Palencia, Cindy - ACTIVITY 1&2

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ACTIVITY: Discuss the following questions below to the class.

1. Why is there a need to study the life and works of Jose Rizal?

-To provide students an in-depth appreciation of Rizal’s contributions and also to

build the Filipino nationhood and also to familiarize every filipino about the role of Rizal
and other National Heroes for the development of nationalism and national independence

2. Reasons why Jose Rizal was chosen and declared as Philippine National Hero.

-Because he interpreted to represent peaceful political advocacy. He also fought us

for freedom in a silent but powerful way and the fact that he was executed by the Spaniards
and of his peaceful way to achieve liberty.

3. Basis used by the Commission in choosing the National Hero.

- The committee came up with the following criteria:

▪ Heroes are those who have a concept of nation and aspire and struggle for
the nation's freedom.
▪ Heroes define and contribute to a system or life of freedom and order for a
▪ Heroes contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation.

4. What is the deliberative case why and why not publish or study the life and book of Rizal?

- Rizal’s acceptance of his death, It would be one of the most enigmatic twists after he
wrote his Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, while he imprisoned and days before his
execution, he wrote a manifesto decrying the rebellion that he used as instrumental that
giving birth to as “utterly absurd.” Amid the patriotic revelry of the awakened, he rebelled
against the rebellion as it would bring “great suffering”. His preferred and declared tact was
to fight with education and through peaceful transformation, even if that meant just asking
that the Philippines and the Filipinos be granted equal civil and political rights—under
Spain—for a start. If Rizal’s purpose with his Noli and El Fili was to awaken minds, then
what he underestimated if at all was that the aroused would be impatient—very impatient,
and very rebellious.

5. Who were the senators against in publishing Rizal Book and the major reasons why they
do not want to publish the book of Rizal?

- Senators Francisco Rodrigo, Mariano J. Cuenco, and Decoroso Rosales are the
senators opposed to the publication of Rizal's book. They decided against publishing Rizal's
writings because doing so would violate people's rights to free speech and religion. Though
the major argument raised by Senator Francisco "Doc" Rodrigo against the passage of the
Rizal Bill. Based on an article about Rizal law, three senators opposed such a bill. one of
them was senator Francisco Soc Rodrigo. senator Rodrigo was a devout catholic and had
close ties with the CBCP or the Catholic Church. According to pilande (2018), the major
argument raised by senator Rodrigo was that the books of Rizal, specifically the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterisimo, were written to attack and ridicule the Catholic Church
directly. He argued that the books are anti-Catholic. it was clear that senator Rodrigo's
antagonistic argument was because he believed Rizal's novel was a way of attacking the
REFLECTION: What did you learn from the two deliberative issues between the two
groups and what is your personal stand about these issues?

On this discussion with effective public communication, a deliberative process can be

a mechanism for the broader public to learn about an issue as well as encourage and that is
why I learned that acceptance is a better solution for a peaceful transformation than to
become a rebellious though even rizal only choose to write the books of rizal as to awaken
the minds of every filipino and for me this is the best thing he did even after he convicted
for a rebellion, sedition and conspiracy and sentenced to death that atleast it gives moral for
me to use the knowledge that i’ve learned for equality and help people.

ACTIVITY: After reading the text above, answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences.
Try to be direct and concise as possible.

1. What was the major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo against the
passage of the Rizal Bill?

- He argues that the books of Rizal, specifically the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterisimo, was written to attack and ridicule the Catholic Church directly. He argued
that the books are anti-Catholic. it was clear that senator Rodrigo's antagonistic argument
was because he believed Rizal's novel was a way of attacking the church.

2. What was the major argument raised by Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto in
support of the passage of the Rizal Bill?

- Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto made a big argument in favor of the
Rizal Bill’s passage, claiming that Rizal novels and writings should indeed be read by every
other generation because they contain a strong sense of nationalism and morality. Also
They said that Rizal novels/writings telling that those novels/writings should be read each
generation because it contains the great sense of nationalism and morality.

3. Are there points of convergence between the supporters and opposition side of the Rizal
Bill based on these statements?

- Yes, indeed. Because Judging from the comments, there had been points of
agreement between supporters and opponents of the Rizal Bill because the ideas are
essentially linked in such a way that it educates Filipino people to protect what we do have,
particularly our religion or morality.

Reflect on your secondary education (Junior High school/Senior High school): Did your
school comply with RA 1425? How effective is the Rizal Law in instilling among secondary

The lesson that I remembered about this lesson when I was on my grade 10 level in
junior high school it helps me to meet and honor them, particularly the national hero and
patriot, Jose Rizal, we’re I remember with special fondness and devotion their lives and
works that have shaped our national character. That inspire me to patriotism which my
mind as a youth, especially during my formative and decisive years in high school, that
should be suffused.

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