TP Try

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Open ArcMap -> add all given data in source -> Toolbox -> Model
2. Open raster calculator -> and type SetNull(“urban”==0,1) for urban raster and give an output as
urban_null name.

Use this for urban, water, nonflood plain.

3. Use Euclidean distance for the created null files of urban, water, nonflood plain in model.
4. Open polyline to raster for road and polygon to raster for geology from conversion tool to
convert the vector files into raster,

Then use Euclidean distance on road raster.

5. Every raster file should be in stretch format using symbology.

6. Now after everything is similar to lab 3, jst the values would differ based on the termpaper
value. Apply fuzzy membership, use distance file as input, membership type would be linear. If
with the increase of distance, suitability increases, the max and min value would be the high and
low value, if with the increase of distance, suitability decreases, the high value would be come
min value while the low value would become max value. Output name should be as std. this
should be applied all except the geology raster file.

7. Similar way road_con and water_con file should be created using raster calculator.
8. Now every thing would be similar to lab 6 For weighting. Using the rank tool order should be
created. As we have 7 parameters, 7 orders should be created based on your preference.

9. Now weight should be multiplied for the order in raster calculator. Order 1 should have the
highest weight while order 7 should have the lowest weight. Sum total of the weight should be 1
and the weight should also be based on your preference. Output name is as owa1 to owa7.
10. Using raster calculator all of the owa is added and named asowa_avg.

11. This file is multiplied with watercon and roadcon and named as owa_avg_ans.

12. Using reclassify tool the classes are for suitability.

Click ok and run and then click add to display. Then you will see the output and create map.

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