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You know that leadership and project management not the same thing, but they
are connected. Leader and managers rely on communications within a project to
help motivate, manage, and ensure that the project is moving forward towards
its objectives. Communication includes an activity where the receiver restates
what the sender has said to clarify the message and to give the sender to offer
clarity if needed. What is this communication component called?
Active listening
Sender-receiver model
Communications planning
Leader listening

A is correct. Active listening is the participatory component of a conversation

that confirms what was said and allows the sender to offer clarity, if needed. B is
incorrect, the Sender-Receiver Model is a model of how communication moves
between two people. C is wrong because communications planning is a project
management process plan for who needs what information, when the
information is needed, and in what modality. D, Leader Listening, is not a valid
project management term so this choice is incorrect.

You are the project manager for your organization and you’re working with a
new client to start a project at the client’s site. You and the client are negotiating
the price, schedule, and other concerns for a contract for the new project. In the
negotiating, You and the client should be negotiating for what result?
Best price for the contracted work
Fair agreement for both the client and the vendor
Most profit for the contracted work
Risk distribution between the two parties

B is correct. The purpose of negotiations is to reach a fair agreement for all

parties involved. A, and C are incorrect, this Is not the best answer as it Is not
concerned with the other party in the contract. D, risk distribution, is not a valid
choice as the fair agreement among the parties would address the risk

You are the project manager of the Systems Upgrade Project for your
organization. As a project manager, you want to influence the organization and
the project team for the better. What two key aspects are most helpful in
influencing your organization as a project manager?
Management and leadership
Communication skills and a positive attitude
Experience and knowledge
Experience and willingness to learn

The two key aspects that are most helpful in influencing an organization are
communication skills and a positive attitude. A and C are incorrect, they are
values for a project manager, but aren’t the most helpful aspects of influence. D
is also incorrect, because experience and a willingness to learn are good
attributes, but are intrinsic for a good project manager, but are not an external
influence on the organization.

Beth is a new project manager for her company and she’s working with her
project team to develop the project management plan. Beth knows that she
must rely on several different skills to make her first project successful. Of the
following management skills, which will a project manager use most?
Influencing the organization

Communication is the key general management skill a project manager will use
the most. A, C, and D represents necessary values for a project manager, but
communication accounts for the majority of a project manager’s time.

Teresa is the project manager for her department. Teresa has been working with
her manager to examine her skills and her career. Teresa’s manager believes
that Teresa should take more training in a project management information
system would make her a better project manager in her organization. Teresa
agrees, though she feels that she doesn’t know much about the project
management information system her department uses. In the five steps of
competence where is Teresa with this realization?
Unconsciously competent
Consciously competent
Consciously incompetent
Unconsciously incompetent

C is correct. Teresa is consciously incompetent as she is aware that she needs

more training to be competent in a new skill. A is incorrect as unconsciously
competent happens when Teresa can do the skill without even thinking about it.
B is incorrect as being consciously competent happen when Teresa learns and
practices the skill to gain competence. D describe the state when Teresa can do
the skill without even thinking about it.

As a CAPM candidate you should be familiar with the PMI Talent Triangle. You’ll
be earning Professional Development Units to maintain your CAPM certification
status once you’ve cleared the exam. Of the following choices, which answer is
not part of the PMI Talent Triangle?
Technical project management
Continuing education
Strategic and business management

Of all the choices presented, answer C is correct. Continuing education is not

part of the PMI Talent Triangle. A, B, and D are incorrect because leadership,
technical project management, and strategic and business management are the
three components of the PMI Talent Triangle.

While management is about getting things done, leadership is said to be about
motivating people. You know that leadership is a desirable trait for a project
manager and is heavily referenced throughout the PMBOK Guide. Which one of
the following characteristics is not an attribute of leadership?
Fiscal responsibility
Respect for others
Problem-solving ability
Desire to learn and improve

A is correct. This is an example of a management skill. Fiscal responsibility is also

a desirable trait for project managers, but it’s a management skill rather than a
leadership skill. B, C, and D are incorrect choices as leadership includes respect
for others, problem-solving abilities, and a desire to learn and improve.

You are the project manager for your organization. Your current project has over
100 stakeholders. Some the stakeholders have competing objectives and are
trying to leverage your project to meet their personal objectives. Influencing
your organization requires which of the following?
An understanding of the organizational budget
Research and documentation of proven business cases
An understanding of formal and informal organizational systems
Positional power

C is correct. To influence an organization (to get things done), a project manager

must understand the explicit and implied organizational system within an
organization. A is incorrect, since the project manager may not even have access
to an organizational budget. B is incorrect because a proven business case may
not map to every scenario when influencing an organization. D is incorrect
because positional power may relate only to a small portion of an organization,
not to multiple facets of influence

Mark is new project manager in his company. Before joining this company, Mark
worked as a project manager for over 20 years in a IT service provider. Mark has
a deep understanding of electronics, software development, and data
warehouse technology and is considered an expert in his field. His current
project team, however, is pushing back on recommendations from Mark and
challenging his knowledge on the project. Since Mark is new, the project team
reasons, he likely doesn’t understand how things work in the organization. What
type of power does Mark have in this scenario?

B is correct. Mark has positional power in this scenario as he’s new to the
organization and the team doesn’t recognize his expertise in the technology.
Position power is also known as formal, authoritative, and legitimate power. A is
incorrect as expert means the team would recognize his expertise in the
technology and respect his decisions. C is incorrect; situational power emerges
because the project manager has power because of certain situations in the
organization. D is incorrect because informational power means the individual
has control of the data gathering and distribution of information.


What type of power does a project manager have when the team admires the
project manager because they’ve worked with her before the current project or
they know of her reputation as a project manager?

Of all the choices presented, B is the best answer. The project manager is
respected or admired because of past experiences with the project manager.
This is about the project manager’s credibility in the organization. A is incorrect
because situational means the project manager has power because of certain
situations in the organization. C is incorrect—the project manager is liked
because of their personality rather than their experiences with the project team
in the past. D is incorrect as expert power means the has deep skills and
experience in a discipline.

Holly is the project manager for her company and her team likes working for
her. Holly has a good attitude, is easy to work with, and a good planner. The
project team views Holly as a member of management who can give them a
good review and possibly affect a bonus payment for each project team member
if the project is completed on time. What type of power does this project
manager have?

C is correct, the project team believes Holly can reward them for their good
work. A is incorrect, Punitive means the team thinks the project manager can
punish them. B is incorrect Situational is when the project manager has power
based on unique situations within the organization. D is incorrect, Guilt-based
power is when the team feels guilty if they don’t complete their project work
according to plan.


There are several different tactics and leadership styles you can adapt in a
project. Which one of the following is the best description of being a servant
The leader emphasizes the goals of the project and rewards and disincentives
for the project team
The leaders puts others first and focuses on the needs of the people he serves
The leader takes a hands off approach to the project
The leader inspired and motivates the project team to achieve the project goals

B is correct the leader puts others first and focuses on the needs of the people
he serves. Servant leaders provide opportunity for growth, education, autonomy
within the project, and the well-being of others. The primary focus of servant
leadership is service to others. A is incorrect because this answer describes
transactional leadership. C is incorrect because this answer describes a laissez-
faire leadership approach. D is also incorrect because this answer describes the
transformational leadership style


You are the project manager for your department. As a project manager, you will
have to use some positional power to keep the project moving forward. You’ll
also need to develop leadership skills to align, motivate, and inspire people. Of
the following choices, which one is most likely associated with management
Focus on the next project achievements
Build relationships
Support the project team
Challenge status quo

A is correct, Management focuses on the next project achievements. B, C, and D

are incorrect, leaders do build relationships, leaders do support the project
team, and Leaders do challenge the status quo.


You are the project manager for your organization. In your current project,
you’re coaching Mary on the project management knowledge areas. Mary is
having questions about project integration management at the process level.
Which one of the following is the best example of project integration
management at the process level?
Poor quality management planning will likely affect the quality of the project
A robust communications management plan is dependent on the number of
stakeholders involved in the project
Larger projects require more detail than smaller projects
Planning is an iterative activity that will happen throughout the project

A is correct, of all the choices presented this answer is the best example of
project integration management. Project integration management at the process
level means that what you do in one process can have a direct effect on other
processes. Poor quality management planning will likely affect the quality of the
deliverables is a true statement linked to project integration management. B, C,
and D are incorrect, this is an incorrect example of project integration
management at the process level.


You are the project manager of a project. The project team is experiencing some
trouble with a new material that the project will utilize. You gather the team to
lead an active problem-solving session. Which one of the following is the best
definition of active problem solving?
Define the problem and the desired solution
Discern the cause and the effect of the problem
Document the problem and its characteristics to see the whole effect
Test the materials to identify the solution

A is correct, active problem solving begins with problem definition. Problem

definition is the ability to discern between the cause and effect of the problem.
Root-cause analysis looks beyond the immediate symptoms to the cause of the
symptoms—which then affords opportunities for solutions. B, C, and D are
incorrect as this approaches doesn’t first define the effect and the causes which
is crucial to active problem solving.


Dwight was the project lead for the IT Upgrade Project while Jim was serving as
the project manager. Due to a family emergency, Jim has stepped down from the
project and has taken a leave of absence. Management has asked that Dwight
now serve as the project manager for the remainder of the project. What type of
power does Dwight now have?

C is correct, Dwight now has situational power. The project manager has power
because of certain situations in the organization. A is incorrect, Personal power
means the project manager has a warm personality that others like. B is
incorrect, Expert means that the project manager has deep skills and experience
in a discipline. Expert isn’t the best choice because Dwight is only made project
manager because of the situation with Jim having to leave the project. D is
incorrect, reward power means the project manager can reward the project


A project manager is meeting with his project team. In this meeting, the top ten
percent of project team members are openly praised for their hard work. The
bottom ten percent of the project team members are disciplined and somewhat
berated in the meeting. The balance of the project team is not addresses. What
type of leadership is happening in this scenario?
Transactional leadership
Laissez-faire leadership
Interactional leadership
Pressure-based power

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A is correct, Transactional leadership means the leader emphasizes the goals of

the project and rewards and disincentives for the project team. This is
sometimes called management by exception as it’s the exception that is reward
or punished. B is incorrect because laissez-faire leadership means the leader
takes a hands-off approach to the project. C is incorrect, the interactional leader
wants the team to act, is excited and inspired about the project work, yet still
holds the team accountable for their results. D is incorrect, pressure-based
power is not a leadership type, but rather a type of power where the project
manager can restrict choices to get the project team to perform and do the
project work


Harrold is the project manager for his organization and he has seven people on
his project team. Who is responsible for executing the project plan and creating
the project deliverables?
Project lead
Project manager and the project team
Project manager
Project team

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D is the correct answer, the project team members are responsible for executing
the project plan and creating the project deliverables. A is incorrect, the project
lead isn’t the only role responsible for executing the plan. C is incorrect, the
project manager, isn’t the best answer as the project manager may be
accountable for the project, but it’s the project manager that builds the project
deliverables. B is incorrect, the project team is responsible for executing the
plan, that is, doing the work to create the project deliverables.


As a project manager, you need both leadership and management skills. Which
one of the following statements best describes the difference between
leadership and management in a project?
Management is the process of getting the results that are expected by project.
Leadership is the ability to motivate and inspire individuals
Management is the process of getting the results that are expected by project
stakeholders. Leadership is the ability to motivate and inspire individuals to
work toward those expected results.
Leadership is about creating excitement to be managed.
Leadership is the process of getting the project team excited to create results
that are expected by project stakeholders. Management is the ability to keep
tract of the project results.

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B is correct, management is the process of getting the results that are expected
by project stakeholders. Leadership is the ability to motivate and inspire
individuals to work toward those expected results. A, C, and D are incorrect, it
does not reflect the difference between management and leadership in a


Communication is paramount in project management and best be summed up
by defining who needs what information, when do they need it, and what’s the
best what thing to deliver the message? Choose the best answer:

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D is correct, project communication can be summed up as “who needs what

information, when do they need it, and what’s the best modality to deliver the
message. A, B, and C isn’t the best choice to describe the medium of the

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