Lab 01

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Engineering and Smart Systems Dept.

Introduction to Database LAB COMP 2113

Introduction to
✔ Differences between Data & Information
✔ What is Database ?
✔ Management System & DBMS
✔ Relational Database Management
✔ Database schema
✔ Installation Oracle Program
✔ How used oracle program ?
Differences between Data & Information

Data: collected facts about a topic or item

Information: the result of combining comparing and

performing calculations on data .
What is Database?
❖ Part of an information system.

❖ Is a centralized and structured set of data stored on a computer

system .

❖ Provides facilities for retrieving, adding, modifying, and deleting

the data when required.

❖ Provides facilities for transforming retrieved data into useful

Management System
A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used
to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its

Database Management System

A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that
enables an organization to store, modify, and extract information from a
✔ Used to create and maintain the structure of a database, and then
enter, manipulate and retrieve the data it stores.
Relational Database Management (RDBMS):

RDBMS : is a common type of database whose data is stored in


a database that stores data in a structured format, using rows and

columns. This makes it easy to locate and access specific values
within the database.

❖ A table is a collection of records.

❖ A row is called a record (or instance).
❖ A column is referred to as a field ( or attribute).

Ex: Oracle Database, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite.

Database schema:
▪ is the skeleton structure that represents the logical view of the entire
database. It defines how the data is organized and how the relations among
them are associated.

▪ In Oracle, users and schemas are essentially the same thing. You can
consider that a user is the account you use to connect to a database, and
a schema is the set of objects (tables, views, etc.) that belong to that account.
Installing Oracle database
Oracle Database (known as Oracle RDBMS) is a Database Management
System produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.

The Most Fundamental and common usage of Oracle Database is to store

a Pre-Defined type of Data. It supports the Structured Query
language (SQL) to Manage and Manipulate the Data that it has. It is one
of the most Reliable and highly used Relational Database Engines.
Steps for Installation:
Step 1
First, we have to download the Oracle program from Link in Google Classroom .

Step 2
When the download completes, unzip the downloaded file and you will get a setup.exe file. Now, right click on
setup.exe and "Run as Administrator". An installer window will pop up.
Step 3. after click to setup the installation was prepares the necessary
things for start setup , please wait …

Step 4. the Installation is start , click Next to

complete .
Step 5. choose the destination location to store setup files from it.

Step 6. Enter the password for SYS and SYSTEM

accounts and then click next button.
Step 7. The installation is completed successfully and the application icon has been displayed
from the desktop.
How to use oracle database?
Open Run Command by use windows button in key
board + R key word.

In Run command we insert sqlplus to open oracle DB.

In sqlplus we connect to user in DB such as system by put
username :system
password : the password that insert it in installation
You can also login to SYS account (That have high priviliges) without a
password if you have physical access to the machine that runs the
database by logging as: / as sysdba

✔ You can change a user password using:

Alter user system identified by password;
To connect to specific account ( such as system or hr )

To known the date of database , we used command :

select sysdate from dual;
When trying to connect to specific account and found it is a lock, we
used this command to unlock it

Alter user hr account unlock;

❖ Notes : we must be using a sysdba account to unlock accounts and

we have to change password by using this command :

Alter user hr identified by password;

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