Critique Paper

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Kenji Delos Reyes speaking at a wedding of his friends Kirby and Grace.

He specifically
mentions “Timing is such a bleep.” As he finishes his speech Kenneth Delos Reyes his son
causes trouble so they walk out having a fight. Leading Kenneth to ask his father Kenji,
“Who is Athena?” Kenji says “Your mom?” And Kenneth says very harshly. “ ‘Yung isang
Athena.” It leaves a shocking expression on Kenji’s face when Kenneth says he wishes his
father is dead then walks away. The next morning Kenneth wakes up to the shocking news
that his father’s plane heading to Bicol has gone missing. Which is a shock because Kenji
was supposed to go on a business trip in Hong Kong. Kenneth rushes to the airport for
updates on his father. Kelay appears attempting to get into the line to see who the list of
survivors with but Kenji tells her to wait her turn. Instead, she makes a scene claiming that
her father could be dead. Leading the press to her and she claims that her father is Kenji
Delos Reyes. Kenneth Immediately works so hard to prove that he is Kenji’s only son. Which
is proven but Kelay has a picture of his dad with another woman. Which shocks Kenneth but
Kenneth shakes it off and still gets go give his contact information to the manager of Fly
Philippines. Kelay begs Kenneth to allow her to be contacted as well. She claims that her
Aunt Athena is Kenji’s great love and Kelay has to reunite them while her aunt is still alive.
Kenneth doesn’t believe it but he eats lunch with her as she attempts to explain the Love
Story she claims happened between Athena Dizon and Kenji Delos Reyes in the 90s in
Legazpi at their College. Kenneth is called by the manager reporting there was an
emergency landing in Legazpi. All the flights are booked so Kenneth instead gets a chance
passenger ticket for a bus since it’s Holy Week and it’s all booked.
He sleeps at the station and is given a ticket but since he overslept it is given to Kelay.
Leading Kenneth and Kelay both to travel to Legazpi together. On the way to Legazpi that is
when Kelay begins to explain why Athena her aunt was his father’s, Great Love. The movie
then flashes back to the 90s where Athena arrives at the college and is almost run over by
skateboarders. She throws a book at one of them hitting him in the back of the head and
calls him a Gangster. He turns around and glares at her that is Kenji Delos Reyes. That is
the start of their romance Athena who is very annoyed at Kenji doesn’t want to see him
again. Kenji however is heartbroken over Athena Abigail Tizon who he has broken up with.
He becomes desperate and sends a message to her beeper to attempt to ask her back.
Instead, Athena Dizon gets the messages instead because Abigail changed beeper
numbers. She agrees to the sender to make it stop after it disturbs her in class and even at
lunch. She goes to the pool hall with her friend Sarah and they see Kenji who demands they
go to the other table before taking a seat. Athena wants to get him to move but Sarah
manages to keep her back with her boyfriend explaining that Kenji had a beautiful girlfriend
but they broke up. Another group of bullies arrive at the pool hall and beat him up if he
doesn’t move but he takes the beating willingly while Athena watches realizing that he is the
one sending the messages to her beeper. The next day Kenneth hears Athena say Bee in
their classroom during role call and realizes she’s the one that got his messages. He
confronts her at lunch but instead of yelling at her, he kisses her forcefully and then says she
has to be his girlfriend. Instead of accepting the proposal, Athena is bullied by Kenji and his
friends up until he attempts to commit suicide by jumping from the roof if she doesn’t accept
it. Athena finally agrees to be his girlfriend and the next day instead of being treated harshly
by Kenji she’s treated like a princess. Even if this is all an act to get Abigail jealous. During
the time of their fake relationship, it’s revealed that Athena suffers from a heart condition and
she may not live a long life if she is not careful. Their romance becomes more genuine as
they confess their love they visit Mayon Volcano and promises her that one day they will
marry there and the volcano will be their witness. The film flashes back to twenty years later
when Kenneth and Kelay are still traveling to Legazpi after getting off of the bus Kenneth
confesses his anger that he last told his father he wished him dead. After hearing the story
that makes it worse for him because he’s scared that he’s actually lost his father and they
left each other on bad terms. The guilt begins to hurt Kenneth. They catch a ride on a truck
with a couple heading to Legazpi. They stop at a church where Kelay prays for help from
god for Kenji to survive so he can Meet Athena again. Kenji and Kelay are then picked up by
Lucas who drives them to Legazpi. Lucas explains why Kenji and Athena never ended up
together. Flashback to the 1990’s Kenji becomes absent and Lucas the boyfriend of Abigail
takes Athena to the hospital. Where it is revealed that Abigail is actually sick and that is why
she broke up with Kenji to keep him from being hurt. Athena wants Abi to live a happy life
even if it breaks her heart. Abigail’s mother begs Kenji to go back to Abigail and give her a
chance to live longer with the love of him. Athena and Kenji speak she breaks up with him
and leaves Manilla without another word. Kenji marries Abigail and they have Kenneth.
Lucas explains that no one knew that Athena was sick until years after she was gone. Kelay
receives a phone call that her aunt has a heart attack and is dying. Kenneth asks his uncle
Lucas to take Kelay back to Manilla and he will continue to find his father and he promises
that they will meet up. Kenneth finds Kenji unconscious in a hospital and reads a letter that
Kenji wrote apologizing to Kenneth and Abigail if he hurt them in any way because of his
love for Athena. He never meant to make them feel unloved or unwanted. He was going to
Legazpi to burry his past with Athena so he can be a better father. Kenji wakes up and
Kenneth apologizes to him and the two reconcile. Kenneth brings Kenji to Athena’s house
reuniting the couple for the first time. Kenji looks at her amazed to see how beautiful she is
and still alive. Kenji says an emotional “Hi,” And Athena who is sitting in a wheelchair smiles
and says “Gangster” In a weak voice though she is very happy. Kenji pushes her wheelchair
outside and helps her sit on a bench as he sits with her. Athena explains to him about her
disease and tells him his love is what kept her alive after all those years. Athena says that
she is happy to see Kenji has grown from a gangster, to a man, and to a Father. She
remembered seeing him take care of Kenneth. Athena says to him she is so happy and then
expresses she is tired. She dies in his arms but Kenneth never leaves her side and stays
with her. Sometime later Kelay wakes up to a phone call telling her that Kenneth and Kenji’s
flight has gone missing. She goes to look for him and does another scene claiming her
boyfriend is missing. Kenneth witnesses this and approach it. It was Kenji who called Kelay,
Kenneth then asks Kelay if they can have their own great love stories like his dad and her

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