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The honorable judges,

The respectable audiences,

And everyone here today ,

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

First of all, I’d like to thank the Almighty Allah SWT, it is because of him,we’re all able to attend this
English speech contest. Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be delivered to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era.

I would also like to say many thanks to the judges for giving me this very special opportunity to compete
on this contest.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning my name is

Before delivering my speech, I would like to introduce myself. My name is …... I am from ………..

In this good occasion, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “The role of advance technology in the
development IQ and EQ young generation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

What do you have in mind when you are talking about the current generation in our country? Some of
you might think of the word “Millennials” or “Gen-Z”.
Yes, that’s right, our current society is still dominated by those two generations. The problem is, what do
you think those two generations have in common?
That’s right, something that they have in common is,they are so close with technology, in this case “the

For young generations, the internet is not only an important part of their life, but they live on the internet,
like literally.

They learn so many things from the internet, they get entertainment on the internet, they make money on
the internet, and they even get in touch with each other through the internet. It is like they cannot take the
internet away from their life.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As they spend more time on the internet, lots of stigmas start to grow in our society towards young
`Some people start to consider the young generation as lazy, lack of social interaction,
lack of knowledge or they look at the current generation in negative way. The problem is, people who
despise the current generation have their own reasons to do so.
One of the reasons is ,because in fact, most of our teenagers right now are attached to their gadgets most
of the time, so it makes them physically appear to be doing nothing all day.
One thing that most people may not realize is ,they may be physically sleeping on the bed all day, but the
fact , they might be virtually on the other side of the world , exploring so many beautiful places through
google earth.
They might physically seem to be passive just because they don’t leave their room all day, but the fact,
they might actually make tons of money virtually.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the world evolves into a new era, the challenge for the people also changed. We cannot weight our
current generation by using the old standards that we used long time ago. It is different now. Back then,
people worked so hard to pursue high education so that they could get a good job with a good salary so
they could have a happy life, but now. it is no longer the case.

brothers and sisters,

With the existence of the current technology, the world is literally in our hands. So the challenge is no
longer to get to know the world, because we practically already know everything about it, but the
challenge for our current generation now is to ask to ourselves, what we want to do with all information
that we have in our hands. It means that, the challenge is to be creative. Why do I say so? Because
everyone has the same knowledge about the world, so the one thing that will make difference is

Our current generation is not weak, they are not lazy, and they definitely are not lack of knowledge. They
are just channeling their potential to something else, something new, something that most of elder people
may not understand. Their burden will be much heavier if we add so many stigmas towards them while
they are in the process of finding their own life path.

Ladies and Gentleman,

To summaries, we can conclude that if technology is used wisely it can surely create wonders. But if we
can’t use it wisely, a big disaster will come to ourselves. How the technology will effect on our life
depends on us. That’s why everyone,our government,our society have to help each other for the
development of technology and the goodness of human life.

Thank you for having me today, thank you for your attention.


English Speech About the Importance of Character Building

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend this
English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us
from the darkness into the brightness.
I would also like to say many thanks to the juries and MC who have given me opportunity to deliver an
English speech in front of you all.

Before delivering my speech, I would like to introduce myself. My name is ….. Just call me I am
…… years old. I am from ……….. School, grade …..

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this good occasion, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “The Importance of Character

Building”. Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

As we all know, nowadays our nation faces the crisis of character. We often hear it. So, What is
Character actually? Character is the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular
kind of person. In other words, it is one's behaviour, morals, ideas, vision, endurance, will-power,
forebearance, integrity, courage, understanding, and the power of articulation which determines one's
character. Our character is what we do when we think that no one is looking.

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

As I stated previously that our nation faces the crisis of character. We can read on magazine or
newspaper, and see on TV, a lot of bad things that show bad characters happened in the lowest to the
highest level of community.

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

Nowadays we can see some bad things happen in our daily lives. For examples robbery, murder, inter-
society riot, inter-students riot, or even corruption on our honorable representatives and political
leaders, and so on. They are horrible. How could it come? How could it happen? I believe that the
answer is there is a degradation of character and moral on our nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

Now, the question is: How to develop good characters?

The first one is, build up and strengthen good characters based on the religion. If we are Moslem, the
guide of our lives is Islam. Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him is the right sample in developing
characters. He says “Innamaa bu’itstu liutammima makaarimal akhlaak”
Secondly, implant character education to the children since early ages. Family is the right place to build
up good characters.

The last, our government through The National Education Ministry apply character education in

Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters,

That’s all of my speech. Hopefully, it will be useful for us. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Cecep Gaos, S.Pd English Speech

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