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FINAL EXAM 1 Name: Mark:

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 Complete the words next to the definations. (5 points)
1. You put your head on it when sleeping. p
2. not like anything else. u
3. say you’re sorry h
4. another word for buy p
5. You can see these in a clear sky at night. s
6. You use this to make food warm quickly. m
7. your brother or sister’s daughter n
8. You put your money in this. w
9. another word for forget a
10. You wash your hands here. s

2 Add a word to each group. (5 points)

1. rainy • stormy •
2. shoes • trainers •
3. preserve • plant •
4. mouse • printer •
5. soap • toothbrush •
6. take a trip • take tours •
7. playground • town square •
8. glue • stapler •
9. investigate • examine •
10. worried • scared •

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words below. (5 points)

collect • borrow • return • thirsty • celebrate • robbery • see a show • weapons • volunteer • juice
1. A: I’m . Is there anything to drink?
B: You can take some from the fridge.
2. A: I’ve lost my key – can I yours?
B: Sure, but please it to me tonight.
3. A: Have you heard about the in the jewellery shop?
B: Yes. According to Channel 4, the criminals were carrying !
4. A: Are you going to for an environmental programme?
B: Yes. I’m going to go diving and rubbish from the bottom of the ocean.
5. A: How are you going to your birthday?
B: My family and I are going to and then, we’re having dinner at a restaurant.

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Corinna 8 Aug 2018


4 Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
win • was born • separated • pick up • stepfather • lorry • compete •
ship • injured • stepdaughter • famous • believe • give up

Have you heard of the athlete Kelly Holmes? She’s a 1. British runner. Kelly 2.
in Kent, England. Her parents 3. when she was one year old, and Kelly grew up with her mother
Pam, and later, her 4. , Mick. After she left school, Kelly had different jobs, including working as
a 5. driver and as a physical trainer for the British military. When Kelly was 26, she started to
in professional athletics. It was her dream to get a gold medal at the Olympics, but she was
many times. When Kelly participated in the Athens Olympics, she was already 34, so people
didn’t 8. that she could run as fast as the other athletes. Kelly didn’t 9. . She
became the first British female runner in history to 10.
both the 800 and the 1,500-metre gold
medals at the Olympics.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (4 points)
1. If you apologised to her, she (not feel) so angry.
2. The car isn’t (big) for five people.
3. A boy (rescue) from the river yesterday.
4. Helen (use) the hairdryer at the moment.
5. Be careful! You (slip)!
6. Emily (not see) her older brother since he moved to Australia.
7. If Andy (finish) his project, he will start studying for the exam.
8. Don’t worry. I (fix) the microwave.

6 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the verbs and adjectives. (4 points)
1. if / the police / find / enough evidence / they / catch / the criminal / .

2. my friends and I / go camping / tomorrow / .

3. the children / play / when / the rain / begin / .

4. Simon / not / use to / like / onions / .

5. who / usually / train / the girls / ?

6. you / ever / get lost / ?

7. the offices / clean / every day / ?

8. Take this path. it / not be / dangerous / that one.

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7 Complete the sentences with one or two words in each space. There may be more than one correct answer. (4 points)
1. You would find your way easily if you a navigation app.
2. The show we saw was great!
3. We don’t finish the project this week. We can complete it next week.
4. some traffic lights at the end of the street. Can you see them?
5. If you smile at people, people at you, too.
6. Phil said that he bring a first-aid kit the following day.
7. I bought cupcakes for my friends.
8. Luckily, they injured in the accident.

8 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. (8 points)
1. Talking on your phone here is prohibited. (mustn’t)

2. I purchased the speakers at this shop. (where)

3. We arrived at 9.00 and we are still here. (been)

4. The brown jacket isn’t as warm as the blue one. (than)

5. If I return early, we will meet. (unless)

6. There is no ice cream. (isn’t)

7. “We are moving in today” they said. (were)

8. During the marathon, the athlete fell. (running)

9 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets or one word in each space. (10 points)
If you 1. (feel) sad, a pet would probably help you feel better. Today, many people have got a
pet – an official “emotional support animal” (ESA) – to help 2. in their everyday life. According
to the rules in some US states, aeroplane companies 3.
let people fly with their ESAs, and you
can sometimes even take an ESA into a restaurant. ESAs are usually dogs or cats. But Joie Henney, from
Pennsylvania in the USA, has got 4. (strange) ESA in the world. When three of Henney’s close
friends died, he felt very sad. His doctor suggested medication, but Henney 5. (not agree).
Instead, Henney received his doctor’s permission to make Wally, an alligator, into his official ESA. Henney said
that when Wally 6. (be) with him, he felt happy. But why 7. Henney
(choose) this unusual pet? The 65-year-old 8.
to keep snakes, so he isn’t
afraid of dangerous animals. Also, according to Henney, Wally the alligator 9.
never (hurt)
anyone, and he loves getting hugs and going for walks. Today, Wally is four years old and about 1.5 metres
long, but he is still growing, and perhaps he 10. (grow) to four metres in the future!

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Written Comprehension (20 points)

An Article
1 Read the article. Then write what the numbers refer to. (5 points)

12th October, 2018

Recycle and Make Money
José Adolfo Quisocala Condori looks like
a normal teenager. But he’s invented an
incredible idea to change the lives of his friends and thousands
of other young children in Peru. It all started when
José was seven years old. He noticed that his friends were
spending their money on sweets and toys instead of saving it for
more important things. His goal was to help his friends save
money and preserve the environment at the same time by
creating an environmental bank. To join, children must bring five
of paper or plastic to recycle. They also have to
promise to bring
at least one kilogram of material every month.
So, does the bank earn money? Well, José is not only an
intelligent student, he’s also a very good businessman. He sells
paper to recycling companies for a high price, and the money
goes straight into students’ bank accounts.
José’s bank started with some students in his class in the city of
Arequipa. That was in 2012. Now, the bank has got over 2,000
customers aged 10-18, and not all of them go to José’s school.
So far, students from ten schools have joined the bank, and
soon, the bank will open its doors to students from all over Peru.
The bank has also got a shop. Here, schoolchildren who haven’t
got money can buy food so they don’t miss their breakfasts.
Children don’t have to borrow money from the bank to pay for
their breakfast. Instead, they pay the bank with material for
Starting the bank wasn’t easy for José. At first, he was told that
a seven year old couldn’t do that project, and his friends laughed
at him. However, his head teacher and a teaching assistant
believed the idea could work and supported him. Now, it’s a
different story. José has recently won the Children’s Climate
Prize. He has received over €6,000 for his hard work to preserve
the environment and teach children how to use money. He has
appeared in documentaries about young entrepreneurs and was
invited to events around the world. And that’s not all. Big banks
like Peru’s Banco de la Nación want to create projects together
with the young banker.

1. 7
2. 5
3. 1
4. 2,000
5. 6,000

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2 Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. Why did José create the bank? Give two reasons.

2. Why, according to the writer, is José a good businessman?

3. How will the bank change in the future?

4. How do students pay the bank’s shop for food?

5. What did José’s friends think about the bank at first?

3 Find words in the text to match the definitions below. (5 points)

1. wonderful (lines 8-14)
2. objective (lines 7-15)
3. clients (lines 16-25)
4. helped (lines 26-36)
5. businesspeople (lines 26-36)

Written Production (10 points)

Task 1: A Narrative
Write about an important event in your life.
Include the following:
a. what happened
b. when and where it happened
c. your feelings about the experience

Task 2: A Post
You see this post on a website for teens. “Sport is the best
way to make you feel better when you’re sad.” Write a post.
Include the following:
a. your opinion of the post
b. why you agree or disagree with the post
c. what you advise teenagers to do when they feel sad

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Oral Comprehension (10 points)
A Podcast
1 Listen to the podcast and tick (✓) the correct sentences. (5 points)
The Teslasuit …
1. allows wearers to feel what is happening in the game.
2. can help wearers win video games.
3. allows wearers to feel changes in temperature.
4. can make you feel like you’re in Antarctica.
5. makes wearers feel they are holding something.
6. can help prevent serious accidents.
7. can help injured people.
8. can help wearers feel calm.
9. can help wearers feel warm enough.
10. can help athletes train.

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 points)

1. How many podcasts has The Gaming Studio got?

2. What is a haptic suit?

3. What does the suit send to your body?

4. How can a haptic suit help people who are injured?

5. What kind of biological information can the haptic suit collect? Give one example.

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Oral Production (10 points)

A Conversation

Student A

1 Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.

Questions Your partner’s answers
1. your favourite place in town
2. a family event you enjoyed
3. what form of transport you use
4. a TV programme you recommend
5. something you hope will happen to you

2 Answer your partner’s questions.

Student B

1 Answer your partner’s questions.

2 Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.

Questions Your partner’s answers
1. your favourite activity
2. an interesting place you’ve visited
3. things you have to do every day
4. a film you recommend
5. a plan for your next holiday

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