Assignment 1 - Personal Story About Communication in Efl Classroom

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This story took place when I was in grade 11 at Thuan Hung High School, which is located in Thuan

Hung Ward, a rural area. It is true that English is not a priority, if not the least favorite, for the majority of
students in such a setting. Therefore, teachers speaking or communicating in English in the classroom hardly
ever happens. In fact, daily lessons of English usually started with little "English interaction," such as the
teacher greeting and asking "How are you?" and some repeated patterns of responses from the students. Then,
the lesson went on with students repeating what the teacher asked them to repeat and doing what the teacher
ordered the students to do. Except for that, no English was spoken during the class. Therefore, to most students,
studying English was just like repeating the boring English words and learning them by heart for testing, and to
me, that was how a teacher of English works. However, there was a day that my perception about learning and
teaching English changed severely. On that day, our official English teacher was busy, and he couldn’t stay for
the class, so he asked for another teacher to take his place for one lesson. Everything was very different with
this teacher. She came into the class, greeted us, started to introduce herself, and gave the lesson of the day, all
of which was in English. She spoke English during the lesson, and she interacted with us in English as well.
Although I couldn’t understand all of what she said, I was very excited, and I felt like English was not just
about vocabulary, grammar, and testing but that it could also be a language for communicating. Although the
lesson in total English was more challenging to understand, I felt more interested in learning English. It was
only a shame that I could only have one English lesson with that teacher because she had to relocate to a
different part of town at the time. Anyway, I've changed my way of studying English a lot ever since. I
practiced speaking English with every word I knew rather than learning it by heart. When I am a teacher of
English now, I always think about how to inspire and encourage my students to get engaged in learning and
speaking English as much as possible.

This story educated me a lot about teaching and learning English. Apart from other subjects, the role of
a teacher in English class is major. The teacher should play the role of an inspirer—someone who can inspire
and motivate their students to learn English and speak English because he is the only model for the students and
the only partner for them to practice English, especially in rural areas. English can be very interesting and
useful if the teachers know how to teach it. Otherwise, it will be tedious and challenging. Last but not least,
English in the classroom should be treated as a language or a tool for communicating, not just a subject.
Reponse from other students
I have come across several very good teachers throughout my academic years. Among of them, Mr.
Quan is my favorite teacher. He taught me English listening and speaking skills in Can Tho University. English
is the subject that I love the most. However, I have had some difficulties in learning English speaking skill
because I am a timid person and I am really shy when I talk English to other people. Fortunately, Mr. Quan’s
teaching and influences changed my way of thinking about my trouble. When I was a junior student, Mr. Quan
sometimes used movies in his class. One of the movie called “Brokeback Mountain”, it was an interesting that
touched my heart deep inside. After watching this movie, Mr. Quan required my class divide into 2 groups.
Each group summarised the plot of the movie without giving too much of the storyline away and expressed our
opinions and shared our feelings about “Brokeback Mountain” movie. In this lesson, teacher did not allow us to
raise our hands, he randomly selected students for expression the idea. When a student gave an idea, his/her
group could add one point. Finally, two groups had the same points, thus Mr. Quan needed to separate a gift
into two parts, the gift was a big Nabati cake box. Based on the story above, I have several implications about
teachers' communication in EFL classrooms. First of all, movies can be an entertaining and motivating tool for
me in EFL classroom, especially it provides real-life language input. Second, movies can help me to widen my
vocabulary, phrases and idioms. Moreover, by watching movie with English subtitles, I can learn a lot of slang
words and phrases used in the movies, and also help me to acquire my foreign language. For example, I
remember one slang phrase that I had learned from this movie “one way or another”, it means saying something
will definitely happen. Next, my pronunciation can be improved. I can listen to English being used in a very
natural way, it will be a perfect way for me to listen to native speakers and informal English. In addition, study
English through English movie can support to my speaking skill. Listening to some actors and actress may help
my speaking skill to improve, especially my fluency. Finally, I think English by using English movie as media
in the EFL classroom is a good way to communicate between teacher and students. It is very practical and has
real and useful tools that can be taken into the EFL classroom. It presented a new way for teacher-student
interaction in EFL classroom.
There are many memorable experiences and situations in my teaching career. The most meaningful
event that happened about fifteen years ago made me satisfied with the way I behave with students in the
That day I was waiting for the ferry to Binh Hoa Phuoc island to see my parents, when a very well-
dressed man came to ask me, “Teacher! How are you? Do you remember me?". I could not remember who he
was. A few minutes later I recognized he was one of my students at Vocational School. He said: "I was your old
student. My name is Hoang. I am working in Samsung Electronic Company in Binh Dương province. My life is
very comfortable. I have just bought a small house in Binh Duong near my company and I got marriage last
year.” He continued: “I always distracted the flow of the learning processes and made disrupting noise in your
English lessons because I hate English. You just looked at me and tried to answer my friends’ questions, then
but a few minutes later I continued to make noise in the class. You did not become angry or sarcastic, but you
tried to continue the lesson. I still said bad words while you were writing on the board in other days….. After
class, you asked me to stay in class and asked me some questions about myself, my family and my studying
then instructed me some ways to prepare not only English and even other subjects before class with soft voice.”
He smiled and continued: “If you got angry with me and didn’t advice me or didn’t help me how to self-study, I
didn’t know how to study well because the subjects, the timetable, and the way teachers instruct at this
vocational school were different from high school. After that I tried to study hard and passed all the
examinations.” He told me about his job, his colleagues and his wife. The ferry was coming, so he hesitated and
then said quickly: “I felt ashamed …. I always miss you….”. He asked me my phone number and we said
goodbye to each other.
Most students at my school are adolescents, so it is really difficult to understand all their emotional
problems. Also, the students are different individuals and therefore have different personalities and
backgrounds. I recognize that a student misbehaves just for attention then if the student does not get the
attention he or she should stop the misbehavior. I also believe that ignoring can be a great behavior strategy for
my solution, but it has to be used correctly to be effective. I usually build relationships and tell student
interesting stories related to their hobbies or interests and appropriate for their age in order to get their
engagement in the lesson.
There is no classroom without problems especially student misbehavior. The teachers should examine
types of misbehavior and choose the most suitable strategy to reduce misbehavior significantly and to create
friendly classroom environment.

Teaching is not only about having high level of professional knowledge, it also about the teaching skills.
The essential aspect is the approach how teachers deliver the lesson and whether or not learners enjoy their
study time. This paper will discuss one classroom situation and implicate some techniques to solve the
problems successfully.

In the learning process, teachers have to face with a great number of issues related to different aspects.
Especially, communication between teachers and students, which is seen as the factor that can lead to many
difficulties in the teaching process. The communication situation discussed is about the students’ construction
in the study period. One of the most popular challenging while teaching is students’ interaction, some students
tend to do not really enjoy the designed activity or they do not participate activities during the class. For
instance, students sometimes do not concentrate at the lessons or do other subjects’ exercises. In addition, they
may keep silent during the lesson without answering teachers’ question, asking questions or discussing with
partners. Participating means learning, therefore, when they do not participate in the lessons, it means that the
learning and teaching activity is not successful. Moreover, if students do not positively join in the lessons, the
lesson plans cannot go smoothly and the teachers cannot complete the lesson as planned. As a result, the
teaching activity does not reach the expected result.

To handle this problem, there are some aspects that teacher should consider. Initially, knowledge is
updated continuously, teachers who giving knowledge to learners should upgrade their understanding regularly.
Consequently, their lessons always contain the latest information which helps students feel satisfied of the
learnt knowledge. Secondly, the way teacher organizing activities should be designed variously which can
inspire the learning process. Teacher should not use one activity repeatedly many times which may lead to the
result that student can predict what teacher will do and feel unexciting while learning. Therefore, effective
teachers should various their teaching activities and be careful of over use any teaching activities. Moreover,
rules in the class is also a significant aspect, before starting the course, teachers should set the rules to force
students follow during learning time. This rules should include rewards and punishment. For instance, when
students have good construction of the class they will get rewards such as stars, plus score, and so on. When
they do not participate the lesson or gossip during the class, and so on they will get minus score, minus stars.
Doing this activity may motivate students to be active in class.

To sum up, there are a lot of problems that teachers have to face during the teaching and learning
process. And, students’ interaction in the class is one of the popular situation teachers have to solve. To deal
with the problem of lacking interaction in class, teachers should set rules for the class. Moreover, they also have
to update their knowledge as well as their teaching skill constantly.
Teaching and learning in classrooms is a communicative process. Teachers communicate with students;
students communicate with their peers and with the teacher. Therefore, communication within the classroom is
important in order for students to learn effectively. The following is a story related to communication in the
EFL classroom and the lessons that I have gained.
When I was in 9th grade, I admired my literature teacher a lot. Her name is Mrs. Lan. She remembered
all of the students' names and understood everyone's home life. Occasionally, she inquired about the parents of
some students. She not only gave good lectures but also was very friendly, sympathetic and extremely
enthusiastic towards each of her students. Each lesson, she varied the speed & tone of her voice to keep her
voice interesting to listen to. Sometimes, she paused to gain attention, emphasized transitions in material, and
allowed students the opportunity to digest information. After each lesson, she used to spend 15 minutes telling a
story. The story could be situations in her daily life, someone told her or it could also be fairy tales. Especially,
she expressed her emotions according to the characters, making the story more attractive. After each of those
stories, I learnt more about life skills as well as how to behave properly in certain situations. Besides, every
time she asked a question, every answer was praised and encouraged, helping us very confident in expressing
our opinions. If someone answered wrong, she still gently said: “Your answer is very good but not enough, who
has any other ideas?”. Thus, we all felt more comfortable expressing our own thoughts and ideas in class
discussions, attempting challenges, and asking when we need help. That's why I really enjoyed studying the
subject she taught. Not only did I learn good lessons from textbooks, but I also learned many lessons of life.
And that is also the reason why I chose to become a teacher.
I have learned many lessons from Mrs. Lan for my current job as a teacher. Firstly, I should get to know
my students well. It is a good idea to learn students’ names early in the year, and use them often. Also, I should
have an open-door policy for students to come and talk to me about any issues, and be empathic and caring
when interacting with them at all times, don’t ridicule their thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, in each lesson, I
should also provide an engaging story or anecdote that the students can connect to, as emotional connections
are more memorable than raw facts. Moreover, giving positive feedback is a necessary part of promoting
effective communication in the classroom. It has been shown that students that receive praise are more likely to
believe that they can accomplish tasks and be successful as well as create a safe and supportive environment
where students feel comfortable to open up and express their thoughts and ideas.
In conclusion, effective classroom communication can help to build and foster a safe learning
environment where students can thrive, prosper and learn.

Teachers are the ones who can pull out individuals from the darkness of ignorance into the light of
knowledge. Every student, at some point in their life, have had a teacher whom they look up to and admire. I
use to be a student of Binh Minh High School in Vinh Long Province and there are about two hundred teachers
in my school. Out of these two hundred teachers, my favourite teacher is Mrs. Tran - our English teacher. She
not only taught me knowledge which were in our syllabus but also gave me a lot of useful advices in life which
I can not find in any books.
My teacher is a mentor and a perfect model for teachers. She is the person to instil among the students
the values of learning and becoming a better individual in life. She used to teach English to about 2000 students
in our school, and everyone seemed to love her way of teaching. Mrs. Tran believed that only knowledge
confined by the syllabus which was not enough, so she encouraged us to update with English knowledge
happening around us in our daily lives. However, she mainly focussed on our basics and believed that an
individual had to have a strong fundamental concept to grab advanced knowledge quickly. She gave attention to
every student and helped the weaker students to build up their personal confidence. My teacher liked to explain
the lessons by using real-life examples. I really liked her voice as well as the way she imparted knowledge
which was very easy for me to understand and remember. She brought me the motivation to learn English better
and had a dream to become an English teacher.
My teacher is also a guide whom we need in our daily lives. On the first days when she came to my
class with a stern face without a smile, she made many of my classmates dislike her. They said she was not
friendly with students, so they wondered that how she could teach well. However, for some reasons at that time,
I believed that she was not that person type. I felt that she was a very warm and emotional person. Indeed, after
studying with her for a period of time, everyone gradually realized that she was quiet but she understood and
loved her students. Especially, she cared about me very much and there was a saying of hers that I have still
remembered up to now. She asked me to try my best to study well. She said that "although I got married, I still
had to work to earn money". At that time, I was only a 16-year-old girl, so I did not quite understand which she
wanted to say. But now, when I have a family, I know that she wants the best things for me. She wants me to be
financially independent and to be in control of my life.
Mrs. Tran is an admirable lady with vast knowledge, and she helps in spreading moral values among the
students. That is the reasons why she is my favorite teacher. I am really grateful to her very much for her
valuable lessons in study as well as her useful advices for me in life.

People said that “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” Indeed,
I have learned a lot of good things from many teachers during my student life. Most of my teachers are
enthusiastic. Besides, they always attempt to impart their most extensive knowledge to students. Among them, I
admired an English teacher in my secondary school most. She is the person that helped me have my passion for
teaching today.

First of all, her teaching style is very different from other teachers I have studied. For example, if she
gave us a list of vocabulary, instead of asking us to learn by heart, she would show us how to memorize those
words quickly and remember them for a long time. She said that there were many methods to learn vocabulary
effectively, such as remembering them through pictures, noting words to memorize around the house, writing
down the sentences containing those words. Therefore, we can choose for ourselves the most suitable and
effective way of learning. In particular, when she checked our vocabulary learning, instead of calling us to write
on the board, she would often divide the class into small groups and create exciting games. Those who
remember the vocabulary excellently would be received a reward from her. Therefore, they are very excited to
self-study at home. Thanks to the methods she used, I have successfully applied them to my teenage classes.
Since then, my students have found that learning English vocabulary is no longer boring.

In addition, although my teacher is known as a strict teacher, I still feel that she is warm. Up to now, I
have not forgotten that day. I went to class with a sad face. Unfortunately, I was called to the blackboard by her
to write down the grammar points we had learned. I kept thinking about it, but I did not know what to do. I was
scared and then turned to look at her. At first, I thought she would scold and punish me in front of the class.
However, things were different from my imagination. She asked me to return to my seat without saying
anything. It was not until the class was over and everyone was gone that she called me to talk privately. She
asked the reasons why I did not memorize the old lesson. At this time, I dared to tell her that my mother was
sick and she was now in the hospital. I stayed there all night to take care of my mother and came home in the
morning to go to school. She was not only very sympathetic but also visited my mother after that. After that, I
realized that because she noticed my sad expression, she thought that I had encountered something difficult.
Therefore, she decided to talk to me privately instead of asking directly in front of the class.
In short, from the things that I noticed in my teacher, I realized that I need to make adjustments to make
my teaching more effective. In particular, be strict when necessary and be warm when listening to difficulties
from students.

I had studied with many different teachers before I myself also became a teacher. Among these teachers,
Dr. Ho Thanh My Phuong is one of my most favorite teachers. She was in charge of teaching my class the
suject “English teaching methodology” at An Giang University thirteen years ago. She is now the director of
SEMEO RETRACT in Ho Chi Minh city.
There are many reasons why Ms. Phuong has become my favorite teacher. Firstly, I love her
characteristics and personalities. She is the most delightful and friendly teacher I have ever met. Her smile is
gentle and warm. Besides, she is helpful, patient and always willing to listen to our difficulties in studying and
gives us useful advices to assist us overcome the problems. More importantly, she has a thorough knowledge of
English teaching methodology. She organized a variety of activities related to methodology for us to participate
in and let us practice teaching english as well. Beside academic knowledge she brought to us, I have learnt to be
disciplined and punctual for the class.
In communication, Ms. Phuong is a great inspiring teacher. She never lost her temper in any situation
even when the students made mistakes. She encouraged me to overcome my fear and that is the reason why I
always have a long-lasting admire, respect and loving toward her. At that time, my biggest fear was speaking in
front of people. In the classroom, I just sat still and listened to my friends speaking. I rarely raised my hands to
present ideas. Ms. Phuong noticed that, and one day, she met me in private after class and asked me the reasons
why I did not participate in the lessons. I finally revealed my secret fear with her. From that moment, I felt like
being understood and tried to overcome my fear with the help of her. For example, she gave me more
opportunities to express my ideas through different activities such as role-play and group discussions. She
motivated me to speak in front of my classmates and celebrated my mistakes in stead of losing temper or being
impatient with me. Surprisingly, I gradually found it easier to speak in front of other people. I am totally
grateful for everything she has taught and done for me.
In conclusion, I learnt a lot of lessons from my dearest teacher – Ms. Phuong. The first lesson is “no one
can inspire us as great teachers can”. So, to be a great teacher like her, I should show caring toward my
students, come along with them at just a right moment and be willing to assist them with enough guidance.
Secondly, Ms. Phuong also sets a good example for me about patience, friendliness, puntuality and discipline.
Those are compulsory things which guide me to become a good teacher. Finally, using right methods in right
moment with inspiring and motivating attitude can help students who have problems believe in themselves,
give students the courage to overcome their weaknesses and find out their own strengths. Now, in my
classroom, my students feel free sharing with me their problems in studying and in life, too. I think what I
learnt from my favorite teacher was applied successfully in my own classroom.
My story started when I was a secondary school student. It was the first time I was in Chemistry class.
My Chemistry teacher was a serious person, she never smiled in class, yet she was very enthusiastic in
teaching. However, I actually couldn’t follow her lessons. I was so scared whenever Chemistry class came. I
managed to finish all her assignments and tried my best to study this subject, but the final result did not live up
to all my expectations.
A year later, my Chemistry teacher moved to other school because of her family. A new teacher took
responsibility for teaching Chemistry and being my form teacher. Her name is Phuong. On the first day
meeting, I was worried about my low Chemistry ability. I didn’t dare to talk to my teacher. I just silently made
great effort to improve my ability. Whenever I greeted to her, she always responded with a friendly smile. I felt
really happy and wanted to talk to her. One day, she said to me: “Do you want to join the team of good students
in Chemistry?”. I was surprised and replied politely: “Thanks you so much, but I afraid I can’t.” She said
affectionally: “You are a hard-working student; I believe you can do it.” “You are a good student though your
parents are not behind you.” I hugged her and cried since my parents moved to the southern part of our country
to make a living, no one talked to me about my family.
I became a member of Chemistry Team since then. I studied harder and no longer felt scared when
attending Chemistry classes. I felt more comfortable and engaged in activities in class. I was gradually
interested in learning Chemistry and enjoy it. During my studying, my teacher always gave me encouraging
words to push me ahead. When I had trouble in studying, she often advised me to keep a positive attitude. She
used to say to me: “I have a belief that you can do and will do it well.”. As a result, I passed “the Competition
for excellent students in Chemistry” in my District. From then on, it’s become easier to learn Chemistry.
From my story, I have learnt three useful lessons for my teaching profession. Firstly, I realized that if
the learner does not have positive affect for the teacher or the lesson, it will very hard for her/him to learn the
subject effectively. Take my first teacher’s Chemistry class for example, I didn’t get good results because I
usually brought fear into the classroom. Secondly, establishing an affective communication relationship with
learners is crucial. It provides learners a great opportunity to achieve the optimum of success in learning
process. I believe that if students like the teacher or the subject, they will learn it better. The last lesson that I
draw from my story is that I should trust my students. Whenever I give my students confidence in themselves
means that I am motivating them to study harder.
Communication is the way that people can exchange their ideal or information to other people. How
about communication in EFL classroom? when the teacher wants to transfer information to their students like
new vocabulary or grammar. They need to have communication too.
I have one personal story related to communication in the EFL classroom that made me clear enough to
draw what I should do for my students or what I needed to train myself to be a good teacher.
I had one year experience to be a teacher assistant when I was a senior student in Ton Duc Thang
university. Because of my job I had chance to observe many teachers in school. I could learn some best ways to
teach from them. I focused on the way they communicated with their students.
And the day I had a demo class, I prepared all the things that I needed such as lesson plan, songs,
flashcards… everything was ready, I felt nervous because it was the first time I taught. Then my lesson was
finished, my headteacher gave me some feedbacks and I was disappointed. Firstly, she asked me one question
and I couldn’t answer as what the name of the boy sitting at the first line was. I didn’t remember the name of
my students because it was the first time of me. Unfortunately, she knew his name though it was her first time
too. I wondered how she could do it there were more than 30 students. She said that I must remember at least
three or four students’ name in my class per day. They were very happy when I remembered their name. And
that was the way to keep some naughty students must be quiet when teacher called their names.
Secondly, kids are really like doing some physical activities like singing songs or playing games. I put
some songs in my lesson and danced with my students. I tried to finish my song without eyes-contact or energy.
I danced bad like a robot so my students were sad. They didn’t want to dance anymore. Therefore, I couldn’t
apply songs for reviewing new words. With songs, kids feel like they don’t study, they just do some fun
activities to practice their new words.
Finally, at while of teaching I showed my student the words then I asked them to repeat and repeat
without high-fives or good complements for their responses. Then they didn’t focus on my lesson anymore and
they made noise. My headteacher had to cover my class for me. I was shy because I did very bad that day. I
should communicate with my student more to know their name or give them good environment to study with
From that story I learnt that communication is the key in the classroom, your knowledge is 50 % and
communication is 50%. To become a good teacher I should have more ways to communicate with your students
by using body language, using eyes contact or giving them good complements. “Practice makes perfect” is the
key that I improve myself day by day.
Throughout my years of studying and teaching English, I have met, confided in, and communicated with
a number of professors, lecturers, and colleagues who are passionate about their jobs. I have had the good
fortune of meeting, learning from, and drawing on the experiences of former professors. Mr. Adrian Rodgers is
one of the teachers who comes to my mind whenever I need a boost of desire to teach.

At the AIT center where I went to study for a week, Mr. Rodgers was in charge of teaching the TESOL
(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate course. My classmates and I had to study
nonstop from morning to afternoon, with the exception of lunch, so we should have been exhausted and unable
to concentrate in class. However, the way he conducted the class and implemented teaching approaches in a
logical and engaging manner made the entire class feel energized and motivated. Furthermore, one thing that
impresses me and inspires me to strive to be a professional like him is his classroom management and
classroom communication ability.
Mr. Rodgers conducts classes in a reasonable and detailed manner, including lesson planning, instilling
excellent study habits in students, and resolving classroom issues. In order to demonstrate the importance of the
aforementioned, I would like to share some real-life experiences that I had while studying with him. He is
always successful in keeping track of time for each segment of the presentation and ensuring that the stages of
the lecture go smoothly and consistently. In addiction, he requested that the students change seats at the
beginning of the second lesson and repeat the request for the following class, resulting in the establishment of a
habit for each student in the class to change seats together before class began. Furthermore, if there is a
disagreement between the groups regarding how to approach a topic, the teacher will handle it calmly and to the
satisfaction of each participant.

In my perspective, my teacher possesses exceptional educational communication skills, both verbal and
nonverbal. He always plans group activities and conversations to promote communication, cooperation, and
teamwork, as well as assisting students in speaking more and effectively to their peers and then providing
feedback. Positive feedback can help students communicate more effectively in the classroom. Besides, he does
not remain in front of the class throughout the lecture, but rather moves around the room, never put a barrier
between students and teacher, and maintaining equal eye contact with each student. Last but not least, the
classroom situation has to be professional but humour plays an important part of the success in student
activities and student participation. My teacher is truly entertaining and humorous when teaching, which aids in
the acquisition of language retention for each student in the class.

After completing the course at AIT, I have realized that teachers must have great experience, abilities,
and effective teaching methods; however, one of the characteristics that distinguishes each teacher is the
capacity to communicate effectively in the classroom. I believe it is an art and a success for each teacher to
make students feel appreciated, understood, and willing to participate in the learning process. Therefore, I told
myself that I had to work hard every day to earn the right to stand in the classroom as a professional teacher.
Education is an important part of everyone’s life and it plays a very crucial role in the growth of an
individual.To be successful period, teacher should interact with students if they have any difficulties.Moreover,
teacher can use several practical techniques to teach their student because there are sometime some students
disobey and behave in class. However, I don’t feel bored because teaching is an interesting career. Teaching
English is a receptive language skill but not a passive skill. Thus, I encourage students study as often and as
much as possible.
I’ve been teaching English of high school for ten years in rural area, so I know that to be a teacher is not
an easy job because I’m given responsibilities to teach the children of teenager and that will be their
knowledge. A teacher’s job is to guide students to the correct path and help in time of need. As a teacher there
are bound to be problems in classroom no matter which subject you are teaching. On that day, T called one
student to oral test. He said that he don’t study by heart new vocabulary because English is not his favorite
subject and it’s hard to memory new words. What will you do in that case ? I think that some teachers will
angry and complain very much. According to my personal experiences, I have stimulated and guided my
students how to study vocabulary . Besides that, I designed exciting activities such as role play, play bingo,
match words with definition and so on. These activities are to help student have a chance to respond their ideas
with friends and to assist them extend their vocabulary. I didn’t forget to help feedback on learning in which I
provide feedback on student’s performance. This is a good approach because it should get student to engage
these activities. Besides, I’ve talked to them the importance to study English. Besides, I explain that English is
one of the obligatory subject which they must test in graduation exam. In this situation, I realised that
stimulating students is the key which helpling teacher and student associate each other. Furthermore, I’ve learnt
a lesson that helping student study English well especially ethnic minority, I must create opportunities for
student to show their feeling in class. I motivated them study English by pair or group works and help them pay
attention to lessons. Thus, these problems need to be solve before it get worse and evolve to a bigger issues
especially in high school.
I love teaching more than I ever dreamed I would. Teaching and working with students is challenging
and rewarding. I love that I have the privilege and opportunity to teach other people. I respect that this is a great
charge and honor. I take the responsibility and pick every part of every lesson and assignment to have the best
educational impact possible. I love thinking on my feet and leading a discussion with engaged students. I love
teaching beyond words.
When I was in university, I was told a story about Les Brown and his teacher. The story goes that during
his school days, Les was labelled as a “mentally handicapped”. One day, a teacher asked him to come up and
solve a problem on the board. Les refused and said that he couldn’t do. But the teacher responded
encouragingly “Of course you can. Young man, come up and solve this problem for me”. Les insisted “But I
can’t. I’m a mentally handicapped”. The teacher stepped out from his desk and told Les with a look straight in
the eyes “Don’t ever say that again. Someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality”. Les
never forgot those words. He spent his life overcoming odds and pursuing his passion. He’s famous with the
phrase “You have greatness within you”.
From this story, I believe that a great teacher can change someone’s life. A great teacher can give us the
courage to find our own way with enough guidance, to show us that what we perceive as impossible is possible
if we try. During my 4 years teaching, I once had a special student. She’s a handicapped person. She hardly
write and speak. But I strongly appriciated her effort. At first, I thought that I should give her pregogative. I
rarely asked her to solve exercise and take part in speaking activities. But lately, I realized that I should treat
fairly and naturally as other students. I should help her patently, give her encourage and frequently said to her
“If you try, it will become possible for you”, “Just do it, I’ll wait with you”. And after the course, she passed
the exam with all her effort. One of the greatest moment in my life was that she could speak clearly to me
“Thank you, teacher”.
Student’s name: Le Bao Tran
Student’s code: M1621056
Class: SPA 630
Course: 28
*** Write a 500-word essay about one personal story related to Communication in the EFL Classroom,
and lesson(s) learnt or implications from the story. ***

Everyone has experienced many happy and sad memories with their teachers during schooldays, and
I’m not an exception. Fortunately, in the most beautiful time of student life, I met an outstanding teacher who
helped me to have a comprehensive definition of an educator.

Ms.Hanh was my English teacher when I was in grade 12. She was also my head teacher at that time. At
the age of 40, she is still one of the most beautiful teacher I have ever met. Ms. Hanh is about 1.6 meters tall
and looks gorgeous with white skin and black hair. Her voice is really gentle and warm. She is a very talented
and enthusiastic teacher. What I like most about her is that although she is quite strict, she knows exactly how
to motivate and encourage her students.
There is an unforgettable experience happening when our class joined the camping activity organised by
Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of An Khanh high school in the anniversary of the founding day of the
delegation (26/3). About two weeks previously, each class had to plan the camping, for example designing the
camp sign, constructing the camp gate, choosing the class clothes, etc. Ms.Hanh almost participated with us
during the whole time, but she never gave any compliments to the fruit of our labour. To be honest, from the
bottom of our hearts, we felt very disappointed and didn’t know how to please her. However, when that day
came, our camp honorably won the third prize, and we were told a story we had never heard. The jury said to
us: “Ms. Hanh always tells me that you guys are so talented and creative, and no matter what the outcome is, to
her, your camp is still the best”.

Once we were in the class meeting, Ms.Hanh said: “I don't want you to be immersed in the praise or
criticism of the others but misjudge your own ability. Just do your best, wait for the last moment and enjoy the
worthy result of your efforts. That's when you understand who you are and what you need”. In the last
schoolday, she told us that we were always the students she could be proud of.

Up to now, when I have already become a teacher, I still consider her old words as a lesson and a guide
for me on the path of education. In my opinion, the most honest and convincing words are actions. As a teacher,
we must always be dedicated and wholehearted to our students, do not rush to praise or disparage the ability of
any student because that may be a knife stuck in their hearts forever. A good teacher is the one who knows how
to leave a space for her students to be creative, independent and teach them to accept the result of their best
efforts, whether it is good or bad.

On the whole, teaching is easy, education is more difficult, and to become an excellent educator is a big
goal that any teacher should aim for. I am very grateful to Ms. Hanh, who planted in my heart the first seed of
“becoming a teacher”, and I hope that I can continue my education career as an exemplary teacher as she used

For everyone's life, going to school is a blessing. I consider myself lucky to get several very good
teachers throughout my academic years. Among them, I’d like to talk about Mrs.Trinh who was an
extraordinary teacher, a really good mentor and who has a great influence in my education.
I met Mrs.Trinh when I was in class 10 and she was our English teacher. Initially, we thought that she
would be a strict teacher and we would have to be very serious in front of her. This impression came mostly
because of her serious face and tidy dress-up. Moreover, before that, I had heard from some friends that she was
extremely difficult. However, soon we found that she is a very friendly person and teaches us very well. She
never made things complicated and tried over and over again to explain something to us. She had a unique way
of teaching.
Seems like she would start an interesting story and later we would find that she would relate the English
to the story. Sometimes the lessons are combined with fun games and her wit has made us more comfortable
and no longer pressured to learn English. Thus everything we learned from her was interesting and that’s why
we remember most of the vocabulary and grammar points of English she taught us.
I’d say she has a great influence in my education because she made a very strong foundation on English.
Actually, before that, I didn't like studying English and I never thought that I would choose a major related to
English when I went to university. English always gives me invisible pressure and I feel disgusted with this
subject. I considered English to be a very difficult and uninteresting subject. My dream at that time was to
become a doctor and I was misinformed in the natural sciences. Mrs.Trinh's appearance gave me a different
thought. Her teaching and influences changed my way of thinking about English and later on English became
my one the most favourite subject.It was her teaching style and passion for the profession that contributed to
changing the direction of my life. Later on, I studied Enlish Teacher Education. I want to bring positive energy
to my students when learning English in the same way that Ms. Trinh passed it on to us. I want to help you
understand that English is not as difficult as you think. Of course, I'm trying every day to do that. I have been
studying according to the method that Ms. Trinh taught us to pass on to our students. And when I became a
teacher, I understood how well Mrs.Trinh did and not everyone can do it.
I am grateful to Ms. Trinh from the bottom of my heart for giving me the best lessons. Her image will
follow me throughout my teaching career in the future. That's what motivates me to keep trying. Once again, I
sincerely thank you - my respected teacher.
A supportive learning environment is built using communication. The importance of effective
communication in the classroom should not be underestimated- it can have an impact on your students’
academic progress, feeling of self-worth , perceptions of school, and your own career.Therefore, effective
communication between teachers and students are extremely important. It allows you to perform your job well,
with positive results for your pupils.
Personally, There are many teachers who are taught me in our life. However, one of the most beloved
teachers is Miss Trang. She taught me English. She is the most talented and knowledgeable people I know. I am
going to share some engaging experiences which I have learnt from her.
Firstly, Initially, I am not concerned about learning English because in my primary school does not have
any teachers who teach English ,so I never have any opportunities so as to study English.
After that, I started studying English at a secondary school. I think English is very difficult subject.
Therefore, I am not good at English at that time.
Next, I go on studying English at Ngoc To High School. There are many subjects at school such as
Maths, English, Physics,and so on. One of the most scared subject is English when I officially become a grade
10 student. Fortunately, Miss Trang becomes my English teacher. She has fully changed my thinking about this
subject. Moreover, she is always willing to help me how to overcome the challenges in my studying for the
following reasons:
The first reason is that regarding the teaching method, her simple and uderstandable way of explaining
the theories and formulas. Besides, knowing my weakness, she tries to find a suitable approach for her students.
For example, originally, my English marks is not good and I am disappointed with this. However, my teacher
always finds out plenty of useful strategies how to support their weak students and help them study better.
The second reason is that she is also an extremely gregarious person. Basically, She understood every
students’ problem and started teaching us the basic concepts of English. As a result, I was astonished to see
increase in my interest in English subject. Especially,her way of teaching was unique and everyone loved that.
Furthermore, my English teacher has influenced my academic life in the future because she made a very
strong foundation on Engish.Specificially, She is a person who had the most influence on me in a positive
way.For instance, Her teaching and influences changed my way of thinking about English as well as I have
become an English teacher at present.
The most extremely important reason is that her teaching methodology is fairly effective and attractive.
The reason why I opted for this major is because I could learn more about the English language as well as I can
be more confident in learning environment.

Finally, I love her for her dedicating mind and good teaching skills.She is the role model of how
teachers should be, and will be a wonderful inspiration for me in the future career.

In conclusion, the communication skills that students learn at school are fully transferable and essential
across all aspects of life. Furthermore, it has been proven that supportive teacher –student relationships have a
positive impact on class participation, engagement and ultimately a student’s achievements.

Learning foreign languages is my cup of tea, especially English language. One of my unforgettable
memories about my student life may be the time I got to learn with my English teacher when I was in grade 10.
My teacher looked brilliant in his appearance. He was simple in his dark suits all the time that made him
more elegant whenever he came to class. Besides, I could feel his friendliness through his round face with a
pleasant smile, the way he greeted his colleagues and students. Moreover, he regularly brought his optimism,
comfort and confidence into class so that he could make us feel more comfortable when studying. In addition,
he also created a learning environment that was as most relaxing as possible. For instance, he told funny stories,
brought real lovely objects to class for teaching English.

Although I was really into studying English, I did not know the reason why I often had the feeling of
being afraid of speaking English in front of the class despite of teacher’s welcome and encourages. I still
remember the given question from my teacher that made me feel differently from that moment is “What makes
you love your everyday life?”

At first, I just felt really shy and not confident to say something about my thinking. When I stood up, all
the ideas seemed to have foot and they run away from my head. I gave it a shot to say something but i could
not. At that moment, some of my friends laughed at me and I felt so ashamed. I was afraid of being punished,
but my teacher came and encouraged me. Instead of being angry like some teachers i knew, he smiled, gave me
some clues and asked me a few short relevant questions so that i could answer. After I could speak some
sentences, he still smiled, praised me and said "you have nothing to fear. You can do it. I am not only your
teacher but your friend. You can share me your problems and I will help you solve it if it is possible". I did not
know what to say but whispered thank him so much.

My teacher was so great and I was so lucky to get to be his student. He was really a profound teacher
and actually spread his teaching passion as well as a lot of useful things for me to learn so far. Working as an
English teacher currently, I realize that teaching requires more than a wide knowledge of my major. In my point
of view, to become a good teacher like mine, I must have enough patience, thoughtfulness, thoroughness and
try my best to complete myself day after day.

He is always my wonderful teacher although he passed away for years ago. I am sincerely thankful to
his great dedication and try my best in order to be admired like the way he used to. If now I had one more
chance to answer his question that day, I would say that “you are always one of the most meaningful parts in
my everyday life.”
Three years ago, I applied for a second major, English Translation and Interpretation. During the next 2
years of study, I really had many new and interesting experiences, especially in terms of communication
between teachers and students in the classroom. One of them is the story of my self-deprecation in the first
I remember it was on Monday morning. The first thing the teacher asked us to do was introducing our
name, age, year of study, and count from 1 to 10. I suddenly realized that in this class, there were many students
who were younger than me but their pronunciation was so much better than me. That makes me quite self-
deprecating. We were then divided by the instructor into 2 groups to play a game called "The Werewolves".
Since I had never played this game before and I didn't know anyone in my class, I started to find it difficult to
communicate. Some other classmates are so familiar with this game so that they feel very excited, but it is not
easy for me. Although the instructor explained the game twice, I still didn't understand the rules. Even when the
teacher asked us "Do you understand the rules?", I kept silent and dared not say "I don't". I also did not dare to
ask the people around for fear of revealing my "stupidity". I really didn't know what to do at that time.
Suddenly, another classmate spoke up. She said that she wanted the teacher to model how to play because she
didn't understand the rules. Immediately, the teacher let us play the game and during the game, the teacher
directly instructed us what to do and what to say. I gradually understood the rules and got along with everyone.
I am very grateful to this classmate for that.

Through that story, I have learned many valuable lessons. Firstly, always be confident even when asking
the simplest things. Especially, when I am about to become a teacher, self-confidence plays an even more
important role. I will always have to be confident to be able to communicate and support learners in my
expertise. Secondly, always confirm with learners whether they understand what I am saying or if they need me
to repeat anything. Listening to what learners say is essential during the classes because if I just talk without
interacting with the learners, it is possible that many of them will fall behind and not be able to keep up with
my class. They would probably hate me for thinking I didn't care about them. Finally, make new friends in new
circumstances. If I could have boldly made friends with my new classmates at that time, I'd probably have at
least one person to ask about that game. I can even get along with people more quickly and play games more

In short, each story, each lesson has its own meaning. In addition to the professional knowledge and
skills that you learn, communication skills are what you must try to improve after classes because it is the
bridge between the teachers and the learners. It helps teachers ensure that learners can always understand and
apply what we teach in real life.
Assignment 1: One personal story related to Communication in the EFL Classroom
Student’s name: Trương Quốc Thắng – Class 1, Group 4
Student’s code: M1621042
I just began my teaching career when I was a junior at Can Tho University. So far I have had more than
three years of teaching experience and I have encountered some cases which are embarrassing and sometimes
unexpected. One of them was when I tutored a university student in Can Tho two years ago.
The fact is that she majors in English from a middle class university, but she was not good at English at
first. One day, I asked her a super simple question, “What is the main clause of this sentence?” After having
tried for some times, she could not give the correct answer. I showed my surprise by saying, “Are you kidding
me? It’s very simple and even my student in grade 12 can answer this question. You are a university student
majoring English.” She did not say anything more but smiling and then asking me for the answer. Everything
seemed smooth and I just kept on with my lesson. However, the week following, she texted me for a day off
without any clear reasons. Through her texts, I could recognize that there must be something unusual with her
and the agent for that could be me. Two weeks after, I had some class time talking to her about the incident.
Surely, due to my previous feedback, she got hurt and she thought that she was very bad at English. She was
still a university student majoring English anyway. She lost her motivation and did not want to continue any
more. I tried to explain that I did not mean to insult her. I just expressed my surprise but perhaps in an
inappropriate way. From the bottom of my heart, I tried to applogise to her for my sayings. I motivated her that
when I was at her age, I was even worse than her, but everything needs practice to become perfect. She
hesitated for a while. Luckily enough, she was a strong girl with powerful mind. She promised to try more at
home and asked me to forgive her for her childish act. The class went on, but of course the learning atmosphere
is still a bit tense on that day. However, it was much better some days after.

I have thought a lot since that moment about the ways to give comments or feedback to learners in class
especially to those who are at the same age or older than me. I come to conclusion that, sometimes, the things
that we consider normal and acceptable turn out to be ones which can make the others hurt, sad and even
insulted. As in my case, actually, I did not mean anything by saying so, but she got hurt because she
misunderstood my saying. I should have given her a more descriptive feedback instead of complaining about
her wrong answer. As a result, for our learners who are not close enough as our friends, every word for
feedback should be taken into consideration before uttered.

That is a valuable lesson I have learnt but in an unexpected way. I always keep in mind that I should
never make any complaint about learners’ competence. Instead, a constructive feedback or encouraging
comments will be more appreciated./.

(538 words counted)

Today, many students feel discouraged and without hope when they learn English, encouragement is
desperately needed. When students do poorly, teachers typically focus on identifying their weaknesses,
limitations, or disorders. An essential encouragement skill is recognizing and expanding an individual's
strengths. My below story relates the power of encouragement.

Hong Thuan is a former student at a secondary school in suburb of My Tho city. She was active and
confident to take part in many activities of her class and at school. She was a good student of my English class
in grade 9. However, I wondered why she said nothing in my class. Therefore, I called her to the library to ask
the reason. In the beginning, she said “I used to love learning English but I struggle to speak in English,
although I always got good marks in English from sixth to ninth grade. However, this language is my fear
now”. She explained that “when I joined an English speaking class at school last year, I mispronounced some
words”. She said “I want a piece of shit /ʃit/ ”, instead “sheet” /ʃi:t/” . The teacher and classmates laughed at
her. That was why she became too shy and did not want to make any mistakes. After that she tried to avoid
speaking English in front of others. After understanding the problem, I encouraged and explained her that
“making mistakes is a normal and important part of learning a language. Everyone may make mistakes at times
when they use English and it is how we learn”. Then she became more confident to speak English in class. I
was proud of her performance because in the spring that year, by all her best she got a consolation prize for
District excellent student in English.

I always think to answer the question “how can my students practice speaking English in a stress-free
way?”, and “how should I correct their mistakes?” There are some tips to develop students’ confidence. First of
all, encouragement improves their attitude. I look like relaxed so they know that I am happy with what they are
saying. Second, encouragement promotes action. I will praise them to continue speaking what they were
already doing. For example: “Good job”, “Keep up the good work”, “I have confidence in your abilities”…
Third, encouragement creates belief. When we know that others believe in us, it changes everything. Fourth, if I
want to correct students, I will not correct every mistake, and never interrupt them. I will wait until they finish
speaking, then say the word or the sentence correctly and encourage them to repeat. I do also not say ‘It's
wrong’, instead of ‘Listen’. Last but not least, I do not make a big thing out of my students' silence. I am always
beside to reassure them become more confident.

In conclusion, I was consistently reminded of important powers of encouragement. The encouraging

teacher, on the other hand, knows how to turn so-called liabilities into assets. Based on mutual respect and on
focusing on a person's strengths rather than weaknesses, the tools of encouragement are essential for creating a
stimulating learning environment. Teachers and students are people who benefits from encouragement that is
honest, authentic and intentional.

During the process of acquiring knowledge, I have had golden chances to meet several teachers who
have both positive and negative impacts on me as well as my teaching career. Amongst them, Mr. Thang, who
was my English teacher in grade 12, has the most significant influence on me.

He was a very dedicated teacher, which was shown by his activities organized in class. Learning with
him was definitely interesting. Because he knew that most of the students usually get bored with English, he
created many exciting activities in class and got his students to participate in. As I remembered, we took part in
small debate contests involving numerous topics, and attended interviewing activities in speaking classes. He
sometimes organized group work with the exhibition to display our writing posters around the class. I never
saw him come to class in an exhausted or frustrated state. He had a very positive energy when he came to class,
so some simple activities such as “Find someone who” or “Chant game” became exciting thanks to his energy.
Those activities helped me memorize the words or grammatical structures for a long time.

I also loved his way of dealing with his students. At the beginning, he set the rules to let us know how
we would be punished when we made mistakes. When the students were lazy and did not pay attention to
lessons, he was quite strict to stop the lessons to solve the situations. This could take time, but it was really
effective because the students did not make the same mistakes after his solutions. However, punishment was
not always his optimum way to educate a person. When the punishment was not effective, he usually changed
his way of educating. Instead of always punishing the students, he spent time talking with students after class to
listen to their problems or expectations. This can erase the gap between students and teachers as well as help
them understand each other.

Learning with him is a wonderful time to me because he gives me several valuable lessons.
He helps me know that teaching which is a work of heart can create a dedicated teacher. In fact,
teaching is not an easy job which does not simply mean providing knowledge to other people. It is a process
requiring meticulous preparations to wake up students in class by positive energy, exciting activities and have
students get involved in class. Additionally, the teacher's mood plays an important role. The teacher should
leave his personal feelings behind whenever he comes to class because this can significantly affect their
student’s energy. Moreover, as a teacher, we need to know that punishment should not be applied all the time.
Sometimes, sharing is better since it can bridge the gap between the teacher and the students

In conclusion, teaching is an art and teacher is an artist. It is really lucky for me to have an opportunity
to study with Mr Thang, who can be considered one of the greatest artists I have ever met.
Becoming a teacher of English was not my top priority for a long time when I was asked what
profession I would like to choose. However, there were some unexpected factors affecting my career decision
and changing my mind. The most significant one is the influence that my favourite English teacher, Ms. Oanh,
had on me. She used to be my least admired teacher at the beginning of the school year but she then gradually
became my most admired teacher. She is a gentle, enthusiastic and qualified teacher. It was her ways of
communicating in class that make her admirable and respectable in my heart.
The pressure of passing the national exam and the university entrance exam seems to force all grade
twelve students to study day and night. However, my classmates did not pay much attention to studying. That
made our teachers become stricter and stricter. Instead of shouting at us like other teachers, Ms. Oanh patiently
carried on her teaching. She sometimes paused a few minutes to wait if someone made noise. I still remember it
was in the first semester, I got bored with the practice for a simple grammar point. While my friends were doing
the task, I almost fell asleep. My teacher recognized that, she told the whole class: “I know this exercise is as
easy as a piece of cake to some of you, but it is challenging to others, so please be patient and wait for your
friends. If you find it boring, you may go out now.” All my classmates stared at me although she did not
address me by my name. I always considered myself an obedient and hard-working student during my teenage
years. I hardly received any teachers’ complaints. Therefore, I was extremely embarrassed and shocked when
Ms. Oanh “crictized” me like that. For weeks, I lost my motivation and self-confidence in learning English.
The first semester ended without much satisfaction because of my classmates’s low marks in English.
At that time, I felt sympathetic towards my teacher. I knew there were moments she got angry and tended to
lose her temper when my classmates behaved inappropriately. Her eyes turned red and she was about to cry, but
she tried to calm down. I realized how stressful she was when teaching us and she did not mean to hurt my
feeling. She just wanted to remind me to concentrate on the lesson. After getting to know her better, I was
urged to study English harder and had a desire for teaching English.
Having been teaching English for nearly nine years, I understand how important it is to remain calm and
controlled during class time. Teaching English is challenging, raising students’ positive attitude towards
learning English is even more challenging. Therefore, I always keep in mind that what a teacher says or does
may have different or even unforeseeable effects on different students. My teacher did a great job and I owe my
success and my apology to her.
Historian and journalist Henry Adams said, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his
influence stops.” There is no doubt that teachers’communication in class has a huge impact on students’
attitudes and behaviors. The consequence could last longer than teachers expect whether they are aware of it or
Along with the social development, communication has been played an important role in almost every
feild. Education is not an exception. Teacher-student is an inseparable relation and communication determines
the duration, the value as well as the orientation of it. I am going to share a story with my favourite teacher, Mr.
Trịnh Quốc Lập to emphasize that saying.
I have just quitted my thirteen-year job, looking for another chance with a little confusion. Having
suggested by a friend, I decided taking the M.A course, considered it as an appropriate break to rearrange my
life and enhance my knowledge. I had not thought of being a teacher until I met Mr Lập in the revision class.
Fifteen years since his Research Methodology class and I was so impressed that he could still remember my
name. Certainly, a good start brought many good things. There is no doubt about his English proficiency, the
difference here was the techniques he used to convey the content. The instructions were clear, examples and
illustrations were added to clarify the informations. Within a week, he gave us not only knowledge but also the
situation, the general view of English teaching. His enthusiasm warmed up the classroom’s atmosphere, his
actual experiences or stories attracted our attention, and especially his supportive feedbacks gave us enough
confidence to participate in every given activities. Looking at him, I knew what I would wish to become.
This inspiring story leaves me many precious lessons. First, be realistic to the students. Backing to my
story, we had a small personal introduction at the beginning of the class. When I said “ I have no teaching
experience”, he immediately responsed “Then you have to try very hard”. A good “journey” starts from
locating ourselves: who we are? where you are at? Different people have different starting points, so my job is
helping my students to locate them, then finding their own suitable ways. The next lesson is: be well prepared
for the class. To have good students, I have got to be a good teachers first. So, enhancing English proficiency
and communication skills, mastering the teaching methods, learning to use modern facilities effectively are
things put in my “have to be done” list. All of them guarantee a good content conveyed. Last but not least, I
have learnt about the importance of attitude. Mood is contagious, and teacher as a classroom manager should
keep this in mind. There are many things that needed to carry out: be fun to facilitate enjoyment in class, be
possitive to encourage students’ performance, be patient with student misbehavior… But they will not matter as
long as we take our job seriously.
After a thirteen-year gap with irrelevant working experience, it is not easy for me to go back to be a
teacher. However, every difficulty has its own values. Thanks to a huge nutured motivation, I am now ready to
open a new chapter of my life, “whenever there is a will, there is a way”.
Ms Khue Dung is the teacher that I admire most in my student life. She is a teacher who inspires me to
learn English seriously and passionately. I was fortunate to be studied with her when I was in 10th grade. I still
remembered the very first day in high school, I was still a student with the average use of English. Like most
rural high school students, I only knew fundamental vocabulary and grammar while listening and speaking
skills are almost a nightmare for me. Her arrival marked a major turning point in my student life, and
influenced my career orientation many years later. She was one of the rare teachers with pretty standard
pronunciation in my school at that time. I really admired her pronunciation; therefore, I tried my best to practice
speaking the vocabulary of each lesson at home. She tried to use English in class, and of course she would
translate it into Vietnamese in case we did not understand make sure that we could to keep up with the lesson.
Although I could only hear part of it at that time, I found myself motivated to prepare the lesson at home.
Moreover, I was so excited to find that I understood what she was saying. After a semester, I was surprised with
my English result. I was in the top three of the best English students in my class at that time. I gradually
realized what it means to be an inspirational teacher. Her personality is also one of the things that impressed me
until now. She was quite masculine and strong. She only wore “ao dai” on Monday morning because it was
mandatory. She was also a fair and straightforward person. She treated all students in her class equally, and
there seems to be no special favor for the best students in the class. I was very impressed with this.
At present, I am a follower of the teaching career, and she is still a significant inspiration whenever I
think about career path. Working as an English teacher in college, I teach basic and major English for students,
I always try to create a dynamic English learning environment for my students as the way she inspired me.
Sometimes, students are not disciplined and motivated enough to follow the lessons, I think about the ways she
instructs me step by step from the very first day. It also helps me overcome negative experiences and be more
patient. I tried to practice my pronunciation and intonation every day to be a good role model for my students. I
try to be caring and fair in my teaching and final assessment. This is the most precious lesson I have learned
from Ms Khue Dung. Every student is equal and needs to be taught with care and professionalism. I always
remind myself of the value of the dedication and justice while teaching my students. Her presence is a precious
gift in my life. I am always grateful for that.
Teachers play an essential role in our life as a mentor, a role model, a guide and a friend. A teacher
doesn’t just educate and share their knowledge and wisdom, but acts as a parent figure to help inspire and
motivate a student individually and academically. That best teacher is my sencondary English teacher, Ms. Dan,
who guided me to become a teacher.
I was born in a small village in the countryside so that I started learning English quite late, in grade 6th.
Ms. Dan was my first English teacher and she taught me all 4 years in secondary school. Moreover, I also
attended her extra classes so I met her almost everyday. At first, I felt scared of English because I didn’t know
even a simple work. She was so patient to teach and inspired me the love for English. She used easy and
appropriate ways to teach me good things. Students enjoyed attending her class because her way of teaching
was excellent. Her accent and pronunciation are perfect and accurate. She knew how to draw students' attention
in class, and after class, she provides us with regular assignments to check our knowledge about a particular
topic. In case if any student failed to do the assignment, she didn’t shout at him but makes him understand the
lessons again with her simple way of teaching. After a semester, my English was improved and could join a
team of excellent students of school.

Unfortunately, I was given “0” mark in English test by my respectable teacher. While I was taking the
test, I gave the answer to my friend who wasn’t good at English. Ms. Dan knew the truth from another friend
and she decided to give me bad mark. She told my story in front of the class. That shocked me. At that time I
felt embarrassed and hated her: “I was her dear student, why did she do that? Why did she tell that in front of
the class?” In the next few days, I came to her extra class with bad mood and she didn’t tell me anything about
the “0” mark. After a week, she gave another test to class and students could choose one mark in these test. I
suddenly realized that I was wrong. Teacher gave bad mark because I did wrong thing and she wanted to make
student fell fair. My teacher wasn’t strict but she was discipline and loved her students so much. She did this to
give me a lesson in my life: “Loving students by teaching them good things and being a teacher you should
treat all the students fairly”. I loved her more and I started sharing my mind to her. She guided me through our
difficult times and encouraged when I was down.

Ms. Dan has all the respectful teacher qualities. I am lucky to be her student, and I will always follow
her principles in my life. Even after leaving this school, she always accompanies me on my career path and
gives me valuable advices. I will always remember what she has taught me and I will try to be a great teacher
like her in the future.

Dear Ms. Mai, I appreciate having the opportunity to share with you the story about my favorite teacher
and how her communication inspired me to follow in her footsteps as an English teacher.
Communication plays a fundamental role in an EFL classroom. It is the key for teachers to interact with
the students and convey the lessons. Hence, being an effective communicator is indispensable to the learning
and teaching process for most teachers. And I have learned that from my favorite teacher, Ms. Oanh.
She was my English teacher in secondary school and also took responsibility as a vice-principal. During
that time, I studied in a Math-majored class, so the vast majority of the students did not care much for English.
They only accepted English as a compulsory subject, and most of the time struggled to learn it. As a result,
English classes were their worst nightmare! Some even gave up learning by not doing their homework or
preparing for the new lessons. As the English teacher of my class, Ms. Oanh tried a lot to help us. And that was
the time when her communication was the key to solve the problem. Instead of giving more homework and
tests which definitely put us under more pressure, she created many interesting activities for the whole class.
We had so much when learning since she was a humorous game host. The instructions were simple and well-
understood to all of us. Besides, she also showed us a lot of videos and images that implied the importance of
English. In addition to this, she helped us to self-study by watching videos about our favorite hobbies in English
or working in groups to chat about topics that are fascinating to us such as movies and idols. Thanks to all
activities, learning English turned out to be a stress-free acquisition process and it finally dawned on us that
learning English was not a tedious task. She was also an expert in encouraging her students. She never told us
that we could do it; instead, asked us to try our best and to not regret anything. She also refused to give cheesy
speeches but guided us to make the right decisions by ourselves.
Thanks to her, I wanted to become an English teacher which was not only good at English but also was
inspirational to my students. Her communication skills were so excellent that I could learn a lot from her. There
are 3 most remarkable points that I will always remember for my future career. Firstly, there are still many
students and parents assuming English as a compulsory subject and they need it to pass the exams, so teachers
should change the students’ extrinsic motivation into intrinsic one for their own sake. Moreover, we can assist
students in their self-orientation because most adolescents find it confusing to have one. It is better to choose
one with the help of teachers. Finally, we should have good communication skills when hosting an activity to
grasp students’ attention. It is also necessary to have short, simple and well-understood instructions so that all
students can follow the tasks.
In conclusion, as educators, we have to master the communication skills so that our students can acquire
the lessons more effectively. And I am looking forward to learning more from this course. Thank you again for
teaching us!
Hello Miss, first of all let me thank you for taking your time to read my story.

I’ve just graduated from Can Tho University and I’ve worked as a teacher for two years. Although I
haven’t had a lot chances to experience many different situations in educational environment, there is a story
that I think I cannot forget and it inspires me so much.

Two years ago, when I started to tutor for nine-year-old boy at his home. It is the first time that I do
tutoring so I was really nervous and I also excited a lot. It is quite strange, isn’t it?. Everything seemed to be
good for the first meeting to introducing and acquainting with each other. Until the next day I began teaching
him, I found out that hedid not· accept me as his new teacher because he “idolized” his old teacher. As a result,
during these next·lessons, he ignored anything I said and criticized my teaching method because it is not similar
with his old teacher. I felt sad and disappointed so much at that time because I put a lot of effort into that job.
Unfortunately, it became a nightmare. His mother tried to convinced him even shouting at him but it was
useless. After all I was mad at him and decided to quit that job because I was lack of patience at that time.
However, his mother told me about his old teacher and the reason why he had that behaviors and actions. He
had strong characteristic and there is no teacher can stand with him until that teacher. She tried her best to teach
him gently and patiently. Due to her private reason, I cannot teach him anymore so that made him so
disappointed and hard to adapt with other teacher. Then, I understood and tried to teach him step by step.
Finally, everything was fine and he wanted to learn with me and even sharing many stories about his life with

The story seems to be simple for everyone, but it influenced on my teaching journey significantly,
especially for a new teacher as me. The precious lesson that I learned from that story is the important of
patience in teaching and communicating. If you are a teacher with full of expertise but without patience for
your students, you will not to be a good teacher perfectly. Moreover, the way that a teacher communicate with
students is should take in consideration. It was lucky when I spent time on listening about students problems
and found the solution timely. If I became angry all time and lack of patience to listen and communicate with
student, I would have not succeeded in teaching that boy and the other students in the future. Furthermore,
thanks to that teaching experience, I was inspired and had more motivation. I had faith in my job and I am
making effort in cultivating myself for both my expertise and my professional ethics.

In conclusion, throughout this story, I realized that learning how to communicate well with students is a
key for success in teaching process. I need to think and communicate patiently and gently with students by my
mind and my heart as well. Sometimes, a word is stronger than an action.
Honestly, all of my teachers have given me priceless experiences through their lifestyles, behaviors and
expertise. I am going to write about a teacher who has strongly impressed me by her pedagogical skills and

Her name is Yoriko from Japan. She taught my first Japanese course. At first, my peers and I was
nervous because she spoke neither Vietnamese nor English. However, after a few meetings, we were so
interested in learning with her that we just forgot our fear.
The way Yoriko spoke totally Japanese to teach was really effective. She used simple Japanese words
that we have studied in previous lessons to make us understand what she wanted to say. Her classroom
language was brief and comprehensible. Our limited range of Japanese vocabulary did not prevent us from
understanding and enjoying her lessons. After each unit, she added new vocabulary into the language she used
in class. That way encouraged learners to review the lessons as well as to maximize the time for speaking
Japanese in class. I realize that it is not necessary to speak the mother tongue all the time when teaching a
foreign language. Therefore, I tried to apply it in the basic-leveled courses of General English, and it worked
really well in my classes. Vietnamese was only allowed in case other options were ineffective.
Secondly, Yoriko had a very special way to attract and lead learners to her lessons. Instead of using
verbal language, she tended to use more body language, gestures and facial expressions which were so cute and
really “Japanese style”. We were very curious and excited about guessing her ideas. In fact, no one was
distracted or fell asleep in any 2-hour classes with her, and there were no reminders or punishments to make
learners stay focused. I felt energetic and was willing to learn in her class. It was not my intention to imitate
her, but I found that a lot of my non-verbal language were like hers. Luckily, because of this style of class
management, the learners paid much attention to the lessons.
Another thing about Yoriko was that she always wrote the name of the learners who were absent on the
handouts and brought them to class in the next meetings until they are delivered to the absent ones. We loved
the way she cared and felt that we had been given so much attention. We did not want to be off in her class.
Moreover, learners always informed her when they had to be off. She did not use the attendant check to make
us go to class. I tried to do like her and my learners were really happy to get the handouts without having to ask
from the teacher.

In summary, Yoriko, herself and her teaching, has inspired me and had great effects on my teaching
career. From her work, she gave me the first ideas of encouraging learner’s automation. She also set a devoted
and professional model of a teacher in every lesson during the course.
The educational sector plays an important role in modern society. Therefore, teaching methods and
pedagogical communication skills always pay much concentration to the main purpose of enhancing the quality
of teaching and learning. In this essay, I would like to share about one of my favorite teachers that her devotion,
as well as work ethic, is often in my memory.
First of all, her name is Nguyễn Thị Bích Thuỷ, now she is a teacher of English at Can Tho University.
At the age of sixty, she is still so dynamic with full of enthusiasm in her teaching career. I am sharing about the
occasion I met her. Six years ago, after university graduation, I took an IELTS course to meet a requirement of
an international school. I have studied the IELTS course at a language center for a month and I realized the
course was not suitable for me. After that, I took a piece of advice from a close friend and Ms. Thuy Ielts's class
was my second study option. Processing onto my first impression with her, she is a simple and dedicated
teacher. I could realize her big passion for teaching through asking me detailed information about my academic
background and learning English history.
Second of all, I believe that a good teacher needs possess both professional knowledge and work
dedication. During the first time of attending class, I am anxious because everything is unfamiliar with me.
Thanks to effective non-verbal communication, I could feel more comfortable as Ms.Thuy uses eye contact and
facial expression to observe me all time and approaches to explain whenever I am in need or have any unclear
exercises or vocabulary. As a young teacher, I have known that the first impression, especially first study
experiences plays a crucial role in the learning process to learners because this decides learners feel interested
in upcoming learning processes or not.
Last but not least, I extremely enjoy the class time because of the combination between great teaching
methods and excellent communication skills. In fact, the course itself is not easy but Ms. Thuy usually shares
funny stories related to the lessons to reduce learners’ pressure. Besides, with a positive attitude and valuable
life experiences, she inspires learners a lot with a view to getting more motivation, not only English knowledge
but also soft skills. I remember that as a learner who would take an IELTS exam in the next week, the teacher
usually reassures the student and supports him so that he can reduce his stress and gain more confidence to do
well in the exam.
In conclusion, owing to Ms. Thuy’s approachable communication skills, she has many close students
and most of us always pay homage to her. Moreover, I consider her as an inspiring figure for my teaching
career in the future.
Back in 2016, I was assigned to an English teaching position in a primary school far in the suburban
area of Ca Mau Province. As custom goes, I had to take part in several observation sessions in English classes
in order to gain relevant experiences. In one of these sessions, I learnt a very valuable lesson that is still helpful
for me even in recent times. The lesson that day started as usual with all of the student paying great attention to
what would be taught. It was a reading-focused lesson, which is Unit 3, Lesson 3 of English 5 textbook, on the
topic of Holiday Activities. After some recitals and reviews of previous classes, the teacher went on to help the
students prepare for the coming activities. With her experienced teaching skills, she easily guided the class
through activity 1, which is a pronunciation task and activity 2, which focused on listening skill. Then came
activity 3, in which the students had to chant a short text about a girl’s trip to the seaside. That was when the
problem arose, as the text contains the word “beach”, which sounds similar to another sensitive word, to which
boys of similar age would love to make jokes about. And because it was a reading-oriented lesson, the whole
class had to read aloud the chant a few times. When it came to the part of that special word, some of the boys
purposely shouted the wrong pronunciation of the word “beach” as loud as they can as a joke. Then the whole
class started to laugh and lost focus on the task. I was expecting the teacher to get angry and shout at the boys
or at least scold them, but what she did surprised me the most as she calmly wrote the two words on the board
and slowly explained how to easily differentiate them apart. She then went on to explain how inappropriate and
unfunny the joke was, and made them promise not to be so rude like that again. Instead of punishing them and
ignore the problem, she chose to communicate with them and got her message across. The lesson then went on
as if nothing has happened and finished without any more troubles. Through that particular lesson, I’ve learnt
that in classroom situations, ignoring or avoiding a specific problem by scolding or punishing the students,
which would make the problems a time-bomb remain under the surface waiting to explode on another day, are
not effective ways to communicate with them. Instead, we should softly and directly explain its source to them
and help them avoid making the same mistake again in the future would be more of an ideal approach to solve
the situation.

Rarely did I struggle with any subjects in secondary school, except English. My experience with English
was a boring lengthy grammar lesson with a teacher who would yell at me for giving the wrong answer. My
anxiety level always soars during a language lesson since the more I try to do those grammar exercises, the
more confused and lost I become. I thought I was probably bad at language learning by nature-why bother to
change that? However, in my final year at secondary school, I met a teacher who helped me learned to love
learning languages.
The teacher I admired dearly is Ms.Dao. On the first day, I was so nervous about how the new teacher
would be. Ms. Dao strolled in the class wearing black pantsuits, short-haired, demure demeanor, and somewhat
conservative-far from how I expect an English teacher would be. She greeted the class in a very soft voice.
Many would think that a person who speaks in a low tone, is not very sociable, could not be a good language
teacher. However, Ms.Dao proved otherwise. She always respects her students' privacy. I remember the first
time she returns the exam paper to us, I was so excited to know my score, so I come to the table and ask her to
see my exam paper. She returned it to me upside down so that other friends could not see my score. I was being
sneaky and peaked at the paper of a friend who sat behind me and asked if I could take the exam paper for my
friend. Ms. Dao shook her head slightly and said "No Lap, you are not allowed to see other friend's scores I was
embarrassed at the time; however, I learn later that how she values our privacy which prevents students who do
not have a very high score from being ridiculed for their low score.

I have met many teachers who use problematic approaches to force students to learn. Such as publicly
criticize making inappropriate remarks which hinders student's willingness to communicate in English. Ms.
Dao, on the other hand, chooses to free students from the fear of feeling inadequate. She also allowed students
to choose what they say in English and only speak when they are ready to do so. During my last year at
secondary school, I discovered my passion for learning English and spent more time watched English movies
and read short stories. The final results were rather surprising, I scored 7.5 in the final exam comparing to
below average from the previous years.

Ms. Dao not only taught me valuable English lessons, but her communication and teaching style has
also shaped the way I teach my students. Thank her I found my love for learning English and languages, her
gentle, liberal, and joyful philosophy in learning languages and communication becomes my philosophy for my
I am such a lucky student when I get several very good teachers throughout my academic years. Among
them, Mr. Cuong has a great influence on my education as well as my life.
Firstly, Mr. Cuong was such a patient and dedicated teacher. He was our math teacher in high school. I
met him when I was in grade 11. At that time, I was too bad at math and usually tried to avoid raising hands or
doing math exercises in class. My math teacher in grade 10 was so strict and hot tempered so I used to think
that all math teachers had these characters. However, Mr. Cuong was quite different. He was patient to ask and
listen our questions and helped us solve all of our difficulties in learning this subject. In addition, Mr. Cuong
usually let us take turn to go to the board and write our answers. When we had wrong answers, he did not scold
or shout at us. He always spoke in a gentle voice. This helped students who was too shy to raise hands could
have chances to get out of their shyness. Besides, when we finished our assignment, he usually gave us nice
compliments which made us happier and more confident.
Secondly, Mr. Cuong was a well-qualified teacher. He was not only good at math but also had a perfect
teaching method. He accessed the level of students regularly , divided our class into small groups and prepared
the different homework for each each group from basic level to advanced level. My friends and I usually
completed all tasks which he gave us because we knew that our teacher spent too much time on preparing
suitable lessons for us. After that, we found that math was quite interesting.
Finally, Mr. Cuong was a warm-hearted teacher. At the second semester of grade 11, I got a big shock
in my life. My mother died because of a serious ill within one day only. I could not know exactly how I
overcame that wordless grief. I did not go to school about 2 weeks and felt disappointed with everything in life,
included my study. When I wanted to drop out of school, Mr.Cuong called my dad and came to my house. He
spent time to talked and shared with my father and me. He gave me many advice which were really suitable and
meaningful for me at that time. Besides, he and other teachers let me join their tutorial classes after school
without any fees, which gave me a big opportunity to study well in grade 12 and successfully pass the
university entrance exam.
To sum up, I believe that Mr. Cuong is the best teacher that I have ever seen in my life. He is such a
dedicated and loving teacher. He is not only good at teaching but also willing to help his students whenever
they are in need. From the bottom of my heart, I consider he is my second father. Without his encouragement, I
cannot be what I am today. I will never forget his gentle voice and deeply-felt words when he taught and
advised me. Now, I am trying to be a good and dedicated teacher like him, my second father.
Lecturer: Dr. LE XUAN MAI
Course: Communication in the Classroom
Student’s name: VO THE HIEN
Code: M1621013

In the context of increasing popularity of English as the foreign language (EFL) movement recently,
communication in classrooms is universallly recognized as an essential tool for optimizing teaching and
learning processes. This essay briefly aims at narrating one of my unforgettable sroty about a teacher’s
communication situation in an EFL classroom before some impications are drawn accordingly.

To begin with, the story happened almost three years ago when I first observed an IELTS writing class
for Teenagers, aged from 14 to 17. The class size was medium, with 15 to 17 learners. To impress the students,
my colleague planned and rehearsed his lesson carefully. The due day came, he entered the classroom and
started teaching after a brief self-introduction. However, the procedure was off track after the first 20 minutes
since the students seemed not to cooperate, and they silently struggled with themselves, with the lesson and
definitely with their teacher who kept talking and paid no attention to their feelings. He hesitated for a while
before deciding to stop the lesson to have some small talks with them. Fortunately, the icy atmosphere was
gradually broken. The teacher then rescheduled the current lesson to the next meeting, and spent the rest of the
first meeting for some communication. Being as a facilitator, he grouped the students with 3 to 4 each to
discuss and share information about their personal preferences, IELTS target band score, their commitment,
then they took turn to present in front of the class. Thanks to such initial communication, he told me that he had
a dynamic class over the following weeks.

As far as the implications are concerned, the story provides additional evidence with respect to the roles
of communication in EFL classrooms. For one thing, if communication between students fail, they will have
certain difficulties having sense of belongingness and connectedness to their learning environment. Indeed,
communication situations such as group work or discussion are likely to build up students’ intrinsic motivation
meaning that they come to class being fully self-aware of achieving both social life and color-flying academic
performances. For another thing, teachers are recommended to build rapport with students at the beginning of
the couse of EFL. In fact, the main goal of this is to determine the effectivenes of teacher-student
communication which is considered a key factor to help decrease the likelihood of disagreement and classroom
problems. Take some teenage classes as an example, this age group has gone through a notably formative stage
of their physical and mental development, they could be very timid or conversly rebelious if the teacher created
either authoritarian or permissive learning atmostphere. It is therefore essential to compromise, and
communication is obviously one of the decisive factors.

In summary, communication in EFL classroom has crucial roles to play. To students, this will create
favorable conditons for them to achieve a better version for themselves both socially and academically.
Besides, in regard to pedagogical process, teachers can build affinity with their students and be capable of
making their lesson objectives obtained.


I have been working as a teacher for over fifteen years, but I always remember my old teachers who had
taught me at high school. The one I like most is Ms Diem who made me have a dream of becoming a teacher of
English like her. I was impressed by her behaviors to students and teaching approaches. I learnt a lot from her
to become an effective teacher in my teaching job.

I was lucky to study with her when I was in grade 10. She was ideal teacher of many students in my
school because of her good behaviors. She was friendly to all students. At break- time, she usually stayed in
class, observed and talked to students in order to understand us better. We could ask her for good advices to
solve our problems.Besides, she was always in control. She rarely got angry when my classmates made serious
mistakes in her class . She was calm enough to reduce the matter lightly and gave us experienced
lessons .Moreover, Ms Diem was fair in communicating with students. Although the students were good or bad,
she was friendly with them in the same way. She did not confirmed who the students and their parents were;
this was not important to her.

I did not love learning English until I studied with her. Her teaching approaches were different from
previous teachers. Firstly, She gave instructions in English with simple words, clear messages and suitable
speech for us to understand. After giving a requirement, she always checked our comprehension, so that we
knew what to do then. She used English to communicate with students, but we could understand easily. We
were not frighten when the teacher spoke English in class anymore. Secondly, She managed her class a happy
classroom . She motivated us by giving nice and positive comments, which we had never got from other
teachers before, when we could finish the tasks correctly. She made us try our best for next lessons. She usually
told funny stories that were relevant to studying and using English in every day communication, so we felt
comfortable to learn English with her. Lastly, she encouraged students to speak English in her class. That
activity was new and quite difficult to us, because we couldn’t speak English fluently, we could read a little and
did grammar exercises. By her supporting, we realized that we improved English speaking skill at the end of the
school year. We were so happy that we could change our cognitive about English. It is not a very difficult
subject, but interesting one.

I had learnt many useful things from my most favorite teacher. I got the lessons that the teacher affects
on students both in their studying and their behaviors. A good teacher must understand his/ her students to find
out the best way for helping and educating them. I wish I can help my students love English and apply it in their
future time.
Story: "Broken in communication! Regret in pedagogy!" - By myself
I was born in a traditional and educated family. My parents were teachers; therefore, when I and my
brother were young, my parents were very strict with us in teaching about experimental life, society,
education,... Especially, my father, he was an extremely difficult and hot-tempered man. Anyways, he was also
worry and took care of me, but he used to shout at me whenever I had mistakes. One day, I was invited to my
friend’s birthday party at 7:30 p.m. At that night, I was so happy because this was the first time I could go out at
night with my friends. At 11:00 p.m., I came back home, my father was very angry with me. He slapped me in
the face twice. Since then, I didn’t agree with his ways to teach his children like this. After that, I myself
promised that I didn’t want to become a teacher. Every day, my father was like that. Nothing to change. He was
a conservative person and he didn’t share his thinking with every one. Day by day, growing up, a child who
hated education to become a teacher. It's unbelievable that no one in my family would have expected, it’s the
When I was only 22 years old, I first started teaching in Vinh Long foreign language and Informatics
center. For me, this was a new challenge to have an effort for dedicating in teaching English in my hometown.
Remembering the first days of coming school, especially, meeting teachers who was difficult to contact with
and some naughty students made me nervous and anxious. A few months later, I gradually got used to my job.
One day, when I came to my class, there were some students laughing and neglecting their studies. I was really
unhappy so that I yelled at them fiercely. At that time, all of the students kept silent and didn’t say any words.
The student's face turned pale. After school, coming back home, I felt very sorry for what I did this evening. So
I ran in to my bedroom and sat in a quiet atmosphere for a few hours thinking about what I had created for my
class. Like our grandparents said: 'Learn to eat, learn to speak, learn to pack, learn to open'. I should think
carefully before I speak with someone. I shouldn’t be in a hurry in communicating, this will affect to my
students' emotion. Since then, I have started to handle my situation in a more pedagogical way to gain the trust
of parents and students.
In summary, to get a good education, I recognized that I should control by myself. I shouldn't do that
with my students anymore. In my point of view, it was pity if teachers could restrain themselves, this will be
not only better for us but also our students. We shouldn't let students unbelieve on their teachers. Students
would be hurt when we didn't really love them. In addition, we should let our ego away to find out the truth
properly. Let’s remember! “Be patient, optimistic and full of hope” to create motivation in teaching and
learning English in class, hence pedagogical communication environment will become better. That way,
students and parents will feel more secure in the education industry. Let students have a right in their studies for
preparing step into a new journey in their life.
Ngọc Trân
I have been teaching English for nearly 7 years, that is a moderate time, not too much but not too little.
As a high school teacher, I have a lot of stories in my teaching career, some are memorable and some are
forgettable. One of the most meaningful memories in my life and can be considered as a guide in my teaching
profession is a story which happened 5 years ago, about my mistake in communication with my student in the
At that time, I was in charge of four classes with nearly over 150 students at different language levels.
Most of the classes I took was mixed ones, so it was very hard for me to make all of the students understand the
lessons clearly and make them good progress in such a short time. One day, when I taught a grammatical
lesson, I performed step by step so that every student could do the exercises by themselves easily and after
teaching through 3 classes, everything went smoothly as I expected. However, when I came to the 4th class, I
also did the same way as I did with those 3 classes. Most of the students felt excited and comfortable with the
lesson I gave , and when I called Huy, he still did it right even if he was considered a dull student, and this
made me so happy. Then, with all my surprise, I saw Hung - another quiet student, raised his hand, and I
thought he also did it well. Unfortunately, he performed as if he did not listen what I had taught him before.
Hopelessly, I became irritated and then I strongly tapped a ruler onto the table and shouted at him as well as
giving him some bad words. I supposed that was a very easy exercise and many students had it done perfectly,
except him. Suddenly, Hung felt down onto the floor and I did not know what happened, just took him to the
clinic immediately. Luckily, he was safe and I felt embarrassed for my action and did gave him a sincere
After listening to a story from his form teacher, I knew that he was suffered from many diseases,
including heart attack, and his family only hoped him to be healthy, not good schooling. That was my fault to
act carelessly without finding the reason and caring my student. From then on, I have recognized how powerful
the words we use in the classroom really are and basic student needs are love and empathy.
Now I am pursuing Master Degree at Can Tho University with the hope to enhance my teaching
methods, and I am studying “Communication in the classroom” subject. When my dear teacher sends me a
video clip via zalo, I see me there nearly the same as the male teacher in that film, and the tears come naturally.
Again, I live in the feeling that I have with my old student before. Basing on what I have gained experiences, I
am in my attempt to reduce the distance between teachers and students as well as understand student
misbehaviors in classrooms since I can manage my class better to bring the best result at the end.
Having worked as an English teacher in a foreign language center for about five years, I would
definitely admit that this job had brought me numerous unforgettable stories, especially with my students. Also,
there were plenty of lessons that I could learn derived from such versions. And, I would like to share a story,
which was one of the most memorable experiences during my teaching career.
It was about two years ago. One day, on the way going to work, I saw one of my sixteen years old
students riding his bike, heading towards the center. However, as I came to the classroom, I could not see him
there. Also, his best friend, who usually sat next to him, did not show up, either. Then, I decided to call the
boy’s father to inform him about the situation. Surprisingly, he confirmed that his son already went to the center
as usual and he believed that his son was in class. “Let me contact him,” the father said and ended our
conversation. An hour later, the two upset boys ended up in my class while I was working with their classmates.
As they closed the classroom door, sat down on their place, I stopped and asked: “Where had you been boys?”
“We had been out, eating,” one of the boys replied. I could have ignored them and continued my lesson at that
time, but I decided to stop and talk to the whole class. “It was fine when you were late around five to ten
minutes as long as you informed me in advance or even explained later. However, in this case, I would say that
it was unacceptable. Firstly, please try not to overuse our center’s title for any of your misbehavior! Secondly,
remember that it was your parents who paid for you to be here. I could have done nothing, just focused on my
job, but for the sake of your parents, please think carefully. Otherwise, if you had respected your teacher, you
would not have had more problems.” Luckily, the two boys seemed regretful. Then, we continued our lesson
until the bell rang.
As I mentioned, there were several lessons that I could learn from my own story. First and foremost, I
should have a clear conversation with my students as soon as problems arise. Although this might be difficult or
tough, I believe that avoiding discussions could make matters worse in the long term or even create distance
between teachers and students. Additionally, building a healthy relationship with students is also important. By
communicating with students honestly and directly, a teacher could help his or her students understand the
consequences of their misbehavior. Thus, this could help students learn how to be more responsible for their
actions. Last but not least, it is essential for a teacher to be thoughtful and flexible because students’ actions
might reflect aspects of their personal lives. Therefore, staying calm, listening to students, letting them know
that they are cared about whenever problems happen, create a better teacher.
Briefly, in the future, I might experience many different stories from my students, but this one and its
lessons are still unforgettable to me.

I strongly believe that every teacher has a lot of memories with their students, and so do I.
I would like to share with you about the memories I will never forget with the schoolboys and
schoolgirls in my teaching life.
To begin with a naughty boy. His name was Nguyễn Thành Thắng.
After graduating from university in 2001, I became a teacher. At that time, I was a little bit thin, just
about 39 kilos.
I was accepted to work at a local high school, and I was in charge of 11A3 class.
As I entered the school gates, acrossed the schoolyard to my classroom, a plastic chair flew over my
head and luckily I wasn't hit, and I also saw the student did it.
As soon as I walked into the class, a tall schoolboy came to stand next to me and raised his arm across
my head as if
He was taller than me a head. The other boys laughed loudly,
some girls felt a little uncomfortable. At that time, I was confused and angry with him.
But I tried to come down and acted as if nothing happened, I laughed and made a little humor, I said “
your class is really impressive, All of you are tall handsome boys and beautiful girls. If All of you unite to play
like this and to study well I’m sure your class will be number one in our school, no class can defeat yours.
The whole class laughed and broke the tense atmosphere, then I introduced myself in English, the whole
class quietly listened to my introduction. I started my leson and I noticed the naughty boy he was sitting quietly.
while teaching, I regularly stood near him and asked if he understood the lesson or not, I especially cared about
him. Everyday, I talked with him I told them all about the happiness in my student life, the life in dorm…. and
there weren’t other ways better than study well. He said that he was dried as a dead tree. If I watered it was also
a dead tree, it was too late.
But I told him I believed he was going to win, he could do it. I encouraged him to speak English on
Day by day, I talked with him about the lesons, about the future.
One day, all his friends and I realized his change, he went to school early, focused on the lesons, and not
quitted from the class more.
I outlined for him a plan of each subject to study, encouraged him every day, and luckily, he could
graduated from high school and continued his study in Saigon, a thing that neither he nor his family thought
Later on, whenever he had the opportunity he would visit me and retell the old story, if on that day,
teacher didn’t appear , there was no one encouraged me, no one taught me . I didn't know where my life would
go now.

In addition, I also would like to share with you a story about my poor schoolgirl. Her name is Nguyễn
Ngọc Hà Phương.
Phương was handicapped since birth. She had cleft palate.
Of course, it was very difficult for us to hear her sounds clearly,
every time she read lesson, her classmates laughed at her , especially in English class.
She was very sad and often sat in the corner crying alone.
One day, I told the whole class the story “ Heaven’s very special child” the story was about a
handicapped boy,
Later he became a president of an employer organization for the disabled, telling of his childhood that
one day wjen he was in a conversation with his mother, his mother explained this way: when a disabled child is
about to be born to, God and his counselors will gather to decide where the boy will be sent, where there is a
family that loves him wholeheartedly, so our family has chosen.
Through the above story I wanted to share with all my students that Phuong was placed in our class
because the principle and all of the teachers also know that all of members in our class would love Phuong,
proteced and supported her.
we can not choose whether we were born beautiful or ugly, intelligent or foolish…..
no one wanted to be handicapped, so all of us should love her and gave her extra care.
From that day, Phuong’s classmates and event other class friends no longer laughed at Phuong,
Phuong became more confident, participated in the school activities, actively learning, and she also
succeeded on the learning path, and became a nurse, a useful citizen for society.

In conclusion, Through the above stories I would like to confirm that communication between the
teacher and the students is very important. Although, there are unintentional words that also hurt students, they
may hate and no longer like the subject or even drop out. There are words that can change a person's life.

Teaching is an interesting job, and it takes a certain period of time for a teacher to experience and
mature enough in order to face and resolve a variety of unexpected situations in the classroom, especially for
teachers in an EFL environment. To me, undergoing many English courses for young learners, I also have some
unforgettable memories with them as well as gain experience. Here is a typical story.
When I was a senior, my friend – a graduated student- transferred her Flyers class to me. The class had
five 10-year-old students in which there was a very excellent student. On the first day, after introducing myself,
he asked me: “Are you have any IELTS certificates, teacher?”. I was so surprised at that question and wondered
how could he know that type of certificate. “My old teacher is got a lot of IELTS certificates” he continued. I
really felt confused a little bit, and then I mildly answered him that: “Oh I really admire Ms. Jane. She is very
good, and that is the reason why she must say goodbye to you and find a better job. I don’t have any IELTS
certificates, so I am here to support and help you correct mistakes”. After that, I wrote his grammatical mistakes
on the board and pointed out his mistakes as well as explained them carefully. That was the best way that I
initially made an impression and proved my qualification to them.
This is just one of the various stories that a teacher can face in their teaching process. From the story, we
can learn many useful lessons. First, with young learners, teachers shouldn’t spend time explaining what is
beyond their all comprehension. They are too young to understand what the IELTS certificate is used for, for
example. Second, with students’ sensitive questions that hurt our pride, we shouldn’t express indignation at
them because that will affect teachers’ image. Instead, we should be listenable and accept our weaknesses so as
to gradually cultivate ourselves. The next lesson is that we shouldn’t lower the prestige of colleagues to flatter
ourselves. Compared with other colleagues, instead of feeling upset, we should extend to them our compliments
as a way to project a positive image of ourselves in the eyes of students. Finally, teachers need to be honest and
exemplary. Although students may not be possible to realize or understand clearly the external knowledge that
we provide them, we shouldn’t tell untruths to shape misconceptions in their minds.
Communication in the classroom is an art, and teachers must be the ones who can artfully change and
resolve situations positively in order to be better harmonized between teachers and students as well as teachers
and teachers. That is the most effective method that we can do to make any educational institutions become a
humanity and civilization environment. Additionally, to be a good teacher, especially an English teacher, we
should be a model for students to follow. It is not only in particular knowledge but also in daily behaviors.
Among the teachers I have encountered through my school life, Mr. Tan, who taught me English in
grade eleven, is the most memorable teacher. I admire him for both his vast knowledge and his virtues.
Especially, his enthusiasm and thoughtfulness warm my heart to this day.
At the first meeting, I did not have a good impression of him. He was quite short and lean. Most of my
classmates thought that he was not a knowledgeable teacher because of his physical appearance. However, Mr.
Tan’s competence was quickly appreciated when he began teaching us. He not only had a broad knowledge of
English, but also knew how to impart his knowledge to students in an interesting and easily understandable
way. He did not confine himself to textbooks. He took us away from the subject. He often told us something
that was happening around the world to help us think more broadly.
He was also a moderately strict teacher. He had lots of exercises for his students to practice. If anyone
did not finish the homework, he got ready to give a bad score. Moreover, he tried to find out the difficulties and
suggested appreciated solutions. He did not discriminate against the good students or the bad ones. With the
better students, he encouraged them by giving them more challenging exercises to help them develop their
skills further. With the others, the easier assignments were given. Besides, he encouraged us to interact with
him. He was one of those teachers who actually knew how to communicate with the students. He motivated us
and made us think that everyone could do well. In Mr. Tan’s classroom, no one was left behind.
Mr. Tan used clever techniques to arouse our interest in studying English. In Mr. Tan’s class, quizzes
were an important part, but Mr. Tan added them with his methods to make them more fascinating. He also
prepared many handouts to provide the missing information in the textbook. Furthermore, he introduced lots of
English songs to us in his class. The songs were so enjoyable that everyone took delight in listening to them and
enhancing their vocabulary with the lyrics. His enthusiasm made up his unique pedagogical style.
Whenever we dealt with the high pressure, to make the atmosphere more comfortable, he cracked a joke
as soon as necessary. He had the ability to make a serious classroom lecture lively. Other teachers usually
talked about their success in academic career. Mr. Tan often talked about his weaknesses as well as his failures
in academic life. That is why many students, including me, admire him and enjoy his English classes so much.
Mr. Tan has created the model of an excellent teacher to me. His teaching abilities, especially
communication skills, and attentiveness are always in my mind. Now when I teach students, I make an effort to
have the lesson enjoyable and inspiring rather than serious and stressful.
Most of us who also have their own memories about a particular teacher in the memories. For me, this is
my story with my English teacher in high school. In English lesson time when I was grade 12, at that time I was
a student that good at English in class but I had to enrich my English skills a lot.
This was an English teacher that made me get the most impressive memory. His name is Long, who was
a serious English teacher in my school. The reason I say that, he always checked students the previous lesson
before beginning the new lesson in the class by let students take five minutes test with vocabularies and
grammars. I was so angry and bored with my teacher at that time because I had to prepare knowledge carefully
until now I realise that he wanted his students remember lesson for a long time. Secondly, he always created an
fantastic warm-up like English games or activities related to English to connected students together, moreover
let students pay attention in class. Especially, he was a good model for me that I can learn from him about
methods in teaching and the way to convey the information to the others.
The story between my teacher and I that make me so imposing. At that time, I really liked to learn
English subject but I was so worry about that subject because he gave me tasks more difficult than the others in
the class when I took an oral test, he asked me the questions outside or related to syllabus but not an easy
question like the others. Actually, It was hard for me to pass the oral test easily and I had to try a lots.
Moreover, he gave me a strict score all the time although I had a good answer and I did not know the reason.
After finishing, I always aked him why and I just got the answer “ try your best for the next time”. For now,
when I become a teacher, I think that he is a perfect teacher that I need to follow. He is serious with me because
he want me to effort more and more, do not stop learning. If he gave me a good score at that time, immediately
after I thought that I was excellent and I did not to try anymore. Eventually, to be a good teacher who bring not
only motivation for the students but also sometime the teacher need to be strict with them, it helps the students
realise what they need to do to become better and better .
Due to the severity of my teacher, I matured as of today, I can know what I need to do for myself and
my students can get along together in communication in teaching. That is a lesson experienced in my teaching
career until now.
This story took place when I was in grade 11 at Thuan Hung High School, which is located in Thuan
Hung Ward, a rural area. It is true that English is not a priority, if not the least favorite, for the majority of
students in such a setting. Therefore, teachers speaking or communicating in English in the classroom hardly
ever happens. In fact, daily lessons of English usually started with little "English interaction," such as the
teacher greeting and asking "How are you?" and some repeated patterns of responses from the students. Then,
the lesson went on with students repeating what the teacher asked them to repeat and doing what the teacher
ordered the students to do. Except for that, no English was spoken during the class. Therefore, to most students,
studying English was just like repeating the boring English words and learning them by heart for testing, and to
me, that was how a teacher of English works. However, there was a day that my perception about learning and
teaching English changed severely. On that day, our official English teacher was busy, and he couldn’t stay for
the class, so he asked for another teacher to take his place for one lesson. Everything was very different with
this teacher. She came into the class, greeted us, started to introduce herself, and gave the lesson of the day, all
of which was in English. She spoke English during the lesson, and she interacted with us in English as well.
Although I couldn’t understand all of what she said, I was very excited, and I felt like English was not just
about vocabulary, grammar, and testing but that it could also be a language for communicating. Although the
lesson in total English was more challenging to understand, I felt more interested in learning English. It was
only a shame that I could only have one English lesson with that teacher because she had to relocate to a
different part of town at the time. Anyway, I've changed my way of studying English a lot ever since. I
practiced speaking English with every word I knew rather than learning it by heart. When I am a teacher of
English now, I always think about how to inspire and encourage my students to get engaged in learning and
speaking English as much as possible.

This story educated me a lot about teaching and learning English. Apart from other subjects, the role of
a teacher in English class is major. The teacher should play the role of an inspirer—someone who can inspire
and motivate their students to learn English and speak English because he is the only model for the students and
the only partner for them to practice English, especially in rural areas. English can be very interesting and
useful if the teachers know how to teach it. Otherwise, it will be tedious and challenging. Last but not least,
English in the classroom should be treated as a language or a tool for communicating, not just a subject.
Maybe a teacher does not feel how much he or she has done for his or her student but that student will
know clearly that how much that special teacher has nourished and inspried his or her aspirations. To me, my
most favorite and inspiring teacher is the head teacher teaching me English in my 10th grade. My teacher- Mr
Luan is one of the reason that contributed to my choice to become an English teacher.

Firstly, one of the most profound and unforgettable memories about my teacher is his unquestionable
competence in English. He had a native-like voice and his teaching styles in class was engaging. He not only
conveyed us the knowledge of the lesson but also told us many stories about the cultures of the English
speaking countries, which made us very easy to get exposed to the topic. Secondly, in my mind, Mr Luan was
the most friendly teacher I have ever had. He usually made some jokes to make us feel released and
encouraged. It seemed that he always went to class with his good mood and we felt his enthusiam in the most
positive way. A year after that, for some reasons, Mr Luan was not a teacher anymore but he still kept contact
to our class and sent letters to stimulate us evey month. This was one of the things that I believe not many
teachers can do with their old students. Lastly, as a social activist at the moment, my teacher makes me admire
for his contribution to the community and inspires me a lot. Mr Luan usually gets involved in many charity
work to donate and give scholarship to many students in remote and moutainous areas throughout Vietnam.

Up to now, Mr Luan has been alway a good example for me to follow since then. From him, I engrave
deeply in my mind that when becoming a teacher, I must follow these three things below. First of all, my
students are the ones who reflect on what I have done. Therefore, I should be a model teacher. I should behave
well and continually develop my professional teaching skills to build trust on my students. Futhermore, being a
good teacher does not only mean to be excellent for teaching but also to be willing to help my students in their
difficulties. Besides teaching them knowledge, in my possibility, I should also teach them to be a good person
and some other soft skills. Finally, from my teacher, I realize that it is not important who you are or how vital
your position is, it is crucial that how meaningful what you have done is.

To sum up, Mr Luan has shaped my decision on choosing my career and directed me in my teaching
profession. In spite of his short time of teaching, he was certain a successful teacher. Mr Luan’s contribution to
my self-concept about a good teacher will keep me moving on during my teaching life.
My first day of teaching was terrible. After being assigned from Department of Education and Training
of Tien Giang, I worked at a public high school in the countryside and got acquainted with class 10A6 through
the observation period. One day in October 2010 was the day I officially took over this class, but things did not
go as I expected.
Everything wrong happened when entering the class, I greeted the students in English: “Hello,
everyone!”. The whole class was surprised to greet me back, someone sporadically said, “Good morning,
Teacher’. After checking their attendance, no student was absent. Maybe, they were curious about me, a new
teacher. So, the class was full that day. I started the warmer part with a game named “past experiences”, they
were very excited to list those like climbing mountains, bathing in the rain or in the river only in Vietnamese. I
tried to convince them to speak English and there was a boy sitting at the corner of the class who said, “I don't
know how to speak English”. So I had to let them speak Vietnamese. After that, I asked them again “Do you
still do those activities now?”, “It's over” they said, then I led to the structure "used to" and showed how to use
it. There was a girl who was interested and raised her hand and said, "Vậy hồi nhỏ em ăn kem giờ không ăn nữa
thì nói sao thầy?” I was so happy saying “I used to eat ice-cream” and most of them still couldn’t understand
what I said, I had to translate it into Vietnamese. I continued to teach them new words, only eight words. So
they looked at me with wide eyes, glanced at their friends and whispered, “Few words, Ridiculous!”. At that
moment, I was a bit tired, but I continued the practice part with ‘word cue techniques’. Again, they were
surprised because they just opened the book and do the tasks as usual. The same boy at the corner of the class
said, “Kỳ cục”. So I asked him, “Which part don’t you understand?”. He stood up, saying that the way I taught
was not like hers, Mrs. Hang. Since then, I only used Vietnamese to find out the situation. I analyzed that the
methods seemed strange, but they would then get used to and I was creating a communicative environment in
English for them to practice. Next, they were silent and I continued to run through word cues, but they repeated
them in an uncooperative manner. Seeing that, I had to follow the way that you had learned before. They
happily opened their books and the class ended simutaneously.
When I got home, critically thinking of the methods I had learned at university, I found that because
they did not have vocabulary, little opportunity to practice English in class. Therefore, every time I taught them,
I only spoke English, followed by Vietnamese translations. Moreover, I tried to make them speak English by
assigning them as much interactive work as possible such as pair work and small-group work, or organizing
informal conversation groups and study groups, but I was disillusioned.
I have been teaching English for 4 years. Previously, I believed that teaching was not a challenging task
in which teachers deliver a lecture and students absorb the information. However, everything changed a year
ago when I was assigned to teach two grade 12 classes with 67 students. K is one of my students who not only
let me down but also made both my thoughts and opinions about teaching and learning significantly altered. I
taught him English, whereas he taught me more valuable lessons.

First, K made an unpleasant impression on me. The first day I went to class, K was late. The class
started at 7 a.m, K arrived at 7:25 a.m. Then, he approached his seat but did not greet me. I asked him what his
name was; he only gave a slight response. Actually, I did not want to be strict in the first lesson. However, this
was only the beginning of many coming stories.

Second, K seemed exhausted in the following lessons. He was late or snoozed through my and others’
classes. Thus, I decided to ask his homeroom teacher. I found out that K’s mother was also a teacher, but she
was seriously ill. K is an only child. His father was responsible for his mother’s care. No one in his family cares
or reminds him, so he is often late to school. However, I noticed that he was always tired, most likely as a result
of staying up late. Therefore, I asked other students, especially those who were his close friends. They said that
they stayed up until 2 or 3 a.m. to play games so I informed the homeroom teacher, got her to remind him and
contact his family.

Next, I had a Zalo group, gathering grade 12 students to assign homework, share materials... K, of
course, was also a member of this group. Not long after that, he abruptly left the group. I sent him a text but he
did not respond. One day, as I was correcting a one-period test in class, he suddenly tore it up and put it in the
locker. I was surprised because he got 6 points. At the end of the lesson, I decided to meet him privately.
Similarly, K didn’t answer my questions. I was determined not to let this situation get worse. Surprisingly, I
researched through other students and discovered that K had failed his favorite high school because of missing
1 point on the entrance exam. His parents were very dissatisfied and they yelled at him frequently. Though he
worked hard in secondary school, he failed, which led to his present attitude. As a result, I have not been angry
with his behaviors since I heard about his problem. Because I believed that he suffered from disappointment in
himself. The first failure was really hard to overcome.

Perhaps everything will stop at the story of a disobedient student. One day, Zalo announced it was K’s
birthday. As usual, I started the class by singing happy birthday to K and I tried to find something in my bag to
give him as a gift, which was a black ink pen with a green cover that cost 10,000 dong. K seemed very
surprised and embarrassed, so I started a new lesson. Particularly, in the English 12 textbook, unit 11 – books,
to lead in the lesson, I asked students what their favorite books were and I invited K to answer this question. K
replied very clearly that he liked comic books, especially manga. He also described manga and the reason why
he liked it. I realized that it was his interest. In fact, anyone who gets to talk about their favorite topic is so
excited. K became a completely different person who is brilliant, well-informed, but reserved. It was K who
made me understand that, if you want others to talk, say what they want to hear. It was the events that changed
the relationship between me and K. In my class, K was more outgoing and also paid more attention.
At the end of the school year, because of the epidemic, we said goodbye without cakes or closing
ceremony. We shared many things, and then I shook hands with each student and wished them luck on the
graduation exam. I joked with K that he only needed 5 points. He just laughed and said “sure”. I laughed and
thought it was a joke when he was happy. Half a month after the exam, having held the test scores in my hand, I
realized that what K said was not a lie. He completed 31 questions and got 6.2 points.

Last month, I received a gift from the post office. It was such a nice T-shirt without the sender’s name
on it. I was surprised and confused. When I asked friends, no one accepted it. And it’s not even my birthday.
Suddenly, I thought of K, because not long ago he asked for my address and said he would come up to thank
me. Meanwhile, I texted K and it was his gift. He did not say anything because he was afraid that I did not like
him due to his previous behaviors.

I believe that gift will be a memorable milestone for my teaching journey. It will always remind me of
K, a special student, a special school year. It helped me understand that words are really important because they
have the power to change many things, particularly in teaching. Moreover, each student has a story that teachers
need to listen to and understand. Every student also possesses a talent that needs to be discovered by the
teacher. Currently, I realize that communication in teaching plays a vital role. It is the connection between
teachers and students. It also contributes to building students’ personalities. In my opinion, personality and
knowledge are the most important aspects of education. Teaching is extremely difficult, but glorious!

Sorry for the long story, but I would like to share with you the whole story!
Name: Ha Kha AI Student’s code: M1621001
Course: 28
Class: SPA 630

The teacher is known as a nation builder. They not only teach us knowledge but also educate us how to
be human. All of us has had at least one teacher and has a special impression of a certain teacher for some
reason. There are a number of teachers in my school life who have taught me, but Mrs.T has impressed me
most for her comunication. I like she most. She has an impressive personality.
Firstly, I knew her for the first time since I studied American English Literature. My school is credit-
based, so we can arrange and register our own courses for the next semester. After registering, I heard from my
classmates that three different groups of English and American Literature was taught by Mrs.T. Thus, we do not
have any choice in choosing a teacher. They were all nervous about having to study with her, so I was too.
Secondly, American English literature is not an easy subject because we have to study a lot of classical
literature in the curriculum. We cannot fully understand it even if we study it in our mother tongue. In the first
lesson, we was asked to form a group of five. Each group will have to research and give a presentation on the
work she has assigned. She gave us no reference to any literary analysis from her, except for some basic
information about the form of presentation. We thought she was lazy and our grades would be bad. We studied
very hard and discussed in groups very often in order to pass this course. In that way we read the text carefully
and analyzed some issues related to the literary work we were assigned.
Lastly, after presenting the group's work, and listening to her comments and additional ideas. She
analyzed that piece of literature with emotion as if she were the character in the story herself. We have come to
understand that we have to look at the problem from many different angles. By the challenges she gave us, we
learned how to learn on our own. We felt the beauty of literature and gradually fell in love with this subject.
From the above story, the lesson I have learned is the importance of self-study. Knowledge is very vast,
class time is very small, teachers cannot teach us all the knowledge. They can only guide us in the right way to
learn. That is the key that opens the door to human knowledge. This lesson can also be applied to my teaching
in the future. As teachers, we need to guide our students in the right way to learn and encourage students' self-
study. By taking the student as the center, the teacher will be the guide, the leader. or sometimes watch student
performances. That will help students realize the value of self-study and get a sense of success when
conquering knowledge by their own efforts.
In conclusion, everyone has a good or bad impression of the experience with the teacher. But they will
all teach us valuable lessons. It is great if you have a good impression of the teacher. If you have a bad
impression of them, wait, time will help you realize they are not as harsh as you thought. One day you will
understand them.
Have you ever heard “Happy teachers change the world”? Yes, this quote is definitely true from my
point of view. A happy teacher can change a student’s life and eventually change the world because his students
will become better and better day by day. It was very lucky of me to be taught by a strict but happy teacher, Mr.
Johnny, who had an excellent communication style I admired.
I remember these days when I was a sophomore who was still not familiar with the university
environment and was afraid of communicating with teachers. On the first day of the second school year, Mr.
Johnny came to our class with a kind-hearted smile but there was still some solemnity on his face. Although I
was a little scared by his serious behaviors, I soon realized that he was a strict and friendly as well as happy

First of all, Mr. Johnny was very strict in terms of conducting rules in class. Before teaching us, he
made class rules such as being punctual, preparing enough books and exercise before classes, being well-
behaved, and being hard working. One day, a friend came to class 5 minutes late without greeting, he told us to
close the door but some minutes later, another friend opened the door for the former. He was very angry
punishing them standing outside the class. All of us didn’t understand why he did it with a very small mistake.
However, after 10 minutes, he allowed both of them to come into our class and started explaining the reason
why he had punished them. He said that students were expected to be punctual in any situations except some
emergencies because after graduating, students had to work under pressure and had a lot of things to do on time
and if they could not do that they could be fired. He did it due to enhancing our punctuality for the future
because it is an essential “ingredient” of success.
However, he only got uncomfortable whenever we misbehaved or broke the class rules. Otherwise, he
was also a happy and warm-hearted person in terms of communicating. I considered him a happy teacher
because he always helped others as much as he could. Every day coming to our class, he told a very small story
about his life through which we learned many things including loving, sharing, and caring for people around us.
Additionally, he inspired us by his life, his behavior, and his efforts when he was young. He was happy because
he enlightened others’ lives. The most memorable thing about Mr. Johnny is that he usually called us “mấy
đứa” or “tụi con” or “tụi bây”, which sounded like a father was calling his children. It was very friendly and
homely. Besides knowledge, a lesson we learned from him was how to grow our souls with love.

All things considered, Mr. Johnny is a beloved teacher having perfect communication in classes. He is
strict when needed and he will be also a “father” willing to love and teach his “children” excellent lessons in
both academic knowledge and practical one we can apply in our lives. The most valuable lesson I have learn
from Mr. Johnny is that teachers should be both strict and happy in certain situations in classes.
Not only is communicating effectively a crucial skill in the society but it also plays a significant role in
a language classroom because having an efficient interaction between teachers and students significantly
contributes to the students’ greater level of language acquisition. In this essay, I would love to share my
personal story regarding communication in an EFL classroom which I experienced many years ago.

In my first year at Can Tho University, with the aim of encouraging students to practice their English
skills, many of my classes tended to create an English speaking environment where almost all teachers gave us
complete English instructions. Although this approach was really a helpful way to boost students’ English
skills, this was sometimes relatively stressful for those who were unconfident about their language skills like I
was. One semester, I took the Writing 1 course which was instructed by a male professor. At first, I was
extremely nervous because this teacher also gave us full English instructions. Some of my classmates and I then
got confused because we could not completely understand what he was saying. Recognizing our confusion, he
asked other students how they understood his instructions and he even invited some to translate the instructions
into Vietnamese, our mother tongue. His subtle assistance helped us uncover the questions without feeling shy.
Furthermore, he sometimes told us his personal experiences. Knowing that many of us were still anxious while
talking English because we were afraid of making mistakes, he told us about how late he attended the
university, at the age of thirties, he had started his university studies and of course, he had been also unable to
master this language. However, instead of feeling guilty or embarrassed about his low performance, my
professor had tried his best to practise the four English skills as much as possible until his language skills had
been much improved.

Through this experience, I learnt valuable lessons which are important for my future career. Firstly, I
realised that students studying in the same class might have different levels of language acquisition.
Understanding this will help teachers adjust their approach and provide their students with more effective and
easy-to-understand instructions. For students who are not doing well in a new language, teachers should be
more patient and supportive. Besides, taking advantage of peer assistance is also useful as some students find it
more comfortable and relaxed when they listen or learn from their classmates. In addition, sharing teachers'
difficulties when they studied a new language may bring students the feeling of empathy. In this case, they no
longer feel alone when they do not understand something in class, which brings students encouragement and
motivation to move on and solve their problems.

In conclusion, I believe that while a full English speaking environment helps practice this language
effectively, a stress-free class gives students more motivation to shine. Depending on each situation, teachers
should choose the best approach to create a studying environment where their students’ language proficiency is
We experience different teachers in our life. Each teacher has a different communication style in EFL
classroom. A few of them are very special and influence us in different ways. We can address them as our
favorite teachers. I also have my favorite teacher in the university. She is a famous lecturer with many students
of the foreign language department. In this essay, I am going to talk about her communication skill in two
aspects: verbal and non-verbal and the lessons that I study from her.
First and foremost, my favorite teacher’s name is Ho Phuong Thuy. She is fourty-nine years old, but she
is not a strict teacher. She loves purple, and so does my mother. They are really enthusiastic, sociable and nice
to everyone. I am delighted that I have an opportunity to study with her some courses, such as language skill
1B, an introduction to literature, scientific research method, in which , the subject that impressed me the most
was an introduction to literature. When I was a teenager, I do not like any subjects that belongs to literature, so
at first, I am irritated to study this subject. Through her teaching, I am more interested in an introduction to
literature and now it is one of my favorite subjects.
Secondly, I really enjoy her class. We do not fear her because she is very friendly. We can ask her
anything relevant to our class. Her communication skill, especially in verbal aspect is excellent. Her language is
poetic yet streamlined enough to suit the level of our students. Most of the students in my class pay attention to
her. We always become inspired watching her and she tells us that we need to study better to become successful
in our life. She always has a positive attitude and uses the motivation language in order to encourage us to
complete the individual assignments and groupwork. I believe that we need to work hard to achieve better
results and not disappoint her. Therefore, I learn that the way the teachers used language is very important
because it affects directly to their students. The teachers should be careful when they select the suitable
language to their students.
Moreover, the most important part of her communication skill is her non-verbal aspect. She uses her
facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact to persuade the students to raise their hands when they have ideas.
When our class organized an literature event called “Dreamlike”, she divided our class into 6 groups:
technology group, dancing and singing group, organizing committee group,... When she instructed the mission
to each group, she usually had a warm smile and an emotional voice. This non-verbal communication helps
students to access the information easily. Hence, from this story, I study that there are many kinds of
communication that teachers can apply for students. The lecturer needs to ultilize the approriate type of
communication to each group of student.
In brief, although I can no longer study with her, I will always remember what she taught to me and how
she interacted with students. Therefore, I can apply this for my future career.
Being a teacher appears not to be easy. Students need to be taught knowledge and educated to be a good
person. That requires an educator desiring to be deeply admired by many students to do a lot. I want to share
my experiences when learning writing with my favorite lecturer, Mrs Viet Anh, and then we may figure out
several factors contributing to being a respectable teacher.

My classmates as well as I enjoyed learning writing with Mrs Viet Anh owing to several reasons. First
of all, she was an approachable teacher. We seemed to feel she was our family member. She was not only a
teacher instructing us how to write in English better but also an aunt who could give us some helpful advice.
Secondly, giving clear instructions made us love the way she taught English. Whatever assignment or task she
gave us, she would provide us with apparent requirements. Our beloved teacher also offered some clues about
hard questions. As a result, we did not find it difficult to understand and complete her requests. Thirdly, giving
feedback was an appreciated part during her writing class. After a test, she would work with the whole class to
find out the common mistakes we made. Then, each student would correct their mistakes after having a small
talk with our teacher in person. That seemed to be time-consuming, but it worked with us, the freshmen who
were not too good at English. In addition, we loved working with her because she understood us. In other
words, she tried hard to know what we needed when we studied writing. She was willing to code-switch the
language in order to make us understand what she asked. Last but not least, it is clear that her knowledge of
English writing skills was excellent, making us admire her a lot.

Clearly, Mrs. Viet Anh has communicated effectively and successfully with us during her writing class;
therefore, I have drawn for myself some lessons to engage students in class. Firstly, being friendly enough is
important. Creating a comfortable atmosphere helps students to study better. They certainly do not hesitate to
ask questions when they do not understand the matters completely. Moreover, we should make sure that our
students understand the tasks we ask them to do. Giving them the standards that we expect them to meet is also
crucial. That probably will facilitate the learning process. Furthermore, giving feedback in a constructive way
can not only help students study better from their mistakes but also show that we do care about their learning
progress. Knowing about our students such as their age, hobbies, English proficiency or needs is an important
factor during the teaching process. For example, we can use both Vietnamese and English in ESL classrooms to
ensure our students who are at an elementary level of english can learn new things but do not feel isolated.
Finally, that we as teachers equip ourselves with good knowledge on the field we study and teach is a must.

In conclusion, Mrs. Viet Anh has taught me meaningful lessons, so I will never forget that. I have been
grateful to her and I will try my best to be a good teacher like her.
Although I spent little time learning with professor Trinh, one of the well-known professors in Can Tho
University, I was really impressed with both his profound knowledge and passionate enthusiasm in his English
major. The following essay takes a look at the reasons why I am in favor of Mr. Trinh and the valuable lessons I
have learnt from him.

To start with, I have admired him enormously of his English language proficiency through a first
methodology lesson which he was in charge of in my course. During the lesson, he made full use of English to
deliver his lecture and to communicate with the whole class . His good pronunciation , his falling and rising
intonation sounded completely natural as if I was working with a native lecturer. And so that forced me to
enhance my English language skills to be like him in this style of teaching in order to be able to teach my
students effectively. I have ever thought that a good teacher can generate a generation of good students and
only a knowledgable teacher can motivate his learners in their learning process.

The second reason why I was really interested in Mr. Trinh was also because of his devoted teaching. I
have still kept his words in mind that letting all of the boredom out of the classroom when coming into teaching
students. Over 3 hours teaching my class, he still showed his enthusiasm to help us to get the aims of his lesson.
He tried to support us in addressing the hard issues. Hence, despite the fact that there are many rebellious
learners not caring about my lesson, I recognized that I must work hard in the classroom environment to meet
the demands of the good students and the industrious ones who see me as a facilitator or a motive for them on
the road to acquire English knowledge ,to get self-motivated to learn hard or to have a drive from inside to learn
new things and explore new ideas.

Furthermore, I was impressed by Mr. Trinh’s sense of humor making the class full of fun and laughter.
He told us some jokes, he teased several classmates in a polite manner. This helped us focus on his class
without any tiredness or tediousness when learning new academic knowledge in very short time. Necessarily, a
successful teacher must have not only a broad educational background but also being humorous. Personally, I
think that I not only learn more about considerable knowledge but also more about students’ psychology. This
means that teaching is not to finish or to fulfill the role of teachers in the lesson plans but to make the lessons
more beneficial to really understand and interest the beloved students. When young learners feel passionate
about the lesson, they will try to get involve in my teaching.

In general, it was such a great moment to be learnt with him as I have been really persuaded by his
English fluent language speaking skills , his hard working and his love for students. Therefore, I will try to
make those useful lessons into my teaching career practice to lay foundation for my students’ success.
It can be said that conversation sessions pose a great challenge on EFL learners. During communication
in the target language, several aspects of language need to be intertwined and this makes it difficult for learners
to produce oral expressions. Once an EFL student, I have experienced in communicating in EFL classroom as
well as taken in the lessons from it.
I began to learn English in grade 6. By the time, I found it actual interesting to learn this language
despite the fact that I have never known about it. Throughout the long periods of schools, I was fond of learning
English, then I decided to major in English studies in the university. I was exceptionally contented to try out
this major, it assisted me with working on my presentation, documentation, writing and listening in English.
Partaking in class exercises and field-trip made me to comprehend other viewpoint on different subjects and I
figured out how to dissect any substance and give a successful input.
In this major, there were numerous subjects covering the course content such as Interpreters,
Translators, Public speaking, Contrastive linguistics, etc. Out of these, the task I felt challenging was public
speaking part on thesis defense day. What will be, will be, the final project came and the advisor recommended
me to conduct an investigation into difficulties in learning English listening of freshmen majoring in English at
a private university. At the beginning, when I heard about this topic, I felt anxious to remain before a ton of
instructors, understudies and the juries. I thought that I would unfit to make eye contact, and remembering the
content was intense. Additionally, giving scholastic solutions for a major issue like this was extremely difficult
and hard to dissect situations identified with it. Be that as it may, with the assistance of my advisor on report
writing, documentation and presentation, I had the option to finish this task effectively. I began rehearsing
before the mirror by observing appropriate standards given by the instructor assisted me with accomplishing
wanted output. Afterward, I realized that I was lacking in proper expressions, hand motions and was
confounded about the manner in which I was conveying the content. Day to day, I distinguished the limitations
and made a great deal of changes to work on my presentation from beginning till the end.
All things considered, I realized improvement in my communication skills when I began rehearsing day
by day. There is the adage: “practice makes perfect”; the more I drill, the more I earn. Moreover, I need to
cultivate my non-verbal communication skills, e.g. gestures, body language and eye contact while conveying
Presently, I am a graduate student majoring in Principles and Methods in English Education with the
desire to keep creating self-improvement. Later on, I will not only focus on improving communication skills but
also gaining in-depth knowledge of English linguistic and English teaching; using English fluently in specific
situation; and acquiring ability to research and solve problems in scholastic environment.
My Favorite Teacher
Alongside our families and friends, teachers also play an essential role in human beings’ maturity. Some
of them are considered as standard models to follow because of their good characteristics exhibited. In my life,
I have been taught by many adorable teachers, but Mr Khuong, who was my sixth-grade English teacher, has
been my best idol.
Transferring from the primary to secondary school, all students struggled to get accustomed to new
environment, novel access to lessons. Most teachers displayed strict styles whereas Mr Khuong was truly an
exception. His hilarious personality, the clothes he wore together with his chubbiness drew us towards attention
effectively. That was the first year I and my peers had learned English, a very new subject, to which
Vietnamese children hardly got accessed until they were in grade 6. We mostly got into panic with no clues
about studying method and failed to recognize the important role of it. However, Mr Khuong came to ease the
pressure immediately and guided us to be on the right track with plenty of encouragement. Thanks to the
inspiration he spread, I have empowered strong interest in English so far.
Amid the hardships against the poverty and economic crisis, education was not also invested sufficiently
at that time. There were no technological aids including CD players, televisions or computers connected to the
internet. The only material used was the textbook. All to explain why the lessons were merely focused on
grammar and vocabulary, so it was no way on earth we blamed for our old English teacher failing to teach us
speaking and listening skills in terms of precise pronunciation and intonation.
Albeit the aforementioned weakness, Mr Khuong has been considered as a shining mirror by many
generations thanks to his methods to convey the knowledge and perform persuasive communication. Firstly, he
never revealed his anger when the student did not understand his lessons. He kept explaining them
enthusiastically again and again until the problems were clarified. This was truly a patient lesson I have been
applied so far. Mr Khuong said : “ If we cannot make students understand the point, it must partially be
teachers’ fault”. Whenever my friends committed wrongdoings like fighting or quarrelling, he never shouted
out or scolded for them just because he knew we were in the rebellious period and words abuse or violence
could leave mental sufferings. All he did was to give us useful advice with outstanding examples. The
experience I learned from this was the students’ psychology should be paid attention to in classrooms.
Secondly, the way he behaved to student was totally fair, no bias. Some teachers just favored good students and
ignored week ones who were put into isolation on their own afterwards. But Mr Khuong was not, he even
remained some minutes late to tutor them. The manner given has guided us to the lesson of responsibility and
dedication in our picky career.
In conclusion, there are many teachers coming into our life as particular missions. Some are very
impressive, others seem not to be dynamic enough. But to some extent, they all bring us valuable lessons
supporting strongly our adulthood. I am grateful for God who let Mr Khuong and all other teachers come across
my life for priceless lessons.
Communication apparently has been playing a crucial role in EFL classroom, using a variety of
pedagogical methodology to communicate and deliver messages to students. Hence, I have been working as a
teacher of English since the early stage in college to gain experience and strategies for effective communication
in classroom and classroom management. In the course of time, there was an unforgettable experience as a
novice teacher that I have always kept in my mind as a bedside book of teaching practices.

The experience that affected my attitudes was back to my sophomoric year, hearing of the recruitment
of a renown English language Center from my friends, I wrote to apply for the teacher position. Getting an offer
to teach English to beginners was nerve-wrecking since it was my first time to manage numbers of students
with no experience of teaching beginners. On the first days of the class, I was extremely nervous and taught
with a wincing face that I unexpectedly made a little girl cry out in the class. On that day, as asking the class to
practice speaking out loud an English sentence in the textbook, I called the girl who was always loquacious in
class and heedless of the studies. Due to not paying attention to lesson, she just stared open-mouthed and burst
into tears. Few days later, I found that it had frightened my students to the point of being timid and afraid of
being called to answer questions. The situation kept leveling up until one day the manager called me to have a
personal talk about the case that my student told her parents that her teacher was strict and she also did not
understand the lessons. Accordingly, it shocked me as I supposed that I exerted myself to teach the first class of
my life, meticulously prepared lesson plans, took care of students’ interest and feelings. Then, being dismayed,
I sought advice from my caring and admiring professor who has been teaching for his life. In due course, I have
eventually realized that absolute beginners have no idea of the English language before, such as what nouns and
adjectives are, let alone how to construct a phrase or a sentence. In the classroom, the more I kept questioning
in a language they do not understand, the more they will become scared. Thus, I learn that the communication
process is one of the most important steps to teach English to beginners. When giving pupils directions, or
feedback, I made the mistake of using too much English. For instance, instead of saying a full and long
sentence I should keep it short and simple along with gestures for beginners to easily grasp the meaning.
Besides, I acknowledge that it is necessary to establish initial relationships in communication pedagogy with a
radiant and convivial face, sympathetic smile, natural and slow speech. Ordinarily, I should openly
communicate, as well as listen to and encourage them to express their opinions and concerns, and create a
welcoming environment in interactions. Additionally, I should praise pupils when they make mistakes because
of the fact that praise will assist them in being self-assured learners.

To sum up, I learn from my experience that effective communication is highly essential in pedagogical
activities. It is incredible for me to see them progress from knowing nothing to being able to communicate in
basic English.
Communication is basically a process of perceiving, interacting and expressing information, thoughts,
and emotions with others. In teaching, communication is the effective and affective interaction between teacher
and student. Effective communication encourages student’s effort, modifies learning attitudes and helps
students achieve their goals.

A good communication is an essential factor for teachers. However, making decisions about what is
communicated and how it is communicated in classroom is a considerable problem for many teachers. Teachers
have to interact with many students who have different characteristics, strengths and weaknesses at the same
time. Moreover, they have to find suitable teaching methods and be responsible for their student’s
improvement. Thus, some teachers become stressful and overloaded. They may fail to establish effective
communication, and even make misbehavior in class. I used to be in this situation 2 years ago. At that time, I
was a new teacher and mostly taught young learners who were in grade 1. There was a student who often made
noise in my class. Whenever he finished his exercise or wanted to answer a question, he called my name over
and over loudly until he got my response. If I ignored him, he would get angry, cried, yelled, or even punch on
the table to get my attention. I asked him to stop and wait for his turn, but he did not follow me. Once, I was so
angry with his misbehavior that I gave him some negative comments and asked him to leave the classroom for
15 minutes. Then, I did not pay attention to him or invite him to do exercises.
After finishing the lesson, I wondered whether I hurt my student’s emotion and motivation. Maybe I lost
my control at that time. What was he trying to communicate by calling teacher’s name? After that, I told to my
manager about this situation, and received some useful advices. It was better to figure out the reason for his
misbehavior than give him a punishment. Perhaps, he needed more information to understand the lesson, but he
was not patient enough to wait for his turn. Maybe he was so excited about his job that he wanted to call and
tell the teacher immediately. Moreover, he might have the habit of being responded to his requests immediately
when communicating with his parents. The week later, I talked to him privately, explained and taught him the
patience and skill of waiting to talk. He promised me that he would not make the same mistake. He told me that
he called my name simply because he wanted to be recognized as the first student who completed the exercise.
He always believed that the first means the best, the most intelligent. How childish was his thought!

I finally found the suitable solution for my student’s misbehavior in this case, but being a teacher will
never be easy. I often remind myself to be patient in every situation in classroom, think carefully before giving
any responds or comments to my student’s behavior, and not ask students to leave the classroom. Teacher
communication can create an effective learning environment, but it may be the source of problematic situations
or even destroy student’s motivation. Therefore, teachers have to communicate properly and effectively so that
they can be a good model for students.
As Benjamin Franklin ever said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I
learn”, whenever I do my duty in teaching at the beginning of a new school year, I remind myself about
enthusiasm and perseverance so that I will not be mindful of distraction in educating students. Why so? There
was a teeny but unforgettable story happening years ago, which made me set my goals for my career.
I was just a newcomer-teacher of a small local high school on the outskirts of Tan Chau town in 2007
and I took the responsibility for teaching English subject for five classes with about two hundred students. What
impressed me most about my students was that they were obedient but a little passive. During most of my
classes, the students always seemed to be familiar with the work of listening, reading and note-taking.
Therefore, all I had to do was to present the lessons as perfectly as I thought and check the answer of every task
my learners did, no more or less. Day by day, I considered myself for winning the crowd with my knowledge
and wits. Here came the first one-period test. While the full marks in the test - ten out of ten, most of my
students scored under average one. Surely this made me disappointed. However frustrated I felt at that time, I
decided to work over my time of teaching in class when I soon spotted a light. I recognised the problem was
that I was always in the role of a speaker whereas my students kept listening and being quiet all the time.
Imperatively, I changed my ways of eliciting the lessons to my students such as adding more questions for them
to answer orally, involving them in presenting their opinion in front of the whole class, or asking them to
summarize the lesson. Furthermore, I left some minutes at the end of every period so that my learners could
make any response to my teaching. Although I found it a little time-consuming to apply this way of instructing,
more and more students showed their eagerness in learning the subject. They were not only interested in raising
hands to give answer but also enthusiastic about their role in group discussion or presentation. Consequently,
they could better the mark in the final test, and more than that they could engrave the knowledge of the subject.
After all, from my point of view, a successful period is the one when learners can know how to inquire
“why?”, “how?” or “what?” about the content of the lesson and teachers are able to satisfy their students’ need.
Over the years, I realize that teaching is not just a process of giving lessons for students to learn particular
things but teaching is a long- lasting experience in which both teachers and students are contributors. As time
goes by, the more students I am in charge of, the more often I am used to recalling myself to my duty and I still
keep my tenacity of educating: asking, listening and communicating.
I have many memorable stories in my life. Every story brings to me a variety kind of different emotions
that I still remember and remain in my heart. Through every single story, I can learn meaningful lessons and
experiences. One of the most memorable stories relates to the situation in the English classroom.
My story initiates when I have a speaking classroom. It was the most memorable day that I have had
ever in my life. On this day, our group had a big presentation for the final exam, so every member of my group
had to prepare well for a good performance. We needed to have a good interaction, a good organization, and a
good impression to get high scores for good grades in my graduation degree. One week before the exam got
started, the instructor gave our group plenty ranges of topics for presentation, our group was extremely happy
and excited to discuss choosing topics and assign tasks for every single member in the group. I am assigned to
be the first person to lead everyone to the main section of the presentation. My assigned part was signification
because of relating to many definitions and structures that I had to explain for the audience to understand. What
the audience understands determined the success of our presentation in the next section. However, life is never
a straightforward road, I was always busy with both my work and my study. Therefore, I spent less time on
preparing and compiling the outline for my assigned part. When the presentation came, every single member in
my group was happy and eager for the final presentation except me because of my indeliberate preparation.
While observing the other’s group performance, I felt worried about my assigned part. When our group’s turn
came, I was the first person to come to the stage and introduce our group’s part. As expected, I could not
present any definitions or structures. It affected our group for the next section. The audience felt bored and
incomprehensible. And, the instructor was also disappointed with my performance. At the end of the
presentation, our group got an acceptable score, but not high as we expected. I believed that my instructor and
my group’s member were unhappy with my experience, but the true fact was significantly adverse. First, my
instructor come to me and advise me to try my best to prepare well, she told me that she knew my competence
and my performance could be better if I had a thorough preparation. Next, my group’s members come to me,
they did not scold me severely, they encouraged me to feel happy with the result and they sympathize with my
situation. They said that the score was just a temporary way, but friendship was more important. They advise
me that when I do something, just do one thing with maximum effort.
After receiving encouragement from my instructor and my group’s members. My mind was getting
brighter and brighter. I felt very grateful for their forgiveness because of my indeliberate preparation. After all
things took place, I recognized that everyone was willing to forgive your mistake, if you know your mistake
and correct it with a warm heart.
Through my memorable story, I had a meaningful experience in my life. And, everytime when I
remember this story. I never repeat this mistake. I correct myself to be better and better every single day.
Throughout the life of every person, everyone needs teachers who teach us knowledge, morality and the
way to live. There are many teachers who come to our lives to give us many good lessons, but there are also
teachers who make us depressed. Depending on the perception of each person, we choose for ourselves which
teachers we should follow to learn. For me, every person who goes through my life teaches me something very
meaningful and there is a teacher that I admire very much in both his talent and virtue, Mr. Tran Viet Quan.
Originally from the University of Science and Technology, Mr. Tran Viet Quan has spent 20 years
studying Oriental Studies such as Nhan Tuong, Buddhism, Feng Shui, I Ching... Oriental wisdoms were applied
by him in the process, building businesses, raising children, training personnel... and later combining Western
science to create the educational philosophy of Tue Duc. In addition to the Tue Duc Green School system, he
also founded the Polytechnic Institute and many community projects to build and spread the dream of a decent
living community.
When I'm feeling lost and disoriented. I could no longer teach classes, have to switch to a job that I don't
like and have no expertise. There is also discord with my husband and children. It was at that time that I
listened to his lectures on youtube such as: Teaching children, Right view in life, Mind training for peace… and
finally I found the real way to solve all of my problems. These things helped me find the deeper meaning of my
life. He was an instructor with great aptitudes of educating, well-disposed nature, great comical inclination,
understanding and nice. He used to teach, “When you have right understanding, clear and profound, true
understanding and multidimensional. Especially the understanding is based on the most powerful law in the
universe - the Law of Cause and Effect and Dependent Origination. Then you will walk leisurely on the path of
life even though it is full of thorns, you understand what you need to do to overcome all the temptations of life,
and most importantly, conquer yourself. So you and I, whoever we are, no matter what we do, we only have
one life to live. We are not allowed to choose the circumstances of our birth, but we have the right to create a
personality. So how you choose to live your life is up to you.”
Through his lectures, I realized that in order to become a good person and especially a good teacher, we
need to practice a lot, we must train our intellect, energy and morality to be able to contribute and spread its
value to more people. Let each day be a joy and a meaning. Let more people join hands to spread and build a
big family "Community live full of Kindness and dedication"
In short, Mr Quan has all the attributes and more of a new method teacher. He is compassionate,
humorous and friendly. He is the one who inspires and helps me overcome my barriers and boldly attend this
class. I hope more people can learn from his teachings and find directions in their lives.

A Story of a Speaking Course

Among the excellent teachers that I have already had golden opportunities to attend their classes as
pursuing my dream to become a teacher of English, I acknowledge that Mr Lê Thanh Hùng has the most
influence on improving my speaking ability in terms of the communicative strategies he implemented during
his class. With my gratitude and regard, I would like to share one of my most beautiful stories about such an
incredible teacher in my mind.
The story dates back to 2019 when I took the advanced speaking course to achieve the last subject in
learning speaking skills. Honestly, at that time, my speaking ability was not so good that I could not
successfully deal with my teacher and even my classmates, which might have directly affected my learning
strategies to achieve the subject perfectly. Moreover, my ability to communicate with teachers and classmates
both inside and outside the classroom remained troublesome. I sometimes forgot to reply to the email or even
failed to inform my lateness or absence in the following period.

During the course with Mr Lê Thanh Hùng, I experienced many worthy lessons for my later career, not
only for my professional development but also soft skills. For the speaking skills, I recognize that becoming
fluent and native-like in English means actively putting forth efforts in training the voice and the content of
what I want to deliver in creative ways. Moreover, he enabled me to take advantage of the strength in my voice
- he defines it as a "golden voice" speaker who tends to utter with a deep voice and rhythm. I have been making
more efforts on it; then I have enhanced my voice to attract the listeners' attention. While performing the tasks,
some of my friends and I made mistakes in pronunciation and word use. I just thought that he would strongly
criticize them because majored junior students could not make these kinds of errors. Surprisingly, he steadily
presented the techniques and strategies for later improvement for the weaknesses; so we did not feel
embarrassed or hurt. Therefore, our motivation was not decreased but fulfiled to try our best to complete the

The most crucial lesson I learnt as studying his subject is about communicative etiquette. He usually
told us a story about one of the students who neglected to send him an email with few words to announce her
absence from the next class. He sensibly showed his disapproval of the way we were usually acting as a bad
habit. After that, he praised my classmate who had sent him a text for her lateness. He both emphasized and
encouraged us to politely reply to the received emails as soon as possible, which determines our politeness and
respect to the senders.

Recently, I have witnessed some situations that my friends in the master course forgot to reply to the
email or fail to communicate with their teachers, and this makes me feel lucky to participate in Mr Lê Thanh
Hùng class as an active student. Now, my speaking skill has been on good progress, and I also feel grateful and
delighted to take and apply his advice to become a more effective communicator with my teachers, colleagues,
and students
I firmly believe that we must have good teachers to teach us how to become a good teacher. Fortunately,
I have opportunities to meet a large number of dedicated teachers who significantly inspire and motivate me,
not only in my teaching but also in my life. Among them, the teacher who leaves me countless impressions and
memories is Mr. Nguyen Buu Huan. I would say it is such an honour for me to be taught by Mr. Huan again
when I start the post-graduation program. On the first lesson, when having a chance to meet again the old
beloved teacher, beautiful memories of three years ago come clearly to my mind, which considerably make me
Mr. Huan taught me two Reading courses when I was a sophomore and junior. I clearly remember I
used to be afraid of him at first due to his strictness and his high expectations towards us. I have to admit that
English was not yet my competence in my first three semesters at university because I spent the whole time at
high school studying science subjects. Therefore, during his very first lessons, I felt extremely stressed and did
not have courage to express myself. He tended to give feedbacks which were, according to me, rather direct and
straightforward. These feedbacks were, of course, uncomfortable for some students. However, later on, I
recognized that, thanks to his open feedbacks and sharing, I had a much better attitude and motivation for
learning and acquiring this study. No doubt to say that I have had the love for this language and for this job
since attending his very first lessons.

Personally, I have many good things to talk about Mr. Huan. To beging with, he is dedicated despite his
old age. His love for students is like the father’s love, and I myself regard him as a father. If you can overcome,
I would say, the prejudice towards his strictness, you will embrace all his care and goodwill. I am still
impressed by how close he is with his students. Actually, there are several professors who simply enter the
classes, give their lectures, and get home. We can hardly see any connections between these professors and
their students. However, Mr. Huan is definitely different. Laughter, meaningful lessons, interesting sharing,
useful tips and warm encouragement always exist in this beloved teacher’s classes. Secondly, Mr. Huan always
respects every single opinion of every student and makes us feel that we are important and outstanding. Besides
his care and love, I could also fulfill my perspectives on professional teaching and the enthusiam for this career
in a long run, through his frequent sharing and consultancy. I always have something profound and thought-
provoking to think of after his lessons.

I can still remember when I was in my senior year, once I caught the bus to visit my hometown, and by
chance I met Mr. Huan and his wife. He was very simple and amicable. On that bus, he advised me to follow
the teaching career and gave me a great deal of encouragement and inspiration. Those are something I will
always remember.

I will certainly feel grateful when being guided by such a dedicated and beloved teacher. I have learnt a
lot from him, both knowledge and attitudes towards this teaching career. The most significant lesson I have
learnt from him is about sincere feelings, and we should always treat other people with all our heart, espeacially
with our students. I wish all the best things will come to him.
Some people say that “Good students are good, bad students are bad”. I totally disagree with this
statement. Realistically, I have encountered a pedagogical situation happened in a geography test period. This
situation has taught me some valuable lessons in classroom management and classroom communication.
On that day, in a geography test period, geography subject is not English because my school organize
concentration exam, although I am an English teacher, I play a role as an examiner. When students were doing
their test for a while, suddenly I realized that two students were exchanging something. They are in the class I
am responsible for teaching English. They are Nhat, who is a good student in class and Nhi who is weak in
learning. I moved toward them. It is a geography Atlas which students are allowed to use in geography test
periods. But whose it is, that is an issue. I asked them whose it was. I remind one more time, in test time
students are allowed to exchange anything. Because it is in Nhat’s hands, Nhi has accepted all mistakes and
apologies examiner. Atlas has no name therefore I think that it belongs to Nhat. I remind Nhi to anvil others and
have no saying more, ask them to continue doing their test. After finishing the test, Nhat meets me and say that
this Atlas is Nhi’s. I ask him why he doesn’t say anything when Nhi has accepted all mistakes. He says that he
doesn’t want to be punished and bad scores. I have educated him about courage. And then I meet Nhi and
apology to her for my misunderstanding. Even though she doesn’t study well, she has a good personality.
Misunderstanding makes me to be in great torment. I wonder if Nhat hadn’t told me the truth, Nhi
would be accidentally blamed now. I suppose Nhi is not only bad in studying but also cheatable in examination.
A big lesson for me is good students are not really good, the bad are not really bad. Bad students may be weak
in studying but sometimes personality is still good. Don’t discriminate between good and bad students. The
worse they are, the heavier teacher’s responsibility is. Don’t leave any of the students behind. Uncle Ho said
that "Mercy is not inherently available...", people are inherently good at birth. To deal with misunderstanding,
whenever meet unusal situations, teachers need to calm down, carefully research before giving decision. In test
period, before beginning, teachers need to make sure that all students well understand exam regulations.

In a nutshell, this real story about my students has brought for me many experiences in handling
students. To work well as an educator, we need to give students individuals attention in order to understand not
only students’ ability but also their personality and difficult to support them timely. In treating students, we
need be really flexible, avoid misunderstanding. Depending on the actual situations so that we handle, should
not focus on good students, leave bad students behind.
---The end---

I just graduated from Can Tho University and started teaching at a foriegn language center for 1 year. At
the beginning, I do not have enough teaching experience, so I usually attend auditing classes by experienced

I still remember the class that I attended. The teacher's name is Lien. She is my favorite teacher in
foreign language center where I teach now. There were 15 students who came from Law and Economics major.
They were not English majors, so they rarely communicated in English. But teachers have used their experience
to help students be more confident in communicating in English. At the beginning, teacher showed a short
video about "How to introduce ourselves?". After all of students watched the video, the teacher practiced
speaking for students listened and followed. Then the teacher invited students in class introduced themselves.
After students finished their introduction, the teacher pointed out the students' mistakes and offered ways to
correct them. I think this is the good way for students improve their vocabularies, grammar,... I also learn many
things from this teacher. Firstly, she identifies the different in place and manner of articulation between the
sounds in English and Vietnamese in order to help students recognize and produce sounds correctly. Secondly,
she usually gives students a change to practice speaking and communication with every people in class.
Thirdly, she organized some games such as: lucky numbers, slap blackboard, hangman,... I think this is the
useful way for students enhance vocabularies, structure,...and it can help create funny environment classroom.
Fourly, she asks her students to use different apps such as: Elsa speak, English pronunciation, Say It, as to
help students produce sounds smoothly. Nextly, Ms. Lien encourages students to learn IPA system with the aim
to help students pronounce more accurately. Last but not least, she always encourages her students try to
practice more. The more learners practice, the fluently learners can speak. A few weeks later, I come back to
Ms. Lien's class, many students in this class have a great process. Students can communicate with every
member in class comfortably.

I am very surprised about this result. So I have learned many valuable experiences in my teaching way.
First, Lectures should let students know what they need to learn in the course. Students learn better if they
know what they are about to learn; thus, an effective lecture will provide advance organizers throughout the
presentation to help students chunk the information into meaningful units. Next, teacher can be a good model
for students learn and follow. Then, lecture should meet what learners need, make it easy for learners to
remember. After, teacher should know their students clearly so as to help students can develop the strengths and
get a high results as much as possible. Next, lecture should have some funny stories to help students reduce
pressure when studying. Then, teacher can use body language such as: "very good", "you can do that". This can
help students believe they can do that job.

To sum up, the ultimate goal of a teacher is to be able to help students develop their strengths, overcome
their weaknesses, and achieve the best results as much as possible.
Having just graduated from university majoring in English, I was accepted to work at a center as a
teaching assistant and a teacher. After I was trained for teaching by my manager, I explored many interesting
things at my place of work, especially the communication is noteworthy and has a good impaction on my
students. In this essay, I will tell you a story about myself in an EFL class when I was first assigned to teach a
communication class.
My story started when I was receiving a message from Zalo, my manager said “Dear Mr.Giang, because
of his business, you will replace teaching Mr.Thanh’s class at 6 p.m on tomorrow. Thank you.”. I was
absolutely surprised by that mail but gradually accepted. The next day, I built a lesson plan with fully attractive
activities and effective content from my perceptive. Beginning the class was a warm-up activity by asking some
questions as a familiarization activity before teaching. I remember that only one first question indeed made
learners confused with high advanced words. At that time, some of them just looked at my face with nervous
face and some looked down at their tables. Suddenly, one learner of them stood up and said “Excuse me, we
don’t understand.”. I was actually shocked and spread out the unpleasant face as seeing that situation.
Meanwhile, an idea was occurred in my mind, instead of waiting for answers, I demonstrated by actions, wrote
down on the board, and used simple words to explain the question for them. They became more interesting and
easily got their own responses which made me truly comfortable. During the class, we finally went through the
lesson easily.
I realized that some lessons from that day will be followed me in my career. First of all, I might be
mistaken because of no finding out their levels clearly. In other words, before teaching a class, I must
understand them to have a lesson well. Understanding carefully about their ranks will assist the teacher make
perfect plans and solve difficult situations in the classroom. Secondly, do not lose the temper and give off a
nasty attitude in front of the class. In any good or bad situation, I must keep calm to create a friendly
atmosphere in the classroom and say positive sayings so that students will suppose that I always take care of
them in any challenges. Finally, making questions is one of the essential skills. If I do not know their levels, I
should not use advanced questions to ask them. This means we formulate them more challenge. In my opinion,
the first question makes a good impression on students. Therefore, do not create difficulties with our students.
In the general, this is a teaching session as well as an experience, a precious lesson for yourself as a
teacher in the future. At any time or situation, before coming to classes, we should get to know the students
thoroughly about the students’ level to create complete communication. Moreover, we should focus on
students’ emotions if there are some challenges in our tasks. It is vital that making questions is a key ability.
In our life, everyone has experienced some unforgettable things which are positive and negative. That
makes them become more and more mature. It is said that the knowledge and skills that you have gained
through doing something for a period of time bring you great moral lessons. I am not an exception. In this essay
I will tell you my personal story that related to the person I admire most, Mrs Da Thao, my old English teacher.
It was a memorable day of the new school year when I was in grade 10 at Phan Van Tri High School in
Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. On the first lesson of English, my English teacher, Mrs Da Thao asked me to
read the passage in the textbook at the beginning of the lesson. You know that I was really worried, I stood up
and said “I am sorry,Teacher. I cannot read anything”. She was angry and let me sit down.
It was clear that I did not learn English at Secondary school, but I had learnt Russian since 1991. Then,
when I was in grade 10, I was chosen in the class that studied English with the English program of seven years
although I had not learnt English before. But I wanted to follow this class with my close friends.
One term had gone, Mrs. Da Thao had ignored me, she had not asked me to do nothing in the class
although she did not find why I could not speak English. At that time, I was very sad but I really love this
subject, so I had to try to learn English better by going to extra class in order to learn vocabulary, grammar
structures and tenses. With the help of my tutor, I had made progress in English in the second term. Moreover,
my close friend found the way to talk with her about my trouble. Since then, she had changed her attitude and
behavior with me. She told me that “you can meet me and ask me for help whenever you have difficulty in
learning English” I smiled and appreciated about that.
I always admire her because she is lovely with long straight hair, an oval face. Especially, she is an
well- known teacher. She had a sweet, clear voice like a native speaker, so I decided to become an English
teacher like her.
In short, from my personal story I have mentioned above, I have learnt that being a good teacher in
communication in the EFL classroom. Firstly, I have to improve the knowledge day by day. Secondly, I must
put myself in my students’ shoes in order to have good solutions to solve any troubles in class, avoid
misunderstanding and causing the pressure for students. Finally, I have to creat the teaching and learning
environment effectively in my teaching career.
Having been teaching for nearly a few years, I have a lot of memories in my profession. Each brings out
its own value for me to self-reflect and improve myself in my career path. One of the most meaning lessons that
I keep in mind is the situation I encountered when I started to work at high school. From this case, I gained
experience for my teaching job, together with recognizing how powerful the words used in classroom
communication really are in terms of motivating students.
Four years ago, I was appointed to teach one grade 12 class. I was really under pressure with teaching
grade 12 students as I had to prepare knowledge for them for their GCSE exam. As planned, I designed some
simulation tests had students practice them at home. All did that regularly, except a boy. He did not do any tests
and this made me angry, and he even did not pay any attention to my complaints. One day, I saw him sleeping
in my lessons. I tapped the ruler heavily and called him to the board to do the multiple choice exercise. Of
course, he could not do anything except randomly writing the answers. This got on my nerves. I began to
criticize him, yell at him and say some bad words. “You failed the exams for sure, do not waste your parents’
money going to school, just stay at home and sell lottery tickets” I claimed that.
Some weeks later, in one late evening, my motorbike broke on the way going home and I could not find
any repair shop. Thus, I dropped by a small restaurant and accidentally met him working there. Then, he offered
to take me home by his motorbike. During the way, we had a chat and I realized that he was a good student at
secondary school but his life was hard as his parents got divorced and he was living with his grandma and tried
to earn living on his own. “Although I love learning, I am thinking of dropping out of school as most teachers
say that I cannot pass the exam, I am not a good student and sorry for not doing your homework as I have no
smartphones” said he. I then felt embarrassed for what I said in class as I was part of killing his motivation. I
should have found out the reasons rather than criticize when I got angry. I frankly said sorry to him and told
him that I would spend my time teaching him in the afternoon for him to pass the exam to find a better job in
the future. Since then, he made progress in his study. I tried to motivate all students by caring them more and
encouraging more. No more depressing words in my class as I understood that they do not make my students
In the end, the boy passed the entrance examination to university and he really deserved for his effort.
This gives me a belief that our words we use in classroom communication can ruin or nurture someone’s hopes.
As a teacher, I have tried to fulfill myself in not only professional knowledge and teaching methods but also
effective communication as it is a key to enter students’ heart.
I would like to share with you my impression of a Teacher who had a great influence on me and was a
role model whom I look up to. Her name is Bui Lan Chi, my former teacher and counsellor in Can Tho
university from 2002 to 2006. What no one could not respect her are the excellent competence in teaching and
incredible communication skills in general and with her students also.

I was most impressed by her insights in teaching which inspired me to study English and teaching
methodology to be a qualified teacher, even though I had not been good in some subjects before. Thanks to her
effective teaching method, I was able to pass all tests and exams with a good GPA to confidently step into a real
world for more than ten years. In classroom, she never got angry or shouted at us even when our classmates did
personal things, often came to class late, refused to participate in group work or did not prepare the assignment
as requested. Instead of, she investigated the reasons why we had these misbehaviors and advised us to focus
more on studying than working part-time job for unreasonable persuasion or to give up unacceptable behaviors
in class if we intended to have a better future only through serious studying. I also remember and apply two
effective tips in classroom management she advised us if teachers intend to get the class’s attention or to stop
noise, private activities. Teachers can raise their hand up or keep silent in around five to ten seconds until the
whole class pay attention to weird actions from teachers. By these useful methods, I have never got angry or
shouted at my students so far. I have applied these two above tips and they are totally efficient in both classes
for young learners and adults.

Besides, I was also influenced by her lifestyle, which was so simple and warm-hearted that I really
wanted to copy her. She was so busy with work and life but she could spend hours just keep listening to our
problems in order to give advices. She cared about us as if we had been her sons and daughters. She knew that I
was living with my grandparents and had to earn money by myself to cover the expenses so she silently
introduced me to work for the Consulate General of India in every Trade fair annually and dominated me to
receive the Swiss scholarship in the third school year so I could ignore the financial matters to some extent
during my student life. Until now, I have to admit that she did build an effective and affective communication
relationships with us in the teaching process so we – her students always admire her and these could encourage
us engage actively and voluntarily in classroom activities.

Despite the fact that we have different styles of teachers in our learning cycle, I believe that I could
learn so many useful, amazing things from Ms Chi and many other Teachers in the university and shape my
communication skills by collecting the genius ones and keeping in mind the drawbacks as valuable lessons.
Being a teacher, I always try to find ways to help my learners study English better. I know most of the
time students spend in classrooms, so my communication is vital, and has a great influence on my students. I
should make students’ school lives better. When my students receive effective communication over long
periods of time, they will be able to succeed in most academic learning. In this essay, I will discuss my personal
story at university, how this story has a great impact on my teaching path, and the lessons I learn from this
When I was in my first year at An Giang University, I was very bad at English. I loved Literature and
had a dream to become a Literature teacher, but my father disapproved of my dream. My father said my older
siblings were teachers of English, so they could help me at university in case I had trouble while studying. That
was the reason why I was terrible at English. I could not say a word in English even how to introduce myself in
front of my classmates. My classmates laughed at me, they said that “You should stop learning because you are
so stupid”. I was depressed. However, my form teacher, Doctor Nguyễn Tiến Ngọ did not do so. He did not
look down on me due to my lack of English proficiency. He communicated positively with me. With a friendly
smile and shining eyes, he came to my seat whenever I felt shy to contribute my ideas. He gave clear
instructions to guide me on how to do activities in classrooms. When I was wrong, he gave me proper feedback.
He taught me how to take notes. He gradually helped me overcome my shyness. He recommended websites I
should visit to improve my speaking and listening skills. Thanks to his feedback, I became one of the students
on top. Fortunately, I graduated from University with flying colors. I was delighted with the result. I could say
Mr. Ngọ was the one who promoted me achievement and excellence.
From my personal story, I learned that communication has greater potential for shaping students’
characteristics because students always consider their teachers as models for them to imitate. Now when I stand
on the teaching podium, I remind myself that I should not let any student in my classroom be isolated. When
my students need help, I assist them immediately. Last year, a student of mine came to me and said “Teacher, I
hate studying, but in your classroom, I love studying” I asked him why he said so. The boy naturally replied
because other teachers said he was too stupid to study at this school except me, only I helped him realize his
existence in the classroom. I was moved to tear because I used to be in this situation, so I know how to help my
beloved learner.
In conclusion, the lesson I remember is that Great things start with love. If I love my students, I will
teach them effectively. When I communicate my lessons effectively, my students will find it easy to learn
foreign languages. My students should receive healthy communication, feedback, clear instructions, and
encouragement from me.
Teachers play an important role in teaching and educating young generations. During our life, we will
experience the various teachers' styles. The first teachers are your parents, then the teachers teach us academic
subjects at schools and universities. In my point of view, most people have their own favorite teacher, and I
have no exception. I would like to tell you about a teacher who I love the most. He inspired me a lot in teaching
and develop myself.

I would not mention his name. I was lucky to work and study with him listening and speaking skills
when I was a second-year student. . Off the top of my head, he is a friendly, caring, and patient person. He
always looking for teaching methods to suit each of us. His teaching style and the way he communicates with
students are so impressive that he always combines his language lessons and life lessons. I still remember that
time, I was under pressure about everything around me. My parents had to work so hard to pay my tuition.
Whenever I turned back home, I saw my fathers' wounds because of his work. Then I considered a lot about my
career path. I wonder whether I can find a decent job after graduation or not. I was afraid of wasting two more
years, and I had thought of giving up my study. Fortunately, in one of his classes, he told us that "At this time,
the most important thing you can do is trying your best to study hard because your parents are still good enough
to support you. If now you make a lot of effort to study, your parents just suffer two years more. In contrast,
you can be a heavy burden for them in the long term. Studying is not the only way to be successful, but it is the
fastest one." After that day, I continued to pursue my dream and graduated earlier than my schedule. At the
moment, I can take care of myself, and support a little bit for my family. Moreover, I have a chance to expand
my career path by getting a master's course. I am afraid of imagining how I am now if I drop out of university
when I was a sophomore student.

Especially, I really appreciate his lifestyle. He loves nature so much. He always watered trees and
flowers of our class on his table. I learn from my teacher a meaningful lesson is that a good teacher does not
only express through excellent teaching methods but also reveals through small things in his daily life. A good
teacher can be a model for his students to follow. A naughty student can change and turn out a good person just
because of his teacher's positive effects. I always bear in mind this, and I strive to bring students good values in
my every lesson. Therefore, besides cultivating my language competence and enhance my teaching skills, I
never stop building positive and valuable life to spread to others.

In conclusion, the teachers' communication in classrooms and their reaction to the world have a
significant influence on their students. Teachers need to be careful and figure out effective methods in
communication that contribute to constructing their classes more productively and creating a learning
environment in which learners can develop their capability and receive positive energy.

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