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COMMU La PL RY Sf (lag Pressure Vessel Code POE ror July 4, 2011 IX QUALIFICATION STANDARD FOR WELDING AND BRAZING PROCEDURES, WELDERS, BRAZERS, AND WELDING AND BRAZING OPERATORS [ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Committes on Welding and Brazing ie American Society of CT a EEE De etn 208 said nent ped ne pct ig ern eo Nr snl Asn en Sunt Te Sao pee ee i wed ‘nae aula nape cet erty wa er wep Fee {i eet afew oma Poe py ens pt ‘Sly tn pry wn pace ‘shane pe a rn ppc den ‘oes ty pn i pe alo my aa ced i mein wih ny ema ste hn, ste oe ee ing uy nee ‘Spee hr prt ene ym ay, ae tna ety sv a ‘TuPtati aaa pe toe oo bsg sen ay a one py Pesca yoo apn) oa oi oi yer pl pet crt mom nes, ADE ep pny ro impact en ea ASE pent pl la pee ee open yn CONTENTS is of Seton. Stern Poy on tes of the Cai Mak ud Cove Aociain ia "Adverising ‘Stent of Poly ce he Use of ASME Maing daily Manic ena Semi of Tecnica Ingles to he ASME Baer and Pere Veil Commit — Mansy Taredacton Summary o Chasges st of Changes in Resed Number Or “WELDING. Wilding General Begureneie Weld Oza. ‘Test Poston fer Grove Wai, ‘Tes Poon for Fite Wels, ‘Types and Puposes of Tats and Bxannone ‘Teton Tests [Neh Toughoess Tess Filec Weld Tet, Ofer Tes td Exar (QW.320 Rotts and Renewal of Qualico, (QW-350, Welding Varisler fr Welders QW) Weng Vs Weng Op W380 Special Processes. Arle IV Wading Data QW.a00 Variables (QW-410 Technigoe (QW-420 Base Maal Groupings W-430 Numer QW-440 Wala Mets Ciaica Comporiin QW-450 Spencer QW-460 Gmghies (QW-470Buciig Process ind Rengete QW 190 Dedalsos Dif a. Ehee. Aste V ows ‘ow-si0 ows ows, ows PART QB Article XI 8.100 ‘oB:110 5120 8.140 8.150 5.160 8.170 eo ‘Ati XL 3.20 ‘9.210 35.250 ‘rie XID OB310, 5320, e380 Arte XIV 6-400 eB-410 ‘Standard Welding Procedare Speciation (WPS)... ‘Adopts of SWS (te of SWPSs Without Dice Demonstration. Proton Us of SPS: BRAZING . Brasog General Reqlrement. ‘Baz Orenation “eat Poston or ap, But, Sou, ce abt es ‘Types and Papoes of Tet and Euaniantcas ‘Tenson Ten Gada Bend Tess ‘Sexeing Ton and Workman Coupon. Zon Poeee Qt, Pept oF Capen Braing Vases razing Performance Quaicatos Quiiaton Test Coupons Ret aod Reneval of Guia, Brain Varia for Base and Basing Operon. Bracing Dat. aah. ‘Testigue Manisory — Soba of Techs! Igusietthe Boller tad Pressure Ves! Comte ‘eamendiary — Welding sad rating Fora cemandtry — P-Numibe isting Mandatory Pemited SWPSS 0 Manin — Sadar Uns fr Use in gation Newly — uae fe Ue oS, Conary ini te "ASME Baller aa Prese Vets! Code. Nonny — Waveform Conled Weng iit“ Gc Reng Pen: Asian fre Mess Not Line a QWIQB422 SSBSSSR RR FREER S B RE BSSES 8 2010 ASME. 0 BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTIONS 1 ales for oosmctio of Power Bole Mm Mails tA — Feroos Mate Speciation at B— Nonfarovs Meal Species Par C— Specification foe Weldiag ods, Hecode, and Fler Meta at D— Pepe (Cotonay) Pat D— Properies (Met) 1 Re for Cone of Nace Fay ‘Stineon NCA — General Reiemecs fr Divison 1 and Divison 2 Divison 2— Code foe Concrete Continents Division 3 — Covtaiens for Transporation an Storage of Spent Neer Pol tod High Level Radonctve Matera and Waste Rates for Contmcton of Hesing Boers ‘Recommended Fale fr he Car and Operation of Hetng Bales Recommended Qaidsinn fo the Cae of Power Boers ales for Contraction of Presue Vstls ‘ivson Divison 2—Atemive Rar Division 3 — Allemaive Rae for Cnscton of High Pressure Vest ‘Welding mn Brzng Qualifeatons ‘breed Pate Prmze Vesls Rules fr Inservice Inspection of Naclar Power Plat Components ales for Coston and Contimed Servic of Traspet Tals gas apr a nurettion, a ne: Terran wl be {sted sad the Code nil be eve, (0) The Coe ler, Code Cae, snd Code interpreta sien xa to Comite reat be cose ‘approving, enmmending ering, oenorg prprcary or sei design ras Imig in a5) w= ‘te fedom of mantic, constr, o Om ‘ose any med of design or my fom of enseacion ‘tr cosforme othe Coe alee. (6) Ingles tat dont comply with exe provisions cx tha oat provide suet rman fr te Com ‘e's fll derstanding may ren the eqs aieoapeves sae 2 INQUIRY FORMAT Submits ode Corie sl acade: (@) Purpose. Specify oe ofthe allowing: (0) sein present Cae ales (2) new aos! Code alee (3) Code Case (4) Code Ireetion (0) Botgroaa roiee foonaton nese for be CCommince'suedestaning ofthe inguy, beg sre {ncn referers he plicable Code Seton, Divison, in, Addeudn GF appa, paapraps, gues, and tables Prefetiy, rovde scopy ofthe pec ference Potions of be Cos, {e) Prevetaion. Toe igre ay deseo aie to tend a mening ofthe Commie 16 make & formal [sentin oto aver queiions fom the Commitee {members with sogard to the ingly. Attendance a {Conmite cting sl be the expente of te are ‘heingue's uence orackof tenance temecag shat uerbea ass for arcpuneoreectn ofthe inguy bythe Commitee, 3 (CODE REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS Requests for Cole revisions or aions sal provide te flowing (a) Propote Revision or Addons. Por revisions, stcay heres ofthe Code that rose rvsion sax ‘brit scp of he appropiate why epear i Code, marked p wih he ropned vision Fons, provide the recommended wording ference tthe sing Cole aes (2) tent of Need. Provide si explanation of the rt forte rvion or dion. e) Background information Provide bckgronn air steno sepa the rvs or ein, nig ary aor hanes in ecology at fom the bai fort reshestetwllloy th Coto sdequatsly eval {the propod revise or adion, Skee ble figure, snd grphs should be submited as apap, Whee spb, ety ary percent papa i the (Code dt wuld esto by the rovion oration tnd Menutypugraps in to Code tt reference the Dragos tae to be revised o added « ‘cope CASES Regs foe Code Cases sal provide Stent of |New ant BagrouadIneration sna fo tht dln in 30) end 30, epcivey, for Coe revisions or a= ‘io Thrgeny of te Cod Cas (ogre or immies, new procedure, es) as be dened at ‘Dut be coined tt te reget in sonnecson wil cpp tht wil ber the Cartoon Mat, wih te excepto of Seton XI aplicaons. The proposed Code ‘Coe shal deauly the Code Soston sd Divison nd ‘be water a5 a Question an Reply ine se oat exiting Code Caren Rist for Cole Case rad Sno inde he mpcable Code Eas and Ades (etapa) to whch te proposed Cade Ce sples 5 (CODE DXTERPRETATIONS (e) Requests for Coe nections shall provi the ‘ollowing (2) Inu. Provide condensed od peie pee sion, omiting superous begun! infomation snd, ‘wien pol, compet Inch a way Date "er” or “ao py, wih et prvies node, i cept ‘The qurio hol be chicaly ad edly sect (2) Rep Provides propos Reply tat wil ery sconce seaworthy questo, Prete, he Reply soo be “yes” “00,” with biel provisos (3) Background information. Provide enyback- ‘pound information tha ls fe Commer ner Sanding the proone Inpiy a ep (Reqs foe Cale Intrenet be ited ‘© minterreaton oft parca urement nth Coe r4 Cals Case. The Caries ant omer ose ‘pe gu sch oe follming” (1) avi of ecultons, eign raving, wel ing qualia or ert of ment prs to <éermize compliance wih Coe regurenets (2) rogues or stance a peorming ey Cate esrb fancon relting but ot ited rei ‘els, dsins,elclations,fibeaton, execion, ‘our ting. o ntlaion (G) a request seeking the eationle for Code serene « SUBMFTALS Smita o and response from he Cones sal ‘neat te flowing (a) Sit. Tague ‘roe Cole aes sl bein ‘Bgl al proferay be suid i ewe forms weve leaden agus wl oben: cred Tey shale th oame, ada, lpi ‘efx umber, and ermal aces sv of be ‘nguretand be aad he fellowing aden, ‘Senet [ASME Boies apd Pressure Vase Commie Thee Park Avene [New Your, NY 100165990 ‘Asan alates my be submited va emi to: SeerayBPV aso (0) Response The Secretary ofthe ASME Baier ac ‘Presa Vesel Commie oo th appopite Som nite hall ako ei of ah properly epee [nq and al rove a wee reponse to engi upon completion of he requested ation by fhe Code Commins PERSONNEL ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees, Subgroups, and Working Groups ‘eof aay 1,201 6c | Lm Neh Mg Tomine Ea Cocoa can te keo Gates Case Hae is a = fn So oe 1 P, Deubler Fh Sh site wa eos SF ie Net tte Fovampais Sou 0 Cl Roicennts V1 Pi. dihiy | lly {wil a if : ai £3 as Hams Hay "li ny Bsfgs2 a il Halll he lin i | un Segoe Bar ise Soon 54345 Sibu on pig ‘Shy on Feccton and mia V1) ey, Cie 2 Tye ENCE, Hosry a WS Be Hono Weal Hy ‘ope CCT Hey Menor Ex aay Mame Tange Ete, nowy acon AMT Hey Sate on Ete Pere PY wit a ae Te Nene Semny B.C ar UF Ganga Co Tames EFC Seen Combi Ment 1a Hors repo Nees Ae 10 Rc San Seay A Mate Wie ain bisa ie EShete i Rss st HD tami Cones ons te She uss si tee te semen teres gems, ie goer EES {EP Vale ae Ika ce Gi CSc Ee ey Fe ne ines, ihe Seer a acy Semen, NEE ee Of ty ies 2S wer zoss900 see S iss tg rope oe Sapo sous GC FY ) yg ch Ate Pa Sway Prin onan tear ene ihe, he i ie FC Maron DB Lande, Crapnsig fee oe cr on omame Woting Grp om Poi atid gn ‘SCO me mn cae toe i re ie coat Pereine Won Grupo Page 0) PY EW tw Working Gen Yaes 09 PY EB cagan seowtry ER aap Sh Sane rarer er ering Go on Ve C0) PY exeeeam atten pices, ie tier foo i Sp Won Croup on tren cs 5) YM) weno ce etna Use ram Seseoy RP Mme eon eso Wk Soe Tv ping fi Mh Wang op 08 De ae apni 6. (I) eng tA tae io” ee = Hee ee to ye tt oma CS Wien Sammy EC Res i ie ie = Hes | TSE nee SMS ter SS. He hee ie Te ae eS, ie oe story mrmtaronn ieee gta wimay eat etn arrears ewe EE ie iS ike ve is ie co He ie LE tay ng ort cygeettey as & i, ‘ps Wain No ced Ut ate Ror ‘stay nti se ei Ym 2 ron BAe weno Ean Roamer 10. sn Stig on ManaperetRasre PY 0) nen Sage on Pye Fp Fv Sapo Temperate econ 9 is ENS ES oney Be sites Pato Feet ieee stl rg oi ci FY 9 ERS ioe Tt cat Ri pow te ane Fem fem GH Eo Sone Eithea, wintes wiht sent seo ng Ay SNE Sy ies Sb tana ie. anes 21 iekee eto eth eae Seer Ei Spo Sd ete Fi Se Seas eee wom eae mai eer Bh Ooo Le xcot” tS Not spn a Se FY Ysgol chr hte sec kee = Dine siinccey Fm Doorn BLM Ray Ewe FF Hew xe siege Fea Chit att Sree oan Een cen ieee Bes = i owe Ac ast COMMITEE ON ‘conenet CBuONENTS FOX NUCLARSERVICE (FY 30 AC Metin ay Ba Sa Ci Sem Ms ce LE Sewmaer Skkar T iae, iia To. Sew Cong etme sent Steet we Cong FS Gow Ment Sener 1 Eten Coty (ond Ia cru Seman ser Contre Slat Mons Sie seen cnet Wing Cra on Omg PY 30) J. Man, Oni SF Hebe Cyesso TE tron Aeron Slat Enea hee Gina ee Ge Neotene CR ney MA ie hee: Cin bow RE Oboe ie Fi ihe, Date A ieee ramen. | fat ie ee stro mo nea nie been ENE i ae se nt na 0 ie ie LO ae bg on Welded Ben PY MY sony o Src ion Meth VV) eset rae ery name no cope ac ome KE Arock woke ad on NG, US A Ci oe Wong room Aci nie CV Ree eS aust Ae fie a, GR eid one miter ge or sue cae™ is aoe ie He a one ae ce en or 1 Halley “ neon rv Hage: isEh ice, Pe, = ce ic Sy betas Eat ny bene Hee, BRS ie Micra a ieee oo ieee. st sie ie ete WS act: Cg Sige 0 Ds ar vn okt Te ots ins bk Seca Miia Taser Sever A RCREY Eagae nein Owned, Despre eo ney Spo act ed Ingen IV VD ly Cie Me ae Ersmeny ks toechae Mt Bee Sle oes fooway BF Ske, wee trimer Ce canta Ojos, csr Bhan Wisinews Cove Bee " Seago Catt egret VV) 5. ate, cui ceney Dis bendadl tie Gar KS ots Stn B.A Seaman Le Ra Oya Dae aoe corn sunset cur ona ESE ee oe ee Se io “a mer ‘Sg on Hight Vou PY) 2.1 Pom Or ea Rewiost sar ED Ra ‘Soman heme kee. Pv toe EFeind Opumay, Dale oie Eft, tg i Mo 1S, cones fener ‘ie Pian oar, contnang Pre enit taker bs, ray Mater blerkenat Ci es tony Re kw tener i ogo a DV) Hone eto Seem coe He scone oo Sangean Yup V4 BY VD cena 2A ann Omi Sp Wing Crip on Cpt ee sent ‘anv .W Dckoson AAS a po Ds Sar on Genel Rearonet BY) Ree Cee cei Malin Dlgste td pheg i gnponron-inecnmoges eoeesa gens oF if H AS mt hae 7 Un, Bik Gaees roeay DIR Quam 5 ek soanin 8 Si Eco Pe pren Noes Nema, been SEC Ri Hoan Ch wat Iino ‘ating Grupo rcs od vate Eason 66.000 ME cater ae kK sory CN et TE Os shed? Wolng Grom Oni and Popame SCAR) PV x ita Sener Yo ne he ear Eweseane Eine ea it sen, chee Ho etewe TER ety eS cou Pome reece We i Aone wie bam ord bi eae 20 Memes tev Sane Wang ep on een of aed ano SE Seowone Seny Danone Tio Pilate em Nott Ereiaae tenn ec) wisp Rites ytd Cr Mc Netree ering Croup con of Stun nd Compra LM Aol char sole Ato Seaway Fe {Seton BG ted Raton re nym ewan Sewn Wong rnp Prem ein SEMCS PV) oxime tee Sygate, Hw pn 1A Doaghy “ si atop ge nr 8 epee tei He oe Se Waking yn ad it ee get 1A Me, oni A ne Biome Senay EEN ‘yi tin Cp gorge onde Went th JESSise, ES Sse ESET ven caning EAMES Eo ae" EES SESS oe che Nar srygeae nara iar RS aot ena ie i a sre pri cnt wreoe tts {obo HB a Dok ret eS { if i # i ee ie tee cee hee ES ee ies “COMMITEE ON NUCL CHEINCATION C40) ‘Stes on Deg PSV HE eo oar Mono erie ee iS ioe eke ER ine ts eae Esse Hee ste ot eee Be pageant ie eae or Ne iNeed ow ie chaeee =| ESR EE se oe, aS SE ote sen ir vee Lage Beto Spemermsieee r" en ite tn Ise be oes ne Bese INTRODUCTION Teo felowing i re inteduson othe 2007 Eton cf Seston IX and xaos be contre x subtitoe for {be act review’ of eppoprte sects of te document ever, he indctin i nade tie the der ‘beer understanding ofthe purpose nd eranzaton of Seedoe IX of he ASME Boer wd Prema Vessel Code elie othe qualita welds, weg oper tars, branes, andWaziag operat, snd he proaties ‘empizyed in welding or tmsing in source with he ‘ASME Boller and Pressre Vortel Code tad the ‘ASME BSI Code for Pere Piping. A uhh teu druent sje to conta review iergretation, {nd lnprovemeat to recogalze sew devlopments and ‘reach data Seton IX it a docu reece for {guslieation by variowscoostvction codes sack ‘Section f TV, VI, ec. These parila constoton cds al tsps typeof fakzatonandny import Sddiionl Welding roquizements or sxemptons 0 Secon I qulcuons. Quleaton in sxutance ith Setcn Ts ot guarats that oceds wd perform ace qalifeatons wil be acsepable «pata ow Seva IX etbahes te bs rita fo welding and ‘The purpose ofthe Waldag Pocafure Speciation (NPS) td Procedure Quaieaion Record POR) i 10 ‘deine tat the welment propond fo conimetion is ‘spabl having the resid properties fort nade ‘erlcaion It is pesuppored thatthe welder owen pera poring the wena posse quali (erie aed workman Thal apie to te recing Procedae Specicuon (BPS) and base rang ‘peter ulientone The provers guano 10 eaablish he proper of the weldnest or beet ‘ad wothesilotepersonne performing he welding racing Inadton spl onierca ive we ‘ch toughness reir by oer Sets ef he Coe. ‘he notoginss vals do oct apply alee fe oval bythe conarcton codes Tn Weider or Brze/raziog Operstor Peformance (lication, betas crterion rt eee te abity ‘0 depost sound veld meter makes sound braze, In Weting OperaorPrtenzance Quiet, he as Sitsion to enn te medial ay of he weld {ng operator oor the equlpme. Tn developing pes Seton ac welling pro. cess an brig procs that ws incidd was eee ‘wih rept Ose te (cd variable) wih ave ‘Sete upon te welding of beaig operon a apes 10 prota or poranoe ete ‘The wer of Sr IX shold We sare of hw Seton [cis erganzed sve ino two prt: welding sd ‘rary. Boch ys ton vied no rile, Tes ey da with he following” (a) general squiements (Article I Welds ‘Ail XT Bra (@) procedure uaieaons (Arce I Welding tod ‘aril XI Bea) (c) preformance qian (Are Welding and ‘Avile Xl Bang) (a) ua (AriceIV Welig aod Arce XIV Bring) (e) standard wedingpocedres (Ale V Welding) ‘These aces coun geet efuenes a sie hat ply opocedre td performance gulicatons shes ‘Posons (peal purpose of vious mace et, ‘opm citer, td the apply of Sctina De, ‘wich was i Be Preamble ofthe 1980 Section IX (te Preaubiohas been dtd), The genera oie sles reference the data ales for sper ofthe fsa ‘epipnent an renova of secant pene. PROCEDURE QUALIFICATIONS. ‘uch ree tt at Den eve by Seton IX lst spuely witht emetl abd nonessential vari thls asthe apply tht parc proces ln gear be ‘Welding Pececr pectic (WPS) na ie Baca ‘Procedure Spcicatons (BFS) et stall eset and oven vrais fr each proses that i ince ‘Coser hat pata rede speneston. 14 change Fede in ay svt yr eguiieaion of ‘rceleisogie Ifachmgeit made inanoneentl "able the proces med aly be eed or amend {o atest te omental aie change, When nt toughen ie regured y fe cnseucion code, the spe Inestry cca variables become aon erential ‘arabes and a change quires reqalifeaion ofthe Th edn to coveing various process tee ae ao ies for rose qulcaon of coro estan Wed ‘eal vey and ba-acng weld meal oer. ‘Biming wih he 2000 Adda, te x of Sanda ‘Walling Poco Speistons(SWPS) wos et. ‘Ascle'V prove the reirments an Katine da over the oe ofthese documens. The SWPSE approved ‘ieee nln in Appendix 1 be 206 Bn, re for eper bead welding wee PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATIONS ‘These ales lit separtly he vaio welig and ‘sing posers wh he emenal vane at phy to the Peformance quiisuons of each proses. The ‘elder, welding operator, braze, and brazing operator (Gans a inte by een rare “Th performance qulieaonsrcls have umes srgrp ceeiing gene spine vals forall roceser.QW-350 so) Q5-350 Hat tonal esses ‘aber wich we apple fr specie process. The {Qw250 variables Gono apply to welng opertor: (QW. 360 the sonal eset vara for weg pean, General, x elder or welding oprtor nay be quid ty mechanical eng tty, of Vlumette NDE of x est oop, or eal production Well Brzers or ring ‘parton may not be gulifled by vlunete NDE. WELDING AND BRAZING DATA ‘The weiting and acing dss nce the vasi- abies roped ino ages ch a oi, bate mate od lier mati, postions, reheated beat eat ‘ent, gas, elec carci, and tecigu. They ‘ie mereacd fm eer aren hey apy to cack eee ‘These aces a frequently mised by slong vi aber tat do ot apy fo «pucler proces. Veralee (QW. 6 QW 410 and Q-402t0 B10 only pny ‘rere forthe apleale proces in Arle Hor Article fr wong snd Aree Xl or Atle XI for ‘eacng, Te er of Seren DC sould oo ty 10 ap) fy veile which not referenced for a pce 1 (@W.250, QW. 350, QW-360,QB-25, or QB-350 ‘Thee ales als inci ssgnments of P-Nemtet snd FNenbers to paral base mteals an le mute ‘al Arle V eo fneloder Amber bles for refer oce bythe marae pining with the 1994 Addenda, the welding P-Romber, brazing P-Nomberr, and sonmandatory ‘-Nambrs wer combed int oe table Metis (QW/QH-#22 Bah te QB-422 ale Qeaing Pane) tnd Appendix Cble(§ Number) were dle The ne (QW/QH-42 be was vided io fares and oxfam este, Mens woe ited ie come nde by eal ‘peslccionrmberto sd wet in etng tho sop (povning mabe, A bbevned aig of mete posed by P-Nembers, Nonmandatory Appendix D, hss been [bed for ses il wishing oem groupags of met. ts by welding PN. athe 2009 Adods, Number ba metals ited a ‘42 QW/Q8-422 ale were reaigued os PNenbers and (Ge SNambe lings and eens wee dled "Tee QW-151 and QB-ASI tables fr paced cai ‘eon tienes reurenel andthe OW-452and QB.452 ‘ihe foe peroomanee ices gibatons ape ny ely be ood referenced by cer preg, (Generally te appropriate eetential rable reference thee tes. Revisions tthe 1980 Eon of Seaton Xintdced ew ain for pain and aed filet weld vent tin teh to caplet the grove-weld odeatson ‘ech The pw evi toposion nies hat welt {ple In the 10,20, 30, ey esion and en {led wel, in rotucon, ne F, Hy oO kas as appropiate. QW-461.9 is eied ale at mate thee new "The da sis lo give sketches of exupo eins ‘ong, removal fat pcinens abd est dese. ‘hen are referenced by Arcee Tand XL. (QW-470 dssbesechng process and reagents, [Avie ed of Ailes IV and X1V it «Bit of pene efkiens applicable to Seton TX, welding mod bang, ‘espetly. Thee may ie sghly fom oer weg "Nenatory Forms forwelingan barnes sod performance qulifesion spear in Appendix B. ‘Tes foe re proridd othe a of hse wh do wet wish ign el owe forms. Any frm) hat west 1 aplable relent of Secon XC maybe wed. ‘With the incorporation ofthe new Creep-Streng ‘Eabaced Fei (CSEF) alloys into the Cove, sng te ting P Number poupings specify PUHT parameter a ea varios in eat eaten tt my signi ‘ety dep te mechanical properties of ex lye, (CSEF ays fail offerte tts whos rep soci scabaced by the creon of rece codon of mlcnstactre speccally manent orbs, which is sablized ding tempting by conte peipation of mpeg cates, ators ore sabe se 1 2007 Baton ofthe Code only PN, 5B, Groep 2 Base as eth ion ad wat pone or Ce onto. Looking forward, a muber of CSEF ays tue aay in ube i Code Cater a ding ca Incorprsoa. To fae wcening thei pci ele ret, Numbers LSA trugh PNomber IF bare ton ‘caked for CSEP aye '9/aen = SUMMARY OF CHANGES “The 2011 Code, which nls Adds changes being sul nites, Whe th pgs he Code rsp in lone omat fe ur’ conerionce ie adsble at estng 2010 gs etal {Er etonce The net ton of he Cae wil be pusisbd In 2013 ‘A Special Nate maybe prt on fe ASME Web sn in avant ne etin of the llr a Pesure 2eTCade to provide sped evens Cade euremere: Sc evsors maybe ed net ose [ecw become rant 6 mate seth io ence te noel. A Specel Noe may aso ince eso oa Code Cue, The pense vain of he Code Case hal ot be Se Eta to he BFV Cade ay be pt on the ASME Wab set provide conection incon published ftom oro corel poppe cr pont evr in BPV Co. Sch erat hal be wed on he ae one Inkrmtion reading Spi Nat and Eats publi one ASME Web ste uc he Haller and ‘Prose Vel Cas Reus Pape pw tere panasonic [Changes in his Aer, sven iow, ae Knife on he pags by man noe, a, placed et ote ‘Sect oan, Revisor oe 2010 Ein ae indeatey (Fre ising ow, he ape rece te ‘fected ays. mn noe), laced ext be het nes Locton Rens eed der ‘change: The Record Number ied blow expan mare dtl in “Us of Changer Reco Naber Ore” {Sowing Summary oar age wcaion Change ecrd Numb) Fveword ‘enh and eursenth pats eed ® Stare of Pey Revie (11210) Goneton Mare Soca Nretieg Suton of Poly Revie (101210) ihe Ue SMe Marking to tony Nenu xx ‘ital of Fommery Aspe, edly revised “cis Inger othe toler and Frese Vent andy shod eel Updns 5 wasn Second paragraph ese (10340) 7 qwaas add 10.1186) Y wis62 Reveed (10:79) 1" wast Revied (105786) “ was Revd (08398 owas woo wes ws0218 waaoaas w0n.26 wos ow. 040328 ws3.29 woes wots woes soe w-0710 woes wos 408.25 v0.1 awesos2 wo98 40919 qw-40921 w-oa.26 w.409.29 aw-sio7 qwaros awv-sr021 wero aw-sios7 qwsi08s qwasr09 qw.st070 waar qwaior2 qw20 qwigsa22 range acer Naber ed 10.1186) Secret pargaph esd (10.39) ‘bbl 10.1786) evn (09-98) ied 08396) ded (09-388) Fed 06-398) Fi sence ein (08.298 sled 70.7785 ed 10.1186 ‘Sips revi (08.398) ov 08-398 ded 10.7186 ed 70.1708) Satpangrph (9 coreces by era (10-1487) evi (09-1133) Conte y rs (10-1487) Revie 00.3967 ei 10.1148) evs (10.1149) Revised 06.386) Revie 09.386) Revie 08.3567 Ass (08388) ‘Ade 0398) Ale 08396) ded 00.996) Add (09166) ‘es 01105) bed 01785) Revie 9.140, 10-1189, 101743) (0) S412 F2 tn aed 09-1277) (2) For S213 19, welding ene cometed by erat (oo og, 10.18) (change oord Numb) (2) $4213 792 te add (051277) {0)SA213 THATIN ne sed (1075 (For Sh 240 and AMO, S211 seed (10-1923) (A249 NOWDG Headed 10136) (7) 54-260 40005 line moved tar $4000 Ine ty an 10.1783), (For sa.299 Ko2803, Group No, cone by era ‘avno (9) 34.312 T3471 le ade 10798) (00) 395 a2 tin ade 9-127) (1 Foradse 12A UNS No vse (09.1508) (02) $369 FP tow aed 09.277) (33 Eo Sh-79 and AS, 001 fs ae io1833) (04) A479 592750 ine added 1022) (05) for A633 12000 an K12057, Min Spec. “ert 5 450, Prodi! tore cece By era ore) (06 A601 ne red (0-508) (07 For S709 and A709, M10 nea (10.123) (08 For 4-790 and A790, S210 ns ad (10.123) Ca Fc 70 S25, Tam case by (2 for si.015 and A815, 532101 ln aed ao132)) (20 For stats 582205, Poet Farm caret by ‘eras (10173) (22) A890 COSMN leaded 09-428) (23 fori, C3MWCANSd COSMN lines ded ose) (24) For 3010 lin Nominal Composion comet perma 10:70) (a5) For SAN 100782, P2350H and P2SSGH added (26) For SWAN 100282 F295CH, 50 15608 Grup and Pro Form comet by rata 10174) (a7 for SEN tooz82, P3380, Prout Fm ‘oe by erat (10175) (26 For SEN 100283, Prot Farm cored by ‘eras (10.176) (29) SEN 100287, BO 156 Gop conc ‘ents (10176) Page locaton Change oer Number) (00) Fr SAN 102162 1969-10, Nena \Conposion cane by eras 101743) (82 Forscond an hr 9 ts, Pd orm cone orate 10174) (33) Spoe No of 8.8) ie cone by eran (101684) (30 Forse S656 ln, Woking Pa conectl by (oni) ns,n7, 8 quae [ERNICH7, BOCES and ERIM 2 ne add ‘ora 83, ASME Specs Ae 00.90) a qw-s2.10%3) Ferma sigue as QWA62.10 (10.161, 10-177) v6 (452100) omer arated e QUAI (1-181, 10-1779) 7 Qe-462:01) Abd 10.101, 101778) 11, 150 wae evs 081831) 195, 198,201,2 Qwige-o2 (0) ed poe welding ried pul ay ‘nln det 09419) (2) Meling cifin (DEW nd (10-118) 1) Welding gus maar pad yy CMAN replaces weg gis are pod ae TGMAW- (Weld icine ev (092230) owas wsto Subp 1S a ed 101919) awsi0 Subp ed 2-133) ow anid Moved mat add ase276 Neanancsoy Table upia rect QWIQH-22 changes 03224, ‘aon 709 7a, aden 286 Manor Agen eed (09-1127) 7 Volume 61 of he errata Son 1 ofthe ASME Bland sire Vel Ca lows th ast. pg os Aen LIST OF CHANGES IN RECORD NUMBER ORDER sec ber age end QW wa ore cad nce a2 GWA, C0431, 043, GV. a 1017 2 Ait emer Oras GW ana Ranke hats OW Anta GHA ant cs come te mes omen Fett evista QT, GAD QWAERIS H-0EI, HOGS, R-OLR, (Grate ea Geo hah Qn slay Qala ms QA se rr ee QW GW GH WAAR ‘ie A 050 50 A, 0B, nd 0 Ci te QW pend ‘en GWA mt Apt i an A395 (9580 ma PD ‘Msn santa Ape ee Qn ad CS ei peed pe wean” ‘es ia Te Qn sn open cP SE ey ‘at SiS uw Qwigs sdAgt anPe 158Oe ‘ESS roa Qo tt ps Po 5 mn QR-OT wn te ed ell as OO re ed SQW ay hr Ops of pe unos ma Sone ene eta Song me aed i OS ‘senses To), All? CaR md 6 A we Tibet 5. i ‘rae ‘Ri A.217 128 md A396 12 PN 15. AD (Sing nr S61 ss. (Ginga Agi sok Ch ae ote OnE. ‘Singet Aabe cL2sAo 9n mi P 15 a ee Se ino ci ing ae tao ong te ‘Shem nmr ou mena eA sed wee ed a” ‘Sir em i pce erm a Se yw Sp ‘ay pus Oe nl ae ee ‘Simic ssecew maaan Ase eo ns GWE, SCS ‘ane swe cad Pe a eae pea ‘a Dap uo Sot Ay 050, MS = QD as eae ‘ass Ni 6-2 ‘isin ae Sim B20, a 45210) we seed ot be ‘Sent i ts of 8 DI72/ IPRS No ng ween ‘nh mt peng 303 pe SPS a a a i wn ‘eign perma ent ye sel ee ‘eigenen wees psn pms neat RSW Seed Gl sot aon mec es i ld ens QOD 2 pen D ld AM 1082 hd PC PHL Guia pao ast sto ST ‘abso pape Pet Oo Weg, ‘seen ee gine OW ‘Set et A py G83, wh el von ‘heen mn quis ond nor O10 Gv aed Pe Soanepe ose h te ‘Salm ants tbe ASME Cafe Sybase ram crue Ss fmm of Cap ae ‘Se cman So bum ofp ee INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ART QW WELDING ARTICLE I WELDING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS QW-100 GENERAL Sestna DC ofthe ASME Boer aad Pstuce Vese, Code reso he gualication of ween, welding op ‘or, boas, abd tazing opt a be prostaes ‘hat ey enpoy in welding ed big sccordng wo be ‘ASME Boller and Presrere Vessel Code aad the ‘ASME B31 Cade for Presse Plog is died ao ‘0 pane: Part QW pier resumen for welding and ar QB cons oqseeas forbalag Other Sets af th Code may specify cera eqveneat ha ose ‘pected by ts Secon. Such requirements ke pce ace over hows of hi Secon, and he mauler or ‘onc shal comply wi hea. QW-I001 A Weiing Proctae Speciscaion (WPS) ‘ss writen document that rovies deco the welder tr weldiag operator for malin rocco welt incor dance with Cede eement Any WPS¢ ued by an ‘err conten th wil ive sponse operon cual of protarson welling ull be WPS tat hat ‘een gil by tht mansficrer or sont in coe dance with Arle, ri ahll bean AWS Stndad Welting Procedure Specietion (SWPS) listed Append Bend dee bythe naufctre or contact in accondance with tie V. Both WPSs and SWPSs sei the conden (clo ingranges fay) nde which welding must pefrmed, ‘Tose ondton aioe te bse me tat pete, (he filer ale at ort be wed ay) pet sed ponveldbear eamzatequremen, ee Sick enti Ss refered on dhs Seton a welding “vara.” ‘When 2 WPS ist be prepared bythe mance contest, I mst adds, af lala, the specie ‘are, bh esata ad noesetal poe Arle freach paces tbe din peucton wong a adin, whes eer Secon ofthe Code rou oth rouge quaifcaton ofthe WPS, th pce ope ‘mesa eat aes mute aresnd in the WPS, ‘The papose for gaicaon ofa WPS if deteine tthe welament proposed for contrition x apbl of ovng te rogue peti fer inde ep on Welng procedure qlfcation eases th op fries ofthe welds othe sloth wel or wel vperen, "The Procedure Qusieaon Record (PQR) document har oecured riage the test coupon a tit ‘els of esting ofthe coupon. Asana th POR Shall document the esental variant rie {nfomnaion idee in Arie I foreach pce eed ring welding the tert coupon an he fv ofthe ‘eguedaiag In addon, wes nec oss eing ‘reguied for rovers qian, tempi pe ‘Plea essa vara for ach proces sal QW-1002 Inpereonance quien. te tasiecre- on eased fer welder ulation io detec ‘he wel’ abit to depo sound weld etl. The pu se of he performance caifention et fore welding perro deteze be welding peor» mea ‘Siiy ope te welding equpeane (QW-1003 Wales Procedure Speciation (WPS) writen ad gadis scarance wh heme of i ‘Steen, sn elders od wei pesos of otc tec machine welding equpmest so gid in sccr- ‘ce wih tate ries may be tad a aa conan ‘eto the equrement of the ASME Bele and Prete ‘essa Cae othe ASME B31 Cade for Press ii. “However, other Seatoes ofthe Code ste te sales ue wih Secon IX requirement re any, ‘le ori pr nd sve sito! rare The ‘ar sadvied ok thse roving cosieatin ‘en sing thi Section Welding Procedure Specifcations, Procedure CQuulieaton Records, and WelerWelding Operator Performance Qulieaie made in accords wih the uit of i 1962 Editon any ter Eon of ‘Seaton I maybe se in any coms bi to te ‘ASME Boer od Prsnre Vere Code or he ASMEBSI ade foe Preseare Piping, etre of th Eitoos of Scion IX pro 0 1982, Sn which ll ofthe reqsimments of he 1982 ation of [ie Batons re et my also be wed Welding Pecos Seciicaas and Wele’Weldng lyertor Fefermarce Qiasee recor moving oe ‘ove quent do ot oa o be amen inca {ny variables eqared by Inter Bains and Addenda acy sso in QV 420. (Quiet of new Welding ProcedreSpcicaions ‘or Welder/Welding Operators and reqalifeation of citing Welding Procelre Specifications or Welder! ‘Welsng Opts sallbe a acadane with te cunet Bos (ce Foreword) in Addenda of Son TX Owe Scope ‘The rules in thi Scion apply tothe preparation of Welding Procedure Spcicatns andthe qulieatn of teldingpocdares, weer, and weg cpr forall ‘pe of minoal and machine welding process permite Inu Secon Tiee er enya be apo, asl 1 bey ae spliza, oathr manual or chien woceis ported la oe Scions. (ovet02 Term and Defintions Some ofthe mare cnemoa tens rating Yo welling sod bearing a dened a QWIOB-192 ‘Wherever he word pipe is design, te sal io ‘we apleabe QW-103 —_Responsbitiy ‘QW-1081 Welding Hach manufac orcontcie! ‘9 maple fer the welding done by his crpniation adalat he tetruedin i Secton guy the welding procaine in he contro f he ‘eldment bull wer is Code, ad the performace of {elder and welling operas who ply spose, (QW 1032 Records. Each manfacurer or conmscor shal maint voor fhe ul obated in welding ‘Poca snd weer al weld operate peommance ‘Pisses the nvm ei Sein ey a ee wee ‘The erestations of weld are iustaed is Sure WELD ORIENTATION (QW: orfigue QW-512. (QW-120 TEST POSITIONS FOR GROOVE ‘WELDS ‘Grove weld maybe mde in st coupons erated 1 ofthe positions in igre QW-451.3 ot 8gu (QW-I614 and as desc in the olowing pangs, ‘ropa n anal deviton of 215 eg fom te pet ‘Eehrizonal aod vera planes, tn angular eviaon of 25 dep fom he seed inclined ple ae ped ing wees Qt Pate Pastis (QW-1211 Flat Poston 16. Pueinabooel pane sith he weld metal epost fom above Refer ge (QW-4613,asexon (0W-1212 Horizontal Postn 26 Pte in avril lane wih he anf the weld Rrra Refer fie (QW-4513, uss) (QW-1212 Vertical Postion 3G, Plt ia vere ane wif he ais of the weld vera. Refer be (QW 3, asin © ‘QW-12L4 Overhead Psion 4G. Pac inabizoal newt weld metal apne rom andrea Refer fo Gpee QW-1613, lasesoe (i). QWei22 Pipe Potions (QW-122:1 Flat Poon 16. Pge wit sti ntl ad rolled during welding ota the eld mes ‘posted from above. Refer f0 gue QW-464, us ‘etn 0, (QW-1222 Horizontal Postion 2G. Pipe witht xis ett aod te se of the weld 4 xo pase, pe sll ot be oud diving welding. Refer © Ege (QW-4614 aston 0 (QW-1223 Maliple Potion SG. Pipe with sxe rian ad wit the welding roo ina vec pane. ‘Welding tl be done without rong the pipe, Refer fo gure QW-AGLA,Isoaton (2). QV.1224 MatplePaston 6G. Pipe with taxi nail at 4 deg hve Welding eal be one without rotating tbe pip. Refer o gure QW-46. 8, ‘seaion (W123 Te Ps for Sd Wal CQW:1241 Sd Wel So wl may een tet coors ete i eyo Be oon asd Geta) tna cn bev sal epee Ste cr of ep or Se wer W617 mwas (Qw.1%9 TuST PosTTIONS FoR FILLET WELDS File wee may be made ott coupons cried any ofthe postions of figure QW-A61-3 or Agure (QW-4015, ada denied in the flowing parse, ig ats angular deviation of 15d rm feo ‘i hodaontal snd veal planes ic perited doi elig. QW. Plate Pstions ‘QWASLA Pat Postion LF Pcs vo placed tha the weld depois with rained hat ‘ei Refer fie QW-461.5, aston. (QW101.2 Horksntal Poston 2¥. Pate so placed tat he wed is deposed wih 10 as hozntal ox the ‘pp sdf te borzot sua ad aust the vera sac. Heer to Sgue QW-461.5,aseaton (). (QW131.3 Vertical Paton 3 Pies so place that he welds deposi with sal verte Refer Spare (Qw2465, sion (0) QW-1314 Overead Psion Fats pic that he welds deposed witht as orznta othe andre fd of be herzotl vara and asin he vercl ra= face. Refer to fue QW-4615,Uasoaen (3) QWa1s2 Pipe Postons (QWI021 Mat Postion 1. Pipe with it ais inctind 45 coy hia and oso dng welding #0 at the weld mel i deposed fom above anda he plat of deposoa tbe axis of he wel orzo a the ‘at vera: Refer to gue QW-4616, asruon 2). (QW-1822 Horizontal Posons 2F and 228 (2) Peston 2F. Pipe witht ais vera! 20 Hat the welds deposed onthe wer ie fh onal srfice nd aginst the verical sie. The axis of the weld wil be brine aod the pipes ott be ronaed dang ling Rat opin QW 46.6 harmon, (0) Poslion 288 ipa with te i scot wd the ai fe dood weld ia he vertical pane. Topi [Suse during welding, Refer to ese OW 461.5 ‘roe. (QW-1323 Overhead Pasian 4F Pp ith ais eral otha the med deposi ote Udi ‘heel mace and sgt ovr eras, Te ‘is of he weld wil be oral and fe pie fe aot tobe roared during welding. Refer Spe W466, asaion (QW-1324 Muliple Peon SF. Pipe with ais nsizoual mths f he epoted wel in he verte lune. The pipe is oo be aed ing welling fee {figure QW461.6, staan () (QW-140 TYPES AND PURPOSES o¥ TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS OWL Mechaneal Tests Mechanical eat ued in rocedue rpc gal Woatos ae specfed ig QW-16L.1tngh QU-141S (QW-161.1 Temon Tes, Tesoa tes at denied In QW-180 arc wood demi the ulin ag of ‘rove wel ats (QW.1412 Gaded-Dond Tots. Guided ted tet ae ese In QW-160 ae wed to terme he dag of ondnes and daily of goove-wel jos. (QW42.3 Wie Weld Tete, Tests a described in (QW-180ueasalto deen thie, cont td epee of sundaes of fle wel ‘QW-14.4 Notch-Touphnee Tet Tera sds Jn QW-171 and QW172 ae edt tern the nt ‘opines ofthe weld. (QW-1415 Sod-Wold Test. Deletion ben, ban meting, toque, of enton ests as shove in gues (QW-4654, QW-466 5, snd QW-4666, nad cto. ‘examination pcfomed ia accordance wi QW-202 5, rerpctnly ar edt detarine scopy of ad (QW-142 Special Examinations for Waders Raopraphic or artoac exaestion per QW-191 nay be subst for mest esting QV-14) for (goove-eld peformancequalifeation ms perited in (QW.204 to prove the bility of welders we make sound eles (QW-143 Examination for Welding Operators Radiographic or slrtonc exaiostion per QW-19t maybe soft oes ag WET groove weld performance qulicatoe as permite in {GW.305 prove he ay of welding oper to make found wel O44 Vial Eeamtaton Vizalexarition as deserted i QW-19 ia ed to secre that tbe nl wed meses mete gealty (QW-150 TENSION TESTS QWI51 Specimens ‘Teeson et ypecinens ta conform oon eyes ‘ned in ger QW-A62 10) towgh QW-462. 0) tnd shall meat the equemens of QW-153, (QW-IS1.1 Reduced Section — Plate. Reduced section specimens confrning tothe egsirements gives ‘niga QW462.14) maybe sed fr tenon et A Bienen of pl (a) Forhcknenes up tsa acadng 1 (25 mm), ‘fl itn spcinen sal be sed er ech reed () For ple thickness preter ha 125m), fall thisknes ‘alge aay be tse, proved QWIS1 36) ad QWASL IG) we compel (6) When makipemecinens ar sed, a es f fall (0) Poppe tlcneses ener 1 (25 ma), fall ‘hice specmens or aii pecmene my Be ted, provided QW-1S1 240) nd QW1SL. 20 are complied ce (6) Wen ruil secimeas ae sd ne of fall ‘alinesspsinens, ach eal eset 2 gl Son et ofthe fol pipe icknene, Calecvely al of the specimens eu! to ree the al ices ofthe reid aon cation sal sompie ast (a) When nail secmens ae sesessy, the nie ‘ev of speiznly eu stp of a see a can Be ‘ested inthe lib eupmet Bach wecinen of be ‘et shall be wed und moe terse of QW.53. or pipe ving a Oaie hantr of 3 n.75 tam) cov lens, redacedvcton specimens conforming tothe ‘eurenents given in gut QW462 1,0) ay Be wed fortension te (QW-1513 Turned Specimens. Tune rpeinent on: Sonning the oqremente pve in gue QW-A62 18) "ay be ued fer esen tests (a) Ror ddoese wp 1 ad ining tl. 25 mam), | engl tue specimen my be wed for each ried {econ wich bale series of tbe agst ae {er Def igure QW-462 16 pont er tet coop ek ee [pe Nota of fare QW 4820 (2) For dass ore in. 25 mm) mip spec men sal be eat oh he fl ikea of the weld ‘tt contry pari whe net sean and mt Or Tin (5 mn) gt The cater of eyetece cet oe metal sufcs tall not exceed (16mm) en thee, (e) Wien subplespcineas we usd, each st sal repesat sgl fogurd teasion test. Colectely, all the opcimens ogre orepreset te fol thickness of the weld eon ladon thal emp» 2. () Bac scien of he set all be ted and met te requrenens of QWISS. (QW-1514 Fall Section Specimens for Pipe. Tension specimen coring © te dimensions given fo Bite (Qi 10 ay be wed for eing pipe with an de Gane of 3 5 nam) Fes QW-182 ‘Teason Test Procure “Te teint pecinen sal bere vader tne load Te ene songs tal be compa by ding (he aks tal land by he lest croneaetadl es of ‘Se pecnen us caclaad fom acta means e terete lo epi QW-83 Acceptance Criteria — Tendon Teste ‘QW-1594 Tene Strength. Minium vals o- cedure ulin are proved ender ton beading ‘Minium Spcited Tease, bi of table OWIO-422 Im er to pu he enon tx te specimen shal have a ten eng hat sot et than (q) the minum specid wasie steagih of he bse meal ce (2) Se mata specie tne steaghofte weaker ote two, tae ete of fleet tan ele Swen a seo (6) the minima speci ele stent ofthe weld seta when te sppcble Scie provide for we of ‘etng he iret, povided the segs ota ‘San 3% below te minima speed tee sagt of (e) the meted minimum tale sng is for fall laicknes specimens incloing cladding for Aleminom ‘Acad matials (No, 21 rough No. 23) les thn ‘4 (13 mm). For Aluminum Alclad materials Ji (43 mm) ad greater, the specified minimum teste reat fe fr Both fl ces eine tt inde lading td specimens taken from te eae. QW-160 GUIDED.BEND TESTS QW-61 Specimens vided tt pecinen sal be prepared by euting the et plato pp farm peinens of prone) ‘cane cost secon. The a sacs al be esp ‘ed the es of he specie. The oer to srtcet ‘hale calle he face and rot ufc, te face surat avng the pater wid of weld. The spesimen cnet tnd bead radius ace shown in gues QW-466.1, (QW-4562, sd OW-4653. Cia end pecimens we of fre types dpeatig on wheter he ai f te eld it ‘tasters or pari the angina asf he spec ‘oes, and wich sae (ey fice oF fo 8 the Conver (at) ie of bet spsinan, The fv per ate (QW-161.1 Transverse Side Bend, Tho wld tne vert tothe leita! ais of the speci, whichis ‘ent 0th eof th sie cee Heme he convex sac ofthe ext specie. Tater side bend fest wisn? Speen of base metal thickness eget or greser ‘tan 1a (8 ms) maybe ct nto approsinal ual sigs bewecr i. (19 cum) aod in (38 mm) wide fertesing ore spose ay be ato fl wd (60 requiemens om jig wich in QW-A6). Whe he with ofthe weld bo lage tat sted specimen cannot be teat so ae ete wel td eat flected snes are ‘ibis the bent porton, mulipespeimess scross te ie wel and at fected oe hal be tad mulpepecneas we sed in ete sus above, ‘oe comple al be mae foreach ogi tt Each spesinen shall bette and moet he segments in was, (QW-161.2 Tranewree Face Bend Te well isan ‘ere tothe loi af the einen, wich is Teta athe fae surice bore he sone sre fthetest specimen. Tansee fice bed tx pines Shall conform to ibe chmensions shown Sure (QW 462.3). Far susie transverse face bend, see Ow.i6i4 (QW-1613 Transverse Rout Bend The wed ean sere tothe longs ul ofthe pete, whch ie ents hat he re mrfce bocce the conven trace ‘ofthe tet spaces, Trane ted tet pines Shull conform to ite cimenions shown in Sgre (QW-462 3) For subse waneverse rot beads fee waist (QW-161A4 Saba Transverse Face nd Rot Bends ‘Bead einen en fom eel dane pipe coupons may be subszed io sosrane wth Gent Nee (@) of ‘pe QW462-40. (QW-I615 Longitudinal -Rend Tests. Longin! ede my Be ado eu of te tans bead, ‘Seetend, tnd rot bent ots fr ting weld ced ot ‘amet combintions, which itr yea ropes between (a) the vo base ma, or (2) the we sland he Date mea (QW-161.6 Longitudinal Face Bend. The wei paal- elt he lngindia xs fe specie, whith i bet so tht the face surface became the anv rr fhe ben specimen Longin ne ent pete al enfant the dimensions shown in gee QW 6250), QW-1617 Longitutinal Root Bend. Toe wedi pr sale ote angina at ft specine, whi be So tht the root sree bcos the cone eof te ‘et pien. Longin oo bend nt reson shal ‘eer 1th densoa showe ia fgure QW-462 30) QW-162 — Galded-Rond Tet Procedere (QW-1621 Jigs Gaid tend spcinen tal be bet sn ets ht in ruben cede with QW.468 ‘When wing thesia in fire QW 46510 ie (QW-466.2, th ie ofthe pcinen tured twa he ap ofthe Jig shal be the face fo face bend pene, the ‘acntinien, ay, fori ed species The pec tues sal be fece nto th i by spying ioe onc lange ua the crate of he secinen sch a 8 ‘iC mm) dase wie cannot be ised betwee ‘he specie andthe de of Spe QW 4651, ore set ‘men is botiom ejected if he roller pe of fa (eure (0-466) wed When sring be wrap oud i gue QW-4653). be sic of te seine rel toward the role shal be the face for fceted qecimens, te rot for ro-bend ‘pene to th ade i he pene comin 19, for side bend spctnns "en specimens wie thn 1% 0. (38 mm) arto be ‘ts pit gs QW 462.2, the tet jg ante ‘mut be at les la (6 mm) wider than te specimen QW163 —Acceptans Criteria — end Tes ‘The weld and estate one of umavee woh ‘ead pecinon eal be comply within he be pore tbe pecimen afer ng The pido bend spines bal have a0 open dioas- sity in be wal or hawaffected zoe exceeding (Gi, manure in any rection 0 be convex Sic ‘ot te specimen afer bending. Open dncontnutee ‘ecu 0 te corer of te specimen ering etn {halon be coseed ule their dtste erence tha hey rel fom lk of faa, lg aclasins, or ‘her ital dace, Fr cooroneitant weld ‘vey cladding, no open coy exon ei (1S tm), moasred i ny Socom shal be pert ‘ne clang and vo open dconsinstyexccting a. Gm hal be permstod slong te appoint weld mrice QW. NOTCH-TOUGHNESS TESTS QW-I7L Notch: Toophnes Tests — Charpy Wino {QW-17LA General Cary V-notch inpct tent shall ‘bee when og by other Sections, "Fat procedures abd pasts abl conform tbe sequence of SA70. QW-I712 Acceptance The scepznce coca shall ben accordance wih het Section specifying impact (QW-171.3 Location and Orlentation of Test ‘Specimen. The impact tt specinen sade lraten the eckaaton sal es ven in the Seton regain oh te "Wen gualihing pipe inte SO or 60 positon, te otc oughoete specimen sal be removed from he ‘hed penton of gure OW-468.10, (QW.172__Netch-Toaphnese Tests — Drop Weight (QW-1721 General Drop weight te sal be male whe agi by ote Sections. "Feat provedoes and appar shall conform Wo be regents of ASTM Speteation E208. (QW1722 Acseplane. The scarce citi shall, ‘ey accorduce wi tat Seton ong doy weight (QW-172.3 Location and Orientation af Test Specimen The dop weight et ecient ae att "eto, and he rental be a en th Soon recuing uch ‘Whes quaiagplpe In the SG oe 6 positon, he sotelooghues specimens sal be removed fom the ‘Shaded pon of figure OWE 10, QW-ts0 | FILLET-WELD Tests (QW-81 Procedure and Performance Qualfation Specimens {QW-181,1 Procedure, The dinensons sa pepraton of he ile wel wat cogpoa for procedure qaieaon ‘3 reqaed in QW202 sl conte be equeeneas {& Ggwe QW-462.4(0) of figue QW-462.40. The test. cupen fer platoon hl ect tnsveel 9 r= ‘ide five et ecsmen sos, ech prota 2 in (C0 mn) long. Fer pipet pate ce ppew pe, test ‘exon al be cat eset provide oa ppc ‘Sly equal tet specie ses The test pcs ‘hal be co-eamined © the egies af GW, QW, SBLLI Pee haem Mane r= duction atnembly mockups maybe used oF Waits (QW-181.2 Performance. Thedimemlons and eo nation f be filet st coopon fer pefomance a Seaton shall conform tothe requirements in Seu (W462) or fgwe QW-462.) That orp for inetopate sal be cot ranevenaly to provi scr Sesion approxinaey 4 ia (100 mm) log nad Wo ead Secon, ach pointy 1025) logo pe tops or pipet, the fest coupon shall be ct to ‘vide feo qurer sions tn specimens oppor 0 ‘ich oer One of te tet specinas stall be facta (ted in accordance with QWIB2 and the oer macro ‘ranined othe equreneats of QW-14, Whe gulag ‘pela oc ppe-pipe ine SF pesos the it ball be removed indicnod fn gure (0) Plateso-shape (d) The mck for plate shape sal be ete ene» provid ee approninuy oe seins oo etcend approninatly 2 (80 mam) eng The ‘st petmen at conse the art end top of te weld ‘tale cre ested ia score wats QW182, Aut ‘foe ofthe rennin et specimen shal be mao ‘rained in scodane wth QW 184 (0) PesoStape {1) The mock fr ppe-tsbpe sal ect tae versely provide two guartrsesoneepproxinatly {ppt to each oer The tt epsimes tht etn ‘Ge aan top ofthe Weld shal be facie fxd ‘scorns with QW-182 A eu eof he ther quer Section shall be macro-exumined in accordsace With {QW:184 When qalivingpipeto-shae ia the 5 p= ‘on. he fate specimen sl be removed ro he ower 0 epson of he macy. (QWets2 Frecare Teste ‘Te sen of he ia. (100 ma) zerfrmance painen ener ston im ge QW-462.(0) othe sem of tie ‘gear sction in pure QW.462.4(), apne, all Se nad rally fe ach away thatthe root of he weld ‘Sia esoa Te oad sal be escrow a specimen races ar bende at open it 1 Be species fact, ch fctued sie shall stow merece of racks er inom fo, nt {he sam of he Ings of lcuson und pros we om te fected sce sal not enced In Oma) 18 Agee QW-16240) e 10% of the quer soto a fue QW-40240, (QW Macro-Eeaminaton — Prcidare Specimens (ne face of ech cos section of the ive st specie 4a gure QW-462) ce four tet apoinent in figure (QW-H62 4), as appcaie sal be soothed set ‘whale cn (se QW70) give acl efi ‘into th weld metal ed bet feted zoe, The eae ion ofthe cost scons silicide ony om ie of (etx apcimen st te aen whee the psec pipe vied i sotoas Le, dicen Ieee to ct shall ‘ot be wd none o Fae be tet “e) inal examination of the coe ston fhe web smu terafected tne bal show compete fon {edn ton ela (2) the shal be wot nore ha min) leece ine lng the eg of te et Performance (QW:84 Macro‘Beaminaton Specimens ‘The cu ead of ene of he cod pate secon, soe ‘may 125mm) Ton. in ge QW462.4() or oe cat end of one ofthe pipe quer sections in fgare (QW-462400) a aptabe dhl te smoot aod eed ‘ita uabl ect Gee QW-47) wo iene dea ‘ion of he weld metal neat feted soled asthe tse Co) visual examin ofthe ce set of the weld ‘neal a hetateid 00 shal sow comple fasea {nd from fom ccs xcept tht nw eons at the oocnocexeeng Yo ie (8 mm) sale axe (@) the weld shal ot hve «conv or convey emer tan igi. (1.5mm) (c) theresa benotnre han in. (9 ma) ference nthe lng othe lege oth ie % Sin. 200 mm x 200 mn) and of hoes rch ‘here ae a east 5 mere ples ing weld (QW-1852 A mininom of tee enson et pecinene 4a scoance wih te reqiremens of SA-370 shall be ‘ake perpen the ete planes dire pt: Jel te neice place The eon tet sal comply with QW-153, (QW-1853 oicronctral evaluation shall be con- Goce ie seconde with he ogee ef ASTM ES foramina of tee crosses, each fom be top cet, and boi one i oft tx spon The ‘stapler sal be pola, ete and wal be fe racks aed shal Sow no insole nd ot porto ‘rndjacet othe bod tines Sa ofeach sep shall be ‘Gat whic om be moaned ad pois allow examin tion with an optical mieroscope at 0% to 1003 (QW-190 OTHER TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS. OW-191_Valumetie NDE QW-191. Rediographic Examination {QW-I91.11 Method. The aogphic examlaton In QW. 102 fer welder snd in QW-145 fr wating oper, tort al mee ha ies Ate 3 een icopt sflowe (a) welts ogg xan roe not required: Demonszation of density and imge quali ‘eum on roautono tebe radigp chal ‘erconihed atic evidence of comers i rice 2 of Secon V (@) Sl accepance of ralioraphs tall te se co ‘he ably to see te pesca image and the speed te of blerype image quay lator (QD ore Asia wie of 2 wipe 1QL. The seeps (ards of QW-191.12 sl be mst. W912 Accepmce Criteria QW19L121 Ternary (a) Linear Indications Ck, incomplete, note ran a hg ae psd on ‘bogus atonia wih ele iae (eed tines bw, Rondel Ids. Poosty sd nhs ch sg or tmp se esate oe te copa ‘oandd nso wih lng ees be Wath et {er Treinen muy be cucu ep re lari spr Mv ad ny ay sity. (QW-1911.22 Qualia Tet Weds. Welder ant lag eprneptorames by ogy of ‘tn tatancon ul be jlpe mcrae het {dlp er ny prec fn mf i pete ow (o) two dos (0) my 9p of rk oon of comps son or reese (2) may eng ag nin Wich gh para (0) in. O-mm)xtop0 Hi (10m) ace (0) Storr ove4.(10 ma) 924 7 am (ee 19 fa oper 2 7 ms) (2) my pop sng cn ae Bat ew cong tag Pera a ng of 1 et ‘ent Goucsfewec i snceieimperetas {rowed whe Lit ekg elogeipeton ite oom (2) Rode acts (a) Tecan denn fonda inn shat beat ti Gm) wert abe (2) Fe woe amt thn in @ mm) in tbc, Oo aman sumer of secede {coon sal not exe [2m 6m (50 mm) eng Feld A ppt forename of ronda ‘le adtepomieo wl Sain 150.) ‘niet (2) For wel ina jn me) o rete ‘icons, br in Agen et eas ‘Sebi peso ont ndeaoe led Sip cnaoel soa en enol pened ong ‘or Retin ean (08) in ‘ina Set hl be cnr int rai. rpc rpc uss nln ad wel ee aga of aul coco, (QW-19.5.23 Préacton Welds. The scence exter for wale wang opts bo eal 08 proacin wel yop pereitedi2@-9041 SQW sal pe QW-B1 122. (0W-1912 Unrasonie Hxamination W-1912.1 Metod (a) Te sec examin in QW-162 for welders snd in QW-16 fr welding opens my be cnc ‘5 test Weld In mtr. (13 ma) ko pew (2) Uitecni enamine prforoe sng © switen pocesre vei by the manuf bein ‘comin wih parggh T-150, Arce 1, Sesion V ‘Seite rlements of Arle 4, Secon V fr neta, ‘pocelues, and quaicabons. (6) Unraronic examination personel shal moot the reuements of QW-19122 (QW.191.2.2 Personnel Qualifcations and (a) The Maufacare shall verify all pesomet per formiag uirscaie camisations fr wel wd welag prune gulenns have een quid ad cod it Accordance with ir employer's writen practice ‘ble reqrenets of SNT-TC-TAL for he exon ‘etd and eigoe () Alterativly, the ASNT Central Certetion ‘ogrm (ACCP) o CP-891 may be wd fl he fon aod. demonsaticn requtemeats of SNETCAA andthe employers writen practic. () Provision or teeing. xpesencegaicaon, sau cercaon of NDE personel sll be dxcibed in ‘Ge Manufactre’s Quy Cantal Sytem. (QW-19123 Acceptance Criteria far Qualieation ‘Tat Weld. ncn lb ned ing te apie fechaigo() provided in the writen prosdar for he Secepane at fllom (a) All indleationschractevized as cracks, lack of, {sven orincomplete nero we acyl repa es of gh (6) tnentins exceding Xn. om in gt ae contend relevant. tad areunaceeptble when hee Tents exceed (1) in. Gm) for op 1% a (10 mm, (2) Mfr fom in. 2X in (1mm 7 a). (3) 5.19 mm) for ter 24 i. 57 mm where fs the Wickes of the weld eclnding any alwadle {einforcement Fora bet wld ing wo memborng ‘Serene isknowes a the weld i the mer f hse ‘vo icksenes Ia il enero weld ied let. tld the thickness ofthe toa of the let sal be Inada (QW191.24 Accoptance Criteria fr Protuction ‘Welds. The cence ea for wees oF Peldiag pesos whe gua oe prfuton wel by ers examination 8 permite in QW.4.1 or QW305. shall, be per QW-19123, (QW-I913 Record of Tess The et of welder ant ela oparorperommnee et eve y voli ‘Be NDE hal be recede in acsdane wih QW. 2014, QW-192 Stud. Weld Tete ‘QW-19241 Procedure Qualilation Specimens (QW-1921.1 Required Toes. Ten sd. wed teste sree ogy each proce. The equipment tied ‘rend welding al be completly tomate excep for ‘mano sarin "Hvery oer welding sto (ve join) sll be ested cite by bammeing over nl on>fouth of is eng i {it onthe wom pee, by tending the a 0a ng fais 15 dog and eng tt ts opal pon ting jig and an slr ora dienson at ae ‘a acura wih gue QW-464 The remaining Sve weld st itch b teste in org sing tre testing mrangemet tats sbsan- Sly ia scxortaace sath Spe QW 4665. Atrial, ‘whe toning ot eile, tne etn maybe ed. {nd the xe for tae ag shal be sna fo Ua ‘Sownin gure QW.456.6 exo hat stds ition heads tay be gripped cote wwe sod Inthe jaws of the ‘ene esting machine (QW-192:1.2 Acceptance Crlterla — Bend and ‘Hammer Tess. In ort passe et), each of the five sd wel and eat feed soar hal be = of (QW-1921.3 Acceptance Crea —Torque Tests. In oxer to pss the et) each af he Bie std welds Shall be subjected tothe ried tongue shown inthe following ie before ate occu iinet Sta em) Seer Dest te sae oem 1S Bae feo coe fin ken HME NER ie hor ten 2 BR BBs yon awe sou kag EME Eas sun mney 12 Bez $8 Eg tar gag toa tne mann yon we Biome is sar eng Pn ee ee SS waite von i rrr) te3 cue lime 13 ua iss fea aoe magn pe Se Sa ed RSE ABwsS Fino time owen iss Se igeass hes ue zmmomg 12 sae Bea Altemately, whee orang odesracon is ot feast ‘be ten tering many be ed Fercarbon md tno sails els, te fare seg tal be nt est ‘han 35,000 pt C40 MP) aad 30000 p10 MPa), respects. Fo ether metas te fae eng hl fot te lest tha half of he minima spc tne ftength of the ud mati Toe fale eng eal be bl co the minor danse of he Beaded wstion of cntenly heals xcept whe th shank ameter ‘Seu dm he lar diameter oro he egal 0 ‘cial een whee fale osu ina oad, er (lly headed, rece dance td. (QW-192.1.4 Acceptance Criteria — Macro- sanaaation. Tn rer pass the micro comin, ‘ach of five teciona! dwells and the beaeaflectd ‘ove salle Sor feats when examlaed t 1X mags ‘eatin, which seid by QW202.5 when eae ‘welded wo pels cee an Po, 1 ‘QW.192.2 Performance Qualification Specimens (QW-19221 Requled Tests. Five std-weld tess ec rund 10 dally cach stsbeleing ope. To ‘Shipment ued fran weding sal be compel) as ‘mate excep fortuna suring. The perfrmance tt ‘hal be welded in accotnce wih guaied WPS per ew3012, ach std (fe joa) sal be tested either by bam meng over lt fort oft lenght he ter. [ec ry bending te std ane ofa est 15 deg {it reunig ioe rg orion wing tet i ager oat Seno at se acorns Wh fue QW-4654. ‘QW-192.2.2 Acceptance Criteria — Bend and ‘amamer Teste In oreo past te tent) each of Be fre sd wel sod wt aftad zones shal be fe of “ible epraton facts fer bending ender ben Ing or after bamisg. QW-193 TubetoTubasbet Tests ‘Wen te plc Cade Seton egies thew of ‘hispereqaph fc tubet-ubeseet denensaonmocksp (gicndon,QW-1931sogh QW-193.13 all ply. ‘QW-1931 Procedure Qulicatin Specimens. Ten mockup wei eid 1 guy cach rosea, The ‘mockup moc hl eerily dupbete the bebe ‘figuration and he eo beet ot deen wa ‘he ao the etental asl of QW-28. Te ick bese of the mockup beset nt regaied tobe chee than 2 in (50m) aed clang ny be repented ‘ybare sei fetal quilt chemical compo ‘ton tiling conposton, The mockup welds hall, ‘bested the fowing tests equally and mst set te aplesble sceptics tein. (QW-193.1.1 Acceptance Criteria — Visual ‘Rxaminaon. To ssl scr fo welds all ‘enamine tly wits so magsScaon rue The weld halehow comple fon dno evidence of bur Ing troup hee als al he fee fom rekng or pre (QW-193.1.2 Acceptance Criteria — Liquid ‘enetrant. The i pea exannacc shall ext he egies of Scion V, Aric The weld mrfes ‘hal mow he euiemens of QW-1852 of 10K w 20K, the expo ros sections of th wed ‘al onion (a) nitmom leak path dimension require by the esis (0) 0 excking {6) camps fson of be weld deposit int he ibe shoe cad be wall ace “a canpite penton of the wed depos 0 win ‘uta. am of he oto i ‘eh porty wal notre th weld oa slow he oie minim ek pa ihn ‘QW-193.2 Perfermance Quliaton Specimens Five moc welds re equi quali ech wel telling oe, Tie sue rl as tha for proces ‘ualibeaten (QW-193.) shall be followed. Oaly one ‘Bock weld segue to recew a welders or welding ‘opera's qiaine when tha gueason ha expe (or bon revo per te regiments of QW3221 (QW.194 Vis! Examination — Peformance Pefonsnce st coupons cal ho complet joia peo ean vith comple fon of eld tal td base et. (QW-195 _ Liguld Peneteant Raamninaton {QW-195.1 The lgud penetrant examination in (QW.214 for cosines weld metal ove tall ‘et the rogues of Sesion V, Arle 6 The sop {ce aden of QW-1952 sal be met (QW-1952 Liquid Pentrat Acceptance Cetera (QW-1952.1 Terminalony leant indo inetons With mabe Simeone ‘peste than ig (1.5 ma linear indetons: so faction having & length eet ‘han etme he with ned indicat: a ation of cele eli ‘ape wie length eg to cele ha re tines he wi, (QV¥1952.2 Acceptance Standards. Procdaetnd pefomance ets rained yi enn cigs ‘hal beaded acceptable won te eaminuion ex {sanyindoon in exces of he aia spec in ho fohowing: (a) release indications » (2) relevent oundedincsions pea ha Yin chon) (6) for or more rev rounded nao inne separa by os (L5 tm) ore dgetoste) QW-196 Restance We Texting (QW-1961 Macre-Eaamination ‘QW-I9611 Weld shall be oerssdimed, pk ‘shod and ecod to reveal the weld metal. Toe seton Shall be examined at 10X magieston, Soma welding Specimens shall be prepared at shows in figure {QW-4627.3, The stoned weldmet shall be fee of ‘sak icmp penton, spl, also Poros shall not excerd ove vid ie he anes cost sen fice ved nthe longa cos scion ‘ipoinen. The maximum dimension of any void shall fol eceed 10% of he cane of th weld ad, (QW19612 Ferspt and sam veld, te minions id of he weld auget sl be a flows lion fo thks, of he hiner menber Mut Se ns arene wa 3 scam S 2a an ‘ped in acordnce wi gue QW 462 (0) o Bete (i462. trom two ofthe coupes. Te pecmess ‘hal be tested in eccrine with QW-130. ‘QW-199.13 Section und Rend Testing, The entre cirumfereace of xc enn pipe copa dal cot ong the ai of the ple a even mabe of Sip flag cuficen prom bed st The ama ‘dh ofeach ip shal be 1nd ie i ‘am wish en 1610 pe NPS 2 (DN Sz ener 1D pene an NPS 2 (DN 50) wher D — oD ef de whe 1 = wih of be meen ecg of os rm each conn sabe oid 1260 pit lsh wih nding pra eons ‘tf te sip The oid sure tll be examined at 5X iagufcaton. No incomplete fasion er ober op ‘ews on the polished rrface are acceptable. Defoe ‘reuing ine Hse mt mo aoa with he weld ‘maybe eared Ror noob com set, fat ‘Sde-bend specimens shall be propted from he two ‘eoiag compos a speci la figure QW? snd plied for examin ‘All lac sl be remove rom tsp nde wade ‘hal be ily examined per QW-194 Half de sips from cach pipe species shal en be prepared a at ‘end rpc ab he emsining wep hal be pepe ‘face bend pesos acorns wa QW. The ‘poses eal kets in tosorance with W160, Shep fer he allowing (2) ForP-No 1 Crops 2 rough 4mutral, te mi- ‘mam bend rad (dimension Bin gue QW 4661) shal ‘ete ties the heer ofthe specie, (2) Inliou of QW-163, he su of lento dvd ‘pcimene taken from each pipe idvidslly bal ot ‘onal of heen cctniaeac of ta tet pipe (QW-199.2 Flash Welding — Performance ‘Quaication Test Coupons and Testing. Onetoogon stl be weedeat int wp, vinuly erai, od ‘ea stdin acrdance with QW-199.1 3 Paling snd ‘raminatoe of soe secon is ot egies,

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