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How to Create 

a Blog

© | Deepak Choudhary

Table Of Contents

Why People Create Blog And Why You Should Create One? 6

     Step 1: Identify Your Blog Niche 9

     Step 2: Choose A Good Domain Name 9

     Step 3: Buy A Good Web Hosting Platform 12

     Step 4: Add WordPress to your Blog 24

     Step 5: Add WordPress Theme 29

     Step 6: Install Some Essential Plugins 33

     Step 7: Write Some Wonderful Post 36

     Step 8: How To Monetize Your Blog 38

5 Amazing Things To Do After Buying A Domain Name 45

     1. Connect Domain and Hosting 45

     2. Setup a Domain-Speci c Email Address 47

     3. Create Social Media Pro les For Your Blog 48

© | Deepak Choudhary

     4. Start Adding Contents To Your Website 49

     5. Have Clear Content Strategy For Your Website 50

How to create free LOGO for your website or blog? 51

How to create free FEATURED IMAGE for your blog? 55

     Conclusion 57

© | Deepak Choudhary


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© | Deepak Choudhary

Welcome to The Beginner's Guide on How to Create a Blog from Scratch.

In this guide, you will learn all the steps required to create a blog.

I have tried to made this guide as simple as possible so that anyone can

create a blog by following all the instructions contained in this guide.

You have downloaded this eBook so I assume that you want to create your

own blog but doesn't know how to start.

You are not alone. There are many people like you who wants to create a

blog and earn a decent income from it but doesn't know how to begin.

For this reason I have written this eBook.

This eBook explains all the steps required to create a blog from scratch.

And what if I tell you that you can have a blog under 30 minutes. You won't
believe me. But it's true. Follow all the steps mentioned in this eBook and

you will have a blog under 30 minutes.

© | Deepak Choudhary

© | Deepak Choudhary
Why People Create Blog And Why You Should Create
People create blogs for various reasons. Let's see below what are the

different types of blogs and why you may want to create one for yourself.


Personal blog are those that don’t focus on a specific topic or audience. The
owners of these personal blogs write mostly about what interests them, for
example, hobbies, interests, experience, beliefs, daily life, etc. They just want

to share their knowledge or experience with people that have the same

Celebrities like television or movie stars, sports personalities, authors,

politicians, etc. create blogs to share their personal life experiences with their
audience or fans.

Some people also create a personal blog to write on their hobbies like

gardening, painting, travelling, sports, cooking, etc. to showcase their

expertise, skills, or knowledge to users around the world.

© | Deepak Choudhary


These types of blogs are related to personality development, coaching,

consulting, spirituality, etc. They offer some programs which you can join to
enhance your skills or improve your personality or improve your spiritual

They focus on building strong relationships with their audience. Why?

Because strong relationship brings more customers for them. How they build
strong relationship? They do so by offering some freebies by providing free

content like guides, checklist, or e-books on their sites.


Niche blogs focuses on a particular topic. Niches may include anything

someone is interested in or have expertise in.

Niche topics may include:

Fashion, Lifestyle, WordPress, Movies, Books, Cars, Bikes, Sports, Finance,

Food, Writing, Travel, Fashion, Pets, Parenting & Entertainment

There are many monetization opportunities also for these types of blogs.

There are many successful bloggers who are earning million of dollars every
year by creating niche blogs.

© | Deepak Choudhary


In these types of blog you promote products of others by writing reviews or

tutorials of the product on your blog. In your reviews you place the product's

affiliate link. When a user visit the review page on your blog and purchase
from your affiliate link you get the commission.

There are many successful bloggers who earns thousands of dollars every
day by promoting these type of products.

You may also create a blog to promote any affiliate program. There are many

affiliate programs available online related to travel, blogging tools, video

maker, education, digital products, photography, etc.

Amazon Associates is one such affiliate program. You can also create a

successful career for yourself by creating a website and promoting Amazon

products. For this you need to join Amazon Associate program.

Now that you know what a blog is and what are the different types of blogs,

now let's learn how you can create a blog for yourself.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 1: Identify Your Blog Niche
Before proceeding to important steps like buying a domain name and hosting
you must first identify the niche or topics on which you want to create a blog.

I assume that by now you may have selected the blogging niche or topics on

which you may want to write on your blog.

So, let's proceed to the next step and choose a domain name for your blog.

Step 2: Choose A Good Domain Name

What exactly is a Domain Name?

A domain name is your website name. In simple terms, a domain name is the
address where users on internet can access your website.

For example, is the domain name of my website.

I would advise you to always choose a Top Level Domain (TLD) for your


A top-level domain (TLD) is the part of a domain that comes after the dot, for
example, .com.
.com is a Top Level Domain. Always try to buy a .com domain.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Why choose a top level domain? Because Google Search Engine indexes
these domains well in search results and has world wide acceptability.

But the problem is that you may not get single word domain with .com or .org

as you may see that all possible domains of your choice has already been

So what is the solution?

Two tools which may help you in selecting a top level domain name for your

blog is and leandomainsearch.

Visit either of these websites and enter your probable domain name and

select Search button.

It will come up with numbers of combination (with prefixes as well as suffixes)

for your domain name.

Note the domain name which you think is perfect for your blog.

See the image below in which I have entered Blogging as a domain name
and it has come up with so many results.

You can try different combinations until you get your desired domain name.

© | Deepak Choudhary

See below some tips for a choosing a good domain name:

1. Use your blog keyword in the domain name, though it is not mandatory.

Your domain name should be related to your blog niche.

2. Your blog domain name must not be more than two words. Short domain

names are easier to remember.

3. Do not use -, _, %, /, etc. or any other special characters or numbers in

your domain name. Users will find it difficult to remember the domain name.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 3: Buy A Good Web Hosting Platform

Now that you have chosen domain name of your choice, now, it's time to

purchase your domain and hosting plan for your blog from a Web Host.

What is a Web Host?

To make your website live on internet you need a host for your website. A
web hosting company provides space on their server to host your website so

that anyone can access your website on the internet.

Thus, basically you buy a space for your website from the web hosting

provider to host your website files (images, databases, post, pages, etc.).

There are hundreds of hosting company in the world. But you cannot buy
hosting from any web host. See below the important features that you should

look for in a web hosting company.

You should buy hosting from a company which provides the following


© | Deepak Choudhary

Fast server: To load your website super fast.

Free SSL certificates: To make your website secure and safe.

Unlimited SSD Storage: To store unlimited website files.

Easy cPanel (Control Panel): To manage all your website files and


Almost 100% up time: It builds good reputation among users.

24/7/365 Phone, Live Chat & Email Support: In case anything goes

wrong support team will help you.

Free Back Up: Keep a backup of your website. In case something goes

wrong with your website you can easily restore your website with a

Privacy and Security: To secure your website from hackers.

I recommend A2hosting, Siteground and Bluehost as web host because they

provide all the features as mentioned above. I am using these hosting

providers for managing my websites.

© | Deepak Choudhary

How To Buy Hosting For Your Blog?
Below see how you can buy hosting from Siteground and A2hosting. Let's

start from Siteground first.


Siteground is one of the most popular hosting platform. It is recommended by

top bloggers of the world. In fact, Syed Balkhi ( and Brad
Smith ( has recommended Siteground as preferred hosting


Click here >> Siteground. It will take you to the following page.

Step 1: Choosing a Hosting Plan

SiteGround has three plans.

The StartUp plan is perfect for people who only wants to create a single


The GrowBig plan is a great value for money offer. You can create
unlimited websites under this plan. It includes SuperCacher that greatly

improves website speed.

The GoGeek plan is perfect for people with e-commerce and larger

sites, or more geeky development needs like more server resources and
GIT integration.

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I would recommend you to go with GrowBig plan as it has much more
features than the StartUp plan and you can create unlimited number websites

under this plan.

Select the button given below to activate 71% discount on Siteground hosting


Claim 71% Discount on Hosting Plan at SITEGROUND.

Select GET PLAN under GrowBig.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name 
You can choose to buy a new domain, or sign up with an existing domain.

You can select Register a New Domain, if you want to buy a new domain.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 3: Review and Complete the Order
In this step, select the period for which you want to buy the hosting plan. You
can go for minimum 12 month period. But if you can go for 2 year or 3 year

plans you could save good amount of money (let's see example below).

First Case: You buy GrowBig plan for 36 months and pay $214.2 ($5.95 x


Second Case: Initially you buy only for 12 months period for $71.4 ($5.95 x
12) and go for renewal after 12 months and pay $478.8 ($19.95 x 24) for 24

months. Thus, in total you pay $550.2 ($71.4 + $478.8) for 36 months.

Let's see how much you are saving if you buy the GrowBig plan at a stretch

for 36 months:

$550.2 - $214.2 = $336, you are saving a whopping $336. Exciting isn't it! So

you must buy hosting plan for longer period to save money.

© | Deepak Choudhary

In next step, enter your details like name, address, phone number, email
address, etc. Make the payment with your credit or debit card.

That's it. You have successfully purchased a hosting plan at Siteground.

Within few minutes you will get a confirmation mail from Siteground and you

could start managing your blog.

Claim 71% discount at Siteground.

Now let's see how to purchase hosting plan at A2hosting. If you prefer

Siteground, you can skip this step.

© | Deepak Choudhary


Click here >> A2hosting. It will take you to the following page.


I would recommend you to buy DRIVE plan - it is most popular among new

bloggers and is affordable too.

Why I am recommending DRIVE plan? Because under this plan you can

create unlimited website. If in future you decide to create more website you
can easily create under this plan. You are not required to buy hosting plan


© | Deepak Choudhary

See the image given below to compare hosting plans. It is also showing what

you will get in all the shared hosting plans.

In the above step, select GET DRIVE.

In the next step enter your domain name. See the image given below.

© | Deepak Choudhary

On selecting CHECK, it will check whether the domain name entered by you
is available or not.

If the domain name is available it will display the following message (see the

following message).

By default, 36 month plan would be selected automatically. I will again

recommended you to buy longer period plan as you will get discount for the

full 36 month period.

However, if you go want to buy only 12 month plan you can easily change the
plan by selecting the appropriate option in the Billing Cycle.

© | Deepak Choudhary

On selecting CONTINUE you will be asked to REVIEW your order.

Now select CHECKOUT.

In the next page, enter your details like name, email address, phone number,

address and password.

Choose your security question and answer and make payment.

© | Deepak Choudhary

You can pay by Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, Paypal, Skrill and

many more.

From above, choose your preferred payment method and make payment.

That's it. You have successfully paid for the hosting plan as well as domain

Congratulations! You have completed an important step towards your

blogging journey. Now you are the proud owner of a blog.

You will soon receive mail from A2hosting regarding your payment. Now you

can login to A2hosting Dashboard to manage your newly created website.

A2hosting is offering whopping discount of 51% on its shared hosting plan.

Claim 51% Discount on Hosting Plan at A2hosting

Step 4: Add WordPress to your Blog

Now that you have bought your domain name and hosting plan, now its time
to load WordPress into it, which is a fairly simple process.

Why WordPress?

© | Deepak Choudhary

First Reason: 75 million websites or you could say 33% of all websites

around the world uses WordPress to manage their websites.

Second Reason: WordPress is free to install, deploy, and upgrade. It is also

very user friendly.

Third Reason: Many popular websites have build their websites on

WordPress. For example,,,,, and many more.

Fourth Reason: Thousands of plugins and themes power a flexible and

simple interface, which reduces development costs and deployment time.

For my blog,, I am also using WordPress. I think these

reasons are enough for you to select WordPress as a platform for your blog.

Once you login into, select cPanel Login button to launch the
cPanel. I have taken a2hosting as example. In Siteground also the steps are
almost similar.

On selecting the cPanel Login, you will taken to the following page. See the
image given below.

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Here, to install WordPress in your blog, select WordPress option.

Now, in the Choose Installation URL enter the name of your blog (i.e. domain

For example, my blog is so I will enter the same in this


Then enter your site name and a little description about your blog.

Now comes the important part.

Enter the Admin username and Admin password.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Store this information safely.

You will use this credentials to login into the WordPress dashboard.

Now, select the Install button (See the image given below).

Withing few minutes WordPress will be installed and loaded into your

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After WordPress has been successfully installed, your WordPress URL to
login into the dashboard would be like this:

Replace example by your domain name.

After entering the URL in address bar of Chrome Browser, press Enter.

You will be asked to enter your WordPress Username and Password.

After entering Username and Password, select Log In. Now, you will be taken
to WordPress Dashboard.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Under WordPress Dashboard, you can do multiple things such as:
1. Install WordPress themes

2. Install WordPress plugins

3. Add your Blog Post and Pages
4. Create Menus

5. Create Header and Footers

6. Add widgets on Sidebars
7. etc.

Step 5: Add WordPress Theme

After you login to the WordPress Dashboard, the next thing you will have to
do is to install a theme for your blog.

What is a theme in WordPress?

A theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets used to define the

appearance and display of a WordPress powered website.

They can be changed, managed, and added from the WordPress Dashboard.

Please Note: There are a number of free themes available on internet and

even in WordPress but I will advice you to use premium theme.


© | Deepak Choudhary

Because premium themes are not resource heavy. They are light weight and
hence, does not consuming whole lot of your resources. They are SEO

optimized and mobile responsive. See all the features below.

A good premium theme should have the following features:

Optimized for speed and performance

SEO optimized
Responsive design

Free and regular updates for life

Good Support

Free themes lack premium features and after some time their developer stop
releasing updates which may cause your website to break.

My Recommendation

I am using GeneratePress and AstraPro themes in my blogs. Both these

themes are very light weight and easy to customize.

GeneratePress and AstraPro are among the largest used themes on


© | Deepak Choudhary

Blogs on both these themes load very fast and are recommended by top

bloggers of the world.

In this blog i.e. I am using theme by GeneratePress.

You can see that it is very minimal in design yet very attractive and my blog
loads within couple of seconds.

You can choose either of these two themes for your blogs - GeneratePress
and Astra Pro

Premium themes are regularly updated by their developer to fix any bugs in

the theme, if any, and regularly add new features and functionality.

Due to regular update they always remain compatible with the latest
WordPress version.

Learn more about GeneratePress premium theme here.

You can use this theme on unlimited websites. Yes, just buy this one and use
it on any number of websites.

Once you have purchased the theme, you will get a link to download it. On

download you get the theme in a zip file.

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Follow the below steps to install theme in your blog.

In your WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance then Themes and then

select Add New button.

Now select Upload Theme. The theme you have purchased comes with zip
file. You will have to upload this zip file to install the theme.

Once theme is loaded successfully, it will ask to activate it.

Select Activate. Now your theme has been installed and activated on our


© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 6: Install Some Essential Plugins
There are some plugins which are very essential for smooth running of your

What is a Plugin?

A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be

added to a WordPress website.

Plugins are necessary to optimize your website speed, SEO, security, image
compression, backup, etc.

Plugins can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress


Some essential plugins are listed below:

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1. RankMath: It is the best SEO plugin. It helps you in your search engine
optimization efforts.
2. UpdraftPlus: It is one of the best WordPress backup plugins. It allows

you to setup automatic backup schedules for your blog. If something

bad happens to your blog it will help you in restoring it.
3. SocialSnap: It is the best WordPress social media sharing plugin that

helps you to drive more traffic from social media sites like Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest and many more.
4. Contact Form 7: It produces a contact form page. Your users can use

this form to contact you.

5. WPOptimize: It helps you to clear clutter in your blog. It is one of the

best cache plugin. You blog remains clean and optimized to load very
6. Page Builder like Thrive Architect or Elementor: These plugins help you

to design your blog to make it more attractive and appealing to your



Don't install plugins which are not updated regularly. Plugins which are not
updated regularly are vulnerable to security threat.

Adding plugins from WordPress Dashboard is fairly simple.

© | Deepak Choudhary

In the WordPress Dashboard select Plugins → Add New
Then you can select required plugins from Recommended tab, Popular
tab or Featured tab. You can even search for your plugin if it is not there

in the list.
Once you are in the plugin page click on the Install Now button.
After installation, click on the Activate button to activate it. That's it, now

your plugin has been installed and activated also.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 7: Write Some Wonderful Post
Congratulations, now your blog is completely set up.

Now you can start writing some awesome post or articles. To write an article

we use Post in WordPress.

Try to write an article keeping in mind your end users. Your article should be
engaging and should contain solution to their problems.

For example, if a user is searching for the below topics-

Best exercises for women, Best yoga exercise for diabetics, How to train
dogs, How to install windows OS, How to install WordPress Themes, etc.

Write such article which can provide best possible answer to your users

queries as mentioned above.

So, if your articles are providing the best answer that your users are seeking
then your content is worth publishing. Google will also like it and rank your
article higher in search results.

To write a post in WordPress Dashboard, select Posts and then Add New.

© | Deepak Choudhary

In the Post page, add the Title of the post. After that write the contents of the

Remember that the length of the post should not be very short. Try to write a

post containing at-least 1000 or more words. The longer the better.

Try to add your main keyword as well as different variations of your main
keywords 4 to 5 times in the post. Don't over add it as it will have negative
effect in Google Search Result.

After finishing writing the content, hit the PUBLISH button.

Congrats, now your post is LIVE and you have successfully learn how to

create a blog from scratch under 30 minutes.

Repeat the same process and continue writing awesome articles.

Now, let's see how we can earn from our blog and what are different methods
to monetize our blog.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Step 8: How To Monetize Your Blog
Before thinking about monetizing your blog try to add at-least 20 to 30 post.

You should look to monetize your blog only when the blog starts getting
decent organic traffic from search engines like Google.

Thus, focus on adding more quality contents before looking to monetize your

Once you start getting decent traffic there are many options available which

you can use to earn money from your blog.

Let's look at some of the options.

Google Adsense

It is one of the most sought after option for bloggers looking for monetization.

Though, now a days, it is very difficult to get approval from Google Adsense
but if you are writing quality and unique contents which are valuable to your
users then you can apply for it.

Hopefully you can get approval also. I am already using it on some of my

sites and getting good results.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Please Note: Write at-least 20-25 articles before submitting your application

to Google. Google will reject your application if your site contains very few

This is my favorite monetization option. In fact, even better than Google

Adsense. I am using this advertisement network in my many websites to

display ads.

If you have traffic from USA, UK or Australia then you can earn very good
revenue from it.


This is another advertisement network which I am using in my websites along

with Ezoic and Google Adsense.

It's income is not at par to Google Adsense or Ezoic but it is providing decent

eCPM for its ad impression.

For Indian traffic I am getting around $0.05 to $0.20. If your website is

rejected by Google Adsense, then you can try this network to see how it goes
for you.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Affiliate Programs

There are different affiliate program which you can join to monetize your blog.

You can join Amazon Associate program to sell amazon products and earn


You can also try JVZoo, Clickbank and ShareASale.

Sell your own products

If you have your own products and are getting decent traffic on your blog you
can try selling it on your blog.

Blogging can be a very profitable profession. Be serious about it right from

the start.

Take your blog as a long term business. There is a saying, Rome is not built

in a day. Thus, add regular and enriching contents which engages your users
and try to solve their problems.

Also, user experience must be your top priority. Follow the above tips and I
am sure you will have a very satisfying and rewarding blogging career.

© | Deepak Choudhary

There is no limit to how much you could earn from blogging. There is so

much potential.

Whether you are unemployed, employed, retired person or a housewife,

anyone can create a blog and make a rewarding career for themselves.

Online earning is a great source of income. You don't have to work under any

one. You don't have to work 9-5 at a day job.

Even if you are employed on a regular job, you could start a blog to create a
passive income stream for yourself. These extra income could do wonders to
your financial life.

So, what are you waiting for.

Take action now, create a blog and with in 6 months to 1 year you could be

earning a minimum of $500 - $1000 per month.

© | Deepak Choudhary

FAQ Related To How To Start A Blog
For those who are going to start a blog I have compiled few questions which

are frequently asked by newbie bloggers.

You may also have some confusion on how to create a blog, how to start,
which platform to use, etc.

I hope that my answer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) would clear

most of the confusion.

#1 How much money is needed to start a blog?

To start a blog, you basically need the following two-

1. A web hosting plan and

2. A Domain name

As a beginner you should go with shared hosting plan. It would cost you $5
dollar (around Rs 400/-) per month i.e. Rs 5000/- (approx.) per year.

A Domain name would cost you around $10 (around Rs 800/-) per year.

To start a blog, you must invest this much amount. Without this investment
you would not be able to create a good successful blog for yourself.

See top deals on blogging tools.

© | Deepak Choudhary

#2 Can I start a blog for free?
Yes, you can start a blog for free in Blogger. If you want to create a personal
blog with no intention to earn any money from your blog then you can use

If you wish to earn from your blog but starts your blog in free platform like
Blogger then you are making a big blogging mistake.

I would advise you to invest some money in buying a hosting plan and a

domain name. It doesn't cost much and you can use this platform to make
money for yourself.

#3 How do I drive free organic tra c to my blog?

You have created a blog and written some post but you are not getting
enough traffic to your blog. This is the common question I often get asked by
newbie bloggers.

If your blog is not properly optimized for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
then it would be very difficult to rank your blog higher up in search engine like


So, in order to drive free organic traffic to your blog you must give attention to

proper on-page and off-page SEO. Once you do this properly you will start
getting results with in a span of 3-4 months.

© | Deepak Choudhary

#4 How do I promote my blog?
There are many ways in which you can promote your blog and start getting

free traffic.

Forums: Be active in forums related to your blog. By being active I mean you
should take part in discussions and provide answer to users questions. In
between you can also share link to your blog which will bring traffic to your

Facebook Fan Page: Create Facebook fan page for your blog and start
posting regular and useful contents. By being consistent you can drive your
Facebook fan page users to your blog.

Quora: Register yourself at Quora. Start answering to questions posted by

others. Like forums, here also while answering questions you can share a
link to your website.

Be careful while posting your blog links. If you do it too much, you may be
banned by the above platforms.

© | Deepak Choudhary

5 Amazing Things To Do After Buying A
Domain Name
1. Connect Domain and Hosting
For creating a blog you basically need two things - (1) a Domain and (2) a
Web Hosting.

Just as in physical business you need a land, a space, to construct a shop, in

similar way, when you buy a domain name you need a space from the web

hosting provider to host your website files and make your website LIVE.

When you buy a hosting plan from a web host from which you had purchase
your domain also then there is no extra set up needed. Your web host
automatically do all the required set up and connects your domain with

For example, if you buy your domain name and hosting from same web host
company like A2hosting, Siteground or Bluehost then your website is

configured automatically.

Let's take another example. You bought a domain name from domain
registrar like Godaddy. Now, you bought a shared hosting plan from

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In this case, your domain would not connect automatically with your web
hosting provider i.e. A2hosting.

Here, you need to complete a small step to connect these.

First, you need to collect nameservers from your web host. Let's continue the
above example. Since your web host is A2hosting, their nameservers for

shared hosting are,, and

Now, you need to login to your domain registrar, Godaddy.

Here, you need to go to DNS setting and replace the nameserver with the
nameservers obtained at A2hosting. Save it and you are done.

That's it. Now your domain is connected with your web host.

Note: DNS propagation takes 24 hours to 48 hours to complete. So, if you

see that your domain is not loading after updating the nameservers. Don't be
upset. Please wait for at least 48 hours.

© | Deepak Choudhary

2. Setup a Domain-Speci c Email Address
Chances are that you may have subscribe to receive newsletters from

different blogs. Then, you may have noticed that the mail you had received
are not general mails like

Instead, you may have received mails like

Now, see some reasons why website owners opt for domain specific email

Email addresses provided by Gmail or Yahoo looks unprofessional for

your business. As a communication channel in your business your mail
should reflect your brand, here, your domain name.

All major web hosting provider provides domain specific email address
for free with your hosting plan. So, there is no reason you shouldn't opt
for it.
You can create different custom email for different purposes. For
example for general enquiry, for sales enquiry, for

order enquiry and so on.

© | Deepak Choudhary

3. Create Social Media Pro les For Your Blog
As soon as your blog or website is setup you should create profiles of your
blog on popular social media websites.

Why? Other than search engines, social media is the other source to bring
free traffic to your blog.

Social media sites that send the most traffic to blogs in general are:



Create your blog's profile in these websites and put your website link.

Adding website link in social media sites has one more advantage. It

increases your website visibility or you could say online presence which
ultimately helps in ranking your blog higher up in search engines.

Whenever you post some interesting article or news on your blog make it a
habit to also add a link to that post on these social media sites. It will help
you in drawing traffic from these social media sites to your blog.

© | Deepak Choudhary

4. Start Adding Contents To Your Website
Before you start adding contents to your blog or website make sure that you
have added some essential pages to your site.

Below I have compiled list of important pages that a blog must have so it is
compliant to necessary terms and conditions. You may consider adding these
pages as a Best Practice that every newbie bloggers should follow.

About Page: Tell your user who are you and what they can expect from
your blog or website.
Contact Page: Add contact form 7 plugin to this page. It will enable your

users to contact you.

Disclaimer: Add any disclaimer to your site that you think your users
must know before using your site.
Privacy Policy: Add details regarding whether you are collecting users
data or not and how you are going to use it. You can generate privacy

policy online also.

Terms and Conditions Page: Describe all the terms and condition of
your website here.

Now, that you have added the essential pages, go ahead and write some

wonderful articles for your intended users.

© | Deepak Choudhary

5. Have Clear Content Strategy For Your Website
Many new bloggers make one big mistake when they start any blog. They
don't have any clear content strategy.

You must have a clear content strategy for your targeted audience. Your
content should address problems of your users and provide solution to it.

While writing contents you must set short-term (1 month) as well as long-term

(1 year) goals for yourself. Try to post an article every week. In this way, your
users will get fresh content each week and they remain engaged with your

By being consistent you also build your users loyalty.

I have added one bonus article also. See it below.

© | Deepak Choudhary

How to create free LOGO for your website or blog?
For creating logo we will use resources of online website In this
popular website you can create various properties like logo, presentation,
infographics, Facebook cover, Pinterest graphics, etc. In this article we will
focus on creating Logo and Featured Image for a website.

Let's see how to do it.

Visit Create an account for yourself. If you have an account at

canva all the designs or presentations created by you will be saved


After login, the interface will look like this. interface

© | Deepak Choudhary

Select Logo. Now, a blank logo will be displayed. On the left hand side you

will see many logo templates.

You can select 'See all' to see all the different logo design offered by canva.
Many of the logos are free to use. When you hover the mouse on the Logos it
will show you whether it is free or premium one.

Canva also have premium logo design which you can use for $1. But here
our aim is to create a free logo. So, choose a free template.

Let's select the UGREIN template as an example. See the above image.

On selection your blank template will look like the image given below. Here
you can change the picture and text. To change just point your mouse to the
object and select it.

© | Deepak Choudhary

For example, to change the default text, just select it, point the cursor inside
the text box, delete the text and enter text of your choice.

You can see that I have also changed the background color to White.

To change background color, click anywhere inside the screen, other than the
logo and text, and select the color option, and select any color of your choice.

Canva logo editing

To change the default picture, select the picture and delete it.

Canva has some picture elements which you can use. Select Elements >>
See all (under Icons).

© | Deepak Choudhary

Here, select any free picture of your choice.

That's it, a logo has been created. Now to download this logo, select
Download button at the top right of the screen.

By default the image type selected is PNG. PNG images are best for blogs.
Download the logo and use it on your blog.

You can use multiple pictures, multiple text, different colors, different fonts in

a logo. There is no limit. It's all depend upon your imagination.

Now let's see how to create featured image for your blog.

© | Deepak Choudhary

How to create free FEATURED IMAGE for your blog?
Let's see how we can create an attractive featured image for free at

All the featured images in my blog has been created on

At select create a design button, then select custom

dimensions as 1280 by 720. This is an ideal dimension for a featured image.

After selecting Create design you will be presented with a blank format of
size 1280 by 720.

Now from the left, select any template design of choice. See the template I
have selected. You can edit the template just as we did in creation of logo

© | Deepak Choudhary

In the above template, let's do some changes...

In the above featured image example, I have done some editing like changed
the background color, reduce the size of image, changed the text and its

color and also the alignment.

I assumed that till now you may have an idea on how to do editing of picture
and text. So, you can see that canvas is a great tool to create stuff like logo
and featured image for your blog or website.

© | Deepak Choudhary

That's all from my side. I have tried to explain all the essential steps required

to create a Blog. Now, it's your turn to take action.

I am again listing down all the essential steps.

(1) Buy domain from Godaddy.

(2) Buy hosting plan from Siteground, A2hosting or Bluehost.
(3) Login into your Hosting Account and install WordPress from cPanel.
(4) Install GeneratePress WordPress theme.
(5) Install some essential plugins mentioned earlier in this eBook.

(6) Create important pages such as Contact, About Us, Privacy Policy, etc.
(7) Create Logo for your Blog.
(8) Start writing awesome articles on your Blog and Publish it.

That's it. Be consistent and post regular content on your Blog. If you commit
yourself to work hard and post regular content then I am sure that within 6
months to 1 year you would start earning at least $500 to $1000 per month.

I hope you liked this eBook. If you have any queries you can contact me at
(1) or

(2) Join my Telegram Channel.

(3) Join my Facebook Page.

© | Deepak Choudhary

Also See: Best Deals on Blogging Tools

Useful Links:

(1) What Is Affiliate Marketing and How Does It Works

(2) How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program

(3) How To Do Keyword Research For An Amazon Affiliate Website

(4) Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for Beginners
(5) Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Install
(6) Best WordPress Security Plugins for Website Protection
(7) How To Make High Quality Backlinks For Your Website
(8) How To Do Off Page and On Page SEO

(9) How To Select A Good Domain Name For Your Blog

(10) How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress Website
(11) Blogging Mistakes for Beginners and How to Avoid Them

This is eBook is brought to you by:

Deepak Choudhary

© | Deepak Choudhary

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