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tation of fresh produced by fermen a complex solution gar, jaggery Eco enzyme is s), sugar (brown su it and vegetable

dreg rong sweet kitchen waste (fru brown and has a st and water. It is dark d its or molasses sugar) tipurpose liquid an o enzyme is a mul t. Ec sbandry etc. sour fermented scen riculture, animal hu cover household, ag applications Rosukon has from Thailand. Dr. ped by Dr. Rosukon s and she lo r more than 30 year Eco enzyme is deve enzyme research fo g. ed in ease global warmin been actively involv o enzyme at home to make ec encourages people to

Turn kitchen waste to DIY multipurpose household cleaners.

Save money

Antibacterial, fungus and virus

Natural antiseptic for your home.

Methane gas released from disposed garbage can trap 21 times more heat than CO2, worsen the global warming condition.

Reduce pollution

Release residues accumulated in the pipe of basin or toilet bowls.

Prevent drainpipe blockage



sed Remove odour. Dissolve toxic air relea from smoking, car exhaust, chemical residues of household products, etc.

Purify air

Natural household cleaner; air purifier; detergent; car care; fabric softener; organic fertiliser, etc.

Multiple usage

Enzyme residues flow undergro will eventually purify the river and the sea.

Purify underground water und


USAGE Washing machine (clean and soften laundry) Toilet bowl (prevent blockage & purify sewage) Toilet cistern (purify water) Garden pond & water tank (purify water) Leather sofa (clean mold or stain) Carpet & tatami mat (deodorise & antiseptic) Shoe, inside the car (deodorise & antiseptic) Kitchen sink, stove, cookerhood (clean oily stain) Black mold (antifungal) Pet excretion, pet house (deodorise & antiseptic) Air-cond room (humidifier, deodorise & antiseptic) Bathroom sink (clean) Cabinet and refrigerator (deodorise) Drain (prevent drainpipe blockage) Pet (bathing, deodorise & antiseptic) Toilet (clean, deodorise & antiseptic)

QUANTITY 2050ml 250ml 2050ml (two caps) 1=10,000 litre water Appropriate amount Slightly moist Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Appropriate amount Slightly moist Appropriate amount

APPLICATION Soak and wash Pour and flush 23 times/ weeks Add occasionally Spray and wipe every 10 days Spray 12 times/ month Spray occasionally Soak and wipe occasionally Soak and wipe occasionally Spray occasionally Spray occasionally Soak and wipe occasionally Spray occasionally Flush occasionally Upon bathing or brushing Spray when wiping Spray frequently Spray occasionally Spray occasionally

Concentrated Enzyme Natural insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and organic fertiliser. Can be used to stimulate plant hormone to improve quality of fruits and vegetables and to increase crop yield. Spray on land continuously for 3 months to improve soil quality. For dish wash, laundry liquid etc: use enzyme to multiply and to reduce chemical residues.

For gardening or farming:

1050 times

Save on household cleaner and bodycare:

200500 times

Ratio = 1 part enzyme : 1 part detergent/cleaner : 10 parts water

500 times

Add 30ml (2 tbsp) enzyme to moping water. To clean and sterilise. Add 30ml (2 tbsp) enzyme to water tank to reduce car temperature.

Floor cleaning:

Car care:

5001000 times 1000 times

Indoor (purify air, deodorise & pest control) Closet, clothes (deodorise & antiseptic) Seeding and planting (fertiliser)

CONTAINER: Air-tight plastic container. INGREDIENTS: Water, fruits and vegetable dregs, sugar (brown sugar, molasses sugar or jaggery).

1. Prepare an air-tight plastic container. 2. Dilute sugar in water, follow by adding fruit and vegetable dregs. 3. Leave some air space for fermentation. 4. Make sure the container is air-tight. 5. During the first month, gases will be released during fermentation process. Release the pressure built up in the container to avoid rupturing. 6. Push the floating dregs downward every once in a while. 7.Place at cool, dry and well ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight. Let ferment for at least 3 months before use. Filter and it is ready to use.

(fill up 60% of container) eg: 6 litre water for 10 litre size container

10 parts water

(= 10% water content) eg. 600g sugar for 6 litre water

1 part sugar

(fill up to 80% full) eg. 1.8kg kitchen waste

3 parts kitchen waste

Close tight keep 3 months & filter

(open daily to release gases for 1st month)

1. Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand. 2.Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials. 3.Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residues (can be used as garden compost material). To make a fresh smelling enzyme, add orange/lemon peel or pandan leave etc. 4.The ideal colour of eco enzyme is dark brown. If it turned black, add in same amount of sugar to start fermentation process again. 5.It may have a white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it. If you encounter flies and worm in the container, leave it and the chemical reaction of enzyme will dissolve them naturally.

6.Make full use of eco enzyme residue: a) Reuse for next production by adding fresh garbage. b) Use as fertiliser by drying the residue, blend it and bury in the ground. c) Grind the residue, pour into toilet bowl, add some brown sugar and flush to help purify sewage. 7.If you have not gathered enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually. The 3 month fermentation period start from the day you place your last batch of kitchen waste. 8. The longer it takes, the better it gets. Harvested Eco enzyme will never expire. Do not store in the refrigerator. 9. If every household utilised their garbage to produce eco enzyme, it can stop kitchen waste from polluting our land and meanwhile ease global warming. You can help change the climate!

This eco message is compiled and edited by justlifeTM.

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