Learning Activity Lesson 4

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John Keith S.

HUMSS B 12 Hope

Learning Activity Lesson 4

Learning activity Lesson 4

DISCUSS 5 points each number p61

1. What, in your opinion, are the traits that distinguish humans from all other beings that exist?
- Humans have completely distinct biological characteristics when compared to other animals.
Humans have cognitive abilities and a full language that they use to communicate with one
another. Another feature that distinguishes humans from other species is their ability to
reason and solve problems.

2. How do the various philosophical perspectives define human nature?

- Understanding human nature, according to one influential philosophical tradition, is grasping
the essence of what it is to be human. An "essence," as it is commonly understood, is the
fundamental being or reality that a particular thing embodies. An essence describes the
characteristics of a thing.

3. Which perspective conforms to your personal ideas on the nature of man?

- It is difficult to contrast the definitions of human nature presented by different philosophical
perspectives when one has limited knowledge of them. It is not, however, incorrect to say
that most, if not all, philosophical schools advocate the "transcendental" or "elevated" status
of humans and their relationship to the natural world's hierarchy.

THINK 3 points for each number P62

Analyze the perspectives on human nature by completing the perspective below.

Biological perspective Perspective in Ecological Perspective Ecological Perspective

states that all psychological are begins with the begins with the
behaviour , thoughts , behavioural , cognitive assertion that the assertion that the
and feelings have a , and humanistic . environment is an environment is an
biological cause . economic good . economic good .
Theological perspective
starts by assuming that
the divine , however
defined , is real and
that religion is a
response or approach
to spiritual realities . At
the very least , the
theological perspective
is willing to entertain
the possibility of the
existence of God .
John Keith S. Escala
HUMSS B 12 Hope

Identify the following. 1 point for each number P67

1. the species to which modern human beings belong

- Homo sapiens
2. considered the most significant product of human evolution
- Technology
3. perspective which considers man as God’s creation
- Theological Perspective
4. concept of the “economic man" which is driven by rationality and self -interest
- Homo Economicus
5. the distinct personality of an individual defined by his or her various physical and mental traits
- Identity
6. the stale of being reasonable and the ability to engage in problem-solving and decision making
- Rationality
7. refers to the quality that makes a human individual distinct from others
- Personality
8. the ability to perceive the surroundings, to feel and experience, and apply knowledge
- Sentience
9. this view asserts that a human being becomes a person through interaction with other human
- The person in relation to others
10. the recognition of an individual as a distinct entity different from others
- Personhood

Analyze the statements by writing your answers below the two columns. 5 points for each column P69
Statement Ideas on Humanity or the Human person Personal Reaction

Karol Wojtyla For us, action reveals the person, and we My understanding is based
look at the person through his action. For it on Karol Wojtyla, a human
lies in the nature of the correlation inherent person reveals himself
in experience, in the very nature of man's through their actions. Just
actions, that action constitutes the specific by simply observing or
moment whereby the person is revealed. looking at what they do,
Action gives us the best insight into the you'll know, and you'll have
inherent essence of the person and allows an idea of who they are.
us to understand the person most fully When a person acts, he or
she is expressing himself or
herself. You judge a person
based on their actions.
Wojtyla's idea makes sense
because we have this
saying that "actions speak
louder than words",
meaning that no matter
John Keith S. Escala
HUMSS B 12 Hope

how sweet talker and

fluent speaker you are but
if you are showing the
opposite of it which is
doing bad things, you'll still
appear bad.
David Hume For my part, when I enter most intimately According to David Hume,
into what I call myself, I always stumble on whenever he thinks of
some particular perception or other, of the himself, it is just full of a
heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, collection of perceptions in
pain or pleasure. I can never catch myself at which I think we prefer to
any time without a perception and never think of ourselves as
can observe anything but perception... I may "SELF". However, no
venture to affirm of the rest of mankind, matter how thoroughly we
that they are nothing but a bundle or explore our own
collection of different perceptions, which experiences, we never see
succeed each other with an inconceivable anything more than a
rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and jumble of brief emotions,
movement sensations, and
perceptions. We can't all
look at ourselves or what
we are at the same time.
To put it in another way,
we can never be fully
aware of ourselves; we can
only be fully aware of what
we are experiencing at any
given time. Although the
memory can be used to
trace the relationships
between our ideas,
feelings, and other
emotions over time, there
is no real evidence of a
core that connects them.
Charles Darwin Man in the rudest state in which he now Charles Darwin is very
exists is the most dominant animal that has known for the theory of
ever appeared on this earth. He has spread evolution and for him
more widely than any other highly organized humans are the most
form: and all others have yielded before powerful and rudest
him. He manifestly owes this immense animals that exist. I also
superiority to his intellectual faculties, to his believe in his idea since we
social habits, which lead him to aid and humans have the highest
defend his fellows, and to his corporeal degree of all forms of
structure The supreme importance of these organisms and we are the
characters has been proved by the final only ones who have a high
arbitrament of the battle for life. Through level of intelligence, so we
John Keith S. Escala
HUMSS B 12 Hope

his powers of intellect, articulate language are able to control,

has evolved; and on this, his wonderful dominate, and evolve to be
advancement has mainly depended. more powerful. The power
of change is in our hands,
and all of these changes
depend on us if we will
choose to be responsible
for it or not.
Pope Francis In the first creation account in the Book of As a child of God, I agree to
Genesis, God's plan includes creating what-Pope Francis stated. I
humanity. After the creation of man and believe that God created us
woman, 'God saw everything that he made, with different specialty but
and behold it was very good (Gen. 1:31). The loves us all equally, that
Bible teaches that every man and woman is God created us for a
created out of love and made in God's image reasonable reason that
and likeness (cf. Gen. 1.26). This shows us each and every one of us
the immense dignity of each person, who is have the ability to be
not just something, but someone. He is aware of ourselves and
capable of self-knowledge, self-possession, communicate with others
and of freely giving himself and entering into in order to rule the world
communion with other persons... We were he created for us.
conceived in the heart of God, and for this
reason, each one of us is the result of a
thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of
us is loved, each of us is necessary...

Reflect: 5points each p71

1. How will an awareness of yourself as a person contribute to your own personal development?
- Knowing who you are accurately helps you decide what you should do to improve. Self-
awareness frequently reveals a skill gap that you should work on. Understanding your own
strengths and weaknesses. Self-awareness allows you to capitalize on your strengths while
coping with your weaknesses.

2. If you were able to propose an additional trait in defining the human person, what will it be?
Explain your answer.
- Personality traits reflect people’s characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Personality traits imply consistency and stability someone who scores high on a specific trait
like Extraversion is expected to be sociable in different situations and over time. Thus, trait
psychology rests on the idea that people differ from one another in terms of where they stand
on a set of basic trait dimensions that persist over time and across situations. The most widely
used system of traits is called the Five-Factor Model.

3. Look back on your personal experiences and identify which concept of personhood has guided
your personal development.
John Keith S. Escala
HUMSS B 12 Hope

- Making mistakes and going through difficulties can help a person grow. Examine your
personal experiences to determine which concept of personhood has influenced your
personal development.

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