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FINAL EXAM 2 Name: Mark:

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need. (5 points)
paintbrushes • enjoy • difficult • pollute • chargers • zebra crossing • prevent
climb up • socks • thunder • author • lightning • thick
1. How many books has that written?
2. The cars must stop at the .
3. Artists need good to create beautiful pictures.
4. The exam was very and I don’t think I’ve passed.
5. Many factories the environment.
6. We need to people from throwing their rubbish in the street.
7. I didn’t the film. It was boring.
8. We’re going to the mountain tomorrow.
9. I’ve lost one of my ! Maybe it’s in the washing machine.
10. Did you see the last night, just before the storm?

2 Correct the sentences without changing the words in bold. (5 points)

1. My alarm clock didn’t ring, so I didn’t go to bed on time.

2. They are going to cut down this planet.

3. A hairdresser often uses chalk.

4. Max broke his leg, so he couldn’t smile.

5. Janice and Bob didn’t get along, so they left school.

6. Three people were caught in the accident.

7. Henry used the vacuum cleaner to make tea.

8. Please turn off all the towels when you leave the house.

9. I didn’t make any mistakes because I was very noisy.

10. It’s tiny, so we can’t see it without a calculator.

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3 Complete the words in the sentences below. (5 points)

1. Sheila loves going for walks in the c .
2. Barry is w about his missing dog.
3. The security guard c the man, but he couldn’t catch him.
4. Patty went to the m to buy some fresh vegetables.
5. I love eating hot s in the winter.
6. You can take the t across town.
7. There’s no sound coming out of the s .
8. Don’t throw out this bottle – you can r it.
9. That s tried to convince me to buy the tablet.
10. The museum is on the c of Barts Street and St Ives Street.

4 Complete the text with the words below. (5 points)

stored • robbery • drove • carrying • stolen • businessman • nervous • joined a group • jewellery • ground

On the weekend of 15-16th February 2003, $100 million worth of gold, diamonds, rings and necklaces were
from the Antwerp World Diamond Centre in Belgium. This event was called “the
of the century”, and even today, police officers don’t understand how the
was taken. An Italian man called Leonardo Notarbartolo pretended to be a
who bought and sold diamonds. He and his friend, Speedy, 5.
of criminals. Notarbartolo helped these men get into the underground room where the diamonds and gold were
. Before they left, the men took the video from the security cameras. Then, they
out of Antwerp. They were 8. the security video and other pieces of
evidence. Suddenly, Speedy became very 9.
. He made Notarbartolo stop the car in a forest,
and he started throwing the evidence on the 10.
. That morning, the evidence was found by the
owner of the forest. He phoned the police and they arrived immediately. A few days later, Notarbartolo was arrested
and was later sent to prison for the crime.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (4 points)
1. In my opinion, Rachel is (brave) girl in our class.
2. you always (stand up) when the teacher comes in?
3. Dean said that he usually (train) in the morning.
4. Yesterday, a boy (rescue) from a fire.
5. I’m sure you (have) a wonderful time tomorrow.
6. If you (learn) how to code, you would get a job easily.
7. Don (hike) when he fell.
8. My cousins just (arrive).

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6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below, a modal or a relative pronoun. (4 points)
leave • train • explore • have • chase • not go out
1. I join you, but I’m not sure yet.
2. My sister school next year.
3. How long Rose her washing machine?
4. Unless you finish your homework, you .
5. While we the city, we found the old church.
6. Is this the place you met?
7. Who usually the basketball team?
8. The police officers the criminal now.

7 Correct the mistakes. (4 points)

1. How much tomatoes are there in the fridge?

2. John isn’t believing his little sister’s stories.

3. Adam said that he is looking after his brother that day.

4. Les said that he was sure I will enjoy the show.

5. Tony isn’t as tall his father.

6. We will take a trip if the weather will be nice.

7. They didn’t buy a washing machine yet.

8. Do flowers plant here every year?

8 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences. (8 points)
1. This purse belongs to Claire. (Claire’s)

2. Clark is the boy. His video clip is very popular. (whose)

3. My aunt became a teacher ten years ago. (has)

4. You should sell your old textbooks. (if)

5. They didn’t collect the bottles last week. (weren’t)

6. This test isn’t as difficult as our last test. (less)

7. It isn’t necessary to purchase all these things. (have to)

8. In the past, I was afraid of the dark. (used to)

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9 Complete the text with one or two words. (10 points)

Little Free Library is an organisation 1. inspires the love of reading by creating little libraries in
neighbourhoods. One of the most unusual libraries 2. created by Sharalee Armitage Howard in
the city of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. When Sharalee moved into her home, there was a beautiful old tree just
outside the house. But 3. something very wrong with the 110-year-old tree. It
dying. Sharalee wanted to save the tree, but sadly, she 5. . Suddenly, she
had a wonderful idea. Sharalee is an artist and a librarian, and she 6. always been interested
in the idea of free libraries. She 7. want to cut the whole tree down, so she made 8.
into a magical library. The library has got mini wooden books and an old-fashioned lamp
above the door. It isn’t big 9. to sit inside, but even so, you 10. definitely take
a trip to Sharalee’s home just to see her wonderful creation.

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Written Comprehension (20 points)

A Magazine Article
1 Read the magazine article. Then choose the correct answer below. (2 points)

For more than three years, Cai Yanqiu has travelled around
China, making an effort to help people without homes. The
reason for this comes from Cai’s own tragic story. In 1994,
Cai’s brother disappeared for three days. When they found
him, he wasn’t well, and he died soon after.
When Cai grew up, he opened a small shop in Zhanjiang.
One day, he was waiting for customers when he saw
a man without shoes. He immediately thought about
his brother and he remembered his mother lying in
bed for days crying. He didn’t want other families to
lose their brothers or sisters. Cai couldn’t continue his
own life without providing aid for the man and people
like him. He bought a van which he filled with items
like soap, shampoo and toothbrushes. Since 2016, Cai
has helped over 50 people without homes find their
families. To do so, he has driven over 90,000
Doing this is not easy. Cai has found that some
people don’t want to return to their families. Other
people live in dangerous places like old buildings or
under bridges. Cai needs to speak to people in a quiet
place, but because of their living conditions, it is often
hard. Sometimes, Cai waits for weeks to communicate
with them. Even then, many don’t want help and others
are scared of strangers. Cai said that some of the
people that he wanted to help closed themselves in
their own world and lost the ability to communicate. But
even when people refuse to return to their families, Cai
helps them in other ways. For example, he cuts their
hair, gives them a pair of shoes and cooks them food.
When Cai first started his mission, he had to borrow
money. But recently, he has started to live-stream his
work, and since then, over 376,000 people have watched
him. Many people have donated money to help, and thanks
to them, Cai can carry on with his mission and return all
the borrowed money.

What is the objective of Cai Yanqiu’s work?

a. To donate money to people without homes.
b. To bring people without homes together with their families.
c. To help people without homes by giving them everyday items.

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2 Tick (✓) the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences. (3 points)
1. Cai decided to help people immediately after his brother died.

2. Some people do not accept Cai’s help.

3. Cai had enough money to begin his volunteer work.

3 Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. What does Cai carry with him?

2. How far has Cai travelled until today?

3. Why is it often hard to meet people without homes?

4. What additional help does Cai give people without homes?

5. How have people helped Cai?

4 Find words or phrases in the text to match the definitions below. (5 points)
1. trying (lines 1-5)
2. assistance (lines 11-16)
3. capacity (lines 24-29)
4. say you won’t do something (lines 24-29)
5. continue (lines 30-35)

Written Production (10 points)

Task 1: An E-mail
Read Jill’s e-mail. Then write a reply answering her questions.
I hope you’re ready for the beach clean-up this Saturday.
Have you ever done one before? Where are we meeting and
at what time? What should I bring? What will the weather
be like? Do you want to have lunch afterwards?

Task 2: A Notice
You want to start a volunteer project in your school. Write a notice
for your school website. Include the following:
a. the objective of the project
b. what you are planning to do
c. how students can join
d. a time and place for a meeting

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Oral Comprehension (10 points)
A Conversation
1 Listen to the conversation between Jenny and Mike. Then tick (✓) the correct places in the chart. (5 points)

Who / What …? Kunto Mike the Poly app three students Jenny’s sister
1. studies two languages at university
2. began the Wikitongues project
3. is volunteering for Wikitongues
4. wants to learn Aranese
5. helps people learn different languages

2 Listen again and complete the sentences. (5 points)

1. People speak Shetlandic on near .
2. is the language of Lifou Island.
3. told her about the Wikitongues project.
4. The Wikitongues project is trying to record .
5. Over people in countries are volunteering for Wikitongues.

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Oral Production (10 points)

A Conversation
Student A
1 Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
Your partner’s answers
1. something you’ve had for a long time
2. a job or volunteer work you want to do in the future
3. an activity you do with friends
4. something you can do well
5. something you were doing yesterday evening

2 Answer your partner’s questions.

Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions.
2 Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
Your partner’s answers
1. a type of transport you have never used
2. a town or city you like and why
3. something you used to do
4. an accident you’ve had or seen
5. something you do to help the environment

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