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Give one imp gen appli of biotech

As a student having a tremendous amount of curiosity and interest in the field or concept of
biotechnology, one of the critically important general applications of biotechnology that I know is its
usage in the creation of BIOFUELS, precisely, an important general application of biotechnology is its
contribution and importance to alternative energy sources called biofuels.

What is transgenic

What precisely are transgenic organisms? From the word transgenic, which means that one or more
DNA sequences from another species have been introduced by artificial means, transgenic organisms
are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.
Specifically, they are organisms that contain foreign DNA that has been introduced using biotechnology.

What is cloning

What is cloning? Well, cloning is a technique in making precise copies or duplicates (clones) of an
original organism; it's as though you've been photocopied numerous times and that these clones are
carbon copies of you. Moreover, providing more information about cloning, is that it involves creating
exact genetic copies of living things such as genes, cells, tissues, and even whole animals.

What is biotech

What precisely is biotechnology? Biotechnology is a form of technology that involves biological

processes and includes producing more complex medical items, including hormones, antibiotics, and
vaccinations. Biotechnology, in particular, is a sort of technology that develops or creates things using
biological systems, living creatures, or components of them.
What is genetic eng or recomb DNA

Genetic engineering, also called recombinant DNA technology, involves the group of techniques used to
cut up and join together genetic material, especially DNA from different biological species, and
introduce the resulting hybrid DNA into an organism to form new combinations of heritable genetic
material. It is an aspect of biotechnology that involves the manipulation of organisms like bacteria,
plants, and animals and their products to perform essential functions or provide valuable products and
involves manipulating the DNA of an organism.
The process labeled B

The process labeled B is called genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology. However, to be
precise, the specific process of inserting DNA into a cell is called "Transformation."

The DNA in cell A

The DNA in cell A is derived from a cell of the gland called the mammary glands of Cell A.

What is prod by gland

The DNA in cell A derived from the cell of a gland called "Mammary glands" mainly produces the product
called "Milk."

Cell C with produce milk and

Large quantities of functional and active protein C

Cell C has a DNA molec from two diff sources

A Transgenic Organism

What animal is cell A derived from

Cell A is derived or came from a specifical animal which are Pigs.


Resistance to Fungal Diseases, Pests and adaptation to certain climates or temperatures. Furthermore,
the creation of seedless grapes


Resistance to diseases that relate to either causes by fungi, bacteria and resistance to pests that in
return, results into greater quality and better mango flavor. Moreover, if possible, through the use of
genetic engineering, I will improve its "meat" or "fruit quantity" and make it either taste sweeter or


Resistance to the ringspot virus, pests, and other diseases such as Phytophthora root rot and improved


Instead of improving its quality, adding newer qualities such as newer varieties of color through the use
of genetic engineering to enhance its beauty and commercial power and improving its fragrance quality
are one of the things that I will do to an Orchid. However, resistance to diseases, pests and improved
resistance to rotting


Resistance to diseases, pests, and greater tolerance or resistance to herbicides or insecticides and
improved crop yield.
Give one moral

One of the highly infamous moral issues that revolve around cloning surrounds the area of religion in
which certain religious people believe that cloning is against God’s will and that cloning a human being is
just like playing God, according to them. However, the other moral issue around cloning typically
revolves around the safety and efficacy of the procedure, cloning for destructive embryonic stem cell
research, the effects of reproductive cloning on the child/parent relationship, and the commodification
of human life as a research product.

Give one legal

One of the legal issues surrounding cloning revolves around whether cloning is unconstitutional or
constitutional. Precisely, some believe that banning cloning is unconstitutional as it deprives those that
can only bring forth a child through cloning, while others find that not banning cloning or legally
accepting cloning is unconstitutional as some aspects of human life should be off-limits to science.

What is the name of the first animal cloned

The first successfully cloned animal from an adult mammal is a sheep named Dolly that happened on the
fifth day of July 1996, born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland.

Give one social

Many highly complicated or complex social issues revolve around the concept of cloning, particularly
human cloning. However, one of the most infamous social issues revolves around the possibility of
tarnishing what makes a human, truthfully human, which is their imperfections or unpleasant traits that
one tries to conquer and improve each day. Precisely, cloning can impose a harmful social issue such as
destroying what makes us humans, truthfully human, the possibility of warfare and slavery, or malicious
uses towards cloning for the benefit of the “true humans.”
Why is it necessary to clone DNA and genes

Why precisely is cloning, or why is cloning DNA and genes necessary or of great importance in the first
place? The answer to that question relies upon the fact that the cloning of DNA and genes unlocks a
wide variety of possible critical uses that can either solve current problems about diseases, unanswered
questions in the concept of biology and other related fields, or create newer kinds of technology that
benefit a specific organism or the entirety of the world. Precisely, cloning DNA and genes is necessary as
it helps scientists acquire thousands or even millions of copies of the same DNA and test tube to gain
information such as its sequence and second, is to manipulate it to create a newer organism, improved
characteristics or traits and other highly critical uses. To further attest to its importance is its major use
in medication in which cloning the DNA and genes of bacteria play a heavy role in synthesizing vitamins,
hormones, antibiotics, and treatment of different diseases.
Why give that rate
On a scale of 1-5, I rated my understanding about the overall or general topic of Week 1, Recombinant
DNA, with four as I may have appropriately understood the necessary concepts, lessons, or the overall
topic. However, I am not that confident in saying that I have fully understood everything as there are
some areas of the topic. One of the areas that I do not fully understand yet but gained a little
understanding of is the diagram or process of genetic engineering. Therefore, I rated 4 in terms of my
knowledge about the topic.


Best method



Other: fun physical games or activities that involves the topics (sadly, not available due to current
What were the clues that led to the identification of the suspect?
Upon thoroughly reading, analyzing, evaluating and rereading the following given story about the case,
the clues that were visibly present that led to the identification of the suspect are the following: 1.) A
pager near the body, 2.) The fact that the man admitted that he was with the woman on the day of her
murder, but claimed that “he had never been near the factory.” 3.) Then, the most critical, prominent
and leading reasons to finding out who the genuine suspect was are the two seeds from a nearby palo
verde tree nearest to the woman’s dead body. 4.) Finally, the precise and unique DNA fingerprint of the
seed pods.

Why do you think the discovery of the seed pods

Upon learning and reading the interesting case of the Telltale Palo Verde, the critical reason or key
justification as to why the discovery of the seed pods provided the most crucial clue is first, it was found
on the main suspect’s pickup truck, second, the investigators knew and identified that there were
nearby palo verde trees close to where the body was found, making it key piece of evidence, third, the
fact that seeds contain unique DNA fingerprints are one of the most crucial reasons as to why it provides
the most critical clue; each palo verde show genetic variation. Finally, fourth, upon closer investigation
by Helentjaris, he was given other 12 palo verde seeds along with the palo verde seeds that was found
on the suspect’s pickup truck and showed that out of the other palo verde seeds only the two seeds
found on the pickup truck matched that on the palo verde trees nearby the body. Hence, the palo verde
seeds or its discovery is the most crucial clue.

What if a strand of hair was found in the truck bed instead of a seed pod, do you think
it will still lead to the identification of the suspect?
If instead, a strand of hair was found in the truck bed instead of a seed pod, it still will become the most
crucial clue and would be the main clue that would lead to the identification of the suspect and the
reason lies beyond the fact that both strand of hairs and seed pods contain unique DNA fingerprints or
genetic variation that is only unique to that particular individual. If a strand of hair was found it could be
used as evidence by the investigators, the forensic team and Helentjaris as they can try to prove if it
matches with the victim or of the suspect. Therefore, if a strand of hair was found instead of the two
seed pods of palo verde trees, it still would critically help lead to the identification of the true suspect or
What do you think are the other uses of DNA fingerprinting?
As stated, studied and read on the module and other sources coming from Google, and as to what I have
learned about DNA fingerprinting, its other critical uses except for its use in investigations of murders or
as evidences to prove specific things, it is also highly critical in the field of medicine as it helps identify
the presence of a viral infection or a mutated gene that could predispose someone to cancer. Other uses
of DNA fingerprinting can lead to identifying the parents of a child or the child’s true parents and even
identify bodies caused by unforeseen circumstances or disasters.

What if the strand of hair belonged to the victim

As previously stated in a previous related question, if a strand of hair was identified instead of the seed
pods in the truck bed of the pickup truck of the prime suspect, it still would provide great and critical
amounts of evidence or clue that would lead to the identification of the actual suspect as hair contains
unique DNA fingerprint, even help identify the specific racial group it belongs, helping exclude other
prime suspects and leading towards the truth. However, in the case of the question, other clues that
would greatly help in such event would be to find the item used to strangle the woman or the tools of
murder, signs of wounds from being hit by the strangled woman as anyone who is strangled would do
their best to struggle and get away and may damage that person, hence looking at the victim’s body
itself such as its nail or doing thorough autopsy of the body is another great clue as it may contain
specific and unique DNA fingerprints of the suspect if they were scratched or damaged.

How did the investigators conclude that the suspect

From the previous questions and the answers I provided that correlated to the following case or story,
the investigators knew, found out, and appropriately concluded that the prime suspect was indeed the
murderer was through the physical evidence found in the truck bed of the pickup truck of the prime
suspect, the two seed pods. Precisely, Helentjaris through the use of DNA fingerprinting and comparing
various palo verde seeds to multiple trees found out that one of the seed pods found in the pickup truck
matched from only one of the twelve palo verde trees, the palo verde tree that was the nearest to the
woman’s dead body. Therefore, the investigators was able to conclude and identify that the prime
suspect was indeed the murderer because of the seed pods as critical evidence.

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