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Part I

Question 1: Essay

Generally, The term guidance and counselling is used in many different ways. Counseling is
one of the essential things that every schools or higher institute must have. Counseling is an art
and science (Syed Muhammad, 2017). It is also a short-term interpersonal theory-based and
helping profession which is aiming to resolve developmental and situational difficulties. There
are many types of counseling in subspecialties such as school or college counseling, marriage
and family counseling, addiction counseling, career counseling and many more. As counseling is
a profession, one must expertise and should complete a prescribed in this field such as lead to a
master's degree or a doctorate. Apart from that, one of the ttheories tryin counseling
behaviorismrism counseling theory which means that theory is important for those who practice
it (Frank, 1971). According to the dictionary of the h,all p. 1341 theory means an opinion put
forward to explain something. It is also an assumption that contains some ideas and views that
explain an event or phenomenon. This theory has a profound effect on the implementation of
counseling sessions. Counselors are able to know and predict the client's behavior and in turn
make it easier for counselors to guide clients to solve their problems. Frank also added that
theory is important because it gives meaning, confidance and direction to the counselors. The
opinion by Frank relevance because it helps the counseler what to do to their clients by using the
theory. For example by using existing theories, the counselor will be easier to predict and solve a
problem faced by his client. The application of behaviorism theory is very important and has a
profound eonect in the aspect of education. Behaviourism counseling theory consists of few
components are which is First Component, Second Component and Third Component. What are
component actully? And how is these component works? Now I will explain these components
in the next paragraph.

The psychology school known as behaviorism believed that only observable behaviors
should be measured. conceived of and described by John B. Watson in his influential 1913 work
Psychology as the Behaviorist Views The behaviourist perspective argued that internal mental
processes should not be taken into account since they could not be immediately observed and
assessed and that psychology was an experimental and objective science.
The first component is based on the studies by Pavlov (1960 as cited in Elford, 2014)
which is taken from the classical conditioning principle also known as respondent conditioning.
This involves creating an association between a stimulus that was previously neutral and one
that naturally elicits a response. For instance, in Pavlov's famous experiment, the naturally
occurring stimulus that was paired with the formerly neutral ringing of the bell was the smell of
food. Once the two were connected, the sound of the bell by itself could elicit a response. This
experiments that consists in first component showed that individuals emotions can be learnt and
modified by using the learn principal. This experiment aims to remove the fear response of a
phobia and substitute a relaxation response to the conditioned stimulus gradually using counter
conditioning. While the next is second component. Second component is operant conditioning
proposed by B. F. Skinner in 1953 (Palmer, 2015). Operant conditioning is the process in
which rewards or penalties are used to either increase or decrease the likelihood that a response
will be given. The central idea of operant conditioning is that our voluntary behavior is shaped
by the results of our actions. This concept was first explored by Edward Thorndike and later by
B.F. Skinner Skinner explained how rewarding conduct may result in gains while punishing it
could lead to losses. Additionally, he discovered that the timing of when reinforcements were
given had an impact on is how quickly and forcefully a behavior would be taught. Schedules
for reinforcement describe when and how much reinforcement will be applied. This component
works by reinforcement is used to ensure the repetition of certain behaviour. Reinforcement is
the presence of a stimulus tis hat used to increase a desirable behaviour. Example of
reinforcement could be positive or negative. For instance, a positive reinforcement are the use
of money or giving compliments while negative reinforcement is by giving punishment and
extinction that will hinder the behaviour from being repeated. Punishment is the presence of
hurtful or uncomfortable stimulus to decrease undesired behavioriour. As an example, giving
electric shock whenever a person smokes as an effort to make it stop smoking (proposed by B.
F. Skinner). Behaviour modification technique is an operant conditioning principle technique
that individuals behaviour. This technique had been showed corresponds with behaviour
therapy as in implementation aspects in this experiment. The third component which is
combination different trains of thought. One is focusing on behavioral approaches while the
other emphasizes on cognitive approaches.
There is a difference between these 3 components of behavioral approaches which is for
the first component it is more suitable for individuals approaches in counseling while the second
component is more suitable to both individual and in small groups. Hence, for the third
components, it is more flexible with any of approaches in counseling. It is because, in this types
of approaches (third component) we are not able to explain human occurence and behaviour only
through behavioural perspective as we also need to take part into account their thinking process
which is the cognitive process.

As role play is one of the technique that works the best in counseling, counsellors often
used it to their client. If one of my client is really shy to do role play towards me as a counsellor,
first thing I have to do is get their trust on me is by convince them that they have to be confident
and overcome their phobia or any behaviour that really make them scared to communicate with
me or people around them. Focus on each other and build rapport is also another way to make
them joining in the role playing technique. By working together, it will solve the client issue or
any phobia that they had. For instance, if my client is a student who are really shy to talk around
many people or group discussion, this is where I will used the role play technique which I will
asked them to present or giving their opinion to the people around them so that it will helps them
to gain and boost up their confidence level and be brave enough to voice out everything to the
counsellor and other people. Zainal, Wan Abdul, Sharifah, et. al.. (2021) defines that role play
gives the individual an opportunity to try out a new behaviour in a safer situation or
environment. So the role play technique does really help them to try out new behaviour that they
never did before and this can help them also to go out of their comfort zone which is very shy to
talk to other people.

Next, Token economy is one of the behaviourism technique. It is by using an organised

procedure which token or gifts are given as a reward for being behave or appropriate behaviour
(Kazdin, 1977, as cited in Palmer, 2015). It could be in a form of points, plastic coins or any
other thing that can be cashed for a valuable or special things. The economic token approach,
according to Miltenberger (2004), is one in which a person receives a token in exchange for
exhibiting a desired behavior. The generated tokens can be transformed into a type of gift or
merchandise (savings confirmation). When the intended behavior is displayed, a confirmation is
supplied in the form of a token, such as a coin, sticker, or other object. The teacher may supply
additional products or reinforcers in exchange for these tokens. Behaviour can be changed by
using this technique as token economy is proven to be effective towards the client itself. Thus,
this technique also tend to used in many general places such as schools, institutions, hospitals,
and even in prison. Token economy can be used in any situation as this is very versatile. This
technique technically have been proven effective by the user or clients itself. It is also suitable
for everyday behaviour nor complex behaviour especially when it comes to eliminate
maladaptive behaviour or to mould adjustive behaviour.

Among the many methods employed. It has been discovered that economic token strategies
are quite good and successful at dealing with bad habits and forming good ones. Since every
person is unique and requires a separate strategy, this change in behaviour can still not be
completely achieved. This token process needs to be continuously maintained. After using the
economic token technique, there is a reduction in undesirable behaviour. Other positive
affirmations, such as praise or prohibition, must be inserted each time a token is given, though.
The learner will be more affected by this, which will lead to a change in conduct. However, there
is also weaknesses in this technique such as the reward or gifts is unvalued or unfair and this will
make the client hard to sustained and maintaining their behaviour. Apart from that, token
economy cannot be prepared effectively if this is not perform by the professional behaviorism
counsellor. There is few ways to sustained and maintaining the token economy such as the token
or gifts must have reinforcement value and ask for assistance from someone who knows better
the client is such as the parents or the teacher that teaching the student.

To conclude, everyone needs a counselling and guidance if necessary and the counsellor
itself need to understand the client and try to understand how the client feels. In the
behaviourism counselling theory, there is few components that are related and suitable for the
client according to the situation of the client. In order the client feel accepting by the society,
they have to be brave talk to the society, share their thoughts so that everyone can understand
how that person feels. Apart from that, sometimes people also wants to feel appreciated by what
they have going through, such as by giving reward, gifts (token economy) or even compliments
from anyone. By that, they will feel at ease and less of burden because at least they know that
there is people out there that still loves them as they are.
Question 2: Essay

To become a successful counsellor, one must have to expert and study more about the
counselling and guidance itself. Counselling is a personal situation where two people a having
face to face relationship, (Pravat, 2017). While, counsellor by means of relationships between his
special competencies, provides a learning situations in which the counselee, normal sort of a
person is helped. Counselling is more than just giving advice or passing judgment; it is about
assisting clients in seeing the root of problems and identifying potential solutions. Counsellors
also alter the client's perspective in order to assist him or her in making the best decision or
selecting the best course of action. It will also assist the client in remaining intuitive and positive
in their lives. Another thing that counsellor must understand is the counselling process.
Counselling is process that develops and changes from one stage to another. For instance, there
is a starting point, a change to another stage and an end to the process. A counselling process
consists of five stages, which is the first one is developing relationship and then exploration,
decision-making, implementation and lastly termination.

First and foremost, to approaches our client in counselling process is by develop

relationship. Counselling involves two interaction between one person (counsellor) and another
one or more person (client). In order to develop a good-relationship between the counsellor and
the client, the counsellor itself need to understand and knowing the client. By building a good-
relationship, it will lead to a mutual trust and a special bond between the two parties. According
to McLeod (2013), there are four stages in developing relationship which consists of creating a
conducive ambience for interaction, structuring relationship, deciding on the aim of the
relationship early on and lastly building trust. As an example, if I am a counsellor in a school and
Ahmad (student) is my client which need to be counselling because of the trouble that he made
in the school, a counsellor need to build a good-relationship with Ahmad. It is means that, by
showing him that I always there to give my full attention and treat him nicely so that he will have
a good impression on me hence will have trust on me. Listen to him and try to identify what he is
experiencing and to be mindful with his problem. As Ahmad does not like people to determine
what he wants to be in the future, that is the main problem and I will help Ahmad to come out for
a solution for that. Next is by structuring relationship between me and Ahmad. This can be done
by give some understanding to Ahmad what is counselling process is all about and explaining
my role as a counsellor and his role as a client. Convincing Ahmad that this counselling process
might help him to overcome his problem as I can give advice and a solution to his problem as
well as what have been bothering him all this time. I also will help Ahmad to focus in explore,
understand and analyse his self-perception and perception of the problem. There are four
elements that I will help him to change his shallow consciousness of his problem to deeper
awareness. The four elements is the scope of the problem, his level of functioning, client's life
patterns and his inner strength and sources of outer strength. Last but not least, I will tell Ahmad
that this session is confidential which is the session are being recorded but it is remain secretive
between him as a client and me myself as a counsellor. A counsellor need to be ethical
behaviours towards the client as this serves to gain a client trust to the counsellor.

In general, ethics can be define as a philosophical discipline that is concern with human
conduct and moral decision-making. As stated by Gladding (2003), ethics are normative in
nature and focus on principles and standards that govern relationships between individuals such
as those client and counsellor. Ethics are usually presented in written form. As the term ethical is
often referred similar with moral, a counsellor needs to be professional towards his/her job. It is
unethical for a counsellor to give rewards to the clients. In Ahmad case, it is unethical to give
him reward to make him attend the counselling session. It might ethically right but is legally
wrong as it is prohibited by the Code of Ethics. There are few example of unethical behaviour in
counselling such as violation of confidentiality, claiming expertise that one does not have,
imposing one's values on a client and many more. However, there are a few general ethical
behaviour me as a counsellor could do to Ahmad if he attend the interview such as show the non
discrimination which must respect him because of his age, colour, culture, ethnicity, gender, race
and so on. I also will adequately inform in writing regarding to the counselling process and
counselling relationship during my session with Ahmad. Thus, there is one way to give reward to
him if after he successfully attend the session and behave after be in the session with counsellor
which is give him token economy. Token economy is a behaviourism technique for a counsellor
to give to clients. It could be in form of points, plastic coins or many more that have a special
value. That is the only way that ethical to give reward to Ahmad, but yet is only given after he
can behave well after finished the counselling session with me as a counsellor.
To conclude, to be a counselor is not an easy profession to do. It takes time to study and
understand well all the terms to work with people because we will meet many people from
different backgrounds, behaviors and problems. In counseling, there are several steps to ensure
the counseling process runs smoothly. We must also build relationships with our customers
because from that we need to build trust with our customers. Efforts must be made that can
provide technical services, especially those aimed at helping troubled students. As a process of
assisting students in maximizing their abilities, capabilities, and talents, the purpose of providing
guidance and counseling services in schools is to help students understand themselves and the
world around them (Suradi Salim, 1996). Therefore, it is important to understand and give help
or advice to their problems. so that they are wise in solving problems..

‌Ahmad, Z. A., Wan Ahmad, W. A. K., Syed Mustafa, S. M., & Philips, J. A. (2021). HPGD2103
Guidance and Counseling (N. Isa, Trans.; pp. 121–145.
Ciplak, E., & Atici, M. (2019). The Effect of Using Poetry in Group Psychological Counseling

on the Empathy Levels of University Students, international Online Journal of

Eductional Sciences, 11 (3), 276-289.

Dot, et. al. (2013). The Token Economy: A Recent Review and Evaluation, International
Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol. 02, No. 01, pp. 131-149

Frank, J. D. 1971. Therapeutic factors in psychotherapy, American Journal of Psychotherapy.



Gladding, S. T. (2003). Group Work: A counselling specialty, UK: Prentice Hall

Mc-Leod, J. (2013). An Introduction to counselling (5th ed.). UK: McGraw-Hill Eduction

Palmer, S. (2015). The beginner’s guide to counseling and psychotherapy (2nd ed.). London:

SAGE Publication Ltd.


Suradi Salim (1996). Bimbingan dan Kaunseling. Kuala Lumpur: PTS Profesional.

Part II: Online Participant

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