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Preparation of Alkanes – (i) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

(ii) Alkyl Halides
(iii) Carboxylic Acids
Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
1. Hydrogenation Reaction

Catalyst Pt & Pd reaction is at room temperature and pressure.

Ni requires relatively higher temperature.

Alkyl Halides
(1) Reduction Method

(2) Wurtz Reaction

This method is not suitable for the preparation of odd number
of carbon atoms, Alkanes have close boiling points
Carboxylic Acids
Reactions of Alkanes
Substitution Reaction Combustion Reaction

Substitution Reaction → Halogenation Reaction

Combustion Reaction
General combustion equation - Alkanes
Alkenes →Olefines
Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes due to pi-bond.
IUPAC naming of Alkenes
Root word based on the Suffix →ene
length of carbon chain
1. Structural Isomers 2. Stereo Isomers
Chain and Position Geometrical or Cis-
Isomerism Trans Isomerism

1. Structural Isomers → Based on the position of double

bonds, they form position isomers

2. Stereo Isomers

Cis -but-2-ene is polar but trans-but-2-ene is non-polar.

Cis-but-2-ene is less stable and trans – but-2-ene is more

Preparation of Alkenes →Partial catalytic hydrogenation of
Preparation of Alkenes →Dehydrohalogenation of Alkyl

2-butene (80%) and 1-butene (20%)

Ease of Hydrohalogenation

Vicinal Dihalides →Dehalogenation

Halogen atoms attached to adjacent carbon atoms.
Preparation of Alkenes →Acidic Dehydration Process of

Alkenes Chemical Properties

Addition Reactions
1. Draw the structural isomers of pentane and write its IUPAC names.
2. Draw the structural isomers of butane and write its IUPAC names.
3. Write structures of different chain isomers of alkanes corresponding
to the molecular formula C6H14. Also write their IUPAC names.
4. Primary Carbon (10)– Carbon attached to only one carbon atom as
like ethane or carbon atom attached to no other carbon atm.
Secondary carbon [20] – Carbon attached to two other carbon atoms.
Tertiary carbon [30] – Carbon is attached to three other carbon atoms.
Quaternary (neo) carbon – Carbon is attached to four other carbon
5. Write structures of different isomeric alkyl groups corresponding to
the molecular formula C5H11. Write IUPAC names of alcohols obtained
by attachment of –OH groups at different carbons of the chain.
6. Write IUPAC names of the following compounds.
(i) (CH3)3CCH2C(CH3)3 (ii) ( CH3)2C( C2H5)2
(iii)tetra-tert-butyl methane
7. Write structural formulas of the following compounds.
(i) 3, 4, 4, 5 – Tetramethyl heptane.
(ii) 2, 5 –Dimethyl hexane.
8. Write structures for each of the following compounds. Why are the
given names incorrect? Write correct IUPAC names.
(i) 2-Ethylpentane (ii) 5-Ethyl-3-methylheptane.
Dihydrogen gas adds to alkenes and alkynes in the presence of
catalyst Ni, Pd orPt to form alkanes.
CH2 = CH2 + H2 -------------
CH3-CH=CH2 + H2 --------------
CH3- CH=CH- CH3 + 2H2 ----------
REDUCTION – Alkyl halides (except fluorides) on reduction with Zn
and dilute HCl give alkanes.
CH3 – Cl + H2 ------------
C2H5- Cl + H2 ------------
CH3 – CH2 – CH2-Cl +H2 ---------------
Alkyl halides on treatment with Na metal in presence of dry ether
solution gives higher alkanes.
CH3Br + 2Na + BrCH3 ----------
C2H5Br + 2Na + BrC2H5 ---------
Sodium salts of carboxylic acids on heating with soda lime (mixture of
NaOH and CaO) give alkanes containing one carbon less than
carboxylic acid.
CH3COONa + NaOH ------------
An aqueous solution of Na/K salt of carboxylic acid on electrolysis gives
alkane containing even number of carbon atoms.
2CH3COONa + H2O ---------- CH3 --- CH3 + 2CO2 + H2 + NaOH
10. Methane cannot be prepared by Kolb’s electrolysis. Why?
11. Substitution reactions – Halogenation.
One or more hydrogen atoms of alkanes can be replaced by halogens,
nitro group and sulphonic acid group. Halogenation takes place at higher
temperature or in presence of sunlight.
CH4 + Cl2 →
CH3Cl + Cl2 →
CH2Cl2 + Cl2 →
CHCl3 + Cl2 →
Rate of reaction of alkanes with halogens is F2¿ Cl2¿ Br2¿ I2.
Rate of replacement of hydrogens of alkanes is 3° >¿2° >¿ 1°
13. Write the general equation for the combustion of Alkanes.

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