TP Tuto

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Step-1: Open Arcgis

Step-2: Add data > Source.gdb > add all the layers

Step-3: Create a new tool box. Catalog> Right click > new> new toolbox > right click on toolbox> new

Step-4: Drag a raster calculator tool from Arctoolbox > Spatial Analyst Tool > Map Algebra> Raster

Step-5: double click on raster calculator tool >

write down the

equation. The left corner box will show all the layers.

Pick conditional Setnull( “Waterbodies”==0,1). And save the output where you want to save it

Step-6: Drag Euclidean Distance tool from Spatial Analyst tool> Distance> Euclidean Distance

Step-7: open the Euclidean distance tool. In input data select the data Step-5 output. > Save the data >
output cell size 30 > Distance method will be Planar. Click ok and run the model.

The result will be look like this

Step-8: the next part is to drag Fuzzy Membership tool from> Spatial Analyst Tool > Overlay > Fuzzy
Membership tool. Open the tool. Input will be the waterDist layer output from step-7

As waterbodies is a Cost Criterion We need to put Max value in the minimum value and in the maximum
value field write 30. Fill the value as like this

Do the same for Road layer

Note: only in fuzzy membership the maximum value will be 4.5

Do the same for Urban and Nonflood layer ( in this layer in Fuzzy membership just put the max value in
min value box and vice-versa.

For Elevation or DEM data layer and popdensity layer we only use Fuzzy Membership tool

Drag the tool input data will be DEM or popdensity layer

As elevation layer is benefit criteria keep it as it no change only input data and save and run it.

For DEM do as waterbodies layer change the value of max to min and min to max.

After that we will get six STD layer after doing the Fuzzy Membership tool running. Such as WaterSTD,
RoadSTD, UrbanSTD, PopdenSTD, Elevetaion STD, and NonfloodSTD.
It will look like this (here only water and urban

the other two will look like this.

Now run the entire model and save it.

Keep only the STD layer and Geology layer

Create another Toolbox and New model


Step-9: Drag and drop Rank Tool from > Spatial Analyst tools> Local > Rank .

Open Rank tool> Constant Value 1 for Order 1

Order 1 will be the output file name > Input raster > the STD layer > select all the layer one by one>

And save it.

Do it for 7 times

There will be Order 1, to Order-7

Drag 7 raster calculator for 7 order open the rater for order 1: and put equation

“order1”* weight ( weight will be on upon you as you are the expertise) save it and run it.

Do the same for other 6 order select order one by one and multiply with weight.

The next part is drag another raster calculator and in the equation box Sum all the output of Order
weight you do and save it and run it.

Now you need to create Two Constraint layer of Road and Water bodies

Drag two raster calculator one for water and the other for road

For road equation will be “Roaddist”>=4.5

And for Water equation will be “Waterdist”>= 30

Save it as watercon and roadcon

The next part is to drag another raster calculator and open it

The equation will be the output of Sum of the order weight and Mutiply with watercon and roadcon and
save it

This will show you the result after running the model. Add to display you will see the suitable area for

If not go to the properties of the layer

Symbology and set classified and 5 classes

You will see the result.

Create map by the result.

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