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Form CBA-PTS-02

Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: DOMESTIC WORK NC II
Date of Assessment:
Time of Assessment:
Instructions for demonstration:

 Given the necessary materials, tools and equipment, the trainee will:
 Prepare and cook hot meal
- Stuffed Chicken Roulade with Bechamel Sauce, Potato Mousseline and Soup
- Kabsa, Cauliflower with Fresh Parsley and Soup
- Sweet and Sour Fish, Yangchow Fried Rice (shrimp) with Soup
 Prepare and cook cold meal
- Appetizer (Canape – Tuna or Cream Cheese)
- Chef’s Salad
- Club Sandwich
 Prepare dessert
- Fruit Salad
- Almond Jelly with Lychee
 The trainee will perform within 1 hour and will be rated using the demonstration tool.
 After the demonstration, the trainer will ask trainee with some questions related to the demonstration
 The trainee may call the trainer when there is a need to translate or explain items for clarification
 After the questioning portion, feedback will be given regarding the performance

Tools and Equipment: Refrigerator, Microwave Oven, Gas Range or Burner, Griller, Cooking Pot, Sauce
Pan, Saute Pan, Casserole, Chopping Board, Knives, Grater, Ladles, Turner, Tong, Spoon, Fork, Plates,
Utility Bowls, Mixing Bowls, utensils
Materials: PPE, Ingredients for cooking hot and cold meals, Cling Wrap, Aluminum Foil, Kitchen Tissue,
Cleaning Cloths

OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Place check () to show if

evidence is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee: Yes No N/A
 Prepare ingredients according to recipes
 Cook meals and dishes according to recipes
 Present cooked dishes
 Prepare sauces, dressings and garnishes
 Prepare appetizers
 Prepare desserts and salads

Procedure on the Document No. QA 003-CBA-03 / PTS-IADOMWORK-CORE-0121

Preparation of
QA Develop by: Jacklyn Rose D. Ilaban Date: 12/27/21
Institutional Competency
Based Assessment Revision No. Page 1 of 2

Preparation of Institutional Competency Based Assessment

Form CBA-PTS-02

 Prepare sandwiches

 Store excess foods and ingredients

 Convert unconsumed cooked food

Questions to probe the trainee’s underpinning knowledge Satisfactory
Yes No
 What cooking method/s you used in your main dish?
 What are the different methods of preparation in egg/s?
 What is mise en place?
The trainee underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Feedback to trainee

The trainee’s over-all performance was

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Trainee signature: Date:
Trainer signature: Date :


The performance of the trainee in the following unit(s) of competency and Not
corresponding assessment methods. Satisfactor
Unit of Competency Assessment Method y
A. Observation /
1. Wash and iron clothes, linen
and fabric
B. Interview
Did the trainee overall performance meet the required evidences / standards YES NO

OVERALL EVALUATION Competent Not Yet Competent

General Comments (Strengths/improvements needed)

Trainee’s Signature: Date:

Trainer’s Signature: Date:

Procedure on the Document No. QA 003-CBA-03 / PTS-IADOMWORK-CORE-0121

Preparation of
QA Develop by: Jacklyn Rose D. Ilaban Date: 12/27/21
Institutional Competency
Based Assessment Revision No. Page 2 of 2

Preparation of Institutional Competency Based Assessment

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