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The Story of the Beggar and the Kid

One day there was a student going to school. His name is John. When he was walking to the gate of the
school, he saw a beggar. He just ignored the beggar and went inside the school. When he was going
home he saw kids making fun of the beggar. He was so mad so he approached the kids that were making
fun of her. John said to the kids “Hey! Stop making fun of her”. The kids stopped making fun of her
because they were scared and ran away. John asked “ Are you ok?” the beggar replied, “Yes, thank you
for saving me.” Then John gave some of his snacks that he didn’t eat earlier and gave a prayer book to
the beggar. John said “Always pray and believe and trust in God “ The beggar replied “I think it is not
possible anymore that I will succeed in life because I just lost my family and my work. That’s why I’m
poor now.” John said “Oh sorry to hear that, but never lose hope just pray and pray and you’ll see.” The
beggar agreed with John. After a few weeks there was a social worker that approached the beggar. The
social worker asked her name. The beggar replied “My name is Rita ma’am”. After that the social worker
helped her. After days, weeks, months and years Rita succeed and started her life again. When she was
going to the mall, she saw a man and said to herself “ He looks familiar to me” After thinking for a few
seconds she realized that it was John. She approached John and said “ Hi John, do you remember me?”
John replied “ I don’t know who are you. How did you know my name? ” Rita explained that she was the
beggar that John helped a few years ago when he was still a kid.

John was happy for her, but John was sad too. Rita asked John why is he sad. John replied “ Its because
you succeeded in life but I didn’t “ Rita replied “ Did you remember the day that I said that too? But look
what happened to me. I just prayed and trust God. John realized that if he didn’t believe in God he
would still be poor. After that Rita asked John if he wants to come with her. John said he would love too.
At home Rita gave John some clothes and gave him a room in her house. After that They both prayed to

Moral Lesson:

Always believe and trust God, have patience, and don’t judge other people on what they look or what
situation they are in.

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