284f.; Watson AuOr
13 1995 225; AuOr 14 1996 101); ¶ syll.: cf. ma-(at-)te-nu/ni/na, PRU 3 199
(RS 16.257) III 37 (Van Soldt SAU 30, 225); PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):2; PRU 6 79
(RS 19.42):11; Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):2; RSOu 7 2 (RS 34.169):12; ma-an-ti-nu, RSOu
7 24 (RS 34.160):1; Sivan GAGl 246; Huehnergard UVST 216.
PN: ★a) 3.3:3 (bn ảyảḫ); 3.3:10 (bn ʕbdym); 3.18:10 (rỉšy); 3.28:19; 3.29:18, 27;
4.101:1; 4.114:3; 4.214 II 12, IV 8; 4.227 I 3; 4.342:5; 4.609:22, 34; 4.753:14 (bn ʕn);
4.754:14 (bn ỉlbʕl); 4.790:13; ★b) bn PN, 4.769:11 (Van Soldt SAU 30, 225); 6.61:1;
[b]n mtn, 4.843:20; in bkn ctx.: 4.86:9; 4.259:3; 4.653:2.
Cf. mtn (II).
mtnbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32, 117, 147); ¶ syll.: dIM-ma-tin, PRU 3 104
(RS 15.09+):35; dU-ma-te-ni, Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):6; Sivan GAGl 246.
PN: 4.115:11; 4.754:13.
Cf. mtn (II).
mtnn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 52, 147, 161 f., 167, 240, 284 f.).
PN: 4.309:15.

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mtnt – mtrn 593

Cf. mtn (II).

mtnt n. f. “loin”, in cultic terminology (cf. mtn (I). Syr. matnatāʔ, “loins”, SL 410.
Xella TRU 53; Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 124; Tropper UG 291; Pardee TR/1 30 ff.;
diff. Cazelles VT 19 1969 505; De Moor UF 2 1970 325; UF 7 1975 177: “grain
offering”, *ytn, Hb. mtnh). ¶ Forms: sg. mtnt; du. mtntm, mt<n>tm (1.130:19).
Loin, as a cultic offering, in connection with other visceral offerings and ynt:
mtntm w kbd two loins and a liver, 1.39:2; ynt qr[t] w mtntm one domestic
dove and two loins, 1.109:7 and par.; dbḥ šmn mr šmn rqḥ nbt mtnt w ynt qrt
w ṯn ḥṯm (for the) sacrifice: oil with myrrh, perfumed oil, honey, a loin, a
domestic dove and two unleavened loaves (?), 1.41:21; 1.87:23; mt<n>tm l ṯʕ
two loins for the “Hero”, 1.130:19, cf. rṯ ynt and kbdm in ln. 18 and 20 (Xella
TRU 104; Del Olmo CR 281 n. 78).
Cf. mtn (I).
mtny GN (?) m. (Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 13 1981 6; RSP 2 304; Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 678; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 195). ¶ Forms: sg. mtny.
GN (?): PN mtny, 4.369:18.
mtq adj. m. “sweet” (Hb. mtwq, “sweet”, HALOT 654; Akk. matqu, “süss”, AHw
633; “sweet”, CAD M/1 413f.; Eth. mǝtuq, “sweet, tasty”, CDG 372; Arab. tamaṭ-
ṭaqa, “to taste repeatedly”, AEL 3021). ¶ Forms: du. f. mtqtm.
Sweet: hn špthm mtqtm and their lips were sweet, 1.23:50 and par.
Cf. mtqt.
mtqt n. f. “cake” (?) (< mtq. Akk. mutqītu, “Süssbrot”, AHw 688; “a sweet bread
or cake”, CAD M/2 301; Watson LSU 96: “sweetmeat”). ¶ Forms: sg. mtqt.
Cake (?), in bkn ctx.: l PN ỉpdm mtqt kḏx[ for PN: two i., one m. …, 4.707:22.
Cf. mtq.
mtr adv. “besides, in addition” (< */w/y-t-r/. Hb., JAram. mwtr, “advantage,
profit”, HALOT 564; “surplus, extra one”, DJPA 297; Nuzi Akk. matru, “über-
zählig, zusätzlich”, AHw 1492: (w)atru(m); “additional, supplementary”, CAD
M/1 414). ¶ Forms: mtr.
Besides, in addition, in unc. ctx.: mtr tn lh give him in addition, 2.71:19.
mtrḫt n. f. “consort, wife” (ptc. G /maqtul/ < /t-r-ḫ/. Ph., Pun. mtrḥ, “consort,
bridegroom, spouse” (?), DNWSI 710. Verreet UF 19 1987 323; Watson Histo-
riae 10 2013 27). ¶ Forms: sg. mtrḫt.
Consort, wife: mtrḫt yšrh his lawful consort, 1.14 I 13; in bkn ctx.: k mtrḫt[,
Cf. /t-r-ḫ/.
mtrn n. m. “surplus, remainder(s)”, “reserve” (?) (< */w/y-t-r/, mtr. Del Olmo Fs.
Gordon 1998 170, 172). ¶ Forms: sg. mtrn.
Surplus, remainder(s), reserve (?): mlsm mrkbt mtrn races of reserve (?)
chariots / reserve (?) chariot runners (horses), 1.162:22 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee

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594 mtrt – mṭḫr

Semitica 41–42 1991–1992 52: “l’excédent”, referring to mslm; Loretz HippUg

111: “als Zugabe”).
mtrt n. f. “chariot with reinforced wheels” (< /w/y-t-r/. Akk. wattartu, “ein
Streitwagen”, AHw 1493; “wagon with solid wheels”, CAD A/2 510). ¶ Forms:
sg./pl. mtrt.
Chariot with reinforced wheels: mrkbt mtrt chariot(s) with reinforced
wheels, 4.180:3 (Akk. narkabtu (w)attartu; diff. Aartun StUL 94 f.: “mit der
Hand gezogen”, < *ntr; Vita EU 52ff.: “cajas de carro provistas de timón”, *twr;
also Watson LSU 96f.); in Hurr. ctx.: ảṯr mtrt pdry, 1.42:62.
mty PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 161f., 240, 284f.); ¶ syll.: cf. mu-ut-ta-a,
PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) rev. 10.
PN: 4.86:26 (ilšt[mʕy).
mṭ n. m. “rod, staff, riding crop” (Hb. mwṭ, mṭh, “pole”, “stick, staff”, HALOT 555,
573; Ebla cf. GIŠ.RU = ma-du-um, VE 413; Groneberg RA 82 1988 71 ff.; Fales
WGE 207; cf. Akk. miṭṭu, “eine Götterwaffe”, AHw 664; “mace”, CAD M/2
147f.; Held SUL 121; Kogan UF 32 2000 726; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 166 ff.);
¶ par.: ḫṭ, ksl (+ qst). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. mṭ, suff. mṭm (encl. -m).
Rod, staff, riding crop: mṭ ydh his staff (of his hand), 1.19 III 49 and par. (//
ḫṭ; cf. 1.23:37 and par.; Del Olmo IMC 142 n. 327); mṭm tgrš šbm with (her)
riding crop she drove out the old men, 1.3 II 15–16 (// b ksl qšth; for this
and other versions see Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 352; Watson AuOr 29 2011
157: “riding whip”); in bkn ctx.: mṭ tpln, 1.2 I 9 (cf. 1.16 VI 57–58. Van Selms
UF 2, 1970, 258: “(by the smiting of) my staff …”, cf. mṭ; De Moor UF 18 1986
357f.: “the place of death below …”, rdg [m]mt mṭ; Del Olmo MLRSO 52:
“¡tambaleándote caigas …!”, /m-ṭ/ “to stagger, shake”, Hb. mwṭ, “to sway”,
HALOT 555).
mṭʕt n. f. “plantation” (< */n-ṭ-ʕ/, Hb. mṭʕ, “planting”, HALOT 574; cf. Pun. mṭʕ,
“plantation”, DNWSI 618f.); ¶ par.: grn (I). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. mṭʕt.
Plantation: mġy (…) ỉ[lnym] mṭʕt there arrived (…) did the divine ones at the
plantations, 1.20 II 7 (// l grnt); b qrb m[ṭʕt in the plantations, ibid. ln. 9.
mṭḫ n. m. “present, gift, offering” (Akk. ṭeḫû [D II], ṭuḫḫû, “heranbringen”,
“dargebracht”, AHw 1385, 1394; on Akk. ṭ[u]ḫ(?)-[ḫ]u?-ú in RS 21.63 D; cf.
Huehnergard UVST 95 [rdg gaba-[ru]-ú]. Renfroe UF 18 1986 43; Sanmartín
UF 21 1989 341; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984 47f.: “Schlamm, Morast”, Arab. maṭḫ;
Bron-Lemaire GLECS 24–28 1979–1984 15: “une boisson”, < ṭwḫ; see also
Pardee JANER 7 2007 84: untranslated). ¶ Forms: sg. mṭḫ.
Present, gift, offering: kdm mṭḫ l ảlṯy two “jars” (of wine) as a present for the
GN, 4.149:7.
mṭḫr n. m. “?” in bkn ctx. (etym. unc. De Moor SP 132f.; UF 14 1982 168 n. 126;
ARTU 34: “staff of a free man”, reading mṭ ḫr; Van Selms UF 2, 1970, 262: “staff”,

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mṭnt – mṯ (i) 595

Akk. ḫuṭaru, Hb. ḥōṭèr; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 132f. n. c.: “fardeau”, Hb. ṭôraḥ,
and rdg yḥb[š). ¶ Forms: mṭḫr.
?, in bkn ctx.: mlảk mṭḫr yḥb[q, 1.2 I 41.
mṭnt n. f.; a clay container (?) (cf. Arab. ṭīn, “clay”, AEL 1906. De Moor(-Spronk)
UF 16 1984 247; ARTU 180 n. 36: “plastered cup”, Arab. maṭīn, “plastered,
coated with clay”; Watson AuOrS 27 90); ¶ par.: (?) mṣrp. ¶ Forms: sg.
A clay container (?), in bkn ctx.: ] y mṭnt, 1.82:34 (for the poss. parallel cf. mṣrp
see mṣr).
/m-ṭ-r/ vb G: “to rain” (denom. < mṭr. Hb. mṭr hi., “to let rain fall upon”, HALOT
574; OAram. mṭr, “to rain”, DNWSI 619; JPAram. “to cause to rain down”,
DJPA 303; Arab. maṭara, “to rain”, AEL 2721f.); ¶ par.: /ṭ-l-l/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
tmṭr, suff. tmṭrn (energ. -n); Š ptc. mšmṭr.
G. To rain: šmm šmn tmṭrn (may) the heavens rain oil, 1.6 III 6 and par.; ʕrpt
tmṭr may the clouds bring rain!, 1.19 I 41 (// ṭl yṭll).
Š. To cause rain: cf. mšmṭr.
Cf. mṭr, mmṭr, mṭrt, mšmṭr, mẓr.
mṭr n. m. “rain” (Hb., OAram. mṭr, “rain”, HALOT 574f.; DNWSI 619; Syr. meṭrāʔ,
“rain”, SL 749; Arab. maṭar, “rain”, AEL 2722; Mari Akk. maṭartum. Watson
Fs. Dietrich 2001 796); ¶ RS Akk.: for A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A: mi-TA-ar-ú!, PRU 3 47 (RS
16.150):12, cf. Huehnergard UVST 119; diff. Sivan GAGl 248; CAD M/2 144b; Van
Soldt SAU 412: /miṭru/ > mi-ṭá-ar-ú; Watson LSU 26; ¶ par.: mdl. ¶ Forms: sg.
mṭr, suff. mṭrh.
Rain: nʕm l ảrṣ mṭr bʕl w l šd mṭr ʕly a delight for the earth is the rain of DN
and for the field the rain of “the Most High”, 1.16 III 7–8 and par.; wn ảp ʕdn
mṭrh bʕl yʕdn since thus DN will be able to appoint the time of his rain, 1.4
V 6–7.
Cf. mmṭr, /m-ṭ-r/, mṭrt, mẓr.
mṭrt n. f. “rain” (f. by-form of mṭr). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mṭrtk.
Rain: w ảt qḥ ʕrptk rḥk mdlk mṭrtk but you, take your clouds, your wind, your
m., your rain, 1.5 V 8.
Cf. mṭr.
mṭt n. f. “bed” (< */n-ṭ-h/. Hb. mṭh, “couch, bed”, HALOT 573); ¶ par.: ảrṣ.
¶ Forms: sg. suff. mṭth (loc. -h).
Bed: tntkn ủdmʕth (…) km ḫmšt mṭth his tears ran (…) like pieces of five on
the bed, 1.14 I 28–30 (// ảrṣ; diff. Dahood RSP 1 35 f.; Loretz SEL 12 1995 111 f.:
“nach unten”, Hb. l mṭh); in bkn ctx.: ]mṭt, 1.175:16.
mṯ (I) n. m. “infant, baby boy” (Eg. ms, “das Kind”, WäS/2 139; “child”, Faulkner
116; cf. Hb. mšh, PN, HALOT 642f. Watson LSU 142; Historiae 10 2013 32; diff.
De Moor BiOr26 1969 106f.: “twin-brother”, Akk. māšu). ¶ Forms: sg. mṯ.

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596 mṯ (ii) – /m-ṯ-k/

Infant, baby boy: w tldn mṯ and she gave birth to a baby boy, 1.5 V 22; in ctx.
Akk. mṯ, 1.69:2.
Cf. mṯt.
mṯ (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 161, 241; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 105 f.;
Márquez AuOr 11 1993 251).
PN: bn PN, 3.7:15.
mṯb n. m. 1) “residence, mansion, dwelling place”; 2) “chair, seat”; 3) “hut, shel-
ter” (< /y-ṯ-b/. Hb. mwšb, “seat, dwelling place”, HALOT 561f.; Akk. mūšabu,
“Wohnung”, AHw 680; “dwelling”, CAD M/2 250 ff. Watson Historiae 10 2013
22); ¶ syll. Ug.: [BARAG] = [mūšabu] = […] = mu-ša-bu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+)
III 32’; Sivan GAGl 249; Huehnergard UVST 135; Van Soldt SAU 305, 337 n. 175;
Loretz UF 21 1989 264; ¶ par.: bt (II), ḥẓr, ḫm, kḥṯ, mẓll. ¶ Forms: sg. mṯb; suff.
mṯbk; mṯbh, pl. mṯbt; suff. mṯbth, mṯbtkm.
1) Residence, mansion: mṯb ỉl mẓll bnh the residence of DN is the shelter of
his sons, 1.4 I 12 and par. (// mẓll, bt, ḥẓr); mṯb DN residence of DN, 1.3 IV 50
and par. (// bt, mẓll); [k]t ảtn ản! mṯbk the podium I gave (you) as a mansion,
1.13:11 (De Moor ARTU 138, rdg mṯbk b gg “[your] dwelling on the roof”); tbủn
lm mṯb they entered the residence, 1.15 IV 22 and par. (// bt, ḫm); m]ṯbh ảḫt
ppšr [in] her dwelling the sister of PN, 1.82:36; in bkn ctx. l mṯb, 1.15 V 6.
2) Chair, seat: mṯbt ỉlm the chairs of the gods, 1.23:19 and par., cf. 1.104:1: rdg
m<ṯ>bt; ṯb bny l mṯbtkm sit down, my sons, on your seats, 1.16 V 24 (// kḥṯ).
3) Hut, shelter: ảrbʕ ảrbʕ mṯbt ảzmr four huts (made) of branches at each
side, 1.41:51.
In bkn ctx.: ]mṯbh, 1.82:36; ]mṯbth[, 1.137:8.
Cf. /y-ṯ-b/.
mṯdṯt n. f. “the sixth” (ptc. Dpass. “the one taken in sixth place” < /ṯ-ḏ-ṯ/.
Tropper UF 27 1995 529ff.; De Moor UF 11 1979 643f.: “the sixth [to bear]”,
multiplicative ptc.; ARTU 192: “the sixth”; diff. Verreet UF 19 1987 326 ff.,
335: “Sechsergruppe”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 204: “ein Sechstel”; Del
Olmo MLC 586: “sexto, sexta parte”); ¶ par.: mḫmšt, mrbʕt, mšbʕt, mṯlṯt.
¶ Forms: sg. mṯdṯt.
The sixth: mṯdṯt ġlm ym the sixth Noble DN (harvested), 1.14 I 19.
Cf. /ṯ-d-ṯ/, ṯṯ.
/m-ṯ-k/ vb G: “to carry, take” (Hb. mšk, “to seize, carry off”, HALOT 645 f.; /Aram.
mšk, “to pull, retract”, Af. “to draw (water)”, DJBA 713 f.; Arab. ʔamsaka, “to
retain, withhold”, AEL 3019f. and Emar Akk. preterite G /timšak/ < /m-š-k/,
“to adhere”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 181f.; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 551: fin. form).
¶ Forms: suffc. / ptc. sg. mṯkt.
To carry, take: rġb yd mṯkt she (who) takes the hungry by the hand 1.15 I 1;
mẓmả yd mṯkt she (who) takes the thirsty by the hand, 1.15 I 2.

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mṯlṯ – mṯpṭ/ẓ 597

mṯlṯ, n. c. “a third” (< ṯlṯ, /mqtl/ pattern, see mṯlṯt. Tropper 346, 373). ¶ Forms:
sg. mṯlṯ (poss. mṯlṯm, du., see RSOu 18 76), du. mṯlṯm.
A ṯhird: w mṯlṯm, (n) … and two thirds, 4.811:2; mṯlṯm nʕr two thirds of n.,
4.811:6; in bkn ctx.: mṯlṯ[, 4.846:15; mṯlṯm l skn two thirds for the prefect,
mṯlṯt n. f. “the third (one)” (ptc. Dpass. “the one taken in third place” < /ṯ-
l-ṯ/. Tropper UF 27 1995 529ff.; De Moor UF 11 1979 643f.: “the third [to
bear]”, multiplicative ptc.; ARTU 192: “the third”; diff. Verreet UF 19 1987
326ff., 335: “Dreiergruppe”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 203: “ein Drittel”; Del
Olmo MLC 586: “tercio, tercera parte”); ¶ par.: mḫmšt, mrbʕt, mšbʕt, mṯdṯt.
¶ Forms: sg. mṯlṯt.
The third (one): mṯlṯt kṯrm tmt the third (one) died in full vigour, 1.14 I 16.
Cf. /ṯ-l-ṯ/, ṯlṯ (I).
mṯn n. m. “repetition” > adv. “furthermore, the same” (in the syntagm mṯn
rgmm) (< /ṯ-n-y/. Hb. mšnh, “in second position, two-fold”, HALOT 650;
cf. Akk. šanītam, “etwas anderes, neues Thema”, AHw 1164: šanītu(m) II;
“another time”, CAD Š/1 387f.: šanītam. Arnaud SDB 9 1356; Del Olmo CR 300
n. 76; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 171 n.t.: “messager”, mṯn rgm; but cf. ibid.
433: “(ajouter) quelque chose”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ma-aš-na, PRU 3 109 (RS
16.207):2–6 (13–14), and cf. the discussion in Huehnergard UVST 187, 290
(Nougayrol, PRU 3 p. 109 “secondement”, p. 218: “deuxièmement”); ¶ RS Akk.:
šanīta(m), cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 200; Van Soldt SAU 472, 483. ¶ Forms: sg.
cstr. mṯn; suff. (?) mṯnn[.
Furthermore, the same (in the syntagm mṯn rgm[m]): ảp mṯn rgmm ảrgmk
furthermore, I am also going to say to you, 1.4 I 19; 1.3 IV 31–32; 1.17 VI 39;
mṯ{.}n rgm the same, 1.103:6 and par.; in bkn ctx. mṯn[, 1.86:10; 2.60:1; cf.
mṯnn[, 2.3:21.
Cf. /ṯ-n-y/.
mṯpỉt PN (?) (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 52).
PN (?): 4.103:40 (cf. ṯġr (II)).
mṯpd n. m. “layer, stratum” (< /ṯ-p-d/. Arab. maṯāfīd, “doublure, pièces de drap
dont on garnit en dedans”, DAF/2 226. Smith UBC/1 183; De Moor UF 13 1981
303f.; UF 17 1985 221: “donkey-pack” < “layer of earth”, Hb. mšptym, but see
WatsonAuOr 29 2011 168f.); ¶ par.: mtḥ. ¶ Forms: du. mṯpdm.
Layer: ṯn mṯpdm tḥt ʕnt ảrṣ two layers beneath the fountains of the earth, 1.3
IV 35 and par. (// ṯlṯ mtḥ).
Cf. /ṯ-p-d/.
mṯpṭ/ẓ n. m. 1) “command, jurisdiction”; 2) “oracular decree, oracle” (< /ṯ-p-
ṭ/. Hb. mšpṭ, “judgement, legal claim”, HALOT 651 f.; Ph., “rule, dominion”;
DNWSI 705. De Moor UF 2 1970 304); ¶ par.: mlk. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. mṯpṭk;
alloph. sg. cstr. mṯpẓ.

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598 mṯpṭ – my (i)

1) Command, jurisdiction: l yṯbr ḫṭ mṯpṭk undoubtedly he will break your

sceptre of command, 1.2 III 18 and par. (// mlkk).
2) Oracular decree, oracle: (when he approaches) w yšảl mṯpẓ yld to ask for
the oracle of the child, 1.124:3; (and your messenger will come …) lqḥ mṯpẓ to
obtain the oracle, 1.124:12.
Cf. /ṯ-p-ṭ/.
mṯpṭ PN (Sem. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 50, 199f.).
PN: 4.63 I 2.
mṯpẓ, cf. mṯpṭ/ẓ.
mṯr “?” (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 29 2011 165: “saddlecloth”, Arab. mīṯara, “sad-
dlecloth, blanket drape”, alt. Akk. mašru, “teaselled textile”). ¶ Forms: ?
?, in bkn ctx.: mṯrm, 4.127:8
mṯt n. f. “damsel, young lady”, royal title in epic (cf. mṯ. Eg mst, “Frauenzim-
mer, Dirne”, WäS/2 140; “mother”, Faulkner 116. De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106 f.;
Watson Historiae 10 2013 39). ¶ Forms: sg. mṯt.
Damsel, young lady: mṯt ḥry the damsel PN, 1.14 III 39 and par. (wife of king
krt); mṯt dnty the damsel PN, 1.17 V 16 and par. (wife of king dnỉl); in Akk. ctx.
mṯt, 1.69:5; mṯty, ibid. ln. 2, 6; in bkn ctx.: mṯtnx, 7.50:8.
mṯṭ n. m. “oar” (?) (Hb. mšwṭ, “rudder”, HALOT 643; Akk.: cf. Eg. mas-ta, *mašôṭa,
“Small Galley Propelled by Oars”, Hoch SWET 153 f. (201). Xella WO 13 1982
32f.; Sanmartín UF 20 1988 273 n. 37; Vita AuOr 13 1995 139 ff.; Barcos 284);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. GIŠ.MEŠ ma-ás-wa-tu, PRU 6 113 (RS 19.26):1–2; GIŠ.MEŠ ma-
sa-wa-tu-ma, ibid. ln. 4–5; GIŠ ma-ás-wa-tu, PRU 6 114 (RS 19.71):7; maswātu,
ein Gegenstand, AHw 619; a type of tree or wood, CAD M/1 329. Sivan GAGl
81, 245: “type of tree”; Huehnergard UVST 147 f.; Van Soldt SAU 305: “cypress”
(?). ¶ Forms: pl. mṯṭm.
Oar (?): spr npṣ ảny tšʕ mṯṭm list of naval equipment: nine oars (?), 4.689:2.
mṯyn n. m., a garment (“shawl, sash” (?) (< Hitt. maššiya, ein Kleidungsstück,
eine Art Gürtel oder Schal (?), HEG L-M 159 f. (?); > Hb. mšy, “fine cloth”,
HALOT 645; Eg. mśy, “Art Kleid”, WäS/2 143. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 52; Watson
LSU 122, 142; Vita TT 331; ¶ syll. Ug.: 1 TÚG: ma-aš-ši-ia-an-na, PRU 6 7
(RS 17.148 A):7; TÚG ma-ši-ya-an-nu, RS 25.131:11; Nougayrol PRU 6 158; a
garment, CAD M/1 389. Sivan GAGl 246; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 336 n. 111.
¶ Forms: sg. mṯyn.
A garment (shawl, sash (?)): mṯyn b ṯṯt one m. for six (shekels), 4.146:5.
my (I) pn. interr. 1) “who?”; 2) “what?” (Hb., Ph., Pun. my, “who?”, DNWSI 619;
HALOT 575; Ebla and pre-Sarg. Mari mī, “who?”, Gelb EDA 66; id. MR 149;
“Zahl”, “was” (?), Krebernik PET 97; Pagan ARES 3 253; EA Akk. mi-ia(-mi/ti),
EAT 362:65, 68; 85:63; 94:12; 254:8; Sivan GAGl 248; cf. Eth. mi, “what”, CDG

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my (ii) – mzn 599

323. Gordon UT §6.33; Tropper UG 238f.; De Moor SP 194; Van Zijl Baal 177f.;
Whitley UF 7 1975 496). ¶ Forms: my.
1) Who?: my b ỉlm who among the gods?, 1.16 V 14 and par.; in bkn ctx.: my k
qdš who is like DN?, 1.179:14 (?); m[ y] b bt who is in the house?, ibid. ln. 33.
2) What?: my lỉm / hmlt what will happen to the people / multitude?, 1.5
VI 23–24 and par.
my (II) mh/y.
myn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.617 I 50.
/m-z-ʕ/ vb G/D: “to tear” (Arab. mazzaʕa, “séparer, partager”, DAF/2 1099; diff.
Margalit UF 15 1987 116 n. 23; UPA 367f. “to flap, flutter”, Arab. tamazzaʕa).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tmzʕ.
G/D. To tear: tmzʕ kst dnỉl she tore the robe of PN, 1.19 I 36 and par.
/m-z-l/ vb G/D “to avoid (obstacles), grope one’s way” / alt. “to foretell, tell
one’s fortune” ((?) denom. < mzl “constellation” / “fortune” < *nzl / alt. *mḏl.
Hb., Ph. mzl, “sign / constellation of the Zodiac” / “fortune”, DNWSI 609;
JAram. mzl, “station of the stars, constellation of the Zodiac” / “luck, fortune”,
DTT 755 / alt. Arab. maḏa/i/ula, “divulguer”, DAF/2 1081. For this and other
alternatives cf. Del Olmo IMC 167ff.: “predecir la suerte”; Hb., Ph., Aram.
mzl; “to move, walk”; Aram. mzl, “to be lavish”, Arab. maḏila; Watson LSU 11:
“to run”, cf. Akk. maziānu, “racetrack for horses (?)”; Fales SEL 1 1984 23ff.:
“corriere, messaggero”, Ebla ma-za-lum; Tropper UG 165: “hinken” < metath.
Arab. *zml; also for a survey Wyatt RTU 191 n. 72). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. ymzl;
inf. mzl.
G/D. To avoid (obstacles), grope one’s way / alt. foretell: ʕwr mzl ymzl the
blind man gropes his way (?) / foretells (the army’s fortune (?)), 1.14 II 46 f.
and par. (Diff. De Moor AuOr 27 2009 288: “let the blind one donate very
generously”; Wyatt RTU 191: “let the blind man outrun the runner”).
mzl n. m. “?” (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 112). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr.
?: l mzl śśwm for the m. of the horses, 4.863:9.
mzln PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 241).
PN: gt mzln, 4.110:16–22; 4.307:1 (cf. Kühne UF 6 1974 161; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
89: *Gittu-muzalenni).
mzn n. m. 1) “weight”; 2) (du.) “scales” (< */w-z-n/. Hb. m(ʔ/w)znym, “balances”,
HALOT 539; Hb., OAram. mwzn, “scales”, DNWSI 587f.: mʔzn1; Arab. mīzān,
a weighing-instrument, AEL 3052; Ett. mizān, “scales”, CDG 379; Ebla cf.
/waz(a)num/ in GIŠ. DILMUN/MÁḪ = wa-za-núm(/-nu-um), VE 409a; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 16; Fronzaroli EL 152. Xella TRU 89). ¶ Forms: sg. mzn; suff.
mznh; du. mznm.

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600 mznt – mẓmủ

1) Weight: ḫrṣ ṯlṯt mzn drk gold, three (shekels) by trader’s (: current) weight,
1.43:5; ššrt ḫrṣ ṯqlm kbd ʕšrt mznh a gold chain twelve shekels in weight,
4.341:1; ảlpm mznh two thousand (shekels) which are its weight, 2.81:25; w
mzn ảḥd bhm each of them with (the same) one weight, 4.809:8; in bkn ctx.:
]b mzn, 1.137:7; ] mzn, 2.79:6; cf. in unc. ctx.: mzn klỉ, 4.817:5.
2) Scales (du.): mṣb mznm (…) kp mznm (…) ảbn mznm pointer of the scales
(…) pans of the scales (…) weights of the scales, 1.24:34–37; ảrn w mznm a
chest and a (set of) scales, 4.385:5; ṯn splm w mzn klỉ, in bkn ctx.: ]mznth,
mznt PN (Hurr. (?). Gröndahl PTU 241).
PN: 4.7:19; 4.692:5.
mzt PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 241).
PN: ★a) 3.28:6 (bnʕṯtr); 3.29:9 (bn ʕṯtry); ★b) bn PN, 4.412 II 13.
mztn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 241, 262; Van Soldt SAU 35).
PN: ★a) 4.374:6; 4.378:6; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 II 5; 4.724:9.
mzy PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 241; Watson AuOr 13 1995 224);
¶ syll.: cf. ma-zi-i, RS 25.423:11 (see Van Soldt SAU 441).
PN: 4.272:1 (ảlzy); in unc. ctx.: mzy bn x[, 1.48:15 (Pardee Syria 65 1988 188 f.;
Del Olmo CR 90 n. 14: “a type of offering”).
mzyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 241).
PN: 4.297:3 (pṯrty).
/m-ẓ-ʔ/ vb G: “to meet, run into” (OSA mẓʔ, “to go, proceed”, SD 89; Eth. maṣʔa,
“to come, happen to”, CDG 369f.; Hb. mṣʔ, “to reach, meet”, HALOT 619f.; Ph.,
Hb. mṣʔ, “to find”, DNWSI 675; cf. Akk. maṣû, “entsprechen, genügen”, AHw
621f.; “to be equal, sufficient for”, CAD M/1 344 ff. Ceresko, CBQ 44 1982 551 ff.);
¶ par.: /m-ġ-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. with suff. mẓảh; prefc. ymẓả.
G. To meet, run into: w ymẓả ʕqqm and he ran into the “Destroyers”, 1.12 I 37
(// ymġy. Tropper UF 22 1990 388); šr ảḫyh mẓảh w mẓảh šr ylyh the prince of
his equals he met, yes, he ran into the prince of his comrades, 1.12 II 50–51.
mẓll n. m. “shelter” (< ẓl. Akk. maṣallu, “Schlafstätte”, AHw 619; “shepherd’s reed
hut or shelter”, CAD M/1 329; Arab. ma/iẓa/illu, “a place of shade”, AEL 1917.
De Moor SP 12, 15f., 59 n. 49; Mazzini SEL 16 1999 32 n. 26; Watson Historiae
10 2013 22); ¶ par.: mṯb. ¶ Forms: sg. mẓll.
Shelter: mṯb ỉl mẓll bnh the dwelling of DN is the shelter of his family, 1.4 I 12
and par. (// mṯb); mẓll DN the shelter of DN, 1.4 I 17 and par. (// mṯb).
Cf. ẓl.
mẓmủ n. m. “thirsty” (ptc. D of */ẓ-m-ʔ/, alloph. of /ġ-m-ʔ/. Del Olmo MLC 607;
Segert UF 20 1988 296); ¶ par.: /r-ġ-b/. ¶ Forms: acc. sg. mẓmả.
Thirsty: mẓmả yd mṯkt she (who) takes the thirsty by the hand, 1.15 I 2 (//

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mẓr 601

Cf. /ġ-m-ʔ/.
mẓr n. m. “rain” (alloph. of mṭr. Dietrich-Loretz MU 182). ¶ Forms: sg. mẓrn
(encl. -n (I)).
Rain: mẓrn ylk the rain will fall (lit. flow), 1.163:6.
Cf. mṭr.

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-n (I) multifunctional encl. morph. / emph. or det. encl. morph. (cf. Hb. nʔ, with
deprecative function, HALOT 656f. (?); DNWSI 710; Ph. n, DNWSI 710; Pun.
cf. na, DNWSI 710: nʔ; JAram. nʔ/nh = ʔnʔ, DTT 865; Israel RSOu 11 258 n. 33;
Akk. -ni, Von Soden GAG §123f.; AHw 784; OSA -n, Beeston Sabaic Grammar
29f.; Eth. -ni, emph. pn. suff., CDG 380ff.; for the classification of its uses cf.
Gordon, UT §12.9; Aartun PU/1 61ff.; Tropper UF 26 1994 466 ff.; UG 823ff.;
for a critical appraisal see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 552). ¶ Forms: -n; -ny (< -n +
-y); -nh (cf. -h (I)).
Multifunctional encl. morph. / emph. or det. encl. morpheme: 1) with n.: ★a)
with PNN and titles: krtn, 1.16 I 39; špšn the “Sun”, 2.39:21; ★b) with c. n; in
abs. state: mlkn the king, 2.42:10, 26; mkrn the trader himself, 2.42:27; klnyn
all together, 1.4 IV 45–46 (cf. klnyy, 1.3 V 33–34; cf. klny); mlủn full measure,
1.39:10; sprn mnḥ ủd the record of the delivery of payment (?), 3.10:1; ★c) with
the lexicalised n. ỉn as a vb. functor (cf. 3 Hb. ʔynnw (?)): d(t) ỉnn (…)
l(hm) that they do not have, 4.53:1 and par.; mḏrġlm dt ỉnn bd PN m. who have
not been entrusted to PN, 4.379:1; ảkl b ḥwtk ỉnn in your country there is no
food, 2.39:20; ★d) in a cstr. chain: l pnnh before her, 1.10 II 17 and par. ★e)
(of specification / deixis in omen texts apodosis and similars?): mảdtn many
people, 1.103:1 and passim, also in 1.163: ḥytn, rġbn?, mlkn, ỉbn, ṯnn (?), špšn,
ḫrdn, mẓrn, mlkn, nʕmn, bhmtn (Dietrich-Loretz MU 104); ʕnn the eye, 1.96:1;
with topicalised n; in letters: ảnykn, špšn, ảnkn, mlkn (Tropper UG 823 f.).
2) With pn.: ★a) independent: ảnkn I myself, 2.42:6; ★b) pronominal suffix:
ảnykn (concerning) your ship, 2.38:10; qšthn his bow, 1.10 II 6.
3) With a vb, vacat (here the poss. examples are considered to be endings of
the energic form or of the 3. p. pn. suff., cf. -n (IV); diff. Aartun PU/1 62f.; for
suff. pn. forms in -nn cf. Gordon UT §6.16ff.).
4) With ptc. passim: ★a) adv.: bʕdn behind, 1.3 III 33; // ʕln above, on top,
1.3 III 34 and par., 1.6 VI 22, 1.161:19 (diff. Del Olmo MLC 233; Del Olmo CR 159
n. 174: “above him”, cf. -n (IV)); ṯmn there, 2.41:21; hln behold!, then, 1.3 II 5 and
par.; in morph. -ny: cf. hlny, hnny, ṯmny; ★b) prep.: bn ẓlmt in deep darkness,
1.4 VII 54 and par. (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 651: “sons of ẓlmt”); w ln kḥṯ zblhm
and upon / from their princely seats, 1.2 I 25 and par.; lnh ydy from which
expel, 1.100:5 and par. (cf. 1.17 I 29; 1.111:21 (?), in Hurr. ctx.); ʕln yblhm ḫrṣ upon
their rods of gold, 1.4 I 38; ỉn d ʕlnh there is none who is above him, 1.3 V 33
and par.; ʕmn mlảkty with this my message, 2.33:34; ʕmn nkl with DN, 1.24:32;
ʕmn kbkbm with the stars, 1.3 III 25; škb ʕmnh he lay with her, 1.5 V 20; ʕmn
mlk with the king, 2.30:12 and par.; ʕmn PN, 4.290:5 and par.; ảpn also, 1.3 I 24

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-n (ii) – /n-ʔ-ṣ/ 603

(see ảpn (II)); ʕmny with me, 2.13:9; ʕmnkm with you (pl.), 2.21:16. For wn see
-n (II) suffixed pn. morph. used with vb, “me, to me” (c.Sem.; Gordon § 6.6;
Tropper UG 220). ¶ Forms: -n; (?) suff. -ny (+ -n encl. -y).
With a vb: yqlṣn (…) w ywpṯn he resisted me (…) and he spat on me, 1.4
III 12–13; ṣḥn (…) qran invite me (…) call me!, 1.5 I 22f.; see in bkn ctx.: y{.}ṣḥn
(…) yqr{.}ủn he invited me (…) he called me, 1.5 II 23; ảl tbkn do not weep
for me, 1.16 I 25, 30; lm tbʕrn why have you abandoned me?, 1.16 II 18; ảl ybʕrn
do not abandon / desert me, 2.41:22; ảl tšrgn do not entangle me, 1.17 VI 34; l
tbrkn (…) tmrn bless me (…) strengthen me!, 1.19 IV 32; ḥnny be kind to me,
2.15:3; in unc. ctx.: qḥny, 1.82:8.
Cf. -y (II).
-n (III) suff. pn. morph. 1) as a ge. with n., “our”; 2) with a prep., “us”
(c.Sem. Gordon §6.11; Tropper UG 224f.; ¶ syll. Ug. EN-na-a (?), PRU III 41
(RS 16.270):19, 26f., see Márquez Sefarad 68 2008 471). ¶ Forms: -n; suff. -ny
(+ encl. -y; Tropper UF 26 1994 480; Smith UBC/1 332 n. 189).
1) As a ge.: mlkn our king // ṯpṭn our judge, 1.3 V 32 and par.; šbyn our captive,
1.2 IV 29–30; qnyn our creator, 1.10 III 5; ảgrtn our mistress, 1.19 IV 51; bʕlny
our lord, 1.15 V 20; ṯġrny our gates, 1.119:28–29; ḥmytny our walls, 1.119:29; for
klnyn, klnyy cf. klny.
2) With a prep.: ʕln over us, 1.15 V 21, 22.
Cf. -ny.
-n (IV) contracted suff. pn. morph. used with a vb, “(for) him, her, it” (< /-n+hV/;
cf. Hb. /-enhū > -ennū/. Gordon §6.8; Tropper UG 214, 223). ¶ Forms: -n.
With a vb (alt. an energ. form): qḥn take it, 1.19 IV 53 (cf. qḥ ks, ln. 54); šlbšn
he clothed him, 1.5 V 23; am{.}lkn I shall make him king, 1.6 I 46; ảqbrn I shall
bury him, 1.19 III 20 (cf. aqbrnh, 1.19 III 5, 34); ảstn, I shall put him, 1.19 III 34
(cf. ašt.n, 1.5 V 5); tštn she placed him, 1.18 IV 28; y{.}lmn he hit him, 1.114:8;
cf. k tnḥn ủdmm as wail (for her(?)) the two TNN, 1.15 I 7; in bkn ctx.: ybrkn,
1.77:2 (cf. ybrk, ibid. ln. 3).
Cf. -h (I).
nảd n. m. “(little) bag” (Hb. nʔd, “leather bottle”, HALOT 657; JAram. nwd ʔ,
“leather bottle”, DTT 884; Akk. nādu, “(Wasser-) Schlauch”, AHw 704f.; “water-
skin”, CAD N/1 100f. Dietrich-Loretz MU 217; Watson AuOrS 27 90: “leather
pouch”, Hb., Aram., Akk.); ¶ par.: trḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. nảd.
Bag, little bag: nảd mr a little bag of myrrh, 1.124:5 (// trḥ ḥdṯ m[r]).
nỉršn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 101; Watson LSU 173; ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU ARAD-ir-
šu-na, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 5.
PN: bn PN, 4.422:2; 4.843:32; for 4.77:17 cf. Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 680.
/n-ʔ-ṣ/ vb G: “to despise, insult” (Hb. nʔṣ, “to spurn”, HALOT 658; Akk. nâṣu,

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604 nảt – nʕl

“geringschätzig ansehen”, AHw 758; “to scorn”, CAD N/2 53. De Moor SP 120;
diff. Sapin UF 15 1983 168 n. 56: “accuser”, Akk. naʔāšu); ¶ par.: /ʕ-š-y/ (+ lhn).
¶ Forms: G prefc. with suff. ynảṣn; act. ptc. nỉṣ (cf. 1.5 IV 26); suff. nỉṣy, nỉṣk,
G. To despise: kd ynảṣn[ for he despised me / us, 1.1 IV 23; ṭbq lḥt nỉṣh who
shuts the jaws of his detractors, 1.17 I 29 and par (// ʕšy lnh); in bkn ctx.: nỉṣ
px[ 1.5 IV 26.
nảt n. f. “lament” (?), a type of sacrifice, alt. “sacrifice of unleavened bread”
(etym. unc. Arab. naʔata “he moaned, breathed violently with moaning”,
AEL 2751. Del Olmo CR 72 n. 31; Murtonen HWSS 268. Alt. offering of unleav-
ened (bread): Hb., MHb. *nʔ, nyʔ, Arab. nyʔ, nīʔ, Eth. nāʔet, “raw, under-
done”, “unleavened bread”, HALOT 657. Diff. Rainey IOS 3 1973, 52: “offering
of acquiescence / free will”, Hb. *nʔt, *hʔwt, see ctx. ytnt, qrwn); Dietrich-
Loretz TUAT II/1 101; MU 23f.: “Schlachtopfer für die Abwehr”, Akk. naʔû, nêʔu,
niʔītum, niʔittum; Xella TRU 181f. and Pardee TR/2 1184: PN; ¶ Forms: sg. nảt.
Lament (?), a type of sacrifice, alt. sacrifice of unleavened (bread): dt nảt w
ytnt ṯrmn the (sacrifices) of “lament” and “gift” (, / to) DN, 1.127:4, cf. ln. 10: dt
nảt w qrwn. For the reading rḫ nảt in 1.4 V 5 see infra: rḫnt.
nỉt n. f. “axe” (?) (Mari Akk. GIŠ ne-e-tum, Durand MARI 3 279; cf. Akk. nētu, “ein
Holzgegenstand”, AHw 383; “wooden object”, CAD N/2 198; Ebla ne-a-tum,
Fronzaroli ARET 13 287, “ascia”, see Archi NABU 2005/69: ne-a-tum, niʔtum,
“axe”. Xella TRU 214; Watson UF 40 2008 557; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 590;
diff. Healey UF 15 1983 49f.: “ploughshare”, Hb. ʔt; Greenfield JCS 21 1967 93:
“implement used in digging trenches”, < Arab. naʔā(y), “to dig a trench”; Boyd
UVAT 141f.: OAkk. nâtum “handle (of a knife)” [cf. Huehnergard UVST 150];
Sanmartín AuOr 5 1987 150: “azada”, Eg. nwt, WäS/2 216; Watson UF 30 1998
755 n. 21: “spear”, Eg. niw); ¶ syll. Ug.: niʔtu, pl. niʔātu, cf. PRU 6 157, cf. 1 ni-it 1
me, Ug 5 84 (RS 20.235):13; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5 178 n. 8); 1 ni-iʔ-tu (ša) ŠU(.MEŠ),
PRU 6 157 (RS 19.23):5; PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):11; Huehnergard UVST 150; Van
Soldt SAU 305. ¶ Forms: sg. nỉt; du. nỉtm.
Axe (?): ★a) as a work tool: nỉt axe, 3.23:3, and passim ibid.; nỉt mỉt an axe
(?) for one hundred (shekels), 4.625:2 (see supra RS 20.235:13); ṯt nỉtm two
axes (?), ibid. ln. 5; nỉt krk an axe, a pick, 4.625:7, 9, 11, 16, 18; ★b) as a (divine)
weapon: b nỉt ỉl for the axe (?) of DN, 1.65:13 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 66 f.;
diff. Sanmartín AuOr 5 1987 150 n. 7: “tiara” < Eg. nt); in bkn ctx.: nỉt[, 1.86:21
(cf. ln. 23: ḫrmṯt).
nảṯt, in bkn ctx.: w tảsp nảṯt, 1.175:3.
nʕkn, in bkn and unc. ctx.: ảnk nʕkn[, 2.3:11.
nʕl n. m. part of the divine furniture, probably “portable platform, palanquin”
(?) (< /ʕ-l-y/. Hb. mʕlh, “platform, podium”, HALOT 613; Akk. mēlû, “Höhe”,

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nʕm (i) – nʕm (ii) 605

AHw 644. Van Selms UF 7 1975 473; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 212 f.; Watson
LSU 151; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/196: “sandal”, “sandale”, Hb. nʕl, Arab. naʕl;
Margalit MLD 18f.: “robe”, Hb. mʕyl); ¶ par.: ybl. ¶ Forms: pl. cst. nʕl.
Portable platform, palanquin (?): nʕl ỉl a divine palanquin, 1.4 I 36 (// yblhm);
in bkn ctx.: cf. nʕl[, nʕlm, 1.107:2, 21.
Cf. /ʕ-l-y/.
nʕm (I) adj. m. a) “handsome”; b) “pleasant”; c) “beneficent, magnanimous,
gracious”; d) “good” (Hb., JAram. nʕym, “to be lovely, pleasant”, HALOT 705;
JPAram. “to be pleasant”, DJPA 354; Amor. /naʕimum/, /niʕmum/, “to be
pleasant”, Gelb CAAA 26f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 98; Pagan ARES 3 142 f.
Müller Biling. 170; Xella WGE 354; PNN na-a-ma, na-ma-(DN), Müller Biling.
170; Fronzaroli ARES 1 22; Emar Akk. /naʕi/ < *naʕim, Arnaud AuOrS 1 10; Eg.
cf. /naʕimu/, /naʕmu/, “Dear, Charming, Pleasant”, Hoch SWET 181 f. (244)).
¶ Forms: sg. nʕm; f. nʕmt (cf. nʕmt (I)); pl. m. nʕmm.
Handsome, pleasant: ★a) Handsome, said of gods and heroes: nʕm ỉlm the
(most) handsome of the gods, 1.5 III 15; ỉlm nʕmm the handsome gods, 1.23:1,
23, 58, 60, 67; ġzr nʕm a handsome lad, 1.23:17; in bkn ctx.: l nʕm, 1.113:2 and
passim ibid. (diff. Del Olmo CR 143 n. 27: “sweet sound”); ★b) pleasant, fine:
w yšr mṣltm bd nʕm and he sang (with) the cymbals a pleasant song, 1.3 I 19;
nʕm ảt ṯ[[t]]ṯb you must send back pleasant (news) to your servant, 2.86:19
(Dietrich PIHANS 114 21); w nʕm k ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and it will be fine if
my lord takes notice of that, 2.91:7 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43 f.); ★c) beneficent,
magnanimous, gracious, in the royal titles: mlk nʕm mlk ṣdq beneficent king,
just king, 1.81:31 and par.; in bkn ctx.: bʕly nʕm, 2.76:6; 2.81:22, 24; bʕlk nʕm,
2.81:21; ★d) (of) good (quality), comely: ymlủ nʕm rṯ he filled with good mud,
1.16 V 29; tp ảḫh k nʕm the beauty of its brother, so comely, 1.96:2 (for a diff.
version see Ford UF 30 1998 219ff.); w ml[k] śśwm nʕmm ytn l PN and the king
will hand over (two (?)) good horses to PN, 2.45:17, cf. ln. 20; ḫmš ʕšr qn nʕm
fifteen (bundles (?)) of good quality cane, 4.247:29; said of high quality or
luxury items: ]sp nʕmm mlbš, ]š ktn nʕmm, ]ṣpy b ḫrṣ nʕmm, 2.79:8–10 (encl.
-m or pl. of excellence of nʕm (II)); in bkn ctx.: ʕl kbkbm nʕm, 1.13:18; nʕm w
ʕṯb, 1.166:14; ]nʕm, 2.50:8; ]d nʕm lbšk, 2.50:17; ]d l nʕm, 2.50:19; nʕmn, 7.227:2.
Cf. ảdnnʕm, mlknʕm, nʕmn (I), nʕmt (I), nʕmt (II), nʕmy (I).
nʕm (II) n. m. a) “grace, elegance, comeliness”; b) “delight”; c) “place of delight”;
d) “health, well-being” (Hb. nʕm, “kindness”, HALOT 706; Ph., Pun. nʕm,
“good, fortune”, DNWSI 738; Amor. /naʕmum/, /nuʕmum/, “pleasure”, Gelb
CAAA 26; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 103; Pagan ARES 3 142 f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
the element /nuʕmu-/ in PNN, Sivan GAG 255); ¶ par.: qdš (II), tp (II), tsm.
¶ Forms: sg. nʕm; suff. nʕmh; adv. use nʕmm (encl. -m (I)); nʕmn (encl. -n (I),
in 1.163:13).

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606 nʕmn (i) – nʕmt (ii)

Grace, elegance, comeliness: ★a) Grace, elegance, comeliness: d k nʕm ʕnt

nʕmh whose grace is like the grace of DN, 1.14 III 41 and par. (// tsm); w tr b
ḫl [b] nʕmm and she began to skip with grace, 1.10 II 30 and par.; yrṯy [n]ʕmh
dmrn “the Valiant One” (?) wished to possess (?) her beauty, 1.92:30 (Dijkstra
UF 26 1994 117ff.); ★b) delight: nʕm l ảrṣ mṭr bʕl a delight for the earth is the
rain of DN, 1.16 III 7 and par. (or nʕm (I) b); ★c) place of delight b nʕm b gbʕ
tlỉyt in (the place of) delight, on the peak of victory, 1.3 III 31 and par. (// qdš);
★d) health, well-being: spr nʕm śśwm, treatise on the health of horses, 1.85:1
(Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 231; AfO 35 1988 227; Pardee TH 39 f.: “thérapeutique”,
inf. D of *nʕm); nʕmn yḫsr lh well-being will be lacking to him, 1.163:13 (diff.
Pardee TR/1 859ff.: “il y aura la prospérité [pendant] (le mois) …”, rdg nʕmn
tkn -h, cf. ln. 3); in bkn ctx.: [w n] ʕmh, 1.92:27 (diff. Pardee SEC 1 2008 14, rdg.
[-]mh); for nʕmm in 2.79:8, 9, 10 cf. nʕm (I) d.
Cf. nʕm (I), nʕmy (II), nʕmyn.
nʕmn (I) adj. m. “handsome” (cf. nʕm (I); Hb. PN nʕmn, HALOT 706; Amor.
na-aḫ-ma-nu, Gelb CAAA 329); ¶ syll. Ug. cf. nʕmn (II), PN). ¶ Forms: sg.
abs., cst. nʕmn.
Handsome: nʕmn ġlm ỉl the handsome servant of DN, 1.14 I 40 and par. (title
of king Krt; Herdner TOu/1 484f.); [l] nʕmn ỉlm oh the (most)) handsome of
the gods!, 1.24:25 (epithet of the god yrḫ; see Rahmouni DEUAT 246 f.); nʕmn
ʕmq nšm the (most) handsome (and) toughest of men, 1.17 VI 45; ġzr nʕmn št
the handsome noble has prepared, 1.18 IV 14; in bkn ctx.: w yšr ʕlh nʕm[n and
in his presence the handsome (one) will sing, 1.17 VI 32; ]skt nʕmn, 1.101:13.
Cf. nʕm (I), nʕmn (II).
nʕmn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 163); ¶ syll.: nu-me-nu/na, PRU 4 236
(RS 17.251):23; Ug 5 83 (RS 20.146):11; SIG3-nu/na, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.129):17; PRU 3
201 (RS 16.257+) III 3, 11, 20, IV 20, 41; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):36; Sivan GAGl 255;
Huehnergard AkkUg 400; Van Soldt SAU 30.
PN: 4.33:41 (bn ʕbdỉlm); 4.35:21 (bn ỉryn); 4.63 I 26, IV 2; 4.96:6 (mṣry); 4.134:2;
4.232:39; 4.244:12; 4.298:4; 4.320:20; 4.366:10 (bn ʕyn); 4.658:17 (bn ply); 4.754:15
(bn ʕbdy); 4.787:3; 4.870:1; bn PN 4.807:49; 4.817:17 (bn šyn); in bkn ctx ] ʕmn,
nʕmt (I) adj. f. “graceful” (< nʕm (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. nʕmt.
Graceful: nʕmt špḥ bkrk the most graceful of the clan of your firstborn, 1.14
III 40 and par.; nʕmt bn ảḫt bʕl the most graceful among the sisters of DN, 1.10
II 16 and par. (Rahmouni DEUAT 248ff.); in bkn ctx.: [l n]mʕt[.]ảṯt, 1.14 V 15.
Cf. nʕm (I).
nʕmt (II) n. f. a) “delight, goodness”; b) “grace, thanksgiving” (poss. allom. of
nʕmy (I); Hb. nʕmh, PN, HALOT 706; Arab. naʕmat, AEL 3035). ¶ Forms: sg.

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nʕmy (i) – nʕr (i) 607

Delight, goodness: ★a) Delight: w nʕmt šnt ỉl and the delight of the years
of DN, 1.108:27; ★b) Grace, thanksgiving: hlkm b dbḥ nʕmt who come with
sacrifices of thanksgiving, 1.23:27; in bkn ctx. [l n]mʕt[.]ảṯt, 1.14 V 15.
Cf. nʕm (I).
nʕmy (I) n. f., “delight, goodness, beauty” (possibly an allom. of nʕmt; Amor.
/niʕmatum/, /niʕma/, “pleasant”, Gelb CAAA 26; Arab. niʕmat, nuʕma(y),
“benefit, blessing”, AEL 3035; cf. Hb. PNN nʕmh, nʕmy, HALOT 706. De Moor
SP 191; Tsumura UDGG 177, 188ff.; Loretz UF 33 2001 314 f.; Del Olmo AuOr 28
2010 211); par: ysmt, ysmsmt. ¶ Forms: sg. nʕmy.
Delight: mġny l nʕmy ảrṣ dbr we reach the “delight” (of) the land of “Pesti-
lence”, 1.5 VI 6 and par. (// ysmt); mddt nʕmy ʕrš hrt dispensers of the delight
of the fertile bed, 1.17 II 41 (// ysmsmt).
Cf. nʕm (I).
nʕmy (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 163); ¶ syll.: nu-ú-ma-ya, Ug 5 98 (RS 20.07):1;
cf. nu-ʔ-me, Ug 5 41 (RS 21.183):18, 37; cSivan GAGl 255; Huehnergard UVST
254; Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159.
PN: ★a) nʕmy, 4.75 V 6; ★b); in bkn ctx. bn nʕmy[, 4.436:4.
nʕmyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 163); ¶ syll.: nu-ú-ma-ya-nu, Ug 5 98 (RS
20.07):3; Sivan GAGl 255; Huehnergard UVST 254; Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159.
PN: bn nʕmyn, 4.611 I 9; in bkn ctx.: bn nʕmy[, 4.436:4.
/n-ʕ-r/ vb G/D: “to shake”; N: “to be unmade” (Hb. nʕr, “to shake off”, HALOT 707;
ni., “to be shaken, removed”, DNWSI 739. Xella TRU 309; Astour JNES 27 1968
13ff.; Bron Semitica 30 1980 13f.; Pardee TP 318); par: /n-s-y/ (II). ¶ Forms: G
prefc. tnʕr; suff. ynʕrnh.
G/D. To shake: ʕrʕrm ynʕrn!h with the tamarisk he shook it, 1.100:65 (//
N. To be unmade: tnʕr ʕrš the bed is unmade, 1.132:25.
nʕr (I) n. m. 1) “boy”; 2) “lad, assistant, serving lad” (Hb., Ph. nʕr, “lad, adoles-
cent”, HALOT 707; “young boy, servant”, DNWSI 739f.; Eg. /naʕarūna/, “Name
einer Art Truppe im ägypt. Heer”, WäS/2 209; “Elitetruppe”, Helck Bez. 516;
“Soldiers, Special Troop”, Hoch SWET 182f. (245). Farber Schlaf 55 f.; Vita
EU 105ff.; McGeough UgET 27f.: “young retainer, assistant”; Watson Histo-
riae 10 2013 36); ¶ RS Akk.: sent to PN, LÚ.TUR-ri-ia my assistant, Ug 5 48
(RS 20.19):19, but cf. Mari, Alal., EA Akk.: (LÚ.)TUR / ṣuḫāru, AHw 1109; CAD
Ṣ 234f.; ¶ par.: ṣġr. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. nʕr; suff. nʕrh; pl. abs. nʕrm; cstr. nʕr;
suff. nʕry; du. nʕrm.
1) Boy: ybky km nʕr he weeps like a boy, 1.107:8, 11 (// ṣġr); l ảšt ảṯty nʕry ṯh l
pn ỉb I am not going to leave either my wife or my boy(s) in TN in front of the
enemy, 2.33:29.
2) Lad, assistant, serving lad: ★a) in gen.: PN w ảṯth w nʕrh and his wife and his

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608 nʕr (ii) – nbʕm

lad(s), 4.339:3; PN w ṯlṯ nʕrm and three lads, ibid. 25; PN ( yd) ṯn bnh bʕlm w ṯlṯ
nʕrm w bt ảḫt with his two sons, of farmhands, and three lads and a daughter,
4.360:5; ảṯt w ṯn nʕrm a lady and two serving lads, 4.102:8; in bkn ctx. ảrbʕ
nʕr[m, 4.419:4; nʕrm bʕl šdm serving lads, labourers in the fields, 4.840, see
nʕrm šdym, 4.868:4; ★b) “assistant, page”, denoting a specific occupation (not
necessarily military; cf. Mayer-Mayer-Opificius UF 26 1994 354 ff.; Leeb Naar
185f.: Aram nʕr (Ahiqar); diff. Cutler-Macdonald UF 8 1976 27ff.; UF 9 1977
16f.: “high ranking military officers”); nʕrm pages, 4.68:60; 4.126:12; 4.745:10; ṯn
bn PN nʕrm two sons of PN, pages, 4.367:7; nʕr mryn assistants of m., 4.179:3; in
list of professions: nʕrm […] khnm […] qdšm […] [n]qdm […], 4.806:2; for km
trpả hn nʕr, 1.114:28 cf. /ʕ-r/ N (diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 113:
“Gerütteltes, Mischung”); ṯn nʕrm two assistants, 4.834:17; in bkn ctx.: w ṯnt
nʕr, 1.175:16 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 297: “page”); ảrbʕ nʕr[m], 4.419:4.
Cf. nʕr (III).
nʕr (II) n. m., a type of flour (etym. unc.: “roasted”, or “dry” (?). Akk. naḫāru,
“etwa verdorrt sein” (?), AHw 713: naḫāru I; mng. uncert., CAD N/1 127:
naḫāru A. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 343f.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 336: “per-
haps a type of flour”; Watson PIHANS 114 165 f.: a cereal, “small” > “fine”. cf.
gdl (II), “big” > “coarse”). ¶ Forms: sg. nʕr.
A type of flour (roasted (?)): (nn) dd nʕr (nn) “cauldronsful” of n., 4.402:2;
4.786:1 (diff. Dijkstra PIHANS 114 37: “shaken dd”, < /n-ʕ-r/); nʕr d ảpy PN n.
which PN made into bread, 4.362:3; ]mṭt nʕr l qry n. for the city, 4.788:4; [ʕš]rm
nʕ[r] twenty (shekels) of n., 4.796:4; in bkn ctx.: d[[b]]d nʕr, 2.89:15; dd nʕr,
4.60:3; 4.426:3; 4.788:7; 4.811:6.
nʕr (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 164; Watson AuOr 11 1993 217).
PN: 3.7:16.
nʕrb n. m. “guarantee” (?) (< /ʕ-r-b/ (II). Pun. marob, Poenulus 933, “guarantee,
protection”, DNWSI 671: mʕrb4; morph. contamination with Akk. nērebu,
“Eingang”, AHw 780; “entrance”, CAD N/2 175ff.; alt. /ʕ-r-b/ (II) N: “to be given
in guarantee”(?)). ¶ Forms: sg. nʕrb.
Guarantee (?): šdm dt nʕrb gt npk fields that are the guarantee (?) of TN,
nʕrt n. f. “maidservant” (< nʕr (I). Hb. nʕrh, “young unmarried girl, attendant”,
HALOT 707f.; Mari, Alalakh, Nuzi, EA: MÍ.TUR / ṣuḫartu, ṣeḫertum, “Mäd-
chen, junge Frau”, AHw 1109; ṣiḥirtu, “girl”, “young woman, female child”, CAD
Ṣ 184f., 229ff.
Maidservant: ṯlṯ ảṯt ảdrt w ṯlṯ ġzrm w ḫmš nʕrt three noble ladies and three
lads and five maidservants, 4.102:17; in bkn ctx. ]m nʕrt, 4.275:9.
Cf. nbʕm.
nbʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 17, 37, 39, 62, 109, 164).

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/n-b/ – nbl 609

PN: bn PN, 4.425:12.

/n-b/ vb G/Gpass.: “to be smelted, coated with” (Tropper UG 675, but p. 517 <
/nwb/, Arab. *nwb, “über jemand kommen”; alt. /n-b(-b)/ < Hb. nbb, nbwb,
“hollowed out”, HALOT 659, 660. Dressler AT 458; Margalit MLD 16: “pipe-
blown”, Hb. nbwb, Arab. ʔunbub, Akk. nabābu; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 32
2000 210: “leuchtend”, Akk. nebû; Watson LSU 150: < /nbt/, “to smelt, cover
with”, Eg. nbi); ¶ par.: šmrgt. ¶ Forms: sg. f. ptc. nbt.
G/Gpass.: to be smelted, coated in: kt ỉl nbt b ksp a divine platform, coated in
silver, 1.4 I 31 (// šmrgt).
nbdg DN (Hurr.; cf. bnnbdg).
Cf. mbk, nb/pk.
nb/pk (I) n. m. “fountain, spring” (Hb. *nbk, “source”, HALOT 663. Pardee TR2
1184: “puits”; diff. Xella TRU 42, 67f.: TN (?), cf. 1.105:10); ¶ syll. Ug. IDIM =
na[b-qu (?)] = tar-m[a?-n]i = NAB-ku, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 8; cf. TN URU
na-BA-ki Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):35 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 203: *Nabaku); PN
na-PA-ak-ku, PRU 3 162 (RS 16.348):4. Kühne UF 7 1975 260 and n. 50; Sivan
GAGl 252; Huehnergard UVST 151; Van Soldt SAU 305 f., 322 n. 140; UF 28 1996
679); ¶ par.: mqr. ¶ Forms: sg. nbk, npk.
Fountain, spring: sʕt b npk šỉbt swept from the fountain the drawers of water,
1.14 V 1 and par. (// mqr); dqtm b nbk two ewes (in sacrifice) in the fountain,
1.87:35 and par. (diff. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 203: TN); in toponymy: gt nb/pk,
gt nb/pk, 4.103:45; 4.269:19 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 89: *Gittu-nab/paki); ʕpśh
npk kwr whose border is the spring (of) TN, 3.33:7 (diff. Tropper UG 98, 791:
“Quelle” as byform of ảpq, alt. ảp+k, “ebenso, ferner”).
Cf. mbk, nbkm.
nbk (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 167); ¶ syll.: cf. na-PA-ak-ku, PRU 3 162
(RS 16.348):4. Sivan GAGl 252.
PN: in bkn ctx.: bn nbk[ 4.86 I 10.
nbkm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 398; Fs. Sanmartín 40 f.: Flurname *Nabkūma.
Kühne UF 7 1975 260; Heltzer RCAU 13); syll.: A.ŠÀ(.MEŠ): NAB/na-AB-ki-
ma, PRU 3 49 (RS 16.263):5; PRU 6 56 (RS 17.121) rev. 5 and passim ibid.;
(A.ŠÀ.)KIRI6(.KI) i-na (:) na-ba/AB-ki-ma/mi, PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):8; 83
(RS 16.157):9; 115f. (RS 16.148):5f.; KIRI6: kí-ru i-na: na-bá-ki-ma, PRU 3 47
(RS 16.150):16. Kühne UF 7 1975 260; Huehnergard UVST 151; Van Soldt Topog-
raphy 32).
TN: 4.141 III 13; in unc. ctx.: š nbkm w š gt mlk a ram: TN, a ram: TN, 1.105:10
(school exercise (?)).
Cf. nb/pk.
nbl “?” (De Moor UF 1 1969182; Fisher-Knutson JNES 28 1969 160; Johnstone Ug 7
112; Lipiński UF 3 1971 82; Dijkstra UF 15 1983 26; Pardee TP 150: “jar / amphoras

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610 nblủ – /n-b-ṭ/

/ skin-bottle / pitcher / jarres”; Watson AuOrS 27 90: “jar”, Hb. nebel, Akk,
nablu, Aram. nbl; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1986 143: “Harfe”).
?: in bkn ctx. ]skt nʕmn nbl[, 1.101:13.
nblủ n. m. “flame” (Akk. nablu, “Brandpfeil, Flamme”, AHw 698; “flame”, CAD
N/1 25ff.; Eth. nabal, “flame”, CDG 383; cf. Arab. nabl, “arrows”, AEL 3027.
Watson UF 31 1999 790); ¶ par.: ỉšt, gl (I). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. suff. nblủh; pl. nblảt
(perhaps with dimorphic gender).
Flame: tỉkl (…) nblảt b hklm continued to consume (…) the flames in the
palace, 1.4 IV 28 and par. (// ỉšt); in unc. ctx.: ṯmnt nblủh, 1.45:4 (// ghl; see
Clemens UF 33 2001 73f.).
nbq PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 246).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 III 3.
nbrn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 VII 3.
nbšt n. f. “living being(s), animal(s)”, probably a coll. allom. of npš; for the
spelling nbš cf. DNWSI 744ff.: npš. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 165;
diff. De Tarragon TOu/2 217 n. 218: “le moment de la croissance des quartiers
de la lune”, Akk. napāšu / nabāsu; Del Olmo CR 234 n. 77: “young” > Akk.
bašû, nabšû, said of the birth of living beings). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. nbšt.
Living being(s), animal(s): nbšt yrḫ young (animals) of one month, 1.130:17
(cf. ảlpm, ibid. ln. 16; cf. ảlpm yrḫ, 1.109:4–5).
Cf. npš (I).
nbt n. f. “honey” (Hb., Pun. npt, “virgin honey”, HALOT 713f.; DNWSI 749; cf.
Akk. nubtu, “Biene”, AHw 800; “honeybee”, CAD N/2 309; Arab. nūb, “bees”,
AEL 2863; Eth. nǝhb, “bee”, CDG 393. Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 92; Kogan UF 32
2000 722; Watson LSU 142); ¶ par.: šmn (I), yn: ¶ RS Akk.: cf. DUG LÀL, PRU 6
159 (RS 19.35 B+):5. ¶ Forms: sg. nbt, suff. nbtm (encl. -m; alloph. npt (?), see
Honey: ★a) kd nbt “jar(s)” of honey, 4.14:2, 8, 15; 4.780:13; ṯʕt nbt one ṯ. of honey,
4.751:6; nḫlm tlk nbtm the torrents will flow / flowed like / with honey, 1.6 III 7,
13 (// šmn); kt ḥmṣ w nbt a pitcher of vinegar and (another of) honey, 2.99:24;
★b) in ritual use: dbḥ šmn mr šmn rqḥ nbt mtnt w ynt qrt w ṯn ḥṭm (for the)
sacrifice: myrrh-perfumed oil, perfume, honey, (a) loin, (a) domestic dove,
and two unleavened loaves (?), 1.41:21; 1.87:22; (offering of) kṯ ẓrw kṯ nbt šnt
a flask (?) of balsam (and) a flask (?) of honey (of the harvest) of the year,
1.148:22; yṣq (…) b gl ḫrṣ nbt he poured honey (…) into a cup of gold, 1.14 IV 2
and par. (// yn).
/n-b-ṭ/ vb G: “to appear, arise, be obvious” (Hb. nbṭ hi., “to look”, HALOT 661;
MHb. nbṭ hi., “to illumine”; JAram. nbṭ, “to sprout”, DTT 868; Arab. nabaṭa, “to
well, issue forth”, AEL 2759; Akk. nabāṭu, “aufleuchten, -strahlen”, AHw 697;

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nbzn – /n-d-d/ 611

“to shine brightly”, CAD N/1 22ff. Cassuto BOS 2 128 n. 60; Margalit MLD 44).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tbṭ.
G. To appear, arise, be obvious: k bh bṯt l tbṭ for in it the shameless(ness), oh
yes, appears, 1.4 III 21.
nbzn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 217; AuOr 21 2003 247).
PN: 4.631:9.
/n-d-ʔ/ vb G: “to frighten away, scare off, eject” (Eth. nadʔa, “drive away”, CDG
385; Arab. nadaʔa, “to frighten”, “to cast into the fire, upon the ground”,
AEL 2778. Del Olmo IMC 107f.; Aartun StUL 85 ff.: “sich davonmachen”, <
*ndʔ; diff. De Moor ARTU 221; Verreet UF 16 1984 313ff.; Huehnergard UVST
291: “to let fly”, cf. /d-ʔ-y/). ¶ Forms: G suffc. tdủ, ydủ; impv. (?) dỉ.
G. To frighten away, scare off, eject, depopulate: ʕrm tdủ mt! pdrm tdủ šrr
from the city he frightened DN, from the town he scared off the enemy, 1.16
VI 6–7, cf. 1.16 V 48; in bkn ctx.: [ỉbn? y]št w ydủ (the enemy (?)) will devastate
and scare off / depopulate (the land), 1.103:42; in bkn ctx.: dỉ, 1.16 V 48.
Cf. ndbd, ndbn.
ndb TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 208: *Nidābu. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour RSP 2 305,
360; Astour UF 13 1981 8; Stamm UF 11 1979 756; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 679;
UF 30 1998 734); ¶ syll.: URU ni-da-bi, PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):14; Sivan GAGl
253; Van Soldt Topography 33, 179; Watson LSU 202).
TN: 4.648:12–14.
Cf. ndby.
ndbd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 39, 62, 133, 164; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334);
¶ syll. cf. na-du-ba-ti PRU 3 204 (RS 15.172): l.e. ii 3.
PN: 4.15:9; bn PN 4.862:5.
ndbn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 164; Stamm UF 11 1979 756).
PN: bn PN, 4.424:23.
Cf. nḏbn.
ndby GN m. (< ndb, TN. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 208). ¶ Forms: sg. ndby; pl. ndbym.
GN: PN ndby, 4.33:38; in bkn ctx.: ndbym, 4.55:21.
/n-d-d/ vb G: 1) “to go, move”; 2) “to disappear, be extinguished”; 3) “to prepare,
hurry, rush, launch oneself”, “to arise”, inchoative mng (Hb. ndd, “to flee,
escape”, HALOT 672; Arab. nadda, “to flee, run away”, AEL 2777f.; OAram.
“to flee”, DNWSI 716f.; Akk. nadādu(m), “weichen” (?), AHw 700f.; unc. mng.,
CAD N/1 41. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 154; Lipiński UF 2 1970 77f.; Lewis UBL 12
143; Hutton UF 35 2003 257; diff. etym. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 345 f.: “sich
hinstellen” < *d(w)d, N, Akk. izzuzu, MHb. zwz; De Moor ARTU 3 < *dd N, “to
arise, stand up”; Pardee Or 80 2011 55 n. 85, 59 n. 94: “se dresser”, id.); ¶ par.:
/q-m/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ndt?, ndd; prefc. td, tdd, ydd; inf. ndd.
G. 1) To go, move: ảṯrh tdd ỉln[ ym after him went the divine ones, 1.20 II 2

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612 ndk – /n-d-r/

and par.; k tdd bʕlt bhtm when “the Lady of the Mansions” moves, 1.91:14 (diff.
Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 347: “wenn [sie] sich hinstellt”); k tdd bʕlt bhtm
when the “Lady of the Palace” comes in procession, 1.91:14 (Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 263: “arises”).
2) To disappear, be extinguished: td ỉšt b bhtm the fire in the palace was
extinguished, 1.4 VI 32; in bkn ctx.: ảl td[d ? let her not disappear (?), 1.4 VI 10.
3) To prepare, hurry, rush, launch oneself, arise, inchoative meaning: km tdd
ʕnt ṣd when DN launches herself to hunt, 1.22 I 10 (diff. De Moor SP 95 n. 6;
ZAW 88 1976 327: “to chase”, D; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 347: “aufsteht”);
w ndd gzr l gzr yʕdb and they rushed to put (: and rushing … they put) piece
after piece, 1.23:63 (inf. used as adv; diff. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 346: “es
standen”); ndd yʕšr w yšqyn he rushed to invite him and offer him drink, 1.3
I 8 and par. (De Moor ARTU 3: “he stood up”; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 346:
“er stellte sich hin”); ydd w yqlṣn he prepared to resist me, 1.4 III 12 (// yqm.
De Moor ARTU 49: “he arose”; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 346 f.: “er stellte
sich hin”); lpnnh ydd w yqm before her he prepared to stand up, 1.10 II 17 (De
Moor ARTU 112: “he stood up”; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 347: “er stellte sich
hin”); ảl ydd mt mrzḥ w yrgm a member of the m. is not to start saying, 3.9:12
(Tropper UG 626: “stehen, sich hinstellen”, *ndd1; Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005
225: “es erhebe sich”); in unc. ctx.: l ʕnt tdd bʕl, 1.151:12 (Tropper-Verreet UF 20
1988 347: “ʕAnat soll hintreten”; tṯṯkrn x ttdn, 1.15 I 3 (diff. rdg tddn: Greenstein
UNP 24; Hutton UF 35 2003 254ff.: “they eulogize (her) and wander”).
In bkn and unc. ctx.: [b bt] ảby ndt ảnk (from the house (?)) of my father I
myself have gone, 1.18 I 26 (diff. Dijkstra UF 11 1979 207 n. 71: “childless woman”
(?), Akk. nadītu(m)).
ndk PN (?) (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 247 < (?) Emar Akk. nudigu,
Pruzsinszky PTE 270).
PN (?), in unc. ctx.: gt bn ndk the farmstead of PN (?), 1.79:4 (rdg ndr! (?);
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-Bin-nadri(?); cf. ndr).
/n-d-p/ vb Š: “to throw” (Eth. nadafa, “to throw”, CDG 386; cf. Arab. nadafa, “to
strike”, AEL 3030. Tropper UG 606; surveys: Watson Fs. Craigie 184 n. 21; Wyatt
RTU 194 n. 87). ¶ Forms: Špass. / act. ptc. sg. f. mšdpt.
Š. To throw: ảbn ydk mšdpt stones that your hand throws / thrown by your
hand, 1.14 III 14 and par. (Tropper UG 599f., 606).
/n-d-r/ vb G: “to make a vow, promise”; Gpass. “to be promised” (Hb. ndr,
nzr, “perform a vow”, “consecrate oneself to a deity”, HALOT 674f., 684; Ph.,
OAram., Palm. ndr, “to vow”, DNWSI 717ff.; OSA nḏr I, “to atone”, SD 91; Arab.
naḏara, “to make a vow”, AEL 2781f.; Eth. nāzara, “be consecrated to God’s
service”, CDG 412. Boyd UF 17 1985 61ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ydr; Gpass. prefc.

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ndr – ngb 613

G. To make a vow, promise: ṯm ydr krt there PN made a vow, 1.14 IV 37; ydr
hm (…) made a vow: if (…), 1.22 II 16. For the rdg bm ṯy ndr see ṯyndr.
Gpass. To be promised, in bkn ctx.: bn krt kmhm tdr the sons of PN were as
many as were promised, 1.15 III 23.
Cf. mḏr, ndr.
ndr n. m. “vow” (Hb. ndr, nzr, “vow”, “consecration”, HALOT 674f., 684; Ph., Pun.,
OAram. ndr, DNWSI 719; Arab. naḏr, “vow”, AEL 2782). ¶ Forms: sg. ndr; suff.
Vow: ndr vow, 1.127:2 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 27f.: “hat gelobt”, cf. /n-d-r/); w tḫss
ảṯrt ndrh DN remembered his vow, 1.15 III 26; ảp (…) ủ ṯn ndr[h is he going
to (/ has he) (…) or to change(/d) his vow?, 1.15 III 29 (KTU: ndr[m). For the
rdg ṯy ndr in 2.13:14 and 2.30:13 cf. ṯydr, ṯynḏr, TN. Poss. rdg bn ndr(!), PN, in
1.79:4 (for ndk; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-Bin-nadri (?)).
Cf. /n-d-r/.
ndrg PN (?) / divine epithet (?) (etym. unc.).
PN (?) / divine epithet (?): l ʕṯtrt ndrg to DN n. / of PN, 1.81:18 (cf. PN ảbḏr,
ỉbỉb. ln. 19).
ndwd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.704:5.
/n-d(-y)/ vb G: 1) “to throw, emit”; 2) “to take off, remove” (Hb. ndh pi., “push
away”, HALOT 672f.; Ebla cf. BA.RU = na-da-um, VE 1443; Civil Biling. 83;
Akk. nadû, “niedergelegt (Urkunde)”, AHw 705ff.; “to throw, cast down”, CAD
N/1 68ff.: cf. Arab nādā, “to proclaim”, AEL 3030. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988
340f., 348; Watson UF 40 2008 557; ¶ Forms: G suffc. nd; prefc. td.
G. 1) To throw, emit (one’s voice): ảrḫ td rgm the cow gave voice, 1.93:1 (cf.
Akk. nadû rigma, AHw 706; CAD N/1 94); in bkn ctx.: l ả<l>p ql nd for the calf
the voice he emitted, 1.10 III 16 (diff. De Moor ARTU 115: “trembling” // ẓ[š]
2) To take off, remove (clothing): yd ṣth / mỉzrth, he took off his garment /
ritual tunic, 1.17 I 3–5 and par. (diff. De Moor ARTU 225: “in his sackcloth”, cf.
yd (II)).
Cf. /y-d-y/ (I).
nḏbn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 225).
PN: ★a) 4.313:1:8 (bn ảgmn); 4.609:16; ★b) bn PN, 4.311:11.
Cf. ndbn.
*/n-ḏ-r/, alloph. of /n-d-r/.
Cf. mḏr.
ngb n. m. “victualling” (cf. Mari Akk. nagāp/bum, “versehen mit” (?), AHw 710;
“a foodstuff”, CAD N/1 105; nagābu, unc. mng, CAD N/1 105. Herdner TOu/1
490f., 516; Fensham JNSL 7 1979 23). ¶ Forms: sg. ngb.

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614 nggn – ngr

Victualling: ʕdn ngb w yṣỉ ṣbủ ṣbỉ ngb let the troops of victualling march
off, the immense army of victualling, 1.14 II 32–33 and par. (Watson LSU 97:
“victualling” / “to be assembled”; see also De Moor-Spronk CARTU 154: “to
be provisioned”, *ngb N; Loretz UF 40 2008 512 ff., 516 f. (507–521): “versehen
mit, Akk. nagāb/pum, “mit Wonne sei ausgerichtet und es ziehe aus das Heer
der Heere, ausgerüstet”, Akk. ṣidītam nagib; diff. Watson Or 48 1979 112 f.: “all”,
Akk. nagbu; Wesselius UF 15 1983 313: “south”, Hb. ngb; alt.: Tropper UG 677:
N of gbb, “sich sammeln”).
nggn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 173).
PN: bn PN, 4.794:5.
ngġln PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: 4.180:5.
Cf. tgġln.
ngh DN, in the compound divine name ngh w srr (etym. unc. De Moor UF 2 1970
315: “brightness […] of the moon”; Xella TRU 220; Del Olmo CR 287 n. 32; for
its poss. reconstruction in 1.111:20 see ibid. 165 n. 104).
DN: ngh w srr, 1.123:12.
Cf. ngršp.
/n-g-ḥ/ vb N: “to butt each other” (Hb. ngḥ, “to gore”, HALOT 667; Aram. ngḥ, “to
butt, gore”, DJPA 340; DJBA 729. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 21); ¶ par.: /t-ʕ-n/.
¶ Forms: N prefc. ảngḥ; suff. yngḥn (energ. -n).
N. To butt each other: yngḥn k rủmm they butted each other like wild bulls,
1.6 VI 17 (// ytʕn); in bkn ctx.: ]w ảngḥ, 1.172:8 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980
ngḥt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 203: *Nagḫatu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 33; Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 13 1981 7; Van Soldt Topography 32, 179;
Watson LSU 202; SEL 28 2011 30; Belmonte Fs. Watson 108); ¶ syll.: URU
na-ag-ḫa-ti, PRU 4 48 (RS 17.340) rev. 5; Van Soldt UF 29 1997 693.
TN: 4.643:18.
ngr n. m. “herald” (Akk. nāgiru, “Ausrufer, Herold”, AHw 711; “herald”, CAD N/1
115ff.; Eth. nagāri, “narrator”, CDG 392; Ebla cf. /nVgir=um/ en NIMGIR =
ne-gi-ru12-um, MEE 3 p. 197:28, 202; MEE 10 116 ad 24 obv. VI 19 ENGAR. Cf.
Herdner TOu/1 490f.; Margalit UF 8 1976 174 n. 91; Macdonald UF 11 1979
513; De Moor ARTU 218 n. 96; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 187f.; Aartun
StUL 81ff.; Watson LSU 29 n. 218, 97. ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. ÍL = na-gi-rù = [n]a-gi-ri
= n[a-gi-rù], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 51; cf. PN Na-gi-r[a-na], PRU 3 199
(RS 16.257) II 54; Sivan GAGl 251 (diff. Huehnergard UVST 94: rdg MU(?)[-; his
doubts concerning the existence of the lexical root in Sem. are unfounded;
cf. Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 197 n. 145; ¶ RS Akk.: na-gi-rù, RS 20.132 A + 20.143
C VI 17, 21f. (unpub.; Van Soldt SAU 264). ¶ Forms: sg. ngr; f. ngrt (cf. ngrt).

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ngršp – /n-g(-y)/ 615

Herald: yṣḥ ngr ỉl ỉlš he called the herald, the god, DN, 1.16 IV 6 and par.
(Rahmouni DEUAT 236f.); šmʕ l ngr ỉl ỉlš ỉlš ngr bt bʕl DN, listen, oh divine
herald, DN, DN, herald of the house of DN!, 1.16 IV 11 and par. (Rahmouni
DEUAT 64–66; diff. Huehnergard UVST 94 n. 58: “carpenter”, Sem. naggar).
See in toponymy gt ngr “Farmstead of the Carpenter (?)”, 4.125:3 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 89f.: *Gittu-naggāri (?); Watson LSU 146).
ngršp PN (etym. unc. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966 323f., 326: Gröndahl PTU 20, 37,
39, 62, 64, 164, 182).
PN: ★a) 4.180:4; ★b) in bkn ctx., bn PN, 4.382:23.
Cf. tgršp.
ngrt n. f. “herald” (cf. ngr). ¶ Forms: sg. ngrt.
Herald: w ảṯth ngrt ỉlht and his wife the herald of the goddesses, 1.16 IV 8 and
/n-g-š/ vb G: “to approach, meet, find” (< /n-g-ś(:s2)/. Hb. ngś, “to step forward,
approach”, HALOT 670f.; Arab. naǧaša, “to search after”, AEL 2771f. Cassuto
BOS 2 167; Del Olmo MLC 587; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 451 f.; Aartun
StUL 84f.; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 154; Smith UBC/1 124 n. 14; diff. Van
Zijl Baal 199f., 259: “to overwhelm, devour”, *ngš; Dahood Bib 48 1967 436;
Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 41, “oppress”, Aram. negaś). ¶ Forms: G suffc.
ngš, suff. ngšnn; inf. ngš.
G. To approach, meet, find: ngš ảnk ảlỉyn bʕl I approached / found DN,
“The Most Powerful”, 1.6 II 21; w ngš hm nġr mdrʕ and they approached /
found the guard of the sown, 1.23:68; w ngšnn ḥby and DN approached him,
/n-g-ṯ/ vb D: “to make one’s way to”, “to go in search of (someone)” (Hb. ngš,
“to spur on”, HALOT 670; Arab. naǧaṯa, “to search”, AEL 2765f.; Akk. nagāšu,
“hingehen”, AHw 710; “to leave, go away”, CAD N/1 108. De Moor SP 208 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 451f.; Tropper UG 549). ¶ Forms: G suffc. suff.
ngṯhm; D prefc. suff. tngṯh, tngṯnh.
D. To make one’s way to, to go in search of: bʕl ngṯhm b pʕnh DN made his
way to them on foot, 1.12 I 40; rḥm ʕnt tngṯh, the Damsel DN went in search
of him, 1.6 II 27 and par; in bkn ctx. tngṯnh, 1.1 V 4, 17.
Cf. mgṯ.
ngṯ TN (etym. unc. > /n-g-ṯ/ (?)).
TN: b ḥwt ngṯ tʕtqn they pass through the land TN, 2.36:17.
See /ʕ-t-q/.
/n-g(-y)/ vb G: “to go away, depart” (Arab. naǧā, “to be quick”, AEL 3028; “to
save, get away” (min), Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1110; Eg. nwḏ, “weichen, Abstand
nehmen”, WÄS 2/226.12 [Watson p. comm.]. Fensham JNSL 11 1983 77); ¶ par.:
/r-ḥ-q/. ¶ Forms: G impv. ng.

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616 ngzḥn – nġr

G. To go away, depart: w ng mlk lbty and depart, king, from my residence, 1.14
III 27 and par. (// rḥq).
ngzḥn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: na-gu5-uz-ḫa-na, PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):4; Huehn-
ergard UVST 218.
PN: bn PN, 4.103:23.
/n-ġ-r/ vb G: 1) “to protect, guard”; 2) “to watch out, take care”, with reflexive
nuance; Gt “to defend oneself” (?) (Hb. nṣr, “to keep watch, watch over”,
HALOT 718; JPAram. nṭr, “to guard, watch”, DJPA 348; Amor. /n-ṣ-r/, “to
guard”, Gelb CAAA 27; Ebla /naẓārum/ in EN.NUN.AK = na-za-lum, VE 908;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; i-na-sar, Krebernik QuSem 18 112; Fronzaroli EL 148;
StEb 7 1984 175f.; cf. NÌ.ZÁḪ= ma-SUM(zàr?)-tum, VE 118; Krebernik ZA 73
1983 5; Akk. naṣāru, AHw 755f.; CAD N 33ff.; OSA nẓr, “to observe, watch
over”, SD 102; Arab. naẓara, “to look at”, AEL 2810 ff.; Eth. naṣṣara, “to look
at”, CDG 406. Rainey UF 3 1971 157f.; De Moor SP 224; Stamm TZ 35 1979 5 ff.;
Segert UF 20 1988 295; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 155; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 552).
¶ syll. Ug.: ni-iḫ-rù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 11; Sivan GAGl 251; UF 21 1989 360;
Huehnergard UVST 153; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yġr (?) (6.85:1)
tġr; suff. tġrk, tġrkm, tġrn (energ. -n); impv. nġr; act. ptc. nġr (cf. nġr); Gt prefc.
G. 1) To protect, guard, watch out, take care: ỉlm tġrk tšlmk may the gods
protect you and grant you well-being, 2.14:4 and par.; 5.33:7; 2.85:27; 2.86:5;
2.100:6; 2.103:16; 2.104:5; 2:105:4; 2.106:4, letter formula of good wishes (cf.
also 1.6 IV 24. Cunchillos TOu/2 256; Cho LDUT 249 ff.); ỉlm l šlm tġrkm may
the gods in respect of (your) well-being protect you (pl.), 2.85:8 (cf. DIN-
GIR.MEŠ a-na šul-ma-ni [PAP]-ru-ka li-šal-li-mu-ka RSOu 7 36 (RS 34.133):4–
6; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 373); ỉl mṣrm dt tġrn npš špš the gods of TN
who protect the soul of the “Sun”, 2.23:22; w [bʕlh] ủk nġr and for certain
(your servant will) take(s) care of his lord, 2.39:8; nġr ḥwtk guard your coun-
try, 2.47:2; 2) to watch out, take care, with reflexive nuance: w nġr ʕnn ỉlm
and watch out, divine heralds, 1.4 VIII 14 (cf. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 552: N (?));
in unc. ctx.: ʕz d ỉḫd p yġr, 6.85:1.
Gt. To defend oneself (?): ttġr defend yourself (?), 1.92:33 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994
118: “be careful”; diff. Aartun StUL 160f.: “leidenschaftlich sein”, < *t/nġr).
Cf. nġr.
nġr “guard, guardian” (< act. ptc. G /n-ġ-r/. Akk. nāṣiru, “Bewacher”, AHw 756;
“guard”, CAD N/2 48; Arab. nāẓir, “looking”, AEL 2813); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ na-ḫi-
ru[-ma, PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):9; Sivan GAGl 253; Huehnergard UVST 153; Van
Soldt SAU 306; McGeough ERU 116); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ.UGULA A.ŠÀ.MEŠ,
PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. nġr.
Guard, guardian: nġr mdrʕ guardian(s) of the sown, 1.23:68–69, 73; 4.141 III 16;

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nġry – nhqt 617

4.618:6; nġr krm guard(s) of the vineyard, 1.92:23; 4.141 III 17; 4.609:12; dd l nġr
bt a “cauldronful” for the guard of the house, 4.858:7; nġr ḥwt the guardian of
the country, 2.98:37; in bkn ctx. 4.30:3, PN (?); in unc. ctx.: nġr ảr, 2.98:16.
Cf. /n-ġ-r/.
nġry PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 204, 243; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968
PN: bn PN, 4.309:13.
/n-ġ-ṣ/ vb G: “to contract, shake”; N: “to buckle” (Arab. naġaḍa, “to be in state of
motion, agitation”, AEL 2818. De Moor SP 136; Meier UF 18 1986 251 f.; Margalit
UF 15 1983 115; Van der Westhuizen UF 17 1985 364f.; Renfroe AULS 62ff.);
¶ par.: /d-l-p/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tġṣ; N. prefc. tnġṣn, “to buckle”.
G. To contract: tġṣ pnt kslh the joints of her back contracted, 1.3 III 34 and
N. To buckle: tnġṣn pnth his knuckles buckled, 1.2 IV 26 and par. (// ydlp).
nġsk PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 302).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 15; 4.571:3; in bkn ctx., n]ġsk, 4.769:46.
nġṯ TN, Syrian territory between Aleppo and Hama (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 213f.:
*Nuḫašše. Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 292f.; RGTC 6/2 116: Bo. Nuḫaši; NA
Luḫutu; OAram. lʕš; cf. Hawkins RlA 7 159ff.; diff. Spalinger JSSEA 13 1983
89ff.: Eg. Ngs); ¶ syll.: KUR nu-ḫaš / nu-ḫaš-ši / nu-ḫa-aš-ši, cf. PRU 4 255.
TN: b ḥwt nġṯ tʕtqn (the troops (?)) pass through the land of TN, 2.36:17; ảt
nġṯ you (are in) TN, 2.45:21 (diff. Pardee RTUG 122f.: “go to TN”); in bkn ctx.:
2.45:4; 2.36:18.
Cf. nġṯy.
nġṯy GN m. (< nġṯ, TN. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 213). ¶ Forms: sg. nġṯy.
GN: PN nġṯy, 4.85:10.
-nh, cf. -h (I); -n (I).
nhmmt n. f. “drowsiness, fainting fit” (/qtl(t)lt/ pattern < */n-(w-)m/. Arab.
nawm, “sleep”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1187; cf. Hb. tnwmh, “slumber”, HALOT
1761f.; Eth. tanawwama, “slumber”, CDG 409; Akk. munattu, “Morgenschlum-
mer”, AHw 672; “waking, waking time”, CAD M/2 200. Fensham JNSL 2 1972
43f.; Tropper UG 163, 276; diff. Al Yasin LRUA 52: “deep sleep (of death)”, rdg
nhm + mt; ¶ par.: šnt (II), /y-š-n/. ¶ Forms: sg. nhmmt.
Fainting fit: b dmʕh nhmmt in his weeping (he had) a fainting fit, 1.14 I 32 (//
w yšn); šnt tlủản (…) nhmmt w yqmṣ sleep overcame him (…), the fainting fit,
and he curled up, 1.14 I 34 (// šnt).
nhqt n. f. “braying” (Arab. nahaqa, “to bray”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1177; Hb.
nhq, “to bray”, HALOT 676; JPAram. nhq, “to bray”, DJPA 343; Akk. nâqu,
“aufschreien”, AHw 744; “to cry, groan”, CAD N/1 341; Eth. nǝhqa, “to bray”,
CDG 394); ¶ par.: ṯigt. ¶ Forms: sg. nhqt.

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618 nhr – nḥk

Braying: l ql nhqt ḥmrh for the noise of the braying of his donkey(s), 1.14 III 17
and par. (// ṯỉgt).
nhr n. m. 1) “river”; 2) DN (Arab. nahr, “channel”, AEL 2858; Hb., OAram. nhr,
“river, stream”, HALOT 676f.; DNWSI 720; Akk. nāru, “Fluss, Wasserlauf”,
AHw 748; “river, canal”, CAD N/1 368ff.; Eg. /nahara/, “Stream, River”, Hoch
SWET 187ff. (253); ¶ syll. Ug.: ủlnhr, PN; Huehnergard UVST 152; Van Soldt
SAU 331 n. 160; cf. DUMU na-ri, PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):5; mi-il-ki-in-a-ri, Ug 5
10 (RS 17.67) rev. 5; ¶ par.: thmt, ym (II). ¶ Forms: sg. nhr; pl./du. nhrm; suff.
nhrm (encl. -m).
1) River: ṯn npynh b nhrm (she removed) her double tunic into the river, 1.4
II 7 (// b ym); mbk nhrm the source of the two rivers, 1.4 IV 21 and par. (//
thmtm); rbt [km]n b nhrm ten thousand [acres] across the rivers, 1.3 VI 6
(in bkn ctx.; // ym); adv. use: ks ymsk nhr my cup mixes (wine) a river / in
torrents, 1.5 I 22 and par. (Cf. Ps. 105:41; diff. Dahood Bib 48 1967 437: “oil”, *nhr;
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 242: “échanson”, Arab. nahara); in bkn ctx. 1.9:16, 19;
1.14 I 6; 4.459:5; bʕl qdšm b nhr, 1.179:17.
2) Alternative DN of the god ym: ym // ṯpṭ nhr “Judge DN”, 1.2 I 28 and passim
in 1.2; ym // nhr, 1.2 IV 13, 20; 1.3 III 39; y ymm // bʕl [nhr]m, 1.2 I 37 (Rahmouni
DEUAT 238ff.: “DN, the god of the immense (waters)”).
In bkn ctx. 1.75:2 (cf. ym, ibid. ln. 1); in unc. ctx.: hmlt ḫt y nhr, 183:12.
Cf. ủlnhr.
/n-ḥ/ vb G: “to moan, groan, lament” (Arab. nāḫa, “to wail, lament”, Wehr-
Cowan DMWA 1182. Verreet Modi 57); ¶ par.: /z-ġ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tnḥn
(suff. pn. / energ. -n).
G. To moan, groan, lament: k tnḥn ủdmm as the two TN moan for her, 1.15 I 7
(// tzġ).
nḥ n. m., a type of oil / fat (?) (etym. unc. Tropper ZA 85 1995 64; Watson
UF 31 1999 790: “fat”, Akk. nâḫu, nuḫḫu, Eg. nḥḥ; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14
p. 354: “graisse animale figée”; for other opinions see Watson LSU 97, 142; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 113: “Lederschlauch für Öl”, Akk. nūḫu;
Watson AuOrS 27 90: “leather container”, Akk. nūḫu). ¶ Forms: sg. nḥ.
A type of oil / fat (?): ảrbʕ mảt l ảlp šmn nḥ one thousand four hundred of
n.-oil, 4.91:4; ṯṯt ʕšr kbd mỉtm šmn nḥ two hundred and sixteen (“jars”) of n.-oil,
nḥbl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 134); ¶ syll.: cf. na-ʔ-PA-li, PRU 3 74 (RS 16.283):6;
Sivan GAGl 250; Huehnergard UVST 240 nn. 118–119, 243 n. 127; Van Soldt
SAU 40, 323.
PN: bn PN, 4.103:18.
Cf. nḥl, nḥlt.
nḥk, “?”, 4.796:2.

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nḥl – nḥš 619

nḥl n. m. “feudatory / sharecropper / concessionaire / lessee” (< */n-ḥ-l/. Hb.,

Ph., OSA nḥl, “to maintain as a possession”, HALOT 686; “to take possession
of”, DNWSI 724f.; “to grant lease”, SD 95; Mari Akk. naḫālum, “übereignen”,
AHw 712; “to hand over (property)”, CAD N/1 126; cf. Arab. naḥala, “to make
a donation”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 947; Ebla cf. AN.EN = ma-ʔà-lum (/manḥa-
lum/ (?)), VE 800; AN.EN.EN = du-uš-da-i-i-lu-um, na-x-[ ]-lum, VE 801; Heck-
er Biling. 220 n. 88; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 40; Kienast Biling. 251: */n-l/. Del
Olmo JAOS 132 2012 613ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. nḥlh; pl. cstr. nḥlh, nḥlhm.
Feudatory / sharecropper / concessionaire / lessee: PN1 PN2 nḥlh PN1 (and)
PN2, his sharecropper, 4.155:12; passim; PN w nḥlh PN and his sharecrop-
per(s), 4.35 II 6, passim (cf. nḥlh, ibid. ln. 20–21 // MIN.MIN in partly par.
Akk. text PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):11, 12 [= DUMU PN], and Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 647); PN w nḥlh w nḥlhm PN and his sharecropper and the sharecrop-
per of both (the owner and the first nḥl), 4.69 I 6–7, passim; PN w nḥlh w
nḥlhm w nḥlhm PN and his sharecropper and their sharecropper and their
(subsequent) sharecropper, 4.69 II 21–23; šd PN1 bd PN2 nḥlh the field of PN1
in the hands of PN2, his sharecropper, 4.631:2; passim; cf. šd PN1 [b]n! PN2 l
PN3 nḥlh the field of PN1, son (!) of PN2, for PN3, his sharecropper, 4.631:12
(for the rdg [b]n! of the spelling [b]d cf. ibid. ln. 20); šd PN1 bd PN2 w šd nḥlh
bd PN3 the field of PN1 in the hands of PN2 and the field of his sharecrop-
per in the hands of PN3, 4.103:12; šd PN1 l PN2 w <š>d ṯn nḥlh l PN3 the field
of PN1 for PN2 and the other field of his sharecropper in the hands of PN3,
4.356:10; šd nḥl PN the field of the sharecropper(s) of PN, 4.7:13; in bkn ctx.:
PN … w nḥlh kdm[ and his sharecropper, two “jars”, 4.715:3, 10, 11; w nḥlh and
his sharecropper, 4.798:6.
nḥlt n. f. “property” (> “inheritance”) (cf. nḥl. Hb. nḥlh, “inalienable, hereditary
property”, HALOT 687f.; Mari Akk. niḫlatum, “property handed over”; CAD
N/2 219. Deller-Mayer-Sommerfeld Or 56 1987 208. Clifford CMC 71 f.; Forshey
NḤL; Loretz UF 34 2002 453ff.; Del Olmo JAOS 102 2012 613ff.). ¶ Forms: sg.
suff. nḥlty, nḥlth.
Property (> inheritance): ġr nḥlty the mountain of my property, 1.3 III 30 and
par.; arṣ nḥlth the land of his property, 1.3 VI 16 and par.
Cf. nḥl.
Cf. mnḥm, ynḥm.
nḥr PN (etym. unc. Zadok OLA 28 82 n. 182; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334).
PN: bn PN, 4.713:4.
nḥš n. m. “serpent, snake” (Hb. nḥš, “snake”, HALOT 690 f. Watson UF 40 2008
557; Historiae 4 2007 102; NABU 2014/23: Eg. nḥs, “to sting”); ¶ par.: bṯn.
¶ Forms: sg. nḥš; pl. nḥšm.
Serpent, snake: mnt nṯk nḥš šmrr nḥš ʕqsr incantation against snakebite,

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620 /n-ḥ-t/ – /n-ḫ/

poisoning by the sloughing serpent, 1.100:4 and par.; hlm yṯq nḥš yšlḥm <nḥš>
ʕqšr so forth let him take up a serpent, let him throw away a sloughing
<serpent>!, 1.100:12 and par.; tn {km} nḥšm y ḥr<n> tn km mhry give me the
serpents, oh DN!, give (them) to me as my dowry, 1.100:73 and par. (// bn bṯn);
ʕlh nḥ[š] yảṯr, (if there) follows (a swelling in the form of) a serpent 1.103:2;
in bkn ctx.: p nḥš the mouth of the serpent, 1.107:5.
/n-ḥ-t/ vb D: 1) “to take down (for oneself)” > “to reach for”; 2) “to take down (for
another)” > “to put at the disposal of, to bring” (Hb., OAram., Palm. nḥt, “to
pull back, to intrude deeply”, HALOT 692; “to descend, to go”, DNWSI 726f.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 185; Görg BN 32 1986 20 f.; Del Olmo MLRSO 40
n. 21; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 169f.: “einen Bogen niederdrücken, span-
nen, einen Pfeil andrücken, anlegen”, and survey of opinions; Scurlock UF 43
2011 430 n. 89: “to peel”, Arab. naḥata); ¶ par.: /y-m-n-n/. ¶ Forms: D suffc.
nḥt, nḥtm (encl. -m); prefc. ynḥt.
D. 1) To take down (for oneself) > to reach for: ỉl ḫṭh nḥt DN reached for his
sceptre, 1.23:37 (// ymnn); y mt mt nḥtm ḫṭk oh man, man!, you reached for
your sceptre, 1.23:40 and par. (// mmnnm; diff. Good UF 17 1985 153 ff.: “to
be strong, strengthen”, Hb. *nḥt; Hooker NABU 2014/23: “be strong”, Eg. nḫt:
“El grew strong as his staff” (// Eg. mn, “to be firm”); Cross UMHE 23 n. 57;
Couroyer RB 88 1981 13ff.: “encorder un arc”; Pope UF 19 1987 226: “to bend,
stretch (a bow)”, Hb. *nḥt; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 335: “to prepare”; Smith
RM 22: “your staff droops”); in bkn ctx., y]nḥtn qn he reached for an arrow
(to load the bow), 1.17 VI 9.
2) To take down (for another) > to put at the disposal of, to bring: kṯr ṣmdm
ynḥt DN brought a double mace, 1.2 IV 11 and par. (diff. Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/136 n. n: “fabriquer”, Arab. naḥata; also Tropper ZA 85 1995 58 ff.: “her-
ausgehauen”; and Smith UBC/1 322: “fashions”).
/n-ḥ(-y/w)/ vb G: “to proceed (towards), go away” (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. naḥā(w),
“to go towards”, AEL 3029; cf. Hb. nḥh, “to lead” (?), HALOT 685; Akk. cf.
naʔû(m), D, “in Bewegung setzen”, AHw 768; but “to shout, lament”, CAD N/2
134. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 51, 117ff.: nḥw, “er bewegte sich”, with survey and
discussion; diff. De Moor CARTU 154: “bear, droop, bring tribute”); ¶ par.: hlk.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yḥ.
G. 1) To proceed: yḥ pảt md !br he proceeded towards the desert fringes, 1.12
I 35 (// ytlk); in unc. ctx. and rdg: prʕ qẓ yḥ then summer fruit will go away
(?), 1.19 I 18 (Wyatt RTU 294 n. 194 for the var. rdgs).
Cf. ynḥn.
/n-ḫ/ vb G: “to rest” (Hb., OAram. nwḥ, “to settle down, repose”, HALOT 679f.;
“to be calm, at rest”, DNWSI 721; EA Akk. nu-uḫ-ti, EAT 147:56, Rainey CAT 2
286; Akk. nâḫu, “ruhen”, AHw 716f.; “to be slow, take a rest”, CAD N/1 143 ff.;

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nḫḫy – nḫt 621

Arab. nāḫa I/X, “to lay down”, AEL 2864; Eth. noḫa, “to repose”, CDG 409);
¶ par.: /y-ṯ-b/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. nḫt; prefc. tnḫ, suff. ảnḫn (encl. -n).
G. To rest: w ảp ảnk nḫt and as for me, I also have rested, 2.11:14; w ảnḫn wtnḫ
b ỉrty npš and I shall rest and my soul shall rest in my chest, 1.6 III 18–19 and
par. (// ảṯbn); for 1.16 IV 14 cf. ḫnpt.
Cf. mnḫ, nḫt.
nḫḫy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 121; AuOr 30 2012 334); ¶ syll.: cf.
ni-ḫé-ḫé?[, PRU 3 198 (RS 16.359 B):1'; ni-ḫé-ḫe, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):34.
PN: bn PN, 4.687:2.
nḫl (I) n. m. “torrent, water course” (Hb., JPAram. nḥl, “river valley, wadi”,
HALOT 686f.; DJPA 346; Emar Akk. /naḫlu/, “ravine, wadi”, Pentiuc Vocab-
ulary 129; Akk. naḫallu, naḫlu, “Bach(tal), wadi”, AHw 712; “wadi, gorge”, CAD
N/1 124f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.MEŠ na-ḫa-li, PRU 3 109 (RS 16.251):7; Huehner-
gard UVST 152; Van Soldt SAU 305; ¶ par.: plg, šmm (I). ¶ Forms: sg. nḫl; pl.
Torrent: tlủ ḥ[m]t km nḫl the venom had been drained like a torrent, 1.100:68
(// plg; diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 552: “dispersed as in a river”); nḫlm tlk nbtm
the torrents flow(ed) like / with honey, 1.6 III 7 / 13 (// šmm); d hlk b nḫl
that flows in the torrent, 3.33:8, 20; in toponymy cf. gt nḫl, 4.296:9 (A.ŠÀ.MEŠ
na-ḫa-li, PRU 3 109 (RS 16.251):7; Huehnergard UVST 152; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
90, 403: *Gittu-naḫali); in bkn ctx.: nḫlm, 1.172:9; d hlk b nḫl (the spring) that
flows in the torrent, 3.33:8; b nḫl ʕṯṯrt in the torrent of DN, 1.179:18; yd nḫlh
with its water course, 3.33:4, see ln. 8.
Cf. nḫl (II).
nḫl (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 203: *Naḫalu. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 13
1981 6; Van Soldt Topography 33; Watson LSU 202; Belmonte Fs. Watson 108).
TN: 4.243:24; 4.348:11; cf. gt nḫl, 4.296:9.
nḫnpt see ḫnpt.
nḫry TN, a river in the kingdom of Ugarit (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 392: *Naḫ(a)rā-
(yu). Astour RSP 2 305f., 359; RSOu 11 59; Liverani SDB 53 1317; Van Sold
Topography 33); ¶ syll.: ÍD na-ḫa-ra, PRU 3 89 (RS 16.135):4; na-aḫ-ra, PRU 3
83 (RS 16.157):6: i-na (ÍD) na-aḫ-ra-yi, PRU 3 127 (RS 16.154):7, 22; PRU 3 129
(RS 16.343):13; cf. AN.ZA.GÀR ÍD na-aḫ-ra-yi, RS 25.516:7 (unpub.; Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 679 n. 214); bkn PRU 3 115 (RS 16.148+):7; Sivan GAGl 251; Huehn-
ergard UVST 152, 239, 244 n. 129; Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 160, 338 n. 177; UF 28
1996 679; Topography 33 179).
TN, river in the kingdom of Ugarit: ṯlṯ ṣmdm b TN three yokes of land in TN,
nḫt n. f. “divan” (< /n-ḥ/. Akk. neḫtu, “Ruhe”, AHw 775; “peace, security”, CAD
N/1 150f.; for Hurr. /naḫḫa=/ cf. Watson LSU 53, 97, 132, 151. Also Metzger UF 2

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622 nkl – nkšy

1970 157f.; Van Selms UF 7 1975 472; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 211; diff. De
Moor AuOr 27 2009 291: “cushion”, Akk. ḫaʔūtu, Arab. ḥawāyat); ¶ par.: kḥṯ,
ksủ. ¶ Forms: sg. nḫt.
Divan: gršh (…) l nḫt l kḥṯ drkth he drove him (…) from the divan, from the
throne of his power, 1.3 IV 3 and par. (// l ksỉ); kḥṯ ỉl nḫt bẓr a divine throne,
a divan of precious metal, 1.4 I 33; in bkn ctx. nḫ!t kḥt drktk the divan, the
throne of your power, 1.22 II 18.
nkl DN; part of the compound name nkl w ỉb, wife of the god yrḫ (Sum.
> /nikkal/; Mari /nikkal/: PN i-pí-iq-ni-ik-ka-al, M.7450+ I, var. PN i-pí-iq-, M.5578+ IV; M.7834; M.8321, II; Durand NABU 1987/14; MROA 2/1
178ff. Tsevat JNES 12 1953 61f.; Herrmann YN 2; Del Olmo AuOr 9 1991 67ff.;
Smith UBC/1 170).
DN: nkl (w) ỉb, 1.24:1 and passim ibid.; in offering texts: nkl, 1.41:26 and par.;
1.106:14; in Hurr. ctx.: nkld, 1.110:8; 1.111:6; 1.116:22; 1.135:12.
Cf. ʕbdnkl, bnnkl, bnnklb, nkly.
nklb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.834:6; [bn] PN, 4.839:3.
nkly PN (< nkl, DN. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 379).
PN: 2.86:15.
n-k-m vb G: “to store, pile (up)” (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 141 f.: “aufhäufen”,
Akk. nakāmu. ¶ Forms: suffc. ảkm.
To store, pile (up): w hm ảkm ỉqnả štt bhm, and as soon as I store the
purple I will add to it, 2.87:20 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 141 f.; diff.
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 67 (RS 94.2294 / 2.87):20 rdg ảkġ < /k-ġ/).
nkr adj. m. “foreigner / stranger” (Hb. nkr, nkry, “foreign, foreigner”, HALOT 700;
JPAram. nwkryy, “strange, foreign”, DJPA 344; Amor. /nak(a)rum/, “to be alien,
different”, Gelb CAAA 27; OSA nkr, “stranger, alien, metic”, SD 96; Emar Akk.
/nikaru/, “outsider, stranger”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 133f.; Akk. nakru, “feind-
lich, Feind”, AHw 723; “foreign, alien”, CAD N/1 189 ff.; Eth. nakir, “stranger,
foreign”, CDG 397; Ebla *nkr Krebernik PET 57; Pagan ARES 3 148; Emar Akk.
ni-ka-ri (*nikār-), “étranger”, Arnaud AuOrS 1 11, 20. Rainey RSP II 84; Wat-
son UF 9 1977 279 n. 55: “enemy”, Akk. nakru. ¶ par.: ṯn (II). ¶ Forms: sg.
Foreigner: ybʕr (…) lm nkr mddth he left (…) his beloved to a foreigner, 1.14
II 49 and par. (// ṯn); in Akk. ctx.: nkr, 1.70:38; in bkn ctx. nkr[, 2.112:5, 12.
nkšy n. f. “accounting, account(s)” (Akkadianism, “Abrechnung”, AHw 789;
“account”, CAD N/2 230; Akk. nikkassu, “Abrechnung”, AHw 789; “account”,
CAD N/2 223ff., cf. NA rāb nikkassī; Bordreuil CRAIBL 1986 293; Sanmartín
UF 27 1995 459f.). ¶ Forms: sg. nkšy (Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 212; diff.
Sanmartín UF 27 1995 459f. Akk. obl. pl. /nikkassī/, with mat. lect. -y).

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/n-k-t/ – nmq(n) 623

Accounting, account(s): PN rb nkšy chief of accounting / chief accountant,

/n-k-t/ vb G: “to immolate” (Arab. nakata, “abattre”, DAF/2 1337. For general
etym. discussion cf. Renfroe AULS 134f.); ¶ par.: /d-b-ḥ/, /ṯ-ʕ-y/. ¶ Forms:
G prefc. nkt, tkt.
G. To immolate: hw nkt nkt this is the victim we immolate, 1.40:33 and par.
(// ndbḥ, nṯʕy; diff. Pardee TR/1 97, 127f.: N “l’abattage est fait”); in bkn cxt.:
w prt tkt, 1.86:4 (cf. Tropper UG 513, 628: prefc. /tukkatu/ < /n-k-t/ Gpass.:
“und eine / die Jungkuh wird niedergeschlagen”; for other proposals cf. Del
Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 257 n. 18: “novilla de cría” (?); Milik Ug 7 143:
“opprimer, menacer”, Aram. *tkk; Xella SSR 2/2 1978 385: “sano”; Watson AuOr
29 2011 162 n. 68: “tied cow”, Pun./Palm. tkk).
Cf. mkt, nkt.
nkt n. m. “immolation”, “victim” (< /n-k-t/. Pardee TR/2 1185: “le sacrifice qui est
abbatu”); ¶ par.: dbḥ, ṯʕ. ¶ Forms: sg. nkt.
Victim: hw nkt nkt this is the victim we immolate, 1.40:33 and par. (// dbḥn,
nktmn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.843:23.
nktt PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 173).
PN, in bkn ctx.: bn nktt[, 4.422:37.
/n-k-ṯ/(?) “?” (Pardee TPM 255: “rompre, détruire”, Arab., MHb. *nkṯ). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. ảkṯn.
?, in bkn ctx.: mšḥt kṯpm ảkṯn, 1.107:48.
Cf. nkyt.
nkyt n. f. “beaten, distressed” (?) (pass. ptc. G < */n-k-y/. Hb. nkh ni., “to be
struck”, “crippled, broken” HALOT 697f.; “to beat, hit”, DNWSI 730: nky1;
OAram. nky, “to beat, hit”, DNWSI 730; OSA nkyt, “mischief”, SD 96; Arab.
nakā(ʔ), “to harm, hurt”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1172; Eth. nakaya, “injure, hurt”,
CDG 397f. Herdner TOu/1 558 n. f.; diff. Gibson CML 152: “treasury”, cf.
Hb. bêt nekōt, Akk. bīt nakkamti; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 185: “women
pounding”). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. nkyt.
Beaten, distressed (?), in bkn ctx.: km nkyt like distressed (?) (women), 1.16
II 27.
nlbn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 247).
PN: bn PN, 4.115:12.
nmlḥ PN (etym. unc.; Sem. (?) < (?) mlḥ (I), (I)).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:71.
nmq(n) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 167; Watson AuOr 30 2012 334; cf. nmq,
1.69:12, in Akk. ctx.); ¶ syll.: cf. nu-ma-qi, PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) III 16.

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624 nmrt – nnủ (ii)

PN: ★a) 4.339:6; ★b) bn PN, 3.21:18; 4.7:4; 4.233:7; 4.841:23; in bkn ctx., 4.422:42.
nmrt n. f. “splendour” (Akk. namartu, namurratu, “Erscheinung (?)”, “furchter-
regender Glanz”, 725, 730; “numinous splendor emanating from gods, kings
…”, CAD N/1 253; cf. namrirrū, “supernatural, awe-inspiring luminosity”, CAD
N/1 237ff.; Durand Mari 7 53. De Moor UF 1 1969 179; Pardee TPM 115; Watson
LSU 98; diff. Margalit UR 136 n. 23; Parker UF 2 1971 246; De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 155: “strength, power” / “blessing”, *mrr; Cooper Fs. Pope 4: a god-
dess). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. nmrtk, nmrth.
Splendour: l r[p]ỉ ảrṣ (…) nmrtk from DN of the “Earth” (is / be) (…) your
splendour, 1.108:25 and par. (cf. + ʕzk, ḏmrk/h, lảnk/h, ḥtkk/h).
nmry royal title “Nimmureya” (< Eg. PN nb-M3ʕt-rʕ “The Lord of m3ʕt is Re”.
Von Beckerath HäK 86; Hornung LÄ 1 206ff.; cf. EA Akk.: Nib/mmureya and
var., Weber EAT p. 1565; Rainey EAT p. 102; Liverani SDB 9 1298 f.; Moran LEA
p. 583; Watson LSU 173; diff. Singer HUS 678, following Rainey JAOS 94 1974
188: Sem. “splendor” < *mrr).
Royal title: nmry mlk ʕlm Nimmureya, eternal king, 2.42:9 (Van Soldt SAU 88
n. 78, 140 n. 150, but see Clemens SURS 241f.; Dijkstra HUS 158: “splendour of
an everlasting kingship”).
nmš PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 167; Watson LSU 173).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 IV 16.
nmty PN (etym. unc.).
PN: PN 4.851:7.
nmy cf. ả(?)my.
-nn cf. -n (I), 3.
nn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 426; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 165; Watson
AuOr 13 1995 225; AuOr 30 2012 335); ¶ syll.: cf. na-na-a, PRU 3 7 (RS 8.333):6
and passim ibid.; ni-in4-na, PRU 4 202 (RS 18.20+) rev. 7.
PN: 4.52:11 (ảrspy).
nnủ (I) n. m. of medicinal plant (Akk. nīnû, “Ammi, Zahnstocherdolde”, AHw
791; “a medicinal plant”, CAD N/2 241; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
41; Cohen-Sivan UHT 29; Pardee TH 60; Cohen UF 28 1996 130f.; Watson
LSU 69f.). ¶ Forms: sg. nnỉ (ge.).
Plant in hippiatric pharmacopoeia: št nnỉ a š. of n., 1.85:15, 26; 1.72:22, 32;
nnủ (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 205f.: *Nanuʔu. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 13
1981 7; NuzHur 1 18; RSOu 11 65 n. 72; Van Soldt UBL 11 367 n. 17, 381; UF 28 1996
679 n. 215; UF 30 1998 728); ¶ syll.: URU na-nu-ú/i, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.182+):16;
PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):31'; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):27; PRU 6 94 (RS 17.431):4–6;
PRU 6 116 (RS 17.64):3; PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):1, 7; AnOr 48 28 ([Varia 10]) rev.
12(?); RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):26; RS 22:31:2; RS 22.32:3; RS 22.233:6; RS 25.132

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nnḏ – npỉn 625

III 11 (unpub.; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 679); Huehnergard UVST 250 f., 272 n. 24;
Watson LSU 202; Van Soldt Topography 33, 179; Belmonte Fs. Watson 108 f.).
¶ Forms: nnủ; ge. nnỉ (4.355:18).
TN: 1.91:24; 4.68:23; 4.355:18; 4.621:2; 4.684:5; 4.693:38; 4.770:9; 4.800 II 27; for
4.610 II 13 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 679: nnủ!.
nnḏ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 243).
PN: 4.147:15.
nnġb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.867:7.
nnr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 271, 285, 426; Watson Historiae 4 2007 99 f.);
syll.: cf. nan-ni-ra-ya, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 2–4.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 2; in bkn ctx.: nnr[, 4.607:29.
nnw TN “Ninive” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 209: *Ninuwa); ¶ syll.: diš8-tár URU
ni-n[u-wa], RS 17.338+:89 (Del Monte Trattato ln. 89).
TN: nnw, 1.54:3 (Hurr.).
nny TN, mountain in the kingdom of Ugarit (Anti-Casius. Hitt. TN Na-na-a, Del
Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 106f., 280; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 205 f.). Klengel GeSyr
2 410 n. 39; 3 34 f.; Bordreuil Syria 66 1989 275ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990
81; Dijkstra UF 23 1991 133f.; Astour RSOu 11 65 n. 72; Van Soldt Topography 34;
¶ syll.: [URU ḫa]l-bi ḪUR.SAG na-na-a, PRU 4 48 ff. (RS 17.340+):26; ¶ par.:
TN: nny ḥlm ảdr TN the magnificent fortress, 1.16 I 8 and par. (// ṣpn).
Cf. ḫš, ks, ṣpn.
/n-p/ vb Š “to raise, offer”, in sacrificial language (Arab. nāfa, “to be high, lofty”,
Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1185; Hb. nwp hi., “to move to and fro in front of the
altar” > tnwph, HALOT 682; Aram. nwp, “to wave”, af. “to lift up”, DJPA 345.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 67). ¶ Forms: Š prefc. tšnpn (energ. -n). For šnpt
cf. sv.
Š. To raise, offer, in sacrificial language, in bkn ctx.: tšnpn they offer, 1.50:6.
Cf. np, šnpt.
np n. m. “peak” (Hb. nwp, “height”, HALOT 682; Arab. nawf, niyāf, munīf, “som-
met”, “pointe en saillie d’une montagne”, “haut, qui domine les points d’ alen-
tour (montagne)”, DAF/2 1369; diff. De Moor SP 51 n. 52; Sanmartín UF 10 1978
352 n. 26; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 212: TN “Memphis”, Hb. np; Watson AuOr 19
2001 118; LSU 202); ¶ par.: gbl (II) (?), qʕl (I). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. np.
Peak: ʕbr ỉht np šmm pass the islands / areas of the celestial peaks, 1.3 VI 9 (//
gbl (?), qʕl; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 67: np šmm, “Westen”).
Cf. /n-p/.
npỉn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: in erased text n[[x(?)]]pỉn, 4.244:14.

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626 npk – npr (i)

npk, cf. nb/pk.

/n-p-l/ vb G: “to fall”; Gt: “to be felled” (Hb., Aram. npl, “to fall”, HALOT 709f.;
OAram, Nab., Palm. npl, “to fall”, DNWSI 741; Akk. napālu, “zu Fall bringen,
abbrechen”, AHw 733f.; “to dig out, tear down”, CAD N/1 272ff.; EA Akk.
nu-pu-ul-mi, EAT 252:25; Sivan GAGl 254; Rainey CAT 265); ¶ par.: /ḥ-w-y/
(II). ¶ Forms: G suffc. npl, nplt; prefc. tpl, tpln, ypl; Gt prefc. ttpl.
G. To fall: kn npl bʕl km ṯr thus DN fell like a bull, 1.12 II 53; npl b mšmš (had)
fallen into the marsh, 1.12 II 36; mġny l bʕl npl l ảrṣ we reached DN (who had)
fallen to the ground, 1.5 VI 8 and par.; mdʕ nplt b šr why have you fallen into
disgrace?, 1.107:10 (diff. De Moor AuOr 27 2009 290: rdg nplt bšr, “the flesh
(penis) of PN fell”); l pʕn ỉl ảl / l tpl at the feet of DN fall, yes / they fell, 1.2
I 15/31 (// tštḥwy); ảl tpl (…) ảl tštḥwy pḫr mʕd fall down, yes, (…), prostrate
yourselves, yes, before the plenary assembly, 1.2 I 15; l ảrṣ ypl ủlny my / our
strength fell to the ground, 1.2 IV 5; mṭ tpln staggering (?) you fall, 1.2 I 9; ṯm
tpl k lbnt they had fallen there like bricks, 1.13:13.
Gt. To be felled: mšbʕthn b šlḥ ttpl the seventh of them was felled by DN, 1.14
I 21 (Verreet UF 19 1987 331, 335: Gt with reflexive or reciprocal meaning: “fiel
npl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 167f.; Watson LSU 173).
PN: 4.130:8.
/n-p(-p)/ vb Gt “to sprinkle oneself, anoint oneself” (Hb. nwp, “to spray”, HALOT
682: nwp II; cf. Arab. naffa, “to snuff”, DMWA 1185; nafnafa, “bruiner”, Dozy
714; Eth. nafnafa, “drizzle, fall in small drops”, CDG 388. Watson UF 40 2008
558: Eg. npȝ. Diff. De Moor Or 37 1968 214 n. 3: /qataltal/-stem < *ypy; Aartun
StUL 161ff.: “(aus)fliessen”, < *tpp). ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. ttpp.
Gt. To sprinkle oneself, anoint oneself: ttpp anhbm she anointed herself with
(essence of) sea snails, 1.3 III 1 and par; in bkn ctx. ỉtp[p, 1.18 I 33.
/n-p-r/ vb G: “to fly, start to fly”, “to escape, leave” (Syr. nfar, “to run away
frightened”, SL 937; Arab. nafara, “to take fright and fly, run away”, AEL 2823f.;
Eth. nafara, “fly”, CDG 389); ¶ par.: /d-ʔ-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. npr; prefc. tpr;
ptc. G npr (cf. npr).
G. To fly, leave: nšrm tpr wdủ may the eagles start to fly!, 1.19 III 14 and par.; [b]
ʕlṣ ʕlṣm npr with great rejoicing they left, 1.2 I 12 (diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
128 n. i: “coeur”, Akk. nuparu).
Cf. npr (I).
npr (I) n. m. “flyer, bird” (ptc. G < /n-p-r/. Arab. nāfir, “a beast that takes fright
and runs away”, AEL 2825. Cf. De Moor SP 211; Watson Historiae 4 2007 100:
Eg. pr (?)); ¶ par.: ʕṣr. ¶ Forms: pl. nprm.
Flyer, bird: mnth l tkly npr[m] the birds finished (off) his pieces, 1.6 II 37

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npr (ii) – npš (i) 627

Cf. /n-p-r/.
npr (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 168; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 241:
/-nupar/; Muchiki Loanwords 28; Watson LSU 173); ¶ syll.: cf. na-pa-ri, PRU 6
118 (RS 18.116):4.
PN: 4.343:4 (Van Soldt SAU 35).
npršn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 174).
PN: bn PN, 4.340:18.
npṣ n. m. 1) “personal belongings, equipment, armament”; 2) “clothes, clothing,
garment(s)”; 3) “trousseau, item, set” (etym. unc., prob. coll. pl. < “pieces”
(?), cf. c.Sem. */n-p-ṣ/ḍ, /p-ḍ-ḍ/, /p-ḍ/, etc. Unlikely Al Yasin LRUA 80: Arab.
nifāḍ, minfāḍ, “a piece of cloth”, “a garment”, AEL 2832; cf. Renfroe AULS 135f.;
Marcus JANES 7 1975 93 n. 4: “gear, equipment”; Stieglitz JCS 33 1981 53;
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 54f.; Xella UF 22 1990 472; Watson LSU 98; for Mari
Akk. cf. Durand MARI 6 660: enūtum, “attirail”, nipiṣ nikkassî, “inventaire”).
¶ Forms: sg. npṣ (4.706:4); pl. abs. npṣm; cstr. npṣ; suff. npṣy/k/h.
1) Personal belongings, equipment, armament: spr npṣ PN list of the belong-
ings of PN, 4.385:1; 4.817:1; spr npṣ ảny list of naval equipment, 4.689:1; npṣm
bd mrỉ skn equipment intended for the m. of the prefect, 4.92:1; esp. military
equipment, armament: nqdm dt kn npṣhm “head shepherd” whose military
equipment has been delivered, 4.624:1; npṣ ṯlṯ ]armament of bronze (?), 4.9:1;
in bkn ctx.: w tšʕdn npṣh and they made his equipment (?) disappear, 2.31:51;
npṣ ʕx[, 3.15:1; ] yd npṣh PN (?)] with his belongings (?), 4.107:1–8; 1 l PN npṣ 1
for PN, as equipment(?), 4.706:4.
2) Clothes, clothing, garment(s): tlbš npṣ ġzr / ảṯt she put on the clothes of a
noble / woman, 1.19 IV 44/46 (Mari Akk. enūt tāḫazim “warrior garments”,
Durand MARI 6 660); rḥṣ npṣh/k/y b ym rṯ wash his / your / my clothes
when they become dirty, 1.17 I 33 and par.; spr npṣm d yṣ{.}ả b mỉḫ!d! (spelling
mistake: mỉlḫ) (…) bd PN list of garments that have been delivered through
payment of customs duty (…) in the hands of PN, 4.166:1; b ym ʕšr tt!nn npṣm
on the tenth day they deliver the garments, 1.104:16; ]w ytn npṣh ]and he
delivers his garments, 1.173:16.
3) Trousseau, item, set: npṣ bt ṯn ṯlṯ mảt a set of pieces of crimson (cloth),
three hundred (shekels), 3.13:16.
npš (I) n. f. 1) “throat, fauces”; 2) “appetite, desire”; 3) “breath, force, vigour”; 4)
“soul, spirit, life”; 5) “people (coll.), individual”; 6) “(piece of) offal” (Hb., Ph.,
Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. npš, “throat, breath, living being, people, personal-
ity, life, soul”, HALOT 711ff.; DNWSI 744ff.; Ebla /nupuštum/ in ZI = nu-bù-uš-
tum/du-um, VE 1050, 1315, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 37 [cf. nbšt, 1.130:17, Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 165, and the allom. nbš in NWS, DNWSI 744 ff.],
*npš, Krebernik PET 56; Pagan ARES 3 149; Akk. napišu, napištu, “Kehle,

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628 npš (i)

Leben” AHw 738f.; “life, vigor …”, CAD N/1 296 ff.; OSA nfs, “soul, person, self,
life”, SD 93; Arab. nafs, “soul, spirit, vital principle”, AEL 2827f.; Eth. nfs, “soul,
spirit, breath, person, life, self”, CDG 389. Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 123); ¶ syll.
Ug.: the element /napš-/ in PN n]a-ap-ša-na, PRU 6 57 (RS 17.153):8; Sivan
GAGl 252; ¶ par.: brlt, gngn. ¶ Forms: sg. npš; suff. npšy, npšk, npšh, npškm,
npskn, npšhm, npšm (?; 1.133:2).
1) Throat, fauces: l yrt b npš bn ỉlm mt come!, go down into the fauces of divine
DN, 1.5 I 7 (Loretz UF 33 2001 318f.); in unc. ctx.: št! b npš ỉšt apply (?) a cautery
(?) to the throat, 1.88:2.
2) Appetite, desire: p npš npš lbỉm thw my appetite, yes is the appetite of the
lion of the steppe, 1.5 I 14 (// brlt), see npšm npš lbỉm, 1.133:2–3; w npš ảnḫr
b ym and the appetite of the ả. (that lives) in the sea, 1.133:3–4 and par.; npš
blt ḥmr my appetite devours in heaps, 1.5 I 18; npšh l lḥm tptḥ his appetite for
eating she opened, l. 16 VI 11; dbḥ ỉmr (…) lnpš kṯr prepare a lamb (…) for the
appetite of DN, 1.17 V 17 and par.
3) Breath, force, vigour: npš ḫsrt bn nšm vigour is / was lacking to men, 1.6
II 17 and par.; npš yḥ dnỉl in (his) strength may PN (re)vive, 1.17 I 36 and par.
(// brlt); npš ʕgl the vigour of a bullock, 1.5 V 4; npš hy mḫ (in) her vigour she
(feels) exuberant, 1.19 IV 39.
4) Soul, spirit, life: tṣỉ km rḥ npšh may his soul go out like a breath, 1.18 IV 25
and par. (cf. npšhm, 1.19 II 38); ṣảt npšh outpouring of his soul, 1.16 I 35; b qṣrt
npškm for the shortness of your spirit (: your faintheartedness), 1.40:31 and
par.; qṣr npš the short of spirit (: anxious), 1.16 VI 34 and par.; ḥy np[š] life
of the soul, 2.23:18; yqrả mt b npšh who shouts to DN in his soul, 1.4 VII 48
(// gngnh); w tnḫ b ỉrty npš and my soul will rest in my breast, 1.6 III 19 and
par.; dt tġrn npš špš who protect the soul / life of the “Sun”, 2.23:23; l d hlkt
npšk that is not according to your behaviour (: the way of acting of your
soul), 2.87:32b (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 146; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 251: “where your ‘soul’ is going”); in oath formula: hn b npš ảṯrt rbt,
see, by the life of DN, the great Lady, 1.169:16 (see Ford UF 34 2002 155, 196;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 43 2011 49: “Nichts mit dem Leben der Fürstin Aṯirat
kann existieren”); ḥ npšk by the life of your soul and by the life of (my soul),
2.87:12; in bkn ctx.: b npšy, 1.93:3; npškm, 6.48:6.
5) People (coll.), individual: spr npš d ʕrb bt mlk list of the people that
have entered the royal palace, 4.338:1; ʕ]šrm npš b bt [PN (x +(?)) t]wenty
individuals in the house of[ PN, 4.102:29 and par.; kl npš all the people, 2.38:20;
in bkn ctx.: nn npš, 4.228:1–7; ymġy npš, 1.1 V 3, 16; ] y(?) npš[, 7.69:1; ]rš npš,
6) (Piece of) offal: [n]pš a (piece of) offal, 1.106:5; npš l DN a (piece of) offal
for DN, 1.119:14 and par.; kb!dm w npš ỉlỉb two livers and a (piece of) offal to DN,

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npš (ii) – /n-p-y/ 629

1.109:12 and par.; npš w š l ršp a (piece of) offal and a ram to DN, 1.105:25 and
par.; ảp w npš one muzzle and a (piece of) offal, 1.90:3 and par.; npš ṯʕ one
(piece of) offal, the “Hero”, 1.46:1; ṯt npš ả[lp two (pieces of) offal of cattle,
1.27:9; in bkn ctx.: npš w str[, 164:14; w npš, 1.170:3; ]xt npš, 1.171:8.
Cf. nbšt.
npš (II) n. m. “red wool” (< Akk. nab/pās/šu, “rote Wolle”, AHw 697; “a red-dyed
wool”, CAD N/1 21f.; Nuzi Akk. TÚG ša na-pa-sí, HSS 13 152:15; Mari Akk.:
SÍG na-ba-su, “laine rouge”, ARMT 24 175:1; Watson LSU 98); ¶ RS Akk.: cf.
SÍG.MEŠ ḪÉ.ME.DA, PRU 6 7 (RS 17.148) A 9, and cf. AHw 1298: tabarru.
¶ Forms: sg. npš.
Red wool: ʕšrm npš twenty (shekels) of red wool, 4.91:13 (diff. McGeough
UgET 52: “20 people”, npš (I)).
npšn n. m. “place of / for ‘souls’” (?) (cf. npš. Del Olmo MLC 168. For other
options: Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 125 n. p.: “ma gorge”; Smith UBC/1 219 n. 7,
253f.: “my desire”; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 155: “underwear”; for Malul’s
opinion cf. npyn, infra). ¶ Forms: sg. npšn.
Place of / for “souls”: ảrd b n[p]šny I shall go down to my “place (of souls)”
(?), 1.2 III 20.
npt n. f. “sieve, sifter” (Akk. nappītu, “Sieb”, AHw 740; “sieve”, CAD N/1 312; for
the var. options see Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 68 n. 14, 74; Watson LSU 98;
AuOrS 27 91: “sieve”, Hb. nāpāh < /n-p-y/). ¶ Forms: sg. npt.
Sieve, sifter (cultic use): kdr w npt a trough and a sieve, 1.50:10 (diff. Xella
TRU 126: “offerta in eccedenza”; Pardee TR/2 1187: “n. c. désignant une offran-
de (nbt ‘miel’ [?])”).
npṭry PN Eg. (< nfr.t-ỉry “The most beautiful” [Nofretere, wife of Ramses II];
Sanmartín UF 11 1979 724f.; diff. Aartun JNES 27 1968 34 n. 98: < Hb. pṭr,
Naptareya-Nofretere, in bkn ctx.: ]l npṭry ṯ[mnym for(?) Naptareya: ei[ghty,
1.76:11 (cf. l špš, ibid. ln. 8ff.).
npṯt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 206: *Napṯatu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 33; Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour Or 38 1969 401; Van Soldt Topography 34,
179; Watson LSU 202); ¶ syll.: URU na-ap-ša-ti, PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):17; Sivan
GAGl 252; Van Soldt UF 29 1997 692.
TN: 4.643:19.
/n-p-y/ vb Gpass./N: “to be driven away, expelled, banished” (OAram. npy, “to
sieve”, DNWSI 741; Akk. napû, nappu, “sieben”, AHw 742; “to sift”, CAD N/1 327;
Arab. nafā, “to drive away, expel, banish”, AEL 3036f.; Eth. nafaya, “to sieve”,
CDG 390. Tropper UG 513. “und die Bedrängnis wird vertrieben werden”, <
/npy/; diff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 122f.: “Sichtbarwerden der Bedrängnis”, rdg.
tp<h>; also Ford UF 30 1998 229 n. 98: Gp /phy/).¶ Forms: Gpass./N. prefc. tp.

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630 npy – nqd

Gpass./N. To be driven away, expelled, banished: wtp mṣqt, and the distress
(will) be driven away, 1.103:19.
npy n. m. “purification”, > “expurgation, atonement” (vb n. < /n-p-y/. Hb. nph,
“sieve”, HALOT 708. Del Olmo CR 124f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975
151: “Vertreibung, Deportation”, *npy; Xella TRU 260 ff.: “riprovazione”, Arab.
nafā; diff. Van Selms UF 3 1971 236: “fabric”, *npy; De Moor UF 18 1986 261;
UF 23 1991 290: “to be virtuous”, *ypy; Tropper UG 541 f.: inf. ni. ypy < *wpy
“befriedigen”); ¶ par.: mšr. ¶ Forms: sg. npy.
Expurgation, atonement: w npy gr ḥmyt ủgrt may (it be) atonement of the
guests of the walls of Ugarit, 1.40:35 and passim in 1.40, 1.84, 1.121 (// mšr; for
a discussion of this and other opinions cf. De Tarragon Fs. Loretz 727ff.; diff.
Pardee TR 2 1153: /ypy/ N, “(état de) bien-être”; but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004
npyn n. m. “tunic” (< *npy. Pun. mappa, “tablecloth”, DNWSI 673: mph. Cassuto
BOS 2 124 n. 35; De Moor ARTU 47 n. 208; Margalit RB 90 1983 560; Malul RB 93
1986 516f.; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 53; Watson UF 39 2007 679; Vita TT 331);
¶ par.: md (I). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. npynh.
Tunic: npynh (…) tmtʕ (…) ṯn npynh her tunic (…) she removed (…) her dou-
ble tunic, 1.4 II 5, 7 (// mdh; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 197 n. d: “excrément”;
Watson Or 45 1976 435 n. 6: “to remove”, Hb. nph, in Is. 30:28); Pardee CS/1 257
n. 133: “her twice-soiled (body) / her double rubbish”, *npy).
/n-q-b/ vb G: “to pierce” > “to mark” > “to name” (Hb. nqb, “to bore through”,
ni., “be marked”, HALOT 718f.; Arab. naqaba, “to bore, pierce”, Wehr-Cowan
DMWA 1160. Cf. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 182; De Moor-Spronk CARTU
156). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yqb, suff. yq[bh].
G. To pierce > to mark > to name (?), in unc. ctx.: qšt yqb [ yb]rk ʕl ảqht
k yq[bh] he named the bow (?), blessed (it), for PN, yes, he named it (?),
1.17 V 35–36. (De Moor ARTU 235; diff. Pardee CS/1 346 n. 31: < /qbb/, “to
pronounce a spell upon” (?); Margalit UPA 149: “(PN) did bend the bow”;
Wyatt RTU 269f. n. 84: “the bow he bent [and b]lessed, on behalf of PN he
ben[t it]”, *qbb, “to bend a bow”); in unc. ctx.: b lb tqb[, 1.15 V 15 (cf. /q-b-r/).
Cf. nqbn.
nqbn n. m. “caparison”, animal harness (Arab. niqāb, nuqbat, “voile”, “veste”,
DAF/2 1319; Hb. nqph, “cord”, HALOT 722; Eth. neqbat, “short skirt, apron”,
CDG 399. Cassuto BOS 2 130; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 182; Watson AuOr 29
2011 159: “(saddle-)strap”); ¶ par.: gpn. ¶ Forms: pl. / du. nqbnm; suff. nqbny.
Caparison, animal harness: št (…) dt yrq nqbnm they placed (…) the capari-
sons of gold, 1.4 IV 11 (// gnpm), cf. 1.19 II 5, nqbny.
Cf. /n-q-b/.
nqd n. m. “head shepherd, chief shepherd” (< /n-q-d/. Ebla /nāqidum/ in

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/n-q-h/ – nqmd 631

PA.MÙNSUB = na-gi-du-um, VE 958; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 35; Akk. nāqidu,

“Hirte”, AHw 744; “herdsman”, CAD N/1 333ff.; > Hb. nqd, “shepherd, sheep-
breeder”, HALOT 719f.; Syr. nāqdā, “shepherd”, SL 945; Arab. naqqād, “shep-
herd”, AEL 2837. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 336 f.; Segert UF 19 1987 409 f.;
Dijkstra Fs Sanmartín 207ff.; ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ(.MEŠ)NA.GADA, PRU 6 93 (RS
17.131):7; 131:9. ¶ Forms: sg. abs. nqd; pl. abs. nqdm (mistake nqủ!m, 4.745:4).
Head shepherd, chief shepherd: ★a) PN nqd PN, “head shepherd”, 4.98:12; ★b)
as a coll.: nqdm “head shepherds”, 4.68:71 (cf. khn, ṯnn); 4.126:5; 4.745:4 (rdg
nqd !m); nqd[m (x GÁN.ME: x ikû) “head shepherds”, 4.416:5; nqdm PNN “head
shepherds”: PNN, 4.681:1 (Van Soldt SAU 35); ủbdy nqdm lands leased to the
“head shepherds”, 4.103:44; nqdm dt kn npṣhm “head shepherds” whose (mil-
itary) equipment has been delivered, 4.624:1; ṯmnym ảrbʕt kbd ksp d nqdm
eighty-four (shekels) of silver (is the tribute) of the “head shepherds”, 4.369:8
(cf. mkr(m), ibid. ln. 2 and passim); ★c) court official rb nqdm, with the
duties of an inspector (Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 336 f.): PN (…) rb khnm
rb nqdm high priest, high head shepherd, 1.6 VI 56 (cf. MA GAL NA.GADA,
CAD N/1 335: rab nāqidī; DUB.SAR NA.GADA, Beckman JCS 35 1983 105; cf.
Hitt. Akkadogram GAL NA.GADA, Pecchioli Daddi MPDAH 450 f., GAL DUB.
SAR.GIŠ GAL LÚ.UKU.UŠ GAL NA.GADA, KUB 26 43 obv. 49); in list of profes-
sions: nʕrm […] khnm […] qdšm […] [n]qdm […], 4.806:5 (Bordreuil-Pardee
RSOu 14 p. 350).
Cf. mqd (II).
/n-q-h/ vb D: “to prepare, make ready” (Arab. naqaha, “to recover, become
sound”, AEL 3037. Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 113; slightly diff. Caquot ACF 79
1978f. 490: “se réveiller, se rétablir”, Arab. naqiha, Eth. naqha; De Moor UF 12
1980 430: id. “to recover, convalesce”; Loretz-Xella MLE 1 41: id. “erstarken”;
diff. Avishur UF 13 1981 20: “to sacrifice”, Akk. niqû); ¶ par.: /q-r-b/. ¶ Forms:
G imp. nqh.
D. To prepare, make ready: ḫṭ nqh the rod he has prepared, 1.169:5 (// qrb;
diff. Pardee TR 2 876: “la verge s’est remise”).
nql MN Oct.–Nov. (Alal. Akk. niggallu; CAD N/2 213f.; Arnaud AuOr 16 1998 166;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 29; Emar Akk. niqala; Tsukimoto ASJ 10
1988 165; Cohen CC 374ff.; De Jong-Van Soldt JEOL 30 1987–1988 71; for other
etym. cf. Watson LSU 148f.).
MN: yr]ḫ nql, 4.182:35; b yrḫ n[ql, 1.138:1.
Cf. nqly.
nqly PN (< nql, MN. Gröndahl PTU 30, 168; Watson LSU 174; Van Soldt SAU 34);
¶ syll.: ni-qa-la-a, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 42).
PN: ★a) 4.15:4; ★b) 4.69 VI 26; 4.633:8; 4.761:9.
nqmd PN of several kings of Ugarit (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 133, 168; Rainey IOS 5

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632 nqmpʕ – /n-q-y/

1975 21; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 79f.; Liverani SDB 35 1299, 1307; Klengel Syria
Handbook 139; Van Soldt SAU 2f., 8ff.; Watson LSU 174; AuOr 30 2012 344);
¶ syll.: var. the royal name níq-ma-dIM, ni-iq-má!-du, ni-qi-ma-du; in texts
from Hittite sources: ni/ní-iq-ma-an-du/di/da, níq-ma-an-di (Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 650); cf. PN na-qa-ma-du, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 9; PRU 3 252; PRU 4
248; PRU 6 141; Ug 5 330; Sivan GAGl 222, 252, 254; Huehnergard UVST 248
n. 154).
PN: n]qmpʕ [bn nq]md, 3.11:2; nqmd mlk ủgrt PN, king of TN, 3.12:6, cf. ibid.
ln 8; 1.4 VIII 49; 1.6 VI 57 (Del Olmo UF 18 1986 85 f.; Van Soldt SAU 28); 3.1:9 f.,
14, 17–18, 24; ỉl nqmd the divine / god PN, 1.113:25; in bkn ctx. ibid. ln. 19, 23;
in ritual contexts: npy nqmd atonement of PN, 1.40:28 (Van Soldt SAU 13);
1.84:40, cf. 1.121:9; qrả ủ nqmd mlk ksỉ nqmd ỉbky invoke also “king” PN: oh
throne of PN, weep!, 1.161:12–13, cf. nqmd mlk, ibid. ln. 26; in letters: 2.36:2.
nqmpʕ PN of several kings of Ugarit (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 145, 168; Rainey
IOS 5 1975 21; Liverani SDB 35 1299; Klengel Syria Handbook 129 ff., 135ff.;
Van Soldt SAU 5ff., 10ff.; Sivan GAGl 254); ¶ syll.: var. níq-me-pa, PRU 3 81
(RS 16.142):2; PRU 3 89 (RS 15.123+):2; PRU 6 24 (RS 18.53) obv. 8; PRU 6 27
(RS 17.01):2, 29; PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39):2; níq-mu-pa, PRU 4 103 (RS 17.130):3;
níq-me-e-pa, PRU 3 89 (RS 16.135):2, 8; níq-me-pa-a, PRU 4 138 (RS 18.06):18;
PRU 4 140 (RS 17.372A+) rev. 3, 8; níq-ma-pa-a, PRU 4 140 (RS 17.372A+) obv.
4; cf. PRU 3 252; PRU 4 248; PRU 6 141; in bkn ctx.: RSOu 7 11 (RS 34.140):11.
PN: ʕmṯtmr bn nqmpʕ, 3.2:3; 3.5:3; 3.32:3; n]qmpʕ [bn nq]md [mlk] ủgrt PN,
son of PN, king of TN, 3.11:2; ỉl nqmpʕ divine / god PN, 1.113:18, 21, 23; in bkn
ctx.: ibid. ln. 14.
nqp(n)t n. f. “turn, (yearly) cycle” (Hb., MHb., JAram. nqp, “to revolve, recur”,
HALOT 722; “to circle”, DTT 934. Watson VT 22 1972 463; Dahood RSP 1 364;
cf. also Hb. tqwph, “circuit, cycle”, HALOT 1783f. De Moor SP 57 n. 26); ¶ par.:
šnt (I). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. nqpnt, allom. var. nqpt.
Turn, (yearly) cycle: ṯmn nqpnt ʕd eight turns of time, 1.12 II 45 (// šnt; cf. nqpt,
nqpt, cf. nqp(n)t.
nqq PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 168; Watson Fs Sanmartín 453); ¶ syll.: cf.
DUMU ni-qa-qí[, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):41; Sivan GAGl 253.
PN: bn PN, 4.35 I 15; 4.422:48; 4.841:19.
nqṭn PN (etym. unc. Tropper UG 98; var. spelling of nqd).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:26.
/n-q-y/ vb G: “to be pure, free” (?) (Hb. nqh ni., “to be free, without blame”,
HALOT 170; JAram. pa. “to cleanse”; Arab. naqiya, “to be pure, spotless”, Hava
796). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảqy.
G. To be pure, free: in bkn ctx: ảnk (…) ảqy, I will be pure / free (?), 2.97:20.

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/n-r/ – nrn 633

/n-r/ vb G: “to shine”; L “to burn” (Akk. nawārum, “hell sein, leuchten”, AHw
778ff.; “to dawn, shine brightly”, CAD N/1 209ff.; OSA hnr, “offer burnt offer-
ing” (?), SD 101; Arab. nāra, “to mark with a hot iron”, ʔanāra, “to shine”,
AEL 2864ff.; JPAram. nhr, “to shine”, DJPA 343). ¶ Forms: G suffc. nr.
G. To shine: pn mlk nr bn the king’s countenance has shone on us, 2.13:18; pn
špš nr by the face of the “Sun” shone on me, 2.16:9.
L. To burn: w tnrr b ʕd bt and they shall burn (be burnt) in the throne-room
of the temple, 1.119:9 (Herdner Ug 5 33; Del Olmo CR 250 n. 16; for other poss.
related to Hb. tnwr, Akk. tinûru “oven” or Akk. naʔarruru “to go to assist”
cf. Xella TRU 30f.; De Moor BiOr 44 1987 207: “to roast in the oven”, *tnr L;
Watson LSU 149: tnrr, “oven”; Pardee CS/1 284: “you shall illumine”).
For the element nr in the TN mrrt tġll bnr cf. bnr.
Cf. mnrt, nmrt, nr, nrn, nrt (I), nyr, nryn.
nr n. m. 1) “sheen, gleam”; 2) meton. > “lamp”; Hb. nr, “light”, HALOT 723; Arab.
nûr, “light”, AEL 2865; Akk. nūru, “Licht”, AHw 805; “light, fire”, CAD N/2
347ff.; Ebla cf. /nūrum/ in nu-ru12-um, Krebernik QuSem 18 144: “Licht”);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /nū/īr-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 256; for /nē/īru/ in
PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):1 cf. Huehnergard UVST 152 (Van Soldt SAU 306: vacat).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. nr.
1) Sheen, gleam: ẓl ksp w nr ḫrš the sheen of silver and the gleam of gold, 1.4
II 27.
2) Lamp: šmn nr lamp oil, 2.89:17; 2.99:22; 4.786:8; 4.863:19; 5:23:6; kd šmn l nr
ỉlm a “jar” of oil for the lamp of the gods, 4.284:6; in unc. ctx.: nr, 5.22:4, 18 (or
PN (?); cf. Dietrich-Loretz KA 189f.).
Cf. mnrt, nrn, nrt (I), nryn.
nrb (?) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 210: *Nirabu 2; see ibid. 209 f.: Nirabu 1 with
syll. URU ni-ra-bi, RSOu 7 19 (RS 32.204):13, rev. 8; cf. [U]RU ni-ra[, AnOr 48
23ff. (RS “1957.2” [Varia 10]) r.e. 2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 210: rdg Ni-ra-[bi (?)]).
TN: nr[b], 1.131:6 (Hurr.).
nrn PN (Sem. Weippert GGA 216 1964 193; Gröndahl PTU 53, 166; Cunchillos
TOu/2 319 n. 15; Watson LSU 174); ¶ syll.: nu-ra-nu/na, PRU 3 34 (RS 8.207)
rev. 9; PRU 3 37 (RS 16.287):5; PRU 3 72 (RS 16.371)4; PRU 3 133 (RS 15.132):19;
PRU 3 143 (RS 16.137):10; PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 23; PRU 3 237 (RS 17.251):25;
PRU 6 53 (RS 27.053) rev. 11; PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):1; cf. ne-ra-nu, PRU 6 79
(RS 19.42):15; ni-ra-nu/na, Ug 5 58 (RS 20.232):6 and passim; nu-ri-nu, Ug 5 83
(RS 20.146):4 and passim; cf. Sivan GAGl 256; Watson AuOr 20 2002 235).
PN: ★a) 2.26:19; 4.35 I 22; 4.69 I 3; 4.80:6 (ảrny); 4.86:9 (bn mtn[); 4.103:8
(cf. Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.154:4 (Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.188:12 (nr{.}n; Watson
AuOr 8 1990 127; Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.753:3 (bn ảlyy), 13 (Van Soldt SAU 37);
4.759:1 (bn ḥrzn); 4.785:20 (bn bly); 6.62:2 (bn ảgpṯr); in bkn ctx.: RSOu 14 39

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634 nrt (i) – /n-s:ś-ʕ/ (ii)

(RS 86.2235):26 (see copy p. 367 fig. 26); 4.849:3; 4.862:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.75 VI 1;
4.611 I 19.
nrt (I) n. f. “lantern, lamp” (< nr. Hb. nr, pl. nrwt, “light”, HALOT 723). ¶ Forms:
sg. cstr. nrt.
Lantern, lamp: nrt ỉlm “The Lantern of the gods”, 1.2 III 15 and par., title of the
goddess špš (Rahmouni DEUAT 252ff.); nrt ỉl<m>? špš the lantern of the gods
/ divine, DN, 1.179:38.
Cf. mnrt, nr.
nrt (II) n. f., “ploughed land, tilled field” (Hb. nyr, “prepared virgin soil”, HALOT
697); ¶ par.: ʕn (II), tl (I). ¶ Forms: sg. nrt.
Ploughed land, tilled field: bm nrt k smm in the ploughed land (is) like a
perfume, 1.16 III 10 (// ʕn, tlm).
nrṯt PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 121); ¶ syll.: cf. nu-ri-iš-ti, PRU 3 53
(RS 15.89):12.
PN: bn PN, 4.41:10.
nryn PN (Sem. Weippert GGA 216 1964 193; Gröndahl PTU 53, 166; Nougayrol
PRU 3 45ff.; Van Soldt SAU 2 n. 3, 7, 40, 83); syll.: nu-ri-ia-nu/na, Syria 16 1935
196 (RS 6.345):2; PRU 3 32f. … (RS 16.129):3 and passim (cf. nu-ri-ia, ibid. ln.
12); PRU 3 45f. (RS 16.140):4 and passim (cf. nu-ri-ia, ibid. ln. 21); PRU 3 48
(RS 16.166):7, 18; PRU 3 48f. (RS 16.248):8 and passim; PRU 3 49 (RS 16.263):7
and passim; PRU 3 50f. (RS 16.277):4 and passim; Sivan GAGl 256; Huehner-
gard UVST 237. PN: ★a) bn PN, 4.33:11 (ảrty); ★b) ʕbd PN, 4.75 VI 3.
/n-s/ vb G: “to flee” (Hb. nws, “to flee”, HALOT 681 f.; Arab. nāsa, “to move to and
fro”, AEL 2866f. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ns; prefc. (?) yns.
G. To flee: ht mlk syr ns and now the king has fled to TN, 2.40:15 (Dahood RSP 3
133; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 553; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 240, 338; for a survey
see Clemens SURS 223ff.); in bkn ctx. cf. ảl yns, 1.4 III 5 (De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 155).
/n-s-ʕ/ (I) vb G: 1) “to pull out”, 2) “to uproot” (Hb., Ph. nsʕ, “to tear out”,
HALOT 704; “to pull down”, DNWSI 737. Watson UF 8 1976 375); ¶ par.:
/h-p-k/. ¶ Forms: G. prefc. ysʕ; act. ptc. sg./pl. cstr. suff. nsʕk.
G. 1) To pull out: l ysʕ ảlt ṯbtk certainly he will pull out the support (?) of your
seat, 1.6 VI 27 (// yhpk).
2) To uproot: rỉš ġly bd nsʕk may (your) crown lose (its) vitality at the hands
of those who uproot you, 1.19 III 54.
Cf. /n-s/ś-ʕ/.
/n-s:ś-ʕ/ (II) vb G: “to pay”; Š: “to oblige to pay” (etym. unc., poss. an allom.
of /n-s-ʕ/. Greenfield JCS 29 1977 188; Fenton UF 9 1977 74 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 10 1978 422; Tropper UF 27 1995 520; Milano Fs. Pintore 1983 142 n. 3).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tśʕn, yśʕ; Š suffc. šsʕn.

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/n-s-k/ – nsk 635

G. To pay: ảlp k[sp] tśʕn w hm ảlp l tśʕn they shall pay one thousand shekels
of silver and if they do not pay the thousand (…), 3.8:12–14; ksp ḫmšm ỉsʕ I
will pay fifty shekels, 3.9:10; ṯqlm ysʕ he will pay two shekels, 3.9:17; in bkn
ctx.: ]tsʕ, 2.33:8.
Š. To oblige to pay: ksp d šsʕn the money that you have obliged me to pay,
2.81:24 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 358; Tropper UF 26 1994 461 n. 19).
Cf. /n-s-ʕ/.
/n-s-k/ vb G/Gpass.: “to pour (out), spill”; Š: “to make run, flow” (Hb. nsk, “to
pour out”, HALOT 703; Ph., Pun., OAram. “to pour out”, DNWSI 735f.; Akk.
nasāku, “flach hinwerfen”, AHw 752; “to shoot, hurl”, CAD N/2 15 ff. Dohmen
UF 15 1983 39ff.). ¶ Forms: G/Gpass. suffc. with suff. nskh; prefc. ảsk, ysk; suff.
tskh; impv. sk; D prefc. ynsk (1.82:1); Š impv. (?) šsk.
G/Gpass. To pour (out), spill: sk / ảsk šlm / ảrbdd l kbd ảrṣ pour / I shall pour
out peace / rest into the bosom of the earth, 1.3 III 16 / IV 24 and par.; ṭl šmm
tskh rbb nskh kbkbm dew that the skies poured on her, with drizzle that the
stars poured on her, 1.3 IV 24 and par.; sgsg ysk [l] rỉš s. will be poured on my
head, 1.17 VI 36; in unc. ctx.: w ygl w ynsk, let it go away and the … be poured
out, 1.82:1 (Caquot TOu/2 63 n, 162: “répandre”; De Moor ARTU 175: “to pour
Š. To make run, flow, in bkn ctx.: kp šsk make (her) palms run (with blood),
1.13:6 (diff. Walls Anat 140: “hands of your binding”; Wyatt RTU 170 and n. 5:
“attach”, cf. šns in 1.3 II 12).
Cf. nsk, nskt.
nsk n. m. “caster, forger of metals” (ptc. G /n-s-k/. Ph., Pun. nsk act. ptc. “to
pour out, to found”, DNWSI 735f.; Emar Akk. /nāsiku/, “metalsmith”, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 132. Heltzer Handwerk 86f.; Sanmartín SEL 12 1995 181 f.); ¶ syll.
Ug.: na-sí-ku URUDU, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B 1; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651;
SEL 12 1995 212; LÚ na-s[í-ku(-ma?), PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):15; Sivan GAGl
252; Huehnergard UVST 153; Van Soldt SAU 306; ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ.SIMUG
URUDU.MEŠ, LÚ.KÙ.DÍM, LÚ.ZAG.LU (ZABAR) (cf. infra: ★b)); cf. Zaccag-
nini OrAnt 9 1970 317ff.; Pardee UF 6 1974 275ff.; Dohmen UF 15 1983 41 ff.;
Heltzer IOKU 91ff. ¶ Forms: sg. nsk; pl. nskm; cstr. nsk; nṣ!k, scribal error in
Caster, forger of metals: ★a) PN nsk caster, 4.86:24 (Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997
681); 4.98:17; 4.133:3; nsk TN casters of TN, 3.18:2, 8; nsk ảrym caster(s) of
the GN, ibid. ln. 5; nskm bỉrtym casters, GN, 4.337:3; spr ảrgmn nskm record
book of the contributions of the casters, 4.261:1; (copper) l ảrgmn l nskm
(for) tribute (and delivered) to the casters, 4.43:4 (Sanmartín UF 10 1978
455f.); ★b) nsk ksp silversmith(s): 4.47:6; 4.68:74; 4.99:14; 4.183 II 22 (Van
Soldt SAU 39); 4.609:32; 4.745:7; 6.20:1 (RS Akk.: LÚ.MES̆.KÙ.DÍM, PRU 6 70

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636 nskn – /n-s-y/ (ii)

(RS 17.50):4; 131 (RS 19.35 A):2); nsk ṯlṯ boilermakers, sheet metal-workers
in copper, coppersmith: 4.35 II 8; 4.126:18; 4.183 II 27 (Van Soldt SAU 26);
4.222:8–11; 4.819:11 (nṣ!k); 4.836:15; 4.837:20 (cf. syll. Ug.: na-sí-ku URUDU,
PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B 1; RS Akk.: LÚ(.MEŠ.)SIMUG URUDU(.MEŠ), PRU 3
205 (RS 15.172) A 10; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):23; LÚ.MEŠ.ZAG.LU(-ti ZABAR),
PRU 3 78 (RS 15.Y):11f., 16; PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. II 1; cf. sbrdn); nšk qṭn
maker(s) of trinkets, iron-monger(s), 4.44:20; ★c) nsk ḥẓm casters of (metal
tips for) arrows, 4.630:14 (var. ḥḏm, 4.609:25; cf. psl ḥẓm cutters of (stone tips
for) arrows, 4.141 III 19; Sanmartín UF 20 1988 266 f.; cf. ḫḏġl).
Cf. /n-s-k/.
nskn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 26, 169); ¶ syll.: na-sí-ka-na, Syria 15
1934 133 (RS [Varia 3]):4, 29; Sivan GAGl 252; Van Soldt SAU 40.
PN: bn PN, 4.261:15; 4.335:26.
nskt n. f. 1) “casting, cast metal or object”; 2) “offering” (< /n-s-k/. Pun. nskt,
“molten / cast metal”, DNWSI 736: nskh; Hb. nsyk, nsk, “cast statue”, HALOT
702, 703; cf. Eg. /naśīku/, “Cast Metal Object, Ingot (?)”, Hoch SWET 198f.
(267). Del Olmo Fs. Gordon 1998 165ff. ¶ Forms: sg. nskt.
1) Casting, cast metal or object, in bkn ctx.: n]skt, 4.299:2, 5.
2) Offering: nskt ksp w ḫrṣ offering of silver and gold, 1.105:8 (diff. Caquot
ACF 1976 461f.: “objet fondu d’argent”; Xella TRU 40: “lingotto”; Lipiński BiOr
41 1984 438; Herdner Ug 7 14: “statuette”); nskt qlʔ offering of the shield, 1.162:2
(diff. Bordreuil-Pardee Semitica 41–42 1993 48 f.: “(un objet) fondu (en métal
Cf. /n-s-k/.
/n-s(-y)/ (I) vb G/N: “to venture” (?); Gt: “to try” (Hb. nsh ni., “to venture” / pi., “to
tempt, make an attempt”, HALOT 702. Van Selms UF 2 1970 264; diff. Hoftijzer
UF 4 1972 155: “to be afflicted, vexed” < “to try, to tax”). ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. ỉts.
G/N. To venture (?), in bkn ctx.: b ym bʕl ysy against DN1, DN2 ventured (to
attack [?]), 1.9:14.
Gt. To try, venture, in bkn ctx.: ṯm ḥrbm ỉts there with a sword I shall try (to
attack him), 1.2 IV 4 (diff. Smith UBC/1 321, 332: “there the sword I will destroy
(?)”, Hb. nts, “to smash”).
/n-s-y/ (II) vb D: “to remove” (Akk. nesû, “fern sein, sich entfernen” AHw 781f.;
“to step back, withdraw”, CAD N/2 185ff.; Arab. nassa II, “faire marcher”,
DAF/2 1243. De Moor ARTU 154 n. 29: “to take off”; Verreet Modi 93: “ent-
fernen”; Pardee TPM 216f. n. 101: “éloigner”; diff. Caquot TOu/2 92 n. 285:
“éprouver”, Hb. nsh [D (!), cf. /n-s-y/ (I)]); for a survey cf. Dietrich-Loretz Stu-
dien 362f. ¶ par.: /n-ṣ-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. (?) ysy; suff. ysynh.
D. To remove: ssnm ysynh with a date-palm branch he removes it, 1.100:66 (//
ynʕrn!h); diff. Young UF 9 1977 293: “he tore it out”, rdg ysḫnh < *nsḫ).

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nṣ (i) – nṣḥ 637

nṣ (I) n. m. “bird, wild bird” (perhaps a raptor, esp. “hawk, falcon” (?), < (?)
/n-ṣ-ṣ/. Hb. nṣ, “falcon”, HALOT 714; cf. Arab. naṣṣat, “passereau femelle”,
DAF/2 1267; Akk. naṣnaṣu, ein Vogel, AHw 757; a bird, CAD N/2 49; nāṣu,
“plumage”, CAD N/2 53; for Pun.-Lat. enosim < *nṣ, in the TN ʔynṣm, KAI 64:1
[< *ʔy nṣm “Isle of Hawks”, Gk hierákōn nḗsos, Lat. insula accipitrum], see
Harris GPL 76; Donner-Röllig KAI 2 80; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 449; AuOr 8
1990 96; Pardee AuOr 20 2002 175: “oiseau domestique” (?). ¶ Forms: sg. nṣ.
Bird, wild bird: ảṣṣ k nṣ I shall take flight like a bird, 1.117:10; [ṯ]ṯ mảt nṣ ṯlṯm
ʕṣr six hundred birds (and) thirty (head of) poultry, 4.14:5, 11; mỉ]tm nṣ two
hundred birds, 4.60:6, 10; in bkn ctx. ]š nṣ ] … birds, 4.62:2.
Cf. nṣ (II), /n-ṣ-ṣ/.
nṣ (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 169; ¶ syll.: cf. na-ṣi, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):10;
Sivan GAGl 252.
PN: 4.112 II 1.
/n-ṣ-b/ vb G: 1) “to erect”; 2) “to put, fix” (Hb. nṣb ni., “to place oneself”, hi., “to
place, set up”, HALOT 714f.; Pun., OAram., Palm., Nab. nṣb q., “to erect, to rise”,
DNWSI 749f.; EA Akk. naṣābu, “hinstellen”, AHw 755; “to settle” (?), CAD N/2
33; Sivan GAGl 254; Rainey CAT 2 408; Arab. naṣaba, “to set up”, AEL 2799ff.;
Ebla Bonechi MARI 8 491 n. 121; allom. */y-ṣ-b/); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN ia-ṣú-ba,
PRU 3 165 (RS 16.386):2, Sivan GAGl 254 and cf. yṣb. ¶ Forms: G ptc. nṣb; prefc.
G. 1) To erect: nṣb skn ỉlỉbh who erects the stela of his family god, 1.17 I 26 and
par. (diff. Healey UF 11 1979 354f.: “plantation”, Aram. nṣbtʔ, etc.; Boda UF 25
1993 12f.: “to station (oneself)”, Hb. nṣb ni.).
2) To put, fix: mrḥh l tl yṣb his lance in the t. he put, 1.16 I 51.
In bkn ctx.: nṣb, 1.157:5.
Cf. mṣb (I), mṣb (II), nṣbt, /y-ṣ-b/, yṣb.
nṣbt n. f. “predilection” (etym. unc. < /n-ṣ-b/. JAram. nisbāʔ, “selection, choice”,
DTT 915; alt. JPAram. nsybh, “free-will offering”, DJPA 354; diff. Xella TRU 213:
“stela”, OSA nṣb, Arab. nuṣb, naṣibat). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. nṣbt.
Predilection: nṣbt ỉl DN’s predilection, 1.65:7 (// ḥnn, šlm; alt. “spontaneous
Cf. /n-ṣ-b/.
nṣd DN (?) or n. of a cultic item (?), 4.182:60 (diff. Gröndahl PTU 169: PN, nṣ + d
“Falke des / ist Addu” (?)).
Cf. nṣdn.
nṣdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 16, 90, 169).
PN: bn PN, 4.76:8; 4.229:8; 4.281:4; 4.356:8.
nṣḥ n. c. “victory” (?) (Ph., OAram. nṣḥ, “to conquer, to gain a victory over”,
DNWSI 751; MHb. nṣḥ, “to be victorious”, “win”, DTT 927f. Sznycer Semit-

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638 /n-ṣ-l/ – /n-ṣ-ṣ/

ica 41–42 1993 89ff.; nṣḥwn; De Moor UF 1 1969 181 n. 101; De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 156: nṣḥy “victory”; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 448 n. i: “ma durée”
(?) / “mon éclat” (?), Hb. niṣḥî, Lam 3:18; Cooper UF 20 1988 25: “my exhorta-
tion”, Arab. naṣaḥa; Margalit UPA 396ff.: “oppressive”, *nṣḥ); ¶ par.: /l-ʔ-y/w/.
¶ Forms: G inf. with suff. nṣḥy (cf. -y (II)).
Victory, in unc. ctx.: hm nṣḥy if there is victory indeed, 1.19 II 36 (// nlỉym; diff.
Wyatt RTU 301 nn. 227–229: nṣḥy, “is oppressive” > “their secret overpowered
(?) (them)”, rdg. ṣpnhm nṣḥy, with discussion of the var. options).
/n-ṣ-l/ vb N: “to retire, cease” (MHb., OAram., JAram. nṣl, “to remove, set aside”,
DTT 929; DNWSI 753; Arab. naṣala, “se détacher et tomber”, DAF/2 1274ff.;
Eth. naṣala, “to detach, separate”, CDG 405f. Del Olmo UF 20 1988 31; CR 272
n. 102; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 321; Xella TRU 110, 112: “si apparti”; De Tarragon
TOu/2 173 n. 103: “met de côté”, *nṣl; diff. Freilich SEL 9 1992 25 n. 21: “he
should give”, Arab. waṣala). ¶ Forms: N prefc. ynṣl.
N. To retire, cease: w mlk ynṣl l ṯʕy and the king ceases as an officiant, 1.90:22
(diff. Pardee TR1 481, 487f.: “s’éloignera pour accomplir le sacrificie-ṯʕ”; see
Del Olmo UF 36 2004 595).
nṣp n. m. “half (a shekel)” or “weak (shekel)”, a weight (etym. unc. Hb. nṣp,
“certain weight”, DNWSI 754; Arab. niṣf, nuṣf, “half”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 871;
on Ebla x-NI cf. Brugnatelli WGE 177. Cf. Gordon UT § 7.56; Ben-David UF 11
1979 42; Parise IncGr 82 1984 129ff.; Liverani SDB fasc. 53 1332). ¶ Forms: sg.
Half a shekel, or weak shekel, a weight: TN ṯqlm w nṣp TN: two shekels and
“a half”, 4.49:1; TN ṯql w nṣp TN: one shekel and “a half”, ibid. 4; TN nṣp TN:
“half a shekel”, ibid. 5; tšʕm ṯlṯt w nṣp kbd ninety-three and a half, 4.779:2,
cf. 2.25:6; 4.34:4; 4.132,6; 4.337:13, 27; 4.779:2, 9; 6.20:3; 2 w nṣp, two and a half,
/n-ṣ-r/ vb G: “to sob” (Syr. nṣr, “to murmur, mutter”, SL 942. Healey VT 26 1976
429ff.; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 451f.); ¶ par.: /b-k-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tṣr; act.
ptc. f. nṣrt.
G. To sob: nṣrt tbủ pnm sobbing she went inside, 1.16 VI 5 (// bkt; diff. Aartun
StUL 90f.: “Blüte” < *nṣr < *nḍr); tṣr trm tnqt she sobbed, raised a scream (?),
1.16 II 26, 34 (// tbk); tṣr q[l rm] she sobbed, raised (her) voice, 1.16 II 25.
Cf. mṣr.
/n-ṣ-ṣ/ vb G: “to take flight, fly”; Š: in bkn ctx. (< *nṣṣ, poss. denom. < nṣ (I). Arab.
naṣṣa, “to raise”, ʔintaṣṣa, “to become raised”, AEL 2797 f. Sanmartín UF 10 1978
449f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảṣṣ; Š ptc. cf. mšṣṣ.
G. To take flight, fly: ảṣṣ k nṣ I shall take flight like a bird, 1.117:10.
Š. in bkn ctx.: drkth šṣ[ṣ, 1.1 IV 25.
Cf. mšṣṣ, nṣ (I).

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nṣṣn – /n-š-ʔ/ 639

nṣṣn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 65, 170).

PN: 4.63 II 11.
nš, in bkn ctx.: 1.107:52.
/n-š-ʔ/ vb G: 1) “to raise, lift, help up”; 2) “to carry, load with”; 3) “to wear, to
put on (clothes)”; Gt: “to go up, rise”; N: “to be raised, lifted up” (Hb. nśʔ, “to
carry, lift” HALOT 724ff.; Ph., OAram. nšʔ, “to lift up, carry”, DNWSI 760ff.; EA
Akk. na-aš-ša-a, EAT 366:14, yi-na-aš-ši, EAT 366:13, li-iš-ši, EAT 359 rev. 24,
Rainey CAT 2 130, 308; EAT 85; Ebla /nāśiʔ(i/u?)/, in IGI.ÍL = na-si-NI a-na-a,
VE 723; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 27f.; cf. en-si (</yinši(ʔ)/), Krebernik QuSem
18 112; Amor. /n-ś-ʔ/, “to raise, lift up”, Huffmon APNMT 239f.; “to carry, to
raise”, Gelb CAAA 27; OSA Sab. ns2ʔ, “arise, take action”, SD 98; Qat. “to take
away, remove” LIQ 112; Arab. našaʔa, “to rise”, AEL 2790; Akk. našû, “heben,
tragen”, AHw 762ff.; “to lift, take up”, CAD N/2 80 ff.; Eth. naśʔa, “take up,
raise”, CDG 484); ¶ par.: /š-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. nšả, nšảt, nšủ; prefc. tšả, suff.
tšản (emph. -n), tšủ, tšủn, yšủ; impv. šả, šủ; inf. cstr. nšỉ; (?) act. ptc. nšỉ; Gt
prefc. ytšỉ, ytšủ; N tnšản.
G. 1) To raise, lift, help up: ʕnkm l bʕl tšủn raise your eyes to DN, 1.119:27; tšủ
gh w tṣḥ she raised her voice and exclaimed, 1.4 V 25 and par., formula for
quoting direct speech (Del Olmo MLC 55); w yšủ ʕnh w yʕn he raised, yes,
his eyes and saw, 1.10 II 14 and par., formula of seeing (Del Olmo MLC 41);
b nšỉ ʕnh w yphn on raising his eyes, then he saw him, 1.17 V 9 and par.,
formula of seeing (Del Olmo MLC 41); tšủ knp she lifted a wing, 1.10 II 10–11;
šả ydk šmm lift your hands to heaven, 1.14 II 22 and par.; šủ ỉlm ršảtkm
l ẓr brktkm, lift up, gods, your heads from upon your knees, 1.2 I 27 and
par.; bkm tšủ ảbh straight away he helped his father up, 1.19 II 10 and par.;
bkm šả straight away, get up, 6.48:3; tšủ ảlỉyn bʕl she lifted up DN, 1.6 I 14
(// k tšth); mṭ ydh yšủ the rod in his hand he raised, 1.23:37; šả ġr l ydm
lift the mountain upon (your) hands, 1.4 VIII 5 and par.; nšủ rỉš ḥrṯm the
farm labourers raised their heads, 1.16 III 12; in unc. ctx.: bnh nšỉ, 2.82:16
(Pardee AfO 31 1984 222f.: Hb. nāśîʔ); in bkn ctx.: ]ảnk nšỉ, 2.31:17; b šỉ, 1.1
V 26.
2) To carry, load with: zbl ʕršm yšủ let the sick person carry his own stretcher
1.14 II 46 and par. (diff. Greenstein UNP 15: “even the ill will be carried in
bed”); šủ ʕdb l špš take (and) put (them) next to DN, 1.23:54, cf. ln. 65 (diff.
Smith RM 99f.: “make an offering”); dt nšủ who took (?), 4.11:7.
3) To wear, to put on (clothes): nʕmth nšảt ẓl k kbkbm her beauty wore (: was
clothed in) a sheen like the stars, 1.92:27 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 120; diff. Pardee
SEC 1 2008 14, 19, 28 n. 82: “elle lève l’ombre comme les étoiles”); in bkn ctx.:
] yšủ, 1.167:8.
Gt. To go up, rise: ytšủ yṯb he went up (and) sat down, 1.17 V 6 and par.; ytšỉ

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640 nšủ – /n-š-q/

l ảb bn ỉl may (the sacrifice) rise to the father of the gods!, l. 40:33 and par.
(Tropper UF 22 1990 390).
N. To rise up: mrḥy mlk tnšản the lances of the king will be raised / rise up,
1.103:47 (Tropper UF 26 1994 458, 463: /tinnašaʔna/).
nšủ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 207: *Našā. Van Soldt Topography 34; Watson
LSU 202); ¶ syll.: cf. [URU n]a-ša, PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):12.
TN: ḫmš b nšỉ five (labourers) in TN, 4.358:3 (Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 690 f.
nšb n. m. a piece of meat > “slice, portion” (?) (etym. unc. Metath. Pun. šlb,
part of the sacrificial animal, DNWSI 1136. Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 42;
Cathcart AuOr 5 1987 11f.: “haunch”; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 156: “haunch”;
Watson LSU 143; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 312 n. c: “filet (pour la chasse)”,
MHb. nšb); ¶ par.: ktp. ¶ Forms: sg. nšb; du. nšbm.
A piece of meat > slice, portion (?): ʕṯtrt tʕdb nšb lh DN served him a portion
(?), 1.114:10, 13 (// ktp); ṯn nšbm two n., 4.247:18, in ctx. of pieces of meat; in
bkn ctx.: nšb b ʕn, 1.1 V 6 (De Moor SP 40: “arrow”).
nšg n. m. “scabbard, sheath” (?) (Arab. nasāğat, a cloth to envelop oneself,
AEL 2788; cf. Aram. nsg, “to weave”, DJPA 352; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 211f.: “coat of mail”, Arab. nasağat, nassāğ; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 156:
“plaited bag”); ¶ par.: tʕrt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. nšgh.
Scabbard, sheath (?): tšt ḫ[…] b nšgh she put [the dagger] in its sheath, 1.19
IV 45 (// b tʕr[th]).
nšk “?”, in bkn ctx.: 4.199:3 (for var. proposals see McGeough UgET 94 n. 35).
nšlm n. m. “guarantee, deposit, pledge” (Akk. loanword. Akk. našlamtu, “Aus-
gleichszahlung”, AHw 760; “security (for a loan)”, CAD N/2 65). ¶ Forms: sg.
Guarantee, deposit, pledge: ]pr (qmḥ) d nšlm (n) ]p. (of flour) as guarantee,
Cf. /š-l-m/.
nšm n. m. pl. t. “people, men” (< *nš < *ʔnš, cf. ỉnš. Akk. nišū, “Menschen, Leute”,
AHw 796f.; “mankind, people”, CAD N/2 283ff.; Arab. nās, “men”, AEL 2866 f.);
with semantic reduction, cf. Hb. nšym, “women”, HALOT 729; Syr. neššē,
“women”, SL 951); ¶ syll. Ug.: U[N] = [nišû] = [x]-lu-ʔ-[x] = na-[š]u-ma, Ug
5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 9; Huehnergard UVST 155; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 647;
SAU 306; ¶ par.: hmlt (+ ảrṣ), ỉl (I); ršʕ. ¶ Forms: pl. nšm.
People, men: rgm l tdʕ nšm the “voice” that men do not understand, 1.3 III 27
and par. (// hmlt ảrṣ); l ymrủ ỉlm w nšm certainly he will fatten gods and men,
1.4 VII 51 (// hmlt ảrṣ); npš ḥsrt bn nšm vigour is / was lacking to men, 1.6 II 18
(// hmlt ảrṣ); ʕmq nšm the toughest of men, 1.17 VI 45; hwt ršʕ hwt bn nšm the
word(s) of the wicked, the word(s) of people, 1.178:10.
/n-š-q/ vb G/D: “to kiss” (Hb., Aram. nšq, “to kiss”, HALOT 730f.; JPAram. nšq, “to

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nšr – ntb 641

kiss” DJPA 362; Ebla cf. /nešāqu(m), nišqu(m)/ in NE.SUB5 = ne-sa-gu(-um),

VE 849; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 33; Civil Biling. 96; Akk. našāqu, “küssen”, AHw
758f.; “to kiss”, CAD N/2 57ff.); ¶ par.: /ḥ-b-q/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yšq; inf. nšq;
D prefc. ảnšq (?), tnšq, ynšq.
G. To kiss: yhbr špthm yšq he bent, kissed their lips, 1.23:49 and par. (Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 553: “he bowed down in order to kiss their lips”); bm nšq w hr
on kissing (them) there was conception, 1.23:51 and par. (// b ḥbq).
D. To kiss: ṣġr tnšq šptk the smallest will kiss your lips, l. 22 I 4; bṣql yḥbq w
ynšq the shoot he embraced and kissed, 1.19 II 15 and par; in bkn ctx.: ảnšq I
will kiss (?), 1.2 IV 4 (diff. Del Olmo UF 14 1982 58: “to ensnare, assault”, Arab.
našiqa, ʔanšaqa; Smith UBC/1 321f.: “I will burn the [ho]use”, Hb. *nśq hi.).
nšr n. m. “bird of prey”, conventionally “eagle” or “falcon” (Hb. nšr, “eagle,
vulture”, HALOT 731; Arab. nasr, “vulture”, AEL 2789f.; Akk. našru, AHw 761;
CAD N/2 79); ¶ par.: dỉy (I). ¶ Forms: sg. nšr; pl. nšrm; suff. nšrk.
Bird of prey, conventionally eagle or falcon: trtqṣ (…) km nšr b ủṣbʕth he
leapt (…) like an eagle from her fingers, 1.2 IV 21 and par.; tštn k nšr b ḥbšh
she put him like an eagle in her belt, 1.18 IV 28 and par. (// dỉy); w ʕp l
ḏr[ʕ] nšrk and may your eagles fly from (your) arm, 1.13:8; knp nšrm ybn
may (DN) rebuild the wings of the eagles!, 1.19 III 12 and par. (// dỉy); nšrm
tpr w dủ may the eagles start to fly!, 1.19 III 13; ảb nšrm father of the eagles,
1.19 III 15; ủm nšrm the mother of the eagles, 1.19 III 29; bn nšrm ảrḫp ản[k]
among the eagles I shall fly about, 1.18 IV 21 and par.; ʕlh nšrm trḫpn over
him the eagles they flew about, 1.18 IV 30 and par. (// ḥbl dỉy[m]); ʕl bt ảbh
nšrm trḫpn over his father’s house the eagles flew about, 1.19 I 32 (// ḥbl
/n-š-y/ vb N: “to be forgotten”; Š: “to cause, allow to forget” (Hb. nšh, “to forget”,
HALOT 728f.; OAram. nšy itp. “to be forgotten”, DNWSI 764; Arab. nasiya,
“to forget”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1130; tanāsā, “to pretend to have forgotten,
to forget”, AEL 3033; Eth. nasaya, “to be forgotten”, CDG 403; Akk. mašû,
“vergessen”, AHw 631f.; “to forget”, CAD M/1 397 ff. De Moor UF 11 1979 640;
De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 239). ¶ Forms: N suffc. nšt; Š prefc. tššy.
N. To be forgotten: p nšt bʕl and I was forgotten, DN, 1.5 I 26 (cf. Van Zijl Baal
163; diff. Del Olmo MLC 215: “y olvídate”, precative G suffc.; Smith UPN 142:
“so let us drink, O DN”, < /š-t-y/).
Š. Cause, allow to forget, in bkn ctx.: šptk l tššy your lips let them not be
oblivious!, 1.82:5.
In bkn ctx.: nšy, 1.107:19.
nšy, n. 6.83:2.
ntb n. m. “path” (Hb. ntyb, “pathway”, HALOT 732). ¶ Forms: sg. ntb.
Path: ntb pšʕ / gản the path of rebellion / arrogance, 1.17 VI 43–44; in unc.

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642 ntbt – ntn

ctx.: w gʕt b ntb, 2.91:2 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43 f.: “et (il y avait) des mugiments
en route”).
ntbt n. m. 1) “path, way”; 2) “toll, right of way” (Hb. JAram. ntybh, “path”,
HALOT 732; DTT 943; Ebla cf. TN NI-ti-baki, ARET 3 87, Butz LEbla 337 n. 90;
McGeough ERU 132). ¶ Forms: sg. ntbt; suff. ntbtk.
1) Path, way: ntbt b[t bʕl] ntlk the path of the temple of DN we shall tread,
1.119:33; w ảṯb l ntbtk and I’ll return to your path, 1.82:37 (diff. De Moor-Spronk
UF 16 1984 247: “and I will sit down on the road if …”); rb ntbt š in charge of
the cattle tracks (?), 4.288:6 (Rainey RSP 2 88; diff. KTU rdg.: ntbtš; Dietrich-
Loretz UF 32 2000 197 n. 22: “Vorsteher des Karawanenbetriebs”, Akk. bēl
ḫarrāni; Tropper UG 107: “Karawanserai”, ntbt + Hurr. -šše).
2) Toll, right of way: lqḥ PNN ntbt PNN have leased the right of way, 4.336:7;
in bkn ctx. 4.388:10 (mỉḫd; Astour CRAI 18 1972 5; Teixidor UF 15 1983 309;
cf. OAss. dātum ša ḫarrānim, Veenhof AOATT 219ff.; diff. Liverani UF 11 1979
500: “prendere le strade”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 195ff.: “PNN haben /
hatten die Strassen benützt”); ntbt mṣrm b ḥwt ủgrt Egypt’s (right of (?)) way
through the country of Ugarit, 2.36:16, cf. ntbt mṣrm, ibid. ln. 15.
ntbtš see ntbt.
/n-t-k/ vb G: “to spill, pour (out)”; N/D: “to run, flow” < “to pour out” (Hb. ntk q.,
ni., hi., “to gush forth, pour out”, HALOT 732f.; Akk. natāku, “tropfen”, AHw
765f.; “to drip, drop”, CAD N/2 115ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ytk; N prefc. tntkn
(for the forms štk, ỉšttk, ttkn considered by other scholars to be Š and Gt of
ntk, cf. štk and ttkn).
G. To spill, pour out: w l ytk dmʕt and truly they poured out tears, 1.19 II 33; w
b ủ[rbt …] ytk and in the ủ.[…] he shall pour, 1.41:12 and par., cf. 1.107:46.
N/D. To run, flow < to pour out: tntkn ủdmʕth her tears flowed, 1.14 I 28 (cf.
De Moor(-Spronk) CARTU 156: D; ARTU 134).
Cf. mtk, ntk.
ntk n. m. a mineral or glass paste (< /n-t-k/(?). Akk. nitku, “a mineral or frit”,
CAD N/2 299. Sanmartín NABU 1992/83; Ford UF 40 2008 339 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.:
NA4 ka-am-ma: nu-ut-ki la-a ta-na-aš-ši-ma (…), PRU 4 222 (RS 17.383):24.
¶ Forms: sg. ntk.
A mineral or glass paste: PNN klhm ntk PNN, all of them (bring (?)) n., 4.278:12
(for the rdg cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 16 1984 352).
Cf. /n-t-k/.
ntn n. m. “emission (of voice), lament” (< /y-t-n/ + ql. Margalit UF 8 1976 148;
Sanmartín UF 10 1978 454); ¶ par.: bd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ntn.
Emission (of voice), lament: ủ ḫštk l ntn ʕtq or your sepulchre has become a
perpetual lament?, 1.16 I 4, 18 (// bd ảṯt; cf. 1.16 II 41: bky; diff. rdg Loretz UF 33
2001 311ff.: “dein Heiligtum wird zu Klagegeschrei”: ln tn).

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ntp – nṯk (i) 643

Cf. /y-t-n/.
ntp PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 170); ¶ syll.: cf. na-tap-pi, PRU 3 201
(RS 16.257+) III 2; Sivan GAGl 252; Huehnergard AkkUg 367.
PN: bn PN, 4.65:3; 4.76:3; 4.106:21; 4.122:8; 4.807:54; 4.842:20.
/n-t-r/ vb G: “to banish” (Akk. natāru, “aufreissen”, D “zerreissen” (?), AHw
766; “to break up, demolish”, CAD N/2 177f.; Arab. natara, “to pull, draw
vehemently”, AEL 2761f. Dijkstra UF 17 1985 149 f. n. 26. Cf. Tropper-Verreet
UF 20 1988 341: “to drive away”, *trr, Arab. tarara; Loretz UF 32 2000 272:
trr, “vertreiben, verbannen”; Watson apud Wyatt RTU 145 n. 126: “to pilot”,
Akk. warûm Gt, and survey of opinions); ¶ par.: /y-d-y/ (I); ¶ Forms: prefc.
G. Banish: ytr kṯr w ḫss may DN banish (them), 1.6 VI 53 (// yd).
/n-ṭ-ṭ/ vb G: “to shake” (Hb., JAram. nwṭ, “to tremble”, HALOT 680; JPAram. nwṭ,
“scare”, DJPA 344; Arab. naṭṭa, “to spring, jump”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1141;
Eth. naṭṭa, “to jump with joy”, CDG 409. De Moor SP 166; RY 279; Baldacci
UF 10 1978 417 n. 2; Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 627; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988
345); ¶ par.: /ṯ-b-r/, /y-d-ʕ/ (II). ¶ Forms: G suffc. pass. ptc. nṭṭt; prefc. tṭṭ; suff.
tṭṭn (encl. -n); for a discussion of the base see Tropper UG 581).
G. To shake: bh pʕnm tṭṭ on her (her) feet shook, 1.3 III 33 and par. (// tṯbr,
tdʕ); bmt ảr[ṣ] tṭṭn the heights of the earth shook, 1.4 VII 35; in unc. ctx.: nṭṭt
ủm ʕlt b ảby (the offering) of a shocked mother ascends unto my father, 1.82:9
(// bk. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247; diff. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 345: act.
ptc. G; De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 241: suffc. D).
nṯbn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.813:17.
/n-ṯ-k/ vb G: “to bite”; N/L: “to bite each other” (Hb. nšk, “to bite”, HALOT 729;
JAram. nkt, “to wound, bite”, DTT 912; Akk. našāku, “beissen”, AHw 758; “to
bite”, CAD N/2 53ff.; Eth. nasaka, “to bite”, CDG 402; Ebla cf. KA.TAR =
na-ša-gúm/gú-um wa bur-ra-zu-um a-ba-a/lu, VE 195; Krebernik ZA 73 1983
8; Pettinato Biling. 45; Fales QuSem 13 176); ¶ par.: /m-ṣ-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
yṯk[; act. ptc. nṯk (cf. nṯk (I)); N prefc. ynṯkn.
G. To bite, in bkn ctx.: yšql yṯk[ (the serpent) dripped (saliva and) (?) bit,
1.107:4 (De Moor ZAW 100 1988 108).
N./L. To bite each other: ynṯkn k bṯnm they bit each other like serpents, 1.6
VI 19 (// ymṣṣn).
Cf. nṯk (I), nṯk (II).
nṯk (I) n. m. “biter” (< act. ptc. /n-ṯ-k/. Tsevat UF 11 1979 762); ¶ par.: ảkl (I).
¶ Forms: sg. nṯk.
Biter (esp. of snakes): ỉsp (…) l p nṯk ảbd remove (…) from the mouth of the
biter the destruction, 1.107:45 and par. (// ảkl), 1.107:35, 45 (cf. De Moor UF 9

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644 nṯk (ii) – nyr

1977 367; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 170); in bkn ctx.: ]q nṯk, 1.107:6 (De Moor
ZAW 100 1988 108 n. 20).
Cf. /n-ṯ-k/.
nṯk (II) n. m. a) “bite”; b) by metaph. shift < “interest, yield, profit” (< /n-ṯ-k/
(cf. Sp. “mordida”). Akk. nišku, “Biss”, AHw 796; “bite”, CAD N/2 281; Hb. nšk,
“deduction, interest”, HALOT 729f.); ¶ par.: šmrr; ¶ RS Akk.: našku, Ug 5 17
(RS 17.155 and dupl.) rev. h. ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. abs. nṯk, cstr. nṯk, suff. nṯkh.
a) Bite: mnt nṯk nḥš incantation against snakebite (// šmrr), 1.100:4 and
passim ibid.; b) interest, yield, profit: PN kkr šʕrt nṯkh its interest is one talent
of wool, 4.225:14; PN […] krśủ nṯkh (nn) of k. is his interest, 4.225:16; PN ṯlṯm
ksp b nṯk thirty shekels of silver of interest, 4.682:12; in bkn ctx. PN b nṯk, ibid.
ln. 3
Cf. /n-ṯ-k/, nṯk (II).
nṯq n. m. “missiles” (“projectile, dart”; prob. an allom. and secondary lexicaliza-
tion of /n-s-k/. Akk. nasāku, našāku, “hinwerfen”, AHw 752; “to shoot”, CAD
N/2 16; nisku, “Schuss”, AHw 795; “shot”, CAD N/2 272; cf. also Hb. nšq, “equip-
ment, weapons”, HALOT 731. Dahood RSP 1 333; De Moor SP 166; Sanmartín
UF 21 1989 344f.; Vita EU 70); ¶ par.: cf. ảrz (I). ¶ Forms: sg. nṯq.
Projectile, dart (?): arbʕm qšt ảlp ḥẓm w ảlp nṯq forty bows, one thousand
arrows and one thousand darts (?), 4.169:3; lm tḫš nṯq dmrn why do you fear
the darts of the “Valiant One”, 1.4 VII 39 (// cf. ảrz, ln. 41; diff. De Moor SP 164:
nṯrtb TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 207: *Naštarbe. Astour UF 2 1970 5).
TN: nṯrb, 1.131:7 (Hurr.).
nṯṯ in the composite TN gt nṯṯ, 1.79:5 (< (?) Hurr. nešše, Laroche GLH 181;
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 90: *Gittu-neṯṯe (?)) 1.79:1, 5; 4.409:8 (< (?) Hurr. nešše,
Laroche GLH 181).
nwgn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 217; Van Soldt SAU 40).
PN: bn PN, 3.4:3.
nwrḏ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 242, 252, 302; Watson AuOr 30 2012 335).
PN: 4.102:3; 4.103:17 (Van Soldt SAU 36); in bkn ctx.: nwr[, 4.678:6.
nwrḏr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 242, 249, 302); 4.286:3; in bkn ctx.: nwr[ : 4.678:6.
-ny p. pn. du. “our” (both of us): 1) with a n.; 2) with a vb; 3) with prep. (Gordon
UT §6.9; Tropper UG 227; diff. Šifman PeredSb 3 1979 229 f., 277: pl. suff.).
1) With a noun: ảdtny our lady, 2.11:1, 5, 15; bʕlny our lord, 2.70:1, 6, 8.
2) With a vb: qḥny accept both of us, 1.82:8 (diff. Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247,
253 n. 24: “take, please”: encl. -y, < -y (II)).
3) With a preposition: ʕmny with us both, 2.11:10.
Cf. -n (III).
nyr n. f. “luminary” (< /n-r/. Arab. nayyir, “giving light, shining”, AEL 2866; Hb.

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nzʕn – nẓrỉl 645

nyr, nr, “light, lamp”, HALOT 697, 723; Amor. /niwrum/, “light”, Gelb CAAA 28.
Herrmann YN 11); // yrḫ, šmš. ¶ Forms: sg. nyr.
Luminary: nyr šmm “The Luminary of the skies”, 1.24:31 and par., epithet
of the “Moon” god (// yrḫ. Akk. munawwiru šamê u erṣetim, Goetze JBL 60
1941 358; Rahmouni DEUAT 244f.); tgh nyr rbt the absence of “the Great
Luminary”, 1.16 I 37, cf. 1.161:19, epithet of the “Sun” goddess (// špš. See
Rahmouni DEUAT 241ff.).
Cf. /n-r/.
nzʕn PN (etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 169).
PN: ★a) in bkn ctx., n]zʕn, 4.588:4; ★b) in bkn ctx.: bn nzʕn[, 4.335:16.
nzdt n. f. “?” (etym. unc. Hb. zyd, “behave insolently”, and derivatives (?),
HALOT 268). ¶ Forms: nzdt.
?, in bkn ctx.: nzdt qrt // nzdt m[lk (?), 2.49:11f.
nzl n. m. “offering” (etym. unc. Arab. nuzl, “food, rations at a halt”, nuzul, “food
prepared for a guest”, AEL 3031, but cf. Renfroe AULS 136f. Aartun UF 17 1985
1f.: “Ration für die Zeit des Verweilens an einem Ort”, Arab. nuzl; Badre et
al. Syria 53 1976 106: “bénédiction”, Arab. ṭaʕam ḏu nezel // barakat; Mustafa
AcOrHung 29 1975 101: “reichlich, im Überfluss”, Arab. ṭaʕmun ḏu(-n-)nazali;
for other interpretations cf. Fensham JNSL 4 1975 17; Watson LSU 7: “to pour
out food” = “to provide food”, Akk. nazālu, with survey of opinions). ¶ Forms:
sg. nzl.
Offering: klt lḥmk d nzl qḥ take a measure of your offering bread, 1.14 II 16 and
par. (diff. Dahood LEbla 180: “his bread made of oil”, Ebla nizilu; and Zurro
Bib 64 1983 578: cf. Hb. leḥem šemen, Ex 29:23; Lv 8:26).
/n-z-q/ vb Gpass.: “to be injured, hurt” (Akk. nazāqu, “sich ärgern”, AHw 772; “to
worry”, CAD N/2 136ff.; Hb. nzq, “damage”, HALOT 684; Aram. nzq, “to hurt”,
DNWSI 724; DTT 892; DJPA 345. Pardee Fs. Millard 45 n. 6: “ont souffert”).
¶ Forms: Gpass. suffc. nzq.
Gpass., in unc. ctx.: w ảlpm nzq “and the cattle were injured”, 2.91:3, cf. ln. 5
klhm nzq, ln. 6 nzq.
nẓrỉl PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159; Watson LSU 174).
PN: bn PN, 4.12:16.

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p (I) conj. functor with various meanings: ★a) copulative “and”; ★b) assever-
ative “yes, thus, in fact”; ★c) consecutive “and next, then”; ★d) explicative
“for, and then”; ★e) adversative / contrastive “rather, but, although” (OAram.,
Nab., Palm. p conj., DNWSI 898f.; OSA f, “and”, introduit une apodose ou un
prédicat, f-ʔw, “or”, SD 42; Arab. fa, particle having no goverment, multifunc-
tional AEL 2321ff.; for poss. Hb. p cf. HALOT 907. Aartun PU/2 86 ff.; Gordon
UT §12.1; Tropper UG 788ff.; Watson LSU 217 ff.). ¶ Forms: p.
Conj. functor with multiple meanings: ★a) copulative “and”: p nšt and I was
forgotten, 1.5 I 26; p hn ảḫym ytn DN spủy and behold DN made my brothers
(into) my food, 1.6 VI 10; ʕnt (…) p ʕlm (…) p dr dr now (…) and for ever (…)
and for all generations, 1.19 III 48 and par.; p l ḥy np[š ả]rš and for the life of
(his) soul I beg, 2.23:17; p ỉmt b klảt ydy ỉlḥm and in truth with both hands I
swallow, 1.5 I 19; p šlm l bʕlny and peace be with our lord, 2.70:5, cf. 2.5:3; ymġy
(…) p l yšbʕl ḥpn they have arrived (…) and, see!, they have had a ḥ. made,
2.70:27; in bkn ctx.: p y[ṯb] bʕl l ksỉ mlkh and DN sat (?) on his royal throne,
1.6 V 5; bth p šlmt p šlm[, 2.2:4; p ủ[my, 2.72:42; cf. also 2.44:9; in unc. ctx.: p
ảdrm and the nobles, 2.3:19; p m yqḥ and whatever you wish to take, 2.71:11;
p rgm špš and the word of the “Sun”, 2:98:8; cf. 2.23.1; ★b) with asseverative
force: “yes, thus, in truth”: p npš npš lbỉm and my appetite, yes, is the appetite
of a lion, 1.5 I 14; bn ỉlm (…) p ydd ỉl the son of DN (…), and, yes, the beloved of
DN, 1.133:16; p ảnk ảtn and I, yes, shall provide (you with them), 2.26:7; p mġy
ṯh “in fact the neighbour has arrived”, 2.88:14; ★c) consecutive: “and then”: yd
[mỉzrth] p yln he removed [his robe] and then he began to sleep, 1.17 I 5 and
par.; p mnm hw whoever he may be, 2.108:13; ★d) explanatory: “for, and then,
so that”: p ʕbd ản (…) p ʕbd ảnk for am I perhaps a slave?, 1.4 IV 59–60; p l
ảšt ảṯty nʕry ṯh l pn ỉb and then I am not going to leave either my wife or my
boy(s) in TN, 2.33:28; p mn lỉkt ảnk lḥt and then why (: for what reason) did
I send the / a tablet?, 2.72:22 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 147); yšảl PN p rgm l
mlk šmy ask PN so that he mentions my name to the king, 2.14:12 (Cunchillos
TOu/2 295 n. 13); ỉṯrhw p ỉḫdn follow it and I then shall requisition it, 2.15:7;
p PN šḥš and so make PN hurry up, 2.103:32; ★e) adversative: “rather, but,
although”: p d ỉn b bty ttn rather, you will give me what is not in my house,
1.14 III 38; p mšmʕt mlk ỉnn but there is no royal guard, 2.72:11; w p nʕmt ảḫt
DN and although you are the most graceful among the sisters of DN, 1.10 III 10
(diff. De Moor ARTU 113 n. 28: “orifice, vulva”); p l lỉkt, 2.98:15 but you did not
send (a message).
In unc. ctx.: p l tbʕn y ymm, 1.83:11 (see diff. rdg Pitard JNES 57 1998 263ff.: pl

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p (ii) – p (iii) 647

tbṯn yymm); p ảt mk tšk[ḥ] but you, behold!, you shall meet (?), 2.73:14 (Pardee
AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326; diff. Watson SEL 7 1990 80: “so”).
p (II) adv. “here” (Hb. ph, “here”, HALOT 916; Pun. pho, “here”, DNWSI 902: ph.
Aartun PU/1 4). ¶ Forms: p.
Here: w yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd and here the power of the gods is very strong,
very much so, like death / DN, 2.10:12 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 7 1975 529; diff.
Cunchillos TOu/2 279 n. 15: conj., cf. p (I)). For a possible form ph, “then” in
1.19 I 9, related to p (II), cf. p (III); in bkn ctx.: 2.44:9.
p (III) n. m. 1) “mouth, snout”, “orifice, vulva”; 2) “voice”; 3) prep. use “according
to” in the syntagm l p, (Hb. ph, “mouth”, HALOT 914 ff.; Ph., Pun., py, “mouth”,
DNWSI 909; Aram. pm, “mouth”, DNWSI 916f.; Amor. /pūm/, Gelb CAAA 28;
Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 78; Pagan ARES 3 229; cf. SAGxIGI = pù-wu, VE 267;
Pettinato Biling. 47; EA Akk. cf. KA: pí-i, EAT 79:12; KA-pí, EAT 137:72; Gianto
SEL 12 1995 68; Akk. pū, “Mund, Maul”, AHw 872 ff.; “mouth”, CAD P 453 ff.;
OSA f, “voice”, SD 43; Arab. fam, cstr. fu, “mouth”, AEL 2446 f.; Eth. ʔaf,
“mouth”, CDG 8f. Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 200f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002
109ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /pī/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 259; ¶ par.: kbd
(I), špt, ṯbrn (I) qn. ¶ Forms: sg. p; suff. py, pk, ph, phm.
1) Mouth, snout: b ph yrd into his mouth he will fall, 1.5 II 4 (// b kbdh);
ʕdbnn ảnk ỉmr b py I myself put him (like) a lamb in my mouth, 1.6 II 22
and par.; b ph rgm l yṣả from his mouth the word had not (yet) issued, 1.19
II 26 and par.; p nḫš mouth of the serpent, 1.107:5; p [n]ṯk (…) p ảkl the
mouth of the biter (…) the mouth of the devourer, 1.107:35; ỉsp (…) l p nṯk
ảbd remove (…) from the mouth of the biter the destruction, 1.107:45; ảl
yʕdbkm k ỉmr b ph lest he places you like a lamb in his mouth, 1.4 VIII 18
and par. (// ṯbrn); w yʕrb b phm (…) yʕdb (…) b phm and they enter his
mouth (…) they put (…) into his mouth, 1.23:62, 64; b py sprhn in my mouth
(I have) their inventory, 1.24:45 (// b špty); bġr b py there is a shout in my
mouth, 1.93:2 (Dijkstra UF 18 1986 126); šbʕt ghl ph seven are the shouts of
his mouth, 1.45:3; [w lb]h b ph yṣủ if its entrails / heart protrude(s) through
its mouth, 1.103:51; in a sexual / anatomical sense: orifice, vulva: p btlt ʕn[t]
w p nʕmt ảḫt b[ʕl the vulva of DN, the vulva of the most graceful of DN’s
sisters, 1.10 III 9–10 (De Moor ARTU 113 n. 28; diff. Del Olmo MLC 472: “(no
es más que) una virgen, sí, una virgen, DN”, cf. p (I)); riš p qq w šrh (on) (his)
head, mouth, throat and navel, 1.114:30 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Gordon 1998
192: “Brust-bein” (?), rdg pqq, MHb pqq; Wyatt RTU 413: “the knot of a vine”,
rdg pqq, MHb. pqq); ghrt phm w špthm the hullabaloo of their mouth and
on their lips, 1.178:11; w ảt b pk ảl yṣỉ and as for you (nothing) must go out
from your mouth, 2.88:39, see ln. 21; in unc. ctx.: ảbn ph his teeth (?), 1.19
I 9.

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648 pỉd – pảm(t)

2) Voice: pk b ġr ṯn pk b ḫlb make your voice resound in the mountains, make

your voice echo in the hills, 1.82:4 (Caquot SEL 5 1988 14 f.).
3) Prep. use “according to (the custom)” / “what betrays (?)” in the syntagm ủ
l p: ủ l p ḫry or according to the (custom of) / what betrays the Hurrian, 1.40:29
and par. (Del Olmo IAWTU, forthcoming; Xella TRU 262f.; De Moor-Sanders
UF 23 1991 291f.; Pardee TR/1 114: “selon la bouche / la déclaration de”; diff. De
Tarragon, TOu/2 146: “chef”, Hb. ʔlwp and in syll. Ug. the element /ʔullūpu/
in PNN, Sivan GAGl 201).
In unc. ctx.: ]mr ph, 1.62:3; ỉṯ ph kṯ[[t]] ġbt, 1.101:8 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985
142; Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 112); ḥytn l p špš I am alive by the mouth / order of
the “Sun”, 5.11:4 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 186 n. 124: “gib Leben für Pšpš”, rdg ḥy tn
l pšpš).
Cf. pmlk.
pỉd n. m. “heart” > “feeling, emotion, goodness” (Arab. fuʔād, “heart”, AEL
2323f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /piʔdu/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 258). ¶ Forms:
sg. pỉd.
Heart > feeling, emotion, goodness: in the divine epithet lṭpn ỉl d pỉd DN,
“the Benevolent”, “the Kind-hearted”, 1.4 II 10 and par.; cf. ḏ pỉd in 1.24:45 (diff.
Healey Fs. Loretz 349ff.: “L., the Perceptive God”).
pỉl n. m. of a food (etym. unc. Heltzer UF 12 1980 414 n. 6: “Wildwein (?)”, Akk.
pillu / pillû, AHw 863; but cf. Heltzer UF 22 1990 131 n. 81; Watson LSU 98 f.:
“flour” (?): Emar Akk. pa-a-lu, pa-ʔa-lu, IE pel-). ¶ Forms: sg. pỉl.
A food: ltḥ pỉl a l. of p., 4.751:7; in bkn ctx.: dd pỉl[ a d. of p., 4.747:4.
pỉln PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 36, 91, 170); ¶ syll.: cf. ša-pí-DINGIR, PRU 3 194
(RS 11.787):7.
PN: bn PN, 4.278:7.
pảlt n. f. “fallow land, waste land” (etym. unc. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 203:
“fissured land, parched ground” < *pʔl byform of *pwl, *pll; Margalit UF 16
1984 137ff.: a neologism, a hybrid of *pʔw/y and *ltw/y; Watson LSU 53 f.:
“ill-omened”, Arab., OSA f ʔl; Tropper UF 26 1994 483ff.: “Dickicht”, Hb. poʔrôt;
Voigt Fs. Leslau 2 1619: bʔl, “feeble”); ¶ par.: yġl. ¶ Forms: sg. pảlt; suff. pảlth.
Fallow land, waste land: bṣql yph b pảlt he saw a shoot in the waste land, 1.19
II 13 and par. (// b yġlm); ysb pảlth he went through his waste land, 1.19 II 12
and par.
pảm(t) n. f. “time” (< “foot”; cf. Hb. pʕm, “step, pace, time”, HALOT 952 ff.; Ph.,
Pun., pʕm, “foot, time, turn”, DNWSI 928f.; cf. Akk. pēmu, “Oberschenkel”,
AHw 854; “thigh”, CAD P 321ff. Dahood RSP 2 19: Tropper UF 35 2003 666 ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. (or scribal mistake) pảm; pl. pảmt.
Time: šbʕ / ʕšrm pảmt seven / twenty times, 1.43:7 / 1.41:43 and par.; pảmt
šbʕ / ṯlṯm seven / thirty times, 1.1.41:52 and 1.39:20 and par., cf. 1.23:20 (diff.

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pảt – pʕl 649

Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 372 n. t’: “bêtes grasses”, Arab. faʔima); w pảm<t?> ṯn

l ʕšrm and twenty-two times, 1.162:20; ṯ]lṯm pảmt thirty times, 1.173:15.
pảt cf. pỉt.
pỉt n. m./f., 1) “temple”; 2) “boundary, border, side, fringe, edge”, (technical
meaning) (Hb. pʔh, “side, edge, corners, region”, HALOT 907 f.; Ebla /piʔa-
tum/ in SAG.KI = bí(NE)-a-tum, VE 251b; Fronzaroli EL 138; StEb 7 1984 177;
Akk. pātu / pūtu, “Rand”, “Stirn”, AHw 849, 884 f.; “forehead, front”, CAD
P 547ff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 179; Gevirtz PEPI 67 f.; Mari Akk. piā-
tum, “Seite”, AHw 861; “edge, border”, CAD P 358; for a possible connection
with Eth. (la) fe cf. “to this side, that way”, CDG 154: fe); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [IB =
tubuqtu = …] = pí-i?-[tu4?], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 13 (Huehnergard UVST 73);
cf. PNN Piʔta/iya, Gröndahl PTU 171; Sivan GAGl 258); ¶ par.: pnm. ¶ Forms:
sg. pỉ/ảt; suff. pỉth; pl. pảt (for a possible du. [p]ỉtm cf. 1.2 IV 5. Cf. Del Olmo
AuOr 32 2014 54).
1) Temple: w ʕl yṣhl pỉt and above he made (his) temple(s) shine, 1.17 II 9
(// pnm); w qrn šỉr pỉth šm[ảl and if there is a fleshy excrescence on its left
temple, 1.103:11; ḥrh b pỉth (if) its intestines are in its temple, 1.103:54; in unc.
ctx.: pỉt ảdm, the temple(s) of the man, 1.107:3.
2) Boundary, border, side, fringe, edge: pảt mdbr the fringes of the desert,
1.14 III 1 and par.; tšʕ ṣmdm ṯlṯm bd PN w pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm thirty nine yokes of
land in the hands of PN which lack “one side” (: without adjacent farms to
the south), 4.136:1 (Hb. pʔt ngb(h) // pʔt hʔḥt, Ex 27:9, and Akk. pât erbettam,
AHw 884: pūtu(m) B.2; Borger BAL 1 125f.; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 199 n. 158;
diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 179 n. 82: “nine axe-blades of bronze (…) and
none of them has an edge”); w ln ykn pảt may our borders remain (stable),
2.75:7; in bkn and unc. ctx.: tẓpn l pỉt mx[ you will shelter at the border of (…)
(?), 1.13:15; pảt ỉlm, 1.176:16 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 351: “territoire”,
Akk. pittu).
pỉty PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 171; here: pỉd, pỉt); ¶ syll.: cf. pí-iʔ-TA-ya, Ug
5 6 (RS 17.149):31; Sivan GAGl 258: /piʔdu/, /piʔtu/; for PI-Iʔ-TA-ya(?), Ug 5 12
(RS 17.150+):27, cf. Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 724.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 17; 4.93 II 6; 4.93 IV 15; 4.843:21.
pʕ “?”, in bkn ctx.: 1.147:15.
/p-ʕ-l/, 6.70:1, see /b-ʕ-l/ (Dietrich-Loretz KA 234: Phoenician text).
pʕl n. m. “labour, work” (?) (< /p-ʕ-l/, /b-ʕ-l/. Hb. pʕl, “action, labour”, HALOT
951; Pun., OAram. pʕlt, “work”, DNWSI 928: pʕlh, pʕlyh; Arab. fiʕl, “work,
labour”, AEL 2420. Del Olmo MLC 493; Spencer UF 36 2004 439 f.; for the
various rdgs and opinions see Watson UF 26 1994 493f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff.
Labour, work (?): ḥẓr pʕlk yṭb (in) the mansion, your work, may goodness

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650 pʕn – pʕṣ

reign, 1.13:21 (or “and around you”, rdg p ʕlk; Caquot EI 14 1978 17*).
Cf. bʕl (I).
pʕn n. f. 1) “foot”, “(hind) hoof”; 2) adverbialised “on foot” (Hb., Ph., Pun. pʕm,
“foot”, HALOT 952f.; DNWSI 928f.; cf. Akk. pēm/nu, “Oberschenkel”, AHw
854; “thigh”, CAD P 321ff.); ¶ par.: ỉšd, ksl, pnm, rỉš (I). ¶ Forms: du. pʕnm;
cstr. pʕn; suff. pʕny, pʕnk, pʕnh, pʕnm (encl. -m); pl. pʕnt.
1) Foot: ★a) tdʕṣ pʕnm she pressed (?) (her) feet (down), 1.4 V 21 and par.,
cf. 1.174:2; bh pʕnm tṭṭ on her (her) feet shook, 1.3 III 32 and par. (// ksl, pnh);
ʕmy pʕnk tlsmm towards me your feet hurry, 1.3 III 19 and par. (// ỉšdk); pʕnh
l hdm yṯpd his feet on the footstool he rested, 1.4 IV 29 and par.; pʕnh l tmġyn
hdm his feet did not reach the footstool, 1.6 I 59 (// rỉšh); bʕl ngṯhm b pʕnh
DN approached them on foot, 1.12 I 40 (cf. infra: 2)); hdm pʕnh the footstool
of his feet, 1.161:14; in bkn ctx.: pʕnk your feet, 1.179:6; ★b) to fall, lie prostrate,
to bow “at the feet of”: l pʕn ảdty šbʕd (…) qlt at the feet of my lady seven
times (…) I bow, 2.12:6 and par. (courtesy formula in letters); l pʕn ỉl thbr at
the feet of DN she bowed, 1.4 IV 25 and par. (courtesy formula in myth. Cho
LDUT 167f.); l pʕn DN at the feet of DN, 1.2 I 30 and par.; l pʕnh ykrʕ at his feet
he lay prostrate, 1.10 II 18; cf. w yql tḥt pʕny may it fall at my feet, 1.19 III 18
and par. (cf. tḥt pʕnh[, 1.166:26); tḥt pʕn bʕlk at the feet of your lord, 6.84:2; in
bkn ctx., l pʕn ġl[mm at the feet of the lads, 1.3 V 15; pʕn DN aḫḏ[ at the feet
of DN (fear (?)) affected them, 1.12 II 33; k pʕn, 1.107:18; ★c) of animals, (hind)
hoof: w qṣrt pʕnh and if a contraction (appears) in its (hind) hooves, 1.103:39;
w ỉ[n] pʕnt bh if it has no hooves, 1.103:52.
2) Adv., on foot: ảṯr ỉlm ylk pʕnm after the gods (the king) will go on foot,
1.43:24 (cf. ln. 25).
/p-ʕ-r/ vb G: “to open one’s mouth” > “to shout, proclaim” (alloph. (?) of */b-ġ-r/,
cf. bġr. Hb. pʕr, “to open the mouth”, HALOT 953; Syr. pʕar, “to gape, yawn,
open wide”, LS 1217; Arab. faġara, “to open the mouth”, AEL 2421 f. De Moor
SP 119; Caquot UF 11 1979 102). ¶ Forms: G suffc. pʕrt, pʕr; prefc. tpʕr, ypʕr.
G. To shout, proclaim (a name): w pʕr šm ym and he proclaimed the name
of DN, 1.1 IV 15 and par.; w ypʕr šmthm and he proclaimed their names, 1.2
IV 11 and par. (cf. infra: N); ỉlm ypʕr šmthm whose names DN will proclaim,
1.12 I 28; in bkn ctx., pʕrt[ I have proclaimed (?), 1.1 IV 19.
N. To be proclaimed: ảt ảdn tpʕr you have been proclaimed “lord”, 1.1 IV 17.
In unc. ctx., pʕr, 1.13:32 (for the various interpretations cf. Del Olmo MLC 494;
De Moor UF 12 1980 310).
Cf. bġr.
pʕṣ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ★a) 4.53:3 (ḫbty); 4.170:25 (bn byy); 4.617 I 24; ★b) 4.64 V 11; 4.98:7; 4.103:29
(Van Soldt SAU 26).

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pbl – /p-d-d/ 651

pbl PN of the mythological king of ủdm (etym. unc. Driver CML 5 n. 7; Astour
UF 5 1973 29–39; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 167).
PN: pbl mlk PN, the king, 1.14 III 15, 21, V 7, VI 37. On ], 1.107:4, cf.
Pardee TPM 243.
pbn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166); ¶ syll.: cf.
pa-PA-na, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):34.
PN: ★a) 4.31:3; 4.609:16; 4.715:25; ★b) bn PN, 4.611 II 30.
pbṯr PN (Hurr. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227; AuOr 14
1996 103).
PN: 4.775:9, 15.
pbyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 243; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166; Watson AuOr
30 2012 335); ¶ syll.: cf. ba-bi-ia-nu, Ug 5 52 (RS 20.239):22; cf. pa-be-ya, PRU 3
50 (RS 16.275):5; pa-pa-ya, PRU 3 157 (RS 16.254 C+):14, 19.
PN: 4.63 II 37.
pd (I) n. m., “lock (of hair)” (Arab. fawd, “each of the two sides of the head”,
“hoariness appeared in”, AEL 2456. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 206; par:
mḫlpt. ¶ Forms: sg. pd; cstr. suff. du. / pl. pdm (encl. -m).
Lock (of hair), in unc. ctx.: l[ ả]sr pdm rỉšh[m] ʕl pd ảsr the locks of their
heads were not tied (: braided); on top of a lock they tied a …, 1.19 II 31–32.
pd (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 219f.: *Pe/idu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 35; Heltzer RCAU 13; Saadé AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 220; Astour TopAn
126; UF 13 1981 5, 11; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 5, 11; Van Soldt UBL 11 368 n. 22,
379; UF 30 1998 718; Topography 37, 181; Watson SEL 28 2011 30 f.); ¶ syll.: URU
pi-dì(TI), Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):11; pí-di, RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):2; URU pè(BE)-di,
RS 22.233:5 (unpub.; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 683); in unc. ctx.: URU pí-i(?)-di,
Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):18 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 683: collation); Sivan GAGl 258;
UF 28 1996 680; Watson AuOr 19 2001 120.
TN: 4.365:2; 4.380:2; 4.683:3; 4.693:2; 4.750:10; 4.784:3; 4.820:2; 4.800 I 24;
4.823:7; in bkn ctx.: 4.244:23 (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 220).
Cf. pdy (I).
pdủ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.85:5 (qmnzy).
/p-d-d/ vb G: “fall to pieces, wear out” (?) (Syr. pdd, padīdō, “to fall, fail”, SL 1156;
cf. Hb. ptt, “to crumble”, HALOT 991; Arab. fatta, “to crumble”, AEL 2327; Eth.
fatata, “to break off a piece”, CDG 171. Emerton AJBA 2 1972 68 f.; Tropper-
Vita UF 30 1998 684; diff. Tropper-Vita Fs. Xella 240: < *pwd, “verbraucht,
abgenutzt, verschlissen sein”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ypdd.
G. To fall to pieces, wear out (?) (said of clothes): k ypdd mlbš […] mlk ytn mlbš
as the cloak had worn out (?) […] the king makes a gift of a cloak, 4.182:61,
see ibid. 63.

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652 pdd – pdr (ii)

pdd adj. m. “worn out” (?) (< /p-d-d/. Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 10). ¶ Forms: pl.
Worn out: w ṯlṯ ʕšrm ḫnpt śśwm ṯn pddm and twenty-three units of equine
protective padding, two worn out, 4.363:8 (Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 10 n. 28:
KTU rdg pddm, with footnote 2: read pldm; but see Vita EU 81: pdd possibly
related to Akk. pattūtu, part of a chariot)).
pdḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 211 f.).
PN: 4.748:11.
Cf. pdṯn, pndḏn, pṭḏ, pṭḏn.
pdḏr PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 I 25; 4.850:5.
pdġb PN, wife of Ḫattušili III (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 212, 232, 246; Pardee
AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326; Cunchillos TOu/2 363ff.; Van Soldt SAU 2 f., 9;
Klengel Syria Handbook 138ff.); ¶ syll.: pu-du-ḫé-pa, cf. PRU 4 103 (RS 17.130)
bilingual seal of ïattušili III and Puduḫepa.
PN: pdġb mlkt PN, the queen [, 2.36:1.
pdġy PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 52 1967 546; cf. pd (II), TN; pdy (I),
PN: bn PN, 4.635:17 (mḫdy); in bkn ctx.: pdġy [,1.91:18.
pdm PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 212 f.).
PN: ★a) 4.748:3; ★b) ủḫ PN, 4.643:13.
Cf. ptm.
pdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 171; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 213).
PN: ★a) 4.393:3; 4.649:8; ★b) bn PN, 4.75 IV 14.
pdr (I) n. m., “town, city” (Myc. po-to-ri- (= *p(t)ólis), DMic 2 164: po-to-ri-jo;
Urart. pātari, cf. Diakonoff HU 62, 66f. De Moor SP 156f.; Sanmartín ALASP 7
133 n. 4; diff. Saliba JAOS 92 1972 109: “sown land”, Syr. pdorō, Arab. baḏr);
¶ par.: ʕr (I). ¶ Forms: sg. pdr; suff. pdrm (encl. -m); pl. pdrm; (?) cstr. pdr
Town: šrn pdrm besiege his towns, 1.14 III 7 and par. (// ʕrm); ṯb lpd[r p]drm
he went through town after town, 1.4 VII 8 (// ʕrm; diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2
649: “He turned to [the chief] city”); šbʕm šbʕ pdr seventy-seven towns, 1.4
VII 10 (// ʕr); pdrm tdủ šrr from the town he scared off the enemy, 1.16 VI 7 (//
ʕrm); in bkn ctx.: [pd]r ḫs[ yn aḥd] pdr ml[x aḥd] the town(s) of TN/PN one,
the town(s) of TN / PN one (?), 4.19:2–3 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
33; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 219).
pdr (II) DN; unknown deity, the correlative of pdry, or a title of bʕl (cf. pdr (I),
pdry; Hurr. pedari, Laroche GLH 199. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 78, 156; Milik
Ug 7 136; Ribichini-Xella UF 16 1984 267ff.; Cunchillos TOu/2 270 n. 5; diff.
Garbini OA 22 1983 56f.: variant of pdry); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element pí-dar6
in PNN, cf. ʕbdpdr.

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pdrn – pdy (ii) 653

DN: [ʕ]ṣr l pdr a bird to DN, 1.50:5; l pdr š to DN a ram, 1.130:15; š l pdr a ram
for DN, 1.106:11; [w yʕ]nyh pdr and DN answered him, 1.92:33 (Dijkstra UF 26
1994 121). For the spelling pdr in 1.3 I 25 cf. pdry.
Cf. ʕbdpdr, bnpdr, pdrn, pdry.
pdrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 52, 172; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 212;
Ribichini-Xella UF 16 1984 271; SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: ★a) 4.56:4; 4.63 III 46; ★b) bn PN, 4.98:22; 4.635:59; 4.658:9.
pdry DN; daughter of bʕl (etym. unc., cf. pdr (I), (II); De Moor SP 82 188; Fauth
ZDMG 120 1970 245ff.; Astour Ug 6 10f., 22; Saracino UF 14 1982 196 n. 29;
Pardee AfO 26–27 1989–1990 471; Watson SEL 10 1993 54; Aartun StUL 108 ff.;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 344: /pidray/ “fatty”); ¶ RS Akk.: dḪé-bat Ug 5 18
(RS 20.24):16 (// pdry, 1.118:16); ¶ syll. Ug. cf. dpí-id-ra-i, PRU 4 132 (RS 17.116):3.
DN: pdry, 1.118:16; 1.102:7; DN bt ar DN daughter of light, 1.3 I 23 and par.
(epithet of pdry); [p]dry bt mlk DN, of the palace, 1.91:7; 1.139:14; DN gdlt DN,
a cow, 1.39:15; DN š DN a ram, 1.109:14, 18; 1.148:6; pdr<y> y dʕ [ yd]ʕt certainly
DN (you) know, 1.3 I 25; in bkn ctx.: w tʕn DN and DN replied, 1.117:11; db]ḥ DN
sacrifice of DN, 1.139:15; [ả]h[b]t pdr[ y the love of DN, 1.7:23 (cf. yd pdry, 1.3
III 6); kb]kb bʕl w pdry kbkb, 1.179:10; cf. also 1.130:7; 1.134:9; 1.173:6.
Cf. pdr (II).
pdṯn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 211 f.; Ribichini-
Xella RSF 15 1987 13).
PN: bn PN, 4.764:4.
Cf. pdḏn, pndḏn, pṭḏ, pṭḏn.
/p-d-y/ vb G: “to redeem, ransom” (Hb. pdh, “to buy out, redeem”, HALOT 911 f.;
Akk. pa/edû, “verschonen, loslassen”, AHw 808; “to spare, release”, CAD P 6 f.;
Arab. fadā, “to give a ransom”, AEL 2353f.; OSA fdy, “pay, redeem a debt”,
SD 43); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /padī-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 256 f.; cf.
tapdētu, Huehnergard UVST 166. ¶ Forms: G suffc. pdy, suff. pdyh[m].
G. To redeem: PN pdy PNN (…) b yd PN PN redeemed PNN (…) from the
power of PN, 3.4:2 (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: paṭāru ištu (qāti) PN, Van Soldt SAU 452);
w pdyh[m] PN mỉt ksp and PN redeemed them for one hundred (shekels of)
silver, 3.4:12.
Cf. pdn, pdy (II), pdyn.
pdy (I) GN m. (< pd, TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 220). ¶ Forms: pl. pdym.
GN: ṣbủ ảnyt bn PN pdym ḫmš bnšm (…) crew of the ship of PN: GN, five men
(…), 4.40:12; in bkn ctx.: lbỉy pdy[ PN p., 4.376:2; cf. pdy (II), PN.
pdy (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 171, 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969
211ff.; De Moor BiOr 24 1969 106; Lipiński OLA 1 1973 129 ff.; Maraqten SPARI
203; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229; AuOr 30 2012 335; cf. here: pdy (I), GN); ¶ syll.:
cf. pa-di/dì-ya/ia, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):2; PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 14; PRU 4

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654 pdyn – pgm

230 (RS 18.01):14; PRU 6 112 (RS 17.099):6; RSOu 7 24 (RS 34.160):2; Sivan GAGl
256; Van Soldt SAU 309f. nn. 115–114; bin-pí-di-ya, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 15;
Sivan GAGl 257; cf. PNF pí-id-da-ya Ug 5 2 (RS 17.21) rev. 3 and passim; Ug 5 3
(RS 17.033) rev. 6 and passim; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):3 and passim; cf. pí-[i]d ?-[d]a?,
Ug 5 106 (RS 20.220) e. 3; PRU 4 128 (RS 17.348) rev. 4 (?); Sivan GAGl 258; Van
Soldt SAU 29f., 163.
PN: ★a) 4.15:3; 4.46:12; 4.86:7 (bn nr[); 4.98:23; 4.424:1:8; 4.425:6; ★b) bn PN,
4.112 III 2; in bkn ctx., 4.178:3 (?); 4.299:3; 4.376:2((?); cf. pdy (I)).
Cf. pdyn.
pdyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 171, 205, 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 211 ff.;
De Moor BiOr 24 1969 106; Priebatsch UF 12 1980 318).
PN: 4.307:19; 4.393:12; 4.696:2; 4.825 I 15, 30.
Cf. pdy (II), pndyn.
pḏ n. m. “gold” (Hb. pz, “pure gold”, HALOT 921; Aram. p(y)zwzʔ, “made of fine
gold”, DTT 1150. Sasson RSP 1 437; Aartun StUL 113ff.; Smith UBC/1 293; diff.
Driver CML 163: “portion”, Hb. psh; Cross CMHE 183 n. 161: “abundance”, Arab.
fṯṯ, mafaṯṯat; Ginsberg ANET 130; Fohrer Fs. Thomas 100: “spoil”, “booty”, cf.
Hb. bz). ¶ Forms; sg. suff. pḏh.
Gold: bn dgn ảrṯm pḏh the son of DN, of whose gold I shall take possession,
1.2 I 19 and par.
pḏyn, PN (etym. unc.).
PN bn PN 4.848:8.
pgủ n. m. a sort of garment (etym. unc.; possibly refers either to a colour or to a
texture. Cf. IE /peig-/, “kennzeichnen durch einritzen oder färben”, Pokorny
IEW 794f.; for other interpretations cf. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 38 n. 28; Watson
SEL 22 2005 9ff.). ¶ Forms: (?) sg. pgỉ; (?) du. pgảm.
?: mỉt arbʕm lbš pgỉ one hundred and forty garments p., 4.721:1; ṯn ḫlpnm
pgảm, two ḫ. of the p. type, 4.117:1; in bkn ctx.: ṯlṯ d pg[ỉ trois qui sont de
type-pg[ủ, 4.192:3 (Vita UF 36 2004 525f.).
pglủ[ bkn (?) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 14 1996 103; AuOrS 27 103); ¶ syll.:
pa-gi-lu RS 34.163:14.24.
PN: 4.393:8.
pglt n. f. “unclean offering” (Hb. pgwl, “meat for a sacrifice which has become
unclean”, HALOT 909f. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 163); ¶ par.: qlt. ¶ Forms:
sg./pl. pglt.
Unclean offering: štt p[gl]t b ṯlḥny an unclean offering was placed on my
table, 1.4 III 15 (// qlt. For the reconstruction p[lk] (sic!) cf. Margalit MLD 41 f.).
pgm n. m. “harm” (?) (etym. unc. Aram., MHb. *pgm, “to cut”, DTT 1134. Cf.
Emar Akk. /pigmu/, “section”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 140; JAram. pgm, “defect”,
DJPA 424; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 246: “legion, multitude”, Arab.
fūğ). ¶ Forms: sg. pgm.

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pgn – pġsdb 655

Harm (?), in bkn ctx.: l pgm pgm yes the harm, the harm (?), 1.82:26.
pgn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. BU-QA-na, Syria 28 1951 175 (RS 14.16):19. Berger
WO 5 1969–1970 276; Lehmann UF 2 1970 51, 58 n. 68; Watson AuOr 30 2012
335); BU-KA-na, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):24; BI-KA-nu, PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):9.
PN: 2.46:1; in bkn ctx., 2.47:21.
pgr n. m. 1) “body, corpse” as a “funerary offering”; 2) MN (Hb. pgr, “monument,
stela”, “offering for the dead” (?), HALOT 911; Aram., Palm. pgr, “body”, “mortal
remains”, DNWSI 901; Akk. pagru, “Körper, Leib”, AHw 809; “body”, CAD
P 12ff.; Mari Akk. pagrāʔum, “ein Schlachtopfer für Dagān” (?), AHw 809;
Emar Akk. f. pl. /pugarātu/, “funerary rites” (?), Pentiuc Vocabulary 141. Cf.
Ebach UF 3 1971 367; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 289 ff.; Durand
MR 2/1 282ff.; De Moor UF 27 1995 5ff.; Del Olmo CC 81 ff.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 37 2005 236); ¶ syll. Ug.: pa-ag-ri-ma, RS 25.455 A+B III 1; Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 651; SAU 306; cf. the element /pagru/ in Ug. PNN, Sivan GAGl 256.
¶ Forms: sg. pgr, pl. pgrm.
1) Body, corpse as a funerary offering: skn šʕly PN l dgn pgr w ảlp l ảkl stela that
PN offered to DN (in commemoration of the) p. and (/ namely:) a head of
cattle for consumption, 6.13:2; pgr d šʕly PN l dgn bʕlh [w ả]lp b mḥrṯt p. which
PN offered up to DN, his lord, and (/ namely:) one ox from the ploughed land
/ (farm) work, 6.14:1 (De Moor UF 27 1995 5ff.: meton. for “stela”); špš pgr DN
of the funerary offering, 1.39:12 (cf. ṯrmnm, ibid.), 1.39:17; 1.102:12 (cf. Mari Akk.
bēl pagrê, AHw 809: pagrāʔum).
2) MN: yrḫ pgrm the month of the p., 4.172:2 and par. (cf. Alal. Akk. waraḫ
pagrī, AHw 809: pagrum B.4).
pġḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 204, 211, 245, 251; Astour NuzHur 1 23; ¶ syll.:
pu-ḫi-zi-nu/ni, PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) I 2; PRU 6 109 A (RS 19.131):2.
PN: ★a) 4.141 II 2; 4.148:6; 4.183 I 24; 4.609:3 (Van Soldt SAU 38); ★b) bn PN,
pġdr, 4.270:10; cf. pġ(n)dr.
pġn, 4.4:1; cf. pġ(n)dr.
pġ(n)dr n. m., type of blanket or cloak (< Hurr. paḫandari, Laroche GLH 192;
Hurro-Akk. paḫa(n)tar(r)u, eine Decke, AHw 810; a cover, CAD P 20 f.; Die-
trich-Loretz UF 9 1977 340; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 61; cf. Heltzer UF 19 1987
447: Myc. pe-ki-ti-ra; Vita TT 331); ¶ syll. Ug.: 3 TÚG pa-ḫa-dar6-ru GADA,
PRU 3 206 (RS 15.135):9; Huehnergard UVST 169, 317; Watson LSU 132.
¶ Forms: pl. / du. pġ(n)drm.
Type of blanket or cloak: ʕšr ṯn kbd pġdrm twelve p., 4.270:10; ṯn pġn{.}drm,
two p., 4.4:1f.
Cf. blḫdr.
pġsdb PN (etym. unc.; for p. Gröndahl PTU 172, 245; for -b, ibid.).

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656 pġt – /p-h-y/

PN: pġsdb šml šn commercial agent (?) of ivory, 2.17:5.

pġt n. f. 1) “girl”; 2) “princess”; 3) PN in a literary narrative (< pġy. PN Hb. pwʕh,
HALOT 918. Macdonald UF 10 1978 167ff.; Watson UF 38 2006 722; Historiae
10 2013 32). ¶ Forms: f. pġt; du. pġtm.
1) Girl: pġt aḥt w pġy aḥ<d> one girl and one boy, 4.349:4; ảṯt w pġt b bt gg a
woman and a girl in the house of PN, 4.102:2 and similar lists; ảṯt w ṯt pġtm a
woman and two girls, 4.102:19.
2) Princess: tld pġt t[ she will give birth to the girl / princess (…), 1.15 III 7 and
par.; in bkn ctx.: 1.16 II 5.
3) PN, in a literary narrative, of dnỉl’s daughter, ảqht’s sister (passim in 1.19):
pġt ṯkmt my ḥspt l šʕr ṭl ydʕt hlk kbkbm PN, who carries water on (her)
shoulders, who collects dew from the (woollen) pelisse / fleece, who knows
the courses of the stars 1.19 II 1 and par.; mġyt pġt l ảhlm DN arrived at the
tents, 1.19 IV 50.
Cf. pġy.
pġy n. m., “boy” (etym. unc. Watson UF 28 2006 722; Historiae 10 2013 32).
¶ Forms: sg. pġy, f. pġt (cf. pġt).
Boy: pġt ảḥt w pġy ảḥ<d> one girl and one boy, 4.349:4.
Cf. pġt.
pġyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 172, 204, 245); ¶ syll.: pu-ḫi-ya-nu, PRU 6 82
I 12 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 361 n. 235).
PN: ★a) 4.631:12; 4.643:14; ★b) bn PN, 4.63 III 29.
phr 1.2 I 20, mistake for pḫr (see pḫr (I)).
/p-h-y/ vb G: 1) “to see, espy”, “look at”; 2) “to know, recognise”; 3) “to visit” (etym.
unc.; possibly a lexicalised allom. of c.Sem. /w-p-y/; RS Akk. (w)apû, AHw
1459ff.: “sichtbar sein, werden”; “to become visible, appear”, CAD A/2 201 ff.
For other opinions cf. Coote UF 6 1974 1ff.; Van Zijl Baal 82, 224; De Moor
SP 230; Verreet UF 16 1984 310ff.; Watson UF 31 1999 790; LSU 52 n. 438: /phy/,
/pwh/ (Arab. bāha), /byy/, /p-h/); ¶ RS Akk.: i-ta-mar-ma, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227
and dupl.):16, cf. // phy, 3.1:15; Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1964–1966 218; Knoppers
BASOR 289 1993 85; ¶ par.: /ʕ-n/, /s/ś-b-b/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. pht, phy; suff.
phnn; prefc. ỉph, tph, yph; suff. tphn, tphnh, tphhm, yphn, yphnh; impv. ph; N
prefc. ynphy (?).
G. 1) To see, espy, look at: ʕlk pht šrp b ỉšt on your account I have seen burning
by fire, 1.6 V 14 and par.; b nšỉ ʕnh w yphn on raising his eyes he saw him, 1.17
V 9 and par. (formula of seeing; cf. Del Olmo MLC 41); bṣqlt yph b pảlt he saw
a shoot in the waste land, 1.19 II 13 and par. (// ysb); hlm ỉl k yphnh as soon as
DN saw her, 1.4 IV 27; hlm ỉlm tphhm tphn mlảk ym as soon as the gods saw
them, saw the messengers of DN, 1.2 I 22; hlm ʕnt tph ỉlm as soon as DN espied
the (two) gods, 1.3 III 32 and par.; hlm ảḫh tph as soon as she saw her brother,

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pḥ – pḥm 657

1.16 I 53; ks qdš l tphnh ảṯt a holy cup that a woman / the Lady had not seen,
1.3 I 14 (// tʕn); ph mʕ ảp k[rt look, please, is PN (…)?, 1.15 III 28; in bkn ctx.:
d ỉph[ what I have seen, 1.10 II 32 (// d ʕnn); in unc. ctx.: b glb phnn in TN they
saw him (?), 2.62:6; in bkn and unc. ctx.: w rm tph and praised you shall see,
1.113:1, 5 (alt., “high is the sound of his tambourine”, Wyatt RTU 400, cf. tp (I))
ảnk ỉphn I shall see him, 2.31:39.
2) To know, recognise: […] nqmd mlk ủgr[t …] phy (the loyalty (?) of) PN, king
of Ugarit (…) has recognised, 3.1:15 (cf. RS Akk. ki-it-ta ša mni-iq-ma-an-d[a?]
i-ta-mar-ma, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):15).
3) To visit: ỉd yph mlk ršp when the king visits DN, 1.90:1 and par., see 1.164:10);
htm ỉph [ảdty] now I shall go and visit my lady, 2.25:4.
N. To be seen: ṯlṯ{.}ỉd ynphy yrḫ b yrḫ ảḫrm (if) three times the moon is seen
in the month, then, 1.163:5 (for the form cf. Tropper UF 26 1994 460; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz MU 180f. “in Monat auf Monat nacheinander”).
Cf. tph.
pḥ PN (etym. unc. Ranke ÄP 1 115:13, 116:10); ¶ syll.: cf. pa-a-ḫi (LÚ KUR mi-iṣ-ri),
PRU 3 142 (RS 16.136):9, 11.
PN: 4.90:7.
pḥl n. m. “ass”, “jackass”, “stallion of an equine species” (Arab. faḥl, “a stallion”,
AEL 2346; Akk. puḫālu, “Zuchtwidder”, AHw 875; “stud, breed animal”, CAD
P 479ff. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 350 n. 7; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 101 f.;
Renfroe UF 17 1985 410f.; Loretz HippUg 61ff.); ¶ par.: ʕr (II). ¶ Forms: sg.
pḥl; f. pḥlt (cf. pḥlt).
Ass, jackass, stallion: mdl ʕr ṣmd pḥl they harnessed the ass, they yoked the
jackass, 1.4 IV 9 and par.; yštn (…) l ysmsmt bmt pḥl they placed her (…) on
the best (part) of the ass’s hindquarters, 1.4 IV 15 and par. (// ʕr); ủm pḥl pḥlt
mother of the stallion (and of) /, the mare, 1.100:1 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009
90ff.). For the rdg bḥ[lm (?) in 4.377:24 see Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 183, 185;
UF 35 2003 183; Pardee RSOu 17 347, 353, 365; McGeough UgET 260 n. 114).
pḥlt n. f. “mare” (cf. pḥl). ¶ Forms: sg. pḥlt.
Mare: ủm pḥl pḥlt mother of the stallion (and of) /, the mare, 1.100:1 (cf. Del
Olmo AuOr 25 2007 165f.; AuOr 31 2011 40 n. 8, 45 n. 35; Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 90ff.).
pḥm n. m. 1) “ember, glowing coal”; 2) > “reddish, ruby” in colour; 3) > “deep red
purple, ruby purple” (Hb. pḥm, “charcoal” > “reddish-purple”, HALOT 924;
Pun. cf. ʔbn pḥmt > “coal” (?), DNWSI 906; Syr. paḥmō, “coal”, SL 1179; Akk.
pēmtu, “(Holz-)Kohle”, AHw 854; “charcoal, embers”, CAD P 324 ff.; Arab.
faḥm, “charcoal”, AEL 2347; Eth. fǝḥm, “coal, embers”, CDG 157. Fronzaroli
RANL 21 1972 625f., 636; Collini SEL 4 1987 17); ¶ RS Akk.: SÍK.ZA.GÌN and
SÍK.ZA.GIN ḫu/ašmānu; cf. síkḫu-uš-ma-ni, PRU 3 15 (RS 12.33):6; uqnû(SÍK.

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658 pḫd

ZA. GÌN) ḫaš-ma-na/ni, PRU 4 42f. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):24, 26, 28, 30, 32;
PRU 3 80f. (RS 17.382+380):40, 42, 44, 46; PRU 3 181 f. (RS 11.732) B 3–10;
PRU 3 187 (RS 15.43):6; cf. SÍK.ZA.GÌN SA5, PRU 3 208 (RS 16.259):5–6; 1 me-at
SÍK.ZA.GÌN ù 10 SÍK.SA5: ta-ba?-ri, Owen Tel Aviv 8 1981 7 f.:40; SÍK.ZA.GÌN
ḫaš-ma-na SÍK.ZA.GÌN: ḫa-an-da-la-ti ù SÍK.ZA.GÌN: du-pa-aš-ši, Ug 5 48
(RS 20.19):9–10; SÍK.SAG.GIL.MUD, RSOu 7 31 (RS 34.134):15, 34 (Huehnergard
Syria 74 1997 218); Bottéro ARMT 7 296f.; Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966–1967
227ff.; Landsberger JCS 21 1967 158f.; Nougayrol Ug 5 136 n. 1; Huehnergard
AkkUg 366 n. 25; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 341; cf. AHw 334; CAD Ḫ 142; ¶ par.:
ỉšt. ¶ Forms: sg. pḥm; pl. pḥmm.
1) Ember, glowing coal: štt (…) ḫbrt l ẓr pḥmm she placed (…) a stewpot on
top of the embers, 1.4 II 9 (// ỉšt); ʕṣr (…) yḫrṭ yšt l pḥm the bird (…) he plucked
(and) placed on the embers, 1.23:39; ʕṣr (…) ṣḥrrt l pḥmm a bird (…) you have
roasted on the embers, ibid. 41 and par. (// ỉšt).
2) Reddish, ruby (colour): hm yrḫ b ʕl[ yh] w pḥm nʕmn yk[n] if the moon,
in its ascension, is reddish, it will be favourable, 1.163:12; cf. ibid. ln. 16
(Dietrich-Loretz MU 187f.).
3) Deep red purple, ruby purple (fabric): ktn d TN pḥm bh w ṯqlm ksph mỉtm
pḥm bd skn a tunic from TN with (fringes of (?)) ruby purple with a value of
two shekels, (and) two hundred (shekels) of red purple: in the hands of the
prefect, 4.132:4–5; ảrbʕ ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd four thousand five hundred
(shekels) of ruby purple, 4.203:3; ảlpm pḥm ḫmš mảt kbd two thousand five
hundred (shekels) of ruby purple, 4.132:1; for paying tribute: ḫmš mảt pḥm
ḫmš mảt ỉqnủ five hundred (shekels) of ruby purple (and) five hundred
(shekels) of violet purple, 3.1:22 (cf. RS Akk.: 5 me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN.MEŠ 5
me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN ḫas-ma-na, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and dupl.):23–24); ks ḫrṣ
(/ ksp) ktn mỉt pḥm mỉt ỉqnỉ l (…) one cup of gold (/ silver), one tunic, one
hundred (shekels) of ruby purple and one hundred (shekels) of violet purple
for (…), 3.1:27 and passim ibid. (cf. RS Akk.: 1 GAL (/ ka-sú) KÙ.GI.MEŠ
(/ KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ) 1 TÚG.GADA 1 me-at SÍK.ZA.GÌN (ḫaš-ma-ni) 1 me-at
SÍK.ZA.GÌN (ḫaš-ma-ni / ta-kíl-tum) a-na (…), PRU 4 42 f. (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):25–37; PRU 4 82 (RS 17.382+):40–47); w pḥm b bty ỉn but there is no
ruby purple in my palace, 2.73:9, cf. ln. 8 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 415: “pierre
précieuse”); in bkn ctx.: l pḥm w x[, 4.268:5; pḥm[, 4.738:6. w mỉt pḥm, 4.867:16;
ảlp pḥm, 2.99:11.
pḫd n. m. “a yearling lamb” (Akk. puḫādu, “Lamm”, AHw 875; “lamb”, CAD 476ff.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 181f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 75ff., 101; Watson
LSU 99; Historiae 4 2007 95: AA *pVḫ(V)d-, Berb. eifed, Elam. putu, pitu;
diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 428 n. y: “farine”, Akk. paḫīdu). ¶ Forms: sg.

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pḫn – pkdy 659

A yearling lamb: ʕdb ỉmr b pḫd prepare a lamb from among the yearlings, 1.17
V 17 and par.
pḫn TN (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 683; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 220; Topography 38).
TN: 4.141 III 6.
pḫr (I) n. m.: a) “assembly”; b) “cluster”; c) “group, faction, family” (Akk. puḫru,
“Versammlung”, AHw 876f.; “assembly, council”, CAD P 485 ff.; Ebla /paḫā-
rum/ or /paḫrum/ in KA.KIN = ba-ḫa-lumum, VE 222; Civil Or 56 1987 237;
Durand QuSem 16 27ff.; Conti SQF 100; cf. in PNN, Krebernik PET 38; Pagan
Ares 3 153f.; Palm., Hatra pḥr, “assembly, banquet”, DNWSI 907; Syr. pūḫrāʔ,
“banquet”, “bands, crowds”, SL 1161. Watson Historiae 10 2013 20). ¶ Forms: sg.
pḫr; suff. pḫrk; in 1.2 I 20 phr is mistake for pḫr (Tropper UG 154).
★a) Assembly: pḫr ỉlm the assembly of the gods, 1.47:29; 1.118:28 and par. (RS
Akk. dpu-ḫur DINGIR.MEŠ, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):28; Huehnergard UVST 166;
Cho LDUT 14); pḫr bn ỉlm assembly of the gods (> sons of DN), 1.4 III 14 and
par.; pḫr mʕd assembly of meeting > plenary assembly 1.2 I 14 and par. (Cho
LDUT 18); pḫr qbṣ dtn the assembly of the clan of PN, 1.15 III 15 and par.; w
yšr pḫr and the assembly will sing, 1.23:57 (diff. Tsumura UF 10 1978 393: pḫr
klảt “completion”; cf. klảt); ★b) cluster: ]pḫr kkbm the cluster of stars, 1.10 I 4
(Cho LDUT 16ff.); ★c) group, faction, family: pḫr bʕl the group of DN, 1.39:7
and par. (LDFUT 15); ảp l pḫrk ʕnt tqm and also your family may DN stand
up, 1.82:39 and par.; in bkn ctx.: dt b pḫr[, 1.16 V 30 (cf. Margalit UF 11 1979 553
n. 51: “clay”, cf. pḫr (II)); 1.84:41.
Cf. pḫyr, mpḫrt.
pḫr (II) n. m. “potter” (< Akk. paḫāru, “Töpfer”, AHw 810 (Sum.); “potter”,
CAD P 21ff.; JPAram. pḫr, “potter”, DJPA 428; Arab. faḫḫār, “baked pottery”,
AEL 2350. De Moor UF 11 1979 647f.; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 50 f.; Watson
LSU 73, 99, 146); ¶ par.: mḫr (II), ṯġr (II). ¶ Forms: sg. pḫr.
Potter: tpnn (…) ʕn pḫr (the eye of the evil-doer) does distort (…) the eye of
the potter, 1.96:7 (// ʕn mḫr, ʕn ṯġr; diff. Ford UF 30 1998 202, 236ff.: “(It was)
the eye of an evil man (that) saw him”, rdg tp<h>nn, but see Del Olmo AuOr
28 2010 46); ʕn pḫr l pḫr tṯb may the eye of the potter, to the potter revert,
1.96:9–10 (// ʕn ṯġr, ʕn mḫr).
pḫyr n. m. “whole, totality” (< pḫr (I); allog. with mat. lect. Dietrich-Loretz Fs.
Elliger 34; alt. bkn pl., cf. Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 103; or /qutayyil/ pattern;
Verreet UF 19 1987 333; Van Selms JNES 26 1967 289 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. pḫyr; suff.
Whole, totality: b klhn špḥ yỉtbd w b pḫyrh yrṯ in their entirety the family
perished, and in its totality the succession, 1.14 I 25.
Cf. pḫr (I).
pkdy PN (?) (etym. unc.).

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660 pkly – /p-l-g/

PN (?), in unc. ctx.: l ṯl pkdy, 5.11:14 (word division unc.).

pkly PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 22 2004 116; Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242:
/pakla-/, 246: /pukl/; Watson AuOr 30 2012 335: Emar Pukli-šarru).
PN: bn PN, 4.780:7.
/p-k-y/ vb G: “to weep” (alloph. variant of /b-k-y/); ¶ par.: /d-m-ʕ/. ¶ Forms: G
prefc. tpky.
G. To weep: tp!ky km nʕr you weep like a boy, 1.107:11 (// tdmʕ; cf. ln. 8 ybky).
pl PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242: /pal(l)/, 246: /pula/; Gröndahl
PTU 172, 287f.; Maraqten SPARI 203: plyh; Benz PNPPI 390: pl; Watson LSU 218
n. 76).
PN: bn PN, 4.356:10; 4.377:13; 4.425:4 (Van Soldt SAU 37).
Cf. plwn.
pld n. m. of cloth or garment (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 58 f.; cf. Hb.
pldwt hrkb, “?”, HALOT 929f.: *pldh; Akk. palādu, “ein Gewand” (?), AHw 812;
mng unc., CAD P 37. Dahood Biblica 51 1970 396 f.; Vita TT 331; Loretz HippUg
121f.: “für Pferde oder Streitwagen?”); ¶ syll. Ug.: TÚG pa-li-du, PRU 6 129
(RS 19.133 A):5; TÚG pa-li-du-ma, PRU 6 127 (RS 19.57):4; PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39):3;
Sivan GAGl 257; Huehnergard UVST 167f.; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: sg.
pld; pl. pldm; du. pldm (mistake (?) pddm in 4.363:8, cf. pdd).
Cloth or garment: pld b ảrbʕt one p. for four shekels, 4.146:7 (Heltzer GPOTU
47; Stieglitz JAOS 99 1979 19); of linen: pld pṯt, 4.152:8; 4.205:1; of wool: pld(m
dt) šʕrt, 4.152:7; 4.205:7; 4.270:8, 12; types: ṯn pldm rṣmm two p. (…) (?), 4.4:4
(rdg unc.: cf. rṣmm); pldm b (rdg d ?) ảdrm (two) p. with fibulae (?), 4.4:5 (cf.
ảdr (IV)); ṯn pld mḥ[trt? two p. of type (/ and one) m., 4.152:4 (Ribichini-Xella
Tessili 59, 76); for horses or chariots (?): ʕ !š !rm ủšpġtm pl[d] twenty ủ. and
(one) p., 1.148:21; cf. pldm, 5.23:4 (Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 16 ff.:
“couverture, tapis”; Watson FO 47 2010 435); ảġt l! ḥyt pldm ddm for TN: for (?)
the ḥ. of cloths, two “cauldronsful”, 4.795:9; for the KTU rdg pldm in 4.363:8,
footnote 2, see Watson AuOr 29 2011 163 n. 76: here “(horse-)blanket”; cf.
supra: pdd).
/p-l-g/ vb N “to be split” > “to disintegrate, evaporate” (Hb. plg ni., “to be
separated”, pi., “to split”, HALOT 928f.; OAram. plg, “to divide”, DNWSI 911 f.;
JPAram. “to be divided, share”, DJPA 433f.; Syr. plg, “to divide, split”, SL 1193;
Arab. falağa, “to split, divide”, AEL 2436ff.; Eth. falaga, “to divide, split”,
CDG 159; cf. RS Akk. palāq/ku, “erschlagen, schlachten”, AHw 814; “slaughter”,
CAD P 51f.; Arab. falaqa, “to split, divide”, AEL 2441 ff.); ¶ par.: /l-ʔ-y/w/.
¶ Forms: G/N suffc. plg; prefc. tplg (Tropper UG 538: N).
N. To be split > to disintegrate, evaporate: ḥmt (…) tplg km plg the venom (…)
had been evaporated (: dried up) like a stream, 1.100:69 (// tlủ); in unc. ctx.:
1.176:3, 5 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 351).

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plg – pls/ś 661

Cf. plg.
plg n. m. “stream, brook” (cf. /p-l-g/. Hb. plg, “artificial channel, canal”, HALOT
929; OAram. plg, “canal”, DNWSI 913; Akk. palgu, “Graben, Kanal”, AHw 815 f.;
“canal, irrigation ditch”, CAD P 62f.; Arab. falağ, “a small river”, AEL 2437;
Eth. falag, “river, brook”, CDG 159); ¶ par.: nḫl (I). ¶ Forms: sg. plg.
Stream, brook: ḥmt (…) tplg km plg the venom (…) had been evaporated (:
dried up) like a stream, 1.100:69 (// km nḫl).
Cf. /p-l-g/.
plġn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 22 2004 123).
PN: 3.8:4 (ảpġny).
plk n. m. “spindle” (Hb. plk, “spindle-whorl”, HALOT 933; Ph. plk, “spindle”,
DNWSI 915f.; Ebla /piʔakku/ (< /*pilakku/) in GIŠ.BAL = bi-a-gu, VE 459;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 16; Civil Biling. 87; Krecher Biling. 157; Akk. pilakk/qqu,
“Stilet, Spindel”, AHw 863; “spindle”, CAD P 371 ff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 197
n. b; Margalit MLD, 28, 41f.); diff. Watson UF 39 2007 678: “perfume”, Mari
Akk. pa(l)luk/gu; ¶ syll. Ug.: BAL = pí-la-ak-ku = te-a-ri = pí-lak-ku, Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123+) II 22; Sivan GAGl 258; Huehnergard UVST 168; Van Soldt
SAU 306. ¶ Forms: sg. plk; suff. plkh.
Spindle: ảḫdt plkh [b ydh] she took her spindle (in her hand), 1.4 II 3–4; plk,
spindle; plk, 9.2 (Sauvage-Hawley RSOu 21 365–390: “fusaïole”).
plkn PN (etym.unc., < plk (?)).
PN: 4.825 I 12.
/p-l(-l)/ vb Gpass. “to be cracked”, “to be parched” (Arab. falla, “to break”, cf.
fill, “land in which is no herbage”, ʔafallat ʔal-ʔarḍ, “the land became such
as is termed fill”, AEL 2433ff. De Moor SP 220f.; Aartun UF 17 1985 14 f.;
diff. Mulders UF 4 1972 84: “beobachten”, Akk. palālu, Hb. pll pi., Watson
NUS 39–40 1988 12; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 262 n. g.: rdg p l; Margalit UF 11
1979 540; MLD 170 n. 1: “to search”, Akk. palālu, MHb., Arab. *ply). ¶ Forms:
G suffc. pl.
G. To be cracked, to be parched: pl ʕnt šdm parched are the furrows of the
fields, 1.6 IV 1 and par.
pll PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 172, 288; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227); ¶ syll.: cf.
pu-lu-lu, PRU 4 166 (RS 17.129) 4; pu-lu-lu-na, Ug 5 160 (RS 17.102):3; RSOu 7 5
(RS 34.147):5.
PN: bn PN, 4.103:24; in bkn ctx. 4.103:25 (?); 4.545 II 4.
pln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 172, 288).
PN: 4.295:9; 4.417:8 (ṯmry); 4.631:5, 18 (bn tỉyn); in bkn ctx.: 2.22:6.
pls/ś PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 172f.; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227; AuOr 30 2012
335); ¶ syll.: píl-ZU, PRU 3 128 (RS 16.154):18; PRU 3 200 f. (RS 16.257+):37, 48;
pil-ZI, PRU 3 20 (RS 15.63):9; DUMU pil-ZI, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B II 3; pil-ZU,

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662 pls/śbʕl – plwn

Ug 5 4 (RS 17.20):11; Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):24; Sivan GAGl 258.

PN: ★a) pls: 4.769:11 (bn mtn; Van Soldt SAU 224); ★b) bn pls, 3.17:8; 4.63 III 31;
4.75 IV 5; in bkn ctx. 2.44:17.
Cf. pls/śbʕl, plsy.
pls/śbʕl PN (allog. of Sem. /pu/ilsī-baʕl-/. Gröndahl PTU 22, 37, 39, 117, 173;
Dietrich-Loretz KA 242, 245f.; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227).
PN: ★a) plsbʕl, 6.1:1; ★b) plśbʕl, 4.366:3 (bn nz[).
plsy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 172f.; Lipiński UF 13 1981 123 ff.;
Watson AuOr 13 1995 227); ¶ syll.: píl-sí-ia, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):2; píl-si-ya/ia,
PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):10; PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):14; PRU 6 109 (RS 19.131) A 3; PRU 6
139 (RS 19.139):7; píl-sú-ya, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):11; Sivan GAGl 258.
PN: ★a) 2.10:2; 4.134:4; 4.214 II 14, IV 9; 4.261:6; 4.262:6; 4.635:40 (aḏddy);
4.861:11; ★b) bn PN, 4.214 I 19; 4.617 I 15.
plšn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242: /palušše/; (see Watson
AuOr 22 2004 123: Akk. pālišu, but see AuOr 25 2007 135 n. 30: Akk. pallišu,
“a drilling stone” (?)).
PN: 4.63 III 34.
Cf. plzn.
/p-l-ṭ/ vb N “to be safe”; D “to save, rescue” (Hb. plṭ q., “to escape”, pi., “to save”,
HALOT 930f.; OAram. plṭ pa., “to deliver, save”, DNWSI 915; Arab. falata,
ʔaflata, “to escape, get away”, AEL 2435f.; cf. Akk. balāṭu, “leben”, AHw 99;

“to get well, recover, be alive”, CAD B 52ff.; Eth. falaṭa, “set apart”, CDG 161);
¶ syll. Ug.: KAR = šu-zu-bu = a-bu-uš-ku-me = pu-la-ṭu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+)
II 20; Sivan GAGl 259; Huehnergard UVST 168; Van Soldt SAU 306; cf. the
element /yapluṭ-/ in PNN, Sivan GAGl 259; ¶ par.: /ʕ-ḏ-r/. ¶ Forms: N suffc.
nplṭ; D prefc. con suff. yplṭk.
N. To be safe: nplṭ ʕbdmlk PN was already safe, 2.82:4; w hm ỉnm ʕbdmlk nplṭ
but if PN had not been saved, 2.82:12 (Pardee AfO 31 1984 221 f.).
D. To save: w[…] aqht w yplṭk and [may] PN [come (?)] to save you, 1.18 I 13
(// yʕḏrk).
Cf. plṭ, yplṭ, yplṭn.
plṭ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 173).
PN: 4.374:7; 4.727:18; in bkn ctx. 4.222:2.
Cf. /p-l-ṭ/, yplṭ, yplt/ṭn.
plṯt n. f. “fall” > “humiliation” (Hb. plš hitp., “to roll about in mourning”, HALOT
935. De Moor SP 192; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 106); ¶ par.: ủn. ¶ Forms: sg.
Fall, humiliation: ʕpr plṯt dust of humiliation, 1.5 VI 15 (// ủn).
plwn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 287f.; West AOAT 233 35: PN pu-re-wa,
Linear B).

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/p-l-y/ – pnủ 663

PN: 4.41:11; 4.807:28.

Cf. pl, pln.
/p-l-y/ vb G/D “to distinguish” > “to adorn” (Hb. plh/ʔ ni., “to be unusual, won-
derful”, hi., “to do something wonderful”, HALOT 927f.; Eth. falaya, “to sep-
arate, distinguish”, CDG 161; Arab. falā, “to investigate, consider”, AEL 2445.
De Moor UF 1 1969 180; Lipiński UF 3 1971 82; Margalit ZAW 86 1974 6: “to be
conspicuous”; Irwin UF 15 1983 54f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 141; De Moor-
Spronk CARTU 163: “to make feel marvellous, stroke”, D ply; diff. Pope-Tigay
UF 3 1971 124ff.: “phylactery”, MHb. tplh / Akk. pelû; Avishur StylSt 718: “to
search” (for parasites), MHb. plh); ¶ par.: /m-l-l/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tply.
G/D. To distinguish > to adorn: rỉšh tply ṭly DN adorns his head, 1.101:5 (//
tmll. For a possible /qtly/ pattern of tply see Loretz UF 33 2001 321).
Cf. ypln.
ply PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242: pa-li-ia and var.; Gröndahl
PTU 172, 288; Watson Historiae 4 2007 104f.); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF pí-la-ya, PRU 4
237 (RS 17.251):25.
PN: 4.658:17.
Cf. bly, ypln.
plzn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 287f.); ¶ syll.: pu-lu-zi-nu/na, PRU 3 35
(RS 15.37):3, 9; cf. pil-la-za, PRU 4 (RS 16.180):2; pí-l[a-z]a?, PRU 3 34 (RS 16.114)
rev. 1.
PN: 4.80:12 (ảrty).
Cf. blẓn, plšn.
pmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 158, 170).
PN: 4.159:4.
Cf. mlk (I).
pmn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 300; Watson AuOr 8 1990 247; AuOr 14 1996
103; Muchiki Loanwords 279).
PN: ★a) 4.63 I 29; 4.170:8; ★b) bn PN, 4.232:27.
Cf. pnmn.
pn negative functor of intent “lest” (Hb. pn, “so that not”, “or else, perhaps,
in case”, HALOT 936f.; “lest”, DNWSI 918. De Moor UF 1 1969 171; Pardee
TPM 53; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 162; CARTU 163; diff. Aartun PU/2
88: “dann”, p-n; for the various interpretations cf. Caquot TOu/2 75 n. 234).
¶ Forms: pn.
Lest: pn lm k!lb tʕdbn nšb lest they / so that they do not offer a n. to a dog,
1.114:12 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 94: rdg h!n).
pnủ PN (Eg. Muchiki Loanwords 278); ¶ syll.: cf. [p]a-na-i-na, PRU
6 82:25. ¶ Forms: ge. pnỉ.
PN: bn PN, 4.350:8.

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664 pndḏn – pnm

pndḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 211, 244, 251; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969
211f.); ¶ syll.: cf. ZAG.ŠEŠ (Bo. be-en-te-ši-na, ba-an-ti-ip-še-en-ni, “Pentešina”,
king of Amurru; Singer in Izreʿel AmAkk 2 164ff.), PRU 3 253; PRU 4 248; PRU 6
1 (RS 19.06):3; Van Soldt SAU 121.
PN: 4.79:5 (b[n).
Cf. pdḏn, pdṯn, pṭḏ, pṭḏn.
pndn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 335).
PN: ★a) 4.33:38 (ndb[ y); ★b) bn PN, 4.35 I 14.
pndr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 212; cf. West
AOAT 233 34: PN pa-da-ro, Linear B).
PN: bn PN, 4.322:8; 4.617 II 30; 4.714:3; 4.715:19.
pndyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 244; Dietrich-Loretz UF 11969 211 ff.; De
Moor BiOr 24 1969 106; Priebatsch UF 12 1980 318); cf. ZAG-ia-na, PRU 4 201
(RS 18.02):4; Huehnergard AkkUg 384.
PN: ★a) 4.118:6; 4.658:44; ★b) in bkn ctx.: bn] PN, 4.658:53.
Cf. pdyn.
pnḥṯ PN (Eg. Ranke ÄP 1 113:13; Pardee AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 27).
PN: 2.70:3.
pnm n. m. pl. t., 1) “face, countenance”; 2) lexicalised prep. (Hb. pnym, “front,
face”, HALOT 938ff.; Ph., Pun., Hb., OAram. pnm, “face”, DNWSI 918 ff.: pnh1;
Ebla cf. pá-na-ù, “front” (?), MEE 10 23 rev. I 6, pá-na-i, cf. Mander MEE 10 109;
Akk. pānu, “Vorderseite, Gesicht”, AHw 818ff.; “front, front part”, CAD P 84ff.;
cf. Arab. fināʔ, “a wide space in front”, AEL 2451 f.; Tropper UF 32 2000 762:
< *pny); ¶ par.: ksl, pʕn, pỉt. ¶ Forms: pl. pnm; cstr. pn; suff. pny, pnk, pnh,
pnnh, pnwh, pnm (adv. -m, cf. infra: 3. a).
1) Face, countenance, ★a) of gods and men: ỉdk al / l y/ttn pnm ʕm / tk then,
he / you / they truly set (his /your/ their) face towards (…), 1.4 VIII 1 and
passim in narrative texts, with variants (pnk), dispatch / travel formula (Del
Olmo MLC 54f.); w b hm pn bʕl and (they will have) the face of DN, 1.12 I 33
(cf. pn hdd, 1.9:13; in bkn ctx.: ]pn ym, 1.25:6; pn nʕmxy[, 1.86:29); ʕln pnh tdʕ
above her face began to sweat, 1.3 III 34 and par. (// ksl, pʕnm); pnh ṯġr yṣủ
his face appeared through the door (?), 1.16 I 52; w pn mlk nr bn and the king’s
countenance has shone upon us, 2.13:17 (cf. 2.16:9); pn ḥrn pnm trġn DN’s face
blazed, 1.100:61 (diff. Pardee TPM 214: “vers DN elle tourne (sa) face”); b d !nỉl
pnm tšmḫ on PN his face lit up, 1.17 II 9 (// pỉt); ★b) of animals: pnh pn ỉrn
(if) its face is (like) the face / muzzle of a puppy, 1.103:33; pn ảrw protome of
a lion, 6.62:2.
2) Lexicalised prep., l pn- passim: ★a) l pnk before you, 1.16 VI 48 (// kslk); l
pnh before him, 1.161:15; l pn “in front of” (cf. Hb. l pny): [ yṯ]ỉr (…) l pn zbl
ym he stood surety (…) before prince DN, 1.2 III16 and par.; šrḥq ảṯt l pnnh

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pnmn – pnt 665

he removed the women from in front of him (: in his presence), 1.3 IV 40; l
pnnh ydd w yqm before her he prepared to stand up, 1.10 II 17; ybrd ṯd l pnwh
he divided / sliced a breast (of meat) before him (: in his presence), 1.3 I 6
(De Moor SP 70); l pnk l tšlḥm ytm before you (: in your presence) you have
not fed the orphan, 1.16 VI 48; ả]rš l pn bʕ[l I have asked before DN, 2.23:19;
l pn ảmn w l pn ỉl mṣrm (I have asked) before DN and before the gods of
TN, 2.23:21; p l ảšt (…) l pn ỉb and I will not put (…) in front of an enemy,
2.33:29; ḥnny l pn mlk be kind to me before the king, 2.15:3; ʕrbt l pn špš I have
entered before the “Sun”, 2.16:8; l pn ll. before nightfall, 1.132:16 and 25; lk l
pny/h walk in front of me / it, 1.82:10, 38; l pn qrt before the city, 2.72:19; l pn
mlkt lỉkt before the queen I have sent a message, 2.88:36; in unc. ctx.: dmrn
l pnh yrd DN went down before him (?), 1.92:30; ★b) tk pn “before, in front
of”: št (…) mrỉả w tk pnh he put (…) a fatling directly in front of her face, 1.3
IV 42.
3) Adv. use: ★a) pnm “inside” (adv. -m; cf. Hb. pnymh): tbủ pnm she pene-
trated inside, 1.16 VI 5; ★b) l pnm “in front” (cf. Hb. l pnym): yủḫdm šbʕr ảmrr
k kbkb l pnm DN began to illuminate like a star in front, 1.4 IV 17.
For ảnpnm in bkn ctx.: 1.12 II 37, read either ả{n}pnm (Tropper UG 744:
“ausserdem”) or {ả/pn}pnm (Dietrich-Loretz Studien 28, 66: “das Antlitz”);
also in bkn ctx. also: 1.152:5; 2.31:62 (?); 7.37:3; in unc. ctx.: yʕm[d]n pn ʕṯtr, 1.2
III 12; in Hurr. and unc. ctx.: tỉzr pnm 1.116:9.
pnmn PN (Eg. Watson AuOr 8 1990 247; AuOr 20 2002 236; Muchiki Loanwords
279); ¶ syll.: cf. p]a?-nu-me-na, Syria 16 1935 188 ff. (RS 6.198):7, 21.
PN: ★a): 4.131:7; ★b) bn PN, 4.281:23.
Cf. pmn.
/p-n-n/ vb G/D: a) “to distort”; b) “to change” (Arab. fanna, fannana, “to cheat,
make to suffer a loss”, “to diversify, confuse”, AEL 2446 ff. Del Olmo AuOr 28
2010 47, alt. < *pny, “to face”, < denom. pn-m). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tpnn.
G/D.: a) to distort: tpnn ʕn bṯy (…) tpnn ʕn mḫr, the eye of the evil-doing
woman does distort (…) the eye of the tax-collector does distort, 1.96:5–6
(diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 241: /pny/ “sich wenden”; Ford UF 30 1998 219,
229, 236f.: “to see”, < /p-h-y/); b) to change: tpnn npṣm they change / she
changes the clothes (?),1.104:16 (diff. Dijkstra Fs. Loretz 281: “to remove”, with
no explanation; Del Olmo CR 259 n. 48: “the tunics shall be presented”, L
/p-n/ < Akk.-OAss. D panû(m) < denom. pānu, “to forward”; Pardee TR/1
567, 570: “tu feras virer ? le(s) équipement(s) vestimentaire(s)” < /pny/, “(se)
tourner” D/L).
pnt n. f. “knuckle, joint, vertebra” (Hb. pnh, “corner”, HALOT 944 f. Cf. De Moor
SP 137; UF 12 1980 426; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 163; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
137 n. u; Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 173: “Glieder”; diff. Baldacci UF 10 1978

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666 pnṯbl – /p-q/

417f.: “appearances”, f. pl. of pn, Akk. pānātu; Aartun StUL 116 ff.: “schöne
Gestalt” < *pwn); ¶ par.: ảnš, tmn (I). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. pnt, suff. pnth.
Knuckle, joint, vertebra: l tnġṣn pnth his knuckles did not buckle, 1.2 IV 17 (//
tmn; cf. 1.2 IV 26); tġṣ pnt kslh the joints of her back contracted, 1.3 III 34 and
Cf. /p-n-y/.
pnṯbl PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 227).
PN: in bkn ctx.; ]bn PN, 4.127:12; cf. bn ṯbln, 4.322:7 (cf. ṯbln, PN).
/p-n-y/ cf. /p-n-n/.
ppn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 244; Muchiki Loanwords 279; Watson AuOr
20 2002 236; AuOr 22 2004 123); ¶ syll.: cf. pa-pa-na, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):34;
in unc. ctx.: bn ppn[, 4.39:6.
pprn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 242 /paippurni/; Gröndahl
PTU 22, 27, 174; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 106; Watson AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30
2012 335); ¶ syll.: cf. pu-pu-ru, PRU 6 63:2.
PN: 4.63 I 38.
ppšr PN (etym. unc. Astour HS 191 n. 4, 231; De Moor UF 18 1986 248: < Sum.
pap-sukkal; Caquot TOu/2 69 n. 210: Hurr. pp- + Akk. šarru).
PN, in unc. ctx.: ảḫt ppšr w ppšrt, 1.82:36.
Cf. ppšrt.
ppšrt PN (etym. unc.; cf. ppšr).
PN: in unc. ctx. ảḫt ppšr w ppšrt, 1.82:6.
Cf. ppšr.
ppṯ PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 244; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166; Márquez
AuOr 11 1993 251; Watson AuOr 14 1996 103).
PN: bn PN, 3.7:9; 4.54:7.
/p-q/ vb G: “to obtain, acquire”; Gt: “to procure for oneself” (?); Š: “to supply,
provide (with)” (Hb. pwq hi., “to reach, obtain”, HALOT 920. De Moor SP 146;
De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 155 n. 21; Caquot-Sznycer-Herdner TOu/1 202 n. l,
214 n. l, 312 n. f, 504 n. h; Fensham JNSL 1 1971 187; Renfroe AULS 138; diff.
Cassuto BOS 2 130; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 33: “hinausgehen”, Aram. npq).
¶ Forms: G suffc. pq; prefc. ypq, tpq; inf. pq; suffc. pq; Gt prefc. tptq; Š suffc.
špq. Poss. byform of /y-p-q/.
G. To obtain, acquire: w pq mrġṯm ṯd they obtained sucking animals (who
suck at the teat), 1.4 VI 56 and par. (or Gpass.: “were obtained, provided”;
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 595: “a suckling of breast was provided”); lydʕ l bn l pq
ḥmt the inexpert did not understand how to obtain / take (away) the poison,
1.107:6 (Del Olmo Fs. Xella 194, 196); mlkn l ypq špḥ the king will not obtain
descendants, 1.103:13, 29 (or: /y-p-q/, cf. 1.140:11).
Gt. To procure for oneself (?), in bkn ctx.: tptq your shall procure for yourself
(?), 1.1 V 27.

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/p-q-d/ – /p-r-ʕ/ 667

Š. To supply (with): špq ỉlm krm yn he supplied the ram-gods with wine, 1.4
VI 47 and par.; in bkn ctx.: špq ġhm, 1.173:11 (Pardee TR/2 850, 852, rdg ln. 12:
špqhm š, “leur ŠPQ deux/des béliers”).
Cf. /y-p-q/.
/p-q-d/ vb G: “to command” (Hb. pqd, “to instruct, command”, HALOT 955 ff.;
“to command”, DNWSI 932; Ph., OAram. pqd, “to command”, DNWSI 932; Syr.
pqd, “to order, command”, SL 1220f.; Akk. paqādu, “übergeben, anvertrauen”,
AHw 824ff.; “to entrust, hand over”, CAD P 115ff.; Eth. faqada, CDG 163 f.; cf.
Arab. faqada, AEL 2424f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ypqd.
G. To command: w ypqd krt and PN commanded, 1.16 VI 14.
pqr PN (Sem., Akk. b/paqāru. Gröndahl PTU 173; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 35; West AOAT 233 35: PN pu-ko-ro, Linear B; diff. Tropper-Vita
UF 30 1998 680f.: “Freigelassener”, JAram., MHb. *pqr).
PN: a) in unc. rdg: pqr, 4.147:2; 4.286:6; pqr yḥd PN: special / unique (?),
4.224:7 (alt. “Freigelassener”, cf. supra; McGeough UgET 196 n. 34: “ON, only
one” (?)); b) bn PN, 4.841:7.
pr (I) n. m. “fruit” (Hb. pry, “fruit”, HALOT 967f.; DNWSI 937; Ph., Pun. pr( y),
“fruit”, DNWSI 936f.; Syr. peʔrāʔ, peryāʔ, “offspring”, SL 1151 f., 1238; Eth. fǝre,
“fruit”, CDG 167); ¶ par.: ybl (I), zt. ¶ Forms: sg. pr (Huehnergard UVST 288
n. 93).
Fruit: ybl ảrṣ w pr ʕṣm the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees, 1.5
II 5 (// zt); pr ḥḏrt fruit(s) of ḥ., 1.85:14 and par.; pr ʕṯrb fruit of ʕ., 1.97:12 and
par.; pr ʕbk fruit of ʕ., 1.85:26.
pr (II) n. m. “young bull, bullock” (< “removed, separated”, weaned animal, who
no longer sucks; < /p-r(-r)/. Hb. pr, “bull, steer”, “young animal”, HALOT 960 f.;
Akk. parru, “Lamm, Jungschaf”, AHw 834; “young lamb”, CAD P 192; Arab.
furār / farīr, “the young one of the cow”, AEL 2356; Eg. pry, “ferocious bull”,
Faulkner 91; Watson LSU 143). ¶ Forms: sg. pr; du. prm.
Young bull, bullock: ảlp pr young bull, 1.86:3 (cf. ảlp šnt yearling, ibid. ln. 1;
ảlp dkr calf, ibid. ln. 2); pr hz<p>, a young bull of TN, 1.105:13; ṯn prm b ʕšrm
two young bulls for twenty (shekels), 4.142:1; cf. arbʕ b arbʕm, ibid. ln. 3; in
unc. ctx.: ỉpd prk, 1.5 V 2.
Cf. prqdš, /p-r(-r)/, prt (II).
prủ PN (Sem.; see pa-ri[ia?-n]a PRU 3 156 (RS 16.253):4: Gröndahl PTU 174; Hess
CBQ 58 1996 209f.; Watson Historiae 4 2007 95: Wanderwort). ¶ Forms: ge.
PN: ★a) bn prỉ, 4.350:7; ★b) in a TN: gt bn prỉ, 4.297:2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
84: *Gittu-Bin-pirʔi).
/p-r-ʕ/ vb G/D “to wash” > “to cause to disappear, remove” (?); Gt “to wash
oneself, bathe oneself” (Arab. ʔiftaraġa, farraġa, “to pour forth on oneself”,

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668 prʕ (i) – prdmn

“to make something void”, AEL 2381f. Caquot EI 14 1978 16; diff. De Moor
UF 12 1980 308: “to make oneself the best, beautify oneself”, *prʕ Dt, cf. prʕ;
Dietrich-Loretz MU 218: “frei lassen”, Hb. prʕ); ¶ par.: /r-ḥ-ḥ/. ¶ Forms: G/D
inf. / suffc. prʕ [(t); Gt prefc. tptrʕ.
G. To wash > to cause to disappear, remove (?): w prʕ[(t)] hy ḫlh and this
washes (: removes) his pain, 1.124:9.
Gt. To wash oneself, bathe oneself: trtḥṣ btlt ʕnt tptrʕ the Virgin DN washed
herself, bathed herself, 1.13:19.
prʕ (I) n. m. “first fruit”, “(early) fruit” (Syr. prʕ, praʕāʔ, perʕāʔ, “to produce”,
“fruit”, “flower”, SL 1247f.; OSA frʕ, “crops”, “first-fruits”, SD 45; cf. faraʕ, “first-
ling”, AEL 2379f.); par: šblt. ¶ Forms: sg. prʕ; pl./suff. prʕm (encl. -m (?)).
First fruit(s): prʕ qẓ the first fruit(s) of the summer (fruit), 1.19 I 18 (// šblt);
prʕm ṣdk the first fruit(s) of your hunting, 1.17 V 37–38; tlḥmn (…) tštyn
(…) b prʕ they ate (…) they drank (…) of the first fruits, 1.22 I 24 (diff. De
Moor-Spronk CARTU 164: “top”); in unc. ctx.: 2.31:15–16, 37.
prʕ (II) adj. m. “first” (< *prʕ. Arab. faraʕa, “to surpass”, fāriʕ, “surpassing,
higher”, AEL 2378ff. Tropper UG 370). ¶ Forms: sg. prʕ.
First: b ym prʕ on the first day, 4.279:1 (cf. ʕl ym, b ṯlṯ …).
prʕt n. f. “height, peak” (cf. prʕ (II). Arab. fāriʕat, “the highest part of a moun-
tain”, AEL 2380; diff. De Moor SP 172; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 164: “princess”,
Hb. prʕ; Margalit MLD 72: “mane”, Hb. peraʕot, Arab. faraʕa, Akk. pērtu).
¶ Forms: pl. f. prʕt.
Height, peak: ʕmm (…) bn ẓlmt rmt prʕt enveloped (…) are the lofty peaks in
darkness, 1.8 II 9 and par.
prbḫṯ DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (etym. unc. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 397: Hitt.
PN peruwaḫšu; Watson Or 45 1976 438: rdg pr-b-ḫṯ, “the fruit with care”).
DN: tqʕt ʕm prbḫṯ DN with DN, 1.24:49.
prd (I) n. m. “mule” (Hb. prd, “mule”, HALOT 963; Akk. perdum, “ein Equide”,
AHw 855, 1582; pirdu, “an equid”, CAD P 394 f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 35). ¶ Forms: sg. prd.
Mule: rṭ l ql d ybl prd b ṯkl w nṣp ksp a r. to the messenger who leads the
mule, to the value of a shekel and a half, 4.337:12; ṯltm dd šʕrm l prdm thirty
“cauldronsful” of barley for the mules, 4.786:4.
Cf. prd (II), prdny.
prd (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 174; Watson AuOr 8 1990 247).
PN: 4.295:11 (mʕqby); 4.417:10 (mʕqby).
Cf. prdy.
prdmn DN, unknown deity (etym. unc. Lipiński UF 2 1970 77; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 153 n. c.: possibly Hurr; diff. De Moor SP 67; UF 2 1970 204: rdg p-rdmn,
DN Radimu, Radmanu; similarly Astour Fs. Loretz 55 ff., but cf. Aartun PU/1

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prdny – prln 669

43 n. 9: rdg p-rdmn, “Schar”, Arab. raḏamān; Dahood CivCat 2 1978 550; UF 11

1979 146 n. 21: rdg prd-mn, “mule of Mani”, cf. prd).
DN: prdmn ʕbd alỉyn bʕl DN servant of DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.3 I 2.
prdny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 174).
PN: 4.369:19 (wife of wrt, PN).
prdy PN (etym. unc.)
PN: 4.813:20.
Cf. prd (II).
prgl DN, the deified “Vine Shoot” (?) (Aram., MHb. prkyl, “twig with grapes”,
DTT 1229. Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 267 n. 61; CR 99 n. 150; diff. Astour HS 215;
De Moor UF 18 1986 258: DN, Sum. pirig-gal).
DN: ỉd [ yd]bḥ l prgl when the king offers a sacrifice to the “Vine Shoot”,
prgn PN (Sem. etym. Watson AuOr 13 1995 227; Historiae 4 2007 95); ¶ syll.: cf.
PU-ra-KA-nu, PRU 6 50:5, 11, 21 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 320 n. 136).
PN: bn PN, 4.115:13; cf. ]k/rgn, 4.183:13; trgn, 4.85:7 (bn tġh).
Cf. brqn, gṯprg, prkl.
prġṯ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 174; Watson AuOr 8 1990 124 n. 78; Historiae 4
2007 101).
PN: 4.128:7; 4.317:1.
prẖ (I) PN / n. m. “bud, shoot” (allog. of prḫ (II). Hb. prḥ, “bud, blossom”,
HALOT 966f. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz KA 190 n. 151; Watson AuOr 25 2007 133).
PN / bud, shoot, in unc. ctx.: prẖ, 5.22:19.
Cf. prḫ (II), yprḫ.
prḫ (II) PN (Sem. Dahood Psalms 2 181; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 306: Hb.
peraḥ, PN parûaḥ; for EA UD(pir?)-ḫi, cf. Hess AmPN 124; for OB. Pirḫum cf.
Van Soldt JEOL 25 1977–1978 46).
PN: 4.88:2; 4.134:7.
Cf. prẖ (I), yprḫ.
prḫn PN (?) (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 227; AuOr 22 2004 119: “flower-like”,
“offspring”; AuOr 20 2002 237; Muchiki Loanwords 279: “he who belongs to
knowledge”, Eg. p(ȝ)-(n)-rḫi(.t)).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: 2.77:19.
prkl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 289; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: ★a) 4.647:7; ★b) bn PN, 4.12:10.
Cf. gṯprg, prgl.
prln n. m. “diviner” (cf. Hurr. *furulin(n)i, Van Soldt UF 21 1989 367; < */fur-
/ “to see”, Bush GHL 318 n. 112; wur-, “voir”, Laroche GLH 298; diff. Grön-
dahl PTU 246: PN; Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 32 f.; UF 12 1980 388 n. 11;
De Moor-Spronk CARTU 164: “Hofmeister”, “majordomo” < Hurr. pur(u)li-,

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670 prmn – /p-r(-r)/

“house” [// rb]); ¶ syll. Ug.: [(ḪAL = ba-ru-]u? = pi-ru-li-ni = pu-r[u-li-nu,

UF 11 1979 478:33; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 365f.; BiOr 47 1990 732. ¶ Forms: sg.
Diviner: ảtn prln PN, the diviner, 1.6 VI 55; 1.17 VI 56; in bkn ctx.: 1.179:40; 6.47:1.
prmn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 174, 288f.; Watson AuOr 8 1990 124; AuOr
14 1996 104).
PN: ★a) 4.188:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.356:6.
prn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. BUR-ra-na, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) A I 4;
PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):15; cf. PRU 6 142 (cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 386); BU-ra-
n[a, PRU 3 74 (RS 16.385):12; cf. BU[R-r]a, Ug 5 57 (RS 20.227) rev. 1.
PN: ★a) 4.85:10 (nġṯy); 4.147:10; 4.631:2; 4.780:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.71 III 8; 4.715:15;
★c) in toponyms, gt prn, 4.110:3–14 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 90: *Gittu-Purrani);
in bkn ctx., ]prn, 4.484:4.
Cf. brn.
prpr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 26, 174; Ward Fs. Gordon 1973 208; Watson
AuOrS 27 104).
PN: 4.63 I 44.
/p-r-q/ vb G: “to release”, “to slacken”, “to unknit” (Hb., OAram., Nab. prq, “to tear
away, off”, “to rescue”, HALOT 973f.; “to cut off”, DNWSI 943; Akk. parāqu,
“abtrennen”, AHw 829; “to isolate, segregate”, CAD P 161; Arab. faraqa, “to
make a separation”, AEL 2383ff.; Eth. faraqa, “save, redeem”, CDG 166. Del
Olmo IMC 121ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN pur-ra-qú-ú-na, PRU 4 108 (RS 18.114):11;
Sivan GAGl 259; ¶ par.: /ṣ-ḥ-q/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yprq.
G. To release, slacken, unknit: w yprq lṣb w yṣḥq and he unknitted (his) brow
and began to laugh, 1.6 III 16 and par.
prqdš PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 174; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: bn PN, 3.8:20.
prqt n. f. a) “sack, cloth container”; b) “a type of fabric” (cf. /p-r-q/. Nuzi Akk. pa-
ra-[aq-qa-a], pa-[ra]-ak, pa-[ra-aq-qa], see CAD P 153: parakku B, “a sack” (?);
Watson AuOr 25 2007 135 n. 40; LSU 99 n. 284: “sack” (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. prqt.
a) sack, cloth container: ṯlṯm prqt tyt, thirty sacks of t., 4.811:9; b) a type of
fabric: ṯṭ prqt w mrdt prqt pṯt one ṯṭ-cloth of p. fabric and a m. of linen p.-fabric,
4.205:3–4 (diff. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 51: “loose, open, ungathered” (?), said
of garments: < /p-r-q/); McGeough UgET 164).
Cf. /p-r-q/.
/p-r(-r)/ vb G: “to break” (Hb. prr hi., “to break, destroy”, HALOT 974f.; Arab.
ʔafarra, “to make somebody to flee”, “to split, cleave”, AEL 2355 f.; Akk. parāru,

D purruru, “sich ablösen”, AHw 830; “to break up, shatter”, CAD P 161 ff.);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [GUL (?)] = […] pí-i-ri = pí-ru, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 44;
Huehnergard UVST 169. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảpr.

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*/p-r-s/ – prś/s 671

G. To break, in bkn ctx.: ủ ṯn ndr[…] ảpr ỉdt[ or changes the / his vow, (then)
I will break …, 1.15 III 30.
Cf. pr (II).
Cf. prś/s, prs (III), prsn, prst.
prs (I) n. m. part of a chariot (“pole” (?)) (cf. Akk. parīsu, “Ruderstange”, AHw
833: parīsu I; “picket, plank”, CAD P 186. Del Olmo UF 10 1978 41 f.; IMC 190,
206; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 193f.: “trainiertes Pferd”, Hurr. parašš-,
cf. Loretz-Mayer ZA 69 1980 188ff.; Tropper UF 27 1995 512: “(Wagen-)Pferd”,
/paraš-/; Vita UF 28 1996 696f.: measure for foodstuff, cf. prś/s; so also Loretz
HippUg 56ff., with discussion; for a survey of the var. opinions see Watson
LSU 132). ¶ Forms: sg. prs.
Part of a chariot (pole (?)): l ḫmš mrkbt ḫmš ʕšrh prs for five chariot bodies,
fifteen poles (?), 4.392:1.
prs (II) cf. prś/s.
prs (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 175; Watson AuOr 8 1990 124:21 AuOr 21 2003
247: Hurr. pu-ra-a-sa?; AuOrS 27 104: Akk. pursû).
PN: bn PN, 4.715:6; in bkn ctx.: bn prs[, 4.798:12.
Cf. prsn.
prś/s n. m. dry measure (< */p-r-s/, ½ gur. 150 litres; Pardee RSOu 17 368
n. 143, but see n. 146; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 344: dry measure [half of the
dūdu-measure]; Ebla ba-rí-zu, Milano MARI 5 1987 528 f.: “misura di capacità
per aridi”, ARET 9 379f.; Alal. / Bo. Akk. parīsu, “½ Kor”, AHw 833: parīsu II;
one measure of capacity, one-half of a gur, CAD P 186; Hurr. parizzate, Neu
Das Hurritische 16 n. 42; Hitt. PA(RĪSU), Van den Hout RlA 7 523ff.; Dijkstra
PIHANS 114 33); ¶ RS Akk.: PA (< parīsu, Huehnergard AkkUg 377; Van Soldt
UF 21 1989 381f.). ¶ Forms: sg. prś, allog. prs, passim (Tropper UF 27 1995
517f.); allog. pl. prs̱m (4.710 passim).
A dry measure: ṯṯ prś[, 4.677:4; PN prs a p., 4.263:2; prś glbm a p. of g., 4.269:29;
4.275:16; ]prś ḥṭm ]p. of wheat, 4.225:9; ḫms̄t / s̄mnt prs̱m ẖṭm five / eight p.
of wheat, 4.710:4, 7 (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: GUR GIG(.MEŠ), PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):10;
PRU 6 108 (RS 19.83) rev. 1; PRU 6 152 (RS 18.270):1); s̄ls̄t prs̱m b s̄ql three p. at
one shekel, 4.710:5; prs qmḥ a p. of flour, 1.41:23; 1.87:25; ]prś (qmḥ) d nšlm ]p.
(of flour) in compensation, 4.328:1–10, cf. in bkn ctx. 4.789:2; ddm l PN {bdmr}
prs l PN two “cauldronsful” (of grain) for PN, {} one p. for PN, 4.377:32 (corrupt
text; cf. Sanmartín UF 20 1988 274 n. 45; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 193:
“trainiertes Pferd”); ṯlṯ ʕšrh prs qmḥ thirteen p. of flour, 4.795:2; prs ʕšdm a p.
of ʕ., 4.786:11; prs šḥlt a p. of cress seeds, 4.786:12; šbʕ dd gdl w prś, seven d. of
g. and a p., 4.811:5; [ảr]bʕ ʕšr [w] prs l ảlpm mrỉm a p. fourteen “cauldronsful”
and a p. for the fattened head of cattle, 4.858:2; ṯlṯ mảt ṯṯx ddm w prś kśmm d

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672 prsg – /p-r-š/

kly, three hundred and six(-) “cauldronsful” and a p. of k. that was consumed
4.855:3; prś ảkl l ḥmr slṯmg a p. of grain for the donkey of PN 4.863:4; ḫmš prśm
ảkl l kzy five p. of grain for the groom, 4.863:6; in bkn ctx.: 1.139:12; 4.275:14;
4.387:5; 4.558:9; 4.788:3, 5; 4.865:3.
prsg PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 247).
PN: 4.727:21.
prsḥ vb G: “to collapse” (Akk. napalsuḫu, “niederfallen”, AHw 733; “to fall to the
ground”, CAD N/1 271f.; cf. Arab. farsaḫa, “se radourcir, perdre de sa force”,
DAF/2 569. De Moor SP 138; Watson NUS 28 1982 9); ¶ par.: /q-l/. ¶ Forms: G
prefc. yprsḥ.
G. To collapse: yprsḥ ym yql l ảrṣ DN collapsed, fell to the ground, 1.2 IV 25
and par.
prs̱m 4.710 passim; allog. of *prś/sm; cf. prś/s.
prsn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 175, 268, 289; Watson LSU 372; Loretz
HippUg 71); ¶ syll.: cf. BUR-ZA-nu, PRU 3 193 (RS 12.34+):27; Huehnergard
AkkUg 389.
PN: ★a) 4.425:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 I 21; 4.374:3; 4.377:6 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 11
1979 193); in bkn ctx.: cf. bn prs[, 4.798:12.
Cf. brs/zn, prs (III).
prst n. f. “offering bowl” (?) (etym. unc. Akk. pursītu(m), pursû, “eine Opfer-
schale”, AHw 881; “a bowl”, CAD P 279; cf. syll. Ug. pu-ru-s[à?-tu4?, Laroche
UF 11 1979 479:33; Huehnergard UVST 62, 169: “division” (?) < (?) */p-r-s/; for
the var. options Watson LSU 99f.; AuOrS 27 91). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) prst.
Offering bowl (?), in bkn ctx.: šmn prst[, 1.22 II 15 (Watson NABU 2001/105:
“oil from a bowl”).
prṣ n. m. “breach, opening” (Hb. prṣ, “breach, gap”, HALOT 973; JAram. pryṣʔ,
“breach”, DTT 1227; Arab. furḍat, “gap, opening”, AEL 2374, cf. faraṣa, “to
slide”, AEL 2372f.; RS Akk. pe/irṣu, “Durchbruch”, AHw 855; “breach”, CAD
P 414). ¶ Forms: sg. prṣ; (?) pl. prṣm.
Breach: w ptḥ hw prṣ bʕdhm and he opened a breach for them, 1.23:70; in bkn
ctx.: prṣm bt ptḥ, 1.157:3.
/p-r-š/ vb G: “to extend, apply a coat of a material, resurface”; N: “to be extended,
widened, expanded” (Hb. prś, “to spread out, stretch over”, HALOT 975f.;
Arab. faraša, “to spread”, AEL 2369f.; cf. Akk. naprušu, “fliegen”, AHw 740;
“to fly”, CAD N/1 314f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. pršả (1.4 I 35, probl. hypercorrect
vocalisation due to contamination with mlả ln. 38. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978
61; Tropper UG 51, 681; alt. < *pršʔ. See Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 211: acc. <
*pršủ, “reichlich ausgestattet”); N prefc. tprš.
G. To extend something, cover with another substance, resurface with some-
thing: hdm ỉl! d pršả b br (he cast) a divine footstool that is covered with tin,

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*pršủ – prṯ 673

1.4 I 35 (see Smith-Pitard UBC/2 398: “overlaid in electrum”; Dietrich-Loretz

UF 32 2000 208: “der überreich versehen ist mit Marmor”).
N. To be extended, widened, expanded (of territory): ḥwtn tprš the land will
be expanded, 1.103:53 (Sanmartín UF 20 1988 266 n. 4; diff. Pardee TR/1 549:
“le pays se dispersera”).
*pršủ see /p-r-š/.
prt (I) n. f. “heifer” (< pr (II). Hb. prh, “cow”, HALOT 964; DNWSI 935f. Mari
Akk. cf. ÁB pa-ra-tum, vache p., Durand NABU 1991/30; cf. Akk. parratu,
“weibliches Lamm”, AHw 834; “young female lamb”, CAD P 189); ¶ par.: ʕglt.
¶ Forms: sg. prt; pl. prt.
Heifer: ảrbʕ prt b ʕšrm four heifers at twenty (shekels), 4.142:2; cf. ảrbʕ b
ảrbʕm, ibid. ln. 3; yủhb (…) prt b šd šḥlmmt he loved (…) a heifer in the fields
of “Mortality-Shore”, 1.5 V 18 (// ʕglt); in bkn and unc. ctx.: prt tkt, 1.86:4 (cf.
Cf. pr (II).
prt (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 175; Ward UF 11 1979 805 n. 42; Zadok
WO 20–21 1989–1990 53: Emar pí-ra-ti; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227).
PN: 4.739:7.
prtn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 175, 289; Watson AuOr 13 1995 227);
¶ syll.: cf. pur-ru-ti-na, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):8 (Astour CRRA 18 1972 11 ff., 14);
pí-ra-te-nu, PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):3 and passim ibid.
PN: ★a) 4.122:19; ★b) bn PN: 4.64 IV 8 (Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 678); 4.69 III 9;
4.611 I 17; 4.720:1; 4.841:74.
prtṯr PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 251 f.: /-šarri/; Gröndahl PTU
249f.: /-šarri/).
PN, in bkn ctx.: prtṯr[, 4.547:4.
prtwn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 274: /-wanna/; Gröndahl PTU
297: /-wn/); ¶ syll.: pa/pá-ar-ta/tá-wa-na, PRU 6 27 (RS 17.01):5, 17; Huehner-
gard AkkUg 352.
PN: 4.46:4 (cf. Watson AuOr 8 1990 127); 4.862:3.
prṭl n. m.; a herb (?) (Akk. piriduluš, “eine Pflanze”, AHw 865; “a plant”, CAD
P 395. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 240; diff. Zaccagnini OA 16 1977 248: alloph.
var. of brḏl). ¶ Forms: sg. prṭl.
A herb (?): ả]ṭm prṭl (let him take them) away with the prṭl-plant, 1.82:7, see
ln. 19.
prṯ PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 124); ¶ syll.: in bkn ctx.: pur-š[i? …, PRU 4
240 (RS 17.369 B+):11.
PN: 4.144:2; 4.165:14; 4.417:11 (mgdly); 6.11:2; in unc. ctx.: prṯ, 5.9 III 1; in bkn
ctx.: ]prṯ[, 4.569:4.
Cf. prṯt.

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674 prṯt – pslt (ii)

prṯt n. f. “secret” (?) (Akk. pirištu, “Geheimnis”, AHw 866; “secret”, CAD P 398 ff.
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 400).
Secret (?): w lqḥ prṯt bʕl and he receives the secret (?) of DN, 4.179:16, cf. ln.
20, 21.
Cf. prṯ.
prwsdy PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 290, 294; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: 4.44:24.
prz n. m. “decision, verdict” (?) (Akk. purussû, “Entscheidung”, AHw 882; “deci-
sion”, CAD P 529ff. Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 19; for the var. proposals see
Watson LSU 100). ¶ Forms: sg. prz.
Decision, verdict, instruction: ỉl prz the god of the verdict, 1.111:1; in Hurr. ctx.
1.110:4; 1.111:5.
prẓ, 1.13:12; cf. p (I), rẓ.
Cf. psḥn.
psḥn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 175; De Moor SP 138; Watson AuOr 30 2012
PN: ★a) 4.63 III 42; ★b) bn PN, 4.343:2; ★c) gt psḥn, 4.96:12 (Belmonte RGTC
12/2 94).
psl n. m. “engraver” (< *psl. Nab. psl, “sculptor”, DNWSI 922f.; cf. Hb. psl, “to hew”
HALOT 949; Syr. psl, “to cut, hew”, SL 1211. Sanmartín SEL 12 1995 183, 187);
¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ.ZA.ZADIM, PRU 6 93 (RS 117.131):28 (Huehnergard AkkUg
352: rdg LÚ.ZA.DÍM), 4.836:2; cf. LÚ sà-sí!-ni, PRU 3 13 (RS 15.19):2; AHw 1032
(for Nuzi Akk. keltuḫlu, sasinnu “bow-maker”: Mayer Nuzi 186 f.). ¶ Forms:
sg. psl; pl. pslm.
Engraver: ★a) PN psl PN, engraver, 4.103:36 (Van Soldt SAU 36); pslm en-
gravers, 4.68:65; 4.99:18; 4.126:8; 4.207:7; 4.412 III 9; 4.836:14; 4.837:12; 4.838:7;
cf. pslm ṣnr engravers: PN, 4.370:45; ★b) cf. esp.: psl qšt carvers of bows, 4.141
III 18 (cf. ḥrš qšt, kṯtġlm, TN). Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 56); psl ḥẓm cutters
of (stone tips for) arrows, ibid. ln. 19 (Sanmartín UF 20 1988 266 f.).
Cf. pslt.
pslt (I) n. f., “braid, plait” (?) (Akk. pasālu, “sich um-, abdrehen”, AHw 838; “to
turn around”, CAD P 216f. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 251 n. i; Margalit MLD 132;
Watson SEL 25 2008 59; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 108: “Schnitzwerk”,
Hb. psl // mỉzrtm; De Moor SP 193; UF 1 1969 227: “flint blade”, Aram. pesūlā);
¶ par.: ġr (II). ¶ Forms: du. psltm.
Braid, plait (?): ydy psltm b yʕr he ripped the two plaits (?) with a razor, 1.5
VI 18 and par. (// ġr).
pslt (II) n. f. “sculpture” (?) (< *psl, see psl. Pun., OAram. pslh/t, “hewn stone”,
DNWSI 923; Syr. psîltāʔ, “cut stone”, SL 1209; Hb. psl, “divine image”, HALOT

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psm – /p-t-ḥ/ 675

949. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 399, 403: “(pierre) façonnée”); ¶ par.: ảbn.

¶ Forms: sg. pslt.
Sculpture (?), in bkn ctx.: rḥq (…) w pslt l pslt he removes (?) … sculpture (?)
after sculpture (?), 1.179:31 (// ảbn).
psm n. m. “veil, gauze (?)” (Akk. pussumu, “verhüllt”, AHw 882f.; pussunu,
“veiled”, CAD P 537; Hb. ktnt psym, disputed versions, HALOT 946. Ribichini-
Xella Tessili 60; Vita TT 331; diff. Watson LSU 100 f.: “sleeved tunic”, Akk.
pusmu). ¶ Forms: sg. psm.
Veil, gauze: lbš psm rq a fine gauze (?) garment, 4.205:5.; in Hurr. ctx. 1.42:53.
psś PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.366:8 (bn bủly); 4.371:12.
pṣln PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:46.
pṣn PN (etym. unc. Cf. the element /pa/eṣ-/ in Akk. PNN; AHw 857).
PN: bn PN, 4.335:4; 4.715:14.
/p-š/ vb G: “?” (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ypš.
G. ?, in bkn ctx.: šmʕ ly ypš ỉ[, 1.93:5 (Caquot UF 11 1979 102f.; TOu/2 39 n. 86:
“bondir”, Hb. pāš; De Moor UF 11 1979 649: “expand”, RS Akk. (libbu) napāšu;
Dijkstra UF 18 1986 127: “you, Braggart!”, rdg y pš, Arab. fayyāš).
pšʕ n. m. “rebellion, transgression” (< *pšʕ. Hb. pšʕ, “to break with, behave as a
criminal”, pšʕ, “offence, crime”, HALOT 981f.; cf. Syr. pšʕ, “to behave foolishly”,
SL 1262); ¶ par.: gản. ¶ Forms: sg. pšʕ.
Rebellion, transgression: ntb pšʕ the path of rebellion, 1.17 VI 43 (// gản).
/p-t-ḥ/ vb G: “to open”; Qpass./N: “to be opened” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. ptḥ, “to
open”, HALOT 986ff.; DNWSI 948ff.; Ebla, Krebernik PET 36; Müller Biling.
183; Pagan ARES 3 155f.; cf. GIŠ.GÁL.TAKAx = ba-da-um, VE 1241; Krecher
LiEb 136f.; Biling. 142; Alberti Biling. 65ff.; Akk. petû, “öffnen”, AHw 858 ff.;
“open”, CAD P 338ff.; Arab. fataḥa, “to open”, AEL 2327ff.; Eth. fatḥa, “to
open”, CDG 170). ¶ Forms: G suffc. ptḥ; prefc. tptḥ, yptḥ; impv. ptḥ; pass. ptc.
ptḥ; N prefc. yptḥ.
G. To open: nġr ptḥ w ptḥ guard, open!, and he opened, 1.23:70; yptḥ ḥln b
bhtm he opened a window in the palace, 1.4 VII 25 and par. (for a possible
yptḥ N in 1.4 VII 17 cf. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 164: “be opened”); tptḥ rḥbt
yn she opened an amphora of wine, 1.15 IV 16 and par.; npšh l lḥm tptḥ she
opened his appetite to eat (for eating), 1.16 VI 11; ptḥ bt mnt open the house
of incantation, 1.100:71–72; w [qrbh] ptḥ and (if) its insides are open, 1.103:5;
ġr TN d ptḥ PN the hill country TN that PN opened up (: broken up), 3.33:2;
for ptḥ in 1.106:17 cf. ptḥ.
Qpass. / N. To be opened: k yptḥ yrk hnd when this side (of the liver) was

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676 ptḥ – pṭḏn

opened, 1.143:3 (Dietrich-Loretz(-Mayer) MU 6 ff., 265 ff.; diff. Pardee TR/2

774: “lorsque ce mois devait ‘ouvrir’”, rdg yr[ḫ]).
Cf. mptḥ, ptḥ, yptḥd.
ptḥ n. m. “entrance, door” (< /p-t-ḥ/. Hb., Ph., Pun. ptḥ, “opening, entranced”,
HALOT 988f.; “door, gateway”, DNWSI 951; Syr. ptāḥāʔ, “opening”, SL 1265;
Emar Akk. /pitḥu/, “opening”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 140 f.; Akk. pītu, “Öffnung”,
AHw 871; “break, opening”, CAD P 445ff.; Eth. fetḥat, “opening”, CDG 170.
Watson UF 40 2008 558); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN BI-IT-ḫa-na, Sivan GAGl 259.
¶ Forms: sg. ptḥ, suff. ptḥy; du. ptḥm.
Entrance, door: ṯlṯ ʕšr ptḥ b tk bt thirteen doors in the interior of the building,
4.195:7; [pt]ḥ ảḥd l bt ʕbdm one door for the building of the servants, 4.195:9;
ṯn ptḥm b bt tu two doors in the guardroom, 4.195:10; ṯn ptḥm d mmṭr two
doors which open onto the portico (?), 4.195:11; ptḥ ḥdr ṯġr the door of the
vestibule, 4.195:14 (Cecchini SEL 1 1984 43ff.); ptḥ yd mlk at the entrance of
the royal mausoleum, 1.106:17 (cf. Del Olmo CR 188 f.; diff. Xella TRU 84: “il
re ha disteso le mani”; Pardee TR/1 590: “ouvre la main du roi”); in bkn ctx.:
ptḥy, 1.82:21.
Cf. /p-t-ḥ/.
ptm PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 213; Muchiki Loanwords 279;
Watson AuOr 20 2002 237).
PN: 4.153:6. In unc. ctx.: 5.11:22.
Cf. pdm.
ptn “?” (etym. unc.).
?, in bkn ctx.: w l ptn, 2.45:29.
ptr n. m., a container (?) (etym. unc. Watson LSU 101, 122; AuOrS 27 91: “sack” or
“basket”, Hitt. pattar, Lyc. patára, Eg. pdr, Akk. patīru).
A container (?): ptr, 5.22:6 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 186 n. 143); in bkn ctx.: ptr k[,
1.49:11; ptr[, 3.15:9; ]ptr ʕlm, 4.190:3.
/p-t(-y)/ vb G: “to seduce” (Hb. pth, “simple, easy to seduce”, pi., “to persuade”,
HALOT 984f.; Aram. pty, “to entice”, DJBA 947; Eth. fatawa, “covet, lust for”,
CDG 171; diff. Ullendorff BHL 192: “to copulate”, Arab. fty). ¶ Forms: G prefc.
G. To seduce: ỉl ảṯtm k ypt the two women DN really tried to seduce, 1.23:39.
pṭḏ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 244, 252; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 211 f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.357:23 (Van Soldt SAU 37).
Cf. pdḏn, pdṯn, pndḏn, pṭḏn.
pṭḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 207, 244, 251; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 211 f.;
Hess AmPN 47f.); ¶ syll.: pa-ṭi-še-ni, PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107 A):15; PRU 6 80
(RS 19.111):6; PRU 6 90 (RS 19.114) rev. 1; Huehnergard UVST 214, 224.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 I 17; 4.340:7 (Van Soldt SAU 37).

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*p-ṭ-r – pṯt (i) 677

Cf. pdḏn, pdṯn, pndḏn, pṭḏ.

*p-ṭ-r, see pẓr.
pṭr n. m. “aperture” (< *pṭr. Arab. faṭr, “a cleft, split”, AEL 2416; diff. Saliba
JAOS 92 1972 108: “mushroom”, Arab. fuṭr; Gibson CML 155: “departed, es-
caped”, Hb. pṭr; for other interpretations cf. Del Olmo IMC 106 ff.; Watson
AuOr 22 2004 131); ¶ Forms: sg. pṭr.
Aperture: ḫṭm tʕmt pṭr with a rod she hit (him making) an aperture (for it),
1.16 VI 8 (Del Olmo MLRSO 203 n. 105; diff. Wyatt RTU 237: “<the sickness>
came out of his temple”; Greenstein UNP 39: “with a wand she unbinds the
pṭry PN (Sem. Cf. /p-ẓ-r/ and Sem. *pṭr in Akk. and Pun. PNN, AHw 849f.; Benz
PNPPI 390).
PN: bn PN, 4.724:10; 4.755:4.
pṯ PN (?) (etym. unc.).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: pṯ, 5.9 III 2 (probably a spelling mistake or a pseudo-
morph.; cf. prṯ).
pṯmn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 124); ¶ syll.: pu-uš-ma-na, PRU 3 123
(RS 15.145):7.
PN: bn PN, 4.7:19.
pṯpṯ PN (Sem. De Moor BiOr 26 1969 107; Watson AuOr 8 1990 124).
PN: 3.20:3.
pṯrty GN m. (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 219: *Paṯaratu. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 166; cf. TN URU pa-ša/šá-ra-te/ti, PRU 6 102 (RS 19.12):1; RS
22.399+:28; RS 25.132 III 15; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 683; Watson SEL 28 2011
28). ¶ Forms: sg. pṯrty.
GN: PN pṯrty, 4.297:3.
pṯt (I) n. m. 1) “linen”; 2) “linen fabric” (Hb., Ph., Pun. pšt, “flax, linen”, HALOT
983; DNWSI 947. Sanmartín UF 11 1979 727; Heltzer GPOTU 23, 56 nn. 90 ff.;
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 17); ¶ RS Akk.: GADA(.MEŠ), passim; cf. m]ar-de4-tu4
GADA, PRU 3 206f. (RS 15.135):5; na-ak-tu/tu4 GADA, ibid. ln. 6, 14, 15 (TÚG(!).
GADA); pa-ḫa-tar-ru GADA, ibid. ln. 9; 1 me-at GADA, PRU 3 209 (RS 16.359
C):3, 8; TÚG.GÚ.È GADA, PRU 3 184 (RS 16.146+):12 (10 TÚG.GADA.MEŠ
10 TÚG.GÚ.È GADA; cf. supra: ktn); lu-ú TÚG lu-ú GADA, PRU 4 127
(RS 17.396):9; cf. PRU 6 172 (RS 19.140 A):5; cf. (TÚG.)GUZx (SIG4).ZA ša-a
GADA(?).MEŠ: il-lu-ru, RS 23.368:8; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 328 n. 52; Huehner-
gard AkkUg 363; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 326f. ¶ Forms: sg. pṯt; pl. pṯtm; du. pṯtm.
1. Linen, for garments: ḫpnt, 4.152:9; 4.156:5; 4.190:4; 4.270:7; ḫlpn pṯtm ḫ. of
linen, 5.10:5 (cf. ¶ RS Akk.: TÚG.GÚ.È GADA, PRU 3 184 (RS 16.146 + 161):12);
mḥtrt: 1.92:25; mšrrt: 4.270:9; mrdt: 4.205:4; pld: 4.152:8; 4.205:1 (the meaning
of the qualifier in pṯt ṯr is uncertain).

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678 pṯt (ii) – pzny

2. Linen fabric (pl. pṯtm; weighed in shekels or measured in rods): ṯlṯ mảt
pṯtm three hundred of linen fabric, 4.168:11; mỉt pṯtm one hundred of linen
fabric, 4.182:8; mỉtm pṯtm two hundred of linen fabric, 4.206:4; ṯmn mảt pṯtm
eight hundred of linen fabric, 4.626:7; pṯṯm ʕm ỉlhd linen fabric owned by PN,
pṯt (II) n. f. de luxe box or case for cosmetics (cf. EA Akk. pí-iš-ša-tu4, EA 25
II 43–51; Ebla cf. /paṯāṯum/, /piṯṯum/ in ŠU.Ì = ba-ša-sum(-/šu-um), bí-sum,
VE 502; cf. Akk. piššatum, 3., Am. “Salbenbüchse” (?), AHw 869. Watson
AuOrS 27 91: “oil or lotion casket”, Akk.). ¶ Forms: pl. pṯt.
De luxe box or case for cosmetics: ṯlṯ pṯt ảšʕt šmn ủz three cases of ả. of goose
fat, 4.247:22.
pwn PN (etym. unc. Muchiki Loanwords 278; West AOAT 233 35: PN pa-wi-no,
Linear B); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF pu-wa-[, PRU 6 59 (RS 17.333):7; Huehnergard AkkUg
407 n. 101 (Nougayrol: PN rak-bu-ya).
PN: 4.70:8 (ṯmry); 4.825 VI 13; in bkn ctx. pwnx[, 4.97:7.
pwt n. f. “madder”, a herb used in dyeing (Madder tinctorum L.; cf. MHb. pwʔh,
“puah, Rubia Tinctorum”, DTT 1138; HALOT 916 [PN]; Syr. pūtō, “madder”,
SL 1176; Hitt. cf. puwatti- (?) “(owner’s mark indicated by) colour”, HW 174.
Sanmartín AfO 34 1987 54f.; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 347 f.; for the etym. dis-
cussions see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 554; Watson UF 42 2010 837); ¶ RS Akk.: 1
GUN ḫu-re-tu4: pu-wa-tu4, RS 23.368:14'; Ú x x RU[, PRU 3 209 (RS 16.359 C):6;
Van Soldt UF 22 1990 323; ¶ syll. Ug.: Ú: pu-wa-ti, PRU 3 208 (RS 16.110):3, 6,
10 (cf. PRU 3 planche XXXIX; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 322 n. 9); Sivan GAGl 260;
Huehnergard UVST 166. ¶ Forms: sg. pwt.
Madder (Madder / Rubia tinctorum L.): ảrbʕ kkrm ṯmn mảt kbd pwt four
talents eight hundred (shekels) of madder, 4.626:6 (cf. ảbn ṣrp, tpṯt (I), ṯlṯ
(IV)); ]pwt ṯlṯ mảt ảbn ṣrp (n of) ]madder and three hundred (shekels) of
alum, 4.182:10; ḫmšt d pwt five of madder, 4.771:4.
py PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 246; Hess AmPN 123 128; Watson Fs. Sanmartín
451 n. 62).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 9.
Cf. pyn.
pyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 246; Watson AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: 4.52:4 ( yny); 4.244:8 (ảrty); 4.696:8.
Cf. pyn.
pynq PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.86:27 (ʕnqpảty).
pzny PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 245; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 35);
¶ syll.: cf. pí-zu-ni, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 41; pí-za-na, PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):

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pzry – /p-ẓ-r/ 679

PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 32; 4.633:10; 4.761:10 (Van Soldt SAU 34); 4.841:67.
pzry PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 123); ¶ syll.: cf. pa-zi!-ra, PRU 3 47
(RS 16.150):5; BA-zi-ra-na, PRU 3 50 (RS 16.277):3, 8.
PN: 2.6:2.
pzy PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 35; Watson AuOr 8
1990 123); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF pí-iz-zi-ya, PRU 6 23 (RS 17.376+):17; DUMU pí-zi,
PRU 6 135 (RS 17.134):7.
PN: 2.71:2.
Cf. pẓġ.
pẓġ n. m. “one who lacerates, lacerator” (act. ptc. */p-ẓ-ġ/. Hb., JAram. pṣʕ, “to
break into pieces”, HALOT 954; “to split, crack”, DTT 1205 f.; Arab. faṣaʕa,
“to squeeze, press”, AEL 2405. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 210; diff. Margalit
UF 16 1984 158ff.: “to mutilate”, Arab. faẓaʕa); ¶ par.: bkyt, mšspdt. ¶ Forms:
pl. pẓġm.
One who lacerates, lacerator: pẓġm ġr ybk those lacerating (their) skin wept,
1.19 IV 11 (// bkyt, mšspdt); t[bʕ] (…) b ḥẓry pẓġm ġr go … from my mansion
those lacerating (their) skin, 1.19 IV 22 (// bkyt, mšspdt).
/p-ẓ-l/ vb N: “to be overcome by” (Arab. faḍala, “to exceed, surpass”, AEL 2411 ff.,
alt. Arab. faṣala, “to separate, divide”, ʔinfaṣala, “to become separated,
divided”, AEL 2405ff.; Hb. pṣl, “to skin, peel away”, “decorticate”, HALOT 954;
for other options cf. Caquot TOu/1 59 n. 154; Tropper UG 114, 540). ¶ Forms:
N suffc. npẓl.
N. To be overcome by: b ảnšt npẓl by an incurable illness (let him be)
overcome!, 1.169:15 (diff. Ford UF 34 2002 195f.: “in weakness be exorcised!”;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 220: “from illness he is delivered” < *pẓl, “save” N).
/p-ẓ-r/ vb G: “to free, loosen” (pseudocorrection of spelling, c.Sem. */p-ṭ-r/;
cf. supra: pṭr. Hb., Aram. pṭr, “to free, to dismiss, to let go”, DNWSI 908; “to
escape, to let go”, HALOT 924f.; “to release”, DJPA 429; Amor. /pṭr/, “to solve,
to redeem”, Gelb CAAA 28; Ebla Krebernik PET 37; Pagan ARES 3 156; Akk.
paṭāru, “(ab)lösen, auslösen”, AHw 849ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 105; UF 7 1975 105ff.; Sanmartín UF 11 1979 724; De Moor ZAW 100 1988
108; Wyatt RTU 392 n. 5; Tropper UG 139, 485, 532 f., 541); ¶ RS Akk.: paṭāru;
cf. PN (…) ŠEŠ-ia iṣ-ṣa-bat-mi (…) [ú-ul? ip?-]ta-ṭar-mi, PRU 6 36 (RS 27.052):7;
PN ip-ta-ṭar 6 GÁN A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A ša PN, PRU 6 45 (RS 18.21):5; cf. dAMAR.UTU
mupaṭṭir(DUḪ) lumni(ḪUL), Ug 5 17 (RS 17.155 and dupl.):12; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf.
DUḪ = pa-ṭá-ru = sú-lu-du-me = pí-iṭ-r[ù, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 2; cf. PN ù
PN (…) na-ap-ṭa-ru A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A i-na A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A, PRU 3 89 (RS 15.123+):5; na-ap-
ṭa-ra la ú-bal, PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):15–16; Sivan GAGl 168, 259; Huehnergard
UVST 95, 167; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: G suffc. pẓr[[r]]; inf. pẓr.

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680 /p-ẓ-r/

G. to free, loosen: pẓr pẓr[[r]] p nḫš (he tried) to loosen the mouth of the
serpent, 1.107:5 (De Moor ZAW 100 1988 108; diff. Del Olmo Fs. Xella 196: “the
threatening (?), the attacking mouth of the serpent”, /p-ẓ-r/, “to threaten,
attack” (?), Hb. pṣr, “to urge someone, coerce”, Arab. (?) faṭara, “to cleave,
split”; Pardee TPM 244: rdg p ẓr p ẓr, “la gueule de silex, la gueule du coupeur”
< *ẓrr).

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qʕl (I) n. m. “height, summit” (?) (Arab. qāʕilat, qawʕalat, “oblong mountain”,
Hava 619. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 177f. n. b; diff. De Moor SP 51 n. 52; Renfroe
AULS 139f.: TN, cf. Hb. qʕylh; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 352 n. 26: “Wald”, Akk.
qallu; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 227: EA Qiltu, TN); ¶ par.: gbl (II), np. ¶ Forms:
sg. coll. qʕl.
Height, summit: [ʕ]br gbl ʕbr qʕl pass summits, pass heights, 1.3 VI 8 (// gbl,
qʕl (II) n. m. “vine blossom” (?) metaph. for “choice wine” (Arab. quʕāl, “vine-
blossom”, Hava 619; diff. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 176: “fig cake”, Arab. *qʕl, MHb.
qʕylyt; De Moor ZAW 88 1976 332; Healey UF 10 1978 91 n. 21: “hall”, Hb. qlʕ);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. qi-i-lu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 27; Huehnergard UVST 175; vacat
in Van Soldt SAU 307. ¶ Forms: sg. qʕl.
Vine blossom, i.e. choice wine: dpr ṯlḥn b qʕl b qʕl mlkm the table was per-
fumed with vine blossom, with royal vine blossom (: choice wine), 1.22 I 16.
qʕmr PN (?) (etym. unc.).
PN (?), in unc. ctx.: 4.734:4.
/q-b-ʔ/ vb G: 1) “to send (someone) to say, to summon”; 2) “to invoke” (Akk.
qabû, “sagen, befehlen”, AHw 889f.; “to say, tell, speak”, CAD Q 22ff. Cf. Taylor
NUS 32 1984 13); ¶ par.: /q-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. qbảt, qbỉtm.
G. 1) To send (someone) to say, to summon, in bkn ctx.: qbảt (she) sent
(someone) to say (?), 1.6 VI 40.
2) To invoke (the dead): qbỉtm qbṣ ddn have you invoked the clan of PN?,
1.161:2, 10 (// qrỉtm; for the various possible morphological interpretations of
the pair qrỉtm / qbỉtm as opt. / impv. qtl, descriptive pass. / act. qtl, etc., cf.
Del Olmo CR 157 n. 69).
qbʔl PN / TN (?), in bkn ctx.: qbʔl[, 4.245:2 (rdg unc.).
qbʕt n. f. “goblet” (Hb. qbʕt, “cup, goblet” (?), HALOT 1062; Ph., OAram. qbʕ,
“cup, goblet”, DNWSI 983; Syr. qūbʕāʔ, “calix”, SL 1323; Emar Akk. /qubbaʕu/,
“cup, goblet”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 150; Akk. qabūtu, “Becher, Kelch”, AHw
890; a bowl, CAD Q 43f.; Arab. qubʕat, “calix of a flower”, Hava 585. Watson
AuOrS 27 91); ¶ par: ks. ¶ Forms: sg. qbʕt.
Goblet: qḥ (…) qbʔt b ymny take (…) the goblet of my right (hand), 1.19 IV 54
and par. (// ks); šd yn ʕn b qbʕt pour sparkling wine into a goblet, 1.6 IV 18.
Cf. 1.16 III 16.
*/q-b-b/, see /n-q-b/.
qbl “battle” (?) (Akk. qablu, “Kampf, Schlacht”, AHw 888; “battle, warfare”, CAD
Q 12ff. Delcor JJS 33 1982 158). ¶ Forms: sg. qbl.

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682 qblbl – qbṣ

Battle (?), in bkn ctx.: ỉ]lt qb[l goddess of battle (?), 1.81:12 (Akk. ilat qabli
Tallqvist AGE 16f.).
qblbl n. m. a sort of clasp or strap (?) (< */q-b-l/. Arab. qibāl = zimām, a
thing with which one ties or binds, applied to the sandal, AEL 2984/1249;
cf. Aram. qblʔ, “junction”, DTT 1309. Cassuto BOS II 123: MHb. (byt) qbwl;
Margalit MLD 18f.: “belt”, Akk. qablu; diff. Van Selms UF 7 1975 473: “he
made corresponding”, qbl, cf. Hb. maqbīlōt; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 166:
“headrest”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 213: “annehmend, tragfähig”, Hb. qbl).
¶ Forms: sg. qblbl.
A sort of clasp or strap (?): nʕl ỉl d qblbl a divine palanquin with q., 1.4 I 36.
/q-b-r/ vb G: “to bury, inter” (Hb. qbr, “to bury”, HALOT 1064; Ph., OAram., Palm.,
Nab. qbr, “to bury”, DNWSI 983f.; Syr., qbar, “to bury”, SL 1313 Akk. qebēru,
“begraben, beerdigen”, AHw 912f.; “to bury the dead”, CAD Q 201 ff.; OSA qbr
ni., “to be buried”, SD 103; Arab. qabara, “to bury”, AEL 2480; Eth. qabara,
“to bury”, CDG 419.); ¶ par.: /š-t/ (+ b ḫrt) ¶ Forms: prefc. ảqbrn, yqbr, suff.
ảqbrnh, tqbrnh, yqbr{.}nn.
G. To bury, inter: tbkynh w tqbrnh she wept for him and buried him, 1.6 I 17,
cf. 1.19 III 5 and par. (// tštnn b ḫrt ỉlm ảrṣ); ybky w yqbr yqbr{.}nn he wept (for
him) and interred him, interred him (in a tomb), 1.19 III 40–41; in unc. ctx.: b
lb tqb[, 1.15 V 15 (cf. /n-q-b/).
Cf. qbr.
qbr (I) n. m. “grave, tomb” (< /q-b-r/. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab., Palm. qbr,
“grave”, HALOT 1064f.; DNWSI 985f.; Akk. qabru, “Grab”, AHw 888; “grave”,
CAD Q 17f.; OSA qbr, “grave”, SD 103; Arab. qabru, “grave”, AEL 2480; Eth.
qabar, “burial, grave”, CDG 419); ¶ syll. Ug.: É-tu4: qú-bu-ri, PRU 3 51 f. (RS
15.86):8, 18 (Huehnergard UVST 172). ¶ Forms: sg. qbr.
Grave, tomb: hm tʕpn ʕl qbr bny if they fly over my son’s grave, 1.19 III 44;
w qbr tṣr and you shall prepare a grave, 1.16 II 25; mrrt qbr myrrh of the
tomb, 6.44:2 (or: “of burial”, inf. /q-b-r/); d b q!br who is in the tomb, 1.142:3
(Dietrich-Loretz MU 12f.; diff. KTU: rdg. tbr; Pardee TR/2 769–772; CS/1 292
n. 8: [bʕ-tr], ʕ Aṯtartu); see Del Olmo AuOr 36 2004 628f.; CR 292 n. 56, rdg.
d.bʕ-[-]tr[–]); in unc ctx.: qbrm b ḥq, 6.79:1.
qbr (II) PN (etym. unc., < qbr (I)).
PN: 4.860:15.
qbṣ n. m. “clan” (< */q-b-ṣ/. MHb. qybwṣ, “gathering, reunion”, DTT 1354; Sapin
UF 15 1983 166 n. 44: “rassembleurs”; Pardee TR/2 1201: “assemblée”; Watson
Historiae 10 2013 20); ¶ par.: rpu (+ ảrṣ). ¶ Forms: sg. qbṣ.
Clan: qbṣ dt / dn the clan of PN, 1.15 III 4, 15; 1.161:3, 10 (// rpỉ ảrṣ); bt qbṣ the
house of the clan, 1.79:7 (Heltzer RCAU 73; diff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 193f.: rdg
b tqbṣ “in dem Lager”).

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qbṣt – qdm (i) 683

Cf. qbṣt, qbẓ.

qbṣt n. f. “assembly, gathering” (?) (cf. qbṣ. Dietrich-Loretz MU 193f.). ¶ Forms:
sg. qbṣt.
Assembly, gathering (?), in bkn ctx.: qbṣt, 1.163:17.
Cf. qbṣ.
qbṭ[, 4.86:31, see qrṭy (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 230: Qurṭu).
qbẓ “?”, possibly an allog. (n. / vb. (?)) of qbṣ / qbṭ (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 108; Freilich-Pardee Syria 61 1984 32f.). ¶ Forms: qbẓ.
?, in bkn ctx.: qbẓ ṯmt, 1.133:13.
Cf. qbṣ.
qdḥ n. m. “?” (etym. unc. Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 18: “briquet, étoupe”,
Hb., Aram., Arab. qdḥ; Watson SEL 26 2009 18f.; FO 47 2010 437; AuOrS 27 92:
“saucer”, Syr. qdḥ/ʔ, Arab. qadaḥ). ¶ Forms: pl. qdḥm.
?: qdḥm, 5.23:19.
/q-d-m/ vb G: 1) “to proceed”; 2) “to precede”, “to guide”; D: “to offer, present”
(Hb., Aram., Nab. qdm pi., “to be in front”, “to meet”, HALOT 1068 f.; “to
precede”, DNWSI 986f.; OSA Sab. qdm, “act as varguard, confront”, SD 103;
Qat. “to direct, oversee”, t-infix “to go in advance”, QIL 142; Arab., Eth. qadama,
“to precede”, AEL 2985f.; CDG 421). ¶ Forms: G suffc. qdm; prefc. tqdm; D
suffc. qdm; prefc. tqdm; with suff: tqdmnn.
G. 1) To proceed: w l ḫm g!r tqdm to the pavilion of the guests (?) they
proceeded, 1.15 IV 23.
2) To precede, guide: ʕn bʕl qdm ydh the eye(s) of DN precede / guide his
hands, 1.4 VII 40 (diff. De Moor SP 166f.; ARTU 64: “DN watched the East”, cf.
qdm (I); Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650, 655: “DN looked forward”).
D. To offer, present (?): tqdm ʕṣr they offer a bird, 1.161:30; in bkn ctx.: qdm
ảlpm mznh has offered (?) two thousand (shekels) which are its weight,
2.81:25 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 357f.); yqdm: 1.89:7; in unc. ctx.: w
tqdmnn ỉlht and the goddesses presented it, 1.179:37 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14
p. 404).
Cf. qdm (I), qdm (II), qdmn, qdmt, qdmy.
qdm (I) n. m., “front, front part” > “former, remote time” (?) / “the Levant, the
East, Orient” (Hb. qdm, “in front, east”, HALOT 1069 f.; Ph., Aram., Palm. qdm,
“the time before”, DNWSI 987f.; Akk. qadmu, qudmu, “frühere Zeit”, AHw 891,
926; “early times”, CAD Q 295f.; Arab. qidam, qudum, “oldness, time without
beginning”, “in front”, AEL 2986; Eth. qǝdm, “beginning, front”, CDG 421);
¶ par.: šḥr. ¶ Forms: sg. qdm.
Former, remote time (?), alt. the Levant, the Orient (?): ʕr d qdm the city of
old days // the East, 1.100:62 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 532); in bkn ctx.: km qdm,
1.12 I 8 (// km šḥr).

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684 qdm (ii) – qdqd

Cf. /q-d-m/, qdm (II).

qdm (II) prep. “in front of” (cf. qdm (I). OAram., Nab., Palm. qdm, “before”
with local and temporal meaning, DNWSI 988 ff.; Ebl. IGI.ME = gi-ti-ma-a
(qidimay) “before”, EV 0128, cf. Steinkeller OrAnt 23 1984 33–37, but see infra:
qdmy; Akk. qudmu, “front, in prep. use”, CAD Q 295 f.; Eth. qǝdma, “before,
in front of”, CDG 421. Aartun PU/2 60); ¶ par.: tk (+ pn). ¶ Forms: qdm; suff.
In front of: št ảlp qdmh he put a head of catlle in front of her, 1.3 IV 41 and par.
(// tk pnh).
Cf. /q-d-m/, qdm (I).
qdmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 175; Zadok OLA 28 47, 50 n. 31).
PN: ★a) 4.50:3; 4.63 III 3; ★b) bn PN, 4.33:40; in bkn ctx.: 4.498:3.
Cf. /q-d-m/, qdmy.
qdmt n. f. “front part” (?) (cf. qdm (I). Hb. qdmh, “opposite (to)”, “to the east of”,
HALOT 1070; OAram. qdmh, “before”, as a prep., DNWSI 991 f. Dietrich-Loretz
ES 4). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. qdmt.
Front part (?), in bkn ctx.: b qmdt w ḥ[, 6.39:1.
Cf. /q-d-m/, qdm (I).
qdmy adj. m. “ancient”, “ancestral” (cf. qdm (I). OAram., Nab., Palm. qdmy,
“preceding, earlier”, DNWSI 992; Ebla /qudēmum/ in gú-ti-im (// IGI.TÙM),
“antico”, Fronzaroli QuSem 15 32; cf. /qidmay/ in IGI.ME = gi-ti-ma-a, EV 0128;
Krecher Biling. 163 n. 170; Akk. qudmû, “seit alters bestehend”, AHw 926; “fore,
former”, CAD Q 296; Eth. qadāmāy, qadāmāwi, “ancient, former”, CDG 421;
cf. Hb. qdmny, “former, earlier”, HALOT 1071). ¶ Forms: pl. qdmym.
Ancient, ancestral: qrủ rpỉm qdmym invoke the ancestral DN, 1.161:8; tḥt rpỉm
qdmym at the feet of the ancestral DN, 1.161:24; in bkn ctx.: qdmym, 1.4 VII 34;
qd[mym, 1.20 II 10.
Cf. /q-d-m/, qdmn.
qdnt “?” (Pardee JNES 43 1984 244: PN).
?: tšt qdnt, 2.7:7 (division of text uncertain).
qdqd n. m. “skull, crown” (Hb. qdqd, “skull”, HALOT 1071; Ebla /qaqqudum/ in
SAGxIGI = gag-gú-tum, VE 267; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 12 f.; Pettinato Biling.
47; Akk. qaqqadu, “Kopf, Kapital”, AHw 899 f.; “head”, CAD Q 100 ff. Watson
NUS 36 1986 18); ¶ par.: ủdn, (bn +) ʕn (I), rỉš (I). ¶ Forms: sg. qdqd, suff. qdqdy,
qdqdk, qdqdh.
Skull, crown: yṯbr ḥrn rỉšk (…) qdqdk! may DN break your head (…) your
skull!, 1.16 VI 57 and par. (// rỉšk); hlm qdqd zbl ym hit Prince DN on the
crown, 1.2 IV 21–22 and par. (// bn ʕnm); ảm[ḫṣ l ẓr] qdqdk I may c[rush (you)
upon] your skull, 1.3 V 24 and par.; ysk (…) ḥrṣ l ẓr qdqdy they will pour (…)
whitewash upon my skull, 1.17 VI 37 (cf. 1.4 VII 4, unc. ctx.); yṣq (…) ʕpr plṯt

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qdr – qdš (i) 685

l qdqdh he scattered (…) dust of humiliation upon his skull, 1.5 VI 16; hlmn
ṯnm qdqd he hit him twice (on) the crown, 1.18 IV 22 and par. (// ủdn); in bkn
ctx.: qdqdh, 1.18 IV 11.
qdr n. m. “darkening” (prob. a vb n. < /q-d-r/. Hb. qdr, “to become dark”,
HALOT 1072; Arab. qaḏara, “to become unclean”, qaḏar, “uncleanness”, qaḏir,
“unclean”, AEL 2498. Dietrich-Loretz MU 185f.). ¶ Forms: sg. qdr.
Dark / Darkening / To become dark: hm b ḥdṯ yrḫ w [q]dr if the moon (is) in
the new moon (phase) and becomes dark / there is darkening, 1.163:10.
/q-d-š/ vb Š: “to consecrate” (denom. < qdš (I). Hb., Ph., Pun., Palm., JAram. qdš
q., “to be holy”, hi., “to mark as consecrated”, HALOT 1072ff.; pa., “to conse-
crate”, “sacred”, DNWSI 993f.; Akk. qadāšu, “rein werden, sein”, AHw 891; “to
be free of claim” (?) (RS only), CAD Q 46f.; Arab. qadusa I, “to be, become
holly”, II, “to hallow, sanctify, consecrate”, AEL 2496 f.; Eth. qaddasa, “sanc-
tify”, CDG 422f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. qa-dì-iš a-n[a DN (?)], Ug 5 5 (RS 17.22+):22;
Huehnergard UVST 173, 324: suffc. G qatila with Akk. morph.: paris; cf. infra:
qdš (I), 3; ¶ par.: /m-l-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: Š prefc. nšqdš.
Š. To consecrate: ỉbr y bʕl nšqdš a bull, oh DN!, we shall consecrate (to you),
1.119:30, cf. ln. 31 (// nmlủ).
Cf. qdš (I), qdš (II).
qdš (I) adj. m. 1) “holy”; 2) “(his) Holiness”, cult official (Hb. qd(w)š, “holy,
consecrated”, HALOT 1066f.; Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. qdš, DNWSI 995 ff.;
Arab. qaddūs, muqaddaš, “holy, sanctified”, AEL 2497; Akk. f. qadištu, “Reine,
Geweihte”, AHw 891; a woman of a special status, CAD Q 48 ff.; Ebla cf.
/qadišum/ in NÍ.GIG = ga-ti-šum, VE 100; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 4; Pettinato
Biling. 44; Krebernik PET 85; Pagan ARES 3 157; Amor. /qadišum/, “sacred”,
Gelb CAAA 29; Emar Akk. qí-da-ši pl., cf. Dietrich UF 21 1989 79 n. 70; Akk. m.
qašdu, “rein, heilig”, AHw 906; “holy”, CAD Q 146 f.; qaššum, “geweiht, heilig”,
AHw 906. De Tarragon CU 73ff.; Xella MLE 9ff.; Schwemer NuzHur 7 105);
¶ RS Akk.: cf. infra: 3); ¶ par.: ảdr. ¶ Forms: sg. qdš; f. qdšt (cf. qdšt, infra); pl.
(?) qdšm.
1) Holy: ks qdš holy cup, 1.3 I 13; ḥlm qdš holy fortress (// ảdr), 1.16 I 7 and par.;
qlh qdš his holy voice, 1.4 VII 29, 31; mdbr qdš holy desert / TN, 1.23:65 (Hb.
mdbr qdš; HALOT 1075); ʕṣ qdš the holy tree, 1.178:3; in bkn ctx.: š ybšr q[dš]
1.94:23, cf. ln. 1; ytn š qdš, 1.104:12.
2) “(his) Holiness”, a cult official (Rainey SS 127; Dijkstra Fs. Del Olmo 81 ff.;
Von Soden UF 2 1970 329f.; De Tarragon CU 138ff.; Gruber Tarbiz 52 1983
167ff.; UF 18 1986 133ff.; Clemens SURS 304ff.; in divination cf. Del Olmo-
Sanmartín Fs. Loretz 179f., cf. 1.106:15; Fs. Cunchillos 61–66); ¶ RS Akk.:
LÚ.NU.GIG, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):26; Huehnergard AkkUg 360; Arnaud SMEA
27 1996 54ff.; cf. abstr. qadšūtu: RN (…) PN (…) a-na qa-ad-šu-ti iš-ši-šu!(ma),

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686 qdš (ii) – qdš (iii) dn

PRU 3 140 (RS 16.132):7 (Von Soden UF 2 1970 329 f.): qdš yšr (his) “holiness”
sings (it), 1.112:21; qdšm PNN, 4.412 II 8–17 (Dijkstra AuOr 17–18 1999–2000
81ff.; cf. PN w nḥlh and his feudatories / heirs (?), ibid. ln. 15); in lists, together
with khn: qdšm tšʕ bnšm w ḥmr q., nine individuals and an ass, 4.29:3 (cf. ibid.
ln. 1–2); 4.36:2; 4.38:2; (3 GUR ZÌ.KAL.KAL 6 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR 6 UDU.ḪI.A);
4.68:73 (cf. ṭup-pu ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, ibid. ln. 76); 4.126:7; 4.412 II 8;
4.416:7; 4.752:5 (cf. bnšm d ỉṯ bd rb ʕprm, ibid. ln. 1); 4.806:4; 4.837:4; 4.838:1; in
bkn ctx.: 1.114:24; 1.166:12; 4.47:1 (qd[šm]).
Cf. mqdšt, prqdš, /q-d-š/, qdš (II), qdš (III), qdšt.
qdš (II) n. m. “sanctuary”, “sacred, taboo place” (cf. qdš (I). Hb. Ph., Pun. OAram.,
Palm. qdš, “the temple”, HALOT 1078; “sanctuary”, DNWSI 994 f.; Eg. /qidšu/,
“Sanctuary”, Hoch SWET 306 (441); cf. Arab. quds, “holiness”, AEL 2497; ʔal-
quds, “Jerusalem”, Hava 591); ¶ syll. Ug.: qi-id-šu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 29’;
(?) Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV a 14; Huehnergard UVST 173; Van Soldt SAU 307;
cf. the element /qidšu/ in the TN Dumatu-qidši; Astour RSP 2 346; UF 11 1979
19, 24; Sivan GAGl 262; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 666; cf. dmt (I); ¶ par.: nʕm (II).
¶ Forms: sg. qdš.
Sanctuary, sacred, taboo place: b qdš b ġr nḥlty in (my) sanctuary, in the
mountain of my property, 1.3 III 30 and par.; nṣb (…) b qdš ztr ʕmh who erects
(…) in the sanctuary the votive cippus of his people, 1.17 I 26 and par.; ym[ġy]
l qdš ảṯrt ṣrm they reached the sanctuary of DN of the Tyrians, 1.14 IV 34; b
qdš in the sanctuary, 1.169:8; b qdš ỉl bt in the sanctuary of the god of the
palace, 1.115:7; š qdšh a ram in the sanctuary, 1.106:13; gdlt b qdš ỉl a cow in the
sanctuary of DN, 1.119:6; qdš bʕl the sanctuary of DN, 1.119:33; in bkn ctx. btm
qdš ỉl, 1.94:24. Cf. TN dmt qdš “tower of the Sanctuary”, 4.643:4–7; 4.652:3 (cf.
syll.: URU du-ma-te-qi[id-še], PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):6; URU d[ú-ma-ti?]-qi-id-ši,
PRU 4 71ff. (RS 17.235+):21; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 666); “sacred, taboo place”:
bmrmt bmỉyt bẓlm bqdš in heights, in swamps, in (places of) darkness, in
(sacred places of) taboo, 1.169:8.
Cf. qdš (I).
qdš (III) DN “the Holy One”: 1) epithet of the god ỉl; 2) of the messenger-boy(s)
of the goddess ảṯrt (Cho LDUT 222ff.). Cf. qdš (I)).
1) “The Holy One”, epithet of the god ỉl: lṯpn w qdš the “Benevolent” and
the “Holy”, 1.16 I 11 and par.; bn qdš, sons of the “Holy One”(?) > holy ones,
denoting gods, 1.2 I 21 and par. (// ỉlm. Other scholars consider qdš in these
texts to mean “Holiness”, an epithet of the goddess ảṯrt; Van Zijl Baal 16; De
Moor SP 130; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 166; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 124 n. n;
Olyan UF 19 163 n. 15); in bkn ctx.: qdš yrtḥṣ, 1.179:12: my k qdš, ibid. 14; bʕl
qdšm b nhr, ibid. 17 (for these texts see Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 397 ff.); qdš mlk
ỉ[, 1.123:20 (Del Olmo UF 36 2002 622).

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qdš (iv) – /q-l/ 687

2) “The Holy One”, name of one of the messenger-boys of the goddess ảṯrt:
qdš (w) ảmrr 1.3 IV 11 (// dgy ảṯrt); 1.4 IV 8 (qd<š>), 13; 1.123:26; qdš yủḫdm šbʕr
ảmrr k kbkb DN began to shine, DN like a star, 1.4 IV 16.
Cf. qdš (I).
qdš (IV) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 226f.: *Qidšu, Qissu, Qinsa, Qissa); syll.: KUR
qinx-sà, Ug 5 38 (RS 20.16):3, 6; Ug 5 39 (RS 20.172):1; RSOu 7 15 (RS 34.146):1;
RS 1980–387:1 (Arnaud Syria 59 1982 221 no. 10); KUR qí-in-sà, RSOu 7 10
(RS 34.150):8; URU qí-in-[sà], RS 17.338+:104'-105'. (Del Monte Trattato ln.
104'f.); DINGIR.MEŠ ša KUR qinx-s]à, Ug 5 40 (RS 20.200 B):5. Van Soldt
Topography 172.
TN: qdš, 2.73:5; qdšh, 2.97:16.
qdšt (I) adj. f. /DN “holy” > “the Holy One” (epithet of a f. DN (Hb. qdšh,
“consecrated”, HALOT 1075; Akk. qadištu, “Reine, Geweihte”, AHw 891, 1584; a
woman of special status, CAD Q 48ff. Von Soden UF 2 1970 329 f.; De Tarragon
CU 138ff.; Gruber Tarbiz 52 1983 167ff.; UF 18 1986 133ff.; Xella MLE 1 13ff.);
¶ syll. Ug. / ¶ RS Akk.: PN <DUMU (?)> qa-diš-ti, Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):14; Sivan
GAGl 260. ¶ Forms: sg. qdšt.
“The Holy One”, epithet of a f. DN: [l DN] qdšt, 1.81:17 (cf. Gruber UF 18 1986
qdšt (II) PN (Sem. < /q-d-š/).
PN: bn qdšt, 4.841:4.
Cf. bnqdšt, qdš (I).
qhm PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 10 1992 248 n. 214).
PN: 4.240:4 (bn bhl).
/q-l/ vb G: “to fall (down)”; Gpass.: “to be felled, sacrificed”; Š: “to cause to fall,
throw, fell, knock down”; Št: “to go down, make for, reach, enter” (< */q-y-l/;
Akk. qiālu, qâlu, “fallen”, AHw 918; uncert. mng. CAD Q 75f. Von Soden Fs.
Baumgartner 295f.; Loewenstamm UF 16 1984 357f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32
2000 177ff.); ¶ par.: /ḥ-w-y/ (II), /k-b-d/, /k-r-b/, /m-ġ-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc.
qlt, qlny, ql; prefc. tql, tqln, yql, yqln; impv. ql; inf. suff. qlh. Dt prefc. ttql. Š
suffc. šqlt; prefc. yšql, suff. ảšqlk. Št prefc. ỉštql, tštql, yštql.
G. To fall (down): 1) In a physical sense: yql tḥt pʕnh he fell at his feet, 1.19
III 23 and par. (cf. RS Akk.: maqātu ana, cf. Van Soldt 446); [hm] kbkb yql b
ṯlṯm ym if a star falls on day thirty, 1.163:7; w yql l ảrṣ and may he fall to the
ground, 1.2 IV 23 and par.; l qrb[ ]mym tql in the middle of the waters (?) she
fell, 1.19 I 2 (// tkrb; cf. KTU: l qrb[ q]mdym); yʕr mt b qlh DN became agitated
in his fall (?), 1.6 VI 32 (diff. “voice”, e.g. Wyatt RTU 143; Smith UNP 163); tqln
b gbl šntk you must fall at the end of your years, 1.16 VI 57, cf. tpln in 1.2 I 9
(Gzella BiOr 64 2007 554; alt. “if only you would run swiftly”. < */q-l-l/, Akk.
qalālu, “leicht sein”, AHw 893; “to become light”, CAD Q 55 ff.; EA Akk. ya-qí-

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688 ql (i)

íl-li-ni, EAT 245:38. Del Olmo IMC 111f.).

2) To perish, die violently: mt ql bʕl ql DN fell, DN fell, 1.6 VI 21–22; ql ỉl km mt
DN fell like a dead man, 1.114:21; y/tql tḥt pʕny may (s)he fall at my feet, 1.19
III 18/32 and par., cf. tqln, ln. 3, and tq!ln, ln. 9 and supra: 1); mảdtn tqln b ḥwt
many people will fall in the land, 1.103:1 (cf. RS Akk.: maqātu ina, Van Soldt
SAU 449 and 139); in unc. ctx.: tḥt ʕnt yql beneath / at the feet of DN he fell,
1.19 II 38.
3) In formulae of homage, to fall, prostrate oneself: l pʕn ủmy qlt at my
mother’s feet I fall, 2.13:6 and par.; l pʕn bʕly ṯnỉd šbʕd mrḥqtm qlt at the
feet of my lord twice seven times from afar I prostrate myself, 2.64:16 and
par., see 2.89:3; 2.97:6; 2.100:4; 2.103:15; 5.33:5; l pʕn ảdtny mrḥqtm qlny at
the feet of our lady from afar we fall, 2.11:7; qlt ʕm ảdty I bow before my
lady, 2.12:12 (cf. 2.68:8); l pʕnk qlt at your feet I prostrate myself, 2.82:3; l
pʕn ʕnt hbr w ql at the feet of DN bow and fall, 1.3 III 10 and par. (// tstḥwy
kbd); l pʕn ỉl thbr w tql at the feet of DN she bowed and fell, 1.4 IV 25
and par., prostration formula (// tštḥwy tkbdh; cf. Del Olmo MLC 54 f.), also
2.86:9; l pʕnh ykrʕ w yql, at her feet he prostrated himself and fell down, 1.10
II 18.
Gpass. To be felled, sacrificed: b ym mlảt tqln ảlpm yrḫ on the day of the full
moon two month-old head of cattle are felled, 1.109:4, cf. yq[ln] in 1.46:11.
In bkn ctx.: ql[, 3.1:5 (cf. Knoppers BASOR 289 1993 83f.); kd tql[, 1.6 II 4; w yql
ảḥ[d, 1.6 IV 26; ]qlt, 1.18 I 27; ]tql ḫmš[, 1.164:13; k qlt, 2.8:3.
Š. To cause to fall, throw, fell, knock down: šql ṯrm he felled bulls, 1.4 VI 41
and par.; šql (…) ỉmr qmṣ llỉm they slaughtered (…) lamb, suckling lambs in
heaps, 1.22 I 14 and par. (// ṯrm, ỉlm, ʕglm); yšql šdmth km gpn they threw
(the sceptre) on the terrace like a vinestock, 1.23:10 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 32 2000 185ff.: “es wird beschneiden”, rdg yšqṣ < qṣṣ); šqlt b ġlt ydk, you
have made your hands fall in prostration, 1.16 VI 32 and par. (diff. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 32 2000 181ff.: “du bei Unrecht deine Hand zurückhältst”, < *šql,
Akk. šaqālu); ảšqlk tḥt [pʕny] I shall knock you down [at my feet], 1.17
VI 44.
Št. To go down, make for, reach, enter (diff. Tropper UG 525: /š-q-l/ Gt “sich
begeben”): tštql ỉlt l hklh the goddess went down to her palace, 1.3 II 18 and
par. (// tmġyn), cf. 1.100:68); l tštql come down, then, 1.6 VI 42; ptḥ (…) hkl w
ištql open (…) the palace and I shall enter, 1.100:72.
In bkn ctx.: l tštql, 1.6 VI 42; yšql, 1.107:4 (De Moor ZAW 100 1988 108: “(the
serpent) dripped (saliva and) bit”).
Cf. qlt.
ql (I) n. m. 1) “voice, shout, cry”; 2) “cry of request”; 3) “roar”; 4) “thunderous
voice, thunder” (Hb., Ph., Aram., Palm. q(w)l, “noise, voice”, HALOT 1083ff.;

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ql (ii) – qlʕ 689

DNWSI 1010f.; Syr. qolāʔ, “voice, sound, noise, thunder”, SL 1367; Arab. qawl,
“speech, diction”, AEL 2995. Van Zijl Baal 111); ¶ par.: mnt (III), qr (II), tnqt (I).
¶ Forms: sg. ql, suff. qlh.
1) Voice, shout, cry: ġzr ṭb ql lad of dulcet voice, 1.3 I 20; ql b ủdnk may my
voice (penetrate (?)) your ears, 1.13:23; qlh yšmʕ ṯr ỉ[l] the “Bull” DN heard
her voice, 1.3 V 10; ql špš the voice of DN, 1.82:6; ql rpỉ[m] at the voice of the
DN, 1.82:32; l pn ql ṯʕy at the voice of the officiant, 1.169:2; l ả<l>p ql nd because
of the calf the voice he threw, 1.10 III 16, cf. ln. 15 (diff. De Moor ARTU 115: “to
fall upon”, cf. /q-l/ (I)); ql l bʕl ttnn in a (loud) voice to DN she shouted, 1.10
III 32 and par.; in bkn ctx.: q]l trm, 1.16 II 33 (// tnqt), cf. ln. 25 q[l rm]; q]l bl
tbḥ, 1.107:46 (Astour JAOS 86 1966 277ff.).
2) Cry of request: ql bl ʕm ỉl take the / my cry to DN, 1.100:2 and par. (// mnt.
Cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 159; semantic variants: “news / shout / saying
/ voice”).
3) Roar: l ql nhqt ḥmrh for the roar of the braying of his donkeys, 1.14 III 17
and par. (// qr).
4) The thunderous “voice” (said of Baal’s voice), thunder: w tn qlh b ʕrpt and
(he will be able to) give his “voice” from the clouds, 1.4 V 8; qlh qdš bʕl ytn his
holy “voice” did DN emit, 1.4 VII 29 and par.; ṭbn ql bʕl the sweetness of DN’s
“voice”, 1.19 I 46; in unc. ctx.: ql šr, 1.151:11.
5) News (?): ảspt qlh I have gathered his news (?), 2.31:52.
In bkn ctx.: 1.82:28; 1.107:28.
ql (II) n. m. “swift (courier, messenger)” (< /q-l-l/, see /q-l/ G 1. Hb. ql, “light,
rapid”, HALOT 1000f.; Akk. qallu, “leicht”, AHw 894; “light”, CAD Q 62ff.; Akk.
kallû, “Schnellbote”, AHw 426; “official responsible for summoning people
for public work”, CAD K 83f.; OAram. qlyl, “light, fast”, DNWSI 1011. Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 35; Durand Fs. Garelli 59; Watson LSU 29 n. 218);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /qallu/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 260; ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ KA-
al-la lā illak, PRU 3 150 (RS 16.188) rev. 7, Huehnergard AkkUg 355. ¶ Forms:
sg. ql.
Swift (courier, messenger): yn ḥsp l ql d tbʕ mṣr?m decanted wine for the
courier who left for Egypt, 4.213:27; rṭ l ql d ybl prd b ṯql w nṣp ksp one r. for the
messenger who leads the mule, to the value of one shekel and a half, 4.337:12;
in bkn ctx. ṯlṯ / ṯn qlm[, 4.468:2f.
Cf. /q-l/ (II).
qlʕ n. m. 1) “shield”; 2) “shield-bearer” (Eg. /qilʕa/, “Shield”, Hoch SWET 298 ff.
(432f.); cf. Ug. qlʕ = RS Akk. KUŠ kà-ba-bu, 4.63 I 24 and passim ibid; infra:
RS Akk. Cf. Akk. kabābu, “shield” CAD K 1f.; Landsberger AfO 18 1957–1958
379 n. 8; Rainey JNES 24 1965 22; RSP 2 99f.; UF 3 1971 172; Nougayrol PRU 6
155 n. 3; Liverani SDB fasc. 53 1341; Watson NUS 35 1986 12; AuOr 5 1987 165;

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690 qldn – qlḫt

Sanmartín UF 21 1989 342; Del Olmo AuOr 21 2003 148; diff. Dahood RSP 1
334; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 1 217: “sling”, “Schleuder”, Hb. qlʕ; cf. AHw 414:
k/gabābu(m) I “Schleuder”; Salonen Waffen 1965 134f.; Heltzer RCAU 19 n. 6);
¶ RS Akk.: (n) KUŠ kà-ba-bu (n) GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.63 I 24, 48; II 12, 20, 29, 34,
39, 49; IV 18; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A):9–10; PRU 3 132 (RS 19.85) rev. 5; PRU 3 133
(RS 19.152):8; cf. GIŠ.TUKUL ZABAR 1 KUŠ kà-ba-bu, PRU 6 133 (RS 19.152):1.
¶ Forms: sg. qlʕ; pl./du. qlʕm.
1) Shield (weapon): ★a) in the military equipment of an individual: PN ảrbʕ
qšt w ảr[bʕ ủ]ṯpt qlʕ w ṯt mr[ḥ]m four bows, four quivers, one shield and
two spears, 4.624:3, cf. passim ibid.; ★b) in the equipment of chariots: ảrbʕ
qlʕm four shields, 4.167:10; ṯn qlʕm ḫmš ṣmdm w ḥrṣ ṯryn śśwm ṯryn ảḥd d
bnš two shields, a set of five pairs (of horses), protective padding for the
(aforementioned) horses, one protective padding for a man, 4.169:3; ★c) as
an offering: nskt qlʕ, offering of the shield, 1.162:2 (Del Olmo Fs. Gordon 1998
164ff.; Holloway UF 30 1998 353ff.).
2) Shield-bearer (combatant; meton. use of the /qattal/ pattern); cf. RS
Akk.: (n) KUŠ kà-ba-bu (n) GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.63 I 24 and passim ibid; cf.
infra: qšt): PN qšt w qlʕ an archer and a shield-bearer, 4.63 I 4, passim ibid.;
PN ṯt qštm (w) ṯn qlʕm two archers and two shield-bearers, I 2–3, pas-
sim ibid.; PN qlʕ a shield-bearer, II 3; PN ṯt qštm w qlʕ two archers and a
shield-bearer, I 26, passim ibid.; PN ṯt qštm w ṯlṯ qlʕm two archers and three
shield-bearers, III 3, 19; PN ṯlṯ qšt w ṯn qlʕm three archers and two shield-
bearers, III 5; PN ṯlṯ qšt w ṯlṯ qlʕm three archers and three shield-bearers,
III 21.
qldn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 176; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537 f.;
Fowler TPNAH 188).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:2, 11; 4.75 III 4.
qlḥ DN, attribute / name of the goddess ủšḫr( y), “Sprout” (?) (MHb., Aram.
qlḥ(ʔ), DTT 1374. Del Olmo CR 222; Pardee TR/2 1203: théonyme. Diff. De
Moor UF 2 1970 317: “deified cooking pot”, Hb. qlḥt; see also Watson AuOrS 27
96, cf. qlḫt; Fisher Ug 6 198 n. 8: “associated with Ušḫara, the serpent”, Eg.
qrḥ.t; Schwemer NuzHur 7 104: “schlangenartige Gottheit zum Schutz der
Türschwelle”; Aartun UF 17 1985 21: “schmutzig, Ekel erregend”, Arab. qaliḥ).
DN: tr l qlḥ a turtle-dove to DN, 1.115:5, 13.
qlḫt n. m. “pot, cooking-pot” (Hb. qlḥt, “pot, cauldron”, HALOT 1102; Eg. /qal-
laḥata/, “A Type of Basket”, Hoch SWET 331f. (481); Muchiki Loanwords 254 f.:
Eg. < ḳrḥt (but cf. Rosół HistSprachf 123 2010 179 n. 16); Cathcart RSO 47 1973
57f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 166; Watson LSU 143: also Hurr.
klġd; AuOrS 27 92). ¶ Forms: sg. qlḫt.
Pot, cooking-pot: qlḫt, 5.22:16.

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*/q-l-l/ – qlt (ii) 691

Cf. /q-l/ (II).
qln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 176; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537 f.).
PN: ★a) 4.609:34; ★b) bn PN, 4.612:7; 4.862:9.
qlpy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.858:12.
qlql n. m. medicinal plant (Akk. qulqulliānu, qulqulânu, eine Cassia-Art (?),
AHw 927; a plant, CAD Q 301. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 45;
Cohen-Sivan UHT 24; Cohen UF 28 1996 125; Pardee TH 57: “cardamome”;
Watson LSU 70: “cassia” (?); for the TN *Qulqullu see Belmonte Fs. San-
martín 41; Fs. Watson 110f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.MEŠ KU-ul-KU-li, PRU 3 138f.
(RS 16.131):18, 25; Huehnergard UVST 174. ¶ Forms: sg. qlql.
Medicinal plant in hippiatric pharmacopoeia: št qlql one š. of q., 1.85:10; 1.71:8;
/q-l-ṣ/ vb G/D: “to resist, stand up to, oppose” (?) (Arab. qalaṣa, “to rise”, qallaṣa,
“to separate the two men”, AEL 2559. Cassuto BOS 2 128 n. 53, 135; diff.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 193f.: “scorn”, Hb. qls; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
176, 200; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 327, 352: either “angry” or “scorn”; Margalit
UF 15 1983 94: “émotivité / être en émoi”, Arab. qalaṣa; Tropper UG 97, 555:
“verspotten”, DialArab. *qls II); ¶ par.: /ʔ-n-š/, /w-p-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc.
suff. yqlṣn; inf. qlṣ (?).
G/D. To resist, stand up to, oppose (?): ydd w yqlṣn they prepared to resist
me, 1.4 III 12, cf. 1.4 VI 13 (// ywpṯn); k ỉn b ỉlht ql[ṣ]k there is no opposition
against you / like yours, 1.3 V 28, cf. 1.18 I 17 (// k ảnšt).
qlt (I) n. f. “vileness”, “humiliation” (etym. unc. < *ql (I) / *qly / *qll. Hb. qlh ni.,
“to be contemptible”, qlwn, “shame, ignominy”, qll, “to be small, insignificant”,
HALOT 1105f., 1103; MHb. ql(l), “light, unimportant”, DTT 1371; OAram. qlyl,
qll, “to be small, unimportant”, “to be less respected”, DNWSI 1011 f.; Syr,
qly 2 pa., “to scorn”, SL 1370; Arab. qillat, “smallness”, AEL 2992; EA Akk.
ya-qi-íl-li-ni, “to despise, disdain”, DNWSI 1011f.; ¶ par.: plgt. ¶ Forms: sg. qlt.
Vileness, humiliation: štt (…) qlt b ks ỉštynh there was placed (…) vileness in
the cup that I drink, 1.4 III 15 (// pglt); ʕlk bʕlm pht qlt on your account, DN, I
have seen humiliation, 1.6 V 12.
Cf. /q-l/ (I).
qlt (II) n. f. “(Messenger-)service” (< ql II, /q-l-l/. Akk. qallutu, “Dienst” (?),
AHw 895; “service”, CAD Q 66b. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 114, 118; cf. RS
Akk.: ina qalluttika, “at your service” (?), Ug 5 49 (RS 20.13):5, 8); ¶ Forms: sg.
(Messenger-)service: ỉm bn qlt whether he is a courier, 2.72:12.
Cf. /ql I / (II), ql (II).

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692 qlṯ[ – qmḥ

qlṯ[ bkn (?) PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 14 1996 104).

PN: 4.672:5.
qly PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 176; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 537 f.; Wat-
son AuOr 13 1995 228; AuOrS 27 104; AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: 4.780:4.
/q-m/ vb G: “to stand up”, “to get up, rise” (Hb. qwm, “to rise, stand up”, HALOT
1086ff.; Amor. /q-w-m/, “to stand”, Gelb CAAA 29; Ebla cf. PN gàm-(DN),
ga-ma-(DN), and cf. kum(“GUM”)-(DN), Müller Biling. 174; Fronzaroli ARES 1
18, 22, cf. 11 n. 33: rdg kùn (?), cf. /k-n/; Arab. qāma, “to stand still, to stand up”,
AEL 2995f.); ¶ par.: /n-d-d/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. qm; prefc. tqm, yqm; impv. qm;
act. ptc. sg. qm; pl. qmm.
G. To stand up, get up, rise: ★a) bʕl qm ʕl ỉl DN stood / was standing up next
to DN, 1.2 I 21; qm yṯʕr standing up he prepared, 1.3 I 4; qm ydb w yšr standing
up he intoned and sang, 1.3 I 18; qm ydd w yqlṣln standing up he prepared
to resist me, 1.4 III 12; yqm w ywpṯn he has stood up to spit on me, 1.4 III 13
(// ydd); qmm ảṯr ảmr standing up they transmitted (their) demand, 1.2 I 31
and par.; ★b) as an interjection “come on, go on!”, “stand up!”: qm ảḫr ảl trgm
come on!, later (?) you will tell (her), 1.16 I 30; l pnnh ydd w yqm before her
he prepared to stand up, 1.10 II 17; ʕnt tqm ʕnt tqm may DN stand up, DN yes
stand up, 1.82:39; in bkn ctx.: ʕlyqm, 1.172:19 (rdg ʕl yqm (?)).
Cf. ả/ỉḫqm, mqm, qm, qym (I), qym (II).
qm n. m. “adversary” (?) (< /q-m/. Hb. qwm, act. ptc. qm, “to get up against”,
HALOT 1096 f.; in Amor. PNN, Huffmon APNMT 259; Eth. qoma, “to stand,
rise”); ¶ par.: ỉb. ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. qm.
Adversary: qm ảḫk your brother’s adversaries, 1.10 II 25 (// ỉby).
Cf. /q-m/.
qmḥ n. m. “flour” (Hb., OAram. qmḥ, “flour”, HALOT 1107 f.; DNWSI 1013; Ebla
cf. /qamāḥum/ in MA8(KA. SAR) = ga-ma-u9(-um), ga-ma-um, VE 169; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 6; Akk. qēmu, “Mehl”, AHw 913; “flour”, CAD Q 204 ff.;
Arab. qamḥ, “wheat farinaceous substance”, AEL 2561; Eth. qamḥ, legumi-
nous plant, CDG 432; cf. Eg. /qamḥa/, “A Type of Bread”, Hoch SWET 321 f.
(464). Cathcart VT 19 1969 121ff.; Pardee UF 10 1978 294 f.); ¶ RS Akk.: ZÌ.DA,
Ug 6 394ff. (RS 25.456+) II 22; cf. Ug 7 pl. 64:6; Huehnergard AkkUg 406.
¶ Forms: sg. qmḥ; cf. the alloph. or misspelling qmẖ, 5.22:17 (school exercise;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 166; Dijkstra UF 18 1986 122; Dietrich-
Loretz KA 190ff.).
Flour: dd qmḥ a “cauldronful” of flour, 4.608 (II) 1; ltḥ qmḥ a l. of flour, 4.751:4;
prs qmḥ a p. of flour, 1.41:23; 1.87:25; ](…) prś qmḥ d nšlm (n) ] (…) p. (of flour)
as compensation, 4.328:1 (cf. ibid. ln. 2–10); qmḥ d kly k ṣḥ PN1 bd PN2 flour
that was liquidated when PN claimed (it), PN1 through the mediation of PN2,

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qmẖ – qmṣ (i) 693

4.362:1; qmḥ d kly b bt skn l PN flour that has been liquidated for PN in (/
intended for) the house of the prefect, 4.361:1; ṯlṯ ʕšrh prs qmḥ thirteen p.
of flour, 4.795:2; qmḥ bql malt flour, 1.71:25; 1.72:38; 1.85:32; in bkn ctx.: qmḥ,
qmẖ, 5.22:17; cf. qmḥ.
qmm, “?”, mng unc.: prob. “oesophagus, gullet, fauces” (?) (etym. unc. Arab.
qamma, “manger, dévorer”, qummat, “bouchée du lion”, DAF/2 808. Cooper
UF 20 1988 21: “maw”; Pardee CS/1 351 n. 86: “devouring (maw)”; for the rdgs
and opinions cf. Wyatt RTU 290 n. 181). ¶ Forms: sg. qmm.
?: w ảkl b qmm tšt and (like) food in the gullet (?) they put (him), 1.19 I 9
(diff. Margalit UF 7 1975 303 n. 20; UF 8 1976 166: “scalp”, “top, crown”, Arab.
qimmat; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7, 1975, 198: “standing grain”, Hb. qāmā; De
Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 248; CARTU 159: “the whole body”, rdg ʕmm).
qmnz TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 224: *Qamanuzu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Saadé
AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 221; Astour RSP 2 327, 360; TopAn 129; UF 13 1981 9;
Van Soldt Topography 39, 182; Watson LSU 203); ¶ syll.: URU qa-ma-nu-zu/zi,
PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):3; PRU 6 80 (RS 19.111):8; PRU 6 105 (RS 19.117):7; PRU 6
169 (RS 18.279):3; URU KÁM-nu-zu,4.810:22; Sivan GAGl 260; UF 28 1996
TN: 4.68:15; 4.95:8; 4.113:2; 4.244:11; 4.308:9; 4.553:3; 4.686:9; for 4.610 II 34, Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 684 n. 252; 4.820 II 5; 4.822 II 1.
Cf. qmnzy.
qmnzy GN m. (< qmnz, TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 224). ¶ Forms: sg. qmnzy.
GN: PN qmnzy, 4.85:5, 8; 4.295:3.
/q-m-ṣ/ vb G: “to curl up”; “to bend” (Akk. kamāṣu, “sich beugen, knien”, AHw
431f.; “to squat, kneel”, CAD K 117ff.: kamāsu; MHb. qmṣwṣ, “compressed
condition, bent up”. Greenfield EI 9 1969 62; De Moor SP 122; Watson LSU 101:
“to crouch”); ¶ par.: /š-k-b/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yqmṣ.
G. To curl up, bend: tlủản (…) nhmmt w yqmṣ (…) overcame him, the fainting
fit, and he curled up, 1.14 I 35 (// yškb); in bkn and unc. ctx.: ]qmṣ mtm ủṣbʕ[t]
b]ent for death (?) (his) finger[s], 1.15 V 16.
qmṣ (I) n. m. “heap, pile” (Hb. qmṣ, “handful”, lqmṣym, “in handfuls, heaps,
abundantly”, HALOT 1109; JAram. qwmṣʔ, “handful”; Eg. /qumṣa/, “Handful
(as a measure)”, Hoch SWET 310 (446). De Moor SP 122; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 213 n. j; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 23 1991 77: “Einsammlung”, cf. Akk.
kamās/ṣu; Smith UBC/1 155 n. 72: “(by the) flock”, Akk. kamāṣu). ¶ Forms: sg.
Heap, pile, as a quantifier: “a heap of”: ṭbḫ (…) ỉmr qmṣ llỉm she butchered
(…) lambs, a heap of suckling lambs, 1.4 VI 43 and par., (sacrificial formula,
cf. Del Olmo MLC 37).

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694 qmṣ (ii) – qn

qmṣ (II) n. m., measure of length (?) (Nuzi Akk. kim/nṣu, “Unterschenkel”, AHw
478f.: 5; a measure of length, CAD K 373ff.: 2b. Watson LSU 101). ¶ Forms: sg.
Measure of length (?), in bkn ctx.: ]m qmṣ (n) q., 4.182:37.
qmṣ (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 228: *Qimṣu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour UF 11
1979 19f., 24; Van Soldt Topography 39, 182; Watson SEL 28 2011 31); ¶ syll.:
URU qi-im-ṣe, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):11; Sivan GAGl 262; Huehnergard UVST 228;
for URU qi-am-x[, Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):12; cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 684 n. 255:
qi-am-ṣi!, unc.
TN: 4.365:14; 4.693:16.
qmy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 228f. Heltzer RCAU 14; Saadé AAAS 29–30 1979–
1980 220; Astour RSP 2 326; UF 13 1981 6; Van Soldt Topography 38f.; Watson
LSU 203).
TN: 3.7:15; 4.48:3; 4.365:16; 4.380:24; 4.382:16 f.; 4.693:55; 4.770:20; 4.818:4; in
bkn ctx.: b[n xxx (?)]n qmy PN (of / in) TN, 4.52:16 (or GN?). For the rdg ]gmy
in 4.355:2 (KTU: ả]gmy) see Belmonte RGTC 12/2 229).
qn n. m. 1) “cane”; 2) name of part of the body; 3) “arrow” (Hb. qnh, “reed”, “bone
of the upper arm, humerus, beam of a balance”, HALOT 1113; Syr. qanyāʔ,
“reed”, “forearm, wingbone, elbow, cubit”, SL 1383f.; Ebla /qan(u)wum/,
/qanûm (?)/ in GIŠ.GI = ga-nu-wu, VE 416; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 16; Akk. qanû,
“Hölzer”, AHw 898; “reed, arrow”, CAD Q 85ff.; Arab. qanāt, “spear, bamboo
lance, tube”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 929); ¶ RS Akk. and ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. G[I] =
qa-nu-ú = pa-x[… = Ug. (?)], RS 20.429:28; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 731; cf. UF 11
1979 479:6; Huehnergard UVST 24f. ¶ Forms: sg. qn; suff. q<n>y (1.6 II 23),
qnh; pl. qnm (Huehnergard UVST 291 n. 111).
1) Cane: ảdr b ġl ỉl qnm the most wonderful (of the) canes of the divine ġ.
1.17 VI 23 (diff. Aartun StUL 130ff.: “Ast” < *qw/yn); ḫmš ʕšr qn nʕm fifteen
(bundles (?)) of fine / good cane, 4.247:29 (diff. De Moor UF 28 1996 157:
qn nʕm ʕnm[ “arrows-with-two-beautiful-eyes”, “squids”); ḫmšm kkr qnm fifty
talents of canes (?), 4.91:10; ḫmš kkr qnm five talents of canes (?), 4.158:12.
2) Name of part of the body, ★a) windpipe, alimentary canal: ṯbrn qnh
the opening of his windpipe, 1.4 VIII 20 and par. (Dietrich-Loretz UF 34
2002 113f.: “Brecher (Backenzähne) des Rachens / der Speiseröhre”; diff.
Margalit MLD 82f.: “fang, maxilla”, Arab. *qny); ★b) humerus: qn ḏrʕh the
cane of his arm > his humerus, 1.5 VI 20 and par. (Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986
109; Aartun StUL 132f.: “Armröhre”, < *qnn; De Moor SP 194: “collar bone,
clavicle”, Syr. qanyā, Eg. qní).
3) Arrow, in bkn ctx.: y]nḥtn qn he brought down an arrow, 1.17 VI 9.
In unc. ctx.: qn ṣṣ b ṣṣ “the reed of the salt marsh (is) in / from the salt marsh”
(?), 5.9:20; 5.26:1 (Márquez UF 28 1996 459–462; Hawley Fs. Bordreuil 227
n. 48).

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qnủ – /q-n-ṣ/ 695

qnủ n. m. “(gem of (?)) lapis lazuli” (prob. allom. of ỉqnu. Pardee AfO 29–30
1983–1984 325, 329: “blue-dyed stuff”; Cunchillos TOu/2 411 ff. n. 206: “lapis-
lazuli”; Watson UF 30 1998 755, with reference to Linear B ku-wa-no; LSU 101,
149; Ford UF 40 2008 323). ¶ Forms: pl. qnỉm.
Lapis lazuli: lḥt qnỉm the message referring to lapis lazuli, 2.73:7 (cf. pḥm,
ibid. ln. 9; qnủym, ibid. ln. 17).
Cf. ỉqnu, qnủy.
qnủm PN (?) (etym. unc.; cf. ủm, qnủ, /q-n-y/. Gröndahl PTU 176; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 36; Watson LSU 176).
PN (?): rỉšym qnủm GN: PN (?), 4.371:1 (or rdg qnủ<y>m (?); cf. Astour JESHO
13 1970 115: “purple dyers”; Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 329: “purple stuff”).
Cf. qnuy.
qnủy n. m., craftsman specialising in lapis lazuli (“dyer” or “engraver” (?); <
iqnủ, qnủ. Cf. Astour JESHO 13 1970 115; Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 326, 329;
Cunchillos TOu/2 419f. n. 225). ¶ Forms: pl. qnủym.
Craftsman specialising in lapis lazuli (as a dyer or engraver (?)), in bkn ctx.:
qnủym tbʕx[, 2.73:17; in unc. rdg: rỉšym qnủm (rdg qnủ<y>m (?)), 4.371:1, see
qnḏ PN (etym. unc. Noth ZDPV 65 1942 152; Gröndahl PTU 176; Benz PNPPI 405);
¶ syll.: cf. qa-na-zi, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):20; qá-na-zi, PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):20;
PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 13; DUMU mqá-na-zi, 4.863:16; Huehnergard UVST
PN: ★a) 4.727:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 III 16; 4.77:7; 4.843:22.
qnmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 37, 39, 64, 158, 176; Benz PNPPI 404; Van den
Branden OLP 12 1981 155f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 I 21.
Cf. mlk (I).
/q-n(-n)/ vb D/L “to coil” (Akk. k(q)anānu. Ford UF 33 2001 201 ff.; diff. Hawley
JANER 4 2004 63: “to nest” < Hb. qēn > /qnn/; Pardee TR/2 831f.: “se dresser
sur …” < Arab. /qanna/ VIII; Tropper UG 649, 890: “sich aufrichten” (?) <
/qw/yn/); Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 68: “zuschlagen”; for the var. proposals
see Watson LSU 101); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/. ¶ Forms: prefc. tqnn; inf. G qn; D/L
D/L. w tḥtk qn l tqnn ʕqrb nor beneath yourself will the scorpion coil, 1.178:5,
see ln. 7. (alt. “… will you not allow the scorpion to coil”; cf. Del Olmo Fs.
Watson 147).
/q-n-ṣ/ vb Gt “to squat, crouch, writhe (to give birth)” (Eth. qanaṣa, “leap”,
CDG 435, related to /q-m-ṣ/. Tsumura UF 10 1978 388 n. 6; diff. Mustafa
AcOrHung 29 1975 100: “schwanger werden”, denom. of Arab. qāniṣat).
¶ Forms: Gt prefc. tqtnṣn.

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696 /q-n-y/ – qq

Gt. To squat, crouch, writhe (to give birth): klảt tqtnṣn w tldn both women
squatted and gave birth, 1.23:58 and par.
/q-n-y/ vb G:1) “to acquire”; 2) “to create, forge”; 3) “to procreate” (Hb., Ph.
qnh, “to buy, acquire”, “to create”, HALOT 111 ff.; DNWSI 1015 f.; JPAram. qny,
“to acquire”, DJPA 497; Ebla: cf. Krebernik PET 45; Pagan ARES 3 158; Emar
Akk. cf. qi-na-i, Arnaud AuOrS 1 11; Akk. qanû, “behalten, erwerben”, AHw
898; “to keep (?), buy, acquire”, CAD Q 91; OSA Qat. qny, “possessions, prop-
erty”, LIQ 148; Arab. qanā, “to preserve, acquire”, AEL 2994; Eth. qanaya, “to
acquire, buy”, CDG 437. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 190; Pope UF 19 1987 220);
¶ syll. Ug.: PN ia-aq-ni, Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):5; Sivan GAGl 261 f.; ¶ par.: /m-ʔ-d/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. ảqny, tqny, yqny; act. ptc. m. qny; suff. qnyn, f. qnyt.
1) To acquire, get hold of: k yqny ġzr when he was (about to) acquire a youth,
2) To create, found, forge: ỉl d yqny ḏdm the god who created the grottoes, 1.19
IV 58; w b lb tqny but in (her) heart she forged (a plan), 1.17 VI 41; mrzḥ d qny
PN cultic association that PN founded, 3.9:2; in bkn ctx.: lm k qnyn ʕlx[ why
like our creator …?, 1.10 III 5 (diff. Aartun StUL 133 f.: “der in Besitz ergreift”).
3) To procreate: qny [w] ảdn [bn ỉ]lm procreator and divine lord of the gods,
1.3 V 9; qnyt ỉlm progenitress of the gods, 1.4 I 22 and par. (title of the goddess
š ảṯrt; see Rahmouni DEUAT 275ff.; diff. Cross CMHE 15: “creatress”); in bkn
ctx.:]xnm ảqny, 1.14 II 4 (// ảmỉd).
Cf. qnủm, qnmlk, tqnt.
qpt n. f. “box, chest, basket” (JPAram. qwph, qwpth, “basket”, DJPA 483; MHb.
quppā, “basket”, DTT 1338; Akk. quppu, “Kasten”, AHw 928; “cage”, CAD Q
307ff.; Arab. quffa, “basket”, AEL 2991; Eth. qafo, “long cylindral basket”, CDG
424. Stieglitz Kadmos 10 1971 111: Min. qa-pa3; Watson AuOrS 27 92). ¶ Forms:
sg. qpt; du. / pl. qptm (?).
Box, chest, basket: qpt w mqḥm a box and (a pair of) tongs (?), 3.13:21; in unc.
ctx.: qptm (two) baskets (?), 4.42:2.
qq n. m. “throat” (JAram. qāqāʔ, “throat, neck”, DJBA 1035; Watson AuOr 8 1990
266); cf. rỉš (I), p (III), šr (IV). ¶ Forms: sg. qq.
Throat: riš p qq w šrh on (his) head, mouth, throat and navel, 1.114:30 (diff. De
Moor UF 1 1969 169, 174; Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 43, 47: “narrowing” >
“throat” (?), cf. MHb., JAram. pqq, “to split, drive into”, denom. pqq, “stop-gap,
stopper”, DTT 1211f.; Margalit Maarav 2 1978/80 115: “navel-knot”, Hb. pāqāq;
De Moor UF 16 1984 356 n. 16; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 164: “node of plant”,
Hb. pāqāq; Pardee TPM 71f.: “nom de plante”, Akk. peqqû, peqqûtu; Dietrich-
Loretz Fs. Gordon 1998 192: “Brust-bein” (?), rdg pqq, MHb pqq; for the various
interpretations cf. Loewenstamm UF 1 1969 77; Pope Fs. Stinespring 199f.;
Watson AuOr 25 2007 133; LSU 23f. n. 174).

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qqln – /q-r-ʔ/ 697

qqln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 268, 277); ¶ syll.: qi-qi-lu-na, PRU 6 82
(RS 17.242):2; Huehnergard AkkUg 406; Van Soldt SAU 38, 188: also for RS
23.79 III 2.
PN: bn PN, 4.35 II 12–15; 4.66:2; 4.155:2.
Cf. kkln.
qr (I) n. m. 1) “source, spring”; 2) first element of the TN qr mym, (Hb. mqwr,
“source, spring”, HALOT 627; Syr. maqūrāʔ, “cistern”, SL 820; Emar Akk. /qīru/,
something dug, “well, cistern” (?), Pentiuc Vocabulary 148). ¶ Forms: sg. qr.
1) Source, spring: qr ʕnk the spring of your eyes, 1.16 I 27.
2) TN: qr mym, 1.19 III 45–46 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 228: *Qīru Mayīma; diff.
Margalit UF 16 1984 151f.; UPA 409ff.: “a gathering-of-water, pool”, *qwr, cf.
Renfroe UF 18 1986 455f.).
In unc. ctx.: b qr, 1.92:12 (De Moor UF 17 1985 226: “in the pond”; cf. bqr); b qr[,
Cf. mqr.
qr (II) n. m. “noise”, “murmur” (Arab. qarqara, “to sound, rumble”, AEL 2500;
Hb. qr (?), “noise” (?), HALOT 1128); ¶ par.: mṣlt, ql (I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. qr.
Noise, murmur: l qr ṯỉgt ỉbrh for the noise of the neighing of his horses, 1.14
III 16 and par. (// l ql); štk qr bt ỉl the murmur of the temple ceased, 1.12 II 60
(// mṣlt; diff. De Moor ARTU 134: “fountain”, cf. qr (I); Margalit UF 16 1984 151:
qr (III) n. m. “wall” (Hb. qyr, “wall”, HALOT 1099 f. Watson AuOr 19 2001 121).
¶ Forms: pl. cstr. (?) qr.
Wall, in unc. ctx.: qr btk ygršk (from) the walls of your house may he expel
(it) for you, 1.82:40, cf. ln. 12 (alt. “(may) the walls of your house evict you” (?).
Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 254).
Cf. qrt (I).
/q-r-ʔ/ vb G: 1) “to call, shout, invite”; 2) “to invoke, conjure up, summon”; 3)
“to proclaim” (Hb. qrʔ, “to call, proclaim”, HALOT 1128 ff.; Ph., Pu. OAram. “to
call, invoke”, DNWSI 1025ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 44; KA.IM = ga-la/ra-um,
ga-ru12-um (/qarāʔum, qarûm/), VE 225; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 18 n. 65; Akk.
qarāʔu, qerû, “rufen, einladen”, AHw 918; “to invite”, CAD Q 242 f.; Arab.
qaraʔa, “to recite”, AEL 2502ff. De Moor SP 168f.; ZAW 88 1976 332 f.); ¶ par.:
/q-b-ʔ/, /s-r/, /ṣ-ḥ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. qrỉt, qrỉtm; prefc. ỉqrả, ỉqrản, tqrủ, yqrả,
suff. ỉqrảkm (cf. yqr{.}ủn, 1.5 II 22, for yqrản (?)); impv. qrả, qrủ (allog. or
variants sg./pl. (?)), suff. qrản; inf. n. of action q[rả] (1.87:8).
G. 1) To call, shout, invite: yqrả mt b npšh may he call to DN in his soul, 1.4
VII 47 (// ystrn); ỉqrảkm [ỉlnym b hk]ly I call / invite you, (divine ones, to
my) palace, 1.21 II 10, cf. ln. 2 and 1.22 II 4 (// ảṣḥkm); tqrủ l špš ủmh she
calls to DN, her mother, 1.100:8 and par.; špš b šmm tqrủ DN shouts from

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698 qrảt – /q-r-b/

heaven, 1.107:9, 15; qrản hd ʕm ảryy invite me, DN, together with my fellows,
1.5 I 23; in bkn ctx., yqr{.}ủn hd may DN invite (me), 1.5 II 23 (diff. Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 186: “writhe, twist”, Arab. qāra, Hb. qwr; Gibson CML 157:
“to hiss”, Arab. qarra, Hava 594; Ajjan NU 34 f.: “verser d’ un seul trait”, Arab.
qarra; Margalit UF 8 1976 162: “to bore”; id. OLP 19 1988 76f.: “snaring (snake)”,
2) To invoke, conjure up, summon: ỉqrản ỉlm nʕmm I am going to invoke the
handsome gods!, 1.23:1, 23 (cf. ảšr, 1.24:1; diff. Smith RM 19, 31 f.: “let me invite
the Goo[dly] Gods”, but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 312 f., 316); qrỉtm rpỉ ảrṣ
have you invoked the r. of the “earth”?, 1.161:2, 9 (// qbỉtm; for other versions of
these forms in 1.161 cf. Del Olmo CR 157 n. 69; e.g. Pardee TR/2 818: “vous êtes
appelés”); qrả/ủ ủlkn rp[ả] invoke r., PN!, 1.161:4–8; qrỉt lšpš ủmh she invokes
to DN, her mother, 1.100:2.
3) To proclaim, in bkn ctx.: w q[rả] ym proclamation of the (feast) day, 1.87:8
(cf. Hb. /q-r-ʔ/ + yôm, Lam 1:21; 2:22).
Cf. qrảt.
qrảt n. f. “banquet, festival (summoning to)” (< /q-r-ʔ/. Akk. qerītu, “Gastmahl”,
AHw 917f.; “banquet, festival”, CAD Q 240ff.; Hb. qryʔh, “proclamation, mes-
sage”, HALOT 1141f.; Syr. qraytāʔ, “calling, summoning”, SL 1410. Laroche Ug
5 501; Pardee TR/2 1204: “appel, rassemblement”); ¶ RS Akk.: É qe-re-ti, Ug 5
163 (RS 22.439) I 17; ¶ par.: dbḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. qrảt.
Banquet, festival: qrảt b grn, banquet in the threshing floor, 1.116:2, in Hurr.
ctx. (// dbḥ).
Cf. /q-r-ʔ/.
/q-r-b/ vb G: “to approach”; N: “to be on the point of, be close to”; D: “to
approach, introduce”; Š: “to offer” (Hb qrb q., “to get closer, approach”, pi., “to
draw together, to be on the point of”, hi., “to bring over, offer”, HALOT 1132ff.;
Ebla cf. in PNN, Krebernik PET 44; Müller Biling. 170; Syr. qrb, “to approach”,
pa. “to make approach, to perform a sacrifice”, SL 1400 f.; Akk. qa/erā/ēbu,
“sich nähern”, AHw 915ff.; “to be near, close”, CAD Q 228 ff.; Arab. qaruba, “to
be, become near”, AEL 2504ff.; Eth. qarba, qaraba, “to draw near”, qarraba,
“offer sacrifices”, ʔaqraba, “to bring near”, CDG 440); ¶ par.: /n-q-h/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. qrb; prefc. tqrb, yqrb; N prefc. tqrb (cf. infra: qbr 2)); D suff. ảqbrk; Š
suffc. šqrb.
G. To approach: ảl tqrb l bn ỉlm mt do not approach (too close) to the divine
DN, 1.4 VIII 16 (cf. RS Akk.: qerēbu ana, cf. Van Soldt SAU 446); yqrb b šảl krt
he approached asking PN, 1.14 I 37; tqrb ảḫ[h] she approached her brother,
1.16 II 17; yqrb bʕl b ḥnth DN approached in his kindness, 1.17 I 16; yqrb trẓẓh
(and) he approached at full speed (?), 1.16 I 49.
N. To be on the point of, be close to: tqrb w ld bn lh she is on the point of

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qrb – qrd (i) 699

bearing him a son, 1.15 III 20 and par. (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976

D. To introduce: ảqbrk ảbh I will introduce you to her father, 1.24:27; ḫṭ nqh
ủ qrb ḫṭ the rod has he prepared, the rod, yes, has he approached, 1.169:5.
Š. To offer: šqrb ksp offer silver, 1.16 I 44; w šqrb ʕr mṣr offer, yes, a donkey of
justification, 1.40:26; ʕlm š š[qr]b l, (on the) next (day) one ram will be offered
to (Špass. or impersonal subj., less prob. impv.), 1.87:56; in bkn ctx.: w šqrb,
2.31:26. In unc. ctx.: ảdnk šqrb to (?) your lord offer it, 1.16 I 44.
In unc. ctx.: yqrb, 1.5 IV 10; ʕmnkm qrb, 2.36:9 (for the various interpretations
cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 399 n. 163).
Cf. qrb.
qrb n. m., 1) “inside, middle”, used as a prep.; 2) “private parts”, “vulva” (< /q-r-b/;
Hb. qrb, b qrb, prep. use, “inward parts”, HALOT 1135f.; Ebla /qirbu(m)/ in
ŠÀ.TAR.SUR = kir-bux, VE 586; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 22; Akk. qarbu, qereb,
ina qereb / qerbi, “Inneres, Mitte”, AHw 914f.; qerbu, “inside, inner part”, CAD
Q 216ff. Aartun PU/2 62 n. 588); ¶ par.: ủšk. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. qrb, suff. qrbm
(encl. -m).
1) Inside, middle, used a preposition qrb, b qrb, b qrbm, bm qrbm, l qrb, “in the
middle of, inside, within”: ỉdk l ttn pnm ʕm (…) qrb ảpq thmtm thus, indeed
she set (her) face towards DN (…) in the heart of the source of the two oceans,
1.4 IV 22 and par.; bʕl b qrb bt DN inside his house, 1.4 VII 13; b qrb hklh inside /
in the middle of his palace, 1.4 V 37 and par.; tštk b qrbm ảsm may (his hand)
put you inside the granary, 1.19 II 18 and par.; b qrb m[ṭʕt in (the middle of)
the plan[tations, 1.20 II 9; b qrb ʕr in (the middle of) the city, 1.62:5; l qrb mym
tql in the middle of the waters it fell, 1.19 I 2.
2) Vulva: yỉḫd b qrb[h] he grasped her vulva, 1.11:1 (// ủšk).
In bkn ctx.: y]šủ b qrb, 1.1 II 6; ydd b qrb, 1.5 III 10 and par.; k qrb sd, 1.20 I 4.
Cf. /q-r-b/.
qrd (I) n. m., “hero, warrior, powerful one” (Akk. qar(r)ādu, “Krieger, Held”,
AHw 905; “hero, warrior”, CAD Q 140ff.; Ebla cf. ur-sag = ga-ra-tum, VE 271;
Krebernik QuSem 18 145; gàr-du, “Held”, Krebernik PET 85 f.; Healey UF 18
1986 31 n. 29; qàr-du, Xella WGE 354; gú-ra/rí-tum/dím, Krebernik QuSem
18 117; cf. defect. (?) kur-da, Krebernik QuSem 18 154. Pagan ARES 3 158; De
Moor SP 102f., 179; diff. Wyatt UF 22 1990 459 ff.: “axe”, Hb. qrdm, Eg. qrḏn,
and rdg q<r>dm also in 1.4 VII 40–41); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. the element UR.SAG
in PNN, Gröndahl PTU sub QRD 176f. (cf. ibid. sub MHR 156 and Rainey
IOS 3 1973 39) and PRU 4 262; PRU 6 151; ¶ par.: ʕz (III). ¶ Forms: sg. qrd;
pl. qrdm.
Hero, powerful one: k gr (…) qrd ḥmytkm when (…) a powerful attacks your
walls, 1.119:26 (// ʕz); tdy (…) qrd [l] ḥmytny do repel (…) the powerful one

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700 qrd (ii) – qrn

from our walls, 1.119:29 (// ʕz); as a title of bʕl, ảlỉy qrdm “The Most Powerful”
of the heroes, 1.3 III 14 and par. (Rahmouni DEUAT 49 ff.)
Cf. qrd (II), qrdmn, qrdy.
qrd (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 176f.; Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984 177f.; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 167; Watson LSU 101, 176; ¶ syll.: cf. qa-ra-TI, PRU 3 106
(RS 16.206):6 (Van Soldt SAU 40, 309 n. 115); mdUR.SAG, PRU 3 169 (RS
16.145):5, 10; PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):21; qá-[a]r-da-na, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+)
IV 23.
PN: ★a) 4.159:8; ★b) b]n (?) PN, 4.159:9.
qrdmn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 53, 177; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167;
Watson LSU 176).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:20.
qrdy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 177; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 I 31.
qrht n. f. (4.95:1; 4.235:1; 6.27:2–3); cf. qrt (I).
qrḥn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 177; Jirku ArOr 37 1969 10 f.; Benz PNPPI 406;
Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 724; Maraqten SPARI 210; Watson AuOr 13 1995
229); ¶ syll.: qú-ur-ḫa-nu, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):21; Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987
724; UVST 221; AkkUg 405.
PN: qrḥ[n], 4.617 II 26.
qrn n. f. 1) “horn”; 2) “lightning flash”; 3) “excrescence”; 4) said of each bow tip
(Hb. qrn, “horn”, HALOT 1144ff.; Pun., Palm., qrn, “horn, corner”, DNWSI 1034;
Syr. qarnāʔ, “horn, corner”, SL 1412f.; Amor. qarn, “horn, strength”, Huffmon
APNMT 259; “horn”, Gelb CAAA 29; Akk. qarnu, “Horn”, AHw 904f.; “horn”,
CAD Q 134ff.; Arab. qarn, “the temporal ridge of the head, horn”, AEL 2987f.
Watson UF 40 2008 558; FO 47 2010 435; AuOrS 27 92); ¶ par.: išd, gbṯt, mtn
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. qrn, suff. qrnh; du. qrnm, cstr. qrn, suff. qrnh; pl. qrnt.
1) Horn: ★a) as part of an animal’s body: ảdr qrnt b yʕlm the most magnificent
(of) the horns of mountain goats, 1.17 VI 22 (// mtnm); cf. qrn, 5.23:2 (scribal
exercise); ★b) as a divine attribute: qrn dbảtk bʕl ymšḥ your strong horns DN
will anoint, 1.10 II 21–22; b hm qrnm km ṯrm they had horns like bulls, 1.12 I 30
(// gbṯt); tmll ỉšdh qrn[m] d !t ʕlh she caresses his legs, the horns that he has
above, 1.101:6 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 129 ff.); bʕl qrnm w ḏnb the one with
(two) horns and a tail, 1.114:20; ★c) of the moon, in unc. ctx.: ỉk ảl yḥdṯ yrḫ (…)
b qrn ymnh is it not true that (now) DN renews (…) in his right horn?, 1.18 IV 10
(Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Delcor 113ff.; for a survey see Wyatt RTU 283 nn. 144–145);
★d) a container: lqḥ hw šmn b qrnh he took oil in his horn, 2.72:30.
2) Lightning flash, ray: ybʕr [rkb ʕr]pt [q]rnh let [the Charioteer of the
clo]uds ignite his lightning flashes, 1.3 IV 27; w yrmy qrnh, he shoots / shot
(?) his rays 1.92:32 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117).

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qrps – qrš 701

3) Excrescence: w qrn šỉr [l]pỉt šm[ảl if it has a fleshy excrescence in its right
temple, 1.103:11, cf. ln. 25 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 113 f.).
In bkn ctx.: qrnh km ġb[, 1.12 II 39; mlḥ qrn bn x[ the beauty (?) of the horns
of the son of X, 4.17:17, cf. ibid. ln. 9–14
qrps, see grbz (Watson LSU 132).
qrq “?”, 5.9 I 20 (scribal exercise).
qrr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 177, 237, 426; Watson LSU 176).
PN: bn PN, 4.214 I 20.
Cf. krr.
qrrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 177, 237).
PN: bn PN, 3.7:2; 4.214:1.
Cf. qrr, PN.
qrsủ n. m. “fleece, skin, wineskin” (< Hitt. kurša-, “Vlies”, Tischler HEG 654 f.; cf.
Akk./OAss. gursā/ēnum and cf. O/MB gusānu(m), kušānu(m), ein Ledersack,
AHw 299; a leather bag or cover, CAD G 142f.; Watson AuOrS 27 92). ¶ Forms:
sg. qrsỉ; pl./du. qrsảm (spelling unc.; foreign lexeme (?)).
Fleece, skin, wineskin: qrsảm l šỉ{.}bt bd PN (two (?)) q.s for the water-carrier,
in the hands of PN, 4.705:4; qrsỉ l ảlṯy a q. for the GN (/ PN), ibid. ln. 8.
Cf. krs/śủ, krs/śn.
/q-r-ṣ/ vb G: “to nibble, gnaw”; D: “to pinch off” (Hb. qrṣ, “to screw up”, HALOT
1147f.; MHb., JAram. qrṣ, “to make an incision, cut” / “to bite, pinch”, DTT 1425
[q. and pi.]; Arab. qaraṣa, qaraḍa, “to pinch” / “to cut”, AEL 2514 ff. [I and II];
Eth. qaraṣa, “incise, scar”, CDG 444; Akk. q/karāṣu, “abkneifen”, AHw 447 f.;
“to pinch off (clay), break off”, CAD K 209f.); ¶ par.: /ʔ-k-l/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
suff. tqrṣn; D prefc. yqrṣ.
G. To nibble, gnaw: ṯdn km mrm tqrṣn our chests like cubs(?) they gnaw, 1.12
I 11 (// tỉkln. Rahmouni DEUAT 4 n. 5).
D. To pinch off: ṯ[ỉṭ] yqrṣ dt b pḫr[ he pinched off (a lump of) potter’s clay,
1.16 V 29.
qrš n. m., “private room” > “apartment”, “chapel / sacred alcove”, “residence”
(Akk. g/quršu, “Hauskapelle”, AHw 299; “a room in a private house”, CAD
G 141. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 55; Xella UF 13 1981 310; with different
nuances, Clifford CMC 48, 54: “pavilion”, “tent(shrine)”, Hb. qrš. Cassuto
GA 145; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 122 n. e, 306: “abode”, “domaine”, Hb. qrš;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 192: “camp”, Akk. karašu; Lipiński OLP 2 1971 66:
“glacier”, MHb. *qrš; for a survey cf. Watson LSU 101 f.: “room”, Akk. bīt guršu,
“camp”, Akk. karaś/šu, “vine-arbour”, NA qersu); ¶ par.: ḏd. ¶ Forms: sg. qrš.
Apartment, chapel / sacred alcove, residence: qrš mlk ảb šnm the residence
of the king, father of years, 1.4 IV 24 and par. (// ḏd; denoting the mythical
residence of the god ỉl).

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702 qrt (i) – qrt (ii)

qrt (I) n. f. 1) “city”; 2) the “City (the capital, Ugarit)” (Hb., Ph., Pun. qrt, “city”,
HALOT 1149; “town”, DNWSI 1037; OAram. qrtʔ/h, “town”, DNWSI 1037;
JPAram. qryyh/qrth, “city”, DJPA 505f.; Eg. /qarta/, “Town, City”, Hoch SWET
302f. (437); cf. qryt); ¶ RS Akk.: URU(.KI), URU.ḪI.A, URU.DIDLI(.ḪI.A.MEŠ),
passim, Huehnergard AkkUg 355f.; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [URU] = [ālu] = ar-de-na =
qa-ri-t[u4], Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 18; Huehnergard UVST 175. ¶ Forms: sg.
qrt, suff. qrth, qrtn; du. qrtm; pl. qrht.
1) City: qrht d tš{š}lmn TN cities that pay TN, 4.95:1; bn ḫrnk mġy hbṭ hw
ḫrd w šl hw qrt and your messenger arrived, knocked down the guard (and)
plundered the city, 2.61:7; qrt ảblm / zbl yrḫ the city of TN / of prince DN,
1.19 IV 1–2 and par.; hm qrt tủḫd if a is about to be captured, 1.127:30; ky tdbr
ủmy l pn qrt so my mother has declared before the city, 2.72:19; ỉm ht l b mṣqt
yṯbt qrt if then the city is in a difficult situation, 2.72:22; ṯt kwt yn b qrt, two
k. of wine in / from the city / TN, 4.691:6, cf. qrt (III); ḥẓk ảl tšʕl qrth do not
fire your arrows against the city, 1.14 III 13; ỉdk ảl ttn pnm tk qrth, so, then, set
(your) face towards his city, 1.4 VIII 11 and par.; ynt qrt domestic dove, 1.41:21
/ 1.87:22 and other ritual texts; qrt m[lk] royal city, 2.42:17; qrt (…) qrtn ḫlqt as
for the city (…) our city has been destroyed, 2.61:7, 12; bn qrtm, between the
(two) cities < in open country, 1.3 II 20, cf. ln. 7: bn qrytm.; ảr d qrht ả-district
of the towns, 6.27:2–3 (cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 380 n. 31); bn rb qrt son of the
mayor, 4.842:21; in bkn ctx.: qrt nm[, 6.49:1; nzdt qrt[ 2.49:11; qrt, 4.419:2; qrht
d, 4.235:1; ]qrt dt, 2.33:7 (Dijkstra UF 19 1987 43 ff.); qrht ḫbṯ, 2.107:8; in unc.
ctx.: yġtr qrt, 6.79:3.
2) “The City” (: the capital, Ugarit; cf. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 43 n. 31): skn qrt
governor of the city, 4.609:10, 11, in bkn ctx.: sk]n qrt, 4.555:4; rb qrt mayor,
4.141 III 3 (RS Akk.: LÚ ḫa-(az-)za-nu (URUki), PRU 3 84 (RS 16.157):22; PRU 3
86 (RS 16.250):18; PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15; PRU 3 163 (RS 16.348):10; cf. PRU 3
233; Ug 5 340); ảrbʕm ksp ʕl qrt forty (shekels) of silver on account to the
city, 4.290:6; kd ỉštỉr ʕm qrt a “jar” (of oil) is still owed to the city, 4.290:3;
field of PN l qrt / bd qrt for / entrusted to the city, 4.631:5, 6, passim ibid.;
(purple) l ṯrmn qrt for the ṯ. of the city, 4.182:15. For the rdg ỉl q][r]t the gods
of the town, 1.148:40, cf. Pardee TR/2 786, 796, 803: Akk. DINGIR.MEŠ URU.KI,
RS 92.2004:27.
Cf. qr (III), qrt (III).
qrt (II) n. f. “glory, honour” (?) (< */w-q-r/. Hb. yqr, “preciousness, honour”,
HALOT 432; Arab. waqār, “staid behaviour, dignity”, qirat, “weight, heavi-
ness”, Hava 886. Del Olmo MLC 621; Watson UF 40 2008 363; but see Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 554f.; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 369: “cité”, cf. qrt (I); Trujillo
UR 50f. “banquet”, Akk. qarîtu, qirētu). ¶ Forms: sg. qrt.
Glory, honour (?), in bkn ctx.: ytnm qrt l ʕly[ glory (?) be given to the exalted

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qrt (iii) – /q-r-y/ 703

ones (?), 1.23:3 (Wyatt RTU 325 n. 3 for other versions).

qrt (III) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 224f.: *Qarātu; see Astour Or 38 1969 404 n. 1;
RSP 2 328, 360; UF 11 1979 19 n. 53; UF 13 1981 9; Saadé AAAS 29–30 1979–1980
221; Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (4), 382; UF 28 1996 684; Topography 39 f., 182);
¶ syll.: URU qa-ra-tu/te/ti, PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):1; PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):9;
PRU 6 175 (RS 21.202):9; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):17, 21; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):4;
RS 21.202:10 (unpub.: Van Soldt UF 28 1996 684); URU qar-a-tu, PRU 6 73
(RS 19.107 A):1; cf. Sivan GAGl 261.
TN: 4.49:1; 4.68:21; 4.308:12; 4.332:5; 4.553:7; 4.610 II 35 (cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988
14; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 684 n. 258); 4.686:13; 4.800 II 5; 4.801:31 (Bordreuil-
Pardee RSOu 14 p. 363); 4.834:21; 4.835:8; for 4.762:5 cf. Schwab UF 22 1990
308; cf. qrt (I) for 4.290:3, 6; 4.419:2; 4.555:4; 4.609:10, 11; 4.631:5, 9 and passim;
Cf. qrt (I), qrty, qrṭy, qryt.
qrtmt PN (etym. unc.; cf. mt (II) 2; /q-r-y/, /t-m(-m)/. Gröndahl PTU 177; Benz
PNPPI 407).
PN: 4.628:4.
qrty GN m. (< qrt (III)); ¶ syll. Ug.: URU qa-ar-ti-yu, PRU 6 148 (RS 17.97):15,
l.e. 2 (for the rdg cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 684 n. 259; Belmonte RGTC 12/2
225); URU qar-ti-yu, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):17; URU qa-ra-ti-yu-ma, PRU 6 78
(RS 19.41):1, 25 (for the pl. form cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 684 n. 260; Fs. Loretz
779); Huehnergard UVST 239, 281 n. 65; Tropper UF 33 2001 626; Van Soldt
SAU 336; Topography 39. ¶ Forms: sg. qrty; pl. qrtym.
GN: PN qrty, 4.80:9, 12 (Vita UF 29 1997 705); 4.295:12; 4.417:6; 4.648:24 (Van
Soldt SAU 102, 151); in bkn ctx.: qrtym, 4.648:16.
qrṭy GN m. (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 230. Astour UF 13 1981 9; Van Soldt UBL 11 365
n. 9 (4), 382: < qrt (III), TN; cf. id. UF 28 1996 684; Watson SEL 28 2011 29);
¶ syll.: cf. UGULA URU qu-ur-ṭu, PRU 6 105 (RS 19.117:9; in bkn ctx.: PRU 6 111
(RS 19.129):6. ¶ Forms: sg. qrṭy; pl. qrṭym.
GN: qrṭym, 4.85:1; bdl qrṭy GN substitute, ibid. ln. 6. For the rdg qr(!)ṭ(?) in
4.86:31 see Belmonte RGTC 12/2 230.
qrwn (I) n. m. “offering” (alloph. of *qrbn; cf. Hb. qrbn, “offering, gift”, HALOT
1136f. Dietrich-Loretz MU 30). ¶ Forms: sg. qrwn.
Offering: dt nảt w qrwn the [sacrifices] of “lament” and offering, 1.127:11.
qrwn (II) PN (etym. unc.; possibly an allom. of krwn, PN. Gröndahl PTU 268,
279; cf. qrwn (I) and Dietrich-Loretz Ug 6 169; Heltzer AION 33 1973 94; Xella
TRU 182; De Tarragon TOu/2 213 n. 205; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 164).
PN: ★a) 4.277:3, [[13]] (Watson AuOr 11 1993 221); ★b) bn PN, 4.13:36.
Cf. krwn.
/q-r-y/ vb G: “to meet, encounter, go to meet”; D: “to present, offer” (Hb. qrh, “to

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704 qry – qrẓ

meet, encounter”, HALOT 1137f.; Arab. qarā, qarā-l-ḍayf, “entertain” / “enter-

taiment for a guest”, AEL 2988; Eth. qaraya III, ʔaqāraya, “receive guests” /
“offer a sacrifice”, CDG 445; cf. Eg. /qaraʔa/, “to approach, to be at hand”, Hoch
SWET 296ff. (430f.). De Moor SP 103; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 163 f.; Margalit
UF 16 1984 162ff.; diff. Cassuto GA 114f.: “to gather”, Arab. qarā; Smith UBC/1
203 n. 158: “to place”, // št); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/ Š. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảqry, tqry, suff.
ảqryk; impv. qryy (encl. -y; Tropper UF 26 1994 475); D suffc. suff. qrym (encl.
-m); prefc. yqr[ y].
G. To meet, encounter: qryy b ảrṣ mlḥmt go to meet war in the country, 1.3
III 14 and par. (diff. De Moor SP 103: “to bring (a sacrifice) to”, D qry; Watson
NUS 21 1980 8: “to dig (up) a hole (/ filth)”, rdg qry ḫḫ, *qry /*nqr); ảqry ảnk b
ảrṣ mlḥmt I shall go to meet war in the land, 1.3 IV 27 and par. (diff. Aartun
StUL 135ff.: “zusammenbringen” < *qry); tqry ġlmm b št ġr she met the lads
at the foot of the mountain, 1.3 II 4 and par.; hm ảqryk b ntb pšʕ if I ever meet
you on the path of rebellion, 1.17 VI 43.
D. To present, offer: qrym ảb dbḥ l ỉlm my father offered a sacrifice to the
gods, 1.19 IV 29 and par. (// šʕly).
qry PN (etym. unc.; cf. /q-r-y/. Gröndahl PTU 177; Benz PNPPI 407: qryn; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: 4.788:4.
Cf. kry, kryn.
qryt n. f. “city” (cf. qrt (I). Hb. qryh, “village, town”, HALOT 1142 ff.; Arab. qaryat,
“town, village”, AEL 2988. Blau UF 11 1979 58; diff. Herdner TOu/1 515: “grenier”,
Akk. qarītu); ¶ par.: ʕmq (I), bt (II) (+ ḫbr). ¶ Forms: sg. qryt; du. qrytm.
City: ʕdb ảkl l qryt to prepare food (brought) from the cities, 1.14 II 28 and par.
(// l bt ḫbr); bn qrytm between (the) two cities > in the open, 1.3 II 7 and par.
(// b ʕmq).
Cf. qrt (I).
qrzbl TN, only in ritual ctx. (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 229; etym. and identification
unc., cf. qr (I), qr (III), zbl (I). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 153 f.:
“Fürstenquelle”; Astour RSP 2 327f.; UF 13 1981 6; RSOu 11 64: zbl, TN, mod.
Karzbil; De Moor-Sanders UF 23 1991 286f.: “City of Highness” (?); Van Soldt
UBL 11 373; Arnaud, SMEA 45 2003 16: “interprétation ou une transcription
phonétique plus ou moins fidèle de Karduniaš (?)”).
TN: 1.40:30 and par.
Cf. qr (I), qr (III), zbl (I), zbl (IV).
qrẓ n. m. “acacia” (?) (Arab. qaraẓ, “the leaves of the acacia”, Mimosa Flava/Nilot-
ica, AEL 2518; Syr. qeraṭāʔ, “acacia”, SL 1405. Caquot TOu/1 33 n. 58; Margalit
AuOr 7 1989 79; diff. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 118: “Mosquito”, Syr. qrṭ, Arab, qāriṣ,
Hb. qereṣ (?)). ¶ Forms: sg. qrẓ.

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qsrm – qṣn 705

Acacia, in bkn ctx.: qrẓ tšt l šmảl[ place (branches of) acacia on the left (?),
qsrm, in bkn ctx.: ]tʕ qsrm, 1.82:11 (cf. Del Olmo IAWTU 115; diff. KTU: ʕnt
qṣ n. m. 1) “end”, “hem”, “border”; 2) “fillet (of meat)” (< /q-ṣ(-ṣ)/ < “cut”. Hb.
qṣ(h), “end, border” / “edge, extremity”, HALOT 1118 f., 1120 f.; Syr. qeṣṣāʔ, “end”,
SL 1395; cf. Arab. qaṣṣa, “to cut”, AEL 2526ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1975 111 (: “Brust-Fleisch”); ¶ par.: ksm, sỉn, ṯd. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. qṣ; du./pl. suff.
cstr. qṣm (encl. -m); pl. cstr. qṣ.
1) End, hem, border: qṣ ảll hem of the cloak, 1.6 II 11 (// sỉn); qṣm ảrṣ the
(two) ends of the earth, 1.16 III 3 (// ksm; cf. infra: qṣm; diff. De Moor SP 100
n. 15; ARTU 217: “emmer”, Arab. qaḍīm // cf. ks/ś(m); Aartun UF 17 1985 21 f.:
“Zerstörer”, Arab. quṣam, qāṣim).
2) Fillet (of meat): qṣ mrỉ fillets of fatling, 1.3 I 8 and par. (// ṯd; diff. Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 347: “feast”).
qṣʕt n. f./pl. “arrow(s), dart(s) (?)” (Hb. mqṣwʕh, “corner”, HALOT 628f.; Arab.
miqṣaʕ, “sharp (sword)”, Hava 610; < *qṭʕ; cf. Arab. qaṭṭāʕ, miqṭaʕ, “(stone)
cutter” / “cutting instrument”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 777. Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 427; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 181 n. 94; diff. Margalit UF 15 1983 78f.:
“bow”, Eth. qaṣʕa, Arab. qaṣaʕa, Blau JNSL 10 1982 7 ff.; Al-Yasin LRUA 159:
“sword”, Arab. miqṣaʕ); ¶ par.: qšt. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. qṣʕt, suff. qṣʕtk, qṣʕth.
Arrow(s), dart(s) (?): qšthn ảḫd b ydh w qṣʕth bm ymnh his bow he took in his
hand and his arrows in his right, 1.10 II 7; yšrbʕ qṣʕt he had quadruplicated
the arrows, 1.17 V 13, cf. 1.17 V 3 (// qšt); l brkh yʕdb qṣʕt on his knees he left the
arrows, 1.17 V 28 (// qšt); ʕ[l] (…) qṣʕth hwt ltḥ[wy] for (…) his arrows did you
not leave him alive?, 1.18 IV 13 (cf. 1.19 I 15; 1.18 IV 41); ybʕl (…) qṣʕt l ybmt lỉmm
he must make (…) arrows for “the Intended of the people”, 1.17 VI 25 (// qšt);
w tn (…) qṣʕtk [ʕm] ybmt lỉmm but give (…) your arrows to “the Intended of
the people”, 1.17 VI 19 (// qšt).
qṣḥ n. m. a type of “cumin” (Nigella sativa. Hb. qṣḥ, “black cummin”, HALOT 1122;
Arab. qizḥ, “seeds that are used in cooking”, AEL 2520. Heltzer UF 12 1980
413ff.). ¶ Forms: pl. qṣḥm.
A type of cumin: mrbʕ qṣḥm mrbʕ dblt mrbʕ ṣmqm a quart of q.-cumin, a quart
of dry figs, a quart of raisins, 4.751:8; In bkn ctx.: qṣḥm, 1.179:5.
qṣm n. m. “grasshopper(s)” (Arab. qaṣām, “sauterelle”, Dozy SDA/2 368. De Moor
SP 91; diff. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 167: “piece of bark of the plane tree”;
survey Wyatt RTU 73 n. 22); ¶ par.: ỉrby. ¶ Forms: sg. qṣm.
Grasshopper(s): k qṣm ġrmn kp mhr like grasshoppers in a swarm (were) the
palms of the warriors, 1.3 II 10 (// k ỉrbym).
qṣn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 177; Kitchen JEA 73 1987 218 ff.; Watson LSU

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706 /q-ṣ-r/ – qš (i)

176f.); ¶ syll.: KU-ṣa-na, Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):16; cf. PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426):12: rdg
q[u-ṣa?-n]a? (?); cf. Van Soldt SAU 31 n. 251, 320 n. 135.
PN: ★a) 4.63 III 6; 4.285:10; ★b) bn PN, 4.122:4; 4.204:10; 4.617 II 19; 4.841:40;
/q-ṣ-r/ vb G: “to be short” (Hb. qṣr, “to be short”, HALOT 1126 f.; Arab. qaṣura,
“to be, become short”, AEL 2532ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 137;
Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 85). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. tqṣrn.
G. To shorten, make narrow: tqṣrn ymy bʕlhn shortened shall be the days of
their / his lord, 1.103:33.
Cf. qṣr, qṣrt.
qṣr (I) adj. m. “short” (Hb. qṣr, “short”, HALOT 1127; Arab. qaṣīr, “short”, AEL
2535); ¶ par.: ảlmnt, qš (II). ¶ Forms: sg. qṣr.
Short: qṣr npš the short of spirit (: anxious), 1.16 VI 34 and par. (// ảlmnt, qšm,
Cf. Hb. qṣr npš / rwḥ; Haak JBL 101 1982 161ff.; Geller Fs. Gordon 1980 60 n. 7:
“seriously sick”, JAram., MHb. qṣyrʔ, qṣyrt; cf. Watson NUS 36 1986 18 f.).
Cf. /q-ṣ-r/.
qṣr (II) n. m. “anklebone” (Akk. kiṣru, “Knoten, Zusammenballung”, “Gelenk”,
AHw 488f.; “knot”, “joint of the human or animal body”, CAD K 436 ff.; cf. Pun.
qṣrt, “part of victim”, DNWSI 1023. Dietrich-Loretz MU 113. ¶ Forms: sg. qṣr.
Anklebone: w ỉn qṣr [šm]ảl and if it has no left anklebone, 1.103:10 (diff. Xella
TRU 202f.: “malleoli”, rdg qṣr[t], Pun. qṣrt; but cf. ḫrṣp).
qṣrt n. f. “shortness” (< qṣr (I). Van Selms UF 3 1971 240). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. qṣrt.
Shortness: qṣrt npš the shortness of your spirit (: your faintheartedness),
1.40:22 and par.; qṣrt pʕnh shortness of foot > contracted foot, 1.103:39 (Die-
trich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 135; diff. Xella TRU 202f.: “malleoli”, Pun.
qṣrt, Akk. kiṣru; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 347: “lower part of the leg”, Akk.
kursinnu; cf. qṣr (II)).
Cf. /q-ṣ-r/, qṣr (I).
/q-ṣ(-ṣ)/ vb G: “to carve” (Hb. qṣh, qṣṣ, “to cut, chop off”, HALOT 1120, 1125 f.;
Aram. qṣṣ, “to cut off, cut down”, DJPA 501; Akk. k/gaṣāṣu, “abschleifen”, AHw
457; “to trim, cut”, CAD G 53; Arab. qaṣṣa, “to cut”, AEL 2526 ff. De Moor SP 71).
¶ Forms: G suffc. qṣṣ (?); vb inf. / vb n. qṣ.
G. To carve: ṣḥ l qṣ ỉlm he invited the gods to the carving, 1.114:2; in bkn ctx.:
]l qṣ ỉlm, 1.147:12 (diff. Margalit UF 2 1970 133f.: “the remotest” / “end”, Hb. qēṣ,
qāṣe(h)); qṣṣ, 1.167:5.
Cf. qṣn.
qṣy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 177).
PN: bn PN, 4.350:9.
qš (I) n. m. “tankard” (Hb. *qśwh, “jug”, HALOT 1150; Arab. qašwat, “petit panier”,
DAF/2 744; Eth. qašût, “vase, water pot, container for mead”, CDG 448. Ca-

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qš (ii) – qšt 707

quot-Sznycer TOu/1 176 vb n.; Watson AuOrS 27 92); ¶ par.: ks. ¶ Forms: sg.
suff. qšh.
Tankard: klnyy qšh nbln all together we shall carry his tankard, 1.3 V 33 and
par. (// ksh. Greenstein UNP 117: “gift”).
qš (II) n. m. “harsh, severe (with someone)” > “oppressor” (Hb. qšh, “hard,
difficult”, HALOT 1152f.; Syr. qašyāʔ, “hard, difficult”, SL 1419; Arab. qasiyy,
“hard, difficult”, Hava 605. Renfroe UF 22 1990 280); par: qṣr (I) (+ npš).
¶ Forms: pl. qšm.
Harsh, severe (with someone) > oppressor: l tdy [[ṯ]]qšm ʕl dl you have not
expelled the oppressors of the poor, 1.16 VI 47 (// qṣr npš).
qšt n. m. 1) “bow”; 2) “archer” (Hb., Pun., OAram. qšt, “bow, weapon”, HALOT
1155f.; DNWSI 1040; Akk. qaštu, “Bogen”, AHw 906; “bow”, CAD Q 147 ff.; Arab.
qaws, “bow”, AEL 2574f.; Eth. qast, “bow”, CDG 447. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 58ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: GIŠ.BAN(.MEŠ), passim; cf. PRU 6 155; Huehnergard
AkkUg 399; cf. (n) KUŠ kà-ba-bu (n) GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.63 I 24 and passim ibid.;
ṭup-pu ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.68:76; ¶ syll. Ug.: [BAN = qaštu = Hurr.
(?)] = qa-aš-tu4, UF 11 1979 479:9; Huehnergard UVST 175; Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 651; SAU 307; ¶ par.: qṣʕt. ¶ Forms: sg. qšt, suff. qštk, qšth, qšthn; du. qštm;
pl. qšt.
1) Bow: ★a) weapon (Heltzer RCAU 18ff.): PN ảrbʕ qšt w ảrbʕ ủṯpt qlʕ w ṯt
mrḥm four bows, four quivers, one shield and two lances, 4.624:2, cf. passim
ibid.; ảrbʕm qšt ảlp ḥẓm w ảlp nṯq forty bows, one thousand arrows and one
thousand darts (?), 4.169:13, cf. ln. 1; ṯmn qšt w ʕšr ủṯpt eight bows and ten
quivers, 4.53:14; ★b) psl qšt carvers of bows, 4.141 III 18; ḥrš qšt assemblers of
bows, 4.215:1–2 (Sanmartín UF 20 1988 266f. n. 7); ★c) in lit. texts: tgrš (…) b
ksl qšth mdnt he evicted (…) the townfolk with the sinew of his bow, 1.3 II 16;
qšthn ảḫd b ydh his bow he took in his hand, 1.10 II 6; in unc. ctx.: ủ qšt pn
hdd, 1.9:13; ★d) esp. in the Epic of Aqht: tṣb qšt she loads / loaded the bow,
1.17 VI 13; kd ʕl qšth ỉmḫṣh (…) ảp qšth ltnn ly thus, for his bow I struck him
(…), but his bow was not delivered to me, 1.19 I 14–16 (cf. 1.18 IV 12, 40); w tn
qštk ʕm [btlt] ʕn[t] but give your bow to Virgin) DN, 1.17 VI 18; hlk qšt ybln
behold he brought a bow (// qšʕt), 1.17 V 12 (cf. 1.17 V 2); bd dnỉl ytnn qšt in the
hands of PN he placed the bow, 1.17 V 27 (cf. 1.17 V 3); ybʕl qšt l ʕnt he must
make a bow for DN, 1.17 VI 24; qštm [k l] mhrm a (double) bow (is a thing
of) warriors, 1.17 VI 39 (Watson AuOr 14 1996 266: “the bow”, encl. -m); in bkn
ctx.: qšt yqb, 1.17 V 35 (Margalit UF 15 1983 81f.); cf. 1.17 V 2 (Dijkstra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 180f.: rdg qšt md[rkt); lb tṯbr qšt, 1.19 I 4; qšt, 7.222:4 (Tsumura UF 22
1990 397f.); ảḫḏ qš[t, 1.12 II 32.
2) Archer (meton. of 1) or /qattal/ pattern; OHb., Palm. qšt, “archer”, DNWSI
1040; cf. RS. Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.68:76); PN qšt PN: one archer,

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708 qt – qṭn (i)

4.63 I 7 and passim ibid.; PN qšt w qlʕ PN: one archer and one shield-bearer,
4.63 I 4 and passim ibid.; PN ṯt qštm w ṯn qlʕm PN: two archers and two
shield-bearers, 4.63 I 2 and passim ibid.; PN ṯt qštm w qlʕ two archers and
one shield-bearer, I 26, passim ibid.; PN ṯt qštm w ṯlṯ qlʕm two archers and
three shield-bearers, III 3, 19; PN ṯlṯ qšt w ṯn qlʕm three archers and two shield-
bearers, III 5; PN ṯlṯ qšt w ṯlṯ qlʕm three archers and three shield-bearers, III 21
(RS Akk.: (n) KUŠ kà-ba-bu (n) GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, 4.63 I 24, 48; II 12 and passim;
IV 18).
qt n. m. “handle” (?) (MHb., Aram. qt(ʔ), “handle”, DTT 1433 f. Watson SEL 25
2008 59: “handle”, Akk. qātu. For the rdg d qt in 1.4 I 41 cf. Emerton JThS 16
1965 439ff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 196 n. r; Margalit MLD 23; see dqt (II)).
¶ Forms: sg. qt.
Handle (?), in bkn ctx.: qt b[, 4.275:10 (cf. kdr ln 8); ]qtm, 4.734:1.
qṭ (I) n. m. “flax, flax seed” (?) (Syr. qeṭaw, “flax”, SL 1348; Akk. kitû, “Flachs,
Leinen”, AHw 495; “flax, linen”, CAD K 473ff. Sanmartín UF 11 1979 726f.;
Watson LSU 70). ¶ Forms: sg. qṭ.
Flax, flax fibre, flax seed (?): ḫmš mỉspt qṭ five m. of (: which contain) flax
fibre (/ seed) (?), 4.166:4 (diff. Van Soldt UF 22 1990 326 n. 43, no translation);
in hippiatric pharmacology: št bln qṭ a š. of mixed fodder from flax seed
(?), 1.85:18; 1.71:14; 1.72:26 (Cohen UF 28 1996 134f.: “qṭ-quality”; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 229: TN, qṭ (II)).
qṭ (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 229f. Weippert ZDPV 85 1969 35 ff.: Eg. qd.i; cf.
qṭy (I): Watson SEL 28 2011 27).
TN, in bkn ctx.: ḥ[wt] qṭ, 2.36:17 (diff. Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984, no rdg:
º[-]ºº; Cunchillos TOu/2 407 n. 186: ḥ[b]qt “je vais aider à mettre en selle”, cf.
Cf. qṭy (I), qṭy (II).
Cf. qṭn (I), qṭn (II), qṭnn.
qṭn (I) n. m. “imitation jewellery, filigree”, “trinket, hardware” ((?), < adj. *qṭn
“small, fine, minute”. Emar Akk. /qaṭinnu/, /qaṭinnūtu/, an object, imple-
ment, Pentiuc Vocabulary 145; EA Akk. dullu qatnu/SIG, “fine work”, EAT 14
II 31, III 75f., IV 1; Hb. qṭn, “small”, HALOT 1093. Liverani SDB 9 1340: Eg. íkdw
nḏst, “artisan de terres cuites” (?); Sanmartín UF 20 1988 267 n. 12; cf. in Mari
quṭṭunu, Charpin AfO 36–37 1989–1990 106; in Emar katinnu ZABAR, Vita
Sefarad 56 1996 439ff.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 132; UF 12 1980 401;
Huehnergard UVST 174: Hurro-Akk. k/qad/ti(n)ni- and RS Akk.: 2 KA-DI-nu-
[ma? MEŠ], PRU 6 157 (RS 19.23):11 [cf. AHw 466: “ein Ggst.”; CAD K 307: an
object or decoration; Laroche GLH 133: objet de metal]; for a survey see Wat-
son LSU 102, 132); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. PNN qà-TU-na, PRU 3 136 (RS 15.168):4; Sivan

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qṭn (ii) – /q-ṭ(-ṭ)/ 709

GAGl 262; Huehnergard UVST 215, 220; PNN quṭ(ṭ)a/ānu, Sivan GAGl 262;
Gröndahl PTU 177. ¶Forms: sg. qṭn.
Imitation jewellery, filigree (?): ḥrš qṭn artificer (s) of filigree, jeweller(s),
(?), 4.47:9; 4.98:9; 4.183 II 6 (!); 4.370:35; 4.609:23; 4.630:12; 4.742:12; 4.745:8;
4.803:18; 4.837:11; 4.838:9 [ḥrš]; 4.807:21; cf. nšk qṭn maker(s) of trinkets, iron-
monger(s), 4.44:20.
qṭn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 23, 29, 74, 177; Benz PNPPI 403; cf. West
AOAT 233 32: ka-ta-no, Linear B); ¶ syll.: qu-ṭá-na/ni, PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+)
II 55; PRU 6 43 (RS 17.77) rev. 11; PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):9 (Van Soldt SAU 320
n. 135); KA-TU-na, PRU 3 136 (RS 15.168):4 (the alph. spelling qtn does not
exist; diff. Huehnergard UVST 215, 220); cf. Sivan GAGl 262.
PN: ★a) 4.83:9; 4.214 IV 10; 4.617 I 46; in bkn ctx.: qṭn[, 4.695:1; ★b) bn PN, 3.7:6;
4.63 I 12 ((b) ủlm, cf. Van Soldt SAU 120); 4.69 VI 8; 4.807:21; 4.819:4, see qṭn
Cf. gdn, gtn, kdn, ktn, qṭy (II), qṭnn.
qṭnn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 177).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:22.
Cf. qṭn (II).
qṭr n. m. “smoke” > “spirit” (Akk. qutru, “Rauch”, AHw 931; “smoke, fume”,
CAD Q 326f.; cf. Eg. /quṭōrta, quṭārōta/, “Incense”, Hoch SWET 305 (440);
Hb. qṭwrh, qṭr, qṭrt, qyṭwr, “fume(s), incense”, HALOT 1092, 1095 f.; Ebla cf.
/quṭāri/ in NI.IZI.ZA = NA4 gú-da-rí-im, MEE 3 45 + 46 // MEE 3 61 ln. 64,
Civil EDA 153; /quṭṭurū(m)/ in ga-du-ru12 u9-ga-da-ra, Fronzaroli EL 140; cf.
Krebernik PET 44; Pagan ARES 3 159; OSA qṭr, “incense-altar”, SD 109; Eth.
qǝttār(a), “incense, fumigation”, CDG 452. Margalit UPA 272; Healey UF 11
1979 356; RS Akk.: cf. qu-ṭu-ru, MSL 10 37 107 (RS 22.346+) VI 26; cf. Van Soldt
SAU 245 n. 11, 383 n. 1; ¶ par.: iṯl, rḥ (I). ¶ Forms: sg. qṭr, suff. qṭrh.
Smoke: tṣỉ (…) km qṭr b ảph may (his soul) go out like smoke from his
nostrils, 1.18 IV 26 and par. (// km rḥ); tṣủ (…) k qṭr ủrbtm and it will go
out (…) like smoke through a skylight, 1.169:3.; l ảrṣ mšṣủ qṭrh from the
“earth/Underworld” leads out / sets free his smoke / spirit, 1.17 I 27 and par.
(Greenstein UPN 53: “to rescue his smoke from the Underworld”; for the
connotation of “spirit”, cf. Del Olmo MLC 617; Wyatt RTU 256 nn. 30–31; diff.
Pardee CS/1 344 n. 8: “incense”).
Cf. qẓrt.
/q-ṭ(-ṭ)/ vb L: “to commit transgression” (Arab, qaṭṭa, “to cut, cut across”, AEL
2539. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 346: “commit turpitude”; diff. Caquot RHPhR
42 1962 209: “outrager”, *qwṭ; Van Selms UF 3 1971 240: “to loathe”, *qwṭ;
Weippert ZDPV 85 1969 43ff.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 154; “to
feel repugnance”, Hb. qwṭ, hitpo.). ¶ Forms: L prefc. tqṭṭ, tqṭṭn.

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710 qṭt – qym (ii)

L. To commit transgression: b qṭt tqṭṭ for the transgressions you have com-
mitted, 1.40:31 and par.
Cf. qṭt.
qṭt n. f. “transgression” (< /q-ṭ(-ṭ)/. Arab. qiṭṭat, “manner of acting”, AEL 2540).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. qṭt.
Transgression: b qṭt tqṭṭ for the transgressions you have committed, 1.40:31
and par. (for other translations see /q-ṭ(-ṭ/).
Cf. /q-ṭ(-ṭ)/.
qṭy (I) GN m. (location and attribution unc.; cf. qṭ (II) and Belmonte RGTC 12/2
229; Weippert ZDPV 85 1969 35ff.: Eg. qd.i; Xella TRU 265: “il qadita”; De
Moor-Sanders UF 23 1991 293: “Gutium”; Van Soldt UBL 11 373; Watson SEL 28
2011 29). ¶ Forms: sg. qṭy.
GN: 1.40:36 and par. (Arnaud SMEA 45 2003 14); in bkn ctx., ]t yldt qṭy, 1.179:22
(Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 399: “a mis au monde (ou: celle qui donne
naissance à) l’homme de qṭ”); q]ṭy, 4.236:2.
Cf. qṭ (II).
qṭy (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf. qṭy (I), GN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 177).
PN: bn PN, 4.37:4; 4.103:19 (!); in bkn ctx., q]ṭy, 4.236:2, see qṭy (I); (?) bn
qṭx[[x]], 4.787:9.
/q-ṯ/ vb G: “to drag”; R: “to creep” (Arab. qaṯṯa, “to draw, drag along”, AEL 2487.
De Moor UF 1 1969 170; SP 138; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 118; Smith UBC/1
351f.; for the various opinions cf. Cathcart UBL 12 4). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yqṯ;
R prefc. yqṯqṯ.
G. To drag: yqṯ bʕl w št ym dragged DN and brought down DN, 1.2 IV 27.
R. To creep: km klb yqṯqṯ tḥt ṯlḥnt like a dog he crept under the tables, 1.114:5
(Loewenstamm UF 1 1969 74: “to crawl”, MHb. qšqš; diff. Margulis UF 2 1970
134: “to gather stubble”; Tropper AuOr 20 2002 226, 229: “nagen”, *qṯqṯ).
qwḥn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: in bkn ctx.: [bn] PN, 4.754:8.
qwy PN (etym. unc.; cf. kwy(n), PN; Watson AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: bt qwy the house of PN, 4.795:11.
qym (I) n. m. “assistant” (?) (/qatta:il/ pattern < /q-m/. Arab. qayyim, “manager,
conductor, superintendent”, AEL 2996; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 474: “sus-
cités”; De Moor ARTU 271; “to make stand up” > *qwm; Good BASOR 239 1980
41: “mourners”, Arab. qiyām; Pope Fs. Finkelstein 167: “to spill, pour”, *qyy).
¶ Forms: pl. cstr. qym.
Assistant: qym ỉl b lsmt those who assist (lit. the assistants of) DN with
alacrity (?), 1.22 I 5.
Cf. /q-m/.
qym (II) adj. m. “regular, stable (said of an offering)” (?) (< /q-m/. JPAram. qyym,

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qẓ – qẓrt 711

“enduring, in existence”, DJPA 490; Syr. qyamāʔ, “lasting, established”, SL 1362;

cf. Arab. dîn qiyam, “a right religion”, AEL 2996. De Moor UF 2 1970 317; diff.
Del Olmo CR 222 n. 35: “guide ram” (?), Arab. qayyim). ¶ Forms: sg. qym.
Regular, stable (said of an offering): l bbt š qym to DN a ram (as a) regular
(offering), 1.115:11 (diff. KTU: rdg šqym; Xella TRU 106: “libagioni”).
qẓ n. m. 1) “summer”; 2) “summer fruit” (Hb. qyṣ, “summer, summer harvest”,
HALOT 1098; DNWSI 1020f.; OAram. k/qyṣ/ṭʔ, “summer, summer fruit”,
DNWSI 1020f.: qṣ1; JPAram. qyyṭ, “summer”, DJPA 490; EA Akk. qēṣu, “Som-
mer”, AHw 918; “summer”, CAD Q 243; Arab. qayẓ, “heat of summer”, AEL
2579f. Rinaldi Aeg 34 1954 199; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 149; Watson UF 8
1976 377: “harvest”; diff. Allan SEL 16 1999 19ff.: “circumcision”, *qẓ > *qṭ);
¶ par.: ảġzt, ġnb. ¶ Forms: sg. qẓ.
1) Summer: b ym qẓ in the days of summer, 1.20 I 5.
2) Summer fruit: yr ʕrpt tmṭr b qẓ may the clouds bring rain upon the summer
fruit!, 1.19 I 41 (// ġnbm); prʕ qẓ the firstfruits of summer, 1.19 I 18; mlk qẓ king
(of the) summer (fruit), 1.24:2 and par. (// ảġzt; diff. De Moor QuSem 2 92 n. 1;
ARTU 142 n. 6: “marriage-broker”, “exchange marriage”, Arab. qāḍa).
qẓb DN, name of a demon (?) (Hb. qṭb, HALOT 1091 f. De Moor ARTU 73 n. 343;
Fs. Craigie 99ff.; Wyatt DDD2 673f.
DN, a demon (?), in bkn ctx.: ]lt qẓb, 1.5 II 24.
qẓrt n. f. “brazier”, “incense-burner” (root */q-ẓ-r/, alloph. of */q-ṭ-r/; Eg. qutōrta,
quṭārōta “Incense”, Hoch SWET 305 (440). Xella TRU 54; Del Olmo CR 226
n. 53; UF 36 2004 609; Watson AuOrS 27 96; diff. Herdner Ug 7 20: “côté” (?),
Arab. qṭr; Bron Semitica 30 1980 14f.: “une catégorie de prêtresses”, OSA Qat.
qẓrt; alt. Pardee TR/1 612: “pourvoyeuses, moissoneuses” (?)). ¶ Forms: sg.
Brazier, incense-burner: l qẓrt ṯlḥn bʕlt bhtm in the brazier of the table of the
“Lady of the Mansions”, 1.109:30.
Cf. qṭr.

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rả “?”.
?, in bkn ctx.: w rả hn[, 1.176:24 Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 351: “il a vu”).
rỉʕbd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.690:15 (ṣtry).
rỉb n. m., a metal container (Akk. rību, ein Gefäss, AHw 981; raʔabu, a vessel for,
or a quality of beer, CAD R 1; Xella UF 12 1980 452 f.; Watson NABU 2000/
85; AuOrS 27 96, also Akk. rābu, rību “vessel”, alt. “compensation, price”).
¶ Forms: sg. rỉb.
A metal container: rỉb ksp a silver r., 3.21:13.
rỉdn (I) n. m., a container, perhaps a large cup (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19
1987 29; Watson SEL 6 1989 50; AuOrS 27 92: Akk. urīdum; Smith-Pitard UBC/2
95, 108f.: “a rython”; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 155 n. m.: DN, Raʔidān, Baal’s
cup-bearer); ¶ par.: bk, krpn, ks. ¶ Forms: sg. rỉdn.
A container, large cup (?): rỉdn mt šmm a large cup (?) of celestial men, 1.3 I 12
(// bk, ks, krpn; diff. De Moor ARTU 3: “grand to behold, the vat of the men of
heaven”, rdg ʕẓm rỉ dn mt šmm, and cf. SP 74).
rỉdn (II) DN of an unknown deity (his relationship to rỉdn (I) is not clear;
Watson AuOr 20 2002 237).
DN: ʕṣrm l rỉdn[ two birds to DN, 1.41:36, cf. 1.87:39.
rủm n. m. “wild bull” (Bos primigenius. Hb. rʔm, “bos primigenius”, among other
meanings, HALOT 1163f.; JPAram. rʔmʔ, “wild ox”, DJPA 510; Akk. rī/ēmu,
“Wildstier”, AHw 986; “wild bull”, CAD R 359–363; cf. Arab. raʔm, riʔm, raʔūm,
var. kinds of animals, AEL 997f. De Moor SP 199; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978
63; UF 19 1987 19 n. 3); par: ỉbr (I), ảlp (I), ảyl (I), bṯn, gmr, ḥmr (I), lsm, ṣỉn (I),
yʕl (I).¶ Forms: sg. rủm; pl. rủmm.
Wild bull, buffalo: k ỉbr l bʕl yl?d w rủm l rkb ʕrpt because to DN a bull has
been born, a wild bull, yes, to “the Charioteer of the clouds”, 1.10 III 36 (// ỉbr);
mlảt rủmm full of wild bulls, 1.10 II 12 and par.; brky tkšd rủmm the pool that
the wild bulls seek, 1.5 I 17 (cf. 1.133:7); d bh rủmm lrbbt in which there were
wild bulls by the myriad, 1.4 I 43; yngḥn k rủmm they butted (each other) like
wild bulls, 1.6 VI 18 (// gmrm, bṯnm, lsmm); tṭbḫ šbʕm rủmm she butchered
seventy wild bulls, 1.6 I 19 (// alpm, ṣỉn, ảylm, yʕlm, ḥmrm); ảdr gdm b rủmm
the toughest (of) sinews of wild bulls, 1.17 VI 21. In bkn ctx.: w rủm, 1.10 III 21
(//(?) ỉbr); ]rủm, 1.16 IV 17; r]ủmm, 1.10 I 24.
rỉmt n. f. “zither”, as a “loved” object (in Ebla cf. IB.ŠEŠ.2.DAR.MÍ. DU11.GA =
ra-a-mu-um, MÍ. DU11.GA = la-a-mu-um, [/raʔāmum/], “lieben”, Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 11; Fronzaroli EL 148; cf. Akk. raʔāmu / râmu, “lieben”, AHw 951 ff.;

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/r-ʔ-š/ – rỉš (i) 713

“to love”, CAD R 137–145; cf. Arab. raʔim(-at), “that loves”, AEL 997 f. Stolz
Fs. Rendtorff 113ff.; De Moor UF 17 1985 222; Watson JNSL 22 1996 78; diff.
Cassuto GA 123: “passion”, Arab. raʔima; De Moor UF 1 1969 183; Van Zijl Baal
52f.: “coral(s)”, Hb. rʔmwt, Arab. raʔmat; Aartun StUL 137ff.: “Gegenstand der
Liebe (Amulet)”, < *rʔm); Wyatt RTU 76 and n. 36: “bull-shaped instrument”;
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 347: “lyre partially in the form of a bull’s head”;
¶ par.: knr. ¶ Forms: sg. rỉmt.
Zither: <t>št rỉmt l ỉrth may she place the zither to her breast, 1.3 III 4, 1.7:22,
1.101:17 (// knr).
/r-ʔ-š/ vb G: “to toss the head”, equine ailment (denom. of rỉš. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 45; Aartun UF 17 1985 22; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 234;
Pardee TH 62f.; diff. Cohen-Sivan UHT 32f.; Cohen UF 28 1996 132f.: relative
to a skin disease, Akk. rāšānu / raʔšānu CAD R 191). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yrảš.
G. To toss the head: w k yrảš śśw and if the horse tosses its head, 1.85:18
and par.; k yrảš w ykhp mỉd if (the horse) tosses its head and appears to be
completely depressed (?), 1.85:30 and par.
Cf. rỉš (I).
rỉš (I) n. m. 1) “head”, by metonymy “authority”; 2) “top (of a tree)”; 3) “first-
fruit(s)”; 4) title of a court official, “majordomo”; 5) used as a prep. “in front
of” (Hb. Ph., Pun., OAram. Palm. rʔš, “head”, HALOT 1164ff.; DNWSI 1042ff.;
Can. ru-šu-nu, EA 264:18, “head”, DNWSI 1042; Sivan GAGl 265; Rainey CAT
86, 92, 174; Syr. rīšāʔ, “head”, SL 1462; Ebla cf. /riʔši/ in SAG.KI.TÚM = rí-še6
KI.TÚM, EV 0336; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 46; Akk. rē/āšu, “Kopf”, AHw 973ff.,
“head”, CAD R 277ff.; OSA rʔš, “head”, SD 112; Arab. raʔs, “head”, AEL 995 f.;
Eth. rǝʔ(ǝ)š, “head”, CDG 458; cf. Eg. /rôša/, “Peak, Summit, Head”, Hoch
SWET 209f. (285). De Moor SP 90; Tropper UF 22 1990 365); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TN
URU ra-a-ša-sa-ir, PRU 6 10 (RS 17.390):8; Sivan GAGl 265; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 685 n. 261); ¶ par.: pʕn, qdqd, šrš (I). ¶ Forms: sg. rỉš, suff. rỉšk, rỉšh, rỉšhm;
pl. rỉšt, rảšt, rảšm (Verreet UF 19 1987 325).
1) Head, by metonymy: rỉšh l ymġy ảpsh his head did not reach its edge, 1.6
I 60 (// pʕnh); ảl tkl (…) mḫ rỉšk ủdmʕt, do not drain (…) the brains of your
head in tears, 1.16 I 27 (/ rdg my (?): KTU ad loc., footnote 4); yṣq ʕmr ủn l
rỉšh he poured out ashes of grief upon his head, 1.5 VI 15; she hit km zbln
ʕl rỉšh his head as if it were the illness, 1.16 VI 9; tšủ ỉlm rảšthm the gods
raised their heads, 1.2 I 29 and par. (cf. ln. 23–24); yṯbr ḥrn rỉšk may DN
break your head, 1.16 VI 56, 1.2 I 8 (// qdqdk!); ʕtkt rỉšt l bmth she fastened
heads to (her) back, 1.3 II 12 and par.; l ḥbšk ʕtk rỉš[t fasten heads to your
belt / gamebag, 1.13:7, cf. 1.7:2; tḥth k kdrt rỉ[š] at her feet like balls (rolled)
the heads, 1.3 II 9 and par., cf. 1.7:8; šlyṯ d šbʕt rảšm the tyrant with seven
heads, 1.3 III 42, cf. 1.5 I 3; rỉšh tply ṭly (…) rỉšh b glṯ his head DN adorns (…)

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714 rỉš (ii)

his head in the snow, 1.101:5/7 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 129 ff.); rỉš bṯn the
head of the snake, 1.175:11; l [ả]sr pdm rỉšh[m] the locks of their heads were
not [bra]ided, 1.19 II 31 (Margalit UF 15 1983 107, 116: “their headbands are
unt[ied]”, rdg [ltả]sr; so too Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1293); spsg ysk [l] rỉš
s. will be poured upon my head, 1.17 VI 37; nšủ rỉš ḥrṯm the farmhands raised
their heads, 1.16 III 12; b rỉšk ảymr on your head (may) DN (strike you), 1.2
I 6; rỉš p qq head, mouth, throat, 1.114:30; ảl tṯbb rỉš, do not / indeed turn back
the head (?), 1.169:19 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 221 suggest alt: rdg ảl tṯb b rỉš,
“do not dwell in the head” (?) < /y-ṯ-b/); w rỉšk ḫlq and your authority is lost!,
2) Top (of a tree): rỉš ġly bd nsʕk may (your) crown lose (its) vitality at the
hands of those who uproot you, 1.19 III 54 (// šršk. See diff. Watson UF 8 1976
374f.: “(nor may) your crown be lowered by what one plucks from you”; Wyatt
RTU 307: “may your head come away in the hand of your harvester”).
3) Firstfruit(s): rỉš ảrgmn, firstfruits of offering / tribute, 1.87:4 and par. (cf.
ảrgmn for other versions); yrḫ rỉš yn the month of the firstfruits of the wine
(MN), 1.41:1 and par., cf. 4.182:32, 4.387:21 (RS Akk.: ITI SAG.(DU.)GEŠTIN.
MEŠ, PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):11; Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):13; cf. Huehnergard UVST 65
n. 20).
4) Title of a court official, “majordomo”: PN bnš mlk d b rỉš “man of the king”
who is among the “majordomos”, 3.2:7 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ (ša) SAG, ša rēši; cf.
AHw 974: rēšu(m) 9g, CAD R 292ff.; Heltzer IOS 4 1974 4 ff.; IOKU 170ff.;
Kienast UF 11 1979 448; Singer TA 10 1983 11; Huehnergard AkkUg 366); in bkn
ctx.: […]n rỉš[, 4.141 I 2.
5) Used as a prep.: l rỉš ảgn at the head of / in charge of the cauldron, 1.23:31,
In bkn and unc. ctx.: l rỉšh ḥmṯ ṭmṯ, 1.82:7; [l r]ỉš rʕy, 2.2:1, cf. l rỉ[š, 2.5:1; b hxx
rỉš, 1.19 III 38; rỉš ả[xx]m, 1.164:17; b rỉš, 4.189:7 (McGeough UgET 86: MN (?));
]š rỉš, 4.618:29; l ảp[ y] rỉš, 4.387:27; b rỉš[, 1.2 IV 38; l rỉš ḏrʕ[, 1.103:43; l rỉšhm,
1.23:5; b r]ỉšk, 1.3 VI 2.
Cf. /r-ʔ-š/, rỉš (II), rủš, rỉšy, rỉšyt.
rỉš (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 231f.: *Rāʔšu. Heltzer RCAU 14, 17f. n. 52; Astour
JESHO 13 1970 113ff.; RSP 2 328f., 361; UF 13 1981 10; for its identification cf.
Van Soldt UBL 11 367f. n. 20; Topography 40, 183: mod. Rās ibn Hani); ¶ syll.:
URU SAG.DU, PRU 3 39 (RS 16.359A):4; PRU 3 85 (RS 16.250):8; PRU 3 115
(RS 16.148+) rev. 10; PRU 3 136 (RS 15.168):5; PRU 3 192 (RS 15.183):3; PRU 6
28 (RS 17.39):4 (cf. Márquez NABU 1992/94); PRU 6 47 (RS 17.322):7; Ug 5 95
(RS 20.01):21; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):48; cf. Huehnergard UVST 65 n. 20.
TN: 4.618:29; TN 60 KUŠ.MEŠ, RSOu 14 41:1; in bkn ctx.: 4.189:7; 4.816:4.
Cf. rỉšy.

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rủš – rʕ 715

rủš n. m., disease of the head (?) (cf. Arab. raʔīs, “hurt in the head, having the
head affected by certain disease”, AEL 996; cf. Akk. rašānu (raʔšanu, rāsānu),
a disease, CAD R 191; rašû (resû), “to itch”, CAD R 207; Watson NABU 2000/85).
¶ Forms: sg. rủš.
Disease of the head (?), in unc. ctx.: lm l lỉkt šỉl šlmy ʕd rủš [ʕ]ly l lỉkt why did
you not send to ask about my health, when the r. attacked me, did you not
send (to ask)?, 2.63:9.
Cf. rỉš (I).
rỉšn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 178; Watson AuOr 8 1990 248; AuOr 13 1995 228).
PN: 4.50:9.
rỉšy GN m. (< rỉš (II). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 232), TN); ¶ syll.: URU SAG-yu,
PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):12, 14. Astour JESHO 13 1970 115 n. 4; RSP 2 328 f., 361;
Huehnergard UVST 65 n. 20, 239; Van Soldt SAU 336 n. 166. ¶ Forms: sg. rỉšy;
pl. rỉšym.
GN: PN rỉšy, 3.18:4, 10; 4.352:7; rỉšym, 3.20:1; 4.371:1; 4.779:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.424:1;
rỉšyt n. f., “beginning” > “primordial time” (Hb. rʔšyt, “beginning”, HALOT 1169 f.;
Ph., Pun. rʔšt, “the choicest”, DNWSI 1044f.; Syr. reštāʔ, SL 1466; Akk. rēštû,
“Anfang, Spitze”, AHw 972; “first”, CAD R 274ff. Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 32 n. 30;
diff. Herdner Ug 7 35: “prémices”, Hb. rʔšyt; De Tarragon TOu/2 209 n. 201:
“commencement (: début de la prière)”, id.). ¶ Forms: sg. f. rỉšyt.
Beginning > primordial time: mtk mlkm rỉšyt the primordial royal libation,
1.119:25 (diff. Pardee TR/1 666: “libation des rois, de la meilleure qualité”; see
Del Olmo UF 36 2004 620).
Cf. riš (I).
rảy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 219).
PN: 4.705:5.
rʕ n. m.: a) “companion, friend”; b) “associate, neighbour” (Hb., Aram. rʕ, HA-
LOT 1253–1255; “friend, colleague”, DNWSI 1078f.; Ebla /raʔum/ in KU.LI =
la-ù-um, VE 1061; /raʕum (?)/, “Freund”, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 38; QuSem 18
109; Krecher Biling. 163; Waetzoldt Biling. 425; Krebernik PET 104; Pagan 3 231;
Amor. /riʕum/, “friend”, Gelb CAAA 30; Akk. rūʔu, “Gefährte, Freund”, AHw
998; “friend, companion”, CAD R 439f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. rʕy, rʕh; pl. abs.(?)
rʕm (1.9:6); suff. rʕh.
Companion, friend, …: a) Companion, friend: rʕy ht ảlk my companions, now
I am going away, 1.21 II 6; [l r]ỉš rʕy to my friend the “majordomo”, 2.2:1; rʕy
šṣả ỉdn ly so that my friend may provide me with an authorisation (?), 2.15:5;
l ảḫy l rʕy / l ảḫh l rʕh to my (/his) brother my (/his) friend, 5.9 I 8/10; rʕ ʕlm
friend for ever, 5.9:11 (diff. Dahood Bib 53 1972 393: “friendship”); b) associate,
neighbour: PN w rʕh and his associates, 4.391:1–18; 4.797:2–5; ddm l rʕh two

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716 rʕkt – rb (i)

“cauldronsful” for his companion, 4.858:4; in bkn ctx.: rʕm[, 1.9:6; rʕh abyn?,
1.22 I 27; rʕ, 4.440:1–5; 4.493:1–4; 4.740:2, 3, 4.
rʕkt (?), 1.119:2 (Pardee TR/1 670f., TR/2 1208: “élément de théonyme composé
(?), de sens inconnu”; see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 617); see ʕrkt, bʕl (II)).
rʕt n.f. “thunder” (Hb. rʕ, “cry, thundering voice”, HALOT 1253; Arab. raʕd,
“thunder”, AEL 1105. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 136; diff. Lipiński UF 3 1971
83: “terreurs”, Hb. rwʕ, trwʕh, Arab. rāʕa); ¶ par.: brq. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. rʕt.
Thunder: ṯmnt ỉṣr rʕt eight … of thunder(s), 1.101:4 (// brqm. Margalit ZAW 86
1974 10, 14: “bundles (of cloud) / peaks”); in bkn ctx.: ]rʕtm, 1.169:20.
rʕy (I) n. m., “shepherd” (Hb. rʕh, “shepherd”, HALOT 1260 ff.; Ph., OAram. rʕy,
“shepherd”, DNWSI 1080; Akk. rēʔû, “Hirte”, AHw 977f.; “herdsman, shepherd”,
CAD R 303–312; Arab. rāʕin, “pastor of cattle”, AEL 1109 f.; cf. Ebla vb pattern
u9-šarx(NE)-ì, “he caused to pasture”, Krebernik QuSem 18 144; Rainey SS 172.
Heltzer OH 98; id. IOKU 69f.; Segert UF 19 1987 410; Loretz HippUg 77 f.); ¶ RS
Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ.SIPA GUD, PRU 3 11 (RS 15.18):10; GUD.ḪI.A qa-du LÚ.SIPA, Ug
5 84 (RS 20.235):17; cf. LÚ.Ù.DAB MUŠEN, LÚ.Ù.DAB, LÚ.Ù.DAB GUD, Ug 5 96
(RS 20.12):9–11; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 378, 401; Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 205 f.
¶ Forms: sg. rʕy (cf. Huehnergard UVST 291 n. 115); pl. abs. rʕym; du. cstr.
Shepherd: PN rʕy shepherd, 4.75 IV 9 (cf. 4.153:1); rʕym shepherds, 4.125:4;
rʕym dt bd PN shepherds in the hands of PN, 4.374:1; cf. 4.729:1; ảrbʕ r[ʕym
four shepherds, ibid. ln. 11; spr rʕym list of shepherds, 4.378:1; ]nkly l rʕym,
(grain) ]that was distributed to the shepherds, 4.243:45; cf. l rʕ[ ym, ibid. ln.
49; rʕym ṯlṯ ddm shepherds: three “cauldronsful” (of flour), 4.795:5; of birds:
ṯn rʕy ủzm two gooseherds, 4.129:1; of donkeys: rʕy ḥmrm muleteer, 4.618:3 (cf.
Nuzi Akk. SIPA.ANŠE.KUR.RA, Dosch Arrapḫe 78); in bkn ctx. ] rʕym, 4.768:8
(PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):8).
Cf. rʕy (II).
rʕy (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. rʕ, rʕy (I). Gröndahl PTU 29, 178; Benz PPNPI
409; Sanmartín AuOr 4 1986 90f.; Maraqten SPARI 212 f.).
PN: 4.175:7.
rb (I) adj. m. “great, large” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Moab., Aram., Nab. rb, “numerous,
great”, HALOT 1170ff.; “numerous, big, large”, DNWSI 1045 ff.; Aram. rb, “great,
large”, DJPA 511ff.; Emar Akk. /rabba/, “great, large”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 151 f.;
Akk. rabû, “gross”, AHw 936ss; “large”, CAD R 26–37; EA Akk. ra-bi-DINGIR
(PN), EAT 333:24, Sivan GAGl 263; Hess AmPN 130; Eth. rabbān, “master,
leader”, CDG 461; cf. Eg. /rabbi/, /rabīt(u)/, “Great, Master”, Hoch SWET 201 f.,
204 (272, 277); ¶ RS Akk.: rabû(GAL), passim, cf. PRU 3 235; 4 262; PRU 3 6
151; Ug 5 340; DINGIR.MEŠ ra-ab-bu-ti, Ug 5 167 (RS 22.421):9; Huehnergard
AkkUg 386; cf. (n) TÚG.ME GAL, 4.165:16; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. NA4.KUNUK LUGAL-

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rb (ii) 717

ri GAL-bu, PRU 3 49 (RS 16.263):25; ]ra-bu, PRU 3 56 (RS 15.120):7; i-na A.ŠÀ:
ra-ba-ti, Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):4; cf. Huehnergard UVST 176; cf. the element
(/rabbu/) in PNN; Sivan GAGl 263; ¶ par.: rḥb, ṣġr (I), ṯrrt. ¶ Forms: sg. rb,
suff. rbm (encl. -m); f. rbt (cf. infra: rbt); pl. rbm.
Great, large: mlk rb great king, 3.1:2 and passim; ỉlm rbm great gods, 1.124:2;
rbm ymḫṣ b ktp the great ones he struck with a scimitar, 1.6 V 2 (// ṣġrm); l klt
nhr ỉl rbm did I not finish off DN, the great god?, 1.3 III 39 (diff. Miller DW 198
n. 98: Rabbîm); ủdm / ḫbr / ảršḫ rbt TN, the great, 1.14 III 30, 1.15 IV 19 and par.
(// ṯrrt; cf. Akk. rebītum “métropole”, said of cities, Durand NABU 1991/24;
AHw 964, CAD R 26); rbt ṯbt great is the seat, 1.5 III 3 (// rḥbt); bk rb ʕẓm a
large imposing beaker, 1.3 I 12 (diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 67: “el póculo de un
gran potentado” // mt šmm, “héroe celeste”); in bkn ctx.: ]rb spr, 1.75:10; rb
šm[, 7.69:3; kt[n r]b a large tunic, 3.1:21: in unc. ctx.: PN 3 rb, 4.90:8.
Cf.: ỉlrb, rbỉl, rb (I), rb (II), /r-b(-b/y), rbt (I), rbt (II), rp.
rb (II) n. m. “chief”, “sheikh”, “grandee” (< rb (I). Arab. rabb, “lord, master”,
AEL 1003; OSA Qat. rby, “priest or class of persons attached to the temple”,
LIQ 151; Avanzini CSAI 271). ¶ Forms: sg. abs. / cstr. rb, var. rp (6.63:2; cf.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 302); suff. rbh.
Chief, sheikh, grandee: šm{.}mn rb PN is the chief, 3.9:12; rb PN the sheikh
PN, 4.759:8; rb kṯkym sheikh of the k. (GN), 6.3:1; chief, one responsible for,
first in authority of the various social categories: rb khnm high priest, 2.4:1;
6.6–10. (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.UGULA SANGA, PRU 3 168 (RS 16.186):13'; PRU 6
9 (RS 17.428):1; rb khnm rb nqdm high priest, chief shepherd, 1.6 VI 55–56
(cf. MA GAL NA.GADA, CAD N/1 335: rab nāqidī; cf. Hitt. Akkadogram GAL
NA.GADA, Pecchioli Daddi MPDAH 450f.); rb šm[lm chief of the commercial
agents, 7.69:3; rb ḥršm chief of the workshop, 4.145:9; rb ṯnnm chief archer,
4.382:5; rb kzym chief groom, 4.222:3 (cf. GAL.LÚ(.MEŠ).IŠ, Kammenhuber
Hipp. 345; Vita EU 129); rb ʕšrt chief of ten, of a decurion, 4.609:2, 5, 7, 8;
4.714:1; 4.807:62; cf. Akk. rab ešerti, AHw 254: ešertu II, 938: rabû D.2.a; CAD
E 365; wakil ušurti, AHw 1443: ušurtum; CAD A/1 279: aklu A c.3; cf. Salonen
BiOr 25 1968 160; Kinnier Wilson Wine Lists 90; Vita EU 129 f.; Van Soldt UF 35
2003 690f.; cf. Hurro-Akk. emantuḫlu, AHw 211; CAD E 137; for the GAL 10 of
Nuzi cf. Dosch Arrapḫe 29 and passim); rb ʕprm chief of the ʕ., 4.752:1; rb
mgdlm chief of the watch-towers, 4.410:27; PN rp sswt one responsible (?)
for the mares, 6.63:2 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 302; cf. Akk. rabi sisî, AHw
938; CAD S 335f.); rb tmtt captain of the crew, 2:38:16 and par. (for other
interpretations cf. infra: tmtt; Cunchillos TOu/2 354 n. 17); rb qrt mayor, 4.141
III 3 (RS Akk.: LÚ.ḫa-(az-)za-nu (URU.KI), PRU 3 84 (RS 16.157):22; PRU 3 86
(RS 16.250):18; PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15; PRU 3 163 (RS 16.348):10); cf. PRU 3 233;
Ug 5 340; authority subordinate to the skn (Liverani SDB 9 1338); rb ntbt š in

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718 rbỉl – rbʕt

charge of the cattle tracks (?), 4.288:6 (for a diff. version see ntbt); rb šd chief
of the farm(s), 4.160:12 (cf. LÚ.UGULA A.ŠÀ.MEŠ, PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15; cf.
Van Soldt SAU 190 n. 237); d rb the (“jar”) of the chief, 6.2:1 (Dietrich-Loretz
KA 223f.; alt. rdg l? rb belonging (?) to the chief, cf. Wilhelm UF 5 1973
284; WO 28 1997 84ff.; cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 30 1998 887f.); rb nsky chief
accountant, 6.66:3 (cf. Sanmartín UF 27 1995 459 f.); rbh w ỉn d ylmdnn his
chief, and there is no-one who taught him (it),1.179:42; in bkn ctx.: rb mỉ[,
2.42:3 (Heltzer RCAU 82 n. 38; Liverani UF 11 1979 499: rdg rb mỉ[ḫd]; cf.
Pardee UF 19 1987 206 n. 26; Tropper-Vita UF 33 2001 577); rb, 4.233:1; 4.721:9;
4.725:4; in unc. ctx.: PN 3 rb, 4.90:8.
rbỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 96, 179; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 548; Van
Soldt SAU 23 n. 190).
PN: 4.134:3; 4.401:7; 4.635:27 (ả[ḏdd] y); 4.744:5.
Cf. ỉlrb.
/r-b-ʕ/ vb Š: “to quadruplicate” (denom. vb < rbʕ, ảrbʕ. De Moor UF 1 1969 227;
UF 7 1975 181; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 427 n. p: “fournir une quantité”, Hb.
*rbʕ (Nm 23:10), Arab. ribāġat; Margalit UF 15 1983 76f.: “to assemble”, Hb.
hrbyʕ (Lv 19:19); Tropper UF 29 1997 666: “als Geschenk geben”, Arab. baraʕa
[metath.]); ¶ par.: /y-b-l/. ¶ Forms: Š prefc. ảšrbʕ, yšrbʕ.
Š. To quadruplicate: ảšrbʕ qṣʕt I shall quadruplicate (the quota of) arrows,
1.17 V 3 and par. (// ]ảbl qšt).
Cf. ảrbʕ, mrbʕ, mrbʕt, rbʕ, rbʕt.
rbʕ ord. num. m. “fourth” (cf. ảrbʕ. Hb. rbyʕy, “fourth”, HALOT 1179; OSA rbʕ,
“fourth”, SD 114; Arab. rābiʕ, “fourth”, AEL 1019; Eth. rābeʕ, “fourth”, CDG 460;
Akk. rebû, “vierter”, AHw 964f.; “fourth”, CAD R 222 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. rbʕ.
Fourth: ṯlṯ rbʕ ym a third, fourth day, 1.4 VI 26 and par.; ṯlṯ rbʕ yrḫ a third,
fourth month, 1.17 II 45; ảḫr špšm b rbʕ at the rising of the sun on the fourth
day, 1.14 IV 46; b rbʕ ʕṣrmm on the fourth (day), two birds, 1.119:20; w b rbʕ
kdm yn and on the fourth (day), two “jars” of wine, 4.279:4; b ym … rbʕ, in the
fourth … day, 2.88:9.
Cf. ảrbʕ, mrbʕ, mrbʕt, /r-b-ʕ/, rbʕt.
rbʕt partitive num. f. “a fourth”, “quarter (of a shekel)” (cf. ảrbʕ. Hb. rbʕ, “a
quarter”, HALOT 1180; Syr. rūbʕāʔ, “a quarter”, SL 1443; Akk. “vierter”, rebūtu,
AHw 964f.; “one fourth”, CAD R 223f.; OSA rbʕ, “one-fourth”, SD 113; Arab.
rubʕ, “a fourth part”, AEL 1017; Eth. rubāʕe, “fourth part, a fourth”, CDG 460.
Karwiese Šiqlu 18f.; Verreet UF 19 1987 328). ¶ Forms: sg. rbʕt; pl. cstr. rbʕt.
Fourth, quarter: km rbʕt ṯqlm like quarters of a shekel, 1.19 II 34 (diff. Del
Olmo IMC 161, 139 n. 318: rdg perhaps k mrbʕt); b mltḥ rbʕt (…) b ṯqlm w rbʕt
for one m. and a quarter (…) for two shekels and a quarter, 4.707:9, 12, cf. ln.

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/r-b(-b:y)/ – rb(b)t 719

/r-b(-b:y)/ vb G: “to be great”, connoting age (cf. rb (I). Hb. rbh/rbb, “to be,
become great, numerous”, HALOT 1176–1178; JPAram. rby, “to grow up, in-
crease”, DJPA 514; Ebla Krebernik PET 104; Müller Biling. 169; Pagan ARES 3
162; Akk. rabû, “gross sein”, AHw 938ff.; “to become large in size”, CAD R 37–
50; Arab. rabba, “to be lord”, AEL 1002f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. rbt.
G. To be great: rbt ỉlm l ḥkmt you are great, DN, truly you are wise, 1.4 V 3.
Cf. rb (I), rb(b), rb(b)t, trbyt, yrbʕm.
rb(b) n. m. “drizzle” or type of dew (Hb. rbybym, “rain(s) of dew”, HALOT 1178f.;
Arab. rabāb, “(white) clouds”, AEL 1005. De Moor SP 83, Watson LSU 26, but
cf. Grabbe UF 8 1976 61: “rain”); ¶ par.: mh/y, ṭl, yʕbdr. ¶ Forms: sg. rb, allom.
Drizzle, type of dew: ★a) bl ṭl bl rbb there was neither dew nor drizzle,
1.19 I 44; w trḥṣ (…) rbb nskh kbkbm and they washed (her) … with drizzle
that the stars poured on her, 1.3 IV 44 and par. (// ṭl); rbb [r]kb ʕrpt driz-
zle of “the Charioteer of the clouds”, 1.3 II 39 (// mh, ṭl); ★b) bt rb “daugh-
ter of drizzle”, 1.4 I 17 and par., title of the goddess ṭly, daughter of bʕl (//
ṭl, yʕbdr. Rahmouni DEUAT 129ff. Diff. Aartun StUL 140 ff.: “Bedürfnis” <
*rw/yb; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 164: “daughter of Rabbu”; 348: “RB, DN
feminine, daughter of Baʕlu, ‘rain (as many drops)’”); in bkn ctx.: w rbb,
Cf. /r-b(-b/y)/.
rb(b)t num. f. “ten thousand”, “myriad” (< /rb(b/y). Hb. rbbh, rbwʔ, “a very
great quantity”, “immense number”, HALOT 1175, 1178; JPAram. rbw, “myriad”,
DJPA 513; Ebla cf. rí-bab 10,000, ARET 2 137; 3 382; Akk. ribbatu, “10,000”, AHw
980; “10,000”, CAD R 314ff.); ¶ par.: ảlp (II). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. rbt, allom. rbbt,
du. rbtm.
Ten thousand, myriad: ḫrṣ yṣq l rbbt gold he cast by the myriad (shekels),
1.4 I 28 (// l ảlpm); d bh rủmm lrbbt in which there were wild bulls by the
myriad, 1.4 I 43; ṯlṯ mảt rbt charioteers hundreds of myriads, 1.14 II 36 and
par. (Del Olmo IMC 183; Wyatt RTU 190; diff. Greenstein UNP 15: “as many as
three hundred myriads”); rbt ymsk b mskh, he blended ten thousand (quarts)
of his mixture, 1.3 I 17 (// ảlp kd); b ảlp šd rbt kmn through / from one
thousand hectares, ten thousand acres, 1.3 IV 38 and par., travel formula
(Del Olmo MLC 40); l rbt km yr by the myriad like early rain, 1.14 II 40
(// l ảlpm); ảtn (…) rbt ḫrṣ I will give (…) ten thousand (shekels) in gold,
1.24:20 (// ảlp); ảlp ymm w rbt šnt for thousands of days and myriads of
years, 5.9:5: kt ỉl dt rbtm a divine platform of twenty thousand (shekels), 1.4
I 30 (Smith-Pitard UBC/2: “a grand dais of two myriads(-weight)”; for the
var. versions see Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 210; Watson SEL 26 2009 19:
“kingship”, Akk. rubûtu); in bkn ctx.: ]šbʕ rbt, 1.133:12; w rbt, 7.47:5.

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720 /r-b-d/ – rbt (ii)

/r-b-d/ vb G/N: “to (be) prepare(d), get (a bed) ready” (Hb. rbd, “to prepare a
couch”, HALOT 1176; Pun., rbd, “to pave”, DNWSI 1052; cf. Arab. rabada, “to
tie, pack”, AEL 1009f. Saracino UF 14 1982 192). ¶ Forms: G/N prefc. trbd; inf.
rbd (?).
G. To prepare, get ready: b tšʕ ʕšrh trbd ʕrš pdry on the nineteenth (day) they
prepare (is prepared) the bed of DN, 1.132:2 (see ln. 25: tnʕr); in unc. ctx.: ]tn l
rbd, 1.92:35 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 121: “prepared bed”); in Hurr. ctx.: ảṯm trtbd[,
Cf. ảrbdd, mrbd (I).
/r-b-ṣ/ vb G: “to rest”, “lie down” (Hb. rbṣ, “to lie down, rest”, HALOT 1181 f.; Akk.
rabāṣu, “sich lagern”, AHw 933f.; “to lie down”, CAD R 10 ff.; Arab. rabaḍa, “to
lay himself down, to sit”, AEL 1011ff.). ¶ Forms: G impv. rbṣ.
G. To rest, lie down: rbṣ l ġrk ỉnbb go to rest on your mount TN, 1.13:9.
Cf. ỉrbṣ, rbṣ, trbṣ.
rbṣ n. m. “inspector” (< G act. ptc. /r-b-ṣ/. Akk. rābiṣu, “Aufpasser, Wächter”,
AHw 935; an official representative of and commissioned by a higher author-
ity, CAD R 20 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. maškim, passim; PRU 3 235; Ug 5 340; maškim
É MÍ.LUGAL-ti PRU 3 110 (RS 8.208):3; LÚ maškim ša uš-te-ṣi NA4.KIŠIB
LUGAL, PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):24; maškim TN, PRU 4 110 (RS 17.28):26; maškim
GAL, Ug 5 22 (RS 20.18):2; Buccellati OrAnt 2 1963 224 f.; UGULA, PRU 6 150.
¶ Forms: sg. rbṣ.
Inspector: PN bd rbṣ at the disposal of the inspector, 4.382:4, cf. 4.788:8.
Cf. /r-b-ṣ/.
rbt (I) n. f. “Lady, (Great) Lady”, divine epithet (< rb (I); cf. RS Akk. CAD R 26;
Eg. /rabīt(u)/, “Great”, Hoch SWET 204 (277). Gordon Fs. Craigie 127ff.; Olyan
UF 19 1987 165). ¶ Forms: sg. rbt.
Lady, (Great) Lady: rbt ảṯrt ym “the (Great) Lady” DN of the Sea, 1.3 V 40, title
of the goddess ảṯrt, passim. (Rahmouni DEUAT 278ff.; hn b npš ảṯrt rbt, look,
by the life of DN, “the (Great) Lady”!, 1.169:16; špš rbt / rbt špš “the (Great)
Lady” DN, 1.23:54, 1.16 I 36 (Rahmouni DEUAT 286 f.); nyr rbt “the (Great)
Lady” Luminary, 1.16 I 38; 1.161:19; gt rbt[, “Great Farmstead / Farmstead of
“the Lady Mayor””, 4.125:16 (cf. A.ŠÀ ra-ba-ti, Ug 5 7 (RS 17.36):4; Huehnergard
UVST 176; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: Gittu Rabbati; AN.ZA.GÀR-GAL Ì.DUB, Ug
5 95 (RS 20.01):13; also Fs. Sanmartín 42).
Cf. rb (I).
rbt (II) n. f. “seine, trawl” (< rb (I). See Watson NABU 2001/8: Akk. rubbû, “to
submerge” something that is submerged, such as a net); ¶ par.: rṯt. ¶ Forms:
sg. rbt.
Seine, trawl: qḥ (…) rbt ʕl ydm take (…) a trawl in both hands, 1.4 II 33 (// rṯt.
De Moor SP 144).

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rbt (iii) – /r-g-m/ 721

Cf. rb (I).
rbt (III), cf. rb(b)t.
rdmn cf. prdmn, 1.3 I 2.
rdn PN / DN, name of an ancestral king (< */r-d-y/, “to rule”; PN Ebla ìr-da(-DN),
Müller Biling. 184. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 1977 179; De Moor ZAW 88 1976 342).
PN / DN: in the combination of ancestral kings sdn w rdn, 1.161:6, 23.
rdy, in bkn ctx.: rdyk, 1.1 II 4 (De Moor-Spronk CARTU 168: rdy “harass”).
rgbt n. f. “respect”, “fear” (Arab. rağiba, “to be frightened, afraid”, AEL 1033f. De
Moor UF 1 1969 188; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 539; diff. Herdner
Ug 7 24, 26: “mottes de terre”, Hb. rgbym; Aartun UF 17 1985 24 f.: “Schlinge,
Falle”, Arab. ruġbat / raġabīyat). ¶ Forms: sg. rgbt.
Respect, fear: ṣʕ rgbt platter of “respect”, 1.112:4, cf. ln. 25 (Del Olmo CR 196
n. 70); in unc. ctx.: šm[ḫ] rgbt yủ[h]b, 1.92:31 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 121: “the
awe-struck (girl) was pleased”; De Moor UF 17 1985 228: rdg bʕl šm[ʕ] rgbt
“DN heard (that) she was afraid”, *rgb); rgbt zbl the fear of the Prince, 1.133:19
(diff. Xella TRU 46: “zolla”, Hb. rgb).
Cf. yrgbbʕl, yrgbhd, yrgblỉm.
rgln PN bkn (?) (Sem. Watson AuOr 8 1990 125; AuOr 13 1995 228).
PN: 4.619:7.
/r-g-m/ vb G: “to say, tell, announce, communicate, inform; to answer; to recite”;
Gpass.: “to said, recited” (cf. rgm. Akk. ragāmu, “rufen”, AHw 941 f.; “to call,
call out”, CAD R 62–67; Arab. rağama, tarğama, “to speak conjecturally”, “to
interpret”, AEL 1047f.; JPAram. trgm, “to translate”, DJPA 591. Watson JNSL 22
1996 78); ¶ syll. Ug.: for a possible rdg [MU] = [z]a-ka4-ru = […] = ra-g[a?-mu?]
in Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 3; Huehnergard UVST 52, 177; ¶ par.: /ṯ-n-y/.
¶ Forms: G. suffc. rgmt, rgmt, rgm; prefc. ảrgm, trgm; prefc. yrgm; suff. ảrgmk,
ảrgmnk, ảrgmn; impv. rgm; inf. rgm; pass. ptc. rgm (?); Gpass. prefc. yrgm.
G. ★a) To say, tell, announce, communicate: l yrgm l ảlỉyn bʕl communicate
to DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.4 IV 12 (cf. RS Akk.: qabû ana, cf. Van Soldt
SAU 446); w rgm ảnk / hw / hy and I / he / she say(s) (?), 2.42:25/19; 2.31:42
and par.; ảḫr ảl trgm l ảḫtk tr[gm] llm then you shall certainly say to your
sister, you will say (it) at night, 1.16 I 31–32; w rgm l ảḫtk and say to you sister,
1.16 I 38; ảp mṯn rgm ảrgmk and another thing I am going to say to you, 1.4
I 19 and par.; dm rgm ỉṯ ly w ảrgmk for I have a matter that I am going to say to
you, 1.3 III 20 and par.; m hy rgmt what does she say?, 2.14:9; ỉm mlkytn yrgm
if PN says …, 2.15:8; l rgmt lk did I not tell you?, 1.2 IV 7 and par.; w rgm l bn
ỉlm mt / btlt ʕnt and say to divine DN / to virgin DN, 1.4 VIII 29 / 1.3 III 11 and
par. (// ṯny); l rb khnm rgm say to the High Priest, 2.4:2 and par.; ảnkn rgmt
l bʕly I have said to my Grandee, 2.42:6; l mlk rgmt to the king I / you said,
2.45:15; k rgmt ly for you said to me, 2.45:23; tḥm PN l PN rgm / l PN rgm tḥm

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722 rgm

PN message of PN to PN, say, 2.10:3 / 2.11:2, 2.85:2, 4, 25; 2.86:2; 2.84:3 and par.,
introductory formula in letters (Cunchillos TOu/2 244 ff.); w / p rgm l NN and
say to (…), 1.1 III 4 and passim, formula for entrusting a message, in literary
texts and letters, l mlk bʕly rgm, 2.97:2; l mlk rb … rgm, WL 232:2; l mlkt ảdty
rgm, 2.89:1; 2.100:22.101:2; l skn r[gm], 2.102:2 to the prefect say; l PN (ỉ:ảḫy)
rgm to PN my brother say, 2.88:2, 32; 2.90:3; 2.87:3; 2.99:3; 2.104:2; 2.105:2 (Del
Olmo MLC 54; Cunchillos TOu/2 245; Cho LDUT 169 ff.); tḥm {rgm} mlk l PN
<rgm> message of the king: to PN say, 2.26:1–3 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 316:
“note orale”); rgm l ṯr ảbh ỉl they said to the Bull DN, his father, 1.2 I 33 and
par.; hn hm yrgm mlk then, if the king says / commands, 2.33:30; ảlpm śśwm
rgmt ʕly I said that two thousand horses went up / attacked, 2.33:25; lk (…) w
rgm go (…) and say, 1.16 VI 28; w k ảt trg[m] and if you say (?), 2.45:28 (cf. 2.3:8,
18: w hm ảt trgm); l rgmt lk did I not say to you?, 1.14 VII 23; mlkt ủgrt hnkt
rgmt the queen of TN has said this (?), 2.21:10; p rgm l mlk šmy and mention
my name to the king, 2.14:12 (diff. Tropper UG 517: Gpass.); hlny PN rgm l skn
well, PN has said to the administrator, 2.21:8; rgm l ủmy šlm bʕlkm inform my
mother of the health of your grandee, 5.10:3, and see 2.88:2, 32; 2.89:1; 2.90:3;
ht ảnk rg<m>t now I have told (the message), 2.88:35; ★b) to answer: ản rgmt
l ym, I myself am going to answer DN, 1.2 I 45.
Gpass. To be said, recited: ỉkm yrgm bn ỉl krt how can it be said that PN is the
son of DN?, 1.16 I 20; šbʕd yrgm ʕl ʕd it is recited seven times in front of the
throne, 1.23:12.
In bkn ctx.:]xnty rgm, 2.36:14 (Cunchillos TOu/2 403f.: ‘je réponds à la plainte
…’); ]t rgm, 2.36:20; d rgm ly, 2.77:7; l ytn w rgm, 1.3:14; w ảt lḥt rgm[ (…) w rgmt
l ảġzr[, 2.73:12–13; rgm[, 2.831:7; ]klt rgm[, 2.92:1; b npšy rg[m, 1.93:3; [p] rgmy,
2.3:22; trgm b ydk, 1.86:22; bt l bnš trgm[, 2.2:5; ]trgm[, 7.10:2; rgm, 2.98:1, 8;
2.107:6; 2.111:4.
Cf. rgm.
rgm n. m. 1) “word, expression, saying; news; question; answer, reply, oracle”; 2)
“matter, thing, case”; 3) “voice, bellow, whinny” (< /r-g-m/; Akk. rigmu, “Ruf,
Geschrei”, AHw 982; “voice, sound”, CAD R 328 ff.; Ebla ragāmum ARET 8 12;
/rigāttum/ in KA.LI (MU7) = rí-ga-tum, VE 188; Conti QuSem 15 47. De Moor
SP 107; Loretz UF 37 2005 428); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. RI-GI-mu, UF 11 1979 479:8; Van
Soldt BiOr 46 1989 651; SAU 307: /rig(i)mu/ “to speak (?)”; [MU = z]a-ka4-ru =
[Hurr.: (?)] = ra-g[a?-mu?], Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 3; Huehnergard UVST 52,
177; ¶ par.: hwt (I), lḫšt. ¶ Forms: sg. rgm, cst. rgm; pl. rgmm, suff. rgmy.
1): ★a) word, expression, saying: rgm bʕlh the word of his grandee, 1.2 I 42; w
k rgm špš and the word of the “Sun” (let it be), 2.23:1, cf. 2.98:8; ṯn rgm k[ṯr]w
ḫss DN repeated the expression, 1.4 VI 3; b ph rgm l yṣả as soon as / not yet
had the word left his mouth, 1.19 II 26 and par., formula of immediacy (//

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/r-ġ/ 723

hwt. Del Olmo MLC 41); w rgmy lq<ḥ>t and (the queen) accepted my words,
2.13:16 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 290, rdg tqt: “son terminées”, Akk. qatû); šmʕ
rgm auditor, name of a profession, 4.128:3; 4.332:12; 4.609:10–11 (Dijkstra UF 19
1987 42 n. 25; cf. ʕbd, 4.332:10–11), but see šlm šmʕ rgmk nʕm the well-being
of those/he who hear/s your good word, 2.86:18 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14
379f.); ★b) news: rgm l ỉl ybl news to DN was brought, 1.23:52 and par.; ★c)
question: yṯdṯ yšbʕ rgm he repeated the question six, seven times, 1.16 V 20
and par.; ★d) answer (in letters): w rgm ṯṯb l ảḫk / ʕbdk/h and send an answer
to your brother, 2.14:17; w rgm ṯṯb ly and send me an answer, 2.13:13; 2.87:24;
2.89:9 and par.; ʕmy tṯṯb rgm, may you send me a reply, 2.16:20, see rgm tṯṯb
ʕmy, 2.85:12; ★e) in a sacred, oracular context: w [mlk] brr rgm yṯṯb and the
king, once purified, shall answer, 1.41:45 and par.; w rgm gṯrm yṯṯb and the
DNN shall reply, 1.112:20 (diff. rgm DNN yṯṯb the oracle of the DNN will be
recited, 1.112:20 (cf. qdš (I) 3; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 75f.); ṯṯb rgm there
will be a reply, 1.106:32, cf. ln. 23; in unc. ctx. rgt!, TN? 2.88:35; mnm rgm,
2. Matter, thing, case: ảp mṯn rgmm ảrgmk and another thing I am going to
say to you, 1.4 I 19 and par., formula for change of topic; mṯn rgm ditto, 1.103:18,
cf. ln. 6; dm rgm ỉṯ ly w ảrgmk for I have a matter I am going to say to you, 1.3
III 20 and par., formula for a secret (Del Olmo MLC 103); rgm ʕṣ w lḫšt ảbn (…)
rgm l tdʕ nšm it is a matter of wood / a word of tree(s) and a chatter of stone
(…) a matter that men do not understand, 1.3 III 22–27 and par. (see Zurro
Salmanticensis 30 1983 397: “la palabra del árbol …”); w mnm rgm d tšmʕ ṯmt
y whatever thing you hear there, 2.10:17; w bʕly skn ydʕ rgmh and my grandee,
the governor, will know his matter / case, 2.17:8; w nʕm k ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and
it is convenient that my lord takes notice of this affair, 2.91:7.
3. Voice, bellow, whinny: ảrḫ td rgm the cow emitted her voice, 1.93:1 (diff. De
Moor UF 11 1979 649: “cow, remove the word!”); km rgm ṯ[rm] rgmhm like a
bull’s bellow was his voice, 1.15 VI 7 and par; hm yhpk śśw rgm when the horse
alters (its) whinny, 1.86:7 (Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258).
In unc. ctx.: ] bn rgm w ydʕ ] understand the matter and know, 2.8:6; 2.3:23;
yb[x] rgmy, 2.31:49; ]m rgm, 2.20:3.
Cf. /r-g-m/.
/r-ġ/ vb G: “to get excited, blaze, to be full of rage” (< *rġ. Arab. raġā(w), “to
foam, froth” > II/ IV: ʔarġā wa-ʔazbada, “to fume with rage”, Wehr-Cowan
DMWA 403 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 44 n. 26; for other meanings, some very
close to the one chosen here, see Caquot TOu/2 89 n. 276; Pardee TPM 214;
Dietrich-Loretz Studien 353)). ¶ Forms: G prefc. trġn (-n nerg.?).
G. To get excited, blaze: b ḥrn pnm trġn DN’s face blazed, 1.100:61 (diff. Caquot
TOu/1 89: “C’est vers Ḥoron qu’elle tourne le visage”, Arab. raġana).

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724 /r-ġ-b/ – rḥb (i)

/r-ġ-b/ vb G: “to be hungry” (Hb. rʕb, “to be hungry”, HALOT 1256f.; Arab.
raġi/uba, “to desire a thing vehemently”, AEL 1110 f.; Eth. rǝḫba, “to be hun-
gry”, CDG 468); ¶ par.: /ġ-m-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. rġbt; inf. rġb; act. ptc. (?).
G. To be hungry: rġb rġbt no doubt you will be hungry, 1.4 IV 33 (// ġmủ
ġmỉt); rġb! yd mṯkt who takes the hungry by the hand, 1.15 I 1; in bkn ctx.:
]rġb, 1.103:19.
Cf. rġbn.
rġbn n. m. “hunger” (< /r-ġ-b/. Hb. rʕb, rʕbwn, “hunger”, HALOT 1257 f.; Eth.
raḫa/āb, “hunger”, CDG 468). ¶ Forms: sg. rġbn.
Hunger: rġbn ykn b ḥwt there will be hunger in the land, 1.103:3, 5, 12.
Cf. /r-ġ-b/.
rḥ (I) n. f. 1) “wind”; 2) “gust, breath” (Hb., Pun., Aram. r(w)ḥ, “breeze, breath,
wind, mind”, HALOT 1197ff.; “wind, breath, spirit”, DNWSI 1065 f.; Syr. rūḥāʔ
“wind, breath, spirit”, SL 1445; Arab. rawḥ, rûḥ, rīḥ, “wind, soul, spirit, vital
principle”, AEL 1180f.); ¶ par.: ỉṯl, qṭr. ¶ Forms: sg. rḥ, suff. rḥk; allom. suff.
rẖh (5.22:14, scribal exercise).
1) Wind: qḥ ʕrptk rḥk (…), take your clouds, your wind, (…), 1.5 V 7 (cf. 1.13:34).
2) Gust, breath: yšỉ km rḥ npšh may his breath go out like a gust, 1.18 IV 25
and par. (// qṭr), cf. 1.19 II 38, 43.
In unc. ctx.: l rḥ gt lqḥ ṣtqn, 1.79:6; rẖh, 5.22:14 (scribal exercise; cf. Dietrich-
Loretz KA 190 n. 149); in bkn ctx.: w rḥ d, 1.4 III 8; rḥ ảrr[, 1.166:22; ]xšb l rḥ,
1.172:26; cf. rḥ (II) and (III))
rḥ (II) n. m. “aroma, perfume” (Hb., Aram. ryḥ, “odour, fragrance”, HALOT 1226 f.;
Syr. rēḥāʔ, SL 1461; Arab. rīḥ, rāʔiḥat, “odour, scent”, AEL 1182f.; cf. Eth. rǝḥe,
“perfume, flavour”, CDG 467. Aartun StUL 142); ¶ par.: kpr (II). ¶ Forms: sg.
Aroma: rḥ gdm aroma of coriander, 1.3 II 2 and par.
rḥ (III) n. m. “millstone” (Hb. rḥym, “hand-mill”, HALOT 1216; Syr. raḥyāʔ, “mill”,
“mill-stone”, SL 1455; Arab. raḥā(n), “a mill”, “mill-stone”, AEL 1057). ¶ Forms:
du. rḥm.
Millstone: b rḥm tṭḥnn with millstones she ground him, 1.6 II 34; ʕlk [pht ṭḥ]n
b rḥm because of you I have seen grinding with stone, 1.6 V 15–16; in unc. ctx.:
l rḥ gt lqḥ ṣtqn, 1.79:6 (diff. Pardee TR/1 429, rdg. l r[ ġ-n d lq]ḥ ṣtqn, TN (?)).
rḥb (I) adj. m. “wide” (Hb. rḥb, “broad, wide”, HALOT 1211 f.; Ebla cf. Müller
Biling. 182; Pagan ARES 3 163; diff. Krebernik PET 47: /r-ʔ:y-b/; Arab. raḥb,
raḥīb, “ample, spacious”, AEL 1051; Eth. rǝḥub, rǝḥib, “wide, broad”, CDG 466;
Eg. /raḥabu/, “Broad, Open Space”, Hoch SWET 206 f. (280)); ¶ par.: ảdr (I)
(?). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. rḥb, f. r]ḥbt.
Wide: ḥl rḥb mknpt the bulwark wide in span, 1.16 I 9 and par. (// ảdr; cf. Hb.
rḥbt ydym); in bkn ctx.: [r]ḥbt ṯbt wide residence (?), 1.5 III 2 (//(?) rbt).

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rḥb – rḥm 725

rḥb (II) n. m. “width” (cf. rḥb (I). Hb. rḥb, “breadth, expanse”, HALOT 1212.
¶ Forms: sg. suff. rḥbhm.
Width: ṯṯ / ảrbʕ ủṭm rḥbhm six / four ủ. in their width, 4.809:7, 11 (see ủrkhm).
Cf. rḥbn, rḥbt.
rḥbn TN, river in the kingdom of Ugarit (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 393f.: *Raḥbānu.
Liverani SDB 53 1317; Astour RSP 2 329 f., 361; RSOu 11 59; Bordreuil-Pardee
RSOu 14 402); ¶ syll.: (ÍD:) ra-(aḫ-)ba/bá-ni/na, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):12;
PRU 3 59 (RS 16.133):7, 9 (with encl. -ma); PRU 3 66 (RS 16.254A):5; PRU 3
72 (RS 16.371):8, 11; PRU 3 83 (RS 16.157):8; PRU 3 91 (RS 16.189):6; PRU 3 126
(RS 16.162):5, 12; PRU 3 138 (RS 16.131):16, 21; PRU 3 140 (RS 16.132):26; PRU 3
143f. (RS 16.138):8; PRU 3 173 (RS 16.254 E):2; PRU 6 27 (RS 17.127):6; PRU 6 56
(RS 17.121) rev. 2; bkn PRU 3 73f. (RS 16.385):7; PRU 3 140 (RS 16.132):9; cf. Sivan
GAGl 263; Huehnergard UVST 178f., 193; Van Soldt SAU 323, 326; UF 28 1996
684; Topography 40f., 183.
TN, river in the kingdom of Ugarit: b rḥbn in / near (the river) r., 1.179:18;
4.143:1; in bkn ctx.: cf. 2.31:63.
Cf. rḥb.
rḥbt n. f. “amphora, jar” (cf. rḥb. Akk. rabītu, rību, “die, das Grosse”, ein Gefäss,
AHw 936, 981; a vessel, CAD R 323; Eg. /raḥaba/, “A Vessel”, Hoch SWET 207
(281). De Moor SP 204; Watson AuOrS 27 92); ¶ par.: dkrt, kknt. ¶ Forms:
sg./pl. rḥbt.
Amphora, jar: tptḥ rḥbt yn she opened an amphora of wine, 1.15 IV 16 and par.;
špq ỉlm rḥbt yn she provided the jar-gods with wine, 1.4 VI 53 (// dkr<t>; less
likely “she provided the gods with jars of wine”); in unc. ctx.: ]šảbn b rḥbt, he
draws water with an amphora, (?) 1.6 I 66 (// b kknt).
Cf. rḥb.
/r-ḥ-m/ vb G: “to have feelings, to be compassionate” (Hb. rḥm, “to greet some-
one with love, to take pity on someone”, HALOT 1216 f.; Pun., OAram. rḥm,
“to love, to care for”, “to have compassion”, DNWSI 1068 f.; Syr. rḥm, “to have
pity upon”, “to love”, SL 1455f.; Amor. /r-ḥ-m/, “to have mercy”, Gelb CAAA 30;
OSA rḥm, “to be merciful”, SD 116; Arab. raḥima, “to have mercy”, “to regard
with compassion”, AEL 1055ff.; Akk. rêmu, (raʔāmu, râmu), “lieben”, “Liebe”,
“Erbarmen, Mitleid”, AHw 951, 970f.; “to take pity”, CAD R 263ff.; cf. Eth.
metath. maḥara, “to have compassion”, CDG 336). ¶ Forms: G suffc. rḥmt.
G. To have feelings, be compassionate: ảḫtk ydʕt k rḥmt I know that your
sister is compassionate, 1.16 I 33.
Cf. rḥm, rḥmy.
rḥm n. f. “womb”, by meton.: “nubile girl, damsel”, said of the goddess ʕnt (cf. /r-
ḥ-m/. Hb. rḥm, “womb”, HALOT 1217f.; Syr. raḥmāʔ, “womb, internal organs”,
“compassion”, SL 1457f.; Ebla /reḥmum, riḥmum/ in ÉxŠÀ = rí-ʔex(EN)-mu, rí-

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726 rḥmy – /r-ḥ-ṣ/

mu-um, VE 324; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 14; Akk. rēmu, “Mutterleib”, AHw 970;
“womb”, CAD R 259ff.; Arab. raḥim, riḥm, “womb”, AEL 1056. Watson UF 38
2006 723: East Chadic ruma, “young girl”; Historiae 10 2013 32). ¶ Forms: sg.
Damsel, said of the goddess ʕnt: rḥm ʕnt tngṯh the Damsel, DN, sought him,
1.6 II 27; rḥm tld damsel, you will give birth, 1.13:2; in bkn ctx.: mỉt rḥm[, 1.5
IV 3; rḥm[, 1.17 II 47 (diff. rdg Margalit AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 105: bṭnh).
Cf. /r-ḥ-m/, rḥmy.
rḥmy f. DN (< rḥm. De Moor NYCI/2 18 n. 62; UF 12 1980 306).
DN, prob. refers to ảṯrt rather than to ʕnt (?): šd ảṯrt w rḥmy field of DN and (/
i.e.) DN, 1.23:16, 28, cf. ln. 13 rḥm<y> (variant or scribal mistake); in bkn ctx.:
rḥmy, 1.15 II 6.
Cf. /r-ḥ-m/, rḥm.
/r-ḥ-q/ vb G: “to go away”; D: “to remove”; Š: “to remove, dismiss” (Hb. rḥq q.,
“to be far”, pi./hif., “to remove”, HALOT 1221f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 48;
Müller Biling. 182; Pagan ARES 3 163f.; cf. ruāqum, “to be distant”, ARET 8
12; Syr. rḥq, “to go away”, pa./af. “to remove”, SL 1458; Amor. /r-ḥ-q/, “to be far”,
Gelb CAAA 30; Akk. rêqu, “fern sein, sich entfernen”, AHw 971 f.; “to go away,
depart”, CAD R 266ff.; OSA rḥq, “to be distant”, SD117; Eth. rǝḥqa, “to be far
off”, ʔarḥaqa, “to keep afar”, CDG 467); ¶ par.: /n-g(-y)/. ¶ Forms: G impv. rḥq;
D suffc. rḥqt; Š suffc. šrḥq.
G. To go away: rḥq mlk lbty go away, king, from my house, 1.14 VI 14 and par.
(// ng); in bkn ctx.: y]rḥq b ġr he went away from the mountain (?), 1.4 VII 5.
D. To remove: rḥqt ảbn l ảbn she removes stone after stone, 1.179:32, see ln.
Š. To remove, dismiss: šrḥq ảṯt l pnnh he dismissed the women from his
presence, 1.3 IV 40.
Cf. mrḥq, mrḥqt, rḥq.
rḥq adj. m. “distant” (< /r-ḥ-q/. Hb. rḥwq, “distant, remote”, “far away form”,
HALOT 1214f.; Aram./Syr. rḥyq, “distant”, DJBA 1068; DJPA 520; SL 1455; Akk.
rēqu, rūqu, “fern”, AHw 971, 995f.; “distant, far”, CAD R 265 f., 421 ff.; OSA
rḥq, “to be distant”, SD 117; Eth. rǝḥuq, CDG 461. Lemke JBL 100 1981 541 ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. rḥq; pl. rḥqm.
Distant: l rḥq ỉlm / ỉlnym for the (most) distant of the gods / divine beings, 1.1
III 19 and par.; gm ṣḥ (…) l rḥqm aloud they shouted (…) to the distant ones,
1.1 IV 3.
Cf. mrḥq, mrḥqt, /r-ḥ-q/.
/r-ḥ-ṣ/ vb G: “to wash”; Gt: “to wash oneself”; D: “to clean, cleanse” (Hb. rḥṣ, “to
douse with water, to wash off, to wash oneself”, HALOT 1220 f.; DNWSI 1072;
Aram. rḥʕ, “to wash”, DNWSI 1072; Akk. raḫāṣu, “überschwemmen, spülen”,

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rḥt – /r-ḫ-p/ 727

AHw 942f.; “to wash, bathe”, CAD R 72ff.; Arab. raḥaḍa, “to wash”, AEL 1052;
Eth. rǝḥḍa, raḥaḍa, “to sweat, wash”, CDG 466); ¶ par.: /p-r-ʕ/, /ṭ-ḫ/. ¶ Forms:
G prefc. trḥṣ, yrḥṣ, trḥṣ, suff. trḥṣn, trḥṣnn; impv. rḥṣ; ptc. rḥṣ; Gt prefc. trtḥṣ,
yrtḥṣ; D act. ptc. pl. mrḥṣm.
G. To wash: yrḥṣ ydh ảmth he washed his hands up to the elbow, 1.14 III 53
and par.; trḥṣ ydh bt[l]t ʕnt Virgin DN washed her hands, 1.3 II 32 and par.;
[t]rḥṣ ydh b dm ḏmr she washed her hands of the blood of warriors, 1.3
II 34; trḥṣ{.}nn b dʕt she washed sweat from him, 1.16 VI 10; trḥṣn kṯrm skilful
(servants) (?) will wash him, 1.2 III 20; rḥṣ npṣh b ym rṯ he shall wash his
clothes when there is dirt (: when they become dirty), 1.17 I 33 and par. (//
ṭḫ); tḥspn mh w trḥṣ they drew water and washed (her), 1.3 IV 42 and par.; in
bkn ctx.: ]rḥṣnn, 1.61:3.
Gt. To wash oneself: yrtḥṣ w yảdm he washed himself and put on make up,
1.14 III 5 and par.; ttql b ym trtḥ[ṣ] she immersed herself in the sea (and)
washed herself, 1.19 IV 41; trtḥṣ (…) btlt ʕnt the Virgin DN washed herself,
1.13:18 (// tptrʕ); yrtḥṣ mlk brr the king washes himself (remaining) purified,
1.46:10 and par.; in unc. and bkn ctx.: ʕl bṯnt trtḥ[ṣ] against the female serpents
you shall wash yourself (?), 1.82:35; in bkn ctx.: qdš yrtḥṣ, 1.179:12.
D. “to clean, cleanse”, in bkn ctx.: mrḥṣm those who cleanse, 2.88:20.
rḥt n. f. “palm of the hand” (Arab. rāḥat, “the hand”, AEL 1181; Akk. rittu, “Hand”,
AHw 990; “hand, claw”, CAD R 383ff.); ¶ par.: yd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. rḥth;
du. rḥtm.
Palm of the hand: šả (…) l ẓr rḥtm lift (…) upon (your) palms, 1.4 VIII 6 and
par. (// ʕl ydm); rḥt[h] ymlủ nʕm rṯ with best mud he filled (the palm of) his
hand, 1.16 V 28.
rḫnt n. f. “sweetness, tenderness” (?) (cf. Arab. riḫwat, “softness, yieldingness”,
AEL 1061; raḫāwat, “softness”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 385: raḫāwatu-l-ʕud,
“weakness of character”. Korpel UBL 8 165 n. 576: “compassion”; diff. Mar-
galit MLD 213: “whiskers” (?), Arab. *rḫw; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 207 n. s:
“voix douce”, Arab. raḫama, but cf. De Moor ULe 89; Watson AuOr 19 2001
141: “knowledge”, Eg. rḫt / rḫw, but cf. De Moor AuOr 27 2009 288; Tropper
UG 123: “Sinn, Geist” (?), Angrenzung der Worteinheiten unsicher, *rw:yḥ,
see rḥ (I)); ¶ par.: šbt (+ dqn). ¶ Forms: sg. f. rḫn{n}t.
Sweetness, tenderness (?), in unc. ctx.: rḫn{n}t dt l ỉrtk the sweetness (?) that
your breast harbours, 1.4 V 5 (// šbt dqnk; diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 537: “the
soft ones (?) o[f] your chest”, rdg rḫnnt)); in bkn ctx.: rḫnn[, 2.94:2.
/r-ḫ-p/ vb D: “to hover”, “to fly about” (Hb. rḥp pi., “to hover and tremble”,
HALOT 1219f.; Syr. raḥef pa., “to hover over”, SL 1458. Pardee TPM 39; see
Watson JNSL 5 1977 71ff.: “make to hover”, Hb. rḥp, but cf. 1.18 IV 21, 32); ¶ par.:
/b-ṣ-r/, /d-ʔ-y/. ¶ Forms: G ptc. f. rḫpt; D prefc. ảrḫp, trḫp, trḫpn.

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728 /r-k(-k)/ – rkb (iii)

D. To hover, to fly about: rḫpt [b šm]m rm[m] who hovers in the high heavens,
1.108:8 (// dỉ dỉt); bn nšrm ảrḫp ản[k] among the eagles I shall fly about, 1.18
IV 21 and par.; ʕlh nšr[m] trḫpn over him the eagles they flew about, 1.18 IV 31
and par. (// ybṣr); [bn] nšrm trḫp ʕnt among the eagles DN flew about, 1.18
IV 32; ʕl bt ảbh nšrm trḫpn over his father’s house the eagles flew about, 1.19
I 32 (// ybṣr).
/r-k(-k)/, vb G: “to relent” (?), in unc. ctx. (Hb. rk(k), “weak”). ¶ Forms: suffc. rk.
G. To relent (?): w rk bn ỉlm mt, and DN the son of DN, relented, 1.6 V 9 (Del
Olmo MLRSO 118: “aflojó” (?) (diff. Watson SEL 26 2009 17f.: rdg kr, “to be
angry”; Smith UNP 160: rdg w[ ].bn) ]).
/r-k-b/ vb G: “to mount (especially a chariot)” (Hb. rkb, “to mount, ride”, HALOT
1230ff.; DNWSI 1077f.; OAram., Palm. rkb, “to ride, mount”, DNWSI 1077f.;
Ebla, Krebernik PET 51; Pagan 3 ARES 164; cf. rakābum, “to join, unite, gather”
(?), ARET 8 12: “to join, unite, gather”; Syr. rkb, “to ride, mount”, SL 730f.; Arab.
rakiba, “to ride, mount”, AEL 1142ff.; Akk. rakābu, “fahren, reiten”, AHw 944 f.;
“to ride, mount”, CAD R 83ff.; Mari Akk.: Durand NABU 1993/96; ARMT 27
304: “chevaucher” (= “couvrir”, en parlant des sauterelles; “se propaguer”;
“être étendu sur, dominer”). Loewenstamm UF 3 1971 98 ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: ra-
kub, onomastic element in PNN, cf. Sivan GAGl 265); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. rkb; impv. rkb; ptc. rkb (cf. rkb (I)).
G. To mount: rkb ṯkmm ḥmt mount the shoulders of the wall, 1.14 II 21 and
par. (// ʕl).
Cf. mrkbt, rkb (I), rkb (II), rkb (III), rkby.
rkb (I) n. m. “Charioteer”, epithet of the god bʕl (act. ptc. < /r-k-b/. Hb. rkb,
rakkāb, “charioteer, driver”, HALOT 1235; OAram. DN rkbʔl, cf. HALOT 1230f.;
“charioteer, rider”, Wehr-Cowan DMWA 1075f.; Ebla cf. rakābum, “to join,
unite, gather” (?), ARET 8 12 = syll. Ug. rakub in PNN. Cf. Loretz UF 19 1987
101ff.; Wyatt UF 20 1988 376; diff. Brock VT 18 1969 395; Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991
168 n. 10: “juntar(se)”, *rkb). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. rkb.
Charioteer, epithet of the god bʕl: rkb ʕrpt “Charioteer of the clouds”, 1.2 IV 8
and passim (title of Baal. Rahmouni DEUAT 288 ff.; diff. Sanmartín AuOr 9
1991 168 n. 10: “Junta-nubes”, Gk nephelēgeréta).
Cf. /r-k-b/.
rkb (II) n. m. “?” (cf. /r-k-b/. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 353 f.: “Teil des Reitzeugs”,
Akk. rikbu, “Aufsatz”; Watson AuOr 29 2011 157:161). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr.
?, in unc. ctx.: rkb rtn, 1.148:20 (diff. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 353 f.: rdg rbk ả!tn).
rkb (III) n. m. “?” (cf. /r-k-b/. Dietrich-Loretz KA 190 n. 150: “(oberer) Mühl-
stein”). ¶ Forms: sg. rkb.
?: rkb, 5.22:15.

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rkby – /r-m/ 729

rkby TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 233: *Rakbā(yu). Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour RSP 2
330, 361; UF 13 1981 6); ¶ syll.: URU ra-ak-ba, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):22; Ug 5 52
(RS 20.239):21; cf. URU ra-ak-ba-[i]a, ibid. ln. 8 (or GN (?); for the rdg cf. Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 685 n. 269). Sivan GAGl 263; Van Soldt SAU 338; UF 28 1996
685; Topography 41, 183.
TN: 4.63 II 35; 4.346:1; 4.379:8; 4.683:18.
/r-k-s/ vb G: “to gird, tie” (Hb. rks, “to bind, tie”, HALOT 1237f.; Akk. rakāsu,
“binden”, AHw 945ff.; “to tie”, CAD R 91ff.; cf. Hb. rkš, “to collect, acquire”,
HALOT 1238; Syr. rkš, “to bind”, SL 1470. Cf. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 312 n. e);
¶ par.: /ʔ-s-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. trks.
G. To gird, tie, in unc. ctx.: t]rks bn ảbnm, 1.1 V 23, cf. ln. 10 (// tảsrn; cf.
ibid. ln. 10); tšt trks, 1.83:9 (Mazzini UF 35 2003 392: “you / she put, you / she
Cf. rks.
rks n. m. “belt” (< /r-k-s/. Akk. riksu, “Band, Bindung”, AHw 984f.; “band, tie”,
CAD R 347ff. De Moor ARTU 70 n. 327; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 406;
Sanmartín UF 12 1980 439 n. 8: rdg krs, “Bauch”, “Magen”, Hb. krś, Akk. karšu).
¶ Forms: sg. r<k>s (haplog. k r<k>s).
Belt: ttrp šmm k r<k>s ỉpdk the heavens slackened like the belt of your tunic,
1.5 I 4 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs Del Olmo 64, 69 f.: “mit einem Tautropfen
deines Gewandes!”, rdg k rs, Akk, russû, with survey of opinions; Wyatt
RTU 116; Barker UF 38 2006 48: “(Even still) I myself will tear you to pieces”).
Cf. /r-k-s/.
/r-m/ vb G: “to go up, get up”; L “to erect, raise” (Hb. rwm, q., “to be high above”,
“to go up”, po., “to bring up”, HALOT 1202ff.; JPAram. rwm, q., “to rise up”, af.,
“to lift up”, DJPA 519; Amor. /rāmum/, “to be high”, Huffmon APNMT 261 f.;
Gelb CAAA 30; Ebla PN dNi-ra-mu, Müller LEbla 217; OSA rym, “to be over,
overlook”, “to heighten”, SD 120; Eg. /râma, rômu/, “to be High, Exalted”,
Hoch SWET 204f. (278). Avishur Lesh 45 1980–1981 270 ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: /rām-/,
/yarīm-/, /yarūm-/, onomastic elements; cf. Sivan GAGl 266); ¶ par.: /š-p-l/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. rm; prefc. trm; L prefc. trmm, trmmn, yrmm, suff. yrmmh,
impv. rmm.
G. To go up, in bkn ctx.: trm tnq[t] a scream (?) went up (: she let out a
scream), 1.16 II 26 and par. (diff. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 452: “brüllen, brum-
men”, Akk. ramāmu); b gg [š]mm rm to the roof of the heavens go up, 1.13:12.;
hlh tšpl hlh trm see, one stooped, see the other went up, 1.23:32.
L. To erect, raise: ḥš rmm / trmmn hk[lm], quickly, erect (/ raise) a palace, 1.4
V 52/54 and par.; bn (…) [rm]m hkl build (…) erect the palace, 1.2 III 7 and
Cf. mrm, mrym, rm (I), rm (II), trmt, yrm, yrmʕl, yrmbʕl, yrmhd, yrmn.

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730 rm (i) – /r-m-y/

rm (I) adj. m. “high, lofty, sublime, exalted” (cf. /r-m/); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element
/rām-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 263, 266); ¶ par.: (?) ym (II). ¶ Forms: sg. rm; pl.
rmm, f. rmt.
High, lofty, sublime, exalted: mỉd rm [krt], greatly exalted (are you / may
you be) [PN], 1.15 III 13 and par.; bʕlt šmm rmm, Lady of the sublime heav-
ens, 1.108:7 and par., cf. ln. 9 (epithet of the goddess ʕnt; see Rahmouni
DEUAT 116f.); bʕlt btm rmm Lady of the high mansions, 1.41:37 and par.; rmt
pʕrt lofty heights, 1.8:9 and par. (// (?) ym); in bkn ctx.: mt w rm tph (whom)
dead and exalted you shall see (?), 1.113:5 and par.; rmm ḫnpm mzl[, 1.9:15.
Cf. ảbrm, ảḫrm, ỉlrm, bʕlrm, /r-m/, rmib, rmy, rmyy, šmrm.
rm (II) n. m. “erection” / alt. “height” (< /r-m/; Hb. rwm, “height”, HALOT 1205;
OSA rym, “height”, SD 120; cf. Hb., JPAram. rmh, “eminence, hill, high place”,
HALOT 1240; DJPA 525; Eth. rāmā, “elevated place”, CDG 470); ¶ syll. Ug.:
ri-mi-ya, PN, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A):11; Sivan GAGl 264. ¶ Forms: sg. cst. rm.
Erection / alt. Height: ảl tšmḫ b rm [h]kl[k] do not rejoice in the erection /
height of your palace, 1.3 V 21 and par.
Cf. /r-m/.
rmỉb PN (Sem., Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13. Gröndahl PTU 86 f., 182).
PN: 4.734:4.
Cf. ảbrm.
rmṣ n. m./f. (?), “embers, hot stones” (Arab. ramaḍa, “become intensively hot”,
“to cook a sheep upon heated stones”, ramḍāʔ, “stones vehemently hot (by
the sun)”, AEL 1156f.; MHb. rmṣ, JAram. rimṣāʔ, “hot ashes, embers”, DTT 1483;
Eth. ramaḍa, armaḍa, “to scorch, burn”, CDG 470. Del Olmo UF 36 2004 554;
diff. Pardee TR/1 58f.: “le coeur (comme offrande) rôti”; De Moor Fs. Gispen
115: “a roasted heart”, assuming f. gender for lb). ¶ Forms: pl. t. (?) rmṣt.
Embers, hot stones: w b ủrm lb rmṣt, and as a burnt sacrifice a heart on the
embers, 1.39:9 and par.; in bkn ctx. ]xrmṣm, 4.668:3.
rmš DN, unknown deity (etym. unc. Herdner Ug 7 18; De Moor UF 2 1970 325;
Xella TRU 53).
DN: š l rmš a ram to DN, 1.46:13, 1.109:7, cf. 1.130:21.
rmṯt n. f., a vessel (?) (etym. unc. Watson UF 34 2002 926, cf. Akk. armašītu, with
survey of other versions: id., AuOrS 27 92). ¶ Forms: pl. abs./cstr. rmṯt.
A vessel (?): ʕ]št ʕšr rmṯt gḫt eleven r., 4.127:5.
/r-m-y/ vb G: “to throw, shoot” (?) (Hb. rmh, “to throw, shoot”, HALOT 1239; Akk.
ramû, “werfen”, AHw 952; rummû, rammû, “to release”, CAD R 129 ff. Arab.
ramā, “to throw, cast”, AEL 1161ff.; Eth. ramaya, “to throw, pierce”, CDG 472).
¶ Forms: G prefc. yrmy.
G. To throw, shoot (?), in bkn ctx.: yrmy qrnh he shoots / shot (?) his rays,

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rmy – rpủ 731

rmy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 182); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF RI-mi-ya, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07
A):11; Sivan GAGl 264 and cf. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 167–168 548 f.: rdg tal-
(?); cf. tlmyn, PN).
PN: bn PN, 4.170:12; 4.617 I 35; 4.839:7.
rmyy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 182).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 I 5; 4.623:2 (Van Soldt SAU 11); 4.759:5.
/r-n(-n)/ G./L. “to shout, raise one’s voice” (Hb. rnn, “to call loudly, shrilly”,
HALOT 1247f.; Arab. ranna, “to cry aloud”, AEL 1164. Caquot SEL 5 1988 35;
Watson UF 40 2008 558: Eg. rnn, “jubeln”; Tropper UG 579, 678). ¶ Forms: G.
prefc. ảrnn.
G./L. To shout, raise one’s voice, in unc. ctx.: ảp ản ảrnn ql then let me myself
shout, 1.82:6 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247).
rny PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 247).
PN: 4.769:19.
rp, 6.63:2, alloph. var. of rb (Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 302; diff. Bordreuil-Amiet
Syria 67 1990 85 n. 1, 3: rdg prp).
Cf. rb (I).
/r-p-ʔ/ vb G: “to heal, apply a remedy” (?) (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. rpʔ, “to heal”,
HALOT 1272ff.; DNWSI 1081; Syr. rpy, “to heal”, SL 1483; OSA rf ʔ, “to safeguard”,
SD115; cf. Arab. rafaʔa, “to repair, mend”, AEL 117f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element
/rapaʔ-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 265. ¶ Forms: G prefc. trpả.
G. To heal, apply a remedy, in unc. ctx.: km trpả hn nʕr on applying (they) the
remedy, see, he woke up, 1.114:28.
Cf. rpủ, yrpủ.
rpủ n. m. 1) “healer”, divine ancestral hero, ancestor of the Ugaritic dynasty,
singly and as a group; 2) rpủ, eponymous deity of this group; 3) in the
expression mt rpỉ (< /r-p-ʔ/. Hb. rpʔ, rpʔym, “mythical ancestors, the spirits
of the dead”, HALOT 1274f.; Ph., Pun. rpʔm, “manes, shades”, DNWSI 1081 f.;
Amor. /rāpiʔum/, “healer”, Huffmon APNMT 263f.; Gelb CAAA 30. Del Olmo
MLC 411ff.; De Moor ZAW 88 1976 323ff.; Caquot Syria 53 1976 295 ff.; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 45ff.; Pope Fs. Finkelstein 163ff.; L’Heureux
HTR 67 1974 265ff.; Pardee TR/2 1208: “mâne”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element
/rāpiʔ(u)/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 264); ¶ par.: ỉlny, mhr, mlk (I), qbṣ (+ ddn).
¶ Forms: sg. abs. / cstr. rpủ, rpỉ; pl. rpủm, rpỉm, cstr. rpỉ.
1) Healer, divine ancestral hero, ★a) in sing.: ṯm ṯmq rpủ bʕl there was DN, the
r. of DN, 1.22 I 8 (// mhr. Rahmouni DEUAT 292 f.); ★b) group of the deified
ancestors: tlḥm rpủm tštyn the r. ate and drank, 1.22 I 21 (Cho LDUT 218 ff.);
mġy rpủm lgrnt the r. arrived at the threshing floors, 1.20 II 6 and par. (//
ỉlnym); ảṯrh rpủm [l tdd] after him the r. (went), 1.21 II 3 and par. (// ỉlnym);
lk bty [rpỉm rpỉm (b) b]ty ảṣḥkm come to my house, r., r., to my house I invite

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732 rpản – rpš (i)

you, 1.21 II 1–2; špš rpỉm tḥtk DN (: špš) you rule over the DN! (: rpỉm), 1.6 VI 46
(// ỉlnym); mỉd rm [krt] btk rpỉ ảrṣ be greatly exalted (PN) among the r. of the
“earth”, 1.15 III 14 and par.; qrỉtm rpỉ ảrṣ have you invoked the r. of the “earth”?,
1.161:2 (// qbṣ ddn); qrủ rpỉm qdmym invoke the ancestral r., 1.161:8, cf. ln. 24
(// mlk).
2) rpủ, eponymous deity of the group of deified ancestors: yšt rpủ mlk ʕlm r.
has been established eternal king, 1.108:1 (Rahmouni DEUAT 294 ff.); b ʕz rpỉ
mlk ʕlm with the strength of r., eternal king, 1.108:21–22 and par.; l rpỉ ảrṣ ʕzk
of a DN of the “Earth” be your strength, 1.108:23 f.
3) In the expression mt rpỉ, title of king dnỉl: dnỉl mt rpỉ PN the Rephaite, 1.17
I 18 and par. (// hrnmy. De Moor ZAW 88 1976 323 f.; Segert UF 11 1979 736;
Dietrich-Loretz MU 35 n. 206; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 402f.: “l’ homme
de la guérison”. For the various opinions cf. Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 60).
In unc. ctx.: ]ḥmt l ql rpỉ[m, 1.82:32.; rpỉ yqr, 1.166:13; ]xrpủ, 4.398:10.
Cf. ảbrpủ, ỉlrpỉ, ʕbdrpủ, ʕmrpỉ, mlkrpỉ, /r-p-ʔ/, rpỉl, rpản, rpỉy, rpỉyn.
rpản PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 180; Rainey UF 3 1971 136; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 167; Van Soldt SAU 165ff.; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229); ¶ syll.: rap-a-nu/na,
PRU 3 164 (RS 16.363) rev. 10; RA 38 4 (RS 11.856):14 (Berger WO 5 1969–1970
276); Ug 5 54 (RS 20.23):2, 18; Ug 5 55 (RS 20.178):1; Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A):7 and
passim ibid. (Van Soldt SAU 23, 31); ra-a-pa-na, Ug 5 53 (RS 20.15):2; Sivan
GAGl 265; Huehnergard UVST 248; AkkUg 370.
PN: 4.45:7; 4.103:46 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.116:4; 4.204:6; 4.269:13; 4.281:19;
4.339:26; 4.658:15 (bn yyn); 4.753:9; 4.787:6; in bkn ctx., 4.427:21; 4.506:3.
rpỉl PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: rdg unc.: k/rpỉl, 4.194:12; in unc. ctx.: rpỉ[, 4.102:24.
rpỉy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 119, 180; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: 4.141 II 14; in bkn ctx. rpỉ[ : 4.102:24.
rpỉyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 180; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167).
PN: bn PN, 4.232 (I) 8; in bkn ctx.: rpỉ[ : 4.102:24.
/r-p-s/ vb G: “to trample on” (Hb. rps/ś, “to disturb”, HALOT 1279f.; Syr. rps, “to
tread, trample, stamp the foot”, SL 1485; Akk. rapāsu, “schlagen, (ver)dre-
schen”, AHw 954f.; “to beat, thrash”, CAD R 150 ff.; Arab. rapasa, “to kick”,
AEL 1120. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 139). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yrps.
G. To trample on: [ỉbn y]rps śwt [the enemy will] trample on the land, 1.103:50;
in bkn ctx.: rps l ʕ[, 1.176:7.
Cf. rpš (I), rpš(II).
rpš (I) n. m. “open country, unmarked territory, latifundium” (< /r-p-š/. Ebla
cf. ra-ba-šum, “wide”, Krebernik QuSem 18 108; Akk. rapšu, “breit”, AHw
956; “wide, broad”, CAD R 161ff.; tarpašum, “Freifläche, -gelände”, AHw 1331.
Sanmartín UF 20 1988 265f.; Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 341: elliptical for šd

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rpš (ii) – rq (ii) 733

rpš); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TN URU ḫal-bi rap-ši, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):5'. ¶ Forms:
pl. cstr. rpš.
Open country, unmarked territory, latifundium: rpš d (l) ydyt latifundia that
are (not) barren, 4.348:1, 20.
Cf. rpš (III).
rpš (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 180; Watson AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: ★a) rpš, 4.243:4 (cf. dd l yḥšr, ibid. ln. 11); ★b) bn PN, 4.63 III 23.
rpš (III) element in the composite TN ḫlb rpš.
Cf. ḫlb rpš.
rpty PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 125; AuOr 11 1993 219; 21; AuOr 30 2012
PN: 4.116:12; 4.851:11.
/r-p-y/ vb Dt “to slacken, loosen” (Hb., Yaud. rpy pi., “to loosen”, DNWSI 1082;
Hb. rph, “to grow slack, release”, HALOT 1276f.; Syr. rpʔ, “to be lax, slack”, pa.,
“to loosen, make lax”, SL 1483f.; Arab. rafā, “to apease, calm”, AEL 1129. De
Moor UF 11 1979 641 n. 14; diff. Emerton AJBA 2 1972 66: “to shine”, Arab. raffa;
Margalit MLD 92: “to convulse”, *rpp; Tropper UG 571 “schändlich behandeln,
verachten, verderben”, Aram. trp; surveys: Wyatt RTU 115 n. 7; Barker UF 38
2006 4442ff.). ¶ Forms: Dt prefc. ttrp.
Dt. To slacken, loosen: tṯkḥ ttrp šmm the heavens burned, slackened, 1.5 I 4
(diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs Del Olmo 64, 68f.: “du hast den Himmel wahrlich
übergossen”, trp, Akk. tarāpu, and survey of opinions; Barker UF 38, 2006
44: “you burned him up, and thus you brightened the heavens”: rpy, “to
shine”, following Emerton: so also Wyatt RTU 115 n. 7: “they will shine”, with
rq (I) n. m, “sheet” (< */r-q-q/. Akk. raqqu, “dünn, schmal”, AHw 958; “thin, light”,
CAD R 171f.; Arab. raqq, “parchment, paper”, AEL 1130. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 207, 296); ¶ par.: lbnt. ¶ Forms: pl. rqm.
Sheet: sb ksp l rqm the silver had turned into sheets, 1.4 VI 34 (// lbnt).
Cf. rq (II).
rq (II) adj. m. “fine, thin” (Akk. raqqum, “dünn, schmal”, AHw 958; “thin, light”,
CAD R 171f.; Mari Akk. raqqatum, “tissu fin”, ARMT 18 277; ARMT 21 194, 408 f.;
ARMT 23 295ff., 557; ARMT 24 246; CAD R 168 f.; Ebla /raqqu/ in NÌ.SAL
= ra-gu, VE 76; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 4; Hb. rq, “thin, gaunt”, HALOT 1288;
Arab., Eth. raqīq, “thin”, AEL 1131; raqiq, “minute, thin”, CDG 473); ¶ RS Akk.:
(n garments) MUNUS.LA(.MEŠ), PRU 3 183 (RS 16.146 + 161):10. ¶ Forms: sg.
Fine, thin (said of cloth): lpš sgr rq a fine cloak …, 4.205:2; lbš psm rq a fine
gauze (?) garment, 4.205:5.
Cf. rq (I).

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734 rqd – rqḥ (i)

rqd TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 233f.: *Raqdu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Kitchen Or 34 1965
5 n. 3: Eg. rkt; Astour JESHO 13 1970 117; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 7; Van Soldt
UBL 11 379; UF 30 1998 723; Topography 41, 183; Watson LSU 203¶ syll.: URU
ra-aq-du, PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):22; URU raq-d[a(?)], PRU 3 192 (RS 15.183):7;
URU raqx(ZUM)-du/di/dì, PRU 3 188 (RS 10.44):12'; PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):16;
PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):2; PRU 3 192 (RS 12.34+):41; PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):7, 14;
PRU 6 55 (RS 18.22):22–31; PRU 6 131 (RS 19.35 A) rev. 2 (Van Soldt SAU 321
n. 138); Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):3; Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):16; Ug 5 83 (RS 20.146):20
RS 34.169:15; RS 34.131:37; RS 25.132 II 15', III 14 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 686);
for the rdg raqx(ZUM) (diff. Sivan GAGl 265: ríq), cf. Huehnergard UVST 212
n. 54; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 321 n. 138.
TN: 1.91:33; 4.68:34; 4.119:4; 4.232:1; 4.348:24; 4.355:40; 4.365:24; 4.380:27;
4.397:11; 4.414:3; 4.610 I 18; 4.629 (II) 9; 4.693:23; 4.698:5; 4.750:7; 4.770:1; 4.777:6;
4.793:15; 4.800 I 19 (1 me-at 5); 4.804:4; 4.810:7; 4.822:12.
Cf. rqdy (I), rqdy (II).
rqdn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 180: rqd).
PN: bn PN, 3.10:2; in bkn ctx.: 3.31:2.
Cf. rqdy.
rqdy (I) GN m. (< rqd, TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 234). ¶ Forms: sg. rqdy; pl.
GN: PN rqdy, 4.33:32; rqdym PNN, 4.261:2.
Cf. rqdy (II).
rqdy (II) PN (< rqdy (I), GN); ¶ syll.: DUMU r]aqx(ZUM)-da-yi, PRU 3 199
(RS 16.126 B+) IV 36 (for the rdg raqx(ZUM cf. Huehnergard UVST 212 n. 54;
Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 321 n. 138).
TN: bn PN, 4.155:14; 4.339:21.
Cf. rqdn.
rqḥ (I) n. m. “perfumer, druggist” (< act. ptc. G /r-q-ḥ/, or nominal /qattal/ pat-
tern. Cf. Hb. r(w)qḥ < rqḥ, “to mix, prepare spiced ointment”, HALOT 1289 f.,
1290; Ph., Pun. rqḥ, “to prepare perfumes”, DNWSI 1083; Akk. raqqû, “gekel-
tert (Öl), Ölkelterer”, AHw 958; “oil presser, perfume maker”, CAD R 173f.
Ebla /rāqiḥum/ in Ì.RÁ.RÁ = ra-gi-um, VE 892; Fronzaroli EL 148. Heltzer
Handwerk 100; diff. De Tarragon CU 44: pass. ptc. G; Caquot Ug 7 392:
“baume”). ¶ Forms: sg. rqḥ; allog. var. r[qẖ prob. in 4.31:2 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz
KA 157).
Perfumer, druggist, in the syntagm šmn rqḥ “perfumer’s oil” (Hb. šmn rwqḥ,
HALOT 1290) > “perfume”: 4.91:5; s̄mn r[qẖ, 4.31:2; cf. ibid. ln. 11 (Heltzer
GPOTU 27); cf. ʕšr lg šmn y[tn] ly p! ṯlṯ lg <šmn> rqḥ he gives me ten “jars” of
oil, plus three “jars” of perfume, 5.10:8 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975
162; diff. Caquot Ug 7 389ff. (RS 17.63):8, rdg lg rqḥ “log de baume”); used in

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rqḥ (ii) – rṣn 735

rituals: dbḥ šmn mr šmn rqḥ (for the) sacrifice: myrrh-scented oil, perfume,
1.41:21; 1.87:22; lg šmn rqḥ a “jar” of perfume, 1.148:21.
Cf. rqḥ (II).
rqḥ (II) n. m. “perfume, ointment” (< /r-q-ḥ/. Hb. rqḥ, “spice mixture, spices”,
HALOT 1290; OAram. rqḥ, “perfume”, DNWSI 1083; Akk. riqqu, rīqu, Duft-
stoff, AHw 988; aromatic plant, CAD R 368ff.; cf. Ebla BAPPIR (SIM (?)) =
rí-ga-tum, EV 046; cf. Milano ARET 9 379; NIDNA rí-ga-tum, ARET 9 402);
¶ RS Akk.: DUG kap?-pa-al?-la-nu ri-qu, (n) DUG.MEŠ ri-qu GAL, PRU 6 158
(RS 19.24):5, 7. Von Soden AHw 988: rīqu(m) II; diff. Nougayrol PRU 6 120:
“(vases) vides”. ¶ Forms: sg. (?) r[qḥ.
Perfume, ointment (?), in bkn ctx.: kṯm r[qḥ two flasks (?) of p[erfume (?),
4.60:6. On lg šmn (…) lg <šmn> rqḥ, 5.10:7–8, cf. supra: rqḥ (I); see further in
bkn ctx: rqḥx w ʕṣm, (…) perfume and plants, 2.104:12.
Cf. rqḥ (I).
rqn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 125; Historiae 4 2007 102); ¶ syll.: cf.
ra-GA-na, Syria 15 1934 137 (RS [Varia 3]):27.
PN: 4.549:1.
Cf. rq (I), rq (II).
/r-q-ṣ/ vb Gt: “to jump, leap” (Arab. raqaṣa, “to dance”, AEL 1136). ¶ Forms: Gt
prefc. trtqṣ, yrtqṣ.
Gt. To jump, leap: yrtqṣ ṣmd bd bʕl the club leapt from the hands of DN, 1.2
IV 15 and par.
Cf. mrqṣt.
rqt n. f. “temple” (Hb. rqh, “temple”, HALOT 1288; Akk. raqqatu, a part of the
head (?), CAD R 170f. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 207; Watson NABU
2000/85). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. suff. rqth.
Temple, in bkn ctx.: (he struck (?)) rỉš rqth the (his) head, his temples, 1.19
II 38.
rṣm adj. m. “?”, qualifying pld(m) (cf. pld) in 4.4:4 (rdg unc., prob. mistake for
rmṣm “check, chequered (cloth)”; cf. Akk. ramāṣu, “einfassen (?)”, AHw 950;
“mng. uncert.”, CAD R 126; JAram. rmṣ, “to weave in checkers, to variegate”,
DTT 1483. Sanmartín AuOr 10 1992 102; diff. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 59 n. 92, 73:
“eccellenti”, *rṣw:y, “resistenti”, Arab. raṣuna; Watson Fs. Sanmartín 448 n. 30:
“(of) goat(-hair)”, Akk. urī:āṣu, “billy goat”, CAD U/W 227ff.; for the rdg b!ṣmm
see Tropper UF 29 1997 665, Arab. buṣm, “dicke Gestalt”). ¶ Forms: pl. rṣmm.
?, in unc. rdg.: ṯn pldm rṣmm two p. r., 4.4:4.
rṣn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 179; Watson AuOr 8 1990 248); ¶ syll.: cf.
ri-ṣa-na, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 31.
PN: 4.370:16; in unc. ctx. rṣ[, 3.23:10.

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736 /r-š-ʕ/ – ršp

/r-š-ʕ/ vb D (?) “to harm, injure” (Hb. ršʕ hif., “to make oneself guilty”, HALOT
1294f.; Syr. ršʕ, “to be wicked”, af., “to commit a wicked deed”, SL 1493; Akk.
ruššû, “hart, rücksichtlos behandeln”, AHw 996; “to behave thoughtlessly,
imperiously”, CAD R 429; Eth. rasʕa, “to act impiously, be wicked”, CDG 473f.
Loretz-Xella MLE 1982 42; Ford UF 34 2002 172: Aram. ršʕ af.); ¶ par.: /ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. tršʕ.
D (?) To harm: w tršʕ l tmntk and (let it) harm your complexion!, 1.169:6.
Cf. ršʕ.
ršʕ n. m. “bad person” (Hb. ršʕ, HALOT 1295f.; Aram. ršyʕ, DNWSI 1087; Akk.
rešû, AHw 976, CAD R 277; Eth. rāseʕ, CDG 474): ¶ par.: nšm. ¶ Forms: sg. ršʕ.
Bad person: hwt ršʕ the word of the bad person, 1.178:10 (// bn nšm).
Cf. /r-š-ʕ/.
ršp DN, god of pestilence (Hb. ršp, “DN, flame, plague”, HALOT 1297 f.; Ph. ršp,
“?”, DNWSI 1087; Amor. raśap, DN, Huffmon APNMT 263; Gelb CAAA 30; Ebla
cf. NÈ.UNU = ra-sa-ab, VE 806; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 31; Lambert Biling. 399 f.;
Conti SQF 194; cf. ra-sa-ab, Krebernik PET 104; Pagan ARES 3 165 f. Conrad
ZAW 83 1971 157ff.; Fulco CGR 1976; Xella AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 159 ff.;
Münnich GRANE 2013); ¶ RS Akk.: dMAŠ.MAŠ, Ug 7 pl. 50:13; cf. the spelling
dMAŠ.MAŠ- in PNN, passim; Huehnergard AkkUg 360; ¶ syll. Ug.: /rašap/,
/rašp/ and the alloph. in PNN; cf. Sanmartín AuOr 9 1991 203). ¶ Forms: ršp;
du. / pl. ršpm.
DN, ★a) mḫmšt yỉtsp ršp DN harvested the fifth, 1.14 I 19; ṯġrh ršp its porter, DN,
1.78:3; ršp ḥgb the DN (of the) locust, 1.90:2 and par.; ršp gn DN of the “garden”,
1.165:3 and par.; ʕm ršp bbth (take) to DN in TN, 1.100:31, cf. ảṯr ršp ʕṯtrt after
DN (comes) DN, ibid. ln. 77; ủḫry ykly ršp DN will destroy the descendants,
1.107+:40; y[r]ḫ w ršp yỉsp ḥmt DN and DN collect the venom, 1.107:40; śśw ršp
the horses of DN, 4.790:16; bʕl ḥẓ ršp, “the Lord of the arrow”, DN, 82:3 (Del
Olmo AuOr 29 2011 249); ★b) in god lists: ršp, 1.47:27, cf. RS Akk.: dGÌR.UNU.
GAL, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):26; 1.102:10; 1.118:26; 1.123; ★c) in rituals and offering
lists: k tʕrb ršpm bt mlk when the (two) DN enter the palace, 1.91:11; b ġb ršp
ṣbỉ in the ġ. of DN of the troops, 1.91:15; ršp dqt DN a ewe, 1.39:4 and par.; ršp š
DN a ram, 1.39:7 and par.; dbḥ ṣtqn l ršp PN sacrificed to DN, 1.79:8; ršp ỉdrp š
DN (of) ỉ. a ram 1.148:32; [b] ġb ršp mhbn š in the ġ. of DN of TN a ram, 1.105:1,
cf. 1.106:6; l ršp mlk ảlp w š to King DN one head of cattle and one ram, 1.105:7,
cf. 4.182:61; npš w š l ršp bbt one (piece of) offal and one ram to DN of TN,
1.105:25 and par.; śśw ršp / mlkʕṯtrt the horses of DN, 4.790:16, 17; in bkn ctx.: l
ršp, 1.81:10–11; 1.126:3, 5; 1.165:2. See the element (-)ršp(-) in bkn PNN: 4.114:10;
4.262:2; 4.438:3; 4.627:2.
Cf. ảbršp, ảḫršp, ỉlršp, ʕbdršp, ʕdršp, bnršp, ḫḏpršp, mlkršp, mršp, ngršp,
ršpảb, ršpn, ršpy, tgrš, tgršp, ytrš, ytršp.

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ršpảb – /r-t-q/ 737

ršpảb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 88, 181; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167; Van Soldt
SAU 32 n. 259, 160ff.); ¶ syll.: dMAŠ.MAŠ-a-bu, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 5; Ug
5 2–6 (RS 17.21, 17.33, 17.20, 17.22+, 17.149), passim; Ug 5 13 (RS 17.465):3; cf. Ug
5 97 (RS 20.20):4; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 360.
PN: 4.63 III 45; 4.103:5 (ảḫ ủbn); 4.129:10; 4.134:9; 4.141 I 16; 4.148:1:8 (Van Soldt
SAU 38); 4.350:8 (bn pnỉ); 4.370:1:15; 4.609:2 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.859:14.
ršpn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 181).
PN: 4.86:11 (bn bʕld[).
ršpy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 181; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167); ¶ syll.:
ri-iš-pa-ia, PRU 3 20 (RS 15.63):11, 12, 18, 19.
PN: ★a) 4.131:6; 4.339:12; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 I 22; 4.93 II 17.
/r-š(-š)/ vb G: “to be ruined” (Hb. *rwš / ršš, “to be poor”, po., “to smash, batter
to pieces”, HALOT 1209, 1298; Syr. ršš, “to crush”, SL 1493; Dietrich-Loretz Fs.
Elliger 33; Fensham JNSL 1 1971 16; Verreet UF 9 1987 320 f.); ¶ par.: /g-r-d-š/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. rš.
G. To be left ruined: krt ḥtkn rš PN was left with his lineage ruined, 1.14 I 10
and par. (// grdš).
/r-š-y/ vb G. “to receive, have” (Akk. rašû, “bekommen, erhalten”, AHw 961; “to
obtain a protective deity, acquire”, CAD R 193–206; cf. NHb., JAram. ršy, “to
have power”, DTT 1500; Syr. ršy pa., “to give”, SL 1490; OSA Sab. rs2w/y, “to
make a grant” (?), SD 118; Qat. “to give fees, dues”, LIQ 154). G. suffc. yrš.
G. To receive, have: hnm ʕbdk hwt yrš behold your servant has a cause (of
complaint), 2.41:14 (Akk. awatam rašû; cf. Márquez AuOr 10 1992 153).
Cf. /r-ṯ-y/.
rt PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 549; Muchiki Loanwords 280;
Watson AuOr 20 2002 238; AuOr 30 2012 336).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 19; 4.807:19, 68; unc. rdg.: rt?xxx, 4.374:14.
rtn n. m. “?” (etym. unc. De Moor UF 28 1996 155: “coarse cords”, Hb. rōtem;
Watson UF 32 2000 571: “coarse cords”, Hurr. uritannu, “Geweberand”, AHw
1431a). Sg. rtn.
?, in unc. ctx.: ʕšr kkr rtn ten talents of r., 4.247:32; rkb rtn, 1.148:20. (for the
rdg rkb ả!tn ses rkb (II)).
/r-t-q/ vb G: “to tie up / close” (Hb. pu., rtq, “to be fettered”, HALOT 1300; Arab.
rataqa, “to close up”, AEL1027f.; Akk. ratāqu, “to join together (?)”, CAD R 218
(lex. l.). Caquot EI 14 1978 17; Watson NABU 2000/85; diff. De Moor UF 12 1980
309f.: “fermer”, “to close”, Hb.-Arab. *rtq). ¶ Forms: G suffc. rtqt; pass. ptc. rtq
G. To tie up / close: k rtqt mrġt because you tied up corruption (?), 1.13:24;
in bkn ctx.: rtq, 1.4 VII 33 (De Moor-Spronk CARTU 170: “inaccessable” (sic);
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650: “leapt [up?]”, rdg rtq[ṣ?].

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738 rṭ – /r-ẓ/

rṭ n. m., cloth or a garment light and fine in texture (Ribichini-Xella Tessili 62.
Cf. Arab. rayṭ, rayṭa, any covering for the body of a single piece, AEL 1200;
Akk. raddi/adu, “ein Kleidungsstück”, AHw 941; cj. Hb. rṭ pš, “linen robe”,
Dahood apud Ribichini-Xella Tessili 62 [MT: rṭpš, “?”, HALOT 1223]; Renfroe
AULS 142; diff. Watson NABU 2000/84: Akk. urṭû, “Ginsterfarbstoff, gelb-
bläuliche Wolle”, AHw 1434; Vita TT 331). ¶ Forms: sg. rṭ, pl. rṭm.
Cloth or a garment: ḫmš / ʕšr rṭm, five / ten r., 4.203:8; 4.206:2; rṭ l ql d ybl prd
b ṯkl w nṣp ksp a r. for the messenger who leads the mule (?) to the value of a
shekel and a half of silver, 4.337:12.
rṭd PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.131:3 (for the reading cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 236).
rṯ n. m. “dirt” > “mud” (Arab. rawṯ, “dung”, AEL 1177). De Moor SP 118; Watson
UF 8 1976 376; NABU 2000/85: “dung”, “dirty”, Akk. ruššu, rūšu; Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 350: “dirt”; for a general etym. discussion cf. Renfroe AULS
141); ¶ par.: ṯiṭ. ¶ Forms: sg. rṯ.
Mud: rḥṣ npṣh b ym rṯ he shall wash his clothes when there is dirt (: when
they become dirty), 1.17 I 33 and par. (// ṯiṭ); rḥt[h] ymlủ nʕm rṯ with the best
mud he filled his hand, 1.16 V 29 (// (?) ṯ[ỉṭ]).
Cf. rṯn.
rṯn n. m. “dirt” (expansion of rṯ (I) + -n. De Moor SP 118); ¶ par.: ḫbl (+ ṭtm).
¶ Forms: sg. rṯn.
Dirt: ]šqy rṯn tnmy they give him dirt to drink in torrents, 1.1 IV 9 (// ḫbl ṭtm).
Cf. rṯ.
rṯt n. f. “net” (< /y-r-ṯ/. Hb. ršt, “net”, HALOT 1298 f.); ¶ par.: rbt (II). ¶ Forms: sg.
Net: qḥ rṯt bdk take a net in your hand, 1.4 II 32 (// rbt).
/r-ṯ-y/ vb G: “to possess” (?) (Akk. rašû, “bekommen, erhalten”, AHw 961 f.; “to
obtain a protective deity, acquire”, CAD R 193ff. = supra: /r-š-y/; less probably
Arab. raṯā, AEL 1032: “to bewail, lament”. Cf. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 121); ¶ par.:
/ḥ-m-d/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yrṯy.
G. To possess (?): yrṯy nʕmh dmrn “The Powerful One” wished to possess (?)
her beauty, 1.92:29 (// yḥmdnh).
Cf. /r-š-y/, /y-r-ṯ/.
rwy PN (etym. unc. Muchiki Loanwords 280; Watson AuOr 20 2002 237).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 4; 4.103:9.
/r-ẓ/ vb G: “to run, compete” (Hb., OAram. rwṣ, “to run”, HALOT 1207 f.; DNWSI
1064; Akk. râṣu, “laufen”, AHw 960; “to come, come to help”, CAD R 187f.;
Arab. rāḍa, “to train”, AEL 1186; Eth. rōṣa, “to run”, CDG 477; Syr. rhṭ, “to
run”, SL 1440); ¶ par.: /ʕ-d-b/ (+ mrḥ). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yrẓ (cf. KTU rdg:

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/r-ẓ/ 739

G. To run, compete: dq ảnm l yrẓ the weak of strength could not compete, 1.6
I 50 (// l yʕdb mrḥ).
Cf. trẓẓ.

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/s-ʔ-d/ vb G: “to support, comfort” (Hb. sʕd, “support, sustain”, HALOT 761;
OAram. sʕd, “to help, support”, DNWSI 795f.; Akk. sêdu, “unterstützen”, AHw
1034; “to help”, CAD S 206; diff. De Moor SP 69: “to regale”, OSA swd, sʔd, Arab.
sayyid); ¶ par.: /l-ḥ-m/ (I), /š-q-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ysảd; impv. sảd.
G. To support, comfort: tsảd tkbd hmt, she comforted (and) welcomed them,
1.17 V 30 and par. (// tšlḥm tššqy).
Cf. sỉd.
sỉd n. m. “chief butler”, title of the god prdmn (act. ptc. < /s-ʔ-d/. Akk. sāʔidu,
“Helfer”, AHw 1010. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 94: “waited on the Prince”); ¶ par.:
ʕbd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. sỉd.
Chief butler: sỉd zbl bʕl ảrṣ the chief butler of the Prince, Lord of the earth,
1.3 I 3 (// ʕbd).
Cf. /s-ʔ-d/.
sỉn n. m. “edge, hem” (Akk. sūnu, “Tuch, Binde”, AHw 1059; CAD S, a piece of
clothing, 388ff.; cf. Arab. su:iʔat (< *saʔā), “the curved extremity”, AEL 1284.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 259; Watson NUS 24 1980 9; Malul BiOr43 1986 20 ff.;
Moran RA 77 1983 93f.; diff. Ullendorff BHL 133f.: “boot, shoe”, Hb. sʔwn,
Aram. syn); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 1 TÚG.TÙN(!?): (!?) su-nu, PRU 6 126 (RS 19.28):2;
cf. Huehnergard UVST 155; ¶ par: qṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. sỉn.
Edge, hem: sỉn lpš the hem of the garment, 1.6 II 10 (// qṣ).
sỉp “?”, in bkn ctx.: 1.2 II 4; 2.3:9.
Cf. bʕlsỉp.
/s-ʕ/ vb G: “to sweep, remove” (?) (etym. unc. Hb. sʕh (<*sʕw:y), “to sweep away,
winnow”, HALOT 761f. Greenfield EI 9 1969 63: Hb. sōʕāh, “sweeping wind”,
Ps. 55:9; Herdner TOu/1 521 n. 1; Clines UF 8 1976 24: “to rush”, Arab., Hb. *sʕy;
diff. Fensham JNSL 9 1981 61f.: “to subdue”, Akk. seʔû, Syr. sʕō; Tropper UG 488:
vb. n. pl. “Angriff, Überfall” (?), *sʕy). ¶ Forms: G pass. ptc. pl. sʕt.
G. To sweep, remove (?): sʕt b šdm ḥṭbt swept (?) the (female) wood-cutter
from the field, 1.14 III 7 and par.
sʕt n. f. “?” (etym. unc. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 29: “Getreide”; see Bor-
dreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 383 n. 70: céréale de qualité inférieure, Arab. suʕʕ,
“ivraie”, “froment gâté par la nielle” (?), DAF/1 1090). Forms: sg./pl. sʕt.
?: 2.47 B 7; 2.111:5, 6.
/s:ś-b-b / vb G: 1) “to turn round, go round and round, go through”; 2) “to turn
towards, to turn”; 3) “to turn into” (?); N “to be changed into”; Š “to cause
to rotate, spin / turn” (?) (Hb. sbb, “to turn oneself around, to go around”,
HALOT 738ff. De Moor SP 190); ¶ par.: /m-ġ-y/, /p-h-y/, /t-r/. ¶ Forms: G.

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sbbyn – sbrdn 741

suffc. sb, sbn[ y; prefc. ysb; impv. sb; N suffc. nsb; Š suffc. šśb (4.167:8, unc. ctx.;
cf. Tropper UF 27 1995 522).
G. 1) To turn round, go round and round, go through: ysb pảlth he went
through his waste land, 1.19 II 12 and par. (// yph); in bkn ctx.: sbn[ y xx]ṣt
[ả]r[ṣ] we have go round and round (?) [to the e]nds of the earth (?), 1.5
VI 3–4 (// mġny).
2) To turn towards, to turn: sb l qṣm ảrṣ turn towards the ends of the earth!,
1.16 III 3 (// tr; diff. Aartun UF 17 1985 4f.: “durchschneiden, durchbohren”,
Arab. sabba); w ysb bt mḫrh and he turns to the house of his m., 1.179:30.
3) To turn into: sb ksp l rqm the silver had turned into sheets, 1.4 VI 34 (//
nsb); in bkn ctx.: sb[…]m, 1.64:8; sbx[, 6.26:1.
N. To be changed into: ḫrṣ nsb l lbnt the gold has been changed into bricks,
1.4 VI 35 (// sb).
Š. To cause to rotate, spin / turn, in bkn ctx.: šśb, 4.167:8
sbbyn n. m. “black cumin” (seed of Nigella sativa L. Cf. Akk. zibibiānu, “Schwarz-
kümmel”, AHw 1524; “black cumin”, CAD Z 102f. Cf. Dietrich-Loretz-San-
martín UF 5 1973 115; Heltzer GPOTU 20; Watson LSU 103f.; diff. Aartun UF 17
1985 5: “aufgezapfter Wein”, rdg. sbb yn, Arab. sāba). ¶ Forms: sg. sbbyn, sbbym
Black cumin, ★a) seeds: ltḥ sbbyn a l. of black cumin, 4.14:4, 9, 16; ★b) essence
or cream: kṯm sbbyn two flasks (?) of black cumin, 4.707:8; kṯ sbbym a flask of
black cumin, 4.811:11 (see Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 115 f.: pl. form or scribal
sbd PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 248 n. 36).
PN: 4.609:16.
śbl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 184; Segert UF 15 1983 213; Tropper UF 27
1995 524; Watson AuOr 13 1995 226; AuOr 30 2012 336); ¶ syll.: cf. ZU-ba-li;
RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) obv. 10; Huehnergard Syria 74 1997 214; ZI-bi-lu, TT 90:4;
Tropper UF 27 1995 4).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 I 13; 4.807:36; in bkn ctx., 4.122:17.
sbrdn n. m. “maker of bronze spears” (Hurro-Akk. *sipar=ten. Akk. siparru,
“Bronze”, AHw 1048; “bronze”, CAD S 296ff.; Hurr. suff. = tenn- “nomen
actoris”, Wilhelm UF 2 1970 280ff. [cf. *tan= “to do”, Laroche GLH 254 f.];
Heltzer GPOTU 5; IOKU 93 n. 44; see Watson NABU 2013/30: “lancer, spear-
bearer”, Syr. zbrnʔ, “spears”, SL 364; diff. Zaccagnini OrAn 9 1970 315 ff.: < Akk.
*s:zab:pardinnu; cf. infra: spr (IV)); ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ.ZAG.LU(-ti/zabar),
PRU 3 78 (RS [Varia 7] “15.Y”):11–12, 16; PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257 +) e. II 1; cf. AHw
377b: imittu; CAD I/J 126f.: imittu E; Huehnergard AkkUg 67, 332; Zaccagnini
OrAn 9 1970 319 n. 28. ¶ Forms: pl. sbrdnm.
Maker of bronze spears: spr ḥṯbn sbrdnm book of the accounts of the s.,

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742 sd – sglt

4.337:1; (šmn oil) l sbrdnm for the s., 4.352:6; in bkn ctx.: sb[… dt] yqḥ mỉt
b ḥwt s.[(?) who] take one hundred from the country, 6.26:1 (Van Soldt UF 21
1989 379 n. 27, 384); in bkn ctx.: 4.825 VI 9.
sd n. m., “council” (?) (Hb. swd, “circle of confidents”, HALOT 745; OSA Qat.
mswdn, “lords, council of lords”, LIQ 173; cf. Arab. sayyd, “chief, lord, master”,
AEL 1462f. Del Olmo MLC 595; Dijkstra UF 20 1988 39 n. 24; Cho LDUT 18).
¶ Forms: sg. sd.
Council (?), in unc. ctx.: k qrb sd, 1.20 I 4.
śdmy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 255. Astour RSP 2 306; UF 13 1981 9 f.); ¶ syll.: cf.
PN (DUMU) sú-du/dú-mV, PRU 3 75 (RS 16.344):2; PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257) III 10
(Astour RSP 2 363; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680 n. 219, Topography 34).
TN: 4.244:13.
sdn n. f. harness or garment (cf. Hb. sdyn, “?”, HALOT 743f.; Akk. s:šaddin(n)u,
ein Hemd (?), AHw 1001, 1123; a cloth and a garment, CAD S 17. Rainey EAT 88;
> Gk sindōn; Masson Emprunts 26; Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 15; Dahood BiOr
34 1977 362; Watson NABU 2007/39; AuOr 29 2011 163f.; Loretz HippUg 76f.:
“Pferdedecken” (?)).¶ Forms: pl. sdnt.
Harness or garment: tšʕm ṯq ṯn kbd l sdnt śśwm ninety-two ṯ. for s. of horses,
s:śdn PN and PN / DN, name of an ancestral king (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 294;
15 1983 212; Tropper UF 27 1995 524).
★a) PN sdn: 4:332:13; ★b) PN / DN, in the combination of ancestral kings sdn
w rdn, 1.161:6, 23.
sdwn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 294).
PN: in bkn ctx., s]dwn, 4.658:48.
s:śdy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 294; Segert UF 15 1983 213; Watson AuOr 8
1990 121; Fs. Sanmartín 454; Tropper UF 27 1995 524; also: West AOAT 233
35: PN si-da-yo, Linear B); ¶ syll.: cf. ZI-di-ya, Ug 5 86 (RS 20.150):25; cf.
ZA-d[u-i]a?-na[, PRU 3 36 (RS 11.718):10'; cf. šdyn, PN.
PN: ★a) bn sdy, 4.55:23; ★b) bn śdy, 4.33:15 (ảry; cf. Van Soldt SAU 33).
sgld PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 252f., 260; Sasson UF 6 1974 372: Zigil-tanu-
m); ¶ syll.: ZI-gil-da(na), PRU 3 151 (RS 16.201):4, 6; PRU 3 144 (RS 16.138):16;
ZI-gil-TA-na, PRU 6 121 (RS 19.141):5; Van Soldt SAU 357 n. 224.
PN: ★a) 4.678:7; ★b) bn PN, 3.9:21; 4.98:13; 4.309 (II) 3.
sgldn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.840:4.
sglt n. f. “treasure, private property” (Hb. sglh, “property”, HALOT 742; JPAram.
sgwlh, “treasure, cherished object”, DJPA 367; Akk. sikiltu, “(heimlicher)
Erwerb”, AHw 1041; “possession, acquisition”, CAD S 244 f. Jacob UF 11 1979
405). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. sglth.

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śgn – sgrt 743

Treasure, private property: ʕ[bdm] sglth hw he is a servant, his private prop-

erty, 2.39:7, see ln. 12 (Dijkstra UF 8 1976 437 n. 6), cf. ʕb[dm] sglth ảt you are
a servant, his private property, ibid. 12 (cf. Pardee UF 13 1981 152).
śgn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 252f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 101;
UF 6 1974 42, 44); ¶ syll.: ZI-gi-na, PRU 3 255; cf. Van Soldt SAU 350 n. 209,
357 n. 224.
PN: a) sgn, 4.382:33 (bn bbt); b) bn sgn, 4.841:47.
/s-g-r/ vb G: “to close, shut” (Hb., JPAram. sgr, “to shut”, HALOT 742 f.; DJPA 368;
OAram. skr, “to stop up”, DNWSI 786; Akk. sakāru / sekēru, “abschliessen,
absperren”, AHw 1035f.; “to dam up, close”, CAD S 210 ff.); ¶ par.: /š-k-r/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. sgrt; prefc. ysgr; impv. sgr; pass. ptc. sgr, sgrm (?) (cf. sgr
G. To close, shut: bʕdh bhtm sgrt behind her she closed the house, 1.100:70
(diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 350: “Haus der Abschliessung”, but see Studien
309, 371f.: “vielräumiges Haus”); yḥd bth sgr / ysgr the one living alone should
close / closed his house, 1.14 II 43 / IV 21 (// tškr).
Cf. msgr, sgr (I), sgrt, skr.
sgr (I) n. m. “enclosure, closed courtyard”(?) (< /s-g-r/ (?). Akk. sikru, “Absper-
rung”, AHw 1043; “dam, weir, seclusion”, CAD S 259). ¶ Forms: pl. sgrm.
Enclosure, closed courtyard (?): (a door) d sgrm of the courtyards (?), 4.195:4
(diff. Tropper UG 849: “mit Schliessmechanismus”; McGeough UgET 89 n. 24:
“that is closed”).
Cf. /s-g-r/.
sgr (II) n. m. “?” (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 46 n. 55: “chiuso”, *sgr;
Sanmartín AuOr 10 1992 101f.: “oro batido, pan de oro”, Hb. sgwr, Akk. sagru;
Van Soldt UF 22 1990 326 n. 43: “wrapped (?)”, *sgr; cf. Durand MARI 6 662:
Mari Akk. sí-gu-ri-tum nom d’habit). ¶ Forms: sg. sgr.
?: lpš d sgr bh, 4.166:6 (Sanmartín AuOr 10 1992 102: “un manto con (apli-
caciones) de oro”; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 46 n. 55: “veste-l. con sopra una
cucitura (?)”, *sgr; Huehnergard UVST 155: “garment with fastener”, with ref-
erence to Ug. /suguru/ (?) or /sukuru/ (?); Van Soldt UF 22 1990 326 n. 43:
“the cloth in which they were wrapped(?)”, OAss. ṣubāṭu ša liwitim; Dijkstra
HUS 148: “a garment that has a fibula”); cf. lpš sgr rq a fine cloak …, 4.205:2.
sgr (III) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 255f.; Berger UF 2 1970 339 f.; Silverman
AOAT 217 159; Watson LSU 178: Eg. sgr, “silence”; Muchiki Loanwords 98; also:
West AOAT 233 35: PN sa-ke-re-u, Linear B).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 12; 4.819:8; 4.843:29.
sgrt n. f. “room, chamber” (< /s-g-r/, cf. sgr (I)); ¶ par.: ḥdr. ¶ Forms: sg. sgrt.
Room: ṯmnt ảp sgrt, eight antechambers, 1.3 V 27 (// ḥdrm; cf. ảp (II) 4).
Cf. /s-g-r/.

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744 s/śgryn – sḫl

s/śgryn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 205, 256; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín

UF 5 1973 101; Silverman AOAT 217 159f.; Watson AuOr 11 1993 217); ¶ syll.:
ZU-ug-ri-ia-nu, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) I 8.
PN: ★a) sgryn, 4.384:1 (ảrr); ★b) śgryn, 4.379:7 (ảry); 4.825 I 13, 28, VII 10; ★c)
bn sgryn, 4.101:4; 4.807:48; 4.848:4; bn śgryn, 4.841:53.
sgštn PN (see sgṯtn).
PN: bn PN, 4.860:24.
sgṯtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 209, 211, 253, 262).
PN: bn PN, 4.131:9.
s/śġr adj. m. (used as noun) “manservant, servant”, “shepherd-boy” (Akk. ṣuḫāru
(LÚ.TUR), “Knabe, Jüngling”, AHw 1109; “child, adolescent”, CAD Ṣ 231 ff.; Hb.
cf. PN ṣwʕr, HALOT 1012; ptc. ṣʕyry hṣwn, “the shepherd lads”, HALOT 1043; cf.
Loewenstamm CSBAL 249–255; Loretz UF 15 1983 59 ff.; Tropper UF 27 1995
517; cf. c.Sem. /ṣ-ġ-r/ with var. /z-ʕ-r/ in Hb. zʕyr, “little”, HALOT 277; JPAram.
zʕr, “to be small”, DJPA 180f.; Arab. zaʕira, “to become scanty”, AEL 1231. Van
Soldt SAU 35 n. 261; Watson LSU 55f.: Akk. via Hurr.); McGeough ERU 117;
¶ RS Akk.: LÚ.TUR-ri-ia, Ug 5 48 (RS 20.19):19; cf. 2 TUR ṣú-ḫa-[re-e],
EAT 49:19 (letter from Ugarit; Huehnergard AkkUg 369). ¶ Forms: sg. śġr;
cstr. sġr; suff. sġrh, śġrh; pl. śġrm.
Manservant, servant: ★a) unspecified: PN śġr PN, the manservant, 4.277:13;
sġr PN a manservant of PN, 4.343:1 and passim ibid.; PN yd sġrh with his
manservant(s), 4.243:35 and passim ibid.; ★b) esp. assistant of shepherds
(rʕy(m)), shepherd-boy: PN w śġrh and his shepherd-boy, 4.374:2 and pas-
sim ibid.; cf. w! sġrh, ibid. ln. 15; sġr PN the shepherd-boy of PN, 4.129:2
and passim ibid., cf. 4.729:4, 6–9; ʕšrm ṯn kbd śġrm lqḥ ššlmt twenty-two
shepherd-boys opt for supplementary rations, 4.378:10; in bkn ctx. 4.359:1,
2, 4, 8.
sġy TN, 4.625:7 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 237: *Siġāyu; cf. the composite TN gt sġy,
4.213:15. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 94; Watson AuOr 22 2004 116; AuOr 25 2007 133;
Van Soldt Topography 35; Belmonte Fs. Watson 109).
shr “?”, in bkn and unc. ctx. (Hb. shr, “round drinking vessel”, HALOT 744. Del
Olmo MLC 595: “redondo, redondez”; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 215; De
Moor-Spronk CARTU 157: “go round”). ¶ Forms: shrxx[. [
?, in bkn ctx.: tpḥ ṯṣr shrxx[ apple(s), ambrosia …, 1.20 II 11.
sḫl n. m., a social or professional group (etym. unc. Caquot Ug 7 132: “chasser,
ravir par ruse”, Arab. saḫala; Cunchillos TOu/2 419 n. 224: “perceurs”, Akk.
saḫālu; diff. Watson JSS 47 2002 206 n. 27: “(gem-stone) grinder, polisher or
engraver”, Mehri sḥl). ¶ Forms: pl. sḫlm.
A social or professional group. in bkn ctx.: ảp sḫlm (…) also, the s. (…), 2.73:16;
ʕl sḫl[m upon the s. (…), ibid. ln. 18.

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/s-ḫ-r/ – /s-k-n/ 745

Cf. sḫr, sḫrn.
sḫr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 21f., 29, 184; Watson AuOr 8 1990 121 f.; AuOr 13 1995
225; AuOr 22 2004 123).
PN: ★a) sḫr, 4.609:7; ★b) bn PN, 4.65:8; 4.422 (II) 4; in bkn ctx.: ]sḫr, 4.331:6;
bn šḫr[, 4.842:15.
sḫrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 184; Watson AuOr 8 1990 121 f.; AuOr 13 1995
225); ¶ syll.: sa-ḫu-ra-nu/na, PRU 6 73 (RS 19.107 A):5; PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):22;
Huehnergard UVST 226; AkkUg 363f.; Van Soldt SAU 313 n. 118.
PN: ★a) 4.631:10, 20; ★b) bn PN, 4.348:6 (McGeough UgET 237: TN (?)); in bkn
ctx., ]sḫrn, 4.650:5.
sḫrt, n. f. “?”.
?, ảlp [ṯ]mn mảt kbd sḫrt one thousand eight hundred s., 4.863:7.
sk (I) n. m. 1) “coverlet, cloak”; 2) “covering, lid (?)” (Hb. skk (I–III), “to cover”
> “mantelet”, HALOT 754. Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 195: NA sikkum “Saum”;
Malul BiOr 43 1986 20ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 6 1988 16; Ribichini-Xella Tessili
55; Vita TT 332; see De Moor UF 2 1970 310 n. 33: Arab. šikkat, “coat of mail”;
Watson AuOr 29 2011 160: “packsaddle, harness”, Akk. s:zikuḫu; for Mari Akk.
cf. Durand ARMT 21 411f.; MARI 6 661); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. TÚG ZU/SU(?)-ku?-
ma.MEŠ, PRU 6 127 (RS 19.57):6; Huehnergard UVST 156. ¶ Forms: sg. sk; du.
skm; pl. skm.
1) Coverlet, cloak: ỉqn]ỉ l sk DN purp]le for the cloak of DN, 4.182:18; harness
(?): ṯn skm two coverlets, 1.148:19 (Del Olmo AuOr 6 1988 13, 16 n. 14); ʕšr tšʕ
kbd skm nineteen cloaks / coverlets, 4.270:6; ảrbʕ skm four cloaks / coverlets,
4.867:12; in bkn ctx.: ]sk[, 4.525:1.
2) Covering, lid (?), in bkn ctx.: l bl sk without covering (?), yes, 1.16 II 31 (diff.
Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 4 1245: “ohne Sackkleid”, cf. here sub 1).
sk (II) n. m. “den, cove” (Hb. sk / skh, “hut”, HALOT 753; cf. Arab. sukk, “a narrow
well”, “the hole of the scorpion”, AEL 1387. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980
347); ¶ par.: ẓr. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. skh (adv. -h); pl. skt (?).
Den, cove: k lbỉm skh like lions towards (their) den, 1.169:4 (// ẓrh); in bkn ctx.:
št l skt n[, 1.1 III 8 (// ʕdb b ġrt. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 304: “foundry”, “fonte”,
Hb. nsk); ]skt, 1.101:13.
Cf. skn (II).
/s-k-n/ vb. G: “to place” (?); Š: “to take care of”, “to prepare” (Hb. skn hi., “to
be acquainted with”, HALOT 755; Amor. /śkn/, “to dwell, to place”, Gelb
CAAA 32; EA Akk. sakānu, “sorgen für”, AHw 1011; “to see to, take care of”,
CAD S 69f. Sivan GAGl 267; Lipiński UF 5 1973 194; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
194). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tskn (?); Š impv. šskn (for sknt cf. infra: sknt).

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746 s:śkn (i)

G. To place (?), in bkn ctx.: tskn ydm l[, 1.73:9 (cf. Akk. qātam šakānum, AHw
Š. To take care of, to prepare: šskn ʕm mgn take care, please, of the present, 1.4
I 20 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 79: “hinstellen / besorgen”, cf. sknt); diff. Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 43: “Giessen”, Š of nsk + -n).
Cf. bʕlskn, bʕlyskn, s/śkn (I), skn (II), sknt.
s:śkn (I) n. m. “prefect, governor; mayor; manager, administrator” (< ptc. G
/s-k-n/; Hb., Ph., OAram. skn, “administrator”, HALOT 755; “governor, prefect”,
DNWSI 785f.; Alal. Akk. sākinu, “Präfekt”, AHw 1012; a high official, CAD
S 79f.; Emar Akk. /sākinu/, “prefect”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 155 f.; EA Akk. cf.
LÚ. MAŠKIM: sú-ki-na, “Kommissar”, AHw 1055; “inspector”, CAD S 354; Sivan
GAGl 267; Gianto SEL 12 1995 70; cf. Hb., OAram. sgn, “official”, HALOT 742;
“prefect, governor”, DNWSI 777f.; cf. Lipiński UF 5 1973 204; NB sagānu,
“Statthalter”, AHw 1002; an official, CAD S 21; OB šaknu, “Statthalter”, AHw
1141; “governor”, CAD Š/1 180ff.; Bo. Akk. LÚ šá-kínkín; Bo. Hitt. Akkadogram LÚ
ŠA.KI.IN, Pecchioli Daddi MPDAH 451; RS Hitt. Akkadogram LÚ ZA.AK.KI.IN.
NI, Kümmel UF 1 1969 160; Von Schuler UF 3 1971 224 ff. n. 9. Rainey UF 3
1971 171; RSP 2 86f.; Lipiński UF 5 1973 195ff.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 41f.; Heltzer IOKU 141–152; Liverani SDB 9 1338; Van Soldt UF 33
2001 224, 579ff., 584; UF 34 2002 69, 805ff.; UF 35 2003 687; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 41 2009 157; McGeough ERU 101); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ sā(sà-)kin(n)u, PRU 3
36 (RS 15.182):10; 38 (RS 15.41):4; PRU 6 3 (RS 17.455):3; 8 (RS 17.239):1; Ug 5
54 (RS 20.23):1; cf. LÚ mur-ú LÚ sà-ki-ni, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):9 (Sivan GAGl
267; Huehnergard UVST 157, 210); cf. LÚ sà-ki-ni KUR ú-ga-ri-it, PRU 6 7
(RS 17.148) A 2, B 2; LÚ sà-ki-in-ni ša KUR ú-ga-ri-it, PRU 6 35 (RS 27.051):2;
cf. PRU 3 235; PRU 4 262; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 340; ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ GAR(šá?)-kín
KUR-ti, PRU 3 35 (RS 15.182):6; LÚ GAR(šá?)-kín KUR URU u-ga-ri-it, PRU 4
237 (RS 17.251):17 (Huehnergard AkkUg 414; CAD S 76f.); cf. PRU 3 235; PRU 4
262; PRU 6 151; Ug 5 340; cf. LÚ antupšalli, PRU 4 40 ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):37
(Friedrich-Kammenhuber HW2 123f.; Pecchioli Daddi MPDAH 501 f.; // skn
3.1:38; cf. Van Soldt UF 20 1988 320f.); cf. (LÚ) MÁŠKIM (PA+SUḪUŠ) /
MAŠKIMx (MAŠ+SUḪUŠ) / MAŠKIMy (MAŠ+BÍL) : sākinu, Buccellati OrAn
2 1963 224–228; Rainey Or 35 1966 426ff.; Huehnergard AkkUg 360, 378; LÚ
ḫazānu, PRU 3 233. ¶ Forms: sg. skn (śkn, 4.36:3; Segert UF 15 1983 209;
Tropper UF 27 1995 518), s̱kn (Dietrich-Loretz KA 215 f.); cstr. skn; pl. sknm.
Prefect, governor; mayor; manager, administrator; ★a) in gen., prefect, gover-
nor, passim: bʕly skn ydʕ rgmh may my lord, the prefect, consider his words,
2.17:8 (Cunchillos Fs. Cazelles 77; Dietrich-Loretz UF 14 1982 88; Dijkstra
UF 19 1987 38); ks ksp ktn mỉt pḥm mit ỉqn]ỉ l skn a silver cup, a tunic of one
hundred (shekels of) red purple and of one hundred (shekels of) violet pur-

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skn (ii) 747

ple for the prefect, 3.1:38 (cf. 1 GAL KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ 1 TÚG GADA 1 me-at
SÍG ZA. GÌN ḫaš-ma-ni 1 me-at SÍG ZA.GÌN.MEŠ a-na LÚ an-du-ub-šal-lim-
ma, PRU 4 40ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):36–37, cf. Van Soldt UF 20 1988 321;
Dietrich UF 36 2004 682f.); ktn d TN pḥm bh w ṯqlm ksph mỉtm pḥm bd skn
a tunic of TN with red purple for a value of two shekels (and) two hundred
(shekels) of red purple in the hands of the prefect, 4.132:5; qmḥ d kly b bt skn
l PN flour that has been liquidated for PN in (/ intended for) the house of
the prefect, 4.361:1 (diff. Gröndahl PTU 410: PN; cf. 4.102:17 and in bkn ctx.
4.592:3); skn ṯlṯm the prefect: thirty, 4.165:1 (or PN (?)); skn ʕšrm kk[r, the
prefect: twenty talen[ts, 342:1; PNN bd skn PNN in the hands of the prefect,
4.635:8, 11, 12, 15, 37, 75; šd ủbdy TN d bd skn leased fields of TN which depend
on the prefect, 4.110:2; cf. ṯn šdm bd skn, 4.357:30; cf. esp.: skn bt mlk prefect
of the royal house, 3.11:5, court title (Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 47; cf. LÚ GAR-
kín É MÍ.LUGAL, Ug 5 161 (RS 17.325):21, and LÚ a-ba-ra-ku ša MÍ.LUGAL,
Ug 5 159 (RS 20.231):18; LÚ.MÁŠKIM É.GAL PRU 3 112 (RS 15.114):7; MÁŠKIM
É MÍ.LUGAL-ti, Thureau-Dangin Syria 18 1937 248 (RS 8.208):3; Rainey RSP 2
64); mrủ skn m. of the s.: 4.36:3 (for the rdg see Segert UF 15 1983 209); 4.47:2;
4.68:63; 4.69 V 6; 4.99:13; 4.126:23; 4.610 IV 2; 4.837:6; 4.838:14; 2.89:2; npṣm
bd mrỉ skn equipment for the m. of the prefect, 4.92:3 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ mur-
ú LÚ sà-ki-ni, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):9; LÚ.MEŠ mur-ú LÚ MÁŠKIM, PRU 3 146
(RS 16.139):14); for gt sknm, 4.213:3, cf. skn (II); tḥm skn ʕbdk message of the
prefect, your servant, 2.89:2, 2.101:3; ★b) s. of a TN, governor: PN šmʕ rgm skn
qrt PN, auditor, governor, 4.609:10, 11; in bkn ctx.: sk]n qrt, 4.555:4 (cf. rb qrt
“mayor”, 4.141 III 3; LÚ ḫa-(az-)za-nu (URU.KI), PRU 3 84 (RS 16.157):22; PRU 3
86 (RS 16.250):18; PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15; PRU 3 163 (RS 16.348):10); skn TN
4.288:2–5; 4.160:6 (cf. LÚ MÁŠKIM TN, PRU 3 93 (RS 16.244):10; PRU 4 110
(RS 17.28):26; Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):3; LÚ ḫa-za-nu ša TN, Ug 5 26 (RS 20.03):20,
30); ★c) manager, administrator: l PN s̱kn to PN, the administrator, 6.71:1; skn
gt mlkt ủgrt administrator of TN, 2.21:8 (“finca de la Reina de TN”, Cunchillos
UF 13 1981 46; diff. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40 n. 14: rdg skn b!t “prefect of the palace”
(!), but cf. gt mlkt “farmstead of the Queen”, 4.143:1); tḥm skn ʕbdk message of
the administrator, your servant; 4.89:2; ṯṯt ʕmn skn, six on the account / credit
of the prefect, 4.861:9;
in bkn ctx.: ]š skn, 2.54:4; skn[, 4.160:9 (cf. ibid. ln. 6); 4.373:2; ]xy skn, 4.707:4;
mṯlṯm l skn, 4.856:2;
Cf. /s-k-n/, skn (IV).
skn (II) n. m. “stela” (< */s-k(-k) + -n; alt. < /s-k-n/. Akk. šiknu, “das Setzen”,
“Gestalt(ung)”, AHw 1234f.; “shape, structure”, CAD Š/2 4336 ff.; Mari, Emar
Akk. /sikkānu/, /sikkānātu/, /sikkānētu/, “statue, stela”, Pentiuc Vocabulary
156ff.; see NABU 1987/77; NABU 1988/8; Fs. Birot 79ff.; Ebl. zi-ga-na-tum,

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748 skn (iii) – sknt

MEE 4 416; cf. /sikkanātim/ in KUR.KUR6.NA.RÚ = ma-da-ù zi-ga-na-tim (ge.

pl.) NA4.NA4, VE 166a; KUR.KUR6.NA = ma-da-u9 NA4.NA4, VE 166b (Conti
SQF 91); Mari, Emar, Munbāqa: /sikkanu/ (Charpin NABU 19887 77; AfO 40–
41 1993–1994 16f.; Durand NABU 1987/78; Dietrich-Loretz-Mayer UF 21 1989
133ff.; Lackenbacher NABU 1991/2); Hitt. cf. NA4.zi.kin (ḫuwaši) (Durand
NABU 1988/8; Dietrich-Loretz-Mayer UF 21 1989 138). Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín, UF 6 1974 43; Wieder BIJS 2 1974 103ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 175; Dietrich-Loretz MU 64f.; diff. Lipiński UF 5 1973 197f.: “intendant”,
cf. skn (I); Healey UF 11 1979 354f.: “the s.-(care (?)) offering”, cf. *skn; Boda
UF 25 1993 13: “to care for”, Hb. *skn, Can. zukini, cf. /s-k-n/; Margalit 1992 22;
UPA 238: “tomb”); ¶ par.: ztr. ¶ Forms: sg. skn; pl. sknm.
Stela: nṣb skn ỉlỉbh who erects the stela of his family god, 1.17 I 26 and par.
(// ztr. Loretz UF 21 1989 243; Dietrich-Loretz MU 69 ff.); skn d šʕlyt ṯryl
stela that PN offered, 6.13:1; gt sknm “Estate of the Stelae”, 4.213:3; 4.243:7
(cf. É.AN.ZA.GÀR ZI-GA/QA-ni-ma, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):0, 17; cf. Huehnergard
UVST 157; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: *Gittu-sikānīma; cf. skn (I)).
Cf. sknt.
skn (III) n. m. “danger”, “dangerous moment” (JPAram. skn, sknh, “to be in
mortal danger”, “danger”, DJPA 378. Lipiński UF 5 1973 193 f.; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 464f.; Xella TRU 173; Dietrich-Loretz MU 81 ff.; diff. cf.
skn (I), regarding 1.12 II 52); par. ʕdn. ¶ Forms: sg. skn.
Danger, dangerous moment: tbqrn skn let them scrutinise: (there is) danger,
1.78:6 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 60f.; Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 370: diff.
Pardee TR/1 419, 425ff.: “s’enquêteront auprès du gouverneur”, see skn (I));
b skn sknm in the most dangerous moment, 1.12 II 52 (// ʕdn (I); De Moor
ARTU 134 n. 42: “at the crucial time”, Akk. šikin adanni; for a survey cf. Wyatt
RTU 167 n. 34: “danger of dangers”; diff. Del Olmo MLC 485: “frente al(os)
caudillo(s) más distinguido(s)”, cf. šr, ibid. ln. 50–51).
skn (IV) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 29, 185; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 42; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 165).
PN: bn PN, 4.64 V 10. For 4.342:1 cf. skn (I).
Cf. skn (I).
sknt n. f. “form” (< /s-k-n/. Akk. šukuttu, “Ausstattung, Schmuck”, AHw 1266 f.;
“jewelry”, CAD Š/3 237ff. Lipiński UF 5 1973 202ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978
63; UM 75ff.; diff. Van Selms UF 7 1975 574f.: “tended (goat)”, *skn; Caquot-
Sznycer TOu/1 197 n. s: “base”; Margalit MLD 23f.: “chest”, Hb. msknwt; De
Moor-Spronk CARTU 157: “shaped”, Gpass. *skn; Kottsieper UF 18 1986 220:
“Gravur” < *skn “schneiden”; Watson SEL 26 2009 19: “drinking cup”, Mari
Akk. šakku, Eg. skn; id., AuOrS 27 93); ¶ par.: dqt. ¶ Forms: sg. sknt.
Form: sʕ (…) sknt k ḥwt ymản a platter / plate (…), (its) form in the style of
the country of TN, 1.4 I 42 (// dqt).

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śknt – slḫ (i) 749

Cf. /s-k-n/, skn (II).

śknt PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 101).
PN: 4.135:2 (syny; diff. Tropper UF 27 1995 518: “Verwalterin” (?), cf. skn (I); see
McGeough UgET 100 n. 54).
skr n. m. “bolt”, part of a DN (< /s-g-r/. Akk. sikkūru, “Riegel”, AHw 1042; “bar,
bolt”, CAD S 256ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: GIŠ.sú-KU! (QI)-ri, Ug 5 83 (RS 20.146):9; Sivan
GAGL 267; Huehnergard UVST 155f.; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: sg. skr.
Bolt: š <ỉl> sk[r a ram, (the gods of) the bolt, 1.148:42 (cf. DINGIR.MEŠ
GIŠ.SAG.KUL, Ug 5 170 (RS 26.142):2; Nougayrol Ug 5 321 f.; Arnaud SMEA 34
1994 107; but see rdg sr[, Pardee TR/2 781, 784, 786, 804).
Cf. /s-g-r/.
skt, cf. sk (II).
slʕn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 185; Astour CRRA 18 1972 18); ¶ syll.: si-il-
ʔa-nu, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):12 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 227); cf. ZI-il-a(?)-
[na(?)], PRU 3 102 (RS 15.138+):23; cf. Sivan GAGl 267. Cf. TN *Silʕu, Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 399, 403).
PN: bn PN, 4.263:2; 4.714:7; 4.769:15; 4.843:17.
slʕy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 185. Cf. TN *Silʕu, Belmonte RGTC 12/2 399,
PN: bn PN, 4.321:2 (gbly).
slbʕl PN (allog. of Sem. /ṣillī-baʕl-/. Dietrich-Loretz KA 245 f.).
PN: 6.1:1 (b<n?> plsbʕl).
s:śld TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 255: śuladu. Heltzer RCAU 13, 17 n. 47; Astour
RSP 2 307, 364; UF 13 1981 7; Bordreuil Syria 66 1989 272; Van Soldt UBL 11
381; UF 30 1998 732); ¶ syll.: URU sú-la-dV, PRU 3 191 (RS 15.20):3; PRU 4 48
(RS 17.340) obv. 7; PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):24; PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):2; RS 22.233:10
(unpub.: see Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680; Topography 34, 179); Sivan GAGl 267;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680; UF 29 1997 694. ¶ Forms: sld; allog. śld (Segert UF 15
1983 213; Tropper UF 27 1995 505ff.).
TN: sld, 4.610 II 28 (for the rdg cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12, 14); 4.783:6; 4.822:7;
śld, 4.303:3; 4.621:15; 4.800 II 16; 4.821:7.
slg PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 253; Watson AuOr 8 1990 122).
PN: bn PN, 4.12:13.
s:ślgyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 253; Watson AuOr 13 1995 225; AuOrS 27 103;
AuOr 30 2012 337); ¶ syll.: ZU-ul-gi-ia-na, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):10; Van Soldt
SAU 357 n. 224; Huehnergard Syria 74 1997 214.
PN: bn slgyn, 4.93 II 7; bn ślgyn, 4.69 II 6; in bkn ctx.: ]ślgy[n, 4.450:2.
slḫ (I) n. m. / f., material for sacrifice (cf. Akk. salāḫu, St. ist mit Tröpfchen
bedeckt: Leberteil, Eingeweide, AHw 1013; salḫu(m) I, II, “befeuchtet, Bez.
eines Lamms mit noch feuchten Ohren”, “ein Gewand”, AHw 1015; salḫû

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750 slḫ (ii) – slm

mng, unc. in the ctx. of cattle, salḫu A “a garment”; alt. suluḫḫu, sulumḫu,
“a long-fleeced breed of sheep”, CAD S 98f., 371 f. Del Olmo AuOr 7 1989 124;
AuOr 10 1992 151; Del Olmo CR 231 n. 68; diff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979
300: TN; Pardee TR/2 1188: n. c. (?) / TN; for the var. proposals see Watson
LSU 104; UF 41 2009 283). ¶ Forms: sg. slḫ.
Material for sacrifice: slḫ npš ṯʕ one s. and one (piece) of offal, the DN, 1.46:1;
ʕnt slḫ ảp w npš DN, one s., one muzzle and one (piece) of offal, 1.168:9 (diff.
Pardee TR/2 849: TN in the DN: ʕnt slḫ).
slḫ (II) TN village in the kingdom of Ugarit (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 237f.: *Silḫu.
Heltzer RCAU 13; Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (3), 377f., 381; UF 28 1996 680;
UF 30 1998 728); Topography 34, 179f.; ¶ syll.: URU silx(MI)-ḫu/ḫi, PRU 3 189
(RS 11.790):30; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):26; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):7; PRU 4 109
(RS 17.28):26; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):25; SMEA 32 128 (RS 25.455A+) obv. 9 (for
the rdg silx(MI) cf. Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (3)); cf. also GN LÚ si-il-ḫa-na,
PRU 3 38 (RS 15.41):2 and PN sí-il-ḫ[a-na], PRU 3 102 (RS 15.109+):23; cf. Sivan
GAGl 267; Watson AuOr 19 2001 119.
TN: 4.68:16; 4.355:19; 4.365:34; 4.693:42; 4.770:10; 4.800 II 23. For the rdg slḫ in
4.610 II 19 cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12); in bkn ctx.: slḫ[, 4.821:2.
slḫủ TN (a country; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 349f.: *Zalḫu. Astour Or 38 1969 403
n. 5; UF 13 1981 8f.; RSOu 11 59, 67; Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (3); Topography 34,
179f.; diff. Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 26: slḫ (II); Gröndahl PTU 17, 26, 185; Astour
UF 5 1973 38; Xella TRU 116; De Tarragon TOu/2 168 n. 95: PN); ¶ syll.: cf. KUR
sà-al-ḫa, PRU 6 20 (RS 21.201):8; [KUR UR]U sà-al-ḫi, Ug 5 72 (RS 20.242) rev.
2 (cf. KUR.MEŠ sà-al!-ḫi, EAT 126:5; KUR sa-al-ḫi, Emar 6.3 23:3, 14; Emar 6.3
277:6; survey for Alalakh in Belmonte RGTC 12/2 349).
TN. in unc. ctx.: ảḥt slḫủ one (bird (!?)): TN, 1.48:20 (cf. gt ṯrmn, ibid. ln. 19;
Del Olmo CR 70 n. 16).
Cf. ṯlḥḫ.
slḫy PN / GN (<(?) slḫ (II); Belmonte RGTC 12/2 238).
PN / GN: 4.44:31.
sll PN (etym. unc. Cf. TN URU si-il-la-le?, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):5; cf. Van Soldt Fs.
Loretz 778, 780. Gröndahl PTU 65, 185, 253; Watson AuOr 14 1996 102; AuOr
25 2007 133).
PN: 4.114:6.
slm n. m. “staircase” (?) (Hb. slm, “stepped ramp, flight of steps”, HALOT 757f.;
Arab. sullam, “a ladder”, AEL 1416; metath. Syr. sebbeltāʔ, “ladder”, SL 963; Akk.
simmiltu, “Treppe, Stiege”, AHw 1045; “ladder, stair”, CAD S 273ff. De Moor
ARTU 171; diff. Xella TRU 90: DN). ¶ Forms: sg. slm.
Staircase (?), in bkn ctx.: ] l slm, 1.43:21; ỉ[xx]slm, 2.31:40.
Cf. mslmt.

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slmu – smm 751

slmu PN (etym. unc. Benz PNPPI 366: slm).

PN: 4.339:16.
slmz PN bkn(?) (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 253, 426).
PN: in bkn ctx., bn slmz[, 4.335:17.
sln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 185, 253; Astour UF 5 1973 31; Watson AuOr 20
2002 235).
PN: ★a) 4.86:6 (bn ʕṯt[; cf. Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 681); ★b) bn PN, 4.311:14;
slpd PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 133, 186; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 54;
Watson AuOr 25 2007 134).
PN: 4.93 IV 12.
slṯmg PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 253f.; Haas-Wilhelm Or 41 1972 7 n. 23;
Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.147:6; 4.264:4; 4.863:5.
sly PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 185, 253; Watson AuOr 8 1990 122; AuOrS 27
103); ¶ syll.: cf. ZA-al-la-a, PRU 3 119 (RS 16.204):16.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 10.
slyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 185, 253); ¶ syll.: ZA-lu-ya-nu, Syria 18 1937
248 (RS 8.303):21; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279.
PN: 4.35 I 7; 4.760:10.
smd n. m. “bead, pearl” (Eg. smd, “collar bead”, WäS/4 453. Wilson PtL 851;
Watson LSU 21 n. 154: “necklace”; diff. Del Olmo MLC 596: “viña en flor” (?),
Hb. smdr, Syr. smedrāʔ, Akk. samādiru; Aartun UF 17 1985 5 f.: “Berg, Höhe”,
Arab. samada; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 476 n. n: nom de plante, Akk. asmidu,
Aram. sĕmidtā; De Moor NYCI/2 12 n. 29; ARTU 272: “purple (necklace)”, rdg.
sm d; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1313 n. 37: “roten <Wein> des Libanons”, rdg
<yn> sm d lbnn); ¶ par.: mrṯ (I). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr. smd.
Bead, pearl: ʕnq smd lbnn necklace of pearl beads from the Lebanon, 1.22 I 19
(// ṭl. Watson LSU 19, 21: “the gem of Lebanon’s necklace”).
smkt n. f. “height”, “knoll” (Arab. samk, “roof, ceiling, interior uppermost part,
height”, musmakāt, “the heavens”, AEL 1430f. Del Olmo MLC 596; for other
options see Watson LSU 105: “covering”, Hb. śmykh; “grass-covered place”,
Akk. samāku, “soil”, Akk. sumuktu); ¶ RS Akk.: šd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. smkt.
Height, knoll: let her shed (…) b smkt ṣảt npšh in/on the height(s) the
outpouring of her soul, 1.16 I 35 (// b šdm).
smm n. m. “perfume” (Hb. sm, *smm, “spices, fragrant perfumes”, HALOT 759.
Sauren-Kestemont UF 3 1971 214 n. 106; Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 122; Watson
LSU 105: Akk. sammūtu); ¶ par.: ʕṭrṭrt. ¶ Forms: sg. smm.
Perfume: bm nrt k smm (the rain) in the ploughland is like a perfume, 1.16
III 10 (// k ʕṭrṭrt).

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752 smwn – snr (i)

smwn TN or toponymic element (in parallel with several farms. Cf. Zumewa,
Hurr. DN. Van Soldt Topography 35; Watson SEL 28 2011 31).
TN: 4.696:8 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 241).
smyy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 337).
PN: bn PN, 3.19:7; 4.412 III 5; 4.624:4 (Van Soldt SAU 35).
sn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 247; AuOr 13 1995 226).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:15.
snb PN (etym. unc. Muchiki Loanwords 277; Watson AuOr 20 2002 235; AuOr
22 2004 124; AuOr 30 2012 337).
PN: 4.311:3.
Cf. snp.
śnd PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 293f.; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166; Watson
AuOr 22 2004 116).
PN: bn PN, 4.628:7; in bkn ctx.: bn śn[d, 4.415:3.
s(n)drn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 184, 268, 271, 294; Watson AuOr 8 1990
PN: sdrn, 4.374:8; 4.378:5; sndrn, 4.129:7 (Van Soldt SAU 35).
snġr, TN (etym. unc. Watson SEL 28 2011 27).
TN: 2.88:9.
snnt n. f. “swallow”, epithet of the kṯrt goddesses Akk. sinuntu, “Schwalbe”, AHw
1048; “swallow”, CAD S 295f.; Arab. (ảklu-l-) sunûnû, “(mets d’)hirondelles”,
Dozy SDA/1 695; Syr. snonitāʔ, “swallow”, SL 1023. Herrmann YN 6; diff. De
Moor SEL 5 1988 62, 76 n. 10: “gleaming ones”, Arab., Eth. *sny, Arab. masnûn,
Syrian Arab. senanaw, MHb. *snn, sanûn; for a discussion of these and other
opinions cf. Dressler AT 108f.; also Rahmouni AuOr 31 2012 55 ff.: “the radiant
ones”, Arab. sanā). ¶ Forms: pl. snnt.
Swallow: bnt hll snnt the daughters of DN, the Swallows, 1.17 II 27 & par.;
1.24:41 & par.
snp n. m. “?” (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 358: “deux tiers”, Akk. šinip(u);
Watson AuOr 25 2007 134: a plant (?), Akk. sanapu). ¶ Forms: sg. snp.
?, in bkn and ctx.: ] yỉrš snp ln he asks us for a s., 2.81:26.
Cf. snb.
snr (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 239: *Sināru. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour JESHO 13
1970 115; UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 66; Van Soldt UBL 11 381; UF 30 1998 728);
¶ syll.: URU sí-na-ru/i, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):10; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):36;
RS 22.233:9; RS 25.132 III 10; RS 29.100:24 (unpub.: Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680;
cf. Huehnergard UVST 227); Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680; Topography 35, 180;
Watson AuOr 19 2001 119).
TN: 4.68:33 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 680 n. 223); 4.365:35; 4.610 II 20; 4.621:8;
4.693:52; 4.800 II 21; 4.818:3; in bkn ctx.: 4.302:6; 4.622:4; 4.821:3; 4.273:2 (cf.
snr (II)).

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snr (ii) – sp 753

Cf. snr mỉḫd, snry (I), snry (II).

snr (II) PN (etym. unc.; <(?) snr (I), TN. Gröndahl PTU 186; Watson AuOr 8
1990 126f.); ¶ syll.: si-na-ri, PRU 3 95 (RS 16.246):7; sí-na-ru/ra, PRU 3 102
(RS 15.387):14; PRU 3 102ff. (RS 15.109+):5 and passim ibid. (DUMU ZI-gi-na;
cf. Van Soldt SAU 40; s/śnrn, PN); PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):13; PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09)
B II 7; sí-na-a-r[i, PRU 3 38 (RS 16.354):3.
PN: bn PN, 4.432 (II) 7; in bkn ctx.: snr, 4.273:2 (cf. snr (I) (?)); snr[, 4.825 II 25.
Cf. s/śnrn.
snr mỉḫd composite TN “Port-TN” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 239: *Sināru Maʔḫadu;
Van Soldt UBL 11 377f.; Topography 35); ¶ syll.: LÚ.[MEŠ] URU s[í-na-r]i
URU.KAR, PRU 6 71 (RS 17.432):1; LÚ.URU(!).KAR(!) URU sí-na-ri, PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):19; Wesselius UF 15 1983 315; Astour RSOu 11 66; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 681. Cf. mỉḫd, TN).
Composite toponym “Port-TN”: nn ]bnšm b snr mỉḫd nn ]men in “Port-TN”,
4.355:26 (or rdg. (…) b mỉḫd snr (?), see mỉḫd).
s/śnrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 186; Nougayrol PRU 3 101 ff.; Heltzer
GPOTU 132f.; Minos 23 1988 7ff.; Segert UF 15 1983 212; Watson AuOr 8 1990
126f.; Van Soldt SAU 83); ¶ syll.: ZI-na-ra-nu/na, PRU 3 47 (RS 16.150):13;
PRU 3 54 (RS 15.90):5; PRU 3 65 (RS 16.247):5; PRU 3 101 (RS 15.138+):5 (DUMU
ZI-gi-na; Van Soldt SAU 40; snr (II), PN); PRU 3 103 (RS 15.109+):16 and passim
ibid.; PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):13; PRU 3 107 (RS 16.238):4; PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+)
B III 45 (Van Soldt SAU 34).
PN: ★a) snrn, 3.22:4; 4.138:3 (Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.425:14; 4.862:7; ★b) śnrn,
4.619:5; ★c) bn snrn, 4.69 VI 27 (Van Soldt SAU 34); 4.93 III 4; 4.154:3; 4.633:9;
4.761:2 (Van Soldt SAU 34).
Cf. snr (II).
snry (I) GN m. (< snr (I), TN). ¶ Forms: sg. snry; pl. snrym.
GN: PN snry, 4.33:36; snrym, 4.40:14; 4.645:1.
snry (II) PN (etym. unc.; < (?) snry (I), GN. Gröndahl PTU 186).
PN: ★a) 4.55:22; ★b) bn PN, 4.278:10.
snt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 56, 313; Muchiki Loanwords 277: Eg. sȝ.t;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 337).
PN: snt[[b]], 3.4:10 (bt ủgrt).
Cf. sny.
sny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313; Watson AuOr 25 2007 134); ¶ syll.: cf.
ZI-ni-ya, Ug 5 159 (RS 17.86+):3.
PN: bn PN, 4.412 I 29.
Cf. snt, ysny.
sp n. m. “bowl” (Hb., Ph. sp, “bowl”, HALOT 762f.; DNWSI 796; Akk. sappu, ein
Metallgefäss, AHw 1027; a metal object or container, CAD S 166; cf. šappu,

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754 /s-p-ʔ/ – spl

šappatu, ein Tongefäss, AHw 1175; a container, CAD Š/1 477ff.; cf. Hitt. zuppa-,
silbernes Gefäss für Flüssigkeiten, HW 263. Cf. Stieglitz Kadmos 10 1971 110:
Min. su-pu; Watson UF 40 2008 558f.; SEL 26 2009 16: “basket”; AuOrS 27 93);
¶ par.: ỉb (II). ¶ Forms: sg. sp; du. spm; pl. abs. spm; cstr. sp.
Bowl, ★a) ʕpʕph sp ṯrml her pupils are bowls of ṯ, 1.14 VI 30 and par. (// ỉb);
★b) as a gift: (n) sp l bnš tpnr (n) bowls for the personnel of t., 4.44:23, 27 (list
of presents to a Hittite legation); ṯn spm l GN two bowls for the GN, ibid. ln.
22; ṯlṯ spm l PN ảmry three bowls for PN, the Amorite, ln. 32; (n) spm l bnš PN
(n) bowls for the personnel of PN, ibid. ln. 24, 25; (n) spm l PN (n) bowls for
PN, ibid. ln. 29 and passim ibid; in unc. ctx.: l PN (… n) spm for PN: (…), (n) s.,
4.34:3 and passim ibid. (diff. Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 676: rdg. lḥm); PN (n)
sp[ PN: (n) s.[, 4.56:3; sp mry[n? bowls of (the) m. (?), 4.56:6 and passim ibid.;
ảrbʕ spm four bowls, 2.87:6; w spm lh and the bowls are for him, 2.88:26; w
spm ʕdbm and the bowls are ready, 2.88:27 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18
156, 162, rdg. w gpm ʕdbm, 2.88:27: “… et X sont préparées” (un comestible);
also Watson AuOrS 27 95: “basket” (?), Akk. gipû, “date-basket”).
/s-p-ʔ/ vb. G: “to devour, eat, consume”, N: “to be consumed” (Hb. *spʔ > mspwʔ,
“fodder”, HALOT 763; JAram. spy/ʔ, “give to eat”, DTT 1013. Tropper UF 22 1990
389f.; but see De Moor SP 233f.: G. “to feed, to serve”, N. “to eat”); ¶ par.: /k-l-y/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. ỉspả, tspỉ, yspủ, yspỉ; ptc. spủ; inf. spủ, suff. spủy; N.: prefc.
ỉspỉ (?).
G. To devour, eat, consume: tn ảḥd b ảḫk ỉspả give (me) one of your brothers
so I may devour him, 1.6 V 20; tspỉ šỉrh l bl ḥrb it eats its flesh without a knife,
1.96:3; d tỉt yspỉ spủ who have come no doubt to eat, 1.20 II 10; ỉbn yspủ ḥwt
the enemy will consume the land, 1.103:51; spủ ksmh bt bʕl who consumes
his share in the temple of DN, 1.17 I 31 and par. (diff. De Moor-Dijkstra UF 7
1975 177; ARTU 228: “someone to serve”); aḫym ytnt bʕl spủy my brothers you
made into my food, DN, 1.6 VI 11, 15 (// klyy).
N. To be consumed: ảnk ỉspỉ ủṭm I was consumed piece by piece (?), 1.5 I 5
(Cf. Del Olmo IMC 158f.).
spḫy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 186; Watson AuOr 8 1990 122; AuOrS 27 104; AuOr
30 2012 337).
PN: 4.393:14.
spl n. m. “platter, tray” (Cf. Hb. spl, “bowl”, HALOT 764; Akk. saplu, “(Metall-)-
Schale, Schüssel”, AHw 1027; a bowl, CAD S 165; Eg. /s̀ipla/, “Large Drinking
Bowl, Crater”, Hoch SWET 364 (541). Cf. Stieglitz Kadmos 10/2 1971 111: Min.
su-pa3-ru; Xella TRU 129f.; Watson LSU 106, 133; AuOrS 27 93; Tropper-Vita
SEL 27 2010 19ff.; Halayqa UF 40 2008 426: “a small oval jar with narrow neck”,
Hb.-Aram. spl); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 1 sa-ap-lu, PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):8; cf. Huehn-
ergard UVST 157f. ¶ Forms: sg. spl; du. / pl. splm.

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/s-p-r/ – spr (i) 755

Platter, tray: w splm (?) and two platters, 1.104:8; w spl ṯlṯ mảt and a platter,
three hundred (shekels), 3.13:17 (cf. 4.385:3); w ht ṯṯb hn splm well now he has
given back those two platters, 4.817:9, cf. ln. 4.
/s-p-r/ vb. G/D: 1) “to count, number”; 2) “to recite”; 3) “to write, inform in writ-
ing”; 4) “to calculate, reckon”; N: “to be numbered”; Š: “to make (someone)
count” (Hb. [G, N, D], Syr. [D] spr, “make a written record, write, count”,
HALOT 765f.; “to tell, relate”, SL 1035; cf. Akk. šapāru [G, N, Š], “schicken,
schreiben”, AHw 1170; “to send word, a report”, CAD Š/1 430 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.:
šapāru, cf. PRU 6 154; CAD Š/1 432 1.a.7'; 438 2.a.4'; 444 2.b.7'. ¶ Forms:
G/D: suffc. spr, suff. sprhm; prefc. yspr, tspr; inf. spr; ptc. mspr; Š prefc. suff.
G/D. 1) To count, number: tspr yrḫm you shall count the months, 1.17 VI 29;
yṯb dnỉl [ ys]pr yrḫh PN sat down to count her months, 1.17 II 43.
2) To recite: yṯbn yspr l ḫmš l ṣlmm he will go back to recite five times in front
of the statues, 1.23:57; w mspr hnd hwm and the one who recited this is he
himself, 1.179:41.
3) To write, inform in writing: spr ỉlmlk PN wrote (it), 1.6 VI 54; 1.16 VI 59,
cf. 1.4 VIII 49; 1.17 VI 56 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 35 n. 11: Akk. qāti PN
(tupšarru) a/il-ta-ṭar(-šu); Van Soldt UF 20 1988 313 n. 4; cf. Akk. šaṭāru, AHw
1204a; Van Soldt SAU 35ff.; alt. “the scribe (was) PN”, 1.6 VI 53, cf. spr (I);
Dietrich-Loretz UF 4 1972 32; UF 12 1980 388; Del Olmo MLC 235 // Akk.
tupšarru in colophons; possible but less likely: “tablet (?) of PN”, cf. spr (II));
w l ʕṣm tspr you will write about the logs, 2.26:18 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 6 1974 455).
4) To calculate: k sprhm PN thus has PN calculated it, 4.690:18 (Sanmartín
UF 21 1989 340f.; cf. md (II)).
N. To be numbered: tspr b yrdm ảrṣ be numbered among those who down to
the Underworld, 1.5 V 15 and par.
Š. To make (someone) count: ảšsprk ʕm bʕl šnt I will make you count the
years like/with DN, 1.17 VI 28.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: 1.1 II 24; 1.45:2; 4.160:1, 3–4.
Cf. mspr, spr (I), spr (II), spr (III), sprt.
spr (I) n. m. “scribe” (ptc. G < /s-p-r/. Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. s(w)pr, “scribe, sec-
retary”, HALOT 767; DNWSI 798f.; Syr. safrāʔ, “scribe”, SL 1035; Eg. /s̀ōpira/,
“Scribe”, Hoch SWET 364 (540); cf. Akk. šāpiru, “prefect, governor”, AHw
1172f.; “overseer, provincial governor”, CAD Š/1 453 ff.; LB sepīru, “scribe (writ-
ing alphabetic texts)”, AHw 1036; CAD S 225f.); ¶ RS Akk.: DUB.SAR(-rù), cf.
PRU 3 236; PRU 4 264; PRU 6 152; Ug 5 341; PN DUB.SAR KÙ.ZU, PRU 3 77
(RS 16.142):16; LÚ DUB-pu-ša-ru, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):27; cf. lex. l.: DUB.SAR,
A.BA, ÚMBISAG, [Ì].SU = DUB. SAR-rù PRU 3 212 (RS 12.47):12 ff., MSL SS1

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756 spr (ii)

78ff., 182 (texts H, N; C: ṭù-up-šar); cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 78, 368; Van Soldt
SAU 395 n. 34. ¶ Forms: sg. spr; pl. sprm; suff. Sprhm.
Scribe: PN spr you are the scribe, 3.8:23; 4.183 II 29 (Van Soldt UF 20 1988 313
n. 4; Sanmartín UF 21 1989 339); sprm ảrbʕ, the scribes, four, 4.836:20 (see
ibid. ln. 8: LÚ.MEŠ.DUB.ŠAR 4; in bkn ctx.: ]rb spr ḫbb … the scribe / text (of)
PN (?), 1.75:10 (cf. spr (II)).
Cf. /s-p-r/, spr (II).
spr (II) n. m. 1) “tablet / register, list, inventory; in accounting, record of trib-
ute; of instructions”; 2) “writing, document, warrant”; 3) “letter, missive”; 4)
archival note of “reference, matter” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Aram. spr, something
written: “inscription, letter, scroll”, HALOT 766f.; DNWSI 799ff.; cf. Kaufman
AIA 29; Arab. sifr, “book, writing”, AEL 1371; Akk. cf. šipru “mission, missive”,
AHw 1245f.; “commission, report, message”, CAD Š/3 73ff.; “public work”,
PRU 3 229; PRU 6 154); ¶ RS Akk.: ṭuppu, passim; cf. ṭup-pa kán-ka sealed
document, PRU 4 176 (RS 17.345):10; ṭup-pa ša duḫ-làl writing in wax, PRU 6
18 (RS 19.53):23; a-na pí-i ṭup-pí according to the wording of the document,
PRU 3 94 (RS 16.245) obv. 4. ¶ Forms: sg. spr; sprn (encl. -n; see n- (I) 1.b).
1. Tablet: ★a) register, record, list, inventory: passim; spr npš d ʕrb bt mlk
w b spr l št list of the people who have entered to work in the palace but
are not in the register, 4.338:1–3; spr mḏrġlm list of watchmen, 4.33:1; spr
mrynm list of titulars of a war-chariot, 4.322:1; 4.561:1; [spr] ʕbdm list of
servants, 4.320:1 (cf. b TNN, ibid. ln. 2, 8; btwm, ibid. ln. 13; b šdm, ibid. ln.
18); spr rb ʕšrt list of decurions, 4.714:1; spr blblm list of messengers (?),
4.288:1; spr bnš mlk register of the “men of the king”, 4.370:1; 4.141 I 1; 4.144:1;
spr ḥpr bnš mlk register of rations of “men of the king”, 4.609:1; spr bnš
mlk d b TN list of the “men of the king” in TN, 4.367:1; spr mkrm list of
traders, 4.263:1; spr ủšknym list of GN, 4.335:1; spr rʕym list of shepherds,
4.378:1; spr ʕrbnm list of the guarantors, 3.3:1; spr npṣm list of the garments,
4.166:1; spr npṣ PN list of PN’s belongings, 4.385:1; spr npṣ ảny list of naval
equipment, 4.689:1; spr rpš d l ydyt register of latifundia that are (not) barren,
4.348:1, cf. 20; spr ủbdym (b) TN list of lands leased in / of TN, 4.309:1, 4.631:1;
spr šd rỉšym list of farms of the GN, 4.424:1; spr ḥlmm list of fully grown
animals, 1.86:1; spr ḥpr bt register of temple rations, 4.269:1; spr ḫrd list of
the soldier(s), 4.683:1; spr mqd bx[ list of the grazing taxes of [, 4.775:1; spr
npṣ mryn list of the belongings of m., 4.817:1; ★b) of accounting, tribute lists:
spr ḥṯbn sbrdnm account book of the bronze-smiths, 4.337:1; spr ảrgmn špš
record book of the tribute(s) to the “Sun”, 4.610 I 1 (cf. [ṭup-pu an-nu-ú] ša
ma-an-da[-at DINGIR.]UTU-ši, PRU 4 47 (RS 11.732):1); spr ỉrgmn record book
of the tribute, 4.181:1; spr ảrgmnm record of the tributes, 4.369:1; spr ảrgmn
nskm record of the contributions of the smiths, 4.261:1; spr ảkl book of grain

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spr (iii) – spr (iv) 757

accounts, 4.636:1; sprn mnḥ ủd the record of the delivery of payment, 3.10:1
(Bordreuil ALASP 7 4; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 338, sprn, “document”); ★c)
of instructions: spr nʕm śśwm book of instructions about the health of horses,
1.85:1 and par. (Cohen-Sivan UHT 11); spr dbḥ ẓlm record of instructions for
the sacrifice of the spirits, 1.161:1; spr ytnm book of the register of the y., 4.93:1;
spr mḫṣm list of weavers, 4.124:1; spr bdlm list of reserve personnel, 4.134:1;
spr ḥršm list of workers, 4.155:1; spr ḥrš qšt list of assemblers of bows, 4.215:1,
cf. 4.207:1; spr ủpdt register of share-cropping (plots) / leased lands, 4.264:1;
spr mdm list of m., 4.690; s[p]r md ʕṯ[tr]t list of the m. of DN, 4.245:1; spr
ḫrd list of the guards, 4.784:1; spr ksp register of the silver, 3.30:1; in bkn ctx.:
štn[…]b spr, 5.11:19.
2. Writing, document, warrant: nqmd mlk ủgrt ktb spr hnd d tbrrt ṣṭqšlm PN,
king of TN, has written this document of exemption (to the benefit) of PN,
3.12:9; spr mlk royal warrant, ibid. 13; b spr in the document, 1.179:43; b spr
štnn put it in a document, 2.108:14.
3. Letter, written missive, message: lḥt spr tablet of the missive, 2.14:7; mʕnk
w mnm rgm d tšmʕ št b spr ʕmy your reply and anything else that you hear
put into writing for me, 2.10:19 (cf. RS Akk.: i-na ṭup-pí šu-uk-un-ni, PRU 6 18
(RS 19:53):12); k ytnt spr hnd ʕmk when I gave this message (to be delivered)
to you, 2.88:5.
4. Archival note of “reference, matter”: spr TN reference: TN, 4.120:1; spr
synym reference: GN, 6.28:1; spr tbṣr klt bt špš document concerning PN, the
bride, daughter of the “Sun”, 6.24:1 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 379; Dijkstra UF 22
1990 97f.); spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l mlk ủgrt document concerning the landmarks
(?) which the ủ. set up for the king of TN, 6.29:1; spr šảb mq[dšt] document
concerning the water carriers of the sanctuary, 6.25:1 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989
379); spr šmn ảlpm register of ox fat, 4.857:1 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 96).
In bkn ctx.: ]rb spr ḫbb, 1.75:10 (cf. spr (I)); spr[ 4.247:1; 4.427:1; 4.485:1; 4.515:1;
4.574:1; ]spr lm lỉkt, 2.32:3; 4.273:1; 4.627:10; 4.656:1; sprm, 2.62:13; spr šthm,
Cf. /s-p-r/, spr (I).
spr (III) n. m. “number, inventory” (Hb. spr, “calculation”, HALOT 767; cf. Hb.
mspr, “number, quantity”, HALOT 607f.); ¶ par.: hg, mnt. ¶ Forms: sg. spr;
suff. sprhn.
Number, inventory: (there go) ḫpṯ d bl spr “legionaries/legionary” (walk/s)
without number (// hg), 1.14 II 37 and par.; b py sprhn in my mouth (I have)
their inventory (// mnthn), 1.24:45–46.
Cf. /s-p-r/.
spr (IV) n. m. “bronze” (Akkadianism; cf. Akk. siparru, AHw 1048; CAD S 296 ff.;
Eg. /s̀a:iparra/, Hoch SWET 365 (542). Schaeffer Ug 5 726f.; Dietrich-Loretz

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758 sprt – srd

UF 17 1985 401; cf. ṯlṯ (V)); ¶ RS Akk.: ZABAR, passim. Zaccagnini OrAn 9 1970
318 n. 24; PRU 6 157. ¶ Forms: sg. spr; suff. sprn.
Bronze: spr ỉn[ there is no bronze, 2.39:32; sprn ṭhrm ảdm our pure bronze
has already been acquired, 2.39:33 (diff. Pardee CS/3 95: “our scribes”, spr (I);
Ford UF 40 2008 277ff.: “lapis-lazuli”).
sprt n. f. “instruction, prescription” (Akk. šipirtu, “Mitteilung, Anweisung, Brief”,
AHw 1244f.; “legal document, letter, message”, CAD Š/3 65 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg./pl.
Instruction, prescription: dbḥ k sprt sacrifice according to the instruction(s),
1.127:9; mlḥm sprt, (sorts of) salt (according to) prescription, 4.863:20.
Cf. /s-p-r/.
ś:sp/bś:sg n. m., a kind of “glaze” (< Hitt. /zapzagi=/; Neu UF 27 1995 395 ff.;
Polvani SEL 12 1995 155f.; Loretz GAK 546f.; cf. Akk. zabzabgû in lex. l., “eine
Glasur”, AHw 1502; “a glaze”, CAD Z 10. Loretz UF 15 1983 61 ff.; Watson LSU 123;
alt. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 190; Margalit UF 8 1976 166; Spronk Afterlife
152 n. 3; De Moor ARTU 239: “glaze”; Hb. cj. sapsîg, “glaze”, HALOT 765, Hitt.
zapzagai-; Matoïan-Vita UF 41 2009 439: “glaçure, matériau glaçuré”; Tropper
UG 103: “ein glasartiges Material”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976
37ff.: “Schale”, Hitt. zapzakai; Dressler Fs. Craigie 120 ff.: “a (glass-)bowl (of
fluid clay)”, Hitt. zapzagai- or Hb., Ph. sp + Hb. syg, Arab. sawğ. For previous
opinions see Del Olmo UF 11 1979 180 n. 1); ¶ par.: ḥrṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. spsg, var.
sbsg, śpśg; pl. spsgm (for the allog. cf. Segert UF 15 1983 210; Tropper UF 27
1995 509, 514).
A valuable mineral or stone, alt. glaze: ś]pśg ỉqnỉ ś. of violet blue purple (hue),
4.182:8; in the funeral ritual: spsg ysk [l] riš s. will be poured on my head, 1.17
VI 36 (// ḥrṣ); in bkn ctx.: ]w sbsg, 4.205:14; ]xt spsgm, 4.459:4.
spyy PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 122).
PN: [bn] PN, 4.754:19.
/s-r/ vb Gt: “to exult inwardly”, “to talk to oneself with satisfaction” (Arab. sarra,
“to rejoice, experience a dilatation of the heart”, AEL 1337ff. Margalit MLD 69:
“to inwardly exalt”, *srw. Diff. Dahood, RSP 2 28: “to be defiant, rebellious”,
*srr; De Moor SP 169f.: “to hide”, *str; Tropper UG 677, 912: “anvertrauen”,
*srr); ¶ par.: /q-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. ystrn.
Gt. To exult inwardly, to talk to oneself with satisfaction: ystrn ydd b gngnh
may the “beloved” talk to himself with satisfaction in his insides (: inmost
being), 1.4 VII 48 (// yqrả. Alt. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 651: “that he may inform
the Beloved in his insides”).
srd PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 186; Watson AuOr 22 2004 116); ¶ syll.: cf.
sí-ir-da-ya, PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):3.
PN: bn PN, 4.12:5.

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srdnn – srwd 759

srdnn n. m. a type of projectile or missile (typical of the GN *srdn (?). Cf. TN

*sard- [hē Sardianē] in Mysia; cf. Eg. šrdn, “Name eines der Mittelmeervölk-
er”, WäS/4 529 [Gk sardonios, Gardiner AEO 1 194*]. Rainey SS 180 n. 121;
Helck BABA 134 [sardin]; Vita EU 69f.; cf. RS Akk.: PN LÚ še-er-da-n[a],
PRU 4 234 (RS 17.112):6; no connection with šrtn [cf. infra: ṯrtn]; its connec-
tion with EA Akk. širdanū, EAT 81:16; 122:35; 123:15 presents problems; cf.
Moran LEA 605; Watson LSU 106; NABU 2013/30 n. 14: Aram. zrd, “a hard
reed”). ¶ Forms: pl. srdnnm.
A type of projectile or missile: ủṯpt srdnnm quiver for (projectiles) s., 4.204:3,
5–12 (cf. ủṯpt ḥẓm quiver for arrows, ibid., ln. 1, 2, 4).
srn n. m., “prince” (Hb. *srn, “governor”, HALOT 770. De Moor ZAW 88 1976 332;
Aartun UF 17 1985 6; for a possible IE (Anatolian) etymology cf. Garbini Fs.
Leslau 1 516ff.; diff. Watson LSU 106: “cup”, Akk. surru, but see p. 146: “king”;
survey: id., AuOrS 27 96). ¶ Forms: pl. srnm.
Prince: yn srnm wine of princes, 1.22 I 18; in bkn ctx.: srnm, 1.147:10.
s/śrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 34, 293, 411; Huehnergard UVST 245 n. 139;
Watson AuOr 13 1995 226; AuOr 14 1996 102; Tropper UF 27 1995 523); ¶ syll.:
ZU-ra-nu/na, 195 (RS 15.09A) 9; 196 (RS 15.42+) II 26; 202 (RS 16.257+) IV
PN: ★a) srn, 4.39:3; 4.263:7; ★b) śrn, 4.225:11; ★c) bn srn, 4.63 I 42; ★d) bn śrn,
4.75 III 2; 4.366:12; 4.371:22.
srp PN (etym. unc.; Watson AuOr 21 2003 247; AuOr 30 2012 337).
PN: bn PN, 3.17:6.
/s-r-r/ vb G: “to set, sink, hide” (Hb. swr, srr, “to turn aside”, “abandon”, HALOT
747ff.). ¶ Forms: G inf. cst. srr.
G. To set: b srr špš at the setting of the Sun, 1.24:3 (cf. sġsġ).
Cf. srr.
srr DN, second element of the DN ngh w srr (< (?) /s-r-r/. De Moor UF 2 1970
315: Arab. sarar, “the last night of the lunar month”; Xella TRU 220).
DN: ngh w srr, 1.123:12 (“dawn and sunset” (?), followed by šḥr w šlm ln. 11 as
a variant name (?)).
Cf. /s-r-r/.
srt PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 293; Hess UF 17 1985 161); ¶ syll.: sú-ra(-a)-te, Ug 5
41 (RS 21.183):13, 17.
PN: bn PN, 4.75 VI 7; 4.90:2; in unc. ctx., ] ksp srt tlṯ, 4.197:18.
srty PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 293).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 13.
srwd PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 268, 291); ¶ syll.: sà-ar-wa-an-di, PRU 3 72
(RS 16.371):4; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 115 n. 63.
PN: bn PN, 4.309:14.

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760 ss – s:śs/św

ss PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 186, 250; Watson AuOr 8 1990 122); ¶ syll.:
cf. ZA-as-si, PRU 4 230 (RS 18.01) seal; su-su, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):18; cf.
Huehnergard UVST 227.
PN: bn PN, 4.75 III 9.
Cf. šš.
ssg PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 250; Watson AuOr 8 1990 122).
PN: 4.63 I 36.
ssl PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 545; Gröndahl PTU 223, 250;
Watson AuOr 14 1996 102; AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30 2012 337); ¶ syll.: cf. ZU-UZ-
ZU-ul(-lu/li), PRU 4 202 (RS 18.20+):1, 2, obv. 6.
PN: 4.15:6.
Cf. ššl.
ssm element in PNN, cf. ʕbdssm, bnssm.
ssn (I) n. m. “date-palm branch” (Cf. Akk. sissinnu, “Dattel- rispe(nbesen)”, AHw
1051; “date spadix”, CAD S 325ff.; Hb. *snsnh, “panicle of the date”, HALOT 761;
Astour JNES 27 1968 25; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 124; Young UF 11
1979 842f.); ¶ par.: ʕrʕr. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ssnm (encl. -m).
Date-palm branch: ssnm ysynh with the date-palm branch he lashed it,
1.100:66 (// ʕrʕrm).
ssn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 187, 250; Vargyas UF 13 1981 174 n. 56;
Watson AuOrS 27 104; AuOr 30 2012 337).
PN: 4.153:11.
sst PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. sà-as-sá-at, PRU 4 239 (RS 17.232):15.
PN: 4.63 I 14.
śst n. f. “baseboard, floor (of a chariot)” (?) (Akk. sassu, “Basis, Boden”, AHw 1032;
“floorboard of a chariot”, CAD S 195. Tropper UF 27 1995 515; Loretz UF 36
2004 216 n. 56: “wahrscheinlich … das Bodenbrett eines Streitwagens”; diff.
De Moor Frustula 362: “horse-fodder”, Akk. sisatu; Segert UF 15 1983 206, 211:
“(two) horse(s)”, but cf. Ug. ssw; Loretz HippUg 52 ff.: “zwei Stuten” / “zwei
Bodenbretter (eines Wagens)” / “zwei Gegenstände aus Holz”; see Watson
LSU 106 for the var. options). ¶ Forms: du. (?) śstm.
Baseboard, floor (of a chariot) (?): śstm b šbʕm two baseboards (?) for seventy
(shekels), 4.158:6.
s:śs/św n. m. “horse” (Hb., Ph. s(w)s, “horse”, HALOT 746; DNWSI 795; OAram.
swsh/ ʔ, DNWSI 795; Nab., Palm. swsyʔ, “horse, mare”, DNWSI 795; Syr. sūsyāʔ,
“horse”, SL 984; EA Akk. sūsu, “horse”, Rainey EAT 89; Sivan GAGl 268; Akk.
sisû, OAss. sisium, sisāʔum, “Pferd”, AHw 1051 f.; “horse”, CAD S 328–336; Eg.
ssm.t, “Pferd”, WäS/4 276f.; cf. Ebla SU.SUM6 = su-su-um, MEE 4 96 II 4 f.;
Civil Biling. 93; cf. IE *ekuo, OInd. áśva-ḫ, Av. aspa-, OPers. asa-, “Pferd”,
Pokorny IEW 301f.; cf. Emar PN su-sí-a-e, Wiseman-Hess UF 26 1994 506;

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śśw – sswt 761

Ivanov Fs. Cotsen 155. Segert UF 15 1983 210f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983

301f.; Tropper UF 27 1995 514f.; Heltzer GPOTU 22; Loretz HippUg 28 ff.);
¶ RS Akk.: ANŠE.KUR.RA(.MEŠ), passim, cf. PRU 3 217; PRU 6 155; Huehn-
ergard AkkUg 374; É.ḪI.A ANŠE.KUR.RA, PRU 3 80 (RS 16.239):21; CAD S 334.
¶ Forms: sg. śśw; f. śśwt (cf. śśwt); cstr. śśw; pl. sswm, śśwm; cstr. śśw; du. (?)
Horse, ★a) ảsr sswm they harnessed the horses, 1.20 II 3; mlk bʕly lm škn hnk
l ʕbdh ảlpm śśwm the king, my lord, why have you assigned your servant
this, the two thousand horses?, 2.33:24 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
457; Pardee AfO 31 1984 215); tmġyy hn ảlpm śśwm hnd these two thousand
horses must arrive here, 2.33:32 (Cunchillos AuOr 1 1983 162); cf. in unc. ctx.:
ảlpm śśwm, ibid. ln. 38; śśwm nʕmm (two (?)) good horses, 2.45:17, 19; in bkn
ctx.: (health) l ỉnšk l ḥwtk [l śśw]k l mrkbtk to your court, your country, your
[horses], your chariots, 2.81:8 (cf. ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-ka GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ka
ù ma-ti-ka, EAT 2:5; Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 356f.); k yrảš śśw if the
horse tosses its head, 1.85:18, 30 and par. (Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 234); k
ḫr śśw if the horse has diarrhoea, 1.85:5, 7 (Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 232); k
l yḫrủ w l yṯtn śśw if the horse neither defaecates nor urinates, 1.85:9 and
par.; k yỉḫd (/ ảḫd) ảkl śśw if the horse tends to get bloated with barley (/
has become bloated with barley), 1.72:16, 21 and par.; 1.85:12, 15; k ygʕr śśw
if the horse roars, 1.85:2; 1.72:27; w hm yhpk śśw rgm and when the horse
alters (its) whinny, 1.86:7 (cf. Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258); śśw
PN horses of PN, 4.384:1 (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 101); śśw DN
the horse of DN, 1.86:6, in unc. ctx.; śśw ršp / mlk ʕṯtrt the horses of DN,
4.790:16, 17; ★b) ṯlṯ sswm mrkbt charioteers of a chariot, 1.14 III 24 and par.
(Del Olmo IMC 177ff.; Vervenne UF 19 1987 361 ff.; diff. Loretz HippUg 31 ff.:
“Kupfer, Pferde, Wagen”); ṯryn śśwm protective padding of the horses, 4.169:5;
ḫpnt śśwm protective padding for horses, 4.363:4, 7; tšʕm ṯq ṯn kbd l sdnt śśwm
ninety-two ṯ. for s. of horse, 4.595:2; ʕšrm ṣmd śśw twenty pairs of horses,
4.427:23; cf. śśw, ibid. ln. 22; l mzl śśwm for the m. of the horses, 4.863:9; ảkl
l śśwm fodder for the horses, 4.863:21; mḫr sswm price of the / two horses,
4.867:3; in bkn ctx. 4.398:4; 4.323:5; 4.398:4; 4.470:2; 4.528:1; 4.582:3; 4.589:1;
4.650:1; 7.227:3.
Cf. sswt.
śśw elem. in bkn PN (< s/śs/św. Gröndahl PTU 187).
PN: śśw[ : 4.391:14.
sswt n. f. “mare” (< f. of śśw. Hb. swsh, “mare”, HALOT 746; OAram. ssyh, DNWSI
795; Akk. cf. MÍ.ANŠE.KUR.RA rdg (?) *sisītu, “Stute”, AHw 1050; “mare”, CAD
S 333: sīsû 1.l. Loretz UF 10 1978 440f.; HippUg Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 302).
¶ Forms: pl. sswt.

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762 st/mḫ – synn

Mare: PN rp sswt one responsible (?) for the mares, 6.63:3 (Dietrich-Loretz
UF 15 1983 302; Akk. rabi sisî, AHw 938; CAD S 335 f.; Loretz HippUg 51 f.:
“Stute(n)” (?)).
Cf. s/śs/św.
st/mḫ PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 226).
PN: bn PN: 4.769:61 (rdg unc.).
strn PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: 4.7:14.
stry PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 13 1995 226; AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: 3.28:14; 3.29:21; in bkn ctx.: str[: 4.86:20.
s/św PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 293; Segert UF 15 1983 212; Tropper UF 27 1995
523); ¶ syll.: ZU-(ú-)wa, PRU 3 112 (RS 15.126):4; 196 (RS 15.42+) II 11; cf.
ZU-wa-ZU-wa, PRU 4 232 (RS 17.252):13; Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):36.
PN: ★a) sw, 4.635:32 (ảḏddy); ★b) bn św, 4.342:3.
s/śwn PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 293; Segert UF 15 1983 212; Tropper UF 27 1995
523f.); ¶ syll.: ZU-a/wa-na, PRU 4 233 (RS 17.252):20; PRU 6 86 (RS 19.82) I 3;
PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):15; Ug 5 81 (RS 19.182):36; cf. ZU-a-nu-a-nu, PRU 6 77
(RS 19.32):3.
PN: ★a) swn, 4.80:9 (qrty); 4.281:15; 4.295:12 (qrty); 4.417:6 (qrty); ★b) śwn,
4.631:3; 4.648:24 (qrty; Van Soldt SAU 102, 151); ★c) bn śwn, 3.29:14; in bkn ctx.:
]swn, 4.433:5.
swr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 34, 205, 256; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 165).
PN: 4.39:5 (b[n).
swy PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 293); ¶ syll.: cf. ZU-wa-ia, Astour CRShT 23 (RS
[Varia 10]) obv. 4.
PN: bn PN, 4.628:3.
sy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: in erased text: bn sy[[n]], 4.700:9.
syn TN, city-state to the south of Ugarit (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 240 f.: *Siyānnu.
Astour RSP 2 306f., 363; UF 11 1979 13ff.; Watson UF 22 2004 124; Van Soldt
UF 29 1997 700f.); ¶ syll.: (KUR) / (URU) sí-ia(-an)-ni/na(ki), PRU 4 71 ff.
(RS 17.335+):4–6 and passim; PRU 4 76ff. (RS 17.368) 2, 5, rev. 9; PRU 4 80 ff.
(RS 17.382+):4, 6 and passim; PRU 4 161ff. (RS 17.341) 4 and passim; PRU 4 217
(RS 17.143):18, 23; PRU 4 230 (RS 17.123):25; PRU 4 230 (RS 18.01):11, 15; PRU 4 284
(RS 19.68):10, 16; PRU 6 45 (RS 118.21):8; Ug 5 44 (RS 20.219):14; KUR si-i15-a-ni,
PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):26; RS 22.419:2; RS 24.273:10, 17 (both unpub.; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 240); cf. Sivan GAGl 267; Huehnergard UVST 227.
TN: 4.382:34; in bkn ctx.: 4.430:3.
Cf. syny, synn.
synn PN (< syny, GN. Gröndahl PTU 27, 184f., 303).

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syny – s:śzn 763

PN: bn PN, 4.7:15; 4.103:50; 4.309:19; 4.371:21.

syny GN m. (< syn, GN). ¶ Forms: sg. syny; pl. synym.
GN: PN syny, 4.135:2; spr synym reference: GN, 6.28:2 (on archive label).
syr TN (etym. unc.).
TN: w ht mlk syr ns and now, the king has fled to TN, 2.40:14.
śz PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 291; Tropper UF 27 1995 524); ¶ syll.: cf. ZU-ZU,
RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) e. 3; cf. SU-SU, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):18.
PN: 3.17:8 (bn pls).
s:śzn PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 291; Segert UF 15 1983 212); ¶ syll.: cf. DUMU
ZU-ZI-na, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) I 10.
PN: ★a) śzn (ḫbty), 3.10:3; ★b) bn szn, 4.77:29; 4.93 I 12; ★c) bn śzn, 4.432 (II) 9.
Cf. ṣṣn, ẓẓn.

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ṣỉn (I) n. f. “ewe, small cattle”, coll. “ewe(s), flock of sheep, sheep” (cf. Hb., Ph.
ṣʔn, “flocks”, “sheep, goat”, HALOT 992f.; “small cattle, sheep”, DNWSI 954;
EA Akk. LU.LU.MEŠ ṣú-ú-nu, EAT 263:12; “sheep, sheep and goats”, CAD Ṣ
248; Sivan GAGl 270; cf. pre-Sarg. Ebla and Mari MN Za-ʔà-na(-at), Za-ʔà-tum,
Gelb MR 137f., 142; Akk. ṣēnu, “Schafe”, AHw 1090 f.; “flock of sheep and goats”,
CAD Ṣ 128ff.; Arab. ḍaʔn, “sheep”, AEL 1760. Sasson RSP I 440 f.; Avishur UF 7
1975 33f.; De Tarragon CU 33); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. UDU.ḪI.A/MEŠ, passim; cf.
PRU 3 217; Huehnergard AkkUg 406; Sanmartín BSA 7 1993 202f.); ¶ par.: mrủ
(I) (+ ảl (III)). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣỉn; suff. ṣỉnk, ṣỉnh (?).
Ewe, small cattle; coll. ewe(s), sheep / ovine flock: (nn) ṣỉn (nn) ewes, 4.786:6
and passim in admin. text.; ṭbḫ ảlp ảp ṣỉn they butchered bulls and also ewes
(coll.), 1.22 I 12 and par. (// mrỉ ỉlm); ṣỉn mrảt (flock of) fattened ewe(s), 4.128:2;
[tṭ]bḫ šbʕm ṣỉn she butchered seventy ewes, 1.6 I 22; as sacrificial victim ṯmn
l ṯlṯm ṣỉn thirty-eight ewes, 1.105:4 (cf. 1.43:7; 1.49:5; 1.106:13, 29); b ṯlṯ PN ʕšr ṣỉn
(day) three: PN, ten ewes, 4.616:2 (cf. ibid. ln. 2–16: ʕšr, ḫmš, 1); PN w ảṯth w bnh
w ṯn ảlpm w ṯlṯt ṣỉn and his wife and his sons and two head of cattle and thirty
ewes, 4.295:14; cf. (…) w ảlp w ʕšr ṣỉn (…) and a head of cattle and ten ewes,
ibid. ln. 17; (…) w ảlp w ṯmn ṣỉn (…) and one head of cattle and eight ewes,
ibid. ln. 2, and in bkn ctx.: w šbʕ ṣỉnh and his seven ewes, 4.417:18; w ṯṯm ṣỉn
and sixty ewes, 4.80:20, cf. 4.127:9; tšʕ ṣỉn b tšʕt ksp nine ewes for nine shekels,
4.337:22, cf. ʕšr ṣỉn b ṯṯt w kmsk ten small (head of) cattle for six shekels and a
k., 4.341:9 (Heltzer GPOTU 21); ʕšrm dd l ṣỉn m[rả]t twenty “cauldronsful” for
the flock that is fattened, 4.796:10; ḫmš ṣỉn five ewes, 4.811:7; in unc. ctx.: mủd
ṣỉn, 1.5 III 22–23; w ṣỉn ʕz, 1.86:14; ṣỉnk, 2.82:7 (Pardee AfO 31 1984 221, 223: rdg
ṣʕnk < Arab. *ṣ:ḍʔʕ (sic): “your pain” (?)); PN (…) w šbʕ ṣỉnh[, 4.417:18.
ṣỉn (II) PN (Sem.).
PN: bn PN, 4.389:10.
ṣảt “issue” (nom. form < /y-ṣ-ʔ/. Hb. ṣʔt, “coming out”, HALOT 425: yṣʔ); ¶ par.:
ḫp (+ ym); cf. mh/y, ql (I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ṣảt.
Issue: said of the sun, ṣảt špš east, rising sun, 1.3 II 8 and par. (// ḫp ym); said
of the lips ṣảt špth, 1.4 VII 30, 32 (// qlh); said of the effusion of the soul ṣảt
npšh, 1.16 I 35 (// mmh).
ṣʕ (I) n. m. “plate / wide bowl / platter” (Emar Akk. /ṣāʕtu/, a vessel, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 162; OAram. ṣʕ, “plate, dish”, DNWSI 971; JAram. ṣwʕh, ṣʕʔ, “plate,
dish”, DTT 1268, 1293; cf. Arab. ṣāʕ/ṣawʕ, ṣuwāʕ, a certain measure, a vessel,
AEL 1746; Eth. ṣǝwwāʕ, “cup, goblet”, CDG 566. De Moor SP 96; Watson UF 40
2008 559; AuOrS 27 93f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /ṣaʕ-/ in A.ŠÀ(.ḪI.A/MEŠ)

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ṣʕ (ii) – ṣbủ (i) 765

ṣa(-a)-i and var., cf. PRU 3 35 (RS 15.182):5; PRU 3 118 (RS 15.155):5; passim; cf.
Sivan GAGl 268; Huehnergard UVST 170; Van Soldt SAU 331 n. 159; UF 28 1996
683; cf. ṣʕ (II); ¶ par.: bšr, ks. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣʕ.
Plate / wide bowl / platter: yd b ṣʕ tšlḥ they stretched (their) hand to the
plate, 1.15 IV 24 and par. (// bšr); hm šbʕ ydty b ṣʕ and seven are the portions
in my plate, 1.5 I 21 and par / ks); yṣq šmn šlm b ṣʕ “virgin oil” was poured into
a plate, 1.3 II 32 and par., cf. 1.16 III 1; ṣʕ rgbt platter of “respect”/ ceremonial
platter, 1.112:4; ṣʕ ỉl divine platter / plate, 1.4 I 41; in bkn ctx.: ]št b ṣʕ, 1.170:8;
]ṣʕ[, 1.22 I 28.
Cf. ṣʕ (II).
ṣʕ (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 246: *Ṣāʕu 2; cf. ibid. 399: Flurname im Reich
von Ugarit; Fs. Sanmartín 43. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 11 1979 19f.; Van
Soldt UBL 11 380; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 38, 181); ¶ syll.: URU ṣa-ʔi, PRU 6
78 (RS 19.41):13; bkn [URU ṣ]-u2, PRU 3 191f. (RS 11.841):8; Sivan GAGl 268;
Huehnergard UVST 246; cf. the element /ṣaʕ-/ in ṣʕ (I); Van Soldt UF 28 1996
683; Zadok Fs. Röllig 451.
TN: 4.48:5; 4.68:4; 4.346:4; 4.380:14; in bkn ctx.: 4.685:3; 4.693:29 (Bordreuil
UF 20 1988 17f.: rdg [ṣ]ʕ); 4.800 I 33.
ṣʕq TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 245: *Ṣaʕqu. Heltzer RCAU 13; Astour UF 13 1981
7; RSOu 11 64; Van Soldt UBL 11 375, 377, 380; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 38,
181f.); ¶ syll.: URU ṣa-ʔ-qu, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):11; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):11'; in
bkn ctx.: URU ṣa-qi-[x], Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):11 (collation: Van Soldt UF 28 1996
683 n. 250); cf. Sivan GAGL 268; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 683.
TN: 4.6:4; 4.48:4; 4.68:58; 4.365:15; 4.380:15; 4.685:4; 4.693:15; 4.770:19; 4.793:10;
4.800 II 38.
ṣʕṣ n. m. “terror, agitation” (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. ṣaʕṣaʕa, “to shake”, ṣaʕṣaʕa
bihim al-dahru, “fate has scattered them”, Hava 396. De Moor-Spronk UF 16
1984 244; Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 251 n. 17; diff. Caquot TOu/2 67 n. 193:
“piailleur”, Arab. ṣaʕṣaʕa); ¶ par.: ḫrp, mʕmʕ. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣʕṣ.
Agitation (?): bnt ṣʕṣ creature(s) of terror, agitation (?), 1.82:18, 41, the name
of certain demons (// ḫrp, mʕmʕ).
ṣbủ (I) n. m. “army, militia, troops, soldiers”; “crew” (Hb. ṣbʔ, “military ser-
vice, troops”, HALOT 994ff.; OSA ḍbʔt, “troops”, SD 40; Eth. ṣabāʔi(t), “army,
troops”, CDG 544; Akk. ṣābu / ṣabūm, “Leute, Persone(n), Soldate(n)”, AHw
1072; “group of people, army”, CAD Ṣ 46ff.); Eg. /ṣābiʔu/, “Troops, Army”,
Hoch SWET 382 (573)); ¶ RS Akk.: ÉRIN(.MEŠ/ME), passim; [ÉR]IN = ṣa-
a-b[u], Ug 5 135 (RS 21.62):21; cf. PRU 3 235; PRU 4 262; PRU 6 151; Ug 5
340, 350; KTU 4.68:79; 4.100:10; 4.704:11; 4.841:73; Huehnergard AkkUg 393;
¶ par.: ʕdn (II), ġzr, mhr. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣbủ, ṣbỉ, suff. ṣbủk; pl. ṣbỉm, cstr.

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766 ṣbủ (ii) – ṣbt

★a) Army, militia, troops, soldiers: ṣbủk ủl mảd your army (will be) an
immense force, 1.14 II 35 and par. (cf. EA Akk. mādu ṣābūka, ṣābūm
mādumma; cf. Watson LSU 10); ṣbủ ṣbỉ ngb the largest army (lit.: the army
of the armies) of victualling, 1.14 II 33 (// ʕdn), cf. ṣbả, 1.14 IV 14; ṯʕr ṯlḥnt l
ṣbỉm she prepared tables for / like (as they were) soldiers, 1.3 II 22 (// l mhr, l
ġzrm); ršp ṣbỉ DN of the army / militia, 1.91:15; ★b) ship’s crew: ṣbủ ảnyt crew,
4.40:1 and passim ibid. (RS Akk.: ÉRIN.MEŠ GIŠ.MÁ, PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46:20;
ÉRIN.MEŠ ma-la-ḫe-e, Ug 5 33 (RS 20.212):22; cf. Heltzer IOKU 111); in bkn ctx.:
l ṣbỉm, 1.7:5.
ṣbủ (II) n. m. “setting”, said of the sun (nom. form < */ṣ/ḍ-b-ʔ/. Del Olmo IMC
173ff.; Margalit RB 89 1982 423ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 76f.; Renfroe
AULS 149f.; diff. Levine RB 88 1981 249: “to rise (sun)”, *ṣbʔ, Hb. ṣbʔ, Arab.
ṣabaʔa; Tropper UG 310, 331f.; Pardee TR/1 199: “sortie, lever (du soleil)”; but
see Wyatt UF 33 2001 701; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 573f.); ¶ par.: ʕrb (I), mʕrb
(II), tgh. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣbủ, ṣbỉ, ṣbả, ṣb{ỉ}ả.
Setting: ṣbủ špš sunset / setting of sun, 1.41:47 and par. (// ʕrb); ṣbả rbt špš at
the setting of “the Great Lady”, DN, 1.16 I 36 and par., cf. 1.15 V 19: ṣb{ỉ}ả (//
tgh, ʕrb); ṣbỉ nrt ỉlm špš at the setting of DN, “Lantern of the gods”, 1.19 IV 47
(// mʕrb).
ṣbr n. m., type of field (?) or special farming system, “communal plot” (?)
(etym. unc. Cf. Eth. ṣabara, “to knead clay”, CDG 546; and Arab. ṣabbār,
ṣubbārat, “a stony track”, AEL 1646; cf. ṣbrt, infra. Cf. Watson SEL 24 2007
45ff.; McGeough UgET 258 n. 109); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. A.ŠÀ(.MEŠ): ṣí-ib-bi-ri,
PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):6 (// A.ŠÀ PN, A.ŠÀ: kan-na-pí-ya); PRU 3 83 (RS 16.157):7
(i-na ÌD Ra-aḫ-ba-ni); A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A PN (…) ša i-na A.ŠÀ.ḪI.A ṣi(-ib)-bi-ri, PRU 6
55 (RS 18.22):19 and passim ibid.; Nougayrol PRU 6 146; Rainey IOS 3 1973
40; Heltzer RCAU 69ff.; OLP 8 1977 47ff.; Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard
UVST 169f.; Van Soldt SAU 306. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣbr; pl. ṣbrm.
Type of field (?) or special farming system, communal plot (?): ṯn ṣbrm b TN
two ṣ. in TN, 4.375:1; ṣbr ảḥd b TN one ṣ. in TN, ibid. ln. 3–11; in bkn ctx.: gt
ṣbr[, 4.400:2 (cf. syll. Ug.); km ṣq ṣbr[, 1.82:25 (Watson Historiae 4 2007 100):
“sparrow” (?), Akk. ṣibāru).
ṣbrt n. f. “clan, community” (< */ṣ-b-r/. Hb. ṣbr, “heap”, HALOT 999; JAram.
ṣbwrʔ, “congregation”, DTT 1274; Arab. ṣubrat, “a quantity collected together”,
AEL 1645. Heltzer RCAU 76f.; diff. Watson SEL 24 2007 48; LSU 106: “house-
hold staff”, Akk. ṣub/pāru, ṣubrum, ṣupru, “slave(s)”; Watson Historiae 10 2013
20f.); ¶ par.: bn (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣbrt.
Clan, community: w ṣbrt ảryh and the clan of her kin, 1.6 I 40–41 and par. (//
ṣbt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.858:13.

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*/ṣ/ḍ-b-ṭ/ – */ṣ-d-q/ 767

Cf. mṣbṭ.
ṣbṭn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: bn PN,4.807:14.
/ṣ-d/ vb G:1) “to hunt”; 2) “to scour, comb”, “to traverse” (Hb. ṣwd, “to hunt”,
HALOT 1010; OAram. ṣyd, “to hunt”, DNWSI 966; Akk. ṣādu, “umherjagen, sich
drehen”, AHw 1073; “to prowl, make one’s rounds”, CAD Ṣ 57ff.; Arab. ṣāda, “to
take, capture, hunt”, AEL 1752f. De Moor UF 1 1969 174); ¶ par.: /h-l-k/, /š-r/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. ảṣd, tṣd, tṣdn, yṣd; inf. ṣd; act. ptc. f. ṣwdt (?).
G. 1) To hunt: ht tṣdn tỉnṯt perhaps now women devote themselves to hunt-
ing?, 1.17 VI 40; km tdd ʕnt ṣd while DN rushed to hunt, 1.22 I 11 (// tštr); ỉl šd
yṣd the god of the steppe who hunts, 1.108:12 (diff. KTU rdg šdy ṣd); lk tlk b
ṣd[ you go on a hunt (?), 1.18 I 27; in bkn ctx.: ảlmdk ṣ[d I shall teach you to
hunt, ln. 29; ʕṯtrt ṣwd[t DN, the huntress, 1.92:2 (Dijkstra UF 26 1994 116; diff.
Margalit AuOr 7 1989 75: “[went a-]hunting”, rdg ṣwd[.tṣd]).
2) To scour, comb, traverse: ảp ʕnt ttlk w tṣd also DN scoured and combed, 1.5
VI 25f.; w tṣd kl ġr and combed the whole mountain, 1.5 VI 26 and par.; tṣdn
pảt mdbr they scoured the edges of the desert, 1.23:68; ản ỉtlk w ảṣd I scoured
and combed, 1.6 II 15; bʕl ytlk w yṣd DN went and combed, 1.12 I 34; tlkm rḥmy
tṣd[ DN began to go, traverse[, 1.23:16; ʕnt w ʕṯtrt tṣdn DN and DN scour(ed),
Cf. mṣd (I), ṣd (I), ṣd (II).
ṣd (I) n. m. “hunt, game” (< /ṣ-d/. Hb. ṣyd, “game”, “sustenance for a journey,
food”, HALOT 1020f.; Pun. ṣd, “game” (?), DNWSI 959: zbḥ ṣd, “sacrifice of
game” (?); Syr. ṣaydāʔ, “hunting”, “food, game”, SL 1284; Arab. ṣayd, “game,
chase”, AEL 1753); ¶ par.: mṣd. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣd, suff. ṣdk.
Hunt, game: prʕm ṣdk the firstfruits of your hunt, 1.17 V 37–39; ỉl dbḥ b bth
mṣd ṣd b qrb hklh DN offers a feast of game in his house, of hunting within
his palace, 1.114:1 (Cathcart-Watson PIBA 4 1980 36, 41, 44; diff. Dietrich-
Loretz Studien 411, 418ff.: “verpflegen, bereiten”, *ṣyd (II), Akk. ṣadû; Tropper
UG 648: “zu essen geben”; but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 167).
Cf. /ṣ-d/, ṣd (II).
ṣd (II) n. m. “roamer, with no fixed abode” (?) (< /ṣ-d/. Akk. ṣāʔidu, “herumja-
gend, ruhelos”, AHw 1075; “foraging, prowling”, CAD Ṣ 65 f.). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣd.
Roamer, with no fixed abode (?): PN ṣd b TN roamer in TN, 4.408:5 (cf. Alal.
/ Bog. Akk.: PN LÚ ṣāʔidu, AHw 1075: ṣāʔidu(m) 3).
Cf. /ṣ-d/.
ṣdkn, cf. ṣdqn.
Cf. ảbṣdq, ảdnṣdq, ỉlṣdq, bʕlṣdq, ṣdq (I) ṣdq (II) ṣdqỉl, ṣdqm, ṣdqn, ṣdqšlm,
ṣdqy, yḥṣdq.

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768 ṣdq (i) – ṣdt

ṣdq (I) n. / adj. (?) m. “justice, legitimacy, lawful” (cf. Hb. ṣdq, “accuracy, equity”,
HALOT 1004f.; Amor. /ṣidqum/, “justice”, Gelb CAAA 34; Arab. ṣidq, “truth,
veracity”, AEL 1667f. Avishur UF 7 1975 28f.; Loretz, GAK 135 ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
the element /ṣidq-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 269; ¶ par.: yšr (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣdq,
suff. ṣdqh.
Justice, legitimacy: ảṯt ṣdqh lawful wife, 1.14 I 12 (// yšrh); as a royal title
(adj.?): bʕl ṣdq legitimate lord, 3.11:4 (diff. Márquez RDU 47 f.; Sefarad 68 2008
471f.: bʕlṣdq, PN); mlk ṣdq just / legitimate king, 2.81:2, 11, 20, 31; in bkn ctx.:
]ṣdq, 2.8:5.
Cf. ảbṣdq, ảdnṣdq, ỉlṣdq, bʕlṣdq, ṣdqỉl, ṣdqm, ṣdqn, ṣdqšlm, ṣdqy, yḥṣdq.
ṣdq (II) DN, first element of the composite DN ṣdq w mšr (cf. mšr).
DN: ṣdq w mšr, 1.123:14.
ṣdqỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44f., 47, 96, 187).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 4; in bkn ctx., cf. 4.340:17; 4.383:9; 4.754:2.
Cf. ỉlṣdq.
ṣdqm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 188).
PN: 4.63 II 6; 4.124:13; in bkn ctx., cf. 4.340:17; 4.383:9; 4.754:2.
ṣdqn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 21, 23, 52, 188; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229); ¶ syll.: ṣi-
id-qa-nu/a, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):10 (Van Soldt SAU 53); PRU 6 57 (RS 17.153):1';
Ug 5 12 (RS 17.34+):4 and passim ibid.; ṣí-id-qa-nu, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) II 22';
cf. Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard UVST 228. ¶ Forms: ṣdqn, with the allog.
ṣdkn and ṣtqn; spelling mistake ṣdġn in 4.715:18.
PN: ★a) ṣdqn, 4.33:27 (gbʕly; Van Soldt SAU 53); 4.75 III 8 (bn ảss; Tropper
AuOr 13 1995 236); 4.75 III 10 (bn ỉmrt); 4.79:4; 4.260 (II) 3; 4.269:6; 4.286:2;
4.607:32; 4.609:25; 4.690:19; 6.5:1; ★b) allog.: ṣdkn, 4.277:6 (Watson AuOr 11
1993 221); 4.742:6; ṣtqn, 1.79:4, 6, 9; 1.80:2, 3; ★c) bn ṣdqn, 4.280:1; 4.611 I 5;
4.616:15; 4.659:5; 4.715:18 (mistake ṣdġ!n); in bkn ctx.: 4.188:14; 4.340:17; 4.383:9;
ṣdqšlm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 23, 44f., 187; Loewenstamm UF 1 1969 71 n. 7).
¶ Forms: ṣdqšlm, with the allom. ṣṭqšlm.
PN: ★a) ṣdqšlm, 4.102:23; 4.103:28; 4.165:11; 4.616:5 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36); 5.7:4
(Dietrich-Loretz KA 184); ★b) allomorph ṣṭqšlm: 3.12:1 and passim ibid.
ṣdqy PN (Sem. Cf. ṣdq (I)).
PN: bn PN, 4.432 (I) 19; in bkn ctx., cf. 4.340:17; 4.383:9; 4.754:2.
ṣdt n. f. “?” (etym. unc. Cf. rdg b ldtk: Dijkstra UF 19 1987 47 f.: “after you have
given birth”; Tropper UG 489: “bei deinem Gebären”, sehr unsicher; Cunchil-
los TOu/2 346f. n. 36: “récipient” / “cave”, Akk. luṭṭ/ttu; also Watson LSU 20, 91:
“container”, “goblet”; for a rdg ddtk by Bordreuil-Pardee see Tropper UG 489).
¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṣdtk.
?, in unc. rdg: ảšṣủ b ṣdtk, 2.34:33.

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ṣdyn – ṣġrt (i) 769

ṣdyn TN, perhaps /Ṣidyān/, an allom. of “Sidon” (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 248 f.:
*Ṣidūna. Hb. ṣydwn, HALOT 1021; Ph. ṣdn (?), Harris PG 140; diff. Astour
RSP 2 315ff., 364, TN. Akk. ṣidānum / ṣi-dì-an; Del Olmo MLC 613: “sidonio”,
metath. of *ṣdny (?), Hb. ṣydwny, Ph. ṣdny; Tropper UG 195: /ṣādiya/ān-/
GN(?); Margalit UF 28 1996 453–455: “the coastliners”); ¶ syll.: ṣi-du-na,
PRU 3 9 (RS 11.723):2; PRU 6 81 (RS 19.182):4; URU / (LUGAL) KUR Ṣi-du-ni,
RSOu 7 9 (RS 34.145):11; RSOu 7 35 (RS 34.153):17, 19; RSOu 7 38 (RS 34.149):2,
13; RS 86.2221+:2 (Arnaud SMEA 30 1992 193 5.12); ]ṣi-du-un-ni, RS 25.430:2
(Arnaud SMEA 30 1992 193 5.7); cf. GN: LÚ.MEŠ URU ṣi-du-na-iu, RS 86.2221+:
30 (Arnaud SMEA 30 1992 186 n. 35, 37); bkn: ]PN URU ṣi-d[u-na-iu/yu], PRU 6
81 (RS 19.182):4. Cf. Sivan GAGl 269; see RSOu 5 (RS 34.147):8: LÙ.ṣi-da-ni-yu);
¶ par.: ṣr. ¶ Forms: ṣdynm (encl. -m).
TN, Sidon (?): ỉlt ṣdynm the goddess of TN, 1.14 IV 36, 39 (// ṣrm); in bkn ctx.:
]PN ṣd[, 4.262:2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 249: ṣd[ny (?)).
/ṣ-ġ-d/ vb G: “to go, make for” (Hb. ṣʕd, “to stride solemnly, to walk along”,
HALOT 1040; Arab. ṣaʕida, AEL 1687ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yṣġd.
G. To go, make for: yṣġd gp thm he went to the shore of the ocean, 1.23:30;
lm (…) bʕl yṣġd why (…) must DN go?, 1.10 III 7 (diff. Aartun WO 4 1967–1968
290: “drücken, pressen”, Arab. ḍaġada); in bkn ctx.: ỉl yṣġd DN / the god goes,
ṣġr (I) adj. m. “small, of tender years, young” (Hb. ṣʕwr, ṣʕyr, “small, the smaller
one”, HALOT 1041; Pun. ṣʕr, DNWSI 971f.; Ebla cf. SA.ḪAR = sa-ḫu-rux(EN)-
um, VE 1413; Butz Biling. 126; Akk. ṣe/iḫru, “klein, jung”, AHw 1088; “small,
young”, CAD Ṣ 179ff.; OSA ṣġr, “small”, SD 141; Arab. ṣaġīr, “small”, AEL 1692;
cf. var. /z-ʕ-r/ and Ug. s/śġr; cf. Hb. zʕyr, “a little”, HALOT 276; OAram., Nab.,
Palm. zʕr, “small”, DNWSI 337f. Loewenstamm CSBAL 249 ff.; Loretz UF 15
1983 59ff.; Watson LSU 56; Historiae 10 2013 33); ¶ RS Akk.: TUR, cf. Huehn-
ergard AkkUg 369; cf. 4.165:17; ¶ par.: nʕr (I), rb (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣġr; f. ṣġrt,
suff. ṣġrthn (cf. ṣġrt (I)); pl. ṣġrm.
Small, of tender years, young: [w ydmʕ] km ṣġr and he will shed tears like a
youngster, 1.107:9, 12 (// nʕr); ṣġr hd the youngster, DN, 1.9:18 (Van Zijl Baal
324f., 347); ṣġrm ymṣḫ l ảrṣ the young ones he dragged to the ground, 1.6 V 4
(// rbm; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee MARI 7 65: “la chaleur de Môtu” (?), rdg ṣḥr
mt; cf. Yon UF 21 1989 461ff.); in unc. ctx.: ṣġr tnšq šptk the smallest will kiss
your lips, 1.22 I 4; ṣġr glgl, 1.13:33; in bkn ctx.: ]ṣġr[, 4.163:1.
Cf. s/śġr, ṣġr (II), ṣġrt (I).
ṣġr (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 188).PN: bn PN, 4.232:43.
ṣġrt (I) adj. f. “youngest, small, of tender years, girl” (< ṣġr (I); cf. Akk. ṣaḫ(ḫ)artu,
ṣaḫirtu, ṣeḫ(ḫ)ertu, ṣiḫretu, “kleines Mädchen”, AHw 1087, 1088; “small,
young, child”, CAD Ṣ 179; cf. ṣuḫartu, “Mädchen”, AHw 1108; “young woman”,

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770 ṣġrt (ii) – /ṣ-ḥ/

CAD Ṣ 229ff. Watson Historiae 10 2013 33). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣġrt; suff. ṣġrthn.
Youngest, small, of tender years, girl: ṣġrthn ảbrkn to the youngest of them I
shall give the birthright, 1.15 III 16; dmqt ṣġrt kṯrt DN, the young(est) of the
DN, 1.24:50.
Cf. ṣġr (I), ṣġrt (II).
ṣġrt (II) n. f. “babyhood, tender years, infancy” (?) (Hb. ṣʕyrh, “smallness”,
HALOT 1041; Akk. ṣeḫrūtu, “Jugend”, AHw 1089; ṣuḫrētu, “youth”, CAD Ṣ 236;
Watson Historiae 10 2013 39). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṣġrth.
Babyhood, tender years, infancy: šḫp ṣġrth the colostrum of his infancy (?),
1.10 III 26.
Cf. ṣġrt (I).
/ṣ-h-l/ vb G/D: “to (make) shine, gleam” (Hb. ṣhl, “to gleam, make the face to
light up”, HALOT 1007 [Ps. 104:15]); ¶ par.: /š-m-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. yṣhl.
G/D. To shine, gleam: ʕl yṣhl pỉt above he made (his) temple(s) shine, 1.17 II 9
(// tšmḫ); for a possible rdg. ṣḥl in 1.45:3 see Clemens UF 33 2001 84.
/ṣ-ḥ/ vb G: 1) “to exclaim, shout”; 2) “to invite, call, say”; 3) “to claim” (Hb. ṣwḥ, “to
shout loudly”, HALOT 1011f.; Amor. /ṣyḥ/, “to rejoice”, Gelb CAAA 34; Syr. ṣwḥ,
“to shout”, SL 1278; Akk. ṣiāḫu(m), ṣāḫu, “lachen”, AHw 1096; “to laugh”, CAD
Ṣ 64f.; Arab. ṣāḥa, “to raise his voice”, AEL 1751f.); ¶ par.: cf. /n-š-ʔ/, /y-t-n/ (+
g). Meier UF 21 1989 280); ¶ par.: /q-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G ṣḥ, ṣḥt, ṣḥ, suff. ṣḥtkm;
prefc. ảṣḥ, tṣḥ, htṣḥn, yṣḥ, tṣḥny, suff. ảṣḥkm, yṣḥn; impv. ṣḥ, suff. ṣḥn.
G. 1) To exclaim, shout: yšủ gh w yṣḥ he raised his voice and exclaimed,
passim, formula of direct speech (Del Olmo MLC 55); ytn gh w yṣḥ he gave
voice and shouted, 1.179:33; tṣḥ(n) ( y) ảd ảd she (they) cried: (oh) father,
father!, 1.23:32, 43; w hm ảṯtm tṣḥn but if the two women shouted, 1.23:43 and
par.; ảny l yṣḥ ṯr ỉl sighing, “the Bull” DN did exclaim, 1.4 IV 48 and par.; yṣḥ
ảṯrt w bnh DN and her sons exclaimed, 1.3 V 36 and par.; gm yṣḥ ỉl in a loud
voice DN shouted, 1.6 I 43 and par.; gm ảṯth k yṣḥ in a loud voice he shouted
to his wife, 1.17 V 15; gm l ġlmh bʕl k yṣḥ in a loud voice to his lads DN thus
shouted, 1.4 VII 53 and par.; ṣḥ hm ʕm nġr mdrʕ they shouted to the guard
of the sown, 1.23:69; ʕln špš tṣḥ l mt from above DN shouted to DN, 1.6 VI 23,
cf. 1.161:19; in unc. ctx. dm mt ảṣḥ[, 1.5 III 9 and par.
2) To invite, call, say: ṣḥ ảḫh b bhth he invited his brothers to his palace, 1.4
VI 44 and par.; ṣḥ šbʕm bn ảṯrt he invited the seventy sons of DN, 1.4 VI 45; ṣḥ
šbʕm ṯry call my seventy “Bulls”, 1.15 IV 6 and par.; ṣḥn bʕl ʕm ảḫy invite me,
DN, together with my brothers (…), 1.5 I 23; šỉr l šỉr yṣḥ flesh to flesh invited /
cried out, 1.6 II 37 (diff. Margalit MLD 160f.: “to connect” < “to heal, become
whole again”, Arab. ṣaḥḥa; Pardee CS/1 270 n. 285: “to grow fat”, Syrian Arab.
*nṣḥ); ṣḥ aḫtk call your sister, 1.16 I 28; [rpỉm b]ty ảṣḥkm DN to my house I
invite you, 1.21 II 2 and par. (// ỉqrảkm); k l ṣḥn bʕl ʕm ảḫy yes, surely invite

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/ṣ-ḥ-q/ – /ṣ-ḥ-r-r/ 771

me, DN, with my brothers!, 1.5 I 22 and par.; ṣḥ ḫrn b bhtk call a squad to your
house, 1.4 V 29 and par.; lš[ty] ṣḥkm to drink I called you, 1.15 IV 27 and par.;
ỉl (…) ṣḥ l qṣ ỉlm DN (…) he invited the gods to the carving, 1.114:2; yṣḥ ngr
ỉl he called the divine herald, 1.16 IV 6 and par.; dy l ydʕ yṣḥk (…) w.ảnk.ảṣḥk
he who does not know will say to you (…) but I will say to you, 1.178:1f. (Del
Olmo Fs. Watson 145f., with survey of other versions).
3) To claim: qmḥ d kly k ṣḥ ỉllḏrm flour that was liquidated when PN claimed
(it), 4.362:1; šd bn gṯrn l ỉwrdr yṣḥ field of PN to PN: he claims (it) (?), 4.7:5.
In bkn ctx.: ṣḥ ỉl yṯb b m[rzḥ, 1.1 IV 4; [tn] gh w ảṣḥ, 1.5 II 21; ṣḥt, 1.4 VIII 42; in
unc. ctx.: 6.79 b 1.
/ṣ-ḥ-q/ vb G: “to laugh”; Š: “to make (someone) laugh” (?) (Hb. ṣḥq, “to laugh”,
HALOT 1019; Amor. /ṣḥq/, “to laugh”, Gelb CAAA 34; JPAram. gḥk, “to laugh,
jest”, DJPA 126; Arab. ḍaḥika, “to laugh”, AEL 1771 f.; Eth. šaḥaqa, “to laugh”,
CDG 528); ¶ par.: /g-m-ḏ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ṣḥq; prefc. tṣḥq, yṣḥq, allom.
yẓḥq (1.12 I 12); inf. ṣḥq; Š prefc. tšṣḥq (2.25:5).
G. To laugh: ṣḥq btlt ʕnt, “Virgin” DN laughed, 1.4 V 25 and par.; tṣḥq ʕnt DN
laughed, 1.17 VI 41; kṯr w ḫss ṣḥq DN laughed, 1.4 VII 21; yprq lṣb w yṣḥq he
unknitted (his) brow and began to laugh, 1.4 IV 28 and par.; ỉl yẓḥq bm lb DN
laughed in his heart, 1.12 I 12 (// ygmḏ).
Š. To make (someone) laugh (?), in bkn ctx.: tšṣḥq hn ảṯ[t, 2.25:5.
ṣḥq n. m. “laughter” (vb n.< /ṣ-ḥ-q/. Hb. ṣḥq, śḥwq, “laughter”, HALOT 1019, 1315;
Arab. ḍaḥk, ḍaḥkat, “laughter”, “laughing”, AEL 1771f.; Syr. gawḥkāʔ, “laughter,
derision”, SL 213f.; Eth. šaḥq, šaḥaq, šǝḥaq, CDG 528); ¶ par.: šmḫt, tšyt.
¶ Forms: sg. ṣḥq.
Laughter: tġdd kbdh b ṣḥq her liver swelled with laughter, 1.3 II 25 and par. (//
šmḫt, tsyt).
*/ṣ-ḥ-r/ in bkn ctx.: ]ṣḥr, 1.172:4.
Cf. ṣḥrn, /ṣ-ḥ-r-r/.
ṣḥrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 188).
PN: 4.628 (II) 4 (bn qrtmt).
/ṣ-ḥ-r-r/ vb R: “to roast, burn” (expanded form of */ṣ-ḥ-r/, /qtll/ pattern of
physical defects, here in respect of colour, esp. “roasted” > “brown”. Hb. *ṣḥr,
“to be gleaming”, HALOT 1019; Syr. ṣḥr, “to blush”, SL 1284; Arab. ṣaḥara,
ʔiṣḥārra, “to boil, cook”, “to dry up, become yellow”, AEL 1653 f.; MSA Mehri

šḥr, “to brand”, ML 361. Del Olmo IMC 163f.; Rendsburg JAOS 107 1987 625,
Tropper UG 679f.); ¶ par.: /ḥ-r-r/, /t-r-ʕ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ṣḥrrt; suff. (?)
ṣḥrrm (encl. -m ?).
R. To roast, burn: špš ṣḥrrt lả šmm DN is burning the strength of the skies,
1.6 II 24 and par. (Rahmouni DEUAT 271ff.: “the scorcher, the power of
the sky”; De Moor SP 227: “dust-coloured, brownish”, Hb. ṣāḥōr); ṣḥrrt l

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772 ṣlʕ – /ṣ-l-y/

pḥmm at the embers you roasted (it), 1.23:41 and par. (// tḥrr; see Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 345: “to become golden brown [as a result of roasting]”, L-
stem *ṣḥr); in bkn and unc. ctx.: ỉbr mnt ṣḥrrm, 1.8:10; 1.4 VII. 57; bnt šdm
ṣḥr[rt] the produce of the fields was burnt, 1.12 II 43 (Rpass. / stat. (?) // trʕ
ṣlʕ n. f. “rib, chops (pl.)” (Hb. ṣlʕ, “rib, side”, HALOT 1030; JPAram. ʕ/ʔlʕ, “rib”,
DJPA 60; Akk. ṣē/īlu, “Rippe”, AHw 1090; “rib, side”, CAD Ṣ 124 ff.; Arab. ḍilaʕ,
“rib”, AEL 1800; > cf. Eg. /ḍilaʕatu/, “Plank”, Hoch SWET 394 (592); Gk selís,
“crossbeam”, Liddell-Scott GEL 1590, Watson SemAnt 1 170). ¶ Forms: pl. cst.
Rib, chops: ṣlʕt ảlp mrỉ ribs / chops of a fattened bull, 4.247:16.
ṣlḥn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.858:8.
ṣlm n. m. “image, statue” (Hb. ṣlm, “statue, image”, HALOT 1028f.; Syr. ṣalmāʔ,
“image, statue”, SL 1290; Akk. ṣalmu, “Statue, Figur”, AHw 1078f.; “statue,
relief”, CAD Ṣ 78ff.; OSA ṣlm / ẓlm, “image, statue”, SD 143, 172. De Moor
NYCI/2 22; ARTU 126; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 407); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the
element /ṣalm-/ in PN; Sivan GAGl 263. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣlm; pl. ṣlmm.
Image, statue, in unc. ctx.: yspr (…) l ṣlmm it will be recite (…) before the
images (?), 1.23:57 (diff. Tsumura UF 10 1978 395: “counted … for growth”, rdg
l ṣb[ỉ …], “growth”, Arab. ṣabʔa; for this and other options see the survey in
Wyatt RTU 333 n. 52; Smith RM 104f.: rdg lṣ[…]); in bkn and unc. ctx.: nʕm
mḥ[md] ṣlm, 1.13:18 (Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 241: “beauty … image”; diff. Del
Olmo IMC 95: “plegarias”, Ug. *ṣl < /ṣ-l-y/; Watson AuOr 22 2004 131: “black
wood” (?)); ]ṣlm, 2.31:62.
ṣlpn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 30, 188; Watson AuOr 22 2004 124; LSU 179).
PN: bn PN, 4.309:29. For 4.77:14 cf. Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 680.
ṣlt n. f. “prayer” (< /ṣ-l-y/. Syr. ṣlōtāʔ, “prayer”, SL 1286; OSA ṣlt, “prayer”, SL 143:
ṣlw I; Arab. ṣallāt, ṣalwāt, “prayer”, AEL 1720f.; Eth. ṣalot, “prayer”, CDG 557);
¶ syll. Ug.: [EN = a-r]a-ru = ši-da-ar-ni = ṣi-il-yV [, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 16,
cf. Ug 5 137 (RS 20 123+) II 46; Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard UVST 170; Van
Soldt SAU 307. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṣltkm.
Prayer: w šm[ʕ b]ʕl l ṣlt[km] and DN will hear your prayer, 1.119:34.
Cf. /ṣ-l-y/.
/ṣ-l-y/ vb D: “to implore”, “to cast a spell” (Arab. ṣallā, “to pray”, AEL 1720 f.:
< *ṣlw; Syr. pa., ṣly, “to pray”, SL 1288; Akk. ṣullû, “anrufen, anflehen”, AHw
1110; “to pray”, CAD Ṣ 239, S 366: sullû A; Eth. ṣallaya, “to pray”, CDG 557.
Del Olmo IMC 132ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 88; Margalit UPA 368 ff. Cf.
Pardee UF 7 1975 347ff.; Watson UF 8 1976 377 f.; Kottsieper UF 22 1990 149 ff.:
“verfluchen”, Akk. arāru). ¶ Forms: D prefc. yṣly.

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/ṣ-m-d/ – ṣmd 773

D. To implore, cast a spell: dnỉl (…) yṣly ʕrpt PN (…) cast a spell on the clouds,
1.19 I 39; in bkn ctx.: ṣlyh šr[p], 1.27:6.
Cf. ṣlt.
/ṣ-m-d/ vb G: 1) “to harness, yoke”; 2) “to tie, bind” (Hb. ṣmd, nif., “to be involved”,
hif., “to tighten, harness”, HALOT 1032f.; Syr. ṣmd, “to bind together”, pa., “to
tie, bind”, SL 1291; Akk. ṣamādu, “anschirren”, AHw 1080 f.; “to yoke”, CAD Ṣ
89ff.; Arab., Eth. ḍamada, “to bind”, AEL 1802f.; “to yoke, harness”, CDG 149 f.
Good UF 16 1984 80); ¶ RS Akk.: ṣamādu, cf. Van Soldt SAU 244 n. 9, 437 with
nn. 95–96; ¶ par.: /ʔ-s-r/, /m-d-l/, /z-b-r/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ṣmd; prefc. tṣmd,
suff. yṣmdnn; impv. ṣmd; act. ptc. pl. ṣmdm.
G. 1) To harness, yoke: ṣmd pḥl harness / they harnessed the ass, 1.4 IV 5/9
and par. (// mdl); ảsr sswm tṣmd (…) yoking the horses, they harnessed (…),
1.20 II 3; bkm tṣmd pḥl next she harnessed the ass, 1.19 II 9 (diff. Aartun StUg
125ff.: “umbinden”, < *ḍmd).
2) To tie, bind: yṣmdnn ṣmdm gpn the binders bound him (like) a vine, 1.23:10
(// yzbrnn; diff. Aartun StUL 120ff.: “aufrechtstellen”).
Cf. ṣmd.
ṣmd n. m. 1) “pair” (of objects); 2) “yoked, pair” (of animals), “(horse) team”;
3) by seman. shift “yoke of land” (area measure); 4) mace or double axe
(Hb. ṣmd, “team”, HALOT 1033; cf. Ebla ṣamādum, “binden”, ARET 5 61; Akk.
ṣim/ndu “Band”, AHw 1102; “bandage”, “team of draft animals”, CAD Ṣ 196 f.; cf.
Nuzi Akk. ṣimittu, bezieht sich auf das Gespann, bzw. eine Einheit,
Schneider-Ludorff NABU 1995/75 n. 2; Syr. ṣēmdāʔ, “binding of book”, SL 1292;
Arab. ḍimād, “a bandage”, AEL 1802; Eth. ḍǝmd, “yoke, pair”, CDG 149 f. Del
Olmo IMC 197f.; Margalit OLP 19 1988 72 n. 27: I “pair”, Arab. ḍamada, II “club”,
Arab. ṣamada; Smith UBC/1 338ff.; for an overall discussion see Dietrich-
Loretz UF 41 2009 165ff.; also Loretz HippUg 112 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣmd; pl.
ṣmdm; du. ṣmdm.
1) Pair of objects, ★1): ảrbʕ ṣmdm ảpnt four pairs of wheels, 4.169:7 and par.;
cf. ṣmdm ả[, 4.88:1; ʕšr ṣmdm trm ten pairs of steering poles, 4.167:2, 4.691:8;
see also below 2) ★c) ṣmd w ḥrṣ.
2) yoked, pair of animals, ★a): (n) ṣmd ảlpm (n) pairs of yoked bulls, 4.367:10;
(n) ṣmd śśw (n) pairs of horses, 4.427:23, cf. ṣmdm in 4.384:2–11; ★b) unspec-
ified, possibly a unit (yoke) of animals drawing mainly a war charriot (Nuzi
Akk. ṣimittu, cf. Salonen Landf. 47; “Bindung, Gespann”, AHw 1103; “team of
draft animals”, CAD Ṣ 198; Schneider-Ludorff NABU 1995/75): ṯlṯ ṣmdm b TN
three yokes in TN, 4.89:1; ṣmdm two yokes, ibid. ln. 3 (cf. ảḥdm two separate
(animals), not coupled together, ibid. 4; cf. ảḥd); b TN (n) ṣmdm in TN: (n)
yokes (animals), 4.618:1 and passim ibid.; TN ṣmdm two pairs of yoked (ani-
mals), 4.302:5, 7; PN ṯlṯ ṣmdm PN: three pairs of yoked (animals), 4.377:1 (the

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774 ṣml (i)

meaning “yoke” as a part of the plough does not occur in Ug; diff. Good UF 16
1984 77ff.: “yoke” for 1) and 2) in the expression ṣmd w ḥrṣ; De Moor SP 135);
rdg (n) ṣmd bd mrynm (n) pairs (of horses) delivered into the hands of the
m., 4.377:34; in bkn ctx.: ṣmdm[, 4.208:2 and passim, 4.306:2 and passim; ★c)
ṣmd w ḥrṣ a pair (of horses) and another as a spare or in reserve, 4.368:2 and
passim ibid. 4.377:5–6; ḫmš ṣmdm w ḥrṣ five pairs (of horses) and another
(trained) in reserve, 4.169:4; of other items arranged in pairs: ảrbʕ ṣmdm ảpnt
w ḥrṣ four pairs of wheels and another as a spare, ibid. 8; cf. ṯlṯ ṣmdm w ḥrṣ
ảpnt three pairs of wheels and another in reserve, 4.145:8 (see in this connec-
tion Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 14; diff. Loretz HippUg 115: mit “Sonderposten,
Ausrüstung, Gerät”, and supra: ḥrṣ).
3) Yoke of land (area measure; cf. Akk. ṣimdu, “yoke”, Powell RlA 7 481 f.): tšʕ
ṣmdm ṯlṯm bd PN w pảt ảḥt ỉn bhm thirty-nine yokes of land in the hands
of PN which lack “one side” (: without adjacent farms to the south), 4.136:1
(cf. pỉt; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 179 n. 82: “nine axe-blades of bronze
(…) and none of them has an edge”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 194: “Paar”;
McGeough UgET 100 n. 55: “bronze pairs / yokes … and a side …”).
4) Mace or double axe (De Moor SP 135): kṯr ṣmdm ynḥt DN brought down a
double axe, 1.2 IV 11 and par.; yrtqṣ ṣmd bd bʕl the mace leapt from the hands
of DN, 1.2 IV 15 and par.; d k ym ymḫṣ b ṣmd those who were like DN (?) he
struck with the mace, 1.6 V 3 (Del Olmo IMC 79f.; diff. Good UF 16 1984 79:
“shoulder” // ktp); b ṣmd ỉl for the mace of DN, 1.65:14 (diff. Healey UF 15 1983
48: “part of the furniture”, Arab. ṣamda); in b kn ctx.: bn [ʕ]nk (?) ṣmdm hit
on your forehead (?) with a mace (?), 1.82:16.
Unc. ctx.: ṣmdm, 1.170:7 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 355); ]ṣmdm[,
4.576:3; ṣmdx 1.91:18.
Cf. ilṣmd, /ṣ-m-d/.
ṣml (I) n. m. a commodity, probably dried out (barley) draff, remainder from
the process of brewing beer (?) (Arab. ṣamala, “to be hard, become hard-
ened”, ṣāmil, ṣamīl, “dry, dried up”, Hava 406; ṣawmal, “avoir la peau
desséchée et collée sur le dos”, DAF/1 1373. Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 218 n. 31;
Fs. Matthiae 113; already De Moor UF 12 1980 431: “dried fig(s), pea(s)” (?),
cf. Arab. ṣāmil, ṣamīl, ṣumaylat; see Stieglitz JAOS 99 1979 17: “ripe fig”, MHb.
ṣemel; Heltzer GPOTU 54 n. 36; diff. Sanmartín UF 21 1989 343: an aromatic
plant, cf. Akk. ṣumlalû, “eine Gewürzpflanze”, AHw 111 f.; “an aromatic”, CAD
Ṣ 254; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. BiOr 23 1966 132: “Wolle”, Hb. ṣmr); ¶ Forms: sg. ṣml
(ṣmll scribal error rather than allom.; see Watson AuOr 22 2004 124).
A commodity, probably dried out (barley) draff (?): ḫmš kkrm ṣml[[l]] ʕšrt
ksph five talents of ṣ. for ten shekels, 4.158:10; ḫmš kkr ṣml b ʕšrt five talents
of ṣ. for ten (shekels), 4.341:12; tšt b ḫlṣ bl ṣml you may drink from squeez-

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ṣml (ii) – ṣmt 775

ing blended ṣ. beer, 1.169:7 (// ẓm. Cf. in this regard “dried out billatum”, a
by-product of brewing beer, Stol BiOr 28 1971 169; diff. Pardee TR/2 877, 886:
“figues macérées”, MHb. ṣemel, for this and other opinions n. 74; also Caquot
TOu/2 57 n. 136; De Moor ARTU 184: “without abstaining”; Del Olmo CR 385:
“squeezing out the beer of abstinence”; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Xella 208, 213:
“Sud ohne Geschmackswürze”; Watson LSU 24f., 106, 149; AuOrS 27 96: “cup”,
Akk. samālu, zamaltu; so also Ford UF 34 2002 178 f.).
ṣml (II) DN, mythical animal, mother eagle (etym. unc. Astour HS 170f.; Mar-
galit UF 16 1984 144f.; Aartun UF 17 1985 17f.).
DN: ṣml ủm nšrm DN, the mother of the eagles, 1.19 III 29 and par.
ṣmll see ṣml (I).
ṣmq n. m. “raisin” (Hb. ṣm(w)q( ym), “cake of dried grapes”, HALOT 1033; Aram.
ṣmwqyn, “raisins”, DJPA 463; cf. MB/NB muzīqu, “Rosine”, AHw 692; “raisin”,
CAD M/2 322f.). ¶ Forms: pl. ṣmqm.
Raisin, ★a) as food: ltḥ dblt ltḥ ṣmqm a l. of dry figs (and) a l. of raisins, 4.14:17,
cf. ltḥ ]ṣmqm a l. ]of raisins, ibid. 5; mrbʕ ṣmqm a “quart” of raisins, 4.751:10;
★b) ṣmqm yṯnm rancid raisins, used in pharmacy: dblt yṯnt w ṣmqm yṯnm w
qmḥ bql rancid dry figs and rancid raisins and oat flour (should be mixed
together), 1.71:24; 1.72:38; 1.85:31 (Cohen-Sivan UHT 40 f.; Cohen UF 28 1996
149); in bkn ctx.: ṣmq[, 4.77:8 (bkn PN (?)).
ṣmrt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 189; Watson AuOr 20 2002 237; AuOr 30 2012
PN: bn PN, 4.75 VI 5.
/ṣ-m-t/ vb D: “to destroy, wipe out, defeat” (Hb. ṣmt, “to destroy”, HALOT 1035f.;
Eth. ʔaṣmata, “to empty, destroy”, CDG 558. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 196;
diff. De Moor SP 89; Margalit UF 7 1975 161: “to silence”, Arab. ṣammata, Syr.
pa. ṣmt); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. É-tu4 (…): ṣa-ma-t[a], PRU 3 51 (RS 15.86):16; x IKU
ṣa-ma-at, PRU 3 35 (RS 15.182):9; PRU 3 86 (RS 15.119) rev. 9; annûtu (…): ṣa-
ma-tù, PRU 3 90 (RS 16.147):13; A.ŠÀ.MEŠ PN ṣa-mi-it, PRU 3 95 (RS 16.246):19
and passim; ṣu-um-mu-ta, PRU 3 63 (RS 16.174):12; cf. the element /ṣamat-/ in
PNN; Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard UVST 171f.; diff. Van Soldt SAU 244, 437,
442, 484, 500; Márquez Sefarad 68 2008 472: Akk. ṣamādu); ¶ par.: /m-ḫ-ṣ/,
/m-ḫ-š/). ¶ Forms: D suffc. ṣmt, ṣmt; prefc. tṣmt; inf. ṣmt (cf. ṣmt)
D. To destroy, wipe out, defeat: ṣmt ʕgl ỉl ʕtk I defeated “the Divine bullock”
DN, 1.3 III 44 (// mḫšt); w ṣmt ġllm and “the Voracious ones” (destroyed DN),
1.12 II 34; tṣmt ảdm ṣảt špš she destroyed the people of the rising sun, 1.3 II 8
(// tmḫṣ); ht tṣmt ṣrtk now you must destroy your adversary, 1.2 IV 9 (// tmḫṣ).
Cf. ṣmt.
ṣmt n. m, “destruction” (< /ṣ-m-t/). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ṣmt.
Destruction, in unc ctx.: ] ʕnt b ṣmt mhrh DN [saw (?)] the destruction of his

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776 ṣmy – ṣp (iii)

warrior strength, 1.18 IV 38 (diff. Pardee CS/1 350: “she smote”; KTU ad. loc.,
footnote 10: rdg mprh, cf. ln 26; see also Wyatt: “Anat [watched] as his pulse
Cf. /ṣ-m-t/.
ṣmy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 4, II 7.
Cf. ṣwy.
ṣnnr PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: bn PN, 4.807:5.
ṣnr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 189; Benz PNPPI 400; Dietrich-Loretz-San-
martín UF 5 1973 99; Astour CRRA 18 1970 17f.; Watson AuOr 11 1993 218;
AuOr 30 2012 338); ¶ syll.: ṣi/ṣí-na-ru/ri/ra, PRU 3 38 (RS 16.354):3; PRU 6 72
(RS 19.65):5; PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):6f.; Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard UVST
PN: ★a) 4.15:10; 4.281:30; 4.370:45 (Watson LSU 123); 4.749:2; 4.858:9; ★b) bn
PN, 4.35 II 16 (Van Soldt SAU 38); in bkn ctx., 4.769:35.
ṣnrn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 189; Watson AuOr 11 1993 218); ¶ syll.:
ṣí-na-ra-na, PRU 3 47 (RS 16.150):13; PRU 6 71 (RS 17.432) B II 3; Sivan GAGl
PN: bn PN, 4.103:8; 4.860:31.
ṣp (I) n. m. “look, glance” (Hb. ṣph, “to keep watch, reconnoitre”, HALOT 1044f.;
JPAram. ṣpy, “to see at a distance, look out”, DJPA 468 f.; Akk. ṣubbû, “mit
Abstand ansehen, beobachten, prüfen”, AHw, 1107 f.; ṣubbû / ṣuppû, “to look
on something from afar”, CAD Ṣ 226f.; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 169:
“clarity”, Arab. ṣafw). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣp (Huehnergard UVST 288 n. 93).
Cf. mṣpt.
Look, glance: ašlw b ṣp ʕnh I shall rest in the glance of her eyes, 1.14 III 45.
ṣp (II) n. m. “embroidered (garment)” (< /ṣ-p-y/. Hb. ṣpwy, “plating”, HALOT
1045; Pun. ṣph, prob. “broad purple stripe”, DNWSI 972; Akk. ṣuppu, “über-
deckt”, AHw 1112; “thick, compacted (said of textiles)”, CAD Ṣ 248 f.). ¶ Forms:
pl. ṣpm.
Embroidered (garment): l[bš]n ṣpm robed in embroidered (garment(s)),
1.41:54 (diff. De Moor ARTU 165: “beautiful (clothes)”, rdg ypm).
Cf. /ṣ-p-y/.
ṣp (III) n. m. “white ewe” (Akk. ṣuppu, “weisses Schaf”, AHw 1113; “sheep of
special breed”, CAD Ṣ 249; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 315 n. 15/a; diff. De Moor
UF 2 1970 321: “dainty bit”, Arab. ṣafā(w); Xella TRU 41: “placato”, Akk. ṣuppu,
cf. ṣp (II); also Pardee TR/1 577, 581 n. 31; TR/2 1200: “objet plaqué”; Hb.
ṣippūy; but see Del Olmo UF 36 2004 604: “metal vessel”). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr.

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ṣpn – ṣpr (i) 777

White ewe, as an offering: š ṣrp w ṣp ḫršḫ one ram as a burnt offering and one
white ewe, perfumed, 1.105:2.
ṣpn TN / DN 1) the mountain dwelling of bʕl; 2) this place deified (Cassius; Bel-
monte RGTC 12/2 246f.: *Ṣapunu. Hb., OAram. ṣp(w)n, “north”, “mountain
of the gods”, HALOT 1046f.; “north”, DNWSI 246; Akk. ṣa-pu-nu, “Norden”,
AHw 1083; Eg. /Ṣapōna/, “North”, Hoch SWET 384 (576). Astour RSP 2 318–
324; Grave UF 12 1980 221ff.; Or 51 1982 161–182; Butz Biling. 135 n. 186; Wyatt
ALASP 7 213ff.; Koch OBO 129 171ff.; Smith UBC/1 122 n. 3; Bordreuil Syria 66
1989 273; Dijkstra UF 23 1991 135; Del Olmo-Sanmartín AuOr 13 1995 259 ff.;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688 n. 112; Topography 38, 182; Vita UF 37 2005 673ff.:
EA ṣa-BU-NA-MA); ¶ par.: nny. ¶ Forms: ṣpn, ṣp{ʕ}n (1.6 I 16), suff. ṣpnhm
(?); alloph. ẓpn (1.25:5).
1) The mountain dwelling of bʕl: bʕl ṣpn DN of TN, epithet of the god bʕl,
1.45:5; 1.109:9 and par.; ġr bʕl ṣpn ḥlm qdš, the moutain of DN, TN, the holy
fortress, 1.16 I 7 and par. (// nny); ʕnt ṣpn DN of TN, 1.109:14 and par.; ỉl ṣpn gods
/ DN of TN, 1.47:1; km y[…] ỉlm b ṣpn while the gods [amused themselves] on
TN, 1.4 VII 6; dbḥ ṣpn sacrifice of TN, 1.148:1 and par.; ṣrrt ṣpn the peaks of
TN, 1.3 I 22 and par.; mrym ṣpn the heights of TN, 1.3 IV 1 and par.; tʕl (…)
b ảrr w b ṣpn she went up (…) to TN and to TN, 1.10 III 30; bʕl ṣpn š DN of
TN, a ram, 1.39:10 and par.; in bkn ctx.: b ṣpn, 1.1 V 5, 18; l ṣpn, 1.170:10; ]ṣpn,
2) God (mountain deified)) ṣpn (and TN. Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 8 f.; Syria
66 1989 263f., 269f.; Astour UR 18; Van Soldt UBL 11 370; UF 28 1996 669: ḫlb
ṣpn): in god lists ṣpn 1.118:14 and par.; as the recipient of offerings ṣpn ảlp w š
(to) DN, one head of cattle and a ram, 1.148:6 and par.; dqt l ṣpn a ewe to DN,
1.41:34 and par.; ʕṣr l ṣpn a bird to DN, 1.105:24 and par.; l ṣpn gdlt to DN a cow,
1.162:19; ġry ỉl ṣpn my mountain, the divine DN, 1.3 III 29 and par.; ġb ṣpn the
ġb of DN, 1.105:21; in unc. ctx.: [b yd ṣ]pn hm nṣḥy [with the help of] DN, if
there is victory indeed, 1.19 II 35 (Margalit UPA 396 f.: “secret”, Hb. *ṣpn, EA
ṣa-pa-ni-šu, EAT 147:10; diff. Cooper UF 20 1988 25: “scrotum”, Arab. ṣafnu).
3) Element in composite TN ḫlb ṣpn.
Cf. ʕpṣpn, ḫlb ṣpn, ḫš, ks, nny.
ṣpr (I) n. m., “bird” (Hb. ṣpwr, “bird”, HALOT 1047; Pun., Aram. ṣ( y)pr, “bird”,
DNWSI 973; Akk. ṣibāru, etwa Sperling (?), AHw 1097; a bird, probably the
sparrow, CAD Ṣ 155; Arab. ʕuṣfūr, “sparrow, certain bird”, AEL 2064f. [cf.
supra: ʕṣr]; diff. De Moor NYCI/2 20 n. 85: “to watch”, cf. Ug. /ṣ-p-r/, Arab.
ṣafara, “lautgeben”; Gibson CML 156: “to whistle”, Arab. ṣafara; Aartun UF 17
1985 18: “Herz, Wut”, Arab. ṣafar; Herdner TOu/1 523 n. w: “chien de berger”,
Hb. ṣāpîr; Watson LSU 57: “goat / stag”, Ph. ṣpr; alt. “hairy, shaggy dog”, Akk.
ṣuppuru, “straggly, in strands”). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣpr.

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778 ṣpr (ii) – ṣq

Bird: klb ṣpr hunting / game dogs, 1.14 III 19 and par. (Sanmartín UF 10
1978 349: “Windhund”; alt. “Wachhund”, “watchdog”; “fowler”, form /qattāl/,
Watson, p. comm.; cf. supra opinions: “to watch” etc.).
Cf. ṣpr (II).
ṣpr (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 190; Watson LSU 179; Historiae 4 2007 95);
¶ syll.: cf. ṣu-pa-ri, PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):23; Sivan GAGl 270.
PN: ★a) 4.296:8; 4.332:18; ★b) bn PN, 4.170:7; 4.807:37.
ṣprn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 190; Watson AuOr 8 1990 249); ¶ syll.: cf. ṣu?-pa-
ra-nu, Ug 5 86 (RS 20.176):22; Sivan GAGl 270; Huehnergard UVST 228.
PN: 4.232:20; 4.261:4.
/ṣ-p-y/ vb G: “to plate, cover, embroider” (Hb. ṣph, “to overlay”, HALOT 1045;
Akk. ṣuppu, “über-, abdecken”, AHw 1112f.; Ebla cf. zú-zú-ba-tum (/ṣuṣṣupā-
tum/), “(metal) plates”, Fronzaroli EL 127, 153; Civil EDA 151; Mander MEE 10
91). ¶ Forms: G inf. ṣpy; pass. ptc. pl. ṣpym, f. ṣpyt.
G. To plate, cover, embroider: ṯlṯ mrkb[t] ṣpyt b ḫrṣ three chariots plated with
gold, 4.167:2; ʕšr ṣmdm trm d [ṣ]py w trm ảḥdm ṣpym ten pairs of steering
poles, to be plated, and two separate steering poles, plated, 4.167:2–4; ṯlṯ
mrkbt mlk d l ṣpy three royal chariots that are not plated, 4.167:6 (Verreet
UF 17 1985 329); ]ṣpy b ḫrṣ nʕmm ] covered / embroidered in good quality
gold, 2.79:10; in bkn ctx. ]xṣpy b ḫr[ṣ, 2.83:9.
Cf. ṣp (II).
/ṣ-q/ Š “to grasp”, “to push, put pressure on” (Hb. ṣwq hif., “to harass, press hard”,
HALOT 1014; Syr. af., /ʕwq/, “to press”, SL 1084; Arab. ḍāqa, ḍayyaqa, “to be
narrow”, “to make something narrow”, AEL 1815 f.; Eth. ṭōqa, ʔaṭaqa, “to be in
dire straits”, “to oppress”, CDG 599; cf. Akk. siāqu, sâqu D, “eng, schmal sein”,
AHw 1039; “to become narrow, tight”, CAD S 169 ff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 259
n. f); ¶ par.: /ʔ-ḫ-d/. ¶ Forms: Š suffc. šṣq; prefc. with suff. tšṣqnh.
Š. To grasp, push, put pressure on: tšṣqn[h/n] b qṣ all she grasped him by the
hem of (his) mantle, 1.6 II 10 (// tỉḫd); ỉbm šṣq ly the enemies put pressure on
me, 2.33:27.
Cf. mṣqt, ṣq, ṣqm, ṣqn.
ṣq adj. m. “distressed” (?) (< /ṣ-q/. Syr. ʕayīq, “narrow”, “sad”, SL 1096; Akk.
sīqu, “eng, schmal”, AHw 1049; “narrow”, CAD S 305; Arab. ḍayyiq, “narrow”,
AEL 1816; Eth. ṭǝwwuq, “afflicted, oppressed”, CDG 599. Del Olmo CR 325; De
Moor-Spronk 165: “narrow”; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/2 68 n. 202: “angine
(de poitrine)”: rdg ṣq ṣd[r; Margalit UPA 182, 217: “(mountain) peak”).
¶ Forms: sg. ṣq (for 1.22 I 25 cf. /b-ṣ-q/).
Distressed (?), in bkn and unc. ctx.: km ṣq like someone distressed, 1.82:25;
for the rdg b ṣq, “on the top”, in 1.22 I 25 cf. /b-ṣ-q/.
Cf. /ṣ-q/.

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ṣqm – ṣrp 779

ṣqm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 188).

PN: bn PN, 4.635:51.
ṣqn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 188).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 III 7; 4.398:4; in bkn ctx., [ṣ]qn[, 4.567:1.
ṣqrn, (?),1.41:50 (Del Olmo CR 99 n. 151: rdg l qrn; diff. De Moor UF 18 1986 258:
“celestial” (?), Arab. ṣāqūrat (Sum. NUN. GAL); TUAT 2 313: “(fernes) Ende”).
ṣr TN “Tyre” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 253f.: *Ṣurru / *Ṣūru. Hb. ṣr, HALOT 1053;
Ph. ṣr, Harris 142. Astour RSP 2 324ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. (LUGAL) URU ṣur-ri,
PRU 4 (RS 17.424C+):2; RS [Varia 25]:2 (Arnaud Syria 59 1982 2 f.); RSOu 7 25
(RS 34.167+):15; GN: PN URU ṣu-ri-ya, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):6; Astour RSP 2 364;
Sivan GAGl 270; Huehnergard UVST 228; Van Soldt SAU 336 n. 166; Watson
LSU 204); ¶ par.: ṣdyn. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣr, ṣrm (encl. -m).
TN, Tyre: b ṣr in TN, 4.370:3; tḫm mlk ṣr ảḫk message of the king of Tyre, your
brother, 2.38:3; hndt b ṣr this (was) in TN, 2.38:12; ktn d ṣr a tunic of TN, 4.132:4;
ảṯrt ṣrm DN of TN, 1.14 IV 35, 38 (// ṣdynm); zbl ṣr prince of TN, 5.22:9; in bkn
ctx.: ảdr ṣr[ the magnates of TN (?), 1.176:19. For KTU b ṣr, 1.13:5 cf. bṣr (diff. De
Moor SP 95; UF 12 1980 307: “anguish”, *ṣwr / ṣrr); in unc. rdg: b ṣr ʕm mlk in TN
(?), with / next to the king (?), 2.40:11 (Pardee BASOR 320 2000 80; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 254).
Cf. ṣry (I), ṣry (II).
/ṣ-r(-r)/ vb G. “to besiege, attack” (Hb. ṣwr, ṣrr, “to attack”, HALOT 1058 f.; Arab.
ḍarra, “to harm, injure, hurt”, AEL 1775f.; Eth. ḍarara, “to be hostile”, CSG 152).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tṣr.
To besiege, attack: ảl tṣr ủdm, do not besiege TN, 1.14 III 29 and par.
ṣrdt n. f. “?” (etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 259; Pardee PIHANS 114 95,
100: “free-born wife”, Arab. *ṣrd, to qualify entities as “pure”, DAF/1 1329 f., but
see AEL 1676f., basic seme “cold”). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṣrdth.
?: bn ṣrdth, 3.32:9, 26 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 259: “sons of his free-born
wives”, cf. “pure” > “of noble birth”).
/ṣ-r-k/ vb G: “to fail, be missing”, “to weaken” (Hb. *ṣrk, ṣwrk, “need”, HALOT
1056; Syr. ṣrk, “to be in need, want”, SL 1302; Arab. ḍaruka, “to be poor,
destitute”, Hava 417. Van Zijl Baal 275f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 97 ff.; diff.
Margalit RB 89 1982 418ff.; UPA 374f.: “to afflict”, rdg ṣr-k, *ṣrr). ¶ Forms: G
prefc. yṣrk.
G. To fail, be missing: šbʕ šnt yṣrk bʕl during seven years DN was missing, 1.19
I 43.
ṣrp n. m. “reddish dye” (< */ṣ-r-p/. Akk. ṣarāpu, “(feuer)rot färben”, AHw 1084;
“to dye red”, CAD Ṣ 104ff.; Landsberger JCS 20 1967–1969 146 ff.; cf. der. ṣerpu,
ṣurpu; Mari Akk. ṣerpum, “coloré en rouge”, ARMT 18 279; 21 414; “Rotfär-
bung”, AHw 1588. Sanmartín AfO 34 1987 55; Syr. ṣrāpā?, “alum”, SL 1303;

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780 ṣrpt – ṣrt

diff. Yamashita RSP 2 67: “silversmith”); ¶ RS Akk.: NA4 KA.BI, PRU 3 208
(RS 16.110):4, 8; PRU 3 209 (RS 16.359 C):3, 7; NA4 ga-bi, passim; cf. AHw 1254:
“lies aban gabê!”; Sanmartín AfO 34 1987 54 ff.; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 322ff.,
350f.: aban ṣurru-pí. ¶ Forms: sg. ṣrp.
Reddish dye or the act of applying it, espec. in the syntagm ảbn ṣrp alum:
kkrm ảlpm ḫmš mảt kbd ảbn ṣrp two talents (and) two thousand five hundred
shekels of alum, 4.626:10 (cf. RS Akk. aban gabê, Aram. ʔbn ṣrp, supra);
cf. 4.182:10, 27; 4.206:6; 4.776:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.774:1.
Cf. mṣrp.
ṣrpt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 190; Watson AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 I 46.
ṣrr n. m. “young ear of corn” (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. ṣarar, “ears of corn”,
AEL 1672; Akk. sarru, zarru, ṣarru, “Kornstadel”, AHw 1561; “shock, stack (of
sheaves of barley)”, CAD S 184. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 165; De Moor SEL 5
1988 66f.; Watson AuOr 22 2004 124; for textual rdg cf. Wyatt RTU 293 n. 193).
¶ Forms: sg. ṣrr.
Young ear of corn (?): b mth ḥmṣ ṣrr for his death the young ear of corn
withered (?), 1.19 I 17.
ṣrrt n. f. pl. “height(s)” (Akk. ṣiāru, ṣâru, ṣerretu, “überragen”, AHw 1092, 1096.
Loretz UF 33 2001 313, 319ff.; for other etym. cf. Van Zijl Baal 334 ff.; De Moor
SP 76f.; Astour RSP 2 322; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 545 n. 9; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 156 n. t.; Lipiński RY 395 n. 3). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ṣrrt.
Height(s), the name of Baal’s residence: ṣrrt ṣpn the heights of TN, 1.3 I 21 f.
and par.; lk šr ʕl ṣrrt go (and) intone a song in / to the “heights” (?), 1.16
I 43 (diff. Watson JANES 8 1976 107: “jamb”, Akk. ṣerru; cf. Gibson CML 156:
“door-pivot, lintel”).
Cf. ṣrry.
ṣrry adj. m., “height(s)” (allom. of ṣrrt. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 454 n. 9: “Höhe,
Halter”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 83, 211f.; also for the morph. see Loretz
UF 33 2001 313, 319ff.; Loretz GAK 563; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 211 ff.; diff.
Pardee UF 5 1973 232f.; CS/1 339: “entrails, heart” > “beloved”, ṣrr-y, ṣrr in
Akk. and Arab.; Dahood RSP 2 10: “co-wife, concubine”, ṣrr-y, Hb. ṣrh; Renfroe
AULS 150: < Akk. ṣāriru, “Klagepriester”). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣrry.
Height(s): bd ảṯt ảb ṣrry a woman’s dirge (will be), oh father, the heights, 1.16
I 5 and par.
Cf. ṣrrt.
ṣrt n. f. “enmity” > “enemy, adversary”, abstr. for concr. (< */ṣ:ḍ-r(-r)/; cf. Hb. ṣr,
“enemy”, HALOT 1052; Akk. ṣerru, “Feind”, AHw 1093; “enemy”, CAD Ṣ 137f.;
Arab. ḍurr, ḍarr, “harm, injure”, AEL 1776; Eth. ḍar, “enemy”, CDG 152; cf. Emar
Akk. LÚ ṣa-(ar)-ra-ri, “rival”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 161 f.); ¶ par.: ỉb (I). ¶ Forms:
sg. ṣrt; suff. ṣrtk.

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ṣrṭn – ṣt 781

Enemy, adversary: mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl ṣrt l rkb ʕrpt which enemy has risen against
DN, adversary against “the Charioteer of the clouds”?, 1.3 III 37 and par. (//
ỉb); ht tṣmt ṣrtk now you must destroy your adversary, 1.2 IV 9 (// ỉbk).
ṣrṭn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313; Watson LSU 179; Zadok OLA 28 74);
¶ syll.: ṣa-ri-ṭá-na, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036):6; Huehnergard UVST 214; AkkUg
PN: bn PN, 4.311:1; 4.412 II 34.
ṣrṯ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 250; Watson LSU 179).
TN: 1.131:6 (Hurr.).
ṣrṯ[, in bkn ctx.: PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 124).
PN: 4.609:22.
ṣry (I) GN (< ṣr).
GN: ypḥ bʕl mšlm ṣry PN witness: PN GN, PN, 3.28:4; 3.29:5 (bʕlmšlm).
ṣry (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 27, 190; Watson Historiae 4 2007 102).
PN: ★a) 3.28:4; 3.29:6; 4.338:5; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 II 4; in bkn ctx., 4.124:11; 4.708:6.
ṣrym PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 190; Watson AuOr 11 1993 218).
PN: bn PN, 4.122:6.
ṣṣ n. m. “salt-works” (Hb. ṣyṣ, “salt” (?), HALOT 1023. Heltzer AION 18 1968
355–361; Del Olmo UF 10 1978 42 n. 38; Van Soldt SAU 36 f.); ¶ RS Akk.:
A.ŠÁ MUN ša PN, PRU 3 210 (RS 15.X):7 and cf. syll. Ug.; Huehnergard AkkUg
363; ¶ syll. Ug.: ṣí-ṣú-ma an-nu-tu4, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147) rev. 4 (Van Soldt
SAU 413); cf. A.ŠÀ MUN(.ḪI.A): ṣí-ṣú(-ú)-ma, PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):12; PRU 6
28 (RS 17.379 A) rev. 2; AHw 1095: “Salzsteppe”; CAD Ṣ 150: “salt marsh”; Moran
Bib 39 1958 69ff.; Sivan GAGl 269; Huehnergard UVST 170; Van Soldt SAU 307,
413; Márquez UF 24 1992 261f. ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. cstr. ṣṣ.
Salt-works: ṣṣ PN (n) salt-works of PN: (n), 4.340:1–23; 4.344:1–19 (cf. mlḥt);
see b ṣṣ, 4.720:4 (alt. rdg b<n> PN (?); šd gl PN, 4.356:3, rdg šd ṣṣ PN field:
salt-works of PN (cf. syll. Ug.: A.ŠÀ.MUN(.ḪI.A): ZI-ṣú(-ú)-ma, PRU 3 124
(RS 15.167+):12; PRU 6 28 (RS 17.39) rev. 2; cf. supra: gl (III)); in unc. ctx.: qn
ṣṣ b ṣṣ, unpub. (RS 20.136; cf. Márquez UF 28 1996 459 ff.); in bkn ctx.: ]xṣṣ.
Cf. ṣṣt.
ṣṣb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 II 1.
ṣṣn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 190); ¶ syll.: cf. ṣí-ṣí, Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146):25;
Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279.
PN: 4.609:14.
Cf. s/śzn, ẓẓn.
ṣt n. f. (?) a garment (etym. unc. Hb. swt, “garment” (?), HALOT 749; Ph. swt,
“garment”, DNWSI 781; Akk. (w)aṣitu, “ein Ärmelgewand (?)”, AHw 1475; “a

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782 ṣṭqšlm – ṣwy

garment”, CAD A/2 355. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 174; Ribichini-Xella

Tessili 61; Vita TT 332; diff. Habermann HDBS 9: “cubicle”, Arab. ʔawṣada,
waṣīd); ¶ par.: mỉzrt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṣth.
A garment: yd ṣth he took off his ṣ., 1.17 I 13–14 (// mỉzrth).
ṣṭqšlm, cf. ṣdqšlm.
ṣtqn, cf. ṣdqn.
ṣtry GN m. (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 250; Watson SEL 28 2011 29). ¶ Forms: sg. ṣtry.
GN: PN ṣtry, 4 690:15.
ṣwy PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 279: /zuja/; Garbini AION 35 1975
418: *ṣwy); ¶ syll.: cf. zu-ú-ya, PRU 3 112 (RS 15.126):4; DUMU zu-ya, PRU 3 196
(RS 15.42+) II 11.
PN: bn PN, 4.232:24.
Cf. ṣmy.

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š n. m. “ram”, “sheep” (Hb. śh, “small livestock beast, sheep or goat”, HALOT
1310f.; Ph., š, “sheep”, DNWSI 1089; OAram. šʔh/t, “sheep, ewe”, DNWSI 1094 f.;
Akk. šû/šuʔu, “Schaf”, AHw 1255; “sheep”, CAD Š/3 417; OSA š2h, “sheep”,
SD 132; Arab. šāt / šāhat, “sheep”, AEL 1623f. Sasson RSP 1 446; Del Olmo BSA 7
1993 188); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /šû/ in PNN; cf. Sivan GAGl 275); ¶ par.:
ảlm.¶ Forms: sg. š, suff. šy, šh; du. šm.
Ram: ★a) as an alimentary product: kd yn w š one jar of wine and one ram,
4.160:2, cf. ln. 4 and 11, also 4.62 and 4.716:1–3, 9, 13; mḏrġlm (…) š, (for) the m.,
(…) one ram, 4.751:3; ḏmrd ṯn šm PN, two rams, 4.775:3, 14; ★b) as a sacrificial
victim: ršp š / š ršp DN one ram, passim, cf. in Hurr. ctx. ḫbtd š, 1.132:5, ảlnd
ṯn šm, 1.132:23, cf. ln. 13; š l bʕl / l bʕl š one ram to DN, passim; ṯn šm l ỉlỉb two
rams to DN, 1.162:6 and par.; ršp ỉdrp š DN (of) ỉ., a ram, 1.148:32; ṯn šm l ʕṯtrt
two rams to DN, 1.41:48 and par.; ảlp w š / š w ảlp (l) bʕl ṣpn one (head of)
cattle and one ram to DN, passim; dkr š ảlp w ṯlṯ ṣỉn šlmm one male ram, one
bull and three ewes as a peace-offering, 1.43:6; npš w š l ršp bbt one (piece of)
offal and one ram to DN of TN, 1.105:25; kbd w š l šlm one liver and one ram
to DN, 1.109:8 and par.; mtntm w š l rmš two loins and one ram to DN, 1.109:7
and par., cf. 1.39:2; š dd ỉlš one ram (and) one “cauldronful” (to) DN, 1.41:6 and
par., cf. ln. 44; š ỉṯtqb one ram of TN, 1.105:9; pảmt ṯlṯm š thirty times one ram,
1.109:30, cf. 1.41:43 and par.; ʕlm š š[qr]b l (on the) next (day), one ram will be
offered to, 1.87:56; š qdšh one ram in his sanctuary, 1.106:13, cf. 1.104:12; [b]ġb
(…) š šrp in the ġb of (…) one ram in holocaust, 1.104:1. and par., cf. 1.41:51;
1.170:2; š ḥll ydm one ram as (an offering of) desacralising the hands, 1.115:6
(diff. Pardee TR/1 643f.: “et fais purifier les mains”, rdg w šḥl; see Del Olmo
UF 36 2004 615); b ṯdṯ š on the sixth (day) one ram, 1.126:19; hn š here is the
ram!, 1.40:17 and par.; šh d ytn ṣtqn his ram that PN offered, 1.80:2 (cf. ln. 4–5);
ṯn šm w ảlp two rams and one head of cattle, 1.46:2; bt bʕl ủgrt ṯn šm in the
temple of DN of TN two rams (will be offered), 1.105:6, cf. ln. 12; š l ảlỉt one
ram for DN, 1.90:19; [ảl]ỉt š (for) DN, one ram, 1.168:15; š šrp a ram as a burnt
offering (diff. Watson NABU 2006/46: rdg ššrt, “a gizzard”, Akk. šisurru; see
infra: ššrt); qḥny šy take, please (/ from me) my two rams, 1.82:8 (// ảlm. Del
Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247, 253 n. 24); for š in 1.111:18, 20 see šd; in bkn ctx.: ]b ṯnt
š, 7.177:2.
šỉ, in bkn ctx.: tʕrb b šỉ, 1.1 V 26.
/š-ʔ-b/ vb G: “to draw or carry water (from the spring, well)” (Hb. šʔb, “to
draw water”, HALOT 1367; OSA sʔb, “to draw water”, SD 121; Aram. šʔb, “to
draw water”, DTT 1505; Eth. saʔaba, “to drag, pull”, CDG 480; Akk. sâb/pu,

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784 šả:ỉb – /š-ʔ-l/

“schöpfen”, AHw 1000; “to draw beer”, CAD S 5). ¶ Forms: G prefc. y/tšảbn;
inf. šỉb; act. ptc. m. šỉb, cf. infra: šỉb; f. pl. šỉbt, cf. infra: šỉbt).
G. To draw or carry water: y]šảbn b rḥbt [… y]šảbn b kknt he draws water
with an amphora, […] he draws water with a jar, 1.6 I 66–67 (diff. De Moor
CARTU 38: rdg t]šảbn (…) t]šảbn; KTU: ]tšảbn (…) t]šảbn); ảḫth šỉb yṣảt his
sister had gone out to draw water, 1.16 I 51.
Cf. šả:ỉb, šỉbt.
šả:ỉb n. m. “water bearer, water carrier, water provider” (< /š-ʔ-b/). ¶ Forms: pl.
šỉb (act. ptc.), šảb (orthog. variant or nominal /qattal/ pattern).
Water bearer, water carrier, water provider: spr šảb mq[dšt] document con-
cerning the water carriers of the sanctuary, 6.25:2 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 379
and n. 26); šỉb mqdšt PNN water bearers of the service of the sanctuary: PNN,
4.609:15 (Heltzer IOKU 138).
Cf. /š-ʔ-b/, šỉbt.
šỉbt n. f. “water bearer” (< šỉb; cf. šả:ỉb); ¶ par.: mmlảt. ¶ Forms: pl. abs. / cstr.
Water bearer: sʕt b npk šỉbt swept from the spring the water bearers, 1.14 III 9
and par. (// mmlảt); štk šỉbt ʕn cease did the water bearer from the source,
1.12 II 59 (for other version see /š-t-k/); qrsảm l šỉ{.}bt bd PN (two (?)) q. for
the water bearer, in / from the hands of PN, 4.705:4.
/š-ʔ-l/ vb G: 1) “to ask, request in general”; 2) “to order a cultic reply”; Gt “to
require a cultic reply” (Hb. šʔl, “to ask”, “claim”, HALOT 1371ff.; Pun., OAram.,
Palm. “to ask”, DNWSI 1095ff.; Ebla cf. *šʔl, Pagan ARES 3 171f.; cf. ptc. f.
/šāʔiltum/ in EN.LI = sa-il-tum, VE 907; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; Gt iš-da-al,
Müller Biling. 198; inf. D (?) /šaʔʔultum/ in AL.ÈN.TAR = ša-ul-tum(/-du-um),
VE 987; Müller Biling. 200; diff. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 36: n. /šaʔu/ūltum/;
act. n. /tištaʔīlum/ in Ù.EN = daš-da-i-lum, EV 0436; Kienast Biling. 247 f.; cf.
Vattioni EDA 208; cf. IGI.TÙR = da-aš-da-NI(ì?)-Lum, EV 0130; cf. Krebernik
QuSem 18 121; Akk. sâlu, šaʔalu, “fragen”, AHw 1151 f.; “to ask, question”, CAD
Š/1 274ff.; OSA sʔl, “to request, demand”, SL 121 f.; Eth. saʔala, “to ask, inquire”,
480. Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Olávarri 55f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc. šỉlt; suff. šỉln;
prefc. yšảl, [ y]šỉl (?), yšủl, tšảl; inf. šảl / šỉl (cf. infra: šỉl); Gt prefc. tštỉl (?)
(2.17:15), yštảl.
G. 1) To ask, request in general: yqrb b šảl, he approached, asking, 1.14 I 38;
yšảl mẓpṭ yld he asked for the “decree” of the child, 1.124:3; w ht/m yšảl aḫy bny
ṯryl and so, let my brother, my son, ask PN, 2.14:11, 16; ỉnd šỉln nobody asked my
advise, 2.87:9; in unc. ctx.: [ y]šỉl ṯr ỉṯ ph, 1.101:8 (for another rdg and various
opinions cf. Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 111; Pardee TPM 121, 145 ff.); w ym ym yšảl and
day after day may he ask (?), 2.47:24–25; bʕl yšủl šlmk may PN/DN ask about
(be interested in) your health (?), 5.11:2 (cf. Caquot Ug 7 393; Dietrich-Loretz
KA 187).

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šảl – šỉn 785

2) To order a cultic reply: k tšảl bt ʕbdk when you order a reply in the house
of your servants, 2.70:23; in bkn ctx.: ]šỉlt, 2.4:9, 13.
Gpass.: w l ủšảl and I was never consulted, 2.87:8, see 2.103:9.
Gt. To require a formal (oracular) reply: hnk tšmʕm ʕdn yštảl ʕmnk when
you hear that the troop requires a reply from me, 2.71:10 (Sivan UF 22 1990
311f.; Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs Dietrich 551ff.); hlny bn ʕyn yštảl ʕm ảmtk look,
here PN has required a reply from your maidservant, 2.70:12; in bkn ctx.: tštỉl,
2.17:15; mlk yštảl b{.}hn may the king require a reply regarding them (the
ships), 2.42:23, cf. w yštảl, 2.104:10. In this regard see Malbran-Labat-Roche
RU 92.
Cf. šảl, šỉl.
šảl n. m. “claim, demand” (inf. as n. of action < /š-ʔ-l/). ¶ Forms: pl. šảlm.
Claim, demand: w mnm šảlm dt tknn and any claims they bring up, 3.3:5.
Cf. /š-ʔ-l/.
šỉl (I) n. m. “interrogator, cultic questioner, diviner” (?) (act. ptc. < /š-ʔ-l/; Akk.
šāʔilu, “Traumdeuter”, AHw 1134; “diviner”, CAD Š/1 110 ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. šỉl.
Interrogator, cultic questioner, diviner (?): lm l lỉkt šỉl šlmy why did you not
send one who would ask (cultically) about my health?, 2.63:8, 12 (see alt.
Tropper UG 486: “Anfrage”); in bkn ctx. ]šỉl šlm[, 2.50:10.
šỉl (II) PN (Sem. < /š-ʔ-l/).
PN: bn šỉl, 4.841:13.
Cf. /š-ʔ-l/.
šỉm PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 179).
PN: 4.181:7 (ỉlštmʕy).
šỉn n. m. 1) “shoe, sandal(s)”; 2) “rim”(?) (Ebla cf. /šaʔna(n)/ (du.) in E.LAK-
173 = sa-na, VE 1323, Fronzaroli EL 149; StEb 7 1984 180; Hb. sʔwn, “boot”,
HALOT 738; OAram. šʔn, “shoe, sandal”, DNWSI 1098; Syr. sʔūnāʔ, SL 958;
Akk. šēnu, “Sandale”, AHw 1213; “sandal, shoe”, CAD Š/2 289 ff.; Nuzi Akk. šēnu,
“sandal, shoe”, CAD Š/2 289 (but cf. Guichard NABU 1994/31: Hurr.); Eth. šāʔn,
“shoe, sandal”, CDG 524. Xella TRU 349; Del Olmo IMC 191, 207; CR 267 n. 87;
Watson LSU 133 and n. 548); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. KUŠ.E.SÍR, PRU 6 18 (RS 19.53):21.
¶ Forms: du. šỉnm; pl. šảnt.
1) Shoe, sandal(s): šỉnm l yšt the shoe he does (/not) put on, 1.164:2 (diff.
Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 59 1979 298: “presents” (?)).
2) Rim (?): w l šảnt ṯṯ lbt ʕšrm and for six (wheel) rims (?) hoops (?) twenty,
4.392:2 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 191: “Ruhe”, < */š-ʔ-n/).
Cf. unc. rdg in unc. ctx.: šỉnk. 2.15:4 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 11 1979 192: “Ruhe”,
*šʔn); in bkn ctx.: šỉnm, 1.86:27; ]šảnt ṯrm, 4.127:8 (for the rdg mṯrm “chisel”
see Watson UF 34 2002 926f.: Akk. našramu, “eine Art von Meissel” (?), AHw
761 b; “a wooden cutting tool”, CAD N/2 78).

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786 šảnt – šủrt

šảnt, cf. šỉn.

/š-ʔ-r/ vb Gt: 1) “to remain, stay”; 2) “to be in debt, to remain to be paid, to be
in debit”, “to remain, be lacking” (Hb., OAram. šʔr, “to be remaining”, ni., “to
remain over”, HALOT 1375ff.; DNWSI 1098; OSA sʔr, “to survive”, SD 121; Arab.
saʔira, “to remain”, AEL1282. Hoftijzer UF 3 1971 361 ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7
1975 195; Sivan UF 22 1990 312). ¶ Forms: Gt suffc. ỉštỉr; impv. (?) ỉštỉr.
Gt. 1) To remain, stay, in bkn ctx.: ỉštỉr b ḏdm stay in the grottoes, 1.18 IV 15.
2) To be in debt, to remain to be paid, to be in debit, to remain, be lacking: kd
ỉštỉr ʕm qrt a “jar” (of oil) is still owed (is on the credit of) to the city, 4.290:3
(Hoftijzer UF 3 1971 363); ỉqnủm ỉštỉr bhm from it the purple is still lacking
(see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138, 141f.); in bkn ctx.: wkl mḫrk [d ỉš]tỉr ảštn
lk I will return to you the total amount that I still owe, 2.32:10 (for the rdg
]xtỉr cf. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 40f.); in bkn ctx.: ỉ]štỉr p ủ[my remains to be paid,
but my m[other (…) (?), 2.72:42 (Brooke UF 11 1979 78 f.); ]šir, 1.82:9.
šỉr (I) n. m. “flesh” (Hb. šʔr, “body, flesh”, HALOT 1378f.; Pun. šʔr, “meat, flesh”,
DNWSI 1099; Akk. šī/ēru, “Fleisch”, AHw 1248 f.; “flesh”, CAD Š/3 113 ff. De
Moor SP 211; diff. Wyatt RTU 136 n. 84: “remains”, Hb. šʔr, HALOT 1377f.;
Watson LSU 107); ¶ syll. Ug.: Z]U = ši-i-ru = ú-zi = ši-i-ru, Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149)
II 3; Huehnergard UVST 180; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 732; SAU 307; ¶ par.: mnt
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. šỉr, suff. šỉrh.
Flesh: šỉrh ltỉkl ʕṣrm his flesh the birds will certainly devour, 1.6 II 35 (// mnth);
šỉr l šỉr yṣḥ flesh to flesh invited / called out, 1.6 II 37; tspỉ šỉrh l bl ḥrb it
consumes its flesh without a knife, 1.96:3; qrn šỉr fleshy excrescence, 1.103:11,
cf. ln. 25; in bkn ctx.: [š]ỉr ṭry tender flesh, 1.6 VI 43; ]l šỉr, 1.10 I 18.
šỉr (II) n. m. unit of area measure (fraction of a šd “strip” / “hectare” of land as
a unit of measure; cf. šd (II); etym. unc., poss. related to Sum. s/šar (SAR);
cf. Akk. mus/šaru/û, as Raummass, AHw 681; surface measure, CAD M/2
261f. Powell RlA 7 479: ca. 36m2; cf. Ug 5 144 (RS 21.10) V 1. Liverani UF 2
1970 99 n. 22; Wesselius UF 12 1980 448f.; Zamora SEL 17 2000 55 ff.; diff.
Watson UF 32 2000 571: Akk. šūru, “reed-bundle”; NABU 2001/71: “furlong”,
Akk. še/irʔu, “furrow”; LSU 107). ¶ Forms: sg. šỉr; du. abs. šỉrm.
Unit of area measure (a fraction of the šd): šỉrm šd khn two š. of (: in relation
to the measure) “strip”: PN, 4.282:5; ṯlṯ šd w krm šỉr d PN three “strips” and a
vineyard of one š. (in area), of PN, ibid. 6; šỉrm šd šd ʕšy w šỉr šd krm d PN two
s. of “strip” of cultivated land and a š. of “strip” of vineyard, of PN, ibid. 7–9
see ln. 10–13; šỉr šd mltḥ šd ʕšy d PN a š. of “strip” (plus) of m., of cultivated
land of PN, ln. 14–15; in bkn ctx.: ](…) šỉr kbd, 4.399:11; ]šỉr šd kr[m, 4.642:3;
[ả]rbʕ šỉr b šr, 4.399:10, cf. ln. 13.
šủrt n. f. a weapon, dagger or poniard (?) (< Hurr. šauri-, “arme”, Laroche
GLH 219; Sanmartín AuOr 10 1992 99; Watson LSU 123, 133; diff. Ribichini-

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šỉy (i) – šʕrm 787

Xella Tessili 63: “gomitolo, benda, fascia” (?), Akk. šurʔitu, Hitt. šurita).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. šủrt; du. šủrtm.
Weapon, dagger or poniard (?), in tribute: (…) šủrt(m) l PN / l bnš [PN (so
many) š. for PN / for the personnel of [PN, 4.44:1–17 (list of gifts to a Hittite
legation; cf. sp, ibid. ln. 22–32).
šỉy (I) adj. m. “assassin” (Arab. saʔā, “to make mischief”, AEL 1284; cf. Hb. šwʔ,
šwʔh, “destruction”, “storm, trouble, ruin”, HALOT 1424 ff. Dijkstra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 195f.; Renfroe AULS 143f.; diff. Margalit UF 15 1983 101 f.: “water”,
Hurr. šiye; Watson UF 23 1991 359f.; SEL 16 1999 43: “a bird, raptor”, Akk. šiʔum,
šaʔu, Eg. siȝ; NABU 2002/9: “raptor”, Emar Akk. ša-a-i, “falcon, hawk”); ¶ par.:
šḫṭ, tkm; ¶ Forms: sg. šỉy.
Assassin: a) špk km šỉy dm spill like an assassin (his) blood, 1.18 IV 23, 35 (//
šḫṭ); b) element of a TN: md !br ỉl šỉy desert of the “Divine Assassin”, 1.12 I 22
(Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 195f.: “murderous god”; so also Dietrich-Loretz
SUT 110f.: “Steppe des mörderischen Gottes/Dämons”; diff. Gray UF 3 1971 63
n. 15: “waste land”, Hb. šʔyh; Schloen JNES 52 1993 215: “desolation”).
šỉy (II) MN (cf. RS Akk. ša-ʔi-ya, RS 94.2356, RS 94.2490 (unpub.); Malbran-
Labat-Roche OuBMBR 251–253, 257; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 133).
MN, in bkn ctx.: b yrḫ šỉ[ y in the month of MN, 1.87:54 (diff. rdg KTU in 1.87:54:
b yrḫ šm[ʕt), see also 4.387:15, 23.
/š-ʕ-r/ vb, in bkn ctx.: nšʕr, 7.55:5.
šʕr n. m. 1) “hair, hairs”; 2) “pelisse”, “fleece” (Hb. śʕr, “hairiness, body hair”,
HALOT 1344f.; Syr. saʕrāʔ, “hair”, SL 1028; Akk. šārtu, “Haar(e)”, AHw 1191 f.;
“hair”, CAD Š/2 125ff.; Arab. šaʕr, šaʕar, “Hair”, AEL 1560; Eth. šǝʕǝrt, “hair”,
CDG 525; Eg. /śaʕarū/a/, “Barley Field or Scrub Country”, Hoch SWET 255 f.
(358)). ¶ Forms: sg. šʕr, cstr. šʕr.
1) Hair, hairs: šʕr klb hair(s) of a dog, 1.114:29 (cf. Akk. šarat kalbi as a magical
and pharmaceutical remedy; for this and other versions cf. Watson AuOr 8
1990 265ff.; Del Olmo MLRSO 161 n. 13; see also the rdg ḫš ʕrk “zubereiteter
Thymian (?)”, Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Gordon 1998 179).
2) Pelisse, fleece: ḥspt l šʕr ṭl she who collects dew from the (woollen) pelisse
/ fleece, 1.19 II 2 and par.
Cf. šʕrt (I).
šʕrm n. m. “barley” (Hordeum sativum L.; Hb. śʕrh, “the hairy” > “barley”, HALOT
1345f.; DNWSI 1180; OAram. šʕrn, pl., DNWSI 1180; OSA s2ʕr, “barley”, SD 131;
Arab. šaʕīr, “barley”, AEL 1561; cf. Eth. šǝrnāy, “wheat”, CDG 534); ¶ RS Akk.:
ŠE(.MEŠ), passim; cf. PRU 6 158; Huehnergard AkkUg 389; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [ŠE?]
= [ ] = [ ] = [š]i?-i-ru[, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 19; Huehnergard UVST 183.
¶ Forms: pl. t. šʕrm.
Barley: (n) dd(m) šʕrm (n) “cauldronsful” of barley, 4.269:22, 23, 24, 33, cf.

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788 šʕrt (i)

4.14:1ff., 4.811:1, 4.865:3 and passim; cf. (n) šʕrm (n) of barley, 4.345:6; dd šʕrm
one “cauldronful” of barley, 4.608:3; ṯmnym dd šʕrm b TN eighty “cauldrons-
ful” of barley from TN, 6.21:2 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 377f. n. 19); ṯmn ddm! šʕrm
l ḥmrm eight “cauldronsful” of barley for the donkeys, 6.19:1; dd šʕrm l ḥmr
ḥṭb one “cauldronful” of barley for the donkey of the woodcutter, 4.269:24;
ṯlṯ ddm šʕrm l ḥmrm dt tblm three “cauldronsful” of barley for the donkeys
of the smelters, 4.790:14 (cf. ln. 3, 6, 11, 12); ṯlṯm dd šʕrm l prdm thirty “caul-
dronsful” of barley for the mules, 4.786:4; in bkn ctx.: šʕrm, 1.86:31; d]d šʕrm,
šʕrt (I) n. f. 1) “wool, hair”; 2) “woollen textile”. Hb. śʕrh, “individual hair”, ʔdrt
śʕr, “cloak of hair-cloth” (?), HALOT 1344f.; JPAram. śʕrh, “hair” DJPA 572;
Akk. šārtu, “Haar(e)”, AHw 1191f.; “hair, goat hair”, CAD Š/2 125 ff.; Ebla /šaʕra-
tum/ in LAK-175 = šè?-ra-du-um, var. sa-ra-tum, VE 972; Krebernik ZA 73
1983 35; Fronzaroli EL 149; StEb 7 1984 180 f.; Arab. šaʕrat, n. unitatis and
pl., AEL 1560; Eth. šǝʕǝrt, “hair”, CDG 525. Heltzer GPOTU 23ff.; Ribichini-
Xella Tessili 15ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: SÍG.MEŠ, Syria 10 1929 pl. 76/2; PRU 6 165
(RS 19.93):4; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 333; cf. PRU 6 159; Huehnergard AkkUg 407;
SÍK.ZA.GÌN(.MEŠ), cf. SÍK.ZA.GÌN ḫuš-ma-na/ni, PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 and
dupl.):24–25 and passim, cf. Dietrich-Loretz WO 3 1966 228ff.; 50 TÚG.SIG4.
ZA.MEŠ ša GIŠ.GU.ZA ša SÍG ZA.GÌN, PRU 3 184 (RS 16 146 + 161):13; ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. TÚG šá-ḫar-tu, PRU 6 128 (RS 19.104):5; Sivan GAGl 271; Huehnergard
UVST 183; Van Soldt SAU 307, 330 n. 158. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. šʕrt.
1) Wool, hair: ★a) one hundred and forty-five (shekels (?)) šʕrt of wool,
4.270:5 (cf. infra: d); lqḥ šʕrt has / have received wool, 4.131:1; 4.630:3 and pas-
sim ibid. (cf. infra: c); šbʕ kkr šʕrt b kkr ảḏdd seven talents of wool according
to the talent of TN, 4.709; [[šʕrt mnḥt]] wool delivered as tribute, 4.709:9 (see
mnḥt); ★b) distribution: l PN šʕrt for PN: wool, 4.188:5 and passim ibid.; three
hundred and thirty (shekels (?)) šʕrt l šr ʕṯtrt of wool for the singer of DN,
4.168:3; ṯlṯ šʕrt l ḥršm (…) šʕ<r>t l PN three of wool for the workmen, (… one
of) wool for PN, 4.705:1, 6; (…) kkr šʕrt l rb[ (so many) talents of wool for the
chief (?) / PN[, 4.721:9; for clothing cult statues or effigies: 4.182:2, 14, 19, 28, 30;
in rituals: mỉt šʕrt one hundred of wool, 1.49:10; 1.50:9; ★c) taxes or loans paid
in wool: PN šʕrt (pay in) wool, 4.46:4–14; lqḥ šʕrt they opt to (pay in) wool,
4.144:6; 4.378:2; šbʕ tqḥn šʕrt nine opt to (pay in) wool, 4.395:3 (cf. ššlmt and
Sanmartín UF 20 1988 268ff.; cf. supra: a); ★d) accounts, esp. in talents (cf.
Heltzer GPOTU 22ff.): šbʕ kkr šʕrt b kkr TN seven talents of wool (calculated)
by the talent of TN, 4.709:1; cf. ibid. ln 3–4; kkr šʕrt 4.225:13; b ṯql, 4.707:16, 18;
b ṯqlm, ibid. ln. 16; ʕšr kkr šʕrt bd PN b ảrbʕm ten talents of wool ceded to PN
for forty (shekels), 4.341:14; kkr šʕrt šbʕt ksph a talent of wool at the price of
seven (shekels), 4.158:17. Cf. 4.131:1 (2–13).

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šʕrt (ii) – šb 789

2) Woollen textile: ★a) types: šʕrt ỉqnỉm wool(s) in violet purple, 4.341:3 (cf.
RS Akk.: SÍK.ZA. GÌN, supra); šʕrt mṣrt Egyptian (?) wool, 4.721:14 (Heltzer
GOPTU 25, 57 n. 109; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 16 n. 7); šʕrt štt spun (?) wool,
4.337:9 (Ribichini-Xella Tessili 16 n. 9); ★b) woollen textiles and clothes:
pld(m dt) šʕrt p. of wool, 4.152:7; 4.205:7; 4.270:8, 12; ḫpnt šʕrt woollen capes,
In bkn ctx.: ]šʕrt, 4.28:6; 4.765:5.
Cf. šʕr, šʕrt (II), šʕrty.
šʕrt (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 257: *Šaʕartu. Heltzer RCAU 12, 17 n. 35; Astour
RSP 2 331f., 365; UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 64; Van Soldt UBL 11 367, 377, 379; UF 30
1998 722; Topography 44, 184f.); ¶ syll.: URU SÍG, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):1; AnOr
48 29 [Varia 11]:6; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):28; Huehnergard UVST 183; AkkUg 407;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688.
TN: 4.63 II 40; 4.100:4; 4.355:8; 4.365:11 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688 n. 288);
4.380:11; 4.382:25; 4.610 I 13; 4.693:12; 4.750:17; 4.793:9; 4.820:9; 4.824:4. For the
reading š<ʕ>rt in 4.360:12 cf. Heltzer RCAU 12, 17 n. 36; Van Soldt UF 28 1996
688; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 257; for the reading š[ʕrt in 4.683:12 cf. Bordreuil
UF 20 1988 11; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 257.
Cf. šʕrty.
šʕrty GN m. (< šʕrt (II), TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 257). ¶ Forms: sg. šʕrty.
GN: PN šʕrty, 4.33:25; 4.51:7; 4.96:2, 9.
šʕtq adj. / n. m. “noble” (?) (/šqtl/ pattern < /ʕ-t-q/. Cf. Akk. šūtuqu, “im Rang
erhöht über”, AHw 1294; “surpassing, outstanding”, CAD Š/3 414 f. Lipiński
OLP 12 1981 114; but see Pardee AfO 31 1984 221f.). ¶ Forms: sg. šʕtq.
Noble (?): ʕbdmlk šʕtq PN the noble (?), 2.82:5.
Cf. /ʕ-t-q/.
šʕtqt DN, healing genie created by the god ỉl (/šqtlt/ pattern < /ʕ-t-q/. Saliba
JAOS 92 1972 108; Margalit UF 8 1976 156ff.; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 114; Watson
SEL 10 1993 56; Lewis JANER 13 2013 188–212).
DN: šʕtqt dm lỉ / lảt! DN, conquer / conquered, 1.16 VI 1, 13; ttbʕ šʕtqt DN
departed, 1.16 VI 2.
Cf. /ʕ-t-q/.
šb n. m. “old man, elderly man” < grey-haired, white-haired (Hb. śyb, “to be grey
headed, old”, HALOT 1318; Syr. sābāʔ, “old man, elder”, SL 959; Akk. šību, “grau,
alt, Alter”, AHw 1228f.; “old man, old woman” CAD Š/2 390 ff.; Arab. šāʔib,
“being white-haired”, AEL 1627; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 159 n. r: “young
men”, “jeunes gens”, Arab. šabb, šabbāb; Cassuto GA 87, 118: “raiders”, Hb.
šwbym; Watson NABU 1999/54: “wicked man”, Hurr. šu-be, but see Historiae
10 2013 39: “elderly man”; Tropper Fs. Wyatt 303ff.: “Gefangene”, Hb. šby; for a
general survey of the var. opinions see Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 350 f.); ¶ par.:
mdnt. ¶ Forms: pl. šbm.

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790 /š-b-ʕ/ (i) – šbʕ (i)

Old man, elderly man: mṭm tgrš šbm with (her) riding crop she drove out the
old men, 1.3 II 16. (// mdnt. Cf. Akk. ālum u šibūtum; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013
352); in bkn ctx.: šb, 1.172:6; ]xšb l rḥ, 1.172:26; šb[, 7.58:3; ]šb, 1.1 II 13.
Cf. šbt.
/š-b-ʕ/ (I) vb D: “to repeat for the seventh time” (denom. of šbʕ (I)). ¶ Forms:
D prefc. yšbʕ.
D. To repeat for the seventh time: yṯdṯ yšbʕ rgm six, seven times he repeated
the question, 1.16 V 20.
Cf. mšbʕt, šbʕ (I).
/š-b-ʕ/ (II) vb G: “to be sated, glutted”; D: “to sate, satiate” (Hb. śbʕ, “to eat one’s
fill, satisfy oneself”, HALOT 1302ff.; Ph., OAram. “to be sated”, DNWSI 1101 f.;
Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 61; Pagan ARES 3 172; Akk. šebû, “sich sättigen an,
satt werden”, AHw 1207f.; “to become satted”, CAD Š/2 251 ff.; Arab. šabiʕa,
“to become satiated”, AEL 1496f.); ¶ par.: /m-l-k/, /m-r-a/, /š-k-r/ (II), škrn.
¶ Forms: G suffc. šbʕt, šbʕt, šbʕ, šbʕt; prefc. tšbʕ, tšbʕn; inf. šbʕ; D prefc. yšbʕ.
G. To be sated, glutted: mʕmsk k šbʕt yn who loads himself with you when you
are sated with wine, 1.17 II 6 and par. (// b škrn); w l šbʕt tmtḫṣh b ʕmq but she
was not sated by her fight in the valley, 1.3 II 19; ʕd tšbʕ tmtḫṣḥ b bt to satiety
she fought in her house, 1.3 II 29; ʕd tšbʕ bk when she was sated with weeping,
1.6 I 9; yʕdb (…) w l tšbʕn each one put (food) … without sating themselves,
1.23:64; tštn y<n> ʕd šbʕ they drank wine to satiety, 1.114:3 (// škr); in bkn ctx.:
tšbʕ[, 1.7:17.
D. To sate, satiate: d yšb[ʕ] hmlt ảrṣ who sates the multitudes of the land, 1.4
VII 51–52 (// ymlk, ymrủ).
šbʕ (I) n. num. “seven” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. šbʕ(t), “seven”, HALOT
1399f.; DNWSI 1102f.; Ebla cf. /šabaʕtum/ sa-ba-tum, “questo vocabolo dove-
va indicare un rito funerario che aveva di norma la durata di sette giorni”,
Fronzaroli QuSem 15 19; Akk. sebe, “sieben”, AHw 1033 f.; “seven”, CAD S 203f.;
OSA sbʕ, “seven”, SD 123; Arab. sabʕ, sabʕat, “seven”, AEL 1297; sabʕ(u), “seven”,
CDG 482); ¶ par.: ṯmn (I). ¶ Forms: sg. šbʕ, f. šbʕt; pl. šbʕm (cf. šbʕm).
1) Numeral seven: ★a) predicative use: šbʕ ydty seven (are) my rations, 1.5 I 20
and par.; šbʕt ghl ph seven are the shouts of his mouth, 1.45:3 (// ṯmnt); šbʕt
ksph seven (shekels) is its price, 4.158:18; ★b) in apposition: pamt šbʕ seven
times, 1.23:20, 1.41:52; 1.110:11 (in Hurr. ctx.), 1.112:7; ★c) elliptical syntagms: ẓ!rn
šbʕt, TN, seven (?), 4.113:8; šbʕ b ḥrṯm seven (unskilled labourers) with the
ploughmen, 4.141 III 1; šbʕ l kṯr seven (times) to DN, 1.43:8, cf. ln. 7: šbʕ pảmt;
šbʕ mṣb seven (“jars”) of m.-wine, 1.91:32; ṯlṯm yn šbʕ kbd thirty-seven (“jars”)
of wine, 3.13:22; šbʕ yn seven (“jars”) of wine, 4.149:10, 4.216:1; 4.246:2; 4.400:18;
šbʕ šmn seven (“jars”) of oil, 4.808:7; PN šbʕt ṯlṯt šlm PN, seven (shekels),
three paid, 4.226:9, cf. ln. 4, 6: PN šbʕt ʕšrt, PN, seventeen (shekels); šbʕt l

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šbʕ (i) 791

aġlḏrm seven (shekels) for PN, 4.276:13; šbʕ dt tqḥn ššlmt seven (unskilled
labourers) who receive supplementary rations, 4.395:4; ʕmrpủ šbʕ PN, seven
(quotas), 4.775:19; [mỉt] ṯṯm šbʕ k[bd k]śmm one hundred and sixty-seven
(measures of) spelt, 4.345:8; šbʕ ảgm ḫpt, seven (houses in) TN (and) TN,
4.810:14; ★d) gen. syntagms: šbʕ bnt seven damsels, 1.3 II 2 and par. (diff.
Aartun StUL 146f.: “Fülle”, < *šbʕ < *śbʕ); šbʕt rảšm, seven heads, 1.3 III 42
and par.; šbʕt ḥdrm, seven chambers, 1.3 III 11, 26 (// ṯmnt); šbʕt ġlmk, your
seven lads, 1.5 V 8 and par.; b šbʕ ymm after seven days (/ on the seventh
day), 1.17 I 15 and par.; b šbʕ šnt after seven years, 1.6 V 8, 1.15 III 22; šbʕ šnt,
seven years, 1.12 II 44, 1.19 I 42, 1.23:66 (// ṯmn); šbʕ [ả]ḫm seven brothers,
1.14 I 8 (// ṯmn); šbʕ bnm seven sons, 1.15 II 23 (// ṯmn); šbʕ pảmt seven
times, 1.43:7, 26; šbʕt brqm seven rays, 1.101:3 (// ṯmnt); šbʕ ảlpm seven head
of cattle, 1.105:5; šbʕ gdlt seven cows, 1.106:21; 1.111:17; 1.112:26; šbʕ ṯảt seven
ewes, 1.111:18; šbʕ mšlt seven m., 1.148:19; šbʕ ḫsnm seven ḫ., 4.137:8; 4.162:2;
4.163:4; 4.173:1, 6; 4.179:7; šbʕ lmdm seven apprentices, 4.138:3; šbʕ lbšm ảllm
seven ả.-garments, 4.168:9; šbʕ ṯnnm seven archers, 4.173:1; šbʕ ḫḏġl[m] seven
fletchers, 4.188:1; šbʕ krmm seven vineyards, 4.244:25; šbʕ šd seven fields,
4.399:7; šbʕ ṣỉn, seven ewes, 4.775:7, cf. 1.106:12; w šbʕ ṣỉnh[ his seven ewes,
4.417:18; šbʕ kkr[ seven talents (?), 4.342:3; šbʕ kkr šʕrt seven talents of wool,
4.709:1; šbʕ kbkbm seven stars, 1.164:15; šbʕ dd gdl seven “cauldronsful” of g.,
4.811:4, see 4.361:3; in bkn ctx.: šbʕ ʕṭ[ seven birds (?), 1.177:2; šbʕ ʕqr[ seven ʕ.,
2) Composite numbers, ★a) seven and a half: šbʕt w nṣp, 2.25:6; ★b) tens:
seventeen: b šbʕt ʕšrt on (day) seventeen, 1.119:4, cf. 1.112:29; šbʕ ʕšr šmn
seventeen (“jars”) of oil, 3.13:5; 4.341:20; šbʕ ʕšr ḫšnm seventeen ḫ., 1.163:13;
šbʕ ʕš[r] d[d ḥ]ṭm seventeen “cauldronsful” of wheat, 4.400:12; ]šʕrt šbʕ ʕšrh
of wool, seventeen, 4.182:14; b ʕgl šbʕt ʕšrt to / from PN seventeen, 4.658:8, cf.
ln. 4; šb<ʕ ʕšr[ seventeen, 4.803:4; twenty-seven: šbʕ ʕšrm kkr ṯlṯ twenty-seven
talents of copper, 4.272:6; šbʕ [ʕ]šrm b ḫrḥbʕ twenty-seven in TN, 4.712:1; pbṯr
šbʕ l ʕšrm PN. twenty-seven, 4.775:9; thirty-seven: b ả]ntn šbʕt l ṯlṯm to/of PN,
thirty-seven, 4.658:3; PN šbʕ l ṯlṯm lỉk PN sent thirty-seven, 4.777:6; fifty-seven:
ảrbʕ mảt ḫmšm šbʕt four hundred and fifty-seven, 4.779:9; sixty-seven: [mỉt]
ṯṯm šbʕ k[bd k]śmm one hundred and sixty-seven (measures of) spelt, 4.345:8;
seventy-seven: šbʕm šbʕ pdr seventy-seven towns, 1.4 VII 10 (// ṯṯ l ṯṯm); šbʕ
l šbʕm seventy-seven (times), 1.5 V 20, cf. 1.25:3 (// ṯmn ṯmnym); šbʕt l šbʕm
ảḫh his seventy-seven brothers, 1.12 II 48; eighty-seven: PN ṯ!m]nym šbʕ kbd
l[ỉk] PN sent eighty-seven, 4.777:2; ★c) hundreds: seven hundred: šbʕ mảt
šʕrt seven hundred of wool, 4.182:19; ṯmn ḥblm šbʕ šbʕ mảt eight cords of
seven hundred (ells) each, 4.247:31; šb[ʕ mảt] ṯmn seven hundred and eight,
4.387:22; šbʕ mảt šʕrt ḫmšm seven hundred and fifty of wool, 4.182:2; šbʕ mảt

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792 šbʕ (ii) – šbʕm

ṯṯm kbd seven hundred and sixty, 4.340:22; ★d) thousands: seven thousand:
ṯlṯm w šbʕ ảlpm, thirty seven thousand, 4.658:48.
In bkn ctx.: šbʕ, 1.16 II 32; 1.73:10; 1.152:2; 4.219:13; 4.456:2; 4.531:4; 4.747:3;
4.764:3, 8; 7.184:4; šbʕ ṯỉrk your seven avengers (?), 1.18 I 25; b šbʕ, 1.22 I 25;
]šbʕ rbt, 1.133:12; šbʕ l[, 4.139:7; šbʕ ʕ[šr, 4.139:16; yrḫ] gn šbʕ, 4.219:14, cf. ln. 15;
šbʕt k[bd, seven …, 4.333:6; šbʕ[, 4.177:5f.; 4.796:5; nsk ksp šbʕ[, 4.836:16; ảlpm
šb[ʕ, 4.866:1; w šbʕ l[qḥ, 4.864:3, 9; šbʕ(t) ʕšr[, 4.803:4; 4.847:8.
Cf. /š-b-ʕ/ (I), šbʕ (II), šbʕd, mšbʕt.
šbʕ (II) ord. num. “seventh” (cf. šbʕ (I). Hb. šbyʕy, “seventh”, HALOT 1393; Syr.
šbīʕayāʔ, “seventh”, SL 1503; Akk. sebû, “siebenter”, AHw 1033f.; “seventh”, CAD
S 205; OSA sbʕ, “seventh”, SD 123; Arab. sābiʕu, “seventh”, AEL 1298; Eth.
sābǝʕāwi, “seventh”, CDG 482); ¶ par.: ṯdṯ. ¶ Forms: sg. šbʕ, f. šbʕt.
Seventh: mk b šbʕ y[mm] look!, on the seventh day, 1.4 VI 32 and par. (diff.
Tropper UG 348: “Siebenzahl”); mk špšm b šbʕ behold at dawn on the sev-
enth, 1.14 V 6, 15 and par. (//ṯdṯ); ʕd šbʕt šnt until the seventh year, 1.19 IV 15;
b ym šbʕ on the seventh day, 1.119:1; šbʕ b ymm the seventh day, 1.17 V 3, cf. [b]
šbʕ ym, 1.112:10; elliptical use: b šbʕ on the seventh (day), 1.119:22, 1.41:47; b šbʕ
ḫdś on the seventh (day) of the new moon, 1.171:7; šbʕ w ṯʕy for the seventh
(time) the offerer, 1.161:30; in bkn ctx.: b šbʕ[, 1.87:51 (cf. 1.41:47).
Cf. šbʕ (I).
šbʕ(ỉ)d adv. “seven times” (šbʕ+ -ỉd; Akk. sebîšu, “siebenmal”, AHw 1033; “seven
times”, CAD S 204). Gordon UT §7.68; Tropper UG 150, 348, 377f.). ¶ Forms:
šbʕd, šbʕỉd, suff. šbʕdm (encl. -m).
Seven times: šbʕd yrgm seven times it is recited, 1.23:12; ʕl ỉšt šbʕd seven times
over the fire (they sacrifice (?)), 1.23:14; šbʕd w šbʕỉd, seven times and seven
times, 2.12:8–9; šbʕd w šbʕd seven times and seven times, 4.24:6 and par., in
prostration formula (cf. Pardee UF 19 1987 203); ṯnỉd šbʕd twice seven times,
2.64:14. and par.; mrḥqtm qlt šbʕd seven times from afar I prostrate myself,
2.12:8–9; 2.97:5; 5.33:5; ʕl ảgn šbʕdm seven times over the cauldron, 1.23:15.
Cf. -ỉd, šbʕ (I).
šbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 117, 191; Dahood Bib 53 1972 401; Watson AuOr 14
1996 104f.); ¶ syll.: šu-dIM, PRU 3 34 (RS 8.207) rev. 7; cf. Sivan GAGl 275.
PN: ★a) 4.45:5 (bn ảḫyn); 4.55:16; 4.96:5 (mlky); 4.366:6 (bn ảly); ★b) bn PN,
4.658:10 (ủḫnpy); in bkn ctx., cf. 4.80:17 and Vita UF 29 1997 705: rdg šbʕ.l[.
Cf. ṯbʕl.
šbʕm n. num. “seventy” (pl. of šbʕ (I); Hb. šbʕym, “seventy”, HALOT 1400; Pun.,
OAram., Palm. šbʕm, DNWSI 1103f.; Arab. sabʕun, “seventy”, AEL 1297; Eth.
sabʕā, “seventy”, CDG 482); ¶ par.: ṯmnym. ¶ Forms: pl. šbʕm.
Seventy, ★a) appositional syntagm: šbʕm bn ảṯrt, the seventy sons of DN, 1.4
VI 46; šbʕm rủmm / ảlpm / ṣỉn / ảylm / yʕlm / y]ḥmrm seventy different types

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šbʕr – šbm 793

of animals, 1.6 I 18–29; šbʕm ṯry my seventy “bulls”, 1.15 IV 6 (// ṯmnym); šbʕm
ṯqlm seventy shekels, 3.10:13; 3.30:5; šbʕm dd / drt / drʕ seventy (“cauldrons-
ful”) of bran / seed, 4.243:1, 5, 18, 23, cf. ln. 46 and 4.636:8; šbʕm l mỉtm dd two
hundred and seventy “cauldronsful”, 4.243:45; šbʕm lbš seventy garments,
4.337:16.; ṯlṯ mảt šbʕm kbd zt three hundred and seventy of olives, 4.164:2;
★b) elliptical use: śstm b šbʕm two planks (?) for seventy (shekels), 4.158:6;
šbʕm gt x[ seventy (in) the farmstead x[, 4.139:8; ★c) in composite numbers:
šbʕm šbʕ pdr seventy-seven towns, 1.4 VII 10 (/ / ṯṯ l ṯṯm); šbʕ l šbʕm seventy-
seven (times), 1.5 V 20, cf. 1.25:3 (// ṯmn l ṯmnym); k šbʕt l šbʕm ảḫh like his
seventy-seven brothers, 1.12 II 48 (// ṯmnt l ṯmnym); šbʕm dd ṯn kbd ḥpr bnšm
seventy-two “cauldronsful”: rations of the king’s men, 4.243:23; ảlpm ḫmš mảt
šbʕm tšʕ kbd head of cattle, five hundred and seventy-nine, 4.296:4; ṯ]lṯ mảt
šbʕm three hundred and seventy, 4.664:3; [š]bʕm arbʕ kbd ảlpm seventy-four
head of cattle, 4.749:3; ảlp [w] mảt kbd šbʕ[m one thousand one hundred and
seventy, 4.201:4; in bkn ctx.: [b] šbʕ[m, 4.337:27; ]šbʕm, 4.682:4.
Cf. šbʕ (I).
šbʕr cf. /b-ʕ-r/ (I).
šbḥ, alloph. of špḥ, 1.14 VI 25, cf. 1.14 III 40.
šblt n. f. “ear, spike (of corn)” (Hb. šblt, “ear of corn”, HALOT 1394f.; Ebla
/šabaltum/ in sa-ba-tum (= SÙ.PA.SIKIL), “spiga”, Fronzaroli QuSem 15 20,
33; Syr. šebbēlāʔ, “ear”, SL 1504; Akk. šubultu, “Ähre”, AHw 1258; “ear of barley”,
CAD Š/3 187f.; OSA, sblt, “ear of corn”, DS 123; Arab. sunbulat, “one ear of
corn”, AEL 1440; Eg. /šabala/, /šubla/, “spikes (of fruit trees), shoots, clusters
(of grapes)”, Hoch SWET 258f. (365)); ¶ par.: bṣql, prʕ. ¶ Forms: sg./pl.
Ear, spike (of corn): yḥ šblt b ġlph the ear(s) will wither in its (/ their) husk(s),
1.19 I 18 (// prʕ); yph šblt b ảk<l>t šblt ypʕ b ḥmdrt šblt yḥ[bq] he saw an ear
in the stubble, he spied an ear in the parched field; he embraced the ear, 1.19
II 20–21 and par. (// bṣql).
/š-b-m/ vb Gt: “to muzzle” (Arab. šabama, šibām, “to put the šibām in the
mouth of the kid”, “a piece of wood which is put crosswise in the mouth
of a kid”, AEL 1499. Loewenstamm JSS 20 1975 22ff., contra Barr JSS 18 1973
17ff.; Gray UF 11 1979 316 n. 3; for a general discussion of etym. cf. Renfroe
AULS 144f.; Hutton Maarav 13 2006 75ff.; Watson AuOr 29 2011 168); ¶ par.:
/m-ḫ-š/, /š-t-m/. ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. ỉštbm.
Gt. To muzzle: l ỉštbm tnn yes, I muzzled DN, 1.3 III 40 (// ỉštm, mḫšt).
Cf. šbm.
šbm n. m. “muzzle” (< /š-b-m/). ¶ Forms: sg. šbm.
Muzzle: tn!n l šbm tšt you shall put a muzzle on the Dragon, 1.83:8 (cf. Del
Olmo AuOr 14 1996 131; Hutton Maarav 13 2006 75ff.; alt. “in prison”, < *šby;

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794 šbn (i) – /š-b-š/

diff. Parker UNP 192: “put the Dragon on high / in check (?)”; Mazzini UF 35
2003 391, 395; UF 36 2004 313ff.: “Tunnanu on heights You / She put”, OSA
*s2bm in PNN, // mrym lbnn).
Cf. /š-b-m/.
šbn (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 274f.: *Šubbanu. Heltzer RCAU 11; Astour UF 13
1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 379; UF 30 1998 720, 723; Watson
SEL 28 2011 31); ¶ syll.: URU šu/šú-ba-nu/i, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):12; Ug 5 96
(RS 20.12):7; PRU 4 132ff. (RS 17.116):2 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 274); RS 22.428:2,
6 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 686); URU šub-ba/bá-ni, PRU 3 188 (RS 10.44):9; PRU 3
189 (RS 11.790):14; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):8; PRU 3 192 (RS 12.34+):39 (Van Soldt
SAU 323 n. 142); RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):11. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 686; Topography
41f., 183; Watson LSU 180, 204; Belmonte Fs. Watson 111).
TN: 4.16:1; 4.119:2; 4.124:2; 4.355:23; 4.365:22; 4.369:4; 4.380:28; 4.382:28, 36
(Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 691); 4.414:1; 4.424:5; 4.610 I 16; 4.629 I 9; 4.685:10;
4.693:20; 4.698:2; 4.793:13, 4.804:1; skn TN, 4.288:3; 4.810:2 (šbn{n}); 4.810:5
(šbnh); 4.823:1.
Cf. šbn (II), šbny.
šbn (II) PN (< šbn (I), TN, used by meton. as a PN (?); cf. šbny, GN. Peckham
Or 41 1972 464f.; Xella RSF 3 1975 81ff.; Watson AuOr 11 1993 219; AuOr 13 1995
PN: 4.285:8; in bkn ctx.: 4.177:5 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 274: TN).
šbnt, see šbny.
šbny GN m. (< šbn, TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 275). ¶ Forms: sg. m. šbny; f. šbnt.
GN: spr ỉlmlk šbny PN, the GN, has written it, 1.6 VI 54 (cf. De Moor SP 1 n. 2;
Van Soldt SAU 21); 1.179:40; ušy šbnt PN, the GN, 4.147:12; in bkn ctx.: PN šb[ny],
šbr n. m. “stick, staff” (Akk. šibirru, “Hirtenstab, Szepter”, AHw 1227; “a staff as
emblem of rule of gods and kings”, CAD Š/2 377ff. De Moor UF 11 1979 644f.;
Watson LSU 107); ¶ par.: mrḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. šbrh, pl. šbrm (?).
Stick, staff: tỉ[ḫd b yd] šbrh bm ymn (she took in her hand), her stick in her
right, 1.92:13 (// mrḥh); for the text [w lbh b š]brh yṣủ, 1.103: 45, cf. Dietrich-
Loretz MU 138: “After”, Akk. šub/purru; Watson LSU 107: “anus”); in bkn ctx.:
šbrm[, 4.574:7 (PN, bkn).
šbrt[ TN (?), in bkn ctx.: 4.748:11; see above ảbrt[.
/š-b-š/ vb D: “to attract, seduce” / “to collect” (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. šabiṯa,
tašabbaṯa, “to cling, catch, adhere”, AEL 1494 f.; Syr. šbš pa., “to flatter”, SL 1506;
alt. cf. Akk. šabāšu, “einsammeln”, AHw 1119; “to collect, gather”, CAD Š/1 6 ff.
De Moor UF 1 1969 186; 12 1980 427f.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 242 n. q; Mar-
galit MLD 99f.; alt. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 538: “einsammeln”,
Akk. šabāšu). ¶ Forms: D suffc. šbšt.

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šbšlt – šd (i) 795

D. To attract, seduce / to collect (?): brkt šbšt k rủmm the swamp that attracts
/ collects, yes, the wild bulls, 1.133:6 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 435:
“zornig”, Akk. šabsu, but cf. De Moor UF 12 1980 427f.); cf. brky tkšd rủmm,
1.5 I 16.
šbšlt n. f. “stew” (< /b-š-l/. Del Olmo SEL 3 1986 57 n. 15; diff. Herdner Ug 7 30:
“offrande”, Aram., OSA *bšl; Xella TRU 83, 85: “frutto maturo”, Akk. šubšulu).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. šbšlt.
Stew: kl šbšlt dg every kind of fish stew, 1.106:22.
Cf. /b-š-l/.
/š-b-t/ vb D: “to stop, detain, suspend” (?) (Hb. šbt, “to cease, stop”, hi., “to put
an end to”, HALOT 1407ff.). ¶ Forms: D suffc. with suff. šbtm (encl. -m) (?).
D. To stop, detain, suspend (?): ủ šbtm ntbt mṣrm b ḥwt ủgrt or did I suspend
Egypt’s (right of(?)) way through the country of Ugarit?, 2.36:15 (diff. Pardee
AfO 29–30 1983–1984 325: “and they have stopped”; Cunchillos TOu/2 405 f.
n. 185: “me laissent de côté”, Š *btt; Dijkstra UF 21 1989 144: “I permitted to
stop”, /ʔu:ʔašabbit-ma/); in bkn ctx. cf. ủšbt[, 2.3:10.
šbt n. f., “greyness > old age” (cf. šb. Hb. śybh, “gray hair, advanced age”, HALOT,
1318f.; Ebla cf. GAR.DÚR = šu-ba-tum/du, VE 88; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 4; Akk.
šibtu, “die, das Graue”, AHw 1228; “grey hair”, CAD Š/2 386f.; Arab. šaybat, “a
white, hoary beard”, AEL 1627; Eth. šibat, “grey hair”, CDG 539); ¶ par.: rḫnt.
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. šbt, suff. šbtk, šbth.
Greyness: šbt dqnh l tsrk the greyness of your beard truly instructs you, 1.4 V 4
(// rḫnt); ảšhlk šbtk [dmm] šbt dqnk mmʕm I shall make (blood) run through
your greyness, gore through the greyness of your beard, 1.3 V 24–25 and par.
Cf. šb.
šby n. m. “captive” (Hb. šby, “captivity”, HALOT 1390f.; OAram. šby, “captives,
prisoners”, DNWSI 1101; Syr. šebyāʔ, “captivity”, SL 1502; Arab. saby, “captive”,
AEL 1303. De Moor SP 139f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. šbyn.
Captive: šbyn ṯpṭ nhr our captive is Judge DN, 1.2 IV 29–30.
šd (I) n. m. 1) “open field”; 2) “stretch of cultivated land, field, plot, estate,
farm”; 3) “steppe, mountain” (cf. Hb. śdh, “pastures, open fields, arable land”,
HALOT 1307ff.; Ph., Pun. šd, Pun.-Lat. / Gk sade, “field, plain”, DNWSI 1110;
Ebla /śadûm/ in ŠÀ.DAḪ.TÚG = gi-bí-la-ti sa-dim, VE 1416; Civil EDA 146;
cf. IM = sà-dum, VE 1387 (Conti SQF 194 for AN.AK = sà-du-um, VE 810);
Akk. šadû, “Berg, Gebirge, Steppe”, AHw 1124f.; “mountain, mountain region”,
CAD Š/1 49ff.; EA Akk. cf. i-na ú-ga-ri: SAx(ŠA)-de4-e, EAT 287:56; Sivan
GAGl 50; cf. ša-a-te, Edzard ZA 66 1976 64:9, 65 f. (Kāmid el-Loz); cf. Emar
PN ša-du-mi-e, Wiseman-Hess UF 26 1994 506; OSA s2dw, “mountain” (?),
“cultivated land” SD 131; for Eg. etym. see Ward Or 31 1962 407 f. Cf. De Moor
SP 186; Clifford CM 83; Wyatt UF 9 1977 290; Cutler-Macdonald UF 14 1982

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796 šd (i)

42; Sapin UF 15 1983 159 n. 6; Van Soldt SAU 36 f.; Zamora SEL 17 2000 55 ff.;
Watson LSU 107f. and n. 348); ¶ RS Akk.: A.ŠÀ (eqlu, passim; unusual: ŠÀ.A,
PRU 3 166f. (RS 15.139):6, 10; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):18); A.ŠÀ (šadû, cf. PN
A.ŠÀ-ia-nu/na, PRU 3 143 (RS 16.137):4, 7; PRU 3 199ff. (RS 16.257 etc.) I 14);
// ša-dú-ya-na, PRU 3 52f. (RS 15.85):3; ša-de4-ia-nu, PRU 3 138f. (RS 16.131):4;
alph. šdyn); Huehnergard AkkUg 411; cf. (ṣēru), Ug 5 163 (RS 22.439) I 13; cf.
KUR, ḪUR.SAG, Huehnergard AkkUg 388, 395; ¶ syll. Ug.: [MAL/GÁN] =
[e]q?-[lu?] = a-wa-ar-re = ša-d[u-ú], Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 11; [MAḪ] = [ṣēru]
= [a-wa-a]r-re = ša-du-u, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) II 35; Van Soldt SAU 307; cf.
ša-TI-i (/šadî/ (?)), Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163) rev. 5; Huehnergard AkkUg 180; cf. the
element /šadû/ in PNN, Rainey Leshonenu 30 1966 272; Gröndahl PTU 191 f.;
Sivan GAGl 271; Huehnergard AkkUg 69); ¶ par.: ảrṣ, grn, (pảt) mdbr, smkt.
¶ Forms: sg. šd; cstr. šd; suff. šdk, šdh; pl. šdm.
1) Open field, km ỉrby tškn šd like locusts they settled in the field, 1.14 IV 29 and
par. (or infra: 3.; // pảt mdbr); ỉlm nʕmm ttlkn šd the handsome gods scoured
the field, 1.23:68 (// pảt mdbr); sk šlm (…) l kbd šdm pour out peace (…) into
the innards of the fields, 1.3 III 17 and par. (// ảrṣ); ản ỉtlk (…) kl gbʕ l kbd šdm
I myself scoured (…) every height to the innards of the fields, 1.6 II 17 and par.
(// ảrṣ); l šd mṭr ʕly for the field the rain of “the Most High”, 1.16 III 6, 8 (// ảrṣ);
ảl tšt b šdm mmh may she pour out, yes, her water in the fields, 1.16 I 34 (//
smkt); ʕlk pht ġly b šdm on your account I have seen withering in the fields,
1.6 V 18 (// ym); ʕbdm (…) b šdm servants (…) in the fields, 4.320:18 (cf. b TNN,
ibid. ln. 2, 8; btwm, ibid. ln. 13); yủhb (…) prt b šd šḥlmmt he loved (…) a cow
in the fields of “Mortality-Shore”, 1.5 V 19 and par. (Clifford CMC 83f.; Smith
UF 17 1986 312); bnt šdm ṣḥr[rt] the produce of the fields was burnt, 1.12 II 43
(Arab. banātu-l-ʔarḍi; cf. Gray UF 3 1971 65 n. 39 and bt (I); diff. Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 185); in unc. ctx.: šd mr ymm bitter field of DN (?), 1.2 III 11
(De Moor ARTU 36).
2) Stretch of cultivated land, field, plot, estate, farm, ★a) šd PN field(s) of PN,
4.290:7 and passim; šd gṯr the field of DN, 2.4:16, 18; ]šd d PN field(s) of PN,
4.389:10, 11, 12; ] ỉn šd lhm[ (…)] that have no lands, 4.298:1; šd bd PN a field,
in the hands of PN, 4.103:2, 3, 4, 5, 6; ṯn šdm bd PN, two fields, in the hands
of PN, 4.357:19 and passim; ṯlṯ šdm bd PN three fields, in the hands of PN,
4.357:29; cf. šd PN1 l PN2 the field of PN1, for PN2, 4.7:2 and passim in admin.
texts; šd PN l TN the field of PN, for TN, 4.110:14–22 (cf. šd PN (b) TN the field
of PN in TN, ibid. ln. 3–13); šd PN1 bd PN2 the field of PN1, in the hands of
PN2, 4.103:8 and passim; šd PN l / bd qrt the field of PN, for / in the hands
of the city, 4.631:6, 9, passim; šd PN1 l PN2 w šd nḥlh l PN3 the field of PN1,
for PN2, and the field of his sharecropper, for PN3, 4.692:5–6 and passim; šd
PN1 l PN2 w <š>d ṯn nḥlh l PN3 the field of PN1 for PN2 and the other field of

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šd (ii) 797

his sharecropper in the hands of PN3, 4.356:9–10; šd PN1 bd PN2 w šd nḥlh bd

PN3 the field of PN1, in the hands of PN2, and the field of his sharecropper
in the hands of PN3, 4.103:11–12 and passim; šd PN1 bd PN2 nḥlh the field of
PN1, in the hands of PN2, his sharecropper, 4.631:2; passim; cf. šd PN1 [b]d
PN2 l PN3 nḥlh the field of PN1 of hands of(!) PN2 for PN3, his sharecropper,
4.631:12 (or read: šd PN1 [b]n(!) PN2 the field of PN1, son (!) of PN2, for PN3,
cf. ibid. ln. 20); šd snrym dt ʕqb b ảyly farms of the GNN who have accepted /
performed a (property) transfer in TN, 4.645:1 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23
1966 131: “direkt folgen auf” > “benachbart, nahe sein” > “sich anschliessen”;
Pardee UF 7 1975 364; UF 8 1976 261: “to be rough, hilly in (?)”); šdm dt nʕrb gt
npk fields that comprise the guarantee of TN, 4.103:45; bhtm šdm d ytn mlk the
houses (and) the fields that the king has given, 3.32:5, see ln. 14; yd šdh with
his fields, 3.33:16; b šdm hnmt (payment) for those plots, 3.33:20; ★b) special
uses: šd ủbdy field(s) leased, pảsim: cf. šd ủbdy TN d bd skn fields leased of TN
which depend on the prefect, 4.110:1; cf. šd ủbdy[, 4.39:1; 4.389:3 and passim
ibid; šd ʕšy cultivated ground, 4.282:7, 10, 14; ★c) bʕl šd farm labourer, 4.183 I 1;
4.609:53; spr šd rỉšym list of the farms of the GNN, 4.424:1; ybl šdk the product
of your field, 2.34:29; mỉnš šdm open encampment, 1.19 IV 48; ★d) rb šd “chief
of the farm(s)”, 4.160:12; cf. LÚ.UGULA A.ŠÀ.MEŠ, PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):15;
★e) in lit. texts: sʕt b šdm ḥṭbt swept the women wood-gatherers from the
fields, 1.14 III 7 and par. (// grn); pl ʕnt šdm parched are the furrows of the
fields, 1.6 IV 12 and par.; b šd tdrʕnn in the field she scattered him, 1.6 II 34;
šd šd ỉlm šd ảṯrt the field is the field of DN, the field of DN, 1.23:13 and par.
(diff. Benichou-Safar TPC 287: “field of the gods” > “cemetery”, Ph. šd ʔlnm;
cf. Wyatt UF 19 1987 381 n. 26: < ṯd breast(s): “yea, divine are the breasts”); ảtn
šdh krmm šd ddh ḥrnqm I shall turn her land into a vineyard, the field of her
love into an orchard (?), 1.24:22–23 (erotic metaph. De Moor ARTU 144 n. 23;
diff. Wyatt UF 9 1977 290: “pasturage”, cf. infra: 3).
3) Steppe, mountain: ʕṯtrt šd, DN of the steppe, 1.148:18 and par. 4.182:55, 58
(Cf. Weippert ZDMG 111 161/62 57f.; THAT 2 879; diff. Aartun UF 17 1985 29:
“des Ausbesserns”); ʕṯtr šd, DN of the steppe, 1.111:18–19 (for the rdg see Pardee
TR/1 623 627; Del Olmo CR 164 n. 102); ỉl šd, the god(s) of the steppe, 1.108:12
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 177); for 1.14 IV 29 and par. (// pảt mdbr) cf. supra
In bkn ctx.: b šd[ y …], 3.5:6 (Kienast UF 11 1979 450: “in den Gefilden von …”).
Cf. šdy, šdyn.
šd (II) n. m. “a strip”, “length of land”, “patch”, standard term for cultivated land
(cf. Akk. šiddu, “Seite, Rand”, AHw 1230; “side of a piece of immovable prop-
erty”, “a measure of length or area”, CAD Š/2 403ff., for this last meaning cf.
Powell RlA 7 480; in lit. texts: “yoke of land” / “acre”, see also kmn. Dietrich-

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798 šdby – /š-d-d/ (i)

Loretz UF 1 1969 61f.; Liverani UF 2 1970 99 n. 22; Assur 1 1974 11; Powell RlA 7
477; Del Olmo MLC 627; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 162 n. h.; Wesselius UF 12
1980 448f.; Xella UF 12 1980 453; Margalit UF 15 1983 79; Aartun UF 17 1985
29f.; Smith UBC/1 169 n. 96; Loewenstamm AOAT 204 529 f.; Heltzer UF 21
1989 202f. n. 61; but see Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 686 ff.: “Ackerland”, cf. šd
(I); Zamora SEL 17 2000 54ff.; and Pardee Or 79 2010 343 ff.s: “no unit of mea-
sure”); ¶ par.: kmn. ¶ Forms: sg. šd.
“Strip, length, patch”, “acre”, linear measure or unit of length > surface mea-
sure: ★a) (n) šd (n) “strips”, 4.399:5–10, 10; šd bd bn ủṯryn “strip” in the hands
of PN, 4.103:6; (nn) šd w kmsk d PN (nn) “strips” and a k., of PN, 4.282:1; ṯlṯ
šd d PN three “strips” of PN, ibid. 3; kmsk šd PN a k. of “strip”: PN, ibid. 4;
šỉrm šd khn two š. of “strip”: PN, 4.282:5; ṯlṯ šd w krm šỉr d PN three “strips”
and a vineyard of one š. (in area), of PN, ibid. 6; šỉrm šd šd ʕšy w šỉr šd krm
d PN two š. of “strip” of cultivated land and a š. of “strip” of vineyard, of PN,
ibid. 8; šỉr šd krm d PN a š. of “strip” of vineyard of PN. ibid. 12; šỉr šd mltḥ
šd ʕšy a š. of “strip” (plus / namely) a m. of cultivated land, 4.282:14 (Heltzer
UF 21 1989 201); tgmr šd ṯlṯm šd total (extent of the land) in “strips”: thirty
“strips”, ibid. 16; in bkn ctx. ]šỉr šd kr[m, 4.642:3; ★b) in lit. texts, “yoke of
land” / “acre”: alp šd aḫd bt one thousand yokes of land will the palace cover
(// kmn), 1.4 V 56; d ảlp šd ẓủh b ym whose exhalation is (noticeable) at a
thousand acres in the sea, 1.19 IV 43 and par., see 1.3.IV 45 (diff. Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 281: “whose extract from the sea is a thousand fields”); formula to get
going: b ảlp šd rbt kmn across a thousand yokes of land, ten thousand acres,
1.3 IV 38; 1.17 V 9–10 // 1.19 I 26 and par. (Del Olmo MLC 54 f.; Aitken UF 21
1989 6 n. 23).
šd (III) DN (?), generic name (“demon”) or proper name of deity (Hb. šd,
“demon”, HALOT 1417f.; OAram., Palm. šd( y), certain type of god, DNWSI 1111;
JPAram. šd, šydh, “demon”, DJPA 538; Akk. šēdu, eine Lebenskraft, ein Dämon,
AHw 1208; a spirit or demon representing the individual’s vital force, CAD
Š/2 256ff. Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 56 1979 303; Xella A1CISFP 2 404ff.; Ford
UF 34 2002 185 n. 169; Watson LSU 108). ¶ Forms: sg. šd.
DN, demon (?): l šd qdš to the holy š., 1.166:12 (Ph. šd ! qdš, said of the god
Ešmun; DN šdrpʔ; alt. šd (I)); ydd w šd “the Loved One” and DN, 1.179:11
(Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 397, 399: “Yadidou et Šadou”).
šdby GN (?), 4.817:19.
/š-d-d/ (I) vb N: “to be drawn (off), made available” (Akk. šadādu, “ziehen”,
AHw 1121f.; “to pull taut, stretch”, CAD Š/1 20ff. Tropper UG 534 f., 677; Watson
LSU 117). ¶ Forms: N suffc. nšdd.
N. To be drawn (off), made available: šmn d nšdd mzy oil that was made
available on (the occasion of) the m.-rite (?), 4.272:1.

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/š-d-d/ (ii) – šdyn 799

/š-d-d/ (II) vb D: “to devastate” (Hb. šdd, “to devastate”, HALOT 1418 ff.; Eth.
sadada, “to banish, drive forth”, CDG 485; see further Arab. šādda, “to assault,
attack”, AEL 1517ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 138; Tropper UG 579,
678: L). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yšdd.
G. To devastate: mlk yšdd ḥwt ỉb the king will devastate the land of his enemy,
1.103:37; ỉbn y]šdd ḥwt the enemy will devastate the land, ibid. ln. 35; w yšdd
ḥwt ʕbdk, and he will / intends to devastate the land of your servant, 2.98.26.
šdġl PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 VII 6.
šdmt n. f. “terrace” (Hb. “terrace”, šdmh, HALOT 1422f. Stager JNES 41 1982 111 ff.:
cf. 2Kgs 23:4: šdmwt qdrwn; its etym. as šd + mt is uncertain; cf. Lehman VT 3
1953 361ff.; Tsumura UF 6 1974 412f.; Gulde UF 30 1998 295, 305 f.; diff. Del
Olmo MLC 627: “barbecho, erial”, Hb. šdmh; Van Selms UF 2 1970 261 f.: “club”,
“meat-hammer”, metath. of Hb. šmd; Wyatt JSS 37 1992 149 ff.: “tendril”; Pinker
ZAW 115 2003 617ff.: grove of fruit trees that do not need intensive irrigation;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 187 n. 52: “Pflanzung”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg
323: “field-of-a-man”). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. šdmt, suff. šdmth (adv. -h).
Terrace: yšql šdmth km gpn they threw (the sceptre) on the terrace like a
vine-stock, 1.23:10 (diff. Scurlock UF 43 2011 419 40: “shoots-of-death”, calque
from Sum. ŠE.DÙ.A); in unc. ctx.: šdmt b gp[nm, 1.2 I 43.
/š-d-y/ vb G: “to pour”; Gt: “to be poured” (?) (OAram., Palm. šdy, “to throw”,
DNWSI 1111; JPAram. šdy, “to throw”, DJPA 538. De Moor SP 223f.; Lipiński
OLP 3 1972 118). ¶ Forms: G impv. šd; Gt prefc. yštd (?).
G. To pour: šd yn ʕn b qbt pour sparkling wine from the vats, 1.6 IV 18.
Gt. To be poured (?), in bkn ctx.: yštd, 1.6 IV 25 (De Moor ARTU 93).
šdy (I), adj. /n. c. “land labourer” (< šd (I). Watson LSU 180: “countryman” (?)).
¶ Forms: pl. šdym.
Land labourer: nʕrm šdym serving lads, labourers in the fields, 4.868:4.
šdy (II) PN (Sem. Watson LSU 180); ¶ syll.: cf. KUR-du?[-ya], PRU 3 164 (RS
16.383):11 (Huehnergard AkkUg 388); ša-(a-)du-ya, ibid. 5–6; ša-du-ya, Ug 5
149 (RS 20.14) colophon, p. 252 (Van Soldt SAU 23, 179); PRU 3 75 (RS 15.91):6,
9; ša-de4-ya, Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146 [: 8.213bis]):33 (Van Soldt SAU 309
n. 115); ša-TI-ya, PRU 3 40 (RS 15.173) rev. 2; Sivan GAGl 271; cf. ši-DI-ia, PRU 6
78 (RS 19.41):4, 16; PNF ša-TA-ya, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+):15.
PN: bn PN, 4.51:2; for KTU šdy in 1.108:12 and 3.5:6 cf. šd (I).
Cf. šty (I), ṯdy, ṯty.
šdyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 192; Benz PNPPI 414; Rainey UF 3 1971 172;
Tel Aviv 2 1975 15); ¶ syll.: A.ŠÀ-ia-nu/na, PRU 3 39 (RS 16.359A):5; PRU 3
143 (RS 16.137):4, 7; PRU 3 199ff. (RS 16.257+) I 14; KUR(?)-ia-na, PRU 3 172
(RS 16.175):4; PRU 3 197 (RS 16.181) obv. 7; (Berger WO 5 1969–1970 273; Huehn-

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800 šḏrn – šḥlt

ergard AkkUg 69, 388, 411); ša-de4-ia-nu, PRU 3 138 (RS 16.131):4; ša-dú-ya-na,
PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):3 (cf. Huehnergard UVST 213, 238; Van Soldt SAU 309); cf.
ša-da-ia-nu, Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A):12, cf. Ug 5 4 (RS 19.20):9; cf. ZA-d[u-i]a(?)-
na[, PRU 3 36 (RS 11.718):10 and cf. s/śdy, PN; Sivan GAGl 271.
PN: 4.46:3; 4.53:9; 4.63 IV 11; 4.83:7; 4.243:32; 4.281:6; 4.285:6; 4.332:14; 4.382:36
(b[n); 4.391:16; 4.424:19; 4.609:6; 4.813:22.
Cf. ṯdyn, ṯtyn.
šḏrn PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 180]).
PN: 4.370:11; 4.748:2.
šgr (I) n. m. “offspring of cattle” (?) (Hb. šgr, what is dropped > “off-spring”, šgr
ʔlp // ʕštr(w)t ṣʔn, HALOT 1416: apparently what the mother animal drops at
birth; Aram. Deir ʕAllā šgr, (?) DNWSI 1110. De Moor UF 1 1969 178; Hackett
BT 54, 134). ¶ Forms: sg. šgr.
Offspring of cattle: šgr mủd offspring of cattle in great quantity (?), 1.5 III 16,
17; cf. mủd ṣỉn, ln. 22, 23.
šgr (II) DN, unknown god with a double-barrelled name šgr w ỉṯm (deified
cattle (?), cf. šgr (I). Emar Akk. /šagga/āru/, “DN”, “offspring” (?), Pentiuc
Vocabulary 165f. De Moor UF 2 1970 312; Xella TRU 99; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
DN: šgr w ỉṯm š DN, one ram, 1.148:31.
šgty, mistake for štgy.
/š-ḥ-y/ vb Št: “?” (Arab. saḥā, “to scrape off, clear away” said of “clay, soil, or mud”
(AEL 1322). ¶ Forms: Št prefc. tštšḥ.
Št. ?, in bkn ctx.: tštšḥ km ḥb[ “may she / they be cleared away like [gravel]”
(?), 1.82:11 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 253; diff. Tropper UG 608: “beugen, (sich)
niederdrücken”, Hb. *šḥy; Caquot TOu/2 66 n. 187, rdg tšt šḥ, “prépare une
fosse”, Hb. šwḥh).
šḥlmmt TN, mythical place of the divine dead, antechamber to the underworld
(etym. unc. < šḥl + mmt, “Mortality-Shore”: Arab. sāḥilu mamātin, AEL 1320,
2741. De Moor SP 186f.; for the var. opinions cf. Van Zijl Baal 173; Sasson RSP 1
446f.; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 270; Watson UF 42 2010 838; SEL 28 2011 31); ¶ par.:
dbr (II).
TN: yủhb (…) prt b šd šḥlmmt he loved (…) a heifer in the fields of TN, 1.5 V 19
(// b <ảrṣ> dbr); mġny (…) l ysmt šd šḥlmmt we reached (…) the delight of
the fields of TN, 1.5 VI 7 and par. (// ảrṣ dbr).
šḥlt n. f. “cress seeds” (Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 95. Cf. Hitt. zaḫḫeli- (ZAG.AḪ.LI),
“Kresse”, HW 257; MHb. šḥlym, “cress, pepperwort”, Lepidium sativum, DDT
1548; Aram. šḥly, poss. some type of cress, DNWSI 1121; Akk. saḫlû, saḫlûtu,
“Kresse, Kressekorn”, AHw 1009f.; “cress plant”, “single cress seed”, CAD
S 62ff.; cf. Mari Akk. šeḫlātum, eine Gemüse, AHw 1209; a foodstuff, CAD

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šḥq – /š-ḫ-n/ 801

Š/2 264. Caquot ACF 76 1976–1977 462; Watson AuOr 25 2007 134). ¶ Forms:
sg. / pl. šḥlt.
Cress seeds: ltḥ šḥlt a l. of cress seeds, 4.14:4, 16; prs šḥlt a p. of cress seeds,
šḥq TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 258: *Šaḥaqu. Astour UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 64;
Van Soldt UBL 11 380; UF 28 1996 686; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 42, 183f.;
Watson LSU 204); ¶ syll.: URU ša-ḫa-qu/qi, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):8 (rdg -qi; cf.
copy PRU 3 pl. V); PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):9; PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):5; Sivan GAGl
273; Huehnergard UVST 221, 240.
TN: 4.48:6; 4.68:59; 4.100:7; 4.346:2; 4.683:17; 4.812:7 (Lemaire UF 30 1998 462,
464); for š[, 4.355:8, cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 15; for š[, 4.685 (correct):2, cf.
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 686).
šḥr n. m. 1) “dawn, daybreak, morning, tomorrow”; 2) DN (Hb. šḥr, “dawn”,
HALOT 1466ff.; Moab. šḥrt, “dawn”, DNWSI 1122; Akk. šē/īrtu, šēru, “Morgen”,
AHw 1218f.; “morning”, CAD Š/2 322f.; Arab. saḥar, “time a little before
daybreak”, AEL 1317; Ebla /šeḫrum/ in UD.DAG = si-ʔex(EN)-lum, VE 776;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 29; QuSem 18 144; Conti SQF 188; cf. UD.TE = šè-er
a-me-mu, ša-ar UD, VE 774; Fales QuSem 13 182; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 29:
/saḫa/er/ (?), /ṯ-ġ-r/ (?)); ¶ RS Akk.: urra šēra, Huehnergard AkkUg 201; Van
Soldt SAU 410 n. 25, 467; ¶ par.: qdm (I). ¶ Forms: sg. šḥr.
1) Dawn, daybreak, morning, ★a): km šḥr like the dawn (// km qdm), 1.12
I 7 (unc. ctx.); ★b) adv. tomorrow, in the formula šḥr ṯltt in the future (<
tomorrow and on the third [day] [= day after tomorrow]), 3.5:15; 4.817:11
(Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 257, 323).
2) DN (cf. Emar Akk. /šaḥru/, “dawn”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 167), deity paired
with šlm: šḥr w šlm, 1.23:52, 1.100:52, 1.107:43, 1.123:11, (< “Dawn and Dusk”. Xella
MŠŠ 90f., 86f.; Smith RM passim);
in bkn ctx.: ym šḥ[, 1.155:3; ]x šḥr[, 2.18:2; bn šḥ[ PN, 4.93 IV 25; ]šḥr PN […]x
b šḥr, 4.373:4f.
Cf. ilšḥr.
šḥt n. f. “shrub, bush” (Hb. śyḥ, “shrub, bush”, HALOT 1320 f. Caquot, TOu/2 91
n. 283; diff. Dahood UF 1969 28: “pit”, Hb. šḥt, but cf. De Moor ULe 93 n. 1;
Held JANES 5 1973 176 n. 38; Watson AuOr 25 2007 134); ¶ par.: ʕṣ. ¶ Forms:
sg. / pl. šḥt (see Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 323: sg. *šḥ).
Shrub, bush: ydy b ʕṣm ʕrʕr w b šḥt ʕṣ mt he ripped out a tamarisk from among
the trees, a deadly plant from among the bushes, 1.100:65; in unc. and bkn
ctx.: šḥt w[, 2.2:10.
/š-ḫ-n/ vb G: “to have a fever, be hot”; “to warm (oneself)” (Akk. šaḫānu, “warm
werden, sich erwärmen”, AHw 1128; “to become warm”, CAD Š/1 78; Syr.
šḥn, “to warm”, “be warmed”, SL 1544; Arab. saḫa/i/una, “it was hot, warm”,

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802 šḫp – /š-k-b/

AEL 1326; Eth. sa/ǝḫ(a)na, “warm oneself, become warm”, CDG 495. De Moor
SP 179; diff. Pitard BASOR 232 1978 71: “to bow down”, *šḫḫ); ¶ par.: /ḥ-r-r/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yšḫn; impv. ỉšḫn (prothetic alef: Tropper UG 426 f., better
than N impv.).
G. ★a) To have a fever, be hot, in bkn and unc. ctx.: b mtnm yšḫn in his loins
he had a fever, 1.12 II 38 (// yḥr[r]); ★b) to warm (oneself), become blazing,
heat: ỉšḫn špš w ỉšḫn heat, DN, yes, heat!, 1.161:18 (diff. Pardee TR/2 818: “sois
brûlant”; 1165: N. “se chauffer”).
šḫp “colostrum, first milk” (Syr. šḥapāʔ, “first milk after calving”, SL 1545; but
Arab. saḥfat, “fat”, AEL 1318. Caquot A1CILCS 206; Sznycer GLECS 17 1972/73
74; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 117; diff. Del Olmo MLC 628: “tejido, piel tierna,
débil”, Arab. saḫufa). ¶ Forms: sg. šḫp, cstr. šḫp, suff. šḫph.
Colostrum, first milk, in bkn ctx.: šḫph x šḫp ṣġrth his colostrum, … the
colostrum of his infancy, 1.10 III 25–26.
šḫṭ n. m. “butcher, slaughterer” (act. ptc. < */š-ḫ-ṭ/; Hb. šḥṭ, “to slaughter”,
HALOT 1458f.; Arab. saḥaṭa, “to slay”, Hava 311; Arab. saḥaṭa, “to slay”, Hava
311; cf. Akk. šāḫiṭu, “Springer, Angreifer”, AHw 1132; “a person making a razzia”,
CAD Š/1 98; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 155f.; Watson UF 23 1991 360); ¶ par.:
šỉy (II). ¶ Forms: sg. šḫṭ.
Butcher, slaughterer: špk (…) dm km šḫṭ spill (…) blood like a butcher, 1.18
IV 24 and par. (// km šỉy).
Cf. mšḫṭ.
šḫyn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: šu-ḫi-ia-nu, PRU 6 40 (RS 17.360):28; cf. šu-ḫi-ia,
PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):8.
PN: bn PN, 4.233:4; 4.690:4.
/š-k-b/ vb G: 1) “to lie down; to stay the night”; 2) “to lie (with)”, in a sexual
sense (Hb., OAram., Ph., Pun. škb, “to lie down”, HALOT 1486 ff.; DNWSI 1132;
DJPA 549; Ebla cf. [Ù.DI.DI] = si-ga-bù-um, VE 1132; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 40;
Akk. sakāpu, “sich zur Ruhe legen”, AHw 1011; “to lie down”, CAD S 74f.; Eth.
sakaba, “to lie down”, CDG 496); ¶ par.: /ʕ-l-y/ Š, /l-n/, /q-m-ṣ/. ¶ Forms: G
suffc. škb; prefc. yškb.
G. 1) To lie down, stay the night: yʕl w yškb he went up and lay down, 1.17 I 14
and par. (// p yln); šnt tlủản w yškb sleep overcame him and he lay down, 1.14
I 34 (// w yqmṣ); hm škb ʕl thm if he is lying upon Ocean, 1.179:4 (for the rdg
škr see Watson AuOrS 27 94); bnš {l} d yškb {l} b bt mlk people who actually
stay the night in the palace, 4.163:16.
2) To lie (with), in a sexual sense: škb ʕmnh šbʕ l šbʕm he lay with her
seventy-seven times, 1.5 V 19 (// tšʕly; cf. Ex 22:18. De Moor SP 187).
In bkn ctx.: ]škb, 2.31:49.
Cf. mškb.

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škbḏ – /š-k-n/ 803

škbḏ PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 250: /šakupšenni/).

PN: bn PN, 4.408:3.
/š-k-ḥ/ vb G: “to find, meet”; N: “to be met” (Aram. škḥ, “to find”, DNWSI 1132f.;
JPAram. škḥ, “to find, be able”, DJPA 549f. De Moor UF 1 1969 227; Cunchillos
TOu/2 353). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tškḥ; N prefc./ptc. nškḥ.
G. To find, meet: p ảt mk tšk[ḥ] and thus you, behold!, will find / meet (?),
2.74:14 and par. (Cunchillos TOu/2 418).
N. To be met: b ṣr (…) by gšm ảdr nškḥ in TN (… the ship) was met by a heavy
downpour, 2.38:15; in bkn ctx., ảt mġ nšk[ḥ, 2.73:19.
škl n. m. “minister, vizir” (?) (see Dietrich UF 36 2004 683 for an Akk. and
Hurr.-Heth. etym.). ¶ Forms: sg. škl.
Minister, vizir, in bkn ctx.: pḥm l š[kl] violet purple for the vizir, 3.1:39.
škllt n. f. “emaciated” (?) (< /k-l-l/ Š; diff. Gibson CML 158: “enclosure”, Akk.
šuklultu, but cf. Watson NUS 28 1982 9: “completion”; De Moor ARTU 215:
“women in labour”; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 4 1245 n. 196: “eine Verhüllte”);
¶ par.: nkyt. ¶ Forms: pl. škllt (cf. šʕtqt).
Emaciated, in bkn and unc. ctx.: km škllt like emaciated (women) (?), 1.16
II 28 (// km nkyt).
Cf. /k-l-l/.
škm n. m. “one who brays, donkey” (?) (< Akk. šāgimu, “Schreier”, “brüllend”,
AHw 1127; “roaring, thundering”, CAD Š/1 73; cf. lex. l.: ANŠE/DÙR.GÙ.DÉ =
šá-gi-mu, MSL 8/1, 51f., 369, 378 (mistake: -gu); Sanmartín UF 20 1988 271; alt.
Watson NABU 2008/29; AuOr 29 2011 167: a donkey that is accustomed either
to a bit, a bridle or a muzzle, Arab. šakama, “to bridle, muzzle”; diff. Aartun
UF 17 1985 32f.: “Lohn, Besoldung”, Arab. šukm. ¶ Forms: sg. škm.
One who brays, donkey (said of a breed or age of a donkey): ḫmšm [ḥ]mr škm
braying donkey(s), 4.14:6, 12, 18.
/š-k-n/ vb G: “to be placed, settle, stay”; Gt: “to establish oneself”; D: “to assign”;
“to impose, establish”; “to equip, fit out (a ship)” (Hb. škn, “to settle”, HALOT
1496ff.; Ebla /taškan-/ in PN daš-ga-na-ḫu, Catagnoti QuSem 15 264; Akk.
šakānu, “(hin)stellen, (ein)setzen”, AHw 1134ff.; “to place something for a
particular purpose”, CAD Š/1 116ff.; Arab. sakana, “to be stationary, in a state
of rest”, AEL 1392ff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 47 ff.; Dijkstra UF 21
1989 144; for other forms and solutions cf. /k-n/ Š). ¶ Forms: G suffc. šknt;
prefc. tškn; ptc. šknm (?); Gt prefc. yštkn; D ảškn, tšknn [tšknnnn], yškn; impv.
G. To be placed, settle, stay: kỉrby tškn šd like locusts they settled in the field,
1.14 II 51 and par.; ʕbdh ủ k škn his servant certainly stays, 2.39:6.
Gt. To establish for oneself: ảrṣ drkt yštkn will he establish for himself a land
to rule?, 1.4 VII 44 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 556).

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804 škn (i) – škr

D. ★a) To assign: d škn l ks ỉlm that they assigned (was assigned, Dpss.) for
the cup of the gods (?), 4.280:14; km šknt ly as you assigned me (?), 2.36:12;
ỉky ảškn ʕṣm how shall I assign the beams?, 2.26:5; ★b) to impose, establish:
lm škn hnk l ʕbdh why did he impose that on his servant?, 2.33:23; w ảt klklk
[…] škn l šmk and you must establish everything that is yours for your name,
2.88:12 (Dietrich-Lorez UF 41 2009 149); km lbh yškn lhm, as he likes he can
establish for them (the inheritance), 3.32:18 ★c) to equip, fit out a ship: w bny
hnkt yškn ảnyt ym and my son will equip that seagoing ship (?), 2.46:13; w l
ảnyt tšknn ḫmšm l m[ỉ]t ảny tšknn[ and for ships, you are going to equip one
hundred and fifty ships, 2.47:3, 5.
In unc. ctx.: tšknnnn, 2.7:11; w ảp ht k škn, 2.3:20; šknt, 1.16 II 53; šknt, 1.117:8;
]šknt, 2.20:4; w ảp ht k škn, 2.3:20; in bkn ctx.: ảškn, 2.107:4; ydʕt k ảšxn, 2.108:11
(Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 197: “je sais ce que je fixerai”).
Cf. mšknt, škn (II), škny.
škn (I), 6.66:6–7; cf. skn (I).
škn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 192); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-ku-nu/na, PRU 6 69 (RS
17.329):13; PRU 6 91 (RS 19.13):3; PRU 6 156 (RS 19.20):5; PRU 6 163 (RS 19.64):5.
PN: bn PN, 4.245 I 3.
šknn PN (Sem. < /š-k-n/).
PN: bn šknn, 4.839:8; 4.860:37.
škny PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 192).
PN: 4.635:38 (ảḏddy).
/š-k-r/ (I) vb G: “to hire out” (Hb. śkr, “to hire, engage”, HALOT 1330f.; Ph., Palm.
škr, DNWSI 1135; Eth. šakara, “to hire”, CDG 529; diff. Badre et al. Syria 53 1976
109: “contribuer largement”, Arab. šakara); ¶ par.: /s-g-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc.
tškr, inf. škr, ptc. pass. m. pl. škrm.
G. To hire out: ảlmnt škr tškr the widow hires/is hired out her services, 1.14
II 44–45 and par. (// ( y)sgr. Wyatt RTU 191 n. 70; diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 565:
“hires a hireling”; De Moor AuOr 27 2009 288: “let the widow give a generous
contribution”, Arab. šakira).
Cf. mškrt (II).
/š-k-r/ (II) vb G: “to become intoxicated” (Hb. škr, “to be, become drunk”,
HALOT 1500f.; Syr. škr, “to become intoxicated”, SL 1559; Akk. šakāru, “be-
trunken werden”, AHw 1139; “to become inebriated, drunk”, CAD Š/1 557;
Arab. sakira, “to be, become intoxicated”, AEL 1390ff.); ¶ par.: /š-b-ʕ/ (II).
¶ Forms: G inf. škr.
G. To become intoxicated: tštn (…) trṯ ʕd škr they drank (…) new wine until
they became intoxicated, 1.114:4, 16 and par. (// ʕd šbʕ).
Cf. škrn.
škr n. m. kind of container (cf. Akk. šakrû, ein Kupferggst., AHw 1141; šagaru, a

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škrn – šlḥmt 805

metal object, CAD Š/1 66; Dietrich-Mayer UF 26 1994 101 n. 106 for šgr /šagare/
in 1.131:13. Watson NABU 2010/42). ¶ Forms: du./pl. škrm.
Kind of container: šmn škrm bd PN oil: (two) š. in the hands of PN, 4.799:2.
škrn n. m. “intoxication” (< /š-k-r/ (II); Hb. škrwn, “drunkenness, intoxication”,
HALOT 1501f.; ¶ par.: /š-b-ʕ/ (II) (+ yn). ¶ Forms: sg. škrn.
Intoxication: aḫd ydh b škrn who takes him by the hand in (his) intoxication,
1.17 I 30 and par. (// k šbʕ yn).
Cf. /š-k-r/ (II).
/š-l-ḥ/ (I) vb G: 1) “to stretch, throw”, “to send”; 2) “to grant, give” (Hb., Ph., Pun.,
OAram. šlḥ, “to stretch out”, “let free”, HALOT 1511 ff.; “to send”, DNWSI 1136ff.;
JPAram. šlḥ, “to send”, DJPA 551f.; Amor. /ś-l-ḥ/, Gelb CAAA 32; cf. EA Akk.
šuluḫtu, “Sendung”, AHw 1270; “shipment, consignment”, CAD Š/3 261; Akk.
šalû, “(weg)schleudern”, AHw 1152; “to whirl up”, “to shoot arrows”, CAD Š/1
272. Avishur UF 8 1976 4); ¶ par.: /š-t/, /y-t-n/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. in the allom.
s̄lẖt (4.710:2); prefc. išlḥ, tšlḥ, nšlḥ, suff. ảšlḥk, yšlḥn.
G. 1) To stretch, throw, send: yd b ṣʕ tšlḥ they stretched (their) hand to the
plate, 1.15 IV 24 and par. (// tštn); yšlḥm.<nḥš.> ʕqšr let him throw away a
sloughing <serpent>!, 1.100:6 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 41, 47 f.; diff. “he feeds
the sloughing serpent”, Š /l-ḥ-m/); s̄lẖt PN I sent PN, 4.710:2.
2) To grant, give: ỉšlḥ ẓhrm ỉqnỉm I will give the most brilliant lapis lazuli,
1.24:21; ỉrš (…) blmt w ảšlḥ ask (…) immortality and I will grant it to you, 1.17
VI 28, cf. ln. 18 (// w ảtnk).
In unc. ctx.: bl ỉšlḥ, 1.14 V 21.; nšlḥ, 2.34:14; yšlḥn, 1.2 III 24; šlḥ[, 2.76:7.
/š-l-ḥ/ (II) vb G: “to melt, smelt” (Hb. šlḥ, “to smelt, forge”, HALOT 1516: šlḥ II
(?). Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 59. Collini SEL 4 1987 20: “forgiare”; diff. Trop-
per UG 590, 679: Š /l-ḥ(-ḥ)/, “verflüssigen, fliessen lassen”); ¶ par.: /y-ṣ-q/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yšlḥ.
G. To melt, smelt: yṣq ksp yšlḥ ḫrṣ he smelted silver, melted gold, 1.4 I 25–26.
šlḥ DN, an underworld god (“Sword” (?). Tsevat VT 4 1954 41 ff.; Loretz UF 7
1975 584f.; diff. Fensham JNSL 1 1971 21: “lightning”, Hb. šlḥ, Aram. silḥā,
Akk. šilḫatu; Verreet UF 19 1987 331: “Spiess, Speer”; Margalit UF 8 1976 144 f.:
“parapet”; Watson NABU 1997/125: a type of witchcraft or affliction, Akk.
šulḫu, but cf. Pardee BASOR 2000 58; for a gen. survey of proposals see
Watson LSU 5–6 and Becking DDD 762f.; ¶ par.: ršp, ġlm + ym (II).
DN: mšbʕthn b šlḥ ttpl the seventh was felled by DN (/ the sword), 1.14 I 20 (//
ġlm ym).
šlḥmt n. f. “provisions, victuals” (< /l-ḥ-m/ (I). Herdner Ug 5 30). ¶ Forms: sg./pl.
Provisions, victuals: tṣủ šlḥm[t] the provisions will go out, 1.106:25, 28.
Cf. /l-ḥ-m/ (I).

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806 s̄ l ẖt – /š-l-m/

s̄lẖt, allom. of *šlḥt, 4.710:2; cf. /š-l-ḥ/ (I).

/š-l(-l)/ vb G: “to plunder, rob” (Hb. šll, “to plunder, capture”, HALOT 1531; OSA
ṯll, “to carry off booty”, SD 150; Arab. ṯalla, “to take what was in the receptacle”,
AEL 345f.; Akk. šalālu, “fortführen, plündern”, AHw 1142; “to take people into
captivity, to take as booty”, CAD Š/1 196ff. Dijkstra UF 7 1975 565; Ford UF 33
2001 209f. n. 26). ¶ Forms: G suffc. / inf. šl.
G. To plunder, rob: šl hw qrt he plundered the city, 2.61:6; in bkn ctx.: w šl[,
/š-l-m/ vb G: “to be well, do well, be in peace”; D 1) “to re-establish” > “to
pay”, in admin. texts; 2) “to restore / preserve health”, in letters (see Hb.,
Ph., Pun., Aram. šlm, “to be completed”, “to keep peace”, HALOT 1533 ff.; šlm,
“to be (re)paid”, pi./pa., “to (re)pay”, DNWSI 1144 ff.; Ebla sa-lu-mu, < Akk.
*šlm, “consegnare, integralmente”, Fronzaroli QuSem 15 18; Amor. /ś-l-m/, “to
be well”, “to be peaceful”, Gelb CAAA 32; Akk. šalāmu, “heil, gesund sein”,
AHw 1143; “to stay well”, CAD Š/1 208ff.; OSA slm, “sue for peace”, SD 126;
Arab. salima, “to be, become safe”, AEL 1412 ff.; Eg. /šalama/, /šallema/, “to
greet, make obeisance”, Hoch SWET 284 (406); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elements
/šalam-/, /salim-/, /šal(i)m-/, /išlam-/, /yašlim-/, mišlam-/ in PNN, cf. Sivan
GAGl 274; Van Soldt SAU 318 for a poss. alt. of s/š in certain patterns; for É
AN.ZA.GÀR n (LÚ) ÌR(.MEŠ) (la) šal/ša-li-ma, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):1 and passim,
cf. Huehnergard UVST 182. ¶ Forms: G suffc. šlm (?), see šlm (I); prefc. yšlm;
D suffc. šlm, šlmt (?); prefc. yš[lm], tšlm, tš{š}lmn; suff. tšlmk, tšlmkm.
G. To be well, do well, be in peace, hail!: yšlm lk hail! / may peace / well-being
be with you (/ may you be well), 2.10:4 and par., greeting formula passim in
letters, 2.97:7, 2.88:33, 2.89:4, 7; 2.101:4 … (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 251 ff.); also
2.85:6 ( yšlm lkm), 26 ( yšlm lk); p šlm l bʕlny and peace (/ well-being) be
with our lord!, 2.70.5; l ủmy yšlm may my mother be well, 2.13:7, cf. 2.30:6;
ly ảdty yšlm may my lady be well, 2.68:8 and par.; yšlm l mlk bʕly may the
king be well, my lord, 2.75:4; [l] rỉš rʕy yš[lm may my friend the “majordomo”
be well, 2.2:1, cf. ln. 2; hnny ʕmny kll mỉd šlm ṯmny ʕm ảdtny mnm šlm here
with us everything is perfectly well, there all be well with our lady, 2.11:12–16
and par., 2.46:7 (alt. ṯmny ʕm bny mnm šlm there is all well with “my son”?:
greeting formula in letters (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 257ff.: the second clause can
be parsed as opt. /qtl/ or compl. of rgm ṯṯb); ʕm mlkt kll [šlm] w šlm d ḥwtk
with the queen all is well and may your country be completely well, 2.36:3–4;
ʕm špš kll mỉdm šlm in the house of the “Sun” everything is very well, 2.39.4,
cf. 3.1:12; ln bʕly yšlm (…) l ỉnšk (…) hail to / may peace be with my Lord (…)
with his people (…), 2.81:6.
D. 1) To pay: mlkn yšlm l ỉbh the king will have to pay his enemy, 1.103:54 (diff.
Xella TRU 1 196: “sarà in pace”); PN (…) yšlm ʕšrm ks[p] yš[lm] PN PN (…)

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šlm (i) 807

will pay; twenty shekels will pay PN, 4.398:6–7; in unc. ctx.: p šlmt (…) l šlmt
and I / you paid (…) I / you did not pay (?), 2.2:4, 6; l šlm ʕmk pay them when
they are with you, 2.70:26; PN so much šlm paid, 4.226:1–10, cf. 4.665:4–14,
4.667:2–6; ksp d šlm yrmn ʕl bt money that PN paid on the account of the
house (/ palace), 4.755:1; bd mtn l šlm[ in the hands of PN without paying,
4.342:5; in bkn ctx.: š]lm (…) ]šlm kspy, 2.21:13, 15; qrht d tš{š}lmn ṯlrbh cities
that pay TN, 4.95:1; for tšlm in 1.111:23 see tšlm.
2) To keep healthy / in good condition: ỉlm tġrk tšlmk may the gods protect
you, keep you healthy, 2.11:9 and passim greeting formula in letters (cf. Cun-
chillos TOu/2 254ff.).
Cf. ỉlšlm, bʕlšlm, bʕlmšlm, nšlm, šlm (I), šlm (II), šlm (III), šlm (IV), šlmn,
šlmt, šlmy (I), šlmy (III), šlmym, ššlmt, tšlm.
šlm (I) n. m. “peace”, “health”, “well-being”, “prosperity” (Hb., Ph., Pun., Palm.
Nab., OAram. šl(w)m, “prosperity, success, welfare, salvation, peace”, HALOT
1506ff.; DNWSI 1146ff.; Amor. /śulmum/, “peace”, Gelb CAAA 32; Syr. šlāmāʔ,
SL 1567f.; Akk. šulmu, “Vollständigkeit, Gesundheit”, AHw 1268 f.; “well-being,
health”, CAD Š/3 247ff.; OSA slm, “peace”, SD 126; Arab. salām, “safety, free-
dom”, AEL 1415; Eth. salām, “peace, salutation”, CDG 499; Eg. /šalāma/,
“Peace, Greetings”, Hoch SWET 285f. (408). Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 161, 164;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 84; for diff. lexical distribution see Loretz UF 35
2003 372); ¶ par.: ảrbdd. ¶ Forms: sg. šlm, see /š-l-m/; suff. šlmy, šmk.
Peace, health, well-being, prosperity: ★a) sk šlm l kbd ảrṣ pour out peace into
the bosom of the earth, 1.3 III 16 and par. (// ảrbdd; diff. De Moor SP 104:
“peace-offering”, cf. šlm (II); Aartun StUL 150: “Larven ähnliche (Samen)-
Körner”, < *šlm < ślm); in unc. ctx.: šlm ỉl DN’s peace / well-being, 1.65:8 (//
ḥnn, nṣbt; alt. “DN’s peace offering”); ★b) in greeting formulae: šlm ảb w ỉl
hail, father and god!, 1.123:1; šlm mlk šlm mlkt to the health of (/ hail!,) the
king, to the health of (/ hail!,) the queen!, 1.23:7; šlm ʕrbm ṯnnm to the health
of (/ hail!,) the officiants (and escort of) archers!, 1.23:26; šlm šlm ỉ[l š]lm ỉl
šr, hail, hail, DN! hail, DN, sovereign!, 1.123:2–3; šlm ỉl bt šlm ỉl ḫšt! hail, god of
the palace, hail gods of the mausoleum!, 1.123:29–30; kṯr w ḫss šlm DN, hail!,
1.123:28; [w ỉ]lm šlm and hail (to the) gods!, 1.123:33; šlm šlm ʕmr[pỉ] w šlm
bn!h šlm ṯryl šlm bth šlm ủgrt šlm ṯġrh hail, hail PN and hail his sons! hail PN,
hail his house! hail TN, hail its gates!, 1.161:31–35; lm l lỉkt šỉl šlmy why did you
not send someone to ask about my health? (?), 2.63:8; bʕl yšủl šlmk may PN
/ DN ask about (be interested in) your health!, 5.11:2 (Cunchillos AuOr 1 1983
61ff.); mnm šlm rgm tṯṯb ʕmy (concerning) the well-being whatever it is, may
you send me a reply, 2.85:12, see 2.100:11; w hnn ʕm ʕbdk mỉd šlm and behold,
here with your servant (all) is very well, 2.85:7, 11; 2.86:11; 2.86:13, 14, 16; lḥt šlm
letter of greeting, 2.34:5 and par. (Cunchillos TOu/2 456); šlm šmʕ rgmk nʕm

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808 šlm (ii) – šlm (iii)

the well-being of those / him who hear/s your good word, 2.86:17; ỉlm l šlm
tġrk tšlmk may the gods in peace protect you, keep you healthy, 2.85:7, cf. ln.
26 and /š-l-m/ D. 2); in bkn ctx.: ʕmy š]lm w tṯ[ṯb ly š]lmk with me it is well
and inform me of your situation, 2.4:7; tġrk šlm[, 1.6 IV 24; [š]lm bnš, 2.2:2; l
šlmt l šlm, 2.2:6, cf. ln. 3; p šlmt p šlm, 2.2:4; p šlm, 2.5:3; ]šỉl šlm, 2.50:10; ]šlm,
Cf. /š-l-m/, šlmy, šlmym, šlmn, šlmt, ššlmt.
šlm (II) n. m. “communion victim / sacrifice, ‘peace-offering’ ” (Hb. *šlm, “peace
offering”, HALOT 1536ff.; Pun. šlm, subst. indicating certain type of sacrifice
/ offering, DNWSI 1152. De Moor Fs. Gispen 115; Janowski UF 12 1980 231ff.;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 77ff.; diff. Fensham UF 11 1979 271: “treaty, friend-
ship”). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. šlmm (encl. -m); pl. šlmm (Hb. šlmym).
Communion victim / sacrifice, “peace-offering”: qḥ krt šlmm šlmm let PN
take peace-offerings in abundance, 1.14 III 26–27 and par. (see Loretz UF 35
2003 372: “Geschenke über Geschenke”, 2.36:4); used adv. in the rituals: šrp w
šlmm as a holocaust and as a peace-offering (such and such a victim), passim
(cf. De Tarragon CU 59ff.; Pardee TR/1 42ff.; Del Olmo CR 27; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 13 1981 77ff.); š šrp ảlp šlmm one ram, as a holocaust; one head of cattle, as
a peace-offering, 1.105:23, cf. 1.171:2; šrp ʕṣr l ṣpn w šl[m]m l bʕl as a holocaust
a bird to DN and as a peace-offering to DN …, 1.130:24; w šlmm kmm and as a
peace-offering, ditto, 1.164:6, 8 and par.; w šlmm ỉlỉb š and as a peace-offering,
to DN one ram …, 1.148:10 cf. 1.130:8; š šlmm one ram as a peace-offering,
1.41:52; š ảlp w ṯlṯ ṣỉn šlmm one ram, one head of cattle and three ewes as
a peace-offering, 1.43:7; l ỉl šlmm a DN as a peace-offering, 1.87:2, cf. 1.170:9;
š l ỉl bt šlmm one ram to the god of the palace as a peace-offering, 1.115:9;
ršp š šlmm to DN: one ram, as a peace-offering, 1.109:23, cf. ln. 37; šlmm kll
ylḥm bh as a peace-offering of which all eat, 1.115:9 (see kll; Pun. šlm kll.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 561f.; Levine PL 10 n. 21, 118 ff.); in bkn
ctx.: ]dmlt šlmm, 1.170:4; šlmm š ʕnt, 1.173.12.
Cf. /š-l-m/.
šlm (III) adj. m. “pure” (Hb. šlm, “intact, untouched, whole”, HALOT 1538f.;
“complete”, DNWSI 1153; Syr. šalmāʔ, “healthy, safe, perfect”, SL 1568; Amor.
/śalmum/, “well, whole”, Gelb CAAA 32; Akk. šalmu, “heil, gesund”, AHw
1149; “healthy, sound”, CAD Š/1 256; Arab. salīm, “safe, secure”, AEL 1415 f.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 83ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. /š-l-m/). ¶ Forms: sg. šlm.
Pure: yṣq šmn šlm pure oil (: virgin oil) was / they poured, 1.3 II 32 and par.
(diff. De Moor SP 96: “wellbeing-offering”, cf. šlm (II); Lipiński UF 3 1971 88 ff.:
“bienfaisante”, cf. šlm (I). Tarazi UF 36 2004 491: “the oil of sacrifice”); šmn šlm
bʕl the pure oil of DN, 1.119:24.
Cf. /š-l-m/.

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šlm (iv) – šlmy (i) 809

šlm (IV) DN, the god of dusk, paired with the god of dawn, the morning and
evening stars, šḥr w šlm (Hb. šlm, HALOT 1538f.; OAkk. šalmum, MAD 3 272f.;
cf. AHw 1149; CAD Š/1 256ff.; Roberts ESP 51; Ebla cf. /šalmu/ in DI.NA.E =
sa-ma, VE 827; Civil Or 56 1987 241; /šal(i)m(=um)/: the element in PNN: sá-
li-mu, ARET 8 532 XIV 11; sá(DI)-rimx (EREN)-da-mu; ARET 3 274 I 5; ARET 4
s. vb Sá-X-Da-mu; Bonechi QuSem 15 151. Cf. Xella MŠŠ 113ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
/šal(i)m=u/ (a) the element /šal(i)mV/ in PNN: spellings -ša-lim, -ša-li-ma,
-šal-mV; Gröndahl PTU 193; Sivan GAGl 272; (b) DN in lists: dša10?(SA)-li-mu,
Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):33; Huehnergard UVST 181; Van Soldt SAU 318.
DN: in god lists: šlm, 1.47:34; 1.118:33; in offering texts: šlm gdlt (to) DN a cow,
1.39:8, 1.41:17: š l šlm one ram for DN, 1.90:21, cf. 1.130:21; kbd w š l šlm, one liver
and one ram to DN, 1.109:8; šḥr w šlm: 1.23:52–53; 1.100:52; 1.107:43; 1.123:11; in
bkn ctx.: šlm, 1.90:18; 1.156:2.
Cf. ỉlšlm, bʕlšlm, ṣdqšlm, /š-l-m/, šlmy (III), šlmn.
šlm ym TN, see šlmy (I) 2.
šlmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 193; cf. Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: bn PN, 4.412 III 7; 4.624:6 (Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.794:6; rdg dqn <bn> šlmn
in 4.33:37 (diff. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 687: GN).
Cf. šlm (I), šlm (IV).
šlmt (I) n. f. “health” (cf. Akk. šalmūtu, “gesunder Zustand, Gesundheit”, AHw
1149; “safety, well-being”, CAD Š/1 260f. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. šlmtn (cf. Pardee
CS/3 100 and AfOB 19 39).
Health: ḥytn šlmtn our life, our health, 5.10:2 (ḥytn šlmtn our life, our health,
5.10:2 (diff. rdg. Dietrich-Loretz KA 185f.: ḥy tn “give life”, see also 5.11:4; Pardee
CS/3 108: “I am alive and well”).
šlmt (II) n. f. “compensation” (< /š-l-m/. Akk. šullumtu, “Vollständigung”, AHw
1267; “compensation, restitution”, CAD Š/3 242f.¶ Forms: sg. suff. šlmth.
Compensation: w knt šlmth ṯmt and his compensation is there, 2.97:15.
Cf. šlm (I), tšlm.
šlmy (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 260f.: *Šalmā, *Šalmiya, p. 261: *Šalmā-
Yammi; on the existence of two places with this name cf. also Van Soldt
UBL 11 365 (2), 379, 381; UF 28 1996 687. Heltzer RCAU 11; Saadé AAAS 29–
30 1979–1980 222; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 9; Astour RSP 2 330 f., 364f.; UF 13
1981, 11; RSOu 11 68; Van Soldt UF 30 1998 734; Topography 42, 184); ¶ syll.: 1)
Šalmā, Šalmiya: URU šal/ša-(al-)ma(-a), PRU 4 48 (RS 17.340) rev. 6; PRU 4
67 (RS 17.62):23; PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):6; PRU 6 111 (RS 19.129):11; 4.810:23; URU
šal/ša-(al-)mi-ia, Ug 5 26 (RS 20.03):21, 30 (letter from Alalakh; cf. Van Soldt
UF 28 1996 687 n. 279); ša10-li-ma-a, PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):3 (Van Soldt
SAU 318); 2) Šalmā-Yammi: URU šal-ma, RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):50. Sivan GAGl
272; Huehnergard UVST 238f.; Van Soldt SAU 337 n. 177; UF 28 1996 687; UF 29
1997 694.

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810 šlmy (ii) – šm (i)

TN Šalmā, Šalmiya: 4.49:2; 4.68:18; 4.308:10; 4.382:29; 4.553:4; 4.610 II 41;

4.629:7; 4.648:25; 4.686:10; 4.750:12; 4.770:18; 4.800 II 6; cf. šlmḫym, 4.610 II 32
(alt.: šlmyḫm; see KTU ad loc., footnote 1; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 687 n. 276);
4.802:3; 4.820 II 11; 4.822 II 4; for the rdg š[lmy? in 4.629:19 cf. Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 261.
Cf. šlmy (II).
šlmy (II) GN m. (< šlmy (I), TN); ¶ syll.: PN URU šal-mi/mì-yu, PRU 6 79
(RS 19.42); 2, 5; PRU 6 138 (RS 19.046):18. ¶ Forms: sg. šlmy; pl. šlmym.
GN: PN šl<m>y, 4.51:14; 4.261:16; 4.313:1; šlmym lqḥ ảkl GNN who have received
food, 4.41:1; for 4.33:3 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 687 (KTU: šx[); for 4.748:13, cf.
šlmym, PN; in bkn ctx.: šlmy, 4.853:23.
šlmy (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 51, 193; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168; Wat-
son LSU 204; cf. šlmy (II), GN); ¶ syll.: cf. ša-al-mi-ya, PRU 3 102 (RS 15.109+):
PN: bn PN, 4.124:6.
Cf. šlm (I), šlm (IV).
šlmym PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32, 144, 193; cf. šlmy (II), GN).
PN: 4.313:28!; 4.748:13.
s̄ls̄ n. cardinal m. “three”, 4.710:10; allog. of *šlš and alloph. of ṯlṯ; cf. ṯlṯ (I).
s̄ls̄t n. cardinal f. “three”, 4.710:5, 11, 13; allog. of *šlšt and alloph. of ṯlṯt; cf. ṯlṯ (I).
/š-l-w/ vb G: “to rest” (Syr. šly, “to rest, be at peace”, SL 1563; Arab. salā(w), “to
be unmindful, content”, AEL 1417f.; cf. Hb. šlw, “quiet, at ease”, HALOT 1505).
Watson SEL 12 1995 225; diff. Tropper UG 590, 671: “umgeben” > Š *lwy (?));
¶ par.: (?) /ḥ-g-r/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảšlw.
G. To rest: ảšlw b ṣp ʕnh I shall rest in the glance of her eyes, 1.14 III 45 (// (?)
šlyṭ n. m. “tyrant”, “powerful” (Hb. “having power, ruler”, HALOT 1524; JAram.
šlyṭ, DTT 1583; Arab. salīṭ, “strong, hard”, AEL 1406; Akk. šalṭu, “herrisch,
siegreich”, AHw 1151; “authoritative”, CAD Š/1 271; Eth. šǝlluṭ, “who has power”,
CDG 350. Watson UF 9 1977 274f.; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Del Olmo 67: “Mächti-
ger”, “Name eines Ungeheuers”, diff. from ltn. Other etym.: Margalit MLD 90:
“entwiner”, < *lw/yṭ, “enwrap, encircle”; De Moor UF 11 1979 641 n. 12: “tyrant”,
ly/uṭ Š, Akk. lâṭu; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 168: PN, Shaliyaṭ; Fronzaroli MARI 8
289 and n. 56: “celui qui pique”, Arab. *slṭ; Watson Historiae 4 2007 102: “bit-
ing”, Akk. šalāṭu, “to cut into”. ¶ Forms: sg. šlyṭ.
Tyrant, powerful: šlyṭ d šbʕ rảšm the tyrant with seven heads, 1.3 III 42 and
par., epithet of ltn (Rahmouni DEUAT 300ff.).
Cf. ṯlṭ.
šm (I) n. m. “name” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. šm, “name”, HALOT 1548 f.;
DNWSI 1155ff.; Amor. /śumum/, “name”, Gelb CAAA 33; Ebla /šumum/ in

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šm (ii) – /š-m-ʕ/ 811

MU.NÍ.ZA = sum-mu-um (/šummum/), VE 1144; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 40;

cf. šum, “Name”, Krebernik PET 107; Catagnoti QuSem 15 188 n. 14, 239ff.;
Pagan ARES 3 236f.; Akk. šumu, “Name”, AHw 1274f.; “name”, CAD Š/3 284;
OSA sm, “name”, SD 126; Arab. ʔismu // si/um, “name”, AEL 1435; Eth. sǝm,
“name”, CDG 504; Eg. /šuma/, “Name”, Hoch SWET 279 (399); Gzella BiOr 63
2006 400); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element Amor. / Akk. /šumu/ in PNN: Gröndahl
PTU 193f.; Sivan GAGl 276; for the element /šamû/ in PNN cf. Van Soldt BiOr
46 1989 648: “heaven” (correcting Sivan GAGl 276: var. of /šumu/ “name”).
¶ Forms: sg. šm, suff. šmy, šmk; pl. šmt, pl. šmthm.
Name: šm ỉl the name of DN, 1.22 I 6–7; šm bʕl name of DN, 1.16 VI 56 and par.,
epithet of ʕṯtrt (cf. Ph. ʕštrt šm bʕl; Del Olmo CCC 44 f.)); b šm tgʕrm ʕṯtrt by
(his) name she reproached DN, 1.2 IV 28; šm bny yw the name of my son is DN,
1.1 IV 14; šmk mdd ỉl your name is “Beloved of DN”, 1.1 IV 20; w ypʕr šmthm šmk
ảt and proclaimed their names: your name is (…), 1.2 IV 11 and par.; ỉlm ypʕr
šmthm DN proclaimed their names, 1.12 I 29; w pʕr š ym and he proclaimed
the name of DN, 1.1 IV 15; p rgm l mlk šmy and mention my name to the king,
2.14:13; šm ʕrbm the names of the officiants, 1.23:18; w ảt klklk […] škn l šmk and
you must establish everything that is yours for your name, 2.100:12, see 2.88:12
(Dietrich-Lorez UF 41 2009 149); in bkn ctx.: bʕl šm[, 1.92:31; rb šm[, 7.68:3; in
unc. ctx.: ảl (…) ybqṯ šmhm b spr, 4.817:12 (Bordreuil-Pardee PIHANS 114 9:
“personne ne cherchera leurs noms dans un document”).
Cf. šm (II), šmʕnt, šmbʕl, šmlbủ, šmmlk, šmrm, šmym.
šm (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 193f.; Watson AuOr 14 1996 104, and cf.
šm (I); Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 255: /šemi/).
PN: bn PN, 4.243:6; in unc. ctx., cf. 3.16:7.
šmảl adj. / n. m. 1) “left”; 2) “left hand, side”, used elliptically (Hb. śmʔwl,
“left side”, HALOT 1332f.; Palm. s/šml(ʔ), DNWSI 1162; Syr. sēmālāʔ, “left side”,
SL 1020; Amor. /śa/imʔā/īl/, GN “left, north”, Gelb CAAA 31; Arab. šamāl, šimāl
(< šamʔal), “north wind”, AEL 1600f.; Akk. šumē/īlu, “linksseitig”, AHw 1271;
“left side”, CAD Š/3 267ff. Wyatt UBL 12 359ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. šmảl, suff. šmảlh.
1) Left: ủdn šmảl left ear, 1.103:37; yd šmảl left hand, 1.103:59; šq š[mả]l left
thigh, 1.103:9; qṣr [šm]ảl left anklebone, 1.103:10; [l] pỉth šm[ảl] on its left,
temple 1.103:11; krʕ ydh š[mảl, the knuckle in its [lef]t forepaw / front hoof,
1.103:15; l gṯrm ġṣb šmảl d ảlpm to the DN the left ġ. of two bulls, 1.109:26.
2) Left hand, side, used elliptically: šmảlh tủḫd ʕṯtrt his left (hand) DN
grasped, 1.2 I 40; ủ ymn ủ šmảl both on the right and on the left, 1.23:63f.;
in bkn ctx.: qrẓ tšt lšmảl[ place (branches of) acacia on the left (?), 1.92:9; ]t
šmảl,1 1.172:12; ]l šmảl, 7.137:9.
/š-m-ʕ/ vb G: “to hear, listen (to), notice”; Gt: “pay attention, take note” (Hb.,
Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm. šmʕ, “to hear”, HALOT 1570ff.; DNWSI 1164ff.; Amor.

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812 šmʕ – šmʕn

/ś-m-ʕ/, “to hear”, Gelb CAAA 32; Huffmon APNMT 249 f.; Ebla cf. inf. /šamā-
ʕum/ in GIŠ.BA.TUKUx(ḪÚB) = sa-ma-um, VE 393; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 15;
impv. /šimaʕ/ si-ma Fronzaroli EL 149 but cf. id. ARES 1 11; cf. šamāʕum,
ARET 8 12; cf. in PNN Krebernik PET 64; Catagnoti QuSem 15 266; Müller
Biling. 179, 183; Pagan ATES 3 174f.; Fronzaroli ARES 1 21, 23; Gt /ʔaštamaʕ/ áš-
tá-ma, Müller Biling. 197; EA Akk. ša-mi-ti7, EAT 362:5; yi-ìš-ma, EAT 82:23,
Rainey CAT 2 36, 286, 302; Akk. šemū, “hören”, AHw 1211 ff.; “to hear”, CAD Š/2
277ff.; OSA smʕ, “to hear”, SD 127; Arab. samiʕa, “to hear”, AEL 1427ff.; Eth.
samʕa, “to hear”, CDG 501f.; Eg. /šamaʕa/, “to hear”, Hoch SWET 279 (400);
¶ syll. Ug.:, cf. the elements /yišmaʕ-/, /yištamaʕ-/ in PNN, cf. Sivan GAGl
274. ¶ Forms: G suffc. šmʕt; prefc. ỉšmʕ, tšmʕ, yšmʕ, suff. tšmʕm (encl. -m),
yšmʕk; impv. šmʕ; inf. šmʕ; pass. suff. šmʕk (?) (1.13:22); Gt impv. ỉštmʕ.
G. To hear, listen (to), notice: šmʕ (mʕ) l ảlỉyn bʕl / l mṯt ḥry listen, oh DN, “The
Most Powerful”! / oh young PN!, 1.4 V 59/1.16 VI 16 and par.; yšmʕ ảliyn bʕl /
tšmʕ mṯt ḥry DN, “The Most Powerful” did listen / the young did listen PN,
1.5 V 17/1.16 VI 19 and par.; l trġds w l klby šmʕt from PN and PN I have heard,
2.10:7 (cf. 2.49:10); šmʕ ảtm you, listen!, 1.22 II 13 (cf. 1.16 IV 1); ht yšmʕ ủḫy l
gy now, may my brother listen to my voice, 2.4:18; šmʕk l ảrḫ he who listens
to you, oh heifer!, 1.13:22 (Caquot TOu/2 25; diff. De Moor ARTU 139: “he will
listen to you”; Del Olmo IMC 97f.: “lo que oyes”); ỉk ảl yšmʕk how, then, will he
listen to you?, 1.6 VI 26 and par.; w mnm rgm d tšmʕ and whatever you hear,
2.10:17; w šmʕ bʕl and DN will hear, 1.119:34; hnk tšmʕm what you hear, 2.71:9
(diff. Tropper UG 270: “Hörensagen, Kunde, Gerücht”, Akk. tešmû, tašmû);
šlm šmʕ rgmk nʕm the well-being of those / he who hear(s) your good word,
2.86:18 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 379f.); and (if) I hear that she does not
guarantee you, 2.88:24; in bkn ctx.: tšmʕ, 2.107:21.
Gt. To pay attention, take note: ỉštmʕ w tqġ ủdn listen and let (your) ear be
alert!, 1.16 VI 42 and par. (Kogan AuOr 24 2006 138).
In bkn ctx.: ]šmʕ hwt, 1.2 I 46; w ỉšmʕ, 2.88:24; hwt bʕl ỉštm[ʕ, 1.93:4.
Cf. ỉlštmʕ mšmʕt, šmʕ, šmʕn, šmʕy, yšmʕ.
šmʕ n. m. “auditor”, “administrator” (act. ptc. < /š-m-ʕ/. Cunchillos TOu/2 307
n. 14; Dietrich PIHANS 114 16ff.: “Auftragsempfänger, Bote, Gesandter”).
¶ Forms: sg. cst. šmʕ; suff. šmʕh.
Auditor, administrator: ảnk ʕm mlảkth šmʕh I was his auditor in his embassy,
2.17:7; šmʕ rgm(k) (your) auditor, 4.128:3; 4.332:12; 4.609:10–11; cf. ʕbd, 4.332:
Cf. rgm, /š-m-ʕ/.
šmʕn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 51, 110, 194; Astour CRAA 18 1972 17; Watson
LSU 180); ¶ syll.: ša-am-ú-na, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):29; cf. Sivan GAGl 272; UF 21
1989 362; Huehnergard UVST 251; Van Soldt SAU 331 f. n. 160.

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šmʕnt – /š-m-ḫ/ 813

PN: ★a) 4.609:5; ★b) bn PN, 4.617 I 32; 4.841:34; 4.860:35.

Cf. /š-m-ʕ/.
šmʕnt PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 111, 194; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168); ¶ syll.:
šu-um-a-na-ti, PRU 3 166 (RS 15.139):9; Sivan GAGl 276.
PN: bn PN, 4.75 IV 4.
šmʕt as MN see šỉy.
šmʕy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 194).
PN: 4.247:33 (bn bdn).
Cf. /š-m-ʕ/.
šmbʕl PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šm (I), šmm (I). Gröndahl PTU 193: šum-addi, 195:
šm-bʕl, 195: šamû-addu; Lipiński OLA 23 135; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168);
¶ syll.: cf. MU-a-dì, PRU 3 59 (RS 16.133):6; šu-um-dIM, PRU 3 151 (RS 16.197):5,
7, 14; AN-dU, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):16; ša-mu-dIM, PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+)
rev. 14; RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):17, 20; Sivan GAGl 276; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989
PN: 4.116:7; 4.682:8 (b[n] rm[).
šmbnš PN (Sem. Gelb CAAA 288. Watson LSU 180: cf. šm bnš).
PN: 3.16:7 (diff. rdg KTU šm bnš).
šmgy TN; cf. šm(n)gy.
*/š-m-ḥ/ see /š-m-ḫ/.
/š-m-ḫ/ vb G: 1) “to be glad, rejoice”; 2) “to light up”; D: “to please, make happy”
(Hb. śmḥ, “to rejoice”, HALOT 1333ff.; Amm. šmḥ, “to rejoice”, DNWSI 1160.
Grossberg Bib 67 1986 547ff.); ¶ par.: /g-l/, /ṣ-h-l/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. šmḫ, allog.
(?) šmḥ (1.133:16); prefc. n!šmḫ, tšmḫ; yšmḫ; nšmḫ; inf. šmḫ; D prefc. tšmḫ; Š
suffc. ššmḫt.
G. 1) To be glad, rejoice: yšmḫ / šmḫ ảlỉyn bʕl, DN, “The Most Powerful”,
rejoiced, 1.10 III 37/1.4 V 35 and par. 1.5 II 20, 1.6 III 14, cf. bn ỉlm m[t] šmḥ,
1.133:16 (?) (diff. Pardee TPM 162: “il a effacé”, mḥy Š); šmḫ btlt ʕnt the Virgin
DN rejoiced, 1.4 V 20, cf. 1.IV II 28, 1.92:31; bnt bhtk ảl tšmḫ ảl tšmḫ b rm [h]kl[k]
(in the) construction of your mansion do not rejoice, do not rejoice in the
erection of your palace, 1.3 V 21 and par.; b ḥyk ảbn n!šmḫ in your life, our
father, we rejoiced, 1.16 I 14 and par. (// ngln); tšmḫ ht ảṯrt may DN now
rejoice!, 1.6 I 39; in bkn ctx.: ảqht yšm[ḫ], 1.17 VI 54.
2) To light up: pnm tšmḫ (his) face lit up, 1.17 II 9 (// yṣhl).
D. To please, make happy (see Š): w ủm tšmḫ{.}m ảb (my) mother pleased
(my) father, 2.16:11 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 299 n. 18: “se réjouisse (à cause)
de Père!”, rdg tšmḫ (G) m(n) ảb; for other versions see ảb).
Š. To make happy (see D), in bkn ctx.: ššmḫt w ht you made happy, and now
…, 2.73:10 (Tropper UG 599).
Cf. šmḫt.

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814 šmḫt – šmm (i)

šmḫt n. f. “joy” (< /š-m-ḫ/. Hb. śmḥh, “joy, jubilation”, HALOT 1336f.; Amor
/šimḫum/, “joy”, Gelb CAAA 32); ¶ par.: ṣḥq, tšyt. ¶ Forms: sg. šmḫt.
Joy: ymlủ lbh b šmḫt her heart was filled with joy, 1.3 II 26 and par. (// b ṣḥq,
tšyt); lb mlk [ yml]ủ b šmḫt the king’s heart I filled with joy, 3.11:9 (diff. Del
Olmo CR 142: “grow / prosper!”, rdg [ y]ṣmḥ).
Cf. /š-m-ḫ/.
šmk TN, mythical region, historically identified with later Lake Huleh, north
of Lake Kinneret (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 394: *Šamaku. Aram. yamma dē-
samkảʔ, Gk Semachonitis, EA šamḫuna. De Langhe TRS 2 209 ff.; Ribichini
MLE 1 51f.; Kempinski SMB 63; diff. Aartun UF 17 1985 33 f.: “höhere Region
(des Gebirges)”, Arab. simāk).
TN: ảḫ šmk the shore of TN, 1.10 II 9, 12; in bkn ctx.: [š]mk, 4.693:3.
šml (I) n. m. “commercial agent” (?) (cf. Akk. šamallû, “Beutelträger, Gehilfe”,
AHw 1153f.; “assistant, agent of a merchant”, CAD Š/1 291 ff. De Moor JNES 24
1965 364 n. 85; Cunchillos TOu/2 306 n. 11; Watson LSU 108). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr.
Commercial agent (?): pġsdb šml šn PN commercial agent (?) of ivory, 2.17:5;
rb šm[lm chief of commercial agents, 7.69:3.
šml (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 195; De Moor BiOr 26 1969 107; cf.
Benz PNPPI 420).
PN: bn PN, 4.66:5; 4.412 II 6.
šmlbủ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 34, 154, 194; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
¶ Forms: šmlbủ, ge. šmlbỉ.
PN: ★a) 4.366:13 (bn grb), 14 (bn ypʕ); ★b) bn PN, 4.63 IV 13.
šmm (I) n. m. 1) “heavens, sky”; 2) DN “Heavens” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Nab.,
Palm. šm( y)m, “heaven”, HALOT 1559ff.; DNWSI 1160 ff.; EA Akk. ša-mu-ma,
DNWSI 1160; Syr. šmayāʔ, “heaven”, SL 1572; Akk. šamû, pl. t. “Himmel”, AHw
1160; “heaven”, CAD Š/1 339ff.; OSA smy, “heaven”, SD 127; Arab. samāʔ, “the
uppermost part of anything”, “heaven”, AEL 1434 f.; Eg. sjm, “cloud”, Watson
UF 40 2008 559); ¶ syll. Ug.: [IDIM] = [a-ni] = ša-mu-ma, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+)
III 13; [A]N = [a-n]i = ša-mu-ma, Ug 5 133 (RS 23.493 A) III 33; [AN] = [šamû]
= [ḫa-b]ur-ni = ša(!?)-[m]u(?)-ma(?), UF 11 1979 479 (RS 20.189 A+B):28; Van
Soldt UF 21 1989 365; BiOr 47 1990 731f.; SAU 307; cf. Huehnergard UVST 182;
for the element /šamû/ in PNN cf. Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648: “heaven”
(correcting Sivan GAGl 276: var. of /šumu/“name”); ¶ par.: kbkb, nḥl (I), ym
(II). ¶ Forms: pl. / du. t. šmm, allog. šmym (1.19 IV 24, 30); suff. šmmh (-h.
1) Heavens, sky: nyr šmm the luminary of the heavens, 1.24:31 and par.; dr dt
šmm the family of the heavens (?), 1.10 I 5 (// pḫr kkbm); špt l ảrṣ špt l šmm
one lip to earth and the other to the sky, 1.23:62 and par.; lšnm tlḥk šmm with

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šmm (ii) – šmn (i) 815

(his) tongue he licked the heavens, 1.83:6; rỉšh b glṯ b šm[m] his head in the
storm of the heavens (?), 1.101:7; šmm šmn tmṭrn may the heavens rain oil, 1.6
III 6 and par. (// nḫlm); ṭl šmm šmn ảrṣ dew of sky, oil of earth, 1.3 IV 43 and
par.; ttrp šmm the heavens slackened, 1.5 I 4; tảnt šmm ʕm ảrṣ the whisper of
the heavens with the earth, 1.3 III 24 and par. (// kbkbm); yr šmmh yr b šmm
ʕṣr he shot skywards, in the sky he shot a bird, 1.23:38; w yʕrb b phm ʕṣr šmm
and into their mouths go the birds of the sky, 1.23:62 (// dg b ym); ʕpt šmm the
birds of the sky, 1.22 I 11; d l t[dʕ šm]m that the heavens do not know, 1.3 III 26
and par.; ṣḥrrt lả šmm the power of the heavens is burning up, 1.4 VIII 23 and
par.; nšả ydh šmmh he lifted his hands to the heavens, 1.14 IV 5 and par.; ql
bl ʕm šḥr w šlm šmmh take (the / my) request to DN in the heavens, 1.100:52;
dn mt šmm a vessel for people of heaven, 1.3 I 13; mlảk šmm (…) zbl mlk šmm
heavenly messengers (…) royal heavenly princes (?), 1.13:26–27; np šmm the
celestial peaks, 1.3 VI 9; tr ảrṣ w šmm scour the earth and the heavens, 1.16
III 2; [šp]š b šmm tqrủ DN calls in the sky, 1.107:15 and par.; bʕlt šmm rmm
Lady of the exalted heavens, 1.108:7; in bkn ctx.: b gg [š]mm rm to the roof of
the heavens go up (?), 1.13:12 (De Moor ARTU 138: mṯbk b gg “a dwelling on
the roof (?!)”).
2) DN “Heavens”: bt šmm w thm daughter of the Sky and the Ocean, 1.100:1;
thm w šmm Ocean and Sky, 1.179:9; in god lists: ảrṣ w šmm Earth and Heavens,
1.118:11 and par. (cf. IDIM ù IDIM, Ug 5 18 [RS 20.24]:11).
Cf. šmm (II), šmmn, šmym.
šmm (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šmm (I). Gröndahl PTU 195; Dietrich-Loretz
OLZ 62 1967 549; Benz PNPPI 421; Watson LSU 180; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991
PN: bn PN, 4.232 (I) 9; šmm, 4.841:41.
šmmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 158, 194; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.75 V 19 (b[n)].
Cf. mlk (I).
šmmn PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šmm (I). Gröndahl PTU 52, 195; Watson LSU 180);
¶ syll.: cf. ša-mu-ma-nu/na, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):3; PRU 3 159 (RS 16.256):8
passim ibid.; PRU 3 201 (RS 16.257+) III 8; PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):7 and passim
PN: ★a) 3.9:3, 11 (šm{.}mn), 15; 3.29:29; 4.43:2; 4.170:11; 4.222:19; 4.261:12 (bn
ʕdš); 4.297:4 (gnʕy); 4.350:14 (bn gmz); 4.727:6; ★b) bn PN, 4.344:19; 5.18:7–8.
šmn (I) n. m. 1) “oil”; 2) “fat, butter”; 3) an aromatic plant(?) (Hb., Pun., OAram.,
Palm. šmn, natural product “fat, oil”, HALOT 1567ff.; DNWSI 1163; Ebla /šam-
num/ in Ì.DU10 = sa-ma-nu da-bù, VE 883; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; Fron-
zaroli EL 149; Akk. šamnu, “Öl, Fett”, AHw 1157f.; “oil, fat”, CAD Š/1 321 ff.;
Arab. samn, “clarified butter”, AEL 1432; cf. Watson AuOr 22 2004 116); ¶ RS

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816 šmn (i)

Akk.: Ì(.MEŠ), Ì.GIŠ(.MEŠ), passim; cf. PRU 6 159; Huehnergard AkkUg 376;
cf. Ì.MEŠ, KTU 4.381:1 and passim ibid.; cf. aš-ta-pá-ak Ì.GIŠ a-na SAG.DU-šā,
PRU 3 110 (= Syria 18 1937 253f.; RS 8.208):8; cf. GIŠ.Ì.GIŠ.MEŠ (serdu(?)), Ug
5 54 (RS 20.23):16; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /šamnu/ in toponyms; Astour
RSP 2 365; Sivan GAGl 272; ¶ par.: nbt (I), ṭl; ¶ Forms: sg. šmn; cf. the spelling
s̄mn 4.31:2, 11; 4.710:3 (Dietrich-Loretz KA 157, 163).
1. Oil; ★a) oil (prob. olive oil): šmn oil, 6.102:1; l šmn ỉṯrhw concerning the oil:
follow it, 2.15:7 (for -hw cf. Tropper UG 54); (n) šmn (n “jars” of) oil, 4.352:1,
passim; ḫmš šmn five (“jars” of) oil, 4.150:2; kd šmn a “jar” of oil, 4.313:1; 4.710:3
and passim for diff. quantities of oil; PN (n) šmn PN: (n “jars” of) oil, 4.41:2 (cf.
PN (n) / kd(m), ibid. ln. 3–12); (n) šmn ʕl PN (n “jars” of) oil to PN’s account,
3.13:5, cf. ln. 3; ảrbʕ mảt l ảlp šmn nḥ one thousand four hundred of n.-oil,
4.91:3; ḫmš šmn w ḫmš ṯʕdt five (“jars”) of oil and five ṯ, ibid. ln. 4; krsủ w ṯʕt
šmn one k. und one ṯ of oil, 4.811:14 (see Tropper UG 420); ṯmn ʕšrh šmn ḥṯbn
w ṯʕt eighteen (“jars”) oil on account and (one “jar” of) dregs, 4.771:7; kd šmn
ṯʕt ḫsr one “jar” of oil of lees, in deficit, 3.28:5; 3.29:7; (n) šmn d l yṣả bt mlk (n
“jars” of) oil that have not left the palace, 4.341:20; (n) šmn d lqḥt PNF w kd
ištir ʕm qrt (n “jars” of) oil that PNF takes and a “jar” is still owed to the city,
4.290:1; lqḥ hw šmn b qrnh he took oil in his horn, 2.72:30; šmn nr lamp oil,
5.23:6; 4.786:8 (Watson FO 47 2010 435); kd šmn l nr ỉlm a “jar” of oil for the
divine lamp, 4.284:6; tgrm (tgm!r!) šmn sum total of the oil, 4.313:27; kkr ḫmš
mảt kbd ṯlṯ šmn one talent five hundred shekels of copper (in exchange) for
oil, 4.272:4 (Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176f.); in ritual use (De Tarragon CU 43 f.):
dd šmn a cruet of oil, 1.41:44; 1.87:48; ṯn dd šmn two cruets of oil, 1.41:45; 1.87:50
(rdg dd ! šmn); people dt l ytn šmn who did not deliver oil, 4.728:3; in lit. texts
(Zobel ZAW 82 1970 209ff.; Sasson RSP I 448): yṣq šmn šlm b ṣʕ “virgin” / pure
oil was poured in a plate, 1.3 II 31 and par. (Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 84);
hn šmn šlm bʕl behold the pure oil of DN! 1.119:24 (diff. Herdner Ug 7 35:
“huile de paix”); symbolic use: ṭl šmm // šmn ảrṣ dew of heaven // oil of the
earth, 1.3 II 39 and par. (Zobel ZAW 82 1970 212; Janowski UF 12 1980 238);
šmm šmn tmṭrn may the heavens rain oil (// nbt), 1.6 III 6 and par.; šmn škrm
oil for the hired (personnel), 4.799:2; krsủ w ṯʕt šmn one k. and one ṯ of oil,
4.811:14; 4.853:22, 26; bảrbʕm šmn w krsỉm by forty (shekels) of oil and tow k.,
4.804:4 and passim; for other quantities of k. see krsảt smn, 4.853:1; 4.853:11,
14; w krsỉm šmn, 4.854:2; in bkn ctx.: kly šmn b (…) [ finished was the oil in
(…)[, 1.16 III 16; hn šmn, 2.104:11; ṯ]ʕt šmn, 4.853:28; ★b) šmn ṭb perfumed oil,
4.738:4; 4.780:8, 14 (cf. Ebla Ì.DU10 = sa-ma-nu da-bù, VE 883; cf. supra; Hb.
(h)šmn (h)ṭwb, HALOT 1568); ★c) esp.: šmn rqḥ perfumer’s oil (cf. Hb. šmn
rwqḥ, HALOT 1568) > “perfume”, 4.91:5; s̄mn r[qḫ, 4.31:2; cf. ibid. ln. 11 (Heltzer
GPOTU 27); ʕšr lg šmn y[tn] ly p(!) ṯlṯ lg <šmn> rqḥ he gives me ten “jars” of

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šmn (ii) – s̄ m nt 817

oil, plus three “jars” of perfume 5.10:7f. (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975

162; diff. Caquot Ug 7 389ff. ln. 8: rdg lg rqḥ); šmn mr šmn rqḥ myrrh-scented
oil, perfume, 1.41:21; 1.87:22; 2.89:16; 4.91.16; cf. lg šmn rqḥ a “jar” of perfume,
1.148:21, and šmn mr myrrh-scented oil, 4.91:15; 5.23:1 (cf. EA Akk. Ì mur-ri,
EAT 25 IV 51; Hb. šmn hmr, Est. 2:12; cf. CAD M/2 221b; HALOT 630); kd šmn mr
a “jar” of myrrh-scented oil, 4.14:2, 8, 15; kt šmn mr a pitcher of myrrh-scented
oil, 4.786:14; kd šmn nr, a “jar” of lamp oil, 2.89:16; 2.99:22 4.863:19; šmn ššr
(minium, paint based on) reddish oil, 4.780:12 (Bordreuil CRAIBL 1987 290);
ṯlṯ ʕšr kbd mỉtm šmn nḥ and two hundred and sixteen (“jars”) of n.-oil, 4.805:4;
in bkn ctx.: šmn prst[, 1.22 15; šmn rqḥ[, 4.815:2.
2. Fat, butter: šmn ủz goose fat, 4.247:22; spr šmn ảlpm register of ox fat, 4.857:1
(Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 96) and passim ln 2–12.
3. An aromatic plant (“pine (?)”, < (ʕṣ) šmn): ảrbʕm l mỉt šmn one hundred
and forty (plants of) š., 4.158:3 (cf. tỉšr, ibid. ln. 4; Stieglitz JNES 25 1970
56; Loewenstamm UF 13 1981 302: “a kind of pine”; Watson UF 40 2008
Cf. šmn (II), šmny, šmt (I).
šmn (II) adj. m. “fat, fatling” (< šmn (I); Hb. šmn, “fat”, HALOT 1567; Arab. samīn,
“fat, plump”, AEL 1432). ¶ Forms: sg. šmn.
Fat, fatling: tṭbḫ šmn mrỉh she sacrificed the fattest of her fatlings, 1.15 IV 15
and par.
Cf. šmn (I).
šmn (III) DN (?), poss. denotes the later god Eshmun (cf. Xella A1CISFP 403).
DN (?): ʕṣrm l šmn two birds to DN (?), 1.164:9 (cf. Del Olmo CR 268 n. 90); in
bkn ctx.: ảlp l šmn, 4.198:5 (PN (?)).
šmn (IV) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šm (I), šmm (I), šmn (II), šmn (III). Gröndahl
PTU 195); ¶ syll.: ša-mu-nu, PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 9; cf. Sivan GAGl 276;
Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648.
PN: ★a) 4.170:10; 4.617 I 27; 4.371:17 (bn ảpn); ★b) bn PN, 4.432 (II) 11; in bkn
ctx.: cf. 4.198:5.
s̄mn n. m. “oil”, etc., 4.31:2, 11; 4.710:3; allog. of šmn; cf. šmn (I).
šm(n)gy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 262: *Šammegā / *Šamnigā. Heltzer
RACAU 11, 17 n. 34; Saadé AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 220; Astour Bible Word 6;
UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 376f., 380; UF 28 1996 687f.; UF 30
1998 728); ¶ syll.: URU šàm-me-ga, PRU 3 145 (RS 16.139):5; URU šàm-ni-ga,
PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):30; cf. Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177; Topography 43 f., 184;
Watson LSU 204).
TN šmgy: 1.91:27; 4.754:10; 4.770:17; 4.800 II 31; šmngy: 4.355:25; in bkn ctx.:
šmgx?, 4.610 II 13.
s̄mnt n. cardinal f. “eight”, 4.710:7; allog. of *šmnt and allom. of ṯmnt; cf. ṯmn (I).

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818 šmn(y) – šmt (ii)

šmn(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 262f.: *Šamnā 1, *Šamnā 2; on the existence

of two villages with this name cf. also Van Soldt UF 28 1996 687; UF 29 1997
700. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour TopAn 126; RSP 2 331, 365; UF 11 1979 18, 23;
UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 376, 380; UF 30 1998 728); ¶ syll.:
1) Šamnā 1: šàm-na(-a), PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):31'; see Belmonte RGTC 12/2
262 for PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):34: URU [ša-am]-a (diff. Van Soldt UF 30 1998
704: Yēnā?); 2) Šamnā 2: PRU 4 76 (RS 17.368) rev. 3; URU ša-am-na, PRU 4
71 (RS 17.235+):35. Sivan GAGl 272; Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177; UF 28 1996 687;
Topography 43, 184; Belmonte Fs. Watson 111).
TN (all Šamnā 1?), šmny: 1.91:26; 4.355:24; 4.610 II 14; 4.770:16; 4.800 II 32.
Cf. šmny.
šmny PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šm (I), šmm (I), šmn (II), šmn (III), š/ṯmn(y).
Gröndahl PTU 27, 195).
PN: 4.222:12 (unc. ctx.).
Cf. šmn (I), šmn(y).
šmrḫt see /m-r-ḫ/.
šmrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 44, 182, 194; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 8; SEL 8
1991 168); ¶ syll.: šu-mu-ra[-ma?], Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):30.
PN: ★a) 4.63 II 48; 4.103:26; 4.170:24; 4.635:29 (ả[ḏd]dy); 4.655:4; ★b) bn PN,
4.35 II 10; 4.819:13; 4.841:69.
šmrr n. m. “poisoning, poison” (/šqtl-šqll/ pattern < */m-r(-r)/ (II). Pardee UF 10
1978 256; TPM 207 n. 30; diff. Tropper UG 601, 679: “Verjagung, Vertreibung”
< *mrr, “vorübergehen, weggehen”, alt. < *mrr, “bitter sein”); ¶ par.: nṯk.
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. šmrr.
Poisoning, poison: šmrr nḥš ʕqšr the poisoning of the sloughing serpent,
1.100:4 and par. (// nṯk).
Cf. mr (I), /m-r(-r)/ (II).
šmšr, 1.3 VI 9, cf. /m-š-r/.
šmt (I) n. f. “fat, grease” (< šmn (I); Arab. siman, “fatness”, sumnat, a medicine
for fattening, AEL 1432; MHb. šmn, “cream”, DTT 1597, cf. Hb. mšmn, “fatness,
corpulence”, HALOT 649; Watson LSU 108: Akk. šēmētu, “fat, grease”, CAD
Š/2, 276); ¶ par.: ʕẓm. ¶ Forms: sg. šmt.
Fat: hm ỉṯ šmt hm ỉ[ṯ] ʕẓm if there is fat or if there is bone, 1.19 III 4 and par.
(// ʕẓm).
Cf. šmn (I).
šmt (II) n. f., “reddish shade” (“carnelian”, esp. of a particular purple; cf. Akk.
sāmtu, “Röte”, AHw 1019; “a red stone”, CAD S 121 ff.; Landsberger JCS 21 1967
140ff.; Ebla cf. É.SI4.AN = sa-ma-du/ti sa-rí-im, VE 338; Civil Biling. 89. Heltzer
GPOTU 35; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 64; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 343 f.; De Moor
NYCI/2 20 n. 82; Watson LSU 108); ¶ RS Akk.: SÍG.ḪÉ.ME.DA/TA, SÍK.SA5

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šmt[ – šn 819

((SÍK) tabarru); Landsberger JCS 21 1967 168; Von Soden OLZ 79 1984 32;
Van Soldt UF 22 1990 340, 343; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. NA4.GUG.KU.GU = ši-im-tu4,
MSL 10 41:90; Huehnergard AkkUg 113, 120, 387; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 343
n. 157. ¶ Forms: sg. šmt.
Reddish shade, esp. of a particular purple: ḫpn d ỉqnỉ w šmt a cape of violet
and reddish purple, 4.168:1; ảllm lbnm […] ảll šmt […] ảll ỉqnỉ white ả., […]
ả. (of) carnelian red, […] ả. (of) violet purple, 4.182:5; ḫmšm šmt b ṯql[, fifty
(shekels) of reddish purple for […] shekel(s), 4.337:25 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 268: “fifty ropes (or straps) for (one) shekel [of silver]”; Watson AuOr
28 2011 165: “fastening, rope, tether”, Akk. šummannu, Ebla. šummuttum, Hitt.
šum(m)anza(n)-, “rope”); ḫmš mảt šmt b ʕšrt ksp five hundred (shekels) of
purple for ten of silver, 4.341:7; in bkn ctx.: (the singers go in) ]ỉqnủ šmt[ violet
and red, 1.23:21; ]šmt, 4.182:17 (cf. ỉqnủ, ibid. ln. 16, 18).
šmt[ PN bkn (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-mi-i[t-ti], Ug 5 20 (RS 20.33):2; cf. Watson
LSU 180).
PN, in bkn ctx.: 4.50:5.
šmtr (I) n. m. “cutting” (/šqtl/ pattern< */m-t-r/. Arab. matara, “to cut”, Hava
706; Eth. matara, “to cut”, CDG 372). ¶ Forms: šmtr.
Cutting: šmtr ủṯkl l ỉl cutting of a grape cluster for DN, 1.41:2; 1.87:2 (diff.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 78f.: “zwei Schafe, eine Taube”, rdg šm tr).
šmtr (II) PN (rdg and etym. unc. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 361; Watson AuOr
30 2012 338).
PN: bn šmtr, 4.794:1; 4.807:55.
šmym (I), cf. šmm (I) y šmm (II).
šmym (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šm (I), šmm (I), ym (II) 2. Ribichini-Xella
RSF 15 1987 8; SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: bn PN, 4.714:5.
šmyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 193f.: here šm (I); Gelb-Purves-MacRae
NPN 257: /šimaia/, /šimiia/, 259: /šummiia/; Watson AuOr 13 1995 228: Emar
Akk. šu-mi-ia-an-ni, AuOrS 1 16:19); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-me-ya-na, Syria 13 1932 235
(RS 3.318 [= MSL 6 p. 4]) colophon; šu-mi-i[a?-n]a, PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):5;
Ug 5 20 (RS 20.33):2 (?); cf. Van Soldt SAU 23, 40.
PN: bn PN, 4.122:2; 4.843:41.
šn n. m/f. 1) “tooth”; 2) “ivory” (Hb., Aram. šn, “tooth”, HALOT 1593ff.; JPAram.
“tooth”, DJPA 559; Ebla /šinnum, šinnātum/ in ZÚ.URUDU = si-nu-u[m], si-
na-tum, VE 174; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 6f.; ZÚ.UR5 = ši-na-tum/ti é-la-um/mu,
VE 209; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 9; Pettinato Biling. 45; ZÚ.GUL = ḫa-zi-lum ši-
nu, VE 227; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 10; dNAMMU = si-nu ḫa-mi-um, VE 1344;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 8; Fales QuSem 13 176; ge. /šinnim/ in ZÚ.UŠ = ma-
gàr-ru12 si-nu(-me), VE 214; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 10; cf. Pettinato Biling. 46;

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820 /š-n-ʔ/ – šnm

ARET 5 61; Akk. šinnu, “Zahn”, AHw 1243; “tooth”, CAD Š/3 48 ff.; Arab. sinn,
“tooth”, AEL 1437f.; Eth. sǝnn, “tooth”, CDG 504); ¶ par.: (?) špt. ¶ Forms: sg.
sn; pl. suff. šntk, šnth.
1) Tooth: tỉḫd šnth her teeth held (him), 1.19 I 9; in unc. ctx.: k tgwln šntk that
your teeth move / grind, 1.82:4 (// (?) šptk; diff. Caquot TOu/2 64 n. 172: “quand
tes années accomplissent leur circuit”); in bkn ctx.: šn mtm, 1.12 II 41.
2) Ivory: mrqdm d šn castanets of ivory, 1.108:4–5 (// knr, ṯlb, tp, mṣltm); 1.19
IV 27; šml šn commercial agent (?) of ivory, 2.17:5.
Cf. /š-n-n/.
/š-n-ʔ/ vb G: “to hate, loathe” (Hb. śnʔ, “to hate”, HALOT 1338 ff.; JPAram. sny, “to
hate”, DJPA 384; Arab. šanā / šaniʔa, “to hate”, AEL 1603f.). ¶ Forms: G suffc.
G. To hate, loathe: dm ṯn dbḥm šnả bʕl for two sacrifices DN loathes, 1.4 III 17;
in bkn ctx.: šnả[, 4.217:8.
Cf. šnủ.
šnủ n. m. “enemy” (ptc. act < /š-n-ʔ/; Hb. ś(w)nʔ, HALOT 1339; Syr. sanʔāʔ,
“hateful”, SL 1022; Can. (?) šūnû, “Hasser”, AHw 1590; but cf. “mng. unkn.”,
CAD Š/3 310; OSA s2nʔ, “personal enemy”, SD 133; Arab. šāniʔ, “hater, enemy”,
AEL 1603f.); ¶ par.: ib (I). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. šnủ.
Enemy: tỉḫd (…) šnủ hd gpt ġr (…) the enemies of DN took to the slopes of
the hill, 1.4 VII 36.
Cf. /š-n-ʔ/.
šnʕt n. f. “?”, poss. the name of a kind of bird (Pardee Syria 65 1988 187; Del Olmo
CR 68 n. 11; Watson Historiae 4 2007 100: Akk. šitʔu, šītu (?), a bird). ¶ Forms:
sg. šnʕt.
?, poss. the name of a kind of bird: ṯpš šnʕt yqš one ṯ. š. game bird, 1.48:7.
šndrb PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 250: /šant/, 257: /šint/; Grön-
dahl PTU 291: sind-, 293: snd/sd).
PN bn PN, 4.700:2.
Cf. śnd, s(n)drn.
šnl PN (Anat. Gröndahl PTU 273, 292, 313); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-na-AN, PRU 4 184
(RS 17.319):24; PRU 4 231 (RS 17.244):4.
PN: 4.398:4 (bn ṣqn).
šnm DN, second member of the double-barrelled divine name ṯkmn w šnm,
origin unknown (Pardee UF 20 1988 195ff.; for a Sanskrit etym. cf. Wyatt UF 22
1990 447; RTU 46 n. 39).
DN, in god lists: ṯkmn w šnm, 1.65:4; 1.123:8; in offering texts: ṯkmn w šnm dqt /
š DNN, a ewe / ram, 1.39:3 and par.; in prayers and magic texts: ytšỉ (…) l ṯkmn
w šnm may it rise (…) to DNN!, 1.40:34 and par.; in literary texts: yʕmsn{.}nn
ṯkmn w šnm they loaded themselves DNN with him, 1.114:19.

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šnmyk – šnt (i) 821

šnmyk, in unc ctx.: 2.47:6.

/š-n-n/ vb G/D: “to grind teeth” (denom. < šn; diff. Sanmartín UF 11 1979 727f.
n. 62: “sich ändern”, *šn(y) (I). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. tšnn, yšnn.
G/D. To grind teeth: ybky w yšnn he wept and ground (his) teeth, 1.16 I 13 and
Cf. šn.
šnpt n. f., unspecified type of general offering (etym. unc. Beckman HBR 296:
cf. Hitt. šipant-; Hillers BASOR 198 1970 42; Milgrom IEJ 22 1972 33 ff.: “wave-
offering”, Hb. tnwph; De Moor UF 2 1970 324: “two-thirds”, Akk. šinipātu and
variants; Del Olmo SEL 12 1995 45: “community (?) offering”, Arab. sinf, sin-
fat). ¶ Forms: sg. šnpt.
Unspecified type of offering: b ủrm ủ šnpt as a burnt offering and as a
š.-offering, 1.119:13; b ḫmš ʕ[š]rh šnpt ỉl š on the fifteenth (day) as a š.-offering:
to DN one ram, 1.112:22; šnpt ỉl š a š.-offering: to DN one ram, 1.109:24; šnpt
ḫṣth as a š.-offering, half of it (?), 1.39:10.
Cf. /n-p/.
/š-n-s/ vb G: “to gird (oneself)” (Hb. šns, “to gird”, HALOT 1607. De Moor SP 91;
¶ par.: /ʕ-t-k/). ¶ Forms: G suffc. šnst.
G. To gird (oneself); šnst kpt b ḥbšh she girded her belt with palms, 1.3 II 12
(// ʕtkt).
šnt (I) n. f. “year” (Hb., OAram. šnh, “year”, HALOT 1600 f.; DNWSI 1170 ff.; Ph.,
Pun., Moab. št, “year”, DNWSI 1170ff.; Palm. šnʔ, “year”, DNWSI 1170ff.; Ebla cf.
ŠÀ.MU:MU.TÚG = gi-bí-la-ti sa-dim, VE 1416; Fales QuSem 13 186; but cf. Civil
EDA 146: /śadîm/ (šd “field”); EA Akk. ša-ni-ta, EAT 362:66, DNWSI 1170; Akk.
šattu, ś/šantu, “Jahr”, AHw 1201; “year”, CAD Š/2 197ff.; Arab. sanat, “year”,
AEL 1449); ¶ syll. Ug.: MU = š]a-at-t[u = …] (Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 1) […]
= (ug.) ša-an-tu4 (UF 11 1979 479:11); Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 650; BiOr 47 1990
731f.; Huehnergard UVST 182; Van Soldt SAU 307, 336 n. 169; ¶ par.: nqp(n)t
(+ ʕd), yrḫ. ¶ Forms: sg. šnt, šntm (encl. -m); du. šntm; pl. šnt / šnm (cf. Hb.
šnwt / šnym), suff. šntk.
Year: šbʕ šnt yṣrk bʕl during seven years DN failed, 1.19 I 42 and par.; l yrḫm
l šnt ʕd šbʕ šnt during months and years until the seven years, 1.19 IV 14–15
and par.; šbʕ šnt ỉl mlả seven years DN had filled, 1.12 II 44 (// nqpt ʕd); mk b
šbʕ šnt behold at seven years, 1.15 III 22 and par.; šbʕ šnt tmt seven complete
years, 1.23:66 (// nqpt ʕd); ảlp šnt w […] šntm a head of cattle of one year and
[…] of two years, 1.86:1–2, cf. ln. 5 and 6; ʕglm dt šnt bullocks of one year, 1.22
I 13 and par.; kṯ nbt šnt a flask (?) of honey (from the harvest) of the year,
1.148:22 (Pardee TR/2 795 n. 77: “miel liquide, coulant”); ảlp ymm w rbt šnt
(for) thousands of days and myriads of years, 5.9 I 5; b ṯlṯ šnt in / during three
years, 4.168:13, cf. 4.182:60; b gbl šntk at the end / limit of your years, 1.16 VI 58

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822 šnt (ii) – šp

(diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 160f.: “the teeth all-together”, cf. šn (I); Loretz UF 37
2005 426: “(du sollst herabstürzen von) deinem hohen Hügel”); šnt šntm lm
l tlk why year after year (: every year) you do not come?, 2.39:16 (Akk. ina
šatti šattima, Milano VO 3 1980 194ff.; Tropper UG 830; Ford UF 40 2008 281
n. 13); by šnt mlỉt, in a full year (?), 2.2:7; ảšsprk ʕm bʕl šnt I shall make you
count years like / with DN, 1.17 VI 29 (// yrḫm); ảb šnm, father of years, 1.4
IV 24 and par., title of the god ỉl (diff, Cho LDUT 81 ff.: “the Father of the
Luminaries”, Arab. san(an); Pardee UF 20 1988 197 f. n. 4: TPM 59 f.: “Father
of Šnm”, cf. šnm); nʕmt šnt ỉl the delight of the years of DN, 1.108:27; in unc
ctx.: ]l šnt, 1.84:9; ]šnt ʕl yqm, 1.172:19; ỉlhnm b šnt of / for the gods by year (?),
šnt (II) n. f. “sleep” (< /y-š-n/. Hb. šnh, “sleep”, HALOT 1601 f.; Ebla /šittum/ in
Ù.DI = si-tum, VE 1131; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 40; Fronzaroli EL 149; StEb 7 1984
182; Syr. šentāʔ, “sleep”, SL 1581; Akk. šittu, “Schlaf”, AHw 1252; “sleep”, CAD Š/3
140f.; OSA s1nt, “sleep”, SD 163; Arab. sinat, “slumber, deep sleep”, Hava 870);
¶ par.: nhmmt. ¶ Forms: sg. šnt, suff. šnth.
Sleep: šnt tlủản w yškb sleep overcame him and he lay down, 1.14 I 33 (//
nhmmt); hm (…) tšḫṭảnn b šnth if (…) they lead him astray in his sleep, 1.19
III 45.
Cf. /y-š-n/.
/š-n-w/ vb G: 1) “to change: a) reflex., to be disfigured, deformed; b) act., to
transform”; 2) “to change location” > “to leave for, depart” (Hb. šnh, “to
change”, “to be changed, altered”, HALOT 1597 f.; JPAram. šnʔ/y, “to be dif-
ferent, change”, DJPA 560; Akk. šanû, “sich ändern”, AHw 1166 f.; “to become
different, change”, CAD Š/1 403ff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 171 n. v; De Moor
UF 18 1986 260; Sanmartín UF 10 1978 354f.: “to go”, Akk. šanû); ¶ par.: /ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. šn, šnt; act. ptc. šnwt.
G. 1) To change: a) reflex., to be disfigured, deformed: ủ šn ypkm whether
your dignity has been disfigured / changed, 1.40:28 and par. (// tḫṭủ/ỉn; cf.
Del Olmo CR 125; other explanations presuppose the readings ủšn, “gift”, and
šny p-, which are unlikely); b) act., to transform: ʕnn hlkt w šnwt the evil
eye that also transforms, 1.96:1 (Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 44 f.; diff. Aartun
StUL 157f.: “behutsam behandeln”, < *šnw; for this and other versions see
Watson LSU 143: “to bewitch” (?), Eg. šnt, “spell”, šni, “to exorcise”; Ford UF 30
1998 217f.: “darted”, Akk. šanû, “to run”; Tropper UG 597, 670: Š of *nwy,
“preisen”/“wandern”; also Tarazi UF 36 2004 455).
2) To leave for, depart: ảtm bštm w ản šnt ủgr you may go slowly, but I must
leave TN, 1.3 IV 33 and par. (diff. Aartun StUL 151 ff.: “sich beeilen”, < *šnn).
šp n. m. “dune” (?) (Hb. špy, “sand-dunes” (?), HALOT 1628; Syr. šapyāʔ, “plain”,
SL 1587; Arab. safiyy, “dust raised, dispersed by the wind”, AEL 1378. De

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špḥ – špqġhm 823

Moor-Spronk CARTU 172: “bare hill”; diff. Wyatt RTU 39 n. 6: “end”, Hb. sôp;
Watson UF 42 2010 839: “arid(ity)”, Hurr. šip-). ¶ Forms: pl. špm.
Dune (?): b mdbr špm in the desert of dunes, 1.23:4, cf. Jr 4:11; in bkn ctx.: bn
šp[m among dunes (?), 1.23:2 (for this and other readings cf. Del Olmo MLC
440); špm ʕdb, 1.1 II 11.
špḥ n. m. “family, offspring, descendants, clan” (Ph., Pun. špḥ, “clan, family”,
DNWSI 1181; Hb. mšpḥh, “extended family, clan”, HALOT 651. Watson His-
toriae 10 2013 21; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. UR [= Akk. (?) = ḫ]é-iš-ši = šap-ḫu, Ug 5 131
(RS 20.426+) 5; Huehnergard UVST 183; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 732; SAU 307);
¶ par.: bn (I), ġlm, yrṯ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. špḫ (variant ṯpḥ in 1.48:2, 13; cf.
Family, offspring, descendants, clan: nʕmt špḥ bkrk the most graceful of the
clan of your firstborn, 1.14 III 40; w ld špḥ l krt and bear offspring to PN, 1.14
III 48 and par. (// ġlm); špḥ lṭpn w qdš offspring of “the Benevolent and the
Holy One”, 1.16 I 10 and par. (// bnm ỉl. Cho LDUT 19); w b klhn špḥ yỉtbd and
in their entirety, yes, the family perished, 1.14 I 24 (// yrṯ); špḥ l ydn the family
of PN, 2.47:13; špḥ ảl thbṭ do not wipe out the family, 2.47:16; mlkn l ypq š[p]ḥ
the king will not obtain descendants, 1.103:13; in bkn ctx.: [b š]pḥh t!tbm ʕ[nt]
[before her c]lan DN proclaimed herself a nubile widow (?), 1.6 I 30 (cf. Del
Olmo MLRSO 112 n. 45); ]špḥx[, 1.73:16.
/š-p-k/ vb G: “to spill, shed” (Hb. špk, “to pour, shed”, HALOT 1629 f.; JPAram. špk,
“to spill over”, DJPA 563f.; Akk. šapāku, “aufschütten”, AHw 1168 f.; “to pour”,
CAD Š/1 412; Arab. safaka, “to shed, pour”, AEL 1374; Eth. sabaka, “to smelt,
melt down”, CDG 483f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tšpkm (encl. -m); impv. špk.
G. To spill, shed: špk km šỉy dm like an assassin shed (his) blood, 1.18 IV 23 and
par.; ksh tšpkm her cup she spilled, 1.17 VI 15; yšpk k mm ảrṣ (they / it) may
(there) be poured out like water on the earth, 1.178:12; in bkn ctx.: špk, 1.7:19;
1.82:16; 7.138:5.
/š-p-l/ vb G: “to bend down, stoop”, “plunge (oneself)”; D: “to knock down” (Hb.
špl, “to be, become low, to fall”, HALOT 1631f.; Akk. šapālu, “niedrig, tief,
gering sein”, AHw 1169; “to become low, go deep”, CAD Š/1 422; Arab. safala,
“to become lower, descend”, AEL 1374f.; cf. OSA sfl, “lowland”, “bottom, lower
part”, SD 124f.); ¶ par.: /r-m/, /y-r-d/. ¶ Forms: G tšpl; impv. špl; D prefc. tšpl;
impv. špl.
G. To bend down, stoop, plunge (oneself): hlh tšpl hlh trm see, one stooped,
see, the other went up, 1.23:32; špl ʕpr plunge yourself, do, into the dust,
1.161:22 (// rd arṣ).
D. To knock down: in bkn ctx., tšpl bʕl ʕbb she knocked down the … “glutton”
(?), 1.92:14; šp[l ṯlṯ] ymm knock down during three days, 1.13:4.
špqġhm, in bkn ctx.: špqġhm š, 1.173:11; cf. /p-q/.

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824 špr – špš

špr n. m., “horn”, alt. a (horned) animal (?) (Hb. š(w)pr, “horn”, HALOT 1447 f.;
Akk. s/šappāru, etwa Wildbock, AHw 1027; a bovid, CAD S 166. Cf. Spronk
BA 178; De Moor ARTU 188). ¶ Forms: sg. špr.
Horn (?): in bkn ctx., ]mr špr, 1.108:10 (see Del Olmo CR 153 n. 52: “the horned
one”, /qattal/ pattern, // ʕgl, for this and other interpretations; Dahood Bib 54
1973 363; Bib 55 1974 81f.: “loveliness”, Hb. špr; L’Heureux RCG 181: “to beam”,
Syr. *špr).
špš n. f./m. 1) “sun”; špš bʕlk the “Sun”, your lord, 2.39:11 and par.; špš ảd[nh] the
Sun his lord, 2.39:5; 2) “Sun”, DN; 3) “Sun”, royal and divine title (Hb. šmš, “sun”,
HALOT 1589ff. [cf. šbys, p. 1392f.]; Ph., Pun., OAram. šmš, “sun”, DNWSI 1168 f.;
Amor. /śam/pś(um)/, “sun”, Gelb CAAA 31; Ebla sí-piš, DN “Sole”, Pettinato
MEE 2 181; Akk. šamšu, “Sonne(ngott), Šamaš”, AHw 1158 f.; “the sun”, CAD
Š/1 335ff.; OSA s2ms1, “the sun”, SD 133; Arab. šams, “the sun”, AEL 1597; Eg.
/šamša/, “The Sun, The God Šamšu”, Hoch SWET 280 (402)); Ug. Akk. ki-ma
UTU-ši, Ug 5 10 (RS 17.67) rev. 2, 10 and par., AHw 1176; CAD Š/1 336 (cf. Ug. km
špš,3.12:2); Gk sapyselaton, cf. Astour HS 103 n. 1); ¶ syll. Ug.: d[UT]U = ši-mi-gi
= ša-ap-šu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV a 18; cf. Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IV b 14 and
Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426 B):3; dUTU.A (PN), 5.34:8; Sivan GAGl 273; Huehnergard
UVST 183f.; Van Soldt SAU 307). ¶ Forms: sg. špš, suff. špšm (adv. encl. -m),
1) Sun: ảḫr / hn / mk špšm with (the rising of) the sun / behold, at dawn,
1.14 IV 46 and par. (Loewenstamm IEJ 15 1965 128 n. 23; diff. Badre et al. Syria
53 1976 114f.; Watson UF 9 1977 279 and n. 57: “at sundown”); ảdm ṣat špš
the people of the rising sun, 1.3 II 8; ʕrb špš (…) ṣbỉả špš at sunset (…) at
sunset, 1.15 V 18–19; ṣbủ / ʕrb špš w ḥl mlk at sunset / sunset the king (remains)
desacralised, 1.41:53 and par., desacralisation formula (cf. Del Olmo CR 18);
ʕrbt špš the sun set, 1.78:3; ymt špš w yrḫ the days of the sun and the moon,
1.108:26; km špš d brt like the sun (DN (?)) that is free, 3.12:2; in unc. ctx.: ḥy
tn l p špš give life like the sun, 5.11:4, cf. 2.9:2: š]pš ttn[.
2) Sun, goddess: špš, 1.118:21 and par.; špš pgr the Sun of the funerary offering,
1.102:12, cf. 1.39:12 and par. (cf. Pardee TR/1 68 n. 264 and Del Olmo UF 36
2004 555; also Dietrich-Loretz UF 37 2005 236); ṣbả rbt špš at the setting of
“the Great Lady” DN, 1.16 1 37 and par.; nrt ỉlm špš “the Luminary of the gods”,
DN, 1.6 I 13 and par., title of this deity; špš tṣḥ l mt DN shouted to DN, 1.6
VI 22, cf. 1.2 III 15 and 1.161:19; qrỉt / tqrủ l špš ủmh špš ủm she invokes to DN,
her mother: DN, my mother, 1.100:2 and par.; pl ʕnt šdm y špš parched are the
furrows of the fields, oh DN!, 1.6 IV 1 and par.; dqt š[pš a ewe to DN, 1.41:28
and par.; ản l ản y špš wherever (?) (you go), oh DN!, 1.6 IV 22; špš b šmm tqrủ
DN in / from the heavens called, 1.107:9 and par.; ṯql ḫrṣ l špš w yrḫ a shekel of
gold to DN and DN, 1.43:11 and par.; spš š (to) DN, one ram, 1.148:7; špš rpỉm

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špšm – špšn 825

tḥtk špš tḥtk ỉlnym DN (: špš) you subdue the DN (: rpỉm), DN you rule over
the divine beings, 1.6 VI 45–47 (cf. /ḥ-t-k/); ỉsp špš l hrm ġrpl remove, DN, the
storm clouds from the mountains, 1.107:34 and par.; špš mṣprt dlthm DN she
who takes care (?) of their weakness, 1.23:25; šủ ʕdb l špš rbt take (and) place
(them) next to “the Great Lady”, DN, 1.23:54; b srr špš at the setting of the DN,
1.24:3; ỉšḫn špš w ỉšḫn heat, Sun, yes heat!, 1.161:18; in unc ctx.: ql špš the voice
of the Sun, 1.82:6; nrt ỉl<m>? špš l ymt špš (…) “the Lantern DN”, DN, for the
days of DN (…), 1.179:38.
3) “Sun”, royal and divine title (Liverani SDB 9 col. 1323f.): ★a) the king of
Hatti: špš ảrn “the Sun of Arinna”, 3.1:19; špš mlk rb the “Sun”, the great King,
3.1; 2.98:8, 13, 22, 33; špš bʕlk the “Sun”, your lord, 2.39:11 and par.; špš ảd[nh]
the “Sun” his lord, 2.39:5; ʕrbt l pn špš w pn špš nr by mỉd I entered into the
presence of the “Sun” and the countenance of the “Sun” shone resplendent
on me, 2.16:8–9 (cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 389 n. 5: PRU 4 263); ỉgr ʕm špš me
I shall lodge with the “Sun”, 2.34:13; tḥm špš (…) ʕm špš kll mỉdm šlm message
of the “Sun” (…) with the “Sun” everything is very well, 2.39:1–4 and par.; w
k rgm špš and thus says the “Sun”, 2.23:1; špšn tpšlt ḥwt hyt the “Sun” will be
(will cause) the oppression of that land, 1.103:45; ★b) the king of Egypt: špš
mlk rb mlk mṣrm the “Sun”, the great King, king of Egypt, 2.81:19 and passim;
[šp]š mlk rb bʕly the “Sun”, the great King, my lord, 2.76:8, 2.23:7 and par. (Van
Soldt UF 21 1989 389 n. 4); the gold of the tribute ʕm špš štn(t) to the “Sun” was
/ I sent 2.36:6, 13; špš ʕlm eternal “Sun”, 2.42:7 (cf. Ph. šmš ʕlm; cf. Van Soldt
SAU 88 n. 78).
In bkn ctx.: špš, 1.45:4, 6; 1.62:10; 1.146:8; 1.158:3; l špš, 1.38:2; 176:8, 9, 10; (know
that) špšn tủbd the “Sun” is being ruined, 2.39:21; špš klx / hmt, 2.44:6, 9; ]špš,
4.238:2; in unc. ctx.: bt špš the daughter of the “Sun”, 6.24:2; 4.803:6 (DN (?);
cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 360; cf. bnšpš PN).
Cf. ỉlšpš, blšpš, bnšpš, špšm, špšmlk, špšn, špšy, špšyn.
špšm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 195; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.215:6 (Van Soldt SAU 40); 4.261:3; in bkn ctx.: špš[ 4.75 I 8; 4.746 7; bn
špšm, 4.807:3, 63; 4.841:33, 76.
špšmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 46, 158, 195); ¶ syll.: dUTU-LUGAL, PRU 3
49 (RS 16.263):26; PRU 3 61 (RS 16.156):21 (Van Soldt SAU 8); PRU 3 172
(RS 16.191A):7 (Van Soldt SAU 79); passim in PRU 3 256 (Van Soldt SAU 23,
29, 31); AnOr 48 1971 23 (RS [Varia 10]):2; MSL 10 149 ff. (RS 20.32) colophon
(Van Soldt SAU 8, 180); cf. PRU 6 26 (RS 17.127) rev. 2; Huehnergard AkkUg 391.
PN: 4.177:1: in bkn ctx.: cf. špš[ 4.75 I 8; 4.746 7.
Cf. mlk (I).
špšn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 195; Astour UF 5 1973 31 n. 28; Ribichini-Xella
SEL 8 1991 168).

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826 špšy – šq

PN: ★a) 3.10:4; 4.382:20; ★b) bn PN, 4.110:14; 4.233:9; in bkn ctx.: cf. špš[ 4.75
I 8; 4.746 7.
Cf. špšyn.
špšy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 195f.; Bonnet SEL 6 1989 102).
PN: 4.785:10 (bn ʕbdy); in bkn ctx., cf. špš[ 4.75 I 8; 4.746 7.
špšyn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 195; Astour UF 5 1973 31 n. 28; Ribichini-Xella
SEL 8 1991 168); ¶ syll.: dUTU-ya-nu, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) II 7; cf. ibid. III 21;
PRU 6 85 (RS 19.79):12; dUTU-ia-nu/na, PRU 3 143 f. (RS 16.138):24; PRU 4
201 (RS 18.02):4, 8; PRU 4 236f. (RS 17.251):24 (Van Soldt SAU 27); Ug 5 12
(RS 17.150+:12; Ug 5 88 (RS 21.07 A):15; Huehnergard AkkUg 391.
PN: ★a) 3.7:5; 4.35 I 20; 4.63 II 25; 4.64 I 26; 4.69:26; 4.115:5; 4.297:6 (ủš[kny]);
4.370:3; 4.382:24 (bn ảb[); 4.707:10; 4.741:2; ★b) 4.35 I 11; ★c) in the composite
TN gt špšyn, 4.297:4 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 91: *Gittu-Šapšiyani; cf. ibib. ln. 6
and supra ★a); in bkn ctx., cf. špš[ 4.75 I 8; 4.746 7.
Cf. špšn.
špt n. f. “lip” (Hb. śph, “lip”, HALOT 1346ff.; Ebla /šap(a)tum (?)/ in SAG.DAR =
sa-ba-tum, sa-íb(ÍB)-tùm, VE 245; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 11; OAram. špt, “lip”,
DNWSI 1181: šph; Syr. septāʔ, “lip”, SL 1036; Akk. šaptu, “Lippe, Rand”, AHw
1176; “lip, utterance, edge”, CAD Š/1 483ff.; Arab. šafat, “lip”, AEL 1574; Eg. śp.t,
“Lippe”, WäS 4 99f.; “lip”, Faulkner 222); ¶ par.: p (III), (?) šn, yd (I). Forms:
sg. / pl špt, suff. špty, šptk, špth, špthm.
Lip: špt l ảrṣ špt l šmm one lip to the earth and the other (lit. a lip) to the sky,
1.23:61–62 and par.; b špty mnthm on my lips (is) their list, 1.24:46 (// b py); tnšq
šptk she will kiss your lips, 1.22 I 4 (// ydk); yhbr špthm yšq hn špthm mtqt[m]
he bent down, he kissed their lips, and their lips were sweet, 1.23:49–50 and
par.; b ph rgm l yṣả b špth hwt[h] as soon as the saying issued from his mouth,
the word from his mouth, 1.19 III 7 and par.; špt l bšrh her lips (yearned) for
his “flesh”, 1.24:8; ṣảt špth, the expression of his lips, 1.4 VII 30 and par.; ghrt
phm w špthm the hullabaloo of their mouths and their their lips, 1.178:11; hwt
b špth the word of his lips, 1.179:32, see ln. 3; in bkn ctx.: špth tḥyt kr[, if its
lower lip is … [, 1.103:32 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 128); šptk l tššy and let your lips
not be oblivious!, 1.82:5 (// šntk); w špty w ḥbr b[ et ma parole (“mes lèvres”)
et le(s) charme(s) de DN?, 1.179:3 (Caquot-Dalix RSOu 14 398, related to Akk.
šiptu (?)).
šq n. m. “thigh, leg” (Hb. šwq, “thigh”, HALOT 1448 f.; Syr. šaqāʔ, “thigh”, SL 1592;
Akk. sāqu, sīqu, “Oberschenkel”, AHw 1028; “a part of the body”, CAD S 169;
Arab. sāq, “thigh”, AEL 1471. Dietrich-Loretz MU 112; Pardee Fs. Fitzmyer 83;
Watson UF 40 2008 560). ¶ Forms: sg. šq (for šqym in 1.115:11 cf. qym (II)).
Thigh, leg: w ỉn šq ymn and if it has no right thigh, 1.103+:26, cf. ln. 9; in
bkn ctx.: kśt šqym, bn šqym, 1.86:24–25 (Del Olmo-Márquez AuOr 13 1995 258
n. 22).

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/š-q-b/ – /š-q-y/ 827

/š-q-b/, in bkn ctx.: išqb, 1.1 V 19.

/š-q-l/, cf. /q-l/ Št.
šql TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 277: *Šuqalu. Heltzer RCAU 12; Astour UF 13 1981
7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 380; UF 30 1998 728; Topography 44, 185;
Watson LSU 204; Belmonte Fs. Watson 112); ¶ syll.: URU šu-qa/qà-lu/li, PRU 3
159 (RS 16.256):5; PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):29; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841)27'; PRU 6
70 (RS 17.50):19 (Van Soldt SAU 320 n. 137; UF 28 1996 688 n. 289); Ug 5 104
(RS 20.144):4 (bkn; cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 277); RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):4. Sivan
GAGl 276; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688.
TN: 1.91:25; 4.355:17; 4.365:32; 4.661:6; 4.684:6; 4.693:36; 4.770:15; 4.784:17;
4.795:6; 4.800 II 33.
s̄ql n. m. “shekel”, 4.710:5; allog. of *šql and alloph. of ṯql; cf. ṯql (diff. Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 277: šql TN).
šqln PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. šql, TN. Watson AuOr 13 1995 228).
PN: bn PN, 4.723:10.
/š-q-p/ vb G: “to notice, realise” (?) (Hb. šqp, “look down from above”, HALOT
1645; diff. Pardee AfO 31 1984 223: “to uplift”, for this and other opinions).
¶ Forms: G prefc. yšqp.
G. To notice, realise (?): lb bnk l yšqp the heart of your son could realise (?),
/š-q-y/ vb G: “to offer (something to) drink”; Š “to give drink” (Hb. šqh hi., “to
provide drink for, irrigate”, HALOT 1639f.; Akk. šaqû, “tränken, bewässern”,
AHw 1181f.; “to give to drink, water animals”, CAD Š/2 24 ff.; Syr. šqy, af. “to give
to drink”, SL 1593; OSA sqy, “to irrigate”, SD 128; Arab. saqā, “to give to drink”,
AEL 1384ff.; Eth. saqaya, “to irrigate”, CDG 511. Del Olmo IMC 119 n. 262; Trop-
per Or 58 1989 233ff.: “austrinken” [G], “einschenken” [D], “trinken lassen”
[Š]); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element ša-qí- in PN; Sivan GAGl 274; ¶ par.: /l-ḥ-m/,
/m-l-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. šqy; prefc. tšqy, yšqy, suff. tšqyn, yšqyn; Š suffc. ššqy;
prefc. tššqy, yššq, (// šlḥm).
G. To offer (something to) drink: yʕšr w yšqynh he invited him and offered
him drink, 1.3 I 9 (cf. 1.17 VI 31); qḥn w tšqyn yn take it (the cup) and you shall
offer me wine to drink, 1.19 IV 53, cf. ln. 56 tšqynh (Parker PNT 28 f., for other
possible versions); ṯnm tšqy msk twice she offered him mixed wine to drink,
1.19 IV 61 (// tmlảh); šqy rṯn tnmy they offer him dirt to drink in torrents, 1.1
IV 9; ủzrm yšqy bn qdš enrobed he offers drink to the holy ones, 1.17 I 22 and
par. (diff. Aboud Fs Loretz 3f. n. 6: “trinkt”; Dietrich-Loretz UF 40 2008 198,
idem. with several other scholars); in bkn ctx.: tšqy, 1.16 II 14.
Š. To give drink: (t)šlḥm (t)ššqy ỉlm give food and drink to the gods, 1.17 V 19,
Cf. mšq, šqy.

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828 šqy – šr (ii)

šqy n. m. “cupbearer, wine waiter” (?) (poss. Akk. act. ptc. < /š-q-y/. For the
various explanations of šqym in 1.115:11 cf. Del Olmo CR 222 n. 35; cf. qym
(II), šq). ¶ Forms: du./pl. šqym.
Cupbearer, wine waiter (?), in bkn ctx.: tlḥn šqy[m may the cupbearers
provide drink (?), 1.15 IV 13; šqym, 4.246:8, a text referring to deliveries /
consignments of wine (Blau-Greenfield BASOR 200 1970 15; Rainey JAOS 94
1974 191). For šqym in 1.86:24–25 cf. šq.
Cf. /š-q-y/.
šqym, 1.115:11; cf. qym (II).
/š-r/ (I) vb G: “to sing”; Gpass.: “to be sung” (Hb.-JPAram. šyr, “to sing”, HALOT
1479ff.; DJPA 548); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /yašīr-/ in PNN; Sivan GAGl 277:
/šyr/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. ảšr, tšr, yšr; impv. šr).
G. To sing: šr yšr šr tảr the singer sings/shall sing a song of t., 1.106:15; qm ybd
w yšr rising he intoned and sang, 1.3 I 18, cf. 1.17 VI 31; qdš yšr “(his) Holiness”
sings (it), 1.112:21; yšr ġzr ṭb ql the lad with the dulcet voice sang, 1.3 I 20; ảšr
nkl w ỉb I am going to sing to DN, 1.24:1; ảšr ỉlht kṯrt I am going to sing to the
k.-goddesses, 1.24:40; nkl w ỉb d ảšr DN to whom I sing, 1.24:38; w yšr pḫr and
the assembly shall sing, 1.23:57 (for other rdgs [šr, ʕšr] cf. Del Olmo MLC 446);
in unc ctx.: lk šr ʕl ṣrrt go (and) intone a song in / to the heights, 1.16 I 43; in
bkn ctx.: tšr, 2.44:11. for the rdg. tšr in 1.3 III 5 see mšr (II).
Gpass. To be sung: d yšr w yḏmr who is sung and celebrated, 1.108:3 (Wyatt
RTU 396: “whom men hymn and honour”, for this and other versions);
Cf. šr (I), šr (II).
/š-r/ (II) vb G: “to threaten”, “to trap”, “to besiege” (Hb. *šwr / š(w)rr > ptc.
“enemy”, HALOT 1454; EA Akk. šāru, “feindlich, Feind”, AHw 1193; “hostile,
inimical”, CAD Š/3 132; Syr. šwr, “to jump over, assail”, SL 1535; Arab. sāra,
“to leap upon, assault”, AEL 1464. Greenfield EI 9 1969 63); ¶ par.: /g-r(-y)/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. suff. šrn (encl. -n), impv. suff. šrnn; Gt prefc. tštr.
G. To threaten, trap, besiege: grnn ʕrm šrn pdrm attack his cities, besiege his
towns, 1.14 III 6 and par.
Cf. šrr.
šr (I) n. m. “song” (Hb. šyr, “song”, HALOT 1481ff.; JPAram. šyr, “song”, DJPA 548;
Akk. šēru, “Gesang”, AHw 1219; “song”, CAD Š/2 335); ¶ syll. Ug.: EZEN =
za-am-ma-ru = ḫal-mi = ši-i-ru, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 7; Sivan GAGl 277;
Huehnergard UVST 181; Van Soldt SAU 307. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. šr.
Song: šr yšr šr tảr the singer sings / shall sing a song of t., 1.106:16.
Cf. /š-r/ (I).
šr (II) n. m. 1) “musician, singer”; 2) maker of musical instruments, luthier (?) (<
act. ptc. G /š-r/ (I). Hb. šr, mšwrr, ptc. “singer”, HALOT 1480 f.; Ph., šr, “singer”,
DNWSI 1130; cf. EA Akk. šarūtu, “Sängerinnenstand”, AHw 1194; “position of

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šr (iii) – šr (iv) 829

singer”, CAD Š/2 144. Heltzer IOKU 137; Heltzer OH 101; Cutler-Macdonald
UF 9 1977 22ff.; Renger ZA 59 1969 187 n. 853; Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Loretz
181f.); ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ(.MEŠ) NAR, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):24; 4.836:5. ¶ Forms:
sg. šr; pl. šrm.
1) Singer, musician: ủbdy šrm lands leased to the singers, 4.103:41; cf. PN šr,
ibid. ln. 64 and cf. infra: 2); šʕrt l šr DN wool for the singer of DN, 4.168:4; šr
yšr šr tảr the singer sings / shall sing a song of t., 1.106:15; In bkn ctx. ] ṯn šrm ]
in crimson (dress) the singers, 1.23:22 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 354: “zwei
Gesänge”); k šr knr ủṣbʕ[[h]]th like a musician (takes hold of) the harp, her
fingers (took hold of the weapons), 1.19 I 7 (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 170: “torch”,
Arab. sarār, Akk. šararu, in 1.19 I 7 and 1.4 V 9); in bkn ctx.: šr lx[, 1,151:10; in
unc. ctx.: ql šr, 1.151:12.
2) Maker of musical instruments, luthier (?) (occupation or profession, in
lists of craftsmen; cf. Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Loretz 181 f., but see Clemens
SURS 314): ḫmš ʕšrh šrm fifteen š., 4.141 IV 2; šrm PNN, 4.35 I 10 (cf. ḥrš bhtm,
ibid. ln. 16); 4.183 II 1 (cf. ḥrš bhtm, ibid. I 1; ḥrš qṭn, ibid. II 6); 4.609:17
(cf. ḥrš bhtm, ibid. ln. 18); šrm yṣḥm š., metalworkers, 4.68:66; yṣḥm šrm
metalworkers, š., 4.126:11; PN šr, 4.609:31; cf. PN šr ủgrt PN yṣr PN š. of TN,
PN potter, ibid. ln. 37; PN šr d yṯb[ PN š. who resides[, 4.430:2 (cf. mkr, ibid.
ln. 1); see further 4.610 IV 3; 4.617 II 1; 4.836:17; 4.837:13; in unc ctx.: ]PN šr,
4.103:64 (cf. ibid. ln. 41 and supra: šr (I)); cf. ḫmš l šr ksp, 3.13:6 (rdg <ʕ>šr; cf.
ln. 5: šbʕ ʕšr šmn).
Cf. /š-r/ (I).
šr (III) n. m. 1) “Prince, Sovereign”, divine title; 2) “Prince”, royal or heroic title
(Hb., Ph., OAram., Palm. śr, “official, commander”, HALOT 1350ff.; JPAram.
“chief”, DJPA 572; šr, “prince”, DNWSI 1190f.; Emar Akk. pl. /śarrū/, “officials,
rulers”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 171; Akk. šarru, “König, Fürst”, AHw 1188 f.; “king”,
CAD Š/2 76ff. Rütersworden BiK 61). ¶ Forms: sg. šr.
1. Prince, Sovereign, divine title: šr ảḫyh mẓảh w mẓảh šr ylyh the Prince of
his brothers he met, yes, he ran into the Prince of his comrades, 1.12 II 50–51.
(Diff. Gray UF 3 1971 66 n. 40: “one who watched”, Hb. šwr); [š]lm ỉl šr hail,
DN, “the Sovereign”, 1.123:3 (Rahmouni DEUAT 43–45); in unc ctx.: w bt šr
and (in) the house of “the Sovereign”, 1.104:14 (alt. šr (II)); in bkn ctx.: ]b šr,
2. Prince: gprh šr ảqht yʕn his opponents knocked down Prince PN, 1.19 I 11
(for other versions cf. Del Olmo IMC 129 n. 292; also: Caquot SEL 2 1985 102;
Margalit UF 16 1984 124f.; Cooper UF 20 1988 22).
Cf. šr (V).
šr (IV) n. m. “navel” (Hb. šr, “navel cord, navel”, HALOT 1650 f.; JPAram. šwr,
“umbilical cord”, DJPA 542; Arab. surr / surrat, “navel”, AEL 1338. Margalit UF 8

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830 šr (v) – /š-r-d/

1976 137; Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Gordon 1998 192: “Nabel, Unterleib”). ¶ Forms:
sg. šr, suff. šrh.
Navel: w ḥr w šr bh (if) it has intestines and a navel (: in the space between its
eyebrows), 1.103:58; šrh his navel, 1.10 III 2 (De Moor ARTU 115: “navel string”);
d yšt l (…) rỉš p qq w šrh what one should place on (…) his head, mouth, throat
and navel, 1.114:30 (diff. Watson LSU 24, 133: a type of tree (?), Hurr. šuratḫu;
De Moor UF 16 1984 356 n. 17: “stalk”, *šrr).
šr (V) n. m. “disgrace” (?) (Arab. šarr, “evil, wrongdoing”, AEL 1524. Del Olmo
Fs. Xella 196 n. 16; for other etym. proposal see Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 7 1975 130: “Trance, Starre (?)”, Hb. šr; Pardee TPM 245: “défaillance”, Akk.
šurru). ¶ Forms: sg. šr.
Disgrace (?): mdʕ nplt b šr, why you haven fallen in disgrace, 1.107:10 (diff. De
Moor AuOr 27 2009 290, “the flesh (penis) of PN fell”, rdg bšr).
šr (VI) DN, second element of the composite divine names mt w šr and ʕd w šr
(< šr (III) (?). De Moor UF 2 1970 137; Wyatt UF 8 1976 421; Renfroe AULS 145 f.).
DN: ʕd w šr, 1.123:13 (in god lists); mt w šr yṯb DN is seated (on his throne),
Cf. šr (III).
šr (VII) PN (?) (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 196; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN (?), in unc ctx.: šr bn [, 4.199:3; in bkn ctx.: šr[, 4.567:2.
Cf. ṯr (V).
šr (VIII) “?”, in unc. ctx.: b šr(m), 4.399:1, 10 (McGeough UET 269 n. 144).
šrʕ n. m. “flow” (?) (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. šarīʕat, “a watering-place”, AEL 1535;
Hb. *šrʕ, HALOT 1655, rdg. šrʕ ! th!mwt, 2Sm. 1:21: cf. Morag Lesh 45 1981 317f.;
Schoors RSP 1 56ff.; Van der Lugt-De Moor, BiOr 31 1974 5 f.; Dietrich-Loretz
UF 21 1989 116: ~ Akk. A.KAL = milu “Hochwasser des Grundwassers”; diff.
Aartun UF 17 1985 36f.: “Öffnung”, Akk. šerʔū, šurru; Margalit RB 91 1984 106 ff.:
“make abundant” > “to flow”, Arab. Š raʕa, tarayyaʕ; Renfroe AULS 146 f.:
“storm”, metath. of < *šʕr); ¶ par.: ṭbn (+ ql bʕl). ¶ Forms: sg. šrʕ.
Flow (?): bl šrʕ thmtm nor flow (?) of the two oceans, 1.19 I 45 (// bl ṭbn ql
bʕl); in 1.148:21 read ʕšrm (diff. De Moor UF 2 1970 308: “two laces”, Arab. širʕ,
širʕat, “string, lace”, Akk. širʔānu, “sinew”; Watson AuOr 29 2011 166: rdg šrʕm,
“reins”, Akk. šurʔu, šūru, Arab. (?) šarʕa).
šr bx PN (Hurr. (?). Watson AuOr 14 1996 104).
PN, rdg. unc.: bn PN, 4.739:6.
/š-r-d/ vb D: “to honour”, “to serve” (Hb. pi., šrt, “to attend to the service of
god”, HALOT 1661f., see bgdy hśrd, Ex. 31:10 and par., LXX stolaì leitourgikaí,
Targ. lebūsē šimmūšā, HALOT 1353f.; Pun. šrt, “to serve”, DNWSI 1195f. Masson
GLECS 24–27 1979–1984 212; Dietrich-Loretz UF 28 1996 160 ff.; diff. Van Zijl
Baal 280: “let sink”, Š /y-r-d/). ¶ Forms: G/D suffc. šrd; impv. šrd.

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/š-r-g/ – šrp 831

D. To honour, to serve: šrd bʕl b dbḥk honour DN with your sacrifice, 1.14 II 24
and par.
/š-r-g/ vb G: “to twist, tangle up > to deceive, delude, entangle” (Hb. pu. śrg, “to
be interwoven”, HALOT 1353; Syr. srg, “to plait, weave, entwine”, SL 1042; Arab.
šarağa, “to weave, mix”, AEL 1529f. [cf. Arab. sarağa, “to lie”, AEL 1343f.]; Eth.
sarga, “intertwine”, CDG 512. Renfroe AULS 147f.; Watson LSU 57f.). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. suff. tšrgn; inf. / vb n. suff. šrgk.
G. To deceive, delude, entangle: ảl tšrgn y btltm dm l ġzr šgrk ḫḫm do not
entangle me, oh Virgin!, for to a hero your tangles are a quagmire, 1.17
VI 34–35.
šrġzz DN, unknown mythical character (Pardee TPM 245; Watson NUS 39–40
1988 12; De Moor ZAW 100 1988 109 n. 26: šr + ġzz = “the Devil is a munificent
DN: šrġzz ybky km nʕr DN, weeps like a boy, 1.107:8, 11.
Cf. trġzz.
/š-r-k/ vb G: “to team up with, to join” (Syr. srk pa., “to join, affix”, SL 1047f.;
Arab. šarika, “to share, partake”, AEL 1541ff. Cf. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982
179: Arab. šrk IV; Aartun UF 17 1985 36: “Freund”, Arab. šarīk). ¶ Forms: G suffc.
/ ptc. šrk.
G. To team up with, to join, in unc ctx.: [k]rt šrk ỉl PN joins DN, 1.15 V 17, in a
ctx. of death.
/š-r-p/ vb G: “to burn” (Hb., OAram. śrp, “to burn”, HALOT 1358f.; DNWSI 1194;
Akk. šarāpu, “(ver)brennen”, AHw 1185; “to light a fire, burn”, CAD Š/2 50 ff.).
¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tšrpnn; inf./vb. n. šrp.
G. To burn: b ỉšt tšrpnn in the fire she burned him, 1.6 II 33; pht šrp b ỉšt I have
seen burning by fire, 1.6 V 14 (cf. Akk. šarāpu ina, Van Soldt SAU 449).
Cf. šrp.
šrp n. m. “burnt sacrifice, burnt offering, holocaust” (< /š-r-p/. Ebla cf. sà-ra-
pá-tum, “olocausto”, Pettinato Culto 42, 93. Dijkstra UF 16 1984 73ff.; Levine
PL 8ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. šrp, suff. šrpm (adv. encl. -m).
Burnt sacrifice, burnt offering, holocaust, ★a) b šrp ỉl for the holocaust of
DN, 1.65:16; š šrp one ram as a burnt offering, 1.105:2, cf. ln. 23, 1.87:56; 1.170:2;
l ỉnš ỉlm šrp to “the divine People”, a / as a burnt offering, 1.106.2, cf. ln. 7; ảlp
[w š] šrp, a head of cattle and one ram as a burnt offering, 1.130:23, cf. 1.134:2;
šrp ʕṣrm l ỉnš [ỉlm as a burnt offering two birds to “the divine People”, 1.171:5;
[š]rp ʕnt ḫbly dbḥm as a burnt offering, DN ḫ. two sacrifices, 1.39:17 (in this
connection see Pardee TR/1 81ff.; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 559 f.; AuOr 24 2006
270f.); š šrp one ram as a burnt offering, 1.119:21 (diff. Watson NABU 2006/46:
rdg ššrt, “a gizzard”, Akk. šisurru; see infra: ššrt); ★b) in connection with
šlmm: (…) šrp w šlmm (…) as a burnt offering (…), and as a communion

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832 šrr – šrš (ii)

sacrifice (…), 1.39:4 and passim, formula for classifying offerings (Del Olmo
CR 27); šrp l ỉlỉb w šlmm kmm as a burnt offering to DN, and as a communion
sacrifice, ditto, 1.164:6, 7, cf. 1.168:11; ]š šrp ảlp w š šlmm one ram as a burnt
offering, a head of cattle and one ram as a communion sacrifice, 1.171:2,
cf. 1.41:51; in bkn ctx.: šlyh šr[p, 1.27:6; in Hurr. ctx.: nkld šrpm ʕṣrm to DN, in
holocaust / as a burnt offering two birds, 1.111:6, it would the only occurrence
with adv. encl. -m.
Cf. /š-r-p/.
šrr n. m. “enemy” (Hb. šwrr, “enemy”, HALOT 1454; Arab. šarra, “to be evil,
wrongdoer”, AEL 1524f. Badre et al. Syria 53 1976 124; diff. Rendsburg JAOS 107
1987 625: “ill health”, MSA Mehri śrr, “to choke”, śar, “ill-health, evil”, ML 382).
¶ Forms: sg. šrr.
Enemy: pdrm tdủ šrr from the town she scared off the enemy, 1.16 VI 7 (diff.
Gibson CML 159; “in secret”, Arab. sirr(an); Saliba JAOS 92 1972 109: “site”,
Arab. sarra; De Moor UF 11 1979 646f. n. 48; ARTU 172: “flowerstalk”, *šrr,
Akk. šarūru); in unc ctx.: [b yd ṣ]pn hm nṣḥy šrr (…) [with the help of]
DN, if there is victory indeed, the enemy (…), 1.19 II 36 (diff. Dijkstra-De
Moor UF 7 1975 207: “hard”, *šrr); in bkn ctx.: ]ḥm l šrr, 1.2 IV 33, cf. ln. 35,
37 (cf. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 139 n. e: “véridique”, Akk. šarru, Aram. šryr;
Van Selms UF 2 1970 267: “confirmation”, id.; De Moor SP 140; “shoots”, Arab.
Cf. /š-r/ (II).
šrš (I) n. m. 1) “root, shoot”; 2) “offspring” (Hb., Ph., OAram. šrš, “root”, HALOT
1659ff.; DNWSI 1195; Syr. šeršāʔ, SL 16113; Akk. šuršu, “Wurzel”, AHw 1286;
“root, base”, CAD Š/3 363ff.; OSA s2rs1, “foundation”, SD 134f.; Watson Histo-
riae 10 2013 33); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /šur(a)š-/ in TNN and PNN; Sivan
GAGl 276; ¶ par.: bn (I), rỉš (I). ¶ Forms: sg. šrš, suff. šršk.
1. Root, shoot: šršk b ảrṣ ảl ypʕ may your root not grow in / from the earth,
1.19 III 53 (// rỉš).
2. Offspring: ykn (…) šrš b qrb hklh may there be (…) offspring in his palace,
1.17 I 25 and par. (// bnh); bl ỉṯ (…) w šrš km ảryh may he have (…) and offspring
like his kinsmen!, 1.17 I 20 and par. (// bn); in bkn ctx.: ]šrš[, 4.414:4.
Cf. šrš (II), šršʕm, šršn, šršy.
šrš (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 278f.: *Šurašu 2. Heltzer RCAU 12; Saadé
AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 220; Astour RSP 2 334, 366; UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11
65; Bordreuil Syria 61 1984 7f.; Van Soldt UBL 11 367, 369 n. 24, 377, 379;
UF 30 1998 723, 727; Topography 185, 444f.; Watson SEL 28 2011 31); ¶ syll.:
URU šu-ra-šu/šú/ši, PRU 3 188 (RS 10.44):12; PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):17; PRU 3
190 (RS 11.830):5 (cf. ibid. ln. 18 (?); Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688); PRU 3 191
(RS 11.841):19; PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):15; Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):18; RSOu 7 4

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šršʕm – šryn 833

(RS 34.131):43; 4.863:23; cf. URU šu-ra-aš-ša, Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):36 (letter from
Karkemiš); Sivan GAGl 276; Watson LSU 204; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688;
Topography 44f.
TN: 1.91:32; 4.68:1; 4.355:37; 4.365:25; 4.380:30; 4.397:9; 4.414:4; 4.610 I 19 (Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1988 12); 4.643:15; 4.693:24; 4.777:8; 4.793:16; 4.810:11. For the rdg
š !?rš in 4.629:6 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688; for 4.683:14 cf. Bordreuil UF 20
1988 11: rdg šr[š).
Cf. šršy.
šršʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 32, 109, 196; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166);
¶ syll.: šur-ša-am-mi, PRU 6 46 (RS 17.350 B):4, 7; cf. Sivan GAGl 276.
PN: bn PN, 4.344:14.
šršn PN (etym. unc.; cf. šršy, GN. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 256: /šeriš/; Grön-
dahl PTU 196).
PN: 4.45:10.
šršy GN m. (< šrš (II), TN; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 279). ¶ Forms: sg. šršy.
GN: PN šršy, 4.75 I 2.
šrt (I), mistake for šʕrt (II) TN in 4.360:11 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 688).
šrt (II) n. f. “?”, poss. “unit or squad of bowmen” (OSA srw(y)t, “campaigning
force”, SD 128; Eth. sarāwīt, sarwe, “army troops, company”, CDG 515; cf.
Hb. šryh, “small arrow”, HALOT 1654f.; Arab. sirwat, “small arrow”, sariyy,
pl. sarāt, “chosen, select”, AEL 1345; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 28 1996 159 ff.:
“Sängerin”). ¶ Forms: sg. šrt; pl. šrt[ (in bkn ctx.); du. šrtm.
?, in unc. and bkn ctx.: PN šrt ảḥt one š., 4.410:6 and passim ibid.; PN ṯt šrtm
two š., ibid. ln. 4 and passim; cf. PN ṯlṯ šrt[, ibid. ln. 20 and passim; cf. ]šrt ảḥt
bd PN, ibid. ln. 26; šr]t ảḥt bd rb mgdlm one š. at the disposal of the chief of
the watchtowers, ibid. ln. 27; šrt ]ảḥt l PN, ibid. ln. 28 and passim; ]šrt(m) l
PN, ibid. ln. 30, 32 and passim.
/š-r-y/w/ vb G: “to release” (Hb. šrh, “to let loose thunder”, HALOT 1652 f.;
JPAram. šry, “to loosen, dismiss”, DJPA 566; Akk. šerû, “auslösen (?)”, AHw
1220; mng. unc., CAD Š/2 330; Arab. sarā(w), “to throw, pull off”, AEL 1353f.;
Eth. saraya, “to pardon”, CDG 515f. Loewenstamm UF 1 1969 77; De Moor
SP 150; Smith UF 18 1986 314 n. 5; Margalit UF 8 1976 170 n. 80: “flash”, Akk.
“Strahlen-(glanz)”); ¶ par.: /y-t-n/ (+ ql). ¶ Forms: G suff. inf. šrh.
G. To release: (he will be able) šrh l ảrṣ brqm to release his lightnings to the
earth, 1.4 V 9 (// tn qlh b ʕrpt).
šryn TN, the mountain range of the Anti-Lebanon (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 265:
*Šariyānu. Hb. śrywn, HALOT 1357; Ikeda AJBI 4 1978 32 ff.; Astour RSP 2
333f.; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 350: Bo. Akk. ḪUR.SAG ša-ri-ia-na; Del
Olmo MLC 633; George ZA 80 1990 217f.; Van Soldt UBL 11 373); ¶ par.: lbnn.
TN: šryn mḥmd ảrzh TN, desired for its cedars, 1.4 VI 19, 21 (// lbnn).

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834 šš – ššr

šš PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 250; Watson AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:19.
Cf. ss, ššy.
s̄s̄ n. cardinal n. m. “six”, 4.31:2; allog. of *šš and alloph. of ṯṯ; cf. ṯṯ.
šškrgy PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.175:8 (rdg unc.).
ššl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 223, 250; Watson AuOr 30 2012 338).
PN: 4.229:7.
Cf. ssl.
ššlmt n. f. “supplementary delivery or ration” (technical term used in admin.
texts; cf. Sanmartín UF 20 1988 267ff.; nominal /ša/uqtlt/ pattern < /š-l-m/;
Gordon UT §8.50; Tropper UG 602 (?); diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5
1973 115: ein Kleidungstück; Ribichini-Xella Tessili 30, 64ff.: type of cloth:
Watson PIHANS 114 166f.: “fleece”, Akk. šašallu; for other suggestions see
McGeough UgET 107 n. 69). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. ššlmt.
Supplementary delivery or ration: ššlmt yrḫ l klt monthly supplementary
delivery for the bride (?), 4.786:5; PNN bʕl ššlmt PNN: recipient of supple-
mentary ration, 4.153:6–11 (cf. ibid. 2–5, bʕl ảṯt married [man]; cf. ảṯt 2c; diff.
Tropper UG 602: “Vollständigkeit”, < /š-l-m/); śġrm lqḥ ššlmt (twenty-two)
shepherd boys receive supplementary rations, 4.378:11 (cf. ibid. 2–8: wool to
the value of ʕšrm ṯn kbd twenty-two shekels for 6 PNN); PNN ššlmt additional
delivery, 4.46:1–3 (cf. ibid. 4–14: (deliveries of) wool); bnš mlk (…) lqḥ ššlmt
royal personnel (… who) receive supplementary rations, 4.144:4 (cf. ibid. 6:
lqḥ šʕrt receive wool); cf. šbʕ d tqḥn ššlmt seven who receive supplementary
rations, 4.395:5 (cf. ibid. 3).
Cf. /š-l-m/.
ššmn n. m. “sesame” (Akk. šamaššammū, “Sesam”, AHw 1155; “probably flax and
its seed”, CAD Š/1 301–307.; cf. Hurr. šumišumi, “sésame”, Laroche GLH 242;
Hitt. šam(m)am(m)a-, “sesam”, HW 2. Erg. 22; Ph. cf. ššmn, “sesame”, DNWSI
1197; Hb., OAram. cf. šmšm, “sesame”, DNWSI 1169; Arab. simsim, “sesame”,
AEL 1420; Gk sēsamon, “sesame”, Liddell-Scott GEL 1595; for a survey of
opinions including “linseed” (Dalley) see Watson LSU 109; AuOr 22 2004 128.
¶ Forms: sg. ššmn.
Sesame, ★a) seeds: ltḥ ššmn a l. of sesame, 4.14:4, 10; ★b) oil or cream: kṯm
ššmn (two) flasks (?) of (cream of) sesame, 4.60:8; in bkn ctx. kṯ(?)]m ššmn,
4.707:6; [kṯt š]šmn, 4.594:4.
ššr n. m., reddish colouring agent, possibly “minium” (cf. Akk. šaršerru, “rote
Paste”, AHw 1191; “red clay or paste”, CAD Š/2 124; Hb. ššr, “vermilion”, HALOT
1666). ¶ Forms: sg. ššr.
Reddish colouring agent, possibly a sort of minium: ʕšr šmn ššr ten (“jars”)

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ššrt – /š-t/ 835

of reddish oil (paint), 4.780:12 (Bordreuil CRAIBL 1987 290; Watson LSU 109).
ššrt n. f. “chain” (Hb. šršrt, “chain”, HALOT 1661; Syr. šēšaltāʔ, “chain”, SL 1555;
Akk. šeršer(r)u, šeršerra/etu, “Kette”, AHw 1218; “chain”, CAD Š/2 321 f.; Arab.
silsilat, “chain”, AEL 1397f.; Eth. sansal, “chain”, CDG 508. Livingstone NABU
1990/87). ¶ Forms: sg. ššrt.
Chain: ššrt ḫrṣ a chain of gold, 4.341:1; in bkn ctx.: ] ymnk ššrt, 1.5 V 3; for the
rdg. š šrp in 1.119:21 see Del Olmo CR 253 n. 29 (diff. ššrt l bʕl a chain to DN,
De Moor-Spronk CARTU 173; alt. “[liver] chainlet”, Watson NABU 2006/46:
“gizzard”, Akk. šisurru).
ššy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 250; Watson LSU 180; AuOr 30 2012 339).
PN: 4.313:7.
/š-t/ vb G: 1) “to place, set, set up, leave”; 2) with an inchoative or causative
meaning: a) “to cause, leave (in a condition)”; b) “to propose, make, cause”; c)
“to install, establish, name”; 3) other meanings: a) “to pour out”; b) “to light (a
fire)”; c) “to prepare food”; d) “to put on clothes”; 4) “to set down (in writing)”;
Gpass. a) “to be placed, set”; b) “to be established (legally)”; c) “to be, remain
recorded (in writing)” (Hb. šyt, “to set, place”, HALOT 1483ff.; DNWSI 1130f.;
Ph., Pun. št, “to place, put, establish”, DNWSI 1130f.; Amor. /śyt/, “to put, to
place”, Gelb CAAA 32; cf. Akk. šêtu, šiātu, “übrig lassen”, AHw 1221; “to remain,
be left over”, CAD Š/3 341ff. De Moor SP 138f., 159 f., 221; Van Zijl Baal 56, 138,
209ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: [MAL/GÁN] = ša?-[ka-nu(?)] = ke-um-mi = ši-tu Ug 5 130
(RS 20.149) III 10, inf. abs. G; Sivan GAGl 277; Huehnergard UVST 181; Van
Soldt SAU 307; ¶ par.: /n-š-ʔ/, /q-b-r/, /š-l-ḥ/ (I). ¶ Forms: G suffc. štt, št; prefc.
ảšt, tšt, yšt, suff. ảštk, ảštm (encl. -m), ảštn, tštk, tštn, tštnn, yštk; impv. št, suff.
štn (+ encl. / energ. -n); Gpass. suffc. št, štt; prefc. yšt.
G. 1) To put, place, set, set up, leave, add: št b ʕprm ddym place harmony in
the steppes, 1.3 III 15 and par.; ảštn b ḫrt ỉlm ảrṣ I shall put him in the cave
of the underworld gods, 1.5 V 5 and par.; bl ảšt ủrbt b bh[tm] I am going to
put a skylight in the house, 1.4 V 61 and par; ảl tšt ủrbt b [bhtm] do not put
a skylight in the house, 1.4 V 64 and par.; št ảlp qdmh he set a head of cattle
in front of her, 1.3 IV 41 and par.; yštn ảṯrt l bmt ʕr they (/ he) set DN on the
back of the donkey, 1.4 IV 14 and par., cf. 1.19 II 10 (// tšủ); ḥrb b bšr tštn they
put the knife in the meat, 1.15 IV 25 and par. (// tšlḥ); ảštk km nšr b ḥb[šy] I
shall place you like an eagle in my belt, 1.18 IV 17 and par.; tštk b qrbm ảsm
may (his hand) put you inside the granary, 1.19 II 18 and par.; tšt rỉmt l ỉrth
may she place the zither to her breast, 1.3 III 4 and par. 1.102:16 (diff. Wyatt
RTU 76 and n. 36: “he clasped the bull-shaped instrument to his breast”;
Smith-Pitard UBC/2 200, 216f.: “the setting of the lyre”, rdg mšt < /š-t/); w
šrh yšt and on (his) navel one shall place / shall be placed, 1.114:30; mhk b lbh
ảl yšt may he not harbour any (concern) in his heart, 2.38:27 and par.; p l ảšt

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836 /š-t/

ảṯty nʕry ṯh l pn ỉb and I do not wish to put / send my women (and) children
towards TN in the face of the enemy, 2.33:28; št ỉbsn lkm I leave (left) the
warehouse to you, 3.9:5; yqḥ yš(t) b bth he took (them) and placed (them)
/ set (them) up in his house, 1.23:36 (cf. 1.15 II 9); w št b bt DN and place
(it) in the temple of DN, 1.124:6, 7, 9; tšt ḫ[lpn] b nšgh ḫrb tšt b tʕr[th] she
put [the dagger] in its sheath, she put the sword in its scabbard, 1.19 IV 45
and par.; l ktp ʕnt k tšth on the shoulders of DN, yes, she placed him, 1.6 I 15
(// tqbrnh); w ảkl b qmm tšt and they placed the food in the entrails (?), 1.19
I 10 (cf. Del Olmo IMC 129 n. 291; MLRSO 231; Cooper UF 20 1988 20 f.); t]št
ḥršm l ảhlm she put spells in / from / on(?) the tents, 1.19 IV 59; štt ḫptr l ỉšt
she placed a cooking pot on the fire, 1.4 II 8; yšt l pḥm he placed (it) on the
embers, 1.23:38; qrḥ tšt l šmảl she placed a q. on the left, 1.92:9; ảdnh yšt mṣb
mznm her father set / arranged the beam of the scales, 1.24:34; d št ʕl ḫrdh
which he placed in front of his guard, 2.47:15; tn!n lšbm tšt you shall put a
muzzle on the Dragon, 1.83:9; yšt (…) bʕl mdlh may (…) DN place his m., 1.3
IV 25; št špt l ảrṣ špt l šmm who put one lip to the earth and the other to the
sky, 1.23:61 (cf. Dahood Or 47 1978 263); yqṯ bʕl w yšt ym he dragged DN and
fixed / brought down DN, 1.2 IV 27, cf. 1.2 IV 37 (diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1
138 n. a: “to scatter”, “démembrer”, cf. št (III), but cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17
1985 119ff.; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg: “scatter, dismember” < *śtt); štn tzn ảḥd
ly may PN deliver one to me, 5.10:9; w ảt bd mlảkty ly štnn and you must
deliver him to me through my embassy, 2.90:22 (for the rdg and translation
see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 159, 161f.); w hm ảkm ỉqnả štt bhm, as soon
as I get the purple I (will) add to it, 2.87 (see Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 138,
141f.); in unc ctx.: bʕlh št[x his master put[ (?), 1.48:9; w tšt ṯnm, and they shall
impose (?) (others) twice, 1.104:20; št ntn ml, 5.10:4; in bkn ctx: d štt, 2.36:7,
cf. 2.37:5; štthm, 2.98:30.
2) With inchoative or causative meaning, ★a) to cause, leave (in a state): ʕwrt
yštk bʕl may DN leave you blind, 1.19 IV 5; ★b) to propose, make, cause: ảštm
kṯr (…) yptḥ I am going to make DN (…) open, 1.4 VII 15; ảnk [ả]št ảšỉsp w
ảšt I propose that I carry out the concentration (of troops (?)) and propose
…, 2.33:12 (for a diff. rdg and interpretation cf. Dijkstra UF 19 1987 43 f.); ★c)
to install, establish, name: yštk bʕl ʕnt mḥrṯt did they make you “Lord” of the
furrows of the ploughed land?, 1.6 IV 2 and par. (diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 116
n. 58: “Baal ha dejado los surcos de la arada”, cf. /š-t-k/); yšt [ỉl] gṯr w yqr [DN]
has established (him), gṯr yqr, 1.108:2 (cf. ln. 6, 10, 13; diff. Caquot TOu/2 113:
“boit”, /š-t-y/); b št mlk for the purpose of the installation of the king, 1.132:3
(Del Olmo CR 169 n. 116; diff. Xella TRU 307 ff.: “coperta”, Hb. šyt; Saracino
UF 14 1982 193ff.: “sogno”, Akk. šuttu; Dietrich-Mayer UF 28 1996 168: rdg bt;
Pardee TR/1 739, 742: “avec la literie du roi”).

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št (i) 837

3) Other meanings, ★a) to pour (out), shed: ảl tšt b šdm mmh may she pour
out, yes, her water in the fields, 1.16 I 34; ★b) to light a fire: tšt ỉšt bbhtm they
lit a fire in the palace, 1.4 VI 22, cf. 1.2 III 13; ★c) to prepare (food): nʕmn ġzr
št ṯrm the handsome noble prepared bulls, 1.18 IV 14; ★d) to put on clothes:
št gpnm dt ksp they (/ he) put on the harnesses of silver, 1.4 IV 10 and par.; w
šỉnm l yšt and the shoes he does (/ not) put on, 1.164:2; lbš ỉl yštk ʕrm ỉl yštk
the god who clothed you (lit. put you clothed), let that god undress you (lit.
put you naked)!, 1.169:13; ★e) apply (?): yšt ảḥdh dm zt ḥrpnt let him drink
/ apply at the same time the juice of autumnal (< early(?)) olive, 1.114:31 (cf.
4) To put in writing, reply: št b spr ʕmy put it in / send it in writing for me,
2.10:18; w štn ly and put it (in writing) for me, 2.39:35; ảnk ảštn l ỉḫy I shall
reply to my brother, 2.41:18; w štn hndh ʕmy and send it here to me, 2.108:10;
d ảšt!n lhm what I will fix (in writing) for them, 2.108:12; b spr štnn put it
in a document, 2.108:14, see. ln. 8; spr ʕpsm dt št ủryn l mlk ủgrt document
concerning the landmarks (?) which the u. set up for the king of TN, 6.29:2;
mṣmt l nqmd (…) št (RN) set up a treaty with PN, 3.1:17 (// r[i]-kí-il-ta a-na
mNí-iq-ma-an-da (…) ir-ku-us, PRU 4 40ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):18–20; in bkn
ctx.: spr šthm, 2.107:9; w štn[…] b spr d ttnn and put (…) in writing what you
give, 5.11:18–20, school exercise.
Gpass. ★a) to be placed, set: štt (…) b ṯlḥny (…) was placed on my table, 1.4
III 14 (diff. Margalit MLD 41: “remove”, Arab. šatta); [xx]n yšt rpủ mlk ʕlm
DN “the eternal king” has been established, 1.108:1 (diff. Caquot TOu/2 113:
“il boit”, /š-t-y/; Clemens UF 25 1993 64, id.); d yšt l lṣbh what one should
put (/ be put) on his forehead, 1.114:29; w yšt b gbh (b ṯlṯ) and it will be
placed in its g. (…), 1.175:13, 17; ★b) to be (legally) established: mrṯ d štt the
estate (legally) established, 2.34:32 (Dijkstra UF 19 1987 47); ★c) to be, remain
recorded (in writing): w b spr l št but they are not recorded in a list, 4.338:3; št
hlny ảrgmn d[ ybl n]qmd here remains recorded the tribute that PN brought,
In bkn ctx.: [t]ḥmk w št, 1.1 II 3; št l skt, 1.1 III 8; ảl ảšt, 1.5 III 11; ]tštn, 1.126:24;
]kt št, 1.147:8; ]št b ṣʕ, 1.170:8; ]xʕnk št, 1.172:13; yštk, 2.66:3; ]k yšt, 1.139:13; štm[,
štmn[, 1.151:5, 8; w tšt qdnt š[, 2.7:7; ảl tšt[, 2.31:14, cf. ln. 19; ảštn lk, 2.32:7, 10
(or Š of /y-t-n/); 2.42:16; ả/tšt, 2.31:19; yšt, 2.42:16; šthm, 2.107:9; št(nn), 2.108:14;
yšt, 4.736:4; ] yšt, 7.51:24; w tšt qm[, 6.40:2; yšt, 6.89:1; ] yštn, 7.81:3.
Cf. št (I), tšt.
št (I) n. m. “base, foot” (Hb. št, “base, foundation”, HALOT 1666 f.; Ph. ʔšt, “pillar”,
DNWSI 130; Syr. ʔeštāʔ, “bottom”, SL 108; Akk. išdu, “Fundament”, AHw 393f.;
“base foundation”, CAD I/J 235ff.; Arab. ʔist, satat, “podex, buttock”, AEL 1305.
Del Olmo MLC 633; Dietrich-Loretz UF 18 1986 119 n. 40; diff. De Moor

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838 št (ii) – /š-t-k/

SP 89: “vale”, Arab. šatā; Aartun StUL 158f.: “Trennungspunkt”, < *štt < *śtt).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. št.
Base, foot: b št ġr at the foot of the mountain, 1.3 II 5 and par.
Cf. /š-t/.
št (II) n. f. measure of capacity (Akkadianism; cf. Akk. sūtu, ein Messgefäss,
AHw 1064; a measuring vessel of standard capacity, CAD S 420 ff.; Hb.,
OAram. sʔh, HALOT 737f.; DNWSI 772; JPAram. sʔh, a measure of volume,
DJPA 364; Ebla BÁN = šu-tum (/š/śutum/), VE 749; Krebernik ZA 73 1983
29; Boġazköy and Nuzi: šūtu, Akkadogram in Hitt.: ŠA.A.TÙ, ŠU.Ú.TUM; Neu
GAR 300; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 45; Pardee TH 46 f.; Cohen-
Sivan UHT 12f.; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 227f.; Cohen UF 28 1996 114 f.; Watson
SEL 26 2009 20; NABU 2010/10: Eg. st (?)); diff. Del Olmo Syria 65 1988 245 f.:
“raíz” (?), cf. št (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. št.
Measure of capacity in hippiatric texts, said of various ingredients: št mkšr
grn / ảškrr / ả/ỉrġn / nnỉ / ʕqrbn / qlql / bln qṭ /, passim in 1.72; 1.85; 1.97; in bkn
ctx.: w št lšn, 1.175:5.
št (III) n. m. “tearing apart, separation, desolation” (?) (Arab. šatt, “separation,
dispersion”, AEL 1501f.; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 713: “lady”, Arab. sitt,
see št (IV); Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 437 n. p.: “buveur”, *šty; Margalit UF 15 1983
96ff.: “Sutean warrior”, Akk. sutu, Eg. šwtw). ¶ Forms: sg. št.
Tearing apart, separation. desolation, in genitive (?): mhr št the destructive
warrior, 1.18 IV 27 and par., title of the lesser deity yṭpn; in bkn ctx.: ỉb št[
devastating enemies (?), 1.19 IV 59.
Cf. /š-t(-t)/.
št (IV) n. f. “dame, lady” (> *šdt, Arab. sitt < sayyidat, “lady”, Hava 308; Del
Olmo CML 633; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 323; Watson LSU 58). ¶ Forms: sg.
Dame: those who suck b ảp ḏd št from the nipple of the Dame, 1.23:59 and
par. (see ap (II), 3).
/š-t-d/ (?), in bkn ctx.: yštd, 1.6 V 25.
štgy GN m. (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 267: *Šatega; cf. Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177;
UF 28 1996 686: poss. related to URU ša-te-ga); ¶ syll.: cf. TN URU ša-te-ga,
PRU 4 173 (RS 17.234):4 and passim ibid.). ¶ Forms: sg. šgty, mistaken for štgy.
GN: PN štgy?, 4.321:1; for KTU: št/p[ in 4.86:32 see Belmonte RGTC 12/2 267:
št[gy?, and 270: št[ y?.
Cf. št[y] (II).
/š-t-k/ vb G: “to leave, go backwards, cease” (?); Gt: “to allow to go, cede” (?)
(etym. unc. Hb. štq, “to grow silent”, HALOT 1671; with metath. cf. Hb. šqṭ,
“to be at rest”, “to be quiet”, HALOT 1641f.; Arab. sakata, “to cease, stop”,
AEL 1389f.; Akk. cf. sakātu, “schweigen”, AHw 1011 f.; “to be silent”, CAD S 74f.

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štk – štt 839

Tropper UG 97, 529: “niedersinken, aufhören”; diff. De Moor-Spronk CARTU

156: “to make pour out”, *ntk Š; “to be induced to pour out”, *ntk Št). ¶ Forms:
G inf. štk; Gt suffc. / inf. ỉšttk.
G. To leave, go backwards, cease (?): štk mlk dn štk šỉbt ʕn štk qr bt ỉl the king
has ceased (?) judgment, ceased have (?) the water-carriers of the source,
ceased has (?) the murmur of the temple, 1.12 II 58–60 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
Studien 29, 90f.: “lasse ausgiessen …” < *ntk Š).
Gt. To allow to go, cede (?): ỉ<š>ttk l ảwl ỉšttk lm ttkn he ceded supremacy, he
ceded (the power of) decision, 1.12 II 56f. (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studies 29,
90: “man lasse ‘libieren’, oh Erster, man lasse libieren, ja man setze fest!”, see
Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 159).
štk PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 252: /šatuke/; Watson AuOr 8 1990
PN: bn PN, 4.232:16.
/š-t-m/ vb G: “to close (the mouth), to muzzle” (Hb. śtm, “to close the way,
silence, shut off”, HALOT 1363; JPAram. stm, “to close up”, DJPA 390; diff.
Margalit MLD 60: “abuse” / “defy” (?), Arab. šatama; Gibson CML 151: “was
brought to an end, vanquished”, rdg ỉštmlỉ, Syr. šamlî). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ỉštm.
G. To close (the mouth), to muzzle: l ỉštbm tnn ỉštm lh yes, I muzzled DN, I
closed his mouth, 1.3 III 40 (diff. Pardee UF 16 1984 251 ff. “I have destroyed
it”, rdg. ištm[d]h < /š-m-d/; Smith-Pitard UCB/2 200, id.; Rahmouni DEUAT
309f.: “the dragon of the two flames”, epithet of ym).
štn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 196; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168; Watson
LSU 180; ¶ syll.: ša-ta?-na, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 58.
PN: bn PN, 4.12:11; 4.354:5; 4.727:14; 4.843:10; in bkn ctx., 4.701:8.
/š-t(-t)/ vb D: “devastate, break” (?) (Arab. šatta, “to become dissolved, broken”,
D “to dissolve, break”, AEL 501f.; diff. Dietrich-Loretz MU 136: “Liegenlassen”,
/š-t/). ¶ Forms: prefc. y]št.
D. Devastate, break (?), in bkn ctx.: ỉbn? ] y{.}št w ydủ (the enemy (?)) will
devastate and scare off / depopulate (the land), 1.103:42 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 136: KTU rdg [ḥwt h] y št w ydủ “[die]ses [Land:] (es droht ihm) Liegen-
lassen und Brachliegen”).
cf. št (III).
štt adj. f. “spun, woven” (< ptc. G /š-t-y/. JPAram. šty, “to weave” DJPA 569: šty
2; Syr. šty, “to weave”, SL 1615; Akk. šatû, “geknüpft”, AHw 1202; “to weave,
spin”, CAD Š/2 217f.; cf. Arab. satā IV, “to dispose the warp of the garment”,
AEL 1306; cf. Hb. šth, “to weave”, HALOT 1667, 1669. Ribichini-Xella Tessili
16); ¶ RS Akk.: TÚG še-ta-ti, Ug 5 46 (RS 20.130):1, 6, 10. ¶ Forms: sg. f.
Spun, woven: šʕrt štt spun wool, 4.337:9.

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840 /š-t-y/ – šṭp

/š-t-y/ vb G: “to drink” (Hb. šth, “to drink”, HALOT 1667 ff.; Ebla cf. Krebernik
PET 62; Müller Biling. 179f., 184; Pagan ARES 3 178; Fronzaroli ARES 1 23;
Bonechi QuSem 15 152; OAram. šty, “to drink”, DNWSI 1198; Syr. šty, “to drink”,
SL 1614; Akk. šatû, “trinken”, AHw 1202; “to drink”, CAD Š/2 207 ff.; Eth. satya,
“to drink”, CDG 518; cf. OSA sty, “to drink”, SD 129); ¶ par.: /l-ḥ-m/. ¶ Forms:
G suffc. šty; prefc. tšty, tšt, yšt, nšt, tštyn, suff. ỉštn, ỉštynh; impv. št, šty, suff.
štym, štm (encl. -m); inf. šty; act. ptc. št[ yt] (1.108:10 f.).
G. To drink: ʕd lḥm šty ỉlm while the gods ate and drank, 1.4 VI 55 and par.;
tlḥm rpủm tštyn the DN ate, drank, 1.22 I 22, 24; tl]ḥm tšty [ỉlm] [the gods]
ate, drank, 1.4 III 40, cf. 1.15 VI 2, 1.20 I 7; [l l]ḥm l šty ṣḥtkm to eat and to drink
I called you, 1.15 IV 27 and par.; tšty krp[nm y]n they drank wine in the cup,
1.4 VI 58 and par.; št b krpnm yn drink wine in the cup, 1.4 IV 36; tlḥmn ỉlm
w tštn tštn y(n) ʕd šbʕ (he invited) the gods to eat and drink, and they drank
new wine until intoxication, 1.114:3 and par.; b yn yšt ỉln! by the wine that our
DN drinks, 1.19 IV 57; w šty b ḫmr yn ảy drink every kind of wine, 1.23:6; tšt
dmh l bl ks it drinks its blood without a cup, 1.96:4 (// tspỉ); b ks ỉštynh in the
cup that I drink, 1.4 III 16; tn w nšt give us (some) so that we can drink, 1.23:72
(cf. 5.9 I 16); l tštql (…) l tšt yn come down, then (…) to drink wine, 1.6 VI 44
(// l tlḥm); ʕd tšbʕ bk tšt k yn ủdmʕt when she was sated with weeping, with
drinking tears like wine, 1.6 I 10; lḥm hm štym eat or drink, 1.4 IV 35; w štm
ʕm ả[ḫ] y yn (invite me) (…) and to drink wine with my brothers, 1.5 I 25; w
l tỉkl w l tš[t] and neither eat nor drink (?) 1.88:3; tšt b ḫlṣ bl ṣml, drink from
squeezing (/ squeezed) blended beer of dried out draff, 1.169:7; in bkn ctx.:
k yšt […] w šty, 1.175:8–9; for 1.108:9 rdg ỉl<.>m št[ yt] (// ảklt); for 1.114:31 see
šty (I) PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 252: /šat(t)-/; Gröndahl PTU
196, 299; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: ★a) 4.360:13; ★b) bn PN, 4.222:19; 4.356:1 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.412 III 3
(Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.667:1; 4.681:6 (Van Soldt SAU 35); 4.807:32.
Cf. mšt, šdy, ṯdy, ṯty.
št[y] (II) GN (?) (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 270f.: TN *Šēta (?)); ¶ syll.: cf. [URU]
še-ta, PRU 4 63ff. (RS 17.237+):36; cf. bkn [UR]U še-[e?]-ta, PRU 4 48 ff. (RS
17.340+) rev. 23. ¶ Forms: sg. št[ y?].
GN(?): PN št[ y?], 4.86:32 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 267: št[gy?).
šṭp n. m. “?”, a commodity (etym. unc.; possibly a spelling mistake for *šḫ!p, cf.
MA, Nuzi, EA Akk. šuḫuppatu, “Stiefel”, AHw 1054; “boot” (?), CAD Š/3 210 f.;
alt. cf. Akk. šaṭāpu and der., “Leben erhalten”, AHw 1203; “to preserve life,
save”, CAD Š/2 221; Watson LSU 109; AuOrS 27 94: “basket, tray”, MSA Mehri
šɘṭfēt, Akk. šaṭipu). ¶ Forms: pl. šṭpm.
A commodity: ʕšr šṭpm ten š., 4.150:1 (Heltzer GPOTU 20; cf. gdy: 1.150:3).

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šy – šzrm 841

šy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 255; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF
šu-ia, PRU 3 89f. (RS 16.135):4, 8.
PN: 4.393:9.
Cf. šyy.
š/ḏyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 255; Watson AuOr 13 1995 221); ¶ syll.: cf.
šu-ia-nu, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09 B) II 2. ¶ Forms: šyn, with the allom. ḏyn.
PN: ★a) bn šyn: 4.63 I 17; 4.69 III 8; 4.214 III 2; 4.583:3; 4.807:41; 4.817:18;
4.841:58; ★b) bn ḏyn, 4.775:11 (Bordreuil-Caquot Syria 57 1980 365); in bkn
ctx., ]šyn, 4.701:5.
Cf. ṯyn.
šyy PN (Gröndahl PTU 255; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28); ¶ syll.: cf. PN f. ša-ia-a,
PRU 3 110 (RS 16.267):4, 6, 10.
PN: bn PN, 4.64 II 1.
Cf. šy.
šzrm, cf. qsrm.

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tủ n. m. “guardroom, guardhouse” (Hb. tʔ, “inner room” (?), HALOT 1672; Pun.
tw, “cella, shrine”, DNWSI 1204f., cf. Röllig WO 5 1969 114; Friedrich Ug 6 233;
Syr. tāwānāʔ, “room”, SL 1631; Akk. tāʔum, “Innenraum”, AHw 1340; mng. unc.,
CAD T 300f. Von Soden BZAW 162 12ff. and cf. AHw 1303: taḫû III; Watson
SEL 26 2009 20: “gate”, Eg. tȝ). ¶ Forms: sg. tủ.
Guardroom, guardhouse: ṯn ptḥm b bt tủ two doors in the guardroom, 4.195:10
(diff. Bordreuil-Pardee Semitica 41–42 1993 34: rdg td[?; Watson SEL 26 2009
20: “two doors in the gatehouse”).
tản PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 258; Watson AuOr 8 1990 250; AuOr 13 1955
228); ¶ syll.: cf. tu-a-ni, PRU 6 90 (RS 19.114):7.
PN: ★a) 4.368:20; ★b) bn PN, 4.232 (I) 4; 4.692:3.
tả/ủnt n. f. “whispering, conversation, groaning” (< /ʔ-n-y/. Hb. tʔnyh, “mourn-
ing”, HALOT 70, 1675f. De Moor SP 107; Cassuto GA 127: “converse”, *ʔny; diff.
Dahood UF 1 1969 25: “meeting”; Wyatt RTU 45 n. 30: “coupling”; Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 299: “communication, meeting”; general survey in Watson
UF 40 2008 560f.; NABU 2010/9: “speech”, “words”, Hurr. ti-e-ni, “word”);
¶ par.: lḫšt. ¶ Forms: sg. tả/ủnt.
Whispering, conversation, groaning: tảnt šmm ʕm ảrṣ the whispering of the
skies / heavens with the earth, 1.3 III 24 and par. (// lḫšt), cf. 1.1 III 14, var. tủnt.
Cf. /ʔ-n-y/.
tỉnṯt n. f. “the female sex, women” (< */ʔ-n-ṯ/, cf. ảṯt. Akk. tenēštu, tēnešētu pl.
“Menschheit”, AHw 1347; tenēštu, tenīšu, “people, population”, CAD T 340 f.
Watson Historiae 10 2013 39); ¶ par.: mhr. ¶ Forms: sg. tỉnṯt.
The female sex, women: ht tṣdn tỉnṯt do women hunt perhaps?, 1.17 VI 40 (//
tảr n. m. “glory, splendour” (?) (Hb. tʔr, “appearance, beautiful form”, HALOT
1676f.; cf. Ph., Pun. tʔr, “renown, imposing presence”, DNWSI 1201). ¶ Forms:
sg. tảr.
Glory, splendour (?): šr tảr song of glory (?), 1.106:16 (diff. Pardee RCU 54 f.
n. 55: “(the singer shall sing) the song several times”, rdg šr pảmt, may be
<ʕ>šr pảmt (see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 557).
tỉšr n. m. “cypress” (Cupressus sempervirens L.; Hb. tʔšwr, “cypress” (?) HALOT
1677; cf. Hitt. GIŠ.TIR / tieššar, “Wald”, HW 223. Sasson RSP 1 449; De Moor
UF 17 1985 229 n. 20; Heltzer GPOTU 64 n. 262; Stieglitz JNES 29 1970 56 n. 3;
Watson LSU 123 and nn. 465 and 466); ¶ par.: (?) mḥtrt. ¶ Forms: sg. tỉšr; pl.
Cypress: ảrbʕm l mỉt tỉšr one hundred and forty cypresses, 4.158:4 (cf. šmn,

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tỉyn – tʕlgt 843

ibid. ln. 3); mỉt tỉšrm one hundred cypresses, 4.91:7; ḫmšm tỉšr fifty cypresses,
4.402:3; ʕšr tỉšrm ten cypresses, 4.780:15; cypress wood: ủšpġt tỉšr one ủ. of
cypress (wood), 1.92:26 (// (?) mḥtrt. De Moor UF 2 1970 311; UF 17 1985
tỉyn PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Gröndahl PTU 258; Wat-
son AuOr 8 1990 250; AuOr 13 1995 228); ¶ syll.: cf. ta-ú-PI-na, PRU 6 29
(RS 17.147):4, see Huehnergard UVST 235 n. 101.
PN: bn PN, 4.631:18.
Cf. twyn, tyn.
tủzn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 220f.; Tropper UG 612).
PN: 4.727:12.
/t-ʕ/ vb G/N “to attack” (etym. unc. Cf. Arab. taʕtaʕa, “to compel, ill-treat, shake”,
Hava 59. Krebernik Fs. Richter 264; Watson UF 9 1977 275; diff. Dietrich-
Loretz UF 19 1987 20f.; Verreet Modi 45 n. 18: “sich hin und her bewegen,
schwanken”, < /n-ʕ/, Hb. nwʕ; for a gen. discussion of etym. cf. Renfroe
AULS 151f.; Tropper UG 522); ¶ par.: /n-g-ḥ/. ¶ Forms: G/N prefc. ytʕn (+
energ. / encl. -n).
G/N. To attack (each other): ytʕn k gmrm they attacked (each other) like
champions, 1.6 VI 16 (// yngḥn) (diff. Gibson CML 154: “to eye each other”,
/ʕ-n/ tD (?)).
/t-ʕ-b/ vb D “to exhaust, use up” (Arab. taʕiba, “to be fatigued, jaded”, AEL 307.
Caquot TOu/2 97 n. 300; diff. < /ʕ-b-t/: Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975
130: Hb. *ʕbt, “binden”; Pardee TPM 245: Hb. *ʕbt, “tordre”). ¶ Forms: D suffc.
D. To exhaust, use up: w t[ʕ]btnh ảbdy and the destruction exhausted him,
1.107:7 (Del Olmo Fs. Xella 196 n. 14).
tʕdt n. f. “embassy, accreditation”, abstract for concrete (< */w-ʕ-d/; Hb. tʕwdh,
“confirmation, corroboration”, “attestation through the word of the prophet”,
HALOT 1767f. De Moor SP 130f.; Dahood UF 11 1979 143 f.; Cho LDUT 153 f.; par:
mlảk. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. tʕdt.
Embassy, accreditation: tʕdt ṯpṭ nhr the embassy of “Judge DN”, 1.2 I 26 and
par. (// mlảk ym).
Cf. mʕd.
tʕḏr n. m. “help, protection” (cf. /ʕ-ḏ-r/. De Moor UF 2 1970 309; Aartun UF 17
1985 6ff.; Dahood UF 1 1969 19). ¶ Forms: sg. cst. tʕḏr.
Help, protection: in god lists: ỉl tʕḏr bʕl, 1.47:26, 1.118:25, cf. 1.84:8; ỉl tʕḏr bʕl š,
the helper gods of DN, a ram, 1.148:8 and par., cf. ỉl tʕḏr, 1.109:21, 1.162:12 (Akk.
DINGIR.MEŠ til-la-at dIM, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):25; Nougayrol Ug 5 57).
Cf. /ʕ-ḏ-r/.
tʕlgt n. f. “bleat(ing), lowing” (< /ʕ-l-g/. Caquot UF 11 1979 102 n. 3; diff. Zevit UF 13

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844 tʕlt – /t-b-ʕ/

1981 194f.; UF 15 1983 319: “important matter”, *ʕlg); ¶ par.: bġr. ¶ Forms: sg.
Bleat(ing), lowing: tʕlgt b lšn (there is) bleating on my tongue, 1.93:2 (// bġr).
Cf. /ʕ-l-g/.
tʕlt n. f. “superior power” > “majesty” (?) (etym. unc. < /ʕ-l-y/ (?). Gibson CML
159: “high estate”; diff. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 47: “to fall”, rdg qlt, /q-l/ (I));
Watson Or 55 1986 196: “invocation”, Akk. tēltu. ¶ Forms: sg. tʕlt.
Superior power > majesty (?): plk tʕlt b ymnh the spindle of majesty (?) in her
right, 1.4 II 4 (Smith-Pitard BC2 434: “an exalted spindle”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz
TUAT III/6 1153: “Die Spindel quirlte” (?)).
Cf. /ʕ-l-y/.
tʕr, in bkn ctx.: tʕr bnš[, 7.55:6; cf. tʕrt.
tʕrt n. f. 1) “sheath” 2) “quiver” (Hb. tʕr, “sheath”, HALOT 1770f.); ¶ par.: nšg.
¶ Forms: sg. suff. tʕrty, tʕrth.
1. Sheath: ḥrb tšt b tʕr[th] she put the sword in its sheath, 1.19 IV 45 (// b nšgh).
2. Quiver: ảštk (…) km dỉy b tʕrty I shall put you (…) like a vulture in my quiver,
1.18 IV 18 and par. (De Moor SP 91: “scabbard, game-bag”; diff. Watson LSU 14:
“glove”); in bkn ctx.: ]tʕrt, 7.141:2.
tbdn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: tb{.}dn, 4.12:7.
/t-b-ʕ/ vb G: 1) “to go, leave, depart”; 2) “to die” (Arab. tabiʕa, “to follow, go, walk
behind”, AEL 293ff.; Syr. tbʕ, “to follow”, SL 1620; Akk. tebû, “aufstehen, sich
erheben”, AHw 1342f.; “to get up”, “to set out, depart”, CAD T 306 ff. Verreet
UF 19 1987 323); ¶ syll. Ug.: PN ša ta-ba-ʔa TN, PRU 6 77 (RS 19.32):1; Rainey
IOS 3 1973 40; Huehnergard UVST 184; Van Soldt BiOr 46 1989 647; SAU 307,
442; ¶ par.: /y-t-n/ (+ pnm). ¶ Forms: G suffc. tbʕ, tbʕt; cf. pref. ttbʕ, ytbʕ; inf.
G. 1) To go: w ht lủk (…) w tbʕ and now PN has been sent (…) and he went,
2.17:6; tbʕ bbth kṯrt the DN went from their house, 1.17 II 39; ttbʕ btlt ʕnt the
Virgin DN went, 1.6 IV 6 and par. (// l ttn pnm); tbʕ w l yṯb ỉlm the gods went
without lingering, 1.5 I 9 and par. (cf. 1.14 VI 35 and par.; 1.2 I 19 and par.; for
Margalit MLD 95, formula of “death”, infra: 2); ảphm tbʕ ġlm[m] immediately
afterwards, depart, lads, 1.2 I 13; w ttbʕ šʕtqt and DN went, 1.16 VI 2; w bʕl tbʕ
mrym ṣpn while DN went to the heights of TN, 1.4 IV 19; tbʕ rgm l bn ỉlm mt
go, say to divine DN, 1.5 II 8; tbʕ kṯr l ảhlh hyn tbʕ l mšknth DN went to his
tent, DN went to his mansion, 1.17 V 32; [lt]tbʕ l lṭpn are you really going, oh
“Benevolent One”!?, 1.15 II 13; tbʕ bn bht ym (…) tbʕ kṯr go, build the house of
DN, (…) go, DN, 1.2 III 7–8 cf. 1.18 I 17, 1.4 V 50; ytbʕ yṣb ġlm prince PN went,
1.16 VI 39; t[bʕ b] bty bkyt go from my house mourners, 1.19 IV 20; PN tbʕ has
gone, 4.635:29; d ttbʕn ṭbq those who go to TN, 4.797:1; tbʕ ủph he went to TN,

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tbʕ – tbṣr 845

2) To die: ảṯt trḫ w tbʕt he married a woman, but she died (lit. she departed),
1.14 I 14; in unc. and bkn ctx.: p l tbʕn y ymm,1.83:11 (diff. Pitard JNES 57 1998
263ff., rdg pl tbṯn yymm); ảl ytbʕ, 2.18:3; ]tbʕ, 1.5 II 26; ]tbʕ mdrʕh, 146:6; tbʕ[,
2.43:3; w qnủym tbʕx[, 2.73:17; d tbʕ, 4.210:1.
tbʕ PN (RSOu 7 165; Watson LSU 180).
PN: 4.763:1, 3.
tbbr PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 212, 225, 266); ¶ syll.: tu-um-bi-ib-ri, PRU 144
(RS 16.138):20; Huehnergard AkkUg 115 n. 64.
PN: 4.103:11; 4.190:5.
tbd PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 261, 266).
PN: bn PN, 4.86:25 (ỉlšt[mʕy).
Cf. tbdn, tbtṯb.
tbdn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 261, 266); ¶ syll.: tub-bi-te-na, Ug 5 9 (RS 17.61):19;
PN: bn PN, 4.12:7 (tb{.}dn); 4.354:4; 4.704:1:3.
Cf. tbd, tbtṯb.
tbk n. m., a type of leather (Nuzi Akk. tubku, “eine Hinschüttung”, AHw 1365;
“tanned(?) hide”, CAD T, 446; cf. mašku, “leather (tanned)”, CAD M/1 378 b.1';
Sanmartín UF 21 1989 342 and n. 58; diff. Aartun StUL 159 f.: “Umhang”, Akk.
tubbuku). ¶ Forms: sg. tbk.
A type of leather: msg d tbk leather of (type) t., 4.167:16 (cf. Nuzi KUŠ tu-ub-ku,
HSS 13 342:1).
tbl n. m. “blacksmith, smelter (of metal)” (< Hurr. tabali-, “Schmied”, cf. Neu Das
Hurritische 45; // Hitt. LÚ.SIMUG. Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 87f.; cf. Hb. PN
twblqyn). ¶ Forms: pl. tblm.
Blacksmith, smelter (of metal): ṯlṯ ddm šʕrm l ḥmrm dt tblm three “cauldrons-
ful” of barley for the asses of the smelters, 4.790:15 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee
RSOu 14 p. 355f., 416; Watson AuOr 30 2012 339: PN).
tbq TN; cf. ṭ/tbq.
tbr, rdg qbr, in 1.142:3.
tbrrt n. f. “exemption, tax exemption” (< /b-r(-r)/). ¶ Forms: sg. tbrrt.
Exemption, tax exemption: spr hnd d tbrrt PN this document of exemption
(to the benefit) of PN, 3.12:10.
Cf. /b-r(-r)/.
tbṣr n. m. “examination” (?) / “expropriation” (?) (cf. /b-ṣ-r/ (I) or /b-ṣ-r/ (II).
Dijkstra UF 22 1990 97f.; diff. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 389ff.: PNF). ¶ Forms: sg.
cstr. tbṣr.
Examination (?) / expropriation (?): spr tbṣr klt bt špš file on the examination
(?) / expropriation (?) of the bride, the daughter of the “Sun”, 6.24:1.
Cf. /b-ṣ-r/ (I), /b-ṣ-r/ (II).

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846 tbšn – td:tġl

tbšn PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 266; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168;
Watson LSU 180; AuOrS 27 104).
PN: ★a) bn PN, 4.55:7; 4.63 III 21; ★b) in a TN: gt bn PN, 4.96:1 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 84: *Gittu-Bin-tubbi-šenni (?)).
tbtḫ n. m., a piece or ration of roast meat (cf. Akk. patāḫu, “durchstossen,
durchbohren”, AHw 846; “to pierce, bore”, CAD P 269 f. Sanmartín UF 10 1978
355). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. cstr. tbtḫ.
A piece or ration of roast meat: ṯmnym tbtḫ ảlp eighty t.-pieces of ox, 4.247:19.
Cf. /ṭ-b-ḫ/.
tbtṯb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 264, 266; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 169).
PN: 4.103:15; 4.410:5; 4.753:2; in bkn ctx.: ]tṯb, 4.353:32 (Van Soldt SAU 36);
Cf. tbd, tbdn.
tbṯḫ n. m. “bed” (Akk. tapšaḫu, “Ruhelager”, AHw 1322; “resting place”, CAD
T 194. Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 209: “Ruheplatz, -lager”; Watson LSU 150).
¶ Forms: sg. tbṯḫ.
Bed: yṣq ḫym w tbṯḫ he cast a canopy and a bed, 1.4 I 29.
tbṯr PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.830:7.
tby PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 339).
PN: 4.159:5.
tdủ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.825 I 22.
tdgly n. m., a profession / GN (?). ¶ Forms: pl. tdglym.
A profession / GN: tdg?lym, 4.125:7 (cf. tdġl).
tdgr n. m. “compiler, collector” (cf. Hb. dgr, “to hatch”, HALOT; JAram. Gt dgr,
“to be heaped up”, tdgr, “heap”, DTT 280). ¶ Forms: sg. tdgr.
Compiler, collector: PN tdgr is the collector, 4.625:22.
tdġl n. m., a craftsman, perhaps “maker of pieces of bronze for armour” (cf.
Hurro-Ug. */tu?t(V)=(u)ġ(u)li/(?); Hurro-Akk. tutiwe, ein Bronzestück am
Panzer (?), AHw 1374; a fastening, CAD T 498; pattern in /=ibi/?; cf. Akk.
t/dudittu(m), AHw 1365f., and Ug. tdtt; for /=ibi/ cf. Diakonoff HH 67]. San-
martín SEL 12 1995 184f.; Heltzer IOKU 7 n. 27: exact meaning unknown,
12; OLA 6 480 n. 194, 494; Watson AuOr 29 2011 167: “harness-maker”; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 102f.: PN; Watson UF 42 2010 824: “ac-
countant”, Hurr. tid-, “to count”). ¶ Forms: sg. tdġl; pl. tdġlm.
A craftsman: tdġl PN, 4.183 II 20 (McGeough UgET 85: PN (?)); tdġlm PNN,
4.609:21. Probably a PN in 4.264:9 and, as the allog. ttġl, in 4.147:4 (cf. tdgly).
Cf. td/tġl.
td:tġl PN (etym. unc.; cf. tdġl. Gröndahl PTU 268, 296: Anat. /tudḫaliya/, royal

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tdln – tg 847

name; < (?) ḪUR.SAG du/tu-ut-ḫa-li-ia-, an oronym, cf. Laroche NH 191f., 276,
283; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 6 446). ¶ Forms: tdġl, allog. ttġl.
PN: ttġl, 4.147:4; tdġl, 4.264:9.
Cf. tdġl.
tdln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 296, 424); ¶ syll.: cf. tu-ut-tu-lu-nu, Syria 15
1934 137 (RS [Varia 3]):8.
PN: 4.295:3 (qmnzy).
tdmm n. m. “lascivious, degrading treatment” (< */ḏ-m-m/; Hb. zmh, “infamy”,
HALOT 272; Arab. ḏammat, “blame”, AEL 976. Del Olmo IMC 156; Gzella BiOr
64 2007 557f.; diff. Dijkstra UF 7 1975 563 n. 6: “to be afflicted”; Wyatt RTU 96
n. 113: “deflowering”, dm “blood”); par: bṯt, dnt, tdmmt. ¶ Forms: sg. tdmm.
Lascivious, degrading treatment: dbḥ tdmm ảmht sacrifice of lascivious treat-
ment of (female) slaves, 1.4 III 20 (// bṯt, dnt, tdmmt).
Cf. tdmmt.
tdmmt n. f. “lasciviousness” (< tdmm); ¶ par.: bṯt, dnt, tdmm. ¶ Forms: sg.
Lasciviousness: tdmmt ảmht lasciviousness with (female) slaves (// bṯt, dnt,
tdmm), 1.4 III 22.
Cf. tdmm.
tdmn PN, in bkn ctx.: tdmn[, 4.637:5.
tdn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 262; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 354: c. n. pro-
fession name, meaning unknown).
PN: 4.148:5; 4.609:22 (Van Soldt SAU 39f.); 4.659:4 (bn ddy).
tdrq n. m. “nimble step, march” (Arab. daraqa, “to hurry on”, Hava 203; diff.
Margalit UPA 293f. esp. n. 13: “(back)-pack”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. KI.UŠ = TAR-QU,
MSL 5 71: II 281; Huehnergard UVST 119f.; Sivan UF 21 1989 361; ¶ par.: hlk (I).
¶ Forms: sg. cst. tdrq.
Nimble step, march: w yʕn tdrq ḫss he watched the nimble step of DN, 1.17
V 11, cf. 1.3 IV 39, 1.4 II 15 (// hlk); in bkn ctx.: hlkt tdrq, 1.45:5 (Clemens UF 33
2001 96: “… went, pursued her way …”).
tdtt n. f., type of collar, front (cf. Akk. t/dudittu, “ein Brustschmuck für Frauen”,
AHw 1365f.; “pectoral”, CAD D 168ff.; Dietrich-Loretz BiO 23 1966 132).
¶ Forms: sg./pl. tdtt.
Type of collar, front: bʕl tdtt makers of collars, 4.609:35 (for a diff. rdg Bor-
dreuil-Pardee ManUg 339: ʕdtt type of garment).
tdyn PN (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13).
PN: 4.696:5.
Cf. ttyn.
tg PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Gröndahl PTU 259; Laroche
GLH 249f.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 339).

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848 tgbry – tgmr

PN: 4.83:6.
tgbry PN (?) (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 245: /biria/, 261 f.: /tak/;
Hurr. tagi, “beau”, Laroche GLH 249f.: /tagi/; Watson AuOr 30 2012 339);
¶ syll.: É.AN.ZA.GÀR ta-ga-bi-ra(- ya), Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):5, 15, 22; cf. ibid. ln.
2; Huehnergard UVST 116; AkkUg 355, 390: ta5-ga14-bar!-ya!?.
PN, in composite TN: gt tgbry, gt tgbry, 4.271:7, 9 (cf. 4.296:13; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 92: *Gittu-Tagabirā(yi)).
tgḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 251, 259; Laroche GLH 249 f.: /tagi/; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 168); ¶ syll.: ta-gi5-ša-na, PRU 3 46 (RS 16.140):8; ták-ša-na,
PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257) II 3; Huehnergard UVST 218, 224; AkkUg 401.
PN: bn PN, 4.33:9 (ủgrty); 4.55:29; 4.69 VI 10 (Van Soldt SAU 33; 4.807:22).
tgġln PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 258 f., 427; Laroche GLH 249 f.: /tagi/; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 339); ¶ syll.: ták-ḫu-li-nu/na, PRU 3 44 (RS 16.273):2 [cf. Ug 3
140; Van Soldt SAU 70, 85]; PRU 3 112 (RS 15.114):8; PRU 3 112 (RS 15.126):2,
7, 12; PRU 3 113 (RS 16.353):6, 16f., 23, 27; PRU 3 115 (RS 16.148):6; PRU 3 210
(RS 15.X):7; ta-gu-uḫ-li-nu, PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) rev. 13 (Huehnergard AkkUg
377; Van Soldt SAU 350 n. 209); cf. ta-ku-uḫ-li, PRU 4 221 (RS 17.383):3 (Van
Soldt SAU 70).
PN: 4.609:38.
tgh n. m. “absence” (vb n. /tqtl/ pattern < */g-h-y)/. Syr. ghy, “to escape, disap-
pear”, SL 208. Margalit UF 8 1976 155; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 173; Pardee
CS/1 340 n. 73; diff. Gibson CML 159; Watson NABU 1999/54: “lighting up”,
*ngh); ¶ par.: ṣbủ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. tgh.
Absence: w tgh nyr rbt and the absence of “the Great Luminary”, 1.16 I 37 (//
tghb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.658:22 ([b]n šnh/ỉ).
tgml, n. m. a cultic installation of the palace (?) (etym. unc. De Tarragon RB 100
1993 95: Hb. tgmwl “present, gift”; Xella TRU 65, cit. Job 30:25; CR 86 n. 83, for
this and other opinions; also Pardee TR/1 148: “comme TGML”; diff. De Moor
NYCI/2 15 n. 40; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 145: mythical animal;
Xella TRU 65: “vitelli”, metath. of ʕglm; Watson LSU 120: “incantation” (?)]).
¶ Forms: sg. tgml.
A cultic installation (?), in bkn ctx.: yʕrb (…) t{.}k tgml (the king) shall enter
(…) within the tgml, 1.41:9 (KTU rdg ʕgml) and par. 1.87:10: t[g]ml.
tgmr n. m. “totality, total (sum, value, expenses)” (< */g-m-r/. Akk. gimirtu,
gimru, “Gesamtheit”, AHw 289; “totality, whole, all”, CAD G 75ff.; ARMT 27
303: gimartum; nagmaru, “Abschlusszahlung”, AHw 712; “completion, end”,
CAD N 121. Liverani UF 2 1970 103–106; Watson LSU 110); ¶ RS Akk.: SU.NÍGIN,
passim; cf. in alph. texts: 4.48:13; 4.63 I 48; II 12, 20, 29, 34, 39; IV 18; 4.69 I 29;

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tgn – tgtn 849

III 22; V 5, 16, 26; VI 5, 21, 37; 4.71 II 9; III 4, 9; 4.72:5; 4.90:11; 4.93 IV 42; 4.100:10;
4.299:6; 4.308:17; 4.435:16, 22; 4.610 IV 6, 9, 11; 4.704:1; 4.754:20; 4.809:14; 4.810:6;
4.820 III 1; 4.841:73; 4.860:41; 4.861:13. ¶ Forms: sg. tgmr.
Totality, total (sum, value, expenses), ★a) in ge. syntagms: tgmr yn d nkly sum
total of the wine consumed, 4.230:14; tgrm (tgm!r!) šmn sum total of the oil,
4.313:27, see tgmr šmn, 4.808:10; tgmr bnš mlk sum total of “men of the king”,
4.141 II 25; tgmr bnš l b bt mlk total of the people actually in service in the
palace, 4.137:13; tgmr ḫrd total of the troops, 4.179:15; 4.777:12; tgmr yṣḥm (…)
bnš mlk total of the bronzesmiths: (so many: all of them) “the king’s men”,
4.151 II 1; tgmr šd total (area of the land) in “strips”, 4.282:16 (cf. šd (II)); tgmr
ả[pn sum total of the whe[els, 4.67:10; tgmr ủz PN total value of the geese of
PN, 4.296:5–6; tgmr ksp total value in cash, 4.156:6; 4.276:14; 4.341:22, cf. in bkn
ctx. tgmr k[, 4.333:9; tgmr yn mṣb (…) w ḥsp (…) total of the “cellar wine”: (so
much), and of decanted (wine): (so much), 1.91:35; tgmr kśmn b yrḫ MN total
expenses of spelt in the month of MN, 4.269:30; tgmr ḥṭm total expenses of
wheat, 4.269:32; tgmr ảkl total (expenses) of grain, 4.271:1 and passim; 4.636:2
and passim; ★b) adv. accus.: in total: ṯṯm l mỉt ṯn kbd tgmr one hundred and
seventy-two in total, 4.173:11; tgmr ảlp ṯlṯ mảt in total: one thousand three
hundred, 4.337:28; in bkn ctx.: tgm[r, 4.218:6; tgmr[, 4.764:9.
tgn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 259; Laroche GLH 249 f.: /tagi/; Watson LSU 181;
AuOr 30 2012 339); ¶ syll.: ta-ga-nu, PRU 6 70:16.
PN, in bkn ctx.: bn tgn[, 4.64 V 7.
Cf. tkn, tqn.
tgpḫ PN (Hurr. or Hurro-Akk. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 246: /puḫ/; Laroche
GLH 249f.: /tagi/).
PN: 4.658:43 (bn šrny).
tgr “?”, in bkn ctx.: 7.135:2 (for 1.1 IV 12 cf. /g-r(-y)/).
tgrš PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 259); ¶ syll.: ta-ga-ra-ši, PRU 6 70 (RS 17.50):8.
PN: 4.63 II 24; for the reading tgrš<p> in 4.63 II 24 cf. Weippert ZDPV 82 1966
322f.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10; SEL 8 1991 167.
Cf. tgršp.
tgršp PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 227, 259; Laroche GLH 249 f.; Ribichini-Xella
SEL 8 1991 167); ¶ syll.: ta-gi-ir-šap, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):13; ta-gir9-šap, ibid.
ln. 17; cf. PRU 3 174 (RS 16.280):5; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 397 n. 79; Van Soldt
SAU 350 n. 209.
PN: 4.728:8 (b[n); 4.759:8 (bn brś).
Cf. tgrš.
tgtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 259, 262; Laroche GLH 249 f.); ¶ syll.: ta-ak-te-na,
PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 50; Van Soldt SAU 34.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 V 9; 4.841:70.

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850 tgyn – tġẓ

tgyn PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Gröndahl PTU 258 f.; Laroche
GLH 249f.: /tagi/); ¶ syll.: ta-gi-ya-na, RS 22.399+:26 (unpub. cf. Van Soldt
SAU 361 n. 236).
PN: ★a) 4.33:10 (ảrty); 3.23:20; 4.44:13, 29; 4.97:3 (mʕx[); 4.294:2; 4.379:4
( yʕrty); 4.410:11 (rdg unc.; cf. Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.423:19 (Van Soldt SAU 37);
4.696:6; ★b) in composite TN: gt tgyn, 4.97:6; 4.643:9.
Cf. tkyn.
tġd PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 261, 263; Dietrich-Loretz UF 1 1969 214; Laroche
GLH 261: /teḫi-/; Watson AuOr 30 2012 339).
PN: 4.609:9.
tġh PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 263, 314; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 303;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 339).
PN: bn PN, 4.85:7.
tġll, element of the mythical TN mrrt-tġll-bnr, scene of Aqht’s violent death
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 191: *Mirartu-Taġullalu-Banīri (?). Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 119ff.; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 209; Margalit UF 11
1979 522; Watson LSU 138: “date-palm which produces dates”; Astour RSP 2
303. De Moor ARTU 260 n. 230: “the gallbladder that brings into the fire”, cf.
TN: 1.19 III 50, 51f.
Cf. bnr, mrrt (III).
tġpṯ n. m., a type of “packsaddle, nosebag” or “felt” (Akk. taḫapšu, “eine Decke
für Pferde”, AHw 1301; “a woolen or linen blanket or stole”, CAD T 40 f. Kendall
Warfare 314. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 68; Watson LSU 134; AuOr 29 2011 166, 169;
Loretz HippUg 71f.: “eine Decke aus Filz (für Pferde)”). ¶ Forms: sg. tġpṯ; pl.
or du. tġpṯm.
A type of packsaddle, nosebag or felt: bʕl tġpṯ(m) maker(s) of packsaddles /
felt, 4.183 II 10; 4.370:13; 4.609:36; cf. ṯr tġpṯn (DN), 1.42:49, in Hurr. ctx.
tġpṯn PN (< tġpṯ. Watson LSU 181).
PN: 4.57:3 (bkn ctx.). Cf. the homograph tġpṯn, 1.42:49, in Hurr. ctx.
tġṯyn PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Watson LSU 181).
PN: bn PN, 4.57:9.
tġyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 263; Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 303; La-
roche GLH 261).
PN: 4.98:5 (bn ủbn).
tġẓ n. m. “offering, libation” (see tġẓyt. Xella TRU 39 f.; Del Olmo SEL 12 1995 43).
¶ Forms: sg. tġẓ.
Offering, libation: ʕlm tġz b ġb ṣpn (on the) next (day), a t.-offering in the ġ.
of DN, 1.105:21, cf. ln. 3, 7, 11f.
Cf. /ġ-ẓ-y/, mġẓ, tġẓyt.

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tġẓyt – thw 851

tġẓyt n. f. “offering, libation” (< /ġ-ẓ-y/, mġẓ. De Moor SP 240 f.; Lipiński OLP 3
1972 107f.; diff. Margalit MLD 196: “appeasement”, id.; ¶ par.: trmt. ¶ Forms:
sg. tġẓyt.
Offering, libation: come down l tšt yn tġẓyt to drink wine of libation, 1.6 VI 45
(// lḥm trm{m}t).
Cf. /ġ-z-y/, mġẓ, tġẓ.
thm n. m. 1) “ocean”; 2) “the Ocean”, DN (Hb. thwm, “primeval ocean”, HALOT
1690f.; Syr. thōmāʔ, “wave, sea, abyss”, SL 1624f.; Arab. TN taham, tihāmat,
“land descending to the sea”, AEL 320; Akk. tiamtu, tâmtu, “Meer, See”, AHw
1353; “sea, ocean”, CAD T 150ff.); ¶ par.: ym (II). ¶ Forms: sg. thm; f. thmt, cf.
infra: thmt.
1) Ocean: w yṣġd gp thm and went to the shore of the ocean, 1.23:30 (// ym).
2) The Ocean, DN: bt šmm w thm daughter of Sky and Ocean, 1.100:1; thm w
šmm Ocean and Sky, 1.179:9; hm škb ʕl thm if he is lying upon Ocean, ibid. ln.
4; ydk l thm your hand for Ocean, ibid. ln. 6'.
Cf. thmt.
thmt n. f. “Primordial Ocean”, “abyss” (cf. thm. Ebla /tihām(a)tum/ in AB.A
= ti-ʔà-ma-tum, VE 1343; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 43; Fronzaroli EL 151; StEb
7 1984 183; Krecher Biling. 147; ti-ʔà-ma-dím, ARET 5 58; Bonechi QuSem
15 132; cf. AN.MA = A.NE/TI-ma-a-ti-a-mu, VE 785; Fales QuSem 13 182f.
(rdg dè/ti-a-ma-a(-)ti-a-mu (?)); Akk. tiamtu, tâmtu, “Meer, See”, AHw 1353;
“sea, ocean”, CAD T 150ff.; Arab. TN taham, tihāmat, AEL 320, cf. tahima.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 117; Smith UBC/1 60 n. 81); ¶ syll. Ug.: [AN-tu4]
= [a]š-[t]e-a-ni-wi = ta-a-ma-tu4, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) III 34; Huehnergard
UVST 184f.; Van Soldt SAU 307, 331; ¶ par.: nhr, šmm. ¶ Forms: sg. (?) thmt;
du. thmtm; pl. thmt.
Primordial Ocean, abyss: qrb ảpq thmtm in the heart of the source of the two
oceans, 1.4 IV 22 and par. (// nhrm); b ʕdt thmtm in the confluence of the two
oceans, 1.100:3 (// nhrm); bl šrʕ thmtm nor flow of the two oceans, 1.19 I 45 (//
ṭbn ql bʕl); tảnt (…) thmt ʕmn kbkbm the whispering of the abysses with the
stars, 1.3 III 25 and par. (// šmm); w tglṯ thmt and the abyss seethed, 1.92:5 (?);
in bkn ctx.: ]k yġḏ thmt brq as lightning moves the abyss, 1.17 VI 12; w thmt,
1.148:41 (the Akk. parallel is missing in RS 26.142); in unc. ctx.: 1.17 VI 12, thmt
Cf. thm.
thw n. m. “steppe, desert” (Hb. thw, “wilderness, wasteland”, HALOT 1689 f.;
Arab. tīh, “desert”, AEL 326. Gibson CML 159; Tsumura UF 19 1987 309 ff.);
¶ par.: ym (II). ¶ Forms: sg. thw (Huehnergard UVST 84, 287).
Steppe, desert: npš lbỉm thw the appetite of the lion of the steppe, 1.5 I 15,
1.133:4 (// b ym).

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852 tḥm – tḥt (i)

tḥm n. m. “message, decree” (etym. unc. For a survey of opinions see Watson
LSU 29–36, 58–61, 134; cf. Akk. ṭēmu, “Anweisung, Bescheid”, AHw 1385ff.;
“report, news”, CAD Ṭ 85ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element taḥmu in PNN; Sivan
GAGl 278); ¶ par.: hwt (I). ¶ Forms: sg. tḥm, suff. tḥmk.
Message: tšủ gh w tṣḥ tḥm ṯr ỉl ảbk he raised his voice and said: message
of the “bull”, DN, your father, 1.6 IV 10 and par., formula for transmitting a
message in literary texts (// hwt). Del Olmo MLC 55); tḥm ảlỉyn bʕl message
of “The Most Powerful One”, DN, 1.3 IV 7 and par.; tḥm ym bʕlkm message of
DN, your lord, 1.2 I 17 and. (// hwt); tḥm bn ỉlm mt message of the divine DN,
1.5 I 12; tḥm pbl mlk message of the king PN, 1.14 III 21 and par.; tḥm krt ṯʕ
message of PN, the Noble, 1.14 VI 40 (// hwt); tḥmk ỉl ḥkm (…) ḥyt ḥẓt tḥmk
you message, DN, is wise (…) (may) the lucky life (of) your message (be …),
1.3 V 30–31 and par.; tḥm ỉwrḏr l plsy rgm message of PN; to PN say, 2.10:1
and par.; cf. 2.84:1; 2.86:3; 2.87:1; 2.88:1, 31; 2.97:2; 2.104:2; 2.109:1; and passim,
introductory formula in letters (Cunchillos TOu/2 244 ff.); tḥm m[lk message
of the king, 2.4:3, cf. 2.30:2, 2.34:1, 2.44:3 and par.; tḥm mlkt message of the
queen, 2.88:1; 2.90:1; 2.99:1; 2.102:1; tḥm tlmyn message of PN, 2.12:4 and par.;
tḥm ʕzỉlt bnkm message of PN your (pl.) son, 2.85:4; l (…) rgm tḥm ʕmrpỉ to
(…) say: message of PN, 2.76:2, 11, cf. 2.81:4; 9.530:2; WL 232:2 and par.; tḥm
ydn ʕm mlk message of PN to the king, 2.47:1; tḥm špš l ʕmrpỉ rgm message
of the “Sun”: to PN say, 2.39:1; l (…) rgm tḥm mlk bnk to (…) say: message of
the king your son, 2.13:3 and par.; tḥm rgm mlk oral note of the king, 2.26:1
(Cunchillos TOu/2 316 n. 1); tḥm skn ʕbdk message of the administrator, your
servant; 4.89:2; 2.101:3; w h]n tḥm bʕl[ y and behold the message of my lord,
2.2:12; lỉkt bt mlk tḥmk I have sent your message to the house of the king, 2.36:5
(Cunchillos TOu/2 393) in bkn ctx.: tḥm, 1.14 V 16; 1.83:14; 2.35:2; 2.45:10; 2.63:3;
tḥmk, 2.77:5; 2.83:4; [t]ḥmk, 1.1 II 3; tḥm hy, 2.81:17; 2.100:3; 2.103:1.
Cf. ỉltḥm.
tḥt (I) prep. 1) “under, beneath”; 2) “at the feet of”; 3) “subordinate to”; 4)
“among” (Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram. tḥt, “below, underneath”, HALOT 1721ff.;
“under”, DNWSI 1209ff.; EA Akk. ta-aḫ-ta-mu, EAT 252:26, Sivan GAGl 278:
“underneath, below”; Amor. /taḥtu/, “below”, Gelb CAAA 34; “under”, “in-
stead of”, Huffmon APNMT 269; OSA tḥt, “beneath”, SD 147; Arab. taḥt, “be-
low, under”, AEL 298; Eth. tāḥ(ǝ)t, “below, under”, CDG 572. Gordon UT 10.15;
Aartun PU/2 61f.; Tropper UG 768f.); ¶ par.: ʕl (I). ¶ Forms: tḥt, suff. tḥth,
tḥtn (?).
1) Under, beneath: tḥt ʕnt ảrṣ beneath the springs of the “earth”, 1.3 IV 36
and par.; yqṯqṯ tḥt ṯlḥnt he crept under the tables, 1.114:5; ylmn (…) tḥt ṯlḥn
he struck him (…) under the table, 1.114:8; w tḥtk qn l tqnn ʕqrb nor beneath
yourself will the scorpion coil, 1.178:5, see ln. 7. For 1.6 VI 46–47 cf. /ḥ-t-k/.

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tḥt (ii) – tk 853

2) At the feet of: tḥth k kdrt rỉ[š] at her feet like balls (rolled) the heads, 1.3
II 9 and par. (// ʕlh); yġr tḥt ksỉ he fell at the feet of (his) throne, 1.2 IV 7; ảšqlk
tḥt [pʕny] I shall knock you down [at my feet], 1.17 VI 44; tḥt ʕnt yql at the
feet of DN he fell, 1.19 II 38, see w yql tḥt pʕny and fall at my feet, 1.19 III 18 and
par.; tql!ln tḥt pʕnh they fell at his feet, 1.19 III 10 and par.; ảrṣ rd (…) tḥt rpỉm
qdmym go down to the “Earth” (…) at the feet of the ancestral DN, 1.161:22 and
par., in ln. 26 mistake tḥm for tḥt (cf. Hb. tḥt pʕn; diff. Del Olmo CR 159 n. 77:
“together with”, for this and other versions; also Cecchini UF 13 1981 27–31;
Suriano AuOr 27 209 110, 113ff.: “in the stead / place of …”); tḥt ỉl ṯmk at the
feet of the gods of TN, 1.179:2 (De Moor UF 40 2008 180); tḥt pʕn bʕlk at the
feet of your lord, 6.84:2, cf. ln. 5
3) Subordinate to: yʕdd tḥt ảrbn PN subordinate to PN, 4.133:1–3 (diff. Pardee
UF 8 1976 304: “in the place of”).
4. Among: yṯb (…) tḥt ảdrm, he sat (…) among the nobles, 1.17 V 6 (diff.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 181: “before”).
In unc. and bkn ctx.: l ytn lhm tḥt bʕl, 1.9:12; ʕrpt tḥt, 1.8 II 11; yp tḥt, 1.84:10; tḥt,
1.4 VII 58; 2.80:3.
Cf. tḥtn.
tḥt (II) adv. “underneath” (< n. m. Hb. tḥt, “what is located underneath”, HALOT
1721f.; Ph., Pun., OAram, Palm., “what is lower, below”, DNWSI 1209 ff.; Arab.
taḥt, “the location that is beneath”, AEL 298; Eth. tāḥt, “lower part”, CDG 572).
¶ Forms: tḥt, tḥtm (encl. -m).
Underneath, in bkn ctx.: t[ḥt] tlbš npṣ ġzr underneath she put on the clothes
of a noble, 1.19 IV 43, cf. ln. 46, w ʕl tlbš npṣ ảṯt; in bkn ctx.; w ṯḥtm and
underneath, 2.98:35.
tḥtn adj. m. “lower” (< tḥt). ¶ Forms: sg. tḥtn.
Lower, in bkn ctx.: dlt tḥtn, lower door, 4.351 (McGeough UgET 320).
tḥtyt adj. f. “lower” (Hb. tḥtyt, “lower, lowest”, HALOT 1724; Aram. tḥty(h), “what
is below”, DNWSI 1211; JPAram. tḥtyy, “lower one”, DJPA 580; Eth. tāḥtit, “lower
part”, CDG 572. Dietrich-Loretz MU 128). ¶ Forms: sg. tḥ<t>yt.
Lower, in bkn ctx.: špth tḥ<t>yt kr[t (if) its lower lip is short / cut, 1.103:32;
tḥt<yt>, 4.271:7 (or “below”: tḥt, as a c. n. (?)).
Cf. tḥt (I), tḥt (II).
tḫtṣb n. m. “battle” (< /ḫ-ṣ-b/; for the nominal pattern cf. Hecker Biling. 216 ff.);
¶ par.: tmtḫṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. tḫtṣb.
Battle: w l šbʕt (…) tḫtṣb bn qrtm but she was not sated (…) with (her) battle
between (the) two cities, 1.3 II 20 and par. (// tmtḫṣ).
Cf. ḫ-ṣ-b/.
tk n. m. “centre, middle”, used as a prep. 1) “in, in the midst of, among”; 2) “to,
towards”; 3) “before, in front of” (Hb. twk, b twk, “inside, inner part”, “in the

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854 tkm – tkn (ii)

middle of”, HALOT 1697f.; Hitt. tuekka, tukka-, tuikamm- (?), “body”; Watson
LSU 123f.: Akk. tikku (?)); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. adj. /tōkīyu/ “interior, central” in TN
URU ga-li-li(-)tu-ki-ia (ge.), PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):9 (alph.: glltky); Huehnergard
UVST 185; Sivan UF 21 1989 362. Gordon UT § 10.16; Aartun PU/2 62 n. 588;
Watson UF 31 1999 791; Tropper UG 772, 775f.); ¶ par.: ʕm (I), qdm (II).
¶ Forms: tk.
1. In, in the midst of, among + b: b tk ġry ỉl ṣpn in my divine mountain, DN, 1.3
III 29 and par., cf. 1.101:2; b tk ṣrrt ṣpn in the peaks of DN, 1.4 V 55; yqm (…) b tk
p[ḫ]r bn ỉlm they have stood up (…) in the midst of the assembly of the gods,
1.4 III 13; b tk rpỉ ảr[ṣ] among the DN of the “Earth”, 1.15 III 14 and par.; b tk
ủgrt in the midst of TN, 1.108:25; šủ ʕdb <b (?)> tk mdbr qdš take (and) settle
in the holy desert, 1.23:65, see 1.12 I 21 infra: 2.; kn npl (…) b tk mšmš bʕl thus
fell (…) in the midst of the “marsh” DN, 1.12 II 55; b tk bt in (the middle of) the
house, 4.195:8; w yʕdb d b tkh and he prepares what is within it, 1.179:28, 37.
2. To, towards: towards me (…) tk ḫršn towards the mountain, 1.1 II 23 and
par. (// ʕm); ỉdk ảl ttn pnm tk qrth then, set face towards his city, 1.4 VIII 11
and par., cf. 1.2 I 20; 1.3 VI 13; 1.5 II 15; V 12; 1.10 II 9, 12; 1.100:63; w ẓỉ b tk md !br
ỉl šỉy and go (…) to (the middle of) the divine desert of TN, 1.12 I 21, supra 1.
1.23:65 (cf. šỉy).
3. Before, in front of: št (…) mrỉả w tk pnh he set … a fatling directly in front
of her face, 1.3 IV 41 and par. (// qdmh).
In bkn ctx.: n]hr tk, 1.2 III 8; b tk ủ[, 1.2 III 9; tk mdd ỉl, 1,4.VII 3; k]rt tk, 1.14 V 17;
b tk, 6.45:1; 1.41:9 t]k ʕgml[; t{.}k t[g]ml, 1.87:10.
tkm TN, mythical birthplace of the ảklm / ʕqqm (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 284:
*Takamu (?); diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 195f.: a demon, Akk. utukku;
Gray UF 3 1971 62 n. 13; Kapelrud Ug 7 320 n. 11: “to crouch (in pain)”, Arab.
*wkm; Schloen JNES 52 1993 215 n. 42: “to be oppressed”, *tôk).
TN: b ảln tkm the oak grove TN, 1.12 I 20 (// b tk md !br ỉl šỉy; diff. Dietrich-
Loretz Fs. Heltzer 135: “die Eiche der Dämonen”, *tkk, “bedrücken”, for this
and other opinions; Zurro PI 146f.: “(y sal) a la encina del medio” [tk-m //
tkmn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 290).
TN, in bkn ctx.: tkm[n, 4.27:1 (Bordreuil NABU 1987/91); t]kmn, 4.414:7 (Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1998 17).
tkn (I) n. m., occupation or social class (“inspector, measurer” (?). Hb. tkn, “to
examine, check”, “fixed measure”, HALOT 1734). ¶ Forms: pl. tknm.
Occupation or social class (inspector, measurer (?)): tknm, 4.126:31.
tkn (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 284f.: *Takunu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour
RSP 2 334; Wesselius UF 15 1983 315; Bordreuil Syria 66 1989 269; Van Soldt
Topography 45, 195); ¶ syll.: URU ta-ku-ni, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):15; Wesselius

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tkn (iii) – tl (ii) 855

UF 15 1983 315 for PRU 3 199 (RS 16.126 B+) IV 40; Van Soldt UF 28 1996
TN: 4.355:27.
Cf. tkny.
tkn (III) PN (Hurr.; cf. tkn (II). Laroche GLH 249f.: /tagi/; Gelb-Purves-MacRae
NPN 261f.: /tak(k)/); ¶ syll.: cf. ták-a-an (?), PRU 3 76 (RS 16.144):6; ták-ka-na
Ug 5 7 (RS 17.036):13; Van Soldt SAU 13: Takʔānu; Huehnergard UVST 247
n. 148; AkkUg 377.
PN: bn PN, 4.631:14.
Cf. tgn, tqn.
tkny GN (< tkn (II). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 284).
GN: PN tkny, 9.458:29 (Bordreuil Syria 66 1989 269).
tkt see /n-k-t/.
tkwn PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Laroche GLH 249 f.;
Watson AuOr 30 2012 339); ¶ syll.: cf. ta-ku-an, PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):18;
ta-gu-a-nu, PRU 6 80 (RS 19.111):6; Watson AuOr 11 1993 219.
PN: ★a) 4.556:4; ★b) bn PN, 4.103:53.
tkyġ adj. m., qualifying a type of harness or (horse) trappings ((?). Hurr. adj. in
/-ḫe/ as a gentilic; cf. TN gll tky. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 95; Vita
EU 81; Watson NABU 2007/11: “reins”, Akk. tikātu; AuOr 29 2011 162). ¶ Forms:
sg. m. tkyġ.
Qualifying a type of harness or (horse) trappings: (twelve) ḫpnt śśwm ảmtm
tkyġ yd llḫhm (sets of) protective padding for horses, of two ells, of type t. (?),
with their l., 4.363:4 (diff. Del Olmo IMC 200: “envergadura”, Arab. kūʕ).
tkyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 258; Laroche GLH 249 f.: /tagi/; Ribichini-Xella
RSF 15 1987 13); ¶ syll.: cf. ta-ki-ia-na, PRU 3 63 (RS 16.174):5; PRU 3 196
(RS 15.42+) II 7; cf. ták-ia-na, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):38; ta-ki-ia, PRU 6 99
(RS 19.09):15; Ug 5 27 (RS 20.22):9 and passim ibid.
PN: 4.70:10 (ṯmry); 4.690:12 (ảgmy).
Cf. tgyn.
tl (I) n. m. “hill, hillock, knoll” (Hb. tl, “rubbish heap”, HALOT 1735f.; Syr. tellāʔ,
“mound, hill, ruin”, SL 1646; Arab. tall, “a mound, hill”, AEL 311; Akk. tīlu/tillu,
“(Schutt-)Hügel”, AHw 1359; “tell”, CAD T 409ff.; Eg. /tilla/, “Mounds, Heaps”,
Hoch SWET 356f. (527)); ¶ par.: ġr (I), nrt (II). ¶ Forms: sg. tl (?); du. tlm.
Hill, hillock, knoll: ʕm tlm ġṣr ảrṣ towards the two hills (that are at the) edge
of the earth, 1.4 VIII 4 (// ʕm ġr TN); ʕl tlm k ʕṭrṭrt upon the hillock is like a
diadem, 1.16 III 11 (// bm nrt; diff. Dietrich-Loretz 10 1978 425: “Furche” // nrt);
tl bʕl the hill of DN, 1.179:19.
tl (II) n. m. 1) holder or strap for supporting a weapon (?); 2) by meton.
“weapon” (?) (Hb. tly, “quiver-belt”, HALOT 1739; OAram. tly, “weapon”,

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856 tlỉyt – tlgn

DNWSI 1216: tly2; Akk. tillu. Cooper UF 20 1988 21; for a survey of opinions
see Wyatt RTU 289 n. 175). ¶ Forms: sg. tl; pl. tlm.
1) Holder or strap for supporting a weapon (?): mrḥh l tl yṣb his lance in the
t. he put, 1.16 I 52 (diff. De Moor ARTU 214: “tell”, tl (I); Del Olmo MLC 636:
“marco, jamba, gancho”, Akk. tillu; Greenstein UPN 33: “threshold”).
2) Weapon(s) (?): n]šả tlm she seized the weapons, 1.19 I 7 (Del Olmo IMC 128
n. 289; MLRSO 231 n. 58; diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 197: “furrow”, cf. tlm;
Margalit UF 11 1979 555f.; 16 1984 120f.: “mountain”, cf. tl (I); Caquot SEL 2 1985
98f.: “frapper”, *hlm; Wyatt RTU 289 n. 175: “quiver”).
tlỉyt n. f. “triumph, victory” (< /l-ʔ-y:w/) (I). For the form cf. Hb. tlʔh, HALOT
1737f. De Moor UF 1 1969 202); ¶ par.: nḥlt. ¶ Forms: sg. tlỉyt.
Triumph, victory: ġr tlỉyt the mountain of triumph, 1.10 III 28, 31; gbʕ tlỉyt the
peak of victory, 1.3 III 31; 1.101:3 (// ġr nḥlty); in 1.19 II 35 rdg nlỉym, see /l-ʔ-y/
Cf. /l-ʔ-y/w/.
tlʕ n. m. “high part” > in anatomy, the “neck”, “nape” or the “chest”, “thorax”
(Arab. talaʕa, “to erect, lift the head”, talīʕ, “long-necked”, Hava 61; Akk. tulû,
“Brust(warze), Mamma”, AHw 1369f.; “breast, teat”, CAD T 467ff.; Eth. tallāʕ,
“breast”, CDG 574. Del Olmo IMC 56; Watson NUS 21 1980 9; Van Selms UF 2
1970 264: “height”, Arab. talaʕa; De Moor SP 133; Gibson CML 159: “maggots”,
“gnawing creature”, Hb. twlʕ; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 135 n. g: “rouillées”, Hb.
*tlʕ, twlʕh); ¶ par.: ỉrt. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. tlʕm (encl. -m).
Neck, nape, alt. chest, thorax: b ym ỉrtm (…) [b ṯpṭ] nhr tlʕm on DN (his) chest
(became stronger, on Judge) DN (his) neck / thorax, 1.2 IV 4; in bkn ctx.: ]tlʕ,
tlb PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 265; Watson LSU 18; AuOr 30 2012 340).
PN: 4.357:16.
tlbr PN bkn (?) (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 265; Hess UF 17 1985 161; Hess AmPN 159:
PN bkn (?): tlbr[, 4.83:2.
tlby PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 265); ¶ syll.: tu-ul-bi-ia, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):17;
cf. túl?-bi?-x (?), Ug 7 pl. 2 15' (Huehnergard AkkUg 404; Watson AuOr 30
2012 340; diff. Malbran-Labat RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036) rev. 16: rdg tuk/túl-ša);
ta-la-bi-i[a, PRU 6 56 (RS 17.121):2.
PN: in bkn ctx., 3.14:2, 3; 4.118:4.
tldn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 262, 265; Watson AuOr 11 1993 221); ¶ syll.:
cf. tal-du-na, PRU 6 99 (RS 19.09):22.
PN: 3.8:1; 4.84:8.
tlgn PN (etym. unc.; Watson AuOr 30 2012 340).
PN: 4.609:35.

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tlm – tlš (ii) 857

tlm n. m “furrow” (?) (Hb. tlm, “furrow in a field”, HALOT 1740; Arab. talam,
“furrow or ploughshare”, Hava 61; Eth. tǝlm, “furrow”, CDG 574; Eg. /taláma/,
“Furrow”, Hoch SWET 378 (564). Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 197; Badre et al.
Syria 53 1976 122; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 425). ¶ Forms: sg. tlm.
Furrow (?), in bkn ctx.: tlm, 1.172:15; for tlm in 1.16 III 11 cf. tl (I); for 1.19 I 7, cf.
tl (II), 2.
tlmủ PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 260; Laroche GLH 253); ¶ syll.: tal-ma-ʔu, PRU 6
86 (RS 19.82) II 9; tal-ma-ʔi, PRU 6 168 (RS 21.199):12; cf. tal-m[a?, PRU 6 148
(RS 17.097):19; Huehnergard UVST 245f.; AkkUg 394. ¶ Forms: tlmủ, ge. tlmỉ.
PN: ★a) tlmủ, 4.85:4 (zlyy); 4.678:4; ★b) tlmỉ, 4.337:7; 4.343:7.
tlmd n. m. “trained, one being tamed” (< /l-m-d/; Akk. talmī/ēdu, “Lehrling”,
AHw 1311; “apprentice”, CAD T 103; Hb., Aram. tlmyd, “pupil”, HALOT 1740f.;
JPAram. tlmyd, “student, scholar”, DJPA 583; Eth. talmid, “disciple”, CDG 575.
De Moor UF 11 1979 652; Watson SEL 25 2008 60). ¶ Forms: du. tlmdm.
Trained, one being tamed (said of draught animals), in bkn ctx.: ]w tlmdm
and the ones being tamed, 4.384:8, see ʕšrm lmd, twenty trained (oxen),
Cf. /l-m-d/.
tlmn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.868:7.
tlmš TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 285: *Talmišu. Astour UF 13 1981 7 and n. 44; RSOu
11 66 n. 76; Watson LSU 204); ¶ syll.: URU tal-mi-šu, Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):7;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 689.
TN, in bkn ctx.: 4.643:20.
tlmyn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 260; Laroche GLH 253; Lipiński OLP 12 1981
91ff.; Cunchillos TOu/2 282f. n. 4, 300; Van Soldt SAU 17 n. 159; Topography
45, 185; Watson LSU 181f.: t/ṭlmyn); ¶ syll.: tal-mi-ia-na, PRU 3 37 (RS 15.81):9;
PRU 3 169 (RS 16.145):5; PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):18; cf. tal-mi-ia, PRU 3 193
(RS 12.34+):21; /talmiya/ hieroglyphic seal Ug 3 63 fig. 88 (RS 18.263). ¶ Forms:
probl. allom. ṭlmyn in 4.277:7.
PN: ★a) 2.11:3; 2.12:4; 2.16:1 (Cunchillos TOu/2 301 n. 21); 2.64:4 (Van Soldt
SAU 156); 2.71:1 (Van Soldt SAU 17 and n. 159); 3.10:21 (bn ỉly); 3.30:18 (bn ỉlyy);
4.84:7; 4.226:4; 4.259:4; 4.352:8 (bn ʕdy); 4.379:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.63 I 31; 4.69
I 6; 4.340:3 (Dijkstra UF 21 1989 147 n. 46); 4.383:5; 4.623:6 (Van Soldt SAU 11;
Dijkstra UF 21 1989 147 n. 46); ★c) prob. allom. ṭmyn, 4.277:7 (Zadok UF 17
1986 390 and cf. Watson AuOr 8 1990 119); in bkn ctx.: ]tlmyn, 4.330:1.
tlš (I) DNF, female slave of the god yrḫ (etym. unc. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 337;
Dalix Historiae 3 2006 56: Hurr.).
DN: tlš ảmt yrḫ DN, female slave of DN, 1.12 I 14 (cf. // dmgy ảmt ảṯrt).
tlš (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf. tlš, DNF); ¶ syll.: cf. túl/tuk-ša, RSOu 7 3 (RS 34.036)

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858 tlšn – tmnt

rev. 16 (Malbran-Labat RSOu 7 20; Watson AuOr 30 2012 340; diff. Huehner-
gard AkkUg 404: rdg túl?-bi?-x(?); cf. tu-li(-ia)-ša, PRU 3 7 (RS 8.333):8, 12.
PN: ★a) 4.382:30; ★b) bn PN, 4.214 III 22.
tlšn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 221; AuOr 30 2012 340).
PN: ★a) 4.512:2; b) bn PN, 4.311:13; 4.841:66, 79.
tlṯ, in unc. ctx.: 4.197:18.
tly PN (etym. unc.; cf. tlyn, DN. Gröndahl PTU 296; Watson AuOr 11 1993 219);
¶ syll.: cf. tu-la-ya, PRU 3 34 (RS 16.114) rev. 13; PRU 3 152 f. (RS 16.202):4, 9;
PRU 4 106 (RS 17.137) rev. 7; PRU 4 203 (RS 18.20+) rev. 12.
PN: bn PN, 4.339:20; in bkn ctx. tly[, 4.4:7.
tlyn DN, second element of the unknown composite DN aẓḥn tlyn.
DN in god lists: ảẓḥn tlyn, 1.123:24.
tlz PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 340).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:15.
tm adj. m. “complete, full” (< */t-m(-m)/. Hb., Pun. tm, “complete, perfect”,
HALOT 1742f.; DNWSI 1217f.). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) tm; pl. f. tmt.
Complete: šbʕ šnt tmt seven complete years, 1.23:67 (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 558:
“a heptad of years have been completed”, but see Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg
181: “seven full years”); in bkn ctx.: tm ḥwy, 1.176:17.
Cf. ỉltm, tm, tmn (II), tmy, tmyn.
tmn (I) n. m. “frame, form” (cf. tmnt. Dietrich-Loretz UF 35 2003 175f.: “Gestalt,
Figur”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 160, 332: *tmn, “body, members of the
body”; diff. De Moor SP 137; UF 12 1980 426: “pelvis”, Sum. temen); ¶ par.:
pnt. ¶ Forms: sg. tmn (for a poss. pl. see below tmnt).
Frame, form: l ydlp tmnh her frame did not break up, 1.2 IV 18 and par. (//
pnth. Smith UBC/1 323, 350).
Cf. tmnt.
tmn (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf. tmn (I). Gröndahl PTU 52, 201; Watson AuOr 14 1996
105); ¶ syll.: cf. ta-me-nu, RSOu 7 2 (RS 34.169):5.
PN: 4.344:4.
tmnn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 11 1993 221).
PN: 4.734:12.
tmnt n. f. “frame, form” (cf. tmn (I). Hb. tmwnh, “form, manifestation”, HALOT
1746f. Dietrich-Xella MLE I 42); ¶ par.: gb (II). ¶ Forms: sg. tmnt.
Frame, form: w tršʕ l tmntk and (let it) harm your complexion!, 1.169:6, (//
l gbk); l ủrtn l gbh l tmnth for (the benefit of) PN, of his body, of his form,
1.178:15 (Pardee TR/2 1215; Ford UF 34 2002 146 f.: “membres”, Akk. mešrētu
“limbs”; but cf. Tropper UG 270: “Gestalt”; Del Olmo UF 36 2004 639).
Cf. tmn (I).

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tmr – tmṯl 859

tmr “?” (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: (?) tmrm.

?, in bkn ctx.: b ṯlṯ tmrm, 1.46:5 (Pardee TR/1 277ff.: “le troisième (jour du
mois): des dattes”, *tmr; diff. Xella TRU 58: “2 giovani equidi / asini”, cf. mr
(VI); Dijkstra UF 16 1984 73: “high place”, cf. mrym and supra: mrm: “height”;
Del Olmo CR 232 n. 71: “the excellence of …”, all of them rdg b ṯlṯt mrm with
tmr PN (etym. unc.; cf. tmrm, TN. Huehnergard UVST 76, 185. Gröndahl PTU
260; Watson LSU 181).
PN: bn PN, 4.69 I 20; 4.724:1; 4.807:62; 4.853:5; in bkn ctx., cf. tmr[: 4.651:3.
tmrm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 285: *Tamarūma. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour
RSP 2 335; Wesselius UF 15 1983 315; Watson LSU 204; Van Soldt Topography
45; Belmonte Fs. Watson 112).
TN: 4.355:28.
Cf. tmry.
tmrtn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 260, 262); ¶ syll.: ta-mar-te-nu, Syria 28 1951 49
(RS 12.034+) rev. 14; PRU 3 192f. (RS 12.34+):6, 31; PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 13
(Van Soldt SAU 24, 31); ta-mar-ti-nu, PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):2 (Van Soldt SAU 361
n. 240); ta-mir-ta-na, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):46 (Huehnergard AkkUg 386).
PN: 3.10:15; 3.30:10; 4.45:4; 4.131:7 (bn pnmn); 4.188:11; 4.609:32; 4.825 VII 14.
tmry GN m. (< tmrm, TN. Wesselius UF 15 1983 315). ¶ Forms: pl. tmrym.
GN: 4.126:19; 4.837:18.
tmtḫṣ n. m. “fight” (< /m-ḫ-ṣ/; for the nominal pattern cf. Hecker Biling. 216 ff.);
¶ par.: tḫtṣb. ¶ Forms: sg. suff. tmtḫṣh.
Fight: w l šbʕt tmtḫṣh b ʕmq but she was not sated with her fight in the valley,
1.3 II 19 (// tḫtṣb). For 1.3 II 29 cf. /m-ḫ-ṣ/ Gt.
Cf. /m-ḫ-ṣ/.
tmtt n. f. “group of men, team”, “crew” (< mt (III). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 5 1973 93; Cunchillos TOu/2 354f. n. 17; Loretz UF 17 1985 211; diff. Lipiński
Syria 44 1967 282 “amarrage, port”, *mwt; Hoftijzer UF 11 1979 386: “navire
naufragé”, *mt; Arnaud SMEA 37 1996 63 n. 95: “chef du Quai”; Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 334: “(death →) shipwreck”). ¶ Forms: sg. tmtt.
Group of men, team, crew (naval term): rb tmtt captain of the crew, 2.38:16,
22; ảlpm tmtt bullocks (and) personnel, 4.231:9 (cf. RS Akk.: LÚ.MEŠ.SIPA
GU4, PRU 3 11 (RS 15.18):10; LÚ.Ù.DAB GU4, Ug 5 96 (RS 20.12):11); in bkn ctx.:
tmtt, 2.54:1.
Cf. mt (III).
tmtṯb PN (Hurr. theonym. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 11; SEL 8 1991 169).
PN, in bkn ctx: ]tmtṯb, 4.608:21.
tmṯl n. m., “equal amount, equivalent, just as much” (Arab. tamaṯṯal, “to affect
to be like, imitate”, AEL 3017; tamṯīl, “likening, assimilation”, Wehr-Cowan

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860 tmy – tnnb

DMWA 1048; Akk. tamšīlu, “Abbild”, AHw 1316; “likeness, effigy”, CAD T 147 ff.
Del Olmo Syria 65 1968 245; Cohen-Sivan UHP 38; Cohen UF 28 1996 141 f.; diff.
Pardee TH 66: a container/measure, Akk. tamšīl; Sanmartín AuOr 6 1988 235:
“una resina”, Akk. DAM-ši-lum; Watson LSU 71). ¶ Forms: sg. tmṯl.
Equal amount, equivalent, just as much: tmṯl gd just as much coriander,
1,72:30; 1.85:25, 25; 1.97:13 (hippiatric texts).
tmy PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 262: /tamaia/; Gröndahl PTU 53,
201; Watson LSU 181; AuOr 30 2012 340); ¶ syll.: ta-me-ia, Syria 28 1951 173ff. 6
(RS 14.16):29.
PN: bn PN, 4.761:8 (Van Soldt UF 21 1989 371 f.; Van Soldt SAU 26, 34); in unc
rdg.: 4.724:11.
tmyn PN (etym. unc.; cf. tmy, PN. Gröndahl PTU 53, 201).
PN: 4.41:12 (bn ủbrš).
tnabn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 126; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 156).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:18.
tngg PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 14 1996 105; cf. RSOu 7 141).
PN: 4.760:1.
tnmy n. m. “overflow” (?) (Arab. namā, “to increase, become plentiful”, AEL
3038. De Moor SP 118; Smith UBC/1 132; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 308 n.
h: “donne l’eau”, tn my). ¶ Forms: sg. tnmy.
Overflow (?), in adv. use: šqy rṯn tnmy they give him dirt to drink in torrents,
1.1 IV 9.
tnn (I) DN, “dragon” ym’s primordial ally or double (Hb. tnyn, “sea-monster,
sea-dragon, serpent”, HALOT 1764f.; Syr. tanīnāʔ, “sea serpent”, SL 1655; NWS
in Eg. script tnn, serpent, DNWSI 1266; Arab. tinnīn, a great serpent, AEL 318.
Cf. De Moor SP 242); ¶ syll. Ug.: [MUŠ] = [ṣīru] = [apši …] = tu-un-na-nu,
Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) I 8; Huehnergard UVST 185 f.; Van Soldt SAU 307; cf.
URU tu-na-a-na, Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):20 (Sivan GAGl 280) and the onomastic
element /tun(n)ī/in-/ in tnn (II); ¶ par.: bṯn, nhr, ym.
DN: l ỉštbm tnn yes, I muzzled DN, 1.3 III 40 (// bṯn, nhr, ym; cf. 1.83:8: rdg
tnn); b ym ảrš w tnn against DN, DN and DN, 1.6 VI 51 (diff. Dahood RSP 2
36: “to grant”, *ytn; Aartun UF 17 1985 38f.: “Rauchen”, Syr. tannen; Pope Fs.
Finkelstein 1977 172: “mourning”, *wnn); in bkn ctx.: tnn, ] tnnx, 1.16 V 31, 32.;
]mḫṣ bʕl [xx] y tn!n! may DN (…) crush DN (?), 1.82:1 (see Del Olmo AuOr 29
2011 249).
tnn (II) PN (Sem. Cf. tnn (I). Gröndahl PTU 28, 201; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991
169); syll.: cf. tu-ni-in-na, PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 11.
PN: bn PN, 4.35:13; 4.103:42 (Van Soldt SAU 38).
tnnb TN (Hurr. (?). Belmonte RGTC 12/2 293: *Tunanab; Watson AuOr 25 2007
134, 135; LSU 204).

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tnqt (i) – tpḥ (i) 861

TN: 1.131:8.
tnqt (I) n. f. “scream” (?) (Akk. tanūqātu, pl. t., “Kampfgeschrei”, AHw 1320; “cry,
lament”, CAD T 176. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 186; Watson LSU 110); ¶ par.:
ql (I). ¶ Forms: sg. tnq[t].
Scream (?): tṣr trm tnq[t] she sobbed, a scream (?) went up (: she let out a
scream) (?), 1.16 II 26, 34 (trm ql).
tnqt (II) n. f. “lactation, nursing” (?) (< /y-n-q/, contracted /tqtlt/ pattern. Akk.
tēnīqu, “Säugen, Säugling”, AHw 1347; “act of suckling”, CAD T 343 f.; cf. MHb.
tynwq/t, “child, boy” / “girl”, DTT 1665. Watson SEL 25 2008 60); ¶ par.: hr (II).
¶ Forms: sg. tnqt.
Lactation, nursing (?), in bkn ctx.: ]ṯdh tnqt her breasts (had not known)
lactation (?), 1.13:32 (// hrh).
Cf. /y-n-q/.
tnṯ “?”, in unc. ctx.: lḥm tnṯ, 5.23:13 (Watson FO 47 2010 436: “ornament”, Akk.
tny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 260); ¶ syll.: cf. PNF DA-ni-ia, Ug 5 5 (RS
17.22+):4; Huehnergard UVST 215; AkkUg 384.
PN: 4.114:5; cf. ]tny, 4.438:4.
tp (I) n. m. “drum” or “tambourine” (Hb. t(w)p, “hand-drum, tambourine”,
HALOT 1771f.; JPAram. twp, “drum”, DJPA 578; Arab. duff, daff, “a tambourine”,
AEL 888; > Gk týmpanon, Lidell-Scott GEL 1834); ¶ par.: knr, mrqṣt, mṣlt, ṯlb.
¶ Forms: sg. tp, suff. tpk (?).
Drum or tambourine: b tp w mṣltm with tambourine and cymbals, 1.108:4 (//
knr, ṯlb); qḥ t! pk b yd take your tambourine in (your) hand, 1.16 I 41 (// m]rqṣtk;
for the rdg tpk cf. Tropper AuOr 13 1995 233, // k*n*r*k; Greenstein IOS 18 112 f.;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 4 1243: “deine Nase”; Wyatt RTU 226 n. 224: “your
nose”, rdg ảpk // [b]rltk). For tph in 1.113:1, 5 see /p-h-y/.
tp (II) n. m. a) “aspect” > “good aspect”, “beauty”; b) “countenance, face” (<
/y:w-p-y/, cf. Sp. “semblante”. Tropper UG 269; Watson LSU 60 and n. 519;
Del Olmo AuOr 28, 2010, 46f.); ¶ par.: nʕm (II). ¶ Forms: sg. tp.
a) Aspect > good aspect, beauty: tp ảḫh the beauty of its brother, 1.96:2 (//
nʕm; diff. Astour SEL 5 1988 16: “timbrel”, cf. tp (I); Ford UF 30 1998 219ff.: “to
see” < /p-h-y/); b) face: qḥ tpk b yd grasp your face with (your) hand, 1.16 I 41
(// brlt; diff. among others Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3/6 1243: “nimm deine Nase
in die Hand”, rdg ảpk); in bkn ctx.: ]rġb w tp mṣqt hunger and countenance
of distress, 1.103:19 (see Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 46 n. 39; diff. Dietrich-Loretz
MU 122f.: “Sichtbarwerden der Bedrängnis”, rdg. tp<h>).
Cf. yp, /y:w-p-y/.
tpḥ (I) n. m. “apple” (Hb. tpwḥ, “apple”, HALOT 1773f.; Arab. tuffāḥ, “apple”,
AEL 308; Eth. tǝffūḥ, “apple”, CDG 571; Eg. /tappūḥa/, “Apple”, Hoch SWET 377

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862 tpḥ (ii) – /t-r/

(563)). Powell BSA 3 1987 153ff.; Watson AuOr 22 2004 129). ¶ Forms: sg. tpḥ.
Apple: d tỉt yspỉ (…) tpḥ who came to eat (…), apples, 1.20 II 11.
tpḥ (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 290. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour RSP 2 110; Fs
Gordon 1980 7; Van Soldt Topography 45; Belmonte Fs. Watson 112 f.).
TN: 4.643:14; in bkn ctx.: [tp]ḥ, 4.676:6 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 290).
tpnr n. m., Hittite dignitary, “commissioner” (?) (Hitt. LÚ tuppas-, tupala-,
“scribe”, Laroche RHA 58 1956 26ff.; Pecchioli Daddi MPDAH 149 f.; San-
martín AuOr 10 1992 99 n. 24; Dietrich UF 36 2004 682: tup-pa-la-nu-ri /
tup-pa-nu-ri, “Ober-Ton(tafelverwalter”); ¶ RS Akk.: LÚ tup-pa(-la)-nu-ri,
PRU 4 42 (RS 17.227 + dupl.):30; PRU 4 47f. (RS 11.732) A 7, B 5; PRU 4 82
(RS 17.382+380):36; PRU 6 2 (RS 19.80):13, 22. ¶ Forms: sg. tpnr.
Hittite dignitary, “commissioner” (?): mỉt ỉqnỉ l tpnr one hundred (shekels) of
violet purple for the t., 3.1:32; bnš tpnr personnel of the t., 4.44:23, 28.
tpšlt n. f. “oppression” (?) (/tqtlt/ pattern < (?) Akk. pašālu, “kriechen”, AHw
841; “to crawl”, CAD P 234. Dietrich-Loretz MU 139f.; Watson LSU 110, 134).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. tpšlt.
Oppression (?): špšn tpšlt ḥwt hyt the Sun will be (cause) the oppression (?)
of that land, 1.103:45 (diff. Pardee AfO 33 1986 140; TR/1 549, 559 n. 252: “Šapšu
/ le soleil abaissera (?) ce pays”, rdg tpšln < *pšl D).
tq PN (?) (cf. Hurr. Tagi. Laroche GLH 249f.).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: ]prln w tq, 6.47:1 (Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 7).
tqʕt DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (/Tāqiʕatu/, act. ptc. f. G *tqʕ, “applauder”
(?). Herrmann YN 24f.; for other explanations cf. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 397;
Watson UF 9 1977 283; Marcus in UPN 218).
DN: tqʕt ʕm prbḫṯ DN with DN, 1.24:49.
tqn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 201; Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Wat-
son AuOr 21 2003 247; AuOr 30 2012 340f.); ¶ syll.: cf. táq-qa-na, PRU 3 32
(RS 16.129):2 (Van Soldt SAU 40).
PN: 4.277:11.
Cf. tgn, tkn.
tqnt n. f. (?) ((?) < /q-n-y/. Akk. tiqnu, “ordentliche Ausstattung”, AHw 1360;
“proper equipment”, CAD T 407; Zeeb Fs. Von Soden 541 ff.: Alal. Akk. teqnītu,
“Rückbehaltung(srecht)”; Watson LSU 110: Akk. tiqnu, supra). ¶ Forms: Sg.
(?): tqnt, 5.23:10.
Cf. /q-n-y/.
/t-r/ vb G: “to scour, travel through, cross” (Hb. twr, “to spy out”, HALOT 1707ff.;
Ebla cf. A.NIGÍN = du-lum, da-wu-lum, “…”, VE 629; Civil Biling. 82; Conti
SQF 173; cf. tuārum, “zurückkehren”, “to return”, ARET 5 61, 8 12; cf. PNN
tá-ra(-DN), túr(-DN), i-dúr(KU)-(DN), lu-ti-ir, Fronzaroli EL 145: /lū yutīr/;

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tr (i) – tr (ii) 863

cf. Müller Biling. 173, 181; šu-ti-ir impv. Š, “gib zurück”, Müller Biling. 201; Akk.
târu, “sich umwenden”, AHw 1332ff.; “to return, come back”, CAD T 250 ff.;
Arab. tāra, “to run”, IV ʔaṯāra, “to repeat”, AEL 322. Herdner TOu/1 560; Parker
UF 21 1989 286; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 424 f.: “Band, Schnur”, Hb. twr);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. PN … [ù DUMU-ša(?)] ti-tu-ru-na x [a-na PN], RS 22.399:17
(unpub.), Van Soldt SAU 441f.; ¶ RS Akk.: GUR; Gröndahl PTU 202; Van Soldt
UF 21 1989 372 n. 22; ¶ par.: /s/ś-b(-b)/; /y-d-y/ (I); ¶ Forms: G inf. tr. G prefc.
ytr; Š prefc. tštr.
G. To scour, travel through, cross, run, escape: tdʕṣ pʕnm w tr ảrṣ she pressed
(?) (her) feet (down) and crossed the earth, 1.4 V 21 (see Gzella BiOr 64
2007 553: *twr (?); diff. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 191; De Moor-Spronk
CARTU 156: “flew up from the earth” < *ntr, Hb. ntr, “to jump, set off”; Wyatt
RTU 277; Smith-Pitard UBC/2 538: “the earth shook”, see /trr/, Akk. tarāru,
“zittern” AHw 1325f.; “to tremble, quiver”, CAD T 207 f.; Arab. tartara, “to
move, to agitate”, AEL 299); tšu knp w tr b ʕp she lifted wing and escaped,
flying, 1.10 II 11; w tʕn ảrḫ w tr b lkt tr b lkt w tr b ḫl and she saw a heifer and
began to run, she began to run and she began to skip, 1.10 II 28–29; tlk w tr she
went and escaped, 1.10 III 17 (diff. Del Olmo NABU 2013/31: and escaped, *yr,
Akk. wâru, EA Akk. šalmiš alik u ina šalāme i’-ir-ma, “go away safely, proceed
in well-being”); tr ảrṣ wšmm travel(ling) through the earth and the heavens,
1.16 III 2 (// sb. Tropper UG 484: “Geh’ herum auf der Erde …”); in bkn ctx.: tr
ḥt[, 1.16 II 12, 15.
Š. To cause to escape, cause to fly up, startle: tštr ʕpt šmm she startled the
birds of the sky, 1.22 I 11 (// *ydy. De Moor SP 117; diff. Pope Fs. Finkelstein 173:
“she propels herself”, Št *w/yry (?); Tropper UG 591, 628.
tr (I) n. m. 1) “pole, steering pole” of a chariot; 2) “log (?)” (Akk. târu, AHw 1332ff.
Xella WO 13 1982 34; Del Olmo UF 11 1979 181f.; IMC 198; Watson AuOr 25 2007
134). ¶ Forms: pl. trm, suff. trh, [t]rhm (?), trhn.
1) Pole, steering pole of a chariot: ʕšr ṣmdm trm d [ṣ]py w trm ảḥdm ṣpym ten
pairs of steering poles to be plated and two separate poles, pated, 4.167:2–3,
cf. ln. 7 (cf. ibid. ln. 7, 9); (n) mrkbt (…) yd trhn (n) chariots (…) together
with their steering poles, 4.145:5, cf. 4.363:10 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 1 218:
“mitsamt ihren Beschlägen”; cf. UF 10 1978 424f.).
2) Log (?): ṯlṯ mảt trm b ʕšrt three hundred logs (?) for ten (shekels), 4.158:7
(De Moor JNES 24 1965 362: “kind of cedar”, Hurr. tiyari-; Watson UF 40 2008
561: “log”, Hitt. tāru; diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 265: “three hundred doves”,
< tr (II)).
Cf. trn.
tr (II) n. m. “turtledove” (Streptopelia turtur. Hb. twr, “turtle-dove”, HALOT
1709f. De Moor UF 2 1970 317). ¶ Forms: sg. tr.

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864 trảl – trbyt

Turtledove: tr l qlḥ a turtledove to DN, 1.115:5, 13.

trảl PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 181; AuOrS 27 104).
PN: 4.370:10.
trản PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 181; AuOr 30 2012 341).
PN: bn PN, 3.7:3.
/t-r-ʕ/ vb Gpass.: “to be cracked” (?) (Aram., JPAram. trʕ, “to breach, break”,
DJPA 593; cf. Arab. tariʕa, “to hasten to do evil”, AEL 303. Gray UF 3 1971
65 n. 38; Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 158; diff. Kapelrud Ug 6 327 n. 25: “to be
destroyed”, *rʕ / rʕʕ; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 69: “hochheben”, Akk. tarû II);
¶ par.: /ṣ-ḥ-r-r/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. with suff. trʕn (encl. -n (?)); inf. trʕ.
Gpass. To be cracked (?): trʕ trʕn ả[rṣ] the earth was completely cracked (?),
1.12 II 42 (// bnt šdm ṣḥr[rt]).
trb TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 287: Taribu. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour NuzHur
1 19; UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 380; UF 30 1998 728;
Topography 45f., 185f.); ¶ syll.: URU ta-ri-bu/bi, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):32';
PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):25; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):44; RS 25.455+ rev. 7 (Arnaud
SMEA 32 1993 128); Van Soldt UF 28 1996 689.
TN: 4.348:27; 4.800 II 34; for drb, 4.346:10, and trb, 4.693:35, cf. Van Soldt UF 28
1996 689 (?); Belmonte RGTC 12/2 287.
Cf. trby.
trbnn PN (etym. unc.; cf. trb, TN. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 262f.: /tarm-/,
tarminninu; /tarp-/; Watson LSU 181; AuOr 30 2012 341).
PN: 4.269:21s.
trbṣ n. m. “yard”, “stable” > “reserve” (< */r-b-ṣ:ḍ/. Akk. tarbaṣu, “Viehhürde”,
AHw 1327f.; “pen, enclosure”, CAD T 217ff.; MHb. / Aram. trbṣ / trbyṣ, “garden
at the house, court”, DTT 1695. Rainey RSP 2 82; Fensham UF 11 1979 270;
Loretz HippUg 104ff.: “Hof, Pferdestall”); ¶ RS Akk.: É-tu4: ta-ar-bá-ṣí, PRU 3
92 (RS 16.189):17; Sivan GAGl 279; Huehnergard UVST 176; Van Soldt SAU 307.
¶ Forms: sg. trbṣ, f. variant trbṣt (1.14 III 37).
Reserve: b trbṣ bn ảmt of the reserve of slaves, 1.14 II 3 and par. (diff. Vervenne
UF 19 1987 365f.: rdg bt rbṣ).
trby GN (rdg unc. See Van Soldt UF 30 1998 711 [94]; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 287).
GN, in bkn ctx.: PN tr[by (?), 4.417:4.
trbyt n. f. “profit, commercial interest” (Hb. trbyt, “profit, increase”, HALOT 1787;
Akk. tarbītu, “Grossmachung, Erzeugnis”, AHw 1328; “enlargement”, CAD
T 225; cf. Emar Akk. /tarbīyātu/ “offspring”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 179. Zevit
UF 13 1981 195; Sivan UF 14 1982 216). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. trbyt.
Profit, commercial interest: PN (n) trbyt (n shekels): profit(s), 4.658:50 (book-
keeping note referring to the whole tablet; cf. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 693).
Cf. /r-b(-b:y)/.

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trd/tn – /t-r-ḫ/ 865

trd/tn PN (Hurr. Hurro-Akk. ta/erd/tennu, ta/urtā/an(n)u, AHw 1329, 1332;

Emar Akk. tartannu, “supervisor” (?) Cohen SSCE 57 n. 199; Hb. trtn, “com-
mander in chief”, HALOT 1798f. (but cf. infra: ṯrtn). Gröndahl PTU 262, 266;
Watson LSU 181); ¶ syll.: ta-ar-DA-a-nu, PRU 6 75 (RS 19.121) rev. 5'.
PN: bn trdn, 4.617 II 23; trtn, 4.609:28; in unc. ctx.: bt trtn, 5.11:5 (cf. bt (II) 1.a.
Cf. uṯryn.
trgn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 235); ¶ syll.: cf. tu-ru-ga-na, PRU 3 146
(RS 16.139):9; cf. tù-ru-KA-na, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.129):18; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg
PN: 4.85:7 (bn tġh), cf. bn prgn: 4.115:13; in bkn ctx.: ]k/rgn, 4.183:13; 4.827 V 9.
trġds PN, cf. trġ(n)ds.
trġdś PN (etym. unc.).
PN 4.840:8.
trġ(n)ds PN (< TN Anat. Tarhuntas-. Laroche NH 271; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC
7 405; Del Monte RGTC 7/2 162. Dietrich-Loretz WO 4 1967–1968 303; Grön-
dahl PTU 22, 268, 273, 297, 303; Watson AuOr 30 2012 341). Forms: trġds,
PN: ★a) trġds, 2.10:5; 4.102:27; 4.425:2 (Van Soldt SAU 37); ★b) trġnds, in the
composite TN gt trġnds, 4.400:15 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95).
trġt, in unc. ctx.: erasure in 1.75:3.
trġzz TN, mythical mountain bordering on the underworld (see Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 290; Margalit UF 8 1976 156 n. 43; MLD 75 [= trẓẓ in 1.16 I 49]; Tsevat
JNSL 3 1974 71ff. [= tġzz/t! ġzt (špš) in 1.24:2]; Watson LSU 204); ¶ par.: ṯrmg.
TN: ảl ttn pnm ʕm ġr trġzz then set face towards the mountain t., 1.4 VIII 2 (//
ġr ṯrmg).
Cf. šrġzz.
trhy PN f. (etym. unc. Watson LSU 181).
PN: 4.625:20.
trḥ n. m. “flask, jar” (Akk. tarīḫu, “ein wertvolles Gefäss”, AHw 1329; tarḫu, “a
container” (?), CAD T 230. Dietrich-Loretz MU 217; Watson LSU 111; AuOrS 27
94); ¶ par.: nảd. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. trḥ.
Flask, jar: trḥ ḥdṯ m[r] a new little flask of myrrh, 1.124:6 (// nảd mr).
/t-r-ḫ/ vb G/D: “to marry, get married” < “to pay the brideprice” (denom. of
Akk. terḫatu, “Brautpreis”, AHw 1348; “bridewealth, dowry”, CAD T 350 ff.
Dietrich-Loretz Fs. Elliger 33; Verreet UF 19 1987 323; diff. Dahood UF 1 1969
34: “to cohabit”, Akk. reḫû); ¶ par.: /ʕ-r-b/ (I), /b-ʔ/, /ḫ-t-n/, /y-p-q/. ¶ Forms:
G/D suffc. trḫ; prefc. ỉtrḫ, ttrḫ, ytrḫ; impv. trḫ; act. ptc. trḫ (cf. trḫ); pass. ptc.
G mtrḫt, cf. mtrḫt.
G/D. To marry, get married: ảṯt trḫ w tbʕt he married a woman, but she left
(him), 1.14 I 14 (// l ypq), cf. 1.23:64; tn nkl yrḫ ytrḫ allow DN to marry DN,

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866 trḫ – trnn

1.24:18, cf. ln. 33 (// tʕrbm); ttrḫ lk ybrdmy marry DN, 1.24:28–29, cf. ln. 26 (// l
bủ); ảḫr nkl yrḫ ytrḫ DN1 gets married with DN2, 1.24:38 (// ḫtny).
Cf. mtrḫt, trḫ, trḫtt.
trḫ n. m. “newlywed, groom” (ptc. or nominal pattern from /t-r-ḫ/). ¶ Forms:
sg. trḫ.
Newlywed, groom: yṣỉ trḫ ḥdṯ the newlywed should also go out, 1.14 II 47,
IV 26.
Cf. /t-r-ḫ/.
trḫt n. f. “dowry, bride price” (< Akk. terḫatu, “Brautpreis”, AHw 1348; “bride-
wealth, dowry”, CAD T 350ff.; diff. De Moor UF 11 1979 653: “the giving of the
terḫatu”, rdg trḫtt; Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7 20). ¶ Forms: sg. trḫt.
Dowry, bride price: trḫt ảrš lnh w l ỉb (this is) the dowry that will be requested
for him and for DN, 1.111:20 (diff. rdg KTU trḫtt ảr, or footnote 3: read trḫt tảr?).
Cf. /t-r-ḫ/.
trmmt, cf. trmt.
trmn PN (etym. unc.; cf. ṯrmn (I). Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 262f.: /tarm-/;
Laroche GLH 257: /tarmani/; Pitard BASOR 232 1978 69; Xella TRU 285;
Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 169; Watson LSU 181; AuOr 30 2012 341).
PN: ★a) un rpủ, 1.161:5; ★b) bn PN, 4.612:6; 4.860:32.
Cf. ṯrmn (I).
trmt n. f. “offering” (< /r-m/. Hb. trwmh, “contribution”, HALOT 1788 ff. De Moor
SP 240f.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 269 n. f., for this and other explanations;
Watson SEL 25 2008 60f.: “present”, Akk. tarīmtu); ¶ par.: tġẓyt. ¶ Forms: sg.
trmt, (trm{m}t, 1.6 IV 44, dittog.).
Offering: trmt lbš w ktn (as an) offering: one garment and one tunic, 1.43:3;
lḥm tr{m}mt bread of offering, 1.6 VI 44 (// yn tġẓyt; diff. Aartun StUL 143 f.:
“Tadellosigkeit”, rdg trmmt < rmm).
trn (I) n. m. “mast of a ship” (Hb. trn, “signal post”, HALOT 1794; Aram. twrn(ʔ),
“espying pole, mast, yard”, DTT 1658. Xella WO 13 1982 33 f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: GIŠ
ta-ar-ni GAL, PRU 6 19 (RS 19.115):4; tarnu, “Mast”, AHw 1331; “mast”, CAD
T 239; Van Soldt BiOr 47 1990 734; SAU 307. Form: sg. trn.
Mast of a ship: spr npṣ ảny (…) w trn list of naval equipment: (…) and a mast,
Cf. tr (I).
trn (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 181); ¶ syll.: cf. tu-ra-na, PRU 6 38:17; cf.
PRU 3 34 (RS 16.114) rev. 8 and cf. Van Soldt SAU 29.
PN: ★a) 4.55:11; ★b:) bn PN, 4.103:10; 4.350:13.
Cf. trnn.
trnn: PN (Watson AuOr 25 2007 135; LSU 181)
PN: bn PN 4.807:50, 64.

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trq – trẓẓ 867

Cf. tr.
trq n. m. a container (?) (Akk. ruqqu, “(Metall-)Kessel, Schale”, AHw 995; “kettle,
cauldron”, CAD R 416ff. Loretz UF 36 2004 283 ff.; Watson AuOr 25 2007 135;
AuOrS 27 94: “bottle for trq-oil”, Akk. turqu (?), a plant). ¶ Forms: du. trqm.
A container (?): ṯn trqm two t., 3.13:20 (cf. spl, mmsk, mqrt, ibid. ln. 17–19).
/t-r-r/ D: “to make tremble” (Akk. tarāru, “zittern” AHw 1325f.; “to tremble,
quiver”, CAD T 207f.; Arab. tartara, “to move, to agitate”, AEL 299. De Moor
SP 162; Margalit UF 15 1983 87f.; Aartun UF 17 1985 41; Watson SEL 25 2008
61). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. (?) y]trr.
D. To make tremble, shake, in bkn ctx.: qlh q[dš y(?)]trr ảrṣ his holy voice
makes the earth tremble / shake, 1.4 VII 31 (diff. Watson SEL 25 2008 61: “at
his holy voice the earth quaked”).
trr n. m., profession or social class (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 1 216:
“Kurriere” (unc.); Thiel UF 12 1980 354; Watson LSU 111, 143 f.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
LÚ ta-ri-ru-ma, PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):5; Rainey IOS 3 1973 44; Sivan GAGl 279;
Huehnergard UVST 186; Van Soldt SAU 307. ¶ Forms: pl. trrm.
Profession or social class: kbśm trrn khnm fullers, t., priests, 4.99:8; yqšm trrm
kkrdnm fowlers, t., bakers, 4.126:26; ủbdy trrm lands leased to the t., 4.7:1;
trtn PN; cf. trd/tn.
trṯ n. m. 1) “new wine”; 2) DN, deified trṯ (Hb. tyr(w)š, “sweet wine, must”,
HALOT 1727f.; Ph. trš, “must”, DNWSI 1234; cf. Ebla ti-ri-su, “must, new wine”,
Fronzaroli ZA 88 1998 231; HH tuwarsa, “vine”, Rabin Or 32 1963 137f.; Greek
thyrsus, “wand wreathed in ivy and vine-leaves”, Liddell-Scott GEL 812. De
Moor UF 2 1970 225; Görg BN 8 1979 7ff.; Bron-Lemaire GLECS 24–28 1979–
1984 13; Watson SEL 25 2008 61f.: Mari Akk. turšummu); ¶ par.: yn. ¶ Forms:
sg. trṯ.
1) New wine: tštn (…) trṯ ʕd škr they drank (…) new wine to intoxication,
1.114:4, cf. ln. 16 (// yn).
2) DN, in god lists: trṯ, 1.102:9; in ritual texts: trṯ š DN, a ram, 1.39:11; trṯ dqt DN,
a ewe, 1.39:16 (Xella Fs. Fronzaroli 680ff.).
In bkn ctx.: tʕl trṯ, 1.5 IV 20; 1.17 VI 7; cf. ]rṯy, 1.179:14.
trzy TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 290f. Heltzer RCAU 15; Astour UF 11 1979 24 f.;
Fs. Gordon 1980 7; Watson LSU 205; Van Soldt Topography 46; Belmonte Fs.
Watson 113).
TN: 4.643:10; for tr[, 4.417:4, see trby and cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 689 n. 299;
UF 30 1998 711 [94]; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 287.
trzyn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.848:12.
trẓẓ n. m. “light march, speed” (nom. pattern /tqll/ < /r-ẓ/. Diff. De Moor-Spronk

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868 tsm – tšʕm

UF 14 1982 184: “pool”, Arab. rawḏat; Margalit UF 8 1976 156: rdg tr<ġ>ẓẓ, cf. 1.4
VIII 2: trġzz). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. trẓẓh (adv. -h).
Light march, speed: yqrb trẓẓh he approached at full speed (?), 1.16 I 49.
Cf. /r-ẓ/.
tsm n. m. “beauty” (< */y-s-m/, contracted pattern /tqtl/); ¶ par.: nʕm (II).
¶ Forms: sg. tsm, suff. tsmh.
Beauty: km tsm ʕṯtrt tsmh like the beauty of DN is her beauty, 1.14 III 42 and
par. (// nʕmh).
tšʕ n. num. “nine” 1) nine; 2) compound numbers (Hb., OAram., Pun., Nab.,
Palm. tšʕ, “nine”, HALOT 1802f.; DNWSI 1235 f.; Syr. tšaʕ, SL 1674; Akk. tiše,
“neun”, AHw 1362; “nine”, CAD T 432; OSA tsʕ, SD 148; Arab. tisʕ(at), “nine”,
AEL 306f.; Eth. tesʕ, CDG 580f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: PN ti7-iš-ʔu, PRU 6 80 (RS 19.111):8;
Sivan GAGl 279. ¶ Forms: sg. tšʕ, f. tšʕt; pl. tšʕm (cf. tšʕm).
1) Nine: ★a) elliptical syntagms: bn gdảḫ tšʕ PN, nine, 1.87:59, cf. 4.777:7; tšʕ
dt tqḥ[n] nine (persons) who took wool, 4.395:2; t]šʕ yn nine (“jars”) of wine,
4.285:3; nsk ṯlṯ tšʕ, coppersmiths, nine, 4.836:15; in bkn ctx.: tšʕ [, 3.14:10, 11;
b tsʕ [, 4.104:11; 4.237:1; 4.317:14; tš[ʕ, 4.20:1, 2; 4.80:16; 4.244:27; 4.729:10; ]tšʕ
kbd, 4.777:10, cf. tšʕt k[bd, 4.333:7; ★b) ge. syntagms: hzp tšʕ yn TN, nine
(“gallons”) of wine, 1.91:28; tšʕ ṣỉn b tšʕt ksp nine sheep for nine (shekels)
of silver, 4.337:22, cf. 1.106:29; tšʕ bnšm nine farmhands / labourers, 4.29:1,
3; 4.40:15; tšʕ hbṭnm nine h., 4.137:6, 4.163:10; tšʕ ṯnnm nine archers, 4.163:1;
tšʕ dd ḥṭ[m] nine “cauldronsful” of wheat, 4.400:4, cf. 4.858:3; tšʕ ddm nine
“cauldronsful”, 4.796:11; [t]šʕ šủrt, nine š., 4.44:15; in bkn ctx.: tšʕ l[, 4.400:7;
tšʕ mṯṭm nine oars (?), 4.689:2; tšʕ ỉptt nine ỉ., 4.707:11; cf. tšʕx, 4.810:8.
2) Compound numbers: ★a) nineteen: b tšʕ ʕšrt on (day) nineteen, 1.132:1;
tšʕ ʕšr kbd skm nineteen cloaks, 4.270:6 tšʕ ʕ [šr bnš] nineteen farmhands /
labourers, 4.40:5; tšʕ ʕšr mrynm nineteen m., 4.163:5, cf. 4.174:8; tšʕ ʕšr hbṭnm
nineteen h., 4.174:6; tšʕ ʕšrh dd nineteen “cauldronsful”, 4.269:2; tšʕ ʕšr dd
ksmm nineteen “cauldronsful” of k., 4.400:16; in bkn ctx.: ]tšʕ ʕšr, 4.312:8;
tšʕ ʕš[r, 4.381:16; tšʕ ʕšr[, 4.618:11; ★b) twenty-nine: tšʕ l ʕšrm lqḥ he took
twenty-nine, 4.144:3; ★c) thirty-nine: tšʕ ṣmdm ṯlṯm thirty-nine yokes of land,
4.136:1–2; ṯlṯm tšʕ kb[d y]n thirty-nine (jars) of wine, 4.213:19; ★d) others: five
hundred and seventy-nine: oxen šbʕm tšʕ kbd five hundred and seventy-nine,
4.296:4; tšʕ mả[t] ḫmšm … nine hundred and fifty …, 4.805:2; alpm tšʕ mảt,
two thousand nine hundred, 4.809:2.
Cf. tšʕm.
tšʕm n. num. “ninety” (< tšʕ); ¶ par.: ṯmnym. ¶ Forms: pl. tšʕm.
Ninety: a) The numeral ninety: tšʕm bʕl mr[r] ninety (cities) DN travelled
through, 1.4 VII 12 (// ṯmnym); tšʕm (kbd) mḏrġlm ninety m., 4.173:7, 11; tšʕm
sp, ninety bowls, 4.56:12, 13; tšʕm kdm kbd yn ninety(-two(?)) “jars” of wine,

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tškrġ – ttḫ 869

4.213:2, 13; tšʕm drt, ninety of bran, 4.243:14; tgmr ksp tšʕm total value in
cash: ninety (shekels), 4.276:14; ṣṣ bn šršʕm tš[ʕm] salt mine(s) of PN: ninety,
4.344:14; in bkn ctx.: t]šʕm, 1.76:6; 4.142:8; b) compound numbers: tšʕm mrḥ
ảḥd ninety-one lances, 4.169:9; tšʕm ṯq ṯn kbd ninety-two ṯ., 4.595:1; ṯšʕm ṯlṯt w
nṣp kbd ksp ninety-three and a half (shekels) of silver, 4.779:1; tšʕm ḫmš [k]bd
yn ninety-five (“jars”) of wine, 4.213:21; tšʕm ṯṯ kbd mḏrġlm, ninety-six m.,
4.137:9; mỉt tšʕm [kb]d ddm one hundred and ninety cauldronsful, 4.397:12.
Cf. tšʕ.
tškrġ PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Watson LSU 182).
PN: 4.391:3. In bkn ctx.: tš[krġ, 4.490:2.
tšlm n. m. “payment” / “redemption, ransom” (< /š-l-m/; Akk. tašlimtu, “voll-
ständige Übergabe”, AHw 1338f.; “payment of balance due”, CAD T 290 f.; cf.
OAram. mšlmw, “payment”, DNWSI 703. Sanmartín UF 10 1978 356 n. 59; Wat-
son LSU 111). ¶ Forms: sg. tšlm.
Payment / redemption, ransom, in unc. ctx.: l tšlm ʕln as payment on his
account, 1.111:24 (on versions like: “(may his death) be our redemption!” /
“(may his death) bring us peace”, prefc. /š-l-m/ D, see Tropper UG 555; also
Del Olmo CR 166 n. 106; Pardee TR/1 623, 629: “elle n’ en rendra pas”).
Cf. /š-l-m/, šlmt (II).
tšt n. f. “wish” < “proposal” (?) (etym. unc., poss. nom. pattern /tql/ from /š-t/,
“to propose”; a connection with Hb. twšyh, “good result”, “sound wisdom”,
HALOT 1713ff., is less likely taking into account the prob. etym. of the Hb.
lexeme from /y-š/ < /ʔ-ṯ/, cf. ỉṯ (I) and tšyt. Del Olmo CR 154 n. 56; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 178: “Zuversicht”, Hb. twšyh; Caquot TOu/2 117
n. 360; Pardee TPM 112ff.: “succès”, id.; Margalit JBL 89 1970 296: “lady”, variant
of št). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. tštk.
Wish (?): l tštk l ỉrštk according to your wish (?), according to your request,
Cf. /š-t/.
tšyt n. f. “triumph, success” (Hb. twšyh, HALOT 1713ff. De Moor SP 94); ¶ par.:
ṣḥq, šmḫt. ¶ Forms: sg. tšyt.
Triumph, success: ymlủ (…) kbd ʕnt tšyt filled was (…) the liver of DN with
(the satisfaction of) triumph, 1.3 II 27 (// ṣḥq, šmḫt).
tt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 295f.; Watson AuOr 22 2004 117; Muchiki
Loanwords 156); ¶ syll.: cf. te-et-te, PRU 4 54 (RS 17.334):4 and passim ibid.;
tu-ut-ti, PRU 4 235 (RS 17.135+) obv. 3, rev. 3, 8; tu-tu, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):6
and passim ibid.
PN: 4.7:16; 4.102:26; 4.103:19 (Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.132:2; 4.160:5.
ttġl, cf. tdġl.
ttḫ PN (etym. unc.; cf. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 248: /tad-/).

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870 ttkn – tṯb

PN: 4.153:3.
ttkn n. m. “correct assessment”, “decision” (?) (etym. unc. (?), poss. nomi-
nal pattern /tqtl/ < /t-k-n/. Hb. tkn, pi., “to make correct, assess, calculate”,
HALOT 1733ff. See De Moor-Spronk CARTU 173: “to be steadied”, *tkn Dt.;
Dietrich-Loretz Studien 92: “ja man setze fest”, < *tkn; diff. Gray UF 3 1971 67
n. 55: “to be smitten”, *nky); ¶ par.: ảwl. ¶ Forms: sg. ttkn.
Correct assessment, decision (?), in unc. ctx.: ỉšttk lm ttkn he ceded (the
power of) decision (?), 1.12 II 57 (// ảwl).
Cf. /k-n/.
ttl TN, place of the cult of the god Dagan, mod. Tall Biʕa (Belmonte RGTC 12/2
295f.: *Tuttul. Akk. Tu-ut-tu-ulki; Astour RSP 2 336; UF 2 1970 3, 6; Mayer UF 19
1987 121ff.; UF 21 1989 271ff.; Charpin NABU 1989/16; Krebernik MDOG 125
1993 51ff.; Watson LSU 205). ¶ Forms: ttl; ttlh (adv. -h; cf. -h (II)).
TN: dgn ttl, DN of TN, 1.24:14; ql bl ʕm dgn ttlh carry (the / my) cry to DN in
TN, 1.100:15.
ttn n. m. “supplies” (< /y-t-n/. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 137, 142: “Gabe, Liefer-
ung”, *têtinu). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ttnk.
Supplies: w yqḥ tʕnk and he takes your supplies, 2.87:23, see ln. 30.
ttn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 296; Tropper ZAH 14 2001 200 ff.; Watson
LSU 182; AuOrS 27 103; AuOr 30 2012 341); ¶ syll.: cf. ta-TE-nu, PRU 6 75
(RS 19.121) rev. 3 (Sivan GAGl 255: /n-t-n/); tu-tu-na, 54 (RS 19.33):18.
PN: ★a) 4.35 II 21 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.63 II 16; 4.245 I 10; 4.825 VII 2; ★b)
bn PN, 4.69 III 3.]
ttnt, in unc. ctx.: dbl ttnt yṯ, 5.11:13.
ttyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 263, 296).
PN: 4.631:3; 4.825 VII 9.
Cf. tdyn.
tṯb DN, Hurrian storm god (/Teṯo/a?b/, < Hurr. /Tes̄(s̄)ōb/, Wilhelm Or 61 1992
125; Neu Freilassung 21 n. 37, 452 n. 23; cf. dte-eš-šu-ub and var. dU-ub, dIM-
ub, passim in Alal., Bo. and Emar; cf. bʕl (II) 3. Laroche Ug 5 523; GLH 263;
Haas HBHS 34ff., 73ff., 153ff.; Dietrich-Mayer UF 29 1997 180); ¶ syll.: cf. the
theonymic element -te-ŠAB in PNN, Huehnergard AkkUg 378; ge. te-ZU-ub-
be, PRU 3 330 (RS 9.483 A) [h.2]):1, < /Teṯob=we/, cf. Van Soldt SAU 346 n. 199;
dIM.ZU.AN.NA = te-eš-ša-ab = ba-a-lu, Ug 5 137 (RS 20.123+) IVb 18, cf. Nougay-
rol Ug 5 249 n. 2; Laroche Ug 5 454; Van Soldt SAU 364 n. 248. ¶ Forms: tṯb
(also ge. /teṯōb=w(e)/), tṯbd (direct. /=da/), tṯbṯ (agent. /=a/(e)/).
DN, passim in Hurr. ctx.; cf. 1.42:12–13, 56; 1.64:28, 29; 1.110:3; 1.111:4, 9; 1.116:13;
1.120:2; 1.125:8; 1.135:2; 1.148:17; tṯb ḫlbġ the t. of Aleppo, 1.42:10 (Laroche Ug
5 520); in bkn ctx. cf. ]xṯb ủgrt, 7.43:4. It is common in theophoric PNN
(Gröndahl PTU 263f.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10 f.; SEL 8 1991 169).

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tṯmd – tzġ 871

Cf. ảg/kd/tṯp, ủrġtṯb, ảrtṯb, kltṯb, tbtṯb, tmtṯb, tṯmd, ṯdṯb, ṯrtṯb.
tṯmd PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 206, 211, 240, 264; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 169);
¶ syll.: cf. ma-at-dU, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) e. II 4.
PN: 4.7:20; 4.103:12, 27 (Van Soldt SAU 36).
tṯn PN (etym. unc., Sem. (?). Gröndahl PTU 264; Watson Historiae 4 2007 96;
AuOrS 27 104).
PN: ★a) 4.46:5; 4.155:11 (bn ṯyl); 4.281:22; 4.858:9; ★b) bn PN, 4.612:5.
tṯnt n. f., a container (?) (Hurr. tišnu(ḫḫu), ein Metallgefäss, AHw 1362; a metal
container, CAD T 433. Watson LSU 134, 144; UF 42 2010 839; AuOrS 27 94).
¶ Forms: sg. (?) tṯnt.
A container (?), in bkn ctx.: kd nbt šnt w tṯnt[ a “jar” of honey of the (current)
year and a (?) t., 1.148:22 (diff. Pardee Syria 69 1992 169: “elle / tu répétera(s)”).
tṯyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 263f.; Watson AuOr 11 1993 219); ¶ syll.:
cf. te-ši?-i[a?]-nu, PRU 6 50 (RS 17.388):23; cf. ti-še-ia, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.114):2;
te-še-ia, PRU 4 201 (RS 18.02):6, 9.
PN: 4.631:4 (bn ảrkšt).
Cf. dḏy.
twyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 295; Watson LSU 182; Historiae 4 2007 101);
cf. te-wa-a, PRU 4 167 (RS 17.129):14.
PN: bn PN, 4.52:2.
Cf. tỉyn, tyn.
tyn PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 550; Gröndahl PTU 258, 295).
PN: 4.631:11–12; cf. ṯlṯ tṣ/y[n?] bn grgš, 3.13:14 (for the reading cf. Tropper AuOr
13 1995 236).
Cf. tỉyn, twyn.
tyt n. f., a plant or vegetable substance (“ranunculus, buttercup”, Asa foetida
(?); Akk. tīyatu, eine Drogenpflanze, AHw 1357; a herb and shrub, CAD T 400;
Aram. tîʔāh, “root of crowfoot”, DTT 1663. Van Soldt UF 22 1990 348 f.; Watson
AuOr 25 2007 135). ¶ RS Akk.: Ú.NU.LUḪ.ḪA/ḪU, Ug 5 38 (RS 20.16):34; Ug 5
39 (RS 20.172):22; cf. Ú.LUḪ.SAR = ti-ia-tu, MSL 10 113, 173; cf. Nougayrol Ug 5
121 n. 4. ¶ Forms: sg. tyt.
A plant or vegetable substance: kkr w mltḥ tyt one talent and one m. of t.,
4.337:26; ả]lp ảrbʕ mảt tyt one] thousand four hundred of t., 4.14:14; ḫmšt kkr
tyt five talents of t., 4.203:17; mỉtm tyt two hundred of t., 4.863:9; ṯlṯm prqt tyt,
thirty sacks of t., 4.811:9; in unc. ctx.: ]xrb tyt mʕt, 4.863:22; d bl ttn tyt, 5.11:13.
tzġ n. m. general type of offering (Hurr. tašuḫḫe; Haas-Wilhelm AOATS 3 113 f.;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 168; Del Olmo SEL 12 1995 43; Tropper
UG 106; Watson LSU 111, 134; UF 40 2008 562; diff. De Moor UF 2 1970 320:
“kind of sacrificial meat”, Hurr. (?) > Akk. DIŠ-ḫu > tizḫu (?); Herdner Ug 7 14:
“libation”, *wzġ). ¶ Forms: sg. tzġ; suff. tzġm (encl. -m); pl. tzġm.

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872 tznx[ – tznt

Offering: ʕlm tzġ b ġb ṣpn next (/ on the following day) an offering t. in the ġ.
of DN, 1.105:21; tzġm ṯn šm as a t.- offering two rams, 1.105:13; tzġm t.-offerings,
1.91:4; in Hurr. ctx.: 1.148:17; 1.149:10.
tznx[ bkn TN, 4.800 II 2.
tznt n. f. “provisions” (< */z-n/. Akk. zinnātu, pl. t., “Versorgung, Ausstattung”,
AHw 1529; “support, maintenance”, CAD Z 123; cf. Aram. zwn, “to feed”,
DNWSI 308 (?). De Moor SP 120; Watson LSU 111; diff. Van Selms UF 2 1970 263
n. 26: “to utter”, // rgmt; Aartun UF 16 1984 16 f.: (linsenähnliches) Gemüse,
Arab. zinn; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 349 n. 190: nuḫurtu, Asa foetida (?)). ¶ Forms:
sg. tznt.
Provisions: kkr tznt a talent in provisions, 4.203:16; in unc. ctx.: (…) w tznt,
Cf. zn, znt.

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/ṭ-ʕ-n/ vb G: “to smite, destroy” (?) (Hb. ṭʕn, pu., “to be pierced”, HALOT 377f.;
Arab. ṭaʕana, “to smite and pierce”, AEL 1855f. Emerton ARBA 2 1972 52).
¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. iṭʕnk, nṭʕn; inf. tʕn.
G. To smite, destroy: nšt bʕl [ṭ]ʕn ỉṭʕnk did you forget, DN, that I really am
going to destroy you?, 1.5 I 26; nṭʕn b ảrṣ ỉby we shall smite, in the “earth”, my
enemies, 1.10 II 24 (Watson UF 9 1977 277: “to strike”, Akk. naṭû).
ṭb adj. m. “good, pure, sterling”; “sweet, generous”; “pleasant, dulcet” (Hb.,
OAram., Nab., Palm., Hatr. ṭb, “good, pleasant”, HALOT 370f.; “good, firm”,
DNWSI 415ff.; Ebla cf. /ṭābum/ in NÌ.DU10.DU10 = da-bù, VE 62; Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 3; NÍG.KI.LUḪ = GIŠ da-bù, VE 121; Civil Or 56 1987 236f.; Ì.DU10 =
sa-ma-nu-um da-bù, VE 883; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 34; Fronzaroli EL 139; StEb
7 1984 184; cf. ARET 8 13; Krebernik PET 81; Pagan ARES 3 181 f.; Fronzaroli
ARES 1 17; cf. DÙG, Catagnoti QuSem 15 264; cf. /ṭūbuwatum/ in NÌ.DU10 =
du-bù(-a)-tum/du, VE 61; Akk. ṭābu, “schön, gut”, AHw 1377f.; “good, sweet”,
CAD Ṭ 19ff.; OSA ṭyb, “(to be) well-disposed”, SD 154; Arab. ṭayyib, “good,
pleasant”, AEL 1902; cf. Eg. /ṭōbu/, “Good”, Hoch SWET 356 (525)); ¶ RS Akk.:
cf. ḪI = ṭa-a-bu[, Ug 5 133 (RS 23.492 A) obv. 9; 134:3; ¶ syll. Ug.: [DÙG = ṭa-bu
= (?) =] ṭa-bu, UF 11 1979 479:26; Huehnergard UVST 131; Van Soldt SAU 304;
cf. PNN DINGIR-ṭa-ab-i, PRU 6 40 (RS 17.360):27; ṭa-bíl, PRU 6 53 (RS 27.053)
rev. 10; Sivan GAGl 280. ¶ Forms: sg. ṭb.
Good, pure, sterling; sweet, generous; sweet, pleasant; ★a) good, pure, ster-
ling: (offering of) ṯql ḫrṣ l DNN l DN ṯql ksp ṭb a gold shekel for DNN, (and) for
DN a shekel of sterling silver, 1.43:12, 15 (cf. Akk. kaspu(m) damqu(m)); šmn
ṭb perfumed oil, 4.738:4; 4.780:8, 14; Ebla Ì.DU10 = sa-ma-nu da-bù, VE 883);
★b) sweet, generous: yn ṭb generous wine, 4.213:1 and passim ibid. (cf. Mari
Akk.: GEŠTIN. DÙG.GA, Finet AfO 25 1974–1977 127; Durand ARMT 21 107 ff.);
as opposed to yn d l ṭb wine which is not of good quality (table wine), 4.213:2
passim ibid. (cf. yn ḫlq spoilt wine, 4.213:3); ★c) pleasant, dulcet: ġzr ṭb ql the
lad with a dulcet voice, 1.3 I 20, cf. ġzrm g ṭb in 1.23:14.
In bkn ctx.: 2.85:19.
Cf. ṭbn, ẓbm.
/ṭ-b-ḫ/ vb G: “to sacrifice, butcher, slaughter”; Gpass.: “to be sacrified, slaugh-
tered” (Hb. ṭbḥ, “to slaughter”, HALOT 368; Ebla cf. du-bù-ḫu, “schlachten,
Opfer für …”, Krebernik PET 81f.; Pagan ARES 3 181; Syr. ṭbḥ, pa., “to beat,
crush”, SL 509; Akk. ṭabāḫu, “schlachten” AHw 1375f.; “to slaughter”, CAD Ṭ
1ff.; Eth. ṭabḥa, “slaughter, slay”, CDG 585; cf. OSA ṭbḫ, “meat”, SD 152; Arab.
ṭabaḥa, “to cook”, AEL 1821ff. Cf. Loewenstamm UF 5 1973 209 f.). ¶ Forms: G

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874 ṭbḫ – ṭ:tbq

suffc. ṭbḫ prefc. yṭbḫ, tṭbḫ; impv. ṭbḫ (spelling mistake ḥbḫ in 1.80:4, rdg ṭbḫ).
G. To sacrifice, butcher: ṭbḫ ảlpm he sacrificed head of cattle, 1.1 IV 30 and
par.; tṭbḫ šbʕm ảlpm k gmn DN she slaughtered seventy head of cattle as an
offering to DN, 1.6 I 20; tṭbḫ šbʕm rủmm she sacrificed seventy wild bulls, 1.6
VI 18; ṭbḫ šmn mrỉk sacrifice the fattest of your fatlings, 1.15 IV 4 and par., cf.
ln. 15, tṭbḫ; ṭbḫ ỉmr sacrifice a lamb, 1.16 VI 17; ṯủt ṭbḫ ṣtqn PN butchered ewes,
1.80:3, cf. ln. 4: ḥ!bḫ šh he butchered his ram; ṭbḫ ảlpm ảp ṣỉn they slaughtered
cattle and also sheep, 1.22 I 12 and par.
Gpass. To be sacrificed, slaughtered: ảlp yṭbḫ l kṯrt a (head of) cattle was
sacrificed to the DNN, 1.17 II 29; w ṭbḫ ảlp mrủ and a fattened bull / ox was
slaughtered, 2.87:10.
Cf. ṭbḫ.
ṭbḫ n. m. “sacrificer” (act. ptc. < /ṭ-b-ḫ/; Pun., OAram., Palm. ṭbḥ, “butcher, cook”,
DNWSI 419. Heltzer OH 78f.; Syr. ṭabāḥāʔ, “butcher, cook”, SL 509; EA Akk.:
cf. TNN URU ṭú-bi-ḫi, EA 179:15 and passim; Sivan GAGl 280; Eg. /ṭubiḫi/,
“Slaughtering”, Hoch SWET 356f. (562)). ¶ Forms: sg. ṭbḫ (misspelt ṭḫ in
1.80:5, read ṭ<b>ḫ).
Sacrificer: b kl ygz ṭ<b>ḫ šh the sacrificer shall shear his ram completely,
Cf. /ṭ-b-ḫ/.
ṭbn n. m. “sweetness” (< ṭb. Dietrich-Loretz UF 21 1989 115 n. 23, 247: “Regen”. cf.
Hb. ṭwb; Watson LSU 29: > “rain”); ¶ par.: šrʕ (+ thmt). ¶ Forms: m. cstr. ṭbn.
Sweetness: ṭbn ql bʕl the sweetness of DN’s voice, 1.19 I 46 (// šrʕ thmt; diff.
Gianto PIHANS 114 52: “good thing from Baal’s thunder”).
Cf. ṭb.
/ṭ-b-q/ vb G: “to shut, close” (Arab. ṭabaqa, “to strech”, “to stick to”, AEL 1824 ff.,
IV, “to cover”; Eth. ṭabaqa, “to glue, adhere”, taṭabaqa, “to join closely”, CDG
586. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 176); ¶ par.: /g-r-š/. ¶ Forms: G act. ptc. ṭbq.
G. To shut, close: ṭbq lḥt nỉṣh who shuts the jaws of his detractors, 1.17 I 27 and
par. (// grš d ʕšy lnh).
ṭ:tbq TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 297f.: *Ṭibaqu. Heltzer RCAU 11; Astour CRRA 18
13 n. 24; JESHO 13 1970 117; UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11 377,
379; UF 30 1998 723; Topography 23f., 175); ¶ syll.: URU ṭì-ba-qV, PRU 3 190
(RS 11.800):12'; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):23; PRU 6 27 (RS 17.01):12, 19; RSOu 7
4 (RS 34.131):44; bkn PRU 6 106 (RS 19.119):7; PRU 6 169 (RS 18.279):3; URU
ṭì-bá-qí, PRU 3 61f. (RS 16.156):7; PRU 3 173 (RS 16.254 E):3; URU ṭi4-ba-qu,
PRU 3 188 (RS 10.44):10; PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):15; PRU 3 192 (RS 15.183):2; Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 671f. Sivan GAGl 280; Huehnergard UVST 214, 221f.; Watson
LSU 204f.; Van Soldt SAU 323).
TN: ṭbq, 4.27:11, 22; 4.68:54; 4.119:3; 4.198:3, 6; 4.243:10; 4.365:23; 4.369:5;

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ṭbqy – /ṭ-ḫ/ 875

4.380:29; 4.414:2; 4.477:2; 4.661:4; 4.685:11; 4.693:21; 4.698:3; 4.770:2; 4.793:14;

4.797:1; var. tbq: 4.367:1; 4.610 I 17; 4.616:17; 4.629:8; 4.818:2; Van Soldt UF 28
1996 671 for 4.31:1, 3, 10; in the composite TN: gt ṭbq, 4.213:5 (Belmonte RGTC
12/2 92: *Gittu-Ṭibaqi); in bkn ctx., 4.223:6; for the rdg ṭbq in 4.177:4 see Van
Soldt Topography 46 n. 404) cf. Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 21; Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 298.
Cf. ḥbqy, tbtḫ, ṭbq.
ṭbqy GN m. (< ṭ:tbq, TN). ¶ Forms: pl. ṭbqym.
GN: arbʕ b[nšm] ṭbqym four farmhands GN, 4.40:18; in bkn ctx., ṭbq[ ym, ibid.
ln. 3 (Tropper-Vita UF 29 1997 676); 4.810:4.
ṭbrn PN (Sem etym. unc. Kühne UF 6 1974 163 n. 33).
PN: bn PN, 4.103:16; 4.356:1, 14 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.432 (II) 12; 4.807:44;
4.841:18; 4.860:3.
ṭbt, n. f. “well-being, good health” (< ṭb.). ¶ Forms: sg. ṭbt.
Well-being, good health, in bkn ctx.: w tḥ ṭbt, and may you live (in) good
health, 1.82:34 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 254); 2.37:6; ]ṭbt, 4.736:2; ]xṭbt,
1.107:5 (related to ṭb?).
ṭhr adj. m. “pure, sparkling” (Hb. ṭhwr, “pure, clean”, HALOT 369; DNWSI 420;
Pun. ṭhr, “pure”, DNWSI 420: ṭr, ṭʔr; Arab. ṭāhir, “clean, pure”, AEL 1887; Eth.
ṭǝhur, “pure”, CDG 589); ¶ syll. Ug.: [SIKIL] = [ellu] = ši-ḫa-la-e = ṭu-ú-ru,
Ug 5 130 (RS 20.149) III 19; [KÙ] = [ellu?] = [ši-ḫ]a-la-e = ṭu-ú-ru, Ug 5 137
(RS 20.123+) II 1; Sivan GAGl 280; Huehnergard UVST 131; Van Soldt SAU 304.
¶ Forms: pl. ṭhrm (var. ẓhrm, in 1.24:21).
Pure, sparkling: ṭhrm ỉqnỉm pure lapis lazuli, 1.4 V 19 and par., cf. ẓhrm, 1.24:21;
sprn ṭhrm ảdm our pure bronze has already been acquired, 2.39:33.
ṭḥl n. m. “spleen” (MHb., Aram. ṭḥwl, ṭḥwlʔ, “spleen, milt”, DTT 528; Akk. ṭulīmu,
“Milz”, AHw 1394; “spleen”, CAD Ṭ 124f.; Arab. ṭiḥāl, “spleen”, AEL 1830f.;
Syr. ṭḥālāʔ, “milt, spleen”, SL 523. Dietrich-Loretz MU 115; Pardee TR/2 1151).
¶ Forms: sg. ṭḥl.
Spleen: ṭḥl ỉn lh (if) it has no spleen, 1.103:12.
/ṭ-ḥ-n/ vb G: “to grind, crush” (Hb. ṭḥn, “to grind”, HALOT 374; JPAram. ṭḥn,
“to mill, grind”, DJPA 390; Akk. ṭênu, “mahlen”, AHw 1387f.; “to grind into
flour”, CAD Ṭ 98 ff.; Arab. ṭaḥana, “to grind”, AEL 1831f.; Eth. ṭaḥana, “to grind”,
CDG 590); ¶ par.: /d-r-ʕ/, /d-r-y/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tṭḥnn; inf. ṭḥn.
G. To grind, crush: b rḥm tṭḥnn with millstones she ground him, 1.6 II 34 (//
tdrʕnn); in bkn ctx.: ʕlk [pht ṭḥ]n b rḥm on your account I have seen grinding
by millstones, 1.6 V 15 (// [dr] y).
/ṭ-ḫ/ vb G: “to plaster” (Hb. ṭwḥ, “to plaster”, HALOT 372f.; Aram. ṭḥy, “to smear,
plaster, glaze”, DJBA 499; cf. Eth. ṭeʕa, “besmear, anoint”, CDG 600; Pun. mṭḥ,
“plastering”, DNWSI 618); ¶ par.: /r-ḥ-ṣ/. ¶ Forms: G act. ptc. ṭḫ.

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876 ṭḫṣʕṯ – /ṭ-r-d/

G. To plaster: ṭḫ ggh b ym ṯỉṭ who plasters his roof when mud is formed, 1.17
I 32 and par. (// rḥṣ).
ṭḫṣʕṯ, in unc. ctx.: 5.23:7 (Watson FO 47 2010 435: rdg ṭḫṣ ʕṯ, “… (?) moth”, Hb.
ʕāš, “moth”, Akk, ašāšu, “a kind of moth”).
ṭl n. m. “dew” (Hb. ṭl, “dew, light rain”, HALOT 374f.; Arab. ṭall, “light, drizzling
rain, dew”, AEL 1862f.; Eth. ṭall, “dew, moisture”, CDG 591; Watson LSU 21, 26);
¶ par.: mṭr, rb(b), šmn (I), yr. ¶ Forms: sg. ṭl (ṭṣ is a mistake for ṭl in 1.22 I 20).
Dew: ṭl šmm šmn ảrṣ dew of the skies, oil of the earth, 1.3 II 39 and par. (//
rbb); ṭl yṭll l ġnbm may the dew drop upon the grapes, 1.19 I 41 (// yr); bl ṭl bl
rbb there was neither dew nor drizzle, 1.19 I 44; ḥspt l šʕr ṭl she who collects
dew from the fleece, 1.19 II 2 and par.; ṭl! mrṯ dew of must, 1.22 I 20 (cf. Arab.
ḫamr ṭallat, “pleasant wine, delicious wine”, AEL 1862); in bkn ctx.: ʕbd ṭl he
has produced dew, 1.179:15.
Cf. /ṭ-l-l/, ṭly.
/ṭ-l-b/, in bkn ctx.: w l ṭlb, 1.5 IV 2; tṭlb ảr[ṣ, 1.5 IV 4.
/ṭ-l-l/ vb D “to drop dew” (denom. < ṭl. Arab. ṭalla, “the ṭ. descended upon the
earth”, AEL 1861ff.; Eth. ṭalla, ṭalala, ʔaṭlala, “to (be) cover(ed) with dew”,
CDG 591. Collini SEL 6 1989 35; Watson LSU 26); ¶ par.: /m-ṭ-r/. ¶ Forms:
D prefc. yṭll.
D. To drop dew: ṭl yṭll l ġnbm may the dew drop upon the grapes, 1.19 I 41 (//
Cf. ṭl, ṭly.
ṭlm, in bkn ctx.: ġr ṭlm, 1.117:9 (< ṭl [?]).
ṭlmyn PN, 4.277:7; cf. tlmyn.
ṭly DN, one of the daughters of the god bʕl (< ṭl. Gröndahl PTU 202; De Moor
SP 83; Gordon NUS 31 1984 11; cf. Aartun StUL 61 ff.: < *ṭll); ¶ syll.: cf. TA-la-ia,
PRU 3 61 (RS 16.156):8, 17; Cross CMHE 56 n. 47; Sivan GAGl 280; Huehnergard
UVST 214.
DN: ṭly bt rb DN, daughter of drizzle 1.3 I 24 and par. (cf. ảrṣy, prdy); ảhbt ṭly
the love of DN, 1.3 III 7; tply ṭly bn ʕnh DN adorns his forehead, 1.101:5, cf. 1.5
V 11: {t}ṭly.
Cf. ṭl.
ṭmṯ, n. m. (?) “(menstrual) blood, menses” (Arab. ṭamṯ, “blood”, “flux”, said
chiefly of menstruation, “menses”, AEL 1878); JPAram. ṭmš, “to dip, immerse”,
“soak”, DJBA 507f.); Syr. ṭmš, “to dip, immerse”, ṭmāšāʔ, “dipping, immersion”,
SL 538 (De Moor-Spronk 1984 241; Caquot TOu/2 65 n. 180). ¶ Forms: sg. ṭmṯ.
(Menstrual) blood, menses, in unc. ctx.: ḥmṯ ṭmṯ belly (and) blood / menses,
1.82:7 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247, 253 n. 26).
/ṭ-r-d/ vb G: “to throw out, expel” (Syr. ṭrd, “to drive, chase away”, SL 549; Arab.
ṭarada, “to drive away”, AEL 1838ff.; Akk. ṭarādu, “schicken, senden”, AHw

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ṭrd – ṭt 877

1380f.; “to send, drive out”, CAD Ṭ 50ff. Dijkstra UF 2 1970 333 f.); ¶ par.: /g-r-š/.
¶ Forms: G act. ptc. ṭrd.
G. To throw out, expel: ṭrd bʕl b mrym ṣpn the one who expelled DN from the
heights of TN, 1.3 III 47 (// gršh); in bkn ctx.: xṭrd ksảt, 1.151:3; yṭ]rdh, 1.6 VI 1.
Cf. ṭrd.
ṭrd PN (Sem. < ṭrd)
PN: [b]n ṭrd PN, 4.807:46 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 294, 316: rdg ṭdd); in
bkn ctx.: ]ṭ[[d]]rd, 4.428:3.
ṭry (I) adj. m. “fresh food” (Hb. ṭry(h), “fresh”, HALOT 379; Arab. ṭariyy, “fresh,
juicy”, AEL 1852; Eth. ṭǝrāy, “raw, crude”, CDG 598. De Moor SP 240; Lipiński
OLP 3 1972 106 n. 35; diff. Dijkstra JANES 6 1974 68 n. 57: “roomy”, Syr. ṭawrāʔ,
Hb. ṭûr, ṭîrāh; Watson UF 9 1977 276: “descent”, Arab. ṭaraʔa); ¶ par.: lḥm, yn.
¶ Forms: sg. ṭry.
Fresh food: [šỉ]r ṭry tender meat, 1.6 VI 43 (// lḥm, yn).
ṭry (II) PN (etym. unc. Watson LSU 182).
PN: bn PN, 1.142:2.
ṭt n. f. “mud” (Arab. ṭīn, ṭīnat, “clay, mud”, AEL 1906; Akk. ṭīdu, ṭītu, ṭiddu, ṭiṭṭu,
“Lehm, Ton(erde); lehmische Masse”, AHw 1391f.; “mud, clay”, CAD Ṭ 106 ff.;
Aram. ṭyn, “clay, mud”, DJPA 224; DNWSI 421. De Moor SP 118; diff. Caquot
TOu/1 307: “affamé”, Aram. ṭwat, Arab. ṭawiya). ¶ Forms: pl. / sg. suff. (encl.
-m) ṭtm.
Mud, in bkn ctx.: ḫbl ṭtm muddy waste, 1.1 IV 8.

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Ṯ/ Θ

ṯ see ṯh.
ṯỉgt n. f. “neighing” (Hb. šʔgh, “roaring, screaming”, HALOT 1367; Arab. ṯāʔağa,
“to bleat (sheep)”, Hava 66); ¶ par.: nhqt. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯỉgt (cf. ṯỉ[[g]]qt in 1.14
V 8).
Neighing: l qr ṯỉgt ỉbrh for the noise of the neighing of his horses, 1.14 III 16
and par. (// nhqt).
ṯỉqt, cf. ṯỉgt.
/ṯ-ʔ-r/ vb G/D: “to stand surety for”, “to protect” (denom. < ṯảr (?); the spe-
cific meaning “to avenge blood” < Arab. ṯaʔr, “blood-revenge, retaliation of
a crime”, ṯaʔara, ʔaṯʔara, “to revenge, to slay the slayer”, AEL 327f., must be
considered an idiosyncratic Arab. semantic shift, under sociological condi-
tioning. Oldenburg CEB 130f. n. 4, 190; diff. Mulder UF 2 1970 365; UF 4 1972
82: “einer guten Gesinnung sein”, id.; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 161; De Moor-
Spronk CARTU 174: “to procure”, and cf. p. 176: < ṯʕr; Wyatt RTU 54 and n. 73:
“to show favour”; Watson LSU 61: “to be victorious”, Akk. šaʔāru). ¶ Forms:
G/D prefc. yṯỉr (tṯảr in 1.3 III 37 is a mistake for tṯʕr, due to confusing ả/ʕ; cf.
ln. 20–21, 36).
G/D. To stand surety for, to protect: yṯỉr ṯr ỉl ảbh bull DN stood surety, 1.2 III 21
and par. (diff. Smith UBC/1 220: “may … take revenge”).
Cf. ṯảr.
ṯảr n. m. “surety, protection” (?) (< /ṯ-ʔ-r/. Cf. Arab. ṯaʔr, “blood-revenge, retal-
iation of a crime”, AEL 328, see the caution on /ṯ-ʔ-r/. Aartun PU/2 46; see
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 350, “blood relationship”; Watson Historiae 10 2013
39: “avenging relative”; diff. Maróth AcOrHung 27 1973 304; Dietrich-Loretz
Fs. Elliger 34; Sanmartín UF 3 1971 179 n. 33; Verreet UF 19 1987 324 ff.: “flesh”,
“kinship”, “Verwandtschaft”, Hb. šʔr, but cf. Ug. šỉr; Herdner TOu/1 436 n. j;
Margalit OLP 19 1988 84: “colère”, “passion (sexual)”, Arab. ṯāʔir); ¶ par.: aṯt.
¶ Forms: sg. ṯảr; pl. suff. ṯỉrk (?)).
Surety, protection (?): ṯảr ủm tkn lh for him she was (like) a mother’s surety,
1.14 I 15 (// ảṯt; diff. but maintaining the reading ṯảr ủm Greenstein UNP 12:
“she’d had a mother’s brood”; Wyatt RTU 181: “children their mother had
borne him”, and cf. supra for other opinions; Margalit UF 8 1976 139f.: rdg ]ṯt
rủmt: “the second beloved one”; Gibson CML 82: ṯnt ủm a?kun lh: “a second to
become a mother for him”; Mazzini UF 34 2002 571: rdg ṯt rủm, “a second one
had loved”; Tropper UG 366: rdg ṯnt ủ?n? tkn lh, “eine zweite wurde ihm zu(m
Anlass) einer Totenklage”); in bkn ctx.: šbʕ ṯỉrk seven (are) your protections
(?), 1.18 I 25 (alt. protectors, act. ptc. pl. < (?) /ṯ-ʔ-r/); diff. Dijkstra-De Moor

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ṯỉr – ṯʕ (ii) 879

UF 7 1975 194: “attendants, groommen”, var. of *ṯʕr; Wyatt RTU 280: “I] shall
satisfy your desire”, ṯỉr, “flesh” > “desire”, for this and other versions see ibid.
n. 133).
Cf. /ṯ-ʔ-r/, ṯỉr.
ṯỉr see ṯảr.
ṯảt n. f. “ewe” (Akk. šuātu, šâtu, “Mutterschaf”, AHw 1256; “ewe”, CAD Š/3 168;
šuʔu, “sheep”, CAD Š/3 417; Emar Akk. ši-a-ti, Pentiuc Vocabulary 171f.;
OAram. šʔh, tʔtʔ, “sheep, ewe”, DNWSI 1094; Arab. ṯaʔwat, “brebis maigre ou
vieille”, DAF/1 215. Sasson RSP 1 450; Del Olmo BSA 7 1993 184; Tropper UG 179,
297; Watson LSU 112); ¶ par.: ảrḫ. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯảt; pl. ṯảt, ṯủt (cf. del Olmo
AuOr 32 2014 60f.; on the pl. ṯảtt in 1.103:1, rdg by Pardee TR/1 533 ff., see Trop-
per UG 297, alt. dittog. ṯảt{t}; see ảt (II)).
Ewe: k lb ṯảt l ỉmrh like the heart of the ewe for her lamb 1.6 II 29 and par.
(// ảrḫ); šbʕ ṯ!ảt! seven ewes, 1.111:18; ṯủt ṭbḫ ṣtqn PN butchered ewes, 1.80:3; in
unc. ctx.: ṯảt[ 1.93:8.
ṯỉṭ n. m. “mud, clay” (Arab. ṯaʔṭat, “black and fetid mud”, Hava, 66. Renfroe
AULS 67f.); ¶ par.: rṯ. ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. ṯỉṭ.
Mud, clay: b ym ṯỉṭ on the day of (the formation of) mud, 1.17 II 7 and par. (//
rṯ); in bkn ctx.: ṯ[ỉṭ] yqrṣ he modelled (a lump of) clay, 1.16 V 29 (// rṯ).
ṯủṯk DN (Hurr. deity Šawuška, corresponding to Sem. ʕ Aṯtartu; see bibliog.
DN, in Hurr. ctx.: ṯủṯk tỉzr pnm (as for) DN, will be bound (in/) the face (with
a cloth), 1.116:9.
ṯỉy PN (etym. unc. Watson Historiae 4 2007 100: allog. of šỉy (?), “raptor”; AuOr
30 2012 341: “(born in the month) šỉy (?)”); ¶ syll.: cf. ša-i-ya, PRU 3 59
(RS 16.133):4; PRU 3 96 (RS 16.249):4–5, 7; PRU 3 154 (RS 16.242):5; Berger WO 5
1969–1970 280; Huehnergard UVST 238f.
PN: bn PN, 4.245 II 6; 4.841:56.
Cf. ṯʕy (II).
ṯʕ (I) n. m. “offering” (< /ṯ-ʕ-y/; Eth. šuʕat, “act of sacrificing”, CDG 538); ¶ par.:
dbḥ, nkt. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯʕ.
Offering: ủ tḫṭỉn l dbḥm w l ṯʕ or whether you have sinned in connection with
the sacrifices and in connection with the offering(s), 1.40:23 and par.; hw ṯʕ
nṯʕy, this is the offering that we offer, 1.40:24 and par. (// dbḥn, nkt).
Cf. /ṯ-ʕ-y/.
ṯʕ (II) n. m. “Hero”, “Noble”: 1) title of the legendary king krt; 2) title of the
dead and deified kings of Ugarit (Hb. šwʕ, “noble, eminent”, HALOT 1444;
Akk. śuwaʔu / šuʔu/û = šarru, “Herr”, AHw 1295; “master, lord”, CAD Š/3 417.
Herdner TOu/1 484, 529 n. u; Del Olmo UF 20 1988 27ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19
1987 33ff.; diff. Fensham JNSL 14 1988 94f.: “generous sacrificer”, < *ṯʕ, ṯʕ (I)).
¶ Forms: sg. ṯʕ, suff. ṯʕh; pl. ṯʕm.

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880 ṯʕdt – ṯʕt

1. Hero, Noble: krt ṯʕ PN, the Hero, 1.14 IV 37 and par.

2. Title of the dead and deified kings of Ugarit, as recipient of offferings (alt.
“as an offering”, cf. ṯʕ (I)); dqt ṯʕ(m) one ewe, “the Hero” / “Heroes”, 1.39:1; npš
ṯʕ one (piece of) offal, the “Hero”, 1.46:1; nskt ksp w ḫrṣ ṯʕ an ingot of silver
and gold, “the Hero”, 1.105:8; ỉmr w ynt qrt l ṯʕ a ram and a domestic dove
to “the Hero”, 1.119:11, cf. 1.130:19; in bkn ctx.: ṯʕ mlk “the Hero”, the king (?),
1.173:12 (cf. Hb. PN malki-šuaʕ, HALOT 593); ]ṯʕh w ḥl (the king sacrifices) to
his “Hero(es)” and remain desacralised (?), 1.173:17.
ṯʕdt, 4.150:5, cf. ṯʕt.
ṯʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 198).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 1; in bkn ctx.: ṯʕl[, 4.359:3.
ṯʕlb PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 198).
PN: 4.425:3; in bkn ctx.: ṯʕl[, 4.359:3.
ṯʕln PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 198; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229); ¶ syll.: ša-a-la-
na, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257+) III 54; Van Soldt SAU 34, 331.
PN: ★a) 4.374:5; 4.378:8 (Van Soldt SAU 35); ★b) bn PN, 4.63 II 26; 4.214 I 3;
4.633:7 (Van Soldt SAU 34); in bkn ctx. ṯʕl[, 4.359:3.
ṯʕly PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 28, 198; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229).
PN: 4.133:3: in bkn ctx. ṯʕl[, 4.359:3.
/ṯ-ʕ-r/ vb G: a) “to prepare (the table)”; b) “arrange” (Eth. šarʕa, “to set in order,
set the table”, see Arab. šaraʕa, “to establish”, šarīʕat, “the religious law”,
AEL 1534ff. Diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 153 n. f: MHb. šʕr, “to divide, dis-
tribute”; Lipiński UF 2 1970 78: “fracasser”, Arab. ṯaʕara, Eth. saʕara, “remove,
destroy, break”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. prefc. tṯʕr¸ yṯʕr; inf. ṯʕr (or a mistake for
tṯʕr; tṯảr in 1.3 III 37 is a mistake for tṯʕr, due to phonetic confusion of ả/ʕ; cf.
ln. 20–21, 36).
To prepare: a) to prepare (the table), arrange: qm yṯʕr w yšlḥmnh rising he
prepared (the table) and gave him food, 1.3 I 4; ỉḫh yṯʕr mšrrm her brothers
arranged the pointer (?), 1.24:35; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯʕr, 4.210:2; b) arrange (‘as they
were’): tṯʕr ksảt l mhr [t]ṯʕr ṯlḥnt l ṣbỉm she arranged chairs like warriors,
prepared tables like soldiers, 1.3 II 20–21 and par.; hdmm tṯʕ(!)r l hdmm
footstools she prepared like footstools, 1.3 II 37 (see Smith-Pitard UBC/2 135:
“she arranged chairs for the soldiers”).
ṯʕr PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. /ṯ-ʕ-r/, ṯġr (II)).
PN: 4.278:1.
Cf. ṯġr (III).
ṯʕt n. f., a container and measure of capacity (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12
1980 402; Heltzer UF 21 1898 202ff.; Huehnergard UVST 188; Tropper-Vita
UF 30 1998 694 and n. 45: ein Flüssigkeitsmass, mit einem (erheblich) kleine-
ren Fassungsvermögen als ein kd, /ṯa/āʕittu/ < /ṯa/āʕidtu/; Watson AuOrS 27

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/ṯ-ʕ-y/ – ṯʕy (ii) 881

95; diff. De Moor UF 17 1985 222f.; Sanmartín AuOr 8 1990 92 n. 18: “residue,
lees, dregs”, Arab. ṯaʕd, ṯaʔd, DAFA/1 1132, 1174; and see syll. Ug.: DUḪ = tu-
uḫ-ḫu = šu-ḫu-li = šu-ḫu-ut-t[u], Ug 5 137 (RS 20.23) III 3, but see above dġ);
¶ RS Akk.: cf. ša-i-tu4, Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):10, p. 193 n. 2: “un type de récipient
subdivision de la jarre”; Huehnergard UVST 188). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯʕt; pl. ṯʕdt.
A container and measure of capacity, ★a) for honey: ṯʕt nbt one ṯ. of honey,
4.751:6; ★b) for oil: ḫmš šmn w ḫmš ṯʕdt five (“jars”) of oil and five ṯ., 4.150:5;
ṯmn ʕšrh šmn ḥṯbn w ṯʕt eighteen (“jars”) and one ṯ. of oil on account, 4.771:8;
kd šmn ṯʕt ḫsr one jar of oil, in deficit, 3.28:5; 3.29:8; krsủ w ṯʕt šmn one k. und
one ṯ. of oil, 4.811:14 (Tropper UG 420); w ṯʕt šmn and a ṯ. of oil, 4.853:22, 26.
/ṯ-ʕ-y/ vb G: “to offer, sacrifice” (Eth. šawʕa, “to sacrifice”, CDG 538. Del Olmo
UF 20 1988 30ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 19 1987 33ff.; Renfroe AULS 153); ¶ par.:
/d-b-ḥ/, /n-k-t/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. nṯʕy; act. ptc. ṯʕy (cf. ṯʕy (I)).
G. To offer: hw ṯʕ nṯʕy this is the offering that we offer, 1.40:24 and par. (//
ndbḥ, nkt; diff. Pardee TR/1 97f.: N. “l’offrande, elle est offerte”).
Cf. ṯʕ (I), ṯʕy (I).
ṯʕy (I) n. m. 1): a) cult official, “minister, officiant”; b) “exorcist”; 2) civil servant,
“minister” (act. ptc. < /ṯ-ʕ-y/; Eth. šawāʕi, “priest, sacrifier”, CDG 538. For the
var. proposals concerning etym. cf. Gibson CML 160: “master, supervisor”,
Akk. šuʔu, Hb. šāʕāh; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 388 n. 13; UF 19 1987 35 f.:
“Minister, Wesir”, Ug. ṯʕ + y, Akk. šuwāʔum). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯʕy.
1): a) Cult official, minister, officiant: ʕšty / ṯn / ṯlṯ (…) šbʕ w ṯʕy tqdm ʕṣr one /
two / three (…) seven (times) and one / another / another offerer: they offer a
bird, 1.161:27ff. (Diff. Pardee TR/2 818: “x (fois) et fais l’ offrande”); b) exorcist:
l pn ql ṯʕy at the voice of the officiant, 1.169:2 (Ford UF 34 2002 160: “exorcist”;
diff. Aartun UF 17 1985 46f.: “Verleumder”, OSA tṯʕ(y)t; Dietrich-Loretz Fs.
Xella 208, 211: “vor der Stimme des Herrn” // rg[m] bʕl); w mlk ynṣl l ṯʕy and
the king will cease (to act) as officiant, 1.90:22 (/ to offer, cf. /ṯ-ʕ-y/); bt ṯʕy the
house of the officiant, 1.119:8 (/ of “the Hero”, rdg ṯʕ{ y}(?), cf. ṯʕ (II)).
2. Civil servant, minister: ṯʕy nqmd mlk ủgrt, ṯ. of PN, king of Ugarit, 1.6 VI 57
and par. (Van Soldt UF 20 1988 313ff.: “royal secretary” // RS Akk. SUKKAL);
dd l ṯʕy a “cauldronful” for the ṯ., 4.175:5 (/ PN (?)).
Cf. /ṯ-ʕ-y/.
ṯʕy (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 197; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
117); ¶ syll.: cf. ša-i-ya, PRU 3 59 (RS 16.133):4; PRU 3 96 (RS 16.249):4–5,
7; PRU 3 154 (RS 16.242):5; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 280; Sivan GAGl 281;
Huehnergard UVST 230, 238f., 250.
PN: ★a) 4.175:5 (cf. rʕy (II)); ★b) bn PN, 4.69 VI 23; 4.76:7; 4.122:10; 4.354:2;
4.714:4; 4.715:7; 4.843:13.
Cf. tỉy.

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882 /ṯ-b/

/ṯ-b/ vb G: 1) “to return, turn round, go back, make one’s way, go through”; 2)
“to go back to do, to repeat”; 3) “to answer”; 4) “to turn to, attend to”; L/R
“to turn (oneself)”; Š 1) “to send (word), an answer, to answer”; 2) “to (cause
to) return, send back” (Hb., Moab., OAram., Nab. šwb, “turn back, return”,
HALOT 1427ff.; DNWSI 1114f.; Syr. twb, “to return, come again”, SL 1625 f.; OSA
Sab. ṯwb, “repair”, SD 151, Qat. “to turn over”, LIQ 178; Arab. ṯāba, “to return”,
AEL 361ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the elements /šab-/, /šub-/, /yašub-/, in PNN; Sivan
GAGl 282; ¶ RS Akk.: GUR, Van Soldt UF 21 1989 372 n. 22; Gröndahl, PTU 200;
par: /ʕ-b-r/, /ʕ-n-y/, /ʕ-d(-d)/. ¶ Forms: G csuff. ṯb; prefc. tṯb, tṯbn, yṯb, yṯbn,
nṯb (?); impv. ṯb; inf. suff. ṯby (2.9:5, unc. ctx.), ṯbh; L/R prefc. tṯbb (dittog. for
tṯb (?)); Š prefc. tṯṯb, yṯṯb, tṯṯbn; impv. ṯṯb; inf. ṯṯb.
G. 1) To return, turn round, go back, revert, make one’s way, to go through:
lm ṯb bn ʕyn why has GN returned?, 2.70:16; bnšm dt l ủgrt ṯb people who
have returned to TN, 4.339:1 (cf. Akk. târu ana; Van Soldt SAU 447, 449); ṯb
l pdr pdrm he went through town after town, 1.4 VII 8 (// ʕb!r); bkm yṯb bʕl
l bth, straight away DN came back to his house, 1.4 VII 42 (diff. Del Olmo
MLRSO 90: “después que se ha sentado ND en su casa …?”, cf. /y-ṯ-b/; yṯb ʕm
bʕl he turned towards DN, 1.6 VI 12; ṯb l ủnṯhm (until they pay the deposit)
they revert to giving their services, 3.4:19; may the eye of the gatekeeper /
potter / tax-collector / evil-doing man l ṯġr / pḫr / mḫr / bṯy tṯb revert to the
gatekeeper / potter / tax-collector / evil-doing man, 1.96:9–11; in unc. ctx.: w
ṯb and will they return (?), 2.33:39; b ṯbh ʕm in his return to, 2.62:12; w tṯb and
you will repeat / sit, 1.82:35; w ảṯb l ntbtk and I return / will return to your
path (?), 1.82:37 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 248, 254); in bkn ctx.: ]xnṯb ʕmnkm
we shall go back to you, 2.36:9 (Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–1984 325; diff. Dijkstra
UF 21 1989 144: “we will another time deliver (l qrb) to both of you”, cf. infra:
2) To go back to do, to repeat: w ṯb l mspr and (now) go back to the narrative
(: repeat), 1.4 V 42, 1.40:35, cf. w hndt yṯb l mspr, 1.19 IV 63; yṯbn yspr he will go
back to recite, 1.23:56 (alt. “and this is what is repeated of the tale”; see Del
Olmo AuOr 25 2005 314 n. 10; diff. Tsumura UF 10 1978 395: “he sits down (and)
counts”; so too Smith MRFGG: “he sits, counts (to five)”); w tṯb trḥṣnn and
repeatedly she washed him, 1.16 VI 10; [ y]ṯb mdbḥ bʕl they/it will repeat/be
repeated on the altar of DN, 1.41:41 and par. (KTU: [ṯ]ṯb); [ yṯ]b kmm l kl msp[r]
it returns (: it is repeated) once again at / in each recitation, 1.107:14.
3) To answer (with ellipsis, > “to return to say”): yṯb ġzr mt hrnmy the Noble,
the GN answered, 1.20 II 8 and par., cf. 1.4 III 10 (// yʕn, ytʕdd); tṯb y[bmt]
lỉmm the (intended) of the people answered, 1.3 IV 21 and par. (// tʕn).
4) To turn to, attend to: yṯb ly ṯr ỉl attend to me “Bull”, DN!, 1.3 IV 54 f., cf. 1.17
VI 42; 1.18 IV 16); tṯb bʕl l hwty you will attend to my words, DN, 1.4 VI 15 and

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ṯb – ṯbỉl (ii) 883

par., tṯbn in 1.4 VII 24; ṯb ly l ảqht attend to me, oh PN!, 1.17 VI 42 and par; ʕmm
ảṯth btk ṯb returned to his wife at your house, 2.90:12.
In bkn ctx.: ṯb, 1.2 I 2; ṯb[, 1.67:17; ]ṯb, 2.8:3; 4.326:7; 4.701:3; 7.137:2; tṯb, 1.19 I 6;
]tṯb, 2.82:15; ảṯb[ (?), 2.112:3.
L/R. To turn (oneself): ảl tṯbb rỉš, do not / indeed turn back the head (?),
1.169:19 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 220f.: rdg ảl tṯb b rỉš, “do not dwell in
the head” (?))
Š. 1) To send (word) an answer, to answer (Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 75f.):
w rgm ṯṯb ly and send me an answer, 2.13:13 and par. (cf. ln. 32), cf. ṯ<ṯ>b rgm,
1.106:23 and tṯtb ly, 2.35:7; w rgm ṯṯb ʕmy and send me an answer, 2.85:12 and
par.; rgm ṯṯb l ʕbdh, send an answer to your servant, 2.4:7, see 4.89:10; 2.100:12;
ṯṯb he shall answer, 1.41:45 and par. (formula of the royal cultic oracle); mnm
rgm w ṯṯb whatever thing (you hear there) tell (it), 2.87:24.
2) To (cause to) return, send back: w ṯṯb ảnk lhm and I returned them
(the ships) to them, 2.38:23; w ṯṯb mlảkm lh and you shall make the (two)
messengers return to him, 1.14 III 32; ʕd tṯṯbn ksp ỉwrkl until they return the
money to PN, 3.4:17.; w ht ṯṯb hn splm well now he has given back those two
platters, 4.817:8; in unc. ctx.: ]tṯṯbn ỉlm they made the gods go back, 1.53:6
(unc. ctx.); in bkn ctx.: w bhm tṯṯb, 1.114:27; ảṯṯb I will send (it) back, 2.98:9;
nʕm ảt ṯ[[t]]ṯb you must send back pleasant (news) to your servant, 2.86:19
(Dietrich PIHANS 114 21).
Cf. ṯbỉl, ṯbʕm, ṯbʕnq, ṯbln.
ṯb, n. m. repetition / intercalary, said of a month (< /ṯ-b/, vb n., // ptc. [?]).
¶ Forms: sg. ṯb.
Repetition, intercalation / intercalary: b yrḫ ỉbʕlt ṯb in the MN, intercalary,
4.811:17 (Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 278: “in the month of ỉbʕalatu (which?)
repeats”, “reference maybe to an intercalary month”).
ṯbỉl (I) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 61, 63, 96, 200; Rainey UF 31971 164; IOS 3
1973 41; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 116; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991
159; Watson LSU 182; Hess AmPn 138f.; Hawley-Pardee-Sauvage UF 44 2013
383ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. ša-bi-DINGIL(-lì), PRU 3 194 (RS 11.787):7; PRU 4 161 (RS
17.341):21 and passim ibid.; cf. ia-šu-ub-DINGIR, PRU 6 39 (RS 17.358):8, 18;
Sivan GAGl 282; Huehnergard UVST 231.
PN: ★a) 1.92:1 (Margalit AuOr 7 1989 74); 4.313:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.12:6; 4.229:5;
ṯbỉl (II) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 299: *Ṯabaʔil. Heltzer RCAU 14; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 116; Van Soldt Topography 46, 186); ¶ syll.: URU
šá-ba-aʔ-DINGIR, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):12. Sivan GAGl 282; Watson LSU 205;
Van Soldt UF 28 1996 689).
TN: 4.380:25.

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884 ṯbʕm – /ṯ-b-r/

ṯbʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 61, 63, 109, 200; Astour CRRA 18 1972 18;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 110; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166);
¶ syll.: šu-ba-ʔa-mu, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):10; šub-ʔa-mu, Ug 5 97 (RS 20.20):8
(Berger UF 1 1969 123; Huehnergard UVST 245 n. 138); šub-am-mu, Ug 5 159
(RS 17.86+):15; Ug 5 161 (RS 17.315):16; šu-ub-am-mu/mi/ma, Syria 18 1937 247
(RS 8.213):25; RA 38 1941 4 (RS 11. 856):15; PRU 3 57 (RS 15.120):15; PRU 3 61
(RS 16.156):5, 11, 13; PRU 3 64f. (RS 16.200):3, 9, 15, 18; PRU 3 160 (RS 16.261+):10;
Sivan GAGl 203, 282; Huehnergard UVST 231, 245; AkkUg 356, 394.
PN: ★a) 3.20:6, 8; 4.115:8; 4.116:10; 4.141 II 20 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.204:7; 4.609:7
(Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.645:10 (x[…] y); 4.707:19; ★b) [bn] PN, 4.37:6; in bkn ctx.:
ṯbʕnq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 61, 110, 200); ¶ syll.: ša-ba-i-ni-qi, PRU 6 55
(RS 118.22):12; Sivan GAGl 282; Huehnergard UVST 221, 250.
PN: bn PN, 4.260:6; 4.377:14; 4.260:6 (see Pardee RSOu 17 362 n. 75.
ṯbg PN (?) (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 257; Benz PNPPI 413: šbg).
PN (?): bn rqdy ṯbg, 4.339:21 (TN (?)).
Cf. ṯbq.
ṯbġl PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 61, 63, 141, 200, 257; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9
1977 341; Lipiński JSS 26 1981 279; Watson AuOr 14 1996 105); ¶ syll.: cf.
š[a]p-ḫa-la-na, PRU 3 90 (RS 16.147):6; cf. Huehnergard UVST 378; Watson
LSU 182).
PN: bn PN, 4.110:9.
ṯbln PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 43, 61, 153, 162, 200; Watson LSU 182).
PN: bn PN, 4.322:7; in bkn ctx. ]ṯbl[, 4.450:3.
ṯbq PN (?) (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 257; Van Soldt Topography 46; Watson
SEL 28 2011 32; AuOr 30 2012 342).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: 4.177:4 (TN?; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 689; for the rdg ṭ!bq TN
cf. Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 21; RGTC 12/2 298).
ṯbqy GN m. (?) (< *ṯbq, TN?). ¶ Forms: pl. ṯbqym.
GN (?), in bkn ctx.: ṯbq[ ym, 4.40:3.
/ṯ-b-r/ vb G: “to break, shatter”; N: “to break, be shattered, buckle” (Hb. šbr, ·“to
shatter, smash”, HALOT 1402ff.; Ph., OAram. šbr, “to break”, DNWSI 1105 f.;
Ebla cf. NÍG.SAL.SAL = iš-bí-lu, VE 77; Civil Biling. 84; KA.ḪAR.DU = ša-ba-
um, dal-da-bí-lum/lu-um, VE 208; Civil Biling. 80; Conti QuSem 15 39 f.; Akk.
šebēru, “(zer)brechen”, AHw 1206; “to break, fracture”, CAD Š/2 246 ff.; OSA
ṯbr, “to destroy, damage”, SD 149; Arab. ṯabara, “to destroy”, AEL 330: Eth.
sabara, “to break”, CDG 485); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element /šabar-/, in PNN, cf.
Sivan GAGl 281; ¶ par.: /h-p-k/, /n-ṭ-ṭ/, /y-d-ʕ/ (II). ¶ Forms: G csuff. ṯbr; prefc.
yṯbr; N prefc. tṯbr, yṯbr.
G. To break, shatter: knp nšrm bʕl yṯbr DN broke the wings of the eagles, 1.19

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ṯbr – ṯbt 885

III 8 and par.; yṯbr ḥrn y bn yṯbr ḥrn rỉšk may DN, oh son, break DN your head!,
1.16 VI 55 and par.; l yṯbr ḫṭ mṯpṭk undoubtedly he will shatter your sceptre of
command, 1.6 VI 29 and par. (// yhpk); w tṯbr lby and you will break my heart,
2.72:16 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 146).
N. To break, be shattered, buckle: bʕdn ksl tṯbr behind (her) back buckled, 1.3
III 33 and par. (// tṭṭ, tdʕ); her jar l ảrṣ tṯbr shattered on the ground, 1.16 I 54;
in bkn ctx.: tṯbr qšt w[… k]nr yṯbr the bow was shattered and (… like) a lyre
was shattered, 1.19 I 4; ]ṯbr, 2.31:18; yṯbr[ 1.18 IV 2.
Cf. ṯbr, ṯbrn (I).
ṯbr n. m. “opening” (< /ṯ-b-r/; Hb. šbr, “breaking, break”, HALOT 1404 f.; Eth.
sēbrat, “breaking”, CDG 495). ¶ Forms: sg. / pl. cstr. ṯbr.
Opening, in bkn and unc. ctx.: ṯbr ảphn their nasal fossae, 1.2 I 13 (Caquot-
Sznycer TOu/1 128 n. j; diff. Smith UBC/1 265, 284: “their nose breaks”;
Dietrich-Loretz TUAT III/6 1119: “gebrochen (?) ihre Nasen”).
Cf. /ṯ-b-r/.
ṯbrn (I) n. m., “opening” (< /ṯ-b-r/, ṯbr); ¶ par.: p (III). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ṯbrn.
Opening: k llỉ ṯbrn qnh tḫtản like a sucking lamb in the opening of his
oesophagus (fauces) you shall remain ground up, 1.4 VIII 19 and par. (// b
ph. Delekat UF 4 1972 18; diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002 112: “(Zer)brecher”
> “Mahl-, Backenzahn”).
Cf. /ṯ-b-r/.
ṯbrn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 57, 198, 303; Watson AuOr 30 2012 342);
¶ syll.: cf. ša-ba-ra-na, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 51 (Van Soldt SAU 34).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 4; 4.761:5 (Van Soldt SAU 34).
ṯbry PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 198, 302f.; Watson LSU 182).
PN: 4.617 I 18; in bkn ctx.: bn ṯbr[, 4.761:5.
/ṯ-b-š/ see /ʕ-b-š/.
ṯbt n. f. 1) “seat, family seat, mansion”; 2) “sitting / act of sitting down” (< /y-ṯ-b/.
Hb. šbt, “?”, “throne …”, HALOT 1409; Akk. šubtu, “Sitz, Wohnsitz, Wohnung”,
AHw 1257f.; “seat, residence, dwelling”, CAD Š/3 172ff.; Eg. /’aṯba/ “Shelter;
Hut; Residence” Hoch SWET 39f. (31); Ebla /ṯub(a)tum/ in GAR.DÚR = šu-
ba-tum/du, VE 88, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 4; Conti SQF 76; Fensham JNSL 1
1971 16f.; Loretz SEL 12 1995 116; Watson Historiae 10 2013 22); ¶ par.: ḥtk, mlk
(II). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ṯbt, suff. ṯbtk, ṯbth.
1) Seat, family seat, mansion: mỉd grdš ṯbth PN (watched) his ruined family
seat, 1.14 I 23 (// ḥtkh); ksủ ṯbth the seat of his throne, 1.3 VI 15 and par. (// ảrṣ
nḥlth); l ysʕ ảlt ṯbtk he will certainly pull out the supports (?) of your seat, 1.6
VI 28 and par. (// ksủ mlkk); ] ṯbtk ảp l pḫrk ʕnt tqm for] your abode and also
for your family may DN stand up, 1.82:39;
2) Sitting, act of sitting down: bʕl yṯb k ṯbt ġr DN sits down like the sitting

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886 ṯbtnq – ṯdr

down of a mountain (!), 1.101:1, cf. 1.1 III 9, b ġrt ṯ[bt (Caquot TOu/2 47 n. 98;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 133: “ein Tier” // db); in unc. and bkn ctx.:
[r]ḥbt ṯbt (…) rbt ṯbt, 1.5 III 2–3; 1.107:12; ]ṯbt, 7.163:4; ṯbt[, 2.112:10.
Cf. /y-ṯ-b/.
ṯbtnq see ṯbʕnq.
ṯbṭ PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 22, 50, 199; Watson AuOr 30 2012 342);
¶ syll.: cf. PNF DUMU-ši-IB-ṭe4; cf. Huehnergard UVST 215; cf. Sivan GAGl 281.
PN: 3.13:22.
ṭby PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 126); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-bu-i[a], PRU 6 72:10';
Sivan GAGl 282; Watson LSU 183).
PN: 4.222:11; in unc. and bkn ctx., 2.9:5 and cf. /ṯ-b/; 4.431; 7.39:4.
ṯbym PN, in bkn ctx. (?): ]ṯbym[, 4.564:2. Cf. ṯby.
ṯd n. m. 1) “breast, bosom, chest, teat, udder”; 2) “breast (of meat)” (Hb. šd,
“breast”, HALOT 1416f.; Syr. tdāʔ, “breast”, SL 1624; Arab. ṯady, “breast”, AEL
333. Lipiński UF 2 1970 79; Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 202 n. k; Del Olmo AuOr 7
1989 123; Kogan UF 32 2000 722); ¶ par.: ḥlb, kbd, qṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯd; suff. ṯdh;
pl. cstr. ṯd; suff. ṯdn (cf. allom. ṯd, zd).
1) Breast, bosom, chest, teat, udder: pq mrġṯm ṯd they obtained animals who
suck at the teat, 1.4 VI 56 and par. (// qṣ mrỉ); mṣṣ ṯd btlt he (will) suck) the
breasts of the Virgin, 1.15 II 27 (// ḥlb ảṯrt); ṯdn km mrm tqrṣn our chests like
cubs (?) they gnaw, 1.12 I 11 (diff. Schloen JNES 52 1993 215 n. 34: “substance”,
Arab. ṯadina; Rahmouni DEUAT 3 n. 4: “our insides”); ṯd lỉmm, “the breast of
the people”, title of the goddess ʕnt, 1.13:19 (De Moor UF 12 1980 308 f.); in bkn
ctx.: ]ṯdh tnqt her breasts (had not known) lactation, 1.13:31 (// kbdh); in unc.
ctx.: b ṯdh at / with her teats / udder, 1.10 III 24.
2) Breast (of meat): ybrd ṯd l pnwh he divided / sliced a breast (of meat) in
his presence, 1.3 I 6.
Cf. ḏd, zd.
ṯdn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 258; Watson LSU 183).
PN: 4.377:29; rdg unc.: bn ṯ?dn, 4.290:13; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯdn[, 7.9.3.
ṯdny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 257f.).
PN: bn PN, 3.10:20; 3.30:16; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯdn[, 7.9.3.
ṯdnyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 258).
PN: bn PN. 4.225:10; 4.611 II 29.
ṯdpṯn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 205, 212, 251, 258; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.114:4; 4.631:21 (bn brrn).
ṯdr n. f. “waitress, girl” (?) (Hurro-Hitt. šiduri, “Mädchen, Tochter”, HW 325;
“jeune fille”. Laroche GLH 229; “Mädchen”, AHw 1230; “young woman”, CAD
Š/2 408; this would denote the goddess Allanzu; Watson LSU 134). ¶ Forms:
sg. ṯdr.

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ṯdrṯ – ṯgd 887

Waitress, girl (?), in bkn ctx.: prob. ritual, ]h/pn ṯdr, 4.275:2; in Hurr. ctx.:
ṯdrṯ TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 270: *Šidura(še)).
TN: 1.131:8 (Hurr.).
/ṯ-d-ṯ/ vb D: “to repeat for the sixth time” (denom. vb < ṯdṯ); ¶ par.: /ḫ-m-š/.
¶ Forms: D prefc. yṯdṯ; ptc. pass. mṯdṯt, cf. mṯdṯt.
D. To repeat for the sixth time: yṯdṯ yšbʕ rgm he repeated for the sixth,
seventh time, 1.16 V 19 (// yḫmš).
Cf. mṯdṯt, */š-d-ṯ/, ṯdṯ, ṯṯ.
ṯdṯ adj., ord. num. “sixth” (< */š-d-ṯ/. OSA sdṯ, “sixth”, SD 124; Arab. sādis, “sixth”,
AEL 1332; Hb. ššy, “sixth”, HALOT 1666; Akk. šadāšium, “sechster”, AHw 1123;
“sixth”, CAD Š/1 38; Eth. sādes, sādǝsāwi, “sixth”, CDG 486 f.); ¶ par.: ḫmš.
¶ Forms: sg. ṯdṯ.
Sixth: ḫmš ṯdṯ ym a fifth and a sixth day, 1.14 III 3 and par.; mġd ṯdṯ yrḫm food
(until) the sixth month, 1.14 II 31 and par. (// lḫm d ḫmš); b ṯdṯ on the sixth
day, 1.41:45 and par.; ] ṯdṯ yṯb mlk the sixth (day) the king sits, 1.171:6.
Cf. /ṯ-d-ṯ/, ṯṯ.
ṯdṯb PN (Hurr. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 551; Gröndahl PTU 264; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 169).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 12.
ṯdy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 257; Rainey UF 3 1971 172); ¶ syll.: cf. ši-DI-ia,
PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):4, 16; cf. Huehnergard UVST 231 n. 92.
PN: 4.116:18; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯdy[ : 4.650:3.
Cf. šdy, šty, ṯty.
ṯdyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 257).
PN: 4.643:12; 4.649:4; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯdy[ : 4.650:3; ]ṯdyn[, ibid. ln. 4.
Cf. šdyn, ṯtyn.
ṯḏyy PN (etym. unc. Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-zi-ia-ya, PRU 3 195
(RS 15.09) B II 6; Huehnergard UVST 231 n. 93.
PN: bn PN, 4.755:6.
Cf. ṯṯy.
ṯgb PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.867:1.
ṯgbr PN (etym. unc. Cf. Akk. šagapūru, “überaus kraftvoll”, AHw 1126; “mighty,
majestic”, CAD Š/1 65f. Gröndahl PTU 225, 255; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 157);
¶ syll.: cf. šag-ga-pu-ru, PRU 4 237 (RS 17.251):18.
PN: ★a) PN 4.825 II 11; ★b) bn PN, 4.224:9; 4.422 (II) 2; 4.843:43.
ṯgd PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: ši-KU-TI, Syria 28 1951 173ff. (RS 14.016):24; cf.
ši-gu-TI, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 46 (Van Soldt SAU 26 n. 207, 34; Watson
AuOr 14 1996 105).

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888 ṯgmỉ – ṯġr (ii)

PN: ★a) 4.382:30; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 VI 28; 4.761:11 (Van Soldt SAU 26, 34); for
4.633:5 cf. Van Soldt SAU 34 (KTU: bn ṯgr[b); 4.853:19.
Cf. ṯgt.
ṯgmỉ PN (?) (etym. unc. DN (?), cf. McGeough UgET 88 n. 17; but see Vita UF 36
2004 526: “une sorte de textile ou de vêtement” (?); Clemens SURS 373).
PN (?), in bkn ctx.: 4.192:4.
ṯgrb PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 126).
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 28; for bn ṯgr[b, 4.633:5 cf. Van Soldt SAU 34: bn ṯg[d ?.
ṯgt PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.269:9.
Cf. ṯgd.
ṯġṯy PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 252, 256; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991
PN: bn PN, 4.63 IV 4.
ṯġr (I) n. m., “gate, door” (Hb. šʕr, “gate”, HALOT 1614 ff.; Ph., Pun. šʕr, DNWSI
1179; EA Akk. ša-aḫ-ri, “gate”, EAT 244:16, cf. Sivan GAGl 281; Arab. ṯảġr, “gap,
opening”, AEL 338f.; Eg. /ṯaġra, ṯarġa/, “Gate”, Hoch SWET 273f. (390)); ¶ par.:
grn (I), ḥmt (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯġr; pl. cst. ṯġrt, suff. ṯġrh, ṯġrny, ṯġrkm.
Gate, door: pnh ṯġr yṣủ her face appeared through the gate (?), 1.16 I 52; yṯb
b ảp ṯġr he sat at the entrance of the gate, 1.17 V 6 and par. (// grn); klảt ṯġrt
bht she closed the doors of the house, 1.3 II 3 and par. (diff. Aartun StUL 167f.:
“Spalt”, < *ṯġr); k gr ʕz ṯġrkm when a strong one attacks your gates, 1.119:26 (//
ḥmytkm); ảl tdy ʕz ṯġrny do repel the strong one from our gates, 1.119:28 and
par. (// ḥmytny); šlm ṯġrh hail, its gates!, 1.161:34; in bkn ctx.: km nkyt ṯġr[ like
distressed (?) (women) at the gate (?), 1.16 II 27 (Wyatt RTU 229 n. 238); w l
ṯġr n[, 1.136:3.
Cf. ṯġr (II).
ṯġr (II) n. m. 1) “gatekeeper”; 2) “guardian”, royal and mythological title (Hb.
šwʕr, “gate-keeper”, HALOT 1446; Hb., Ph. šʕr, “porter, door-keeper”, DNWSI
1179f.; Ebla /ṯaġġārum/ in KÍD.SAG = ša-ḫa-lum, VE 269; EV 0188; Fronzaroli
EL 150); ¶ par.: bṯy, mḫr (II), pḫr (II); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. NI.DU8, PRU 6 93
(RS 17.131):17; cf. PRU 6 150; Rainey IOS 3 1973 45; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977
338f.; Huehnergard AkkUg 376; cf. yt(n). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯġr, suff. ṯġrh; pl. ṯġrm.
1) Gatekeeper: ★a): ṯġrm gatekeepers, 4.126:22; ṯġrm PNN gatekeepers PNN,
4.609:13; ṯlṯ b ṯġrm three (unskilled labourers go) with the gatekeepers, 4.141
III 2; dd l ṯġr a “cauldronful” (of grain) for the gatekeeper, 4.128:11 (but cf. ṯġr
(III)); ủbdy ṯġrm šd ṯġr PN bd PN lands leased to the gatekeepers: the field
of the gatekeeper PN, at the hands of PN, 4.103:39–40; the eye of the gate-
keeper / potter / tax-collector / evil-doing man l ṯġr / pḫr / mḫr / bṯy tṯb
revert to the gatekeeper / potter / tax-collector / evil-doing man, 1.96:8–12;

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ṯġr (iii) – /ṯ-k-ḥ/ 889

★b) PN ṯġr hkl palace gatekeeper, 4.224:8–9; ṯġr bt ỉl gatekeeper of the house
of DN, 1.114:11 (cf. Pardee TPM 52); ḥdr ṯġr vestibule, 4.195:14; ṯġrm gt ml[k,
(two) gatekeepers of TN, 4.814:28 (Clemens SURS 572); ṯġr, 4.147:3 (Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 38: PN, cf. ả/ỉwrṯġrn; diff. Heltzer, IOKU 32 f.:
“(the) gatekeeper”).
2) Gate-keeper, Guardian, royal and mythological title: ṯġr mlk Guardian of
the kingdom, 3.11:6 (cf. Del Olmo CR 142f.); in astrology: ʕrbt špš ṯġrh ršp the
sun set, her gate-keeper (was) DN (Mars), 1.78:3 (Del Olmo AuOr 30 2012 371);
for the rdg ṯġr in 1.5 II 8 cf. Greenstein IOS 18 1998 109; cf. ʕšrt (II).
In bkn ctx.: ṯġr, 4.669:1–2.
Cf. ṯġr (I), ṯġr (III).
ṯġr (III) PN (?) (lex. classification and etym. unc. in unc. ctx. Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 6 1974 38: PN, cf. ả/ỉwrṯġrn; diff. Heltzer, IOKU 32 f.: “(the)
gatekeeper”. Gröndahl PTU 29, 198, 247f.).
PN (?): 4.147:3; cf. 4.128:11.
Cf. ṯʕr (II), ṯġr (II)
ṯh, n. m. “neighbour”; “neighbourhood, vicinity, nearby” (?) (Akk. šē/īʔu, “Nach-
bar”, AHw 1222; “neighbor”, CAD Š/2 363f. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 149, 151;
diff. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 299: TN; Bordreuil-Pardee UgMan 245: “disaster”;
for other interpretations see Cunchillos TOu/2 335). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯh.
Neighbour, neighbourhood, vicinity (?): p mġy ṯh “in fact the neighbour has
arrived”, 2.88:14; ảlpm śśwm rgmt ʕly ṯh two thousand horses you said to go
up the vicinity (of the enemy (?)), 2.33:25, cf. ln. 37; p l ảšt ảṯty nʕry ṯh l pn ỉb
and I am not going to leave either my wife or my boy(s) in the vicinity in the
face of the enemy, 2.33:29; in bkn ctx.: šṣủ ṯh ʕmk, 2.107:10.
өḫr DN, first part of the double-barrelled name of the unknown god(s) өḫr w
bd (etym. unc. De Moor UF 2 1970 315).
DN, in god lists: өḫr w bd, 1.123:27.
ṯk PN (Hurr. Watson AuOr 11 1993 220; AuOr 30 2012 342; cf. Gröndahl PTU 205,
255); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-uk-ku, PRU 4 118 (RS 17.133):5.
PN: bn PN, 4.45:2.
/ṯ-k-ḥ/ vb G: a) “to burn, inflame”; b) “to be inflamed (sexual meaning), get
excited” (etym. unc. Hb. *škḥ II (?), “to be hot, burn” > “to wilt”, HALOT 1490 f.
Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 239f. n. f: “s’enflammer”, Hb. niškēḥāh, Is. 23:16; diff.
De Moor VT 14 1964 371f.: “to strip naked”, in a sexual sense, metath. Arab.
kaṯaḥa, but cf. Grégoire-Groneberg UF 6 1974 67 n. 20; Del Olmo MLC 641:
“estrechar, abrazar, apretar”, id.; Herrmann YN 4 f.: “finden”, Aram. šěkaḥ, Syr.
ʔeškaḥ; Aartun WO 4 1967–1968 285: “vergessen”, Hb. škḥ; survey of meanings

in HALOT 1490f.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tṯkḥ, yṯkḥ.

G. a) To burn, inflame: tṯkḥ ttrp šmm the heavens burned, slackened, 1.5

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890 /ṯ-k-l/ – ṯkmt

I 4 and par. (Ortlund UF 38 2006 552ff.: “the heavens will burn”; Smith
UNP 141; Wyatt RTU 115: “the skies will be hot”; see also Barker UF 38 2006
42ff.: “you burned him up”; diff. Dietrich-Loretz Fs Del Olmo 64, 67f.: “den
Mächtigen … hast du gefunden!”, ṯkḥ, “finden”, with survey of opinions);
b) to be inflamed (sexual meaning), get excited: yrḫ yṯkḥ yḥ[bq] DN is
inflamed (and) embraces, 1.24:4 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz Studien 159, 169: “wird
ND rasend, er wird die umarmen”, Akk. šegû II, but see Del Olmo AuOr 25
2007 162); y/tṯkḥ w y/tỉḫd b qrb/ủšk (s)he is inflamed and seized her vulva /
his penis, 1.11:1–2.
/ṯ-k-l/ vb G: “be childless, deprived of children” (Hb. škl, “to become childless”,
pi., “to be deprived of children”, HALOT 1491 f.; JPAram. tkl, “to be bereft,
childless”, DJPA 581; Arab. ṯakila, “to be(come) bereft, to lose”, AEL 345.
Caquot TOu/2 90; Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980 157). ¶ Forms: G/D prefc. tṯkl.
G: be childless, deprived of children: w tṯkl bnwth for she will be deprived of
offspring, 1.100:61.
Cf. ṯkl.
ṯkl n. m. “sterility, loss of children” (< /ṯ-k-l/. Hb. škwl, “childlessness”, HALOT
1488f.; Syr. tkālāʔ, “bereavement, childlessness”, SL 1644; Arab. ṯa/ukl, “the
state of being bereft of a child”, AEL 345. Finkel Fs. Starr 31 ff.; Tsumura
UF 6 1974 409; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 351: “bereavement”); ¶ par.: ủlmn.
¶ Forms: sg. ṯkl.
Sterility, loss of children: bdh ḫṭ ṯkl with the sceptre of sterility in his hand,
1.23:8, cf. 1.95:4 (// ủlmn).
Cf. /ṯ-k-l/.
ṯkm n. m. “shoulder” > “top” (Hb. škm, “shoulder”, HALOT 1494 f. Dietrich-Loretz
UF 8 1976 49; De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 161 f.); ¶ par.: ảmt (II), (?) nḫnpt, ẓr.
¶ Forms: sg. ṯkm, cstr. ṯkm; du. cstr. ṯkmm (/ encl. -m).
Shoulder: ṯkm bm ṯkm shoulder to shoulder, 1.22 I 5; yrḥṣ (…) ủṣbʕth ʕd ṯkm
he washed (…) his fingers / arms up to the shoulder, 1.14 III 54 and par. (//
ảmth); rkb ṯkmm ḥmt he mounted the shoulders of the wall, 1.14 IV 4 and par.
(// l ẓr); ʕl l ṯkm bnwn go up on top of the building, 1.16 IV 13 (// (?) l nḫnpt).
Cf. ṯkmt.
ṯkmn DN, first element of the double-barrelled DN ṯkmn w šnm, origin un-
known (Pardee UF 20 1988 195ff.; for a Sansk. etym. cf. Wyatt UF 22 1990
446f.); ¶ syll.: cf.(?) PN šu-ku-ma-na, PRU 3 161 (RS 16.281) 6.
DN, in lists of gods: ṯkmn w šnm, 1.65:4; 1.123:8; in offering texts: ṯkmn w šnm
dqt / š, DNN, one ewe / ram, 1.39:3 and par.; in prayers and magical texts: ytšỉ
(…) l ṯkmn w šnm may it ascend (…) to DNN!, 1.40:34 and par.; in lit. texts:
yʕmsn{.}nn ṯkmn w šnm they loaded DNN with him, 1.114:18.
ṯkmt n. f., “she who carries on her shoulders, who shoulders” (act. ptc. G

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ṯkn – ṯkt 891

*/ṯ-k-m/; Eth. sakama, “to carry on the shoulders”, CDG 496. Diff. Watson
UF 8 1976 378: “to rise early”, Hb. hiškîm); ¶ par.: ḥspt. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯkmt.
She who carries on her shoulders, who shoulders: pġt ṯkmt my PN, who
carries water on her shoulders, 1.19 II 6 and par. (// ḥspt).
Cf. ṯkm.
ṯkn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 255; Watson AuOr 11 1993 220; LSU 183); ¶ syll.: cf.
šu-ka-na-na, PRU 3 155 (RS 16.243):5.
PN: 4.16:13; in bkn ctx., ṯkn[, 4.506:4.
ṯknt n.f. controversial rdg, “appearance, form”; see ảt (II) (cf. Akk. šikittu, “ap-
pearance”, CAD Š 2 430, said of parts of the exta; “Gestalt”, AHw 1233. Diff. Par-
dee TR/1 532, 536ff.: rdg ṯảtt, “le brebis du troupeau”; Tropper UG 297, (?), alt.
dittog. ṯảt{t}; Del Olmo CR 299: rdg [l?]ảtt, “omens”. ¶ Forms: sg./pl. costr. ṯknt.
Appearance, form: ṯknt ṣỉn appearance(s) in small cattle, 1.103.1.
/ṯ-k-p/ vb “?” (etym. unc. Cf. Akk. sakāpu, “ab-, wegstossen”, AHw 1011:
sakāpu(m) I; “to thrust, push away”, CAD S 70ff.: sakāpu A; Syr. tkab, etpa. “to
be oppressed”, SL 1642f. Watson LSU 112; Tropper UG 535; for diff. interpreta-
tions see Cunchillos TOu/2 279 n. 19: “résister”, Akk. sakāpu; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 530: “abfassen”, from ctx.; (De Moor AuOr 27 2009 290:
“to urge”, JAram. tkp, “to press together”, tkyp, “suddenly”, Syr. tkb, “to press
hard”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 351: “to overcome”, N “to be overcome”, from
ctx.; RSOu 18 191: “on a frappé”). ¶ Forms: ṯkp, nṯkp.
?, in bkn ctx.: hm nṯkp, 2.10:14, ṯkp k znt, 2.104:8.
/ṯ-k-r/ vb Š “to deliver (in payment or tribute)” (?) (denom. < Akk. iškaru,
“Pensum, Ration”, AHw 395f.; “work assigned to be performed”, CAD I/J 244 ff.
< Sum. eš.gar; Hb. ʔškr, “tribute”, HALOT 95. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 173;
diff. Sauren-Kestemont UF 3 1971 204 n. 58: “évoquer, raconter”, alloph. of ḏkr,
Hb. hif. zkr; Margalit UF 27 1995 240: < *ṯṯkr, “a riding animal”; Wyatt RTU 205
n. 132: “she put a brave face on it”, id.). ¶ Forms: Š prefc suff. tṯṯkrn.
Š. To deliver (in payment or tribute) (?), in unc. ctx.: tṯṯkrn (…) whom they
will deliver as tribute …, 1.15 I 3 (diff. Hutton UF 35 2003 244 ff., 257: “they
eulogize (her)” < *ḏkr).
ṯkṣ PN (etym. unc., Sem. (?). Cf. Akk. šakṣu and OAss. PN DUMU ša-ak-ṣí-im,
AHw 1141; CAD Š/1 193: “wild” (?); diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973
PN in unc. rdg ṯkṣṯxxx, 4.52:10.
ṯkt n. f. a type of boat (Eg. śkty, “Art Schiff”, WäS/4 315; Hb. śkyh, “ship”, HALOT
1327. Vita EU 165f.; Barcos 282; Watson LSU 144). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯkt.
A type of boat: ★a) in adminstrative texts: ṯkt PN ṯ. of PN, 4.81:4 and passim
ibid.; PN ṯkt a ṯ., 4.366:1–14; ★b) in mythological texts: ʕdn ṯkt b glṯ the time
of the ṯ.-boat in the storm, 1.4 V 7 (De Moor SP 51 n. 52; De Moor-Spronk

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892 ṯl – ṯlḥn

CARTU 175; Dietrich-Loretz SEL 12 1995 117f.; Loretz UBL 12 167ff.; UF 37 2005
421 n. 69: “Zeitpunkt des Wagens in Herabfluss / in der Wasserflut”, Hurro-
Akk. šukituḫlu “Wagenfahrer” < Akk. šukitu “Wagen”; diff. Aartun WO 4 1968
289ff.: “das Umherziehen”, Arab. ṯakka; rdg ṯrt: Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 207
n. t: “jaillissement”, Arab. ṯarr, ṯariya; Del Olmo MLC 202, 641: “abundancia”,
Arab. *ṯrw/y; for the various opinions cf. also Van Zijl Baal 110; Smith UBC/1
53, 66; Wyatt RTU 101 nn. 135, 136); in unc. ctx.: ỉṯ yn dʕrb bṯk[, 1.23:74.
Cf. ṯrt.
ṯl “?” (Hurr. /šali/, Laroche GLH 212: “fille”).
?, in unc. ctx.: l ṯl pkdy, 5.11:14 (word division unc. in school exercise text); in
Hurr. ctx.: 1.64:21.
Cf. ṯln
өl, allog. of ỉl, 1.108:9: ảklt ʕgl ỉ !l who devours the divine bullock (cf. 1.3 III 44).
ṯlb n. m. “flute” (Akk. šulpu, pl. t., “Halm, Röhrchen”, AHw 1269; “stalk”, a flute
or other reed instrument, CAD Š/3 256: šulpu A 3. Dietrich-Loretz UF 12 1980
176; Pardee TPM 98; Watson LSU 112); ¶ par.: knr, mṣltm, tp (I). ¶ Forms: sg.
ṯlb; pl. ṯlbm.
Flute: d yšr (…) b knr w b ṯlb who is sung (…) with the lyre and the flute, 1.108:4
(// b tp w mṣltm); w rm b ṯlbm and is celebrated (?) with flutes, 1.113:3 and par.
ṯlbwn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.841:17; 4.842:12; 4.846:15.
ṯlgn PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 342).
PN: bn PN, 4.807:15; 4.860:21.
ṯlġḏy PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 56, 211, 252, 257; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.290:2.
ṯlḥḫ adj. m. “?” / GN (?), with Hurr. morph. (cf. ṯlḥny, GN. Van Soldt UF 28 1996
690; diff. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 349: < TN *Zalḫu, cf. slḫủ). For the Hurr. ending
-ḫ cf. Diakonoff HU 70f.). ¶ Forms: ṯlḥḫ.
? / GN (?): PN ṯlḥḫ, 4.53:5.
ṯlḥmy “?” (rdg and etym. unc.; school exercise).
?, in unc. ctx.: ảṯt l ṯlḥmy, 5.11:6 (cf. ṯyny. Tropper UG 595: rdg (l tṯ) lḥmy “mein
Brot” // yny “mein Wein”, ln. 7).
ṯlḥn n. m. “table” (Hb. šlḥn, “table”, HALOT 1519ff. Watson UF 40 2008 562: Eg.
sȝḥ (> *šlḥ)); ¶ par.: hdm, ksủ. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯlḥn, cstr. ṯlḥn, suff. ṯlḥny; pl. ṯlḥnm,
Table: ḫlḥn ỉl a divine table, 1.4 I 38; dpr ṯlḥn b qʕl the table was perfumed with
vine blossom, 1.22 I 16; ṯlḥn bʕlt bhtm the table of the “Lady of the Mansions”,
1.109:31; ṯʕr ṯlḥnt l ṣbỉm she prepared tables as (if they were) soldiers, 1.3 II 21
and par. (// hdmm; cf. ln. 36–37); tḫtṣb bn ṯlḥnm she battled between the
tables, 1.3 II 30; štt p[…] b ṯlḥny […] was placed on my table, 1.4 III 15; lḥ[m]

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ṯlḥn(y) (i) – ṯlrby (i) 893

b ṯlḥnt lḥm eat food from the tables, 1.4 IV 36; tḥt ṯlḥnt beneath the tables,
1.114:6 (cf. ln. 8); lpnh ybky ṯlḥn mlk may the royal table weep in front of him!,
1.161:15 (// ksỉ PN, hdm pʕnh; diff. Pardee TR/2 818; “devant lui qu’ on pleure la
table du roi”; but Del Olmo UF 36 2004 633); special administrative meaning
(“the king’s table”, public treasury), bn ảdty ṯlḥn PN of the “table”, 4.13:36 and
passim in this bkn text; ṯlḥn ảḥd one table, 4.834:23; in bkn ctx.: ṯlḥ[n, 3.15:6;
ṯlḥn, 4.275:6; ]ṯlḥnt, 4.594:3.
Cf. ṯlḥn, ṯlḥny (I).
ṯlḥn(y) (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 302: *Ṯulḫanā. Heltzer RCAU 14; Astour
RSP 2 337, 365; UF 13 1981 8f.; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 382; Topography 46,
186); ¶ syll.: URU šul-ḫa-na/nu, 4.810:20; PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):7; PRU 6 111:5
(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 302); PRU 3 169 (RS 18.279):2; cf. for the rdg Astour
RSOu 11 67 n. 83; Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177; UF 28 1996 690; cf. URU si?-il-ḫa-na,
PRU 3 38 (RS 15.41):2. Sivan GAGl 267; Huehnergard UVST 230 n. 86, 244 n. 130;
AkkUg 365; UF 28 1996 690.
TN: ★a) ṯlḥn, 4.834:23; ★b) ṯlḥny: 4.68:11; 4.95:5; 4.629:16; 4.686:7; 4.800 I 39;
4.355:51; 4.610 II)43.
Cf. ṯlḥny (II).
ṯlḥny (II) GN m. (< ṯlḥny (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯlḥny, pl. ṯlḥnym.
GN: bn PN ṯlḥny, 4.33:17; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯlḥnym, 4.634:3.
Cf. ṯlḥḫ, ṯlḥny (III).
ṯlḥny (III) PN (< ṯlḫny (II). Gröndahl PTU 26, 198).
PN: 4.80:18.
ṯlḫh DN, one of the kṯrt goddesses (etym. unc. Hb. šlḥym, “dowry, farewell
gift”, HALOT 1505f. De Moor UF 2 1970 200; SP 146 f.; Herrmann YN 23;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 553 n. 1; diff. Rainey RSP 2 73: “dowry”,
Hb. šillūḥîm).
DN: ṯlḫh w mlghy DN and DN, 1.24:47.
ṯlln PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 198; Watson LSU 183; Historiae 4 2007 101).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 I 16; 4.711:2.
ṯllt, n. f. “?” (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: sg. (?) ṯllt.
?, in bkn ctx.: ṯllt khn[, 1.107:18 (Pardee TPM 246 n. 67: “bande”, for this and
other opinions).
ṯlrby (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 299f.: *Ṯallurbā. Heltzer RCAU 14; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 168f.; Astour TopAn 129; UF 13 1981 8 f.; RSOu 11 67
n. 90; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 382; Topography 46f., 186 f.; Belmonte Fs. Watson
114); ¶ syll.: URU šal-lu-ur-bá: 4.810:19; URU šal-lu-ur-ba-a, RS 25.455 A+: rev. 3
(Arnaud SMEA 32 1993 128; Van Soldt UF 28 1966 690); URU šá/šal-lurx(NIR)-
ba(-a), PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):4; PRU 6 105 (RS 19.117):3; PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):7;
URU šal-lurx(NIR)-[bi?]-ya, PRU 6 111 (RS 19.129):8 (for the rdg cf. Belmonte

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894 ṯlrby (ii) – ṯlṯ (i)

RGTC 12/2 299; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 690; lurx(NIR) cf. Astour UF 13 1981 8
n. 49; RSOu 11 67 n. 82); Huehnergard UVST 231, 290 n. 109; Watson LSU 205;
Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177). ¶ Forms: ṯltby, ṯlrbh (adv. -h; cf. -h (II)).
TN: 4.68:12; 4.95:4; 4.244:21; 4.610 II 37 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 13; Van Soldt
UBL 11 376); 4.686:8; 4.762:8; 4.800 II 4; with directional suff.: qrht d tš{š}lmn
ṯlrbh cities that pay TN, 4.95:2; for 4.308:5–6 cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 11; for
4.355:43 and 4.629:20 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 690; 4.820 II 5.
Cf. ṯlrby (II).
ṯlrby (II) GN m. (< ṯlrby (I)); ¶ syll. Ug.: šá-lurx(NIR)-bi-yu/yi, PRU 6 100 (RS
19.51):1; PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):19; Huehnergard UVST 231, 238f.; Van Soldt
SAU 336 n. 166; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 299. ¶ Forms: ṯlrby.
GN: PN ṯlrby, 4.297:5; in bkn ctx.: 4.619:3.
ṯltḫ PN (etym. unc. Cf. Akk. (MUL) šiltāḫu and dŠil-ta-ḫa-a-nu, AHw 1236f., CAD
Š/2 448ff.: “arrow”, as name of the star Sirius. Watson LSU 183).
PN: 4.12:3.
ṯlṭ PN (etym. unc., Sem. (?). Watson LSU 183).
PN: ★a) bn PN, 4.63 III 5; ★b) gt bn ṯlṭ, 4.96:11 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 94).
/ṯ-l-ṯ/ vb D: 1) “to repeat for the third time”; 2) “to plough” (denom. < ṯlṯ
(I). De Moor SP 194; Grabbe UF 8 1976 63; Dahood UF 11 1979 145 f.; Mar-
galit MLD 133); ¶ par.: /ḫ-r-ṯ/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. tṯlṯ, yṯlṯ; pass. ptc. mṯlṯt, cf.
D. 1) To repeat for the third time: [ yṯlṯ], 1.16 V 13, reconstructed form (cf. ln.
13, 16, 17, 19: yṯ[ny, [ yrbʕ], yḫmš, yṯdṯ).
2) To plough: yṯlṯ qn ḏrʕh (…) k ʕmq yṯlṯ bmt he ploughed the cane of his arm
(: humerus) (…), like a valley he ploughed his back, 1.5 VI 20–21 and par. (//
Cf. mṯlṯt, ṯlṯ (I).
ṯlṯ (I) n. num. 1) “three”; 2) “set of three, tercet, trio” (Hb. šlwš, “three”, HALOT
1544f.; Hb., Ph., Pun. šlš/t, “three”, DNWSI 1153 f.; OAram., Nab., Palm. tlt/h,
“three”, DNWSI 1153f.; JPAram. tlt, “three”, DJPA 583; Akk. šalāš, “drei”, AHw
1146; “three”, CAD Š/1 232ff.; OSA ṯlṯ, “three”, SD 150; Arab. ṯalāṯ, “three”,
AEL 348; Eth. šalās, “three”, CDG 529. Gordon UT § 7.11 ff.; Tropper UG 346 f.;
Del Olmo UF 7 1975 89ff.; Vervenne UF 19 355 ff.); ¶ par.: ảrbʕ, ṯn (I). ¶ Forms:
sg. ṯlṯ, alloph. s̄ls̄ (4.710:10); f. ṯlṯt, alloph. s̄ls̄t (4.710:5, 11, 13); encl. -m: ṯlṯtm; du.
ṯlṯtm; pl. ṯlṯm (cf. ṯlṯm).
1) The numeral three, ★a) elliptical syntagms: ṯlṯ rkb ʕrpt three (sacrifices)
“the Charioteer of the clouds” (hates), 1.4 III 17 (// ṯn); b ṯlṯt on (day) three,
1.46:5; bn hzpḫ ṯlṯt PN three (shekels?), 1.87:58, cf. 4.394:2; ṯlṯ w ṯʕy three
(times) and an officiant, 1.161:28; ṯlṯ ʕl ủbrʕy three (rods) on the account of
TN, 2.26:11; 3.17:6; 4.313:18, 21; ủbrʕy ṯlṯ TN, three, 4.27:15, cf. 4.41:10; 4.73:11,

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ṯlṯ (i) 895

13; 4.113:1; 4.303:5; 4.793:2; 4.834:20, 21; PN ṯlṯ three (rams), 4.775:15, 16, 18, 21;
cf. 4.844:3; ṯprt b ṯlṯt a ṯ. for three (shekels), 4.146:4, cf. b s̄ls̄t for three (shekels),
4.710:11; ṯlṯ bt ỉl ảnn three (“jars” of wine) the sanctuary of ả., 4.149:17; ṯlṯ l
ḥr[šm / mḏr[ġlm three (“jars” of wine) for workers / m., 4.216:2, 4; ṯlṯ b zl
three (vineyards) in TN, 4.244:13; ṯlṯ l bt three (“jars” of wine) for the palace,
4.274:5; [ṯ]lṯ b ṯġrm three (of the personnel) from among the gatekeepers,
4.141 III 2; ṯṯṯ w kmsk, six (shekels) and a k., 4.861:7; ★b) genitive syntagms:
ṯlṯ mtḥ ġrym three m.-measures (below) the depths, 1.3 IV 36 and par. (// ṯn);
ṯlṯ ymm three days, 1.111:2; ṯlṯ yrḫm three months, 1.16 II 22 (// arbʕ); ṯlṯ ṣỉn
three sheep, 1.43:6; ṯlṯ yn / mṣb three (“jars”) of wine, 1.91:22, 25, 33; 4.41:5;
4.715:2; ḫmš mảt ṯlṯt yn five hundred and three (“jars”) of wine, 4.126:14, cf.
PN ṯlṯ [ yn] PN three (jars) [of wine], 4.715:22–23; ṯlṯ ymm three days, 2.104:6;
ṯlṯ kk[rm / ḥ[mr three talents / loads, 4.23:4–5; ṯlṯ spm three bowls, 4.34:3, 4,
7, 8; 4.46:32; ṯlṯ šmn three (“jars”) of oil, 3.13:3; 4.41:2; ṯlṯ šủrt three š., 4.44:6,
16; ṯlṯ klbm three dogs, 4.54:4; ṯlṯ dd three “cauldronsful”, 4.333:5; 4.608:2;
4.795:5; ṯlṯ ddm šʕrm three “cauldronsful” of barley, 4.790]:14; cf. 4.60:3; ṯlṯ
qlʕm three shields, 4.63 III 3, 21; ṯlṯ qšt three bows, 4.63 III 5, 21; yd ṯlṯ kl[th
with his three daughters-in-law (?), 4.80:19; ṯlṯ ṣmdm three pairs / teams,
4.88:9; 4.89:1; 4.145:8; 4.302:4; 4.368:1; 4.377:1; 4.585:3; ṯlṯ ġzr[m] three lads,
4.102:16; ṯlṯ ktnt three tunics, 4.132:2; 4.333:18; ṯlṯ b[n] mrynm three sons of
m., 4.137: 4, cf. 4.163:8; ṯlṯ lmdm three apprentices, 4.138:6, 8, 9, cf. 4.188:7; ṯlṯ
ḫpnt three ḫ., 4.152:5; ṯlṯ mrkbt three chariot bodies, 4.167:1, 5; b ṯlṯ šnt in three
years, 4.168:12; 4.182:60; ṯlṯ pld šʕrt three woollen cloaks (?), 4.205:7; ṯlṯ šʕrt
three (lengths) of wool, 4.705:1; ṯlṯ kkr šʕrt three talents of wool, 4.341:3; ṯlṯ
krm ủbdym three vineyards in a leasing system, 4.244:9, cf. ln. 10; ṯlṯ pṯt three
cases, 4.247:22; ṯlṯ šd(m) three fields, 4.282:3, 6; 4.357:29; ṯlt ảlp ṣpr three ṣ.
oxen, 4.296:8, cf. 4.127:6; 4.417:5; 4.446:3; ṯlṯ ủṭbm three ủ., 4.333:11; ṯlṯ nʕrh
his three lads, 4.339:25, cf. 4.360:5; ṯlṯ bʕl three workers, 4.360:2; ṯlṯ zt three
olive trees (?), 4.399:6; ṯlṯ šr[t] three š., 4.410:8, 15, 17, 20; ṯlṯ brm three b.,
4.421:3; ṯlṯ ḥrš m[rkbt three carters, 4.618:12; ṯlṯ ḫrmṯt three sickles, 4.625:1; ṯlṯ
bhtm three houses, 4.750:12; mḏrġlm ṯlṯt ksp the m. three (shekels) of silver,
4.751:2; ṯlṯ ʕṣrm three (domestic) fowl, 4.751:5; ]ṯlṯ kṯt three k., 4.60:4 [ṯ]lṯ ảṯt
ảdrt three noble women, 4.102:16, cf. 4.419:6; ṯl{.}ṯ ảzml three ả., 5.23:3; ṯlṯ lg
rqḥ three l. of perfume, 5.10:8; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯlṯ qlm[ three q., 4.468:2; ṯlṯt prṣm
three p., 4.710:5; ṯlṯt ks̱t three k., 4.710:13; [ṯ]lṯ mḥt šmn, three m. of oil, 4.854:3;
w ṯlt krsảt three k.; 4.808:12; in unc. ctx.: ksp ṯlṯt ʕml l ảdn three shekels of
silver he earned (?) for (his) master, 5.11:8; ★c) in apposition: ḫrṣ ṯlṯt of gold,
three (shekels), 1.43:5; kdwt ṯlṯ k., three, 4.270:3, cf. ṯ[l]ṯ kdwṯm gdlm, 4.152:6;
khnm ṯlṯ priests, three, 4.752:6; PN ṯlṯ bnšm PN: three members of personnel,
4.804:1; ★d) composite numbers: six: ṯlṯt w ṯlṯt ksph its price is six (shekels),

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896 ṯlṯ (i)

4.158:13; (…) ṯlṯt w ṯlṯt (…) six, 4.721:8; ṯlṯtm bʕlm six (du.) workers, 4.360:6–7;
thirteen: ṯlṯt ʕ[šrt, 1.41:3, 1.112:15; ṯlṯ ʕšr [kkr thirteen talents, 4.342:2; ṯlṯ ʕsr
mrynm thirteen m., 4.137:2; ṯlṯ ʕšr kdwṯm thirteen k., 4.152:11; ṯlṯ ʕšr mkrm
thirteen traders, 4.163:7; mrynm ṯlṯ ʕšr m., thirteen, 4.179:10; ṯlṯ ʕšrh [l b]t ršp
gn thirteen (“jars” of wine) for DN, 4.219:3; ṯlṯt ʕšr[t], thirteen, 4.290:10; ṯlṯ ʕšr
bnš thirteen individuals, 4.618:2; ṯlṯ ʕšr ṣỉn thirteen sheep, 4.691:2; mỉtm ṯlṯ
ʕšrh two hundred and thirteen, 4.777:5; ṯlṯ ʕšrh ʕgl thirteen calves, 4.783:4; ṯlṯ
[ʕ]šr ptḥ thirteen doors, 4.195:7; ktnt [ṯ]lṯ ʕšr[h] tunics, thirteen, 4.363:1; ṯlṯ
ʕšrh prs qmḥ thirteen p. of flour, 4.795:2; in bkn ctx.: 4.594:2; twenty-three:
ṯlṯt l ʕšrm ksp, twenty-three (shekels) of silver; 4.833:6; ṯlṯt l ʕšrm ksphm its
price is twenty-three (shekels), 4.158:5; ṯlṯ l ʕšrm ṯpnt śśwm twenty-three
horse-ḫ., 4.363:6; ʕ̱šrm s̄ls̄ kd ztm twenty-three “jars” of oil, 4.710:10; in bkn
ctx.: ṯlṯ l ʕšrm twenty-three, 4.795:1; ʕšrm ṯlṯ kbd, 4.810:12; thirty-three: ṯlṯm ṯlt
thirty-three, 4.170:9; 1.48:3; forty-three: ảrbʕm ṯlṯ kbd, 4.810:7; ṯlṯm ṯlṯ ddm kbd,
4.855:6; fifty-three: in bkn ctx.: ḫmšm ṯlṯ, 1.148:20; ḫ[mšm] [ṯ]lṯ kbd, 4.400:10;
in unc. ctx.: sixty-three: ṯṯm ṯlṯ sixty-three, 4.333:1; seventy-three: šbʕt ṯlṯt šlm
he paid seventy-three, 4.226:9; eighty-three: ṯmnym ṯlṯ eighty-three, 4.163:11;
ṯmnym ksp ṯlṯt kbd eighty-three (shekels) of silver, 4.333:5; ninety-three tšʕm
ṯlṯt w nṣp ninety-three and a half, 4.779:1; three hundred: ṯlṯ mảt, 1.148:20;
3.13:16, 17; 4.121:1; 4.127:1; 4.158:7; 4.168:11; 4.171:1; 4.182:10, 26; 4.247:26; 4.299:4;
4.333:28; 4.369:4; 4.397:10; 4.402:7; 4.636:26; 4.776:1; in ctx bkn 4.300:2; ṯlṯ
[mảt] ảrbʕ, three hundred and four, 4.387:14; ]ṯlṯ mỉt ḫm[š] three hundred
and five, 4.291:4; ṯlṯ mảt ʕšr three hundred and ten, 4.636:11; ṯlṯ m[ảt] ʕšrm
three hundred and twenty, 4.396:1; 4.636:16; ṯlṯ m[ảt] ṯlṯm kbd three hundred
and thirty, 4.743:15 (for the rdg cf. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 694); ṯlṯ mảt ḫmšm
three hundred and fifty, 4.387:11; ṯlṯ mảt ṯṯm three hundred and sixty, 4.636:6,
cf. 4.855:1; ṯ]lṯ mảt šbʕm three hundred and seventy, 4.664:3; ṯl]ṯ mảt ṯmny[m]
three hundred and eighty, 4.664:5; ảlpm ṯlṯ mảt ʕšrm, 4.899:4; two thousand
three hundred; six hundred: ṯṯ mảt ṯlṯ (…) bnš, six hundred and three (…)
individuals, 4.137:12; in bkn ctx.: ]ṯlṯ kbd ṣỉn and] three sheep, 4.127:9.
2. Set of three, tercet, trio: ảṯr ṯlṯ klhm they walk in sets of three (= three
by-three) all of them, 1.14 II 42 and par. (// ảṯr ṯn. See Arab. ṯalāṯat ṯalāṯat,
AEL 348).
In bkn ctx.: ṯlṯ kmm, 1.16 IV 15; ṯlṯ šxn, 1.48:5; ]b ṯlṯ, 1.55:6; ṯlṯ, 1.104:29; 1.163:8;
4.61:1, 6; 4.73:2, 4; 4.139:4; 4.205:8; 4.317:10; 4.326:9; 4.396:11; 4.683:31; 4.719:2–3;
4.722:1–6; 4.744:2; 7.41:6; ṯlṯ[, 4.225:10; 4.268:8; 4.301:2; 4.303:4; 4.312:2; 4.396:4;
4.397:8; 4.627:4; ṯlṯt[, 1.112:30; ]ṯlṯ, 4.396:21; 4.579:1–2; 4.598:1; 4.618:13; ]ṯlṯt, 1.21
II 7; ]ṯlṯ[, 1.134:5; 4.541:1; 4.697:2; ṯlṯ kbd, 4.296:2; 4.400:11; [ṯ]lṯ kbd, 4.400:10; b
ṯlṯ, 1.175:17; ṯlṯ ṯ[nt], 4.4:10; ṯlṯ 4.127:10; 4.192:3; ṯlṯ, 4.796.2; ṯlṯ[, 4.833:1; ṯl[ṯ] alpm
tšʕ mảt ṯ[lṯm, 4.809:1.

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ṯlṯ (ii) – ṯlṯ (v) 897

Cf. /ṯ-l-ṯ/, ṯlṯ (II), ṯlṯ (III), ṯlṯ (IV), ṯlṯid, ṯlṯm.
ṯlṯ (II) adj. m. ord. num. “third” (Hb. šlyšy, “third”, HALOT 1527; Hb., Ph. šlš(ʔ),
“third”, DNWSI 1154f.; OAram. tlytytʔ, “third”, DNWSI 1154 f.; JPAram. tlt,
“third”, DJPA 583; Akk. šalšu, “dritter”, AHw 1150; “third”, CAD Š/1 263ff.; Arab.
ṯāliṯ, “third”, AEL 349; Eth. šāləs, “third”, CDG 529); ¶ par.: ḫmš (II). ¶ Forms:
sg. ṯlṯ, f. ṯlṯt.
Third: ṯlṯ rbʕ ym a third, a fourth day, 1.14 V 2 and par.; b ṯlṯ ym[ġy] on the third
(day) he arrived, 1.14 IV 33, cf. 1.22 II 25, 1.111:16; 1.112:8; 1.163:4; ṯlṯ rbʕ [ y]r[ḫ] a
third, a fourth month, 1.17 II 45; b ṯlṯ kd yn on the third (day) a “jar” of wine,
4.279:3, cf. 1.49:8; b ṯlṯ on the third (day), 2.88:8; in Hurr. ctx.: b ṯlṯ, 1.132:22; in
unc. ctx.: b ṯlṯ, 4.616:1.
Cf. ṯlṯ (I).
ṯlṯ (III) n. m, “charioteer”, “third man”, member of the team in a war-chariot
(Hb. šlyš, “third man, adjutant”, “fighting charioteer”, HALOT 1525 f.; cf. Akk.
tašlīšu, “Mann auf dem Kampfwagen”, AHw 1339; “third man (of a chariot
crew)”, CAD T 29ff.; Hitt. LÚ šalašḫa, “groom, stablehand”, Pecchioli-Daddi
BiOr 53 1996 142. Del Olmo IMC 177ff.; Vervenne UF 19 1987 355 ff.; Renfroe
UF 19 1987 231ff.; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1220 n. 47; Watson UF 28 1996 705);
¶ par.: ḫpṯ, ṯnn (I). ¶ Forms: pl. cstr. ṯlṯ.
Charioteer: ṯlṯ sswm mrkbt charioteers of a chariot, 1.14 III 24 and par.; ṯlṯ mảt
rbt the charioteers (are) hundreds of myriads, 1.14 II 36 and par. (// ḫpṯ, ṯnn;
diff. among others, Gibson CML 84: “three hundred times ten thousand”; De
Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 159: “team of three horses”, ṯlṯ (I)); Loretz HippUg
31ff.: “Kupfer, Pferde, Wagen”, with survey of var. translations).
Cf. ṯlṯ (I).
ṯlṯ (IV) mult. num. m., “triple”, “three times” (Arab. ṯulāṯ, “thrice”, AEL 348;
diff. Herdner TOu/1 530 n. x; “son troisième”, Akk. šulluštu, with survey of
opinions); ¶ par.: (?) ṯn (II). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ṯlṯh, f. suff. ṯlṯth (cf. 1.16 V 9,
unc. ctx.).
Triple: ảtn (…) ṯlṯh ḫrṣm I shall give (…) her triple in gold, 1.14 IV 43 (cf. 1.15
II 7, unc. ctx., // (?) ṯn{n}t).
Cf. ṯlṯ (I).
ṯlṯ (V) n. m. 1) “copper, bronze”; 2) “bolt”, by meton. (etym. unc. < ṯlṯ (I) (?).
Zaccagnini OrAn 9 1970 317ff.; OrAn 10 1971 143; Heltzer Iraq 39 1977 203ff.;
GPOTU 30; Liverani SDB fasc. 53 1332; Cohen-Sasson-Yogev-Yona UF 43 2011
37ff. < ṯlṯ (I)); ¶ RS Akk.: URUDU (erû), cf. PRU 3 219; PRU 6 151, 156; Huehn-
ergard AkkUg 367; cf. LÚ(.MEŠ) SIMUG URUDU(.MEŠ), PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172)
A 10; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):23; ZABAR (UD+KA+BAR, siparru), cf. PRU 3 157;
Huehnergard AkkUg 391; cf. LÚ.MEŠ ZAG.LU ZABAR, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+
16.258+16.126) e. II 1 (cf. sbrdn); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. 1 ša-al-šu-ma, Ug 5 84 (RS

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898 ṯlṯỉd – ṯlṯm

20.235):11; Zaccagnini OrAn 9 1970 318 n. 26: “(oggetti) di rame”; Huehner-

gard UVST 186f.: “(lot of) copper(-ingot)s”; Sivan UF 21 1989 363; Van Soldt
SAU 307. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯlṯ, allom. s̄ls̄ (cf. s̄ls̄), f. s̄ls̄t (cf. s̄ls̄t).
1) Copper, bronze: ★a): ảrbʕ ḥmr[m …] l ṯlṯ four donkeys for the [(transport
of)] copper, 4.268:2; ḫmš ʕšr kkr ṯlṯ (ship’s cargo of) fifteen talents of copper,
4.390:4; ḫmš ảlp ṯlṯ (…) b ʕšrm ḫmšt kbd ksp five thousand (shekels) of copper
(…) for twenty-five of silver, 4.337:6; (n) kkr ṯlṯ (n) talents of copper, 4.181:4
(cf. ảlpm ṯlṯ two thousand shekels of copper, ibid. ln. 6); 2.32:5–6, 11; 4.203:1;
4.272:6; 4.280:2, 5; (n) kkrm ảlp [[x]] kbd ṯlṯ l nskm GN (n) talents, one
thousand (shekels) of copper for the casters of GN, 4.337:3; mỉt ṯlṯ mḫsrn ʕl nsk
TN one hundred shekels of copper, deficit of the forgers of TN, 3.18:1; ảrbʕm
ṯlṯ mḫsrn PN forty shekels of copper, deficit of PN, ibid. 3; cf. ibid. ln. 5, 7, 9; in
bkn ctx.: in 4.300:2; ṯlṯ d yṣả bd PN l argmn l nskm copper transferred to PN for
the tribute (and delivered) to the smiths, 4.43:1 (Sanmartín UF 10 1978 455 f.;
cf. Pardee UF 12 1980 433); ṯlṯ ḫmš ảlpm copper: five thousand shekels, 4.181:2;
ảrbʕ ảlpm mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ four thousand two hundred shekels of copper, 4.626:3;
ảlpm tšʕ mảt t[ltm] kbd ṯlṯ two thousand nine hundred and thirty (shekels) of
copper, 4.809:3; mḫsrn ṯlṯ (n shekels of) copper deficit, 4.866:9; kkr ṯlṯ, a talent
of copper, 4.867:4; in barter: kkr ḫmš mảt kbd ṯlṯ šmn one talent five hundred
(shekels) of copper (in exchange) for oil, 4.272:4; ảlp mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ ḥlb one
thousand two hundred (shekels) of copper (in exchange) for cheese, ibid. ln.
5 (Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176f.); ★b) nsk ṯlṯ coppersmiths: 4.35 II 8; 4.126:18;
4.183 II 27; 4.222:8–11; 4.819:11; 4.836:15; 4.837:20 (RS Akk.: LÚ(.MEŠ) SIMUG
URUDU(.MEŠ), PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172) A 10; PRU 6 93 (RS 17.131):23; LÚ.MEŠ
ZAG.LU ZABAR, PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+16.258 + 16.126) e. II 1; cf. sbrdn); ★c)
copper in powdered form or ground up: ʕšr kkr ṯlṯ ktt ten talents of powdered
copper, 4.721:4; ảrbʕ kkr ṯlṯ ktt four talents of powdered copper, 4.288:9; ảlpm
ṯlṯ ktt two thousand (shekels of) powdered copper, 4.203:14; ★d) bronze (?):
ủlṯ ṯlṯ a mould (for bricks) of bronze, 4.390:7; ]npṣ ṯlṯ ]bronze equipment (?),
2) Bolt, by metonymy: bʕdh ʕdbt ṯlṯ after her she shot the bolt, 1.100:71 (diff.
Dietrich-Loretz Studien 309: “um sie herum ist das Bauwerk aus Kupfer”, but
see idd. UF 34 2002 938: “um sie herum arrangierte / tat sie es dreimal” and
UF 41 2009 89: ʕdbt ṯlṯ, “Bronzegeräte/-werke”).
ṯlṯỉd adv., “three times” (< ṯlṯ (I) + ỉd); ¶ par.: ṯnm. ¶ Forms: ṯlṯỉd.
Three times: hlmn (…) ṯlṯỉd ʕl ủdn, hit him (…), three times above the ear,
1.18 IV 23 and par. (// ṯnm); [h]m ṯlṯ{.}ỉd ynphy yrḫ [i]f the moon is seen three
times, 1.163:5; ṯnỉd ṯlṯỉd twice three times, 2.98:14.
Cf. -ỉd, ṯlṯ (I).
ṯlṯm n. num. “thirty” (pl. of ṯlṯ (I). Hb. šlšym, “thirty”, HALOT 1545; Ph., Pun.,

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ṯlṯm 899

OAram., Nab., Palm. šlš( y)m/n, “thirty”, DNWSI 1155; Syr. tlātīn, SL 1651; OSA
ṯlṯ( y), “thirty”, SD 150; Arab. ṯalāṯūn, “thirty”, AEL 348 f.; Eth. šalāsā, “thirty”,
CDG 529). ¶ Forms: pl. ṯlṯm.
1) The numeral thirty: ★a) elliptical syntagms: PN ṯlṯm PN thirty, 4.165:1–4;
4.658:11, 20, 36, 48, 51–53; 4.803:2; RSOu 14 44:2; ảnnṯb (…) ṯlṯm šl[m] PN (…)
paid thirty (shekels), 4.226:1; ṯlṯm l bn l[ thirty on the account of PN, 4.755:8;
ṣṣ PN ṯlṯm saltmine(s) of PN, thirty, 4.340:1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 17, 19, 20; 4.344:5, 13; ṯlṯm
d nlqḥt (for a value of) thirty that has already been collected, 4.659:1; in bkn
ctx.: 4.396:19; ★b) ge. syntagms: ṯ]lṯm pảmt thirty times, 1.173:15; b ṯlṯm ym on
day thirty, 1.163:7; ṯlṯm dd ? ḥswn thirty “cauldronsful” (?) of ḥ., 4.4:9, cf. 4.269:4
(kśmn), 4.400:1 (?), 4.786:4 (šʕrm); ṯlṯm ʕṣr thirty domestic fowl, 4.14:5; ṯlṯm
lgm thirty l., 4.34:6; ṯlṯm šủrt thirty š., 4.44:9; ṯlṯm sp thirty bowls, 4.44:23; ṯlṯm
ảlmg thirty (logs) of a., 4.91:8; ṯlṯm ṯqlm thirty shekels, 4.156:6; ṯlṯm ỉqnủ thirty
(shekels of) lapis lazuli, 4.181:12, 37; ṯlṯm drt thirty (“cauldronsful”) of bran,
4.243:22, cf. ln. 31; [[š]]ṯlṯm šd thirty fields, 4.282:16; ṯlṯm ktn thirty tunics,
4.284:1; ṯlṯm ṣỉn thirty sheep, 4.295:14; ṯlṯm ṯlṯ thirty (shekels) of copper, 3.18:5;
]ṯlṯm kkr ṯl[ṯ] thirty talents of copper, 2.32:6, 11; ṯlṯm ksp thirty (shekels) of
silver, 4.389:5; 4.682:12; ṯlṯm yn thirty (“jars”) of wine, 4.691:3; ṯlṯm prqt tyt
thirty sacks of t., 4.811:9; ★c) in apposition: pảmt ṯlṯm thirty times, 1.39:20;
1.109:30; ksm ṯlṯm of grain, thirty (measures), 1.41:19 and par.; ksp ṯlṯm of silver,
thirty, 4.682:6; šʕ]rt ṯlṯm of barley, thirty, 4.182:28; w ṯlṯ[m] ḫrṣ and thirty, of
gold, 4.164:16.
2) Composite numbers: thirty-one: ṯlṯm ảḥd, 4.151 II 3; thirty-two: ṯn l ṯlṯm,
4.139:9; thirty-three: ṯlṯm kdwt ṯlṯ kbd thirty-three k., 4.270:2; ṯlṯm ṯlṯ kbd mṣrrt
p[ṯt] thirty-three m. of linen, 4.270:9; ṯlṯm ṯlṯ ddm kbd thirty-three “caul-
dronsful”, 4.855:6; thirty-four: ṯlṯm ảrbʕ kbd ksp thirty-four (shekels) of sil-
ver, 3.23:18; thirty-five: ṯlṯm ḫmš kbd ktnt thirty-five tunics, 4.203:7; thirty-six:
ṯlṯm dd ṯṯ thirty-six “cauldronsful”, 4.243:21, 27; ṯlṯm ṯṯ kbd thirty-six, 4.392:4;
thirty-seven: ṯlṯm yn šbʕ thirty-seven (“jars”) of wine, 3.13:22; ṯlṯm w šbʕ ảlpm
thirty-seven head of cattle, 4.658:48; šbʕt l ṯlṯm thirty-seven (shekels of sil-
ver), 4.658:3; rqd šbʕ l ṯlṯm lỉk PN has sent thirty-seven, 4.777:6; thirty-eight:
ṯmn l ṯlṯm ṣỉn thirty-eight sheep, 1.105:4; ṯlṯm [ṯm]n kst thirty-eight k., 4.206:5;
thirty-nine: tšʕ ṣmdm ṯlṯm thirty-nine yokes (of land), 4.136:2; ṯlṯm tšʕ b[d y]n
thirty-nine (“jars”) of wine, 4.213:19; one hundred and thirty: ṯlṯm l mỉt one
hundred and thirty, 4.810:3; ṯlṯm l mỉt šʕrt one hundred and thirty of wool,
4.168:3; ṣṣ PN mỉt ṯlṯm kbd saltmine of PN, one hundred and thirty, 4.344:9;
[m]ỉt ṯlṯm kbd šmn one hundred and thirty (“jars”) of oil, 4.352:3; one hundred
and thirty-four: ṯlṯm l mỉ[t] ảrbʕ kbd one hundred and thirty-four, 4.411:4; two
hundred and thirty: mỉtm ṯlṯm kbd two hundred and thirty (shekels), 4.690:13,
cf. 4.397:2; three hundred and thirty: ṯlṯ mảt ṯlṯm kbd šmn three hundred and

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900 ṯm – ṯmg

thirty (jars) of oil, 4.171:1; ṯlṯ m[ảt] ṯlṯm kbd three hundred and thirty, 4.743:16
(Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 694).
In bkn ctx.: ṯlṯm, 1.27:7; 1.104:4; 2.80:5; 4.10:4; 4.239:3; 4.312:3; 4.317:12; 4.398:9;
4.552:11; ṯlṯm[, 4.23:13; 4.387:16; ]mảt ṯlṯm, 4.664:1; ]dn ṯlṯ[m, 4.30:11; ṯ]lṯm,
4.30:6; 4.552:16; ]ṯlṯm[, 4.456:1; 4.62; ṯlṯtm … ṯlṯtm bnš, 4.834:12–13.
Cf. ṯlṯ (I).
ṯm adv. 1) “there”; 2) “then” (Hb. šm, šmh, “there”, HALOT 1546 ff.; Arab. ṯamma
/ ṯumma, “there”, “then”, AEL 350ff.; cf. Akk. šumma, “wenn, falls”, AHw
1272f.; “when, now”, CAD Š/3 274f. Gordon UT § 11.2 f.; Aartun PU/1 4; Tropper
UG 739); ¶ RS Akk.: ašrānu, Ug 5 48 (RS 20.19):19; 55 (RS 20.178) rev. 8; Van
Soldt SAU 465 (alph. ṯmny). ¶ Forms: ṯm, suff. ṯmm (+ encl. -m [?]), ṯmn,
ṯmny, ṯmt.
There: ṯm ḥrbm ỉts there with a sword I shall try (to attack him), 1.2 IV 4. ṯm
ydr krt there PN made a vow, 1.14 IV 36; ṯm tgrgr l ảbnm settle there among
the stones, 1.23:66; ṯm ṯkm bm ṯkm ảḫm there, shoulder to shoulder, were the
(two) brothers, 1.22 I 4, cf. ln. 6–9; ṯm tpl k lbnt there they fell like bricks,
1.13:13; ṯmny ʕm ảdtny mnm šlm there, with our mistress, may all be well,
2.11:14 and par., cf. 2.30:9: ṯmn, greeting formula (cf. Cunchillos TOu/2 251 ff.);
w ṯmn mnm šlm and there the well-being whatever it is, 2.85:10; 2.89:7; w
knt šlmth ṯmt and his compensation is there, 2.97:15; ṯmny ydbḥ mlġt there a
sacrifice will be offered (and) the m. (will be performed), 2.40:15; w ủḫy yʕmsn
ṯmn may my brother load it / (for) me there, 2.41:21; w mnm d tšmʕ ṯmt and
whatever you hear there, 2.10:18; w ṯn ʕbdk ṯmt ʕmnk and your two servants,
(when they are) there, with you, 2.70:21; d ḫbṯ ṯmn who has broken his links
there, 2.108:5, 7; ṯm ḥrbm ỉts then with a sword I shall try (to attack him), 1.2
IV 4; in bkn ctx.: qbẓ ṯmt, 1.133:13 (Aartun UF 17 1985 42; Pardee TPM 154); ṯm,
2.80:2; ṯmny, 2.34:22; 2.65:3; bn PN ṯmt, 4.847:5 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 77:
error for ṯmnt, “huit” (?))
ṯmdl n. m. “exhaustion, destruction” (?) (etym. unc.; extended form /qtl+l/
< */ṯ-m-d/, cf. Ug. ġrpl, etc. (?). Arab. ṯamada, “to take forth, to exhaust”,
AEL 352; Hb. šmd, “to be destroyed”, HALOT 1552 f.; JPAram. šmd, “to forcibly
convert”, DJPA 556. For var. opinions cf. De Tarragon TOu/2 99 n. 312; Pardee
TPM 250f. nn. 94–95); ¶ par.: ảbd. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯmdl.
Exhaustion, destruction (?), in unc. ctx.: ảs]pt (…) l p ảkl ṯmdl remove (…)
from the mouth of the devourer, the destruction, 1.107:45 (// ảbd. Del Olmo
Fs. Xella 198 n. 22; diff. Caquot TOu/2 99 n. 312: “une drogue”, Akk. šammu;
Pardee TPM 242: “venin”; Watson UF 39 2007 683ff.: “… from the gaping
mouth of the Eater”, < Akk. šuddulu, šum/ndulu, šadlu < *šadālu, “to be broad,
ṯmg DN, the sun deity in Hurr. mythology (/Šimigi/. Von Schuler WbMyth 198;

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ṯmgdl – ṯmn(y) (i) 901

Laroche Ug 5 522; GLH 232); ¶ syll.: dUTU = si-mi-gi = ša-ap-šu, Ug 5 137

(RS 20.123+) IV a 18; cf. ibid. IV b 14. ¶ Forms: ṯmg, ṯmgnd (determ. with direct.
DN, passim in Hurr ctx.; cf. 1.26:5; 1.42:38; 1.60:8; 1.110:7; 1.111:12; 1.116:17; 1.135:8.
Used in theophoric PNN (Gröndahl PTU 253; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 10 f.;
SEL 8 1991 169); in bkn ctx.: bn ṯmg[, 4.785:6.
Cf. ảršmg, slṯmg, ṯmgdl, ṯmgn.
ṯmgdl PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 207, 221, 253; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: 4.295:5 ( yknʕmy).
ṯmgn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 253f.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 13; SEL 8
1991 168); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-mu-KU-nu, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+) II 10.
PN: 4.753:5; 4.868:3.
ṯmk TN, a mythical place famous for its wine (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 300:
*Ṯamuku. De Moor ZAW 88 1976 332; Lewis UBL 12 140; diff. Aartun UF 17 1985
42f.: “Bitterkraut”, MHb. tmkh, Aram. tmktʔ; Watson LSU 19, 112, 146: “beaker”,
Akk. šumkalatḫu, Sum. sum-ki-na).
TN: hn ym yṣq yn ṯmk behold on this day he poured wine of ṯ., 1.22 I 17; cf.
gt ṯm[k?, 4.424:3 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-Ṯamuki(?); Watson AuOr 22
2004 125 n. 143: “onions” (?), Akk. šumku; Watson AuOrS 27 96: “cup” (?), Hurr.
šumkalaḫtu, a bronze vessel, alt. TN); tḥt ỉl ṯmk at the feet of the gods of TN,
1.179:2 (De Moor UF 40 208 180).
/ṯ-m-m/ vb G: “to be appalled” (?) (etym. unc. Hb. šmm, “to shudder, to be
appalled”. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 175: ṯm G/D: “to be horrified”; for other
options see Watson LSU 112: “to lame”, “to trample”, …). ¶ Forms: G impv. (?)
G. To be appalled (?), in bkn ctx.: ṯmm w lk be appalled (?) and go, 1.5 III 13,
27; cf. ṯmm, 1.146:5.
ṯmm, cf. ṯm.
/ṯ-m-n/ vb D: “to do, give eight” (denom. of < ṯmn (I)); ¶ par.: /y-l-d/ (+ šbʕ).
¶ Forms: D prefc. suff. tṯ{t}mnm (encl. -m).
D. To do, give eight: w ṯmn tṯ{t}mnm lk and eight (sons) she will give you, 1.15
II 24 (// tld; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 175: “to do something for the
eighth time for oneself”, rdg tṯtmnm, tD; but see Sasson SEL 5 1988 185 for
criticism of this etym.).
Cf. ṯmn (I), ṯtmnt.
ṯmn(y) (I) n. num. “eight” (Hb. šmwnh, “eight”, HALOT 1569f.; Hb., Ph.-Pun.
šmn/šmnh, šmn(ʔ), DNWSI 1163f.; OAram., Palm., Nab. tmnyh/ ʔ, tmwnʔ,
DNWSI 1163f.; JPAram. tmny, “eight”, DJPA 584f.; Akk. s/šamāne / šamānat,
“acht”, AHw 1017; “eight”, CAD S 110f.; OSA ṯmn, “huit”, SD 150; Arab. ṯamān(in)
/ ṯamāniyat, “eight”, AEL 355 Eth. sǝmn, “eight”, CDG 502. Gordon UT § 7.16;

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902 ṯmn(y) (i)

Tropper UG 348); ¶ par.: šbʕ. ¶ Forms: ṯmn (I) (Huehnergard UVST 292 n. 115),
f. ṯmnt, allomorph s̄mnt (4.710:7); pl. ṯmnym (cf. ṯmnym).
The numeral eight: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ṯmn tṯ{t}mnm lk eight (sons /
daughters) she will give you, 1.15 II 24 (// šbʕ bnm); yṣrk (…) ṯmn rkb ʕrpt
missing (…), for eight (years was) the Charioteer of the clouds, 1.19 I 43
(// šbʕ šnt); b ṯmnt on (day) eight, 1.112:11; TN ṯmn TN eight (jars of wine
(?)), 4.48:5, 10; ṯmnt krwn eight (…) PN, 1.87:60; ṯmnt ỉṣr rʕt eight bundles
of thunder, 1.101:4 (// šbʕt); b ṯmnt ỉynm ảkl the eighth day, as a (sacrifice
of) grief (?), (a measure of) grain, 1.112:12; ★b) genitive syntagms; ṯmnt
ảp sgrt eight antechambers, 1.3 V 26 (// šbʕt); ṯmnt bn ủm eight sons of
a (: the same) mother, 1.14 I 9 (šbʕ); ṯmn ṯnzrk your eight ṯ., 1.5 V 8 (//
šbʕt ġlmk), cf. ṯmn ḫzr eight assistants, 4.141 III 4; ṯmnt nblủh, his eight
n., 1.54:3 (// šbʕt); ṯmn nqpnt eight turns of time, 1.12 II 45; 1.23:67 (// šbʕ
šnt); ṯmn qšt eight bows, 4.53:14; ṯmn mrkbt eight chariot(-bodies), 4.145:1;
ṯmn ḥlnm eight windows, 4.195:15; ṯmn kkr ṯlṯ / brr eight talents of copper
/ tin, 4.203:1–2, cf. 4.43:5; ṯmn krmm eight vineyards, 4.244:11; ṯmn ḥblm
eight ropes, 4.247:31; ṯmn mrbdt mlk eight royal m., 4.270:11; ṯmn yn eight
(“jars”) of wine, 4.285:4, 9; ṯmn ṣỉn eight sheep, 4.295:2; ṯmn dd(m) eight
“cauldronsful”, 4.333:4; 4.795:3; ṯmn lbšm eight garments, 4.337:14; ṯmnt ksp
for eight (shekels) of silver, 4.337:20; 4.121:2; ṯmn ṣmdm eight yoked (animals),
4.618:4; ṯmn ḫrmṯt eight sickles, 4.625:11; ṯmn ʕglm eight calves, 4.783:2, 6;
ṯmn ddm! šʕrm eight “cauldronsful” of barley, 6.19:1; \mnt prs̱m ẖṭm eight
p. of wheat, 4.710:7; ★c) in apposition: mṯb ỉlm ṯmn the seats of the gods
are eight, 1.23:19, see in unc. ctx. m<ṯ>bt ỉlm ṯm[n] ṯmn ṯmn gml[x] ṯmn the
thrones of the gods are eight … (?), 1.104:21–23; hbṭm ṯmn h. eight, 4.179:12;
ṯmnt ksp{.}hn eight (shekels), their price, 4.132:3; ṯmn bỉr, eight in TN, 4.810:10;
★d) composite numbers: eighteen: b ṯmnt ʕšrt on (day) eighteen, 1.105:19;
1.119:11; b ṯ<m>nt ʕšrt for eighteen (shekels), 4.146:8 (diff. Tropper-Vita UF 30
1999 680: rdg ṯnt ʕšrt “twelve”); ar ṯmn ʕšrh TN, eighteen, 4.27:16; ṯmn ʕšr šủrt
eighteen š., 4.44:1; ṯmn ʕšrh mrynm eighteen m., 4.173:2; ṯmn ʕšrh šmn ḥṯbn w
ṯʕt eighteen (“jars”) and one ṯ. of oil on account, 4.771:5; PN ṯmnt ʕšrt ʕšrt šlm
PN eighteen (shekels), paid ten, 4.226:5; ṯmn ʕšr ảkl eighteen (“cauldronsful”)
of grain, 4.688:2; twenty-eight: ṯmn l ʕšrm ṣ!md bd mrynm twenty-eight pairs
(of draught animals) delivered into the hands of the m., 4.377:33; [ṯ]mn l
ʕšrm [l] bt ʕṯtrt twenty-eight (“jars” of wine) for the temple of DN, 4.219:2;
bn ḥgby ṯmnt l ʕšrm PN twenty-eight (shekels), 4.226:8; b ṯmnt l ʕšrm ksp for
twenty-eight (shekels) of silver, 4.337:15; w ʕšrm ṯmn, 4.808:14; thirty-eight:
ṯmn l ṯltm ṣỉn, thirty-eight sheep, 1.105:4; forty-eight: ṯmn l ảrbʕm lqḥ šʕrt
forty-eight of wool they took, 4.144:5; ṯmn kbd ảrbʕm forty-eight, 4.212:3;
fifty-eight: ḫmšm ṯmn kbd, 1.141 II 24; ʕdy ṯmn kbd ḫmšm PN fifty-eight, 4.273:8;

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ṯmn (ii) – ṯmnym 903

ṯmn l [ḫ]mšm dd fifty-eight “cauldronsful”, 4.796:9; sixty-eight: ʕl šlmym ṯmn

kbd ṯṯm šmn on PN’s account: sixty-eight (“jars”) of oil, 4.313:28; ṯṯm ṯmn
kb[d] sixty-eight ( yryt), 4.411:8; eighty-eight: ṯmn l ṯmnym, 1.5 V 21 (// šbʕ l
šbʕm); 4.179:14; 4.213:23 ( yn); 1.12 II 49 (ảḫh); two hundred and forty-eight:
[mỉ]tm ảrbʕm tmn kbd 4.352:5 (šmn); seven hundred and eight: šb[ʕ mảt] ṯmn
kbd, 4.387:22; eight hundred: ]ṯmn mỉ[t, 4.30:9; ṯmn mảt kbd eight hundred,
4.626:5, 7, cf. 4.636:21; 4.809:9; one thousand eight hundred: ảlp ṯmn mảt kbd
one thousand eight hundred, 4.709:5.
In bkn ctx.: ṯmn, 1.19 I 5 (Margalit UF 11 1979 556; UF 15 1983 77f.: “(an object)
of high value”, Arab. ṯamīn; Watson LSU 112f.: “precious object”, “gift”(?), Akk.
šummannu, and other options); 4.4:7; 4.73:3; 4.717:2; 4.744:1, 3; ṯmn[, 4.23:10;
4.157:4; 4.397:9; ]ṯmn, 2.65:3; 4.525:2 kbd ṯmn, 4.243:50; ]ṯmn[, 4.510:1; ṯmnt,
1.5 IV 9; ṯmnt, 4.833:2, 13, 14; in unc. ctx.: ṯmn b qrb hkly eight (?) within my
palace, 1.20 II 1.
Cf. /ṯ-m-n/, ṯmn (II), ṯmnym.
ṯmn (II) ord. adj. “eighth” (Hb. šmyny, “eighth”, HALOT 1562; Akk. samnu,
“achter”, AHw 1019; “eighth”, CAD S 120; Arab. ṯāmin, “eighth”, AEL 356; Eth.
sāmǝn, “eighth”, CDG 502); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. [ša]-ma-nè-e, PN, PRU 6 85 (RS
19.79):25; Sivan GAGl 281). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯmn.
Ordinal, eighth: b ṯmn gn on the eighth (day) of (the month) gn, 1.106:18 (alt.
ṯmn( y) (I)).
Cf. ṯmn (I).
ṯmn (III), cf. ṯm.
ṯmnỉd, adv. “eight times” (< ṯmn). Forms: ṯmnỉd.
Eight times: ṯmnỉd qlt, eight times I fall, 5.33:6.
ṯmnr PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.315:11.
ṯmn(y) TN, see š/ṯmn(y).
ṯmny, cf. ṯm.
ṯmnym n. num. “eighty” (pl. of ṯmn( y) (I). Hb. šmnym, “eighty”, HALOT 1569f.;
Pun. šmnm, DNWSI 1164; OAram tmnym, DNWSI 1164; Syr. tmānīn, SL 1653;
OSA ṯmny, SD 150; Arab. ṯamānūn, “eighty”, AEL 355 f.; Eth. samānǝyā,
“eighty”, CDG 502); ¶ par.: šbʕm, tšʕm. Forms: pl. ṯmnym.
The numeral eighty: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ṯmnym bʕl m[ḫṣ]eighty (cities)
DN destroyed, 1.4 VII 11 (// tšʕm); ★b) ge. ṯmnym ẓbyy my eighty “gazelles”, 1.15
IV 7 and par. (// šbʕm); ṯmnym ksp eighty (shekels) of silver, 3.13:1; ṯmnym šmn
eighty (“jars”) of oil, 1.171:4; ṯmnym yn ṭb eighty (“jars”) of sweet wine, 4.213:20;
ṯmnym ḏḏ eighty “cauldronsful”, 4.243:8; 4.387:19; 6.21:1 (šʕrm); ṯmnym ḏrʕ
eighty (“cauldronsful”) of seed grain, 4.636:17, 28; ṯmnym drt eighty (“caul-
dronsful”) of bran, 4.243:12; 4.636:4; ṯmnym ṯbtḫ eighty t., 4.247:19; ṯmnym

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904 ṯmq (i) – ṯmr(y)

ḫrṣ eighty (shekels) of gold, 4.265:5; ḫmnym ksp eighty (shekels) of silver,
3.28:16; 3.29:23; ★c) composite numbers: eighty-three: ṯmnym ṯlṯ kbd mḏrġlm
eighty-three m., 4.163:11; b ṯmnym ksp ṯlṯ kbd for eighty-three (shekels) of
silver, 4.337:5; eighty-four: ṯmnym ảrbʕt kbd ksp eighty-four (shekels) of sil-
ver, 4.369:6; eighty-eight: tšʕly ṯmn ṯmnym (he mounted (her) eighty-eight
(times) (// šbʕ l šbʕm); ṯmnt l ṯmnym the eighty-eight (brothers) 1.12 II 49 (//
šbʕt l šbʕm); mḏrġlm ṯmnym ṯmn kbd m. eighty-eight, 4.179:14; ṯmnym ṯmn kbd
yn d l ṭb eighty-eight (“jars”) of wine which is not of good quality (table wine),
4.213:22; one hundred and eighty: ṯmnym l mỉt dd one hundred and eighty
“cauldronsful”, 4.243:15; [ṯ]mnym l mỉt šmn one hundred and eighty (“jars”)
of oil, 4.854:4; three hundred and eighty: 4.664:5; in bkn ctx.: l špš ṯmny[m,
1.76:8; ṯmnym[, 4.18:5; ]ṯmnym, 4.242:2; ]ṯmnm[, 4.251:2; ṯm]nym šbʕ kbd l[ỉk],
4.777:2; ṯmnym, 4.636:27.
Cf. ṯmn (I).
ṯmq (I) DN, lesser deity belonging to the group of the rpủm (cf. DN Akk.
Sumuqan. Cf. De Moor SP 117; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 50; Pom-
ponio Or 53 1984 1ff.).
DN: ṯm ṯmq rpủ bʕl there is / was DN, r. of DN, 1.22 I 8.
Cf. bnṯmq.
ṯmq (II) PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.843:19.
ṯmr n. m. “fennel” (?) (Akk. šimru, “Fenchel”, AHw 1238; “fennel”, CAD Š/3 8 f.;
Arab. šamār, šamar, “Anethum graveolens, fennel”, AEL 1596. Cohen UF 28
1996 142f.: rdg ṯmr{g}; Watson LSU 71). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯmr (KTU: rdg ṯmrg; also
Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 351: plant name).
Fennel: t]mṯl ṯmr{g} just as much fennel, 1.85:15; cf. ṯm[r, 4.684:1, TN (rdg
ṯmrg, 1.85:25, cf. ṯmr.
ṯmrn PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. /ḏ-m-r/ (I). Cf. Gröndahl PTU 27, 199); ¶ syll.:
ša-am-ra-na, PRU 3 202 (RS 16.257+) III 49; cf. Sivan GAGl 281; cf. Van Soldt
SAU 34.
PN: bn PN, 4.69 VI 31 (Van Soldt SAU 34); 4.645:9 (m]idḫy).
ṯmr(y) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 300: *Ṯamrā. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 14; Rainey IOS 3
1973 40f.; Astour RSP 2 337f., 365; UF 11 1979 20 n. 60; UF 13 1981 9, 11; RSOu 11
68; Van Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (6); UF 30 1998 734; Topography 47, 187: < OAS
ṯmr, “fruit” (?); Belmonte Fs. Watson 114; ¶ syll.: URU šam(Ú)-ra-a, PRU 6
80:10; 95:5; 134:14; URU šàm-ra-a, PRU 6 111:6; URU šá-am-ra-a, PRU 6 77:7;
105:8'; bkn PRU 4 48ff. (RS 17.340+):23'; PRU 4 63ff. (RS 17.237+):36 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 300). Cf. Sivan GAGl 281; Huehnergard UVST 231, 252 n. 164; Van
Soldt UBL 11 365 n. 9 (6); SAU 337f.; UF 28 1996 690; for URU Ú-ra-a, PRU 6
78 (RS 19.41):10, cf. Van Soldt Fs. Loretz 780).

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ṯmry – ṯn (i) 905

TN: ṯmr: 4.553:8 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 300: ṯmr<y>); ṯmry: 4.49:4; 4.68:20;
4.244:4; 4.762:7; 4.822 II 5; 4.834:24; in bkn ctx.: 4.308:13; 4.610 II 38; 4.621:9;
4.622:5; 4.684:1; 4.686:14; 4.800 II 8.
Cf. ṯmry.
ṯmry GN m. (< ṯmr(y), TN; Watson LSU 121). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯmry.
GN: PN ṯmry, 4.70:8, 10; 4.417:8; 4.832:3. For 4.295:9 cf. Vita UF 29 1997 706.
ṯmt, cf. ṯm.
ṯmyr PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 342).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 II 10; 4.819:12; 4.841:31.
/ṯ-n/ vb Gt “to urinate” (Hb. šn, hštyn, “urinate”, HALOT 1479; Syr. twn, “urinate”,
SL 1613; Akk. šânu, “urinieren, pissen”, AHw 1225f.; “to urinate”, CAD Š/1 409).
¶ Forms: Gt prefc. yṯtn.
Gt. To urinate: w k l yḫrủ w l yṯtn śśw and if the horse neither defaecates nor
urinates, 1.85:9 and par.
Cf. ṯnt (II).
ṯn (I) n. num. 1) “two”; 2) “double, twofold”; 3) “couple”, “pair”; 4) “again, twice”
(Hb. šnym, “two”, HALOT 1605f.; Ph. šnm, DNWSI 1176f.; Akk. ši/ena, “zwei”,
AHw 1241; “two”, CAD Š/3 32ff.; Arab. ʔiṯnān(i), “two”, AEL 359 f. Gordon UT
§7.9; Tropper UG 345, 389); ¶ RS Akk.: šanâm, cf. Van Soldt SAU 412 (alphab.
ṯnm; cf. infra: 4); ¶ par.: ṯlṯ (I). ¶ Forms: m. ṯn, suff. ṯnh; ṯnm (encl. -m); f. ṯt,
suff. ṯth (adv. -h), ṯtm (encl. -m) (?).
1) The numeral two: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ṯn ʕl mlk two (logs) on the
account of TN, 2.26:13; ḫlb ʕprm ṯn TN, two, 4.73:12; ṯn b ḫmšt two (garments)
for five (shekels), 4.146:3 (diff. Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 680: here and in ln.
8 “ein zweites (Obergewand)”); ṯn l brr[ two (donkeys) for silver, 4.268:3; ṯn
b TN two (unskilled labourers) in / from TN, 4.307:2, 21; bn ảṯṯl ṯn PN, two
(unskilled labourers), 4.307:20; 4.364:1; 4.623:7; hzp ṯn TN, two (donkeys),
4.380:33; ẓrn ṯn, TN, two, 4.834:22; ṯmry ṯn! TN, two, 4.834:24; various officials
ṯn (bnšm) two (unskilled labourers), 4.752:9, 10, 15; ṯt two (gates), 4.195:16; [š]d
bn ḫrmln {ṯn} fields of PN {two}, 4.103:43 (gloss to the number ‘2’ at the end
of the line); 4.356:10; TN ṯn TN: two (rations), 4.793:6, 15; ★b) ge.: ṯn mṯpdm
tḥt ʕnt arṣ two layers beneath the fountains of the earth, 1.3 IV 35 and par.
(// ṯlṯ); ṯn dbḥm šnả bʕl two sacrifices DN hates, 1.4 III 17 (// ṯlṯ); ṯn ymm
two days, 1.13:3 (// ṯlṯ); ṯn šm two rams, 1.41:5 and par. passim in ritual ctx.;
for admin. texts cf. 4.775:3, 14, 20; ṯt npš two (pieces of) offal, 1.27:9; ṯn ḥṯm
two unleavened loaves, 1.41:22; ṯn dd šmn two cruets of oil, 1.41:45 and par; ṯn
ảlpm two head of cattle, 1.46:11 and par.; ṯn skm two s., 1.148:19; ṯn ʕbdk your
two servants, 2.70:20; ṯn pġn drm / kndwm ảdrm / ḫpnm / pldm two of various
garments, 4.4:1–4; 5.11:16, cf. also 4.152:4, 4.205:1, 4.363:7; 4.182:35; ṯn šủrtm two
š., 4.44:3, 8, 17; ṯn spm two s., 4.44:22, 31; ṯn mdm two m., 4.54:13; ṯn yʕrtym two

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906 ṯn (i)

y., 4.55:9; ṯt qštm two bows, 4.63 I 2, 3, 26, 27, 29, 31, II 14, III 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15,
16 18, 19, 22, 33, 34, IV 16; ṯn qlʕm two shields, 4.63 I 2–3, 4.169:3; ṯn bnh his two
sons, 4.80:7, passim; ảrt ṯn yrṯm TN two months, 4.95:3; ṯt ảṯtm two women,
4.102:7, 11, 18, 20; ṯt pġtm two girls, 4.102:19; ṯt bth his two daughters, 2.102:22; ṯn
nʕrm two boys, 4.102:8; ṯn ġzrm two youths, 4.102:23; ṯn ḫlpnm two ḫ., 4.117:1,
4.385:6; ṯn ỉrpm w ṯn trảm two i. and t., 3.13:20; ṯt mqrtm two m., 4.123:19; ṯt
ktnm two tunics, 4.132:6; ṯt mrkbtm two chariot bodies, 4.145:6; ṯt krkm two
picks, 4.184:3; ṯn rʕy ủzm two gooseherds, 4.129:1; ṯn ḥršm two workers, 4.141
III 12, 14; ṯn prm two bullocks, 4.142:1; ṯn lbšm two garments, 4.146:6; ṯn yṣḥm
two sizers, 4.147:5; ṯn ptḥm two gates, 4.195:10–13; ṯn kkr two talents, 4.201:3;
ṯn mrdt ảz two m. of ả., 4.205:6; ṯn krm two vineyards, 4.244:4, 10, 19, 21, 26–29;
ṯn nšbm two n., 4.247:18; ṯn ḥblm two ropes, 4.247:30; ṯt ṯprtm two ṯ., 4.341:10;
ṯṯ ḫṯrm two ḫ., 4.385:2; ṯṯ mrḥm two lances, 4.385:7, 4.624:3, 5, 20, cf. 6, 11, 12;
ṯn bnš ỉbrdr two unskilled labourers of PN, 4.343:6, cf. 4.355:8, 15, 19, 35 f., 40 f.,
4.367:9; ṯn bnšm b TN, 4.812:1; ṯn šdm two fields, 4.356:16; 4.357:19, 27, 30; ṯn
yṣrm two potters, 4.358:10; ṯn bn iwrḫz nʕrm two PN two sons of PN, pages,
4.367:7; ṯn śġrh his two shepherd boys, 4.374:8; ṯn ṣbrm two ṣ., 4.375:1; ủlm
ṯn ḥmrm TN, two donkeys, 4.380:7, 11; ṯt ḥmrm two donkeys, 4.691:7; ṯt ỉpdm
two cloaks, 4.780:2; ṯn ksm two cups, 4.385:2; ṯn mqp[m] two m., 4.390:6; ṯt
hrtm two h., 4.390:5; ṯṯ šrtm two š., 4.410:4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 19, 21, 22, 49; ṯn mʕṣdm /
mqbm two sickles(?) / hammers, 4.625:5; 4.780:8; ṯṯ nỉtm two n.(?), 4.625:5; ṯt
kwt two k., 4.691:6; ṯn btm b gt mlk two houses in TN, 4.750:13, 16, 17, 18; ṯn btm
b bỉr two houses at TN, 4.812:5; ṯn krlnm šmn ṭb two k. of oil, 4–780:14; ṯn mḏlġ
two m., 5.22:22; ṯt ṯnt d ảlp two ṯ., for one thousand, 4.203:13 (cf. ln. 9–11; cf.
ṯnt (I)); ṯn gprm two adversaries (?), 1.19 I 11 (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 170: “to
instruct”, *šnn, cf. infra: /ṯ-n-y/); PN mlk ṯn ḥprm TN two rations, 4.793:1; ṯn
bn PN, two sons of PN, 4.839:5; ṯt ktnm two tunics, 4.808:8; ṯn ḫpnm ḥ<ṯ>dm,
two new ḫ. 2.87:28; ★c) in apposition: ḥs[p] ṯn of ḥ.-(wine), two (“jars”),
1.91:36; kd ṯn cauldronsful two, 4.716:5, 7, 11, 15, 17; ★d) as an ord., second,
(an)other: b ḫbṯh ḥwt ṯth in the event that he flees to another country, 3.3:4
(Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 466; Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991
190); ảnyk ṯt your other (: number two) boat, 2.38:24 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 238f.: “your boats have been able to moor”, *ṯwy, “receive (as guest),
feed … stay as guest, lodge”); ★e) composite numbers: twelve: ṯn [ʕšr] mn
twelve minas, 3.1:19; TN ṯn ʕšr twelve (“jars” of wine), 4.48:2, 9; ṯn ʕšr b gt
ṯ?r?mn twelve, in TN, 4.139:6; l ḥrš ʕrq ṯn ʕšrh for the cartwrights(s) twelve,
4.242:2; ṯn ʕšrh dd l ršp twelve “cauldronsful” for DN, 4.243:4, 4.243:29, 33;
4.400:17 (wheat); ṯlrby ʕšr ṯn kbd PN, twelve (vineyards), 4.244:21; ʕšr ṯn kbd
pġdrm twelve p., 4.270:10; ṯn ʕšr yn twelve (“jars”) of wine, 4.274:1; ṯn ʕšr
ṣỉn twelve sheep, 4.275:19; ṯn ʕšr gt ỉrb[ṣ] twelve (unskilled labourers), TN,

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ṯn (ii) 907

4.358:5; ṯn ʕšrh ḫpnt twelve ḫ., 4.363:3; ṯn ʕšr šd twelve fields, 4.399:9; twenty
two: ṯn l ʕšrm pảmt, twenty-two times, 1.41:43, cf. 1.162:20; b ṯn l ʕšrm on (day)
twenty-two, 1.106:24; ʕšrm ṯn kbd twenty-two, 4.345:5 (wheat); [ʕš]rm ṯn kbd
twenty-two (shepherds), 4.378:9; ʕšrm ṯn ś[ġrm] twenty-two shepherd-boys,
4.729:12; ṯn l ʕšrm šmn twenty-two (“jars”) of oil, 4.781:1; thirty-two: ṯn l ṯlṯm gt
krr thirty-two, TN, 4.139:9; forty-two: mʕrby ṯn l ảrbʕm lỉk TN sent forty-two
(guards), 4.777:9; seventy-two: šbʕm dd ṯn kbd seventy-two “cauldronsful”,
4.243:23, 4.269:31; šbʕm ṯn kbd seventy-two (rations), 4.636:19; ninety-two:
tšʕm ṯq ṯn kbd ninety-two ṯ., 4.595:1; one hundred and twelve: mỉt ṯn ʕšr
kbd […] šmn one hundred and twelve […] of oil, 4.799:1; one hundred and
twenty-two: mỉt ʕšrm ṯn kbd one hundred and twenty-two (kśmm), 4.345:3;
one hundred and forty-two: tgmr ḫrd ảrbʕm l mỉt ṯn kbd the total of the
troop(s), one hundred and forty-two, 4.159:17, 4.243:8; one hundred and
sixty-two: ṯṯm l mỉt ṯn kbd tgmr one hundred and sixty-two in total, 4.173:10.
2) Double, twofold: ṯnh k(!)spm ảtn her double in silver I will give, 1.14 IV 42
(// ṯlṯh; cf. Arab. ṯān(in), infra: ṯn (II)); tmtʕ (…) ṯn npynh b nhrm she removed
(…) her double tunic next to the river, 1.4 II 6 (diff. Caquot -Sznycer TOu/1 198
n. g: “urine”, infra: ṯn (III), but cf. Ug. ṯnt; Margalit MLD 29: “fold”, *ṯny, Arab.
ṯanyat; Watson UF 39 2007 678f.: “the robe in the sea she soaked”, < /ṯ-n/,
Akk. šanû, Arab. sanā).
3) Couple, pair: ảṯr ṯn ṯn hlk two by two, two abreast / in couples they go, 1.14
II 41 and par.; w tlkn ṯn ṯnm ʕmy two by two, two abreast / in couples they must
come to me, 2.72:5 (Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 114, 118: “sie sollen jeweils zu
zwei zu mir kommen”).
4) Adv. use, again, twice: hlmn ṯnm qdqd strike him twice on the skull, 1.18
IV 22 and par.; w tšt ṯnm, and they shall impose (?) (others) twice, 1.104:20.
In unc. ctx.: bl [pr]rk lṯtm without splitting (?) you into two (parts) (?),
1.169:17 (diff. Pardee TR/2 877, 892: “pour son entretien”, ṯt < *ṯwy, “fournir,
In bkn ctx.: ṯn, 1.48:12; ṯn[, 1.48:11; 1.119:18; 1.138:3; 1.139:10; 2.39:24; 2.45:6; 4.73:6;
4.80:23; 4.118:7; 4.673:6; 4.742:11; 4.750:4; ṯn[, 4.117:2; 4.157:3; 4.185:5, 7; ṯnmxx[,
4.127:7; ṯt, 1.104:9; 4.239:4; 4.531:2; 4.624:9; ṯt[, 1.86:20; 4.358:3; 4.796:6; ṯtm, 1.16
II 52; 4.572:11; ]ṯtm, 1.94:35. In unc. ctx.: ṯn un ḫsn, 1.79:3.
Cf. mṯn, ṯn (II), ṯnỉd, ṯnġl, ṯnġlyt, /ṯ-n-y/.
ṯn (II) num. adj. 1) “second”, “(an)other”; 2) “vizier, vice-” (< ṯn (I). Hb. šny, “fol-
lowing, second”, HALOT 1604f.; Akk. šanû, “zweiter, nächster”, AHw 1164 f.;
“second-in-command, deputy”, CAD Š/1 397ff.; Arab. ṯānī, “second”, AEL 359);
¶ par.: nkr, rbʕ (?), ṯlṯ (IV). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯn, suff. ṯnn (-n, of specification or
focussing in omen apodosis); f. ṯnt (?) (KTU: ṯnnth, 1.16 V 8; rdg ṯn{n}t (?)).
1) Second: ym w ṯn one day and a second / another, 1.4 VI 24; 1.14 III 2 and

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908 ṯn (iii) – ṯnġly

par., in graded numerical parallelism, cf. Del Olmo MLC 60 f.; yrḫ yrḫ ṯn one
month (and) a second month, 1.17 II 44 (// rbʕ); l gṯr ṯn ṯql to the second DN,
one shekel, 1.43:14; ybʕr l ṯn ảṯth he left his wife to another, 1.14 II 48 and par.
(// nkr; diff. Watson UF 9 1977 278: “to stay two nights with (a woman)”, Arab.
ṯanā); ]kkr hbn d mkr (…) kkr hbnm ṯn d mnḥt (six?) talent(s) of ebony of
merchant (…) another talent of ebony of tribute, 4.808:1, 5 (Tropper UF 36
2004 519f.; diff. for ln. 5 Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 276: “(in) two (pieces)”).
2) Vizier, vice-: ṯnn ʕz yủḫd ỉb mlk the powerful vizier will seize the enemy of
the king, 1.103+:17 (diff. Pardee TR/1 547 “des archers se saisiront de l’ ennemi
du roi”; see infra: ṯnn (I)); 3.1:36, purple l ḫbrtn]r ṯn for the vice-ḫ. (Dietrich-
Loretz MU 120; see infra: ṯnn (I)).
In bkn ctx. ṯn{n}th[, 1.16 V 8: for a second time (?) (// ṯlṯth, possibly dittog. for
ṯn (III) n. m. “crimson (cloth, wool, purple)” (Hb. šny, “crimson (thread, gar-
ment, colour)”, HALOT 1603f. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 68 f.; diff. Watson LSU
113: “dyed”, Akk. šinītum). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯn (cf. Huehnergard UVST 292 n. 115).
Crimson (said of cloth): lbš ṯn b ṯ<m>nt ʕšrt a garment in purple crimson for
eighteen (shekels), 4.146:8; npṣ bt ṯn ṯlṯ mảt a set of pieces of crimson (cloth),
three hundred (shekels), 3.13:16. Cf. ṯn dqm fine crimson (garment), 5.23:17
(Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 15ff.); in bkn ctx.: (…) ṯn šrm the singers
(wear) crimson, 1.23:22 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 354: “zwei Gesänge”);
ṯn, 4.185:5, 7.
Cf. ṯnt.
ṯnỉd adv. “twice” (< ṯn (I) + -ỉd). ¶ Forms: ṯnỉd, ṯnỉdy (encl. -y; Tropper UG 346,
378), ṯnỉdm (encl. -m; Tropper UG 346, 378).
Twice: l pʕn bʕly ṯnỉd šbʕd mrḥqtm qlt at the feet of my lord fourteen times
from afar I fall prostrate, 2.64:14, cf. 2.70:9; ṯnỉd ṯlṯỉd twice three times, 2.98:14;
ṯnỉd šbʕd twice seven times, 2.97:5; w ht ṯnỉdm and now twice he has brought
(?), 2.104:9; in bkn and unc. ctx.: dm ṯnỉd, 2.50:18; ṯnỉdy, 2.98:2.
Cf. -ỉd, ṯn (I).
ṯndn PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Cf. Laroche GLH 235: /šinti-/; 237: /šitta-/; Gröndahl
PTU 260: -dn); ¶ syll.: ši-ni-de-nu, RS 22.223:12, and cf. 7-dU, ibid. ln. 8; cf. Van
Soldt SAU 441 n. 106: Šini-teššub / Šini-dēni.
PN: 4.715:22.
ṯnġly n. m. “deputy, second, of lower rank” (Hurro.-Akk. šinaḫilu, “second”,
Laroche GLH 233f.; “zweistellig, -rangig”, AHw 1241; “second-in-command”,
CAD Š/3 36f. Wilhelm UF 2 1970 278; Veenhof AOATT 198f. n. 319; Watson
UF 42 2010 827). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯnġly.
Deputy, second, of lower rank: dd l ṯnġly a “cauldronful” for the deputy,

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ṯnġlyt – ṯnn (ii) 909

Cf. ṯnġlyt.
ṯnġlyt n. f. “substitute, representative” (< ṯnġly; Justel UF 40 2008 449). ¶ Forms:
sg. suff. ṯnġlyth.
Substitute, representative: PN w ảṯth PN ṯnġlyth PN and his wife, (or) PN as
his representative, 4.339:10.
Cf. ṯnġly.
ṯnġrn PN (< TN Hurr. ṯanġar- “Babylon”; Del Monte-Tischler RGTC 7 344. Cf.
Gröndahl PTU 204, 248, 302; Astour RSP 2 338); ¶ syll.: cf. SA-an-ḫa-ra-na,
PRU 3 48 (RS 16.166):14; cf. Huehnergard UVST 230 n. 86.
PN: 4.332:6.
ṯnk PN bkn(?) (Hurr. etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 255: /Šennakka/.
Watson AuOr 13 1995 229).
PN bkn(?): bn ṯnk[ : 4.415:4.
ṯnm, cf. ṯn (I).
ṯnn (I) n. m. “archer” (?) (Akk. šanannu, “Streitwagen-Bogenschütze”, AHw
1161; “archer” (?), CAD Š/1 366; Giacumakis 102; cf. LÚ.MEŠ GIŠ.BAN, Dosch
Arrapḫe 21 and passim. Rainey JNES 24 1965 22f.; Dietrich-Loretz ZA 60 1970
117; Thiel UF 12 1980 351 n. 19; cf. Hurr. LÚ ša-na-nu-ḫé, Laroche GLH 214;
Eg. /ṯanānu/, “Chariot Soldier, Archer”, Hoch SWET 261 f. (371); snn, “ein
militärisches Amt oder Titel”, WäS/3 459. Ward JNES 20 1961 39; Helck Bez.
519 (195); Sivan-Cochavi WSVES 24: sá-ná-na; cf. Hb. šnʔn, meaning unc.,
HALOT 1596f. Rainey RSP 2 103f.; Del Olmo IMC 183f.; Watson LSU 144;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 51f. 58ff.: “Bogenschütze”; diff. Cutler-Macdonald
UF 9 1977 26f.: “stockholders … who played their role as military men”, Alal.
Akk. šanannu, ṣabe mešša-na-an-nu; Aartun UF 17 1977 43 ff.: “Gebrechlichkeit,
körperliche Schwäche”, “Bejahrter, Greis”, Arab. aṯanna, ṯinn; Rainey IOS 18
1998 446f.: root ṯn “two”; Vita EU 126ff.: “descartar la interpretación de los
ṯnnm como ‘arqueros’”); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ ša-na-ni, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):5–6,
20; LÚ ša-na-nu-ma, PRU 6 93:6; Sivan GAGl 281; Huehnergard UVST 187; Van
Soldt SAU 307; RS Akk.: cf. ÉRIN.MEŠ ša GIŠ.BAN.MEŠ, KTU 4.68:76, and cf.
supra: qšt; ¶ par.: ḫpṯ, ṯlṯ (III). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯnn; pl. ṯnnm.
Archer (?): ★a) ṯnnm, 4.68:70; 4.126:4; 4.416:4; 4.485:7; 4.745:3; 4.752:3; ṯnnm
PNN: PNN, 4.35 II 11; 4.66:1; and their “dependent” ḫsnm 4.137:1; 4.163:1; 4.173:1;
4.174:1; 4.179:1; ʕrbm w ṯnnm officiants and (escort of) archers (?), 1.23:7, 26
(diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 560: “vizier”, see ṯn (II) 3), but here the -n belongs
to the base). In unc. and bkn ctx.: ]x.ṯnn, 4.275:7 (diff. Watson AuOrS 27 97:
“kettle(s)”, Akk. šannu, šennu, a metal kettle, with Hurr. pl.); 4.556:1; ★b) rb
ṯnnm chief archer(?), 4.382:5; ★c) coll. sg. troop of archers (?): ṯnn d bl hg
archers (?) without count (march), 1.14 II 38 and par. (// ḫpṯ, ṯlṯ).
ṯnn (II) PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 255 f.: /Šennani/, /Šennunni/;
Gröndahl PTU 254; Watson LSU 183).

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910 ṯnq – /ṯ-n-y/

PN: ṯnn, 4.727:20; 4.853:23; in bkn ctx.: ṯnn[ : 4.556:1 (cf. ṯnn (I)).
ṯnq TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 301: Ṯanaqu. Cf. Heltzer RCAU 14; Wesselius UF 15
1983 315); ¶ syll.: URU ša-na-qi, PRU 6 93:15 (cf. LÚ.MEŠ ša-na-qí, PRU 3 199
(RS 16.126 B+) III 56); cf. Huehnergard UVST 187, 221; Van Soldt UF 28 1996
691; Topography 47f., 187; Watson LSU 205).
TN: 4.355:29; bkn 4.629:18 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 301; cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996
Cf. ṯnqy (I).
ṯnqy (I) GN m. (< ṯnq, TN); ¶ syll.: cf. LÚ.MEŠ ša-na-qí, PRU 3 199 (RS 16.126 B+)
III 56; cf. Wesselius UF 15 1983 315. ¶ Forms: pl. ṯnqym.
GN: ṯnqym, 4.126:21; for 4.87:4 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 691 n. 314; 4.838:12.
Cf. ṯnq, ṯnqy (II).
ṯnqy (II) PN (< ṯnqy (I). Watson AuOr 13 1995 229).
PN: 4.769:68.
ṯnt (I) n. f., a commodity (etym. unc. Cf. Mari Akk. šinuntum, “a kind of leather
or leather object”, CAD Š/3 55. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 103;
Heltzer GPOTU 49f.: var. of ṯn (II) “red-dyed garment”; Ribichini-Xella Tessili
68f.: “tintura”; Watson LSU 113; UF 40 2008 562; AuOr 29 2011 167: “blinkers”;
diff. Sivan GUL 88: “pair”). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ṯnt.
A commodity: ḫmš ṯnt d ḫmš mảt five ṯ. for five hundred (shekels), 4.203:9,
cf. ṯmš ṯnt d mỉt five ṯ. for one hundred, ibid. ln. 10; ḫmš ṯnt d ṯlṯ mat five ṯ.
for three hundred, ibid. ln. 11; ṯt ṯnt d ảlp two ṯ. for one thousand, ibid. ln. 13;
cf. ḫmš ṯnt ảlpm five ṯ. for two thousand, 4.402:5; ṯmš{m} ṯnt ṯmš {ḫmš} mảt,
4.721:11; ḫmš ṯnt mỉtm {mỉtm}, ibid. ln. 12.
In bkn ctx.: ]b ṯnt š, 7.177:2; ]mṭt w ṯnt nʕr, 1.175:16; ṯnt[, 4.305:4.
ṯnt (II) n. f. “urine” (< /ṯ-n/. Hb. šyn, “urine”, HALOT 1479; Syr. tīnāʔ, tyānāʔ,
tyāntāʔ, “urine”, SL 1642; Akk. šīnātu, pl. t., “Urin, Harn”, AHw 1241 f.; “urine”,
CAD Š/3 40ff.; Eth. šǝnt, “urine”, CDG 540). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯnt.
Urine: ylšn b ḫrỉh w ṯnth he soils him with his excrement and urine, 1.114:21.
Cf. /ṯ-n/.
ṯnw PN (Hurr. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 254).
PN: 4.134:10; in bkn ctx. bn ṯnw[, 4.785:24.
ṯnwn PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ★a) 4.859 I 13; ★b) bn PN: 4.834:5; 4.860:14.
/ṯ-n-y/ vb G: “to repeat, reiterate”, “to echo”; Gt: “?”, in bkn ctx. (Hb. šnh, “to
repeat”, HALOT 1598f.; JPAram. tny, “to repeat”, DJPA 585 f.; Akk. šanû, “zum
zweiten Mal, wiederholt tun”, AHw 1165ff.; “to do again”, CAD Š/1 398 ff.; Arab.
ṯanā, “to double, fold”, “to become a second”, AEL 356ff.); par: /r-g-m/, /y-t-n/
(+ ql (I)). ¶ Forms: G csuff. ṯnt, ṯn; prefc. yṯny, suff. aṯnyk; impv. ṯn, ṯny, suff.
ṯnm (encl. -m); inf. ṯn, ṯny (?); Gt (?) prefc. tṯtny[n].

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ṯny – ṯpllm 911

G. To repeat, reiterate, echo: ṯn rgm k[ṯr] DN repeated the expression, 1.4 VI 3;

lk (…) w rgm ṯny go (…) and tell him, repeat(ing), 1.16 VI 28 and par.; ṯny l yḏḏ
il repeat to the beloved of TN, 1.4 VIII 31, cf. 1.3 III 12, 1.3 VI 22, 1.5 II 9, like
the previous one, a formula of entrusting someone with a message, cf. Del
Olmo MLC 54 (// rgm); ṯny dʕtkm repeat your communiqué, 1.2 I 16 and par.
(// rgm); b ṯn ʕgmm w ydmʕ repeating his groans, (and) shed tears, 1.14 I 27;
ṯn pk b ḫlb (make) your mouth echo in the hills, 1.82:4; l rgmt (…) ṯnt l rkb
ʕrpt did I not tell you …, did (I not) repeat, oh Charioteer of the clouds!?, 1.2
IV 8; yṯny bʕl ṣ[ảt š]pth DN repeated the expression of his lips, 1.4 VII 30 (//
qlh ytn); ỉṯ ly (…) hwt w ảṯnyk I have (…) a word that I wish to repeat to you,
1.3 III 22 and par. (// ảrgmk); in bkn ctx.: ủ ṯn ndr[, … or repeat / or another
vow …?, 1.15 III 29 (Wyatt RTU 213 n. 162 for a survey of opinions); yṯ[ny, he
repeated, 1.16 V 13; ṯn pk bḫlb, make your mouth echo in the hills!, 1.82:4; k
yṯnyn when he repeats 1.179:35.
Gt. ?, in bkn ctx.: w tṯtny[n, 1.5 IV 19. In unc. ctx.: ṯn ủn, 1.79:3.
Cf. mṯn, ṯn (I).
ṯny PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 199, 254; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168;
Watson AuOr 11 1993 220).
PN: bn PN, 4.339:14 (ủškny).
ṯnyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 199, 254; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168;
Watson AuOr 11 1993 220; AuOr 30 2012 342).
PN: 4.141 II 16; in bkn ctx. ṯnyx[, 3.16:2.
/ṯ-p-d/ vb G: “to place, rest” (Hb. špt, “to set on”, HALOT 1636; Arab. ṯafada,
“to line”. Cf. Ahlström VT 28 1978 10ff.; De Moor UF 13 1981 304; Renfroe
AULS 153ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yṯpd.
G. To place, rest: pʕnh l hdm yṯpd his feet on the footstool he rested, 1.4 IV 29
and par.
Cf. mṯpd.
ṯpdn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 199; Astour CRAA 18 18; Lipiński LEbla
207); ¶ syll.: ša/šá-pí-DA-da, PRU 6 30:6; Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):32; cf. Sivan GAGl
282; Huehnergard UVST 230f.
PN: bn PN, 4.103:21; 4.112 III 3; 4.263:3.
ṯpḥ n. m. “stock” (allog. var. of špḥ). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯpḥ.
Stock: ṯpḥ bʕl stock of the ‘lord’ / sovereign, 1.48:2, 13 (cf. Del Olmo CR 89
n. 8).
ṯpḫln PN (Hurr. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 248; Watson AuOr 14 1996 105); ¶ syll.:
šap-ḫa-la-na, PRU 3 90 (RS 16.147):6; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 378.
PN: 4.356:9.
ṯpllm PN (Anat. royal name: Šuppiluliuma I or II: cf. Dalix Semitica 49 1998
5ff. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 282, 292); ¶ syll.: šu-up-pí-lu-li(m)-ma, PRU 4 40 ff.

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912 ṯpn – ṯpṭ (i)

(RS 17.227 and dupl.):16 (// 3.1:16); PRU 4 48 (RS 17.340):1 and passim ibid.;
PRU 4 52 (RS 17.369 A):3'; PRU 4 67 (RS 17.62+):26'; cf. šu-up-pí-lu-li-u-ma,
PRU 4 71 (RS 17.335+):2; cf. PRU 4 p. 250; PRU 6 p. 143.
PN: ṯpllm mlk r[b PN, the Great King, 3.1:16 (// šu-up-pí-lu-lim-ma LUGAL
GAL, PRU 4 40ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):16); cf. Van Soldt SAU 314 n. 119.
ṯpn TN (cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 301: Ṯapunu); ¶ syll.: cf. AN.Z[A(!?).G]ÀR
ša-pu-ni, RA 38 1941 12 (RS 8.43):2; cf. Van Soldt UF 21 1989 376; UF 28 1996
691; Topography 48, 187; Watson LSU 205; Historiae 4 2007 105).
TN: 4.89:3; 4.348:8; 4.800 I 32; in the compound toponym gt ṯpn: gt ṯpn,
4.213:21; 4.618:1, 23 (cf. AN.Z[A(!).G]ÀR ša-pu-ni, RS 8.43:2; Van Soldt UF 21
1989 376, 5; Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93).
ṯprt n. f. garment (etym. unc.; cf. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 69; cf. Akk. i/ušparu,
“Weber”, AHw 397, 1441; “weaver”, CAD I/J 253 ff.: RS Akk.: UŠ.BAR, PRU 3
205 (RS 15.172) A 7; PRU 6 93:23; Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):5; JAram. ʔešpārāʔ, “the
scourer of dresses”, DTT 130. Watson NABU 2003/64: “a woman’s intimate gar-
ment”, Akk. šapru, “thigh, female pudenda”, Arab. ṯafr, ṯufr, “vagina”; LSU 113,
230; AuOr 29 2011 169; Vita TT 332). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯprt; du. ṯprtm.
Garment: ṯprt b ṯlṯt one ṯ. for three (shekels), 4.146:4; arbʕ kdwṯm w ṯt ṯprtm b
ʕšrt ksp four k. and two ṯ. for ten (shekels) of silver, 4.341:10; ḫp ksp ṯprt, one
ḫ. of silver and a ṯ., 4.867:8.
ṯpš n. f., a kind of bird (?) (etym. unc. Del Olmo CR 68 n. 11). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯpš.
A kind of bird, in unc. ctx.: ṯpš šnʕt yqš one ṯ. š. game bird, 1.48:7 (diff. Pardee
TR/1 325: “for Šapšu? un filet? d’oiseleur?”).
/ṯ-p-ṭ/ vb G: “to judge, pass judgment”, “to rule” (Hb. špṭ, “to pass judgement”,
“to rule”, HALOT 1622ff.; Pun., OAram. špṭ, “tom judge”, DNWSI 1181 f.; Ebla cf.
Krebernik PET 61; Müller Biling. 173; Pagan ARES 3 184; Amor. špṭ, “to judge, to
rule”, Gelb CAAA 33; Huffmon APNMT 68; Akk. šapāṭu, “richten”, AHw 1172;
“to issue orders, exercise authority”, CAD Š/1 450 f. De Moor SP 237; Van Zijl
Baal 39, 75ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the elements /yaṯpuṭ-/, /ṯāpiṭ-/ in PNN, cf. Sivan
GAGl 282; ¶ par.: /d-n/, /y-ṯ-b/. ¶ Forms: G prefc. tṯpṭ, yṯpṭ; act. ptc. ṯpṭ, ṯpẓ
(alloph. var.; cf. infra: ṯpṭ (II)).
G. To judge, pass judgment, rule: yṯpṭ ṯpṭ ytm he passed judgment on the case
of the orphan, 1.17 V 8 and par. (// ydn); ṯpṭ ṯpṭ qṣr npš you have not passed
judgment on the case of the oppressed, 1.16 VI 34 and par. (l tdn); ỉl ṯpẓ b hdrʕy
the god who judges / rules in TN, 1.108:3 (// yṯb. Cf. Rahmouni DEUAT 46 ff.).
Cf. bʕlmṯpṭ, mṯpṭ/ẓ, mṯpṭ, ṯpṭ (I), ṯpṭ (II), ṯpṭbʕl, yṯpṭ.
ṯpṭ (I) n. m. “case, lawsuit, judgment” (< /ṯ-p-ṭ/; Akk. šipṭum, “(Straf-) Gericht”,
AHw 1247; “judgment, verdict”, “ruling, strict order”, CAD Š/3 91 f.; OSA ṯfṭ,
“legal decision”, SD 150; cf. Hb. mšpṭ, “decision, judgement”, HALOT 651 f.);
¶ par.: dn (I). ¶ Forms: ṯpṭ.

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ṯpṭ (ii) – ṯqbn 913

Case, lawsuit, judgment: ṯpṭ ytm / qṣr npš the case of the orphan / of the
oppressed, 1.17 V 8/1.16 VI 34 and par. (// dn).
Cf. /ṯ-p-ṭ/.
ṯpṭ (II) n. m. “judge”, “ruler”, divine title (act. ptc. < /ṯ-p-ṭ/. Hb. š(w)pṭ, “judge,
ruler”, HALOT 1623f.; Ph., Pun. “magistrate”, DNWSI 1182f. Watson NABU
1993/95; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 560: “ruler”, but see Watson LSU 1); ¶ par.: mlk
(I), zbl (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯpṭ, ṯpẓ (alloph. var. in 1.108:3; cf. /ṯ-p-ṭ/); suff. ṯpṭn.
Judge: ṯpṭ nhr Judge / Ruler DN, title of the god ym, 1.2 I 34 and passim (// zbl.
Cf. Rahmouni DEUAT 311ff.); *bʕl ṯpṭn DN is our judge, 1.3 V 32 (// mlkn).
Cf. /ṯ-p-ṭ/.
ṯpṭbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 31, 117, 199; Arnaud Syria 59 1982 101 ff.; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 160; Watson LSU 183); ¶ syll.: ši-pì-iṭ-dIM, Ug 5 159 (RS 17.86+):
14; ši-ip-ṭì-dIM, RSOu 7 30 (RS):1; 31:40; cf. ši-PAD-dIM, Ug 5 57 (RS 20.227) e. 5;
DI.KUD-dU, Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):7; cf. Sivan GAGl 281; Huehnergard UVST 231;
Huehnergard AkkUg 401 n. 89; cf. Eg. spd-bʕl, Ug 5 159–161 (RS 17.86+, RS
17.102, RS 17.325): seal; cf. Van Soldt SAU 13 n. 115; Vita-Galán UF 29 1997 709f.
n. 8.
PN: 2.40:3; 4.74:2; 4.81:2; 4.102:13; 4.103:34, 56 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36); 4.384:10;
4.425:12 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 36; Vita-Galán UF 29 1997 712); 4.554:2; 4.775:13
(mṣr[ y); cf. Vita-Galán UF 29 1997 709ff.); in bkn ctx.: 4.746:5; 4.860:25;
ṯpṭy PN bkn(?) (Sem. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 199); ¶ syll.: cf. ši-ip-ṭí-ia, PRU 6 54:8;
cf. Van Soldt SAU 309 n. 115.
PN bkn(?): ṯpṭy[, 4.140:2.
ṯpẓ, cf. /ṯ-p-ṭ/.
ṯq n. m./f., a cloth or textile, “sack” (Hb. śq, “sack”, HALOT 1349f.; OAram. šq,
“sack”, DNWSI 1186; Akk. s/šaqqu, “Sack, Trauergewand”, AHw 1027, 1587;
“sack”, CAD S 168f.; Eth. šaqq, “sack-cloth”, CDG 532; c.Sem. > Gk. sákkos,
Masson Emprunts 24f. Dahood BiOr 34 1977 362; Dietrich-Loretz ESTU 15;
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 69; Vita TT 332; diff. Watson NABU 2007/39: “halter,
lead-rope” < *yṯq, “to bind”; AuOr 28 2011 163). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯq; pl. ṯqt.
Cloth or textile (sack): tšʕm ṯq ṯn kbd l sdnt śśwm ninety two ṯ. for s. of horses,
4.595:1; cf. ṯq / ṯqt bd PN from the hands of PN, ibid. ln. 3–4.
ṯqb n. m., a species of tree, ash tree(?) (etym. unc. De Moor UF 3 1971 349 f.:
Fraxinus ornus L., “the punctured”, < *ṯqb; Noegel UF 32 2000 385ff.: Eg. śqb;
Watson AuOr 22 2004 117). ¶ Forms: pl. ṯqbm (cf. the extended form ʕṯqb).
A species of tree: ảdr ṯqbm b lbnn the most wonderful (of the) ṯ. of the
Lebanon, 1.17 VI 20.
Cf. ʕṯqb, ṯqbn.
ṯqbn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 259: /šukap/. De Moor UF 3 1971

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914 ṯqby – ṯql

350 n. 6); ¶ syll.: šá-qa-ba-ni, PRU 6 90 rev. 8'; cf. Huehnergard UVST 231;
AkkUg 414.
PN: ★a) 4.63 I 20; 4.379:10 (mldy); ★b) 4.700:3.
ṯqby PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 259: /šukap/).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:10.
ṯqd n. m. “almond” (Hb. šqd, “almond tree”, HALOT 1638f.; JAram. šgd ʔ, “almond,
almond-tree”, DTT 1521; Akk. šiqdu, “Mandelbaum, Mandeln”, AHw 1247;
“almond tree, almond”, CAD Š/3 94f.; Eth. sǝgd, “almond tree”, CDG 491.
De Moor UF 3 1971 349; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 121); ¶ syll.
Ug. / ¶ RS Akk.: BÁN(?) GIŠ šu-uq-du(-)ma[, PRU 6 159:4'; Sivan GAGl 282;
Huehnergard UVST 188. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯqd.
Almond: ṯqd mr bitter almond(s), 1.85:7, 24; 1.71:7 (Cohen-Sivan UHT 23;
Pardee TH 55f. nn. 172–173; Watson LSU 72, 122); ṯqdm almods, 4.863:10.
ṯqdy PN (Sem. etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 30, 200).
PN: bn PN, 4.103:49.
Cf. ṯql.
ṯql n. m. “shekel”, a unit of weight: Syrian = 9 · 4 gm. / Hitt. = 11 · 75 gm. (<
*/ṯ-q-l/. Hb., Pun., OAram. šql, “weight”, “shekel”, HALOT 1643ff.; DNWSI 1187;
var. OAram. tql, “shekel”, DNWSI 1188; JPAram. “shekel”, DJPA 589; Ebla cf.
GIŠ.MAḪ = ša-gi-lum (ptc. /ṯāqilum/ or adj. /ṯaqi/īlum/), VE 409; Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 16; Fronzaroli EL 149; cf. GIŠ.GI.DA.LÁ = ša-ga-lum, VE 418; LÁ.LÁ
= ti-iš-da-gi-lum, VE 1184; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; Kienast Biling. 247; Akk.
šiqlu, “Sekel”, AHw 1248; “shekel”, CAD Š/3 96 ff. Powell RLA 7 510: ca. 8 · 333
gm (Bab.); Karwiese Šiqlu 20; weight of the Ug. shekel 9 · 40 gm.: cf. Liverani
UF 2 1970 90, 98f.; SDB fasc. 53 1332f.; > Hurr. šiklate // Hitt. 1 GÍN, Neu
Das Hurritische 16 n. 41; > Gk síg/klos, Liddell-Scott GEL 1596; cf. Arab. ṯiql,
AEL 344. Parise IncGr 82 1984 127ff.; Courtois Poids 120 ff.; Greenfield UF 11
1979 325ff.; Kaufman AIA 29); ¶ RS Akk.: GÍN, passim and esp. Ug 5 144, 149;
cf. PRU 6 154; Huehnergard AkkUg 413; ¶ par.: ḫmšt. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯql; alloph.
s̄ql (4.710:5); du./pl. ṯqlm.
1) Unit of weight: “shekel”: ★a) ṯql one shekel, 4.113:3; 4.708:2–9, 4.759:1–
3, passim; ṯlṯ prs̱m b s̄ql three p. (of wheat) at one shekel (each), 4.710:5;
ṯqlm two shekels, 4.98:5–16, 18–19, 21–23; 4.113:2, 6; 3.13:10; 4.132:4; 4.690:3,
5, 7, 11, passim; ṯql w nṣp one shekel and a half, 4.49:4; TN ṯqlm w nṣp TN:
two shekels and a half, 4.49:1, passim; ảrbʕt ṯqlm four shekels, 4.226:10; ʕšrt
ṯqlm ten shekels, 4.226:3, 4.755:10; ʕšrm ṯqlm twenty shekels, 4.658:6; ṯql kbd
ʕšrm twenty shekels, 4.139:10; ṯṯ ṯṯ b ṯql ṯlṯt l ʕšrm ksphm twelve for twenty-
three shekels is their price, 4.15:5; ṯlṯm ṯqlm thirty shekels, 4.156:7; ảrbʕm ṯqlm
w ảrbʕ forty four shekels, 3.13.8; šbʕm ṯqlm kbd ksp seventy shekels of sil-

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ṯql 915

ver, 3.10:13; 3.30:5; so much b ṯql (ksp) for one shekel, 4.158:20; 4.337:23–25;
4.707:18; b ṯql w kmsk for one shekel and a k., 4.707:20, 23; b ṯqlm, for two
shekels, 4.101:3–5, 4.156:2–4, 4.341:19, 4.707:16; b ṯqlm w rbʕt for two shekels
and a quarter, 4.707:12; b ʕšr ṯqlm for ten shekels, 4.156:5; b ṯqlm kbd ảrbʕm for
forty-two shekels, 4.341:17; PN ṯql, 4.862:1–9; ★b) esp. shekel of silver, passim:
cf. ṯql ksp ṭb one shekel of sterling silver, 1.43:12, 15; ṯql ksp one shekel of silver,
4.337:23; ṯql w nṣp ksp one shekel and a half of silver, ibid. ln. 13; lqḥ ṯqlm ksp
bd ảmtk he has received two shekels of silver from the hands of your servant,
2.70:18; ṯql d ʕmnk the shekel that you have, 3.9:16; ṯqlm ysʕ two shekels (of
silver) are to be paid, 3.9:17; ★c) shekel of gold: ṯql ḫrṣ one shekel of gold,
1.43:10, 13; ššrt ḫrṣ ṯqlm kbd ʕšrt mznh a chain of gold whose weight is twelve
shekels, 4.341:1 (Wesselius UF 12 1980 450); ṯqlm ḫrṣ b ṯmnt ksp two shekels
of gold for eight of silver, 4.337:20; ★d) in literary texts: tears fell km rbʕ ṯqlm
like quarter shekels, 1.19 II 34; tntkn ủdmʕth km ṯqlm ảrṣh his tears flowed like
shekels to the ground (// ḫmšt), 1.14 I 29 (Del Olmo IMC 160 ff.); in bkn ctx.:
ṯql, 1.90:11; 4.250:1–2; 4.287:1; 4.717:6; ṯqlm, 4.202:3; 4.276:10–11.
2) Elliptical use is very common; e.g. (cf. numerals): ★a) TN ḫmšt five (shek-
els), 4.113:4, 5; cf. ʕšrt, šbʕt, ibid. ln. 7–8; ḫmš ảlp ṯlṯ (…) b ʕšrm ḫmšt kbd
ksp five thousand (shekels) of copper (…) for twenty-five (shekels) of sil-
ver, 4.337:6; ảrbʕ ảlpm mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ four thousand two hundred (shekels)
of copper, 4.626:3; (n) kkrm ảlp [[x]] kbd ṯlṯ l nskm GN (n) talents thousand
(shekels) of copper for the casters GN, 4.337:3; ảlp mỉtm kbd ṯlṯ ḥlb one thou-
sand two hundred (shekels) of copper for cheese, ibid. 5 (cf. (n) ṯlṯ šmn (n
shekels of) copper for oil, ibid. 4 (Sanmartín SEL 5 1988 176f.); ★b) ellipsis
esp. common with (shekels) of silver; e.g. šbʕt w nṣp ksp seven (shekels) and
a half of silver, 2.25:6; šbʕt w nṣp kbd ksp seven (shekels) and a half of silver,
4.779:10; ảrbʕm ksp forty (shekels) of silver, 3.28:2; mšq mlkt mỉtm ṯṯm kbd ksp
{ksp} ṯmnym ḫrṣ the queen’s cup (is worth) two hundred and sixty (shekels)
of silver, (that is) eighty of gold, 4.265:3; ṯṯ mảt ksp six hundred (shekels) of
silver, 4.158:1; (n) ksp d mkr mlk (n) of silver of the king’s traders, 4.369:3; cf.
(n) ksp nqdm (n shekels) of silver of the shepherds, ibid. ln. 8; d PN / (mkr) TN,
ibid. passim; ảtn (…) ảlp ksp w rbt ḫrṣ I will pay (…) one thousand (shekels)
of silver and ten thousand of gold, 1.24:20; ʕšrt ksp b ảlp ten (shekels) of silver
for one head of cattle, 4.337:21; pdy{.}hm PN mỉt ksp b yd GN PN redeemed
them for one hundred (shekels) of silver from the power of the GN, 3.4:14;
★c) (shekels) of gold: mỉtm ʕšrm kbd ḫrṣ two hundred and twenty (shekels)
of gold, 4.336:8–10; cf. 20 GÍN KÙ.GI.MEŠ, PRU 4 40 ff. (RS 17.227 and dupl.):21
// ʕšrm ṯql, 3.1:20 (cf. Liverani UF 2 1970 106); ḫmšt ḫrṣ bt ỉl b ḫmšt ʕšrt ksp five
(shekels) of gold of the temple for fifteen of silver, 4.341:5; cf. ibid. ln. 16, 18
(Heltzer GPOTU 28f.).

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916 ṯqrn – ṯr (i)

3) As the object of a cultic offering: ṯql ksp one shekel of silver, 1.43:12, 15;
1.112:3, 12; ṯql ḫrṣ one shekel of gold, 1.43:10, 13; 1.87:42.
ṯqrn PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 254: /šekar/; Watson AuOrS 27
104; AuOr 30 2012 342).
PN: bn PN, 4.103:22.
/ṯ-q-y/ vb. D “to elevate, take up” (Akk. šaqû, “hoch sein”, D “erhöhen”, AHw
1180f.; “to grow high”, D “to lift”, CAD Š/2 19 ff. Kottsieper UF 16 1984 97 ff.;
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 95ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2011 47; diff. Xella TRU
233; Pardee ZAW 91 1979 409; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 145; Tropper UG2 635:
*wṯq, “emporschnellen”, cf. Eth. wasaqa). ¶ par.: *šlḥ. ¶ Forms: D prefc. yṯq.
D. to elevate, take up: hlm yṯq nḥš oh, yea / so forthwith, let him take up a
serpent, 1.100:6 and par. (// yšlḥm).
ṯr (I) n. m. 1) “bull”; 2) “Bull”, divine and honorific title (Hb. šwr, “one sin-
gle beast, bovid”, HALOT 1451ff.; Arab. ṯawr, “bull, caw”, AEL 364f.; Ebla
/ṯō/ūrum/ in GU4.TUR = šu-lum, VE 1386; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 24 n. 78; Akk.
šūru, “Stier”, AHw 1287; “bull”, CAD Š/3 369. Watson Historiae 4 2007 96: “a
Southwest Asian migratory word”); ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /ṯōr-/ in PNN,
Sivan GAGl 281; ¶ par.: ỉbr (I), ảlp (I), yʕl (I), ẓby. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯr; pl. ṯrm, cst.
ṯr, suff. ṯry, ṯrh.
1) Bull: mtnm b ʕqbt ṯr tendons from the hocks of a bull, 1.17 VI 23 (// yʕlm);
bhm qrnm km ṯrm they will have horns like bulls, 1.12 I 31 (// ỉbrm); kn npl bʕl
km ṯr thus DN fell like a bull, 1.12 II 54 (// ỉbr); šql ṯrm w mrỉả ỉl he felled bulls
and fatling rams, 1.4 VI 41 and par. (// ảlpm); št ṯrm w[ (s)he prepared bulls
and …, 1.18 IV 14; rgm ṯrm bellow of bull(s), 1.15 V 13 and par.
2) Bull, ★a) divine title: ảhbt ṯr tʕrrk perhaps the love of the Bull has moved
you?, 1.4 IV 39; ṯr ỉl ảbk/h/y the Bull DN, your / his / her / my father, title of
the god il, 1.2 I 33 and passim (Rahmouni DEUAT 318 ff.; Dijkstra UF 43 2011
71 n. 50, Hitt. dEl-wa-ri, Iluwer (?), alt. dIlli-Ta/Ša-ú-ri); ṯr ỉl d pỉd the Bull DN,
the Benevolent, 1.4 II 10 and par. (epithet of ỉl. Rahmouni DEUAT 327ff.); mlk
ṯr ảbh yảrš does he wish the royalty of the Bull his father?, 1.14 I 41; ḥkmt k
ṯr lṭp[n] you are wise like the Bull, DN, 1.16 IV 2; ★b) title of honour: ṣḥ šbʕm
ṯry (…) ṯr ḫbr call my seventy “Bulls” (…), the “Bulls” of TN, 1.15 IV 6, 8; ʕlh ṯrh
tšʕrb (…) ṯr ḫbr into his presence she made his “Bulls” enter (…), the “Bulls”
of TN, 1.15 IV 17, 19 (// ẓbyh).
In unc. ctx.: ảylt tġpy ṯr a deer was espying (?) a bull, 1.96:11; ṯr[my] l ṯr,
1.92:13; [ y]šỉl ṯr ỉṯ ph, 1.101:8 (for another rdg and other opinions cf. Caquot
TOu/2 49 n. 111; Pardee TPM 121, 145ff.; Watson LSU 29: “with the god there is
abundant water”); ṯr dgn[, 1.127:22; ẓbm ṯr, 1.133:14; in bkn ctx.: ṯr, 1.1 IV 12; 1.15
II 2.
Cf. ỉlṯr.

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ṯr (ii) – /ṯ-r-m/ 917

ṯr (II) PN, element of the double PN ṯr ʕllmn (cf. ʕllmy/n. Cf. Kitchen UF 9 1977
PN: ṯr ʕllmn, 1.161:7, 23.
Cf. ṯr (V).
ṯr (III) n. m., a plant (?) (etym. unc.; cf. ṯr (IV)). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯr.
A plant (?): pṯt ṯr, 4.205:1 (diff. Watson LSU 113: “a mat”, Akk. šēru)
ṯr (IV) n. f., a bird (?) (etym. unc. Del Olmo CR 89 n. 11; Watson LSU 144: Eg. srw
(?)). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯr.
A bird: ṯr bỉšt a “foul-smelling”ṯ. (?), 1.48:8 (diff. De Tarragon TOu/2 168 n. 89:
“taureau”, ṯr (I): “étrange dans ce contexte”).
ṯr (V) PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 249f.; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974
PN: 4.360:3.
Cf. šr (VII).
өr, element in the composite DN ảtdb w өr (see өl = ỉ ?l).
DN: ảtdb w өr, 1.123:25 (the grapheme occurs several times in this text).
ṯrỉn PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 210: /Ennašaru/; Gröndahl PTU 223:
-e/ini, 249: šarri-; Watson LSU 183).
PN: 4.286:4.
Cf. ả/ỉnšr(m).
/ṯ-r-ʕ/ vb. yṯrʕ, 6.79 a 2.
ṯrdm “?”, 5.23:9 (scribal exercise).
ṯrdn PN (etym. unc.; cf. ṯrtn. Gröndahl PTU 252, 261; Watson LSU 183).
PN: ]ṯrdn, 4.755:14; in bkn ctx.: ṯrdn[, 4.315:8.
Cf. ṯrdn, ṯrdnt.
ṯrdnt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 252; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
PN: bn PN, 4.170:21.
ṯrdy “?”, 5.23:5 (scribal exercise. Watson FO 47 2010 435: “bowl”(?), Arab. ṯarada,
“to sop bread”, miṯrad, “bowl”).
ṯrḏn PN (Hurr. Gröndahl PTU 249, 251; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 86; Ribichini-Xella
SEL 8 1991 168; Watson AuOr 22 2004 125),
PN: 4.85:11 (zlyy).
ṯrk PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 200, 234).
PN: bn PN, 4.98:21.
ṯrkn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 200, 234).
PN: 3.8:2.
/ṯ-r-m/ vb G: “to break, cut, carve” > “to eat, feed oneself”; D: “to give to eat,
feed”, for the seman. shift cf. Akk. kašāpu, Eng. “to break bread” (Akk. šarāmu,
“herausschlagen, -schneiden”, AHw 1184f.; “to break open, cut to size”, CAD
Š/2 48f.; Syr. šrm, “to break”, SL 1610; cf. Arab. ṯarima, “to break the incisors”,

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918 ṯrm – ṯrmn (ii)

AEL 335. De Moor SP 130; Van Zijl Baal 24f.; Smith UBC/1 266 n. 85); ¶ par.:
/l-ḥ-m/ (I). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ỉṯrm, yṯrm; inf. ṯrm; D prefc. ṯtrm.
G. To eat, feed oneself: yṯb bn qdš l ṯrm the holy ones had sat down to feed
themselves, 1.2 I 21, cf. 1.18 IV 19, 30 (// (l) lḥm); tptḥ brlth l ṯrm she opened his
relish to feed himself, 1.16 VI 12 (// l lḥm); ṭbḫ (…) mgṯ w ỉṯrm sacrifice (…) m.,
as I am going to feed myself, 1.16 VI 18 (// ỉlḥm), cf. yṯrm, ln. 21 (// <y>lḥm).
D. To give to eat, feed: tṯrm (…) she will give / gave (it) to eat to (…), 1.92:15
(// [t]šlḥ[m]; cf. Margalit AuOr 7 1989 71; diff. Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117: “she set
the table”).
In bkn ctx.: ]šảnt ṯrm, 4.127:8. For the rdg mṯrm “chisel” see Watson UF 34
2002 926f.: Akk. našramu, “eine Art von Meissel” (?), AHw 761 b; “a wooden
cutting tool”, CAD N/2 78).
Cf. ṯrmt.
ṯrm cf. ḏ/ṯrm.
ṯrmg TN, mythical mountain at the edge of the underworld (etym. unc. See
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 301: Ṯarrumagi(?); cf. Tsevat JNSL 3 1974 71 ff.; Margalit
UF 8 1976 156); ¶ par.: trġzz.
TN: ġr ṯrmg, 1.4 VIII 3 (// ġr trġzz).
ṯrml n. m., noble material (etym. unc. For the various opinions cf. Herdner
TOu/1 525 n. g.: “albâtre” (?); De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 169: “frothing milk”,
*ṯml, Arab. ʔaṯmala, ṯumālah, ṯamīl); ¶ par.: ỉqnủ. ¶ Forms: sg. ṯrml.
Noble material: ʕpʕph sp ṯrml her pupils (are) bowls of ṯ., 1.14 VI 30 and par.
(// ỉb ỉqnỉ).
ṯrmn (I) DN, term for the kings of Ugarit (cf. Hurro-Hitt. šarruma, šarrumani
= Akk. dLUGAL-ma, “…”, Laroche GLH 218. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1985 557f.; Del Olmo AuOr 5 1987 67f.; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 310 n. 126;
McGeough ERU 119f.; diff. Astour RSP 2 291 f.: “the food providing”, Ug. /ṯ-r-
m/; Dahood UF 11 1979 142: “the bull of Mani”, ṯr + mn; De Tarragon TOu/2 138
n. 21: “un type de sacrifice” / “une divinité”, but cf. Smith UBC/1 266 n. 85;
Ribichin -Xella Tessili 49: “commensale”; Watson LSU 124: (“bread, cake”).
¶ Forms: sg. ṯrmn; pl. ṯrmnm.
DN, term for the kings of Ugarit: nqmd (…) ṯrmn, 1.6 VI 58; in lists of gods:
1.102:6; as recipient of offerings: ṯrmn gdlt (to) ṯ. a cow, 1.39:15; l mlbš ṯrmnm
for the cloak(s) of the ṯ., 4.182:3, 20; mlbš ṯrmnm k yṯn as the cloaks of the ṯ.
had worn out, 4.168:5; w l ll. špš pgr w ṯrmnm and in the night of DN and of
the ṯ., 1.39:12; in bkn ctx.: ỉ]qnỉ l ṯrmn qrt, [so much] lapis lazuli for the ṯ. of
the city, 4.182:15, 31; ṯrmn mlk (for the) ṯ. (of the) king, 4.18:13, 29; ytnt ṯrmn
the gift of ṯ., 1.127:6.
ṯrmn (II), element of the composite TN gt ṯrmn (< ṯrmn (I) or < Akk. šurmē/īnu,
“Zypresse”, AHw 1284; “cypress”, CAD Š/3 349ff.; Ebla sa-ra-mu-nuki, TN, Archi

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ṯrmt – ṯrrt 919

StEb 4 1981 2. Dietrich-Loretz Ug 6 168 n. 3; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7

1985 557f.: Belmonte RGTC 12/2 95; Fs. Watson 114 f.; Van Soldt Topography
Element of the composite toponym gt ṯrmn: 1.48:19 (cultic ctx.); 4.243:20;
4.296:10 (listed with other gt); rdg unc.: 4.139:6.
ṯrmt n. f. “meat, victuals” (< /ṯ-r-m/; Emar Akk. šu-ur-me, “?”, Pentiuc Vocabulary
174; diff. Caquot TOu/2 66 n. 182: “j’ai / tu as mangé”; De Moor-Spronk UF 16
1984 241: “I have cut up”; cf. /ṯ-r-m/). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯrmt.
Meat, victuals, in unc. ctx.: ỉ]dbr ṯrmt ảlm I] proclaim as offering two rams,
1.82:8 (Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 247, 250).
Cf. /ṯ-r-m/.
ṯrn (I), a vegetable product (?) (etym. unc. Watson LSU 73, 113; PIHANS 114 166:
Akk. šarānu, a medical plant, also šurnû). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯrn.
A vegetable product (?): ḫmš l ʕšrm yt ṯrn twenty-five y. of ṯ., 4.786:3 (diff.
Caquot-Masson Semitica 27 1977 11: rdg ḫḫt); in bkn ctx.: ] ṯrn dk, 1.175:4. [
ṯrn (II) PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 427 and cf. 248 ff.: /šar-/, /šarri/;
Watson AuOr 14 1996 106); ¶ syll.: cf. šá-ra-na, PRU 6 73:20 (Huehnergard
UVST 231; AkkUg 414); [ša]r-ra-nu, PRU 6 80:1; fša-ri-na, 4.863:14.
PN: ★a) 4.15:7; 4.83:5; 4.320:6; 4.696:1; 4.867:18; ★b) bn PN, 4.12:4; 4.412 II 14.
ṯrnq PN (etym. unc. Cf. Watson LSU 183).
PN: bn PN, 4.382:26.
/ṯ-r-p/ vb D (?): “to spur on (an animal)” (?) (etym. unc.; cf. Arab, with metath.
daffara, ʔadfara, “arrears”, Corriente-Ferrando DAA 133; for the rdg. see Pitard
JNES 57 1998 273; Tropper UG 165: “es peitschte(?) das Meer mit dem
Schwanz”; see Mazzini UF 35 2003 392f.: “split sea the tail(s)”, *prṯ; for a sur-
vey of previous rdgs and versions see Wyatt RTU 368 n. 4). ¶ Forms: inf. ṯrp;
prefc. tṯrp.
D. (?) to spur on (an animal) (?): mḫnm ṯrp ym lšnm tḥlk šmm tṯrp ym ḏnbtm
with the … there was spurring on of the sea, with the tongue she licked the
heavens, she spurred on the sea with the tail, 1.83:4, 6.
Cf. ʕrpt, ʕrpl.
ṯrrt adj. f. “powerful”, said of cities (etym. unc. Cf. Hb.-Aram. šryr, “sinew, mus-
cle” < *šrr, “to be firm”¸ HALOT 1655, 1657; šryr, “firm, strong”, DNWSI 1193;
Ebla cf. /śarārum/ in: GAL.GAL = sa-la-lum, sa-ra-ru12-um, EV 080; Kre-
bernik ZA 73 1983 45; cf. Eth. šu/ǝrur, “founded, established” < šārara, “to
lay a foundation, establish”, CDG 534f. Del Olmo AuOr 2 1984 20; AuOr 16
1998 187ff.; Dietrich-Loretz Studien 308, 357: “mächtig, stark, fest”. diff. De
Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 166: “small”, Akk. šerru; Astour UF 5 1973 32: “well
watered”, Arab. ṯarra, but cf. AEL 335f. ṯarā(y/w)); Watson UF 28 1996 708:
Eg. šrr “small”, Akk. šarriru “humble, deferential”; LSU 144, for other options;

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920 ṯrry (i) – ṯryl

AuOr 27 2009 285: “splendid”, Akk. šarāru, šarūrūtu); ¶ par.: rbt. ¶ Forms: sg.
Powerful: ủdm / ḫbr / ảršḫ rbt / ṯrrt TNN the great / the powerful, 1.14 III 5, 30
/ 1.15 IV 20 / 1.100:64 and par.
Cf. ṯrry.
ṯrry (I) adj. m. “powerful” (cf. ṯrrt; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 14 1982 166: “small”,
cf. ṯrrt). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. cstr.(?) ṯrry.
Powerful, in unc. ctx.: ṯrry [, powerful(s) [de voz (?)], 1.16 IV 15.
Cf. ṯrrt.
ṯrry (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf. ṯrry (I). Watson AuOr 8 1990 126).
PN: 4.85:9 (mṣbty).
ṯrt n.f. “abundance, fertility” (< */ṯ-r-w/. Arab. ṯariyy, ṯarwat, ṯarāʔ, “to become
many, abundant”, “many, numerous”, “richness”, */ṯ-r-y/, ṯaran, ṯari( yy), “to
become moist, soft, watered by rain”, “moisture”, “humid”, AEL 335 f.: ṯariyati-
l-ʔarḍu. Cf. Del Olmo AuOr 16 1998 187ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯrt.
Abundance, fertility: bt ṯrt the fertile daughter, 1.24:5 f. (diff. Dietrich-Loretz
Studien 168, 170, rdg b tṯrt “erstmals”, but see Del Olmo AuOr 25 2007 163). For
this rdg in 1.4 V 7 cf. ṯkt. For the same rdg in 1.101:8, cf. Caquot TOu/2 49 n. 111.
Cf. ṯkt.
ṯrtn (I) GN m. “Šerdana” (Eg. šrdn, LÄ col. 815 n. 6. Dietrich-Loretz UF 42 2010
109ff. with survey of other opinions (magistrate, etc). ¶ Forms: pl. ṯrtnm.
GN Šerdana: ḫmš ṯrtnm five GN, 4.137:3; 4.173:4; 4.174:7; cf. ṯrtnm ḫmš GN: five,
4.179:5; ảrbʕ ṯrtnm four GN, 4.163:9; kd l ṯrtnm one “jar” (of wine) for the GN,
4.216:7; ṯrtn[m] bd ủrš[ GN in the hands of PN, 4.497:1.
ṯrtn (II) PN (cf. ṯrtn (I)).
PN: 4.825 I 16.
ṯrtṯb PN (Hurr. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 207, 249, 264; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 169).
PN: in Hurr. ctx., 1.66:1.
ṯrṯy DN name of a deity (etym. unc. Astour JAOS 86 1966 281: hypostasis of bʕl
< from the Hurr. TN še-er-še/še-er-ši-ni; De Moor UF 2 1970 312: “a mother
goddess”; cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 13 1981 76).
DN, in offering lists and god lists: ṯrṯy ảlp w š, (to) t. one head of cattle and
one ram, 1.148:28.
ṯrṯyn PN (etym. unc.)
PN: bn PN, 4.848:7.
Cf. ṯrt.
ṯryl PN, queen of Ugarit, probably the wife of Ibirānu (Hurr. Etym. unc. Grön-
dahl PTU 223, 249; Laroche GLH 218; Van Soldt JEOL 29 1985–1986 68 ff.; SAU

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ṯryn (i) – ṯtmnt 921

15ff.; cf. Cunchillos UF 12 1980 148; TOu/2 294f. n. 9; Lipiński OLP 12 1981 86;
Healey SEL 5 1988 106f.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 15 1983 303; Rainey Or 56 1987
401; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168; Watson AuOr 30 2012 342); ¶ syll.: PNF
šar-e-li GAŠAN KUR u-ga-ri-it, PRU 3 14 (RS 12.33):2! (cf. Van Soldt SAU 13);
šar-el-li SAL.LUGAL, Ug 5 159 (RS 17.86+):9, 12; cf. Ug 5 160 (RS 17.102):5; Ug 5
161 (RS 17.325):10.
PN: 1.161:32; 2.14:8, 12, 17; 2.16:2; 2.34:2; 6.13:2; in bkn ctx. 7.53:4.
ṯryn (I) n. m. “(suit of) armour, protective padding” (etym. unc. Cf. Ebla a-sar-a-
nu/nʔum, Conti-Bonechi NABU 1992/10; Hurr. šar(i)yanni, “cuirasse”, Laroche
GLH 215f.; > Akk. sari(y)am, sir(i)am, “Panzer(hemd)”, AHw 1029; “leather
coat, often reinforced with metal pieces”, CAD S 313ff.; Hitt. šariyani-, “Panz-
erhemd”, HW 324; Hb. s/šrywn, “coat of mail”, “scale armour, coat of armour”,
HALOT 769, 1655; Eg. /s̀iryāna/, “Body Armour”, Hoch SWET 366 f. (546);
“Panzer”, WäS/5 386; Helck Bez. 525. Börker-Klähn in Haas HH 231 n. 36, fig. 6;
Watson LSU 134; AuOr 29 2011 166; Loretz HippUg 72ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯryn; pl.
cstr. ṯryn.
(Suit of) armour, protective padding: ṯryn ảḥd d bnš one suit of armour for
a man, 4.169:6; ḥmš ṣmdm w ḥrṣ ṯryn śśwm five pairs and spare piece(s) of
horse padding, 4.169:5; in bkn ctx.: lbš ṯryn, 4.17:15.
ṯryn (II) PN (etym. unc.; cf. ṯryn (I). Gröndahl PTU 313; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 168).
PN: 3.13:5; 4.81:5; 4.631:14 (bn tkn); [gt] ṯryn, 4.636:1 (cf. Tropper-Vita UF 30
1998 692).
ṯṣr n. m., “?” (etym. unc. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 215: Artemisia, Syr. šūṣārā,
šwaṣrā; Watson Historiae 4 2007 96: “gazelle”, Tham. šṣr; diff. Del Olmo MLC
644: possibly a mistake for ʕṣr, “juice”, Arab. ʕaṣīr). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯṣr.
?, in bkn ctx.: tpḥ ṯṣr shrxx[, 1.20 II 11.
/ṯ-t-ʕ/ vb G: “to be frightened, scared” (Hb. štʕ, “to be afraid”, HALOT 1671; Ph.
štʕ, “to fear, to dread”, DNWSI 1199; Arab. šatiʕa, “être triste, troublé”, DAF/1
1190. Tropper AuOr 14 1996 137); ¶ par.: /y-ʕ-r/, /y-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G csuff. ṯtʕ,
suff. ṯtʕnn.
G. To be frightened, scared: ṯtʕ ydd ỉl the beloved of DN was frightened, 1.6
VI 30 (// yrủ, yʕr); ṯtʕ{.}nn rkb ʕrpt frightened was “the Charioteer of the
clouds”, 1.5 II 7 (// yrảủn).
ṯtm PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 248).
PN: bn PN, 4.658:11; in bkn ctx.: 4.572:11.
ṯtmnt PN, youngest daughter of krt, “Octavia” (< /ṯ-m-n/; diff. Sasson SEL 5 1988
185: “?”, criticism of the etym.; Wyatt RTU 211 n. 155, 223 and n. 209, 362 n. 25:
“lyre-player”, cf. Akk. sammû).
PN, youngest daughter of krt, Octavia: ṯtmnt, 1.16 I 29, 39.

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922 ṯtqt – ṯṯ

Cf. /ṯ-m-n/.
ṯtqt DN, one of the kṯrt (G act. ptc. < */ṯ-t-q/. Herrmann YN 24; diff. Marcus
UPN 218: ‘be weighed out’ (?), rdg mlgh yṯtqt).
DN, one of the kṯrt: ṯtqt (1.24:48).
ṯtrn PN (etym. unc. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 552; Hess AmPN 149: EA,
Alalakh, Hitt. /Šut(t)arna/).
PN: 4.153:8.
ṯty PN (etym. unc. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 252: /Šatiia/, /Šatuia/, /Šattuia/.
Gröndahl PTU 299; Watson AuOr 14 1996 106; AuOr 22 2004 126).
PN: ★a) 4.80:5 (ảry); ★b) bn PN, 4.55:23.
Cf. šdy, šty, ṯdy.
ṯtyn PN bkn(?) (etym. unc. see ṯty. Gröndahl PTU 299).
PN: bn PN, 4.432:20; 4.841:60.
Cf. šdyn, ṯdyn, ṯty.
ṯtyy PN (Eg.; < DN śtẖ-y “Seth”, Ranke ÄP 1 321:17, 2 389, with hypocoristic -y;
Gröndahl PTU 50; Watson AuOr 30 2012 343).
PN: 2.44:14 (letter from Byblos).
ṯṭ n. f., a piece of cloth or a garment (a type of wool) (?). Akk. šim/nṭu, “aus-
gezupfte Wolle”, AHw 1239; “plucked wool”, CAD Š/3 20; šamṭu, “losgeris-
sen”, AHw 1159; “mng. unc.”, CAD Š/1 339. Ribichini-Xella Tessili 67f.; Watson
LSU 113f.; AuOr 29 2011 169: either “wool” or a “kilt”). ¶ Forms: sg. ṯṭ.
A piece of cloth or a garment: ṯṭ prqt one ṯṭ-cloth of p. fabric, 4.205:3.
өṭ, element in the composite DN өṭ w kmө (cf. the allog. ẓẓ w kmṯ in 1.100:36.
Xella TRU 219f.). See өl, өr.
DN: өṭ w kmө, 1.123:5 (the grapheme ө occurs several times in this text).
Cf. ẓẓ.
ṯṯ n. num. “six” (< */š-d-ṯ/, cf. ṯdṯ. Hb. šš, “six”, HALOT 1663; Hb., Pun., OAram,
Palm., Nab. šš, “six”, DNWSI 1196f.; JPAram. št, “six”, DJPA 568; Akk. šeššet,
“sechs”, AHw 1220; “six”, CAD Š/2 337; OSA sṯ(t), “six”, SD 124; Arab. sitt(at),
“six”, AEL 1304; Eth. sěssu, sědděstu, “six”, CDG 486 f.); ¶ par.: šbʕ. ¶ Forms: sg.
ṯṯ, alloph. s̄s̄ (4.31:2); f. ṯṯt; du. ṯṯtm; pl. ṯṯm “sixty” (cf. ṯṯm).
1) The numeral six: ★a) elliptical syntagms: ṯṯ l ʕṯtrt[ six (rams) for DN, 1.50:3,
cf. ln. 5 l pdr ṯṯ [ṣỉn]; ṯṯ w ṯʕy six times and the offerer (offers), 1.161:29; ḫlb
ʕprm ṯṯ TN of the GN, six (“jars” of wine), 4.48:1, cf. ln. 8 and 4.73:7; ủḫnp
ṯṯ mṣb TN, six (“jars”) of m.-wine, 1.91:34; TN ṯṯ TN, six, 4.804:2; PN ṯṯ [ PN,
six [, 4.764:5, 6; mṯyn b ṯṯt un m. for six (shekels), 4.146:5; ṯṯt ʕmn skn, six on
the account / credit of the prefect, 4.861:9; ★b) genitive syntagms: b ṯṯ ym
ḥdṯ at the (wake: night division/hour) six of the new moon (of MN), 1.78:1
(Dietrich-Loretz UF 34 2002, 62, 64: “sechster”, Akk. šeššu; Del Olmo AuOr
30 2012 362; for the var. opinions see Wagenaar UF 34 2002 913 ff.: “In the

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ṯṯ 923

six (Month): the Day of the New Moon of Ḫiyaru”); ṯṯ ymm six days, 2.82:8;
ṯṯ dd(m), six “cauldronsful”, 4.14:1, 7, 13, 4.128:2, 4.269:26, 4.284:8, 4.397:11; ṯṯ
sp(m) six bowls, 4.34:6; 4.44:25, 29, 4.56:10, 14; ṯṯ šủrt six š., 4.44:7, 11, 13; ṯṯ pld
pṯt six linen cloaks, 4.152:8; ṯṯ ḫsnm six ḫ., 4.162:1; ṯṯ lbš six garments, 4.182:22;
ṯṯ ỉqnủ six (garments(?)) of violet purple, 4.182:23; ṯṯ lmd six apprentices,
4.188:17, 19; ṯṯ ptḥm six gates, 4.195:12; ṯṯ krmm TN six vineyards TN, 4.244:11, 19,
22; ṯṯ bnšm six unskilled labourers, 4.355:3, 13, 14, 21, 38; ṯṯ [mr]kbt six chariots,
4.363:8; ṯṯ ảz[mlm], six ả., 4.390:10; ṯṯ ṣmdm six yoked (animals), 4.618:7; ṯṯ
ḫrmṯ[t six sickles, 4.625:13; ṯṯ ḥrṯm lqḥ šʕrt six ploughmen receive (rations
of) wool, 4.630:6; ṯṯ nsk ḥẓm lqḥ šʕrt six casters of (metal tips for) arrows
receive (rations of) wool, 4.630:14; ṯṯ prś six p., 4.677:4; ỉldn ṯṯ ṣỉn PN, six ewes,
4.775:6; ʕšr ṣỉn b ṯṯt w kmsk ten ewes for six (shekels) and one k., 4.341:9; ṯṯ
šmn six (“jars”) of oil, 4.780:11; w ṯṯ kd ztm and six “jars” of olives, RSOu 14
37:5; tṯ dd šʕrm six “cauldronsful” of barley, 4.811:1; ṯṯtm ḫzr two squads of
auxiliaries in sixes, 4.141:7, 9; ṯṯ krkbm ủrkhm ỉpdrḏ six k. whose length is
one ỉ. (?), 4.809:6; ṯṯ ủṭm rḥbhm six ủ. in width, 4.809:7; ★c) in apposition:
ṯnnm ṯṯ ṯ., six, 4.179:1; ḥrš mrkbt ṯṯ cartwrights, six, 4.836:13; btšpš ṯṯ kbd PN,
six, 4.803:6; l šảnt ṯṯ for six rims(?), 4.392:2; ksp ṯtt (shekels of) silver, three,
4.682:11; ★d) distributive: ṯṯ ṯṯ b ṯql (in bundles) of six and six (trees) for one
shekel, 4.158:5 (Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 682f.; McGeough UgET 118 n. 104, for
a survey).
2) Composite numbers: sixteen: TN ṯṯ ʕšr(h) (yn) TN sixteen (“jars” of wine),
4.48:12, cf. 4.67:11, 4.218:3, 4.284:5, 4.312:6, 4.355:6; ṯṯ ʕšrt ksp sixteen (shekels)
of silver, 4.833:8; yky ʕšrt ṯṯt PN, sixteen (shekels of silver), 4.226:7; ṯṯt ʕšrt
ksph its price is sixteen (shekels), 4.341:4; šʕrm ṯṯ ʕš[r of barley, sixteen
(“cauldronsful”), 4.400:8; ṯṯ ʕšr ṣ[m]d sixteen yoked (animals), 4.618:10; ṯṯ ʕšrh
ṯrmṯt sixteen sickles, 4.625:4; ṯṯ ʕšrh lqḥ ḫlpnt they receive sixteen cloaks,
4.630:4; s̄s̄ ʕs̄r, 4.31:2; ṯṯt ʕšr kbd mỉtm šmn nḥ two hundred and sixteen
(“jars”) of n.-oil, 4.805:2; twenty-six: ṯṯ l ʕšrm twenty-six, 4.344:6; ʕšrm ṣ[md]
ṯṯ kbd twenty-six yoked (animals), 4.377:24; ṯṯ l ʕšrm bn[š mlk twenty-six
unskilled labourers of the king, 4.609:51; thirty-six: ṯlṯm dd ṯṯ kbd thirty-six
“cauldronsful”, 4.243:21, 27; ṯlṯm ṯṯ kbd thirty-six (rods?), 4.392:4; sixty-six: ṯṯ l
ṯṯm sixty-six (cities), 1.4 VII 9 (// šbʕm šbʕ); ṯṯ ṯṯm kbd sixty-six (“jars” of wine),
4.213:11; ṯṯm ṯṯ kbd ḥpr sixty-six rations, 4.636:7; ṯṯm ṯṯt kbd sixty-six (shekels),
4.755:5; ṯṯ l ṯṯm ảḫd ʕr sixty-six cities he conquered, 1.4 VII 9; ninety-six:
tšʕm ṯṯ kbd ninety-six (unskilled labourers), 4.137:9; six hundred: ṯṯ mảt six
hundred, 4.14:11; ṯṯ mảt šmn rqḥ six hundred (?) of perfume, 4.91:4; ṯṯ mảt ksp
six hundred (shekels) of silver, 4.158:1; nn. ṯṯ mảt nn., six hundred (shekels),
4.261:3–6, 7–11, 24; ṯṯ mảt brr six hundred (shekels) of tin, 4.337:4; ṯṯ mảt ʕprt
six hundred (shekels of (?)) ʕp., 4.780:9; [ṯ]ṯ mảt kbd, 4.808:2; ṯṯ mảt ṯṯm kbd

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924 ṯṯm – ṯṯpḥ

šmn six hundred and sixty (“jars”) of oil, 4.352:1; one thousand six hundred:
ảlp ṯṯ mảt kbd one thousand six hundred (shekels?), 4.353:2.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: ṯṯ [l ]mštt 4.216:3; ht ảby ṯṯ tl/d[, 2.17:9; ṯṯ ḥ[, 4.4:10; ṯṯ,
4.23:12; 4.62:2; 7.50:5; ]xṯṯ, 4.676:1; RSOu 14 44:6'; mảt ṯṯx ddm, 4.855:2; ]m ṯṯ ṯṯ
mảt, 4.809:12; w ṯṯ lqḥ[ and six have taken, 4.864:5; b gt ỉpṯl ṯ[tm, 4.864:6.
Cf. ṯdṯ, ṯṯm.
ṯṯm n. num. “sixty” (pl. of ṯṯ. Hb. ššym, “sixty”, HALOT 1663; Pun., OAram., Palm.,
Nab. ššm, “sixty”, DNWSI 1197; Akk. šūši, šūš, “60”, AHw 1288 f.; “sixty”, CAD Š/3
380ff.; OSA sty, “sixty”, SD 124; Arab. sittūn, “sixty”, AEL 1304; Eth. sǝssā, “sixty”,
CDG 487); ¶ par.: šbʕm. ¶ Forms: pl. ṯṯm.
1) The numeral sixty: ★a) elliptical syntagms: b bn mnn ṯṯm of / from PN
sixty (shekels of silver), 4.658:14, 43; ṯṯm tgm[r sixty the total, 4.218:6; ★b)
genitive syntagms: ṯṯm spm sixty bowls, 4.34:2 (for the rdg lxm cf. Tropper
AuOr 13 1995 236); ṯṯm ksp, sixty (shekels) of silver, 2.26:21, 3.10:19; ṯṯm sp
sixty bowls, 4.56:3, 6; ṯṯm ṣỉ[n sixty ewes, 4.80:20; ṯṯm yn sixty (“jars”) of wine,
4.213:9; ṯṯm (dd) drʕ sixty (“cauldronsful”) of seed grain, 4.243:16, 4.387:9; ṯṯm
drt sixty (“cauldronsful”) of bran, 4.243:18; ṯṯm ṯq sixty ṯ., 4.595:3; ṯlṯ ḫrmṯt ṯṯm
mḫrhn three sickles, sixty (shekels) is their price, 4.625:1; ṯṯm ksp ʕl ảbġl sixty
(shekels) of silver to the account of PN, 3.30:15; ★c) appositional syntagms:
he will deliver to you śśwm nʕmm lk ṯṯm good quality horses: sixty, 2.45:20.
2) Composite numbers: sixty-three: ṯṯm ṯlṯ kb[d sixty-three, 4.333:1; sixty-four:
ṯṯm ảrbʕ kbd yn sixty-four (jars) of wine, 4.213:7; sixty-five: ṯṯm ḫmš kbd yn
sixty-five (“jars”) of wine, 4.213:14; sixty-six: ṯṯ l ṯṯm sixty-six (cities), 1.4 VII 9
(// šbʕm šbʕ); ṯṯm ṯṯ kbd ḥpr sixty-six rations, 4.636:7; ṯṯm ṯṯ kbd yn sixty-six
(“jars”) of wine, 4.213:11; ṯṯm ṯṯt kbd sixty-six (shekels), 4.755:5; sixty-eight: ṯmn
kbd ṯṯm šmn sixty-eight (“jars”) of oil, 4.313:29, cf. 4.411:8; one hundred and
sixty: ṯṯm l mỉt drʕ one hundred and sixty (“cauldronsful”) of seed, 4.343:7;
mỉt ṯṯm one hundred and sixty (shekels of silver), 4.280:9; ṯṯm l mỉt ṯn kbd
one hundred and sixty-two, 4.173:10; ṯṯm [l] mỉt ṯlṯ kbd one hundred and
sixty-three, 4.137 12; [mỉt] ṯṯ šbʕ k[bd] one hundred and sixty-seven (“caul-
dronsful”), 4.345; two hundred and sixty: mỉtm ṯṯm kbd ksp two hundred and
sixty (shekels) of silver, 4.265:2; three hundred and sixty: ṯlṯ mảt ṯṯm kbd three
hundred (rations), 4.636:6; six hundred and sixty: ṯt mảt ṯṯm kbd šmn six hun-
dred and sixty (“jars”) of oil, 4.352:1; seven hundred and sixty: šbʕ mảt ṯṯm kbd
seven hundred and sixty (?), 4.340:22 (Akk. 7 me-at 60 ḪI.MEŠ, ibid. ln. 23);
ảlp ṯṯm kbd one thousand and sixty (…), 4.353:2.
In bkn ctx.; ṯṯm[, 4.305:1; 4.404:1; ṯṯm [ʕ]šrm (?) twenty-six(?), 4.142:4.
Cf. ṯṯ.
ṯṯpḥ PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.141 I 6; 4.183 I 25; 4.609:15 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 38).

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ṯṯy – ṯynḏr 925

ṯṯy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313; Bordreuil SEL 5 1988 28).
PN: ★a) 4.63 IV 5; ★b) bn PN, 4.389:12.
Cf. ṯḏyy.
/ṯ-w-y/ vb D: “to resist”, alt. “to halt” (etym. unc. Arab. ṯawiya, “to remain, stay”,
AEL 365f., D / A > “to made to remain” cf. Renfroe AULS 68 f.; JNSL 22 1996
80: “to be idle”, Akk. šuwû; Watson LSU 61, id.; De Moor ULe 89 ff.; “to allow
to stay”; Greenstein UPN 41 n. 170: “to lie low”, Arab. ṯawiya; Pardee CS/3
442: “to detain”, id., but TR/1 571: “fournir”, in 1.104:17; 5.11:6 f.; 2.38:24 (?);
Tropper UG 669: “zum Bleiben veranlassen”; Loretz Fs. Albertz 396 n. 20: ṯwy
D “beruhigen”, and survey of other options; Fs. Kienast 295 ff.: ṯwy D “gleich
behandeln, hofieren”, an); diff. Del Olmo MLC 641: D. “to give orders, behave
like a chief”, Hb. šwh, “to place with” (?), HALOT 1438: šwh II // dbr (II); ¶ par.:
/d-b-r/ (I). ¶ Forms: D prefc. tṯwy.
D. To resist: ġrm tṯwy will you resist / halt the invaders / enemies?, 1.16 VI 44.
ṯwyn PN (etym. unc. Laroche NH 162 1146: /Sawiyana/; Gröndahl PTU 427;
Watson LSU 183).
PN: bn PN, 4.232:30.
ṯyndr see ṯydr.
ṯyb, in bkn and unc. ctx.: ġr ṯyb, 1.93:3 (cf. ġr (I)).
ṯydr TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 357: *Zitara; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 378 n. 19; UF 28
1996 690; Topography 46: ṯ( y)ndr, TN).
TN: ṯydr: 2.13:14, rdg ṯy[[n]]dr; 6.21:2. In Hurr. ctx.: 1.131:9 (Dietrich-Mayer
UF 26 1994 100); prob. variant or mistake ṯyndr in 2.30:13 (Cunchillos TOu/2
289 n. 9, 332, 335; Dietrich-Loretz UF 26 1994 65 f.; Dietrich-Mayer ALASP 7
29; Van Soldt UF 21 1989 378 n. 19; UF 28 1996 690: ṯydr, TN; Topography 46;
diff. Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 235, 237: “from the tribute they have vowed”,
rdg bm ṯy ndr < /n-d-r/; see Clemens SURS 187–196, for an exhaustive survey);
in bkn ctx. ] ydr[, 4.653:5.
Cf. ṯyndr.
ṯyl PN (etym. unc.).
PN: ★a) 4.155:11 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 40); ★b) bn PN, 4.339:18.
ṯyn PN (etym. unc. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 198, 256); ¶ syll.: cf. šu-ia-nu, PRU 3 195
(RS 15.09) B II 2.
PN: bn PN, 4.611 I 15.
Cf. š/ḏyn.
ṯynḏr TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 356: Zinzar; ¶ syll.: cf. URU zi-in-za-ri, PRU 4
201 (RS 18.02):3.
TN: in bkn ctx., ṯynḏr[, 4.97:5 (PN(?); cf. Gröndahl PTU 249, 256; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 168).
Cf. ṯydr, ṯyndr.

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w conj. 1) copulative, “and”; 2) explanatory conj., “and that is”, “namely”, w epex-
egeticum, after topicalised nominal phrase; 3) in the correlation protasis—
apodosis); 4) declarative-emphatic functor (Hb. w, “and, that is, then”,
HALOT 257ff.; NWS w, “and, or, but …”, DNWSI 294 ff.; Akk. u, “und, auch,
aber, ausserdem”, AHw 1397; “and, or”, CAD U/W 1; OAss. wa, u, Hecker
GKT 182; “und”, AHw 1450; Parpola WGE 296; Ebla ú, ù, wa, passim; cf. wa(PI),
VE 195, 1217; Krebernik ZA 72 1982 221. Gelb EDA 70; Hecker EDA 239ff.;
ARET 7 236, 238; ARET 8 68; ARET 9 409; wa, wa-a, Fronzaroli QuSem 15 5 f.;
OSA w, “and, but, or”, SD 154; Arab. wa, conj., AEL 3048; “and, also, with, the
…”, Hava 845; Eth. wa, “and, but, then”, CDG 602; Gordon UT § 12.1; Tropper
UG 782ff.; Aartun PU/2 63ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: for the spelling PI (/wa/(?)) in Ug
5 153 (RS 20.163) rev. 5, 6 and 7 cf. Huehnergard UVST 122. ¶ Forms: w; con-
tracted form wn (< w + (h)n, 1.2 III 22; 1.3 V 38; 1.4 IV 50; Tropper UF 22 1990
388; but cf. UG 160; cf. Aartun PU/2 63; Watson LSU 224).
1) Copulative conj., and: a) between nominal lexemes: ★aa) two-membered
in different morpho-syntactic functions: passim; ảṯrt ṣrm w ỉlt ṣdynm DN of
the GNN and DN of the GNN, 1.14 IV 35 and par.; ỉlm w nšm gods and men,
1.4 VII 51; ʕnn hlkt wšnwt the restless eye which also transforms, 1.96:1; šlm
ảb w ỉl hail, father and god!, 1.123:1, in unc. ctx. lnh w l ỉb for him and for
DN, 1.111:21; rgm ʕṣ w lḫšt ảbn a matter of wood and a chatter of stone, 1.3
III 23; l ảbnm w l ʕṣm among the stones and tree-trunks, 1.23:66; ṯlṯ bʕlm w
ảdnhm three unskilled labourers and their master, 4.360:3, passim in records
of personnel, commodities and composite numerals: ḫrd w ḥmrm, troops
and donkeys, 2.98:20; 2.101:11 (bkn); kt ḥmṣ w nbt a pitcher of vinegar and
(another of) honey, 2.99:24; ỉsprm w ṯlṯ- ʕrmlḥt wảrbʕ spm two date cakes
and three (pieces of) salted donkey (meat) and four bowls, 2.87:5–6; rqḥ w
ʕṣm perfume and plants, 2.104:12; ★ab) in double DNN (in respect of one or
two divine “personalities”): šḥr w šlm, 1.23:53; kṯr w ḫss, 1.2 IV 7 and passim;
nkl w ỉb, 1.24:1, 37; in record of two or more different persons: 2.99:5, 25–26
and passim; ★ac) in multi-membered, sequential and climactic lists: cf. ym
w ṯny one day and another, 1.14 III 2 and passim; see w bym … w bʕlm … bṯlṯ,
2.882.88:5–7; in rights of succession distribution: l PN w lbnh to PN and to
his son, 3.32:7; see ln. 7, 20, 24, 25, 28; in related places, b nḫl w b ʕps, in the
torrent and in the border(s), 3.33:9, passim; in cumulative sequence: w … yd
… and … along with …, 3.33:15, passim; ★ad) in complementary distribution:
šbʕỉd w šbʕỉd mrḥqtm qlt, seven times (to one side) and seven times (to the
other) from afar I prostrate myself, 2.12:10 and par. (Gzella BiOr 64 2007

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w 927

561); in oath formula: ḥ npšk w ḥ n[pšy, by the life of your soul and by the
life of (my soul) (bkn), 2.87:12; ★b) in vb clauses: ★ba) introducing a new
topic, 2.87:7; w l ảrṯḫb and for PN, 4.867:14; 2.98:13, 22; 2.99:19 and passim; w
ảt/ảnk/ht bnš hw, as for me/you/this man …, 2.88:11, 21, 35, 39; 2.90:6; 2.90:8,
10; 2.108:3; w ảtn ṯn ḫpnm ḥdm and I will give two new ḫ.-garments, 2.87:27;
w ảtm ydʕt and you know, 2.87:26; w lb ảḫtk mrṣ and the heart of your sister
is sick, 2.87:7, see ln. 14 and 2.103:28 (bkn); w ảdn ảt and you are the father,
2.90:13; w lpʕn ảdty, and to the feet of my lady, 2.101:5 and par., passim in
letters; w lḥt ḫpn w kblm, and regarding the letter on a ḫ-garment and a pair
of leggings, 2.87:18, see 2.103:19; w hm ảkm ỉqnả and as soon as I store the
purple, 2.87:20; w ks[[.]]pn! nmḥt, and I have been cleaned up of money,
2.87:30; in topicalising position: w mlảktk lm tšḫr and as for your embassy,
why do you delay (it)?, 2.87:33; w ḫpṯ p mnm and the ḫ. (and) whosever
(other) (?), 2.108:12; ★bb) introducing the second object: cf. l ảrṣ ypl (…) w
l ʕpr (…) he fell to the earth (…), to the ground (…), 1.2 IV 5; yld bn ly (…)
w šrš (…) a son is going to be born to me (…), offspring (…), 1.17 II 15; c)
between synonymous or complementary vb clauses: cf. yrtḥṣ w yảdm he
washed himself and put on make up, 1.14 III 52; ỉṯt (…) w rgmy l lq<ḥ>t w pn
(…) nr I was there (…) and indeed she accepted my words and (his) face (…)
lit up, 2.13:16–17; tbʕ w l yṯb they went without lingering, 1.5 I 9; ỉštmʕ w tqġ
ủdn listen and let (your) ear be alert, 1.16 VI 42 and par.; mġy ḥrn l bth w yštql
l ḥẓrh DN reached his house, proceeded to his mansion, 1.100:67; ảdty tdʕ w
ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ my lady knows and also the king, (namely) the messenger,
knows, 2.33:20; ky ḥš w lảk hurry up, send yes a message, 2.88:34; šỉsp … w
yšdd, he gathered … and destroyed, 2.98:26; w ảnk qdšh mġt w ủryn tbʕ ủph
and I myself arrived in TN and PN went to TN, 2.97:16–17; w ủgrt ỉlảk w ỉšmʕ
and I will send a message to TN and (if) I hear that she does not guarantee
you, 2.88:23–24 and passim: 2.99:12; w yủḫd hn bnš hw w štnnh and he must
be seized and deliver him over, 2.90:14–16; ky ḫbt w l ủšảl, because I have
been ill treated and I was never consulted, 2.87:8, see 2.103:9; w ṭbḫ ảlp mrủ
w ỉnd ytn ly and a fattened bull / ox was slaughtered and nobody gave me
(anything), 2.87:10–11; w ht ṯnỉdm ybl w yštảl w ht ṯnỉdm and now twice he
has brought (?) and requires a reply 2.104:9–10; d) macrotextual marker, of
transition, beginning of direct speech: w yʕn and he answered (as follows),
2) Explanatory conj., and that is, namely, w epexegeticum, after topicalised
nominal phrase: ʕbdk ản w d ʕlmk I am your servant, (and) that is, for ever, 1.5
II 12; mndʕ k igr w ủ ỉgr ʕm špš perhaps I shall stay (here), that is, (perhaps)
I shall stay with the “Sun”, 2.34:12; also 1.1 III 16; 1.3 III 8–9; 1.3 III 28–29; 1.3
IV 41–43 // 1.4 V 45–46; 1.4 I 29; 1.4 II 12; 1.14 III 3–5, 14–15; 1.14 V 6–8; 1.17 I 15–16;

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928 w

1.17 V 9; 1.17 VI 10, 30; 1.19 I 28–29; 1.19 II 27; 1.19 III 14, 28–29; 1.19 IV 18–19; 1.23:42,
51, 56 (Tropper OLP 29 1998 21ff.; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 206).
3) In the correlation protasis-apodosis: a) consecutive: nḫlm tlk nbtm w ỉdʕ
the torrents will flow with / like honey and/then I shall know, 1.6 III 8; w ht
lủk (…) w tbʕ and now he has been sent (…) and so he went, 2.17:6; tdʕṣ pʕnm
wtr she pressed (?) (her) feet (down) and crossed the earth, 1.4 V 20 and par.;
w k ỉn hlk w … w … w l lỉkt, and since there is no messenger and I did not send
… and … and, 2.90:18–22; w mnm rgm d tšmʕ ṯmt w št b spr and anything that
you hear there, put it in writing for me, 2.10:18; w dʕ dʕ and know it for a fact,
2.61:13, see 2.88:10, 38; b) temporal: ʕd lḥm šty ỉlm w pq (…) while the gods were
eating and drinking, then they obtained (…), 1.4 VI 56; ʕd tṯṯbn ksp PN wṯb l
ủnṯhm until they pay the deposit of PN they revert to giving their services,
3.4:19; b nšỉ ʕnh (…) w ytphn on lifting his eyes (…) then he saw her, 1.4 II 12; bm
bkyh w yšn in his weeping he remained asleep, 1.14 I 31; bm nšq w hr b ḥbq w
ḥmḥmt on kissing (them) there was then conception, on embracing (them)
there was pregnancy, 1.23:56 (alt. “look / yes, conception / pregnancy!”; see
Gzella BiOr 64 2007 561); rgm l yṣả (…) w ttn gh yġr hardly had the word left
(…), when / and (Baal), uttering a cry, fell, 1.2 IV 6; w grš bnỉl w yqḥ tʕnk “when
PN is sent off, he will take your reply”, 2.87:22; c) final: ảtm w ảnk ỉbġyh come
and I will reveal it to you, 1.3 III 28; yqm w ywpṯn they have risen to spit on
me, 1.4 III 13 (// yqlṣn), see 1.4 VI 13; ṭbḫ (…) w ỉṯrm sacrifice (…) so that I may
feed, 1.16 VI 18; rgm l mlk šmy w lh yʕlm mention my name to the king, so that
it will be known to him (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 560); tn ks (…) w ỉštn set a cup
(…) so that I may drink, 5.9:16; k ymġy (…) w yšảl when he approached (…)
to ask, 1.124:3; tn w nlḥm give (us) so that we can eat, 1.23:72; d) conditional
(apodosis): hm [ỉṯ] (…) w tn if there is (any) (…) give (us some), 1.23:72; hm ḫt
ʕl w lỉkt ʕmk w hm l ʕl w lảkm ỉlảk if Ḫatti attacks, I will write to you and if it
does not attack, certainly I will (also) write to you, 2.30:19; cf. 2.10:10; hm lb PN
bhl bnh w km lbn ybhl hm, if PN wishes to disinherit his son, he can disinherit
them as he likes, 3.32:21f. and par.; for the protasis: w, wk cf. Akk. šumma
(Watson LSU 72): w ỉn ủdn ymn b[h] (…) w ỉn ủdn šmảl b[h] and if its right
ear is missing (…), and if its left ear is missing, 1.103:35, 37; e) causal: w tṯkl
bnwth for she will be deprived of offspring, 1.100:61 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2012
44; see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 559); w ỉṯ w knt šlmth ṯmt and (if this) takes place,
his compensation is there, 2.97:14; k l ʕrbt bk … w rỉšk ḫlq because she does not
guarantee you … your authority is lost!, 2.88:30; f) Adversative / disjunctive:
w l lỉkt ʕm mlk w ʕmkm lỉkt, I have not sent a message to the king but to you I
have sent it, 2.90:21(Gzella BiOr 64 2007 560f.); w l ṯt mrkbtm inn ủṯpt but two
chariot bodies lack quiver(s), 4.145:7 (Rougemont-Vita PIHANS 132 n. 63); g)
injunctive in epistolary exchange: w rgm tṯṯb ʕm ʕbdk, and send an answer to

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wḏny – /w-p-ṯ/ 929

your servant, 2.89:9; mnm rgm w ṯṯb anything (you hear there) tell (it), 2.87:24;
by spr št w štn hndh ʕmy put it in a document and send it to me, 2.108:9, see
ln. 13.
4) Declarative and emphatic functor: a) w npy (…) may it be atonement (…)!,
1.40:16 and passim ibid.; w yd ỉlm p k mtm ʕz mỉd for here the power of the gods
is very strong, very much so, like death / DN, 2.10:11; yḫṭ w ḥlm he came to: it
was a dream!, 1.14 III 50; ả<g>zrt ʕnt w ld anxious (was) DN, to give birth / for
the son 1.13:30; tqrb w ld bn lh she is on the point of bearing him a son, 1.15
III 20 and par. (cf. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 435); w ảdn ảt and
you are indeed the lord, 2.90:13; b) wn (< w + (h)n. Tropper UF 22 1990 388;
but cf. UG 160 (lengthened form of w); Watson AuOr 12 1994 229ff.; AuOr 14
1996 285ff.; LSU 223–227): wn ỉn bt l bʕl he has no house at all, DN!, 1.4 IV 50
and par., cf. 1.2 III 22; 1.3 V 38; wn ảp ʕdn mṭrh bʕl ydʕn since thus DN will
be able to appoint the time of his rain, 1.4 V 6; wn ymġy ảklm and behold he
arrived next to the “Voracious Ones”, 1.12 I 36; see w hn ỉbm šṣq ly and behold
the enemies are besieging me, 2.33:27, and ln. 17; for the unc. rdg wnʕn, and
he answered, 1.24:31 see the var. proposals in MLC 460.
In bkn and unc. ctx.: w kly ʕbdk, 2.88:13; p mġy ṯh w, 2.88:14; w … w …, 2.88:19;
w gʕt b ntb, 2.91:2; w ảnk, 2.97:19; 1.82:17; ảṯṯb w ml, 2.98:9; nġr ảr w, 2.98:16; w
lḥt, 2.98:31; w špš, 2.98:33; w tḥtm, 2.98:35; w arš, 2.98:36; w rq[… 2.99:35; w …,
2.100:18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29; w dbl[, 2.101:8; w lr[ 2.101:9; w mʕnk, 2.101:14; w
rg[m, 2.102:4; w l ảḫy, 2.103:7; w lḥt, 2.103:11; w ảḫ …, 2.103:25; w ʕm …, 2.103:26;
w yqḥ, 2.103:30; w l …, 2.104:7; w …, 2.106:7, 9, 10; w kbl, 2.109:7; w …, 2.110:7; w
rgm, 2.111.4; w, 2.111:2, 10; 2.112:7, 8; w šbʕ, 4.864:3, 5, 7.
wḏny PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 118).
PN: 4.763:10 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 165: rdg w ḏny).
/w-ḥ-y/ vb Gt “to hasten” (Arab. waḥa, tawaḥḥa, “to hasten”, Hava 857; wāḥiyy,
waḥāʔ, “hasty, quick”, “haste”, AEL 3050; JPAram. yḥy, “to hurry”, DJPA 238.
Loewenstamm UF 14 1982 125ff.; Renfroe AULS 156; Watson UF 38 2006 724:
Eg. jḥ; diff. Tropper UG 548, 639: D wtḥ, “eilen, galoppieren”; Bordreuil-
Pardee ManUg 319: *ytḥ, “to hasten”, but prob. this base does not exist in
Sem. with this meaning; cf. Hava 848: wataḥa, “to be paltry”; DAF/2 1479: “être
avare”); ¶ par.: /l-s-m/. ¶ Forms: Gt prefc. twtḥ (for the form yḥ, 1.12 I 35, cf.
Gt. To hasten: ʕmy twtḥ ỉšdk towards me let your steps hasten, 1.3 III 20 and
par. (// tslmn).
wld, cf. /y-l-d/.
wm, 1.104:21, rdg w m<ṯ>bt; cf. mṯb.
wn, cf. w D, 2.
/w-p-ṯ/ vb D “to spit” (Ebla /wapāṯum/ in Ì.I = wa-ba-sum, VE 898; Fronzaroli

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930 wql – wtrym

EL 152; Edzard StEb 4 1981 54: /wapāśum/; cf. Akk. wapāšum, “beschimpfen”,
AHw 1459; “to insult”, CAD U/W 402; cf. Arab. nafaṯa, “to spit”, “to eject a
little spittle”, AEL 2819 [on this cf. Renfroe AULS 156f.]; cf. Hb. tpt, “spittle,
expectoration”, HALOT 1780f.: Job 17:6. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 200 n. e; Wat-
son NUS 21 1980 8; LSU 114); ¶ par.: /q-l-ṣ/. ¶ Forms: D prefc. ywpṯ; inf. suff.
wpṯm (encl. -m).
D. To spit: yqm w ywpṯn they have risen to spit on me, 1.4 III 13 (// yqlṣn);
[ yqm ]qlṣn wpṯm [he rises] to oppose me and to spit on me, 1.4 VI 13.
wql PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 4.147:8.
/w-q-y/ cf. /y-q-y/.
wrt PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 314; cf. bibliog. on mtny, GN; Watson AuOr
21 2003 248).
PN: 4.369:18 (mtny).
wry n. m., a type of boat (?) (Eg. wrt, “Art Schiff”, WÄS/1 332; Watson LSU 144;
diff. Gröndahl PTU 314: PN, etym. unc.; cf. -wr- in Eg. PNN, Ranke ÄP 1 80:3,
104:4; ÄP 3 41 f.; cf. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 275: /Waraia/).
A type of boat (?), in bkn ctx.: wry [, 4.81:7 (cf. ảnyt, ibid. l. 1; br, ln. 2, 3, 6,
10–19; ṯkt, 4, 5, 8, 9).
/w-s-r/ vb G: “to teach”; D: “to instruct” (Hb. ysr, “to instruct”, HALOT 418 f.;
Akk. esēru, “Zahlung einfordern”, AHw 249f.; “to press for payment due”, CAD
E 332ff.). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tsrk; D prefc. with suff. ywsrnn.
G. To teach: šbt dqnk l tsrk the greyness of your beard truly teaches you, 1.4
V 4.
D. To instruct: w ywsrnn ggnh and his innards instructed him, 1.16 VI 26.
wtbḏ/ṯr PN (Hurr. Gelb-Purves-MacRae NPN 275 f.: /Wa(n)tipšarri/).
PN: in bkn ctx., bn wtb[ḏ/ṯr, 4.382:19.
Cf. mtr, mtrn, mtrt, ytr, ytrʕm, ytrhd, ytrm.
wtrym GN (Sem. < /w:y-t-r/ (?)).¶ Forms: pl. wtrym (cf. LÚ.MEŠ KUR.PI-at-ri;
cf. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 107).
GN: 4.861:1.

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-y (I) suffixed pronominal morpheme: 1) as an adnominal genitive, “my”,

“mine”; 2) with the prep. ʕm, bd, l (Gordon UT 36; Tropper UG 215 ff.); ¶ syll.
Ug.: cf. Sivan GAGl 127; Huehnergard UVST 132: /-ya/ (?). ¶ Forms: -y; cf. -n
1) As a genitive, “my”: passim.
2) With prep.: ảl tdm ly do not moan for me, 1.16 I 26; tbkn w tdm ly, she will
weep for me and moan for me, 1.16 I 30; ʕms mʕ ly ảlỉyn bʕl load me, please,
with DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.6 I 12; ảlt ỉn ly I shall not have any curse on
me!, 1.82:2; ʕmy pʕnk tlsmn towards you my feet hurry, 1.3 III 19 and par.; lm
tlỉk ʕmy, why do you send me a message?, 2.26:4 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 316 f.:
emph. l + encl. -m); [lm] l lỉkt ʕmy why did you not send (someone) to tell me?,
2.50:7, cf. 2.21:12; ky lỉk (…) ʕmy certainly he sent to me, 2.46:10; k lỉk[t] ủmy
ʕmy that my mother sent me, 2.34:6; lảk ʕmy send me a messenger, 2.10:11;
ʕmn mlảkty hnd ylảk ʕmy with this message for me he sent me a messenger,
2.33:36; w rgm ṯṯb ly and answer me, 2.13:13 and par.; ʕmy tṯṯb rgm, send me
a reply, 2.16:19; k rgmt ly as you told me (?), 2.45:23; dm rgm ỉṯ ly for I have
a matter, 1.3 III 21; ảp qšth l ttn ly but his bow was not given to me, 1.19 I 17;
yṯb ly ỉl DN will attend to me, 1.3 IV 54 and par.; ṯb ly l ảqht, attend to me,
oh PN!, 1.17 VI 42; rʕy šṣả ỉdn ly (so that) my friend may provide me with an
authorization (?), 2.15:5; ảlpm ảršt lk ly the oxen that you requested for you
and for me, 2.45:24; ʕmy mnm ỉrštk (tell) me any wish of yours, 2.41:15; tn ly mṯt
ḥry give me the young girl PN, 1.14 III 39 and par.; w hn ỉbm šṣq ly and behold
the enemies are besieging me, 2.33:27; qḥ ks bdy take the cup from my hand,
1.19 IV 54; ʕmy (…) lm l tlk with me (…) why do you not come?, 2.39:15; št b spr
ʕmy put it in writing for me, 2.23:19; štn ly put it (in writing) for me, 2.39:35;
in bkn ctx.: ṯby w[, 2.9:5; k ttn ly certainly you will give me (?), 2.8:5; d ʕmy,
2.32:2; ] šmḥy, 1.5 II 25; ] rgmy, 2.31:48.
-y (II) emphatic postp. functor “yes, really, indeed!” (cf. y; Eth. -y, “then”,
CDG 625. Aartun PU/1 44ff.; Tropper UF 26 1994 473ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 16
1998 65). ¶ Forms: -y.
Yes, really, indeed! (?): klnyy qšh nbln klnyy nbl kšh all together we shall carry
his tankard, all together we shall carry his cup, 1.3 V 33–34 (kl + ny + y); qḥny šy
qḥny, take, please (/ from me), my two rams, take, please!, 1.82:8 (Del Olmo
AuOr 28 2010 247, 253 n. 24); qryy b ảrṣ mlḥmt go out to meet, yes, war in
the earth, 1.3 III 14 and par. (Blau-Loewenstamm UF 2 1970 27); dy l ydʕ, he
who indeed does not know, 1.178:1 (Del Olmo Fs. Watson 145); tmġyy hn ảlpm
śśwm hnd (if he commands) that they arrive, yes, these, two thousand horses

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932 y – yʕbdr

2.33:31 (diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 337 n. 38: “que me parviennent”; Dietrich-

Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 457: dittog.); in unc. ctx.: [b yd ṣ]pn hm nṣḥy šrr
(…) [with the help of] DN if there is victory indeed, the enemy (…), 1.19 II 36
(diff. Wyatt RTU 301 nn. 227–229, rdg ṣpnhm nṣḥy “their secret overpowered?
(them)”, with discussion of other versions).
y prep. functor: 1) vocative: “oh!”; 2) exclamation: “woe!” (Arab. ya, “o!”, “ho
there!”, AEL 2973; Syr. yāʔ, “oh!”, SL 559; Eg. i, “O!”, Faulkner 7. Gordon UT
§12.6; Tropper UG 804f.; Watson NUS 85 1986 11; UF 31 1999 786; Del Olmo
AuOr 16 1998 65; Renfroe AULS 158). ¶ Forms: y.
1) Vocative: oh!: ʕbdk bʕl y ymm your servant is DN, oh DN!, 1.2 I 36; y ảd ảd,
oh father, father!, 1.23:43; y mt mt oh man, man!, 1.23:40, 46; y ảṯt ỉtrḫ y bn
ảšld oh women whom I married, oh son(s) whom I have sired!, 1.23:64–65;
[bnt] bhtk y ỉlm (…) ảl tšmḫ [(in the) [building of] your house, oh DN!, (…)
do not rejoice, 1.3 V 20 and par.; yṯbr ḥrn y bn may DN, oh son!, (…) break
your head, 1.16 VI 55; prʕm ṣdk y bn[ the firstfruits of your hunt, oh son![, 1.17
V 37; ảl tšrgn y btltm do not entangle me, oh Virgin!, 1.17 VI 34; pl ʕnt šdm y
špš parched are the furrows of the fields, oh DN!, 1.6 IV 1 and par.; ản l ản y špš
wherever (you go) oh DN!, 1.6 IV 22; ảṯt tqḥ y krt the woman you have taken,
oh PN!, 1.15 II 21; y nġr nġr ptḥ oh guard, guard, open!, 1.23:69; tn {km} nḥšm
y ḥr<n> give me the snakes, oh DN!, 1.100:73 (Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 45 n. 34;
diff. Dietrich-Loretz SUL 375f.: “Viper”, rdg yḥr); y bʕlm ảl tdy ʕz (…) ỉbr y bʕl
nšqdš oh DN, do repel, the strong one! (…) a bull, oh DN, we shall consecrate
(to you), 1.119:28–29; in bkn ctx.: y bʕl[, 1.129:5.
2) Exclamation: woe!: y lkm qr mym, woe to you, TN!, 1.19 III 46 and par.
In unc. ctx: p l tbʕn y ymm, 1.83:11; hmlt ḫt y nhr, 183:12.
yảršỉl Royal ritual PN (Sem.; < /ʔ-r-š/, ỉl (I). Stamm UF 11 1979 754ff.; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Del Olmo CR 138ff.; AuOr 14 1996 11 ff.;
Pardee UBL 12 273ff.).
Royal ritual PN, ★a) in god lists: yảršỉl, 1.102:18, 24; ★b) as recipient of
offerings: yảršỉl gdlt (to) PN a cow, 1.106:3–4.
yʕbd PN (?) (probably a mistake for yʕdb or yʕdd; cf. also yʕbdr).
PN (?): 4.370:37.
Cf. yʕdb, yʕdd.
yʕbdr DN, attribute of ảrṣy, daughter of the god bʕl (etym. unc. Gray UF 11 1979
315 n. 2: “wide world”, “wide circuit”, Arab. waʕiba + dawr; De Moor SP 84: “the
ample flowing”, Arab. waʕīb + darra; Del Olmo MLC 560: “crecida / flood” (?),
id.; Margalit MLD 47f.: “rainshower”, Arab. ʕabba + *dr(r); Aartun StUL 70f.:
pudendum mulieris amplum, < *yʕb < wʕb + *drr; for the various opinions cf.
Smith UBC/1 72 n. 143; Wyatt RTU 77 n. 40; Watson LSU 29 n. 217; Rahmouni
DEUAT 126ff.); ¶ par.: rb(b).

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yʕby – yʕl (i) 933

DN: ảrṣy bt yʕdbr DN, daughter of y., 1.3 III 8 and par. (// pdry bt ảr // ṭly bt
yʕby TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 337: *Yaʕbā(yu). Watson AuOr 19 2001 116; Van
Soldt Topography 25).
TN: 4.100:8.
yʕdb PN bkn (?) (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. /ʕ-d-b/, /ʕ-d(-d)/, bʕl (II) 3).
PN, in bkn ctx. (?): bn yʕdb[ : 4.383:6.
yʕdd PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 50, 107; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín
UF 5 1973 110); ¶ syll.: ia-ʔa-di-du, PRU 3 119f. (RS 16.204) rev. 15'; PRU 3 121 f.
(RS 15.136):22; PRU 3 143ff. (RS 16.138):39; PRU 3 159 f. (RS 16.261+):29; PRU 6
31 (RS 19.98):27; ia-ʔa-dì-dì, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):2–3; Huehnergard UVST 212 f.,
246 n. 140; AkkUg 394; Van Soldt SAU 24, 413; cf. Sivan GAGl 205.
PN: 4.133:1; 4.424:4.
Cf. yʕdb.
yʕḏrd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 20, 41, 113, 133; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 162).
¶ Forms: yʕḏrd and allomorph yḏrd.
PN: ★a) dead king of Ugarit, ỉl yʕḏrd, 1.113:17 (cf. Kitchen UF 9 1977 132; Xella
TRU 291; Pardee TPM 175; ★b) 4.165:9 (Van Soldt SAU 37); 4.338:7; 5.1:8; ★c)
bn PN, 4.356:2 (cf. Van Soldt SAU 37); ★d) allom. ḏrd, 4.344:12 (Van Soldt SAU
yʕḏrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 133; Van Soldt SAU 7 f., 21, 83, 333; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 162); ¶ syll.: ia-zi-ra-nu/na, PRU 3 54 ff. (RS 15.92):8, 12, 15, 20
(cf. ibid. ln. 4; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 46 n. 65); PRU 3 67 (RS 16.255A+E):5;
PRU 3 79 (RS 16.239):4; PRU 3 106 (RS 16.206):9, 11; PRU 3 146 (RS 16.153):6
(cf. ibid. ln. 13, 16); PRU 3 160 (RS 16.282A(+)):16; ia-aʔ-ši-ra-nu, PRU 3 54 ff.
(RS 15.92):4 (cf. ibid. ln. 8, 12, 15, 20; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 394); ia-ši-ra,
PRU 3 131 (RS 15.118):16; ia-zi-ra, PRU 3 58 (RS [Varia 8] “15.Z”):7; PRU 3 154
(RS 16.192A+):26; ia-zi-ra(-ma), PRU 3 147 (RS 16.153):13, 16 (cf. ibid. ln. 6); cf.
Liverani RSO 38 1963 135 n. 2; OrAn 7 1968 291; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 279;
Kühne UF 7 1975 254 n. 1a; Huehnergard UVST 224 and n. 71, 246, 253; Van
Soldt BiOr 46 1989 648; SAU 25, 315 n. 120, 333 n. 164; cf. ia-aʔ-za-na, Ug 5 12
(RS 17.34+):6 (/yaʕḏāna/ =(?) /yaʕḏirānu/; cf. Van Soldt SAU 333 n. 164).
PN: 4.39:4; 4.75 II 10; 4.227:7; 4.759:2.
Cf. yṣr (II).
yʕl (I) n. m. “mountain goat” (Capra Nubiana; Hb. yʕl, “ibex, mountain goat”,
HALOT 420; Syr. yaʕlāʔ, “ibex”, SL 578; OSA wʕl, “mountain goat, ibex”, SD 155;
Arab. waʕil, “mountain-goat”, AEL 3056; Eth. wǝʕǝlā, “kind of antelope,
mountain goat”, CDG 603); ¶ par.: ảyl, lbủ, rủm, ṯr (I), yḥmr. ¶ Forms: pl.
Mountain goat: [tṭbḫ š]bʕm yʕlm she butchered seventy mountain goats, 1.6

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934 yʕl (ii) – yʕrt

I 26 (// ảylm, y]ḥmrm); ảdr qrnt b yʕlm, the most magnificent (of) the horns
of mountain goats, 1.17 VI 22 (// gdm b rủmm / b ʕqbt ṯr); tṣủ (…) k yʕlm ẓrh
out you go (…) like a mountain goat towards the summit, 1.169:4 (// k lbỉm).
For yʕl šrh 1.10 III 25 see /ʕ-l/.
yʕl (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 28, 50, 66, 142).
PN: 4.96:7 (knʕny).
yʕny TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 337: *Yaʕaniya. Heltzer RCAU 11, 17 N. 31; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 109; Astour UF 13 1981 7 f.; RSOu 11 66; Van
Soldt UF 30 1998 734; Topography 25, 176); ¶ syll.: URU ia-ʔa-ni-ya, PRU 4 48
(RS 17.340) rev. 3; PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):19. Sivan GAGl 207; Van Soldt SAU 337
n. 177; UF 28 1996 673; UF 29 1997 692).
TN: 4.243:26; 4.296:14; 4.348:12.
/y-ʕ-r/ vb G: “to be frightened” (Eth. waʕara, “to be overawed”, CDG 603; metath.
*wrʕ cf. Hb. yrʕ, “to be apprehensive”, HALOT 440; OSA wrʕ, “intimidate,
overawe”, SD 161; Arab. waraʕa, yariʕa, “to be faint-hearted”, Hava 864, 902.
Tropper AuOr 14 1996 138); ¶ par.: /ṯ-t-ʕ/, /y-r-ʔ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. yʕr.
G. To be frightened: yʕr mt DN was frightened, 1.6 VI 31 (// yrả!, ṯtʕ).
yʕr (I) n. m. “razor” (etym. unc. Hb. tʕr, “knife”, HALOT 1770f. De Moor SP 193;
Aartun WO 4 1967–1968 286f.); ¶ par.: ảbn. ¶ Forms: sg. yʕr.
Razor: ydy psltm b yʕr he ripped the two plaits with a razor, 1.5 VI 18 (// b
yʕr (II) n. m. “wood” (Hb., Moab. yʕr, “thicket, wood”, HALOT 422f.; Pun. yr,
jar, “wood”, DNWSI 464; cf. Syr. yaʕrāʔ, “shrubbery, bramble bush”, SL 578;
Arab. waʕr, “plain with ruggedness”, AEL 2953; Eth. waʕara, “to be rough”,
CDG 603); ¶ par.: ġr (I). ¶ Forms: pl. yʕrm.
Wood: ỉb bʕl tỉḫd yʕrm the enemies of DN took to the woods, 1.4 VII 36 (// gpt
Cf. yʕr (III), yʕrn.
yʕr (III) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 30, 142; Benz PNPPI 324 f.; Watson AuOr 30
2012 343).
PN: 4.609:18.
yʕrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 30, 142; Benz PNPPI 324 f.).
PN: ★a) 4.63 II 18; ★b) bn PN, 4.63 III 10.
yʕrt TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 337: *Yaʕartu. Heltzer RCAU 11; Saadé AAAS 29–30
1979–1980 221; Astour RSP 2 290, 368; TopAn 126, 136; Astour UF 13 1981 6, 11;
RSOu 11 64; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 380; UF 30 1998 725; Topography 25, 176;
Belmonte Fs. Watson 104f.); ¶ syll.: URU ia-ar-tù, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.830):3;
PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):12 (for the rdg -tù cf. Huehnergard UVST 217; Van Soldt
SAU UF 28 1996 673 n. 154); URU ia-ar-tu4(?)/ti, PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):23;
PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):7; PRU 6 (RS 70 (RS 17.50):18; 4.810:9. Sivan GAGl 285;

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yʕrty – /y-b-l/ 935

Huehnergard UVST 247, 249, 285; Watson AuOr 19 2001 116; Van Soldt SAU 310
n. 116; UF 28 1996 673).
TN: 4.68:42; 4.355:35; 4.365:18; 4.643:13; 4.770:12; 4.800 III 2; (for 4.73:14 Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1988 10; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 673); 4.824:7.
Cf. yʕrty.
yʕrty GN m. (< yʕrt, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. yʕrty; du. / pl. yʕrtym.
GN: PN yʕrty, 4.33:7; 4.54:10; 4.379:4; PNN yʕrtm, 4.25:4; ṯn yʕrtym two GN,
ybʕ PN (Sem. Watson AuOr 8 1990 119; Tropper UG 137).
PN: bn PN, 4.224:6 (bʕl ḫr[t] grave-digger; cf. bʕl (I); ḫrt; diff. Watson AuOr
8 1990 119: rdg ybʕ{.}bʕl, PN; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 28; Ribi-
chini-Xella SEL 8 1991 160: rdg ybʕ{.}bʕl, allom. of ypʕbʕl, PN).
Cf. ypʕ (I).
ybdn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 118).
PN: bn PN, 4.75 I 3.
/y-b-l/ vb G: “to carry, bring, take”; Gpass. “to be taken, brought” (Hb. ybl, “to
bring”, HALOT 383; Ebla /wabāl/ʔu(m)/ in KAS4 = wa-ba-lu, VE 979; AL.KEŠ =
gi-zi-lum a-ti wa-ba-lu-um, VE 992; ŠE+TIN = gi-za-lu a-ti wa-ba-um, VE 1406;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 35f.; Fronzaroli EL 152; StEb 7 1984 185; Conti QuSem 13
166; Waetzoldt Biling. 411f.; Krebernik PET 38f.; Müller Biling. 181; Fronzaroli
ARES 1 16; Müller Biling. 181; Pagan ARES 3 185; Conti QuSem 15 60 f.; cf.
a-bí-lum, ARET 7 203; Š inf. NÌ.È = šu-bù-ul-tum, EV 0245; Amor. /ybl/, “to
carry, to bring”, Gelb CAAA 21; OAram. ybl, “to bear, to convey”, DNWSI 431 f.;
Syr. ybl, af., “to bring, to bear”, SL 560f.; Akk. (w)abālu [babālu, tabālu],
“tragen, bringen”, AHw 1450ff.; “to bring”, CAD A/1 10 ff. De Moor SP 179, 224);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. i-bi-la (G), PRU 6 134 (RS 19.19 A):357; PRU 6 145 (RS 19.08):2;
cf. i]a(-)šu-bi-lu (Š), Ug 5 153 (RS 20.163):2; Huehnergard UVST 132; Van Soldt
SAU 437; ¶ par.: /r-b-ʕ/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ảbl, ybl (?), yblt; prefc. ybl, ybln,
tbl, nbl, nbln; suff. yblnh, yblnn, yblk, tblk; impv. bl; Gp prefc. ybl.
G. To carry, bring, take: hw ybl ảrgmnk (…) ybl he will bring you a tribute
(…) he will bring you, 1.2 I 37–38; ảrgmn (…) d ybl l špš tribute (…) that he
will bring to the “Sun”, 3.1:25; klnyy qšh nbln klnyy nbl ksh all together we shall
carry his goblet, all together we shall carry his cup, 1.3 V 33–34 and par., cf. in
bkn ctx. 1.117:2; tblk ġrm mỉd ksp may the mountains bring you plenty of silver,
1.4 V 15, 31 and par.; yblk ủdr ỉlqṣm may they bring you the noblest gems, 1.4
V 17 and par.; bšrtk yblt the news that I bring you, 1.4 V 27; ql bl, take the (/ my)
cry, 1.100:2 and par.; ybl hw mỉt ḫrṣ he personally took one hundred (shekels)
of gold, 2.72:27; ṯlṯ d ybl blym bronze (…) that PN will bring, 4.272:7; rṭ d ql d
ybl prd a r. for the messenger who leads the mule, 4.337:12; hlk qšt ybln behold
he brought a bow, 1.17 V 12, cf. ln. 2: ]ảbl qšt (// yšrbʕ; diff. Margalit UF 15 1983

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936 ybl (i) – yblt

76f.: “manufacture”); ybltm yblnh with a stream he made it disappear (: took

it), 1.100:67 (Pardee TPM 217: < ybl / bll / bly); tbl lyt ʕl ủmtk take the retinue
(?) of your kin, 1.6 IV 18–19; l yblt ḫbṯm ảp ksphm l yblt you have not brought
the emancipated (men) nor have you brought their price / deposit, 2.17:1–3
(diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 304 nn. 1–2, 4: “je n’ai pas amené / apporté”); PN b
šdm hnmt ủnṯ mhkm l ybl ủnṯm bth ybl PN for these fields is not required to
pay any tax, (but for) his house he must pay a tax, 3.33:21–24; d ybl ảnnṯb,
(food) that brought PN, 4.863:3, see ln. 5 and 4.866:10 (copper); ủnṯ mhkm l
ybl, he is not required to pay any tax 3.33:22; w ʕmy ybl and let them bring to
me, 2.99:12; w ht ṯnỉdm ybl and now twice he has brought (?), 2.104:10 and see
ln. 8 and 11; in bkn ctx.: ]skt nʕmn nbl[, 1.101:13; ảbl mṣprk, 1.82:33.
Gpass. To be taken, brought: w ybl trḫ ḥdṯ the newly wed was also taken,
1.14 IV 26, cf. II 47: w yṣỉ (cf. EA 126:58–60: in a military sense, Lichtenstein
JANES 2 1970 316f.); rgm l ỉl ybl word to DN was brought, 1.23:52, 59, cf. 1.19
IV 50–51; in bkn ctx.: ybl, 7.50:4; ủb[l ?,1.2 III 14.
Cf. ybl (I), ybl (II), yblt.
ybl (I) n. m. “produce” (< /y-b-l/. Hb. ybwl, “yield of soil”, HALOT 382; cf. Akk.
biltu, “Tragen, Last”, “Ertrag, Abgabe”, AHw 126; “yield of a field”, CAD B 229ff.
Tsumura UF 6 1974 412 n. 55; Young UF 9 1977 295; UF 11 1979 847); ¶ par.: pr
(I), zt. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ybl.
Produce: zt ybl ảrṣ ủ pr ʕṣm, the olive, produce of the earth and fruit of the
trees, 1.5 II 5; ybl šdk the produce of your field, 2.34:29; cf. in bkn context
yblhm w ỉblblhm their produce and their bearers (?), 2.62:11;
Cf. /y-b-l/.
ybl (II) n. m. “rod” (< /y-b-l/. Cf. EA Akk. LÚ MEŠ ú-bi-li-mi, “Träger” (?), AHw
1400; Rainey CAT 3 236; Akk. (w)ābilum, “Träger”, AHw 1454; “bearer, carrier”,
CAD A/1 53. Van Selms UF 7 1975 473; Dietrich-Loretz UF 32 2000 212 f.:
“Träger”; Watson LSU 114); ¶ par.:(?) nʕl, qblbl. ¶ Forms: pl. suff. yblhm.
Rod: ʕln yblhm ḫrṣ upon their rods of gold, 1.4 I 37 (// (?) nʕl ỉl, qblbl; diff.
Margalit MLD 19f.; UR 138 n. 31: “soak, drench”, *wbl).
Cf. /y-b-l/.
ybl (III) n. m. “?” (etym. unc.). ¶ Forms: sg. ybl; pl. suff. yblmm (encl. -m (?)).
?, in unc. ctx.: ]ḥkm ybl lbh, 1.19 IV 61 (//(?) bṯn. Del Olmo MLRSO 240:
“(cuerno de) carnero”, Hb. ywbl, Pun. ybl; Watson Historiae 4 2007 96; also
NA yābilu; Margalit OLP 19 1988 71: “channel”, Hb. ybl; De Moor ARTU 265:
“the wish of her heart”, cf. ybl (I)); yblmm ủb[l, 1.2 III 14 (Van Selms UF 2 1970
254: “stream”, cf. yblt; De Moor ARTU: “[they] will carry it”, cf. /y-b-l/).
ybl (IV) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 338: *Yablā).
TN: 1.131:7 (Hurr.).
yblt n. f. “flowing current, stream” (< /y-b-l/. Hb. ybl, “watercourse”, HALOT 383;

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/y-b-m/ – ybnỉl 937

Mari Akk. yābiltum, “ein Zubringerkanal”, AHw 1565; and see ābilu, “bearer,
carrier”, CAD A/1 53; Eg. /yubila/, “Stream”, Hoch SWET 50 f. (49). Dietrich-
Loretz UF 12 1980 162; Del Olmo AuOr 31 2013 45n. 33; Watson LSU 64; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 125; Xella TRU 238; Pardee TPM 216 f.: a
plant, etym. unc.; De Moor ARTU 154 n. 31: “wart”, cf. MHb. yabellet; Young
UF 11 1979 844, 847: “produce”, cf. ybl (I); Wyatt RTU 386 and n. 42: “roots”;
Greaves UF 26 1994 166: “twin-fruit”); ¶ par.: ʕdt (I). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ybltm
(adv. -m).
A stream: ybltm yblnh with a flowing current he makes it disappear, 1.100:67
(// ʕdtm).
Cf. /y-b-l/.
/y-b-m/ vb Št “to proclaim oneself a nubile widow” (?) (denom. < ybmt. De Moor
ARTU 84; Del Olmo MLRSO 112 n. 45). ¶ Forms: Št prefc. t!štbm.
Št. To proclaim oneself a nubile widow (?), in bkn ctx.: [b š]pḥh t!štbm ʕ[nt]
[before his cla]n DN proclaimed herself a nubile widow (?), 1.6 I 30 (diff.
Smith UPN 152: rdg tšt bm, “she drinks / places …”).
Cf. ybmt.
ybm n. m. “brother-in-law”, “close relative” (?) (cf. ybmt. Hb. ybm, “husband’s
brother”, HALOT 383. Del Olmo IMC 75f.; Fox UF 30 1998 279f.; Watson
Historiae 10 2013 27). ¶ Forms: sg. ybm, suff.(?) ybmh.
Brother-in-law, close relative (?): ybm l ỉlm brother-in-law of the gods, 1.6 I 31
(diff. Margalit MLD 142: “gift”, *yhb; De Moor-Spronk CARTU 142: “to fulfil
the nuptial duty”, cf. /y-b-m/); in bkn ctx.; ybmh šbʕ her close relative (?) was
sated, 1.16 II 32 (diff. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 142: “orphan-brother”; poss. a
mistake for y bnh).
Cf. ybmt.
ybmt n. f. “widow sister-in-law, nubile widow” > “engaged, intended” (Hb. ybmh,
“brother’s widow”, HALOT 383; JPAram. ybmh, “the widow of a brother”,
DJPA 234. Fox UF 30 1998 279f.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 27). ¶ Forms: sg.
cstr. ybmt; ymmt (alloph. mistake for ybmt in 1.3 III 12).
Engaged, intended: ybmt lỉm the intended of the people, 1.3 II 33 and par.,
title of the goddess ʕnt (Del Olmo MLC 557 for the various interpretations;
Rahmouni DEUAT 186ff.; also Wyatt UF 24 1992 417ff.: “dove [/ beloved] of
Limm”, Arab. yamamat).
Cf. /y-b-m/, ybm, ybnt.
ybn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 425; Astour CRAA 18 1972 14; Pardee BiOr 34 1977
11f.; Courtois Syria 67 1990 103ff.); ¶ syll.: cf. ya/ia-ab-ni, PRU 6 15 (RS 18.89):2;
PRU 6 16 (RS 22.06):2; Sivan GAGl 212.
PN: 4.226:5.
ybnỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 41, 64, 96, 119; Watson AuOr 11 1993 216; Ribichini-

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938 ybnmlk – yd (i)

Xella SEL 8 1991 159); ¶ syll.: cf. ya/ia-ab-ni-DINGIR, PRU 3 33 (RS 16.129):18;
PRU 3 52 (RS 15.85):4; PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):1; ia-ab-[ni-lí], Ug 5 43 (RS 20.17):2
(Rainey IOS 5 1975 27); ia-a-ab-ni-DINGIR, PRU 6 107 (RS 19.25):12; Sivan GAGl
212; UF 18 1986 310; Huehnergard UVST 237.
PN: 4.84:5; 4.141 I 8; 4.148:3 (Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.160:2; for yb]nỉl, 4.183 I 21 cf.
Van Soldt SAU 38.
ybnmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 119, 157f.).
PN, in unc. rdg: 1.144:2 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 14 ff.).
ybnn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 119, 425; Astour CRRA 18 1972 14; Pardee BiOr
34 1977 11f.; Courtois Syria 67 1990 103ff.; Van Soldt SAU 32 n. 259; Watson
AuOr 30 2012 343); ¶ syll.: cf. ya-ab-ni-ni, Ug 5 43 (RS 20.017):2 (Van Soldt
SAU 177); 96 13; ia-ab-na-na, Ug 5 12 (RS 17.150+):9; ya-ab-na-ni-ma, PRU 6 14
(RS 19.50):2; Sivan GAGl 212.
PN: 2.64:1, 9 (Van Soldt SAU 156); 2.72:25 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 7 148);
3.33:2; 4.57:1; 4.91:1; 4.158:2; 4.260:5; 4.277:3; 4.384:9; 4.680:3.
ybnt n. f. “creature” (?) (/yqtlt/ pattern < (?) /b-n-y/; diff. De Moor UF 1 1969 183
n. 117; variant of ybmt; Del Olmo MLC 557: “sí, (de la) hija (de)”, rdg y b{n}t,
dissimilated form of bt (I), cf. Arab. bint; Cassuto GA 139; Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 172 n. b: conflation of bnt (I) and ybmt; Aartun StUL 65 f.: “hungrige”,
< *ybn < *wbn); ¶ par.: ảḫt. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ybnt.
Creature (?): tdrq ybnt ảbh the nimble step of his father’s “creature”, 1.3 IV 40
(// ảḫth).
Cf. /b-n-y/, ybmt.
ybrdmy DN, daughter of the god bʕl (?) (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 120:
/brd/; Xella UF 18 1986 437ff. Herrmann YN 17; for the various interpretations
cf. Del Olmo MLC 557; Watson SEL 10 1993 54).
DN: ttrḫ lk ybrdmy marry DN, 1.24:29.
ybrk PN (Sem. /b-r-k/).
PN: 4.336:6; 4.377:31.
ybśr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 121; Segert 15 1983 208; Tropper UF 27 1995 522,
525; Watson AuOr 14 1996 99); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ab-ZU-ri, PRU 3 72 (RS 16.371):14.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 9.
yd (I) n. f. 1) “hand”, “power”; 2) “part, ration, portion”; 3) “penis”; 4) “mon-
ument”, “mausoleum” (?); 5) used as a preposition, “with, together with”
(Hb., Ph., Pun., OAram., Palm., Nab. yd, “forearm, hand”, HALOT 386 ff.;
DNWSI 433ff.; cf. Can. ba-di-ú, bd (IV); Ebl. /yiday(n)/ du. in A.ŠU.LUḪ =
ma-wu i-da-A, ma-um i-da, VE 626a; Krecher 152; ŠU.ŠU.RA = ma-ḫa-zi i-da,
VE 531a; Á.ḪUM = ga-ba-zi i-da, VE 557; ? ge. sg. /yidim/ in ŠU.TAR = ba/bí-
da-gi i-tim, VE 515; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 19, 21; Fronzaroli EL 144; Krecher
Biling. 159, 165; Akk. idu, “Arm, Seite, Kraft”, AHw 365 f.; “arm”, “strength”,

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yd (i) 939

CAD I/J 10ff.; OSA yd, “hand”, SL 167; Arab. yad, “arm”, AEL 3063; Dietrich-
Loretz UF 32 2000 182; UF 35 2003 160); ¶ par.: ỉrt, ủṣbʕ, ḥrb, klảt, rḥt, špt(?),
ymn. ¶ Forms: sg. yd, cstr. yd; du. ydm; suff. ydy, ydk (bdk), ydh; pl. ydt; suff.
ydty. On its gender cf. Tropper UG 284; see 1.103:46; 2.10:11; Gzella BiOr 64 1007
1) Hand: ★a) yrḥṣ ydh ảmth he washed his hands up to the elbow, 1.14 III 33
and par. (// ủṣbʕth); trḥṣ ydh btlt ʕnt Virgin DN washed her hands, 1.3 II 52 and
par. (// ủṣbʕth); trḥṣ ydh b dm ḏmr she washed her hands of the blood of the
warriors, 1.3 II 32 and par. (// ủṣbʕth); tỉsp yd ảqht may the hand of PN gather
you, 1.19 II 17 and par.; yd b ṣʕ tšlḥ they stretched (their) hand to the plate, 1.15
IV 24 and par. (// ḥrb); [m]rḥh yỉḫd b yd his lance he seized in (his) hand, 1.16
I 47 (// ymn); ytn (…) krpnm b klảt ydh he put (…) a cup in both his hands, 1.3
I 11; ks yỉḫd [ỉl b] yd a cup did take DN in (his) hand, 1.15 II 17 (// bm ymn); b
klảt ydy ỉlḥm with both hands I swallow / gulped him down, 1.5 I 20; ảḥd ydh
b škrn who takes his hand in (his) intoxication, 1.17 I 30 and par.; qšthn ảḫd
b ydh he took his bow in his hand, 1.10 II 6 (// ymnh); mṭ ydh the rod of his
hand, 1.19 III 49, cf. 1.23:37; (she moved) ydh k šr knr her hands like a musician
(takes hold of) the harp, 1.19 I 7 (// ủṣbʕth. Del Olmo IMC 128 n. 288); tỉḫd knrh
b ydh she took the lyre in her hand, 1.101:16 (// l ỉrth); ʕn bʕl qdm ydh the eyes
of DN precede his hands, 1.4 VII 40 (// ymnh) (diff. Smith-Pitard UBC/2 650,
655: “Baal looked forward, his hand …”); lqḥ ỉmr dbḥ b ydh he took a sacrificial
lamb in his hand, 1.14 III 56 and par. (// klảtnm); šả ydk šmm lift your hands
to heaven, 1.14 II 22 and par., cf. 1.41:55; šả ġr ʕl ydm raise the mountain upon
(your) hands, 1.4 VIII 5 and par. (// l ẓr rḥtm); šqlt b ġlt ydk, you have made
your hands fall in prostration, 1.16 VI 32 and par.; ảl tšʕl (…) ảbn ydk mšdpt
do not fire (…) stones thrown by your hand (your projectiles), 1.14 III 13; hyn
d ḥrš ydm DN the ambidextrous craftsman, 1.III VI 23 and par., title of the
god kṯr (diff. Ayali-Darshan UF 43 2011 4: “Ea of the Artisans”, Emar Akk.: dÉ-a
ša LÚ.SIMUG); yd mḫṣt ảqht the hand that wounded PN, 1.19 IV 58; mẓmả
yd mṯkt she who takes the hungry / the thirsty by the hand, 1.15 I 1–2, cf. in
bkn ctx., hn q[xxxx]xd ydk, 1.22 I 4 (//(?) šptk); mnmkm l yqḥ (…) b yd ṣṭqšlm
none of you snatch (…) from the hands of PN, 3.12:14; pdy{.}hm (…) mỉt ksp
b yd bỉrtym he redeemed them (…) for one hundred (shekels) of silver from
the hand of the GN, 3.4:14; qḥ rṯt bdk (…) rbt ʕl ydm take a net in your hands,
a trawl in both hands, 1.4 II 32–33; ḥll ydm purification of hands, 1.115:6; ỉlḥm
b klảt ydy with both my hands I eat, 1.5 I 20, cf. b klảt yd, 1.1 IV 10; yủḫ]d b
yd mšḫṭ he grasped the axe in (his) hand, 1.2 I 39 (// bm ymn); qḥ tpk b yd
qḥ tpk b yd grasp your face with (your) hand, 1.16 I 41 (// bm ymn); ảl ybʕr b
ydh may he not set fire to (the house) with his hand, 2.86:23 (alt. “destroy”:
Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 380); in bkn ctx.: ʕlh yd, 1.19 IV 25 and 26; pʕnk

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940 yd (i)

ydk l thm, 1.179:6 ★b) for parts of the body: ʕẓm yd forearm, 1.12 I 24; hlm (…)
bn ydm hit (…) on the shoulders, 1.2 IV 14 and par., cf. ]bn ydh, 1.14 V 20; w ỉn krʕ
ydh y[mm if it has no knuckle its right forepaw, 1.103:28 (Pardee AfO 33 1986
134: “forefoot”, Akk. qatu, Hb. yd in 1Sam. 17:37; Ps. 22:21); w ỉn yd šmảl (bh) and
if it has no knuckle in its left forepaw, 1.103:15, 59; ★c) force, power, help: šḥrrt
lả šmm b yd mdd ỉlm the power of the heavens is burning up by the force of
“the beloved of DN”, 1.4 VIII 23, cf. 1.6 II 25; bm yd ṣpn with the help of DN, 1.19
II 35; yd ỉlm (…) ʕz mỉd the power of the gods … is (of) an utter strength, 2.10:13
(cf. Hb. yd yhwh /ʔl, HALOT 387, 4 (“hand of God”); diff. Pardee Fs. Pope 1987
67f. and n. 11: “catastrophic illness”, DN, god of pestilence; Cunchillos TOu/2
279 n. 15: “… (est) plus grand que la force des …”; Verreet Bib 72 1991 295 f.: “…
ist hier, da Môt sehr stark ist”; for a discussion see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 561f.);
mlkn yd ḫrdh yddll as for the king, the power of his guard he will subjugate,
1.103:46 (see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 562).
2) Part, ration: šbʕ ydty b ṣʕ seven (are) the rations of my plate, 1.5 I 21,
1.133:11; ḫmš ydt ủṣqm five rations of ủ., 4.811:8 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18
115); ʕšr ydt b ʕšrt ten y. ten portions for ten (shekels), 4.158:9 (diff. Heltzer
GPOTU 52: unidentified object; Stieglitz JAOS 99 1979 20: “handle”, cf. yd (I);
Ribichini-Xella Tessili 40: untranslated, cf. Akk. ittû IV, “ein Gewand”, AHw
406, and it-tu šā ṣu-ba-ti, in lex. l., but see Durand MARI 6 1990 660: “l’ habit
‘ittû’ devrait être supprimé de l’inventaire lexical de l’ akkadien”).
3) Penis: tỉrkm yd ỉl k ym the hand (: penis) of DN was / grew as long as the
sea, 1.23:33–34 (see Smith US 217).
4) Monument, mausoleum (?): ptḥ yd mlk at the door of the royal mausoleum
(?), 1.106:17 (for discussion cf. Del Olmo CR 188 f. n. 55; diff. Xella TRU 84: “il
re ha disteso le mani”; Pardee TR/1 590: “ouvre la main du roi”).
5) Used as a preposition, with, together with: yrq ḫrṣ yd mqmh yellow gold
together with its place (in which it is found), 1.14 III 23 and par.; yd zth
together with his / its olive grove, 3.5:7–9 (cf. RS Akk.: qa-TU < qātu, for qadu;
Van Soldt SAU 244 n. 9); yd bth together with his daughter, 4.80:15, cf. ln. 16,
18, 19 and 4.659:2; yd bt ảmt with a female slave, 4.659:7; yd lmdhm together
with their apprentices, 4.125:8, 9; yd ảpnthn / ḥẓhn / trhn with their wheels /
arrows /steering poles, 4.145:3–5; yd sġrh with his shepherd boys, 4.243:41, 42;
yd ʕdnm with (their) gangs, 4.358:8; yd ṯn bnh with his two sons, 4.360:4; yd
grbzhm together with their g., 4.363:2; yd ll. ḫhm with their l., 4.363:5; ṯlṯ ʕšr
bnš yd ytm yd rʕy ḥmrm, thirteen labourers with (their) foremen (and) with
(their) muleteers, 4.618:3; ảrbʕ ʕšr bnš yd nġr mdrʕ yd š[ fourteen labourers
together with the guardian of the sown (and) with … [, 4.618:6, cf. ln. 8; yd
npṣh with his belongings, 4.107:1–9, see 3.33:3–5, 16–18; in bkn ctx.: ʕl ảlpm
bnš yd [, 4.398:1; yd kl, 4.639:6.

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yd (ii) – /y-d-ʕ/ (i) 941

In bkn ctx.: ] yd mhr ủr, 1.10 I 11; ydk ảmṣ yd[k (of) your hand, the strength of
[your] hand, 1.82:14; ydm ym / nhr the hands of DN, 1.75:1–2; ʕl ydm prʕt[,
1.1 IV 19; ym]rủ yd, 1.4 VIII 45; yd nšy, 1.107:19; l yd mlk[, 1.166:24; pʕr ydh,
1.13:33; ydh, 1.25:10; 1.137:6; b ydh, 1.103:48; ksp b ydh, 1.172:21; ] ydy, 1.10 I 21;
] yd[ y, 1.2 IV 1; trgm b ydk, 1.86:22; ydk, 1.176:23; ydm, 1.16 II 56; 1.53:4; tskn
ydm, 1.73:9.
Cf. ydbʕl.
yd (II) n. m. “love” (< *ydd; OSA Qat. wd-m, “friendship”, LIQ 48; Arab. wadd, “to
love”, AEL 2931; Hb. cj. yd, HALOT 388: Ps. 16:4 (?)); ¶ par.: ảhbt, bšr. ¶ Forms:
sg. cstr. yd, suff. ydh.
Love: ʕnhn! l ydh tzdn her eyes yearned for his love 1.24:8, cf. ln. 12 (// bšr; cf.
yd (I), 3.); yd pdry the love of DN, 1.3 III 6 (// ảhbt); hm yd ỉl mlk yḫssk perhaps
the love of DN, the king, has aroused you? 1.4 IV 38 (// ảhbt; diff. Smith-Pitard
UBC/2 494, 522: “or does the ‘hand’ (lovemaking organ) of El the King excite
/y-d-ʕ/ (I) vb G: “to know, to recognise, distinguish, consider”; “to know”; “to
understand” (Hb., Ph., OAram., Palm. ydʕ, “to notice, know”, HALOT 390 ff.;
DNWSI 439ff.; Syr. ydʕ, “to know”, SL 563f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 40 f.;
Müller Biling. 182; Conti QuSem 15 64f.; Catagnoti QuSem 15 266; Pagan
ARES 3 185f.; Akk. (w)adû, edû, idû, “wissen, kennen”, AHw 1454 ff., 187f.; “to
know”, CAD E 20ff.); cf. OSA hydʕ, “to make known to, inform”, SD 167f.; Eth.
ʔaydǝʕa, “to make know”, CDG 626); ¶ par.: /b-n/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ydʕt, ydʕ;

prefc. ỉdʕ (Sivan UF 22 1990 314), tdʕ, tdʕ, suff. ydʕnn; impv. dʕ; inf. ydʕ, suff.
ydʕm (encl. -m); act. ptc. ydʕ; pass. ptc. ydʕt.
G. ★a) to know, to recognise, distinguish, consider: ydʕt hlk kbkbm who
knows the courses of the stars, 1.19 II 7 and par.; il d ydʕnn (…) d l ydʕnn the
god who recognised him (…) the one who did not recognise him, 1.114:6–7,
cf. in bkn ctx.: d l ydʕ bn ỉl whom the gods did not know, 1.10 I 3; skn ydʕ
rgmh let the prefect consider his matter, 2.17:8; kbdh l ydʕ hrh whose womb
has not known its / her conception, 1.13:31; kt ġrk ank ydʕt the podium of
your mountain that I have distinguished, 1.13:10; ★b) to know, to understand:
ydʕ(m) l ydʕt certainly you know, 2.39:10, 14 (Ford UF 40 2008 281), cf. in bkn
ctx. 1.1 V 21 and par.; pdr{ y} ydʕ ydʕt did DN really know?, 1.3 I 25–26; ảdty
tdʕ my lady knows, 2.33:19; w dʕ dʕ and know it for a fact, 2.61:13, see 2.88:10,
38 and in bkn ctx.: 2.34:30; ydʕtk bt k ảnšt I already know, daughter, that you
have become livid (with anger), 1.18 I 16 and par.; ảḫtk ydʕt k rḥmt I know that
your sister is compassionate, 1.16 I 33; w ỉdʕ k ḥy ảlỉyn bʕl and I shall know that
DN, “The Most Powerful”, is alive, 1.6 8 and par.; w tdʕ ỉlm k mtt and the gods
will know that you have died, 1.5 VI 16; ủmy tdʕ ky ʕrbt my mother should
know that I entered, 2.16:6; w ảp mlk ủḏr ydʕ k ỉḫd hn[d] and also the king,

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942 /y-d-ʕ/ (ii) – ydbhd

[namely] the messenger, knows that I shall collect this (?), 2.33:21; w mlk bʕly
ydʕ and the King, my lord, will know (it), 2.40:19, cf. 2.75:12, 2.98:23, 34: w bʕl
[l] ydʕ; w nʕm k ydʕ bʕly rgm hwt and it will be fine if my lord takes notice
of that, 2.91:7 (Pardee Fs. Millard 43f.); l ydʕt lby k mrṣ, don’t you know my
heart, how sick it is!, 2.87:34, see ln 26.; w ảnk ỉnny ydʕt kl bnšm and I do
not know all the individuals who are ḫ., 2.108:4, see in bkn ctx ln. 11; ★c)
to understand: ảbn brq d l tdʕ šmm rgm l tdʕ nšm the stone / head of the
lightning that the heavens do not understand, the “voice” that men do not
understand, 1.3 III 26–27 and par. (// l tbn; see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 562); dy l
ydʕ yṣḥk he who indeed does not know (the inexpert) will say to you, 1.178:1;
in unc. ctx.: l ydʕ l bn the inexpert did not understand, 1.107:6; in bkn ctx.: tdʕ,
1.98:4; ydʕ[, 2.8:6; 3.14:5; ydʕt, 2.3:24; 2.9:3; 2.23:9.
Cf. adʕ(y), bʕldʕ, dʕt (I), md (II), mdʕ (I), mdʕ (II), mndʕ, ydʕ, ydʕn.
/y-d-ʕ/ (II) vb G: “to sweat” (Arab. waḏaʕa, “to flow (water)”, Hava 861). ¶ Forms:
G prefc. tdʕ.
G. To sweat: ʕln pnh tdʕ above, her face sweated, 1.3 III 34 and par.
Cf. dʕt (II).
ydʕ 1) PN; 2) DN (Sem. < /y-d-ʕ/ (I). Gröndahl PTU 50, 62, 142; Benz PNPPI 321 f.).
1) PN: 4.617 I 26; in bkn ctx.: ydʕ[, 3.14:5.
2) DN, first element of the composite DN ydʕ ylḥn “the Savant Shrewd”: bl
nmlk ydʕ ylḥn come, we will enthrone DN!, 1.6 I 48.
ydʕn PN (Sem. Cf. /y-d-ʕ/. Gröndahl PTU 142f.).
PN: 4.748:5.
ydbỉl royal ritual PN (Sem. etym. unc. > *ndb, “to be generous” (?). Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979 754ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 14
1996 11ff.; Del Olmo CR 138ff.; Pardee UBL 12 273 ff.).
Royal ritual PN: ★a) in a list of gods: ydbỉl, 1.102:17, 21; ★b) recipient of
offerings: ydbỉl gdlt (to) PN a cow, 1.106:3.
ydbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 117, 142; Rainey IOS 1975 29; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 160); ¶ syll.: ia-du-dU/IM, PRU 4 108 (RS 18.114):1; PRU 4 183 (RS 17.319):17;
Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):3; Sivan GAGl 285.
PN: bn PN, 4.64 II 3; 4.704:10.
ydbbʕl royal ritual PN (Sem. etym. unc. > *ndb, “to be generous”; cf. bʕl (II) 3;
ydbỉl. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979 754ff.; Del
Olmo AuOr 14 1996 11ff.; Del Olmo CR 138ff.; Pardee UBL 12 273 ff.).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: ydbbʕl, 1.102:25.
ydbhd royal ritual PN (Sem. etym. unc. > *ndb, “to be generous”; cf. hd(d).
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979 754ff.; Del Olmo
AuOr 14 1996 11ff.; Del Olmo CR 18fff.; Pardee UBL 12 273 ff.).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: ydbhd, 1.102:28.

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ydd (i) – ydn 943

ydd (I) adj. m. “loved”, used as a noun (< *ydd; cf. yd (II). Hb., Syr. ydyd,
“beloved”, HALOT 390, SL 563. /yadīdum/, “dear”, Gelb CAAA 21; Huffmon
APNMT 209); ¶ par.: bn (I) (+ ỉlm), mt (II). ¶ Forms: sg. ydd.
Loved: ydd w šd “the Loved One” and DN, 1.179:11 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14
401f.); ydd ỉl “the Loved one of DN”, 1.4 VII 46–47 and par., title of the god mt
(// l bn ỉlm; cf. 1.5 I 13: ydd {bn}(?) ỉl, perhaps a conflation of ydd ỉl and bn
ỉl(m); Dietrich-Loretz UF 22 1990 62; Rahmouni DEUAT 193ff.); ystrn ydd b
gngnh may “the Loved one” instruct himself in his insides (: inmost being),
1.4 VII 48 (// mt); in bkn ctx.: ydd b qr[b, 1.5 II 10, 26; ] ydd, 1.151:4.
Cf. mdd (I), mdd (II), mddlbʕl, yd (II), ydd (II), yddt.
ydd (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc. > *ydd. Gröndahl PTU 50, 65, 133, 142 f.; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 162).
PN: ★a) 4.277:12; in bkn ctx.: ydd[, 4.706:13; ★b) in bkn ctx.: bn ydd[, 4.647:6.
yddn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 62, 123, 143; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8
1991 161); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-du-da-na, Ug 5 52 (RS 20.239):23; Sivan GAGl 286:
PN: ★a) 4.63 II 38; 4.313:6; in bkn ctx.: ydd[, 4.706:13; ★b) bn PN, 4.379:8; in
bkn ctx.: bn ydd[, 4.647:6.
yddt PN (Sem.; /qalīlat/ pattern < ydd (I)).
PN: 4.79:2.
Cf. yd (II), ydd (I), ydd (II).
ydlm PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 53, 124; cf. Hb. ydlyhw, Zadok OLA 28
39: *dly).
PN: 5.1:7; in bkn ctx. ydl[, 4.506:2.
ydln PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 53, 65, 124; cf. Hb. ydlyhw, Zadok
OLA 28 39: *dly); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ad-li-nu, PRU 6 65 (RS 18.264) e. 4 (Van Soldt
SAU 24); Ug 5 161 (RS 17.325):19; ia-ad-la-na, PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):18; for Syria
18 246 (RS 8.145):15 and RS 16.281 rev. 15 ((?) cf. PRU 3 161). Van Soldt SAU 24
n. 195; Sivan GAGl 214: /dly/.
PN: ★a) 4.81:4; 4.103:9; 4.183 II 24 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.188:8; 4.264:7; 4.364:9;
4.581:6; 4.609:34 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 5.1:12; ★b) bn PN, 4.103:38 (Van Soldt
SAU 36); 4.224:10; 4.229:9; 4.638:4 (Van Soldt SAU 36).
/y-d-n/ vb G: “?”, alt. “to spur on (an animal)” (etym. and rdg unc. Arab. wadana,
“to strike with (a stick)”, “to bring forth weak children (woman)”, Hava 860.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 203). ¶ Forms: G prefc. ydn.
G. “?”, alt. to spur on (an animal): y<dn> dnỉl / ydn <dn>ỉ<l> PN spurred
on, 1.19 II 12/19 (diff. Margalit UF 8 1976 191: ydnỉl variant of dnỉl; Parker
UNP 79 n. 27f.; Sanmartín UF 12 1980 338: “Spanne für Spanne”, rdg yd-n, Akk.
ydn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 50, 59, 63, 123, 142; Astour CRRA 18 1972

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944 ydnỉl – /y-d-y/ (ii)

17; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 161); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-TE-nu, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+)
IV 9.
PN: 2.47:1, 14; 3.20:7 (bn ỉlrpỉ); 4.16:11; 4.219:9; 4.617 I 42, 45; 4.647:5; 5.1:3.
Cf. ytn (II).
ydnỉl, see /y-d-n/.
ydnm PN (Sem. < /d-n/. Gröndahl PTU 123, 142).
PN: 4.407:2; in bkn ctx.: ydnm ảp[, 1.166:23 (prob. vb form from an unc.
ydrm PN (Sem. etym. Gröndahl PTU 53, 90, 164; Benz PPNPI 322).
PN: 2.70:1; 4.102:6.
Cf. ytrm.
ydrmt PN (etym. unc.).
PN, in erased text: ydrm[[x]]t, 5.1:5.
Cf. ydrm.
ydt n. f. “she who casts out, expels” (< act. ptc. /y-d-y/ (I)); ¶ par.: gršt. ¶ Forms:
sg. ydt.
She who casts out, expels: ydt mrṣ she who will cast out the illness, 1.16 V 27
(// gršt).
Cf. /y-d-y/ (I).
/y-d-y/ (I) vb G: 1) “to throw, eject, expel, repel” (< */w-d-y/. Hb. ydh, “to cast,
shoot”, HALOT 389; Eth. wadaya, “throw, cast”, CDG 605; Arab. cf. ʔawdā,
“to destroy, remove, take away”, AEL 3051: wadā. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988
341f., 348f.; Watson UF 31 1999 789); ¶ par.: /ʔ-b-d/, /g-r-š/, /n-t-r/. ¶ Forms:
G prefc. tdy, yd, ydy; act. ptc. m. ydy (cf. ydy); f. ydt (cf. ydt); impv. ydy (cf.
Verreet Modi 121); inf. ydy (cf. ydy (II)).
To throw, eject, cast out, expel: [my] b [ỉlm ydy] mrṣ who among the gods will
cast out the illness?, 1.16 V 16 and par. l tdy [[ṯ]]qšm ʕl dl you have not expelled
the oppressors of the poor, 1.16 VI 48; kṯr w ḫss yd may DN throw (them), 1.6
VI 52 (// ytr; De Moor ARTU 99: “please, expel (them)”; Loretz UF 32 2000
272 n. 60: “DN verbanne”, and survey of versions); ảl tdy ʕz l ṯġrny do repel
the strong one from our gates, 1.119:28, cf. ln. 35; lnh ydy ḥmt from/with it
expel the venom!, 1.100:5 and par. (// ảbd).
Cf. ydy (I), ydy (II), ydt.
/y-d-y/ (II) vb G: “to rip, scratch, rip out” (Arab. waḏā, Kazimirski 1515 f. De Moor
SP 193; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 173f.; Tropper UF 22 1990 376ff.; Renfroe
AULS 70f.; diff. Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 343 f.: < /h-d-y/); ¶ par.: /h-d-y/.
¶ Forms: G td, ydy.
G. To rip, scratch: ġr b ảbn ydy / td (his) skin with a (knife made of) stone
he ripped, 1.5 VI 18 / 1.6 I 2 (// yhdy / thdy); ydy b ʕṣm ʕr{.}ʕr he ripped out a
tamarisk from among the trees, 1.100:64.

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ydy (i) – yġl 945

ydy (I) n. m. “one who casts out, expels” (< act. ptc. m. /y-d-y/ (I)); ¶ par.: grš.
¶ Forms: sg. ydy.
One who casts out, expels: my b ỉlm ydy mrṣ who among the gods is the one
who expels the illness?, 1.16 V 11 and par. (// gršm).
Cf. /y-d-y/ (I)
ydy (II) n. m. “banishment”, “exorcism” (inf. as a noun of action < y-d-y/. De
Moor UF 12 1980 430; Caquot TOu/2 54 n. 121; Dietrich-Loretz UF 43 2011
44; Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 112; diff. Avishur UF 13 1981 15: “he will expel”;
Loretz-Xella MLE 1 37f.: “Austreiber”). ¶ Forms: sg. ydy.
Banishment, exorcism: ydy dbmm d ġzr (formulae of) banishment of foul-
mouthed (sorcerers) of youth, 1.169:1.
Cf. /y-d-y/ (I).
ydy (III) PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 142; Watson AuOr 14 1996 99);
¶ syll.: cf. ia-du-PI, Syria 15 1934 137 (RS [Varia 3]):6; Sivan GAGl 285: /yadu-/.
PN: ★a) 4.245:2; ★b) bn PN, 4.611 I 13; in bkn ctx. ydy[, 5.1:6.
ydyn PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. yd (I), yd (II)); ¶ syll.: cf. i[a(?)-d]ì-ia-na, PRU 6
71 (RS 17.432) B II 2 (Sivan GAGl 285: /yadu-/); cf. ia-di-ia-?[, 84:11.
PN: 4.690:10 (bn xxn).
ydyt adj. f. “untilled, barren” (Akk. nidī/ûtu, “unbebautes Grundstück”, AHw
786f.; “uncultivated (plot of) land”, CAD N/2 208, 212. Dietrich-Loretz UF 10
1978 430; Sanmartín UF 20 1988 265f.; Watson LSU 114). ¶ Forms: sg./pl. ydyt.
Untilled, barren: rpš d (l) ydyt latifundia that are (not) barren, 4.348:1, 20
(diff. rdg Tropper-Verreet UF 20 1988 341: ydy, “Gelände, das man (nicht)
brachliegen lässt”, cf. /n-d-y/).
yḏrd, 4.344:12, cf. y(ʕ)ḏrd.
ygb n. m. of a commodity (Nuzi Akk. a-KAB-pu, a kind of tree (?), AHw 15; “a
tree”, CAD A/1 238. De Moor UF 28 1996 155f.: “pairs of split (dried fish)”, Arab.
wağbah; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 p. 411: “(espèce d’ oiseau ?)”. ¶ Forms: sg.
A commodity: mỉt ygb TN one hundred y. from TN, 4.247:23; in b kn. ctx ygb
ả[, 1.177:4.
ygbhd, 1.102:15, rdg y<r>gbhd; cf. yrgbhd.
ygmr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 59, 128f.).
PN: 4.134:5; 4.635:42 (ảḏddy).
ygrš DN, name of a magic mace (< /g-r-š/. De Moor SP 136).
DN: šmk ảt ygrš ygrš grš ym grš ym l ksỉh your name is: ygrš, ygrš the one who
drives (away) DN. Drive DN from his throne! 1.2 IV 12.
ygry PN (Sem. etym. unc. Benz PPNPI 321: ygr).
PN: bn PN, 4.682:12.
yġl n. m. “poor (earth)” > “untilled, barren land” (Arab. waġl, waġil, “ill-fed”,

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946 yġš – yḥmn

Hava 882. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 204; Margalit UF 16 1984 141 f.; Renfroe
AULS 158ff.; diff. Tropper UF 26 1994 483ff.: “Dickicht”, Arab. waġl; for other
possible etym. cf. Cassuto BOS 2 197: Arab. ġalla; Sapin UF 15 1983 169 n. 61:
Akk. eʔelu, Hb. yʕr); ¶ par.: pảlt. ¶ Forms: pl. yġlm (/ sg. suff. [encl. -m]).
Untilled, barren land: bṣql yph b yġlm he saw a spike in the untilled land, 1.19
II 14, cf. ln. 16. (// b pảlt. Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 204: “languishing stalks”;
diff. Del Olmo MLRSO 233: “erial ardiente”, yġlm ủr, see ủr).
yġš, in bkn ctx.: ] yġš l lỉmm, 1.10 I 8.
/y-h(-y)/ vb G: “to wane” (Arab. wahā, “to be weak, frail”, Hava 899. Dietrich-
Loretz MU 168, 174: nominal pattern, “Lichtschwäche”; Watson LSU 144).
¶ Forms: G prefc. yh.
G. To wane: [hm b ṯ]lṯ ym yh yrḫ kslm [if on the th]ird day the moon wanes
on both sides, 1.163:4.
yḥd adj. m. “solitary, alone, only one”, used as a noun (Hb. yḥyd, “only, lonely”,
HALOT 406f.; Ebla cf. wa-ad-ra-im, ARET 1, 8; Conti QuSem 71 n. 201; Amor.
/yaḫadu/, “alone”, Gelb CAAA 22; Huffmon APNMT 210; JPAram. yḥydyy, “sin-
gle, only one”, DJPA 238; Akk. (w)ēdû(m), “einzel, einzig, allein”, AHw 1495;
“individual, solitary”, CAD E 36: ēdu; OSA k-wḥd, “in unison”, SD 159; Arab.
waḥd, waḥīd, “alone, by himself”, AEL 2927f.; Eth. wāḥǝd, wāḥǝdāwi, “unique,
sole”, CDG 609. Watson Or 48 1979 114; Historiae 10 2013 39: “bachelor”); ¶ par.:
ảlmnt. ¶ Forms: sg. yḥd.
Solitary, alone, only one: yḥd bth sgr the solitary man / bachelor close his
house, 1.14 II 43, cf. in par. IV 21: ảḥd (// ảlmnt); bt yḥd a single house (?),
4.750:5–7, cf. ln. 8–11: ảḥd; in unc. ctx.: pqr yḥd PN: special / unique (?), 4.224:7
(McGeough UgEt 196 n. 34).
yḥdh adv. “together, at the same time” (Hb. yḥdw, “together”, HALOT 405 f.; cf.
Pun.-Lat. iad, “together”, “at the same time”, DNWSI 454; Ebla cf. /waḥadma/
wa-ad-ma, “unico”, “insieme”, Fronzaroli QuSem 16 12 f.; EA Akk. ya-ḫu-du-
un-ni, EAT 365:24. Sivan GAGl 286; for the morph. cf. Akk. išteniš, “zusam-
men”, AHw 400; “together, jointly”, CAD I/J 275ff.). ¶ Forms: sg. yḥd, suff.
yḥdh (allom. of ảḥdh).
Together, at the same time, in bkn ctx.: ]dk yḥdh it will be ground up together,
/y/w-ḥ-l/ vb Dpass.: “to be worried, to despair, to lose hope” (?) (Syr. ʔauḥel,
“to despair”, SL 572.; see further Hb. *yḥl, D. “to wait”. Tropper UG 549, 639).
¶ Forms: G prefc. twḥln (energ. -n).
G. To be worried, to despair, to lose hope: w ảl twḥln and do not be worried,
yḥmn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 58, 64, 135); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-aḫ-me-nu, RA 28 1941
4ff. (RS 11.856):13.

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yḥmr – yknʕ 947

PN: 4.41:2; 4.609:19, 33; 4.647:3.

yḥmr n. m. “roebuck”, a kind of antelope (Hb. yḥmwr, “roebuck”, HALOT 407;
Arab. yaḥmūr, “espèce d’antilope”, DAFA/1 491. Ginsberg JANES 5 1973 131
n. 3); ¶ par.: yʕl (I). ¶ Forms: pl. y]ḥmrm (diff. Smith UNP 174 n. 179: “asses”,
rdg ḥmrm).
Roebuck, in bkn ctx.: [tṭbḫ šbʕm y]ḥmrm she butchered seventy roebucks, 1.6
I 28 (// yʕlm).
yḥn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 59, 65, 135f.; cf. Benz PPNPI 313 ff.).
PN: 4.138:5.
yḥnn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 59, 65, 135f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.635:16 (ảḏddy).
yḥpn DN, divine hero in the rpủm group (see ḥpn. Dijkstra UF 20 1988 47 f.; diff.
De Moor SP 117; Korpel UBL 12 100 n. 6: “rustled”, < *ḥpp; also Watson UF 31
1999 792 n. 47).
DN, divine hero in the rpủm group: ṯm yḥpn ḥyly there was DN, the fighter,
1.22 I 9 and par.
yḥr, see ḥrn.
yḥṣdq PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 41f., 66, 137, 188; Marcus JSS 17 1972 77; Dahood
UF 11 1979 142; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 167; Benz PPNPI 398 f.).
PN: 4.332:17.
yḥšr PN (Sem.; cf. šr (III), 2; šr (V). Gröndahl PTU 305, 310; Marcus JSS 17
1972 78; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 168); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ḫé-šar, PRU 3 86 ff.
(RS 15.119):4 and passim ibid.; cf. ya-e-[d]a-ru, PRU 6 72 (RS 19.65):16 (Berger
WO 5 1969–1970 279).
PN: 4.243:11; 4.746:6.
yḫlm PN (Sem. etym. unc. Watson AuOr 8 1990 120); ¶ syll.: cf. i]a(?)-ḫal-li?-mi?,
PRU 3 124 (RS 15.167+):6.
PN: 4.118:9.
ykn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 63, 153; Benz PPNPI 332); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ku-nu/ni,
PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 7; PRU 6 112 (RS 17.99):2 (Van Soldt SAU 128); ia-ku-un-
ni, PRU 3 37 (RS 16.287):3f.; ya-ku-un-ni, Syria 28 1951 173ff. no. 6 (RS 14.16):30;
i[a?]-k[i?]-na, PRU 6 135 (RS 17.134):4; Sivan GAGl 239.
PN: ★a) 3.17:4 (bn ʕbdṯrm); 4.55:20; 4.141 I 15; 4.263:8; 4.780:5 (bn lkn); ★b)
4.51:12; 4.232 (I) 11; 4.635:46; in bkn ctx.: ykn[ : 4.381:20 (Van Soldt SAU 128);
yknỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 42, 96, 153; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159); ¶ syll.:
ia-ku-un-DINGIR, PRU 4 182 (RS 17.319):20; PRU 6 38 (RS 17.356):20; PRU 6 45
(RS 18.21):4 and passim ibid. Sivan GAGl 239.
PN: 4.86:15 (Van Soldt SAU 41); 4.165:12.
yknʕ PN (Sem. etym. unc.).

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948 yknʕm – /y-l-d/

PN: bn PN, 1.143:2 (cf. Dietrich-Loretz MU 6f.); 4.101:2 (in erased text).
yknʕm TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 338f.: *Yakunaʕamu. Heltzer RCAU 11; Kühne
UF 6 1974 161; Astour UF 13 1981 9; RSOu 11 68; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 382; UF 30
1998 734); ¶ syll.: URU ia-ku-na-mì, PRU 4 48 ff. (RS 17.340+):20 (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 339); PRU 4 65 (RS 17.62+):13; PRU 4 67 (RS 17.339 A):5; URU
ia-ku-n[a]-ʔ-mu, PRU 6 111 (RS 19.129):3 (collation from a cast: Van Soldt UF 28
1996 672); URU ia-ku-SIG5, PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):13'; PRU 6 80 (RS 19.111):3;
PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):10; PRU 6 105 (RS 19.117):4 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672 n. 147);
PRU 6 118 (RS 18.116):3; 134 (RS 19.19 A):5; RSOu 7 4 (RS 34.131):41. Sivan GAGl
204f., 239, 250; Huehnergard AkkUg 400; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672; UF 29
1997 685.
TN: 4.49:7; 4.68:17; 4.113:5; 4.244:11; 4.308:8; 4.365:37; 4.553:10; 4.610 II 31;
4.619:11; 4.686:16; 4.800 II 9; 4.822:2; 4.834:25; in the composite toponym gt
yknʕm, 4.307:21 (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-Yakunaʕmi).
Cf. yknʕmy.
yknʕmy GN m. (< yknʕm, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. yknʕmy.
GN: PN yknʕmy, 4.295:5, 15.
ykny PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50f., 58, 64, 153, 176).
PN: 4.635:22 (ảḏddy).
ykr PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 311).
PN: 4.116:8.
yky PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 30 2012 343); ¶ syll.: cf. y[a(?)]-ak-k[u?], Ug 5
62 (RS 20.194):7.
PN: 4.35 I 7 (bn slyn); 4.52:6; 4.226:7; 4.785:7; 9.790:18.
/y-l-d/ vb G: “to give birth (to), bear”; Gpass.: “to be born”; Š “to sire” (Hb.,
Ph., OAram., Nab. yld, “to give birth”, HALOT 411 f.; “to bear, to give birth”,
DNWSI 456f.; JPAram. yld, “to give birth”, DJPA 40 f.; Ebla cf. Krebernik
PET 53; Pagan ATRES 3 188; ptc. f. D mu-wa-li-tum (/muwalittum/), var.
mu-li-tum (/mullitum/), Fronzaroli EL 146; StEb 7 1984 175; Krebernik ZA 73
1983 23; Müller Biling. 200; Akk. walādu, “gebären, zeugen”, AHw 1457f.; “to
give birth, beget”, CAD A/1 287ff.; OSA wld, “to bear”, SD 160; Arab. walada,
“to bring forth, to beget”, AEL 2966f.; Eth. walada, “to give birth”, CDG 613);
¶ par.: /ṯ-m-n/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ylt; prefc. tld; impv. ld; inf. abs. (y)ld (poss.
due to contraction in the syntagm w yld; cf. 1.13:30; 1.14 III 48; 1.15 III 20–21),
yld (w yld, 1.11:5), for a rdg. ldt in 2.34:33 cf. ṣdtk; N suffc. yld; Š prefc. ảšld.
G. To give birth (to), bear: ḫl ld (…) tbrk{k} w ld writhe (and) give birth (…)
bend your knees and give birth, 1.12 I 25 / 27; ]rḥm tld damsel, you will bear,
1.13:2; arḫt tld[ the heifers gave birth, 1.10 III 1; ỉbr tld she gave birth to a
“bullock”, 1.10 III 20; tldn šḥr w šlm they gave birth to DN and DN, 1.23:52; ylt
mh ylt they have given birth, to what have they given birth?, 1.23:53, 60, cf. 1.17

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yld – yly (ii) 949

I 41 (Huehnergard UVST 247f. n. 75; diff. Aartun StUL 69 f.: “Hintergehen”, <
*ylt < *wlt); tqtnṣn w tldn tld ỉlm nʕmm both women squatted and gave birth,
gave birth to the handsome gods, 1.23:58; tld šbʕ bnm she will give birth to
seven sons, 1.15 II 23, cf. ln. 25 (// tṯ{t}mnm); tqrb w ld bnt lk tld pġt she is on
the point of giving birth to daughters for you, she will give birth to a princess,
1.15 III 5–7, cf. ln. 20–21; tldn mṯ she gave birth to a boy, 1.5 V 22; hl ġlmt tld bn[
behold the Damsel will give birth to a son, 1.24:7, cf. ln. 5, 1.13:2 (cf. Is. 7:14); ytn
(…) w ld špḥ l krt he granted (…) and / so that PN would engender offspring,
1.14 III 48 (diff. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 8 1976 435 ff.: “Stammhalter”,
wld spḥ); ả<g>zrt ʕnt w ld anxious (?) (was) DN to give birth / for the son,
1.13:30 (cf. w IV); [k t]ld ảt ảbn if it gives birth as an omen to a swelling in
the shape of a stone, 1.103:1; in bkn ctx.: b ym tld, 1.107:49; hry w yld there was
conception and birth (?), 1.11:5; k tld ả[ṯt, 1.140:1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (cf. ln 14); yldh nảxx,
1.172:30; yldt qṭy she gives birth to GN, 1.179:22.
Gpass. To be born: yld bn ly a son has been born to me, 1.17 II 14; k ỉbr l bʕl yld
for a bull has been born to DN, 1.10 III 35.
Š. To sire: y bn ảšld oh son(s) that I have sired, 1.23:65.
Cf. mld (II), yld.
yld n. m. 1) “son, (human) child; 2) (animal) young” (cf. /y-l-d/; Hb. yld,
HALOT 412; Akk. wildu, ildu, AHw 1496; “offspring”, CAD I/J 71; Arab. walad,
“a child, son, daughter, youngling”, AEL 2966. Watson Historiae 10 2013 33).
¶ Forms: sg. yld; du. suff. yldy; pl. cstr. yld.
1) Son, (human) child: mṯpẓ yld the oracle of the child, 1.124:3; yldy šḥr w šlm
my (two) sons DN and DN, 1.23:53 (diff. Tropper UF 26 1995 475f.: “geboren
wurden”, Gpass. suffc. 3. m. du. + encl. -y; cf. ibid. n. 15); in bkn ctx.: yl[d dnỉl
the son of PN, 1.18 IV 39.
2) (Animal) young: yld bhmth the young of his small cattle, 1.103:2.
Cf. /y-l-d/.
ylḥn 1) PN; 2) DN (Sem. Loretz UF 12 1980 475: Arab. lḥn; Gröndahl PTU 28, 155).
1) PN: bn PN: 4.35 I 8.
2) DN, second element of the composite DN ydʕ ylḥn “the Savant Shrewd”:
bl nmlk ydʕ ylḥn come, we will enthrone DN!, 1.6 I 48.
yly (I) n. m. “comrade, companion” (Arab. waliyy, “friend (of God)”, AEL 3060.
Renfroe AULS 71ff.; Watson Historiae 10 2013 27 f.); ¶ par.: ảḫ (I). ¶ Forms: pl.
suff. ylyh.
Comrade, companion: mẓảh šr ylyh, he ran into the prince of his comrades,
1.12 II 51 (// ảḫyh).
Cf. yly (II).
yly (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 143).
PN: 4.204:11; 4.382:26 (bn ṯrnq); 4.427:19; 4.723:3.

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950 ym (i)

ym (I) n. m. “day” (Hb., OAram. ywm, “day”, HALOT 399 f.; DNWSI 448 ff.; Ph.,
Pun. ym, “day”, DNWSI 448ff.; Ebla cf. /yawmū/ in UD.GÁNA = a(-wu)-mu
ʔà-mu-tum, VE 777; /yawmim/ in UD.TE = šè-er a-me-mu, VE 774; cf. Kre-

bernik ZA 73 1983 29f.; Fronzaroli EL137; Gelb EDA 67; Syr. yawmāʔ, “day”,
SL 568f.; Akk. ūmu, “Tag”, AHw 1418ff.; “day”, CAD U/W 138ff.; OSA y(w)m,
“day”, SD 169; Arab. yawm, “a time, day”, AEL 3064); ¶ syll. Ug.: [UD] = [ūmu]
= [ ] = yu-mu, Ug 5 138 (RS 20.426 B):2; d[U]D = tu-en-ni = yu-m[u], Ug 5
137 (RS 20.123+) IV a 17. Sivan GAGl 291; Huehnergard UVST 133; Van Soldt
SAU 304, 333 n. 175; ¶ par.: ʕdt (II). ¶ Forms: sg. ym, cstr. ym; du. ymm (?); pl.
ymm, ymt (Gzella BiOr 64 2007 563), cstr. ymy.
Day: ★a) as a date: l ym hnd from this day forth, 3.2:1 and par. (cf. RS Akk.:
ištu ūmi annîm, Van Soldt SAU 458); b ym ḥdṯ on the day of the new moon,
1.87:1 and par.; b ṯṯ ym ḥdṯ at (the wake) six of the full moon, 1.78:1 (Del Olmo
AuOr 30 2012 370); b ym mlảt on the day of the full moon, 1.109:3, cf. 1.130:16; b
ym prʕ (…) w ʕl ym on the first day and on the (following) day, 4.279:1–2; b ym
qẓ in the days (of the) summer (fruit), 1.20 I 5; b šbʕ ymm / šbʕ b ymm on the
seventh day, 1.4 VI 32 and par.; b ym šbʕ on the seventh day, 1.119:1; b šbʕ ym
ḥdṯ on the seventh day of the new moon / the month, 1.112:10; b ym ʕšr on the
tenth day, 1.104:15, cf. 2.48:2; [hm] kbkb yql b ṯlṯm ym if a star falls on day thirty,
1.163:7; b ym dbḥ ṯpḥ on the day of the sacrifice of the stock, 1.48:13 and par.; hn
ym yṣq yn ṯmk behold on (this) day wine of TN was served, 1.22 I 17; bn ym on
this day / this very day, 1.4 VII 16 (// bnm ʕdt; diff. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 216 n.
f: “le maritime (fils de la mer)”); qrả ym proclamation of the day, 1.87:9, 1.41:8;
w ḥl ym and the day remains desacralised, 1.41:48; ảnk b ym k ytnt spr hnd ʕmk
w bym hwt on the day when I sent this message to you, in this very day, 2.88:3
(diff. Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 156: “J’étais en mer … ce jour-ci …”); ★b) as
a period in time: ym ảḥd (in) a (single) day, 1.115:14 (Del Olmo CR 225 n. 47;
Pardee TR/1 644: “un jour”; diff. De Tarragon TOu/2 110 n. 337: “premier jour”);
ṯlṯ ymm during three days, 1.111:2; may the gods tʕzzk ảlp ymm strengthen
you for thousand(s) of days, 5.9:4; hn ym w ṯn behold, one day and another
(passed), 1.16 VI 21 cf. 1.17 I 5–6 and par.; lk ym w ṯn ṯlṯ w rbʕ ym ḫmš w ṯdṯ
ym go one day and a second, a third and fourth day, a fifth and sixth day, 1.14
III 2 and par., cf. ln 10 and 1.4 VI 24–32, formula of graded numerical sequence
(Del Olmo MLC 60f.); [hm b ṯ]lṯ ym yh yrḫ if on the third day the moon wanes,
1.163:4; ảnk ṯṯ ymm kl lḥmt as for me, I have fought against (them) all for six
days, 2.82:8; ủrk ym bʕly length of day(s) (may) my lord (have), 2.23:20; šp[l
ṯlṯ] ymm lk hrg ảr[bʕ] ymm knock down during three days, go, kill during
four days, 1.13:4–5; yrḫ w ḫmš ymm one month and five days, 4.95:4–10; ym
ymm yʕtqn l ymm l yrḫm one day and two passed, days and months (: the
days [became] months), 1.6 II 26–27, cf. 1.1 V 15; 1.19 IV 13; w ym ym yšảl and

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ym (ii) 951

day after day may he ask (?), 2.47:24; ảgzrym bn ym the ravenous ones though
only one day (old), 1.23:59, 61; tqṣrn ymy bʕlhn shortened shall be the days of
their / his lord, 1.103:34; l ymt špš w yrḫ for the days of DN and DN, 1.108:26;
1.179:38; ṯlṯ ymm k ỉnn ảkl three days since there is no grain, 2.104:6; ★c) in
prepositional (nominal) expressions: b ym ṯỉṭ on days of mud, 1.17 I 32 and
par.; b ym rṯ on the days of (: when there is) dirt, 1.17 I 33 and par.; ★d) in
conj. with (vb) expressions (when): b ym tld when she gives birth, 1.107:49; b
ym k ybt mlk when the king spends the night, 2.33:14; in bkn and unc. ctx.: ]b
ym ym ymt, 1.2 III 12; ]tm ymtm, 1.1 II 8; dt ymtm, 1.25:4; ym ymgn, 1.25:6; b ym,
1.104:7; ym, 1.126:22; 1.151:9; 1.155:3; ymm, 1.155:2; 2.47:20; b ymt, 7.51:18; bl ym,
2.45:23 (Hoftijzer Fs. Kraus 125: “kein Tag, niemals”); ] yỉrš snp ln d ym hw (…)
hw d ym, 2.81:26, 28.
ym (II) n. m. 1) “sea”; 2) DN, the god “Sea” (Hb., Ph., OAram. ym, “sea”,
HALOT 413f.; DNWSI 458f.; Aram. ym, JPAram. “sea”, DJPA 242; Emar Akk.
/yammu/, “sea”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 86; Arab. yamm, “sea”, Hava 904; cf. Eg.
/ya:omma/, “Sea”, Hoch SWET 52f. (52)); ¶ par.: mdb, nhr, (?) rmt (cf. rm (I)),
šmm (I), thm, thw. ¶ Forms: sg. ym, suff. ymm (encl. -m).
1) Sea: rbt ảṯrt ym “the Great Lady, DN of the sea” / Sea (cf. infra: 2), 1.4 III 23
and passim, title of the goddess ảṯrt; bn ġlmt ʕmm ym the sea is covered in
darkness, 1.8 II 8 and par. (// (?) rmt prʕt; for other versions see /ʕ-m-m/); brlt
ảnḫr b ym the hunger of the ả. (that lives) in the sea, 1.5 I 16, cf. 1.133:5; l gp
ym at the seashore, 1.23:30 (// gp thm); tỉrk yd ỉl k ym the hand (member) of
DN was / grew as long as the sea, 1.23:33 and par. (// k mdb. Pope UF 19 1987
225); dg b ym the fish of the sea, 1.23:63 (// ʕṣr šmm); tỉd !m b ġlp ym d ảlp šd
ẓủh b ym he rouged herself with sea snails whose exhalation (is noticeable /
reaches) a thousand yokes in it, 1.19 IV 42–43 and par.; drʕ b ym sowing in the
sea, 1.6 V 19; lỉm ḥp ym the people of the seashore, 1.3 II 7; ảnyt ym sea-going
ships, 2.46:14; tmtʕ mdh b ym she removed her clothes into the sea, 1.4 II 6 (//
b nhrm); tʕrp ym ḏnbtm she covered the sea with (her) tail, 1.83:7; [w ʕbr] ảlp
[šd] b ym [and pass through] a thousand [acres] through the sea, 1.3 VI 5; in
unc. ctx.: mḫnm ʕrp ym the storm clouds of the sea / DN (?), 1.83:4 (Del Olmo
AuOr 14 1996 131); in bkn ctx.: b ym, 1.19 IV 41; ym, 1.12 II 11; ydm ym, 1.75:1.
2) DN, the sea god: ★a) in god lists: ym, 1.47:30; 1.102:3; 1.118:29 (// RS Akk.:
A.AB.BA, Ug 5 18 (RS 20.24):29); ★b) in myth: w pʕr šm ym and proclaimed
the name of DN, 1.1 IV 15; zbl ym Prince DN, 1.2 IV 14 and passim, title of the
god ym (// ṯpṭ nhr); grš ym grš ym l ksỉh drive DN, drive DN from his throne,
1.2 IV 12 (// nhr); mr ym mr ym l ksỉh throw DN, throw DN from his throne, 1.2
IV 19; ản rgmt l ym I am going to reply to DN, 1.2 I 45; mlảk ym the messengers
of DN, 1.2 I 44 and par. (// nhr); mlảkm ylảk ym DN sent messengers, 1.2 I 11;
tḥm ym bʕlkm message of DN, your lord, 1.2 I 33 and par. (// nhr); b ym bʕl

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952 ymỉl – ymn (i)

ysy against DN, DN tried (to attack [?]), 1.9:14, cf. 1.2 IV 4: ḥrbm ỉts; yprsḥ ym
DN collapsed, 1.2 IV 25 and par.; yqṯ bʕl w yšt ym he dragged DN and brought
down DN, 1.2 IV 27; l mḫšt mdd ỉl ym did I not crush “the Beloved of DN”,
DN?, 1.3 III 39, cf. 1.4 VI 12; VII 4 (// nhr. Rahmouni DEUAT 212 ff.); ʕz ym l ymk
strong was DN, he did not fall, 1.2 IV 17; ym l mt DN is certainly dead, 1.2 IV 32
and par.; ʕbdk bʕl y ymm your servant is DN, oh DN!, 1.2 I 36 (// nhrm); d k ym
ymḫṣ b ṣmd those who were like DN he struck with the mace, 1.6 V 3 (cf. KTU:
rdg dkym; diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1193: “die Schläger Yamms”; for other
opinions cf. Del Olmo IMC 79ff.; Wyatt RTU 140 n. 103); bn bht ym build the
house of DN, 1.2 III 7 (// nhr); yỉtsp (…) mṯdṯt ġlm ym (…) the sixth (wife) did
Noble DN gather to himself, 1.14 I 20; b ym ảrš w tnn with DN are DN and DN,
1.6 VI 51; ★c) as recipient of offerings: ym gdlt, DN, one cow, 1.39:13; ym š DN,
one ram, 1.46:6 and par.; in unc. and bkn ctx.: b ym mnḫ l ảbd b ym ỉrtm in DN
calm was not lacking, on DN (his) chest (…), 1.2 IV 3 (// nhr); b ym, 1.2 III 12;
1.4 II 35; l šd mr ymm, 1.2 III 11; b ym, 1.179:19; in unc. ctx. p l tbʕn y ymm, 1.83:11.
Cf. aym, ỉlym, ʕbdym, mlkym, šlmym, ymỉl, ymy, ymrn.
ymỉl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 96, 144; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159, 163).
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 14 (bn [); ★b) bn PN, 4.183 II 2; in bkn ctx.: y]mỉl, 4.588:2.
ymản TN, “Ionia” (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 339f.: *Yamānu. Dietrich-Loretz IOS 18
1998 335ff.; UF 10 1978 63; Xella TRU 266; Astour RSOu 11 60 ff.; for the NA
and NB texts cf. Rollinger RA 91 1997 167ff.; diff. Aartun StUL 77f.: y- + *mʔn;
Watson LSU 205).
TN: ḥwt ymản the country of TN, 1.4 I 42; npy ymản, atonement of TN, 1.40:27
and par.
Cf. ymn (III).
ymd PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 59, 65, 131, 156; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 5 1973 109; Huehnergard UVST 145; diff. Aartun UF 16 1984ff.;
“messen”, *mdd).
PN: 4.609:31.
ymlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 59, 158; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 163, 164);
¶ syll.: cf. i-ma-li-ik, PRU 3 135 (RS 15.137):16. Sivan GAGl 248.
PN: bn PN, 4.635:15; in bkn ctx.: yml[k, 4.505:4.
ymmt, 1.3 III 12, cf. ybmt, allog. or spelling mistake (diff. Watson Historiae 4 2007
100: “dove”, Arab. yamamat, Mari PN yamâma).
ymn (I) n. m. 1) “right (side)”; 2) “right (hand)”, used as a noun (Hb., OAram.,
Nab., Palm. ym( y)n, “right side”, HALOT 415; DNWSI 460 f.; JPAram. ymyn,
“right hand”, DJPA 242; Ebla cf. /yaminum, yamittum, yimittum/ in Á.ZI =
A/I-me-tum/núm, VE 534; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 20; Fronzaroli StEb 7 1984
186f.; Krecher Biling. 158; Akk. imnu, “Rechte”, AHw 379; “right hand, side”,
CAD I/J 136f.; OSA ymn, “right hand”, SD 168; Arab. yamīn, “location on the

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ymn (ii) – /y-m-n-n/ 953

right”, AEL 3064; Eth. yamān, “right”, CDG 627. Wyatt UBL 12 356ff.); ¶ par.:
yd (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ymn, suff. ymny, ymnh.
1) Right (side): yṯṯb l ymn ảlỉyn bʕl he sat on the right (side) of DN, “The Most
Powerful”, 1.4 V 47; ủ ymn ủ šmảl both on the right and on the left, 1.23:63f.;
ymn right side (?) / PN, 6.67:1.
2): ★a) right (hand), right: yỉḫd (…) krpn bm [ ym]n he took a cup in (his)
right, 1.15 II 18 (// b yd); qḥ (…) qbʕt b ymny take (…) the goblet from my
right, 1.19 IV 54 and par. (// bdy); ảḫdt (…) plk tʕlt b ymnh she took (…) the
spindle of majesty (?) in her right, 1.4 II 4; ảl ảḫdhm b ymny certainly I shall
seize them with my right (hand), 1.3 V 22; ảḫd (…) qṣʕth bm ymnh he took
(…) his arrows in his right, 1.10 II 7 (// b ydh); k tġḏ ảrz b ymnh when the
cedar (stave) shoots from his right, 1.4 VII 41 (// b ydh); qḥ (…) brltk bm ymn
take your throat in (your) right, 1.16 I 42 (// b yd); yỉḫd (…) [g]rgrh bm ymn
he seized (…) his javelin in the right, 1.16 I 48 (// b yd); qḥ (…) ỉmr d[bḥ
bm] ymn take (…) a sacrificial lamb in the right, 1.14 II 14 and par.; [ yủḫ]d
(…) bm ymn mḫṣ he grasped (…) a machete in the right, 1.2 I 39 (// b yd);
★b) said of other parts of the body: qrn ymnh his (: yrḫ) right horn, 1.18
IV 10; šq ymn right thigh, 1.103:26; ủdn ymn right ear, 1.103:35; in bkn ctx.: šbrh
bm ymn, 1.92:13; mġẓ ymnk present of your right (?), 1.5 V 3, cf. ln. 25; ymn,
Cf. ymn (II), (III), /y-m-n-n/.
ymn (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. ym (I), ym (II), 2, ymn (I). Gröndahl PTU 52,
144; Watson AuOr 13 1955 229; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 163); ¶ syll.: cf.
y[a]-mu-na, PRU 6 83 (RS 17.430) IV 3; ia-mu-na, Ug 5 161 (RS 17.325):3. Sivan
GAGl 287.
PN: ★a) 3.13:4; 4.227 I 5; 4.607:31; 5.1:13; ★b) bn PN, 4.64 IV 9; 4.69 II 3; 4.617
I 19; 4.785:9; in bkn ctx.: ] ymn, 4.331:4.
ymn (III) TN (?) (Dietrich-Loretz KA 228ff.: ymản “Zypern”).
TN (?): 6.67:1.
Cf. ymản, ymn (II).
/y-m-n-n/ vb G: with 3rd reduplicated radical: “to take with the right” (extended
form of /y-m-n/, denom. /qtll/ pattern. Cross CMHE 24; De Moor ARTU 124
n. 42: “to aim”; diff. Good UF 17 1985 155f.: “his staff is powerful”, < *mnn;
Pope UF 19 1987 226: “he drew his mighty shaft”, < *mnn, on this cf. Renfroe
AULS 128ff.; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 355: “gesenkt war”, < *mnn; Hooker
NABU 2014/23: “be firm”, Eg. mn); ¶ par.: /n-ḥ-t/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ymnn; act.
ptc. suff. mmnnm (with encl. -m; probably a contracted form /mâm(a)ninu/
< /muyamninu/. Brockelmanm GvG §39w; Sivan UF 16 1984 393).
G. To take with the right: ỉl ymnn mṭ ydh DN took his rod with the right hand
1.23:37; y mt mt (…) mmnnm mṭ ydk oh man, man (…) who has taken the rod

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954 ymp/ẓ – yn

with the right hand!, 1.23:40, 44, 47 (// nḥt(m); diff. Hooker NABU 2014/23: Eg.
mn, “to be firm”: “El became firm as to the rod of his penis”; cf. nḥt).
Cf. ymn (I).
ymp/ẓ, in bkn ctx.: špš ymp/ẓ hlkt, 1.45:5. See hlk.
ymrm PN (Sem. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 8).
PN: 4.547:5.
ymrn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 59, 65, 160; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 163).
PN: 4.417:9 (ảpsny).
ymtḏ/šr PN (Sem. < /m-t/; šr (III). Gröndahl PTU 311); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-mu-ut(!)-šar-
ri, RSOu 7 5 (RS 34.147):4; for the rdg Huehnergard Syria 74 1997 214.
PN: ymtšr, 4.313:3; ymtḏr, 4.727:23.
ymtšr PN; cf. ymtḏ/šr.
ymy PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 144; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 163).
PN: ★a) 4.75 V 22 (bn [); ★b) bn PN, 4.214 IV 12.
ymz PN (etym. unc.).
PN: 2.83:3; 4.103:35.
yn n. m. 1) “wine”; 2) measures and containers (of wine); 3) production and con-
sumption; 4) in menology (Kulturwanderwort; Hitt. wiyan-, “Wein”, HW 255;
Myc. wo-no, Min. ya-ne, “wine”; Aura DMic 443; Woudhuizen UF 26 1994 529:
WA1, Linear C; Gk oἶnos, “wine”, Liddell-Scott GEL 1207; Lat. vinum, “wine”,
OLD 2279; Hb., Ph., OAram. yyn, “wine”, HALOT 409 f.; DNWSI 455 f.; Can. ye-
nu, Rainey Tel-Aviv 3 1983 137:2, DNWSI 455f.; Akk. (< Can.) īnu, “Wein”, AHw
383, 1563; but diff. “mng. unkn., not to be connected with Hb. yayin, ‘wine’ ”,
CAD I/J 152: inu C; Eth. wayn, “vine, wine”, CDG 623; cf. OSA wyn, “vine-
yard”, SD 166; Arab. wayn, “black grapes”, Hava 899. Zamora Vid 206 ff.; Gzella
BiOr 64 2007 563); ¶ RS Akk.: GEŠTIN, passim; cf. 1 me-at 48 DUG GEŠTIN,
KTU 4.48:13; ITI SAG.(DU.)GEŠTIN.MEŠ, Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):13; PRU 6 107
(RS 19.25):11; ¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /yēn-/ in TN URU ye(PI)-na, PRU 6 112
(RS 17.99):2 (cf. URU GEŠTIN-na, RS 22.233:4, RS 25.132 rev. II 12); cf. PRU 6 163
n. 5; Huehnergard AkkUg 375; 392; Watson LSU 147; diff. Rendsburg Eblaitica
2 116: /yain/ > /yān-/; cf. URU PI-na-a-lum, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147) rev. 6 and cf.
Gelb CAAA 37); ¶ par.: dm (II) (+ ʕṣ), lḥm, mrṯ (I), msk, nbt, trṯ. ¶ Forms: sg.
yn, suff. ynh; cf. ynm, 4.44:28, (encl. -m).
1) Wine: ★a) yn, wine, 4.863:12, ỉṯ yn d ʕrb there is wine that entered, 1.23:74;
invite me w štm ʕm ảḫy yn to drink wine with my companions (// lḥm), 1.5
I 25; b yn yšt ỉln! by the wine that our god drinks!, 1.19 IV 57; take the cup
w tšqyn yn and may she serve (you) wine, 1.19 IV 53; špq ỉlm / ỉlht yn she
supplied the gods / goddesses with wine, 1.4 VI 47–54; ỉlm (…) tštn y<n>
ʕd šbʕ the gods (…) drink wine to satiety, 1.114:3; cf. ibid. 16; k šbʕt yn when
you are sated with wine, 1.17 I 31 and par.; ★b) classes: yn ṭb generous wine,

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yn 955

4.213:1 and passim ibid. (cf. Mari Akk.: GEŠTIN DÙG.GA, Finet AfO 25 1974/77
127; Durand ARMT 21 107ff.), contrasted with yn d l ṭb wine which is not
of good quality (table wine), 4.213:2 and passim ibid; yn ḫlq spoilt wine
(sour with time), 4.213:3 (Aartun UF 16 1984 26; cf. yn mṣb and Mari Akk.:
GEŠTIN SUMUN, cf. ARMT 21 104 n. 2); yn ḥsp decanted wine, drained off,
without sediment (said of quality wine; often differentiated from yn mṣb; cf.
Aartun UF 16 1984 21): yn ḥsp d nkly b dbḥ decanted wine that was consumed
during the sacrifice, 4.213:24, cf. yn ḥsp l m[ decanted wine for …, ibid. 25;
yn ḥsp l ql d tbʕ mṣrm decanted wine for the courier who left for Egypt,
ibid. 27; yn mṣb “cellar” wine, vin ordinaire, different from yn ḥsp “decanted”
wine, quality wine (Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 112), 4.213:28, 30;
1.91:29–34; tgmr yn mṣb (…) w ḥs[p] (…) total of “cellar” wine: (so much), and
of decanted (wine): (so much), 1.91:35; yn ʕn sparkling wine, 1.6 IV 18 (Watson
NABU 2002/08: “foaming wine”).
★c) with ellipsis of yn: bỉr ʕšr mṣ[b w k]dm ḥsp TN: ten of “cellar” (wine)
and two “jars” of decanted (wine), 1.91:29; cf. TN (…) mṣb (so much) “cellar”
(wine), ibid. 31–34; ḫmr yn sparkling wine, young wine (// lḥm), 1.23:6 (diff.
De Moor SP 75; Lloyd UF 22 1990 180f.: “some sort of container for wine”);
★d) cf. in poetry: yn ṯmk wine of TN, // mrṯ yn srnm must, wine of princes,
// yn bld ġll from the land of ġ. // yn ỉšryt wine of happiness, 1.22 I 17–20
(Del Olmo MLC 424; Dijkstra UF 20 1988 49 n. 79; Watson UF 31 1999 777ff.);
yn[ t]mlả with wine he filled it, 1.19 IV 61 (// msk); in unc. ctx.: yn ʕšy
wine (that is) made, processed, ready (?), 1.17 VI 8 (// trṯ. Dijkstra-De Moor
UF 7 1975 184); ★e) imagery in poetry: tšt k yn ủdmʕt she drank tears like
wine, 1.6 I 10; k yn ddm lbh like wine of amours is his heart, 1.101:9 (Irwin
UF 15 1983 57; Dietrich-Loretz UF 17 1985 142); for a possible contraction
as forerunner of the def. article see hn yn > hyn 2.87:29 (Tropper UF 36
2004 516; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 241, 311; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542, 545; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz UF 41 2009 144: hy+n > hyn “die, welche; das was”).
2) Measures and containers (of wine): ★a) kd “jar”, passim (cf. Heltzer
RCAU 40f.); cf. kd yn l PN a “jar” of wine for PN, 6.11:1; often with ellipsis of kd:
cf. 1.91:21ff.; 4.230:1; ḫmš ʕšr yn, fifteen (“jars”) of wine, 4.811:3, passim; ★b) kw:
ṯt kwt yn two k. of / for wine, 4.691:6; ★c) lg “jar”: lg ynh[ a “jar” of his wine[,
1.23:75; ★d) kpsln: ḫmš kpsln yn five k. of wine, 4.786:7; ★e) other containers:
pour b gl ḥtṯ yn wine into a cup of silver (// nbt), 1.14 II 19 and par., cf. 1.17
VI 5; drink b krpnm yn wine in/from the cup (// dm), 1.4 IV 37 and par.; it was
finished yn b ḥmthm the wine in their skins, 1.16 III 15; he opened rḥbt yn an
amphora of wine, 1.15 IV 16 and par.; give (me) ks yn a cup of wine, 5.9:15; pour
yn ʕn b qbʕt sparkling wine from the vats.
3) Production and consumption: ★a) production and storage in gt: passim;

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956 ynḥm – ynḥn

cf. 4.213:3, 4, 8, 12, 15, 18, 20–21; 4.400:1–2, 5, 10, 14–15; ★b) in commerce: yn d
ntn b ksp wine sold for cash, 4.219:1 (Heltzer GPOTU 19: 1 kd = 1/7 of a shekel);
in accounting: tgmr yn d nkly total wine distributed, 4.230:15; <yn> d nkly
{ yn} kd w kd <wine> that was consumed: {} a “jar” per person (?), 4.279:1
(for the rdg cf. PRU 2 100), cf. kd w krsnm one “jar” and two wineskins, ibid.
ln. 3 and ln. 4–5; cf. 4.213:24 and 1.91:1, infra: c); distributed to various social
classes or persons: cf. 4.216:1–12; 4.230:1–12; 4.269:27s.; 4.274:1; nn. amounts
of yn, 3.13:8, 14, 22, 23; 4.149:10; 4.246:2, 6; 4.269:34; 4.284:5; 4.285:1ss.; 4.400;
14; 4.691:3; 4.715:2; ★c) used in the cult: arbʕ ʕšr kd yn fourteen “jars” of wine,
1.41:23; 1.87:24; yn d ykl bd r[…] b dbḥ mlk wine they deliver (for consumption)
into the hands of the r.[…] in the royal sacrifice, 1.91:1; yn ḥsp d nkly b dbḥ
decanted wine that was consumed in the sacrifice, 4.213:24; yn b dbḥ mlkt b
mdrʕ wine for the sacrifice of the queen in the sown-land, 4.149:14; yn tġẓyt
wine of libation (// lḥm), 1.6 VI 45; k{b}d yn l ʕṯtrt a “jar” of wine for DN, 1.112:13;
with ellipsis of yn: kd bt ỉlm rbm a “jar(s)” of (consumed / used in) the temple
of the “Great Gods”, 4.149:1; kd(m) “jar(s)” for diff. DNN: ibid. 3–19; in bkn ctx.:
] yn l mlkt ]wine for the queen, 4.219:12; w ḥbrh mlả yn [and his pot (?) is full
/ fills with wine (?), 1.23:76; k yn, 2.31:66; mảxt yn, 4.786:10; yn[, 4.221:6; ] yn,
1.92:38; 4.62:1; 4.225:3; 4.573:1; 4.717:2; 4.747:5; 5.1:11 (PN (?)); in unc. ctx.: w l
tṯ yny, 5.11:8 (cf. Pardee CS/3 109: “she is furnishing my wine”, *ṯwy; Tropper
UG 595: yny “mein Wein” // lḥmy, “mein Brot”).
4) In menology, MN yrḫ rỉš yn month of “First(fruits) of Wine”, 1.41:1, 1.87:1,
4.182:32, 4.387:21 (Sept. / Oct., De Moor SP 78; cf. RS Akk.: ITI SAG.DU.
GEŠTIN.MEŠ, Ug 5 99 (RS 20.425):13; ITI SAG.GEŠTIN.MEŠ, PRU 6 107
(RS 19.25):11).
ynḥm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 27, 50, 58, 62, 165; Benz PPNPI 359 f.; Sanmartín
Fs. Von Soden 437; Watson AuOr 14 1996 99); ¶ syll.: ia-an-ḫa-(am-)mu/mi/
ma, Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):15; PRU 3 39 (RS 16.359A):6; PRU 3 113f.
(RS 16.353):4, 14, 21; PRU 3 162 (RS 16.348):4; PRU 3 170 (RS 16.163):3'; PRU 3
194 (RS 11.839):5; PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 19; PRU 3 201 f. (RS 16.257+) III 5, 41;
PRU 6 49 (RS 17.378 A):18; [i]a?-na-ḫa-mu, PRU 6 71 (RS 17.432) B II 8. Sivan
GAGl 153, 253; Huehnergard UVST 237, 240.
PN: ★a) 3.4:4 (Van Soldt SAU 40); 3.16:13; 3.17:9; 4.41:10 (bn nrṯt); 4.52:7; 4.63
I 37; 4.75 V 16 (bn [; Watson AuOr 11 1993 216); 4.130:7, 9; 4.141 I 3 (Van Soldt
SAU 39); 4.170:3; 4.188:16; 4.194:7; 4.214 IV 6; 4.282:15; 4.339:5 (ủlmy); 4.350:15
(bn ỉlmd); 4.609:27 (Van Soldt SAU 39); 4.635:21 (ảḏddy), 30 (ảḏddy), 47; ★b)
bn PN, 4.645:8.
ynḥn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 22, 165; Sanmartín Fs. Von Soden 448); ¶ syll.:
ia-an-ḫa-nu, PRU 3 32 (RS 16.129):2 (Van Soldt SAU 2, 40), ia-an-ḫa-na, passim
in colophons in lexical texts; cf. Ug 5 143 (RS 20.160N+):252: RS 20.196A+;

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/y-n-q/ – yny (i) 957

for RS 20.201A+ cf. Van Soldt UF 20 1988 315 [f]; SAU 23f.: Fs. Bergerhof 440;
for RS 20.165B+, RS 20.230, RS 20.245, RS 21.08A and RS 22.343 cf. Van Soldt
SAU 24). Sivan GAGl 154 n. 3, 253; Van Soldt SAU 32, 180, 333, 753.
PN: ★a) 4.775:12; ★b) bn PN, 4.51:15.
/y-n-q/ vb G: “to suck”; Š: “to suckle” (Hb. ynq, “to suck”, HALOT 416 f.; OAram.
ynq, “to suck”, DNWSI 461f.; JPAram. ynq, “to suck, nurse”, DJPA 242; Akk.
enēqu, “saugen”, AHw 217; “to suck”, Š “to suckle”, CAD E 165 f. Watson Histo-
riae 10 2013 33f.). ¶ Forms: G act. ptc. sg. ynq; pl. ynmq; Š ptc. f. mšnq(t) (cf.
G. To suck: ynqm b ảp z/ḏd ảṯrt who suck the nipples of DN, 1.23:24 and par.
(cf. Hb. ywnqy šdym, Joel 2:16); ynq ḥlb ả[ṯrt who will suck the milk of DN,
1.15 II 26.
Š ptc. f. mšnq(t): cf. mšqnt.
Cf. mšqnt, tnqt (II).
ynt n. f. “dove” (Hb. ywnh, “dove”, HALOT 402f.; Syr. yawnāʔ, “dove”, SL 569;
Emar Akk. /yattu/, “pigeon”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 139; Watson UF 40 2008 563).
¶ Forms: sg. abs., cstr. ynt.
Dove, as material for sacrifice: ynt ṯʕm a dove, the “Heroes”, 1.39:1; ynt qrt a
domestic dove, 1.119:10 and par.
/y-n-y/ vb N “to be lowered in value, reduced, cheapened” (Sanmartín UF 21
1989 343; cf. Akk. wanāʔum, “bedrängen”, AHw 1459; “to deceive”, CAD
U/W 402; cf. Hb. ynh, “to oppress”, HALOT 416; OAram. haf. yny, “to oppress”,
DNWSI 461; JAram. af. yny, “to cause to waver, discourage”, DTT 581; cf. Arab.
wanā, “to enter upon a thing languidly”, AEL 3061). ¶ Forms: N prefc. nyn.
N. To be lowered in value, reduced, cheapened: ḫmš mqdm d nyn b ṯql five
(logs (?)) scorched, lowered in price, for one shekel, 4.158:19.
yny (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 345f.: *Yēnā 1, *Yēnā 2; Heltzer RCAU 11, 17 n,
31; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 5 1973 109; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 63;
Lipiński OLP 12 1981 110 n. 148; Astour UF 13 1981 7; RSOu 11 65; Van Soldt UBL 11
377, 381; UF 30 1998 728); ¶ syll.: 1) Yēnā 1 (“of the Mountain”): URU ye-na-a
ḪUR.SAG, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147):6 (collation Van Soldt UF 28 1966 673): URU
ye-na, PRU 6 119 (RS 19.69):2; URU GEŠTIN(-na), RS 22.233:4; RS 25.132 I 13,
III 12–13 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 673; see ibid. n. 152 for PRU 3 189 (RS 11.790):34);
2) Yēnā 2 (“of Below”): URU <Ye-na> šapí-il, PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147) rev. 7;
unc. cf. the spelling i-na ia-na, KTU 4.648:26; Sivan GAGl 291; Huehnergard
UVST 238; AkkUg 375; Watson AuOr 19 2001 116; Van Soldt SAU 338 n. 177;
UF 28 1996 672f.; Topography 25, 176).
TN (both): 4.355:20; 4.379:6, 7; 4.610 II 21 (cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 12, 14);
4.693:43; 4.696:9; 4.765:9; 4.770:11; 4.784:18; 4.800 III 4; in the composite topo-
nym gt yny, 4.320:2 (4.696:9 (?); cf. Belmonte RGTC 12/2 93: *Gittu-Yēnā); in

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958 yny (ii) – ypʕ (ii)

bkn ctx.: ynx, 4.610 (II) 20 (Bordreuil UF 20 1988 11: yn[ y); for 4.308:4 cf. Bor-
dreuil UF 20 1988 11; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672.
Cf. yny (II), yny (III).
yny (II) GN m. (< yny (I), TN). ¶ Forms: sg. yny.
TN: PN yny, 4.52:4.
yny (III) PN (< yny (II)).
PN: 4.44:22 (or GN (?)); 4.55:30 (or TN (?)); 4.825 VII 17; 5.1:2.
yp n. m. “dignity, honour” (< */y-p-h/; Hb. ypy, “beauty”, HALOT 424; cf. EA Akk.
yapû, EAT 138:126, cf. “schön”, AHw 412; “beautiful”, CAD I/J 325; Sivan GAGl
288; Xella TRU 266f.; Del Olmo CR 125 n. 238). ¶ Forms: sg. yp, suff. ypkm,
Dignity, honour: ủ šn ypkm whether your dignity has been disfigured, 1.40:28
and par., cf. ln. 19, 23: /ḫ-ṭ-ʔ/; in bkn ctx.: yp tḥt, 1.84:10.
Cf. tp (II).
/y-p-ʕ/ vb G/N: a) “to go up, rise”, “to rise against”; b) “to grow, sprout”, by seman.
shift (OSA yfʕ, “to go up”, “to rise up, oppose”, SD 168; Arab. yaffaʕa, “to climb”,
Hava 903; see Hb. ypʕ hi., “to rise, shine forth, to turn out to be”, HALOT 424;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 205; Margalit UF 16 1984 139f.; Van Zijl Baal 63,
for the various opinions); ¶ par.: /ġ-l-y/ (?). ¶ Forms: G/N suffc. ypʕt; prefc.
ypʕ, tpʕ; N ynpʕ (unassimilated form or mistake for ypʕ: 1.19 II 16; but cf. 1.5
IV 8 (Tropper UG 537).
G/N.: a) To appear, rise, present oneself: mn ỉb ypʕ l bʕl which enemy has
risen against DN?, 1.3 III 37 and par.; l ỉb ypʕ l bʕl no enemy has risen against
DN, 1.3 IV 5; in bkn ctx.: ảt ypʕt b you have risen against, 1.2 I 3; in bkn ctx.:
ynpʕ bʕ[l DN rose, 1.5 IV 8, and cf. y{n}pʕ, 1.19 II 16; b) To grow, sprout: šblt
tpʕ b ảklt shoot that sprouts in the stubble, 1.19 II 23 (//ḥmdrt); bṣ[ql] y{n}pʕ
b pảlt bṣql ypʕ b yġlm shoot that sprouts in the waste land, shoot that grows
in the untilled land, 1.19 II 16, cf. ln. 23 (in ln. 20 read yph!); šršk b ảrṣ ảl ypʕ
may your root not grow in / from the earth, 1.19 III 54 (// (?) ġly).
Cf. nqmpʕ, ypʕ (I), ypʕbʕl, ypʕmlk, ypʕn.
ypʕ (I) PN (Sem. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 130; Gröndahl PTU 50, 144);
¶ syll.: ia-pa-ú/i/a, PRU 3 194 (RS 11.839):14; PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42) II 18; PRU 4
109f. (RS 17.28):2 and passim ibid.; cf. ya-a-pa-ʔu, PRU 6 79 (RS 19.42):9; cf.
Sivan GAGl 291; Huehnergard UVST 246, 252; Van Soldt SAU 332 n. 160, 336
n. 165.
PN: ★a) 4.134:14; 4.261:14; 4.635:24 (ảḏddy); 4.655:3; ★b) bn PN, 4.366:14; in
bkn ctx.: bn ypʕ[, 4.37:5.
Cf. ybʕ.
ypʕ (II) TN (?) (Van Soldt Topography 25).
TN (?), in bkn ctx.: ]krm b ypʕ l yʕdd (…) vineyards in TN (?) for PN, 4.424:4

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ypʕbʕl – /y-p-q/ 959

(Belmonte RGTC 12/2 346; cf. b šbn, ibid. ln. 5; the rdgs b<n> ypʕ and b<n>
šbn are unlikely; cf. bn, ibid. ln. 18, 23; diff. Dietrich-Loretz BiOr 23 1966 130;
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 205 n. 286: PN, rdg ypʕl < *ypʕil); Gröndahl
PTU 59, 171; Grabbe UF 11 1979 310 n. 25: PN, rdg ypʕl < *pʕl).
ypʕbʕl PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 117, 144; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6
1974 28; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 205; Watson AuOr 8 1990 119; Ribichini-
Xella SEL 8 1991 160; for the rdg ypʕbʕl in 4.754:4 see Hawley-Pardee Syria 90
2013 469f.).
PN: 4.116:19.
ypʕmlk PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 144, 158; Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 205
n. 286; Watson AuOr 8 1990 120; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 164); ¶ syll.:
ya-pa-LUGAL, PRU 3 95f. (RS 16.246):7 and passim ibid.
PN: 4.609:12.
Cf. mlk (I).
ypʕn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 52, 144).
PN: 4.63:6; 4.339:23; 4.609:8; 4.658:16; 4.775:8.
ypḥ n. m. “witness” (Hb. ypḥ, “witness”, HALOT 424. Loewenstamm Bib 59 1978
103f.; Pardee VT 28 1978 204ff.; Miller VT 1979 495 ff.); ¶ RS Akk.: IGI, passim;
LÚ.MEŠ ši-bu-ti, PRU 6 37 (RS 17.88):2 and passim; LÚ(.MEŠ.)IGI(.MEŠ-ti),
LÚ(.MEŠ)-šu.IGI (.MEŠ), cf. PRU 3 230, 236; Ug 5 341. ¶ Forms: sg. ypḥ; alloph.
ypẖ, 4.31:9; pl. ypḥm.
Witness: ypḥ PN witness (Akk. IGI PN): PN, 3.8:17, 19, 21; 3.23:22; 3.28:3, 11, 19;
3.29:5, 18, 27; bnšm hnmt ypḥm members of his personnel are the witnesses,
3.35:6; 4.258:5; ypẖ PN witness: PN, 4.31:9; in bkn ctx.: ypḥ, 3.6:2; ypḥ[, 3.15:10;
4.754:4 (diff. rdg Hawley-Pardee Syria 90 2013 469 f.); 4.817:17 f.
ypln PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 51, 65, 172); ¶ syll.: ia-ap-lu-nu/na, PRU 3 196
(RS 15.42+) II 25; PRU 3 159 (RS 16.261+):7; ya-ap-lu-nu, PRU 6 54 (RS 19.33):13.
Sivan GAGl 259; Huehnergard UVST 238; AkkUg 44, 392.
PN: 4.35 I 8 (bn ylḥn); 4.363:8.
Cf. ply.
yplt/ṭ(n) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 23, 51, 173; Watson AuOr 14 1996 99); ¶ syll.:
ia-ap-lu-ṭu4 RS 25.134:29; ia-ap-lu-TA-nu/na, PRU 3 37 (RS 16.287) 3; PRU 3
202 (RS 16.257+): III 57. Sivan GAGl 259; Huehnergard UVST 214.
PN: yplṭ, 4.214 IV 4; yplṭn, 4.215:5 (bn ỉln; Van Soldt SAU 40); allog. ypltn in
4.277:4 (Watson AuOr 11 1993 221); in bkn ctx. 4.638:2.
Cf. plṭ.
ypn, in bkn ctx.: ] ypn l[, 2.77:13 (< (?) *pny).
/y-p-q/ vb G: “to get, obtain” (EA Akk. /y-p-q/ > suffc. ya-pa-aq-ti, EAT 64:23; “to
find, acquire”, DNWSI 464f.; Rainey CAT 2 286, 296; already Gray UF 3 1971
67 n. 2; Dietrich-Mayer UF 6 1974 493f.; UF 12 1980 200 f.; UF 19 1987 405 f.;

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960 ypq – /y-q-ġ/

Margalit UF 8 1976 144; Verreet UF 19 1987 322f.); ¶ par.: /t-r-ḫ/. ¶ Forms: G

suffc. ypq; for other forms see /p-q/, poss. byform (Tropper UG 645: prefc. of
G. To get, obtain: ảṯt ṣdqh l ypq a lawful wife he did not get (keep), 1.14 I 12
(// trḫ; diff. e.g. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 3 1217: “Er hatte gewonnen seine Frau
nach herrschendem Brauch”).
Cf. /p-q/.
ypq PN (Sem. Cf. /p-q/, /y-p-q/).
PN: 4.617 II 24.
ypr (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 341: *Yaparu. Heltzer RCAU 11; Van Soldt UBL 11
377, 380; UF 30 1998 727; Topography 25f., 176); ¶ syll.: URU ia(-a)-pa-ru/rù/ri,
PRU 3 190 (RS 11.800):4, 23; PRU 3 191 (RS 11.841):16; PRU 6 102 (RS 19.12):5;
RS 22.399+:39 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 673 n. 155); URU ia-parx(BUR5), RSOu
7 4 (RS 34.131):14 (Van Soldt SAU 324 n. 148; UF 28 1996 673); 4.810:16. Sivan
GAGl 291; Huehnergard UVST 237; Van Soldt UF 28 1996 673.
TN: 4.68:7; 4.73:9; 4.95:10; 4.355:22; 4.365:30; 4.610 II 4; 4.629:15; 4.693:53;
4.770:5; 4.800 III 1; for 4.750:15: Van Soldt UF 28 1996 673; for 4.244:32: Bel-
monte RGTC 12/2 341.
Cf. ypry.
ypr (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 26, 145).
PN: ★a) 4.214 IV 11; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 III 10; in bkn ctx.: ypr[, 4.489:1.
yprḫ PN (Sem. < *prḫ; cf. Hb. prḥ, HALOT 965f.).
PN: 4.278:9.
Cf. prḫ (I), prḫ (II).
ypry GN m. (< ypr, TN). ¶ Forms: sg. ypry.
GN: PN ypry, 4.417:17; for 4.295:7. Vita UF 29 1997 706.
ypš, in bkn ctx.: 1.93:5; šmʕ ly ypš ỉ[.
ypt (I) n. f. “cow, yearling calf” (Arab. yafanat, “cow in calf”, Hava 903; cf. Hb.
prwt ypwt, Gn. 41:2 and par. Gaster JAOS 70 1950 10); ¶ par.: alp (I). ¶ Forms:
sg. ypt.
Cow, yearling calf: tld (…) ypt l ybmt lỉmm they gave birth to (…) a yearling
calf to the “Intended of the peoples”, 1.10 III 3 (// ảlp).
ypt (II) PN (Sem. Cf. yp, ypt (I)).
PN: 1.143:1 (Dietrich-Loretz MU 6f.): in bkn ctx.: 2.5:2.
yptḥd PN (Sem. Puech RB 93 1986 210f.; Dietrich-Loretz KA 209)
PN: bn PN, 6.68:1.
ypy PN (Sem. cf. yp; diff. Gröndahl PTU 311).
PN: bn PN, 4.33:28 (gbʕly); 4.51:5 (gbʕly). Van Soldt SAU 33.
/y-q-ġ/ vb G: “be alert, pay attention” (Hb. yqṣ, “to awake”, HALOT 431; Arab.
yaqiẓa, “to wake”, AEL 2979. Del Olmo MLC 561; Segert UF 20 1988 295 f.;

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yqr – yr 961

but cf. Tropper UG 95, 528: *qġw/y, “(das Ohr) zuneigen, aufmerksam sein”).
¶ Forms: G prefc. tqġ.
G. To be alert, pay attention: ištmʕ w tqġ ủdn listen and let (your) ear be alert!,
1.16 VI 42 and par. (Kogan AuOr 24 2006 138; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 563: Gt. (?)).
yqr PN, (deified) founder of the historical dynasty of Ugarit (Sem. Amor. /y-q-
r/, Huffmon APNMT 214; Gelb CAAA 22; Gröndahl PTU 145; Watson UF 40
2008 563; AuOr 30 2012 343); ¶ syll.: pia-qa-rum DUMU ni-iq-ma!-du LUGAL
URU ú-ga-ri-it, passim in the dynastic seal, Ug 3 figs. 92–93, 97–99, see
Márquez RDU 188; PRU 3 XXIV, XLI; ia-qa-ru LUGAL URU u-ga-ri-it, PRU 3
169 (RS 16.145):2; ia-qa-rù, PRU 6 25 (RS 17.53):3; ia-qa-ri, Ug 5 12 (RS
17.150+):30; cf. ia-qar-mi, PRU 4 202 (RS 18.20+) obv. 4; Liverani SDB 53 1297;
Sivan GAGl 288; Van Soldt SAU 14 n. 129f.
PN, (deified) founder of the historical dynasty of Ugarit: yšt [ỉl] gṯr w yqr
[DN] has established (him), g. and PN 1.108:2 (for the various interpretations
cf. gṯr); ỉl yqr, 1.113:26 (Kitchen UF 9 1977 132ff.; Ribichini-Xella RSF 7 1979
155f.; in bkn ctx.: rpỉ yqr, 1.166:13.
yqš (I) n. m. “fowler, bird-catcher” (act. ptc. G < */y-q-š/. Hb. yqwš, “fowler”,
HALOT 430); ¶ syll. Ug.: LÚ ia-qí-š[u-ma, PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):12; Sivan GAGl
288; Huehnergard UVST 134; Van Soldt SAU 304. ¶ Forms: pl. yqšm.
Fowler: yqšm fowlers, 4.99:6; 4.126:25.
Cf. yqš (II), yqš (III).
yqš (II) n. m. “game” (?) (nominal form < */y-q-š/. Hb. yqš, “to catch a bird with
a snare”, HALOT 432). ¶ Forms: yqš.
Game, in bkn ctx.: ṯpš šnʕt yqš one ṯ. š. game bird (?), 1.48:7.
Cf. yqš (I).
yqš (III) PN bkn (?) (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 145).
PN bkn(?): yqš[, 4.114:8.
/y-q-y/ vb G: “to protect” (Arab. waqā, “to keep, preserve”, Hava 889; Akk.
(w)aqû, “warten, harren”, AHw 1461f.; “to wait”, CAD U/W 403f. De Moor
SP 129; Van Zijl Baal 19ff.; Caquot TOu/1 129 n. o; Watson LSU 117; Del Olmo
MLC 561: “rendir pleitesía, temer, obedecer”, Arab. ʔittaqa; Tropper UG 634:
“in Schutz nehmen”, alt. *wqh, “gehorchen”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. tqh, tqyn,
G. To protect: tn ỉlm d tqh d tqyn(h) hmlt hand over, gods, the one you protect,
the one you protect, (the gods’) multitude(s), 1.2 I 18, 34.
yr n. m. “early rain” (Hb. ywrh, “early rain”, HALOT 404. Margalit RB 91 1984 102ff.;
Watson LSU 27); ¶ par.: ʕrpt, ḫḏḏ. ¶ Forms: sg. yr.
Early rain: yṣly ʕrpt b ḥm ủn yr he cast a spell on the clouds, in the terrible
drought, on the (early) rain, 1.19 I 40 (diff. De Moor UF 6 1974 496 n. 5;
ARTU 250: “to cast”, *yry); hlk (…) l rbt km yr they go (…) by the myriad, like

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962 /y-r-ʔ/ – /y-r-d/

early rain, 1.14 II 40 and par. (// ḫḏḏ; diff. Aartun StUL 72ff.: “die Tüchtigen /
Heldenhaften”, rdg kmyr < *kmy-r, extended *kmy).
/y-r-ʔ/ vb G: “to be afraid, frightened” (Hb. yrʔ, “to fear”, HALOT 433; Arab.
waʔara, “to frighten”, Hava 846. Tropper AuOr 14 1996 136ff.); ¶ par.: /ṯ-t-ʕ/,
/y-ʕ-r/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. yrả!, yrỉtn; prefc. yrảủn (scriptio plena: inf. yrāủnnV
[encl. or pn.] -n; Tropper UG 38, 481, 506, 622, 638).
G. To be afraid, frightened: yrả! bn ỉlm <m>t divine DN was afraid, 1.6 VI 30
(// ṯtʕ, yʕr; for the rdg see Tropper AuOr 14 1996 137 ff.); yrảủn ảlỉyn bʕl DN,
“The Most Powerful”, was frightened, 1.5 II 6 (// ṯtʕ{.}nn); in bkn ctx.: yrỉtn,
yrbʕm PN (Sem. Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 548; Gröndahl PTU 42, 64f., 109,
179; Fronzaroli UF 11 1979 277; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166).
PN: 3.13:7 (ảrny); 4.232:38; 4.764:10.
/y-r-d/ vb G: “to go down, descend” (Hb., Ph., Pun. yrd, “to go down”, HALOT
434f.; “to descend”, DNWSI 468f.; Ebla cf. /yurdu/ū/ in u9-ru12-du, “to go
down”, Krebernik QuSem 18 144; cf. ri-da(-DN) impv. (?), Müller Biling. 178;
Akk. (w)arādu, “hinab-, herabsteigen”, AHw 1462f.; “to go or come down”,
CAD A/2 212ff.; OSA wrd, “to go down”, SD 162; Arab. warada, “to come, arrive”,
AEL 2935f.; Eth. warada, “to descend, go down”, CDG 617); ¶ par.: /m-t/,
/š-p-l/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. yrd, yrt; prefc. ảrd, trd, yrd, nrd; suff. yrdnn; impv.
rd; act. ptc. pl. yrdm, f. yrdt (for šrd cf. /š-r-d/).
G. To go down, descend: ★a) yrdn gṯrm the (two) DN went down, 1.112:18; b
ḥlmh ỉl yrd in his dream DN came down, 1.14 I 36; yrd krt l ggt and may PN
come down from the roof terraces, 1.14 II 26, cf. 1.14 IV 8; yrd l ksỉ yṯb l hdm he
came down from the throne, he sat down on the footstool, 1.5 VI 12; yrd ʕṯtr
ʕrẓ yrd l kḥṯ DN the terrible came down, came down from the throne, 1.6 I 63;
rd l mlk ảmlk come down from (your) kingdom so that I will reign, 1.16 VI 37
and par.; yrdt b ʕrgzm may they come down with aromatic plants, 1.24:42;
yrdt (…) ll. ảy who go down (…) each night, 1.24:44; l pnh yrd before him he
came down, 1.92:30; ★b) said of the descent of gods to the underworld: ʕmh
trd nrt ỉlm with her “the Luminary of the gods” went down, 1.6 I 8; b ph yrd
into his mouth he will fall, 1.5 II 4; l yrt b npš bn ỉlm mt do go down into the
fauces of divine DN, 1.5 I 6; ảrd b npšny I will go down to my place of souls, 1.2
III 20; ảṯr bʕl ả/nrd b ảrṣ after DN I / we will descend to the “Earth”, 1.5 VI 25/1.6
I 7; rd bt ḫpṯt go down to the netherworld house of “escapees”, 1.4 VIII 7 and
par.; ảrṣ rd ảrṣ rd to the “Earth” go down, to the “Earth” go down, 1.161:21–22
(// špl); tspr b yrdm ảrṣ number yourself among those who go down to the
underworld, 1.4 VIII 8–9 and par., cf. 1.114:22 (// km mt); in bkn ctx.: yrdm
[b ʕ]mq those who go down to the valley (?), 1.151:13; w yrdnn, 2.3:15; trd[,

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yrdt – yrḫ 963

Cf. yrdt.
yrdt n. f. “step, stair” (< /y-r-d/, poss. in complementary antithesis to mʕlt.
Emar Akk. /yar(a)dānātu/, “river-goddesses” < /y-r-d/, Pentiuc Vocabulary
86f. Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 143). ¶ Forms: pl. yrdt.
Step, stair: yrdt [m]dbḥt the steps of the altar, 1.39:20 (diff. Pardee RCU 69:
“then you will descend”, but see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564).
Cf. /y-r-d/.
yrgb, TN (?), see yrgbbʕl.
yrgbbʕl royal ritual PN (cf. /r-g-b/, bʕl (II); cf. Qat. PN yhrgb, CSAI 21). De Moor
UF 1 1969 188; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979
756; Pardee UBL 12 273ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 14 1996 11 ff.).
Royal ritual PN, ★a) in a list of gods: yrgbbʕl, 1.102:16, 24; ★b) in the royal
titulary: yrgb{.}bʕl, 1.6 VI 58 (diff. Astour RSP 2 291; Van Soldt Topography 26:
TN (?); for the var. opinions cf. Del Olmo AuOr 19 2001 298).
Cf. rgbt.
yrgbhd royal ritual PN (< /r-g-b/, hd(d). De Moor UF 1 1969 188; Dietrich-Loretz-
Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979 756; Pardee UBL 12 273ff.; Del
Olmo AuOr 14 1996 11ff.).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: y<r>gbhd, 1.102:15.
Cf. rgbt.
yrgblỉm royal ritual PN (< /r-g-b/, lỉm (II). De Moor UF 1 1969 188; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7 1975 545; Stamm UF 11 1979 756; Pardee UBL 12 273ff.;
Del Olmo AuOr 14 1996 11ff.; Watson ibid. 99).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: yrgblỉm, 1.102:22.
Cf. rgbt.
yrġmbʕl royal ritual PN (Sem.; /r-ġ-m/, bʕl (II). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1975 546; Stamm UF 11 1979 756f.; Pardee UBL 12 273ff.; Del Olmo AuOr 14
1996 11ff., 99).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: yrġmbʕl, 1.102:26.
yrġmỉl royal ritual PN (Sem.; < */r-ġ-m/, ỉl (I). Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 7
1975 546; Stamm UF 11 1979 756f.; Del Olmo AuOr 14 1996 11 ff., 99).
Royal ritual PN, in a list of gods: yrġmỉl, 1.102:19.
yrḫ n. m. 1) “moon”; 2) DN, the “Moon” god; 3) “month” (Hb., Ph., OAram., Palm.,
Nab. yrḥ, “month”, “moon”, HALOT 437f.; “moon”, “month”, DNWSI 469 ff.;
JPAram. yrḥ, “new moon, month”, DJPA 245; Amor. /ya:eraḫ/, DN, Gelb
CAAA 21; Akk. (w)arḫu, “Mond”, “Monat”, AHw 1466 f.; “moon”, “month”, CAD
A/2 259ff.; OSA wrḫ, “month”, SD 162; Eth. warḫ, “moon, month”, CDG 617);
¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /yariḫ/ in PNN. Sivan GAGl 289; ¶ par.: šnt (I), ym
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. yrḫ; du./pl. yrḫm.
1) Moon, as a heavenly body, in omens: [hm yrḫ …] b ḥdṯ yrḫ [if the moon …]

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964 yrḫ

on the new moon, 1.163:2, cf. ln. 10; if yh yrḫ kslm the moon wanes on both
sides, 1.163:4; [h]m ṯlṯ{.}ỉd ynphy yrḫ b yrḫ ảḫrm [i]f three times the moon is
seen in the month (?), then [, 1.163:5 (Pardee TR/2 863, 869 f.: “dans la lune”);
hm yrḫ b ʕl[ yh] if the moon in its ascension, 1.163:12, 14.
2) DN, the “Moon” god (Wiggins UF 30 1998 761ff.), ★a) in lists of gods: yrḫ,
1.102:4; 1.118:13; yrḫ kṯy, 1.102:14, cf. 1.123:7: yrḫm kρ y; yrḫ w ksả, 1.123:6; ★b) as
a (male) deity in myth and legend: yrḫ nyr šmm DN, “the Luminary of the
heavens”, 1.24:16 and par.); yrḫ zbl Prince DN, 1.15 II 4; qrt zbl yrḫ, the city
of Prince DN, 1.19 IV 2 and par.; ỉk ảl yḥdṯ yrḫ is it not certain that (now)
DN renews himself?, 1.18 IV 9; yrḫ yṯkḥ yḥbq DN inflames (and) embraces,
1.24:4; tn nkl yrḫ ytrḫ allow DN1 to marry DN2, 1.24:17–18; ảḫr nkl yrḫ ytrḫ with
DN1, DN2 gets married, 1.24:33; nkl w ỉb d ảšr ảr yrḫ w yrḫ yảrk DN1 and DN2,
whom I sing, is the light of DN3: may DN3 illuminate you!, 1.24:38–39; ảmt
yrḫ maidservant of DN, 1.12 I 15; ★c) in incantations: bl ʕm yrḫ lrgth take(it)
to DN in TN, 1.100:26; yrḫ w ršp y!ỉsp ḥmt DN and DN, remove the venom,
1.107:40; ★d) as recipient of offerings: yrḫ gdlt DN, a cow, 1.39:14; l yrḫ gdlt to
DN a cow, 1.87:28, cf. 1.39:14, 19; yrḫ š DN, a ram, 1.109:17, cf. 1.148:29 and par.;
š l yrḫ a ram to DN, 1.111:7; l yrḫ š to DN a ram, 1.130:12, cf. 1.162:10; ṯql ḫrṣ l špš
w yrḫ a shekel of gold to DN and DN, 1.43:11, 14; ymt špš w yrḫ the days of DN
and DN, 1.108:26; yʕdb yrḫ gbh DN prepares (his piece of) loin, 1.114:4.
3) Month, ★a) as a division of the lunar calendar: yrḫ ỉbʕlt / ỉṯb / ỉtṯbnm /
gn / ḥlt / ḫyr / mgmr / pgrm / rỉš yn / šỉ[ y, nql, ḫytr (?) (Cohen CC 378; Vita
AntSém III 50f.; Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 14 375; Del Olmo AuOr 28 2010 133);
dbḥ kl yrḫ monthly sacrifice, 1.127:1, cf. 4.316:5; if three times is seen yrḫ b yrḫ
ảḫrm the moon in the month (?), then [, 1.163:5; ★b) as a measure of time:
yṯb dnỉl [ ys]pr yrḫh yrḫ yrḫ ṯn PN sat down to count her months: one month,
a second month, 1.17 II 43–44; ʕm bn ỉl tspr yrḫm with the sons of DN you
shall count months, 1.17 VI 29 (// šnt); ššlmt yrḫ l klt monthly supplementary
delivery for the bride (?), 4.786:5 (diff. Watson PIHANS 114 167 (with survey):
“a golden fleece for PN / the bride”, Akk. ajaraḫḫe < Hurr. ḫiaruḫḫe, “golden”);
service ṯlrb nn. yrḫm ṯ. nn. months, 4.95:3–10; mn yrḫ k mrṣ (…) ṯlṯ yrḫm how
many months since he fell ill? (…) three months, 1.16 II 19/22; ym ymm yʕtqn
l ymm l yrḫm one day and more (: two) passed, the days became months,
1.6 II 27; l [ y]mm l yrḫm l yrḫm l šnt the days became months, the months
became years, 1.6 V 7 and par.; cook mġd ṯdṯ yrḫm food (until) the sixth
month, 1.14 II 31 and par.; nbšt yrḫ young (animals) of one month, 1.130:17;
tqln ảlpm yrḫ two month-old head of cattle were felled, 1.109:5, cf. 1.46:11.
In bkn ctx.: b yrḫ šỉ[ y, 1.87:54; tšlḥm yrḫ ggn, 1.92:16; yrḫ, 4.221:2–4; b yrḫ,
4.246:1; ] yrḫ, 8.59:1; yrḫm, 1.17 II 46.
Cf. ʕbdyrġ, ʕbdyrḫ, yrḫm.

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yrḫm – yrm 965

yrḫm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 79, 145; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 163; diff.
Dietrich-Loretz OLZ 62 1967 548); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ri-ḫi-ma-nu, Ug 5 86 (RS
20.176):24. Sivan GAGl 289.
PN: 4.360:4.
yrk n. m. “body back part, flank” > “side, slope” (Hb. yrk, “upper thigh”, “side”,
HALOT 439; Ebla /warikum/ in ÍB.ÁŠ = wa-rí-gú-um, wa-rí<-gú>-um, VE 864;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 33; Conti SQF 204; Arab. warik, “what is above the
thigh”, “haunch, hip”, AEL 3052. De Moor UF 3 1971 350); ¶ par.: mslmt.
¶ Forms: sg. yrk.
Body back part, flank > side, slope: k yptḥ yrk hnd when this side (of the liver)
was opened, 1.143:3 (Dietrich-Loretz(-Mayer) MU 6 ff., 265 ff.; diff. Pardee
TR/2 773f.: “lorsque ce mois devait ‘ouvrir’”, rdg yrḫ); in unc ctx.: yrk tʕl b
ġr, 1.10 III 27 (// mslmt. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564: “she went up the mountain’s
flank”); for lk l pny yrk bʕl, 1.82:10, cf. ln. 38, see /y-r-y/ (diff. De Moor-Spronk
UF 16 1984 242: “to bind” < *rky).
yrkt n. f. “support, beam” > “rear, back part” by sem. shift (?) (Hb. yrkt, “inner-
most part (of a house)”, HALOT 439, see ṣlʕ, “supporting beams”; cf. Akk.
(w)arkatu, “Hinterteil, Rückseite (von Gebäuden)”, AHw 1467f.; “rear side (of
a building)”, CAD A/2 274ff. Del Olmo IMC 94, for this and other opinions);
¶ par.: lbnt. ¶ Forms: sg. yrkt.
Support, beam (?), in unc. ctx.: ṯm tpl (…) k yrkt ʕṯqbm there ash trees have
fallen (…), like beams (?), 1.13:14 (// lbnt. See Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 240 n. 50:
“like the thighs of ash trees”, // lbnt, “bones”; diff. Caquot EI 14 1978 15 f.:
“comme dans une fosse / comme d’une hauteur”, Hb. yrkh; De Moor UF 3
1971 350; UF 12 1980 306: “(winged) samara, winglet”, Hb. yrk, “haunch”, see
yrm PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 50, 63, 182; Von Soden UF 2 1970 271;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 30; Watson AuOr 13 1995 229; Van Soldt
SAU 8, 29); ¶ syll.: ia-ri-mu/mi/mì, PRU 3 66 (RS 16.252):12 (Van Soldt SAU 41);
PRU 3 137 (RS 15.190):9 (Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3 152 (RS 16.201) rev. 7
(Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3 165 (RS 16.384):22 (Van Soldt SAU 24); PRU 3 166
(RS 16.386):19 (Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 4 236 (RS 17.248):10 (cf. ibid. ln. 3,
5); Ug 5 95 (RS 20.01):1, 11; ia-ri-im-mu/mi/mì//ma, PRU 3 39 (RS 16.61):7–8;
PRU 3 60 (RS 16.141):7 and passim ibid.; PRU 3 62 (RS 16.156):21 (Van Soldt
SAU 24); PRU 3 123 (RS 15.145):22 (Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3 125 (RS 15.147):20
(Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3 138 (RS 16.86) rev. 4 (Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3
147 (RS 16.172):6; PRU 3 156 (RS 16.243):24 (Van Soldt SAU 22); PRU 3 193
(RS 12.34+):15, 22; PRU 3 173 (RS 16.240) obv. 1; PRU 4 236 (RS 17.248):3, 5; Ug
5 5 (RS 17.22+). Sivan GAGl 266.
PN: ★a) 3.20:4, 9; 4.124:4 (bn ʕšq); 4.214 III 19; 5.1:15; ★b) bn PN, 3.10:14; 3.30:8.

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966 yrmʕl – yrq

Cf. yrmn.
yrmʕl PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 42, 108, 182; Von Soden UF 2 1970 271;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 30; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166).
PN: 4.338:4.
yrmbʕl PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 42, 117, 182; Von Soden UF 2 1970
271; Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 30; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 160);
¶ syll.: cf. ia-ri-im-dIM, PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 7. Sivan GAGl 266.
PN: yrm{.}bʕl, 4.321:3 (bn kky).
Cf. yrmhd.
yrmhd PN (Sem. etym. unc. Von Soden UF 2 1970 271; Dietrich-Loretz-San-
martín UF 6 1974 30; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 162); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ri-im-dIM,
PRU 6 51 (RS 17.426) rev. 7. Sivan GAGl 266.
PN: 2.70:4.
Cf. yrmbʕl.
yrml TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 346; syll. vacat). Heltzer RCAU 11; Astour UF 13
1981 8f.; RSOu 11 67; Van Soldt Topography 26, 176); ¶ syll.: cf. URU [[ia-]]ar-
me-le, PRU 6 78 (RS 19.41):16–22.
TN: 4.648:6, 7, 8 and passim ibid. ln. 17–23 (erased yrml[[ y]], ln. 17; 4.693:48
(diff. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 17: mr[ỉ]l); for 4.648:16, cf. yrmly.
yrmly PN (< *GN < yrml, TN).
PN, in bkn ctx.: ] yrmly qrtym PNN (?) and] Y.: (two (?)) GN, 4.648:16 (cf.
yrml[[ y]], 4.648:17, PN qrty, ibid. ln. 24).
yrmn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 183; Von Soden UF 2 1970 271;
Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 30; ¶ syll.: ia/ya-ri-ma-nu/na, Syria 18
247 (RS 8.146):26 (Berger WO 5 1969–1970 281); PRU 3 204 (RS 16.257+) IV 38;
PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):13 (Van Soldt SAU 38); PRU 6 138 (RS 19.46):4; Ug 5 4
(RS 17.20):12 (Van Soldt SAU 30); Ug 5 6 (RS 17.149):8, 16; ia-ri-im-ma-nu, PRU 6
51 (RS 17.426) rev. 10'; cf. Sivan GAGl 266.
PN: ★a) 4.35 II 19 (bn ʕn. Van Soldt SAU 38); 4.159:2; 4.282:13; 4.755:2; 5.1:9;
★b) bn PN, 4.232 (II) 8; for bn ʕ[ (:(?) Yarimmānu), 4.66:9, cf. Van Soldt SAU
Cf. yrm.
yrpủ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 59, 62, 180). ¶ Forms: yrpủ, genitive yrpỉ.
PN: 4.617 I 22; ṣṣ yrpỉ salt mine of PN, 4.344:18.
yrq n. m. “greenish yellow (a metal / gold)” (Hb. yrq, yrwq, “greens, greenery”,
HALOT 440, 437; yrqrq, “yellow-green, pale”, said of gold, HALOT 441; Ebla
Krebernik PET 50f.; Conti QuSem 15 70 n. 188; Bonechi MisEb 1 150; Pagan
ARES 3 191; cf. ÍB.ÁŠ = wa-rí-gúm(/-um, /-gú-um), VE 864; ARET 9 409;
ŠE.SU.SU.SU.SAR = da-da-ma-du wa-rí-gi, VE 968; cf. A.MÚ = su-da-ra-gu
(/šutawraqum/), VE 618; cf. Krebernik ZA 73 1983 24; ŠÈ.LI.ZA = ù-ra-gu,

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yrqn – yrṯ (i) 967

MEE 3 45–46 obv. III 8 = MEE 3 61 II 4; Civil 158: Mari Akk. urāku; Akk.
(w)arqu, “gelb-grün, Grün”, AHw 1470f.; “yellow, green”, CAD A/2 300 ff.; OSA
wrq, “vegetable plot”, “gold”, SD 162; Arab. wariq, “silver”, šağar wāriq, “trees
having leaves”, ʔawraq, “dusky white”, AEL 3051 f.; Eth. warq, “gold”, CDG 618:
“gold”. Dietrich-Loretz MU 191f.; Pardee CS/1 290 n. 7); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element
/yarq-/ in PNN, see A.ŠÀ.MEŠ ia-ar-qa-ni, PRU 3 148 (RS 16.178):9. Sivan
GAGl 289; Huehnergard UVST 134; Van Soldt SAU 304; Watson LSU 135: Hurr.
ajjaraḫḫe, ḫiaruḫḫe; ¶ par.: ksp. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. yrq.
Greenish yellow (a metal / gold): qḥ ksp w yrq ḫrṣ yd mqmh take silver and
yellow gold together with the place where it is found, 1.14 III 22 and par.
(cf. Hb. yrqrq ḥrwṣ; Akk. ḫurāṣu arqu; Dietrich-Loretz UF 10 1978 427f.; diff.
Vervenne UF 19 1987 366f.: yrq ḫrṣ: “glitter of gold”; Stehlik UF 38 2006 668:
“granulate gold”); dt yrq nqby my caparisons (those) of gold, 1.19 II 5 and par.
(// ksp); [hm] yrḫ b ʕlyh yrq if the moon in its ascension is (: appears) greenish
yellow, 1.163:14.
yrqn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 343: *Yarqānu; cf. ibid. p. 403; Astour Fs Gor-
don 1980 7; Van Soldt Topography 26, 176; Belmonte Fs. Watson 105); ¶ syll.:
URU ia-ar-qa-ni, PRU 4 48ff. (RS 17.340+):14; i-ia-ar-qa-ni, PRU 4 63 ff.
(RS 17.237+):22.
TN: proposed rdg bn [PN d yṯb b yr]qn (?) in 4.382:21 (Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998
yrt, 4.138:4 (?), cf. yrṯ (II); in bkn ctx. yrtx[: 4.677:3.
/y-r-ṯ/ vb G: “to inherit, possess”; Gt: “to take possession” (Hb., OAram., Palm.
yrš, “to take possession”, “to be heir”, HALOT 441 f.; DNWSI 471 f.; Syr. yrt,
“to inherit, to take into possession”, SL585; Emar Akk. /turiṯ/, /turṯā/, G
prefc., *w:yrṯ “to inherit”, Pentiuc Vocabulary 183; Arab. wariṯa, “to inherit”,
AEL 2934; Eth. warasa, “inherit”, CDG 618; cf. Akk. rašû, “bekommen, erhal-
ten, erwerben”, AHw 961ff.; “acquire, obtain”, CAD R 193ff. Dikjstra UF 26 1994
121); ¶ syll. Ug.: element /yariṯ-/ in PNN. Sivan GAGl 289, 292. ¶ Forms: G
prefc. suff. ảrṯm (encl. -m); act. ptc. yrṯ (cf. yrṯ); Gt ỉtrṯ.
G. To inherit, possess: ảrtm pḏh may I inherit his gold, 1.2 I 19, 35; yrṯy
[n]ʕmh dmrn “The Powerful One” (?) wanted to possess (?) her beauty, 1.92:30
(Dijkstra UF 26 1994 117, 121).
Gt. To take possession: ỉtrṯ ḫrṣ I shall take possession of the gold, 1.3 III 47
(see Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564).
Cf. mrṯ (II), /r-ṯ-y/, yrṯ (I), yrṯ (II).
yrṯ (I) n. m. “heir” (< /y-r-ṯ/. Emar Akk. yara/āṯu/, “heir, inheritor”, Pentiuc
Vocabulary 139f. Verreet UF 19 1987 333; Watson Historiae 10 2013 36); ¶ par.:
špḥ. ¶ Forms: sg. yrṯ; suff. yrṯy (?).
Heir, in coll. sense, succession: klhn špḥ yỉtbd w b pḫyrh yrṯ in their entirety

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968 yrṯ (ii) – ysmsm

the family perished, and in its totality the heir / succession, 1.14 I 25 (// špḥ);
in unc. ctx.: bʕl yḥmdnh yrṯy, 1.92:29.
yrṯ (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 62, 145; Berger WO 5 1969–1970 281); ¶ syll.: cf.
ia-ri-ši, PRU 6 82 (RS 17.242):17. Sivan GAGl 292.
PN: 4.154:6; 4.188:15 (Van Soldt SAU 36).
/y-r-y/ vb G: “to fire, shoot arrows” (Hb. yrh, “to throw, cast”, “to shoot”, HALOT
436; OSA wrw, “to attack”, SD 162; Arab. warra, warrā, Dozy 801; Eth. warawa,
“inherit, confiscate”, CDG 618). ¶ Forms: G prefc. yr.
G. To fire, shoot arrows: yr šmmh yr b šmm ʕṣr he shot skywards, in the sky he
shot a bird, 1.23:38; in unc. ctx.: yr klyth w lbh he fires his kidneys and heart,
1.82:3; lk l pny yrk bʕl, run away in front of me (and) let Baʕlu fire it!, 1.82:10,
cf. ln. 3, 38 (Del Olmo AuOr 29 2011 247; diff. De Moor-Spronk UF 16 1984 242:
“to bind”, *rky).
yry PN (etym. unc.)
PN: 5.1:14; in bkn ctx.: yry[, 4.647:4.
yryt n. f. “coral” (?) (Akk. (ay) yartu, “weisse Koralle” (?), AHw 24, 412; a shell,
probably “the cowrie”, CAD A/1 228. Watson LSU 114). ¶ Forms: pl. yryt.
Coral (?): yryt dqt (…) yryt ảdrt (…) tiny coral(s) (…), corals of good quality
(…), 4.411:3, 6.
ysd, in bkn ctx.: ysdk, 1.4 III 6 (cf. msdt).
ys/śd PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 16, 102, 133, 146; Benz PNPPI 323).
PN: ★a) ysd, 4.93 IV 2; ★b) bn ysd, 4.63 I 32; 4.377:12; ★c) bn yśd, 4.106:10;
★d) in the composite toponym: gt yśd, 4.139:7 (RGTC 12/2 95); in bkn ctx.
yś[: 4.178:9.
ysm (I) adj. m. “handsome, pleasant” (< */y-s-m/; Arab. wasīm, “comely”, Hava
870; Akk. wasmu, wussumu, “angemessen (gestaltet)”, AHw 1474, 1498; “fit-
ting, proper”, CAD A/2 337); ¶ par.: nʕm. ¶ Forms: pl. ysmm.
Handsome, pleasant: ỉqrả ỉlm (…) ysmm I am going to sing to the gods (…)
the pleasant ones, 1.23:2.
Cf. tsm, ysm (II), ysmsm, ysmt.
ysm (II) n. m. “elegance” (< */y-s-m/; Arab. wasāmat, “beauty of the face”,
Hava 870; Akk. (w)usmu, “Angemessenheit”, AHw 1497; something fitting,
appropriate, suitable, CAD U/W 279f.). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. ysmm (encl. -m)
Elegance: [b] nʕmm b ysmm ḥbl kṯrt with the grace, with the elegance of
the band of the DN, 1.10 II 30 and par. (diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564: “the
handsome ones”, ysm (I)).
Cf. tsm, ysm (I), ysmsmt, ysmt.
ysmsm adj. m. “handsome” (< ysm (I), /qtltl/ pattern). ¶ Forms: sg. ysmsm.
Handsome: ảḫh k ysmsm (the beauty of) of its brother, so handsome, 1.96:3.

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ysmsmt – /y-ṣ-ʔ/ 969

Cf. ysm (I).

ysmsmt n. f. “handsomeness, the best part”, used as a noun (< ysmsm; cf. ysmt;
diff. Watson UF 10 1978 398f.; AuOr 29 2011 158: “blanket saddle” (?), Akk.
asmātu); ¶ par.: nʕmy (I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ysmsmt (in 1.19 II 11: ysmsm<t>)
Handsomeness, the best part: yštn ảṯrt (…) l ysmsmt bm pḥl and they put
DN (…) on the best (part) of the ass’s hindquarters, 1.4 IV 15, see 1.19 II 11
(Watson AuOr 29 2011 158: “blanket(-saddle)”); mddt (…) ysmsmt ʕrš ḫllt
female friends (…) of the handsomeness of the bed of procreation, 1.17 II 42
(// nʕmy).
ysmt n. f. “handsomeness, beauty” (< ysm (II); cf. ysmsmt. Arab. wasāmat,
“beauty of the face”, Hava 870); ¶ par.: nʕmy (I). ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. ysmt.
Handsomeness, beauty: mġny (…) l ysmt šd šḥlmmt we reached (…) the
handsomeness of the fields of “Mortality-Shore”, 1.5 VI 7 and par. (// nʕmy).
Cf. ysm (II).
ysny PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313 for sny, PN; Zadok OLA 28 78 for
Hb. snʔh, PN; diff. De Moor JNES 24 1965 358 n. 28, vb G: “to increase”, Arab.
saniya; Cunchillos TOu/2 323 n. 12: “mon écuyer”, rdg [ḫ]sny, with other rdgs).
PN, in unc. ctx.: ysny ủḏrh PN is his messenger, 2.30:15 (diff. Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 237: “[h]e augment (sic) his ‘vow’ (?)”).
Cf. sny.
ysr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 146).
PN: bn PN, 4.281:29.
/y-ṣ-ʔ/ vb G: “to go out, appear”; Š: “to make (someone) leave, take out”, “set free”;
“to provide, deliver” (Hb., Ph., Pun. yṣʔ, “to come out”, HALOT 425 ff.; “to go
out”, DNWSI 465; EA Akk. yi-ṣa: li-sà-ḫír, EAT 151:70, “to go out”, DNWSI 465;
Sivan GAGl 292; Ebla cf. ŠU.DU = wa-za(-ù)-um, wa-zu-um, VE 507; Krebernik
ZA 73 1983 18; QuSem 18 139; Conti QuSem 13 164 (diff. Fronzaroli EL 152; StEb
7 1984 196; Conti SQF 144: /waṣaʔum/ “posare, reporre”, Akk. uzzuzu); cf. zé
inf. cstr. /ṣiʔ/, Fronzaroli EL 153; StEb 7 1984 180; Conti QuSem 15 73 n. 221;
da-za-a /taṣṣaʔā/, Fronzaroli EL 139; u9-za, Krebernik ZA 73 1983 19 n. 65;
PNN Krebernik PET 60; Müller Biling. 178, 180f., 184, 194; Pagan ARES 3 187;
Conti MisEb 1 61f.; Š inf. cf. MA.RA.DAG = sa-zu(-wa)-tum(/du-um), VE 822;
Amor. /y/w-ṣ-ʔ/, “to go out”, Gelb CAAA 22; Akk. (w)aṣû, “hinausgehen”, AHw
1475ff.; “to leave, depart”, CAD A/2 356ff.; OSA wḍʔ, “to come out”, SD 156f.;
Eth. waḍʔa, waṣʔa, “to go out”, CDG 605f.; cf. Syr. yʕy, “to sprout, grow”,
SL 577f.); ¶ syll. Ug.: (…) ZÍZ.AN.NA ša i-ṣa-ʔa, PRU 6 101 (RS 19.130):4; cf.
Kühne UF 5 1973 188f.; Huehnergard UVST 133; Van Soldt SAU 304, 437, 442.
¶ Forms: G prefc. yṣả, yṣảt; prefc. tṣỉ, tṣủ, yṣủ, yṣỉ, yṣỉn, yṣản[; alloph. impv.
ẓỉ (1.12 I 14, 19); inf. ṣảt (cf. ṣảt); Š prefc. šṣả, šṣảt (?); prefc. ảšṣỉ, yšṣỉ; act. ptc.

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970 yṣủ (i)

G. ★a) To go out, emerge, appear: b ph rgm l yṣả the word had not yet gone
out from his mouth, 1.19 II 26 and par.; bddy yṣả [x] yṣả w l yṣả disconnected
did (the message) try to emerge, but it did not emerge (?), 1.19 II 28–29; w yṣỉ
(…) w yṣỉ ʕdn mʕ and let (…) go out … and let the troops go out as one, 1.14
II 32–34; tṣỉ / yṣảt km rḥ npšh (his soul) may go / goes out like a breath, 1.18.
IV 24/36; w tṣủ (…) k qṭr ủrbtm and it will go out (…) like smoke through a
skylight, 1.169:3; w tṣủ l pn ql ṯʕy and out you go at the voice of the exorcist
/ officiant, 1.169:2 (diff. Ford UF 34 2002 155, 161: “(then) you be expelled”);
ảḫth šỉb yṣảt his sister had gone out to draw water, 1.16 I 51; pnh ṯġr yṣủ his
face appeared at / round the door, 1.16 I 53; yṣỉ trḫ ḥdṯ let the newly wed go
out, 1.14 II 47; ʕlm tṣủ šlḥm[t] next (day), will go out the provisions, 1.106:28;
[w l]bh b ph yṣủ, if its entrails emerge through its mouth, 1.103:51, cf. ln. 45; w
dʕ k yšả[t] ảp mlkt and take notice that the queen also left, 2.88:38; w ảt bpk
ảl yṣỉ mhk, 2.88:39 and as for you, nothing must come out from your mouth,
see ln. 22; ★b) to go, elapse: ẓỉ ảt (…) w ẓỉ b ảln you go out (…) and go to
the oak grove, 1.12 II 14/19; yrḫ yrḫ ṯn yṣỉ one month and another elapsed,
1.17 II 44; in bkn ctx: w ảl tṣủ and they shall not go out (?), 1.164:19; ★c) in a
commercial sense: šmn d l yṣả bt mlk oil that did / did not go from the palace,
In bkn ctx.: yṣả, 1.2 IV 30; 1.164:19 (Pardee TR/2 834, rdg [-]ṣủ wḥl; rdg [t]ṣủ w
ḥl, (if) they go out, there will be desacralisation (?)); yṣản[, 1.165:3; yṣỉ, 1.92:6;
1.166:21; yṣỉn, 2.54:2: yṣủ, 2.31:36; tṣỉ, 2.8:2; yṣả[ 4.193:3, 8; 4.192:2.
Š. To make (someone / something) go out, take out, free; to supply, deliver:
[š]ṣảt k rḥ npšhm she made his soul go out like a breath, 1.19 II 38 and par.;
rʕy šṣả ỉdn ly (so that) my friend may provide me with an authorisation (?),
2.15:5; bd rb ḥršm d šṣả ḥwyh by the hands of the chief of the assemblers, who
delivered (it) to the storehouse, 4.145:10; l ảrṣ mšṣủ qṭrh from the “earth” sets
free his smoke / spirit, 1.17 I 27 and par. (// ʕpr; alt., to the “earth / underworld”
leads out his smoke / spirit; cf. Wyatt RTU 256 n. 30); dʕ k šṣủ ảšṣ!ủ hn mrṯ
d štt ảšṣủ b ldtk know that herewith I will assign the estate (?) as (legally)
established, I will assign when you give birth, 2.34:30–32; ảnk ảšṣủ I shall
take out, 2.3:17; in bkn ctx.: ]tk yšṣỉ, 1.15 V 24; ]šṣủ ṯh ʕmk, 2.107:10.
Cf. mšṣủ, ṣảt, yṣủ (I), yṣủ (II), ẓủ.
yṣủ (I) n. m. “exit, departure” (< /y-ṣ-ʔ/. Hoftijzer-Van Soldt UF 23 1991 192);
¶ par.: ʕrb (I). ¶ Forms: sg. yṣủ, yṣỉ; suff. yṣỉhm.
Exit, departure: ʕrb [b]th ytn w yṣủ l ytn entry to his house was permitted but
exit was not permitted, 1.15 II 10 (// ʕrb (I)); b yṣỉh[m] when they leave (lit. on
their departure), 3.8:9; in bkn ctx.: yṣỉ ġlh tḥmd, she desired …, 1.92:6 (Dijkstra
UF 26 1994 117: “the produce of her thicket (DN) she desired”).
Cf. /y-ṣ-ʔ/.

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yṣủ (ii) – /y-ṣ-m/ 971

yṣủ (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 62, 146; Watson Fs. Sanmartín 449). ¶ Forms:
genitive yṣỉ.
PN: bn yṣỉ, 4.75 VI 6.
/y-ṣ-b/ vb D: “to load (a bow)”; N “to be, remain loaded” (allom. of /n-ṣ-b/; cf. Hb.
yṣb hitp., “to take one’s stand firmly”, HALOT 427; Arab. waṣāba, “to be firm,
settled”, Hava 873. De Moor(-Spronk) ARTU 236; CARTU 144; diff. Margalit
UF 15 1983 82f.: “to covet”, Syr. ṣbō, Akk. ṣabū, Arab. ṣabā). ¶ Forms: G suffc.
yṣbt; N tṣb.
D. To load (a bow): tṣb qšt she loads / loaded the bow, 1.17 VI 13.
N. To be, remain loaded: yṣbt [qšt] (the bow) remained loaded, 1.17 VI 9 (diff.
Margalit OLP 19 1988 73: “to grasp”, Akk. ṣabātu).
Cf. /n-ṣ-b/.
yṣb PN, eldest son of king krt (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 22, 50, 59, 62, 169; Watson
UF 11 1979 807ff.; AuOr 29 2002 234; Wyatt UF 17 1985 384f.; Greenstein
UNP 44 n. 65); ¶ syll.: ia-ṣú-ba, PRU 3 165 (RS 16.386):2'; cf. i[a?]-ṣa-[bu], PRU 6
138 (RS 19.46):15. Sivan GAGl 254, 292).
PN: tld yṣb ġlm (for you) she will bear Prince PN, 1.15 II 25; ảp yṣb yṯb b hkl PN
also sat in (his) palace, 1.16 VI 25; lk l ảbk yṣb, go to your father, PN, 1.16 VI 27;
ytbʕ yṣb ġlm Noble PN left, 1.16 VI 39; ymlk [ y]ṣb ʕln PN will reign over us, 1.15
V 21.
yṣḥ n. m. “worker who prepares or sizes textiles” // alt. “metal-worker, bronze-
smith” (cf. MHb. ṣḥṣḥ, “to polish, furbish, clarify”, “to furbish the smith arms
by putting them in cold water”, DTT 1273. Sanmartín AfO 34 1987 54 ff.; cf.
Arab. waḍaḥa, AEL 2946; Van Soldt UF 22 1990 353; McGeough ERU 115 f.;
diff. Heltzer IOKU 163ff.: “herold(s)” [sic]); ¶ RS Akk.: see LÚ.MEŠ.AŠGAB,
4.836:9 (Bordreuil-Pardee RSOu 18 48). ¶ Forms: pl. yṣḥm.
Worker who prepares or sizes textiles // alt. metal-worker, bronzesmith:
yṣḥm sizers // metal-workers, 4.47:7; 4.68:67; 4.126:10; 4.99:19; 4.105:2; 4.207:5;
4.692:8; 4.837:8; 4.838:11; ṯn yṣḥm two sizers // metal-workers, 4.147:5; ỉršt
yṣḥm request of the sizers // metal-workers, 4.626:1 (cf. ảbn ṣrp, pwt, ṯlṯ (IV));
tgmr yṣḥm (…) bnš mlk total of the sizers // metal-workers: (so many: all
of them) “the king’s men”, 4.151 II 1; yṣḥm bd PN sizers // metal-workers
entrusted to PN, 4.609:9; ủbdy yṣḥm lands leased to the sizers, 4.692:1; mỉtm
l yṣḥm two hundred for the y., 4.395:18 (diff. rdg ḫlġl, Vita AoF 34 2007 183:
“herald”, Hurr. ḫil(l)-, “to speak”, ḫilaḫuli, “orator”; so also Watson UF 40 2008
552; UF 42 2010 826).
yṣḥn PN (Sem. Cf. /ṣ-ḥ/).
PN: bn yṣḥn[, 4.692:1:14!.
/y-ṣ-m/ vb G: “to curse” (Arab. waṣama, “to spoil, mar”, Hava 875. Renfroe
AULS 160; diff. Margalit UF 7 1975 302 n. 19: “to dam”, cf. *ṣm(m)). ¶ Forms:
prefc. yṣm.

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972 yṣmḫ – yšmʕ

G. To curse: mlk yṣm the king cursed TN, 1.19 III 46.
yṣmḫ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 89, 189).
PN: bn PN, 4.12:4; 4.545 II 5.
/y-ṣ-q/ vb G: 1) “to pour (out), serve”; 2) “to smelt, cast”; Gpass.: “to be pour (out)”
(Hb. yṣq, “to pour out”, HALOT 428; cf. Ph. yṣq, “cast statue” (?), DNWSI 466);
¶ par.: /š-l-ḥ/ (II). ¶ Forms: G suffc. yṣq, prefc. yṣq, tṣq[, suff. yṣqm (encl. -m).
G. 1) To pour (out), serve: w yṣq hw l rỉš bt mlk and he poured it (: oil) upon
the head of the king’s daughter, 2.72:31; yṣq ʕmr ủn l rỉšh he poured ashes of
affliction on his head, 1.5 VI 14; yṣq b gl ḥtṯ yn he poured wine into a silver
cup, 1.14 IV 1.
2) To smelt, cast: yṣq ksp yšlḥ ḫrṣ yṣq ksp l ảlpm ḫrṣ yṣqm l rbbt yṣq ḫym w tbṯḫ
he smelted silver, melted gold, smelted silver by thousands (of shekels), gold
he smelted by the myriad, cast a canopy and a bed, 1.4 I 25–29; in bkn ctx.;
tṣq[, 1.16 II 13.
Gpass. To be pour (out): yṣq šmn šlm b ṣʕ “virgin” olive oil was poured into a
plate, 1.3 II 31, cf. 1.16 III 1, and in bkn ctx. 1.7:21; hn ym yṣq yn ṯmk behold, on
this day, wine of TN was served, 1.22 I 17; w yṣq b ảph and it will be poured into
its nostrils, 1.71:6 and passim in hippiatric texts (Watson LSU 72); yṣq ảḥdh b
ảph and it will be poured at the same time into its nostrils, 1.71:28 and par.
yṣr (I) n. m. “potter, ceramist” (ptc. act m. */y-ṣ-r/. Hb., Pun. yṣr, “potter”, “caster”,
HALOT 429; DNWSI 466; Ebla /wāṣirum/ in BAḪAR(x) = wa-zi-lu-um, VE 1012;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 36; Fronzaroli EL 152; Akk. ēṣiru, “Bildhauer”, AHw 253;
“carver of reliefs”, CAD E 350); ¶ RS Akk.: cf. LÚ.MEŠ.DUG.QA BUR (BÁḪAR),
PRU 3 205 (RS 15.172):9; RS 22.233:19; Huehnergard AkkUg 379; Van Soldt
SEL 12 1995 212; ¶ syll. Ug.: (LÚ) ia-ṣí-ru-ma, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) B I 12;
PRU 6 136 (RS 17.240):11; Sivan GAGl 292; Huehnergard UVST 134; in PNN rdg
ya-zi-ra(-na), // alph. yʕḏrn; Berger WdO 5 1969–1970 279; Van Soldt BiOr 46
1989 684; SAU 25 n. 03, 315 n. 120 (diff. Gröndahl PTU 146; Sivan GAGl 292:
/yāṣir-/). ¶ Forms: sg. yṣr; du. yṣrm; pl. yṣrm.
Potter, ceramist: PN yṣr potter, 4.46:11, 12; 4.339:24; 4.609:37, cf. in bkn ctx.
4.382:26, 27; yṣrm potters, 4.87:3; 4.99:11; 4.126:28; ṯn yṣrm two potters,
4.358:10; yṣr ảḥd one potter, 4.367:8.
Cf. yṣr (II).
yṣr (II) PN (Sem. > yšr (I), Gröndahl PTU 28, 62, 146; Berger WO 5 1969–1970
PN: bn PN, 4.90:10; in bkn ctx.: bn yṣr[, 4.86:5, 12.
yšb n. m. “resident” (?) (< /y-ṯ-b/). ¶ Forms: sg. yšb.
Resident (?), in unc. ctx.: gr yšb foreign resident (?), 5.22:28 (scribal exercise).
Cf. yṯb.
yšmʕ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 194; Fronzaroli UF 11 1979 279); ¶ syll.: cf.

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/y-š-n/ – ytm 973

ia-aš-me-[X], Syria 18 1937 246 (RS 8.145):29 (Berger WO 5 1969–1970 274);

ia-aš-mu-u, Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):45 (Van Soldt SAU 24); Huehnergard UVST 252.
PN: ★a) 4.715:21; ★b) bn PN, 4.69 VI 16; 4.245 I 8; 4.280:10; 4.682:2.
/y-š-n/ vb G: “to sleep, fall asleep” (Hb. yšn, “to fall asleep”, HALOT 447 f.;
Arab. wasina, “to sleep deeply, slumber”, Hava 870); ¶ syll. Ug.: the element
/yašinu/ in PNN. Sivan GAGl 292; ¶ par.: nhmmt. ¶ Forms: G prefc. yšn (or
inf. cf. // nhmmt).
G. To sleep, fall asleep: bm bkyh w yšn in his weeping he fell asleep, 1.14 I 31
(// nhmmt); l yšn pbl mlk king PN could not sleep, 1.14 III 15 and par.
Cf. šnt (II), yšn.
yšn PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 29, 146; Watson AuOr 13 1995 223; West AOAT 233
31: PN ya-sa-no, Linear B); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ši-nu, Syria 18 1937 247 (RS 8.146):3,
21. Sivan GAGl 292.
PN: 4.98:6 (Van Soldt SAU 26); 4.103:3, 58 (Van Soldt SAU 26, 36); 4.425:16 (Van
Soldt SAU 36); 4.753:10 (bn bʕln; cf. ia-ši-nu DUMU dIM-la-na, Syria 18 1937 247
(RS 8.146):3; Van Soldt SAU 17).
yšr (I) n. m. “uprightness, lawfulness” (< */y-š-r/. Hb. yšr, “to be straight, right”,
HALOT 450; Ebla cf. *yšr (S-L), Krebernik PET 63; Pagan ARES 3 193; cf.
/yiša/ārum/ in SI.SÁ = i-sa-lum, VE; 1119; Krebernik ZA 73 1983 39; QuSem
18 103; Fronzaroli EL 143; StEb 7 1984 187; Fronzaroli ARES 1 21); ¶ par.: ṣdq
(I). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. yšrh.
Uprightness, lawfulness: mtrḫt yšrh his lawful consort, 1.14 I 13 (// ṣdqh).
Cf. mšr.
yšr (II) PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. /š-r/ (I); yšr (I). Gröndahl PTU 146; West
AOAT 233 31: PN ya-sa-ro, Linear B; for the Ph.-Pun. PN yšr cf. Fantar CRAIBL
1988 508; Bonnet SEL 7 1990 122); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ši-ra, PRU 3 131 (RS 15.118):16.
Sivan GAGl 277.
PN: 4.780:16 (bn pdn); in bkn ctx.: yšr[, 4.50:6.
yšril PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43, 96, 146; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159).
PN: 4.623:3; in bkn ctx.: 2.46:14.
yt n. m. “?” (cf. Dietrich-Loretz UF 9 1977 338; Watson LSU 114: “overseer”;
AuOrS 27 97: “vessel used as a measure”); ¶ Forms: sg. yt; for ytm see ytn
?: ḫmš l ʕšrm yt ṯrn twenty-five y. ṯ, 4.786:3 (cf. Watson PIHANS 114 165 f.:
AuOrS 27 97: a measure, Hb. yn-m; McGeough UgET 591); in bkn ctx.: plg
yt [, 1.176:3; yt lḥk [, 1.176, 8; in unc. ctx.: PNN (…) yt, 4.339:28.
ytḥm PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 201).
PN: 4.63 I 22.
Cf. PN ỉltḥm.
ytm n. m. “orphan” (Hb. ytwm, “orphan”, HALOT 451; Ph. ytm, DNWSI 478; Syr.

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974 ytmt – /y-t-n/

yatmāʔ, “orphan”, SL 589; Arab. yatīm, “orphan”, Hava 901. Watson Historiae
10 2013 34); ¶ par.: ảlmnt. ¶ Forms: sg. ytm.
Orphan: yṯpṭ ṯpṭ ytm he passed judgment on the case of the orphan, 1.17 V 8
(// dn ảlmnt); l pnk l tšlḥm ytm in your presence you have not fed the orphan,
1.16 VI 49 (// ảlmnt).
Cf. ytmt.
ytmt n. f. “orphan girl” (cf. ytm. Syr. yatmātāʔ, f. “orphan”, SL 589 312; Arab.
yatīmat, f. “orphan”, Hava 901. Watson Historiae 10 2013 34). ¶ Forms: sg. ytmt.
Orphan girl, in bkn ctx.: ytmt dlt poor orphan girl, 1.82:22.
Cf. ytm.
/y-t-n/ vb G: “to give, hand over, grant, bestow”; “to set, direct (one’s face)”; “to
emit, raise (one’s voice)”, “to sell”; N/Gpass. “to be given, delivered, permit-
ted”; Š: “to make (someone) give, hand over, make delivery (of), cause to
reach, send (on)”; Špass. “to be sent (on)” (Ph. ytn, “to give”, DNWSI 478ff.;
EA Akk. /n-d-n/, Ebeling EAT 2 1476ff.: nadânu; Rainey EAT 83: nadānu;
Sivan GAGl 155; Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 42; Pagan ARES 3 194; Müller Bil-
ing. 178, 180f.; Fronzaroli ARES 1 21; Conti QuSem 15 66; Bonechi MisEb 1
156f.; Catagnoti QuSem 15 1 266; for the allom. /n-t:d-n/ cf. Hb. ndn, “to give”,
HALOT 733f.; Amor. /n-t-n/, “to give”, Gelb CAAA 27; Akk. nadānu, “geben”,
AHw 701; “to give”, “to sell”, CAD N/1 42ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.: the elements /yatan-/,
/yatin-/, /tatin-/, /yatun-/ in PNN. Sivan GAGl 255, 292; ¶ par.: /š-l-ḥ/, /t-b-ʕ/;
cf. /š-r-y:w/, /ṯ-n-y/. ¶ Forms: G suffc. ytt, ytnt, ytn; prefc. ảtn (ỉtn, allom. (?),
see Tropper UG 632), ttn, ytn, suff. ảtnk, ttnn, ytnk, ytn{.}hm, ytnn, ytn{.}nn;
impv. tn; inf. tn (?) (cf. 1.4 V 8; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564), tt-n (gh) (?) (cf. 1.2
IV 6; see Tropper UG 257, 490; diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542, prefc.); N/Gpass.
suffc. ytn, ytnm (encl. -m), ttn; N ptc. ntn; Š suffc. štnt (Caquot Ug 7 127); prefc.
ỉštn; impv. šnt.
G.: ★a) to give, hand over, grant, bestow, put: tn ảḥd b bnk hand over (:
propose) one of your sons, 1.6 1 45; tn ảḥd b ảḫk give me one of your brothers,
1.6 V 19, cf. ln. 22; ảt mt tn ảḫy come, DN, give me my brother!, 1.6 II 12; [k]t
ảtn ản? mṯbtk the podium which I gave (you) as a mansion, 1.13:11 (diff. KTU
rdg ản ảtn ảt mṯbk; Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 239: “Ho! come yourself to your
dwelling”, rdg h]n … < /ʔ-t-w/); tn ỉlm d tqh (…) tn bʕl hand over, gods, the one
you protect, (…) hand over to DN, 1.2 I 18 and par.; tn bʕl w ʕnnh hand over to
DN and his servants, 1.2 I 35; d b ḥlmy ỉl ytn what DN granted me in my dream,
1.14 III 46 and par.; ytn ỉlm bdhm may he deliver (the statues / fields of) the
gods into their hands, 2.4:20 (or Gpass. (?), cf. infra: N/Gpass; diff. Cunchillos
TOu/2 273f.: “les dieux le livreront”); ảḫym ytn bʕl spủy my brothers DN made
into my food, DN, 1.6 VI 10, cf. ln. 14; tn bt l bʕl grant a house to DN, 1.8 I 3 and
par.; kd l ytn bt l bʕl in the event that he does not grant a house to DN, 1.3

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/y-t-n/ 975

V 3 and par.; mlk ủgrt ytn bt the king of TN hands over a house, 3.2:5, cf. ln. 8
and 3.5:4, 11; 3.22:3; mlk śśwm nʕmm ytn l ʕbdyrḫ the king will hand over (two
(?)) good horses to PN, 2.45:18, cf. ln. 13, 21; d ỉn b bty ttn tn ly mṯt ḫry you will
give what is not in (my) house: give me the young woman, PN, 1.14:38–39 and
par.; lm l ytn{.}hm mlk why did the king not grant them (to me)?, 2.33:26; tn
w nlḥm (…) tn w nšt give so that we may eat (…) give so that we may drink,
1.23:71–72; ṯnh k!spm ảtn her double in silver I will give, 1.14 IV 43; ỉrš ksp /
ḥym ảtnk ask silver / life and I will give (it) to you, 1.17 VI 17/27, cf. 2.42:20 (//
ảšlḥk); tn km mhry give me <the snakes> as my dowry, 1.100:73, cf. ln. 75; ảtn
mhrh l ảbh I will give her dowry to her father, 1.24:19; tn nkl yrḫ ytrḫ allow DN
to marry DN, 1.24:17; tn l kṯr deliver (them) to DN, 1.17 VI 24; ảnk ảtn ʕṣm lk
I will give you the logs, 2.26:7; tn qštk ʕm DN give your bow to DN, 1.17 VI 18;
k l ttn ảkl lhm do not provide them with sustenance, at all, 2.70:22; d l ytn
šmn who has not given (: provided) oil, 4.728:2; l ytn ksphm they did not give
(: pay) their price, 4.779:4; dd ảkl mtr tn lh give him also a “cauldronful” of
grain, 2.71:19; tn ksp give back the money, 3.9:15; k ttn ly when you give it to
me, 2.8:5; ytt l bt I have given (wheat) to the house (of PN), 4.710:6; tn l by! y
d ttn ly w štn […] b spr d ttnn w tn[ give to PN what you (must) give to me;
and put (…) in writing what you give; and give[…, 5.11:17–20, school exercise;
k ytnt spr hdn ʕmk when I sent this message (to be delivered) to you, 2.88:4;
ḥy tn w šlm tn rgm l ủmy šlm bʕlkm … wish life and well-being, transmit to my
mother greetings from your lord, 5.10:2–3 (diff. cf. ḥyt (I)); hm l ảtn bty lh if I
do not give him my daughter (?) 2.31:66; w ảnk ả]th ytnt lk and whose wife I
have given to you, 2.90:7; l ytn ḫsn (…) ḫsn l ytn PN will certainly / not give (?),
1.79:2/5; šỉnk ỉtn I will give you š. 2.15:4 (Tropper UG 175, 449, 635); mrbdh ytn
he gives his bedspread, 1.179:34; ytnt ỉšprm I have given two date cakes, 2.87:5;
ỉnd ytn ly nobody gave me (anything), 2.87:11; bnm w bnt ytnk he will give you
sons and daughters (?), 2.2:9; w l PN w l PN xx lḥm tn lm as for PN and PN,
… bread / food give them, 2.89:27; bhtm šdm d ytn mlk the houses (and) the
fields that the king has given, 3.32:5 and see ln. 13; ảtn ḥmrm ảtn ḫrd ʕmnh I
will give him donkeys and ḫ. troops, 2.98:6, see ln. 12; ytnt ỉšprm I have given
two date cakes, 2.87:5; w ỉn d ytn ly and nobody gave me (anything), 2.87:11,
see ln. 13; w ảtn ṯn ḫpnm ḥd<ṯ>m and I will give him two new ḫ., 2.87:27; hn
ksp d ytnt ly, 2.87:31 that silver here you intended to give me, 2.87:31; in bkn
ctx.: l ytn lhm, 1.9:12; said of clothes: ytn npṣh, 1.173:16, cf. 1.104:16: tpnn npṣm;
in unc. ctx.: d bl ttn tyt, 5.11:13; ★b) to set, put, place, turn into (< put as): bd
dnỉl ytnn qšt in PN’s hands he placed the bow, 1.17 V 26; ytn ks bdh he put a
cup in his hand, 1.3 I 10 and par.; w ytnnn l ảḫh (…) ttn w tn w l ttn w ảl ttn
tn ks yn and it will be given to his brother (…) (if) you will give (put) then
give, and (if) you not wish to give it, then do not give it, give / put a cup of

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976 /y-t-n/

wine, 5.9 I 9–15, school exercise, cf. 1.1 IV 9; ★c) to set (face for): ỉdk l / ảl
y/ttn pnm ʕm / tk then truly they set / set face for 1.4 VI 20 and par., travel
formula of making a journey (// tbʕ) (Del Olmo MLC 54 f.; Layton UF 17 1985
169ff.; Cho LDUT 164ff.; cf. Hb. ntn pnyw ʔl, HALOT 734: ntn qal, 11; Akk. pānī
nadānu, AHw 702: nadānu(m) II, 3); ảtn šdh krmm I shall turn her field into a
vineyard, 1.24:22; ★d) to emit (sound), raise (one’s voice), utter (a cry): y/ttn
gh bky he / she raised his / her voice weeping, 1.16 I 13, 1.16 II 35 and par.; w
ttn gh and uttering a cry (?), 1.2 IV 6 (cf. Tropper UG 257, 489 f.: “das Geben,
Morphemtyp {taqtVl}”; diff. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 542: “And she cries: ‘May he
fall […]!’”); DN ytn gh w yṣḥ raised his voice and shouted, 1.179:33, cf. yšủ gh
wyṣḥ; qlh qdš bʕl ytn his holy voice DN emitted, 1.4 VII 29 (cf. Hb. ntn qwl;
Cunchillos Sal29 203); [ql] l bʕl ʕnt ttnn [(her) voice] to DN DN lifted, 1.10
II 31, cf. 1.10 III 32; w tn qlh b ʕrpt and may he emit his voice from the clouds,
1.4 V 8; k ʕṣm l ttn like trees that do not emit (sound) (?), 1.82:43 (//(?) l tỉggn);
for ntn in 1.16 I 4/18 cf. ntn; ★e) to offer: šh d ytn ṣtqn his ram that PN will
offer, 1.80:2; ★f) to sell: ảnk ảtn ʕṣm lk I am will bestow upon you logs, 2.26:7;
in unc. ctx.: ảl ttn l n[ġr … ả]l ttn l rbd, 1.92:34–35; ytn w ảnk, 2.85:21; in bkn
ctx.: tn, 2.46:23; 5.11:9; ytn, 1.10 I 13; 2.3:14; 2.31:39; 2.69:3; 2.83:6; 4.573:5; 4.637:6;
ytnt, 2.39:23 (?); ttn, 2.9:2.
N/Gpass. To be given, delivered, permitted: yn d ntn ksp wine that was
delivered (: sold) for cash (commercial meaning), 4.219:1, cf. 4.274:3; hyn d znt
ly l ytn that (lot) which corresponds to my food provisions it was not given to
me, 2.87:29; b bt mlk mlbš ytn lhm a cloak will be given to them from the royal
palace, 4.168:8, cf. 4.182:62, 64 (Tropper-Vita UF 30 1998 683 f.); ảp qšth l ttn ly
but his bow was not given to me, 1.19 I 16; ytn bt lk a house will be given to
you, 1.4 V 27; ʕrb [b]th ytn w yṣủ l ytn entry to his house was permitted but exit
was not permitted (?), 1.15 II 10; in bkn ctx: ytnm qrt l ʕly[ glory (?) be given
to the exalted ones! (?), 1.23:3 (for other versions cf. Del Olmo MLC 440); in
unc. ctx.: ytn ỉlm bdhm bd PN1 gṯr w bd PN2 bʕl may (the fields / statues of (?))
the gods be delivered into his hands: DN1 in the hands of PN1 and DN2 in the
hands of PN2, 2.4:20 see G a)] (cf. šd gṯr, ibid. ln. 16, 18; cf. RS Akk. it-ta-din DN,
PRU 3 171 (RS 16.173):8–10; diff. Cunchillos TOu/2 273f.: “les dieux le livreront”;
Dietrich-Loretz JA 72; Watson SEL 6 1989 47: “statues, images”); d ytn bd that
he handed over to PN, 4.866:4; hyn d znt ly l ytn that (lot) which corresponds
to my food provisions it was not given to me, 2.87:29; št ntn ml ml, 5.10:4; in
bkn ctx.: ytn š qdš[ a ram will be offered in the sanctuary (?), 1.104:12.
Š. To make (someone) give, make delivery (of), cause to reach, send (on):
hlny ḫrṣ ảrgmny ʕm špš štn behold the gold of my tribute send to the Sun,
2.36:6, cf. ln. 13 (Ford UF 40 2008 287: “send!”; diff. Pardee AfO 29–30 1983–
1984 321 n. 8: “[I?] hereby remit”; Dijkstra 21 1989 143 n. 12: “I hereby remit”, rdg

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ytn (i) – ytrhd 977

štn[t]; Cunchillos TOu/2 394f. n. 153: “[que] le Soleil a établi pour lui”, rdg d
instead of ʕm ); štn śśwm nʕmm he made delivery of (two (?)) good horses,
2.45:19 (?); hln ḫrṣ […] štnt ʕmy ʕm špš štn[t] behold the gold that […] you
sent to me, I have sent on to the “Sun”, 2.36:13 (Dijkstra UF 21 1989 142; Trop-
per 145); d znt ảdty kllm štnt that as my lady’s food provisions I had delivered
in full, 2.89:21; w štnnh bd lmlảkty and deliver him over to my messenger-
party, 2.90:17, see ln. 23; w štn hndh ʕmy and send it to me, 2.108:9); bd yšn štn
deliver (them) in the hands of PN, 2.109:8; in bkn ctx.: w l štnt, 2.50:16; w ỉštn
lk and I shall (them) give you, 2.79:3; d štnt, 2.99:13.
Cf. itnn, bʕltn, bʕlytn, mlkytn, mtn (II), mtnbʕl, mtnt, ntn, ytn (I), ytn (II),
ytn (I) n. m., a group or social class (< /y-t-n/. Hb. ntyn, “temple slaves”, HALOT
732; Aram. of Hatra ntyn, someone dedicated to a sanctuary (?), DNWSI 766;
Levine JBL 82 1963 207ff.; alt. cf. Akk. nādinu, “Geber”, AHw 704; “seller”, CAD
N/1 62; Tropper UG 637: “Lieferant”). ¶ Forms: pl. ytnm (< sg. ytn; morph. var.
of yt with lengthened form in /-ān/, Gordon UT § 8.58; Dietrich-Loretz UF 9
1977 338f.).
A group or social class: spr ytnm register of the y. (“donated ones” / “contrib-
utors, sellers” (?)), 4.93:1 (diff. (McGeough UgET 73 n. 62: “record of distribut-
ing”); (…) ṣmdm (…) bnš yd yt<n>m yd rʕy ḥmrm (nn) pairs (of oxen), (nn)
farmhands with two y. and the muleteer, 4.618:3.
Cf. /y-t-n/.
ytn (II) PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 147); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-ta-nu, PRU 3 94 (RS
16.245):4; cf. ia-TE-nu, PRU 3 203 (RS 16.257+) IV 49. Sivan GAGl 255, 292.
PN: 4.609:35; 4.637:6; 6.17:2.
Cf. ydn.
ytnt n. f. “gift, offering” (< /y-t-n/. Dietrich-Loretz MU 28 f.); ¶ par.: ủšn. ¶ Forms:
sg. cstr. ytnt!.
Gift, offering: ủdm ytnt! ỉl TN is a gift of DN, 1.14 III 31 par. (// ủšn); dt nảt w
ytnt the (sacrifices) of “lament” and “gift”, 1.127:5; in bkn ctx.: ytnt, 2.39:23.
ytr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 62, 147f.); ¶ syll.: ia-ta-ri, PRU 3 196 (RS 15.42+)
I 13; cf. ia-ti-r[i?, PRU 3 162 (RS 16.286):5; Sivan GAGl 292; cf. DIRI-u, Ug 5 6
(RS 17.149):28; cf. Huehnergard AkkUg 366.
PN: ★a) 4.710:6; ★b) bn PN, 4.611 I 15; in bkn ctx.: bn ytr[, 6.38:1.
ytrʕm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43f., 148, 425; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 166).
PN: 4.628 (II) 3 (bn swy).
ytrhd PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 43f., 132f., 148; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 162);
¶ syll.: cf. ]DIR(I)-(?)dIM, PRU 3 115 (RS 16.148):5.
PN: 2.4:22.

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978 ytrm – /y-ṯ-b/

ytrm PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 53, 148); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-tar-mi/mu, PRU 3 58 (RS
[Varia 8] “15.Z”):3; PRU 3 68 (RS 16.269):7 (Van Soldt SAU 25); PRU 3 139
(RS 16.131):20, 26. Sivan GAGl 292.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 III 25; 4.214 II 10; in bkn ctx.: bn ytr[, 6.38:1.
Cf. ydrm, ytrt.
ytrš PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 16, 50, 60, 101; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991
PN: bn PN, 4.281:11; in bkn ctx.: bn ytr[, 6.38:1.
Cf. ytršn, ytršp.
ytršn PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 51, 101; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 158).
PN: 4.424:19.
Cf. ytršp.
ytršp PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 15, 43f., 148, 181; Fulco CGR 35; Ribichini-Xella
SEL 8 1991 167; Münnich GRANE 37ff.); ¶ syll.: ia-tar-dMAŠ.MAŠ, PRU 3 202
(RS 16.257+) III 49; cf. Sivan GAGl 292.
PN: 4.93 I 11; 4.141 II 23; 5.1:4.
ytrt PN (Sem. etym. unc.; cf. ytr, ytrm, PNN).
PN: bn PN, 1.87:59; in bkn ctx.: bn ytr[, 6.38:1.
Cf. ytrm.
yty PN (etym. unc.; cf. yt(n). Ranke ÄP 1 49f., 3.28 f.).
PN: bn PN, 4.7:18.
yṭp(n) DN, lesser deity in the service of the goddess ʕnt (Sem. etym. unc.
Dijkstra-De Moor UF 7 1975 213; Dijkstra UF 11 1979 206 ff.; Margalit UF 8
1976 181ff.; UF 15 1983 97ff.; Sapin UF 15 1983 170; Watson UF 8 1976 373; Cho
LDUT 226ff.).
DN: yṭp, 1.18 IV 7, 16; yṭpn, 1.18 IV 6, 11, 27; 1.19 IV 50, 52, 56.
yṯỉl PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 38, 147, 425; Watson AuOr 13 1955
229; AuOr 30 2012 343; Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 159).
PN: 4.269:11.
yṯʕd PN (Sem. etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 20, 38, 133, 147; Müller WO 10 1979 27;
Ribichini-Xella SEL 8 1991 162); ¶ syll.: cf. ia-aš-ad-du/dì, PRU 3 157 (RS 16.254
C+):4 and passim ibid. Sivan GAGl 292; Huehnergard UVST 232; Van Soldt
SAU 309.
PN: 4.377:21; in bkn ctx. 4.322:2 ([ y]ṯʕd).
yṯʕn PN (Sem. Cf. Gröndahl PTU 147).
PN: 4.371:9.
/y-ṯ-b/ vb G: 1) “to sit down, take a seat on the throne, install oneself, reside”;
2) “to linger, stop, calm down”; Š/Špass.: “to make (someone) sit, to seat,
install, enthrone” (Hb., Ph., Pun. yšb, “to sit down”, “to dwell”, HALOT 444 f.;
DNWSI 473ff.; OAram., Palm. ytb, “to sit down”, DNWSI 473 ff.; Syr. ytb, “to

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/y-ṯ-b/ 979

sit, be seated”, “to be inhabited”, SL 587f.; EA Akk. /y-ṯ-b/, Ebeling EAT 2

1381: ašābu; “to sit, dwell”, Rainey EAT 65: ašābu; Akk. wašābu, “sich setzen,
wohnen”, AHw 1480ff.; “to sit down and wait”, CAD A/2 386ff.; OSA wṯb, “to
sit, reside”, SD 165; Arab. waṯaba, “to sit down”, AEL 2919; cf. Eth. ʔawsaba,
“to marry”, CDG 619. Pardee UF 7 1975 352f.; UF 8 1976 244 ff.); ¶ syll. Ug.:
cf. i-ši-ib, PRU 3 76 (RS 16.144):11; it-ti-ki la-a a-ši-ib, Ug 5 81 (RS 21.230):26.
Huehnergard UVST 135; Van Soldt SAU 437; ¶ par.: /m-l-k/, /n-ḫ/, /ṯ-p-ṭ/.
¶ Forms: G suffc. yṯb, yṯbt; prefc. ảṯb, tṯb, yṯb; suff. ảṯbn; impv. ṯb; act. ptc.
yṯb (cf. yšb, yṯb); Š prefc. yṯṯb; suff. yṯṯbn.
G. 1) To sit down, take a seat on the throne, install oneself, reside: yṯb l hdm
(…) yṯb l ảrṣ he sat down on the footstool (…), he sat down on the ground, 1.5
VI 12–13, cf. in bkn ctx. 1.10 I 9; yṯb l kḥṯ ảlỉyn bʕl he sat on the throne of DN,
“The Most Powerful”, 1.6 I 58; bʕl yṯb l ksỉ [mlkh] DN sat on his royal throne,
1.10 III 13 and par., cf. 1.101:1; ỉl[m] yṯb the god is seated, 1.23:29; yṯb krt l ʕdh
yṯb l ksỉ mlk PN sat on his throne, sat on the royal throne, 1.16 VI 22–23; ảp
yṣb yṯb b hkl PN also sat in (his) palace, 1.16 VI 25 and par.; ảṯb ản I am going
to seat, 1.16 VI 38, 54; rd (…) l drktk ảṯb ản come down (…) from your power
so that I can sit (on the throne), 1.16 VI 38 and par. (// ảmlk); ảṯbn w ảnḫn I
shall sit down and I shall rest, 1.6 III 18 and par. (// ảnḫn w tnḫ); yṯb ỉl (…)
ỉl yṯb b mrzḥh DN sat (…), sat DN in his house of feast (among his fellow
guests), 1.114:14–15, cf. in bkn ctx. 1.1 IV 8; yṯb dnỉl PN sat down, 1.17 II 43; yṯb
b ảp ṯġr he sat at the entrance of the gate, 1.17 V 6 and par.; d yṯb b TN who
resides in TN, 4.382:23–34; bdlm dt yṯb b[ the reserve personnel who reside
in[, 4.86:29, cf. 4.557:1; dt yṯ[b bt m]lk who reside in the palace, 4.627:1; mt w šr
yṯb DN is seated, 1.23:8; ỉl yṯb b ʕṯtrt the god who resides in TN, 1.108:2 (// ṯpẓ.
Rahmouni DEUAT 37–39); ṯb bny l mṯbtkm sit down, my sons, on your seats,
1.16 V 24 and par.; ảp ỉlm <l> lḥm yṯb the gods also have sat down to eat, 1.2
I 21; [mlk] yṯb brr (the king) shall sit, purified, 1.41:7 and par.; km yṯb l lḥ[m]
when he sat down to eat, 1.18 IV 29; yʕdb ksả w yṯb he places a chair and sits
down, 1.100:7 and par.; ỉm ht l b mṣqt yṯbt or if (the city) really is (placed) in
a difficult situation, 2.72:20; for yṯb, 1.4 VII 42, see /ṯ-b/; in bkn ctx.: tṯb ʕṯtrt b
ġl DN settled in the ġ., 1.92:8; yṯb mlk b ủr[bt the king will sit / be installed in
the ủ, 1.171:6; yṯb, 1.18 IV 7; 2.31:40; 4.430:2.
2) To linger, stop, calm down: yṯb ảp d ảnšt and may the anger that I suffer
cease, 1.6 V 20; (t)tbʕ mlảkm l yṯb the messengers left without lingering, 1.14
VI 36 and par.; tbʕ w l yṯb ỉlm the gods went without lingering, 1.5 I 9.
Š./Špass. To make (someone) sit, to seat, install, enthrone: yṯṯb l ymn ảlỉyn bʕl
and they sat him (he was seated) on the right of DN, “The Most Powerful”, 1.4
V 47; bʕl yṯṯbn [l ksỉ] mlkh DN has to be installed in his royal throne, 1.6 VI 33;
t[ṯ]ṯbn b bt they shall enthrone him in the palace, 1.41:54.

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980 yṯb – yw

Cf. mṯb, ṯbt, yšb, yṯb, yṯbt.

yṯb n. m. “resident” > “assistant, one who is in service” (act. ptc. < /y-ṯ-b/;
Akk. (w)ašibu, “Bewohner”, AHw 148: (w)ašābu(m) G.1.c.δ., OB (w)āšib maḫar
šarrim; referring to people living in cities, CAD A/2 399: EA Akk. amēlūtu
ša ašbūnim ina ekalli(ši), EAT 62:25. Del Olmo-Sanmartín Fs. Loretz 189 f.).
¶ Forms: sg. cstr. yṯb; alloph. yšb (cf. yšb).
Resident > assistant, one who is in service: mrynm b yṯb mlk the m. among the
assistants of the king (/ DN (?)), cf. mlk (I) 4.: 4.149:12 (diff. Pardee JANER 7
2007 73: “lorsque le roi s’assit” < /y-ṯ-b/; McGeough UgET 111: “in the dwelling
of the king / GN”).
Cf. /y-ṯ-b/.
yṯbt n. f. “residence, dwelling” (< /y-ṯ-b/; MHb. yšybh, “settlement, dwell”,
DTT 600; Akk. wašbūtum, “Residence”, ina lā wa-aš-bu-ut, “in Abwesenheit”,
AHw 1487; “presence”, CAD A/2 426). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. yšbtn.
Residence, dwelling: yṯbtn b bt trtn our residence (is) in the house of PN,
Cf. /y-ṯ-b/.
/y-ṯ-n/ vb G: “to be old, become old, wear out” (> yšn > N “to grow old”,
HALOT 448). ¶ Forms: G suffc. yṯn.
G. To be old, become old, wear out (clothes): mlbš DNN k yṯn as the cloak of
DNN had worn out, 4.168:6.
Cf. yṯn.
yṯn adj. m. “old, rancid” (Hb. yšn, “old”, HALOT 448. Watson LSU 72). ¶ Forms:
pl. yṯnm, f. yṯnt.
Old, rancid (food): dblt yṯnt w ṣmqm yṯnm w qmḥ bql rancid dry figs and
rancid raisins and flour (are pulverised together), 1.71:27; 1.72:37–38; 1.85:31.
Cf. /y-ṯ-n/.
yṯpr PN bkn (?) (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 21 2003 248).
PN bkn (?): yṯprx[, 4.357:21.
yṯpṭ PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 50, 200; Rainey Or 56 1987 393); ¶ syll.: ia-aš-pu-
ṭù/ṭì, PRU 3 195 (RS 15.09) A 1; PRU 3 199 (RS 16.257) I 13. Sivan GAGl 282;
Huehnergard UVST 214f., 232; Van Soldt SAU 310.
PN: 4.63 II 4.
/y-ṯ-q/ see /ṯ-q-y/.
yw DN, alternative (ancient?) name of the god ym (not related to the Hb. DN
yh, yhwh or the Amor. onomastic element ya-wi-, Huffmon APNMT 39; Gelb
CAAA 19: jahwī, HALOT 394f. De Moor SP 118 f.; Del Olmo IMC 44; Smith
UBC/1 151f.; Wyatt SMSR 55 1989 21ff.: Sansk. dyaus).
DN: šm bny yw the name of my son (is) DN, 1.1 IV 14 (KTU ad loc., footnote 18:
rdg y<m> w ?; Dietrich-Loretz WList 94: rdg y<m> w (?)).

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yy – /y-ẓ-ʔ/ 981

yy PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 143); ¶ syll.: cf. ya(?)-ya, RA 38 1941 4 ff.
(RS 11.856):6.
PN: bn PN, 4.63 IV 14.
yyn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 143); ¶ syll.: ia-ia-nu, PRU 3 109 (RS 16.207):2;
ia5-ia5-nu/na, PRU 3 89 (RS 15.123+):4 and passim ibid.; cf. Sivan GAGl 291;
Huehnergard AkkUg 44, 357.
PN: ★a) 4.269:5; 4.739:11; 5.1:10; 4.739:3; ★b) bn PN, 4.55:25; 4.635:18; 4.658:15;
yzg PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 6.
yzn, in bkn ctx.: bʕly nʕm yzn, 2.81:22 (Tropper UG 634: */w-z-n/ “abwägen;
(Geld) auszahlen”).
/y-ẓ-ʔ/, allog. of /y-ṣ-ʔ/, 1.12 I 14, 19.

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z, allophone of d (cf. d 2. d): ʔgn z pʕl PN (…) z l PN an earthenware bowl which

PN made (…), which is for PN, 6.70:1–2.
zbl (I) n. m. “prince” (Ebla cf. x-GUDU4 = za-ba-lu SAG, VE 255; SAG.GÍD.GÍD
= zi-bí-lu SAG, za-bí-lum SAG, VE 1219; Vattioni EDA 215 ff.; cf. the element of
PN in Hb. zbwl / zbwb, HALOT 263 / 261; Ph. zbl, “prince”, DNWSI 303; Coote
JNSL 5 1977 3 ff.); ¶ par.: ảlỉyn, mlảk, ṯpṭ (II). ¶ Forms: sg. zbl; pl. cst. zbl (?).
Prince: ảp ảnš zbl bʕl Prince DN became livid with anger, 1.2 I 38, 43; zbl bʕl ảrṣ
“Prince”, Lord of the earth, 1.3 I 3 and par. (// ảlỉyn); passim, title of the god bʕl
and of other gods (zbl bʕl / ym (// ṯpṭ) / yrḫ / ršp zbl. Rahmouni DEUAT 159 ff.,
297ff.); zbl mlk royal prince, 1.22 I 10; zbl mlk šmm royal heavenly princes /
princes of the kingdom of the heavens, 1.13:26 (// mlảk šmm); in unc. ctx.: k
bk[r] zbl ảmrkm like the firstborn of a prince I shall bless / strengthen you,
1.13:28 (diff. Heffelfinger UF 43 2011 242: “the sick I will strengthen for you”,
see zbl (III), zbln); in unc. ctx.: rgbt zbl, 1.133:19; zbl ṣr prince of Tyre (?), 5.22:9;
in bkn ctx.: zbl[, 1.129:3.
Cf. zbl (II).
zbl (II) n. m. “principality” (cf. zbl (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. zblkm, zblhm.
Principality: kḥṯ zblhm their princely thrones, 1.2 I 24 and par.
Cf. zbl (I).
zbl (III) n. m. “one carried” > “invalid, sick person” (cf. Akk. zabālu, “tragen,
überbringen”, AHw 1500: zabālu(m) 5), said of people, “Kranke auf Bett”; “to
carry, transport”, CAD Z 1ff. Watson LSU 10, 144); ¶ par. ʕwr. ¶ Forms: sg. zbl.
Invalid, sick person: zbl ʕršm yšủ let the sick person carry his own stretcher,
1.14 II 45 and par. (// ʕwr).
Cf. zbln.
zbl (IV) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 353; Heltzer RCAU 61; Astour UF 13 1981 6;
RSOu 11 64: qrzbl; Van Soldt Topography 18).
TN: 4.213:13.
Cf. qrzbl.
zbln n. m. “sickness, illness” (< zbl (III). Verreet UF 19 1987 330); ¶ par.: kṯr (II),
mdw, mrṣ. ¶ Forms: sg. zbln, suff. zblnm (encl. -m).
Sickness: my b ỉlm (…) gršm zbln who among the gods (will be able) to drive
out the sickness?, 1.16 V 21 and par. (// mrṣ); gršt zbln she who drives out the
sickness, 1.16 V 28 (// mrṣ); km zbln as if it were the illness, 1.16 VI 9; ʕrš zbln
the bed of illness, 1.16 VI 36, 52 (// ʕrš mdw); mrbʕt zblnm the fourth (wife
died) of illness, 1.14 I 17 (// kṯrm).
Cf. zbl (III).

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/z-b-r/ – zlyy (i) 983

/z-b-r/ vb G: “to prune” (Hb. zmr, “to prune”, HALOT 274; Arab. zabara-l-karm,
“to trim the vine”, Hava 283; Eth. zabara, “to break”, CDG 631); ¶ par.: /ṣ-m-d/.
¶ Forms: G prefc. suff. yzbrnn; act. ptc. pl. zbrm.
G. To prune: yzbrnn zbrm gpn the pruners pruned him (like) a vine <, 1.23:9
(// yṣmdnn. Gzella BiOr 64 2007 564: “may the pruners prune him”).
/z-d/ vb. G “to boil, become inflamed, yearn for” (Hb. zyd, hi. “to become hot”,
HALOT 268; Syr. zaʔud, “calidus”, ThLS 1071. De Moor-Spronk CARTU 137.
Diff.: Del Olmo MLC 544 “sustentar”, Arab. zāda, “to lay in a stock of pro-
visions”, Syr. zwd, “to supply provisions”). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tzd, suff. tzdn.
G. To boil, become inflamed for, yearn for: her eyes l ydh tzdn she yearned for
his love, 1.24:8, 12 (De Moor ARTU 142: “let her ‘well’ boil for his ‘hand’ ”; Wyatt
RTU 337f.: “her vulva yearned for his penis”); in unc. ctx.: ảt zd you yearn
(for) (?), 1.1 V 25 (De Moor ARTU 28. Diff. Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 4 1117: “Du
behandelst mutwillig”, Hb. *zyd; Smith UBC/1 118, 129: “I will be provisioned”,
rdg with WList 77: ảtzd, Dt *zd); in bkn and unc. ctx.: l tzd, 1.1 V 27; tzd ʕrq dm,
1.107:46 (Pardee TPM 242, 253f.: “elle / tu ne fera(s) pas croître le suintement
de sang”, Arab. zyd).
zd n. m. “breast, chest” (allom. of ḏd, ṯd; Hb. zyz, “breast”, HALOT 268; Kogan
UF 32 2000 722). ¶ Forms: zd.
Breast, chest: ynqm b ảp zd ảṯrt who suck at the nipples of DN, 1.23:24, cf. ln.
59, b ảp ḏd.
Cf. ḏd, ṯḏ.
/z-ġ(-y)/ vb G: “to low, bellow” (Hb. *zʕh, pilp. “to bark”, HALOT 276; cf. Arab.
zaġā, “crier (said of a baby)”, DAF 995); ¶ par.: /n-ḥ/ ¶ Forms: G prefc. tzġ.
G. To low, bellow: ảrḫ tzġ l ʕglh [as] the cow lows for her calf, 1.15 I 5 (// tnḥn).
Cf. zġt.
zġt n. f. “howl, bark” (< /z-ġ/); ¶ par.: gʕt. ¶ Forms: sg. cstr. zġt.
Howl, bark: zġt klb ṣpr barking of the hunting dogs, 1.14 III 18 and par. (// gʕt).
Cf. /z-ġ/.
zl, in composite TN zl dprn, 4.244:13, allom. of ẓl (?); cf. ẓl (I), dprn b. (Belmonte
RGTC 12/2 358; Van Soldt Topography 18).
zlbn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 248: /sal-/, 253: /sil-/; Watson AuOr 30 2012
343); ¶ syll.: cf. zi-la-ba-ni, PRU 3 20 (RS 15.63):2; za-la-ba-na, 34 (RS 8.207)
rev. 6.
PN: ★a) 4.7:10; 4.616:16; 4.753:8; 4.362:2; (Van Soldt SAU 37); ★b) bn PN, 4.611
(II) 20.
zlyy (I) TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 355: Zilayā. Heltzer RCAU 10, 17 n. 27; Saadé
AAAS 29–30 1979–1980 222; Astour NuzHur 1 20; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 382;
UF 28 1996 667; Topography 18, 173).
TN: 4.113:3; 4.686:17; for 4.244:1 cf. Van Soldt UF 28 1996 667: possibly [zl] yy;

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984 zlyy (ii) – zt

for 4.244:12 cf. Belmonte AuOr 17–18 1999–2000 22; RGTC 12/2 130, 355: rdg
zly<y> (KTU: ḫly).
zlyy (II) GN m. (< zlyy (I)). ¶ Forms: sg. zlyy.
GN: PN zlyy, 4.85:2, 4, 11.
zn n. m. “provider, supplies official” (< */z-n/. Cf. Hb. zwn, “to feed”, HALOT 267;
Aram. zwn, “to feed”, DNWSI 308; Akk. zāninu, “Versorger, Ausstatter”, AHw
1510; “provider”, CAD Z 45f.). ¶ Forms: pl. znm.
Provider, supplies official: kdm l znm two “jars” (of wine) for the providers,
Cf. tznt, znt.
znản PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 II 44.
znt n. f. “sustenance, provision(s)” (< */z-n/; cf. zn; Akk. pl. t. zinnātu, “Ver-
sorgung”, AHw 1529; “support, maintenance”, CAD Z 123. De Moor SP 120;
Aram. zwn, “provisions”, DNWSI 308; for other opinions cf. Caquot-Sznycer
TOu/1 310). ¶ Forms: sg. suff. zntn.
Sustenance, in bkn ctx.: l zntn for our sustenance [(your name has been
proclaimed), 1.1 IV 16; hyn d znt ly l ytn that (lot), which corresponds to my
food provisions, was not given to me, 2.87:29; d znt ảdty kllm štnt that as my
lady’s food provisions I caused to be delivered in full, 2.89:20; in bkn ctx.: k
znt [x]bl, 2.104:8.
Cf. zn, tznt.
zql PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313; Watson AuOr 13 1995 222). ¶ syll.: zi-iq-
la-nu PRU 6 121 (RS 19.141):2.
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 3.
/z-r/ vb G: “to divert, go” (Hb. zûr, “to turn aside”, HALOT 267; Arab. zāra, “to
repair to, incline towards” > “to visit”, AEL 1268; Eth. zora, “to turn around”,
CDG 646. Ford UF 34 2002 194f.; for other opinions cf. Caquot TOu/2 59 n. 152;
Wyatt RTU 448 n. 43). ¶ Forms: suffc. zrm (encl. -m).
To divert, go: l ảrṣ zrm to the ground / “Earth” (Hell) (let him) divert!, 1.169:14
(Ford UF 34 2002 155, 192ff.; Del Olmo Fs. Matthiae 114; Pardee TR/2 877, 890:
“par terre, ô flux!”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 565: “flow!”, imp., Hb zrm).
zry PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 313; Watson AuOr 30 2012 343).
PN: bn PN, 4.63 I 30; 4.628 (I) 1.
zt n. m. 1) “olive”; 2) “olive tree”; 3) “olive grove” (Hb., Ph., OAram. zyt, “olive tree,
olive”, HALOT 268f.; DNWSI 319; Eth. zayt, “olive, olive tree”, CDG 647; Arab.
zaytūn, “olive tree and the fruit of that tree”, AEL 1274); ¶ RS Akk.: GIŠ.GI.DÌM
(.MA.MEŠ), GIŠ.ZÉ.ER.TUM(.MEŠ), passim, PRU 3 226; PRU 6 158; cf. GIŠ
zé-er-ti-šu, PRU 4 167 (RS 17.129):20); ¶ par.: ʕrgz, kš, pr (I) (+ ʕṣ), ybl (I) (+
ảrṣ). ¶ Forms: sg. zt; pl. ztm, cstr. zt.

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ztr – zzb 985

1. Olive: ★a) k ksp l ʕbrm zt like silver for the guests was (were) the olive(s),
1.22 I 15 (// kš); ★b) measured by the kd “jar”: 4.284:8; 4.429:1–5; w ṯṯ kd ztm
and six “jars” of olives, RSOu 14 37:5; ʕs̄rm s̄ls̄ kd ztm b s̄ls̄t b kdm twenty-three
“jars” of olives at three (shekels) the “double jar”, 4.710:11 (cf. kd); cf. ellipsis of
kd in 4.143:2; 4.386:13. ★c) types: dm zt ḫrpnt juice of autumnal (> early (?))
olive, 1.114:31 (cf. ḫrpnt); goddesses yrdt (…) zt dm who come down (… with)
juicy autumnal olives (// ʕrgz), 1.24:43 (cf. dm zt. Del Olmo IMC 148; cf. Zurro
AuOr 1 1983 268 on the Ebla PN zi-TUM-(d)da-mu/TUM; but cf. Krebernik
PET 308); kd zt mm a “jar” of winter olive, 2.89:19; 4.91:14; 4.786:13 (used to
qualify a type of olive > late, ripe olive (?), contrasted with dm zt ḫrpnt juice
of autumnal olive [> early(?)]; see ḫrpnt, mm. Diff. Dietrich-Loretz UF 41
2009 156: ztm-m, pl. “das zur Olive gehörige” > “Olivenöl”); Bordreuil-Pardee
ManUg 248: “one k. of olives (in) water”; Gzella BiOr 64 2007 551: rdg, ztmm,
pl. + enc. -m, “individual olives”).
2. Olive tree: b ph yrd k ḥrr zt it will fall into his mouth when the olive tree
shrivels, 1.5 II 5 (// ybl ảrṣ, pr ʕṣm. Diff. Smith UPN 143: “like a dried olive”;
Gzella BiOr 64 2007 565; De Moor ARTU 72: “because he was scorching the
3. Olive grove: zt ủbdym b TN (revenues from the) olive-trees of the leased
lands in TN, 4.164:3, see 4.803:15; zt PN olive grove of PN, 4.764:6–8; in bkn
ctx.: ṯlṯ zt three olive groves (?), 4.399:7, cf. ln. 6: šd; yd zth together with its
olive grove, 3.5:8, cf. ln. 7 gth, ln. 9 [k]rmh.
ztr n. m. “cippus, votive stela” (Hitt. šittar(i-), “Sonnenscheibe, Votivscheibe”,
Friedrich HW 194. Tsevat UF 3 1971 352: “sun-disk”, Hitt. sittar(i-), but see
Starke StBoT 31 408ff.: a tool for stabbing or shooting; Dijkstra Fs Watson
172f.: Hitt. s/zuttaru, “sun emblem” > object (stela) to represent gods and
(female) ancestors; De Moor UF 17 1985 407ff.; Boda UF 25 1993 14: “mar-
joram”, rdg zʕtr; for this and other opinions cf. Del Olmo MLC 544 f.; also
Watson LSU 124; AuOrS 27 97: “ein Gefäß”, Akk. zitūru, AHw 1534, ziturru,
CAD Z 149, and survey); ¶ par.: skn (II). ¶ Forms: cstr. sg. ztr.
Cippus, votive stela: nṣb (…) b qdš ztr ʕmh who erects (…) in the sanctuary
the votive cippus of his people, 1.17 I 27 and par. (// skn. Diff. Watson AuOrS 27
97: “setting up … in the sanctuary the (burial) urn of his kin”).
zzb PN, in bkn ctx: bn zzb[, 4.679:6 (Watson AuOr 25 2007 135 and n. 41; AuOr
30 2012 343).

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ẓỉ, cf. /y-ṣ-ʔ/.

ẓỉẓ, in bkn ctx.: ]rq ẓỉẓ[, 7.55:4.
ẓủ n. m. “exhalation, secretion > excrement” (alloph. /ṣủ/ < /y-ṣ-ʔ/, possible con-
tamination with the Arab. roots waṣiʔa, “to be defiled”, Syr. ṣʔy, “to become
unclean, dirty”, Eth. ṣ/ḍeʔa, “to rot, putrefy”; Hb. *ṣʔh, “dung, excrement”,
HALOT 992; cf. Akk. zû, “Kot, Exkremente”, AHw 1535; “excrement”, CAD
Z 150f. Caquot-Sznycer TOu/1 162 n. g; but see SED I no. 286: c.Sem. *ṯạ yVʔ-,
“excrement, excreta”; UF 32 2000 718; Tarazi UF 36 2004 486 f. n. 92; Bulakh Fs
Diakonoff 423f.: “odour, fragrance”, *ṯỵ ʔ, “to smell”; Watson UF 39 2007 670:
“perfume”, Akk. zaʔu(m), zāʔu; diff. De Moor Or 37 1968 213; SP 101: “habitat”,
Arab. ḍuʔḍuʔ, Hb. ṣet, mōṣāʔā; Margalit RB 90 1983 561; Malul RB 93 1986 417 f.:
“undergarment”; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 318 “exiting, extent”). ¶ Forms: sg.
suff. ẓủh.
Exhalation, secretion > excrement: ẓủh b ym whose exhalation is (notice-
able) in the sea, 1.3 III 2 and par.
Cf. /y-ṣ-ʔ/.
ẓbm (I) allom. of ṭbm (cf. ṭb c): ḥbr kṯr ẓbm the pleasant mate(s) (?) of DN,
Cf. ṭb.
ẓbm (II), in unc. ctx.: ẓbm ṯr, 1.133:14 (cf. infra: ẓby // ṯr in 1.15 IV 18 and par.);
ẓbm, 7.184:5.
ẓbr PN (Sem. Gröndahl PTU 23, 29, 183; Watson AuOr 21 2003 248).
PN: 4.93 II 11.
ẓby n. m. “gazelle” (Hb. ṣby, “gazelle”, HALOT 998; OAram. ṣ/ṭby(ʔ), DNWSI 419,
958; Syr. ṭabyāʔ, “gazelle”, SL 509; Ebla DÀRA.MAŠ. DÀ = za-ba-a-tum, VE 1191;
Krebernik ZA 73 1983 42; Akk. ṣabītu, “Gazelle”, AHw 1071; “gazelle”, CAD Ṣ
42ff.; Arab. ẓaby, “gazelle”, AEL 1908); ¶ par.: ṯr (I). ¶ Forms: pl. suff. ẓbyy,
ẓbyh; for a poss. pl. ẓbm see supra.
Gazelle, a term for “nobles” and “warriors”: ʕlh tšʕrb ẓbyh into his presence
he made his gazelles enter, 1.15 IV 18 and par. (// ṯrh).
ẓhr, allom. of ṭhr, 1.24:21.
/ẓ-ḥ-q/, alloph. of /ṣ-ḥ-q/, 1.12 I 12.
ẓl (I) n. m. 1) “shade”; 2) “reflection, sheen”; 3) “spirit” (Hb. ṣl, “shadow, protec-
tion”, HALOT 1024f.; OAram. ṭll, “protection” (< *shadow, spirit), DNWSI 423;
Syr. ṭelālāʔ, “shadow” SL 533; Amor. /ṣillum/, “to shade”, Gelb CAAA 34;
Ebla cf. Krebernik PET 111; Fronzaroli ARES 1 24; Catagnoti QuSem 15 262;
Pagan ARES 3 200; Akk. ṣillu, “Schatten, Schirm”, AHw 1101; “shadow, shade”,

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ẓl (ii) – ẓmn 987

“likeness”, CAD Ṣ 189ff.; Arab. ẓill, “shade”, AEL 1915; Eth. ṣǝlālot, “shadow”,
CDG 555. Fensham JNSL 4 1975 13; Xella TRU 284; Mazzini SEL 16 1999 27ff.).
¶ Forms: sg. ẓl; pl. ẓlm; allom. zl sg./pl. cstr., in 4.244:13 (Segert UF 20 1988
1) Shade, darkness: ʕrb b ẓl ḫmt he entered the shade of the tent, 1.14 III 55 and
par.; (?); bmrmt bmỉyt bẓlm bqdš in heights, in swamps, in (places of) dark-
ness, in (places of) taboo, 1.169:8 (Loretz UF 32 2000 283: “Dunkel, Dunkel-
heit”; so too Pardee TR/2 877, 886).
2. Reflection, sheen: [ẓl] ksp ảṯrt k tʕn ẓl ksp w nr ḫrṣ the reflection of the
silver DN saw, and the sheen of gold 1.4 II 26–27 (cf. Hb. ṣl hksp, Qoh. 7:12); in
unc. ctx.: ẓl k kbkbm a sheen like (that of) the stars, 1.92:27 (De Moor UF 17
1985 229; Dijkstra UF 26 1994 120; diff. Pardee CES 1 2008 19, 27 f.: “l’ ombre”).
3. Spirit (of ancestors): spr dbḥ ẓlm record of instructions for the sacri-
fice of the spirits, 1.161:1 (Margalit MLD 199 n. 1; Dijkstra-De Moor(-Spronk)
CARTU 52, 165; ARTU 126; Dietrich-Loretz TUAT 2 332 n. 1/a; UF 19 1987 407;
diff. Watson NUS 36 1986 18: “statue”, Akk. ṣalmu).
Cf. mẓll, slbʕl.
ẓl (II) PN (etym. unc. Ribichini-Xella RSF 15 1987 12 f.; Mazzini SEL 16 1999 28
n. 6); ¶ syll.: cf. za-al-la-a, PRU 3 119 (RS 16.204):16; cf. Van Soldt SAU 315 n. 122.
PN: in erased text, bn ẓ[[l]]l, 4.611 I 12.
Cf. ẓll.
ẓll PN (etym. unc.; cf. ẓl (I), ẓl (II). Gröndahl PTU 184).
PN: 4.631:6.
ẓlmt n. f. “darkness” (Hb. ṣlmwt, “gloom”, HALOT 1029; Arab. ẓulmat, “darkness”,
AEL 1922; Eth. ṣǝlma, “darkness”, CDG 556; cf. Akk. ṣalāmu, “Finsternis”, AHw
1076; “to become dark, to turn black”, CAD Ṣ 70f. De Moor SP 172); ¶ par.: ġlmt.
¶ Forms: sg. ẓlmt.
Darkness: bn ẓlmt in darkness, 1.4 VII 54–56, 1.8:7–9 (// bn ġlmt; diff. Smith-
Pitard UBC/2 651: “sons of ẓlmt”).
ẓm n. m. “fasting” (Hb. ṣwm, “fast, period of fasting”, HALOT 1012; Syr. ṣawmāʔ,
“fast”, SL 1279; Arab. ṣawm, “abstaining from food”, AEL 1750; Eth. ṣom, “fast”,
CDG 566; diff. Pardee TR/2; Bordreuil-Pardee ManUg 219, 337: “hard bread”,
*ẓmy, ẓm, “the state of being brown, faded hard (of bread)”; Ford UF 34 2002
175: “deprivation”, *ġmʔ); ¶ par.: ṣml (I). ¶ Forms: sg. ẓm.
Fasting: tlḥm lḥm ẓm eat bread of fasting, 1.169:7 (// ḫlṣ bl ṣml).
ẓmn PN (etym. unc.); ¶ syll.: cf. ZI-me-ni, PRU 6 147 (RS 19.127):2; ZÍ-me-nu,
RS 34.169:2; cf. Huehnergard UVST 226; Watson AuOr 21 2003 248; AuOr 30
2012 343).
PN: bn PN, 4.617 II 24.
Cf. ḍmn.

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988 /ẓ-p-n/ – ẓrw

/ẓ-p-n/ vb G: “to hide, shelter” (alloph. of /ṣ-p-n/. Hb. ṣpn, “to hide”, HALOT 1049;
OAram. ṣpn, “to hide”, DNWSI 972; EA Akk. ṣapānu, “bergen”, AHw 1082; “to
hide”, CAD Ṣ 96). ¶ Forms: G prefc. tẓpn.
G. To hide, shelter, in unc. ctx.: tẓpn l pỉt you will shelter right at the border
of (…) (?), 1.13:15 (diff. De Moor ARTU 139: “dripping from a brow”, *nẓp).
ẓq PN (etym. unc. Watson AuOr 22 2004 118 n. 86).
PN: 4.55:8.
ẓr (I) n. m. “back” (Hb. ṣhr, “roof”, HALOT 1008; EA Akk. ṣuʔru, ṣūru, “Rücken”,
AHw 1115; “back”, CAD Ṣ 261; Akk. ṣēru, “Rücken”, AHw 1093; “back”, CAD Ṣ
138ff.; Arab. ẓahr, “back”, AEL 1927ff.); ¶ par.: ʕl, ʕn, ksl, l, sk (II), ṯkm. ¶ Forms:
sg. cstr. ẓr, suff. ẓrh.
Back: ★a) literal meaning: ảnš dt ẓrh the muscles of her back, 1.3 III 35 and
par. (// pnt kslh); in bkn ctx.: ẓrh ảḫd qš[ his back (…) seized, 1.12 II 32 (//
ʕn bʕl); ʕl ẓr, 7.137:7; ★b) metaphorically, summit: k yʕlm ẓrh like mountain
goats towards the summit, 1.169:4 (// k lbỉm skh); ★c) used with a prep. b ẓr,
l ẓr “on the shoulder of, on top (of), upon”: l ẓr brktkm upon your knees, 1.2
I 23 and par. (// l kḥṯ); l ẓr pḥmm on top of the embers, 1.4 II 9 (// l ỉšt); l ẓr
qdqdh on his skull, 1.4 VII 4, cf. 1.17 VI 37; l ẓr rḥtm upon the palms, 1.4 VIII 6
and par. (// ʕl ydm); l ẓr mgdl on top of the tower, 1.14 II 20 and par. (// ṯkmm);
★d) as an adv.: nšủ (…) l ẓr they raised (…) upwards, 1.16 III 13; in bkn ctx.: l
ẓr, 1.1 II 4; 1.101:12.
ẓr (II), see bẓr.
ẓrl PN (etym. unc.).
PN: bn PN, 4.93 IV 23; in bkn ctx.: bn ẓr[, 4.69 V 4; 4.545 II 3.
ẓrm PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 183; Segert UF 20 1988 297).
PN: 3.13:7.
ẓrn TN (Belmonte RGTC 12/2 363: *Ẓari/anu. Heltzer RCAU 10, 17 n. 29; Astour
UF 13 1981 11; Van Soldt UBL 11 377, 382; Topography 24, 175); ¶ syll.: URU
za-ra/ri-nu/ni, PRU 6 95 (RS 19.74):2; PRU 6 111 (RS 19.129):4; PRU 6 134
(RS 17.398):11 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672 n. 143); Ug 5 102 (RS 20.207 A):12;
RS 26.140:4 (Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672); RS 25.445A+ rev. 2 (Arnaud SMEA 32
1993 128). Cf. Huehnergard JAOS 107 1987 725; UVST 226 (diff. Sivan GAGl
TN: 4.68:9; 4.95:6; 4.113:8; 4.629:13; 4.686:6 (rdgs: Van Soldt UF 28 1996 672);
4.834:22; for 4.308:2 and 4.553:1 cf. Van Soldt Topography 24 for 4.244:1 cf.
Belmonte RGTC 12/2 363; for 4.610 II 37 cf. Bordreuil UF 20 1988 13, 15; Van
Soldt UF 28 1996 672 n. 141.
ẓrw n. m. “balsam” (storax resin?) (Hb. ṣry, “fragrant resin, balsam” (?),
HALOT 1055; EA Akk. ṣurwa in: DUG riq-qú: ṣú-ur-wa, EAT 48:8 [prob. from
Ugarit]; ṣurwa “balm (probably storax)”, CAD Ṣ 261; Stol TMMANE 53; Sivan

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ẓtm – ẓẓn 989

GAGl 270; Huehnergard UVST 131f.; Van Soldt SAU 315 n. 122; cf. OSA ḍrw,
“Pistacia lentiscus”, CAME 227; “kind of aromatic”, SD 42; Arab. ḍarw “fruit
du lentisque”, DAF/2 25. De Moor UF 2 1970 311; Sasson RSP 1 420; Dietrich-
Loretz-Sanmartín UF 6 1974 28; Pardee TR/2 1188: “mastic”; ibid. 794 n. 73:
Mari ṣurûm; cf. Watson LSU 117). ¶ Forms: sg. ẓrw.
Balsam: (offering of) kṯ ẓrw kṯ nbt a flask (?) of balsam (and) a flask(?) of
honey, 1.148:22; ʕšr kṯ!t ẓrw ten flasks (?) of balsam, 4.402:11.
ẓtm, see lẓt.
ẓẓ element of the double-barrelled DN ẓẓ w kmṯ (Pardee TPM 79, 212 n. 64;
Caquot TOu/2 70 n. 218).
DN: ẓẓ w kmṯ, 1.82:42, 1.100:36, 1.107:41.
Cf. өṭ.
ẓẓn PN (etym. unc. Gröndahl PTU 190, 291; Watson AuOr 21 2003 248; Historiae
4 2007 101; cf. ẓẓ, DN).
PN: 4.63 II 32; 4.108:2.
Cf. s/śzn, ṣṣn.

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