03-Responding To Feedback

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Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback


In any business, customer

engagement plays a critical
role in letting your customers
know they are highly valued.
Statistics show that effectively
engaging with your customers boosts
re-purchase rates and word-of-mouth
recommendations. In the Amazon
Private Label business model, our
customer reviews are a very important
piece of our success. It is one of the
main ways potential customers choose
who they want to buy from.

This is why it is important for us not

only to address negative feedback but
to positively acknowledge the good
feedback we’ve received. Customers
like to see a company that is actively
engaging with it’s customers, and
potential new customers are more
likely to leave future feedback when
they know that it is going to be more
than a meaningless comment the
seller might not notice.

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

There’s two types of feedback we receive: Seller Feedback and Product Reviews.
In this PDF we’re going to address:



Let’s start with the positives.

Most average sellers only take the time to address when they’ve screwed up or when a
customer is upset. However, these businesses seriously underestimate the impact on
current and potential new customers when they witness positive, consistent customer
engagement. That’s why we make a point to acknowledge when someone has given us a
positive review. It will decrease the chances we get a negative review, increase the amount
of free word-of-mouth advertising that marketers salivate over, and increase the number
of positive reviews we receive in the future.

Responding to this positive feedback is a very simple thing to do. When we do it we

want to be polite and encouraging, keep it personal, and not overcommit too much time
on responding to each. In order to do this effectively it is best to formulate pre-written
responses that allow you to input a few personal details acknowledging the person and
their specific review, while not spending too much time on each individual. As you continue
to grow, you’ll want to increase the number of pre-written prompts you have so it is not
obvious that you’re re-using these. But they can each follow the formula of 1) thank you/
we appreciate your response, 2) we’re glad you liked it 3) a personalized quip about their

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

Responding to Positive Engagement www.getwsodo.com




It is likely best to write your own, so your tone is genuine and

aligns with your future prompts, but here are some examples
to provide a guideline:

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3


Loved the dry bag! (Photo) Dragged this bag up and Seller was quick to answer all
Took it on the river last weekend down Zion’s Peak in the pouring my questions. Thank you so
and it kept everything dry as a rain. Thought it would get pretty much!
bone. banged up but still looks great!
Very heavy duty product!

RESPONSE: Dear (name),
Dear (name), RESPONSE:
Dear (name), We’re glad we could help! Enjoy
Thank you so much your positive the product!
review of our (product). We’re Thank you so much for the
thrilled to hear the bag kept positive review! We love the Kindest regards,
everything safe! We love taking photo you posted and are happy
ours out kayaking and are happy the bag held up as well as you (Your Name) (Brand Name)
to know you enjoyed it as well. did! Founder

Kindest Regards, Kindest Regards,

(Your Name) (Brand Name) (Your Name) (Brand Name)

Founder Founder

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

As you can see these don’t have to be particularly complicated. It’s just a matter of letting them
know you’re glad they enjoyed it, you’re appreciative of the feedback, and make it clear you’re
responding specifically to their review. Imagine you’re buying a product from a seemingly large
company online and they take the time to respond to your individual feedback. It goes a long
way, and it is not a hard thing to do. This strategy can be used for both Product Reviews and
Positive Seller Feedback. Try and do this for any 4 or 5 star reviews.


To respond to Product Reviews, you need to log in to a buyer’s

account, and before leaving the review change your “Public
Reviewer Name” to your brand name. Simply click on “Leave a
Product Review” and this screen should pop up:


To respond to Seller Feedback, simply log in to your seller central

account and select “Feedback” under the “Performance” tab. This
will take you to a page with all of your customer feedback and a
“Respond” button under each.

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

What if someone left a positive product review

as a Seller Feedback?
While Seller Feedback is important to have for us, product reviews
are far more valuable thanks to their ability to boost our search
ranking and improve conversion rates even more. When a positive
product review is left as seller feedback it’s important we reach
out and request that they change it over to a product review. As
always, be polite and be personal. Thank them for their positive
review, politely inform them that they left a product review as
a seller feedback, and ask them to switch it over because you
loved their feedback and want others to be able to see it. This is
a simple and easy thing to do and we don’t want to miss out on
any potential product reviews.

To message them go into Seller Central and choose “Feedback”

under the “Performance Tab”. Next to each feedback there
should be a button that says “Respond”.

Early on this should happen infrequently enough that you can

respond manually, but as those sales begin to pour in and it
happens more frequently we suggest you pre-write a polite
response that you can use each time and just fill in their personal

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

Responding to Negative Feedback




A negative product review is going to be anything less than 4

stars. The process is essentially the same as leaving a positive
product review except the formula is different. This time we
want to 1)sincerely apologize 2)offer to remedy the problem 3)
ask them to reach out to your customer service team. Often
times when they reach out you will have the opportunity to
turn around their feedback, but make sure they feel as though
you’re making an attempt to remedy their situation. Once again
when you leave a response to a product review, make sure
to log in to a buyer account and change your public reviewer
name as you would for responding to a positive review.

Example 1 Example 2

The product was nowhere near what Product broke a week after I bought,
I expected, not happy. total garbage.

Dear (name),
Dear (name),
Thank you for your feedback, we’re
Thank you for your feedback, we’re deeply deeply sorry to hear your product was
sorry to hear it was not as you expected. faulty. We take great pride in the quality
We firmly believe in getting what you paid and detail that goes into designing our
product. The product is meant to last
for and would love the opportunity to
a long time and we’d like to send you a
remedy this. Please contact our customer replacement as soon as we can. Please
service team so we can make this right. reach out to our customer service team
so we can make this better. Thank you!
Kindest regards,
Kindest Regards,
(Your Name) (Brand Name) Founder
(Your Name) (Brand Name) Founder

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

As always, be personal and be polite. Handling these responses is not hard, and while
sometimes the customer might remain frustrated. Do what you can remedy their frustration.
Even if it means issuing a replacement or refund, this should not happen frequently, and the
benefits of great customer service significantly outweigh the costs.


Negative Seller Feedback is its own beast, and

removing it is an important process. Let’s take a
look at how this is done and how many sellers fail
to realize how important it is.

In the Amazon Private Label world, many sellers fail

to consider the importance of having a positive Seller
Rating. For many sellers operating in the arbitrage
space, the seller feedback is a key piece of their success.
However it still plays an important role in the PL space.
While our primary focus is on product reviews, which
are not the same thing as Seller Feedback Reviews, the
latter still plays a role for us. Before getting into how to
handle this negative seller feedback, let’s take a quick
look at why it’s so important.

Consistent Negative Seller Feedback can potentially lead to Amazon closing

your selling account. Often an untold story to the newbies of the private label
world, but sometimes Amazon deals with 3rd Party Sellers with a heavy hand.
Many sellers, big and small, have had their accounts shut down for any possible
reason. At the end of the day we operate on Amazon’s platform and if they don’t
like the way you are doing things, they’ll kick you out the door and slam it behind
you on your way out. Thankfully with proper guidance and knowledge of how
Amazon operates, it’s not hard to not only avoid Amazon’s unpredictable wrath,
but find yourself on Amazon’s good side. Maintaining the Seller Feedback score
is one way we make sure that happens. Nobody wants their private label journey
coming to a screeching halt and seller feedback can be one of the factors that
leads to that. However, as long as you are proactively removing seller feedback
and reaching out to customers you won’t have to worry about that, and you
might even give yourself a leg up on the competition.

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

Negative Seller Feedback has the potential to hurt conversion rate. While not
a significant factor, over the course of your private label journey the conversion
rate will be one of those numbers you’re consistently finding ways to inch higher
up. We’ll be using copy changes, image upgrades, indexing changes, and a whole
slew of other strategies to boost our conversion rate. While Seller Feedback isn’t
readily available on the product listing, we live in an age where buyers do their
homework, and we don’t want to risk potentially turning off the few customers
that decide to poke around a little more. For all the work we do to inch our
conversion rate higher, we don’t want to have any potential reason for it to inch a
few points the other way. So removing Negative Seller Feedback is a must.

Seller Feedback can potentially affect your buy box control. While this is not
as much of an issue with private label sellers, you can still potentially lose the buy
box every now and then. Listings are public on Amazon, anyone has the rights
to sell any item. This is exactly how retail arbitrage exists. Now as a private label
brand that is eventually brand registered, you shouldn’t have many issues losing
the buy box. However, if you’ve got a reseller or two and you’re suffering from a
low seller feedback score, there might be brief periods of time where a few units
are getting moved by someone else on your listing. Again, not a major problem
for private label sellers, but we aren’t creating seven-figure businesses by not
covering all of our bases.

So what’s the best way to manage

Negative Seller Feedback?

If the Seller Feedback violated Amazon’s guidelines, they will remove it for us. Amazon has
specific rules for why seller feedback is left, and if for any reason the feedback doesn’t meet their
criteria they’ll remove it for you.

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback

Here’s Amazon rules for what is considered ineligible feedback:

Personal information – Amazon does not allow negative feedback that has any personal information
that identifies it’s Amazon users.

Obscene or abusive language – This one’s pretty straight forward, even if something is toeing the
line, it’s worth attempting to have Amazon remove it.

Product Reviews – This will be one of the most common ones, if someone leaves a negative product
review on your seller feedback you’ve dodged a bullet. Amazon will remove it and the buyer likely
won’t re-submit it as a product review. However, if someone submits a positive product review, we
need to ask them to change it. We’ll address that a little later on.

Promotional Content – Anything with a link or comment about any outside source such as another
website or seller is strictly prohibited.

FBA Issues – As FBA sellers we have Amazon handle all of storage, packing, and shipping. This
means any feedback related to product condition as a result of any of these will be removed. This
will be a very common one and always make sure to try and get any of these removed.

If you have Negative Seller Feedback that includes any of the reasons above, here’s what you
need to do to get it removed.

Log in to your Seller Central Account.

Visit this page: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/cu/contact-us

Choose “Selling On Amazon” on the left side, then under the side bar that pops out on the right
select “My Issue Isn’t Listed: Contact Support”.

This should remove the sidebar and allow you to choose the “Customers and Orders” section on
the left, after choosing that type in the Order ID from the Negative Seller Feedback.

Responding to Product Reviews & Seller Feedback


After choosing the right order, Amazon will provide a few short prompts for you to indicate why the
feedback should be removed.

Once submitted Amazon will get back to you in a few days with a response.

Make sure to stay on top of all of your Negative Seller Feedback and use this guide to quickly and effectively
maintain a positive score. Seller feedback is another one of those ways we can boost our business and get an
advantage over the competition. Managing simple things like this are low effort and add up in away that allows us
to grow at such an astronomical rate.



Tim Sanders



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