Peel's Research On Market

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6 | precedent studies

6.1 | URBAN CASE trucks, buses and bicycles to take

care of waste, power, transport,
STUDY telephonic communication
and factory production.
• Nodal infrastructure where services
6.1.1 | FLEXIBLE INFRASTRUCTURE: and goods are centralized and
LAGOS service a wide area.

The West African City of Lagos, the capital Lagos’ urban conditions are not unique in
city of Nigeria is an example of an African the African context, but its evolving urban Figure 6.1. Lagos urban fabric (Udoma, 2015)
city that represents flexibility and layering centre has succeeded on levels greater
of space. It demonstrates an authentic than many other African cities in contesting
African urban expression, achieved by the dominant Modern and Euro-centric
reversing essential characteristics of norms. It has therefore become an example
the ‘Modern city’ by encouraging the of the possible approaches towards African
impartial existence of its inhabitants. It city development and can be regarded as a
is a city that is characterised by energy, precedent in reconfiguring the way in which
intensity, spontaneity, incongruities and African cities function.
juxtapositions (Koolhaas 2000:652), much
like that of Marabastad. Lagos illustrates how focus on cities should Figure 6.2. Innovative development (Udoma, 2015)
be less about their form and more about
Contributing towards the indeterminacy of accommodating forces and flows that move
Lagos’s urban condition is it’s flexible diverse components of the city around,
infrastructural system. This has been and from which, because of continuous
categorised by Shephard and Comaroff reactions, integrations and symbioses, a
(2002: 144-145) as consisting of three main creative transformation occurs constantly.
• Parasitic infrastructure, due to its ability By enabling infra-structural networks,
to modify and manipulate the existing this approach will allow the uninterrupted
formal infrastructure in order to provide formation and transformation of conditions
more services. on an urban surface.
• Mobile infrastructure relies on cars, Figure 6.3. Urban vision: infrastructural nodes illustrated in
red and blue (Udoma, 2015)
6.1.2 | AFRICAN PUBLIC SPACE: out in a series of container-type kiosks, with between the scale of the building and
KHAYELITSHA SERVICE residents often citing the lack of facilities individual identities that respond to their
as a reason for not paying. The Tygerberg specific local context.
Municipality embarked on a programme • The ground floor is raised which
to create pay points in strategic locations contributes to defining important spaces.
Designers: Piet Louw, Anton Roux that would also become places of civic • The buildings have layered facades
Location: Khayelitsha significance. and portico spaces providing adaptable
Client: City of Cape Town public forecourts and seating that acts
Date of completion: 2002 Design as social gathering and recreation
The four Service Centre buildings share space as well as a smooth transition
“The building is driven by the realization common architectural language by rising between different functional spaces.
that where there is no significant informing above the informality of their context and • The architecture speaks a language of
context, it becomes necessary to create creating civic significance. The nature of the unity, rhythm and proportion.
one, to plant seeds that can become the buildings is administrative, including halls
beginning of the public places, through the with pay points and offices. The designers Programme
placement of the architectural elements” decided to not use the internalised typology • The space was designed to integrate
(Deckler, Graupner & Rasmuss 2008:77) that these kinds of facilities require, but places of civic significance.
rather to work carefully with the edge • The pay point for governance tax and
Intention conditions to optimise public opportunity services acts as an activity generator.
• Investigate architecture of public (Phaidon 2004). • The built form enables interaction and
responsibility to make meaningful public social engagement though the provision
spaces within informal environments. Analysis of covered gathering spaces, steps to sit
• How a building can be a device in Tectonic on and a courtyard.
defining urban space. • The programme is small, however, these • The building’s function ensures a
building are successful in being bold constant flow of people through the site.
Background within their context as they are robust
With the formation of the Government of and simple. Conclusion
National Unity in 1994 came a commitment • Despite their forms being strong and Despite the building’s small programme
to provide services to South Africa's poorer direct, drawing on the mono-pitch roofs it acts as an important urban device in
areas and the subsequent realization and block building of the surrounding defining public space. The successful
that there was a lack of dignified and shacks, the external spaces are architectural language within its context
convienient places for payment of rates and elegantly framed, mediating well creates an aesthetic approachability.
levies. These activities were being carried

The building is successful in attaching
public space to daily civic function and its
dual function ensures that the building is
frequently occupied beyond the primary
function as a pay point. This building is
an example of how architecture can be a
successful tool in responding to public and
social needs within informal environments
as well as creating meaningful public

Figure 6.7. Paypoints Figure 6.8. Layered facades & public Figure 6.9. External spaces framed
interfaces elegantly
Figure 6.1 - 6.3. Paypoints with public interfaces (Phaidon 2004:640)

Figure 6.4. Meaningful public space (Phaidon 2004:640) Figure 6.5. Landmark in the landscape (Joubert Figure 6.6. Response to surrounding context
2009) (Joubert 2009)

118 | URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT: supports the highest densities of vendoring facilities
WARWICK JUNCTION in the eThekwini Metropolitan area • Muthi (traditional medicine) Market for
(Unknown, s.a.:3). Located in the city centre, approx. 1 000 vendors
Architects: Architects Collaborative cc, Lees the area facilitates 5 000 to 8 000 vendors • Early Morning Market refurbishment
& Short, Laren Beni, Mike Legg Architects (Skinner & Valodia 2003), with many of • Five off-street mini-bus taxi ranks
cc, OMM Design Workshop, Langa these sleeping overnight on the pavement completed
Makhanya & Associates, next to their stock. • Herb Traders Market
MA Gafoor Architects, Emmett & Emmett, • Improving mielie cooking facilities
Matic Van Zyl, Lee Saunders & Kooblal & The Warwick Junction Market occupies the • Improved bead selling facilities
Steyn area between and around the Warwick • Infrastructure for Brooks Street vendors
Location: Berea, Durban (2001) Avenue Mini-bus Taxi Rank, Victoria Bus (designed by Architects Collaborative)
Client: the eThekwini Metropolitan Rank, and Berea Train Station. These form • Provision of facilities for bovine head
a movement triangle across the market cooking
“Widely recognised as a model of sensitive area, resulting in high volumes of pedestrian • Informal Economy Policy’ reviewed and
integration of street traders into urban traffic across the various different markets amended.
plans” (Challenging city imaginaries: Street spaces. The area supports a wide variety
traders’ struggles in Warwick Junction, of traders, currently including clothing, fruit, Intervention intentions
2009: 101). fish, meat, spice, vegetable, lime/ochre, • Shelter from sun and rain for trading
cooked mealies, bovine head vendors and • Night time personal shelter from weather
Intention herbalists. Each of these sectors occupies • Secure goods storage
• African market upgrade as a tool for a different area of the market within the • Water and sanitation facilities
urban renewal precinct including the English Market, Early • Access to electricity
• Interconnection between retail and morning Market, Bovine head Market, Berea • Lighting allowing night time trade and
transport. Station Market, Brook Street Market, Music security
Bridge Market, Lime Market, Muthi Market • Security policy
Background and associated street markets. • Health and safety facilities.
Warwick Junction terminates the N3
highway and serves as an entry point Intervention Summary Outcomes and observations
and primary transport node for 460 000 • Protection of markets from vehicular • Social organisation on internal co-
commuters travelling by bus, mini-bus, or invasion through use of bollards and the operation among vendors at the
train into the Durban CBD. It is therefore provision of alternate parking facilities. Warwick Junction triangle has shown
the prime position for informal trade and • Provision of water and sanitation itself strong among the different groups
of vendors.

• Fixed furniture made the area difficult to Conclusion pavement where pedestrians are safe from
keep clean and provided hide outs for One of the most significant aspects of passing vehicular traffic. Vendors pay rent
criminals. A simple collapsible trestle the renewal is the acceptance of informal on these spaces as they would with any
table was the solution, allowing mobility. trading and the formal recognition of the market stall, and so they are therefore
• Provision of sanitation facilities was street as a legitimate market area through legally recognised and legitimised by
problematic with high incidences of the demarcation of pavement spaces to formal structures.
blockages. Management of the facilities individual vendors (Working in Warwick:
was suggested. A small fee is paid for 10). This allows the vendors a measure The built architectural fabric is not
use of the facilities which supports an of security, allowing entrepreneurs unimportant, however, the intangible “…
attendant responsible for cleanliness, to buy larger volumes of stock, and social configuration and cultural influence
basic maintenance, and safety of the create business plans in a more stable [of the market] on the surrounding urban
facility and the provision of toilet paper. environment, while allowing regulation fabric is significant (Ganther 2009: 2).
• The Markets are multi-levelled and this of health and safety standards through Markets are mainly controlled by their
change in level often defines a change engagement of authorities with known participants, and although they might be
in formality. Generally the higher levels communities, as is the case at Warwick inherently chaotic this allow for a “…rapid,
attract more formal businesses with the Junction. Police are then able to provide improvised change that is characteristic of
ground floor being open and allowing market security, rather than fighting against modern societies…” without excluding lower-
for self-organisation of informal traders. the market participants. The demarcated income participants (ibid.:14).
spaces allow a movement corridor on the

Figure 6.10. Provision of infrastructure: covered market & walkway
Figure 6.11. Covered market space

Figure 6.12. Muthi Market Figure 6.13. Market on the pedestrian

Figure 6.7 - 6.10. Warwick Junction iTRUMP

6.2 | PROGRAMMATIC and individual stores before arriving at the
anchor (Dewar & Watson, 1990: 42).
PRECEDENT STUDIES Market Levels: There are also different
market levels within the sectors with
6.2.1 market spaces vendors operating at different levels of
formality, from the mobile pavement trader
Markets have always formed an important to the enclosed market shop. Vendors
function within the city. They offer at lower levels may not want to change
opportunity for both economic and social levels for business reasons (Personal
activity. “Public space produces some of Correspondence, 11 July 2011).
the most vibrant, complex, and most locally
identifiable spaces experienced in urban Equality in the Market
Africa” (Ganter, 2009: 1) The market place The self-organization of market social
allows for adaptation to changing demands, structures means that these organizations
inter-trader support and opportunity for are fairly democratic. Vendor’s stalls seem
enterprise. to be fairly uniformly sized and distributed
where stalls of the same sector and level
Spatial character are grouped, with the main size change
Spaces within market systems seem to being across market levels. Smaller less
facilitate shifting functions and it is therefore formal stalls seem to be closer to faster
important to allow for this shifting flux of moving pedestrian traffic.
Theoretical Guidelines: The following
Anchor illustrations describe the general situations
Vendors in all the analysed markets often found in the studied markets, and confirmed
group together into market sectors, with the by the research on African and International
largest sector often acting in the same way markets by Prof. David Dewar and Vanessa
as an anchor tenant would in a shopping Watson (1990: 42-53) Figure 6.14. Market scenario 1 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49)
centre. These groupings are often off the
street, forcing prospective customers to Some stalls survive by 'intercepting'
move through a series of smaller sectors customers who are drawn to stalls behind

Figure 6.15. Market scenario 2 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49) Figure 6.16. Market scenario 3 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49)
A circulation space that is too wide (+6m) Loose stalls in circulation spaces wider than
causes customers to favour one side. 4m promotes cross movement

Figure 6.17. Market scenario 4 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49) Figure 6.18. Market scenario 5 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49) Figure 6.19. Market scenario 6 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49)
Dead spots caused by end walls Ineffective customer penetration, due to More appropriate stall-run dimensions
stall run being too long, ie. +35m

Figure 6.20. Market scenario 7 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49) Figure 6.21. Market scenario 8 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49) Figure 6.22. Market scenario 9 (Dewar & Watson, 1990:49)
Ineffective customer to stall exposure Ineffective customer to stall exposure Entrance position & grain of stall-runs
because of stall run layout because of stall run layout working with customer flow

6.2.2 | BOVINE HEAD COOKS: The cooks commenced their enterprise in undertake the activity. A development
WARWICK JUNCTION Warwick Avenue alongside the western approach and matching infrastructure
boundary wall of the Early Morning Market. strategy was therefore necessary. City
Architects: MA Gafoor: Kooblal & Steyn Their numbers increased progressively Health, ITSBO (Informal Trade and Small
Location: Berea, Durban (2001) and it became known as the location for Business Opportunities), iTRUMP (inner
Client: the eThekwini Metropolitan this delicacy. A traditional delicacy was Thekwini Regeneration and Urban
Date of completion: being provided by bovine head cooks to Management Programme) worked together
commuters within the area, but as the size with the informal traders themselves to find
Intention of the cooking community increased, so did solutions.
• The relocation of an evolved traditional the urban management challenges.
Zulu cooking practice into a specialist Through extensive site observation, short
bovine head cooking facility. Original issues term interventions and interviews with
• Providing infrastructure and service • Open fires in large drums became a the bovine cooks the following design
support for existing activities and safety risk interventions were made:
networks. • Degreasing of sidewalks was
• Economic opportunity generated by problematic • The relocation of the bovine cooks to
providing appropriate infrastructure. • Discharge of cooking effluent into storm an existing roofed trading node north of
• Investigate the requirements for bovine water reticulation blocked systems and the English Market on Warwick Avenue,
cooking in informal environments attracted rodents presented opportunity to congregate
• Lack of solid waste disposal resulted in the majority of existing enterprises
Background rotting wastage preparing cooked meals in the form of a
Traditionally, the slaughter of the bovine • Sidewalk congestion due to occupation food court.
would be confined to the middle aged Zulu by vendors • Pretreatment ‘buckets’ designed to
males. The head would specifically not be • Health and hygiene issues raised separate fats and gelatin from liquid
handled by women or children and a select regarding food preparation. waste, were allocated to each pair of
few males would eat the boiled facial meat. traders.
Despite this, bovine head cooking has • Running down the entire length of the
become a common practice even among Design intervention facility was a central drain, connected
women. The assimilation of a significant The officials within the Warwick Junction to a purpose designed interception
Zulu male tradition into an urban practice Project acknowledged the bovine cooks gulley, prior to the drain discharging into
where female cooks are in the majority has as a viable informal economy activity and a sand, oil and grease trap, connected
been overridden on account of economic an essential livelihood for the women who to the local authority sewer. The gulley

and the trap are de-sludged as part of a Conclusion
regular maintenance plan. The interventions and provision of
• Specialist solid waste removal is appropriate infrastructure have established
provided by the local authority. the activity as an enterprise and created
• The floor of the cooking facility is new economic opportunity. There is no
graded towards the central drain to doubt that this sort of design process
facilitate the easy pressure cleaning of requires a degree of trial and error,
all the surfaces. however, through observation of the
• Concrete tables inlayed with either process undertaken to accommodate the
stainless steel or decorative mosaics bovine cookers at Warwick Junction, more
were provided and similar material was informed design decisions can be made
used to provide the “cooking benches” sooner in environments such as these.
that had protective raised sides to act as
windscreens for the primus stoves.
• The entire area was conduited for the Figure 6.23. Bovine butchery layout
later provision of electricity through a
prepaid meter system.
• Water was provided at two convenient
points that could be secured when
unattended. The water point was
operated by a “bailiff” who sold water
to the individual cooks as a business
in its own right. The bailiff contracted
with the local authority and paid for the
bulk consumption. The cost differential
translated into the bailiff’s income.
• The Bovine Head Cooking Facility
occupied approximately 1/3 of the
sheltered area and the remainder was Figure 6.24. Layout plan of bovine butchery
reallocated to those exiting enterprises
trading in prepared plated food.

Figure 6.25. Skinning of bovine head Figure 6.26. Butchering of bovine head Figure 6.27. Bovine head chopping

Figure 6.28. Food preparation Figure 6.29. Informal restaurant serving bovine Figure 6.30. Serving & eating of bovine meat

6.2.3 | MEAT MARKET: THE Design allows for a transition to the informal.
CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, The design process was complex and Keeping construction minimal by creating
involved many workshops, meetings and envelopes that will allow for self-
negotiation. The ‘Eurocentric’ market organisation and adaptation. Once the
proposal was transformed into a more programme is set it should not impose the
Architects: Carin Smuts Studio
appropriate and locally expressive market goal but rather propose an infrastructure
Location: Gugulethu, Cape Town
through active involvement by all traders. that the inhabitants will then be able to
Client: City of Cape Town
The traders proposed an L-shaped building adapt and self organise. The fitting out is
Date of completion: 1994
which would form a boundary and block done by the inhabitants.
prevailing South-west winds. The boundary
wall, ‘thickens’ to accommodate the formal The L-shape also prompts how people
To investigate the following:
activities: spaza shops, cold rooms, public move through the space with the open
• The importance of public space in
toilets and offices. The North and East North and East sides allow for easy access
promoting socio-economic opportunities
sides of the Market were left open to allow to the Market. Socio-economic engagement
of existing activities.
for an effect public interface. Roller shutter is encouraged by the market’s free plan.
• How the provision of the formal should
doors allowed the Market to be completely Meat preparation, cutting and braaing
still leave room for the informal to
closed at night for security. Stainless steel all happen in one place which allows for
establish itself.
tables, sinks and indoor fire places allow members of the community to interact and
for the hygenic preparation of meet and engage with one another.
braaing. The roof resembles a giant wave
In 1994, The Central Market became the
and its aesthetic establishes The Gugulethu Although the formalisation of trade
first project in Gugulethu on the list of small
Meat Market as an iconic place within the has been extremely successful on the
business development initiatives. Informal
landscape which promotes it as a socio- whole, it is still necessary to analyse how
businesses in the area and a management
economic viability. specific design elements have been re-
team worked with Carin Smuts (CS) Studio
appropriated to better accommodate trader
architects to develop the project. The
Analysis needs. The arcade on the East, designed as
main objective was to solve the immediate
The L-shape is successful in defining a pedestrian walkway, has been occupied
problem of the traders and public space
the boundary of the market and by informal fruit and vegetables traders. It
by providing shelter from the elements
accommodating the more formal functions is an unclaimed covered space and offers
for a meat market which had successfully
but it is also successful in defining the opportunities of socio-economic vigour
operated in the open.
inner informal meat market space. The which result from the meat market. It is
architecture provides the formal but still important to note that design elements

need to be tools in either allowing for or preventing
re-appropriation and adaptation of certain spaces.
Where the local authority has acquired an asset, as
in the case of the Gugulethu Central Meat Market,
it also has a measure of influence on rents, rates,
and maintenance levels. While grocery shops and
spazas are paying their rents regularly, sometimes
Figure 6.31. Interior of meat market Figure 6.32. Braai area
in advance, the meat traders are not meeting their
own, lower rent payments.

The Gugulethu Central Meat market is a good
example of how architecture can be a tool in
enhancing specific existing activities and functions.
Providing infrastructure for existing functions, like
that of a meat market, provides better conditions for Figure 6.33. Pedestrian arcade Figure 6.34. Informal f & v markets
food preparation and health safety. There is a need
for architects to be a part of an economy of self-
development towards a sustainable development
as opposed to sustainable architecture. The
architecture needs to be flexible, expandable
and made to accommodate a society that needs
development rather than codes of practice.
Figure 6.35. Roof resembles a giant wave Figure 6.36. Central Meat market truss

Figure 6.38. Central Meat Market sections

Figure 6.37. Central Meat Market ground floor plan Figure 6.20 - 6.27 Gugulethu Central Meat market images (CS Studio Architects)

6.2.4 | TRANSPORT INTERCHANGE: Baragwanath Public Transport Interchange length of the site. The arcade which is
BARAGWANATH PUBLIC TRANSPORT shapes one of the busiest transport nodes constructed of sculpturally formed concrete
INTERCHANGE AND TRADER’S MARKET in South Africa through which 70% of all elements connects commuters from one
Soweto’s commuters pass in order to public transport node to the next and
Designers: Urban Solutions Architects and get to work or home. The site stretches becomes the binding element into which
Urban Designers for 1, 3 kilometers and is on average 50 all the various functional requirements
Location: Soweto, Gauteng metres wide. The oblong shape of the are attached. The arcade is the focal
Client: City of Johannesburg site posed a challenge in accommodating point along which traders and public
the requirements of all the functions of the amenities and spaces are positioned. The
“The building takes the form of a colonnade, building. enormous length of the arcade is spatially
linking taxi stands and bus bays along a differentiated in reference to the functions
major traffic artery”. (Phaidon 2004) Understanding the competition for space that happen along it. Landmark structures
between traders and transport in the area have been positioned at focal points and
Intention was the critical design challenge. In the public entry points to ensure a greater
• Investigate how the upgrade of past, few formal facilities were provided sense of orientation.
infrastructure and support structures for any of these sectors. Minibus taxis
facilitates existing transport and retail and especially traders have for the most Analysis
networks and generates greater part been marginalized, with few proper The design acknowledges the importance
economic opportunity through increased amenities and support structures. of the new facility as a hub and gateway
legibility. to Soweto and this importance is evident in
• Investigate the requirements (materials, Design the scale and boldness of the architecture.
scale etc.) of a building through which The development accommodates 500 Concrete construction is used to provide
thousands of commuters pass each day. street traders and their associated a robust, permanent structure for this
amenities, including storage facilities, public building which is necessary for a
Background management offices and support space through which thousands of people
The improvement of transport connections infrastructure. The trader stands vary in move each day. The concrete structural
between Soweto and Johannesburg size to accommodate the different types spine offers variety in the different types
is one of the components of the of formal and informal businesses. The of functions that plug into it while also
development scheme that aims to integrate transport facilities also include 22 bus ranks providing space that allows for self-
Johannesburg’s south-western townships and 650 minibus taxi parking bays. organisation and adaptability of activities.
into the city’s urban economy and The planning principle was to provide an Its rhythm is punctuated by market halls
landscape. The upgrade of the existing arcade as a structural spine along the and trading kiosks. A varying degree of

physical and visual accessibility throughout
the spine creates numerous different
spaces and urban conditions. The material
occasionally erupts into sculptural tile-
adorned pavilions which serve as orienting
markers, avoiding monotony and increasing
legibility. The Baragwanath Public
Transport Facility presents a pubic catalyst
for the development of new urban spaces
and fabric in a previously marginalised
Figure 6.39. Traders' Market Figure 6.40. Robust walkway

The following are noted with regards to a
transport node:
• Appropriate architectural scale in
defining the threshold of and gateway to
the city
• Necessary robustness of a building Figure 6.41. Public seating Figure 6.42. Landmark Figure 6.43. Predominent
through which thousands of people entrance
move each day.
• The importance of landmarks in creating
greater legibility.
• Accentuating pedestrian movement and
economic possibility through an arcade
• Investigation into how a core structure
can allow for self-organisation of
different types of activities to plug into it.
• Providing appropriate infrastructural
support for existing networks can Figure 6.44. Space defining Figure 6.45. Taxi terminal
concrete elements
increased economic prosperity.
Figure 6.46. Figure 6.25 - 6.31. (Contemporary South African Architecture in a Landscape of Transition)


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